Operational Plan 2017 2018 (amended Qtr 2)

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OPERATIONAL PLAN 2017/2018 This 2017/2018 Operational Plan is developed by the Management and Executive team of WDRC, in response to the commitments of Council's WDRC 2017-2022 Strategic Corporate Plan Our Mission We are part of the community we serve, working together to provide valued leadership and services to a diverse region. Our Vision An innovative team - connected locally, united regionally. We Advocate For A long term domestic and industrial water supply for our region / A suite of regional health services providing our residents with 'Whole of Life' care / Regional educational facilities and first-class educational services / Community participation programs that engage and inspire our local youth / Modern and efficient telecommunication services that meet the needs of our region. Council's strategies for strengthening the capacity of its people to deliver on the objectives of the Corporate Plan, followed by Management's Operational Plan Strategies, are reported herewith.




Actions toward meeting success drivers

Expected Completion By:

Measure of Success : - a measurable outcome as a direct result of this Action

There is an increase in the number of staff participating in:

Safety First

Cultivate a Safety First culture to grow levels of organisational trust, and improve our employees' knowledge of safety.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Implement a WHS management software system addressing risk management and real time reporting, and improve environmental issues in the workplace such as ergonomics, hazards (e.g. chemical, equipment) and driver safety training initiatives and awareness.

Chief Human Resources Officer


There is an improvement in WHS reporting and compliance.

Enhance and expand the Wellness Program to promote healthy lifestyle choices.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Staff participation in Wellness program activities increases.

Attract, manage and retain high performing, committed staff and support continuous improvement in their capacity to deliver excellent outcomes.

Chief Human Resources Officer


An active professional development program is in place. There is an increase in the Quantity and quality of applications under the "We are WDRC" awards program. There is 100% Participation and completion of staff onboarding.

Recruit the right people for the right job, including cultural fit.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Continual improvements are identified in HR metrics.

Enhance capability and capacity of the workforce to remain Future Fit through professional and personal development.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Participation in professional development increases. Internal job rotation placement opportunities increase.

Build the capacity of our leaders and managers to demonstrate innovation, efficient leadership and management practices to engage with, and respond to, our communities.

Chief Human Resources Officer


A skills gap analysis helps to develop and implement a program to establish a foundation of personal, professional, interpersonal and managerial skills across all WDRC leaders and managers.

We are WDRC - Right People for the Right Job

Future Fit - Development and Leadership

Draft - 2017/18 WDRC Operational Plan

- Health and Safety Representative meetings - staff onboarding - toolbox talks - completion of Take 5's.

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Expected Completion By:

Manager Communication & Marketing


Implement Development Assessment reforms to achieve better development outcomes for industry and our community.

Manager Planning & Environment


Western Downs Development Assessment is recognised for facilitating good development and investment, with fast assessment, customer service, simple reporting and reasonable conditioning.

Increase access to transport network to support industry.

Manager Technical Services


Administrative efforts to gain National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) Permits are reduced, with a WDRC pre-approved register of roads opening-up more of the road network to local business needs.

Identify industry and business development opportunities and facilitate investment.

Manager Economic Development


Investment Attraction Guides and Investment Ready Projects are delivered.

Proactively source Government investment into major infrastructure projects

Manager Facilities


There is a supply of advanced projects ('shovel ready') for future investment decisions and funding attraction.

Support industry development through land availability.

Manager Economic Development


Industrial, Rural, and Rural Residential Land Use Studies are completed; and recommendations are adopted to inform consequential planning scheme amendments.

Take a lead role in media engagement and social media marketing to optimise attendance at our major regional events, working in collaboration with Economic Development.

Manager Communication & Marketing


Media coverage generates community engagement and boosts attendance at major events.

Support community groups to effectively promote their local events with our 'Western Downs Invites You ' initiatives.

Manager Communication & Marketing


Western Downs Invites You' Facebook and Enews followers increase each month.

Manager Economic Development


Council delivers at least one new major event, and opportunities to value-add are identified for existing major events.

Chief Financial Officer


Local Spend as a percentage of total spend continues to grow. Corporate card usage increases.

Increase the number of employees living locally.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Advocate for large companies to develop targets for workers and contractors to live and buy local.

Chief Executive Officer


Chief Financial Officer, Chief Procurement Officer


Local products and services are being purchased and used by our major contractors.

Actions toward meeting success drivers

Promote Western Downs as a region that is 'Open for Business' by showcasing business and industry success stories that demonstrate how strong local economies equal strong local communities.

There is confidence in our strong and diverse economy.

