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VOL. 91 | NO. 37 | $4.25

Red tape nightmare The battle to bring bison to Newfoundland | P. 82







Food inspectors raid Man. farm Mixed messages | Inspectors remove meat from farm business despite issuing licence to produce it BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

A raid and seizure of farm-made meat products from a southwestern Manitoba farm has local food advocates bewildered by the mixed signals coming from government. No one is more bewildered than Clinton Cavers, the farmer who saw

Manitoba Agriculture inspectors swoop in on his farm, seize its awardwinning cured meats and issue him a ticket for allegedly selling it without regulatory approval. “It came out of left field,” said Cavers a few days after the Aug. 28 raid, as he and his family tried to figure out how to go forward with their plans to keep making prosciutto and

other raw, cured meat products on their Pilot Mound farm. “We didn’t feel we were doing anything wrong.” The Caverses have been producing small amounts of specialty meat products such as prosciutto, which is raw, dried, salted ham relished by foodies, for more than two years. There is hot demand for the prod-

ucts, which fit into both the growing urban “foodie” culture of gourmet cooking and the local food movement, which promotes sourcing as many food products as possible from local farmers. The Caverses’ product has fared well with foodies. SEE INSPECTORS RAID FARM, PAGE 2

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u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv$:' SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240

Greg Monteith makes the turn at the end of the field while combining wheat late in the evening in High River, Alta., Aug. 30. |




Inspectors raid farm High-end Winnipeg restaurants have offered it, and the prosciutto won the gold award in the Great Manitoba Food Fight, a promotional contest offered by Manitoba Agriculture. Hence the Caverses’ surprise when Manitoba Agriculture inspectors suddenly appeared, declared the food to be “unfit” for human consumption and seized it, suggesting it would probably be destroyed. Inspectors also issued the Caverses a new licence to keep producing the meat, but not the approval to test or sell the meat. “We have the licence to do it, but we don’t have the right to do it until we have some of the procedures in place,” said Cavers. T h e s p e c i f i c p ro c e d u re s t h e Caverses need to follow and the facilities they will need to achieve health inspector approval are unclear. Provincial regulations are undeveloped, and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency rules are designed to be used by factories and large processing plants, local food advocates say. They say the Caverses are in trouble because one wing of Manitoba Agriculture is supporting the development of on-farm food, while another wing sees it as incompatible with health-focused food processing rules and regulations. “They were supported by (Manitoba Agriculture) to develop this product,” said University of Manitoba researcher and instructor Colin Anderson, who was present during the raid. “I think there needs to be much more space around innovation and development for small-scale processing, and presently the one-sizefits-all regulations are inadequate and inappropriate.” The Caverses knew they were operating in a grey zone because regulations designed for small-scale, onfarm processing did not exist when they began. However, they have worked with Manitoba Agriculture officials to spell out what facilities, equipment and procedures they need to meet food safety concerns but still be affordable. They have had regular meetings with agriculture department officials and thought things were proceeding in a hopeful direction, Cavers said. In June, the family agreed to not sell

any of the raw meat products, and boxed and labelled the products. The inspectors returned a month later, and everything seemed OK. Then they came back two weeks later with the seizure order. Cavers said the fine he received claimed he had been selling the meat products without approval, based on “non-physical” evidence. Cavers said he didn’t sell anything after the June meeting at which he was told to not sell the meat. The dates the alleged offences occurred were in May, 2013, according to Cavers. Anderson has been visiting the Cavers farm for six years as part of his research on the development of on-farm food processing and rural food development. Each year he takes a group of his students to the Caverses’ part of Manitoba to see how farmers and local rural people are trying to develop a sustainable local economy. On the day of the raid, Anderson and his students were at a local Hutterite colony when they were called by one of the Cavers children, telling them not to come by that day because of the raid. However, Anderson thought he and two of his students could help the Caverses by popping by and recording some of the raid with the video camera and mobile phones they were carrying. Some of that footage is available through a website set up by supporters of the Caverses at www. realmanitobafoodfight.ca Cavers said he wants the broader issue of establishing regulations suitable for small-scale, on-farm production to be addressed, and understands his situation might help that occur. However, he’s also hoping the issue de-escalates and his farm can get back on a constructive basis with Manitoba Agriculture so that he can resume selling his products to the public. There have been promising signs of that happening. The Manitoba Agriculture staff with which he had previously worked came by Sept. 6 and still seemed committed to working with his farm to resolve the complications and grey areas. “The staff we’ve worked with have always been awesome,” Cavers said. “It’s a case of one hand (of the government) not knowing what the other hand is doing.”




Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather

COLUMNS Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch The Bottom Line Animal Health TEAM Living Tips

Rhyming the range: An Alberta cowboy poet discovers her talent’s ancestral roots. See page 19. | WENDY DUDLEY PHOTO


» DDG ECONOMICS: Fat levels

» SMELL OF OIL: Alberta



» »

are decreasing in corn-based dried distillers grain from the United States. 4 CANOLA RECORD: Manitoba’s canola crop may set a record in central and eastern regions of the province. 5 MOVING PESTS: Crop pests are moving north and south at a faster rate than their predators. 17 TOUR OF ALBERTA: Professional bicycle racing rolls into rural Alberta and gives the area a boost. 18

» »

families say odours from the oil patch have driven them off their farms. 30 TAX ERROR: Ottawa says it will fix an error that would have increased the credit union tax rate. 32 MONGOL DERBY: An Edmonton woman braves a 1,000 kilometre horse race in the wilds of Mongolia. 33 ANTELOPE CREEK: An Alberta ranch shows how conservation and cattle grazing can go together. 78

Subscriptions Ph: 800-667-6929 Advertising Ph: 800-667-7770 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Shaun Jessome, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 shaun.jessome@producer.com Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 newsroom@producer.com Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com


» CANOLA VALUE: Rising soybean prices are

making canola more attractive to buyers. 6

» RUSSIAN WHEAT: Reports of a large


Russian wheat crop may be premature.


» TALES FROM THE ROAD: Fall is ideal for elk »

action at Jasper National Park. 20 ON THE FARM: This Manitoba couple was forced to farm small, but has no regrets. 24


» GRAIN MOISTURE: A new system uses light to measure grain moisture levels.


» USING MANURE: Cattle manure can be

affordable but it’s not always balanced. 76


» BEEF PLANT: Manitoba’s ag minister explains why he killed a beef plant project.


plans to start a bison ranch on the Rock. 82

The Market Watch column on page 8 of the Sept. 5 paper incorrectly identified durum sales in millions of tonnes. It should have said Morocco imported 792,400 tonnes of Canadian durum, Algeria imported 764,800 tonnes and the United States imported 538,500.

10 11 11 8 85 81 22


» BISON GO EAST: A Newfoundland farmer


84 37 25 9 86 10 12 24 87


» STREAMLINING: An Alberta canola crushing plant has improved its operations.

» COMEBACK STORY: The recovery of independent dealers saves Univar.

84 84

Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Barry Wilson, Ottawa Ph: 613-232-1447 barry.wilson@producer.com

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Barry Allen says the irrigation system and the pumping station that provides water pressure without need for pumps are major selling points for the 13 quarters of irrigated land he has listed for sale west of Barons, Alta. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS


Alberta farmland for sale: $13 million Farmland prices climbing | Financial experts predict prices will plateau as interest rates start to rise BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

BARONS, Alta. — The price tag was $9 million when Barry Allen’s 13 quarter sections of farmland were first listed six years ago. Now the price is $13 million, and realtor Brian Patterson says it’s a gift at that. The big number is posted on a billboard along southern Alberta’s Highway 23, where it attracts a lot of attention. However, Allen said it hasn’t resulted in anyone visiting his farm with a cheque in hand. The rising price of the farmer’s irrigated cropland near Barons is typical of farmland price booms across most of the country. The cost of agricultural land rose 10 percent during the second half of 2012 alone, according to figures compiled by Farm Credit Canada. In this part of fertile southern Alberta, quarter sections are selling for upwards of $1.6 million, even when they aren’t listed with realtors. “(Farmland) doesn’t go on the market,” said Patterson, an associate broker with Clear View Property Management. “It’s sold way before it goes on the market. People, as soon as they hear that somebody is thinking of selling a piece of land, it’s bought. It doesn’t go on the market that often.” FCC reports that farmland values are stable or rising in all provinces. Bob Lane of Regina-based Lane Realty said land prices in Saskatchewan are lower than those in other provinces but remain on an upward trend. Sales are also brisk. “It’s moving faster than it has in the past,” he said. “When we do bring a property on stream, it seems that it would be moving quicker than it has at any other time in my 38 years in the business. I think the market is stronger than it was in 1981, which was our last

FARMLAND VALUES Semi-annual change in farmland values, by province (percent): July 2008 Jan. 2009 July 2009 Jan. 2010 July 2010 Jan. 2011 July 2011 Jan. 2012 July 2012 Jan. 2013

Alta. Sask. Man. CANADA +6.7 +5.6 +6.2 +5.8 +2.2 +8.8 +4.2 +5.6 +1.0 +3.4 +5.5 +2.9 +3.8 +3.4 +5.9 +3.6 +2.9 +2.9 +3.4 +3.0 +1.5 +2.7 +1.3 +2.1 +4.0 +11.6 +2.4 +7.4 +4.5 +10.1 +1.9 +6.9 +5.7 +9.1 +10.3 +8.6 +7.2 +9.7 +13.9 +10.0


sort of peak in the market before high interest hit us in 1982.” Lane said there’s more activity in Saskatchewan farmland sales than ever before, but prices are lower than in other provinces because of several factors. “We have twice as much land available as Alberta does, and three times Manitoba, and we only have a million people here and Alberta has over three. We only have 57 Hutterite colonies and Alberta has 230, I think, and Manitoba has 112.” Prices for farmland vary so widely that Lane declined to provide a ballpark figure per acre or per quarter. However, he said prices are up about 11 percent over last year. Don Close, vice-president of food and agribusiness for Rabobank, said he thinks land prices, though driven recently by favourable commodity prices, might soon reach a plateau. “Rabo is of the perspective that, while we have not yet seen an absolute peak in land values in the U.S., we think that they have certainly started to flatten out and that we’ll very likely have some kind of correction down the road,” he said.

Brian Patterson, associate broker with Clear View Property Management Ltd., convinced Allen to advertise the asking price for his farmland on a billboard in a field along Highway 23. It has attracted some attention. Once commodity prices lose their heat, land values will be driven by interest rates and financing, he told a recent meeting of the Alberta Cattle Feeders Association. In the United States, land values hovered around $1,000 to $1,500 per acre, on average, when interest rates were at six percent or more. Land prices then escalated with support from grain prices, and interest rates dropped. “As we’ve gone into this extended period of sub-three percent interest rates is when we’ve seen the big runup in land values, in the $8,000 to $12,000 bracket.” Close said Rabobank predicts interest rates have reached their nadir and will rise by late this year or early 2014. “It’s our perspective that interest rates have seen their lowest level, and as interest rates start to escalate, that will be the biggest driver on seeing some stabilization or even a correction

in land values going forward,” he said. However, Patterson thinks the worldwide shrinkage of available irrigated land, much of it in areas dependent on aquifers, will keep prices high for irrigated land like that owned by Allen. He’s had inquiries about the Barons property from China, India and Holland, where such large tracts are unavailable and where irrigation opportunities are growing ever more limited. Allen’s property has the advantage of irrigation water rights obtained in return for allowing a major expansion of the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District on land owned by him and a neighbour. “One of the really, really big features of this land is the fact that the irrigation district supplies the pressure, which eliminates the need for a pump. And anybody that’s ever irrigated will realize what an advantage that is.”

As a result, Allen said the land “will grow any damn thing you want,” and in fact has had crops of wheat, canola, barley, alfalfa and potatoes in the recent past. The retired farmer, now 69, rents the land to the White Lake Hutterite Colony, which has first right of refusal should a purchase offer be made. His children have other careers so there are no family members interested in taking it on. “It would be nice to pass it on to the family,” said Allen. “My great-grandfather came here in 1903.” Allen owns five quarters and his uncle owns the other eight. Selling it as a package is important to him, even though Allen said he could sell his five quarters tomorrow if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to. “The neighbours and families are interested, but they haven’t knocked on the door yet. That would be wonderful, but it hasn’t happened. Life goes on, but what happens when I die? They’ll sell it to anybody.” Patterson said he and Allen have witnessed situations where farmers die without passing on the farm, and viable operations are then sold piece by piece at less than their true value. “When Grandpa passes on and there’s nobody else to continue with the farm, I’ve seen it so often that they’ve been taken advantage of, by the adjacent people, by professionals, such that they get nowhere near the market value for the land or for the products or for the stuff that’s left on the farm,” Patterson said. Hence the billboard in the field, with it’s big number. “I don’t see a down side to it,” said Allen about the in-field advertisement. “My feeling was that it kind of eliminates a lot of tire kickers. Don’t phone for a quarter (section). The price is $13 mil.”





Sellers eye new markets for DDGs Marketers of dried distillers grain produced by American ethanol plants will be watching closely as the crop comes off prairie fields. With barley at near record high domestic prices in Canada — though that will be affected by new crop — there may be a market for Americansourced DDGs if the price is right. John Lien of CHS Grain said he believes supplies of the ethanol plant byproduct will increase this year after a slight drop last year. U.S. domestic use of DDGs was down last year, and exports were also down as Canada and Mexico reduced their purchases. Canada is consistently the third largest market for American DDGs, but Lien said other export markets have held fairly steady. Canada imported 590,000 tonnes of DDGs in 2012, down 20 percent from 2011 because other feed sources were cheaper. Lien said Canadian canola acres declined last year, as did barley acres, and he sees that as a continuing trend. Less available canola meal and barley could open doors for DDG imports. As well, China is buying considerable amounts of Canadian barley, which could short feedlot needs. Lien said he thinks the popularity of Canadian barley will continue to grow. Though there is often talk about U.S. ethanol plants closing, Lien said he thinks the industry has stabilized and with maturity has come a more consistent supply of ethanol and DDGs. All plants that typically supply DDGs to Canadian markets will soon be equipped to extract more fat from the byproduct, so a lower-fat DDG product of six or seven percent will be the norm, said Lien.

I still think we will be in a protein led market for at least another six months, maybe longer. We can never have enough soybeans. RANDY IVES GAVILON

It could mean reduced prices, though that will depend on availability of other energy-rich feed sources. Randy Ives, director of ethanol services for Gavilon in Omaha, Nebraska, acknowledged that the prairie feeding industry is protein rich, and fat content is a bigger factor when buying feed. “I still think we will be in a protein led market for at least another six months, maybe longer. We can never have enough soybeans. That seems to be the world’s issue right now,” said Ives. As for supply, it’s all about price. “Consistency in the supply is pretty much price driven,” he said. “Right now the folks in Asia need more protein. That’s what has had this big pull. If I knew that I had lost 40 percent of my market share in Canada, I would think that my prices would be down, but just the opposite has happened … because someone else in the world is buying it.”

Cattle feeding programs are based on 10 percent fat dried distillers grain, so cattle producers will need to determine how to adjust rations. This DDG was photographed at the Lincolnway Energy ethanol plant in Nevada, Iowa, in 2010. | FILE PHOTO DRIED DISTILLERS GRAINS | NUTRIENT CONTENT

Are lower fat DDGs still economical? Fat content as low as four percent | Less fat means less energy, but the price remains steady STORIES BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Lower fat content in corn-based dried distillers grains imported by Canadian livestock feeders has caught many by surprise. Feed suppliers and feedlot operators who use the ethanol production byproduct have become accustomed to DDG fat content of 10 to 12 percent and have based their rations on that level. Energy content provided by fat is key to growth and finishing rations, along with protein. However, Amer ican ethanol plants are extracting more oil from DDGs, lowering fat to as little as four percent, but more commonly anywhere from six to eight percent. Randy Ives, director of ethanol services for Gavilon, a grain, fertilizer and energy company from the United States, said ethanol plants are extracting additional fat from their corn byproducts for use in biodiesel production. “We started in 2005 to pull some of the corn oil out of the distillers (grains) at the ethanol plants, on the back end using centrifuges,” he said. “The last two years, it has really picked up the pace. The plants have started making the investments,

and close to 90 percent of the plants will have the equipment installed by the end of 2013.” Ives told a recent Lethbridge meeting that traditional fat levels in DDGs are a thing of the past. Poet, one of the largest U.S. ethanol producers, can reduce its DDG fat content to four percent. Plants in Indiana and Ohio can reduce it (to) six percent, “and I’m not sure they’ll stop there,” said Ives. Plants in Canadian border states, where most prairie customers get their supply, are also expected to reduce fat content in DDGs, he added. Less energy content in the feed should mean a lower price, right? Wrong, said Ives. The lower-fat DDG price has remained stable and in some cases is higher because less fat is desirable in dairy rations and those for livestock other than beef cattle. “There’s more to distillers than just fat,” said Ives. “Distillers is a protein. Distillers is an energy. It’s a combination product.” Lynda Martell, a nutritionist with Masterfeeds, was among those surprised by the lower fat-same price scenario. The Canadian feed company develops rations for livestock pro-

ducers in five provinces. “My immediate concern would be a decrease in fat would equate to a decrease in energy of the product,” said Martell. “Historically, we use DDGs in diets for energy and protein, so in theory, a decrease in fat should equal a decrease in energy, and then at that point, does it become cost effective to still continue to use?” The fat or energy content of feed is a far greater concern than protein in the Lethbridge area, which is the centre of Canada’s cattle feeding industry. The region grows high-protein barley, and additional protein sources including canola meal and pulses are also readily available. DDG prices tend to follow corn, and price is always the primary factor in deciding whether to import and use DDGs in cattle feeding rations. Several speakers at the Lethbridge meeting noted the 20 percent drop in Canadian imports of DDGs last year, which came on the heels of a 20 percent drop in 2011. That 40 percent reduction has U.S. ethanol interests eager to encourage a turn-around. Canada is still the third largest importer of U.S. DDGs, behind Chi-

na and Mexico. However, Mexico has also drastically reduced its imports and bought 26 percent less product in 2012. Reducing the fat content in DDGs could lead to further reductions. However, feeding studies show a reduction in fat content in a ration does not mean an equivalent loss in production. “It’s not a linear equation,” said Ives. “There’s some tradeoffs that have to be yet figured out. We don’t have all the right answers. We’re learning.” Martell said additional research will be key to Masterfeeds’ planning. Lower fat means a higher percentage of crude protein in feed, and the value of that crude protein must be determined. “The nutrient profiles that are in place in our balancing programs are based on the higher fat product so it appears we’re going to have to adjust our nutrient values … and what values do we assign?” she said. “Most of my diets are based on distillers grains at 10 percent fat so now we’re down to eight percent fat and moving lower, so we need to have a better handle on those particular ingredients and what the nutrient content really is.”


Researchers examine effects of higher fibre in lower fat DDGs Alberta researchers are exploring the livestock feeding implications of reduced fat content in dried distillers grain imported from U.S. corn ethanol plants. Tim McAllister, a research scientist with Agriculture Canada who has done several studies on DDGs in livestock diets, told a recent Lethbridge meeting that reducing any feed ingredient leads to a higher concentration of the remaining


ingredients. In this case, that means higher fibre. “In ruminants, that change in fibre

concentration, because it’s so digestible, is not quite as big a deal as it is in monogastric animals where they can’t utilize fibre as efficiently.” Every one percent reduction in fat results in 1.3 percent reduction in net energy, but DDGs with lower fat content does not appear to be a major hindrance to cattle gain. “At this point we’re saying low-oil corn DDGs is at least equivalent to wheat DDGs and equivalent to bar-

ley grain, with a higher value in growing diets where that protein may have some benefit,” said McAllister. The feed value of corn DDGs is also affected by particle size, carbohydrate composition and drying temperature, in addition to fat level. Other research has shown higher incidence of liver abscesses in cattle fed with DDGS, though there is no difference in carcass quality.





Manitoba expects record canola yield Yields of 60 bushels per acre reported in some areas BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Manitoba’s canola crop might set a record this year for average canola yield as growers in central and eastern regions report 60 bushels per acre and higher. Most of the province’s bumper crops are between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie, but other areas are also producing near record yields “I’ve heard that in the Morris area, Beausejour, Holland, Treherne, Glenboro … lots of guys have been getting 60s,” said Anastasia Kubinec, an oilseed specialist with Manitoba Agriculture. “But guys have been getting fields of 40s, too.”

Two combines take off wheat as another unloads south of Hardisty, Alta. The trio is among 10 owned by Michael Kroetsch that are working hard to get his bumper crops off before the arrival of expected rain. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO


Kubinec said yields of 60 bu. per acre and higher are not shocking because it’s been an ideal year to grow canola in many parts of Manitoba. “Everything that could go right seemed to go right this year,” she said, noting there was less blackleg, less sclerotinia and minimal to normal insect pressure. “Given the conditions that we had, I don’t think it (60 bu. per acre) is that unusual. We kind of had the perfect late July, early August pod filling and flowering conditions.” Daily high temperatures in Manitoba during late July and early August hovered around 22 C, which is nearly perfect for a cool season crop such as canola. Clayton Harder, who farms west of Winnipeg, said his later seeded canola took advantage of the cooler conditions, generating yields of 50 bu. per acre or slightly higher. “The later (seeded) stuff seems better. The earlier seeded fields were not quite as heavy,” said Harder, who spoke from his cellphone while sitting in line at the elevator. Based on conversations with other producers, Harder said many growers are reporting canola yields in the 50s, but he hasn’t heard of many fields in the 60s. Harder said this year’s crop ranks in the top three ever on his farm. Nearly 300 kilometres northwest, Dale Gryba is expecting an average canola crop on his farm near Gilbert Plains. Gryba said his fields suffered from excess moisture and he’s still swathing canola on his farm Growers in other parts of western Manitoba are recording yields of 35 to 50 bu. per acre, based on government estimates. The Manitoba record for average canola yield was set in 2009 at 39.8 bu. per acre.

Smaller potato crop meets lower demand Fewer acres planted | Manitoba growers are seeing good yields, but Alberta suffered late blight and hail BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

This year’s potato crop should be in harmony with consumer demand after a year of overproduction and depressed prices, says a United Potato Growers of Canada spokesperson. General manager Kevin MacIsaac said the crop will be significantly smaller than last year because Canadian growers planted 3.2 percent fewer acres and American acres are down seven percent. Nonetheless, there should be sufficient potatoes to satiate consumer appetites, he said. “There are enough potatoes around because our consumption has not been going up on fresh potatoes, it’s been going down,” MacIsaac said. “The reality is we can almost get by with a few less potatoes each year, until we are able to change that consumption curve.” Potato growers don’t want a repeat of last year, when higher than expected acreage in Canada and the United States and average to above average yields flooded the market and caused prices to plummet. In February, prices hit a low of $1.10 for a 10 pound bag of fresh potatoes. “You’d have to be getting $1.50 (per 10 lb.) just to meet the cost of production,” MacIsaac said in March. Prices have rebounded since then and spiked this summer. “Prices bumped up about a month ago…. There came a point in the system where there was a very low supply of potatoes available to feed the market,” MacIsaac said.

The reality is we can almost get by with a few less potatoes each year, until we are able to change that consumption curve. KEVIN MacISAAC UNITED POTATO GROWERS OF CANADA

“So prices went very, very high at the end of July (to) around $45 a hundredweight, which is a very high price.” Potato prices have since backed off that peak because North American growers have been harvesting potatoes for a couple of weeks. For example, MacIsaac said fresh potato prices in Manitoba were $35 per cwt. in early September. Prices will likely fall further as the harvest progresses. However, lower acreage than last year means an oversupply of pota-

toes is unlikely this year. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, American potato growers planted 1.077 million acres this year, which is down 6.6 percent from last year. United Potato Growers of America president Jerry Wright said the acreage reduction was needed to balance the market. “Idaho alone will be down an estimated eight percent,” he wrote on the United Potato Growers website in late August. “Idaho cutting eight percent of


345,000 acres will drop nearly 28,000 acres out of production. That was a needed correction … (for) a manageable yet adequate supply for the coming 12 months.” Statistics Canada estimates from July show that Canadian acres fell 3.2 percent, dropping from 373,400 last year to 361,600 this year. As well, several potato production regions had difficult or middling growing conditions this summer. For instance, the North American Potato Market News reported in August that North Dakota production would drop 22.6 percent this year as a cold, wet spring forced producers to abandon their potato crop. In Canada, the weather in Prince Edward Island was unusually dry this summer, which will cut into potato yields. “It’s expected the crop will be off a bit in P.E.I.,” MacIsaac said. Dan Sawatzky, general manager of the Keystone Potato Producers Association, said the process potato harvest is just underway in Manitoba, but yields should be at or above the provincial five-year average of 280 cwt. per acre. “Growers are quite pleased with what they’re seeing,” he said. “For the most part, the farmers should have pretty good yields.” In Alberta, Sawatzky said late blight and hail pressured the potato crop this summer. As a result, it’s unlikely Alberta growers will repeat last year’s large yields when the provincial average hit 344 cwt. per acre. “Their potential for a bunch of overages (is) diminished.”





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M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN


Canola value priced as soybeans rally Soybean futures up | Crop buyers may favour canola if soybean prices continue to rise BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Canola growers haven’t been able to look at futures charts with the same glee as soybean growers, but booming prices for the latter crop still offer them a benefit. It’s because the higher soybean prices soar above canola, the more attractive canola becomes to vegetable oil crop buyers looking for alternatives, analysts say. “Canola is cheap now,” said John Duvenaud, publisher of the Wild Oats market newsletter. “Canola is getting a huge boost from the soybean rally.” As they combine big crops of canola, farmers have had to endure news of ever-rising soybean prices without a concurrent canola rally. Soybean futures prices have risen 15 percent since mid-August, while canola climbed only five percent. Canola prices remain below where they were for most of the past year. Canola prices track soybean prices closely most of the time, but situations like now, when oil-meal values diverge and crop production situations are starkly different, reveal the underlying values within the crops. The hot, dry weather hitting large areas of the soybean belt is driving the soybean rally. Soybean crops are in a crucial stage, with plants trying to put all their energy into filling seed pods. Crops need lots of soil moisture to do that well, but many areas are dry. It is also hot and dry on the Prairies, but that is giving canola an excellent end of season, allowing chlorophyll to be cleared from seeds and allowing plants to die and dry down before the combines hit them. With crops rapidly maturing, frost fears are receding and many analysts have increased their canola yield expectations in recent weeks while U.S. soybean projections are falling. It has helped create $11 per bushel canola prices at the same time as $13.50 soybeans, which is a huge spread between the two. However, canola’s weakness is mostly due to weak vegetable oil

Prices for soybeans are up because of a short supply of protein meal. Canola prices, which usually track soybean prices, haven’t risen because of a weak vegetable oil market. | D’ARCE MCMILLAN PHOTO prices rather than big Canadian production. Analysts said there is a lot of demand for canola, but it is fundamentally different from that for soybeans because soybeans are mostly valued by their meal content while canola is influenced by its oil. The same weakness is hitting U.S. sunflower prices, said analyst Mike Krueger of the Money Farm in Fargo, North Dakota. Canola and sunflowers are usually seen as premium crops compared to soybeans, but the usual relationship is now reversed because protein meal is in short supply in North America. Canola and sunflowers get most of their value from the world value of vegetable oil, which has been weak recently. “We still have a glut of vegetable oils on the world market,” said Krueger. He said the canola-soybean spread could gape wider in coming weeks if soybean yields turn out as low as he

expects them to be. “I think the soybean market still has some upside,” said Krueger. “Six weeks with no rain … across the entire western corn belt has probably trimmed more yields than some people think.” Some buyers will be tempted to switch from soybeans to canola if soybean prices stay strong and canola is much weaker, as they are now. “At some point, because of that big spread, canola will become more attractive,” said Brian Voth, an AgriTrend Marketing adviser in Ste. Agathe, Man. He said relatively low prices are needed to use up this year’s big canola crop. Duvenaud said he expects to see big sales of Canadian canola into offshore markets once the crop starts flooding into the elevator system. “Canola should be pouring out of Canada after harvest.”

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Lower levels of protein in durum expected 5.5 million tonne crop coming | Yields high, but protein levels are lower than normal BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Early signals from Western Canada’s top durum producing regions point to lower-than-normal protein levels in this year’s crop. In southwestern Saskatchewan, sources say average protein levels in top grades of milling wheat could be 0.5 to one percentage point below average. And in southern Alberta, many durum samples show protein at 11 to 11.5 percent, well below last year’s mean in Western Canada of 12.7 percent for No. 1 CWAD. Warren Mareschal, manager of grain sales and procurement with South West Terminal, said durum yields around Gull Lake, Sask., will be higher than normal, but protein will likely be down. “(We’re) seeing quite a bit of durum now and quality is varying from region to region,” Mareschal said in a Sept. 9 email. “The first stuff (is) looking good with exception of (the) odd ergot, which has downgraded some to 2CWAD and some in the 3CWAD range. Protein is lower than usual and probably averaging 12.0 (percent). “Protein is low for the most part, and HVK (hard vitreous kernels) could become an issue as well.” Randy Spetz, grain operations manager with Lethbridge Inland Terminal at Lethbridge, said wheat protein is down in his area, averaging around 13 to 13.5 percent in red spring wheat. “ L a s t y e a r w e w e re p ro b a b l y between 13.5 to 13.8 (percent) protein. Durum, we haven’t seen a lot of

samples, but most of it has been low so far, probably around the 11 to 11.5 protein range.” Wheat protein is conversely related to yield. In general, higher yielding crops will produce lower protein levels. Market experts at CWB have predicted a lower protein wheat crop for some time. CWB expects average protein in durum to be 12.5 percent, down slightly from last year. Neil Townsend, CWB director of market research, said that estimate might be high. He said durum yields are better than expected in many areas and protein values in some areas are lower than anticipated. Nonetheless, there will be plenty of high protein durum in Western Canada, he said. “We’re looking at basically a 5.5 million tonne durum crop, so about a million (tonnes) more than last year and quite a big crop overall for durum,” Townsend said. “Within that amount, there’s still going to be a proportion of that that has 13 (percent) plus protein. It’s a little overstated (to suggest) that there won’t be any protein supply around. … It’s just that the general characteristic of the crop is a lower protein crop.” Townsend said western Canadian durum growers might see widening protein spreads, depending on the harvest. Daphne Cruise, regional crop specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, said a complete picture of this durum harvest has yet to emerge. “I haven’t heard a lot of the quality side,” Cruise said.

There are many reports of durum crops in Alberta and Saskatchewan with protein levels below 12 percent. | D’ARCE MCMILLAN PHOTO “Everybody is still talking about the high yields that they’ve been getting. It sounds like it’s above average yields for most areas in the southwest and west-central.” The Canadian Grain Commission’s annual harvest sample program collects grain samples from Western Canadian farmers and analyzes them to assess protein and overall quality. Twylla McKendry, head of the harvest sample programs, said that as of Aug 30, the program had received only 18 CWRS samples, one CWAD, and 15 CWRW. “(It’s) way too soon to predict anything from our end,” she said. Some markets for Canadian durum

Protein is low for the most part, and HVK (hard vitreous kernels) could become an issue as well. WARREN MARESCHAL SOUTH WEST TERMINAL

are less concerned with protein than others. North African buyers place less emphasis on durum protein than those in Japan and the United States. However, if most the North American crop comes off around 11 to 12 percent protein, then demand for durum with 12.5 to 13.5 percent pro-

tein is likely to rise a lot. “Further out, buyers in the U.S. milling are going to need a certain amount of protein,” said Mareschal. L a s t y e a r, We s t e r n Ca n a d a’s durum crop had a mean protein content of 12.9 percent for all milling grades. That was up a lot from the 2011 mean of 12.3 percent.


Oat prices are down, but growers should expect to see profits High yields reported | Prices for the crop have declined, but they haven’t fallen as dramatically as corn BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Oat growers looking in their combine hoppers are likely happier than those looking at futures price charts. However, those that like doing math in their heads are probably pretty pleased: a big crop is pouring in and at prices higher than $3 per bushel, most growers will be making tidy profits. “The pricing side has held up pretty well,” Agri-Trend Marketing adviser Brian Voth said about oat prices that have fallen but have been much stronger than corn. “If you’ve got the yields, it’s been a profitable year for oats.” Oat yields are reported to be high in most oat-growing areas of the Prairies and the northern United States.

Voth said one of his clients averaged 170 bu. per acre across a half section and yields higher than 140 bu. per acre are common. Quality is also reported as good across the Prairies, so there has been little to independently justify higher prices for oats. As well, U.S. corn, the feedgrain market leader, has been getting hammered as almost all lingering worries from the 2012 drought are buried by reportedly large U.S. corn crops. Corn prices have fallen about $1 per bu. since June to $4.60, while oats have fallen only 70 cents to $3.15. That leaves oat prices reasonably valued, said Austin Damien of Frontier Futures in Minneapolis. “A lot of people out there are saying that if we have $4.50 corn, maybe $3.20 isn’t so bad for oats,” said Damiani.

Oat futures are often knocked around by fund money moving into and out of the illiquid contracts, and a recent short-covering rally briefly drove oat prices back to $3.50. “It was an excellent marketing opportunity for producers,” said Damiani. Analysts said the rebound to $3.50 made the more recent sell-off seem particularly brutal, but compared to corn there’s not much wrong with oat price levels. Voth said oat prices have been nicely valued recently compared to corn, which has been another reason to sell. Oat prices often became highly discounted compared to corn during the 2012 drought rally. Rather than the historical average of 60 percent value compared to corn, oats fell to 40 to 45

percent at times. However, it often hit a 70 percent-plus relative value in July and August, which was a sell signal. Mike Krueger of the Money Farm held little hope for oats to escape the gravity of falling corn because harvest is likely to be bigger than most expected. Combined with healthier stocks of corn, there’s no reason for much rallying. “As long as everything is going to be plentiful and cheap, it’s going to be difficult for any feedgrain to show much,” said Krueger. In his weekly oat market report, analyst Randy Strychar said oats continue to rise in value compared to the types of corn and wheat that go into horse feed rations. As a result, horse feed demand is likely to shrink.


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Chinese eye late crops as frost looms BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM



Peas find home in China India also a big buyer | Growing demand as snack food BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

China will buy a lot of peas in 201314, which is good because Canada is expected to produce a huge crop, says a pulse industry analyst. Stat Publishing editor Brian Clancey recently returned from a pulse conference in China, where a major vermicelli noodle manufacturer forecasted record pea imports. It means sales would have to eclipse the 730,484 tonnes imported in 2011, 95 percent of which were Canadian. China imported 364,255 tonnes of peas in the first half of 2013. The general manager of Cofco-Shandong Vermicelli and Beans Import/Export Co. expects the pace to pick up in the second half of this calendar year. He also anticipates a new record in 2014 on soaring demand for peas as an ingredient in vermicelli noodles. Vermicelli production in China has steadily risen to an estimated 630,000 tonnes in 2013, up from 408,000 tonnes in 2010. Clancey said there is also growing demand for peas in making fried snacks such as wasabi peas and for fractionating the crop and using the protein, starch and fibre to fortify other types of food. “That may be the area with the best long-term growth potential for peas,� he said. Strong Chinese demand could be an important factor in pea markets this year. Statistics Canada sees 3.3 million tonnes of pea production, a

big crop, but shy of the 2008-09 record of 3.56 million tonnes. However, if yields end up where Saskatchewan Agriculture is forecasting, then Canada will harvest a record 3.63 million tonnes of the crop, although Clancey said supply won’t be a record because of low carry-in from 2012-13. India had a large desi chickpea crop last year, and it looks like another big crop could be on the way. The Indian government is targeting a record 19 million tonnes of pulse production in 2013-14 because of encouraging monsoon rains. Indian importers have recently cut back on purchases, and in some cases reneged on contracts due to extreme volatility with the rupee. Clancey isn’t concerned about slumping demand from India, despite the strong Indian crop prospects and the weakening rupee. “India is going to import at least three million tonnes of pulses, no matter what they say about their crop. They just are,â€? he said. He believes India will still be the top buyer of Canadian peas, although the price they are willing to pay is a bigger concern. “A growing market in China is good because it gives us that extra outlet, and that makes it possible for us to resist the downward price pressure from Indian importers.â€? Peas always tend to find a home in years of over-production. “It’s just amazing how much demand appears ‌Peas are just that versatile a crop.â€?

Growers in northeastern China have the same harvest anxiety as farmers in Western Canada. Growing conditions in that region are similar to what transpired in the Canadian Prairies this year. Seeding was two to three weeks late in large parts of northeastern China because of a cool, wet spring. Warm summer temperatures helped crops catch up a bit but not enough. “I don’t think the crop is as far advanced as it would normally be this time of the year,� said Paulette Sandene, China analyst for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Harvest in northeastern China typically starts around the second week of September and concludes in the second week of October. The region, which consists of the provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang, pro-

As well, there are mitigating factors. “The heavy rains are actually beneficial to some parts of northeast China that normally don’t get enough rain,� said Sandene. China’s agriculture ministry expects a good crop despite the flooding as well as drought along the Yangtze River basin this summer. “They expect yields to be very good for dry land crops this year,� Sandene said. Bill Tierney, chief economist with the AgResource Company and former principal grains economist with the USDA, is suspicious of any official state pronouncements. “I mean, they’ve had record crops for 10 years in a row. How is that possible? It’s possible because that’s what the government says,� he said. However, he doesn’t doubt that the flood damage may be offset by betterthan-average yields elsewhere. “China is a huge country. Every year there is a 50-year drought some place and a 50-year flood some place.�


Big canola crop may spark strong demand MARKET WATCH



anadian farmers might produce a record large canola crop this fall, but the total amount of canola available to market will likely fall short of the record. Many analysts think the harvest will produce 15.5 million tonnes of the oilseed, topping the previous record of 14.6 million set two years ago. However, the carry-in from last year will be a tight 608,000 tonnes. This year’s crop, when added to the carry-in and allowing for modest

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duces 42 percent of China’s corn and 45 percent of its soybeans. An early frost would devastate those crops, bolstering China’s increasing reliance on imported corn and soybeans, supporting prices for two crops that influence the prices of many Western Canadian crops “If there’s an early frost, say Sept. 20 or 24 or around there, then that has a really negative impact on yields, especially for a crop that is a little behind schedule,� said Sandene. The region had 40 to 50 percent higher than normal rainfall. From June 1 through Aug. 20 rainfall averaged 300 millimetres with some places seeing more than 700 mm. That has led to extensive flooding of cropland along major waterways. Sandene’s sources in China estimate as much as five million acres were flooded, representing seven percent of cropland in the region. It is hard to gauge production losses because it is not known what crops are grown in the affected areas.

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imports, makes for a total supply of 16.2 million tonnes. The carry-in was much larger in 2011-12, about 2.2 million tonnes. As well, imports were just shy of 100,000 tonnes, making for total supply of 16.9 million tonnes, 700,000 tonnes more than what is expected this year. There was enough domestic and export demand in 2011-12 to shrink year end stocks to 707,000 tonnes. Domestic crushing capacity is larger now than it was two years ago, and crushers will be keen to have access to more canola after operating well below capacity through much of the second half of last year. Also, the new biodiesel plant at ADM Agri-Industries in Lloydminster, Alta., is expected to begin operating by the end of the year, providing another few hundred thousand tonnes of demand.

However, the export market might be more challenging this year. Europe, Ukraine and Russia all have larger rapeseed crops. That means Australia will export less to Europe and will be looking for alternative markets. It had been blocked from China for the past couple of years because of blackleg concerns. It recently worked a deal that gives it access similar to Canada’s status. As a result, Canadian canola won’t have China to itself. It was the biggest buyer of Canadian canola last year, taking about 2.73 million tonnes. That could fall this year as the Australian industry talks of shipping more than a million tonnes to China. However, I expect that by the end of the year Canadian stocks will continue tight in an historical context. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.


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Russia’s current high wheat yields may not represent final output

Canadian fed prices remained strong and steady despite slowing fed exports and lower northern U.S. fed prices. Packer interest in the cash market was mixed with most sales going to one buyer. In light trade, steers averaged $119.25 per hundredweight and heifers $118.61, which was mostly steady with the previous week. Dressed sales were $200-$201 per cwt. delivered. Packer-owned supply is increasing, and the time it takes for them to take delivery appears to be stretching out to 14 days or beyond. The Alberta fed cash-to-futures basis weakened to -$12.90 and is in line with the average for this time of year. Weekly Canadian fed exports totalled 3,179 head, the second lowest export volume this year. Fed prices are unseasonably strong, but feedlots might be pushing marketing dates into October, which could pressure prices in that month. Processing margins are positive, but beef cut-out values could come under pressure following Labour Day. September is typically a sluggish time for beef demand because consumers are cash strapped with back to school and summer holiday expenses.

Winter versus spring wheat | Spring wheat, which yields lower, has yet to be harvested Strong fed prices might erode as fall beef demand slows. | FILE PHOTO while middle weight feeders were steady, with prices 50 cents lower to $1 higher compared to the previous week. Yearling prices fell and steers heavier than 800 pounds fell about $1.50 per cwt. Similar weight heifers were little changed. Deliveries fell because of a work week shortened by Labour Day and harvest in full swing. The Alberta auction volume fell 28 percent to 24,344 head. The auction volume is up 12 percent over last year at the same time. Weekly feeder exports to Aug. 24 rose 50 percent to 3,295 head. Exports are up 69 percent. Dry pasture conditions will force some marketings. Calf prices should firm next week on anticipated bumper grain yields and potentially improved feeding margins. Heavy feeder prices could struggle on varied quality and availability. American buyer interest is expected to become more price supportive.

BEEF MIXED COW PRICES FALL Reduced demand and lackluster buyer interest pressured slaughter cow prices lower. D1, 2 and D3 cow prices slid $2 to average $75.50 per cwt. and $68.50, respectively. Rail grade prices fell to $146-$151 per cwt. delivered. Butcher bulls were mostly steady, averaging $88.07 per cwt. Weekly western Canadian non-fed slaughter to Aug. 31 was modest at 4,180 head, down 19 percent from the previous week. Weekly non-fed exports to Aug. 24 were steady at 5,752 head. The heat has hurt pasture condition, which could increase non-fed marketings. The market is expected to be weak again this week.

LIGHT FEEDERS GAIN Light calves traded sharply higher,

U.S. boxed beef trade was uneven with Choice at $195.86 US per cwt., up 15 cents, and Select at $181.91, down $1.29 on Sept. 5. Weekly Canadian cut-out values to Aug. 30 are unavailable. For the week ending Aug. 23, cutouts were steady to lower following the uptick in the first half of August. AAA was down $1.46 to $197.99 Cdn per cwt. while AA was up 39 cents to $190.49. Rib and chuck prices are expected to remain strong while other categories may be steady to weaker. Montreal wholesale prices rose to $224-$225 per cwt.


Reports out of Russia seem to indicate that the country’s wheat crop could be bigger than many are anticipating, but it is deceiving, says an analyst. Russia’s agriculture ministry last week said wheat was averaging 40.6 bushels per acre with 37 million acres harvested, or 63 percent of the anticipated crop. That is well above the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of 34.2 bu. per acre. If the average remained at 40.6 bu. per acre for the rest of the harvest, it would result in 65.5 million tonnes of wheat, which is well above the USDA’s forecast of 54 million tonnes. Other estimates are below the USDA’s number. SovEcon forecasts a 51.7 million tonne crop, and Russia’s agriculture ministry expects 50 million tonnes. So why such conservative production estimates when average yields have been so high to date? Mark Lindeman, a crop assessment analyst with the USDA, said it’s because the first part of the harvest is winter wheat, which yields higher

than the spring wheat that follows. “Now that they’re har vesting spring wheat, that cumulative yield that they’re reporting should start to go down pretty soon,� he said. The average yield was 28.7 bu. per acre this time last year but had fallen to 26.8 bu. per acre by the end of harvest. That wasn’t a big drop, but last year’s winter wheat crop was an anomaly. “They had some very low yields in the southern district, which typically is their most productive area,� said Lindeman. The spring wheat crop was harvested earlier than normal last year, and there were extremely disappointing yields in the Siberian and Ural districts. This year it’s the opposite. The spring wheat crop is two to three weeks delayed in Siberia, but the yields look promising, said Lindeman. “It’s a situation that the potential is high but the risk is high,� he said. “There’s a little bit more cause for concern only because of late development.� Kazakhstan is south of Russia’s Siberian Federal District and has experienced similar weather. “They’ve had outstanding conditions for wheat there,� said Lindeman.



This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.

Khazakhstan’s agriculture ministry says grain yields have averaged 21.4 bu. per acre, up 56 percent from last year with 27 percent of the crop harvested. The ministry did not have a wheat estimate, but most of the crop is wheat. The USDA’s wheat estimate for Khazakhstan is 25 bu. per acre. Lindeman said the country’s grain yields don’t typically drop and may rise slightly as harvest progresses because it moves into higher-yielding areas in the north. “The lower-yielding areas tend to get harvested first,� he said. Crop development is also delayed in Khazakhstan. Both countries have the potential for good, although not record, wheat crops, but a lot depends on how September and October turn out. Lindeman isn’t worried about frost so much as persistent wet or snowy weather during harvest. The USDA is anticipating 26.5 million tonnes of wheat exports from Russia and Kazakhstan in 2013-14, up 49 percent from last year. The number may be revised when the USDA releases its new World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report Sept. 12.


WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOG PRICES RISE The recent hot weather in the U.S. Midwest stressed livestock and delayed the usual seasonal hog weight gain. Market ready supply tightened and pressured cash hog markets higher. Chicago hog futures closed up 3.6 percent for the week, partly on expectation that the spread of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, which is fatal to baby pigs, will reduce hog supplies later this year. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs delivered to packing plants rose to $67.50-$68 US per hundredweight Sept 5, up from $65.50 Aug. 30. The estimated pork cut-out value was $95.55 Sept. 6, up from $94.96 Aug. 30. The estimated weekly U.S. slaughter in the holiday-shortened week to


Sept. 7 was 1.97 million, down from 2.21 million the previous week. Last year’s total was 2.067 million.

BISON STEADY The Canadian Bison Association said Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range averaged $3.50 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight with sales to $3.70. Grade A heifers sold at $3.45 with sales to $3.55. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable buyer specifications may be discounted.

SHEEP, LAMBS STEADY Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,292 sheep and lambs and 27 goats traded Sept. 3. All classes of well-finished lambs sold steady. Sheep and goats traded steady.


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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail: joanne.paulson@producer.com



Gov’t must assure quality in crop data collection


arkets need information like fire needs oxygen; one can’t survive without the other. Buyers and sellers make decisions based on their understanding of supply and demand based on a constant stream of information. The data in crop markets comes in many forms, including weather, seeded acreage reports, yield forecasts, seeding and harvest progress, the location of stocks, transportation data, domestic consumption and export pace. Markets function most efficiently and fairly when the information is accurate and widely available. Prices are fair when they are a reflection of true supply and demand. Publicly available, government-produced information is especially important for the smallest players in the market: farmers who do not have the advantage of the private information that grain companies, processors and major traders can amass through their own handling systems or expensive advisory services. One need only look to developing countries for examples of how farmers are disadvantaged by inadequate or unreliable public crop data. So there is growing unease about apparent erosion to the publicly available information on Canada’s grain market. Last year, the Canada Port Clearance Association, which co-ordinated grain shipments through Vancouver and Thunder Bay, closed down, ending a daily report on ship lineups at port that provided a window on grain exports. As of Aug. 1, the Canadian Grain Commission no longer does mandatory inbound weighing and inspection at grain terminals. Without first hand data, it can’t produce its weekly report on grain movement and exports. Now, Statistics Canada proposes to end its September crop production farmer survey in favour of a mathematical model using remote sensing satellite data to generate crop size forecasts. The agency says it won’t have to contact farmers for a survey during a busy season and will save $50,000 to $75,000 a year.

It says it will implement the proposal only if the survey and satellite data this year agree, indicating the latter is accurate. Other farmer surveys about seeding decisions and post harvest production would continue. We don’t know the impact of these changes yet. The grain commission has begun to replace some of its reports by working with grain handlers, but has nothing yet on exports. It hopes to eventually provide weekly data on grain movement and exports that are an improvement over the old reports. There is the potential that using new technology could improve Statistics Canada’s production reports. Analysts now complain that the delay between when farmers are surveyed and when the report comes out can lead to out-of-date information if there is a shift in the weather. Also, there is always the possibility that the data can be skewed if farmers are not truthful when surveyed. Using satellite data to confirm the accuracy of the survey data or to provide more frequent updates through the growing season would be a welcome addition to Statistics Canada crop data. However, to rely entirely on satellite data run through a computer model to generate a production report that can have a major effect on grain prices seems risky. Also the remote sensing and computer model have generated yield outlooks for major crops such as wheat, but how accurate will it be for minor crops such as beans or canaryseed? The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. However, the objective in all these changes must be to improve the quality and availability of crop data, rather than simply fill a hole. The Conservative government has delivered on a promise of marketing freedom, and now farmers must hold it to account to provide the accurate, unbiased data that make markets fair.


Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


New parliamentary budget officer may need to believe in miracles to satisfy all NATIONAL VIEW



ore than a decade ago, Library of Parliament researcher Jean-Denis Fréchette invited me along on a trip to a miracle shrine. It was a revelation. As the newly appointed parliamentary budget officer, he may want to revisit that shrine, considering he is confronting a hostile Conservative government that wants a complacent

PBO and an opposition that is demanding an aggressive parliamentary officer to keep the government’s feet to the fire. He will need a miracle to survive intact. We were both at an agricultural conference in Quebec City all those years ago, I as a reporter and he as a researcher for the House of Commons agriculture committee. The conference ended with a free afternoon before flights. Fréchette knew the area. “Let’s rent a car and drive the North Shore,” he said. Off we went, ending up 40 kilometres northeast of Quebec City at the Basilica of Ste. Anne-de-Beaupré, a church first built in the 17th century, rebuilt over the years to a structure that was permanent by 1876 and rebuilt in 1926 after a fire to be the

shrine it is today. Stories of workers injured on the job who were healed abound. Visitors arrive damaged and leave whole. In the vestibule of the basilica were scores of crutches left by the faithful who came lame and left walking. It attracts tens of thousands of pilgrims each year: the Québec version of the Sanctuary of Lourdes in France with its reported healing waters. Fréchette did not indicate at the time if he believed in the miracles. Fast forward a decade or more and his appointment recently as the new parliamentary budget officer, and Fréchette could be looking for some supernatural help. Created by the current Conservative government, the office was meant to provide parliamentarians with an analysis of government spending

plans and their effectiveness. The first PBO, Kevin Page, expanded his mandate to include criticism of the gap between government promises and what spending was not doing to fulfill it. He analyzed the impact of cuts. T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e s w e re n o t pleased, arguing that Page was exceeding his mandate. They did not renew his five-year term this year. Enter Fréchette, a 27-year Parliament Hill veteran of Library of Parliament research and a former researcher with Dairy Farmers of Canada. For many years he was attached to the House of Commons agriculture committee, overseeing the writing of reports. Conservatives have suggested he stick to his knitting, limiting his work to analyzing what the feds spend.

Opposition MPs immediately suggested that because the government did not consult with them on the appointment, he already has the taint of being a Conservative-picked candidate. He should expand his mandate. So Fréchette will be under close opposition scrutiny, and Page, now at the University of Ottawa, promises regular reports on government spending that likely will rival the official version. However, Page did not examine agricultural spending results. With his background in agriculture, perhaps Fréchette will analyze the real impact of government cuts to business risk programs this year or cuts in agricultural spending. That would be a PBO contribution to the agricultural debate.





Chinese economic growth to moderate

Sunshine turns worry lines into happy grins



conomists continue to moderate their forecasts for the global economy as they reset their expectations for growth in China and other developing markets. Most recently, in its July 2013 Monetary Policy Report, the Bank of Canada revised its expectations for global growth to a modest 2.8 percent this year, compared to three percent in its April forecast. Slightly slower growth is now also expected in 2014 and 2015. The good news is that the global economy is growing and the troubles plaguing the world’s advanced economies seem to be easing. The United States continues on the road to recovery. The European Union appears to be stabilizing and the Japanese economy is showing signs of life. The problem is that China and other emerging economic powerhouses appear to be settling into a period of more modest expansion. Of course, even growth that’s “modest” in China dwarfs the best that most other countries could hope for. The Chinese economy is still expected to grow at 7.3 to 7.5 percent annually through 2015, more than three times as quickly as Canada. However, this is well off the torrid pace of recent expansion in China, which averaged 10.5 percent every year from 2003 to 2012. Two main factors are contributing to slower growth in China: • The Chinese economic boom has been driven by exports and capital investment, both of which are abating in the face of reduced global demand.



A decline in exports is one contributing factor in slowing economic growth in China. | • Related to the investment issue, China is also tightening access to credit as part of a series of reforms aimed at improving the stability of the financial sector. The repercussions of slower growth in China and other emerging economies are being felt around the world, including in Western Canada. Softer demand is weakening global commodity prices, especially for base metals and minerals. While prices for those commodities remain well above historic levels, they have been falling more or less steadily since late 2010. Prices have dropped by nearly 11 percent in the first half of 2013 alone. Forest products have also turned down since April, wiping out five consecutive months of gains in a sector that has for years struggled against flat prices. Western Canada’s overall exports to China continue to expand rapidly, but there is little doubt that slower

growth in China has sapped some of the momentum. Exports were up 12 percent from January to May compared to the same period last year. It’s a healthy rate of growth, to be sure, but this is well below the 22 percent per year average increase since 2009. At least part of the blame can be pinned on base metal exports, which were down 1.1 percent through the first four months of the year. In particular, the value of Western Canada’s copper, nickel, iron and steel product shipments to China are well below last year’s levels. Considering how much metal and mineral prices have risen over the past decade, a decline of 11 percent is not likely to have a major effect on the mining industry in Western Canada. Only gold miners have reason to be worried, and in that case, the plunge in gold prices over the past few months is unrelated to the economic


situation in China. The bright side for Western Canada is that structural changes in the Chinese economy will open new export opportunities. The Chinese government has responded to the heavy pollution and severe income inequality that resulted from its export and investment-led development strategy by focusing its future policy efforts on expanding domestic demand and ushering in an era where consumers are the main engine of growth. Exports of western Canadian food products into China are already soaring. As Chinese citizens become wealthier, other opportunities to sell consumer goods into China will appear. Michael Holden is a senior economist with the Canada West Foundation. This article appeared in the foundation’s publication Currents.


Reviewing decisions, predictions, crop results HURSH ON AG



arvest in this part of southwestern Saskatchewan is more than half done. On our moderate-sized operation, the large green lentils, Nexera Clearfield canola and brown mustard have been combined. We’re well into the canaryseed, and the kabuli chickpeas have been desiccated. It’s a good time to start comparing the relative returns of the various crops. My estimated yield on the large green lentils is 31 bushels, or about 1,860 pounds, an acre. Most are grading No. 2. Assuming an average price of 19.5

cents a pound, the gross return comes to around $362 an acre. I’ve heard of much higher yields on red lentils in the area. While this is one of my best yields on large greens, I regret not making a fungicide application. I used fungicide last year and didn’t think it made a difference. This year, I believe it would have paid handsomely. Lentil prices are depressed and the crop isn’t the attractive cropping option it was a few years ago. Many neighbours are reporting yellow pea yields in the 50 bu. per acre range. Even though that price has dropped to perhaps $6.50 a bu., the gross return will be about $325 an acre, which isn’t far behind a lot of the lentils. My canola yield is nothing to brag about. A long stretch of no rain in the spring resulted in patchy germination. The end result of 32 bu. per acre is far better than I thought in June and July, but many crops in the area will yield far better. This is Nexera canola and a non-

genetically modified crop as well (Clearfield), which means there are price premiums. I pulled the trigger and priced the entire estimated production in early September for a f.o.b. farm price of $12.31 a bu. The gross return should turn out to be about $394 an acre. I’m sure there will be lots of 40 bu.plus crops in the area, and even at a price of $11 a bu., returns will be better than mine. My brown mustard was a good crop. The yield was 29 bu. per acre (1,450 lb.), which is pretty decent for mustard. Much of it is contracted at 37 cents a pound, and a price close to 37 cents should be achievable on the remainder, providing it grades a one. Gross return should be in the $530 an acre range on a crop that’s less expensive than canola to grow. We’re still chewing through the canaryseed. The stand is highly variable, but it looks like the yield will average at least 30 bu. an acre (1,500 lb.), which is one of the best results

I’ve ever had. Some of the canaryseed is contracted at about 27 cents a lb. A price of 25 cents may be available on the remainder. Gross return should be about $385 an acre. In the spring, I went with canaryseed as my cereal crop rather than durum. Assuming a durum price of $7.50 a bu., the durum yield would have to be more than 50 bu. per acre to match the gross return on the canaryseed, and canaryseed is a cheaper crop to grow. The jury is still out on the kabuli chickpeas on both yield and price. Like most regions of the Prairies, yields here are well above average, which will help compensate for softening prices. Bin space is going to be an issue for many growers, and immediate delivery opportunities are dwindling on many crops. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.

You’ll remember me when the west wind moves Upon the fields of barley You’ll forget the sun in his jealous sky As we walk in the fields of gold. — From Fields of Gold, by Sting


he misty morning found us driving west, out of the forest and into the cropland. The barley and wheat fields were green, not gold. They were late, stretching up into the rising August sun, reaching for the last rays that might finally bring them to maturity. The winter was cold, white and endless. The spring brought rain, but July brought shivery days and chilly nights. August, though, was a gift. In northwestern Saskatchewan, where my heart lies (geographically speaking) among the lakes and forests and northern farmland, awaiting the harvest has never been for the weak of spirit. The weather is, to say the least, undependable — even more so than most farming regions. The storms can be spectacular, and long; thunderstorms sometimes last all night. The days can be cooler, and too soon, shorter. Yet Mother Nature also smiled on this beautiful place, scattered seeds for pine and spruce and aspen and birch, poured joy into sparkling lakes and streams and also managed to breathe a few nutrients into the sandy soil. There was a particular field of barley. One day, it was green — dense and hairy, but green. It was a field of doubt; would this harvest happen? We returned, seven days later, to the field of barley. They were seven days of sun, a little wind, a little rain, and one big sky-shattering lightning storm that boomed all night ; but there was no hail, no frost. Seven days later, green had turned to gold. It wasn’t yet uniform, but it was undoubtedly, indisputably, golden. In those last days, Mother Nature had smiled again, bringing the hazy heat, the gentle winds, the sense of fulfillment that comes with summer’s end. It was almost harvest time. May all your fields be golden, like our field of barley. ❊❊❊❊

If you drive by The Western Producer’s head office in Saskatoon, you will see an enormous realtor’s sign on our lawn. That sign relates only to the building, and not this newspaper. The Producer’s parent company, Glacier Media, is selling some building assets and entering into lease-back for the space. For The WP, it is business as usual.





Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.

To the Editor:

Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

In the Aug. 8 issue of The Western Producer, Kevin Hursh’s commentary focuses on input costs, and well he should. Cost competitiveness determines farmers’ ability to compete in the marketplace, and it determines a farmer’s profit. While there are certain tools farmers can use to maximize the price they get for their product, basically the market price is the world price is the market price. After that, the last line of defence is reducing input costs. I would rather save $50 on the price

of inputs than try to get that same $50 from the market. In spring, after planting is done, farmers are at their most vulnerable to weather, market collapse and other potential problems. By saving on input costs, that vulnerability decreases for every dollar saved. And then Hursh comes to the crux of the matter : farmers working together. He is absolutely right. However, there is an organization that has done more than anyone else doing exactly what he seems to recommend. I speak, of course, of Farmers of North America, the national farmers’ business alliance that started in Saskatchewan and with farmer empow-

erment and improving farm profitability deeply embedded in the spirit of its operations, has been very effective for farmers across Canada. With the strength of 10,000 members behind it, FNA is able to provide value to every farmer, just the way Kevin suggests. FNA is a farmers’ business alliance that creates a crosswalk between its members and input supply partners and that survives on farmer membership money to develop programs and to negotiate better prices for its members. As this alliance grows, whether it’s negotiating pesticide and fertilizer prices far below the market price, developing an accounts receivable


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insurance project, or even facilitating farmer owned fertilizer manufacturing, the sky is the limit. Peter Archer, Campbellford, Ont.

CANOLA BIODIESEL GOOD To the Editor: In response to The Western Producer editorial “Winding down gov’t biofuel support right thing to do” (published Aug. 8). Contrary to the impression left by the article, Canadian agriculture, as represented by the oilseeds and grains sector, has and continues to support the production of cleaner burning renewable fuels in this country. Although direct monetary support from the government is being withdrawn, support for biodiesel mandates continues and production of feedstocks keeps growing to supply both domestic and export biofuel markets. While government programs did not achieve the farmer-driven biodiesel infrastructure build-out outcomes that were intended, as the editorial rightly notes, Canada’s canola producers continue to advocate for the increased use of biodiesel in Canada via renewable fuel mandates. Modest and reasoned renewable diesel mandates are a favourable approach as it allows the broader commercial marketplace to mobilize and respond to satisfy the demand. From 2009 to 2012 we have seen an increase in support for biofuels as renewable diesel standards have been enacted federally, provincially across the four western provinces, and possibly in Ontario in spring 2014. New canola biodiesel plants are currently under construction and soon to be commissioned in Alberta, adding 330 million litres of annual biodiesel capacity and extending production capacity beyond the current biodiesel demand requirements of the western provincial mandates. The Canadian canola industry has a strategy to sustainably increase production to 15 million tonnes by 2015, some of which is allocated to increased domestic biodiesel production. The Canadian Canola Growers Association and other groups continue to advocate for growth of investment in biodiesel processing and increased use. Canola biodiesel is good for our environment, good for our farms and good for our economy. When com-

Keep your farm running strong. With every fifteen hundred dollars spent on Esso farm fuels and Mobil branded oil and lubricants, between August 1st and October 31st 2013, you will automatically be entered to win a VIP trip for two to the NASCAR Daytona 500 in Florida! Get reliable service and products, great credit programs, and the convenience of local ag retailers committed to providing what you need for your farm, your field, and your future.

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OPINION pared on a life cycle basis, canola biodiesel creates 93 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional diesel. Modest renewable diesel mandates that employ domestic feedstocks support our country’s broader environmental, social and economic goals. Rick White, general manager Canadian Canola Growers Association, Winnipeg, Man.

A FEW QUESTIONS To the Editor: With the first year anniversary of so-called marketing freedom under their belt, (federal agriculture minister) Gerry Ritz and the rest of the grain trade are all smiles, or should

one say they are gloating over their good fortune. For sure, the major grain companies have the producers of grain right where they want them. But perhaps Ritz will answer a few questions on how things are shaping up for farmers and their new marketing freedom. • Is it true, Mr. Ritz, when the farmer has unloaded his grain at the elevator (terminal), his ownership of that grain has vanished? • Terminal blending of grain, as was done in the days of the Canadian Wheat Board, produced monetary benefits in the multimillions for the farmer. Are those blending profits still part of the farmer’s income under marketing freedom? • Wheat and barley price premiums — Economists (Dar yl) Kraft, (Hartley) Furtan, (Ed) Tyrchniewicz, (Andrew) Schmitz, (Rich-

ard) Gray and (Gary) Storey have all shown the CWB earned an average total wheat and barley premiums of $300 to $500 million per annum for the producers of the grain. My question to you, Mr. Ritz, is this: Are those premium dollars still accruing to the farmers under this new marketing freedom? Please tell us, Mr. Ritz; we need to know. • Interest earnings, terminal rebates, penalties, tendering and despatch brought to the farmers over $100 million annually. Tell me, Mr. Ritz, what is the farmer’s yearly benefit from those earnings now that he has marketing freedom? • Farmers and producer cars — what happened? What level of service has slipped from the farmers’ hands in this first year of market freedom? Lest anyone believes I have padded


the numbers when the CWB ruled the roost, think again. According to a 2007 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the CWB generates an estimated economic impact of $1.6 billion per year. What I have done is seriously understated the economic benefit the farmers have lost with market freedom. Henry Neufeld, Waldeck, Sask.

THANKS, MR. RITZ To the Editor: I would personally like to thank (federal) agriculture minister Gerry Ritz for the market freedom that we now have for all of our grains and oilseeds. Last harvest, we sold No. 2 CWRS, 13 percent (protein), right off


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magine having to instruct others how to deliver your child, a breech birth, because the winter came early and you couldn’t get to a hospital. That’s one of the stories told by Dr. Mary Percy Jackson in her biography The Homemade Brass Plate, my best read of the summer. Percy Jackson graduated from medical school in England in 1928 and came to northern Alberta to work for one year. Her work, the people and the countryside were so engrossing she stayed for 40 years. The district she served was total wilderness: along the Peace River, almost to High Level. There were no roads, no conveniences and no primers on how to survive, but the people taught her how to follow the trails, lay in supplies, ride a horse and live off the land. In the earliest days, many of her patients were Métis. Soon Ukrainians, Russians, Norwegians and Mennonites came seeking land and freedom. None paid with money during the 1930s, but they were generous with giving her clothing, food and their eternal gratitude. “Meeses Doktor” certainly wasn’t doing this for the money, but she did have to be creative in finding cash to buy chloroform, sutures and plaster of Paris. The arrival of supplies happened only when the river could be navigated. Dr. Percy became Dr. Percy Jackson when she married into the district. Frank was a man of all skills. He had cattle and ran a store and warehouse. His wife died in childbirth, so Mary inherited three stepchildren and then had three of her own. Still she doctored, though the stepsons had to teach her cooking and home-making skills. What a passion for medicine. She served where God planted her. Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.

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of the combine for $9 per bushel and received immediate payment of the full amount. We continued to market our wheat at various prices, ending up with $8 per bu. At the same time as this, we entered an Early Pool Delivery Contract with the CWB to allow them the chance to market some of our wheat, even though it takes a year and a half to get all of your money. We were expecting the CWB to be at a respectable $8.50 per bu. for their final price, given what we had marketed our wheat for. We were surprised to receive $7.50 per bu. and naturally the CWB had many reasons why they didn’t perform. Where is the CWB premium in this? Once again, thank you, Gerry Ritz. Glenn Sawyer, Acme, Alta.





Ducks Unlimited makes big purchase 6,000 acres | New conservation ranch established outside Calgary BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Ducks Unlimited Canada has celebrated its 75th anniversary by buying a 6,000 acre parcel of prairie wetlands in the middle of southern Alberta’s farming country. “It’s an island of grass surrounded by a sea of cultivation,” said Barry Bishop, head of conservation programs with Ducks Unlimited Canada. The 6,000 acre block, about an hour south of Calgary, is the largest wetland conservation project acquisition by Ducks Unlimited “It’s a pretty unique area,” Bishop said about the foothills fescue grassland. Gordon Marsh, owner of the land, said selling the land to Ducks Unlim-

ited was a “win-win” situation. His family gets to continue ranching the area and the land is protected as a wetland. “We got paid and we still got it,” said Marsh. There are 10,500 acres of grassland in the block near Arrowwood, Alta. The Marsh family kept the grazing lease and the home quarter. They have signed a 10-year agreement to lease the land from Ducks Unlimited and have an option to lease it for another 10 years. “It’s a way of preserving the ranch and improving the water, and it’s still a viable ranch,” said Marsh. An estimated 800 potholes ranging from half an acre to five acres are located on the new Shell Buffalo Hills Conservation Ranch.

Shell Canada donated $3 million to help buy the land. Marsh said the area remained in its natural state because it was rugged country. He bought two ranches and put them together and seeded the cultivated area to grass when he bought the land. Marsh said several people have approached him over the years about buying the land to break up for farmland or for housing development, neither of which appealed to him. “I kind of shied away from that.” It wasn’t until he was approached by Ducks Unlimited about buying the 6,000 acres as a block that he considered selling the land. Bishop said the timing was ideal. The combination of Shell Canada, which was willing to be part of a large land acquisition, and Ducks Unlim-

With the addition of 6,000 acres, the Shell Buffalo Hills Conservation Ranch is Ducks Unlimited Canada’s largest wetland conservation project. | FILE PHOTO ited’s 75th anniversary helped the project come together. “It takes a long time to put these together and get the funding. It’s the largest such acquisition Ducks Canada has done,” said Bishop. “I wouldn’t think they would come together very often.” Ducks Unlimited has made smaller

land acquisitions in Western Canada in an attempt to maintain pothole areas for waterfowl, but they are fighting an uphill battle against farmers draining their land, he said. Ducks Unlimited plans to have full public access to the land through a series of walking trails.

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Railways able to handle New funds support Sask. biotech projects bumper crop, says Ritz BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Uniform grade will also make it easier, he adds BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Canada’s agriculture minister is confident the transportation system is up to the task of moving what Statistics Canada is forecasting to be a record crop. “I certainly don’t see problems,” Gerry Ritz told reporters following an announcement at the Ag-West Bio Inc. annual meeting. The grain handling and transportation system took note when 25 to 30 percent of the crop moved straight off the combine last fall. “Both CP (Canadian Pacific Rail-

way) and CN (Canadian National Railway) have each spent $1 billion on upgrades to their main lines in this past year getting ready for this,” he said. Ritz believes that while the crop may be bigger than last year, it should be easier to move. “The good thing with this crop is the grading looks very similar. It’s not across-the-spectrum grading. It all looks pretty good. Guys are saying now No. 2 or better,” he said. However, he was quick to add a caveat. “It’s not in the bin yet, so let’s not get excited.”

Runs in the family.

Ag-West Bio Inc. has more money at its disposal to foster and promote Saskatchewan’s bioeconomy. The federal and provincial governments are investing $7.5 million over the next five years through Growing Forward 2 to boost its commercialization and marketing efforts. “That’s an increase of 50 percent from Growing Forward 1,” federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said during Ag-West’s annual meeting in Saskatoon. Ag-West president Wilf Keller said the new funding arrangement boosts the company’s annual budget by $500,000 per year. “It allows us to maintain a competent and professional staff,” he said. The funding will support Ag-West’s primary role, which is to provide

entrepreneurs with advice, support and guidance to get emerging agricultural technologies to market. Keller is pleased the new arrangement is for five years. The previous funding was for three years. “This gives us a much bigger window for long-term planning,” he said. Some of the projects Ag-West is working on, such as one that uses industrial oilseed crops to make aviation fuel, can be multi-year initiatives. “It takes time to get growers to become interested and get the industry involved. It’s very hard to start up and finish off in a three-year cycle,” said Keller. Other projects are done in collaboration with Japan, China and India, and those can take a while to come to fruition, so it is helpful to extend the funding window by two years. Saskatchewan agriculture minister Lyle Stewart said ag research remains

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a priority for his government. “Ag-West Bio’s ability to move research to the market plays an important role in the continued success of Saskatchewan’s economy,” he said. Ritz told reporters after the announcement that governments around the world are increasingly embracing biotechnology. “Australia is a good case in point,” he said. “They were GM-free and proud of that fact and then they started to recognize that they were sliding behind in market share and the ability to serve that market share, so they’ve embraced GM products.” The federal and provincial governments will invest $388 million in Saskatchewan on initiatives under Growing Forward 2 over the next five years, an increase of more than $25 million per year over the previous funding program.






Agrium gets OK to buy Viterra retail stores WINNIPEG (Reuters) — Canadian regulators have approved Glencore Xstrata PLC’s sale of Viterra farm retail stores to Agrium Inc. in a deal that will make Agrium the dominant farm retailer in Canada. Agrium, already the biggest U.S. retail seller of fertilizer, chemicals and seed, will get 210 stores across Western Canada from Glencore in a deal that was approved by the federal Competition Bureau. Agrium chief executive officer Mike Wilson said he expects the company’s “highly attractive” purchase to close within weeks. Terms will be released when the deal closes, he said. In June, Agrium acquired 13 Viterra locations in Australia.

Swiss commodities trader Glencore bought Viterra last year and kept most of the company’s grain storage and processing sites in Canada and Australia. It struck side deals to sell some assets to Agrium and grain handler Richardson International Inc., softening any political concerns about the foreign takeover. The Competition Bureau approved Glencore’s deal with Richardson in December, leaving the two as roughly equal-sized players in the Canadian grain-handling industry. However, Agrium’s deal rankled some farmers, who wanted the regulator to scale back the purchase to prevent the company from becoming too powerful in the sale of fertil-

izer and other crop supplies. Along with being the biggest North American farm retail dealer, Agrium is also the world’s third-biggest maker of nitrogen fertilizer. Agrium’s original deal with Glencore was for 90 percent of Viterra’s Canadian farm retail business, or 232 stores, but that number has been whittled down. The bureau excluded seven stores from the deal, Agrium exercised an option to pass on buying some outlets and Viterra sold or closed other outlets, Agrium spokesperson Richard Downey said. Including its existing 65 outlets, Agrium will have 275 farm retail stores in Western Canada after the deal closes.

Decision soon on halt to COOL changes Changes worse than original | Allowing the injunction would give the WTO time to rule on revised wording BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

A decision on a request to halt implementation of U.S. country-oforigin labelling legislation could be announced as early as this week. After a court hearing Aug. 27, U.S. district court judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said her decision could be expected within 14 days. If granted,


Anyway you pencil it out,

NexeraTM canola hybrids equal healthier profits. In 2013, Nexera is expected to return over $115 million over and above the value of commodity canola. Since its launch, Nexera has returned over $426 million to Western Canadian growers – with more than half of that coming in the last three years. “The higher returns are being driven by a number of factors,” says Kerry Freeman, Nexera Product Manager, Dow AgroSciences. “Superior canola yields combined with the grower premiums and incentives associated with Nexera canola are increasing returns. Strong market demand by new and growing end-use customers for heart-healthy Omega-9 Oil is also a big factor.” Freeman also points out that the heart-healthy Omega-9 Oil made from high-yielding Nexera canola is the new standard in today’s food industry. And the higher-value, end-use product translates into higher profits at the farm level.

Higher profitability starts with the proven performance of Nexera canola hybrids New Nexera canola hybrids increase the profitability equation, and the number of Nexera canola acres grown continues to increase year over year. The Nexera canola hybrid Roundup Ready® Series and Clearfield® Series each offer two high-performing hybrids that are changing canola. Their success is driven by a number of factors, including: • next-generation hybrid technology • industry-leading hybrid yields • early- and late-season hybrid vigour • excellent standability • superior disease resistance

Highest in grower satisfaction, too These new hybrids are ideal for growers in the mid and long-season zones who are looking for hybrid yields and higher profit. They offer yield potential equivalent to any competitive canola hybrid, and result in profitability that’s higher than other canola brands. In fact, Nexera RR Hybrids rank highest in grower satisfaction, according to Canola Evaluation and Intentions, Canada, 2012, Stratus Agri-Marketing, Inc. The option of the Roundup Ready or Clearfield weed control system allows Nexera canola growers to choose the system that works best for them. Either way, growers get the advantages of convenience, flexibility and superior weed control from a production system designed to help them make the most of the Nexera canola profit opportunity. For more information on Nexera canola, go to healthierprofits.ca.

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the injunction would delay implementation of COOL legislation, which the Canadian livestock industry says could cost it more than $1 billion per year in lost trade and revenue. Don Close, vice-president for food and agribusiness research with Rabo Agrifinance and Rabobank International, told a meeting of the Alberta Cattle Feeders Association last week that members should be optimistic that the injunction will be granted. “The conversation with people that I have had, that were at the hearing, they were very, very enthusiastic with the job the attorneys did with the coalition to get the injunction,” said Close, adding it was his opinion rather than a position of Rabobank. “The optimism that I have from second-hand information is the persuasion of the arguments favoured doing away with it.” Eight livestock organizations and meat processors in Canada, the United States and Mexico filed the request for an injunction. Among them are the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, the Canadian Pork Council, the American Meat Council and the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. The World Trade Organization last year ruled in favour of Canada and Mexico in their assertion that American COOL legislation discriminated against imported livestock. The U.S. altered the legislation in May, but opponents considered the changes to be even worse than the original. That led to the request for an injunction. Close said COOL is ill considered and has failed to meet its goal of providing better information to American consumers about the origin of meat. “I think it was a very poorly conceived piece of legislation, and the rule of unintended consequences has been way greater than ever imagined.” He said there were enough votes in the U.S. House of Representatives to eliminate COOL before a recent vote on the new U.S. farm bill was deferred. Rich Smith, executive director of Alberta Beef Producers, said a ruling on the injunction has major implications for the industry. “If we win, then that prevents the implementation of the rule, which would be beneficial, because already there’s starting to be some adjustment in markets for when the rule’s going to come in,” he said. “Cattle that are going to be finished about the time that the rule is going to be implemented, it’s already having a depressing effect on prices.” Delay of COOL implementation could allow time for the WTO to rule on the new wording of the legislation that the U.S. put forward in May.

The Western Producer is putting together a photo album of #harvest13. Please send your harvest pictures to newsroom@ producer.com (headline harvest picture), or tweet them to @ westernproducer if you would like your images to be included.





Pests head north, south, leaving predators behind Global warming one factor | Pests are moving away from the equator due to changing climate, deforestation, development OSLO, Norway (Reuters) — Cropdamaging pests are moving toward the poles at a rate of more than 25 kilometres a decade, aided by global warming and human transport. The development poses a potential threat to world food security, according to a new study. The spread of beetles, moths, bacteria, worms and fungi in a warming world may be quicker than for many types of wild animals and plants, perhaps because people are accidentally moving them with harvests, it said. Scientists based in Britain studied more than 600 types of pests around the world and found that their ranges have shifted toward the poles by an average of 26.6 km per decade since the 1960s, occupying vast new areas. “We believe the spread is driven to a large degree by global warming,” said lead author Daniel Bebber of Exeter University. The study, which was published in the journal Nature Climate Change, is the first to estimate how pests are moving because of a changing climate. The spread of pests is “a growing threat to global food security,” said the study, which found that 10 to 16 percent of crop production is lost to pests, with similar losses after harvest. The rate of spread, away from the equator and toward the north and south poles, is slightly faster than 17.6 km found in a study in 2011 for wild animals and plants, which was in turn quicker than 6.1 km for wildlife estimated in a 2003 study. However, the rate is virtually identical to a theoretical prediction in 2011 that rising temperatures would allow a poleward shift of wildlife of 27.3 km a decade, the researchers wrote. Many crops are growing nearer the poles because of warming. Researchers say crop pests are moving into new areas at a quicker rate than their predators, meaning they can do more damage to crops. Wild species may find it harder to move because their habitats are

were many problems in determining how far climate was driving the pests’ movements. “New crop varieties and agricultural technologies have extended the

Pest species are constantly being shifted around the world by trade. We are giving them a helping hand.


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becoming fragmented due to deforestation, farms, roads or cities. “Pest species are constantly being shifted around the world by trade,” Bebber said. “We are giving them a helping hand.” Gary Yohe, a professor at Wesleyan University who co-wrote the 2003 study, said he wasn’t surprised by the faster rate than for wild animals and plants. A tiny pest is more likely than the average animal or plant to be carried inadvertently on a train, truck or airplane to a new area, he said. As well, the 2003 study was conservative, he added. Another possibility is that the rate of movement by wildlife “has really speeded up” in recent decades, said Michael Singer, a professor who works at Plymouth University in England and the University of Texas. As well, some insect pests may be getting more mobile because they are often forced to move by humans. “They have to be mobile because humans are constantly plowing or otherwise modifying their habitats,” Singer said. The most recent study said there

Canola research funding to target blackleg strains Money from government and producer partners will help fund research into new disease resistant canola varieties. Officials Sept. 4 announced $5.6 million in funding for projects targeting blackleg and sclerotinia disease resistance. “Any kind of investment in research is integral to moving our crop forward,” said Joan Heath, chair of SaskCanola. Of those funds, $4.2 million will come through the federal government’s Growing Forward 2, while the rest is made up of dollars collected from checkoffs from Alberta and

tudes,” it said. The scientists urged governments to think more about where to plant crops and monitor trade more closely to limit losses.




agricultural margin northward in the United States, and deforestation has increased production in the tropics, thus providing new opportunities for pest invasions at high and low lati-

Saskatchewan producers. Although existing canola varieties carry resistance to blackleg, new strains of the disease pose a threat. Heath said she hasn’t heard of any blackleg issues this growing season, but noted growers should be scouting for it as they swath canola. She said money under this initiative will support research programs targeting different races of blackleg. “(Blackleg) is not as much of a nearterm disease threat as maybe sclerotinia, but it’s ability to grab hold and severely annihilate the canola industry if it was left unchecked means that we have to be vigilant in correcting for it,” she said.

