Western Community News

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Issue 74 (December 2014)

Delivered to 17,000 homes throughout Hamilton’s western suburbs

n i s a w m a t s h i s r Ch Craw

Crawshaw Kapahaka performing at Christmas in Crawshaw Christmas in Crawshaw will feature Crawshaw School Kapahaka and SGB Live band featuring Lucie Tuia. Christmas in Crawshaw is on Monday, 08 December, from 5.00 pm to 8.00 pm. Entry is free and the event will be held at Crawshaw Park. See P.5

West Hamilton Pharmacy NewNawton Mall, Nawton. Phone 846 3121. Facsimile 846 3165

Tips for a healthy heart

high cholesterol. Then the age recommended for a checkup is lower and men should be assessed for cardiovascular risk at age 35 and women at age 45).

fact card has helpful information about the right foods to eat”, advise Self Care pharmacists.

Cardiovascular disease includes diseases of the heart and blood vessels that lead to heart attack, stroke, angina and other complications. It is the most common cause of death for New Zealanders.

Keep your body weight in the ideal range – ask your Self Care pharmacist about the Weight and Health fact card, and how to calculate your body mass index (BMI) to see how close you are to your ideal weight. The fact card also talks about the best waist measurement to aim for (less than 88cm for women; 102cm for men). Obesity is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes so if you control your weight, diabetes is less likely to develop. If diabetes does develop, then losing weight will help you manage the disease better.

Be a non-smoker. The Quit Smoking fact card is a great resource for helping you develop a plan for quitting, and it provides information on nicotine replacement products. If you do have diabetes and/or high blood pressure, being a non-smoker means you can achieve better management of these conditions.

There are many reasons why people are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Some things cannot be changed - such as your gender, ethnicity, age and family history of early death from heart attack and stroke. But there are other risk factors that can definitely be controlled. These are your weight; what you eat; your blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels; your smoking status and your level of physical activity. “If you want a healthy heart, and to keep low your chances of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack, then here’s what you should do” advise Self Care pharmacists. Visit your doctor for a check-up – males should go at age 45 and women at age 55 (unless you are Maori, from the Pacific or from the Indian sub-continent, or you have risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and

Follow a heart healthy dietary pattern. This will help you maintain an ideal body weight, and keep your blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose under control. “It could mean”, say Self Care pharmacists, “that the medicines you may have needed to control these conditions are not required, or lower doses can be taken”. A heart healthy dietary pattern includes foods low in saturated fat, salt and sugar, and includes fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals. It is best to avoid, or limit the quantities eaten of, processed foods, deep-fried foods and sweet bakery items. “Our Reducing Your Cholesterol

Finally, be physically active. This doesn’t mean you have to run marathons. Moderate physical activity for 30 minutes a day, on 5 or more days per week, is enough to ensure you reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and keep fit. Try fast walking, aqua-jogging, mowing lawns, playing golf (don’t use the golf cart!) or washing the car. There are many things you can do to manage your cardiovascular disease risks and keep your heart healthy. Talk to your Self Care pharmacist for advice.


A call to the NZ building industry and community.... NZ’s largest women’s refuge seeks urgent support to relocate a donated home by Christmas. Te Whakaruruhau, New Zealand’s largest women’s refuge, requests the help of the New Zealand building industry and wider community to assist them in a ‘challenge of love’ to relocate a donated home to a safe house site by Christmas. Ruahine Albert, Manager, Te Whakaruruhau women’s refuge says “We are honoured to have been donated this home and have a site available to place this wonderful gift. This home will be a safe house for our most vulnerable women and children in crisis from 2015 onwards and for generations yet to come. The challenge is to gain up to $250,000 worth of support in the form of labour, building supplies and donations for the de-construction and relocation of the home which must be completed by Christmas for Te Whakaruruhau to obtain the home. “This is an opportunity we simply must act on and we humbly seek any form of assistance to join us in this challenge. Our Kaumatua have named this home - Te Rau Aroha - a challenge of love,” said Ruahine Albert. Te Whakaruruhau women’s refuge provides a range of services including emergency shelter and safehousing of women and children in crisis in the Waikato region. Its services have been under increasingly severe pressure over the past twelve months. Safe houses are at full capacity. Each month Te Whakaruruhau women’s refuge assist between 500 and 700 women and children in need.

You are invited to a day of Art, Creativity, Inspiration and Fun! This free Figjam workshop explores using art and creativity as a tool for creating positive change. The creative empowerment programme incorporates elements of creativity, fun, relaxation and personal development. The facilitators work with respect and integrity to give all participants the tools for creating a more meaningful and sustainable future. If you are looking for the tools to create a more meaningful and sustainable future then this creative empowerment workshop may be what you need. It will be held on Monday 15th December, 8.45am – 2.45pm at the Western Community Centre, contact the centre to register. 46 Hyde Ave Hamilton
(07) 847-4873. For more info visit www. figjamworkshops.co.nz FIGJAM-Fresh Inspiration Gives Joy And Meaning 2 Western Community News - December 2014

The house has been gratuitously donated by Braemar Hospital and was the family home at the Salvation Army’s The Nest site and is currently residing in Ohaupo Road Hamilton. The 4000sq/ft property, built in 1997, has supported many families over the years within its 10 bedrooms, two living areas, two dining areas and three bathrooms. Paul Barnett, Manager of PB Property Business Ltd, has donated his time to project manage the relocation

of the home. “I am determined to see this project through for the amazing people at Te Whakaruruhau refuge and for our country’s women and children,” said Paul Barnett. “I request the assistance of the building and construction industry to join me in the spirit of giving, to achieve the ultimate goal of having the house nestled on new foundations and re- constructed to watertight by Christmas,” said Paul Barnett.

First Placing Goes To..... Maeroa!

Primary schools from around the Waikato region gathered at Founders Theatre to compete in the biannual TainuiWaikato Kapahaka Competition. 12 schools took the stage to fiercely compete for one of the top 4 places that would allow them to attend Te Kura Manatahi- the Primary Kapahaka Nationals to be held in Palmerston North late next year. One of the schools that performed was Maeroa Intermediate a local school in Hamilton who took out 1st overall. Maeroa came first place in all aggregate areas which

is a huge achievement for a mainstream school. This did not come easily. Tutors, students and their families gave up a lot of their own time to practice including late after school practices and weekends. The group is now in a resting period before practices begin again next year for the nationals. Placings for the Regional Kapahaka Competition are: First: Maeroa Intermediate, Second: Te Wharekura o Rakaumangamanga, Third: Bernard Fergusson, Fourth: Nawton Primary.

Your Say: What did you enjoy about helping at Treats in the Park?

TK I enjoyed helping with packing up the lollies for the event

Angelique I enjoyed working with the Younger children on the Bouncy castles

Lara Giving out treats to the kids

Jarome I enjoyed helping out on the rides and supporting the community.

