VOL. 92 | NO. 12 | $4.25
Soil moisture outlook, snow melt runoff predictions | P. 4
Freighters continue to sit in Vancouver’s English Bay as they wait for access to the Port of Vancouver. FOR A STORY ON A TRUCKER’S STRIKE, SEE PAGE 5. FOR STORIES ON GRAIN TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS, SEE PAGES 5, 16 AND 18. | DOMINIC SCHAEFER PHOTO
Distressed herd arrives at sale New manager ‘embarrassed’ by condition of bison herd that arrives at commercial sale BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
PONOKA, Alta. — The new manager of the Tsuu T’ina Nation’s bison herd is apologizing for the highly stressed, stunted and parasiteinfested animals that were recently brought to a commercial bison sale. James McGuiness said he was embar rassed by the 130 bison
brought to the Vold Jones Vold Auction bison sale March 15, which followed the Alberta Bison Producers Wildrose show and sale. Several of the bison were obviously stressed from the truck ride from the First Nation reserve outside Calgary to Ponoka. The animals were bashing themselves against the corrals or trying to leap over the heavy pipe fences as they attempted to escape. Several
bison producers watching the frantic animals didn’t think they would live. “They’re so wild. That’s the way the old manager raised them. He was old school,” said McGuiness, who was appointed bison manager of the Tsuu T’ina Nation herd a week earlier and said he knows little about bison. McGuiness said the previous bison manager was elderly and believed in
little contact with the bison. Instead of getting the animals accustomed to human interaction, he placed bales in the field and left them on their own. Bison producer Ivan Smith said the poor condition of the animals that arrived at the auction speaks of neglect and poor management. SEE DISTRESSED BISON, PAGE 3
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u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv":# MARCH 20, 2014 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4 The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240
Thousand kernel weight matters in canola seed BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
As others reached for cups and pastries during a coffee break at a canola workshop in Brandon, Murray Hartman reached for a petri dish containing canola seeds to make a point. Hartman, an Alberta Agriculture oilseed specialist, held up the small, round container filled with blue canola seeds and a hand-written label of 7.5 grams. If a grower receives a hybrid canola seed with a 1,000 kernel weight of 7.5 grams, that number cannot be ignored. “It often comes on the bag. But when you’re ordering the seed, you don’t know what the 1,000 kernel weight is till you get it,” said Hartman, who spoke at CanoLAB, a two day Canola Council of Canada and Manitoba Canola Growers workshop held midMarch in Brandon. “If you get something like seven (grams per 1,000 kernels), it’s a wow.” Hartman said the 1,000 kernel weight of canola seed can range from three to 7.5 grams. Most hybrids are in the four to five range, but 1,000 kernel weights at the high end of the range can have a significant impact on plant density. “I think the biggest thing that affects plant population and seeding rates, in particular, is the 1,000 kernel weight. It can often get overlooked,” said Laryssa Grenkow, research manager with the Western Applied Research Corp., a producer organization that conducts agricultural research at Scott, Sask. “A large seed … (is) seven to eight grams per 1000 kernels.” Grenkow, who also spoke at CanoLAB, said field experiments have shown that larger canola seeds are more vigorous and improve emergence 10 percent compared to smaller seed. However, canola with a 1,000 kernel weight of 7.5 g has nearly half as many seeds as a 4.0 g 1000 kernel weight. A 10 percent increase in emergence doesn’t compensate for significantly fewer seeds. “You’re getting half the seeds and you’re only getting 10 percent more emergence?” Hartman said. “Now, I’m (at) 40 percent less plants established.” Grenkow agreed, saying bigger seed and larger seedlings don’t necessarily “translate into higher yield
potential,” which is why seeding rate is more critical than seed size. Hartman said variety has an impact on seed size but the most significant factor is the growing conditions in southern Alberta, where 90 to 95 percent of hybrid canola seed is produced. “If it’s optimal conditions, you’ll get a larger seed size.” If a hybrid seed has a 1,000 kernel weight of four to five grams, Hartman said the seed size wouldn’t affect seeding rates. If it’s six or seven grams, adjustments are required at seeding time. “Increase the seeding rate to get the same amount of seeds per sq. foot.” Grenkow said growers should consider three factors when selecting a seeding rate: 1,000 kernel weight, expected seedling survival and a target plant population.
CALCULATING RATES The Canola Council of Canada website provides a seeding rate formula to accommodate for seed size: • Seeding Rate = (9.6 x desired plant density (per sq. foot) x 1,000 kernel weight, grams) / estimated seed survival (percentage) • As an example: if the 1,000 kernel weight is four grams, desired plant population is eight plants per sq. foot and estimated seed survival is 50 percent, the seeding rate should be 6.1 pounds per acre. • (9.6 x 8 x 4 grams) / 50 = 6.1 lb./ acre • If the 1,000 kernel weight is 6.5 g: (9.6 x 8 x 6.5) / 50 = 10 lb./acre
Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather
COLUMNS Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch Money in Your Pocket Animal Health TEAM Living Tips
Saving a life: An Alberta farm recently hosted a first aid course for employees. See page 38 for more photos. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO
moisture and runoff maps are out in Saskatchewan and Alberta. 4 GRAIN BACKLOG: The provinces continue to weigh in on the grain backlog as Ottawa prepares legislation. 5 NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT: Researchers continue studying how to improve nutrient management. 16 IRATE RAILWAYS: The railways say they are irate over Ottawa’s ‘accusatory tone’ on service. 18
» » »
new company offers hail insurance at lower premiums on the internet. 40 FLOWER DANGER: Invasive species in wildflower mixes continue to be of concern to prairie farmers. 41 MARTIN UNRAU: The recently retired president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association looks back. 37 FUNGICIDE BENEFITS: Modern fungicides are about much more than just controlling plant diseases. 42
» WINTER WHEAT: The world’s winter wheat
crop looks good, despite some hot spots. 6
» BIODIESEL: U.S. soybean growers worry
about biodiesel mandate changes.
FARM LIVING 19 work on this Saskatchewan farm.
» NATURE’S SKIN CARE: Natural ingredients
go into skin care products.
» SOYBEAN FAILURE: Phosphorus deficiencies can explain a poor soybean crop.
» INOCULANTS: Lentil, pea and soybean
plans may tighten inoculant supplies. 100
improve vigour in dairy cows.
TRACKING CATTLE: An ear tag project keeps track of cattle on Google maps. 105
Correction A story on Page 18 of this week’s Western Producer incorrectly identified a Transport Canada official as Julianne Martel. The official’s correct name is Josianne Martel.
» UKRAINIAN TROUBLE: A farm equipment
maker will keep shipping to Ukraine. 108
» INPUT STORES: CHS is buying 16 Canadian ag retail locations from Agrium.
Subscriptions Ph: 800-667-6929 Advertising Ph: 800-667-7770 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Shaun Jessome, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537 Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841
» DAIRY VIGOUR: Crossbreeding can
11 11 8 109 106 22
» ON THE FARM: Individual skills are put to
Michelle Armstrong, sales rep with Dow AgroSciences, peers through a microscope to look at a cabbage seedpod weevil. The insect was discussed at CanoLAB, a two day agronomic workshop held in Brandon March 12-13. | ROBERT
108 49 34 9 110 10 12 20 111
Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463
With 8% more yield than other inoculants, it makes a welcome addition to any operation. To find out more, visit
Distressed bison at sale “The animals that were brought in were in really poor health. It’s really sad to see. They’re not hard animals to look after, but they need the basics,” said Smith, who stayed up all night helping auction staff put Canadian Cattle Identification Agency tags on the bison after they arrived at the auction just before midnight. “It’s sad. It’s neglect,” said Smith. “It looks poorly on the whole industry.” He said with bison fetching record high prices, there is no excuse for animals riddled with parasites or stunted from lack of feed. Smith said it wasn’t uncommon to see bison herds in poor shape in 2003 after BSE stopped the export of bison and prices plummeted. However, the increasing demand for bison and strong prices means that it pays to keep bison in good health. This kind of herd is rare, he added. McGuiness said the old manager put round bales in the field and let the animals fend for themselves. The older, stronger animals got the best feed and the smaller yearlings were outmuscled. He said he has bought a bale processor since taking over to spread the bale into long lines so that all the animals are able to feed and get used to human contact. “We’re trying to change now so this doesn’t happen anymore.” McGuiness said he plans to get rid of the wildest animals, buy good bulls and improve the herd. Several animals were too wild to be loaded onto the trucks, he added. “I want to try to remake the herd into a workable herd so they don’t come in like this,” said McGuiness, who bought two of the winning bulls from the Wildrose Show and Sale just before the commercial bison were sold. Veterinarian Roy Lewis said letting all ages of bison run together doesn’t work. Bison need to be separated by age as a minimum requirement. Cows running together as a group will protect their calves, but the yearlings and two year olds are on their own in a group setting and don’t fare well. “The yearlings in the middle always get beat up.” Smith said the cows and calves in the herd were in decent shape, but the yearlings and two year olds were severely stunted. Smith bought 211 bison at the commercial sale. More than half of them were from the Tsuu T’ina Nation herd.
I have never been to a bison sale where there haven’t been bison deaths. IVAN SMITH BISON PRODUCER
Some of the calves sold for 10 cents a pound instead of the market price of $2 a lb. Smith said the rest of the herd fetched higher prices than they deserved because of the strong demand for bison meat. “The demand is strong and people took a gamble on them because the demand is needed,” said Smith. James Goransrud of Camrose, a member of the Wildrose Show and Sale committee, said it’s important for inexperienced bison producers to ask for help in raising bison. “It’s not just a matter of having land and putting bison on it,” he said. “These animals are wild animals and if they have not had proper handling, damage can occur.” He said McGuiness should join the provincial bison producers association and start coming to meetings to learn about raising bison. “It’s important to mentor people getting into the business. They need mentors in a big way. You need some one to go in at the start and develop proper handling system and get some training,” he said. “It’s very difficult for this young guy stepping in. It is so important to join the association and get some help. I encouraged him to get a membership.” Mc G u i n e s s s a i d h e h o p e s t o replace the reserve’s old wooden corrals with a modern handling facility, which is one more step in getting the bison used to people and coming to auctions. “They are not used to corrals. When 200 to 300 buffalo are that wild and come in, the board fences aren’t strong enough,” he said. Lewis believes live auction bison sales may be a thing of the past. The cost of bringing the animals to market, stress and potential for disease transmission may end future bison sales, including the association’s premier Wildrose Show and Sale. “I wouldn’t be surprised if this sale didn’t end up in video sale in two years.” Smith said video auctions aren’t ideal, but they may be a good replace-
ABOVE AND RIGHT: A group of bison from Tsuu T’ina Nation suffered stress and injury in transit to a commercial bison sale at Vold Jones Vold immediately after the Wildrose Bison sale March 15. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS
ment for live animal auctions, which cause a lot of stress on the bison. He said bloody noses and tongues aren’t uncommon at sales, where the animals bash into fences frantic to escape. “I have never been to a bison sale where there haven’t been bison deaths,” said Smith. Lorna Baird, executive director of the Alberta Farm Animal Care network, said the organization has not had a single bison-related call to its Alert Line in two years. The Alberta SPCA said it received 54 calls about bison between 2009 2013, and 12 were “founded welfare concerns.”
Funding flows to create research chair in swine welfare BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
People may think they know what it takes to make a pig comfortable and as happy as pigs are capable of being. But do they? Or are people simply projecting their own ideas of comfort onto swine? Answers to that and other questions involving pigs are behind a current push to establish a national chair in swine welfare to be based at the University of Saskatchewan.
The candidate to occupy the chair, Dr. Sandra Edwards, has already been chosen and fundraising efforts continue toward raising half of the $2.5 million needed over five years to finance the position. “It is designed to bring new resources to the whole question of swine welfare,” said Prairie Swine Centre president Lee Whittington. If industry commits half the cost to establish the chair, it will be matched by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
The goal is to have producers, packers and retailers commit one-third of the cost each, totaling at least $1.25 million. “That would drive the message home that this is a shared issue,” said Whittington, adding that producers have already proven supportive of the plan. All provincial swine organizations except two have committed to chair establishment, and the remaining two are expected to confirm soon. Between them, producers have
committed more than $500,000 and five packer-processors have committed $250,000. Whittington said with those two sectors on board, retailers will be approached next. Given that many are seeking to assure customers of animal welfare in food production, he said he is hopeful retailers will be receptive. “If we are successful getting all these players up and down the value chain, this will be an entirely unique scenario,” he said. “It’s never happened before.”
Research will be conducted at the Prairie Swine Centre, which is the university’s research arm. Edwards, who still lives in the United Kingdom, has been meeting with groups within the Canadian industry for about a year. The professor of agriculture at Newcastle University has an extensive resume involving swine research and animal welfare. Whittington said the research will focus on objectively measuring pig welfare in a range of practical onfarm situations.
Spring forecast Saskatchewan BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
ALBERTA’S SOIL MOISTURE OUTLOOK Most farmland in Alberta entered the winter in fairly dry condition but abundant snowfall bodes well for spring moisture. The province now has relatively good moisture with the exception of a dry area in the east-central region. Forecasters note heavy spring snows are common so the moisture picture could change drastically between now and seeding time.
Spring wheat soil moisture measured to 124 cm. as of March 4, 2014 (in millimetres of water):
High Level Fort McMurray Peace River Grande Prairie
no data
Edmonton Lloydminster Red Deer
Source: Alberta Environment | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC
Above-average snowfall across much of Alberta this winter may help replenish soil moisture when it melts. Last year’s dry weather and open fall had allowed farmers to harvest a bin buster of a crop. However, neither Alberta Agriculture nor Alberta Environment are willing to predict spring soil moisture levels, given that spring snowstorms are typical. “Things were looking a little bit dry (in the fall), but a lot of areas of the province got snow in November, and it came regularly for the rest of the winter,” said Alberta Agriculture crop specialist Neil Whatley. “So soil moisture, from the people I’ve been talking to, is pretty good
Medicine Hat
except where it has blown off, sort of east of Drumheller and that area.” The department’s soil moisture map based on spring wheat fields shows a drier area extending south of Lloydminster into Special Area 5 along the Saskatchewan border. It has soil moisture at 10 to 20 millimetre depths and is the driest in the province. The wettest region is around Whitecourt, with other pockets along the Rocky Mountains further south, which show moisture at an estimated 120 to 140 mm. Soil moisture near Edmonton and Calgary is estimated at depths of 20 to 60 mm, while in the far south, soil is wet 60 to 80 mm down, with pockets at 80 to 100 mm. Those estimates haven’t changed since January. Alberta Environment issued a spring runoff advisory March 10,
The spring melt has begun in Saskatchewan, and officials said last week they are watching the central part of the province for possible flooding. The area of most concern is around Prince Albert, where water caused significant problems last year. The area is expected to see well above normal runoff this spring. A larger area, including Saskatoon, North Battleford, Meadow Lake, La Ronge, Nipawin and Melfort, should see above normal runoff. John Fahlman, director of hydrology and ground water service for the Water Security Agency, said the northern part of the grain belt has had up to two times as much snow as usual. That, combined with the wet conditions of last year and potential spring
precipitation, causes the flood threat. Fahlman said it’s important to keep in mind that situations change. Last year, for example, several areas were identified as places to watch. “As it turned out, the melt dragged on well into April,” he said. “There was a lot of loss to sublimation (evaporation) and infiltration into the ground.” A slow melt will reduce the threat, he said. Ken Cheveldayoff, minister responsible for the WSA, said the agency is meeting with municipalities to make sure they are prepared. He said 2,000 flood prevention and mitigation structures have been built throughout the province at a cost of $35 million. “Independent analysis shows for every dollar we spend on mitigation we save about $20 in disaster costs,” Cheveldayoff said. Emergency preparedness officials are ready if needed.
which remained in effect as of March 17. Rapid snow melt due to warm temperatures last week was expected to cause overland flooding and ponding. Most the province has a “much above average” rating in terms of the spring runoff outlook. However, snow on the province’s southern plains and the lower elevations of the Cypress Hills had mostly melted as of March 14. The department said mountain snow pack is “generally average.” As of March 1, snow in the Oldman River basin ranged from slightly below to slightly above average, depending on location, and the Bow River basin was also rated as average to above in the southern edge. Mountain snow pack affecting the Red Deer, North Saskatchewan and Athabasca river basins is highly variable, the department said.
Areas of central Saskatchewan that experienced flooding last year are likely to face the same problem in 2014. Most areas should see near normal runoff, but the area between Saskatoon, Prince Albert and North Battleford should be prepared for possible floods. The rate of melt and spring precipitation will determine what happens in the region and officials will continue to monitor the situation. The area is a closed basin with poor natural drainage. In the southwest, runoff is underway at below normal levels.
Spring runoff potential as of March 1, 2014:
Source: Sask. Water Security Agency | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC
Container trucker strike hurting special crops Port Metro Vancouver | Labour action has exporters paying extra fees as containers wait to be moved to Middle East BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The one bright light in grain transportation has been dimmed. A container trucker strike at Port Metro Vancouver is wreaking havoc with pulse and special crops exports. “It definitely causes a huge disruption of our Vancouver shipments,” said Darren Lemieux, head trader with Simpson Seeds Inc. About 1,000 non-unionized container truckers went on strike on Feb. 26. Another 400 unionized workers joined them March 6. There was no resolution in sight as of The Western
Producer’s deadline. Half of the containers that arrive and depart the port are moved by truck, while the remainder moves by rail. The portion moving by truck has been severely disrupted by the strike. For instance, the volume of container truck movement was 27 percent of normal March 14. “All the transloading facilities that we use are very reliant on those truckers,” said Lemieux. Simpson Seeds is paying detention and demurrage fees on hopper cars full of product sitting at the port that can’t be stuffed into containers,
which is how all of the company’s crops move to market. He said the company will be a month late getting product to some markets, even if the strike is resolved soon, which will result in contractual penalties. Simpson Seeds had good success moving product by container in the post-harvest period because the company avoided all the western rail congestion by using the Port of Montreal to service markets in the Mediterranean, northern Europe and North Africa. However, the markets it is selling to today are in the Middle East, the
Indian Subcontinent and South Africa, which are serviced through Vancouver. Truckers are upset about the long wait times at the terminals. They claim it can take up to five hours to get loaded with a container. “Truckers are sitting in line on their own dime not making a buck at all,” said Manny Dhillon, office manager for the United Truckers Association of British Columbia, which represents the non-unionized truckers. The port has no direct control over wage agreements or contract rates. Those terms are negotiated between
truckers and the trucking companies. However, Dhillon said the port is responsible for the overall operational efficiency of the facility, so it has a direct impact on wait times. “Obviously they can’t fix the lineups tomorrow. That’s understandable. Until it is fixed, what we want is some sort of compensation,” he said. The port did not respond to requests for an interview in time to meet publication deadlines March 17. In an FAQ document it prepared on the strike, the port said 63 percent of trucks wait less than one hour at the port and only about five percent wait longer than two hours.
Calving was winding up at Ward’s Red Angus near Vanscoy, Sask., March 13. Clarke Ward nudges a day old calf toward its mother. He said it was trying to steal milk from another cow. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO
Man., Sask. weigh in on grain transportation issues BY ROBERT ARNASON, KAREN BRIERE BRANDON, REGINA BUREAUS
The Manitoba government has added its voice to the chorus calling for rigorous federal legislation to deal with the grain transportation backlog on the Prairies. Ottawa is expected to introduce new legislation when Parliament resumes sitting March 24. Provincial ag minister Ron Kostyshyn and other Manitoba government reps say Ottawa needs to craft legislation that features: • Market responsiveness, so rail resources satisfy market demand • Performance standards that clarify and define the railways’ obligations to shippers • Financial penalties for service failures
• A faster and less costly arbitration process to resolve disputes between railways and shippers “Manitoba’s grain transportation system is at a standstill and we are calling on the federal government to use every tool available to address the backlog,” Kostyshyn said in a statement. “As more rail cars are put into the system, it’s critical for Manitoba to receive a fair allocation.” Manitoba submitted its recommendations to the federal government March 14 following discussions with rural organizations and farm leaders, including Keystone Agricultural Producers. Dan Mazier, KAP vice-president, said the grain transportation gridlock has been especially challenging for Manitoba farmers. “We’re really in a particular situa-
tion … because we’re the furthest from the western ports, and that seems to be the biggest issue,” said Mazier, who farms north of Brandon. “So you’re the last person on the line, (which) presents some unique problems for Manitoba.” In mid-March, the Manitoba government formed a task force of provincial cabinet ministers to take action on the grain transportation file. Premier Greg Selinger said he supports federal action penalizing railways $100,000 a day if they don’t ship a combined one million tonnes of grain per week starting in early April, but he wants assurance of “fair” access to rail cars for Manitoba farmers. The task force will focus on issues particular to Manitoba: • Review flood prone areas to help farmers move at-risk grain
• Create a grain bin listing service so producers in flood zones can move grain to alternate storage bins • Establish flexible spring road restrictions to accommodate grain hauling Kostyshyn and transportation minister Steve Ashton will co-chair the task force, which includes municipal government minister Stan Struthers and economy minister Theresa Oswald. Meanwhile, the Saskatchewan government has itemized what it wants from the federal government as it drafts legislation on grain transportation. Premier Brad Wall and others have been saying for weeks that mandatory service level agreements, more grain cars and stronger penalties are needed.
In a March 17 news release, the government asked that the daily penalties for non-performance by the railways be increased to $250,000 from the current $100,000. Saskatchewan also wants fines to directly benefit producers. Other requests include: • Mechanisms and penalties to make sure grain companies fulfill contractual obligations to producers • Improve rail service by increasing inter-switching distances and therefore access to a competing railway • Ensure service to domestic mills and U.S. customers • Dispute resolution • Formal mechanisms for monitoring the entire system and analyzing its performance
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M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 9 34-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN
World wheat off to good start
Hog virus driving shortage, price rally
Conditions in EU good, China improving | Analyst doubts Crimean conflict will disrupt exports BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Winter wheat crops are shaping up nicely around the world despite dryness in the United States and the threat of war in Ukraine, says an industry analyst. “Globally it looks like the winter wheat crop is going to be most likely larger than last year,” said Bruce Burnett, CWB weather and crop specialist. The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released a report on Ukraine’s planting prospects. Growers seeded 15.56 million acres of winter wheat, down about five percent from last season. Ukraine typically produces 20 million tonnes of wheat, 40 percent of which is exported. Fall planting was delayed in the Black Sea region because of extreme dryness followed by excessive moisture at seeding time. That caused some acreage reduction. The region has experienced a mild fall and winter since then, which should result in lower winterkill losses than usual. Burnett said crop development in Russia and Ukraine is likely ahead of normal because of an unseasonably warm October and November. There has been market speculation that spring planting in Ukraine will be disrupted by the threat of war. Spring wheat accounts for less than five percent of Ukraine’s total wheat production, and Burnett doubts farmers will walk away from their fields, regardless of the risk of war. “What farmers do is they plant crops and grow them. That’s how they make money,” he said. As a result, Burnett doesn’t anticipate any reduction in Ukraine’s wheat exports in 2014-15. “I don’t foresee that happening unless the situation escalated far
Reduced slaughter | The impact has been minimal until recently BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Wheat markets are focusing on Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas where extreme drought conditions are threatening yields. | FILE PHOTO above where it is at the present moment,” he said. However, Ukrainian wheat has become more expensive in recent weeks because of an increase in the risk premium for loading vessels at the country’s ports. Burnett estimates shippers are paying $3 to $5 per tonne more than they were before the Crimean conflict. “If missiles fly, ship owners don’t want their vessels there,” he said. Wheat markets are more concerned about the condition of the U.S. winter what crop than they are about what’s happening in Ukraine. “The winter cereal crop in Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas needs
some rain promptly in order to maintain the yield potential there,” said Burnett. Conditions are better than they were last year at this time, but portions of Oklahoma and Texas are experiencing “extreme” or “exceptional” drought. “Is the crop going to be as small as last year? I doubt it, right at this juncture at least anyway, but the market is definitely concerned about it,” said Burnett. The next biggest threat to the world wheat crop is the developing El Nino, which could lead to a dry growing season in Australia. However, that crop hasn’t even been planted yet.
Winter wheat is in good shape in the European Union, which is the world’s biggest wheat producer. Conditions are improving in China, which is the second biggest producer. The winter wheat crop in that country got off to a rough start because of dry early-winter conditions, but February rain has stabilized the situation, said Burnett. He believes the world’s winter wheat crop is off to a good start and should be bigger than last year’s harvest. However, the tale will be told over the next two to three months, depending on how much rainfall the global crop receives when it comes out of dormancy.
Hog prices and profits for prairie producers are shooting off the charts. Is this sustainable or a top? Hog market analysts are debating that, and it won’t be answered until the U.S. Department of Agriculture issues its March 28 Hogs and Pigs Report. “It’s nuts,” Hams Marketing’s Tyler Fulton said about the hog price rally. “I can’t remember the last time I sat there for 10 minutes waiting for the market to open because there is so much hingeing on it, there’s so much psychology worked into it.” T h e C h i c a g o Me rc a n t i l e E xchange’s lean hogs futures have surged $25 per hundredweight since mid-February, rising to $130 for the June contract as of March 17. The price spike breaches the upside limit of a range that had held since the start of 2011, when $105 was the market high. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PED), which is reducing the North American hog slaughter population, is driving the rally. “It’s exclusively PED,” said Fulton. Weekly slaughter estimates averaged six percent below year-before levels for two weeks, suggesting PED is significantly cutting U.S. hog production. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
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“It came out of nowhere,” said Fulton about the slaughter estimates. “Prior to that, we were pretty much bang on year-before numbers.” It’s a major change to the outlook if PED has reduced slaughter hogs by six percent. Analysts had grown accustomed to seeing little PED impact in estimates and reports, regardless of news that hundreds of farms were being infected in an everwidening area, recently including Eastern and Western Canada. The two most recent weeks of slaughter declines suggests PED is finally having an impact. “The market is no longer speculating and trying to guess where these things are going to be,” said Fulton. “They’re now just figuring in this as a certainty.” It’s still not clear why PED and the likely death of four million piglets had not affected the market much before now. Some analysts say it is also not certain that the recent lower hog kill numbers are proof that the herd itself is smaller than expected. A brief period of decline could be explained by the impact of the cold winter. Also, year-before totals were probably higher than they would have been without last year’s much higher grain prices. All eyes will be on the quarterly USDA Hogs and Pigs Report for the most comprehensive estimate of the true size of the U.S. herd and the real impact of PED. Fulton said Canadian farmers are in a sweet spot, making relatively more money than U.S. producers in this rally because of the decline of the Canadian dollar. The last rally, sparked by the 2012 U.S. Midwest drought, coincided with a much higher Canadian dollar, so the impact was less than south of the border. This time, prairie farmers are get-
Competitors’ crops in trouble BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Details on the U.S. herd and impact of PED will be detailed in the USDA Hogs and Pigs Report, which may spark a further price rally. | FILE PHOTO
How high will prices have to go before the available supply is actually rationed? It’s a long time since we’ve had to tackle this question. TYLER FULTON HAMS MARKETING
ting all the benefits of the futures price surge. “You could say it’s perfectly transferable into Canadian dollars,” said Fulton. “We’re getting all of it.” The shortage of pigs to kill in the United States has some U.S. packers thinking about opening their doors once more to Canadian-origin pigs, but Fulton said he doubts many will go that way because Canadian packers are also short and chasing pigs. “There’s no market rationale to move south,” said Fulton. Hog profitability is high for farms that don’t get hit by PED.
Iowa State University estimates that Iowa farmers made $33.59 per pig in February, which is the highest since 1979. It estimates the cost of production at $56.30 per hundredweight, which continues a 13 month trend of cost declines. Futures now give farmers a chance to lock in exceptionally profitable prices all through the summer, including August, with no sub-$124 per cwt. prices between May and August. December 2014 to May 2015 prices range from $84 to $88 per cwt. Fulton said the present run-up in prices is not unjustified if recent slaughter numbers truly represent a smaller hog herd. However, the issue will be how high prices can go before driving away buyers if the USDA verifies the smaller herd. “How high will prices have to go before the available supply is actually rationed?” This situation has not occurred for many years, he added, so it’s anyone’s guess. “It’s a long time since we’ve had to tackle this question.”
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Two of Canada’s top pulse customers have production problems. Excess rain has damaged India’s pulse crops while drought is ravaging Turkey’s red lentil crop. Reports surfaced last week that rain and hail had damaged crops in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra, the three Indian states that are responsible for about half of the country’s annual pulse production. Chuck Penner, an analyst with LeftField Commodity Research, thinks the hail was probably too isolated to cause extensive damage, but the rain is another story. “In India, even regular crop reports are hard to get so I tend to watch the price action more than what the government says or even what the media says,” he said. “We’ve seen prices for almost all pulses jump in India.” The price hike came immediately after the Indian government released its latest advance estimate calling for record pulse production, which would usually have the opposite impact on prices. “That tells you something, that traders are really expecting that there was some damage,” said Penner. He had been getting anxious about a massive Indian crop reducing demand for Canadian peas and lentils. “Now I’m not so nervous anymore,” said Penner. Stat Publishing analyst Brian Clancey said it would be nice to think the damage to India’s chickpea crop would boost demand and prices for Canadian yellow peas, but the reality is that Canada won’t be able to respond because of the ongoing transportation quagmire. “Unless you have the capacity to
respond to (increased demand), it becomes irrelevant,” he said. Clancey recently spoke to a pulse crop buyer who said the earliest delivery he can get out of Canada is for the June-July time frame, and that was for product in containers. There are also lentil production problems in Turkey. A U.S. Department of Agriculture report on Jan. 30 said much of Turkey was experiencing drought. Conditions haven’t improved much since that time, according to rainfall maps produced by the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Most of the country had 50 to 75 percent of normal rainfall between Sept. 1 and March 10. It is even worse in the red lentil growing region along the border with Syria. Rainfall has been less than half of normal in much of that area. “Red lentil prices in Turkey have been on fire for probably a couple of months now, so it’s not strictly a new crop issue. I think they were already running low on supplies and this will just make it worse if they don’t get some rain in a hurry,” said Penner. Canadian red lentil prices are just starting to respond to the problems in Turkey and India. There are some 22 cents per pound bids on the market. “It’s starting to perk up, and I think if we don’t see a turnaround in India or in Turkey we’ll see more strength as the year goes on,” said Penner. Canadian exporters shipped a record amount of lentils during the first half of 2013-14, which is a sign that containerized shipments have been strong compared to bulk exports. Penner said growers have been eager to sell the crop because it is one of the few commodities moving. That has kept a lid on prices up until now.
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Market dodges $3 corn fears MARKET WATCH
ome analysts warned a few months ago as record world crops filled bins that corn prices would drop below $4 per bushel. However, the low was set Jan. 10 at $4.14 1/2 and has staged a rally of 16 percent since then, sparked by better than expected U.S. exports and slightly better feed and ethanol demand. Last fall, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasted a year end stocks-touse ratio of 14.6 percent, up from a tight 7.4 percent the previous year. That forecast is now a less burdensome 10.9 percent in the March USDA report. Cheaper corn prices are attracting good demand from Mexico, Japan, China, South Korea, Colombia and Peru. For all the worries about China’s rejection of cargoes because of an
Some Things Don’t Have To Be Complicated
unapproved genetically modified variety, exports to the Asian giant are OK. The cold winter and lack of beta agonist feed supplements have supported corn feed demand even with a reduced number of cattle in feedlots. Also, ethanol demand is stronger than expected and it looks like the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency won’t sharply reduce mandated ethanol use as was expected last fall. Still, the forecast for the coming year is worrisome, although it is preliminary. The first USDA forecast for 2014-15 shows the stocks-to-use ratio by the end of the year rising to 15.8 percent. The USDA is expecting the dreaded sub-$4 corn price, pegging the annual average at $3.90. However, that is based on an ambitious yield forecast of 165.3 bushels per acre. The USDA sees a tiny increase in feed demand, a tiny decrease in exports and flat ethanol demand. The Ukraine situation could affect corn exports, but it won’t affect winter wheat because it’s already in the ground. Corn will suffer if farmers can’t get financing because of the conflict. Last summer, Ukraine grew 30.9 million tonnes of corn and exported 18.5 million tonnes, the world’s third largest exporter. Any reduction could present an export opportunity for the U.S. and a potential to trim year-end stocks. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.
Soybean industry opposes reduced U.S. fuel mandate Renewable fuel | A proposal to reduce the amount of biodiesel produced in 2014 and 2015 could push down the price of soybeans BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Proposed changes to the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard will devastate the biodiesel industry and soybean prices, says a group representing nearly 600,000 soybean growers. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a 1.28 billion gallon per year mandate for 2014 and 2015. It would be a big blow for an industry that produced more than 1.8 billion gallons of biodiesel last year. “We were really hoping that EPA would see the growth in our industry and the availability of feed stocks and would support us with maybe a 1.5 billion gallon mandate or maybe 1.7 even for 2014,” said Danny Murphy, chair of the American Soybean Association. “They kind of shocked us when they went back to 1.28 (billion gallons).” He said the proposed mandate
could result in one billion gallons of actual production because of carryover from 2013. The U.S. biodiesel industry had been on pace to produce two billion gallons last year if production hadn’t slowed. “The EPA’s volume proposal for 2014 would effectively cut the volumes in half from current production levels,” Joe Jobe, chief executive officer of the National Biodiesel Board, said in a news release. “I can’t think of a more unacceptable example of a call for full retreat during such an overwhelming victory.” The EPA has also proposed cutting the advanced biofuel mandate to 2.2 billion gallons from 2.75 billion last year. The target was initially supposed to be 3.75 billion gallons this year. Biodiesel and sugar cane ethanol from Brazil are the two main fuels in the advanced biofuel category, so the EPA proposal is a double whammy for biodiesel, said Murphy. “It’s really, really disheartening to
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see that (EPA) proposal,” he said during an interview at the 2014 Commodity Classic conference. Studies indicate biodiesel contributes 25 to 75 cents per bushel to soybean prices. So any reduced production could put downward pressure on soybean prices, which directly influence canola prices. The biodiesel industry has become a key customer for soybean crushers, which have lost sales in the human consumption side of the business because of trans fat labelling legislation that has led to an influx of high oleic canola oil into the United States. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is contemplating a ban on partially hydrogenated oils, which Murphy said would eliminate another two billion pound market for soybean oil. The ASA is requesting the FDA delay the ban for a few years until there is a plentiful supply of high oleic soybean oil. Murphy said the proposed reduced biodiesel mandate and the elimination of trans fats could easily together shave 50 cents per bu. off soybean prices. There is no timeline when the EPA and FDA will make their final decisions. Murphy was encouraged by a recent statement that EPA administrator Gina McCarthy made while speaking to a meeting of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture about the more than 15,000 comments the administration received on its proposal. “I have heard loud and clear that you don’t think we hit that right,” she said. “(The final rule will be) in a shape that you will see that we have listened to your comments.”
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MARKETS CANFAX REPORT FED PRICES RISE The fed steer weighted average price was $137.96 per hundredweight, up $1.23, and heifers were $140.30, up 14 cents. Western Canadian prices have lagged behind the U.S. market and are also $10 or more behind eastern Canadian prices Western packers have ample captive supplies. One of the two major western slaughter plants is taking delivery of cattle in two weeks, while the other is lifting cattle in three to four weeks. Most of last week’s sales went to one buyer. Longer fed cattle fetched premiums. Many producers were formula pricing cattle to the United States in pursuit of stronger prices. The Alberta fed cash-to-futures basis was at -$21.91. The weekly Canadian slaughter to March 8 topped 59,000 head for the first time since May 2012. One of two Alberta plants operated March 8, pushing western Canadian slaughter to about 37,000 head, the most since September 2012. The increased weekly production indicates processing margins are positive. The record strong hog and pork prices should support cattle and beef prices.
rose $2.50-$4. Feeders 700-900 pounds rose $1, and feeders heavier than 900 lb. saw prices firm modestly. With warmer weather and strong prices, the Alberta auction volume rose 39 percent to about 40,000 head. Weekly feeder exports to March 1 rose 21 percent to 13,477 head. Feeder exports are up 39 percent this year. Market-ready volume should start to seasonally tighten. Expect premiums on grass types.
BEEF SETS RECORDS U.S. cutouts reached new record highs mid-week as supply tightened, with Choice reaching $241.51 US per cwt. and Select $237.71. Choice closed the week off the highs at $241.30, up $5.72 on the week, and Select closed at $236.87, up $3.87. Beef prices might dip this week as U.S. slaughter increased 2.9 percent to 564,000 head. Canadian cut-out values were unavailable. Montreal wholesale prices for delivery this week were anticipated to be steady at $263-$265 Cdn per cwt.
FEEDERS RISE Strong demand for all types of feeders saw average steer prices rise almost $1 and heifers climb almost $2.25. Light steer calves traded mixed on varied quality. Middle weight steers and heifers saw strong grass interest, and prices
This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at
Exceptionally strong demand for hamburger and other manufactured beef propelled cow prices higher. D1, D2 cows ranged $90-$108 to average $99.40 per cwt., up $5, and D3 prices ranged $80-$94 to average $87, up $2.50. Rail grade cows ranged $195-$200. Butcher bulls averaged $102. Western Canadian weekly non-fed slaughter to March 8 rose one percent to 7,390 head. Weekly non-fed exports to March 1 rose five percent to 7,682 head.
There were 980,675 cattle in Alberta and Saskatchewan feedlots March 1 that had a capacity of 1,000 head or more, up 10 percent from the previous year. Thanks to profitability, feedlots are replacing cattle as soon as they market fed animals. Placements in Februar y were 149,120, up 13 percent from the previous year. The number of cattle marketed in February was 136,091, up six percent. Other disappearance was 11,487, up 61 percent over last year. Canfax said early marketing of calves and increased feeder exports could drop on-feed numbers to below the year-ago level in the second quarter.
for March 14 was $124.75 per cwt., up from $111.99 March 7. U.S. federal slaughter to March 15 was estimated at 2.024 million, down from 2.067 million the previous week. Slaughter totalled 2.194 million last year at the same time.
BISON RISE HOGS SOAR Tight market-ready hog supplies caused U.S. cash prices to jump higher. The hog supply is becoming so tight that some U.S. packers are trimming t h e i r s l a u g h t e r ra t e s a n d o n e Smithfield plant on the U.S. East Coast suspended slaughter operations March 14. These cuts reflect the damage being done by porcine epidemic diarrhea, which has killed millions of piglets. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs delivered to slaughter plants traded at up to $86 US per hundredweight March 14, up from $77-$77.50 March 7. The estimated pork cut-out value
The Canadian Bison Association said Grade A bulls with desirable weights reached $4 Cdn per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers sold up to $3.85. Support came from U.S. demand fuelled by the weaker loonie. Quality 2013 bull calves weighing 400-500 pounds reached $2.65 per lb. live weight. Heifers born in 2013 weighing 300400 lb. reached $2.20 per lb. Animals outside the desirable buyer specifications may be discounted.
SHEEP AND LAMBS STRONGER Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported that 1,085 sheep and 81 goats sold March 10.
Wool lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $155-$178 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $153-$172, 86-105 lb. were $145$159 and 106 lb. and heavier were $138-$149. Wool rams were $50-$87 per cwt. Cull ewes were $47-$110 and bred ewes were $90-$200 per head. Hair lambs lighter than 70 lb. were $145-$164 per cwt., 70-85 lb. were $130-$158, 86-105 lb. were $130$149 and 106 lb. and heavier were $130-$140. Hair rams were $55-$80 per cwt. Cull ewes were $44-$80 and ewelamb families were $150-$200 per unit. Good kid goats lighter than 50 lb. were $192.50-$235. Those heavier than 50 lb. were $200-$250 per cwt. Nannies were $75-$127.50 per cwt. Billies were $110-$190. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,278 sheep and lambs and 69 goats traded March 10. All lambs traded actively with prices $5-$7 cwt. higher. Good sheep and goats sold steady. Plainer and thicker sheep sold under pressure.
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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:
Manitoba takes action to improve worker safety
arm safety comes with a cost. It costs time to ensure proper education and oversight and to make sure that proper safety rules are well known by all and are being followed. Employers also face more direct costs: those necessary to maintain or upgrade equipment or improve conditions at locations more prone to accidents. However, those costs are minuscule compared to what could be accrued when approved farm safety practices are not followed. That much most farmers would agree with. However, it is sometimes difficult to remember that principle in the midst of the rush and bustle of a busy farm day. That’s why Manitoba plans to introduce an amendment this spring that would make safety and health orientations mandatory for every new employee starting work on a farm, including seasonal and part-time workers. The law would apply to all industries. There are no exceptions for farm workers, as there have been with labour and health and safety rules. Governments have been reluctant to force added expenses and regulations onto farmers. The proposed Manitoba law comes with a wide range of recommendations that employers should address with new workers. They include workers’ rights, emergency plans, locating first aid stations and fire exits, pointing out areas of potential hazards involving equipment or livestock, tricky areas to watch such as deep ditches and overhead power lines, water and power shutoffs, and policies for working alone. There are suggested protocols and forms available from the Manitoba government to help guide employers. For example, others should know the location of any person working alone. As well, that person must have a required check-in time, by phone or text or in person, and if the check-in message fails to arrive, somebody else immediately investigates. The proposed law is flexible enough to
allow farmers to design their own orientation. This is not to say that other prairie provinces are ignoring farm safety. Saskatchewan and Alberta have extensive farm safety awareness and outreach programs, as does Canada nationally, through such organizations as the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association. Most offer codes of conduct and manuals on farm safety protocols, as well as proper response guidelines to help in emergency situations. But Manitoba is taking it one step further. Glen Blahey, safety specialist with CASA, has said he doesn’t know of any other jurisdiction in Canada in which safety orientation is mandatory for new workers. And it is coming at a time when high profile cases have been increasing pressure on governments to tighten regulations, particularly in Alberta where farm fatalities in the last year have prompted calls for farms to be included under Occupational Health and Safety and Workers Compensation Board regulations. A simple health and safety orientation is, quite literally, the least farmers can do. Yes, many employers are anxious to get new workers up to speed and earning their keep, but the costs of an accident far outweigh the time and expense of proper employee education and awareness. The sheer human costs to the employee, as well as to family and friends that stem from a serious injury or death, are incalculable. Other costs that more than offset the expense of farmers spending an hour or so with each new employee include finding replacement workers, continually training new people and additional down time, often during the farm’s busiest seasons. Other provinces should take note. Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.
Warmer weather brings out a sign of spring as a Richardson’s ground squirrel, also called a gopher, munches on roadside grass east of Cayley, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
Young mothers prove powerful force in food safety debate FOOD FOR THOUGHT
n our battle to mitigate misinformation about agriculture and food production, we need to pay attention to an important new demographic: the “mommy bloggers” and their readers. More than four million young, educated, chatty, technology savvy American mothers are actively blogging about parenting or turn to blogs and other
social media platforms for advice. This group is also 64 percent more likely to donate to an environmental organization and 88 percent more likely to pay more for products and services that are perceived to be ecofriendly, according to Scarborough Research. Moms who blog have a great deal of power and influence. They have become important marketing partners, spreading the word about ideas, products and services to the millions of other moms who are online. Moms who blog are also more likely to make other moms feel guilty about their food and parenting choices. Mommy blogger campaigns can be damaging in the world of agriculture and food production if they incite unnecessary fear in parents by lead-
ing them to believe they are harming their families by feeding them genetically modified foods, beef treated with hormones and antibiotics and other conventionally produced food. There is significant market pressure for parents to fit their buying and consumption decisions neatly under the halo of all that is “natural” and “organic.” It is a shame, though, because there is no evidence to suggest that organically produced food is any safer or healthier than food produced through other production methods. Mommy bloggers, and parents in general, need to be our target audience. Too often, agricultural and food production practices are demonized in parenting circles, and there is a great need for education and agricul-
tural advocacy on these topics. Rural mommy bloggers can be our greatest allies in this. They can ensure that information about agriculture, production methods and food safety is being accurately presented by using a positive voice, being open to respectful dialogue and sharing their stories. Agricultural organizations and advocacy groups can also benefit from the unique role that mommy bloggers play. They can develop brand ambassadorship programs for rural and, perhaps even more importantly, urban mommy bloggers, providing support and tools so that these individuals can spread awareness about the industry through their blogs. However, the goal for these ambassadorship programs should not be to get your story in front of a mom who
blogs. Rather, the goal should be to have your story become part of hers. Ambassadorship programs are important pieces in the “agvocacy” puzzle as we work to address some of the image problems that the agricultural industry faces. We are fortunate to be able to raise our children in a part of the world where food — all food, no matter how it is produced — is plentiful, diverse and safe. Those of us who farm and work in agriculture need to reach out and connect across the plate, using available tools as well our own unique voices to counter some of the misinformation. Cami Ryan is a research consultant and a professional affiliate in the College of Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan. Sarah Schultz is author of the blog nurselovesfarmer.
Backlog in grain, backlog in democracy
U.S. awards recognize WP reporters
elieve it or not, there is a relationship between the backlog in prairie grain and the Fair Elections Act. Here’s how. As prairie farmers wait anxiously for the backlog in grain transportation to be resolved and for prices that at least cover the cost of production, agriculture minister Gerry Ritz and friends continue to meet with devotion in the sanctuary of “free-dumb.” Farmers on the Prairies can no longer afford these bizarre ideas from Ritz and Co. One of their proposed solutions is to lift the revenue cap for rail companies, which are required by law to move grain. As a constrained, monopolized system, railroads would enjoy even higher profits if allowed to create a bidding war that would have farmers paying even higher freight rates. It has always been clear that mountains and long distances to ports have stopped prairie farmers from receiving the full world market price for their grain. In the early 1900s, western grain farmer were outraged over the monopoly power of the Canadian Pacific Railway, grain dealers and millers. Their frustration spurred them to demand a stake in the game, organize themselves and work co-operatively to form the prairie pools. The Canadian Grain Commission, created in 1912, had the power to enforce regulations governing grain movement from farmgate to loading point. The federal government created the Canadian Wheat Board when farmers demanded fair and stable prices and protection against exploitation by grain traders.
Could a farmer-controlled agency help solve transportation woes, asks the author. | Farmers lobbied hard to keep the Crow Rate to maintain equity in grain transportation costs. These and other mechanisms helped ensure that land-locked prairie farmers could compete successfully in the world market. Western anger is rising again because other than a greatly diminished grain commission, these hard-won institutions have been demolished by Ritz and his ilk. The current chaos in grain transportation is caused by the loss of the CWB’s co-ordination at port terminals and the lack of enforcement of the statutory obligation for rail companies to move prairie grain. The CWB, with its single desk authority over sales, railroads and port facilities, ensured the system worked efficiently to achieve premium grain prices and minimize transportation costs for prairie farmers. Now to the Fair Elections Act and its relationship to grain transportation. Canada’s chief electoral officer, who reports directly to Parliament, exposed the unethical interference of the Conservatives in the lead-up to the last federal election, for which
their knuckles were soundly rapped. Not surprisingly, the Conservatives’ Fair Elections Act will weaken the chief electoral officer by turning his investigative powers over to a commissioner appointed by the director of public prosecutions. This commissioner will report to the prime minister instead of to Parliament as a whole. The government’s undemocratic behaviour regarding the new elections act is something prairie farmers have previously seen. Even though prairie farmers repeatedly elected a majority of CWB directors who supported the single desk, the Conservatives disregarded the requirements of the CWB Act for a producer vote and unilaterally dismantled the single desk. The farmerelected board was terminated. Likewise, the chief electoral officer, who is the protector of Canada’s democratic processes, has been stripped of power and his former authority given to a puppet of the prime minister. If minister Ritz wanted to improve transportation and farmers’ grain prices, he would consult with Allen Oberg and other former directors of the farmer-elected CWB board, who
made grain move well and also managed to sell several classes of wheat for premiums that have since vanished. He would also talk to Adrian Measner, the CWB’s former chief executive officer, who was removed by the Conservatives and brought to heel in much the same way as the chief electoral officer has been. According to the proposed 2014-15 budget, the federal government is using $349 million to help sell what is left of the CWB to the private grain trade. Conservatives also appropriated $200 million of farmer-owned CWB assets when they ended the single desk. What would happen if Ritz and Co. gave farmers that $549 million to create a farmer-controlled agency to coordinate prairie grain transportation, with the authority to discipline railroads , and to buy or build port facilities to export prairie grain? Just imagine that. Jan Slomp is president of the National Farmers Union and an Alberta dairy farmer.
New revenue insurance option worth considering HURSH ON AG
private revenue insurance program called Global Ag Risk Solutions is gaining traction across Western Canada. More grain producers are considering it for the upcoming year. Of course, dropping grain prices have everyone concerned about their margins. GARS now has a software program that allows producers to see the support that would flow from Crop Insurance, AgriStability and GARS in various price and yield scenarios. Farmers need to have at least five years of accrual-based financial statements to be considered for GARS insurance. The premium is
based on how well they have performed financially. GARS covers the three big input costs — seed, fertilizer and chemicals — as well as a margin of the farmer’s choice over and above the input costs. The margin can be $25, $50, $75 or $100 an acre. Farmers’ historical input costs per acre are calculated, which are automatically covered if they go as much as 40 percent above them. In my specific case, the seed, fertilizer and chemical costs for the crops I’ve been growing, plus the 40 percent allowance, means I have coverage of up to roughly $160 per acre. On top of that, I’m considering a margin of $75 an acre. With that, my coverage will amount to whatever I spend on the three big inputs plus $75. I could choose a margin of $100, but it would cost about $4 an acre more. In my case, the price tag is roughly $11 an acre with the $75 an acre margin. Remember that everyone’s premium might be different. I had GARS coverage last year. Like
any insurance product, you hope you don’t collect. This year, the company can provide a much clearer picture of how the program functions in relation to the government safety nets. It punches in a farmer’s crop insurance numbers, seeding plan, projected input costs and the AgriStability reference margin to show what would happen in the event of yield and/or price shortfalls. My best coverage net of premiums is from staying in AgriStability and buying GARS, which provides better support than crop insurance, in my case. It’s important to note that AgriStability benefits are reduced by payments received from GARS and crop insurance. However, farmers who rely solely on AgriStability without having either crop insurance or GARS would see their AgriStability trimmed back if they were in a negative margin situation. AgriStability still seems to provide good support and its premiums are cheap, even with recent cuts. How-
ever, confidence in the program is low, and it is notorious for being slow to make payments. Even though the numbers show that I’ll be better off buying GARS and dropping crop insurance, I’m not likely to do so entirely. Its premiums drop dramatically at 60 or 50 percent yield coverage. I’ll likely stay in crop insurance at some minimum level to maintain the establishment benefit and the coverage for unheeded acreage. Having GARS will also change my hail insurance needs. I’m in an area with high hail premiums and my land is all in a block. Although my thoughts may change through the summer, depending on how the crop looks, I’ll likely start out with little or no hail insurance. Each producer has different circumstances, insurance needs and appetite for risk. GARS won’t be a fit for everyone, but it’s worth considering. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at
Ed White and Mary MacArthur win at ag journalists organization
first met Ed White when I was a much younger reporter at the Saskatoon StarPhoenix and had been sent out to learn something about the agriculture beat. Agriculture is a remarkably complex file, and I was terrified. One of the brilliant things I did in a story many moons ago was refer to $7 wheat, which was the futures price — not the farmgate price — and I failed to differentiate. To put it mildly, I heard about that. In those days, I would run into Ed at conferences and events. I was pretty sure he would never fail to mention what kind of a price he was quoting. But after a while, I was less intimidated. Ed, like the late and dearly missed Adrian Ewins, was helpful and supportive. Without those two, this one-time daily business reporter would have been sunk on the ag file. I may have worked at a different paper, but these WP reporters seemed to care only about agricultural reporting and helped me get it right. (They stopped short of sharing scoops.) Now, I get to work with Ed, although he is based in Winnipeg. I hardly have to mention that he writes all kinds of news for us, and is an expert in markets with a Derivatives Market Specialist designation. Indeed, Ed is among the best ag columnists in North America. I have proof. He took first place in the North American Agricultural Journalists writing competition in the column category for a collection of three pieces published Feb. 7, May 30 and June 27 of 2013. I a l s o g e t t o w o rk w i t h Ma r y MacArthur of our Camrose bureau, who received an honourable mention for a Nov. 7 news story entitled Military solution creates farm problems. My personal view, although I’m biased, is that Mary’s Stampede steer disqualification stories were equally as good. Mary is a determined, fair and unrelenting reporter who will not give up until she gets to the bottom of a story, regardless of obstacles in her way. This is obvious in the many awards she has won over the years at The Western Producer. It was nice to see Canadians do well at NAAJ, which is largely populated, of course, by U.S. journalists. Editor Laura Rance and reporter Shannon vanRaes of The Manitoba Co-operator also took awards. You’re in good hands, dear readers.
OPEN FORUM LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.
And finally, given the fact that producers paid for former CWB hopper cars, that any of those unallocated cars be directed to short-line railways and producer loading sites to satisfy some of the backlog. The time for more studies has passed. Frankly, the survival of producers and the entire economies of Saskatchewan and Western Canada depend on finding concrete solutions. The time to act is now. Rick Swenson, leader, PC Party of Saskatchewan, Moose Jaw, Sask.
the Crow gone. But the freight rates farmers pay have certainly gone up along with railway profits. In the 2000s, the railways dropped over 4,000 workers, and many locomotives were sitting idle on the tracks. This year, the railroads are on slowdown for the movement of grain in the West. Once again they are crying their business needs more money for grain movement as oil and potash shipments provide more income. Again, the WCWGA is advocating that producers need to pay more to ship grain and this would solve the problem.… In the past, the WCWGA were ready to put on their work boots and hardhats to go to the ports to load grain anytime the union workers went on strike. The WCWGA should stop working for the railways and give up on their antiquated theme that the solution to the grain transportation problem is to pay the railways more. They have been proven wrong by history several times already.
To the Editor:
To the Editor:
Politicians, some producers and farm leaders have very short memories.… (The railways’) recent threat that grain would never move efficiently if they did not get more money is not the first time this has happened. In the 1980s, the railways shifted to bull-low for a myriad of reasons but mostly because they did not want to upgrade their rail car fleet or serve branch-line elevators owned by farmers. So, in order to speed up the transportation of grain, the federal and provincial governments gave into the bully tactics of the railways and purchased grain hopper cars to improve the capacity of the grain transportation system. In the 1990s, the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, under the banner Partners in Innovation, lobbied the federal government to get rid of the Crow rate. Their rationale was that the system could become more efficient if the railways could charge more. It sure sounds like that mantra is back again coming out of the same group. The question is, more efficient for whom? To this date, the railways have not invested in hopper cars and locomotives as the WCWGA were suggesting they would back when they wanted
Over the past number of weeks, producers across Western Canada have watched as their politicians, the rail companies and the grain companies have pointed fingers and made excuses over the current transportation crisis. There is certainly more than enough blame to go around. However, what producers need and deserve are real solutions. The Progressive Conservative Party of Saskatchewan has formally written a letter to both federal agriculture minister (Gerry) Ritz and transportation minister (Lisa) Raitt sharing three initiatives that they believe would provide immediate relief to the crisis and also begin the framework for a long-term solution. These ideas include: that the six amendments as proposed by the Shippers Coalition to Bill C-52, the Fair Rail Freight Service Act, be immediately reintroduced to parliament and passed. Secondly, enhancing the mandate of Quorum Corp. (the rail transportation monitor) to include weekly mandatory reporting of the number of hopper cars both transporting agricultural products and number of cars that originated in Canada that are currently in the U.S.
Eric Sagan, Melville, Sask.
FAMILIAR SOLUTIONS To the Editor: (Agriculture) minister (Gerry) Ritz’s government has thrown another simple idea out there: “Let’s just tell the railways to haul more cars for nine weeks and we will fine them if they don’t”. Nice and simple — very “Gerry.” Perhaps it isn’t that simple. Transportation and marketing might need to be highly synchronized, perhaps even “designed.” For example, the railroad would deliver cars to elevators based on the elevator company’s recent market share of grain sales. Those cars would be filled with grain that matched the contract to be loaded at port in the near future. Farmers would be given equitable delivery opportunities and the port
price matched the price, minus costs and a reasonable handling tariff, (that) farmers received so they would deliver when the grain was needed. Sound familiar? It should. It is what we had. Wendy Manson, Outlook, Sask.
RAILWAY MONOPOLY To the Editor: In response to calls from the previously farmer controlled CWB for rail service review and costing reviews of the railways’ operations, the federal government stalled those requests and later brought forth the Fair Rail Freight Service Act, which was supposed to deal with the railways’ poor service. By all accounts this legislation is proving useless…. The federal government needs to play its role as a regulator and ensure shippers are treated fairly by the railways. Why is it the federal government has no problem extending its authority over the railway workers through labour legislation but does not think it’s a responsibility of the government to ensure there is effective and efficient rail transportation provided to shippers in Canada? Why is it that grain companies are expected to load grain trains at a certain time and place, or face penalties, and yet the train may arrive over a week late with no recourse to the grain company? As a producer car loader, I am expected to load cars within a 24 hour period or face a demurrage charge of approximately $87.50 per day per car. But yet if the cars sit loaded on my track for over two weeks, without being moved, the railways face no negative consequence. The railways are unable to provide fair and equitable service to shippers, as they know full well nothing can be done about it in the present situation. It’s time the federal government took its duties seriously and got
their heads out of the railways’ troughs. It’s also funny that the federal Conservatives labelled the previously farmer controlled CWB as a monopoly, but yet the railways, who have more control over farmers than the CWB ever did, are not viewed as a monopoly. But they are allowed to promote predatory pricing, unfair business principles, poor service, the ability to kill economical transportation routes and operate under legislation that is totally one sided in favour of the railways. So much for standing up for farmers. Kyle Korneychuk, Pelly, Sask.
VOICE OF FREEDOM To the Editor: I have been thinking a lot lately about freedom, so called. Politicians are free to say our bumper crop is at fault for no grain cars, or very few, on the railways. Around here it’s the bumper crop of oil that’s on the railway. A huge terminal was built last year, and the tanker trucks are pummeling the roads hauling oil to it to fill oil rail cars. It’s not the only one in the province. Ironically, this terminal sits not far from the once busy, formerly farm group owned grain elevators. Apparently, neither the railways nor our politicians saw this coming. They are free to wear blinkers, it seems. The railways are free to haul what they want. This must be what the honourable Mr. (federal agriculture minister Gerry) Ritz meant by market freedom. It seems to me it’s the freedom to go bankrupt and the freedom to watch our world reputation, once something of which we could be proud, become even more tattered. I suppose we still have the freedom to complain. Or do we? I no longer think so.
CDC VR Morris, CDC Stanley and CDC Thrive were bred at the Crop Development Centre, University of Saskatchewan. Proven® Seed is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services (Canada) Inc. CPS CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES and Design is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services, Inc.
OPINION Most newspapers are now owned by big companies and if they don’t like a writer’s viewpoint or perceived politics, letters are simply ignored. Writers trying to express an idea or opinion are muzzled. I am not the only person who has come to realize that increasingly freedom of the press is only for those who own the press. Canada Post frequently has shot itself in the foot; newspapers and magazines are free to do the same. Interesting fact, however, is that they still feel free to take money for subscriptions and advertisements. But writers are free to publish letters on the internet or to sell bulls or beauty products the same way. We will make our voices heard, one way or another. C. D. Pike, Waseca, Sask.
RITZ DOESN’T GET IT To the Editor: The message from the majority of farmers to the federal agriculture minister has been ignored for a decade. Instead, he listens to a fringe farmer group with only a few hundred members. This is the same farmer group who betrayed farmers when they opposed railroad running rights a decade ago in the Estey-Kroeger process. I’m referring to the Western Canadian
Wheat Growers Association. Last year, leaders from the WCWGA were hand-picked by (Gerry) Ritz and friends to run the interim boards of Saskatchewan’s new wheat and barley commissions. In November, farmers voted to choose permanent board members for these commissions. Ritz’s handpicked appointees were democratically rejected. They were replaced by farmers who are well-known supporters of the now defunct CWB single desk. Ritz had already destroyed the single desk against farmers’ wishes and that case is slowly winding its way through the courts. Orderly marketing of grain by the former CWB has been replaced with Ritz’s new open market free-for-all. Farmers are now caught in the middle of an unprecedented rail transportation debacle that is costing them hundreds of millions of dollars. Ritz has decided instead to form a new transportation group to study the very problem that he himself created. To make matters worse for farmers, Ritz has again appointed p e o p l e f ro m th e s a m e ra i lw ay friendly WCWGA to represent farmers in his new rail transportation study. How unfortunate for real farmers that Ritz simply doesn’t get it.
A deer warily looks up from foraging for food among a stand of trees on a farm south of Grande Prairie, Alta., on a cold February morning. Deep snow and cold have resulted in wildlife seeking food where it is more readily available including on farms and near livestock feed. | RANDY VANDERVEEN PHOTO
Bill Woods, Eston, Sask.
Christian church must improve relationship with community to continue to grow SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES
have noticed a considerable change in the number of people attending Sunday worship. Clergy colleagues are all too aware
of the struggle for survival that they face. Anglican (Aboriginal) bishop Mark MacDonald, speaking to a recent rural church conference, pointed out that most non-indigenous congregations have patterned themselves after a style of Christianity that comes from Europe. It features a building, a trained leader and a book. In these times, the result is that we spend so much effort trying to keep things financially viable that we don’t have the energy and resources to do mission work with those
who are in need. “It’s hard to be transformational when the main worry is about the pipes.” Christian church membership is growing in Africa, Asia and indigenous communities, but the practice of Christianity is different. What has been known as Christianity in the western world might die, “but we have a God who knows how to get out of the grave.” MacDonald refers us to Philip Jenkins’ book, Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity.
We must look critically at the life and work of our faith communities. Instead of upholding the established institutional church, we are called to function in simpler ways: • Being in relationship with community is more important than offering programs. • Relating with the ecosphere (land, water, people) is at the heart of Gospel. “For God so loved (the ecosphere) that He gave his own Son.” • Congregational health is more important than clergy competence.
• Caring, committed members are vital mentors. • The need is for faith-filled communities to expose systemic evil. • Be assured the gospel reveals the ongoing presence of God in human community. “The power of human beings combined with the power of God is unstoppable.” • Finally, “Christianity always grows in a time of cultural diffusion.” Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian
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Sask. RMs want Ottawa to return pastureland Land was to be operated as federal community pasture BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
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Always read and follow label directions. Nuance is a registered trademark of Cheminova A/S, Denmark. Express SG is a registered trademark of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Several Saskatchewan rural municipalities say they want the land they transferred to the federal community pasture program years ago returned. They are willing to go to court to see that agreements dating back to the 1930s are honoured, said delegates at last week’s Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities annual convention. The municipalities of Mount Hope, Reno and Heart’s Hill all said that past councils agreed to transfer the land on the condition that it be operated as a government pasture or be returned. They said the land should come back to them now that Ottawa has decided to get out of the community pasture business. They want the issue addressed by Aug. 31 or they will ask SARM to help launch a class action lawsuit against the province for breach of agreement. A resolution calling for such action was passed. Fred Baran, a councillor in the RM of Dundurn, said his municipality is in the same position. “We have asked the agricultural minister to address this situation and have been ignored,� he told the convention during the resolution session. He again raised the issue at the bear pit session with premier Brad Wall and cabinet ministers. “Your ministry of agriculture, in an effort to offload these pastures, has created an expensive, cumbersome and frustrating process that deals only with the pasture patrons,� he told Wall. Baran said the agriculture ministry has ignored the requests from affected RMs. He quoted from the minutes
of the Land Utilization Board of Dec. 12, 1939, noting that when an RM transfers title to the board “for a specific purpose and that purpose no longer exists, the rural municipality be offered a lease on these lands or on their request the title be transferred back to them.� Agriculture minister Lyle Stewart said the issue is “thorny� and lawyers have advised that the land reverts to the province. “Our legal counsel has reviewed the minutes of the Land Utilization Board from 1936 to 1963 and they found no contractual agreements between the land utilization board and RMs for the land to be reverted back to RMs,� he said. However, he said the government would abide by those claims if the RMs can provide valid proof of a claim. A delegate from the RM of Mount Hope said it and Prairie Rose are jointly involved in a former PFRA pasture. Only one current patron from Prairie Rose is interested in leasing the pasture, while seven from Mount Hope are interested. Most of the patrons say they can’t afford the lease rates, he said. Meanwhile, the Manitoba government has provided three years of transitional funding to the Association of Manitoba Community Pastures to help the non-profit organization manage the 24 pastures under transition in that province. The $1 million will help patrons acquire equipment and facilities needed to operate pastures. The province and 11 municipalities own most of the land in the Manitoba pastures. The AMCP, once incorporated, will operate the land on a cost-recovery basis.
1 103 103% of 5440
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*2013 YieldWorks and Demonstration Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication.
It’s all tied up. When it comes to yield supremacy, it’s six of one, half dozen of the other. It’s been talked about, debated, and argued amongst growers across the prairies. When it’s all said and done, according to yield trials, Genuity® Roundup Ready® hybrids yield on par with the competition.* Like all contests this close, the debate rages on... for now.
*Source: 2012 Field-Scale Canola Performance Trials Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. ©2013 Monsanto Canada, Inc.
Study to improve nutrient management practices Snow melt runoff | Frigid winter conditions on Prairies may require changes to grazing, fertilizing and seeding methods BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Barbara Cade-Menun will be heading out into the field in the coming weeks. As she has since 2010, Cade-Menun and other Agriculture Canada researchers will be collecting snow melt runoff and studying its nutrient composition as part of an ongoing project to assess existing management practices for nutrient loss. “Yes, we’re concerned about the environmental impacts, but we also
are trying to make sure that nutrients stay where they are needed,” said Cade-Menun of the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre. “We don’t want to fertilize the lakes. We want to fertilize the fields.” Preliminary results of her work in southeastern Saskatchewan were published last year in the Canadian Journal of Soil Science. Those numbers found nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in runoff from crop and pastureland exceeding water quality guidelines. Cade-Menun said the project sup-
ports the development of nutrient specific best management practices tailored to specific regions. The project was originally funded through Agriculture Canada’s now concluded Watershed Evaluation of Beneficial Management Practices initiative, but will continue through 2016 with new funding. “A lot of the best management practices that have been developed in the U.S., for example, or in Ontario or in Quebec, are in places where they get far more summer storm runoff than we get,” she said.
In those areas, producers will be looking to minimize losses due to erosion from rainfall, but on the Prairies, snow melt runoff is the major contributor to lost nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, carbon and phosphorus. On frozen soil, snowmelt runoff that contains nutrients in dissolved form is carried further than runoff caused by rainfall. Other factors to consider include the region’s semi-arid climate, zerotill practices on cropland and in-field winter bale grazing on pastureland.
“The study has raised all the different things that we need to test now,” said Cade-Menun, including the timing of spraying, when to spread manure and if farmers should be tilling. “These are things we need to question. Should we be putting our nutrients further down in the soil, especially phosphorus?” she said. “If going to zero till, if it is causing this buildup in the top inch, half inch, is that anywhere near where the crop actually needs it during the growing season? Should we be looking at practices where we’re moving things further into the soil?” Cade-Menun said ranchers who bale graze in the winter need to be mindful of how water moves on their pasture so that they can retain nutrients and keep them out of wells. She said she’s also seeing evidence that fecal bacteria such as E. coli can overwinter. “We didn’t realize that these things could survive the winter as well as they do,” she said. “Snow is a wonderful insulator, so when the cow patties are put down and the snow goes over top, things live pretty happily in there.” She said a lack of water quality issues downstream indicates bacteria probably don’t survive long after leaving the field. “There is a lot of interest of course in E. coli throughout the world, but it’s studied in warm climates. People have always been more interested in the heat effects. Nobody has ever looked at cold.”
Alta. wants grain sector benchmark BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Beef 2014: International Livestock Conference This year’s conference will focus on the opportunities of marketing the whole carcass. With the trends that are taking shape today, there are many opportunities for the future. Hear an update on the economy – local and globally, the market opportunities of the whole carcass locally and globally – and what you can do to enhance this opportunity and why it is important to you.
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The Alberta government is calling for the establishment of performance measures and benchmarks for the entire grain supply chain. The publicly reported system would help identify service shortfalls and bottlenecks in a timely manner, so issues can be resolved more quickly, said an Alberta government news release March 17. The performance measures are in addition to previous recommendations by the province on changes to the way grain is moved. While grain handling is not a provincial jurisdiction, they recommended the federal government make changes that would identify service obligations for all parties, have substantial penalties for grain companies for poor service, increase track access so grain shippers can receive competitive service from more than one rail company and increase enforcement powers to address inadequate service. The recommendations follow Ottawa’s March 7 announcement that required both major railways to increase delivery service to address the backlog of grain waiting to be exported to market.
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Railways ‘irate’ over Ottawa’s ‘accusatory tone’ on service Elevators also to blame | CN says grain companies are also at fault BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The top executives at Canada’s major railways have expressed their disappointment in Ottawa’s decision to impose weekly targets on the amount of western Canadian grain that must be hauled to market. At a transportation symposium in New York City March 12, Canadian Pacific Railway president Hunter
Harrison said he was irate with Ottawa’s March 7 announcement of weekly quotas that outlined how much grain CP and Canadian National Railway must haul to avoid fines as high as $100,000 per day. “We’ve had some pretty extraordinary conditions to work under (this winter) … and I was … irate with the Canadian government and some of their comments about our inability to deliver grain.”
Harrison told investors at the conference that he will be having “eyeball to eyeball sessions with the Canadian government” to talk about the situation affecting grain movement. CN president Claude Mongeau also expressed his displeasure, saying he regretted Ottawa’s “accusatory tone.” “I think when you face a challenge of moving a 100-year crop in a very difficult winter … when you face up to
CN president Claude Mongeau said the railway faced many challenges this year, including an extremely difficult winter. | FILE PHOTO the hard reality of that double challenge, it’s a perfect storm,” Mongeau said. Mongeau said Agriculture Canada
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set its official estimate of the western Canadian grain harvest at 60 million tonnes as of late September. It was 15 million tonnes short of the 75 million tonnes actually harvested last fall. Mongeau also pointed a finger at grain elevator companies, which could have moved more than 10,000 additional rail car during the first five weeks of the crop year, if they had seen the size of the crop and properly prepared, he said. Instead of singling out railway companies for their performance in an extremely cold winter, Mongeau said Ottawa would have been better off encouraging collaboration by all partners in the supply chain. “I look forward, with winter behind us, to move as hard as I can to not only meet the government order of 5,500 cars (per week) if I can, but we will also find out what’s the capacity of the overall supply chain,” he said. “How many cars can they unload at the waterfront? Are they (grain companies) going to be selling in the West Coast but also on the East Coast so we can spread the volume in all corridors? Are we going to act as a supply chain so that we can move more grain faster?” Ottawa’s order requires the railways to move a combined total of a million tonnes of prairie grain per week from any point west of Thunder Bay, Ont., to any point in Canada, the United States or beyond for unloading, after a four week transition period. The order will remain in effect for 90 days and is renewable. CN and CP will be required to provide Ottawa with a weekly report indicating volume demands and volumes of grain moved in each corridor. Officials at Transport Canada declined to be interviewed, but Transport Canada official Julianne Martel said in a March 11 email that decisions regarding fines will ultimately rest with the Public Prosecution Service of Canada. Clearing last year’s harvest will not be an easy challenge, even with the return of warmer weather. Mongeau said demand for rail service remains strong with volumes expected to remain high from many business sectors, including potash, oil, lumber and intermodal units, throughout the coming months.
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LEARN TO DO BY DOING Longtime Saskatchewan 4-H leader Stan Figley has made his mark at the local, provincial and now national level. | Page 24
Give tourists reason to stop
Start with an idea
Region benefits | Financial spinoffs tagged at $5 million n BY RON FRIESEN FREELANCE WRITER
STEINBACH, Man. — An idea to make people pay money to smash pumpkins helped Tam Anderson’s market garden near Bon Accord, Alta., take off. A sudden hailstorm had seriously damaged her seven-acre pumpkin patch just as she was preparing for her annual fall pumpkin festival. To salvage something, her brother proposed renting a compressed air cannon and charging people $3 each to fire pumpkins out of the patch across the road and against hydro poles in a neighbouring field. The media covered the event, the public came out to participate and a ruined crop turned into an attraction. Anderson related the story to a recent Manitoba direct farm marketing conference as an example of how selling at the farmgate can be about more than just fruits and vegetables. “We went from selling produce and pumpkins on the farm to understanding that we were selling experiences on the farm,” said the owner of Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farm. Such direct farm marketing is a growing industry in Manitoba. Karen Walker-Tibble of Manitoba Agriculture said the province has 74 farmers ramarkets and 261 small fruit operack. tions, most of which are U-pick. ral Direct farm sales of agricultural 00 products are estimated at $100 million annually. ed She said the growth is spurred nd by an increasing public demand nfor local food and a desire to connect personally with growers. ly Customers who buy directly n from farms are as interested in ey the experience of doing so as they s, are in the products themselves, said Walker-Tibble. “It’s agri-tourism, it’s farmerss m markets, it’s selling directly from m the farmgate and it’s U-pick from community supported agricul-ture. It’s all one big umbrella,”” she said. “Parents are looking for thosee experiences and I think they’lll pay to ensure their children gett that on a farm.” Prairie Gardens and Adven--
ture Farm’s 35-acre operation hosts a vari-o ety of festivals and events from April to December to give visitors a taste of food,, but also country living. The year begins with the Hop! Easterr Fest in April, followed by a Mother’s Dayy garden party in May. The Sweet Corn Festt and the Fall-o-Ween Harvest Fest aree n autumn staples. The Haunted Pumpkin Festival runs the entire month of October.. n School and family Christmas parties in December offer indoor and outdoorr activities aimed especially at children. p Other events include Field to Fork group dinners with locally grown meals prepared byy professional chefs. Gift shops, corn mazes, U-pick strawber-ries and a community shared agriculturee project are among the more than 50 attrac-tions Anderson and her five full-timee employees provide for the 50,000 peoplee that visit. She said her gross sales are aboutt the same as what her husband, Terry, getss from growing traditional crops on the 3,0000 acre family farm. She estimated the financial spinoffs forr the region from her business are as high ass $5 million annually. People visiting herr operation also spend money on gas, mealss and souvenirs en route and visit nearbyy rural attractions. Anderson encouraged people to “takee one idea home and make it work.”
Prairie Gardens and Adventure Farms offers family activities from April to December. | PRAIRIE GARDENS AND ADVENTURE FARM PHOTOS
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A small town can’t become a tourism mecca on its own but has a better chance if it joins with surrounding towns, municipalities and individual businesses to create a reason for visitors to stop in the area. “I’m really big on collaboration,” Mike Stolte told a Growing Rural Tourism conference in Camrose this month. “The key to really good tourism is having a cluster of activities. By working with communities, you can keep visitors in area longer,” said Stolte, president of the Centre for Innovative and Entrepreneurial Leadership. “Link events and experiences in the area,” he said. “If there is nothing to do, they will move on to the next community.” It’s important people in the community know what is happening within their community and know the interesting spots for tourists to stop. “Get locals to be knowledgeable and proudful of their community,” Stolte said. One community he worked with shared an interesting story of the community each week. That helped to give everyone some history and interesting stories to share, especially with visitors. If tourists visit their friends and have a good time in the community, they’re likely to spread the word. “You want to make sure the messages they are sending home are positive,” Stolte said. People also stop for rest rooms, snacks or fuel, but they can be enticed to stay longer. Stolte said money spent on downtown beautification pays big returns. Eighteen percent more money is spent when trees or hanging baskets are added to the streets. Another payoff is attracting baby boomers, the 50-plus travellers, who are responsible for 70 percent of the tourism spending. Stolte warned communities to avoid such tourism sins like poor internet service, lack of social media and little or nothing to do in town after six. “If you are targeting people under 30 and not using social media, you’re not going to get anyone.”
