Annual Report
IN 2014, WE WORKED IN ALL 11 WESTERN STATES PROVIDING OUR LEGAL SERVICES TO MORE THAN 135 CLIENTS窶認OR FREE. THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE! Photo credits (Cover) Glacier National Park-SpreadTheMagic. (Inside Cover) Glacier National Park-ツゥiStock/LoonChild
ur commitment to defending the American West’s natural heritage is rooted in our passion for preserving the region’s spectacular wildlands, iconic wildlife, and vibrant communities. But our commitment runs even deeper. The American West is our home. It’s where we raise our families, where we grow with our communities, and where we recreate and reconnect with the natural world. In 2014, we secured critical legal victories to restore wild salmon runs, to stop dangerous fracking, and to safeguard our communities from toxic pollution. As you will read about in this report, these victories are catalyzing real change and creating positive, on-the-ground impacts.
Erik Schlenker-Goodrich Executive Director
Our victories are your victories. You—our dedicated supporters, clients, and partners—make this work possible. You stand with us as we take on the most pressing environmental issues facing the American West. For your support and partnership in this work, thank you. A home is a place of warmth, comfort, and love. The American West is our home and our promise to you is that we will fight as hard as we can using the power of the law to defend it. You expect and deserve nothing less. In Gratitude for the West, Lori Maddox Board President 1
FIGHTING TO RECOVER AND RESTORE WILD SALMON AND STEELHEAD We successfully achieved hatchery reform on the Mad and Trinity Rivers in California and on the Sandy River in Oregon. 2
he West Coast’s wild salmon and steelhead trout runs have been and continue to be seriously threatened by the “four H’s”: habitat degradation, hydroelectric dams, harvest of depleted stocks, and hatcheries. Most wild salmon and steelhead runs are at a fraction of their historic levels, and many runs are now less than 10 percent of historical numbers. Moreover, in many basins, hatchery instead of wild fish dominate the runs. Within the last decade, the consensus among fisheries biologists is that hatchery fish can prey on, out-compete, or interbreed with wild fish, further diminishing their numbers. To address this, we are litigating to reform hatchery operations on key rivers in California and Oregon. Reforming salmon and steelhead hatcheries in the West will not be easy and we have hard work ahead of us, as legal battles can last for years. But we will continue this hard work buoyed by the support of our clients, partners, and committed donors who make our work possible.
PETER M.K. FROST, ATTORNEY Eugene, Oregon “The science is clear—to recover wild salmon and steelhead runs in Western rivers and streams, we must act now to reform fish hatcheries.” Photo by Ian Sane.
SUSAN JANE BROWN, ATTORNEY Portland, Oregon “The West is full of wildlands that inspire and sustain the human spirit. Protecting these lands is a mission not for the faint of heart, but the rewards are priceless.” 4
Victories & Your Impact VICTORY! CANADA LYNX CAN TRULY ROAM FREE After eight years of our legal advocacy, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service extended Endangered Species Act protections to Canada lynx wherever they roam in the contiguous United States. FIGHTING FOR WOLVES IN WASHINGTON & OREGON We are challenging a harmful logging plan near Crater Lake National Park in Oregon where the famed wolf OR-7 and his new family are located. We also continue to work to make Washington state’s wolf management plan legally binding so that the use of non-lethal wolf control measures is required before the state can resort to the killing of wolves. SAVING THE WEST’S LAST WOLVERINES Despite only 250 to 300 wolverines remaining in the lower 48 states, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service declined to add the wolverine to the Endangered Species List. We filed a lawsuit challenging that decision and are demanding that the wolverine gets the protection it needs. SAFEGUARDING WASHINGTON’S WATER & COMMUNITIES Washington’s water is being degraded by manure pollution from industrial agricultural operations. We are working with conservationists and Native American tribes to demand that the state adopt stronger regulations that protect Washington’s water. VICTORY! NO MORE WATER GIVEAWAY FOR HOUSING SUBDIVISIONS In Montana, we won a case that closed a loophole in a state water rule that developers exploited to drill thousands of water wells for new housing subdivisions—a practice that threatened water availability for existing users. VICTORY! COURT REJECTS OFF-ROAD VEHICLE TRAIL IN IDAHO We stopped the Winschell Dugway Motorized Trail System planned for Idaho’s Caribou-Targhee National Forest. This victory protects critical forest lands, streams, and fisheries in the Greater Yellowstone region. Photo by Cloudtail.
GREATER CHACO CANYON IS A SACRED AREA, NOT AN OIL FIELD We stopped 2,800 acres of land from being leased for fracking by the oil and gas industry near this UNESCO World Heritage Site in New Mexico. 6
orthern New Mexico is a hotbed of activity for the fossil fuel industry. Oil and gas deposits in the San Juan Basin and new fracking technology are accelerating drilling in the region. Now, a new oil pipeline has been proposed for the area and Chaco Canyon, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is under extreme threat. The proposed Piñon Pipeline would carry up to 50,000 barrels of oil daily through the Chaco Canyon and Four Corners region. The pipeline, if built, would also lead to an increase in fossil fuel development in the West. We are demanding that the Bureau of Land Management issue a moratorium on all leasing, drilling, and infrastructure (including the pipeline) in the San Juan Basin until a resource management plan (RMP) and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) are completed. The RMP and EIS are critical to ensuring that oil and gas development will not harm public health, the environment, and the region’s cultural heritage.