Isaiahalee I enjoyed packing the lollies and helping out on the bouncy castle rides.

Jayden I enjoyed helping out with packing the seeds for the Treats stations

Wesley I was fun seeing a whole bunch of kids having fun and enjoying themselves

Areta I enjoyed helping out at a great community event and supporting the Community centre.

Thousands Treated at Elliott Park We had a big turn out from the community with 1459 children registering for treats, all made possible with the support of organisations throughout the Hamilton and Waikato area’s.

Treats in the Park was held at Nawton’s Elliott Park on Friday the 31st of October. This is our largest annual event and it encourage’s children to attend instead of going ‘Trick or Treating’ in the neighbourhood. Now in its 12th year, Treats would not be possible without the support and help of our many awesome volunteers, thank You! Also a huge Thank You to our funders The Hamilton City Council, Todd Foundation and Grassroots Trust. With on-stage entertainment organised by Matt Smith and his many volunteers , performers provided great entertainment to all, a big thank you to them and we hope to see you all here next year! Thank you to Taui Johnson, our event MC, You always seem to keep things running smooth and cool and it shows from all the happy young (and older) faces who watch & listen so intensely. Volunteers are a vital component of the event and each year this event is supported from a range of organisation’s and community volunteers. Thank you to Dinsdale Community Link, Talkingtech Foundation, Dinsdale Lions, Waikato PlayCentre Association, BBz sports club for helping with the set up and pack down of the event and John Gavin and the team from Dinsdale Lodge Real Estate.

Local businesses who help make the event possible include Hirepool Hamilton, Rick Kirkland from Funworks (Inßatable Rides), Rent a Fence, John Jamieson from Superswirl Foods, King Seeds, Pete’s Packaging, Gilmour’s Groceries, Subway, Bidvest, Sweet As Popcorn, Backdoor Surf Snow Earth, Dropdeep Skate and Domino’s Pizza Nawton.

Organising the annual Treats in the Park 2014 Skate competition, Piri Kearney and Jamie Cook (BACKDOOR & DROPDEEP SKATE), Piri, Jamie and their team oversaw an amazing comp. And before I forget, thank you to all those tamariki that attended and enjoyed the event. If you attended the event and were given seeds, don't forget to plant them! We gave away 15,000 Pumpkin seeds and 18,000 sunßower seeds. We are looking forward to seeing lots of pumpkin & sunßowers popping up around West Hamilton. Post up your photos on The Western Community Centre facebook page for us to see. Nathan Morgan Youth Development Worker 
 Western Community Centre

Ani Nock Community Advisor Hamilton City Council

Skate Comp

Open grade Winner Tim Geoghegan, 2nd Yorlin Phillips 3rd Ben Wallis. Under 16 Winner Dallin Simon, 2nd Deacon King 3rd Calum Trevors.

Noera leave the crowd in awe On 2 November, Te Roopu Kapa Haka o Nōera took the Tainui Regionals stage and captured the audience with not only their presence, but the message they were sent to deliver, leaving the crowd in awe and in an emotional state. We are very proud of our tamariki and tutors who put in some serious hours to achieve 4th place and therefore qualifying for the National Kapa Haka competition to be held in November 2015. To whānau who supported our Roopu, our cooks who prepared many meals at noho, our wardrobe assitants, Matua PC, Whaea Atawhai and their whānau from

Kahungunu , and everyone who helped with numerous fundraising events, we thank you for your time and effort in supporting our tamariki. We would also like to thank local businesses who got in behind our team and supported our fundraising efforts: • Hogs Breath Cafe • Yardhouse • The Warehouse, Hillcrest • The Warehouse, Anglesea Street • The Warehouse, Te Rapa • Kmart • Bunnings Warehouse, Te Rapa

Hotel Ibis • A final mihi goes out to Mama Iri and Whaea Nicole who, without their support and their ability to teach our tamariki to strive for excellene through perseverance, upholding their mana and keeping our whanaunatanga tight through nga taonga i tuku mai o tātou tupuna, this would not have been possible. Their passion for kapa haka has been passed to our next generation and your voluntary time has been invaluable. He mihi, he aroha mutunga kore. Nā Whaea Ruita Western Community News - December 2014 3

Xmas Blessings from Crosslight Trust Team I know I always say it, but where has the year gone!! 2014 has been another interesting year in the life of the Crosslight Trust. Our seniors groups (two over 60’s groups – Chris and Penny organise these) and C.A.F.E. (Creative Activities for Elderly – over 70’s – Jennifer organises this) have had a great year of interesting speakers, activities and outings. The Over 60s outings have included destinations like Huntly, Auckland, Tauranga, Rotorua, Te Awamutu, Waitomo and everywhere in between! The C.A.F.E. group have also been out and about for half day trips to places like Cambridge, Te Awamutu and around Hamilton. They’ve had some fantastic Friday morning “themes” like celebrating things Scottish, health, and even the opportunity to ride pillion on a motorbike! – a first for some of them who are in their 80’s! (there’s a different theme every week). Our counsellors Linda, Mark, Raewyn and Ruth always welcome new clients – just phone in and we will make an appointment for you (low cost); Penny and Chris will meet with you if you are in need of help with food (we are a member of the Hamilton Combined Christian Foodbank); Jean is here to support those who are deaf, hearing impaired or deaf/blind and also if you would like to learn NZ sign language. In partnership with Habitat we also have 12 pensioner studio units just down the road from our office. We are also happy to help with any other enquiries you may have. If we are unable to help we will refer you to a more appropriate agency. Have you ever visited our op shop? It’s accessed through the Anglican Church carpark at 158 Rifle Range Road and open Mon-Fri 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and Sat 9.00 a.m.-12.00 noon. Christmas is a very important time of year for us here, not just because we can spend time with family and friends and have a holiday although that’s very nice and important, but because we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, an amazing event in history happened over 2000 years ago. I would also like to acknowledge with sincere gratitude those who give us grants, especially Trust Waikato, WEL

Energy Trust, COGS (Internal Affairs), Hamilton City Council, Community Post, Tidd Foundation, Tindall Foundation (through Community Waikato), Norah Howell Charitable Trust, St Joan’s Trust and ANZ Staff Foundation for funding our work this year – with our their generosity we wouldn’t be able to continue. To Ioana Manu, Neil Tolan and the Team at Western Community Centre – you’re a great bunch. Thank you for your hospitality for Network Meetings, your provision of some amazing events and courses for the community, your support and all you do to assist those who call Nawton/ Crawshaw home. The op shop will close on Saturday 20th December and reopen on Monday 5th January and the office will close at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday 23rd December and re-open on Monday 5th January 2015. Christmas blessings to you all and every best wish for a great 2015! Chris(tine) Wright on behalf of the Crosslight Trustees, staff and volunteers. Over 60s group’s visit to Pacific Hope in Tauranga