Family farm model puts individual’s skills to work Jack of all trades | Teaching music, building and selling homes provided off-farm income during lean years
Claire and Richard Seibold enjoy their renovated home in Rosetown, Sask., where she teaches music and the multi-generational family operates a 7,000 acre farm. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTOS BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM
ROSETOWN, Sask. — A switch to variable rate fertilizer applications
Job Opportunities Community Pasture Program – Pasture Riders Seasonal vacancies are anticipated in several locations in Saskatchewan and Manitoba (community pastures within the districts of Rosetown, North Battleford, Watrous, Weyburn, Maple Creek, Foam Lake, Swift Current, Dauphin and Brandon). Pasture riders are required to check, treat and move cattle on horseback, monitor range conditions, monitor stock water and repair or rebuild fences. Salary starts at $21.87/hour (pursuant to the Operational Services collective agreement between the Treasury Board of Canada and the Public Service Alliance of Canada, and other public service benefits). Pasture riders are eligible for an annual horse allowance of up to $1,750 based on 135 days of employment. Qualifications: - Proficiency in English is essential - Experience in checking, treating and moving cattle on horseback - Must supply a minimum of two (2) fully fit, sound, trained working horses and related tack and equipment Open to persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad. For more information on these positions, please contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Programs Branch, Community Pasture Program, at 306-523-6817 or email at An ongoing inventory will be established from resumes received for the 2014 season. Interested individuals should submit resumes by mail, fax or email to: AAFC – Programs Branch 300, 2010 12th Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0M3 Attention: Community Pasture Program Fax: 306-780-7166 Email: Applications received before March 3, 2014 will be given first consideration for the 2014 season. For further information on Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, visit We thank all candidates who apply and advise that only those selected for further consideration in the process will be contacted. The Public Service of Canada is committed to Employment Equity. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, please advise of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner.
two years ago was a giant step forward for Rosetown farmer Richard Seibold. “That was big for me. I’m from the old school,” he said. R i c h a rd g ro w s l e n t i l s, p e a s, canola and wheat on 7,000 acres with his wife, Claire, their teenaged daughter, Kaitlyn, son Jeff and his partner, Kelsey Pelletier, and daughter Carly and her husband, Morgan Nunweiler. The adaptation involves mapping field yields at harvest, soil sampling in the spring and plugging data into the global positioning system so the air seeder adjusts fertilizer rates as it goes. “This allows me to spend my money on fertilizer where it’s needed rather than one big blanket of fertilizer,” he said. The Seibolds say fertilizers are expensive and margins are narrow. They had a good crop year with above average yields. The family presold some before prices dropped off, which they will repeat with lentils this spring. “Now the price went in the tank so we’re not really reaping the benefits,” Richard said. The family’s farmland, some of which is rented, includes parcels as distant as Stranraer and Glamis, so good co-ordination and organization and regular meetings are key. “We have to co-ordinate what we plant so we’re not running all over with the combine,” he said. Claire said farm succession planning is helping the next generation get on the land just as it helped them. “Kids just can’t start farming without us,” she said. Added Richard, who started farming with his parents, Lloyd and Dorothy: “You can’t just buy.” The Seibolds also received strong support from retired farmer Peter R ow b o t ha m, w h o s e l a n d t h e y rented. They met the difficult years with non-farming work, employing used equipment and doing without. “In the hard years, material things were not high on the priority list,” said Richard. Everyone pitched in, including Carly, who made meals and babysat her young sibling. Claire once taught piano to as many
as 60 students. She continues to teach 25 young musicians in her home, which houses two pianos in a room off the kitchen and a grand piano. The family farm model works well, allowing the Seibolds to farm more acres, use existing equipment and avoid hiring extra help. “We all do what we want to do,” said Richard, who supported the farm by building and selling homes until 2002. “That’s when we jumped in with both feet.” Richard put those skills to work 11 years ago when he renovated the family’s two-storey home at the edge of town. Claire described her “jack of all trades” husband as patient and industrious and “an amazing cook.” “He’s a workaholic in a good way. He loves to farm,” she said. Richard likes being his own boss. “If you don’t get the work done, you only have yourself to blame. I answer only to myself.” “Maybe we don’t know anything else,” added Claire, who also grew up on a farm at Brock, Sask. She said rural life brings challenges and rewards. It means long distances to transport children to activities such as hockey and dance but also provides opportunities to play piano in church and dance in shows in town. “In a little community, kids are made a fuss of,” said Claire. “There are many opportunities living in a rural community that would not be possible (in the city).” Added Richard: “This is a great community. Rosetown is great place to live.” The Seibold century farm was homesteaded by Richard’s grandparents, Louie and Laura, who came from Wisconsin. It was later farmed by Richard’s uncle and then Lloyd before Richard and Claire took it over in 1989. “We think of ourselves as young farmers,” said Claire, noting how both her father and Lloyd continue to help in the fields. They say the future looks good for the next generation if their current interest in farming continues. “Some day, I will slow down and hand more of the farming responsibility to them,” said Richard.
Creating natural skin-care products rewarding All-natural ingredients | Interest in locally made products gives business a boost BY REBECA KUROPATWA FREELANCE WRITER
Tammy Bessant couldn’t find natural skin-care products to treat her acne so she decided to create them herself. “Word got out that I was making my own all natural face care products and strangers started calling me at home to see if I’d make some for them,” said Bessant, founder and owner of EarthWear Face and Body. “Our bodies absorb at least 80 percent of what we put on our skin, so it only makes sense to pay attention to what we put on our skin,” said the North Battleford, Sask., resident. The strong response from others seeking products free of toxic ingredients and her own brush with skin cancer in 2000 were catalysts in Bessant starting the business. “Once I started and committed myself to what had to be done, everything seemed to fall into place. It’s a lot of work, but I love every minute of it,” she said. Bessant gets organic beeswax and rolled oats and camelina oil from her neighbours, Daybreak Mill and Three Farmers, and orders the rest from two suppliers in Canada with
worldwide connections. After extensive research, she started making her products in her kitchen. “There is also some trial and error,” she said. “Family and friends are my test subjects … or guinea pigs.” She travels to the Saskatoon Farmer’s Market each week and also markets through a website,, and Dad’s Organic Market in Saskatoon. Rebecca Dyck, Dad’s manager, decided to carry EarthWear because ingredients are selected to optimize healthy skin in a safe, natural way. “They’re simple, natural ingredients you can pronounce, that are locally made and give our consumers great results,” she said. “Customer feedback has been awesome. People greatly appreciate her taking the guesswork out of finding a safe, yet effective product.” Bessant hopes to see her products in more stores across Western Canada within the next five years. “Increasingly, people are realizing what’s in the conventional skin care they’re using, and they don’t like it. Transitioning to all natural is a long road and it’s greatly about learning what to look for when buying product,” she said.
Tammy Bessant uses organic beeswax, rolled oats, camelina oil and other natural ingredients to produce her skin-care products. | TAMMY BESANT PHOTO
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Prepare flank steak for variety of dishes TEAM RESOURCES
lank steak is beef on a budget and a highly underrated cut. It is not tender but beautifully marbled with fat and lots of flavour. It readily takes on the flavour of marinades. When thinly sliced against the grain, the tough tissue seems as tender as a more expensive steak. A typical flank steak is about 1 1/2 pounds (700 g) and can easily serve four to six people for one meal. Preparing enough for three meals at one time is a real time saver. Flank is also great grilled on the barbecue, with the smoke adding another layer of flavour. Serve it with a rice pilaf or a baked potato and vegetables. Meal number two can be with the noodles in a big bowl of soup. Your third meal can be a steak sandwich. The cooked meat will keep in the refrigerator up to four days or can be frozen. Thinly slice before freezing for quick and easy sandwiches. Sear the outside and finish in the oven, if necessary. It is best to cook to no more than 160 F (71 C) internal temperature. When grilling on the barbecue, move to a cooler spot to finish after searing. The following are two Asian inspired recipes for flank steak. The marinades both tenderize and add flavour. You can simplify by purchasing a ready-made black bean or teriyaki sauce rather than making from scratch. Rub the meat with the purchased sauce and let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature. Another option is rubbing the meat with cooking oil, seasoning well with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and
Spice up flank steak with garlic ginger marinade. cooking as described. Be sure the meat has been at room temperature for 30 minutes. It will cook more evenly than if taken directly from the refrigerator.
Serve Asian style flank steak with a baked potato and green vegetable. |
FLANK STEAK WITH GARLIC GINGER MARINADE 1/4 c. soy sauce 125 mL 1/4 c. vegetable oil 125 mL 1 clove garlic, crushed and peeled 2 tsp. finely minced fresh 10 mL ginger 1-2 lb. flank steak 500 g – 1 kg Mix soy sauce and oil in resealable plastic bag large enough to fit the steak. Add minced ginger and crushed garlic. Add meat. Marinate at room temperature for at least 30 minutes and occasionally turn the bag so both sides of the meat will be marinated. When ready to cook, preheat oven to 350 F (177 C). Remove meat from marinade and pat dry with a paper towel. Heat a heavy ovenproof pan over medium-high heat. Add a tablespoon (15 mL) of cooking oil when the pan is heated. Sear the meat on both sides until nicely coloured. Put pan with meat in oven and cook until the meat is medium rare or medium. Remove from oven, place meat on cutting board and loosely cover with tin foil and let rest for 10 minutes. Slice and serve as desired.
Other possibilities for flank steak include an Asian style flank steak with noodles or steak on a bun with sweet slaw. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTOS
1-2 lb. flank steak 500 g – 1 kg 1/4 c. low sodium soy 60 mL sauce 1/4 c. balsamic vinegar 60 mL 1/2 c. vegetable oil 15 mL 3 tbsp. honey 45 mL 1 large fresh clove of garlic, minced 2 tbsp. minced ginger, 30 mL minced 3 green onions, thinly sliced 1 tbsp. black bean sauce 15 mL zest of one orange Mix honey and oil over low heat until the honey is melted. Add the remaining ingredients, except the steak. Stir to mix. Add to a large pan or a resealable plastic bag in a bowl. Add the steak to the bag, flipping it to coat, then seal the plastic bag. Place the steak in the fridge and marinate it overnight, or for a minimum of 10 hours. It can be marinated at room temperature for about three hours. When ready to cook, remove steak from the marinade and preheat your cooking surface. Sear the steak on each side until it's cooked to the desired degree of doneness. Finish cooking in a
350 F (177 C) oven if preferred. Rest steak for five minutes and then slice thinly against the grain and serve. Strain the marinade and return the liquid to the pan. Reduce to half and use as a sauce with the steak.
ASIAN FLANK STEAK WITH SWEET SLAW 1 recipe flank steak 1 tbsp. sugar 3 tbsp. seasoned rice vinegar
45 mL 45 mL
2 tsp. minced fresh ginger 10 mL 1 jalapeno sliced into thin rounds 5 c. thinly sliced 1.25 L cabbage Heat sugar and vinegar until sugar is dissolved. Add ginger and jalapeno and mix, then pour over cabbage. Refrigerate 30 minutes or up to two days. Serve with sliced flank steak. Serves four. Source: Bon Appetit.
ASIAN STYLE FLANK STEAK WITH NOODLES Fish sauce is a liquid extracted from the fermentation of fish with sea salt. It is a common condiment in the cuisines of Southeast Asia. 1 recipe flank steak 8 oz. noodles, udon, 250 g soba or spaghetti 2 c. chicken stock 500 mL 2 tsp. finely grated fresh 10 mL ginger 1/4 tsp. sesame oil 2 mL 1 tbsp. seasoned rice 15 mL vinegar 2 tbsp. fish sauce 30 mL 3 green onions, finely sliced 2 c. green vegetables 500 mL such as snap peas, broccoli or green beans Combine chicken stock, ginger, oil and rice vinegar in a pot and bring to a
boil. Add green onions and fish sauce. Remove from heat. Cook noodles according to package directions. Chop vegetables into bite-sized pieces if necessary and add to noodles about one minute before they are finished. Drain in a colander. Divide noodles among four bowls and add stock to each bowl. Top with thinly sliced flank steak, then garnish with more sliced green onions. Serves four.
STEAK SANDWICH Thinly slice the flank steak using an electric knife or meat slicer. Pile into a crusty roll or baguette. Slather bread with a horseradish mayonnaise and stuff with salad greens. Sarah Galvin is a home economist, teacher and farmers’ market vendor at Swift Current, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. She writes a blog at allourfingersinthepie. Contact:
Problem with varicose veins HEALTH CLINIC
What is phlebitis and what is the difference between it and deep vein thrombosis? I have varicose veins, so I am concerned about possible serious complications.
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Phlebitis means inflammations of the veins and can be divided into two types: superficial phlebitis and deep vein thrombophlebitis. These conditions occur mainly in the legs but can also be elsewhere in the body. For example, it can happen in the arm following an intravenous treatment. The superficial type begins gradually with the formation of a tender and reddened area of skin, which follows the path of the superficial veins. Sometimes it spreads in a spider-like pattern if the tiny spider veins are involved. The area may feel hard, warmer than the surrounding skin and tender to the touch. There may be more severe pain of a throbbing or burning nature in more advanced cases when an infection is also present. The skin can break down, leaving a raw open ulcer, which can be accompanied by a slight fever. Doctors will prescribe antibiotics by mouth if there is an open, infected
wound. Anti-inflammatory medications are also useful along with a compression bandage or elastic stockings until the problem resolves. Common causes of deep vein thrombosis are major surgery with a general anesthetic or long periods of inactivity, such as lying in bed for more than a couple of days at a time. Also problematic are long car, train or plane trips. To prevent blood clots when travelling, stretch legs and walk around every couple of hours. If on a plane, make a couple of trips to the washroom and try to move your legs and wiggle your feet and toes every so often while in your seat. The classic signs of deep vein thrombophlebitis are warmth and calf pain with swelling in the affected leg. One leg or ankle is often more swollen than the other. There is a slight discoloration of the skin, which is often more bluish than red. Seek medical help immediately if this happens because it is potentially life threatening if the blood clot travels to the heart and lungs. An ultrasound will find any blockage to the deep veins in the leg. Deep vein thrombosis requires treatment with anticoagulants or blood thinners such as Heparin and Coumadin. You may also wish to take action to eliminate the source of the problem: the varicose veins. This can be done by injections or surgical stripping. In the meantime, it helps to get plenty of exercise, wear surgical stockings and put your feet up as much as possible when resting. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact:
4-H can play role as food advocate to urban consumers Educating consumers | High profile food contamination cases highlight the need for understanding how food is processed from field to plate BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM
ABOVE: Chores are a daily ritual for Stan Figley at his farm near White Bear, Sask. BELOW: Figley gets help from his wife, Shelly, who manages the livestock and field work when her husband attends 4-H activities. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTOS
WHITE BEAR, Sask. — 4-Hers are the best ambassadors to explain food production to an urban audience,
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says a Saskatchewan 4-H volunteer leader. Stan Figley said the youth group could play an important educational role. “Agriculture now is food, and food interests the city as much as the farm,” said Figley, who has a 40 head cow-calf herd and 15 registered Quarter horses and grows red lentils, canaryseed, flax and wheat with his brother near White Bear. He said high profile incidents involving contaminated food highlight the need to educate consumers about the process from field to plate. Incorporating science and technology components into 4-H projects serve members well beyond their time with 4-H, he added. Such learning includes genetics, bone structure and growth characteristics. “If we teach this, when they get into the real world, they can understand where food comes from,” said Figley. 4-H Canada has 27,000 members and wants it to increase to 50,000 by 2021. Declines in 4-H numbers have mirrored declines in farms and farmers. The group is actively reaching out to urban youth, something Figley sees as an opportunity for food production education. The new membership age parameters from six to 26 will also help, as will initiatives in places like Manitoba where 4-H clubs are making inroads in colleges. Figley grew up in a 4-H family as one of eight children. He helped reactivate the Kyle Multiple Club 20 years ago when the local club folded, in part to ensure his daughter, Courtney, could participate in projects, achievement shows and barrel racing. The club, which he has led ever since, now has more than 30 members. “When I see a young person with a calf, I see myself,” he said, recalling his days as a shy 10-year-old leading his first calf around the ring and learning about the animal.
FARM LIVING “Equine, cattle have been a big part of my life,” he said. “4-H is what kept me in the livestock industry.” The program also spawned a career for Courtney, who buys, sells and trains horses at Dinsmore, Sask. Volunteering means many hours away from home, which Figley said would not be possible in a livestock operation without support from his wife, Shelly. “(Shelly) is why I can do this,” he said. “She’s been the rock here. She may not be a 4-H leader, but she’s a big part of it.” He noted her behind the scenes work finding tack for young riders and travelling with him to 4-H meetings across Canada. Shelly called 4-H a good organization for youth. “They took my daughter in a different direction than I ever could have imagined,” she said. The Figleys noted how 4-H did not stop in Kyle for Stan but led to involvements provincially, from serving on an equestrian camp committee and district council to becoming the Saskatchewan 4-H president. Last year, he was elected to the Canadian 4-H Council’s board of directors. Council president Valerie Pearson of Saskatchewan said Figley strongly believed the board should direct and 4-H staff should manage the program while serving provincially. He was committed to strategic planning in Saskatchewan and has now taken on risk management at the national level. “We’re dealing with children and animals, so it’s really high risk,” Pearson said. She said it is important to have policies and procedures in place to be proactive and minimize harm to the national organization in case of an incident. “They’re going to happen, but it’s just how you manage it. The goal is to minimize with policies and procedures in place,” she said. Pearson said Figley has contributed thousands of hours to the program, ensuring young people learn something and have fun. “He’s 4-H through and through,” she said. “He’s there for the right reasons. Stan’s always been there for the kids.” She pointed out how he remained involved in 4-H after Courtney had finished the program and how he often returns his travel reimbursements. Figley wants to see the Kyle club celebrate its 25th year, at which time he may step aside. However, it likely won’t be the end of his involvement entirely. “I think it would be hard to quit 4-H,” he said.
Children fail to meet high expectations of parents BY REBECA KUROPATWA FREELANCE WRITER
Two-thirds of Canadian parents are uncertain that their children will fulfill their hopes and more than 80 percent of parents are unsure they achieved the aspirations their own parents had for them, according to a survey commissioned by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and Invesco Canada. The Parent Hope survey, which ranks barriers to achieving aspirations and lists the top 10 hopes parents have for their children, was launched by BBBSC to get people to talk about the subject. “You feel, behind the story, there’s
a cry that there’s a lack of support,” said Jennifer Lee Thomas, BBBSC marketing director. “That’s where mentoring can fit really well.” Thomas said the survey showed that parents are under a lot of stress. “It takes a village to raise a child and we’ve increasingly moved away from that model in modern society, and dual parents have dual income households,” said Thomas. “There is a lack of support, after trying to make this better life for their kids. All parents want their kids to have a great life and perhaps a better life than they did.” Having extra support through positive adult role models in a child’s life
can help and reduce stress. “When a child has a Big Brother or a Big Sister, it helps them get along better with their parents, teachers, and friends,” said Thomas. “It impacts them, but also the community, and, in the long term, society.” Last year, BBBSC released a study that showed that when kids have a mentor, the return to society is $18 for every dollar invested in mentoring. “This is because these kids grow up to making more money, pay more taxes and get better jobs,” said Thomas. The latest survey identified these top four barriers:
• • • •
negativity in the home — 29 percent finances —18 percent stress at home — 7 percent difficulties at school — 15 percent Other results found four in 10 adults want their children to appreciate all they have done for them, 30 percent want their kids to become parents so they can become grandparents and so their kids realize their own parents were pretty good after all and 17 percent want their children to support them in their old age. “Parenting is a lot more difficult than people anticipate when they first get into it and keeping a sense of humour is probably a good thing throughout that journey,” said Thomas.
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Trade deficit raises concern Challenges growing | Food processors see mix of closures and investment BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
The recent headlines for Canada’s food industry have been ugly: Heinz plant closes in Leamington, Ont., Kellogg’s shuts doors on London plant, 500 laid off. It appears as if food processing is on life support in Canada but the underlying story is more positive, says David Sparling, an Ivey Business School professor. In a new report called The Changing Face of Food Manufacturing in Canada, Sparling said closures attract attention, and deservedly so. “Job losses are devastating to the employees and often to the entire community where the plant is located,” Sparling wrote in the report, which was released in mid-March and is one of a series on the nation’s food processing sector published by the Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI). The closures may dominate the news, but companies are also investing and building food manufacturing plants in Canada. Dr. Oetker, a frozen pizza maker, is building a $70 million production plant in London, Ont. Canada Bread spent $100 million on a bakery in Hamilton. Maple Leaf Foods is spending nearly $400 million on a
processed meat plant in Hamilton. Sparling, chair of agri-food innovation at Ivey, said the strong Canadian dollar forced the industry to restructure in the 2000s as food manufacturers shuttered small, inefficient plants. “We saw more closings around that 2006, 2007, 2008 period … because industry was pretty much reeling from this high dollar,” he said. “(After that), companies said, ‘we’ve got to get our factories bigger and they have to be more focused and we have to get new technology.’ ” Sparling said 143 Canadian food plants closed in 2006-14, while 63 plants opened and 67 companies announced major investments. Canada’s food industry was relatively resilient to the recession compared to other sectors. Revenues increased 7.85 percent in 2008-11 while other manufacturers were losing money and slashing jobs. “Revenue never dipped in the recession…. It kept growing every single year,” Sparling said. “And the capital investment started to pick up around 2010…. This is an industry that’s been through some really tough times but has restructured itself and is still restructuring … trying to compete with the rest of the world.” However, there’s no time to relax.
Canada’s trade deficit in secondary processed food was more than $6.8 billion last year, according to a March 6 CAPI report. The report said Canada’s processed food sector has “experienced a significant decline in its trade balance since 2004.” Canada’s trade deficit in processed food and beverages was around $1 billion 10 years ago but accelerated dramatically as the loonie gained strength. CAPI president David McInnes said the recession and the value of the dollar certainly influenced the growth in the trade deficit, but a lack of global scale plants played a role. “They (companies) can… process at larger scale plants in the U.S. NAFTA gave us access to the market, but NAFTA doesn’t guarantee that firms would stay here.” He said he is concerned about the trend since 2004 because Canadian food manufacturers buy 40 percent of the country’s agricultural output. CAPI’s research suggests Canada is strong in primary commodity processing, such as oilseed crushing, but secondary processing, which turns ingredients into food and beverages, is weak. “When we’re talking about … the pizza, the bread, the pasta, wine, beer, that’s the (issue),” McInnes said. One way to address the trade deficit
The value of the Canadian dollar and the presence of large American companies have challenged Canadian food processors in recent years. | FILE PHOTO
is to identify Canadian advantages that are difficult for competitors to copy. For example, an abundance of water and cold climate reduces input costs and produces high quality potatoes, which differentiates Canada from other regions. “If we’re going to grow this sector, which has all the benefits to local
economies and the agricultural sector, we need to step up our game to differentiate, so those products are attractive and desired by consumers in Canada and around the world,” McInnes said. The country can export raw commodities and have a strong food processing sector, he added.
The Northlands Farm & Ranch Show and Canadian College Finals Rodeo Northlands has been in the business of agriculture for 135 years. As one of Canada’s largest and most established agriculture societies, we are dedicated to continuing to serve the agriculture industry in Canada for many more years to come. What can you expect at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show? Serving the Western Canadian agriculture community for over 45 years, the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show brings industry together to share ideas, conduct business and create educational opportunities for future leaders. The 2014 edition of the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show will feature six halls of western themed programming and entertainment ranging from beef sales and equine events to crop production and agriculture exhibitors. This year’s Northlands Farm & Ranch Show will feature: ■ Feature Beef Breed – Blonde D’Aquitaine ■ Feature Equine Breed Presented by Martin Deerline – Friesian Horse
Northlands Performance Horse Sale presented by RAM ■ Farming Smart Stage presented by Co-Op ■ 4-H Day at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show presented by Co-Op ■ The Summit 3 Speckle Park Sale Running in conjunction with the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show, the kids of the Canadian College Finals Rodeo are back to school audience members in their best subject – rodeo! If you’re a rodeo fan and don’t want to miss a minute of the action, cheer on some of the toughest collegiate rodeo competitors at the Canadian College Finals Rodeo presented by Martin Deerline. For three wild nights, participants hailing from post-secondary schools across Western Canada will compete to be the top of their class in six major rodeo events – tie down roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, barrel racing and bull riding in addition to team roping, goat tying, breakaway roping and pole bending.
Find the latest and the greatest technology you need to get the work done.
Offering a wide selection of top programming for the dedicated farmer and rancher, including:
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Alpaca Spring Show
Performance Horse Sale
The Business of Beef
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Opportunity to purchase from a top selection of horses. Preview: Mar. 28 Sale: Mar. 29
Opportunity to bid on livestock through the Summit 3 Speckle Park Sale and purchase a variety of beef related equipment. This year’s feature breed is the Blonde d’Aquitaine.
Presented by
Presented by
March 27-29, 2014 Edmonton EXPO Centre
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A Friesian revival at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Friesian Horse named this year’s Feature Equine Breed. Each year at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show, a unique breed of horse is given a stage and spotlight where guests have an opportunity to learn about the diverse equine industry in Western Canada. This year, The Northlands Farm & Ranch Show is pleased to present the Friesian Horse as the 2014 Equine Feature Breed. When one thinks of the term show horse, the Friesian should come to mind. Its rock star mane and tale, athletic build and large personality make the Friesian a jaw-dropping and show-stopping feature for those looking to learn more about this fascinating breed. Most recognized by their distinct black coat, intelligence and friendly disposition, the Friesian is a striking and elegant breed. The breed stands between 15 and 16 hands tall and has the skeletal and muscle composition similar to that of a draft horse, yet they are surprisingly nimble for their size. Hailing from their namesake Friesland, Netherlands, the powerful and brave Friesian can be traced to medieval times. Descending from primitive forest horses, the Friesians’ ancestors carried 12th and 13th century knights into war. Strong enough to carry a full suit of armor but graceful enough to navigate battle, the Friesians were in high demand throughout medieval Europe. Uprising from near extinction on several occasions, the dauntless dedication of horse lovers and the breed’s resiliency has kept the
4-H Day at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show is Saturday, March 29, 2014 It’s all about the farm at this year’s Northlands Farm & Ranch Show! Calling all rising stars of the agriculture industry! Book your calendars for Saturday, March 29, 2014 for 4-H Day at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show! Looking for an opportunity to interact with industry leaders while applying the skills you have learned in 4-H Club to real world settings? At Northlands, we’re just as invested in the future of agriculture as you are - so we’ve put together a schedule of events that will allow you to learn about the industry while networking with your peers and industry leaders. 4-H Day at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show starts early and ends late so we can pack in as many seminars, demonstrations and hands on experiences into one day as possible. The day’s schedule of events begins with registration at 9 a.m. in the Alberta Ballroom Foyer and includes activities such as: ■University of Alberta’s Multi Species Judging Competition ■Consumer Decision Making ■Beef Workshops and Seminars ■Equine Feature Breed Demonstrations and Clinicians ■Farming Smart Speakers and more!
Lisa Paulson, daily demonstrations will showcase the different “types� of Friesians and how flashy, proud, forward moving and loving they can be. “They are simply breathtaking and the audience will be able to experience their beauty inside and out,� says Lisa. Join us at the Northlands Farm
Friesian from disappearing into history books. The hero-horse of yesterday is making its comeback today as the modern day Friesian is growing in numbers and popularity – most notably due to appearances in pop culture and Hollywood films. An ‘A-lister’ of the equine world, the Friesians dramatic appearance lends themselves well to parts in movies such as The Hunger Games, The Mask of Zorro and Clash of the Titans to name a few. At a small family-run farm one hour outside of Edmonton is where you will find the Friesian revival in full swing. Lisa Paulson, owner and operator of Euphoria Friesians near the Tawatinaw Valley, has been breeding and training horses for over 20 years and has been exclusively breeding and training Friesians since 2002. First imported to North America in the mid 1970’s, the Friesians have begun to make quite a name for themselves among equine enthusiasts and breeders alike – including Lisa. Drawn to the Friesians by their unique history and remarkable comeback, Lisa credits the
Freisians as “brilliantly smart horses that are highly regarded for their beauty, exuberant movement, sensitivity, personal attachment to their owners and their eagerness to learn.� Despite centuries of proving itself as a strong and resilient breed, the Friesian is still an uncommon sight in show rings and competitions today. According to Lisa, “Purebred Friesians are still very rare in Canada and with only a handful of breeders, their numbers are still low.� However, the versatility of the breed is not lost on Lisa and a growing number of other breeders in Canada. According to Lisa, the Friesian is a horse of many disciplines ranging from dressage and saddle seat competition to English and Western pleasure. Lisa Paulson will be at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show exhibiting the fascinating Friesians. Guests of the show who are interested in learning more about the breed can visit Lisa and the Euphoria Friesians in Hall A of the Edmonton EXPO Centre from March 27-29, 2014. According to
& Ranch Show from March 27-29. This year’s feature breed will be displayed in Hall A of the Edmonton EXPO Centre from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with daily demonstrations and information sessions. For more information including a schedule of events, please visit
Come visit us at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show at Booth #456 Hall E. We look forward to seeing you!
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Not your typical Blonde: the Blonde D’Aquitaine makes its debut as the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show 2014 Feature Beef Breed In Alberta, we are in the business of beef and at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show, we want to give you the chance to get to know the diverse cattle industry in our province. That’s why each year we shine the spotlight on one unique breed of cattle and this year’s honour goes to Blonde D’Aquitaine – a hardy and lean breed that hails from the south west of France.
Representing a combination of three strains, the Garonnais, the Quercy and the Blonde des Pyrenees, the Blonde D’Aquitaine we know today is bred for the chief purpose of beef production. As one of the most popular breeds of cattle in France, the Blondes are bred for their lean muscling along with a finer bone structure which gives the Blonde carcass a higher percentage of saleable meat and a healthier eating experience.
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Arriving in Canada in 1971, the Blonde D’Aquitaine breed is starting to catch the eye of commercial beef producers across the country. Although it is the third most popular breed in France, the Blonde D’Aquitaine is still considered one of the best kept secrets in the Canadian cattle industry. Nowadays, the Blonde has seen a steady increase in population in Canada and North America as more and more producers are becoming aware of the positive attributes of this ideal breed. At the Willow Springs Stock Farm near Westlock, Alberta, Reed Rigney and his family have been in the business of breeding, producing and selling Blonde D’Aquitaine since the mid 1970’s – just years after the breeds arrival in Canada. Sitting on both the Alberta and Canadian Blonde Association Boards just as his grandfather did years before him, Reed Rigney has been tirelessly promoting the breed since his involvement with the family farm began at a young age. According to Rigney, the desirability of the breed for Alberta beef producers comes from the cattle’s crossbreeding program, where they can increase carcass yields and feed efficiency in other breeds – especially in British breeds. What is known as the most underestimated breed in Canada, the Blondes, according to Rigney, are great for adding length and muscle shape to the British calves along with a highly efficient feed lot conversion. Reed Rigney and his partner Dave Kamelchuk with Little Creek Farms will be at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show exhibiting the Blonde D’Aquitaine Breed. Guests at the 2014 Northlands Farm & Ranch show who are interested in learning more about the breed can visit Willow Springs Stock Farm and Little Creek Farms from March 27-29 in Hall B of the Edmonton EXPO Centre. The farms will be exhibiting both young bulls and heifer calves along with images and literature to learn more about this breeds place in the Canadian cattle industry. For more information on this year’s Feature Beef Breed and other exciting programming, please visit
You Can’t Cheat on This Test The school of hard knocks is back in session as students train to compete in the Canadian College Finals Rodeo Did you know nearly half of university and college students admit to cheating at some point during their academic careers? At the Canadian College Finals Rodeo presented by Martin Deerline (CCFR), you can’t copy the skills required for riding a two ton bull from the Internet – the students of the CCFR rely solely on ability… and a lot of blood, sweat and tears along the way. The CCFR takes the phrase ‘school of hard-knocks’ to a whole new level. In this classroom, students are pursuing both a major in adrenaline and a minor in pain. Don’t get yourself sent to this principal’s office, because this school’s Dean is a 2000 pound angry buck-
ing machine. Every tie-down has to be meticulously timed, every turn around the barrel has to be perfectly executed and every eight seconds on the back of a bucking horse is the result of years of practice. For three wild nights, post
5 NEW OR OLDER HOMES In Need of roofing or re-roofing Gerard Tile has the look and feel of concrete tile or wood shake but with the added insulation factor that makes it an “Energy: Efficient” and “Green” roof. With our LIFETIME and HAIL WARRANTIES and superior selection of “Colours”, your home will become the showplace of the neighbourhood.
secondary students from across Western Canada compete to be the top of their class in six major rodeo events – tie down roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, barrel racing and bull riding, in addition to team roping, goat tying, breakaway roping and pole bending. Serious applicants only. Faking it till’ you make it doesn’t get you the grades you need to pass this course. President of the Canadian Intercollegiate Rodeo Association, CCFR competitor and University of Alberta student, Nicole Briggs’ rodeo report card is enviable to say the least. Recently crowed Miss Rodeo Canada at the Canadian Finals Rodeo in November, Nicole knows all too well the talent and dedication needed to achieve honours in this classroom. “Like most sports, practicing
never stops. These competitors train year round for not only the CCFR, but rodeo in general,” says Briggs. “The more time you put in to rodeo, the more prepared you are going to be heading into the finals and the better the outcome is going to be. You have to put in what you want to get out of it.” Sure there’s always collegiate football, hockey and even chess, but what about those students who are more comfortable in the dirt? Lakeland College and Olds College both have rodeo clubs and associations where students have access to on-campus rodeo arenas, weekly practices, coaches and support that helps them to chase the dream of a national title. Just like in school, in rodeo there’s no such thing as a free ride. Competitors are forced to juggle both training and study-
ing to be accepted into the CCFR Class of 2014. Competitors must qualify for the CCFR by racking up points at rodeos across Western Canada throughout the year. But that’s not all – “We are required to maintain a 2.0 grade point average in order to be eligible to compete during the season. As much as we want to focus on rodeo, there is no rodeo without maintaining our marks,” explains Briggs. “The only difference between the two is we much prefer being in the arena rather than the classroom or library.” For more information on the CCFR, please visit Advance tickets for the Canadian National College Finals Rodeo presented by Martin Deerline are available at any Ticketmaster location, online or by calling 1-855-780-3000.
Come see us at the
Northlands Farm & Ranch Show
March 27-29, Expo Centre (Limited Show Specials) *Some restrictions apply!
Serving Alberta and Saskatchewan For more information CALL NOW 780-439-5522
Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Sch 10:00am - 6:00pm - Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Open - Edmonton EXPO Centre 5:00pm - 9:00pm - Canadian College Finals Rodeo - Edmonton EXPO Centre Hall D THURSDAY, MARCH 27
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Hall D
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Equine Seminar - An Owner's Guide to Foot Assessment and Evaluation - Dr. Jodie Santarossa
Hall A - Round Pen
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Hall A
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Equine Feature Breed Demonstration - The Friesians
Hall D
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Hall F
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Horsemanship Clinic - Dustin Grams
Hall A - Round Pen
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Hall C
1: 30 PM - 2:00 PM
Hall A
1:45 PM - 2:20 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Hall F
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Hall C
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Equine Feature Breed Information Session - The Friesians
Hall A - Round Pen
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hall F
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hall C
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hall A
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Hall F
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hall D
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Hall D
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Hall D
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Hall D
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Hall A - Round Pen
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Equine Feature Breed Demonstration - The Friesians
Hall D
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Hall F
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Hall D
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Horsemanship Clinic - Dustin Grams
Hall A - Round Pen
1:00 PM - 2:00PM
Hall C
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hall D
1:45 PM - 2:20 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Hall F
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Hall C
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Equine Featured Breed Information Session - The Friesians
Hall A - Round Pen
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hall F
No horsing around here Equine features are serious business at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show Visitors are in for a wild ride at the 2014 Northlands Farm & Ranch Show. Hall A of the Edmonton EXPO Centre has gone to the horses, as it is set to host all equine programming for this year’s event. Saddle up for an extensive offering of clinicians, seminars, features and special events that will shine the spotlight on one of man-kinds most beloved friends – the horse. Performance Horse Sale presented by RAM One of the top-ranked attractions at the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show is the Performance Horse Sale presented by RAM held in Hall D of the Edmonton EXPO Centre – featuring amazing opportunities for both buyers and consigners. The two day event features the Performance Horse Preview on March 28 where potential buyers will have the opportunity to see their horse prospects in action as they showcase agility, training and potential. The excitement of a live auction takes place at the Performance Horse Sale on March 29 – where potential buyers who have seen the promise of the prospects the previous day will have the opportunity to place live bids on top horses. Last year’s event saw over 20 performance horses sold, with the top selling horse raking in $7,700! Equine Clinics and Seminars presented by Martine Deerline
Interested in learning more about the care of your horse? The panel of equine experts is back to educate guests on the proper care, grooming and ownership of the horse. Each with three 45 minute sessions running over the course of the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show, this year’s equine speakers include: Ron Andersen Owner and operator of the Sylvancrest Stock Farm with his wife Marilyn, Ron Andersen has enjoyed a lifelong career as one of the most trusted voices in the equine industry. Focusing on education and training, Ron is keen on providing everyone the opportunity to get the most enjoyment out of their horse. At this year’s show, Ron will focus on three key areas including: Horse Buying Tips: – Identifying and buying the right horse that is best suitable for your needs Snaffle Bits for Everyone - Identifying and clarifying the inherent purposes, strengths and weaknesses of the Snaffle Bit Demystifying Leverage Bits – Simplifying the complexity of leverage bits and understanding their purpose in the horse’s mouth Dr. Jodie Santarossa A highly skilled veterinarian that works primarily with horses, Dr. Jodie Santarossa is highly regarded for her ability to deeply communicate with the horse and to understand their needs. Often compared to the Dr. Doolittle of the equine industry, Dr. Jodi Santarossa will be sharing her knowledge
through three sessions including: An Owner’s Guide to Foot Assessment and Evaluation - Learn the basics tricks and tools of assessing and evaluating foot symmetry, balance and overall health. Discussions will center around how foot structure relates to function and the implications for long term soundness and overall health & performance. An Owner’s Guide to Dental Assessment and Evaluation Learn the basic tricks and tools of assessing oral health and balance. Discussions will center around the importance of balanced oral bio-mechanics as it relates to long term soundness and overall health & performance. An Owner’s Guide to Grooming with Intention - Learn the basics tricks and tools of grooming with an intention of acting on your horses’ nervous system in a way to best prepare them for a smooth ride. Discussions will center around the nervous system and how specific grooming routines can balance and regulate the energy systems in your horse as it relates to long term soundness and overall health & performance. Dustin Gram’s All Around Horsemanship Training horses since 1984, Dustin Grams is able to tailor his extensive experience and training programs to every horse and it’s individual needs. Owner and operator of Dustin Gram’s Horse Training Facility, Dustin will bring his years of knowledge and training
to educate guests in three sessions including: Horsemanship Clinic Day One – In this session, Dustin Grams will explore ground work and how to gain control of the horse’s feet. Horsemanship Clinic Day Two In this session, Dustin Grams will demonstrate how the ground work relates to control in the saddle. Horsemanship Clinic Day Three - In this session, Dustin Grams will demonstrate how to get your horse to react quicker for better performance and safety. Wild Deuce Outfitting Led by trainer Terri McKinney, Wild Deuce Outfitting teaches the importance of the horse –human relationship in surviving trips across Canada’s vast and unpredictable terrain. With years of unparallel experience and expertise, we’re proud to have Wild Deuce Outfitting provide daily demonstrations. Daily Demonstrations - Wild Deuce Retreats & Outfitting will show you how they put a solid safe foundation on their horses using pure communication with trust and respect. Let Wild Deuce show you how they start each of their horses and after they touch on their foundation they will show you how to pack a horse! Horseplay and Harmony Together, Caylan Walker and
Amanda Preston combine years of knowledge and experience to offer guests of the Northlands Farm & Ranch Show the skills required for safe and responsible trick horse training. Guests interested in learning to successfully trick train a horse are encouraged to join Horseplay and Harmony for three sessions including: How does a horse think and how do we use this to successfully trick train a horse?- This session includes demonstrations on understanding a horses’ perception of being introduced to behavioral conditioning. What does it look like when we start training tricks? – This session will focus on what the engaged horse looks like and what to be careful of when trick training. The fun stuff and technical maneuvers! - In a wrap up to the clinic series, “advanced tricks” and techniques will be covered. These tricks include the bow, laydown, play dead, sit up, sit down, side-pass towards you and more! The Northlands Farm & Ranch Show runs from March 27-29, 2014 at the Edmonton EXPO Centre. For a complete schedule of e vents including the Equine Clinics and Seminars, please visit
FRIDAY, MARCH 28 cont’d
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hall C
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Hall F
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Equine Seminar - An Owner's Guide to Dental Assessment and Evaluation - Dr. Jodie Santarossa
Hall A - Round Pen
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hall D
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Hall D
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Hall D
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
+DOO $ %
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Hall D
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Hall A - Round Pen
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Equine Feature Breed Demonstration - The Friesians
Hall D
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Hall F
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Hall D
12:45 PM - 1:30 PM
Horsemanship Clinic - Dustin Grams
Hall A - Round Pen
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Hall C
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hall D
1:45 PM - 2:20 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Hall F
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Hall C
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Hall B
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Equine Featured Breed Information Session - The Friesians
Hall A - Round Pen
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Hall F
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Hall C
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Hall F
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
Hall A - Round Pen
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Hall D
6:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Hall D
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Hall D
For a complete schedule of events download the Northlands App 6XEMHFW WR FKDQJH
March 27-29, 2014
Growing Forward 2 On-Farm Stewardship Program What kinds of projects are eligible? Agricultural producers who are actively farming in Alberta and have a completed Alberta Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) are eligible for the Growing Forward 2 On-Farm Stewardship Program. This program has five categories of project eligibility.
1. Grazing management projects:
This includes riparian area fencing and management, summer and year-round watering systems, portable shelters or windbreaks and wetland restoration. Funding maximum: Ranges between $10,000 - $50,000 Cost share: Ranges between 50% - 70% Government funding
maintenance and replacement of existing equipment are not eligible.) Funding maximum: $10,000 Cost share: 50% Government funding
4. Fuel and used oil storage projects: This includes the purchase of new doublewalled fuel tanks and/or used oil storage tanks that are CSA or ULC approved. For an application to be accepted for fuel, one old fuel tank must be decommissioned. Funding maximum: Ranges between $2,000 - $3,000 Cost share: Ranges between 30% - 50% Government funding
5. Innovative stewardship solutions:
2. Manure and livestock facilities management projects:
Do you have an idea for a water protection/ stewardship project that doesn’t fit in any of the previous four categories? The Growing Forward 2 On-Farm Stewardship Program could still help. Contact us to discuss your idea before you apply for funding.
3. Improved pesticide management projects:
For more information on eligible projects, you can contact us by calling 310-FARM (3276) or visit the Growing Forward website at and click on the On-Farm Stewardship Program.
This includes improvements to manure storage facilities, livestock facilities runoff control, livestock facilities and permanent wintering site relocation. Funding maximum: $50,000 Cost share: 50% Government funding
This includes new purchases of low-drift nozzles and air induction tips, sprayer cones and shrouds, chemical handling systems with jug rinse, sectional control operation systems, sprayer boom height controls and weather monitoring equipment. (Upgrades,
If you would like an opportunity to speak directly with staff, stop by the Alberta Agriculture & Rural Development booth (5409, Hall F) during the Farm & Ranch Show, March 27 – 29, 2014 in Edmonton.
Producer stewardship spurs Ontario grass-fed beef sales Environmental sustainability | The pasture-based production system presents new opportunities but producers say consistent quality is key to consumer satisfaction BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
A successful grass-fed beef sector requires consistent quality, according to Jim Cooney of Rowe Farms, left, Mike Beretta of Beretta Family Farms and Tara Longo of the Healthy Butcher. | JEFFREY CARTER PHOTO
TORONTO — An Ottawa Valley cattle producer says his approach to grass-fed production is a main reason for the popularity of his beef. Even a handful of vegetarians have taken a taste. “Why a lot of people started to buy from us was not so much about the beef. It was about our environmental stewardship,” Bob Dobson told the recent Carving Our Niche, Growing the Grass Fed Beef Market confer-
ence in Toronto. “We’ve had people coming up after touring our farm that hadn’t ate beef for years saying they wanted to buy some.” Dobson and his family have planted more than 10,000 trees and shrubs and developed wildlife habitat on their property. As well, they fenced their creek to keep out cattle. The Dobson family’s success is part of a wider trend. Allen Williams, a cattle and pasture consultant from Mississippi, said grass-fed beef was first listed in the
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Mantel Red Meat report in 2012, accounting for three to six per cent of all U.S. sales. That makes the market segment worth at least $2 billion a year. “We are not taking away from grainfed. Rather, we are creating additional opportunities in beef production,” he said. Bryan Gilvesy said grass-fed production delivers the maximum value on his farm in Ontario’s Norfolk County in terms of meat and environmental benefit. John Rowe, who has been finishing cattle on grass near Guelph, Ont., since the late 1960s, said the direction of the beef industry lies with pasture-based systems for reasons of environmental sustainability. “My goal is that I don’t want this to be a niche. This is, I believe, the future,” he said. However, grass-finished beef represents only a small part of Ontario sales. Most is marketed direct to consumers or through small retailers. Rowe Farms chief executive officer Jamie Cooney said grass-fed beef represents eight to nine percent of beef sales at the company’s eight stores in Toronto and Guelph. He said consumer education is a key consideration for success. Grassfed beef should be served rare or medium rare or be slow-cooked with liquid. Many of the company’s customers lack enough knowledge to cook even regular beef, he added. “When you add grass-fed to the mix, they’re completely lost.” The grass-fed beef sold at Rowe Farms tends to be extra lean and is seasonal. It’s been difficult to obtain enough product that meets quality standards during the winter. The situation is similar at Beretta Farms, a farm-to-consumer meat distributor, and the Healthy Butcher with its three stories in Toronto and Kitchener-Waterloo. “Until everyone gets collectively on board and follows some quality standards, it will be confusing for customers,” said Healthy Butcher copresident Tara Longo. “Consistency and quality has to be there every time. We have a very demanding clientele. They pay what it takes to get what they want.” Longo said grass-fed beef has caught the interest of many customers who visit the company’s stores. “I don’t think grass-fed is just a trend. I think it’s here to stay.” Longo said there needs to be a firm definition of what grass-fed means. In the United States, a 100 percent grass and forage based diet is required. No grain is allowed. Berretta Farms sells three types of beef — natural, organic and grassfed organic — through home delivery and larger retailers. Most of the production is natural, raised without hormones or antibiotics. The organic segment has grown to close to 25 percent of the company’s business. Berretta said his family switched to grass-fed production at their 800 acre farm north of Toronto to develop a consistent grass-fed supply. Finished cattle are slaughtered three times a year: end of June, late August and end of October.
Soil packed with organic matter key to quality forage BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
TORONTO — Soil is the most important ingredient that goes into producing well-marbled, pasturedfinished beef, says a cattle consultant from Mississippi. “It all starts there,” Allen Williams told the Carving Our Niche conference in Toronto Feb. 24. “I didn’t used to think that. I used to look at forage above ground and pour a lot of fertilizer to it.” He said fertilizer does elicit a Brix response in plants, but as quickly as this indicator of plant quality increases, it falls off again. Williams said the answer is to improve soil’s physical and biological potential to generate nutrients and the ability of plants to access them. Both are linked to soil organic matter levels. “For every one percent of organic matter you add in the soil, you’re building another $750 per acre in nutrients,” Williams said. Pasture that is already productive can be maintained with rotational grazing. The idea is to move the cattle before plants are grazed too closely. Williams recommended winter bale grazing when a modest amount of pasture improvement is needed. The plants and microbial life will benefit from the combination of manure and feed residue once spring returns. The Savory Institute has popularized a more extreme measure suited to significantly deteriorated pasture. It simulates ecosystems dominated by large herds of grazing animals, such as the bison that once roamed North America’s Great Plains, and is reputed to restore soil organic levels quickly. Under this system, as much as a million pounds of cattle are maintained per acre of pasture for about an hour before being moved. Many of the plants are trampled while the cattle eat and there is heavy manuring. The pasture is then allowed to rest for a year. If done correctly, weed species are reduced and the capacity to produce quality forage is enhanced.
“If we’re going to finish cattle on forage, you need to graze at the right time to balance the Brix with protein, slightly beyond mid-maturity,” he said. “Brix is a measure of the dissolved solids in the sap of the plant.” A rotational grazing system is
needed to ensure that animals graze only the choice parts of the plants. “Not more than the top 30 percent of available dry matter should be taken,” he said. Jack Kyle, a pasture specialist with the Ontario agriculture ministry, said pasture reaches its peak at late bud to 10 percent flowering with legumes and at head emergence with grasses. Unfortunately, the window of opportunity is limited. Kyle said winter rye can help fill the gap in early spring, while sorghum, sudangrass and millet can support pastures in the summer and summer-seeded oats and forage brassica species such
kale, swede and turnip can work in the fall. In addition, perennial pasture species can be stockpiled to extend the pasturing season, but Kyle said stored forages should be harvested at their quality peak. Williams said the Brix measurement can help farmers manage their pasture crops. There is a direct relationship between pasture Brix levels and rate of gain, he added. “If your average Brix is five percent or less, your average daily gain will be a pound or less,” he said. “If you’re over 15 Brix, you can get an average daily gain of around three pounds.”
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Williams said interested farmers should carefully evaluate their pasture quality and educate themselves about the system before adopting it. Even then, he said, it’s advisable to start with small area to see how it works. Once soil quality is optimized, it’s a matter of selecting animals with the right genotype and ensuring that the finishing pasture has peaked in quality. “We are now routinely slaughtering cattle that go 80 per cent Choice or better,” Williams said. U.S. Choice roughly corresponds with Canada’s AAA standard in terms of marbling and is one step below Prime.
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Williams recommended investing in a refractometer to track levels. Harry Stoddart, who raises cattle near Lindsay, Ont., said he uses genotype and rotation through multipaddock system for his 100 percent grass-fed, organic production. The goal is to limit grazing to no more than two bites per plant before the animals are moved. “You need 32 to 45 days of rest to allow your plants to recover fully,” he said. “We move every day and under some conditions we move two times a day.… We’re not looking to create a lawn when we do this. There is trampling.”
Spring has arrived on the Prairies and barn cats on this Neville, Sask., farm are out enjoying their time in the sunshine. | KAREN MORRISON PHOTO
An education program to build a unified and informed voice for the beef industry has been launched. Beef Advocacy Canada is an online course to prepare people to talk about the industry as educators or media spokespeople. Launched by Canada Beef Inc., the two step program teaches producers, industry and consumers more about meat production. Participants must pass the first level with a grade of 80 percent before moving to the second part, which is more intense and provides information on all aspects of the industry, as well as hot button issues, said Annemarie Pederson of Canada Beef. The course comes in an audio or written version online. The program has been in
development since last year and has received funding from the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency. The website is www.beefadvocacy. ca and Twitter is @beefadvocacy.
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Farm Management Canada is receiving $4 million in federal funding over five years to help boost producers’ business skills and expand farm management capacity. The funding will provide resources and tools through print and online channels and work with industry and provincial-territorial governments in farm business development information and resources. MONSANTO SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Students from farm families entering post-secondary education in agriculture or related fields are eligible for one of 65 $1,500 entrance scholarships. The Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship Program is accepting applications for its 2014 program. The scholarship program has awarded more than $1 million to thousands of students during its 24 years. Students have until May 30 to complete an application, which includes an essay and reference letter. For more information, call 800-6674944 and online at SOS SIGNS INTRODUCED Nature Saskatchewan has released its gate sign for the Stewards of Saskatchewan’s new banner program. The new sign shows a leopard frog, monarch butterfly, ferruginous hawk, sprague’s pipit and long-billed curlew in a natural rural landscape. Those with species at risk on their land can participate in the new program. Benefits include recognition through a gate sign, receiving a conservation tool kit, the annual SOS newsletter and species at risk calendar, an invitation to Conservation Awareness Day events and access to funding for species at risk habitat.
COMING EVENTS March 19-21: Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds conference, Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon (Pat Rediger, 306541-9902, March 28-29: Public Pastures — Public Interest (PPPI) presents Saskatchewan Grasslands — A Vanishing Landscape? Mar. 28, 7 p.m., Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Regina. PPPI AGM, Mar 29, 1 p.m. 1440 Scarth St., Regina. (306-5150460, Back Yard Horse seminars (Adele Buettner, FACS, 306-249-3227, April 3: Days Inn, Swift Current April 10: Days Inn, Estevan April 17: Days Inn, Lloydminster April 24: Executive Royal Hotel, Regina May 1: Community Hall, Porcupine Plain May 8: Equine Performance Centre, U of S, Saskatoon April 5-6: Saskatchewan Beef Expo: Prairieland Park, Saskatoon (306931-7149, April 8-10: Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists Adaptation Convention and AGM, Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon (306-242-2606, html/cpd/convention) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.
Project to see farmers fuel up with methane
Groups join Western Grains Research Foundation
Ontario company to begin compressing natural gas BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
LONDON, Ont. — A bio-methane facility planned for Woodstock, Ont., will generate both electricity and fuel. The project is to begin this year with the construction of a compressed natural gas fueling station, said Murray Logan, project manager with Faromor Energy Solution. The next step is to build an anaerobic digestion system at a nearby farm to produce bio-methane. Union Gas has agreed to inject the methane into its natural gas distribution system. Bio-methane is interchangeable with natural gas once the impurities are removed. “This is a model for biogas production and rural development in Ontario,” Logan told the Growing the Margins conference March 3. “We’re going to start by compressing natural gas. Two years later we’ll add injection capability for biomethane. By blending it with natural gas, we can create a new fuel market for on-farm biogas generation.” Five businesses, including three farms, are collaborating on the project with support from the federal and provincial governments through Growing Forward II. The bio-methane is to be produced from the manure from two beef feedlots, which have a combined animal capacity of almost 3,000 head. Municipal waste from Oxford County or Woodstock may be used as well. It will power a 250-megawatt generator, which will feed electricity to the grid. The latest offer for 100 to 250 megawatt systems from Ontario Power Generation through the Feed In Tariff program is 21 cents per kilowatt hour. Surplus methane will be injected into Union Gas’s distribution system. The cost of generating bio-methane is currently greater than the price of natural gas. A blended price will be offered at the fueling station, making the project feasible. “By blending it with natural gas, we keep the litre price of the fuel down and we can create a new market for the biogas,” Logan said. Logan said there are positive environmental implications for participating farmers and Union Gas. Pathogens are removed from the manure and a more valuable, nutrient-rich material is generated for land application or bedding if the liquid is removed. “De-carbonizing the gas system is going in the right direction, even though it’s a small part of the system,” said Ed Seaward, manager of market opportunity development at Union gas. Plans call for up to 100 large-engine vehicles to be fueled at the station, including a “return-to-hub” fleet of milk trucks equipped with Cummins Westport natural gas engines. There is also potential to fuel municipal buses and set up a portable fueling station system that could support the custom farm operator involved with the project. Logan said farm tractors and other
big equipment can be converted to run on natural gas. The up-front cost is considerable, but it’s recovered through lower fuel costs. Stephanie Thornson of the Biogas Association in Ottawa said using biomethane as vehicle fuel is the preferred option because of the high price of gasoline and diesel. “The local economy benefits from biogas developments,” she said. “Jobs are created and communities become more resilient.”
hardt, the foundation’s 2014 board of directors includes: • Bill Gehl of Regina, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission • Bob Anderson of Dugald, Man., Prairie Oat Growers Association • D’Arcy Hilgartner of Camrose, Western Pulse Growers Association • Don Dewar of Dauphin, Man., Keystone Agricultural Producers • Doyle Wiebe of Langham, Sask., Canadian Canola Growers Association • Garth Butcher of Birtle, Man., Western Winter Cereal Producers • Gerrid Gust of Davidson, Sask., Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association • Jason Skotheim of Spruce Home, Sask., Saskatchewan Barley Devel-
The Western Grains Research Foundation has added four more organizations to its membership. At its annual general meeting held March 5 in Winnipeg, the WGRF expanded its membership to include the Alberta Barley Commission, the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Association, the Saskatchewan Wheat Commission and the Saskatchewan Barley Commission. Dave Sefton, a farmer from Broadview, Sask., was re-elected as WGRF chair, and Keith Degenhardt of Hughenden, Alta., was re-elected vice-chair. In addition to Sefton and Degen-
opment Commission • Joe Rennick of Milestone, Sask., Canadian Seed Growers Association • Kevin Auch of Carmangay, Alta, Alberta Wheat Commission • Martin Moore of Fort St. John, B.C., British Columbia Grain Producers Association • Mel Stickland of Red Deer, Western Barley Growers Association • Ray Askin of Portage la Prairie, Man., Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association • Stewart Wells of Swift Current, Sask., National Farmers Union • Todd Lewis of Regina, Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan • A member to be determined from the Alberta Barley Commission.
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494 493
487 469
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Zilmax deaths higher than first reported: study Company criticizes findings | Study shows that death rate is higher among cattle fed the additive (Reuters) — The number of U.S. cattle deaths that may be linked to the Merck & Co. Inc. feed additive Zilmax are much higher than the figures reported by the drug company to the federal government, according to a research study recently published. The findings by researchers from Texas Tech University and Kansas State University were refuted by Merck as unreliable. The study showed that more than 3,800 cattle in 10 feedlots that were fed Zilmax died in 2011 and 2012, with between 40 percent and 50 percent of
the deaths likely attributable to Zilmax. The numbers reported in the study, which was published March 12 in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, would indicate a larger death toll than Reuters found late last year in a review of all deaths reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration by Merck since Zilmax was introduced in 2007. Drug makers are required to report deaths and other adverse events associated with their drugs — in this case based largely on what cattle and feedlot owners have told the company.
The Reuters review of federal records showed Merck reported 285 cattle had died unexpectedly or were destroyed in the United States after being fed Zilmax during the six years of Zilmax sales in the U.S. Merck said it was confident in the “safety and performance” of Zilmax and criticized the methods used in the study. The findings were “based on observational information and we disagree with them,” the company said in a statement. “Using observational analyses where cattle are not ran-
domized and where rigorous scientific procedures are not utilized is not a respected scientific method to rigorously evaluate the safety and efficacy of any product,” Merck said. The study could add to concerns about the safety of the drug, which has not been available in the U.S. and Canada since Merck last August temporarily suspended sales after reports of cattle suffering lameness and mobility problems. It could also fuel debate about whether there is enough regulatory oversight of feed supplements made from a class
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of drugs called beta-agonists. The FDA said it will review the new research data and add them to the agency’s body of knowledge regarding Zilmax. The agency, which has deemed both drugs safe for animals and humans, can ask drug companies to make changes to product labels if it detects safety concerns. The beef industry has used Zilmax and other beta-agonist drugs to bolster its bottom line for nearly a decade by creating heavier cattle. Zilmax can add up to 30 pounds of meat to a 1,300 pound market steer. Feedlots provided researchers with data on cattle fed Zilmax and asked them to analyze it. The largest population of cattle reviewed by the researchers was a grouping of 722,704 animals in 201112 from nine different U.S. feedlots. Of 637,339 that were fed Zilmax, 0.53 percent died before slaughter, according to the report. That is well above a 0.3 percent death rate among the 85,365 cattle that were fed neither Zilmax nor Optaflexx. A separate study of 149,636 cattle from one feedlot in those same years showed that 83,865 animals fed Zilmax had a 0.48 percent chance of dying before going to the slaughterhouse, according to the report. That compares to a 0.26 percent death rate among the 65,771 cattle that were fed neither drug. The researchers reported that cattle fed with Eli Lilly & Co.’s rival drug Optaflexx, also a beta-agonist, showed a mortality rate of 0.35 percent among 39,890 cattle. That compares to a 0.18 percent death rate among 39,281 cattle fed neither drug. The Optaflexx data was based on animals at four cattle-feeding companies a few years earlier. Both drugs “are most likely causally associated with increased cumulative incidence, incidence rate, and hazard of death when they are administered in accordance with the FDA-approved label directions,” the study said. However, the researchers did warn that it is difficult to definitively establish a causal relationship between Zilmax and increased mortality because of the “obser vational nature” of the data. The study of Optaflexx use was not specifically focused on animal mortality, the researchers noted. Observational studies collect data on events observed in the field, as compared to randomized clinical trials, which use control groups to study the effects of a drug and are generally regarded as more rigorous. “We do not believe the data is causally associated,” Lilly’s Elanco Animal Health unit said in a statement. Guy Loneragan, an author of the report and a food safety professor at Texas Tech, sits on an advisory board for Elanco, which provided seed funding for the study. He said Merck may not reliably receive Zilmax-related death reports from its customers, who fatten up cattle prior to slaughter, because the feeders may not always recognize that the animals’ deaths may be related to Zilmax. “It’s taken a huge amount of observation to start to piece together some of these side effects, or adverse drug events if you will,” he said.
Martin Unrau welcomes recent trade agreements that will expand market access CALGARY BUREAU
$150-$300 below the U.S. price. However, there is good news on the horizon with numerous trade agreements in the works. Having access to
a range of markets is important, he said, because it adds value to a wider range cuts and offal products. He said he has enjoyed his more than 10 years of service, but now wants to spend more time on the ranch, working with his four children, aged 23 to 29, and getting to know his four grandchildren. “It is tremendously rewarding,” he said. “Some of the things I’ve done, and some of the people I have met, are going to shape the rest of my life.”
Always read and follow label directions. FMC and Authority are trademarks and Investing in farming’s future is a service mark of FMC Corporation. ©2014 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. F101-032481 1/14 Kochia image by Howard F. Schwartz, Colorado State University,
Martin Unrau has helped a cow deliver twins on his Manitoba farm one day and then discussed countryof-origin labelling with prime minister Stephen Harper in Ottawa the next. It is pretty heady stuff for a Manitoba farm boy who got involved in beef politics because of the BSE crisis in 2003. Unrau has been president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association for two years . He turned the reins over to Dave Solverson during the organization’s annual meeting in Ottawa March 4-7. Unrau and his family have a herd of 600 Angus-Simmental cross commercial cows near MacGregor. One brother has an 11,000 head feedlot and another runs an auction market. “My heart is in the cow-calf business,” he said. He became politically involved when he walked into a crowded community hall where 700 scared beef producers were talking about BSE. “The first time I ever spoke at a meeting was in the fall of ’03,” he said. “My operation was in jeopardy because we had just invested in equipment and cows.” He told the meeting that the solution was to either kill the cows or open the borders. He received a standing ovation and eventually decided to run as a delegate with the Manitoba Cattle Producers Association, eventually becoming president. “Here was a country guy who never got involved in anything, then bang, I was right in the middle of this thing,” he said. Times got tougher before they got better, but he and wife Roxie decided to stick with the cattle, even though the cows were worth next to nothing for years after the BSE discovery in Canada. In 2005, he attended his first CCA meeting in Kamloops, B.C. It was the first time he had ever been on an airplane. The meeting was an eye opener to see the many tendrils of the organization and learn how each was working to salvage the industry. As he advanced through the CCA executive, he realized he had taken on the biggest volunteer job of his life. As president, he has travelled the globe. It was not always easy. For Unrau, the biggest crisis was the closure of XL Foods beef processing plant in Brooks, Alta., after E. coli contamination forced Canada’s largest beef recall. “The thing got out of control and we couldn’t really do anything to mitigate the negative stuff around it,” he said. “Truly, we haven’t really assessed it thoroughly so we know some of the things that have to be done, but at the end of the day it was something that was very negative for our industry.” The other crisis is COOL in the United States, which is driving down the value of Canadian cattle. A 1,400 pound animal is now discounted
BSE, XL Foods recall were major challenges for CCA president BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH
Alberta rancher Dave Solverson is the new president of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. Dan Darling of Ontario is vice-president. Solverson ranches at Camrose and was acclaimed at the CCA annual meeting held in Ottawa March 4-7. Solverson runs Woodwind Ranch, a 5,000 acre cow-calf to finish operation, with his brother, Ken. He has been a director with Alberta Beef Producers as finance chair and served as that organization’s representative to the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance. He was CCA vice-president and has served as chair of the animal care and
foreign trade committees. Darling is past-president of Beef Farmers of Ontario and lives in the Township of Cramahe in Northumberland County. He operates a cow-calf operation with his brother, Van. Other members elected to the executive committee include Pat Hayes and Reg Schellenberg of Saskatchewan, Matt Bowman of Ontario and Doug Sawyer of Alberta. Appointed to the committee are Martin Rossmann of British Columbia, Howard Bekkering of Alberta, Lynn Grant of Saskatchewan, Ramona Blyth of Manitoba, Bob Gordanier of Ontario and Ivan Johnson of New Brunswick, representing Atlantic Canada.
How to
Sonny Warrack takes his turn on a mannequin during CPR training.
save a life
Sonny Warrack, co-owner of Bruce Farms, a mixed grain-cattle operation southwest of Strathmore, Alta., doesn’t take safety lightly. With the closest ambulance located in Strathmore, about 15 minutes away, he realized if one of his staff suffered a heart attack and went into cardiac arrest, his chance of survival would be low. With this in mind, Warrack purchased two automated external defibrillators. He also hired a team to train his staff in child and adult CPR and first aid, as well as use of the defibrillator. | Kevin Link photos
ABOVE: Ryan Deines takes a turn learning how to do chest compressions. LEFT: Randy Johnson, right, an emergency medical technician with more than 20 years experience with an ambulance service, as well as a veteran CPR and first-aid instructor, teams with Dr. Sameea Qureshi to teach the Bruce Farm staff CPR, first aid and automated external defibrillator use.
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Online hail insurance broker lowers premiums AG Direct Hail Insurance | New service tailored to internet-savvy farmers who don’t mind doing their own paperwork BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
An Ontario hail insurance broker is trying to entice tech savvy farmers to buy top-up hail insurance through his online company. Bruce Lowe of AG Direct Hail Insurance said the service would be for farmers who want lower premiums and don’t need a hand to guide them through their paperwork. “There’s a new breed of farmer that is far more internet savvy and is looking for ways to cut costs,” said Lowe
of Burlington, Ont. In Alberta, farmers must buy their maximum $150 per acre hail insurance through AFSC, the provincial insurer, before buying up to $200 an acre through his company. In Manitoba, farmers must buy the maximum $200 an acre hail insurance through Manitoba Agricultural Services Corp. before buying up to $200 an acre through AG Direct Hail Insurance. In Saskatchewan, there is no requirement to buy insurance through Saskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance
before buying up to $200 in insurance. Farmers buying online will save an estimated 10 to 15 percent in premiums because AG Direct doesn’t pay brokers or sales agents, he said. Lowe said online businesses are increasing, and he believes farmers are ready to buy additional hail insurance on line for less money. “It’s an untouched market,” he said. “Many people think farmers just plod along and that producers are good old boys and not that internet savvy. I completely disagree.” Lowe said he originally wanted to
become partners with the three provincial insurance companies and have them share hail insurance data when farmers made a claim. However, the provincial companies refused to share private information. Instead, Lowe will rely on farmers from Alberta and Manitoba sending in their copies of payout information from the provincial agency. He will base his payout on the provincial claim payout. “I want to complement, not compete with the government program.” In Saskatchewan, AG Direct will
send out its own hail adjustors. To limit risk, AG Direct will sell only a maximum $800,000 worth of hail insurance in each township. “It’s all about risk and risk management,” said Lowe, who is travelling across the Prairies promoting his new online insurance company. Alberta Federation of Agriculture president Lynn Jacobson said farmers with high value crops often buy hail insurance from two or three companies. Whether farmers choose AG Direct depends on price.
U of G to close two campuses BY MELANIE EPP
Meet Reed Andrew
Started farming: 1974 Crop Rotation: Barley, durum, canola (and cows) Why he loves farming: It’s all I ever wanted to do Favorite sports team: His son’s team, University of Saskatchewan Huskies Best farming moment: A crop that looks small, but harvests big Worst farming moment: Crop looks big, but harvests small Most hated weeds: Scentless chamomile, kochia PrecisionPac® blends: PP-3317
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The University of Guelph is closing two of its campuses, including an agricultural program at Kemptville. President Alastair Summerlee said the Kemptville and Alfred campus closures are intended to improve efficiencies. “We must make difficult decisions together with changes that minimize duplication and preserve programs that are unique and central to our mission.” New students won’t be accepted for the fall semester, but those who are currently registered will be able to complete their programs. Research projects will be completed or relocated to the Guelph or Ridgetown campuses by the end of next year. Chuck Cunningham, assistant vicepresident of communications, said it costs almost $7 million in operations to serve almost 200 students at Kemptville and Alfred. Kemptville provided associate diploma programs in agriculture, agriculture with an equine management degree, food, nutrition and risk management, and horticulture. Alfred Campus offered Frenchlanguage diploma education in dairy, forestry and maple syrup, and research and technology transfer. Similar programs are offered at the Ridgetown and Guelph campuses. Sixty-one students are now enrolled at Alfred and 128 at Kemptville. Consolidating programs will eliminate 37 full-time positions at Alfred and 75 at Kemptville. First-year Kemptville student Daniel Sargent said the closures will be a great loss to the neighbouring agricultural communities. “It’s really going to kill the agriculture sector on this side of Toronto,” he said. “No one from this area is going to drive all the way to Ridgetown for the same two-year diploma. A lot of the kids, their families won’t allow them to go away for the four-year diploma at Guelph as well. I’ve dreamed of coming here since Grade 6. That’s all I’ve wanted to do … come to Kemptville and farm. For a lot of kids, that dream has basically been squished.”
Noxious weeds loom in wildflower mixes
China cuts GM research funds despite promotion BEIJING, China (Reuters) — Chinese funding for genetic modification research has fallen by 80 percent over the last four years, says a member of a parliamentary advisory body. The revelation comes as Beijing faces public unease over a technology it has been promoting to boost food security. The government has urged its scientists to take a global lead in GM research, although it has been reluctant to commercialize GM crops because of public concerns over health risks. Safety approvals were completed as early as 2009 for pest-resistant B.t. rice and phytase corn, which was designed as a more environmentally
Garden invaders | Seeds from other countries found in wildflower seed packs BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Baby’s Breath, an invasive species, is common in flower arrangements. | SARA/FLICKR PHOTO
China to increase food production from its shrinking farmlands and water resources. “GMO technology is extremely important to increase yields and efficiency,” Ke said. Beijing had initially agreed to a budget of $4.7 billion to fund GMO development under a 12-year program launched in 2008. Ke did not say why the funding had fallen. “It depends a lot on leadership,” said Huang Dafang, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ Biotechnology Research Institute. “If they have wavered, the funding could have been cut, although we need to verify the data.”
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LACOMBE, Alta. — An Alberta Agriculture researcher has been growing wildflowers in a greenhouse this winter. The project is testing commercially available wildflower seed mixes to see if invasive plants or noxious weeds are being distributed to home gardeners. Weed specialist Nicole Kimmel found almost no problems in the 64 packets she planted late last year. The rest of the 128 packages collected from across Canada will be grown later this spring. People assume wildflower mixes are native plants to the local area, but Kimmel told an Alberta Invasive Species Council meeting in Lacombe March 12 that they may also come from New Zealand or China. “We are getting things from all over the world,” she said. Kimmel is looking for plants such as oxeye daisy, scentless chamomile, common tansy, common baby’s breath and bighead knapweed but has only found one suspect species. Many of her plants are the same genus as noxious weeds but turned out to be different species such as Moroccan toadflax rather than yellow toadflax or Chinese forget me not, which is the same plant genus as hounds-tongue. A similar study at the University of Washington also grew seed packages to see what they contained. Individual packages contained three to 13 invasive species, and eight were considered noxious weeds. A third had unlisted products and inaccurate listings. In Canada, provincial and federal authorities can halt the sale of wildflower packages. “The Weed Control Act does have authority. We do have the authority to pull things off the shelves if we knew they were harbouring prohibited or noxious species,” Kimmel said. “The contents list is not always accurate.” Any seed that is a specialty seed must be labelled under federal law. “It is just not happening,” she said. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Canadian Border Services Agency try to keep the flowers out, but 500 gram shipments of small seeds or five kilograms of large seeds are not checked. The law was written to allow for small imports of seed, which were thought to be headed for research, but wildflower mixes may also arrive in small amounts. Many jurisdictions offer programs to home gardeners to help them make the right selections when buying seeds or plants. The council also developed a YouTube video about garden invaders. For a list of plants to avoid and tips on weed wise gardening, visit www.
friendly feed for pigs. However, China, which is the world’s largest buyer of imported GM soy and cotton, has not approved commercial production of GM grain. It has also delayed approval of new strains of imported GM corn, such as the MIR162 variant developed by Syngenta. China’s spending on GM research has fallen to $7.24 million last year, down from as much as $360 million in 2010, Ke Bingsheng, president of the China Agricultural University, said in an address to Premier Li Keqiang during the annual session of parliament. Ke said agriculture technology, particularly genetic modification, was crucial for a rapidly urbanizing
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Fungicides handle disease, improve overall plant Pyraclostrobin credited | Trials show the ingredient boosts plant growth and yields BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Russell Trischuk, left, technical marketing specialist with BASF Canada, says pyraclostrobin based fungicides result in larger and greener leaves, stronger stems and better root systems in canola and other crops. | SEAN PRATT PHOTO
Fungicide use in Western Canada has grown exponentially in the past
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five years, says BASF, partly because of the side benefits of modern products. The primary strength of fungicides such as Headline remains disease control, but researchers are now able to measure some of the additional perks, such as increased plant growth efficiency and improved stress tolerance. “The product only stays in the plant for two to three weeks, but you see an enhancement in growth, primarily root system and leaf system,” said Russell Trischuk, technical marketing specialist with BASF Canada. “That change in architecture actually just leads to a more robust plant that can manage periods of stress more effectively.” Pyraclostrobin is the active ingredient in BASF’s Headline and related products. Growers who used it on their canola crops in the early 1990s started commenting on how green their plants were compared to untreated fields. BASF researchers discovered that pyraclostrobin boosted production of the nitrate reductase enzyme in plants. It is the enzyme that converts nitrate products such as urea and anhydrous ammonia into a nitrite form that plants use for amino acid production, which ultimately results in protein production. The company sees a 40 percent increase in nitrogen use efficiency in a laboratory setting in plants treated with pyraclostrobin versus untreated plants. The treated plants have increased leaf size, stem thickness and overall biomass. “In the field, we see probably a 15 to 20 percent boost in nitrogen utilization,” Trischuk told a recent Saskatoon stop on BASF’s Knowledge Harvest tour. However, he said that doesn’t mean growers should consider cutting back on nitrogen fertilizer application when using fungicides. Trischuk said nitrogen is one of the main building blocks for plants. The other is carbon, which comes from photosynthesis. “When you use pyraclostrobin, we can actually show that you are more effectively and more efficiently converting the same amount of energy to more sugar,” he said. BASF research has found a 20 percent boost in photosynthesis in corn when using Headline and an even greater increase when using Priaxor, a new fungicide the company expects to launch next year. The company is still working on the data for canola, but Trischuk expects similar results. Increased nitrogen use and improved photosynthesis doesn’t result only in more robust plants above ground. “We see a very dramatic increase in the size of the roots as well,” he said.
We’ve seen some amazing benefits to applying one pass of Headline at early flowering. The difference is so large and so predictable. FRANCK GROENEWEG EDGELEY, SASK., GROWER
“Everybody drives by their fields and they look at the top 48 percent of their (crops) and they kind of forget about the other 52 percent that is under the ground.” BASF trials in 91 canola fields in 2012 and 2013 determined that the company’s fungicides resulted in 12 percent taller plants, with 20 percent more pods, eight percent fewer aborted pods, eight percent more leaves, 15 percent thicker stems and 10 percent longer roots. All those growth efficiency factors add up to improved yields. “We’ve had well over 200 trials over the past four years, and we’re at about an average of a three bushel (an acre) increase in this product with canola,” said Trischuk. However, the big benefits come from improved stress tolerance. Nitric oxide, a byproduct of the nitrate-to-nitrite conversion process, is a strong inhibitor of ethylene, a hormone plants give off that leads to chlorophyll degradation and ultimately death. The nitric oxide helps a plant better cope with drought, excessive heat and flooding and also helps it reach its genetic potential for days-tomaturity. Pyraclostrobin also boosts the levels of superoxide dismutase, which is an enzyme that helps plants cope with oxidative stress. The bigger leaves and longer root system associated with the product also help plants deal with flower blasting by giving them more access to water to cool down. Growers in field trials have reported as much as an 11 bu. per acre yield increase under drought conditions when treating canola with pyraclostrobin compared to untreated fields. Franck Groeneweg, a grower from Edgeley, Sask., said farmers are inundated with ads extolling the benefits of fungicide treatments, and he has experienced tremendous results using the product on his flax crops. “We’ve seen some amazing benefits to applying one pass of Headline at early flowering,” he said. Groeneweg said he has been getting an extra 10 bu. per acre using Headline. “The difference is so large and so predictable,” he said. However, the benefits with other crops seem to vary from year to year depending on environmental conditions. “I’m not sure we saw the (same) benefits of fungicides this past year as we did in 2012,” he said. “It was not real apparent where you sprayed and didn’t spray. There might have been a yield gain, but it was not like 2012, where the difference was huge.” Groeneweg said he is nervous that over-use of products such as Headline will lead to fungicide resistant diseases like those seen in the European Union. “Over time we’re going to make these active ingredients basically useless,” he said. Trischuk said it is one of the most common comments he hears from
growers, but he assures them that fungicide resistance isn’t nearly as big a concern as herbicide resistance. It’s because most of the major diseases in Western Canada are specific to certain crops, so growers can get away with using the same mode of action in the same field because they are selecting for different diseases in different crops every year. BASF still takes precautions to prevent resistance, such as creating fungicides with multiple modes of action, developing sustainability guidelines for growers and advising growers on labels to use only one application of a specific fungicide in a crop per year. The ideal time for applying BASF fungicides is the two to six leaf stage of development in canola, the flag leaf stage in cereals and the 10 to 30 percent flowering phase in pulses and flax.
CCA carcass audit to begin with meat shoppers BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
OTTAWA — Cattle that are bumped and bruised or receive a misdirected injection could produce poor quality beef. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association is starting a national beef carcass audit this year to examine meat products from the packing plants to the retail case looking for blemishes. “The first thing we want to do is an injection site audit with steaks. It requires that you look inside the meat,” said Mark Klassen of the CCA. The audit includes consumer interviews to assess their satisfaction with beef.