KYLE TISDEL, ATTORNEY Taos, New Mexico “My family calls New Mexico home and I refuse to watch our home be destroyed by the polluting fossil fuels industry. I am dedicated to this fight for the long haul.” Photo by Steve Corbato.
ANDREA RODGERS, ATTORNEY Seattle, Washington “As a mother and someone who grew up on the Puget Sound, we must work, and inspire our children to work, so coal is not dumped into our treasured waters.”
Victories & Your Impact PROTECTING NEW MEXICO’S LAND, AIR & WATER I n response to our legal advocacy, the Bureau of Land Management deferred an oil and gas lease sale on 13,300 acres of public lands near Cebolla, New Mexico. This victory preserves Cebolla’s drinking water and air quality, and safeguards the headwaters of the Rio Grande. REDUCING POLLUTION FROM FRACKING ON PUBLIC LANDS After years of work by our legal team, the Bureau of Land Management plans to issue proposed new methane pollution rules in 2015. These rules will reduce the amount of methane—a potent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change—that leaks from oil and gas operations on public lands. DEFENDING WASHINGTON’S COMMUNITIES FROM COAL DUST We filed suit against BNSF Railway for violating the Clean Water Act by polluting Washington state’s rivers with coal that escapes from the company’s trains. We aim to protect Washington’s waters, aquatic wildlife, and communities from this toxic coal pollution. STOPPING A DANGEROUS GAS PIPELINE IN OREGON A foreign company wants to build a gas pipeline across Oregon to export gas to Asia. We oppose the pipeline and will use the full power of the law to stop this project from harming Oregon’s natural heritage and communities. HALTING COAL MINE EXPANSION IN MONTANA Signal Peak Energy plans to double the size of the Bull Mountain Coal Mine near Billings, Montana. We are challenging the expansion to defend local ranchers whose livelihood is under threat from the mine. SAVING COLORADO’S NORTH FORK VALLEY FROM FRACKING Colorado’s bucolic North Fork Valley is threatened by the prospect of fossil fuel development. We recently stopped a reckless fracking plan in the nearby Gunnison National Forest that would have impaired the region’s land, air, and water quality. Photo by Michael Wilson.
rresponsible motorized recreation is a serious threat to public lands. Motorized recreation’s impacts have intensified over the years as vehicles are more powerful and capable of going to previously inaccessible places. This results in many user-created “ghost” routes and causes significant damage to the forest, streams, native fish, meadows, and amphibians. The U.S. Forest Service created a Travel Management Plan for New Mexico’s Santa Fe National Forest limiting the use of off-road vehicles (ORV). This plan represents a true compromise between protecting the Santa Fe National Forest’s environment, including streams and endangered species, while also providing sufficient access to ORV users. However, an ORV lobbying group challenged the Forest Service’s plan in federal court and we intervened to defend it. Due to our litigation, the judge found the ORV lobbyists’ arguments “not persuasive” and ruled in our favor, leading to a huge victory for national forest land protection.
JOHN MELLGREN, ATTORNEY Eugene, Oregon “The Santa Fe National Forest’s unique and special treasures now have a chance to recover from decades of threats from destructive off-road vehicle use.” Photo by Thomas Shahan.
THANK YOU! The board and staff of the Western Environmental Law Center appreciate the generous contributions from the following individuals, foundations, businesses, and organizations in 2014. Your support allows us to use our expertise in addressing the most pressing environmental issues facing the West. Thank you for helping us defend and protect the American West’s treasured landscapes, iconic wildlife, and communities.
KEYSTONE PARTNERS Thank you to our monthly and quarterly donors. Jim D. and Nancye F. Ballard Cathy Bellavita Jon Bennett William Brabender Arleta and Duane Carr Linda L. Carroll Richard L. Carrothers Lyn Chambers Lori Houck Cora Patrice and Howard Corneli Natalie T. and Douglas Danforth Robert C. Raymond and Dorothy Downes Audrey D. Evans Bill Gardner Martha J. and Robert Hall Joseph W. Hess
Rosemary Howes Larry Jacoby Sandra P. Lilligren Patricia Lovejoy H. Glenn Meares Diane Mehling Peggy J. Nelson Ernest and Marietta O’Byrne Mark William Pearson James Rego Roslyn P. Regudon Robert A. Resnik Susan and John Richmond Stephen J. Rose and Barbara Zaring Jean Rusciolelli Helen Rynaski Charlotte R. Sahnow and
Alan Eliason Erik Schlenker-Goodrich and Rachel Conn Robert Shotola Norman Singfield Herbert M. Stein Kenneth Martin and Elizabeth Stevenson Ann Tattersall Sara Tiede Charles H. Trost Mark Van Ryzin Eve Vogel C. Jameson Wells Effie E. Westervelt Richard S. Wheeler
LEGACY DONORS We deeply thank our loyal supporters who included WELC in their estate plans. Anonymous Edith W. and Bruce H. Anderson Joseph Bower Jemma T. Crae and Dana B. MacDonald Thomas and Lila V. Creager Benton Elliott Ray Elliott Arthur Fry
Pam Fletcher Martha J. and Robert Hall Thomas Patrick Hammond Harvey Johnson Kirk Lawton Mary Levy John I. Mattill Annette McClure Timothy McNally
Peter M. and Jean C. Ossorio Michael P. Ryan Charlotte R. Sahnow and Alan Eliason John M. Sherman Arthur Thiede Kathryn Vestal David Weissman Lornie White
TRIBUTE GIFTS We appreciate all the gifts made in honor of family, friends, or special occasions. Megan Anderson O’Reilly Jim and Nancye Ballard Tina Choi and Shawn Powell Erin Figy Peter Frost Kamala and Paul Grasso
Jim Helmers Annabelle Mary LeSueur Amy Levin Sandra Lilligren Madrone Max L. McNamar, Sr.