By Hamilton West MP Tim Macindoe

Hamilton’s 150th

Recently our city celebrated 150 years since the first European settlement occurred, although the Maori foundations of Kirikiriroa date back much earlier, of course. Our city’s birthday was a wonderful time to reflect on how lucky we are to live in our corner of the world. For all our challenges and occasional setbacks, this is a stunning city in which to live, work and raise a family. I constantly marvel at the beauty of our river, gardens, mountains, parks, neighbourhoods - and people. We have excellent health services, schools, tertiary institutions, community organisations and businesses, largely thanks to the fine people who work in them. I see constant examples of Hamiltonians caring for our neighbours and generously supporting good causes. We embrace ethnic diversity and we are broadly tolerant of different viewpoints, beliefs and lifestyles. Long may all these characteristics continue. Recently in the Hamilton West electorate office we farewelled my long-serving and dedicated electorate agent, Betty Blair. Betty has helped constituents in our city for nearly 20 years, the last six working with me and previously with three other MPs. Her efforts have made a huge and very positive difference to many people and she deserves a long and happy retirement. I can’t thank her enough. I hope you are better organised for Christmas than I am, and that it will be a happy time of relaxation, celebrating family and enjoying everything that our beautiful country has to offer, for everyone you will spend it with. Merry Christmas everyone!

GetACut Open for 7 months now for mens cuts, Othman Haydary from GetACut in Nawton at the Grandview Mall says there’s lots more they do than just basic cuts. “We do style cuts and offer box and razor cuts, razor head shaves, face shaves, beard styling and of course a great hair wash” Othman came from Christchurch after the first quake, bringing his wife and their 4 year old son to live and work in Nawton. We asked him, whats the best thing about being a barber? “Getting to know new people, hearing new stories, learning about new cultures and new styles and making people happy and having them walking out

Meat Packs


Check out the $20 Western Community Centre Meat Packs!

We have partnered with The Meat Company Nawton to bring you this awesome deal!

To purchase just drop into the store at Grandview and look out for the Community Centre packs.

tabl e s & chairs for hire!

The packs will vary throughout the year and are available fresh every day.

Not only will you get a great deal but The Meat Company are also supporting the work we do by making a donation for every pack they sell.

We think that's great and it is fantastic to see this local business supporting and giving back to our local community.



our weekend deal! Centre

46Hyde ave, Nawton! 07 8474873! reception@wccham.org.nz

4 Western Community News - December 2014

Pick up Friday drop back Monday Chairs $2, Tables $6 46 Hyde ave, Nawton 07 8474873 reception@wccham.org.nz

happy. All these things make it a great job! If you’re happy then we’re happy” What does he love most about living in Nawton? “The friendly people! Everything’s close and there’s hardly any traffic, it’s good” And the big dream for the future? “A big boat! And fishing every weekend!” Favourite shop in Nawton apart from GetACut? “Nawton Takeaways next door, their chicken burgers are really good and cheap, can’t beat it!” Get-A-Cut – 8465230 – Grandview Mall - 02102295010

Women’s Voices on Free FM

mas in w ChrisCtrawsha

mas in w ChrisCtrawsha

Christmas in Crawshaw

Christmas in Crawshaw’s annual event at Crawshaw Park is coming up Monday December 8th. Entry is Free and the event runs from 5pm to 7:30pm. Christmas in Crawshaw will feature Crawshaw School Kapahaka and SGB Live band featuring Lucie Tuia. The SGB Live group consists of Steve Grant, Vernon Matchitt, Renata Kahuroa and Soraya Barker. This is a great opportunity to have your photo taken with Santa Claus, enjoy some Christmas treats and a great night for families and their children. Come along, bring a blanket and enjoy the entertainment. For more information please contact Ioana Manu, Hamilton City Council Community Advisor on (07) 929 2708 or 021 359878, email ioana.manu@hcc.govt.nz

Dinsdale Lions support Community Centre

The Hamilton Dinsdale Lions Club has re-confirmed the beneficial association with the Western Community centre with Neil Tolan attending our October dinner meeting. I had the pleasure of presenting Neil with two cheques - one for the senior programmes at the centre for $250 and the other cheque for the fruit trees project for $500.00. We look forward to assisting with future tree planting days. The Dinsdale Lions club also had 15 eager volunteers that assisted with the Treats in the Park on Friday 31st October. What an enjoyable night we had and it was great being able to assist with the community project. Pictured on treats station 5 is Kay Max, Bruce

Snowdon and Arvind Raman. They got to hand out pumpkin and sunflower seeds for the community to plant in their gardens. What a nice touch, that all the helpers were given a treat of their own and were rewarded with a punnet of fresh fruit. That was such a fantastic healthy idea to boost our energy levels. Well done to everyone that that assisted with the project. If you are interested in learning more about the Lions club please email dinsdale.lions@xtra.co.nz We look forward to helping with future combined projects. Advertisement


Situations Vacant DO YOU SEEK AND ENJOY

Yes, This is For You!


Yes, This is For You!

Free FM brings the Waikato region a broad range of interesting and relevant shows to your community. ‘Women’s Voice’ is a show that celebrates women with a range of topics, guests and giveaways every week. Recent guests include Annah Stretton who spoke about her new initiative, ‘Raw’ which encourages women to make positive changes through mentoring and guidance. The promotion of these types of projects is an important part of the show. Free FM Programme Director and long-time host of the show, Silvana Erenchun-Perez says, “It’s important to recognise the achievements of women and there is so many amazing things happening in our region”. The show has a distinctly local flavour and a strong following on social media. Check them out at www.facebook.com/womensvoiceradio. You can tune into the show live each Tuesday at 5.00pm or download the podcasts to listen at your own convenience. Keen to host a show of your own? Full training is provided and its lots of fun! Contact Silvana to find out how easy it is to get involved on 834 2170 or pd@freefm.org.nz. Look out for the Free FM team at a range of community events throughout the Waikato this summer.

