Western Community News 70 April 2014

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70 Issues

m i w s o t s ’ 5 r e Und free!

Issue No.70 (April 2014)

Delivered to 17,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s western suburbs

Thanks to an initiative by West Ward City Councillor Ewan Wilson, Hamilton’s under-fives will get to swim free in Council pools like Waterworld and the Gallagher Aquatic Centre from next season on. See P.2 artricle,

West Hamilton Pharmacy NewNawton Mall, Nawton. Phone 846 3121. Facsimile 846 3165

Head Lice - getting rid of the unwelcome lodger Its back to school time and when young heads get together over books and play then outbreaks of head lice are likely. Head scratching is a sign, but some people get a ‘tickling’ feeling of something moving in their hair. There’s no need to be embarrassed – even the cleanest heads get them. But, they are persistent creatures so you need to be persistent to get rid of them. “Come and talk to us”, say Self Care pharmacists, “for advice about treating and controlling head lice.” Head lice are small, flat insects - about 2-3 mm long. “The Head Lice Self Care fact card has a picture so if you are not sure what they look like, ask us for a copy of the card”, Self Care pharmacists suggest. Head lice live on the human scalp and feed on blood. They crawl through and climb up the hair, clutching tightly with their claw-like legs (they do not jump or fly). When children have their heads touching, lice move easily from head to head. Adult lice move all over the scalp, so to search for them and remove them it is best to wet the hair, apply conditioner, and comb with a fine-tooth comb. Wipe the comb with tissue to see whether or not lice are present. Continue to do this until you can find no more insects. Repeat this procedure each day for the next 10-14 days. The eggs (nits) – which are found stuck firmly to the base of the hair, especially the back of the neck and behind the ears - are difficult to remove by comb and need to be pulled out (or killed by squashing between fingernails so they ‘pop’. Leaving them means they hatch (within 7-10 days of being laid) and start the cycle again. That is why each day for 10-14 days you need to repeat the wet combing method - so you get any lice that hatch from eggs you have missed. The alternative to physically removing lice (by fine-tooth combing) and eggs (by pulling

out) is to use a special head lice treatment. Your Self Care pharmacist can advise you about the different types and suggest one best suited to your child. “It is important to use these treatments correctly so read, and follow, the instructions carefully”, advise Self Care pharmacists. “Treatments need to be repeated in a week’s time because you won’t get all the eggs the first time; you have to get them when they hatch.” Using the ‘condition and comb’ method, check the hair for live lice 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Be sure to follow the product directions and repeat the course as instructed. Do NOT use animal flea or lice treatments on humans! Parents often ask how to prevent their children from getting head lice. Here are some simple steps: • Brush their hair thoroughly, every day – this can kill or injure lice and prevent them laying eggs. People should have their own brushes and combs, and not share. • Once a week, check your child’s hair for lice - the sooner you detect lice, the sooner you can treat and prevent them from spreading. • Tell your child’s teacher if your child gets head lice so other parents can be instructed to check their children, who may be the source of infestation and continue re-infesting others. For more information about head lice treatment and prevention, talk to your Self Care pharmacist and ask for a copy of the Head Lice Self Care fact card.

Te Rapa, Pukete, St Andrews, Beerescourt, Whitiora, Maeroa, Forest Lake, Frankton, Dinsdale, Aberdeen, Templeview, Nawton, Livingstone, Western Heights, Rotokauri, Crawshaw, Brymer

Good News: Building under way... Nawton and Crawshaw will have a new community centre by July. Now being built on St Mark’s Church land on the corner of Dominion and Breckons Roads, it will provide an auditorium, ablutions facilities, meeting room, offices, lounge and a kitchen. Called the Good News Community Centre, it will be owned by the Te Rongopai Community Trust. Trust Chairperson Susanne Rowse says, “We are really excited to finally be close to having these great new facilities as a quality venue for local events, functions, club meetings, community services and more. It will help grow a heart for this community as local residents come to feel it is their place. We want people’s ideas especially on activities and services the area needs. We are already considering activities for children

and young people, budgeting, work readiness and parenting courses, a homework centre, gymnasium sessions . . . there are endless possibilites.” “This centre would not have happened without extremely generous giving by three local Anglican congregations, other individuals, the DV Bryant Trust, Trust Waikato, the WEL Energy Trust, and substantial contributions in kind by many suppliers. We are truly grateful to them all.” “We still have a funding shortfall which we are working hard to cover. We’d love to hear from anyone who wants to help with this, or in other ways, or to simply find out more. Please contact Susanne on 027 309 8568, susanne.rowse@gmail.com, or Bert Jackson on 853 7080, bert.jackson@xtra. co.nz or write to Bert at 8 McNicol St, Hamilton 3214.

? e e r f im w s o t ’s 5 r e Und

A proposal which would see children under the age of 5 granted free casual swim access to Hamilton City Councilowned pools does not extend to free swimming lessons. As part of current Annual Plan deliberations, Mayor and Councillors have indicated support for a proposal which, if adopted, would see children under the age of 5 granted free casual swim access to Waterworld and Gallagher Aquatic Centre. Deanne McManus-Emery, Hamilton City Council’s Community Development and Leisure Manager, says proposal does not include free swimming lessons for children. “Through social media and from our staff’s conversation with customers, we’ve picked up on some confusion about what this proposal would mean,” Mrs McManus-Emery says.

“To be clear, if adopted as part of the Annual Plan, this will mean free entry only for children under 5. Learn to Swim lessons will still carry a charge.” Council is only part-way through its 2014-2015 Annual Plan process. A draft of the plan is currently being developed, and once completed it is expected to be adopted by Council on 27 March. From 2 April, public can make submissions on the plan. The final Annual Plan is expected to be adopted by Council at the end of June. Implementation timings for the proposal, if adopted, have not been confirmed. A summary of the Draft Annual Plan will be delivered to every Hamilton household in early April, and that will include details on how to make a submission.