Another study starts in 2015, in which auditors will enter packing plants and look at a variety of quality factors in cattle and carcasses. This will take several years to complete. Visible lesions, abscesses and bruises are trimmed from carcasses at the processing plant and discarded. However, these blemishes can affect meat quality because untrimmed beef around an injection site lesion can be tough. CCA auditors have also started the beef offal enhancement initiative, which will work with a packer to score livers. The information, including the number of abscesses and other problems that appear, will be shared with interested feedlots. The first batch of data has already
been collected. Forty feedlots with about 800,000 head capacity have said they are interested in the information, which could help them make management changes to prevent condemned livers. “It isn’t about giving people sermons. It is not about having zero liver abscesses. It is just about giving you information,” Klassen said at the CCA’s annual meeting, which was held in Ottawa March 4-7. The first carcass quality audit was conducted in 1995 and led to considerable change within the industry. Producers were taught better cattle handling to prevent bruises and were encouraged to give injections under the skin in the neck rather in than the hind quarter muscles.
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SARM delegates give rail service wish list to Ritz Concerns addressed | Gerry Ritz assured delegates that rail companies would not be allowed to favour desirable locations to meet targets BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
About 1,000 delegates to the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities have advice for the federal transport and agriculture ministers as they develop grain transportation legislation. A 10-point resolution passed on the last day of the annual convention in Regina suggests amendments to Bill C-52 that the delegates believe would help alleviate rail congestion. The federal government is expected to introduce legislation March 24 to address this winter’s rail backlog. The legislation follows a March 7 order in council requiring the railways to move a certain amount of grain or be fined. The SARM delegates’ recommendations include: • Awarding damages to shippers where warranted • Penalizing shippers for cancelled orders • Giving the Canadian Transportation Agency investigative powers • Establishing poor service penalties to railways outside of the revenue cap • Ensuring railways provide a weekly service plan that is updated daily • Defining performance standards as a contract • Making infrastructure investment mandatory • Making sure the government searches for real competition, including separate ownership of rail lines and rolling stock • Maintaining the provisions of the revenue cap • Appointing an arbitrator to quickly resolve disputes Another resolution called for mandatory service level agreements with stiffer penalties and movement of a minimum 13,000 grain cars per week.
Duane Filson, reeve of the RM of Wood River, told agriculture minister Gerry Ritz that the resolutions should help guide the legislative solutions. “I really hope that you listen carefully to what they are and act on them going forward,” he said. Ritz said resolutions from organizations such as SARM, as well as the input from prairie governments, are
Federal agriculture minister Gerry Ritz said that public input is important when designing future legislation to improve grain transportation. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO
helpful when he makes his case to cabinet colleagues. In response to another delegate, Ritz said grain is registered as an essential service. He said the railways did an excellent job moving grain directly off the combine last fall. “And then the wheels fell off, literally,” he said. “They were 20,000 cars behind before the cold weather hit and then it just went worse and worse from that.” Delegates expressed concern that the rail companies would cherry pick grain from desirable locations under the 5,500 car per week target, but Ritz said the grain monitor will watch to make sure that doesn’t happen. He also said an estimated 13,000 cars will have to be in service to unload 5,500 cars per week per railway. Transport minister Lisa Raitt addressed the delegates a day earlier in her first visit to the province. She said the government isn’t making it possible to fine railways because it wants to collect money. “We want them to move the grain,” she said. “That’s the point of issuing this directive.” The existing legislation caps the fines at $100,000 per day. Ritz said other, more costly, penalties could also be imposed. Asked if farmers, rather than the government, could receive the fine money, both Ritz and Raitt said all options would be considered. And while neither minister would reveal exactly what the legislation contains, Ritz offered a glimpse of what might it might contain. “Right now, the contracts that some of the grain companies have signed have only got teeth one way. It’s called buyer’s preference,” he said. “I would like to see that change. We’re working on some rules that would actually see those contracts with some reciprocity, so if they don’t take in your grain within a period of time they start paying you storage on your farm.” He said he has no intention of changing the revenue cap, but he would like to see it modernized because it hasn’t been reviewed since 1994-95. It would likely be part of a CTA review scheduled for next year, he added.
Premier wants ‘lifeblood of this economy’ to stay on track BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall suggested last week that Canada’s transportation infrastructure should be an essential service under federal legislation. He told the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities annual convention that it’s at least worth having a conversation about the idea, when so much of the country’s economy relies on exports. “That transportation system is the lifeblood of this economy,” he said. “Everything that we prize, our quality of life, our chance to grow, our chance to succeed, rests on our ability to export, rests on our ability to be a reliable supplier of food and energy and all of the other things that Canada makes.” Wall said every option should be explored as legislators look at how to
Canada’s transportation system should be considered an essential service, says Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall. | FILE PHOTO prevent this winter’s grain backlog from happening again. Federal transport minister Lisa Raitt said after her speech to SARM that she hadn’t heard of the idea. “That is a tough question,” she told reporters. “You never want to make
policy on the fly.” However, she noted that railways must haul all goods under the Canadian Transportation Act. “They have to make sure they carry everything that’s offered, and they have to provide adequate and suit-
able accommodation,” she said. Shippers, particularly of grain, often complain that they don’t get that accommodation. “Legislation is coming,” she said. “And people should be wary about what could be in this legislation, mean-
ing the railway companies should be wary about what’s in the legislation as we look at all the options.” Saskatchewan has asked that the legislation include mandatory service level agreements, reciprocal penalties and a minimum of 13,000 grain cars shipped each week. Wall said what happened in Canada this winter is unacceptable, which is why all options should include a conversation about essential services. “Nothing should be off the table, including ensuring that the lifeblood of this country, an exporting nation, our transportation infrastructure, cannot be held hostage at any given time by management, or unions or even non-union cohorts of workers.” Wall said even talking about essential services in transportation could send a strong message to those in the business that the economy cannot be held hostage.
Delegates keep status quo New directors named A call to eliminate the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities’ midterm convention was defeated during last week’s annual meeting in Regina. The debate arises perennially. The RM of Benson, which raised the issue this year, said the midterm meeting held in November is a waste of money. Adding an extra day to the annual convention would make more sense. Benson councillor Malcolm Herman said delegates to the midterm meeting last fall wouldn’t even rise to move resolutions they had submitted. Another delegate suggested that the March meeting be cancelled in favour of a November meeting so that cattle producers in the middle of calving could attend. But in the end, the delegates voted to keep things as they are. A motion to move to electronic voting rather than the use of voting cards was also defeated. ANIMAL CONTROL
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The provincial government should manage the feral horses that are causing concern in rural areas, SARM delegates agreed. They voted in favour of a strategy to manage the horses, which RM of Canwood reeve Colin Hughes said are running rampant. He said the horses are coming from nearby First Nations reserves. “They are out four seasons of the year, in our crops, in our hay pens, in our grain piles and bags, with no compensation to the ratepayers,” he said. The RM caught 59 horses last year, which it impounded and then sold when they weren’t claimed. “After the proceeds, the RM lost $300 to $500 per horse, all on the ratepayers’ backs,” Hughes said. However, he said he is more worried about safety. There is a lot of snow in the Canwood area, and the horses travel on roads to find feed. Several have been hit, and someone could be killed, he said. “Do we have to wait and be reactive instead of proactive?”
Two new directors joined SARM’s board after elections at the annual convention. Carmen Sterling, reeve of the RM of Weyburn, is the new director in Division 1. She replaces Don Taylor, reeve in Saltcoats, who retired after 20 years in that position. In Division 5, Judy Harwood, reeve of the RM of Corman Park, defeated incumbent Ron Stevens from the RM of Vanscoy. Division 3 director Doug Steele, reeve of Gull Lake, was re-elected by acclamation. LOBBY FOR NEW TAX CLASS
Recreation tax sought SARM delegates say recreational facilities should be in a separate class from other commercial properties for tax purposes. They noted in a point of privilege resolution that golf courses, skating rinks and other facilities are assessed as commercial properties at 100 percent of their value. The facilities can be owned privately, by municipalities or by non-profit organizations, and tax situations can range from full abatement to no adjustment at all. Delegates agreed this creates an uneven playing field and plan to lobby government to investigate implementation of a recreation tax class for rural and urban municipalities. WASTE MANAGEMENT
Dealing with effluent Winter spreading of septic effluent should be allowed under specific controlled conditions, SARM delegates said. Liquid domestic sewage currently can’t be spread on frozen ground, but a point of privilege resolution brought forward noted it is the only option available for some municipalities where the lagoons can’t handle more volume or the cost to take that effluent elsewhere is too high. Delegates voted to work with the province to find temporary solutions for the problem.
Soybean board urges plan for resistant weeds Defiant attitude to change | Soybean group advises proactive measures BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — The United Soybean Board has launched a campaign to combat herbicide resistant weeds in the United States, which are costing farmers billions of dollars a year. “Herbicide resistance isn’t just a regional issue, it’s a national threat,” USB chair Jim Call said during a news conference at the 2014 Commodity Classic conference. The Take Action campaign, which
the USB is leading, is a joint effort by grower groups, seed companies and universities to promote a national unified approach to weed management. There are 144 resistant weed species in the United States, according to the International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds. Some of them are causing significant economic losses. “A grower can all of the sudden need to spend anywhere from an additional $20 to $30 an acre,” said Vince Davis, extension weed scien-
tist with the University of Wisconsin. “In some real bad cases like Palmer amaranth, it may require expenditures of $150 an acre above and beyond what they were doing previously.” He estimated that the extra expenses and reduced yields associated with herbicide resistant weeds are costing U.S. growers $2 billion a year. Davis said part of the problem is that some growers refuse to change their agronomic practices. He witnessed that defiant attitude 12 years ago when working as a grad-
Herbicide resistance isn’t just a regional issue, it’s a national threat . JIM CALL UNITED SOYBEAN BOARD
uate student at Purdue University in Indiana, where glyphosate resistant horseweed or marestail was just starting to become a problem. Davis developed extension mate-
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rial that shared his research findings with growers and advised them on how to deal with the problem. However, the material was largely ignored. “So I have seen thousands of acres turn into tens of thousands of acres that turned into hundreds of thousands of acres,” he said. Davis said the same attitudes exist in Wisconsin, where herbicide resistant weeds have become a problem only in the last three years. It’s why he believes a national branded effort for dealing with the problem is a good idea. Jeremy Ross, extension soybean agronomist at the University of Arkansas, said Palmer amaranth is causing the biggest problems in his state. “Because of that (weed), 80 percent of our growers that grow Roundup Ready are now using residual herbicides and 24 percent of our acres are in the Liberty Link system,” he said. Growers have been pulling old cultivators out of tree thickets and restoring them so they can do row cultivation on their soybean crops. “Just that one particular weed, Palmer amaranth, has really changed the way Arkansas soybean farmers, and I think farmers in the mid-south, are having to (farm),” said Ross. Growers in some areas of Arkansas have resorted to hand weeding their cotton and soybean fields. Others are spending a lot of money on chemical control. One grower spent $75 per acre on herbicide costs and was still unable to harvest two-thirds of his soybean crop because of excessive weed pressure. Ross worked with the grower the following year, changing his herbicide mix and encouraging him to plant Liberty Link soybeans. The new system virtually eliminated the farmer’s glyphosate resistant weed problem. Davis hopes the Take Action campaign will deliver similar results for other growers who follow the agronomic advice. The main message is diversification. “This includes diversification of effective herbicide modes of action, diversified weed management practices and also utilizing non-herbicide control options such as judicious tillage, cleaning equipment for weed seed and diversified crop rotations,” he said. Davis had some thoughts for growers in Western Canada who are just starting to contend with herbicide resistant weeds. “My advice to them is to take proactive measures,” he said. It will cost them a lot more in terms of yield and input expenses if they wait for herbicide resistant weeds to become a problem before reacting, he added.
New herbicides aim to tackle problem and resistant weeds
Ontario joins sugar beet group
Syngenta and Dow AgroSciences say products will help with resistant weed problems BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
SAN ANTONIO, Texas — Farmers will soon have access to herbicides containing new active ingredients to help combat the mounting problem of herbicide tolerant weeds. “We don’t see new active ingredients come along very often anymore,” said Scott Cully, research and development scientist with Syngenta Crop Protection Inc. “Usually we’re trying to make new premixes of existing things.” Syngenta announced Acuron, a new corn herbicide, at the 2014 Commodity Classic conference. It is a herbicide premix with four active ingredients including the new bicyclopyrone, which is still under review by regulators in the United States and Canada. “We’re expecting full registration by December of this year, and we’re expecting to have that in time to have a 2015 launch in the U.S.,” Cully said during an interview at the conference. Harold Wright, biological assessment manager for Syngenta Canada Inc., said the company is also pursuing registration of the product in Canada but has not yet developed commercialization plans for the Canadian market. Acuron is a broad-spectrum preemergence herbicide that can be applied from 28 days before planting to 12-inch high corn. “It’s going to control all of your grasses and your broadleaves, including many of the difficult-to-control broadleaf weeds,” said Cully. The herbicide will handle resistant weeds such as giant ragweed, common ragweed, marestail, kochia, Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, cocklebur and morning glory. “It will control any of the herbicide tolerant weeds except for HPPD tolerant weeds,” said Cully. The other active ingredients in the product are atrazine, mesotrione and s-metolachlor. Acuron contains three modes of action for group 5, 15 and 27 herbicides. Dow AgroSciences will also soon have a new active ingredient on the market for controlling broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley crops. Arylex is part of the synthetic auxin, or Group 4, family of herbicides, which include 2,4-D, dicamba, quinclorac and clopyralid. “Group 4 herbicides have stood the test of time, over 60 years of use, and there have only been 10 incidents of resistant weeds in North America,” Dow spokesperson Loralee Orr said in an email. By contrast, there have been 150 incidents of resistance to Group 2 broadleaf herbicides and even six confirmed cases for Group 27, the most recent mode of action introduced for cereal crops in Western Canada. Arylex will be effective at a low dose rate of two grams per acre, which is significantly lower than other Group 4 herbicides. It can be applied under hot, cold, dry or wet conditions and is safe and effective over a wide range of
crop and weed stages. The product was submitted for approval in September 2012 but is not yet registered or available for purchase. It will be marketed as Pixxaro and Paradigm, which will be made from a combination of Dow active ingredients. “Both of the new products will have a strong fit in the black soil zone of Western Canada in wheat and barley,” said Orr.
And then there were two. The Ontario Sugar Beet Growers Association has joined the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers Association, adding its voice to that of its Alberta counterpart. The national association once had beet grower members from several provinces, but the demise of the Manitoba association in 1996 removed membership there. Ontario halted beet production from 1967 until 2002, when it began contracting with American firms and did not rejoin the CSBPA. That left only Alberta growers to
maintain the organization. Alberta Sugar Beet Growers president Rob Boras said Ontario membership is expected to give growers a stronger lobby at the national level. Among beet growers’ concerns are the provisions for Canadian sugar trade within the Comprehensive Economic Trade Partnership deal with the European Union, as well as those contained in the TransPacific Partnership deal. Boras told the Alberta growers’ annual meeting in February that he was hopeful Ontario would agree to join the national body. That came to fruition at the Ontario Sugar Beet Growers Association’s annual meeting last week.
SOUTH KOREAN TARIFF REDUCTIONS, AS PART OF KOREA-CANADA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT: Beef: • Forty percent tariff on fresh and frozen beef eliminated in 15 equal annual steps (2.6-2.7 percent each year) • Same schedule as tariff phase-out on U.S. beef • Eighteen percent tariff on offal eliminated in 11 equal annual steps (1.6-1.7 percent each year) Pork: • Duties of 22.5 percent on fresh chilled pork and 25 percent on frozen pork eliminated in five to 13 years Canola: • Ten percent tariff on canola seed eliminated immediately (when deal takes effect)
• Five percent tariff on crude canola oil eliminated over seven years • Five percent tariff on refined canola oil eliminated over three to five years
South Korea trade has broad impact Spur innovation | Loss of tariffs will mean auto sector must find ways to compete
• Cereals, flax and pulses tariffs to be eliminated immediately or over a number of years
Tariffs that will be eliminated:
South Korea’s 2012 trade agreement with the U.S. proves economists aren’t blowing smoke when it comes to freer trade, says Farm Credit Canada’s senior economist. Canada sold $233 million worth of pork to South Korea in 2011, before the U.S.-Korean deal was finalized. By 2013, that had dropped to $76 million. “I get the feeling sometimes when I’m talking about this that (people think), ‘oh, he’s just preaching. Show
• Wheat, three percent • Up to 269 percent duty on barley malt • Rye duty up to 108.7 percent • Flaxseed, three percent duty • Black, lima, pinto, great northern, kidney, navy beans, 27 percent Sources: Government of Canada, Pulse Canada, Canadian Cattlemen’s Association
me the evidence,’ ” J.P. Gervais said. “Well the evidence is there…. 2012 was the first year that they (Americans) had (lower) duty access to South Korea and coincidence, I guess not, our (pork) exports dropped.” Prime minister Stephen Harper and South Korean president Park Guen-hye signed a free trade agreement in Seoul March 11. The media and economists responded quickly, labelling the red meat industry as a winner and the auto sector as a loser because Canada’s 6.1 percent tariff on imported Korean vehicles will be eliminated.
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Gervais agreed that eliminating tariffs does result in winners and losers, but the impacts of freer trade are much broader. He said a University of Toronto report, which evaluated what happened to Canada’s economy following the North American Free Trade Agreement, concluded the trade deal pushed Canadian business in a positive direction. “It’s not just about exports and imports,” he said. “The biggest gain from this deal we have with the United States is how it’s forced businesses to … innovate and be more productive…. And it (offered) more options to consumers.” Similarly, the South Korean deal should encourage affected Canadian industries, particularly the auto sector, to increase productivity. “The car industry has had some issues, in terms of productivity and being able to compete in the global marketplace.” David Sparling, an Ivey Business School professor and chair of agrifood innovation, said the auto industry is a significant component of Canada’s economy. Vehicle and transportation equipment ranks first in Canada’s manufacturing sector when it comes to gross domestic product. Food manufacturing is No. 2. “Auto is big…. The economic benefits are massive. It’s a very important industry,” Sparling said. “(But) that’s a different question from, ‘should we not have any trade deals because we want to protect auto?’ ” He said the Korean agreement is precisely what Canada needs. “Trade deals … with high value markets … it’s exactly what we want to be doing,” he said. “There are huge opportunities for us.” The Canadian Meat Council said South Korea imports $2 billion worth of beef and pork annually. Canada could potentially capture 20 percent of the Korean market. “By the time Canada’s meat processors and exporters regain competitive access, it is projected that annual beef and pork exports will rebound and reach $100 million and $300 million,” council executive director Jim Laws said in a statement. Korea will immediately eliminate a 10 percent tariff on canola seed and phase out a five percent duty on crude and refined canola oil when the deal takes affect, likely in 2015. Ger vais said the tariffs sound minor, but they have an impact. “Ten percent, that makes a difference. We’re not 10 percent more productive than our major competitors,” he said. “(And) it makes a difference to be selling at five percent higher than a competitor.” Gervais said the World Trade Organization has become less significant as countries pursue bilateral trade deals, but the WTO remains important for other reasons. Non-tariff trade barriers based on food safety and growth promotants such as ractopamine become more critical as tariffs are reduced. “Unfortunately we need a forum to address those non-tariff barriers,” Gervais said. “I think the WTO is going to be relevant for trade disputes … and bottlenecks at the border.”
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For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Crop Production Services Inc.
1977 PIPER LANCE, TTSN 3933, SMOH PIPER SUPER CUB CG-XSB, 1955 Serial 531, hangared, excellent condition. Call #5020, fresh Ceconite 1992, complete en780-871-4743, Lloydminster, AB. gine overhaul 2000, engine time 560 hrs., aircraft TT 3680 hrs., extended baggage, 2009 CHALLENGER II ultralight long wing, metal headliner, Tundra tires. Aircraft proRotax 582 model 99, blue head, 65 HP, 21 fessionally maintained by Wetaskiwin Air hrs. on plane and engine, Garmin 296 Nav, Services. Owner ph: 403-676-2228. Sells Spider tracks (tracking device), tundra by auction at Eatonia, SK, April 5th, 2014. tires, $43,000. 780-835-4438, Fairview, AB website: 1964 CESSNA 172E, 2112TT, 566 SMOH, LYCOMING 0-290-D, 135 HP, 1100 Nav/Com, Mode C, new Cleveland wheels, SMOH, FWF c/w mount and exhaust, exc. brake/tires, exc. cond, hangared, $49,000. cond. Lethbridge, AB., 403-327-4582, Jake 306-929-2115, Candle Lake, SK. 403-308-0062.
CONSORT GUN AND HOBBY SHOW 39th Annual, April 12 and 13 at Consort Sportex, Sat. 10 to 5:30, Sunday 10 to 3:30, Consort, AB. Saturday: Country music from 2:30 to 5:30, Supper and Dance to follow. Sunday: open Gospel music 10:30 AM to Noon, more music Noon to 3:30 PM. Show, food, and music under one roof. Over 250 display and trade tables. Non-restricted and restricted firearms testing available and boating exams. CESSNA 172H CF-VZR, TTSN 915 hrs, Something of interest for everyone! Adults NDH, Sask. since new, hangared, exc. $5, Youth $3. 403-577-3818, Sponsored cond., $55,000. 306-731-2800, Lumsden. by Consort Lions Club. LYCOMING 0-320, 150/160 HP, excellent condition, 2200 hours. 403-327-4582, 403-308-0062, Lethbridge, AB. 1997 T-BIRD ULTRALIGHT airplane, 2 place seating, cab and heat, Rotax 582 ULD6DCT engine, 385 TT, plane has wing damage, $3000. Phone 204-733-2542, 204-572-5590, Ochre River, MB.
Kerrobert - 306-834-5007
1959 CESSNA 180B, TTSN 3800, SMOH 80 hrs., 0-470, new paint and leather, interior never wrecked, flies straight and fast, have float fittings, $135,000 US. 250-254-8390, 250-428-0044, Creston, BC. 1995 ZENAIR CH2000 2 seat, IFR trainer certified, 1620 TTSN. No pilot license. Will pay for instructor and fuel or free fuel in 2014, $49,900 OBO. Call 780-459-0813, St. Albert, AB.
JD 70 ANTIQUE TRACTOR. Bill Tatarliov Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION of Regina 42nd Annual Swap Meet April 12, Saturday, 9:00 to 5:00. New and used: parts, literature, supplies and services for: antiques, special interest vehicles, classics, sports cars, street rods, trucks, tractors, motorcycles. Collector cars for sale. AgriJD HIGH CROP 4020, side console, re- bition Building, Regina, SK., Evraz Place, stored, very good condition, new Firestone Admission $5. For vendor registration and tires. 306-859-7788, Beechy, SK. info call Doug Keith 306-779-1365, 1947 CASE VA tractor, not running, exc. tires, fenders good cond., complete, open to offers. 250-428-2228, Creston, BC. ANTIQUE CATERPILLAR COLLECTION, (1932 and up) 35 machines, running, parts books and toys. 204-748-1567, Virden MB COCKSHUTT 30, runs good, good tires, $1200. 306-542-3526, Kamsack, SK.
SUKANEN SHIP PIONEER Village Museum’s 37th Antiques Collectibles Vehicle Parts Sales, Moose Jaw Exhibition Convention Centre, Moose Jaw, SK., March 28, 12-8; March 29, 9-5. Info. 306-692-4755.
WANTED: 170B CESSNA. Preferably 1000 1948 JD D, complete, running, shedded, hrs. SMOH/SPOH, 320 or 360 Lycoming, $2000 OBO. Located in Regina, SK. Email upgraded gear/tires, 7/10 or better interi- Phone 832-799-9008. or/exterior. 780-349-3355, Westlock, AB. 1972 CESSNA 150L, TTSN 1425 hrs., 0-320 ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE GuaranLycoming 150 HP, TT 948 hrs., LR tanks, teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. intercom push to talk, tow hook, always Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. PERKINS POWERED DSL airplane tugger, hangared, new C of A, updated transporrated for 12.4 tonnes towing capacity, 274 der, family owned, $38,000 OBO. Colonhrs., $10,500. 306-668-2020, Saskatoon, say, SK. 306-280-3231, 306-255-2611. DL #908171. 1971 CESSNA 150L, 3769 TTSN, 1864 CESSNA 414, 9046 AFTT, engines Ram SMOH, new C of A, Reg. #GNJW, $18,500 Series VI, 1048/482 TSO, 1057/471 TSO, OBO. Call 306-435-7384, Moosomin, SK. S-Tec autopilot; PIPER Aztec C, 4280 AFTT, engines 1245/409 hrs. TSO, props 269/269 TSO, new paint and int. 2007; 3 TRAVEL AIRs, 1964, 1966 and 1968, former flight school aircraft, IFR certified; BEAVER, 1959, converted from US mili- WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving tary L-20A Model, 8184 AFTT, eng. 274 barn cameras, backup cameras for RVs, hrs. TSO, OH by Covington aircraft eng. trucks and combines, etc. Home and shop 2007; PIPER Navajo, 8859 AFTT, Cleve- video surveillance. View from any computland wheels and brakes, cargo door, Kan- er or Smart phone. Free shipping. Call NEW TRACTOR PARTS. Specializing in engine rebuild kits and thousands of other nad ELT. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 403-616-6610, Calgary, AB. parts. Savings! Service manuals and decals. Also Steiner Parts dealer. Our 40th year! Call 1-800-481-1353.
WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.
SMALL ADS, BIG RESULTS This is where farmers buy and sell -
1960 CESSNA 180C 230HP, floats w/skis, $110,000; 1980 Cessna 185F 300HP, floats w/skis, $147,000. 204-623-5784, The Pas, MB. email:
Call our team to place your ad
FEATU RIN G : Advertising Signs, Clocks, O il Pails & Tins, G lassw are, Lam ps & Lanterns, Paper Related, H ousehold, Toys, W ar Related Item s, M iscellaneous Item s and a Variety ofCoins.
Entertainment Crossword by Walter D. Feener
b o d n a r u sa u ctio n eer in g .co m O ffice:30 6-975 -90 5 4 (30 6)227-95 0 5 1 -877-494-BID S(2437) PL #318200 SK PL #324317 A B MAGEE ANTIQUES, Meadow Lake, SK. Annual Spring Antique and Collectible Auction, Sat. April 12, 2014, 10 AM. Location: Meadow Lake Alliance Church Gym, 9th Avenue. Consign early to be added to the Auction catalogue. Elton Magee Auctions, 306-240-2258, 306-236-0033. PL #101028678.
Last Weeks Answers
WORKING STEAM TRACTORS! Double acting brass cylinder and piston, forward, reverse and neutral controls, plus working whistle. Flywheel has grooved pulley to run accessories! Engine runs 15 min. per fueling (fuel supplied). D405 Steam Tractor- regular $449.95. Spring Sale $299.96. Shipping $18.95. Our 40th year! Ph. 1-800-481-1353. 1964 JD 4020 diesel, restored. Call 306-873-0214, Tisdale, SK. 1948 JOHN DEERE AR tractor, restored; 1920 Fordson, steel wheels, complete for restoring. 306-696-2957, Whitewood, SK.
DOWN 1. He plays Dean Winchester on Supernatural 2. Point of ___ Return 3. ___ Thing (2 words) 4. Spun director 5. What Lies ___ 6. ___ to China (2 words) 7. Air Force ___ 8. Jolie’s father 9. The Last ___ 10. She played “High Roller Girl” in Rush Hour 2 14. Film starring Lana Turner and John Forsythe (2 words) 16. ___ Given Sunday 19. Initials of the actor who played Willis on Diff’rent Strokes 22. Film starring Liam Neeson and Diane Kruger 23. Star of Coffy 27. Warner who starred in The King of Kings 28. She was a leading lady in many 1940s and 1950s films 30. 8 ___ 32. He starred in The Wolf of Wall Street 33. She played a former White house intern on the first season of Scandal 34. Love at First ___ 35. She starred in Pretty in Pink 37. She played Washington’s wife in American Gangster 39. Ben Affleck’s brother 40. The ___-Lo Country 41. Howards ___ 43. ___/Tuck 45. She played Cosby’s wife on The Cosby Show 47. He plays Dr. Walter Bishop on Fringe 51. Rumor ___ It... 52. Film starring Ursula Andress 55. I ___ Sam
V IEW AT CITY YARD 6 TH AV E. & S T. JOHN S TREET - REGIN A TUES ., M AR. 18TH-10:00AM -12:00P M THURS ., M AR. 20TH-1:00P M -3:00P M M O N ., M AR. 24TH-9:00AM -12:00 P M TO IN CL UDE: 2 - 2010 GM C M o d el 4500 T ra n s it Bu s ; 2008 F o rd E 450 S u p er Du ty T ra n s it Bu s ; 2000 F o rd F 150 M a in ten a n ce Vehicle; 1995 F o rd F 350 w /Gen era l Pu rp o s e & Du m p Bo x; 1995 Pa ra -T ra n s it Bu s ; 1989 M CI T C4 40’ T ra n s it Bu s ; 1989 M CI Cla s s ic 40’ T ra n s it Bu s ; 1985 GM C Cla s s ic 40’ T ra n s itBu s . S e e w e b s ite fo r te rm s & c o n d itio n s .
1-800-26 3-4193
Book m a rk : w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om P.O. Bo x 308 1 Regin a , S K . S 4P 3G7 Dea ler L ic #319 9 16
O L D M O T O R C Y C L E S O R PA R T S WANTED, any condition, size or make. 1979 or older. Will pickup, pay cash. Call Wes 403-936-5572 anytime, all enquiries answered. Calgary, AB. 1956 FORD PICKUP, F150 4x4, 400 eng, auto., PS, PB, needs minor restor, asking $10,500 OBO. 250-376-4163, Kamloops BC
IHC W4, W6, WD6, Massey 440 special (Pro painted); 1953 Chevy 1 ton. All run- WANTED: FORD OR Mercury 1/2 ton ning; also 5 stationary engines. Call 1948-52 w/orig. flathead V8, solid body. 204-726-5280 after 6 PM. Brandon, MB. Email photo/info to: 2- VA CASE, both in running cond., need WANTED: 1935 PONTIAC, Chev, Buick or some repairs, 1 sandblasted, 1 painted, Olds cars. 403-252-1245. Please send pics or info to Calgary, AB. $1500 ea. 204-537-2486, Wawanesca, MB.
ACROSS 1. He played Henry Martin on 666 Park Avenue 6. He played Sergeant Carter on Hogan’s Heroes 11. She plays Emma Decody on Bates Motel 12. He played Detective Scotty Valens on Cold Case 13. Foster of Punky Brewster 15. Gone in 60 Seconds director 17. June Allyson’s real last name 18. She starred in Inglourious Basterds 20. Kier who starred in many horror and vampire movies 21. She received Academy Award nominations for her roles in An Unmarried Woman and Starting Over 24. The ___ Pack 25. The Little ___ 26. He starred in Cypher 29. Initials of an actor in Chariots of Fire 30. Jackson who stars on the Disney Channel sitcom Jessie 31. She starred in Home of the Brave 32. She played Mrs. Strank in Flags of Our Fathers 34. Lost director 36. The ___ Harvest 37. Tortorella of The Following 38. Sommer of Mad Men 42. Film starring Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway 44. Tara Spencer- ___ 46. She stars on 2 Broke Girls 48. Babylon ___ 49. British spy played by Myers 50. ___ People 53. Armageddon director 54. Michael C. ___ 56. He played Itchy in Dick Tracy 57. Canadian medical show
THREE HUDSONS BAY Saskatchewan 1850’s copper pots, $750 and down. 250-546-6858,
UNRESERVED AUCTION on Sunday, April 13, Complete Close-Out for Old Castle Antiques & Collectibles, Elk Point, AB., 500 quality lots. View online
SATUR D AY M AR CH 29, 20 1 4 @ 9:0 0 AM L E ASK H AL L - L E ASK , SK
ANTIQUE SHOW. WESTERN Canada’s longest running collectors’ show: antiques, collectibles, and pop culture. 39th Annual Wild Rose Antique Collectors Show and Sale. Sellers from across Canada. Special collectors’ displays. Antique evaluations by Canadian Antiques Roadshow appraiser Gale Pirie, $12/item. Good Fri., April 18, 9AM - 5PM, Sat., April 19, 9AM - 4PM. Edmonton Expo Centre. 780-437-9722,
CHOICE OF 2 ice resurfacers: Zamboni or 1941 JD A, S/N #505626, $2000; 1953 Olympia, x-government, $17,500 - natural JD 70, S/N #7004744, $3500. Both run gas, $20,500 - propane. Call 306-668-2020 DL #908171. well, good tin. 780-372-2491, Bashaw, AB.
Canada’s largest agricultural classifieds.
WANTED: NORTH STAR oil, Buffalo cities oil, White rose, Red Indian. Looking for gas pumps, signs in any condition, oil cans or oil bottles, oil racks and service station lights or poles. 780-919-0743, Regina, SK.
UNRESERVED COMPLETE CLOSE-OUT of Kitchen Cupboards and Woodworking Shop, Saturday, April 5, 9:00 AM, Lochdale Studio, Custom Cabinets, Spruce Grove, AB. Ph. 780-962-6767. 7 complete kitchen units; 2 forklifts; pallet racking; woodworking equipment, materials, furnishings. Full Day Sale. View online PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale March 29, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., 306-931-7666.
Paul Cherkas
Kamsack, SK | April 3, 2014 · 10am
3– 2013 CASE IH 500 QUADTRAC
4 OF 5– CASE IH 9230
AUCTION LOCATION: From KAMSACK, SK go 12.9 km (8 miles) South on Hwy 8, then go 2.4 km (1.5 miles) East, 0.4 km (0.25 mile) South. GPS: 51.4257, -101.8418 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 3– 2013 Case IH 500 Quadtracs · 2013 Case IH 400HD 4WD · 2013 Case IH Puma 145 MFWD · 2012 Case IH Puma 170 MFWD · 5– 2013 Case IH 9230 Combines · 4– 2013 Case IH 2142 35 Ft Draper Headers · 3– 2013
MacDon M155 35 Ft Swathers · 2008 International 9900I T/A · 2008 Lode King 28 Ft Super B · 2– Unused 2014 Seed Hawk 72 Ft Air Drills · 2013 Seed Hawk 72 Ft Air Drill · 2013 & 2012 Case IH 4430 120 Ft High Clearance Sprayer...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Paul Cherkas: 306.542.7992 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Dan Steen: 306.361.6154 800.491.4494
SASKATOON, SK Tuesday, March 25 | 8 am 15– 4WD TRACTORS
2 OF 4– 2012 JOHN DEERE 9560R & 2011 JOHN DEER 9630
2009 HYUNDIA HL 760-7A
2004 & 2003 CATERPILLAR D7R XR
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction for Ross and Ron Moncrief 306-489-4913 or 306-489-4813, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, Sask. Directions from Alameda 5 miles West and 3/4 miles North at 10:00 AM. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at JD 8570 4WD tractor w/4490 hours, JD 6300L FWA tractor w/JD 640 FEL and open cab, JD 9500 SP combine w/JD 914 PU header and 2500 sep. hours, JD 930R straight cut header, Trailtech straight cut header trailer, 25’ Premier 1900 PT swather, Koenders poly swath roller, Labtronics moisture tester, 1987 IH 466 diesel single axle S1900 grain truck, 1980 Chev C-60 3 ton grain truck, 1965 Dodge 500 grain truck, NH BR780 round baler, NH 116 haybine, NH 1033 PT square bale wagon, Jiffy bale processor, NH 357 mixmill, NH 791 manure spreader, NH side delivery rake, MF 124 square baler, Real Industries tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer, Peerless PTO roller mill, Horst 18 bale hay trailer, Pearson squeeze chute, Lewis cattle oilers, Dust Actor mineral feeders, metal clad calf shelter, quantity of corral panels and gates, windbreak panels, barbwire and electric fencing supplies, round bale feeders, vet and misc. cattle supplies, 14” and 15” Western saddles, 35’ Morris 8900 air seeder and Morris 6130 air cart, 35’ Morris CP 732 cult. with anhydrous kit, 37’ Morris CP 731 cult., 36’ Morris rodweeder, 56’ Morris tine harrows, 15’ Cockshutt cult., 14’ Oliver tandem disc, Farm King 10-70 swing auger, Sakundiak 7-40 auger with Kohler engine and Wheatheart binsweep, EZ Guide GPS, Schulte front mount snowblower, Easy Load 2 compartment tote tank, 25’ Brandt 3 PTH sprayer, Bush Hog 3 PTH mower, Wilkomi PTO grass weeder, ATV yard sprayer, Polaris 300 Explorer quad, 1971 Yamaha 650 motorcycle, Arctic Cat 340 snow machine, MF 832 lawn tractor, Yard Machine, rototiller, Honda 2” and 3” water pumps, 1000 gallon fuel tank and stand, slip tanks and pumps, complete line of shop tools plus much more!! Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
O W !!
ANNUAL SPRING EQUIPM ENT AUCTION TUES D AY AP R IL 15 TH @ 9 AM Hw y #3 Ea s t , Tis d a le , S K .
Fa rm Equipm e n t; In d us tria l Equipm e n t; H e a vy Trucks ; S e e d in g Equipm e n t; C a rs ; Trucks ; R V’s ; ATV’s & M o re . Expecting 4000 B uyers
Call Today For Advertising Benefits Office Toll Free 1-866-873-5488 Don Luthi, cell 306-921-8952 Bruce Schapansky, cell 306-873-7319
Toll Free Anytime 1-866-873-5488 PH: 306-873-5488 TISDALE, SASK.
PL #912715
RV Auction Apr.5th 9 AM Over 40 Trailers Selling Unreserved to the Highest Bidder
INCLUDING 4 Brand New 2014 Sabre 5th Wheels, and Freedom Express Tag, w/ 3 slides and many more. RV Accessories and parts selling at 9 AM over $25,000 of value. Many to Choose From, Plan to Attend.
2-2011, 2010 JOHN DEERE 9630T & 2011, 2010 JOHN DEERE 9530T
For Info call 306-782-5999 or Check out our website:
Yorkton Auction Centre - 4 Mi East of Yorkton on Hwy 10
Lic 325025
4 OF 5– 2013 WESTERN STAR 4900SB
2012 MORRIS C2 71 FT & MORRIS 8650
Lavigne Farms Ltd. Beaumont, AB | April 4, 2014 · 10 am
1988 AM GENERAL M945 6X6
2012, 2-2011, 2-2008 MUV-ALL 47 TON 2011 & 2010 LODE KING PRESTIGE SUPER-B
2012 JOHN DEERE 9460R & 2001 BOURGAULT 1100
Saskatoon, SK March 25 (Tues) | 8am Just North of Saskatoon on Hwy 12
1550+ Items in this auction
2013 ROGATOR RG900 100 FT
2004 CEC 30 X 42
51– Agricultural Tractors 53–Truck Tractors 25– Air Drills & Seeders 78– Mobile Structures 15– Lowboy Trailers Grain Trucks Wheel Loaders Hydraulic Excavators Skid Steer Loaders Boats, an Airplane 5 Parcels of Deeded Farmland, 21 Parcels of Leased Farmland and Much More!
2011 & 2008 JOHN DEERE 9870STS
2008 PREMIER M150 30 FT
AUCTION LOCATION: From NISKU, AB, go 4.8 km (3 miles) East on Sec Hwy 625 to Rge Rd 244, then 1.6 km (1 mile) North to Twp Rd 505, then 0.8 km (0.5 mile) East. South side. GPS: 53.352293, -113.452477. A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 John Deere 9460R 4WD · 2005 John Deere 6420 MFWD · 2011 John Deere 9870STS Combine · 2008 John Deere 9870STS Combine · 2011 John Deere 635FD 35 Ft Flex Draper · 2008 John Deere 635D 35 Ft Draper · 2008 Premier M150 30 Ft Swather · 2007 Freightliner FLD12064T T/A Grain Truck · 2000 Freightliner CST12064T T/A Grain Truck · 1981 Ford 8000 T/A Grain Truck · 2010 John Deere
1870 56 Ft Air Drill · 2007 John Deere 4720 90 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · Custombuilt Tri/A Bale Hauler Large · Sitrex 2GL-302 Hay Spreader · Qty of Grain Bins, Augers & Aeration Fans · 2001 Bourgault 1100 T/A Grain Cart · John Deere F935 72 In. Ride On Front Mount Lawn Mower · 2008 Country Coach Inspire 360 40 Ft S/A Motor Home · Qty of Chicken Feeders, Polar High Pressure Misting System, Welding &Shop Tools...AND MUCH MORE!
For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: | 800.491.4494 Auction Company License #309645
Roger Lavigne: 780.913.5754 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Cody Rude: 780.722.9777 800.491.4494
Saskatoon Auction Site March 25
60 of 85 Upcoming Agricultural Auctions Gardner Cattle Company
3– 2011 John Deere 7330 Premium Bragg Creek, AB – March 26
St. Laurent Farms
Stephen & Tim Petluk
31 Quarters of Farmland Nampa, AB – March 29
Corly Briltz – Cor-El Farms Ltd.
Case IH 4812-4R 48 Ft Jean Cote, AB – April 4
Dayeta Farms – Dave Gromniski
2011 Versatile 485 Grenfell, SK – April 10
Nussbaumer Farms Inc.
2013 Case IH 3330 Patriot 100 Ft Benson, SK – April 4
DMD Farms Ltd – Derek & Denise Sydor
2007 Volvo VN630 & 2001 Lode King Super B Gilbert Plains, MB – April 10
Brian & Dana Soke
2004 International 8600 & 2008 International Prostar Yorkton, SK – April 12
Floyd & Edythe Werth North Star Acres Ltd.
2006 John Deere 4720 90 Ft Bredenbury, SK – April 14
Manchur Farms Ltd.
2008 Case IH 385 Grenfell, SK – April 16
Barrie & Melanie Peeke
2010 New Holland 9040 Semans, SK – April 21
2010 John Deere 4730 100 Ft Gilbert Plains, MB – April 16
Gerald & Ellen Schmidt
1983 Steiger Cougar PTA 280 Viceroy, SK – April 21
White Mountain Wapiti Ranch
Over 1800 Items Consigned Includes Real Estate near Wakaw & O
Louac Farms Ltd.
2010 John Deere 9530 Spirit River, AB – April 1
Lavigne Farms Ltd.
2008 Country Coach Inspire 360 Beaumont, AB – April 4
Bing Sulz & Alfred Kohls
2007 John Deere 9760STS Golden Prairie, SK – April 10
Tri-Field Farms Ltd.
2002 John Deere 9520T Teulon, MB – April 14
Circle R Farms Ltd. Hugh & Lorraine Richelhoff
2008 John Deere 1830 56 Ft w/ 2011 1910 Major, SK – April 16
Panko Ranch Ltd.
2000 Case IH MX170 Crestwynd, SK – April 22
2– 2010 John Deere 9530 & 2010 John Deere 9430 Osler, SK – April 1
Clifford & Derek Keeler
2000 John Deere 4700 90 Ft Mankota, SK – April 5
Leon & Liz Parton
2011 Westward M150 35 Ft Kindersley, SK – April 11
Glen Evenson
2005 New Holland TJ325 Frontier, SK – April 14
Norman & Nellie Caron
2001 John Deere 9650 Valleyview, AB – April 17
Glenda Radbourne & The Estate of Al Radbourne
1997 John Deere 9400 Manning, AB – April 22
V&T Janzen Farms Ltd.
1996 New Holland 8970 & J&M 875-18 Rolla, BC – April 5
Gary & Janice Waterhouse
8 Parcels of Farmland Naicam, SK – April 11
Ron & Cherolyn Scobie
1 of 2– John Deere 9600 Rolla, BC – April 14
Denvig Farms Inc.
1987 GMC General Edgeley, SK – April 17
Austie Farms Ltd.
2012 John Deere S690 Rhein, SK – April 22
For complete and up-to-date listings visit, visit rbbrochures.c Auction Company License 309645 & 303043
Lethbridge Auction Site March 27
Regina Auction Site April 7
Over 500 Items Consigned – Includes Real Estate near Iron Springs, Coronation, Hanna & Claresholm, AB
Osler, SK Mark Fruson
Turcotte Farms
2012 Westward M105 30 Ft Didsbury, AB – April 2
Tanguay Farms Ltd.
1998 Flexi-Coil 5000 40 Ft Donnelly, AB – April 7
Gordon & Rosalie White
2012 New Holland T9.450 Hartney, MB – April 11
Hanowski Farms Inc.
2013 Unverferth 9250 Melville, SK – April 15
Pennell Farms Ltd.
2– Bourgault 8810 50 Ft & 2– Bourgault 6550ST Kamsack, SK – April 17
Gordon & Karen Braithwaite
Country Residential Acreage Clandonald, AB – April 22
Over 400 Items Consigned – Includes Tractors, Combines, Sprayers, Swathers, Grain Handling Equipment and more!
Adair Farms
Paul Cherkas
2011 Case IH 9120 Jean Cote, AB – April 2
2– 2011 New Holland CX8080 Westlock, AB – April 3
Roger & Malora Lee
DJF Holdings Ltd.
2011 New Holland T9030 & 2011 New Holland ST830 50 Ft Stettler, AB – April 8
Sam & Marlene Wiley
2010 New Holland CR9070 High Prairie, AB – April 11
Bill & Mary Reimer
1998 Massey Ferguson 220 25 Ft Plumas, MB – April 15
Gardner Brothers
2008 John Deere 9770STS Kamsack, SK – April 17
Ross Kadlec
2004 Case IH SPX3200 90 Ft Bladworth, SK – April 23
Alex Lungal
2009 New Holland H8040 30 Ft Tofield, AB – April 12
Lyle, Leonard & Evelyn Herter
2013 John Deere S660 Golden Prairie, SK – April 15
Dean & Genadri Myhre
1983 John Deere 8650 w/ 12 Ft Dauphin, MB – April 17
Rauert Farms Inc.
1985 Case IH 4494 & 2013 Brent 678 St. Gregor, SK – April 25
3– 2013 Case IH 500 Quadtrac Kamsack, SK – April 3
River Ayr Farms Ltd. & Lloyd Lovequist
2– 2009 John Deere 9770STS Birsay, SK – April 9
George & Linsey Smith
1 Home Qtr & 15 Parcels of Farmland Broadview, SK – April 9
Colin Fischer
2009 Versatile 400 Spalding, SK – April 12
Dieter Bender
2011 Case IH 8120 Richmound, SK – April 12
Albert & Luc Johnson Farms
1 Home Qtr & 1 Parcel of Farmland Cherhill, AB – April 15
R&L Napady Farms Ltd.
2005 Westward 9352I 25 Ft Guy, AB – April 16
GSC Ent. Ltd. George & Sharon Convey
2008 Case IH 3320 100 Ft Wroxton, SK – April 19
Larry & Betty Strand
2009 Massey Ferguson 9430 30 Ft Birch Hills, SK – April 26
2008 New Holland T7040 Clandonald, AB – April 21
Windrush Valley Farm
1 Home Qtr & 2 Parcels of Farmland Farmington, BC – April 26
com for digital brochures & the auction guide or contact us at 800.491.4494.
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SK PL # 914507 â&#x20AC;˘ AB PL # 180827
MACK AUCTION COMPANY presents a Farm Equip. Auction for Wilfred and Joan Messer 306-461-5145, Monday, April 14, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions from Macoun, Sask. 4 miles South. Watch for Signs! Live internet bidding at JD 8450 4WD tractor, Case 2290 2WD tractor w/duals, Case 1494 2WD tractor with Case 66L FEL and 3 PTH, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Seed Hawk air drill w/onboard Magnum 257 air tank, 32â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Case field cultivator with Degelman harrows, 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH 55 DT cultivator, Malcam 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DT cult., Melroe 5 bottom plow, Co-op G100 discers, diamond harrow packer drawbar, MF 860 SP combine with 2750 hours, MF 9024 straight cut header, MF 9030 straight cut header, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 590 PT swather, Buhler Farm King steel drum roller, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Flexi-Coil field sprayer, Degelman PTO rockpicker, 100 gallon slip tank with electric pump, 1250 gallon poly water tank, Trimble EZGuide 500 GPS, 1977 Dodge 600 3 ton grain truck, 1977 Dodge 600 3 ton grain truck, 1984 GMC Sierra 1500 pickup, 4Twister 2300 bushel hopper bottom grain bins, Twister 4000 bu. hopper bottom bin, 2- Behlen 2950 bu. grain bins on cement, 2- Westeel 3300 bu. grain bins on cement, Westeel 2750 bushel grain bin on cement, Westeel 1650 bu. grain bin on wood floor, OPI Stormax grain temp monitor and cables, Motomco 919 moisture tester, Sakundiak 7-45 auger with Kohler engine, Sakundiak 7-51 auger w/Onan eng., hyd. binsweep, Honda 250 Big Red, Deines zero turn mower, Craftsman snowblower, JD lawn mower, Shur Lift pressure washer, 3 PTH flail mower, 3 PTH cult., 3 PTH disc, 3 PTH Allied snowblower, complete line of shop tools and much more!! Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
SAT.,M AR CH 29 / 14 1 0:00A.M .
An n u a l Sp rin g Co n s ign m en t Au ctio n , Da vid s o n , Sk. Co m m u n ip lex.
Ho u s eho ld , An tiq u es & Co llectib les , T o o ls , Ya r d Item s , Etc.
SAT.,AP R IL 12/ 14 1 0:00A.M . Es ta te o f Ro b ert W . Co u rts , Ou tlo o k, Sk. Civic Cen ter 2 0 1 1 GM C Z7 1 Sier r a ext. ca b tr u ck, 2 1 ,87 6 km s ., 2 0 1 0 GM C Yu ko n XL, 5 9 ,6 3 7 km s ., L3 40 0 Ku b o ta 4W D 3 cyl. D ies el tr a cto r, 1 9 7 4 GM C 1 to n tr u ck w / B &H, 2 5 ,0 0 0 m iles , Hu s q va r n a 1 5 HP 3 8â&#x20AC;? cu t zer o tu r n la w n m o w er, T o o ls & s ho p item s , 7 2 â&#x20AC;? x1 40 â&#x20AC;? B r u n s w ick s la te p o o l ta b le, Acco r d ia n , Or g a n , 5 0 â&#x20AC;? P a n a s o n ic T V, N a vig a to r p o w er s co o ter, ho u s eho ld , fu r n itu r e p lu s m u ch m o r e.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Gordon and Edith Kolish, 306-722-3610 or 306-737-0610, Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Live internet bidding at Directions from East side of Creelman, Sask. go 18 miles North to dead end and 1/4 mile West. Watch for signs! Case 9370 4WD tractor with 5120 hours, IH 1086 2WD tractor with 6000 hours, 2013 MF Hesston WR9725 SP swather with 75 hours and 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PU reel, Case/IH 2188 Axial Flow SP combine with 2230 rotor hours, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Case/IH 1020 straight cut header, straight cut header trailer, Koenders poly swath roller, 49â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Morris Maxim air drill double shoot w/Morris 7300 air cart, 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Friggstad 420 cult. w/tine harrows, JD 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; offset disc, 32â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH 4700 Vibratiller cult. Degelman ground drive rockpicker, Crown ground drive rockpicker, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Bourgault 1450 field sprayer, 1250 gallon poly water tank, 1000 gallon steel water tank, 2001 Volvo tandem axle highway tractor with sleeper, 1996 Doepker tri-axle grain truck w/3 compartments and air ride, 1977 GMC 6500 grain truck with 74,500 kms, Brandt 10-60 swing auger, Sakundiak 7-41 auger w/Briggs engine, 3- Westeel 2500 bu. bins on wood floor, 2- Westeel 1600 bu. bins on wood floors, plus shop tools and a whole bunch more! For sale bill and photos visit Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equip. Auction for Bill and Bev Tatarliov Saturday, April 12, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions from Minton, Sask. 6 miles North on Hwy #6 and 2-1/2 miles East and 1/2 mile North. Watch for Signs! Live internet bidding at 2- quarter sections of land sell as one parcel in RM #9 of Surprise Valley, NE-21-03-19-W2 and NW21-03-19-W2. Versatile 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor with 4400 hours, IH 886 2WD tractor with IH 2350 FEL with grapple fork, Ford 1510 FWA dsl. yard tractor with 3 PTH and PTO, 2002 NH FWA ext. backhoe, JD 70 antique tractor, JD 9400 SP combine w/2822 sep. hours and 2013 Greenlighted, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 925 straight cut header, straight cut header trailer, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 737 air drill with Flexi-Coil 1720 air cart, 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122; EzeeOn 3590 tandem disc, 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CCIL 807 cult., 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CCIL 807 cult. with Degelman harrows, CCIL 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; cult., 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Ezee-On tine harrow bar with Beeline granular applicator, 2-G100 CCIL 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; discers, 1982 Chev 70 3 ton grain truck with 47,100 kms, 1978 GMC 6000 3 ton grain truck w/48,754 kms, WWII era Chev military truck for restoration, 2003 Vermeer 605 Accu-Bale Plus SL rd. baler, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; NH 1475 2300 Series haybine, 2002 Southland 5th wheel 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; livestock trailer, Ezee-On post pounder, Cockshutt hay rake, quantity of livestock steel gates and panels, quantity of round bale feeders, calf squeeze chute tipping table, Farm King roller mill, homebuilt 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hay wagon, 5Westeel Rosco 1950 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2- Twister 1950 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2- Twister 2000 bu. grain bins with wood floors, Twister 1100 bu. hopper bottom bin, 2- Flaman 3 HP aeration fans, 2Sakundiak 7-45 PTO grain augers, 7-41 PTO grain augers, Farm King 1365 grain cleaner, Sakundiak 300 bu. hopper wagon, Ford 930A 3 PTH 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; finishing mower, Allied 3 PTH 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; snowblower, hyd. post hole auger FEL loader mount, Schulte 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; front mount snowblower, gas powered floatation pump, Honda gas blower broadcaster, JD dsl. 6x4 gator UTV, JD Big Buck 650 quad ATV, Honda 250 Big Red ATC, 2- Panterra 90 CC ATV quads 2WD, quantity of rail road ties, quantity of lumber, 3- 500 gallon fuel tanks and stands, antique Defiance store scale, Assortment of crocks and copper boilers, antique kitchen cupboards, Forney stick welder, household and shop tools, plus much more! For sale bill and photos 306-634-9512. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equipment Auction for Garnet and Barb Hart 306-861-2905, Friday, April 11, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions from Weyburn, Sask., go 9 miles East on Hwy. 13 and 10.5 miles North. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at Ford Versatile 846 4WD tractor w/4270 hrs, Case 2390 2WD tractor w/5595 hours, MF 90 2WD tractor with FEL, JD 9610 Maximizer SP combine w/2648 sep. hrs and fresh Greenlight, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 930 straight cut header, straight cut header trailer, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Case/IH 4000 SP swather with Honeybee knife, JD swath fluffer, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Harmon 3680 air drill double shoot w/Flexi-Coil 1610 air cart, 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Friggstad cult. with Beeline applicator, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH 645 cult. w/anhydrous kit, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH medium duty cult., 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MF DT cult., 2- 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Melroe disc drills, Flexi-Coil end tow tine harrow packer bar, 1978 Chev C-60 grain truck w/steel box and roll tarp, 2001 Chev Silverado 2500 ext. cab truck, 1964 Dodge 500 grain truck, 1978 GMC 3/4 ton truck, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; farm use grain cart, shopbuilt tandem dual dolly converter trailer, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Flexi-Coil 55 field sprayer, Chem Handler III, Honda 2â&#x20AC;? water pump, 1200 gallon poly water tank, Trimble EZ-Guide and EZ-Steer GPS, 2- Westeel 3800 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Westeel Rosco 1900 bu. hopper bottom bin, Westeel and Twister 2250 bu. hopper bottom bins, Friesen 50 ton fertilizer bin, 2- Westeel 2000 bu. bins on wood, 2Twister 2000 bu. bins on wood floors, Westeel Rosco 2500 bu. bin on cement, Westeel Rosco 1900 bu. bin on cement, Rosco 1350 bushel bin on cement, Inland 1400 bu. bins on cement, 5- wood grain bins, Westfield MK 10-61 swing auger, Wheatheart BH 8-51 auger w/hyd. mover, Brandt 8-45 auger w/Kohler 20 HP engine, Pool 8-35 auger w/binsweep and 16 HP Kohler engine, Pool 8-40 auger with 20 HP Wisconsin, Grain Guard 3 HP aeration fan, Caldwell 3 HP aeration fans, Grain Guard heater, Stormax Deluxe Bin temperature monitor, Degelman PTO rockpicker, 1000 gal. anhydrous tank and trailer, shopbuilt land leveller, Yardworks riding lawn mower, floating slough pump and hose, propane scare cannon, plus much more!! Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
Clearview Acres Ltd. - Guy & Lorraine and Blair & Sarah St. Amant
CTION AU April 3rd, 2014, 10:00 am Edam, Saskatchewan s LIVE INTERNET BIDDING Seller Contacts: Guy & Lorraine St. Amant, 306-441-5428 Directions: From Edam go 9.5 miles (15.2km) east on grid, then 1.2 km north OR From Cochin go 10 miles (15.8km) north then 7 miles Blair St. Amant, 306-845-8032 (11.3km) west and 1.8 km south Auction Coordinator: Kim Kramer, 306-445-5000
M A NZâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S A UC TIONEER ING S ER VIC E D A VID S ON, S K. TIM M AN Z P L#9 1 40 3 6 w w w .m a n za u ctio n .co m 306 - 56 7- 29 9 0
MOOSOMIN SPRING SPECTACULAR Antique & Collector Auction, Saturday, March 22nd, 2014, 10:30 AM CST, Moosomin Conexus Centre, SK. Special Feature: Outstanding and Rare Collection Carnival Glass. Beautiful antique furniture features: 1/4 cut oak chinas; roll tops; stackers; dental cabinet; hoosiers; twin bedroom suite; round dining table; sets chairs, plus more. Childrensâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; collectables and toys; vintage automotive and advertising memorabilia: Mobil gas pump and oil pump; signs; Grandfather clock; gaming machine; candy store cash register; beautiful antique lamps; glassware and other antiques and collectableâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, including Red Wing crocks. Contact Donogh Antiques 204-727-1088, or 204-729-1212, websites at: or at: Murray Rankin Auctions, Killarney, MB. 204-534-7401. Ross Taylor Auction Service, Reston, MB. 204-522-5356. SK. License #s 909917 and 313936
Tractors: 2011 Case IH 535 QT QuadTrac, 828 hrs showing,; 2006 Case IH STX 480Q QuadTrac, 1000 pto, 3500 hrs showing,; 1989 Case IH 9150 4wd, 1000 pto; International 1086 2wd & Ezee-On FEL,; Combines: 2009 John Deere 9770 STS & JD 615P header, 989 thr/1362 eng hrs showing,; 2008 John Deere 9770 STS & JD 615P header, 933 thr/1223 eng hrs showing,; 2009 John Deere 635 Hydra Float; 2008 John Deere 930D; Shelbourne Reynolds CX 72 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; stripper header,; 2010 Stud King ID 42 transport; Swathers: 2013 John Deere W150 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 98 hrs showing,; 2006 Hesston 9240 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 867 hrs showing,; Seeding & Tillage: 2011 Seed-Master 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; seeding tool & SXX 300 air tank, Alliance liquid kit & Bandit 3400TC tow behind liquid cart,; 2011 Degelman Strawmaster 7000 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; heavy harrow; 2013 Graham G40 seed treating system; 2003 Bourgault 5710 Series II 54â&#x20AC;&#x2122; air drill and Alpine kit; 1995 Bourgault 3225 air tank,; Grain Storage & Drying Equipment: Grain Cart & Grain Augers: 2012 Balzer 1325 grain cart; 2005 Bourgault Smart Cart 750 grain cart; WestďŹ eld MK100-61 auger,; Wheatheart BH41-8 auger; Spraying: 2007 John Deere 4720 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 2455 total hrs showing/ 1294 spraying hrs showing,; Navigational Equipment: Heavy Trucks: 2009 Kenworth T800, Cummins ISX-500, 18 spd autoshift trans, 46,000lb rears; 2000 Kenworth T800B, Cummins N14, Fuller 18 spd ; 1993 International Eagle 9400; 1999 Peterbuilt water tanker truck; 2001 GMC C7500 single axle deck/picker truck; Light Trucks & Cars: 2003 Ford F-450 XLT 4wd dually reg. cab service truck; 2009 Ford F350 crew cab short box 4wd; Trailers: 2012 Wilson DWH-550 tridem aluminum grain trailer,; 2009 Wilson DWH-550 tridem aluminum grain trailer; Lawn & Garden: Kubota ZG23 zero turn deck mower; Other Misc. Equip.: Partial listing only â&#x20AC;&#x201C; See full list and pictures on the internet at, or call 306-445-5000 for more information Important Notice: This is only a guide and in no way a guarantee of size, description or year. Please inspect all equipment to your own satisfaction. Complete terms and conditions are available at bidder registration.
1-800-529-9958 SK Provincial Licence #914618 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AB Provincial Licence #206959
TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. MT650 ALLISON, $800. Was on a 6V53 Detroit. Call 306-842-5710, Weyburn, SK.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction for Dave and Doreen MacCuish 306-486-4911 on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions from Frobisher, Sask. 3 miles South. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at Ford Versatile 876 4WD tractor w/5195 hrs, NH TM135 FWA tractor and FEL w/2455 hrs, Versatile 836 4WD tractor w/professional rebuilt engine and PTO, MF 2745 2WD tractor w/3609 hours, MF 35 2WD tractor w/3 PTH, JD 9500 SP combine and JD 214 PU header w/2472 sep. hours, 30’ JD 930R straight cut header, 32’ Seed Hawk 32-12 air drill w/onboard 110 bu. seed tank and 1450 gal. onboard liquid fertilizer tank, 35’ Bourgault 8810 air seeder with JD 787 air cart, Willmar Eagle 8200 SP 90’ high clearance sprayer and AutoSteer Trimble AutoMapping w/2500 hrs, JD 567 round baler w/netwrap and silage kit, Premier 2900 SP Cummins turbo swather with 30’ MacDon 960 draper header, 16’ MacDon 922 hay header with steel crimper, Golden Bell straight cut header trailer, Gleaner N-6 SP combine w/2238 hrs, 30’ Gleaner straight cut header, Jiffy Bale processor, Morris 14 bale Hay Hiker trailer, Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrows with Valmar 4400, Farm King roller mill, Morris 43’ cult. with Valmar 240, Morris Magnum CP-731 cultivator, Big G 24’ tandem disc, Valmar 240 granular applicator, Chem Handler I, 12V Chemical transfer pump and meter, 1988 IH S1900 tandem axle grain truck, 1976 Ford F600 grain truck, 1975 Western Star tandem water truck, 2003 Wilkinson 14’ bumper pull stock trailer, 3- Goebel 3500 bushel hopper bins, 2- Goebel 4200 bushel hopper bins, 10,000 bu. steel grain ring, Westfield MK 13-71 swing auger, Walinga 510 grain vac, Brandt 7-45 auger with Kohler engine, Farm King 8-51 PTO auger, Pattison 8300 gal. liquid tank, 2Hold-On 4500 gallon liquid tank, Hold-On 1500 gal. liquid tank, approx. 3000 gallons of liquid fertilizer, Schulte 9600 3 PTH snowblower, Leon 36-14 6-way dozer blade with Versatile 876 mounts, Harley high dump rockpicker, 20’ Harley rock windrower, C&J trailer post pounder, 4- YKS 20.5-25 wheel loader tires, JD HPX Gator ATV w/hydraulic dump and 380 hrs, Arctic Cat 3000 snow machine, snow machine sleigh, Generac SVP 5000 generator, Eagle horizontal air compressor, Easy Clean steam washer, electric diesel fired washer, floating slough pumps, 2” gas water pumps, Degelman single acting hydraulic tine angle kit 7000 heavy harrow, plus much more! For sale bill and photos visit Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
MACK AUCTION CO, Real Estate and Farm Equipment Auction for Robert Moffat 306-695-7795, Friday, April 4, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Abernethy, SK. 11 miles South. Watch for signs! Live internet bidding at 1196 sq. ft. home situated on 12 acres, NE-2-19-11-W2. Also 40x60 quonset and 24x26 garage surrounded by mature shelter belt. Case 9270 4WD tractor with 7890 hrs, Case 2390 2WD tractor, 40’ Morris Maxim II air drill w/Morris 8336 triple comp. air tank with midrow anhydrous banders, MF 180 2WD dsl. tractor w/Robin FEL, IH 706 dsl. tractor, Massey Harris 44 tractor, 2- Massey Harris tractors, Case/IH 2388 SP combine and Case 1015 PU header w/2290 sep. hrs, Case 2188 SP combine and Case 1015 PU header with 2720 sep. hrs, 30’ Case/IH 1042 straight cut draper header, 30’ MacDon 960 straight cut draper header, 26’ Co-op 550D dsl. SP swather, 25’ Case/IH 8220 PT swather, 30’ Prairie Star 4600 PT swather, Co-op 550D SP swather for parts, Versatile 18’ PT swather, Koenders swath roller, 70’ Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow with curved tines, 29’ Morris CP-725 Magnum cult., MF 35’ cult. w/anhydrous kit, Morris 36’ rodweeder, MF 14’ cult., Co-op discers, 1983 dsl. GMC 3500 1 ton flat deck truck, 1974 Chev C-60 grain truck w/steel B&H, 1975 Ford F-700 flat deck truck, 100’ Brandt QF 1000 field sprayer w/850 gallon poly tank, EZ Guide Plus Lightbar, EZ Steer 500 AutoSteer, 9- Goebel 2495 bu. bins on wood floors, 4- Westeel 2070 bu. bins on steel floors, 3- Westeel 5500 bu. bins on steel floors, 4- Rosco 1600 bu. hopper bottom bins, 3- Butler 2400 bu. bins on steel floors, Westeel 4300 bu. bin on steel floor, Brandt 10-60 swing auger, Wheatheart 8-51 auger and mover, Johnson transfer auger w/Honda engine, Haul-All 2 comp. tote tank, antique grain wagons, JD 445 EZ Trak 27 HP Zero turn mower, Swisher 60’ PT mower, Case 446 garden tractor and tiller, acreage sprayers, Degelman 10’ dozer blade, Degelman ground drive rockpicker, Farm Eze HD 170 manure wagon, Anderson square bale wagon, Cockshutt hay rake, sickle mower, 1- 1000 gal. water tank, 2- 150 gallon slip tanks with electric pumps, Sandborn 220V air compressor, plus much more! For sale bill and photos Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
Refer to W eb site forTerm s & Cond itions 4 LO CATIO N S – REG IN A, S AS KATO O N , M O O S O M IN & CALG ARY IN DUS T. EQUIP & S EM I’S : F lexico il Air Drill w ith T a n k; 2001 F reightlin er S em i; 1999 F reightlin er F L 70 S in gle Axle C&C T ru ck; 2009 Do ep ker T rid em E n d Du m p T ra iler; 2011 T ra iltech Du m p ; 2010 T ra iltech Pro s p ecto r; S to n e W o lfPa c 3100 S m o o th Dru m Pa cker. V EHICL ES & TRAIL ERS : 2010 Chev S ilvera d o ; 2008 Chev M a lib u L S ; 2008 Po n tia c G6; 2008 Po n tia c G6; 2007 Chevro let Aveo ; 2007 F o rd F u s io n ; 2009 Ho rn et 31 RDBDS Bu m p er Pu ll T ra iler Plu s M is c. Item s ! Dra p ery, F a b ric S to re, In d u s tria l S ew in g M a chin es . BUY N OW : Un u s ed - 2014 Bu llet T ra vel T ra iler; 2012 36’ Ca n a d ia n Ha u ler Ca rgo T ra iler; Us ed 53’ All. In s u la ted Co n ta in er; New T o o l S hed ; M a gn u m Go ld 4000 E a s y K leen Pres s u re W a s her; Gra n ite Co u n terto p s ; New Res ta u ra n t E q u ip . & M o re REAL ES TATE: L a ke L o t o n S tru thers L a ke; L a n d Up F o r T en d er in RM o f Po rcu p in e; Rea l E s ta te L o ts in RM o f Du n d u rn ; 810 L a lo n d S t. W hitew o o d S K . W a tch fo r o u r S prin g In to S u m m er Even t - S ta rtin g April 29 th
ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323.
1-8 6 6 -3 51-2471
SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.
• Ro lle rBe a rin g Dra w e rG u id e s • 1/8” s te e l to p • 16 G a u ge Dra w e rs • C u s to m De s ign s , An y Le n gth, An y C o lo r • Bo ltS to ra ge • W e ld in g Ta b le s • Ro lle r Be n c he s
C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. H E AV Y D U T Y PA R T S o n s p e c i a l at www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.
REGINA, SK April 7 | 10 AM
WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.
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Book m a rk : w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om Regin a -S a s k a to o n -M o o s o m in -Ca lga ry P.O. Bo x 308 1 Regin a , S K . S 4P 3G7 Dea ler L ic #319 9 16
2013 CASE IH FLEX HOE 400 51 FT & 2013 CASE IH 2330
2011 JOHN DEERE 4730 100 FT
For up-to-date photos & details, please check our website:
From Rouleau, go 1/4 mile West on Hwy 39 306.776.2397 | 800.491.4494
Stephen & Tim Petluk Nampa, AB | March 29, 2014 · 10am
31 Deeded Quarters of Farmland 5036± title acres, 4417± cult acres, Highway Frontage
29 30 31
Peace River 16 km 2
2 3 4 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18
9 14
2 683
2000 DOEPKER 36’ grain trailer, good condition, $17,500 OBO. 306-563-7925, Canora, SK.
Harmon Valley
6 19 20 22 23 25 26
21 24
Creek Gage Fairview
6PRN\ 5
Kenzie 2
Grande Prairie
Auction Property
27 28
Peace River
Crooked 43 Creek Calais
Enilda Faust
PARCEL 2 SW15-82-21-W5
Equipment included at this auction
2012 CASE IH 550 & 2009 SEED HAWK 8412 84 FT
1 OF 2– 2012 NEW HOLLAND CR9090 RWA
AUCTION LOCATION: From PEACE RIVER, AB go 19 km (12 miles) South on Hwy 2 or from Nampa, AB go 6 km (4 miles) North on Hwy 2. For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: Stephen Petluk: 780.625.7666, Tim Petluk: 780.618.6660,
SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.
2- 2013 CHEVROLET SPARKS, new, starting at: $13,510. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL # 2867. 2013 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2LT Coupe, new, $32,398. Phone 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT sedan, black, only $18,900. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2013 HONDA CROSSTOUR EXL, 3500 kms., fully loaded w/warranty, $35,000 OBO. Call 403-901-0372, Strathmore, AB. 2014 PASSAT COMFORTLINE, turbo dsl, 2.0L, 4 dr, 6-spd auto-shift manual w/OD, $32,593, stk#14-50. Call 306-922-6363, DL# 326553. 2014 TIGUAN COMFORTLINE, turbo, 2.0L, 4 dr, black pearl, 6-spd auto w/OD, $37,093, stk#14-108. Call 306-922-6363, DL# 326553. 2014 VW GOLF wagon, turbo dsl, 2.0L, 4 dr, black, 6-spd auto-shift manual w/OD, $29,313, stk# 14-80. Call 306-922-6363, DL# 326553 2014 VW JETTA Highline, turbo dsl, 2.0L, 4 dr, red, 6 spd auto-shift manual w/OD $32,298, stk# 14-16. Call 306-922-6363 DL# 326553 ESTATE CAR: 2004 Grand Marquis LS “Ultimate Edition”, 173,000 kms, exc. cond. will take grain on trade. Langham, SK. Call 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429.
VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. Parting out GM 1/2 and 1 ton trucks. Call 403-972-3879, Gordon or Joanne, Alsask, SK.
SCHOOL BUSES: 1986 to 2002, 20 to 66 pass., $1600 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.
CALL TODAY TO ADD YOUR EQUIPMENT TO THIS UPCOMING AUCTION MACK AUCTION CO. presents a large Premium Farm Equipment Auction for Maple Ridge Farms Ltd., John and Jakki Stephenson, 306-331-7625, 306-331-9682 Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Abernethy, Sask. 5 miles South, 1 mile West, 2-1/2 miles South. Watch for signs! for live internet bidding. JD 9630 4WD tractor w/2100 hours and GreenStar ready, JD 9420 4WD tractor with 2360 hrs and GreenStar ready, JD 7820 FWA tractor w/2940 hours and GreenStar ready, JD 7210 FWA tractor w/5940 hours, JD 6410 FWA tractor w/JD 640 FEL and 3 PTH, IH 1086 2WD tractor w/duals, White 1270 2WD dsl. tractor with 3 PTH, 2010 Case/IH 8120 SP combine w/Case/IH 2016 PU header with 680 sep. hrs, 2009 JD 9770 STS SP combine w/895 hours and GreenStar ready, 2009 JD 9770 STS SP combine w/620 hrs and GreenStar ready, 2010 Case/IH 2152 36’ draper header, 2009 MacDon D60-S 36’ draper header w/JD adapter, 2009 JD 635D 36’ draper header, 2009 Brent 1082 grain cart w/scale and roll tarp, 2008 Brent 620 grain cart with scale and roll tarp, 65’ Bourgault 3310 PHD air drill w/Bourgault 6450 air cart and Atom Jet openers, Pattison CB 3200 liquid fertilizer caddy with Honda pump, 70’ Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow with 3255 Valmar, Degelman 7651 land roller, 39’ Degelman 2000 DT cult., 2010 Case 120’ IH Patriot 4420 SP sprayer w/1570 hrs, 4 Goodyear 380/90R-46 sprayer tires and rims, Vale Solutions sprayer tire jack, Chem Handler III, 2- 1400 gal. poly tanks, Star ITC, Star Fire 300, 2006 IH 9400i tandem axle grain truck with AutoShift and Cancade box, 1997 Freightliner tandem grain truck with Newstar box, 2003 Volvo tandem axle hwy truck w/sleeper, 1997 IH Eagle 9400 tandem axle hwy truck with 13 speed, 2007 Dodge Cummins 3500 one ton dually auto, 4WD, 2001 Dodge Cummins 2500 ext. cab 4WD truck, 2009 53’ Wilson tri-axle grain trailer w/3 compartments, 2000 Doepker 53’ tandem axle step deck trailer with high clearance sprayer cradle, 2009 Tailtech 30’ triple axle gooseneck flat deck trailer with beavertail and ramps, 2009 18’ Trailtech tandem axle bumper pull flatdeck trailer, 2008 Silverlite Freedom tandem axle 2 horse bumper pull trailer, Marshall S-5 single axle utility trailer w/hyd. dump, Loftness GBL grain bagger, Loftness GBL grain bag extractor, 2009 REM 27 Hundred grain vac, 2010 Brandt 13x90 swing auger with remote, Wheatheart 8-51 auger mover and Kohler engine, Brandt 10-60 swing auger, Westfield 10-61 swing auger, Sakundiak 7-41 auger w/Honda engine, Kendon 150 bu. hopper wagon, Graham Seeds G-3 stainless 7-10 seed treater, galvanized upright seed treater, Schulte XH-1500 20’ rotary mower, Schulte 9600 3 PTH snowblower, Degelman ground drive rockpicker, Frontier bale spear, Agrator 3 PTH box scraper, 3 PTH cult., Corral panels and gates. For sale bill and photos visit Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. DL #914394 DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES - Medium Duty. Cummins 5.9; Cat 3116; Ford 6.6- 6 cyl. w/auto trans. Gas: IH 304, 345; Ford 370; GM 366TBI. Call Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES: 700/8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; 9R17.5, matched sets available. Pricing from $90. K&L Equipment and Auto. Phone Ladimer at: 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK., or Chris at: 306-537-2027, Regina, SK. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. WRECKING VOLVO TRUCKS: Misc. axles and parts. Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.
Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Mike Slon: 780.518.6249 800.491.4494
2010 TIMPTE SUPER B grain trailers, high capacity 84” walls, 22.5 alum. wheels, very good tarps and rubber, air ride, 366,544 kms on wheel hub, safetied, $78,000. 204-746-5575, Morris, MB. RECENT TRADES on Emerald Grain Trailers. 2008 Load King open end Super B, low kms; 1998 Doepker steel closed end Super B’s, air ride; 1996 Load King 36’ Load Handler, nice older trailer. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL#906884 ALL ALUMINUM TANDEMS, tridems and Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see: www.Maximinc.Com 2011 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailer, lift axles, stainless steel fenders, dual cranks, inner/outer load lights, aluminum wheels, extra light pkg, asking $78,500. Located in Warman. Call 306-291-7885, Warman, SK. 1996 LODE-KING SUPER B grain trailers closed end, exc., spring ride, 24.5 tires at 50%, tarps vg, round fenders, very little rust, paint vg, farm used, lower mileage, $37,000. Lloyd Sproule, 403-627-2764 or 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. 2012 GRAVE HAUL 2 hopper tridem, air ride, 24.5” steel wheels, 48’, $50,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.
STOP SENSOR - The award winning Stop Sensor is now available in Canada! Call Osiris Ag at 306-514-3427. Saskatoon, SK.
NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock 9’ WIDE TANDEM lowbed, beavertail, trailers. 204-743-2161, Cypress River, MB. $26,000; Tri-axle detach 50 ton, $38,000. DL #4143 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Trailers/Bins 2012 CANCADE GRAVEL trailer. See full ad Westeel hopper bottom bins. Serving AB, under Gravel Trucks or call 306-383-3599 BC and SK. Wilson, Norbert, gooseneck, or 780-205-2810 cell. Quill Lake, SK. stock and ground loads. Horse / stock, cargo / flatdeck, dump, oilfield, all in 2013 WILSON BEAVERTAIL tri-axle 53’, sliding winches and tie plates, $44,500. stock. 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. GRASSLAND TRAILERS OFFERING a full line of trailers by Titan, W-W and Circle-d. Steel and aluminum livestock trailers, 10’ to 32’; Steel 20’ gooseneck livestock trailSALES & RENTALS ers starting at $10,000. Leasing available. Call Glen at: 306-640-8034, or email: WE SELL AND RENT g m 9 3 @ s a s k t e l . n e t Assiniboia, SK. Hi Boys, Low Boys, Drop Decks, Where quality and value are our priority. Storage Vans, Reefer Vans 2008 SILVERLITE FREEDOM tandem axle 2 and Freight Vans & More. horse bumper pull trailer. Maple Ridge 7 KM West of RED DEER Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Prem. from Junction of HWY. 2 & 32nd St. Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday April 5, 403-347-7721 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale HOT DEALS!! Check out Larry Kalmakoff albums on Facebook, or or bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
S o u the rn In d u s tria l is the pro u d s u pplie r a n d s e rvic e s ho p fo r Ne ville Bu ilttra ile rs .
T ra ilers In S toc k: • 3 8.5’ ta n d e m o n a ir, 78” high s id e , s id e c hu te s , lo a d e d .........................$$38,95 0 • 45’ Tri-Axle , 78” high s id e s , 2 ho ppe r, a ir rid e ....................$$48,5 00 NEW TRAILERS ARRIVING DAILY! CALL FOR QUOTES.
Call Today for your Equipment Trailer Needs.
36’ S pring Rid e, S id e C hutes , 70” High S id es ......................$$32,000
2008 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailer, new tarps w/trailer, exterior walls, hoppers and slopes in good shape, tires at 60%, current safety inspection, asking $65,000 OBO. For further info or pictures call Tyler at 780-842-8941, Wainwright, AB.
REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER CHUTE openers can save you time, energy and keep you safe this seeding season. FM remote controls provide maximum range and instant response while high torque drives operate the toughest of chutes. Easy installation. Brehon Agrisystems call 306-933-2655 or visit us online at: Saskatoon, SK. BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and SANDBLASLTING AND PAINTING. We pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, do welding, patching, repairs, rewiring of t a n d e m a n d t r i d e m s . C o n t a c t S K : trucks, trailers, heavy equipment, etc. We 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. use epoxy primers and polyurethane top- COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS. Shipping c o at s . C o m p e t i t i ve r at e s . A g r i m e x daily across the prairies. Free freight. See 306-432-4444, Dysart, SK. “The Book 2013” page 195. DL Parts For 2- ELECTRIC CHUTE openers for tandem Trailers, 1-877-529-2239, trailer w/remote, all wiring, great cond., $1000. 306-693-2506, Moose Jaw, SK,
SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use industrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat w w w .s outh e rn in dus tria for added rust protection. Quality workHw y. Jc t. 13 & 3 9 | W e yb urn , SK manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting 2011 LODE-KING TANDEM, $32,980; 2010 and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. Wilson 2 hopper tandem, $37,000. Call 2004 LODE-KING SUPER B open end, Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. 11x22.5 tires, air ride, safetied, gd cond. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used $32,500. 204-857-1700, Gladstone, MB. highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at 1996 DOEPKER TRI-AXLE grain trailer with 3 compartments and air ride. Kolish Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 19, 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or herbicides 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
1998 TRIDEM GRAIN trailer, 3 tanks, air ride, tarp good, new tires, $18,500. Call 306-939-4529, Earl Grey, SK.
NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Crop Production Services Inc. Dinsmore - 306-846-2122
HITCHDOC FUEL TRAILERS. Canadian Certified 500 to 990 gallon. In stock 990 gallon tandem with a full load of options, $25,000. Call Corner Equipment for custom order 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. FLEETNECK 2012, 40’ trailer, grey metallic, tool box, rear overwidth light, low profile, hyd. dovetail, HD pintle ring, sway control. 780-205-2810 306-383-3599 Quill Lake SK TRAILERS- ADVANTAGE AUTO AND Trailer. Livestock, horse and living quarter, flatdeck, goosenecks, tilts, dumps, cargos, utilities, Ski-Doo and ATV, dry van and sea containers. Call today over 250 in stock, 204-729-8989 in Brandon, MB. on the Trans Canada Hwy. 2000 ARNE’S TRIDEM end dump, tarp, Aluminum buds, certified; A-train Alum. tanker, will split for water or liquid fertilizer, excellent condition. Call 306-356-4550, DL#905231. 1991 JC TRAILERS, double drop lowbed, w/hyd removable gooseneck. Tandem axle spring ride, 28’ in the well. Flip over front ramps, 80% LowPro 22.5 rubber, w/2 new mounted spares, 9 swingouts and 10 lashing rings per side, recent AB. safety, nice straight trailer, $19,000. Email pictures available. Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK.
NEW NEVILLE TRI-AXLES tandems and pups available for spring. Call now to book your April builds and lock in your exchange rates for spring savings. Call Dwight at Corner Equip., 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.
1998 INT. 8100, S/A, DT466, Meritor 10 spd., 12,000 lb. fronts, 20,000 lb. rears, 148” WB; 2006 Wilson 32’ TA gooseneck aluminum stock trailer, c/w torsion susp., decking for smaller animals, winter kit, insulated floor, like new cond, $35,000 OBO. 780-812-8733, Ardmore, AB.
2001 DOEPKER SUPER B, great condition, new safety. Phone 306-693-2506 or 1997 48’ MERRIT Tandem trailer, air ride, SK safety, $19,000 OBO. Contact Randy Moose Jaw, SK. 306-567-7989, Davidson, SK. WANTED: USED PONY HITCH TRAILER, tandem or tri-axle with 18’ or 20’ grain 2007 MERRITT C ATTLE/HOG trailer, $52,000. 403-625-4658, Claresholm, AB. box. 306-932-4436, Ruthilda, SK.
NEW 2014 GERMANIC R20-3500 end dump, 36’x102”, tri-axle, air ride, Michel’s flip tarp, 11R22.5 tires, new Manitoba s a f e t y , $ 5 6 , 0 0 0 . C a n d e l i v e r. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
40 – 45’
$ $
2006 MUVALL MACHINERY trailer, 53’ triaxle, hyd. beavertail and winch, alum. pullouts to 15’, pullout lights and rear strobes, $45,000. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB. DECKS, DRY VANS, reefers, storage trailers at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. ONE SET OF 1998 DOEPKER SUPER-B hay trailers, racks are 1.5 yrs. old, Alta. Safety til Sept. 2014, all new auto. flack adjusters, good shape, ready to go to work, $22,000. 403-793-0013, Gem, AB. 2007 DOEPKER 53’ tri-axle highboy, pullout lights and rear strobes, $29,000. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB.
D ecks 2013 E BY All Alu m in u m 20’ Deck Un d er 2014 F ellin g 53’ T ria xle Dro p Decks 2014 F ellin g 30’ Pin tle Hitch Deck, 30 T o n 2014 F ellin g T iltDeck w /a ir Ra m p s , 25 T o n 2013 F ellin g T iltDeck, 25 T o n 2014 F ellin g 48’x102’ 55 T o n T ri-a xle Deta cha b le w / O u triggers 2014 F ellin g 53’ T ria xle F la td ecks 2015 F ellin g 10’ w id e d eta cha b le w / Alu m in u m p u ll o u ts - Co m in g S p rin g
Live s toc k 2015 E BY 53’ Gro u n d L o a d T a n d em - Co m in g S p rin g
G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs 2013 E BY M a verick 20’ 2014 E BY W ra n gler 22’ 2014 E BY M a verick 30’ S la tS id e Go o s en ecks w ith T a n d em 7K a xles
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W IL S O N A L U M IN U M TA N D EM , TR I-A X L E & S U P ER B G R A IN TR A IL ER S WWW.TITANTRUCKSALES.COM to view information or call 204-685-2222 to check out our inventory of quality used highway tractors!
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2012 DOEPKER SUPER B grain bulkers, premium shape, Michelin tires, $78,000 OBO. 306-383-3871, Quill Lake, SK.
2002 SOUTHLAND 5th wheel 16’ livestock 2006 DOEPKER 3 hopper tri-axle, $36,980. trailer. Bill Tatarliov Farm Equip. Auction Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. area. Visit 2005 DOEPKER 3 hopper FWD tri-axle, for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or $37,980; 2014 Wilson 3 hopper tridem, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 46’, $57,000. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. 2003 WILKINSON 14’ bumper pull stock 2000 LODE-KING SUPER B grain trailers, trailer. Dave MacCuish Farm Equipment closed end, exc., air ride, 22.5 tires at 50%, Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobishtarps very good, flat fenders, very little er, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos visit rust, paint vg, farm used, lower mileage, Mack $41,000. Ph. Lloyd Sproule, Pincher Creek, Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL #311962. AB., 403-627-2764 or 403-627-7363.
Trailer Sales And Rentals
1981 GRAIN BIN TRAILER to move grain bins up to 15’ in diameter with or without hopper bottoms. Tires good, Beacon light and battery cables to connect to your truck battery to lift and lower the platform. Works great. Can be seen at Rosler Construction, 120- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK. Call 306-933-0033. 2009 53’ WILSON tri-axle grain trailer with 3 compartments; 2000 Doepker 53’ tandem axle step deck trailer with high clearance sprayer cradle; 2009 Tailtech 30’ triple axle gooseneck flat deck trailer with beavertail and ramps; 2009 18’ Trailtech tandem axle bumper pull flatdeck trailer. Maple Ridge Farms Premium Farm Equip. Auction (John and Jakki Stephenson) on Saturday, April 5, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
Callfor a quote - We w illm atch com petitor pricing spec for spec.
NEW 2014 TANDEM or tri-axle, spring or air ride, steel or alum. Cheapest in western Canada. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.
306 -8 42-2422
NEW WILSON SUPER B in stock, tridem, one 2 hopper, two 3 hoppers, also tandem; 2012 Doepker Super B, alum. rims; 2008 Lode-King alum. open end Super B, alum. rims, air ride, also 2009 w/lift axles; 1995 Castleton tridem, air ride; 17’ A-train pup, very clean, certified. Call 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231,
PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, 24’ GOOSENECK tridem 21,000 lbs, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory direct. 888-792-6283.
2011 DOEPKER RGN machinery trailer, 53’ tri-axle, c/w alum. pullouts, rear strobes, and pullout lights, side winches, alum rims $53,000. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB.
C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d P ricin g Fin a n ce R e po ’s Acce ptin g Offe rs
2013 TECUMSEH TRIDEM end dump, $49,980; 2012 Tecumseh tridem end dump, $45,980. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. 1997 TRAILTECH 14’ bin mover. Hauls both hopper and flat bottom bins. Self contained hydraulics. Well maintained and current SGI safety, $14,000. Call Greg, Flaman Group of Companies, Southey, SK, 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-4403. 2002 DOEPKER CONVERTER, always kept in shed, low kms, air gage for each axle. Call for price to Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. 50 FLATDECKS, 6 Lowbeds, 12 gravel trailers. Check pictures and prices at or call 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. 2 0 1 2 MUVALL 5370SFTD 53’ tridem equipment trailer, strobe lights at rear, 20,000 lb. winch, $73,900. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. 2005 DOEPKER 53’ tri-axle drop deck, hardly used farm hay hauler, $25,000. 306-492-4751, Dundurn, SK. NEW NEVILLE BUILT 45’ tandem drop deck trailer with beavertails, $33,500. Call: 780-373-2161, Bawlf, AB. 2012 BEHNKE 53’ trailer, tri-axle spring ride, 13’ upper, 35’ lower, 5’ beavertail, sprayer cradles and ramps, 2- 2600 gal. black poly tanks, 3” pump and chem handler, $55,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks, w/wo sprayer cradles; Two 48’ tandem 10’ wide, beavertail, flip ramps, air ride, low kms; 1991 Trail King machinery trailer, hyd. tail; 53’, 48’, 28’ tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and combos. SUPER B HIGHBOYS, will split; A-train tanker will separate water or fert.; Tandem and S/A converter with drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers; B-train salvage trailers; High clearance sprayer trailer w/tanks and chem handlers. 306-356-4550, DL#905231. NEW 2013 MIRAGE 26’ Extreme Snow enclosed trailer, 80” door opening, 86” ceiling, sloped entrance at rear, non-stick flooring, two 35 lb. axles. Call 306-843-3315, 306-843-7853, Wilkie, SK. 1980 40 TON wheel lock lowboy, 9’ wide, good shape, safetied, asking $20,000 OBO. Call: 306-692-6307, Moose Jaw, SK. 2000 WILSON MUVALL 8.5’ hydraulic folding tail, double drop tandem equipment trailer, $33,000. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. ALL ALUMINUM TANDEMS, tridems and Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see: www.Maximinc.Com C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. NEW NEVILLE BUILT 53’ tridem drop deck trailer with beavertails, $40,500. Call: 780-373-2161, Bawlf, AB. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who demand the best.” PRECISION AND AGASSIZ TRAILERS (flatdecks, end dumps, enclosed cargo). 1-855-255-0199, Moose Jaw, SK.
WOW LOOK AT this truck! Rare Dodge Ram 2500, reg. cab, longbox, 4x4. Only 94,000 kms on it. Great for construction or farming. This truck is fully loaded as it is the SLT model. Comes with a 2 year Unlimited KM Powertrain Warranty. This covers motor, tranny, 4x4, and seals and gaskets with a $5000 cap per claim, on sale now for $15,999. Resource Auto, 401 Albert St., Regina, SK. 306-522-7771. DL #317129.
JUST ARRIVED IS this Dodge Ram 3500 CrewCab 4x4, 5.9 Cummins diesel, A/T/C, PW, PDL, PM, CD player, fog lights, trailer brake, and hidden hitch, only 322,000 kms. Drives great. Comes with a 2 year Unlimited Powertrain Warranty. This covers motor, tranny, 4x4, and seals and gaskets, $5000 cap per claim. On sale now for $15,999. Resource Auto, 401 Albert St., Regina, SK. 306-522-7771. DL #317129. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at 2013 GMC SIERRA 3500 SLE, 6.0L, Dually loaded, 23,000 kms. Save $$$, $42,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. DL #311430. 2013 FORD F-250 Super Duty XLT, 28,217 kms., 4 door, grey, stock# UC-1614, $44,999. Call 306-922-6363, or visit: DL# 326553. 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT, 33,298 kms., 5.7L V8, gas, 8 speed auto., stock# UC-619, $36,999. 306-922-6363, or visit: DL# 326553. 2013 DODGE RAM 1500 Laramie, Longhorn, fully loaded, leather. Brand new. Save $$$. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-1455. DL #311430.
2013 DENALI SUV, loaded, like new, $55,000. Will take grain on trade. Call 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. 2012 GMC 1500 SLE Crew, 4x4, V8, blue, only $27,900. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867 2 0 1 2 FORD F-150 Harley Davidson, 33,625 kms., gas, 6.2L, black, auto., stk# UC-1615, $49,999. Call 306-922-6363, DL# 326553. 2012 DODGE RAM 3500, Laramie Mega Cab 4x4 dsl, 84,000 kms, 2 to choose from $48,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-1455. DL #311430. 2012 DODGE RAM 2500 Outdoorsman, 6.7L, loaded, diesel, buckets, 89,000 kms, $41,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-1455. DL #311430.
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1988 IH S1900 tandem axle grain truck. Dave MacCuish Farm Equipment Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobisher, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2012 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT, loaded, Hemi, 4x4, 55,000 kms, 2 to choose from. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. DL #311430.
2012 CHEV SILVERADO 2500D LTZ, dsl, 4x4, loaded, crew cab, $48,000. Will take grain on trade 306-398-4079, Cut Knife SK 2012 CHEV COLORADO LT, 4x4, 5 cylinder, 17,100 kms, $27,900. 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2011 GMC 1500 Denali crew, 4x4, loaded, 6.2L V8, $32,900. 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867 2011 FORD F250 XLT, 4x4 Super Duty, ext. cab, A/T/C, trailer tow pkg., 127,000 kms, $21,900. 306-377-4571 after 6 Fiske, SK 2011 FORD 350 Larait, 6.4L, 4x4, loaded leather, sunroof, 2 to choose, $38,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. DL #311430. 2011 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT, loaded, dsl, 4x4, 93,000 kms, PST paid, $42,995. Now $38,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-1455. DL #311430. 2011 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT, 64,235 kms., dsl, 6.7L, 4 door, stock # UC-1553A, $39,999. Call 306-922-6363, or visit: DL# 326553. 2011 CHEV SILVERADO 3500 LTZ, dually, diesel, 116,800 kms, asking $39,500. 306-652-7972, Saskatoon, SK. DL #316384. 2011 CHEV 2500 Crew LTZ, 4x4, Duramax, only $34,900. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867 2011 CHEV 2500 Crew LTZ, 4x4, Duramax, 94,000 kms, $44,900. 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2010 DODGE RAM 1500 Laramie, 76,000 kms, fully loaded, Hemi, PST paid, $32,995 Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. DL #311430. 2009 FORD 350 Ltd. Edition, 4x4, 6.8L, 123,000 kms, PST paid, $26,995. Greenl i g h t Tr u c k & Au t o , S a s k at o o n , S K . DL #311430. 2008 FORD F-250, gas, 4x4, 135,000 kms. Call 306-553-2213, Swift Current, SK. 2007 GMC DURAMAX 2500 dsl., 3/4 ton, 210,000 kms, 2” body lift, chrome pkg., air bags, $25,000. 306-563-7125, Canora, SK. 2006 DODGE RAM 3500 Laramie Mega Cab, dsl., leather, rare 5.9L, 210,000 kms, PST paid. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-1455. DL #311430.
2005 FORD F350 Lariat, diesel, crewcab, shortbox, full load including leather, roll and lock box cover, one owner, always shedded, very nice, clean unit, $12,500. 306-741-7743, Swift Current, SK. 2005 FORD F-150 4x4, 158,000 kms., good shape, no rust, excellent rubber, $8500. 306-873-4984, Tisdale, SK. 2005 CHEVY DURAMAX ext. cab, 4x4, auto., 280,000 kms., well maintained, cloth, bed liner, 5th wheel, asking $9900. Call 306-861-6934, Yellow Grass, SK. 2004 FORD F-350, diesel, 4x4, 320,000 kms, runs good. Call 306-553-2213, Swift Current, SK.
2003 GMC SIERRA 2500 4x4 Duramax dsl., just arrived! This is the SLT top of the line. Loaded with heated leather seats, sunroof, power lumbar and DVD in both head rests. Has the Allison tranny. Only 290,000 kms on it. 2 year Unlimited Powertrain Warranty available. Special sale price is $12,999. Resource Auto, 401 Albert St., Regina, SK. 306-522-7771. DL #317129.
1997 FORD RANGER XLT, 4x4, 4L, 181,000 kms, A/T/C, asking $7000. 306-435-3352, Moosomin, SK. 2004 FORD F-350, diesel, 6 spd., 4x4, 11’ flatdeck, 5th wheel trailer hitch, safetied, great farm truck, $8000. 1-866-938-8537. 2006 CHEV 2500 HD Silverado LS, 4x4 Xcab, short box, auto., 6.0L gas, new tires, 197,000 kms. $8500. 306-244-3753, 306281-5865, Saskatoon, SK. 2006 CHEVY SILVERADO Special Edition Silverado 1500, 4 dr., 5.3L engine auto., A/T/C, PW, PDL, CD, chrome package, burgundy, 222,000 kms, $8500 OBO. 306-442-4670, 306-442-7758, Parry, SK. 2007 DODGE 2500 crewcab, 4x4, 5.7 Hemi eng., auto trans, PW, 269,000 kms, $10,900. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. 2013 F-150, 4x4, XTR SuperCrew cab, white, 58,000 kms, lots of options, $29,000 OBO. 306-917-7336, Colonsay, SK
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Southwest Terminal Ltd. Cabri - 306-587-2408 2007 DODGE CUMMINS 3500 one ton dually auto 4WD, plus 2001 Dodge Cummins 2500 ext. cab 4WD truck. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Prem. Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
1996 IH 9200 tandem, 370 HP Cummins, 10 speed, 20’ BH&T, new tires, new paint, alum. wheels, rear controls, AC, $41,500; 2000 Freightliner FL120, 370 HP Cummins, 10 spd., 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, alum. wheels, new paint, $48,500; 2003 Pete, 379, 500 HP Cat, 18 spd., A/T/C, alum. wheels, chrome stacks, chrome bumper, 4 new tires, full dress pkg., 20’ BH&T, rear controls, very sharp looking, $54,500; 2005 Freightliner FL120, 500 HP C15 Cat, 18 spd., AutoShift, alum. wheels, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, excellent tires, 14 front axle, 46,000 rear axle, 4-way locking diff, $58,500; 2006 Mack CH613, 400 HP Mack, 13 spd., alum. wheels, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, real nice, $59,000; 2007 Freightliner FL120, 450HP Mercedes, 10 spd., AutoShift, alum. wheels, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, new paint, very nice truck, $67,500. Coming Soon: 1996 Kenworth 600, 375 HP Cummins, 10 spd., tractor w/40’ tandem grain trailer, real nice shape, $38,500; Midland 24’ tandem pup trailer, totally rebuilt, new paint, good tires, $18,500; Grainmaster 20’ tandem pup trailer, totally rebuilt, new paint, good tires, $18,500. Trades accepted on all units, all units Sask. safetied. 306-276-7518 cell; 306-767-2616 res., at Arborfield, SK. DL #906768. 1997 MACK CH 613, 350 Mack, 9 speed, 20’ CIM B&H, remote opener, Michel’s tarp, B&H 5 years old, $45,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.
2001 VOLVO TANDEM axle highway tractor with sleeper and 8 speed. Kolish Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 19, 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2008 PETERBILT 386 grain truck, S/N 1XPHDU9X58D762113, Cat C-13, Eaton Fuller 13 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ Cancade box, hoist and roll tarp, 1,019,582 kms, $66,000. 780-679-7680 Ferintosh, AB AUTOMATIC AND AUTOSHIFTS. 2006 CX613 Mack, 427, 10 spd. UltraShift, new 19’ BH&T, $62,500. 1981 1900 IHC DT466, 5 spd. auto, tandem 2006 CIM box, $37,000; 1994 4900 IHC DT466 auto, tandem, 20’ CIM box, new engine 1 yr. ago, $47,000. 2003 FL80 Freightliner, 325 HP Cat, 5 spd. Allison, 182,000 kms, 20’ CIM box, $62,000. Call Neil 306-231-8300 Humboldt, SK. DL #906884.
BERG’S GRAIN BODIES: When value and durability matter, ph. Berg’s Prep and Paint for details 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB.
COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. NEW INTERNATIONAL TERRASTAR 3 ton 4x4 at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim NEW NEVILLE BUILT 45’ tridem grain trail2 0 0 1 S T E R L I N G G R A I N T RU C K S / N Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. $45,000. Call: 780-373-2161, Bawlf, 2FWYHMCB51AH32942, Cummins ISM er, 330 HP, Eaton Fuller 10 spd., Airliner air AB. ride susp., new 20’ Berg box, front hoist, REDUCED: 1987 FORD F700, 16x8.5’ tarp, $45,900. 780-679-7680 Ferintosh, AB B&H, vg 370 gas engine, vg radial tires, 5 2004 FREIGHTLINER CENTURY, 435 De- spd., $7900. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK. troit, 13 spd, Lockers; 2004 IHC 8600 ISM 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. Cummins, 400 HP, 10 spd; 2005 Volvo 365 REMOTE CONTROL ENDGATE AND HP, 10 spd. All have new CIM 20’x65” hoist systems can save you time, energy BH&T, safetied, $49,500. 306-256-3569 or and keep you safe this seeding season. 306-230-4393, Cudworth, SK. DL #917908 Give Brehon Agrisystems a call at 0 6 - 9 3 3 - 2 6 5 5 o r v i s i t u s o n l i n e at 2004 FREIGHTLINER M2 tandem, Cat Saskatoon, SK. dsl., Allison auto, new 20’ CIM box pkg, w/ tarp, safetied, no rust California truck, only $59,500. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon SK Trucks, Trailers, 2005 INTERNATIONAL. Warner Indus- 2005 STERLING TANDEM dump truck new Truck Bodies, tries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Cur- BH&T, hitch, C13 Cat, $44,000; 2007 IH “The right choice, rent 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. single axle dump, auto., hyd. brakes, is AUTOMATIC!” DL #913604. $35,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2006 CHEV TANDEM DIESEL, Allison 2006 WESTERN STAR 4900F, tandem Specializing in top quality, affordablyauto, 300 HP, new 20’ box, $54,900. w/tag, 16’ BH&T, 450 HP, 8 LL trans., AB priced, work-ready trucks with boxes or Safety, $64,000. 780-977-4907, Edmonton Phone 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. as tractors, mostly 10-speed Autoshift or 2006 IH 9400i tandem axle grain truck 2012 CANCADE GRAVEL trailer. Quick drop Ultrashift transmissions. Most trucks are with AutoShift and Cancade box; 1997 kit selector valve and hosing, 2 spd landfrom large American fleets: very little rust, Freightliner tandem grain truck w/Newstar ing gear, mid mount hoist stabilizer, 3/8” strictly maintained, and all highway miles. box; 2003 Volvo tandem axle highway superslide, turn buckles for HASMAT gate, truck with sleeper; 1997 IH Eagle 9400 electric mesh gravel guard tarp. Quill Lake, Also a dealer for Cancade, tandem axle hwy truck, 13 speed. Maple SK. Cell 780-205-2810 or 306-383-3599. truck bodies and trailers. Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, TANDEM AXLE Gravel trucks in inventory. Grain Trucks, Silage Trucks, Bale Trucks, April 5, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. Visit New and used, large inventory across Highway Tractors for sale Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at
PH. 403-977-1624
2003 STERLING LT 9500 winch truck, C15 Cat, 550 HP, 454,190 kms, rears 46,000 lbs., fronts 14,000 lbs., ratio 4.1, Tulsa HD winch, eng. air shut off, Aspar eng. heater, single turbo, 3-way lockers, vg cond., SMOKE ‘EM DIESEL PERFORMANCE $85,000. 204-526-0321, Cypress River, MB has emissions removal systems available 2005 KENWORTH T-800, 13 spd, 40 rears, for virtually all modern engines. Reduce mid-rise, 3-Way locks, 22.5 rubber, C-13 down time, improve fuel economy and w/recent rebuild, 1,700,000 kms, $29,980. hauling horsepower with DPF, EGR, and Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. Exhaust Fluid delete systems. On-site tun2005 KENWORTH W900L. Warner Indus- ing reduces down time and gets you back tries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Cur- on the road sooner. Full emissions systems rent 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. removal tuning, and horsepower/torque increases are ready to go! Call our sales DL #913604. desk for model-specific options, tuning 2006 IHC 9900, tri-drive, 565 Cummins, and pricing at 306-545-5911, Regina, SK. 18 speed, $75,000. Millhouse Farms Inc., 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK.
CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at
2011 REGULAR CAB Chev Silverado, 2500 HD, 4x4, A/T/C, 37,000 kms, exc. condition, $25,000. Call 306-642-3225, 306-640-7149, Assiniboia, SK.
Hwy. 3, Seven Persons, AB (Medicine Hat, AB)
HODGINS HEAVY TRUCK CENTRE: 2010 Kenworth T800, Cummins 485 HP, 10spd, $64,500; 2007 Pete 378, Cat 475 HP, 18spd, 46 rears, $56,500; 2006 IHC 9900i, Cummins 475 HP, 13spd, $34,500; 2005 Mack CX613, Mack 460 HP, 18spd, 46 rears, 4-way, $35,500; 2003 Mack CX613, Mack 460 HP rebuilt, 18spd, 46 rears, $29,500; 2006 Peterbilt 379L, Cummins 475 HP, 13 spd, $45,500; 2002 Peterbilt 379L, Cat 475 HP 18 spd, 46 rears, wet kit, $38,500; 2003 IHC 9900i, Detroit 500 HP rebuilt, 13 spd, $27,500; 2010 IHC Prostar, Cummins 450 HP, 10 spd AutoShift, $38,500; 2003 Peterbilt 379L, Cat 475 HP, 13 spd, $34,500; 2002 IHC 9200i, Cummins 400 HP, 13 spd, $16,500; 2001 Kenworth W900L, Cat 475 HP, 13 spd, $31,500; 2006 IHC 9900i, Cummins 525 HP, 18 spd, $34,500; 2001 Peterbilt 378, Detroit 500 HP, 18 spd, 46 rears, wet kit, $27,500. Call 306-567-7262, Davidson, SK. DL #312974.
2006 IHC 9200I 13 spd. UltraShift, 657,000 kms.; 2006 IHC 9200I 12 spd. Meritor auto., 1.1m kms.; 2006 Macks 10 spd Eaton AutoShifts. All with new 20x65” grain boxes and fresh SK safeties. Saskatoon, SK. 306-270-6399, DL# 316542,
18’ GRAIN BOX complete w/hoist, tarp, and remote gate, $8500 OBO. Phone 2007 9400i ISX, 450 HP, 13 spd., 20’x64” 403-894-0435, Lethbridge, AB. Cancade box, very clean, $65,000 OBO. 204-522-5529, 204-522-6071, Melita, MB. 1976 DODGE 3 ton, 64,500 miles, good condition, shedded, 15’ Grainmaster box 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, C13 13 spd. Eaton AutoShift, new BH&T, remote w/steel floor. 306-893-8008 Maidstone SK hoist and gate, $59,000. 204-724-9529, 1977 GMC 6500 grain truck with 74,500 Oak River, MB kms. Kolish Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 19, 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit 2007 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA. Warner for sale Ind, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Curb i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r rent 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1978 CHEV C-60 grain truck with steel box 2007 LOW KM Kenworth with 22’ HD B&H, and roll tarp. Garnet Hart Farm Equipment automatic, $89,000 firm. 306-730-8375, Auction, Friday, April 11, 2014, Weyburn, Melville, SK. Sask. area. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815, 2007 T800 KW, elec. tarp, 13 spd. UltraMack Auction Co. For sale bill and photos Shift, Cat C15, new 20’ BH&T; 1976 GMC PL311962 6500, 366, 5&2, 16’ wood box. 1980 F600, STEEL box and tarp, always 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231 stored inside, very good cond., $15,000. 306-358-4212, 306-753-7935, Denzil, SK. 2008 GMC 8500, Isuzu dsl, Allison 6 spd. 1982 CHEV 70, 3 ton grain truck with auto trans., 20’ Western Ind. box, Nordic 47,100 kms; also 1978 GMC 6000 3 ton hoist, Michel’s elec. tarp, remote endgate grain truck with 48,754 kms. Bill Tatarliov and hoist, A/T/C, alum. rims, 12R22.5 Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 12, front, 11R22.5 rear Michlens air susp., 2014, Minton, Sask. area. For sale bill and shedded, no rust, 20,000 kms, $95,000; photos 2-1986 GMC 7000, 366 engines, 5&2, 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack steel boxes, Nordic hoists, roll tarps, 80,000/ 50,000 kms, no rust, shedded, Auction Co. PL 311962. good condition, $17,000 each. David Klein 1987 IH 466 diesel single axle S1900 grain 306-957-4312, 306-695-7794, Odessa, SK. truck, 1980 Chev C-60 3 ton grain truck, AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC 2010 IH Pro1965 Dodge 500 grain truck. Moncrief star premium, Cummins, new 20’ B&H, roll Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, tarp $72,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos visit AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed Mack tandems and tractor units. Contact David Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, PL #311962. SK. DL #327784.
1990 FREIGHTLINER FLD120, 235” WB, newer 425 Cat, 15 spd., 3.90, 40 rears, safetied Oct. 2013, truck completely gone through front to back, new 24.5 tires, 60” d o u b l e b u n k . T h u n d e r b o l t Tr u c k i n g 403-504-9740, Medicine Hat, AB. 1996 FREIGHTLINER. Warner Industries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 1998 FREIGHTLINER FL112 tandem truck w/tridem pup, 10 spd. Eaton AutoShift, 400 HP Cummins, 4 way lockers, truck and trailer are 20’ DEL box and hoist, 80% tires, c/w Micheals 10” cross augers for truck and pup, will feed a 13” auger full. 240,000 kms, one owner, always shedded, w/V tank that fits truck or pup with shoot and different end gate for hauling 3 products, $74,900. Quenton at: 306-354-7585, or email him at: 2- 2005 IH 9100 tractors, 550 Cat, 13 speed, 4-way locks, $30,000 each. Call 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2- 2007, 2005, T800 KWs, 500 Cat, 18 spd., 46 diffs, 4-way locks w/Roobar bumpers; 2001, 2002 daycab T800’s, heavy spec.; 378 and 379 Pete, 4- 2006s, 2005, 2004, 2003, Cat, 18 spd., 4-way locks, all w/Roobar bumpers; 2006 W900 KW daycab, Cat, 18 spd; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd, new rubber; 1999 9300 IH, dual stacks, dual breathers, 60 Detroit, 13 spd; 1996 T800 KW 500 Cat, recent work orders. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK., DL #905231, 2000 IHC 9200, C12 Cat, 430 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift w/clutch petal, 3-way locks, 51” flattop sleeper, 60% rubber, new rear brakes, cold AC, new AB safety, $15,000. Email pics avail. 403-638-3934, Sundre AB
2006 LONG NOSE PETERBILT, model 379, 265 WB, 336 ratio, 70” bunk, 2 way lockup, 12,000 fronts, 40,000 rears, 13 spd., 475 CAT engine, 834,261 mi., $42,500. Call: 204-794-4879, or 204-981-3636, or 204-864-2391, Cartier, MB.
2010 F550 FORD XLT 4x4, 6.4 litre diesel. Service truck with a 5500 lb. PM 5 articulating knuckle boom crane, vg working cond., only 139,000 kms, PTO, hyd. system, AC, PW, PL, tilt 8’ long x 4.5’ wide inside box measurement, tow pkg, $64,900. Previously registered in SK, tax paid in SK. Can deliver. 204-743-2324.
TILLEY AND DISTRICT Fire Assoc. is accepting bids on the following pumper truck: 1970 GMC/King Seagrave with Hale 650 GPM front mount pump and 800 gal. 2006 T800, EXT. daycab, ISX 485, 12 spd. tank. Details and pictures can be seen at auto, 505,000 kms, diff. lock, traction con- Bid date clostrol, $54,000. 306-398-2923, Cut Knife, SK ing is April 30, 2014. Highest or any bid 2007 KENWORTH T300 daycab, tandem not necessarily accepted. axle C&C, 260 Cummins, 9 spd. trans, 40 CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used rears on air ride, 90% rubber on alum. highway tractors. For more details call wheels, 235,000 kms, long WB, new AB. 204-685-2222 or view information at safety, $36,500. Email pics available. 403-638-3934 ask for Jeff, Sundre, AB. WANTED: TANDEM MANURE truck(s) 2 0 0 7 K E N W O R T H T 8 0 0 , C - 1 5 C at , with full hydraulic McKee spreader. Must 960,000 kms, 24.5 rubber, 18 spd, 4-Way be in very good condition, 350+HP. lockers, excellent shape, ready to work, 780-842-2909, Wainwright, AB. $57,000. 306-874-7696, Quill Lake, SK MANURE SPREADER TRUCKS 2011 2007 KENWORTH T800, very clean day- 3IHC 7600 tandems, 350 HP, auto. trans., c a b, 4 5 0 H P I S X , 1 0 s p d . Au t o S h i f t air ride, full lockers, w/two McKee 800 w/clutch pedal, 22.5, 12/40, 1.16 million manure spreaders, full hyd., one w/Burley kms., $40,500. 204-734-8823, Benito, MB. Ironworks 20’ full hyd. swing out beaters. 2007 WESTERN STAR, 244” WB, 515 De- Approx. 3000 hrs. on units. $145,000/ea. troit, 13 spd., 72” bunk, loaded, 40 rears, Trucks and boxes can be sold separately; 12 fronts, 3-way locks, Espar engine and Hyundai 757 loader, skidder tires, 3000 hrs. Call Dennis 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. bunk heater. 306-238-2140, Goodsoil, SK. 2007 WESTERN STAR, daycab, 550 Cat, 18 1980’s? FORD TRUCK with 8 yard London spd., 720,000 kms, 46 rears, wet kit. Call c e m e n t m i x e r, w e l l u s e d , $ 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-882-1919, Rosetown, SK. 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 2008 FREIGHTLINER CLASSIC. Warner Ind, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 2009 PETERBUILT 386. Warner Industries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 2009 WESTERN STAR, ONE OWNER, in service April 2010, Mercedes 450 HP, no DEF, 650,000 kms, orig. warranty left on engine, 34” sleeper, roo bar, 210” WB, 46 rears, 4:10 ratio, 18 spd., new Webasto, new back drives Nov./13, new clutch March/13, hyd. rigging with T&E 4” pump, safety, 85% highway miles. Please call 780-753-0086, Provost, AB. 2010 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA. Warner Ind, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 2010 IH PROSTAR. Warner Industries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 2011 VOLVO TRUCK, DT13, I-Shift, midrise, push axle, 750,000 kms., $69,980. Call Golden West Trailer, 1-877-999-7402. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at FOR SALE AND work ready: Six 2005-2006 Kenworth T-800’s, 435 CAT, 15 speed, 40,000 rears, inter-axle locks, 500,000 700,000 kms., asking $50,000 - $60,000 per truck OBO; Seven 2006 Kenworth T-800’s, C13 CAT. Six are equipped with no clutch automatics and 1 is equipped with a clutch automatic. Inter-axle only, 300,000 - 600,000 kms., asking $50,000 $60,000 per truck OBO; Five 2010 Kenworth T-800’s, Cummins 500 HP, 18 spd., 46,000 rears, 3rd axle on tractor, headache rack, wet kit and moose bumper, asking $110,000 OBO. If interested, please call Russ at 204-619-3252, Lundar, MB. SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING of heavy trucks, trailers and equipment. Please call for details. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK.
1981 INTERNATIONAL DIESEL single axle livestock truck w/aluminum body, 400,000 kms, $5000. 780-305-3547 Neerlandia, AB. 1998 KENWORTH T-800, stainless steel paving box, 30” live belt, $33,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 1995 FORD L9000, N14, 13 spd., self loading Cancade 17 bale deck, $50,000. 780-812-9249, Bonnyville, AB. WATER TRUCKS: 1997 FL-106 (M2), Detroit 50, 10 spd., c/w 2000 gal. tank, deck and hoist, $22,500; 1986 FLC 120 (3rd owner) 3406 Cat, 15 spd., c/w 2850 gal. tank, deck, current safety, $28,500; 1992 Volvo Septic/Vac Truck, 360 HP, 8 LL, 270,000 kms, c/w 2000 gal. tank, Fruitland pump, current safety, $29,500. All tandem and air, offers. 306-717-3858, Saskatoon, SK.
2007 GMC SERVICE truck, 4x4, crewcab, gas, 6 spd., auto, dual rear wheels, crane, 242,000 kms, Sask. inspection just done, $17,900 plus taxes. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.
2005 PETERBILT TANDEM C13 Cat engine Auto UltraShift trans., fuel and lube, 4 comp., 1200 L motor oil, hyd. oil, antifreeze, diesel fuel, deaf tanks, waste oil filter comp., 2x2800 litre fuel tanks, PTO drive, air compressor, air operated system previously registered in SK., tax paid in SK. exc. cond., $79,000. 204-743-2324.
SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. 2003 PETERBILT 378, 48” sleeper, C-12 Huge inventory across Western Canada at 1997 FORD F250 Supercab, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, 13 spd., 240” WB, $29,500 OBO. Fleet www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & 5 spd, A/T/C, service truck, w/wo equipment, $7,000. 306-861-1680, Griffin, SK. Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. maintained. 204-224-1358, Winnipeg, MB.
FUEL TANKER 4 comp., 13,000 litre top loading, meets MC306 specs, dual equipment, 5 yr. PVIK April 2013, 8.3 Cummins, S/A, 300,000 kms, safetied March 2013, open to offers. Mel Maynes 204-534-2515, 204-534-0104, Boissevain, MB. X-GOVERNMENT AND fleet trucks, single axle, Detroit dsl., power pumper truck, extra cab, telesquirter, auto train, $17,500; 1997 Ford F450 4x4 pumper truck from British helicopter base at Suffield, 7.3 dsl. eng., auto, low kms; X-SaskPower digger and bucket trucks, service trucks, tandem axle picker trucks; 2006 Freightliner M2 with Mercedes diesel engine, $34,500. 306-668-2020, Saskatoon, SK. DL#908171
Wadena, Sask. 306-338-2993/cell: 338-7291 S PR IN G S PECIALS O N ALL US ED IN V EN TO R Y 1998 to 2011 Ken w orths ; Freig htlin ers ; Da y Ca bs ; S leep er Un its ; Va n Tru ck s ; Va c Un its ; G ra in Boxes a n d G ra in Tra ilers . A v ailable and in s tock
Ca ll Kels ey @ 306- 338 - 2 993 or 306- 338 - 72 91 Dea lers fo rW ilso n ; Ca stleto n ; S to u ghto n a n d M u v- Alltra ilers.
Fin a n cin g a va ila b le 2009 PETERBILT CEMENT Truck, tri drive, full lockers, low kms, Precision remote operated 10 yd mixer, exc. cond., new MB safety, can deliver, 6x4, 31,680 miles; 2002 Volvo twin steer HD cement truck, full lockers, London 12 yd ,mixer, new drum in 2013, near new tires, exc. cond., Cummins ISM engine. Call for more info; 1999 Kenworth T800 w/McNeilus trailer, 13 yd SMS sliding mixer, road ready, reconditioned, two to choose from, excellent working condition, new MB safety, can deliver, 6x4. Call for more information. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. See:
Western Star Bale Truck · 2005 Western Star, 460 HP Mercedes, Allison auto, 4 way lockers, air ride suspension
403-977-1624 or 306-740-7771 Located at Medicine Hat, AB
Website: Dealer Lic. #910736 CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, 1-800-938-3323. 2011 KW T800 daycab, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 rears w/4-way lock, 500,000 kms, $85,000- will take 20’ grain box or 100 BBL tank; 1992 Ford LN7000, 7.8 dsl., 6 spd., C&C will take 15-16’ box, new safety, $10,000; 2007 Freightliner Classic, 60 DT, 18 and 40’s, 24” sleeper, wet kit, new 22.5 tires, $46,000; 1995 KW T800, 475 Cat, 18 and 46’s, pintle hitch, $38,000; 2002 KW T300, 3126 Cat, 6 spd., hyd. brakes, 26’ reefer van, $16,000; Cat V110 forklift, propane, good cond., 11,000 lbs., $10,000; 2005 GMC W4500 diesel, auto, cube van w/power lift gate, hyd. brakes, $14,000; 1988 Fruehauf, spring susp., highboy curtain, $7,500; Gravel boxes 13’, 14’, 15’, $ 2 5 0 0 - $ 4 5 0 0 ; Tw o s a n d e r u n i t s , $2000-$3000; Single axle dolly converters, A Model $1800; Gensets available. Financing available, OAC. DL #910420.
1993 IH BULK fuel truck, 18,600 litre capacity, 5 compartments, N14, 18 spd., $28,000. 306-861-7294, Weyburn, SK. SPECIALTY TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Fire/ 1994 GMC ASTRO AWD 8 passenger van, emergency trucks, garbage, bucket, deck immaculate condition, runs excellent, and dump trucks. See us at our new loca- $2400. 306-642-3076, Assiniboia, SK. tion on Cory Rd., Saskatoon, SK. Summer of 2013. 306-668-2020. DL #90871
1988 FORD 350 Dually XLT, ext. cab, 2 WD, 7.3 dsl., 5 spd. std., c/w welding deck and Lincoln Ranger welder, 190,000 kms, vg, $9000. 306-747-2862, Holbein SK
2008 SUBARU FORESTER, auto, premier, AWD, leather, 43,000 kms, grey, $18,995. Call 1-888-240-2415 or visit our website: DL #914077. 2010 SUBARU FORESTER, manual, touring, auto, sunroof, cloth, 65,000 kms $22,995. 1-888-240-2415 visit our website DL #914077. 2011 SUBARU OUTBACK, Limited, auto, 22,000 kms, Silver, $29,995. Call for info 1-888-240-2415, or visit our website DL #914077. 2012 GMC SAVANA V8 van, 9 passenger, 4x4, white, $29,900. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2012 SUBARU TRIBECA, auto, premier, 45,000 kms, grey, $32,995. Call for info. 1-888-240-2415, or visit our website DL #914077. 2012 SUBARU TRIBECA, auto, premier, AWD, Nav., DVD, 68,000 kms. $22,995. Call 1-888-240-2415, or visit our website: DL #914077. 2012 VW TOUAREG, 3.0 TDI, turbo dsl, V-6, 3.0L, 4 dr., 8spd auto w/manual shift, $57,999, stk# 14-18A. 306-922-6363, DL# 326553. 2013 CHEV SUBURBAN LT, 4x4, 8 pass., only $48,900. Call 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867. 2013 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS, 4x4, 9 passenger, only $38,900. 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867 2013 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER LTD, V6, AWD, 14,600 kms, $48,900. 1-866-770-3811, DL #2867.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Crop Production Services Inc. Swift Current - 306-773-1667 AUSTRALIAN PACKAGE BEES, mite free. April delivery. Australian and US queens available. Morley at 306-534-2014, 306-534-4462, Spy Hill, SK. HONEY RANCH! Turnkey honey operation comes fully equipped with everything required for beekeeping and 2 residences. Sellers willing to train. Val Marie, SK. MLS® ID#481220. Real Estate Centre, w w w. f a r m re a l e s t a t e . c o m o r c a l l 1-866-345-3414.
2014 VW TOUAREG, turbo dsl., V-6, 3.0L, 4 dr., black pearl, 8 spd. auto w/OD, CUTTER BEES FOR custom pollination of $57,028. stk# 14-68. Call 306-922-6363, alfalfa, borage, sainfoin, buckwheat, or DL# 326553. other. 306-291-5861, Spalding, SK.
2000 FREIGHTLINER FL80 with 24’ flatdeck, 300 HP diesel 9 spd., safetied, vg cond., no rust, $19,500. Call for details, 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 2004 FREIGHTLINER. Warner Industries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. 2005 IH 4300, 24’ van truck, Allison auto., 466 eng., 3000 lb. lift gate, premium California truck, no rust, 118,000 miles, only $24,500. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 2009 IH PROSTAR Warner Industries, Moose Jaw 306-693-7253, Swift Current 306-773-3030, Regina 306-359-1930. DL #913604. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at
BURTON CONCRETE: PROVINCE-WIDE mobile concrete trucks. We set up on site, pour all sizes of shops or bin pads. Spring booking discounts. Waylyn 306-441-4006 or 306-370-4545, Blaine Lake, SK.
CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.
UNRESERVED COMPLETE CLOSE-OUT of Kitchen Cupboards and Woodworking Shop, Saturday, April 5, 9:00 AM, Lochdale Studio, Custom Cabinets, Spruce Grove, AB. Ph. 780-962-6767. 7 complete kitchen units; 2 forklifts; pallet racking; woodworking equipment, materials, furnishings. Full Day Sale. View online
GLASLYN POWER & EQUIPMENT INC. This 10,000 sq. ft. farm service shop could be sold with or without equipment and stock at a reduced price. The building could be used as a fabrication shop or whatever. Most shop equipment and service truck, delivery truck and trailer, tractor and FEL and most in-house stock and possibility of short line contracts. The area is in need of this type of service and are JETCO ENT. INC. Experienced equipment very supportive. MLS® 485161. To view hauling. Alberta, Sask. and Manitoba. Call RIDING ARENA! HORSE barn building call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battle- 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. packages available. Designed and custo- fords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512, North mized to suit you. Wetaskiwin Home Build- Battleford, SK. I am in need of good graining Centre. Call Brad Wold, 780-312-9218. land and pasture in most areas. WE BUILD CHICKEN or dairy barns! Designed and customized to suit your requirements. Wetaskiwin Home Building Centre. Call Brad Wold at 780-312-9218.
Renewable, Sustainable Energy. Looking for answers? Read columnist Will Oddie’s Energy Field in your Western Producer’s Production section this week.
WHEATLAND FINANCIAL SERVICES offering Ag Financial Consulting and debt brokering services. Phone 306-794-4490, Yorkton, SK.
LANDMASTER PRODUCTION DOZERS: PD-16’, $36,000; PD-18’, $37,500. Sask. Neil, 306-231-8300, Alta. - Gord, 780-913-7353, email 1978 D6D CAT, 9177 hrs., manual, 36” tracks, canopy, Hyster winch, valves and injectors have been checked and set. Will be sold in Kramer Auction, April 14th, 2014 at Keg Farms Ltd., Outlook, SK. For more information call Dan 306-867-8249. CAT D8K ANGLE dozer, guarding, sweeps, ripper, vg running cond. 780-983-0936, Pacesetter Equipment, Westlock, AB.
EQUIPMENT HAULING. Serving western Canada and northwest USA. Call Harvey at: EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too 1-877-824-3010, or cell 403-795-1872. track loaders, forklifts, zoom booms, mini high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd., Nobleford AB. excavators. Visit for details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone us to develop a professional mediation Email: 306-764-2325, Prince Albert, SK. plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. SAND DRYING PLANT, 7 cu. yd insulated feed hopper; 5’ dia.x24’ drum dryer/ 4 to FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing JIM’S TUB GRINDING, H-1100 Haybuster 12 million BTU burner on natural gas; Two GOT QUESTIONS? and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, with 400 HP, serving Sask. 306-334-2232, 20”x32’ conveyors; One 5’x14’ - 2-1/2 deck Balcarres. Ask Will at screening plant; 1982 DROTT 50E track Regina, SK. excavator. All equipment operating and in RECENTLY REDUCED, $8000. Future NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says CUSTOM TUB GRINDING: operate a good cond. 306-945-2270, Waldheim, SK. steel building approx. 30’x30’x14’. No front n o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e , c a l l Haybuster H1100E- 425 HP machine. Phone Greg 306-947-7510, Saskatoon, SK. or back walls. Cert. drawings and manuals 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. for SK. Complete assembly instructions. CSA A660-04. Stock #C8957465T. Cert. gauge AAAA steel. Delivered, never assemREGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ bled, too big for our yard! 306-352-3052, VACUUM SPICER TUMBLER, 28L, with $2000; 160x60x14’ $2950; 180x60x14’ Regina, SK. timer and vacuum pump, used only for de- $3450; 200x60x14’ $3950. Government STEEL BUILDINGS WITH concrete founda- mos and meat courses, new price $6000, grants available until 2018. 306-222-8054, tions. Comparable to wood pole shed pric- asking $3500. Electric brine injector, in- Saskatoon, SK. ing. E-mail: cludes triple needle head, used only on dePhone 403-988-5639, Calgary, AB. mos, $750. Mixer, all stainless, 15 KG ca- TONY’S MOBILE WELDING AND FABRIpacity, easy to clean, everything comes CATING. Will do jobs around Regina, SK. SKIDSTEER: 2006 BOBCAT S220, 2800 apart, forward/reverse gear, $1500. Hand area. 306-537-5769 or 306-723-4890. 75 HP, cab, heat, $24,500. Conquest driven meat tenderizer, $170. $5500 for BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective hrs, Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. pkg. 780-470-3306, Spruce Grove, AB. way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, 375 HP unit, also avail. trackhoe w/thumb, multiple bucket atFOR LEASE OR Sale: Provincially licensed tachments. Bury rock and brush piles and meat shop/commercial kitchen. Email for info., FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS fence line clearing. Bork Contracting, Prince Albert, or call 780-957-2115, Crooked Creek, AB. We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap- peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; SK., 306-960-3804. RAMSAY PONY RIDES and Concession Custom operator issues; Equipment malhave for sale concession bus (blue), function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, 1982 IHC propane bus, 5 spd. std., great Back-Track Investigations for assistance payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and vertical beater spreaders. Phone concession bus or would make great regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. camper. 2- 1983 supply buses, Detroit dsl., Allison trans. 306-386-2490, Cochin, SK. CUSTOM SEEDING/ BALING/ SWATHING. Also parting 567 baler; Some hay for sale. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Small Manitoba Call Alan: 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. community cafe in the middle of oilfield 20 HP SCREW COMPRESSOR, 3 phase, activity available for rent. Fully equipped 480 volt motor, c/w desiccant dryer, tank MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, 1980 D6D CAT dozer, 3126 hrs, new hyd. and furnished building available including filters, etc., $6000 OBO. 403-845-3801, caraganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly pump, 2-way blade, winch, powershift, excommercial kitchen. Delight the commu- Rocky Mountain House, AB. mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: cellent $42,000. 306-821-2566 Watson, SK nity and surrounding with your creative 1986 CHAMPI0N 740 GRADER for parts, culinary talent. Building available April 1, w/snow wing. D7F motor, in good cond. 2014. Email if interested or questions to: 306-675-4884, Kelliher, SK. HYD. EXCAVATOR, link belts, Model 210, FARM ACCOUNTING/ UTILITIES SoftSMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and resiw/cab guard, hyd. thumb. 780-983-0936, dence. 40 yrs of operation with established ware. It’s totally new and better than product line. Owner retiring. Turnkey op- ever. Farmtool - Farm Accounting Soft- 1998 D6M LGP widepad w/cab and 6-way Pacesetter Equipment, Westlock, AB. ware; Farmtool Companion Field, Serdozer, 80% undercarriage, $37,500; 1994 eration. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. vice, Inventory records and more. Wil- Hitachi EX270LC-5 excavator w/thumb WANTED: CAT TRACTOR SCRAPER 619 GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO take over a Tech Software Ltd. Burstall, SK. Ph/fax and 3-way valve, $35,000. 204-376-5194 o r 6 2 1 F. P l e a s e c a l l e v e n i n g s 204-859-2724, Rossburn, MB. successful tow truck business. Annual 306-679-2299, email: or 204-641-0008, Arborg, MB. growth with private and available roadside D7G PARTS FOR SALE: Angle blade with CAT D7R LGP, low hrs., vg cond., angle assistance contracts. Potential for addidozer, twin tilt and ripper. 780-983-0936, twin tilts and complete push frame; Lift tional related business. Chain linked secylinders; Ripper and front sweeps. Pacesetter Equipment, Westlock, AB. cured compound included along with 2 306-745-7168, Esterhazy, SK. tow trucks. Central Alberta. Owner retir2005 CAT 930G Wheel loader, high lift, QA ing. Dave Becker 403-556-5746. E-mail: bucket, aux. hyds., 20.5Rx25 tires, cab AC, CAT 950 WHEEL LOADER, cab heater, aux. radio, 10,250 hrs., good condition. hyds., QA bucket, pallet forks, 20.5x25 tires, gd cond. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. COMPUTER BUSINESS in large northern C U S TO M S WAT H I N G / B A L I N G . JD 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. town of 7000 includes stationary and other W150 swather and large square baler. income generating businesses. Living Contact Adam at 403-501-4252, Gem, AB. QUALITY UNDERCARRIAGE quarters can be developed. On #11 Hwy & REPAIR PARTS FOR USE ON in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. Development Lands. 136 EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURED BY: Acre development lands in Elbow. Restau- WANTED: CUSTOM SEEDER for 2500 rant, store, and 2 houses. All can be acres, prefer independent opener. Call Eric Cat, Case, Deere, Hitachi, bought as a group or individually. 76 at 306-272-7038, Foam Lake, SK. Kobelco, Komatsu, Volvo Acres, in City of Melville destined for residential and/or commercial development. and other fine manufacturers 30 Acres, part of Craven, can be developed residentially, includes large 2 storey house. 68 acres, East of Regina on #46 SEALED & GREASED near Pilot Butte, with a home, secondary EXCAVATOR CHAINS serviced site adjacent town land. 93 CUSTOM PLANTING: Corn, sunflowers and soybeans. In Saskatchewan and ManiAcres, North Saskatoon on #11 Highway. Excavator links are lubricated using “Extreme Pressure Investment: Weyburn, 2400 sq. ft. build- toba. Call 306-527-2228. Synthetic Grease” and fitted with the latest style ing/mezzanine, fenced compound, lease in Polyurethane Seal Groups tomaximize lubrican retention place, good return or end user can apply. and insure long life. Davidson, 2 heated shops excellent for FEITSMA SERVICES IS booking 2014 alfaltrucking or heavy mechanics operation, on PINS & BUSHINGS SEALED & approximately 2 acres. Hanley, near # 11 fa, cereal and corn silage acres. Serving all Pins and bushings are critical to track LUBRICATED Hwy., former bake shop, gas bar, confec- of Sask. Jason 306-381-7689, Hague, SK. chain wear life and are manufactured and tionary, has 3 work bays and living quarDOZER/LOADER dimensionally matched to ensure a perfect ters. Lintlaw, 4 acres, school with gym, CHAINS good shape, many applications. On #39 fit and sealing and joint integrity. Outside Lubricated Dozer Chains are sealed Hwy. in small town, 7300 sq. ft. building Surface Hardness is > Rockwell C58 to a with Polyurethane Seals and Metal rings on 2 acres land, sale or lease. Seed depth of > 4mm with a core hardness to extend operating life and to eliminate Cleaning and Processing Plant on CP of > Rockwell C34. rail line 40 miles north of Regina. Contact: the possibility of dry joints between Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, “west turns”. 306-525-3344, Colliers - CIR Commercial CHAIN ASSEMBLY Realty Inc., Regina, SK. Lubricated Chains are assembled on fully FORGED LINKS automated chain assembly lines. SIDELINE BUSINESS FOR sale, approxi- KIR-ASH CONTRACTING LTD. Hauling ITR Links are forged from Boron Steel, mately $1000, open to co-ed farmers, farm equipment of all types, throughout Seal installation, Plug introduction and quenched, tempered, and induction farm use and dollarwise. Make this a pri- BC., AB., SK. Call us to book today, Oil fill quantities are 100% computer hardened using the latest automated ority. Write for details: Box 5003, c/o The 780-978-2945, Grande Prairie, AB. controlled and every joint is individually link hardening equipment to ensure Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 pressure tested to eliminate the possibility LOWDERMILK TRANSPORT IS providing excellent wear resistance under even one call service for all Equipment/Hay of leakage during working conditions. WANTED: GAS BARS/ CONVENIENCE the most severe working conditions. Stores. Bill Nesteroff, Re/Max Saskatoon, hauling. Very experienced, multiple trucks Min / Max interference fit tolerances serving AB., SK., and MAN. 780-872-0107, 306-497-2668, 306-252-1001, Kenaston, SK. between the Pins, Bushings and Links KITCHEN FOR LEASE, Morrin Hotel (AB). are maintained automatically by min/max Great opportunity for the right person. Full CUSTOM BALE HAULING. Will haul large press force specifications. kitchen supplied. Accommodations nego- squares or round. Phone 306-567-7199, This process minimizes link breakage and Kenaston, SK. tiable. Call Blaine at 403-436-0239. pin/bushing drifting. CUSTOM BALE HAULING have 2 trucks and TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. (Phone) sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. Located on 1.5 acres with great location RANCH OIL CONTRACTING LTD. is in 1-877-413-1774 (Toll Free) • • on highway. Great customer base! Selling the grain hauling business. Truck and Su9004B Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton due to health concerns. Serious inquiries per B, looking for work in NW SK and NE NEW MANAGEMENT SINCE 2012 AB. Call 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. only please! Call 306-232-4767.
TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Area Diesel, various diesel modules. Please call for EXCAVATORS FOR SALE/RENT: 2009 Cat price. Info: Agriculture diesel solutions. HP 320D LRR, 2007 Deere 270D. Conquest increase, increased fuel economy, quick Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. install/removal. 30 day satisfaction guar1992 TAYLOR DD60 PT Padfoot packer, antee. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. 60â&#x20AC;? drums, $12,500. Terry 204-746-4131, Rosenort, MB. ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades 2006 L110 E Volvo wheel loader, 8700 and bearings; 24â&#x20AC;? to 36â&#x20AC;? notched disc hours, ride control, 23.5R25 tires at 60% blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 210 HP hyd. Q/C, AC, c/w 4 yd. bucket, vg condition, $105,000. Can deliver. EQUIPMENT RENTALS: loaders, dozers, 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. excavators, compactors, etc. Conquest CHAMPION GRADER model 720, snow Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. wing, in good operating cond, ready to go, $21,000. Call 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2011 JD 323 track skidsteer, 1100 hrs, c a b , A C , $ 3 6 , 5 0 0 . C a l l Te r r y 306-554-8220, Dafoe, SK. ELIMINATE DUST WITH ACE DUST S U P P R E S S A N T - safe alternative to chemicals. We use canola oil, environmentally friendly. Water repellent drying roads faster, lasts much longer than calcium chloride. Ace Enterprises, Saskatoon, 2008 NH E215B excavator, plumbed for Call toll free thumb, manual quick change bucket c/w 1-844-291-6582. 42â&#x20AC;? digging bucket, exc. cond., 8090 hrs, solid machine, $83,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB ATTACHMENTS PARTS COMPONENTS for construction equipment. Attachments for dozers, excavators and wheel loaders. Used, Re-built, Surplus, and New equipment parts and major components. Call Western Heavy Equipment 306-981-3475, HOT DEALS!! Check out Larry Kalmakoff Prince Albert, SK. albums on Facebook, or or CLIFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 2000 HITACHI 750 hyd. excavator, c/w 3 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. buckets, very good cond. 780-983-0936, HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, Pacesetter Equipment, Westlock, AB. 80, and 435, 4 to 20 yd. available, rebuilt 2006 CASE 621D wheel loader, 4498 hrs, for years of trouble-free service. Lever CAH, ride control, 3rd valve, 20.5-25 tires- Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK 90%, WBM hydraulic QA, c/w 2.75 cu. yd. bucket and pallet forks, $89,900. Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. TRACK CHAINS for Case 1150D, 1150E, 1155E crawlers; D8H Cat parts. Call 306-675-4884, Kelliher, SK. 2006 HITACHI ZX270, LC-3, hydraulic excavator, c/w hyd. thumb, multi function aux. hyds. 587-991-6605, Edmonton, AB. LOOKING FOR GRAVEL to buy, lease or partner over, preferably in the West Central region SK and AB. Free testing. Will pay top $$$. Fred Boisvert 306-948-6977 Biggar, SK.
ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; blade widths available. CWK Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK., HARCO RHINO 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3 PTH blade, dual gauge wheels w/hyd., skid shoes, Q/A end plates, $6000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. FOR SALE: 2 Funk transmissions for TS14D Terex scraper; 2 Yokohama tires, 29.5x29. Call 306-297-2494, Shaunavon, SK. 3 ROME R67H pull scrapers; And 3 Rome R89H pull scrapers. Please call Russ for more info. 204-619-3252, Lundar, MB.
2008 CAT 252B2 Skidsteer, 550 hrs., like new cond., 75 HP 2 spd. hydrostatic trans., AC and heat, hyd. Quick Connect, $36,500 OBO. 403-318-7589, Davidson, SK. GOOD USED SET of rails w/22â&#x20AC;? pads and sprockets for FD 14 E, or C Fiat Ac dozer tractor, $3800. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. KOMATSU D37P CRAWLER, 1993, 6-way blade, hydrostatic, cab, heat, winch, joystick controls, runs great, $23,600. 306-526-9382, Shaunavon, SK. 2006 JD TRACKHOE 200 CLC, 4525 hrs, quick attach digging and cleanup bucket, hyd. thumb, Espar block heater, $95,000. 306-563-7125, Canora, SK.
2012 CAT MODEL 272D XHP skidsteer, 2 spd. high flow hyd., cab, AC, heater, new 7 8 â&#x20AC;? b u c ke t , 3 7 0 h o u r s , $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB.
D6C 10K SERIES Cat crawler w/dozer, $26,000; D65E Komatsu w/angle dozer and w/twin tilt cyls., 50 hrs. since $10,000 w/o, $47,000. 306-698-2619 Wolesely, SK
1996 HITACHI EX200 track hoe, 2 buckets 2006 CAT 320 EXCAVATOR, QA, clean a n d m a n u a l t h u m b , r u n s g r e a t . out bucket, 10,000 hrs., nice, $65,000. 306-745-7168, Esterhazy, SK. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. KOMATSU SKIDSTEER SX1026, 85 HP, 2 speed, 2000 hrs., Superflow. Excellent condition. Call Mark Taylor 204-529-2059 or 204-245-0536, Mather, MB. RECLAMATION CONTRACTORS: Bigham 3 and 4 leg mechanical trip 3 pt. hitch Paratills in stock; parts for Bigham and Tye Paratills. Call Kelloughâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s: 1-888-500-2646. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions available. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520 Muenster SK GOLDMINER RETIRING! Gold Equipment and Claims for sale: Equipment: 200 yd./hr. Placer Processing Plant, screen, concentrators, classifier, rotary table, $229,000. Placer vibrating concentrator with screens: 75 tons/hr., $69,000. Rotary centrifuge, 15 tons/hr., $11,900. Jaw crusher 9â&#x20AC;?x 20â&#x20AC;?, $17,900. Cone crusher 48â&#x20AC;? trailer mounted, $79,000. 3 deck screen 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $35,000. 6 deck classifier and production hopper, $28,000. Hitachi UH-07 excavator and 2 buckets, $18,000. Self loader 4-axle log truck, $12,900. Cat 631C motor scraper, $19,000. Cat 988A loader and 2 buckets, $24,000. Wabco 40 ton haul pak rock truck, $19,000. Generators: 30 KW to 500 KW. Pump: 8â&#x20AC;? high pressure with Cat 1693 power, 525 HP, $19,000. Belly dump trailer, $8,900. 30 ton/hr. Trommel Plus, $44,000. Excellent BC claims for lease or sale: Cariboo River, Ruby Pit, $39,000. Mackenzie, BC, McDougal Horseshoe, $69,000. Princeton, Tulameen River, $49,000. Barkerville, Mosquito Creek, $89,000. Contact Shawn at 604-856-7106,
3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. INCREASE YOUR DIESEL performance and efficiency with Steinbauer modules from Smoke â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Em Diesel Performance. Perfect for Ag Equipment, Big Rigs, and personal vehicles. 20% more Horsepower, 20% more torque, 10% better fuel efficiency! Call Tim at Smoke â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Em Diesel Performance, 306-545-5911, Regina, SK.
â&#x20AC;˘ HUTCHIN SON Grain Pum ps/ Loop Chain Conveyors â&#x20AC;˘ Galvanized Bucket Elevators â&#x20AC;˘ Galvanized Drag Chain Conveyors â&#x20AC;˘ RailLoad-Out System s â&#x20AC;˘ Pulse Crop Handling Equipm ent â&#x20AC;˘ SUKUP Bins & Aeration
â&#x20AC;˘ GRAIN GUARD Bins & Aeration
w w w .s kyw a ygra in s ys tem s .c o m SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: Stick frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high walls, 60x104â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $54,649 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, SK. 306-225-2288,
POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel DEUTZ BF4L914 COMPLETE engine, 4 cyl- Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK. inder turbo, 90HP, $4000. 403-652-0757, BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, High River, AB. convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit: Southwest Terminal Ltd.
Renewable, Sustainable Energy. Looking for answers? Read columnist Will Oddieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Energy Field in your Western Producerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Production section this week.
Au tho rized In d ep en d en tBu ild er Pre Engineered Structural SteelBuildings
1-888-6 92-5515 D errick - Cell
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w w w .z ip p e rloc k .c om SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: Stick frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high walls, 32x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $16,640 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, SK. 306-225-2288,
SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: Stick frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high walls, 40x64â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $25,409 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, SK. 306-225-2288,
GUARANTEEING YOU THE building you want! Farm and commercial building packages available. Wetaskiwin Home Building Centre, call Brad Wold at 780-312-9218.
Pyramid Steel Construction Introduces STEELTILE and LOK-FIT steel roofing and siding, supplied and installed for prices comparable to conventional metal roofing or architectural shingles. STEELTILE offers the same great look as clay tile for less cost or added roof load. LOK-FIT offers the look and longevity of a standing seam roof with the advantage of hidden fasteners. Trims are available in many colours and can be used for roof or wall siding. STEELTILE - available in four colours, these tiles give the impression of clay tiles to give a unique and fresh look to your new build or renovation project. LOK-FIT - available in 20+ colours, LOK-FIT products can be used for roof or siding applications. The hidden fastener system provides a sleek profile and adds longevity that exposed fastener metals cannot achieve. Pyramid Steel Construction Ltd. also provides: â&#x20AC;˘ Rebar - all sizes including custom cut packages and shapes. â&#x20AC;˘ Agricultural and Commercial screw down cladding available in various colours, guages and profiles. â&#x20AC;˘ Fiberglass insulation rolls in various R values and widths. â&#x20AC;˘ Supply only or supply and install. For pricing call Ron at
Pyramid Steel Construction Ltd. at 204-725-5660 Southview Industrial Park, 107124 Patricia Ave. East, Bldg. #10 Site 410 Box 33 RR 4, Brandon MB R7A 5Y4
w w w .go o do m
1-800-665-0470 S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 A irdrie O ffice 403-470-4570 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822 SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: Post frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wall height, 48x56â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $28,050 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, SK. 306-225-2288,
DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide to 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.
SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: - Post frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wall height, 32x48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $19,549 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, SK. 306-225-2288,
290 CUMMINS, 350 Detroit, 671 Detroit, Series 60 cores. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK
â&#x20AC;˘ H igh P ro file â&#x20AC;˘ B ig O verh ea d Do o rs â&#x20AC;˘ Eq uip m en t â&#x20AC;˘ Gra in â&#x20AC;˘ F ertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ P o ta to es â&#x20AC;˘ S h o p s
Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds
2011 CASE SV250 skidsteer loader, 2500 lbs., 76 HP, 848 tachometer hrs., aux. hyd. couplers, 2 spd, c/w pallet forks, heat, AC, $33,900. Call 780-512-4705, Hythe, AB. HORSE SHELTERS for sale. We build them in every size you want. Starting at $1000 for 8x16. 403-593-1976, Fort MacLeod, AB
CAT 60, 70, 80 and 463â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s available. Also Allis Chalmers direct mount scrapers. 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pull dozers. 306-338-7114 Clair, SK
3 h/>d3/E3,KhZ^3dK3>4^d343>/& d/D
1-866-974-7678 FREE QUOTE
Hazenmore - 306-264-3250
2004 JD 950-C LGP, 4697 hours, straight twin tilt blade, 95% UC, 26â&#x20AC;? pads, exc. working condition, 3 shank HD ripper, job ready, CAH, full warranty, $166,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
O rde r N O W f or 2014 Cons tru c tion
AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. SPRING 2014 BOOKING specials: Post For the customer that prefers quality. frame buildings, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wall height, 60x96â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $57,940 material and labor. Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Hague, 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK. SK. 306-225-2288,
USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB. GREAT PRICES ON new, used and remanufactured engines, parts and accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check: Thickett Engine Rebuilding. 204-532-2187, Russell, MB.
ZI P P ERLO CK Buildin g Com p a n y (2005) In c.
ENGINES: 353, 453, 471, 8.2L Detroit, 4BT Cummins, 6CT8.3, 3208 Cat and 3306 Cat. Call Western Diesel, 1-800-667-1164.
PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase WANTED: OLDER JAW CRUSHER, ap- m o t o r s , o n s i n g l e p h a s e . C a l l prox. 12x24, nothing fancy, may consider 204-800-1859, Winnipeg, MB. roll crusher. Wanted for farm use on small gravel pit. 306-862-8518, Choiceland, SK. FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL sales, service and parts. Also sale ATTACHMENTS: skidsteer, pallet forks, motor and repairs to, all makes and sizes of buckets, augers, hay spears. Conquest of, pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK.
CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS: rock buckets, dirt buckets, grapples and more top quality. Also have truck decks in stock. Quality Welding and Sales 306-731-3009 or 306-731-8195, Craven, SK.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ 2 $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft $ 2 $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 18 005 103303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
FARM BUILDINGS â&#x20AC;&#x153;Todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Quality Built For Tomorrowâ&#x20AC;?
Hague, SK | (306) 225-2288
12 WESTEEL M&K hopper bottom bins. 9-2200 bu., $4800, 2200 bu. aeration fan, 220V, $5300; 2- 1850 bu., $4600. Located near Spalding, SK., call 306-322-7661. SPECIAL PRICING ON all remaining inventory! 10,400 bu. Twister hopper bins. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. BOOKING SPECIALS ON large diameter bin erection, concrete and damage repair. Call Quadra Development Corp. 1-800-249-2708, Rocanville, SK.
WINTER SPECIALS: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200; 8000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. Try our U-Weld kits. Call 306-367-2408 or 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 3 0 6 , M i d d l e L a ke , S K .
BOOKING NOW! Flat and hopper bin moving, Tim’s Custom 204-362-7103, 5- WESTEEL ROSCO 1950 bushel hopper Morden, MB. bottom bins, 2- Twister 1950 bu. hopper WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bottom bins, 2- Twister 2000 bushel grain bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919. bins with wood floors, Twister 1100 bushel 45 TM DRIVE-UNDER outload bin; 240 TM hopper bottom bin. Bill Tatarliov Farm dry bulk storage hopper bin; 55’ bucket Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos elevator. 306-945-2270, Waldheim, SK. visit POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack bu. $1250. 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. Call Auction Co. PL 311962. for nearest dealer. 3- GOEBEL 3500 bu. hopper bins, 2- Goebel 4200 bu. hopper bins and 10,000 bu. steel grain ring. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobisher, Sask. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit for sale bill and photos. PL #311962.
Northern Alberta Southern Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba
NUMEROUS HOPPERS and some flat bottoms. Hoppers from 1500 - 5000 bu., most w/air, some w/fans, some fertilizer. Flat bottoms from 2500 bu. - 6000 bu., some w/air and fans. Priced to sell. Phone Barry 306-946-7805, Young, SK.
1-866-497-5338 1-855-532-4475 1-306-355-2718 1-855-542-5117
Quality COUNTS
14’7 Leg M/Duty ............................$2,300 14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................$2,4 50 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10” Hopper 8 Leg M/Duty .........$2,7 00 15’-10” Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 9 0 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,300 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,6 00 21’& 24’Hopper Cones...................$P.O .R. All Hop p er C ones Inclu d e M a nhole, Slid e G a te on Nylon Rollers
10 gauge sheet - 8” sidew all,bolt on 1 or 2 piece construction 12’-33’ Tru ck ing Av a ila b le 14’Floor......$1 ,4 6 5 21’Floor......$2,6 9 5 15’Floor......$1 ,580 22’Floor......$2,850 15’-10 Floor.$1 ,7 00 24’Floor......$3,4 6 5 18’Floor......$2,1 80 25 1⁄2 ’Floor....$3,6 6 5 19’Floor......$2,36 5
SD L H OP P E R CONE 306-324-4441
BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.
WESTFIELD MKX 13x94LP, #1920792, low profile hopper, reverser kit, hyd. lift, electric power swing, $25,000. Ron 780-361-6169, Wetaskiwin Co-op, AB.
New 18-05 Meridian Hopper Bin (Approx. 5000 bu.)
REN N M ill Cen ter In c. RR#4 L a co m b e, AB T 4L 2N4 CAL L THE FACTORY FOR YOUR L OCAL DEAL ER
Choose Prairie Post Frame
(403) 78 4-3518
w w w .ren n m m
• Manhole • 7 legs • 37 degree slope • Single 8x4x188w skid base
$2,750.00 Hopper Cone for 19 ft Westeel Rosco up to 4000 bu.
Other sizes of new bins also available.
• Manhole • 12 legs • 37 degree slope • Double 6x4x188w skid base
REMOTE LID OPENERS For Most Sizes of Bin Starting at $129.00
We make hopper cones for all makes & sizes of bins.
Prices do not include setup or freight. Prices subject to change. Quantities are Limited.
M & K WELDING 1-877-752-3004
Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld | Melfort, Sask | w w w.m kw eld
A sk U s b A ou tO u r O T SM O K IN ’ H n D ea lo el , 2 1 0 0 0 Bu sh r e p p Ho Bin s!
For more information call Stan Penner in our Brandon office
3-5000BU. M ERID IAN S IN G LE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 12 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x4 s k id s & erected .
$40,000.00 or $2.6 6 P e rBu 2-6 200BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S
c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 12 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x4 s k id s & erected .
$33,000.00 or $2.6 6 P e rBu 2-7200BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 14 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , q u a d 4x4 s k id s & erected .
1-855 (773-3648)
$37,6 00.00 or $2.6 1P e rBu 2-9000BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S
c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 18 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x8 s k id s & erected .
N E W W E S T F I E L D M K 1 3 x 7 1 R P, #1919844, reverse kit and power swing, STEALTH BIN PRODUCTS- Goebel bins, $16,500. Call Ron at 780-361-6169, Westeel bins, 14’ hoppers. Early booking specials. 587-280-0239, Vegreville, AB. Wetaskiwin Co-op Association Ltd., AB.
Hopper Cone for 14 ft Westeel Rosco up to 2000 bu.
• Ladders • Remote lid opener • Safety-fil Indicator • 12 leg hopper • 37 degree slope • Manhole • Double 6x4x.188w skid base
HOP P ER B IN C OM B O’S • The HEAVIEST metal • The STRONGEST posts • SUPERIOR craftsmenship
FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free: 1-888-304-2837.
Download the free app today.