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Authorised by Don Frommherz

Independent Business owner


07 846 1388

Western Community News - December 2014 5

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Learn with purpose Engage with Pride Act with Respect Dare to Succeed


Steven Zhou

Joint Dux

Gabriel Wong

High Distinction: Accounting, Art Painting, Art History, English, Legal Studies and Mathematics with Statistics Excellence: Senior English and Year 13 Visual Arts Top Student: in the Arts Faculty, Year 13 Legal Studies Top Year 13 Accounting Student Award Whampoa Fraser Memorial Award: for Scholastic ability, personality and school interests Principal’s Award: for Service to the School Council

High Distinction: Calculus, Chemistry, Physics The Peter Hampton Award: for Overall Excellence in Level 8 Science University of Waikato A Pass: First year Intro to Algebra Paper Graduation with Honours

Proxime Accessit

Year 12 Outstanding Achiever

Alissa Tobin

Phoenix Cross

Graduation with Honours

Distinction: English High Distinction: Food Technology, Geography, History, Tourism Top: Year 13 Tourism Student Award (Joint) Top: Year 13 History Student Top: Senior Geography Student Graduation with Honours

Distinction: Drama High Distinction: Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus, Outdoor Education, English Level 8 Morrison Cup: for Academic Excellence Year 12

Year 11 Outstanding Achiever

Cleo Vernon Distinction: Hospitality High Distinction: Biology, Economics, Science, English Level 7 Travers Trophy for Excellence in Level 6 Biology Top: Year 11 Economics Student Award Top: Year 11 Science Student Award Kay Cup: for Academic Excellence at Year 11

6 Western Community News - December 2014

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Learn with purpose Engage with Pride Act with Respect Dare to Succeed

The Senior Prizegiving – Celebrating Excellence

Year 13 High Achievers Hyrum Harris

Distinction: in Food Technology High Distinction: in Leisure Studies Level 7 Awarded: Russell Polley Memorial Scholarship Sportsperson of the Year Highest Achiever

Vainiu Milo

Awarded: Russell Polley Memorial Scholarship - Sportsperson of the Year All Rounder

Tessa Neuman

Distinction: in Fabric Design Technology Awarded: Cherie Cooke Award for Technology Fabric Awarded: Hughes Cup for Leadership in Tutor Group Graduation Certificate

Dorothy Pouafe

Awarded: Rumney Family Trophy for the Board of Trustees Representative Graduation Certificate

Hirini Tangiora

Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: Top Male Academic Māori Student Graduation Certificate

Jaydie-Anne Wallace

Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: Te Roopu Kaumatua Most Outstanding Senior Student Awarded: The Dianne Yates Citizenship Award Waata Roore Eruera Edwards Ngati Mahanga Award Graduation Certificate

Kelli-Anne Te Huki

Distinction: in Art Painting Principal’s Award for Service to Matatika Awarded: The Beatrice Fraser Memorial Award Awarded: Pass in the first year University of Waikato Social & Moral Philosophy Paper Awarded: Top Female Academic Māori Student Awarded: Māori & Pacific Island Entrance Scholarship for the University of Otago Graduation with Honours

Candace Kite

High Distinction: in Digital Technology Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: A+ pass in first year University of Waikato Computer Programming Paper Graduation with Honours

Kylie May Lewis

Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: The Evan McLennan Trophy for Senior Excellence in Choreography Graduation Certificate

Shaun Mackie

Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council as Head Boy Awarded: Fraser Tech Past Pupils Assn Service Award Awarded: Tupper Trophy Sports Council Award Joint Winner Humanitarian Shield Graduation Certificate

Amber Palmer

Distinction: in Geography Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council as Head Girl Awarded: Waikato Graduate Womens Award Awarded: Joint Winner Humanitarian Shield Graduation with Honours

Shaynesse Wise

Distinction: in Biology & History High Distinction: English Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Graduation with Honours

Sarathavy Kor

Distinction: in Accounting & Mathematics with Statistics High Distinction: Sports Science Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: Fraser Tech Past Pupils Assn Service Award Graduation with Honours

Nadine Corcoran

High Distinction: in Media Studies &Tourism Principal’s Award for Service to the School Council Awarded: Senior Media Cup Joint Award: Top Year 13 Tourism Student Awarded: The Frankton Rotary Tray Graduation with Honours

Gemma Robson

Distinction: in Chemistry, History High Distinction: in Biology & Classical Studies Awarded: Travers Trophy for Excellence in Level 8 Biology Joint Award: Top Year 13 Classical Studies Student Awarded: Waikato Graduate Womens Award Graduation with Honours

Year 12 High Achievers Jagwinder Singh

Awarded: FraserNet Award for Excellent Performance in the Workplace

Jedidiah Ah-Tune

Awarded: Cup for Excellent Contribution to Musical Performance

Jaymie Whale

Awarded: Wilcox Cup for Outstanding Māori Academic Achievement

Michaela Beer

Distinction: in Food Technology High Distinction: in Music Awarded: Senior Music Cup for Academic Excellence

Priyanka Prakash

High Distinction: Legal Studies Joint Award: Top Year 12 Legal Studies Student

Katelyn Olsen Distinction: in Outdoor Education High Distinction: in Digital Technology Awarded: Horlor Cup for Excellence in Digital Technology

Stacey Beazley Distinction: Gateway Programme High Distinction: Legal Studies Awarded: Best Achiever in the Gateway Programme Awarded: Returning Student Award Joint Award: Top Year 12 Legal Studies Student Awarded: Altrusa Youth Awards for: Courtesy, Attitude & Initiative, Sportsmanship, Community Work in and out of school and Scholastic improvement (attitude and application)

Ciara Doelman

Distinction: in Mathematics with Calculus & Spanish High Distinction: Painting Awarded: Excellence in the Visual Arts

Savannah Olsen

Distinction: in Graphics, Outdoor Education & Science Alternative High Distinction: Gateway Programme High Distinction: in Mathematics Awarded: Fuji Xerox Trophy for Excellence in Design Technology

Brearna Salvatierra

Claudia MacDonald Distinction: English & Tourism High Distinction: in Horticulture Awarded: Bunnings Award

Devon Davies High Distinction: in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics with Calculus & Spanish Awarded: Linda Danrell Memorial Trophy for Excellence in Biology Awarded: Excite Trust Science Award for Top Level 7 Science Student Awarded: Probert Family Award for General Excellence Year 12

High Distinction: in Child Care High Distinction: in Gateway Programme & Tourism Awarded: Top Year 12 Tourism Student

Year 11 High Achievers Patrick Jury

Distinction: in Agriculture, Engineering Practice Awarded: Engineering Shield

Dylan Fowler

Awarded: Kylie Morrison Memorial Cup for Guitar Orchestra

Serena Gurmel

Awarded: Scientific Supplies Ltd Prize for Progress in Year 11 Science

Eden French-Putu

Distinction: Mathematics, Sport Science, English Level 7 High Distinction: Accounting Level 7 Awarded: Top Year 12 Accounting Trophy

Charlotte Lowe

High Distinction: in Digital Technology Awarded: Baumberg Cup for Excellence in Digital Technology

Sharell Pomare

Awarded: David Squire Trophy for most Dedicated Musician

Brittany Blair

High Distinction: in Horticulture Awarded: Lions Shield for Horticulture Year 11

Shaye Paki

High Distinction: in English & Drama Awarded: Yvette Rumney Trophy for Outstanding Performance in the Performing Arts

Anna Butcher

Distinction: in Music High Distinction: in English & Science Awarded: Joyce Street Memorial Trophy for Senior Oratory Year 11

Victoria Hooper

Distinction: in Art - Photography & Design High Distinction: in English, Science and Sports Science Awarded: Ian Edgerley Trophy for Comprehensive Excellence at Year 11 Western Community News - December 2014 7

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Learn with purpose Engage with Pride Act with Respect Dare to Succeed


The following articles feature eight remarkable young people, each of whom demonstrate Fraser’s LEAD qualities: Learn with Purpose, Engage with Pride, Act with Respect and Dare to Succeed. Here are their stories.