New centre now open! Kia ora and warm greetings, I have attended a couple of burglaries since I have been back in Nawton, and one thing I have noticed was how easy it has been for some burglars to commit these burglaries. For example, homes left wide open while the occupants are at work in the back garden, or windows and doors left open while the occupants are sleep inside. I just wanted to bring some of these examples to your attention, because most burglars are opportunists, and if an opportunity like what I have detailed above appears, they will take it. Please take the time out to look at ways that you can take opportunities away from burglars, if you 2 Western Community News - April 2014

are wanting to do work in the back garden, make sure you lock up your home, if windows are open, make sure they have safety latches to ensure no one gets in and also it helps to send a message to would be burglars that if you want to get into this house, you should think twice because it will be very difficult. If it looks hard, would be burglars will think twice about trying to get into your house, so do your best to make it look hard! Hopefully this helps, if you need any advice, feel free to catch up with me, im always happy to give advice and even happier to hear better advice. Take care Willie

Our brand new centre is enrolling now - get in quick to secure your child’s place 4 Brand new purpose built centre 4 FREE* kindy sessions for 3 to 5 year olds 4 Specialised Be School ReadyTM programme


107 Greenwood Street, Frankton, Phone: 846 0579 Email: Email:kindy.greenwood.manager@kidicorp.co.nz, kindy.greenwood.manager@kidicorp.co.nz,www.kidicorp.co.nz www.kidicorp.co.nz *Conditions apply

Kidicorp for happy, confident learners

Your Say: What do you think of the mural at Elliott Park?

Rodney 13 Great, looks way better than it was before

Puis I like the Taniwha face and skater bit

Wesley 14 Marlinz Softball club rep. The Taniwha is the best part.

Keegan 15 Marlinz Softball club rep. It stands out from far away and I like the colours.

Paradise 14 Marlinz Softball club rep. I like the colours and the design.

Matua 14 Hope it doesn’t get tagged on I like the Maori patterns.

Keegan 13 The Taniwha is cool. The Mural looks better than it was before.

Selah 13 Interesting design I like the Taniwha it represents us, it is creative.

Introducing the NEW Nawton Community Mural

The New Nawton Community Mural is placed at the back of the Western Community Centre, facing Elliott Park. This Mural is for the community and represents the Nawton Community. Completed by artist Jeremy Shirley. From the left it features ‘Tuheitea’ the Taniwha who was the father of ‘Mahanga’ an important ancestor of Ngati Mahanga. The at the back of the mural is a wave pattern

the same colour as the Taniwha which connects Ngati Mahanga to the area. Fraser Tech rugby Club is also represent in this community, the flax and Tui represent the swampland that existed before development of houses in the community. Then we have the food baskets with potatoes, corn and watercress as a symbol of Manaakitanga or hospitality.

Hamilton Youth Leadership Camp

Keep your eyes pealed and your ears opened for information on the up and coming Youth Leadership Camp. This camp will include a number of inspirational, educational and motivational workshops along with team building challenges and confidence building activities. Youth will develop further understanding of youth leadership and what is involved, volunteering and what it means to be a


volunteer and develop a new understanding of what strengths they hold and how they can be best utilised. This programme will be available to youth aged between 12-18, dates are yet to be confirmed but it is expected to be held in the month of May. If you would like to register your interest contact Kayley Gaustad on 021 912 714 or Kayley.gaustad@hcc.govt.nz.

Finally we have the children chasing a ball with houses behind and the skater at the end. Thank you to our Ngati Mahanga family, Hamilton City Council Tag busters team, Artist Jeremy Shirley, Hamilton City Council Community advisor, Local Police, Te Wananga o Aoteroa and Fraser Tech rugby club for supporting to get this beautiful mural up in our community.

Xtreme Impact

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Greetings... Our Names are Briah and Naomi Caffery. We are 2 ‘young Christian teens’ volunteering our time and knowledge in support of other ‘teens & adults’ who would love to learn the positive benefits of ‘conditioning training’ but are disadvantaged from participating. We will run 45 minute ‘conditioning training’ sessions designed to get the most from your valuable time through aerobic / anaerobic training methods and equipment based exercises combined in an exciting and challenging environment to achieve great results quickly and effectively!

Why pay expensive fees elsewhere... when you can pay $2 a workout and see your contribution support a Charitable Organisation in your Community. So come on down and PAY FORWARD through your mission to get fit someone else benefits too! WHERE: Western Community Centre – Elliott Park WHEN: Every Thursday starting 28th March 2014 TIME: 5.30 – 6.30pm BRING: Your runners, drink bottle and a ‘can do’ attitude!

School Holiday Fun!

to ride all day!


Thank you!

The Western Community Centre

46 Hyde Ave 8474873 admin@wccham.org.nz www.westerncommunitycentre.org

11am to 6.30pm Elliott Park

Just $5 per person

Friday 2nd may

Inflatables in the Park

Western Community News - April 2014 3


Drop Your Boss! Foundation for Youth Development (FYD) Waikato is a leading youth development organisation that is committed to helping ‘Grow Great Kiwi Kids’. Through the delivery of wonderful programmes that focus on building confidence, developing strong values, being involved in community and rising to challenges they build the potential of the youth of Waikato. In Hamilton West, FYD programme ‘Project K’ is delivered at Fraser High School and FYD programme ‘Kiwi Can’ is in Forest Lake and Crawshaw Primary Schools. FYD Waikato Regional Manager Vikki Blundell has recently completed her first year in her role and has made major efforts in contributing to Growing Great Kiwi Kids in the Waikato. Already this year, Vikki has run the very successful fundraising event “Drop Your Boss” which involved corporate bosses and a local MP fundraising to abseil from the front of the Gallaghers Building. Funds raised will go towards expanding FYD programmes in the wider Hamilton Community. Vikki has been working hard at building relationships with current and potential stakeholders of our organisation so that together we can reach even more young people. Vikki has also completed her fourth year as an elected Community Organisations Grants Scheme (COGS) committee member.

By Hamilton West MP Tim Macindoe

Firm response achieves pleasing results

Vikki says, “FYD Waikato works with almost 1800 local young people and we are committed to reaching even more over the next few years. It is a privilege to lead a strong, committed and passionate team who are all here to make a positive difference in the lives of our youth. I often hear wonderful stories of how our programmes help change lives so I am constantly inspired within my role. I am one of those lucky people in a role doing what I love with a special organisation that exists not to make a profit, but to Grow Great Kiwi Kids”.