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Nelson Motors and Equipment Avonlea, Estevan, Oxbow, Radville, Redvers, SK ........................................ 306-868-2022 South Country Equipment Emerald Park, Regina, SK ................................. 306-721-5050 Maple Farm Equipment Foam Lake, Moosomin, Preeceville, Russell, Wynyard, Yorkton, SK ............ www.maplefarm.com Fountain Tire F206 Meadow Lake, SK ............................................. 306-236-5489 Cervus Equipment Melfort, Prince Albert, Saskatoon, Watrous, SK .......... www.cervusequipment.com Kevin’s Custom Ag Services Nipawin, SK ....................................................... 306-862-3611 JD Industrial Supplies Regina, SK......................................................... 306-352-5345 Western Sales Rosetown, SK.................................................... 306-882-4291 The Rent-It Store Saskatoon, SK ................................................... 306-652-0101 Yorkton Small Engine & Repair Yorkton, SK........................................................ 306-783-0546







Cycling event impresses the pros

• Prologue, or time trials, were held in Edmonton. • Stage 1 went from Strathcona County to Camrose. • Stage 2 was between Devon and Red Deer. • Stage 3 went from Strathmore to Drumheller. • Stage 4 was around Black Diamond.

Communities along the Tour of Alberta route held festivals to welcome international participants

• Stage 5 was from Okotoks to Calgary.


It’s not as well known as the Tour de France, but the Tour of Alberta has caught the attention of cycling fans and hopefully the dollars of future tourists. It’s estimated 168 million viewers in 162 countries may have watched elite cyclists race down rural roads and through small towns and cities in Alberta, and officials hope they will be enticed to spend their tourist dollars in the province. Hazel Cail, executive director of Tourism Camrose, said having the world-class cyclists end the first stage of their 900 kilometre, six-stage race in the central Alberta town was a huge coup. “It was just such a huge success for

Team Cannondale races around a corner in downtown Camrose during the second stage of the Tour of Alberta. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO

Camrose. We were able to get great TV footage. The coverage of the route going though Camrose was phenomenal,” said Cail. The 177 elite cyclists raced from Strathcona County, just outside Edmonton, to Camrose in the first stage of the pro cycling race. “It was absolutely phenomenal. I spoke with some of some of the team supporters from California. They

were shocked and amazed at the beautiful weather and great location,” she said. It’s that kind of promotion that prompted the Rural Alberta Development Fund to invest $3.5 million in the inaugural Tour of Alberta. Adam Walker, project manager for the fund, said their one-time grant was designed to launch the Tour of Alberta in hopes it will become an

annual, self-sustaining event. “The idea is to give rural communities the opportunity to be showcased around the world,” he said. Each community at the start and finish of each stage were encouraged to promote their own community through festivals and fairs when the cyclists came to town. “I think it had a positive impact on Camrose and surrounding areas. It

put the community out there on the provincial, national and world stage,” said Todd Markowsky, the organizer of the Camrose event. He called Peter Sagan, the 23-yearold Slovak rider who won the first two stages of the race, the Sydney Crosby of cycling. “He was accessible, people saw him. He was a very personable guy. You’re right next to him.”

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FINDING A DIFFERENT WAY TO FARM A Manitoba couple has bridged the gap between large commodity agriculture and small scale niche markets. | Page 24



Alberta cowgirl rhymes the range Stories told through poetry | Poet discovers natural sense of rhythm has ancestral roots in Ireland BY WENDY DUDLEY FREELANCE WRITER

TURNER VALLEY, Alta. — Doris Daley flips through the thinning and tattered pages of a heart-sized book, a treasured rhyming dictionary she keeps by the door so she can quickly grab it if there is a fire. This decades-old gift from her parents fertilized her natural gift as a storyteller, a talent that emerged when she was scrawling poems while riding the yellow school bus as a child. Raised on a ranch in the southern Alberta foothills near Granum, she had plenty of material to put into verse — the wild weather, the beckoning hills, the working horses and range cattle and the leather-tough people shaped by their surroundings. One of her first poems was about her brother winning the Alberta team roping championship. Daley, who now lives in Turner Valley, is an accomplished poet, earning a living by sharing her rhymes from the stage with audiences throughout North America. She recently became the first nonTexan to win the cowboy poetry gathering’s Texas Heritage Award. In 2009, the Western Music Association named her North America’s Best Female Cowboy Poet, with the Best Cowboy Poetry CD, Beneath A Western Sky. “I have so much to draw on and poetry is a universal language,” said Daley. She was never sure where her talent came from until recently when filmmaker Denise Calderwood, who is currently shooting a documentary about the poet, discovered the O’Daleighs of Ireland were the county bards. Daley’s great-grandfather was Irishman James Daly (later changed to Daley), a stowaway on a ship to Canada in the 1860s. He worked on an Ontario farm, and in 1875, rode West as a member of the Northwest Mounted Police. In 1883, he established a ranch north of Pincher Creek, now a historic homestead still in the Daley family. His life story was never accurately recorded, so Daley was left pondering the origins of her natural sense of rhyme. “When I found out, it was a goosebump moment. Isn’t that something that here I am, 150 years later, a poet,” she said. “We were the bards. Our job was to write rhymed and metered poems that exulted the chieftain.” In June, Daley travelled to Ireland with Calderwood and a cameraman to capture on film where it all

ABOVE: Poet Doris Daley travelled to Ireland to research her family history and perform with other poets. | DORIS DALEY PHOTO LEFT: Daley thumbs through a coffee-stained and tattered rhyming dictionary that her parents gave her when she was in Grade 4. | WENDY DUDLEY PHOTOS

BELOW: Known for her animated delivery of poems about the West, Daley shares her work at the Bar U Ranch historic site south of Longview, Alta.

began. She performed in pubs and at country fairs, embraced by fellow poets. “They love the spoken word, and they listened to every word as if each was a pearl,” she said. Ireland is where many cowboy

songs originated, such as the Streets of Laredo, which was originally the Irish ballad, Bard of Armaugh. “It’s in Doris’s DNA to be a spoken poet,” said Calderwood. “(The film is) about all of us who are curious about our origins. What’s in our past

can be inextricably linked to our destiny. So it is a personal and universal story.” Daley said it’s also a window into the culture of storytelling and how, despite social media with its shorthand texting, the literary art thrives at

cowboy poetry gatherings. “We still love stories, and I just happen to package my stories as poems,” she said. “In stories, we look for that moment of truth, because it’s part of the human condition.”





Wildlife views abundant in Jasper TALES FROM THE ROAD



he imposing bull elk runs to the top of the ridge, where it looks over a small herd of females grazing near the riverbank. With a magnificent set of multipoint antlers stretching a metre above its head, the bull is clearly showing off to the gals. It’s the annual fall rut, or breeding season, and if this bull wants to retain its position as head honcho of the harem, it has to impress the cows and be prepared to fend off rivals. But trouble is looming. It stares at a younger bull that is slowly but surely making its way toward the herd. Suddenly, the older bull charges, running full speed down the ridge to confront the intruder. They go head to head as antlers clash and rattle, and for a few moments they become so entangled that they have quite a time pulling apart. The battle rages until the young upstart is driven away. The old bull may not relax for long, however. A loud bugling sound echoes through the hills, a sure sign that another bull is announcing its presence and claiming its territory. We watch this drama unfold in front of us as we sit in our truck on a Yellowhead Highway viewpoint, just outside Jasper. This is why late September-early October is our favourite time to come to Jasper National Park. While we find elk in other places,

Jasper ranks among the top spots in North America to see the rut because so much action takes place close by. Another hot spot is Wapiti Campground, where you’re likely to be awakened by early morning bugling and sometimes can watch elk walk through your campsite. It’s best to keep your distance from bull elk at any time, especially during the rut when they could charge anything or anybody that gets too close. Watching elk is only one reason to visit Jasper at this time of year. The weather is usually still pleasant, and summertime crowds are gone. The forest around Jasper has large stands of deciduous trees, making it one of the top mountain parks for fall colours. We especially like the short drive to Patricia and Pyramid lakes where aspens lining the tranquil water turn deep gold in late September, with a backdrop of evergreens and the reddish-tinged peak of Pyramid Mountain. Early morning is prime time. A popular drive is the 50 kilometre route to Maligne Lake, combining exceptional scenery, a good chance of finding wildlife and trailheads leading to pleasant day hikes. A mustdo walk is along Maligne Canyon, where the Maligne River has sliced

through limestone and the churning water has carved wild contours and potholes. While the canyon is more than 50 metres deep, it’s as little as two metres wide in places. A series of foot bridges crosses the canyon, allowing visitors to make the walk as short or as long as they like. Though elk steal the fall wildlife show, other critters also abound. Bighorn sheep are fairly common, and there’s always the possibility of finding moose, bear, mountain goats, woodland caribou and marmot. An almost sure-fire place to find pika is at the Medicine Lake viewpoint about halfway along the Maligne Lake road. The jumble of rocks just down the stairs at the parking lot are a favoured hangout for these mammals, which are the smallest members of the rabbit family but resemble overgrown mice. Find them by listening for their high-pitched, piercing call. Parks Canada’s website has details on more drives, hikes and other activities. If you’re camping late in the season, check the website for campgrounds at www.pc.gc.ca. Arlene and Robin Karpan are well-travelled writers based in Saskatoon. Contact: travel@producer.com.

TOP: Fall colours border Pyramid Lake and Pyramid Mountain in Jasper National Park. CENTRE, ABOVE: A pika and hoary marmot greet visitors. LEFT: It’s breeding season, and two bull elk lock horns to claim their territory. | ARLENE & ROBIN KARPAN PHOTOS





Parents no longer happy SPEAKING OF LIFE



This fall, our parents will be celebrating their 30th anniversary but lately Mom and Dad have not been getting along. They fight frequently and complain about each other constantly. It was not always like this. Mom and Dad used to have a wonderful relationship. They worked hard to provide a loving home for the three of us and together they built a productive and profitable farm. What went wrong? What can we do to help our parents capture the love they used to openly share with each other?


You cannot do much to directly intervene and help your parents rebuild the relationship they seem to have lost. What is important for you and your siblings to remember is that what is going on between your parents is their problem, not yours. Chances are that one or both of your parents is going to start confiding in you and either complaining about the marriage or criticizing the other person. Don’t let them. Your parents need to work this thing out for themselves. If you get involved, the probability of your parents resolving this thing diminishes. When they approach you, remind them that you love both of them and suggest a competent marriage counsellor. Chances are pretty good that one or both of your parents is struggling with a mid-life crisis. For the first part of a person’s life, survival is the name of the game. The primary concerns are food, safety, shelter and love. Responsibilities are having an income, building a house, raising children and contributing to the well-being of the community. Those responsibilities wane over time. The children grow up and leave the home, the house is paid for and the need for excessive income diminishes. Enter the second part of a person’s life. For lack of a better term, this can be called spiritual time. The primary concerns are death and dying and the real meaning of life. This is the time in life when many people start to take their religious commitment more seriously. Responsibilities include personal reflection, meditation and coming to terms with the question of God. The transition from the first part of life to the second can be difficult. Sometimes feeling good about yourself is hard when your children no longer need you, when the house is paid for, the farm is established and younger people start moving into your regular community activities. An element of dissatisfaction is there, and if allowed to fester, can get in the way of otherwise loving and rewarding marriages. Perhaps that is what is happening. If so, your parents need you to sup-

port them. Whether or not their marriage will survive the mid-life transition is uncertain. But, as I said, that is their decision. Your job is to remind both of your parents that you have a wonderful collection of memories in your family legacy and that you have them to thank for many good times. Love and appreciate what your mom and dad have done for your family and respect their right to resolve their mid-life crisis in whatever way makes sense to them.

Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.

Rory and Brianne Wheat enjoy the water while moving heifers across Miner Lake in northeastern Alberta. Riders moved heifers and steers from the Tulliby Lake Stockmen’s Community Pasture to the Lea Park Sales Corrals, Aug. 31, where they were held until the Lea Park annual steer and heifer sale Sept. 9. | ROBYN WHEAT PHOTO


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Bring Mexico into your kitchen ABOVE: Make a taco bowl by spraying flour tortillas with oil and draping over a canning jar. Bake at 375 F (190 C) for 10 minutes. RIGHT: Front, clockwise: Layered taco salad, fresh garden salsa and ancho chicken tacos with avocado cream. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTOS


exican food and its versions north of the border are popular. Forget the fast food chains and grocery store mixes and make better food from scratch. The nutrition quotient will be higher and sodium and fat lower. Use less expensive cuts of meat or no meat at all and fresh or preserved tomatoes. Cook black beans in a pressure cooker or buy them in a can. The list of seasonings appears long but it’s mostly already in the kitchen. There is no substitute for cumin and you can use it in a lot of other recipes.

LAYERED TACO SALAD The dressing makes this salad, which serves six. I have ordered taco salad in a restaurant and it often arrives with only salsa and sour cream. Dressing 1/4 c. fresh lime juice 1/2 c. chopped fresh cilantro 1 tsp. sugar 1 tbsp. chili powder 1/4 tsp. ground cumin 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. black pepper 1/2 c. olive oil

60 mL 125 mL 5 mL 15 mL 2 mL 3 mL 2 mL 125 mL

Beef 1 medium onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 to 2 fresh Serrano chili peppers (including seeds), finely chopped 1 tbsp. chili powder 30 mL 2 tsp. ground cumin 10 mL 2 tbsp. olive oil 30 mL 1 1/2 lb. lean ground beef 700 g 8 oz. can tomato sauce 235 mL 1/2 tsp. salt 3 mL 1/4 tsp. black pepper 2 mL Salad 1 1 head 1 large 1 1/2 c.

firm ripe avocado iceberg lettuce, thinly sliced tomato, chopped coarsely grated 375 mL sharp cheddar 19 oz. can black beans, 560 mL drained and rinsed 6 oz. can sliced pitted black 175 mL olives, drained taco shell bowls

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Make taco shell bowls by lightly spraying large flour tortillas with kitchen oil. Drape over a large canning jar and bake at 375 F (190 C) for about 10 minutes. To make dressing: Whisk together lime juice, cilantro, sugar, chili powder, cumin, salt and pepper. Add oil in a stream, whisking until emulsified. To make beef: Cook onion, garlic and peppers to taste, chili powder and cumin in oil in a 12-inch (30 cm) heavy skillet over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, until onion is well softened, about six minutes. Add beef, stirring occasionally and breaking up lumps, until meat is no longer pink, about five minutes. Spoon off excess fat.


Serve with warm tortillas and top with shredded cabbage or romaine lettuce, Mexican tartar sauce and salsa.

1/2 c. 1-2 tbsp. 1/2 c. 1/2 c.


SARAH GALVIN, BSHEc Add tomato sauce, salt and pepper to beef and cook, stirring until slightly thickened, about three minutes. Remove from heat. Assemble salad: Peel and pit avocado, cut into 1/2-inch (3 cm) pieces. Spread lettuce over bottom of taco bowl. Spoon beef mixture evenly over lettuce and continue making layers with tomatoes, cheese, beans, avocado and olives. Drizzle dressing over salad. Garnish with sour cream and slice of avocado.

1/2 c. mayonnaise 125 mL 1/4 c. finely chopped dill 60 mL pickles 2 tbsp. finely chopped 30 mL pickled jalapenos 2 tbsp. finely chopped 30 mL red onions 1 tsp. Dijon mustard 5 mL fresh ground black pepper to taste Mix all and chill. Will keep up to a week in the refrigerator.

GARDEN FRESH SALSA 8 1/2 1 2 cloves

cilantro 125 mL fresh lime juice 15–30 mL corn, optional 125 mL black beans, 125 mL optional

Put everything except the corn and beans into food processor or blender. Process in two or three batches if everything doesn’t fit. Blend until desired consistency. Stir in corn and beans by hand. If you like it chunky, chop instead of using the food processor. For richer flavor, let salsa sit in the fridge for several hours or overnight. Kernel corn and cooked black beans can be added for variety and texture. Avocado chunks turn brown quickly. Only use them if it’s going to be eaten the same day. Makes about two pints (1 L). Sarah Galvin is a home economist, teacher and farmers’ market vendor at Swift Current, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. She writes a blog at allourfingersinthepie. blogspot.ca. Contact: team@producer.com.

roma tomatoes medium onion jalapeno pepper garlic


Add zing to tacos de pescado with Mexican tartar sauce.

ANCHO CHICKEN TACOS WITH AVOCADO CREAM 1 lb. skinless, boneless 500 g chicken breasts cut into 1/4-inch strips 3/4 tsp. ancho chili powder 4 mL 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 3 mL 1 tsp. sea salt 5 mL 1/4 tsp. ground cumin 2 mL cooking spray 1/8 tsp. grated lime rind 1 mL 2 tbsp. fresh lime juice, 30 mL divided 1/4 c. thick yogurt 60 mL 1/2 ripe peeled avocado, diced 2 c. thinly sliced 500 mL iceberg lettuce 1/2 c. thinly sliced green 125 mL onions 1/4 c. chopped fresh 60 mL cilantro 1 tbsp. canola oil 15 mL 1/4 tsp. salt 2 mL tortilla chips Heat large skillet over high heat. Sprinkle chicken evenly with chili powder, garlic salt and cumin. Coat pan with cooking spray. Add chicken to pan, cook four minutes, stirring frequently. Remove chicken from pan. Combine rind, one tablespoon juice, yogurt and avocado in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth. Combine remaining tablespoon lime juice, lettuce, onions, cilantro, oil and salt, tossing to coat. Serve in a bowl, topping lettuce with chicken. Garnish with avocado cream and soft taco.

Join us for the 2013 Agriculture for Life

Harvest Gala SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2013 Northlands, Edmonton, 6 pm to 11 pm

TACOS DE PESCADO These fish tacos are adapted from Tacos, Tortas and Tamales by Roberto Santibanez. The tartar sauce is so good, I can eat it with a spoon. 1 large egg 1 c. panko 250 mL breadcrumbs 3/4 tsp. sea salt 4 mL 1/2 tsp. freshly ground 3 mL black pepper 1/2 tsp. dried Mexican 3 mL oregano 1 lb. pickerel 500 g oil for deep frying Mix egg, salt, pepper and oregano in small bowl. Place panko in another small bowl. Cut the fish into small pieces and add to the egg mixture. Using a heavy pot, add three inches of oil. Heat to 375 F (190 C) and use a thermometer to help maintain the correct temperature. With tongs, remove fish one piece at a time and let excess egg mixture drain off and roll firmly in panko. Add two at a time to the hot oil and fry until golden brown on the outside. Remove and drain on paper towels.

The Agriculture for Life Harvest Gala offers a unique opportunity to celebrate Alberta’s agricultural roots. Experience a fusion of urban and rural style and design; the scrumptious tastes of locally produced foods, the sights and sounds of Alberta artists, a silent auction and a chance to connect with friends in the community market. Tickets are available online (www.agricultureforlife.ca) or by calling Toll Free 1-888-931-2951. AG FOR LIFE FOUNDING MEMBERS:

Agrium Inc. ATB Financial

ATCO Group Penn West Exploration

Rocky Mountain Equipment TransCanada Corporation

UFA Co-operative Ltd.



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ABOVE: Evan attends his pastureraised chickens on his farm near Altona, Man. LEFT: Hope enjoys hiding in the corn patch.

Evan and Katie Erlandson describe how they farm to a customer at a Winnipeg farmers market. |



Young couple focuses on niche markets Small farmers sell products from their pasture-raised chickens, grass-fed beef and heritage breed pigs at farmers markets BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

ALTONA, Man. — Evan and Katie Erlandson backed into farming from unlikely directions, but they revel in the agricultural life. “I love how family-oriented it is,” said Katie, a Wisconsin woman who married local boy Evan eight years ago and is now pregnant with their fourth child. “The kids can be out there with him. We’re such a team. We all have the same goal and when you believe in what you do, the product you provide, all the work seems easy.” Evan spends most of the day attending the family’s chickens, pigs and cattle as well as managing the small farm’s pasture, something that delights him after years of office work. “It’s a lot of physical labour, but I’m not complaining. It feels so much better,” said Evan as he cleaned up after slaughtering chickens.

“With my former jobs, I hadn’t worked with my hands all day. Every month, I weighed more than I weighed the month before.” Evan and Katie have bridged the urban and rural worlds and negotiated the space between large commodity agriculture and small-scale, high labour niche production. Evan knows the hard-nosed, high capital commercial grain world and still has many friends involved with it, but for him to farm, he was forced to go the other way, albeit willingly. “I didn’t want the chance to conquer the world with a 20,000 acre grain farm …,” said Evan, as he got ready to check on his pasture raised chickens. Eva n g re w u p h e l p i n g o n h i s grandfather’s small, mixed farm but never saw himself becoming a farmer because the farm only had 240 acres. Instead of trying to get into farming, he went to the University of Manitoba and earned an

agriculture diploma and discovered he loved economics and marketing. He went back to Altona in 2003 after graduating and worked for the Altona Bunge canola plant for five years before joining FarmLink Marketing in 2008. At FarmLink, he worked first as a marketing adviser for sophisticated, large acreage grain farmers and then became a broker. But he began feeling dissatisfied with office and business life and told his bosses in late summer 2011 that he might leave to start farming. Evan had read small farming guru Joel Salatin’s hallmark book, had visited his farm and embraced the vision. He’d also crunched the numbers and decided it wasn’t a flaky, la-la land idea but a sustainable and likely profitable business. So the couple went for it and Evan left his job behind and began living off the money the family could make from its chickens, open-air heritage

breed pigs and grass-fed beef. Katie admitted throwing out security for a vision that might not become reality was a little unsettling, but she was keen to do it. “It’s scary but when you have faith, you can live on a prayer. The Lord provides,” she said as she stood behind a cooler of the family’s frozen meats at a Winnipeg farmers market. “We’ve always had food and the electricity hasn’t been turned off.” Katie and Evan sell their products from the farm and at farmers markets. They have only small numbers of livestock but are able to make a living by keeping their production costs low, doing the chicken slaughtering themselves, storing their own products and doing the hands-on marketing. Evan estimates their meat costs about 20 percent more than commodity meat at the grocery store, but they have a strong and loyal customer base in people who want flavourful, local meat from farmers they

have met and trust. And that isn’t necessarily a customer base that despises large-scale agriculture, since all of Evan’s commercial grain clients from FarmLink have become customers of his farm now. “The first people who supported us were my contacts and clients,” said Evan. “It was humbling. They supported me right away and continue to do so.” Evan learned a lot about how to set up and organize a new venture from FarmLink. His experience and education also told him it could work. Now it all seems natural and the family of four spends most of its time together around the farmyard. While Evan slaughtered chickens, Hope, 5, and Jakob, 6, played in the farm’s corn. “It’s worth more than gold to me,” she said.“They go out and play (as Evan works) and they don’t even realize they’re learning to work.”


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NEWS AG NOTES ROYAL HOLDS POSTER CONTEST The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is holding a poster contest to mark its 92nd year. Entrants are asked to design an official poster reflecting the Royal’s theme: farm, fresh, fun. The official poster is a long-standing tradition dating back to the first Royal winter fair in 1922. The winning poster will serve as cover art for the Royal’s commemorative brochure and be available for sale during the fair. The grand prize includes $2,000, four general admission tickets, and a display at the Royal art gallery. Ten runners up will also be awarded two general admission tickets and a display at the gallery. Digital format submissions must be sent by Sept. 29 at royalpostercompetition.org. The fair runs from Nov. 1-10 at Exhibition Place in Toronto. For more information, visit royalfair.org.

Manitoba establish a producer premise ID program. Information was also collected for so Manitoba Agriculture could assign PPID numbers to premises that had livestock. Another reason was to use the information to create programs to assist producers and lobby government on their behalf. Contact information was collected, as well as location data, legal land descriptions, mailing addresses and phone numbers. Information was also collected regarding things like manure storage, feed storage on site, whether or not feed mills were present and heating systems for barns. With the exception of questions pertaining to premise registration, most data is to be used only by the Manitoba Pork Council and only aggregate data will be released to the public.



A young bull moose surveys the countryside from a barley field north of Castor, Alta. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO

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BOOSTING CROP PRODUCTIVITY The federal government is investing $242,000 to purchase a research row crop seeder and row crop combine. The specialized equipment will be used to seed and harvest soybean and corn research test fields. The funds are expected to help Manitoba Pulse growers, in association with the Manitoba Corn Growers, with research into crop productivity and yields. The funds were delivered through the Western Diversification Program. MANITOBA PORK COUNCIL SURVEY Manitoba Pork Council has reported that almost 100 percent of Manitoba’s pork producers have completed a detailed multi-purpose survey. Surveys were sent out to help

COMING EVENTS Sept. 14-15: Melville Fair and CCA youth rodeo, Melville, Sask. (Melville Agri-Park, 306-728-5277, agripark@ sasktel.net) Sept. 28-29: Manitoba Plowing Match, Carberry, Man. (Barb Boundy, 204534-6451, mb.plowing@hotmail.ca) Oct. 4-5: Unity and district trade show, Unity, Sask. (Irene, 306-228-3702) Sept. 29: Salt Spring Island Apple Festival, Salt Spring Island, B.C. (Harry Burton, 250-653-2007, harry@appleluscious.com, www. saltspringapplefestival.org) Oct. 13: Al Oeming’s Thanksgiving classic auction, Polar Park, Edmonton (Al Oeming, 780-922-3013, questions@aloemingauctions.com, www.aloemingauctions.com) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.

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Pests gain on GM corn?


(Reuters) — Researchers in Illinois are finding significant damage from rootworms in farm fields planted in a rotation with a genetically modified corn that is supposed to protect the crop from the pests, according to a new report. Evidence gathered from fields in two Illinois counties suggests that pest problems are mounting as rootworms grow more resistant to control efforts, including crop rotation combined with use of the biotech corn, according to the report issued by Michael Gray, a professor of crop sciences at the University of Illinois. In the Aug. 27 report, crop damage was found in fields where GM corn

had been planted in a rotation following soybeans, a practice that typically helps beat back the rootworm problems because western corn rootworm adults typically lay eggs in cornfields and not in soybean fields. But a large number of adult western corn rootworms were collected in both the damaged corn fields and from adjacent soybean fields, Gray said. Monsanto introduced genetically modified corn designed to protect from the rootworms in 2003. The corn contains a protein referred to as Cry3Bb1. Last year, a group of academic corn experts warned the Environmental Protection Agency that they were worried about long-term corn production prospects because of growing rootworm resistance to the genetic modifications in corn.


Argentina needs rain BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) — Argentina’s recently planted wheat fields need more rains to ensure good yields, observers said. “If we don’t get rains in the next two to three weeks we will start worrying about yields,” said David Hughes, who manages 17,000 acres of farmland in northern Buenos Aires province. He said recent frosts in Argentina have so far not posed a threat to crops, but dryness is becoming a worry. The South American grains powerhouse is a global wheat exporter with most of its shipments going to neighbouring Brazil, where import


176 million tonnes demand is growing after its own wheat crop has been hurt by frosts. Argentina’s 2013-14 wheat harvest is expected to total 12 million tonnes, up from 10 million tonnes in the 2012-13 crop year.


Wheat estimates raised LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — The International Grains Council recently raised its forecast for 201314 global wheat production by four million tonnes to 691 million, reflecting upward revisions to crops in Canada, the European Union, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The global wheat crop is now expected to be almost six percent above the previous season’s 654 million tonnes. Global carryover stocks at the end of 2013-14 are expected to rise a modest two million tonnes on the year to 176 million, as a jump in China’s import needs is expected to absorb some of the production increase. MARKETS

Ukraine sees record harvest KIEV, Ukraine (Reuters) — Ukraine’s agriculture ministry raised its forecast for this year’s grain harvest to an all-time high of 57.9 million. The new forecast was significantly higher than the previous record of 56.7 million achieved in 2011 and was up from the earlier estimate on Aug. 1 of 57.1 million tonnes.

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CHICAGO (Reuters) — Activist hedge fund Starboard Value LP said it is working with investors interested in paying “substantially” more for Smithfield Foods Inc. than the price China’s Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd. had agreed to. Starboard, a New York-based fund that holds a 5.7 percent stake in Smithfield, said in a letter to the company’s shareholders on Sept. 3 that it had received “nonbinding written indications of interest” from other parties willing to pay more than the $34 per share cash deal proposed by Shuanghui. While the counter-proposal was not completed, the hedge fund said it planned to vote against the Smithfield-Shuanghui merger to buy more time to get such a bid finalized. Smithfield, the world’s largest pork producer, has scheduled a special shareholder meeting on Sept. 24 to vote on the proposed acquisition by Shuanghui. The deal, struck in May and valued then at about $7.1 billion including debt, would be the biggest takeover of a U.S. company by a Chinese one.





SASKATCHEWAN Warm weather has assisted harvest operations in Saskatchewan with growers across the province combining and swathing. Combining operations are slightly behind the five-year average for this time of year. Growers in southwestern Saskatchewan are furthest along. Across the province, combining of pea, lentil and winter wheat crops is most progressed. Above-average yields are reported in crops that have been harvested. SOUTH Warm weather has assisted crop development and harvest operations. In the southwest, most peas have been combined and growers are working on spring cereal and canola fields. Reports are of aboveaverage yields. Topsoil moisture is largely adequate, although some fields in the southeast are short. There are reports of large grasshopper populations, but damage is minimal. Some producers are seeding winter wheat. CENTRAL Producers are swathing canola fields, and some growers are starting to combine wheat, although more time is required for cops to reach maturity. Yields are above-average in western regions, although there are dry conditions on cropland and pastures across central Saskatchewan. Bertha armyworm damage is reported in eastern regions, as well as hail damage in the Wynyard, Rose Valley, Holdfast and Craik areas. NORTH Harvest is underway, although the region has received rain, and warm weather will be needed for much of September to get the crop off. Hail has damaged crops in the Nipawin, Duck Lake and Turtleford areas. There are reports of bertha armyworms damaging fields in some parts of the region.

MANITOBA Harvest continues, although some canola and cereal crops were damaged by rain and hail over the Labour Day long weekend. Winter wheat harvest is nearing completion and seeding has started. SOUTHWEST Crops have matured with help from above average temperatures, although isolated thunderstorms have caused damage. Early reports are for above average yields in barley and spring wheat crops. Winter cereal yields and quality are average, and winter wheat seeding is underway in the southern parts of the region. Growers in the most southern parts of the region are furthest along with the canola harvest. NORTHWEST The region has received above

normal temperatures as well as rain. Harvest is underway with yields of 35 bushels an acre expected for spring wheat, 100 bu. an acre for oats and 35 to 50 bu. an acre for canola. Soybean fields are rated fair to excellent, although conditions vary in the Dauphin and Fork River areas, while soybean crops in the Grandview and Gilbert Plains area are further behind in development. Sclerotinia is evident in canola fields. There are issues with ergot in cereal crops in the Roblin area. Hay yields are average with above average quality. CENTRAL The region saw rain over the Labour Day long weekend, which delayed harvest. Altona, Treherne, Notre Dame, St. Claude, Haywood and Winkler reported hail and strong winds. Yields on spring wheat vary from 50 to 80 bu. an acre. Oat yields range from 90 to 160 bu. an acre and barley from 90 to 110. Shattering is reported in some canola swaths, which were also spread across fields by winds during storms. Yields on crops vary from 40 to 60 bu. an acre. Corn and soybean fields require more time to reach maturity. EASTERN The winter wheat harvest is complete, and some growers are close to finishing spring cereals and canola. Winter wheat yields are 70 to 80 bu. an acre, spring wheat is 45 to 60 bu. an acre and barley is 85 bu. an acre. Oat yields range from 100 to 125 bu. an acre while canola is averaging 40 bu. per acre. INTERLAKE Harvest continues after canola swaths were damaged by hail and strong winds at the end of August. Yields are better than expected in areas not affected by excess moisture.

ALBERTA Crop conditions are positive, and there is the expectation of aboveaverage yields, despite the presence of sclerotinia and blackleg. SOUTH Harvest is furthest along in southern Alberta with good quality crops reported. The winter wheat harvest was underway at the end of August along with special crops such as dry beans and potatoes. Soil moisture has been an issue in the region and a concern for winter wheat growers. The region has continued to see dry weather in early September. CENTRAL Growers in east-central Alberta started harvest operations ahead of others in the region. Peas and barley in the Stettler area are being harvested with good yields. Soil moisture conditions are dry in some areas. The region has continued to see dry and warm weather as harvest operations pick up.

A mule deer looks alert in a barley field near the Cargill grain handling facility at Blackie, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO NORTH Crop development in northeastern Alberta is behind normal this year because of cool conditions over the growing season. The region has continued to see varying amounts of rain in late

August and early September, slowing harvest work. In the northwest, crop development and harvest operations have also been delayed. There, harvest work started with canola swathing. Both Drayton and Athabasca received rainfalls of at least 20 millimeters in late August.

PEACE RIVER Field peas were among the first crops to be combined. Canola development varies, but swathing is underway. Soil moisture ratings in the region are positive, and the potential is for above-average yields.



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Energy company a infuriate Alberta r Health problems cited | Some farmers in the Peace River area say the smell is overwhelming BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU

Audrey and Richard Langer moved away from the family homestead near Three Creeks, Alta., after years of headaches and breathing problems they blame on oil company operations. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS

PEACE RIVER, Alta. — Richard and Audrey Langer gave up their fight with nearby energy companies this spring and moved off the farm.

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After years of complaining about the odours from nearby oil operations, the couple moved 75 kilometres west where they said the air didn’t smell so foul. Langer’s father homesteaded the farm in 1929. “I had no choice. We had to move,” said Richard, who blames their headaches, dizziness and lung problems on the smells and chemicals he said roll in with the wind from nearby energy operations. Another hit landed this spring when Shell Canada gained regulatory approval for two new processing facilities. “We’ve given up hope. Two years ago they said it would be better. There is such a great expansion. They can’t seal all the leaks,” said Richard, who worries his family has been branded troublemakers because of their opposition to the heavy oil facilities. The problems began when one of the largest heavy oil fields in the province was discovered just east of their Three Creeks area farm. Unlike other oil processes, heavy oil is extracted using a giant auger and put into tanks. Once in the tanks, the bitumen is heated to 70 to 80 C to allow it to be trucked or piped to nearby processing facilities. It’s that heating process that Carmen Langer, Richard and Audrey’s son, said is the problem. Some of the gases and chemicals escape during the heating process and drop to the ground during cold winter nights. They roll through the valley and seep into the house, clinging to the furniture, carpets and bedding, they say. “Midnight to 8 a.m. is the worst. It’s like you’re standing in a paving crew,” said Langer, who moves out of the house on the days that the odours move in. About an hour south at Reno, Alain Labrecque is back at the farm harvesting timothy hay, but last spring the family sold eight of its nine quarters and moved to Smithers, B.C., to get away from the smell. “We’re at ground zero,” said Labrecque, who estimates there are 125 wells within a 10 km radius of the house. Labrecque’s trouble began in 2008 when the first wells were drilled south of Nampa. “The bush around the house holds the smells like a broom. There’s no way it’s going to get better,” said Labrecque, whose family walked away from their house and all its contents in 2010. Wedding photos, clothes, toys, furniture and children’s artwork are exactly where they were when the Labrecques left, he said. “I’ve just got to let go,” said Labrecque, who has seeded his first crop in northern British Columbia. “We’re not complainers. We’re farmers, not acreage owners,” said Labrecque, whose grandfather homesteaded in the area.



ctivities esidents Midnight to 8 a.m. is the worst. It’s like you’re standing in a paving crew. RICHARD LANGER ALBERTA FARMER

Alain Labrecque returns to farm near Reno, Alta., but moved his family to Smithers, B.C., leaving behind a house full of furniture, clothing and photos because of the chemicals permeating all their belongings. Some of his relatives in the area have also left. “I tried to do my best here to stay. You can’t dwell on this forever. If Alberta wants it, they can have it.” While the Langer family has sold their cattle and some of their land, Carman said he is not yet prepared to leave the farm. Instead, he said his mission has become to report every infraction the energy companies make and hassle them into becoming better neighbours. “I’m not against the oil industry, we all use oil. I want them to do it responsibly,” said Langer, who once worked in the oil industry. Every night, or early in the morning, he said he makes the rounds through the maze of roads connecting the oil storage tanks, noting any flares or venting of gases. When he returns home, he phones in his findings to the province’s Alberta Energy Regulator, which is legally bound to investigate any concerns because of the Three Creeks Protocol, a local agreement. The regulator in turn sends the operator to check all problems. Langer wants the provincial government to ensure the vapour collection systems on the tanks are working. “Shell’s vapour collection system works well about 75 percent of the time,” said Langer, who saves most of his vitriol for Baytex Energy, which he believes is the worst offender. “Before we started doing our work, they were blowing it up the atmosphere,” said Langer, who works with a group of neighbours to raise awareness of the problems. Marty Proctor, chief operating officer with Baytex, said the company has improved its collection of gas during the heating process in the Three Creeks and Reno areas. “No components have exceeded the Alberta objective,” Proctor said from the Denver head office. The company just completed an air quality study in the Reno area, where the Labrecques used to live, with three companies doing air sampling. “None of the readings have exceeded heat based guidelines in Alberta,” said Proctor. “I’m satisfied we’re not harming the community.” Proctor said not all community members oppose the development or complain about the smells. “There are some residents expressing concern. Others are generally indifferent or supportive of us.” Maciej Ilowiecki, who lives beside the Three Creeks facilities, blames the government for not setting strict regulations for how industry can work. “Regulation is the key. You have to have a stick.”


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Gov’t vows to fix budget error in credit union tax rate Mistake acknowledged | Tax increase would have raised the rate to 15 percent from 11 but error meant a 28 percent hike BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU

Canada’s credit union sector knew it was facing a significant tax increase after the 2013 federal budget announced a 40-year-old tax break would be eliminated as credit unions become bigger. But a drafting error in budget implementation regulations published in late June actually set the stage for a tax hike more than three times higher than the government projected by 2015. It would have cost credit unions

hundreds of millions of dollars in extra taxes over five years. An analysis by the accounting firm Deloitte and others in late August revealed the error in hundreds of pages of budget documents and the potential consequences. Opposition finance critic Peggy Nash quickly called a news conference last week to denounce it as a “hidden tax increase” and to demand the government reverse it and explain the error. “ The finance minister has to acknowledge this is a mistake and he needs to tell Canadians how he will

fix it,” Nash, a Toronto NDP MP, told a Parliament Hill news conference. In fact, finance department officials already had acknowledged the error and privately promised credit union officials that it would be fixed when a second budget bill is introduced to Parliament when a new session begins in October. “They have acknowledged that it is a mistake that will be fixed so it has no real relevance for us,” Credit Union Central of Canada financial policy vice-president Gary Rogers said in an Aug. 29 interview from Toronto. “We accept it was a mistake and while it

has taken effect, it will be fixed retroactively.” However, he said the error in a long and complicated budget bill gives the credit union sector another chance to argue that the tax increases announced in the last budget — even the lower level increase — is wrongheaded and should be revised. “This does give us a chance, after a cooling off period, to go back to them to renew our arguments about why this is a bad decision,” said Rogers. “So the silver lining is that it opens the issue of credit union tax rates again.” Finance minister Jim Flaherty

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announced in his spring budget that a longstanding credit union tax break would be phased out for credit unions too big to qualify for the lower small business tax rate. It would increase the tax rate from 11 percent to 15 percent over four years. The regulation error actually would have increased the tax rate on larger credit unions to a maximum of 28 percent. Under the budget rule that stays in place, the tax break will begin to erode when a credit union accumulates $10 million in capital and will be phased out when capital accumulation hits $15 million.


Funding to help promote prairie products abroad SASKATOON NEWSROOM

New funding will help send western Canadian companies and their products abroad. On Sept. 3, officials revealed the details of a partnership that will provide more than $1 million to the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership to co-ordinate trade missions and trade show appearances. Funds are provided through Western Economic Diversification Canada. “We are big believers in being in the marketplace and knocking on doors and introducing ourselves and then finding out about culture and custom to make sure we understand how this process works,” said STEP president Lionel LaBelle. Over the next two years, the initiative will send companies from the four western provinces to events in Asia, Europe, South America and the United States geared toward specific sectors, including several for agriculture, machinery and agri-food. LaBelle used Saskatchewan yellow pea exports as a success story from previous missions, which started with one company in China 15 years ago. “Bit by bit, we just kept working that market and it has now blossomed to just a record business model for us,” said LaBelle. “Today, Chinese vermicelli noodles come from Saskatchewan yellow peas.”




Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada, Inc. licensee. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.

“Of course the Smiths have more money than we do. His wife works.”




The Mongol Derby recreates the ancient horseback postal system used by Genghis Khan in the steppe region. This year, for the first time in history, a woman won the race. | LYNN HAMILTON PHOTOS MONGOLIAN TREK | FUNDRAISER

Alta. rider tackles the Mongol Derby Challenge of a lifetime | Determined mother copes with dehydration as she crosses the finish line BY WENDY DUDLEY FREELANCE WRITER

Chafed legs made riding agony. Half-wild ponies bolted and ran off, not to be found for several days. There were funnel clouds, flash floods and food poisoning. Wild dogs nipped at the hocks of the horses, launching them into furious gallops. The list of uglies is almost as long as the Mongol Derby, which was held in August across the rugged and merciless Mongolian steppe. Edmonton businessperson Lynn Hamilton was one of 30 riders from around the world to tackle the grueling 1,000 kilometre derby, the world’s longest and toughest horse race. Only 18 would finish. For a recreational rider like Hamilton, the derby demanded guts with little glory. The 10-day journey was as much a mental challenge as a physical one. An annual event, the race is a recreation of the messenger system used by Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century. Riding a fenceless and foreign terrain would be tough enough on a sound horse, but Hamilton said most of the Mongolian horses used in the race were half-wild. “They live in herds and travel for

miles and miles. They’re raised for meat and aren’t penned up.” The horses are rarely ridden, and many of them bucked off their riders or bolted in a straight-out gallop “Even with bridling or saddling, they’d be rearing up,” said Hamilton. “It took a lot of courage just to get on.” One horse spooked sideways at a white rock, leaving Hamilton on the ground as it galloped back to the station from where they had started. Hamilton returned on foot. “I had expected the terrain to be more flat, but there could be three mountain ranges before the next station, so if you weren’t in the right valley, you could get painfully lost,” she said. “You really had to know how to navigate with a GPS, and then crossreference with a map.” The competitors rode 40 kilometres between stations, where horses were switched. Veterinarians handed out time penalties if a horse’s heart rate was too high. Days were often 10 to 12 hours long, covering 120 km. Nights were spent in huts with nomadic Mongolian families. Hamilton said it wasn’t just the hard landings that left riders with bumps and bruises. “The endurance saddles were

Lynn Hamilton rode the arduous Mongol Derby as a way to raise research funds for juvenile diabetes. Two of her children have the disease. Here, she stands against the grassy and mountainous terrain of the Mongolian steppe, where the 10-day race took place. excruciating. They were rigid and banged against your legs. You were pushed up against the pommel. We all had chafing on the inside of our legs.” Riders could bring their own stirrup leathers but not their own saddles. The bridles, also provided by the Mongolians, were made of string with a rusty piece of wire as a bit. The reins were jute. Packs were restricted to five kilograms, which Hamilton said allowed for a change of jodhpurs, a sleeping bag and liner, a down vest and sunscreen. Each rider had a panic button. After turning in an impressive first leg, in which she was in first place, Hamilton ran into navigation woes, putting her far behind the pack. Riders received a two-hour penalty if they rode in the dark. “Once you’re near the back, you just couldn’t get ahead because you got


the last pick of the horses.” She teamed up with another rider and they slogged through a marsh, only to later fight off wild dogs. It was about then that Hamilton realized compassion for fellow riders was more important than competition. “We became Team No Rider Left Behind,” she said. She helped accompany one rider who was epileptic and refused to leave another female rider who was in tears after sexual advances from a local Mongolian. “That changed the whole race for me,” she said. “I could never leave another competitor alone in the dust.” The last straw came when a horrendous rainstorm, which blew in with a funnel cloud, left the riders stranded. The flash flood turned a metre-wide stream into a raging torrent they couldn’t cross. By now Hamilton was

so far behind that the organizers declared her race over. She would have to be driven to a station closer to the finish line, resulting in disqualification. However, Hamilton wasn’t about to pack it in, after training at home for almost a year. She had participated in an endurance ride in Arizona and practised riding her daughter’s pony to get used to the smaller Mongolian mounts. “They were going to have to physically pull me off this course,” she said. “I had worked too hard to get there. For me, that wasn’t the end.” After receiving intravenous fluids to combat dehydration from food poisoning, Hamilton saddled up and rode until she crossed the finish line. However there was no celebration. She was alone, with not a person in sight. “I found out my spot tracker hadn’t been working for three days. No one knew I was out there. They thought I’d left the race. So I could still be out there on the steppe and who would know?” Hamilton may have been defeated by the hardships, but she was successful in raising $12,000 for research into juvenile diabetes. Two of her children have the disease. This year’s derby made history, in that for the first time ever a woman won the race. Lara Prior-Palmer of Britain, only 19, is also the youngest rider to ever win. Would Hamilton take another shot at riding the Mongol Derby? “If I was 20 years younger, I’d do it again, but being a mom of five and being 50, our version of safety is different.” Returning to pleasure riding and jumping on her own horses is far more relaxing than wrestling with wild-eyed Mongolian ponies, she said with a laugh. “I don’t need craziness in my life.”


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Producer classified ads help boy get hitched on career BY BRENT TANNAS CREMONA, ALTA.



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y 15-year-old son got hitched through the classified ads in The Western Producer. To tell the whole story, I must start at the beginning. My son and I took the draft horse driving course at the Olds College, in Olds, Alta., and he was hooked immediately. After the first evening of the course, the instructor came to me and said my son was extremely talented and he would like him to join him on the road as his junior driver. I said it could not interfere with his schooling, but I was the wrong person to ask. He proceeded to ask my son Kelby and the rest is history. Kelby went on to drive in the Denver stock show later that year and took first place in an adult team competition against 15 other competitors. That summer, he showed draft horses in Olds, Calgary and a few other shows around Alberta. He was hooked, but he wanted to have his own team and that’s where The Producer came in. We had been receiving The Producer after a friend was done with his copy. In the classified ads we found the first of his Percheron horses. It was a long drive to Saskatchewan to pick up Blue and Belle, his first hitch team. Blue and Belle are definitely show horses but they have also enriched his life on the farm. They have done a lot of different chores around the farm, from hay rack to parade dress on July 1. The draft horse bug spread in our family to Kelby’s sister and myself, with an interest from my wife as well. She has a great respect for their size and would prefer to stay at arm’s length. Kelby went on to purchase a pregnant mare from the instructor of the course, who he continued to work for at many shows throughout Canada and the U.S. His pregnant mare, Cookie, gave birth one day after school after it had arrived at Brian and Colleen Coleman’s (the instructor’s) place. Kelby had received a call from a foal alert that was stitched into the mare. A bouncing baby girl was born to Kelby, which was named Lacey. The start of his second 4-H project began, Cookie being the previous year’s project. As a result of the birth, Cookie could not go to 4-H on Parade, which was scheduled for the week after she foaled. The 4-H club let Kelby substitute a new horse. He went on to compete with his sister, the filly Oprah. Moving ahead in time, Kelby showed and drove for several big breeders around the U.S. and Canada. He showed for Bill Prins from Fort Saskatchewan and Curt Wilder from Linden, Washington, and for Jackson Fork Ranch out of Bondurant, Wyoming. The experience has made him an amazing young man who aspires to

Western Producer readers have moulded the farms, villages, towns and cities throughout the West into the rich, vibrant communities we see today. We’ve enjoyed being there alongside for the past 90 years. As part of 90th anniversary celebrations, our Tell Us Your Story project invites readers to share their memories and connections.

Kelby Tannas caught the draft horse bug and through The Western Producer classified ads, found his first hitch team, Belle and Blue. He continued to show and drive draft horses and is seen here at the Lynden State fair in northwestern Washington. | BRENT TANNAS PHOTO become a veterinarian. He is in his third year of college taking pre vet classes. This year he has gone on the show circuit with his own banner. He was at the Olds Draft Horse Classic and did quite well with the horse he brought. He went on to Calgary Stampede and helped with a gentleman from California. He is booked to take a horse to the Vermilion, Alta., draft show and compete in several classes. Kelby has a way with these horses, and he has broke them to drive as well as ride. He teaches them more than most people do. Lacey can bow, she can be led anywhere by placing your hand on her chin and backs up by tugging on her tail.

Kelby has a great respect for the word “whoa” and it is not used lightly. When he says “whoa” he expects a stop and freeze. This is a must if something happens and the horse must be held still. Kelby has certainly been changed by one little ad in the classified section of your paper. He definitely got hitched through your paper. He and our family will be forever changed by the experience.

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1952 PIPER PA 20 Pacer 0290D2, 135 HP, 1200 SMOH, prop 600 since new, updated panel KY97 com, 4 pl. intercom, 800-6 mains, Scott 3200tw, droop tips, vg’s, good paint and fabric, always hangared, $33,000 OBO or trade to 1964 or newer C180. Call Eric 403-534-2451, cell 403-485-8808, Arrowwood, AB.

DANCE PARTY AT “The Hat”, Saturday, Sept. 28th, 3-11 PM. Bands: Phoenix and The Hamps, Manhattan Ballroom, Hwy 5, East of Saskatoon. $20/$23. For tickets call: 306-242-7373, 306-244-4143. Fundraiser for The Friends of the Saskatoon 1991 RANS S-10 Sakota, midwing two Public Library, Saskatoon, SK. place aerobatic taildragger, 304 TTAF, 583 M A P L E C R E E K C O W B OY P o e t r y Rotax, 90 HP, 110 MPH, inverted capaGathering and Western Art and Gear bility, affordable aerobatics, $24,000 OBO. Show, Sept. 20-22, 2013, Maple Creek, SK. Call 306-625-3922, Ponteix, SK. Advanced weekend passes until August 31, 2013, $55, after that $65. For info Jasper LYCOMING 0-320, 150/160 HP, excellent condition, 2200 hours. 403-327-4582, Centre 306-662-2434. 403-308-0062, Lethbridge, AB. SWIFT CURRENT AG & Ex Ranchman’s Ridin’ & Recitin’ Exotic Bird and Animal Sale, TWO, LYCOMING TIO-540-A2B engines, Saturday, Sept. 28, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM, firewall forward except flywheel and brush Kinetic Exhibition Park Barn 4, Swift Cur- block, 2429 and 1714 SMOH, good logs, r e n t , S K , w w w. s w i f t c u r r e n t e x . c o m $9,500 and $12,500. Extensive work done on lower time engine. Call 519-866-5959 306-773-2944. or visit www.skyview-enterprises.ca

1970 PA39 TWIN Comanche turbo, CR, 4615 TT, King equipment, many modifications and new parts, recent paint and interior. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. E.A.A. FLY-IN BARBECUE, Sunday, Sept. 15th at CDS2, Disley, 1200 hrs to 1500 hrs. Contact Vic 306-731-2249 or Ron 306-751-1064, Disley, SK.

HARTZELL HC-E3YR-2ATF PROPELLER, 251 SOH, overhauled April 2007 by Canadian Propeller, $6500. Call 519-866-5959 1971 CESSNA 150L, 3769 TTSN, 1864 or visit www.skyview-enterprises.ca SMOH, new C of A, Reg. #GNJW, $20,000 OBO. Ph. 306-435-2090, 306-435-7384, TRADE FOR PLANE: 2012 Sierra SLT HD Moosomin, SK. 2500, 4x4 crew, DuraMax , Allison auto, ultimate GFX package, only 5000 kms, c/w AIRPLANE HANGAR, located at CYXE extended warranty. Looking for good cross Saskatoon, SK. 1470 sq. ft. (42x35’), con- country plane, 2-4 seating, good STOL crete floor, Diamond aviation bi-fold door, characteristics, prefer tail dragger, will $90,000 plus GST. For details and pics trade up or down. Call Ron 306-536-4200, call/text: 306-717-0709. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calvRegina, SK. ing/foaling barn cameras, video surveilLYCOMING 0-290-D, 135 HP, 1100 1976 MOONEY 20F Executive, TT 2064, lance, rear view cameras for RVs, trucks, SMOH, FWF c/w mount and exhaust, exc. TTE 107, 2-axis autopilot, NDH, speed combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. cond. Lethbridge, AB., 403-327-4582, mods., sporty, $70,500. 403-391-1780, Mounted on magnet. Free shipping. Call Red Deer, AB. rogersurkan@telus.net 403-308-0062. 403-616-6610, Calgary, AB.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents an Antique Tractor and Vehicle Auction for Don and Shirley Bryant 306-577-7362 on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 12:00 Noon. Over 100 tractors and vehicles for restoration in various conditions. Directions from Carlyle, Sask. 12 miles South on Hwy. 9 and 3-1/2 miles East. Watch for signs. Check this weeks Auction column in this paper for full listing! For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

JD 420C, running; BR and Styled AR close to running. $1300 each or $3300 for all. Located at Sorrento, BC, ph 250-862-7782. MASSEY HARRIS PONY’s, 1949, two to choose from, redone, in excellent shape. Call for price, 204-539-2618, Durban, MB. RARE 1950 JD BW, new rubber, brakes, clutch, rear tires 42”, runs good, easy to restore, $3500. 250-766-2976 Kelowna BC

1959 JD 730 diesel, standard, PS, good 1949 MASSEY HARRIS Model 30 tractor, original equipment with loader to fit, looks and runs good, c/w new belt pulley, $6,000. 306-422-8627, St. Louis, SK. $1800. For information and email photos, phone: 403-934-0005, Carseland, AB. 1960 JD 830 on steel, exc. condition, new restoration, runs perfect, $17,900. ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Call 780-991-7535, Millet, AB. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. BARN FIND, JD D, spoke wheels, for restoration, incomplete. Selling on Sunday, October 6, Carlyle, SK. For details visit www.mackauctioncompany.com or call 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1928 JD D, S/N 68385, restored to new condition, rubber on steel. 403-882-4440 Castor, AB. argus44@gmail.com for pics. 1948 A148 FORD tractor, original, good running order. Ph: 306-238-4503 or cell: 306-238-7661 daytime, Goodsoil, SK. MACK AUCTION CO. presents an Antique Tractor and Vehicle Auction for Don and Shirley Bryant 306-577-7362 and The Estate of Vic Eagles, on Sunday, October 6, 1966 FORD METEOR Convertible, 390 au2013 at 12:00 Noon. Over 100 tractors and tomatic, $4500 OBO. 403-548-0525, Medivehicles for restoration in various condi- cine Hat, AB. tions. Directions from Carlyle, Sask. 12 miles South on Hwy. 9 and 3-1/2 miles 1920 MODEL T Ford Depo-Hack, original East. Watch for signs. Check this week’s f r o m f a c t o r y, b o d y p a i n t e d . C a l l Auction column in this paper for full list- 306-692-7713, Moose Jaw, SK. i n g ! F o r s a l e b i l l a n d p h o t o s v i s i t FIVE STATIONARY PUMP engines. 3- IHC www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us 1-1/2 - 3 HP (1 w/lid); MH 1-1/2 to 3 HP; on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or Fairbanks-Morse 1-1/2 to 3 HP; Cross cut 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 saw Mandrel 36” wide shaft, 6-3/4” wide NEW TRACTOR PARTS engine rebuilt flat pulley, 17-3/4” and 20” circular blade. kits. Also Steiner Dealer. 1000’s of parts. $3,000 for all. 306-565-6227, Regina, SK. Savings. Service manuals and decals. Our 1977 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, 440 eng, 3 9 t h y e a r. C a l l 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 8 1 - 1 3 5 3 . l o a d e d , l o o k i n g f o r o f f e r s . C a l l www.diamondfarmtractorparts.com 306-859-4925, Beechy, SK. ASSORTED HORSE MOWERS and dump WANTED: FORD’S 1928 to 1934 in any rakes. 9N Ford tractor with cultivator. condition. Contact Mark or Rod toll free: 780-984-7570, Leduc, AB. 1-888-807-7878.

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ACROSS 1. Film set in 1949 post-WWII Los Angeles ( 2 words) 10. Noomi Rapace’s ex-husband 11. ___, Wilderness! 12. ___ Dawn Chong 14. Blake of Gossip Girl 16. Hamel of Hill Street Blues 18. She starred in Chuck & Buck 20. Initials of an actress in The Punisher 21. Judd Apatow’s daughter 22. Actor Tamiroff 23. Michael of The Waltons 25. Drop ___ Diva 26. Television series Christina Ricci starred in (2 words) 28. What Lies Beneath actress 29. Initials of one of the stars in Lords of Dogtown 31. Actress Massey 32. Queen ___ 33. Actress Pérez 35. All ___ Sons 36. Film starring Chevy Chase (2 words) 40. Cowardly Lion portrayer 42. “___” Dundee 43. Mr. Spock portrayer 44. God Is My ___-Pilot 45. Actor Wallach 47. Bridgette Of Savannah Smiles 50. Gentlemen ___ Blondes 53. Acker of Angel 54. Initials of the girl who played Darlene Conner on Roseanne 55. Leap ___ 56. Film starring Jason Bateman and Mila Kunis

DOWN 1. He played the fly in The Fly 2. Film Steve Martin played a dentist in 3. Glengarry ___ Ross 4. The ___ Sea 5. Kim of Grey’s Anatomy 6. Nicollette of Desperate Housewives 7. The X-Files sightings 8. Don’t ___ the Water 9. Actress Leoni 13. Film starring Kirk Douglas (4 words) 15. Charlyne of House 17. Mother who fears the baby she is carrying is the son of Satan 19. She played the lead singer of Pink Slip in Freaky Friday 22. Charlie Chaplin film whose co-star’s name was Scraps (3 words) 24. Sitcom starring Matt LeBlanc 27. He played a hockey coach in D3: The Mighty Ducks 30. Television series about a group of New York City firefighters (2 words) 32. She played the present day Mrs. Ryan in Saving Private Ryan 34. ___ a Camera (2 words) 35. ___ & Mrs. Miller 37. ___ Way Out 38. Jason of Third Watch 39. Titan ___ 41. Nobody Walks director Russo-Young 46. Film about a psychiatric patient who claims to be an alien 48. Independence ___ 49. Wife of Canadian actor Gil Bellows 51. Fee who was in Les Misérables 52. The ___ Patrol


1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. www.sterlingoldcarsandtrucks.com HENRY J KAIZER, CORSAIR (body only). Offers. 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. BEAUMONTS WANTED: 1962-1969, Sedan, wagon, hardtop, parts, complete, incomplete, running or not, sales literature, manuals wanted; 1958 Pontiac Sedan delivery wanted. 403-272-8422, Calgary, AB.

WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.

N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM OCTOBER 5 , 2 013 G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9

WANTED: OLD Anvils and pocket watches. Call 306-946-3304, Watrous, SK.

LOOKING FOR A heated horse arena close to Saskatoon to rent. Call Jason at 306-230-6014, Saskatoon, SK.




Bids Clos e : M ONDAY, SEPTEM BER 16 Sta gge re d Clos in g tim e s from NOON

for Barrie and Bev Braden

Sat., Sept. 21

near Portage La Prairie, M B. 1978 Lincoln M ark V. Consigned 1928 M odelA Ford. M ostly originalexcept paint. Check w ebsite for details

w w w .n ic kela uc tio n s .c o m Sale conducted by

N ic kel Auc tio n s L td P h . 2 0 4-6 3 7-3 3 9 3 BE AN AUCTIONEER. Call 507-995-7803, Mankato, MN. www.auctioneerschool.com PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale September 28, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.

V iew : Frid a y, S ept 13 - 9 a m - 4 pm Directio n s : @ 10 M i.N o n Hw y#6 to Ed en w o ld Grid ; Tu rn E fo r 1 M i; Tu rn N fo r 1.5 M i to ‘Cen tu ry 21’ s ign 15% b uyer’s p rem ium on a ll p urc ha ses to a m a x of$500 p er lot EQUIP., TRUCK S & V EHICL ES : Da ew o o DH170 T ra ck Ho e; 1984 F o rd T /A L T L 9000; 2000 & 1996 F reightlin ers ; 1997 Do d ge Du a lly 3500 S ervice T ru ck; 1994 F o rd #350 Dies el Cu b e Va n ; 1976 T ra il K in g 24’ T ilt Deck; High Ja cker Db l. Pivo t 5th W heel Hitch; 8� Diggin g Bu cket; W BM Rip p er T o o th; Co n crete Pu m p ; M in i Co n crete W a lk Behin d S creed ; M iller S ectru m Pla s im a Cu ttin g S ys tem ; 2x Un u s ed Du a l Co m p . 2200L S ep tic T a n ks ; 8x12 In s u la ted /W ired S hed ; W eld in g E q u ip . M a gn u m Pellet S to ve; Va s t Qty. o f E lec. T o o ls p lu s Item s to o Nu m ero u s to M en tio n ! Check W eb s ite fo r pho to s , fu ll lis tin g, Term s & Co n d itio n s

ON-LINE BIDDING 24/7 BO O KM ARK: w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om

TOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193 L IC.#31448 0 R EGINA HEAD OFFICE (306) 75 7-175 5 Regin a – S a s k a to o n – M o o s o m in

7+85 6(37 $ 0 1-1 (;&$9$7,1* /7' 1,&. -$621 1$&+$, $9( ('021721 $% $&5266 )520 (9(5*5((1 75$,/(5 3$5. )25 ,1)2 3+ -$621 /2&$7,21 )URP 0DQQLQJ )UHHZD\ 1RUWK (GPRQWRQ +Z\ WXUQ (DVW RQ $YH WR WKH 2OG )RUW 5G WKHQ 1RUWK WR $YH (DVW WR WK 6W $YH 9(5< %5,() /,67,1* Ć” 92/92 52//(56 KUV Ć” &URVV &RXQWU\ 7ULGHP (QG 'XPS $V 1HZ Ć” ' + /*3 &DW KUV Ć” 0$&. *UDYHO 7UXFN NP 2QH 2ZQHU Ć” &+$03,21 $ $ *5$'(56 Ć” ),$7 $//,6 $ *UDGHUV Ć” .2%(/&2 /. /RDGHU Ć” ),1/$< +<'5$ 6FUHHQHU F Z FRQYH\RUV Ć” /HPDU 75(( 63$'( Ć” 1HZ )$( %REFDW 0XOFKHU Ć” *(+/ 6.,'67((56 Ć” %REFDW $WWDFKPHQWV Ć” +8*( $02817 2)67((/ 0,6& Ć” 9,(: )8// /,67,1* 21/,1(



Refer to W eb site forTerm s & Cond itions

24/ 7 O N -LIN E EV EN TS

REGIN A: As s ets o f Bo ehm co n Co n s tru ctio n ; City o f Regin a -1000 Co n ifero u s , Decid u o u s Trees ; Fa rm Au ctio n , S ed ley, S k ; L a n d , Gra vel & Fleet Tu rn K ey Bu s in es s ; T ru cks & Vehicles ; S kid s teer Atta chm en ts ; ’07 Bu s h Bea r 500 Qu a d ; Ho n d a XR 80 Dirt Bike; E a s y K leen Pres s u re W a s her; 6’-24 Dra w er M eta l W o rkb en ch; Nu m ero u s T o o ls p lu s 100’s o fItem s ! S AS K ATOON & M OOS OM IN : Fa rm Equ ipm en t Dis pers a l-N o rth Ba ttlefo rd ; L ive Fa rm Au ctio n fo r Eu gen e Ab la s s L a n gb a n k ; Ho u s e, Bu ild in g & 10 Acres 16 k S o u th o f M o o s o m in ; 2010 Peterb ilt 386 S em i; Cu s hm a n Y a rd Utility T ru ck; Drive W a y Ga tes . EDM ON TON & CAL GARY: 4 S to ra ge W a rs Un its ! PL US “ 100’s o f BUY N OW � ITEM S In clu d in g: 2008 F o rd F 550 XL T /Du m p b o x; 2006 K eys to n e L a red o Ca m p er; 2x Ha rley Da vid s o n Bikes ; 2013 L o a d T ra il Du m p T ra ilers ; JD 93 Co m b in e Hea d er; Gehl S ila ge M ixerW a go n ; L /P RT R155 Revers e T iller 48� ; 1997 F reightlin er; 2008 S a tu rn Ou tlo o k XR; 2006 F o rd F 150; 1969 F o rd T hu n d erb ird ; S evera l Qu a d s ; T u rco 6’ Ro to tiller; 4 W heel F a rm W a go n ; S w a m p Co o ler; Prem iu m Gra n ite & Ha rd w o o d ; New Ba thro o m Va n ities & K itchen Cu p b o a rd s ; S u p erio r Co m m ercia l Res ta u ra n tE q .; L ge. Qty. o fT o o ls ; Hu n tin g Pa ra p hern a lia & M o re!!! O N - LIN E B ID D IN G 2 4/ 7 Fa s t- Ea s y- C onvenientw ith Proven Res ults !

Book m a rk : M c D ou g a llBa y.c om

TOLL FR EE: 1-8 00-2 63-4193

L IC.#31448 0

Regin a – S a s k a to o n – M o o s o m in



O N LIN E FARM AUCTIO N Bids Clos e : M ONDAY, SEPT. 23 -NOON Loca te d in : SEDLEY, SASK.

Sherwood Park, Alberta

Junctions 14 & 21 north to TWP 520, East Âź Mile, S. Doru Rd.

L ARGE EQUIP: M F 4840 4 W D; Bra n d t 120’ Gro u n d S p ra yer; Ro ta ry RAF 2000 GT X-S E Helico p ter/Ro ta ry Bla d es /E n gin e Pa rts ; ACU Blen d F eed Blen d er 575/ S ca le; Ca terp illa r 235B; Co n co rd Air S eed er 3212 32’/Air Ca rt Pa ir Ro w Bo o ts /L iq u id F ert. Ap p lica to r; Ag Dep o t L iq u id F ert. T a n k/Pu m p ; JD 5825 PT S w a ther; Ca s e 10 S ickle M o w er PT O; M F 860 Co m b in e/PU Hea d er. BIN S , CAN OPIES & S HEL TERS : W es teel Ro s co @ 2000 b u s ; Go eb el S teel Ho p p er Bo tto m @ 1000 b u s ; GS I Gra in Bin @ 3500 b u s ; Ho p p er Co n e 142� ; L a rge Co ver-All & S a b le S ilver S trea m S helters . OTHER EQUIP. & V EHICL ES : Ho b a rt Beta M ig II W eld er; T o yo ta T RD 1/4 Pick Up ; Old er Gra in T ru ck; Co a l F u rn a ce/T a n k; Po w erfis t Pa rts W a s her; Au ger Ho p p er; F o rk E xten s io n s ; S teel Du m p T ru ck Bo x; Co n crete M ixer; W a go n ; S ho p S u p p lies ; & M UCH M ORE ! Check W eb s ite fo r pho to s , fu ll lis tin g, Term s & Co n d itio n s

SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 @ 10:00 AM


Fa s t- Ea s y- C onvenientw ith Proven Res ults !

Book m a rk : w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om

Toll Free (8 00) 2 63-4193 L IC.#31448 0 R egina Hea d Office (306) 75 7-175 5 Regin a – S a s k a to o n – M o o s o m in MIERAU AUCTIONS: Art Hansen. West of Saskatoon on Hwy #7 towards Vanscoy, go West to Minnesota Rd., south 8 kms, right on 350 Rd. 1 km, and 7-1/2 kms South on 3073, 1/2 km East on driveway. Watch for signs. Saturday, Sept. 14 at 10:00 AM. MF 88 tractor w/cab and FEL diesel, good rubber; Case 54 tractor w/mounted buzz saw hyds; 1996 Ford F250 extendacab, 4x4, diesel, flatdeck; 1991 Chev 1/2 ton; 1993 16’ HD tandem car hauler trailer w/9000 lb. winch; 1986 Wylee 2-horse trailer; HD single axle utility trailer; 30’ Vista 5th wheel camper trailer; Truck camper, 5th wheel hitch, air flow endgate; 20 yr. old Clyde mare, used for breaking colts; Team harness, 15� roping saddle, tack plus 2 sets of dog harness; JD LA 115 riding mower. Guns: 303 British, double barrel shotgun; 22’s. Many good quality shop tools, garden tools. Household and antiques. See full list and pics on website. Mierau Auction Service, Richard Mierau 306-283-4662, Langham, SK. www.mierauauctions.com PL #914867.

MACK AUCTION CO. presents an Antique Tractor and Vehicle Auction for Don and Shirley Bryant 306-577-7362 on Sunday, October 6, 2013, at 12:00 Noon. Over 100 tractors and vehicles for restoration various conditions. Directions from Carlyle, Sask. 12 miles South on Hwy. 9 and 3-1/2 miles East. Watch for signs! Large Ford Mercury Dealer sign, Massey Harris 44G, Massey Harris 102 Junior, Case VA, 2Case LA’s, McCormick Deering W6 diesel, IHC W4, 2- Case 930’s, JD 70, JD B, 2- JD G’s, JD B, JD H, 5- JD AR’s, JD A, JD D, 2Cockshutt Super 570’s, Case C, Minneapolis Moline U, Minneapolis Moline U Special, Minneapolis Moline UB, Case SC, Massey Harris 444 Special, Massey Harris 44 GS, IH Farmall M, 2- Wallis steel wheels, Long F162, Minneapolis Moline Z, Minneapolis Moline U, Massey Harris 102 Junior, Oliver 88, IH Farmall M, IH Farmall H, Cockshutt 80, Massey Harris 102 Senior, Case D, Fordson Major diesel, Case V, JD A, Minneapolis U, JD A, Minneapolis Moline U, JD AR, Farmall Super M, 3- JD G’s, Case S, Case D, IH 4366 4WD for parts. 1958 Chev Delray 4 door car, Ski Bee snow machine, 1964 IH Loadstar 2 ton, Ford 2 ton with B&H, 1951 Dodge 300, 1952 GMC 9300 1/2 ton, 1966 GMC 950 2 ton, 1975 Chev 10 Custom Deluxe, 1972 GMC 1500 Custom truck, 2- 1950 GMC 9700’s, 1952 Chev 1430, 1960’s Ford van, 1964 IH 1200, 1958 Mercury 4WD truck, 1972 IH 1110 truck, Austin 2 ton truck, 1936 Chev 2 door car body, 1952 GMC Truck, 1952 Chev 1430 truck, 1964 Chev 30 truck, 1952 GMC 450, 1947 Mercury 3 ton truck, 1953 Ford truck, Ford 600 cabover truck, IH cabover tandem semi truck, 1957 Chev 1 ton truck, 1947 Dodge 2 ton truck, 1947 Ford 1 ton truck, 2- 1947 IH KB-7 trucks, 1956 Chev Bel Air 4 door car, WD 45 Allis Chalmers, 101 VA Case Tractor, 2- JD 12A PTO combines, IH combine, Minneapolis Moline combine, Case A-6 combine, Cockshutt 431 combine, Cockshutt 522 combine, MF model 72, plus much much more. The Estate of Vic Eagles 306-634-4696. JD Dealership sign, JD 210 Industrial, JD 1010, JD D, IH 300, McCormick S, Fordson Major, IH B414, JD D steel spoked wheels, JD 820, JD 620, MF 44, JD A, 2-JD AR, MH model GC, IH road grader U2A, plus much much more! For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962


Glanbia Nutritionals Canada Inc. Angusville, MB | Wednesday, Oct 16, 2013 ¡ 10 am

One Residential Acreage & Former Grain Handling Facility– 15.6¹ title acres

Antiques, Buggies, Wagons, Team Belgians, Mowers, Bobsleigh, 1918 & up Lic. plates, JD 6400 MFW, 1904 Klingsor Gramaphone, Van Brandt Seed Drill & MUCH MORE! 9LVLW RXU ZHEVLWH RU FDOO Bill @780-929-2339 or 780-984-1524 Terms Cash / Valid Cheque

www.hornemanauctions.com Subject to additions & deletions. The auctioneer(s) or employees shall not be responsible for any loss or accident on or off the Sale Site.


# 203 – 2n d Ave Ea st,ShellL a ke,SK Tractors: 3 - 8N Fordson 3pth, 1 w /F.E.L. 9N Fordson 3pth. Vehicles: 1980 Chev 20’ M otorhom e 5.7L. Auto, A.C., 57,180km s. 1965 Ford 350, V8, B&H , 4spd 62,925 m iles. 1951 -1 ton Fargo (non runner). Recreation: 16’ Fiberglass Boat, 40hp m otor, w /trailer. 12’ W ood Boat 18.5hp Johnson w /trailer. A ntiques: Furniture, Singer Sew ing M achine, Lam ps, G lassw are, Pot Belly H eater. Yard Equipm ent: G arden tools,utility trailer,5hp Briggs & Stratton m otors (2). Shop Tools, Household & M isc. Item s. Â


SAT. SEP T. 28 @ 9:00 A M

Ju n c tion H w y 1 2 & H w y 3 , ShellL a ke,SK

Tractors: 1985 JD 1450 - 55hp, 3pth, w /JD 100 Loader, M FD, 2,432hrs show ing. Universal 300 DTC w /FEL, M FD, 1,428hrs show ing. 1998 Forklift Fg18, Tailift, 541hrs, propane. Case 970-Pow er Shift, 7,874hrs. Equipm ent: 4 -Case 960 Com bines, Slant 6, 225, G eared for Alfalfa & Clover. 14’ Case Sw ather, 50� H arrow Bar, 16’ Tandem Disc, 71⠄2ft Cultivator, 5’ H eavy H arrow, Sickle M ow er, Utility Trailer, JD Pallet Jack, G rain A uger PTO driven,W 7041ft. Vehicles: 1978 G M C 2500, 305 A uto, 4w d, 76,000km s show . 1971 Ford 1 ton 350 V8, 4spd. Recreation: Boats (3), Ice Fishing Shack, Yam aha G olf Carts (2), Trolling M otors, Ice A uger 8�, N et m aking equip. Yard Equip: Push M ow er, G arden Tiller, BBQ , Snow Blow er. Shop Tools, A ntiques, Household & M isc. Item s.


b o d n a r u sa u ctio n eer in g .co m O ffice:30 6-975 -90 5 4 (30 6)227-95 0 5 1 -877-494-BID S(2437) PL #318200 SK PL #324317 A B

Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission


October 25, 2013 Nominations Close at 12:00 p.m. (Noon) November 22, 2013 Ballots mailed if necessary. December 13, 2013 Last day for ballots to be received. January 13, 2014 Results announced at SWCDC Annual General Meeting.


2 Togo















Auction Property

Kipling 9 13

Miniota Wawota


Virden Carlyle




Erickson 16


The SWCDC has openings for 3 positions on the producer elected Board of Directors. Three directors will be elected for a two year term ending at the annual General Meeting in January of 2016. SWCDC Directors will participate in approximately 6 board meetings a year and contribute time to the SWCDC. Directors are called on to represent the SWCDC at meetings and major conferences that impact the winter cereals industry. Expenses are reimbursed to Directors and a daily per diem remuneration is paid. Registered winter cereals growers interested in joining the Board can contact the SWCDC business office at 1-866-472-4611 or email jake@swcdc.info for nomination forms. Nomination forms must be returned to the Returning Officer no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) October 25, 2013. Note: Only registered growers may vote, nominate or hold office. A registered grower means any grower who has had a Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission check-off deducted since August 1, 2011. A registered grower is not eligible to be nominated as a director if he or she has requested or received a refund of the check-off since August 1, 2011. An election (if required) will be held by mail ballot with election results announced at the Annual General Meeting in Saskatoon, Sk. on January 13, 2014.

OPEN HOUSE DATE: SEPT 20 – 1 to 3 pm








Farmland Residential



AUCTION LOCATION: From RUSSELL, MB go 20 km (12.5 miles) East on Hwy 45 to Angusville, MB, then go 5 km (3.2 miles) South on Grid 476. GPS: 50.6902, -101.0316 PROPERTY FEATURES INCLUDE: ¡ 2.5Âą Title Acres ¡ Residential Acreage 3671 sq. ft. 5 bedroom bungalow, 4 baths, 24 x 24 ft. attached garage, 48 x 32 ft detached garage, pool, hot tub ¡ 13.1Âą Title Acres ¡ Former Grain Handling Facility 40 x 86 ft. quonset, (4) Brock 65000Âą bu bins, truck scale (ďŹ ts B train), 35,000 sq. ft. concrete slab

PARTIAL LIST OF EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: 1996 John Deere 6300 MFWD ¡ 2011 Volvo VNL64T Sleeper T/A Truck Tractor ¡ 1999 Freightliner FL80 S/A Dump Truck ¡ 1996 Ford F700 S/A Grain Truck ¡ 2008 Doepker Super B Grain Trailer ¡ 2002 Genie S85 4x4 Boom Lift ¡ (5) Stor-King 5000 ¹ Bushel Hopper Bin ¡ Grain Handlings Equipment...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date photos & details, please check our website: rbauction.com/realestate Owners – Dale McManus: 204.821.5795 Matt Healy: 608.293.3540 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Daryl Martin: 306.421.5066 800.491.4494 Realtor – Leeanna Russell- Century 21 Westman.com Ltd.: 204.748.7788

MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Evan and Mary Goranson, 306-861-1511, on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at 10:00 AM. Live internet bidding at www.bidspotter.com Directions from Weyburn, SK, 5 miles SE on Hwy 39 and 1-1/2 miles East. Ford Versatile 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor w/3162 hrs, Case 1070 2WD tractor, Case 900 2WD tractor, Case C tractor for parts, 39’ Morris Maxim air drill double shoot and 6180 Morris air tank, 45’ Morris Magnum CP-743 cult., 27’ Morris cult., MF 12’ and 18’ discers, 60’ Herman tine harrows, NH TR 86 SP combine w/recent work orders, 25’ NH 971 straight cut header, 20’ Versatile PT swather, Head Catcher sunflower pans, Crary air reel, 1979 Chev C60 3 ton grain truck, 1998 Chev Silverado 1500 ext. cab 4WD truck, 1965 GMC 960 grain truck, 100’ Brandt QF 1000 field sprayer, EZGuide and EZ-Steer GPS units, Cushion Air 300 grain vac, Westfield 10-61 swing auger, Pool 7-41 auger w/Kohler engine, Rosco 2750 bushel grain bin on cement, Rosco 2200 bushel grain bin on cement, JD 8’ land leveller, Rite-Way 2-batt rockpicker, oilfield drill bits, chemical transfer pump, antique forge, cream separator, horse harness, hay sling, saddles beam scale, Club Car electric golf cart, complete line of shop tools. For sale bill and photos visit www.mackauctioncompany.com Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962


ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. 10’ CIM GRAVEL box from 450 Super Duty, $1000. 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. 1987 LT9000, 3406 Cat, 18 spd., wet kit, engine needs work, $3600. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. H E AV Y D U T Y PA R T S o n s p e c i a l at www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. STANDARD TRANSMISSION for Ford 250 or 350, with 7.3L diesel, 2WD; Cab for LT9000 complete; Cab for FL112 Freightliner; Navastar 4300 good cab for parts. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. WRECKING 1989 FORD L9000, good front end and cab; 1983 3 ton IHC, V8 diesel, 5 spd., single axle; Volvo trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.

SCHOOL BUSES: 1986 to 2001, 18 to 66 pass., $1600 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. TOUR BUS, 47 pass., 1993 MC12, less than 1000 kms on rebuilt motor, many new parts. 306-692-4457, Moose Jaw, SK.

2001 CROWN VICTORIA, only 112 kms, Sask. tax paid, $4995. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2013 FIAT 500 Sport Turbo, $19,975. 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 4 1 4 , Wy ny a r d , S K . www.thoens.com DL #909250.


SUPER B GRAIN trailers: 2003 Doepker; 2008 Doepker; 2006 Lode King; Two 2007 Lode King’s; 2008 Lode King; 2010 Grain Hauler. All safetied. 306-893-4334 or 306-893-7161, Maidstone, SK. 2004 LODE-KING SUPER B trailers, grain hoppers, $40,000. Phone 204-857-1700, Gladstone, MB.

NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock trailers. Call Darin 204-526-7407, Cypress River, MB. www.merrittgoosenecks.com DL #4143.


2007 TOYOTA TUNDRA LTD, double cab, fully loaded, 4x4, 213,000 kms, well maintained, metallic grey, asking $16,500. Call Dave at 780-214-4655, Elk Point, AB.