Alissa Tobin – Proxime Accessit Focus, determination and maturity. These are the three words that come to mind when I think about Alissa’s academic career. In Year 9, she found her niche within the Social Sciences and it is there that her talent has flourished. I have been blessed to be given the privilege of teaching Alissa for the past four years and it has been an awesome journey. Success in the Social Sciences requires an open mind, holistic perspective and the ability to empathise with people. All of these came naturally to Alissa and it is no surprise that she excelled in the areas she is most passionate about; Geography, Tourism and History. Seeing her take to the stage and accept the award for Proxime Accessit was

one of the highlights of my career so far. This award does so much more than acknowledge the achievements of Alissa in her final year of high school. It is a celebration of Alissa as a valuable member of our school community. She is an exceptional young woman who has committed herself to our wider Fraser community. Many hours of hard work were put in to gain this deserved accolade and our school could not be more proud of her. Alissa is sure to make a noticeable contribution to our community in the future. Her dedication to family, friends and the school has been admirable and this will definitely continue as she embarks on a career in Travel and Tourism. – Nicole Hardy

Shaun Mackie, Year 13 – Coach

Coaching the Girls’ Hockey 1st XI has been an enormous privilege that I will always cherish. It was a great experience and it gave me a different perspective on hockey and being a leader. As a coach I have been able to grow in leading the team and hopefully, setting up a tradition for the 1st XI Girls’ Hockey team, going to tournament each year. I have also come to understand the different skills needed to be a successful coach. The ability to quickly adapt and make changes on the spot is one example. Having to deal with injuries, adjust a game plan or players losing focus during a game are all examples of the different things I have learned. Luckily for me, as a student coach, I was well supported by teachers who worked with

the sport. Mr Tan was able to help me with the running of the team and guided me when I did not know what to do or how to get the girls to train harder. I also had support from my own 1st XI Boys’ Hockey Coach, Glen Perkinson. He helped me run hockey skills, find my own coaching style and deepen my understanding in managing the different group dynamics. Coaching has been one of the proudest moments in my life to date. Being able to see the team compete and knowing that I had a part to play in that, brings a smile to my face. It has been a privilege and honour to help the Girls’ Hockey Team and I look forward to seeing them become a powerhouse in Waikato Hockey. – Shaun Mackie

8 Western Community News - December 2014

Gabriel Wong & Steven Zhou – Joint Dux

Gabriel Wong (left) is an exceptionally talented young man, enthusiastic badminton player and loyal friend. He has Dared to Succeed since his first day of school and has set lofty goals which he has achieved. At Fraser we are exceptionally privileged and proud to have had his input into our school and wider community. Gabriel is an outstanding young man who consistently strives to give his very best at all times. He is highly organised and has excellent time management skills. – Kala Lal Gabriel demonstrates a strong academic ability with an eye for accuracy. He is able to integrate new ideas and welcomes the challenge of learning. He associates well with his peers and enjoys assisting them in their learning. – Joseph Tini

Steven Zhou (right) is an outstanding individual and scholar. He epitomises Fraser’s LEAD attributes and values so aptly. At Fraser we couldn’t be more proud and honoured to have Steven as one of the most exceptional young men in our student body. Steven is a very selfassured young man, who has an enviable academic record and a work ethic that is unrivalled. At all times Steven has shown a high degree of reliability and integrity. – Mary Atkinson Steven is articulate and mature, he has excellent leadership qualities and shows initiative and the ability to manage time and resources maturely. One of Steven’s most exceptional traits is his generosity. – Lorena Strother

Courtney Kelly, Year 12 – International Gymnast

During the school holidays, I competed at the Gymsports National Championships, held in Auckland from 7-11 October. Over a five day period, I competed in Step Ten, Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, and on the first day of competing I achieved a placing of second overall, as well as gaining a second placing on floor and vault. I also became National

Champion on bar and beam, which was very exciting for me, my family, my school and my coaches. The whole competition was an awesome experience, and it was great to see my training and hard work paying off. I am really looking forward to representing New Zealand at my next competition in Singapore in November this year. – Courtney Kelly

Imogen Green, Year 10 – Fashion Designer I love letting the creative side of me take over. You feel as if you’re in your own world where anything is possible. This year I competed in the 2014 Hamilton Restyle Wearable Arts competition. I was awarded first place for my section and the overall Supreme Award for my garment Modern Matisse and won $1500 in prize money. It was a great experience. I met lots of new people and had heaps of fun. My garment was made from egg cartons, shampoo and conditioner bottles, chicken wire, and a basketball. It was inspired by the artist Henri Matisse. I used interpreted pieces of his artwork: the painting ‘goldfish’ and his paper cutouts. He is an inspiration

to me as he overcame barriers in his life. His quote “creativity takes courage” influences me to take pride in everything I create even though it may not be to everyone’s taste. I hope to continue in the field of design and fashion as I have always enjoyed creating things. Even as a child I would sellotape my toys together. My favourite part about Wearable Arts is transforming everyday materials into profound pieces of art. I am glad that I have my family and friends supporting me in what I do. I also appreciate my teachers who push me to do better and go further by providing me with many opportunities. – Imogen Green

Daniel Uli, Year 13 – Musician My time at Fraser has simply been the best, as I came out of my shell in my third year, joining our Barbershop Chorus, or can I say, being pressured by my friends to join the group. Joining this group gave me confidence in myself and helped me be more sociable. In the same year, I was given the opportunity to play bass guitar for the Fraser Reggae Band “Unity Movement”, playing music, meeting new people, learning new things and the most important thing, having fun. In my fourth year, I was encouraged to join our Fraser Poly Group, which really helped me learn more, not only about my own culture, but about many others. I loved seeing students performing traditional dances and I really gained

a true love and respect for the different cultures that I worked with. And the school’s Music Project… where to even begin. This programme, has been the pathway to my success in what I have achieved. It has given me the opportunities to gain the credits I needed this year, with the amazing help from the three teachers who ran the programme. Miss Williams (English), Mr Henderson and Mr Te Weehi (Music). I want to thank these wonderful teachers for helping me get through the year, for pushing me to the limit to get all the credits I could possibly get, while also having fun, playing music with friends and building a positive environment. – Phillip (Daniel) Uli a.k.a. “BIG D”

FRASER HIGH SCHOOL Te Kura Tuarua o Taniwharau

Learn with purpose Engage with Pride Act with Respect Dare to Succeed


Excellent Turnout of Year 8 Students for Fraser Days

Stacey Beazley Year 12 – Altrusa Award Recipient

Stacey is vibrant, bubbly, motivated and accomplished. She has an outstanding attitude towards Sport at Fraser. Her strong leadership qualities make her an exceptional role model to others. Her friendly smile and positive outlook have kept her focused on achieving her goals. She has contributed to her community, and our

school. She is recognised as an Ambassador for The Foundation of Youth Development through her success in Project K. She is a LEAD student who has made us proud. The Altrusa Award is for students who are courteous, have sportsmanship and a positive attitude, show initiative, volunteer in community work and have improved scholastically.