PH: (306) 242-7767 FAX: (306) 242-7895 CHECK US OUT AT
“ALL JSB CONES ARE SANDBLASTED PRIOR TO PAINTING” 3513 Bu. & 4135 Bu. 4920 Bu. & 5999 Bu. Hopper Bin Combo’s Hopper Bin Combo’s 16’ DIAMETER BIN
H. Duty 8 leg cone c/w 18” port Painted cone inside & out DBL 4”x6” skid - Setup included Air Screen & 3hp/5hp Fan (Extra)
H. Duty 10 leg cone c/w 24” port Painted cone inside & out DBL 4”x6” skid - Setup included Air Screen & 5hp Fan (Extra)
3513 Bu. $10,430. + delivery 4920 Bu. $13,345. + delivery 4135 Bu. $11,325. + delivery 5999 Bu. $14,910. + delivery 7082 Bu. Hopper Bin Combo’s
$46 ,400.00 or $2.58P e rBu 2-10,000BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 18 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x8 s k id s & erected .
$52,000.00 or $2.6 0P e rBu
Servic ing The P ra irie P rovinc es.
A TL A S B UIL D ING S Y S TEM S & S A L ES L TD . Yo rkto n , S a s k. FOR M ORE INFORM ATION: OFFICE: (3 06 )78 2-3 3 00 SCOTT’S CELL: (3 06 )6 21-53 04 TAISHA’S CELL: (3 06 )6 21-3 025 W W W .ATLASBUILDINGS.NET ATLASBINS@ HOTM AIL.COM
• Leg-style b in s a n d repla cem en t ho ppers w ith a n a era tio n system tha tu ses the b a se a n d legs a s the plen u m to pro vid e a m o re even d istrib u tio n o f a ir thro u gho u tthe en tire b in .
s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca w w w .jtlin d u s tries .ca
22’ DIAMETER BIN H. Duty 14 leg cone c/w 24” port Painted cone inside & out Setup included (Saskatoon Area) Triple 4”x6” skid (Extra) Air Screen & 10hp Fan (Extra)
$19,455. + gst/delivery
$21,855. + gst/delivery
Authorized Dealer
THE LEGACY LINE • R epla ce yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u shels ca pa city to yo u r existin g b in s. • N o m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs. O u rpa ten ted JTL d o o ris gu a ra n teed to m a ke yo u sm ile everytim e yo u u se it!
N EILBUR G , S K • 1-306-823-4888 ALBER TA • 1-7 80-87 2-4943 M AN ITOBA • 1-204-37 1-5 400
V is it o u r w eb s ite w w w .jtlin dus trie s .ca
Building Better Bins
Simply put—DARMANI offers the best value in Grain storage. DARMANI assures customers that they are receiving the best product at the best price. DARMANI offers everything for on farm grain storage. Located in Western Canada DARMANI offers all services including manufacture, delivery, on farm Hopper Bottom Flat Bottom set up, ready to move bins, financing and after sale service. FACTORY DIRECT allows DARMANI to be able to supply everything Large Diameter Steel Floor/Cement with one simple phone call.
Early set up available to clean up piles or transfer from grain bags HOPPER BINS Up to 10,000 bushels
Set up available
9702 bu. Hopper Bin Combo’s
H. Duty 12 leg cone c/w 24” port Painted cone inside & out Double 4”x8” skid Setup included (Saskatoon Area) Air Screen & 7hp Fan (Extra)
JTL is n ow offe rin g corruga te d b in s s e tup on our a w a rd w in n in g “Force ” h op p e r, our “Le ga cy” 6 ’ h igh fla t floor or on your con cre te p a d.
306-227-8171 306-831-5060 306-831-5854 306-831-5856 306-831-5857
1-866-665-6677 Fiske, SK. Canada
GRAIN BIN w/52” remote opener and EASY access door, CROSS AIR w/AERATION fan and transition,CENTER unload w/sweep and cleanout system/ALL welded Heavy Duty STEEL FLOOR w/Exterior ANCHOR support system
Set up and freight additional costs
No concrete required ALSO AVAILABLE
Temp monitoring Unload systems Retro-fit Steel floors Extension tiers
Cement mount kits Full floor aeration Retro-fit lid openers Aeration Fans
2- WESTEEL 3800 bu. hopper bottom bins, 5- Westeel Rosco 1900 bu. hopper bottom bin, Westeel and Twister 2250 bu. hopper bottom bins, Friesen 50 ton fertilizer bin, 2- Westeel 2000 bushel bins on wood, 2Twister 2000 bushel bins on wood floors, Westeel Rosco 2500 bu. bin on cement, Westeel Rosco 1900 bu. bin on cement, Rosco 1350 bushel bin on cement, Inland 1400 bu. bins on cement. Garnet Hart Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 11, 2 0 1 4 , We y b u r n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
11,400 bu Tw is terbin c/ w s teel floor, in clu d es s etu p
($1.74/ bu ), Â 8 a va ila ble.
4- TWISTER 2300 bu. hopper bottom grain bins, Twister 4000 bu. hopper bottom bin, 2- Behlen 2950 bu. grain bins on cement, 2- Westeel 3300 bu. grain bins on cement, Westeel 2750 bu. grain bin on cement, Westeel 1650 bu. grain bin on wood floor. Wilfred Messer Farm Equipment Auction, Monday, April 14, 2014, Macoun, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6â&#x20AC;?, 7â&#x20AC;?, 8â&#x20AC;? and 10â&#x20AC;? end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2013 CrustBuster field loader, fertilizer, 24â&#x20AC;?, SS frame, 13 HP Honda, $21,900. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. BATCO CONVEYORS, new and used, 1995 TERRAGATOR 1844 floater, 4900 hrs, grain augers and SP kits. Delivery and 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom, micro-bin, 2nd owner, vg cond, $38,000. 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB. BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. and used sea containers, all sizes. TWIN 1000 GALLON NH3 tanks, Wadena 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. s t e e l t r a i l e r, r e a r f i l l , $ 1 9 , 5 0 0 . FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. 306-873-7349, Tisdale, SK. gal. tanks available. Contact your nearest PATTISON CB 3200 liquid fertilizer caddy Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or with Honda pump. Maple Ridge Farms visit (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium RAVEN ACCU-FLOW SYSTEM 2, complete, Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5 6 manifolds, 8 hole, w/shut off on each 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t manifold, GreenStar II rate controller for sale w/Raven adapter harness, complete sec- b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r tional and rate control system. Used 1 sea- 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 son, selling half price, $9500. No longer TWIN 1000 gal. NH3 tanks on trailer with using NH3. 306-675-6136, Kelliher, SK. 18.4x26 tires, rear fill, recent safety, $10,000 OBO. 306-363-4645, Drake, SK. FOR ALL YOUR HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 2000 GAL. WESTEEL NH3 tank on Duo4 0 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l Lift trailer, 1995, 1996, and 1997. Last 5 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. yr. safety August 2010. Purchased new, EQUIPMENT NEEDS $16,750 ea. 306-421-1110, Torquay, SK. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TO 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CONTAINERS. New, used and ADAMS SPREADER & TENDER 2009 WESTEEL NH3 tank, 4 tonne, 2000 modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina CALL US FOR PARTS ON ALL gallon, off-set axles, rice lug tires, new inand Saskatoon, SK. SPREADER/TENDER spection, always shedded, $21,750. 306-933-0436. MAKES AND MODELS 306-843-7488, Wilkie, SK. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AND 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SHIPPING CONTAINERS, LOOKING FOR A floater or tender? Call me large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, first. 34 years experience. Loral parts, new 306-781-2600. and used. Call 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB.
.YHPU PU [OL IPU& Stay on top of it with Grain monitoring equipment from Flaman.
Fla m a n G ro up o f C o m pa n ie s 1-888-235 -2626 o r 306-7 26-4403 S o u they, S K
Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage
Galvanized â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Floor â&#x20AC;˘ Hopper Bins Smooth Walls â&#x20AC;˘ Fertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ Grain â&#x20AC;˘ Feed Aeration â&#x20AC;˘ Rockets â&#x20AC;˘ Fans â&#x20AC;˘ Heaters Temp Cables Authorized Dealer
Call today for your FREE consultation
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-373-4919
CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18â&#x20AC;? to 39â&#x20AC;?. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. 9- GOEBEL 2495 bu. bins on wood floors, 4- Westeel 2070 bu. bins on steel floors, 3- Westeel 5500 bu. bins on steel floors, 4- Rosco 1600 bu.l bins hopper bottom bins, 3- Butler 2400 bu. bins on steel floors. Robert Moffat Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
ADAMS 6 TON SPREADER 304SS Construction $ 00 Delivered Limited Supply
BOND INDUSTRIAL SEA CONTAINERS. The best storage you can buy. New/used and modified sea containers for sale. Secure, portable, weather and rodent proof. Guaranteed 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122; available. Ask a rep. about our modifications. Bond Industrial 306-373-2236, or visit our website at 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AND 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. CONTAINERS FOR SALE OR RENT: All sizes available. Also, tilt deck services. Call 306-861-1102, Radville, SK. U S E D W E S T F I E L D M K 1 0 x 6 1 R P, SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;#1928761, regular profile hopper, $4100. 53â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For Call Ron at 780-361-6169, Wetaskiwin inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Co-op Association Ltd., AB. Saskatoon, SK.
KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.
MOBILITY 8 TON SPREADER All 409SS Construction
25,550 00 Delivered
Limited Supply
1 800 667 8800
KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage 1000 GALLON NH3 tank and wagon w/38â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. Morris Magnum cult., Atom Jet knives, 17â&#x20AC;? WANTED: NEW OR USED 12â&#x20AC;? air tube, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to centers, $4500 OBO. 780-806-3439 or 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in length. Contact Ken Catherwood, 780-842-4088, Wainwright, AB. 306-454-2782, Ceylon, SK. BANDWAGON 1500 LIQUID fertilizer cart, John Blue pump and Honda pump, $5500. 306-755-4444, Tramping Lake, SK. 1545 BRANDT CONVEYOR, 2011 w/30 HP Kohler, electric clutch and mover, excellent condition, $16,995. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.
FER TILIZER M OD ELS 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dia m eter - 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; d eg. Bottom C one 16010M - 80 m etric to n n es 16012M - 93 m etric to n n es 16015M - 107 m etric to n n es 16017M - 121 m etric to n n es 16020M - 134 m etric to n n es 16025M - 162 m etric to n n es 16030M - 189 m etric to n n es
CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR BELT: 8â&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, approx. capacity 300bu/hr., asking $1500. Call 306-864-3696,
G R AIN M OD ELS 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Dia m eter - 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; d egree b ottom c one 16010G - 2408Bu 16020G - 4064Bu 16012G - 2822Bu 16025G - 4892Bu 16015G - 3236Bu 16030G - 5730Bu 16017G - 3650Bu
2006 BANDIT 1750 gal. TBT liquid caddy, twin piston John Blue, exc. cond, $10,000 OBO. 204-526-0541, Swan Lake, MB. NEW HYDEF CARTS: One 3250 TBT and one Hydef 3750 TBT left for spring availability. Can be configured w/John Blue or hydraulic 3â&#x20AC;? fill, fill pump lights, 800 or 900 rubber. Starting at $32,500. Corner Equip., 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 2012: TORMASTER NH3 4000 gal., on 30â&#x20AC;? tracks, exc. cond.; Blackbird NH3 application kit. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB.
RANCHERS WELDING liquid fertilizer trailer, Model 1000, S/N #NH320053. 1988 SAKUNDIAK 7x52, 10 HP elec., good 26,500 lb. capacity. Dave 306-344-2433, cond., $2000; 1995 Brandt 7x45, 20.5 HP Robin, vg cond., $3500; 1998 Sakundiak Paradise Hill SK 8x52, 27 HP Kohler w/Wheatheart mover, very good cond., $7500. 306-682-3043, 306-682-3555, Lake Lenore, SK.
FARMERS CHOICE BEST HOPPER CONVEY-ALL TUBE CONVEYOR: 6â&#x20AC;?x61â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, w/wind guards, new 8â&#x20AC;? belt w/only 170 hrs. Up to 1000 bu./hr., asking $4500. 306-864-3696 or
M ANY OP TIONS TO CHOOS E FR OM - CALL FOR P R ICING! O ffice: 306- 782 - 3300 Cell: 306- 62 1- 5304 Em a il: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m Fin d u s o n lin e: w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs.n et
NEW 2013 BRANDT 15x35 complete with diesel engine, asking $23,500. Call Peter 780-603-3455, Vegreville, AB.
NH3 RATE CONTROLLER, 3 section Raven/Greenstar section control, currently 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 36 run, can be changed, complete system to tractor rear plug-in. Priced to sell $6000 firm. 204-649-2276, 701-389-1042, Pierson, MB. NH3 NURSE WAGON, twin 1000, new M5 inspection, new paint and decals, very good cond., $14,000. 204-649-2276, 701-389-1042, Pierson, MB. JD 1650 59â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DT c/w Valmar, harrows, auto NH3, Valmar twin 1200 gal. tanks, 265 PSI, trailer with track erasers. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 2013 VALMAR AIRFLOW 5500 PT fertilizer spreader, 5.5 ton hoppers, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, 1000 rpm PTO fan, S/A 550/60-22.5 tires, used 1 season, 1700 acres, like new, exc. cond., always shedded, asking $37,000. 204-857-8224, Portage la Prairie, MB. FERTILIZER SPREADERS: 4- 8 ton. Large selection. 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB.
2011 Terra Gator 8204 twin bin, 1900 hrs., $223,000; 2010 4520 AutoSteer, 1100 hrs., 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, $223,000; 2006 Case 4510, AutoSteer, FlexAir 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, 7400 hrs., $114,000; 2005 Case 4520 w/70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex air, 4000 hrs., $129,000; 2005 Case, 3000 hrs., $138,000; 2005 Case 4010 w/3020 G4 New leader bed, $93,000; 2009 International GVM, 1000 hrs., 4WD, auto. $127,000; 2004 Loral AirMax 1000, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, immaculate, $93,000; 2002 Case 4260 w/1100 gal. tank, 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, $96,000; 2004 AgChem Rogator, w/air bed, $66,000; 2003 Sterling spreader w/AgForce spinner spreader, $75,000; 2002 Dempster w/spin spreader, 2300 hrs., $58,000; 1999 Loral, w/AirMax 5 bed, 5700 hrs, $51,000; 1999 AgChem, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, $64,000; 1997 AgChem, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, $38,000; 2008 Adams Semi tender, self contained, $39,500; 25 ton Wilmar tender w/spread axles, $39,500; 1987 Ford w/22 ton Raymond tender w/vertical auger, $44,000; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender with scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 2000 Skidsteer Wrangler loader, w/quick detach bucket, $18,500; 1993 Wrangler loader, $14,500; 10 propane trucks in test date with 2800-3000 gal. tanks, w/hose reels, pumps and meters from $16,000 to $33,000. Northwestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For more equipment and photos view website
Patent pending jack/hitch system. Only 42 lbs for easy handling. Hoppers are built to fit each size to eliminate leftover grain in hopper. The only hopper that will work with The Lump Buster for your fertilizer needs.
Most efficient way to load fertilizer. 6 rows of studs driven by the augers hydraulic pack eliminate fertilizer lumps to allow you to save time when loading your air seeder cart.
2011 BRANDT 13x90 hyd. swing auger, 11,900 bushels/hour, double auger chute, $24,000. Located Kamsack, SK. Can deliver. Call anytime 204-743-2324. BUHLER Farm King 1370, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swing auger $8900. RJ Sales & Service Ltd. 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. email:
Custom NH3 Solutions â&#x20AC;˘ Heaviest in the Industry â&#x20AC;˘ Complete twin 2000 Gal units ready for seeding â&#x20AC;˘ Wagons for existing tanks.
Call Your Local Dealer
or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888
Box 46 â&#x20AC;˘ Beatty, SK S0J 0C0
DWAYNE ENTERPRISES Ph: 306-752-4445 Fax: 306-752-5574
• Po s itio n gra in a u ger o r co n veyo r in to b in rem o tely; N EW b y yo u rs elf. PRODUCT • Po w erfu l m a gn ets to a d here to gra in & co m b in e a u gers , co n veyo rs , etc. • Ca m era is w a terpro o f & co lo r w ith a u d io . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll
Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, S K
306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m
N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , $7,100; 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537.
SUKUP GRAIN DRYERS: 1 or 3 phase, liquid propane or nat. gas, canola screens. Early order discount pricing now in effect. For info call: 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB.
NEW HOPPER WAGONS! 400 bu. w/tarp $8,900; 600 bu., $14,500. Call Flaman SELLING GRAIN LEGS, distributors, con1-888-435-2626. veyors and truck scales. Also other elevators parts. 403-634-8540, Grassy Lake, AB. 2009 BRENT 1082 grain cart with scale and roll tarp; also 2008 Brent 620 grain GRAIN ELEVATOR, 3800 metric ton/ cart with scale and roll tarp. Maple Ridge 140,000 bu, equipment in vg condition, Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Prem. 2x5000 bu./hr, steel bucket elevators with Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5 poly cups, 85’ scale, all hopper bins. Curtis 2 0 1 4 . A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t Hiebert 204-626-3283 Lowe Farm, MB. for sale BUCKET ELEVATORS. 100 bu./hr. - 10,000 b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r bu./hr. Great for feeding/unloading grain 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 dryers, cleaning facilities or turning your bin yard into a complete handling system. Call Flaman Grain Cleaning for prices and specs 1-888-435-2626. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Call 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB. or visit on-line: KEEP YOUR GRAIN SAFE. Temperature and moisture cables from OPI systems. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to Call the bin experts at Flaman Sales. mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 1-888-435-2626. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK.
NEW SAKUNDIAK AUGERS in Stock: Used: Brandt 10”x60’ S/A, $6500. In stock: New Convey-All TCSNH-1045 hydraulic drive, c/w mover kit, and 38 HP Kohler diesel, list $38,900. Leasing available. Call D a l e at M a i n w ay F a r m E q u i p m e n t , 306-567-3285 or 306-567-7299. Davidson, SK. View S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. HONDA AUGER ENGINE, 20 HP, used very WANTED: KWIK KLEEN grain cleaner in little, $1000 OBO. Phone 204-745-7445, good condition. Eric 306-272-7038, Foam CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessoLake, SK. Carman, MB. ries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. SAKUNDIAK 10x65 SWING, mechanical GRAIN VACS: Brandt 4000, $7000; Brandt drive, overhauled, $5500. Call 4500, $7500; Weigh wagon w/digital 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. scale, $3500. 1-866-938-8537. NEW Buhler Farm King 1385, swing auger, 2008 BRANDT 5000 vacuum, had since $21,500. RJ Sales & Service Ltd. new, presently using and in good shape. 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. Call Brewster Ag, 306-939-4402, (Cell) email: 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK. herbicides 2009 REM 27 Hundred grain vac. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday HIGH CAPACITY AUGERS April 5, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. Visit for sale 8 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
1 800 667 8800 BRANDT SWING AUGER 10”x70’ w/spout and full bin sensor, $6500. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389, Holdfast, SK. SAKUNDIAK 10x59 SWING auger, 540 PTO, 3 years old, very good condition, $8500 OBO. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666. NEW “R” SERIES Wheatheart Augers: with engine, mover and electric clutch. R-8x41, cash price $12,250; R-8x51, cash $12,750; R-10x41, cash $13,500. Call 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK. AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.
REPLACEMENT FLIGHTING FOR augers, seed cleaning plants, grain cleaners, combine bubble-up augers.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Crop Production Services Inc. Landis - 306-658-2002 DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
TIM’S REPAIR has REM grain vacs for sale: 2500’s, 2700’s, new and used and 3700’s. 306-784-2407 or 306-772-1004, Herbert, SK.
NEW HOLLAND 1089 bale wagon, w/2130 hrs, $77,000 OBO; Two Hesston 4655 small sq. balers, $6000 and $9000; 2005 Hesston 4760 medium sq. baler, w/accumulator, ISO updated, $38,000 OBO. 204-728-4784, Brandon, MB.
BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. JD 568 ROUND baler w/net wrap; JD 347 MOBILE COLOR SORTER BUSINESS. square baler; New Holland 1033 bale wagSatake 5 chute color sorter- (only 40 hrs.) on; New Holland 154 HT 16 wheel rake. mounted in 5 ton Freightliner truck, c/w Call 306-389-2431, Maymont, SK. Genset and air compressor. Selling due to BALE SPEARS, high quality imported health. 403-652-5643, High River, AB. from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. JD 567 round baler w/netwrap and silage kit. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobisher, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
16’ MACDON 922 hay header with steel crimper. Dave MacCuish Farm Equipment Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobishe r, S K . a r e a . M a c k A u c t i o n C o . 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit for sale bill and photos. PL #311962. ONE USED RUBBER crimper, off of JD moco part #AE76305, fits various units. Isaac at 403-641-2162 Ext. 102, Gem, AB. WANTED: 18’ HAY CONDITIONER, used o r n ew, t o fi t 2 0 0 6 9 2 6 0 H e s s t o n . 204-773-6890, Inglis, MB.
2004 MACDON 16’ 922 auger hay header, double knife drive, steel rollers, $16,000. CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. 5 years interest free on most 306-536-3392, Edenwold, SK. units. Call the combine superstore. Trades 2012 MACDON R85 disc bine, 16’ header, welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call c u t o n ly 3 0 0 a c r e s , l i ke n ew. C a l l Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 306-389-2431, Maymont, SK.
2010 RICHIGER EA350 10’ grain bag extractor, in good shape, $29,000. George 306-441-9299, Paynton, SK. 2010 TRIDEKON Extractor, Model 12-10 HD Turret auger, either side. B-Train in 40 mins, $30,000. 306-554-2850 Wynyard SK AKRON E180T bag extractor, has done less than 50 bags, excellent condition, $15,000. 403-934-4880, Strathmore, AB.
TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2013 CrustBuster 1325 grain cart, 20” auger tarp, 520-38/duals, $77,500. 2013 CrustBuster, 330 bu. seed tender, G.N. 12” belt/8” tube, 5 HP Honda scale, remote control, $33,500. 2013 CrustBuster, Pro Box Tote, bump pull, 2 box, 8” belt/6” tube, remote control, $13,999. 306-586-1603 Regina SK
2-2001 TR99 Combines • $50,000 workorder, 1757 sep hrs.$69,800 • 2000 sep hrs., good condition .... $39,800 Financing available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515.
2009 KRONE 6210 20’ discbine, flail conditioner, $35,000. Call 403-952-1030, Bow Island, AB.
PREMIER 2900 SP Cummins turbo swather with 30’ MacDon 960 draper header. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobisher, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 TWO 2010 CASE/IH 8120 w/634 sep. hrs, 2004 WESTWARD 9250, 25’ 972 header c/w 2016 Swathmaster, PU headers, exc. c/w Vern’s Equalizer, 890 cutting hrs., cond., always shedded, $218,000. Located in Kamsack, SK. Can deliver. 204-526-0321 $55,000. 306-536-3392, Edenwold, SK. CASE/IH 2188 AXIAL flow SP combine 2012 JD R450 windrower, loaded, ATU, with 2230 rotor hours. Kolish Farm Equipharness, brackets, 335 engine hrs., 220 ment Auction, Saturday, April 19, 2014, hrs. on headers; WS25 Honeybee w/flex- Creelman, Sask. area. For sale bill and fingers, rotoshears, spare drapers and photos parts; JD 995 16’ discbine w/Trilobe 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack crimper. 780-524-2143, Valleyview, AB. Auction Co. PL 311962. 1996 PRAIRIE STAR 25’ 4930 swather, 2 2006 8010 AFX CASE w/2125 eng. hrs., speed transmission, good condition. Call 1487 sep. hrs. c/w 16’ PU, updated with 780-674-7944, Neerlandia, AB. new feeder chain, new slip clutch and new rear tires c/w 2- sets of concaves, 2011 MACDON M150 35’ D60D 160 $140,000. 306-831-7273, Rosetown, SK. eng./103 cutting hours, dual direction, booster spring kit, hyd. center link, dual 2010 CASE/IH 8120 SP combine with knife drive, split reel, transport pkg, poly Case/IH 2016 PU header, 680 separator skids, hyd. freeform mounted roller, Roto- hours. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Shears, $135,000. 306-287-8487 Watson Stephenson) Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5, 2014, Aber26’ CO-OP 550D diesel SP swather, also 25’ nethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos Case/IH 8220 PT swather plus a 30’ Prairie visit Star 4600 PT swather. Robert Moffat Farm 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Auction Co. PL 311962. Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 2005 CASE 2388, 1400 engine hrs., 1100 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack r o t o r h r s . , $ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l S t e ve at 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. Auction Co. PL 311962. 1998 MF 220, 22’, 2220 hours, recently 2012 CASE 8230, 783 eng./631 rotor hrs., serviced, good condition, $22,900. Located luxury cab, duals, c/w 40’ MacDon FD 70, $295,000. 306-967-2534, Eatonia, SK. near Spalding, SK., call 306-322-7661. 2010 MACDON M150, c/w 35’ D60 header, 2013 CASE 9230, 150 hrs, lux. cab, 620 loaded, 1 owner, shedded, excellent, duals, 750 rears, HD lateral tilt, small tube rotor, hyd. hopper cover, high cap. folding $110,000. 306-231-8969, Humboldt, SK. unload auger, point spout, magna fine cut chopper, HID, air comp, AutoSteer and mapping. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. CASE/IH 2388 SP combine and Case 1015 PU header with 2290 sep. hours, also Case 2188 SP combine and Case 1015 PU header w/2720 sep. hours. Robert Moffat Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 2006 2388, 1014 rotor hrs, 2015 with Swathmaster PU, too many new parts and extras to list. Call 403-599-3945, Milo, AB. 2004 MACDON/ WESTWARD Swather 2400 hrs., 30’, 962 header, UII PU reel, new canvas and bearings 800 acres ago, large rear tires, good shape, $50,000. 2006 580R, 1216 sep. hrs, big tires, Sun306-269-7774, Foam Lake, SK. nybrook cyl., rotor bearings done, P514 WA N T E D : 30’ MACDON 972 header. PU, Y&M, cebis, very nice, $125,000 OBO. 403-652-7261, Call 403-312-5113, Viscount, SK. High River, AB
WANTED: FLAIL TYPE 9’-11’ discbine. Call Uncle Cecil 780-785-2450, Sangudo, AB. 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK JD 956 DISCBINE flail conditioner, well maintained, stored inside, $17,500 OBO. 403-308-4200, Mossleigh, AB. BRANDT 8x50 AUGER, no engine or m o v e r k i t , g o o d c o n d i t i o n . C a l l AIR BENCH CLEANER Cimbria Unigrain USED SCHULTE 15’ mowers and flex arms 306-563-7505, Canora, SK. A / S Ty p e 1 1 3 , # 6 5 1 6 , y e a r 1 9 9 5 , coming soon. Call Flaman for more info. $15,500. Darrel 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB 1-888-435-2626. NEW Buhler Farm King 1370 swing auger, 2013 MF HESSTON WR9725 SP swather $17,500. RJ Sales & Service Ltd. with 75 hours and 30’ PU reel. Kolish Farm 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 19, email: 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit for sale SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or with self-propelled mover kits and bin 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free 1-888-304-2837. 24’ CASE/IH 4000 SP swather with Honeybee knife. Garnet Hart Farm Equipment REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER Auction, Friday, April 11, 2014, Weyburn, movers, trailer chute openers, endgate SK. area. and hoist systems, wireless full bin alarms, for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. digital wireless tractorCam, the Simpler 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. PL311962 Sampler portable combine. All shipped directly to you. Safety, convenience, reliability. Phone Brehon Agrisystems at 306-933-2655, visit Saskatoon, SK. VERMEER 605 ACCU-BALE Plus SL round baler and 16’ NH 1475 2300 Series haybine. Bill Tatarliov Farm Equip. Auction Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 LOFTNESS GBL grain bagger and a Loftness GBL grain bag extractor. Maple Ridge MORRIS 14 BALE Hay Hiker trailer. Dave Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Prem. MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5 April 15, 2014, Frobisher, Sask. area. Visit 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
Rosetown Flighting Supply
NH BR780 round baler, NH 116 haybine, NH 1033 PT square bale wagon. Moncrief Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2011 NH CR9090E, 482 threshing hrs., shedded, loaded, 0 hrs. on NH Triple Inspection. Call 780-210-3799, Myrnam, AB. 2008 NH CR9070, twin rotor w/2011 15’ 790CP PU, IntelliView II monitor, Y&M, long auger, MAV chopper, HHC, on-board compressor, MegaWide 900 singles, mapping, 1183 sep. hrs., $182,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK. 2006 CR960, 1730 hrs., 76C 15’ PU header, 200 hrs. on triple check including rub bars, concaves, etc., 900 front tires, 600 rears, long unloading auger, HID lights, AutoSteer ready, shedded, well maintained $85,000. 306-648-3511, 306-648-7695, 306-380-7769, Gravelbourg, SK. 2003 CX 840, 1950 engine hrs, 1500 threshing hours, Rake-Up, vg shape. In Ritchie Bros. sale March 27th, Lethbridge, AB., 403-652-7980.
DO YOU HAVE MOLE HILLS? Outfit Your Cultivator to Level Hayfields
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For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Crop Production Services Inc. Lloydminster - 306-825-5858 1998 R-62, 2363 sep. hrs., and 2000 R-62 2800 sep. hrs. Both have fine cut choppers, are very well maintained, shedded and ready for the field, asking $35,000 each. Call 306-961-1044 or 306-961-8291, Prince Albert, SK.
JD 9500 SP combine and JD 214 PU header with 2472 sep. hours. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobisher, SK. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL #311962. 2009 JD 9770 STS SP combine with 895 hours and GreenStar ready, also 2009 JD 9770 STS SP combine with 620 hours and GreenStar ready. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday April 5, 2014 Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 2010 9770 STS JD, w/1615 PU header, 20.8x42 duals, large rear tires, $275,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1984 JD 7720, 4580 hrs., always serviced and stored inside, very good condition, $14,500; 1981 JD 8820, 4300 hrs., recent chaffers and sieves, works well, $9500. 306-322-7661, located near Spalding, SK. 2010 JD 9770 STS, 774 sep. hrs., c/w 2012 JD 615P PU header w/only 100 hours on header, Contour-Master high torque variable spd. feeder house, high cap lift cyl., 22’ high cap unload auger, wide spread fine cut chopper, 800/70R38, small and large grain concave’s, always shedded, exc. cond., $235,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.
‘97 JD CTS Combine F/C chop, chaff sprdr, pickup inc. $39,800. Trades welcome. Financing & Leasing available. 1-800-667-4515. JD 9500 SP combine with JD 914 PU header and 2500 separator hrs. Moncrief Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 THREE 1998 JD 9610 combines with three JD 14’ pickup headers. Nice shape. Approx. hrs. 3350 on each unit. 780-842-4330, Wainwright, AB. JD 9400 SP combine with 2822 separator hours and 2013 Greenlighted. Bill Tatarliov Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 2002 JD 9650 combine, 2300 sep hrs., long auger, dual spd. cylinder, fine cut chopper, good overall condition, many new parts, been a very reliable machine. $79,900 OBO. 403-901-3024, Standard, AB 2006 JD 9760 STS, 1800/2300 hrs., Greenlighted yearly, new injectors, concave, feeder house, Y&M, vg cond., $145,000. 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. JD 9610 MAXIMIZER SP combine with 2648 separator hours and fresh Greenlight. Garnet Hart Farm Equip. Auction, Friday April 11, 2014. Weyburn, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
NH FR9080 FORAGE harvester, 900 hrs., 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JET STREAM sprayer, blue and grey, c/w 8 row corn head, 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pickup head. twin line (38 kms/hr.), chem handler, 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. shedded, well maintained, field ready, $13,500. 403-575-2401, Veteran, AB.
2004 MF 9790, FieldStar, 1250/1700 hrs., c/w MF 4000 PU and Swathmaster, MF 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5 0 0 0 r i g i d h e a d e r, $ 1 3 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. 306-874-7110, Naicam, SK. MF 8460 COMBINE 1990, RWA, PU header, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex header, chopper, 2500 hrs. Call 204-380-4591, Niverville, MB. TWO 1983 MF 850 combines, low hours, excellent condition, field ready. Offers. 306-694-0013, Moose Jaw, SK.
40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MacDon FD70 w/ transport, dbl knife drive, new knife, new adapter canvas, overall 8.5/10 condition. Incl: choice of adapters JD STS, CNH, CAT... $52,800.00 w/ warranty. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515.
LOOKING FOR PICKUP HEADERS? â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;14 MD 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PW7 $26,800 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09 CIH 2016 ................$17,800 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09 CIH 2016...$19,800 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;01 JD Precision .......... $6,680 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;92 JD 914.........$7,280 â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;03 Swathmaster PU.$10,950 1-800-667-4515, or check us out at
JD STRAW CHOPPER taken from 1997 9600, new knives and hammers, vg cond., $1200 OBO. 204-745-7445, Carman, MB.
BUILDING MOVING EQUIPMENT: 2- 47â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long 12â&#x20AC;?x12â&#x20AC;? I beams, 5/8â&#x20AC;? thick; 2- dolleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, single axle, dual 920 rubber; 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x7â&#x20AC;? long bunk; 2- timbers, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long, 8â&#x20AC;? thick, no jacks, $4500 OBO for everything. Call 306-459-7816, Moose Jaw, SK.
Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www.; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new, used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service.
SALVAGE TRACTORS, VOLVO 810 and 650. Ford 7600, 5000, 3600, 6000, S Major. David Brown, 1690, 1410, 1210, 885. PUMPS, PRESSURE WASHERS, Honda/Ko- International 674, 784, 885. 306-228-3011 shin pumps, 1-1/2â&#x20AC;? to 4â&#x20AC;?, Landa pressure Unity, SK. steam washers, parts washers. 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CASE/IH 1020 straight cut header. washers, Equip. Ltd. Parts and Service, Regi- Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. Kolish Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, M&M April 19, 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit na, SK., 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111. 1-866-729-9876 for sale 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 New Used & Re-man parts
2009 MACDON D60, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 60/70 JD hookup, transport, fore/aft, vg cond, $53,500. Call 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK.
Tractors Combines Swathers
2013 John Deere 612, 12R30â&#x20AC;?, knife rolls, warranty, $74,900. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD. 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CASE/IH 1042 straight cut draper header and 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MacDon 960 straight cut draper header. Robert Moffat Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, SK. area. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2004 JD 630 hydaflex header, poly skids, full finger auger, hyd. fore/aft, header height and contour sensors, 60/70 series adapter, newer knife and guards, $18,000. 306-220-1229, Imperial, SK.
Call 1-888-920-1507
RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very 2005 CASE/IH 1010, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, PU reel, hyd. affordable new and used parts available, fore/aft, c/w transport, $12,000. Really made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 nice! low acres. 306-381-7689, Hague, SK. TRANS. AND DIFF. PARTS for approx. TWO 2012 JD 630F headers for sale, well 1969-71 JD 4020 diesel. Trans. is synchro maintained, asking $35,000 each OBO. range. 403-845-5193 Rocky Mtn House AB 780-934-6384, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, 2009 HONEYBEE SP36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header, 2388 Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom readapter, fore/aft, PU reel, pea auger, new- builds available. Competitive warranty. er knife and drapers, lifters, under 7000 Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., acres. Call 403-599-3945, Milo, AB. Blackfalds, AB. 1-877-321-7732.
S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et
2010 CASE/IH 2152 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header; 2009 MacDon D60-S 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header with JD adapter and 2009 JD 635D 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5, 2 0 1 4 . A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 2006 HONEYBEE DRAPER 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; header, pea a u g e r, a s k i n g $ 2 8 , 0 0 0 . C a l l S t e v e 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB. 1996 MACDON 960 header, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, gauge wheels, batt reel, MacDon trans., always shedded, asking $11,500; Also MacDon arms to make fit on JD 2360 swather. 204-662-4418, Antler, SK. 2009 MACDON FD70, $60,000. and 2008 MACDON FD70, $55,000. Both 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, all options, 60/70 JD hook-up, shedded, vg cond. Call 306-648-2418, Gravelbourg, SK.
YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!
1-8 00-340-119 2
Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.
Crop Production Services Inc.
0IJ &R /WG
$/:$<6 029,1* )25:$5'70
H a rrow Tines
9/16 x 26â&#x20AC;?
Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021;
55 67
55 67
â&#x20AC;˘ Ho s e Air S e e d e r, G ra in V a c . â&#x20AC;˘ Pic k Up Re e l Te e th. â&#x20AC;˘ C u ttin g Pa rts , S e c tio n s & G u a rd s . â&#x20AC;˘ NH Ro u n d Ba le r C ha in s . â&#x20AC;˘ En gin e Ove rha u l K its . â&#x20AC;˘ Tra c to r Pa rts Fro n tEn d , Tu rb o s ,
C lu tc h, Tra n s m is s io n .
e! Plus M uch M or L OE W E N COM BI NE P ARTS Large inventory of new and used potato equip. Dealer for Tristeel Mfg. wash line equip. Dealer for Logan Equipment. Call Dave 204-254-8126, MB. KINZE 2600, 12x23 row planter, good 15â&#x20AC;? b e a n p l a n t e r, a s k i n g $ 2 1 , 5 0 0 O B O. 204-437-4641, Steinbach, MB.
w w w.fyfep a rts .com
650LK 1994 GRIMME single row potato harvester, $10,000; Also have additional potato equipment, washer, Kerian sizer, 6row Lockwood planter. 306-717-0025, Osler, SK.
â&#x20AC;&#x153; Fo r AllY o u r Fa rm Pa rtsâ&#x20AC;?
2012 John Deere DB90, 36R30â&#x20AC;?, central commodity system, pneumatic down pressure, $249,000. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD.
1- 800- 667- 9871 R egin a 1- 800- 387- 2 768 M a n ito b a
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
2010 NEW HOLLAND 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; S1070 suspended boom sprayer, c/w Raven AutoBoom, triple nozzle bodies, 4 sets of tips, 1350 Imp. gal, rinse tank, chem. inductor, 20â&#x20AC;? spacing, joystick and IntelliView monitor, exc. cond., wintered inside, $35,000 OBO. Call 306-642-5806, Assiniboia, SK. 2006 TOP AIR TA2400 suspended boom sprayer, 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, duals, $44,500. 306-981-5489, Prince Albert, SK.
S m o o th & No tc he d .
NH SF115 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, wind screens, 1250 Imp. gal. tank, foam marker, rate controller, rinse tank, $16,000 OBO. Wainwright, AB., 780-806-3439, 780-842-4088. 2009 NH S1070, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, autorate, wind curtains, 1300 gal. tank, disc markers, wheels on boom, 4 years of use, $30,000 OBO. 306-893-8008, Maidstone, SK. BOURGAULT CENTURION III, 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 800 gal., hydraulic pump, new tires, $6000. 306-748-2446, Neudorf, SK. 2007 NH SF216, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; suspended boom, 1350 Imp. gallon, Raven AutoBoom, windscreens, foam marker, rinse tank, triple nozzles, one owner, nice condition, asking $29,500. Call 306-725-4286, Bulyea, SK. 2009 CIH SRX 160, 1400 Imp. gal. tank, 84â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, hyd. unfold, dual nozzle, rate controller, 100 gal. rinse tank. Very nice cond., $25,000. 306-369-2765, Bruno, SK. 2007 CASE SRX 160, JD rate controller, sectional control, AutoBoom, $30,000. Call 780-678-6054, Daysland, AB. 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AG SHIELD sprayer, 1200 gal. tank, 100 gal. wash out tank, $15,000 OBO. 204-851-5520, Cromer, MB.
BRANDT QF 1500, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 800 gal., hyd. pump, autofold, wind cones, foam marker, chem handler, end nozzle, field ready, s h e d d e d , $ 7 5 0 0 . C a l l D av i d K l e i n 306-957-4312, 306-695-7794, Odessa, SK. 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; BRANDT QF 1000 field sprayer with 850 gallon poly tank. Robert Moffat Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and Moose Jaw - 306-692-7834 photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 2005 NEW HOLLAND (Flexi-Coil) SF110, suspended boom, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 800 gal. tank, foam SCHULTE SDX960, w/hyd. deflector, like markers, fresh water tank, double nozzles, new, $6750. 204-436-2049, Elm Creek, autorate, eduction tank, wind screens, MB. kept inside, vg cond., $20,000 OBO. Call 780-532-6234, 780-814-1761, Grande DEGELMAN 2-WAY BLADE off a PTA 280 Prairie, AB. Steiger, good condition, $10,000 OBO. 780-872-8209, 306-823-4456, Neilburg SK 1997 FLEXI-COIL 67XLT, wheel boom, 114â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, windscreens, autofold, double booms, new tires, autorate, foam marker, $10,000. 306-648-2418, Gravelbourg, SK. MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. YOUNGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EQUIPMENT INC. For all your 1994 BRANDT QUICK-FOLD Sprayer, wind Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agri- silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron cones, foam marker, $3000. Lucky Lake, cultural and construction parts. Buying ag toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. SK. 306-858-2529 or 306-867-9899. and construction equipment for dismantling. Call today 1-877-527-7278, Medicine Hat, AB. LQIR#ULWHZD\PIJ FRP
S AV E $$
Cul tiva tor Shovel s
â&#x20AC;˘ C o u lte r Bla d e s . â&#x20AC;˘ Ha rro w S prin g Tin e s 3 /8 - 5/8. â&#x20AC;˘ S e e d in g K n ive s a n d Ope n e rs . â&#x20AC;˘ Ba le r Be ltin g, All S tyle s & S ize s . â&#x20AC;˘ C o m b in e Pic k Up Be lts .
DEGELMAN R570, ground drive, rock curtain, 3 BAT, very low acres, $4500 OBO; Degelman rock hook attachment for dozer, $450 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook
SMITHâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge NEW Degelman 7200 rockpicker, $27,500. inventory new and used tractor parts. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, 1-888-676-4847., email Wadena, SK. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. ROCK-0-MATIC 546 ROCKPICKER, decent shape, $1500. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, DEGELMAN GROUND DRIVE rockpicker, MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. $1500; Also fork type rockpicker, $600. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389 Holdfast, SK DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tractor, 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON
Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, We sell new, used and remanufactured combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, parts for most farm tractors and combines. 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769.
Disc Bl a des
â&#x20AC;˘ S ho ve ls , C his e ls , Fu rro w e r. â&#x20AC;˘ Dis c Bla d e s 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 3 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;
2002 FLEXI-COIL 67XL suspended boom, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, 1200 gal. tank, induction tank, clean water tank, foam markers, triple nozzles, mint cond., $17,000. 306-487-2712 or 306-487-7966, Lampman, SK.
COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. We buy machinery.
SP30 HONEYBEE DRAPER header, new k n i fe , a l w ay s s h e d d e d , e x c . c o n d . , $25,000. Call 780-678-6054, Daysland, AB.
TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2014 Capello corn header, 8 row and 12 row chopping. Spring Special. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK.
Call 1-888-920-1507
1994 BRANDT QUICKFOLD sprayer, foam marker, wind cones, double nozzle bodies, $3500. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389, Holdfast, SK. 2008 NH SF216 PT sprayer, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 1600 US gallon tank, dual nozzles, autorate. 306-741-6319, Waldeck, SK.
1- 800- 667- 3095 S a ska to o n 1- 800- 2 2 2 - 6594 Ed m o n to n
2011 CASE 4420 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom, 940 hours, Viper Pro, 5 and 15 gallon nozzles, 650 floaters, 380 in crop tires, field ready, 1000 hr. service done, air lift dividers, HID lights, AccuBoom, AutoHeight control, AIM command, luxury cab, full AutoSteer, shedded mint condition, $265,000. Strathmore, AB., call 403-901-5390. WILLMAR EAGLE 8200 SP 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high clearance sprayer and AutoSteer Trimble AutoMapping with 2500 hours. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2 0 1 4 , F r o b i s h e r, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1990 SPRA-COUPE 220, Raven AutoRate and Raven GPS, 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 1000 hrs., foam marker, shedded, very nice condition, $10,000. Call 306-748-2446, Neudorf, SK. 2007 JD 4830, 1000 gal. SS tank, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 2 sets tires, GPS: 2600 SF1, auto-sect. shutoff, exc. cond., 3200 hrs., 2nd owner, loaded, $152,000. 204-355-8305, Ste Anne MB 2008 JD 4830, 1258 hrs., SS tank, AutoSteer, 5-way nozzles, shedded, 1 owner, $159,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. 2010 CASE 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH Patriot 4420 SP sprayer with 1570 hours. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday April 5, 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 WANTED: 4 flotation rims and tires to fit 1995 Model #854 Rogator sprayer, must be vg. 306-764-8198 eves, Henribourg, SK. 2013 JD 4830, 1000 gallon, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom, 3 6 1 h o u r s , 3 8 0 / 9 0 R 4 6 , w a r r a n t y, $255,900. Call 605-480-1750, Madison, SD 1998 WILLMAR 785 Special Edition, 5.9L Cummins eng., 600 gal. SS tank, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, Trimble AutoSteer crop dividers, 2 sets of tires, 3600 hrs., $47,500. Will take grain on trade. 306-874-7474, Naicam, SK. 2006 ROGATOR 1274 C, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 3470 hrs., 1300 gal. crop dividers, loaded, $157,000. 306-641-7759 306-647-2459 Theodore, SK 2011 JOHN DEERE 4930, 1325 hrs., AutoTrax, 1200 gal. SS tank, 5-way nozzles, $209,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB. 2007 APACHE 1010, 1275 hrs, 103â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Raven Envisio Pro, w/hyd. SmarTrax, Phoenix 200 receiver, Raven AccuBoom and AutoBoom, sharp shooter nozzle control, 5 nozzle body, 2 sets tires, shedded, well maintained $156,000. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK., or email: for photos
2010 MILLER G40 Capstan sharp shooter, nozzle control, 1200 gal. poly tank, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, 850 hrs, 300 HP, Envizio Pro, SmartTrac, AccuBoom, AutoBoom, Boom air blow out, Tridekon crop savers air lift, $169,000 OBO. Can deliver, pics available. Call 780-632-9899, Ranfurly, AB. NH HIGH CLEARANCE SPRAYER TIRES: Set of 4 c/w wheels, near new from 2013 sprayer 520/85/R38, $13,000 OBO. 306-962-4332, Eston, SK. 2000 JD 4700, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; booms, Norac UC-5 boom height controller, 2600 GPS with integrated AutoSteer, Swath Control Pro, two sets of tires, crop dividers, 2550 hrs., $100,000. 306-728-8121, Melville, SK. JD 4730, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 1400 hrs., SS tank, loaded. 306-280-5558, Dodsland, SK. 2010 SPRA-COUPE 4660, S3 Outback, crop dividers, AccuBoom, approx. 600 hrs, loaded, shedded. 780-621-7811, Entwistle, AB. 2007 APACHE 1210, 1990 hrs., 60/90 booms, Raven 440 monitor w/AutoBoom height, Capistan sharp shooter (AIM command), Outback e-drive, 5 section AutoMate, 2 sets rears, $120,000. Kenaston, SK. Call 306-252-2767 or 306-221-8968. 2013 4430, 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 164 hrs., 1200 gallon, AIM, 710â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and 320â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, spray remote, 5 sensor AutoBoom, AccuBoom, wide fenders, 3â&#x20AC;? front fill, Pro 700, Tridekon crop dividers. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. 1998 ROGATOR 854, 4103 hrs, 2 sets of tries, $12,000 spent on wheel motors last yr., professionally serviced every yr., Trimble AutoSteer, sec. boom control, $75,000 OBO. 306-259-4990, 306-946-6424, Young 2011 JD 4830, 1000 gal. SS tank plus booms, 100â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, GPS 2600 plus SF 3000, loaded, 2 sets tires, powertrain warranty until 2015, shedded, Greenlighted, 800 hrs, mint, $260,000 OBO. 306-536-7892 or Regina, SK. 2010 CIH 4520, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom, 1154 hours, 750/45R26.5, $208,000. 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. 2006 CIH SPX4410, 1200 gallon SS, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122; boom, 3218 hours, 380/90R46, eductor, $117,900. 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL Use wireless remote to turn on individual boom sections for nozzle checks. Easy install with plug and play harness to fit your sprayer. Order your SprayTest today. Ph: 306-859-1200
2006 JD 4920, 120’, loaded, exc., hi-flow, eductor, Trac control, Raven powerglide, ultra-glide, 5-ways, 380s, 15” spacing, $139,500. 204-242-4074, Manitou, MB. 2008 IHC 3320, 1269 hrs., new tires, 1000 gal. tank, 100’ boom, AIM Command, AutoBoom, AutoHeight, AutoSteer, shedded. 306-488-4517, 306-529-0887, Dilke, SK. 2013 JD 4940, 1200 gallon SS, 307 hrs, 120’ boom, 480/80R50, eductor, warranty $326,900. 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. 2005 JD 4920, 2567 hrs., 120’ booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gal SS, AutoTrac, foamer, $130,000. 402-719-9017, Fremont, NE. 2000 WILMAR 8100 Eagle, 90’, 800 gal. SS tank, GPS AutoSteer, air ride suspension, 2 sets tires, 3340 hrs., $58,000. Call 306-233-7756, Cudworth, SK. 1996 WILLMAR 765SE, 600 gal. tank, 75’, 60% tires, triple nozzle body, gauge wheels, Outback mapping, Rinex AutoBoom, vg cond., 2800 hrs, $44,000 OBO. 306-429-2785, 306-424-7575 Glenavon SK 2006 JD 4720 high clearance sprayer, 2248 hrs., 320/90R46 tires, fenders, 20.8R38 FS floaters, 2600 display, JD ITC reciever, SF1 Activation, sectioanl control, hyd. tread adjust, radar, $159,500 OBO. 306-540-9339, 306-586-3293 Raymore SK 2009 CASE 3150, 90’, 750 tank, 1480 hrs,. two sets of tires, Sec. control, EZ-Guide 500/ EZ-Steer. 306-239-2071, Osler, SK. 2012 JD 4830, 1000 gallon stainless steel, 90’ boom, 370 hours, 380/90R46, eductor, extended warranty, $249,900. Call 605-354-4207, Madison, SD 2008 ROGATOR 1074SS, 1000 gal, 100’ boom, 2650 hrs, Viper Pro, SmarTrax, AccuBoom, $187,000. 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK 2005 CIH 4410, 3300 hrs., 90’ booms, 380 skinny’s, 650 floaters, Outback GPS mapping and AutoSteer, sec. boom control, 4600 Raven monitor, SS tank, $135,000 OBO. 306-281-2275, Prud’Homme, SK. 1998 PATRIOT 150, 90’ boom, 750 tank, autorate, AutoHeight, 2 sets of tires, 4700 hrs., $34,000. 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. 2010 CASE 4420, loaded, Aim command, Viper Pro, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, 120’, 2 sets tires, active susp., shedded, $275,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB.
1996 FLEXI-COIL 5000, double shoot, 45’, 9” spacing, recapped packer wheels, Atom Jet openers, c/w 2320 cart, $37,500 OBO. 306-948-2906, Biggar, SK.
40’ MORRIS MAXIM II air drill with Morris 8336 triple compartment air tank with MRB’s. Robert Moffat Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, SK. area. 1998 BOURGAULT 5710 41’, 10” spacing, for sale bill and photos. Mack Auction Co. DS, MRBs, rubber packer wheels, knock-on 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. openers, very good condition, no air cart, $25,000. 780-753-6398, Provost, AB. 2011 BOURGAULT 6550, X20, loaded, 900 tires, $110,000 OBO. Call 306-563-8482 or 2009 JD 1870 Conserva Pak, 40’, c/w 430 306-782-2586, Calgary, AB. TBH cart and primary blockage monitor, vg condition. Ph. 780-635-4080, Glendon, AB.
BOOK NOW! 53’ Behnke sprayer trailer for delivery before spring spraying. Ph Flaman Saskatoon at 1-888-435-2626. BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.
2007 SEEDMASTER 7212 w/pneumatic tires, and 2008 Bourgault 6550 cart, duals, 3 tank metering, tow hitch, deluxe auger, $170,000. 306-228-9430, Luseland, SK. 2006 MORRIS MAXIM II 55’, 10” spacing, 8370 TBH, single shoot, 3.5” packers, new carbide openers 2013. Will consider some grain on trade. 306-448-4819, Manor, SK. 3612 CONCORD AIR drill, 200 bu. tank, TBH, hyd. fan, single shoot, new Flexi-Coil openers, new hoses, field ready, $16,500 OBO. Call Terry 403-882-3349, Castor, AB.
2340 FLEXI-COIL TBT TANK, variable rate, shedded, very nice cond. Also, wanted 35’ wing-up packer bar. Steve 780-206-0049, 780-674-3029, Barrhead, AB. 2007 65’ SEED HAWK on 10” spacing, quick pin openers, dual shoot granular w/liquid kit, Bourgault air kit, Devloo roto mud sprapers, exc. cond., $109,000 OBO. 204-299-8677, Lockport, MB. 2001 BOURGAULT 5440, #s PB3090A and PB3082B. 47’ 5710 w/MRBs, 3” rubber, Raven NH3 kit, 1” carbides, $135,500. 1-888-442-6084, or 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 7.8” spacing, double 2005 ROGATOR 1074, 100’ boom, 1000 shoot, variable rate. New tips, packers and gal, E-Drive Auto, Outback GPS, AutoBoom b e a r i n g s , 3 4 5 0 T B H , f i e l d r e a d y, 3100 hrs., $145,000. 306-773-7281 Swift 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB. Current, SK. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 3450, tow between cart, SET OF 4 GOODYEAR floaters, 620/70R 46 DS, variable rate, $45,000. 306-934-1546, tires and rims for JD 4930, used for ap- Saskatoon, SK. or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. prox. 300 hrs. 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. FOR SALE: 1084 ROGATOR, 1400 hrs., SS 1994 BOURGAULT 4710 air disc drill 40’, tank, 100’ boom, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 O B O . 3 0 6 - 6 2 2 - 2 2 4 0 , guidance, 2 sets tires, excellent condition. 306-413-0038, Tompkins, SK 306-567-4762, Davidson, SK. NH SC230, TBH cart, w/3rd tank, variable rate, double shoot, dual fans, $26,700 OBO. 780-614-0787, St. Vincent, AB 2009 JD 4930 Wet System Complete, 1200 gallon SS, 90’ boom, pump, $29,900. Call 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. SET OF FOUR JD wheels w/20.8x38 Firestone radials, to fit 4730, 4720 or 4710 JD sprayer, excellent, $8400 OBO. Call: 780-877-2513, Ferintosh, AB. GET READY FOR SPRAYING. Flaman has chem handlers, water pumps, chem pumps, tanks, hose, fittings, filters and more at Flaman. 1-888-435-2626 or see us at 2012 BEHNKE STEPDECK sprayer trailer, 53’, tridem, air ride, beavertails, like new, asking $43,000. 306-747-7685 Parkside SK
WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 6000, 30’ tool bar, in good working condition. Will consider all configurations. 780-205-3322, Lloydminster, SK.
2003 MORRIS MAX II air drill, double shoot carbide paired row, 10” spacing, 4” rubber packers c/w 8336, 3 compartment air cart, well maintained, seeds very accurately, easy pulling and exc. germination, $65,000 OBO. 306-821-7500, Marshall, SK.
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2001 JD 1920, 41’, 12” spacing, 4” steel packers, DS, new openers, new fertilizer meter box, 2001 JD 1900 270 cart. Will take grain trade. 306-831-7782, Harris, SK.
2002 BOURGAULT 5710 drill w/mid-row banders, 54’, 9.8’’ spacing, 3’’ rubber pack- 55’ MORRIS MAXIM, 10” spacing, blockage ers, $45,000. 780-678-6054, Daysland, AB. monitor, Atom Jet openers, 7300 TBT PULLING AIR DRILLS, towed farm equip. tank, exc. cond. Will take grain on trade. and light duty low bedding in MB. and SK., 306-291-9395, 306-283-4747 Langham SK (licensed and insured). Bruce at Brown 54’, 2001 BOURGAULT 5710, Series 2, Ent., 204-857-8224, Portage la Prairie, MB. MRBs, Series I, NH3, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” 3010 CONCORD and Model 2000 engine steel packers. Will consider grain on trade. 2013 BOURGAULT 3320 76’ XTC w/7950 d r i v e t a n k , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . C a l l Phone: 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. cart. 4.5” V-style packer, DS air kit for mid 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. row shanks, liquid kit for side band w/1” knife, full blockage seed and fert. ISO MORRIS Maxim II, 49’, 10” sp., DS, adapter, X30 monitor, 12” auger and bag w/7300 TBH w/3rd tank, $64,000. RJ lift. 306-746-7638 for info., Raymore, SK. Sales & Service, 36-338-2541, Wadena, SK. CONCORD AIR DRILL 4010 c/w 3000 tank, Dickey John NH3, Dutch sideband 2005 SEEDMASTER 50’ drill, 12” spacing, openers, one pass seeding, field ready, on board tank 425 bu., ultra pro rollers for $43,000. 306-873-5788, Tisdale, SK. precise canola placement. Would consider 1994 FLEXI-COIL 800 triplex, 45’, factory smaller 4 WD or hwy. tractor on trade. 2005 52’ SEED HAWK 10”, newer knives mounted V packers, 9” spacing, 3/4” open$103,000 OBO. 306-252-3271 Kenaston SK and packers, 1000 gal. tank, NH3 winch; ers, mud scrappers, 8 secondary blockage, JD 1820 36’, 10” spacing, DS, 4” packers, 2009 Ezee-On 3315 TBT tank, variable 2320 TBT, new auger flighting and hopper, Stealth openers, c/w 4” spreader boots, JD rate, 315 bu. 204-526-0575, Stockton, MB. good shape, $23,900 OBO. 306-831-7468 787 TBH 230 bu. tank with 3rd tank, Dinsmore, SK. 2010 JD 1830 60’ air drill, 7.5” spacing, $45,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. single shoot, new 3.5” rubber packers, 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 47’, 9” spacing, 1910 air cart, exc. shape. 306-278-2518, MRB’s, 3/4” speed locks, steel 3-1/2” packers, Raven NH3 rate control kit, 2002 Porcupine Plain, SK. J D 1 9 0 0 T B T 2 7 0 b u . c a r t , o f fe r s . 2004 BOURGAULT 5440 TBH tank, dual 780-808-3453, Lloydminster, AB. fans, $50,000. Call 306-252-2767 or 2000 MORRIS MAXIM 34’ air drill, 7180 306-221-8968, Kenaston, SK. TBT, double shoot with liquid kit, low 32’ SEED HAWK 32-12 air drill w/onboard acres. 306-267-4963, Big Beaver, SK. 110 bu. seed tank and 1450 gal. onboard liquid fertilizer tank. Dave MacCuish Farm WANTED: 5-1/2” RUBBER packers for herbicides Equipment Auction, Tuesday, April 15, Flexi-Coil 5000, 9” spacing. Will trade 2 0 1 4 , F r o b i s h e r, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t 4-1/2” steel. 403-793-1705, Brooks, AB. for sale 1996 JD 737 /787, 35’, 10” spacing, DS, b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r 550lb trips, Atom Jet side band openers, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 hyd. steel packers, new air seeder hose 2012 BOURGAULT 3320 PHD, 60’, 10” throughout tank and tool, $28,000. Walter spacing, 4.5” V-Style packers, MRB-III, Sagen 306-252-2707, Kenaston, SK. 6550ST tank, X20 monitor, var. rate, 491 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, 7.2” spacing, drill control, like new! $339,000. Jordan, recapped packers, Atom Jet DS openers, anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 1720 TBT cart, extra rollers, $26,500, 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 39’, 3” rubber 701-982-3572, Fortuna, North Dakota packers, 550 lb. trips, 9” spacing, 3” stealth 2009 AMITY TWIN disc drill 40’, (same as openers, liquid kit, markers, TBT 1720 an ATCO sunflower), 6” and 9” spacing, tank. 306-960-5144, Meath Park, SK. MRB’s, AgTron all-run monitor, $50,000; 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’ air drill, double Also 2004 Bourgault 5440 TBH tank, dual shoot w/3230 TBT air cart, 30 bu. 3rd fans, $50,000. Call 306-252-2767 or North Battleford - 306-445-9457 tank, 9.8” spacings, side band openers, 306-221-8968, Kenaston, SK. $36,500. Ph: 306-298-2268, Val Marie, SK. MORRIS MAXIM 29’, $16,000; also, EZEEN 2210 tank, 5 run, $8,000. 2009 CASE ATX 700 7012 w/3430 preci- O sion TBT air cart, full disk levelers w/Dutch 306-795-7238, Ituna, SK. openers and Raven NH3, all run blockage. FLEXI-COIL 5000 39’ air drill, 7.5” spacing, 2003 CONSERVA-PAK 56’, complete unit, 701-220-6781, Bismarck, ND. liquid kit with AtomJet side band, 1610 asking $45,000. Call Peter 780-603-3455, TBT cart, field ready, $25,000 OBO. 24’ SEED HAWK air drill with onboard MagVegreville, AB. 780-307-3392, Westlock, AB. num 257 air tank. Wilfred Messer Farm 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 53’, 10” spacing, Equip. Auction, Monday, April 14, 2014, 2005 JD 1895, 43’ air drill, 340 bu., 1” Atom Jet liquid side band opener. VR Macoun, Sask. area. For sale bill and pho- 1910 tank w/8” auger, 1 yr. on new discs, sectional control w/JD rate controller, 450 tos visit rebuilt, excellent condition, $110,000. lb. trips, c/w 2001 Flexi-Coil TBT 3450 air 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack 306-963-7641, Imperial, SK. cart. Only used liquid since 2011, one Auction Co. PL 311962. 36’ HARMON 3680 air drill double shoot owner drill, priced to sell. 306-336-2684, 2002 JD 1820, 45’, single shoot, 10” row with Flexi-Coil 1610 air cart. Garnet Hart or 306-331-8636, Lipton, SK. by 4” spread, 2000 1900 270 bu. tank, var. Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 11, 2008 BOURGAULT 3310, Paralink, 65’, rate TBT. John 403-528-7515, Burdett, AB. 2 0 1 4 , We y b u r n , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale 9.8” spacing, 4.8” packers, 3” tips, MRB’s, For photos email: bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or dry and NH3, always shedded, very nice. MORRIS Maxim II, 55’, 10” spacing, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Call 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. w/7300 TBT, 3rd tank, NH3 coulters, HARMON AIR DRILL, 52’, 12” spacing, SS $79,900. RJ Sales & Service, Wadena, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000, PB2608B, 57’, 12’ spaced w/midrow shanks, 4” openers/ metering boxes, double shoot, NH3 kit, 306-338-2541, packers, Dickie-john, NH3, $35,000. cash. updated fan, new auger and manifolds, openers used one season, trailer type 1998 MORRIS MAXIM 49’, 10” spacing, 1 1-888-442-6084, or grain hopper, $25,000 OBO. Ryley, AB. year old 3” openers, 4” V-packers, SS, NH3 65-10 SEEDMASTER with dual liquid kit on Coulters, Edge-On shanks, $25,000 Phone 780-663-3929 or 780-603-1747. and dry manifolds, active wing brace, OBO. 306-768-7740, Carrot River, SK. Smart hitch, Agtron blockage monitor, JD 2006 JD 1895 drill w/430 bu. 1910 cart, new discs and boots last season. Conven- 1999 BOURGAULT 5710 #B21677D. 54’, 1900 air cart TBH dual shoot, asking 9.8” spacing, 3” carbide, MRBs, updated $130,000. 306-742-5912, 306-742-4772, or, $95,000. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. wide pivot, 330 trips, $27,500. cash. Churchbridge, SK. MORRIS MAXIM 34’, 7.5” spacing, SS, 1-888-442-3816, or 2000 FLEXI-COIL 5000 57’, DS, Bourgault steel packers, new Bourgault openers, 7180 TBH tank, $20,000. 306-317-7696, 2013 BOURGAULT 6550 air tank, with 4 sideband, recaps, 3450 cart, lots of new meters and Topcon monitor, $119,000. parts, $45,000. 306-296-7849 Frontier, SK Maymont, SK. 306-948-6548, Biggar, SK. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 39’, 9” with 4” rubJD 1820, 52’, 10” spacing, SS, Rbr, w/JD 1910 340 bus. VR tank, $70,000. RJ Sales FLEXI-COIL 7500, 60’ air drill, $24,000. ber packers, 550 lb. trips, new Dutch & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, points last year, c/w 1997, 1720 TBT and Wadena, SK. 2320 TBH carts, $60,000 OBO. Willing to, separate. 306-424-2694 or 306-424-7778 Montmartre, SK. 1998 BOURGAULT 5710 drill, 54’ steel packers, 3225 tank c/w Bourgault liquid 2008 BOURGAULT 3310 #B22177B. 55’, 2009 BOURGAULT 55’ Paralink drill, c/w 9.8” spacing, 11” openings, 6-ply round caddy, unit set up for liquid, good cond. Lots of money spent on unit in last 2 yrs: p n e u m a t i c p a c k e r s , $ 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 . MRB’s, excellent condition. 306-666-2153 or 306-662-7471, Fox Valley, SK. tires, bearings, etc, $65,000 OBO. Call Neil 1-888-462-3816, or 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. DL#906884 RETIRED FARMER: 40’ CONCORD, c/w B O U R G AU LT 4 7 ’ 5 7 1 0 , 9 ” s p a c i n g , 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 64’, 9.8” spac- 5250 Bourgault cart and lots of extras. semi pneumatic packers, single shoot, low acres. 6350 cart, variable adjust, 3 coming, 3.5” packer wheels, 1” vertical knives, Call Dale 306-693-1800, Moose Jaw, SK. partment, dual fan, tank only done 3000 2001 5440 tank, triple shoot, rice tires, acres. 306-834-7109, Dodsland, SK. 2013 MORRIS 8650 air cart and 61’, C2 air $80,000. 306-398-7449, 306-441-0452, drill, (demo unit) #HR3095. Duals, tow Cut Knife, SK. behind, reduced, $282,000. cash. 49’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill and Morris 1-888-442-3816, or 7300 air cart with 12” spacing, double shoot, paired row, 2 compartment TBH air 2004 MORRIS MAX II, 60’, 70” spacing, tank. Kolish Farm Equipment Auction on SS, 3-1/2” spacing, c/w 8370 TBT, Saturday, April 19, 2014, Creelman, SK. $105,000. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK. area. Visit or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 65’ BOURGAULT 3310 PHD air drill with 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Bourgault 6450 air cart and Atom Jet 2005 FLEXI-COIL 3850, TBT, mech. drive, openers plus liquid. Maple Ridge Farms rear hitch, lights, 10” auger, dual fan, 6 run (John and Jakki Stephenson) Premium single shoot, changeable, 4 rollers, shed- Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday, April 5 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t ded, $45,000. 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK for sale 1998 CONCORD 40’, 10” spacing, single b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r shoot, 3400 tank w/3rd tank, $30,000. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-734-2850 or 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. MOON HEAVY HAUL pulling air drills/ air 1998 MORRIS MAXIM 34’, DS, 9” spacing, seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 3.5” steel packers, 7180 TBH, 180 bu. years experience. Call Bob Davidson, Drumheller, AB. 403-823-0746. w/3rd tank. 306-693-2068, Moose Jaw, SK
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‘95 Flexicoil 5000 57’ Air Drill w/ 9” spacing...$8,800.00. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. FLEXI-COIL 6000 DS air drill, 40’, 7-1/2” spacing, c/w 3450 Flexi-Coil tank. Call 780-712-1088, Yellowhead County, AB. MORRIS Maxim 49’ AD, 10” spacing, packers, $24,900. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. 1998 SEED HAWK 54’, 12” spacing, seed treater, JD 787 cart, always shedded, recent new packer tires and seed boots, $58,000. Ph. 306-364-4210, Jansen, SK. CONCORD AIR DRILL 40’, 5 plex, 10” spacing, 2300 tank, Phoenix rotary spike harrows. 306-855-4900, Hawarden, SK. 1996 FLEXI-COIL 5000 w/2000 2320 tank, 39’, 9” spacing, DS, 3.5” steel packers, Atom Jet openers, $35,000 OBO. Call 306-575-8312, Wawota, SK. 2001 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 12” spacing, 2340 TBT tank, var. seed rate, var. flow anhydrous. 306-747-3635, Shellbrook, SK. MORRIS Contour I, 71’, 2010, double shoot, w/8370 TBT $205,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd, 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. email: MORRIS Contour II, 71’, 2013 w/8650 TBT cart, demo, $305,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena. SK. email: FLEXI-COIL 5000, 39’, 1720 TBH tank, DS, 9” spacing, new hoses, carbide paired rows, well maintained, $25,000. 306-796-7656, 306-395-2587, Chaplin, SK. 1994 SEED HAWK 44’, 12” spacing, 110 bu. Valmar seed tank, 1000 gal. liquid and NH3 kits, $32,000. 306-363-4645 Drake SK
2011 NH 58’, 12” spacing, 4.5” Dutch openers, 4” rubber packers, 430 bu. variable rate DS, Pro-600 monitor, $145,000 OBO. 780-232-9766, Tofield, AB. 2005 NH SD440, 33’ Dutch openers w/SC 230 DS, var. rate cart, exc. cond. $62,500. Call Greg 306-883-2568, Spiritwood, SK. 40’ JD 737 DRILL, c/w individual shank or gang packers, JD 787 230 bu. air cart, plumbed for liquid nitrogen and Alpine phosphate w/1400 gal Bandit caddy, Atom Jet boots, nice unit and condition, $47,000. 306-531-8575, 306-771-2819, Edenwold, SK. NEW 2014 FLEXI-COIL 4350 air carts, 1 TBH, 2 TBT’s. All double shoot and available for spring. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000 51’, TBT, single shoot, 9” spacing, steel packers w/2320 tank, fine/ coarse rollers, asking $42,000. 306-573-4602, 306-858-7295, Birsay, SK.
2005 54’ BOURGAULT 5710, 10” space, 2” Dutch carbide, 4300 TBT tank, 1700 gal. Bandit liquid system dribble or side band, very good cond., $85,000. Text or call Adam 306-293-7676 (cell), Climax, SK. BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, 42’, 7” spacing, single shoot, 2155 cart, drill in great shape, $30,000; JD 230, 20’ disc, $8,000. 306-458-2566, 306-458-7772, Midale, SK. 2004 JD 1890 42’ drill, 700 acres on new discs, 12,000 on drill, shedded. Mint shape. Sell w/wo 3225 Bourgault 3rd tank air cart. New rear tires, new fan motor. Going to one drill. Call Jim 306-482-7445, Koree 306-485-7001, Carievale, SK.
MORRIS MAXIM 30’, dual shoot, 7180 tank, 3rd canola tank, paired row carbide boots, rubber packers, stored inside, lots of extra parts, $35,000 OBO. Call Eldon 780-376-2139, Strome, AB. 2004 BOURGAULT 5710 and 5350 cart, 40’, 9.8” spacing, dry MRB, dual shoot, dual fan, 3.5” steel packers, $75,000. Call 403-872-2940, Ponoka, AB. 1995 MORRIS MAXIM, 34’, dual shoot, 10” spacing, dutch openers, 3.5” steel packers, c/w 7130 TBH tank, $25,000. Kipling, SK. 306-736-7773. MORRIS Maxim II, 2002, 34’ 10” sp., liquid kit, w/7180 TBT cart, $42,000. RJ Sales & Service, 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK. HARMON 4480, 44’ AD, DS w/3100 air cart, $28,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK MORRIS Contour II, 61’, 2012, w/8370 TBT, $235,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., Wadena, SK. 306-338-2541. 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 40’, 9.8” sp., MRB, Raven NH3 kit, 3-1/2” steel packers, 5350 tank, single fan, 3 tank metering, stored inside, $75,000. 306-845-8145, Edam, SK. 2011 40’ SEED HAWK, w/5440 Bourgault tank, $145,000. Phone 306-646-2227, 306-646-7724, Maryfield, SK.
1996 BOURGAULT 5710, 52’, 7” spacing, 3.5” packers. Packers and hoses recently replaced, good condition. 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. 1994 FLEXI-COIL 39’ air drill, 2320 tank, 1000 gal. liquid fert. caddy, 9” space, Atom Jet side band tips, steel packers, Pattison liquid kit, Graham seed treater, $30,000. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389, Holdfast SK FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 9.8” spacing, DS, w/3450 tank, $59,000. RJ Sales & Service L t d . , 3 0 6 - 3 3 8 - 2 5 4 1 , w w w. r j s a l e s . c a Wadena, SK. 2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, DS, w/3450 var. rate, TBH tank, 12” spacing, seed treater, new Stealth openers, dual castors. Details call: 306-472-7642, Lafleche, SK. 2005 JD 1820 10” spacing, 4” steel packers, double shoot, w/Bourgault opener, 1910 JD air cart, 430 bu. triple tank, conveyor, TBH, very clean, $72,000 OBO. Call 780-841-1496, Fort Vermilion, AB. 2011 MORRIS CONTOUR, 51’, D.S., 12” spacing, c/w 8370 XL TBT, $235,000. Call 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK. or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 29’ 5710, 9.8” spacing, MRB (dry), 3.5 steel packers, c/w 5250 Bourgault TBH tank, dual fan, exc. cond., $55,500. 403-540-0770, Strathmore, AB.
PNEUMATIC 5-1/2” PACKERS for 54’ Bourgault 5710, 9.8” spacing. Be ready for wet conditions! $16,500 OBO. 306-236-6839, Meadow Lake, SK. 2000 7550 EZEE-ON 33’, double shoot, 10” spacing, w/liquid kit c/w Ezee-On 2250, 250 bu. tank, hyd. fan, rubber packers, $30,000. 306-861-9234, Weyburn, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 5710, 34’, 5200 tank, 9.8” spacing, MRB, SS, NH3, low acres, $55,000. 306-699-7557, Qu’Appelle SK. 1998 FLEXI-COIL 5000 33’, 3.5” steel EZEE-ON 36’ FH cult. 8” sp, mtd. pkrs, packers, AtomJet liquid side band openw/4000 TBT cart, 240 bu. & liquid cart, ers, Pattison liquid kit, 1330 TBT tank cart, $ 2 8 , 0 0 0 . R J S a l e s & S e r v i c e L t d . , vg condition, $37,500 OBO. 306-536-3911, Odessa, SK. 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK 2011 BOURGAULT 3310 and 6550, 65’, 2011 MORRIS CONTOUR 61’, DS, 12” 10” spacing, X20, MRBs, 3/4” openers, 4.5” spacing, 5.5” packers, c/w 8370XL TBT 3 V-packer and 5.4”, semi-pneumatic, mani- $260,000. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SK. fold blockage monitors, dbl. walking castor or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. wheel pkg., 4 tank meter, duals, deluxe 10” JD 1895 43’ 2008 DISC DRILL, 430 bu. auger, dbl. shoot, bag lift, rear hitch, ma- 1910 tank 2008, w/conveyor, 1 yr. on new p l i n k V R , N H 3 i n t e r f a c e fo r R ave n , discs and bearings, exc cond, $130,000 $310,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. O B O . L o c a t e d a t L e a d e r, S K . 54’ BOURGAULT 5710 w/4300 tank, dou- 403-527-9661. ble shoot, field ready. Located near Gravelbourg, SK., 403-527-8499. 1997 BOURGAULT 5710, dual shoot, 40’, 9.8” spacing, Stealth openers, 4350 tank, dual fans, 3 tank metering, rubber packers, $59,000 OBO. Call Jason 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK. Website: CONSERVA PAK 5112 53’ c/w liquid fert. 40’ JD 737 air drill with Flexi-Coil 1720 air cart, 1200 gal., autorate, near new pump, cart. Bill Tatarliov Farm Equip. Auction, 12” spacing, 2320 TBT, $61,000 OBO.; Saturday, April 12, 2014, Minton, Sask. Also 876 with PS. 306-228-2013, Unity, SK area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 2010 65’ BOURGAULT 3310 paralink, 12” 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 spacing, mid row shank banding, DS, rear $157,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip1999 FLEXI-COIL 2340 TBH cart w/3rd hitch, tank, var. rate, semi hopper, $24,000 OBO. ment Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 306-587-2764, 306-587-7729, Cabri, SK. 60’ PILLAR LASER disc hoe openers on 1996 CONCORD 5612, 3400 TBH tank, 2009 Case/IH ADX 700 frame, w/430 bu. with 3rd tank, single shoot, stealth open- TBT, var. rate, DS, seed cart, $175,000. ers, disc levelers, $25,000. 306-297-6394, 306-672-7616, 306-672-3711 Gull Lake SK Shaunavon, SK. BG 54’ 5710 w/5350, $75,000; BG 40’ 8800 w/3195, $29,900; FC 51’ 5000 2000 JD 1900, TBT, air tank, 270 bu., 8 run w/2320, $43,500; FC 45’ 5000 w/3450, single shoot, new SS meter housings, exc. $79,900; BG 64’ 5710, MRB’s, $85,000. Call cond. $25,000. 306-621-0774, Yorkton, SK Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, 52’ BOURGAULT 8800 air seeder, air kit, Humboldt, SK. granular kit, 8” spacing, 330 trips, 4-bar 10 MORRIS CONTOUR 71’, SS, 12” space, quick attach harrows, $40,500 OBO. Call or 5.5” packers c/w 8370XL TBH with 3rd text 306-231-7450, Fulda, SK. tank, $269,000. 306-934-1546, Saskatoon, SEEDING PLANTATION EQUIPMENT: SK. or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. Planters for up to 3 million seedlings, peat 2000 FLEXI-COIL 51’ 5000 air drill, 12” shaker, unloader, washer, $49,000. Crop spacing, 3-1/2” steel packers, NH3; 2005 Seeder: Morris CP 619, 21’ air seeder, 2340 TBT cart. 306-231-5268 Muenster SK $14,900. Located BC. Contact Shawn at 2003 MORRIS MAX II, 49’, 7.5” spacing, 604-856-7106, SS, Edge-On shank, Dutch openers, 3.5” 35’ BOURGAULT 8810 air seeder with JD packers, $59,000. 306-934-1546 Saska- 787 air cart. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. toon, SK. 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. Auction on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, FrobJD 610 35’, 10” spacing, 550 lb. trip, isher, Sask. area. Mack Auction Co. Technotill seeding system, 777 JD 160 bu. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit tank, rear hitch for NH3 kit w/cooler, for sale $25,000. 306-827-7611, 306-827-7740, bill and photos. PL311962. Radisson, SK. 2009 JD 1870, 56’, 12” spacing, full block1997 SEED HAWK 32’, 10.5” spacing, on- age, single castors, 1910 TBH cart, conboard seed, liquid kit, excellent shape. v e y o r, $ 1 9 9 , 9 0 0 . 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 5 9 - 5 8 6 6 , Estevan, SK. Phone 306-675-4932, Kelliher, SK. 2007 SEEDMASTER air drill 50’, 12” spac- BOURGAULT 40’ FH 536-40 air seeder ing, w/6280 Bourgault cart, $125,000. w/2195 cart, auger, good cond., $12,500. 306-358-4342, Denzil, SK. 306-961-1231, Kinistino, SK.
