t s e
n r e
y t i n u m om C
e r t n e C
Plan Version 1 28.03.15
2016 - 2018
Since 1979 the centre has been providing a wide range of support services, programmes, activities and events. Our two facilities are at 46 Hyde Ave and 108 Western Community Centre !2 Feb 2016-2018 Grandview Road in Nawton. The centre is owned by the community and overseen by a board (Western Community Association) of community members elected at the AGM.
Whakatakanga -
To create opportunities and provide support that enhances the holistic well-being of the people in our community.
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
Tirohanga whakamua -
Thriving, vibrant, healthy and self reliant communities. Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
Ngaa uaratanga -
Strength based
WCC views individuals and community as an asset and resource within the community and that they are the directors of their own futures. WCC's work is to support the drawing
WCC demonstrates respect through to acknowledging differences, allowing for and working with an difference.
Integrity WCC will be open and honest with all people.
Quality services WCC is committed to being responsive and evolving to meet the community's needs.
Meaningful Relationships
WCC will build and maintain meaningful relationships on the basis of acknowledging that all community achievements are in context of meaning relationships.
WCC both individually and organisationally will conduct ourselves in a professional manner.
Te Tiriti O Waitangi
WCC acknowledges Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of New Zealand and the unique status of Tangata Te Whenua.
What w e plan to ach ieve To prov commu ide and main nity o tain changi wned and o a multi-purpo p ng nee s ds of th erated to me e facility tha t e e Ham ilton w t the present is est com a munity nd To wor . k co-op erative ly with o s e rvices ther commun commu nity de to achieve a ity groups and ve l o p m g e n t o b j re e d ectives . To adv ocate o n be membe rs or g half of the W roups a e s the b st Hamilton C oard d eems n ommunity ecessa ry. To con sider affectin , consult and g the in ta terests ke action on an of protect members an y questions d such in terests to promote a nd . To prov ide edu cationa l inform commu ation and se r nity int erests. vices that pro To carr motes y ou commu t any busine ss n inciden ity or to any m or activity de tal or c s onduci ember group irable or ben ve to th s e e objec of which ma ficial to the y tives o f the as be either sociati on.
s l a o G r Ou
Our Services ugh fer our community thro of e w es ic rv se e th se Increa nding our community Respo ith w ip sh er rtn pa in ng worki ncy. ity capacity and resilie un m m co g in ild bu , ed to ne Our People y involved in the centre el tiv ac ity un m m co ur O nteering opportunities. lu vo d se ea cr in h ug ro th rs. ort given to all voluntee pp su d an g in in tra y lit Qua Our Funds funding streams. Increase and diversify Our Staff n d, acknowledged, give te or pp su e ar f af st ur O The and decision making. g in in tra r fo s tie ni rtu oppo ily urced, rewarding, fam so re is t en nm ro vi en k wor e to be. friendly and a fun plac Our Community uit Trees in Homes. Fr t ec oj Pr ng vi Li y Health ung People Our Children and Yo d and operating. Youth Centre develope
ture our Growth Phase two - Our Fu tre progressed. Arts & Recreation Cen
s e c i v r e Our S Goal Increase the services we offer our community through working in partnership and responding to community need. Engage with our community by providing opportunities for support, connection, enjoyment, contribution and learning.
Strategy 1.Identify programs and activities relevant to the needs of our Community. 2.Effectively deliver relevant and diverse programs to our Community. 3.Recognise, understand and accept the diversity amongst our neighbourhoods. 4.Build on networks and collaborate and develop new partnerships 5.Go beyond what is expected, making individuals/ groups feel respected and comfortable in their centre 5. Advocate for and support the community to make it's voice heard. 6. Provide opportunities for the community to come together to strengthen relationships, create vibrancy and celebrate. 7. Respond to the identified and emergent needs of the local community with a priority on vulnerable individuals, families and population.
How will we know we have achieved our goal Currently there are
programmes, activities, support services, available to the public each year. We aim to grow these services
8.Say Yes Lots! Service and programme delivery methods:
1.WCC staff and community volunteers. 2.WCC working in collaboration/ partnership with key stakeholders and community volunteers. 3.Key stakeholders who hire the facility
Our People Goal Our community are actively involved in the centre through increased volunteering opportunities. Quality training and support is given to all volunteers.
Strategy 1.Giving people an opportunity to find local solutions for our local issues and challenges.
How will we know we have achieved our goal
2. Matching people with appropriate roles with an induction, ongoing support and training.
1. The community is enriched and upskilled through volunteering in a range of programmes and activities that meet local needs, and promote a healthy and sustainable environment
3. Supporting and encouraging volunteers and acknowledging their success in making a difference.
2. We record high rates of connection with our community, and participation in our programmes and activities.
4.Actively encourage volunteers and facilitate their involvement in our Community.
3. Currently there are 200 volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We aim to grow these opportunities by 20 per year.