Frasernet says THANK YOU for supporting Gateway Frasernet, Fraser High School Careers and Gateway, would like to thank all the businesses who have supported the Gateway programme during 2014. The following businesses have given students experience in the workplace enabling them to gain practical skills and knowledge. And for employers, this is an opportunity to have an extra pair of hands in the workplace, give something back to the community and to access potential future employees. We would like to encourage the Fraser High School community to support these businesses who have so generously supported us this year. We could not run the Gateway programme without their kind generosity. If you have a business and would like to offer students a work placement in 2015, please contact Frasernet on 07 847 9044 ext. 803. Affordable Auto, Agora Café, Amy’s Flowers, ANZ Bank, Automint Hamilton, Automotive Technicians, Avalon Pharmacy, Backdoor Centre Place, Beauty World, Bike Barn, Briscoes, Bryant Road Panel and Paint, Chartwell Panel & Paint, Condair, Crawshaw Primary, Deloitte New Zealand, Dress for Success, Eastside Physiotherapy Clinic, First Place Fitness, Fleet Image, Fonterra, Frankton Car Clinic, Fraser High School Reception, Free FM89, French Tart Café, Fresca Café, Galbraith Kindergarten, Gavin Loye Plumbers, Grandview Pharmacy, Grasslands Kindergarten, Habitat, Haka Hiva, Hamilton Community Law Centre, Heathcotes, Hills Laboratory, Ibis Hotel, Iguana Restaurant, Instep, Isign Waikato, JP Marshall, JK Concreting, Jukebox Café, Junior Junction, Karioi Lodge, Keith Weir Motors, Kia Ora Hauora, Kingsgate Hotel, Knees of Fury, KT Designs, Les Mills, Little Feet Childcare, Lola Café, Maeroa Intermediate, Mainline Sheet Metal, McDonalds, Mitchell Construction, MOAA Architects, Next Level Roofing, Nexus Physiotherapy, Operatic Society, Paper Plus, Patricks Hairdressing, Peros Barbershop, Playworx Kindy, PORSE Homebased Childcare, Radius Maeroa Lodge, Raglan Surf Life Saving Club, Rebel Sports, Red Rat Retail, Redbadge, River Radiology, Robert Harris, Ross Wallace dairy farm, Rotokauri School, Rototuna Primary School, Satellite and Aerial, Sierra Café, Snap Fitness, SPCA, Spencer Flooring, Stucche Designs, Sugarbowl Café, Sun Salute Yoga, Te Rapa Mowers, Trevellyn Aged Care, Van Staalen Farms, Wai Equestrian, Waikato Engine Reconditioners, Waikato Aero Club, Waikato District Hospital Community Oral Health, Waikato District Hospital PDU Department, Waikato Rugby Union, Waikato Stadium, Waitomo Camp, Warehouse Central, Warehouse Stationery, Warehouse Te Rapa, WDHB and Western Community Centre.

To help ease the transition for Year 8 students, Fraser Days were held again this year. Our aim is to reduce the students’ anxiety about coming into a secondary school setting, and to build with them a positive Fraser attitude. The day started with a Powhiri and then our Junior Council and other Year 9 leaders hosted and lead their allocated group of students through a series of workshops, with the day culminating in tabloid sports in the school gymnasium. Workshops included: an introduction to LEAD, the school wide programme designed to build an improved learning and school environment, NCEA, an adventure course in Gym 3, student support in our school, Kapa Haka, music composition on computers, cooking in the new Food Technology facilities and science experiments. Our junior leaders did an outstanding job of hosting and assisting the teachers who ran the workshops.

Fraser Students Recognised

Past Fraser High School student, Simon Pitts (above centre), presented a speech at Government House in October when receiving the Sir Edmond Hillary Achievement Award presented by the Governor General. This acknowledged Simon’s achievement in epitomising young New Zealanders who have learnt how to embrace challenges and take charge of their lives. Also receiving the Waikato Project K Excel-

lence Award at Government House, that same day, was Fraser High School Year 11 student, Robert Waru (below).

Meat Ice-Cream – the future of Agriculture Science

(l-r) Divya Sagar, Amorangi Apaapa, Teri Merrilees, Nicola Webster and Jordie Kukutai at the Ag Research Lab. Have you ever heard of meat ice cream? This could be on the menu in the future, aimed at offering a tasty solution to getting protein and iron into patients, who have difficulty chewing. Five Fraser High School Agriculture students learned about the science behind meat ice cream (which is designed not to taste like meat) at an informative trip to the AgResearch facility in Hamilton. To understand what work

in the labs is like, the students got first-hand experience learning about stem cells and how to get the best milk products. They were lead by one of AgResearch’s lab technicians. Gateway Workplace Coordinator, Chris Malone, said of the day, “It was great for the students to see a different perspective in agriculture which links in with what they have done in the classroom and on their hands-on farming camps.”

Western Community News - December 2014 9

What’s on out West The Western Community Centre

Over the Holiday period the centre will be closed from the 24th December – 19th January. 46 Hyde Ave, Nawton, contact 8474873, reception@wccham.org.nz, www.westerncommunitycentre.org Check us out on Facebook! Photocopying- we can print from USB, B&W 10 cents, colour 40 cents, laminating $1 per page. Free phone for local calls. Put in your Diaries for 2015 Picnic in the Park “Children’s Day” Sunday 1st March, 1pm – 4.30pm at Elliott Park. Western Stars Holiday Programmes Next programmes run from 19th – 23rd Jan at Fraser High School and 27th– 30th Jan at our centre. Programmes start at 8am to 5.30pm. Cost per week is $125 or $25 per day. Winz subsidies may be available, Enrol at the centre or online at our website. 8 weeks of holiday programmes are held throughout the year. Tables and Chairs for Hire We have tables and chairs for hire! Tables $6 each, Chairs $2 each. For weekend hire pick up Friday