Terria and Dan McNamar Andy Meislin Warren Miller Wesley and Ellen Pitkanen Gregg Charlotte Sahnow and Alan Eliason Karin Sheldon
INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES We are grateful to everyone that supports our work to defend the West. Anonymous Ananda Judith Abeles Robert S. and Rosalind S. Abernathy Emory W. Ackley Kerstin M. and Robert H. Adams Fred Adler and Anne Collopy Linda Agerter and Rick Judd Clemens R. Aita, Jr. Jonathan and Joy Alferness George M. Alger Andrew Allen David and Nellie Allnutt Loren Amelang Valerie Amerkhail Kenneth R. and Carol D. Ampel Edith W. and Bruce H. Anderson Fred Anderson, III Frank and Dorothy Anderson Clifford E. Anderson Larry S. Anderson Agnes and John Anderson Megan Anderson O’Reilly Edrey S. Anker Pilar Ara George L. Armantrout Su Anne Armstrong and Ted A. Hopkins Christie and Bill Aspegren Larry and Margie Aten Carolyn Atkinson Stephen and Judith K. Auerbach Michael Axline and Diane Hazen Stephen R. and Irene Bachhuber John W. Bacon Pamela and Chris Baillio Virginia H. Baker Jim D. and Nancye F. Ballard Jonathan and Julie Barber Bob and Gail Barker Bruce C. Baron Rosalie M. Barr, MD
Robert G. and Ann S. Barrett Linda Barrett and Adam Schmoeger C. Minor Barringer Dr. James S. Barron Susan Barter Sean Barton David G. Baxter, MD Michael Becker and Susan Hay Cathy Bellavita Robert Bellucci Edward L. and Mildred J. Bennett Keith and Atsuko Bennett Jon Bennett Kris Bennett Mary Bergan Hugh A. Bialecki, DMD Susan Billingsley Jan Birchfield and Finn Runyon Don L. and Joan Bishop Earl U. Biven Linda C. Black Diane Black Sara and Bob Blair Tara R. Bloyd Gerald and Louise Rose Blume Elspeth Bobbs Edith Bockian Karen Boeger and Dan Heinz Paul R. Boehner Daniel J. Booser, MD T. William and Beatrice Booth Thomas P. Booy Ken Bosworth and Mary Hofle Elizabeth Bottero Joseph Bower Tom and Kristine Bowerman Rob Bowman William Brabender Dan and Nancy Brandenburg Arlene Brandwein Kalman Brauner and Amy D. Carlson Byron G. Bray, Jr.
Alexander Brennen Daniel R. and Susan R. Bresnahan Frances Brinkerhoff William Brooks Barbara and John Broughton Charla Brown and Rob Burnett Eugene Bruce Philip Bulliard Sidney Burgess Anne Burke Patricia Burson and Jerry Gilmour Sara Butcher Myles and Mary Joanne Butner Lisa Buttrey and David Cothran John and Jessie Buzawa Jon Cain Christopher and Carol Calvert Mary Lyman Cammann Nancy Campbell Mary C. Campbell and Pamela A. Fuqua William N. Cannon, Jr. Muriel and Gail Carbiener Jim Carlson Eileen Carney Robert and Kathleen Carolan Mary Carparelli Arleta and Duane Carr Linda L. Carroll Richard L. Carrothers Jim Cassidy and Erika Salinas Lyn Chambers Katrin and Kevin Chandler Bob Chandler Michael W. Chapin Cheryl Chevis and Edwin Gerow Elisabeth M. Chiera Linda D. and David H. Chipping Tina Choi and Shawn Powell Anna Choi and Leo Sooter Ralph and Barbara Christensen Harold Christiansen Robert H. Clark
Elena Goldstein Crawford, Colorado Donor
“I am grateful to WELC for helping us here in the North Fork Valley in western Colorado against the imminent threats from the oil and gas industry.” 13
Perk Perkins CEO The Orvis Company
“If we are to benefit from the use of our natural resources, we must be willing to act to preserve them. We are pleased to support the work of WELC to do just that.” 14
Susan Nora Clark Tom Clark Marilyn Kelly-Clark and Dennis Clark William Clarke Thomas Clohessy Richard Coan David M. Cole Mary Ellen Collentine and George Pubanz Sarah Conn Erin Conroy James Coons and Mary Nuwer Lori Houck Cora Patrice and Howard Corneli Bernard G. Corrigan Keith W. Cowan Veronika Emody Coyle Jemma T. Crae and Dana B. MacDonald Rebecca L. Cramer Jeanine Crider Sylvia F. Crisler Patricia Cummins and John Tietjen Dianne Cunningham Robert R. Dances Natalie T. and Douglas Danforth May D. Dasch Karen Davidson Jon F. Davison Liz De Niro and Paul Swetik Michael Dean Michael and Lauri DeYoung Donald L. Dick Helen Dick Mary DiFranco Judith P. Dillman John Doane Charlie D. Donnes and Carol Hardy Shawn Donnille Lee Doughty Hugh and Louise Doyle Daniel Drake Roger Duba Marianne Dugan Sandra L. Dunham Lois Duvall Thomas M. Dwyer