2012 WHITE DODGE Ram, 4x4 Quad Cab, 4.7 V8, fully equipped, running boards and rails, less than 7000 kms., $26,700. no taxes. 306-384-2428, Saskatoon, SK. 2009 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 4x4 5.7 Hemi, 88,000 kms. All power options, leather int., lots of after market parts. Asking $25,000 OBO. 306-740-7721, Tantallon, SK 2010 DODGE RAM SLT 4x4, quad cab 2500, 6.7 turbo diesel, auto. trans., retracked roll top, 59,000 kms, exc. cond., $35,000. 306-267-4988, Coronach, SK. 2011 DODGE 1500, black, 4x4, grey leather, heated and cooled seats, sunroof, DVD, Navigation, chrome bug inserts at door handles and rocker panels, Tonneau cover, boards and ram boxes, truck has a full load of options, 99,300 kms, rubber was new 15,000 kms ago, asking $29,900. Call Dwight 204-573-7787, Carroll, MB. 2012 DODGE 1500 Ram Laramie, 4x4, white, 31,000 kms., spray in box liner, tonneau box cover, running boards, all weather floor mats, Nav., fully loaded, leather, $36,995 OBO. 780-385-0334 Lougheed, AB CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at www.titantrucksales.com HUSBAND GOT A WORK VEHICLE - truck’s gotta go! 2010 Chevy Silverado 1500 LTZ crew cab, 69,000 kms., 5.3L V8, auto trans. Fully loaded with every option including: white diamond pkg., chrome accessories pkg., DVD touch screen, Navigation w/rear DVD, power sliding tilt glass sun roof, deluxe Tonneau cover, rear parking assist, remote start, leather bucket heated seats, Blue Tooth, Bose sound system, chrome clad aluminum wheels, power train warranty, $32,000. 204-837-4297, Winnipeg, MB. NEW 2013 RAM diesel 2500, 4x4, crew, $49,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.



1999 TIMPTE ALUM. grain trailer, 4278, tires 24.5, 2 hopper, safetied, Surco tarp, $21,500 OBO. 204-224-1358 Winnipeg MB 2009 DOEPKER SUPER B, lift axles, dual cranks, alum. rims, $59,500. Kuroki, SK., 306-338-8022 days, 306-338-2288 eves. 1984 34’ Corn Husker tandem grain trailer, $9,000. 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. 2005 LODE-KING OPEN end Super Bs, new Michelin rubber, auto greaser, fresh safety, $50,000. 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2006 LODE-KING, 28-30’ Super B’s, air ride, closed end, steel, solid straight, needs cleaning, unbeatable price, $22,500. 306-222-2413. Check pictures and details on: www.trailerguy.ca before calling, Saskatoon/Aberdeen, SK.

2004 WILSON TRIDEM cattlepot, full nose decking, fold down doghouse, fresh AB. safety, $35,000 OBO. Call 403-575-7677, Consort, AB. 50’ FRUEHAUF STRAIGHT TRAILER, in good condition. Phone 403-579-2407 or 403-740-4837 (cell), Endiang, AB. 2010 WILSON TRI-AXLE cattleliner, new brakes, good tires, exc. cond., $50,000. 306-768-2790, 306-768-7726, Carrot River

Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y!



NEW END DUMPS available for fall harvest tandem, Shurlok tarp, steel wheels, 34’ grey, $36,900. For details. Corner Equipment, Dwight, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

2013 RAM 3500, Cummins diesel, crewcab, 4x4, $44,985. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at www.titantrucksales.com NEW INTERNATIONAL TERRASTAR 3 ton 4x4 at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.

2008 PRO-STAR 13 spd., UltraShift automatic tandem grain truck. Paint matches Cat equipment, 2008 IHC ProS t a r, I S X 4 7 5 H P C u m m i n s , l o a d e d w/Jake’s power windows, door locks, alloys, etc. New 20’ New Star grain box, loaded w/Nordic scissor hoist, LED lights, work lights inside box, Michel’s roll tarp, pintle plate, decal kit, plumbed dump valve, etc. $72,900 or lease OAC. Farmer Vern’s Premium Trucks, 204-724-7000, Winnipeg, MB. 2007 FREIGHLINER COLUMBIA grain truck, 15L Detroit 465-500 HP, 13 spd. Eaton UltraShift automatic, 4-way lockup diffs., loaded, safetied, w/20’ New Star box and Nordic scissor hoist, $73,900. Farmer Vern’s Premium Trucks, Winnipeg, MB. 204-724-7000.


(Medicine Hat, Alberta)

2006 Freightliner Century 2005 DODGE RAM 2500 quad, 4x4, $12,888. www.thoens.com, Wynyard, SK. 1-800-667-4414, DL #909250.

“Canadian Made”


2008 FORD F-350 FX4, AC, heated seats, 6.4L, V8, 4WD, 111,678 kms. Stk #SKU0567A, $34,500. Call 1-866-980-0260 or www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 2008 FORD F-350 SD Lariat, 6.4L, turbo diesel, auto, 86,038 kms., Stk #SK-U0640, $37,995. Contact 1-866-980-0260 or www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 2012 DODGE DURANGO SXT, 7 passenger, loaded, $28,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250.

Hi Boys, Low Boys, Drop Decks, Storage Vans, Reefer Vans and Freight Vans & More.

7 KM West of RED DEER NEW 20’ CIRCLE D livestock trailers, startfrom Junction of HWY. 2 & 32nd St. ing at $10,500. W-W alum. 7x20’ gooseneck, $16,650. Flatdeck trailers available. 403-347-7721 NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 Leasing now available. Grassland Trailers, ALL ALUMINUM TANDEMS, tridems and years body and paint experience. We do Glen at: 306-640-8034, 306-642-3050, Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to email: gm93@sasktel.net Assiniboia, SK. Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see: daycab conversions. Sandblasting and www.Maximinc.Com paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. 1999 THREE HORSE slant haul gooseneck Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop trailer, 16’ long w/front tack, rubber mats. 2009 CROSS COUNTRY square end dump, Has some road rash but no rust. Pulls $31,980. Call 1-877-999-7402. shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. easily with 1/2 ton truck, $6500 OBO Call ALL ALUMINUM TANDEMS, tridems and Carol at 204-759-2261, Shoal Lake, MB. or 5TH WHEEL TRI-AXLE 30’ car hauler trailer, w/self-unloading bale rack 32’, 7000 lb. Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim email cshust04@gmail.com axles w/brakes. Will haul 18 large rd. Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see: straw bales. 780-724-3669, Elk Point, AB. www.Maximinc.Com 2012 WILSON 53’ stepdeck with front axle REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER CHUTE slider, sliding winches and tie plates, two openers can save you time, energy and tool boxes, $39,900. Call: 877-999-7402. keep you safe this seeding season. FM remote controls provide maximum range F O U R 2009 WILSON Quadaxles, 53’ and instant response while high torque PSDCL-402, extra lights and roof hatches drives operate the toughest of chutes. $54,000. Call 1-877-999-7402. Easy installation. Brehon Agrisystems 2000 ARNE’S TRIDEM end dump, air ride, call 306-933-2655 or visit us online at: 1989 MERRITT CATTLELINER. Cattlelin- certified. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. er nose docking, spring susp., tires at 80%, #905231. www.rbisk.ca 2010 DOEPKER SUPER Bs, heavy stainless fold down doghouse. Safety inspection fenders, dual cranks, aluminum rims, fresh good through to June 2014, $15,000. Call 2 0 1 3 WILSON ALUMINUM stepdeck w/front axle slider, sliding winches and tie safety $70,000. Phone 306-220-9635, Greg 403-527-3600, Medicine Hat, AB. plates, wide load lights. Call for price Prud’homme, SK. 877-999-7402. NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tandem; 2011 Doepker Super B, alum rims; 20 YARD TANDEM Axle belly dump gravel 2013 LOOK 24’x8.5’ enclosed car hauler, 2010 Doepker tridem, 3 hopper ahead; trailer. Also 11 UHF Midland radios and 2-5200 lb. axles, $9500 plus GST, financ2008 Lode-King alum. open end Super B, base. Retired. Call 306-752-3820, (cell) i n g av a i l a b l e . R a y ’ s Tr a i l e r S a l e s , 780-672-4596, Camrose, AB. alum. rims, air ride, also 2009 w/lift axles; 306-921-9920, Melfort, SK. 1998 Castleton Super B, air ride; 1994 WILSON 48’ stepdeck w/front axle Castleton tridem, air ride; Tandem and 1997 WABASH TRIDEM spring ride pup 2007 permanent winches and wide load S/A converter, drop hitch, certified; 17’ A- trailer frame, excellent for 20’-21’ box, new slider, l i g h t s , 2 t o o l b o xe s , $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 . C a l l train pup, very clean. 306-356-4550, Dods- sandblast and paint, all new brake pots, 877-999-7402. land, SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca 80% brakes and drums, 4 new 11Rx24.5 NEW LOAD TRAIL 18’ car hauler, 2-3500 2010 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, recaps, 4 at 80%, 4 at 60%, on alum. lb. axles, $3750 plus GST. Financing very good cond., extra light pkg, aluminum wheels, $16,000. Email pics available, a v a i l a b l e . R a y ’ s T r a i l e r S a l e s , 403-638-3934 ask for Jeff, Sundre, AB. w h e e l s , 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 k m s , m o s t ly h w y, 780-672-4596, Cory or Don, Camrose, AB. $75,000. 306-640-9493, Assiniboia, SK. 40 FLATDECK SEMI TRAILERS, hi-boys 2001 COURTNEY BERG side dump silage 2008 CANCADE TRI-AXLE pup grain trail- and stepdecks, $2,100 to $25,000. Pics trailer, tri-axle, air ride, extensions, er, 20’ box, roll tarp, stone guard on front, a n d p r i c e s a t w w w. t r a i l e r g u y. c a rollover tarp. 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK. less than 30,000 kms, dark grey, exc. cond 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. $36,000. 306-698-7778, Wolseley, SK. 2012 TANDEM TRAILER, elec. brakes, 2014 WILSON 24’ stock trailer, 2 gates, ramps, 3500 lb. axles, used 3 times, like $21,000 plus GST. Financing available. Ray’s Trailer Sales, 780-672-4596, Cory or new, $3500. 306-752-4574, Melfort, SK. Don, Camrose, AB. 2003 UTILITY 18’ SS wall reefer, Thermo 2008 SIDE DUMPER gravel trailer, tri-axle, King whisper, tandem axle w/slide, Low electric tarp, dumps both sides. Call Pro 24.5 all aluminum, 2 rows of 7 lights, 306-861-5168, Weyburn, SK. $12,900. Call 1-877-999-7402. DRY VANS, reefers, storage trailTOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who DECKS, at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim demand the best.” PRECISION AND ers Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. AGASSIZ TRAILERS (flatdecks, end CALL FOR PRICING dumps, enclosed cargo). 1-855-255-0199, GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Michel’s Industries and Shur-Lok Moose Jaw, SK. www.topguntrailersales.ca Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Bea(Replacement Tarps and Parts). vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or 2000 WILSON MUVALL 8 1/2’ folding tail REPAIR SERVICE TO ALL INDUSTRIAL triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built double drop tandem equipment trailer, from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. FABRIC PRODUCTS $33,000. Call 877-999-7402. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, % BEFORE SEPTEMBER UP TO HAUSER GOOSENECK TRAILERS. Fea- Central Butte, SK. OFF 20TH 2013 turing 2 trailers in 1: Use as HD gooseneck 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; SEE WEBSITE trailer and/or bale transporter. Mechani- Two 48’ tandem 10’ wide, beavertail, flip FOR MORE DETAILS www.cantarp.com cal side self-unloading. LED lighting. ramps, air ride, low kms; 1991 Trail King Ramps optional. $18,560. Call Hauser’s machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’, 48’, 28’ Machinery, Melville, SK., 1-888-939-4444. tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and www.hausers.ca combos. SUPER B HIGHBOYS; Tandem Email: sales@cantarp.com 2005 KALYN LOW BOY tri-axle detach, and S/A converter with drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers; Tan$35,980. Call 1-877-999-7402. 1-888-CAN-TARP (226-8277) dem lowboy, 9’ wide, air ride; High Clear(306) 933-2343 | Fax: (306) 931-1003 ance sprayer trailer w/tanks and chem handlers. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL NEW 2014 NEVILLE, 38-1/2’ tandem, air #905231. www.rbisk.ca ride, 78” sides, side chutes, $34,500. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at 2013 PRESTIGE LODE-KING SUPER B grain Trailer Sales And Rentals www.titantrucksales.com trailers, 11R22.5 tires, air ride, exc. cond., 8 sets to choose from $79,000 each OBO. Call 403-236-4028, Calgary, AB.

2006 33’ NORBERT tri-axle stock trailer, 2011 TIMPTE SUPER B alum. grain trailers, farmer owned, low mileage. Weyburn, SK. w i l l b e s a fe t i e d , a s k i n g $ 7 0 , 0 0 0 . Call 306-456-2660, 306-861-5116. 306-539-7899. 3- 16’ SOUTHLAND stock trailers (2000, CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used 2004, 2005), good shape, $5000 to $7000 highway tractors, view information at OBO. 403-548-0525, Medicine Hat, AB. www.titantrucksales.com NEW 2013 ALUMINUM Dakota 41’ tandem axle, air ride, 72” sides, side shoots, $38,500. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2009 TIMPTE ALUMINUM tandem grain trailer, $33,500. Several 39’ and 50’ grain ring tarps, $150/ea. Call 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 1999 DOEPKER SUPER B, alum. budds, Michel’s tarps, lots of life left, $24,500. Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat for added rust protection. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. DOEPKER SUPER B, steel closed ends, 1993, 28’ lead, 31’ rear, redone:- paint, brakes, drums, bearings and seals, new Michel’s tarps, 24.5 tires, $27,000. Call 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. 1999 LODE-KING SUPER B, alum. budds, Michel’s tarps, lots of life left, $24,500. Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

2006 and 2007 WILSON TRI-AXLE Cattleliners both w/fold up doghouse, feeder nose, alum. wheels, in exc. cond, $34,000 OBO each. 1-888-404-4972, Calgary, AB.

Detroit Power, 10 speed Autoshift Transmission, 3.73 axle ratio, Southern truck

2005 GMC 2500 HD, 4X4, diesel, Red, Please call about Grain Trucks arriving soon! Tidy tank, push bar, 319,000 kms, $12,000 OBO. Jeff 306-768-7740, Carrot River, SK. 2006 FORD F250, 4 WD, ext. cab, black, 403-977-1624 fresh rubber, spark plugs and tune-up, $7000. Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2006 GMC 3/4 Crew, 4x4, 176,000 kms. rawlyn@automatictruck.com Reduced $9999. PST paid. Wynyard, SK. Phone: 1-800-667-4414, www.thoens.com DL #909250. 1967 CHEV 3 ton grain truck. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at 1974 DODGE FARGO 500, 14’ B&H, 25,000 www.titantrucksales.com orig. miles, safetied, shedded, exc. cond., MUST SELL 2005 DODGE dually, 4x4, long $6000. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. box, only 150,000 kms, diesel, 4 door, 1974 FORD, 1 ton, 23,000 original miles, loaded, 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. B&H, 8” hyd. cross auger (no need to back up), vg, shedded. 306-548-4340 Stenen SK


1975 CHEV C60, 33,400 miles, 4+2, roll 1980 GMC 2500, 350 4 spd., C&C, dual tarp, good shape. Call 306-283-4747, w h e e l s , d e c e n t b o d y , $ 1 8 0 0 . 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. 1975 CHEV TANDEM 427 gas, 5/4 gears, CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used grain box also has silage end gate, vg rubhighway tractors, view information at ber, $10,500. 780-853-2275, Vermilion, AB www.titantrucksales.com 1975 DODGE 600, 361 motor, good SOIL SAMPLING TRUCK, 1985 Ford F150 tires, 15’ box, shedded, asking $7000 OBO. 4x4, 200,000 kms, c/w in-cab elec./hyd. 780-385-0334, Lougheed, AB. soil sampler. Collect samples without leav- 1975 IHC 1700 tag axle grain truck, air ing the driver seat, $6700. 306-862-7772 brakes, roll tarp. Phone 306-283-4747 or wkhead@sasktel.net Saskatoon, SK. 306-291-9395, Langham, SK.

PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, www.precisiontrailer.com 8’x23’ CARGO TRAILER, rear ramp, side door, dbl floor and walls, roof AC, 50 amp 2005 FORD F350 FX4, 4WD, diesel, all Andres specializes in the sales, service, heated, new cond. View at 511 3rd options, 115,000 kms, 1 owner, exc. cond., like new, $21,000. 306-795-2800, Ituna SK service and rental of agricultural St. Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589 (AB cell). and commercial trailers. GMC SIERRA NEVADA 4x4, $9995, DROP DECK semi style and pintle 2005 paid. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. Call for a quote hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem PST www.thoens.com DL #909250. and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; W e will m a tc h c om petitor AB: 403-350-0336. pric ing spec for spec LOWBEDS, LOWBEDS: 2 and 3 axle, deLethbridge, AB Nisku, AB tachables, beavertail, single/double drops, 1-888-834-8592 1-888-955-3636 $10,000 plus; new skidsteer trailers, 2 axVisit our website at: le, $4500. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. www.andrestrailer.com 2007 WILSON FULL aluminum stepdeck, 24’ GOOSENECK Tridem 21000 lbs, $7890; sliding winches and wide load lights, Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 $24,980. Call 1-877-999-7402. lbs., $4250; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs, $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283 www.monarchtrailers.com 2007 DODGE 2500 diesel, auto, 4x4, 233,000 kms, $22,000 OBO. More to 2009 FELLING FT-40-2, tandem axle, pinchoose from. 306-463-8888, Dodsland, SK. tle hitch, beavertail w/ramps, 17 1/2” rubwww.diamonddholdings.ca DL#909463 b e r, v g c o n d . C a l l 3 0 6 - 4 8 4 - 4 4 4 4 , 2007 CHEV SILVERADO 2500 HD 4x4 Du306-725-7797, Govan, SK. ramax, auto, leather, Reese gooseneck and 2007 DODGE RAM 3500 diesel, 4x4, C&C, 2005 GREAT DANE 48’ reefer, tandem ax- 5th wheel hitch, plus more, 87,690 kms, $19,999; 2008 Dodge Ram 5300 diesel, 4x4, $24,999. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, le, w/air ride slider, Thermo King SB-210, $33,678. 306-539-9890, Regina, SK. SK. www.thoens.com DL# 909250. Special $15,900. Call 877-999-7402. 2 0 0 7 F-150 LARIAT 4x4, 5.4L auto, NEW PRODUCT!! Behnke 53’ air ride 90,347 kms, leather, remote, sunroof, SK- 2007 DURAMAX CREW, 4x4, long box, s p r a y e r t r a i l e r o n l y $ 4 2 , 5 0 0 . C a l l U0460, $26,495. Call 1-866-980-0260 or single rear wheel, 1 ton, fully loaded w/leather int., 167,000 kms, mint cond. 1-888-435-2626 or visit your local Flaman www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. $21,900; 2007 Duramax, ext. cab, 4x4, 3/4 location. www.flaman.com for more info 2007 GMC SLE, 2WD, regular cab, 4.8, ton w/8’ service body, 220,000 miles, 2001 TRAIL-EZE SLIDING, tandem axle, trailer pkg., new shocks, tires 80%, spray fresh safety, $12,900. Call K&L Equiptilt deck, hyd. trailer, winch, 49’, $35,000. liner, boards, 158,000 kms, exc. cond., ment, 306-795-7779, Regina/Ituna, SK. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. $11,500. 306-693-8839, Moose Jaw, SK. DL #910885. C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: 2009 GMC 1500, ext. cab, 60,000 kms, 2008 RAM 3500 diesel 4x4, C&C, 84” C.A. www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim shortbox, PS, PW, PL, On-Star, new wind- 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 4 1 4 , W y n y a r d , S K . shield. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.

1976 IHC LOADSTAR, 345 V8, rollaway tarp, very low miles, no rust, $5750 OBO. 306-747-2514, 306-961-8061, Shellbrook. 1978 IHC 1700, roll tarp. 1975 IHC 1600, roll tarp. 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. 1979 GMC C70, average condition, asking $7500 OBO. Call 306-445-9833, 306-441-6923, Whitkow, SK. 1979 IHC TANDEM S1900, 18.5’x8.5’ CIM ultracel box, tarp, 13 spd. trans, 466 diesel engine, $31,500. 306-682-3498 or 306-231-8558, Humboldt, SK. 1980 CHEV TANDEM, 8.2 Detroit diesel, 13 spd., 20’ B&H, diff. locks, 80% rubber, offers. Call 306-741-6549, Vanguard, SK. 1980 FORD 700, 351 engine, 5 spd., 15’ grain B&H, 40,000 miles, very good cond., $8500. 306-828-2950, Yorkton, SK. 1989 PETE 378, 460 Detroit, 10 spd., daycab, no rust, new CIM grain box pkg., $48,500. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 1994 PETERBILT, Cat 3406 eng. 15 spd., 46 rears, 24.5 tires, new: 20’ B&H, remote endgate opener, hoist control, roll tarp, $69,000. 780-361-8701, Camrose, AB. 1998 IHC, SA, w/17’ King grain box, new safety, clutch, hyds., good shape, $20,000 OBO. 204-453-1290, Headingley, MB. 2000 INTERNATIONAL 4700, diesel, auto, 16’ B&H. 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK. 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL80, 300 HP, 9 speed trans., new 16’ ultracell BH&T package, exc. cond., no rust, only $37,500. Call for details, 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK.



ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2001 FREIGHTLINER tandem axle truck, S/N 1FUJA6CG21PJ29047, Fuller 10 spd., 350 HP Detroit, Airliner susp., 12,000 fronts, 40,000 rears, 8 Goodyear G372/11R22.5 (not recap), 18mm tread depth, originally built as a daycab, not a sleeper conversion. Phoenix, Arizona truck, has no rust. AB registered, AB safety to July 2013, only 454,602 miles, c/w new 8.5x19x66” ABC box, Nordic front hoist, Michel’s roll tarp, only $49,900. Call 780-679-7680, Ferintosh, AB. 2002 IHC 4400 new body style, 466 Allison auto., cab and chassis, will take 20’ box, low low miles, $36,900; 2001 IHC 4900, 466 Allison auto., 18’ BH&T, 130,000 miles, $44,900. K&L Equipment, Regina/Ituna, SK. DL#910885. 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 email: ladimer@sasktel.net 2005 IH 9200 and 2004 IH 8600, Eaton AutoShift 3 peddle, Cat or Cummins, new 20’ BH&T; 1976 GMC 6500, 366, 5&2, 16’ wood box. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL 905231. www.rbisk.ca

2005 PETERBILT 378, Cat C15, 475 HP, 13 spd., 166” cab to axle w/o sleeper, for 21’ box, alum. wheels, original owner, prairies truck, $32,900. 403-875-5557, Calgary, AB

2006 INTERNATIONAL 9400i grain truck, 450 HP Cummins and 12 spd. automated trans, 20x64 Cancade Monobody grain box, Michel’s roll tarp, and 22.5 wheels. $64,500. 306-887-2094, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com

IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received crop damage call Back-Track Investiga1984 FREIGHTLINER SEMI, good running tions for assistance 1-866-882-4779. o r d e r, n e w b a t t e r i e s , t i r e s g o o d . REMOTE CONTROL ENDGATE AND 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429 Langham SK hoist systems can save you time, energy and keep you safe this harvest season. 1990 MACK SUPERLINER, long wheel Give Brehon Agrisystems a call at b a s e , 4 0 0 6 c y l . M a c k e n g i n e , n ew 3 0 6 - 9 3 3 - 2 6 5 5 o r v i s i t u s o n l i n e at 1200x22.5 rear tires, large front tires, $9500; 10x20 tires on Dayton rims; 6 www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. 1000x20, 4 grips, 2 front, Dayton rims. TWO LOW KMS TANDEM C70, original 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. owners, well serviced, 427 eng. 5&2 trans., 1995 FREIGHTLINER, 430 Detroit, 18 spd., AC, roll tarps, tag axle, box 20x8.5x4, good new trans. and clutch, asking $18,000 r u b b e r, h a r ve s t r e a dy, $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 e a . OBO. Call 306-230-8632, Warman, SK. 306-398-4005, 306-398-7721 Cut Knife SK 1996 FREIGHTLINER, 430 Detroit, 15 spd., WANTED: OLDER 3 or 4 ton cab and chas- 4-Way lockers, new battery, good rubber, sis, good shape. 306-944-4572, Viscount, sleeper, handles 20’ box, $14,500 OBO. SK. Call 306-889-4329, Prairie River, SK. 1997 FREIGHTLINER w/wet kit and power inverter, 2008 Doepker tridem trailer. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK. 1997 WESTERN STAR daycab tractor, 244” WB, 156 C.A., 430 HP Series 60, 15 spd., 40 rears, 3-way locks, 80% rubber, new AB safety, $19,800. 403-638-3934, Sundre AB 1998 FREIGHTLINER CENTURY tandem tractor, 13 spd., 40 diffs., $17,500 OBO. Phone 403-710-8728, Cochrane, AB. 2000 IHC 9200, C12 Cat, 430 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift w/clutch petal, 3-way locks, 51” flattop sleeper, 60% rubber, new rear brakes, cold AC, new AB safety, $16,000. 1988 GRAVEL TRUCK, B&H, new battery, Email pics avail. 403-638-3934, Sundre AB good shape. Will take 1/2 ton on trade. 2000 IHC 9400, 72” pro-sleep double 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. bunk, tandem 24.5 rubber, 18 spd., N14 1991 IH 2500, SA dump truck, auto, 466 Cummins, select 460 plus, 234” WB, 390 dsl., 12&23 axles, pintle hitch, orig. 90,000 rear ends, good cond, $15,500. Call 306-641-0071, Yorkton, SK. miles, $17,500. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. GOOD SELECTION: OLDER gravel trucks 2002 IH 8200, daycab, tandem, 370 HP including Kenworth and Western Star. Call Cummins, 10 spd., air ride, premium, no rust truck, only $26,500. Call for details, 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale 2004 FREIGHTLINER M2, tandem, Allior rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, son auto, excellent cab and chassis or box w/wo driver. K&L Equipment, Regi- pkg, only $39,500. Call for details, na/Ituna, SK, DL 910885. 306-795-7779, 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 306-537-2027 email: ladimer@sasktel.net 2004 KENWORTH T800, 475 Cat, 18 NEW TRUCK 2013 PETERBILT, 367 spd., 46 rears, full lockers, 48” mid-rise heavy spec, comes with Capital alumunim sleeper, sunroof, alum. headache rack, box and quad trailer, will sell separate. Beacons, new turbo, after cooler, air to air 780-940-7497, Edmonton, AB. area. rad, and radiator, Sask. safetied, $43,900. SINGLE AXLE AUTOMATIC DUMP, 14’ 306-768-7004, Carrot River, SK. box, 2007 IH 4300, 466 dsl., hyd. brakes, 2004 VOLVO 630, complete inframe 8 months ago, w/Volvo warranty, wet kit, $36,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. $28,000; 1997 Freightliner, w/wet kit, TANDEM AXLE Gravel trucks in inventory. $16,000. 306-229-6425, Martensville, SK. New and used, large inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or 2005 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC, FLD120, 515 Detroit, 18 spd., 4-Way locks, 46 call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946 rears, 36” flat-top sleeper, new rad and turbo, 662,700 kms., rubber good, exc. cond., $48,900 OBO. 306-567-7100 or 2008 PETERBILT 386 factory daycab, 306-963-7904, Imperial, SK. ISX 475 HP, 18 spd. Eaton, 46,000 rears, w/4-way lockups, wet kit. A serious work horse w/high level interior, low kms. This unit is in immaculate condition. White with lots of chrome and alloys, fresh safety, $51,900. Farmer Vern’s Premium Trucks, 204-724-7000, Winnipeg, MB.

2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT, 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean. Also trucks available with ISX Cummins and no box. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. DL #4525. 2008 CALGARY BASED fleet truck, 2007 FREIGHTLINERS and 2006 IHC Freightliner C15 Cat, 15 spd., 4-way 9200s w/new CIM boxes and hoists, Au- lockup diffs., 85% 24.5’s on alloys, toShifts and UltraShifts, new SK. safeties. small 34” bunk. Ideal for oilfield, gravel, construction or farm use. Only 618,000 306-270-6399, Saskatoon 78truxsales.com kms., mint condition, $43,900. Farmer 2007 INTERNATIONAL 9200, Cummins Vern’s Premium Trucks, 204-724-7000, 385 HP, 10 spd. Eaton UltraShift, 422,000 Winnipeg, MB. kms, $69,500; 2007 Freightliner Columbia, Detroit 455 HP, 13 spd. UltraShift, 4-Way lockers, $62,500; 2007 Mack Vision, Mack 385 HP, 10 spd. Eaton UltraShift, $64,500. All trucks have 20’ Cancade grain box packages installed. Call 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL #312974.

2005 KENWORTH T800, ISX Cummins, 13 spd., 40,000 rears, safetied, 60” bunk, 1.4 million kms., $22,000. 306-931-2678, Saskatoon, SK.

AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC 2010 IH Prostar, premium, Cummins, new 20’ B&H, roll tarp, $72,000. 306-563-876 Canora SK AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com

BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When durability and price matter, call Berg’s Prep and Paint for details at 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at www.titantrucksales.com COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices.


Ta n d e m G ra in Tru c k s S ta n d a rd & Au tom a tic

Ye llow he a d S a le s 306 -783-2899 Yorkton, S K

2011 V o lvo Da y ca b , D13, 475 h.p ., 13 s p d , 40 rea rs , F u ll lo ckers , 296,000 km 2010 V o lvo 78 0, 77” Co n d o s leep er, Cu m m in s IS X 400 h.p . tha tca n b e u p gra d ed . E xten d ed w a rra n ties o n en gin e, in jecto rs a n d tu rb o . Un d er 690,000 K M . 2010 M a ck CX U6 13, M P8 485 h.p ., 18 s p d , ca b a n d en gin e hea ter 3 w a y lo ck u p s , 608,390 K M . 2009 6 70, 61” d o u b le b u n k, D13, 485 h.p ., I-S HIF T a u to m a ted tra n s m is s io n , 12 & 40’s , Ab o ve a vera ge co n d itio n , 931,000 K M . 2009 V o lvo Da y Ca b , D13 435 h.p ., 13 s p d ., 12 & 40’s , New tires , 499,490 K M . 2008 M a ck CX U6 13, M P8 480 h.p ., 18 s p d ., 12,000 fro n t, 40,000 60’ M id ro o fs leep er, 804,000 K M ’s . 2006 V o lvo 6 70, D12 465 h.p ., 61” Ra is ed ro o fs leep er, 12 s p d ., M erito r, 12 & 40’s . 2001 GM C C6 500 235 h.p ., ga s en gin e No E m is s io n s ,5 s p d , 16’ va n b o d y, On ly 13,000 o rigin a l K M ’s , As kin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28 ,000

2005 PETERBILT 379, Cat C15, 475 HP, 13 spd., 355 ratio, good tires all round, asking $26,000. 204-857-1700, Gladstone, MB. 2005 STERLING, 6 cylinder Cat, 10 spd., daycab, $18,500. Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

2005 T800 KW Cat, 470 HP, 13 spd, 3-way locks, 797,000 miles, 24” alum. polished rims, studio sleeper, new fan and trans. clutch, loaded, Michelin tires 85%, new MB S a fe t y. $ 4 9 , 0 0 0 . C a n d e l i v e r. C a l l 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2005 W900 KENWORTH, Cummins engine, 565 HP, 18 spd., 3-way locks, 46,000 rears, 400,000 miles, new motor, fresh safety. 306-389-2447, Maymont, SK.

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available 1980 L8000 FORD cement truck, 8 yd. hyd. in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. mixer, 3208 Cat engine, $3700. Call 2005 VOLVO w/ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. VN670 model, 40,000 rears, safetied, BUY NOW: 2008 FORD F550 XLT with BARN PAINT: White, black, Western red, $20,000. 306-931-2678, Saskatoon, SK. dump box, V8 Powerstroke engine. Re- green. Limited quantities. $50.00 per 18.9 2008 PETERBILT 335, PX8 engine, 8 quires certification. 1-800-263-4193. View litre. 306-477-5555, Saskatoon, SK. spd. trans., 180,000 miles, single axle, air at www.McDougallAuction.com - Saskabrakes, air ride, deck. Also wired for elec. toon Division. PL #314480. brakes, vg cond, $48,000. 306-421-1444, 1999 IHC 4900 w/21’ rollback deck, 6 Estevan, SK. dcwanner@sasktel.net plus trans, air brakes, AC, 212,000 miles, PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING 2008 PETERBILT 388, 525 ISX Cummins, $29,900. 306-280-2400, Saskatoon, SK. PKG, 40x60x14’, includes doors, windows, Super 40 rears, 18 spd, 3.70, 22.5 rubber, 870,000 kms, 70” bunk, white, $67,500 1995 INT. 8100 Cummins M11, 10 spd. eaves, downs. 306-948-2140, Biggar, SK. OBO. Call 306-677-7617, Hodgeville, SK. with 17 bale Cancade self load and unload, FREESPAN WOODEN BUILDING on con2008 PETERBILT 388, ISX550, 18 spd., $45,000. 780-618-7299, Grimshaw, AB. crete, 110’x158’, full building width doors 3.55 ratio on 22.5 tires, 40 rear ends, no 20’ high. 306-773-6322, Swift Current, SK. emmissions, 655,000 kms, $67,000 OBO. e-mail: scairport@live.com Call 306-695-7755, Indian Head, SK. STEEL BUILDING, 40X40X16’, 4 SEA con2008 PETERBILT 389L, 550 Cummins ISX, tainer structure. Easy to move, $4500 or 18 spd., Super 40s, 410 rears, dual Webas$7500. Call 306-781-2600, Regina, SK. tos, Alvena fenders, 724,000 kms, fresh safety, $74,000; Also 2010 Doepker Super Bs, heavy stainless fenders, dual cranks, alum. rims, fresh safety, $70,000. Will sep1989 FORD L9000, Golden View 17 bale arate. Ph 306-220-9635, Prud’homme, SK. deck, 344,000 kms, 7300 hrs., 3406 Cat PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, 2009 PETERBILT 389, 600 HP Cummins, engine, 9 spd trans., 10 new tires, new licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. PDI delete, platinum interior, 63” bunk front wheel seats, new air compressor, Moving all types and sizes of buildings. w/fridge, 825,000 kms., dual Webasto sys- safety certified July 2013. Ready to go to Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK. tem, new drives, exc. cond., one owner. work, $50,000. Phone: 403-637-2047 or www.privebuildingmovers.com Phone 306-921-9776, Kinistino, SK. 403-637-2003, Cremona, AB. 2003 F250 SD, 5.4L, air, auto, only 94,000 kms, utility body, fresh Sask. safety, $9950. Phone Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at www.titantrucksales.com WANTED: OLDER SINGLE or tandem axle bale picker truck or bale deck. 306-666-4513, Fox Valley, SK. SPECIALTY TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Fire/ emergency trucks, garbage, bucket, deck and dump trucks. See us at our new loca2011 W900 L Kenworth truck, ISX Cum- tion on Cory Rd., Saskatoon, SK. Summer mins 600 HP, only 146,000 kms, 18 spd., of 2013. 306-668-2020. DL #90871 46000 rears, 3.91 ratio, new 11R24.5 Bridgestone tires. Full 4-way lockers. Loaded heavy spec truck, oilfield ready. Come with a T&E oil pump, Berkley water pump, 2008 FORD ESCAPE, 4x4, AC, leather, 4” pump, $118,000 OBO. For more info. 71,000 kms., Stk #SK-U0738, $21,995. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Call 1-866-980-0260, DL #914077, or 2011 WESTERN STAR, small sleeper, 18 www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca spd. trans., 46 rears, 400,000 kms., Detroit 2009 JEEP PATRIOT, SUV, 4 WD, 4 dr., 15 500 HP, new safety, excellent condi- copper brown, 160,000 kms, $8800; 2009 tion. Lloydminster, AB., 780-871-4743. Dodge PT Cruiser, blue, 114,000 kms, 2012 INTERNATIONAL PRO-STAR, Max $8800. Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. Force 15 engine, 18 spd. trans, 46 rears, approx. 120,000 miles, mint cond., asking 2011 SUBARU OUTBACK 2.5i Limited, AWD, AC, Leather, auto, 22,200 kms, Stk $100,000. 306-539-7899. #SK-U01063, $34,995. 1-866-980-0260 or www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL# 914077.

MACSWANEY’S CABINS AND LODGE, Tobin Lake’s premium four season resort, Nipawin, SK. Complete turnkey, $699,000. Details at www.macswaneyscabins.com HUNTING AND FISHING BUSINESS: SW Sask. Outstanding area. 5 wildlife zones. 25 years in business. Great client list. Ph 306-778-2348, Stewart Valley, SK. WHITEWOOD MEAT MARKET in Whitewood, SK. Business that is mostly custom processing of domestic and wild meat with some retail sales. Busy business with room to expand. All offers will be considered. Ph. 306-745-2021 evenings for more info. WANTED: YOUNG horse training couple to rent 3 bdrm modular home, 30x48 barn and 60x60 indoor arena, outdoor arena, corrals and pasture. I have many contacts to help get your training business started. David 780-933-4080, Grande Prairie, AB. THRIVING EAST CENTRAL SK livestock market for sale in the heart of cattle country. 306-675-2077, Leross, SK.

AIR RIDE CONVERSION for spring ride H e n d r i c k s o n s u s p e n s i o n . C a l l SOUR CHERRY ORCHARD located in SW Sask. 44 acres complete with 16 acres de306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. veloped and fenced with over 4,000 fruit CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used trees. MLS #463901. Call Lee Davidson, highway tractors, view information at Re/Max of Swift Current 306-741-7367. leedavidson@sasktel.net www.titantrucksales.com ATTN FARMERS/ GRAVEL HAULERS: 2006 Freightliner FLD120 Classic, 550 Cat Twin Turbo, dual exhaust, twin air breathers, 18 spd, 12/40, 3.58 gears, 36” bunk, 144” cab to mid axle, double full lockers, 10 brand new 22.5 tires not recaps, new SK. safety, odometer reads 067,290 kms, $44,900. Call 306-242-2508 or for financing call Gord at Horizon 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK. BUY NOW: 2010 PETERBILT 386, 18 spd., 550 HP Cummins engine. View at www.McDougallAuction.com - Saskatoon Division 1-800-263-4193. PL #314480. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors, view information at www.titantrucksales.com HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2010 Kenworth T800, Cummins 450 HP, 10 spd, $69,000; 2010 International 9400, Cummins 450 HP, Eaton 10 spd. AutoShift, $44,000; 2006 International 9900, Cummins 525 HP, 13 spd, $36,500; 2005 Mack Vision, 460 HP, 18 spd, 46 rears, lockers, $37,500; Daycabs: 2007 International 9900, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd, 46 rears, $44,500; 2000 Kenworth T800, Cat 380 HP, 10 spd, $18,500; 2005 International 9400, Cat 475 HP, 10 spd, $19,500. Specialty trucks: 1994 International 9200, Cat 350 HP, 10 spd, 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck w/winch, $26,500; 1995 Volvo, Cummins 370 HP, 10 spd, 24’ hyd. tilt and load deck, $22,500. Call 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. www.hodginshtc.com DL #312974. SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.

TWO 2010 PETEs 389, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 and 40 diff.; 2006 T800 KW daycab, Cat, 18 spd., lockers; 2005 W900 KW, daycab, Cat, 18 spd., 46 diff, Rubar bumper; 2007 and 2005 IHC 9900i’s, 18 spd., 46 diff, lockers; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; Two 2001 Western Stars 4964, N14 Cummins and Cat, 13 spd; 1999 9300 IH, dual stacks dual breathers 60 Det., 13 spd.; 1989 T600 KW, 425 Cat, 18 spd. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231 www.rbisk.ca WESTERN STAR, 400 big cam Cummins, mid 80’s, 15 spd., $2200. Text or phone 780-361-3532, Gwynne, AB.

2006 KENWORTH W900L, Cummins ISX 500, c/w 72” sleeper, 12/40’s aluminum wheels, premium rubber, Webasto, satelite Regin a , S K 1-8 00-6 6 7-046 6 radio, current inspection, exc. cond., ready S a s k a to o n , S K 1-8 8 8 -242-79 8 8 to work. Call Hannah Transport Ltd., 1975 KENWORTH K100, cabover, 350 403-312-8396, Acme, AB. Cummins, 10 spd., runs good, $7000 OBO. 2008 INT. PROSTAR PREMIUM, big blocks WET KIT, HEAVY SPEC, 2006 FL, 500 1984 Esler B-train grain trailer, $9500 Cummins, 435 HP, auto, $32,500. Larry at HP, 15 spd., 14/46 axles, lock-ups, fresh 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. OBO. Chris 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. safety, $32,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK

SANDY LAKE HOTEL. Excellent turnkey business that includes hotel, beverage room and restaurant, located in the thriving community of Sandy Lake. Hotel consists of 3 rooms with private bathrooms, 1 bachelor suite and a manager suite. Restaurant seats 26, beverage room has 84 1/2” THICK BELTING for sale in 36” to 54” seat capacity, and patio seats 75. Great vendor and lottery income, as well. MLS widths. Ph. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK 1316771. Contact Gillian Dinwoodie, 204-730-2473, Sutton-Harrison Realty, Brandon, MB, gdinwoodie@sutton.com

BURTON CONCRETE: PROVINCE-WIDE mobile concrete trucks. We set up on site, pour all sizes of shops or bin pads w/one continuous pour. Eliminates delivery charges and wait times. Phone Waylyn 306-441-4006, Blaine Lake, SK.


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HOBBY, NURSERY, LANDSCAPE business. 5 acres 2 miles north of Courtenay, BC. Buy inventory and equipment with lease, $150,000, or buy everything $674,000. Beautiful view, near 4 golf courses, skiing, hunting and big salmon. Build your retirement home and enjoy mild winters. 250-218-0142. www.ospreystoneandbamboo.com/ForSale2012/ HOME PLUS INCOME! Live in the Resort Village of Manitou and live for next to nothing. The Canadian dream is to earn retirement income owning this small motel with principal residence. Contact Lorne Purdy 306-222-5984, Remax Saskatoon or view online at: www.homebuyerconnect.ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES: 76 acres, in city limits of Melville. 30+ acres adjacent to new development. Water, sewer capabilities. Hanley, near #11 Hwy, former bake shop, gas bar, confectionary, has 2 work bays and living quarters. 5000 sq. ft. commercial building in Southey SK, with/without car wash. Excellent starter investment property, commercial building in large town on major hwy, Sask Gov’t lease. East of Regina on #46 near Pilot Butte, 68 acres with a home, secondary serviced site and some sub-division. Country res. and/or commercial. Milestone Hotel near Regina on major hwy, showing excellent volume growth. Restaurant, cafe, 2 suites (living or rent) rooms to rent, bar w/banquet area. Lintlaw, 4 acres, school w/gym, good shape, many applications; On #11 Hwy in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. On #39 Hwy in small town, 7300 sq. ft. building on 2 acres land, great for truckers; Regina, large volume liquor outlet with bar, food and some room income are available. Seed cleaning and processing plant on CN rail line 40 miles north of Regina. Contact: Brian Tiefenbach, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344.



CUSTOM BALE HAULING have 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 1985 CASE 450C crawler, 6-way dozer, CUSTOM BALE HAULING, self-loading 65% UC, $18,500. 204-525-4521, Minitoand unloading 17 bale truck. Radisson, SK. nas, MB. www.waltersequipment.com 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. USED UNDERCARRIAGE, rails to fit CUSTOM BALE HAULING, 17 bale self- D6C/D, D6H/R, D7G/H/R, $1500 per set. loading and unloading truck. Contact Good selection of rollers, track pads and rails for excavators and crawlers. Western PARADISE HILL FARM SUPPLY. Thriv- 306-280-4840, Delisle, SK. Heavy Equip. 306-981-3475, Prince Albert. ing business in NW SK. With lots of opportunity for expansion or diversification. Owners retiring. Video at www.mgtv.ca MLS 49743. Vern McClelland or Brian Kim- CUSTOM SEEDING/ BALING/ SWATHING. mel, Re/Max Lloydminster 780-808-2700. Also parting 567 baler; Some hay for sale. WELL EQUIPPED WELDING/MACHINE Call Alan: 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. shop for sale in Moose Jaw, SK. Includes: mobile welding machines, 10,000 lb. telehandler, 15 ton carry deck crane, plus much more equipment. Retiring from the CUSTOM SWATHING. MAGILL FARM & business. 306-693-8556 or 306-631-6052. FIELD SERVICES is now booking swathing acres for the 2013 cropping season. Late model MacDon swathers. For all your swathing needs: magillhay@yahoo.ca or call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. TRIPLE “R” HONEY Ranch, Val Marie, SK. 150 hives. 2 residences, Bee/honey buildings and warehouses. Equipment included. MLS #459494. Contact Lee Davidson, Re/Max of Swift Current 306-741-7367. leedavidson@sasktel.net

NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three, call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK. PRIVATE MORTGAGE FUNDS available for commercial and agricultural properties. Bad credit and difficult situations welcome. Toll free: 1-877-995-1829. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. PH REDUCER for spray water. Half Price! Call Mercer Seeds Ltd., 403-308-2297, 403-327-9736, Lethbridge, AB.

CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE baling. Three 3x4 balers stacking/loading out as well anywhere in Alberta/Sask. for enough acres. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB.

CUSTOM HARVESTER looking for acres to harvest. 4- new JD S670 combines, 1100 bu. grain cart, and Peterbilt semis. Headers for all crops. Will travel anywhere. 306-421-9270 leave msg., Bromhead, SK. CUSTOM COMBINING: 2388 Case/IH, 30’ cutter. Call Pete Wierenga 403-877-2020, 403-782-2596, Lacombe, AB. FIELD HARVESTING IS looking for acres in AB/Peace region, SK and MB. 3 JD STS combines, grain cart and trucking supplied. 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. FROESE TRUCKING AND HARVESTING LTD. Custom combining and grain hauling, straight cutting and platform PU. Call Franz 403-952-0631 for rates and booking. CUSTOM COMBINING near Regina or southern Sask. with 8230 and 45’ draper header. Phone Russ 250-808-3605.

KSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chopper, live bottom trucks, 21 yrs. experience, reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal and corn silage needs call Kevin 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK ERW CUSTOM SILAGING is ready to take care of all your alfalfa and cereal silage. SP JD chopper and trucks, swathing, bagging and packing also available. Reasonable rates. To book call Eldon 306-370-0776 or 306-225-5720, Hague, SK.

SELF-LOADING/UNLOADING round bale truck. Max. capacity 34 bales. Custom hauling anywhere in AB. or SK. Phone Bernd, Bales on Wheels, Tofield, AB., 403-795-7997 or 780-922-4743. LOWDERMILK TRANSPORT IS providing one call service for all Equipment/Hay hauling. Very experienced, multiple trucks serving AB., SK., and MAN. 780-872-0107, 306-252-1001, Kenaston, SK. TTS BALE HAULING LTD. custom round picking and hauling. Two self-loading/unloading units, 17- 34 bales. Ph. Tyson 306-867-4515, 306-855-2010, Glenside SK

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings; 24” to 36” notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com

BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. www.borysiukcontracting.ca REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $1900; 160x60x14’ $2700; 180x60x14’ $3100; 200x60x14’ $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054.

ROTARY DITCHER: Cut and/or maintain drainage channels. 4 models w/flywheels from 32”, 42”, 62” and 72” in diameter and power requirements from 50- 350 HP. For larger channels make multiple cuts. Cut new ditches or maintain existing ones. Digs and spreads up to 600 cu. yds. per hr. max. Dirt is spread up to 150’ away for superior drainage. Works in all conditions in- 2011 C ATERPILLAR WHEEL LOADER, PALLISER CUSTOM SWATHING, 30’ NH cluding standing water and overgrown IT-38-H, low hour machine, Europs, AC, SP c/w PU reels, Rotor-Shears, and GPS. ditches. 204-436-2469, Fannystelle, MB. ride control, Q/C, 20.5/R 25 tires, c/w 3.5 Reasonable rates, friendly service. Will yd. bucket, exc. condition, $168,000. Can travel. Stan 306-309-0080, Pangman, SK. YELLOW ROSE CONSTRUCTION has deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. gravel crushing equipment for sale. 2442 WILL CLEAN UP scrap iron from farm, in- Elruss Jaw plant, 3’ Taylor crusher, plus a CAT IT28B WHEEL loader, QA, GP bucket, dustrial, oilfield, and commercial sites. complete extra 3’ Taylor crusher and a pallet forks, auxiliary hyd., cab, heater, 306-463-1713 leave msg, Kindersley, SK. warehouse of parts, eccentric bushings, 1 7 . 5 x 2 5 t i r e s , g o o d c o n d . C a l l 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fenc- gears, shafts, other bushings, etc.; Elruss 306-621-0425, 306-782-4425, Yorkton, SK ing, mulching, corral cleaning and hopper feeder screening plant, 5x18’ LETOURNEAU LSO, 14 yd. scraper, good bobcat services. Metal siding and screening deck, double decker, Genset tires, $19,000; 16 yd. Woolridge scraper, roofs. Will do any kind of work. tower van, 3406 Cat, lots of electrical n ew f r o n t t i r e s , $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 ; C at 4 3 5 , 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith power, Two 36x75’ Hikon conveyors, $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 ; C at 6 0 , 7 0 a n d 8 0 ’ s a l s o 24x50’ conveyor, shop van w/lots of extra available. 306-338-7114, Clair, SK. SK. 4tcontractorsinc@sasktel.net plant parts, tools, welder, acetylene, ready NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, to go. By the piece of complete; Ingersoll HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2008 Hitachi payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and Rand L120, portable light and power pull ZX350 LC-3; 1998 Cat 325BL. Edmonton, v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e behind, purchased in 2008, used very lit- AB. 587-991-6605. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. tle; 644J JD loader, 2006, 4.5 cu. yd. CAT D8K, TILT blade, 70% undercarriage MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, bucket, 3344 hrs., exc. cond.; 1996 JD l e f t . E n g i n e n e e d s w o r k , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . caraganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly 644G loader, 4.5 cu. yd. bucket, exc. 306-232-5040, 306-232-7799, Rosthern, mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: cond., injection pump injectors, valves set, SK. Email neufeld.sand@sasktel.net new main bearings, cam bearings, water www.maverickconstruction.ca pump just recently done. Want it gone n o w. B i l l M c G i n n i s 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 6 1 9 , MANLIFT TOW BEHIND, JLG 350, Honda engine, 500 lb. capacity, self-contained, 306-734-2232, Craik, SK. $23,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. D & M CUSTOM 1999 CAT 902 Wheel loader, QA bucket, SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS: rock buckets, cab, auxiliary hyd., good condition. Call SW ATHING LTD. dirt buckets, grapples and more top 306-621-0425, 306-782-4425, Yorkton, SK quality. Also have truck decks in stock. W e cu t a ll t yp es of cr op s, u sin g ATTACHMENTS AND PARTS. Large in- Quality Welding and Sales 306-731-3009 on ly M a cD on Equ ip m en t t he b est ventory of construction equipment attach- or 306-731-8195, Craven, SK. in t he In d u st r y. ments for excavators, wheel loaders and crawlers. Hyd. thumbs, compactors, ham- ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull Sw a th sizesa va ila ble a re 30 Ft. mers, digging and clean-up buckets, behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ a nd 60 Ft.W e’re w illing to drive long quick/attaches, brush rakes, grapples, rip- blade widths available. CWK Enterprises, pers, jib booms, brush cutter, mulchers 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, dista ncesdepending on the and winches. Wrecking assorted constr. SK., www.cwenterprises.ca a m ou nt ofa cresbooked. equip. for salvage parts. Western Heavy Equipment 306-981-3475 Prince Albert SK Forpricing a nd booking you r C ropsplea se ca ll NEW ATTACHMENTS OLD prices. New brush mowers for skidsteers, 25 and 28 HP D a vid @ 1 - 30 6 - 8 31 - 8 449 Cub Cadet tractors; post pounders and or em a ilu s cable fencing; hundreds of new buckets cr essm a n _ 70 @ hot m a il.com and attachments; used remote controlled packers; new corrugated metal sheets; EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver many used loaders and skidsteers; used dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. chippers and stump grinders; new 12 volt Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK., electric fuel pumps; many sweepers and 3 PTH brooms. 4- used Ford 8N tractors and 2- 2008 VOLVO’s, 84” rollers, 2400 hrs. phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. many others. Hundreds of pieces of run- Selling by Unreserved Auction, Thursday, WILL DO DEMOLITION, any project big or ning equipment. Cambrian Equipment Sept. 19, NJN Excavating, Edmonton, AB. small from fencing to large structures. For S a l e s . P h : 2 0 4 - 6 6 7 - 2 8 6 7 ; F a x : Phone 780-910-4567. To view full list go e s t i m at e c a l l D i l a r i c h D e m o l i t i o n , 204-667-2932. to www.prodaniukauctions.com 306-381-9734, Saskatoon, SK. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE/RENT: 4240 TALBOT HOT BIN SEALING, we seal bins portable feeder, 30 yard surge bin, 3670 on wood and concrete floors. Serving SK, triple pack conveyor and 36”x75’ radial AB and MB. 306-631-0203, Moose Jaw, SK. stacking conveyor. Call Hikon Industries talbotbinsealing@gmail.com Ltd. at 306-244-4533, Saskatoon, SK. or email: hikon@sasktel.net 1958 JD 440 Crawler with FEL, needs some repair, $1800 OBO. 306-781-4962 evenings, Pilot Butte, SK. 8220 TEREX HYDRAULIC Dozer, near new ‘06 GENIE Z45/25 ARTICULATING undercarriage, ripper and cab. Call BOOMLIFT - 45’, 4x4, Deutz 3 cyl diesel, 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 48hp, 1,347 hrs., max. load 500 lbs, $32,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. WELDING & MACHININGL TD 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

CAT HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, 80, 70, and 60, all very good condition, new conversion. Also new and u s e d s c r a p e r t i r e s . C a n d e l i v e r. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. FOR SALE: 4- TS14B motor scrapers with cabs and air; D6N CAT crawler. Spare motors, transmissions and various other parts also avail. 780-847-2592, Marwayne, AB.

10’ Big Dog , in stock.. .. .. .. $ 3,900 12’ Big Dog ...................... $ 4,2 00 12’ BIL Cen terPivot, in stock ...................... $ 8,900 14’ BIL Cen terPivot, in stock .................... $ 13,550 14’ BIL 48’’ hig h Big Ha m m er, Dem o Un it............... $ 2 1,500 20’ BIL 32’’ hig h b ox scra per..................... $ 12 ,850 Ca ll

204 - 87 1 - 1 1 7 5 or 1 - 86 6 - 86 2- 83 04 w w w .triplesta rm fg.c a EXCAVATOR HITACHI 120 LC, $38,000; Loader JD 544E, $38,000; Wheel Loader- WA50 Komatsu, 4x4, bucket, forks, boom, $28,000; Backhoe JCB 215E, $38,000; JD 310SG, $38,000; Skidsteer Cat 247B tracks, $24,000; Bobcat 853, $13,500. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

2006 CASE 621D wheel loader, 165 HP, 4,474 hrs, 4 spd. PS trans, hyd. Q/A, 2.75 Q/A bucket and pallet forks, 3rd valve, new 20.5-25 tires, C/A/H, exc. cond, $89,900. Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.

HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt years of trouble-free service. Lever 1983 D6D CAT, total recondition, new UC, for torque rebuilt motor, final drive, steering, Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK twin tilt angle blade, 24” pads, warranty, CLARK 380B DOZER on rubber, comexc. cond., can deliver, $56,000. Call pletely overhauled, ready to go, good 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. shape, $35,000. 306-421-3077 Estevan, SK D5 CAT ANGLE BLADE, 24” pads, bush 2011 JD 544K, 733 hrs, CAHR, ride concanopy, farm used, never ran in winter, trol, hyd. quick attach, 3 cu. yd. bucket, low hrs. Call 204-821-5108, Rossburn, MB. like new cond., $159,000. Call Jordan any1959 PARKER CRUSHER, 10x36 jaw, 20x30 time 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. rolls, 4x14’ triple deck, 6-71 power, $65,000. Call 306-369-2669, Bruno, SK. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . DONE MILKING! Mueler 2700 gal. milk tank with coolers $15,000, Bou Matic 7.5 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. HP Air Star vac pump $3000, 140 gal. heat CATERPILLAR 627 twin engine motor reclaimer, Bou Matic 2x8 herringbone with scraper, well maintained, low hr. compo- jars and 2000V detachers. Will sell in piecnents, guarded for excavator, top loading, es, buy some spare parts and jars! Fred $28,650; Caterpillar 300B excavator, 250-263-3214, Fort St. John, BC. c/w bush guarding and thumb work ready, $26,800; Caterpillar 330BL excavator, c/w bush guarding and thumb, component repair history available, work ready. Call 250-489-9502, Cranbrook, BC. REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 24v custom conversions available. Looking for 5.9L Cummins, $7500 installed; GM DuraCat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., max Ford 6.0L, $8500 installed. Other new, used, and Reman. diesel engines avail. Can 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520 Muenster SK ship or install. Call 204-532-2187, 8:00 AM REDUCED TO CLEAR - all items: 7- skid- to 5:30 PM, Mon. to Fri., Thickett Engine steer brooms; 2- 7’ PT brooms; 1- 8’ front Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. tractor mount; 8- brooms 4 to 6’ wide; 5stump grinders (SP and trailer type); 4- CUMMINS DIESEL POWER unit, c/w new model 8811 skidsteer backhoe attach. trans., mounted on a skid, $8000 OBO. only $7900; 4- Ditchwitch trenchers 306-380-2369, ask for Don, Saskatoon, SK. w/backhoes; 2- post pounders for skid- 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines steers; 3- diesel wood chippers; new tree and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, shears for CAT excavators. Over 100 sets 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. of forklift forks, many sizes. 15- forklifts from 2000 to 8000 lbs.; 24- forklifts being parted out. Over 450 buckets in stock from 1/4 yard to 10 yard for loaders and backhoes. Over 700 sheets of new galvanized corrugated sheet metal; over 500 new and used hyd. cylinders, many sizes. 10- compressors from 160 to 450 CFM. Large stock of power units from 35 to 193 kw. 9- fire engines just out of service; 15- lawn mowers, brush mowers for skid steers; water pumps from 2: to 12”. Hundreds and hundreds of misc. items and attachments. two yards, over 50 acres. Salvage of all types. Over 1800 new and used industrial tires. New and used parts. Cambrian Equipment Sales. Phone: 204-667-2867, Fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. 1995 KOMATSU EXCAVATOR PC 200, c/w clean up bucket, two digging buckets, long shank ripper tooth, hydraulic thumb. Call James 403-869-4417, Cochrane, AB. CASE 580K BACKHOE, c/w extend-a-hoe, all pins tight, works great, $23,000. Call 403-312-8396, Acme, AB. CAT HYDRAULIC 12 yard scraper #70, exc. cond. Also 11 UHF Midland radios and Here is a packer you need base. Retired. Call 306-752-3820, (cell) to do the job “RIGHT”. 306-921-9920, Melfort, SK. www.ewam.ca RECLAMATION CONTRACTORS: Bigham 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; 3 and 4 leg mechanical trip 3 pt. hitch Series 60 cores. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK sales@ewam.ca Paratills in stock; parts for Bigham and Tye DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and Toll Free 1-888-446-3444 Paratills. Call Kellough’s: 1-888-500-2646. parts for most makes. Cat, Case/IH, CumNorth Battleford, SK. FOR RENT: 24’ Pulldozer, daily and week- mins, Detroit, Mack. M&M Equipment Ltd., LETOURNEAU 14 YARD scraper, good ly rates available. Call 204-745-8909 or Parts and Service phone: 306-543-8377, fax: 306-543-2111, Regina, SK. shape. Call 306-592-2277, Buchanan, SK. 204-242-4588, Manitou, MB.


2003 CAT D7R SERIES II w/SU blade and ripper. 306-845-3407, Turtleford, SK. D7G PS RIPPER; D760 Champion grader; Skidder, tree farmer, new 18.4x34 tires; Case 580 Super M extendahoe; Grousen dozer blade, fits JD 8970, 16’; New steel 35x52x18H, in crate, super price; FINLAY HYDRA SCREENER, 1754 hrs, quonset, 004 Dodge Rumblebee, $12,500. c/w 2- 50’ conveyors. Selling by Unre- 2306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. served Auction, Thursday, Sept. 19, NJN Excavating, Edmonton, AB. 780-910-4567. CAT 463 PULL scrapers, 3 to choose from, View full list: www.prodaniukauctions.com $12,000 each. Phone 204-795-9192, Plum 2002 JD 444H, 2.5 yd., grapple, new rub- Coulee, MB. ber, 7800 hrs. very tight, excellent shape. 1984 CAT D6D, cab, angle dozer, winch, 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. optional brush rake, good running condiEdquip Ltd., Jerry at 780-915-5426, 2 TRACTOR MOUNT hydraulic scrapers: tion. Reynolds 14 yd. Icon 18 yd. Take the pair Spruce Grove, AB. very cheap; Cat 70; Cat 80; Cat 463. Con- EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Loaders, dozers, tact 204-667-2867 or fax 204-667-2932, excavators, compactors, etc. Call Conquest Winnipeg, MB. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.

2008 CAT 930H, Q/C bucket, aux. hyd., joystick, 2214 hrs., $129,500; 2006 Cat 930G, Q/C bucket, aux. hyd., new tires, 7343 hrs., $85,000; 2008 Case 821E XR, extended reach, roll-out bucket, aux. hyd., 5700 hrs., $109,000; 2005 Cat 924G, Q/C bucket, aux. hyd., 7990 hrs., $80,000; 2012 Bobcat S205, cab with heat, 2 spd., Q/C bucket, 260 hrs., $29,500; 2004 Deer 310G, cab, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, aux. hyd., 2950 hrs., $34,000. Call 204-256-2098, www.hirdequipment.com Treherne, MB. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS, 6 to 40 yards: Caterpillar, AC/LaPlante, LeTourneau, Kokudo, etc. PT and direct mount avail., tires also avail.; PT motor grader, $14,900; 2010 53’ Stepdeck, $24,995; New Agricart grain cart, 1050 bu., c/w tarp, $27,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. COMPACTORS: 84” Smooth, and 66” Padfoot. For sale or rental. Call Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.



ENGINES: 353, 453, 471, 8.2L Detroit, 4BT BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, Cummins, 3208 Cat. Western Diesel convex and rigid frame straight walls, 1-800-667-1164. grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Spe- Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskacializing in Cummins, have all makes, large toon and northwest Behlen Distributor, inventory of parts, repowering is our spe- Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, cialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. Osler, SK. FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody. motors, on single phase. 204-800-1859. AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL For the customer that prefers quality. motor sales, service and parts. Also sale 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale WANTED: SOMEONE TO dismantle 2 old M o t o r R e w i n d i n g 1 9 8 4 L t d . , 3 0 6 - barns. Drop siding barn boards, 2” and 1” 873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 spruce and fir lumber. Pay or share basis. 306-592-4426, Buchanan, SK. Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com


2001 FORD 7.3 diesel engine, 96,000 kms, $3500. K&L Equipment, Regina/Ituna, SK. DL #910885. Call 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027 email: ladimer@sasktel.net

w w w .skyw aygrainsystem s.com HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration



$ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

WOOD POST BUILDING packages. Incl. 29 gauge #1 colored metal walls, Galvalume roof, starting at $12,145. 1-800-667-4990, www.warmanhomecentre.com

STRAIGHT WALL BUILDINGS, 16’ wall 32x48x16 colored walls 29 gauge, $12,340 materials. For info call 1-800-667-4990, www.warmanhomecentre.com


Yo rk to n , S K . (3) 5 000 b u. M e rid ia n ( S a kun d ia k) h o ppe r b in co m b o c/w ro o f a n d w a ll la d d e rs , to p s a fe ty ca ge s , a uto lid o pe n e rs , 12 le g h o ppe rs , m a n w a ys , s lid e ch ute s , triple s kid s & e re cte d .

w w w .w ood-coun try.com #1 M ETAL C LAD D IN G M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~

FAR M BUILD IN G S : • Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 40x60 - 16’ tre a te d w o o d po s tb ld g. c/w 20x16 a ll s teel s lid in g d o o r. . .$15 ,67 8.12 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.



11- 2 0’ G a ra ge, 6/12 Pitch 1 Pr. O f O pen G a b les & La d d ers (M cLea n Lo ca tio n )

PORTABLE GRAIN RINGS made of steel. New 20 gauge wide-corr steel sheets 48”H. Sizes from 3650 bu., $2072 to 83,000 bu., $11,447 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’H. Best quality available. Canadian made quality silver cone shaped tarps avail. for all sizes. All tarps in stock. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For all pricing, details, pictures visit our website: www.willwood.ca TWO 30’ AERATION FLOORS w/supports and 10” unload auger w/sweep, good for c a n o l a . m i n t C a n d e l i ve r. S o l o m o n 204-523-4617 204-523-6240 Killarney, MB USED FEED BINS, up to 250 bushel; 1 heated canola oil bin. Make an offer. 306-882-1919, Rosetown, SK. 2- 5300 BUSHEL Westeel 19’- 8 ring, c/w ladders, temp. cable, 24” aeration, on cement. 306-287-8062, Watson, SK.






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POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.

CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824 NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466

NEERLANDIA CO-OP Neerlandia, AB 780-674-3020 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. 306-452-3444 ROBERTSON IMPLEMENTS (1988) LTD. Shaunavon, SK, 306-297-4131 Swift Current, SK 306-773-4948 SCHROEDER BROS. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620 HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 1-888-644-5463

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com




WOOD POST BUILDING pkgs. 29 gauge #1 colored metal walls, Galvalume roof 40x64x16, $26,750. 1-800-667-4990. Built onsite. www.warmanhomecentre.com


40’ x 2’ (5647b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,210.00 o r .39 ¢ p er b u 40’ x 4’ (7793b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,230.00 o r .41¢ p er b u 40’ x 6’ (9939b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,19 0.00 o r .42¢ p er b u 50’ x 2’ (10,706b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,750.00 o r .25¢ p er b u 50’ x 4’ (14,185b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,030.00 o r .28 ¢ p er b u 50’ x 6’ (17,665b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,370.00 o r .30¢ p er b u 62’ x 2’ (18,084b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,410.00 o r .18 ¢ p er b u 62’ x 4’ (23,217b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,9 9 0.00 o r .21¢ p er b u 62’ x 6’ (28,350b u ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,6 50.00 o r .23¢ p er b u


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P rice: $40,000.00 o r $2.66 pe r b u.

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G RAIN SYSTEM S IN C. GLUED-LAMINATED BEAM roof, 24,000 sq ft. free span, beams 30”x5” with 20’ perlins between, reclaimed from rink in Lac la Biche, AB. Deconstruction and loading provided available Nov. Call 587-439-7840.


Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8


DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.biz S I LV E R S T R E A M S H E LT E R S Super Spring Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 dbl. truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 dbl. truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 dbl. truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com


ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT Falher, AB, 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 1-800-746-4691 KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 E. BOURASSA & SONS: Assiniboia 1-877-474-2456 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 YORKTON NEW HOLLAND Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888





2105 WESTEEL, wide core w/hopper, skid base, inverted V-air, 7.5 HP fan unassemb l e d ; 4 - 1 4 0 6 We s t e e l o n h o p p e r s . 306-752-3820, 306-921-9920, Melfort, SK.

2-2000 BU. BUTLER bins, 1 w/aeration and tube, $5500; 1650 bu. Westeel Rosco, $2000; 1700 bu. metal clad plywood bin w/metal roof, $800. All bins on wooden floors. Located adjacent to Hwy. #11 at Chamberlain, SK. Call 306-565-6227.

TWO BEHLEN BINS, 1195 and 2090 bu., wood floors, $1,000 for both; NH 352 mixmill. Ph 306-729-3271, Lumsden, SK.

WESTEEL EXTENSION PARTS 19’ standard corrugation bins. All new parts. In 3300 BU. CHIEF WESTLAND, wood floor, stock and competitive pricing. Willwood $3500. 306-544-7720, Hanley, SK. Industries 1-866-781-9560. Get details and prices at: www.willwood.ca 2-1650 BU. WESTEEL; 2750 bu. Westeel; 2000 bu. and 2200 bu. West Chief bins. QUANTITY OF HOPPER bins located ap306-946-7596, 306-257-3978, Young, SK. prox. 15 miles SE of Regina, SK. 6- 3500 bu. Behlen; 6- 3900 bu. Westeel; 3- 4500 GRAIN BIN COVERS bu. Twister; Combinations of air, fans, OPI $2.50- $2.75/bu.; 6- 7200 bu. Chief 6 WHEATLAND BINS, 40-80 tons, one flat cords, with unload and air on cement. bottom bin approx. 200 tons with 75’ Westland Va r i e t y o f o t h e r b i n s . C a l l Tr e n t bucket elevator. Call John, 604-798-0033. 306-540-5275; Tyler 306-533-8834. Located in Southeastern area of Sask.



– Store grain for pennies a bushel. – All covers feature silver/black material to reflect heat and sunlight, vent opening allows moisture to escape, reinforced brass eyelet tie-downs every 3’ to eliminate wind whipping.

14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................2,285 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10� Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 9 0 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,09 5 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,535 21’& 24’Hopper Cones...................$P.O .R.  $










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GRAIN BIN REPAIR. Concrete and setup for large diameter bins. Quadra Development Corp 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK 2 -60’ DIAMETER 26� Behlen bin rings and tarps, $2200/ea; 2 -60’ diameter 42� Behlen bin rings and tarps, $2600/ea. On pallets. Call 306-821-6646, Lloydminster, SK.

ARE YOU R EADY FOR A BUM PER CROP? In S to ck Us e d Ba gge rs : M o d el 3210 Ak ro n ; R10 Richiger; L o ftn es s GBL 10

73 TON WESTEEL MAGNUM fertilizer bin, w/skid base, $6900 OBO. 306-535-2820, south of Kronau, SK. GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Meridian/Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, limited supply for $10,195 FOB at Regina, SK. Leasing available. Peterson Construction, 306-789-2444.

L im ited n u m b er o fn ew L o ftn es s & Richiger b a ggers in s to ck. FUL L S EL EC T ION OF BAGS AV AIL ABL E.

WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.


Ca ll K evin o r Ro n

CONTAINERS FOR SALE or rent: All sizes available. Also, tilt deck services. 306-861-1102, Radville, SK.

Storage Containers 40’ std. & high cube avail. Starting at $3,400. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

TEMPORARY GRAIN BINS, selected 3/8� fir plywood with all holes drilled. Wood sizes from 1750 bu., $431 to 11,700 bu., $852 including hardware. All sizes in stock. All rings 4’ high. Best quality avail. Cana- 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, dian made quality silver cone shaped tarps large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, available for all sizes. All tarps in stock. 306-781-2600. Complete packages include freight to any major point in Western Canada. Overnight delivery to most major points in Western Canada. Willwood Industries toll free 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. For pricing, details, pics: www.willwood.ca TALBOT HOT BIN SEALING, we seal bins on wood and concrete floors. Serving SK, AB and MB. 306-631-0203, Moose Jaw, SK. talbotbinsealing@gmail.com

CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now USED LARGE GRAIN bin hydraulic jack set. available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK. AB. www.starlinesales.biz GRAIN RING 8’Hx50’ diameter, 20,000 bu. LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stock- c ap a c i t y, w i t h t a r p , $ 3 5 0 0 . P h o n e ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid 306-382-1200, Saskatoon, SK. Openers, 18� to 39�. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. BIN CRANE FOR RENT: single winch sysworks well, $200/day. 780-876-0588 3400 BU. WESTEEL ROSCO bins, some tem, w i t h s t e e l f l o o r s f o r s a l e . C a l l Grande Prairie, AB. 306-463-7127, Marengo, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types bu. up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free: 1-888-304-2837. TOP QUALITY BEHLEN/ SAKUNDIAK BINS. Book now for best prices. Example: all prices include skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450. SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We manufacture superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 19’ diameter. Reasonable rates. Call 1-8 00-8 03 -8 3 46 NEW BEHLEN 60’ GRAIN RING with 204-648-7129, Grandview, MB. w w w .yo un gs e quipm e n t.co m tarp, $2500 OBO. Call Lee at: 204-739-8313, Fisher Branch, MB. SIX 1500 bushel hopper bins, $1.75/bu. BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, Factory To Farm Grain Storage Call Stephen at 306-279-2033, Yellow with or without floors. 306-629-3324, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Creek, SK. Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters N eilb u rg S K 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca


w w w.jtlin d u s tries .ca N E IL BU RG, S AS K ATCH E W AN

S tettler AB “ The Pea ce Co u n try� W in d tho rs tS K M a n ito b a

1-78 0-8 72-49 43 1-78 0-8 72-49 43 1-306 -224-208 8 1-204-371-5400

JTL is n o w o ffe rin g c o rrug a te d b in s s e tup o n o ur a w a rd w in n in g “F o rc e � ho p p e r, o ur “L e g a c y� 6 ’ hig h fla tflo o r o r o n c o n c re te p a d .

LO O K IN G FO R LA R G E B U S H EL S TO R A G E? Ca ll for pricing.

L EA S IN GL E A V A IL A B F la t F lo o r Bin s up to 1,000,000 Bus he ls !

Authorized Dealer


Phone: 306-373-4919 grainbindirect.com

BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.



STEEL BINS ON WOOD FLOORS: 14000 bu., 3- 3300 bu.; 1- 2750 bu.; 12000 bu. $12,000 for all. Bins near Edgeley, SK. just off #10 Hwy. 306-332-0011.

SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK. thecontainerguy.ca


The o n ly c lo s e d in ho ppe r/a e ra tio n b in o n the m a rke t.


Other sizes of new bins also available.

REMOTE LID OPENERS For Most Sizes of Bin Starting at $129.00

HopperC one for 14 ft Westeel Rosco up to 2000 bu.

• Manhole • 7 legs • 37 degree slope • Single 8x4x188w skid base

$2,750.00 HopperC one for 19 ft Westeel Rosco up to 3300 bu. • Manhole • 10 legs • 37 degree slope • Single 10x4x188w skid base


We make hopper cones for all makes & sizes of bins.

M & K WELDING 1-877-752-3004

Em a il: s a les @m kw eld ing.ca | Melfort, Sask | w w w.m kw eld ing.ca



B ins Still Ava ila b le For Ha rve s t

Sa ve

UP T O 50% fro m cem en t


D ARM AN IG RAIN S TO RAG E 1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77

KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. WANTED: USED 2 HP aeration fans, preferably Keho. Contact Ken Catherwood, 306-454-2782, 306-861-7550, Ceylon, SK.

2011 BATCO 1585, swing away, end drive, exc. condition. 306-299-4830, Consul, SK. HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6�, 7�, 8� and 10� end units available; Transfer con306-757-2828, Regina, SK. veyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK.

BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new DICKEY JOHN NH3 sectional control sysa n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . tem, 6 section capability, $1500 firm. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. 780-842-8917, Edgerton, AB. FOR ALL YOUR




IN D USTR IAL STOR AGE Ne w Us e d & M o d ifie d S e a C o n ta in e rs fro m



In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d

1 800 667 8800

www.nuvisionfhs.com FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gal. tanks available. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit www.flaman.com LOOKING FOR a floater or tender? Call me first. 33 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. Call 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB.

Bon d In dus tria l Se a /Oce a n Con ta in e rs

Prices do not include setup or freight. Prices subject to change. Quantities are Limited.


GRAIN GUARD AERATION system, fits flat SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. All siz- bottom bins, 14’ floors, 3 HP fans. es, Turnkey modifications from design to 780-724-3669, Elk Point, AB. completion and delivery. 1-866-990-2226, Leduc, AB. www.seaboxdepot.com KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346.

Contact Mike


• Ladders • Remote lid opener • Safety-fil Indicator • 12 leg hopper • 37 degree slope • Manhole • Double 6x4x.188w skid base

CALL FLAMAN SALES for your aeration fan and duct work needs. We carry round duct or Grain Guard rockets to fit existing bins. Aeration fans from 3-10 HP. Call Flaman Sales Saskatoon at 1-888-435-2626. 24� HALF ROUND aeration for 19’ flat floor, $560. 306-843-7046, Wilkie, SK.



New1 8-05 Meridian Hopper Bin (Approx. 5000 bu.)



SUMMER BOOKING: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200; 8000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. Try our U-Weld kits. Call 306-367-2408 or 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 3 0 6 , M i d d l e L a ke , S K . www.middlelakesteel.com 16- 4x8, 3/8� fir plywood sheets, holes drilled, incl. hardware, used 1 year, $450. Call 306-233-7889, Cudworth, SK.

• 4â€? co rru ga tio n a n d 50 k s i yield s tren gth ( 6 5 k s i ten s ile) s teel a re s till u tilized . • 10 yea r w a rra n ty o n co rru ga ted b in s • Re pla c e yo u ro ld • Le g-s tyle b in s a n d flo o rs  a n d a d d u p to re pla c e m e n t ho ppe rs w ith a n 1500 b u s he ls a e ra tio n s ys te m tha t c a pa c ity to u s e s the b a s e a n d yo u r e xis tin g b in s . le gs a s the ple n u m • No m o re fightin g to fo rc e the a irin to w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . the ho ppe r. Ou rpa te n te d JTL • Ae ra tio n s ys te m d o o ris gu a ra n te e d c o m e s a s s ta n d a rd to m a ke yo u s m ile e qu ipm e n t fo ra ll e ve rytim e yo u “ Fo rc e â€? b in s & u s e it! con es.

4- TEMPORARY STORAGE bin rings, approx. 10,000 bushels each. Bailey Brothers Seeds 306-935-4702, Milden, SK.

Saskatoon, SK


KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. KEHOE AERATION SYSTEM, 3 HP fan, double cross ducts for 19’ bin, $2000. 306-553-2239, 306-741-6040 Neidpath SK

NEW 2400 BATCO belt conveyor- Get more capacity, up to 14,000 bu./hr., 23.5� belt with a 14� tube. Call your nearest Flaman Sales store or call 1-888-435-2626.

Grain Bin Direct

Temp Cables


N e w a n d us e d un its a va ila b le . Chec k outour 20 fo o to r 40 fo o ts ea co n ta in er In clu d es On e 6 fo o tro ll u p d o o r, S helvin g, Po w er a n d Cu s to m p a in t. BOOK N OW , W IN TER IS COM IN G.

SAKUNDIAK AUGER SALE: With engine, mover and electric clutch. HD 8x39, cash $13,800; HD 8x53, cash $15,750; HD 10x53, cash $17,900; TL 10x39, cash $15,250. 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK. 2002 BLUE 10x60’ Brandt auger, mech. drive, PTO, swing away, excellent, $6000. 204-649-2288, 204-522-5708, Pierson, MB

Ca ll BOND Toda y

1998 SPRAY-AIR 13x70 swing auger, good condition, $9,000. 780-203-9593, 780-963-0641, Stony Plain, AB.


Don’tlea ve your va lua b les outin the c old .

Ph. 306-373-2236 fx. 306-373-0364 w w w .b on din d.com e m a il joe @ b on din d.com SEA CAN CONTAINERS FOR SALE/ RENT. 20’-53’ containers avail. Delivery, shelving, rollup and man doors, windows and custom builds available. For inventory and pricing call 780-910-3542, St. Albert, AB, Containers and Chains.

SAKUNDIAK SWING AUGER SALE: SLMD 10-72, cash price $12,750; SLMD 12-72, cash price $17,500; SLMD 12-79, cash price $18,900. Used SLMD 12-72, cash $12,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg. 2008 FARM KING 13�x70’ swing auger w/hyd. winch and hopper mover, reverser, 540 PTO, new $23,000, asking $13,800. Also 9600 JD combine cyl. spiders, used, good cond. 204-526-7829, Holland, MB.

REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER movers, trailer chute openers, endgate and hoist systems, wireless full bin alarms, digital wireless tractorCam, the Simpler Sampler portable combine. All shipped directly to you. Doing it right, keeping you 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale safe, by remote control. Phone Brehon in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, Agrisystems at 306-933-2655 or visit us 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com at www.brehonag.com Saskatoon, SK. 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436.



B ins Still Ava ila b le For Ha rve s t

Sa ve

Up T o 3 5% 3 HP = $9 9 5 5 HP = $13 25 7 HP = $16 45 10 HP = $19 49

D ARM AN IG RAIN S TO RAG E 1-86 6 -6 6 5-6 6 77 w w w.d a rm a n i.c a


NEW 10x51 WHEATHEART auger, c/w 35 HP motor and mover kit. Get more capacity! Call your nearest Flaman Sales store or call 1-888-435-2626. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. WESTFIELD 13� x 71’, $7900; 8� x 51’ PTO, $1200; Sakundiak 7� x 35’ c/w eng. $1800; 16 HP Kohler, $550. Pro Ag Sales anytime 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free 1-888-304-2837.