1995 CASE 33’ chisel plow, new shovels, BOURGAULT 5250 AIR seeder, 3 Series II Morris tank, newer clutch, very good meters, 491 monitor, hyd. calibration, cab shape. Keith 306-746-4614, Raymore, SK. meter controls, shedded, no fertilizer, $35,000. 306-398-2923, Cut Knife, SK. 1999 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, 12” spacing, 4350 cart, MRB’s, 3.5 steel packers 2005 JD 1820, 61’, double shoot, 10” $85,000. or spacing, 320 tank w/singles $79,000. Swift Current, SK, 1-800-219-8867, 1-866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. 2010 CIH ATX700, 60’, 10” spacing, ADX3430 tank, double shoot, sideband 1998 52’ 8810, 8” spacing, 3/4” knock-on $188,000. or knives, harrows, c/w 3225 tank, SS, $41,500. 306-256-3510, Cudworth, SK. 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 2004 BOURGAULT 5710, 63’, 12” spacing, 491 monitor, mid-row banders, 3/4” opener, steel packers $99,500. 1-800-667-9761 Saskatoon, SK. JD 665 air seeder, 37’ cultivator, 8” spacing, complete with packers, $7500. 306-228-3036, Unity, SK. BOURGAULT 6800 48’, 3225 Bourgault air tank with 3rd tank, Bourgault 50’ fold up packer bar w/P20 packers, $40,000. Will separate. 306-883-7305, Spiritwood, SK.
2010 BOURGAULT 3310, 55’, 12” spacing, 4.8” pneumatic packer, S25 MRB’s, c/w 6550 tank, $285,000. 1-866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. RETIRING: 1991 CASE/IH 9240, 235 HP, 4500 hrs, 18.4x38x4, 2 yr old EzSteer 500, field ready. Pics avail. $45,000. Riverhurst, SK, 778-549-5124, 2008 BOURGAULT 571, 59’, MRB’s new tips, 12” spacing, c/w 6450 tank, singles, 3 tank metering, $179,000. 1-800-219-8867 Swift Current
BOURGAULT 8800 48’ w/front spreader, harrows and poly packers, 4250 dual shoot air cart, asking $35,000. 306-742-5912, 2009 BOURGAULT 84’, $36,900; 2008 De306-742-4772, Churchbridge, SK. gelman 82’, $34,000; 2003 Bourgault 60’, 2011 BOURGAULT 3310, 75’, 12” spacing, $25,000 OBO. 306-563-8482, Yorkton, SK. double shoot, 6550 tank. X20 Maplink, MRB 25, $298,000. 1-800-219-8867, Swift HEAVY HARROWS: RITE-WAY 55’, new tines, $21,000; Flexi-Coil 50’, 50% tines, Current, SK, $17,000. 306-641-7759, Theodore, SK. 2003 BOURGAULT 5710, 54’, 9.8” spacing, single shoot, 3.5” steel packers, 5350 tank, FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 75 packer bar, P30, double shoot, $107,500. 1-800-219-8867 4 2 ’ t o 5 4 ’ , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 6 4 0 0 . 403-308-4200, Mossleigh, AB. Swift Current 40’ DUTCH TOOL BAR, single shoot with NEW Riteway 55’ heavy harrows, hyd. Barton openers; 32’ Concord 3212, double tine, $35,500. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., s h o o t w i t h k n i ve s o r s we e p s . C a l l 3 0 6 - 3 3 8 - 2 5 4 1 , W a d e n a , S K ., email 306-243-4216, Outlook, SK. FLEXI-COIL 40’ HARROW packer bar, 35’ MORRIS 8900 air seeder and Morris heavy packers, $3500. 306-642-3225, or 6130 air cart. Moncrief Farm and Livestock cell 306-640-7149, Assiniboia, SK. Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 16, 2 0 1 4 , A l a m e d a , S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t 42’ DUTCH ROLLER for sale, $14,500 OBO. for sale Phone: 306-842-2869, Weyburn, SK. bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 BOURGAULT 5250 AIR tank, 3 tank metering, cab rate adjust, vg cond., $32,000. 780-877-2339, 780-877-2326, Edberg, AB.
4350 BOURGAULT air tank, PDM auger, dual fan, rear hitch, 491 monitor, good condition. 306-398-2626, 306-398-7818, 306-398-7635, Cut Knife, SK.
1997 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 7.3” spacing, 3/4” Atom Jet openers, 3” steel packers, TBT 1610 Plus and TBH 1610 cart, cameras inside TBH cart. Great Canola drill; LodeKing seed and fertilizer tender, 650 bu. capacity, 3 compartments, 10” augers, remote control gates. Seeder and tender wo r k g r e at t o g e t h e r, $ 3 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 204-868-5329, Newdale, MB. 1999 BOURGAULT 8810, 50’, 10” spacing, poly packers, liquid side band openers, w/JD 787 TBT cart, vg cond., $52,500. 306-675-4458, 306-675-4566, Leross, SK. 2009 CASE/IH SDX40, 45’, 7.5” spacing, CIH 3430 cart, $129,900. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD. BOURGAULT 8800 air seeder, 40’, 820 monitor, with 3195 air tank, Speed-Locs, packers, 8” spacing, QA harrows/shovels, new carbide openers, good tires, $43,500. Located near Spalding, SK., 306-322-7661. JOHN DEERE 1650 cultivator, 42’ w/Barton openers, 9” spacing, all-run monitor, John Deere 787 cart, 240. bu., $20,000. 306-834-8058, Kerrobert, SK. ATOM JET HYDRAULIC air seeder system, big pump, not used in last 4 years, fits 835 Vers., $5,000. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK 2008 SEED HAWK 60-12 TBT JD 1910, TBT 270 BUH, 2000 gal. TBH liquid, no quick pin, $185,000. 1-800-667-9761, Saskatoon, SK
WINTER DISCOUNTS on new and used rollers, all sizes. Machinery Dave, Bow Island, AB., 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889. 2009 DEGELMAN 82’ harrows with Valmar, 5/8” tine, 26” length, new hoses, great shape, $48,000. 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. 2000 BERGEN 6000 50’ heavy harrow, low acres, very good condition, $20,000 OBO. Phone 306-252-2767 or 306-221-8968, Kenaston, SK. 50’ LAURIER HARROW packer bar P30 packers, $3000. 306-842-7120, Weyburn, SK. 70’ DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 7000 heavy harrow. Robert Moffat Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, SK. area. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 55’ LAURIER HARROW packer bar, P20 packers, $3500 OBO. Call 306-297-7624, Shaunavon, SK. 2013 DEGELMAN 80’ Demo land roller. Phone 306-536-5097 or 306-957-4403. NEW HOLLAND SG320 82’ heavy harrow. Call Dusty at 306-947-4644, Langham, SK. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer 50’, P30 coils, $3500 OBO. 780-806-3439, 780-842-4088, Wainwright, AB. WANTED: 80’ or larger heavy harrows, 306-641-7759 or 306-647-2459, leave message, Theodore, SK. 60’ FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95 harrow packer, 4 bar harrows, P20 packers, good cond., $6,000. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK. WELD-ON HEATED treated harrow teeth, 3/8”, 7/16”, 1/2”, 9/16” dia., $1 for 3/8”. G.B. Mfg. Ltd., 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK. 2006 BOURGAULT 6000, 70’, mid-harrow, gd cond., $24,500 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 7000 heavy harrows with Valmar 4400. Dave MacCuish Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2 0 1 4 , F r o b i s h e r, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2008 JD 1820, 61’, 12” spacing, double shoot, Atom Jet side band openers, JD 1910 cart, $129,900. 1-866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. 70’ FLEXI-COIL HARROWS with sprayer system, 5-bar harrows, $3000. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389 Holdfast, SK 2008 MANDAKO LANDROLLER 40’, exc. condition, $30,000. Call 306-744-2332, Saltcoats, SK. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 85 heavy harrow 60’, Take the uncertainty out of the seeding operation by detecting 1990’s, good tines and tires, vg, $22,800; high/low/no seed rates. Even a single plugged run will justify 1990’s Flexi-Coil System 95 60’ heavy har® row packer bar, good tires, $5900. Located investing in THE LEGEND. Use your Android phone or tablet to near Spalding, SK., call 306-322-7661. keep track of air drill operation with THE LEGEND App. D E G E L M A N 7 6 4 5 L A N D RO L L E R , 4 5 ’ , $23,000. Naicam, SK., 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. 80’ FINE TOOTH (1” centres) harrow, done approx. 1000 acres, $18,000. Photos ava i l a b l e . 3 0 6 - 7 1 7 - 0 0 2 5 , O s l e r, S K . 2010 BOURGAULT 7200 heavy harrow, 72’, 5/8” tines, 21.5-16.1 tire pkg., full hyd. adjust, $35,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK.
CASE/IH 3580 TBH tank, 2013, dual shoot, Deluxe auger c/w remote, 3 tank var. rate, Ultrasonic bin level sensors, air velocity meter, rear folding ladder, 3 c o a r s e r o l l e r s , 1 e x t r a fi n e r o l l e r, 800/65R32 front tires, 650/75R32 rear duals. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. CASE/IH 42’ HOE drills, 3x14’ c/w Eagle Beaks. 306-283-4745, Langham, SK.
JD 9450 30’ (3 ten’s), hoe drill, 7” spacing, hyd. transport and markers, exc. cond., rubber packers, Atom Jet openers. Ph. 204-726-5280, after 6PM. Brandon, MB JD 9450 HOE DRILL, 50’, good condition, Gen openers one season of use, $9500. 780-916-5712, Edmonton, AB. JD 665 41’ air seeder w/NH3 harrows, packer bar, rodweeder; HAYBUSTER 1206 36’ no-till disc drill c/w Doepker movers, weight boxes. 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 1720 FLEXI-COIL CART, TBH, in very good condition, $10,500. 306-731-3595 or 306-731-7657 cell, Lumsden, SK.
75 CARBIDE TIPS, 3”, fits Bourgault and Flexi-Coil, very nice shape, $50/each OBO. 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. HAYBUSTER ZERO TILL DRILLS: 107, 147, 1000, 1068, 3107 air drill. Looking for worn down 1000 drill discs. Call Rudy 403-627-5429, Pincher Creek, AB. 26 NEW ATOM JET POINTS, dual shoot, granular carbide tips, 3-1/2” spread, $75 each. 306-295-3833, Eastend, SK. FLEXI-COIL 1720 TBH seed cart, w/dou- 5440 PLUS BOURGAULT tank, 3 tank meb l e s h o o t a n d m o n i t o r. C a l l J o e at tering, single shoot, high output fan, loadi n g a u g e r, 9 0 0 / 6 0 R 3 2 r e a r t i r e s , 403-641-2162, Ext. 100, Gem, AB. 540/65R24 fronts, 591 monitor. Leroy, SK. TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2013 Crust- 306-287-7442. Buster, 45’, All Plant Drill 4745, 10” spacing, wobble slot meters, 303 bu./boxes, liquid fertilizer option, $128,000. 2013 Monosem Planter, NG+3, 32/16 mid-row 2011 EZEE-ON 8700 LTF, 42’, heavy and in-row fertilizer, vacuum meters, sec- disc, in good shape, asking $75,000. ondary air, liquid or granular, $250,000. 306-457-7128, Stoughton, SK. 2013 Monosem Planter, NG+4x2 twin row, vacuum meters, secondary air, pull BOURGAULT 8800 40’ cult. and harrows, type liquid in-row granular mid-row, $12,000 OBO; Morris 743 DT 45’, $7500 OBO. Paul 306-883-7305, Spiritwood, SK. $72,500. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. 2013 CASE 1240, 30/15 spacing, 16 row, JD 20’ OFFSET DISC and a 53’ Friggstad bulk fill, 1300 acres, liquid kit, $128,000; 420 cultivator with tine harrows. Kolish 1996 Bourgault 9400, 52’ deep tiller, 12”, Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday, April 19, $50,000. 204-534-7651, Boissevain, MB. 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit for sale FLEXI-COIL 1720 TBH seed cart with ill and photos. 306-421-2928 or monitor, cables, blockage, hoses, auger, b306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 $5000. 306-642-4077, Assiniboia, SK. CCIL G1000 45’ discers, 3- 15’ piggy back, excellent condition, $3000. 306-962-4545, Kindersley, SK.
2005 BOURGAULT 6550, double shoot, $86,000 OBO. Call 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK.
Get Legendary Performance from your Air Drill
HITCHDOC SEED TENDER, bulk or pod options, cupped flighting w/scale options available as well. Color options, starting at $13,000. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB. 204-483-2774. BOURGAULT 3225 TANK, 3rd tank, good condition, $14,000. Call Murray Faubert 306-463-9691, Marengo, SK. GREAT PLAINS 40’ disc drill, 6” spacing, new discs, factory transport, $10,000. 403-952-1030, Bow Island, AB.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Southwest Terminal Ltd. Gull Lake - 306-672-4112
FARM KING FIELD DISCS AVAILABLE at Flaman. 1225 offsets and the 6650 tandem models in stock. All c/w 7 year bearing warranty. Choose from sizes 15’ - 40’. Call 1-888-435-2626 or see us at 12 BOTTOM 18’ Melroe plow. 3 new tires and rims, new shears, $8000. Call: 306-237-7800, Perdue, SK. 44’ FLEXI-COIL 820 cultivator, heavy trip, excellent, $16,500. 204-662-4432 or 204-264-0693, Sinclair, MB. WISHEK DISCS: 2009 models #842, 14’ and 22’, some with harrows; Summers Diamond Discs: 2011 models, 28’ and 38’ c/w harrows. All good cond., field ready. Lautt’s Rental, 701-324-2289, Harvey, ND. KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs w/24” to 36” notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs w/26” and 28” notched blades and oil bath bearings. Red Deer, AB. 1-888-500-2646. LEON MODEL 9400-5 cultivator, 56’, Serial #028805, asking $20,000. 306-267-4455, Big Beaver, SK. MORRIS 743 CULTIVATOR 45’, good shape, asking $7500. Call 306-297-3865, Shaunavon, SK.
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1996 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 2320 TBH tank, single shoot, 7.2” spacing, carbide tips, newer hoses, rubber packer wheels, $38,000. 403-666-2157, 403-548-8812, Etzikom, AB. 2008 SEEDMASTER 80’, 12” spacing, w/double air shoot plus liquid kit, w/2011 Bourgault 6550, 4 tank metering, upgraded Zynx monitor, $215,000 OBO. Located near Regina, SK. Trent 306-540-5275 or Tyler 306-533-8834.
2009 SUNFLOWER 1544, 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tandem disc, 24â&#x20AC;? blades, hyd. self-leveling, 4 gauge wheels, gang wrench, $75,000. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122; INTERNATIONAL 5600 positive depth control cultivator, good condition. Phone: 306-338-2085, Kuroki, SK.
CASE 5800, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deep tillage cultivator, $12,000; Flexi-Coil A85, 55â&#x20AC;&#x2122; heavy harrow, $15,000. 780-352-8858, Bittern Lake, AB.
TWO 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CULTIVATORS, excellent condition, 1998 820 Flexi-Coils. Call for price. 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WIL-RICH VIBRASHANK cultivator with h a r r ow s , i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n . P h o n e 306-210-8901, Reward, SK. 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; LEON RODWEEDER, w/harrows, $850; 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Morris cultivator, w/harrows, $1300. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. IHC 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 4700 cult., Degelman harrows, mounted w/1996 1655 Valmar, $3500. 306-488-2103, 306-527-1389 Holdfast, SK
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2011 SALFORD RTS, 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, vertical tillage, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DEGELMAN STRAWMASTER 7000 e x t r a w e i g h t p a c k a g e , $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . heavy harrow w/3255 Valmar; Degelman 306-457-7128, Stoughton, SK. 7651 land roller; and 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degelman 2000 2013 WISHEK 842NT 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DISC, 30â&#x20AC;? DT cultivator. Maple Ridge Farms (John blades, used only 10 hrs, $83,000. Locat- and Jakki Stephenson) Premium Farm Equip. Auction, Saturday April 5, 2014, ed at Moose Jaw, SK., call 928-344-1594. Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2012 Bril- photos lion Pulverizer, 20â&#x20AC;? roller, $28,500. 2012 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Brillion Land Commander III, 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 24â&#x20AC;? Auction Co. PL 311962. notch disc, 22â&#x20AC;? smooth disc, 13 shanks, $65,000. 2013 Lemken (demo), 10/800 Heliodor, 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 18â&#x20AC;? disc leveling tynes, $94,500. 2010 Salford RTS 570, 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, harrow, rolls, 20â&#x20AC;? discs, 9000 acres, $89,000. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. WISHEK DISCS are still available from 2007 CHALLENGER MT865B, 525 HP, Cat Flaman. From 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-38â&#x20AC;&#x2122; we have the heaviest C18, 3953 hrs, exc. cond., HD tracks 80%, disc for you. 30â&#x20AC;? blades. Call us at PTO, big pump, 6 SCVs, RTK GPS and more $209,000.780-206-1234 Barrhead AB 1-888-435-2626 or see us at 33â&#x20AC;&#x2122; EZEE-ON 3590 tandem disc. Farm Equipment Auction for Bill Tatarliov on Saturday, April 12, 2014. Minton, Sask. area. Visit DEUTZ 9170 MFWD, 5900 hrs., good confor sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or d i t i o n , g o o d r u b b e r, $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
9370 CASE, 5146 hrs., 1 owner, Outback AutoSteer, SII GPS, $11,400 recent w/o, new batteries and starter, stored inside, asking $89,000. 306-466-7733, Leask, SK. 2006 STX 480, Firestone 800 duals, annual Uptime, shedded, $165,000 OBO. 306-563-6355, 306-563-7610, Canora, SK.
2004 CASE STX500, Firestone triples, luxury cab, 16 spd. powershift, 2300 hrs, $175,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. 1990 CASE/IH 9180, 7900 hrs., 12 spd. powershift, vg cond., $41,000 OBO. Killarney, MB. 204-523-7469 or 204-534-8115. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case, 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. 1993 STEIGER 9270, 3400 original hrs., new rubber, standard, Case Up-time, mint shape. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK.
2012 CIH Steiger 500 Quad, 1150 hours, 30â&#x20AC;? tracks, powershift, 6 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, PTO, $315,000. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD. STX 375 CASE/IH w/6900 Degelman blade, 5000 hours, excellent shape. 780-753-0353, Kirriemuir, AB.
CASE 730, with Case front end loader, fair condition, $5500 OBO. 306-367-4803, Middle Lake, SK. 1974 CASE 1070, standard shift, FEL, w/bale forks and 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dozer, $7500 OBO. 306-563-7125, Canora, SK.
2010 CIH MAGNUM 215 w/LX780 loader, luxury cab, PTO, hitch ready, 262 WAAS receiver, $185,000. 1-800-667-9761, Saskatoon, SK. 213 CIH MX340 luxury cab, PTO, 3 PTH, 5 remotes, high capacity pump, 117 hrs, $279,000. or 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. QUAD TRAC AND PTO, 2006 STX500 HD, very nice, 36â&#x20AC;? tacks, 2900 hrs, $209,000. Located Yorkton. 306-948-7223, Biggar SK CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 2012 CIH STX450 PS, 800 duals, hi-cap pump, diff lock, 4 hyds, full auto-guidance, WAAS $309,000. 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 1977 IH 1086, new rubber, shedded, c/w 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degelman dozer blade, exc. shape, $12,000 firm. 306-652-2889 Saskatoon SK 2011 CIH 450, 800 duals, $255,000; NH Boomer 3045 with FEL, $30,900; CIH Magnum 210, 3 PTH, $139,000; CIH Magnum 235, low hrs., $165,000; 2004 NH TJ500, PS, $175,000; 2010 CIH 435, Guidance, $227,500; 2007 NH TS135A, FEL, $69,900; 2007 CIH 430 Quad, Guidance, $212,500; 1995 NH 9680, 42â&#x20AC;? duals, $74,900; 2004 NH TJ375, PS, $135,000; 2009 CIH 435 Quad, PTO, $253,500; 2006 CIH 530 Quad, 5VH, $235,000. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 2096 CASE TRACTOR, never had FEL, shedded, $14,000 OBO. Will trade for feed grain. 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK. 1987 CASE/IH 4894, 4WD, 6399 hrs., 1000 PTO, 30.5x32 tires at 80%, $35,000 OBO. 780-352-8858, Bittern Lake, AB.
2012 CIH STX550 36â&#x20AC;? tracks, lux. cab, PTO, diff lock, hi-cap pump, 4 hyd, Pro 700, HID lights $409,500. Swift Current, SK. 1-800-219-8867. CASE 9270 4WD tractor with 7890 hrs, also Case 2390 2WD tractor. Robert Moffat Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2 0 1 4 , A b e r n e t hy, S a s k . a r e a . V i s i t for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1990 CASE 9170, 1 owner, 7500 hrs, 12 spd. powershift, eng. overhaul at 6100 hrs, 20.8x38 duals- good, shedded, $50,000 OBO. 306-528-2096, Nokomis, SK. 2009 PUMA 210, w/LX770 FEL, 851 hrs, no 3 PTH, 18 spd. powershift w/LHR, 4 valves, dual PTO, 180 PTO HP, cab susp., Trimble EZ-Steer, Michelin radials. Call 403-599-3945, Milo, AB. CASE/IH: 7120 MFWD w/loader, 7500 hrs., duals, $48,500; 7120 MFWD, 8500 hrs., duals, new tires, 3 PTH, $49,000; 7130 MFWD, 5500 hrs., duals, $45,000. All in vg cond. 204-937-7411, Grandview, MB. 2000 CASE 9350, 4 WD, 3400 hrs, powershift, tires- 70%, asking $85,000. Call Steve 780-674-8080, Cherhill, AB.
2011 CIH STX450, full auto-guidance, 800 duals, front weight frame, 111 hrs, $299,500. or 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. 1993 CASE/IH 9280, 4 WD, std. trans., $60,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.
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2008 CHALLENGER MT855, extreme tracks, full height picker, PTO, powershift, $255,000. 306-934-1546 Saskatoon, SK. or 306-773-7281, Swift Current, SK. CHALLENGER 55, 6500 hrs, 3 PTH, Trimble 750 AutoSteer w/Subscription, 4 hyds., very good cond., $65,000. 204-937-7411, Grandview, MB.
1968 JD 4020, with 146A FEL, excellent rubber, cab, heat, radio, good shape, $9500. 306-563-7125, Canora, SK.
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STEVEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. DIGITAL HOUR METER repair and programming on heavy equip. and farm tractors. 403-809-3903 Prospeedo Calgary, AB 9630T JD, premium cab and lighting package, 530 HP, 3500 hours, great shape, always shedded, $204,000 OBO. Call Ron 204-941-0045, Rosser, MB.
1983 JOHN DEERE 4850 MFWD 11,400 hrs. 15 speed PS, tires 80%. New rad, bottom end of engine redone, front engine seal, FW clutch rebuilt. New powershift clutch, rebuilt hyd. pump, all done in the last 1500 hrs. 4 hyd. spools, complete Greenstar harness, Greenlight done at 9500 hrs, 2000 lbs front weights, $35,000. 306-269-7774, Foam Lake, SK. 1996 JD 9600, yield monitor, JD 914 PU, hopper extensions, tires 70%, 3200 threshi n g h o u r s , s h e d d e d , $ 3 3 , 9 0 0 O B O. 204-328-7158, Rivers, MB. 2012 JD 8360R, 947 hrs., IVT, MFWD w/ILS, 480/80R50 duals, front duals, 5 SCV, warranty, $248,000. 402-719-9017, Fremont, NE. FOR SALE: JD 7830 with 746 loader, 4200 hours; JD 7430 with 741 loader, 4700 hrs. Kelly 780-689-7822, Athabasca, AB. JD 8450 4WD tractor. Wilfred Messer Farm Equip. Auction, Monday, April 14, 2014, Macoun, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 JOHN DEERE 7410, MFWD, 3 PTH, 740 loader, quad transmission with reverser. Call 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 2013 JD 9410R, 4WD, 616 hours, PTO, 520/85R46 triples, PS, 6 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, warranty, $277,900. 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. JD 8570 4WD tractor with 4490 hours, JD 6300L FWA tractor with JD 640 FEL and open cab. Moncrief Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2012 CIH PUMA 145 MFD, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyds, L765 loader, 95â&#x20AC;? bucket/grapple, 350 hrs, $147,000. 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. LOOKING FOR: 1066 that needs an engine, b u t m u s t h ave a g o o d t o r q u e . C a l l 306-445-7878, North Battleford, SK. CASE 2594, 3600 hrs., 24 spd.; IHC 684 c/w FEL, 3 PTH, 2400 hrs. 403-394-4401, JD 8870, 20.8x42 duals 50%, 24 spd., diff. lock, high hrs., recent inframe, $37,000. Lethbridge, AB. 306-743-2770, Langenburg, SK. 2013 550 QUAD, 435 hrs, loaded, PTO 36â&#x20AC;? tracks, clear caps, 113 GPM hyd., 6 JD 7710, 7210, 7410, all MFWD and low R e m , H I D, t o w c a b l e , Au t o S t e e r. hours, can be equipped with loaders. JD 3415 telehandler low hours. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. CASE 7140 MFD, 18 powershift, duals, rear locks, 195 PTO HP, new tires, 5400 hrs., $46,500. 780-614-0787, St. Vincent, AB.
TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: 2013 DeutzFahr TTV430 demo, MFWD 3 PTH, PTO front and back, 135 HP, Stohl loader, 50 kms variable spd., $134,000. 2013 DeutzFahr AgroFarm 430, MFWD, 3 PTH, PTO front and back, 24 spd., 109 HP, $72,000. 2013 Deutz-Fahr Agrotron X720, MFWD, 1994 CASE 9280, 8200 hrs., new tires, 260 HP, 710/38 duals, PTO, 3 PTH, 24 excellent condition, one owner, $45,000. 306-946-3863, 306-946-7737 Watrous SK spd., $220,000. 306-586-1603, Regina, SK. CIH STX400 PS, 520 triples, PTO, 7020 ALLIS CHALMERS, powershift trans., 2013 lock, 4 hyds, Omnistar receiver, Pro good rubber, $6,000. 306-395-2668, diff 700 $309,000. SMOOTHER RIDE WITH CAB AIR RIDE 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HUTCHMASTER 7610 heavy field 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. or 1-800-219-8867, Swift Current, SK. kit, for Case/IH QuadTrac tractors. disc, 9â&#x20AC;? spacing, cushion gangs, vg. Can 306-229-1693, Hepburn, SK. email pics. 780-349-9810 Rochester AB. 2004 CASE STX500, Michelin 800â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, PTO, KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and 2009 CIH MAGNUM 180, 3 remotes, L780 bearings. Parts to fit most makes and loader, S2 Outback AutoSteer, 3 PTH, 1992 CASE/IH 7120 Magnum, 7147 luxury cab, 16 spd. powershift, high cap. models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. $155,000. or hrs, original owner, 20.8x38 singles, 3 p u m p , 5 6 0 0 h o u r s , $ 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 . hyd., 18 spd. powershift, exc. cond. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. 1-800-667-9761, Saskatoon, SK. 306-291-9395, 306-283-4747 Langham SK 1998 CIH 9380, 3750 hrs., 20.8x42 radial KELLO-BILT OFFSET discs. Check out our new spring arrivals and early pricing dis- 1999 CASE 9390, 450 HP, 5800 hrs, S3 2011 PUMA 170, MFWD, 770 loader, lux. tires, 12 spd. std. trans., 4 remotes, GPS Outback AutoSteer, high cap. pump, 4 recab, powershift, 540/1000 PTO, 710/70 equipped, very nice condition, $102,500. counts. 2012, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; in excellent shape, and parts for Kello and Rome dics. Brewster m o t e s , t r i p l e s , e x c e l l e n t , $ 9 9 , 0 0 0 . 38 rear, 600/65 28 front, fenders, 3 PTH, 4 306-369-2765, Bruno, SK. 306-243-4242, 306-652-6765 Macrorie, SK remotes, 32 GPM, elec. joystick, eng. block CASE 2390 2WD tractor with 5595 hours. Ag, 306-939-4402, (Cell) 306-731-7235, and trans. heater, HID lights, rear wheel Garnet Hart Farm Equip. Auction, Friday, Earl Grey, SK. weights, 102â&#x20AC;? bucket and q/c pallet forks. April 11, 2014, Weyburn, Sask. area. Visit 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. for sale WRECKING FOR PARTS: 970 Case, c/w b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r good running engine, standard trans., 594 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 Allied loader bucket and mounts, and vg CASE 2290 2WD tractor w/duals and Case COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, sheet metal. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; 1494 2WD tractor w/Case 66L FEL and 3 Morris 7-series, $135. 306-946-7923, 1975 100 HYDRO., AC, new 4 rib front, PTH. Wilfred Messer Farm Equip. Auction, 306-946-4923, Young, SK. nice 20.8x38 rears, Leon 707 FEL, $11,300 Monday, April 14, 2014, Macoun, Sask. area. Visit OBO. Pictures. 306-692-2693, Findlater, SK APPROXIMATELY 48 COULTER disks for for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or sale, used very little. Offers. Phone 2011 CASE MG340, 1350 hrs., loaded, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 306-375-7900, Kyle, SK. duals front/rear, exc. cond. Tractor will do anything youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like! Selling at DISCS: JD 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $5000; 22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $9500; 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, CASE/IH MAGNUM 245, 4 WD tractor, almost Bros. Sale, March 27th, Lethbridge, $10,500; IH 490 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $7500; Bush Hog 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2 0 0 8 , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , a s k i n g Ritchie AB., 403-652-7980. 2007 QUADTRAC 430, 4250 hrs., complete $7000, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $7500; Versatile 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $25,000. $125,000. 403-347-7211, Red Deer, AB. 1983 CASE 2290, diesel, powershift, 129 Outback S2 AutoSteer, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 6-Way DegelHarrows: Phoenix 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $9500; Summers 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $12,000; JD #7000 planter 8R30 CASE 9370 4WD tractor with 5120 hours. HP, 4500 hrs., runs exc., Leon 707 FEL, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; man blade, field ready, $165,000. Call $5500; #7100 3PTH 8R30, $4000. Call Kolish Farm Equipment Auction, Saturday bucket, factory duals, all vg tires, $16,800. Erick at 306-421-7642, Midale, SK. 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB. April 19, 2014, Creelman, Sask. area. Visit Located near Spalding, SK., 306-322-7661. 1983 KP 1400, 4WD, 400 HP, 855 CumRITEWAY LANDROLLER F3 and F5 series in for sale 2002 STX 375, Firestone triples, power- mins, 9800 hrs., engine redone at 7700 stock. Be ready for seeding. Call Flaman b i l l a n d p h o t o s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r shift, PTO, AutoSteer, shedded, 3100 hrs., hrs., 30.5x28 tires at 50%, excellent cond., 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 no leaks, $42,000 OBO. 780-674-5402, $150,000. Rosetown, SK. 306-831-8808. today- 1-888-435-2626 Barrhead, AB. 1985 STEIGER COUGAR CR1280, 280 HP, Outback S2 GPS, new hyd. pump, trans. work just completed, new steering pins, fair 20.8x38 duals, 3306 Cat motor, uses no oil, runs great, asking $32,000. A Concept so simple 306-342-4566, Glaslyn, SK. JD 1050 61.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; field cultivator, 8â&#x20AC;? spacing, 12â&#x20AC;? shovels, new set of shovels included, Morris mounted harrows, $15,000. 306-476-2715, Fife Lake, SK.
2013 JD 6140R, 640 hrs., 20 spd., MFWD w/trip link susp., H360 loader 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCV, premium cab, $125,000. 402-719-9017, Fremont, NE.
JD 7710, 7376 hrs., LHR, 3 PTH, MFWD, $63,000; JD 4255, 4821 hrs., MFWD, 3 PTH, $48,500; JD 4455, 3266 hrs., MFWD, 3 PTH, $63,500; JD 7700, 7300 hrs., powerquad, MFWD, 3 PTH, $54,000; JD 7600, 6400 hrs., powershift, MFWD, 3 PTH, $49,000; JD 7600, 7100 hrs., powerquad, MFWD, 3 PTH, $46,000; JD 4450, 8035 hrs., powershift, MFWD, 3 PTH, eng. rebuilt, $39,000. Call 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. 2 0 0 9 J D 9 5 3 0 , 4 W D, 1 2 5 0 h r s . , 800/70R38DLS, 18 spd., AutoTrac, ActiveSeat $217,900. 402-719-9017 Fremont NE
2007 JD 9520 4 WD c/w 1000 PTO, 450 HP, 4002 hrs., front and rear weights, Firestone 800/70R38 tires at 80% remaining; 4 SCV, SN#RW9520P051319 powershift, tires: duals differential lock, c/w a built-in AutoSteer system, ready to go, field ready, 2 to chose from, $190.000. The other is a 2005 JD 9520 same specs, $165,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1976 4630, 6100 original hours, duals, all new rubber, immaculate. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 2010 JD 9430, 36â&#x20AC;? tracks, Xenon lights, 5 remotes, hyd. swinging hitch, PTO, full guidance, $265,000. 1-866-659-5866, Estevan, SK. JD 7130 MFWD, 3 PTH, moon roof, double drs, power quad, 900 hrs, Classic 740 FEL, shedded like new! $92,000. 403-308-4200, 306-726-7455. Located at Southey, SK. 9400 JD, always shedded, orig. owner, 5051 hrs, 710 metric tires- 2 new, rest good, 12 spd., HID lights, JD universal AutoSteer 200, wheel weights, tow cable, $ 1 0 2 , 5 0 0 O B O. C a l l fo r m o r e i n fo 306-263-4944, Limerick, SK. 1990 JD 8560 w/PTO, 9300 hrs., 18.4 tires in fair cond., $30,000 OBO. Kenaston, SK. Call 306-252-2767 or 306-221-8968. 1976 JD 4430 quad, 3 hyds., 85% rubber, excellent. Call 306-744-8113, Yorkton, SK.
2012 JOHN DEERE model 6140R tractor, loader ready, many options, loaded tractor, only 31 hrs., $130,000. 204-794-4878, or 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. LOOKING FOR: JD 30, 40, 50 Series tractor in good cond. with mechanical issues. Call 306-621-7170, Yorkton, SK. JD 7800 FWA, 740 FEL, grapple, joystick, 19 spd., clamp-on duals, 3 PTH, 8360 hrs., $67,000. 306-468-7743, Canwood, SK. 2006 JD 9320, 4500 hrs, 710R38 duals, 24 spd., deluxe cab, 4 hyd., Integrated AutoSteer $140,000. 306-726-7514 Southey SK WANTED: JD 4430 or 4230 with FEL and grapple. Have JD 3130, cab, FEL and grapple, good shape to trade or sell. 306-734-2970, Chamberlain, SK. 2005 JD 7520 Premier, 1500 hrs., IBT trans., LH shifter, 741 JD FEL, rubber- 80% exc. condition, $98,000 OBO. Pictures available. 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. 2006 9420, 4 WD, 18 spd., powershift, 4 hyds., AutoSteer ready, PTO, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degelman 6-way blade. Will sell separate. Kamsack, SK., 306-542-7808, DISMANTLED JD 4230, various parts: Cab, engine, tires etc. Call for more information, 780-895-7338, Lamont, AB. 1998 JOHN DEERE 9400, 5247 hrs, 24 spd., AutoSteer, weights, duals, $109,000. 306-297-3522, Admiral, SK. 1982 JD 4640, excellent condition. Call 306-478-7131, McCord, SK. 2009 JD 9630 4WD, high flow hyds., 1749 hrs., deluxe cab, full weight package, diff. lock, 800x70x38 duals, HID lights, leather, heated seat, electric mirrors, 5 SCVs, AutoSteer ready, stored inside, field ready, s/n - RW9630P011179, $240,000; Also, 2002 JD 9520 4WD w/PTO, 5100 hrs., 18 spd., PS transmission, Michelin 800x70R38 duals, diff. lock, HID lights, deluxe cab, full weight package, 4 SCVs, stored inside, Greenstar ready, field ready, $135,000. Call Quenton 306-354-7585, Mossbank, SK 1998 JD 9400 4 WD, 4370 hrs., 12 spd., weight pkg, wired for AutoSteer, diff. lock, $104,000. 403-529-7134, Medicine Hat AB 2001 9400, nice 710x38â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 12 spd., lots of weight, 4800 hrs, overall excellent tractor, $109,000. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. JD 4760 MFWD, powershift, PTO, 4 new tires, weights, 10,600 hrs., good shape, $54,000. 306-695-2000, Indian Head, SK.
1981 JD 8440, 20.8x34 duals, 1000 PTO, triple hyds., 2300 hrs. showing, excellent, $35,500. 306-473-2711, Willow Bunch, SK. 1978 JD 4040, 9400 hrs. Leon loader, 3 PTH, good cond., new AC, cab int. and seat, $24,000. 306-861-1680, Griffin, SK. JD 7020, 1971, good tractor, originally 1982 JD 4640, 11,000 hrs., duals, 3 f r o m M a n i t o b a , $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 O B O . hyds., large 1000 PTO, $12,000. Lucky 519-323-2980 leave msg., Harriston, ON. Lake, SK. 306-858-2529, 306-867-9899. 2012 JD 5100M, MFWD, 610 hrs, 2 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 2000 JD 9100, 4 WD, 1761 hrs., 20.8x38 18.4X30, partial PS, loader, warranty, rubber, 4 hyds., no PTO, 90,000 OBO. 306-699-7557, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK. $57,900. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit: Crop Production Services Inc. Regina - 306-757-3501 JD 4240 w/rebuilt engine, 4640 and 4650; 1998 Ford 9782, low hrs. Loaders in stock. Will trade for JD tractors needing work. Austin, MB. 204-871-5170. 1984 JD 8650, 8700 hrs., 4 hyds., 20.8x38 duals, $25,000 OBO. Call 306-575-8312, Wawota, SK. 2013 JD 9460R, 4WD, 612 hours, PTO, 520/85R42 triples, PS, 5 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, warranty, $277,500. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD. 2 0 1 3 J D 9 5 1 0 R , 4WD, 239 hours, 520/85R42 triples, PS, 5 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, warranty, $293,500. 605-480-1750, Huron, SD. 2013 JD 6150R, MFWD, 211 hrs, auto quad, 480/80R42 duals, 3 scvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, warranty, $119,900. 605-354-4207, Madison, SD. 1989 JD 8760, 8500 eng. hrs., 2000 hrs. on new eng., radar, diff. locks, 24 spd., 4 SCVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 20.8x38 Michelin duals, GPS ready, $55,000. 204-851-5520, Cromer, MB. 1996 JD 7400, MFWD, power quad trans., 3 PTH, all new rubber 20.8x38, 16.9x28, 8200 hrs., w/JD 740 loader, clean unit. 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152 Barrhead AB JD 4020, c/w cab, low hours, new tires, exceptional mechanical condition, $13,500 OBO. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. 2008 JD 9530, 4WD, 2368 hours, 800/70Rx38 Firestone duals, GreenStar ready, instructional seat, very good cond., warranty until 2015, $218,500. Kindersley, SK., call 306-463-3023, 306-463-8774. 1998 JD 9400, 24 spd., newer 710x38s, 5303 hrs, $99,000. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.
1985 JD 8650, quad range, 3 hyd., AM/FM, AC, diff. lock, rebuilt eng., tires85%, shedded, $33,900. 204-761-5145, Rivers, MB. 1993 JD 8570, 6332 hrs., 24 spd., 20.8x38, 3 SCV, hyd. return, diff. lock, recent bottom end and other repairs, fresh Greenlight, very good condition, stored inside, $50,000. 306-648-2912, Gravelbourg, SK. JD 4430, FEL, grapple, 3 hyds., 8900 hrs, runs well, $16,000. 780-645-0445, St. Paul, AB. 2002 JD 8420, 800 single tires, 6700 lb. cast weight pkg., 5030 hrs., recent engine overhaul, exc. shape, $110,000 OBO. Call or text 306-231-7450, Fulda, SK. 1991 JD 4555, MFWD, complete with Q80 self-leveling FEL w/grapple, good cond., showing 11,000 hrs., approx. 400 hrs. on complete engine rebuild. Asking $45,000. 306-675-2284, 306-795-7311, Kelliher, SK. 1998 9400, 4 WD, 12 spd., 4 hyds., 710x38 radial Pirelli tires 75%, recent workorder, always shedded, 7000 hrs, very nice cond., Phone 204-745-7445, Carman, MB.
2012 NH T9.505 #PN3031A, 488 hrs., 450 HP, 4WD, guidance navigation control, diff. lock front/rear, $243,000. cash. 1-888-462-3816, or 2013 T9.560, 280 hrs., 800 metric tire, deluxe cab, 6 hyds., tow cable, weights, $330,000; 2013 T9.390, 270 hrs., 480x50â&#x20AC;? row crop tires, PTO, 4 hyds., powershift, tow cable, cloth seat, $280,000; 2012 T7.185 MFWD, loader, grapple, 460 rears, 420 fronts- 70% tread, weights, CVT trans., 3 hy d s . , 5 4 0 / 1 0 0 0 P TO, 1 2 2 0 h r s . , $100,000. 204-534-7651, Boissevain, MB.
McCORMICK MTX125, 4000 hrs., w/loader and grapple, $65,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK., email BIG BUD TRACTORS from 300 to 750 HP; Also small tractors 60 to 300 HP Call 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. MF 2675, like new tires; MF 1505, $2500; MF 255, 3 PTH; Versatile 800 Series II, $8500. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. McCORMICK MC120, w/cab and loader, 630 hrs., $84,900. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 306-338-2541, Wadena, SK., email GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767.
2013 NEW HOLLAND T9.670 #HN3383A. 740 hrs., 600 HP, 4WD track, monitor display, $395,000 cash. 1-888-462-3816, or 1995 8970, MFWD powershift, rubber 85%, 7000 hrs., excellent. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. McCORMICK MTX110, w/loader, 4850 $59,000. RJ Sales & Service Ltd., 2012 NEW HOLLAND T9.670, #HN3227A, hrs., 06-338-2541, Wadena, SK. 418 hours, 670 diff. lock, 6 hyd. outlets,, email high cap draw bar, reduced, $295,000. 1-888-442-6084, or BIG BUD 360/30 powershift, new paint, upholstery and 8 new tires. Call 2003 NEW HOLLAND TJ450 #N22303B, cab 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. JD 4440, 8500 hrs., 3 hyds., 18.4x38 rears 4984 hrs., 450 HP, 55 GPM, deluxe cab, 80%, new fronts, well maintained, $25,000 powershift, $154,000. 1-888-442-6084, or 2008 JCB FASTRAC 8250, 4950 hrs. CVT, 70 kms/hr., 3 PTH, all around suspension, OBO. 306-768-7125, Carrot River, SK. 540/1000 PTO, $105,000 OBO. Hague, 2012 JD 9410R, 1300 hrs., 18 speed, powSK., 306-381-7689. ershift w/efficiency manager, 710x70R42 tires, PTO, warranty. 306-752-1948 or FORD NH 1998, 9682, 20.8x42 tires, 4700 306-921-6693, Melfort, SK. hrs., excellent tractor, $85,000. Battleford, 1983 JD 8450, 4WD, PTO, 9443 hrs., exc. SK. Dave 306-445-7573, 306-481-4740. JOHN DEERE 740 Loader w/grapple and shape. 306-873-0214, Tisdale, SK. 1989 FORD 876, 5100 hrs., rubber - 40%, joystick, used very little, Waterloo mounts. shedded, very good condition. Call Call 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 2013 JD 6125R, 625 hrs., 24 spd., MFWD always w/trip link susp., H340 loader 540/1000 306-338-2085, Kuroki, SK. PTO, 3 SCV, premium cab, $125,000. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;93 Ford 9880 Tractor, 400HP, 402-719-9017, Fremont, NE. RETIRING: 1982 JD 4640 tractor, very Cummins 14.0L 6 cyl Turbo, good cond. 306-638-4550, 306-630-7609, synchro transmission, 12 fwd Findlater, SK. 4 rev, dual kit with 8 new 1998 JD 9200, 310 HP, 4170 hrs., 12 spd., radials...$59,800.00. Trades 4 hyds. plus return line, field office, 1-800-667-4515. 20.8x42 duals, asking $92,000. Call welcome. 306-628-7406, Prelate, SK. 2003 JD 7520, MFWD, 3 PTH, IVT trans., 1998 FORD/NH 9682, 4882 hrs, PS, 1989 JD 544E loader, 10,200 hrs., motor w/741 loader and grapple, 6025 hrs., 20.8x42 duals, 4 hyds., Case drain, very has 500 hrs, recently painted, overhauled $83,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment nice cond., 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Degelman 6-Way, $85,000. motor, close tolerance on pins and bushLtd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. w/Blade, $75,000 without. 780-532-6234, ings, one owner, farm use only, $30,000. Call 204-523-8886, Killarney, MB. 1994 JOHN DEERE 8960, c/w 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 2-way 780-814-1761, Grande Prairie, AB. FOR SALE AND work ready!! 2006 Komatsu Degleman blade, 20.8R42 tires like new, D85PX-15EO; 1981 CAT D9L; 2005 JD 10,200 hrs., good shape, $60,000 OBO. 700J LGP; 2005 JD 850J; Two 1987 780-361-7674, Wetaskiwin, AB. NEW VERSATILE 575, pre-emission en- Dresser TD25Gâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; 1995 TD25G; 1987 and JD HIGH CROP 4020, side console, re- gine, powershift, PTO, 110 GPM, 20.8x46 1989 TD20Gâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; 1978 TD20E; 2000 TD15E; stored, very good condition, new Firestone triples, full weights. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. and 1989 TD15E. All equipped with blades. tires. 306-859-7788, Beechy, SK. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. Some have rippers and some have winchJD 9630 4WD tractor with 2100 hours and FORD VERSATILE 876 4WD tractor with es. If interested, please call Russ for more GreenStar ready, JD 9420 4WD tractor 5195 hrs; Versatile 836 w/rebuilt engine, information at 204-619-3252, Lundar, MB. w/2360 hrs and Green Star ready, JD 7820 newer rubber and PTO. Dave MacCuish FWA tractor w/2940 hours and GreenStar Farm Equip. Auction, Tuesday, April 15, ready, JD 7210 FWA tractor w/5940 hrs, 2014, Frobisher, SK. area. For sale bill and JD 6410 FWA tractor w/JD 640 FEL and 3 photos PTH. Maple Ridge Farms (John and Jakki M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 , Stephenson) Prem. Farm Equip. Auction, 306-487-7815. PL #311962. Saturday, April 5, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. Visit VERSATILE 435 2009, 710-42 duals, 12 for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or spd. manual, HD axle, deluxe cab, HID 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 lighting, 1720 hrs., Outback guidance, ask1982 JOHN DEERE 8850, 8483 hrs., ing $185,000. Call 204-248-2359 or cell 24.5R32 tires, engine replaced at 6485 204-723-0359, Notre Dame, MB. hrs. Call 306-267-4455, Big Beaver, SK. 2006 VERSATILE 435, 3200 hrs., 800 1986 JD 2950 MFWD, 3 PTH, 7100 hrs., rubber, Outback e-drive, Outback S2 and good rubber, c/w 260 loader joystick, 360, $40,000 W/O in 2013 on the 12 spd. 2005 JOHN DEERE loader, Model 110TBL, sharp; 1982 JD 4640, quad, 3 PTH, rub- auto. trans., $150,000 OBO. 306-252-2767 4x4, heated cab, $25,000. 204-981-3636, or 204-864-2391, Cartier, MB. b e r - 5 0 % , 7 9 0 0 h r s . , e x c e l l e n t . or 306-221-8968, Kenaston, SK. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 2003 BUHLER VERS. 2335, std. trans, 3867 hrs., 710 duals, weights, new Outback GPS. Asking $104,900. 306-475-2541, or cell 306-690-1910, Spring Valley, SK. 1105 MF DIESEL tractor with loader and grapple, $7000 OBO. 306-395-2668, 1989 FORD VERSATILE 976, 7055 hrs, 12 spd. std., 650/75R32 Firestone at 70%, 40 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. GPM Atom Jet pump, set up for 1 or 2 MF 8450 2008, 180 HP, FWA, Dyna-VT fans. Injector pump rebuilt 150 hrs. ago, trans, 50 kms/hr, susp. front axle, cab injectors replaced 450 hrs. ago, $47,000 susp., 480R/46 duals, 4100 hrs., asking OBO. 306-327-7785, Kelvington, SK. $89,000. Call 204-248-2359 or cell 1985 VERSATILE 936, 4 WD, std. trans., 2 0 1 1 C AT E R P I L L A R W H E E L L OA D E R 204-723-0359, Notre Dame, MB. 24.5x32, 6037 hrs., new seat, had bearing 2013 MF 4610 FWA, rental return, 84 HP roll, asking $42,000. 306-573-4602, IT-38-H, low hour machine, EROPS, AC, ride control, Q/C, 20.5R25 tires c/w 3.5 PTO, self-levelling loader, cab, AC, hyd. 306-858-7295, Birsay, SK. yd. bucket, exc. cond., $155,000. Can deshuttle, joystick, 3PTH, 110 hrs. Warranty. 2.9% for 72 months OAC. Cam-Don Motors 1985 VERSATILE 936, std. trans., new in- liver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. ner tires, hinge pins replaced, field ready, Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. $38,000 OBO. 306-371-5538, Melfort, SK. VERSATILE 700, w/LEON dozer, 2600 original hrs., $22,500 OBO. 403-585-1910, FARM EQUIPMENT: 1983 JD 7721 comNH T6070 TRACTOR and FEL for sale by Airdrie, AB. bine w/JD 912 PU; 2000 MacDon Premier tender. 2376 hours. Submit tenders by swather w/finger reel; Morris Magnum II April 3, 2014, to RM Pinto Creek, Box 239, cultivator; JD discers; International 310 Kincaid, SK., S0H 2J0. Ph. 306-264-3277. discers; Rite-Way harrow packer drawbar; 1998 NH/VERSATILE 9482, 20.8x42 du- 1988 936 VERSATILE, 855 Cummins, std. 1982 GMC 6000 V8 3 ton truck w/Strong als, weight package, GPS, 310 HP, exc. trans., 4 remotes, return line, 20.8x38 du- Box; 1965 IH 2 ton truck w/wooden box. cond. 403-545-2382, Bow Island, AB. als, air, clean, well maintained tractor, Dinsmore, SK. For more info call Cliff $39,000. Cheap horsepower. Call for pics. 306-846-2175 or email: 403-928-4353, Golden Prairie, SK. JD 8200 FWA, loader, 3 PTH, $72,000; 2 0 0 5 V E R S AT I L E 2 4 2 5 , 2 8 6 5 h r s . , Leon 425 manure spreader (6 loads), $135,000 OBO. Call 306-563-8482, or $23,000; Leon 585 manure spreader, $24,000; Versatile 835, 4 WD, Atom Jet, 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK. $28,000. 780-645-4651, 780-614-0825, 2009 375 VERSATILE, PS, 710 duals, PTO, St. Paul, AB. 1174 hrs., GPS $189,000. 306-934-1546 Saskatoon, SK. or 306-773-7281, Swift FLAMAN SALES HAS stocked up on the most durable, heavy duty straps on the Current, SK. market. Straps and ropes with end loops 835 TRACTOR, 1979, exc. rubber and me- are starting at $49. We offer sizes from 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; chanical condition, plumbed for air seeder, to 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and load capacities up to 200,000 asking $25,000. 306-747-7685 Parkside SK lbs. Call 1-888-435-2626. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;09 NH T7040 tractor w/ 2,600 hrs, 895 VERSATILE, heavy planataries, 3800 D5H CAT, cab, winch, 6-way dozer; Steel 180hp, FWA, 3PTH, PTO & F.E.L w/ original hrs., ultra premium, $43,000 OBO. quonset in crate, 52â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Ford 5000 dsl. w/FEL; JD 2420 dsl. swather, 25â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and grapple. Sold w/ warranty! $98,000. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hay header; Vac sewer 1800 gal. tank Financing available. Trades welcome. VERSATILE 846 DESIGNATION 6 4WD and pump. 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. 1-800-667-4515. tractor with 4400 hours. Bill Tatarliov Farm 1996 NH GENESIS 8670 SuperSteer, 4464 Equipment Auction, Saturday April 12, SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call hrs., MFWD, vg, $58,000. Drumheller, AB., 2014. Minton, Sask. area. For sale bill and for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., photos 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack NH TM135 FWA tractor and FEL with 2455 Auction Co. PL 311962. USED 45 GAL. STEEL DRUMS, food grade hours. Dave MacCuish Farm Equipment quality with lids and rings, clean. One Auction, Tuesday, April 15, 2014, Frobish- 1982 VERSATILE 835, PTO, good rubber, drum or truckloads. Call 1-866-348-0805. e r, S a s k . a r e a . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . 1 0 , 0 0 0 h r s . , r u n s g r e a t , $ 1 8 , 9 0 0 . ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit 306-542-3526, Kamsack, SK. gelman equipment, land rollers, for sale FORD VERSATILE 846 4WD tractor with master, rockpickers, rock rakes, dozer bill and photos. PL #311962. 4270 hours. Garnet Hart Farm Equipment b l a d e s . P h o n e 3 0 6 - 9 5 7 - 4 4 0 3 , c e l l Auction, Friday, April 11, 2014, Weyburn, 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. 2008 NH T9050 #HC3143A, 2224 hrs., 485 HP, 4WD, JD AutoSteer, megaflow SK. area. hyds., tires 800/70R38 duals, $205,500. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or VERSATILE 9030 ENGINE end, 1000 PTO, complete, $2000; Versatile 9030 engine 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 1-888-442-3816, or end, dual remote hydraulics, $2000; Ver2009 NH 9040, 3850 hrs., PTO. w/wo low VERSATILE 2525, 525 HP, 2 track, air ride, satile 9030, 276 Blue, 276 and 256 Red use Degelman blade, $185,000 OBO. Swift 1400 hrs., $75,000. Call 204-822-3797, cab end, 3PTH, complete, $2000. Call Current, SK. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586. Morden, MB. 780-895-7338, Lamont, AB.
C udm oreB ros. N oti c e
Last chance to buy bin extensions for the Behlen Vertical Bin. Any farmer wanting to extend these bins better give Cudmore Bros a call @ 204-873-2395 Or contact us @ before April 15/14. We got notice that this spring is the last production of these bin extensions.
204-873-2395 Crystal City, MB
BIRCH FIREWOOD, sold in bags of approx. 1/2 cord, split and seasoned, $200; Pine also available in same quantity, $120. 306-763-1943, Prince Albert, SK.
KEETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH FARM has Rainbow Trout fingerlings for spring stocking. Gill nets available. 306-260-0288, Saskatoon, SK.
Starting at:
1300 each
Chimney 2 Doors 6 Vents Wire Mesh Rack Open Bottom Loading Hooks 1600 lbs each
Will Last a Lifetime
Pick up in Saskatoon, SK Call: (306) 955-3091 or email:
IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT or move water? 6â&#x20AC;?-10â&#x20AC;? pipe, 4 cyl. motor and pump on cart, $4500. 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic by Lindsay pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, KLine towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 33 years in business. Call 306-867-9606, Outlook, SK.
2001 HYSTER H100 XM, 9450 lb. lift, 185â&#x20AC;? height reach, 48â&#x20AC;? forks, new Vortex engine, exc. cond., enclosed cab w/doors, propane, $19,000 OBO. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
1/4 MILE WHEEL-LINE, 1/2 mile main line, 40 HP electric Cornel pump, $10,000. 306-642-4077, Assiniboia, SK. WESTERN IRRIGATION - Large supply of new and used irrigation equipment. Cadman travelling gun dealer. Used PTO pump and used large volume dsl. pumping unit w/gated pipe. 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.
TRI STAR FARM SERVICES: Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connell Farm drainage plows, pull type 4-5 pipe, NEW AND USED PTO generators. Diesel 6-8 pipe, $24,500. 306-586-1603 Regina and natural gas sets available as well. Call PHILâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S IRRIGATION SALES: Reinke piv1-888-300-3535, Airdrie, AB. ots, lateral and minigators, pump and used 1999 CUMMINS LTA10-G1 Standby gen mainline travelers and pivots. 22 years explant, 280 hrs, 250 KW, single and/or 3 perience. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK. phase, 120/240 volt, c/w 1000 amp, 3 phase robonic transfer switch, very nice shape! $16,000. Call Jordan anytime 75 HP ELECTRIC Motor and Berkeley pump (700 gal/minute), $2000. Lucky Lake, SK. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 306-858-2529, 306-867-9899.
STEIGER TIGER TRACTOR wanted, must be in very good condition. Also wanted: power steering for 1971 IHC 1800 truck. Call 306-478-2456, Mankota, SK. WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED NEW OR used Bourgault 5810, 62â&#x20AC;&#x2122; or 72â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 9.8â&#x20AC;? spacing and MRBs. Phone 306-291-9395, Langham, SK.
WANTED: 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD 1650 cultivator, Phone/text: 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. WANTED: NH BALE WAGON 1037, 1033, 1036, 1032; JD 7810 tractor, MFWD, FEL, 3 PTH. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB.
Complete with: â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
CLEAR SPRINGS TROUT FARM Rainbow Trout, 4â&#x20AC;?, 6â&#x20AC;? and 8â&#x20AC;? for spring stocking. 204-937-4403, 204-937-8087, Roblin, MB.
1-888-92 0-1507
WA N T E D : 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; MACDON 972 header. 403-652-7261, High River, AB WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. WANTED: 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PULL type swather in good condition. Call 306-210-8901, Reward, SK. WANTED: GOOD USED Trimble 750 GPS and EZ-Steer complete. Call 306-962-6677, Eston, SK.
Ne w Stoc k Ju st Ar rived
BEVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK. QUIT FARMING: 2008 CIH 8010 combine 4 WD, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flex draper, $200,000; 2011 Massey 9260 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swather, big cab w/swath roller, $65,000; 2008 STX 430 4 WD, new tires, $160,000; Two 2005 IH 9900i, C-15 Cat, 13 spd., 4-way locks, 72â&#x20AC;? sleepers, $30,000 ea.; 2003 Advance Super B grain trailer, $28,000; 1995 front trailer of a Super B $5,000; 2011 Farm King 13x85 aug e r, hy d . s w i n g , hy d . l i f t o n s w i n g $18,000; Farm King 10x70, $6,000; IH 3320 sprayer, $200,000; 2012 Convey-All tender unit, $10,000; 2010 Salford 41â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, as new, $70,000; Tor-Master 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; heavy harrows, new tines, $16,000; 2013 Geringhoff 8x30â&#x20AC;? corn chopping header w/row stompers, $80,000; 2-105 White tractor rebuilt eng., $7,000; Hutchmaster tandem, $8,000; Roadrunner header haul, $8,000; MacDon 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; draper header, $20,000; Tandem trailer w/duals to haul sprayer, $5,000; IH 4240 tractor w/15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; mower, $12,000; Westco 16x30 cult., $1,500; Band sprayer 16x30, $1,500; 2004 Chev 2500 4x4 dr. w/8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck, new tires, new safety, $6500; 1998 Kenworth T-800 N14 Cummins, 18 spd., 4-way locks, SS paving box, 30â&#x20AC;? live belt, $33,000; 2006 Cat 320 excavator, 10,000 hrs. w/QA cleaning bucket, nice, $60,000; Reynolds 18 yd. push off scraper, $30,000. Will sell as package or separate. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. INT. 1966, new tires, $5500 reduced to $4500; JD AR-styled, restored, $1800; 1969 cabover Ford 3 ton, Perkins diesel, B&H, $1500; SP bale wagon, 125 bales, $1400; 760 Massey combine, new tires, concave, offers; 1989 Chev 3/4 ton, 6.2 dsl., rusty, offers. Lost storage, taking offers. Call 306-773-4137, Laird, SK. B.F. MECHANICAL LTD. Authorized Dealer of Sunnybrook Welding Box Concaves for rotorary and axial flow combines. Elias Reliabelt grain belt augers, highest capacity grain belt augers. The most innovative technology for your farming needs. Call Brady at 306-741-7968.
WE BUILD SHOPS, sheds and much more! Packages available. Customized to suit your requirements. Wetaskiwin Home Building Centre. Brad Wold, 780-312-9218.
JD 445 EZ Trak 27 HP Zero turn mower, Swisher 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PT mower, Case 446 garden tractor and tiller. Robert Moffat Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, April 4, 2014, Abernethy, Sask. area. For sale bill and photos 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. SANCTUARY LANDSCAPE CONSULTATION Services. Shelterbelt design, yard/acreage tree planning, 35 years experience. Phone 306-695-2019, Indian Head, SK.
NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in SELLING: 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bare rooted Assiniboine or Prairie Sky poplar, excellent for wind stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. breaks, limited quantities. 306-695-2056, DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, Email: 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We Wholesale Nursery Specials also build custom gensets. We currently Order before Mid April!!! have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471. Plugs $3.65ea/min 200qty ~ 12â&#x20AC;?-18â&#x20AC;? tall - Poplars: Okanese, Sundancer, Prairie Sky, Northwest - Acute Willow 1 gallon $7.50each/min 200qty - Poplars (3-5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; whips) Okanese, WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - Indoor Sundancer, Prairie Sky, Northwest. coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces - Acute Willow ~2â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, multi branched and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional - Haskap wood boilers, coal / multi-fuel boilers. - Spruce, Scots Pine ~ 1â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Tall Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, 2 gallon $16.50ea/Min 100 qty pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835. - Swedish Columnar Aspen ~ 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall - Siberian Larch ~18â&#x20AC;?-24â&#x20AC;? tall
MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26â&#x20AC;? to 120â&#x20AC;?. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen RODâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WELDING: 2â&#x20AC;? and 2-3/8â&#x20AC;? pipe in ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; lengths. 2â&#x20AC;? is $0.85/ft, 2-3/8â&#x20AC;? GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence is $1.05/ft. 403-746-5455, Red Deer, AB. posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. CROWN SHRED IS taking orders for plastic fence posts, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; available. E-mail Jack at: for more info. or :+2/( +286( 08/7, 32,17 86( (7/ phone 306-543-1766, Regina, SK. $33529(' 3523$1( $1' 1$785$/ *$6 CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. Call 306-699-7450, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK.
Call 306-978-3333 Saskatoon, Sk. We ship anywhere!
7$1./(66 21 '(0$1' +27 :$7(5 +($7(56
BLOCKED AND SPLIT seasoned Spruce firewood. Call V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood and wood chips for sale. Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y available. 306-862-7831, 306-862-3086, Nipawin, SK.
â&#x20AC;˘ SAVES MONEY â&#x20AC;˘ ENDLESS HOT WATER â&#x20AC;˘ LONGEVITY â&#x20AC;˘ SAVES SPACE â&#x20AC;˘ AFFORDABLE Natural Gas and Propane Electric 110v and 220v Compact and Portable units units units $260.70 to $689.00 (USD) $476.30 to $544.50 (USD) $199.00 to $255.20 (USD)
18 WOOD BISON cows, one bull. Elk Island and Waterhen Genetics, pure Woods. 17 2013 calves 50/50 heifers and bulls. Peace River, AB. 780-322-2124, 780-618-5560. TOP QUALITY, SEMEN tested, 2 and 3 yr. old Plains breeding bulls, MFL Ranches 403-747-2500, Alix, AB.
SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or deliver anywhere in western Canada. Now taking spring bookings. Details phone 403-586-8733 or check out our website at
NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you have them, we want them.â&#x20AC;? Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB.
Wendland Ag Services Ltd. Waldheim - 306-945-2233 ALBERTA BISON RANCH now selling 2012 Pure Plains breeding bulls. Also selling 2012 Prospect breeding heifers. Call Neil at 780-284-0347 Mayerthorpe, AB. Email: Pictures at website: WANTED TO PURCHASE cull bison bulls and cows for slaughter. Oak Ridge Meats 204-835-2365 204-476-0147 McCreary MB SASKATCHEWAN BISON ASSOCIATION Industry sponsored meeting of stakeholders and producers to provide current information on industry trends and bison production. The Saskatchewan Bison Association gratefully acknowledges the support of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, March 21, 2014, Days Inn, Swift Current, SK. 10:00AM - Industry and Market Update; 12:00PM - Complimentary Lunch; 1:00PM - Production Seminars; Register at SBA office: 306-585-6304 or CBA office: 306-522-4766.
AT EDW ARDS L IV ES TOCK CEN TER, TIS DAL E, S K . OFFER IN G : 20 Re d An gu s , 20 Bla c k An gu s , 10 M a in e /S im m e n ta l a n d 10 C ha ro la is b u lls . Fo r in fo rm a tio n o r c a ta lo gu e s c a ll Ba rry Ha ll 3 06-775-2900, Alvin G in te r 3 06-768-2966, Bria n Te m ple 3 06-768-3 218
(PL # 116061) Vie w th e ca ta lo gue o n lin e a t
w w w .b uya
2 YEAR OLD Black Angus bulls, low birth weight, good performance, good selection Rob Garner, 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. FREYBURN FAMILY TRADITION BULL AND FEMALE SALE, Monday, March 24, 2 PM at the farm 12 miles north of Oxbow, SK. On offer are 50 Purebred Black Angus yearling bulls as well as 17 open Purebred Black Angus yearling heifers. Semen tested and guaranteed. Wintering and delivery available. Contact Jason 306-485-7230 or Lucas 306-485-8285 or view the offering at
PREMIUM BREEDING STOCK, $1500 to $2000/head. Dr. Marshall Patterson, 306-475-2232, Moose Jaw, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
T Ba r C Ca ttle Co. 3 06 -220-5006
BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for growing markets. Roger Provencher at 306-468-2316.
ALL-BREEDS OPEN REPLACEMENT Heifers, plus pairs, breds, Sat., April 12th, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Some heifers booked with pics more expected: HIGH RIVER ANGUS has 2 yr. old forage PL #914447. developed Black Angus bulls, semen testLAZY H BULL SALE, April 2nd, 2:00 PM at ed, calving ease and performance bulls. the Ranch, 10 miles south of Maymont, SK. Selling: Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, Thick PB Black and Red Angus, PB and SK., Monday, March 24, 2014, 1:00 PM. percentage Maineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and open replace- For info. and catalogue call Mark Ferrara, ment heifers. For catalogue 306-237-9581. 306-394-4320, 306-630-8835; Donnie Peacock 306-662-8288; Lee Crowley CHOPPER K ANNUAL BULL SALE 306-773-3174. with Ca m p b ells Cha rola is W ED. APRIL 2, 2 PM AL AM EDA AUCTION M ART 25 ye a rlin g & tw o ye a r o ld Re d & Bla c k An gu s & 25 C ha ro la is b u lls . C a ll C ha d Le ve s qu e 3 06-482-3 53 1, Ja n e lle C a m pb e ll 3 06-842-623 1 o r
V ie w the c a ta lo gu e o n lin e a t (PL # 116061)
w w w .b uya
ANDERSON CATTLE CO. BULL SALE, March 29, 2014, 1:00 PM at the farm, Swan River, MB. 40 two year old and 10 yearling Black and Red Angus bulls. For catalogues call 204-734-2073 or view at
Cowtown Livestock Exchange Maple Creek, SK Catalogues Online: BuyAgro.Com ALL CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK and Angus Bull and Female Sale, Wed., March 26, 2:00 PM, Notta Ranch, Neilburg, SK. 60 Speckle Park yearlings, 2 year olds and Angus yearling bulls. As well as a select group of purebred and commercial females. For more info or catalogue contact Jason Goodfellow 306-893-4620 or T Bar C Cattle Co 306-220-5006 (PL #116061) View catalogue online THE 6TH ANNUAL Impact Angus and Charolais Bull Sale, March 29, 1:30 PM, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 35 Black Angus yearling bulls. For more information contact Jason George at 306-252-2228, Randy Tetzlaff 306-944-2734 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-220-5006. PL #116061. View catalogue online at: 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls, Prime Papa and Freightliner breeding. 2 Red bulls. 306-445-8425, North Battleford, SK.
Th e
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Be s t of th e Bre e ds â&#x20AC;?
Bull Sa le
SUNDAY, M ARCH 3 0, 2 PM PARK L AN D L IV ES TOCK M ARK ET L EROS S , S K . On o ffe r C ha ro la is , Re d & Bla c k An gu s , S im m e n ta l a n d G e lb vie h, ye a rlin gs a n d tw o ye a r o ld s .
Fo r c a ta lo gu e s o r in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t
T Ba r C Ca ttle Co. 3 06 -220-5006 (PL # 116061) V ie w the c a ta lo gu e o n lin e a t
w w w .b uya
BURNETT ANGUS 30th Annual Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, April 5 at 1:00 PM, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, Sask. 50 yearling and two year old bulls, low birthweight stacked pedigrees bred to use on heifers, Final Answer, Chinook, In Focus, OCC Missing Link, Glanworth Waigroup, Fahren. New this year Leptin tested. Select group of first calf heifers and open replacement heifers. Ask about our Bull Finance Program. Catalogues and info: Bryce 306-773-7065, Wyatt 306-750-7822
T Ba r C Ca ttle Co. 3 06 -9 3 3 -4200
19th An n u a l Bu ll S a l e M O N D AY, AP RIL 14th, 2014 AT THE FARM
Llo yd m in s te r - 1 P M W ith G ue s tC o n s ign o rs : Expre s s R a n ch e s & Elld e m C a ttle C o .
To p Qua lity Bulls o n Offe r: 5 0 Bla ck An gus Thes e b u lls w ill b e s em en tes ted a n d rea d y to go .
CAJUN ANGUS. 2 year old and yearling Ple a s e ca ll or s top b y th e fa rm a t Lloydm in s te r. bulls sired by Timeless and CC&7, low to Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r a ca ta lo g moderate birthweights with explosive growth, excellent conformation, EPDâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ca ll: Jon Fox available, priced $2500 to $4500. Call 3 06 -8 25-9 702 or 78 0-8 08 -6 8 6 0 780-921-2180, Bon Accord, AB. w w w .jus ta m e re ra n ch e s .com HIGH QUALITY 2 year old purebred Black Angus bulls for sale. Call David or Pat BLACK ANGUS BULLS, yearling and 2 306-963-2639, 306-963-7739 Imperial, SK year olds. Semen tested and ready to go SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside by mid-April. Mike Chase, Waveny Angus Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, Farm 780-853-3384 or 780-853-2275 at Vermilion, AB. 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. 400 BLACK ANGUS bred cows for sale, MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer bred to black Angus bulls. Start calving semen tested yearling and 2 year old bulls. 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. April 15th. Ph. 204-638-5581, Dauphin, MB
17th ANNUAL MINBURN Bull Sale at the farm near Minburn, AB. on Thursday, March 27, 2014, at 1:00 PM. Offering: 70 lots, 50 Black Angus yearling bulls, 10 Red Angus yearling bulls, 10 Black Angus 2 yr. olds. â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of the longest running programs and great cow herds in Canada.â&#x20AC;? New this year: video sale. Contact: Danny Warrilow 780-593-2205, Devin Warrilow 780-581-4329, Rob Holowaychuk, OBI 780-916-2628. View catalogue online at Online bidding: DLMS.
19th Annual
BULL & SELECT FEMALE SALE Wednesday March 26, 2014 Hamilton Farms, Cochrane ABâ&#x20AC;˘ 1 pm
ROB HAMILTON 403.932.5980 view the catalog on line at:
BULLS FOR SALE. AI sired, calving ease and growth. Will feed and deliver. Pictures and info at Call 3 0 6 - 9 2 1 - 7 1 7 5 or 3 0 6 - 7 5 2 - 3 8 0 8 Melfort, SK. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. MANTEI FARMS ANGUS Bull Sale, March 22, 1:00 PM, Alameda Bull Sale, Alameda, SK. On offer 35 Angus and 5 Hereford yearling bulls. View catalogue online at Info. call Cecil at 306-634-4454, 306-461-5501, Estevan, SK
CRESCENT CREEK ANGUS 16th Annual Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, April 5, 2014, 1:00 PM, Goodeve, SK. Selling 60 Black Angus yearling bulls and 40 top cut open replacement females. Featuring the largest selection of S Chisum 6175 progeny to sell in Canada. All bulls semen tested and carcass evaluated. For cattle video or catalogue: Bid online at Ph. Wes 306-876-4420 or 306-728-8284.
PB BLACK ANGUS and Simmental/Angus REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 2 year old cross yearling bulls. Spring View Ranch virgin bulls. Complete performance and ul306-861-5035, 306-447-4803 Beaubier, SK trasound data available. Will hold and deliver before June 15. Contact GBS Angus 1st ANNUAL FAMILY Affair Bull and Fe- Farm 306-763-9539, Prince Albert, SK. male Sale on Saturday, March 22, 2014, at 1:00 PM at Dewberry, AB. Offering: 64 HONEST HARD WORKING Bulls Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll Get lots, 42 Black Angus bulls, 10 Red Angus â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;er Done. 8th Annual Blue Collar Bull bulls, 10 Black and Red Angus heifers. Sale. Saturday April 12, 1:00 PM at Heartâ&#x20AC;&#x153;New sale, new genetics, new opportu- land Livestock, Yorkton, SK. On offer: 65+ nities.â&#x20AC;? Contacts: Marshall Stachniak purebred Black Angus bulls and yearling 780-853-0028, Terry Stachniak 780-853- heifers. Call Scott Burkell at 306-783-7986 2095, Conway Roscoe 306-307-0055, Ian Troy Frick at 306-728-3515 or Jordan Sies S e l t e 7 8 0 - 5 8 1 - 4 1 4 1 , C o l e G o a d at 306-728-1299. 780-853-0273, Rob Holowaychuk, OBI 780-916-2628. View online catalogue at 90 YEARLING AND 2 year old Red Angus RED AND BLACK 2 yr. old and yearling bulls. Guaranteed semen tested and delivAngus bulls for sale. Canadian bloodlines. ered in spring. Bob Jensen 306-967-2770, Will keep until June 1st. Angus Acres, call Leader, SK. Dwight 780-336-6435, Kinsella, AB. REGISTERED YEARLING RED Angus Bulls, calving ease, semen tested. Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK.
2 4 t h Annu a th
N O R TH ER N PR O G R ESS B U LL SA LE Friday,April4,2014 - 1:30 pm SASKATO O N LIVESTO CK SALES 306-382-8088 5 m iles w est of Saskatoon on H w y #14.
~ We Are Offering ~
QUALITY BISON for sale, grass fed calves, yearlings, 2 year olds and exposed cows. 250-489-4786 leave msg., Fort Steele, BC. WANTED: BISON CALVES, yearlings and finished Bison. Contact Paul at 780-777-2326, Athabasca, AB. GRASS FED BISON WANTED: Northstar Bison LLC is looking for 100% grass fed, grass finished bison heifers. Paying $4 US per lb. hot hanging weight. Call Lee Graese 715-234-1496, Rice Lake, Wisconsin 2013 CALVES WANTED. Will buy other bison. Phone Kevin at 306-429-2029, Glenavon, SK. NILSSON BROS. INC. buying finished bison on the rail at Lacombe, AB for Apr. delivery and beyond. Fair, competitive and assured payment. Richard Bintner 306-873-3184. SASKOTA NATURAL is looking for finished bison and cull cows. COD, paying market prices. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Producers working with Producers.â&#x20AC;? 306-231-9110, Quill Lake, SK. YOUR PICK: 2011 bred heifers. One to 150 head. Contact Bruce 403-651-7972, Youngstown, AB. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. or
13th ANNUAL EVERBLACK and Allandale Bull and Female Sale, Monday, March 31, 2014 at Nilsson Bros., Vermilion, AB. at 2:00 PM. Offering: 99 lots, 64 Angus 2 yr. olds, 25 Angus yearlings, 10 Angus heifers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Common sense cattle from common sense folks.â&#x20AC;? Sale contacts: Ernie Gibson 780-853-2422, Wayne Stetson 780-853-7523, Rob Holowaychuk, OBI 780-916-2628. View catalogue online at Online bidding: DLMS. JOHNSTON/FERTILE VALLEY Black Angus Bull Sale, Friday, April 11 at 1:00 PM, C.S.T. at Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 90 thick, easy fleshing bulls, sired by the leading AI sires in the industry including: Special Focus, Excitement, Imprint, Consensus, Hoover Dam, EXAR 263C, SAV Impression, SAV Brand Name BLACK ANGUS BULL SALE Mustang, and Stiz Upward. Many of these bulls are for heifers. All bulls are semen Forbes Angus Craig Angus suitable tested with complete performance and Colin Forbes Jason Craig carcass information available. Deferred payment program with 60% sale day, 40% (306) 558-2063 (306) 622-4421 interest free, due Dec. 01, 2014. Dennis Friday, March 28th - 1:00 PM and David Johnston, 306-856-4726, or T Bar C Cattle Co. 306-933-4200. Call for a 41 YEARLING BULLS catalogue or view on our website at: 24 TWO YEAR OLD BULLS
Friday, March 28, 2014 Q 12 Noon At the farm near Morris, MN Q Lunch at 11 a.m.
