January 2011 Council Update

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Customer Service

1300 728 500

Western Downs Regional Council PO Box 551, DALBY, QLD 4405



COUNCIL UPDATE Police Commisioner Bob Atkinson, Deputy Premier Paul Lucas and WDRC Mayor Ray Brown inspect flood damage in Dalby.

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott and State Opposition Leader John-Paul Langbroek receive an update from Western Downs Mayor Ray Brown on the flood situation in Dalby.

From the Mayor’s Desk When I think back to this time last year the Western Downs was in drought and we were all praying for rain, but one year on the record floods and extreme amount of rainfall recently has been an unfortunate turn of events. Our region is now facing huge challenges ahead in infrastructure due to the widespread floods. The Western Downs faces a mammoth damage bill with the extent of destruction caused to the region’s road network, water and sewerage infrastructure, waste facilities and many other Council and community assets, quite simply overwhelming. It could take the Western Downs a year, or in some cases many to recover from the disaster events that have wreaked havoc on our towns and rural communities. The torrential rainfall has particularly had a huge impact on our agricultural sector and for many of our farmers there are enormous challenges, trials and tribulations ahead. The amount of rain has completely devastated the harvest of winter cereal crops and flooding has heavily impacted sorghum and cotton crops planted. In response to the disaster, Council staff have been and will continue working to put programs in place to address these issues. Council will be applying for flood damage funding assistance available from state and federal governments. I know we have a wonderful spirit within our communities and this will be needed for the massive rebuilding and recovery effort to come. Tragically throughout this disaster Council lost a Tara employee. I wish to acknowledge Graham Purcell who passed away while carrying out his duties

carting water. On behalf of the Western Downs Regional Council I wish to pass on our condolences to his wife Yvette and family. I must acknowledge the huge number of volunteers, residents, Council staff, government staff and so many community bodies that assisted right through the flood events and the Recovery Programs. A big special thank you to all retail, business and food houses for their offers of support to evacuees and hard working Council and emergency services crews, it has been much appreciated. The men and women of the Western Downs Regional Council have done an exceptional job under very difficult and trying circumstances and I thank them sincerely for working beyond their normal duties. Not only have we had many staff working well beyond their normal jobs but also putting in very long hours, in particular the running of evacuation centres, manning the operation of regional Disaster Coordination Centres and assisting SES crews. Even more heartening was to see so many Council staff abandon their holiday plans to attend to the needs of others. All over the region, people from within the community have stepped in to help, whether at an evacuation centre, assist people or travellers in distress or stranded, offering accommodation or just helping out a neighbour by preparing for flood waters. What makes me feel proud is every person who has been called on to help has done so willingly and enthusiastically without hesitation or reservation. Everybody in the whole Western Downs should stand proud as a community for their endeavours to rebuild our strong and vibrant communities in the wake of this natural disaster.

2011 Australia Day Events

Visit Our New Website

Chinchilla: Breakfast - 6am, Chinchilla Historic Museum. Melian Goddard P 4662 7056 Dalby: Breakfast in the Park 6am, Thomas Jack Park. Doug Henning P 0429 911 337 Bell: Breakfast - 7am, Bell Memorial Hall. Doug Henning P 0429 911 337 Miles: Breakfast - 7.30am, Morgan Place. Elizabeth Upton P 4628 5502 Tara: Evening (Afternoon Tea/Dinner) - 3pm, Wieambilla South Country Club. Michelle Heuston P 4665 3133 Wandoan: Breakfast - 7am, Juandah Heritage Site. Lavinia Tyrrell P 4627 4241 Please check the website for further event details.

Council have launched a new redesigned website at www.wdrc.qld.gov.au which offers residents, tourists and businesses a one-stop shop for finding information about Council services and the Western Downs region online. The new layout, design and structure allow visitors to find information quickly about Council and its services and living, visiting and doing business in the region.


Council has launched a children’s book written by students from the Western Downs region called Water Australia’s Precious Resource; A Compilation of Works by Students of the Western Downs Region. The book was developed as part of National Water Week to encourage school children to consider the importance of water conservation. All schools in the Western Downs will receive copies of the book. The book will soon be available at all Western Downs Libraries.