We’re open for business and offer investment opportunities that are right for our region.

We optimise our tourism opportunities, unique experiences and major events.

Value-add and enable the growth and development of major events. Develop procurement plan processes which enhance local spend.

Business and industry in our region live local and buy local.

Include local content clauses in all major contracts. Reduce the operational costs of Council's facilities by moving to renewable energy.

Our region is a recognised leader in energy, including clean, green renewable energies.

Enable the establishment of renewable energy projects. Proactively promote the Western Downs region as the 'Energy Capital of Australia' using our own communication channels, as well as established media networks.

Measure of Success : - a measurable outcome as a direct result of this Action

Quarterly media reach reporting, using media monitoring analytics, informs ongoing communication strategies.

Provision of incentives to encourage employees to live local - e.g. relocation expense reimbursement, salary sacrificing.Active early career program supporting the employment of local apprentices and trainees. Participation in school based work experience programs. Maintain bursary program to support high achieving Year 12 students. The number of operational staff and contractors associated with the resource sector living locally is increased.

Manager Facilities


Solar implementation projects are completed 100% on time/on budget.

Manager Planning & Environment


Our planning processes and reputation attract investment in renewable energy.

Manager Communication & Marketing


Quarterly media reach reporting, using media monitoring analytics, informs ongoing communication strategies.



Expected Completion By:

Chief Human Resources Officer


We build a greater staff commitment to the achievement of regional outcomes - we work collaboratively across offices and teams.

Build relationships within our organisation, with our business partners and peers to drive Manager Customer Support better service delivery outcomes. & Governance


There is an active business partnering program in place. We attend industry forums, share knowledge with peers, and actively seek opportunities for knowledge sharing and staff development.

Tell the story of our region as a whole (beyond Council news) - the people, the places and our great achievements, using our own communication channels as well as established media networks.

Manager Communication & Marketing


Quarterly media reach reporting, using media monitoring analytics, informs ongoing communication strategies

Investigate deployment of e-Services to provide consistently high levels of service throughout the region, better connecting with our customers and providing efficient, contemporary service delivery options, including the development and implementation of an on-line customer portal and payment gateway.

Manager Customer Support & Governance


An e-Services deployment roadmap is developed. Rate payers are able to update their details online and make payments through an on-line payment gateway. There is a low number of complaints regarding service delivery by Council's Customer Contact Centre.

Manager Facilities


Community Greening capital projects are delivered, and community uptake of the Streetscaping project is high.

Manager Communication & Marketing


The community is actively using #Love Western Downs to promote our region. There is an increase in community engagement with social media campaigns every month.

Manager Health Services


There is an increase in attendance by permanent & community based clients / residents at local events, and increased involvement and submissions in regional arts, arts and crafts events, local shows etc. Celebration activities acknowledging 25yrs of Carinya Hostel in Miles attract community collaboration.

Collaboratively support and participate in local events and community connection initiatives across the region.

Manager Community Development


Funding opportunities for events are identified and shared with community groups, and community participation in local events improves.

Encourage and provide support to combine arts practice and place making to create a relationship between public spaces and arts and culture programs.

Manager Community Development


There are increased arts activities and cultural events delivered in public spaces, and opportunities for communities to actively participate and interact with arts events.

Facilitate Community Grants programs to support regional social, cultural and sporting events.

Manager Community Development


There is an increase in program uptake and participation.

Encourage use of park facilities following the 'Healthy Parks, Healthy People' motto by providing an attractive, well maintained and inviting open space network for the community and visitors to enjoy.

Manager Facilities


New desired standards of service and minimum levels of development are implemented

Promote our social, community and cultural infrastructure / facilities, and services, to maximise utilisation and visitation.

Manager Community Development


There is an in increase in : Number of activities/programs that have been delivered, facilitated and partnered by Council. Facility hire statistics across our Libraries, Galleries and Rural Transaction Centres (where public booking is available). New library membership statistics across the region.

Promote, support and implement innovative volunteer activation programs and initiatives to increase involvement and build a culture that empowers our communities to participate.

Manager Community Development


Volunteering initiatives are implemented, resulting in an increase in: - promotion and awareness about volunteering - volunteer participation in our Libraries, Visitor Information Centres, Galleries and Museums. - acknowledgement of the contribution of volunteers.

Manager Health Services


The volunteer base in Health Services increases by 10% annually. Volunteer recognition events are undertaken twice a year to acknowledge their contributions.

Manager Communication & Marketing


A regional volunteer recognition program is implemented.

Actions undertaken toward meeting success drivers Develop cultures and systems that support a singular regional identity which both staff and the community are proud of.