Michelle Eaton Melinda and Gary Eder Dan E. Eggleston and Ann C. Kloka Jeanne W. Eisenstadt Neil Elliott Robert J. Ellis David K. Engen and Kasia Quillinan Susan Epstein and Spencer Shropshire Heike and Wallace Eubanks Larry L. and Kristin Evans Alice B. Evans Audrey D. Evans David Evenson Edgar Exum Chuck and Anne Fairchild Kathleen A. Fay Mary Fay Robert W. Feldhousen, Jr. Elizabeth J. Ferguson Norman B. Ferguson and Anne Marie Petrokubi Patty Ferrari Yvonne B. Fichtenau Ann C. and David J. Fidanque Rita C. Fiedler and Family Mary and Holde Fink Scott Finley Thomas J. Fischer Erik W. Fisher Edward Fisher Joanne Fisher Diane B. and Bruce Follansbee John W. Foster Jacqueline Fowler Floyd and Betty Frakes Norman C. Frank Bea Frederickson Harry A. Freiberg III Victor and Diane Fresco Sidney Friedman and Marilyn Walster John Fries Melvin Frucht Rene Fuentes Eva M. Fuld
Moffie G. Funk Marnie W. and Marc Gaede Ken Gallard John M. and Lynn G. Garberson Bill Gardner Rebecca Gardner Lydia Garvey Susan Gary Wendy J. Gehring Greg Gessay, PhD David Gibson, Jr. Randall Gicker Stephen Gies Mark Giesecke W. Tyrone and Helen Gillespie Kathy Ging Theo J. Glenn Laurence E. Goeltz Michael Alan and Patricia Ann Gold Susan Goldberg and Raymond Laufer Marshall C. Goldberg Chris M. Golde Phil Goldsmith and Susan Newman Michael B. Goldstein Elena Goldstein Dina Gonzales Mark Alan Good Arifa Goodman Michael Gosenski Joseph and Pamala Gouveia John Paul Graff and Katherine O’Neil John Graham and Ann Medlock Malcolm and Julie Graham Fay C. Graning Eugene and Emily L. Grant David M. Grant, MD and Lisa Cogswell Sallie and Alan Gratch Randy and Nora Gray Jack Gray and Mary Jo Wade Morris H. and Joyce C. Green John F. Green Rev. Steven E. Greenebaum Phillip M. Gregg Alan Grossberger
John R. Gustafson Jonathan Haber Stephen W. Hager Frederick J. Haggerson John M. Hagopian Christine K. Haley Martha J. and Robert Hall Janet Hall Rebecca Hallgarth and Robert Barnes Marshall Hamilton William S. Hamma Judith R. Hance Robert and Sharon Handelsman Alicia and Richard Hanlen Brad N. and Leisa Hansen Vivien and David Hanson Dennis G. Hanson Roger J. Harmon Douglas N. Harness Patricia A. Harper J. Barton Harrison Peter Hart Charles and Bonnie Hash Wendell Hatfield Neil Haugland Joseph T. Hayes Linda Hedstrom and Richard Steffel June E. Heilman Patricia B. Helvey Dennis and Karen Henderson John A. and Laura Hennings P. Sydney Herbert Hannah Hernandez and Jeremey Lizotte Lynn J. and Don P. Herring Lois C. Herrmann David and Evelyn Hess Joseph W. Hess John and Hermi Hiatt Milton Hildebrand Richard and Suzanne Hildner Mary Licini Hill Stephen E. Hill Colleen Hinds Laurel Hines Valerie Hirsch
Jana M. Hobbs Len C. and Phyllis J. Hockley Linda Hodapp Marley Hodgson Steve Hollowell Ann S. and Mark Hollyfield Steve Holmer Greg Holmes Kirsten Holmquist Rebecca Holt Judith Horstmann Kathy Horton Natalie T. Houghton Tony Howell and Patricia Benner Rosemary Howes Brandon Hubley Dorothy Hudig, PhD Gary G. Hughes Ken Hughes Robert D. and Laila M. Hungerford David Hunter and Margaret Bowman Cynthia Hunter-Crofton Julie Huntington Elizabeth Hurst-Waitz John H. Hutchison Pamela W. Hyde James L. and Wendy L. Inkster Glenna T. and Jim R. Irwin Christopher H. Isensee, MD and Patricia A. Isensee Richard Jacobi Milton S. Jacobs Hilary Jacobs and Daniel D. Schelling Larry Jacoby Majduddin and Patricia Jaffer Susan C. and Gerald E. James Marilyn Gay Jasper Elizabeth Javens Wendell and Bernice Jeffrey Barbara and Tim Jenkins Elisabeth Jennings Robert W. Jensen Robert Clayton Jernigan Stephen C. Jett Heidi S. Jochem and Craig A. Jensen