Selling 379 Bulls 174 Coming 2 year olds Q 205 Yearlings 70 Lim-Flex Q 36 Angus
52 Yearling Limousin Heifers 12 Lim-Flex Q 5 Angus Join us March 27 @ 7 p.m. for educational seminar, â&#x20AC;&#x153;How Feed EfďŹ ciency Drives Marginsâ&#x20AC;?. 26406 470th Ave. / Morris, MN 56267 OfďŹ ce: (320) 392-5802 / Fax: (320) 392-5319 OfďŹ ce E-mail:
Visit for photos and video of sale offering and more!
SELLING AT THE Blairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ag Pursuit of Excellence Bull Sale, April 1, 2014, Sedley, SK: 8 quality yearling Angus bulls. Also for sale by private treaty: A select group of yearling bulls. All of these bulls can be viewed at the ranch at any time. Sedley, SK. To view catalog and video go to: Contact Chance Jackson, 306-537-4690, or Levi Jackson, DOUBLE â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Fâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; CATTLE CO. 5th Annual Bull 306-885-4418. Sale, March 28th, Heartland Livestock, 1:00 PM, Prince Albert, SK. Selling 50 BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, serugged Black Angus bulls and an elite men tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery group of Black and baldy replacement heif- available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, ers. Call Kelly Feige 306-747-2376, Englefeld, SK. 306-747-7498, F O R AG E B A S E D Black Angus bulls. JUSTAMERE 19TH ANNUAL BULL Sale, 204-564-2540 Monday, April 14, 2014, 1:00 PM at the or 204-773-6800, Shellmouth, MB. farm in Lloydminster, SK. On offer 50 Black Angus bulls. All semen tested, ready to go 16th ANNUAL 49TH PARALLEL BLACK Jon 780-808-6860, office 306-825-9702. ANGUS BULL SALE, Monday, March 31 at Stockmenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Weigh, Mankota, SK, HR HAHN CATTLE Co., Black and Red An- Mankota PM. 80 plus yearling and 2 yr. old gus bulls for sale by private treaty. 1:00 bulls on offer. For more info or catalogue for pictures and 306-625-3676, more info. Bob Hahn 780-991-1355, Ryan Weiss 587-991-9526, Sherwood Park, AB. BLACK AND RED ANGUS BULLS on QUALITY REPLACEMENT HEIFERS, select- moderate growing ration, performance e d fo r s t r o n g m at e r n a l t r a i t s . C a l l info avail. Adrian or Brian Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK., 306-342-4407. 306-768-2419, Carrot River, SK.
Peak Dot Ranch Ltd.
9LVLRQ 8QDQLPRXV ; 6$9 ,URQ 0RXQWDLQ %: :: <: 0 %: :7
â&#x20AC;˘ 24 Aged Bulls â&#x20AC;˘ 46 Yearlings
RM J Redm an 1T - Sons Sell.
Complimentary LUNCH
C onsignors:
Robert & Sharon Laycock 306-937-2880 306-441-5010 (c)
M ichael& Sandi G ray 306-237-4729 306-227-1017 (c) w w w .sp ittalb urnfarm MAPLE RIDGE ACRES has yearling purebred Red Angus bulls for sale. AI sires Sakic and Honky Tonk. Les Saunders, 306-997-4507, Borden, SK. RED ANGUS YEARLING BULLS, semen tested and guaranteed, excellent selection of heifer and cow bulls. 306-821-2504, Lloydminster, SK.
9LVLRQ 8QDQLPRXV ; 3HDN 'RW 'RPLQDWRU 8 %: :: <: 0 %: :7
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Yorkton Distributors Ltd. Yorkton - 306-782-2645
THE 6TH ANNUAL Impact Angus and Charolais Bull Sale, March 29, 1:30 PM, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. 15 Red Angus yearling and two year old bulls. For more information contact Randy Tetzlaff at 306-944-2734 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online at: PL #116061. EXCELLENT QUALITY PB yearling and 2 yr. old Red Angus bulls. Will keep until April 15th. Semen test and deliver. Will sell w/wo all risk insurance. Dudragne Red Angus 306-625-3787, 306-625-3730, Ponteix FLYING K RANCH breeding quality Red Angus since 1972. Bull Sale April 9, 2014 at the Ranch, Swift Current, SK.: 80 Yearling Red Angus Bulls. Bulls are performance, semen and CUP ultrasound tested. H e i fe r b u l l s a n d p e r fo r m a n c e b u l l s available. View our catalog and videos online at: or call Brian or Christine Hanel 306-773-6313 for a catalog or more information. 35 YEARLING AND 5 two year old Red Angus bulls. Semen tested. Will keep until breeding season. Performance info. and video’s available at: Redvers, SK. Call Ray 306-452-3876 or Sheldon 306-452-7545.
POLLED YEARLING BLONDE bulls for sale, Estevan, SK area. Phone 306-634-2174 or cell: 306-421-6987.
VIDEOS: Select now. Get later. Superior quality. For sale DKF Red and Black Angus bulls at: DKF Ranch, anytime, Gladmar, SK. Agent for: Solar and Wind Water Systems and Allen Leigh Calving Cameras. Dwayne or Scott Fettes, 306-969-4506. SOUTH VIEW RANCH Red and Black Angus Bull Sale, Thurs., April 10, 1:30 PM at the ranch. Offering: 90 plus Red and Black Angus yearling bulls. Also pens of Simmental /Angus cross open heifers. Call Shane 306-869-8074, Keith 306-454-2730, Ceylon, SK. T BAR K RANCH Annual Bull Sale held on April 10, 2014, 2:00 PM at the Ranch. 202 yr. old and 26 yearling Red Angus bulls, 20 horned Hereford bulls. Catalogue and videos online at or c a l l Ke v i n D o r r a n c e , W a w o t a , S K . 306-577-9861, 306-739-2944. 5 TWO YEAR OLD Reg. bulls for sale. Born April and May. Birthweight 78 to 85 lbs. Murray 306-867-7206 or 306-856-4603. Decorah Red Angus, Dinsmore, SK. 2 YEAR OLD bulls, calving ease and top g r ow t h fi g u r e s . P h o n e R o b G a r n e r, 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. 30 YEARLING AND 2 year old Red Angus Bulls, semen tested and delivered in spring, thick, hairy, good footed bulls, by Hitch Master, Golden Deed and Headliner. Elmer Wiebe 306-381-3691 or eves. 306-225-5720, Hague, SK. REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls, very quiet, semen tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. Call MDF Red Angus, 306-342-7771, Glaslyn, SK.
MVY JH[HSVNZ HUK TVYL SPZ[PUNZ • March 24 - North West Bull Sale .............................. North Battleford, SK • March 24 - Mountainview Bull Sale ............................................Innisfail, AB • March 27 - Cattle Creek Ranching Red Angus Bull Sale ... Maple Creek, SK • March 29 - Northern Alliance Bull Sale ......................................Vanderhoof, BC • April 1 - Anchor Ranch Red Angus & Shiloh Cattle Co. Bull Sale . Carbon, AB
Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society 4-H and Youth Check Out Our $2000 Bursary Program - Applications Online
RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.
2- TWO YEAR old breeding age bulls; 4 yearling bulls; 4 bred cows; 2- two year old ready to breed heifers and 2 yearling heifers. Call 403-935-4478, Irricana, AB.
REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS 2 year olds and yearlings. Polled, calving ease, growthy, quiet. Semen test and deliver. Qualman Charolais, 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. RED FACTOR CHAROLAIS bulls, 2 year olds and yearlings, red, tan and white. Call Wheatheart Charolais, Rosetown, SK. 306-882-6444, 306-831-9369. WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS 11TH Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale, Monday, April 7, 1:00 PM at the farm, Halbrite, SK. Selling: 22 two year old and 66 yearling bulls, most are polled, many red factor. This is the largest Charolais bull sale in Saskatchewan and offers a top set of bulls that are sound, good haired and guaranteed to work. For catalogue or info contact John Wilgenbusch 306-458-2688 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. Videos and catalogue at: CREEK’S EDGE LAND and Cattle Purebred Charolais Bulls for sale off farm. Our largest selection yet. 20 two year olds and 40 yearlings. Thick, hairy, good feet, and quiet. Call Stephen 306-279-2033, cell 306-279-7709, Yellow Creek, SK. Visit our website to view pics of all our bulls. HUNTER CHAROLAIS BULL SALE, Thursday, April 3, 1:30 PM DST, at the farm, Roblin, MB. Offering 8 two year old and 34 yearling bulls from over 30 years of breeding. Most are polled, some red factor. These are top quality, quiet, good haired bulls that will calve well and then add performance. For catalogues or info contact Doug or Marianne Hunter at 204-937-2531 or contact By Livestock at 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue online at: S T E P P L E R FA R M S 3 R D A N N U A L CHAROLAIS Bull Sale, Tuesday, March 25, 1:00 PM, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB. 50 yearlings and 20- 2 year olds, sound, good haired and thick, most are polled. For catalogue or info contact Andre Steppler, 204-435-2463, cell 204-750-1951 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue online PUREBRED 2 and 3 yr. old proven sires, calving ease with good growth. Reason for selling: sold pasture. Don Railton, 306-727-4927, Sintaluta, SK. BLUE SKY CHAROLAIS offering white and red PB 2 year old polled Charolais bulls, March 31, 2014 at Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB. Reputation easy calving bloodlines. Call John 306-672-6694, visitors welcome or Bob Bahlog 403-320-1980 MACMILLAN CHAROLAIS. PB registered yearling bulls available. Bred for growth, easy keeping and market demand. Thick bulls with good feet, lots of hair and very quiet. All bulls will be semen tested and can be kept until spring. Select yearling heifers available as well. Call Tim or Lorna at 306-931-2893, Saskatoon, SK. TWO 2 YEAR old and 2 yearling purebred Charolais bulls. Charhead Ranch, 306-695-2073, Indian Head, SK. CLINE CATTLE COMPANY has for sale PB Charolais yearling and 2 yr. old bulls. Quiet, hairy and easy calving. Will be semen tested and guaranteed. Drop in any time to have a look. 204-537-2367 or Brad’s cell 204-523-0062, Belmont, MB. 2 YR. OLD CHAROLAIS bulls, all polled, very easy calving bloodlines. Semen tested, delivery avail 306-874-5496 Naicam SK
HOWE RED ANGUS Bull Sale. Selling 40 Red Angus yearling bulls April 2, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Moose Jaw, SK. 8 miles South on #2 Hwy., 1.5 miles East on Baildon Grid. Phone Mike Howe at 306-631-8779. DOUBLE C RED ANGUS Annual Bull and Female Sale, Tuesday, April 1, 1:30 PM, at the Ranch, 1-1/2 miles east of Foam Lake, SK. Featuring 33 Red Angus bulls, 4 Black bulls, and 10 PB open heifers. Ph. Cameron at 306-272-3948 or 306-272-7141. View online at OVER 20 YEARS of raising and selling sound quality Registered yearling bulls. Natural and AI sires. Calving ease, solid feet, thick hair coats. Vet inspected, semen tested, guaranteed breeders. B-elle Red Angus, Glen and Evelyn Bloom, 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. Email: GILLILAND BROS. CHAROLAIS BULL Sale, Saturday, March 29, 1:00 PM, on the farm, Carievale, SK. On offer 38 Charolais 2 YEAR OLD RED ANGUS BULLS. Easy 2 year old and yearling bulls, most are calving, high performance and structurally polled, some red factor. These are thick, sound. Semen tested and guaranteed. De- good haired, performance bulls that will livery available and can keep until spring. work. Catalogues or info. contact Greg or Prices $3500 and up. Bulls are ranch raised Ron Gilliland 306-928-4841, 306-928-2118 and come from a working cowherd. Call or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View cataRock Creek Ranching, Jordan Newhouse logue online: 306-276-2025, White Fox, SK. YEARLING AND 2 year old Charolais bulls. YEO’S RED ANGUS yearling bulls for sale, Creedence Charolais Ranch, Ervin Zayak, semen tested. Garry and Dianne Yeo, 780-741-3868, 780-853-0708, Derwent AB 306-873-5662, Tisdale, SK. TWO YR. OLD and yearling bulls, polled, SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black horned, white and red factor. Semen testAngus coming 2 yr. old bulls. Shane at: ed, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold 306-869-8074, 306-454-2688, Ceylon, SK. Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK.
MUTRIE FARMS & BAR H CHAROLAIS, w i t h H aw ke n S h o r t h o r n s B u l l S a l e , Wednesday, April 9th, 1:00 PM, Candiac SK., Auction Mart. Selling: 11 two year old and 24 yearling Charolais bulls, most are polled, many red factor. Plus 6 Shorthorn bulls. These are solid, sound, not over conditioned bulls that will cover some ground and last. For catalogues or information contact Richard or Wade Sydorko at 306-429-2711 or 306-529-6268. Kevin Haylock at 306-697-2901. Or By Livestock at 306-536-4261. View catalogue on-line at: NORHEIM RANCHING HAS Yearling and 2 yr old bulls for sale. Semen tested, guaranteed, performance bulls. Lots of hair, nuts and guts. Lee 306-227-4503, Saskatoon SK CHAROLAIS BULLS for sale, yearling and 2 yr. olds, purebred Charolais bred heifers. Call 780-582-2254, Forestburg, AB. JTA DIAMOND CHAROLAIS BULL SALE week, Monday, March 24th, 1:00 PM on the farm, to Saturday, March 29th. 23 two year olds; 15 yearlings, reds and whites. For info call Jerome and Cindy Tremblay, Courval, SK., 306-394-4406. WHITE CAP/ROSSO Bull Sale. Selling 35two yr. old Charolais, 28 yearling Charolais, April 2, 2014, 1:00 PM. Moose Jaw, SK. 8 miles south on #2 Hwy., 1.5 miles East on Baildon Grid. Ph. Darwin Rosso 306-690-8916, Kelly Howe. 306-693-2163. WILGENBUSCH CHAROLAIS North of The 53rd Bull Sale, Saturday, March 22, 1:00 PM at the CSS Charolais Ranch, Paynton, SK. 53 yearlings, many polled, some red factor. Rugged and hairy these are solid made bulls that are guaranteed to work. For catalogue/info call John Wilgenbusch 306-458-2688, cell 306-458-7873 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue CEDARLEA FARMS GIT R DONE Bull Sale, Tuesday, April 1, 1:00 PM on the Windy Willow Angus farm, Hodgeville, SK. 43 Charolais yearlings sell. Many polled, some red factor, many sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker the RBC Supreme Champion Bull at Agribition 2011. Also selling 70 Black and Red Angus bulls and a group of open Angus heifers from Windy Willows. For catalogues or info. contact Garner or Lori Deobald 306-677-2589 or By Livestock 306-536-4261. View videos and catalogue online at: REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds and yearlings, polled and horned, some red, quiet, hand fed. 40 plus bulls available at the ranch. Call Wilf, Cougar Hill Ranch, 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK
POLLED SALER BULLS and 20 polled Saler heifers for sale. Harbrad Saler Farms, 306-459-7612, Ogema, SK.
14th ANNUAL SASKATOON Gelbvieh Bull and Female Sale, Saturday, March 22, 2014, Saskatoon Livestock Sales. Pre-sale viewing of cattle Friday, March 21, 2014. Gelbvieh bulls add pounds at weaning, feed efficiency, and superior maternal strength. Selling 50 stout polled red and black yearling purebred Gelbvieh bulls and select females. New this year: cattle sold by video. For more info and catalogue contact Don Savage Auctions at 403-948-3520, Wade 306-785-4714, Darcy 306-865-2929, Darrell 780-581-0077 or view PRAIRIE GELBVIEH ALLIANCE BULL SALE, April 5th, 1:30, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. View catalogue online at or call Thackery Gelbvieh 306-861-7687, Fladeland Livestock at 306-969-4829 or Selin’s Gelbvieh 306-793-4568.
T BAR K RANCH Annual Bull Sale held on April 10, 2014, 2:00 PM at the Ranch. 202 yr. old and yearling horned Hereford bulls; 20- 2 yr. old and 26 yearling Red Angus bulls. Catalogue and videos online at or Kevin Dorrance, Wawota, SK. 306-577-9861, 306-739-2944 GOOD SOLID 2 YR. old bulls. Also 2 herdsires. Easy calvers. Polled Herefords since 1950. Erwin Lehmann, 306-232-4712, Rosthern, SK.
28th ANNUAL PRAIRIE Gold Limousin Bull Sale, Friday, March 28 at Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK. On offer 35 stout heavy muscled red and black polled bulls. Catalogue online at Contact Ken Gillies 306-221-1159, Dale Turner 306-374-6585, Laird Edwards 306-567-7456, Craik, SK.
HAWKEN SHORTHORNS ARE Consigning 1 two year old and 5 yearling Shorthorn bulls to the Mutrie Farms & Bar H Charolais Bull Sale, Wednesday, April 9th, 1:00 PM, Candiac, SK. Auction Mart. These are solid, sound, not over conditioned bulls that will cover some ground and last. Call Jodi Hawken 306-429-2737, By Livestock 306-536-4261 or view catalogue online at: SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. Check out why and who at website Secretary 306-577-4664, Carlyle, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Richardson Pioneer
ANL POLLED HEREFORDS SPRING Tisdale - 306-873-4030 BULL SALE, NEW DATE, NEW LOCATION! Sunday, March 23, 2:00PM at the farm, Steelman, SK. Selling 22 yearling and two year old bulls. Wintering and delivery available. For a catalogue or info contact at Karl 306-487-2670 or T Bar C Cattle Co. 306-220-5006. View catalogue BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Premier Breeder. Selling custom designed packages. Name online at: PL #116061 your price and we will put a package toGOOD 2 YEAR old POLLED HEREFORD gether for you. Fullblood/percentage LowBULLS. LV Farms Ltd. 306-458-2566, line, embryos, semen. Black/Red carrier. Darrell 780-486-7553, Edmonton, AB. 306-458-7170, 306-458-7772, Midale, SK.
PROVEN HERD BULLS: One 5 yr. old and one 4 yr. old.; Also 2 year old fall born and yearling bulls. Imperial, SK. 306-963-2414 BLACK AND RED POLLED: 2 year old and yearling bulls. Naturally thick, moderate ELDER CHAROLAIS 4th ANNUAL BULL 306-963-7880 BW’s, exc. performance, semen tested and SALE, 1:30 PM, Thursday, March 27th on guaranteed. 204-534-8222, Killarny, MB. the farm, Coronach, SK. Offering 38 yearling and 2- 2 yr. old bulls. Most are polled, QUALITY YEARLING PB black, polled bulls, some red factor. Top quality bulls that will semen tested. Catalogue and videos at: calve well and then give you the added or Dennis performance you want. Contact Ron or Shannon at 403-227-2008, Innisfail, AB. Mike Elder 306-267-4986, 306-267-5655, By Livestock 306-536-4261 or view the THE BEST SELECTION Of The Real Mainecatalogue online at Anjou Bulls, FB sired. Easy calving. Longtime breeder, Gary Graham, Marsden, SK. REGISTERED POLLED YEARLING bulls, Ph. 306-823-3432, performance and semen tested. Guaranteed breeders. Will keep until May. SQUARE D BULLS for sale: over 60 to Visit us at: $2200-2500. Charrow Charolais, Marshall, choose from, spring and fall yearlings and ‘THE CHOSEN ONES’ Private Treaty SK. 306-387-8011 or 780-872-1966. two year-olds, performance and semen Bull Sale. Including embryos, semen and MaineTainer, Maine Anjou and AnVALLEYS END RANCH. Charolais bulls tested, halter broke and quiet, kept until yearling bulls. Catalogue and videos on the for sale, good haircoats, quiet dispositions, June 1. Delivered. 306-538-4556, Lang- gus sired by easy calving bloodlines, semen bank, SK. View videos and pictures at: website: Phone: 403-748-4030, Bentley, AB. tested and delivered in April. Call Mark at 306-796-4651 or Nigel at 306-796-4351, HOLMES POLLED HEREFORDS: Two Central Butte, SK. year olds and yearlings for sale. Quiet easy MCAVOY CHAROLAIS BULLS sell at the calving bulls. Jay Holmes 306-524-2762 or Impact Angus and Charolais Bull Sale, 306-746-7170, Semans, SK. March 29, 1:30 PM, Saskatoon Livestock COULEE CREST HEREFORDS bulls for Sales. 30 yearling and two yr old Charolais sale by private treaty. Yearlings and 2 yr. bulls. For more information call Mike at olds, excellent quality, dehorned and 306-241-1975 or T Bar C Cattle Co. at polled, moderate birthweights suitable for 306-220-5006. PL #116061. View the heifers. Call Randy Radau 403-227-2259, catalogue online at: 403-588-6160. For online catalo gue VERMILLION CHAROLAIS GROUP Bull Bowden, AB. TOTAL ONLINE SALE DISPERSAL of Sale, Saturday, April 5th, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Premium yearling 20 bulls and 20 heifers Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange. View WILSON-LEES ‘VALUE ADDED BULL with March catalogue/sale online Call SALE’ Friday, April 4th, 2:00 PM, Right 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Register early to bid Cross Ranch Sale Barn, Kisbey, SK. 5 kms Rob 780-205-0912, Vermilion, AB. south on #605, 4 kms west. Selling 50 or watch. Pictures and videos on Team or HTA CHAROLAIS AND GUESTS Bull Polled Hereford bulls. Discount for taking See the calves at Sale, Wednesday, March 26, 1:00 PM, your bull(s) sale day. For catalogue or info the farm prior to sale. 306-398-7441(c) Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB. 57 year- c o n t a c t T B a r C C a t t l e C o . a t 306-398-2822(h), Cut Knife, SK. ling Charolais bulls sell. Halter broke, good 306-220-5006. PL #116061. View the BULLS FOR SALE. Calving ease, growth dispositions, most are polled, some red catalogue online at and docility. Will feed and deliver. Info factor. These are the best in performance and pictures at genetics. Contact Shawn Airey Call 306-921-7175 or 306-752-3808 204-328-7704 or 204-724-8823 or By Melfort, SK. stock 306-536-4261 or view catalogue on- FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. A BULL that is proven feed efficient line Cows and quota needed. We buy all class- BUY passes the trait to his calves. Fulles of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F and blood, RFI tested. Best of 100 Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. animalspurebred, on test, yearlings, 2 year olds. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. Call John at 306-374-0763, Saskatoon, SK. 40 OLDER COWS bred Angus/Shorthorn; Email: 30 2nd/3rd calvers bred Dexter; 25 heifers bred Dexter; Dexter bull and heifer calves. 403-845-5763, Rocky Mountain House, AB. QUALITY 2 YEAR old and yearling bulls for sale. Also open and bred females. Merv POLLED POLLED POLLED- Salers bulls Springer, Leslie, SK. 306-272-0144 for sale. Call Spruce Grove Salers, Yorkton, PUREBRED GELBVIEH BULLS, 2 yr. olds POLLED 2 YEAR old black and red Limou- SK, 306-782-9554 or 306-621-1060. and yearlings. We specialize in both heifer sin bulls. Call Rob Garner, 306-946-7946, ONE AND TWO yr. old Salers bulls for cows bulls for light birth and the large herd bulls Simpson, SK. or heifers, quiet, guaranteed and tested for cows. W L Farms 403-854-2474 or delivery available. Heifers also for sale. CIRCLE T LIMOUSIN Performance tested, 780-924-2464 or 780-982-2472, Alberta Hanna, AB red and black polled yearling and 2 year Beach, AB. WINDERS GELBVIEH, Camrose, AB. are old bulls, leading genetics, semen tested, selling by private treaty reg. PB 2 yr. old guaranteed. Delivery available. Estevan, REG. PB RED or Black Salers bulls, bred and yearling Gelbvieh bulls and replace- SK. Harvey Tedford 306-634-8536; Darryl heifers and replacement heifers. Elderberm e n t h e i fe r s . g w i n d e r @ s y b a n . n e t Tedford 306-634-4621 ry Farm Salers, 306-747-3302 Parkside, SK 780-672-9950. GOOD SELECTION OF stout red and black PEDIGREE SALERS BULLS: Yearlings, 2 bulls w/good dispositions and calving year olds and females for sale. Selected ease. Also good bred heifers. Qually-T Lim- from top 20% of the highest performance ousin, Rose Valley, SK., 306-322-4755 or CDN herd. Records: BW, WW, EPD’s, dam and sire info. Bmann free herd. Assistance 306-322-7554. to match your needs. Bulls will be semen TOP QUALITY BULLS: Red and black; tested and guaranteed. Can arrange delivYearlings and 2 year olds; One coming 3 ery. Breeding since 1989 for quality, doyear old. Light birthweight bull used on cility, thickness and performance. SLS stock on: Less inheifers. Call 306-459-2788, Ogema, SK. puts and less labour equals more profits. POLLED LIMOUSIN BULLS: Red or black. Salers will do it! Sweetland Super Six Guaranteed and delivered. Call Leach Salers, Ken and Wendy, 204-762-5512, farms 306-338-2805 or 306-338-2745, Lundar, MB. Wadena, SK. visit: JEN-TY GELBVIEH BULLS for sale at the STOUT YEARLING LIMOUSIN BULLS, PUREBRED BULL, 3 years old, quiet, Gelbvieh Stock Exchange Bull Sale, March polled, horned, red, black. Quiet bulls with polled, semen tested. Delivery available. 21, 2014, 1:00 PM, Medicine Hat, AB. For great performance. Short Grass Limousin, A r t a n d B e t t y F r e y, 7 8 0 - 5 4 2 - 5 7 8 2 , info or sale catalogue call 403-378-4898. 306-773-7196, Swift Current, SK. 780-621-6407 cell, Drayton Valley, AB.
WHO’S YOUR DADDY’S 11th Annual Bull Sale will be selling 56 Shorthorn bulls (2 yr olds and yearlings) and open replacement heifers, on April 3, 2014 at the Saskatoon Livestock Sales, Saskatoon, SK. Richard Moellenbeck 306-287-7904; Carl Lehmann 306-232-3511 or Scot Muri 306-741-6833. View: WEST COUNTRY SHORTHORN BULL Sale, Saturday, April 12, 2014, 1:00 PM at the Morison Farm, 40 kms West of Innisfail, AB. Watch for signs. Offering 30 yearling Shorthorn bulls, and 20 yearling S h o r t h o r n h e i fe r s . F o r m o r e i n fo . call Ken 403-728-3825. THE 7TH SUN COUNTRY SHORTHORN BULL AND FEMALE SALE, Thursday, March 27, 2014 at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Selling will be 35 Polled Shorthorns bulls and 25 purebred Shorthorn replacement heifers. Check our websites for the sale catalog, weights and ultrasound data. This is our best set of bulls yet! Sale will be broadcast live on Horseshoe Creek F a r m s L t d . , 3 0 6 - 4 5 6 - 2 5 0 0 v i ew at Anwender C at t l e C o . , 3 0 6 - 4 4 2 - 2 0 9 0 , v i ew at Rocking L Cattle Co., 306-739-2598, view at SHORTHORN YEARLING BULLS, red, white, roans, polled, THF, tie broke, semen tested, DNA’d; Package of Shorthorn and commercial Shorthorn yearling heifers for sale. Matlock Shorthorns 306-825-2674, 780-522-9350, Lloydminster, SK. SHORTHORN BULLS, YEARLINGS and 2 year olds. Red and roans. Contact 6S Farms, Stoney Plain, AB. 780-963-4578.
YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE: Reds, Traditionals and Simmental/Red Angus cross. McVicar Stock Farms, Colonsay, SK. 306-255-2799 or 306-255-7551. LEEWOOD RANCH HAS Simmental bulls for sale by private treaty. 2 yearlings and 1 two year old. Red, purebred and fullbood. 780-763-0084, Mannville, AB. 2 YEAR OLD and yearling Red and Black Simmental bulls, moderate birthweights, good temperaments. All bulls sold by privat e t r e at y. B i l l o r V i r g i n i a Pe t e r s 306-237-9506, Perdue, SK. SOUTHWEST SHOWCASE SIMMENTAL BULL SALE, Monday March 31st, 1:00 PM, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. 71 red and black bulls from the following consignors: EDN Simmentals 306-662-3941, X-T Simmentals 306-295-3843, Crocus Simmentals 306-773-7122, Boundary Ranch 306-299-2006, Herter Simmentals 306-662-5006. To view catalogue visit: w w w. b o u c h a r d l i ve s t o c k . c o m o r c a l l 1-866-946-4999. YEARLING AND 2 YEAR OLD Red Factor Simmental bulls off of top AI sires. Will guarantee breeders. Deposit will hold until May 1st. Green Spruce Simmental, Duck Lake, SK., 306-467-7912, 306-467-4975.
19th Annua l
Thurs d a y Ap ril 10 ,2014 Innis fa il Auction M a rket,Innis fa il,AB A N G US • M A IN E • SIM M EN TA L Ca ll 403.227 .31 66 view the ca ta log on line a t:
w w w .d a in es ca m SIMMENTAL BULLS: BLACK and Black Simm. Angus, registered and guaranteed. 306-662-5006, Golden Prairie, SK. TWO YEAR OLD purebred Registered Simm bulls, solid red, semen tested, AI sired. 306-270-2893, Clavet, SK. SIMMENTAL BULLS: Red, Black and Full Blood. 60 bulls for sale by private treaty. Fully guaranteed. A down payment will hold your bull for spring delivery. Also 15 selling in the Southwest Showcase Bull Sale, March 31st. Call Dean, EDN Simmentals, 306-662-3941, Maple Creek, SK.
BROOK’S SIMMENTALS 2014 Polled Policy Private Treaty Bull Sale: Yearling polled full blood bulls, first come first served. Semen tested, fully guaranteed. Delivery available. Catalogue available online: Call Konrad 306-845-9434 (cell) or 306-845-2834 (home), Turtleford, SK. 8th ANNUAL PROUDLY WESTERN, Bull Sale, NEW DATE, March 22, 1:00 PM, Whitewood Auction Mart. Selling 60 Simmental yearling bulls and a select set of replacement heifers. Wintering and delivery available. For a catalogue or more info contact T Bar C Cattle Co. 306-220-5006. View catalogue online THE 10TH WHEATLAND Cattle Co. Bull Sale. Thursday, March 27, 2:00 PM, Alameda Auction Mart. Offering 30 Purebred Black, Red Simmental bulls as well as Sim cross Angus yearlings. For a catalogue or m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a c t Ve r n o n 306-634-7765 or T Bar C Cattle Co at 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online at: PL #116061.
REG. SOUTH DEVON BULLS, red, polled, and semen tested, starting at $2400. High Chapparal Ranch, 306-336-2666, Lipton, SK., e-mail
WELSH BLACK 17 polled yearling bulls, a few 2 year old bulls, yearling heifers, black and red. Call Scott Farms, 403-854-2135, Hanna, AB.
10 SELECTED COWS and bred heifers, Club Calf bred females, AI to leading Club Calf bulls like: Choppin Wood, Ohio Senator, I67, Bodacious and Monoploy Money. Start calving April 1st, $18,000 pkg. Call 780-205-6433, Dewberry, AB. 2 0 0 YO U N G A N G U S b r e d c o w s . 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK.
HERD DISPERSAL: 24 bred cows, 6 bred heifers, March and April calving, bred to Red and Black Angus bulls. 10 yearling heifers 500-800 lbs. Complete herd asking $50,000. 306-275-2295, St. Brieux, SK. OPEN REPLACEMENT HEIFERS: 25 Red Angus/ Simmental cross, 15 purebred red Angus. Full herd health program, no brands. Triple H Red Angus 306-723-4832, 306-726-7671, Cupar, SK. 100 BLACK COWS bred Hereford or Black EQUINE ALTERNATIVE THERAPY CLINICS: Angus, 30 Black and BWF heifers bred April 12-13. Intro-classes on Equine Adjusting and Meridian Therapies - 1 day and Black Angus. 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK. E q u i n e E n e r g y T h e r a p i e s - 1 d a y. 780-897-7711. Sign up now! Alder Flats, AB.
SAGEBRUSH TRAIL RIDES. Writing-OnStone. Register: June 27th. Ride: June 28, 29th, 30th and July 1. Earl Westergreen 403-529-7597, Les O’Hara 403-867-2360.
SOUTH DEVON AND South Devon/ Angus cross bulls. Black and red yearlings and 2 yr olds, $2000-$2800 each. 403-566-2467, Duchess, AB.
SAMPSON MCGREGOR STOCK Farm, Iron River, AB has 2 black 3 yr. old herdsires, 3 black 2 yr. old and 1 red 2 yr old South Devon bulls. Easy calving 90 lb. BW bulls. For further info. contact Ralph or Betty at 780-826-7077 or
SUMMIT 3 BULL SALE and Prospect heifers at Edmonton Farm and Ranch Show, March 29th, 3:00 PM MST. Cattle can be viewed at farm near Neilburg, SK. Also PB heifers for sale at farm. Catalogue can be viewed at 306-893-2988, 780-205-2478.
QUALITY MARES, CHAMPION bloodlines 2013 ELK CALVES, good bloodline. Call in both race and barrel. Also 2 stallions out 306-645-4240, Rocanville, SK. of Own Son of Crimewave. Call Jack at NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for 306-698-2439, Wolseley, SK. over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM Winnipeg, MB. 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: If you have elk to supply to market give AWAPCO Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. a call today. No marketing fees. Non-memTRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. bers welcome. or Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim phone 780-980-7589. wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Buck WANTED: ELK and DEER shed antlers. 306-227-1337, Martensville, SK. Creek, AB. RAMSAY PONY RIDES have for sale well- HERDS THAT DON’T QUALIFY to go to broke kids ponies and saddle horses. All Alberta - give me a call. I have steady broke horses sold with a written guaran- markets and same prices. Need truckloads tee. Also new and used saddles and tack. of 30 to 40. Call Ian 204-625-2498 or 204-867-0085, Minnedosa, MB. 306-386-2490, Cochin, SK.
COMPLETE SET NEW leather harness for mid-size team, heavy spotted and showy, COZY CAPS! Ear protection for newborn $2300 OBO 780-494-2294, Hines Creek AB calves! Ph. 306-577-4664, Carlyle, SK. THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. Call 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, COCKBURN/ MERIT BULL SALE, Mon- Hwy #16 Borden Bridge, SK. day, March 31st, 1 PM. Johnstone Auc- NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood tion Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. 35 Red Angus and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacyearlings, 53 Black Angus yearlings, 7 Red ture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, SasAngus 2 year olds, 6 Simmental Yearlings. katoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 Call Ward 306-631-9490 (Red Angus & PM weekdays. Email Simmental) or Trent 306-869-7207 (Black A n g u s ) . V i ew c at a l o g u e o n l i n e at : 65 BRED COWS, start calving March 20, y o u p i c k $ 1 6 5 0 . Te d P e n n e r 306-594-3079, 306-621-1082, Norquay SK SHEEP AND GOAT Sale, Friday April 11th 20 TO 30 ANGUS CROSS bred cows, choice at 10:30 AM. Heartland Livestock, Prince from 44, $1500 each. Call Martin Pratchler Albert, SK. For more information or to con306-484-4544, Govan, SK. sign call Brennin at 306-981-2430. SELLING: MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014 CANDIAC AUCTION MART is having a open Black Angus heifers at Everblack Bull sheep, lamb and goat sale, Sunday, March Sale, Nilsson Bros., Vermillion, AB. Heifers 30 at 1:00 PM. Please pre-book. Receiving have had UltraBac 7, Somubac twice and on Saturday from 12-6:00 PM. For more Express 5. For more info. call Jamie Mills, information call 306-424-2967 or Kevin 306-344-4603, Frenchman Butte, SK. 306-539-4090, Candiac, Sask.
N E E D 3 0 0 BA N G S va c c i n at e d c ow s , SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. We want May/June calvers, with vaccination pro- your lambs. Have you got finished (fat) gram. 612-916-0421, Flasher, ND, USA. lambs or feeder lambs for sale? Call WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For Dwayne at: 403-894-4388 or Cathy at: bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- 1-800-363-6602 for terms and pricing. sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK.
TOP GUN HORSE Sales, April 19 and 20, 2014. At Ag Event Center, Ponoka, AB. Huge selection of broke horses including: Ranch; Roping; Barrel; Kids; and Trail horsNEVER BEFORE OFFERED: Yearling and es. To consign now or info. 403-783-0246, two yr old bulls from the original breeders, visit: Speckle Park to Speckle Park since 1974. Semen and DNA tests on request. Some 2013 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE, embryo’s and semen available. Battleford, May 2nd and 3rd at Olds, AB. Draft horses, SK. Call 306-937-3120. View online at: tack, harness, collars and horse drawn equipment are welcomed consignments. Call Barb Stephenson 403-933-5765, 8 AM STRICT 2 YEAR old bull program. Sound, to 8 PM, or visit efficient, hard working cattle. Real World genetics. 306-647-2704, 306-647-2140, HORSE AND TACK Sale, Heartland Livestock, Prince Albert, SK. Friday, April Theodore, SK 11th. Tack at 5:30 PM, horses to follow. THE 2ND ANNUAL SOURCE SPECKLE Please book tack and horses in advance PARK SALE, Sunday, April 6, 2:00 PM, with Brennin at 306-981-2430. Lloydminster Exhibition, AB Building. An elite offering of yearling and two year old 5TH ANNUAL PRAIRIE SPRING HORSE bulls as well as a select group of females. Sale, Sunday, May 18, 2014, 1:00 PM at These genetics are being offered by P.A.R. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Ranch, MX Ranch, Moovin Zpotz and Unee- We are accepting entries for quality da Farms. For catalogue or info. contact T Ranch, Pleasure, Show geldings and Bar C Cattle Co. at 306-220-5006. PL mares, well started younger geldings and # 1 1 6 0 6 1 . Wat c h a n d b i d o n l i n e at mares, broodmares, yearlings and 2 year View the catalogue online olds and teams- Reg. or Grade. Entries are online: and are at due April 15. Scott Johnstone, Auctioneer, ALL CANADIAN SPECKLE PARK and 306-631-0767 or Glen Gabel, ConsulAngus Bull and Female Sale, Wed., tant/Marketing, 306-536-1927. PL 914447 March 26, 2:00 PM, Notta Ranch, Neilburg, SK. 60 Speckle Park yearlings, 2 year olds NAERIC DRAFT HORSE CLASSIC SALE, and Angus yearling bulls. As well as a se- approx. 30 yearlings. At the Royal Manitolect group of purebred and commercial fe- ba Winter Fair, April 5, 2014, Brandon, MB. males. For more info or catalogue contact 502-245-0425. Jason Goodfellow 306-893-4620 or T Bar C Cattle Co 306-220-5006 (PL #116061) View catalogue online
ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN 7th Annual Registered Sale, Saturday, March 29, 3 PM at VJV Auctions, Ponoka, AB. Approx. 30 lots: females and herd bull prospects. For more info. Mark 403-357-9833 or view FRESH CORRIENTE YEARLINGS, ready to rope this spring, $700. 306-492-4751, Dundurn, SK. REGISTERED LONGHORNS BULLS and females for sale. Phone Allemand Ranches, Shaunavon, SK., Daryl 306-296-4712, cell 306-297-8481, Bob 306-297-3298.
ROCKING W SPRING HORSE SALE, April 25 and 26: Tack Sale, Friday, April 25, 5:00 PM; Horse Sale, Saturday, April 26, 12:00 PM, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. email: ph. 204-325-7237, HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK., Thursday, April 3, 2014. Tack sells: 2:00 PM, Horses sell: 4:00 PM. All classes of horses accepted. For more info or call 306-693-4715. PL #914447.
ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association REG. 10 YR. old Belgian stallion, hand or 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. pasture breeds, broke to drive. Call Blaine 204-567-3720, Miniota, MB.
NORHEIM RANCHING HAS a full line of handling equipment at discount prices. Freestanding panels, tubs, chutes, feeders, self-unloading hay trailers, net wrap and more. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. FREE STANDING CORRAL panels and windbreak frame for cattle, horse, bison and sheep. Large variety of length, height and bar spacings. Sample price: 21’x6 bar, 5’HLW, $199; 21’x5 bar, 5’H, very sturdy, $239; 24’x5 bar, 5’H, med. duty, $239; 21’x7 bar, 6’H bison, $299; 30’ windbreak frames $399 less boards; New mount to post continuous corral panels, 24’x5 bar, $169. Haysaver horse feeders, feed troughs, bunk feeder panels and RB feeders. Call Jack Taylor 1-866-500-2276. 2- 2005, 7900 liquid quad manure tanks, with steering, each at $40,000. Call us today at 403-782-9730, Lacombe, AB.
A M ixerW a go n w ith In n o va tive R eel a n d Au gerDesign fo ryo u rTo ta l M ixed R a tio n Available at:
N ic k ’s S e rvic e Em era ld P a rk, S K 306- 78 1- 1077
STEEL VIEW MFG: 30’ portable wind breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. INDUSTRIAL DENVER ROLLER mill, 24”, PTO driven w/scalper for removing large debris, $4000 OBO. Call 780-524-9322 Valleyview, AB. SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers SOLD CATTLE: HIGHLINE 7000 HD bale extension, marketing services and a full shredder with grain tank; New Holland 358 l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . mix mill, always shedded: Tuff cattle han306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. dling system. 306-389-2431, Maymont, SK BALE CHOPPER PROCESSOR, excellent shape, $6800. 306-730-8375, Melville, SK. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 handling and feeding equipment including years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowd$$$. ing tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs, rodeo equipment and garbage inBUYING: PIGS/SWINE, raised outside, all cinerators. Distributors for El-Toro electric sizes. Highest $$$. 1-877-226-1395. branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now avail. with a neck extender. Ph. 306-796-4508, email: Web:
POULTRY AND EXOTIC Animal Sale, Kinetic Park, Swift Current, SK. Saturday, April 12, 2014, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM. Admission: $2.00, 10 & under: free. For more information call 306-773-2944.
B E R G ’ S H AT C H E RY 2 0 1 4 . C a l l 204-773-2562, Cornish, waterfowl, brown or white egg layers, turkeys, guinea fowl, specialties, ready to lay and more. Russell, MB. BOBWHITE QUAIL CHICKS to hatch out March 5th; Also Selling Quail eggs for hatching. 780-603-7966, Vegreville, AB.
(hyd.ho ses & freightextra ) WINTER WATERING: FREEZE proof, motion eye, 24”/36” drain back bowl. Call toll free 1-888-731-8882, Lumsden, SK. Or visit:
Q U IC K PA Y -O FF W IT H L A B O U R & FE E D S A V IN G S O ptio ns inclu de tra iler kits, digita lsca le,plu s m a ny m o re.
C a llFo r Y o ur N ea rest D ea ler
Also now available through your local Co-op Agro Center. MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!
1-800-582-4037 FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS, up to 30’ (2-3/8” oilfield pipe); Square bale feeders, any size; Can build other things. Elkhorn, MB. 204-851-6423, leave msg. PORTABLE PANELS 30’ freestanding 3bar windbreak frames, 5-bar, 4-bar panels w/wo double hinge gates and more. On farm welding. Oxbow, SK., 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199 and leave a message. 2001 JIFFY 920 bale shredder, electric lifton shield, excellent condition, $8750. 306-473-2711, Willow Bunch, SK.
w w w .ezefeed 2005 SUPREME MIXER WAGON, 900T, dual discharge, floatation tires, $27,500. Contact 780-674-8105, 780-674-6096, 780-584-2422, Barrhead, AB. USED JIFFY SLIDE-IN round bale handler, in good condition. Phone 403-627-2601, Pincher Creek, AB. ACORN MANURE PUMP system, minus piston and ram. Call Jim at 306-382-2351, Saskatoon, SK.
FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. S F M 2 0 0 0 WEIGH-TRONIX mixmill, 357 NH MIXMILL, power bale feeder, done w/402 macro and micro scale indicators, very little work, always shedded, $4000. and 14 micro boxes; Blower system 306-358-4212, 306-753-7935, Denzil, SK. available. 306-691-5284, Moose Jaw, SK. SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove 26 TON TANDEM Bunning widespread ma- and repair all makes of mills. Call Apollo nure spreader, ready for the season! Ready Machine 306-242-9884, 1-877-255-0187. to go, excellent spreader, spreads up to 30’, no piles, very reliable machine, 1000 2001 BALE KING Vortex 3000, excellent PTO, slurry door w/side extensions, spring shape, LH discharge, strings never burnt, drawbar, $49,500 OBO. You don’t want to $7550 OBO. 403-345-4232, Coaldale, AB. miss out! Call 403-782-9730, Lacombe, AB OAT ROLLER w/1/2 HP elec . motor, LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: Feed alley $1000; 100 gal. protein tank, $500; Calfpanels, super size bale feeders, steel frame tipping table, $600. Lucky Lake, SK. calf shelters, freestanding panels. Planning 306-858-2529 or 306-867-9899. something big? Ask about leasing. 306-485-8559, 306-483-2199, Oxbow, SK.
WANTED: DEER and ELK shed antlers. 306-227-1337, Martensville, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Richardson Pioneer Langenburg - 306-743-2252 SUPREME 900 TWIN screw mix wagon, new wheel bearings and seals, all new tires and rims, 4 point scale, adjustable dog leg conveyor, rubber extension on top, all new knives, $29,000 OBO. Phone 780-524-9322, Valleyview, AB. ARROW FARMQUIP LIVESTOCK handling solutions: Portable windbreaks. Custom built panels and gates. 1-866-354-7655, Mossbank, SK. 2004 BRANDT BALE Commander, VSF-X, used 8 years, 35 cow herd, vg condition, $5500. 306-781-4674, Zehner, SK. KNIGHT MODEL 3700 silage wagon w/working scales, $6000 OBO. Haybuster 1 0 0 0 t u b g r i n d e r, $ 6 5 0 0 O B O . 306-837-2050, Loon Lake, SK. JIFFY BALE PROCESSOR, NH 357 mixmill, NH 791 manure spreader, NH side delivery rake, MF 124 square baler, Real Industries tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer, Peerless PTO roller mill, Horst 18 bale hay trailer, Pearson squeeze chute, Lewis cattle oilers, Dust Actor mineral feeders, metal clad calf shelter, quantity of corral panels and gates, windbreak panels, barbwire and electric fencing supplies, round bale feeders, vet and misc. cattle supplies. Moncrief Farm and Livestock Equipment Auction, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, Alameda, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
EXOTIC BIRD AND ANIMAL AUCTION, Sunday, April 27, 2014, Weyburn Livestock Exchange, Weyburn, SK, 11:00 AM. To consign call Charlotte 306-861-6305. For info. call Ken 306-861-3456. RIDING ARENA! HORSE barn building packages available. Designed and customized to suit you. Wetaskiwin Home Building Centre. Call Brad Wold 780-312-9218. AQUAMAGIC 65 EGG grader, cross loader and packing table, excellent condition, DURATECH, HD-8, JD engine, 239 hrs., new battery, new tires, pulled by a 1/2 $2750. 306-435-3530, Moosomin, SK. ton, trees, pallets, bales, $22,500 (over FOR HEALTH REASONS, selling mobile $80,000 new). 306-526-9382, Regina, SK. poultry processing unit. For all species of poultry. Includes Cryovac bagging system 2007 HIGHLINE 8000 bale processor, and inventory. 250-546-6884, Armstrong, right hand discharge, big tires, exc. cond. BC. E-mail: Call 780-916-2333, Spruce Grove, AB. JIFFY BALE SHREDDER, good condition, $2000. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB.
FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No power WELSH BLACK- The Brood Cow Advantage. MAMMOTH DONKEYS, $500 each. Yearling MULE DEER HUNT BUCKS for sale, varying GREG’S WELDING: ALL metal calf shel- required to heat or pump. Prevents conCheck Jacks and Jennys. Call 204-434-6132, s i z e s . C a l l C h r i s 3 0 6 - 7 2 5 - 3 4 4 9 , ters 8 in stock, 11.5x21’, $2200 each. tamination. Grants avail. 1-866-843-6744. 306-725-7441, Strasbourg, SK. Canadian Welsh Black Soc. 403-442-4372. Steinbach, MB. Phone 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK.
OLDER BASS GUITAR; brand new bass Washburn amp, B.D. 30B; Hohner-VerdiIII accordion, very nice, crisp clean sound. 403-577-2336, Consort, AB. REGULAR ACOUSTIC GUITAR for sale, offers. 306-642-3076, Assiniboia, SK.
PRO-CERT ORGANIC OPTION - 2014. For information on organic farming: prospects, transition, barriers, benefits, certification, and marketing contact one of our agrologists. call 306-382-1299, ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION of Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) Nonprofit, members owned organic certification body. Certifying producers, processors and brokers in Western Canada since 1988, Miniota, MB. Contact 204-567-3745
ORGANIC ALFALFA, SWEET Clover, Red Clover, Oxley Cicer Milk Vetch. Grasses. Free delivery. 306-863-2900, email us at: Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK. 2014 PRODUCTION CONTRACTS for organic hard red wheat, hard white wheat, malt barley, brown flax. Call Growers International, 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of organic and conventional green/yellow peas for 2013/2014 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK CANMA NEW ORGANIC hemp seed variety, $2/lb., large seed, exc. weed competition, high returns. 306-747-2725, Shellbrook SK WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC GRAINS. FOB farm or delivered, Loreburn, SK. Call F.W. Cobs Company ph. 1-888-531-4888. CERT. ORGANIC RED CLOVER seed, approx. 15,000 lbs. Custom blend of Cert. Algonquin alfalfa, w/Carlton smooth brome grass and common Timothy, 70/20/10 split, 3500 lbs. Call Tim 306-542-4353, 306-542-8280, Veregin, SK. ORGANIC OATSEED: Accepted milling or feed variety, 99% germ., 96% vigor, bin run $8/bu. Lucky Lake, SK. 306-858-2529, 306-867-9899.
PYRENEES/ AKBASH PUPS, born Feb 14th, in sheep pen. Working parents. Would be suitable for yard dogs $200; One 9 month old sister, bonded working w/sheep, $400. 306-845-2404, Livelong, SK.
HOUSE FOR SALE near Hague. To be moved. 985 sq. ft., asking $15,500 firm. Needs to go. 519-983-2484, Osler, SK.
TO BE MOVED: 1440 sq. ft. bungalow, very well built, open floor plan, 10’ walls, BORDER COLLIE PUPS out of good work- oak kitchen, make excellent cabin or ing parents. Contact 306-553-2213, Swift home. 306-281-8398, Saskatoon, SK. Current, SK.
Tour our homes on site.
306-370-3870 or 1696 sq.ft. Show Home for Sale
Renewable, Sustainable Energy. herbicides
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit: Southwest Terminal Ltd. Shaunavon - 306-297-4045
WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to go! Mt. Blanchard, 1296 sq. ft. was $191,285. Sale price $175,000. Call 1-866-933-9595, WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to go! Mt. Robson, 1443 sq. ft. was $161,715. Sale price $155,943. Call 1-866-933-9595, ZAK’S RTM BUNGALOWS starting at $90/sq. ft. w/New Home Warranty on every home we build! Zak’s 306-225-2288, Hague, SK. or go to LOG HOMES, builders of quality handcrafted log and timber frame homes. Call Jeff at 306-493-2448, Saskatoon, SK. KUVASZ/PYRENEES PUPS, farm raised, born Sept./Oct., 7 males and 5 females. Call 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB.
L IM ITED K A M UT CO N TRA CTS AV A IL A B L E N O W CAL L 1 -30 6-869-2926 w w w .p hso rg a n m
SIX ADORABLE INTELLIGENT sheep and goat integrated Pyrenees pups, born Dec. 8, first shots, dewormed, vet checked, females $250, males $300. 306-656-4445, 306-230-2499 cell, Harris, SK. REG. MALE BORDER COLLIE PUPS for sale. Bloodlines include Lorraine Millers Jazz (Shawn Wells Jeff/Milton Scotts Jen) Colt (Peter Gonnets Moss/Ken Mackenzies Kelly) Abe Marshalls Mist, Peter Gonnets Taff, Lee Millers Trish, Denis Nagels Hank. Pups are vaccinated, dewormed, and microchipped. Both parents work on 1000 cow ranch and also work sheep and have great trial bloodlines. $550 ea. Ready now. Lorraine Miller 403-650-3478, Hanna, AB.
For custom herbicides as unique as your fields, visit:
MASTER STONE MASONRY. Custom fireplaces and stone masonry. Specialize in fieldstone and restorations. Willing to travel for work in rural areas. WETT Cert. Inspections. Ph 306-280-1845, Saskatoon, SK. Email:
NEW MODULAR HOUSING Dealership! Advertising lowest prices in the Prairies for Shelter Home Systems (SRI). Grand Opening Specials now on. Call 1-855-358-0808, SPRING SALE ON NOW! Canadian built by M o d u l i n e . 1 5 2 0 s q . f t . , Te m o r a , $99,900; 1216 sq. ft., Oasis/Villa, $79,900. Call Stan, 306-496-7538, 1-888-699-9280. Yorkton.
Looking for answers? Read columnist Will Oddie’s Energy Field in your Western Producer’s Production section this week.
40 ACRES FARMLAND in Kelowna, Okanagan area of BC. 3 bedroom mobile, creek, artesian well, city irrigation water and sewer, 3 min. to international airport and University, $1,600,000. Call 250-212-3689. email:
BEAUTIFUL NE BC RANCH. 3679.25 deeded acres of which 1476.45 is hay fields. Also included two townships of grazing leases. This property is situated in a valley that is from 1-1/2 to 3 miles wide and runs for 20 miles, bordering the Halfway River for 3 miles and 20 miles along the Cypress Creek. Good wells and fresh water TIMESHARE VACATION for sale, Las Vegas springs. Buildings include renovated 2000 2 bedroom with full kitchen. Selling due to sq. ft. home, 3 baths, 4 bdrms., 2 car garhealth. 306-453-2958, Carlyle, SK. age, hip roof shop, 3 open face sheds, all steel working corrals and arena. Also an additional log cabin. Excellent hunting and fishing. Comes with gas revenue. Potential gravel sales. 403-975-8862 or 250-261-9962. GOT QUESTIONS? Ask Will at
MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince RIVERFRONT RANCH: SOUTHERN BC, 1.5 hrs. from Kelowna, approx. 435 acres, Albert, SK. 6 titles, 2 houses (1 new 2010), 4 drilled wells, irrigation wells plus gravity, irrigatTO BE MOVED: 1997 Ridgewood mobile ed fields, range permit out the back door, home, 16x76’ w/attached 12x24’ porch, 3 timber, water license on year round creek, bedrooms, 2 baths, open concept, one $2,250,000. Call for more information owner, asking: $62,500 OBO. Leave mes- 250-446-2529, Westbridge, BC. sage at: 780-858-2379, Chauvin, AB. KELOWNA FARM: OKANOGAN Apple Orchard, approx. 13 acres, 2 homes, minutes to downtown Kelowna. 1-888-212-0166 ZAK’S RTM HOMES and cottages starting at $100/sq. ft. w/New Home Warranty on every home we build! Zak’s 306-225-2288, Hague, SK. or go to
600 COW RANCH: 6870 acres on the Spirit and Peace Rivers. Ranch has excellent grass and working facilities, renovated 4 bedroom ranch house, 3 bunk houses, 2 yard sites each with a set of working pens and corrals. Well priced at $6250 per cow. Greg Cripps, Re/Max Central AB. Phone 403-391-2648, e-mail: visit:
Super Seed Inc. Yellow Grass - 306-465-2727
WANTED CERTIFIED ORGANIC grass fed slaughter beef. Peter Lundgard, Nature’s Way Farm, 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB. 506 DEEDED ACRES in northern BC, house, cabin, gen. power, propane, stove and fridge. Heavy timber, natural meadows. Approx. 2 miles of frontage on Half Way River, $575,000 OBO. Tim 780-898-7594. 14x46 MODULINE HOME. 55 Plus Park, valley and mountain views in the beautiful Shuswap, BC. Maintenance free landscaping. Only $48,900. Call 250-835-2366 email: HONEY BEE FARM, Grand Forks, BC. 3 bdrm. house, large cert. honey house, 2.6 acres, 500 hive equipment, trucks, school bus route. One complete sale. Best offer by July 31, 2014. Flower Power Apairies, 250-442-2933,
YOUR VACATION HOME AWAITS on Shuswap Lake, BC. Brand new, gorgeous townhomes, shortwalk to wharf/downtown. Lakeview, hardwood, heated tile floors, 9’ ceiling, heat pump, $339,000 EAST CENTRAL SASK. GWM, rancher, 55, incl. GST. looking for that special guy. I love the ru- or phone Roger 403-350-8089. ral life and all it has to offer, the great outdoors, active lifestyle and being fit. I am SHUSWAP COUNTRY ESTATES. Manuf. tired of being the single one on the holi- homes start at $69,900. Retire with us...on days and at events. So if this interests you time...on budget. 250-835-2366, Salmon drop me a line. Box 5004, c/o The West- Arm BC. ern Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. WHITE FEMALE, LATE 40s, NS, loves farm life, wants to meet gentleman 45-52 yrs. for possible marriage. Box 5001, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4
SINGLE? SPRING IS the perfect time to find love! Meet the Matchmaker! In-person interviews April 22 to 25th in Regina and Saskatoon. 19 years successful matchmaking. Call to book your appointment: Camelot Introductions 204-888-1529, view
WANTED: 200 - 300 head cow/calf ranch in SK or BC. Can start with partial purchase and work with someone wanting to retire. No agents please. Box 5000, c/o The Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4
MOOSE JAW. Well maintained 28,670 sq. ft. industrial building used as a manufacturing plant. 1200 sq. ft. office, 1200 sq. ft. mezzanine, 8580 sq. ft. heated plant and 17,690 sq. ft. warehouse. Loading docks and easy access to Thatcher Drive truck route on the west side of the city. 3 phase power. 2.8 acres. M2 zoned. Call Brian Walz, Royal LePage Landmart, Moose Jaw, SK, 306-694-8082, toll free 1-877-694-8082 or cell 306-631-1229 or website CUSTOM BUILT COMMERCIAL buildings made to order. Call Zak’s 306-225-2288, Hague, SK. or go to for more info or quotes and to view gallery WARMAN HOMES CUSTOM built commercial buildings, to your plan or ours. Call 1-866-933-9595 or
ZAK’S RTM HOMES and cottages starting at $100/sq. ft. w/New Home Warranty on every home we build! Zak’s 306-225-2288, Hague, SK. or go to LOTS, CABINS AND lake homes on Pelican Lake, Ninette, MB. Fay McEachern, Sales, ph 204-724-4456. CEDAR LOG HOMES AND CABINS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC. CKC REG. LABS Rocky Pine Kennels has 6 1-800-960-3388. registered chocolate puppies available, 3 LAC DES ISLES- 2 acre lake lot $125,000; males/3 females, born December 21, 5 acres, $295,000. Adjacent Meadow Lake 2013. Call 306-823-4731, Neilburg, SK. Park. 306-373-4808, Email: WARMAN HOMES RTM homes ready to PB AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD PUP one go! Mt. Vanier, 1680 sq. ft. was $222,083. female left, working parents, tails docked, Sale price $215,363. Call 1-866-933-9595 or go to ready to go. 780-853-2783, Vermilion, AB.
OLDER, WELL KEPT 1150 sq. ft. farm home to be moved, close to Hague, SK. Has attached garage, screen room by Sunview Solariums, renovated in 1987. Roof done 5 yrs. ago, 2 bdrms, 1 den, 3 pce. bath, kitchen has oak cabinets w/eating nook. Open dining and L/R, carpet throughout, good quality appliances, windows and doors. Offers considered. 306-225-4643.
RTM SHOW HOME. 1594 sq. ft., feature front with vinyl shake and stone, high living room vault with upper windows, fireplace with chase, rear overhang for veranda, beautiful maple cabinets, ensuite with 5’ shower, choice of flooring, $185,000. Swanson Builders, Saskatoon, SK. area, 306-493-3089.
MARVIN HOMES, BUILDING RTM’S since 1976: 1320 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, $75,000 and a WARMAN HOMES. LOTS for sale in Lang- 1520 sq.ft, 3 bdrm., $90,000. Call Marvin ham, SK. or Warman Legends or South- Homes 204-326-1493 or 204-355-8484, lands. to view or Steinbach, MB. call 1-866-933-9595.
(780) 349-3477
Introducing Western Canada’s newest modular housing dealership! We are proud to offer Canadian built shelter home systems! Western Canadian modular homes offers floorplans in all sizes from single section to multi-section. Several showhomes available for immediate delivery! Trust our knowledgeable & experienced staff to make your dream home. Experienced, professional, reliable.
1.855.358.0808 112 - 39015 Hwy 2A Red Deer, AB T4S 2A3
160 acres in Westlock county with approximately 140 cleared. Fully-finished 5-bedroom bungalow with shop. E3363902
2200 acres of prime agricultural land located in Westlock & Barrhead counties. Land is all adjoining with many locations for building. 3 phaze power. E1020842 & E3359727
Mike 780-307-3396 Clem 780-349-0974
Mike 780-307-3396 Clem 780-349-0974
is now a ccepting bids for gra zing on the follow ing properties Package Project M unicipality N am e
HO M ES D ESIG NED FO R YO U! Sa ve up to $11,000 on m ove !
T H E S H A • 1,532 sq. ft • 3 bedroom s • w alk in pantry
U N A V O N ll • m ain floor laundry • corner jetted tub • dorm er w indow s
W e Ca n Cu stom Bu ild To You r N eeds!
(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon
1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0
Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m m
A cres A U M
Start D ate
A rea 1
N am aka Lake
W heatland
W 1 ⁄2 7-23-23 W 4M (part) 330 N 1 ⁄2 12-23-24 W 4M (part) N 1 ⁄2 11-23-24 W 4M (part)
July 1
A rea 2
N am aka Lake
W heatland
E1 ⁄2 6-23-23 W N W 6-23-23 W E1 ⁄2 1-23-24 W N W 1-23-24 W
Lore Lake
N ew ell
10111-104 Ave. Westlock, AB. (780) 349-3477
Land D escription
4M 4M 4M 4M
(part) (part) (part) (part)
July 1
SW 4-20-17 W 4M (part) S 1 ⁄2 5-20-17 W 4M (part)
July 1
The follow ing conditions m ust be m et: 1.A llbids m ust be on a A U M basis (1A U M = 1000lbs m ature cow w ith suckling calf) 2.N o grazing to com m ence before start date 3.Fence m aintenance w illbe the renter’s responsibility 4.B idding closes at 12:00 noon, Friday A pril25, 2014 5.Properties should be view ed prior to bidding 6.The highest, or any bid, m ay not be accepted B ids accepted at: D ucks U nlim ited C anada B ox 539 D uchess, A B T0J 0Z0 Fax:(403) 378-3295 A ny further questions please contact: D an B uell B (403) 378-3108 C (403) 363-8033 d_buell@
298 ACRES CULT. farmland 2.5 miles east of Tofield, AB. on 626. Good #2 soil, no bush, no stones, very flat, annual surface lease revenue $3200. MLS MH0026833 S o u t h l a n d R e a l t y, c a l l L e n R e m p e l 306-741-6358, Medicine Hat, AB.
URGENTLY WANTED FARMLAND to BISON WORKING RANCH, Valleyview, buy or rent in the County of Vulcan, com- AB area. 4 quarters in hay and pasture, petitive rates offered. Call: 403-312-0678. half fenced with 5’ paige-wire and steel posts, balance cattle fenced. 2880 sq. ft. 3 1.5 bath home on new full base159 ACRES FARMLAND, four miles East of bedroom, 2 water wells, new gas furnace and Tofield, AB, along Hwy. 14, good #2 soil, ment, appliances. 150 head bison optional. NW-15-50-18-W4, 145 acres cultivated. Phone 780-523-9676. Call 780-662-2061 or 780-999-6399. QUARTER SECTION TITLED land, sheltered yard w/mobile, shop, good corral set up, 1900 SQ. FT. ranch style 7 yr old bungalow water well, nat. gas, electricity, 2 dugouts, on 137 acres of cult. land. 1/4 mile off $25,000 of timber, 1539 acres leased grazpavement, 10 mins to town. Large shop ing land w/$3000 oil revenue, asking and barn. 5 bdrm. house w/dev. bsmt., 4 $439,000. 780-568-4192, Grande Prairie. bath, office, craft/play room, landscaped, horse pasture, creek, garden, pet and child FA R M F O R S A L E i n C a l m a r a re a . friendly. 403-586-8151, Didsbury, AB. Quarter section of farmland, no buildings. For inquiries call 780-987-2249.
Lethbridge, AB
March 27, 2014 · Selling at the Lethbridge Auction Site 12 Quarters of Real Estate Iron Springs, AB (North of Lethbridge) 1977.82± Deeded Acres, $5260 SLR*
5003 5004 5005
TWP 130 5006
Owner: John & Deana Martin: 403.757.2276
18 Quarters of Real Estate Coronation, AB – 1230± Deeded Acres, 1564± Grazing Lease Acres, $9750 SLR*
5011 5015
Deeded Farmland Grazing Lease
Owner: John & Deana Martin: 403.757.2276
1 Home Quarter, 4 Parcels of Farmland & 480± Acres Grazing Lease – SLR*$9100
5024 5025 5021
Rge Rd 125
TWP 330
LARGE GRAIN AND cattle property, Exclusive listing; Also a beautiful recreational quarter, borders Clearwater River, West of Red Deer, AB.; 5 quarters of good producing land, north of Newbrook, borders Hwy. #63, one with small lake, could be for recreation or country residential. Other cattle properties available. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Spruce Grove, AB. LAND FOR SALE: 1600 acre lease, 960 acre deeded, mostly grass, lots of water, new fence, building site with newer home, S of Cereal, AB.; 1669 acres of farmland, building site with shop, quonset and modular home, oil and gas revenue, renters in place, N of Cereal, AB.; 800 acres of farmland, building site with heated shop, S of Chinook, AB. Call Big Sky Real Estate Ltd. 1-866-850-4444, Hanna, AB.
3800 + 14,000 ACRES: Cattle, bison and elk operations, fenced and cross fenced, Wabumun Lake, west of Edmonton, AB. 780-915-1735,
Owner: Glen Weich: 403.854.2556 (h), 403.854.1002 (c)
5 QUARTERS OF FARMLAND, fenced, South of Sunset House, AB. Contact 780-524-2578.
5031 5032
Owner: Dale Hosack: 250.542.1102
RM OF CHURCHBRIDGE #211: 6 quarters certified organic mixed farm. Newly renovated 1800 sq. ft. bungalow. Call 306-743-2805, Langenburg, SK.
L OOK IN G F OR L AN D w /Aggrega te Potentia l In Sa ska tchew a n
Ca ll PO TZU S LTD. Phone: 306-782-74 23 Fa x: 306-786-6909 Em a il: info@ potzu JUST LISTED: 2-1/2 miles NW of Debden on No. 55, 1-1/2 miles east. This quarter offers approx. 150 acres of tame hay, balance yard 40 acres, fenced off for pasture. 1967, 1064 sq. ft. 2 bdrm home with partially finished basement. What a location to raise a family and have a little ranch to help supplement your income at the same time, close to the lakes, good hunting and fishing. Call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. RM 154 ELCAPO, 8 quarters of productive grainland, approx. 6 miles from Broadview, SK. Price includes modern 1496 sq. ft., 5 bdrm. home, grain storage, and arch rib steel quonset. Contact Rick Roland, Royal LePage Regina Realty, or call 306-591-0163.
Q u ick Closu re – N o Com m ission
Ca ll306-5 84 -364 0 in fo @ m a xcro PURCHASIN G FARM LAN D La n d for ren t R M of Livin gston e 3 3 1
w w w .m a xcro
REPRESENTING Buyers and Sellers
7HG &DZNZHOO ³Anin Expert the Field Farm Listings:
43 Ave. West (Hwy 520)
FOR SALE BY TENDER: Located in RM of Glen McPherson #46, all pasture and hay land. Deeded lands: W-1/2-7-6-12-W3; N-1/2-9-6-12-W3; SE-9-6-12-W3; All of Section 8-6-12-W3; NW-4-6-12-W3; N-1/2-5-6-12-W3; SE-5-6-12-W3. Lease lands: E-1/2-7-06-12-W3; NE-4-6-12-W3; SW-9-6-12-W3; SW-5-6-12-W3. Located in RM of Val Marie #17, deeded: all of Section 12-6-13-W3, includes 360 acres cultivated. Prospective purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage, condition, improvements, and assessment. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit certified cheque for 5% of bid with tender, payable to Lewans & Ford in Trust, and clearly mark envelope “Sayers Land Tender”, Lewans & Ford, Box 759, Assiniboia, SK, S0H 0B0. Ph. 306-642-4520 Fax: 306-642-5777, Tenders close March 28, 2014, 2:00 PM.
WANTED: ORGANIC FARMLAND to rent in Sask. Please call Tim 306-229-7155. RM OF FRONTIER #19: 4 Section mixed LOOKING FOR DRY LAND or irrigation farm with yard site. John Cave, Edge Realland to lease and grow forages. Will also ty. 306-773-7379. consider buying your pure Timothy or pure alfalfa fields standing. Prefer north of Vul- 1/2 SECTION FOR Sale NE Sask., approx can, south of Olds, AB. but open to all sce- 320 acres. 110 acres broken to pasture, LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. RM of n a r i o s o r d i s c u s s i o n s . B a r r A g L t d spring/creek running all year. Apply to: Corman Park #344. NW-34-37-07-W3. Tenders must clearly indicate the land that Box 53, Pelly, SK. S0A 2Z0. 306-595-4609. 403-507-8660, is being bid on and the amount being bid. Bidding forms can be obtained by making an inquiry to Ms. Deugau at 306-956-3338 ext. 222. or email 3 QUARTERS PRIME GRAINLAND for Tenders must be enclosed in a sealed ensale in RM of Ponass Lake, No. 367. Highly velope accompanied by certified funds assessed value with F, G soil classification. payable to the Vendor(s) in the amount of For land details visit: 5% of the tender amount. The Vendor reor call agent Justin Yin at: 306-230-1588, serves the right to decline any tender. All Sutton Group Norland tenders must be received on March 31, 2014 by 3:00 PM CST to be considered. Realty, Saskatoon, SK. RM 49: APPROX. 640 acres irrigation and LAND FOR SALE OR CASH RENT. The foldry land with buildings. 306-773-7379, lowing land in the RM of Storthoaks #31: John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd, Swift Current, N E - 1 4 - 4 - 3 1 - W 1 , N E S E a n d S W- 2 3 , SW-24. 700 cult. acres, more possible. SK. FARM/RANCH FOR SALE: 3302 acre farm With yardsite. All land touches. Previous with 2600 cultivated acres and remaining 7 QUARTERS IN south central SK. Seller crop was wheat. For more info. call rent back at 5% return; 6 quarters; 3 quaracres in pasture land. Located on the 701-756-6954 or fax bids to 701-756-6047 banks of the Peace River, AB. For more in- ters w/yard site. Call 306-867-9495. by Tuesday, April 1, 2014. Highest or any formation contact 780-864-1976. RM OF GLEN BAIN # 105: 480 acres grain bid not necessarily accepted. ONE QUARTER, SW-33-47-18-W4, 14 land with quonset and bins. John Cave, QUARTER SECTION GRAINLAND in RM of miles NE of Camrose, 2-1/2 miles off E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 3 0 6 - 7 7 3 - 7 3 7 9 . Colonsay. Call 306-255-2065, St. Denis, SK. or email pavement, partial fence, 120 acres broke, power, NG avail. at road. 780-336-2385.
154 ACRES: PASTURE, hay, creek, 4 bdrm., 2 bathroom bungalow. Recreational area. Realtor chosen. County of Clearwater. Phone 403-844-4505.
Farmland Grazing Lease
2 Parcels of Vacant Commercial Property Claresholm, AB (South of Calgary) Highway 2 frontage, Zoned C2, 0.67± title acres
#753- FORT MACLEOD, irrigation farm in the scenic Belly River valley, 320 acres, 2 pivots, 2 homes. Modern goat dairy operation, milking parlor with capacity for 1500 goats. Also facilities for 1746 head calf raising operation or 107 cow dairy. Existing Trailer Business for sale! Prime business location spread over approx. 20 acres. This site is only 2 miles East of Lethbridge, on the North side of Hwy. 3, with high visibility and easy access. Includes a residence and various buildings. #2067- Legal: Modern Broiler Breeder farm just North of Edmonton with 60 acres. 3 newer barns, and 18,131 units annualized quota. Nice home and yard. Exc. location on Hwy. # 2. ID#1100195 Rolling Hills: Pivot irrigated half section with $24,060 surface lease revenue and land is currently leased out. (lease can be cancelled by the seller). 292 acres BRID. #1977- Lethbridge: Rare Opportunity! 446 acres of riverfront property located along the Oldman River Valley, East of Lethbridge, just East of the Nolan Bridge. 1 mile of river frontage with beautiful building spots. Large home with breathtaking views, 50x80 shop, and horse barn. Real E s t a t e C e n t re , 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 1 4 ,
PEACE COUNTRY FARMS: 44 quarters c/w yard and equipment; 28 quarters c/w yard and equipment; 1 quarter c/w 2 homes, set up for horses; Complete section South of High Prairie c/w 1500 sq.ft. home, borders Crown Land. Central Alberta Farms: 2 quarters c/w home, pool, shop; 131 acres, 4855 sq.ft. home near Sylvan Lake. Call 1-888-212-0166 or visit:
GOT OIL? Free property evaluation for mineral rights owners. You will need your land co-ordinates available. 24 hour turn around. Call 403-291-0005, Toll Free 1-877-784-9696, SK. Licensed Operator. RM LEASK #464, Ranch Property, 4499 acres all connected except one quarter. Approx. 3164 acres cult. tame hay pasture mix. 3 and 4 wire fences with treated posts. 36x51 straight wall shop, with att. 20x36 ranch hand quarters, heated with in-floor nat. gas. Power, sewer, well and lots of in pasture water. Ample bush shelter. Property is mainly stone free. MLS® 468365. For viewing call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK.
RM ST. PETER 300 acres ................................MLS#475294 .$1,470,000 RM ST. PETER/SPALDING 627 Acres .........MLS#475302 ..$1,155,000 RM OF PONASS LAKE #367 993 Acres........MLS#481081 ..... $998,000 RM OF BJORKDALE AND PORCUPINE 926 Acres MLS#488692 ..... $895,000 RM OF TORCH RIVER 798 Acres ...................MLS#485453 ..... $699,000 RM OF PADDOCKWOOD 760 Acres.............MLS#488474 ..... $550,000 RM OF INSINGER & RM OF GARRY 480 Acres.MLS#489761 ..... $440,000 RM OF WILLNER 320 Acres ...........................MLS#486902 ..... $415,000 RM OF LAST MOUNTAIN VALLEY 640 Acres..MLS#487532 ..... $348,000 RM OF ARM RIVER 109 Acres................MLS#488471 ..... $272,500 RM OF BUCKLAND 320 Acres..................MLS#480053.......$190,000 RM OF PADDOCKWOOD 160 Acres .....MLS#487535 ..... $109,900 RM OF HAZELDELL 161 Acres ............MLS#480733 ....... $89,500 RM OF WREFORD 136 Acres .............MLS#486980 ....... $83,000
Recreational Listings:
RM OF BARRIER VALLEY 319 Acres ..MLS#487855 ..... $299,000 RM OF KELVINGTON 317 Acres ......MLS#482874 ..... $180,000 RM OF PREECEVILLE 319 Acres.....MLS#470144 ..... $160,000 RM OF BARRIER VALLEY 146 Acres MLS#487853 ........ $89,000 RM OF TORCH RIVER 159 Acres ....MLS#483131 ....... $79,000
Ted Cawkwell Agriculture Specialist
1-306-327-7661 email:
One of the few places we can’t sell you. Yet. Find an agent in Western Canada. Each office is independently owned and operated.