2010 13X95 FARM KING, hyd. swing, $15,500; 2005 13x85 Farm King, electric remote swing and full bin sensor, $11,500; 2 0 1 0 10x70 Farm King, hyd. swing, $7500. Call 780-232-9766, Tofield, AB. 11�X60’ BERGEN, $1800; 7�x27’ Sakundiak Briggs, 12 HP. $900. Ph: 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. 1999 WESTFIELD W61-10 swing auger, 10�x61’, PTO drive, good cond., $6500 OBO. 403-574-2222, Stettler, AB. 13x70 FARM KING, low profile hopper, lights, elec. mover and winch, like new. 10x60 Sakundiak, 40 HP, elec. clutch, rev e r s i n g g e a r b o x , l i g h t s , l i ke n e w. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK.


M AGNETIC CAM ERA PACKAGE • Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll

Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m

2009 1110 UNVERFERTH, hyd. spout, scales, tarp, camera, walking beam axle, PTO drive, 38� tires, $38,000. Delivery available. Troy 306-831-9776, Rosetown, SK. Email: troysanderson77@gmail.com 2009 J&M grain cart 1326, PTO, scale and tarp, 1250/4R5-32 tires, field ready, excellent cond., $50,000. 306-771-4209, White City, SK. 2011 KILLBROS 1950, 1100 bu. grain cart, scale, 900 tires, used one season, like new, 2012 J AND M 1150 cart, tarp, 900 rubber, $ 4 3 , 5 0 0 O B O a n d w i l l t a ke t r a d e s . like new condition, $43,900. Carroll, MB., call 204-483-2774. 306-921-6697, 306-752-3777, Melfort, SK. 2007 PARKER 739 cart, PTO, good cond., GRAIN CARTS: 450-1050 bu. large invenmostly stored inside, $23,000. Call tory. JM500- $9000; Brent 620- $10,000; JM750- $12,500; JM875- $20,000. Call 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK. 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB. BRENT 674; Demco 800, hyd./PTO; A+L 7 0 0 , hy d . d r i ve ; D e m c o 1 0 5 0 . C a l l 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection www.zettlerfarmequipment.com or call used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used 204-857-8403. grain carts, 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in 2008 BRENT 1594 grain cart, asking Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or $85,000. Call for details 403-969-9003, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. Carseland, AB. 2 PIECE EXCHANGE scalping sieves FG USED 938 PARKER grain cart with scale 5.5x23 mm and 2 piece exchange main and camera, only $34,900. Call Flaman sieves FG 2.20x23 mm. Two complete sets Sales in Saskatoon, 1-888-435-2626. of four pieces each, 1 used, $1200, 1 new, $1500. Cdn. funds, buyer covers shipping. Purchased from Buhler Inc for cleaning machine LAAA TAS 152A-2. Call Ken at 250-546-8911, Armstrong, BC. or email Ken.Smith@gambrinusmalting.com

WHEATHEART 10�x61’ auger, has meFARM KING 10x60 swing auger, lights and chanical swing, in new condition, $8700. down spout, $1800. Call 306-743-7622, 306-553-2239, 306-741-6040 Neidpath SK Never Clim b A B in A ga in Langenburg, SK. FARM KING 10�x41’ auger, 30 HP Kohler Equip yo ur a uge r to s e n s e w h e n ON SALE NOW: Farm King, 13x70, 13x85. eng., Hawes mover, electric clutch, used 2 th e b in is full. 2 ye a r w a rra n ty. Limited quantities. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., yrs. Retired. 306-752-3820, 306-921-9920 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. cell, Melfort, SK. Ca ll Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, SK BUHLER FARM KING, 13x95, hyd. swing, N E W W E S T E E L 1 3 x 7 0 s w i n g a u g e r, reverser, used 2 seasons, $18,000. Call $14,000; also, new Westeel 10x41 conven306-228-297 1 o r 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. tional auger, $5500; both are same as 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 Buhler, but w/galvanized tubing; hyd. hopTWO 2009 J&M 1000 bu. grain carts, PTO per mover kit to fit a 13� auger, $1500. w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m driven, tarps, 20� augers, 900 rubber, exc. 306-272-0202, Leslie, SK. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, condition, $34,000 each. 306-861-2013, Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Au- 306-456-2749, 306-861-1727, Oungre, SK. ger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits and post pounders. Good prices, leasing clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and available. Call 1-866-746-2666. diesel. Call Brian ‘T h e A u g e r G u y ’ 2010 LOFTNESS 10’ grain bag loader with FARM KING 13x70 swing auger, electric 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. truck auger option, roll tarp, exc. cond., winch, hydraulic swing, $3500. Call Jim at SAKUNDIAK AUGERS: New 2013 stock $47,000 OBO. 306-628-7337, Leader, SK. 306-722-7770, Osage, SK arriving daily! 2010 Sakundiak SLMD-66, $9500; Brandt 10x60 swing away, $6500. In stock: Convey-All TCSNH-1045 hyd. drive, c/w mover kit, and 38 HP Kohler diesel, list $38,900. Leasing available. Call Dale, Mainway Farm Equipment, 306-567-3285, 306-567-7299 www.main2013 USED 1150 Elmers cart, scale, transwayfarmequipment.ca Davidson, SK. fer tracks, tarp full load, only one in the country $84,500. 204-483-2774 Carroll MB


H ITEC 9 .5 M IL GR AIN BAGS AV AIL ABL E. All sizes. C all

Grain Bags Canada

306.682.5888 H u m b o ld t, SK.

w w w .gra in b a gsca n a d a .com

MERIDIAN 12x72’ SWING auger, $17,250; Meridian 12x79’ swing auger, $18,450; Sakundiak 10x1200, 29 HP, Kawasaki, new tube and flight SP kit, $13,750. Brian ‘The Auger Guy’, 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. NEW “R� SERIES Wheatheart Augers: With engine, mover and electric clutch. R-8x41, cash price $12,250; R-8x51, cash $12,750; R-10x41, cash $13,240. 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK. (NEW) WESTEEL 12� drive over pit. Hyd. drive, $8375, can deliver. 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK. FARM KING 16X104 swing auger, slightly used, $31,000. 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, REPLACEMENT SK.

FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.

Rosetown Flighting Supply 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK www.flightingsupply.com

GRAIN BAGS on sale NOW! Imported 10x250, $499. ProStor (by Grainflex) 9x250, $599; 10x250, $679; 10x300, $799. Limited time offer. Call your local Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626.

GRAINBAGS ON SALE 9’x300’ - $600/bag! Call 403-994-7207 or 780-206-4666

2008 WHEATHEART 13X71 auger, power www.canadianhayandsilage.com swing and lift, full bin alarm, $11,000; 2011 FLAMAN PRO grain bagger c/w 23’ 204-673-2402, 204-264-0398 Waskada MB conveyor and mover kit, $25,500; ExtracNEW 13� WHEATHEART SWING AUGER tor, $23,000. 403-308-8168 Lethbridge AB X13-74, with remote and hydraulic lift with reverser, reg. $26,210, sale $22,500. Quality GRAINBAGS 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

SPRAY-AIR 13x71 SWING auger, very WESTFIELD 10-51 SWING-A-WAY, like good shape, never used for fertilizer, new, $3500 OBO. Call 306-445-9833, 306-441-6923, Whitkow, SK. $10,300. 306-634-4546, Estevan, SK.



',5(&7 '5,9( *5$,1 $8*(56 83 72 %8 0,187(




Select grain, enter sample temp. & dial reading and % moisture is displayed. Increases measuring range of Model 919ÂŽ... Test Weight conversion charts also installed.



dƾŜŜĞů tĹ?ĚƚŚ








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ĎŻĎŹÍ&#x;ÍžtÍż dž ώϰ͛͞>Íż

Calc. grain test weight and bulk density of fertilizer or seed (lbs/cubic foot)

ALUMINUM SAMPLER PROBES 4, 6, 8 & 10 foot lengths.

DOCKAGE SIEVES Canola, Cereal, Flax sets. White ABS frame. Largest selection available.



New SMART CHART II for Model 919ÂŽ



Fits any Model 919ÂŽ...new or old and digital scale. Protect your investment for only $139.00


.9(054(?? (<.,9:

PULSE CROP LEG, 60’ discharge 2500 BPH c/w Sullivan Scott 10 hole 10� distributor, 10� Westfield infeed, ladder and work decks, asking $30,000. Fisher Branch, MB. 204-739-8313, lee@interlakeagri.com


2011 LOFTNESS GRAIN bagger, 10’, used only 3 bags, electric winch, tarp, shedded, $23,000. 306-344-7800, Paradise Hill, SK.

2005 J&M 1075 grain cart, 22� unloading auger, 2cameras, $35,000 OBO. Call Jake 403-740-6500, Stettler, AB.

SELLING GRAIN LEGS, distributors, conveyors and truck scales. Also other elevators parts. 403-634-8540, Grassy Lake, AB.

Ph. 204-772-6 9 9 8 , 12 Ba n go r Ave. W in n ipeg, M B R3E 3G4

Call 403-994-7207 or 780-206-4666



600 BU. MORRIS GRAIN CART built by PTO DRIVEN VERTEC grain dryer, model Bay Trail Steel (1995 approx.), 1000 PTO VT 6500, propane burner, in good shape, and hyd. drive, 24.5x32, tarp, good cond., $28,000 OBO. 204-841-0779, Carberry, MB $10,000. 204-937-7546, Roblin, MB. FARM FANS GRAIN dryer, Model 420J, 2O’ TANDEM GRAIN cart, 60� sides, new continuous flow/auto batch, single phase, telescopic hoist, done very little work, exc. l i ke n ew, l o c at e d i n S W M B . H o m e cond. Manufactured by Camrose Machine 204-725-0350, cel 204-871-6425, Brandon and Welding. 403-747-2370 eves. Alix, AB. VERTEC 6600 on propane, PTO drive, 2009 UNVERFERTH 9250, 1000 plus new in 1979. Test fired yesterday, everybu., scale/monitor, tarp, PTO, 900 Trell- thing works, ready to go. Will email phoborgs, hydraulic spout, excellent condition, tos, will provide business references, honest answers to any questions. First $36,500 OBO. 306-821-2566, Watson, SK. $10,000. takes it. Call Don, Ostergard’s 2009 JM 1075, tarp, green, 1000+ bu., Seed Farm Ltd, 403-823-0405, Drumheller, $ 3 2 , 0 0 0 O B O . P l u m C o u l e e , M B . AB. ostseeds@hotmail.com 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586. SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS: 1 or 3 phase, liqGET ON THE right track with a J&M Storm uid propane or nat. gas, canola screens. Tracker grain cart. Excellent flotation on In stock and ready for immediate delivery. soft fields and reduced soil compaction, 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. 1326 to 1501 bu. capacities available. Call NEW SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS and Moridge Flaman Sales at 1-888-435-2626. dryer parts in stock. 306-272-4195, Foam 2010 BRENT 1394 grain cart, asking Lake, SK. $67,000. Call for details 403-969-9003, QED HIGH EFFICIENCY grain dryer, 6 milCarseland, AB. lion BTU. Installed 2008 in commercial opUNVERFERTH MODEL 9250, c/w tarp, PTO eration, dried less than 5000 bu., like new, a n d hy d r a u l i c d r i ve , $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 . C a l l 50’ tall modular design, asking $115,000 780-876-2667, 780-933-2585, Debolt, AB. OBO. 306-694-7760, Moose Jaw, SK.

9’, 10’ and 12’.

Giving you the maximum in dollar and time advantage.

NEW AND USED grain dryers. Contact Franklin Voth, Manitou, MB. 204-242-3300 or cell: 204-242-4123, www.fvoth.com

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.

Have dealers in Saskatchewan.

BOOK TODAY and SAVE on your bottom line. Quality GRAIN BAGS at wholesale pricing. All sizes available! We also sell net wrap, twine, pit covers, and more! Don’t pay till we deliver it! Inventory also available in Manitoba and Sask. Call Mike at 403-634-1615, Lethbridge, AB. www.committedagsupply.com

GSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince Albert, SK., 1-888-708-3739. For all your grain drying needs! www.glenmor.cc We are the GT grain dryer parts distributor.


Model 919ÂŽ Service and Calibration Digital scales, canola equip., thermometers also available. vis it w w w .la b tro n ics .ca fo r m o re in fo .

;OL ;LSLZJVWPJ :^PUN (\NLY 4HRLZ <USVHKPUN @V\Y :LTP .YHPU ;YHPSLYZ -HZ[ HUK ,HZ` +,46 =0+,6 (; .9(054(?? *64



OPI TEMPERATURE and moisture cablesaccurately monitor your grain in the bin. The Integris system monitors grain from your computer. Pricing starts at $265/bin. Call Flaman in Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626 or www.flaman.com


C anu ck Prem iu m N etw rap N etwrap - H igh quality,im ported from G erm any 67’’startin g at$205 64’’startin g at$200 Silage B alew rap -startin g at$84

14’ HESSTON 1014 hydroswing haybine; MF 124 square baler; NH 1033 bale wagon, all in good shape. 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.

W EM 150 HAVE 10 & M 155

Pho ne:403-994-7207 or 780-206-4666

GRAIN VACS: REM 552 - $3500, REM www.canadianh ayandsilage.com 2500 HD - $9500, Brandt 4000 - $7000, Brandt 4500 - $7500, Weigh wagon 2006 HESSTON 956A round baler, twine and net wrap, in-chamber moisture tester, w/digital scale - $3500. 1-866-938-8537. kicker arm, clean unit, always shedded, makes great bales, very high capacity, one owner, $20,500. Call 306-893-2879, Maidstone, SK., buddy_biggully@hotmail.ca VERMEER 605J BALER, gathering wheels, very good, shedded, and field ready. 306-548-4340, Stenen, SK. 2008 NH BR7090 round baler, 6650 bales, wide PU, new belts and bearings at 4700 bales, auto-tie, $18,000. 306-442-4705, Pangman, SK. CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. REEVES INLINE BALE WRAPPER, Model 2552. 403-507-9889, 403-556-2224, Olds, www.starlinesales.biz VAC-U-VATOR GRAIN VAC, very good AB. c o n d . , a l w ay s s h e d d e d , $ 3 0 0 0 . P h . MASSEY FERGUSON 2656A baler, Hesston, c/w net wrap, $14,500; NH BR780A baler, 306-429-2785, Glenavon, SK. $12,500; Hesston 856A baler, $10,500. Call 780-621-6704, Rocky Rapids, AB. JOHN DEERE 568 baler, 3000 bales, net wrap, moisture tester, $35,000. Phone: 780-305-6931, Barrhead, AB. NH 1047 SP bale wagon, 119 bales; JD • N ew & Us ed Gra in V a cs 530 round baler. Both very good cond. 306-943-4806, Alvena, SK. • Blo w er & Airlo ck Repa ir NEW IDEA 4865 round baler, 5x6 bales, • Pa rts & S ervices Fo r hyd PU, 2300 bales, shedded, good shape. 306-944-4325, 306-231-8355, Bruno, SK AL L M a k es & M o d els JD 567 round baler, silage w/mega P h :306 - 734- 2228 2002 wide PU, bale push bar, hyd. PU, net wrap/cover edge, excellent cond, field Cra ik, SK. ready. 403-574-2222, Stettler, AB. REM 2700 GRAIN VAC, 182 hrs., $14,500 OBO. 780-888-1258, Lougheed, AB. 2009 WALLINGA 6614 grain vac, used very little. Call 306-862-5993, 306-862-7138, Codette, SK.


BALE SCALES, CRADLE, 3 PTH or skid steer; truck mounted bale movers; cattle scales and hopper feeders. 306-445-2111, www.eliasscales.com North Battleford, SK. MF 128 SQUARE , 1/4 turn chute, wide PU, low bales, shedded, good shape. 306-944-4325, 306-231-8355, Bruno, SK. HAYBUSTER 2650 bale shredder, exc. cond. $11,900; New Idea 484, $2200; NH 855, new chain, $3500; Laurier round bale picker, $8900. Pro Ag Sales anytime 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK.

TRI HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND BALE MOVERS 8’ to 29’ lengths - 6 to 18 bales also excellent for feeding cattle in the field - 4 bales at a time with a pickup.

NEED BALERS? ‘01 HESSTON 856A, $7,950; ’83 MF 124 Square Baler in exc. cond’n, $4,850. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. NH 1049 SP bale wagon, 160 bale capacity, good shape. 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.

INDIVIDUAL BALE WRAPPER 2010 McHale 991 BE, good condition, $20,000 OBO. Call 780-210-0800 or 780-636-2892 evenings, Andrew, AB. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all 1-800-505-9208 loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com Call now 1-866-443-7444. CASE/IH 8580 and 8590 large sq. balers, NET WRAP, TWINE, silage covers, grain autolube system and bale shoot, good bags! Excellent pricing, fully guaranteed working order. 204-827-2629 evenings or products. In stock now. 306-227-4503 early morning, Glenboro, MB. Saskatoon, SK. www.norheimranching.com NEW HOLLAND 283 square baler for sale. Phone: 306-460-9022, Kindersley, SK. NEW 2011 JD 568, 0 bales, big tires, load- LOOKING FOR A 6400 Hesston self proed except netwrap, $36,000 OBO. Will take pelled haybine for parts. 780-696-3600, trade. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB. Breton, AB.


M ACDON SW ATHERS AVAILABLE ALL W ITH D6 0 3 0’ OR 3 5’ SK OR DK HEADS STARTING AT ‘05 DEGELMAN 1220 SIDEARM, mower attachment, 1000 PTO front & rear, fits 10`-20`mowers, $6,980. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

NEW 2012 NH 8040, 36’ header, PU reel, pea auger, dual knife drive, 2 spd. hydro, mounted roller, $138,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. 1993 CASE 8820, 25’, UII, Roto-Shears, canola equalizer, new canvas, drive belts and tires, shedded, 2008 eng. hrs, $22,500 OBO. 204-568-4534, Isabella, MB. 1998 PREMIERE 2900, 30’ header, vg cond., low hrs., priced to sell at $29,900 can e-mail photos. Call Guy 204-525-2282 or 204-281-1709, Minitonas, MB. 1983 MF 885 30’, diesel, 2768 hrs., pickup reel, $10,000. Call: 306-598-4407, Lake Lenore, SK. 28’ PT IH swather, new canvass, all new knife sections, $1200. 306-544-7720, Hanley, SK.


FOR SALE: 1985 IH 4000, CAH, 25’, SP, PU reel, new knife and wobble box, exc. cond., priced to sell. 306-482-7227, Carievale, SK SWATHER TIRES for wet conditions, 600/65R28, like new. Call 306-862-8233, Nipawin, SK. 2005 JD 4895 w/30’ double swath UII PU 2011 40’ MACDON SP swather, 90 hrs, dereel, 1050 header hrs., $65,000; 2010 CIH luxe cab and lighting. 30’ Case/IH PT, 1903, 30’, 575 hrs, $95,000. 403-934-7532 w/PU reels. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK. Strathmore, AB. 2012 BERGEN 6000 partial carry swather 1980 VERSATILE 4400, SP, 22’, PU reel, transport, new cond. never used, $10,000 292 IH diesel eng., field ready, $4250 firm. 306-896-2311, Langenburg, SK. OBO. 306-739-2433, Wawota, SK. 1989 MF 200 swather, 22’ header with UII WESTWARD 3000, 30’ PTO, field ready, PU, approx. 2400 hrs. Call 306-795-7297, Kelliher, SK. $2750. Call 306-682-2585, Humboldt, SK. 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 9635, dual headers, 600 hrs., 25’ draper header, 16’ disc. header. 403-501-4891, Duchess, AB. VERSATILE 4400 22’, CAHR, DS, PU and batt reel, side cutters, shedded, low acres. 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK.

115,000 CASH

53 42-50 Ave . | V e gre ville , AB. | T9C 1M 3

M ike Gotts e lig | Sa le s M a n a ge r V e gre ville : 1-8 77-6 3 2-6 772 Bu s in e s s : (78 0) 6 3 2-6 772 C e ll: (78 0) 6 03 -3 28 9 Fa x: (78 0) 6 3 2-3 223

m ike .g otts e lig@ w e b b s .c a

CASE/IH 8230 PT 30’ swather, PU reel, nice condition. Contact 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. 2- 4025 SWATHER headers for 9030 bi-ditractor, c/w adapters. Will trade 1994 MACDON SWATHER, 30’s, PU reels, 2 rectional spd., new knife and guards, $15,000. Call for hay header. 204-858-2754 Hartney, MB 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. MACDON 20’ PU reel, $1800; hyd. Keer $850; swath roller, $750; 26’ CCIL 1998 CASE/IH 8820 30’ swather with UII Shear swather, $2000. Pro Ag Sales anytime PU reel, approx 1200 hours, new knife, PT 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. canvasses. Mint condition, always shedded, $32,000. 306-452-7705, Redvers, SK. 10’ STEEL SWATH ROLLERS, $2295. See your nearest Flaman store or call us in 1998 WESTWARD, 2391 hrs., 2 spd. turbo Saskatoon 1-888-435-2626. diesel, large tires, c/w MacDon 972, 21’ triple delivery header w/PU reel, c/w Mac- 21.5’ UII PU reels, like new, $2000 OBO. Don 925, 90’ sprayer, 400 gal. tank, Phone 306-795-7692, Ituna, SK. $45,000; MacDon 910, 14’ hay header, 2011 35’ MACDON D50 header with trans$8500 OBO. 403-357-9913, Rimbey, AB. port. For pictures or more information call 1989 WESTWARD 36’ PT swather, new 360-398-4714, Cut Knife, SK. canvasses, good shape. 306-283-4747, BERGEN 6000 PC swather transport, new 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. condition, $10,000 OBO. 306-628-7337, 1991 4000 INTERNATIONAL swather, Leader, SK. 2 4 . 5 ’ , U I I P U r e e l , c a b w / a i r. FOR RENT: BRAND new Bergen swather 204-859-0075, Rossburn, MB. transport, entire swather fits on mover, 2008 MF 9435, 800 hrs., 25’ header, mint $300/day.780-876-0588 Grande Prairie AB condition, $67,000. Call 403-501-4891, Duchess, AB.

9260 HESSTON SWATHER, w/36’ 2010 header w/PU reel, like new, big cab and big power unit, Hesston same as Challenger and Massey. Power unit is a 2005 Hesston, very nice, $70,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. IHC 5000 SWATHER, 24.5’, diesel, UII PU 1999 MF 220 Series II, 25’ header, w/PU reel and Schumacher drive, 1125 hrs reel, $7500. 204-325-8019, Winkler, MB. showing, $37,500. 306-675-4516, Kelliher. IHC 5000, diesel, 24.5’ header, enlarged IHC 750, PT 50’ duplex swather, always shedded, new canvases, good shape. Call 1995 CASE 8820, 21’, shiftable table, opening, cab w/AC, gage wheels, 2 spd. 306-738-4444, Riceton, SK. 2146 hrs, gauge wheels, new knife, exc. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. $22,500 OBO; 1977 Co-op 550, 15’, 30’ WESTWARD PT swather, like new, PU 2- CASE/IH 8230 swathers, 1 w/PU reel, cond. gas, vg cond., $2000 OBO. Both r e e l s , v i n e l i f t e r s , g o o d p r i c e . $5000 OBO; 1 w/batt reel, new batts, canopy, shedded. 780-877-3923, Ferintosh, AB. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. $4000 OBO. Both in good condition. Phone 1997 WESTWARD 9200, 1610 hrs., diesel, 2002 MF 220XL 30’, UII PU reel, lifters, 306-963-7740, Imperial, SK. large tires, w/MacDon 960, 21’ triple deliv2008 JD 4895, 30 HoneyBee header, 400 ery header w/PU reel. $34,000 OBO. 1569 hrs., field ready, excellent cond., $45,000. 306-675-4802, Kelliher, SK. hrs, $99,000. 780-386-2220, Lougheed, 403-357-9913, Rimbey, AB. AB. CASE/IH WDX 1202, 1300 hours, 30’ 6500 CASE/IH c/w PU and batt reel, 2 -36’ CASE/IH 736 swathers, one 540, good condition, $15,000. 306-472-7798, brand-new 30’ double swath header, one 1000 PTO, $800 and $1000. Phone: Lafleche, SK. shedded. Ph. 780-210-3799, Myrnam, AB. 306-424-7761, Montmartre, SK. 1996 MF 220, 26’ DSA, gauge wheels, JD 2360, 30’, PU reel, air, 1250 hrs, new CIH 750 DUPLEX swathers, new sections, HoneyBee knife, $13,750; Versatile 4400, $4600 workorder, Schumacher drive, guards and canvas, good condition, $6500. 22’ DS, PU reel, air, $2950; 36’ PTO, brok- shedded, $37,900. 8’ swath roller, $800. Call 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK. en frame, offers; JD 22’ flex header, PU 306-428-2847, 306-862-7731, Choiceland. 2 IHC MODEL 75 21’ PT, $800/ea; MF reel, $1450; 7721 JD, fair, $1450. Moose MASSEY FERGUSON SP 885, 25’, double model 35 18’ PT, $500. Call 403-575-0194, Jaw, SK, 306-694-1004, 305-631-8954. shoot attachment, PU reels, good condi403-577-2271, Consort, AB. 1999 9200 WESTWARD, c/w 30’ 962 tion, $8000; Also, PT Westward 3000, 30’, 2000 JD 4890, 3600 hrs., 30’ Honeybee header, new style wobble box, valley pack- $3000. 306-567-3128, Bladworth, SK. header, PU reel, double drive, Roto-Shear, er gauge wheels, new canvas, large rear 1981 JD 2320 25’ swather, CAH, $9500. e x c . c o n d . , s h e d d e d , $ 3 9 , 5 0 0 . C a l l tires, $39,000 OBO. Churchbridge, SK. 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK. 306-745-9269. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 1995 HESSTON 8100 25’ swather, 1233 1997 MF 220 26’, UII PU reel, shedded, h r s . , c a n o l a s h e a r, f i e l d r e a d y. approx. 1,000 hrs., vg condition, $34,000. 306-946-2451, Watrous, SK. 780-754-2346, 780-336-5540, Irma, AB. 1995 MACDON 25’ swather, pickup reels, 2009 30’ H8040 New Holland, SP, PU reel, sliding table, 2 spd. trans., turbo diesel, transport, sliding cable, $98,000. Call A.E. $29,000. 306-243-4242, Macrorie, SK. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1995 36’ MACDON 2900, SP swather, new PU reel, $30,000; 1997 30’ MacDon 2920 18’ 330 VERSATILE SP, $1000 OBO. 25’ NH SP swather, PU reel, $36,000. A.E. ChiPTO, $1000 OBO. 306-944-4572, Viscount, coine Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-449-2255, SK. Storthoaks, SK. 2940 PREMIER, 30’, 2002, PU reel, new 2010 HESSTON 9435, c/w 36’ header, 640 hrs., $89,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS guards and knife, large rear tires, 850 hrs, We also specialize in: Crop insurance apn i c e s h a p e , s h e d d e d , $ 6 2 , 0 0 0 . 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 306-452-3907, Wauchope, SK. ESTATE SALE: VERSATILE 400 SP 20’ peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malMASSEY 9220, 25’, 490 hrs., UII PU reel, swather. Phone: 306-662-2517, Maple function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call gauge wheels on dividers. 306-825-4037, Creek, SK. Back-Track Investigations for assistance or 780-871-8687 cell, Lloydminster, SK. 1994 CASE/IH 8820, 30’, UII PU reel, field regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. ready, $19,000 OBO. 306-946-7052, 36’ JOHN DEERE PT swather, excellent 2008 MF 9435, 5200 header, 36’ PU reel, 306-946-6388, Simpson, SK. condition. Call 306-536-8820, Francis, SK. large cab, performance monitor, $70,000; MF 885, gas engine, 25’, batt. reels, asking 2009 NH H8040, 1015 hrs., 36’ HoneyBee $ 7 5 0 0 O B O . C a l l 3 0 6 - 4 4 5 - 9 8 3 3 , header, PU reel, Roto-Shear, AutoSteer, 306-441-6923, Whitkow, SK. swath roller, $95,000. Call 306-745-7018, 1996 MACDON 9300 w/14’ hay header, PU Tantallon, SK. reel, conditioner, 3100 hrs., good tires, MF 200 SWATHER, 1994, 1774 hrs., UII good condition, $19,500. 306-861-4592, PU, 26’, vg condition. 306-764-7920, Fillmore, SK. 306-961-4682, Prince Albert, SK. 4700 VERSATILE, 25’, 1930 hrs, orig. own- 24.5’ SP IHC, PU reels, raised for better er, shedded, vg cond., $16,500 OBO. cutting of canola, shedded, field ready, 306-728-3969, 306-728-1232, Melville, SK very good. 306-548-4340, Stenen, SK.

S W ATH RO LLERS • La rge Dia m eterS teelDru m • Hea vy Du ty Tu b in g Fra m e • S teelDru m ha s W eight& o u tla sts Pla stic R o llers

G RAIN BAG S Up N o rth & Ag Ba g • To p Q u a lity G ra in , S ila ge Ba gs a n d Co vers • AllS izes • Am erica n M a d e

Apo llo M a chin e & Pro d u cts S a ska to o n , S K Ph: 306- 2 42 - 9884 o r

1- 8 77- 2 5 5 - 018 7 w w w .a po llo m a chin ea n d pro d u cts .co m BALERS: JD 510, $1250; JD 530, $3500; JD 535, $6000. Haybines: Gehl 2270, $3900; NH 116, $3000. Rakes: 14 wheel, $6500; Vermeer R23 hyd., $8500; NH swath inverter, $3000; NH 9’ mower, $2200; JD 1518 15’ rotary mower, $8500. 1-866-938-8537, Portage La Prairie, MB. NH 1033 and 1044 bale wagons, good shape. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. WANTED: HESSTON 60A stack mover. 403-575-0194, 403-577-2271, Consort, AB 2011 T’S E-ZUNROLLER round to square bale processing equipment, c/w Cummins engine powerplant, control booth, conveyors and electric fan. Complete unit, all for $20,000 OBO. 306-380-2369, ask for Don, Saskatoon, SK.

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2011 WESTWARD 150, 30’, D60 header w/293 hrs., 390 eng. hrs, JD ATU guidance avail., always shedded, exc. cond., photos available. 780-961-4169, Legal, AB. 1995 CASE/IH 8820, 1630 hrs., double knife drive, excellent condition, $23,500 OBO. Phone 204-612-8379, Starbuck, MB. JD 590, 30’ PT, straight, no welds, $2900 OBO. Dave 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK.

BUHLER INLAND 2500 hayliner, S/N #01BM2500016, 14-16 round bale mover right and left lifting arms w/one deflector, TA control handle/remote valve operation, $22,000 OBO. 306-345-2444, Stony Beach

2007 INLAND HAYLINER 2000, good cond., hauls 14 bales, has both left and 3 - W H E E L H E A D E R T R A N S P O R T fo r right arms w/bale turners, $22,000 OBO. 960-963 MacDon swather, like new, 780-210-0800, 780-636-2892, Andrew, AB $1200. Call 306-233-7889, Cudworth, SK. 11’ HYDRA SWING swath inverter, $1750 PREMIERE 1900 36’ PT swather, batt reels, OBO. Call 306-681-7610, 306-395-2668, good, $3000. Pat and Colin McMillan, Chaplin, SK. Plenty, SK. 306-932-7767. NEW- NEVER USED JD MX6 rotary rough 885 MASSEY, 30’, 1390 hrs, double cut mower, 3 PTH, $3500. 780-886-3003, swath, PU reels, lifters, gauge wheels, Sturgeon County, AB. shedded. 306-755-4350 Tramping Lake SK 1988 CASE/IH 4000, 24.5’, AC, air ride C anu ck Prem iu m N etw rap seat, $6,000. 306-421-3216, Estevan, SK. N etwrap - H igh quality,im ported from G erm any 67’’startin g at$205 590 JD 36’ PTO swather, wide swath opening, field ready, $1900 OBO. Call Bob 64’’startin g at$200 403-934-4081, Mossleigh, AB. Silage B alew rap -startin g at$84 1998 JD 4890, w/2000 SP30 HoneyBee Pho ne:403-994-7207 or 780-206-4666 30’ header, pea auger, wired for JD Autowww.canadianh ayandsilage.com Steer, 4970, eng. hrs, good cond, shedded, $40,000. 306-272-7418, Foam Lake, SK.

- Convenient Tilting Deck with Adjustable Lift Arm


Toll Fre e : 1-8 6 6 -8 42-48 03 CONTINUOUS FEED HEADER AUGERS * Cro ps tha t a re hea vy, light, ta n gled o r lo d ged w ill n o lo n ger b e a pro b lem fin gers a re in serted a lo n g the en tire len gth o f the a u gerfo ra very co n sisten t, fa ster feed in g, sm o o ther flo w o f cro p. These a u gers w illea sily pick u p m a n y va rieties o f cro ps. * Alla u gers a re b u ilt to O EM specs a n d a re m a d e w ith a hea vier ga u ge co n stru ctio n .

1550 Hw y. 39 Ea s t, W eyb urn, S K


1994 IHC 1688 combine, satellite, hopper ext., hyd. chaff spreader, 3500 hrs, vg cond., field ready, $28,500. Portage la Prairie, MB. 204-857-2669, 204-871-7985. 1688, LOW HOURS, very good condition, R e d e ko p M av ava i l a b l e , n ew t i r e s , $28,500. 403-350-9088, Red Deer, AB.

CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. 5 years interest free on most units. Call the combine superstore. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2005 CASE 2388, 1400 engine hrs., 1100 rotor hrs. Call Steve at 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. MUST SELL: 1998 Case 2388, 1850 hrs., 2015 PU header, always shedded, good price. 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. 1996 CIH 2188, 2685/2182 hrs., extensive upgrades, very good, $55,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. 1996 CASE 2188, 2920 sep. hrs, auto header, specialty rotor, chopper, PU platf o r m , $ 3 0 , 0 0 0 . We s t e r n S a l e s a t 1-877-676-9600, www.westernsales.ca 2004 CIH 2388, AFX rotor, chopper, hopper topper, big tires, auger ext., AutoSteer ready, 2096/1700 hrs, shedded, excellent, $87,000. 306-776-2496, Wilcox, SK. 2004 CIH 8010, long auger, fine cut chopper, HID light, lateral tilt, $139,000. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 2008 7010, c/w 2016 header, long auger, grain tank extensions, duals, 955 engine hours, 727 sep. hours. Cell: 306-527-8843, 306-584-8286, Regina, SK.

2003 CASE 2388, 2470 sep. hrs, AFX rotor, Y&M, chopper, chaff spreader, 2015 PU platform, $70,000. Western Sales at 1-877-676-9600, www.westernsales.ca

2002 CIH 2388 2,887 sep hrs., 3 spd rotor, hyd. reverser. $49,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1480 IH COMBINE, ready to go, $5900 OBO. Call 780-853-2024, Vermilion, AB. REDEKOP CHOPPER TO fit 2188; Kirby chaff spreader to fit 2188. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 2005 CASE/IH 8010 w/2009 Case/IH 2016 16’ Swathermaster PU, reverser, VSR, auto HHC, fore and aft, lateral tilt, rock trap, auger ext., tank exts., chopper, Pro 600 Display, Y&M, 2100 sep. hrs., $119,000. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 1996 CASE 2188, PU, 30’ header, 2800 sep. hrs, well maintained, shedded, exc. cond, $67,000. 780-888-2245, Hardisty AB 1996 CASE/IH 2166 combine, Big top, 1015 header, 2557 engine hrs., 1928 rotor hrs., well maintained, shedded, Red-Seal done at 2221 engine hours in 2010. $57,500. Call 780-674-5877, Barrhead, AB. 2006 CASE 8010, 1084 threshing hrs, Y&M, Pro 600, 28L26 rears, lateral tilt, variable speed feeder, diff. lock, fine cut chopper, 2016 PU, large hopper topper, downspout ext., all updates. Only threshed barley and canola. Great shape. $176,000. Keith 403-638-0660, Olds, AB.

1996 CIH 2188, 3890 rotor hrs, Kirby s p r e a d e r, s p e c i a l t y r o t o r, $ 6 1 , 0 0 0 . www.redheadequipment.ca 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 2001 CIH 2388, 2360 sep. hrs., hopper top, AFX rotor, Swathmaster PU, Y&M, exc. cond., w/1010 header, $80,000 OBO. 204-523-7469, 204-534-8115 Killarney MB CASE/IH 2388, AFX rotor, big top hopper, 2130 hrs, long auger, 1015 PU header, $62,000; CASE/IH 2142 30’ draper header, pea auger, transport, $42,000. Fort Vermilion, AB. 780-841-1496. 2002 CIH 2388, 1960 sep. hrs, 2015 PU header, hopper ext., new bushings, rub bars, chains and filters last year, $75,000. Call 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK.

Fa rm Eq u ip m e n t Ltd . PR E M IUM USE D CO M BIN E S 2011 CIH 8120, d ua ls, $279,900 2012 CIH 8120, d ua ls, $309,000; 2006 CIH 8010, 116 5 hrs, $16 9,000; 2007 CIH 7010, 1190 hrs, d ua ls, $159,000; 2009 CIH 9120, 76 5 hrs, $239,000; 2010 NH CR9080, d ua ls, $239,000; 2010 CIH 9120, 6 20 hrs, $259,000; 2006 CIH 8010, $16 9,000; 2010 CIH 8120, $239,000; 2005 JD 986 0, 1300 hrs, $16 5,000; 1998 CIH 2388, spec rotor, $6 9,900; 2004 CIH 2388, 1225 hrs, $115,000; 1986 CIH 16 6 0, $16 ,900. LO W -RATE FINANCING AVAILABLE! HUM BO LDT, SK CA L L (30 6)682-25 92 w w w .her g o ttca seih.co m

2005 CASE/IH 2388, AFX rotor, chopper, 1460 C/IH w/PU, Red lited, many new hopper topper, 1936 rotor hrs, 1015 PU parts, approx. 2900 hrs, gd cond, field w/Rake-Up, exc. cond, shedded, recent reready, offers 204-525-4927 Minitonas, MB. pairs, $99,000. 306-587-2776, Cabri, SK.


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2000 CASE 2388, 1015 PU, 4000 hrs., hop- 1994 CASE/IH 1688 2412 engine hrs., one per ext., long auger, HHC, F&A, rock trap, owner, mint. $49,000. 306-563-8482 or chopper, vg cond., vg tires, shedded, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. $45,000. Call 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. 2002 CIH 2388, AFX, 2015, hopper topper, 1990 CIH 1682 PT, Rake-Up PU, one sea- long auger, chopper, excellent. Lacombe, son on tires, several replaced parts, needs AB. 403-877-2020, 403-782-2596. some work. 306-642-4025, Assiniboia, SK. NOW IS THE TIME to check the hydro 1996 CASE/IH 2188, 1015 PU header, pump drive hub and splined input shaft. chopper, 4620 eng. hrs., 3748 sep. hrs., We have lubricated splined drive hubs for rebuilt front to back, $30,000. Sabe Holz- all models 1440 through 2388. Exchange er, 306-421-1361, Torquay, SK. reman and tested hydros in stock. Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, Regina, 1983 1480 IHC combine, internal chop- SK. www.hydratec.ca per, spreader, Kirby chaff spreader, good condition. 306-275-4434, St. Brieux, SK. 1680 IH, 3272 eng. hrs., IH eng., 30.5x32 crossflow fan, auto header height, 2006 CASE 8010, 1407 sep. hrs, Pro 600 tires, long auger, RWA, chopper, chaff/ monitor, chopper, 20.8R42D, 600/65R28, fore/aft, straw spreader, rock trap, Pederson chaf14’ PU, $160,000. Western Sales at fer, 1015 header, Victory PU, hopper cov1-877-676-9600, www.westernsales.ca er, $23,000. 306-778-2310, Swift Current. CASE/IH 1680, 3850 hrs, specialty rotor, internal chopper, long auger, 1015 header w/7 belt IHC PU, $15,000. 306-353-4560, 306-280-6101, Riverhurst, SK. 2004 IHC 2388, hopper chopper, chopper, 14’ Swathmaster PU, AFX rotor, $75,000. 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. 2011 CASE/IH 9120, under 300 hrs, 450 bu. hopper, long auger, deluxe cab, HID lights, duals, all updates. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK. 2000 CIH 2388, c/w 2015 PU, 2379 sep. hrs. Many extras: hopper and auger extensions, Harvest Services airfoil and clean grain, feeder and elevator chains, extra rotor. Bison rotor installed. Aux. fuel tank, in-cab sieve adj., $85,000. Call for pics. 306-747-3050, 306-747-7745, Parkside SK

1680 CASE/IH, w/Redekop chopper, al- 1993 CIH 1688, new AFX rotor, new tires, ways shedded, field ready, one owner, rock trap, long auger, hopper extension, $25,000. 780-267-8700, Leduc, AB. internal chopper, Redekop chopper, 1015 2009 CASE 7088, 1060 sep. hrs, chopper, PU header, exc. condition, $25,500 or 800/65R32, 18.4x26, AFS yield/moisture, $23,000 without Redekop; CIH 1688, 2016 pick up platform, $185,000. Western chopper, long auger, needs some parts, $14,500. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. Sales, 877-676-9600 www.westernsales.ca CASE/IH 1688 combine. Contact Hodgins 1997 CASE/IH 2188, shedded, Victory Super 8 PU, ready to go, asking $55,000 Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. OBO. Call 403-633-1302, Rainier, AB. 1992 1680, Cummins eng, long auger, chopper, 4149 hrs., Accel kit, vg cond., al- 1993 CASE/IH 1666 combine, 12’ Swathways shedded, nice paint, new tires, master PU, Kirby spreader, 800 acres on $27,000 OBO. 306-563-7305, Canora, SK. new Howard concaves, 3070 hrs., well maintained, shedded, $24,000. Luseland, 2004 CIH 2388, 1788 rotor hrs., AFX ro- SK. 306-834-7481. tor, Strawmaster PU, hopper extension, field tracker, large work order. Retired. 306-847-4413, 306-963-7755, Liberty, SK.

2012 CIH 8120, 671 hrs, lateral tilt, hyd. fold topper, $275,000. Swift Current, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-535-0520 IF YOU OWN a 1688/2188/2388 you should know we have forward direction hydro hose improved assembly. Big $$ saving, our price $399.24, represents $400 2003 CIH 2388, w/2774 engine hrs., saving and it’s a better hose assembly. 2184 rotor hrs., chopper, Y&M, long auger, Call Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, EZ-Guide, EZ-Steer, asking $95,000. Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca 306-587-2336, Cabri, SK. 1991 1680, JJC0116655, rebuilt 8.3 Cum1993 CASE/IH 1688, Rake-Up PU, spread- mins, hopper extensions, specialty rotor, ers, auger extension, 4360 hrs., $25,000 long sieves, long auger, field ready, OBO. Call 306-831-6196 or 306-831-6186, $20,000 OBO. Call Sean 306-435-2622 or 306-379-4418, D’Arcy, SK. 306-435-9843, Moosomin, SK. 1981 IHC 1460, 4250 hrs, lots of recent 1997 CASE/IH 2188, $49,000; 2000 repairs, always shedded, good running Case/IH 2388, $79,000; 2004 HoneyBee combine, ready to go to work, $5000 OBO. 30’ draper header, w/pea auger, $23,000. 306-246-2109, 306-441-7016, Richard, SK. Call 306-631-1944, Moose Jaw, SK. 1985 CASE/IH 1480, 3950 engine hrs, new front tires, 2 sets concaves, chopper, rock trap, specialty rotor, 12’ PU head w/large auger, shedded. 204-362-4532, Morden, MB.

2 -1980 CI 9600, both in working order, taking offers. Call 403-742-3980, Stettler, AB.

2003 CHALLENGER 660, 1660 sep. hrs., $22,000 spent in repairs, shedded, field ready. Pickup head and 30’ flex header available. Fraser Farms Ltd., Pambrun, SK, call 306-741-0475. 2002 CAT 460, 2250 sep. hrs, chopper, chaff spreader, 900/65R32, 480/70R28, CEBIS, 13’ Rake-up PU, $70,000. Western Sales 877-676-9600 www.westernsales.ca 2002 480R CAT Lexion, w/PU header, 20.8x42 duals. $90,000. A.E.Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

2000 CIH 2388, 2262 sep. hrs., $77,000. Call 306-682-9920, Humboldt, SK. or www.farmworld.ca for full online listings. 1989 1680 CASE/IH, w/14’ Swathmaster PU header, runs and threshes excellent, but oil leaks need to be repaired, $12,000. Case 30’ 810 big auger header w/factory transport, $5000. 306-628-7648 Leader SK 1989 CASE 1680, 3680 hrs., AFX rotor, Kirby chaff, 14’ Rake-Up PU, $10,000. For all your used equipment needs, Western Sales, 877-676-9600 www.westernsales.ca 2006 CIH 2388, AFX rotor, hopper topper, Y&M, auger ext., 2015 header, Swathmaser PU, chopper, 1309 hrs, $103,000. 306-353-4410, Riverhurst, SK. PROBLEMS W/SPLINE DRIVE on hydro? We can save big $$. We have new lubricated and hardened couplers and improved pump input spline shafts. All combines from 1440 through 2388 have this problem. Hydratec Hydraulics, Regina, SK. Phone: 1-800-667-7712, www.hydratec.ca

1998 CASE 2388, 1642 sep. hrs, header controls, int. chopper, spreaders, 30.5x32, 14.9x24, Rake-Up PU, $55,000. Western Sales 877-676-9600, www.westernsales.ca 1988 CIH 1682 PT combine, stone trap, 1983 1480 IH combine, shedded, w/PU reverser, always shedded, good condition, h e a d e r, g o o d s h ap e , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 O B O. $6000 OBO. 306-539-6655, Kelliher, SK. 306-528-4614, Nokomis, SK. 1999 CASE 2388, 2395 sep. hrs, 3258 eng. hrs, Y&M monitors, AFS system, specialty rotor, Sunnybrook concave, updated chopper knives, auger ext., big top hopper topper. 1015 Super 8 PU and 1010 25’ straight PU reel w/transport, $90,000. Call Dan 780-876-1750, Sexsmith, AB. 1984 IH 1480, well maintained, great condition, ready to go, $11,000 OBO. Phone 306-369-2881, Bruno, SK.


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1997 TR98, 1570 sep. hrs, 2300 eng. hrs, new feeder chain, rotors recently done, new thresher bars, recent rear rubber, 14’ Rake-UP PU, chopper and spreader, $35,000 OBO. 306-457-7598, 306-634-4761, Stoughton, SK. 2001 NH TR99, 1470 sep. hrs, Redekop chopper, 30.5x32, 14’ Swathmaster PU, $60,000. Western Sales, 1-877-676-9600 www.westernsales.ca ’01 CAT-LEXION 470 1,620 sep hrs., CEBIS yield & moisture, P13 pick-up, lat tilt, F/A, ready to go! $59,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2000 CAT 450, 2800 eng. hrs., 14’ Rake-Up PU, chopper, spreader, gd cond. $45,300. Call Greg 306-883-2568, Spiritwood, SK. NEED HYDROSTATIC TRANS. UNITS. Pump and motors in stock. Call us with your name plate info. Hydratec Hydraulics 1-800-667-7712, www.hydratec.ca MOST OF YOUR HYDRAULIC hoses are metric. We have the best metric hydraulic hose program in the industry. Hydratec Hydraulics, 1-800-667-7712, Regina, SK. www.hydratec.ca

1999 CAT LEXION 480, 2200 sep. hrs, field ready, wide body machine, Mud-Hog RWA, 14’ Precision header PU, shedded. 2005 HoneyBee SP 30’ draper header w/trailer, $110,000 OBO. Call 204-868-5329 (cell), 204-849-2084 (office), Newdale, MB.

1990 TR96, 2999 eng. hrs., spent $26,000 on insurance claim, many new parts, 8 belt V i c t o r y P U, c h o p p e r, $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 O B O. 306-233-7529, Cudworth, SK. 2003 NH CR970, 2775 sep. hrs., deluxe cab, Y&M, engine overhaul, $105,000. Call 306-682-9920, Humboldt, SK. or for full online listings www.farmworld.ca 2006 CX 860, $119,500; 2005 CX 860, $109,500; new rub bars, 1500 sep. hours, vg. cond, 780-672-7340, Camrose, AB. 2009 NH CR9080, 919 sep. hrs, Intellmew II touchscreen, MAV chopper, long auger, $289,900. Call 1-888-442-6084 or for full online listings www.farmworld.ca 2009 NH 9070, 570 separator hours. Dealer serviced fall 2012, ready to go, in great condition. Not used fall of 2012. Fully integrated factory GPS with AutoSteer/yield mapping, two sets of concaves, $170,000. CAD. Call 306-722-7644 or 406-268-1028. Email: hjohnson@jmgrain.com 2012 FORD/NEW HOLLAND CR 7090 combine. 377 eng. hrs, 255 sep. hrs, 790C-12 header, reverser, auto header height control, hyd. fore and aft, Terrain Tracer, long auger, grain tank ext, chaff spreader, chopper, Intelliview IV monitor, yield and moisture, Terrain Tracer feeder house, HID lighting, 900/60R-32 tires, 402 HP. One owner. Zero hrs. on NH triple inspection. All updates done. Factory warranty to Sept 1, 2013, ext. engine warranty to Sept 1, 2014, $229,000. Will take almost anything on trade. 1-877-862-2387, cell 306-862-7524 or 1-877-862-2413, cell 306-862-7761, Nipawin, SK. 1993 NH TX36 combine w/Swathmaster P U, 3 2 5 0 e n g i n e h o u r s , s h e d d e d . 204-767-2327, Alonsa, MB. 2006 CR960, NH 76C 14’ header w/RakeUp PU, Firestone 800/65R32, well maintained, field ready, 1136 sep., 1600 eng., 105,000 OBO. 306-749-7771, Hagen, SK. TR99, 1600 HRS, all options, long auger, hopper ext., great condition, field ready, $58,500. 403-749-2373, Red Deer, AB. 1997 NH TR98, $38,000. Raymore New Holland, phone 306-746-2911 or visit: www.raymorenewholland.com 2006 NH CX840, $129,000. Raymore New Holland, phone 306-746-2911 or visit: www.raymorenewholland.com

TR98, ONLY 1230 HRS, Swathmaster, Redekop chopper, loaded, exc. cond., field r e a d y, $ 5 2 , 5 0 0 . 4 0 3 - 3 5 0 - 9 0 8 8 , 403-357-0575, Red Deer, AB. 1997 TR98, 3840 eng/ 2945 sep hrs, c/w Victory Super 8 PU, 4150 Redekop chopper, extra set of Harvest Ind. concaves, hopper topper, $37,500. 306-648-8005, 306-648-7595, Gravelbourg, SK. 2004 NH CR960, $119,000. Yorkton New Holland, phone 306-783-8511 or visit: www.yorktonnewholland.com 1996 TR98 NH, S/N #559698, 1889 sep. hrs., 2520 eng. hrs., c/w electric stone trap, Dutch chaff spreader, Swathmaster PU. Call 780-352-3118, Wetaskiwin, AB. 2003 CR940, 2 spd. rotor, 1820 sep. hrs., good condition, field ready, shedded, $85,000 OBO. 306-843-7046, Wilkie, SK.

2009 NH CR9070 76C, 14’ swath NH combine header, $212,000. 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca for full online listings. 1985 NH TR85, 3208 Cat, 3075 hrs., #970 NH PU, 23.1x26 tires like new, chopper, $4950 OBO. 306-278-3394, 306-539-1290, Porcupine Plain, SK. 1980 TR70, good working cond., not used for 10 yrs., always shedded, Cat motor, $4000 OBO. 403-742-3980, Stettler, AB. 2004 NH CR960, Rake-Up PU, elec. hopper topper, long auger, deluxe chopper, pea concaves - never used, 1304 sep. hours. Asking $115,000 OBO. 780-632-7397, 780-632-9862, Vegreville, AB. 1997 TR98 COMBINE, 2940 threshing hrs., 3887 eng. hrs., Outback AutoSteer, includes PU header, $38,000; 30’ straight cut header, $3000. 306-442-4651, Parry, SK 1985 TR86, w/24’ 970 header, 3130 eng. hrs, shedded, runs well, easy to set, $11,000 OBO. 204-568-4534, Isabella, MB. 1987 TR96, c/w NH 971 header, Melroe 388 PU w/new belts, S-Cube rotors, new feeder chain, new concaves, new rub bars, electronic stone trap, reverser, Turbo 3208 Cat engine, 2720 hrs., shedded, $25,000 OBO. Call 780-672-6212, Camrose, AB.

2009 NH CX8080 $220,000. Watrous New Holland, phone 306-946-3301 or visit: R 7 2 R OTO R , S E RV I C E A B L E , $ 5 0 0 . 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. www.watrousnewholland.com 1994 TR97 TERRAIN Tracer, electronic C-62 GLEANER c/w Rake-Up PU header, stone trap, long auger, Redekop chopper, 1430 hrs, with Sunnybrook upgrade, R a ke - U p P U, h o p p e r t o p p e r. A s k i n g $52,000. Ph Doug 403-485-8375, Lamond, AB. doug.s5farms@gmail.com $22,000. 306-742-5912, Churchbridge, SK. 2009 NH CR9070, 617 sep. hrs., MAV GLEANER R72, two headers, engine chopper, 16’ SM PU, HID roof lights, Y&M, good, 3933 hrs., separator 3836 SunnyHH serv light, $227,500. 1-888-442-6084, brook update, 36’ MacDon 960 header, new canvasses, Super 8 PU header, all for www.farmworld.ca for full online listings. only $33,000. Call Ed 403-414-9570, Oyen, NH TR86 SP combine with recent work or- AB. Email: em2323@netago.ca ders. Evan Goranson Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, October 12, 2013, Weyburn, SK. LONGER LASTING GLEANER accelerator area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com rollers, 3 to 5 times longer than OEM. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or Phone 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 GLEANER R72, 1837 eng. hrs, shedded, PU header, 24’ straight cut header, $59,000. 1994 TR97 w/Rake-Up PU in above avg. Call Barry 780-632-9756, Vegreville, AB. cond. w/recent work incl. new gear boxes and all connecting sprockets and chains, 1982 N7, IMMACULATE condition, profesmany new belts, well maintained, 3445 sionally serviced every 2nd year, Kirby e n g . h o u r s , r u n s s t r o n g , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . chaff spreader, shedded, good rubber, $14,000 OBO. 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. 306-962-4666, 306-962-7996, Eston, SK. 1992 TR96, 240 HP, Swathmaster PU, Re- 1999 C62 GLEANER, 2018 sep. hrs, Sunnydekop straw chopper, reverser, electronic brook concave and cylinder, Redekop stone trap, lateral tilt and terrain tracer, chopper, Victory 8 belt PU, grain tank tarp, always shedded, $21,000 OBO. Call 25’ straight cut header, $75,000. Call Cliff 780-402-9196, Laglace, AB. 306-834-8058, Kerrobert, SK. 1994 NH TX66, 2400 sep. hrs, chaff 1981 L2, 1845 hrs, always shedded, new spreader, lots of recent work, shedded, rubber, field ready, $10,000 OBO. Call w/971 PU head, exc. cond., w/wo 24’ 403-935-4331, 587-888-2112, Airdrie, AB. straight cut header. Call 204-476-6137, GLEANER 1989 R70, 2594 eng. hrs, SunnyNeepawa, MB. brook rotor, chaff spreader, 1992 sep. hrs, 2000 NH TR99, 1600 sep. hrs., auger always shedded, asking $20,000. Call ext., big top hopper, grain loss monitor, 780-674-4287, Barrhead, AB. factory duals, Swathmaster PU header, always shedded, $60,000 OBO; Also 36’ HoneyBee available. 403-552-2106, Altario, AB 2001 JD 9750, one owner, shedded, 2002 NH TR99, 1300 eng. hrs, 880 thresh- 2896/4128. Greenlight and new fine cut ing hrs, complete overhaul in 2012, chopper in 2012, HHC, 914 PU with newer Swathmaster PU header, field ready; also belts, round bar concaves also, $73,500. 36’ HoneyBee draper header. Located near JD 930 flex and HoneyBee 30’ draper Gravelbourg, SK., 780-622-7137. available. 306-540-9339, Raymore, SK. 2008 CX 8080, 1125 sep. hrs., Swath- 2- 1997 JD 9500’s, exceptional cond., with master PU, Y&M, GPS, all the options, PU header, chopper, chaff spreader. Tires loaded, $160,000 OBO; 36’ NH draper exc. cond. Approx. $6,000 of spare parts header, dual knife, loaded, $35,000. Priced included. Always shedded until last winter. to sell. 780-814-3998, Rycroft, AB. Approx. 2800 sep. hrs. Will deliver at cost. 780-405-6597, 780-985-3257, Calmar, AB. 2008 NH CR9070, 1367 hrs., $187,500. C o o l a n t h e at e r aw n i n g p l at e s . C a l l 2005 JD 9860, 1600 sep. hrs. Y&M, 914 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca for P U h e a d e r, 8 0 0 m e t r i c s , $ 1 4 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-436-7966 or 306-436-7503, Lang, SK. full online listings. 1995 NH TX66, $27,000. Yorkton New 2002 JD 9750 STS combine, 2500 sep. Holland, phone 306-783-8511 or visit: h r s . , d u a l s , G r e e n l i g h t e d r e g u l a r ly, $69,000. 306-421-0679, Estevan, SK. www.yorktonnewholland.com 2008 NH CR9070, 988 hrs., small grain 1997 JD 9600, 914 PU, shedded, exc. sieves, rotor covers, beater cover plate, cond., harvested 9 full seasons, 750 acres $199,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or for full since Greenlighted in 2007, long auger, fold down hopper auger, hopper topper, online listings www.farmworld.ca $79,000. 306-945-4616 or 306-652-0512, 1998 TX68, 2100 hrs, Rake-Up, Sunny- Waldheim, SK. brook concave, new chopper knives, hopper cover, field ready, $45,000 OBO. 1994 9400 w/PU, 2300 sep. hrs., c/w 1995 930 flex, all for $29,000; 1994 930 780-210-0280, Andrew, AB. flex, $6900; 2004 635 flex, $22,000; 2010 635 flex, $26,900. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.

’87 JD 7720 TITAN II 4,045 eng hrs., chopper, 2 spd cylinder, w/ head & pick-up. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2001 9650 WALKER w/PU head, Y&M and Contour-Master, 2800 sep. hrs, $74,900; 1998 36’ HoneyBee w/PU reel, $16,900; 1995 930 flex, $5900; 2010 JD 35’ flex header, $26,900. Phone 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 1990 JD 9600, 914 PU, chopper, 250 hrs. on complete rebuild, shedded, $28,000. 306-398-2668, 306-398-7783 Cut Knife SK 2005 JD 9860, 914 PU, 1800 sep. hrs., field ready, shedded, exc. cond. $127,500. 403-394-5115, Picture Butte, AB. 2012 JD S670, 303 hrs., ATR, GS3 color TS monitor, Premium cab, HIDs, ContourMaster w/hi-torque reverser, Pro Drive, 20.8x42s w/duals, chopper, $249,500 US; 2012 JD S660, 282 hrs., GS3 color TS monitor, Premium cab, Contour-Master w/hi-torque reverser, 3 speed trans., 18.4x42s w/duals, chopper, $229,500 US. Phone 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. www.ms-diversified.com

1995 JD 9600, 914 PU, 2 spd. cylinder, long auger, chaff spreader, $40,000. Phone 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. RETIRED: JD 9660 WTS, 374 hrs; 9350 Westward 972 swather, 25’ sliding; 922 hay header; JD 567 MegaWide netwrap; 1400 HD Hayhiker; all are field ready. Tractors, cattle equipment and more. Call 306-468-2773, Canwood, SK.

JOHN DEERE 9600 combine, w/JD 914 2009 JD 9770 STS, 463 hrs., Premier cab, p i c k u p . C a l l H o d g i n s Au c t i o n e e r s , Contour-Master with hi-torque reverser, 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. 20.8x42s with duals, 600/65R38 rears, chopper, JD factory bin extension. Very 1988 JD 8820, JD pickup and chopper, nice low hour combine! $189,500 US. $20,500; 1983 8820, JD PU, chopper and Phone: 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, chaff spreader, $12,500. 306-423-5983, Fairfax, MN, www.ms-diversified.com 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. 1987 7720 TITAN II, needs some work, 2007 JD COMBINE 9860 STS SPECIAL, engine good, used in 2012, $4500 OBO. single owner/operator, approx. 1300 hrs., 306-378-2722, 306-378-7739, Elrose, SK. large dual front tires, large rear tires, 615 PU head, ext. auger, late model production 2008 9870, 613 sep. hrs., 615P header, has most of 70 Series extras and recently 520x38 duals, 28Lx26 rear, electric roll Greenlighted. Call Ted 204-673-2527, tarp, large auger, shedded, vg cond., 204-522-6008 or Rodney 204-673-2382, $204,000. 306-273-4311, Stornoway, SK. Waskada, MB. tnmcgregor@yahoo.com 1998 JD 9610 combine, 2360 hrs.; 1998 JD 925 25’ flex header. 204-764-2544 (days), 204-764-2035(eves.) Hamiota, MB.

8820 TITAN 11, 1986, 4708 hrs., 2 spd. 2003 JD 9650 STS combine, w/JD 914 PU. cyl., fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, 214 Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PU, hopper tarp, long auger, airfoil sieve, PL#915407. redone 6 batt beater, new batteries, well 7720 HYDRO w/fine cut chopper, chaff conditioned combine, shedded, asking spreader, c/w header and trailer, exc. $15,000 OBO. 306-336-2676, Lipton, SK. shape, $15,000 OBO. Call 306-842-4596, 1982 JD 7720 combine, w/212 PU header, Weyburn, SK. good cond., exc. rubber, priced to move at 1997 JD 9600 with 9610 updates, 914 $13,500. 403-575-7222, Brownfield, AB. header, 2500 sep. hrs., 3500 engine hrs., 1990 JD 9600, 914 PU, 3649 sep. hrs., long auger, fine tooth chopper, chaff hopper topper w/tarp, fine cut chopper, spreader, regular Greenlight, always shed- Greenlighted every 200 hrs., $39,000 OBO. ded, premium cond., $70,000. Rossburn, 204-568-4593, Isabella, MB. MB., call 204-859-2752, 204-859-6655. 2004 JD 9660, STS, 1750 hrs., ContourIF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received Master, HHC, VSF, 20.8x42 factory duals, crop damage call Back-Track Investiga- 28x26 rears, HDL, HC air cleaner, Y&M, tions for assistance 1-866-882-4779. w/precision PU, 30’ rigid header w/trailer JD 9770 STS, 383 sep. hours, Contour- and 30’ HydraFlex, single point, field ready, Master premium header control, 20.8x42 very good. 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. duals, 28Lx26 rear, big top hopper, PU header, $220,000. Phone 780-798-2334, 1984 JD 8820, 3100 hrs, dual range cyl., airfoil sieve, chopper, chaff spreader, 212 780-798-3324, Plamondon, AB. PU, excellent, $18,000. 230 JD available THEY DIDN’T WANT us to get our hands w/Keho air reel. 403-379-2423 Buffalo, AB on cores to remanufacture for 9500/9600 CTS Hydro drives, but we’ve got them. We 2006 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor, 615 PU, offer for JD from 6600 thru current CTS Michel’s elec. tarp, crop catcher, excellent combines all remanufactured Hydros. All condition, 1360 sep. hrs., fresh Greenlight, in stock and all parts. Hydratec Hydraulics $147,500. 306-946-7457, Watrous, SK. 1-800-667-7712, Regina. www.hydratec.ca 2011 JD 9770, STS, duals, PU header, 35’ 2011 JD 9870 STS, 520/85-42 dual front hydroflex header, 476 rotor hrs., Autotires, 28L-26 rear tires, 155 sep. hrs., Con- Steer, $280,000. Call: 306-241-2839, tour-Master, 26’ auger, 615P PU header. 306-281-7241, Kenaston, SK. Asking $320,000. 306-921-7295, Star City, 1995 JD CTS, 3122 sep. hrs., 914 PU headSK., email mike.mcavoy@sasktel.net er, chaff spreader, hopper topper, long au2008 JD 9770, 618 hrs, Michel’s topper, ger, shedded, $18,000 work order, vg rubY&M, auto-guidance, $215,000. Swift Cur- ber, $37,000 OBO; 1997 JD CTS, 1630 sep. rent, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca or hrs., 914 PU header, Contour Master, chaff spreader, hopper ext., long auger, shed800-219-8867. ded, vg rubber, $57,000 OBO; 1995 JD 930 6600 DIESEL, 3300 hrs., good tin, 222 Flex, PU reel, fore/aft, poly, crop lifters, straight cut header, PU header, chopper, $8500 OBO; 2000 JD 930 Flex, PU reel, $6750; 6600 gas, 1600 hrs., good tin, 12’ fore/aft, full finger auger, poly, crop liftPU header, spreaders, air foil sieve, great ers, $11,500 OBO; 1997 Honeybee header, cond, $2750. 306-640-6363, Assiniboia SK 36’ c/w UII PU reel, JD adapter, poly, crop 1982 7720 TURBO hydro, 2 spd cylinder, lifters, $16,500 OBO. Call 306-658-4307, fine cut chopper, new PU belts, hyd. pump, cell 306-951-7077, Landis, SK. primary countershaft and bearings, $14,000 in recent Greenlights, 4600 hrs., $12,000 OBO. Phone: 204-868-5504 or 204-874-2206 eves, Minnedosa, MB. or email: neilgalb@gmail.com

’97 JD 9600 1,928 sep hrs., topper, fore/aft. $34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2005 JD 9760 STS combine, w/JD 914 PU. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. 2007 JD 9860 STS combine, w/JD 615P p i c k u p . C a l l H o d g i n s Au c t i o n e e r s , 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407.

REDUCED YOUR CHOICE: 2006 9760 STS 615 PU, 1444 sep. hrs., $150,000; 2003 9650 STS w/914 PU, 2184 sep. hrs., $85,000. Field ready. Watrous, SK. For info ph or text 306-946-7173, 306-946-8120.

1981 JD 7720, 3661 hrs., great running cond, took crop off last yr., new feeder and elevator chains, new tin on bottom feeder 1994 JD 9600, 2175 hrs, fore/ aft, DAS, house, airfoil chaffer, straw chopper, HarDAM, fine cut chopper, 2 spd. cyl., shed- vestrack, some spare parts, stored inside, ded, vg cond., $51,000. 2001 9650 STS, $13,000 OBO. 403-575-1132, Consort, AB. 2595 hrs, fine cut chopper, $81,000. JD 822 all crop head, $6,700. 204-325-8019, UNVERFERTH HUB EXTENSIONS for JD 9600 and newer walker combines, incl. Winkler, MB. 20.8x38 tires/wheels, asking $6000. 1998 JD 9610, 3511 engine hrs., 2530 306-896-2311, Langenburg, SK. sep. hrs, 914 header, long auger, shedded, $55,000; 1996 930 flex header, $5500. 2003 JD 9650 STS, 1820 thresher hrs., vg cond., field ready, moisture and yield 204-636-2283, Sandy Lake, MB. monitors, chopper, long auger, new belts, 1982 JD 6601 (1973-1984) w/Sund PU, $95,000; also, JD 930 30’ straight cut manual and parts catalogue, mint condi- header w/PU reel, fits 9650, $10,000. Call tion, $8000 OBO. 306-738-4905, Gray, SK. 306-239-4786, or 306-230-6690, Osler, SK 8820 TITAN II, 4250 hrs., 230 header, PU 2000 JD 9650 STS, w/Y&M, 4625 engine, reel, trailer, airfoil, chopper, spreader, nice 3232 sep. hrs, $60,000. Will take grain on cond, $9500. 701-770-8620, Williston, ND. trade. 306-267-4528, Coronach, SK. 1998 JD 9610, 914 PU, fine cut wide- 1998 9510, w/914 PU, 2012 threshing spread chopper, hopper topper, long au- hrs., hopper topper w/cover, chopper and ger, redone in 2012, DAS, DAM, always chaff spreader, shedded, $55,000. Call shedded, 2960 threshing hrs, $55,000. 306-338-2710, Hendon, SK. 306-886-2073 306-873-8526 Bjorkdale, SK 9500 w/914 header, chopper, chaff 2003 JD 9750, Contour-Master, c/w JD JD all new tires, c/w 224 straight 914 Victory PU, 900 tires, 2068 sep. hrs., spreader, cut header and mower, shedded, vg cond. $92,500 OBO. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB Call 306-342-4329, Medstead, SK. JD 9610, FINE cut chopper, chaff spreadMUST SELL: 1998 JD 9610 combine, 914 er. Phone 306-383-2915, Rose Valley, SK. P U, r e a l n i c e s h ap e , l o w h r s . C a l l 1985 7720 TITAN II, 4869 engine hrs., 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. shedded, new rub bars, 212 PU header, 2002 JD 9650 walker combine, 2300 sep. $8,000 OBO. 403-676-3768, Sibbald, AB. hrs., w/chaff spreader, excellent shape, 2004 JD 9760, 16’ PU, 2400 sep. hrs., al- $79,000 OBO. 403-654-0430, Vauxhall, AB. ways shedded, $85,000; 1990 JD 9600, 3000 sep. hrs., Sunnybrook bars and con- 1993 9500, 2572 sep. hrs, 3589 eng. hrs, cave, $35,000; JD 930 rigid header w/PU 914 PU, lots of recent work, good tires. 1990 9500, 3249 sep., 4081 eng. hrs, 912 reel, $6000. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. PU, hopper topper, good tires, good shape. 2009 T670, 704 sep. hrs., 1013 eng. hrs., 306-621-2772, Springside, SK. MAV chopper, power spread adjust, Y&M, power hopper/mirrors, c/w 615P PU, JD 8820 combine, new- rub bars, chaff spreader, long auger, $12,000. Phone $200,000. 403-994-4041, Three Hills, AB. 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. 2006 9760, 1760 hrs., duals, field ready, one owner, stored inside, c/w 615 PU, $140,000 OBO. 306-628-7055, Leader, SK. 1997 JD 9500, chaff spreader, hopper tarp, chopper, very good shape, $32,900 OBO. Call 204-655-3458, Sifton, MB. 1993 JD 9600, 914 PU, $60,000; JD 930D straight cut header, $30,000. Lougheed, AB. Call 780-386-2220, or 780-888-1278. 1987 JD 6620 Titan II 2,635 hrs., stored inside, w/ 212 head & 1997 JOHN DEERE CTS w/914 PU headpickup. $14,800. Trades welcome. er, 2100 sep. hrs, loaded, $56,500. Stan Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 306-563-8570 or 306-563-4407, email: www.combineworld.com lstusek@hotmail.com Canora, SK.

2000 JD 9650 STS combine. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407.

’04 JD 9660 STS Field-ready, 2013 $20,000 work order, Greenstar, NEW duals, FC chopper, hopper ext’n, 2,523 hrs. $98,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1983 JD 7721, been shedded, not used for 9 yrs., newer: chrome rub bars, feeder chain, belts, field ready, c/w JD 212 PU header. Will sell header separately as h e a d e r w i l l w o r k fo r 9 0 0 0 S e r i e s . 306-295-4014, Eastend, SK. FOR SALE: 7700 JD combine, w/23” duals, 212 and 224 headers, always shedded, in family since new, retired, $6500 OBO. Redvers, SK., 306-452-7245. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 625 sep. hrs., c/w 2012 JD 615P PU header w/only 100 hours on header, Contour-Master high torque variable spd. feeder house, high cap lift cyl., 22’ high cap unload auger, wide spread fine cut chopper, 800/70R38, small and large grain concave’s, always shedded, exc. cond., $235,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. JD 9501 PT combine, w/JD pickup. Call Hodgins Auctioneers, 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. 2004 JD 9760, 914 header, long auger, hopper top, fine cut chopper, shedded, ve r y c l e a n , r e p a i r s d o n e , $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 . 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152 Barrhead AB LATE MODEL JD 8820 Titan II, 7 belt PU, hopper tarp and chopper, $13,500 OBO. Call 204-655-3458, Sifton, MB. 1991 JD 9400, 3352 sep. hrs., 3852 eng. hrs., 912 PU, fine cut chopper, $27,000; A l s o 2 2 4 s t r a i g h t h e a d e r ava i l a b l e . 306-946-9981, Watrous, SK. 1991 9600 4536 eng., 3510 threshing, 2 spd. cyl., chopper, no hdr $22,000. Pat and Colin McMillan, Plenty, SK. 306-932-7767. 9750 STS, FIELD ready, 2450/3607 hrs. 914 PU, fine cut chopper, hopper ext., var. spd. header drive, 35.5L32 Firestone tires, $70,000. 306-768-3483, Carrot River, SK.

2004 JD 9760 STS combine, w/JD 914 PU. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. 1979 8820, 5000 hrs; 1981 7720, 2800 hrs., recent Greenlight. Open to offers. Call 306-693-9847, Moose Jaw, SK. 1989 JD 9500, shedded, 1 owner, Redekop chopper, Rem chaff spreader, $30,000; JD 930 header avail. 306-736-8190 Kipling SK JD 224 HEADER, rigid, PU reel, $3250; JD 212 PU header, $2000; JD 914 PU header, wide tires, $8500; 20’ UII PU reel, $1800; HoneyBee knife drive gear box; pair 21.5x16.1 tires 306-960-3000 St. Louis, SK

2008 JD 9870 STS combine. Call Hodgins Auctioneers 1-800-667-2075. PL#915407. TWO SHEDDED, FIELD ready JD 9600 combines: 1996 w/3000 sep. hrs.; 1997 w/3520 sep. hours. $85,000 spent on Greenlight in last 2 yrs. Also pickup heads, 36’ HoneyBee headers, 30’ flex headers and chaff collectors available. Fraser Farms Ltd., 306-741-0240, Pambrun, SK. 1998 JD 9510, 914 PU, long auger, chaff spreader, fine cut chopper, 2580 sep. hrs, recent Greenlight, shedded, $65,000 OBO. 306-728-3383, 306-728-8628, Melville, SK FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.


2007 9860 Premium, loaded w/duals and 1981 MF 860 hydro., 3700 hrs, all updates, AutoSteer, shedded, Greenlighted, 0 hrs. clean and in good shape, $5000. Call on new eng. w/warranty, 1143 sep. hrs. 204-744-2389, Notre Dame, MB. Asking $190,000. 306-369-4180 Bruno, SK 1997 9600, c/w 914, long auger, fine cut chopper, JD chaff spreader, recent work orders, new 800x65R32 Michelins, shedd e d , e x c . c o n d . , d e l i ve r y ava i l a b l e , $52,000. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB.

1981 MF 760, 6 cylinder std., 12’ Renn PU, 2 9 5 0 h r s . , a l w ay s s h e d d e d , $ 2 9 0 0 . 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK. 1991 8570 MF, 2908 hrs, Rake-Up PU, also Shelbourne stripper header to fit, $30,000 without header, $35,000 with. Kelliher, SK. 306-675-4516.

2009 MF 9795, duals, shedded, vg, 550 threshing hrs., 0% for 24 months or 0% for 12 months OAC, complete with 1 year/300 hr. extended warranty. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

1987 MASSEY 850, 1149 hrs., 9001 header c/w Melroe PU, $12,500; 1985 MF 850, 9001 header c/w Victory PU, $10,500; also, 9024 and 2381 (22’) headers, c/w PU reels. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. 1994 MF 8570, 2900 engine hours, new style front beater, St. John’s rotor, constant speed rotor kit, rebuilt trans., new rad., plastic bottom sieve, air foil top sieve, pickup header and PU, regularly 1994 MF 8570 Rotary, 1590 sep. hrs., dealer serviced, $27,500; also, 1998 30’ chaff spreader, AutoSteer, straight cut Agco draper header w/PU reel, $12,000. h e a d e r w / t r a n s p o r t , $ 4 2 , 0 0 0 . C a l l Abernethy, SK. 306-332-7198. 403-321-0533, Drumheller, AB. MASSEY FERGUSON 8570 combine. Call Hodgins Auctioneers, 1-800-667-2075. 1981 WHITE 8900, w/Melroe PU and PL#915407. straw chopper, field ready, $5500 OBO; 2011 MF 9895, 245 hours, MAV chopper, White 22’ header, batt. reel, $1500 OBO. d u a l s , 1 6 ’ R a ke - U p P U, w a r r a n t y, Call 306-939-4567, Earl Grey, SK. $290,000. 403-412-4456, Three Hills, AB. 1989 MF 8460, 3600 threshing hrs., very few acres on new concaves and rub bars, 1985 CLAAS DOMINATOR, $2500 new Super 8 Victory PU, side unloading auger parts, lots of recent work, shedded, c/w will work w/tandem or grain cart, lots of PU, JD 922 flex header and mover, asking work done, very mechanically sound, $15,000. 780-812-1892, Iron River, AB. $15,000 OBO. 306-280-9026 Saskatoon SK M2 GLEANER w/20’ header, $2500; Mas2005 MF 9690, 1455 sep. hrs, chopper, sey 9024 header, $1000; Concave for 30.5x32, 16.9x28, 20’ auger, 300 bu, 285 7721, 7720, 7700, 7701, new from Harvest HP, 14’ Rake-Up PU, $115,000. Western Services, Craik, $750. Call 306-638-4472, Sales 877-676-9600 www.westernsales.ca Bethune, SK. 1993 MF 8570, 4007 eng. hrs., $18,000; MF 860 w/PU header, 20’ grain header; MF 1994 MF 8570, 3670 eng. hrs., $20,000; 410 combine, PU header; HoneyBee 36’ 30’ MACDON draper header, PU reels, fits draper header, PU reel, pea auger, fits 8570, 8780; 1984 MF 860, 3000 eng. hrs., Case 2388 and 2588 combine, $14,000 chopper, $5500. 306-753-7465, Denzil, SK. OBO. Call 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. 1995 MF 8460, shedded, one owner, field ready. 306-874-7795, 306-874-2354, Naicam, SK. 1987 MF 8590 c/w Melroe 8 draper PU, Rodono chopper, airfoil chaffer, 2760 eng. hrs, rotor and vanes reconditioned. New 1999 HONEYBEE 36’ header, w/PU reel feeder chain, bottom roller for PU, straw and pea auger, $22,000. 306-962-4666, chopper rotor and airfoil chaffer also 306-962-7996, Eston, SK. available. 780-434-1322, Calmar, AB. 25’ HONEYBEE HEADER, field ready, 1982 850, 6 cyl. std., Perkins, 2339 hrs, NHTR adapter, Hart Carter PU reel, crop 378 Melroe PU, new roller, $9000 OBO. l i f t e r s , m a n y u p g r a d e s , $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 . 1985 860, V8 hydro, 3290 hrs, 388 Mel- 306-460-8120 at Kindersley, SK. roe PU, $12,500 OBO. Both shedded, silver cabs, field ready. 9022 straight cut header, 36’ 2001 CASE/IH 1052 draper header, split PU reel, pea auger, hyd. fore/aft, IHC $3500. 403-646-2187, Cayley, AB. adapter, gauge wheels, w/transport, good MASSEY FERGUSON 850, Melroe PU, well cond., $17,500 OBO. Shellbrook, SK. maintained, good condition, $5800 OBO. 306-747-2514, 306-961-8061. Phone 306-369-2881, Bruno, SK. JD 930F FLEX full finger auger header, 2008 MF 9895, 1225 sep. hrs, chopper, JD 914 belt PU header. Both excellent Y&M, 20.8R42D, long auger, 350 bu. hop- cond. 306-741-1101, Swift Current, SK. per, 2009 16’ Swathmaster PU, $185,000. MF 9024, 24’ straight cut header, exc. 1-877-676-9600, www.westernsales.ca cond., auto header height, lifters, shedded. 1980 MF 750 w/PU and 9024 24’ straight 306-554-7074, Elfros, SK. cut header,always shedded. Will sell headJD 930 FLEX header, fits models 9610 and er separately. 306-486-4514, Oxbow, SK. older; also, JD 922 flex header, both w/PU 2009 MF 9795, 609 eng. hrs., 421 thresh reels. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. hrs., Massey concave, airfoil top, electric 2008 CORN HEADER AGCO 3000, fits bottom sieve, lat. tilt, hyd. fore/aft, PU Gleaner combine, 8 row, 30” spacing, exc. header, MAV chopper, hopper ext., front condition, $39,500. Call 204-256-2098, duals 520/85R42, rears 480/80R26, adj. Treherne, MB. www.hirdequipment.com axle, thru MF shop- winter 2012, field ready. Call for price. Gregoire Seed Farms HONEYBEE 25’ DRAPER header, pea auger, Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North 2 0 0 6 , a s k i n g $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 . C a l l S t e v e 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. Battleford, SK. 8680 MF 1998, c/w Rake-Up PU header, has Sunnybrook cyl. upgrade, 1500 hrs., $52,000; 36’ 5100 Draper c/w adapter, $11,000. Doug 403-485-8375, Lomond, AB. Email doug.s5farms@gmail.com 1985 MF 850, 1900 eng. hrs, hopper extensions, two headers and header trailer, vg cond. 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK.