David Johns Hillary and Bern Johnson Debra Dee Johnson Mariel Margery Johnson Harvey Johnson Jackie Johnson Terry Johnson Carolyn Johnson and Kevin Cook Kevin Johnsrude Teri and Bob Jones R. Steven Jones Christopher Jones Darrell Jones Scott Jones Susan and Lonay Jones-Nelson Marcus A. Jung Al Kaplan and Judy Macfarlane Paul Kaplan, MD and Jane Squires Phil Katzen and Joan Kleinberg Van P. Keele Stephen and Alice Keil Joanne and Dennis Keith Patricia R. Kellogg Ellsworth H. Kendig, Jr. Joan and Frank Kenna Matt Kenna Lois Kennedy Michael Kenning Linda Kervin Jess A. Kimball Kevin Kirchner and Mary Sing Ruth J. Kistler Russa Kittredge and Christian Langpap Adam C. J. Klein Charles Nelson Kleinhans Jon Klingel Holly Knight and Tom Williams Billy Knight Andrew B. Knox Sanne H. Knudsen and Todd A. Wildermuth Sandra Koenig Lauretta and William Koopmann H. Robert Krear Ellen B. Kritzman Michael Krumper Rosemarie Wipfelder Kumpe and
Charlotte Levinson President The Max & Anna Levinson Foundation
“We’ve funded WELC since its beginning, and we depend on them for timely and accurate information on emerging threats at the juncture of climate, energy, people, and nature.” 15
David Kumpe Karen Kunde Donald E. Kusler Roger Lais Jane Ann Lamph Gary D. Landers Matthew Latterell and Ina Zucker Katie and Josh Laughlin David Lawlor W. William and Barbara Leaphart Karen Kole Leary Michael R. Lederle Joseph Lee Carol Lee-Roark Robert and Dee Leggett Chandra LeGue and Eric Anderson Mark A. Levensky and Michelle Connor Amy Jo Levin David B. Lewis William Z. Lidicker, Jr. and Louise N. Lidicker Carmen and Stephen Lieurance Helen Liguori Jason A. and Linda E. Lillegraven Sandra P. Lilligren Michael E. and Tammy K. Lindsay William G. Lindsay Arthur Lipson and Rochelle Kaplan Peter and Judy List Edna Litten Tom Lively Walter W. Loniak Cynthia Lord Glen and Rhoda Love Marcena and Norris Love Patricia Lovejoy Nena Lovinger and Robert Emmons Greg L. Lower Annette Lowry Lori Maddox and David Atkin Bernice C. Maertz Edward Mainland Christopher Manke Robert J. and Susan Marett Arlen and Patricia Markus Jackie Marlette and Rich Dambrov
Kenneth Martin and Elizabeth Stevenson James T. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Marx Joel Masser Mary Ann Matthews John I. Mattill Raymond A. Mayer Sally A. Mayer Norma J. McCallan Don McClaran Kevin McClelland Annette McClure Bob McCoy Mary McGlen Larry D. McKnight Cheryl McLean Veronica McManus Timothy McNally Jean McNamar H. Glenn Meares Diane Mehling Barbara J. Meislin Millie and Jeff Mellgren June E. Mellgren Julie A. Mellgren John Mellgren and Sarah Brandenburg Edgar and Jean Meyer Gail Meyers Marcia Michaels Louise J. Michlin Gaia Mika and Hank Brusselback Linda J. and Philip S. Miller Gerrish Milliken Michael Milstein, MD Dan Minnick Leigh and Carol Mintz Rebecca Mirsky Chuck and Dian Missar Marvin W. and Elizabeth A. Mizell William and Terry Moore Merry Ann Moore T. Charles Moore Clark and Georgia Morgan Dan M. Morgan Gerald Morsello and Elaine Rees Ruth I. Morton
Allyn and Joyce Mosher Bob and Jan Mountjoy Kathleen Moynihan Virginia Mudd and Clifford Burke J. Fraser Muirhead David Muller and Kim M. Hubbard James J. Mullins Kenneth Murdoff Richard Murray Jean Muste Bette K. Myerson Gunther Nachtrab Kevin Nadel Barbara Nakata Clyde Nakayama Judy Naumburg Merlyn and Jean Nelson Peggy J. Nelson Ronald B. Nelson Carol G. Newman Linda L. Nicholes Betsy S. Nichols Michael O. and Robin Nimkoff William K. Nisbet Deborah A. Noble David G. Noble and Ruth Meria Ernest and Marietta O’Byrne John and Lani Ochs Roy O’Connor Moira O’Hanlon Sylvia Oliver Catherine O’Neill and Dave Babcock Martin W. and Martha L. Onishuk Alison O’Reilly Rachael Paschal Osborn and John Osborn Peter M. and Jean C. Ossorio John M. and Suzanne Otter Kathryn L. Owens Robert Pabst Lavonne Painter Theodore W. and Laramie Palmer Eric and Nora Patterson Antonio Patti Phillip J. Patti and Molly Barth Jean M. Paulk Julia A. Paulsen and