We are a region without boundaries, united in community pride.

Our community members are the loudest advocates for what's great about our region.

Develop and implement parks and gardens plans aimed at increasing town pride. Implement #Love Western Downs , an integrated social media campaign designed to encourage our community to show their regional and town pride.

Support Health Services clients to actively engage in their communities.

Our social, cultural and sporting events are supported locally and achieve regional participation.

Our parks, open spaces, and community facilities are well utilised and connect people regionally.

A recognised culture of volunteerism is active throughout our communities.

Health Services programs actively seek to recruit, retain and recognise the valuable contribution of volunteers within its residential and community based programs.

Implement a regional volunteers recognition program.

Draft - 2017/18 WDRC Operational Plan

Measure of Success : - a measurable outcome as a direct result of this Action

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Our residents enjoy the convenience of modern infrastructure and quality essential services.


Expected Completion By:

Improve water supply systems (quality and operations) to ensure residents have access to quality water supplies across the region.

Manager Utilities


The new Water Treatment Plant in Chinchilla is operating successfully, and clean water mains result in reduced dirty water complaints.

Improve waste water treatment processes to improve effluent quality.

Manager Utilities


The reduction in material volume and better management of material left on site results in reduced customer complaints.

Manager Planning & Environment


New contract arrangements reflect a comprehensive review of transfer station operations.


Agile advocacy plans are developed as issues arise.

Manager Planning & Environment


Marketing and associated material to improve community awareness is developed and distributed.

Manager Utilities


The redundant rising main is removed from Council's asset register.

Manager Community Development


A review of library services delivery is completed.

Manager Facilities


Open space is located appropriately to serve the needs of surrounding residents.

Implement the Transport Asset Maintenance Management Plan (TAMMP).

Manager Works Maintenance


Councils transport infrastructure is inspected. Target response times for safety and priority 1 defects are repaired in accordance with the Transport Asset Maintenance Management Plan (TAMMP).

Implement an electronic project management system for Works to achieve efficiencies and monitor unit rates.

Manager Works Construction


Road construction unit rates increases are limited to less than 2% from 2016/17.

Rollout Council's maintenance management system Reflect to all maintenance staff.

Manager Works Maintenance


Council produces a forward maintenance program and undertakes all maintenance activities in the field within the Reflect maintenance system.

Works Principal


Capital works program is carried out on time and on budget.

Develop the design and survey program to align with Council's adopted works program. Manager Technical Services


Project designs are completed 4 months prior to capital projects commencing.

Deliver a budget that is financially responsible and affordable to the community.

Chief Financial Officer


The community recognises Council as being financially responsible.

Build strong working relationships with industry, and industry bodies, to ensure that regional affordability is prioritised.

Executive Team


Good working relationships are built and maintained with industry, and industry bodies.

Build robust flood monitoring systems to ensure timely and accurate early warning during flood events.

Executive Officer Infrastructure Services


Sufficient staff are allocated around specific catchments in Dalby, Chinchilla and Miles to monitor stream flows during flood events. There are fewer operational issues around older flood monitoring equipment, with minimised occurrences of stations being off-line.

Review Local Laws to ensure they are current, relevant, and meet the needs of the community.

Manager Customer Support & Governance


Identification of key local law and subordinate 'local law review' priorities are identified in consulation with stakeholder Departments.

Chief Information Officer


All CCTV cameras are regularly maintained and restoration times for break/fix are less than 5 working days.

Actions toward meeting success drivers

Implement cost reduction initiatives for waste management.

Advocate for the provision of quality essential services from other levels of government, Manager Communication & by assisting relevant Department managers with their advocacy strategies. Marketing Implement environmental health public awareness education programs. Decommission redundant rising main at Chinchilla and facilitate handover to Chinchilla Polocrosse.

Valued recreational spaces, sporting and community facilities are provided regionally.

Review the delivery of library services addressing the future of library services to our region and our ability to adapt to a changing environment to meet the needs of our community. WDRC Open Space Strategy recommendations are implemented

A safe and well maintained road network connects our region. Maintain an up-to-date 10 year capital works program.

Our region remains an affordable place for families to live, work, prosper and play.

We're recognised as one of the safest regions in Queensland.

Implement and maintain a CCTV network for the major towns in the region.

Measure of Success : - a measurable outcome as a direct result of this Action


We are recognised as a financially intelligent and responsible Council.


Expected Completion By:

Proactively promote WDRC as leaders in financial and asset management, as well as our innovative value for money initiatives, through our own communication channels and established media networks.

