December 2011 Council Update

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Customer Service 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624)

Western Downs Regional Council PO Box 551, DALBY, QLD 4405

New Council Office Open For Business WDRC is now open for business from its new corporate office on the corner of Marble and Drayton Streets, Dalby. All council services will now operate out of the new customer service centre following the shut down of services at the administration building at 107 Drayton Street and Engineering Customer Service Centre at Wood Street. To celebrate the move Council is inviting the public to tour the refurbished building during a Community Open day on Saturday December 10 from 9am until 12pm. Customers and residents will reap the benefits as the new Western Downs on Drayton corporate office now houses the divisions of Executive Services, Building and Planning, Environment and Health, Engineering Services, Corporate Services, Community Services and Economic Development under the one roof providing a local one-stop shop for all customer services in an easy to access central CBD location.

Council opens its doors to the community: Western Downs Regional Council is inviting the public to tour the new Western Downs on Drayton corporate office at 30 Marble Street on Saturday December 10 from 9am until 12pm.

News in brief Australia Day Nominations

The closing date for nominations for the 2012 Australia Day Awards in the Western Downs region is December 7. Nominations are being accepted in the following award categories: Citizen of the Year Award, Community Event and Project of the Year Award, Junior Cultural Award, Junior Sports Achievement Award, Senior Cultural Award, Senior Sports Achievement Award, Sports Administrator/Coach/ Official Achievement Award, and Young Citizen of the Year Award. Nomination forms are available at Council Customer Service Centres and from the website. Miles And Chinchilla Water Fluoride Dosing

Fluoride is now being added to the town potable water supply of Miles and trial dosing without the addition of fluoride has begun in Chinchilla. The measures commenced in Miles in November and in Chinchilla this month as part of a State Government program requiring WDRC to add fluoride in towns with a population of greater than 1,000 people. Chinchilla will begin fluoridating the water supply at the end of the trial period, later this month. A fact sheet on fluoridation of water supplies including frequently asked questions is available at all Council Customer Service Centres and on the Council website. For information on the fluoride in water systems process visit the Queensland Health through the following link: MouthandDentalHealth/ToothProblems/ waterFluoridation_ap.asp Alternatively, contact Council’s Utilities Section on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624). councillor spotlight

From the Finance section, Council has just completed an Information Session on the first draft of a new sewerage charging methodology to apply across the whole region. We are also waiting on the first draft from Orion Consulting, who is reviewing our general rating systems. This review will look at Council’s current differential rating system to determine its suitability as well as at a fair way of rating the Resource Sector across our region. These reports, when received, will play a big role in shaping the 2012/2013 Budget. Council has also participated in an Information Session on the unaudited Financial Statements for the 2010/2011 year to give Council a better understanding of the financial reporting standards and a clearer picture of its financial position. The 2010/2011 operating result for Council showed a large deficit which was contributed to by higher costs associated with the extremely wet seasonal conditions and the increasing depreciation expenses associated with our $1.3 billion worth of assets. The funding of our depreciation expenses going forward will be a major

Boating In Chinchilla Weir

Queensland Boating and Fisheries is urging boat operators in Chinchilla Weir to be cautious of hazards such as submerged logs and various flood debris. The Weir is a popular waterskiing location during the summer and visitors are advised to always wear a personal flotation device designed for waterskiing. Boat operators by law are required to keep speeds to below 6 knots within 30 metres of the launch area or people in the water and 60 metres for jet skis. Boat operators are reminded to stay beyond the restricted area of 100 metres from the Weir wall. Dalby PCYC Opening

Local residents and Dalby PCYC users are invited to attend the official opening of the Centre’s $6.7 million redevelopment on Friday December 16 at 10.30am. The centre redevelopment will be unveiled by the Hon John Hogg, Senator for Queensland and President of the Senate and WDRC Mayor Ray Brown. Council Meeting Dates

WDRC meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 9.30am until 5pm. The first meeting of the month is always held at the Corporate Office in Dalby while the second meeting is held at one of Council’s Customer Service Centres on a rotational basis. The Meeting dates proposed for January to March 2012 are: January 25 – Chinchilla Customer Service Centre, February 8 – Dalby Corporate Office, February 22 – Miles Customer Service Centre, March 7 – Dalby Corporate Office, March 21 – Tara Customer Service Centre. challenge for the Council. The relocation into Council’s new headquarters in Marble Street Dalby has been completed and our Information Technology staff did a great job in keeping staff operational during the move which was completed 14 days ahead of schedule. As I will not be seeking re-election next March, I would like to thank the Mayor, Councillors, CEO Phil Berting and all members of staff for their friendship and support during this term. With the amalgamation of Council, all that is happening in the resource sector (the issue of prime agricultural land and underground water), the floods and restructure of Council, it has been a very busy time and I believe we have achieved much in this term. Council is now well placed to move ahead in the next term. Finally, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Spokesperson for Finance and Information Communication Technology Cr Mick Cosgrove 0429 630 620

Look Out For Community Update – in letterboxes

Community Update, WDRC’s quarterly newsletter, is due to hit letterboxes throughout the region between Monday December 12 and Friday December 16 keeping residents up-to-date with the latest news about events and projects. Find out all about Council’s new corporate office – Western Downs on Drayton, plans to transform waste facilities and services, what Council is doing to secure long-term water supplies for local communities and how you can be flood or bushfire prepared this coming storm and fire season. This edition also outlines some of the achievements of Council over the past 12 to 18 months. Look out for your copy. If you haven’t received one by December 15, give us a call on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624) to receive your free copy. Stay Alert With ENews