MF 6022 STRIPPER header, adapters for Case/IH and Massey rotaries, good working order, $5000 OBO. Call 780-398-2064, Thorhild, AB. NH 971 30’ w/PU reel and transport, $6500. Call Bob 306-962-4613, Eston, SK. 2007 HONEYBEE SP36, red/black, 36’, AFX/CR/CX adaptor, $38,500. Brandon, 2005 30’ HONEYBEE 94C w/Pea auger, MB., 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. UII PU reel, TR adapter, always shedded, $32,500. 306-648-2763 or 306-648-7595, 2 -1010 CASE/IH straight cut headers, 306-648-8005, Gravelbourg, SK. 1998 and 1999, 25’, PU reels, fore/aft, vg cond. Call 306-563-7305, Canora, SK. 2009 CORN HEADER, 16x30, Cat Lexion C516, 16-row, low profile, w/little change WANTED: JD 224 header, c/w Lucke Sunto adapt to Case/IH or JD, w/counter flower pans. Call 306-868-4618, Truax, SK. head, hyd. deck plates, knife and rollers, nice condition, $55,000. 204-871-0925, 2001 HONEYBEE DRAPER HEADER, 30’, UII PU reel, JD adapter, factory transport, MacGregor, MB. always shedded, $15,000. 306-886-2073, 306-873-8526, Bjorkdale, SK. EASY HARVEST SYSTEM S LTD 2006 NH HONEYBEE, 30’ draper header, JD adapter, fore/aft, double knife drive, pea * used combine headers - all auger, UII pickup reels, poly skid, lifters, makes - all sizes factory transport, HoneyBee end strut * new EHR PU reels gauge wheels, either JD 100, 60, or 70 Series hookup, shedded, exc cond., $38,000. * used Draper Headers 306-224-4606 leave msg., Glenavon, SK. * PU reel updates: to rebuild Hart Carter reels

930 JD HEADER, batt reel, best offer. 204-638-2513 or 204-546-2021 Grandview MB.

2 0 0 4 J D 6 3 0 , $17,900; 2007 630, $20,900; 2004 JD 635, $17,900; 2007 JD 635, $19,900; 2009 JD 635, $21,900; 2010 JD 635, $24,500; 2010 JD 635, $26,500; 2011 JD 635, $27,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy. 12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer at 204-326-7000. www.reimerfarmequipment.com

P hone 78 0- 8 75 - 8 5 05

IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received crop damage call Back-Track Investigations for assistance 1-866-882-4779.

HOPPERCOVERS: ALL COMBINES, all extensions, for less money. 204-436-2335, Elm Creek, MB. www.hoppercovers.com CIH 1010, 30’, 5 batt reel, hyd. fore/aft, rigid header w/new trailer, very straight, excellent cond., $9,500. 403-823-1928, armor@xplornet.ca Drumheller, AB

1995 MACDON 36’ draper, built in trans., batt reels, TX/TR NH adapter, spare adapter and canvas, $11,000. 306-969-4511, Minton, SK. AGSHIELD CANOLA PUSHER 30’, $4900; NH 971 header 30’, pickup reel, fore and header trailer 30’, $2200. Large selection used grain carts and gravity wagons. aft. Call 780-847-2619, Marwayne, AB. 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB. JD 1997 MODEL 930 header, Hart Carter 1995 JD 925R, batt reel, HoneyBee lifters, PU reels, 30’ stainless steel floor, vg cond., Trailtech transport trailer, very good $11,000 OBO. 306-336-2676, Lipton, SK. cond., $8900. 306-378-2902, Elrose, SK.

Llo yd m in ster, Alta . Em a il: ra b en o it@ m csn et.ca Fa x: 780- 875- 8567 1988 CIH 1020, 25’, $4900; 1997 CIH 1020, 25’, 30’, $11,900; 1997 CIH 1020, 30’, air reel, $17,900; 2007 CIH 2020, 30’, 35’, reconditioned, $19,900 to $21,900; 2009 CIH 2020, 35’, $23,900; 2010 CIH 2020, 35’, $25,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy. 12 N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer at 204-326-7000. See website: www.reimerfarmequipment.com

’04 JD 914P JD head & pick-up, excellent cond’n. $13,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

25’ MACDON 960 header w/PU reel, vg cond., $11,500 OBO; 30’ IHC 1010 header, exc. cond, $5500 OBO. Shellbrook, SK. 306-747-2514, 306-961-8061. 1997 MF 9700 25’ c/w PU reel, very good, shedded, fits 8570, $14,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1998 CIH 1010 rigid, 30’, batt reel, fore/aft, enclosed wobble, transport, $8000. 306-736-7319 daytime, Kipling, SK. 25’ IHC 1010 straight cut header, exc. cond., $5500. 25’ MacDon batt reel, $600. 24.5’ batt reel for 4000 IHC swather, $400. All OBO. 306-528-4614, Nokomis, SK. 2005 MACDON 972D, 21’, fore/aft, PU reel, w/trailer, $25,000. 2000 JD 922R, PU reel, $15,000. 780-387-5505, Millet, AB. 2010 MACDON FD70 40’ header, all options, Case/IH adapter, shedded, like new, $65,000. 306-473-2749 or 306-640-8181 cell, Willow Bunch, SK. NH 973 25’ flex header, PU reel, transport, stored inside, needs poly replaced, $4,000. 306-693-2626, Caronport, SK.

2006 MACDON 973, 36’, JD adapter, transport, very good cond., $35,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1010 CASE/IH HEADER, PU reel, 2003 model, good condition, $11,500 OBO. Call Grant at 306-746-7336, 306-524-4339, 306-524-2155, Semans, SK. 1998 NH 973 30’ flex, AWS air reel w/header drive fan, reels can be sold separately; Sep. drive for JD combine for air reels, $11,000. 306-969-4511, Minton, SK.

2007 36’ NH and 40’ NH 94C draper headers. Loaded with AWS air reels. Will separate, $40,000 and $45,000 OBO. 306-753-7913, Macklin, SK. 2009 NH 94C-30FT CR/CX $49,900. Ray2 3 0 J D H E A D E R , P U r e e l , $ 5 0 0 0 . more New Holland, phone 306-746-2911 306-267-4528, Coronach, SK. or visit: www.raymorenewholland.com JD 224, always shedded, very good, c/w 2005 CASE/IH 30’ rigid header, PU reel, Batt reel, upgraded drive and Trailtech shedded, low acres, mint cond., $15,000. transport. 306-827-7704, Radisson, SK. Call 306-576-2242, Wishart, SK.


2388 IN TERN ATIO N AL 1999 (3645/2 756 Hrs) AFX R o to r, 1015 w /14FT R a ke Up, Fa cto ry Cha ff/S tra w S prea d er, 3rd LiftCylin d er, Clea n Un it Choice for



2004 CX86 0 (32 49 EN G . HR S /2 2 48 S EP HR S .) W /HHC; FO R E/AFT; LAT Tilt; Lo n g U n lo a d Au ger; Fa cto ry H o pperEXT, C ho pper& C ha ff S prd r; 900/60R 32 & 540/65R 30 Tires.



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& Honey On a ll M a cDon /o A da pters w Hea ders w or

g ratin Ce le b S R A 25 BYuEsin e ss in

W ID E S ELECTIO N O F S TRAIG HT CUT HEAD ERS Ava ila b le (JD, CIH, Ho n ey Bee, M a cDo n , N H, AG CO – G lea n er, M F, W hite)

Ca ll for Ap p lica tion s & Pricin g (X 11) M ACDON D50, D6 0-S , 9 6 0, 9 6 2, 9 72, 9 74 M ODEL S ..........S ta rtin g @ $4,500 (X 7) HON EY BEE S P25, S P30, S P36 , M ODEL S .......................S ta rtin g @ $12,9 00 1010 CIH 19 9 0 30FT W /BATT REEL . . . .$7,450 1010 CIH 19 9 0 30FT W /BATT REEL . . . .$7,450 1010 CIH 19 9 3 30FT W /BATT REEL . . . .$7,9 50 9 25 JD 19 9 2 25FT RIGID W /BATT REEL ...................................$7,9 50 9 25 JD 19 9 0 25FT FL EX W /PU REEL .............................$10,750 9 25 JD 19 9 7 25FT RIGID W /PU REEL .......................................$9 ,450 9 30 JD 19 8 8 30FT W /BATT REEL . . . . . . .$6 ,750 9 36 D JD 2000 36 FT W /BATT REEL . . . $23,9 00 300 GL EAN ER 19 8 2 27FT W /BATT REEL ..........................$5,000 9 71 N H 19 8 7 24FT W /BATT REEL .......$5,9 50

9 71 N H 19 8 6 30FT W / BATT REEL ......$6 ,500 9 71 N H 19 9 6 30FT RIGID W /PU REEL . .$7,9 50 9 71 N H 19 9 3 20FT RIGID W /PU REEL . .$4,9 50 9 73 N H 19 9 2 24FT FL EX W /PU REEL . .$8 ,9 50 18 59 M F 20FT W /BATT REEL ..............$3,250 18 59 M F 20FT W /PU REEL ..................$1,250 18 59 M F 20 FT W /PU REEL .................$2,750 18 59 M F 20FT W /PU REEL ..................$3,750 9 022 M F 22FT W /BATT REEL ..............$3,500 9 022 M F 22FT W /PU REEL ..................$4,450 9 024 M F 24FT W /BATT REEL ..............$4,500 9 230 M F 19 9 0 30FT W /BATT REEL .....$7,500 9 230 M F 30FT W /BATT REEL ..............$9 ,500 AC L M GL EAN ER 20FT W /BATT REEL ....................................$2,750 AC L M GL EAN ER 22FT W /BATT REEL .......................................$1,750 AC L M GL EAN ER 19 8 5 24FT W /BATT REEL ..........................$4,000

1-8 8 8 -3 2 7-6 76 7 w w w .gcpa r ts .com

’10 MacDon 40’ D60 W/ transport, new knife, adapter for 8010/CR/CX, others avail. Guards, reel, & canvas are 9/10 cond’n. $53,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

’10 MacDon 45’ D60 Double knife drive, pea auger, transport, hyd. head tilt, adapters avail. Excellent cond’n. $ 59,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com NEW HEADER TRAILERS: 38’ double beam, w/lights and brakes, 3 axles, $7175; 30’ 4-wheel w/flex bar and lights, $4445; 30’ 2-wheel, flex kit, lights, $3300; 36’ 4-wheel, flex kit, lights, $5250. 204-746-6605, 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. 2011 635F with Crary air reel and header mounted fan, spare knife, fully loaded, $47,000; 2012 Maurer header transport with lights, brakes, telescoping hitch, front fender, and spare tire, $7500. 306-472-3000, Lafleche, SK. 2000 HONEYBEE HEADER, SP30, w/pea auger, NH TR adapter, excellent condition. 780-352-3118, Wetaskiwin, AB. MF HEADERS: 9024 with UII PU reel and 2381 (22’) batt reel and Chaney PU reel. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. 1997 HONEYBEE SP30 with TR/TX adapter, PU reel, good shape, $18,000 OBO. Ph 204-479-6665, St. Francois Xavier, MB.

960 MACDON 25’ header, DS, w/bi-directional adapter, field ready, c/w PU reel, $9900 OBO. 780-853-2024, Vermilion, AB. 1998 HB SP 30’ draper, Hart Carter reel, lots of new parts, CR adapter with single point and pump or JD 50 adapter with pump, $20,000 OBO. Eric 403-534-2451, cell 403-485-8808, Arrowwood, AB. CASE/IH ADAPTER for 88 series for 2020 headers; 2020 knives and heads, 1/2 price or offers. 306-741-6549, Vanguard, SK. CASE/IH 820 flex header, 22.5’ w/large auger and elec. header height, $1800. Riverhurst, SK, 306-353-4560, 306-280-6101. GLEANER 30’ with Hart Carter PU reel, c/w carrier, $8500; 14’ Gleaner PU head, $2500 Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. 30’ HEADER TRANSPORT was used for a 1 0 2 0 C a s e h e a d e r, $ 1 5 0 0 . C a l l 306-243-4242, Macrorie, SK. FLEXHEADS: C/IH 1020, 30’, $8000; C/IH 1020, 25’, $5000; C/IH 1010 rigid, 30’, $4500; IH 820, $2000; JD 925, $6500; JD 930, $7000. 204-857-8403, Portage, MB. www.zettlerfarmequipment.com 2008 JD 936D, one owner, shedded, very good condition, $29,500. Phone: 204-822-3797, Morden, MB.

JD 230 HEADER, 30’, c/w transport trailer, batt reels, single point hookup, used on heavy land, always shedded, very good, $5500. 306-585-2536, Regina, SK. 25’ MACDON HARVEST header, PU reel, Case/IH adapter. Call 306-445-5602, 30’ CASE/IH DRAPER HEADER, 2062, North Battleford, SK. nice shape, $25,000. Ph. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. NH 971 30’ HEADER, PU reel, split sickle, good condition. 306-753-7576, 2001 JD 930F, full finger auger, fore and transport, aft, converted for 50 series, $8900 OBO. Macklin, SK. 2004 JD 630F full finger auger, 16,900. 204-526-7374, Holland, MB. 1995 HONEYBEE 30’ header, batts, transport, Gleaner R adapter, excellent condition, always shedded. 306-842-6173 or 306-861-5224, Weyburn, SK. 2009 CIH 2015, PU table, Swathmaster, shedded, used only 3 years, good cond., $14,000. 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK. ’09 CIH 2142/MD D50 35’ header in 2001 MACDON 25’ draper head, PU reel, excellent cond’n w/ transport. All adapters fore & aft, gauge wheels, exc. cond, avail & incl. in price. $49,800.Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. $15,500 OBO 306-747-2514 Shellbrook SK www.combineworld.com 2009 MACDON D60, JD adapter, hyd. 1999 HY 994-30’ R65/R75/MF, $25,000. tilt, fore/aft, slow speed transport kit, 35’, exc. cond., delivery available. $38,000 Yorkton New Holland, 306-783-8511 or OBO. 306-831-9776, Rosetown, SK. Email: visit: www.yorktonnewholland.com troysanderson77@gmail.com 2002 JD 930R, straight table, PU reel, crop JD 214 HEADER, w/14’ Sund PU, very lifters, header trailer, $15,000. Call Dale g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 5 0 0 0 O B O . C a l l 204-649-2288, 204-522-5708, Pierson, MB 780-398-3987, Thorhild, AB. JOHN DEERE 224 rigid straight cut header, 30’ NH 971 straight cut head, PU reel, lift- $5200. Call 403-578-3609, Brownfield, AB. ers, skid plates, double knife drive, $7500. 2003 JD 930D draper header, c/w Canola 306-448-4813, 306-577-8023, Manor, SK. cross auger, always shedded, exc. cond., NH 971 HEADER, batt reel, 30’, $4500. $36,000. 780-208-1566, Vegreville, AB. 306-544-7720, Hanley, SK. 30’ CASE/IH DRAPER HEADER for 8010 RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, or 8020 combine, $25,000. 204-871-0925, 35’, double knife drive, pea auger, full skid MacGregor, MB. plates, excellent, $50,000. 780-777-4153, NH 971: 2 headers, 30’ w/Intersteel sunFort Saskatchewan, AB. flower pans and drums. Adapted to CX seJD 230 RIGID STRAIGHT cut header, batt ries NH combines, $10,500/$9,500 OBO. r e e l s , c r o p l i f t e r s , $ 4 0 0 0 O B O . 204-724-0287, Souris, MB. 306-799-4410, Briercrest, SK. 1998 JD 930F, $20,000. Raymore New Holland, phone 306-746-2911 or visit: www.raymorenewholland.com 2007 MACDON 973 36’ w/ hydraulic fore & aft, auger, transport, 873 adaptor for JD, $42,500. Call Dave at 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. 2005 JD 635F, full finger auger, all new PU reel fingers, shedded, c/w JD vine lifters, $22,500. $25,000 with Bergen transport. 306-843-7192, 306-658-4734, Wilkie, SK. 2012 NH 790-15 PU header, like near new condition. Will fit IH 8120. $18,000. Can RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; also header transports. deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, 2003 NEW HOLLAND 30’ HoneyBee, good SK. www.straightcutheaders.com shape, $30,000 OBO. 780-632-7397, 780-632-9862, Vegreville, AB. HONEYBEE HEADER 2004, 30’, UII PU reel, pea auger, transport, IH 80-88 Series adapter, vg cond. Asking $30,000. Phone or text 306-231-8817, Muenster, SK. 2010 CASE/IH 2020 35’ flex, under 3,000 acres, self-leveling sensors, like new cond, $25,000. 204-751-0046, Notre Dame, MB. 2007 NH 76C pickup header, very little use, always shedded, $15,500. Call Larry ’09 CIH 2016 2016 head w/ 705-728-1610, Minesing, ON. Swathmaster pick-up. Overall 85% IHC 810 24’ straight cut header, batt. reel, cond’n. $20,800. Trades welcome. good condition, $1500. Call 306-542-4195, Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 306-542-7593, Kamsack, SK. MACDON 960, 30’, PU reel, TR adapter, 1998 JD 30’ 930R w/MacDon PU reel, vg built in transport, $10,000. 306-762-2176, cond., single point hook-up, $12,500. Phone 306-273-4311, Stornoway, SK. 306-537-0651, Odessa, SK.



STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very 750 MASSEY COMBINE and 550 Co-op affordable new and used parts available, swather for salvage. Phone 306-795-7692, Ituna, SK. made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769

MACDON 962 30’ draper header, batt reel, new Bergen transport, JD adapter, shedded, $15,000. 306-272-7878, Margo, SK. 1998 30’ NH 973 flex header, Crary PU reels, $9500 OBO. Contact 306-675-5603, Leross, SK.


1- 8 1- 8 1- 8 1- 8

AGCO 5000 DRAPER HEAD, 2003 model, 30’, UII PU reel, pea auger, fits MF 9790 with low mount blocks, $18,000. 306-771-4187, Balgonie, SK.

HEADERS AT WHOLESALE PRICES: 1998 930 flex, Crary air reel, $16,500; 2004 635 flex w/Crary air reel, full fingered, $21,900; 2006 635 flex, $19,650. reduced to $18,900. Call 204-325-2496, Morris, MB. 1996 JD 930 flex header, PU reel, fore/aft. new wobble box, good shape, asking $10,500; 1986 JD 224 flex header, offers. 306-270-8594, Simpson, SK.

’01 IH Swathmaster 14’ pick-up w/ hyd. wind guard. $8,480. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

2005 CASE/IH 2042, 36’ draper header, new guards, new wobble box, exc. cond., $33,500. Call 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. www.hirdequipment.com 1997 36’ HONEYBEE header, batt reel, JD adapter, $9900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

NEED PICKUP HEADERS? ’01 NH Precision, $7,800; ‘91 JD 914 $4,900; ’08 16’ MacDon PW7, $12,800; ’93 14’ Gleaner, $1,850. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

IN STOCK: CAT, CIH, JD, AGCO. Cat FD40 flex draper; CIH 820, 1020, 2020; JD 920, 925, 930, 630, 635; Agco 525. We have adaptors in stock to fit JD platforms on CIH, Agco, NH combines. Reimer Farm Equipment, Hwy #12 North, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer at: 204-326-7000. www.reimerfarmequipment.com 35’ D50 MACDON header, with 21-23-25 Series adaptor, transport, pea auger, fore/aft, only done 500 acres. Antler, SK. 306-452-7870. GLEANER 30’ HEADER, ultra premium cond., fits up to 2002 combines, $11,900 OBO. 403-585-1910, Rockyford, AB. 1997 30’ Case/IH 1010 auger header, PU reel, transport, $12,500; 2002 30’ Cat F20 auger flex header, PU reel, transport, 4 wheel trailer, $25,000; 30’ Cat D30 auger header w/Sunflower pans and drum, $8000; 1999 36’ Case/IH 1042 draper header, Case 88 combine adapter, PU reel, transport, $26,500; 1999 30’ Case/IH 1042 draper header, Case 88 adapter, PU reel, transport, $28,500. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om

VARIOUS PICKUPS IN STOCK - ‘93 12’ Rake-up, $3,900; ‘81 JD212, $1,980; ‘96 14’ Rake-up, $3,980; Victory 8 belt, $2,980; ’04 16’ Rake-up, $5,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com


8 8 20 CIH, 8 100 Hes ............$570.00 4000-5000 CIH ....................$210.00 9 72 M CD .............................$434.00 9 6 0 M CD .............................$425.00 7000 M CD, 8 8 5 M F.............$318.00 220-200 M F........................$193.00 5000 Agco ..........................$195.00 4400 V ers ............................$214.00 4700 V ers ............................$297.00 1200 Hes , 8 230 CIH ............$352.40 UIIPU Reel tin e.......................$1.88 Ra k e-u p PU tin es .....................90 ¢ N H-TR Ra s pb a r s et.........$1,399.00

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For Over 30 Years


For the Dealer nearest you

HARVEST SERVICES LTD. 1-800-667-2601 www.harvestservicesltd.com

www.harvestsalvage.ca New Used & Re-man parts

Tractors Combines Swathers PICKETT ONE STEP 8R30 (can be convertGOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always ed to 12R22), hyd. drive, table shift buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, w/tractor mtd. divider system, $12,000. MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. 306-353-4560, 306-280-6101, Riverhurst.

4500 LOCKWOOD HARVESTER w/blower, spider dirt eliminator, all belted chain, exc. cond., $4800; Spudnik piler with remote control, $12,000 OBO; Have many other pieces of potato equipment. Wilkie, SK. 306-843-3115, 306-843-7153.

2006 APACHE AS1210 SP sprayer, 1200 gal. SS tank, Cummins 5.9 dsl. eng., Raven AutoBoom and monitor, Outback S3 guidance system, AutoSteer, 102’ boom, fenceline nozzles, triple nozzle bodies, 1626 eng. hrs., $134,900 OBO. Phone 780-658-2125, Vegreville, AB. 2006 WILLMAR 8500, 1000 gal. SS, 100’, 1900 hrs., 2 sets of tires, $115,000. Call 306-460-7748, Eatonia, SK. 2001 APACHE 890 PLUS, 850 gal., 90’, 2827 hrs, $72,000 OBO. Phone 306-731-7197, Holdfast, SK. 2009 CIH 4420, 120’, full guidance, 650 floaters, AIM command, luxury cab, $260,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK.

B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling

1998 WILLMAR 8400 Eagle, 3968 hrs., 120’ boom, 1200 gal. SS tank, 2 sets tires, Outback GPS ready, air ride, triple nozzles, $60,000 OBO. 306-821-7500, Marshall, SK.

MF 760 COMBINE for parts, good engine and many new parts. 204-770-0040, St. Andrews, MB. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. www.comb-tracsalvage.com We buy machinery.

AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769.

1995 Willmar 745 1,900 hrs., 500 gal. tank, JD diesel, excellent tires. $32,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

90’ FLEXI-COIL 67 suspended boom sprayer, w/autorate and wind screens, low acres, always shedded. Weyburn, SK. Call 306-456-2660, 306-861-5116.

Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www. combineworld.com; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service.

M edicine Ha t, AB .

EUROPEAN TRACTORS FOR SALVAGE. Good selection of diesel engines and loader buckets, fall specials. 306-228-3011, Unity SK. www.britishtractor.com G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. TOP $$$ PAID for scrap batteries. Call 306-761-1688, Regina, SK. PARTS FOR 4700/ 4750 Vers. swather. New wheel motor, ring gear/hub assembly and bearings for wheel drive, complete planetary assembly, main hydrostatic drive pump, radiator, lots of misc. parts. Rossburn, MB. 204-859-3277 or 204-859-0015. WRECKING COMBINES: IHC 1482, 1460, 915, 914, 715, 503, 403; JD 7701, 7700, 6601, 6600, 106, 105, 95, 630; MF 860, 850, 760, 751, 750, 510, 410, S92; NH TR70, 95, 1400, 995; White 8900, 8800, 8700, 8650, 8600, 7800, 7600; CFE 5542; Gleaner C, F, L, M; CCIL 9600, 960, 951; Versatile 2000. 306-876-4607 Goodeve SK 1977 JD 7701 parts combine for 7720 or 7721, new tires, many new JD parts. Call 306-874-5422, Naicam, SK.

2 SINGLE AXLE DOLLYS’ for semi, can be used with farm tractor. Good tires. Asking $2500 each. Call: 306-746-7504 or 306-746-2248, Raymore, SK.

100’ BRANDT QF 1000 field sprayer. Evan Goranson Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, October 12, 2013, Weyburn, Sask. area. Visit www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or gallantsales.com Large inventory of New 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 and Used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. wash line equip. Dealer for Logan CASE/IH SRX 160, 1350 Imp. gallon tank, 100’ boom, triple nozzles, AutoRate, Equipment. Call Dave 204-254-8126, MB. manual sectional control, very good. Phone 306-726-4616, Southey, SK.


USED PICKUP REELS - 21’ UII, $3,180; 25’ Macdon, $3,850; 21’ UII, $3,780; 24’ UII, $4,480; 36’ HCC, $5,980; 36’ UII, $5,980; 42’ UII, $7,800. Trades welcome. Call 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

w w w.ca na dia nh a ya ndsila ge.com

DOUBLE L 4 ROW windrower; Grimme 4 row windrower, vg cond.; Double L sizer; 6 man Milestone grading table; 30” Spudnik piler, wired remote. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.


NEW PICKUP REELS – GUARANTEED AVAILABILITY. Hart Carter 25’,$5,795; 30’, $6,795; 35’, $7,300; 36’, $7,900. UII 25’, $6,830; 30’, $7,900; 36’, $8,900. Plastic teeth, fit JD/NH/CIH/MacDon headers & Swathers. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

For a Noticeable Improvement in combine performance we manufacture Feeder Chains, Conventional Concaves, Rotary Concaves, Air Foil Chaffers, and Plastic Louvered Sieves.

5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB

Phone:403-994-7 207 or 7 80-206-4666

JD SINGLE ROW high speed potato planter, fert. attachment, good shape, $400. 204-770-0040, St. Andrews, MB.

Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today

HART CARTER 21’ PU reel, fits JD headers series 200, 900, 924 and JD 78 Windrowers. Came off a Claas 21’ header, $800. 204-539-2618, Durban, MB.



Sila ge B a lew ra p startin g at$84 Sila ge C overs -32 feetto 120 feetw ide,a ny length

Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g

M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge I nc.

REDEKOP CHOPPER, fits NH9080, 1 year old. Call: 306-862-8233, Nipawin, SK.

2002 CAT 480R fine cut chopper unit, wide JD 7 BELT PU with active header control, body, new bearings/chopper blades/proexc. condition, comes off JD 914P header, fessionally balanced. May fit other combines. Phone for measurements. $1500 $8000. 306-459-2866, Ogema, SK. OBO. 306-823-7280, Marsden, SK. 14’ SWATHMASTER PU, done 200 acres. $7,000. Phone 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. NEW ROTO CAGE with doors and helicial for N6/N7 Gleaner combine, $6500. JD 914 PU, good condition, field ready, bars 780-290-0057, St. Vincent, AB. $7500. 780-662-2647, Kingman, AB. WANTED: MELROE PU belts c/w steel COMBINE DUALS for JD, 18.4x38, 27” hub teeth (must be like new). 780-662-2617, ext., used one season, new tubes, vg. 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. Tofiled, AB. 2012 CASE/IH 3016 combine header NEW REM CHAFF SPREADER for JD without pickup. Ph 306-264-7742, Kincaid, 9 4 0 0 , 9 5 0 0 , 9 6 0 0 , $ 1 9 0 0 O B O . 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. SK.

Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd.

1-8 00-340-119 2


2835B Cleveland Ave. Saskatoon,SK.

WRECKING 1482 combine, parts rem o v e d a n d r e a d y fo r p i c k u p . C a l l 306-258-4407, 306-221-7118, Vonda, SK.

SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge inventory new and used tractor parts. 1-888-676-4847. LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines.

Dealer Inquiries Welcome

REBUILT HEADER/REEL LIFT valve for IHC 1015 PU header w/IH PU, very good Case/IH 8820 swather; TR96 straw chopcondition, $2800. Call 306-542-4195, per; Victory Super 8 PU; Kirby chaff spreader; Keer-Shear. All in good shape. 306-542-7593, Kamsack, SK. 204-568-4534, Isabella, MB. RAKEUP, 13’, excellent condition, $3900. Pro Ag Sales anytime, 306-441-2030, HEADSITE HEADER HEIGHT CONTROL, North Battleford, SK. l i k e n e w, $ 2 5 0 0 O B O . P h o n e 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK.

’03 Swathmaster PU 14’ pickup w/ new belts, hyd. wind guard. $10,950. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

Plu s M u ch M o re!


TRADE IN YOUR JD 615, NH 76C OR CIH 2016 for a brand new Macdon PW7 header w/ 16’ Swathmaster pickup, pay as little as $2,000 with trade-in. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

CASE/IH 2020 flex head, 35’ w/Crary air reel, fore/aft, auto header height, no rock damage, less than 500 acres on reel, $35,000 OBO. Delivery possible. Sacrifice sale. 701-872-3066, Beach, ND.

Silage Tim e is H ere

Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs .

ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Blackfalds, AB. 1-877-321-7732.

S chu m a cher 30’ L H D .........$599.00 M F 200-220 30’..................$525.00 M F 5000-5200 30’..............$399.00

2004 JD 635 HYDRAFLEX, full finger auger, fore/aft, c/w transport, $17,000 OBO. 306-835-2748, Punnichy, SK.

S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa rts.co m


“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts”


JD 7700 FORAGE HARVESTER for parts. 5830 JD forage harvester, w/PU and 4row corn head. Mack tandem silage truck. Call 204-352-4306, Glenella, MB.

Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon 00- 38 7- 2 768 • M an itob a 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton

Pre Harvest Deals


DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON 8460 MF COMBINE, V6 Mercedes engine; Sunnybrook cylinder and Rodano chopper; 9600 Ford tractor (trans problems). 250-843-7666, Dawson Creek, BC.



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Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.



2005 CIH 3185, 90’, AIM command, 270 tires, $105,000. 800-667-9761, Saskatoon, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca 2011 NH SP.365F, 1600 SS, 120’, 10 sec., electric agitator and rinse, boom drain and blow, $290,000. 306-682-9920, Humboldt, SK. or www.farmworld.ca for listings. 2010 MILLAR CONDOR G40, 88 hrs., 100’ boom, 5 sec., 1000 gal. stainless steel tank, $190,000. Call 1-888-442-6084 or www.farmworld.ca for full online listings. 1996 3630 SPRA-COUPE, original owner, 60’ booms, 300 gal. tank, c/w Outback STS, roof mounted light bar, tow hitch, one spare tire, $27,500. 306-862-6649 or 306-862-7333, Aylsham, SK.

RD3600 Rock Digger 36” depth twin digging forks, double grapple thumb.



email: roadsideironworks@xplornet.ca

’99 Walker 44 2,654 hrs., GPS, AutoSteer, 90’ boom. $29,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron 2010 ROGATOR 1386, 925 hrs, 120’ boom, toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. end row nozzles, Raven SmarTrax, sharpRICHARDTON HIGH DUMPS: 1200, 700, shooter, $299,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or 770; Miller #1093, $6000; JD 3970 har- www.farmworld.ca for full online listings. vester, $8900; NH 890, $2500; IH 781, 2007 APACHE AS1010, $147,000. Ray$2500. Heads available. 1-866-938-8537. more New Holland, phone 306-746-2911 NH 900 SILAGE cutter, c/w 600 Crawford or visit: www.raymorenewholland.com Jiffy Dump, very good cond., sell as a unit, 2012 JD HIGH CLEARANCE 4830, two sets $9800. 780-446-5348, Calmar, AB. of wheels, 140 spraying hours. Call: 2001 COURTNEY BERG side dump silage 306-937-2857, Battleford, SK. trailer, tri-axle, air ride, extensions, 1999 WILMAR 8100, 90’, 800 gal. SS, crop rollover tarp. 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK. dividers, AutoSteer, two sets tires, 3200 INDIVIDUAL BALE WRAPPER 2010 hrs, $55,000. 306-256-3555 Cudworth, SK. McHale 991 BE, good condition, $20,000 OBO. Call 780-210-0800 or 780-636-2892 2008 1074 ROGATOR, 120’ alum. boom, 1525 hrs., one owner, crop dividers, 2 sets evenings, Andrew, AB. of tires, Raven flow control, AutoSteer, AuBRAND NEW 2012 NH FR9050, 0 hrs., toFarm GPS, 1080 gal. tank, foam markers, c/w NH 290 FP 17’ PU header, full warran- v e r y c l e a n u n i t , $ 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . ty. 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. 204-870-2828, Portage la Prairie, MB.



1.888.986.2946 2013 TIMPTE 3 HOPPER

2014 TIMPTE SUPER B GRAIN AVAILABLE 2012-09-27. Grain, 3 hopper, Air Ride suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum (polished out) rims, 20 king pin, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: Ag Hopper w/3rd Hopper Black w.Interior Access steps, Width: 102in, Length: 45ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #DB138603

AVAILABLE 2013-05-24. Grain, Super B, Air Ride suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum rims, 24” king pin, Tarp: Shurco Shur-loc Black, Hoppers: Split tub - 24” clearance Black, Width: 102in, Length: 29ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #EB142202

CALL 2007 GREAT DANE REEFER VAN Reefer Van, Super Seal, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Reefer: Carrier , Steel rims, 1.38” Aluminum duct floor, 36 king pin, Aluminum roof, Height: 14ft, Width: 102in, Length: 53ft. Regina, SK. Stock #7W701948U



2009 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 825000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C, power tailgate. Regina, SK. Stock #V492713



2007 INTERNATIONAL 9400I 6X4 Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins engine (300 HP), Allison (Auto) transmission (5 speed), Air brakes, 323000 km, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #6167-08A



2010 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 284083 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. D’Anjou, QC. Stock #402944



2005 GREAT DANE REEFER VAN Reefer Van, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Reefer: Thermo King , Steel rims, Duct floor, 36 king pin, .060 GRP lining, Length: 53ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #5W702921U



2006 INTERNATIONAL 9400I 6X4 Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine (464 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (18 speed), Air brakes, 660000 km, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 46000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C. Prince Albert, SK. Stock #7017-06A



2009 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), ABS brakes, 751640 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. Mississauga, ON. Stock #V492712



2009 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (18 speed), Air brakes, 900000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 46000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #V492799



CALL 2000 UTILITY REEFER VAN Reefer Van, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Reefer: Thermo King SBIII, Steel rims, Flat Grocery Floor floor, Width: 102in, Length: 48ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #YM213704U



2007 PETERBILT 386

1997 WABASH FLATDECK Deck, Flatdeck, Spring Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Steel rims, Wood floor, 24 king pin, Winches: 18 Standard, Width: 102in, Length: 48ft. Calgary, AB Stock #VL414439U



Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine (450 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 1147000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #8216-07A



2008 KENWORTH T300


2010 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine (464 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 549615 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. Calgary, AB. Stock #403107





Tandem Axle Cab & Chassis, Cummins engine (300 HP), Allison (Auto) transmission (5 speed), Air brakes, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #5699-08A


Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine (464 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 865000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C. Calgary, AB. Stock #V472634


Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), ABS brakes, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #V492707A



2009 INTERNATIONAL 9200I 6X4 Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISM engine, Eaton Fuller Auto Shift transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 309000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C. Regina, SK. Stock #V492784A





Call us with all your Used Equipment needs at 1-877-676-9600 or find us online at www.westernsales.ca

Combine Sale

2009 CA 7088

2011 CA 7120

2006 CA 8010

2008 MF 9895

2003 CA 2388

2002 Cat 460

wn ho sS a t No ine b m Co 1060sephrs, Chopper, 800/65R32, 18.4x26, AFS yeild/moisture, 2016 Pickup Platform

603sephrs,CM,Chopper,90 0’s,540/65R30 HID,PwrFld hopper,AutoSteer,Pro 600,Y/M,2016

1225sephrs, LL,Chopper, Y/M, 20.8R42D, Long auger,350bu hopper,2009 16’ MF swathermaster pu


Pickup Platform


ine mb o C 1407sephrs, pro 600 monitor, Chopper, 20.8R42D, 600/65R28, 14ft pickup


$258,000 2001 NH TR99

2003 CA 2388

1996 CA 2188

2006 CA 2388

1996 CA 2188

1994sephrs, AFS, Header Cntrls, Chopper, Straw Spreader, 30.5x32, 2015 Pickup Platform

$80,000 1989 CA 1680

2250 sephrs, Chopper/ Chaff Spreader, 900/65R32, 480/70R28, CEBIS, 13ft Rake-up Pickup

1000sephrs, Hdr Cntrls, Internsal Chopper, Spreaders, 30.5x32, 14.9x24, Swathmaster Pickup


$140,000 1998 CA 2388

2005 MF 9690

C 1470sephrs, Redekop Chopper, 30.5x32, 14ft Swathmaster Pickup


2470sephrs, AFX Rotor, Yeild/Moisture, Chopper/Chaff Spreader, 2015 Pickup Platform


2920sephrs, Auto Header, Specialty Rotor, Chopper, PU Platform

4147sephrs, AFX Rotor, Chopper/Chaff Spreader, 1015 Pickup Platform



3680hrs, AFX, Kirby Chaff, 14ft Rake up Pickup

1455sephrs, Chopper, 30.5x32, 16.9x28, 20’auger, 300bu, 285hp, 14’ rake-up pickup




Round Balers

2010 CA 435 4WD, 1250hrs, 16spd PS, 800/70R38D, 4 Hyd, 430hp ........................................$209,000 1997 CA 9350 4wd 4490hrs,12spd Hi/Lo,20.8R38D, 4 Hyd, 310hp............................................. $75,000 1996 CA 9370 4322hrs, 12spd sync, 20.8R42D, 4 Hyd, 14L Cummins, 360hp ...........................$75,000 2007 NH T130A MFWD 2900hrs, PS, 18.4x38, 4 Hyd, 3pt, 8450TL Loader Grapple, 110hp...$65,000 1998 CA 8940MFWD 7242hrs, 18spd PS, 20.8x42D, 2 Hyd, 1000pto, Buhler FEL, 205hp.......$65,000 1998 NH 9482 3285hrs, 12spd. 20.8R42D, 4 Hyd, 310hp ..............................................................$69,000 1983 CA 2090 7900 hrs, 12spd, 18.4-38 rear, 2 hyd, 540/1000 pto, 2wd, 108hp.........................$10,000 1976 CA 1370 5622hrs, 12spd, 18.4x38, 2 Hyd, Leon FEL, 130hp................................................ $14,000

2011 JD 568 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge, 4071 bales.............$38,000 2009 JD 568 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge, 7000 bales........... $32,000 2009 JD 568 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge,17000 bales...........$28,000 2008 JD 568 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge, 10,000 bales ........$31,000 2008 JD 568 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge, 7,500 bales.......... $31,000 2008 JD 568 5’x6’, Megawide, hyd.pickup, push bar, Var core, Coveredge,8,000 bales.............. $30,000 2005 JD 567 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Var Core, Coveredge, 14000 bales .........$24,000 2005 JD 567 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, Coveredge, 18100 bales ...........................$24,000 2005 JD 567 5’x6’, MegaWide Hyd Pickup, Push Bar, 15500 bales............................................... $21,000 1999 JD 566 5’x6’ Mega tooth pickup,31x13.5 tires,hyd.pickup lift 20,000 bales ..........................$9,000 1999 JD 566 5’x6’, Mega tooth Hyd PU, guage wheels, kicker, 31x13.5, 23,000 bales ...................$9,000 1997 JD 566 5’x6 Mega tooth no hyd. Pickup 31x13.5 tires........... ..................................................$8,000 1996 JD 535 5’x6’ Hyd pickup, push bar .............................................................................................$7,500 2001 NH 688 5’x6’, Hyd PU, Guage Wheels, Push Bar, 1000rpm, Bale Command,10100bales.$10,000 1998 NH 644 5’x4’, AutoWrap ..............................................................................................................$4,800 1997 Hesston 565A 5’x6’, Automatic, Twine, push bar .....................................................................$8,000

Sprayers 2010 CA 4420 2024hrs, 120’, 1200gal SS, Autoboom/AutoSteer/AIM 5body, 650/65R30, 320/90R46 290hp.................................................................................................................................................... $255,000 2011 CA 3330 810 hrs, 100ft, 1000 gal SS, two sets of tires, sectional control, boom height control, auto steer, NO AIM command ........................................................................................................$255,000 2010 Miller G40 Condor 550hrs, 100ft, 1000gal, Poly, Raven auto steer, Section control, Auto boom, 240Hp. cummins ............................................................................................................................... $190,000 2009 JD 4930 1900hrs, 120ft, 1200gal SS, 5 sens BoomTrac, OBA/level, HID, 2 sets tires, 325hp .................................................................................................................$255,000 2009 Brandt SB4000 100ft, 1650gal, Susp. Boom, Norac, Cones, Autorate, Foam, 480’s...........$45,000 2007 Flexicoil Sys68XL 100ft, 1600gal, Susp Boom, Windscreen, Auto Rate, End Wheels...... $28,000 2007 Rogator 1074SS 2195hrs,100ft,1000galSS,Norac,RavenAutoboom/AutoRate/AutoSteer .................... $185,000 2007 Rogator 1074 2541hrs,100ft,1000gal SS,Norac,RavenAutoboom/AutoRate/AutoSteer..$175,000 2008 Spray Coupe 7660 865hrs, 90ft, 715gallon Poly, AutoRate, AutoBoom, 2sets rear tires (520 and 380’s), Outback E-Drive, 175hp ....................................................................................................... $125,000 2007 JD 4930 1801hrs, 120’, 1200gal SS, 5 sens BoomTrac, OBA/level, 2 sets tires, 325hp......$228,000

Air Drills/Seeders 2013 Seedmaster TXB4012/1900 40’, 12”sp. DS, Ultra Pro Frame Mount Canola Tank (25bu), ViperPro Touch Screen, ‘03 270bu TBH 1900, Auger ............................................................$185,000 2012 Morris C2/8650XL 71ft, 12”sp. 5.5”x16”semi, Sideband Liquid DS, Primary, Man Rate, 650bu TBH, SS, Auger, duals, 4200gal Liquid Caddy, Hyd Pump........................................................... $330,000 2010 Case 800/3380 50’, 12”sp. Hyd Shank, DS, 380 bu. TBH, Vari rate, 10” auger, Single Fan, Hyd Drive 3500 acres .................................................................................................................................$170,000 2008 Seedmaster TXB8012/6550 80ft, 12”sp. DS, Smart Hitch, 550bu TBH Bourgault 6550 cart, Dual Fan, Auger......................................................................................................................$210,000 2006 Bourgault 5710/5300 47ft, 12”sp. SS, Mid-Row (MRB), Steel, 2001 300bu TBT 5300 tank, DS, 3 compartment, 3 Rollers, Auger ....................................................................................................... $75,000 2000 Bourgault 5710/1910 54’, 10”sp. SS, Mid-Row (MRB), Steel, Primary, 2009 JD 430bu TBH tank, DS, PowerCal, Dual Castor, 800’s, Var Rate, 8”auger............................................................. $89,000 2000 Bourgault 5710/1910 54’, 10”sp. SS, Mid-Row (MRB), Steel, Primary, 2009 JD 430bu TBH tank, DS, PowerCal, Dual Castor, 800’s, Var Rate, 8”auger............................................................. $89,000 2011 JD 1830/1910 61’, 10”sp. SS, 3”semi, All-run, 2013 - 550bu TBH, DS, 12” conveyer, Hyd Drive, Var Rate, Power Cal, Duals ...............................................................................................................$215,000 2004 JD 1820/1910 52’,10”sp.S,3”steel,Primary,340buTBH,SS,RiceTires,Auger,Var.Rate ..........$69,000 2002 JD 1820/1900 40’,10”sp.SS,3”semi,primary,270buTBH, 28l-26 rice, 8”auger, Var Rate ....$45,000 2001 JD 1820/1900 61’,10”sp.SS,3”steel,Primary,430bu TBH,30.5x32 rice,8”auger,VarRate..... $60,000 2001 JD 1820 41’, 10”sp. SS, 3”steel, Primary, 3”Gen openers, No Tank .......................................$29,000 2000 Flexicoil 7000/3450 70’ 10”sp. DS, 4”steel, 1” FC carbide opener, Primary, 340bu TBT, DS, Var Rate, 10”auger ........................................................................................................................................$69,000 1998 JD 1820/1900 45’, 10”sp. SS, 3”steel, Primary, 270bu TBH Tank, Var Rate, Auger............ $45,000 2007 JD 1895 43’, 10”sp. SFP Disc Drill, 31 X 13.5 - 15 In. 10 PR Hi-Flotation Tires, Bourgault DS Air Package, No Tank ...........................................................................................................................$59,000 1995 JD 610/787 29’, 12”sp. SS, 1”knives, Granular kit, Harrows, 130bu 787 Cart, auger .........$15,000


Combines 2007 JD9860 STS Premium 1157sephrs, CM, Chopper, Greenstar, 900/65R32, 18.4x26, HarvestSmart, 26’auger, Micheal’s, No Platform ................................................................................$210,000 2007 JD 9860STS 1428sephrs, Chopper, Greenstar, 20.8R42D, 600/65R28, HID,..................$185,000 2006 JD 9860STS 1455sephrs, CM, PC Chopper, Greenstar, 800/70R38, HID, HC Fdr,........$176,000 2002 JD 9750STS 1457sephrs, CM, Chopper, Greenstar, 20.8R42D, 28L-26, PRWD.. ...........$135,000 2001 JD 9750STS 2549 sephrs, Chopper, Greenstar, 800/65R32, 18.4x26, No Platform............$90,000 2009 JD 9670STS 869sephrs, Chopper, Greenstar, 800/65R32, 18.4x26, HC Unload............. $190,000 2005 JD 9660STS 2180sephrs, CM, Chopper, Greenstar, 18.4x38D, 18.4x26, HC Unload.....$120,000 2002 JD 9650STS 2326sephrs, MAV Chopper, Greenstar, 800/65R32, Hopper Ext...................$90,000 2000 JD 9650STS 2970sephrs, Chopper, Greenstar, 800/65R32, 16.9x24, 20’auger, Crary Ext $75,000 2000 JD 9650 2634sephrs, DR, HHS, Chopper/Chaff, 800/65R32, 16.9x26, No Platform........$80,000 1993 JD 9600 3797sephrs, DR, DAM, DAS, Chopper/Chaff, No Platform................................. $30,000 1995 JD CTS 2440sephrs, DR, chopper ,chaff spread, 914 c/w 154” JD Pickup..........................$55,000 1990 JD 9400 4428sephrs, SR, Chopper/Chaff, 24.5x32, NO PLATFORM................................. $28,000 1990 JD 9500 3084sephrs, DR, Chopper/Chaff Spreader, Hopper Ext. 30.5x32, ........................$25,000 1989 JD 9500 4049sephrs, DR, DAM, DAS, Chopper/Chaff, 24.5x32, 17’auger, 212 c/w 132”..$30,000 1989 JD 9500 4100sephrs, DR, DAS, Chopper/Chaff, Hopper ext, 24.5x32, ..............................$30,000

n ow Sh s ta No

n ow Sh s a ot eN n i b om

1642sephrs, Header Cntrls, Internal Chopper, Spreaders, 30.5x32, 14.9x24, Rake-up Pickup

$55,000 Platforms/Drapers

2009 HoneyBee 4555 45ft, AWS & HCCReel, HHS, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A,........... $65,000 2009 HoneyBee 4555 45ft, HCC Reel, HHS, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Cross Auger,..$65,000 2008 HoneyBee 4555 45’, AWS & HCC Reel, DKD, HHS, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Tilt, Cross AugerJD 70series ........................................................................................ $69,000 2008 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, DKD, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Outer Guage wheels, Cross Auger, JD Adapter....................................................................................... $46,000 2008 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel,Poly,Guage, Transport,Hyd F/A,JD Adapter....................... $42,000 2008 HoneyBee Sp36 36ft, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Hyd F/A, DKD, JD Adapter......................... $42,000 2008 HoneyBee Sp30 30’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, AHC, end strutt........... $40,000 2008 HoneyBee Sp30 30’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, AHC, end strutt.......... $40,000 2007 HoneyBee Sp30 30’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, AHC, end strutt........... $39,000 2007 HoneyBee Sp30 30’, HCC Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Cross Auger, CASE 2388 Adapter................................................................................................................... $35,000 2006 HoneyBee 3655 36ft, UII reel, Transport, Guage, end strut, ................................................$42,000 2005 MacDon 974 36’ Flex Draper, Poly, Guage whls, Transport, Pea Auger, CA 2388 Adapter ....................................................................................................................$38,000 2005 NH 94C 30’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, NH TR Adapter ........................$32,000 2004 NH 94C 30ft, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, CASE 2388 Adapter ...............$30,000 2004 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Cross Auger,.................$35,000 2004 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, Cross Auger................$35,000 2003 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, JD Adapter .................$33,000 2002 MacDon 972 36’ UII Reel, Transport, Cat 460 Adaptor .......................................................$29,000 2000 JD 936D 36’, Duraflo Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport ...............................................................$30,000 1998 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, JD Adapter .........................$19,000 1998 HoneyBee Sp30 30’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, CA 2188 Adapter ........$19,000 1996 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, JD Adapter .................$17,000 1995 HoneyBee Sp36 36’, UII Reel, Poly, Guage, Transport, Hyd F/A, JD Adapter .................$16,000 1993 HoneyBee Sp42 42ft, UII Reel, Guage Wheels, Transport, JD 9600 Adapter ..................$11,000 2001 JD 930F 30’, AWS & Duraflo Reel, Poly, Hyd F/A, Full Finger Auger, 50 series ................$22,000 1994 JD 925F 25’, Duraflo Reel, Poly ..................................................................................................$7,500 2008 CA 2020 35’, PU Reel, Poly, Hyd F/A .......................................................................................$26,000 2004 CA 1020 30ft, PU Reel, Poly, Dividers, Hyd F/A.................................................................... $15,000 2004 CA 1020 30ft, PU Reel, Poly, Dividers, Hyd F/A, RiteWay Header Trailer......................... $18,000

Grain Augers

2011 Brandt 13x110 13”x110ft Auger, Hyd Winch, Rodono Xtend (14”)....................................$38,000 2006 Brandt 13x70 13”x70ft Auger, Hyd Winch, Hyd Mover .......................................................$15,000 2013 Brandt 1535 15”x35ft Conveyer, EZ Mover, 35HP Kohler Diesel .......................................$21,000 2009 Buhler 1370 13”x70ft Auger, Hyd Mover, Mech. Drive ........................................................$14,900


Forage Harvesters

Bale Processors

1997 JD 6810 3041enghrs/1781sephrs, 48 knife cutterhead, std chute, 24.5x32, 3 meter pickup, 375hp ................................................................................................................$65,000

Highline 6600 1000rpm Bale Processor...............................................................................................$6,500


2012 Demco 1400 1400bu Grain Cart, Tarp, 1000pto, scale, 520/85R38 walking axles ...........$75,000

2011 JD D45073/435hrs, 30ft, DKD, SSA, Poly, PU Reel, Hyd F/A & Tilt................................ $140,000 2011 MacDon M150 506/395hrs, 30’, PU, guage, DSA, SKD, Hyd F/A & Tilt, 600/65R28......$140,000 2011 MF 9430 242enghr, 35ft, PU Reel, SKD, SSA, Hyd, F/A, top-con, A/S, 480R26 .............$105,000 2009 CA WD1203 650enghrs, 35ft, UII Reel, Hyd F/A ..................................................................$95,000 2009 JD 4895 1180/920hrs, 30ft HB, DKD, DSA, UII, Hyd F/A, End Whls, 23.1x26................ $93,000 2009 JD 4895 920/740hrs, 30ft HB, SKD, DSA, UII, Hyd F/A, Tilt, End Strut Wheels..............$92,000 2005 MacDon 8140 1180/941hrs, 25’, PU Reel, DSA, SKD, 21.5l-16.1, 16.5l-16.1 .....................$70,000 1996 MF 220 1795hrs, 25’, DSA, PU reel, Diesel, Cab, Air HB Knife, Guage Wheels................ $33,000 1990 CA 6500 2439hrs, 25ft,UII Reel,DSA, Diesel Engine,Cab/Air............................................. $16,000 1983 JD 2320 21ft DSA, MacDon PU Reel, Like new canvas, Cab A/C, Gas, Shedded..............$15,000

2004 Bourgault 1100 1000bu Grain Cart, pto drive ......................................................................$28,000


Harrows/Packer Bars

2012 JD DB60 60ft (15”/30” rows), CCS Pro Series, Corn/Soybean/Canola Plates, Pneumatic Down Force, Double Disc, Rubber Packers ................................................................................................$220,000

Grain Carts Bale Movers 2005 Morris HayHiker Bale Mover (Holds 14 Bales).................................................................... $19,000 2002 Highline 700 7 bale mover...........................................................................................................$9,000

Mower Conditioners 2007 JD 956 14ft, Hyd Tongue, Impeller Conditioner, Tilt............................................................ $27,000 2002 Hesston 1275 16ft, Hyd Tongue, Steel Crimpers, 10000rpm .............................................. $14,500 1991 Hesston 8200 2450hrs, Diesel, Hydro, Cab A/C, 14ft Mower Conditioner Platform.......$16,000

1998 Degelman LR7640 40ft Land roller......................................................................................... $22,000 2012 Degelman Strawmaster 82ft Heavy Harrow, Hyd Tine (Like new - 600 acres)................ $51,000








Warmer weather calls for hot deals! During the New Holland Summer of Savings Sales Event, you can get sizzling savings on select New Holland tractors, hay and forage equipment, material handling products and more. Choose 0% FINANCING or Cash Back* on equipment built New Holland SMART.

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USED EQUIPMENT Combine Headers 2000 AGCO Allis 5000, 25’ Draper, UII PUR, MF Adapter, SK ..............................................$14,900 2008 Honey Bee SP36, 36’ PUR, CR/CX, Hyd FA, Transp/guage Whl ...............................$52,000 1998 Honey Bee SP30, 30’, PUR, NH TR/TX Adapter, X-Auger ...........................................$33,600 2004 Honey Bee SP25, 25’ Draper, CIH Adap, PUR, Hyd FA, Trans ...................................$35,000 2001 JD 930R, 30’ Auger Hdr, Bat Reel, Hyd FA, Transport .................................................$11,500 2009 JD 635D, 35’ Auger Hdr, DK,PUR, Transport..................................................................$61,000 1997 JD 930, 30’ Rigid Auger ..........................................................................................................$9,900 1997 MacDon 960, 30’ Draper Hdr, PUR, Transport, JD Adapter......................................$19,800 2005 MacDon 972, 36’ Draper, MF Adapt, PUR, Auger, Trans............................................$38,000 1998 MacDon 960, 36’ Draper, NH TR/TX, Bat Reel, Transport..........................................$15,900 2008 NH 94C, 36’ Draper, NH CR/CX, PUR, SK, Transport....................................................$49,900 2001 NH 94C, 30’ Draper, TR/TX, Xauger, Hyd FA, Transport .............................................$29,000 2002 NH 94C, 30’ Draper, NH CR/CX, PUR, SK, Transport, Auger .....................................$28,900 1982 NH 970, 24’Auger Hdr, Bat Reel, DK ....................................................................................$2,900 2006 NH 88C, 36’ Flex, CR/CX, PUR, AHHC ...............................................................................$41,900 2000 NH 994, 36’ Draper, PUR, TR/TX, Auger, Transport .....................................................$26,900 2008 NH 88C, 36’ Flex Draper, NH CR/CX, PUR, Auger, Transport....................................$44,900


*For commercial use. Offer valid to well-qualified buyers on select New Holland equipment. Offer subject to CNH Capital America LLC credit approval. See your New Holland dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Depending on model, a down payment may be required. Offer good through September 30, 2013, at participating New Holland dealers in the United States. Offer subject to change. Taxes, freight, set-up, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in price. © 2013 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland and CNH Capital are registered trademarks of CNH America LLC.




New Holland has teamed with RAM Truck to give you one SUPER offer. Get $1,000 consumer bonus cash allowance on a RAM Truck with the purchase of new, qualified New Holland equipment – and that’s AFTER you make your best deal on both the New Holland product and your best deal on the RAM truck. This includes all current programs and incentives. Now, that’s TEAM savings! When you choose New Holland, you drive off with more cash. OFFER ENDS JANUARY 2, 2014

*CANADIAN CUSTOMERS ONLY. Offer good through January 2, 2014. Delivery of the eligible Ram vehicle must be between February 1, 2013 - January 2, 2014. This offer applies to new 2013 & 2014 Ram 1500 (excludes Regular cab and ST & STX models), 2012, 2013 & 2014 Ram Heavy Duty Trucks and 2012, 2013 & 2014 Ram Cab & Chassis Trucks after the purchase of select new, New Holland equipment from an authorized New Holland dealer. See your New Holland dealer for a complete list of eligible equipment. Limit: One $1,000 rebate per eligible New Holland product purchased. This offer can be used in addition to all other eligible retail offers that are available at the time of purchase or lease. Customer must provide proof of New Holland product purchase (Dealer Sales Agreement for new, New Holland product) at time of truck sale or lease. If the New Holland product is purchased in a business name and the vehicle is purchased in an individual’s name, customer must provide proof of ownership interest in the business. Offer only available to legal residents of Canada, and is not available to governmental entities or their employees. CNH America LLC may modify the terms of this offer at any time. Bonus Cash will be deducted from the negotiated purchase or lease price of the truck after taxes. © 2013 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. Ram is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. Any trademarks referred to herein, in association with the goods and/or services of companies other than CNH America LLC, are the property of those respective companies.

1995 NH TX68, 971 Hdr, 30.5 Tires, Chopper, Long Auger .................................................$44,000 2003 NH CX860, 14’ PU Hdr, 900’s,Chopper, Y&M .............................................................. $129,900 2005 NH CX880, 14’ 76C, Duals, Y&M, Chpr.......................................................................... $159,000 2008 NH CX8080, 14’ 76C, 900’s, Chopper, Y&M ................................................................. $249,900 2010 NH CX8080, 14’ SM PU, 520 Duals, Yield Map, Compressor, Chpr ..................... $297,500 2002 NH TR99, 971 PU Hdr, 30.5L32 Tires, Redekop Chpr.................................................$79,000 2005 NH CR960, 16’ 76C PU, 900’s, Dlx Cab, Dlx Chpr, Y&M ............................................ $169,000 2010 NH CR9060, 14’ SM, 900’s, Y&M, Dlx Chpr .................................................................. $233,000 2004 NH CR970, 14’ RU PU, Dlx Cab, Dlx Chpr, Long Auger ........................................... $157,000 2010 NH CR9070, 16’ SM PU, 900 Tires, Dlx Chpr, Long Auger ...................................... $249,000 2009 NH CR9080, 14’ 76C PU, 20.8r42 Duals, Outback Steer, Dlx Chpr, HID ............. $273,500 2012 NH CR8090, 15’ 790CP PU, 900’s, Dlx Chpr, ASP, Abr Concave ............................ $334,000 1997 MF 8780, WW PU, Chpr, Reverser .....................................................................................$39,900 2004 JD 9860STS, 914 PU, 20.8R42 Dls, Chpr, Contour Master ..................................... $168,000 2006 IH 8010, 16’ SM PU, 20.8 Duals, Y&Mt, Rock Trap, Dlx Cab.................................... $190,000 1998 IH 2388, 12’ SM PU, AFX Rotor, Chopper, Topper........................................................$69,000 1997 JD 9600, 914 PU, 30.5X32 Tires, Chpr .............................................................................$46,000



ALL EQUIPMENT IS FIELD READY! www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515 20 min. E of Saskatoon on Hwy. 16

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Numerous pictures available on our website www.combineworld.com ‘96 JD CTS SP

‘02 CIH 2388

2,318 sep hrs, loaded, nice and clean. $49,800 w/ 914P

2,887 sep hrs, 3 spd rotor, hyd. reverser ...........



‘87 JD 6620 TITAN II



’87 JD 7720 TITAN II

2,635 hrs., stored inside, tight walkers, good tires *Premium* ..............



4,045 engine hrs., 2 spd cyl, 212 PU Head incl. .........




’07 JD 9520T

450 hp, 36’ tracks, overall good mech. cond’n. ......




‘97 JD 1900 AIR TANK

2,654 hrs., GPS/AutoSteer, 90’ boom. ................

350 bushels, good condition, new auger. ..............






NH pickup header w/ 14’ Swathmaster & hyd. wind guard ...............

‘05 JD 35’ 635F



Hydraflex header, auger & floor good cond’n, overall 60% ..............




’11 MD CA20 ADAPTER Fits MD 2009-New, 9/10 cond. Ready to go!. ................



’09 CIH 35’ 2142

Excellent cond’n w/ transport. Adapters for JD, NH, IH, CAT inc. in price. .......









Factory transport, hyd. reel fore & aft. Good guards, reel, canvas, & skid shoe ..............




14’ MacDon Precision Model, auger & floor very good. ....................



P/T sprayer, 1,250 gallon tank, 100’ boom ....................




SWATHMASTER PICKUPS NEW belts, hydraulic wind guard, overall very nice cond’n...............




Double knife drive, pea auger, fits all combine makes, hyd. head tilt, excellent cond’n ......




1,900 hrs., 500 gal. tank, excellent tires, JD diesel. ................





6,000 lb. capacity, side tilt carrage, 5,516 hrs...................

’05 Terex TH644C 4,497 hrs., 44’ reach, 4.5L JD, $ 6000 lb capacity heated cab.......... ’05 Terex TH644C 3,735 hrs., 44’ reach, 4.5L JD eng., $ 6000 lb capacity ............................








’05 Degelman 1220 Sidearm ...................


’05 Schulte 1100 Snowblower .............

’00 Lull 644D34 w/ 4,600 hrs., 6000 lb capacity, 34’ reach, $ well maintained .............................

5,980 7,900


’01 Hesston 856A 1000 PTO, hyd. PU, 5x6 bales, twine, good condition ................. $7,950 ’83 MF 124 Square Baler Good cond’n, rare find! .............. $4,850




Please call for more details, standard and high cube available. Starting at ....................



2 7/8” frame, 1” rod, 5’2” high, 24’ long, 48” leg spread. $ W/ 8’ gate .................................

475 $ W/O gate .................................. 395

CombineWorld ? “In the past 15 years, Combine World has provided us w/fair prices and a large inventory of parts...My standards are very high and they more than meet those standards.” — Barry Redlick, CEO & President, Redawg Farms


’95 Agco 400, 30’ straight-cut header, w/ batt reel ................... $4,980 ’87 CIH Swather Header, 30’ MacDon 960/JD 160 swather header ...... $2,980 ’91 JD 930R, 30’ header w/ pick-up reel .......................... $4,950

‘79 SELLICK 6000

24’ reach, 6,000 lb capacity, 3 cyl. Ford diesel, w/ cab ......................




‘11 Bourgault 65’ 3310 & ‘12 6550 TBH



‘10 Bourgault 65’ 3310 & FC 4350 TBT Front Dual Castors, 3”Openers, Flexi-Coil 4350 Variable Rate, 10” Auger,Dual Fans

Capstan Njet NH3 MRB,3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate,Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift,Dual Fans, 650 Duals.




‘11 Bourgault 65’ 3310 & ‘12 6550 TBH Capstan Njet NH3 MRB,3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate,Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift,Dual Fans, 650 Duals.

‘13 Bourgault 66’ 3320 & ‘12 6550 TBH Capstan Njet NH3 MRB,3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate,Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift,Dual Fans, 650 Duals.

Capstan Njet NH3, 2 OnBoard NH3 Tanks, Dual Castors, Variable Rate, Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift, Dual Fans, 650 Duals.



2010 Seed Hawk 7212 & 600 SCT


‘05 Seed Hawk 60’ 6010 & BG 6450 TBT

10” Spacing, Liquid Fertilizer Kit, Bourgault 6450 /w 900 Singles, Var. Rate, Dual Fan, Double Shoot Dry.

Dual Castors, 30.5L32 Rear, Seed Hawk 600 Tow Between, Sectional Control, Dbl Sht Dry,Dual Fan, Bag Lift, Duals.

‘12 SeedMaster 66’ 6612 & BG 6550 TBT

Dual Front Castors, Dual 750 Rear, Dual 1500 Gal Liquid Tanks, Var. Rate,Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift,Dual Fans, 650 Duals.


‘06 Seed Hawk 6010 & ‘10 6550 TBH




Combines & Headers

‘10 Bourgault 65’ 3310 & ‘12 6550 TBH Dickey John NH3 MRB,3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate,Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift, Dual Fans, 650 Duals

2012 JD 61’ 1835 & 1910 TBH

10” Spacing, 4” Spread,4” Steel Packers, Dbl Sht Dry, MRB, 1910 c/w 430BU, Var Rate, Dual Fan,520 Duals.



11 CIH 9120, Swathmaster PU .............................................$270,600 12 NH CR7090, Only 233 Sep.Hrs ........................................$240,900 CIH 8120, Swathmaster PU ..................................................$259,600 CIH 8010’s, c/w Swathmaster PU ...............................From $111,300 10 NH CR9080, SwathMaster Pickup ...................................$220,000 10 CIH 9120, SwathMaster Pickup .......................................$233,000 05 MF 9790, 900’s, 5200 Pickup ...........................................$88,900 04 CIH 2388, Swathmaster PU .............................................$111,600 10 MacDon 40’ D60, Trans, X Auger .......................................$68,900 08 Honey Bee SP36, X Auger, Poly .........................................$43,900 04 MacDon 36’ 974, Transport, Float .....................................$45,000 MacDon 25’ 960, CIH 80/88 Adaptor ......................................$14,900

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2011 Case IH 9120

2012 Case IH 9230

Adj steering axle, lat tilt, hopper cover..SOLD

Lateral tilt, fine cut chopper, stnd spreader..$350,000


2011 Case IH 9120

2010 Case IH 7120

Powerplus cvt feeder, c/w 3016 pick up header...$300,000

575hrs, 900 singles, std straw chopper.. $279,000


2WD Tractors 2010 CIH Magnum 215 (SA) w/LC780 loader, luxury cab, PTO, hitch


ready, 262 WAAS receiver......................................................... 2013 CIH Puma 130 CVT (SC) MFD, cap suspension, L765 loader, 95” bucket & grapple..................................................................$159,000 2009 CIH Magnum 180 (SA) 3 remotes, L780 loader, S2 outback autosteer, 3 point hitch.............................................................$155,000 2009 Massey Ferguson 7480 (SC) massey 960 FEL loader w/ grapple, 3 point hitch, CVT transmission.................................$94,500 2002 CIH MX240 (ES) 3 point hitch, rear duals, powershift, degelman 12ft 4 way blade............................................................................$90,000

2004 McCormick 135 (SA) PTO 540/1000, FEL with grapple....................$59,000 1988 CIH 7120 (ES) MFD, 20.8 duals....................................... $48,900 1994 JD 7700 (LL) 10,000hrs, ez-on loader, 3 remotes, MFD, dual PTO....$45,900 1997 NH 8260 (SC) loader & grapple, MFD, shedded................$44,900

4WD Tractors

2011 CIH STX550 (ES) PTO, 36” tracks, auto guidance, cab suspension, 6



2010 CIH ATX700 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, ADX3430 tank, double shoot, sideband................................................................................................$188,000 2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 (SA) TBT JD1910, TBT 270BUH, 2000 gal TBH liquid, no quick pin..............................................................................$185,000 2003 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, single shoot, 3 1/2” steel packers, 5350 tank, double shoot............................................................................$107,500 2005 Bourgault 5710 (SA) 64ft, 9.8” spacing, mrb, 3 1/2” steel packers, double shoot, 5440 tank, 591 mon..........................................................................$90,000 1998 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, 2 1/4” steel packers, 2002-5440 tank, 3 tank metering...................................................................................$89,900 1999 Bourgault (ES) 54ft, 12” spacing, 4350 cart, MRB’s, 3.5 steel packers...$85,000 2004 Morris Maxium II (SA) 49ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBT tank.................................................................................................$55,000 2000 Flexicoil 7500 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, rubber packers, single shoot, TBH 3450 tank.....................................................................................................$45,900 1996 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 45ft, dbl shoot, 2320 tank, 9” spacing, rubber packers..............................................................................................$42,500 1999 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 39ft, 1720 tank, steel packers, NH3 kit, atom jet single openers......................................................................................................... $41,000 1994 FLexicoil 2320 (SA) air cart, tow behind, rear hitch, completely

SOLD 1997 Bourgault 3225 (SC) new metering auger..................SOLD

remotes......................................................................................... 2010 CIH STX535 (SA) std quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000rpm IND PTO, hi cap hydr pump........................................................................................$357,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) 111hrs, full autoguidance, 800 duals, front weight frame................................................................................................$315,900 2009 JD 9430 (SC) full cast weights front & rear, standard transmission, diff

rebuilt in 2006...........................................................................

lock, 710 duals..................................................................................

2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 600hrs, 120ft, aim command, autoboom, lux cab, PRO700..............................................................................................$310,000 2010 CIH 4420 (SC) 1000hrs, 80 duals, pro 600, autoboom..........$290,000 2012 CIH 3330 (SA) 100ft, Viper pro, auto steer, 5 sensor, aim command..$285,000


2006 CIH STX480 (SC) luxury cab, guidance ready, 16 speed p/s trans, PTO, diff lock...................................................................................................$195,500 2005 New Holland TJ450 (LL) 710 duals, weights, deluxe cab, EZ guide


autosteer, 4 remotes........................................................................... 1989 CIH 9130 (LL) 18.4/38 duals, PTO, powershift..............................$39,000


2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab..$260,000 2010 JD 4830 (SC) 100ft, 1000 gal tank, full auto guidance.........$245,000 2011 CIH 3330 (SA) 100ft, pro 600, aim command, deluxe HID lighting,


SWATHERS 2012 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362 header, cab suspension, chaff wiper



2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cold start, UII one piece p/u reel, double knife, DHX362 header............................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1203 (SC) c/w DH362, cab&rear suspension, stnd cab, cold start pkg...........................................................................$135,000 2009 Macdon M150 (SC) 25ft D60 single knife header, dbl swath..$99,500 2009 MacDon M200 (SC) 1000hrs, windrower, no header.......$98,000 2009 CIH WD1203 (SC) 500hrs, c/w DHX302 hdr, cab & rear axle sus.....SOLD

2000 Massey Ferguson 220 (SA) 30ft triple delivery..........SOLD 1997 MacDon 4930 (SC) 25ft 960 hdr, 16ft sickle header, dbl knife, new gear boxes.........................................................................................$32,500 2006 MacDon S30 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel...................................$17,000

accuboom, 262 receiver................................................................. 2005 JD 4720 (SA) 90ft, 800 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, autosteer, fence row nozzles................................................................................................$175,000

2008 Terragator 8204 (SA) 3 way tips, 85ft, 10” spacing..............SOLD 2006 Rogator 1064 (SC) 120ft, loaded & tow sets of tires, 1000 gal tank...$105,500 2005 CIH 3185 (SA) 90ft, aim command, 270 tires..............................$105,000 2001 Apache AS790 (SA) 90ft, trimble 250, raven controller, 3 ways with 2


nozzles................................................................................................... 2001 CIH 3200 (SC) 5200hrs, 90ft, aim command, 800 gal s/s tank, norac autoboom, 5 way nozzle...........................................................$78,500 1998 Wilmar 8400 (SC) 110ft, autoboom, raven controls, outback sterring....54,900 2003 Flexicoil S67 (SC) 90ft, 1500 gal tank, suspended boom, autoboom.....26,900 2007 NH SF216 (LL) 100ft, 1600 gal tank, chem eductor...............17,500

Saskatoon (306) 934-3555 800-667-9761

Swift Current (306) 773-2951 800-219-8867

2011 CIH 9120 (ES) adj steering axle, lat tilt, powerplus CVT feeder, small & large wire concave............................................................$315,000 2010 CIH 9120 (SA) 861hrs, lateral tilt, autoguide Nav II, c/w 2016 pick up header.......................................................................................$299,000 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) 671hrs, lat tilt, hyd fold topper..................$275,000 2008 JD 9770 (SC) 618hrs, michel’s topper, Y&M, autoguidance..$215,000 2009 CIH 7120 (SC) 957hrs, duals, lat tilt, long auger..............$200,000 2009 CIH 6088 (LL) AFX rotor, straw chopper, yield logging........$199,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SC) 1025 engine hrs, 824 rotor hrs, 800 singles, chopper, lat tilt, AFX rotor..............................................................................$192,500 2007 CIH 7010 (SC) 1550 rotor hrs, 800 singles, chopper, lat tilt, AFX rotor.................................................................................................$187,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SA) lat tilt, AFX rotor, 800 tires, straw chopper........$180,000 2008 CIH 2588 (LL) 21ft unload auger, AFX rotor, straw chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster pu.....................................................................................$179,000 2005 CIH 8010 (LL) 1500hrs, new feeder floor, top sieve...................$142,000 2004 CIH 8010 (SC) long auger, fine cut chopper, HID light, lat tilt...$139,000 2005 CIH 2388 (SC) 1446 rotor hrs, chopper AFX rotor, c/w 1015 swathmaster pu..........................................................................................................$118,000 2004 CIH 2388 (SC) 2110 rotor hrs, topper, long auger, chopper, c/w 2015 swathmaster.....................................................................................$115,900 1996 CIH 2188 (SC) 3890 rotor hrs, kirby spreader, speciatly rotor..$61,000 1998 CIH 2388 (SC) new tires, 1015 pu header..............................$59,000 1999 CIH 2366 (SC) 3659 hrs, 810 pu header, w/25ft honeybee hdr....$48,500 1997 NH TR98 (SC) new rub bars, concaves, top seive.................$47,500 1989 CIH 1680 (LL) 1015 pu, cross flow fan chopper, chaff spreader..$31,000 1994 CIH 1666 (SC) 3200hrs,hopper topper, kirby spreader, 1015 pu...$27,500

HEADERS 2011 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, double knife, 5 bat, upper cross auger........$74,900 2012 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, single knife, slow speed transport, AHHC, AFX adapter............................................................................................... $62,900 2012 CIH 3020 (SC) 30ft, dbl knife, AFX adapter, AWS air reel............$48,500 2008 JD 930 (SC) 30ft, with air reel......................................................$47,900 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, p/u reel, fore & aft, auto header..........$39,000 2003 Macdon 972 (LL) 36ft, pu reel, pea auger..................................$39,000 2010 CIH 2020 (ES) 35ft, pu reel, hyd F & A, plastic tines...................$39,000 2008 HoneyBee SP30 (SC) 2400 acres, cross auger, transport, AFX adapter..$38,500 2007 HoneyBee SP40 (SC) 40ft, cross auger, AFX adapter, pu reel...$36,500 2007 HoneyBee (SC) 36ft, UII pu reel, transport, 2588 adapter..........$35,900 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 30ft, pu, 2588 adapter, all new skid plates.........$34,500 2002 CIH 1042 (ES) 30ft, pick up reel, 2388 adapter..................$28,500 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 1997 Macdon 960 (SA) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels.......$17,000 2003 CIH 3016 (SC) sun pick up...................................................$14,900 1994 CIH 1010 (LL) 30ft, p/u reel, transport.................................$11,900 1998 CIH 1020 (SA) 30ft, p/u reel, poly skids................................$10,500 1997 CIH 1015 (SC) rake-up pick up..............................................$9,500

Lloydminster (306) 825-3434 800-535-0520

Estevan (306) 634-4788 866-659-5866

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UNMATCHED SWATHING CAPACITY. For high-capacity swathing of canola, small grains, forage and specialty crops, pair a NEW Speedrower® SP windrower with a NEW DuraSwath™ draper header from New Holland. The upgraded Speedrower dual-pump hydraulic system delivers increased power to the DuraSwath head’s knife, draper and reel circuits. The head handles the increased capacity with ease thanks to a more rugged drive system and new design features: NEW STRONGER FRAME AND REEL NEW STEEPER REEL ATTACK ANGLE IMPROVES CROP FEEDING NEW FLATTER TABLE AND DRAPER BELT ANGLE FOR BETTER FEEDING AND VISIBILITY NEW RAPTOR™ DRAPER BELTS PULLED, NOT PUSHED, FOR BETTER EFFICIENCY

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2010 CIH 3380 TBT ......... $62,000 2009 NH P2070 70’X12” ....................... $112,000 2009 NH P1060 TBH........ $63,000 2009 NH P1060 TBT ........ $53,000 2007 NH SD550 70’X12” . $74,000 2007 SHAWK 60’-10” C/W 3380TBT ...................... $159,000 2002 FC 5000-51’-9” ...... $33,000 2002 MR MAXIM 2-49’-10”....................... $33,000 2000 MR MAXIM 49’-10” C/W 6300 .............................. $30,000 1998 MR MAXIM 34’-10” $30,000 1998 MR MAXIM 55’-10” C/W 6180TBH ........................ $28,000 1997 FC 3450 TBH AIR CART VR......................... $29,900 1994 FC 5000-45’-9” C/W 2320 TBH ................................ $43,500


2011 NH H8040-36’ ...... $120,000 2007 CIH WDX1202-36’ .. $96,000 2007 NH HW325-30’ ....... $79,900 2006 JD 4995-16.5’ DB... $73,000 2005 JD 4895-36’ ........... $69,000 2005 NH HW305-30’ ....... $74,000 1997 MF 220-30’ ............ $41,000 1997 MF 220-25’ ............ $33,000


2010 NH CX8080 ........... $242,000 2009 NH CX8070 ........... $199,000 2009 NH CX8090 ........... $258,000 2009 NH CX8080 ........... $220,000 2008 NH CX8090 ........... $239,000

2008 NH CX8080 ........... $180,000 2008 NH CX8080 ........... $180,000 2007 NH CX8080 ........... $163,000 2006 NH CX840 ............. $129,000 2004 NH CR960 ............. $119,000 2004 NH CR940 ............. $118,900 2003 NH CR940 ............. $112,000 2002 NH CX840 ............... $95,000 2001 NH TR99 ................. $75,000 1998 NH TR98 ................. $50,000 1997 MF 8570 ................. $35,000 1997 NH TR98 ................. $38,000 1997 NH TR98 ................. $37,900 1997 NH TR98 ................. $39,900 1995 NH TX66 ................. $27,000 MF 8780 ......................... $54,000


1998 JD 930F.................. $20,000 1992 JD 925R ................... $7,500 2010 NH 74C-30’............. $29,000 1999 HY 994-30’ R65/R75/ MF ................................. $25,000 2009 NH 94C-30’ CR/CX .. $49,900 1998 NH 994-30’ TR/TX .. $28,000 1998 NH 994-30’ TX........ $24,000


2011 NH H7460 ............... $31,900 2002 NH 1475 C/W 2316. $15,900


2012 NH SP.240F XP 1200 GAL 100’ ............................. $275,000 2011 NH SP365 F - 1600 GAL 120’ ............................. $311,000 2008 MILLER A40-1000 GAL 100’ ............................. $169,000

2007 APACHE AS1010 ... $147,000 2000 WM 7200................ $42,500


2013 BUVA 2375 ........... $199,000 2013 BUVA 2375 ........... $199,000 2011 JD 9630 ............... $265,000 2011 NH T9.505HD ........ $289,000 2008 NH T1520 ............... $16,400 2003 MCORK MTX110 ..... $53,000 1980 ST BC III ST225 ...... $16,900


2011 NH BR7090............. $23,900 2007 CIH RBX563............ $16,900 2007 CIH RBX563............ $21,000 2007 NH BR780A ............ $16,700 2005 NH BR780............... $10,900 2005 NH BR780............... $12,267 2005 NH BR780............... $14,900 2005 NH BR780............... $16,500 2003 NH BR780................. $8,900 CIH 8465A ........................ $7,500


SKID STEER LOADER 2012 NH L220 .............................. $33,900 ADAPTER 2011 MILLER MILLER/ NH SPRAYER SWATHER ADAPTER - MACDON ........................ $5,500 GRAIN AUGER 2010 FK SWING AWAY 16X104 ................ $29,500 ATV 2009 CK 3100S .......... $9,250 TRACK LOADER 2009 NH C190 .............................. $33,900 MOWER/ZERO TURN 2007 CK RZT54 ......................... $2,679 GRAIN AUGER 2005 FK Y13X70 ............................ $9,500

Ph: 306-783-8511 Fax: 306-782-5595

Ph: 306-746-2911 Fax: 306-746-2919

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PRE-HARVEST BLOW OUT!! IN STOCK: 1 - 40’ FD75 JD Adapter 1 - 40’ FD70 NH Adapter 1 - 35’ D65 JD Adapter 3 - 35’ D65 NH Adapter CALL FOR PRICE








NEW 2010 NH WORKMASTER 55 8x8 trans., 1 hyd., 3 pt. hitch w/flex link, 9.5x24 6PR R1, 14.9-28 6PR R1, HN2740.

