News4U Western KY July 2015

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July 2015

Cover Story: 48 Haynie’s Corner Arts District The Movers & Shakers Speak 6

Boston at the Ford Center An Interview with Gary Pihl


Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival An Interview with Kerry Kurt Phillips

12 Volksfest 54 German Pride, Plenty of Beer 14 Big O Music Fest Owensboro’s Party of the Year 16 95th Vanderburgh County Fair Fun for the Entire Family 18 2nd Annual Arena Challenge Extreme Fitness at the Ford Center 22 The N4U BBQ Guide Where to Get Your Sauce On this Summer 56 What’s New in Western Kentucky The Upside of Downtown Owensboro & More

A Quick Note from the Editor 4 Happy Fourth! Beauty 20 Beauty Date with Dakyissa Business 41 Beef ‘O’ Brady’s: Tap Talk w/ John Greenwell Coupons 35 Save Big! Cuisine & Dining 32 What’s Cookin’: Haub House 34 Restaurant Guide

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Creators: Noah Deck Books: Mr. Consequence Writers: John Thurgood Arts & Activities Words from Whitney Brain Games: Crossword Community & Family Mug Shots Tri-State Ink Club Guide

Local Happenings 45 SMILE on Down Syndrome

Entertainment 12 River City Rec’s Rock-A-Hula Reunion 27 #Instapicks 28 20 Questions from a 20-Something 30 Lobeck’s Lowdown (New!) 50 Bar Guide 62 In Town & Around 72 Music: Running With Tarantulas 73 Music: Casey Noonan / Silver Lilies 74 Film: Shoeless Blues

Reviews 86 Beer 88 Film 89 DVDs 90 Music Sports 70 Around the Track w/ Billy Egeler 84 Evansville Otters Player Profile

Owensboro Cover Stars: L-R Friday After 5 Chair Andrew Howard, Lure and Famous Bistro Owner George Skiadas, ROMP Fest/IBMM Marketing Dir. Katie Keller, OCC Executive Chef Stephen Helm

Brain Games Crossword Answers: DOWN: 1. Korean, 2. Vexillologist, 3. Harrison, 4. Colonies, 6. President 8. Upholsterers, 9. Yellowstone, 10. Chinese ACROSS: 5. Indianapolis, 7. Revolutionary, 11. Quarter, 12. November

Established in 1991 by Bashar Hamami

Managing Editor & Writer Thomas Ellis

Publisher Brian Bennett

Account Executives

VP of Operations

John Hewins

Terri Hilborn

Keith LaCrosse

Jessica Overstreet

Janet Wilhite

Production Manager, Designer & Layout Artist Shawn Kennedy

Graphic Designer, Director of Social Media Jen McKee Graphic Designer Kelsey Ziliak Social Media Coordinator Alysha Rice Staff Writer Whitney Patterson

Editorial Intern Russell Finn Office Assistant Lexie Medina Contributors

Paul Bragin, Missy Brownson, Kevin Chenault, Nikki Davis, Billy Egeler, John Greenwell, Jabez, Daniel Knight, J. Robert Lobeck, John Thurgood



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A quick note from the editor ROMP, ShrinersFest and the W.C. Handy festival have all come and gone and June is fully in the rear view mirror. It was an incredibly busy month, but July is just as packed with a long list of activities and entertainment, including the sixth annual Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival in Henderson and classic rock giant Boston at the Ford Center. If you ‘re all about the outdoors, the Vanderburgh County Fair is back and just as familyfriendly as ever, and Germania Maennerchor’s grand Volksfest tradition continues with another great weekend of German pride. And of course,


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there’s always something going on in downtown Evansville, particularly in the Haynie’s Corner Arts District. The area has really come alive over the last year and just keeps growing with new businesses and creative enterprises, spearheaded by a dynamic group of entrepreneurs whose names are probably familiar by now (see pgs. 4849). We’ve also got a BBQ Map to point you in the direction of the best ribs, pizza, sandwiches and more, plus another round of What’s New in Western KY. All that and more inside... Have a safe and happy Fourth! TE

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Boston @ the Ford Center

me some of his secrets and about stuff he was inventing at the time. So, we kept in touch and in ’85 Sammy got the call to join Van Halen. Tom called me and said ‘Hey, I hear you’re out of a gig. Would you come and help me finish up the Third Stage album?’ I moved back to Boston and started working on the album and also started to work with Tom at his electronics company as well, making products that we were going to be using on stage or in the studio. That was a great thrill for me, too. Of course, we talked about doing a tour, but you just never know – are people still going to be interested in the band? It’d been six years. We had no idea if people would show up or not or if we could get all of our self-made equipment up and running. I’m sure we’re the only band in the world that plays amps that we have built ourselves. Anyway, we went to our first show in Rochester, NY and everything worked perfect. I tell you, I got a lump in my throat. And the audience loved it so much – they were singing along louder than the band. I could barely hear my guitar. That was a real special moment for me.

No pre-recorded tracks, no technical enhancements - just totally live classic rock. Four decades deep into an incredible career marked by huge hits and multi-platinum albums, Boston remains a huge draw on the touring circuit. Founder and lead guitarist Tom Scholz has surrounded himself with a top-notch group of musicians capable of reproducing intricately recorded classic rock staples like “More than a Feeling,” “Foreplay/ Long Time,” “Don’t Look Back,” “Rock and Roll Band” and the number one smash, “Amanda” – all of which will be featured when Boston hits the Ford Center stage on July 15 along with special guest Starship. Multi-instrumentalist Gary Pihl has been along for the ride since 1985. He kindly spoke with News4U about his time with Boston and the evolution of the band. 2015 marks your 30th year with Boston. Can you pick out a particular highlight? Absolutely. The first show I did with Boston was in ’87 and that was a real highlight for me. Before that, I was in Sammy Hagar’s band. We opened up for Boston’s entire second tour and that’s when I got to know Tom Scholz. As it turned out, we had the same interest in electronics and electric guitars, so I’d always be asking him questions like ‘hey, how do you get that sound?’ and he was nice enough to tell


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With Sammy Hagar, you recorded nine albums in just eight years. With Boston, you’ve recorded four albums over three decades. Has the slow pace been frustrating for you? In the old days with Sammy, we would do an album and a tour every year. We were always on the road and always working. But by the time I got with Boston, I had a couple of kids who were just babies, so the slow schedule was not such a bad thing – I could spend a little more time at home with the kids. Of course, as a musician, you just want to play, but I knew going into it that Tom was a perfectionist, and he was going to take his time and do it right. It wasn’t a big surprise. But I could see the progress along the way. It’s not really that Tom is slow – he just wants to try all the variations until the songs are as good as possible. I certainly respect him for that. Another issue when you joined was the ongoing lawsuit between Scholz and the record company. Yes, the record company was suing Tom for not making the third record fast enough. That is the exact example of trying to kill the goose that’s laying the golden egg. It was like, no, if we cut him open, maybe we’ll get more! (laughs). What was the thought process? In essence, they wanted another album faster, cont. on pg. 7

but that was Tom’s intention, too – he was working on it as hard as he could. At least things were going in the right direction. Do you tire of “More than a Feeling” always being the focal point despite Boston’s catalog of hits? Certainly that one particular song keeps coming up a lot. For instance, when they put together the 100 greatest rock songs of all time, it’s usually in there somewhere. There’s always going to be one song that the majority of people like the most – that’s just human nature. But what’s nice is that these days people can write in to our Facebook page and say ‘hey, you haven’t done this song in a long time’ or ‘please play this song or that song when you tour this summer.’ Of course, we’re always going to play the hits that everyone loves to sing along with and that’s great, but it’s nice that we do have that ability for dialogue to go on between us and the audience. And of course, we have the new album, Life, Love & Hope, and we’ll definitely do a song off of that – people seem to like it so far during the dozen shows or so we’ve played this year. Unlike, say, Aerosmith or the Rolling Stones, Boston has had a number of different singers and musicians through the years. Do you enjoy the freedom of the band? I have to say that I’ve been very happy with all the people that we’ve had in the band over time – some great musicians and nice folks to work with. It’s been a real pleasure. Of course, the common cause is how can we make these songs sound great? Everybody plays and sings things just a little bit differently, but it’s great to hear it. A few years back, we had Michael Sweet from Stryper come out with us. He doesn’t sound like [original singer] Brad Delp, but we knew that. It’s just like when Queen had Paul Rodgers. He doesn’t sound like Freddie Mercury – he sounds like Paul Rodgers. You can’t go wrong. With us, the audience seems to love it either way. It’s really been working for us. Have there been any moments when you’ve been concerned about the future of the band? No – you know, maybe I’m too much of an optimist. My glass is always half-full. The songs are good, and the music is good, and of course, Tom Scholz is such a smart guy. When they put together those lists of the 100 greatest guitarists of all-time, he’s always on there. But he’s also on the list of the 100 greatest keyboard players of all-time. There’s nobody else on those two lists except him. Then you throw in his electronics genius, designing the amplifiers, etc. I’ve got the utmost confidence in him. No matter what happens, the music is great, and I know it’s going to be fun playing it. – TE The show starts at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. For ticket info, visit

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upcoming events

Sandy Lee Watkins

Songwriters Festival Kerry Kurt Phillips

“It’s like having Grammy Award-winning talent in your living room as they play and talk to you.” – Kerry Kurt Phillips


he sixth annual Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival (July 29-August 1) promises to be another fantastic gathering of musical talent. Once again, the best songwriters in America will converge on downtown Henderson, KY to play and tell the stories behind some of the biggest hits recorded by the biggest country stars – all in the name of charity. This year, the money from the festival will go to support Riverview School which provides educational programs, respite care and emotional support for children with special needs.

Celebrated songwriter Kerry Kurt Phillips has been with Sandy Lee since the beginning when it was just a one night event. Six years later, it’s grown into a four day festival that requires multiple venues and upwards of 60 volunteers to plan and pull off – or, as Phillips refers to it, a “doggone musical monster.” He kindly spoke with News4U about the evolution of Sandy Lee and his impressive career. When I interviewed you two years ago, you stated that being a songwriter was the best gig in the music business. Do you still hold that position? Yes – and the affirmation of that is that there have been several writers that started out as artists and were big time, very successful. They had good careers, albeit for a short time. That’s the way it often is nowadays. Afterwards, they discovered that they had the rare talent for


both performing and songwriting. Those are two talents that are rarely mutually inclusive. Well, after getting into songwriting, they were quick to find out how wonderful and how rewarding it is. They could still have a home life – a life, period. The road life is brutal. I did it for a year and a half with Joe Diffie in my early days. Let me tell you, it will kill you. You

don’t know what day it is or what time it is. You get home after a 30 day run and in some cases, you have 18 hours to pay all the bills, mow the grass and make love to your woman (laughs). It’s true! Everybody’s always got a romantic view of being an artist, but the reality is something quite different. Your catalog of songs numbers over 1000. How many have you written since we last spoke? My output has declined drastically. I have semi-retired from the business and sold my publishing company, started to simplify things. I’ve got a small cattle farm outside of Nashville

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and have retreated there to pursue some other interests. I wake up every morning, put my hat on and go play cowboy. I’m isolated and alone with no cell reception. It’s just a whole other world – I’m getting recharged. The only time that I’ve been writing is when somebody from town calls and insists that I write with so-and-so and say ‘this is a new artist who’s incredible – you’ve got to get in on this.’ I figure if someone wants to drive all the way out to my farm and hang with me over the course of a day while I do my chores, we’ll see if we can write a song together. What if you had another big success – would that change your view on retirement? I keep telling people that now that I’ve retired, I’ll start getting hot again (laughs). I actually got a call a few weeks ago from Trace (Adkins) – he had cut a song of mine. So, who knows? But I’ve had three heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, two kidney transplants; I’ve been legally blind and then got my sight back with numerous surgeries. I don’t even buy green bananas anymore – going to take my retirement as soon as I can and have some fun. Is there any artist that you regret not having worked with or that you wish would have recorded a song of yours? There’s really not, you know? The thing that everybody chases every year – the brass ring – is the (George) Strait cut. That’s what everybody wants because it’s guaranteed cont. on page 10

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platinum if not quadruple platinum. When he’s recording, you can bet that everybody is focused on trying to get a cut. I got a couple of those and couldn’t believe it when I did. But I guess if there’s one cut that I wish I’d had, it would be a “Hag” – I never got a (Merle) Haggard cut. He’s one of those rare guys – both an incredible writer and an incredible singer. Also, I would love to have gotten a Hank Williams, Jr. cut when he was in his prime. Looking back on your extensive body of work, what are your thoughts? I always thought that my songs were either unfinished or could have been better. If I’d just worked harder I could have beat that line or had a better melody. So, every time I got a cut I did the jump-adoo and the Snoopy dance and did a couple back-flips and thought ‘you’ve got to be kidding me!’ I never got to the point where I expected it. It was like I won the lottery every time. Even though you’re enjoying life on the cattle farm, I assume you look forward to seeing everybody at Sandy Lee. It’s fantastic. I don’t get to see all my old pals, and I miss hanging out with them. There’s no funnier, wittier or friendlier group of people than that family of Sandy Lee songwriters. And that’s proven by all these people dropping what they’re doing for no money at all and driving to Henderson, KY and staying with people they don’t know for a cause. That says it all. Other songwriting festivals have it easy, because they’re held in locations that have amenities that draw

people there. Henderson is a great city, but there’s no beach or ski slopes (laughs). Some of these songwriters that come to Sandy Lee play all over the U.S. and make a thousand dollars or more a night. They pass that up to come to Henderson. What’s your assessment of the festival at this stage? I think it’s at a crossroads again. The third year was a crossroads as well. We added more venues that year to house all the performers, and it grew into a monster. The festival is at a place where it’s almost too big – it’s busting out all over. We need more venues, but we also want to make sure that they’re close together so people can walk back and forth from show to show. We need to decide if we’re going to put a lid on this thing and say, ‘this is as big as it gets’ or come up with a plan to add more venues and more performers and let it become a bigger thing – which it could easily do. Do we let it grow and try to find clothes to fit or do we stop feeding it? – TE For ticket info and a full itinerary, visit

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River City Recreation’s

Rock-A-Hula Reunion

It all started with an Elvis song from the movie Blue Hawaii. Way back in the summer of 1989, River City Recreation owner Bill Vukovich and friends got the idea to put on a “Rock-A-Hula” party in tribute to the King’s single of the same name from Blue Hawaii (“Rock-A-Hula Baby” for the purists out there. Also, an interesting fact: the flip side is “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” a more well-known song). The first year, RCR’s Elvis-inspired event consisted of a few people walking around outside in Hawaiian shirts. But as word of mouth grew, so did Rock-A-Hula. Eventually, the size of the party required that it be held indoors, and a stage was built out over the bowling lanes for live entertainment. And yet, by 2009, the whole thing had simply gotten too big. It’s not often that the success of an event seals its fate, but that’s exactly what happened with Rock-A-Hula. Of course, great parties are not easily forgotten. For the last several years, rumors have been circulating about an encore, and now it’s finally happening. With the encouragement of Vukovich’s wife, RCR will host a Rock-AHula Reunion on July 24 & 25. Here’s hoping you never tossed that Hawaiian shirt, because you’ll need it for two nights of fun at the tristate’s best bowling alley. Friday night features the Swamp Tigers, an amazing rockabilly band from Carbondale, IL, and Saturday promises to be just as exciting. For more info, visit or call 812-477-5323. RCR is located at 1050 S. Weinbach.

Germania Maennerchor

Volksfest 54

Celebrating Evansville’s German history for over five decades, Volksfest returns for yet another round of beer, brats, and polka music July 30 – August 1. Every summer, storied social club Germania Maennerchor pulls out all the stops to make sure we don’t forget where we came from. Volksfest began way back in 1961 as a fun way to remember our German roots and has since become a beloved annual gathering for thousands of people who enjoy both the party atmosphere and sense of tradition. But it takes a lot of work to put together such a grand celebration. Countless hours of labor are required, and it’s all done on a volunteer basis by locals who keep the festival running smooth not to mention affordable. Volksfest features some of the cheapest food and drink prices around – and the sheer quantity of beer and German dishes on offer is quite staggering: 200 half barrels of beer, 50 German and domestic beer taps, 1400 pounds of bratwurst, 1000 pounds of pig knuckles, 950 gallons of German potato salad, 480 gallons of sauerkraut, 15,000 kraut balls and 400 gallons of beans. It’s no wonder that it takes so many volunteers to make it all happen. Of course, there’s a lot more to Volksfest than just delicious food and drinks. The

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54th edition features three incredible bands to get you in the polka mood – Ratskeller Band, Ryn Valley Brass and Cincinnati Schnapps – and the annual bratwurst toss is guaranteed to raise the proceedings to a fever pitch of excitement. Plus, Mayor Lloyd Winnecke is scheduled to make an appearance to get the party started. It’s never an official celebration until our city leader gives the green light. Volksfest also caters to the kids on Saturday morning with special entertainment including a Kiddie Carnival and German costume contest. This is a family-friendly event during the day, so bring the whole crew and don’t miss out on all the great food, drinks, entertainment and many contests. And keep in mind that nonalcoholic beer is free for all designated drivers. It all gets started with a special German opening ceremony on Thursday at 6 p.m. Germania Maennerchor is located at 916 N. Fulton Ave. For more info, call 812-4221915. No admission charge until 4 p.m.

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The Big O Music Fest Country stars Jake Owen and Travis Tritt headline Owensboro’s Party of the Year on August 15.

Believe the hype, because 12,000 people can’t be wrong. The Big O Music Fest may have stumbled a bit in its infancy, but eight years on, the event has truly hit its stride with an annual cast of country music’s top draws. The much-anticipated concert in Reid’s Orchard attracts fans from all over the U.S. In fact, tickets were sold in 41 different states last year. The diversity and sheer size of the crowd says a lot about the quality of the event and the dedication of Big O founder, Steve Terry. He’s put his heart and soul into the festival and in turn, given Owensboro a major promotional boost. This year’s lineup of entertainment is rock solid with headliners Jake Owen and Travis Tritt leading the way. Known for their energetic performances and command of the stage, these two fan favorites have produced huge country hits like “Barefoot Blue Jean Night,” “Beachin’” and “It’s a Great Day to Be Alive.” Owen and Tritt will get some big time support this year from such up-and-coming artists as Chris Stapleton, Corey Smith and Ray Scott plus country-rap duo The Lacs. From top to bottom, there’s no weak link - just a full day of incredible live music. Terry has done a great job with the organization of Big O. The combination of great entertainment and excellent facilities keeps people coming back year after year, resulting in bigger and bigger crowds - over 12,000 people packed Reid’s Orchard last year. In addition to the best in country music, you can look forward to a wide selection of food and drinks, t-shirts and souvenirs for sale. Big O is located at Reid’s Orchard on Hwy 144 in Owensboro. For more info or to purchase tickets, visit

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95th Vanderburgh County Fair It’s truly a family a-fair at one of the tri-state’s most popular summer gatherings July 20-25. The annual Vanderburgh County Fair held at the 4-H Center is six solid days of fun for the whole family. From live music to tractor pulls, there’s something going on morning to night – never a dull moment for the 60,000 patrons. This year’s big entertainment draw was originally scheduled to be country singer Dustin Lynch, but he’s out on tour with Luke Bryan, so husband and wife Keifer and Shawna Thompson – better known as Thompson Square – will headline Wednesday night of the fair (sponsored by Kenny Kent & Toyota). The popular country music duo has hit the top of charts with such memorable songs as “Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not” and “If I Didn’t Have You” and is currently at work on a new album for 2015. New this year, a Three Bar J Rodeo will take the place of the Quad Races on Tuesday. Organizers hope that this schedule shake-up results in a boost for attendance. For anyone who has concerns about the welfare of the animals, Friends of the Rodeo will be there to answer any questions regarding their treatment and care. Another highlight of the week is sure to be the Car Show, a chance for Car Club members to display their vehicles. And no fair would be complete without Mud Volleyball. The competition gets started on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. For the 4-H kids, a Mud Tug-of-War is on tap and guaranteed to be a messy adventure. Of course, all of your favorite annual events are back, including the Demolition Derby, Pet Parade, Talent Contest and so much more. It all winds up on Saturday night with a concert featuring the Phillip Fox Band. Daily admission is $7; season pass is $25. For a full itinerary, visit

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2nd Annual Arena Challenge Three miles of obstacles stand between you and the finish line at the Ford Center on July 25. It’s time to get in shape, because the Arena Challenge is back to test your fitness and endurance. Last year, over 300 participants accepted the tough assignment of zig-zagging through the Ford Center and overcoming a series of increasingly difficult obstacles, including cars, walls and the seemingly endless stairs. Those who were brave enough to run the course at the inaugural 2014 outing found it to be an awesome experience – exhausting, of course, but ultimately a lot of fun and very rewarding. According to organizer Jim Bush, the 2015 edition will feature even more obstacles and challenges, and the event is starting earlier with the first wave of participants going out at 9 a.m. Subsequent waves will follow in 15 minute intervals. New this year is the Lil’ Challenge for kids – a 60 ft. inflatable obstacle course that is guaranteed to be a blast. Best of all, each child who participates gets a medal and a shirt. The event is sponsored by Gatti Town and in support of the Children’s Museum of Evansville (cMoe). Several other marquis events are scheduled on the same day, including the Dan’s Comp Burning Quad and the Riverside Relay. Bush is working with the Downtown Alliance to get area restaurants to offer specials and encourage people to support local businesses. It’s all part of the ongoing effort to draw attention to downtown Evansville and attract more patrons. Bush expects upwards of 500 registrants for the 2015 Arena Challenge with teams coming in from Toyota and the added involvement of Bob’s Gym. He’s very appreciative of his partnership with the Ford Center and hopes that the event carries on for years to come. For more info, visit The Ford Center is located at 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd.