Boom Box Mondays.... “It’s addictive, lots of fun and makes you move!” that’s what participants are saying about Boom-Boxing. Boom-Boxing is the brain child of local personal trainer Wallace Hau, incorporating knowledge of boxing and martial art techniques such as kicks and combination boxing. Boom-Boxing is a blend of intense sweat and boxing fun, mixed with music. Wallace feels strongly about making fitness accessible and available to the wider community. It makes sense for activity to occur in the local neighbourhood - great facilities, great people and great support. Speaking from experience, Wallace mentions that those who have a goal to increase their level of fitness do so when support mechanisms are in place, such as group sessions. Boom-Boxing is high-energy and cardiovascular in nature. The program will burn high calories, which translates into weight loss if a healthy calorie diet is maintained. Boom-Boxing’s intent is to increase fitness through movement. Boom-Boxing has allocated training rooms Western Community Centre, 46 Hyde Ave, Hamilton - Mondays at 10-11 am (for mums and ladies only), 5pm for youth (gold coin donation) and 6-7:30 pm (general adults). Session costs are $10 per person. Please bring your own boxing gloves and pads as we only have a limited number which can be used for those who would like to give Boom-Boxing a go Check out our boxing video on our Facebook! Follow us on Facebook: Focus24Seven Join us on Mondays! Get fit and have fun! Everyone can do Boom-Boxing!

f o e c Justi e c a e P the Tuesday’s! 8.30am - 12pm!

! ! y Centre The Western Communit No Appointment needed!!

46 Hyde ave 8474873

4 Western Community News - April 2014

While door-knocking in my first election in Hamilton West in 2005, the constant nuisance of “boy racing” was raised with me more than any other issue, especially by those living close to Te Rapa Road. It occurred night after night on our main streets and in residential areas, causing sleepless nights for residents, accidents, traffic disruption and pollution. It wasted considerable police and health service resources and left regular messes for others to clean up. As a candidate, I pledged to tackle the problem vigorously. Since I became an MP in Government, I have backed a raft of measures which have been very successful. In 2009 we gave courts the power to seize and destroy the cars of repeat offenders. We gave local councils greater powers to outlaw boy racers cruising the streets, and made it easier for police to impound vehicles caught racing. Across New Zealand, boy racing offences have halved since 2009. Over the same period, the number of young people killed on our roads has fallen from 105 to 66. Our Waikato results are even better, with a 59.7% reduction in illegal street racing offences since 2009. Nine years since that menace was ruining the quality of life of many Hamiltonians, and leading to significant numbers of crashes causing death or serious injury, it’s great to see this dramatic improvement. I thank our local police, council staff and all who have helped to bring it about, and I will keep working for further improvements.

Free FM launches Ethnic Broadcasting Project As one of New Zealand’s twelve Access radio stations, Free FM has broadcast since 1991, with unique content, “by, for, and about” our community on 89FM. This year, they have launched a new project to create a new series of shows that reflect the diversity of our region. Free FM currently broadcast shows that represent a variety of the ethnic cultures within the Waikato, but are looking to extend this to ensure everyone has the chance to tell their stories. Programme Director, Silvana Erenchun-Perez is leading the project and is working with a range of communities to develop new shows. ‘This is a great opportunity for us to get out into the community and encourage a whole new group of broadcasters to our station for them to connect not only with their own communities but that of the entire Waikato region’. Got an idea for a show? Keen to learn more? Get in touch with Silvana who will give you some more details on how easy it is to be involved. Don’t forget you can download podcasts of all the shows via www.freefm.org.nz and check our their Facebook page for giveaways, event information and loads of interesting stuff www.facebook.com/freefm89

Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust

Tena koutou katoa Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust has been operating the Family Start Programme and the Parents As First Teachers Programme out of their Rifle Range Road address since March 2006. The Trust, which has been in existence since 2000 employs 39 home visiting staff and 11 support staff providing two home visiting services to families who are expecting or have recently had a baby. The Family Start programme which services Hamilton City can work with a family from the time mum is in her

Council Comment By City Councillor Andrew King

Community Spirit is alive and well in the West.

second trimester of pregnancy right up to when the child starts school. The primary focus is to support the family to achieve the best possible start for baby-socially, health wise and educationally. The programme is a whole population service and at any given time can be working with up to 550 families. The Parents As First Teachers programme service 250 families in the Hamitlon City / Waipa District. If you would like to know more please go to our website at www.family-start.org.nz

A vision of hope

Free pools for under 5’s! We interviewed Councillor Ewan Wilson about the awesome announcement that under 5’s will be free at Hamilton Council owned pools (Waterworld and Gallaghers Aquatic Centre) “I’m really excited by the outcome, we had unanimous support from Councillors and really it was a no brainer. New Zealand has one of the worst drowning rates in the world and this simple initiative can lead to a reduction in deaths and by making access more affordable and getting kids into water early, getting them into physical activity, we can help reduce that. I’m really excited about the outcome.” “Our pools have excess capacity at times so if we can empower a family with kids to visit thanks to making it cheaper for them, and empower people to help them to learn to swim and get used to using council facilities then that’s great for them, the council and the city.” Asked how did it all come about? Cr Wilson talked about how it had been one of his core public policies during last

I became a City Councillor because of my concern with Council spending and the type of projects Council were involved in. I made these issues very clear in my election campaign and it is with a deal of satisfaction to report our new Councillors are working well to keep spending under control and it is a pleasure to be part of this group. There were times in recent history when Council was involved in projects which we all knew was not their core business and ones that rate payers should never have been funding. It was almost like nothing could happen in our City without Council funding and debt was the result. Take a drive past the little St Marks Church in Dominion Road and see the new Community Centre currently under construction. This is an initiative of local people who saw the need and decided to make it happen. The project carries no rate payers or Central Government funding. It is simply a wonderful testament to the Community Spirit and generosity of people of the district and shows what can be achieved with a great community attitude. Well Done Te Rongopai Community Trust.

years local body election campaign. Mayor Hardaker had at the time acknowledged that it was a great idea and after the election he wrote to her to remind her of the policy. “During the annual plan process the staff included it in their plan and when it came to the vote everyone agreed that it was a good idea. People want political leaders to work together. While we may have our differences of opinion its important for us to look past that as we’re all there to make things better for the city” On a more personal note we asked Cr Wilson what was his favourite swimming spot, “Caroline Bay in Timaru, that’s where I learnt to swim. And for pools, Moana pools in Dunedin!” He’s really been enjoying all the encouraging feedback and wants to see this combined with free travel on public transport for under 5’s also. “The youngest citizens of Hamilton benefit from these changes and it’s the first step in making Hamilton the family friendly capital of NZ.”