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NEW 2011 NH T7.250 710/70R38R1W,600/65R28R1W,4 hyds., MM valve, susp. frt. axle, climate cont., del. seat. N21592.


NEW 2012 NH T9.505HD 1996 MACDON 4930

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2010 ROGATOR 1386









16F/2R spd. PS, diff. lock, IF710/70R42 R1W, 57 GPM, PTO, lux. cab, Intelliview IV, Nav. cont. radar, 4 hyds., NH2903.

12,928 S/A with 25% down OAC



NEW 2011 NH T9.6155 Single beacon light, high cap., hyd., lux cab, F&R HID, tow cable, ballast, 100 lb./HP55/HID cab, GPS antenna ready, PH2721.

NEW 2012 NH T9.615 2012 NH SP.275R

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389 HRS.

Deluxe cab, 57 GPM, 4 hyds., F&R HID, diff. lock, 800 70R 38D, N21696.

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Paul .................. 306-231-8031 Tyler.................. 306-231-6929 Perry ................. 306-231-3772

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Cummins ISX 435 HP, 13 SP, 4:11 gear ratio, 12000 lbs front, 40000 lbs rear, 22.5� aluminum wheels, 200� wheel base, 51 “ mid-rise bunk, 1,207,231 KM. Manitoba Safety Certification available at time of purchase.



2010 KENWORTH T370

Pacar PX-6 300 HP, 6 SP, 3:55 gear ratio, 10000 lbs front, 20000 lbs rear, 200� wheel base, differential locks, 202,336 KM. Manitoba Safety Certification available at time of purchase.




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2007 PETERBILT 379

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www.titantrucksales.com 2007 INTERNATIONAL 9200I

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475 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5� alloy wheels, 244� WB, 3:73 gears, 3-way diff. locks, mid-rise bunk, 1,321,515 KM.




Cummins ISX 500 HP, 18 SP, 3:73 gear ratio, 12000 lbs front, 40000 lbs rear, 22.5� aluminum wheels, 224� wheel base, 4-way differential locks, 72� mid-rise bunk, 1,341,433 KM. Manitoba Safety Certification available at time of purchase.




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475 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5� alloy wheels, 244� WB, 3:73 gears, 3-way diff. locks, mid-rise bunk, 1,113,501 KM.



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CIH 80/88 series ............ 1,795 JD 9000 series, CTS ...... $1,795 NH TR 95-99 ................. $1,795

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Complete units, $ while supplies last ........................... MOST MAKES AND MODELS AVAILABLE


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Adjustable chaffer 94/9500, CTS, CTS II............................. $1,342 Bottom sieve 8820 ................... $1,157 Chaffer shoe frame 8820 .......... $1,707 Wide-slat chaffer 88 series, 1680 ..................... $1,398 Windshield 2188/2388 ............ $1,100


995 $ Inner pulley P/n 754385 .... 740 Outer pulley P/n 439596...


1,250 TR89-99, 2 spd., RHS.. 3,750 TR70-95, 1 spd., RHS..



939 $ 980 $ 1,350 $

980 732


Front acceller kit, CIH 80/88 series .......... 1,695 Bigger rear wheels 18.4-26, JD 9600-CTSII .......................................$1,385 Extra-wide chopper fin kit, JD 9600-9610 ......................................... $335 3rd lift cylinder kit, CIH 80/88 ..................... $790 Wide wheels, JD 900 pick-up (pair) ............ $750 Header hex back shaft to PTO drive, JD 900 R/F ........................... $1,190

CombineWorld ? “Awesome deals today. I’ll come back again! Lots of stuff available.” — Patrick Stocker, Wolseley, SK


IN STOCK JD 9600/10, 9650/10 straw walker ........ $1,100 JD 9600 upper feeder shaft ...................... $848 JD 9600/10, 9650/60 sieve frame ......... $1,348 JD 9000 series RHS feederhouse shield ....... $395 JD 9600 front walker crank ...................... $580 JD front concave plate .............................. $425 JD 9400-9600/CTS/CTSII cleaning fan drive pulley & half-pulley ........................ $245

MON-FRI: 8:00 AM-5:00 PM SATURDAY: 8:00 AM-2:30 PM SUNDAY: CALL US!!


CIH heavy-duty rear steering axle centre tube .............................................. $1,690 CIH 1640-2588 unloading auger elbow ............................. $880 CIH 80/88 series unloading auger ................. $895 CIH 1640-2388 front rotor bearing holder..... $395 CIH 1680-2388 header lift cylinder ............... $625






Cat 3208 ......... 3,250 Ford 7.8L ......... $4,500 Perkins 354.3 ... $2,750 JD 7.6L................................................ $6,550 Cummins 8.3L ..................................... $6,900 Genesis 7.5L........................................ $6,000


18.4-38 12 ply ................................ $898 $789 24.5-32 14 ply ......................................... $1,749 18.4-30 12 ply ............................................ $673 18.4-42 16 ply ......................................... $1,397 16.9-28 12 ply ............................................ $558 23.1-26 12 ply ............................................ $990 14.9-24 12 ply ............................................ $486 20.8-38 12 ply ................................ $866 $795 12.4-24 8 ply .............................................. $266 405/70-20 14 ply ........................................ $795 18.4-34 12 ply ................................. $770 $698 11.2-24 8 ply .............................................. $229 MORE SIZES IN STOCK. RIMS ALSO AVAILABLE


CIH 40/60 chopper w/drive ................................. $4,080 CIH 80/88 series ................................... $4,310 JD STS 70 Series.................................. $5,145 USED CHOPPERS ALSO AVAILABLE



HCC (Hart Carter) 30’ CIH 2010/20 ....... $6,795 HCC 35’ CIH 2010/20 ........................... $7,300 UII 30’ HB SP30 .................................... $7,900 UII 36’ HB SP36, 1-pc.......................... $8,900 USED REELS ALSO AVAILABLE


JD 9600/10, 9750/60 STS tight knife rotor upgrade kit ................ $4,100 TR95-TR99 .......................................... $8,900 CIH 88 series ....................................... $9,350 CR960/9060 ........................................ $9,000 TX66/68 .............................................. $6,800

USED KITS Cross-flow fan kit, CIH 80/88 ........................................... $1,975 Bubble-up auger kit, TR96-98 .............. $1,980 Terrain Tracer, TR 98-99 ......................... $850 Reel fore & aft, TR95-99........................... $975 2-spd Cylinder kit, JD 8820 ................. $2,250


2006 ROGATOR 1064, 120 ‘, loaded and two sets of tires, 1000 gal. tank, $105,500. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 2012 NH SP240F XP 1200 gal. 100’, $275,000. Watrous New Holland, phone 306-946-3301 or visit our website: www.watrousnewholland.com 2010 JD 4830 100’, 1000 gal. tank, full auto-guidance, $245,000. Swift Current, S K . w w w. r e d h e a d e q u i p m e n t . c a o r 800-219-8867. 3630 SPRA-COUPE with only 900 original hrs., always shedded, exc. cond. Weyburn, SK. Call 306-456-2660, 306-861-5116. 4- 320/90Rx46 FIRESTONE tires w/rims fo r 8 5 4 R o gat o r, 8 0 % , $ 5 0 0 0 O B O. 306-537-0950, Pelly, SK.

2003 MORRIS MAXIM 11 40’ air drill, S/N 3902034916, 7180 tank S/N 7189500272, 10� spacing, single shoot, 4� steel press wheels w/mud scrapers, tandem gauge wheels, shank type anhydrous mid-row banders, NH3 kit, semi hopper, 12,000 acres, premium, straight, no welds, $ 4 9 , 9 0 0 . N i p a w i n , S K . To l l f r e e 1-877-862-2413, cell 306-862-7761 or 1-877-862-2387, cell 306-862-7524.

SHOP BUILT, 3 point hitch, 75 gal. $350. 306-948-2852, Biggar, SK. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. DROP DECK semi style and pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.

2010 BOURGAULT 65’ 3310, 2012 6550 TBH, Dickey John NH3 MRB, 3� openers, V.R. Moker & Thompson Melfort, SK., 306-752-2273 www.mokerthompson.com WANTED: 5 1/2� RUBBER packers for Flexi-Coil 5000, 9� spacing. Will trade 4 1/2� steel. 403-793-1705, Brooks, AB. 2010 NH 70’, P2070 precision drill, 430 bu. P1060 VR cart, 10� spacing, double shoot dry w/liquid fertilizer kit, low acres on openers, dual hi-floatation tires on front, dual fans, tow hitch on cart, extra rollers included, field ready, $149,000. Financing available. Deposit will hold until spring. Call 306-535-7708, Regina, SK. HARMON AIR DRILL, 52’, 12� spacing, SS metering boxes, updated fan, new auger and manifolds, trailer type grain hopper, $25,000 OBO. Ryley, AB. 780-663-3929, 780-603-1747. 2000 FLEXI-COIL 7500 ‘Slim’ 60’ air drill, S/N 7000-096360-00, 10� spacing, double shoot, 4� steel packers, approx. 20,000 acres, good cond., no tank or openers, $14,900. Located near Saskatoon, SK. Toll free 1-877-862-2413, cell 306-862-7761, 1-877-862-2387, cell 306-862-7524. 2012 JD 61’ 1835, 1910 TBH 10� sp., 4� spread, 4� steel packers, MRB, $192,800. M o ke r & T h o m p s o n , M e l fo r t , S K . , 306-752-2273 www.mokerthompson.com 2010 SEED HAWK 7212, 600 SCT, dual castors, sectional control, dual fan, $285,000. Moker & Thompson Melfort, SK. 306-752-2273 www.mokerthompson.com 2008 6012 SEEDMASTER w/Smart Hitch, DS, 2007 4000 Ezee-On air cart w/variable rate, asking $145,000; Also w/wo 2000 2250 Ezee-On air cart TBT, 40 bu. aux. tank, $25,000. 306-843-7260, Wilkie, SK. 2012 JD 1895, 36’, 1910 TBH, 430 bu. cart, w/fertilizer kit. Call Steve 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. 2006 MORRIS 40’ horizontal fold no-till disc air drill, markers, with 7240 TBT tank, low acres, excellent for winter wheat, can o l a a n d f l a x , $ 6 9 , 0 0 0 O B O. C a l l 306-693-9847, Moose Jaw, SK. 2006 SEED HAWK 6010, 2010 6550 TBH, 2 onboard NH# tanks, var. rate, $188,400. Moker & Thompson, Prince Albert, SK. 306-763-6454 www.mokerthompson.com

HIGHLINE 40’ ROTARY harrow w/coil packers, 1-3/4� coils, exc. cond., $10,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 80’ FLEXI-COIL 85 heavy harrow, new transport tires, 23�x9/16� teeth, good cond., $22,000. Call 306-821-6646, Lloydminster, SK. 2011 PHILLIPS 45’ Rotary harrow, like new. Call 204-729-6803, 204-769-2393, Deloraine, MB.


MILLER A75, 2008, full load, 103’ conventional and air boom, 1000 gal. tank, crop dividers, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 2 sets of tires, ready to go, 3000 hours, $90,000. Phone 306-344-4561, 1820 JD 61’, 10� spacing, liquid sideband openers. Agtron all run monitors, c/w 306-344-7674, Paradise Hill, SK. 2008 1910 430 bu. tank. Equipped with conveyor, excellent shape, $80,000. Call Jim at 306-482-7445, Carievale, SK. 2012 MORRIS 8370XL TBT, 3rd tank, 10� auger, 2009 61’ contour drill, 12� spacing, dual shoot, dual front casters, blockage monitors, 5� pneumatic packer, excellent condition. Ph. 306-723-4799, Cupar, SK. BOURGAULT 5440 air cart, 3 tanks and meters, 491 monitor and wiring harness, Michelin rubber. 780-434-1322 Calmar, AB 55’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 10� spacing, 7300 TBT, single shoot, great shape. Phone 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. ’97 AG Shield P/T sprayer, 1,250 gallon tank, 100’ boom. $8,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com






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V AL E SOL U TION S L TD . Indian H ead,SK

306 - 6 9 5- 246 0

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FOR TRADE: 54’ Bourgault rubber press wheel, 9.8� spacing, trade for steel press wheel. Call 970-744-1928, Sterling, CO. US 2013 BOURGAULT 3320, 9.8� spacing, MRB Paralink QDA c/w 2010 Bourgault 6350 WANTED: 50’ CULTIVATOR, must be in dual fan, equipped for NH3, $245,000. good shape. Call Jim at 306-862-8518, Choiceland, SK. Phone: 306-577-7922, Carlyle, SK. TWO LEFT: JD 2410 DT cult., 12� space, 63’, JD 3-bar harrows, Nichols knock-on clips. 306-231-8060, Englefeld, SK. 2012 SEEDMASTER 80’x12�, 300 bu. on- 2009 CASE/IH QTX600, 55’ deep tillage, frame tank, w/UltraPro canola meters and 4-bar harrow, 9� spacing, 550 lb. trip, cameras, w/scales, fully loaded, sectional Bourgault speed lock, only 7500 acres on control, run block monitors, packing force unit, c/w 2 sets of new 4� heavy spikes, 1 sensors, duals, c/w 2012 Nova cart, 3 set of 12� new shovels, $67,500 OBO. comp. 780 bu. w/scales and duals, field 306-542-3684, 306-542-7966, Kamsack SK ready, $325,000. Deposit will hold until spring, will separate; 2013 SEEDMASTER FRIGGSTAD CHISEL PLOW 60’, heavy 88’x14�, 360 bu. on-frame tank, w/Ultra- t r i p s , M o r r i s h a r r o w s , $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 . Pro Canola meters and cameras, w/scales, 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. fully loaded, sectional control, run block KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs w/24� monitors, packing force sensors, duals, to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ c/w 2013 Nova XP-cart, 3 comp. 780 bu. tandem wing discs w/26� and 28� notched w/scales and duals, field ready, $420,000. blades and oil bath bearings. Red Deer, AB. Deposit will hold until spring, will separ- www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646. ate. Call 306-535-7708, Regina, SK. 225 tandem disc 32’, oil bath DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING air drills/ KELLO-BILT hyd. wing lift, good shape; Also, air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. bearings, Kello-Bilt 250, 14’, offset breaking disc, 30 years experience. Bob Davidson, Drum- good shape. 306-468-7909, Canwood, SK. heller, AB. 403-823-0746. 39’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, double shoot KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and and 6180 Morris air tank. Evan Goranson bearings. Parts to fit most makes and Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday October 12, models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 2 0 1 3 , We y b u r n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t www.kelloughs.com www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale MORRIS MAGNUM II, 45’ chisel plow b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r w/good harrows and next to new liquid 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 fert. kit and hitch, vg cond. $20,000 OBO. 66’ SEEDMASTER, 2008, slim fold, tire in 306-542-2872, 306-542-7684 Kamsack, SK tire, lift hitch, smart hitch, dual caster on CO-OP CULTIVATOR 808, 54’, HD Sumwings and main frame, big floatation tire mers harrows, 104 walking axles- redone, on main frame, tips are at 50%, with TBH cylinders and wheel bearings redone, 430 JD cart. Cart has duals, conveyor, rear $21,000 OBO. 204-612-8379 Starbuck, MB hitch. Call Martin at 780-220-8144, Legal, JD 1810, 61’, 12� spacing, Summers harAB. or email for pics: at cyrmr@telus.net rows, Dickey-John cold flow, $67,500; JD 2005 SEED HAWK 60-12, 2100 gal. liquid 2410, 58’, 16� spacing, JD mounted hartank, dual shoot Bourgault air kit, 28Lx26 rows, banding knives, cold flow, $67,500. dual rears, $60,000 OBO. 306-452-7930, 780-876-2667, 780-933-2585, Debolt, AB. 701-756-6433, Redvers, SK. 32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $42,500. 2012 SEEDMASTER 66’ 6612, BG 6550 Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. TBT, dual fans, 650 duals, $285,800. Moker & Thompson, Prince Albert, SK., 5600 CIH DT 41’ cultivator, anhydrous kit, carbide tips, Degleman harrows, $8,500. 306-763-6454, www.mokerthompson.com 306-452-7705, Redvers, SK. 1992 CASE/IH 5600 deep tillage, 55’, asking $22,500. 306-764-7865, Prince Albert, 40’ FLEXI-COIL 400 cultivator, 9� spacing, SK. knock-on shovels, c/w 1110 air cart, 44’ FLEXI-COIL 820, heavy trip, 12� spac$7500 OBO. 306-297-3317, Shaunavon, SK ing, excellent condition, $21,000. 2009 SEED HAWK 800, 84’, sectional 204-662-4432, 204-264-0693, Sinclair, MB control, liquid kit w/variable rate control, 12� spacing, DS, run monitors, new fert. knives. Winter wheat seeding special. Will consider trades. 306-435-8008 Wapella SK

55’ LAURIER HARROW packer bar, P20 packers, $3500 OBO. Call 306-297-3317, Shaunavon, SK. HEAVY HARROWS: IN stock now new RiteWay 68’; new Morris 70’. Leasing available. Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK 2003 FLEXI-COIL HEAVY harrow System 85, 70’, 9/16 tines, approx. 20-21� remaining on tines, first $22,000. 780-208-4808, Two Hills, AB. 2012 DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 70’ heavy harrow, hyd. tilt and angle, used only 2 years. 306-338-8078, Quill Lake, SK DEGELMAN 70’ STRAWMASTER heavy harrows, new paint, new 9/16 tines, some new bearings and tires, like new, $29,000. Call 306-748-2817, Killaly, SK. MACFARLANE HEAVY HARROWS, 60’, asking $28,500. Call Steve 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. SUMMERS HEAVEY HARROW, 84’, new 18� tines 2012, $24,000. Text or phone 780-361-3532, Gwynne, AB.

COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 306-946-4923, Young, SK.

2006 CIH STX480, luxury cab, guidance ready, 16 spd. p/s trans, PTO, diff. lock, $195,500. www.redheadequipment.ca or 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 1993 9280 CASE/IH 4 WD, $60,000. 306-449-2255, A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 1486 IHC, 3500 hrs, good tires, duals, looks great, needs trans work, offers. 306-694-1004, 305-631-8954, Moose Jaw. CASE 1070 2WD tractor. Evan Goranson Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday October 12, 2 0 1 3 , We y b u r n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962

1994 JOHN DEERE 7700, 10,000 hrs., Ezee-On loader, 3 remotes, MFD, dual PTO, $45,900. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-535-0520, Lloydminster, SK. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 1998 JD 8300 FWA, 3700 hrs., 16 spd. powershift, duals all around, diff. locks, large PTO, c/w 12’ Degelman 4-way blade with two 1’ ext., great cart tractor, very clean. Asking $90,000. Can email pics. 306-847-2048, 306-946-7668, Liberty, SK. 2011 JD 9630, 1427 hrs., 2630 screen w/AutoSteer, warranty to 2015, 78 gal. pump, $230,000 OBO. 306-497-3322, Blaine Lake, SK. JD 4230 w/148 loader, 8000 hrs, new crankshaft, top shaft in trans, new clutch, quad trans; JD 4430 w/007 loader, lots of work done, field ready; Dunray 6500 AC 110 volt and AC 220, used once or twice. 204-274-2789 or 204-249-7193, Westbourne, MB. 4230 JD TRACTOR; 9’ twin cylinder dozer blade; 1949 GMC 1 ton truck; Styled JD D tractor. Maurice 306-397-2533, Vawn, SK.

1998 MX120 CASE/IH, MFWD, 3788 hrs., L300 loader w/grapple, 3 selective 1997 JD 1900 Air Tank 350 bushels, control valves, 105 PTO, asking $42,500 new auger, good cond’n. $24,800. OBO. 403-580-0936, Medicin Hat, AB. Trades welcome. Financing available. CIH 8920 MAGNUM, 3 PTH, 540/1000 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com PTO, 4 WD, 6.9x28 fronts, 18.4R42 rears, plus duals, showing just over 6500 hrs., $45,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. CASE 4690, w/14’ Degelman blade, 7900 hrs., good condition, $20,000. Call: 306-598-4407, Lake Lenore, SK. 2004 AGCO RT100, CVT, MFWD, cab susp., 1982 IHC 5088, 8979 hrs., triple hyds., 4 spool hyds. with joystick, c/w Alo 970 Leon 707 FEL, $17,500. 204-525-4521, 9630T JOHN DEERE, premium cab and loader, 670 hrs., $69,995. 780-955-2364, www.waltersequipment.com Minitonas MB lighting pkg., 530HP, 3500 hrs., tracks at 780-554-4736, Leduc, AB. 1 9 8 8 C I H 7 1 2 0 M F D, 2 0 . 8 d u a l s , 8 0 % , g r e at s h ap e , a l w ay s s h e d d e d . $48,900. www.redheadequipment.ca or $208,000. Ron 204-941-0045, Rosser, MB. 866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. JD 8650, 4 WD, PTO, 5400 hrs., duals. 1991 DEUTZ ALLIS 9130, 2 WD, 5500 hrs., 2013 CIH PUMA 130 CVT MFD, cap sus- Call 306-843-7353, Wilkie, SK. original owner, 20.8x38 singles, $19,900. pension, L765 loader, 95� bucket and grapple, $159,000. www.redheadequipment.ca Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK or 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. ALLIS 7020 2WD tractor, w/3963 hours, newer 18.4x38 singles, excellent shape. 1983 CASE 2590, 6624 hrs., 12 spd., PTO, 1981 JOHN DEERE 4640, 160 HP, 16 spd. 220 HP, good condition, $16,000 OBO. quad trans., 3 SCVs, 1000 PTO, 20.8R38 306-283-4747 306-220-0429 Langham SK. 306-539-6655, Kelliher, SK. duals, completely rebuilt engine, excellent 2011 CIH STX450 111 hrs, full auto-guid- condition, $19,900. Call Jordan anytime ance, 800 duals, front weight frame 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2009 CIH MAGNUM 180, 3 remotes, L780 $315,900. www.redheadequipment.ca or 1985 JOHN DEERE 4450 MFWD, $30,000; loader, S2 Outback AutoSteer, 3 PTH, 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. Also JD 740 FEL available. 306-736-8190, $155,000 www.redheadequipment.ca or 2013 CASE CIH PUMA 130 CVT, susp. Kipling, SK. 800-667-9761, Saskatoon, SK. cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyds., front fenders, 1993 STEIGER 9270, 3400 orig. hrs., new 20.8R38 rear, deluxe cab, air seat, at- 1966 JD 3020 diesel, power shift, 46A rubber, standard, Case Up-time, mint tached CASE CIH L765 FEL, 95� bucket loader, nice shape, $7725. Can deliver. shape. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. and grapple w/joystick and mid mount 306-946-9669, Young, SK. ESTATE SALE: 1986 Case 2394 tractor, va l ve , ap p r o x . 1 1 4 h r s , $ 1 4 8 , 5 0 0 . 1996 JD 7800, 2 WD, 3478 hrs., one owner, shedded, $53,000 OBO. Trades? Call 5 7 0 0 h r s ; 1 9 6 0 ’ s C a s e 3 0 0 t r a c t o r. 306-778-2533, Swift Current, SK. 306-662-2517, Maple Creek, SK. CASE/IH 4240, 104 HP, 2200 hrs., 3 PTH, 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK LPTO, big hyd. pump, heavy duty 15’ steel CASE 1370, nice shape, duals, $7500. Pro LOOKING FOR: JD 30, 40, 50 series tracAg Sales anytime, 306-441-2030, North flail mower, plus front hyd. PTO pump, tor in good cond. with mechanical issues. $15,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. Battleford, SK. 306-621-7170, Yorkton, SK. 2010 CIH STX535 standard Quadtrac, luxury cab, 1000 rpm, IND PTO, hi cap hyd. pump, $357,000. Saskatoon, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-667-9761 1 9 8 8 2 0 9 6 C A S E , F WA , 3 P T H , F E L w/grapple and joystick, 3 hyds., 7800 hrs. 306-724-4758, Debden, SK. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2010 CASE PUMA 210, FWA tractor, CVT trans., 3 PTH, LX770 grapple loader, 1600 hrs., vg condition. Will email pictures upon request. Call Guy at 204-525-2282 or cell 204-281-1709, Minitonas, MB.

4690 CASE/IH, runs well, updated trans, good grain cart tractor, good condition. 780-744-2213, 780-808-6569, Islay, AB. 1973 CASE 970 with Ezee-On loader, has powershift problems; Also 1973 Case 870 for parts. 204-773-2367, Russell, MB. 1976 CASE 1070 tractor, 3600 hrs., refurbished, field ready, $9500 OBO. Located in Abbey, SK. Call Gary 306-751-4987. 990 DAVID BROWN diesel yard tractor, w/loader, 3 PTH, 1955 hrs., great shape, $11,550. 306-752-4574, Melfort, SK. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK.

WRECKING FOR PARTS: 3020 dsl., c/w powershift, vg engine, exc. sheet metal, 18.4x34 tires; 4020 dsl., vg engine, good sheet metal. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. JD 7810 MFD, quad with LHR, loaded, 4900 hrs., mint condition. 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 1976 JD 4430 quad, 3 hyds, 85% rubber, excellent. 306-744-8113, Yorkton, SK. JD 4250, 2 WD, 1984, 8000 hrs., powershift, duals available, 2 hyds. w/split to 3, shedded, exc. cond. 306-742-4624 home, or 306-742-7795 cell, MacNutt, SK.

1995 JOHN DEERE 8770, 300 HP, approx. CASE 9180, POWERSHIFT PTO, 4 re- 7000 hrs, full AutoSteer w/mapping, 24 motes, tires 50% plus, very good cond. Call spd, diff. locks, 4 SCVs, 650/65R38 duals, 2003 CASE/IH MX210, 210 HP, 5976 hrs., 204-365-6444, Oakburn, MB. 14’ Degelman 6 way dozer blade. Excellent 18 spd. powershift w/shuttle, MFD, 3 PTH, shape, $57,000. Call Jordan anytime dual PTO, CAH, 480/80R46 duals, always 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. shedded, $59,900. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. CAT 35, 3310 hrs, 16 spd. powershift, 4 JD 2130, 75 HP, loader, 3 PTH, dual hyds., good condition, shedded, $8300 OBO. 2002 CIH MX240 3 PTH, rear duals, pow- hyds, PTO, 3 PTH, tracks replaced, exc. 204-638-5212, Dauphin, MB. ershift, Degelman 12’, 4 way blade, tractor, grain cart ready. 306-457-2935 $90,000. www.redheadequipment.ca or eves., Stoughton, SK. JD 7810 MFWD; JD 7710 MFWD. Low 866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. 2006 CAT MT865B, 5300 hrs, 4 valves, hours, can be equipped with loaders. Call 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. 85% tracks, clean, $145,000; 2005 Cat 830 CASE, gas, vg cond., new power steering pump and cylinder, new front MT865, 4800 hrs, 4 valves, 85% tracks, 1988 JD 8870, 4WD, 12 spd., 20.8x42 clean, $135,000. 701-897-0086, Garrison, tires, very dependable, $4000. Call duals, S2 Outback GPS and AutoSteer, North Dakota. 306-862-2833, Nipawin, SK. $89,000 OBO. 306-753-7913, Macklin, SK. CASE/IH 2090, engine runs, transmission needs work, $3000. Call 306-567-3128, Bladworth, SK.

2011 JD 5075E utility tractor, Ag tires, block heater, calcium in rear tires, 3 PTH, includes JD 553 loader, 85� bucket, pallet forks, excellent condition, asking $44,000. 780-886-3003, Sturgeon County, AB. 1966 JD 4020, powershift, 540/1000 PTO, tires good, cab, 7700 hrs. Call 306-736-3022, Glenavon, SK.

1989 CIH 9130, 18.4/38 duals, PTO, powershift, $39,000. Lloydminster, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-535-0520 5488 IH TRACTOR w/12’ Degelman blade. 306-834-7619, Luseland, SK.

$OZD\V 0RYLQJ )25:$5' 70



’07 JD 9520T 450 Hp, 36� tracks, optional front weights & more. $119,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

1968 JD 4020, synchromesh trans, c/w #48 JD loader and Groening 3 PTH (new in 2012), excellent auger tractor. Loader frame has never been welded on, well taken care of. 780-385-0373, Viking, AB. 1070 JD, FWA, 1998, 1800 hrs, aux. hyds., good shape. Phone 204-267-2292 or 204-856-9595, Oakville, MB. JD 7220, FWD, low hrs; JD 7400 FWD, 3 PTH, 4640, 4440, 7700 FWD. Loaders in stock. Taking JD tractors on trade that need work. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.

2009 MF 7480, with 960 FEL loader w/grapple, 3 PTH, CVT transmission, $94,500. www.redheadequipment.ca or 800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. ’07 JD 9520T 450 hp, 36� tracks, in good mech. cond’n. $119,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1991 JD 2755, MFWD, c/w 640 FEL like new, 3 PTH, 540 PTO, 2 hyds., 5692 hrs., always stored inside, premium condition. 306-247-2009, 306-843-7032, Scott, SK. JD 4240, 16 spd. quad trans., 8700 hrs., good tires, 2 hyds., Allied 795 self-leveling loader, joystick, big bucket, good shape, $26,000. 306-634-4546, Estevan, SK. 2012 JD 9560R, 510 hrs, 800R38 duals, fact. warranty, HID lights, $285,000. Call 204-427-2777, Dominion City, MB.

WANTED: Massey 4840 tractor, with powershift and PTO, must be in good working cond. Chris 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK. MASSEY FERGUSON SUPER 90, gas, with dual front FEL; Also Massey 90 for parts. $4900. 306-247-2010, Scott, SK.

VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL USERS see our info. on our website: www.hydratec.ca for cold weather operation. 2011 NH T9-390, 400 hrs, loaded, used one season, complete AutoSteer, touch screen, 5th remote, 16 spd. powershift, 710x38 tires, $179,900. 403-318-7266, Canora, SK.

1998 7810, 2 WD, PQ, 3 PTH, 3 remotes, 1997 NH 8260 loader and grapple, MFD, factory duals, 150 HP, shedded, exc., shedded, $44,900. Swift Current, SK. 800-219-8867 www.redheadequipment.ca $44,000 OBO. 204-740-0851 Cromer, MB.



NH 75D TRACTOR, MFWD, FEL, 910 hrs, 3 PTH, one owner, $40,000. 403-507-9889, 1984 JD 7721 PT combine, $3800; Westward 3000, 25’, PT swather, $3000; 1999 403-556-2224, Olds, AB. FL70 grain truck, new 16’ CIM B&H w/full air hoist controls and PTO, $30,000, very good shape. Retiring. Also other equipFORD VERSATILE 846 Designation 6 4WD ment. 306-376-4706, Meacham, SK. tractor w/3162 hours. Evan Goranson GOOD OLDIES: 1973 IH 1600 and 1975 Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday October 12, IH 1610 grain trucks; 1973 JD 4430; 1983 2 0 1 3 , We y b u r n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t Case 932; Ford 801 Powermaster with www.mackauctioncompany.com for sale bucket; 1983 JD 7721, 2 spd; 1973 IH 715 b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r SP; Morris drills. Phone 306-229-5212, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Abernethy, SK. pmartens2@sasktel.net 2005 CB110, MFWD, 2 spd. PTO, 3 PTH, ESTATE SALE: 10x70 Brandt auger, $6500; a p p r o x . 1 0 0 0 h r s . , $ 2 2 , 5 0 0 . C a l l 8x46 Wheatheart auger w/mover, $8500; 780-876-2667, 780-933-2585, Debolt, AB. AC Industrial scraper, $18,000; Lucknow 375 mixer wagon, $9900; 2006 Chev Duramax, reg. cab, 4x4, 98,000 kms, $19,000; MacDon 25’ PT swather, $3900. Maple 1976 SERIES II Versatile 800 4WD, 14.0L Creek, SK., 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. Cummins, 6047 hrs., never a problem, 2007 CONSERVA PAK 5112 56’ air drill, $17,000. 403-578-3609, Brownfield, AB. 440 tank, $150,000; 1993 JD 9600 com1983 VERSATILE 835, 5770 hours, one bine, 914 PU, $68,000; JD 930D straight owner, excellent condition, $28,900. Call cut header, $35,000; 2006 JD 4995 SP 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. swather w/30’ HoneyBee header and JD 5 976 VERSATILE 4WD tractor, 5000 hrs., meter discbine, $110,000; 1997 JD 9400 good condition. Phone: 780-305-6931, 4 WD tractor, GS3 and 2630 screen, $128,000; Renn 36” rollermill, $3000; Barrhead, AB. 1997 Freightliner semi, $24,000; 2001 IHC VERSATILE BI-DIRECTIONAL HYDROS in 9200 semi, $24,000; Leon 16’ 4-way blade, stock- reman. 150 thru TV145. Call us $15,000; Morris 1400 bale hiker, $16,500. 1-800-667-7712, Hydratec Hydraulics. 780-386-2220, 780-888-1278Lougheed AB


LIFE IN S U R A N CE S am ple N on-S m oker A nnualR ates




40 45 50 55

365 525 815 1350

660 990 1500 2640

m r.m urrayjohnston@ gm ail.com

Saskatoon 306-665-3244 TollFree 1-800-465-2100 2004 McCORMICK 135, PTO, 540/1000, FEL with grapple, $59,000. Saskatoon, SK. www.redheadequipment.ca 800-667-9761 GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. SMALL TRACTORS: 25 to 60 HP, various makes and models. All running condition. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 2013 HISUN RX700 ATV, power steering 4x4, $7700 plus GST, financing available. Ray’s Trailer Sales, 780-672-4596, Cory or Don, Camrose, AB.

JD 148 LOADER w/bucket and bale fork, excellent shape, $4200. 780-398-2554, Waskatenau, AB.

(5) JD 63 5 Fle x He a d e rs C a t53 5 Fle x C a tF3 0 Fle x (2) JD Ad a pto rs FD 70’s M D 900 s e rie s JD a n d NH Ad a pte rs JD 2410 61’ C u ltiva to r C a t70 S c ra pe r

204-9 8 1-429 1 ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Degelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer blades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. 1982 JOHN DEERE 4640 w/Ezee-On FEL, 8’ bucket and grapple, clamp on duals, 9500 hrs., $23,000 OBO; JD 530 baler, good, $4,000 OBO; 1974 IHC Loadstar 1600 w/BH&T and bale deck, $3,000 OBO. 306-861-2152, Oungre, SK. TRAILTECH SWATHER TRANSPORT with cradles to haul combine header, $4500; Leon 808 loader, $3500. 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK.

MACHINERY, LIVESTOCK HANDLING: (Morand and custom built), feed bunks, trailer, quads, miscellaneous shop, etc. 780-584-2217, Fort Assiniboine, AB. View: www.gatewayacresltdfarmsalecom.com VERSATILE TRACTOR 945; Case/IH combine, Axial Flow 1680 c/w 2015 PU header w/14’ Rake-Up; JD hoe drills 9350, 4x10’; Summers hyd. drive rockpicker; JD swather 580, 28’ c/w Wallis PTL 160 DS attachment; JD cultivator 1600, 41’ c/w FlexiCoil 3-bar tine harrows; Flexi-Coil sprayer 65, 120’; Versatile sprayer 3000, 68’; Farm King PTO auger, 8”x48’; Sakundiak auger, 7”x37’; Case/IH 1020 flex header, 30’ for parts. 403-664-9894, Acadia Valley, AB.

DEGELMAN 10’ DOZER c/w 1’ extension, new hydraulic cylinders, $1900; Leon 7’ blade, $600. 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. EZEE-ON 2100 like new, joystick, 84” bucket, $8500. Pro Ag Sales anytime, Retro AirR ockets 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. For existing hopper bins LEON 700 100Q 84” FEL, like new, $3750. 306-448-4813, 306-577-8023, Manor, SK. AerationF ans SKIDSTEERS: Bobcat S220, S300, CAT Electric & Propane Heaters 277B, 297C, JD 325. Sale/Rent. Conquest FarmK ing Augers Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow SK. 13x70 Used $12,500 ATTACHMENTS: Skidsteer - Pallet forks, hay spears, augers, buckets. Call Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. Crystal City, MB 690 LEON w/grapple to fit 684/685 IHC, $2000. 90 Series Case loader to fit www.cudmorebros.com 2090/2290, $4000. Both nice condition. Smiths Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call JD 46A LOADER w/mounts, 5’ bucket, for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., www.luckemanufacturing.com $2500. Call 306-493-2734, Delisle, SK. ROTARY MOWERS: Woods 10’, $4000; 15’, $6000; 7’, $3000; 6’, $1600; JD 1518, $8500; JD 7’, $3000. 1-866-938-8537. MF #15 MIX mill, $1475; JD #700 mix DON’T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! mill, $1575; 2000 gal. low profile tank for Best selection of tow ropes and straps in used oil (new), $2125, can deliver. C a n a d a . F o r t r a c t o r s u p t o 6 0 0 H P. 306-259-4923, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com

C udm oreB ros.


FARM EQ UIP M EN T AV AILABLE (403) 8 2 0- 3134 s erious inq uiries only* Com b in e s

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy di- 60’ HYDRAULIC TOWER for wind turbine. rect, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

2 x Ca s e 9120 Com b in e s + He a d e rs

WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - Indoor coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional wood boilers, coal / multi-fuel boilers. Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835.

S e e d in g Eq u ip m e n t 1 x Ca s e 4010 D rill 1 x Bou rg a u lt Ta n k

S p ra ye r

COMPLETE HERD DISPERSAL of 120 bison cows. Preg tested for Dec. 2013 shipping. Contact Paul 780-777-2326, Athabasca, AB HERD DISPERSAL: APPROXIMATELY 77 Wood/Wood cross. 40 exposed cows, various ages; 3 exposed 2011 heifers; 35 2013 calves; 2 herd bulls. 306-728-7752, Melville, SK. E-mail: hoss1@sasktel.net RJ GAME FARM is now offering contracts for 2013 calves for Nov./Dec. delivery. Contact Ryan 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. WANTED TO PURCHASE cull bison bulls and cows for slaughter. Oak Ridge Meats 204-835-2365 204-476-0147 McCreary MB

Ca s e 4420 S p ra ye r

O the r TWO 7/8” USED TUBING, $32/joint, approx. 150 joints. Phone 306-482-6323, Carnduff, SK.

Bra n d t 1390 Au g e r Ku hn 2054 M a n u re S p re a d e r D e g e lm a n La n d Rolle r *S u b jectT o Ava ila b ility CCIL 9600 PTO combine; 40’x7” Pool grain auger w/16 HP Kohler engine; prong type rockpicker; 135 MF tractor; antique AR JD; 1006 Deutz tractor; 14’ Hesston haybine; 1973 IHC 3 ton grain truck; Ford Ranger 1997 5 spd. Supercab. 306-722-3579, Fillmore, SK. 1980 VERS., 555 4 WD; 1994 NH 116 mower conditioner 16’; 1979 NH 359 mixmill, 150 bu. tank; 1999 NH 688 round baler w/netwrap; 1981 Morris 743 cult., 43’; 1981 JD 4240 2 WD; JD 665 air seeder w/40’ cult. 306-297-3564, Shaunavon, SK. JD MODEL 54 manure spreader, $3200; 1995 Ford E350 retired ambulance, diesel, auto, $6500; MF Super 90 tractor, diesel, Leon loader, excellent cond., $8900. Pro Ag Sales anytime, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK. RETIRING: (2) 1982 JD 4640 tractors, one w/radial duals; (3) 1987 JD 7721 Titan II combines, very good condition; (2) JD 590 AutoFold PTO swathers, like new sickles; (1) 30’ Premiere AutoFold swather; (2) 28’ M F P TO s w at h e r s , g o o d c o n d i t i o n . 306-638-4550, 306-638-4569, Findlater SK RETIRED, REASONABLE OFFERS ONLY: Case/IH 7120 MFWD tractor, 2000 hrs. on new engine; Brandt QF sprayer, 120’, 5/10 nozzles, wind cones, new hyd. pump; Case/IH 6200 DD drills 42’; Rite-Way harrow/packer 42’; Walinga 510 grain vac, rebuilt; Market gravity grain wagon 400 bu.; Brandt folding truck drill fill; 1967 GMC 950 grain truck; Case 1482 combine, new clean grain paddle, rebuilt feederhouse; Flax buncher; Swath roller; Plus misc. parts: 14’ cultivators, fork rockpicker w/rebuilt forks; 2 Case discers, 33’, 24’; Large air compressor. 306-543-4608, Regina, SK. E-mail: brayner@sasktel.net

WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: AUGER MOVER in good condition. Call 306-873-2208, Tisdale, SK. WANTED: 1970’s JD 6030 tractor, any condition. Call 204-955-8970. WANTED PARTS FOR: JD disc 235. Call 204-734-2573, 204-734-8429, Swan River, MB. E-mail: info@skithunderhill.ca WANTED: MF 18’ 360 discers w/single or duplex hitch. Need blade size. 250-491-5633.

5x10 PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS new design. 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335, Calgary, AB. magnatesteel.com SILVER LAKE POST POUNDER, new pump, excellent shape. Phone 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. Call 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK. SPEEDRITE/PATRIOT ELEC. FENCERS and accessories. Lamb Acres, Bulyea, SK. 306-725-4820, www.lambacres.ca GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. CUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Call for pricing and booking. 306-221-8806.

’00 LULL 644D34 TELEHANDLER, 6,000 lbs., 34’ reach, w/ cab, well maintained, good shape. $29,800. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com.

2-3/8” OILFIELD TUBING, has cement and plastic lining, $20/ea; 3/4” sucker rods, $6/ea. Truckload quantities only. Call 306-861-1280, Weyburn, SK. 4” TO 24” HEAVY wall pipe, lots of 12”, 1/4” wall, new and used. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

IRRIGATION TURBINE WATER pumps, 6”-8”, 4 cyl. dsl, 600-1000 gal/min, very efficient; HYD. PIPE SPINNER for oil/water pipe. 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. NEED TO MOVE water or irrigate? 6”-10” alum. pipe, pump units. Taber, AB. Dennis at: 403-308-1400, dfpickerell@shaw.ca DIECI 621 2006 Telehandler, 21’ reach, 7” STAINLESS STEEL well screen. Call 6000 lb., 1100 hrs., $33,500. Corner 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. Equip., Dwight, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. ZIMMATIC 4 TOWER towable, self contained pivot, $22,000. 306-843-3115 or 306-843-7153, Wilkie, SK. RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic by Lindsay pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, KLine towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 32 years in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Call 306-867-9606, Outlook, SK.

PUREBRED REG. BLACK ANGUS, 35 bred heifers, $1500 each. Call David or Pat at 306-963-2639, Imperial, SK. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. 22 BLACK ANGUS cow/calf pairs and 2 Red Angus cow/calf pairs bred Black Angus for sale at $1650 per pair. Phone 306-724-4966, Debden, SK. 10 BRED ANGUS heifers: Daughters of Coneally Thunder, BC Eagle eye, Wildfire, Emblazon and our herd bull. All heifers bred to Soo Line Motive 2068. Due starting mid Jan. Call Garry at Ravenworth Cattle 306-231-7567, Middle Lake, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. 2 YEAR OLD BLACK ANGUS BULLS from easy calving herd, birthweight 70 to 90 lbs, will deliver. Sharpley Angus, 403-325-1245, Strathmore, AB. BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com

80 SIMMENTAL and Simmental Red Angus cross, start calving Mar. 1, bred Simmental or Red Angus, will keep until after harvest. Call 306-762-4723, Odessa, SK. ’79 SELLICK 6000 Sellick 6000 Rough Terrain Forklift, 24’ reach, 6,000lb capacity, LOOKING TO PURCHASE a complete herd 3cyl diesel, w/ cab. $10,800. Trades welof commercial Red Angus cow/calf pairs. come. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. 6 YEAR OLD 68x96’ greenhouse, includes 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. www.combineworld.com furnaces and all components inside, asking RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, seFOR SALE BY TENDER. 1976 FORD, 8000 $33,950 OBO. Call for details and pics men tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery LB. FORKLIFT, presently in use and work- 204-266-1176 or kluszeck@gmail.com available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com ing order. Tenders close Sept. 28, 12 PM. Beausejour, MB. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Mail tenders to: Forklift Tenders, Bulyea Co-op, Box 87, Bulyea, SK, S0G 0L0. 12 PB HEIFERS, AI bred to LT Ledger or Email bulyea.mngr@sasktel.net Inquiries 2012 KIOTI CS2410 mower/loader, 24 Kaboom, natural bred to JCAV49Z, No call 306-725-4931. HP, $13,600 plus GST, financing available. Doubt Grandson. Also 4 PB red factor Ray’s Trailer Sales, 780-672-4596, Cory or cows. Will keep until December. Call Don Don, Camrose, AB. Railton 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK. POLLED 2 YEAR old and yearling Charolais DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK. also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere G R E AT F O R H E D G E S : L i l a c # 2 p o t 25 CHAROLAIS, 12 Angus cross, calving units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471. $7.50/ea.; Potentilla #2 pot $7.50/ea. Feb./March. Open replacement heifers. DBL-J Charolais 306-731-2800 LumsdenSK GENERATORS: 20 KW to 2000 KW, low Minimum qty. 100. Cheyenne Tree Farms hour diesel and natural gas/ propane units Ltd. Beaumont, AB. www.CheyenneTree.ca Abraham Generator Sales Co. Phone: 701-797-4766 or 701-371-9526, CoopersPUREBRED, REGISTERED, NATURALLY town, ND. www.abrahamindustrial.com polled cows. Excellent bloodlines, healthy, tame. $800/ea. 306-277-4311, Gronlid, SK 60 COWS BRED Angus and Shorthorn; 40 2nd calvers bred Dexter; 25 heifers bred Dexter; 80 Dexter bull and heifer calves. 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB.

SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or deliver anywhere in western Canada. Details phone 403-586-8733 or check out our website at www.didsburysprucefarms.com

GENUINE GENETICS GALLOWAY Female Sale, Oct. 19th. View: LiveAuctions.TV Call Russell 403-749-2780, Delburne, AB.

FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620.

BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for growing markets. For more info. contact Roger Provencher at 306-468-2316. roger@cdnbison.com RED POLLED LIMOUSIN, yearling PB bull, SASKOTA NATURAL is looking for fin- registered, semen tested. Call Donna at NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from ished bison. Cash on delivery. Paying mar- 403-650-9848, Rocky View, AB. 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone ket prices. “Producers working with Profor availability and prices. Many used in ducers.” Call 306-231-9110, Quill Lake, SK stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. 50 PURE WOOD/ Wood Cross bison, avg. BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Premier Breeder. price $2000/head. Contact Dr. Marshall Selling custom designed packages. Name WARMAN HOME CENTRE can design, Patterson, 306-475-2232, Moose Jaw, SK. your price and we will put a package tosupply and install a home fence pkg. that 200 HEAD of bison: cows, calves, bulls. gether for you. Fullblood/percentage Lowworks for you incl. vinyl. 1-800-667-4990 Must retire for health reasons. Call Ron line, embryos, semen. Black/Red carrier. or www.warmanhomecentre.com Darrell 780-486-7553, Edmonton, AB. 204-937-2448, Roblin, MB. WILL DO FENCE repairs, tear downs, barbwire and corrals. Reasonable rates. Will PAYSEN BISON SQUEEZE CHUTE, c/w travel. 306-344-7067, Onion Lake, SK. double sorting boxes, 1/4 tub for delivery to chute, $6900. Also freestanding bison CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. Power, performance and profit. For info on corral panels. 306-752-2004, Melfort, SK. Maine-Anjou genetics. Call 403-291-7077, TATONKA RANCH SELLING 75 top end Calgary, AB., or www.maine-anjou.ca yearling heifers, excellent quality, $2500 BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood per head. 250-263-3152, Fort St. John, BC. and wood chips for sale. Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, DISPERSAL FULL BLOOD Simmental herd, SEASONED SPRUCE SLAB firewood, one grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we 25 breds and some heifer and bull calves. cord bundles, $99, half cord bundle, $65; want them.” Make your final call with 75% polled. 306-945-4900, Waldheim, SK. Blocked and split wood also available. Call Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. SOLAR TRACKERS - NET METERING F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y 20% Government Grant avail. Kelln Solar, ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages REG. TEXAS LONGHORN bulls. Bred cows, available. 306-862-7831, 306-862-3086, website: www.kellnsolar.com Lumsden, of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, open and bred heifers. Ph Dean at PanoNipawin, SK. rama Ranch 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB. Kitscoty, AB. or elkvalley@xplornet.com SK. 1-888-731-8882.



6 STANDARDBRED HORSES, all harness broke and quiet, 2 mares and 4 geldings. 306-742-4530, Wroxton, SK. LOOKING FOR DUCK eggs. Was buying from farmers market but not available. Call 306-551-8705, Regina, SK.

TEXAS LONGHORN SELECT sale and TLBAA Horn Measuring Showcase. Hosted by CTLA. Oct. 4 and 5, 2013, Ponoka Ag Event Centre, Ponoka, AB. Preview: Fri. Eve. Horn measuring: 11AM Saturday Select Sale: 4PM Saturday. Online bidding available at: www.gwacountry.com as well as online catalog and details, or call 1-866-304-4664 or 403-363-1729. TEXAS LONGHORN PRODUCTION Consignment And Ranch Horse Fall Select Sale, Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013, 1:00 PM, Crossroads Centre, Oyen, AB. All classes of Longhorns: Registered, commercial and crossbreds. Also ranch broke horses 3 yrs. old and older. For entry forms or more info. contact Ron Walker, Redcliff, AB. ph 403-548-6684, cell 403-528-0200, walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com

HERD DISPERSAL: 125 Charolais and Angus cows, young herd. Charolais bulls out June 1 to July 31. Can keep until Nov., $1350. 306-882-3239, Rosetown, SK. 95 RED ANGUS/SIMMENTAL COWS, bred Simmental, very good quality. Come and see with calves on. Can pasture until Oct. Call 306-327-4550, Kelvington, SK. PACKAGE OF 20 SIMMENTAL bred cows, (3-4 bred heifers and 12-13 second to fourth calvers). Can be viewed w/calves at side until October 15th. Owner will preg test, vaccinate and feed until December 1, $36,000. Linus 403-638-9608, Sundre, AB. CATTLE FINANCING AVAILABLE for feeder cattle and bred heifers/cows. Competitive interest rates. Call Marjorie Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. 109 RED/TAN SIMMENTAL cross, bred red Simmental, young herd, on pasture until Oct. Call 204-734-7038, Swan River, MB. 200 BRED SIMMENTAL cross cows, bred red and black Simmental. Call 204-352-4306, Glenella, MB. 40 BLACK SIMMENTAL/Black Angus cross cow/calf pairs, $2000/pair. 306-427-4682, cel. 306-883-8485, Shell Lake, SK. GONE OUT OF CATTLE, Various livestock equipment for sale: Squeeze chute, gates, panels, waterers, plus lots more. Phone 306-554-3235, Wynyard, SK.

RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES - Be o n ta rget, Us e the p ro d u cts en d o rs ed b y the p ro fes s i on a l s. RK & S UL L IV AN S UPPL IES C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e

1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu pplies.co m

80 CLEVER WAYS to cut corral costs and improve cattle flow plus 12 One-Man plans 120 diagrams. OneManCorrals.com 400 YOUNG Black and Red Angus bred c ow s , m o s t ly 2 n d a n d 3 r d c a l ve r s . Available October 1st. 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 250 BLACK AND RED bred heifers, bred to Black bulls. 300 young cows bred to Black or Red bulls. All bulls out June 28th. 306-741-2392, Swift Current, SK. 170 YOUNG CHAROLAIS/ANGUS cow/calf p a i r s o r b r e d c o w s fo r s a l e . C a l l 306-848-0076, Weyburn, SK.

6 YR. AND up mares/fillies, going well under saddle, price start, $1500. 2013 Champaign filly, $2900. www.ranchito.page.tl Email kinchcreek@hotmail.ca Call 204-967-2630, cell 204-212-1960, Riding Mountain, MB.

ROTO HARROW ARENA GROOMER, 7’ wide, $700 OBO. 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK. TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder Flats, AB. www.trimboss.ca

WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM WANTED: ANGUS OR Angus/Simmental or 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, Angus/Hereford cows or heifers. Lease to clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, own. References available. 306-542-2575, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. Veregin, SK. 2013 SUFFIELD BLOCK horse foals and WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For some yearlings. Top quality feed for sale. bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- Arnold McKee, 403-664-2046, Oyen, AB. sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. HERD DISPERSAL: 75 mares reg. and grade Percheron and Belgians from 2 to 13 years; 5 reg. Percheron and 2 reg. Belgian stallions; 1 spotted draft stallion. All broke to lead. Rob at 204-748-1464, Virden, MB. CYPRESS HILLS REGISTERED HORSE 2 ICELANDIC GELDINGS, 7 yrs. old, 14 BREEDERS ASSOCIATION presents the HH, well broke to drive and ride, selling 37th Annual Production Sale. 60 head of due to health. 306-373-1275 Saskatoon SK breeding stock, ranch and arena horses. Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013. Preview at 10:00 S TA L L I O N S , G E L D I N G S , M A R E S . AM, Sale 12:30 PM, at the Drill Hall, Maple 306-283-4495, Langham, SK. Website Creek, SK. Complimentary Pancake Break- www.livingwaterpaintsandquarters.com fast at 8:30 AM. Call 306-299-5731 or 3 YEAR OLD GYPSY VANER cross QH www.northernhorse.com/cypresshillssale gelding, green broke; Quarter Horses BROODMARE DISPERSAL, Turner Per- broke to ride and weanling colts. Various formance Horses. Johnstone Auction Mart, prices. 306-435-3634, Moosomin, SK. Oct. 3rd, 4:00 PM. View catalogue online: www.johnstoneauction.ca Moose Jaw, SK. 306-355-2784, or www.turnerhorses.com LOUD AND PROUD HORSE Sale, Sept. 21, Saturday, 1 PM DST, Pierson, MB. Info at CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary 204-634-2375, mbpainthorsebreeders.com Johnston, www.canadianfarrierschool.ca HORSE AND TACK Sale, Heartland Live- Email gary@canadianfarrierschool.ca stock, Prince Albert, SK. Friday, Sept. 27. 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. Tack at 5:30PM, horses to follow. Please CAIN QUAM HORSEMANSHIP Clinic on book tack and horses in advance with October 4, 5 and 6. Kendal, SK. Unbridled Brennin at 306-981-2430. Personal Development October 26th and CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse 27th. www.quamperformancehorses.com Sale, Sat., Oct. 5th. Tack at 10:30, Horses Phone 306-424-2034. at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of colts must have a completed EID. Go to the website candiacauctionmart.com to get the form. For more info contact THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, 306-424-2967. Langham, SK. RANCH COUNTRY HORSE SALE (Perrin, Parsonage, Bertrams) on Sat., Sept. 14th, GEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers 1:00 PM. Sale Preview. 9:30 AM. Rodeo of leather and nylon harness. Custom sadGrounds, Maple Creek, Sask. Approx. 45 dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. AQHA/APHA foals from the members. Ap- www.georgesharnessandsaddlery.com Call prox. 40 riding horses from members and 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. guest consignors. For catalogue/ info. call Ken Perrin, 306-662-3730, Lou Parsonage, 306-299-4474. Catalo gue online at: www.northernhorse.com/ranchcountry SSDB ANNUAL PRE-SORT SALE on Sat., Sept. 28 at 1 PM at Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Call 306-933-5200 to prebook. All sheep and lambs must be in by 4 PM on Friday, Sept. 27, Saskatoon, SK.

CREAM OF THE CROP- 900 HEAD. Black and BWF 2nd and 3rd calvers. 50 are Char. cross. Herd bred Black or Char. To calve May/June, 2014. Will keep til Nov. 1. $1550 for all. Ph Bar W Ranch, Rocanville, SK., 306-645-4445, 306-435-7009, 306-434-8877, 306-434-7623.

SHEEP AND GOAT SALE on Saturday, September 21, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart Ltd., Moose Jaw, SK. Accepting all classes of sheep and goats. Sheep ID t a g s a n d p r e - b o o k i n g m a n d a t o r y. 306-693-4715, www.johnstoneauction.ca PL #914447.

22 BRED COWS and 4 bred heifers, mostly Angus or Angus cross all bred to Angus. Can feed until end of October. $1600 straight through or $1650 your choice. Call Eldon 306-370-0776, Hague, SK.





RETIRING, SELLING ALL my POA’s: 13 to 14 HH, long yearlings to older mares and geldings. Phone Iris 403-227-5933, cel. 587-877-4638, Innisfail, AB.

QUARTER HORSE MARES, 2 w/foals; also, young geldings and studs. Well bred, low priced. Call Don, Olson’s Quarter Horses, 306-492-2180, Dundurn, SK. •N o co m m issio n s • N o tru ckin g co sts • N o so rtin g fo r gen d er n eed ed • Flexible w eigh co n d itio n s •O ptio n o freta in ed o w n ersh ip •Pu rch a sin g fro m 4 w estern pro vin ces

DOC CUTTING BRASS, 13 yr. old sorrel gelding, 15 HH, trained as a heel horse, road in rough country, crosses water, gather and sort cows, athletic, $3500. Call 306-773-7948, Stewart Valley, SK.

 C ALL LY LE@ 403 546 -2278 EX T. 6 HERD DISPERSAL: 45 young age verified home raised Tarentaise cows, bred Black Angus, prefer to sell as a group, $1450 each. Will pasture until end of Sept. Free delivery in Western Canada. Phone Ken 204-568-4651, Miniota, MB. 80 COW/CALF PAIRS, mostly Black Angus. 30 bred heifers. 306-230-4414, 306-329-4514, Saskatoon, SK.

16 YR. OLD papered head horse, been to pro show, sound, great to teach starting roper. Call 306-696-2920, Broadview, SK.

Q U IC K PA Y -O FF W IT H L A B O U R & FE E D S A V IN G S O ptio ns inclu de tra iler kits, digita lsca le,plu s m a ny m o re.

C a llFo r Y o ur N ea rest D ea ler


Also now available through your local Co-op Agro Center.

BROWN AND WHITE Lohman Layers, ready the last week of October. Excellent hearty birds, white $9, brown $9.50. Also taking orders for June, 2014. Call: 306-225-4446, Hepburn, SK. 19 WEEK OLD pullets, white or brown egg layers, available end Oct. Rocanville, SK. Hutch’s Poultry, 306-435-3530. EXOTIC BIRD and Animal Auction, Sun., Oct. 6th, 11:00 AM, Indian Head Skating Rink. Call 306-347-1068, 306-695-2184, Indian Head, SK.

HERD DISPERSAL: 45 Whitetail, approx. 35 bucks, plus 2013 fawn crop. Complete herd sired by High Tower, a superlative buck, who grossed 236 typical inches in his prime. Call 306-682-3626, Pilger, SK. See website at www.loesslgamefarm.ca WANTED: LARGE 200+ point hunt bucks, typical or non-typical. Call 306-497-3576, Blaine Lake, SK. or stan1@hotmail.ca

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.� Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: If you have elk to supply to market give AWAPCO a call today. No marketing fees. Non-members welcome. info@wapitiriver.com or 780-980-7589. 20- 2011 FEMALE elk, cert. herd, top line genetics, $1500 each. View elk at www.elkvalleyranches.com Call Frank, 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB.

PUREBRED ALPINE GOATS for sale: 2 billies and 1 doeling. Ask for Erika 306-823-4482, Neilburg, SK. OBERHASLIE DOELINGS ready this fall, dual purpose meat/milk, nice looking. $150. each. 306-742-2008, Calder, SK. 75 NANNYS AND 35 kids ready in December. More younger kids. Sell package only $26,000 OBO. LaCrete, AB. 780-841-8442. SELLING PUREBRED Nubian and Alpine goats from good milk lines. Will sell w/wo papers. Call 306-365-3211, Guernsey, SK. SHEEP AND GOAT SALE Saturday, Sept. 21, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Accepting all classes of sheep and goats. Sheep ID tags and preb o o k i n g m a n d at o r y. 3 0 6 - 6 9 3 - 4 7 1 5 , www.johnstoneauction.ca PL #914447.

50+ KATAHDIN SHEEP, open spring ewe 2013 FOAL, $1000+ other quality horses. l a m b s a n d e w e s , $ 8 0 t o $ 1 2 5 . See us on Facebook. Qu’Appelle Appaloosa 306-849-2114, Sheho, SK. NEW ZEALAND WHITES and blues Flemish Ranch, 306-699-2481, Qu’Appelle, SK. g i a n t s a n d H o l l a n d L o p s fo r s a l e . 306-948-2808, Rosetown, SK. 4 YR. OLD bay gelding, sired by Taxman, well broke, excellent show horse or 4H 20 YEARLING EWES, Suffolk Dorset cross, horse, $3500. 306-731-2943, Lumsden, SK ready to breed this fall. Call 306-634-4920, Estevan, SK.

H. S. KNILL TRANSPORT, est. 1933, specializing in purebred livestock transportation. Providing weekly pick up and delivery service across Canada and the USA. Gooseneck service available in Ontario, Quebec and USA. US and Canada customs bonded carrier. Call 877-442-3106, REG. MINIATURES: 30� mare w/pinto filly, fax 519-442-1122, hsknill@pppoe.ca or $1500; 32� pinto stallion, $600. Innisfail, www.hsknilltransport.com 155 King Ed- AB. 403-227-2680, riftswd@telus.net ward St., Paris, Ontario, N3L 3E3.



(hyd.ho ses & freightextra )

175 HEAD OF second or third lambers Dorper cross ewes for sale. Will sell all or LIVESTOCK SCALE SINGLE or multiple anii n s m a l l e r g r o u p s . C a l l o r t e x t mal capability, 10,000 lb capacity; also a hyd. livestock chute suitable for cattle and 403-504-3170. Medicine Hat, AB. horses. 306-539-2792, White City, SK. COMPLETE FLOCK DISPERSAL: 35 commercial Rambouillet ewes, $150 each for all, or $200 for choice. PB and reg. Rambouillet ram, $300. Call Sam at STEEL VIEW MFG: 30’ portable wind 204-281-1937, Swan River, MB. breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable PUREBRED ICELANDIC SHEEP for sale: hay a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e Registered and unregistered. Rams, Ewes p306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. and ewe lambs. Ask for Erika, 306-823-4482, Neilburg, SK. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. manufacture an extensive line of cattle QUALITY HAMPSHIRE AND Dorset rams We and feeding equipment including and ewe lambs, most scrapie resistant. handling squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowdHeeroma’s 306-823-4526, Neilburg, SK. ing tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, 60-80 HEAD Dorset/Charollais ewe lambs, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison ready for breeding. Ewes lamb over 200%. equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors $195 ea. 403-729-3067, Leslieville, AB. for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: ple@sasktel.net SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers website: www.paysen.com extension, marketing services and a full WANTED: GOOD USED PTO haybuster tub l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . grinder Model H1000 or H1100. Phone 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. 306-628-4214, Leader, SK. FARMHAND ROLLERMILL, large capacity, has 6� unload auger, PTO drive, good cond., always shedded, asking $1850. The Pas, MB. Email: arcticbison@hotmail.com

2- STUNNING WB mares, well trained in hunter/dressage, Freestyle/Regardez/Don BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 2009 LUCKNOW 2270 mix wagon, excelFrederico. Very reasonable to good home. years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest lent cond., $40,000 OBO. 306-647-2649 or Retiring. 306-244-7125, Saskatoon, SK. $$$. www.canadianheritagemeats.com 306-621-0956, Theodore, SK.

MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!


w w w .ezefeed er.ca CATTLE SHELTER PACKAGES. Packages 30’x36’, materials $4935 or $7635 material and labour. For info call 1-800-667-4990, www.warmanhomecentre.com

www.morandindustries.com SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Call Apollo Machine 306-242-9884, 1-877-255-0187. www.apollomachineandproducts.com NORHEIM RANCHING HAS a full line of high quality livestock handling equipment at discount prices. 20’ of continuous steel fence only $120! Gates; free standing panels; loading chutes; bunks; self unloading hay trailers, etc. 306-227-4503 Saskatoon, SK. www.norheimranching.com 2 CREEP FEEDERS on wheels, exc. cond., 300 bushel capacity. Call 306-476-2500, Rockglen, SK.

AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, www.kellnsolar.com MANURE SPREADERS: JD 780, $7000; NH 800, $7500; New Idea 3634, $4000; Gehl 1410 (same as NH 195), $6500; H&S 400 bu. $2500; Dual #340 loader, $2000; Allied 2795 (new), $4500. 1-866-938-8537

SUPERIOR BALE FEEDERS the only cost effective feeder on the market. For info go to superiorbalefeeders.ca or call your local dealer 1-866-690-7431 or 250-567-8731, KELLN SOLAR FLOAT Pumps: efficient, Fort Fraser, BC. Quality is priceless, if it economical and easy to use. Lumsden, SK. doesn’t say Superior, it isn’t. www.kellnsolar.com 1-888-731-8882. WANTED: USED SQUEEZE and tub, in good working cond. Prefer in Central and Southern AB, BC. 250-846-9606, Telkwa, BC. FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS, up to 30’, made from 2-3/8� oilfield pipe. Square bale feeders, any size. Can build other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714. 250 JIFFY BUNK feeder with scale, 1000 PTO, good shape, $6500. 780-853-2275, Vermilion, AB. HEAVY DUTY PORTABLE rodeo arena CADILAC HYD. SQUEEZE w/neck extend- panels, 5’ high, 7 bar, diamond shaped ers, really good shape, $6900; Stampede tube. Panels included: 66- 12’, 2- 8’, 4- 10’, steel S-alley, $1500; Wheatheart heavy 2- 16’. Overhead gates: 2- 6’, 5- 12’. hitter p o s t p o u n d e r , just demo’d, $10,000 for all. 403-601-5061, Nanton, AB $10,000. 780-349-5869, Westlock, AB. PORTABLE PANELS 30’ freestanding 32001 NH 195 manure spreader, top beat- bar windbreak frames, 5-bar, 4-bar panels er, new paddles, double floor chain, floata- w/wo double hinge gates and more. On tion tires, good cond., $9,000. Stony Plain, farm welding. Oxbow, SK., 306-485-8559, AB., call 780-203-9593 or 780-963-0641. 306-483-2199. JD 550 TA manure spreader, $5500; NH 795 manure spreader, $7250. Both field FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No power ready. Call 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. required to heat or pump. Prevents backRED RHINO SELF unloading hay trailers! wash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. Fast and simple! 306-227-4503, Saska- www.frostfreenosepumps.com toon, SK. www.norheimranching.com ARROW FARMQUIP LIVESTOCK handling solutions. Solar West. Port. windbreaks. Custom built panels and gates. Phone 1-866-354-7655, Mossbank, SK. PORTABLE SELF FEEDER on wheels, $2500 OBO. 306-752-2004, Melfort, SK.

1923 HEINTZMAN PIANO, excellent cond., oak wood, ivory keys, includes humidifier, tuned annually. Call Hazel Chase, 780-853-2275, Vermilion, AB.

+, +2* /,9(672&. (48,30(17






15 YEAR OLD, sorrel Walking horse, gelding, well trained but not being used lately. Offers. 403-828-8228, olivers2@me.com Cremona, AB.

GREG’S WELDING: Free standing corral panels, windbreak panels, calf shelters, belting troughs, etc. Many different styles to choose from. Call for pricing, delivery available. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK. FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; APPROX. 250 YOUNG homing pigeons, Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feedbanded, never been flown, off of 300 mile ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will parents, $5 ea. 306-489-4406, Alameda SK custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. SILVER STREAM SHELTERS. Super Spring Fabric Building Sale. 30x72 single black steel, $4700; 30x70 dbl. truss P/R, $6995; 38x100 dbl. truss P/R, $11,900; 42x100 dbl. truss P/R, $14,250; 12-1/2 oz. tarp, 15 yr. warranty. Trucks running w e s t w e e k l y, d e l i v e r y a v a i l a b l e . 1-877-547-4738, silverstreamshelters.com YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346.


ROLAND V ACCORDIONS, 3X, 7X, 8X models in stock. Acoustic models in stock. 306-782-4288, Yorkton, SK. TITANO COSMOPOLITAN PIANO ACCORDION, exc. cond., $5000. 403-504-2580, Medicine Hat, AB.




CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK, rbaumann@ocia.org, www.ocia.org PRO-CERT ORGANIC CERTIFICATION. Canadian family owned. No Royalties! Ph. 306-382-1299 or visit www.pro-cert.org

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Du e To Ab norm a l W ea ther C ond itions,W e Ha v e 2 M illion Su rp lu s Litres Av a ila b le a t Sp ecia l Pricing .

*Hom e Hea t *O il Pa tch *C om m ercia l *Ind u stria l

1081 SQ. FT. 3 bdrm bungalow, constructed in 1963, upstairs completely renovated, new cupboards, flooring, appliances, doors, windows and paint. Situated on a double lot, close to Elementary School, SUN HILLS RESORT at Lake of the Prair- High School, rink, and town center. Call ies, only 40 minutes East of Yorkton, SK. 306-560-8344, Wynyard, SK. Lots selling now! Starting at $56,000, fully HOUSE TO BE MOVED: old railway station, serviced! Phone 306-597-4660 or visit approx. 21’4”x54’6”x10’ ceilings, orig. renowww.sunhillsresort.com vated in 1976. Must be moved asap. 306-276-0167, Choiceland, SK.

C a ll for Deta ils

WANTED: ALL WHEATS, malt and feed barley, feed oats, feed peas, brown and golden flax, spelt. For fast delivery and immediate payment, please call today W e.....W illN otBe Growers International 306-652-4529. Know ingly Undersold WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2 BUYING ORGANIC BROWN and golden flax, rye and other grains. CGC bonded. Payment on the driveway. 204-665-2384, Cal@Vandaeleseeds.com Box 144, Medora MB. R0M 1K0. WANTED ORGANIC RED clover, Sweet clover and alfalfa seed. Cleaned or uncleaned. Birch Rose Acres, 306-863-2900, Star City, SK. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of organic and conventional green/yellow peas for 2013/2014 crop year. Matt USED MOTOROLA VHF 2-way radios, 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK 1 year warranty, small, exc. shape, $250. Also new Vertex radios. Antennas and radio repairs. Phone Glenn, Future Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina, WANTED: CERT. ORGANIC grass fed SK. www.futurecommications.ca slaughter beef. Peter Lundgard at Nature’s Way Farm 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB.

BEAUTIFUL WARM SOUTHERN B.C., house and large lot on water at Christina Lake, $575,000. 520-820-5777, 250-447-9000.

PRESTIGIOUS SHUSWAP ESTATES and .34 acres. Steps away from arena, w/lakeview, TAKE A CHANCE. DWF, mid 50’s, ranch asking $174,900. Call 250-675-3485, raised, still rides/rope. So wash up, send kjhudson52@yahoo.com Salmon Arm, BC. me a photo and letter. Box 5586, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4

ON-L INE R E AL E S TATE AUCTION BUNGALOW , BUILDING PLUS 10 ACRES Bid s C los e W ED., S EP T. 2 5 – 12 :30 P M Lo ca tio n : 16K S OUT H OF M OOS OM IN , S K . S ee W eb p age forCom p lete L istin g, P hotos, T erm s & Con d ition s L EGAL DES CRIPTION : R.M . #9 1 o f M ARYFIEL D S E8 – 12 – 31 - W ES T OF 1

19 8 0’s Bun ga low , W ood Structure - M a in Floor: Ap p rox. 3 ,6 00 s q . ft ROOM S : 5 Bed ro o m s - 1 F u ll Ba thro o m M a s ter Bed ro o m w /F u ll Ba thro o m (All b ed ro o m s ha ve w a lk-in clo s ets ); L ib ra ry L o u n ge - Din in g Ro o m - Brea kfa s t Ro o m Office - L a u n d ry Ro o m - K itchen - New K itchen & Ap p lia n ces in 2011; W a lk-In Pa n try, Ga m es o r F a m ily Ro o m ; S o lid Oa k F lo o rs T hro u gho u t E n tire Ho u s e; 2012 New Revers e Os m o s is S ys tem . PARTIAL BAS EM EN T - Octo b er 2011 Upgra d es : New W a ter Hea ter, W a ter S o ften er; Ultra Vio let L ight W a ter S ys tem S ep tem b er 2011 - New S ew er S ys tem . Ba s em en t is o p en w /w o o d w a lls gyp ro cked , trea ted flo o d (w o o d ) w /¾ ” p lyw o o d thickn es s . M a in level ha s 2 x 6 w a lls - T R1 p a n e w in d o w s . 2012 - New d ecks o n fro n t & b a ck o f ho u s e; Vin yl S id in g - Go o d Co n d itio n ; As p ha lts hin gles - Go o d Co n d itio n . W EL L : 95’ d eep w ith a m p le s u p p ly o fw a ter; GARDEN S HED: Ap p ro x. 50’x30’. S HOP ATTACHED TO HOUS E - 2 b a y w ith 2 la rge d o o rs to fit S em is ; F u lly in s u la ted / gyp ro cked ; 240 s u p p ly fo r w eld er/ co m p res s o r; 60’x40’ co ld s to ra ge; 2011 en clo s ed p o le s hed ; Old er b a rn w ith p o w er; Co n crete lo a d in g ra m p . BID FROM THE CON V EN IEN CE OF YOUR HOM E, OFFICE OR PHON E 24/7 On -Lin e Biddin g - Fa s t – Ea s y – Con ve n ie n t … W ith Prove n Re s ults ! F o rView in g Ap p o in tm en tCo n ta ct Ro n M cDo u ga ll M o o s o m in Divis io n : 306 -435-1755 o r To ll Free: 8 00-26 3-4319 L IC.#31448 0


WARMAN HOMES CUSTOM built commercial buildings, to your plan or ours. Call 1-866-933-9595 or www.warmanhomes.ca

CEDAR LOG HOMES AND CABINS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC., www.rouckbros.com 1-800-960-3388. LAC DES ISLES- 5 acre treed lake lot, $295,000. 2 acre lot, $125,000 near boat launch. Adjacent to Meadow Lake Prov. Park area. $10,000 down, remainder due Jan 1. 306-373-4808, loiselh@msn.com

AVID ENTERPRISES LTD: RTM HOMES, cabins, rental units, guest houses, hired man accommodations, etc. Now accepting fall bookings. Available in custom sizes. Call for prices. Ph: 306-229-1124. Email: avidenterprisesltd@msn.com 102-71st St. E, Saskatoon, SK. Web: avidenterprises.ca

TO BE MOVED: 1986 1120 sq. ft. energy efficient house w/developed basement a n d s i n g l e at t a c h e d ga r a g e , a s k i n g $60,000. 306-322-4415, Fosston, SK.

LOCATED CENTRAL AB. SE-24-40-24-W4 w/power and well; also, SW-21-40-23-W4. Both are 1 km. off Hyw.# 12 and have oil revenue. 403-747-2168, Tees, AB.

WARMAN HOMES. LOTS for sale in Langham, SK. or Warman Legends or Southlands, www.warmanhomes.ca to view or call 1-866-933-9595.

READY TO MOVE SHOW HOME. 1594 sq. ft. Options include front overhang for deck, deluxe cabinets, stone front, vault, tiled shower. Swanson Builders (Saskatoon, SK. area). www.swansonbuilders.ca 306-493-3089.

TO BE MOVED. 1963 bungalow with 2 car att. garage, 1300 sq. ft., main floor fully renovated, 2/3 hardwood floor. Selling with stove, fridge, furnace, water treat- MESA, ARIZONA: Very nice Park model ment system, hot water heater and sew- for rent, in Carriage Manor, 55+ outstanda g e p u m p , a s k i n g $ 8 0 , 0 0 0 . C a l l ing resort, seasonal rate. 306-771-4196. 306-338-7114, Clair, SK. ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1987 WINKLER GRANDEUR Elite 14x72’, 3 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. bdrm, one full bathroom. Needs updating All homes come complete with garage, and new flooring otherwise in good cond., covered deck and landscaping. Land lease asking $23,500. Phone 306-581-5357, fees include $1 million clubhouse, large in306-501-3707 after 6:00 PM, Pense, SK. door lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup NEW MODULER HOMES, Canadian built and reduced golf fees. For information call by Moduline, 16x60, $68,900. 20x76, 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. $96,900. New sales lot opening soon in Yorkton, SK. www.affordablehomesales.ca GOLF COURSE PARK MODEL trailer w/adjoining Arizona room and golf cart shed, or call 306-496-7538, 1-888-699-9280. large deck w/sunscreens, located in Happy 1995 16’x60’, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, renovated, Trails Seniors Park, gated, Surprise, AZ. All includes appliances. Immediate delivery. recreation facilities. Video available. Located Leader, SK, $42,000 FOB. Serious 306-378-2709. inquiries only. Call 1-855-380-2266. Email SUNNY, WARM, FUN, ARIZONA. Canacraigshomesales.com dians love to meet after harvest in the best SMART SPACIOUS STYLISH! At a great Arizona “snowbird town”. (SK. references). price. New modular showhomes in all Dave Chambers, Realtor, Re/Max Prestige shapes and sizes. Immediate delivery. Call Properties, 928-846-1443, Lake Havasu 1-855-380-2266, craigshomesales.com City, AZ. www.findlakehavasuhomes.com MUST SELL! A well built spacious 16x36’ addition for a mobile home, must be moved, $12,000 or will trade. Pictures available. 306-554-3235, Wynyard, SK. 2010 SIR MODULAR home for removal, includes 4 appliances, skirting, eavestrough, plumbing, and deck, asking $110,000. Call 306-722-7655, Osage, SK.

M c D ou g a llAu c tion .c om

WARM SOUTHERN B.C., 200 acres of pristine wilderness, very private. Fish pond, 3 wells, $599,000. Private sale. Phone 520-820-5777, 250-447-9000.

1976 MOBILE HOME, 14’x64’, for removal, 1412 SQ FT. HOME in Santan Valley, Arizo- 3 bdrm, 1 bathroom, 200 amp. service, na: 3 bdrm., 2 baths, covered patio, self elec. furnace, appliances incl., $11,000 cleaning PebbleTec pool w/waterfall and OBO. 306-861-2811, Yellow Grass, SK. pool heater, recent paint/carpet, new AC, fully landscaped w/citrus and palm trees, MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 House is immaculate, move in ready! Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ $165,000. 403-335-9464, 403-586-9464. modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. 1925 EATON HOUSE two storey for sale Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince to be moved, always lived in, complete Albert, SK. plumbing, some renos done, but still 90% original $20,000 OBO. 306-287-7928, Quill TO BE MOVED, 1987 Shelter mobile home, Lake, SK. 16x72’ w/12x18’ addition, numerous upgrades, central AC, newer furnace, siding TO BE MOVED. 1500 sq. ft., 2 storey, 1924 shingles and water softener, 2 decks, wall Eaton’s home, wood basement, steel roof, oven, countertop stove, dishwasher and vinyl siding, new wiring, plumbing, boiler, fridge. 306-387-8017, Lloydminster, SK. $40,000. 306-587-2321, Cabri, SK. DO YOU HAVE a mobile home park that 1329 SQ. FT. bungalow, built in 2006, avail you would like to sell? If so please e-mail for moving in April. Attached garage, in me: parkthemobile@gmail.com floor heat, cottage roof, open floor plan. Appliances, deck included. 306-933-2805, THINKING MODULAR? Think Dynamic Warman, SK. sp.dyck@sasktel.net Modular Homes! The lowest prices in Sask. are in Alberta! Compare and save. We will CHARACTER HOME, 2 storey, 3 bedrooms, not be undersold on identical product. Toll 1 bathroom, 1300 sq. ft., to be moved off f r e e 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 4 1 - 4 4 2 2 o r v i s i t u s at farm. 306-246-4802, Hafford, SK. www.dynamicmodular.ca

OWN OSOYOOS, BC. Condo, furnished, 1 bdrm. + den, 6 appliances, water softener, gas fireplace, spacious open concept, neutral decor, pool. Possession 30 days. Great snowbird/summer vacation spot, 2 blocks from downtown, 1/2 block to b e a c h . G r o u n d f l o o r, p e t f r i e n d l y, $192,500. Call Joe 250-408-4407, video tour details: ownosoyoos102@gmail.com OLDER MODERN HOME for rent: In Creston, BC., great view, pure mountain water, big family dog welcome, $650/month plus power. Call 250-428-7664.