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22.9 Million Followers

Whit's Picks


@natgeo: The official IG for National Geographic Magazine, with evocative photography and anthropological information, is both beautiful and educational. Even if you don’t subscribe to the magazine itself, you can follow a lot of what is has to offer here.

@pgeville: The first of its kind in our city, PG has settled in nicely and become a prime spot for provocative art, non-mainstream music (local and touring), gourmet noms, as well as a no-pressure chillzone. Hashtag.


John's Picks


@carsonsbrewery: Local craft beer powerhouse Carson’s is ‘gramming all of the reasons you should be drinking their beer instead. See what local, regional, and national restaurants and stores are picking up some of the fastest growing brews around. #justtapit

@zw47: Former News4U graphic designer and outdoor enthusiast Zac Willett has a great feed, with nature photography, tasty dishes, and action shots of his favorite pastime- motocross racing. Congratulations on the new marriage, buddy! #shredtilyadead Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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Wally Paynter President at Tri-State Alliance 1.

Latest I’ve stayed up so far this year… 5 a.m.


What makes me laugh the hardest… Statuses and GIFs on Facebook.


A reoccurring nightmare… Local movie theaters closing down.


First album I ever bought… Village People.


How I plan to beat the heat this summer… My portable mini fan.


Guilty pleasure TV show… Arrow/Flash.


How interested I am in a one-way ticket to Mars… Depends on how cute the other guys are.


What I would do for a million dollars… Open a franchise of Tallywackers in Evansville.


The answer to all my problems… Movies, bourbon and sleep.

10. Where you’ll usually find me on Saturday night... TSA LGBT Youth Group. 11. I am known for… Being a large person who works at THE clinic and volunteers his time to charity. 12. Favorite city to visit… San Francisco. 13. A movie that made me weep… The Normal Heart. 14. My geographical knowledge is… “Siri, how do I get to...?” 15. Best birthday I ever had… Seeing Daniel Radcliffe in Equus in London for my 40th. 16. Something that really annoys me… People who think gay people impact the weather. 17. Hours I spend in front of a computer each day… 7. 18. Best part about my job… Creating a safe space for LGBT youth and seeing them grow. 19. A mystery that will never be solved... Why the Kardashians? 20. If I could time travel to a historical moment... To the inauguration of Barack Obama as President.

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dvd lowdown


Chappie (R)


Columbia Pictures Chappie is a decommissioned, mechanized police robot that was damaged beyond repair in the line of duty. Deon, the creator of these cop-bots, has now successfully created an A.I. program that allows for a fully conscious, sentient being. Throw in some ridiculous criminals, an updated version of the Enforcement Droid from Robocop (bizarrely named “The Moose”) and Hugh Jackman in a mullet, and we’re off! Chappie definitely has a lot going on all at once. There is a considerable amount of silliness as Chappie’s handlers attempt to turn him into a gangsta. Be careful not to let this distract you from the film’s deeper elements. Chappie will leave a thoughtful viewer pondering exactly what it means to be alive. It could also leave a slightly unhinged viewer believing society is being conditioned for when the machines finally take over. However, the film’s brilliance comes by way of Sharlto Copley’s extraordinary motion capture portrayal of Chappie. His ability to evoke the viewer’s empathy toward this onscreen bot-child as you watch him learn and take in the confusing world around him is a true accomplishment. The visual style closely resembles District 9 and Elysium. However, unlike the cold, metallic feel of the aforementioned efforts, director and co-writer Neill Blomkamp has managed to inject some serious emotion into his third feature film. Unique, humorous, and thought provoking, Chappie is a must see. - J. Robert Lobeck

Monthly musings on music, movies and pop culture

Perpetual Adolescence I was discussing the times with my 79 year old father, and how they are a changin’. Somehow, the subject of YouTube got brought up and I mentioned that a lot of people actually make a pretty good living recording themselves playing videogames and posting them online. He looked befuddled as I explained the idea of “Gameplay Videos” to a man that grew up on the tail end of the depression. “You mean this is a hobby?” he asked. I told him that a lot of people actually do it as their primary career. At that moment, I was sure my father was going to have an anger stroke. This was the beginning of a long conversation about what it is to be an adult that ended in little more than frustration for both of us. However, it did get me thinking. When I was young, there were very clear distinctions between adults and children. Adults went to work while children played. The fact that you can make a living today playing games in your pajamas, from your house, really is quite astounding. The lines blur in other areas as well. Take television for example. My parents watched a lot of news, dramas, and the occasional sitcom. I watched cartoons. As a grown man, I still consume a massive amount of cartoons (thanks a lot, Seth MacFarlane). I might have shot pool or played golf with my dad, but he certainly had no interest in my Nintendo. Today, my videogame collection far exceeds that of my 12 year old son. My father read the newspaper, and discussed the political climate of the nation. Never once did he show the least bit of concern for celebrity culture. I actively try to follow this example, but still occasionally find myself mindlessly clicking through pop culture articles from my Facebook newsfeed. The craziest thing is that while it’s become acceptable for adults to hang on to their youthful indulgences, elementary school kids are spending recess staring at their iPhones. Think about it like a Christmas list. This person wants a new smartphone, a PS4 game, and the latest Avengers movie on Blu-ray. Is that a grown man’s list, or a sixth grade boy’s? Sometimes I worry that we are becoming so preoccupied with mindless, meaningless pastimes that we are losing the ability to think critically for ourselves. Something to think about. Thanks for reading. Now go back to your game of Candy Crush. J. Robert Lobeck

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dining out

What’s Cookin’

Haub House

101 E. Haub St., Haubstadt • 812-768-6462


ust off the main drag in the sleepy, cozy town of Haubstadt sits Haub House, one of the most successful restaurants around. The building itself has been there since 1900, originally a warehouse. In 1970, however, Larry Haley, a meat connoisseur, decided to make his passion a profession and opened what quickly became both a destination and an experience.

Upon arrival, one is greeted with linen tablecloths, napkins, and intimate table lighting. The atmosphere is that of an upscale family restaurant, but the prices are reasonable for the quality of fare they provide. Banquet halls are available for large groups, and an antique bar gives a warm, timeless feeling, with ornate woodwork and a large selection of spirits. The final element to the Haub experience is the extensive, German-inspired menu, with hand-cut meats and homemade sides and desserts. My dishes, chosen by co-manager Deann Dunkel, began with the combination platter appetizer, with enough delicious goods for a group of six. Lightly battered, the mushrooms, onion rings, cauliflower and zucchini were filling enough, crunchy but not overwhelmingly so. The egg rolls were fried to perfection, and for a more traditional touch (and my personal favorite), the final treat was bacon-wrapped livers. Served with sweet and sour sauce, pepper sauce, and horseradish with a slight kick, it’s

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plenty to sate your appetite. For my entree, I was served grilled pork chops. I’m not a picky eater, but to be honest, pork chops are usually a hard sell for me. Not these! Center cut and juicy, they are served with pineapple, a light tomato basil sauce, and a choice of two sides, with options ranging from onion soup to German fries. Finally, I was served a delicious stack of strawberry shortcake. Maybe it was the shared German-American background, or maybe Dunkel was just reading my mind; either way, it was exactly what I was hoping for. As fresh and mouthwatering as it was beautiful in presentation, it was the perfect end to a fantastic meal. Save room for dessert at the Haub, or you will be cheating yourself. Other options include bread pudding with hot whiskey sauce, and they have ice cream drinks made with top-shelf liqueurs for those who enjoy a tasty libation. Well worth the drive, Haub House has been a staple for almost 50 years and undoubtedly will be for many more to come. They are open Monday through Saturday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and closed on Sundays. Call ahead for reservations and banquet inquiries. For specials, follow them on Facebook. - Whitney Patterson

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Checks/MC/Visa/ Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol/Buffet-style menu/ Call for Catering


Bandana BBQ 6636 Logan Dr. 401-9922 $10-$15/No Alcohol/All Major CC

Thomason’s (Henderson, KY) 701 Atkinson St. 270-826-0654 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/No Alcohol

Bar-B-Q-Barn, The 1003 E. Diamond Ave. 491-9868 $10-$15/No Alcohol/All Major CC

Wilson’s General Store, Café & BBQ (Evansville) 11120 Broadway Ave. 812-985-0202 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major CC

Flame’s Grille 1200 W. Colombia St. 205-4704 Under $10/Beer & Wine/All Major CC/Call for Catering

Wolf’s Bar-B-Q Restaurant 6000 First Ave. 424-8891 Under$10/Casual/Checks/ Reservations Accepted/VISA/ Call for Catering

Hawg ‘N’ Sauce (Mt. Vernon) 1600 Leonard Rd. 812-838-5339 $10-$15/Beer & Wine/ All Major CC/Call for Catering Hickory Pit Stop 1521 N. Main St. 422-6919 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards J & B Bar-B-Cue (Henderson) 48 S. Holloway 812-270-830-0053 Under $10/No Reservations/ No Alcohol/Checks/MC/VISA/ Call for Catering Marx Barbeque & Catering Service 3119 W. Maryland St. 425-1616 Under $10/VISA/MC/ Full Service Catering Memphis & Main BBQ (Newburgh, IN) 4946 St. Hwy 261 812-858-0111 (Boonville, IN) 118 W. Locust St. 812-646-7110 Under $10/Casual/ Checks Accepted/All Major CC/ No Alcohol Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn (Owensboro, KY) 2840 W. Parrish Ave. 800-322-8989 $10-$15/All Major CC/Beer & Wine The Nisbet Inn 6701 Nisbet Rd. 812-963-9305 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/CC

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Peak Bros. Bar B Que (Waverly, KY) 6353 Hwy 60 270-389-0267 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks/All Major CC

July 2015 •


Allegra (Inside Holiday Inn Airport Hotel) 7101 Hwy 41 North 812-867-7999 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC/ Applebee’s Bar & Grill (East) 5100 E. Morgan Ave. 471-0929 (West) 5727 Pearl Dr. 426-2006 (Henderson) 1950 Us Hwy. 41 N. (270) 826-9427 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Bar Louie 7000 Eagle Crest Blvd. 476-7069 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC Beef O’Brady’s (Newburgh, IN) 8177 Bell Oaks Dr. 490-9464 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC/ Call for Catering C.K.B. Commonwealth Kitchen & Bar (Henderson, Ky) 108 N. 2nd St. 270- 212-2133 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. 812-909-0388 Reservations Accepted/full bar Cambridge Golf Course 1034 Beacon HIll Rd. 812-868-4653 Reservations Accepted/Under $10, VISA/MC/DSCVR/Full Bar Cheddar’s 2100 N. Green River 491-9976 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC

Chili’s Grill & Bar 600 N. Green River Rd. 475-1510 $10-$15/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major CC DeLizio Italian Eatery (Henderson, Ky) 145 N. Main St. 270-212-3566 $10-$15/Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards Double D’s (Boonville, IN) 1206 E. Main St. (812) 897-8813 Under $10/All Major CC/Full Bar Hadi Shrine 6 Walnut St. 423-4285 Under $10/All Major CC Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. 475-0229 Under $10/All Major CC The King’s Kitchen (Henderson) 104 N Water St. (270) 212-2070 Under $10/VISA/MC/ Koodie-Hoo’s (Mt. Vernon) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Lucky Joe’s Bar & Grill. 3300 US HWY 41 N. (Hend) 812-435-8908 Under $10/No Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar Major Munch (Old Post Office Place, Downtown Evansville) 437-2363 Online ordering available

CO U P O N S ! Check out these savings!

Mama Mia’s (Inside Tropicana Evansville) 421 NW Riverside Dr. 433-4227 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Max & Erma’s Tropicana Evansville (Pavilion Level 1) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4258 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. 401-4630 Under $10/Checks Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar Red Robin Gourmet Burgers 6636 E. Lloyd Exp. 473-4100 Under $10/Full Bar/All MajorCC Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (Inside Cold Stone Creamery) 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy 437-2653 Royal Suite 4706 Morgan Ave. 812-402-5122 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major CC

Show-Me’s (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. 401-SHOW (West) 5501 Pearl Dr. 402-7100 Under $10/ Checks Accepted/ Credit Cards/Full Bar/ Sportsbook Bar & Grill Tropicana Evansville 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 401-0309 $10-$15/Full Bar Steeplechase Café (Clarion Inn Airport) 4101 Hwy. 41 N. 424-6400 $10-$15/Full Bar /CC Temptations Buffet Tropicana Evansville (Pavilion Level 2) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-4000 Under $10/All Major CC The Uptown Event 518 Main St. 812-550-1404 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major CC/Catering Reservations Accepted The Vault 329 Main St.

812-402-0133 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major CC/Catering T.G.I. Friday’s (In Eastland Mall) 800 N. Green River Rd. 491-8443Under $10/Full Bar/No Reservations/No Checks/All Major CC Zoup Fresh Soup Co. (East) 6240 E. Virginia St. 477-2664 (North) 4660 N. 1st Ave. 423-1800 Under $10/All Major CC


Canton Inn Restaurant 947 North Park Dr. 428-6611 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

China Village (Newburgh, IN) 8423 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-858-8238 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/All Major CC Chopstick House Restaurant 5412 E. Indiana St. 473-5551 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/Credit Cards Crazy Buffet 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. 437-8833 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/No checks/Credit Cards

Charlie’s Mongolian BBQ 315 E. Diamond Ave. 423-9897 Under $10/Casual/

Golden Buddha 3221 Taylor Ave. 473-4855 (Newburgh, IN) 5066 S.R. 261 812-853-2680 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ Full Bar/All Major CC

China King 590 E. Diamond Ave. 423-1896 Under $10/Casual/Checks Beer & Wine/All Major CC

Gracie’s Chinese Cuisine 12500 N. Hwy. 41 812-868-8888 Under $10/Casual//Checks All Major Credit Cards

Grand Buffet Mongolian Grill 1356 N. Green River Rd. 476-6666 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ No Checks/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Lincoln Garden 2001 Lincoln Ave. 471-8881 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR Mandarin Garden Chinese Restaurant 2013 N. Green River Rd. 476-7088 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol/VISA/MC MAT. 888 China Bistro 5636 Vogel Rd. 475-2888 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

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Shing-Lee Chinese Restaurant 215 Main St. 464-2769 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 669 N. Green River Rd. 479-7600 $10-$15/Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/VISA/MC/AMEX Taste of China 4579 University Dr. 422-1260 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Alcohol Teppanyaki Grill & Supreme Buffet 201 B N. Green River Rd 474-6660 Under $10/All Major CC/No Checks/No Alcohol

Coffee Cottage & Café 612 S. Weinbach Ave. 401-1930 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC Daily’s Bakery & Café 701 N. Main St. 484-6635 Reservations Accepted/ Under $10/Casual/

Wok ‘N’ Roll 311 S. Green River Rd. 479-3118 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC

Diamond Deli (Inside Casino Aztar) 421 Riverside Dr. 433-6122 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

Yen Ching Chinese Restaurant 406 S. Green River Rd. 474-0181 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar

The Acropolis Express at the YWCA 118 Vine St. 424-7335 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ All Major CC

Donut Bank Bakery & Coffee Shop (West) 210 N. St. Joseph Ave. 426-1011 (North) 2128 N. 1st Ave. 426-2311 1031 E. Diamond Ave. 426-0011 (East) 5 N. Green River Rd. 479-0511 1950 Washington Ave. 477-2711 1200 Lincoln Ave. 402-4111 (Newburgh, IN) 3988 SR 261 812-858-9911 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC (Henderson, Ky) 2638 Hwy 41 270-212-0181

Anthony’s Heavenly Cheesecake 5600 E. Virginia St. 499-8273 Under $10/Casual/No Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR/

Emge’s Deli & Ice Cream 206-208 Main St. 422-3026/422-7030 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ No Alcohol

Bits & Bytes 216 NW Fourth St. 812-423-5113 Under $10/Checks/All Major CC

Eric’s Corner Carry-Out 4220 Broadway Ave 402-9788 Under $10/Casual/No Checks/ No Alcohol/All Major CC

Café 111 111 S. Green River Rd. #D 401-8111 Under $10/Casual/Visa/MC

Fresh Harvest Deli 1 Main St. (in Old National) 424-5801 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

The Cake Stand 223 Second St. (Henderson, Ky) 270-854-1305 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Choo Choo Café & Deli

Gayla Cake 422 N. Main St. 454-9791 All Major CC

2nd St. Treats (Henderson, Ky) 221 2nd St. Under $10/All Major CC

July 2015 •

Cleo’s Bakery & Brown Bag Lunches 9 W. Jennings St. (Newburgh, IN) 812-789-6485 Under $10/Checks/All Major CC

Two Brothers 3806 N. 1st Ave. 423-6188 Under $10/Casual/Reservations/ MC/VISA/DSCVR


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915 Main St., Ste. Caboose 812-319-7816 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

The Great American Bagel 3901 Morgan Ave. 476-7212 Under $10/Casual/MC/VISA Great Harvest Bread Co. 423 Metro Ave. 476-4999 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Honey Baked Ham & Café 1449 N. Green River Rd. 471-2940 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/ Call for Catering

Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. 421-8741 (East) 2004 Washignton Ave. Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major CC PG Art Gallery & Cafe 1418 W. Franklin 402-4445 Under $10/Beer & Wine/All Major CC Piece of Cake 210 Main St. 424-2253 Under $5//Checks/All Major CC

Jason’s Deli 943 N. Green River Rd. 417-9905 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

Pita Pit 1211 Turor Ln. 402-6205 Under $10/No Alcohol/All Major CC/ Call for Catering

Jeanne’s Gelato 2003 Lincoln Ave. 479-8272 Under $10/Casual/Checks/Major CC

Planter’s Coffee House (Henderson, KY) 130 N. Main St. 270-830-0927 Under $5/Casual/ All Major CC

Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches 701 N. Burkhardt Rd. Ste. C 401-5400 (Newburgh, IN) 8680 Highpoint Dr. 491-7111 130 N. St. Joe Ave 402-9944 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/ Call for Catering Just Rennies Cookies 102 S.E. 4th St. 490-8098 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/All Major CC ordering available -www.justrennies.compowered by Click4AMeal McAlister’s Deli 2220 N. Green River Rd. 618-2050 $10-$15/All Major Credit Cards Panera Bread 220 Burkhardt Rd. 476-7477 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards Penn Station East Coast Subs (East) 137 N. Burkhardt Rd. 479-PENN (7366) (North) 4827 David Lant 402-PENN (West) 5310 Pearl Dr. 434-PENN (Newburgh) 8887 High Point Dr. 812-401-7366 (Owensboro, KY) 3625 Frederica St. 270-683-1515 (Henderson, KY) 1111 Barrett Rd. 270-826-7361Under $10/Casual/No Alcohol/All Major CC