Kevin O’Connor Stephen M. and Jill Paulson Martha and Warren Pavlat William G. Pearcy Dorothy A. Pearson Mark William Pearson Susan S. and Roger S. Peirce Thomas and Marie Louise Penchoen Randall B. and Roberta P. Perry Ilsa Perse David H. Petersen Roger S. Peterson Ellen Pfister Donald A. Philipp Damon R. Phillips Nancy Pitblado Spencer and Margot Platt Daniel and Cindy Platter David and Kay Pollack Sasha Pollack Alan Powell Paul H. Preusser Karen Price Suzi Prozanski Stephen W. and Sandra A. Pursell Julia Pyatt Charles K. and Louise R. Quigley Lee and Paul Quintana Janet Randall Philip Ratcliff Patricia A. Rathmann Barbara A. Rathmann and Doris J. Singer Steven Raymen Robert C. Raymond and Dorothy Downes Gretchen Reade Elizabeth Readel Joy Ann L. Reading Fran M. Recht Janet and Richard Reed Charles M. Reed Marilyn L. Reeves James Rego Roslyn P. Regudon Robert A. Resnik Rebecca J. Reynolds
Robert G. Ribe Dennis G. Rice Susan and John Richmond Bishop and Mrs. Gregory H. Rickel H. Allan Ridley Harry Riffenburgh Noriko Riggleman and John Dixon B. Riley and Pat McClelland David Roberts Mary Ann Robinson Barbara Robinson Bill and Helen Rockett William H. Rodgers, Jr. Paul D. Rogland Robert Rohwer Chris Rose Stephen J. Rose and Barbara Zaring H. Gerritt Rosenthal Dena Ross and Dan Warner Erno H. and Charlotte Ross Anne B. Rother Melanie J. Rowland Linda Rowland Erica Rubin and Tom Swanson John Rundquist Jean Rusciolelli Robert Russell Michael P. Ryan Helen Rynaski Mark Van Ryzin Charlotte R. Sahnow and Alan Eliason Herbert K. Salmon, III John Salwitz Ann Samsell Margie Sanford Peter Saraceno Sally Saulvester Marrick E. Sayers, PhD Elizabeth Scanlin Joan and William Schellenger Richard and Judi Schiller Wayne and Gail Schimpff Erich F. Schimps Marvin Schinnerer Pierre F. Schlemel Erik Schlenker-Goodrich and Rachel Conn
Elizabeth Schmidkunz and Glen G. Gibbons, Jr. Edward A. Schmidt Nicholous F. Schneider III Robert Schoen Mary Lou Schriner David J. Schroeder Donald R. Schuman Lorraine and Ira Schwartz Thomas Seddon David H. Von Seggern Karl Seifert Frank and Chris Selker Douglas Sepkowitz James H. and Katherine Shea Karin Sheldon Mary Sherlock John M. Sherman Sylvia J. Sherman John J. F. Sherrerd, Jr. Ruth I. Shimondle Ruth Shirley Nathaniel Shoaff Robert Shotola Nathan T. Sidley Philip J. Siemens Bret Siler Thorne P. and Linda L. Silverberg Lawrence J. Simon Peter Sinclaire Norman Singfield Diane L. Sipe Matthew L. Slick Kenneth B. and Susan W. Smith Cathleen L. Smith Jerry J. Smith Irwin Solomon, MD Nancy Soriano Dr. Martin J. and Harriet Spitz Marianne Spitzform, PhD Susan Stack Gilbert F. Staender Joyce Stahmann June Stakun J. Michael Starr Ed Stauber Tyrone Steen Rodger and Laura Steenhoek
Edwin Steimling Herbert M. Stein Donald T. Stephens Frances W. Stevenson Jeff Stewart Laura Stewart John and Tamera Stone Darol Streib Mary Ellen Strote Nicholas W. Sturch Renee Such Bruce and Roberta Sullivan John Sulzbach Devin Sundaram and Wendy Muster Ardis A. Sussell Karen Swenson and Jay Shue Gary Tackman Ken and Janet Taht Mary Tara Dalton and Nancy Tarwater Ann Tattersall J. Holley Taylor Timothy J. Thomas Lincoln Thomas Megan Thomas Bruce K. Thompson Thomas R. Thompson Margaret Thompson Peter Thompson Duncan Thrasher Sara Tiede Jane R. Timmerman Jim and Sara Tisdel Nina Tomaszewski Sara Toubman Karen A. Trainor Jacque Travis Joyce Trawle and Douglas Berg Charles H. Trost Joan and Louis N. Truskoff Richard Turk Peter Uglesich Ross and Kristin Ulibarri Thomas Unfried Alvin W. Urquhart Dr. Jack M. Valpey Gerard and Rita Van Deene