RANCH FOR SALE in Northern Alberta, 160 acres, great area to raise cattle, horses or sheep. 1600 sq. ft. house, 40x60 heated shop, misc. other outbuildings. 500,000 gal. dugout/water system, new 100’ deep well, drilled in 2008, feeds corral and house. 780-672-0337, High Level, AB. AGRICULTURAL LAND FOR SALE, 2880 acres on Hwy. #23, beautiful mountain view, lots of water (3 artesian wells and large creek). Private sale, brokers welcome. Call Don 403-558-2345, Brant, AB. suzannedepaoli@yahoo.com




BUNGALOWS PB BLUE HEELER PUPS, out of good working parents. Over 35 years of breeding. Phone 204-365-0066, Shoal Lake, MB. TWO AKBASH//PYRENEES CROSS female sister dogs, 10 mos., working with sheep, $500 ea OBO. 306-845-2404, Livelong, SK KUVASZ PUPPIES, livestock predator control, great guardian and companion for country living, $500 each. Phone 306-532-4844, Moosomin, SK. PYRENEES PUPS, ready to go, first shots, dewormed, vet checked, are use to all animals, 3 males, $400 each; 1 female, $300. 306-656-4445, 306-230-2499, Harris, SK. KUVASZ/PYRENEES PUPPIES: Three males, one female, farm raised. Call 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB.

A re you plan n in g to b u ild a h om e in 2 01 3. W ood C ou n try w ill b u ild you a R T M or a cu s tom b u ilt h om e on s ite to m eet you r requ irem en ts . W ood C ou n try prid es its elf on b u ild in g top qu ality h om es w ith a h igh level of cu s tom er s atis faction s in ce its in ception in 1 980.

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M cL ean , S K .

starting at



21( 2) $ .,1' -867 /,.( <28

/sq. ft.

ALBERTA LAND: #2065- LARGE IRRIGATED CROP FARM and livestock operation in a very popular area near Picture Butte. This attractive farm comes with approx. 928 acres of highly productive (very fertile) farmland, almost all pivot irrigated, mostly modern pivots and 870.3 acres of LNID water rights. Will consider selling smaller parcels. #2076- SMOKY LAKE approx. 3500 acre ranch/ farm land NE of Smoky Lake, 11 quarters deeded and 12 leased. Two separate home quarters. #2072- GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! These 2 farms (side by side) are both available to purchase. (See listings ID#2031 and ID#2061). Take advantage of this chance to own a beautiful home in a great location with the added benefit of over 300 acres of irrigated land, plus potential annual surface revenue. #2067- BROILER BREEDER FARM just north of Edmonton with 60 acres. 3 newer barns, and 18,131 units annualized quota. Nice home and yard. Excellent location on Hwy. #2. #2045- PICTURE BUTTE DAIRY! 180 cow dairy, approx. 480 acre irrigated land, 3 farm yards with buildings and homes, 130 milking and dry cows, 120 dairy heifers, 144.5 kg msq. Contact Real Estate C e n t re , w w w. f a r m re a l e s t a t e . c o m 1-866-345-3414.

REDUCED!!! NE OF STRATHMORE, AB, 160 acres. Numerous corrals and paddocks, approx. 95 acres of hay, 48 acres native grass and remaining is yardsite. Yardsite has an older mobile home with an addition, lots of water, barn 52x40, corral system is large enough to calve 300+ head. Creek runs through the property and flows most of the year!! This property is 30 mins. from Drumheller, Strathmore, Three Hills and 1 hr. to the city limits. 320 acres RM 488, HUNTING QUARTER, borders in the Handhills, 1180 sq. ft. house, desmall lake, lots of water fowl, elk, moose, tached double garage, 32x48 heated shop, a n d Wh i t e - t a i l . F o r s a l e o r t r a d e . 32x60 pole shed, 32x60 calving barn. Oil revenue and wind farm revenue. Fenced 306-276-0167, Choiceland, SK. with corrals and lots of water. Please call Big Sky Real Estate Ltd. 1-866-850-4444.

Sa s ka toon – Re gin a – M oos om in


FOR SALE: Quarter section, Valleyview/ Sunset House area. Bush quarter paradise for hunters. More info. call 780-524-8413.

WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to go! Mt. Blanchard, 1296 sq. ft. was $191,285. Sale price $175,000. Call 1-866-933-9595, www.warmanhomes.ca

WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to go! Mt. Robson, 1443 sq. ft. was $161,715. Sale price $155,943. Call 1-866-933-9595, www.warmanhomes.ca

COMMERCIAL BUILDING, 2528 sq. ft., 2 bays, 1 hoist, floor heat. Asking $250,000. Phone: 204-743-2005, mtcgem@mts.net Cypress River, MB.

298.76 ACRES all cultivated farmland 2.5 miles east of Tofield, AB. on 626. Good #2 soil, no bush, no stones, very flat, annual s u r f a c e l e a s e r e ve n u e $ 3 2 0 0 . M L S MH0013867. Southland Realty, call Len Rempel 306-741-6358, Medicine Hat, AB

8 MINUTES TO PONOKA and new Agriplex, quiet country setting on 106 acres, 2 titles. Newer 3 bedrm bungalow, 2 baths, AC, central vac, state-of-the-art stables include: 16 stalls w/drains, infloor heat in alleyway, turnout area, tack rm, office, bathrm, ribbons rm, 40x40’ workshop, 220 wiring. Pasture with all new fencing. Trades considered, $999,000. Contact Carol Clark, Realtor with Coldwell Banker Realty at 403-350-4919, Red Deer, AB.

WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to go! Mt. Vanier, 1680 sq. ft. was $222,083. Sale price $215,363. Call 1-866-933-9595 or go to www.warmanhomes.ca

SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER The only way it works! In-person interviews Sept. 25th and 26th in Regina and Saskatoon. Membership $700 plus taxes. 18 years experience. Have matched thousands of people! Camelot Introductions, www.camelotintroductions.com or call 204-888-1529 to book your appointment with an award winning Matchmaker!

NORDICK KENNELS: PUPPIES available. 780-645-2206, St. Paul, AB. or visit us online: www.nordickennels.ca FOR SALE ONE Registered female Chesapeake Bay retriever, 3 yrs. old, spayed, very friendly, would make a good pet. 306-236-3898, Meadow Lake, SK.

IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received crop damage call Back-Track Investigations for assistance 1-866-882-4779.

ON-LINE REAL ESTATE AUCTION. Bids close Wednesday, September 25. Bungalow, building, and 10 acres, 16 kms South of Moosomin, SK. Check Auction Section for full listing or view at www.McDougallAuction.com - Moosomin Division 1-800-263-4193. PL #314480.

starting at



/sq. ft.

BEAUTIFUL RECREATIONAL QUARTER w/yard, borders Clearwater River plus creek, west of Red Deer; Large cattle property, 2 homes, lots of water, good yard, surface lease income, exclusive; Ranch and grain property west of Edmonton, approx. 400 cow/calf and approx. 2500 acres. Have buyers for large farm properties, very confidential. Call if you are thinking of selling. I specialize in agricultural properties. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. ALBERTA LAND: #2065- LARGE IRRIGATED CROP FARM and livestock operation in a very popular area near Picture Butte. This attractive farm comes with approx. 928 acres of highly productive (very fertile) farmland, almost all pivot irrigated, mostly modern pivots and 870.3 acres of LNID water rights. Will consider selling smaller parcels. # 2 0 5 6 - P I C T U R E BUTTE. The property consists of 100 cow dairy operation, complete with support buildings, 2 homes, and 160 acres of pivot irrigated land. Cows and quota: 110 cows milking and dry; 94 head from calves to spring heifers; 100 kg daily butterfat Alberta milk quota. #2008- COALDALE. Modern 150 cow dairy, 275 acres irrigation, 135 cows, 126 kg msq, 120 heifers, 2 Lely fully automated computer milkers, 3700 sq. ft. home, city water, mobile home. #2076- SMOKY LAKE, approx. 3500 acre ranch/farm land NE of Smoky Lake, 11 quarters deeded and 12 leased. Two separate home quarters. #2072GREAT OPPORTUNITY!!! These 2 farms (side by side) are both available to purchase. (See listings ID#2031 and ID#2061). Take advantage of this chance to own a beautiful home in a great location with the added benefit of over 300 acres of irrigated land, plus potential annual surface revenue. #2067- BROILER BREEDER FARM just north of Edmonton with 60 acres. 3 newer barns, and 18,131 units annualized quota. Nice home and yard. Excellent location on Hwy. #2. Real E s t a t e C e n t re , 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 1 4 www.farmrealestate.com RED DEER / SYLVAN LAKE, 125 acres on blacktop, 10 min. from city on Burnt Lake Trail, prime location for new yard development, $6000/acre firm. 403-575-1146. TITLED (DEEDED) W1/2-06-88-21-W5th, located 35 miles NW Peace River area, in District of Reinwood. 35 min. from Peace Pulp and 35 min. Peace River, AB. Yardsite consists of spruce and aspen, ample supply of water and community dugout. Power in yard, gas available. 135 acres cult. excellent soil, grain canola, grasses and legumes, asking $217,000. 780-219-3420.

Hague, SK. | (306) 225-2288


*Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included

1200 ACRES PRIME farmland, 507,000. assessment. Prime location 1 hour east of Regina on Hwy #1, 2 miles from Grenfell. 306-697-2988, or 306-697-2901.



COM PL ETE RAN CH S OUTHERN S AS K ATCHEW AN Yea r ro u n d s elf-s u fficien tpro perty w ith 8 00 + co w ca lfca pa city, 49 72 + /- d eed ed a cres a n d 3200 + /- a cres lea s ed , m a chin ery a n d lives to ck ca n b e pu rcha s ed .

Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.

RM OF ENNISKILLEN: 4 quarters in one block, flat land presently has Alfalfa, 2 dugouts, fenced. Close to Northgate. Power and gas along road allowance. Great opportunity. MLS #474429. Brenda McLash, Realty Executives MJ, Moose Jaw, SK. 306-630-5700. HUDSON BAY, SK. Leaf Lake area: 3 adjoining quarters, prime hunting, marke t a b l e t i m b e r a n d p e at . N E , N W, SE-06-46-01-W2. Phone 250-427-6036.

FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM #256, 2 quarters SE-5-25-12-W3 and SW-5-25-12-W3,. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close September 05, 2013. Send tenders to: Box 982, Weyburn, SK. S4H 2Z9. For more info 306-231-5611.

FARM LAND FOR RENT: RM Spalding #368: NE-25-39-18-W2, approx. 160 cult acres; SE-25-39-18-W2, approx. 140 cult acres; SE-26-39-18-W2, approx. 160 cult acres; SW-36-39-18-W2, approx. 110 acres; NW-25-39-18-W2, approx. 160 RM Pleasantdale #398: highest IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received acres. any offer not necessarily accepted. crop damage call Back-Track Investiga- or SE-01-40-18-W2, approx. 130 acres; tions for assistance 1-866-882-4779. SW-01-40-18-W2, approx. 130 acres; NW-04-41-17 W2, approx. 160 acres; SW-04-41-17-W2, approx. 160 acres; NE-32-40-17-W2, approx. 160 acres; SE-32-40-17-W2, approx. 160 acres; SE-05-41-17-W2, approx. 160 acres. Closing date for offers is September 30, 2013. Circle P Farms Ltd., Box 370, Naicam, SK. S0K 2Z0. Phone 306-874-5775, Scott Ponath 306-874-7960, Eric Ponath 306-874-7970.




SUM M ARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Cen tra l...........................19 1 1⁄4’s S o u th...............................70 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t.......................31 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t......................6 5 1⁄4’s N o rth..................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t.......................12 1⁄4’s Ea s t..................................51 1⁄4’s


Ca ll DOUG

3 06 -9 55-226 6

TIM HAMMOND REALTY. RM 622 Beaver River, 320 acres with 145 hay acres, 150 pasture acres, 25 other acres. Modest 500 sq. ft. bungalow with 1 bed, 1 bath. Includes: cattle corrals, handling system w/power, two sand point wells, and watering bowls. 5 1/2 miles East of Pierceland, SK. and 1 1/2 miles North of Beacon Hill. M L S # 4 3 3 1 3 4 . Tr e m e n d o u s va l u e at $350,000. Kevin Jarrett, 306-441-4152. RM 18: 10,720 acre grain farm, full set of buildings. Call 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com



OF GOOD CROP PRODUCTION L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN AN D AL BERTA Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. CLOSE TO PRINCE ALBERT, SK. #11 Hwy, 1 or 2 quarters, one with 1144 sq. ft. bungalow and buildings and one without buildings. Lots of water, creek, dugout, fences, very good location. All underground services. 306-922-5090.


FARMS FOR SALE: RM Fertile Belt: Some 4180 acres of grain land, 3 homes, 97,000 + bu. of grain storage and other outbuildings. The land is all in close proximity, has been very well farmed, lots of bush has been cleared; RM Keys: Some 762 acres of grain land in a good growing area, has a good tenant in place, w/a good ROI, asking $780,000; RM Lumsden: 154 acre parcel of land, 92 acres are zoned commercial, balance is AG, located only 15 miles north of Regina on No 6 hwy, includes 2 houses plus a wide variety of buildings. Buildings have potential for multi purpose business opportunities, asking $950,000; RM Norton: 6 quarters of grassland, some land is within a controlled flood plain, which can produce some excellent hay crops in dry years. Asking $444,000. For more information contact Bob Young, Homelife Prairies Realty Inc, Emerald Park, 306-586-0099 or e-mail: saskfarms@sasktel.net

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malRM 169: 1760 acres grain and pastureland. function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. Ltd., Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Fo u r (4) qu a rte r s e c tio n s o f la n d a re b e in g o ffe re d fo r s a le b y Te n d e r, s u b je c tto pre s e n tn o n -fin a n c ia l e n c u m b ra n c e s a n d re s tric tio n s (ifa n y) a s pe r e xis tin g C e rtific a te s o fTitle , fo r: FIRS T : - N W S ec 27 T w p 46 Rge 28 W . 3rd M er., Extens ion 0 a s d e s c rib e d o n C e rtific a te o fTitle 76B09206 • lo c a te d in the R.M . o fW ilto n #472 • 140 a c re s n a tive gra s s a n d 20 a c re s As pe n pa s tu re . • Fe n c e d o n W e s t, No rth a n d Ea s ts id e .• S o u th s id e is a d ja c e n tto No rth s id e o fS W 27-46-28 W 3 rd M e r. w hic h is pa s tu re la n d . • C re e k ru n s thro u gh this qu a rte r; ve ry pic tu re s qu e . • S u rfa c e Le a s e re ve n u e $2,800.00 pe r ye a r (Hu s ky No n -Pro d u c in g G a s W e ll) • Ta xe s $166.49 pa id fo r 2013 . S EC ON D: - N E S ec 27 T w p 46 Rge 28 W . 3rd M er., Extens ion 0 a s d e s c rib e d o n C e rtific a te o fTitle 76B09206 • lo c a te d in the R.M . o fW ilto n #472 • 13 9 a c re s c u ltiva te d la n d a n d 20 a c re s w e tla n d s /s lo u gh/b u s h. • Fe n c e d a ll fo u r s id e s .• G rid ro a d ru n n in g pa s te a s ts id e o f this qu a rte r. • Ta xe s $614.50 pa id fo r 2013 . T HIRD: - S W S ec 27 T w p 46 Rge 28 W . 3rd M er., Extens ion 0 a s d e s c rib e d o n C e rtific a te o fTitle 81B12878 • lo c a te d in the R.M . o fW ilto n #472 • 15 a c re s c u ltiva te d la n d , 13 3 a c re s pa s tu re la n d a n d 12 a c re s w e tla n d s /s lo u gh. • Fe n c e d o n W e s t, S o u th a n d Ea s ts id e ; No rth s id e is a d ja c e n tto S o u th s id e o fNW 27-46-28 W 3 rd M e r. w hic h is pa s tu re la n d . • C re e k ru n s thro u gh qu a rte r, ha s go o d ye a r ro u n d s prin g fe e d in g the c re e k; ve ry pic tu re s qu e . • Ta xe s $202.01 pa id fo r 2013 . FOURT H: - S E S ec 27 T w p 46 Rge 28 W . 3rd M er., Extens ion 0 a s d e s c rib e d o n C e rtific a te o fTitle 76B09206 • lo c a te d in the R.M . o fW ilto n #472 • 13 4 a c re s c u ltiva te d la n d a n d 25 a c re s w e tla n d s . • Fe n c e d a ll fo u r s id e s . • G rid ro a d ru n s pa s te a s ts id e o fqu a rte r. • Ta xe s $592.93 pa id fo r 2013 . M in era l Rights o n a ll pa rcels a re exclu d ed . This la n d is lo ca ted s ixteen m iles s o u th o f L lo yd m in s ter o n Highw a y 17, 1.5 m iles ea s t o n L o n e Ro ck Grid Ro a d #328 2 a n d 3.5 m iles s o u th o n Grid Ro a d #328 1. The pu rc ha s e pric e s u b m itte d s ha ll b e s u b je c tto G S T, ifa pplic a b le , a n d the b a la n c e o fthe pu rc ha s e pric e is to b e pa id o n o r b e fo re De c e m b e r 6, 2013 b e in g the c lo s in g d a te . Ifthe s u c c e s s fu l te n d e re r d o e s n o tc o m ple te the pu rc ha s e a fte r a c c e pta n c e o fhis /he r te n d e r, the d e po s itw ill b e fo rfe ite d . The highes t o r a n y ten d er n o t n eces s a rily a ccepted . De po s its o fu n s u c c e s s fu l te n d e re rs w ill b e re tu rn e d to the m . Fo r fu rther pa rticu la rs a n d d eta ils pho n e S tew a rt Perk in s a t 306 -38 7-6 6 55 a n d Da vid Perk in s a t 78 0-8 72-46 19 . Te n d e rs to b e s u b m itte d in s e a le d e n ve lo pe m a rke d “ TENDERS – PERK INS ES TATE File # AJF: 3 1, 065-002” to b e a c c o m pa n ie d b y c e rtifie d c he qu e o r b a n k d ra ftpa ya b le to “ Fo x W a ke fie ld , In Tru s t” fo r 10% o fto ta l a m o u n to fte n d e r pric e . Ten d ers w ill clo s e a t 12:00 N o o n o n Frid a y, Octo b er 18 , 2013, a n d Te n d e rs w ill b e re c e ive d b y: M S. A.J. FOX of FOX W AKEFIELD P.O. Box 500, 5105 - 49 t h Stre e t LLOYDM INSTER, Sa s k - Alta ., S9 V 0Y6

TIM HAMMOND REALTY, Shire Farm RM 92, Walpole: 1280 acres featuring 610 cult. and 625 hay/pasture. Average 2013 assessment, 59,550. Grass carries 100 pair. Yard includes 1180 sq. ft. 4 bedrm., 2 bathrm bungalow (1983) and 12,850 bu. steel bin storage. Excellent water and cattle facilities. MLS 462168. REDUCED to $1,240,000. Alex Morrow, 306-434-8780, http://Shire.TimHammond.ca RM SPIRITWOOD: 5 quarters of deeded land with possible adjoining 11.5 quarters of Crown Lease w/lots of openings, excellent pasture. If you are in need of pasture come and view this property. Ideal water (3 springs and small lake area). Mainly all fenced. Great big game hunting in the area. MLS® 468532. For more info. or viewing call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512.

FARMLAND FOR SALE in Lomond, SK. #37: 2 quarters; NW-26-4-13-W2 and LOCATED EAST OF Central Butte, 6 quarSW-26-4-13-W2. Contact Gary Cooke ters cult. land, all in one block. Incl. home quarter w/house, quonset and grain bins 306-477-2110 home, 306-934-4010 work. MLS 472451. Brenda McLash, Realty ExR M O F H A Z E L D E L L : 1 6 0 a c r e s , ecutives MJ, 306-630-5700, Moose Jaw SK SE-10-37-09-W2, bush/grassland. Ideal RM 139: Gull Lake, SK. Approx. 521 acres for hunting with cabin. Ph. 306-634-5032. of land with substantial surface lease reveBUYING OR SELLING FARMLAND. I have nue. The land adjoins Hwy. #37, Trans the farm experience to get the deal done. Canada Highway and also has CPR Main Call Darren Bostock Realty P.C. Inc. Line running through the property. Locat306-351-3900, Regina, SK., or email ed in a very active oil/gas region of Sask. darrenbostock@myaccess.ca Land is being sold by Tender. For info. on an offer please call John or FOR SALE BY TENDER: RM #74, 2 quar- submitting Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, ters, SW-15-7-6-W3 and SE-15-7-6-W3. Joel RM #44, 1 quarter, NW-33-5-5-W3. High- Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com est or any tender not necessarily accepted. FARMLAND FOR SALE: RM Three Lakes Tenders close Sept. 05, 2013. Send tend- #400. SW-06-40-23-W2, 2-1/2 miles ers to: Box 982, Weyburn, SK. S4H 2Z9. south Pilger, SK. Overlooking Murphy For more information call 306-231-5611. Lake. 40’ well produces 45 gallons/min. HALF SECTION OF FARMLAND in the Approx. 135 cult. acres. All or any tenders Maidstone/Neilburg area. Approx. 290 not necessarily accepted. Written tenders acres cultivated. Assessment Parcel Sept 30, 2013 to: Frank Winkel, Box 227, 1 ) 7 2 , 0 0 0 . Pa r c e l 2 ) 8 7 , 6 0 0 . P r i c e M i d d l e L a ke , S K . S 0 K 2 X 0 . P h o n e 306-367-2150 or 306-231-8464. $320,000. 306-821-6659, Lloydminster, SK


LUSELAND AREA 57 Qu a rters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19 ,570,500 LUSELAND AREA 25 Qu a rters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,8 8 5,000 LUSELAND AREA 6 Qu a rters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,3 9 5,500 RM SNIPE LAKE 1 Qu a rter w ith cro p .S . . . .O . . . .L . . .D . . $23 5,000


C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y


3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7



FOR THE LONG TERM Ashley | 306-491-5226 Ashley@demetercapital.ca Realtor Enquiries Welcome

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m


SASK. LAND: #2064- ESTEVAN, SK: Grain farm close to town. Large home, second yard, hip roof barn, shop, quonset, prime land, approx. 3178 acres, organic status. MLS®. #2050- MANKOTA, SK: Ranch near Mankota, 4481 total acres with 1598 deeded and 2883 acres lease land ideal for summer grazing or wintering cattle. Ravines, streams, and great access. MLS®. #2049- DOLLARD, SK: 150 cow/calf ranch SW Sask., 318 acre deeded land and 1950 acre lease land with great panoramic views, located 12 miles west of Shaunavon, gravel pit and many more features, ideal cattle country. MLS®. Contact Real Estate Centre 1-866-345-3414, www.farmrealestate.com RM 228/257: 11,000 acre ranch, full set of buildings. Call 306-773-7379 John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com


Acres Ava ila ble in th e follow in g R M ’s: 76,100,213,222,224,261, 276,277,340,341,368,369, 370,371,397,399,401 B ids are w elcom e on an y parcel or an y com bin ation of parcels, an d m u stbe received before 4:00 P M Septem ber30,2013 For more information go to:

w w w .s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca or email:

h a rry@ s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca or call: 306-530-8035 Ha rry Sh eppa rd Su tton Grou p -R esu lts R ea lty R egin a, S K

RM 44/74: Approx. 4000 acre ranch and grain land, 2 yard sites, full set buildings. Phone 306-773-7379, John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted.

RM 139: 6720 acre ranch, good set of buildings. Call 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro p.ca

FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, buying or selling. Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty.



REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro p.ca



C O R P.

For the m ost VALU E & EXPO SU RE that you deserve w hen selling your farm or ranch property,contact one of our Farm & Ranch Specialists today! BOB LANE - Broker (306) 569-3380 JASON SELINGER - Regina/South Central

(306) 539-7975

ED BEUTLER - Yorkton/Whitewood

(306) 620-7260

JASON BEUTLER - Yorkton/Estevan

(306) 735-7811

GARTH HENDRY - Moose Jaw/South Central

(306) 631-0802

JEFF HEGLAND - Saskatoon/Prince Albert

(306) 270-9050

DOUG JENSEN - Melville/Raymore

(306) 621-9955

STAN HALL - Davidson/Strasbourg/Humboldt

(306) 725-7826

MORWENNA SUTTER - Melfort/Wadena

(306) 327-7129

MURRAY MURDOCH - Outlook/Rosetown

(306) 858-8000

DARRELL HERAUF - Dairy/Poultry

(306) 527-9636

DALE MURDOCH - Swift Current/Kindersley

(306) 774-6100

DARREN SANDER - Battlefords/NW Sask.

(306) 441-6777

S a s ka tchew a n’s Fa rm & Ra nch S pecia lis ts ™ 123 Regis tered S a les S o Fa rThis Yea r!

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Visitour w ebsite at:

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G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

RM 45 RANCH: We have 2 adjoining listwww.demetercapital.ca ings for a total of 6616 acres, 2 yardsites. Call 306-773-7379, John or Joel Cave, RM LEASK #464: 319 acres w/250 acres Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. in tame hay, balance is bush and natural www.farmsask.com. pasture. This is quite a property with many rolling hills and is located just across the RM 45: APPROX. 4160 acre ranch. 2 yardroad from Iroquois Lake. Also started on sites. Full set of buildings. 306-773-7379, this property is a large 3 storey timber John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift framed house but still needs lots of work. Current, SK. www.farmsask.com There is also an older home with the yard and farm buildings. Endless possibilities. REALTY EXECUTIVES BATTLEFORDSMust be seen to be appreciated. Motivated Mike Janostin. Wanted: Grainland, passeller. Possibility of additional pasture. ture or bushland in SK, have cash buyers. MLS® 472602. For viewing call Lloyd at Ph 306-481-5574, www.mikejanostin.com Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800, Email mikejanostin@realtyexecutives.com 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. RM OF MILDEN #286: 8 quarters with full set of buildings and bins for sale. Phone 403-644-3808.

Q u ick Clo su re – N o Co m m issio n

RM 105: APPROX. 320 acres grain land. Selling by Tender. John or Joel Cave. Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379. Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca

RM KEYS #303, south of Hyas, SK. 11 quarters in one block, 300 acres cult., rest in hay and pasture with good water supply and fences, very neat and clean 3 bedroom bungalow, good cattle facilities. Call 780-361-6879 or 780-361-6426.

LOCATED 8 MILES South of Spiritwood, SK. is this 1008 sq. ft. home with many upgrades. Hidden amongst the aspens, spruce, fruit trees and flowers on approx. 9.04 acres. Fully fenced and pasture for a couple horses, etc. Excellent garden area with hot house and other older buildi n g s . We l l f o r w a t e r s u p p l y. M L S ®470193. For viewing call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. SASK. GRAIN FARM, 2080 acres heavy clay, full set of buildings. Surface leases. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379 Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

FOR SALE BY TENDER Mineral Rights. Half share of mineral rights- Section 03-23-03-W2. Submit written tenders to Box 364, Saltcoats, SK. S0A 3RO. Closing date Thurs., October 31, 2013. Highest or any tenders not necessarily accepted.

5 QUARTERS of good grainland, advertised last week SOLD. More land available. For more info. call 306-221-2208.

FARM LAND FOR SALE: RM 135 and 136: 4 quarters, 320 cult., 320 pasture, MLS #462445; RM 51: 7 quarters deeded, 9 quarters lease, 100 cow/calf pairs, MLS #453408; RM 75: 1 quarter, 65 acres seeded grass, 95 acres native, MLS #455956; RM 79: 4 quarters, 618 acres cult., MLS #465121; RM 230: 4 quarters, 630 acres cult., MLS #465169. Ph Lee Davidson, Re/Max of Swift Current, 306-741-7367, leedavidson@sasktel.net

RM 488: 159 acres (approx. 65 seedable). Close to excellent fishing, hunting, all amenities. 1900 sq.ft. bungalow w/basement, 46x100 steel quonset, 46’ insulated shop, 5 Westeel bins w/aeration. Large, mature well maintained high/dry yard w/underground power. 3 miles off highway #55, on good gravel road. Asking $480,000. 306-428-2700 or 306-862-8647 Choiceland, SK.

31 QUARTERS, mixed farm, good cattle facilities, good modern home. Priced to sell. More land available. Real Estate offers welcome 306-867-9495, west central SK.

FARMLAND FOR SALE by Tender: RM of Connaught #457, located: 15 miles north of Tisdale, NE 18-47-14 W2, 147 Acres. Land is leased for 2013 season. Lease can be in place for 2014 season. Information: 306-873-7428. All or any tenders not necessarily accepted. Closing date for tender is October 1, 2013. Forward PURCHASER TO MEET MOTIVATED sell- tenders: Box 2910, Tisdale, SK., S0E 1T0. er, SE Sask., RM 153 and 123. 8 quarters: 5 hay and pasture, 3 cult., barn, house and TIM HAMMOND REALTY 70.53 acres adshop. Option on 10 more quarters, all in jacent to Carmichael, SK. only 2 miles one block. 403-888-0045, Whitewood, SK. South of Hwy #1. Excellent expansion or development opportunity. MLS 470116, Jack@dobbynelectric.com $59,000. Morley Forsyth, 306-741-2393, RM WOLSELEY 155. For Sale by Tender. http://Carmichael.TimHammond.ca Four quarters: NE-17-17-9-W2, (PT)NW-17-17-9-W2, SE-18-17-9-W2, RM OF REFORD: 327 acres: 80 verified to NE-6-17-9-W2. Highest or any tender not have gravel, possibly more; 188 acres culnecessarily accepted. Tenders close Oct. 1. tivated w/60 planted to wheat, remaining Send tenders to: Box 52, Wolseley, SK. cultivated acres seeded to tame grass, balance is partly fenced native pasture. 2300 S0G 5H0 or mdwilliams@imagewireless.ca sq. ft. bungalow built 1985. MLS®470122. MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battleo r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . fords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net www.remaxbattlefords.com

Thin kin g o fBuying o r Selling Fa rm La n d ? Harry Sheppard 3 06 -53 0-8 03 5 e -m a il: h a rry@ s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca Vis it our w e b s ite : w w w .s h e p p a rdre a lty.ca


RM # N ea res t To w n 34 Lampman 39 SO L D Ceylo n 42 W illo w Bu n ch 66 Griffin 66 Creelm a n 69 SO L D Pa n gm a n 69 SO L D Pa n gm a n 70 Ogem a 71 SO L D Vicero y 71 Vicero y SO L D Avo 100 & 101 n lea 127 Vib a n k 130SO L D Drin kw a ter 157 E d gely 190 & 222 Cha m b erla in 216 Itu n a 248 Cu p a r 221 & 251 Pen za n ce & L ib erty 275 T heo d o re 277 L ero s s

# o f Acres 10,875 1,080 1,361 623 199 800 605 1,022 555 631 1,653 629 795 445 1,043 1,586 1,029 1,596 2,352 730


S u tton G rou p-R E S U L TS R E A L TY - R egin a, S K

N ea res t To w n Lampman

# o f Acres 10



RM 49/51: 6720 acre ranch, set of build- FOR SALE BY TENDER: approx. 1746 ings. 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Re- acres of prime crop land located in alty, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com the RM of Morton, MB. NE 28-3-20-W1, the east half of 30-3-20-W1, the east half DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. RM of Rudy of 32-3-20-W1, all of 33-3-20-W1 and the #284, all of Sec-36-30-06-W3, West of west half of 34-3-20-W1. Sited on SE Hanley, SK. Approx. 590 acres cultivated, 33-3-20-W1 is a yardsite complete with C.I. soil, Class L and M, FMV 255000. Level modern bungalow and extensive buildings and stone-free with renter available, with grain storage. Part of land is in a reg$785,900. Call Dwein today 306-221-1035. istered company, and all offers for asset or FARMLAND FOR SALE: SE 19-28-28 W3 share purchase, in parcels or as a whole, and NE 14-28-29-W3, $5,300,000. 10,703 will be given due consideration. Highest or acres, 4303 deeded, 6400 leased. 2 yards any tender not necessarily accepted. Full sites, one w/new 1800 sq. ft., never lived details and tender forms available in bungalow. Good water supply. Property from: Century 21 Westman.com Branis close to AB. border and has 22 quarters don 204-725-0555. Closing date for of leased land in AB. Brad Edgerton, Edge Tenders is 5:00 PM on Sept. 25, 2013. Realty Ltd., 306-463-7357, Kindersley, SK. www.century21westman.com www.edgerealty.ca 8 QUARTERS GRAINLAND, 1210 cult. RM 79: APPROX. 640 acres of grain land acres, north of Ste. Rose, MB. in RM of located North of Dollard, SK. John or Joel Lawrence, $1,040,000. 204-732-2058. Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, 638 ACRES in a block, all in forage with Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com 200 acres workable. Central yard w/4 bed GRONLID, MELFORT AREA: 160 acres, family home, machine shed, barn, corrals 1200 sq. ft. house on 2 levels. 148 acres and shelters, good water, 20 mins from cultivated, 12 acres bush. House is ready V i r d e n , M B . P h o n e M a u r i c e To r r at to renovate. Close to Wapiti Ski Resort and 204-725-0555. Full details available from: Diamond Mine. Good hunting and fishing. www.century21westman.com Phone Bert at Sutton Group, Saskatoon, HOBBY FARM LARGE enough for two fami306-221-2892. lies! 78 acres c/w 2 homes, 40x60’ shop, Prairie Lane (Saskatoon business) plus 62 acres of cultivated land. 9725 Hwy. 9, St. Tim H a m m o n d R ea lty Judy Moyer, Century 21 JefferK evin Ja r r ett Andrews. son & Assoc., 204-784-6604, Selkirk, MB. Selling Farm s & R anches for FARM NEAR BINSCARTH, MB. 910 total over 10 years throughout acres in one block, 500 are cultivated, Saskatchew an, w ith over fenced. 1216 sq ft bungalow, 6988 sq ft 30 current listings. barn. 204-773-6797, or 204-937-8357. Karen Goraluk, Sales person, Northstar To view listing brochures please Ins. and Real Estate. www.north-star.ca visit: w w w .tim ham m ond.ca Cell306.441.4152 Cell306.537.8086 FOR SALE BY TENDER. 12 quarters of Fax 306.477.1268 5 deeded, 7 Crown. RM of HillsEm ailkevinjarrett@sasktel.net pasture: dale, SE of Neilburg, SK. oil revenue. Details at www.farmlandtender.ca Vern 30 ACRES with large 2 storey home adjacent to Craven, has development pos- McClelland, Re/Max, Lloydminster, AB. sibilities; RM Edenwold, approx. 10 acres 306-821-0611. on #364 Hwy, 8 miles north Balgonie, de- MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. veloped well; Kronau, less than 20 min- Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: utes from Regina on 65 acres, boasts 1480 www.maverickconstruction.ca sq. ft. fully developed bungalow, heated shop, larger steel shed, horse barn, 2 wells FOR RENT RM #256, 1/2 section, SE and along with Regina utility water supply; SW-5-25-12-W3, pasture/hay, between Price Reduced, #46 Hwy, 1 km east of Pi- Beechy and Dinsmore, 306-231-5611. lot Butte, home, outbuildings, subdivided lands with development possibilities. RM South Qu’Appelle, 20 acres on #10 Hwy. Seed cleaning and processing plant 40 miles north of Regina, SK. Contact Brian Tiefenbach, NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344. w /Aggrega te Potentia l RM 49: APPROX. 640 acres irrigation and In Sa ska tchew a n dry land with buildings. 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, Ca ll P O TZU S LTD. SK. www.farmsask.com


RM OF BIG QUILL: For Sale by Tender. Approx. 160 acres, NW-24-32-17-W2. Quarter consists of approximately 140 cultivated acres, plus a farm house, without a well, car garage on a beautiful site. About 4.5 miles West of Wynyard, SK on Hwy 16. Written offers to: 36 Lakeview Crescent, Sylvan Lake, AB. T4S 1J7. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Closing date October 15, 2013. Inquiries call 403-887-4037, email: pmoiris@gmail.com RM OF KEYS No.303, 6 quarters in a block, 5 deeded, 1 leased, 200 acres cultivated, rest all native grass, all fenced, corrals, river through 3 quarters, utilities through property. 306-542-2575, Veregin, SK. RM 49: 960 acres of Native pasture, all adjoining. John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com RM 184: Approx. 160 acres farm land. Phone 306-773-7379. John or Joel Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

Phone: 306-782-74 23 Fa x: 306-786-6909 Em a il: info@ potzu s.com

RM OF KELVINGTON 366. 1998 Custom built 1800 sq. ft. bungalow, att. garage, air, 3 bdrms, 2 bthrms, completely finished basement w/2 bdrms, bthrm, large family room, laundry room, cold room, and second kitchen. 40x80’ insulated heated shop. 240 acres of game fenced land with a spring fed well and private lake. Great spot for hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, located 2 miles from Greenwater Provincial Park. For more info call 306-278-2141, Porcupine Plain, SK.

2011 BIGHORN 5th wheel, 40’, 4 slides, air ride hitch, king size bed, fireplace, ample cupboard space; 2011 GMC Denali, diesel, loaded, quad cab. Will sell together or sperate. Willing to trade for lakefront property. 306-934-7573, Saskatoon, SK.

NEVER USED: 2008 Citation Platinum 5th wheel, 38’, 4 slideouts, polarpak, fireplace, big screen TV, separate living room. AbsoARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED HOUSE, lutely the best Canadian made trailer, 2400 sq. ft. in a park-like setting on 30.5 1 7 , 0 0 0 l b s . N ew $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 , a s k i n g acres. Less than 15 min. from Yorkton, SK. $58,000. Can deliver! Still smells like new. Can email pics. 250-752-1010, Coombs BC Call 306-783-3749. CANORA, SK, 10 acres with 1230 sq. ft. 1995 24’ KIT Companion 5th wheel, slide bungalow, shop, sheds, outbuildings, nat. walk around queen bed, free standing dinette, vg cond., $7800 OBO. Consider trade gas, underground power. 306-651-1041. for cattle or sheep. Call or text GET BACK TO the farm. 80 acres, chemi- 306-814-0018, Preeceville, SK. or email cal free, 2 dugouts, 30 acres treed yard, mel18art@gmail.com horse grass, 50 acres cultivated rented to a good tenant. Low crime area, good neighbors, schools and churches. 1 hour from Regina on good all weather roads. 2005 MONACO CAYMAN 34PDD, 35’, 5.9 2000 sq. ft. older recently renovated Cummins, 300 HP, 21,500 miles, auto, home, extra insulation, 2 bthrms, 3 bdrms, satellite, air over hyd. brakes, 5.5 KW good well water, vinyl siding, single car Onan dsl. gen.- 148 hrs, exc. cond., 2 garage. Barn, greenhouse, and various slides, $85,000. More photos on our weboutbuildings. Asking $250,000. Could give site www.can-amtruck.com Can-Am Truck a good walk away price on almost all your Export Ltd 1-800-938-3323. DL #910420. needs. Call Archie or Margaret MacDonald, 2008 HOLIDAY RAMBLER ENDEAVOR 306-939-4520, Strasbourg, SK. 41.5’, 4 slides, 400 HP Cummins, 65,000 20 ACRE YARD next to 40 hunting Crown- kms, NP, NS, high end coach, used only by land quarters. House, barn with hayloft. one couple, Purchased home in USA. No Good water. 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. longer needed. $145,000. 306-728-1636, ELK POINT, St. Paul County, AB. 7 acres, Indian Head, SK. 20 yr. old house, $265,000 with $125,000 1996 REXAIR 32’ Class A motorhome, 12’ down at 5%. 1-888-709-0884. slide, 464 gas motor, 58,000 kms, SASKATOON, SK. AREA ACREAGE. 80 $12,000. 306-774-4135, Morse, SK. acres, 15 minutes North. Modern 2+2 bi- 2002 DAMON DAYBREAK, 35’, Class A, level, 2 large heated shops, city water, ma- 33,000 miles, GM 496 Vortec, super slide ture yard site, $710,000. MLS, Don Dyck, out, sleeps 6, generator has 357 hrs., rear Re-Max North Country, 306-221-1684. queen bdrm, leveling jacks, fully self-contained, well maintained and cared for, shedded, non-smokers, $38,000 OBO. Call 204-253-4535, Winnipeg, MB.

BUYING BROWN FLAX farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net


O r d er N ow

Forea rly sea son d iscoun t. Typica l 750 b u. g ra in ca rt,

3,4 50


Ca ll

204 - 87 1 - 1 1 7 5 or 1 - 86 6 - 86 2- 83 04 w w w .triplesta rm fg.c a ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com


LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net

BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.


Yellow & Brown

Flexible Pricing with Guaranteed Delivery Dates Act of God Clause New Crop Lentil and Pea Contracts available as well. Old Crop movement available also.

2005 TRIPLE E Commander A3712FGB, 37’, 8.1 Vortec, 69,000 kms, 3 slides, 3 TV’s w/auto satellite, winter package, many extras, exc. cond., $68,000. No pets, no smoking. 306-421-5615, Estevan, SK. 2009 FOREST RIVER Charleston Model 410FS motorhome, 425 HP, 5 slides, loaded, full warranty until January/2018, 16,000 miles, $300,000+ new, asking $149,000. 306-921-8003, Melfort, SK.

PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. 2011 19’ TRIUMPH fishing boat, 150 Merc Optimax, fish finder, Livewell, tandem trailer, $28,500 + tax. Call Mark, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121, 306-370-1337.


Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment

TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m

BUYING OATS ALL GRADES, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

2010 SEA DOO BRP GTI 130, 6 hrs, c/w WANTED: RENTER FOR Feb./March 2014, trailer, $9000. Call 306-652-7972, Saska- 3 bdrm house fully furnished. References BUYING RYE, all grades. CGC bonded. Call the Ryeguy: Cal@vandaeleseeds.com Box required. 306-343-1157, Saskatoon, SK. toon, SK. 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0. Phone 204-665-2384 or 204-522-5410. CERTIFIED AC HAZLET Fall Rye currently available. Trawin Seeds 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.

WANTED: WINTER TRITICALE seed off the farm or from seed dealer. 316-249-1907.

150 ACRES for sale- beside a river, great well, mature yardsite. Near Nelson and Lomand lakes. Lots of wildlife. Located 1-1/2 miles from Preeceville SK. Asking $200,000. Phone or text: 306-521-1356. Email: kdmushanski@sasktel.net RM 166: APPROX. 25 acres w/house, barn, corrals, quonset. Call 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com

GrainEx International Ltd.

BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains Ltd. Email: nsgl@sasktel.net

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2003 POLARIS MAGNUM Model 325, 4x4, like new shedded, lady driven, tires like new, $3,000. 306-682-0116, Humboldt, SK

INCREDIBLE VIEWS ON 10 acres! Move-in ready, 2400 plus sq.ft., 2.5 storey walkout. Renovated top to bottom w/dream kitchen, hardwood floors, 3 bdrms., 4 baths, large deck, dbl. garage and more, EdenQUARTER SECTION w/1800 sq. ft. ranch wold, SK. Century 21 Dome Realty Inc. For style home, Class #1 soil, Riding Mtn., more information call 306-790-3763 or $260,000. 4 acres, 1000 sq. ft. home at visit: www.robertapeakman.ca Plumas, $139,000. 5 acre river property, 1-1/2 storey home, renovated, at Arden, 43 ACRES, 26 kms. NW of Mossbank, SK. $115,000. Gill & Schmall Agencies, Liz on hwy #718. Mature yard, well maintained 3 bdrm. home, quonset, 2 car gar204-476-6362, Neepawa, MB. age, shed, fenced area and water for horse MIXED FARM FOR SALE- retiring, The Pas, enthusiast. Call today! 306-630-5700. MB. Clean, well maintained, all in one Brenda, Realty Executives MJ. piece, no rocks. 1470 deeded acres, 900 cultivated; 2640 acres long term Crown SASKATOON AREA ACREAGEs 8 miles rental, 500 cult. acres. 2 houses- 5 bdrm. west, NE-23-37-7-W3rd, with or without house, wheelchair accessible and 1 bdrm. heated shop and/or yard site. Leave meshouse. Heated shop, machine shed, hay sage at 306-384-4512. shed, pole barn, Hi-Hog chute system, 40,000+ bu. grain storage, large 30,000 10 ACRES, 15 miles to Moose Jaw, SK. sq. ft. insulated tinned barn, machinery Gas, power, and city water. Remodelled house. Barns, corrals, etc. 306-692-4457. and cattle available. Call 204-623-5029.

NEW, HIGH YIELDING Certified winter wheat variety moats. Phone Shaun at 306-831-8963, Ace Seed Supply, Rosetown, SK. COURT SEEDS CERTIFIED Winter Wheat: CDC Buteo and New AC Flourish. Call 204-386-2354, Plumas, MB.

BUYING QUALITY BROWN and golden flax. CGC bonded. Cal@Vandaeleseeds.com Box 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0. Phone 204-665-2384 or 204-522-5410.

1974 FMC MOTOR home, rear engine, very unique classic. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

SOUTH OF McAULEY, MB; 320 acres, 205 sowed to alfalfa, rest in wild hay; 3 bdrm bungalow. Leave message: 204-722-2013 QUARTER SECTION RM of Grandview, SE-19-23-25-W. 145 cult. acres, bordering Riding Mtn National Park, very private surrounded by Crown land lease. Older occupied house, outbuildings, hydro. Ph Grandview, MB., 204-546-3248, 204-732-2051.

AVAILABLE NOW! CERT. CDC Buteo. Call Sorgard Seeds, Churchbridge, SK., 306-896-2236. sorgardseeds@gmail.com

SAWMILLS from only $4897 - Make Money and Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free Info and DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 or call TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.

RM 186: 5 acres with well treed yardsite, bins, 50x72x16’ newer shed, hydro. Email pmartens2@sasktel.net or 306-229-5212, Abernethy, SK. 13 ACRE ACREAGE south of Yellow Creek. Located near Melfort, St. Brieux, Humboldt, Prince Albert, Wakaw, SK. 1989 1280 sq. ft. home, sheds, 30x80 insulated building. Evergreen shelter belt and many fruit trees. 1/2 mile to Rhona Lake and Hazel Lake. Fishing, cabins, boating. Close to Wakaw and St. Brieux school bus routes, $185,000. Call 306-279-2033.

REG. CERTIFIED ACCIPITER winter wheat, seed treating, early order, volume discounts available. Visa/Mastercard. Call 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. www.LLseeds.ca

FOR SALE TO Pedigreed Seed Growers: Foundation and Select Emerson winter 2004 SPRINTER 27’ 5th wheel, laminated wheat, Flourish winter wheat and Select side walls, alum. frame, large slide-out, WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, Hazlet rye. 204-526-7829, Holland, MB. lots of cabinets, AC, vg cond., $14,500. eight models, options and accessories. 204-638-7111, Dauphin, MB. 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca

EVANSBURG close to Edmonton, AB. newer house, large industrial shop, 4 lots, $ 3 4 9 , 0 0 0 at $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 d ow n at 5 % . 1-888-709-0884.

www.33acreslacombecountyab.com 2001 ICF block constructed, 3340 sq. ft., 5 bdrm, 3 bath ranch style bungalow just minutes to Lacombe, AB. Attached garage 28x33, shop 40x48 built in 2006, heritage barn 30x40 plus 33 acres perfect for any kind of hobby farm or business. Highway frontage, good soil, cross fenced, shed, creek, stock waterer, pipe gates and corRM OF LEASK: 1094 acres of re- rals, good producing well. Email or call: markable pasture of which approx. 580 chigwell2@hotmail.ca or 403-391-0383 IF YOU SPRAYED LIBERTY and received acres are seeded to tame hay. Balance is crop damage call Back-Track Investiganatural and bush pasture, with some hartions for assistance 1-866-882-4779. vestable spruce. The water supply is a 2011 ARGO 750, 8-wheel w/tracks, roll dugout and small lake 30’ deep, fenced bar, winch, bilge pump, extra seat, with 4 wires and treated post, plus 7 cross $22,000. 306-982-4888, Prince Albert, SK. fences. MLS® 473297. To view call Lloyd at Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK.

43 ACRES with 1/2 miles of shoreline on Stuart Lake, private, 5 acres cleared with beach, rest is forest. Development potential, $150,000. 204-782-3066 Onanole, MB MANITOBA FARMS: 3700 acre block near Russell; 640 acre, mixed, at Belmont; 942 acres at St. Lazare, can be split. See these and more at: www.granttweed.com or call 204-761-6884 anytime. Grant Tweed, Century 21 Westman.com, Brandon MB.

2004 TERRY 5TH wheel trailer, model AX6, 36’, aluminum frame, 4 slides, great floor plan, king bed, 2 electric fireplaces, used QUALICUM BEACH, BC, luxury Vancouver very little, asking $26,000. 780-632-7397 Island home to rent, Dec. 26-March 1, $1000/month. 3 bdrm, near beach. Call or 780-632-9862, Vegreville, AB. for pics 250-594-4673, gdsball@shaw.ca 2012 HY-LINE 40’ tri-axle, 3 slides, wash- WINTER IN OSOYOOS, BC. Apartment er/dryer, dishwasher, pantry, large fridge. suites in Sandy Beach Motel. Rates from Leather: Chairs, sofa bed and nook. Queen $685/month; Also lakefront house for rent bed. Power jacks and awning. No pets or $1100/month. 250-495-6931. Visit our smoking. Asking $35,000 or reasonable of- website: www.sandybeachmotel.com fers. 403-932-7327, Cochrane, AB. THE PALMS RV RESORT, rated top 2% in 2009 BIG COUNTRY 3490, 35’, 3 slides, America, 6-5-4-3 monthly specials starting bunks, Corian counter tops, double pane at $637.50/month, plus tax/elec. Toll free windows, plasma TV, queen bed, lots of 1-855-725-6778, Yuma, AZ. or view storage, exc. cond., 3 yrs. factory warranty www.yumapalmsrvresort.com l e f t , n e ve r s m o ke d i n , $ 2 9 , 5 0 0 . 306-843-7260, Wilkie, SK.

W W W. T R AW I N S E E D S . C A Custom blends, alfalfa, clover, meadow brome, timothy, wheatgrass and lawn grass. 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.

M illiga n B iofu e ls is b u yin g

Tou gh, H e a te d , and Gre e n Ca n ola .

Prom pt Paym ent,B onded and Insured, Freight O ptions. O nline estim ate equipped. Let us m anage your offgrade canola.



w w w .m illiga n biofu e ls .c om CERTIFIED MOATS WINTER wheat. Mercer Seeds Ltd., phone 403-327-9736 or 403-308-2297, Lethbridge, AB. NEW CERT. MOATS winter wheat. Taking orders for new crop Cert. Buteo winter SMALL RED WINTER LENTILS. Call wheat. Call Trawin Seeds 306-752-4060, Mercer Seeds Ltd., 403-327-9736 or Melfort, SK. 403-308-2297, Lethbridge, AB.


BUYING PEAS: Maple, 4010, Austrian, etc. CGC bonded. Cal@Vandaeleseeds.com Box 144, Medora, MB. R0M 1K0. Phone 204-665-2384 or 204-522-5410. BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email: nsgl@sasktel.net


PEARMAN GRAIN LTD. WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. Cash on delivery or pickup. Unity, SK. Call: 306-228-7306 or 306-228-1502. WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.


FEED BARLEY, WHEAT, RYE, TRITICALE and ALL TYPES OF SCREENINGS! Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, Lentils, Field Peas COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 E-Mail: wheatlandcommodities@sasktel.net T raders of Feed G rain , Pulse C rop s & S creen in gs

CGC L icen s ed & Bo n d ed

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.


BUYING RYE M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712










1-877-250-5252 WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, David Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Email: info@marketplacecommodities.com or phone: 1-866-512-1711. GRAIN MARKETING HEADQUARTERS. Buyers of all grains. On farm pricing. Quick payment assured. Call Cory 306-842-2406, Double Z Ag Sales, Weyburn, SK. FEED TRITICALE, 900 bu., $1.24/bushel pickup. 306-656-4541 at Harris, SK.


A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.







Com petitive Ra tes

M id w es t US A ~ O ct2013 Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan 2014 K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Jan 2014 In d ia ~ Feb 2014 Chile/Argen tin a /Bra zil ~ Feb 2014 V ietn a m & Ca m b o d ia ~ M ar 2014 Chin a /M o n go lia ~ M arch 2014 Irela n d & S co tla n d ~ June 2014 Ja pa n ~ June 2014 Uk ra in e ~ June 2014

P ro m pt P a ym en t

SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB

P AUL M O W ER 4 03 - 3 04 - 1 4 9 6


COMBINE DUAL KITS IN STOCK, JD 94009600/10/CTS/CTSII kit w/o tires starts from $9,850; JD STS dual kit w/ new 20.8x38 tires, $15,046; CIH 1680-2588 kit w/ new 20.838 tires, $13,900. Trade in your singles for duals. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0


SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, green feed, grass, and straw. Delivered. Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. HAY FOR SALE, round bales, mixed alfalfa and brome grass, no rain, good quality. Call 306-466-4428, Leask, SK. WA N T E D : A L FA L FA / G R A S S lar ge round bales. We are interested in all qualities of hay delivered to the ranch. Call 306-638-3051, Bethune, SK.

N etwrap - H igh quality,im ported from G erm any 67’’startin g at$205 64’’startin g at$200 Silage B alew rap -startin g at$84


ZZZ IUHHIRUPSODVWLFV FRP 103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . S a s k a to o n

www.canadianh ayandsilage.com BALE SCALES, CRADLE, 3 PTH or skid steer; truck mounted bale movers; cattle scales and hopper feeders. 306-445-2111, www.eliasscales.com North Battleford, SK.

CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l LARGE CAPACITY TARPS to cover grain 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. piles of varied sizes. Cover long grain piles with 53’W, 90’W, or 109’W piles of any 2013 FIRST CUT ALFALFA, RFV of 110, length. 253,000 bu. pile covered for feed tested, 16% protein, 1250 lbs., no $11,666. All sizes in stock. Best quality rain. Call 204-248-2643, Notre Dame, MB. available Canadian made quality silver SMALL HAY BALES for sale, alfalfa /mead- tarps avail. for all sizes. Shipped overnight ow brome, no rain, good for small calves to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pictures visit: or horses. 306-874-5422, Naicam, SK. www.willwood.ca or Willwood Industries SECOND CUT, PURE alfalfa round bales for c a l l t o l l f r e e 1 - 8 6 6 - 7 8 1 - 9 5 6 0 , f a x sale 7¢/lb. Baled August 2013. Approx 306-781-0108. 3-10% bloom. Premium quality, no rain. TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Call 306-567-7114, Craik, SK. Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, S K . S e e : w w w. c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l : 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. TEMPORARY GRAIN BIN replacement • Inexpensive tarps for all sizes from 22’ diameter to 105’ dia. Best quality available Canadian made Source quality silver cone shaped tarps available for all sizes. All sizes in stock. Shipped • Agricultural overnight to most major points in Western Canada. For all pricing, details, and pics Gypsum visit our website at www.willwood.ca or phone Willwood Industries toll free Call 1-866-781-9560, fax 306-781-0108. NORTHSTAR GYPSUM SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, Saskatoon, SK 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK.


WANTED CERT. OATS: Dancer, Triactor and Ronald. Also, accepting Triticale samples. Call Norbert at Saskcan Parent 204-737-3002, St. Joseph, MB.

NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. FIBERGLASS SEPTIC Tanks- Various sizes available, starting from 250 gal. up to 34,000 gal. Visit your local Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626. 2- 450 GALLON double walled fuel tanks, w/115 volt pumps, never used, $2400/ea OBO. 403-548-0525, Medicine Hat, AB.

XPELLER PRESSING. Offgrade oilseeds needed! Lethbridge crusher looking for offgrade canola, flax, camelina and canola or flax screenings. Prompt payment. Phone: Darcy at: 403-894-4394, Lethbridge, AB. POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gallons; Blador email: xpellerpressing@gmail.com der tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buy- and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and ers and sellers of all types of feed grain double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. Nipawin, SK.

2 USED GOODYEAR 30.5L-32 tubeless, 12 ply radials, $1,000 each. 306-542-7674, Kamsack, SK. 2- 24.5x32 rims from NH PT sprayer; 224.8x34 clamp on duals, no spacer, serviceable tires 306-463-4866 Kindersley, SK 17.5R25 MICHELIN TIRES, “Take-offs� 99% tread, like new condition, $1200/ea. C a l l 2 0 4 - 2 5 6 - 2 0 9 8 , Tr e h e r n e , M B . www.hirdequipment.com G O O D U S E D T R U C K T I R E S : 8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20’s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; 9R17.5. Fresh load arriving June 1. Pricing from $90. Call Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK.; Chris 306-537-2027, Regina. ONE TITAN 30.5x32, 40%, $1800. Located at Viscount, SK. Call 403-312-5113.



NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8�, 12�, 16� and 24�, PTO, elec. or engine driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16� PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For more information call your SK dealer T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See www.crisafullipumps.com

SPRAY WELDING EQUIPMENT used for shaft repairs on a lathe, c/w some powders $1800. 306-693-9315, Moose Jaw, SK TOS LATHE 20x80 Model SN50C c/w Mitutoyo digital readout, 3 and 4 jaw chucks, steady rest, etc. Can be seen running. $7,500. 306-693-9315, Moose Jaw, SK. SAWS, PLANERS, GRINDERS, air nailers, press drill, DeWalt wood planer and much more including carpenter tools. 511 3rd St. Davidson, SK. 403-318-7589, (AB cell). PHASE CONVERTER, 30 HP, never been hooked up, $2700. Call 306-693-9315, Moose Jaw, SK. 400 TON MECHANICAL press brake, will bend 14’ - 1/2� plate, 12 between housings. Brake has 24� wide bed and 24� wide ram extensions to accommodate dies for forming parts, no tooling included. Machine weight: approx. 50 tons, $40,000. Can be seen at Saskatoon Boiler Mfg. Co. Ltd., 2011 Quebec Ave., Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-652-7022. STANLEY OILFIELD LATHE, 20x80 c/w 32 inch face plate, steady rest, taper attachment, etc. Can be seen running, $5,500. 306-693-9315, Moose Jaw, SK. NEW MODERN LATHE, 22�x80� swing w/DRO and 4� spindle bore, 3 phase, 220V. 3 jaw, 4 jaw, tool attachments and ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED PURE WATER. steady rest, follower rest and tool post in- Guarantee 99% pure, no salts, chemicals, cluded. $29,000 OBO; also modern drill or chlorine. 306-867-9461, BC, AB, MB, SK. press, offers. 306-541-4422, Carnduff, SK. Email Mark at: rmarksmith@sasktel.net

AG-VENTURE TOURS to South America, Kenya, Romania/Hungry, partially tax deductible. rwthomas@start.ca Ph: 519-633-2390. www.rwthomastours.com CANADA - CUBA FARM TOURS. Feb. 3rd to 17th. All inclusive. Deductible. 7 nights 5 star, 7 nights country hotels, 3 days Varadero, 8 day farm tour, 3 days Havana. Max 26. Farmers and family members only. $3200/person, 2 sharing, plus air. Early bird discount. Wendy Holm P.Ag, wendy@wendyholm.com 604-947-2893, www.wendyholm.com

STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well drilling and servicing, Geotechnical, Environmental, Geothermal. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, expert workmanship and fair pricing. 50% government grant now available. Indian Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 7� STAINLESS STEEL well screen. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.


PASKAL CATTLE FEEDLOT Company in Lethbridge area, looking for feed barley. Call Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803.

NEW! We are offering a new and exciting program for 2014. A new innovative hay drying system will reduce weather risks and allows higher quality forages and better yields. Be part of this program, get seeding by mid-September.

3 06 -9 3 3 -1115


300 ALFALFA/GRASS round bales, 5x6 hard core, approx. 1700 lbs., exc. quality, $60/bale. 306-535-7292, Cupar, SK.

NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $795; 16.9-30 12 ply, $595; 18.4-38 12 ply, $789; 24.5- 32 14 ply, $1,749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $486; 16.9-28 12 ply, $558; 18.4-26 10 ply, $890. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

We can solve the problem with


The Cannon will blast water over 4 acres in a 190 degree arc to dry out low spots fast and efficiently. Saving you time, fuel & wear and tear on your equipment.

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WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297.

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CLAMP ON DUALS 20.8 x 38 Titans in very good cond’n, adapts to 30.5x32 inside rims, w/ adapters & hardware. $5,250. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 4-20.8R38 GOODYEAR TRACTOR tires. 30% tread, good sidewalls. $400 each OBO or $1500 for all 4. Call Glen at 204-782-2644, Shoal Lake, MB.


780-657-0008 website: www.doubleatrailers.ca email: doubleaa@telusplanet.net



U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.

HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model Cat equipment: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus room and board. Valid drivers license required. Send resume, work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc., Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0. Fax 306-769-8844, brydenconstruct@xplornet.ca

FULL-TIME POSITION OPEN for an experienced person or couple to join our team on an established 30 acre mixed organic farm on the B.C. coast. On farm separate accommodation included in the wage. Contact: bird483@telus.net or call 604-483-9546, Powell River, BC. LITTLE RAINBOW RANCH LTD. in Moosomin, SK. requires two full-time Cattle Ranch Attendants (NOC 8253). Secondary education in Agriculture and a min. of 2 yrs. experience necessary. Starting wage: $16/hr. Pay based on experience and ability. Required tasks: Working independently, supervised and in busiest times supervising general farm workers; implem e n t i n g fe e d i n g p r o g r a m ; wo r k i n g knowledge of farm equipment and its maintenance; stockpiling winter feed; determining and treating certain health issues in cattle; reporting directly to farm owner on progress and farm related needs as well performing general farm duties as directed by owner. Apply: Perry Rasmuson, Box 1221, Moosomin, SK. S0G 3N0. Email rainbowranch@mobility.blackberry.netor AUSTRALIAN GRAIN HARVEST STAFF NEEDED. Operators wanted for Australian grain harvest from Oct. to Dec., 2013. Must be able to work long hours and be proficient in driving late model chaser bins/grain carts. Also be Qualified in driving new model Case combine/headers. Accommodation and most meals will be supplied!! An International licence would be helpful and a bonus. A working holiday Visa will be required. You will be working on a family run farm. This position would suit a fit 20 to 30 year old. All enquires to: Eastgrove Farming Pty Ltd./Harvest Staff tribal@westnet.com.au HUNTER’S PARADISE GRAIN FARM, located in Mossbank, SK, seeks motivated independant employee. Experience in operating large farm machinery and Class 1A license an asset. Great wages available for experienced applicant. Ref. required. Email resume to Mike: nagelm44@hotmail.com or phone 306-354-7822. CENTRAL AB. MIXED farm requires mature, reliable, independent individual for full time, year round work. Duties include: management of hog and cow/calf enterprises as well as machinery operation and maintenance. Basic carpentry skills, mechanical aptitude and experience with animals are assets. Salary: $15-$20/hr. Apply to Brian at: conveylyons@mcsnet.ca 780-984-5026, Ryley, AB. A U S T R A L I A N H A R V E S T ! Po s i t i o n s available from Oct.-Dec., $22-28/hr., food and accommodation incl. Experienced operators with relevant working holiday visas need only apply. Visit our website to find out more about visas or to register your interest! www.ruralenterprises.com.au AUSTRALIAN GRAIN HARVEST. Great opportunity to operate new Case combines and MacDon Windrower, excellent work environment. Operation includes custom work and a large scale family cropping farm. Call +61439118010 or email reference to: tom.bell@live.com.au


BAR 4T RANCH, Patricia, AB. is looking to hire full-time help farming, feeding and fencing. Need an experienced operator to assist owner with the daily upkeep of a large operation. Family housing provided, salary negotiable. Call 403-363-4074.

FARM HELP WANTED: Looking for a person for a mixed farming operation. Must have a valid driver’s license and be able to operate farm equipment, accommodation available. Phone: 780-812-5567 fax: 780-573-7620, Bonnyville, AB.

LESANN LAND And Cattle Company a family owned mixed grain cow/calf operation in The Pas, MB., is looking for a fulltime employee. Duties include: operating and maintaining all livestock equipment, haying, fencing, calving and some grain related duties. Cattle experience is a must. Class 1 and mechanical experience are an asset. Must have valid driver’s licence. Hourly wage $18-$25 based on skills and experience. Ph. Joel: 204-623-4357, fax resume to: 204-623-6315, The Pas, MB. POSITION AVAILABLE, Cypress Hills, SK. area. Background and yearling grasser operation. Modern facilities and equipment. Good working environment. Class 1 preferred. Wages negotiable depending on experience. 306-295-4138, 306-295-7473.

PERMANENT POSITION on large mixed farm. Starting wage $16/hr. Individual should have good work ethic, positive attitude, mechanical skills and be able to work well with others. Duties include: working cattle, operating and maintaining farm equipment. Furnished housing available, non smoker preferred. Kincaid, SK. Fax: 306-264-3752, or phone: 306-264-7742. FARM SUPERVISOR: Responsible for regular farm equipment operation, supervising and training employees, grain condition, equipment maintenance, assisting with crop production. Starting at $20/hr. Fulltime permanent. Call Ryan at Land and Sky Grains, 306-697-2757, Grenfell, SK.

TRACTOR, COMBINE AND 1A or Super B TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED for 2013/14 Australian harvest, work from November to January. Must be 23 yrs. or older and have experience. 10,000ha to harvest on family farm. Accommodation provided. Contact Mathew Molloy, Australia, New South Wales, molloyag2665@gmail.com LOOKING FOR PEOPLE interested in riding feedlot pens in AB or SK, with above average horsemanship skills, willing to train. Wages depending on qualifications, benefits available.403-701-1548 Strathmore AB CARPENTERS HELPERS and grass cutters wanted. Will train, room and board provided. Hutterites welcome. Call Jordy 780-934-9932 or 780-920-7360, Edmonton, AB. FULL-TIME HELP WANTED: Beef/grain farm looking for person with experience operating machinery, with animals, valid driver’s license, able to work independently. Accommodation available. Phone 306-243-4332, Macrorie, SK. AARTS ACRES, a 2500 sow barn located near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The successful applicant must possess the necessary skills, an aptitude for the care and handling of animals, good communication skills and the ability to work as part of a highly productive team. For an application phone 204-842-3231 or fax resume to 204-842-3273. LARGE GRAIN AND Poultry Farm, North of Edmonton, AB. looking for a farm worker with a potential future in farm management. We have an up-to-date beautiful farm. Class 1A, experience with livestock, large equipment and computers is necessary. We offer accommodations. Wages will be discussed. Only serious applicants. Send resume to: Martin and Catharina, fax 780-961-3967, or catacyr@hotmail.com or call 780-220-8144, Legal, AB.

BEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (4), for the 2014 season May to Oct, $12-$15/hr depending on experience. Contact Ron Althouse, 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK. CENTRAL ALBERTA FARM/ RANCH employment opportunity starting immediately. Successful candidate must have related experience and a confident understanding of cattle and grain production, valid drivers license. Good wages, housing and long term benefits. 780-376-2241 Strome, AB. www.rawesranches.com POSITION AVAILABLE on cow/calf operation. Housing supplied. References and driver’s abstract required. Ph: Consort, AB 403-577-0011, u2dryad4@hotmail.com FULL-TIME AND SEASONAL help wanted on medium sized grain farm, experience with equipment and trucking an asset, wages negotiable. Housing available. 780-847-3792, Marwayne, AB.

RANCH FOREMAN/MANAGER. Long term opportunity avail. for hard working, highly skilled candidate. Position requires knowledge of all aspects of mixed farm operation. Top wages, plus incentives and housing for the qualified person. Contact: angus@hamiltonfarms.ca or call Rob at 403-540-3186 Cochrane, AB. WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED in working full-time on a working ranch? Or maybe you want something more short term, maybe 6 months would interest you? We are looking for someone who has a farm/ranch background. Some mechanical skills would be beneficial and of course some livestock background would be helpful. If you ride that’s great, if you don’t we can work around that. We use and operate some equipment. Experience with baling, hay cutter and loader work would be beneficial. We are located north of Lloydminster and housing is a possibility. We pay by the hour. Every 2nd weekend off. Please email your resume and include some references and driving abstract to: Hill 70 Quantock Ranch, Attention: Bill and Sherry C r e e c h , L l o y d m i n s t e r, A B . F a x 780-875-8332. Phone 780-875-8794 or email: info@hill70quantock.com

HELP WANTED ON farm and ranch. Experience preferred. Wages based on experience. Room and board possible. Contact 403-350-4089, Red Deer, AB.

MATURE COUPLE WANTED: For Brooks, AB ranch, capable of running pivots, haying, calving, feeding, mechanical/maintenance of farming equip. and machinery. Previous farm/ranch experience required. Must have Class 5 licence and strong English skills. Horsemanship skills beneficial. Must be reliable. New house provided on ranch. Competitive wages depending on exp. Fax resume, references and driver’s abstract: 403-362-0411, ph. 403-362-2976 COWBOY NEEDED FOR large cow/calf operation in southern BC. Must have some horsemanship skills, fencing and basic shoeing and roping or willingness to learn. Single accommodations provided. Hourly wage based on experience. E-mail resume to: ebapty@hotmail.com Vernon, BC.

Duties include the operation & maintenance of livestock & farming equipment. Cattle experience & Class 3 Driver’s or willingness to obtain an asset. Housing & benefits available. Competitive wages. Located close to Crossfield. For more info: call 403-946-4198 or email: jimhurt@xplornet.com

FARM JOBS/ EMPLOYEES, Agemploy can help with both. Tony 403-732-4295, email: tonykarenk@hotmail.com Western Canada. COMBINE OPERATORS AND TRUCK DRIVERS needed for harvest on large grain farm. Accommodation available. Call Jim 403-575-0069, t4gerbers@yahoo.ca Coronation, AB. ROY HARVESTING now hiring Combine Operators and Truck Drivers for the 2013 harvest. Call Chuck 306-642-0055 or Chris 306-642-0076, Glentworth, SK.

POUND-MAKER, a large scale integrated feedlot/ethanol facility operating at Lanigan, Sask. has immediate openings in various areas including cattle processing, equipment operators and feed truck drivers. Pound-Maker offers a comprehensive benefit package that includes a health benefits plan and pension. Compensation will be based on experience. Please forward resumes to: Pound-Maker Agventures Ltd., P.O. Box 519, Lanigan, SK., S0K 2M0. Fax: 306-365-4283 or email: pma@pound-maker.ca

DAIRY WORKER REQUIRED for 120 cow barn. Wages negotiable. Rental accomm. CARRIAGE/SLEIGH DRIVERS for Heritage available. Call 306-771-4318, Balgonie, SK. Ranch. Part-time and full-time, 5 years minimum driving experience. Friendly, personable and reliable. 403-877-3456, Red Deer, AB. joel@heritageranch.ca

HELPER WANTED on mixed farm. Steady VILLAGE RANCH LOCATED in Sorrento, job for right person. Room and board avail. BC. requires a full-time Dairy Herdsperson 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. responsible for milking, feeding, calving, identifying health problems and general farm duties. $18-$21/hour depending on experience. Prior milking experience required. AI breeding experience an asset. FU LL tim e and Seasonalem ploym entopportunities Send resumes by fax to: 250-835-2166 or email villageranch@live.com available atW estern Feedlots Ltd.


TWO PERMANENT FULL-TIME rancher/farmer wanted for beef and hay ranch, Merritt, BC. 1) Calving, range riding, hay and silage crops, machinery. 2) Management of irrigation system and 2 seasonal employees, machinery, hay and silage crops. Great career opportunity for young motivated person, interested in farming and ranching. Accommodation and benefits offered. Fax resume to 250-378-4956, or email info@ranchland.ca

FEEDLOT & GRAIN FARM requires an individual for

H igh R iver & M ossleigh, AB Vacant Positions:

• GeneralM aintenance & FeedlotEquipm entO perators • M illO perators • Cattle Processors/Production Staff • Health/Pen Riders Requirements:

No experience required for m ostpositions,on the job training provided. • Driver’s License • Ability to adaptto change • Basic com puter skills • Desire to learn and advance • Desire to be a leader and team player

Benefits of working at Western Feedlots:

Full Time Employment

• Com petitive w ages • Year round em ploym entand Seasonalpositions • Group benefits package including disability insurance and life insurance • Em ployee recognition program s • Group RRSP contribution program • Clothing Allow ance • Grow th and Developm entO pportunities • Com pany housing m ay be available To apply please em ailyour resum e to: dspeers@ w esternfeedlots.com For further inform ation, please visitour w ebsite atw w w .w esternfeedlots.com

CUSTOM HARVESTING CREW requires Class 1A drivers. Winter full-time work available. jordonfield@hotmail.com or, call 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, North Dakota. DAIRY FARM IN Lacombe, AB. is looking for an experienced Herdsman. Must be able to A.I. and I.V., $25/hr; Also have a labour position open, $16-18/hr. Phone 403-782-3325.

FULL-TIME RANCH HELP wanted. Experience with livestock and machinery required. Non-smoker with clean driver’s abstract, Class 1 license preferred. Housing supplied. Fax resume with references to: 403-548-2287. Ph: 403-548-6684, Redcliff, HELP WANTED ON MIXED FARM. Year AB. walkersu7texaslonghorns@gmail.com round for the right applicant. Mechanically inclined an asset. Large new shop. Must be willing to do manual labour and operate and maintain equipment. Send resume to buggfarms@hotmail.com Paynton, SK. phone or fax 306-895-4601.

CUSTOM HARVESTER looking for truck driver’s, combine, and grain cart operators to go on Custom Harvesting Run that begins August 1st in Saskatchewan and ends in Northern Alberta. Operating four new JD S670 combines and Peterbilt semis. I may help obtain 1A license, year round employment hauling logs, grain or crude oil. 306-421-9270 leave message, or fax resume to: 306-456-2835, Bromhead, SK. RANCH FOREMAN WANTED. Looking for employee to manage daily operations on cow/calf and yearling outfit in Alberta. Some experience and a positive attitude are a must. Housing on paved road available. Top wages offered to right individual. Phone 403-779-2185 or email ecr91@netago.ca Youngstown, AB.

Move it! in print and online next day. Coming soon your classified word ads will go online within one business day from when you book them to run in the Producer Classifieds. And best of all, online word ads are FREE until the end of 2013 when you book your print ad. Our team of Classified Sales Associates has the product knowledge, marketing strategies and access to qualified buyers that is unmatched in the industry. Place your classified ad and experience our professional service first hand.

FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on Elk and Buffalo ranch. Training provided for suitable applicants. Class 1 license a definite asset. Must be hard working, able to work unsupervised, responsible and reliable. Weekends required in busy season. Equipment, welding, fencing knowledge an asset. Top wages paid for experienced applicants. Call 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. Resume to: elkvalley@xplornet.com WANTED FULL-TIME LABOURER able to run farm equipment on cattle and grain farm. Duties include but not limited to: cattle help, herd health, calving, seeding, harvesting, haying, and general farm operations and maintenance. Driver’s license required. Wages negotiable with experience. Send resume with references and driver’s abstract to 403-552-2359 or email to clarkconstruction@telus.net Altario, AB.

Monday to Friday, ads will be posted online within one business day. Real Time online will be placed a maximum of 11 days prior to first print insertion.




PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s

PARTS PERSO N . Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. GRAIN CLEANER/ OPERATOR, Operate modern 2 line pea and lentil cleaning plant, loading of bulk products. Benefit plan and RRSP pkg available. Stable work environment. Farm background an asset. Please note this is not a house cleaning position, Estevan, SK. Fax: 306-634-8007 or call: 306-634-8008, cell: 306-421-9119. RM OF MANKOTA No. 45 is accepting applications for a grader operator to work seasonally initially, but we are willing to train the right applicant for other tasks that will allow council to eventually create a full time position. Salary will be negotiated based on qualifications. The position is available immediately. Please forward your resume along with three work related references to: The RM of Mankota No. 45, Box 148, Mankota, SK. S0H 2W0 Email: rm45.46@sasktel.net Fax: 306-478-2606. CONSTRUCTION CREW, farm, residential and commercial, in Leduc, AB. area looking to hire. Pay rates vary in skill and knowledge. Hutterites welcome. Living arrangements available. Call 780-886-6312.


SEASONAL GREENHOUSE WORKERS required starting January 3, 2014, with the possibility of permanent work. Wages $9.95/hour. Send resume to: Oyen Greenhouses, 201 - 1 Ave W, Box 358, Oyen, AB, T0J 2J0, fax 403-664-2759 or email oyengreenaccount@telus.net 3 GUEST SERVICE Representatives required ASAP. $10.50-$12.50 per hour, fulltime shift work with weekends. Register guests, handle inquires, assign rooms, take reservations and handle checkout. Must be polite, patient and courteous on the phone via email. Experience an asset but are willing to train. Apply to Manitou Springs Hotel and Mineral Spa, Manitou Beach, SK. by fax 306-946-3622, or dhmanitousprings@sasktel.net

GRATTON COUL EE AGRIPARTS L TD. Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o

HARVEST HELP REQUIRED Leader/Burstall SK. area. Start immediately. Accommoda- BIG GAME HUNTING GUIDE in BC for October. Return travel, room and board tion available. Call 780-808-1414. paid. Good wage. 250-480-1202, Victoria, 2 GREENHOUSE WORKERS required BC. office@rocky-mountain-outfitter.com ASAP with the possibility of permanent HIRING FULL-TIME Power Washer. Must work. Wages $9.95/hour. Send resume to: have clear driver’s abstract. Ph. Williams Oyen Greenhouses, 201- 1st Ave W, Box Mobile Power Wash 306-242-4579, email 358, Oyen, AB, T0J 2J0, fax 403-664-2759, r e s u m e t o w m p w @ s h a w. c a o r f a x oyengreenaccount@telus.net 306-934-2843, Saskatoon, SK.


ASSISTANT PARTS MANAGER wanted for multi-store New Holland dealer. Journeyman preferred, but experience will also be considered. Benefits, RRSP package, moving allowance, and signing bonus. $22 t o $ 2 8 p e r h o u r. E m a i l r e s u m e t o parts.triag@telus.net Wainwright, AB.

Lloydminster, AB Requires 5 Service Rig Derrick Hands @ $29.50/hr – 40 hrs/wk and 12 Service Rig Floor Hands @ $27.00/hr – 40 hrs/wk, for work in the Lloydminster area.