R’z Cafe & Catering Co. (Ft. Branch, IN) 104 N. Main 812-615-0039 Under $15-$25/All Major CC/ Reservations Accepted/Call for Catering Salad World Healthy Cafe (North) 601 East Booneville NewHarmony Rd. 867-2741 (East) 3311 N. Green River Rd. 471-5083 (West) 5625 Pearl Drive 467-7486 (Downtown) 200 Main St. 422-0898 (Newburgh) 4222 Bell Rd 812-490-6070 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Sidewalk Cafe (Henderson, KY) 228 2nd Street 270-831-2233 Under $10/Casual/ All Major CC Sweet Betty’s Bakery 5600 E. Virginia St. 402-3889 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Schlotzsky’s 301 N. Green River Rd. 471-4011 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC/ Call for Catering Sidewalk Cafe 228 2nd St. (Henderson, Ky) 270-831-2233 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

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Spudz –N– Stuff (East) 812 S. Green River Rd. 401-7783 (West) 5225 Pearl Dr. 402-8287 (Downtown) 101 NW 1st St. 402-7555 (Henderson, KY) 192 Garden Mile Rd. 270-212-1777 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/ Call for Catering Smiling Moose Deli 724 N. Burkhardt Rd., Ste. 700 477-3354 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol The Cake Stand (Henderson, KY) 223 Second St. 270-854-1305 Under $10/Casual/wAll Major CC Twilight Bistro 221 Main St. 421-0606 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Vecchio’s Italian Market & Delicatessen (Newburgh, IN) 14 W. Jennings St. 490-7879 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Checks Accepted/VISA/MC/ DSCVR

FAMILY/HOMESTYLE Bob Evans Restaurant (East) 1125 N. Green River Rd. 473-9022 (West) 5201 Pearl Dr. 812-425-5100 (Owensboro, KY) 3123 Kentucky Hwy. 54 270-683-3515 (Princeton, IN) US 41 & State Rt. 64 812-386-1228 Under $10/VISA/MC Buffalo Wild Wings (BW3) (East) 713 N. Green River Rd. 471-9464 (West) 5404 Pearl Dr. 471-9464 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major CC Burger Bank 1617 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-2265 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Carousel Restaurant 5115 Monroe Ave. 479-6388 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/CC Cleavers Restaurant 5501 E. Indiana St. 473-0001 Under $10/Casual/ No Alcohol/ No Checks/VISA/MC

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Cracker Barrel 8215 Eagle Lake Dr. 479-8788 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards Cross-Eyed Cricket 2101 Pennsylvania St. 422-6464 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Checks Accepted Culver’s Frozen Custard Butter Burgers 1734 Hirschland Rd. 437-3333 Under $10/Casual/MC/ VISA/DSCVR Denny’s Classic Diner (West) 5212 Weston Rd. 424-4472 (Newburgh, IN) 19501 Elpers Rd. 812-867-7156 Under $10/Casual/Formal/ Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards Denny’s Restaurant (North) 4301 Hwy. 41 N. 423-9459 (East) 351 N. Green River 473-1063 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ No Alcohol/All Major CC Elberfeld Korner Inn (Elberfeld, In) 15 W. Main St. 812-983-4200 Under $10/Full Bar/All MajorCC Five Guys Burgers 5402 E. Indiana St. 401-1773 Under $10/Checks/All MajorCC Flying Saucer Café (Inside the Airport) 7801 Bussing Dr. 423-1113 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Franklin Lanes Coffee Shop 1801 W. Franklin St. 423-5355 Under $10/All Major CC/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar Frontier Restaurant & Bar 12945 Hwy. 57 812-867-6786 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ VISA/MC/Reservations Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 473-3800 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Gemeca Inn (Ft. Branch, IN) 802 E. Locust St. 812-753-4441 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major CC Get and Go Casserole 6840 Logan Drive 475-8830 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Checks/No Alcohol Golden Corral (East) 130 Cross Point Blvd. 473-1095 (Henderson, KY) 1770 S. Green St. 270-869-9310/Call for Catering Highland Inn 6620 N. First Ave. 402-2544 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major CC The Hilltop Inn 1100 Harmony Way 422-1757 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash/ Check/All Major CC/Full Bar Hornville Tavern 2607 W. Baseline Rd. 812-963-0967 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ No Credit Cards/Checks Accepted/Call for Catering IHOP 601 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-0510 Under $10, All Major CC Ivy Cafe @ Swirca 16 W. Virginia St. 464-7800 Under $10/Full Bar Ivy Room/All Major CC KT’s Fire Grill (Wadesville, IN) 7247 Main St. 812-673-4996 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar Reservations/VISA/MC

Koodie-Hoo’s (Mt. Vernon, IN) 231 W. 2nd St. 812-838-5202 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Libby & Mom’s Café 2 Richardt Ave. 437-3040 Under $10/Checks Accepted/VISA/MC/DSCVR

The Redwagon Restaurant & Bar (Poseyville) Hwy. 165 & I-64 812-874-2210 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/All Major CC

Log Inn (Haubstadt, IN) 12491 S. 200 E. 812-867-3216 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar

Rose Hill Cafe (Newburgh, IN) 8133 Rose Hill Dr. 812-853-8443 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/No Alcohol Scheller’s Carriage Inn (Haubstadt, IN) 103 E Gibson St 812-768-6131 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/Full Bar

Merry-Go-Round Restaurant 2101 Old Business 41 423-6388 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted

St. Joe Inn 9515 St. Wendel Rd. 812-963-9310 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar

O’Charley’s (East) 7301 E. Indiana St. 479-6632 (West) 5125 Pearl Dr. 424-3348 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC

Stoll’s Country Inn 19820 Castle Creek Dr. 812-867-7730 Under $10/Check MC/Visa/ Reservations/Buffett/ Call for Catering

The Old Mill 503 New Harmony Rd. 812-963-6000 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major C C The Pie Pan 905 North Park Dr. 425-2261 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/No Alcohol Popeye’s Chicken 3300 N. 1st. Ave 401-1773 Under $10/All MajorCC Pop’s Grill (New Harmony, IN) 516 S. Main St. 812-682-3880 $10-$15/Casual/VISA/MC Rafferty’s 1400 N. Green River Rd. 471-0024 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major CC Red Fez (in Hadi Shrine Building)6 Walnut St. 423-4285 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards

Zesto’s 102 W. Franklin St. 424-1416 Under $10/All Major CC


Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Credit Cards/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar Cavanaugh’s Tropicana Evansville (Pavilion Level 2) 421 N.W. Riverside Dr. 433-4333 $20-$30/Reservations Recommended/No Checks Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards CKB (Henderson, Ky) 108 N. 2nd St. 270-212-2133 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$25/Causual/ All Major CC The Edgewater Grille (Newburgh, IN) 1 E. Water St. 812-858-2443 $10-$15/Reservations

Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major CC The Jungle Restaurant 415 Main St. 425-5282 $10-$15/Reservations Reccomeded/Checks Accepted/All Major CC/ Full Bar Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations/ Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar N.W. Chophouse & Wine Bar (Newburgh, IN) 7799 Hwy 66 812-853-9500 $15-$25/Reservations/ Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar Red Geranium (New Harmony, IN) 504 N. St. 812-682-4431 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ CC/Call for Catering


Orange Leaf 701 Burkhardt Rd. 401-5215 Under $10/All Major CC Sweet CeCe’s Under $10/All Major CC (East) 4827 Davis Lant Dr. 477-5276

Taj Mahal Indian Cuisine 900 Tutor Ln. 476-5000 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards


RiRa’s Irish Pub Tropicana Evansville 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 $10-$25/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

ITALIAN/ MEDITERRANEAN Angelo’s 305 Main St. 428-6666 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano 16401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 421-0800 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC Café Arazu (Newburgh, IN) 117 W. Jennings St. 812-842-2200 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major CC


Gerst Bavarian Haus 2100 W. Franklin St. 424-1420 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All CC


The Acropolis Fine Greek Cuisine and Spirits 501 N. Green River Rd. 475-9320 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major CC/Call for Catering


Taste of India 4700 Vogel Rd 909-2880 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major CC

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July 2015 •

Dilegge’s Italian 607 N. Main St. 428-3004 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $15-$25//Reservations/Checks/ Full Bar Little Italy Italian 4430 1st Ave. 479-7777 Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria (Henderson) 2201 Hwy 41 N. 270-212-2352 $10/Casual/All Major CC Mama Mia’s Tropicana Evansville 421 NW Riverside Dr, 433-4000 Under $10/VISA/MC Manna Mediterranean 2913 Lincoln Ave. 473-7005 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards Milano’s Italian Cuisine 500 Main St. 484-2222 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit Cards/Beer & Wine The Olive Garden Italian Restaurant 1100 N. Green River Rd. 473-2903 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/Credit Cards


Fujiyama Japanese Steakhouse 917 North Park Dr. 812-962-4440 $10-$20/Casual/Beer & Wine/ Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards Ginmiya Asian Diner 4827 Davis Lant 471-8100 Reservations/ $10-$15/No Checks/ All Major CC/ No Alcohol Iwataya Japanese Restaurant 8401 N. Kentucky Ave. 812-868-0830 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major CC Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro 4593 Washington Ave. 471-7076 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/All Major CC/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal Nagasaki Inn 5720 Virginia St. 473-1442 Checks Accepted/Reservations Accepted/All Major CC Okami Japanese Sushi & Hibachi 5435 Pearl Dr. 424-3413 Checks Accepted/Reservations Accepted/VISA/MC/DSCVR Roppongi Japanese Steak & Sushi 7221 E. Indiana St. 437-5824 $10-15/Reservations Accpeted/All Major Credit Cards/No Alcohol Tokyo Japan 3000 N. Green River Rd. 401-1020 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC

Oasis Mediterranean Grille 5702 E. Virginia St. 602-3660 $10-$15/Dressy Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Zuki Japanese Grill & Sushi Lounge 222 Main Street 1448 N. Green River Rd. 477-9854 $10-$15/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

Sauced Italian/American 1113 Parrett St. 812-402-2230 $15-$25/Casual/Catering Available/ Beer & Wine/All Major CC

Tokyo Teppanyaki Japanese Cuisine (Henderson, Ky) 2222 Us Hwy 41 N. 270-869-1968 Under $10/All Major CC/Full Bar

Smitty’s Italian SteakHouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC/ Call for Catering




John Greenwell

Owner of Beef 'O' Brady's

July Craft Beer of the Month: Hobgoblin

Hobgoblin is the best-known and most popular beer brewed at Wychwood Brewery and was created by Chris Moss. It has a 5.2% ABV and is best described by Wychwood as a “Ruby beer.” Jeremy Moss, Wychwood’s head brewer, describes this beer as “full bodied and well balanced with a chocolate toffee malt flavor, moderate bitterness and a distinctive fruity character with a ruby red glow.” It was the first bottled beer in the UK to feature an illustrated label, as opposed to a simple text-based one, and it’s currently the 5th best-selling ale in the UK. The current motto for Hobgoblin is “What’s the matter, Lagerboy, afraid you might taste something?” This is a direct challenge to drinkers of pale lager, a more popular style of beer, to consume a more prominently-flavored drink. In October 2004 and 2005, Wychwood used a variation of this motto for Halloween: “Afraid of the dark, Lagerboy?” This brewery is willing to go out on a limb to create a buzz around their great beers. If you love ESB style beer, you must try this! We suggest something spicy such as our Mango Habanero chicken wings to complement the flavors of this beer. The combination is guaranteed to give your palate a run for its money. Although heavier beers are usually more acceptable in the fall and winter months, I suggest giving Hobgoblin a try. It’s one of those great beers that can be enjoyed year round. Come in to Beef ‘O’ Brady’s and find out for yourself; it’s worth the drive to Newburgh to enjoy those hard-to-find beers that not everyone in town has. Once here, tell our bartender about your favorite beer. If we can get it, we are more than happy to give it a try.

Jaya’s 119 S.E. 4th St. 422-6667 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

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Acapulco Mexican (Newburgh, IN) 8480 High Pointe Dr. 812-858-7777 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/MC, Visa/ Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal Cancun Mexican (Henderson) 341 S. Green St. 270-826-0067 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Online ordering available – www. - powered by Click4AMeal Carleo’s (Owensboro) 3118 Alvey Dr. 270-684-0290 Under $10/All Major Credit CC City Taco 2403 Washington Ave. 812-477-1955 Under $10/All Major Credit CC/ Beer & wine Chipotle Mexican Grill 499 N. Green River Rd. 471-4973 Under $10/All Major Credit CC El Charro 720 N. Sonntag Ave. 421-1986 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/All Major Credit CC/Beer & Wine El Maguey (Boonville, IN) 601 W. State Rd. 62 812-897-2028 3250 Warrick Dr. 812-897-6666 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Checks Accepted/MC, VISA/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal El Patron Mexican 943 North Park Dr. 402-6500 Under $10/Reservations/All Major Credit CC/Full Bar El Rio Mexican 1919 Green River Rd. 812-471-1400 Under $10/Casual/ No Checks/Full Bar/CC Hacienda Mexican Restaurant (East) 990 S. Green River 474-1635 (North) 711 N. 1st. Ave. 423-6355 (West) 5440 Pearl Dr. 422-2055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All Major CC

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Hot Head Burritos 5625 Pearl Dr. Suite A 437-5010 Under $10/All Major CC/ No Alcohol Jalisco Mexican Restaurant 4044 Professional Ln. 490-2814 $5-$15/CasualReservations Accepted/Full Bar/Major CC La Cabana 821 S. Green River Rd. 477-3351 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar/Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal Los Bravos (East) 834 Tutor Ln. 474-9078 (North) 3534 First Ave. 424-4101 (West) 4630 W. Lloyd Expwy. 464-3136 (Boonville) 3311 Liberty Blvd 812-897-3442 (Jasper) 198 S Newton 812-482-7564 (Loogootee) 502 W Broadway 812-295-2069 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC/AMEX Los Portales 3339 N. Green River Rd. 475-0566 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/No Checks/All Major CC/ Full Bar Los Toribio’s (Henderson) 2810 U.S. 41 N. 270-830-6610 1647 S. Green St. 270-831-2367 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Los Tres Camino’s 12100 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8550 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/All Major CC/Full Bar Moe’s Southwest Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 491-6637 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC/ Beer & Wine Qdoba Mexican Grill 922 Burkhardt Rd. 401-0800 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ MC/VISA

Riviera Mexican Grill 10604 SR. 662 (Newburgh) 490-9936 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar

Big M’s Pizzeria 1313 N. 1st Ave. 434-6909 $10-$15/VISA/MC

Taco Tierra 420 S. Green River Rd. 402-8226 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC

Boston’s - The Gourmet Pizza 3911 Venetian Dr. 812-853-3400 $5-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Tequila’s (Mt. Vernon, IN) 408 Southwind Plaza 812-838-2392 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations/MC/VISA


Archie & Clyde’s Restaurant (Newburgh) 8309 Bell Oaks Dr. 812-490-7778 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Full Bar/Visa, MC/Online ordering available – -powered by Click4AMeal Azzip Pizza 5225 Pearl Dr 401-3572 $10/VISA/MC/No Alcohol

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe 222 E. Columbia St. 425-2515 Under $10/Casual/Checks / Full Bar/All Major CC Firedome Pizza & Wings (Henderson) 2046 Hwy. 41 N. 270-831-1977 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Brick Pizzeria 101 NW. 1st., Ste. 114 602-3035 VISA/MC Accepted

Firehouse Subs 1031 N. Green River Rd. 477-2141 Under $10/All Major CC

Cici’s Pizza (East) 101-B N. Green River Rd. 477-2424 (West) 5625 Pearl Dr. Ste. G 812-962-0034 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC

Gardo’s Italian Oven 13220 Darmstadt Rd. 812-868-8071 Under $10/Casual

Cleavers 5501 E. Indiana St. 812-473-0001 Under $10/All Major CC Dave’s Sports Den Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards

Gatti Town 316 N. Green River Rd. 473-3800 Under $10/Casual/ All Major CC Greeks Pizzeria 240 S. Green River Rd. 402-4733 Under $10/Credit Cards Online ordering available – powered by Click4AMeal

Heady’s Pizza 4120 N. First Ave. 437-4343 Under $10/Casual/VISA/MC Highland Pizza Shop 6669 Kratzville Rd. 402-8900 Under $10/VISA/MC Jimmy John’s 701 N Burkhardt Rd Ste. C 812-401-5400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Lombardi’s New York Pizza (Henderson) 513 Barret Blvd. 270-854-4391 Under $10/All Major CC/ Lucy Bella’s Pizzeria (Henderson) 2201 HWY 41 270-212-2352 Under $10/All Major CC Mama Roma’s Pizza & Wings 2008 E. Morgan Ave.