Kia Ora my name is Jane Caffery I am currently a 3rd year Adult student studying towards a Bachelor in Social Work in Biculturalisim at Te Wananga O Aotearoa.
 Through my studies, life experiences and faith, I have developed a passion to serve the community and strengthen Waikato families by providing New Zealand’s first emergency good quality recycled Clothing Bank in Nawton. I intend to also serve families holistic needs through pastoral care. I believe it’s important to see families in poverty and hardship given a hand up in pursuit of their health and well-being. Vision of Hope is exceedingly thankful to Western Community Centre for their guidance and overarching support.
I also pay homage to Waikato-Tainui Te Kauhanganui Inc, Raukura Waikato Social Services, Forest Lake Holy Trinity and St Marks Church for their combined contributions to see this initiative evolve and benefit whānau/families in desperate need. “If you would like to donate new or recycled clothing “ and can answer yes to all the below then I would love to hear from you. YES to Clean clothing can be hung immediately
YES to hole-less, stainless, paint-less, broken-less clothing YES to modern-day trend and labels
YES to reuse-able shoes
YES to arrange of sizing
YES to VOH! If you require emergency clothing due to poverty / hardship / unforeseen circumstances / Please don’t hesitate to call me and we’ll meet to complete a needs assessment.
Jane Caffery - Mb: 027 527 1322 Western Community News - April 2014 5

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Hei Taniwha Students’ Camp a Fantastic Experience

Student Selection for Project K Underway

Fraser High School’s, Hei Taniwha camp at Te Papa O Rotu Marae was a great way for everyone in Hei Taniwha to experience whakawhanaungatanga and become more comfortable with each other. There were situations when we had to get into groups and communicate, especially with the variety of activities that we had to face as a team and work together. A challenging activity was the tabloids on day one, with many different types of team building games, such as bench races, sack races, human wheel barrow races, egg and spoon races, three legged races, and the list goes on. On day two at Te Kopua Domain, another activity was the Amazing Race, where everyone had to participate. It was a wonderful day to get down and dirty in the sand working together to complete all the tasks. The group rooms had to kayak to the other side of the estuary, run as a team holding on to two ropes and even make a tall sand sculpture. Everyone had an amazing day. The activities were organised by senior students and student leaders so that the teachers could participate and enjoy their stay on camp along with the students. Being organised by students ensured that there were positive interactions between all students and staff. The activity that was the ultimate highlight of the

Project K is a youth development programme for which twelve Year 10 Fraser students are selected each year. Recently the school surveyed all of Year 10 students so that Foundation for Youth Development Waikato can create a pool of students most likely to benefit from the programme. These students and their families will then be invited to an evening meeting to learn more about Project K if they are interested. Project K begins with a three-week wilderness programme straddling the winter school break, then proceeds to a community project phase, then a twelve-month mentoring stage. Students who have taken part in Project K in the past have all found it fantastic to be part of, and have benefited from it greatly.

harenga was our group skits. They showed teamwork, determination and co-operation. Every one pulled together with a positive attitude and had a wonderful time during all five skits. Another highlight was learning the background of Te Papa O Rotu Marae, which we learned about from Matua Rick. Another skill we all learnt was motivation. We all came together and supported each other throughout our stay. Thank you to everyone who helped make our camp happen, students, staff and whānau alike. – Tee Tonihi, Year 13

Fraser to Host 2014 Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival The University of Otago Sheilah Winn, Hamilton region Shakespeare Festival is being held in the Fraser High School hall on 14 and 15 April, starting at 7 pm. Local High Schools will be performing 15 minute student and teacher directed scenes and 5 minute student directed scenes. Students from Fraser High are performing in a 15 minute scene from The Winter’s Tale, as well as a 5 minute scene from Cymbeline, directed by Bianca Henley. Doors open at 6 pm ($10.00 adults and $5.00 for students) and food will be available for sale to help fundraise for the Shakespeare clubs trip to the National Festival in Wellington over the Queen’s Birthday weekend. The Festivals were initiated and are organised annually by Shakespeare Globe Centre NZ (SGCNZ). This is the 23rd Festival and over 90,000 students have participated

since they were started in 1992. To find out more about the Shakespeare Festival in New Zealand go to www.Shakespeare. org.nz.

The Fraser High School entry in the 2013 Sheiliah Winn Festival 6 Western Community News - April 2014

Student Grown Produce for Horticulture Hangi

In 2013 the Horticulture department fed 100 junior students with the produce grown in their gardens. This year the Agriculture and Horticulture department will feed all of the 250 students who are taking these subjects. Matua Barnes and a student’s parent, Mr Whitiora, are the school’s Hangi masters and again will be in charge of the preparation and cooking for this year’s feast. The students have harvested more than 100kg of potatoes, 600 kumara, dozens of onions for the stuffing, as well as 20 pumpkins. Hunting families are contributing some wild pork towards the feast.

Wanted: any old photos and/or school records If any past pupils of Fraser High School, or Hamilton Technical College, have any school records, photos, magazines, uniforms or other

memorabilia they would be happy to lend to the school for copying, please contact the School Archivist, Angela Davison, at school on 07 847 9044, ext 745. The combined schools will be having their 100 year celebrations at Labour Weekend in 2020. If you are interested in joining a group of past pupils to help with forward planning, please contact Angela now! This 1920s photo shows the original three headed Taniwha, used in the school logo. The statue is situated at the Turangawaewae Marae in Ngaruawahia.