Manager Communication & Marketing


A comprehensive suite of budget communications across all channels is developed. Pick-up rate is measured, and media monitoring analytics are used to inform ongoing campaigns.

Deliver budgeted and actual operating surpluses.

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer


Budgeted and actual operating surpluses are delivered in the absence of a significant unforseen event.

Chief Financial Officer


Council is seen as financially disciplined by peer local governments, the QAO and by DILGP. Senior Council staff and Councillors demonstrate a better understanding of Financial issues.

Manager Customer Support & Governance


Managing risk is part of day to day management. Year 4 of ERM system implementation is completed. Business Continuity Planning is implemented

Manager Planning & Environment


Clearer processes are developed to review outstanding infrastructure charges and ensure that action is being taken to recover defaulted amounts.

Whole of Life Cost modelling is used to make long term financial decisions around proposed capital projects.

Chief Financial Officer


All significant capital projects put forward to the 2018/19 budget are assessed using the Whole of Life Cost modelling tool.

Council and senior management consider long-term financial sustainability in making its decisions.

Chief Executive Officer


Strategic and operational decision making is informed by long-term financial sustainability objectives.

Executive Team


Commercial viability is considered when making decisions

Actions toward meeting success drivers

Work with councillors, staff and senior management to develop financial discipline and to improve understanding of whole of life costing, value for money, long term financial planning, financial sustainability indicators, category management etc. Assure good governance - there is a Framework for Enterprise Risk Management. Focus on higher risk compliance activities for Council, including defaulted infrastructure charges and commercial activities.

Our long term financial planning guides informed and accountable decision making.

Review business activities to ensure they remain sustainable.

Manager Utilities


Compliance with audit report recommendations is maintained, and discrepancies are reduced.

Manager Technical Services


The QuarryMan system is operational and can deliver required reports.

Chief Financial Officer, Chief Procurement Officer


Procurement decisions are made in consideration of associated risks, resulting in better value for money.

Chief Financial Officer


Contractor assessments are completed and available for informed decision making.

Manager Facilities


More than three such initiatives are implemented, and natural resource consumption is reduced by 10%.

Manager Health Services


Operational costs are minimised with good clinical governance.

Works Principal


Plant utilisation and efficiency gains are achieved with the implementation of an electronic fleet management system..

Develop flexible organisational frameworks (mix of permanent, fixed term and casual) to enable organisational agility, and responsiveness to changing priorities across the organisation and/or in specific departments/work units.

Chief Human Resources Officer


Opportunities are available to staff through Grow @ Work, Aspire Mentoring program and secondments which are reported through HR metrics

Field staff have improved access to information and systems to carry out their duties.

Works Principal


New on-line tools (including mobility solutions for construction and maintenance crews) enable remote data capture, communications and collaboration between field workers and office staff.

Deliver business intelligence tools, reports and metrics to support timely and informed decisions.

Chief Information Officer


A suite of 10 executive metrics and insights are deployed to a mobile platform. Managers and supervisors are managing their financial and human resources better, by using a suite of standard reports.

Our agile pest management plan minimises the impact on rural operations from pests.

Manager Planning & Environment


Identified improvements resulting from a comprehensive evaluation of the pest management program, are implemented.

Ensure our corporate planning processes are aligned with Council's strategic priorities.

Manager Customer Support & Governance


Quarterly reviews of Council's Corporate Enterprise Risk Register and the Operational Plan are undertaken, and presented to Council, reporting on how Council's strategic objectives are being achieved.

Asset management plans are developed for all major asset classes.

Manager Technical Services


New asset management plans are developed that inform longer term 10 year financial plans. There is an increase in preventative maintenance vs reactive maintenance ratio.

Integrate asset management plans with long term financial forecasts.

Chief Financial Officer, Works Principal, GM CS


Asset management plans are integrated with long term financial forecasts.

Ensure Council's gas operations are delivered sustainably. Enhance quarry and gravel pit systems.

Our value for money culture enables us to deliver our core functions sustainably.

Improve staff understanding of value for money as it pertains to procurement, both internally and externally. Contractors are assessed for their performance for future engagement opportunities and general contract management. Implement initiatives to encourage and promote environmentally sustainable practices in the maintenance of Council’s parks and gardens. Ensure sustainable health services that service our community. Ensure that Fleet management unit rates are sustainable.

Our agile and responsive business model enables us to align our capacity with service delivery.

Effective asset management ensures that we only own and maintain assets that are utilised.

Measure of Success : - a measurable outcome as a direct result of this Action

Draft - 2017/18 WDRC Operational Plan

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