422-1212 3115 E. Covert Ave. 477-6262 3904 First Ave 421-3000 Under $10/Casual/All Major CC Mama Mia’s Tropicana Evansville 421 NW Riverside Dr, 433-4000 Under $10/VISA/MC Maloney’s Restaurant (Owensboro) 3030 Highland Point Dr. 270-684-8080 Under $10/VISA/MC Mr. B’s Pizza & Wings (Henderson, KY) 2611 Hwy. 41 N. 270-826-1111 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/MC Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar/ Online ordering available powered by Click4AMeal

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Papa John’s Pizza 1244 Hwy 41 812-867-7272 (East) 303 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7700 (East) 5436 E. Indiana St. 473-5200 (North) 4204 N. 1st Ave. 425-2345 (West) 4814 W. Lloyd Expwy. 812-423-7272 Under $10/Credit Cards (Newburgh) 3955 Hayley Dr. 812-858-7272 (Henderson) 418 Center St. 270-826-4444 Parkway Pizza 3911 Broadway Ave. 423-3339 Under $10/Beer & Wine/ Checks/MC/VISA

Pizza King (East) 1033 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-9441 (West) 220 N. St Joe Ave. 424-7976 (Newburgh, IN) Hwy. 66 & 261 812-853-3368 Under $10/Casual/Credit Cards/Beer available/ Online ordering available – -powered by Click4AMeal Roca Bar South 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

Pizza Chef (Newburgh) 4938 SR 261 812-853-3338 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations/Checks Beer & Wine/MC/VISA

Roca Bar North 12301 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8898 $10-$15/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar

Pizza Depot 11845 Old Petersburgh Rd. 812-867-9131 Under $10/Checks Accepted/Beer & Wine/All Major Credit Cards

Rockhouse at Wolf’s (Henderson) 31 N. Green St. 270-212-1400 Under $10/All Major CC/ Full Bar

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Rounder’s Pizza (North) 510 W. Mill Rd. 424-4960

Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Beer & Wine/All Major CC

Rounder’s Too 12731 N. Green River Rd. 812-867-7172 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ Beer & Wine/VISA/MC

Talk of the Town Pizza 1200 Edgar St. 402-8696 Under $10/Casual/Checks/ Beer & Wine/VISA/MC

Sam’s Pizzeria 2011 W. Delaware 423-3160 $10-$15/Casual/No Alcohol

Turoni’s Forget-MeNot-Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards

Sandy’s Pizza (Ft. Branch) 609 S. Main St. 812-759-3972 Under $10/Casual/Beer & Wine/All Major CC Spankey’s Una Pizza 714 N. Sonntag 402-6776 $10-$15/Checks Accepted/ MC/VISA/ Susan Bobe’s (Princeton) 101 W. Broadway 812-385-2554 $10-$15/MC/VISA The Slice 2011 Lincoln Ave. 476-8518

Turoni’s Pizzeria & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major Credit Cards Turoni’s Pizza (Newburgh) 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. 490-5555 Under $10/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major Credit Cards

Walther’s Golf ‘n Fun 2301 N. 1st Ave. 464-4472 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Woody’s Pizzeria (New Harmony, IN) 518 S. Main St. 812-682-6666 Under $10/All Major CC


Edgewater La Veranda Banquest Room 5 E. Water St. (Newburgh, IN) 812-858-2443 Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major CC/Call for Catering Ivy Room at Swirca 16 W. Virgina St. 812-464-7800 Reservations/Full Bar/ All Major CC/Catering

The Event Gallery 956 Parrett St. 467-4255 $15 - $25/Banquet facilities/Checks Accepted/All Major Credit Cards/ Call for Catering Kirby’s 1113-1119 Parrett St. 422-2230 $20-$50/Full Bar/ Reservations Necessary/ All Major Credit Cards/Call for Catering Old Post Office Event Center 100 NW. 2nd St. 812-253-2102 $10-$15/Full Bar/ Call for Catering Schmitt Catering & More 812-909-0566/812-774-6547 Under $10/Reservations Necessary/Checks Accepted/No Credit Cards/Call for Catering


Beertropolis 830 LST Dr. 297-2337 Under $10/Full Bar Blush Ultra Lounge 421 NW Riverside Dr (812) 433-4000 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/CC Chilly Willy’s Pub 3039 Claremont Ave. 423-0726 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/CC CKB (Henderson, Ky) 108 N. 2nd St. 270-212-2133 $10-$15/Full Bar/All Major CC Cricket’s (Newburgh) 518 W. Main St. 812-858-2782 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Darren’s Pub (Henderson, KY) 713 N. Green St. 812-827-2206 Under $10/Full Bar/VISA/MC Dave’s Sportsden Pizza & Pub 701 N. Weinbach Ave. 479-8887 Under $10/Full Bar/Checks/Major CCs Doc’s 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA/MC KC’s Corner Pocket Bar & Grill 1819 N. Fulton Ave. 428-2255 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/VISA/MC K.C.’s Time Out Lounge & Grill 1121 S. Green River Rd. 437-9920 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/ VISA/MC/DSCVR

Main Street Comedy Club 217 Main St. 812-453-7636 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Reservations Kipplee’s Stadium Inn 2350 Division St. 479-1542 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA/MC Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin St. 437-0171 Under $10/Casual/No Reservations/ Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards The Marigold Bar 2112 S. Weinbach Ave. 475-8780 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Cash Only Mojo’s Boneyard Sportsbar & Grille 4920 Bellemeade Ave. 475-8593 under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/ All Major Credit Cards Old Chicago Pasta & Pizza 6550 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-1400 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Accepted/ All Major Credit Cards Piston’s Bar & Grill 2131 W. Franklin St. 401-1699 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/VISA/MC The Pub 1348 Division St. 423-2121 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks Accepted/ Full Bar/All Major Cards/Call for Catering RiRa’s Irish Pub Tropicana Evansville 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. 426-0000 $10-$25/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Call for Catering Roca Bar South 1618 S. Kentucky Ave. 422-7782 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar Roca Bar North 12301 Hwy. 41 North 812-868-8898 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Checks/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar Rookie’s Sports Bar (Henderson, KY) 117 Second St. 270-826-1106 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar

Third Annual SMILE on Down Syndrome Trucks & Heroes A great event that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face and make the day of someone very special. SMILE on Down Syndrome will once again be hosting their Trucks & Heroes event this year to the enjoyment of young and old alike. The third annual Trucks & Heroes will take place on Saturday, July 18 from 9am-12pm at Deaconess Gateway Hospital. The first hour will be siren-and-lights-free for those with sensory issues, including guests who are on the autism spectrum. The 2015 Trucks & Heroes event will be an opportunity for guests to come check out some of the tri-state area’s biggest and most fun trucks and working vehicles. It will also be a chance for the young and young at heart to meet up close some of our area’s finest police, fire, medical, and military heroes. It is also an opportunity for area businesses and organizations to showcase their service vehicles including limos, school buses, and the everpopular ice cream truck! This year’s 2015 Trucks & Heroes event will be free to attend, but a donation of non-perishable food items will be accepted to help stock the food pantry at Patchwork Central. This event is open to the public, and everyone is invited to come out to see the vehicles and meet our local heroes. For more information or to participate with a vehicle, contact SMILE on Down Syndrome Executive Director Nikki Davis at nikki@ or visit

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Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards Tiki Time Bar & Grill 1801 Waterworks Rd. 425-1912 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/ Reservations Not Accepted/ VISA/MC/DSCVR (Closed for Season!) Tin Man Brewing Co. 1430 W. Franklin St. 618-3227 $10-$15/Casual/Beer & Wine/ All Major CC Turoni’s Forget-Me-Not-Inn 4 N. Weinbach Ave. 477-7500 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Turoni’s Pizzeria & Brewery 408 N. Main St. 812-424-9871 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major CC Turoni’s Pizza (Newburgh, IN) 8011 Bell Oaks Rd. 490-5555 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar - In house Brewery/All Major Credit Cards The Vault 329 Main St (812) 402-0133 Under $10/Casual/All Major Credit Cards/Full Bar/Call for Catering


Bonefish Grill 6401 E. Lloyd Expwy. 401-3474 $15-$25/Casual/ Reservations Accepted/ Credit Cards/Full Bar Lure Seafood & Grill (Owensboro, Ky) 401 W. 2nd St (270)686-8202 $15-$25/Reservations Accepted/Credit Cards/Full Bar

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Red Lobster 4605 Bellemeade Ave. 477-9227 $10-$15/Casual/ Full Bar/Credit Cards Tin Fish (Newburgh, IN) 300 W. Jennings Station 490-7000 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ All Major Credit Cards


Eclipse Tapas Bar & Restaurant 113 SE 4th St. 463-6040 Under $10/Reservations Accepted/Beer & Wine/CC


Cavanaugh’s Tropicana Evansville 421 NW Riverside Dr 433-4333 Over $25/Reservations/Full Bar/All Major CC Cork ‘N Cleaver 650 S. Hebron Ave. 479-6974 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Double D’s (Boonville, IN) 1206 E. Main St. (812) 897-8813 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Haub Steak House (Haubstadt, IN) 101 E. Haub St. 812-768-6462 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Recommended/Checks Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC Hornet’s Nest 11845 Old Petersburg Rd. 812-867-2386 Under $10/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major CC House of Como 2700 S. Kentucky 422-0572 $15-$25//Reservations/Checks/ Full Bar

Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar

Logan’s Roadhouse Steakhouse (East) 1 N. Burkhardt Rd. 471-8403 (West) 5645 Pearl Dr. 421-0908 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

Par-K Seafood 757 South Green River Rd 401-5222 $10-$15/Casual/All Major CC

Longhorn Steakhouse 320 N. Green River Rd. 473-2400 $10-$15/All Major CC/Full Bar

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Madeleine’s Restaurant 423 S.E. 2nd St. 491-8611 $15-$25/Reservations Recommended/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar N.W. Chop House & Wine Bar (Newburgh, IN) 7799 St. Hwy 66 812-853-9500 $15-$25/Reservations/Checks/ All Major CC/Full Bar Outback Steakhouse 7201 Indiana St. 474-0005 $10-$15/Casual/No Reservations/Full Bar Smitty’s Italian SteakHouse 2109 W. Franklin St. 423-6280 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/Full Bar/All Major Credit Cards/Call for Catering Texas Roadhouse 7900 Eagle Crest Blvd. 477-7427 $10-$15/Casual/Full Bar/ No Reservations/ No Checks/VISA/MC/ DSCVR Western Rib-Eye & Ribs 1401 N. Boeke Rd. 476-5405 $12-$18/Casual/Reservations/ Full Bar/All MajorCredit Cards


Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares Ave. 425-4929 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar Buck’s Tavern 1015 N. Fulton Ave. 429-0055 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Checks/All Major CC Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt Rd. 812-867-7300 Under $10/Casual/MC/ VISA/Full Bar Diamond Lanes 2400 Hwy 41 N. 424-4677 Under $10/Full Bar/Major CC Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown Rd. 401-1201 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/All Major CC

Fat Boy Tavern (Ft. Branch IN) 115 N. McCreary Ave. (812)753-9914 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC

Hornville Tavern & Catering 2607 Baseline Rd. 812-963-9318 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks Accepted/Call for Catering

Fester’s Sportsbar & Grill (Mt Vernon In) 10301 Old Hwy 62 W 812-985-7333 Under $10/No Checks/All Major CC

The Knob Hill Tavern (Newburgh, IN) 1016 Hwy. 662 West 812-853-9550 Under $10/Reservations Accepted/ Checks/Full Bar/Credit Cards

Fred’s Bar & Grill 421 Read St. 423-8040 Under $10/Casual/ No Reservations/Cash Only/Full Bar Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W. Franklin 423-0794 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Highland Inn 6620 N. First Ave. 402-2544 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/No Checks/ All Major CC Hobo Jungle 1323 S Barker Ave, 491-6229 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar All Major CC

Legends (Inside River City Recreation) 1050 S. Weinbach Ave. 476-74444 Under $10/Casual/ Major CC/Full Bar LeRoy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. 464-8300 Under $10/All Major CC/Full Bar

The Peephole Bar & Grill 201 Main St. 423-5171 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Rick’s 718 Bar & Grill 718 3rd Ave. 423-0872 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 S. Green River Rd 812-477-4088 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC Riverbend Food Factory(Henderson Ky) 713 N Green Street 270-827-2206 Under $10/Full Bar/All Major CC 711 Tavern 711 Virginia St. 422-0904 Under $10/Cash Only/Full Bar

Lyle Sports Zone Pizza & Pub 1404 E. Morgan Ave. 425-7729 Under $10/Casual/Checks Accepted/ VISA/MC/Full Bar

St. Phillips Inn (Mt. Vernon, IN) 11200 Upper Mt. Vernon Rd. 812-985-5558 Under $10/Casual/ /Checks/Full Bar/CC

The Nisbit Inn 6701 Nisbit Rd 812-963-9305 Under $10/Cash Only/Full Bar/ Call for Catering

Sportsman’s Billiards & Grille 2315 W. Franklin St. 422-0801 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/All CC

Stockwell Inn 4001 E. Eichel Ave. 476-2384 Under $10/Casual/Checks/All Major CC/Full Bar T.J.’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. 402-9273 Under $10/Casual/ Full Bar/Cash Only Yellow Tavern (New Harmony, IN) 521 Church St. 812-682-3303 Under $10/Casual/Full Bar/Checks/No Credit & Debit


Thai Papaya Cuisine 1434 Tutor Lane 477-8424 Under $10/ All Major CC/Online ordering available – www. - powered by Click4AMeal


Vietnamese Cuisine 4602 Vogel Rd. 491-1884 $10-$15/Casual/Reservations Accepted/VISA/MC

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Downtown Owensboro The Definition of Progress I remember the first time I walked into The Crème Coffee House, with its exposed brick, eclectic décor and funky coffee shop feel I’d enjoyed in other cities. I thought, “This doesn’t feel like Owensboro.” The same feeling washed over me the first night I kicked back with friends and cocktails in one of the circular booths at Gambrinus Libation Emporium. I love my hometown, but I’ve always associated it with great barbecue and bluegrass music, not with a bustling

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downtown featuring local eateries and cute boutiques. However, I – and others – are viewing Owensboro differently as its scenic riverfront is experiencing a renaissance. Natalie Mountjoy, a northern Kentucky native, lives within walking distance of downtown with her husband Jat and toddler son Walker. Natalie, who has lived in Owensboro since 2004, says, “I am so proud of my city. I’ve invited lots of out-of-town family to visit just to see all of the

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I, too, am proud of Owensboro, for creating a unique, walkable, vibrant destination spot along the Ohio River. I live away from my hometown now, but when I visit my parents and friends over the weekend these days, I’m nearly overwhelmed by all the potential fun to be found downtown.

And where to go for Sunday brunch? We’ll head back downtown for that, too! I once bemoaned the fact that there wasn’t a decent brunch place in Owensboro, and now I complain that I can’t decide where to go! My two latest favorite spots are both hotel-based: Another Broken Egg Café and Lure,

On Friday night, should we begin with a drink in the cool Miller House basement, which feels like a world unto itself – and has a killer bourbon selection? And do we stick around for a delicious dinner there or venture over to my long-time love, Famous Bistro? If we’re feeling a little more casual, we could always grab a slice and hang out on the patio at Fetta, or maybe a ‘50s-style diner burger from BeeBop’s is in order. See what I mean?

The Boiler Room

A contemporary bar with a sense of history, Owensboro’s Boiler Room is not your average hang-out. Not many drinking establishments can claim to have started life as a century-old cigar factory, but the Boiler Room’s interesting back story doesn’t end there. In addition to the unique origins of the building, it’s said that railroad lines transporting goods used to run straight through the parking lot and evidence of that can still be found if you look hard enough at the gravel covering. Quite simply, this place is so much more than a popular beer-stop with three (!) bars; the past is alive and well here, merging with the excitement of the present to create a very cool atmosphere.

A post-dinner walk along the river has always been relaxing, but now there are things to do and people to see. Smothers Park captures my imagination and makes me wish I could shrink myself down to kid size so that I could climb in the mouth of the giant fish, run the length of its above-ground wooden pathways, or splash in the water park. Luckily, there are also grown-upsized swings from which adults can enjoy a view of the river, as well as artful water features that can be appreciated without the donning of a bathing suit.

which features an ambience that rivals anything I’ve experienced in large cities.

A Saturday shopping expedition has to include oohing and ahhing at all the cute stuff in C-ing Polkadots, checking out local goodies at Nona’s Downtown Market and seeing what I might need for my house from Simply Chic. A postshopping lunch at Colby’s Fine Food and Spirits is a must; Colby’s Cobb Salad, I can’t quit you.

Owensboro, you are still barbecue and bluegrass and my beloved hometown, but your progressive downtown development has given me even more reasons to take pride in – and to visit you. You are making this once-sleepy small city on the Ohio a desirable destination and creating a new, ever-evolving definition of what “feels like Owensboro.” - Missy Brownson, Guest Contributor

Since opening its doors at the turn of the 1980s, the Boiler Room has undergone numerous renovations and now proudly sports one of the biggest patios in the area and a beautiful gazebo, perfect for summer fun with a big group of friends. The bar is also known for great live entertainment and big party events most every night of the week. In fact, the owners reportedly aim to turn the bar into a mini “NashVegas,” a hotspot for the best bands from around the region. So far, they’re right on track with an impressive number of current bookings and more on the horizon. No doubt all the dancing and socializing at the Boiler Room will make you hungry, but don’t worry, because they grill up hotdogs, hamburgers and brats all day and night. Come check out one of Owensboro’s most storied establishments! The Boiler Room is located at 1100 N. Walnut St. in Owensboro / 270-684-4999.

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progress. That’s what it is – progress!”


Photo credit: The Messenger-Inquirer

A Message from Friday After 5 Executive Director Kirk Kirkpatrick

BREAKING NEWS: Owensboro is contemplating changing its name to WOWensboro. If you haven’t been across the river for a while, you and your family are in for a real surprise. Besides all of the great destination places to eat BBQ and enjoy Bluegrass, it’s time for a visit to Downtown WOWensboro on Fridays during the summer. Friday After 5 is WOWensboro’s free, fun, family-focused “mile of music” festival that takes place every Friday night through September 4th. Yes, there’s a band outside on the RiverPark Center patio. But now there’s a great little hide-a-way acoustic venue, the Courtyard, that is romantic and a quaint venue for those looking for a romantic evening. On many Fridays, you can enjoy “Gospel on the River.” It’s a series of free concerts in Cannon Hall, the performing arts center’s fabulous theatre featuring three southern gospel groups. Many consider the star of the show to be the “resort quality” Smothers Park where your kids can climb up trees from the “inside,” slide down slides and try to guess where the next water squirt will come from in the Spray Ground, next to the signature fountains (designed by the same team that created the ones in Las Vegas at the Bellagio Hotel). If you can ever get the kids out of Smothers Park, you can now wander down to the iconic “Overlook Stage” (affectionately called the “Batwing”) where a Bluegrass Jam is always taking place. But there’s more! The old Executive Inn is gone but the huge platform that used to hold the “Showroom Lounge” is still there. In fact, it’s been completely incorporated into the Riverwalk and turned into the “Party Pier.” Imagine dancing OVER the Ohio River. It’s located right behind the new multi-million dollar Owensboro Convention Center and with two new state-of-the-art hotels as bookends. All of the entertainment, including the Gospel shows, are free. No tickets. No wristbands. No kidding. Plus there are free balloon animals and popcorn for the kids and a free Trolley to take you from one end of the party to the other. It’s a road trip that takes you to the best place ever to begin your weekend. Fun. Free. Friends. Friday After 5 is Where the Weekend Begins in WOWensboro. For more info, visit

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What’s Cookin’


3030 Highland Point Dr., Owensboro • 270-684-8080 If you’re looking for a spot with entertainment of all kinds and great food for the entire family, be sure to check out Maloney’s. Owned by brothers Lowell, Danny, and Steve Maloney (the front man), this Owensboro establishment offers something for everyone. Big-screens cover the walls for all of the hardcore sports fans, there’s live music three nights a week, a huge bar, patio, and even an arcade room for kids and private parties. And now, for the main event! Bring an appetite when you choose Maloney’s the portions are hearty. Owner Steve Maloney joined me for lunch, and the dishes we enjoyed felt like enough to feed a football team. The first item of the smorgasbord was the Italian, a salad with plenty of zest and texture. Practically

a meal in itself, this Maloney’s favorite features ham, ground pepperoni, cheese, black olives, fresh tomatoes, and egg atop crisp iceberg lettuce. The final touch is their in-house, special Italian dressing which adds just the right amount of zing. What is a good sports place without wings? The two boneless options I tasted were traditional buffalo and spicy garlic, both of which I’ll be sure to order on my next visit. Crunchy, flavorful, and juicy, the bite-sized morsels would be a perfect appetizer with a cold beer while cheering on your favorite team. For a healthier option, Maloney’s also offers grilled wings that are first baked and never touch a fryer. Two thumbs up for the Cajun flavor! Nearing stuffed, I still couldn’t resist the Sirloin

sandwich. The steak for each one is cooked to order, allowing for the juices to stick around. Pepperjack cheese and pepperoncinis bring out the flavor of the meat, and the buttery French loaf it’s served on is freshly baked. All sandwiches are served with chips, but I suggest adding a side of their homemade macaroni and cheese. Don’t tell your grandma, but it’s probably better than hers. Open Sunday-Thursday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and midnight on weekends, Maloney’s also offers keno, trivia nights, bike nights, an outdoor concert series, kids’ lunch specials, and budget-friendly lunch options. Get your grub and a host of entertainment options all in one spot while taking it easy on your wallet. For events and specials, follow them on Facebook. - Whitney Patterson

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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dining out


Kentucky Bike Rally Black Stone Cherry headlines four wild days and nights at the tri-state area’s most rocking motorcycle show, July 16-19 at the Union County Fairgrounds. Leave the kids at home and prepare to party. The Sturgis Kentucky Bike Rally is back and better than ever – and it’s still for adults only, 21 and over. Along with Black Stone Cherry, the fantastic lineup of live music includes Jared Black (as seen on NBC’s The Voice), hick-hop duo Twang & Round, Geneva, Big Engine, Orry Kraw, Andy Brasher Band and Blind Peace. But that’s just one part of the entertainment equation. The KBR also features their world famous wet t-shirt contest, indoor bike games, a poker run, a best campsite contest and dirt drag races. And of course, it wouldn’t be a bike rally without a parade of customized and detailed motorcycles from all over the tri-state with trophies up for grabs and bragging rights on the line. Every year, the bikes are the real stars of the shows as owners show off all of the hard work – not to mention money – that goes into maintaining a first class motorcycle. Another popular aspect of the KBR is the number of vendors in attendance every year selling everything bike-related, including parts and services. It’s a one-stop shop experience for bike lovers and a great opportunity to network and make new friends in the business. For more info, including how to register as a vendor, visit



nless you happen to be one of the few people who caught Tron: Legacy, the sequel to the 1982 Disney sci-fi film, Tron, you might be a little confused by the band name Isomorphix. To be honest, even after bassist/vocalist Jason Tapp explained the genesis of it, I was still a little lost (something about ISOs and the Grid). But ultimately, it’s about creating something from nothing; harnessing space, air and sound and turning it into rhythm. “What we do is find simple structures that we can play with and play within,” Tapp says. “We feel like the space between the notes is just as important as the notes. We use that space to express ourselves and allow each person in the band to shine.” All you really need to understand about Isomorphix is that these guys know how to make most any song danceable and funky – everything from the Rolling Stones and JJ Cale to Delbert McClinton, Bob Seger and Widespread Panic plus a little Jimi Hendrix and some choice Motown classics. The band’s ability to lock in to virtually any groove, build upon and extend it at will is a testament to the synchronicity at the heart of Isomorphix, particularly between Tapp and guitarist/vocalist Greg Kirby. “We instantly hit it off – we’re kind of soul brothers and have been the core of the band ever since,” Tapp explains. The two met a few years ago following a friend’s Christmas party that morphed into a major jam session between local Owensboro musicians, including Tapp. Not long after, Kirby was invited into the fold and that’s when Isomorphix truly took shape and took off. The current lineup of the band also features Steve Hall (sax, vocals), Keith Pogue (keys, vocals) and David Cook (drums and the obligatory cowbell). To somewhat complicate matters, Tapp actually resides in St. Louis and must commute over three hours to band practice every week; that’s how dedicated he is to the cause. But after laying low musically for a number of years due to work and family responsibilities, Tapp is happy to hit the road. “The greatest gift I could have gotten was the opportunity to start playing music again, to follow my passion again,” he says. Isomorphix recently played a storming set at Taylor’s Tavern, much of which was filmed by a professional videographer from Owensboro. “Things really started to pick up by 11 p.m. and people of all ages were dancing through the night,” Tapp says. “If we can make everybody dance and then scream at the end of our songs, we feel like we’re doing our job.” Impressively, some of the songs that created such a fevered reaction are originals. In fact, the band has been working towards completion of an EP at West7 Music Recording Studio in Owensboro and expects the rocking collection to be radio-ready sooner than later. Once the EP is out, Isomorphix will look to expand their fan base and break into regional markets such as Nashville and Evansville, though Tapp is already more than satisfied. “I’m very blessed to have these guys that want to jam with me and to have the means to be able to do it.” – TE Follow Isomorphix at and

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July 2015 •

Jeanette Goins Marketing & Public Relations Mgr. Owensboro Convention Center


Impression(s) I can do... I am known to break out movie quotes. Can’t necessarily mimic the voice as an impression, but I do try to get the inflection correct.