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Changes to the Board of Trustees The Fraser High School Board of Trustees would like to acknowledge the resignation of Mr Gus Row and sincerely thank Mr Row for his service to the Board over the past three years. The Board of Trustees welcomes Ms Te Rehia Papesch as the selected member to replace Mr Row. The Board would also like to welcome Ms Te Rehia Mr Glen Perkinson who has been Mr Glen Papesch co-opted onto the Board of Trustees. Perkinson

Fraser Student On Stage For Phantom Emma Connolly (pictured), a Year 12 student at Fraser, will soon be gracing the stage of Founders Theatre in Hamilton Operatic Society’s performance of Phantom of the Opera. This continues a long-standing partnership with the society and Fraser High School. Emma will take her place on stage amongst a troupe of ballet dancers. Emma is currently a member of the Exceptional Talent Programme at Fraser and considered one

of our up and coming S e n i o r Leaders in the school. We are very proud of her achievements and wish her the best for the season of Phantom of the Opera. The show runs from 2 May until 17 May and tickets can be purchased through TICKETEK.

Senior Student Council gets Involved In Community Events Valentine’s Day The Senior Council celebrated 14 February in true Valentine’s Day spirit. They decided to sell little cards which were hand delivered to students throughout the day. They had cute and funny messages on them, along with space for people to write their own messages. The fundraiser was designed as a contribution for Relay for Life and was a huge success.

A special thank you to: Reduced to Clear, 7 Karewa Place, Pukete – for supplying energy drinks, snacks and nibbles for the students to see them through the wee small hours. Pak n Save, Mill Street – for contributing $100 towards grocery items to feed the masses. Dominoes Pizza, Nawton Mall – for providing dinner for the students on Saturday evening.

Relay for Life On Saturday, 1 March, an awesome bunch of Fraser students and teachers attended an event called Relay for Life. This is an event where everyone comes together to celebrate, remember and fight back against cancer. Starting at 2pm, we walked throughout the day and night for 22 hours while being entertained by numerous events including jump jam, Zumba, themed laps, live music, late night movies and a heart touching candle light ceremony. Tears were shed, stories were shared and memories were made. Thank you to all the students who attended, to those who donated, and to Mrs Mathers for making this event possible. This event would not have been as successful if our local community had not jumped on board and supported our students and I would just like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors.

ARK at Fraser High School Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) is a global movement which involves simple, selfless acts towards friends, family or strangers. The point of ARK is to make a difference to someone’s life, by impacting them in a positive way. This impact can be something as small or as simple as a smile. ARK at Fraser began when Gillian Cotter performed an exercise with her Tutor Group which involved students writing down previous positive influences from their lives on a huge chart, and sharing the impact of these positive interactions with their peers. Emma Connolly and Dayna Perkinson, students of Ms.Cotter’s felt that the movement could be broadened to involve all of Fraser High School. They, along with their Tutor Group classmates, have organised and performed out of the blue, acts of kindness towards the wider school community. This is because they felt that everybody benefits from even the littlest act of positivity. Students in the school have reacted very

positively to the little acts of kindness carried out by the ETP students. The Tutor Group then decided to extend their target audience to teachers and staff, making sure that they knew how appreciated they are by their individual students. Dayna Perkinson designed an ARK logo which features a ‘positivity ninja’, and these cards with positive messages of thanks and encouragement were left as small surprises in teachers’ pigeonholes. The students have many more plans for the future of ARK and are excited to continue to make a difference, even if it’s a small one. To keep up to date or join in with ARK at Fraser, go to http://facebook.com/ARKATFRASER. PHOTOS: (Right) The ARK logo designed by the girls. (Below) Teacher, Gillian Cotter, with Emma Connolly (left) and Dayna Perkinson.

6 – 8 March 2015

All past pupils and local residents are cordially invited to attend. To register your interest go to:

TeKReunion@gmail.com www.tekowhai.school.nz or phone the school 07 829 7860 Western Community News - April 2014 7

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

GREAT THINGS HAPPENING IN SPORT AT FRASER Fraser-Ville Take Top Honours in 1st XI Cricket

Saturday the 29th March was a turning point in cricket for Fraser-Ville, a combined team from Fraser and Melville High Schools, that joined together to defeat Te Awamutu College in the final. Winning the toss, Fraser-Ville chose to bat. There was a shaky start to the innings at 3/30 with Jovi Singh and Luke Finnertys’ wickets falling for not many runs. However, the team did manage to score a good total of 242/5 off 30 overs. This was largely due to John Chalklen who put on 89 runs and Oryan Farrell who scored 63. The pair put on a 4th wicket partnership of 165 runs which included some elegant shots to the boundary. They also ran sets of 3 runs on 8 occasions, John Chalklen adding to his total of 89 for Fraser-Ville. which broke Te Awamutu’s spirit. Oryan for the Te Awamutu batsmen. Hannah Bree struck early was dropped five times and was finally out LBW on 63. John was dropped three times and with a wicket in her first over. Gurpreet Singh then his luck finally ran out when he was caught on 89. Tin took the other opener’s wicket in the next over. 14 for 2 wickets soon turned into 70/2 as the Chhoung and Mitchell Mordecai also chipped in with a small partnership. However credit should also go to next pair blazed away. Mitchell Mordecai was then extras that added to the score. An additional 57 runs introduced to the game with his leg spin, and promptly were given by the Te Awamutu bowlers in wides, leg removed both batsmen. This was a turning point and byes and no balls. stopped Te Awamutu’s momentum. Stephanie Taylor The run chase of 8 per over was going to be difficult then cleaned up an aggressive number six batsman, despite her obvious issue with injuries to a shoulder and knees! Tin Chhoung and Oryan Farrell both took two more wickets each, to kill off the chase. A well-deserved win to the Fraser-Ville team. Bringing this group together has been challenging, but ultimately rewarding. Two schools into one team with mixed attitudes and personalities has been very tricky but a lot of fun. Finally, thanks to the Staff and parents from both schools for coming along to watch and support the games on Saturdays this term, this has been much appreciated Hannah Bree taking the first Te Awamutu wicket for Fraser-Ville. by the Team.

Staff Member Appointed as North Island Head Volleyball Coach In Early February I was invited to apply for the North Island under 17 Volleyball coaching position. After an initial period of apprehension, I put together my CV and put in my application. Two weeks later I was informed I had been appointed as Head Coach for the team. This position is considered a stepping stone towards coaching New Zealand teams. It involves selection of players, a three day high performance training camp in Wellington and concludes with a week- long tournament in Canberra Australia.