drop off Monday. Triple 1 Care - Workplace First Aid 2015 - February 18th, March 10th, April 21st, May 20th, June 24th. Full Course $169, 8.30am – 5pm, Refresher Course $115, 8.30am – 3.30pm. Book on 0800 487 475 (Option 7) Email Auckland@ tripleonecare.co.nz Courses based at our centre. Justice of the Peace Available Tuesdays, 9.30am – 12pm, no appointment needed just turn up! Free Legal Advice Niemand Peebles Hoult are offering free legal advice on Wednesdays at the centre. Appointments take place between 9am – 10am. To book contact the centre. Fruit & Vege Co-op $10 per pack for a minimum selection of 3 fruit and 3 vegetables. Order before 4pm Wednesday, pick up Thursday after 11.30am. $20 Meat Packs Available at the Meat Company – Grandview Shopping Centre, just ask for the “Community Centre Pack” Tai Chi We offer 2 community Tai Chi classes for seniors each week, Monday and Thursday Cost $3 per session. Tai Chi has been proven to improve mobility, flexibility and balance. Maureen Leong is the primary tutor. 10.30am-11.30am Traditional Maori Healing - Te Waka O Matariki based at the centre Tuesdays phone 07 829 7645, email tewakaomatariki@ outlook.com, Facebook: Te Waka o Matariki - Wayseer based at the centre Tuesday evenings

A tray, either plastic or polystyrene with holes in the bottom Seed raising mix (Black Magic & Tui are good brands) Pkt of Seeds - Sweet Corn , Beans, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Courgette, Pumpkin, Cucumber Paper Towel Garden Gloves Recycled Ice Block Sticks

1. Put your soil into the tray about halfway. 2. Dampen the paper towel and place on top. 3. Place your seed on top, think about what you want to put in. Maybe 6 lettuce, 6 tomatoes all the corn and all the beans as they are best planted at once. 4. Put a light covering of soil on top and water gently till soil is moist. 5. Pop the tray into a warm, wind free place.

When transplanting the plants from your seed tray I generally find that Beans + Sweetcorn can go straight into your garden. Tomatoes, lettuce, courgette, pumpkin or cucumber are better put into another pot or punnet before going into your garden. Once you seeds are up out of the tray prepare another lot depending on space. (Don’t forget to plant silverbeet as well). We welcome your letters if you have a gardening question, drop them into us here at the Western Community Centre or email johng@lodge.co.nz P.S. The ice block sticks are to put what variety you have planted along side them Happy Gardening, John Gavin

Boom Boxing A combination of intense sweat and boxing fun, mixed with music. Wednesdays 6pm - 7:30pm (general). Session $10 per person. It’s great to bring your own boxing gloves and pads, however we have a limited no. Which can be used for those who’d like to give Boom-boxing a go. Don’t miss out limited places available! Txt: Wallace 021-126-8119 OR Facebook focus24seven Mainly Music This programme takes place here at the centre 10am every Wednesday, facilitated by Westside Church. Fun, interactive music sessions for young children and their parents/caregivers. Complimentary first session, Thereafter $2, $3 per family. Floral Lessons with Elsie Moorman Contemporary Floral work for the home and gifts. Learn from an experienced Tutor, NZFAS Teacher and Judge. Enquiries to Elsie Phone 07 855 6439. Mondays 10 am- 12 noon.

Kai and Carols

Grow your own seedlings


I have all my packets of seed stored in a used ice cream container in the fridge. They are fine here till you are ready to plant.

Western Boarders – Mondays We’re opening up the Centre for an afternoon and evening for some board gaming good times. You can attend solo or bring a friend/partner or your whole family. Choose from any of our board games or bring your own. Western Wheel Learner Licence Course Next course will be held in 8th - 11th December, Course cost is $20 plus $96.10 for the Test Licence Fee. To enrol or for more info contact Aileen 8474873 ex 1, aileen@wccham.org.nz

Senior Luncheons and Bus Trips Luncheon takes place monthly on second Thursday of each month at 12pm, the luncheons provide an opportunity for seniors in our area to meet, socialize, interact and enjoy some local entertainment. Transport is provided for those unable to drive. The luncheons are potluck and a great way to network and make new friends. Bus trips take place throughout the year to a number of destinations; contact the centre to find out about our next one. Little Stars Playgroup Every Tuesday from 9.30am- 11.30am bring the children along for a morning of fun! contact the Western Community Centre

Iloha Club- Japanese Playgroup

The Iloha Club is a Japanese playgroup for mums and dads who can speak Japanese and for children aged 0 to 5 who are learning Japanese in the Waikato. It is a great opportunity to meet other families. They have a lot of fun with a focus on language, Japanese music, stories, crafts and cooking. For more information please contact hamiltonilohaclub@gmail.com Meeting Time: Friday 10am – 12:30pm Donation per session is 50c per child

Volleyball in West Hamilton Social, School, Club & Beach Volleyball - all played in the west. Contact Dave Macpherson on 021-477 388, or volleyballwaikato@xtra.co.nz

Council Comment By City Councillor Ewan Wilson

The ever-popular “Kai and Carols” is on again at the Good News Community Centre on Sunday 14th December at 5.30pm. It’s a chance for the local community to come together, have a meal, join in the carol singing and experience the real meaning of Christmas.. “It’s a particularly special Christmas for us this year “ says Susanne Rowse of the Good News Centre. “This time last year we were still in our old rundown hall with limited space, but now thanks to so much community support, Kai and carols will be happening in our brand-new community complex. We are thankful for the generosity of many people, businesses and organisations, and to God for giving this new facility to us.” Joel Rowse, Vicar of St Mark’s Church which adjoins the Centre, will be sharing during the event about how it is exactly 200 years since the Christmas message first came to Aotearoa-New Zealand. On Christmas Day 1814 at Oihi Bay in the Bay of Islands, Samuel Marsden preached the first New Zealand sermon on the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. Everyone is welcome at Kai and carols. It’s a great event, and people needn’t bring anything but themselves. For any further information phone the Good News Community Centre, 850 5020.

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Hamilton West. It’s been great serving you this year and thankyou to all those that gave me their vote last year. After enjoying the festive season bear in mind that next year is a very important year for Hamilton City Council as it will be implementing the 10 year plan and public need to be involved if they want to advocate which projects they would like to see and those they don’t. We need to hear what you want to see funded. As well as funding allocations, bylaws such as the Safety In Public Places bylaw, the cycling plan, all those sorts of things will be allocated to a budget and people need to be mindful of these and get involved to help to have their voice heard. While we work away in Council, I’d like to thank the organisations and not for profit groups that help Hamilton run, especially Community Centres who provide so much for our City. Here’s to a fantastic 2015 Hamilton and thankyou again, also don’t forget, kids Under 5 now swim for free at the Council owned pools.


Monday 26th

Based at The

*Drop off is 8am onwards. *All children must have morning tea, lunch, and Afternoon tea must be provided. *To help with preparation please enrol before Monday 19th December 2014.