Summer movie I’m excited about... I can’t really think of one that is considered to be the summer blockbuster. Spy looks funny. Melissa McCarthy is brilliant.


Favorite Owensboro hangout... I love Wasabi Express and now there is a second location so I have two places to go now and get a winter roll!


Little known fact about me... I once won a Karaoke contest singing Madonna’s “Crazy for You.”


Word or phrase I overuse... When writing, “explore.”


A place I wouldn’t be caught dead in... A porta potty.


Best thing that’s happened to me so far in 2015... Getting the job with the Owensboro Convention Center. Really, that’s the truth :)


A song that always gets stuck in my head... Lately it has been Taylor Swift’s “Shake it Off.”


People most often describe me as... Too nice, which I sometimes find funny.

10. Why I love Owensboro in 10 words or less... My hometown and proud of it!

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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10 Questions for

Tuesday, June 30 Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Wine Down Tuesday O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool Smitty’s Italian Steakhouse -- Free Pool (w/ drink purchase)

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Kid Karaoke in the Family Room Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

7:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Green Band

8:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday

8:30 PM

Old Chicago -- Trivia Tuesday

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ / College Night Lamasco Bar -- Marbin

Wednesday, July 1 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

3:00 PM

Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Craft Beer Tasting Tropicana Evansville (Casino Level One) -- Stars & Stripes Slot Tournament

5:00 PM

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Monte Skelton

5:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Windy City Thunderbolts

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Christina Whitfield / Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bikini Bike Night w/ The Jimmies Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night feat. Chuck & Alyssa

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July 2015 •

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines

Blackford Creek


Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Wade Baker Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Green Band

Friday, July 3 Ellis Park -- Opening Day

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Bike Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

7:00 PM

8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Open Mic Roca Bar North -- Karaoke Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Ladies Night / Open Mic w/ Josh Merritt

6:00 PM

5:00 PM

Historic Newburgh -- Fireworks & Evening in the Park Owensboro Riverfront -- Friday After Five Free Concert Series

6:00 PM

9:30 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- First Friday Art Tour Club 825 -- Bike Nite Haynie’s Corner -- First Fridays Art Tour Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

10:30 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Fare Thee Well - Grateful Dead Webcast

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Jarred Green Someplace Else -- Karaoke w/ the Queens

Thursday, July 2 Cancun Mexican Restaurant -- Live Music w/ Ray Ligon

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/ Andrea Wirth Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Live Jams w/ Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Windy City Thunderbolts

6:45 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Throwback Thursday w/ the best music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s

7:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Someplace Else -- Trivia Night Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Karaoke

7:00 PM 8:00 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Karaoke w/ Christina OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Casey Williams Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Scott Winzinger Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Noone Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Top Tier Band

8:30 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Jammin’ Jan Harbor Bay (North) -- The Dave Flick Band River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Future Thieves & DJ Jon J Bokeh Lounge -- Jake Martin Band Boogie Nights -- Stars, Stripes & Boogie Nights 4th of July Weekend Bash Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

8:00 PM

10:00 PM

9:00 PM

7:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Fare Thee Well - Grateful Dead Webcast

8:00 PM

Club 825 -- College Circuit Nite Lamasco Bar -- Amy’s 40th Birthday Bash! OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Junkyard Stereo Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Insulated Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Top Tier Band

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J Bokeh Lounge -- The Idgits Boogie Nights -- Stars, Stripes & Boogie Nights 4th of July Weekend Bash Doc’s Nightclub -- Live Music KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ Jon B Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Independence Day Bash w/ Osiella Lamasco Bar -- Boscoe France Band

11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Candy Principle & Christian St. James

Sunday, July 5 5:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Doc’s Nightclub -- Hog Quarters / Bacon-UpBikers Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Minnette’s Swing Cats

6:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night w/ DJ Krazy Kris Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Live Acoustics Thursday

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Sideshow Lamasco Bar -- Osiella

Saturday, July 4

Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Patio Concert: Drew Aud Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Ellis Park -- Ellis Park Turf Stakes Tropicana Evansville (Events Plaza) -- July 4th Bierstube

7:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Fare Thee Well - Grateful Dead Webcast

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/

Rend Lake Dam (Benton, IL) -- Bluegill Music

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ

9:30 PM

10:30 AM

9:00 PM

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10:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Dead Weight

11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- SPE Diva Pageant

Monday, July 6 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Sports Night

7:00 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Brainiac Trivia

9:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic Monday

Tuesday, July 7 Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Wine Down Tuesday O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool

6:00 PM

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

7:00 PM

River City Recreation / Legends -- Tuesday Night Trivia Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Chapel Park Trio

8:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- The Idgits

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Amplified The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher

Wednesday, July 8 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

3:00 PM

Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Craft Beer Tasting Tropicana Evansville (Casino Level One) -Stars & Stripes Slot Tournament

5:30 PM

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Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Katie Watts

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Christina Whitfield / Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bikini Bike Night w/ The Jimmies Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night feat. Jed Guillaume Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines

7:00 PM

Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Monte Skelton Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Chapel Park Trio

8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Gary Ward Roca Bar North -- Karaoke Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Ladies Night / Open Mic w/ Josh Merritt

9:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Acoustic Wednesday: First Year on Earth KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Jarred Green

10:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Karaoke w/ the Queens

Thursday, July 9 5:00 PM

Winzerwald Winery Tasting Room -- Art Show Opening: Donna Kipp

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/ Andrea Wirth Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Live Jams w/ Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:45 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Throwback Thursday w/ the best music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s

7:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -Mary Poppins Someplace Else -- Trivia Night Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) --

July 2015 •


8:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night w/ DJ Krazy Kris Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Live Acoustics Thursday

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Blackford Creek

Friday, July 10 5:00 PM

Owensboro Riverfront -- Friday After Five Free Concert Series

6:00 PM

Club 825 -- Bike Nite Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Lake Erie Crushers

7:00 PM

Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -Mary Poppins

8:00 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Glastone River City Recreation / Legends -- Troy Miller Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: The Jimmies Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Josh Merritt Band Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Council

8:30 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Jammin’ Jan Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Gregory Scott Bokeh Lounge -- Honey Roy Boogie Nights -- 90’s Night Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Gonzo’s Toybox Lamasco Bar -- Yamn O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Last Call (formerly


11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Cierra Monet

Saturday, July 11 Ellis Park -- Wiener Dog Trial (Henderson Humane Society)

2:00 PM

Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -- Mary Poppins

4:00 PM

Winetree (Darmstadt) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting

6:00 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Bike Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Lake Erie Crushers

7:00 PM

Hawg N Sauce Barbeque & Grill -- Patio Concert: Craig Curtis Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -- Mary Poppins

8:00 PM

Club 825 -- College Circuit Nite OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Keith Vincent Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Two Miles Back Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Zac Ashby Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Council

8:30 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- John Hurst River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Chris Bandi Bokeh Lounge -- Deja Blu 5 Boogie Nights -- Back to the Future Party feat. McFly Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Vintage Rendition Doc’s Nightclub -- Live Music KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ Jon B Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Patio Concert: Final Sunday Pistons Bar & Grill -- V-Groove

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Amplified

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- January Noise Lamasco Bar -- Calabash O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Never Been Caught

11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Cierra Monet

Sunday, July 12 Ellis Park -- Wiener Dog Trial (Warrick Humane Society)

2:00 PM

Old National Events Plaza (The Centre) -- Mary Poppins

4:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Song House

5:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Doc’s Nightclub -- Hog Quarters / Bacon-UpBikers Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires

5:05 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Lake Erie Crushers

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6:00 PM

Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Andy Brasher Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Tea Dance

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ

Monday, July 13 6:00 PM

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Sports Night

7:00 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Brainiac Trivia

9:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic Monday

Tuesday, July 14 Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Wine Down Tuesday O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool

6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

7:00 PM

River City Recreation / Legends -- Tuesday Night Trivia Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires

8:00 PM

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Christina Whitfield / Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bikini Bike Night w/ The Jimmies Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night feat. Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines

6:30 PM 7:00 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Blackford Creek

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -Michelle Shelton Ford Center -- Boston Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Katie Watts Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- The Marlinaires

8:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- John Hurst Roca Bar North -- Karaoke Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Ladies Night / Open Mic w/ Josh Merritt

9:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Acoustic Wednesday: Jayson Harper KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Jarred Green The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Amplified

10:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Karaoke w/ the Queens

Thursday, July 16 5:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Honey Roy

6:00 PM

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher

Wednesday, July 15 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

3:00 PM

Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Craft Beer Tasting Tropicana Evansville (Casino Level One) -Stars & Stripes Slot Tournament

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8:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night w/ DJ Krazy Kris Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Live Acoustics Thursday 9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday

9:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Karaoke

Knights of St. John -- St. Wendel Bierstube (feat. Joe Greulich & The Haywire Band) Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/ Andrea Wirth Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Live Jams w/ Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:45 PM

9:30 PM

Friday, July 17 5:00 PM

Knights of St. John -- St. Wendel Bierstube (feat. The Disappointments from Nashville) Owensboro Riverfront -- Friday After Five Free Concert Series

6:00 PM

Club 825 -- Bike Nite Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Joliet Slammers

7:00 PM

Hawg N Sauce Barbeque & Grill -- Patio Concert: Acoustic

8:00 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- DJ Todd Early River City Recreation / Legends -- Michelle Shelton Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Calabash Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Naptown Boogie

8:30 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Jammin’ Jan Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Gregory Scott

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Casey Williams Bokeh Lounge -- Insulated Boogie Nights -- Lip Sync Battle Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Throwback Thursday w/ the best music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s

9:30 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Someplace Else -- Trivia Night

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Never Been Caught

7:00 PM

July 2015 •

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Big Ninja Family Band O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Stompbox 40

11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Open Stage

Saturday, July 18 Ellis Park -- Wiener Dog Derby (Evansville Arc)

9:00 AM

Deaconess Gateway Hospital -- Third Annual SMILE on Down Syndrome Trucks & Heroes

4:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Backstage Bierstube feat. Lieutenant Dan’s New Legs w/ special guests DJ Jon & Brad Lemmons Winetree (North) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting

5:00 PM

Knights of St. John -- St. Wendel Bierstube (feat. Rhein Valley Brass Band & Akacia)

6:00 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Bike Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark Duo

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Joliet Slammers

8:00 PM

Club 825 -- College Circuit Nite OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Po Dunk Willies Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Oliver 7 Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Elliott Sublett & Zac Ashby Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Naptown Boogie

8:30 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Acoustics River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce

9:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Dave Flick Band Boogie Nights -- Karaoke Roulette in The Loft Doc’s Nightclub -- Live Music KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ Jon B Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Throw the Horns Lamasco Bar -- JEB

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Junkyard Stereo

11:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Kara Belle & Esther Seals

Sunday, July 19 Ellis Park -- KY HBPA Laptop Giveaway

5:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Doc’s Nightclub -- Hog Quarters / Bacon-UpBikers Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Steve Greenwell Trio

5:05 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Joliet Slammers

6:00 PM

Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ

Monday, July 20

8:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Poetry Night hosted by Bill Sovern Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday

9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Traveling, Broke & Out of Gas

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher

Wednesday, July 22 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

3:00 PM

Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Craft Beer Tasting Tropicana Evansville (Casino Level One) -Stars & Stripes Slot Tournament

5:30 PM

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Sports Night

7:00 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Brainiac Trivia

9:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic Monday

Tuesday, July 21 Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Wine Down Tuesday O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

6:00 PM

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

7:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band

River City Recreation / Legends -- Tuesday Night Trivia

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- Katie Watts

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Christina Whitfield / Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bikini Bike Night w/ The Jimmies Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night feat. Zack Ashby Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines

7:00 PM

Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Lauren McMillen Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Terry Lee & The Rockaboogie Band

8:00 PM

Roca Bar North -- Karaoke Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Ladies Night / Open Mic w/ Josh Merritt

9:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Acoustic Wednesday: Angel Rhodes & Andrew Carroll KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke Lamasco Bar -- Shock to the System

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/

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Jarred Green

10:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Karaoke w/ the Queens

Thursday, July 23 Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/ Andrea Wirth Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Live Jams w/ Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:45 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Throwback Thursday w/ the best music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s

7:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Someplace Else -- Trivia Night Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Karaoke

8:00 PM

7:00 PM

Koodie Hoos -- 16 Year Anniversary Celebration! feat. DJ & Karaoke w/ Travis Roberts

8:00 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Curtis Brown Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Monte & Shelly Skelton Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Gravel Engine Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Ellusion

8:30 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Jammin’ Jan

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Holland Exit Bokeh Lounge -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day Boogie Nights -- Evansville Iron Mixologist Competition Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

8:00 PM

Club 825 -- College Circuit Nite EVPL West Branch -- Movie Night: Monty Python’s Holy Grail OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Keith Vincent Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: No Curfew Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Brad Lemmons Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Ellusion

8:30 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Jenny’s Bad Hair Day

9:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Blaire Hanks Boogie Nights -- Christmas in July Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- The Blind Playboys Doc’s Nightclub -- Live Music KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- DJ Jon B Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Moby Dick Lamasco Bar -- Chelsea Morning O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Lindsey Williams

Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night w/ DJ Krazy Kris Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Live Acoustics Thursday

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Goldy Locks Lamasco Bar -- Roots of a Rebellion O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Black Jack Mulligan

Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Someplace Else -- Carma Dejong

Someplace Else -- Carma Dejong & Trinity St. Moore

Saturday, July 25

Sunday, July 26

9:00 PM

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Blackford Creek

Friday, July 24 Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

5:00 PM

Owensboro Riverfront -- Friday After Five Free Concert Series River City Recreation / Legends -- Rock-A-Hula Reunion w/ the Swamp Tigers

6:00 PM

Buds Harley-Davidson-East -- Bike Night Club 825 -- Bike Nite Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

6:35 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Washington Wild Things

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11:30 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Alchemy Art Expo hosted by Tony Trip Ellis Park -- Camel & Ostrich Races (sponsored by Hendrick’s Exotic Animal Farm) Vanderburgh County 4H Center -Vanderburgh County Fair

11:00 AM

Ford Center -- Arena Challenge

4:00 PM

11:30 PM

St. Joseph Catholic Church -- St. Joseph Summer Social

5:00 PM

Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Troy Miller Doc’s Nightclub -- Hog Quarters / Bacon-UpBikers Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree

5:05 PM

5:00 PM

Bosse Field -- Evansville Otters vs. Washington Wild Things

6:00 PM

Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Josh Merritt Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

6:35 PM

O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Comedy Show: Doug Cheatham headlining plus Dale Hilton hosted by Corey Keough

Winetree (East) -- Craft & Import Beer Tasting River City Recreation / Legends -- Rock-A-Hula Reunion w/ Michelle Shelton, Larry Morris & Flashback / hula hoop & limbo contests

6:00 PM

Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Bike Night Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob & Matt

8:00 PM

Bosse Field -- Evanville Otters vs. Washington Wild Things

9:00 PM

July 2015 •

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ

Monday, July 27 O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Ballard Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Sports Night

7:00 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Brainiac Trivia

9:00 PM

Lamasco Bar -- Open Mic Monday

Tuesday, July 28 Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Wine Down Tuesday O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Pool

6:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark

7:00 PM

Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- The Honey Vines

7:00 PM

Kanpai Sushi & Asian Bistro -- Matthew Snead Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree 8:00 PM Deerhead Sidewalk Cafe -- Katie Watts Roca Bar North -- Karaoke Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Ladies Night / Open Mic w/ Josh Merritt

9:00 PM

Bokeh Lounge -- Acoustic Wednesday: Barry Johann KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Jarred Green

10:30 PM

Someplace Else -- Karaoke w/ the Queens

River City Recreation / Legends -- Tuesday Night Trivia Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Bob Ballard & Shivaree

Thursday, July 30

Lamasco Bar -- Bluesday Tuesday

6:00 PM

8:00 PM 9:00 PM

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Ryan Rigdon

9:30 PM

The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Andy Brasher

Wednesday, July 29 Downtown Henderson -- Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Free Darts

3:00 PM

Liquor Locker (all 7 locations) -- Craft Beer Tasting Tropicana Evansville (Casino Level One) -- Stars & Stripes Slot Tournament

5:00 PM

Allegra Lounge (Holiday Inn Airport) -- David Weddle

6:00 PM

Doc’s Nightclub -- Christina Whitfield / Karaoke KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Bikini Bike Night w/ The Jimmies Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Bike Night feat. Nick Cheek

Doc’s Nightclub -- Open Mic w/ Andrea Wirth Maloney’s Pizza (Owensboro) -- Live Jams w/ Yellow Banks Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Bob Green

6:45 PM

OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Throwback Thursday w/ the best music from the 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s

7:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- Team Trivia Hawg N Sauce Barbeque & Grill -- Patio Concert: Chris Lane Someplace Else -- Trivia Night Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -Karaoke Bokeh Lounge -- Ladies Night w/ DJ Krazy Kris Bokeh Lounge -- Comedy Showcase feat. Jon Hancuff w/ Stephanie Lochbihler & hosted by Rachael Goldman Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Live Acoustics Thursday

9:00 PM

9:30 PM The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Open Mic w/ Blackford Creek

Friday, July 31 Downtown Henderson -- Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival Downtown Jasper -- Strassenfest Germania Maennerchor -- Volksfest 54

5:00 PM Owensboro Riverfront -- Friday After Five Free Concert Series

6:00 PM Club 825 -- Bike Nite Tropicana Evansville (Cavanaugh’s Piano Bar) -- Matt Clark Duo