This is a chance to learn from top NZ and Australian coaches as I hold the belief that we never stop learning and one should always strive to improve. I also hope to gain Australian contacts to facilitate a possible Australian sports exchange for the Fraser High Senior Girls Volleyball Team early next year. – Mike Polley

Mike Polley with the Fraser High Junior Girls’ Volleyball team.

Fraser takes out “3 on 3” Basketball National Championship

Congratulations to the 2014 Fraser High School 3 on 3 basketball boys team who took out the National 3 on 3 Championship in Waitakere last week. The Fraser team consisted of Hyrum Harris, Tre Mauriohooho, Tamamoko Green and Halasiale Maile.

The teams played a total number of 15 games wining each game convincingly. Fraser played Rotorua Boys High School in the final game. All four boys played outstanding and were clearly the team to watch. Congratulations boys – an outstanding achievement.

Fraser playing Rotorua Boys High on day four of the 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

Fraser Student Selected for National Inline Hockey Teams Hannah Jensen – has been selected in the Junior and Senior NZ Women’s Inline Hockey Teams. This is a fantastic achievement. Congratulations Hannah. Good Luck also to Scott Swetman and Dylan Fowler who will be trialling out for the Junior Men’s Inline Hockey teams in the near future. 8 Western Community News - April 2014

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

GREAT THINGS HAPPENING IN SPORT AT FRASER Great Success for Fraser Girls at Waka-Ama Nationals Fraser’s Waka-ama, Wahine toa! The unknown are now well known! A team of young warrior women from Fraser stood up on behalf of Fraser High School and announced through their deeds that Fraser is the under 19 team to beat next year at the secondary Nationals at Lake Tikitapu (the Blue Lake) in Rotorua. Going into this year’s Nationals, Fraser had made a semi-final in the Championship division on one occasion. The team were very young and three of the girls were eligible to paddle in the under 16 division but they all stepped up to the under 19 division. Our girls surprised many of the favourite teams in their first race when they qualified for the championship round as the 14th fastest team in the country over 500 metres and qualified for the championship semi-final, equalling Fraser’s best ever previous result. In their next race, the 250 metre sprint, they won their heat and qualified for the semis as the third fastest team in New Zealand. This exceeded all expectations and surpassed all of the previous teams to represent Fraser High School. The Semi-final for the 500 was an exciting event but due to an error on the turn the girls


The Fraser Girls team(second from left) waiting for their race with other teams in their class. were eliminated from the finals, this left the 250 metre race to try and qualify for the finals for the first time ever. The semi started brilliantly in perfect conditions and the girls pushed Auckland Girls Grammar, the eventual National champs, all the

way to the finish line just finishing one second behind them in second, and qualifying fourth fastest for the finals. We finished fourth overall in the finals to teams who have been renowned for their waka-ama prowess. We left a number of very well-known teams in our wake.

Good Participation by Students in Athletic and Swimming Sports ATHLETICS The Fraser school athletics day made a return to the school grounds this year. It was a sunny day with the whole school involved in the activities. Many students turned up in their house colours, and as is tradition, the Year 13’s managed some fantastic fancy dress outfits to compete in. The events followed a traditional format with Track and Field events, but an added extra was the gumboot throw, which proved popular with the students too. Participation and fun were high on the agenda, but some real skill shone through as well with a number of athletes qualifying to represent Fraser High School at the Zone Athletic Champs, and then on to the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Champs. Students enjoyed having the opportunity to be involved in Athletics which they don’t normally get if they don’t take PE, and they liked the excitement of supporting their friends and watching the race finals. Teachers commented on the fantastic attitude from the students and the humming atmosphere they helped create.

Rock Climbing D o m i n i k Essenhofer finished 1st in the Regional Rock Climbing Competition. He has a few more competitions coming up and we look forward to hearing the results. Mountain Biking Congratulations to Alesha Ferguson who finished 3rd in the U17 National Mountain Bike Championships. What an awesome achievement to place 3rd in NZ. Zone Athletics Recently students from Fraser competed at the Zone Athletics Champs at Porrit Stadium. Fraser’s student selection was based on those who were placed in the top 3 in their event on Fraser’s school athletics day. Congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 8 at the Waikato Zone Athletics Championships Simolo Reupena – Top 8 Shot Put and Discus Te Aho Reihana – 3rd Place Shot Put Keoni Lee Heu – 8th Place Discus, 2nd Place Javelin Shanelle Tarawhiti – 5th 100m Final Summer Gunn – 8th Long Jump Keoni Ewington – 3rd 100m Final, 3rd Long Jump O’Ryan Farrell – 8th 100m Final Tukiri Anderson – 6th Discus Kael Taplin – 4th High Jump Trent Hilliam – 5th Long Jump Victoria Hicks – 3rd 400m Ataahua Anderson – 2nd Javelin

SWIMMING With the closing of the Municipal pools in town, the Fraser High Swimming Sports were again held at Waterworld in Te Rapa. The attitude of the students was fantastic with many entering every race they possibly could. A highlight for many students was the bombing competition held at lunch time. Spontaneous happenings, like a synchronised diving entry to one of the races, was also popular. Western Community News - April 2014 9

What’s on out West

The Western Community Centre

Contact 8474873, admin@wccham.org.nz, 8474873, www.westerncommunitycentre.org. Check us out on Facebook! Community Information, Photocopying, send a fax, free phone for local calls, table and chair hire, venue hire and much more! Holiday Programmes Our next Western Stars Holiday Programmes take place Tuesday 22nd April – Thursday 24th April based at Fraser High School and Monday 28th April – Friday 2nd May based at our centre. Early bird rates close Friday 11th April. To Book of for more info drop into our centre or visit westerncommunitycentre.org. Justice of the Peace Available Tuesdays, 9.30am – 12pm, no appointment needed just turn up! Fruit & Vege Co-op $10 per pack for a minimum selection of 3 fruit and 3 vegetables. Order before 4pm Wednesday, pick up Thursday after 11.30am. Free Legal Advice Niemand Peebles Hoult are offering free legal advice on Wednesdays at the centre. Appointments take place between 9am – 10am. To book contact 8474873 or email admin@wccham.org.nz English Language Classes These classes are for adult learners who have Permanent Residence and only 0-6 years of schooling in their own country. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12.15-2.45pm contact waikato@ englishlanguage.org.nz - Phone (07) 853 2188 Tai Chi We offer 2 community Tai Chi classes for seniors each week, Monday and Thursday Cost $3 per session. Tai Chi has been proven to improve mobility, flexibility and balance. Maureen Leong is the primary tutor. 10.30am-11.30am Western Community Centre Radio Show - Free FM Tune into to 89FM every Friday 10.30am - 11am to stay updated with news and information from the Centre. Visit freefm.org.nz for podcasts of the show and further info. Community Family Support Worker Providing social work and family support. Available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Contact Margaret on 847-4873 extn 3 for an appointment. Plunket Outreach Clinic Hamilton West Plunket nurse Lisa Martin runs