Monday 19th

Tuesday 20th

Wednesday 21st

Thursday 22nd

Arena Obstacle

Based at

Standard fees $130.00 per week Daily Rates - $25.00*

Hamilton’s Fraser High School

Programme Fees

Western Community Centre

Enrol at Address: 46 Hyde Ave, Nawton, Hamilton. Website: www.westercommunitycentre.org.nz Email: westernstars@wcc.org.nz

Scavenger hunt at the

Western Stars X-Factor

Hutt Masters



Friday 23rd

Tuesday 27th

Wednesday 28th

Thursday 29th

Hamil ton Lake

Friday 30th

Sports Day

Teddy Bears Picnic

Master Chef

Animal Encounter

Ages 5-13years… Oscar subsidies may be available… Programme hours 8am-5.30pm… Phone: 07 847 4873 ext 5… 10 Western Community News - December 2014

Leadership values in our kids

Students at Crawshaw Primary are learning all about Positive Relationships as part of Kiwi Can this term including being a good leader. Leadership is something that all the students at Crawshaw show in one way or another. Students created acrostic poems for their names showing unique traits that made them good leaders. This gave the students a chance to reflect on themselves and not only look at what makes them special but also to consider their own potential to become great leaders. Here is what some of the students have to say about how you can be a great leader; “You can be a good leader by helping others and by listening”; “You can be a good leader by being a good role model”; “When you show respect, people will look up to you as a leader” Kiwi Can is a Foundation for Youth Development programme that teaches values and life skills. Kiwi Can is designed for primary and intermediate students (5-12 year olds). This programme reaches 15,000 children around the country, delivering a range of awesome physical, mental and creative challenges – plus high-energy, fun, safe and interactive lessons that reinforce the schools’ goals and curriculum.

Young Citizen Award

Recently Altrusa Hamilton held their 2014 Young Citizens of the Year awards at the Hamilton City Council Chambers in October 2014. Altrusa Hamilton reward and acknowledge outstanding school children within their city. The Young Citizens Awards have been held annually in October for the past 26 years. These awards recognize Year 8 students from 18 schools who each receive a reward of a certificate and gift voucher to recognize their achievement within their school community. Charm Atkins-Haddon; currently a Year 8 student of Maeroa Intermediate was the student chosen by Maeroa Intermediate School to be the deserving recipient of this remarkable award of achievement. Sandra Carter; Sports Unit Teacher at Maeroa Intermediate says; “Charm excels in all areas; academic and sporting. She is ‘that’ student you have the pleasure of teaching as she always has such a positive attitude. She is always kind, thoughtful, and helpful and really cares about everyone and everything she does. She will always ask if you need help, and more often will just do things without being asked and is always the last one to leave because she is helping someone or doing something extra. Charm is one of those very special young ladies that you will always remember for the values she displays, and her strength of character”. Charm’s family are all exceptionally proud of her all round achievements, and are all very excited about what High School opportunities will bring to Charm’s future pathways. Well done Charm, and keep striving high in all you do! Congratulations to you and the other 17 Young Citizen recipients from the Hamilton Schooling district.

A cosy & dry rhino....

Hamilton Zoo’s hefty Rhino herd will be kept warmer and drier through the energy of the energy of the sun and some smart technology. The zoo has recently completed installation of a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel, which collects the sun’s energy and uses it to power a special heat pad in the Rhino herd’s enclosure. Hamilton Zoo Director Stephen Standley says the solar panel is located in the zoo’s savannah area, and the energy it harnesses is converted into a usable power source to heat the special pads in the Rhinos’ enclosure. Mr Standley says the project is a joint initiative, involving zoo staff, Hamilton City Council’s energy team, installation firm S4 Solar and solar energy technology company Enphase, which supplied the Microinverters that convert the power from each solar module directly to AC electricity

(like you would get from a wall socket). Interpretive information on-site will show the actual power generated at that point in time on a computer dial and information about the amount of power required to run some common household items. The signage then compares the cost of running these specific items with solar panels compared to conventional power, informing the public of the energy being harnessed. “The result adds to the educational aspect of the zoo experience,” Mr Standley says. “We aim to inspire conservation action, and this project reflects that.” Although the Rhinos’ natural African habitat has temperatures similar to New Zealand, the Hamilton climate is wetter than the African wilderness, so the animals – weighing up to two tons – do need to be dried out from time to time.

Western Stars Holiday Programmes

Looking for fantastic Afterschool care or a holiday programme for the last weeks of the school holidays? Located in the middle of Hamilton West, Western Stars Afterschool and Holiday Programmes are here for you and your tamariki. The Western Stars afterschool care runs 5 days a week and children are picked up from Nawton Primary and can also come from other schools including Maeroa Intermediate, Crawshaw, Aberdeen etc. We have great facilities including sports programmes, computers for games and homework, board games, toys, a playground, nutritional after school meals every day and a great place to spend the afternoons here at the Western Community Centre.


The Western Stars Holiday Programme will run from the Monday 19th of January through to Friday 30th January and there are still places available, the weekly rate is $130p/w and daily rates are available. With trips and talent shows, baking, sports, arts and crafts, building and picnics all planned your children will experience an end to their holidays to remember. Registration can be done at our Centre with eftpos available and you can also download an application form and make payment by internet banking or jump on the Centre website and register online! Book now for After School and Holiday Programme next year, call us on 078474873!

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TIM MACINDOE MP FOR HAMILTON WEST Senior Government Whip Tim and the team in the Hamilton West Electorate Office wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, a relaxing summer holiday and all the best for 2015. The Hamilton West electorate office will close at 1.00pm on Friday 19 December 2014 and re-open on Wednesday 14 January 2015. Telephone messages will be cleared periodically in the new year.

5 King Street, Frankton


PO Box 382, Hamilton 3240

E: macindoe.office@parliament.govt.nz



P: 07 846 0055



Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Tim Macindoe MP, 5 King Street, Frankton

Crawshaw School Celebrates White Ribbon Day

The White Ribbon campaign in New Zealand is an amalgamation of the White Ribbon Day movement in Canada and the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. It is held each year on November 25th. This year, Crawshaw School will be supporting White Ribbon Day by creating a large white ribbon made up of school students standing on the school field and making up the shape of the ribbon by holding white card above their heads. As part of this event children from Crawshaw School will be setting two new world records, which will be uploaded and shared to Record Setter, an online world record site. The two world records are: the most people to form a white ribbon and the largest white ribbon Mexican wave.

Aside from students having fun, there is a serious message: “violence against women is never acceptable” and “it’s OK to ask for or offer help”. Crawshaw School will be attempting these records on the 28th of November between 1.30pm and 2.30pm. A big thank you needs to be extended to Chris Dilloway at Hirepool Te Rapa for donating a cherry picker which will be used to take photographs and video footage of our event. Please support White Ribbon Day and join the campaign. Aaron Martin & Ioana Manu

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12 Western Community News - December 2014

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