Please fax resume to 780-871-6908 or email: royalwel@telus.net

O ur em ployees are th e h eart of C W C and w e are com m itted to m aking C W C a desirable place to w ork w h ere em ployees can th rive. O ur com pensation and benefit program s are targeted to be am ong th e best in th e industry. At C W C w e are com m itted to em ployee grow th and developm ent, w h ich is w h y w e provide resources for training and furth er education w ith in every segm ent of our com pany. W H Y W O R K F O R US? • C om petitive W ages • ExceptionalEm ployee B enefits P ackage • Safety B onus and P P E P rogram • G enerous R eferralP ackage • O pportunity for Advancem ent • Training Incentives • W e U se Today’s N ew est Equipm ent R EQ UIR EM EN TS • Standard First Aid • H 2S Alive • Valid C lass 5 D river’s License Apply w ith resu m e to : ca reers@ cw cw ellservices.co m o rfa x 780- 875- 1930

LONG HAUL SEMI Drivers and Owner Operators required to haul RVs and general freight. Drivers paid 40¢/running mile and pick/drop/border. Owner Operators paid 85% of gross revenue. Benefits, company EXPERIENCED VAC/STEAMER Truck op- fuel cards and subsidized insurance. Must erator with Class 3 license wanted. Not a have valid passport and ability to cross border. Call Jeremy at 1-800-867-6233, camp job. Call 780-385-1029, Viking, AB. Saskatoon, SK. www.roadexservices.com CLASS 1 AND 3 TRUCK DRIVERS needed for harvest on large grain farm. AccomFOUR PRINTER/COPIER repair technicians modation available. Jim 403-575-0069, needed. $22-$25/hr. to start. Minimum 2 t4gerbers@yahoo.ca Coronation, AB. yrs. experience, inspecting, diagnosing, servicing and assembling devices such as printers and copiers. Technical school certificate required. Apply to: Horizon Computer Solutions at: 360 1st Ave. North, Tr u ck Driver sW a n ted S a s k at o o n , S K . S 7 K 1 X 4 o r e m a i l : ~Big g a r Tr a n s p or t~ hrm@horizon.ca, fax: 306-665-6199, or call: 306-665-5666. Co m pa n y Drivers& Lea sed O pera to rs to pu llSu perB’sin bu lk gra in & FARM/FEEDLOT MECHANIC required at fertilizerd ivisio n Ballco Feeders custom feedlot. Must have minimum 5 years heavy duty mechanic Co m petitive w a ges& ben efits& and welding experience. Class 1 license an Sign in g Bo n u s asset. Competitive wages and benefits S en d Resu m e & DriversAbstra ctto package offered. Brant, AB. Fax 403-684-3345, Email: mike@ballco.ca ro d p a cik@ tra n sa llg ro u p .co m o r fa x:3 06 -24 2-2077 C a ll:Ro d Pa cik 3 06 -24 9-6 85 3 3 06 -3 81-6 5 3 5






Visit us at w w w .etsprayers.com to learn m ore.

Position O verview : R eporting to the R egional D irector of W estern C anada, the Product Specialist is responsible for providing professional support for A pache sprayer applications throughout the region.This w illinclude both on-site as w ellas phone assistance for both sprayer hardw are and precision agriculture setup and operation. The range of support w illconsist of current A pache ow ners, A pache D ealers, Service m anagers and personnel of the dealerships and the R egional D irector. The Product Specialist w ill grow the A pache brand by supplying an expert level of technicalsupport for the region.

Job D escrip tion: • First callon allservice related issues; • A ssist dealer personnelw hen necessary on service issues; • A ttain expert levelproficiency on allA pache sprayers and related precision agriculture equipm ent; • A ttend and present content at D ealer Events (D em os, Field D ays, Spray C linics, Precision C linics); • Take direction from the R egionalD irector to grow the A pache brand in W estern C anada.

Q ua lifica tions a nd R equirem ents: • • • • • • • •

Strong problem solving and troubleshooting skills; Strong m echanicalaptitude; Fam iliarity w ith agriculturaland/or construction equipm ent; Fam iliarity w ith Precision A griculture hardw are and softw are; Extensive travelrequired throughout the territory; Excellent C ustom er Service skills; G ood presentation skills; M otivated self-starter w ith great initiative w ho can m ake sound independent decisions.

Territory: M anitoba, Saskatchew an, A lberta, B ritish C olum bia Loca tion: Idealcandidate w illlive w ithin the territory, preferably Saskatchew an. Sa la ry: A com petitive com pensation package w illbe provided, including com pany vehicle.

B enefits: C om petitive benefits are available to a successfulcandidate Subm it your R esum e to:stephanie.garrett@ etsprayers.com

CLASS 1 and 3 Vac/Water/Tractor Trailer Operators. 3 to 5 years driving experience in remote conditions. Knowledge of the safe operation of vacuum and/or water truck and auxiliary equipment (pump, agitator, TPC, etc.). Safety Training: H2S, First Aid, TDG, WHMIS, PST/CSTS, Confined Space (training can be provided). Please email/fax current resume, driver’s a b s t r a c t a n d s a fe t y c e r t i fi c at e s t o ops@movac.ca or 403-201-3684, Calgary, Lac La Biche, Ft. McMurray, AB. CLASS 1A HD Tow Truck Driver required for Lloydminster, AB, area. Permanent fulltime position. Will train. Abstract required. John 780-846-0002 or fax 780-846-0005.

SELECT CLASSIC CARRIERS immediately requires Leased Operators with new model 1 tons and 5 ton straight trucks/ tractors, and Company Drivers; Also require 1 driver with 5L or Class 1 license for operating a haul and tow. Transporting RVs/general freight, USA/Canada. Clean abstract required. Competitive rates. Fuel surcharge/benefits. 1-800-409-1733.

CLASS 1A TRUCK Drivers needed to run water truck in Conklin, AB area, starting December. Water hauling experience would be an asset. Current 1A, H2S, First Aid, CPR, TDG, Confined Space, driver’s abstract and references required. Applicants must be willing to travel and live in WANTED: DRIVERS/OWNER Operators camp setting. Phone 306-937-7427 or fax for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in resume to 306-937-2571. Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. CLASS 1A DRIVER, full-time position, hauling grain and fertilizer in SK and AB. Benefits after 3 months. Contact Guy Trucking Ltd. at 1-888-304-4888, email: dee.guytrucking@sasktel.net

WANTED HARDWARE RETAIL job. Male has 13 years hardware retail experience. Central/ Northern SK. location preferred. Email: runty@sasktel.net

Farm Sales Representative

Com p a ny O verview : Equipm ent Technologies w as founded to address the needs of grow ers and applicators as they faced changes in spraying practices.O ur innovative engineers and m anagem ent team listened to custom ers to create rugged and reliable A pache sprayers that grow ers need, and can afford.Equipm ent Technologies has grow n to be the largest independently ow ned m anufacturer of high-capacity m echanicaldrive sprayers in N orth A m erica, and operates out ofM ooresville, IN . The A pache sprayer is ruggedly sim ple, dependable and profitable for both our dealers and the grow er. O ur com m on m odel parts m eans m ore efficient production, less inventory and results in m ore affordable sprayers. W e distribute our products through independent dealers and direct sales throughout N orth A m erica, U kraine and A ustralia. Equipm ent Technologies continues to innovate and position itself as industryleading application know ledge specialists. B y com bining training and parts distribution at our new ET A g C enter, the new hub for SpraySm arter.com , w e are delivering a full range of sales, service and precision agriculture support to our custom ers.

RWB RANCH IS LOOKING for full-time Class 1 Drivers and Lease Operators to haul livestock and hogs to and from SK, MB, AB, BC and USA. Year-round work. Experience required, paying top wages, new equipment, safety bonuses. 403-625-4658, Claresholm, AB.

ROY HARVESTING now hiring Combine Operators and Truck Drivers for the 2013 harvest. Call Chuck 306-642-0055 or Chris 306-642-0076, Glentworth, SK.





We have been in the seed production and retail business in Southern Manitoba for over 30 years and are looking to expand our sales team. We are looking for an outgoing sales and service oriented person willing to contact both existing and potential new customers through cold calls to expand our sales territory. The selected individual must be able to promote new seed genetics and agricultural products in a professional manner. During the peak season, he or she must be able to assist in the distribution of both seed and chemicals. Applicant must have a valid drivers’ license, basic knowledge of agriculture is a plus and prior sales experience would be an asset as well, but not necessary. Wages and commission are to be determined during the interview based on experience and knowledge and willingness to perform and achieve target sales. If you feel you are the person for this position and enjoy a challenge, please contact us by: Email: info@catellierseeds.com Phone: 204-347-5588 (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) Monday to Friday Fax: 204-347-5890 | Box 25, Dufrost, MB ROA OKO

www.aggrowth.com AGI, a leading manufacturer of grain handling, storage and conditioning equipment, is seeking five Farm Sales Representatives with agricultural experience, for a five-month term position, to promote the AGI catalogue of products through farm calls and small grower meetings.

The successful candidate(s) will become a complimentary part of the existing sales team; developing and executing strategic territory goals aligned with overall business objectives of our grain handling and storage brands. Roles and responsibilities include, presentation of AGI product catalog to producers, organizing individual and group communication sessions or appointments with large producers, developing and executing strategic territory objectives, as well as communicating strategic sales and marketing opportunities within AGI’s Sales Team. For a full description of the responsibilities and requirements please visit: www.aggrowth.com Please forward cover letter, resume and salary expectations to: hr@aggrowth.com or AGI - Human Resources 198 Commerce Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 0Z6





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Report wary Traders predict potash prices to drop 20 percent of inspection overhaul USDA says changes will improve food safety (Reuters) — Regulators pushing to overhaul food safety inspections at poultry slaughterhouses have not thoroughly evaluated pilot projects that critics say could jeopardize food safety, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. The GAO report also said the U.S. Department of Agriculture failed to disclose accurate information about the data the department used to promote what it calls “modernization” changes at the plants. Meat and poultry products contaminated with dangerous pathogens such as salmonella cause many food borne illnesses, and the government plan, which includes speeding up processing lines while cutting back on the number of government inspectors, has sparked significant opposition. If the government is to actually improve poultry inspection, “the (U.S. president Barack) Obama administration needs to get the legal authority from Congress to hold companies accountable for putting contaminated food into commerce, not deregulate inspection,” said Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch, which opposes the government plans. However, the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service said the GAO report contains inaccuracies and misses the main objective of the government effort, which is to reduce overlapping inspections by plant employees and government inspectors and allow government inspectors to focus on areas of greatest risk to food safety. The USDA has been overseeing a pilot project at slaughter plants for young chickens, turkeys and hogs since 1998 with a goal of reducing the number of federal inspectors to save taxpayer money while still strengthening carcass inspection. Twenty-nine plants were participating in July: 19 chicken slaughter plants, five turkey plants and five hog plants. The USDA said in 2011 that operation of the pilot project at 20 young chicken plants showed the streamlined inspection program would ensure equivalent, if not better, levels of food safety and quality than currently provided at plants not in the pilot project. In early 2012, the USDA published a proposed rule that would extend the pilot program for poultry to all U.S. poultry plants. However, the GAO report said it found that the USDA relied on limited snapshots of data and did not complete data evaluations at all turkey and hog plants in the pilot project. Under the USDA proposal, plants could dramatically speed up processing lines and replace many USDA inspectors with poultry company employees. However, government officials have said poultry will be safer in the new system, which would be the first major overhaul of poultry inspection in 50 years.


LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — Potash prices are poised to drop 20 percent after the surprise breakup of the world’s largest producer cartel sent buyers and sellers scrambling to establish new valuations, traders said. Global trade in potash remains largely on ice after Russia’s Uralkali in July quit the Belarusian Potash Co., which together with a rival North American cartel controlled 70 percent of the market. Belarus’ retaliatory arrest of Vladislav Baumgertner, Uralkali’s chief executive officer, in Minsk in late August further highlighted the deep rift between the Russian and Belarusian producers. “As a cartel, producers were able to cut supplies in order to control pric-

es. As competitors, producers will reduce prices rapidly to gain business,” an industry source said. BPC co-founder Belaruskali appears to be particularly keen to secure new supply deals after the split left it with limited global trading infrastructure, which had been dominated by its Russian partner. “Many BPC staff have moved over to Uralkali, which also has much more marketing experience through UKT (Uralkali Trading),” said Paul Burnside, an analyst at CRU International. “Belaruskali will have to work hard to build its relationships with customers and find trading partners.” According to industry sources, Belaruskali has offered India a new

supply contract for the second half of this year at $360 a tonne cost and freight (cfr), down $67 a tonne from contract prices for the first half of 2013. Such an accord would force rival producers to lower prices not only in India but also in other markets, including China, which traditionally sets the lowest potash prices in the market. Indian industry officials said suppliers have agreed to cut prices for Indian buyers on existing contracts, although the size of the discount still needs to be agreed. In the first tangible outcome of the collapse of tightly controlled market discipline, spot prices in Brazil have plummeted to $370 a tonne for gran-

ular potash, a more expensive grade, from $450 a tonne in early July. Chinese buyers are negotiating with producers. Canpotex , the North American cartel that includes potash companies on the Prairies, has held talks with Sinofert, said Agrium spokesperson Todd Coakwell. Prices in China are likely to fall to around $320 a tonne cfr after the Indian precedent and as Uralkali supplies northern China with potash by rail at similar rates, according to sources. In Malaysia and Indonesia, which are two major markets that require potash for the palm oil industry, buyers continue to sit on the sidelines awaiting a cue from China or India.

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Rain takes bite out of Ontario tomato yields Processors scrambling | Sugar beets and white beans also suffered from excessive rain BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

WALLACEBURG, Ont. — Dave and Shelley Crombey are among the processing tomato growers in Ontario who are counting themselves lucky. Their yields are down, but they are in better shape than many other growers, some of whom had to write off entire fields. “To me, I think it’s pretty good considering the year,” Shelley Crombey said. “We’re having good grades and the yield is OK. There’s nothing to complain about.” The crop, which is worth more than $50 million a year to farmers in southwestern Ontario, suffered from excessive rain in May and June. In many cases, plants were left underwater for days. The Crombeys hope to harvest more than 40 tons per acre, which is close to the province’s long-term average yield. Ontario’s tomato processors are scrambling for every last tomato they can find, said Al Krueger of the Ontario Processing Vegetable Grow-

ers. It will require a small miracle for the growers to meet their contracted tonnage, he added. “It’s likely we’ll be short,” he said. “Hopefully they will go into early October. There’s a lot of ground to cover.” Three large processors, Sunbrite Canning and Heinz Canada at Leamington and Conagra Foods in Dresden, buy most of the production. A few kilometres from the Crombeys, Jerry Couture said he harvested his best crop of winter wheat ever — 110

ABOVE: Excessive rainfall and flooded fields earlier this year have left Ontario’s tomato processors scrambling for every tomato they can find. | JEFFREY CARTER PHOTOS LEFT: Shelley Crombey says she and her husband, Dave, are among the fortunate growers, with yields of about 40-tons per acre. bushels per acre — despite what he described as swampy late spring conditions. Crops such as white beans and sugar beets are not faring as well.

Just outside Chatham, Scott Pritchard was busy working down the remains of a 50-acre field of sugar beets. He said his family had rented the

Growing together for generations.

land to another grower, and the crop was written off earlier this year. Excessive rain and broken drainage tiles created a small temporary lake that drowned most of the plants.

When Stacey Olson was a young girl, she loved to visit her father Roland at the elevator and dreamed of one day working for Richardson Pioneer. Today, the Olsons are one of many generations of families who have contributed to the success of Richardson Pioneer over the last 100 years.

“From a very young age, I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps,” says Stacey Olson, administrative coordinator at Richardson Pioneer Carlton Crossing. “Dad’s been working for Richardson Pioneer for 37 years and has always had great pride in his work. Now that I’m here too, I share in that pride.”



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Deere makes quiet launch 2014 lineup | New engines produce less noise and release fewer emissions BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

COLUMBUS, Ohio — John Deere’s machinery lineup for 2014 includes long awaited pieces, such as combine tracks, as well as improvements to engine emissions, transmissions, cab comfort and machinery management. New machines are starting to reach Tier 4 final emissions compliance as they get the first blue-capped tanks for diesel exhaust fluid starting in the new year. More than 1,200 Deere dealer staff and owners were in Columbus, Ohio, recently for the launch of next year’s green and yellow. No roar pierced the quiet countryside when 20 new Deere sprayers fired up all at once to demonstrate how easy it is to set up and operate one of the new mid-sized sprayers. The nearly 20, seven series tractors on the other side of the field didn’t make much noise, either. Part of the change that is happening to farm machinery is how quiet it is becoming. Sound deadening technologies, such as laminated glass, are also making the cab experience much more serene than it was a few years ago. Josh Castillo of Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, said the engines are producing less noise and more power and using less fuel and fluid. “There is a lot of innovative engineering going into these machines,” he said after a training session for media attending the company’s launch. “There always was, but I think there is a bit of snowball effect going on. They’re getting much more interesting and productive, it seems, every year now.” Deere has been making refinements to the combustion systems for many years to lower the nitrogen oxide and particulate matter emissions that its diesel engines produce. Initial steps to freshen the air on the outbound side of the engines included cooled exhaust gas recirculation with variable geometry turbo charging and filtration. Those steps made Deere engines green enough to meet the Tier 4 interim certification. The company announced a couple of years ago that its strategy to reach Tier 4 final standards would involve adding diesel exhaust fluid to a catalyst in the exhaust stream. Tractor marketing manager Jarrod McGinnis said the company expects that the Nebraska tests will show that

ABOVE: Deere’s new mid-sized 800 and 1,000 U.S. gallon sprayers get more power, expel fewer emissions and receive a 120 foot boom and New Leader dry product boxes as options, as well getting new cabs and controls. LEFT: The operator interface and both terminal and controls inside the cab of the new sprayers have been redesigned for 2014. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTOS

Feeding air into the new Deere Tier 4 final compliant swather/ windrower is a redesigned intake and filtration system that pulls air from the top of the rear of the cab. its machines use the least total fluid, diesel and diesel exhaust fluid per hour per acre. “We’ll wait and see what Nebraska says,” he said. The company released its 7R tractors at the Ohio event and showed off one new 8R. The company said the new Tier 4 final 6.8 or 9 litre 7Rs, with horsepower between 210 and 290, will be more fluid efficient than their predecessors. The 9 litre 8Rs with 245 to 370 h.p. will be similar. All six of the eight series machines, both with tires and tracks, will get 10 more horsepower under their bonnets. The biggest 8370s will hit 405 h.p. when power management is activated. Tires got bigger at the top end, with an optional Group 49. The big track and tire nine series machines for 2014 will likely not meet the emissions standard for another season. The industry’s first power shift transmissions were on the 1963 Deere 4020s. Fifty years later, the company has introduced an electronically shifted version of the transmission, the e23, with 23 forward and 11 reverse gears. The transmission will be available on the 7Rs in 2014 and the 8Rs in 2015. It offers the operator the ability to select three modes of operation: auto, manual and a custom created selection. The latter allows the operator to maximize fuel efficiency or power, or a combination of both. The new transmission’s gears are e q u al l y sp ac e d , a n d t h e re a re enough of them that it will operate nearly as smoothly as an infinitely variable transmission (IVT) with the simplicity of the traditional power shift. The IVT is currently the only transmission option for the 345 h.p. and higher 8Rs.


The new e23 has a computer controlled efficiency system that will ensure that the right gear is being used to optimize the unit for either the power take-off or drawbar use. New laminated glass in the Command View 3 cab cuts down on sound coming from the seven and eight series tractors, but a new cooling package is also reducing noise. The cooling package has been changed to make servicing easier and less necessary. The seat is more active than before, reducing vibration and bounce, and now allows a full 40 degrees of side to side movement so that driving forward while looking back is easier on the shoulders and neck. The Command Centre terminal interface has been improved, with touch screen icons and buttons reminiscent of smartphones. The company’s two mid-sized sprayers, the 800 and 1,000 U.S. gallon units, receive more power from the 6.8 and 9 litre Tier 4 final power plants. The new R4030 replaces the 800 gallon 4730 and will sport 280 h.p. under the hood. The R4038 receives

the 305 h.p. nine litre and replaces the 4830. The machines get an option that was previously reserved for the big machine in the lineup: a New Leader brand dry box with two hoppers that can perform variable rate spreading up to 105 feet. The two mid-sized Deeres get the 120 foot spray boom for the first time. They still have 90 and 100 foot boom options. Brea Harms of Deere said the Solution Command System, “with its push button, automated loading and the front fill, are two options we feel with be really popular with farmers. Those booms also get three directional breakaways more boom sections for more efficient shut offs.” The sprayers have the option of direct injection systems for up to 135 U.S. gallons of chemical on board. Autotrac, Boomtrac Pro, section control, a mobile weather station and full JD Link telematics are all choices for the new sprayers. “These were designed from the ground up. New machines,” said Harms. The pair also got the new cabs that appear on the seven and eight series tractors. Prices for the new sprayers start at about $320,000 and $355,000, before the options are added. The new W235 swather, also Tier 4 final, has the 235 6.8 litre engine. It gets a makeover when it comes to

utility and operator comfort with the addition of the big cab found on the Deere S series combines. The revised cooling in the new T4 final engines includes a top feeding air induction, improving dust avoidance and maintenance. Autotrac has been added for the first time, so the operator can stay straight and reduce fatigue. Combines get 36 inch wide factory ATI tracks, which cost about $50,000 for the set if tires aren’t ordered. The chaffer gets a new dual adjustment for improved quality of the sample, while an eight wing feed accelerator will improve crop feeding into the variable stream rotor in tough conditions. A refined version of the automatic combine adjustment for switching between crop settings has been added. To ensure operator comfort, a new heated and cooled leather seat is available. Not every machine gets bigger over time. A new S series machine, the 650, is a Class 5 machine. The S660 and S670 machines are getting a few more horsepower for 2014. The data that the new machines can gather in their Greenstar 3 2630 terminals can now be moved wirelessly. No USB fob is required. A subscription to JD Link Ultimate with remote display access and MyJohnDeere.com’s data sharing and farm management tools will allow instant, remote access to the combine’s data.





Computer algorithm monitors moisture Electromagnetic signals | Water level in kernels affects how waves travel through BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Manitoba entrepreneurs are using a basic principle of physics, that light behaves differently in water, to measure moisture levels inside grain bins. While the technology remains at the proof of concept phase, scientists behind the system think it could compete with existing methods to measure grain moisture content. “The current technology is basically a temperature sensor on a wire that’s strung inside the grain bin. When the grain gets too moist, it sprouts and the temperature goes up,” said Colin Gilmore, co-founder of 151 Research Inc., a Winnipeg technology company. “(Our) technology will actually sense the moisture content. So, hopefully before the grain sprouts, you can get in there and fix it.” Gilmore and his colleagues at 151 Research are designing a prototype system where a series of antennas inside a grain bin send electromagnetic signals back to a computer. The signals provide information on the permittivity of the grain, which a computer algorithm analyzes to devise a three dimensional map of moisture levels inside the bin. “It (permittivity) is basically a measure of how an electromagnetic wave travels through a material,” said Gilmore, who has a PhD from the University of Manitoba, where he specialized in electromagnetic imaging. “It’s directly related to the speed of the wave inside of (a medium)…. And it’s related to how the wave is decaying inside of the media.” Put another way, the Princeton University website defines permittivity as “the measure of how much resistance is encountered when forming an electric field inside a medium.” In the case of grain inside a bin, the amount of water within the grain affects the permittivity. If it’s possible to measure permittivity, that data can be used to calculate moisture content. “Light does different things inside water,” said Gilmore, whose Research 151 colleagues also have PhDs from the U of M. “This is the same physical parameter but we’re just operating at a very different frequency range on the electromagnetic spectrum.” The leaders of 151 Research, in collaboration with TRTech, a technology commercialization company, Intragrain, a grain bin monitoring company in Regina and Joe LoVetri, who runs the Electromagnetic Imaging Laboratory at the University of

A Winnipeg technology company is hoping to develop a grain moisture content monitoring system using electromagnetic imaging. | Manitoba, are finalizing the details of a prototype system to measure moisture content. They plan to install the prototype in September at the CWB Centre for Grain Storage at the U of M. Describing what it looks like, Gilmore said the system is fairly simple. “What we’re dealing with right now is like an old car antenna. Just a wire sticking out of a piece of steel.” Once inside the bin, the antennas transmit signals to a computer. “Data points are collected and fed into a computer algorithm that makes the image. The meat of this technical magic… is in that computer algorithm.” In late August the federal government provided approx imately $300,000 for the project to help commercialize the technology. Gilmore said they are using the

money to prove the technology works and to design a system that is economical for farmers. The technology is pricey at present because LoVetri and his team at the Electromagnetic Imaging Laboratory are focused on potential medical applications.

“This technology isn’t widely used in the biomedical industry. It’s still mostly in research labs,” Gilmore said. “The primary application that has been looked at, for many years, is for breast cancer detection…. That has been the driver of the technology,

from the biomedical side.” Gilmore and his collaborators will simplify the basic concept of that system and apply it to grain bin monitoring. “We’re fairly confident we can bring that cost down to be competitive with the temperature sensing wires.”

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. This product has been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from this product can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for this product. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® crops contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for corn is a combination of four separate individuallyregistered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed treatment technology for canola is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and bacillus subtilis. Acceleron and Design®, Acceleron®, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity Icons, Genuity®, RIB Complete and Design®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup®, SmartStax and Design®, SmartStax®, Transorb®, VT Double PRO®, YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2®, YieldGard Corn Borer and Design and YieldGard VT Triple® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Respect the Refuge and Design is a registered trademark of the Canadian Seed Trade Association. Used under license. ©2013 Monsanto Canada Inc.

Twister’s new series of 4" wide corrugated grain bins range in size up to 75' in diameter. Our bins now offer more flat bottom farm storage and are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. Contact your local dealer today to find out why Twister bins are bigger and better. www.twister.ca







Value-added manure economical, efficient Concentrated nutrients | New technology, composting reduces manure weight and volume but delivers more nutrients BY REBECA KUROPATWA FREELANCE WRITER

Farmers who use manure can’t count on it having the correct available nutrient balance that a crop needs. “With liquid manures, like liquid slim manure, there’s a fairly high proportion of nitrogen in readily plant-available form,” says Jeff Schoenau, a soil science professor at the University of Saskatchewan and a Saskatchewan Agriculture strategic research chair in soil nutrient cycling. “But in our research, we sometimes find the sulfur content, depending on how it’s stored, can be quite low. With solid cow manures, in most cases, (they) seem to have ample sulfur for crops relative to the content of other nutrients. “One solid cow-manure challenge, especially penning (products), is it has a lot of bedding material mixed in with it and low N-availability in the first year or two after application.” Cattle manure often has a high level of phosphorus, which is an important nutrient in crop production, said Schoenau, who owns and operates an 1,800 acre farm 80 kilometres northwest of Moose Jaw, Sask. “If we apply very high rates of manure year after year (especially manure with high phosphorus content), we can then end up with phosphorus loading in the soil,” he said. “It won’t cause crop injury, but it will be an environmental concern.” There is potential for some phosphorus stratification in the soil on no-till operations because of a lack of mixing. As well, water passing through crop residue on the surface of zero till fields creates potential for enhanced soluble phosphorus transportation.

Getting nutrient balances right and in the right place is the challenge with field applied manure. | However, a lack of protective cover residue would allow water moving across the soil to detach soil particles, resulting in less soluble phosphorus but more particular phosphorus movement. “In general, in the Prairies, and Saskatchewan, for example, the percentage of farmers doing no till in grey soil is greater than about 85 percent,” said Schoenau. No till is not an issue with liquid manures because of the widespread use of injection technology, which also avoids odour concerns and localized nitrogen losses. “The key to managing anything is knowing its content,” said Schoenau. “You can use average-book values, but those can vary greatly from farmto-farm, depending on feeds, how manure is stored, etc.

“It’s really important to analyze the manure to determine the needed application. It gives you a measurement of the total available manure nutrients and a prediction — very useful to agronomists and growers in determining the appropriate manure rate. “With that manure analysis is a soil test, fertilizer recommendation, and crop nutrition plan to determine the amount of needed manure nutrients and what, if any, supplemental (commercial fertilizer).” Schoenau said the best cost savings come from manure that is free and available nearby. However, a major challenge with manure is its low nutrient content per unit weight. Cattle manure that has one to two percent nitrogen by weight, com-


pared to a commercial fertilizer that has 46 percent nitrogen by weight, must be applied several tonnes per acre or however much the crop needs. The amount of time this requires adds to the cost. Transportation also increases the price. “There’s new technology that, in some cases, can concentrate manure nutrients,” said Schoenau. As well, composting increases manure nutrient concentration, reducing its volume and weight and makes it easier to handle. These methods add value to manure, making it easier to apply and more economical to move longer distances. Sheena and his team recently completed a study with the Prairie Agriculture Machinery Institute, com-

paring the impact of uniform versus non-uniform manure application. “We found high rates on non-uniform application did, sometimes, have a detrimental effect on the crop yield and created some hot spots of nutrient accumulation in the field, which seemed to contribute to increased runoff in those spots,” he said. “So, you want manure uniform and easy to handle. If you have a neighbour who has a cattle farm, you can have their cattle come onto your field in the fall to clean up some residue and volunteer cereals by eating it and then excreting nutrients like N and phosphorus onto the soil. They’re like nutrient factories, producing fertilizer with fairly high nutrient availability. It’s good to move those sites around for better spread.”





Vermeer’s big machines put up dry manure by the bag Manure system includes grinder, compost worker and trommel screener BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

GUELPH, Ont. — When it comes to managing dry manure, it’s hard to beat the armoury of big guns Vermeer recently brought to the annual Manure Expo in Guelph. American farmers are finding economic benefits to composting dry manure rather than simply spreading the raw product on their fields, says Ted Dirkx, a recycling solutions specialist with Vermeer. “Producers are doing a lot more value-added processing of their manure right on the farm,” Dirkx said. “They pile and compost the raw product right on site. After turning and aerating for six to eight weeks, it’s ready to be sold to cash crop farmers or applied to their own fields. A lot of dry composted manure is bagged and sold to garden centres and landscapers.” The big dog in the field is the Vermeer HT 600 TX Horizontal Grinder, which at first glance looks like it is being carried on a lowboy flatbed trailer. However, the HT 600 TX actually is the trailer. Powered by a 755 horsepower diesel, the grinder is equipped with its own self-propelled set of tracks for on-site manoeuvring. The entire drive system is an undercarriage taken directly from a Caterpillar D5. Most drive systems within the HT 600 TX are hydraulic. The high speed rotary mill was originally designed to grind pulp wood as a fuel for generating electricity in wooded areas, but is now being used to grind hay, large composting materials and hog, horse and cattle carcasses. Raw compost material is ready for

The 755 h.p. Vermeer HT 600 TX portable processing plant handles forestry products, hay, manure and large animals. | RON LYSENG PHOTOS six to eight weeks of turning and aerating after it comes out the end of the HT 600 TX. Vermeer has a variety of machines dedicated to this process, and brought the popular CT 612 Wildcat to the Guelph show. “This is the basic machine you need for a composting operation,” Dirkx said. “It’s necessary to re-introduce oxygen once a week by turning the manure. You need to keep putting those microbes in touch with fresh manure. The CT 612 aerates compost windrows up to six feet high and 12 feet wide in a single pass.” The third tool in the Vermeer compost kit is the TR520 portable trommel screen. Commercial manure processors who market bagged or bulk manure need a machine such as the TR20 so they can supply clients with the quality of compost they need. Composted manure is loaded into the hopper at the middle of the machine. The half inch rotating screen is the most common size. Manure a half inch and smaller goes through the screen and is bagged for sale. Large lumps are applied on the field. For more information, contact Dirkx at 641-628-3141 or visit www. vermeer.com.

ABOVE: The Vermeer CT 612 Wildcat mixes and aerates the manure. LEFT: The 755 h.p. diesel turns the hydraulic pumps, which in turn provides power to the entire portable processing plant, including the Caterpillar D5 undercarriage drive system.

Selling manure commercially is easier with a rotating trommel screener like the Vermeer TR520. This demo is set up so everything half-inch and smaller goes out one end to be bagged, while large lumps exit via the other conveyor for field application.

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Resource companies participate in some research projects on Antelope Creek Ranch. This one involves mowing and collecting native prairie grass and seeds in one area, and then spreading the plant mass on an area to be reclaimed. The hope is that native species will then establish on former oil and gas sites. | BARB GLEN PHOTOS RANGELAND MANAGEMENT | PARTNERSHIP

Antelope Creek Ranch: conservation to th Environmental interests work together to show wetland management, cattle grazing, energy activities and research can co-exist BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Antelope Creek Ranch near Brooks, Alta., is open to the public, and visitors are welcome to explore its stretch of mixed grass prairie and wetlands.

BROOKS, Alta. — It’s mixed prairie in more ways than one. On the Antelope Creek Ranch, it’s a mix of the Alberta government, the Alberta Fish and Game Association, Ducks Unlimited Canada and Wildlife Habitat Canada that work together to manage a 6,000-acre piece of mixed grass prairie and wetlands. The site, dedicated to livestock grazing, wildlife habitat, wetlands and related research, seems to function well despite the many potential chefs stirring the conservational soup. “Antelope Creek Ranch is a partnership, and what it really is working to do, originally, is to show the coexistence of wildlife and rangeland management,” said Ron Bjorge, a wildlife biologist with Alberta Environment and chair of the ranch management committee. “That happened quite handily.” The province bought the ranch in 1986 from private owners. It is leased by the Alberta Fish and Game Association and managed through a joint venture. Bjorge said the ranch was suffering from drought and grazing pressure in the 1980s, but range health had been restored within 10 years. Neal Wilson, who manages the ranch with his wife, Shannon Burnard, said records show it provided

slightly more than 900 animal unit months (AUM) and grazed 135 cowcalf pairs in the 1980s. Now it provides 1,900 to 2,000 AUM and provides summer grazing for 300 cowcalf pairs placed by the Eyremore Grazing Association. “We could probably push it … but then you’re always planning for the next drought, because next year we may not get rain,” Wilson said. “So we’ll leave a little bit extra litter around.” He and Burnard have been managing the ranch for several years, which involves grazing and cattle management, assisting with research projects, conducting tours, supervising hunters on the property and riding herd on oil and gas companies, which have 110 leases on the site. Bjorge said the resource company activity has provided a new goal for the ranch. “A new objective is to essentially pioneer the demonstration of restoration practices for gas and oil and to work in that sphere,” he said. Wilson and Burnard are cautious in their comments about oil and gas company activity. Relationships took time to develop after they moved to the ranch and noticed field workers driving outside their lease area. “It took us about three years to train them,” said Burnard. “They started taking us seriously, as in how surveys should be done, how we wanted things done and the seeding mix we were going to use, all of

that jazz, so now it’s really quite easy.” The resource companies must meet provincial reclamation requirements, and some are conducting their own research into reseeding with native grasses, a process assisted by Wilson and Burnard. The ranch also hosts tours from Lethbridge College’s wildlife and grazing management classes. Several post-graduate university students have done masters or doctoral research based on the ranch, including a recently published study on the effects of oil and gas activity on songbird nesting sites. “We’ve always had students using the ranch throughout the 28 years,” said Wilson. “If there are any other groups that want to be toured around, we will do that. There’s a lot of birders that come out in the spring and use the ranch.” A 2007 bird survey showed 85 species spend time at Antelope Creek. Of those, 28 are listed as endangered, at risk or of concern. The ranch has several parking areas designed to encourage visitors to park, walk through grasslands or visit some of the 36 wetlands scattered throughout the property. Some are man-made and augmented by the Eastern Irrigation District system, while others are natural potholes. Wilson said it’s a safe area in which to explore the prairie ecosystem. “The only (possible danger) is badger holes. It’s a safe thing to walk around in. The only predator we’ve




ABOVE: There are 110 oil and gas leases on Antelope Creek Ranch. Companies are expected to comply with environmental regulations and reclamation requirements. Traffic by the resource industry is frequent on the ranch’s 15 kilometres of road. LEFT: Ranch manager Neal Wilson examines pasture species in a research plot near where the cow herd is grazing. The ranch hosts 300 cow-calf pairs from the Eyremore Grazing Association. Wilson said good rainfall and grazing management have increased the ranch’s carrying capacity in recent years.

he max A new objective is to essentially pioneer the demonstration of restoration practices for gas and oil and to work in that sphere. RON BJORGE WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST

got out here is the coyote, and they are what they are.” Visitors have few restrictions other than requirements to close gates behind them, take all garbage with them and keep to designated routes and parking areas. Camping and fires are prohibited. The ranch receives 250 visitors a year, but Wilson and Burnard would like to see more. “We would like to see more education use, for sure, using the land base for research and studies and other such stuff, because we are a wildlife and habitat development ranch, so we’d like to have people come out and use it.” Range consultant Susan Michalsky of Eastend, Sask., is among the researchers who have used the ranch. She recently collected data for an invasive plant inventory, with which she plans to devise a management plan for the ranch. “It certainly has a lot of potential, I think, as a resource, especially with respect to what they have me out there doing,” said Michalsky.

She said wetland development in the 1980s, followed by more recent oil and gas activity, has brought many weeds and invasive species to the ranch. Research on managing these species could have wider application. “I do think it’s under-utilized as a facility. I think they probably could do quite a lot more research and a lot more communications from what they find from the ranch. Neal sees that potential.” Bjorge said the ranch is not so much a tourist destination as an example of how grazing, wildlife and resource exploration can co-exist. The ranch, which is self-supporting, derives its income from oil and gas operations and cattle grazing. Any surplus goes into a fund for future management. “It’s a pretty bare bones kind of operation.” He said research related to the ranch is encouraged, but the joint venture is not a research agency. Antelope Creek Ranch is located 15 kilometres southwest of Brooks. More information is available at www.antelopecreekranch.ca.

ABOVE: Neal Wilson and Shannon Burnard maintain a small herd of Dexter cattle on Antelope Creek Ranch. They finish the calves on grass and sell them later as freezer beef. LEFT: Cow and calf tracks on the edge of one wetland on the ranch show recent traffic. However, ranch managers Neal Wilson and Shannon Burnard say the number of watering sites on the property prevent cattle from doing major damage to any one wetland.




Cattle are silhouetted against a sunset sky north of Chamberlain, Sask.



COWBOY ON STAKEOUT What’s a guy to do when hungry varmints attack the sweet corn crop in the garden? It might be time for drastic measures. | Page 83

L IV EST O C K E D I TO R : B A R B G LEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BA R B GLE N



Alta. town celebrates U.S. beef plant closure beef sector rebound holds lesson for Manitoba BY BARB GLEN

Private sector should initiate | Ottawa reneged on $10 million loan BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

A failed beef slaughter plant in South Dakota was a significant factor in the decision to terminate a cattle levy in Manitoba, says the province’s agriculture minister. Ron Kostyshyn ended a $2 checkoff on cattle sold in the province Aug. 30 and announced the closure of the Manitoba Cattle Enhancement Council (MCEC), which administered the levy. The $2 levy had been in place since 2006, when the province created MCEC and gave it a mandate to expand beef slaughter capacity in the province. The council’s flagship project was a proposed $40 million slaughter plant in Winnipeg, which was supposed to kill 500 head per day for the halal and kosher beef markets. Kostyshyn said this summer’s bankruptcy of Northern Beef Packers, a 1,500 head per day cattle slaughter plant in Aberdeen, S.D., demonstrated how difficult it is for a small or mid-sized plant to compete in the slaughter industry. “When you have an Aberdeen, South Dakota (plant) … where they fired up and they were in business for less than a year … within a year they got into receivership, I think that’s a true template of how challenging it is in the beef processing industry.” Kostyshyn said overcapacity in the beef slaughter business was another factor in the decision. “If you look down in the States right now, we’re down to the 1960s cattle numbers,” Kostyshyn said, adding the size of Manitoba’s herd is also down. “There is still not a strong appetite for producers to get back into the cattle industry.” Cam Dahl, general manager of Manitoba Beef Producers (MBP), agreed the Northern Beef Packers story conveyed a strong message about the beef slaughter business.

I don’t think we can make the puzzle (pieces) fit if they don’t. CAM DAHL MANITOBA BEEF PRODUCERS

“That (bankruptcy) gave us considerable pause as well,” he said. “And it’s not the only one. There have been a number of plants of that size, across North America that have not been able to make it.” Producers have been highly critical of MCEC for the last few years, suggesting the levy was nothing but a tax on ranchers and the Winnipeg plant concept was doomed. As testament to the frustration, MBP passed resolutions at successive annual general meetings that called on the province to end the levy. MCEC had collected $5.6 million in voluntary check-off dollars since 2006 after taking levy refunds into account. Many producers criticized MCEC for spending $1.1 million of that money on consultants and other professionals. “(That’s) one of the frustrations,” Dahl said. “I would say the most frustrating thing for cattle producers is that there isn’t a processing plant as a result of this effort.” Kostyshyn defended MCEC’s government appointed board and its staff, noting it takes financial resources to “facilitate” the construction of a cattle slaughter plant. “The MCEC board and staff have worked very hard…. They were very dedicated individuals that wanted this to be successful. They weren’t

there for a pony ride,” he said. “There is a price (for) … six years of having a manager and staff dealing with the check-off dollars. There was a price we paid to purchase the site.… There (were) also taxes.” The provincial news release announcing the closure of MCEC suggested the federal government was partly responsible for the downfall of the proposed Winnipeg plant. Ottawa pulled a $10 million loan for the project in 2011, citing deficiencies in the business plan. The federal government redirected the $10 million toward the expansion of the HyLife Foods hog slaughter plant in Neepawa, Man. “I’m not one that’s going to sit here and criticize the federal government,” Kostyshyn said. “But… there was an understanding that the $10 million was to be used towards the Marion Street project and unfortunately it was pulled o u t… . W h e n $ 1 0 m i l l i o n g e t s yanked, it’s pretty tough to recover from that shock.” MCEC leaders failed to find private investors to replace the federal funding, which was also a significant factor in the decision to end the levy. MCEC did commit funding to Plains Processors, a provincial slaughter plant in Carman that is expanding its operation and intends to become a federally licensed facility. “If Calvin Vaags (the owner of Plains Processors) gets the support that was promised to him, that would be one thing that MCEC would put on (its) list (of accomplishments),” Kostyshyn said. Dahl said the MCEC saga is an example of how government can play a supporting role in slaughter plants but not the starring role. “Projects like this should be led … and initiated by someone in the private sector who sees an opportunity and pursues that,” he said. “I don’t think we can make the puzzle (pieces) fit if they don’t.”


BROOKS, Alta. — More than 500 people gathered in Brooks Sept. 7 to celebrate the beef industry one year after E. coli contamination at the local processing plant rocked the Canadian industry. The largest meat recall in the country’s history originated Sept. 16, 2012, at what was then the XL Foods plant on the city’s outskirts. The fallout affected trade, government policy, consumer confidence and plant ownership. Contaminated beef sickened 18 people, temporarily closed the plant and put most of its 2,200 people on layoff. The recall eventually spread across Canada and into more than 25 U.S. states. However, a steady flow of people lined up last weekend for free beef on a bun and other fixings. They were supplied by new plant owners, JBS Canada, a subsidiary of JBS SA, the world’s largest meat processor. The mood and music were celebratory as representatives from Canada Beef, Alberta Beef Producers, the Alberta and national cattle feeders associations and other groups handed out bumper stickers while talking with attendees.


“We’re almost at capacity and most importantly, we’re running in control. That’s really the long and short of it,” said Sterling Fox, director of procurement for JBS in Brooks, in reference to plant operations. “We’re working our way towards 4,000 and we’re getting real close.” Reaching that capacity will depend on cattle availability. Low inventories continue in Canada and the

United States, he added. The Brooks plant is one of only two federally inspected cattle processing plants in Western Canada, and it slaughters up to 40 percent of the country’s cattle. Molly Douglass, reeve for the County of Newell, said she welcomed the beef industry celebration as a sign of better things to come. “We’re just happy that things turned around as quickly as they did last year. JBS has come into our community and they communicate with us and try to help us understand their business.” The plant is one of the county’s largest employers at about 2,200 people. Douglass said she and other municipal officials have toured the plant, which JBS bought from Nilsson Brothers in January. “We really feel as though they are striving to do the best job possible, and that’s what we want for our community. It’s pretty neat to be here today celebrating.” She acknowledged the blow struck by last year’s contamination at the plant, but said she had reservations about how the severity was portrayed. “In my mind, it was totally overblown,” she said. “Let’s worry about E. coli on lettuce and spinach and things like that. We can cook it out of the beef. But that’s a hard sell to people who don’t understand the system.” Canada Beef chair Chuck MacLean said the industry has other things to look forward to, now that the Brooks plant is running and cattle prices are stable. The federal government recently announced implementation of an import levy that will be applied to all beef and beef products. “We’ll probably see the first invoices go out here in October,” MacLean said. “We’ve been a little bit slow getting it implemented because we were waiting for the minister to make the official announcement.” He estimates the levy will generate up to $1 million per year.





Beef producers must use labour resources, programs efficiently ANIMAL HEALTH



eef producers are not immune to the labour shortage facing today’s agricultural industry. The oil and gas sector, especially in Alberta, draws workers from across Canada and abroad to satisfy its voracious appetite. What can we do in agriculture to alleviate this strain on the labour force? Producers are independent people and often get used to doing the dayto-day activities themselves. However, the single person philosophy becomes taxed during cattle processing or calving. Processing, or any other procedure in which animals must run through the chute, requires extra labour to run efficiently. Ideally, the help would have experience handling cattle, although the newer systems make it easy to train inexperienced people and still keep it safe. The new working systems, especially hydraulic chutes, decrease the workload significantly. Producers often ask us to bring our veterinary technicians with us when doing procedures such as castrations and pregnancy checks. We always do this during semen evaluations to speed up the procedure. This way, skilled people are available for vaccinating or processing who are familiar with cattle handling and can operate the various makes of chutes. This reduces the training that is required, and producers are charged only for the time they work. Our technicians also go out on their own when only processing is done or to help handle exotics such as bison or elk. Arrangements must be made ahead of time because they may be needed at the clinic. Foot trimmers will often help process, and in many cases, also custom fit cattle. We even have two custom processing crews that work on farms when they aren’t needed at the auction markets. They use the most efficient forms of processing, such as auto fill syringes, and I find they are diligent at keeping vaccines at the right temperature, administering products properly and safely and minimizing waste. Your processing will get done faster with less stress on the animals. Don’t hesitate to ask them or your local veterinarian about how to improve the process for next year. There is a need for this sort of service in each region, and if the business is there they will start up. If older children are home on weekends , do your herd procedures then. Veterinary clinics that are open on Saturdays often encourage working when the producer has extra help. Producers would often help each other out in the days when herds were smaller, but these arrangements can often break down if the workload becomes too one-sided or the system is labour intensive or unsafe to operate. However, it’s still a great thing to do

if it can be made to work. The workload is diminished, you get to learn from your neighbours, there is great camaraderie and neighbours get to know how to operate your system. This becomes even more beneficial when you need to be away and the neighbour can come over to help the veterinarian, hoof trimmer or nutritionist. Perhaps you all need to keep a running total and settle up any differences in time spent at the end of the year. If you are all organized, more will get done and the extra skilled labour will be used. Producers should also invite urban residents to help out whenever possible. Friends or relatives often relish the idea of spending time on the

farm. That is why the traditional brandings draw such a crowd. They will obviously need some training, but it won’t take them long to catch on if you put them in a safe spot. The enthusiasm they show may be contagious, and teaching is always rewarding. This puts more people in touch with agriculture and may lead to part-time employees down the road. Don’t forget the foreign worker programs. These workers are enthusiastic and often come back year after year. Many large operations say they would not survive if it weren’t for them. Roy Lewis works as a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health in Alberta.

Use skilled help when processing cattle and seek help from neighbours, friends and the foreign workers program for other chores. | FILE PHOTO

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Red tape a nightmare in bringing bison to island Disease concerns, jurisdiction debate | Government departments debate whether to classify bison as wildlife or cattle BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Michelle Young hopes she is nearly over the last hurdle as she tries to establish the first bison herd in Newfoundland and Labrador. Last week, she was waiting to hear if the province’s wildlife department wanted her to build an eight-foot game fence or if she could use a hightensile electric fence. Once that decision is made, 15 yearlings from the Ponoka, Alta., ranch of Mark and Tina Stewart should be on their way to their new home on the southwest coast of the island in the Bay St. George area. It’s a long road for the bison, but it’s already been a two-and-a-half year journey for Young. The single mother of boys aged four and five was looking for a business venture that could support the family. “I knew I didn’t want to do cows or pigs or sheep, something traditional,” she said. “I wanted something that was going to be low maintenance.”

It tastes more like beef and it cooks like moose. It should be a walk in the park for anybody here on the island because if you know how to cook up a moose steak, you know how to cook up a bison. MICHELLE YOUNG NEWFOUNDLAND BISON PRODUCER

Prairie bison such as these may soon be on their way to a farm in Newfoundland. | She was attracted to the healthy meat product, the ability to sell the whole animal and the opportunity to raise bison organically. Young didn’t grow up on a farm but

has worked since a teenager at dairies, vegetable farms and most recently a local butcher shop. She also has an aboriginal background, and while bison are not

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native to Newfoundland, she said they have a cultural significance. She started the project by researching her idea and then approached the provincial government. O n e o f th e ma in co ncer ns to emerge was the possible introduction of disease that could affect the province’s moose population. Then there was the question of which department is responsible. Bison are listed as livestock in animal health legislation. “Natural resources regards them as livestock, and they consider raising buffalo on the same line as raising cattle,” said Young. “But I have to go through the department of wildlife to get my permit to import. It’s a real head scratcher because after they’ve signed this piece of paper saying I can bring animals in, they don’t have anything else to do with them.” As well, officials weren’t confident of the market for bison on the East Coast and weren’t sure about Young and her ability to be a bison rancher. She spent 10 weeks working at the Stewart ranch last year, learning about their wood bison and what is involved in raising them. She said that experience has made her more confident that she can spearhead the development of a new industry in Newfoundland. The idea of bison on the island isn’t new. The species was introduced as a wild ruminant to Brunette Island off the Burin Peninsula in the 1960s but didn’t survive. However, Young’s plan to treat them as a domestic farm animal, as they are in other provinces, should make her plan more successful. She has 137 acres along the TransCanada Highway just outside Heatherton, where she intends to implement a rotational grazing system to keep feed costs down as much as possible. Hay is available and shortages are uncommon, she said. The initial herd of 15 should grow to about 40 breeding females over the years. Slaughter can be done at her former workplace, Loch Leven Slaughterhouse. Young said her business, known as JNJ Bison Co., would benefit the slaughterhouse because it operates only about half the year during

moose hunting season. “Everybody’s excited to see it happen,” she said. “Rural communities are disappearing everywhere, and they are excited to see something new, especially the tourism aspect.” Young found a veterinarian who is originally from Saskatchewan and has experience with bison. She has approached restaurants, particularly in St. John’s, and chefs are interested in a steady supply of locally raised bison. Young said many people from Western Canada who work in Newfoundland would appreciate being able to get a good quality bison burger or steak. She thinks the locals would like it, too. “It tastes more like beef and it cooks like moose,” she said. “It should be a walk in the park for anybody here on the island because if you know how to cook up a moose steak, you know how to cook up a bison.” Young said 90 percent of the province’s food is imported. “Just for food security, you’d think the government and everybody would be excited about starting a new industry here.” Young was able to buy her calves using a gift from her mother. She said she would gladly accept investment from others, particularly those with bison industry experience. She hopes to be able to tap into aboriginal business start-up programs, as well as Growing Forward programs. She didn’t qualify for funding the last two years because the provincial government didn’t recognize her as a new entrant. She said that’s because she had no farming experience and or agricultural education. “Apparently you have to have lots of experience and lots of financing behind you,” she said. The high cost of starting the venture and dealing with the many regulatory issues have been draining. Young has been on a self-employment benefit program for the last year. “I’m tired of that. I want a job that I can go to every day and that I can enjoy and have my children involved. Hopefully, I’ll be raising future bison farmers.” She hopes the animals will be on their way by the end of September.





Man, raccoon and family garden: protecting the golden harvest



feel a little like Bill Murray’s character, Carl, the assistant groundskeeper, in the movie, Caddyshack. In the movie, Carl was up against a gopher on the golf course. Eventually, he resorted to plastic explosives. For me, the sweet corn in the garden is coming along nicely and it’s pitting me against the raccoons. I haven’t quite resorted to plastic explosives. Yet. Every year, we plant a few rows of sweet corn in the garden, and, most every year, it seems like we planted it for the dining pleasure of a roving gang of ring-tailed bandits. We often wonder what the “just right” time is to pick the corn. We shouldn’t have to guess because we know it is nearing the height of perfection when the coons move in on it. We wait, and check an ear, and think the next day might be our day to harvest and then bam, we walk out in the morning to utter destruction:

a.m. to find the corn stripped clean. The raccoons obviously had a lookout to wave his buddies in when the armed guard’s chin hit his chest. I appreciate my sleep too much to try that, but I do have some expertise with electric fencing, as well as a solar fencer that isn’t being used in the pasture that I can dedicate to garden duty. I’ve heard of people doing a couple, three wires close to the ground, but I wanted more. I found an electric varmint fence in a catalog with small squared netting a foot and half high and its own attached posts to stick in the ground every 10 feet. I set it up around the garden, attached the fencer, and gave it a test — 5,600 volts. That should bounce them back when they come a looking to mess with my maize. My seven-year-old middle son inspected my fence and asked, “what if the raccoons set up a barrel or a bucket to get up on and jump down from, over the fence and into the garden?” Fair question. They do have those rather dexterous forepaws. All I could say was, “well, son, that’s when we bring out the plastic explosives.” Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.


Nineteen-year-old Baldy waits patiently while his owner, eight-yearold Colter Froshaug of Minton, Sask., struggles to get mounted. The pair were getting ready to practice team roping in the Big Muddy Valley in Southern Saskatchewan earlier this summer. | CARLA FROSHAUG PHOTO



broken down stalks, cleaned off cobs and lots of those little hand-like paw prints up and down the rows. It’s been a long standing feud. I remember Mom having the same struggle in her garden. Mom tried some of the usual tricks you hear about. She plugged in a radio in the garden and turned it up to keep them away. She claimed she looked out one morning and caught them dancing. Could have been a gateway to further raccoon reproduction, so she turned it off. She got human hair from the barber and sprinkled it around the perimeter to ward them off. Those coons were not afraid of humans or their hair or their music, it turned out. Moth balls didn’t do much either, even for the moths. I know we’re not the only ones fighting this battle. A friend told me about a neighbour who’d finally had it with the coons eating his corn. He parked his pickup next to the garden, sat in it with his rifle and vowed to stay up all night to guard against the bandits. If he caught them so much as setting a paw in his garden, he was going to shoot it up like the OK Corral. Well, just like calving heifers, sometimes the need for sleep is just too powerful. At 2 a.m., this garden guardian dozed off, and woke up at 3


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0.950 0.940

1.70% 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30



8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate


Sept. 9

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ADM upgrades speed delivery

Strong job creation in August dropped the Canadian jobless rate one point to 7.1 percent. For the week, the TSX composite rose 1.3 percent, the Dow rose 0.8 percent, the S&P 500 finished up 1.4 percent and the Nasdaq climbed two percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.

ADM Agri-Industries expansion | Alberta facility allows growers to unload ‘ATM-style’



One of the largest canola crushing plants on the Prairies has streamlined its seed receiving capabilities and is poised to open the biggest biodiesel plant in Canada. ADM Agri-Industries is putting the finishing touches on an expansion at its plant in Lloydminster, Alta., that will greatly reduce waiting times at the facility. The company has nearly doubled its storage capacity with four new bins and has more than doubled its seed receiving capacity by adding a second line, moving to a scheduled delivery system and installing two seed kiosks. “All of it is geared to getting growers in, out and on their way so that they have a fast and predictable delivery experience,” said J.P. Montalvo, manager of the Lloydminster plant. Wait times were unpredictable in the past, ranging from 1.5 to five hours, and frustrated growers were taking their business elsewhere. The expansion addresses those concerns in time for the 2013 harvest. “What we want growers to expect is that they can get in and out in an hour,” said Montalvo. Todd Hames, a canola grower from Mar wayne, Alta., has firsthand experience with the old receiving line. “I’ve rolled in there before when the trucks are parked out on the street and you don’t know how long you’re going to be there for,” he said. “The farm delivery part (of the ADM plant) was one of the portions in dire need of some upgrades.” Hames has delivered canola to the plant following some of the upgrades and noticed a marked improvement. “Scheduling was a big change that helped us out a lot,” he said. Hames lives 30 minutes from the p l a nt a n d c a n n ow c o u nt o n a two-hour roundtrip to deliver his canola. “It certainly makes it more attractive to price canola in there if you know it won’t take you all month to


ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY W.I.T. OTC

CLOSE LAST WK 35.79 15.88 76.40 33.70 13.15

35.21 16.30 75.78 33.82 13.15



Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Input Capital TSX Ridley Canada TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 61.621 0.05 19.75 1.69 12.45

61.621 0.055 19.80 1.70 12.50



Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX BioExx TSX Hormel Foods NY Maple Leaf TSX Premium Brands TSX Smithfield NY Sun-Rype TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 11.16 0.01 42.21 13.74 18.55 33.92 7.46

11.25 0.01 41.43 13.75 18.84 33.53 7.45


New bins, an additional receiving lane and self-serve drive through seed unloading kiosks are part of the upgrades at ADM Agri-Industries’ Lloydminster, Alta., crushing plant. The company will also soon open a biodiesel plant on the site. | ADM AGRI-INDUSTRIES PHOTO deliver it,” he said. ADM is installing two drive-through seed unloading kiosks. Growers and commercial carriers will be assigned tags that they will scan to identify themselves at delivery. “The producer won’t have to get out of their trucks.” Montalvo said. “They’ll be able to basically pull up ATM-style.” Drivers will be prompted to enter contract and payment information into a touch screen. The tag will be scanned again in the unloading area to ensure the correct payment, weight and grade has been assigned to that load of canola. The addition of four new storage bins will ensure ADM is able to accommodate canola being delivered straight off the combine. Bunge, Cargill and Richardson have been adding crush capacity to their plants, but Montalvo said ADM’s approach is to “debottleneck” its facilities and increase throughput. He wouldn’t divulge the plant’s

capacity, but according to industry information it is about 1.4 million tonnes annually, making it the second biggest operation on the Prairies, next to Cargill’s plant in Clavet, Sask. The company is also in the process of commissioning an adjacent biodiesel plant, which will have the capacity to produce 265 million litres a year. It will be the biggest plant in Canada and require seed from 550,000 to 600,000 acres of canola. “It does open up another market for western Canadian canola growers to be able to move their product into,” said Montalvo. The biodiesel plant will provide a stable market in the heartland of Canadian canola production, one that is not subject to the whims and policy risks of international trade. Hames, who is president of the Canadian Canola Growers Association, said a global-scale biodiesel plant has been a long time coming. “That’s a big milestone to finally

get. I mean, the whole world is producing biodiesel in big plants like this,” he said. “It’s certainly exciting for all of Canada to finally be producing our own biodiesel in our own country to meet the mandates that the government has regulated.” He said it will be nice to have the market pull for about 500,000 tonnes of canola in his own backyard. “It’s a lot of canola and it’s a lot of acres and it’s great to be fulfilling the Canadian mandate.” Montalvo said the plant will be global in scale and will compete in export markets as well as meet provincial and federal mandates in Canada. “The capacity is actually greater than what the Prairies will consume, so we do have an opportunity to be an exporter as well,” he said. Montalvo feels “very comfortable” that the plant will commence operations in the fourth quarter of 2013 as originally planned.


Tyson Foods NY AGCO Corp. NY Ag Growth Int’l TSX Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY

CLOSE LAST WK 29.50 57.39 36.08 6.55 83.39 46.54 82.61

28.95 56.56 35.27 6.15 82.54 45.88 83.64



Vicwest Fund TSX Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX

CLOSE LAST WK 12.83 88.75 87.86 109.86 38.56 57.11 2.63 99.89 42.16 31.39

12.35 90.10 87.40 111.07 37.40 56.62 2.31 97.89 41.65 31.15



CLOSE LAST WK 79.34 100.33 126.06

78.38 98.78 123.87

Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. in Calgary. Member of CIPF. Equity prices are from Thomson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd, Assiniboia Farmland LP. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last year, Raymond James provided paid advice regarding securities of Cervus Equip. Contact Morrison at 877-264-0333.


Univar celebrates the survival of independent Canadian agriculture input dealers BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Who wants to celebrate a half-century leading to apparent failure? Univar’s Canadian agriculture division didn’t, so the company did little to mark its first 50 years in business in 2007.

But now the mood is completely different, and the company and its customers are feeling like they are back on top. “Five years later, Univar is celebrating our best year ever for the second year in a row,” said Neil Douglas, Univar Agriculture’s general sales manager.

Univar’s Canadian agriculture division celebrated its 55th anniversary Sept. 5 on the front lawn of its Winnipeg headquarters with a meal and speeches lauding the rebounding fortunes of the independent agriculture input dealers of Western Canada. Rather than fading from the Prairie

scene, independent dealers have prospered even as competitors have grown and become more aggressive. “A lot of the world wrote off the independent dealer, but you guys are too stubborn, too smart to let that happen,” said Mike Hildebrand, the Univar vice-president for

global agriculture and environmental services. Univar is a privately owned global company operating in many industrial sectors and is the number one chemical supplier in many of its markets. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE






It’s no coincidence that great employees have great bosses THE BOTTOM LINE



ouring big-city publishing and media executives through his printing plant never gets old for Curwin Friesen. “We have a lot of customers from New York, Boston or L.A. who come here for press checks,� says the president of Friesens Corp., located in Altona, Man., a town of 4,200 an hour’s drive south of Winnipeg. “For them, we’re in the middle of nowhere and they’re kind of confused about what to expect,� Friesen says. “Print shops have a reputation as dingy, dirty, ink-covered sorts of places, so when they see a brightly lit facility with art everywhere and floors so clean it looks like you could eat off them, it really makes a statement about our company.� It does more than that, actually. A clean, cheerful workplace is just part of Friesens’ progressive approach to personnel management. Farm employers could learn a lot from this company, whose engaged and inno-

A clean workplace is part of “the pride piece� at Friesens Corp. — one of the many innovative ways the company encourages its employees to act like owners. | FRIESENS CORP PHOTO vative workforce is the reason it’s Canada’s largest printer of hardcover books (everything from Harry Potter to high-end coffee-table books) and is prospering in a time of upheaval in the book business. It starts by ensuring the cleaning kits liberally scattered around its 250,000 sq. foot production facility are used regularly. “Cleanliness is a big part of the pride piece,� says Friesen, who is one of 38 Friesens on the payroll unrelated to the company’s founders. “We really emphasize that if there’s down time — you’re waiting for paper or plates or something — then clean something.� It’s a simple thing but it encourages a sense of ownership, he says. So do

the book covers hung with pride on the walls. “An author or photographer often spends years on their book and so while we’ll print 5,500 titles a year, we don’t want to forget each one is someone’s dream come true. It’s not just another order we need to get out.� The company is employee-owned, but with 550 workers, it’s not a given every one will automatically act like an owner. So there’s a big emphasis on giving people a say in how things are done. For example, when a new machine is being bought for their area, workers join managers in deciding which model or option to buy. The company also takes an unusual approach to leadership training.

“We tell them that if they want to be a leader in our company, first be a leader somewhere else by volunteering with a sports or community club or some other organization,� says Friesen. “You’ll get experience and a chance to see if being a leader is something you enjoy or not. And when a job comes open and five people apply, you’ll have references and experience in areas we can evaluate.� Employee evaluations are also different. “We always make sure the employee is doing 70 percent of the talking, and it’s not just the manager saying, ‘this is what I want you to do and here’s how I think you did,’ � says Friesen. “Instead, we always ask the employee, ‘tell us something that you’re proud of and you think you do really well.’ � So how does this relate to a farm? Imagine dropping by a farm when “the boss� is away and chatting with the employees in the equipment shed. OK , the floor ’s not clean enough to eat off, but the place is tidy, not grimy. It looks like a nice place to work. In the lunch area are pictures from seeding or harvest, and maybe maps breaking down productivity per field and showing how the yield trend is rising. One of the employees — you recognize him because he’s a coach in your kid’s hockey league — proudly shows

you the new seeding rig. He says he persuaded the owner to buy it over other models because he’s become the farm’s go-to guy on seeding. You dig further and find out he’s got a passion for precision agriculture and his boss encourages that by sending him to courses and conferences. Want to bet this farm is more profitable and has less staff turnover than average? Now think about the cost: some cleaning kits and using down time differently; taking pictures on your smartphone and making posters of the work your people do, having flex time so employees can volunteer; asking them for their input; finding out their interests and providing learning opportunities. These are do-able things. The toughest part, says Friesen, is thinking beyond the job at hand. “As a manager, I have to worry about productivity, things like the number of pages or books per hour. “What’s happening right now and in the next hour or next shift is important, but you have to take time every once in a while to think about the long term and the bigger picture.� Archived columns from this series can be found at www.fcc-fac.ca/learning. Farm Credit Canada enables business management skill development through resources such as this column, and information and learning events available across Canada.

Âť CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Its Canadian agriculture division receives bulk pesticide and other products from major manufacturers and distributes them to independent dealers. Univar Canada vice-president Rick Pierson said the company’s 120 employees and 22 trucks moved 157,000 tonnes of product last year in 11.4 million containers. “That’s a lot of product,â€? said Pierson. Univar and independent dealers were in a glum mood five years ago, company officials and dealers said at the event. Viterra had aggressively bid to expand in the industry, and other input providers also expanded existing operations and attempted to buy existing independents. Yet the independent sector survived and is now thriving, , said Univar agriculture division general manager Rick Van De Kerckhove. “We’ve seen good businesses, Univar customers, bought up by the ambitions of our competitors, but more independents emerged, and the existing ones grew, got bigger, expanded,â€? he said. Company officials said the improving fortunes of independent dealers is a relief for Univar, which relies on them for its business. Farmers kept supporting independents even as corporate competitors introduced services and programs


A lot of the world wrote off the independent dealer, but you guys are too stubborn, too smart to let that happen. MIKE HILDEBRAND UNIVAR

that many independents couldn’t match. As a result, independents were able to recover when the grain economy caught fire in the mid-2000s. It’s a cycle that’s occurred previously in the industry, but each time it’s hard to be optimistic during the bad times. “It’s really awesome that five years later, as the independents have done probably three times before, they have come through these skinny times, they have reinvented themselves, they have shown that they are indispensable in the communities that they operate in and that farmers will never ever walk away from independents,� said Douglas.











GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)

Grade A


Live Aug. 30-Sept. 5

Previous Aug. 23-29

Year ago

Rail Aug. 30-Sept. 5

119.25 111.34-129.20 n/a 104.00-109.50

118.00-119.75 111.97-130.35 n/a 104.00-113.00

109.58 109.91 n/a 103.00

198.25-199.25 206.00-211.00 n/a n/a

198.00-198.75 208.00-211.00 n/a n/a

119.50 114.70-126.24 n/a 103.00-107.50

118.25-119.40 112.13-126.74 n/a 102.00-108.00

108.73 109.38 n/a 100.38

198.75 205.00-210.00 n/a n/a

198.00-198.75 207.00-210.00 n/a n/a


Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.


*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$160 $155 $150 $145 $140 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Saskatchewan $160

$145 $140 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Manitoba $160 $155 $150 $145 $140 8/2


Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)


n/a 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $150

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter





130-144 130-151 135-158 141-166 144-170 155-179

126-143 132-150 135-158 145-166 148-168 150-179

134-144 136-152 140-157 142-161 150-170 160-180

127-142 136-150 142-153 144-159 136-160 143-170

120-139 125-142 127-147 131-150 131-155 134-170

120-138 120-141 125-145 130-148 132-158 130-148

128-140 130-144 130-146 132-150 140-160 150-175

Average Carcass Weight

$135 $130 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30



Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Saskatchewan $150 $145

Aug. 31/13 881 814 690 924


Sept. 1/12 884 820 680 1021

YTD 13 872 816 677 904

YTD 12 873 819 680 1027

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$135 n/a n/a $130 8/2 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Manitoba $145 $140 $135 $130 $125 8/2

120-135 128-140 123-141 122-148 130-155 140-160 Canfax

$145 $140

n/a 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed) Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) South Dakota Billings Dodge City

Steers 123.04 122.97 123.34 194.00

Steers 151-161.10 147-149 150

Trend steady steady/+2 steady

Basis Cattle / Beef Trade

Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb

-8.93 n/a -6.67

-12.90 n/a -10.04

Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 1225.3 -9 Non-fed 193.2 -7 Total beef 1418.5 -9

Exports % from 2012 471,081 (1) +25.6 175,927 (1) +68.7 113,720 (3) -16.4 159,978 (3) -10.8 Imports % from 2012 n/a (2) n/a 40,100 (2) +37.0 120,846 (4) +9.7 154,302 (4) +7.5

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

(1) to Aug. 24/13 (2) to July 31/13 (3) to July 31/13 (4) to Aug. 31/13


Agriculture Canada

Close Sept. 6 Live Cattle Oct 125.68 Dec 129.03 Feb 131.00 Apr 132.40 Jun 126.90 Feeder Cattle Sep 156.58 Oct 158.03 Nov 158.65 Jan 158.00 Mar 157.58

126.80 130.48 131.65 132.73 127.13

-1.12 -1.45 -0.65 -0.33 -0.23

126.48 129.18 132.68 136.13 132.48

156.93 158.95 159.73 158.60 157.83

-0.35 -0.92 -1.08 -0.60 -0.25

144.30 146.15 147.68 149.68 152.20

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $200 $190 $180 $170 $160 8/2

n/a 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30



Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)

$190 $180 $170 $160 8/2

(1) to Aug. 24/13 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30

(2) to July 31/13


Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Aug. 30 Base rail (index 100) 2.10 Range off base 2.11-2.39 Feeder lambs 0.90-0.95 Sheep (live) 0.40

Previous 2.10 2.11-2.31 0.90-0.95 0.40

Sept. 3 1.47-1.87 1.60-1.92 1.61-1.76 1.69-1.75 1.42-1.65 1.10-1.50 0.75-0.90 0.80-1.10 70-110

$190 $180 $170 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Oct Dec Feb Apr

Close Sept. 6 90.90 87.00 88.25 86.88

Close Aug. 30 87.63 84.75 86.50 86.00

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

1.55-2.10 1.55-1.87 1.60-1.72 1.63-1.72 1.45-1.69 1.10-1.50 0.75-0.90 0.80-1.10 70-110

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Sept. 9 Wool, new crop >80 lb Wool, new crop <80 lb Hair lambs Fed sheep

To Aug. 31 Canada 13,217,886 13,409,868 -1.4

+3.27 +2.25 +1.75 +0.88

Year ago 71.35 70.50 78.00 86.35

To date 2013 To date 2012 % change 13/12

$320 $300 $280

$240 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Milling Wheat (Oct.) $270 $260

$230 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


169.70 171.38

Man. Que.

168.00 179.20 *incl. wt. premiums

Import n/a 134,415 (3) 141,924 (3)

% from 2012 n/a -2.6 -2.1 Agriculture Canada

Close Sept. 6 90.50 91.80 90.70 89.10

Trend +0.50 +0.05 +0.35 +0.25

Year ago 96.00 98.75 98.40 97.78

Avg. Aug. 30 21.21 21.93 15.88 15.38 20.36 19.94 19.13 20.14 14.33 17.00 18.93 18.56 14.25 13.45 9.66 9.26 8.46 7.96 6.84 6.64 6.46 6.46 11.25 11.25 6.66 6.51 38.25 38.25 36.42 36.42 28.27 28.27 25.46 26.00 21.63 20.67 24.20 24.20 19.25 19.25 20.50 20.50

Cash Prices No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)

$540 $520

Sept. 4 Aug. 28 Year Ago n/a 197.57 188.91 n/a n/a 160.24 20.55 20.75 28.70

$480 $460 8/2


8/16 8/23 8/30


No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator


$-20 $-40 8/2


8/16 8/23 8/30

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)


Canola (basis - Nov.)

Sept. 6 6.69 6.11 6.90 5.28 3.36


Grain Futures Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $300 $280 $260 $240 $220 8/2


8/16 8/23 8/30


$580 $560 $540 $520 $500 8/2




8/16 8/23 8/30


Barley (cash - Oct.) $260 $240

Basis: $11

$200 $180 8/2


8/16 8/23 8/30


Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Corn (Sept.) $540 $520 $500 $480 $460 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


$1440 $1360 $1280 $1200 8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Oats (Sept.) $400 $380 $360 $340 $320 8/2

Close Aug. 30 90.00 91.75 90.35 88.85

Sept. 9 20.50-23.00 15.50-16.00 19.00-21.00 18.00-20.00 14.00-15.00 17.25-20.75 13.50-15.75 9.30-10.50 8.30-8.50 6.65-7.30 6.30-6.55 10.25-12.50 5.50-8.60 37.75-38.75 35.75-37.75 27.30-28.75 24.75-27.00 20.90-22.00 23.30-24.50 18.50-19.50 19.50-22.50

Canola (cash - Nov.)

$1120 8/2

% from 2012 -2.9 +10.4 +0.3

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Cash Prices

Soybeans (Sept.)

Index 100 hogs $/ckg

EXCHANGE RATE: SEPT. 9 $1 Cdn. = $0.9641 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0372 Cdn.

Durum (Oct.)

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Agriculture Canada

May Jun Jul Aug



n/a n/a n/a n/a

Fed. inspections only U.S. 73,056,993 72,833,581 +0.3

(3) to Aug. 31/13


8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon)

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


$180 8/2

SunGold Meats



$160 8/2

Export 559,142 (1) 204,044 (2) 684,361 (2)



This wk Last wk Yr. ago 224-225 n/a 211-213

Hogs / Pork Trade




Hog Slaughter

Alta. Sask.



Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)

Fixed contract $/ckg

Sep 29-Oct 12 Oct 13-Oct 26 Oct 27-Nov 09 Nov 10-Nov 23 Nov 24-Dec 07 Dec 08-Dec 21 Dec 22-Jan 04 Jan 05-Jan 18 Jan 19-Feb 01 Feb 02-Feb 15 Feb 16-Mar 01



Close Trend Year Aug. 30 ago

HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. Sept. 6 Sept. 6 169.49-170.92 169.65-171.08 163.28-166.62 163.43-166.78 157.88-159.31 158.05-159.48 153.10-155.01 153.27-155.18 153.10-158.36 153.27-158.52 158.83-158.83 159.00-159.00 154.12-155.97 154.07-156.13 155.08-157.47 155.02-157.42 160.83-161.30 160.77-161.25 162.26-163.70 162.21-163.64 157.09-162.74 156.88-162.68

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Barley (Oct.)


Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

Pulse and Special Crops

ICE Futures Canada


To Aug. 31 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2013 1,723,464 21,560,156 To date 2012 1,876,445 21,805,357 % Change 13/12 -8.2 -1.1

Montreal Heifers 123.01 122.94 n/a 193.74


Cash Futures

Previous Aug. 23-29

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (Sept.) $760 $740 $720 $700 $680 8/2

8/12 8/19 8/26 8/30


Sept. 9 Aug. 30 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Nov 499.00 522.30 -23.30 Jan 506.50 527.70 -21.20 Mar 512.80 532.50 -19.70 May 517.20 536.50 -19.30 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 240.00 254.00 -14.00 Dec 244.00 259.00 -15.00 Mar 249.00 265.00 -16.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 259.00 280.00 -21.00 Dec 267.00 282.00 -15.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Oct 189.00 189.00 0.00 Dec 194.00 194.00 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 6.2875 6.4325 -0.1450 Dec 6.4125 6.5400 -0.1275 Mar 6.5350 6.6550 -0.1200 May 6.6125 6.7275 -0.1150 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Sep 3.6275 3.9150 -0.2875 Dec 3.1375 3.4050 -0.2675 Mar 3.1875 3.4175 -0.2300 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Sep 14.0425 14.2400 -0.1975 Nov 13.5650 13.5750 -0.0100 Jan 13.5575 13.5475 +0.0100 Mar 13.3825 13.3425 +0.0400 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Sep 42.81 43.89 -1.08 Oct 42.88 43.97 -1.09 Dec 43.17 44.29 -1.12 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Sep 465.8 468.2 -2.4 Oct 430.6 428.4 +2.2 Dec 426.5 423.7 +2.8 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Sep 4.7725 4.9500 -0.1775 Dec 4.6350 4.8200 -0.1850 Mar 4.7650 4.9450 -0.1800 May 4.8475 5.0250 -0.1775 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 6.9875 7.2025 -0.2150 Dec 7.0275 7.3025 -0.2750 Mar 7.1700 7.4175 -0.2475 May 7.2600 7.5075 -0.2475 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Sep 7.0150 7.0075 +0.0075 Dec 6.8850 7.0350 -0.1500 Mar 6.9625 7.1100 -0.1475

Year ago 634.70 638.70 639.60 628.70 296.50 302.00 311.50 306.90 311.40 257.00 262.00 8.6825 8.8975 9.0150 9.0125 3.7950 3.8650 3.8900 17.1300 17.1875 17.1825 16.6250 55.96 56.14 56.56 527.2 521.0 519.4 7.8100 7.8325 7.8725 7.8425 9.2725 9.3525 9.4525 9.5200 8.8450 9.0450 9.1575

Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To To Total Last tonnes) Sept. 1 Aug. 25 to date year Wheat Durum Changes to the Canada Grain Act are forcing Oats changes to data collection and distribution. Barley The Canadian Grain Commission is drafting a Flax new system of grain statistics. Canola Peas Canola crush 89.3 69.4 399.8 580.2




A pronghorn antelope buck jumps over canola swaths to get off the prairie trail where it was foraging in south-central Saskatchewan. | MICKEY WATKINS PHOTO

PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500



PRECIP. MAP Much above normal

Sept. 12 - 18 (in °C)

ADVERTISING RATES Classified liner ads: $5.85 per printed line (3 line minimum) Classified display ads: $6.50 per agate line ROP display: $9.25 per agate line

Sept. 12 - 18 (in mm)

Above normal

Churchill 12.5

Churchill 7/1 Prince George 16 / 3

Vancouver 18 / 10


Edmonton 16 / 5 Saskatoon Calgary 16 / 3 17 / 3 Regina 17 / 3

Below normal

Winnipeg 17 / 4

Prince George 11.0

Vancouver 13.4

Edmonton 6.1 Saskatoon Calgary 6.1 10.3 Regina 7.0

Much below normal

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The Western Producer reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement submitted to it for publication. Classified word ads are nonrefundable.


Winnipeg 10.8

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Subscriptions, Box 2500, Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4

The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)


Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

ALBERTA Temperature last week High Low

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

34.6 31.7 31.4 31.8 34.1 35.0 30.8 32.0 31.4 33.9 30.5 34.0 33.1 33.3 35.1 34.6 31.9 31.4

12.3 0.0 18.5 5.6 2.0 37.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.9 21.0 0.3 2.8 22.4 0.0 0.0

11.7 7.0 11.5 8.6 10.3 11.2 5.9 8.9 5.4 8.1 8.2 10.3 11.7 11.0 11.0 6.8 4.6 7.2

205.6 232.1 320.7 393.3 253.0 320.6 216.9 241.5 263.1 204.6 323.2 202.0 305.7 194.1 218.7 328.7 189.2 204.6

82 80 131 139 112 138 79 91 92 79 115 77 127 78 90 154 63 74

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Printed with inks containing canola oil

Member, Canadian Farm Press Association

MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

$4.25 plus taxes


Registration No. 10676


Subscriptions: 1-800-667-6929 In Saskatoon: (306) 665-3522 Fax: (306) 244-9445 Subs. supervisor: GWEN THOMPSON e-mail: subscriptions@producer.com

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The Western Producer is published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada.



33.2 30.1 29.1 31.1 29.5 28.9 26.2 31.9 30.0 36.7 33.7 27.9 29.4 29.4 27.4 30.5

6.8 9.8 9.4 6.5 5.3 6.7 3.7 11.6 9.3 11.4 12.7 5.4 10.0 6.5 9.6 6.4

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

1.1 35.7 0.3 5.6 1.6 0.0 0.0 3.9 1.0 33.5 29.7 0.0 26.4 13.7 36.3 2.2

267.9 407.7 235.5 257.5 295.4 261.9 220.0 321.1 260.0 303.9 333.1 295.5 374.7 313.0 539.9 233.8

126 135 83 104 96 97 95 135 95 147 132 117 119 90 187 85

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

31.7 31.4 30.3 32.5 32.7 32.3 31.3 33.8

Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %

4.7 3.9 4.2 8.3 5.7 6.1 4.4 2.6

0.0 1.1 0.0 3.5 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0

372.1 348.2 240.8 336.9 374.4 360.5 336.4 293.9

122 114 74 122 113 113 103 86

9.7 6.2 13.4 9.7 3.9

23.6 0.0 6.1 29.2 0.0

308.0 320.2 160.5 224.1 236.6

146 121 107 124 88

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

29.9 27.9 31.2 31.8 27.1

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca



A flushing weed control story worth telling. To everyone.

Growers can’t seem to stop talking about Ares™ herbicide for Clearfield® canola. Only Ares takes out the toughest flushing weeds and keeps them out. Including wild buckwheat, lamb’s quarters, cleavers—even volunteer canola from other systems. Ares also makes herbicide rotation easier, because it uses a different mode of action. You’ll be so impressed with its performance you’ll want to tell every canola grower you know. And almost anyone else who’ll stand still long enough. For the latest buzz visit agsolutions.ca/clearfieldcanola or contact AgSolutions® Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273).

Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; Clearfield and the unique Clearfield symbol are registered trade-marks, and ARES is a trade-mark of BASF Agrochemical Products B.V.; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2013 BASF Canada.

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