weekly clinics at our Centre every Wednesday. Appointments can be made through Richmond Street Plunket on 839 3982. Nawton Kickboxing at the Centre It’s Free and all ages! Mondays 6pm – 7pm Wednesday 6pm – 7pm If you are interested you can call Andy on 846 7181, email: andymancer76@gmail.com Or contact the Western Community Centre Boom Boxing A combination of intense sweat and boxing fun, mixed with music. Mondays at 10am - 11am (for mums and ladies only) and 6pm - 7:30pm (general). Session $10 per person It’s great to bring your own boxing gloves and pads, however we have a limited no. which can be used for those who’d like to give Boom-boxing a go. Don’t miss out limited places available! Txt: Wallace 021-126-8119 OR facebook focus24seven Mainly Music This programme takes place here at the centre 10am every Wednesday, facilitated by Westside Church. Fun, interactive music sessions for young children and their parents/caregivers. Complimentary first session, Thereafter $2, $3 per family. Floral Lessons with Elsie Moorman Contemporary Floral work for the home and gifts. Learn from an experienced Tutor, NZFAS Teacher and Judge. Enquiries to Elsie Phone 07 855 6439. Mondays 10 am- 12 noon. Western Wheel Learner Licence Course Our next course takes place Tues 22nd, Wed 23rd, Thurs 24th April. Testing will take place Monday 28th April. Course cost is $20 plus $97 for the NZTA Test Licence Fee. To book or for more info contact Aileen 8474873 ex 1, aileen@wccham.org.nz Tables and Chair Hire We have tables and chairs for hire! Tables $6 each, Chairs $2 each contact Aileen 8474873 ex 1, aileen@wccham.org. nz Senior Luncheons and Bus Trips Luncheon takes place monthly on second Thursday of each month at 12pm, the luncheons provide an opportunity for seniors in our area to meet, socialize, interact and enjoy some local entertainment. Transport is provided for those unable to drive. The luncheons are potluck and a great way to network and make new friends. Bus trips take place throughout the year to a num-

10 Western Community News - April 2014

108 Grandview - This venue is set up to cater for children, ideal for playgroups or children’s birthday parties. (We are not able to cater for functions with Alcohol) Our Little Wish List The centre is on the look out for donations of lego, kitchen utensils, pens, stationery items, scrap paper, material and craft items. If you can help, feel free to drop off to our centre at 46 Hyde Ave.

Crosslight Trust – 1 Johnson St, Dinsdale,

Hamilton – Ph 07 847 2998 – Our current services and programmes are: Op Shop: open Mon-Fri 9.00a.m.–4.00p.m. and Saturday from 9.00a.m.–12.00 p.m. is located in the Anglican church carpark, 158 Rifle Range Road, Dinsdale C.A.F.E. (Creative Activities for Elderly) – home visits and Friday morning activities programme– members must live in Dinsdale/Frankton/ Nawton/Forest Lake areas. Contact Jennifer – email

café@crosslight.org.nz Counselling – income related charges. All our counsellors are qualified and available by appointment. Supervision available for those working in the social service field (reasonable fees). FAA – a new support group for Families (or friends) Affected by Addiction (contact Ruth) – meets twice month on Wednesday evenings Foodbank – we are a member of the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank – food parcel interviews Mon-Fri 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. – if you are a beneficiary please bring letter from Work and Income and ID – if employed please bring ID. Over 60s Social Groups – meet on Thursdays – new members welcome – groups meet twice a month – members must live in the Dinsdale/Frankton/Nawton/Forest Lake areas. (contact Penny or Chris) Social Housing – in partnership with Habitat for Humanity – (60 yrs+), studio type units available for low income seniors. (contact Chris). Support for Deaf and Hearing Impaired (and Deaf/ blind) – practical support. Basic NZ Sign Language courses available. (contact Jean) – deaf@ crosslight.org.nz Other! We will do our best to help with other enquiries, refer you to other agencies or give you information or lend a listening ear. Please feel welcome to contact us Chris Wright, Manager – email: manager@crosslight.org.nz or Penny admin@crosslight.org.nz

West Hamilton Healing Rooms

Located at Northwest Baptist Church 95 Rotokauri Road, Nawton Contact 850 6313 westhamhr@gmail.com Are you sick of being sick? Why not try us. Jesus still heals today, sometimes instantly, sometimes progressively. Testimonies available. No charge, no appointment required Open 1st and 3rd Mon of each month 7.00pm – 9.00pm and every Wed 10.30am – 12.30pm Closed on public holidays Coffee Craft and Conversation every Tuesday 10.00am – 11.45am Friendship group at Trinity Reformed Baptist Hall, Miro St Maeroa. During school term only. For more information, phone Lois on 846 3575 or Jill 843 7554

Volleyball in West Hamilton

Social, School, Club & beach volleyball - all played in the west. Contact Dave Macpherson on 021-477 388, or volleyballwaikato@xtra.co.nz

‘Best Start’ for the West

What is Nia?

Nia is a playful, fun, movement experience tailored for you, it’s a fitness class that focuses on the mind, body and spirit. Talking with Nia instructor Nicola Chung, we discover its dance based, with elements of martial arts and incorporates the mindful healing arts like yoga.

 So what do people get out of Nia? For starters Nicola says they discover something new about themselves. “People reconnect with the joy of movement, not to mention the pleasure and freedom they gain from taking a class.”