Marion Ritchey Vance and John A. Vance Mike Vandeman Eberhard and Catherine Veit Kathy and Stan Vejtasa Moritz Vick Joel G. Vignere Eve Vogel Joan Vogel Peter H. and Josephine Von Hippel John G. Wadsworth Luise E. Walker Stephen P. Walker Stephanie and Ken Wallace Rolf and Virginia Wallenstrom Tracy Wallschlaeger Dick Walton and Susan Newell Betty G. Ware Richard and Doris Waring Frank T. Watrous, III A. J. and Susana Watson Matthew Watson Alison Watt Frederick Wearn Jo Ann Weaver and Roland Atkinson Larry H. Weaver and Sheila J. Hale Donald B. Webster David G. Wehrle and Marilyn J. Blank Jeffrey A. Weih Andrew Weiner C. Jameson Wells Christine L. Wells David R. West Bryce and Wilma Wheeler Richard S. Wheeler Howard J. Whitaker Robert F. White Lornie White Pritchard White Christian J. Wihtol and Jody Rolnick Karen Wild Sarah and Stephen Wilder Gail Wilke Paul and Jane Wilken Jennifer and Wes Williams
Christopher and Priscilla Williams Marilyn Williams Reed M. Wilson Robert E. Wilson Molly A. Wilson and Jay A. Janin Robin Winfree and Mark Andrew
Edward Winter and Jan Nelson John and Jill Winter Robin and Gerald Wisdom Janet and Robert Witzeman Terry P. Wizig Donald L. and Eleanor S. Wolf
Eleanor M. Wolf Mike A. Wolf Michael Wolfe David C. Wood Steven Woolpert Thomas K. and Lois E. Worcester
Kathleen Worley Cynthia Wutchiett and Robin Smith Corrie J. Yackulic John and Lavinia Ycas Katherine Young
FOUNDATIONS & CHARITABLE FUNDS Our work would not be possible without your dedicated support, thank you. Anonymous 444S Foundation ableBanking customers Bella Vista Foundation Blue Oak Foundation Bullitt Foundation Burning Foundation Christopher and Priscilla Williams Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Energy Foundation Environment Foundation Evergreen Hill Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Firedoll Foundation Flathead Community Foundation Sallie and Alan Gratch Family Fund
Giles W. and Elise G. Mead Foundation Guacamole Fund Harder Foundation Hare Family Foundation Joseph Rosen Foundation Kenneth White Trust Lawrence and Suzanne Anderson Charitable Fund Margaret W. Reed Foundation McCune Charitable Foundation Mertz Gilmore Foundation Mitchell David Solomon Foundation, Inc. Nell Newman Foundation New-Land Foundation Newman’s Own Foundation Northwest Fund for the Environment
Patagonia Environmental Grants Program Rochester Area Community Foundation Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment Santa Fe Community Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Shared Earth Foundation Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Taos Community Foundation The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc The Dawn Hill Fund The Jonathan & Kathleen Altman Foundation The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation
The Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund The Russell Family Foundation The Seattle Foundation Turner Foundation Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program WCEC Re-Grant Fund of Tides Foundation Weeden Foundation Wiancko Charitable Foundation Wilburforce Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
ORGANIZATIONS, BUSINESSES & EMPLOYEE GIVING PROGRAMS With your generosity, we use the power of the law to protect the American West.
Adopt A Wolf Pack Inc. Applied Scientific Instrumentation, Inc. Bijou Art Cinemas Caffry and Flower, Attorneys at Law Capella Market Cid’s Food Market Corrie Yackulic Law Firm, PLLC Deschutes Brewery, Inc
Five Star Burgers Give Grande New Mexico Marrone Construction, Inc. McCall Stove and Fireplace Mountain Rose Herbs Neil Kelly Network for Good New Belgium Brewing Company Oakshire Brewing Old Mill Brew Werks LLC
Oregon Country Fair Organically Grown Company Orvis Overlode, Inc. Paradigm Winery Patagonia @ Bend PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community Program Santa Fe Garden Club State Street Foundation, Inc.