7:00 PM

Downtown Henderson -- Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival Downtown Jasper -- Strassenfest Germania Maennerchor -- Volksfest 54

8:00 PM

Backstage Bar & Grill -- DJ Jon J KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Karaoke & DJ Lamasco Bar -- Karaoke

Hawg N Sauce Barbeque & Grill -- Patio Concert: Acoustic

8:00 PM OV Watersports Tiki Bar -- Angel Rhodes Roca Bar North -- Patio Concert: Boscoe France Band Taylor’s Tavern (Owensboro) -- Flat Stanley Band Tropicana Evansville (Hoosiers Lounge) -- Blues Other Brothers

8:30 PM Doc’s Nightclub -- Jammin’ Jan Lyle’s Sports Zone -- Dave Weddle River City Recreation / Legends -- Karaoke w/ DJ Bruce

9:00 PM Backstage Bar & Grill -- Shane Espenlaub Bokeh Lounge -- Turning on the Robots Boogie Nights -- Magic Men All Male Revue Show Leroy’s Tavern -- Karaoke w/ Sparky

9:30 PM The Boiler Room (Owensboro) -- Rock w/ Live Jams, Acoustics & DJs

10:00 PM KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill -- Your Girlfriend Lamasco Bar -- Cluster Pluck w/ Chicago Farmer O’Brian’s Sports Bar -- Bombshell

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around the track with Billy Egeler We are now full throttle with regional motorsports as Mother Nature has gone from unseasonably cool temps to raging, wild fire hot! This month we are going to take a look at the amount of time it takes to get a competitive dirt modified ready weekly. I choose modifieds because that is the type of car I am involved with most these days. To be consistently competitive in any form of motorsports, it requires FAR more than putting gas in and heading to the track. Many fans in the stands or newcomers to our sport may not have any idea what it takes for these hotrods to get to the track and battle weekly. Generally speaking, for a highly competitive open wheel modified team that is competing on a regional or national level, the work NEVER ends. The crew is in the shop a minimum of five days a week if not more preparing the car. You may now be asking, how in the world can there be that much to do to a danged ole race car? Well, let me break down some of what takes place after a two, three or even four night week of racing. Day 1 - Today the team will raise the car high in the air outside the shop and power-wash the car inside and out, top to bottom as well as underneath. All the tires and wheels from the weekend are hand-washed and ready for dismounting and/or grinding. Many teams will remove the body sides to allow ease of cleaning the frame and roll cage. While the car dries, the truck and trailer will get a bath as well. After everything has dried, it’s time to push the car into the shop and start doing a visual inspection

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July 2015 •

of every inch of the car. Everything from ball joints, u joints, tie rods, heim joints and welds are inspected. Day 2 - On day two, the crew will start replacing parts that may have heavy wear or damage. After replacement of parts it’s time to go over the car and tighten EVERY bolt from front to back and top to bottom on the car. This is a very important step to make sure no parts fall off the car or loosen up to cause excessive wear, ultimately causing a team not to finish a race. Day 2 is also a good day for the crew to start doing cosmetic repairs to the car. It may be straightening body panels or even replacing a panel and re-applying decals. This is a VERY important step if you have marketing partners that are spending their advertising dollars with you to promote their business or product. Day 3 - Today we will take time to change the oil, rear end grease, transmission fluid, check the brake, clutch and power steering fluid and fill or change as needed. Hey, we can’t forget the 20-plus grease fittings on the car that need to be tended to. While we change the gear oil, we will go ahead and select a gear to put in the rear end for the track we will be heading to. Also on tap is finishing up the cosmetic repairs. Day 4 - Today can be a long day in the shop. This is when the car will be placed on the scales and adjusted as needed. Things get started as toe in and caster and camber is checked and set on the front end of the car. Cont. on page 73

This step is a key component to being competitive off the truck. Ride heights are set, the weight of each corner of the car will be set precisely as well as rear weight percentage, cross weight, wedge and much more. This process can wear out a set-up guy both mentally and physically. Now that we have the set up on the car, it’s time to start loading up the trailer and make sure spare parts, fluids, fuel and other items are restocked just in case they’re needed. After all items are restocked, it’s time to load up the hot rod and get it strapped down for the ride. This brings us to Day 5. It’s Race Day so we all load into the truck and head to a track to put on a show for the awesome fans! Now, think about the teams that are on the road racing multiple shows a week and not going back to the shop in between. Four days of work must take place at a hotel or a local business parking lot or even at the next race facility in a matter of hours. It’s really not all fun and games as many may think. It takes a dedicated crew to keep these beasts on the track race after race. Most of the crew members on these teams you see work 40+ hours a week and then put in 20+ more hours in the shop. I hope this helps shed some light on what it takes for a race team to put on a show for the fans. It’s not all about the glory; it’s what we eat, sleep, live and breathe! Do all the racers a favor - no matter what form of motorsports or the class they run in, the next time you go to a track, bring someone that has never been and introduce them to OUR sport! We need the younger generation to become involved more to keep this sport alive, and it’s up to all of us to get it done! Until next month... PEACE!

Billy Egeler Host of Regional Motorsports Power Hour and Voice of Kentucky Lake Motor Speedway and Kentucky Motor Speedway

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Running With Tarantulas “We wanted to approach this band as if we were 16-year-old kids playing in our first band but with the skill set we have now,” Running With Tarantulas guitarist Justin Burden says. “We get in a room, play together and whatever happens, happens - no preconceived notion of what we’re going to do.”


little over a year ago, Burden and his fellow RWT members (vocalist Jason Breeze, bassist Dave Ford and drummer Matt McGuyer) came together after stints in numerous local metal outfits, united in anger and most notably, dark humor. “The whole world’s going to sh*t. The polar caps are going to melt, and we’re going to be in the bottom of a huge lake,” Breeze says with a hint of a smile before breaking out into a full-on roar of a laugh. These self-described “old guys” (late 30s, early 40s) truly are pissed off about a lot of things, but they’re also very polite and engaging – and admirably stubborn when it comes to the focus of the band. “We’re all from the area and we’ve been flying the flag for original music [in various groups] since 1995,” McGuyer explains. “We don’t give a sh*t about making money. It’s cool when people dig what we do, but for the most part, we don’t care what people think.” RWT’s us-against-them attitude is even more pronounced on stage. They play incredibly loud and make no apologies - even destroy instruments on occasion. “We’re very in the moment, you never know what we’re going to do,” Burden says. “We even have shows where nothing happens – we just play and leave

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(laughs).” Between Ford’s twin monstrous bass cabinets, McGuyer’s relentless pounding, Burden’s sheets of distortion and Breeze’s unhinged screams, the overall effect is a dizzying sonic assault that rings in your ears long after the last gut-punch of sound fades (hint: wear protection). It’s the sort of ruthless approach to live performance that is shared by many of the band’s influences, including Melvins, Doomriders, Bad Brains and Black Flag – but one that hasn’t won them much local support, frankly. “Attendance in Evansville for original shows is down,” McGuyer explains. “You hear a lot of [people saying] ‘support the scene’ but there’s really nobody backing that up – still.” As a result, they’ve become “weekend warriors,” traveling to places like Chicago, Nashville and the hub of RWT fandom, St. Louis, for Friday and Saturday shows (often courtesy of Ford’s networking skills and many contacts). “People get stoked that we’re there, and it doesn’t happen like that anywhere else,” Breeze says. Despite the general lack of interest here at home, the guys still enjoy playing in Evansville, having recently rocked the Pineapple Project (formerly Hobo Jungle). A show at PG Café is also on the horizon (September 12). Currently, they’re hard at work self-producing a selection

July 2015 •

of original tracks that should arrive on 45 (a blood-drenched 7-inch, perhaps) via a “cool little punk label” in August or early fall. And even though all four members have day jobs and are relatively settled, they’d still jump at the opportunity to take RWT to the next level. “If the right situation came up, absolutely we would,” McGuyer says. “A lot of heavy bands have a good following in Europe which is ideal in my eyes. That’s where the good, honest metal is going.” Follow Running With Tarantulas on Facebook.

*Attention local bands and solo artists: Drop your bio or press kit off at Gordy’s and you just might end up in the next issue of News4U!


music Silver Lilies Beginnings: As a child, singing and writing were always an outlet for my active imagination. At 23, I finally bought my first acoustic guitar, Buttercup, and decided to finally put these two passions together. I wrote my “first first” song in 2012 on a borrowed Fender Jagmaster with a few haphazard chords and a vision. Now, I’m learning how to carve out my own playing style.

Casey Noonan Beginnings: When I was a child, I would love to vacuum the floors for my mother because it meant that I could sing. A vacuum cleaner produces multiple tones; it’s actually a very musical piece of equipment. I would try and match these tones. My voice hadn’t dropped yet, so I was able to sing the pitch of the tones in the higher register coming out of the vacuum. Once I matched a pitch, I would sing higher or lower, in small increments, dancing around the core note. My voice and the tone of the vacuum would clash. If you’ve ever heard dissonance, then you know what I mean when I say that the air would quiver. I became very interested in this phenomenon.

Influences: Catching fleeting inspiration is my MO. I am fascinated with the power of sounds, words, and nuances of detail. Patti Smith inspires me with her fearless raw power and poetic sensitivity. I admire artists who challenge one to feel or exist, if just for a moment, outside of the realm of normal experience. Like my favorite Romantic-era poets and artists, I seek to find beauty in the limitless range of human experiences. Conor Oberst (Bright Eyes), Charlyn Marshall (Cat Power), Jason Molina (Songs: Ohia), and Emily Jane White are a few artists who have had the most influence over my songwriting style. Creating music is a cathartic practice of catching and releasing emotions. I seek to craft an immersive experience through a heartfelt expression of truth. Performances: Silver Lilies is a brand-new experiment. PG on Franklin is my home base. I currently have five songs written for an EP, called Misery House. From there, I am exploring the vast realms of possibility for a full-length album within the next year. I am always looking for new opportunities to perform.

Influences: When I became a teenager, I fell in love with Sonic Youth to the surprise of no one at all. They paired noise with pop structures, dissonance with beauty. I was hooked. The voice I came to gravitate towards most was that of Kim Gordon’s, the bassist. With a raspy husk, she commanded respect. I believe I came to admire her so much because, as a queer person, I related to her struggle for her voice to be as respected as her male peers’ voices were. Performances: I started performing at PG, an art gallery and café on Franklin St. Experimentation is respected and encouraged there. During my first performance, I cranked up my amp as loud as it could go and assaulted the strings of my guitar with a butter knife. The sound was horrible, but it set me free. Performing is the most intimate relationship one can have with oneself, especially if the performance is based on improvisation. It feels like going into a trance, a warm hug, a soft embrace. When you come out on the other side, you’re empty. I want to find beauty in this negative space.

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film the B. B. King thing happened,” Morgan says. In a case of fortuitous timing, the blues legend passed through Evansville in 2013 and France and his band got the call to open the show. The joyous scenes from the Victory Theatre added yet another dimension to an increasingly complex film. Indeed, it would take another two years to complete the documentary.

Shoeless Blues: The Journey of Boscoe France By Alex Morgan & Ben Woehler

At the time, it probably seemed like just another great idea hatched over drinks that would never come to fruition. But Digital Media Producer Alex Morgan and MadStache TV Producer Ben Woehler turned their bar-night brainstorm into an award-winning film.


few years back, the two friends were hanging out at Lamasco, watching Madisonville’s Boscoe France put on a typically incredible blues clinic when they both had an epiphany. “We started talking about how cool it would be to do something together outside of work,” Morgan explains. “And right there in front of us was a story.” The seeds of a documentary were sown that night, an intimate look at a musician riding a huge wave. 36-yearold France was fresh off of a monumental win at the 2012 Guitar Center Battle of the Blues Competition, having ”slaughtered people from town to town,” as Woehler humorously puts it. In fact, he beat out 4,000 contestants from all over the U.S., receiving $50,000 in cash and prizes. And he lived just an hour away in western Kentucky. Still convinced they were on to something even after sobering up, the two aspiring documentarians contacted France and made the trek to his home to discuss the project. “The goal was to get there early enough to see him walk his kids to school,” Morgan says. “We wanted to

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formulate a story: who is Boscoe beyond playing a guitar in a bar and winning that contest?” Any fears that France might not live up to the hype or might make for a boring subject were quickly allayed. “The most difficult part is getting people to talk. We were just lucky that Boscoe never stops talking. He’s got all sorts of insane stories – his life’s been interesting,” Morgan says. An initial 15 minute installment was filmed and viewed by two very important people, whose generosity would greatly impact the final version. “MadStache owner Dennis Gage let me use the same camera that I shoot My Classic Car (Velocity Channel) with and that made a huge difference – it allowed us to capture things on the fly,” Woehler explains. Likewise, Peter Leinheiser, Senior Director of Gibson Entertainment Relations saw the initial cut and immediately offered his assistance. “He allowed us to take a tour of the Gibson Custom Shop in Nashville, and we shot [footage] there. We were starting to wonder if the second installment was just going to be us going on the tour, but then

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2015 finally saw the release of Shoeless Blues: The Journey of Boscoe France, a fascinating and funny portrait of a father, musician and all-around great guy. With Gage’s prodding, Morgan and Woehler pitched the film to local PBS WNIN. President/GM Brad Kimmel loved it but suggested fusing the two installments together. “He gave us the idea to mash it up and make it 28 minutes, which is the length for PBS,” Woehler explains. “He also gave me some other good advice on structure, etc. and how to get it out nationally.” The process took months but eventually the documentary received the green light and began to air all over the U.S. on various PBS stations. The film also played at the Alhambra Film Festival last April, winning the Audience Award and a cash prize of $1000 – which Morgan and Woehler promptly returned. “This was a benefit for the Alhambra; we couldn’t possibly take their money and run with it,” Woehler says. “Hopefully, this will inspire others to donate to the Alhambra Theatre restoration.” - TE Shoeless Blues on WNIN PBS: 7/2 (10:30pm); 7/4 (10:30pm). On KETKY PBS: 7/13 (9pm).

Boscoe France at W.C. Handy



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Mr. Consequence by Ed Benedyk Some men take up golf when they retire; others are content to hang out on the couch and take it easy. But former Prudential Financial Services manager Ed Benedyk simply went back to work. After 34 busy years in the insurance business, the native Chicagoan was going stir crazy with so much free time. His wife suggested a return to teaching, a job he briefly held – but really enjoyed – before Prudential. Soon, Benedyk was back in front of a class, this time at Reitz High School in Evansville. He loved every minute, growing quite attached to the students and the athletic programs, particularly football, but eventually a reshuffling of teachers by the EVSC meant that Benedyk would need to transfer schools. He refused. And so, another chapter began: Retirement, phase two. With more dreaded free time on his hands, Benedyk got to thinking about writing a novel. His English degree and stint as an English Literature teacher certainly gave him a good foundation; he just needed a good story. As Benedyk explains, the premise came straight from real life experience. “The opening scene in my book is kind of brutal, but it’s based on what happened to my client [at Prudential]. I saw a family that was really tight and close torn apart within two years – the husband wanted a divorce because the wife went cuckoo. With what happened to her, it was understandable, because she was abducted and gang-raped in broad daylight – carried away in a van. She was affected mentally and physically to the point where she wouldn’t let her kids go out anymore. This was all before DNA

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(Chicago in the ‘70s), and what really ticked me off is that no one was ever caught. That gnawed at me all these years.” Benedyk took his long-simmering frustration and created the character Mr. Consequence, a secretive man bent on vigilante justice. Four years and endless re-writes later, the finished novel of the same name was finally picked up and distributed by Bird Brain Publishing out of Evansville in late 2013. Benedyk continues to promote it while working on a sequel.

Excerpt from Mr. Consequence by Ed Benedyk

Mary Elizabeth’s medical file, a sympathetic coroner, knowing the harsh burial rules regarding suicide in the Catholic faith, refiled the death as an accidental overdose. “Whoever raped her years ago, murdered her today. Those bastards are the ones who should be in coffins, not her!” These were his thoughts as he cursed the injustice that fate threw at this precious girl. The neighbors turned out in droves and packed the funeral home every day and night of the wake. Hundreds of mass envelopes and wall to wall flowers were the gifts presented to Sophie and her son along with heartfelt words and embraces.

One night, an inner voice entrenched itself in the catatonic mind of Mary Elizabeth. She listlessly arose from her bed and shuffled over to the pantry door. Behind the Ovaltine and Silvercup bread, Sophie kept a three month supply of sleeping pills, occasionally administered to Mary Elizabeth when a sleeping aide was called for. Somehow she was aware that these pills would make her sleep, and with the inner voice urging her on, she now longed to sleep forever. She reached behind the pantry’s staples, took the three bottles of pills, then retraced her steps and dropped them on her pillow. She opened the first bottle dumping the contents on her blanket and starting to swallow the pills, one at time. She was half way through the third bottle when her head drooped downward, and her body rigidly fell to the mattress.

The funeral director did an excellent job displaying Mary Elizabeth, prompting the mourners to comment “she looks like an angel, so she must now be in heaven.”

The first paramedic on the scene filed it in as a suicide. However, after researching

Mr. Consequence is available on amazon. com and

July 2015 •

Hearing these words made her devoted brother bristle. Being in heaven was not enough, he wanted more! He peered at his now peaceful looking sister, and reached in, tightly holding her hand. With a determined voice and tears flowing down his cheeks, he vowed, “I promise you MarBeth, someday I WILL find a way to make the bad guys PAY!” “By God, I hope you do, little one,” thought one of the relatives standing nearby. They most certainly would PAY, as this young boy always kept his promises.



John Thurgood

I Am Not A Pony No, I’m not a pony. I’m a miniature horse, and I feel like I’ve already told you this, but let me remind you that there is a difference. One major difference being that I’m an adult with a credential as a service animal for the visually-impaired, and a pony is a freaking child. I help people—with real problems—and I don’t deserve this. Not today. Not on my birthday. Sure, I would love to go back and relive my pony years. Who wouldn’t? They were filled with the kind of wonder that seemed limitless. I wanted to be a puller back then. Harness racing. I had it in me too. I could pull pretty hard for a small guy, but then genetics kicked in and it became pretty clear that pulling was a full-sized sport. Plus, I just couldn’t hang with the jock-culture mentality. One would like to think that the stereotypes aren’t true, but most pullers can’t even spell their breed. I should have been a show horse like my father, but now, it’s too late. I’m turning twenty, you know. The big two-oh. Yep, and the thing is: I can feel it—right in the center of my chest. Most steeds don’t make it to their thirties, you know. I never knew my father, but I’ve heard stories about him dying in Paris, a champion show horse at twenty-two. I’ve never been outside Louisiana. Never laid with a mare. But I often think about my Pop, and the life that he had most likely lived. A champion. A pure-breed. A stud who sired many. At least, that’s how the joke goes. So, yeah. I wish I was a pony—I’d do it all over again in a second— but I’m not. I’m just a miniature horse.