New Pool Safety Laws

Pool owners, selling or leasing, are required to obtain a pool safety certificate from a licensed pool safety inspector under new State pool laws which came into effect on 1 December 2010. Council is required to provide records of all existing pools to the Department of Infrastructure and Planning by 4 February 2011 to help establish the new statewide pool safety register. Pool owners will need to check the register which can be accessed via the Department of Infrastructure and Planning website http://www.dip.qld.gov.au/ poolsafety to ensure their pool is registered. Brochures and information on tips to make your pool safer can be obtained from all Council Customer Service Centres.

RADF Update The Regional Arts Development Fund is a Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Western Downs Regional Council partnership to support local arts and culture. Each year the Western Downs Regional Council holds rounds of funding where applicants (individuals, groups or organisations) can apply for funding to assist them to employ tutors, run workshops or attend professional development opportunities associated with the various genres of the arts and culture. Local RADF Support Officers are based in each of Council’s Customer Service Centres who can assist members of the public with queries about RADF funding. To assist in planning for program delivery Council is calling for Expressions of Interest from individuals, groups and organisations seeking funding for arts and cultural projects during 2011. Applications for projects beginning early April 2011 close on Tuesday 1 February 2011. Applications for projects beginning early July 2011 close on Tuesday 3 May 2011. Please contact your local Customer Service Centre for further information.


Australia Day Ambassadors

Council is pleased to announce the 2011 Woolworths Australia Day Ambassadors who will be speaking at the Chinchilla, Dalby, Tara and Miles celebrations. Chinchilla and Tara – Dr Tony Gould AM, 2005 Queensland Great, performer and arts legend Dalby – Jean Madden, 2010 Queensland Young Australian of the Year and the founder of Street Swags Miles – Dr Richard Lewardowski, 2004 Queensland Great and founder and Chairman of Operation Smile Australia

Water Conservation Book

Regional Fluoride Program Council is required to introduce fluoride into the Miles and Chinchilla water supplies as part of the Queensland Government’s regional fluoridation program to be rolled out to all towns of population greater than 1,000 by the end of 2012. Planning is well advanced for Miles, and it is anticipated the fluoride will be implemented in the town water around May 2011 and in Chinchilla will follow in late 2011.

To discover the extensive collection of books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, multimedia resources and audio books, holiday activities, and five Recommended Reads or current Top Ten Bestsellers at your local library visit the Western Downs Libraries website www.library.wdrc.qld.gov.au For more information contact your local library branch P: 4662 3210 or E: library@wdrc.qld.gov.au

Councillor Spotlight Wow, what a devastating and chaotic Christmas, but what an incredible and heroic response. Our staff and other volunteers have put in an incredible effort to try and minimise the damage, make things safe, rectify the destruction and assist with the clean up. People have stepped up to insurmountable problems and stuck at it until the job was done, right across all our communities and it has been humbling to see such a wonderful response to such an extensive disaster. Now the massive task of assessing and repairing the damage is underway and it is nearly demoralising to see the extent of the task ahead of us, but after the response I have seen to date, I have absolute confidence that our staff are up to the task. The changes to the way payment for flood damage repairs are to be interpreted will see a shift in our practices and see much more of this work done by contractors. A mistake in my view on the government’s behalf, but not a big issue as there is plenty of work to go around. I would like to finish by saying our staff at all levels have every right to feel proud of themselves and I thank them for an incredible effort. Cr Ian Staines

Spokesperson for Works and Plant Cr Ian Staines 0427 648 179

Tune Into Council

Dalby Community Radio will broadcast “live-to-air” interview with WDRC Councillors each Tuesday between 9am and 12pm. So tune in for the latest news and announcements from your Council elected representatives. Just another way Council is keeping you informed.

Council Meetings

Western Downs Regional Council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month from 9.30am until 5pm. The first meeting of the month is always held at the Corporate Office in Dalby while the second meeting is held at one of Council’s Customer Service Centres on a rotational basis. Wed 24 Jan To be advised Wed 2 Feb Dalby Corporate Office Public Gallery Question Time will be held 12pm to 12.30pm at each Ordinary Meeting. This session is designed to ensure all communities have the opportunity to formally engage Council.

ANIMAL MANAGEMENT Registration now compulsory for cats and dogs Pet owners are reminded that it is compulsory under new State Government Animal Management laws that all cats and dogs, including on rural properties, are required to be registered with Council. Remember that registration of desexed cats is free for 2010/11 period, and all cats and dogs must be registered and microchipped before 12 weeks of age. Please contact your nearest Customer Service Centre for more information, telephone 1300 728 500 or visit www.wdrc.qld.gov.au

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