5. Share information, promoting positive stories and celebrating achievements.
4. The investment will be evident in our local people through building community capacity/leadership and ownership. 5.We have retained a large number of our volunteers.
s d n u F r u O Goal
How will we know we have achieved our goal
Increase and diversify funding streams. The centre is financially well managed, resourced and sustainable. Financial security is an ongoing priority for the Centre.
1.Increase the rental revenue generated from the facility through increasing rental opportunities and maximising building occupancy. 2. Submit stand-out, high quality funding applications and follow up with timely and accurate accountability reports to funders. 3. Use opportunities to generate funding through our events and day to day operations.
1.The centre is able to operate it’s services within it’s approved budget. 2. The centre is able to continue to respond to community needs through it’s community development projects. 3. Sound financial practices are in place and approved by board, accountant and auditor to ensure budgeting and reporting systems provide appropriate information for decision making.
4. Continue to grow and maximise current income generating streams; - Printing services - Table and chair hire - Advertising Income 5. Increase community involvement and partnership among our residents. Residents have the opportunity to contribute 6 Gain partnerships with key businesses accessing opportunities for developing collaborative projects, sponsorship and funding. 7. Monitor and review the financial viability of the programs/activities offered. 8.Continue to develop a highperforming board
f f a t S Our Goal Our staff are supported, acknowledged, given opportunities for training and decision making. The work environment is resourced, rewarding, family friendly and a fun place to be.
Strategy 1. Our staff have a clear understanding of our Mission, Vision and Values and the services the centre provides. 2. Staff training and resources are made available to ensure staff are equipped, empowered and supported to succeed. 3. A priority focus placed on health and safety to ensure staff are working in a safe environment. 4. Our aim is to be able to grow our funding base so that we can position our organisation to commit to paying staff a living wage. 5. Design working environments that are safe, comfortable and appealing to work in. 6. Annual Summary Reviews in place each year and regular one on one meetings with manager for all staff. This is an opportunity for staff not only to receive regular feedback about there work but also to support their growth and development.
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
How will we know we have achieved our goal 1.Our staff report feeling valued and acknowledged for their contribution. Retention remains at a high level.
2.3. Our staff report that they enjoy the working environment, feel supported and have the appropriate resources to do their job. 3. There are no work place incidents/accidents. 4. A living wage is paid to all staff. 5. Office space and working environment continues to be developed and remain functional, modern and comfortable. 6. Staff have had regular one on one meetings with the manager and an Annual Summary Review.
Healthy Living Project Goal
To establish a sustainable and community driven healthy eating initiative for the Nawton and Crawshaw communities in Hamilton.
1.Provide the community with better access to healthy fresh fruit through the planting of fruit trees within homes. 2. Funding sought to provide homes with 5 fruit trees and material costs. 3. Community volunteer planting set up teams set up and trained. 4. A selection of up to 5 fruit lower maintenance fruit trees provided and planted.
How will we know we have achieved our goal Background Since 2012 with the help of a large amount of volunteers we have planted 1952 Fruit Trees across Nawton and Crawshaw. 1542 in 270 homes and 410 in public spaces.
Total Homes Planted Goal is 30 homes planted per year
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
Our Child and Youth Centre Goal To provide a permanent venue space for our children and youth to access. An environment that is tailored to meet their needs. Youth Centre developed and operating.
Strategy 1.Recognise and listen to the voice of children/youth.There involvement is vital to the success and sustainability of a quality and relevant youth centre. 2.Build respectful and trusting relationships. 3.Adapt creatively to changes in youth culture, technology, and resource availability. 4.Children/Youth are placed at a high priority and their wellbeing is considered in everything we do. 5. Develop community plan for redeveloping unused HCC changing rooms. (completed Nov 2016)
How will we know we have achieved our goal 1.Centre is developed with child and youth input and involvement. Community has been given an opportunity to assist with development. Centre is operational and attracting 250+ visits per week. 2.Children/Youth from diverse backgrounds feel they belong are able to contribute and are supported by staff and volunteers. community resiliency isn added to and strengthened. 3. Children/Youth feel engaged and comfortable in their own community. 4. Children/Youth have another positive recreation option within their community.
6. Seek funding and complete project with local community involvement and local business support. (Completed Nov 2017)
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
g n i d l i u B 2 Phase Project
Goal Community Arts & Recreation Centre
Strategy 1.Meet with key funding and community stakeholders.
How will we know we have achieved our goal 1.Key milestones reached with an aim for construction to start 2010.
2.Identify key project manager. 3.Conduct a feasibility study and seek resource consent. 4.Explore building design options and costings. 5.Conduct funder interviews and seek potential support. 6.Initiate design. 7.Create capital fundraising campaign. 8.Identify capital campaign partners. 9. Launch campaign. 10.Identify potential construction partners and sponsorship.
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
Western Community Centre
Feb 2016-2018
, e v a e d y H 6 4 n o t l i m a H n Nawto 3
87 rg.nz 4 7 4 8 7 0 T: @wccham.o org . n e r t Western Community Centre eceptio n Feb 2016-2018 e c y r munit m o c n r e t wes