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arts & activities July 1: Arts Council Summer Brown Bag Series The Brown Bag Performance series is a free program offered to the community by the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. Summer performances are once a month unless otherwise noted. It is encouraged to take your lunch and a friend. This performance will feature a preview of the Public Education Foundation’s Summer Musical, Disney & Cameron Mackintosh’s “Mary Poppins.” Performance dates for this musical are July 9 through 12 in the Aiken Theatre at the Old National Events Plaza. Bower-Suhrheinrich Foundation Gallery: 318 Main St. / 812-422-2111 / Time: 12 noon July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Kid Clay Camps Fired Up! Paint Your Own Pottery Studio will host Kid Clay Camps every Wednesday in July - July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. Cost to attend one camp is $20, cost to attend four of the camps is $25 each, and cost to attend all five July camps is $100. Drop-off payments only. Snacks will be provided. For more info, visit Fired Up!: 5708 E. Virginia St. / 812-476-3121 / Time: 3pm July 1-31: Ballroom & Swing Dance Lessons & Clubs Evansville has dance clubs and lessons for you to enjoy throughout the month. Take inexpensive group lessons, improve your skills, make new friends and fill your social calendar every week! No partner? No problem! Come dance with us! Visit July 3: Haynie’s Corner Arts District First Fridays Haynie’s Corner Art District First Fridays are a collaborative effort between local businesses, neighborhood representatives, and the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana. It is a self-guided tour of indoor and outdoor art exhibits and performers designed to highlight local artists and the businesses hosting them on every First Friday of the month. For more info, visit Haynie’s Corner: Downtown Evansville / 812-422-2111 / Time: 6pm July 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31: Friday After Five Free Concert Series For nearly two decades, the Friday After 5 free concert series has entertained the tri-state, attracting upwards of 50,000 music fans each season. What began in 1996 as a low-key event featuring four concerts has grown into a summer-long signature festival, stretching across eight blocks of the Owensboro riverfront. Named one of the “Top 10 Summer Festivals” in Kentucky and winner of the Reader’s Choice Platinum Award for “Best Community Event,” Friday After 5 has something for everyone: live bands, family events, food, entertainment and the everpopular “Toast to the Sunset.” The 19th season is sure to be another huge success and draw even more visitors from the tri-state to be a part of this wonderful Owensboro tradition. For more info, visit fridayafter5. com. Owensboro Riverfront / Time: 5pm July 4: Bluegill Music Festival The inaugural Bluegill Music Festival will feature LoCash, Clayton Anderson, Eli Tellor, Murphy 500 and many more performers. The

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event will be headlined by Eli Young Band. Recognized BBQ vendors from around the country will also be there. Activities will include bags, washers, bubble soccer, a slip ‘n slide, helicopter rides, a mechanical bull, a kids area with a large inflatable slide and the Bluegill Lagoon featuring a VIP beach. The all-day festival will end with a large fireworks display another the shores of Rend Lake Dam. For more info, visit Rend Lake Dam: 10833 Rend Lake Dam Rd., Benton, IL July 5-12: New Harmony Music Festival & School This festival blends classical, traditional, and improvisational music in a week of classes, jam sessions and concerts. The faculty/performers include leading musicians in the fields of these three types of music, including Patrick Ourceau (Irish fiddle), Dr. George Wolfe (saxophone, improvisation, Indian classical music), and Christopher Layer (flutes, bagpipes). For more info, visit New Harmony July 9-12: Mary Poppins - The Broadway Musical One of the most popular Disney movies of all time is capturing hearts in a whole new way - as a practically perfect musical! Based on the books by P.L. Travers and the classic Walt Disney film, Disney and Cameron Mackintosh’s Mary Poppins delighted Broadway audiences for over 2,500 performances and received nominations for nine Olivier and seven TONY Awards, including Best Musical. Everyone’s favorite practically perfect nanny takes the stage in this Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious musical adventure. For more information on the Summer Musical, visit the PEF website or contact Amy Walker, Executive Director of the Public Education Foundation, at (812)-422-1699 or (812)-480-7406. Old National Events Plaza: 715 Locust St. / 812-435-5770 / Times: 7/9 (7pm); 7/10 (7pm); 7/11 (2pm & 7pm); 7/12 (2pm) July 10-12, 16-19: The Full Monty New Harmony Theatre presents the musical “The Full Monty” from the book by Terrence McNally and music and lyrics by David Yazbek. This production contains adult themes, language and nudity. For more info, visit USI: 8600 University Blvd. / Times: 7/10 (7:30pm); 7/11 (2pm&7:30pm); 7/12 (2pm); 7/16 (7:30); 7/17 (7:30pm); 7/18 (2pm&7:30pm); 7/19 (2pm) July 15: Boston Tom Scholz’ band Boston brings its highly anticipated tour to Evansville! Always a crowd pleaser with their high-energy stage show, out-of-this-world sound, and remarkable musicianship and singing, Boston prides itself on performing a totally live show without the use of the prerecorded music or technical enhancements, delivering the extraordinary sound that is faithful to their studio recordings. With over 31 million albums sold to date, Boston has stood the test of time, as evidenced by live audiences that span generations. Catch Boston with Special Guest Starship Featuring Mickey Thomas. Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. / 812-422-1515 / Time: 7pm July 16-19: 19th Annual Warrick County Summer Musical Presented by the Warrick Public Education Foundation and the Warrick County School Corp., this year’s summer musical features dancing and music galore. “Shrek: The Musical” plans to create a different, yet

fulfilling theater experience. For more info, visit Castle High School Auditorium: 3344 S.R. 261, Newburgh / 812-480-6934 July 18 & 19, 25 & 26: Back Alley Musicals presents Fiddler on the Roof BAM concludes its 2014-15 season with a show that was the first musical ever to surpass 3,000 performances on Broadway. Fiddler on the Roof, which touches the audience with its humor, warmth and honesty, tells the story of Tevye, a poor Russian dairyman, and his five daughters as he tries to maintain his family and Jewish traditions as outside influences encroach upon their lives. The show’s universal theme of tradition cuts across barriers of race, class, nationality and religion. Music by Jerry Bock; lyrics by Sheldon Harnick; book by Joseph Stein. Licensed by Music Theatre International (MTI). For more info, visit Owensboro RiverPark Center: 101 Daviess St. / 270-687-2787 / Times: 7/18 (7:30pm); 7/19 (2pm); 7/25 (7:30pm); 7/26 (2pm) July 24: Journeys Art Exhibit The Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana will host a special art exhibit and film screening to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. One of the three featured artists, Lori K. Gordon, has local ties to the Evansville area. She also exhibited her artwork at the New Harmony Contemporary Gallery after the storm. “Journeys” is an exhibit/ film that will particularly appeal to those making a living in the arts. And everyone will gain inspiration from their survival skills as the kindness of mere strangers helps them recapture their losses. It is a story of being vulnerable. For more info, visit Innovation Pointe: 318 Main St. / 812-422-2111 / Time: 5pm July 25: Super Saturday: Color Explore the beauty of color! Learn about the science behind chromatography, the history of dyes and join our chalk artist event. The fourth Saturday of every month is designated a Super Saturday at the Evansville Museum. From 11am to 3pm, this day is filled with crafts, activities, challenges, and/or guest lectures, all on a different theme each time. Children, teens, adults and families are encouraged to have a fun day exploring new topics. All Super Saturday activities are included with Museum admission. Super Saturdays are presented in partnership with the Evansville Museum Contemporaries. Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science: 411 SE Riverside / 812-4252406 / Time: 11am July 29 - Aug 1: Sandy Lee Watkins Songwriters Festival The Sandy Lee Songwriters Festival is four nights of intimate, acoustic performances by over 30 of Nashville’s award winning singer/songwriters. Hear your favorite songs performed by the guys and gals who wrote them. There’s nothing like hearing a song in its purest form, the way it sounded on the day it was created! Here’s a chance to meet the people and hear the stories behind the songs. Be sure and check out other outings and workshops, (like Riders and Writers at Ellis Park) throughout the event. Rub shoulders and hang out with America’s “Hit Makers.” For more info, a full itinerary and the opportunity to adopt a songwriter, visit Henderson, KY July 30 - Aug 2: Jasper Strassenfest Since its beginning in 1979, the Jasper Strassenfest has gotten bigger and better every year and now features a huge variety of food booths and entertainment on three downtown stages, plus competitive events for all ages. For more info, visit Downtown Jasper: Main Street / 812-482-6866

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What is the most popular food used in summer barbecuing in America? A) Burgers B) Chicken C) Steaks D) Hot Dogs

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It appears that one of the members of the Kardashian tribe has indeed broken the internet. The statement, while groundbreaking, was made with one simple request from the Olympic juggernaut and reality star: “Call me Caitlyn.” The interview with Bruce pre-transition was poignant, depicting a person who’s been struggling with gender identity since an incredibly young age, facing depression, rejection, and self-loathing. At 65 years old, this person has made a terrifying decision to show the world who she feels she truly is, knowing full well the ramifications. Despite a hopeful outpouring of support, she is opening herself up to ridicule, fear, and hate. The concept of bravery has been tossed around, rejected as valid, when it comes to Caitlyn. I, for one, believe that if someone feels like a stranger in their own body, if they are willing to step up and say, “no more,” while facing such scrutiny, they are pretty damn brave. Even with the recent influx of support for the LGBT community, the T seems to be just that - a mere designation for a group of people that no one really wants to hear from or talk about. I don’t believe that Caitlyn is trying to be a face for anything, but visibility, especially from such a well-known face, is key in helping move the trans community into the light. Honestly, I think Caitlyn just wants to be herself. Reasonable enough. While some may not understand her struggle, or fear it, just know this - we are all just

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people, pursuing happiness and selfactualization, and you can never be her, so you will never truly understand. That’s ok. But instead of hating what you don’t know, making jokes, and inflicting more pain on someone who’s already hurting, educate yourself. Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, and light a candle for all of the lives lost in an attempt to openly express themselves. “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” -E.E. Cummings You are never alone. For resources and support, visit Signed, Whitney Patterson, an ally

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community & family July 3: Heritage Federal Credit Union 2015 Fireworks & Evening in the Park An old-fashioned summer social with food and music located on the banks of the Ohio River. Street closes at 5pm and the fireworks begin at 9pm. Rain date scheduled July 5. Old Lock & Dam Park: 9 W. Jennings St., Newburgh / 812-853-2815 July 3, 10, 24, 31: Friday Storytime Every Friday morning is a special Storytime in Barnes & Noble, Jr.! Bring the young ones for a fun reading adventure that will keep them thoroughly entertained. Barnes & Noble: 624 S. Green River Rd. / 812475-1054. Time: 10am July 4: 2015 Patriot Race Come run four miles on the Fourth! The Patriot Race will kick off at Garvin Park and use the Greenway. Participants can run or walk the course. Participants can pick up their race packets at Swift Athletics, 303 Main St., from 3 to 6pm Friday, July 3 and on race day from 6:45 to 7:30am. Awards will be given to the top 10 male and top 10 female racers. Kids participating in the dash will receive a free Patriot Race cup. For more info, email Garvin Park / Time: 8am July 4: Family FUNdraiser This family friendly event features bounce houses and games for the kids, a silent auction and an excellent view of the Downtown fireworks. For more info, visit Old National Bank: 100 N. Main St. / 812477-2260 July 4, 11, 18, 25: Saturday Storytime Every Saturday afternoon is a special Storytime in Barnes & Noble, Jr.! Bring the little ones for a laughter-filled event complete with a story, treats and a craft. Barnes & Noble: 624 S. Green River Rd. / 812475-1054. Time: 3pm July 4, 11, 18, 25: Franklin Street Bazaar The Franklin Street Bazaar is a weekly farmers market, with 60+ vendors, offering producer direct goods, produce, art, specialty

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crafted items, homemade baked goods, and hot food. Performances by the areas talented musicians and dancers will get you moving. Join us for free yoga every week at 9am and the return of the Every Chord Counts free guitar lessons at 11am. The Franklin Street Bazaar is made possible by the generous sponsorship of First Federal Savings Bank. West Franklin Street, Lawn of the West Library / Time: 9am July 4, 11, 18, 25: Historic Newburgh Farmers Market Every Saturday, there will be fresh local vegetables, grass-fed beef and pork, artists, plants, flowers, and honey. Live music and entertainment are often featured. Edgewater Grille parking lot: 1 E. Water St., Newburgh / 812-853-2815 July 5: Clean Evansville Date (Keep Evansville Beautiful) Keep Evansville Beautiful will sponsor a Clean Evansville date to clean up the areas of Riverfront and Downtown Evansville. Please call Keep Evansville Beautiful for meeting location: 812-425-4461 or visit Downtown Evansville & Riverfront

July 9: Tropicana Night

July 11-18: Posey County 4-H Fair

SWIRCA & More Activity Center will host a dinner before attendees drive to Tropicana Evansville for a night of festivities. Tickets are on sale now; cost is $10. Each guest also will receive $15 worth of tokens to use at Tropicana. Attendees must be 21 years or older to enter and provide their own transportation to SWIRCA and Tropicana. For more info, visit

Get ready for all your favorite PoCo Fair events: antique tractor pull, quad/bike drag races, beautiful baby contest, garden tractor pull, motorcross, mud volleyball, open bee show, PoCo mudder & glow 5K, royalty pageants, talent contest, Tiny Miss 2015 / Little Miss 2015 and much, much more! For more info, visit

SWIRCA: 16 W. Virginia St. / 812-464-7800 July 10: Detective Camp (Fun Fridays Day Camp) Who stole the painting from the gallery!? We are going to find out. Students will learn about the science behind fingerprints, forensics, and much more. Plus we are going to wear disguises and fake mustaches. You know, detective stuff. For more info, visit Evansville Museum: 411 SE Riverside Dr. / 812-425-2406 / Time: 9am July 11: The Southern Five 2015 The Southern Five, in its second year, celebrates the mountain bike trails of Southern Indiana and Kentucky. Expert, intermediate, and open races start at 9am. Beginner, intro, and U18 races start at 11am. Awards will be given in several categories. Races are timed; lap and final times along with event results will be available post-race. For more info, visit Angel Mounds State Historic Site, Newburgh / Time: 9am

Posey County Fairgrounds: 111 Harmony Township Rd., New Harmony / 812-838-1331 July 13: Hammerfest This cycling time trial event is sponsored by the Southern Indiana Triathlon Team. The course originates in Hatfield, IN and is an “out and back” with a little hill at the turnaround. The total distance is 12 miles. The event will take place rain or shine. Online preregistration is highly encouraged. The race course will not be closed to traffic. Awards will be given and drinks and snacks will be provided at the event. For more info, visit Hatfield, IN: Old Indiana 66 & Main St. July 13: 25th Annual Evansville Christian Life Center Golf Scramble Spend a day at the course for a great cause! We’re inviting you to celebrate 25 years of golfing at our annual ECLC Golf Scramble fundraiser. Come hungry and enjoy a light breakfast, snacks, lunch, prizes, and contests! For more info, visit Rolling Hills Country Club: 1666 Old Plank Rd., Newburgh / 812-423-9222 / Time: 8am

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community & family cont. from pg. 83

July 13-17: Mound Mayhem Angel Mounds’ summer camp teaches you to live off the land in a week of challenges and adventures. With archery, shelter building, and hiking, learn about the lives of Native Americans. For more info, visit Angel Mounds: 8251 Pollack Ave. / 812-853-9356 July 18: Bug Fest Learn all about the creepy crawly world of insects and spiders. This family-friendly event will include hands-on activities and lots of opportunities to meet live critters. Cost is $2 per person ages 3 and up. Members are free. Wesselman Nature Society: 551 N. Boeke Rd. / 812-479-0771 / Time: 10am July 18: Third Annual SMILE on Down Syndrome Trucks & Heroes SMILE on Down Syndrome is committed to provide a network of support services to meet the physical, emotional, spiritual, social and educational needs of people of all ages with Down syndrome, their families and communities. This is an exciting event for participants of all ages to come and meet local fire fighters and police officers, as well as experience emergency response vehicles up close and personal. The first hour is lights and sirens free. Free. For more info, visit Deaconess Gateway Parking Lot: 4011 Gateway Blvd., Newburgh / 812449-4118 / Time: 9am July 20-24: Mound Mayhem Extreme This Angel Mounds summer camp combines ancient and future survival skills. Learn special hunting and gathering skills, and how to build a fire. For more info, visit Angel Mounds: 8251 Pollack Ave. / 812-853-9356 July 20-25: Vanderburgh County 4-H Fair Come join us for one of the most fantastic events in Vanderburgh County. Bring the entire family out for a week of fun at the county fair. There are rides for the kids, a queen contest for mom, and a tractor pull for dad. Grab some tasty fair food such as a pork chop, a haystack, or ice cream. More importantly, come and support the youth of the community. Take a look at all of the projects that showcase their talents. This event takes hundreds of volunteers to make it all happen. A special thanks to all of them. For more info, visit Vanderburgh 4-H Center: 201 E. Boonville New Harmony Rd. / 812867-6217 July 21: Senior Day at the Fair Join SWIRCA and More at the Vanderburgh County 4H Fair Grounds during the annual 4H Fair. Menu items include penne pasta with meat sauce, Italian green beans, salad with dressing, garlic bread, apple cobbler with ice cream, and iced tea. Tickets are $10 per person and on sale through July 14. Space is limited. For more info, visit Vanderburgh 4H Fair: 201 E. Boonville-New Harmony Rd. / 812-4647804 / Time: 9am

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July 24: Sci-Fi Camp (Fun Fridays Day Camp) Let’s combine science and our imaginations to dream up a world where anything is possible. We will pretend to be time travelers, create aliens and visit an “alien planet.” If you are a sci-fi geek, this is not a camp to miss! For more info, visit Evansville Museum: 411 SE Riverside Dr. / 812-425-2406 / Time: 9am July 25: 2nd Annual Arena Challenge For the second year running, VenuWorks and Rise Up and Run are challenging the Tri-State area to take on the Arena Challenge at the Ford Center. The challenge is set to include a three mile run, stairs, obstacles and much more for a one-of-a-kind adventure run that will test participants’ strength and endurance. To register or for more info, please visit Ford Center: 1 SE MLK Jr. Blvd. / 812-422-1515 / Time: 11am July 25: Family Fun Day / Dash for Donna 5K The Dash for Donna is a 5K run or 1-mile fun walk in honor of one of the zoo’s most famous and beloved residents — Donna the hippopotamus, who died at age 61 in 2012. Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden: 1545 Mesker Park Dr. / 812-435-6143 July 25: Crop for Literacy Crop for Literacy is a fund/friend-raising event to benefit the Literacy Center’s Basic Adult Literacy Program. This 11-hour event will feature food, fun, prizes, and make-and-takes throughout the day. The final day to register is July 17. Participants receive designated space to complete their scrapbooking or craft of choice and enjoy food, prizes and vendors throughout the day. $35 early registration; $40 after June 30. For more info, visit Harrison College: 4601 Theatre Dr. / 812-429-1222 July 26: St. Joseph Summer Social The annual summer social will feature many raffles including a grand raffle, plus quilts, a wagon full of groceries, themed-basket, country crafts, and more. Chicken dinners, served family style, will also be available, along with carry out dinners. St. Joseph Parish: 6202 W. St. Joseph Rd. / 812-963-3273 July 27-31: Audubon Junior Forensics Science Camp This camp is for students ages 10 to 15. Campers become forensic scientists as they work through a non-gruesome crime scene to collect, examine, evaluate, and interpret physical evidence found at the scene including hair, fiber, fingerprints, and DNA. Pre-registration is required by July 5. For more info, contact Julie McDonald: John James Audubon Park: 3100 U.S. Hwy 41 N, Henderson / 270-827-2247 / Time: 10am July 30-Aug 1: Germania Maennerchor Volksfest 54 It’s time once again for the tri-state’s favorite German festival: 200 half barrels of beer, 50 German and domestic beer taps, 1400 pounds of Bratwurst, 1000 pounds of pig knuckles, 950 gallons of German potato salad, 480 gallons of sauerkraut, 15,000 kraut balls and 400 gallons of beans plus lots of dancing, singing and, of course, the highly competitive bratwurst tossing contest. And there’s plenty of food and activities for the kids, too. For more info, follow Germania Maennerchor on Facebook.

Evansville Otters Player Profile

Trevor Walch RHP

Trevor Walch is in his third season with the Evansville Otters and the right-handed starter from Eufala, OK continues to creep up the Otters All-Time Records board. Although Walch (2-2, 1.80) lost his last start, it was in a complete game effort where he allowed just three runs. With his second complete game of the season, Walch is now eighth all time in franchise history in complete games with four, and will climb up into the top ten in a couple of different categories in his next two starts: he is three strikeouts away from 145 (10th all-time), less than six innings away from 186 innings pitched (which would propel him from 11th all-time to seventh) and with two more wins this season he will break into the top ten in that category and is just six wins away from third all-time. Walch is also the only Otter to be honored with a pitcher/player of the week award this season, which was given to him for his complete game shutout of the Windy City Thunderbolts back on May 29 when he struck out seven and walked just a single batter. Don’t forget that the Otters have a couple of can’t miss games in July. We have fireworks on Thursday July 2, the return of Boy Scout Night on Saturday July 18, and our first every Girl Scout Night on July 25. Call 812.435.868 to get your tickets today.