One of the easiest ways to be alert and prepared this storm season is by registering to receive an SMS to your mobile or landline to warn of potential flood conditions. Residents who want to get the latest Western Downs Regional Council emergency alerts are encouraged to register online or by text message for the Council’s new eNews SMS service. All you need to do is text ‘SUBSCRIBE’ and your postcode to 0408 063 733 or visit the Council website at www.wdrc.qld. and follow the ‘Connect with Your Council’ link on the homepage. The SMS system complements the already functioning eNews email subscription service by which current subscribers receive Council media releases, public notices, event promotions, community updates and emergency alerts direct to a nominated email address. Residents can subscribe via the Council website. Christmas/New Year Shutdown

All Council Customer Service Centres will close at 3pm on Friday 23 December 2011 and reopen at 8am on Tuesday 3 January 2012. Dogwood Crossing Miles will close at 3pm on Friday December 16 and Friday December 23. The Centre will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, and will reopen from 10am to 4pm on Tuesday December 27 to Monday January 2. Emergency Contacts

Council advises any emergencies during the administrative shutdown will be directed to the Customer Contact Centre’s Emergency After Hours Service. This service will ask for your details to ascertain the location and nature of your emergency and transfer you through to the relevant officer. For all Council enquiries simply call the Customer Contact Centre on 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624).

Western downs regional council mayor ray brown is pleased to present

The Annual Mayoral Christmas Concert

$p5 er


Tickets available from Western Downs on Drayton Council corporate office at 30 Marble Street Dalby or phone 1300 COUNCIL (1300 268 624)

from the mayor’s desk

The past year has brought with it exciting milestones and some unexpected challenges. I am immensely proud of the positive work Council has done this year to manage adversity and growth, while providing our community with reliable, economical services and essential infrastructure. Planning for future growth has been our focus with the setting of a future vision for the region through the long-term Western Downs 2050 Community Plan. This Plan aims to prepare us to meet the challenges of the region’s booming resource sector and increasing population growth. We were pleased to see essential community projects, such as the redevelopment of a local PCYC, various community facility upgrades, and construction of a new community centre and indoor aquatic centre, come to life this year thanks to significant investment of funds by Council. Council also initiated substantial projects such as commissioning a desalination plant

Tuesday 6 december 7pm dalby civic theatre Money raised goes to the Dalby State High School Chaplaincy Program

and the implementation of a new regional garbage and recycling collection service to all towns across the region. Council has also started work on a new regional planning scheme to ensure more efficient and sustainable land use and development. In doing so, Council is mindful of the challenge of striking a sustainable balance between agriculture, energy development and lifestyle. As Mayor, I am proud to work with a dedicated group of Councillors who share a common passion for our local communities and are united in their commitment to our long-term vision. I sincerely thank my colleagues for their hard work throughout the year, the community for its valuable input and the dedicated council staff for their outstanding achievements. May this Christmas offer you a chance to spend time with family and friends and may 2012 bring our region much prosperity.

Ray Brown

WDRC Waste Plans Win Award

WDRC has been recognised for embracing better waste management practices for the Western Downs at the 2011 Queensland Sustainable Cities Awards, winning the State Resource Recovery and Waste Management category award. The award win highlighted Council’s efforts in recycling and waste management in the past three years and the valuable contribution of residents across the region. Council’s initiatives are part of its long term region-wide plan - Towards a Waste Wise Western Downs - which places a stronger focus on recycling and reusing waste. In managing regional waste Council has made a commitment to continue to improve its scorecard in this area so that it can meet all the new State legislative changes and provide a higher standard of service to residents across the region. Spokesperson for Environment and Health Cr George Moore, Environment and Health Manager Todd Summerville and Waste Management Coordinator Megan Savill proudly display the Queensland Sustainable Cities Award won by Western Downs Regional Council.

works projects DECEMber Chinchilla District:

Beelbee Rd – Resheet and seal, finish February 2012 N Robinsons Rd – Seal floodways and dust suppression, finish December Zeller Street, Chinchilla Tara Road, Gaske Lane Intersection – Intersection upgrade, finish March 2012

Dalby District:

Branch Creek Rd – Road reconstruction, finish March 2012 Kumbarilla Ln – Bitumen road construction, finish September 2012 Marble St – Flood damage restoration works, finish December 2011 Patrick St Bridge – Bridge replacement, start January 2012 & finish May 2012

Miles District:

Flood Damage – Main roads, finish June 2012 Kogan Condamine Rd Lambing Creek Crossing – Timber deck culvert replacement, finish May 2012 Leichhardt Hwy 116/26B/35 – Upgrade: widen and seal, finish May 2012 Leichhardt Hwy 116/26B/302 – Upgrade intersection, finish

June 2012 Power Station Rd – Upgrade: gravel and seal, finish May 2012 Racecourse Rd – Upgrade intersection, finish December

Tara District:

Surat Development Rd – finish December

Wandoan District:

Clifford Rd – Flood damage: restoration works, finish November 2012 Flood Damage – Main roads, finish June 2012 Gadsbys Rd – Upgrade: bitumen, finish August 2012 Giligulgul Rd – Flood damage restoration works, finish March 2012 Longford Ln – Residential subdivision, finish January 2012 Perretts Rd – Flood damage restoration works, finish January 2012 Pine Hills Rd – Flood damage: restoration works, finish February 2012 Waterloo St – Upgrade: widen and seal, finish December During all works traffic and pedestrian signs will be erected for public safety and residents are requested to follow the signed instructions at all times. Council regrets any inconvenience caused. Your patience is appreciated.

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