 How did Nicola become a Nia instructor? “I was obsessed with yoga and I discovered Nia whilst in Ecuador and fell in love with it”. With a Bachelors degree in Physical

ber of destinations; contact the centre to find out about our next one. “One O Eight Grandview” Our Centre at 108 Grandview Road Little Stars Playgroup Every Tuesday from 9.30am- 11.30am bring the children along for a morning of fun! contact the Western Community Centre Iloha Club- Japanese Playgroup The Iloha Club is a Japanese playgroup for mums and dads who can speak Japanese and for children aged 0 to 5 who are learning Japanese in the Waikato. It is a great opportunity to meet other families. They have a lot of fun with a focus on language, Japanese music, stories, crafts and cooking. For more information please contact hamiltonilohaclub@gmail.com Meeting Time: Friday 10am – 12:30pm Donation per session is 50c per child Tongan Playgroup Ages 0-5 years, Starts Monday 2nd December, All are welcome For more info contact Natasha 0278964151 Venue Hire Board Room - Great for group meetings, can sit up to 14 people. The Lounge - A comfortable relaxed meeting room, can sit up to 8 people. Large Room - This room can seat up to 100 people. Training Room - This room can seat up to 40 people own Kitchen included.

Sue Moroney, Labour List MP for Hamilton

Education and a Bachelor of Science, Nicola is able to focus on those aspects of the class which people enjoy more. “If someone is really interested in the physical fitness aspect of the class, I’m able to talk about the parts of the body being affected, whereas others come for the mental and spiritual experience they take away from the classes.” 

 With each session people see a progression in their mind, body and spirit Nicola says, “To be a fully functional and happy human being you need all your elements in balance” and thats where Nia comes in. The first session is free so come down to The Loft at 32B Alexandra St, behind Altitude, everyone is welcome.

Kiwi kids will get the best start towards a happy, healthy and successful life under the next Labour government. Our Best Start package will focus on the first five years of a child’s life and help families struggling to meet the rising costs of living. You will all know of families who are struggling to meet the costs of raising children. Sixty dollars will make a real difference to the lives of these families. Best Start doesn’t stop there because Labour understands the importance of getting it right in the first few months of a child’s life. Free antenatal classes for all first time mothers and early home visits will have a positive impact on families at a vulnerable time in their lives. Labour recognises that learning opportunities for youngsters is vital to their development and free early childhood education for three, four

and five year old children will be expanded from 20 to 25 hours a week. I’m proud that my Member’s Bill is also included in this package seeing paid parental leave extended from 14 to 26 weeks. These are tough times for New Zealand families. This package is a first step in Labour’s overall programme of reform which includes education, health, housing, and economic development. With the best start in life, all our kids will do better in school, achieve more and contribute to our country’s future. We all benefit from living in a society where everyone can reach their full potential. These policies make that possible from the start. The Best Start payment is in line with similar schemes in other OECD countries.

Weaving at its finest

Our Shaunna & Julia off to Asia & helping Plunket

We have a professional weaver in the West Ward: Mrs Betty Brown, with a Masters of Arts Degree in Cultural and Tikanga Maori. She will be tutoring students from beginner level to advanced. Night classes will commence in the next school term two nights per week. Whaea Betty tells us that this beautiful art of weaving was gifted to her by her grandmother Hinekino Winikerei who in turn received this Taonga from her mother and lives in five generations. Classes with Whaea Betty are unique and outstanding. Please contact the Western Community Centre for more details or Whaea Betty 027-689 9779.

collectively raise money. The event kick starts with a fundraising dinner on the 1st May which will set the scene for the month long “Next Generation Charity Challenge” which will use Telecom’s well known crowd funding platform ‘Give-A-Little’ to raise money during the challenge. Plunket and the girls will be running a ‘fun day’ on May 10th for children and parents to come and join in on an array of activities to help raise awareness of the event. For more info check out www.facebook.com/ tilleypolleybeachvolley.

Yes, This is For You!

Situations Vacant DO YOU SEEK AND ENJOY A LIFE OF WELLNESS, PURPOSE AND ABUNDANCE? Infuse your life with the miracle healing properties of essential oils and unlock their potential for yourself and gain financial independence.

Yes, This is For You!


Shaunna Polley, ex Fraser High student (left, above) and Julia Tilley (middle) are currently New Zealand’s number one ranked Women’s Beach Volleyball team. After a very successful New Zealand season they are now training hard to head abroad next week to compete on the Asian Tour in Thailand, China and Vietnam in April. The team has been partnered with Plunket to take part in the World Class Waikato Charity Event. They have been selected as part of 12 Waikato athletes partnered together with charities to

CONTACT US NOW dakf@e3.net.nz 07 846 1388

Authorised by Don Frommherz

Independent Business owner

Yes, This is For You! Western Community News - April 2014 11

Tim macindoe mP FoR HamiLTon WeST Junior Government Whip Congratulations to the Hamilton Hawks Colts for winning the national Unity Bowl Championships in the 2014 Auckland American Football competition. I was privileged to speak at their prizegiving last month and was impressed with all the talented young athletes I met, and their supportive coaches, management and whanau members. They will go far!

5 King Street, Frankton


PO Box 382, Hamilton 3240

E: macindoe.office@parliament.govt.nz



P: 07 846 0055



Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Tim Macindoe MP, 5 King Street, Frankton

MP for Hauraki-Waikato

Waterworld holiday programme coming your way

430 Ulster Street, PO Box 611, Waikato Mail Centre P 07 839 6811

haurakiwaikato@parliament.govt.nz www.labour.org.nz

Keep your eyes peeled for the up and coming Aquatic Holiday Programme, this is a programme with a difference. Children will experience a range of different activities including kayaking, snorkelling, bombing competitions, hydroslides, inflatable challenges and an aquatic themed amazing race. A programme based out of Waterworld with dedicated instructors to ensure your child gets the best possible educational experience while having fun. Spaces are limited so get in quick, don’t miss out on an opportunity to develop and increase your

Mahuta 80Wx170H ad.indd 1

childs confidence in and around the water. Date: Monday 28th April – Friday 2nd May 2014 Time: 8.30am – 3.30pm Age Group: 8 – 12 Year Olds Price: $30.00 Per Child, Per Day Contact Christine Hunger at Swim School on christine.hunger@hcc.govt.nz 07 9585863

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12 Western Community News - April 2014

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