Team Estrogen, Inc. The Benevity Community Impact Fund Tower Theatre Foundation Trillium Natural Foods Organic Grocery United Way of the Columbia Willamette University of New Mexico World Cup Café
CLIENTS & PARTNERS We helped more than 135 organizations and individuals in 2014. Together, we tackle the West’s most pressing environmental issues. Adopt A Wolf Pack Alliance for the Wild Rockies American Lands Alliance American Rivers Amigos Bravos Animal Legal Defense Fund Animal Welfare Institute Appalachian Mountain Club Archaeology Southwest Benton Forest Coalition Biodiversity Conservation Alliance Blue Mountains Forest Partners Boulder-White Clouds Council Californians for Alternatives to Toxics Californians for Western Wilderness Cascadia Wildlands Center for Biological Diversity Center for Environmental Law & Policy Center for Food Safety Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center Chaco Alliance Chama Peak Land Alliance Citizens for A Healthy Community Citizens for Sustainable Development Clean Air Task Force Clean Water Action Climate Solutions Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy Columbia Riverkeeper Community Association for Restoration of the Environment Concerned Citizens of the Yakama Reservation Conservation Colorado Conservation Northwest Cottonwood Environmental Law
Center Dakota Resource Council David Shea Defenders of Wildlife Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment Earthjustice Earthworks Environment America Environmental Protection Information Center Footloose Montana Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics Friends of the Bitterroot Friends of the Columbia Gorge Friends of the Earth Friends of the Wild Swan Friends of Toppenish Creek George Wuerthner Gifford Pinchot Task Force Grand Canyon Trust Greater Yellowstone Coalition Hecho – Hispanics Enjoying Camping, Hunting, and Outdoors Helena Hunters and Anglers Association High Country Citizens Alliance High Country Conservation Advocates High Sierra Hikers Association Horse Creek Water Users Kettle Range Conservation Group Klamath Forest Alliance Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center Kootenai Environmental Alliance Law Offices of Charles M. Tebbutt League of Conservation Voters Los Padres Forestwatch Lummi Indian Nation McKenzie Flyfishers
Michael and Dona Penfold Moapa Band of Paiutes Montana Ecosystem Defense Council Montana Environmental Information Center Montana Wilderness Association National Parks Conservation Association National Trust for Historic Preservation National Wildlife Federation Native Ecosystems Council Natural Resources Defense Council New Energy Economy Northcoast Environmental Center Northern Plains Resource Council Northwest Environmental Defense Center Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission Orca Conservancy Oregon Wild Our Children’s Trust Pasado’s Safe Haven Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility Phillip and Barbara Jaquith Powder River Basin Resource Council Prairie Falcon Audubon Predator Defense Project Coyote Puget Soundkeeper Alliance Quiet Use Coalition RE Sources for Sustainable Communities Renewable Taos Richard Walton and Susan Newell Riley and Pat McClelland Rio Arriba Concerned Citizens Rocky Mountain Wild
Rogue Riverkeeper San Juan Citizens Alliance Sheep Mountain Alliance Sierra Club Sierra Forest Legacy Siskiyou Audubon Society Socially Responsible Agriculture Project Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance Spokane Riverkeeper Steamboaters Steve Gniadek Sustainable Northwest Swan View Coalition Swinomish Indian Community The Clancy-Unionville Task Force The Clark Fork Coalition The Lands Council The Wilderness Society Trinity Flows U.S.Climate Plan Umpqua Watersheds Upper Green River Alliance Wallowa-Whitman Forest Collaborative Washington Forest Law Center Western Clean Energy Campaign Western Colorado Congress Western Organization of Resource Councils Western Resource Advocates Western Watersheds Project WildEarth Guardians Wilderness Watch Wilderness Workshop Wildlands Network Wolf Haven Wyoming Outdoor Council Yellowstone Valley Audubon Society
Photo Credits: Cover by Bryce Bradford, Inside Cover by Jonathan, Back Cover by USFS.
Foundation Grants
Investment & Other Income TOTAL
Foundation Grants 42%
$ 1,217,062
Program 82%
Please contact our Northwest office in August for a complete audited financial report. 20
Investment & Other Income 1%
Program Services 35%
Contributions 22%
Administration 11%
Fundraising 7%
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lori Maddox President Eugene, Oregon
William Leaphart Helena, Montana Mike Lindsay Boulder, Colorado
Karin P. Sheldon Vice President Lafayette, Colorado Kevin Kirchner Treasurer Kensington, Maryland Phil Katzen Seattle, Washingon
Dr. Lisa Manning Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Peggy Nelson San Cristobal, New Mexico Corrie Yackulic Seattle, Washingon
STAFF Erik Schlenker-Goodrich Executive Director Elizabeth G. Berg Foundation Coordinator Matthew Bishop Attorney, Rocky Mountains Office Director
David Lawlor Director of Development Jackie Marlette Development & Communications Coordinator John Mellgren Attorney
Susan Jane Brown Attorney, Wildlands & Lyndee Prill Wildlife Program Director Finance Officer Natalie DeNault Development & Administrative Assistant Peter M. K. Frost Attorney Dina Gonzales Administrative Coordinator Shiloh Hernandez Attorney Laura King Attorney
Andrea Rodgers Attorney Tom Singer Senior Policy Advisor Brian Sweeney Director of Communications Kyle Tisdel Attorney, Climate & Energy Program Director
Photo Š Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com.
Western Environmental Law Center 1216 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401
Western Environmental Law Center’s Annual Report is printed on 100% post-consumer paper with soy inks Sign up for WELC’s email news at westernlaw.org/sign Northwest - Headquarters 1216 Lincoln Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 Ph: 541-485-2471
Rocky Mountains 103 Reeder’s Alley Helena, Montana 59601 Ph: 406-443-3501
Southwest 208 Paseo del Pueblo Sur, #602 Taos, New Mexico 87571 Ph: 575-751-0351
www.westernlaw.org | info@westernlaw.org | facebook.com/westernlaw | twitter.com/westernlaw