Germania Maennerchor: 916 N. Fulton Ave. / 812-422-1915

Do you have an event that you would like to submit for inclusion in the monthly guide? Please send it to: for consideration before the 10th of the month prior to your event. Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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beer reviews

This month’s beers are available depending on supply & demand at all 7 Liquor Locker locations.

Sixpoint Jammer

Red Hook ESB

Goose IPA

Daniel Knight • 3 Jammer is a Gose - an old German style, unfiltered wheat beer. I Googled it… never heard of it. It’s a clear yellow color with a bit of visible carbonation. It pours with a finger high white head that quickly dies down, leaving a large patch of bubbles on the surface, a thin collar around the edge, and some lacy rings of bubbles around the edge of the glass. The flavor displays a faint lemoniness and a subtle saltiness with a light bready malt. Actually there’s not a lot going on here in the taste department. I try to keep an open mind reviewing brew styles that I’m not familiar with and everything I researched regarding this beer genre indicated that Sixpoint is right on target. Thus, my rating.

Daniel Knight • 3.5 Yet another genre this month. This one’s an Extra Special Bitter (ESB). Redhook’s been brewing it continuously since 1987. It pours up a perfectly clear copper color with a weak head that rapidly fades to a film. The aroma of the beer is notable with a breadyness combined with a caramel and brown sugar and notable earthy notes. The taste is bready with a touch of a caramel sweetness. There’s also some molasses along with a bit of a grainy and hop flavor. Not really bitter at all (just saying). This brew seems to match well to what the ESB aficionados say it should. Overall, it’s a pretty decent brew. Very drinkable with a taste that might grow on you after you’ve enjoyed a few.

Daniel Knight • 3.5 Formerly known as Goose Island IPA, this latest incarnation appears to be a rebranding. It pours up a slightly hazy, deep golden yellow color with a 1-2 finger off-white head and good retention, that reduces to a small lingering cap. There’s an aroma of biscuity malt and mild citrus hops. The taste is slightly sweet up front with a nice (albeit, mild) citrusy bitterness at the finish. There is a nice, crisp carbonation to it. What makes the ideal IPA is a moving target these days. This one’s a good solid “classic” IPA but a little mild by today’s standards. It’s a good trainer brew with all the basic features of a classic IPA.

Paul Bragin • 4.25 A white head tops the deep amber colored beer. Citrus and pine scents from the generous amount of hops in the beer dominate the scent profile. The hop presence continues when first drinking the beer, but some malt flavors begin to come through on the finish. Pair this beer with a substantial dish like barbecue or a spicy cuisine - or pair it with something simpler like your favorite hamburger or a good pizza.

Paul Bragin • 4.25 A thick white head crowns this beer and takes its time evaporating. The golden ale boasts a high hop count that is evident in the pine scent of the beer. The hops continue to pack a punch on the tongue with the first sip and stay for a very long aftertaste. Hop lovers will certainly want to try this one. Pair it with spicy food like curry or blue or aged Gouda cheeses.

Jabez Martinez • 3

This beer pours a clear amber, and you can smell the hops right away. I always enjoy Goose Island products and this one is pretty good, too. It has a bold hops flavor, but I feel that it needs to have a stronger finish. It just seems a little lacking - but a decent beer overall.

Paul Bragin • 3 A thin white head briefly forms on the top of this straw colored ale. Some spice notes from the coriander used in the brewing process help round out the scent profile with malt and hops. The taste starts out similar to a traditional lager, but there seems to be a heavy salt taste in the finish from the sea salt added to the beer. If you can get past the salt, this is a decent beer. Jabez Martinez • 4 This beer pours a clear amber color with great carbonation. It has a light crisp flavor of citrus and coriander. It has many similar factors of a Blue Moon, which I like, but this one seems a little lighter.

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This looks like your average amber beer. To be honest, it is lacking in the taste department. I tried to cleanse my palate after trying some of the others offered this month, but I still couldn’t lock into the flavor of this one. I did taste a light bitterness but not much after that.

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Jabez Martinez • 4

Dark Horse

Daniel Knight • 4 This one’s a Belgian Tripel formulation. It pours up a cloudy, dirty orange shade with a generous cream colored two finger head that settles down momentarily. It maintains a thin film and leaves a bit of lacing behind as it’s enjoyed. The aroma is of those special Belgian yeasts, banana, spices and grains. The flavor follows smell but with even more kick and offers in addition, a malty sweetness on the front end with cloves, and hops on the finish. Actually, this seems

slightly hoppier than what tradition calls for. It works, though. Note that at 9.5% ABV, one needs a designated driver if the urge for a second Dark Horse strikes you. Paul Bragin • 4.5 A thin white head slowly forms on this beer that has the color of an unfiltered apple cider. The sweet smell of malt dominates the nose. The malt flavors remain with the first sip of the beer, but a slight note of hops comes through in the finish. This seasonal beer is available through August and is a must try. Pair this with a ham or a good quality ham and cheese sandwich. Jabez Martinez • 4.5 This beer pours a hazy straw color with a yeasty aroma. I noticed that it has a 9.5% ABV, but I could not detect it. Most of the time when a beer has this high of an ABV, it has a strong alcohol taste; not this one. I enjoyed the bready and spice flavors of this beer. I love Belgian Tripels. Follow us on twitter @

Random Beer Facts! 1.) In Great Britain alone, 93,000 liters of beer are rumored to be lost each year in facial hair. 2.) Bars in the Veltsin-Arena in Germany are interconnected by a beer pipeline several miles long. 3.) The White House brews its own beer for President Obama. 4.) Barley beer was Invented in Iran and is now illegal for its people. 5.) 77% of America’s hops comes from Washington.


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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (Unrated) Kino Based on the graphic novel of the same name and directed by first-timer Ana Lily Amanpour, the film is the first of its kind - an “Iranian vampire flick” with feminist (whether the director agrees or not) themes. The title in itself would lead us to be fearful for the protagonist’s safety, an intentional challenge of preconceived notions. Filmed in black and white, it opens with an immediate sense of tension in a barren fictional town called Bad City. A stoic young woman in a black hijab is present from a distance at every turn, appearing to be subtly stalking the local dregs of society. “The Girl” (Sheila Vand) is a vampire who satisfies her appetite by taking out the trash, so to speak. With more focus on mystery and a harsh view of modern self-importance, gore is slim to none, but uncomfortable apprehension moves the story forward with a bit of a swagger. Although slowmoving throughout, the film is artistic, fresh, and provocative, with fantastic cinematography and an eerie soundtrack. Praised highly by most film critics and well-received by audiences, it’s worth the antsy, uncomfortable view. And you don’t have to worry about The Girl walking home alone at night, but the evildoers should be very, very afraid.

Showplace Cinemas East 1801 Morgan Center Drive Evansville, IN 47715 Showplace Cinemas North 4200 N. 3rd Ave. Evansville, IN 47710 Showplace Cinemas South 950 Hebron Ave. Evansville, IN 47714 Showplace Cinemas Newburgh 8099 Bell Oaks Drive Newburgh, IN 47630 Showplace Cinemas Princeton 2691 W. Broadway St. Princeton, IN 47670 Showplace Cinemas Henderson 406 Walker Drive Henderson, KY 42420

McFarland, USA (PG) Disney Pictures While settling in to watch this movie, I was a bit apprehensive at first and ready to throw popcorn at the screen. Fearing another self-congratulatory, silly story where affluent white people swoop in to “save” the disenfranchised people of color (i.e. The Blind Side), I was already begging one of my favorite, most loveable childhood actors not to let me down. The film is based on the true story of the huge success of a cross-country team in a small farming town in California after the arrival of temperamental new coach Jim White (Kevin Costner). Begging for professional scraps after multiple disciplinary actions, White is relegated to McFarland High. With resistance all around, White builds a cross country team of kids who primarily spend time working for their families when they’re not in school. There are definitely themes of growth, but in a more hands-on way without the seeking of accolades, and genuine attempts by White to become a better person for his team, community, and family, not just himself. While the town is primarily Mexican-American, it’s more focused on cultural enlightenment and overcoming economic challenges. Directed by Niki Caro (Whale Rider), McFarland is more authentic than similarly-themed films and cringing is minimal. Ok, ok. – Whitney Patterson

Movie Infoline: 812-422-3456

July Movies: July 3:

Terminator Genisys, Magic Mike XXL

July 10:

Self/Less, Minions,

July 17: July 24:

Ant-Man, Trainwreck


Paper Towns, Pixels, Pan, SouthPaw

July 31:

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, Vacation

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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cd reviews Muse Drones

Warner Brothers After riding high on their last three monstrous successes, the English progrock band is back with something new that feels old. Less theatrical but still operatic, Drones was produced by industry staple Mutt Lange, a bit of an unusual choice, however, in my opinion. Despite this, original Muse fans might be pleased with the reminiscence, a stripped down, grittier version of their agenda. With some watered-down, radio-friendly singles, it’s still hard to deny that the composition is tight and lyrics are reasonable, even with Bellamy’s surprisingly lackluster vocals throughout most of the album. “Dead Inside” opens the album with a sigh of relief. It can’t be that bad, right? Eighties and light NIN at the same time, with relatable lyrics like “you’re free to touch the sky/ whilst I am crushed and pulverized/ because you need control/ now I’m the one who’s letting go.” Genuine if nothing else. “Psycho,” again touching on isolation and relinquishment of control, is good all around - hard-hitting, angry, and melodic. “Mercy” feels like a cheesy worship rock tune and could have been scrapped altogether, but the album is quickly redeemed with the intense buildups in “Reapers.” True to the title of the album, there are continual themes of love, society’s expectations, and war in every arena. It’s mostly solid, but it’s often hard to hear past the disappointing vocals.

Conchita Wurst Conchita Sony Music

The gender-bending Austrian pop singer/ fashion icon stormed the spotlight after winning the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest with “Rise Like a Phoenix,” an anthem for both the heartbroken who are seeking rebirth and those who are attempting to find themselves despite adversity. The album born from those ashes is light club pop, thematic and danceable, even show-tune-y at times, and Wurst’s success and presence alone is inspirational, fighting gender expectations and definitions. Beats, lyrics, and messages are front and center on every track. Wurst’s vocals are androgynous and often haunting, minimally electronically manipulated and theatrical. With Conchita’s drag background, it’s not surprising, and it’s refreshing to hear a queen actually sing instead of lip sync. The uplifting “You Are Unstoppable” suggests “so take a breath and just dive in/ keep on climbing/ scars are part of you/ we can learn to understand/ carry your heart in your hand.” The notes she hits in “Up For Air” are amazing, accompanied by thundering beats that should fill the dance floor immediately. Strings make an appearance throughout, and there’s an undeniable Asian flair. I’m impressed, by both the amount of feeling and her seemingly effortless bravery.

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July 2015 •

cd reviews (cont.) Zella Day Kicker

Pinetop A bit more youthful than naive, 20year-old Zella Day has slowly woven her way into the indie pop scene after moving to California a few years ago, gaining national recognition when she performed on Conan this month. The Arizona native has been exposed to live music for a large chunk of her life (her family owned a coffee shop which hosted shows) and that seems to have influenced her style, along with Bob Dylan and the Beatles. Catchy, breathy, and melodic, the album achieves angst and hope at the same time. Less theatric and self-aggrandizing than Lana del Ray, Day’s vocals have a similar vibe and there’s a notable influence in the music itself, especially in the first track, “Jerome.” The lyrics, however, take a note from Reba’s “Fancy” - “when I was 17, my father said to me/ a wealthy man had the things I wanted/ cool diamond ring, the house he built for me/ I made a promise to keep them haunted.” “High” was her Conan debut, with beats bordering on actual rock and electro sounds/vocals that remind me of Nero’s “Promises.” Regina Spektor bleeds through a bit on “1965,” with gut-wrenching, nostalgic lyrics: “I don’t belong here/ can we go back to the world we had?/ with a love so sweet it makes me sad/ cut like diamonds we were made to last.” Day clearly has a lot of influences socked away, but she’s blended them to make a soothing, feel-heavy album that’s all her own.


cd sidebar Florence + The Machine

How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful Island

So far, each Florence + The Machine album has been better than the previous. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful captures the best of both her previous albums and blends them together for a powerful pop album. Florence’s voice has a nurturing quality to it that empowers you on tracks like “What Kind of Man” and soothes on tracks like “Long and Lost.” Her songs wrap themselves around you and warm your soul. How beautiful, indeed.

Jamie xx In Colour

Young Turks Jamie xx, perhaps best known for his work as a member of London pop-rock group The xx, is showing his true colors with his debut solo album In Colour. In The xx, Jamie was in the background providing soft electronic hums and dings throughout. But this time Jamie is running the show. In Colour is a house/dance album with top notch production and bright melodies. It’s great for dancing or relaxing depending on your mood.

Ivy Tripp

Merge Records Prepare to get punched in your vibes by a cute brunette, also known as Katie Crutchfield, with big thoughts on all things love. But don’t worry, the genre “indie pop” shouldn’t scare you away from this one, for many reasons, especially because it’s just a weak description. It’s grungy, matter-of-fact, introspective, and selfless about being selfish. Plus, it’s a dance-around-in-your-underwear-with-a-hairbrush sort of album and the tracks are short and sweet (and sour). “La Loose” is upbeat on the surface, with woohoos and light bass, but the lyrics are both cynical and brutally truthful - “I know that I feel more than you do/ I selfishly want you here to stick to/ and I’ll try to preserve the routine/ and I don’t want to discuss what it means/ and you’re the only one I want watching me.” “Air” is about the dynamic of a relationship with one person sacrificing all only to be repeatedly disappointed - “you were patiently giving me every answer as I roamed free,” with the fuzzy crunch of “Breathless” following in the same lethargic, insightful steps. “The Dirt” is surfy and picks up the deceitful cheer again, and “Summer of Love” is so Liz Phair that it made me feel 10 again, hovering between sweet childhood and figuring out what the hell it means to grow up and be sad. For a young thing, she’s felt some shit or she’s a hell of an empath. Get out of our heads. -Whitney Patterson

Sun Kil Moon Universal Themes Caldo Verde

Last year, Sun Kil Moon released the fantastic Benji, a unique, dark, and beautiful masterpiece—perhaps the best album of their career. It would certainly be hard to follow up just a year later. Universal Themes is a good album, but it pales in comparison with their previous release. For longtime Sun Kil Moon fans, Universal Themes is a welcome addition to an already large discography. For casual fans that hopped on with Benji, the songs on Universal Themes may be too loose and too lengthy. - Russell Finn

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mugshots from around the area

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July 2015 •

mugshots (cont.)

Special thanks to the Evansville Police Department. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty.

Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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July 2015 •

going out clubs & pubs Al’s Corner Pub 301 W. Columbia St. (812) 909-2249

Buck’s Tavern 1005 N. Fulton Ave. (812) 429-0055

Doc’s Nightclub 1305 Stringtown (812) 401-1201

Hooters 4620 Lincoln Ave. (812) 475-0229

Old Chicago 6500 Lloyd Expwy. (812) 401-1400

Algonquins 213 U.S. Hwy. 41 South Henderson, KY (270) 827-4313

Buster & Becky’s 1000 N. Garvin (812) 423-7616

Double D’s (Boonville, IN) 1206 E. Main St. (812) 897-8813

Horstketter’s Tavern 5809 Stringtown Rd. (812) 423-0692

The Peephole Bar & Grill 2nd & Main St. (812) 423-5171

Archie & Clyde’s Newburgh, IN 8320 Bell Oaks Dr. (812) 480-7778 BackStage Bar 524 Main St. (812) 424-5020 Blush Ultra Lounge & Tapas Bar Tropicana

421 N.W. Riverside Dr. (Inside LeMerigot) (812) 433-4000

Carson’s Brewery Tasting Room 2404 Lynch Rd. (812) 759-8229

Elberfeld Korner Inn 15 W. Main (812) 983-4200

Iron Horse 203 N. McCreary Ft. Branch, IN (812) 753-9918

Chilly Willy’s 3039 Claremont (812) 423-0726

Enigma Bar & Grill 4044 Professional Ln. Newburgh, IN

KC’s Corner Pocket 1819 N. Fulton Ave. (812) 428-BALL

Club Canopy (Above the Jungle) 415 Main St. (812) 425-5282

Extra Innings (Holiday Inn) 951 Wernsing Rd. Jasper, IN (812) 482-5555

KC’s Time Out Lounge & Grill Washington Square Mall (812) 437-9920

Corner Bar 26688 Mt. Vernon (812) 425-5059

Bob’s Lounge 907 N. Fares (812) 425-4929

Cricket’s 518 W. Main St. Newburgh, IN (812) 858-2782

Bokeh Lounge 1007 Parrett St. (812) 909-0388

Darmstadt Inn 13130 Darmstadt (812) 867-7300

Boogie Nights 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 401-0460

Darren’s Pub 713 N. Green St. Henderson, KY (270) 827-2206

The Brickhouse 201 W. Illinois St. (812) 421-0024

Dave’s Sports Den 701 N. Weinbach Ave. (812) 479-8887

Breaktime Bar & Grill 1323 S Barker Ave (812) 602-1756

Deerhead Sidewalk Café 222 E. Columbia (812) 425-2515


De Vonna’s 919 North Park Dr 812-401-9400

Fat Boys Tavern (Ft. Branch, IN) 115 McCreary St. (812) 753-9914

Koodie Hoo’s 231 W. 2nd St. Mt. Vernon, IN (812) 838-5202

11 Frame Lounge 1801 Franklin St. (812) 423-5355

Lamasco Bar & Grill 1331 W. Franklin (812) 437-0171

Fred’s 421 Read St. (812) 423-8040

Legends 1050 S. Weinbach (812) 476-7444

Hagedorn’s Tavern 2037 W. Franklin (812) 423-0794

Leroy’s Tavern 2659 Mt. Vernon Ave. (812) 464-8300

Hammerheads 317 Main St. (812) 421-8492 Highland Inn 6620 N. 1st Ave. (812) 402-2544

Hoosiers Lounge

(in Tropicana Pavillion)

Lyle Sports Zone Pizza & Pub 1404 E. Morgan Ave. (812) 425-7729 O’Brian’s Sports Bar & Grill 1801 N. Green River Rd. (812) 401-4630

450 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 433-4100

Penny Lane Coffeehouse 600 S.E. 2nd St. (812) 421-8741 (East) 2004 Washington Ave. Phoenix Nightclub & Event Center 111 S. Green River Rd. (812) 401-5949 Pineapple Project 1321 S. Barker (812) 491-6229 Piston’s 2131 W. Franklin St. (812) 401-1699

The Pub 1348 Division St. (812) 423-2121 Rick’s Sports Bar 1531 Green River Rd. (812) 477-4088 RiRa’s Irish Pub Tropicana 701 N.W. Riverside Dr. (812) 426-0000

Safari Wine & Martini Bar 415 Main St. (812) 425-5282

Smitty’s Italian Steak House 2109 W. Franklin St. (812) 423-6280 Show Me’s (West) 5525 Pearl Dr. (812) (812) 402-7100 Show Me’s (East) 1700 Morgan Ctr. Dr. (812) 401-7469 Sidetrack Tavern 664 E. Illinois St. (812) 423-0828

Sportsman’s Grille & Billards 2315 W. Franklin St. (812) 422-0801 Tin Fish 300 W. Jennings Newburgh, IN (812) 490-7000 Tin Man Brewing Co. 1430 W. Franklin (812) 618-3227 TJ’s Stockyard Inn 1217 Baker Ave. (812) 402-9273

Rick’s 718 Lounge 718 3rd Ave. (812) 423-0872

Xcess Gentlemen’s Club 207 S. Fulton Ave. (812) 426-6998

Rookie’s 117 Second St. Henderson, KY (270) 826-1106

Ziggy’s Pub 16 Main St. Poseyville, IN (812) 874-2170

•High-lighted denotes advertisers• Call for Advertising Information (812) 426-6398 • July 2015

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July 2015 •


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