FARM FOR SALE: Avonlea, SK. 640 acres in one block, 488 acres of cultivated land, 152 acres of pasture w/dugout. 7 grain bins, 3 steel, 2 with hopper bottoms, 4 plywood; 24x40 shop/garage; 32x60 cattle shed; older 2 bdrm, 1-1/2 bath house w/newer shingles, well water system, large yard overlooking scenic valley. Located 2 miles north and 2 miles east of Avonlea, SK., RM of Elmthorpe: Section 36, Twp 12, Range 23-W2, known as Jake Jaschinsky farm. Close to Dunnett Dame Provincial Park and Long Creek Golf Course. Offer to include all land and buildings, bids accepted. Include name, address and phone number. Possession date April 16th, 2014. For info contact L.S. Schikowsky, Lethbridge AB. 403-327-5631. TIM HAMMOND REALTY For sale Byma Farm located 3.5 miles S. Grenfell, SK., RM 155. 12 quarters- can be purchased in 3 separate packages or as a complete unit. Excellent set of outbuildings and corrals, modern remodeled bungalow, land classes are F, G and H. Currently in hay/pasture but could be converted to grainland MLS# 483959, 483953, 483955. Phone Guy Shepherd for details. 306-434-8857.
SHEEP FARM for sale. in SE Sask. 188 acres, 1000 sq. ft. bi-level 3 bdrm., 2.5 bath, exc. cond., 32x92â&#x20AC;&#x2122; barn, 30x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; shop, 80 Dorset/Suffolk cross sheep, 80 acres alfalfa/brome, 80 acres fenced pasture, 20 aces barley. Older equipment included. School bus road. Selling due to health. For info. call 306-634-4920, Estevan, SK. WANTED: GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 mile radius of Rouleau, SK. Call 306-776-2600 or RM PROGRESS #351. Taking offers on SW-22-35-23-W3 and SW-20-35-23-W3. Call Doug 306-834-2736, 306-834-7759, Kerrobert, SK. LAND FOR SALE by owner in the RM of Viscount, 160 acres grain, 160 acres grass. Call for info. 306-944-4572, Viscount, SK. RM OF WOOD RIVER #74: 800 acres of grain and hay land with service buildings. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379,
A lex M o rro w Fo rtQ u â&#x20AC;&#x2122;A ppelle,SK (306) 434-8780 C ell a m o rro w @ fa rm so fca na da .co m
Maple Creek - 306-662-2420
$39 4,0 0 0
S hire Fa rm n ea r M oos om in (RM 92 W a lp ole). Excellen t m ixed fa rm op era tion w ith 1280 a cs fea tu rin g 610 cu lt. a cs & 625 ha y/ p a s tu re a cs ., G ra s s ca rries 100 p a ir (300 a cs cou ld be crop p ed ), Ya rd in cl: 1180 s q . ft. bu n g a low (1983), 4 bed , 2 ba th. 12,850 bu . s teel bin s tora g e. Excellen t w a ter & ca ttle fa cilities . A s k in g $1,240,000 M LS 462168 http:/ / S hire.Fa rm s o fCa n a d a .co m
5 q u a rters fa rm la n d s in RM 250 fors a le
$69 0 ,0 0 0
P lea s e ca ll 306- 5 01- 9368 or em a il:ka thleen.y@rem
CASH RENT RM #376, N1/2-32-37-10, 80 acres cultivated. Reply to: Box 34, Asquith, SK. S0K 0J0. Will return reply.
!5#4)/. 10
0%+ &203$1< )$50 /7'
$8&7,21 72 %( +(/' ,1 7+( :$'(1$ &20081,7< /(*,21 +$// :$'(1$ 6. Ĺ? 0$,1 67
Ca ll Alex M o rro w 306-434-8780
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,1 7+( 5 0 2) 6$60$1 5 0 2) /$.(9,(:
Selling Farm s & R anches for over 10 years throughout Saskatchew an, w ith over 30 current listings. To view listing brochures please visit: w w w .tim ham m Cell306.441.4152 Cell306.537.8086 Fax 306.477.1268 Em
,03529(0(176 3$5&(/ $ 6LQJOH )DPLO\ 5HVLGHQFH $SSUR[LPDWHO\ 6T )HHW )LYH 0HWDO *UDLQ %LQV 3$5&(/ )LYH 0HWDO *UDLQ %LQV
SK PL # 914507 â&#x20AC;˘ AB PL # 180827
Louac Farms Ltd.
Osler, SK | March 25, 2014 ¡ 8 am
7 8
Prince Albert
Birch Hills
North Battleford
Auction Property
Hague Neuanlage
Osler Saskatoon
RM MILDEN, grainland: NE-14-28-11-W3 assess. 82,800, asking $290,000; SW-25-27-11-W3, assess. 79,100, asking $275,000. 403-901-9156, Dinsmore, SK
CASH RENT: 6 quarters grainland in RM Carmicheal. 3 Quarters hayland in RM Touchwood #248: Jas 604-356-9500. RM BON ACCORD #246, approx. 150 acres, 110 cult., gravel deposits. 45 miles west of Yorkton, SK. 306-795-2424 eves.
L a m p m a n W es t - 4,800 excellent cultiva ted a cres for s a le, plus $75,000 a nnua l s urfa ce lea s e. M oos e Ja w S K . - excellent gra in fa rm 60 km S outhea s t of M oos e Ja w . This 2,560 a cre property is lis ted a t a grea t price of 3 tim es the a s s es s ed va lue. G ood hom e, s hop, 110,000 s teel bins bus hel ca pa city. $3,250,000. E s tev a n , S K . - 4,500 a cres E a s t of E s teva n for s a le. L a rge ra nch w ith oil a nd gra vel revenue. $53,000 a nnua l s urfa ce lea s e revenue. V a l M a rie, S K . - N orthea s t 1,900 cultiva ted a cres . Reg in a - W AN TE D : 2,000-5,000 a cres crop la nd w ithin 30 m inutes of Regina . Alb erta /S K . -Â W AN TE D : 5,000 -15,000 a cres cropla nd .
M a rcel L eBla n c R ea l Es ta te In c.
TIM HAMMOND REALTY, 619 acre livestock package just east of Biggar, SK., 500 acres seeded to grass/alfalfa, balance in native pasture and bush. New 4 strand barbwire fence. Excellent expansion opportunity. MLS 485195. Asking $320,000. (2.0 times assessment). 306-948-5052,
We Are Pleased To Announce The Following Recent Sales
FARMLAND FOR SALE By Tender: Sealed written tenders for the purchase of approx. 120 cult. acres, 1 mile East, 1 mile North of Garrick, SK., NE-16-52-16-W2. Sealed tenders submitted to D/D Temple, PO Box 234, White Fox, SK., S0J 3B0 no later than April 10, 2014. A 10% deposit required on accepted offer. Applicable GST payable on sale completion date, April 15, 2014. All funds paid by certified cheque or bank draft. Please provide mailing address, telephone, cell phone. No offer necessarily accepted. For more info. call 306-276-9302 or e-mail:
CENTRAL BUTTE 156 acres - owned by Clifford, Hugh, Irene & Maurice Berry STOCKHOLM 156 acres - owned by Donna Stein ELFROS 160 acres - owned by Theodore, Larry & Garnet Lindal & Rosellen Bjarnason WEYBURN 317 acres - owned by Jewel Creek Cattle & Grain Inc. C/O Gary & Bernice Johnson HUMBOLDT 479 acres - owned by Morgan Romanycia ESTON 638 acres - owned by Agra Enterprises Ltd. C/O Glenn Byrnes & Melanie Lobdell
RM OF HOODOO #401, land for sale by owner. NE-27-42-25-W2nd. For more info. phone 306-233-4728, Wakaw, SK.
185 Regis tered S a les in 2013.
C A L L U S TO D A Y! Sa s ka tch e w a n â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fa rm & Ra n ch Sp e cia lis ts â&#x201E;˘ W ITH OVER 3 0 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS.
RM MOUNT HOPE #279. Land for sale or cash rent S-1/2-31-29-20-W2. Send written tenders to 802 Gillies Cres., Saskatoon, SK. S7V 0C2. Bids for land sale only close April 7, 2014. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Info. 306-955-8880.
3 06 -56 9 -3 3 8 0
â&#x20AC;&#x153;N ow representing purchasers from across Canada, and around the w orld!â&#x20AC;?
To view full color fea ture s heets for a ll of our C U R R EN T L IS TIN G S a nd virtua l tours of s elected properties ,vis it our w ebs ite a t:
w w nerea
LAND AUCTION, WEYBURN, SK. March 31st at the Weyburn Travelodge, 10:30 AM. NE 22-10-14 W2ND and SW 29-10-14 W2nd. The NE 1/4 assessment is 67,000 and the SW1/4 assessment is 78,500. M L S # 4 8 9 0 2 5 . C a l l K e v i n L a c ke y 306-842-1516, for a detailed information package! Lackey Auctioneers, PL# 914582 Visit:
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Land Auction for Bill and Bev Tatarliov, Saturday April 12, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions from Minton, Sask. 6 miles North on Hwy #6, 2-1/2 miles East and 1/2 mile North. 2 quarter sections sell as one package. RM #9 of Surprise Valley, NE-21-03-19-W2 and NW-21-03-19-W2. For full listing and photos 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962.
WWW.SASKLANDFORSALE.COM: RM of Great Bend #405. Part of SE-05-41-08W3, 142.76 +/- acres MLSÂŽ490272, $199,900. Full quarter assessment was 97,200. Renters available. As per sellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s instructions, all offers will be presented on April 12, 2014 at 1 PM. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. For offer instructions and property details please contact Ed Bobiash, RE/MAX Saskatoon, 306-280-2400 before April 12, 2014.
RM BIG ARM #251, Land for sale or rent, SE-31-25-25-W2, NW-32-25-25-W2. Send written tenders to Box 151, Imperial, SK. S0G 2J0. Bids close March 31, 2014. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For info. phone 306-963-2669.
2 3
RM 139: 6720 acre ranch, good set of buildings. Call 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd.
Real Estate Lease - 3 Year Term 21 Parcels of Leased Farmland 5,675Âą cult acres â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Selling at the Saskatoon Auction Site
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit: Richardson Pioneer
3 q u a rters fa rm la n d s in RM 317 fors a le
WANTED: GRAINLAND to rent or purchase in RM Norton #69. 306-535-7141, please leave message, Regina, SK
FARMLAND FOR SALE By Tender: Owner inviting tenders on each of four quarters of land located 1 mile off Hwy #2, 9 miles West of Watrous, SK., RM of Morris #312. Short haul to terminals. Tender to state specific offer on each quarter bid on, whether bidding on one or any combination: SE-34-31-26-W2, assess 71,300 taxes $536.06, approx. 146 cult. acres, 2013- canola; SW-34-31-26-W2, assmt. 69,600. taxes $523.29, approx. 130 cult. acres, 2013- wheat; NW-34-31-26-W2, assmt. 77,500. taxes $582.69, approx. 109 cult. acres, 2013- wheat and canola; NE-34-31-26-W2, assmt. 76,000. taxes $571.41, approx. 145 cult. acres, 2013- canola. NE has 10,000 bushel storage. Sealed tenders must be received by 5:00 PM, March 25, 2014. Signed and including legal name, closing date, mailing address, phone number, and certified cheque, money order, or bank draft equal to 5% of bid, payable to: Sink Law Office. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Send bids to: Sink Law Office, 219 Evenson Avenue, Manitou Beach, SK. S0K 4T1. Inquiries to:
Wakaw, SK | March 25, 2014 ¡ 8 am 5 Parcels of Farmland â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 798.83Âą title acres Selling at the Saskatoon Auction Site
1 3 4
18 4X
Auction Location
Liko Farms Ltd.
19 312
2 5 Wakaw
PARCEL 1 LOCATION: From Jct 312 & 2 go 12 miles West, 1/2 miles North. GPS: 52,6580, -106.0349
41 Quarters selling as 21 Parcels of Leased Farmland 5,675Âą cult acres â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 year term 1st right of refusal for 2nd lease or purchase Selling by dollar per cult acre multiplied by 2013 sprayer GPS readings Owner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Kyle Klassen: 306.242.0595 (h), 306.227.0103 (c) Escrow â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Brennan LeBlanc: 306.280.4878 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Travis Sack: 306.280.0829 800.491.4494
Located in rural municipalities of: Ćą /DLUG Č&#x2013;Č&#x2019;Č&#x2013; Ćą 5RVWKHUQ Č&#x2013;Č&#x2019;Č&#x2022; Ćą &RUPDQ 3DUN Č&#x2022;Č&#x2013;Č&#x2013; For full farmland details and a copy of the lease agreement please visit
PROPERTY FEATURES INCLUDE: ¡ 798¹ title acres ¡ 643¹ cult acres
¡ Barley in 2013, Canola in 2012 & 2011 ¡ Every lot will be sold to the highest bidder on auction day, regardless of price.
For up-to-date listings & details, please check our website: Owner â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Henk Ligtenberg: 306.223.4241 (h), 306.232.7170 (c), Escrow â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Brennan LeBlanc: 306.280.4878 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Travis Sack: 306.280.0829 800.491.4494
1.888.986.2946 2009 FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Detroit Diesel engine (475 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 838000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #7038-09A
Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISM engine, Eaton Fuller Auto Shift transmission (10 speed), ABS brakes, 412000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C, Getting a White Cncade 20 foot grain box. Saskatoon, SK. Stock #V492718
Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISM engine (310 HP), Eaton Fuller transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 370000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C, getting new grain box. Regina, SK. Stock #0047-05A
2007 PETERBILT 386 Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine (450 HP), Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 1147000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #8216-07A
2009 INTERNATIONAL 8600 4X2 Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISM engine (320 HP), Eaton Fuller Ultra Shift transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 804000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Brandon, MB. Stock #V291181
2009 INTERNATIONAL PROSTAR Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins ISX engine, Eaton Fuller D/O transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 825000 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C, power tailgate, New 20 foot Silage Box. Regina, SK. Stock #V492713
Deck, Flatdeck, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Steel rims, Alum w/ Nailing Strips floor, Width: 102in, Length: 53ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock # 4N608126U
Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Paccar PX8 engine (330 HP), Eaton Fuller transmission (10 speed), Air brakes, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 46000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C. Regina, SK. Stock #5149-08A
2008 INTERNATIONAL 4300 4X2 Single Axle Grain Truck, International DT466 engine (225 HP), Allison (Auto) transmission (5 speed), Air brakes, 253000 km, 10000 lbs front axle capacity, 17500 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C, perfect body for roofing company. Regina, SK. Stock #1177-08A
2008 KENWORTH T300
Deck, Hendrickson Air Ride suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum rims, 1 1/2” EXT. Floor w/3 Nailers floor, 18 king pin, Winches: 22 Canadian Style 3-Bar, Width: 102in, Length: 53ft. Regina, SK. Stock #9RK43880U
2008 KENWORTH T300 Tandem Axle Grain Truck, Cummins engine (300 HP), Allison (Auto) transmission (5 speed), Air brakes, 397890 km, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C, Getting a matching color 20 foot grain box. Saskatoon, SK. Stock #5699-08A
2000 LODE KING FLATDECK Deck, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Steel rims, Wood floor, 36 king pin, Winches: 24 Slot w/ “C” Hooks, Width: 102in, Length: 48ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #YA033334U
2001 LODE KING FLATDECK Deck, Flatdeck, Air Ride suspension, Tandem axle, Steel rims, Wood floor, Width: 102in, Length: 48ft. Winnipeg, MB. Stock #1A034827U
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A ‘Tool and Boot’ Allowance of 100% reimbursement to a maximum of $400.00 per calendar year. Maxim will pay for 100% of eligible course and book expenses to a maximum of $1,000 per level for Apprenticeship Training. Wage offered: $27.20 to $36.00 per hour. Competitive compensation packages, group benefits including health (drug card), dental, vision & company matching RRSP plan, career development training, job referral bonuses, modern facilities & equipment, a great group of people to work with, and more!
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2013 CIH 9230 (SA) heavy lift, lat tilt, c/w 3016 header, magna cut fine chopper, HID lighting......................................................................$360,000 2012 CIH 9120 (SC) luxury cab, autoguidance, 620 duals, HID lighting, lat tilt, 348 rotor hrs...................................................................$325,500 2012 CIH 9120 (SA) lat tilt, Y&M, 620 tires, HID lighting, c/w 3016 header, 462 rotor hrs...................................................................$319,000 2011 CIH 9120 (ES) lat tilt ext wear rotor, fine cut shopper, c/w 3016 pu header, 535 rotor hrs......................................................................$315,000 2012 CIH 8230 (ES) accuguide Nav II controller, HID lights, 262 omnistar receiver, 450 rotor hrs....................................................................$315,000 2011 CIH 9120 (SA) lat tilt, powerplus cvt feeder, c/w, 3016 pu header, 719 rotor hrs...$300,000 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) duals, lat tilt, small tube rotor, full auto guidance, trailer hitch....$299,000 2013 CIH 7130 (SC) lat tilt, ext wear rotor, stnd chopper, pro 700, 800 tires, trailer hitch...$285,500 2011 CIH 9120 (SA) lat tilt, power plus cvt feeder, c/w 3016 pu header, 673 rotor hrs...$276,500 2012 CIH 8120 (SC) lat tilt, hyd fold topper, chopper, 900 tires, 671 engine hrs, 518 rotor hrs....$275,000 2009 CIH 9120 (SA) 900 tires, c/w 2016 pu header, lat tilt, 1004 rotor hrs...$249,900 2009 CIH 8120 (SC) duals, lat tilt, HID lights, autoguidance, 1241 rotor hrs...$215,900 2008 CIH 8010 (SA) deluxe cab, 900 tires, c/w 2016 pu header, fine cut chopper...$210,000 2009 CIH 7088 (SA) 800 singles, lat tilt, AFX rotor, c/w 2016 header, chopper...$189,900 2007 CIH 7010 (SC) 1550 rotor hrs, 800 singles, chopper, lat tilt, AFX rotor...$187,000 2007 CIH 7088 (SC) 800 singles, lat tilt, AFX rotor, stnd chopper, Y&M, 830 rotor hrs...$179,000 2008 CIH 7010 (SC) 900 singles, chopper, manual mirrors..........$174,900 2005 CIH 8010 (LL) new feeder floor, top sieve, 1500 eng hrs, 1200 rotor hrs...$142,000 2004 JD 9660 (SA) jobber duals, michels topper, y&m, new feeder chain, c/w 914 pu hdr.................................................................................$120,000 2003 CIH 2388 (ES) specialty chopper, curved batt spreaders, c/w 2015 pu header...$100,000 2000 CIH 2388 (SC) hopper topper, outback steering, c/w 1015 pu, 2069 hrs, 1543 rotor.............................................................................................$78,500 1998 CIH 2388 (SC) chopper specialty rotor, c/w 1015 swathmaster, y&m, 2500 rotor hrs.....................................................................................$64,500 1997 CIH 2188 (LL) c/w 1015 pu header, topper, chopper, excellor kit...$62,900 1995 CIH 2188 (SC) topper, specialty rotor, new accelerator, chopper, newer tires, 2976 rotor hrs.................................................................................$39,500 1995 NH TR97 (SA) combine, c/w pu header..........................................$20,000
2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 75ft, 12” spacing, double shoot, 6550 tank, X20 map link, MRB 25....................................................................$298,000 2010 Bourgault 3310 (ES) 55ft, 12” spacing, 4.8” pneumatic packer, S25 MRB’s, c/w 6550 tank.............................................................$285,000 2009 JD 1870 (ES) 56ft, 12” spacing, full blockage, single castors, 1910 TBH cart, conveyor..........................................................................$199,900 2010 CIH ATX700 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, ADX3430 tank, dbl shoot, side band...$188,000 2008 Seed Hawk 60-12 (SA) TBT JD1910, TBT 270BUH, 2000 gal TBH liquid, no quick pin........................................................................$185,000 2008 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 59ft, MRB’s new tips, 12” spacing, c/w 6450 tank, singles, 3 tank metering........................................................$179,000 2008 JD 1820 (ES) 61ft, 12” spacing, dbl shoot, atom jet side band openers, JD 1910 cart.....................................................................$129,900 2003 Bourgault 5710 (SC) 54ft, 9.8” spacing, single shoot, 3½” steel packers, 5350 tank, dbl shoot........................................................$107,500 2004 Bourgault 5710 (SA) 63ft, 12” spacing, 491 monitor, midrow banders, 3/4” opene, steel packers..................................................$99,500 1999 Bourgault 5710 (ES) 54ft, 12” spacing, 4350 cart, MRB’s, 3.5 steel packers....................................................................................$85,000 2005 JD 1820 (SC) 61ft, dbl shoot, 10” spacing, 320 tank w/singles....$79,000 2000 Flexicoil 7500 (SC) 50ft, dbl shoot, 10” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, 3450 TBH tank 3” tips..............................................................................$64,500 2004 Morris Maxium II (SA) 49ft, 10” spacing, single shoot, 7240 TBT tank...$55,000 2000 Flexicoil 7500 (SC) 60ft, 10” spacing, rubber packers, single shoot, TBH 3450 tank.......................................................................$45,900 1997 Flexicoil 5000 (SA) 51ft, steel packers recapped, 2320 tank, 10” spacing, blockage............................................................................$44,900 1997 Morris 7240 (SC) 36ft, single shoot, 10” spacing, full blockage, 7240 tank, 2 tank metering..............................................................$39,000 1996 Morris Maxm 7300 (SC) 50ft, 10” spacing, s/s steel packers, 300 bushel cart, atom jet openers...........................................................$29,500
SPRAYERS 2013 CIH 4430 (SA) 120ft, Viper Pro, aim command, deluxe HID lighting, wide fenders, 2 sets of tires.............................................................$365,000 2012 CIH 4430 (SC) 600hrs, 120ft, aim command, autoboom, lux cab, PRO700...$310,000 2010 CIH 4420 (SC) 1000hrs, 80 duals, pro 600, autoboom..........$290,000 2011 CIH 4420 (SA) 120ft, luxury cab, Viper Pro, aim command, fenders, accuboom..................................................................................................$289,000 2012 CIH FL4520 (SC) HID lighting, rear fenders, mud flaps, 810 tank, 1660 hrs...$285,000 2010 CIH 4420 (ES) 120ft, viper pro, HID lighting, 320 & 650 tires, chem educator, turbo foam marker...........................................................$275,000 2009 CIH 4420 (SC) 120ft, full guidance, 650 floaters, aim, luxury cab..$260,000 2005 JD 4720 (SA) 90ft, 800 gal tank, 2 sets of tires, autosteer, fence row nozzles...$175,000 2009 Flexicoil S68XL (SC) pull type, 100ft, 1600gal, pro 600, autoboom....41,900 2003 Flexicoil S67 (SC) 90ft, 1500 gal tank, suspended boom, autoboom.....26,900 2005 Brant 4000 (SC) pull type, 1600gal, 100ft, 9000 monitor, cones.....$19,500 2007 NH SF216 (LL) 100ft, 1600 gal tank, chem eductor...............17,500 2006 Ag Shield (SC) pull type sprayer, 100ft, suspended boom, GPS, auto height, 1250 imp gal............................................................................$16,900 1988 Flexicoil S65XL (SC) pull type, 1200gal, 100ft, auto-rate, 3-way nozzle body...$4,500
SEEDERS 2011 Bourgault 3310 (SC) 75ft, 10” spacing, no MRB’s, c/w 6700 tank, duals, 4 tank metering, 591 monitor..............................................$305,000
213 CIH MX340 (SC) luxury cab, PTO, 3 point hitch, 5 remotes, hi-cap pump, 117 hrs..............................................................................$279,000 2010 CIH Magnum 215 (SA) w/LX780 loader, luxury cab, PTO, hitch ready, 262 WAAS reciever................................................................$185,000 2009 CIH Magnum 180 (SA) 3 remotes, L780 loader, S2 outback autosteer, 3 point hitch.............................................................$155,000 2012 CIH Puma 145 (SC) MFD, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hyds, L765 Loader, 95” bucket & grapple, 350 hrs..............................................................$147,000 2006 CIH MXM190 (SA) MFD tractor, PTO, 4 rear remotes, 825 hrs...$112,000 2002 CIH MX240 (ES) 3 point hitch, rear duals, powershift, degelman 12ft 4 way blade...........................................................$90,000 2012 CIH Farmall 50B (SC) HST transmission, rear remote, 170 hrs...$25,900
4WD Tractors 2012 CIH STX550 (SC) 36” tracks, luxury cab, PTO, diff lock, hi-cap pump, 4 hyd, Pro 700, HID lights..................................$409,500 2012 CIH STX450 (SC) powershift, 800 duals, hi-cap pump, diff lock, 4 hyds, full autoguidance, WAAS.......................................................$309,000 2013 CIH STX400 (SC) powershift, 520 triples, PTO, diff lock, 4 hyds, omnistar receiver, pro 700.................................$309,000 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) full autoguidance, 800 duals, front weight frame, 111 hrs.............................................................................$299,500 2009 JD 9630T (SC) 4 hyds, 36” tracks, hyd hitch, air bags, no PTO, full GPS, shedded......................................................................$295,500 2011 CIH STX450 (SC) powershift, 800 tires, HID lighting, 6 remotes, weights, autoguidance, 489 hrs.....................................................$295,000
Saskatoon 888-788-8007
Swift Current 888-576-5561
2010 CIH STX 535 (SC) luxury cab, triples, HID lights, pro 600, no PTO, F&R weights, 19737 hrs.......................................................................$289,000 2011 CIH STX500 (LL) 800 duals, leather seat, HID lighting, 6 remotes, guidance HP/XP..............................................................$279,000 2010 JD 9430 (ES) 36” tracks, Xenon lights, 5 remotes, hydraulic swinging hitch, PTO, full guidance.................................................................$265,000 2010 NH T9060 (LL) 800 duals, HID lighting, suitcase weights, wheel weights, GPS, luxury cab............................................................$250,000 1997 NH 9682 (SC) 20.8/42 duals, tow cable, 4 hyd remotes, weight pkg, ezsteer guidance, 8373 hrs............................................................................$69,000
SWATHERS 2013 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362 header, upgraded cab, cab suspension...$170,000 2013 CIH WD1903 (ES) c/w DH362, upgraded cab, cab suspension, hyd freeform swath roller.....................................................................................$149,000 2011 MacDon M155 (SA) c/w D60 40ft header, roto shears..............$140,000 2010 CIH WDX2303 (SA) upgrade cab, cab suspension, dbl knife, 323 hrs, DHX362 header..................................................................$135,000 2012 CIH WD1903 (SA) c/w DH362, cab suspension only, chaff wiper kit, cold start pkg, 315 hrs..........................................................$125,000 2008 CIH HDX182 Conditioner (SC) 18ft, steel rollers..................$26,900 2006 MacDon S30 (SC) 30ft, pick up reel...................................$17,000
HEADERS 2012 CIH 2162 (SC) 40ft, dbl knife, pu reel, upper cross auger, AFX adapter....$75,900 2010 CIH 2142 (ES) 35ft, 5 batt reel, AFX adapter, transport, upper cross auger....$75,000 2010 CIH 2152 (SA) 45ft, dbl knife, 5 batt reel, AHHC, transport...$67,000 2012 CIH 2152 (SC) 40ft, single knife, AHHC, AFX adapter, transport...$62,900 2012 CIH 3020 (SC) 35ft...........................................................................................$48,900 2012 CIH 3020 (SC) 30ft, dbl knife, AFX adapter, AWS air reel............$48,500 2011 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, AWS air reel, hyd F&A..................................$47,500 2006 CIH 2042 (SA) 36ft split reel, 8120 adapter, new canvas, knives, & guards.$45,000 NH 94C (SC) 36ft, AFX adapter, cross auger, transport.......................................$44,900 2010 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, AWS air reel, 6 batt pu reel.............................$44,500 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, pu reel, F&A, auto header...........................$39,000 2009 CIH 2020 (SC) 35ft, AWS air reel.................................................$38,900 2005 HoneyBee SP36 (SC) 36ft, upper cross auger............................$37,900 2007 CIH 2062 (SC) 35ft, upper cross auger, AFX adapter, shedded...$37,500 2003 MacDon 972 (LL) 36ft, pu reel, AFX adapter, transport...$29,000 2009 CIH 2020 (SA) 35ft, trailer, pu reel......................................$25,000 2004 CIH 1020 (SC) 30ft, crary air reel, trailer.............................$24,500 1998 HoneyBee SP36 (SC) 36ft, pu reel, transport, cross auger, 2388 adapter..$22,900 2001 HoneyBee SP30 (SC) 30ft, pu reel, transport, 2388 adapter...$22,000 1995 HoneyBee SP30 (SC) 30ft, pu reel, transport, 2388 adapter...$19,500 1997 Macdon 960 (LL) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 1997 Macdon 960 (SA) 36FT, p/u, pea auger, 2388 adapter.........$17,900 2006 Macdon S30 Header (SC) 30ft swather pick up reels.......$17,000 2001 CIH 2015 (SA) 14ft rake up header.........................................$13,000 1994 CIH 1010 (LL) 30ft, p/u reel, transport.................................$11,900 1994 CIH 1020 (SC) 25ft, p/u reel, F&A...........................................$9,500 1994 CIH 1015 (SC) IH pu.............................................................$6,500
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A force to be reckoned with. Or driven. The Canadian 2014 Touareg TDI Clean Diesel
Where can the Touareg take you? Anywhere you dare to go. And innovative weight reduction technologies mean reduced fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. In the impressive 2014 Touareg, you just might want to chart new territory. All prices are in Canadian dollars. Specifications, equipment, options and prices are subject to change without notice. Although we endeavour to ensure that the information contained on the website is accurate, as errors may occur from time to time, customers should contact their local Volkswagen dealer for details. Photo for illustration purposes only. European or American model might be shown. Some items, such as wheels, may be unavailable on some trim levels when vehicle is built or may not be available in Canada. Base MSRP is the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price and excludes taxes, freight and Pdi ($1,365/$1,580 for 2012 models and $1,395/$1,610 for 2014 models), levies, fees, optional equipment, license, insurance, registration, and any dealer or other charges. Environmental or related levies and taxes may vary by jurisdiction. Dealer may sell for less. *Refers to estimated mileage of the 2012 Touareg Tdi Clean diesel. *Not available on all models.
7,700 lbs. towing capacity, 42 miles per gallon, power liftgate available, rearview camera. Largest selection in Saskatchewan!
“Volkswagen”, the Volkswagen logo and “Touareg” are registered trademarks of Volkswagen AG. ©2014 Volkswagen
Rally Motors Ltd.
60-38th Street East, Prince Albert, SK S6W 1A6
Sales | Service Phone: (306) 922-6363
Morris Contour II - 71’, (2013) w/8650 TBT cart, demo . . . . . .$305,000
. . .CALL NEW Degelman 7200 rock picker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500
2013 Morris Contour C2,
Morris Contour II - 61’, (2012) w/8370 TBT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$235,000
NEW Degelman 82’ heavy harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL
Independent Opener Drill
61’ w/8370 XL TBT
Morris Contour II - ‘51’, )2012), double shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call
NEW Degelman 70’ heavy harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL
Morris Contour I - 71’, (2010) double shoot, w/8370 TBT. . . . .$205,000
NEW Riteway 55’ heavy harrow, hyd tine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,500
Morris Contour I - 61’, (2008) dbl shoot, w/8370 VR TBH tank . . . .CALL
Riteway 78’ heavy harrow, hyd tine, Demo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $47,500
Morris Maxim II - 60’, 10” sp, single shoot, 7300 tank. . . . . . . .CALL
NEW Kello-bilt 225, 16’, w/26” discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL
Morris Maxim II - 55’, 10” sp, w/7300 TBT, 3rd tank, NH3 coulters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $79,900
Morris 70’ heavy harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,500
Morris Maxim II - 49’, 10” sp, DS, w/7300 TBH w/3rd tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,000
Morris 50’ heavy harrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL Bourgault 8810, 40’, w/3225 tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40,000
Morris Maxim II, (2002) 34’, 10” sp, liquid kit, w/7180 tow between cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,000
Bourgault 8810, 52’, liquid kit, Atom Jet openers, w/4350 tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000
Morris Maxim I, 49’, 10” sp, liquid kit, 7300 tank . . . . . . . . . . .CALL
Bourgault 8810, 52’, liquid, pkrs, Atom Jet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500
Morris Maxim 49’ AD, 10” sp, packers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,900
Seedmaster (New 2013) TXB - 50’, 12” SP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CALL
McCormick MC120, w/cab & loader, 630 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . . $84,900
Flexicoil 7500, 60’ air drill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24,000
McCormick MTX125 4000 hrs, w/loader & grapple . . . . . . . $65,000
Flexicoil 5000, 57’, 9.8” sp, DS, w/3450 tank. . . . . . . . . . . . $59,000
McCormick MTX110, w/loader, 4850 hrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $59,000
Harmon 4480, 44’ AD, DS w/3100 air cart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000
Ezee-On 36’ FH cultivator, 8” sp, mtd pkrs, w/4000 TBT cart (240 bu) & liquid cart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,000
NEW Buhler Farm King 1385, swing auger . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,500
JD 1820 - 52’, 10” sp, SS, 3” Rbr, w/JD 1910 340 bus VR tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70,000
NEW Buhler Farm King 1370 swing auger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 Buhler Farm King 1370, 70’ swing auger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,900
2014 Morris 9650 TBT Air Cart, Double Shoot, Duals, 10” Auger, Tow Between $Call NEW
2014 Morris 8650 TBH w/Contour II - 71’ Air Cart, Double Shoot, Duals, w/Contour II - 71’ Air Drill $Call
2013 Morris 8650 TBT w/Contour II - 71’ Air Cart, 12” Sp, Dbl Sht, Side Band Openers, AgTron Primary Blockage $305,000
HEAVY HARROWS 90’ Riteway New 78’ Riteway New 68’ Riteway New 55’ Riteway New 82’ Degelman New
70’ Degelman New 70’ Morris New 50’ Morris New 90’ Elmers New 70’ Elmers New
2008 Morris Contour I - 61’ w/8370XL Air Drill, 12” Spacing, Double Shoot, w/8370XL Variable Rate Air Cart $176,000
RTSDISC SHD 1-2100 (NEW) CALL • •6050FTFT525 DRILL (NEW) CALL RTSSHD SHD 1-2100 1-2100 (NEW) (NEW) CALL • •5041FTFTRTS CALL 41 FT RTS HD DEMO .......... $88,000 • • 41 FT RTS SHD 1-2100 (NEW) CALL 29 FT 5100 DEMO ..................CALL • • 41 FT RTS HD DEMO $88,000 • 50 FT RTS (USED) ............... $88,000 • 29 FT 5100 DEMO CALL • 41 FT RTS (USED) ................ $69,500 • 50 FT RTS (USED) $88,000 • 30 FT RTS (USED) .....................CALL • 41 FT RTS (USED) $69,500
Morris Contour II - 71’ Air Drill, 12” Spacing, Double Shoot $Call
Morris Contour II - 61’ w/8370 TBT, 12’ Spacing, Double Shoot, Paired Row, w/8370 TBT Air Cart $279,000
Morris Field Pro 50’ Harrow - Heavy, $32,900
Step into the productivity of a new Guardian™ front boom sprayer from New Holland and you won’t turn back. With the boom in front, you have a complete unobstructed view of every nozzle. This outstanding visibility means you can run the boom closer to the ground to control drift. Spray is delivered into the crop before the first tires go over it, eliminating the potential for dust to neutralize the spray. Start achieving a new level of spraying freedom and productivity. THE HIGHEST HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE – UP TO 365 HP THE LARGEST TANK SIZES – UP TO 1,600 GALLONS THE HIGHEST CROP CLEARANCE – SIX FEET THE TIGHTEST TURNING – 15-FOOT TURNING RADIUS THE SMOOTHEST SUSPENSION – 20 INCHES OF TRAVEL
NEVER LOOK BACK! ©2012 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
S/A Payment
2013 NEW HOLLAND T9.505
#N22356. 100’ with 1000 gal. tank, full GPS, 380/90R46 tires, 240HP Cummins with Allison automatic transmission.
#N22225. 85 HP, 71” total width, 3750 lb lift cap. to full height, 5500 lb max cap., 1750 lift cap. at full reach, 19’ max lift height, aux hyd. on boom, air cond., bucket and pallet forks incl in price
#N22057. Powershift, 800s, diff lock, 57 gpm pump, HID lights, full Omnistar Intellisteer, demo use 187 hrs
#HN3176. 100’ with 1000 gallon SS tank, full GPS, 380/90R46 tires, 275 HP, 4WD, available 120’ boom.
S/A Payment
7,662 + GST
MSRP $274,435
MSRP $88,867
TRACTORS 2012 NEW HOLLAND T9.670 #HN3227A. 418 HRS, 670 DIFF LOCK, 6 HYD OUTLETS, HIGH CAP DRAW BAR, LUX CAB, MEGA FLOW HYD, MONITOR $ DISPLAY.......................... REDUCED 2013 NEW HOLLAND T9.670 #HN3383A. 740 HRS., 600 HP, 4WD TRACK, MONITOR DISPLAY, GUIDANCE $ CASH NAV CONTROL, .......................... 2008 NEW HOLLAND T9050 #HC3143A. 2224 HRS., 485 HP, 4WD, JD AUTOSTEER, MEGAFLOW HYDS., TIRES 800/70R38 $ DUALS ..................................................... 2003 NEW HOLLAND TJ450 #N22303B, 4984 HRS., 450 HP, 55 GPM FLOW, DELUXE CAB, $ POWERSHIFT ........................................... 2012 NEW HOLLAND T9.505 #PN3031A, 488 HRS., 450 HP, 4WD, GUID NAV CONTROL, DIFF. LOCK FRONT $ CASH AND REAR..................................
2012 NEW HOLLAND T9.560
1996 NEW HOLLAND 9882
#N22056A. 5900 HRS., 425HP, 4WD, TIRES 710/70R38 INNER & DUALS, PERF. MONITOR, 12 SPD.
29,000 CASH
205,500 154,000
2001 JOHN DEERE 1900 #B21671B. 2 TANK, 300 BU, 23.1X26 REAR RICE LUG, 16.5X16.1 LUG FRONT, 6 RUN, IN CAB RATE ADJUST
87,500 CASH
2008 MILLER A-40
1998 ROGATOR 854
17,479 + GST
S/A Payment
20,26361 + GST
MSRP $380,965
MSRP $353,562
89,000 CASH
S/A Payment
80,000 CASH 2012 MORRIS 8370
54,000 CASH
1999 BRANDT QF2000 #PN3066C. 1500 GAL, 90’ BOOM, WINDSCREENS, SINGLE NOZZLE BODIES, WIND CONES, $ FOAM MARKER ..............................................
Sprayer Dept., Kinistino David J. ............ 306-864-7603
19,500 CASH
2008 BOURGAULT 3310 PHO AIR DRILL #B22177B. 55’, 9.8” SPACING, 11” OPENINGS, 6 PLY ROUND PNEUMATIC $ PACKERS ................................................. 1999 BOURGAULT 5710 #B21677D. 54’, 9.8” SPACING, 3” CARBIDE, MRBS, UPDATED WIDE PIVOT, $ CASH 330 TRIPS........................................ 2001 5440 BOURGAULT #PB3090A & PB3082B. CTM, DOUBLE FAN, RTH W/2-10 47’ 5710 W/ MRBS, 3” RUBBER, RAVEN NH3 KIT, $ 1” CARBIDES, 8,000 ACRES .....................
116,000 CASH
1995 BOURGAULT 3195
Hwy. #3, Kinistino Hwy. #5, Humboldt 306-864-3667 306-682-9920 David H ............. 306-921-7896 Jim ................... 306-864-8003 Kelly.................. 306-961-4742
Paul .................. 306-231-8031 Perry ................. 306-231-3772
27,500 CASH
Hwy. #2 South, Prince Albert 306-922-2525 Brent................. 306-232-7810 Aaron ................ 306-960-7429
50,000 CASH
Visit for our full inventory
Titan Truck Sales Box 299 MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0
204-685-2222 2006 PETERBILT 379L
475 HP Cat C15, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 1,540,617 km.
$ 2005 IH 9900I
2005 PETERBILT 379
475 Cat C15, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 2,013,769 km.
2007 PETERBILT 379
500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 244” WB, 3:73 gears, 4-way diff. locks, 72” midrise bunk, 1,428,989 km.
475 HP Cat C15, 18 sp, 3:55 gears, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 275” WB, 70” bunk, 1,657,883 km.
2006 IH 9400I
2010 PETERBILT 388
550 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front super 40 rear, 3-way diff. locks, 410 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 244” WB, 63” midrise bunk, 739,252 km.
450 HP ISX Cummins, 13 sp, 12/40, 236” WB, 72” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3x4 diff. locks, 1,231,4325 km.
2009 MACK CXU613
455 HP MP8, 10 sp Autoshift, 12/40, 214 WB, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3:70 gears, 793,513 km.
550 HP Cat C15, 18sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3:36 gears, 3x4 locks, 70” bunk, 1,193,240 km.
2009 PETERBILT 388
475 HP Cummins ISX, 13 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 244” WB, 3:73 gears, 72” midrise bunk, 1,409,137 km.
475 HP Cat C15, 18 sp, 3:55 gears, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 1,373,064 km.
2005 IH 9900I
470 Cat C13, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:36 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,536,191 km.
450 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3-way diff. locks, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 63” midrise bunk, 1,145,366 km.
$ 2007 IH 9400I
455 HP ISX Cummins, 13 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4:11 gears, 222” WB, 72” mid-rise bunk, 1,210,399 km.
(204) 256-2098 Winnipeg, MB
2014 ROME 185-966
25’ 2” Wide, 66 Disks, 185LB Weight/ Disk, 12,210LB, 24” Disks, Hyd Trans, 9” Spacing, Oil Bath Bearings, Bearing wear Plates, 1 5/8” Axles $
2014 ROME TACW-16
11’ Wide, 16 Disks, 636LB Weight/Disk, 9,792LB, 32” Disks, Hyd Trans, 17 3/4” Spacing, 2 1/8” Axles $
2014 ROME 185-994
35’ 6” Wide, 94 Disks, 185LB Weight/ Disk, 17,390LB, 24” Disks, Hyd Trans, 9” Spacing, Oil Bath Bearings, Bearing Wear Plates, 1 5/8” Axles $
2014 ROME TAW-24
11’ 6” Wide, 24 Disks, 346LB Weight/ Disk, 8,313LB, 28” Disks, Hyd Trans, 12” Spacing, 2 1/8” Axles $
2014 ROME AG-12 Box Scraper
12’ Wide, 1750lb, Laser/GPS Ready, Hyd Tilt, Adjustable Hitch, Replaceable Cutting Edges $
2014 ROME TRWC-16
12’ 6” Wide, 16 Disks, 960LB Weight/ Disk, 15,357LB, 36” Disks, Hyd Trans, 20” Spacing, 2 1/2” Axles $
2014 ROME RALSE-16 Finishing Ejector Scraper
14 Yard Capacity, 17’ 4” Wide, 15,074LB, 4 - 13.5x16.1 Size Tires, 16’ Width of Cut, Laser/GPS Ready, Hyd Tilt $
2014 ROME TRCW-20
16’ Wide, 20 Disks, 1032LB Weight/Disk, 21,859LB, 36” Disks, Hyd Trans, 20” Spacing, 2 1/2” Axles $
Call Hird Equipment for Genuine Rome Parts Needs
2014 ROME RP-180CS Scraper
18yd Capacity, 12’ Cut, 300” Long, 167” Wide, 4 - 20.5X25 Tires, 19,250LB, GPS/Laser Ready $
2014 ROME TACW-20
14’ Wide, 20 Disks, 552LB Weight/Disk, 10,659LB, 32” Disks, Hyd Trans, 17 3/4” Spacing, 2 1/8” Axle $
306•934•1546 - Saskatoon, SK 306•773•7281 - Swift Current, SK
PRE-OWNED EQUIPMENT SPRAYERS ‘13 TerraGator TG8400....................................................... $357,500 ‘12 RoGator 1300, 1300 gal, 100’ boom, GPS loaded, 2 sets of tires, sharp shooter, 446 hrs .................................................... $375,000 ‘12 RoGator RG1100, 1100 gal, 100’ boom, GPS, fully loaded, Viper Pro, 2 sets of tires, 750 hrs ............................................. $315,000 ‘12 RG900, 100’ boom, 900 gal, 450 hrs, Viper Pro, SmarTrax, AccuBoom, AutoBoom, 2 sets of tires .............................. $285,000 ‘09 RoGator 1286C, 120’, 1200 gal, Viper Pro,loaded, GPS, 1121 hrs, 2 sets of tires .................................................................. $289,000 ‘09 RoGator 1286C, 1200 gal tank, 100’ boom, GPS, loaded, 2 sets of tires ................................................................................ $285,000 ‘08 RoGator 1074SS, 1000 gal, 100’ boom, 2650 hrs, Viper Pro, SmarTrax, AccuBoom, AutoBoom, two sets of tires .......... $187,000 ‘08 RoGator 874 SS, 800 gal, 90’ boom, S3, eDrive, automatic, AutoBoom, 2 sets of tires, 990 hrs .................................. $185,000 ‘05 RoGator 1064, 1000 gal, 100ft boom, S3 Outback c/w eDrive, automatic, 1450 hrs, 2 sets of tires, foam marker ........... $165,000 ‘05 RoGator 1074, 90’ boom, 1000 gal, eDrive, S3, automate, auto boom, 2 sets of tires, 2500 hrs........................................ $145,000 ‘05 RoGator 1074, 100’ boom, 1000 gal, eDrive, Automatic, Outback GPS, Auto Boom, 3100 hrs, 2 sets of Tires ....................... $145,000 ‘04 RoGator 864, 800 gal, SS tank, 100’ 1300 boom, 2800 hrs, S3 maping, eDrivex, Automate, Sec. Control, AutoBoom, 3 sets of tires ................................................................................ $155,000 ‘03 RoGator 1064, 120’ boom, 1000 gal, Frt Reload, Invisio Pro, SmarTrax, 2 sets of tires, 3649 hrs .................................. $155,000 ‘95 RoGator 854, 800 gal ss tank, 100’ boom, 3 way nozzle bodies, S2 + eDrive auto steer, auto section controls, 2 sets of tires .................................................................................. $69,900 ‘03 SpraCoupe 4640, 80’ boom, 400 gal tank, S2 light bar, dual rear tires, std trans, 1288 hrs, fit crop dividers ......................... $62,000 ‘97 Willmart 7200, 750 gal, 90’ boom, 3 way nozzles, 500 Trimble auto steer and section control, rear duals, 3000 hrs, auto.. $60,000
AIR DRILLS ‘03 Flexi-Coil 3450, tow between cart, DS, variable rate ...... $45,000 ‘11 Morris Contour 61’, DS, 12” sp, 5.5 packers, c/w 8370XL tow between, 3 tank air cart .................................................. $260,000
‘04 Morris Max II, 60’, 70” spacing, single shoot, 3 1/2” sp, c/w 8370 tow between cart ............................................................ $105,000 ‘03 Morris Max II, 49’, 7.5” sp, single shoot, edge on shank, dutch openers, 3.5” packers c/w 7240 tow behind tank ............. $59,000 ‘10 Morris Contour 71’, SS, 12” sp, 5.5” packers c/w 8370XLtow behind w/third tank VRT, NH3 kit, side band openers ....... $269,000 ‘11 Morris Contour, 51ft, D.S., 12” sp., c/w 8370 XL tow between tank ................................................................................ $235,000
SWATHERS ‘12 MF 9740, c/w 30’ DSA, UII PU reel, hdr & auto steer, 1 of 2 .............................................................................. $138,000 ‘98 MF 220, c/w 26’ Draper DS, UII PU reel, MF 220 16’ hay header, Fits MF 220, 220 Series II and 220XL ................................ $35,000 ‘12 MF WR9740 c/w 30ft headers UII pick up reel, DSA, low hrs, 1 of 2 .............................................................................. $140,000 ‘13 MF WR9740 c/w 36ft UII PU reel, hdr, 323 hrs .............. $145,900
TRACTORS ‘08 Agco LT95, c/w FL45 frt end loader, joystick grapple, FWA, 95 hp ................................................................................ $69,000 ‘07 MF 1540, FWA, hydro, 40 hp, 3pth c/w ldr ..................... $24,900 ‘07 MF 1533, 33 hp, hydro, 3pth, frt end ldr, 375 hrs ........... $23,900 ‘92 MF 3690 FWA, 170 hp ................................................... $37,000
MT 875C Challenger, 585 hp track 36” extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, 1 of 2 MT 865C Challenger, 525 hp track 36” extreme, poly mid wheels, hyd. swing draw bar, PTO, 1 of 6 MT 855 Challenger, 475 hp track 36” extreme, hyd. swing drawbar, PTO, 1 of 2 MT 955C, 475 hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38, 1 of 2 MT 945C, 440 hp, 4WD, powershift, PTO, diff lock, 5 hyd, remotes, dual, 800/70R38 ‘09 375 Vers, powershift, 710 duals, PTO, 1174 hrs, GPS .......................................................................... $189,000 ‘08 Challenger MT855, extreme tracks, full height picker, PTO, powershift....................................................................... $255,000
HEADERS ‘09 MF 7200, st. cut header, 35’ .......................................... $29,000 2 -‘07 MF 8200 flex header, 35’ (1 of 2) ............................... $33,000 MF 220 16’ hay header, fits MF 220, 220 Series II, 220 XL ... $17,500 ‘11 Dyna-Flex 36’ Flex, c/w pea auger ....................................69,000 ‘10 Agco 5100 draper, 36’, absolutely mint .......................... $45,000 ‘05 Honey Bee SP30 c/w pea auger, PU reel, fi ts Gleaner .... $39,000 ‘03 Honey Bee SP30 draper, 30’, fits MF8570 or MF8780 .......35,500 ‘96 MacDon 960, 36’ draper fits R-65.................................. $24,500 MF 8200, 30’ w/UII PU header, 1 of 3 ................................... $28,000
USED COMBINES ‘11 MF 9895, 139 hrs, chopper/spreader pu header .......... $385,000 ‘10 MF 9895, chopper/spreader pu header ........................ $289,000 ‘09 MF 9895 c/w PU hdr, chopper, spreader, 555 hrs ......... $299,000 ‘11 MF 9795, 360 hrs, c/w 4200 PU header, chopper/ spreader, duals............................................................................... $267,000 ‘10 MF 9795, 775 hrs, c/w 4200 PU header, chopper/spreader, 900 rubber, powerfold hopper ................................................ $255,000 ‘06 MF 9790, 726 hrs, chopper/spreader ........................... $195,000 ‘05 MF 9690, 1582 hrs, c/w 4220 PU header, chopper/ spreader ......................................................................... $134,000 ‘03 MF 9690, 2000 hrs, c/w 4000 PU header, chopper/ spreader ......................................................................... $100,000 ‘01 MF 8780 XP, chopper/spreader, 1280 hrs ....................... $99,000 ‘97 MF 8780, chopper/spreader pu header .......................... $65,000 ‘08 Gleaner R75, 1077 hrs, pu header................................ $225,000 ‘06 Gleaner R65, 1546 hrs, pu header................................ $149,000 ‘06 Gleaner R65, pu header .............................................. .$149,000 ‘05 Gleaner R65, 1058 hrs, pu header................................ $115,000 ‘05 Gleaner R65, 1748 hrs, pu header................................ $115,000 ‘03 Gleaner R75 c/w 1800 sp p.u. header, chopper, spreader ......................................................................... $145,000 ‘98 Gleaner R62................................................................... $89,000 ‘11 A86 Gleaner‘04 Challenger 670, 750 hrs, chopper/spreader c/w PU header ....................................................................... $129,000
MISCELLANEOUS Snow Dozer Blade Horst. ........................................................... CALL
More info on used with pictures at OR email
306•934•1546 - Saskatoon, SK 306•773•7281 - Swift Current, SK Dealers for:
SASKATOON SALES: Chris Purcell Dave Ruzesky Doug Putland SWIFT CURRENT SALES: Ross Guenther Tim Berg Murray Weston
2007 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT
2012 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT TO
WAS $29,995
160 KM
SAVE $$$
$48,995 $41,995
WAS $42,995
2011 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT
$38,995 $32,995
:$51(5 ,1'8675,(6 TRUCKS & TRAILERS — NEW & USED
2009 PETERBILT 386
DL #913604
WAS $93,500
WAS $69,999
WAS $32,900
WAS $59,999
WAS $64,599
WAS $49,999 REGINA, SK 330 4th Ave. E. 306-359-1930 800-667-1930
WAS $35,599
MOOSE JAW, SK Jct. Hwy #2 & N. Service Road 306-693-7253 877-302-0253
SWIFT CURRENT, SK 2524 S Service Road West 306-773-3030 888-773-2744
WAS $54,999
WAS $19,500
WAS $65,000
NEW WILSON GOOSENECK, FOREMAN & GROUNDLOAD LIVESTOCK TRAILERS On Order & Special Order Available Various Options Available
Various Options Available
Available in 8 ½’ or 10’ Wide On Order – Custom Spec Available
Moose Jaw, 877-999-7402
Saskatoon, 866-278-2636
Moose Jaw, 877-999-7402
Brian Griffin, Harvey Van De Sype, John Carle
Bob Fleischhacker | Cell: 306-231-5939
Michael Dueck | 888-395-7667 Spring 2014 Booking Specials
%8,/',1* SIZE (W X L) 32x40 32x48 32x56 32x64 40X40 40x48 40x56 40x64 48x56 48x64 48x72 48x80 48x96 60x72 60x80 60x88 60x96 60x104
MATERIAL & LABOR $17,739.00 $19,549.00 $22,129.00 $24,739.00 $21,359.00 $23,159.00 $25,299.00 $26,989.00 $28,050.00 $31,100.00 $34,079.00 $37,660.00 $42,500.00 $45,629.00 $49,539.00 $53,889.00 $57,940.00 $61,789.00
Stick Frame Farm Buildings 16’ Wall Height
SIZE (W X L) 32x40 32x48 32x56 32x64 40x40 40x48 40x56 40x64 48x56 48x64 48x72 48x80 48x96 60x72 60x80 60x88 60x96 60x104
MATERIAL & LABOR $16,640.00 $18,280.00 $20,689.00 $23,239.00 $20,319.00 $22,229.00 $23,800.00 $25,409.00 $26,409.00 $29,500.00 $32,329.00 $34,559.00 $39,629.00 $39,779.00 $43,489.00 $47,219.00 $50,669.00 $54,649.00
Size Widths
Double Slider Doors
Door Height
16’ Wall Height
Post Farm Buildings
Booking Deadline March 31, 2014 **Delivery, Mileage and Taxes Extra | ***Other Wall Heights Available
16’ 20’ 24’
Post Building Estimate Includes:* 4 ply 2x6 Laminated Posts 8’ On Center on Buildings Up To 48’ Wide 4 ply 2x6 Laminated Posts 4’ On Center on 60’ Wide Building Engineered Farm Truss 4’ On Center 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Galvanized Roof Metal & Ridge Cap 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Color Wall Metal & Flashings 2x6 Spruce #2 & Better Wall Strap 2’ On Center 2x6 PWF Bottom Row Strap 2x4 Spruce #2 & Better Roof Strap 2’ On Center 36” Metal Clad Walk Door With Lockset
Stick Frame Estimate Includes:*
Stick Frame Estimate Does Not Include:
2x6 PWF Bottom Plate 2x6 Spruce #2 & Better Studs 24” On Center Engineered Farm Truss 4’ On Center 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Galvanized Roof Metal & Ridge Cap 29 Gauge Tuff Rib Color Wall Metal & Flashings 1x4 Spruce Wall Strap 2’ On Center 2x4 Spruce #2 & Better Roof Strap 2’ On Center 36” Metal Clad Walk Door With Lockset
Slider Door Package (Size & Pricing Listed) Overhead and/or Bi-fold Doors (Please Call For Sizes & Pricing) Site Preparation Concrete Foundation Delivery, Mileage, Taxes Extra
Double Slider Door Includes:* Double End Wall Truss Slider Door Hardware Necessary Flashings
Post Building Estimate Does Not Include: Slider Door Package (Size & Pricing Listed) Overhead and/or Bi-fold Doors (Please Call For Pricing) Site Preparation Crushed Rock For Posts Delivery, Mileage, Taxes Extra
12’ 14’ $1,249.00 $1,299.00 $1,299.00 $1,349.00 $1,549.00 $1,599.00
16’ $1,349.00 $1,399.00 $1,649.00
Hague, SK | Phone: (306) 225-2288 | Fax: (306) 225-4438
CASH & CARRY Today’s Quality Built For Tomorrow
WARMAN /64, *,5;9,
w w w. w a r m a n h o m e c e n t re . c o m
Size 16 ft. Walls
Materials (Coloured Walls)
Material & Labour
Size 16 ft. Walls
Materials (Coloured Walls)
Material & Labour
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3¼ x 6 Doweled .......................$3.70 3¼ x 7 Doweled .......................$4.97 4¼ x 6 Doweled .......................$5.30
4¼ x 7 Doweled .......................$6.40 1x6 - 8’ Spruce Rough Cut........$2.00 Barb Wire 12-1/2 gauge Canadian ....$87.99
WWW.WARMANHOMES.CA Toll-Free 1-866-933-9595
South Railway Street West, Warman, Sask.
Mon.- Fri., 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat., 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Phone 306-933-4950 Toll Free: 1-800-667-4990
‘12 SEED HAWK 65’ 6510 & 600 TBT
Pictures and pricing at
JUST IN... NEW TRADES SEED HAWK 4210 w Bourgault 5350 Cart
‘09 JD 56’ 1830
30.5 Duals on Cart, Double Shoot.
w JD 1910 430 BU Tow Behind
‘13 BOURGAULT 66’ 3320 & ‘12 6550 TBH
‘10 BOURGAULT 65’ 3310 & ‘12 6550 TBH
SOLD Capstan Nject NH3 MRB, 3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate, Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift, Dual Fans, 650 Duals.
‘10 BOURGAULT 65’ 3310 & FC 4350 TB
‘12 NH T9.450 ....................................... $235,000 ‘09 NH 9060 .......................................... $235,000 ‘08 CIH 435 Quad .................................. $229,000 ‘07 CIH 430 Quad .................................. $225,000 ‘05 CIH STX450 ..................................... $167,400 ‘85 Steiger KR1225 ................................. $31,500
Dickey John NH3 MRB, 3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate, Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift, Dual Fans, 650 Duals.
‘11 BOURGAULT 65’ 3310 & ‘12 6550 TBH
‘12 CIH 4430, 120’, 1200 gal, loaded .... $315,000 ‘12 CIH 3230, 100’, 800 gal................... $236,000 ‘12 CIH 4430, 120’, 1200 gal, 330 Hrs . $339,900 ‘12 Apache AS1020, 100’, 1000 gal ...... $199,500 ‘11 CIH 3230, 100’, 800 gal, HID ........... $183,200 ‘10 CIH 4420, 120’, 1200 gal................. $296,300 ‘09 Apache AS1010, 100’ ...................... $152,900 ‘08 Apache AS 1010, 100’ ..................... $149,500 ‘07 CIH 4420, 90’, 1200 gal................... $202,700
‘10 SEED HAWK 7212 & 600 SCT
Front Dual Castors, 3” Openers, FlexiCoil 4350 Variable Rate, 10” Auger, Dual Fans.
Capstan Nject NH3 MRB, 3” Openers, Dual Castors, Variable Rate, Deluxe Auger, Bag Lift, Dual Fans, 650 Duals.
305,000 Prince Albert: 306-763-6454 | Melfort: 306-752-2273
‘01 FLEXI-COIL 3450
Tow Between Mech Drive Cart
Dual Castors, 30.5L32 Rear, Seed Hawk 600 Tow Between, Sectional Control, Double Shoot Dry, Dual Fan, Bag Lift Duals.
‘06 SEED HAWK 55’ 5510
‘12 NH CR7090, only 233 sep. hrs. ....... $220,500 ‘11 CIH 9120, Swathmaster PU ............. $280,600 ‘11 CIH 8120, Swathmaster PU ............. $260,300 ‘11 CIH 7088s, Swathmaster PU ...................... From $198,000 ‘10 CIH 9120, Swathmaster PU ............. $261,700 CIH 8010s c/w Swathmaster PU ... From $99,300 ‘04 CIH 2388, Swathmaster PU ............... $98,600 ‘99 MF 8780, Swathmaster PU ............... $64,500
w Bourgault 6350 Tow Between
‘06 FLEXI-COIL 3850
Tow Behind Mech Drive Cart
‘06 SEED HAWK 53’ 5310 & 397 ONBOARD TANK
SOLD 10” spacing, w/397 OnBoard tank, DJ Auto Rate NH3
Dual Fan, Auger, Double Shoot.
Highway 5 East, Wadena, SK
Sales and Service
(1991 Ltd.)
NEW Degelman 7200 rock picker ............................... CALL
Morris Contour II - 61’, (2012) w/8370 TBT ........$235,000
NEW Degelman 82’ heavy harrow .............................. CALL
Morris Contour I - 71’, (2010) double shoot, w/8370 TBT .......................................................$205,000 Morris Contour I - 61’, (2008) dbl shoot, w/8370 VR TBH tank ................................................. CALL Morris Maxim II - 60’, 10” sp, single shoot, 7300 tank.................................................................. CALL
NEW Degelman 70’ heavy harrow .............................. CALL NEW Riteway 55’ heavy harrow, hyd tine ............. $35,500
Book your drill for spring.
Riteway 78’ heavy harrow, hyd tine, Demo............ $47,500
Trades accepted
NEW Kello-bilt 225, 16’, w/26” discs .......................... CALL
Morris Maxim II - 55’, 10” sp, w/7300 TBT, 3rd tank, NH3 coulters ........................................ $79,900
Morris 70’ heavy harrow ...................................... $22,500
Morris Maxim II - 49’, 10” sp, DS, w/7300 TBH w/3rd tank .................................................. $64,000
Morris 50’ heavy harrow ........................................... CALL
Morris Maxim II, (2002) 34’, 10” sp, liquid kit, w/7180 tow between cart .................................. $42,000 Morris Maxim I, 49’, 10” sp, liquid kit, 7300 tank ...... CALL Morris Maxim 49’ AD, 10” sp, packers ................. $24,900 Seedmaster (New 2013) TXB - 50’, 12” SP ................ CALL Flexicoil 7500, 60’ air drill .................................... $24,000
Bourgault 8810, 40’, w/3225 tank........................ $40,000
Ezee-On 36’ FH cultivator, 8” sp, mtd pkrs, w/4000 TBT cart (240 bu) & liquid cart ............... $28,000 JD 1820 - 52’, 10” sp, SS, 3” Rbr, w/JD 1910 340 bus VR tank .................................................. $70,000
Bourgault 8810, 52’, liquid, pkrs, Atom Jet............ $32,500
NEW Buhler Farm King 1385, swing auger .......... $21,500 NEW Buhler Farm King 1370 swing auger ........... $17,500 Buhler Farm King 1370, 70’ swing auger .................$8,900
HEAVY HARROWS 70’ Degelman New 70’ Morris New 50’ Morris New 90’ Elmers New 70’ Elmers New
Crop-safe fertilizer location. Ultimate uptake efficiency.
w/4350 tank ....................................................... $60,000
90’ Riteway New 78’ Riteway New 68’ Riteway New 55’ Riteway New 82’ Degelman New
Dual Knife System ensures precise fertilizer and seed placement, maximize agronomic performance.
Bourgault 8810, 52’, liquid kit, Atom Jet openers,
Flexicoil 5000, 57’, 9.8” sp, DS, w/3450 tank ....... $59,000 Harmon 4480, 44’ AD, DS w/3100 air cart............ $28,000
Morris Contour II - 71’, (2013) w/8650 TBT cart, demo .................................................................$305,000 Morris Contour II - ‘51’, )2012), double shoot .............. Call
643783 McCormick MTX150 Tractor, w/2895 Loader & Grapple Reg. $148,000 CASH SPECIAL $129,500
• 60 FT 525 DISC DRILL (NEW) .CALL • 50 FT RTS SHD 1-2100 (NEW) CALL • 41 FT RTS SHD 1-2100 (NEW) CALL • 41 FT RTS HD DEMO .......... $88,000 • 29 FT 5100 DEMO ..................CALL • 50 FT RTS (USED) ............... $88,000 • 41 FT RTS (USED) ................ $69,500 • 30 FT RTS (USED) .....................CALL
643799 SeedMaster CT-SXX 8012 305 Air Drill 80’, 12” Sp., 300 BUS On Board Tank
642804 SeedMaster CT-SXX 7012 305 Air Drill 70’, 12” Sp., 300 BUS On Board Tank
$280,000 Lease Pmt $30,000 OAC
$260,000 Lease Pmt $28,000 OAC
SeedMaster CT-TXB 7012 Air Drill 70’, 12” Sp. $199,000
SeedMaster CT-TXB Air Drill, 60’, 12” Spacing, Double Shoot, Air Kit $Call
SeedMaster CT-TXB 8012 Air Drill 80’, 12” Sp. Tank $210,000
SeedMaster TXB 5012 Air Drill, 50’, 12” Spacing, Double Shoot, Air Kit $Call
2013 BRZ RWD
WAS $32,800
WAS $31,564
WAS $29,464
WAS $38,519
2013 BRZ RWD
WAS $35,519
2011 FORESTER - AUTO .........................MILEAGE: 36K DARK GREY WAS $27,995 2008 FORESTER .........................................MILEAGE: 108K GOLD WAS $18,995 2010 FORESTER - MANUAL TOURING, Auto, Sunroof, Cloth, PP ................ MILEAGE: 65K SAGE ........................................................................................................ WAS $24,995 2008 FORESTER - AUTO, PREMIER, AWD, Leather, SR, HS, PP ............. MILEAGE: 43K GREY ........................................................................................................ WAS $22,995 2008 FORESTER - AUTO .................................. MILEAGE: 61K SILVERWAS 19,995 2013 IMPREZA - MANUAL ................................ MILEAGE: 13K BLUE WAS $23,995 2013 IMPREZA - AUTO...................................... MILEAGE: 93K RED WAS $28,995 2012 IMPREZA - AUTO, SP, AWD, Cloth, PP, HS ........MILEAGE: 4K WHITE WAS $26,995 2007 IMPREZA - AUTO, SE, AWD, Cloth, PP ........... MILEAGE: 83K GREY WAS $17,995 2007 IMPREZA - AUTO, BASE, AWD, Cloth, PP ........... MILEAGE 43K RED WAS $15,995 2008 IMPREZA - AUTO, SPORT, AWD, Cloth, PP, HS .........................MILEAGE:60K WHITE ........................................................................................................ WAS $20,995 2009 LEGACY - AUTO .......................................MILEAGE: 78K WHITE WAS 23,995 2005 LEGACY - AUTO ..................................MILEAGE: 116K SILVER WAS $10,995 2010 LEGACY - AUTO .................................... MILEAGE: 48K WHITE WAS $26,995 2002 OUTBACK - AUTO ...........................................................MILEAGE 127K BLUE 2011 OUTBACK - AUTO, LTD ........................... MILEAGE: 22K SILVER WAS $33,995 2007 OUTBACK - AUTO ................................MILEAGE 117K SILVER WAS $19,995 2007 OUTBACK - AUTO ................................. MILEAGE: 62K GREEN WAS $21,995
NOW $24,995 NOW $15,995 NOW $22,995 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW
$18,995 $16,995 $20,995 $26,995 $24,995 $13,995 $13,995
NOW $16,995 NOW $16,995 NOW $9,995 NOW $22,995 NOW $7,495 NOW $29,995 NOW $14,995 NOW $17,495
WAS $43,419
2013 STI/WRX
WAS $35,519
SUBARU OF SASKATOON 471 CIRCLE PLACE • 306-665-6898 OR 1-877-373-2662
2013 BRZ RWD
WAS $46,619
WAS $31,161
2010 OUTBACK - AUTO, SP, AWD, Auto, Cloth, HS, PP, SR ..................MILEAGE 29K WHITE ........................................................................................................ WAS $30,995 2011 OUTBACK - AUTO, SP, AWD, Auto, Cloth, HS, PP, SR ...................MILEAGE: 31K GREY ........................................................................................................ WAS $30,995 2011 OUTBACK - AUTO, 3.6R............................ MILEAGE: 26K GREY WAS $34,995 2010 OUTBACK - AUTO, 2.6R, AWD, Cloth, PP ........ MILEAGE: 58K GREY WAS $30,995 2008 OUTBACK - AUTO, CP, AWD, Cloth, PP, HS .... MILEAGE: 75K WHITE WAS $23,995 2008 OUTBACK - AUTO, XT, AWD, Leather, SR, HS, PP, Nav, DVD ...........MILEAGE: 35K GREY ........................................................................................................ WAS $19,995 2008 OUTBACK - AUTO, AWD, Cloth, HS, PP ............................MILEAGE: 118K BROWN ........................................................................................................ WAS $19,995 2007 OUTBACK - AUTO, AWD, Cloth, PP ............. MILEAGE: 75K SILVER WAS $19,995 2013 STI - MANUAL ........................................ MILEAGE: 36K BLACK WAS $40,995 2011 STI - MANUAL ........................................MILEAGE: 31K WHITE WAS $38,995 2007 TRIBECA - AUTO .................................MILEAGE: 160K SILVER WAS $20,995 2012 TRIBECA - AUTO, PREMIER ......................... MILEAGE:45K GREY WAS $35,995 2008 TRIBECA - AUTO, PREMIER, AWD, Leather, SR, HE, PP, Nav, DVD........... MILEAGE: 68K GREY ........................................................................................................ WAS $29,995 2008 WRX - AUTO ......................................... MILEAGE: 97K WHITE WAS $23,995 2008 WRX - MANUAL, AWD, Cloth, PP .....................MILEAGE 85K BLUE WAS $23,995
Open 24 Hours @
WAS $32,219
Open 24 Hours @
WAS $32,219
$28,995 $30,995 $28,995 $22,495
$16,995 $17,995 $39,995 $32,995 $18,995 $32,995
NOW $22,995 NOW $19,995 NOW $20,995
UNIQUE • M LS® Listings • In-H ouse Exclusive ConfidentialListings VISITORS TO • For Sale by Tender Cam paigns • Buyer Brokerage Services OUR WEBSITE. 5,356 HITS • Com parable Sales Analysis & M arketValuations PER DAY. • Lease | TenantSourcing for Investors w w w .Tim H am m
M O R L EY F O R S YTH S w ift Curren t Cell (3 0 6 ) 741-2 3 9 3 M o rley.F o rs yth @ gm a il.c o m FO R SALE
RM 39 & 9 Ranch Package -1,440 acs Deeded and 2,880 acs Leased (30 yr).Incl:2 yards w ith houses,grain storage,various out buildings G ood w ater supply.C attle/m achinery is optionaland not included in sale price.....................Asking $1,600,000 M LS#487046 RM 165 Ranch land Package -12 m iles ofnew fence.Close to m ajor highw ay.Lots ofw ater.Currently running in excess of275 cow s on this property w ith lots ofcarryover grass...Asking $1,350,000 M LS#487202 D & J G lass -1,278 acs m ixed farm land,532 cultivated,565 seeded grass/hay,181 acres ofpasture.Som e irrigated land,yard site,located 15 km north ofC haplin......................Asking $850,000 M LS#460517 D & J G lass -2,515 acs.ofdeeded land 160 acs ofleased. Exceptionalranching opportunity.....Asking $1,600,000 M LS#460435 Piapot-805 acs deeded + 321 acs.Leased.Incls:4 bdm ,3 bath 1500 sqft.hom e...............................Asking $850,000 M LS#475264 Lam otte/Roberts Ranch -RM 17 ValM arie 3,339 acres.Package includes approx.2,226 deeded acres & 1,113 acres leased pasture.2,880 sq.ft.hom e thatfeatures 5 bedroom s & 3 bathroom s.40x18’insulated shop,34x20’horse barn (pow er),32x100’cow barn (pow er,insulated & ray heat),44x20’barn, 60x38’Q uonsetw ith sliding doors.......Asking $1,400,000 M LS#475682 Q u’Appelle River Pasture -Located in RM 191/222. Totalof1,272 acres (SA M A )ofpasture.4 w ire perim eter fence plus itis cross fenced,good setofcorrals,and river runs through every quarter exceptone.......................................Asking $795,000 M LS#488672 RM 166 - C ontrolled Flood Irrigation Land.140.86 acs. Excellentopportunity for a guaranteed hay source. Located offthe #1 H w y.....................Asking $180,000 M LS#490075
RM 222 -28 quarters in w hen block,additional2700 acres available to lease.6 pivotirrigation system covering 800 acres, som e outbuildings..........................Asking $4,250,000 M LS#481617 W ellington -1280 acres,RM 97.1235 cult.acres (SA M A )........................................Asking $2,495,000 M LS#485899 W aw ota -Beauchesne.1986 ac,2 bath,4 bdm , cow /calfoperation........................Asking $2,149,000 M LS#459988 Yozipovic Farm land -RM 70/100,1275 acres,1136 cult.acres,located approx.16 m iles S ofAvonlea..........Asking $1,679,000 M LS#466698 M oosom in -Shire.M ixed.1,280 acres.4 bed,2 bath, 12,850 bu grain storage................Asking $1,240,000 M LS#462168 RM 092 W alpole -320 acres.C ould also package w ith adjacent property M LS 462168.......................Asking $289,000 M LS#474137 Jonescu -944 acres,RM 151,4 bds,2 bth,1,264 sqft,G soil,land w ithin m iles ofPotash C orp.Shaft,old C P railline borders on N E edge ofland............................Asking $1,200,000 M LS#471882 N orquay -1,606 ac.M ixed.RM 303,4 bds,2 bth,1,040 sqft bungalow (1973).8,950 bu grain storage,corrals,cattle shelters,and various outbuildings...........................Asking $950,000 M LS#484463 RM 193 Eyebrow -N ash Farm 480 acres.1767 sq ftbungalow (2005).G rain cleaner & shop............Asking $950,000 M LS#476793 Indian H ead -Radcliffe.M ixed.280 cult.acres.Excellentsoil(C/D class),tile drained on N W quarter to dugoutlevel....Asking $595,000 M LS#444220 Schills -Lipton (RM 217)320 acres.Seller w ould lease back at 4% ofpurchase price.........................Asking $415,000 M LS#483956 Lang -M cN ally.157 ac,priced atunder $2,000/ $298,000 M LS#457997 N euls -RM 125,319 acres,presently hay production..................................Asking $298,000 M LS#469494 Jones -320 acres,RM 216,good farm land,yard site has pow er,natural gas,and good w ell...........................Asking $290,000 M LS#473691 RM 68 Broken Shell-150 cult.acres.2013 A sm t.$80,100. Located 4.5 m iles S and 1 m ile W from E side of M acTaggart......................................Asking $210,000 M LS#489313 RM 307 Elfros -A pprox 310 ac after subdivision. Land has been cleared and drained since lastassessm ent. C urrently leased outfor 2014 crop year.Subjectto subdivision ofyard site.......................................Asking $449,500 M LS#485493 RM 186 Abernethy -located 85 km from Regina.428 acs.Yard incls: 4 bdm ,1 bath 1344 sqfthom e, 600’deep w ell,various outbuildings and an established orchard.......................Asking $650,000 M LS#486388 RM 99 Caledonia -W ellsetup Equine C enter.315 acs.5 bdm ,3 bath 1392 sqfthom e................................Asking $527,900 M LS#487280 RM 217 Lipton -521 acs.G ood farm land rightbeside Dysart. Rented for 2014 crop year................Asking $810,000 M LS #487763 RM 248 Touchw ood -283 acs.Presently in grass. 2013 A ssessm ent$188,900.Located 11.5 m iles and 2 m iles S ofPunnichy.........................Asking $310,000 M LS#488127 Dixon Farm land -4533 acres,RM 216,3590 cult,943 other acres, 2 w ellkepthouse on sam e yard site..Asking $6,800,000 M LS#476201
RM 217 Lipton -..........................................................M LS #485201
H um b o ld t Cell (3 0 6 ) 2 3 1-70 77 js c h in kel@ s a s ktel.n et
Yo rkto n Cell (3 0 6 ) 6 41-46 6 7 W .B erlin ic @ s a s ktel.n et FO R SALE
RM Lakeview #337 -W adena area,311 acres,good grain land,lease back possibility,bordering Tow n ofW adena......$417,000 M LS#483218 RM Foam Lake #276 -Tuffnellarea,149 acres,good grain land quarter.O pportunity for investm ent....................$145,000 M LS#480242 RM Buchanan #304 -Buchanan area,160 acres,m ixture grain and hay,greatfor adding to existing operation.........$119,000 M LS#471119 RM Buchanan #304 -Buchanan area,142 acres, black soil.......................................................$165,000 M LS#475852 RM Cote #271 -Kam sack area,319 acres,yard site, pasture/bush land setup for livestock.................$250,000 M LS#479682 RM Cote #271 -Kam sack area,313 acres,pavem entaccess, Duck M ountain ProvincialPark 15 m ins aw ay.....$190,000 M LS#475872 RM Cote #271 -Kam sack area,139 A cres,Tree Farm Detailed info package available.......................$873,000 M LS#477308 RM Calder #241 -W roxton area,tw o quarters good grain land. 8,200 bu grain storage...................................$625,000 M LS#478383 RM Calder #241 -Rhein area,approx.300 cult.acres.150 pasture/hay acres.Q uonset& 10,500bu grain storage.........$650,000 M LS#478368 RM Ituna Bon Accord #246 -Parkerview area,4 quarters pasture land, dugouts,cross fence,creek...............................$388,000 M LS#484830 RM Preeceville #334 -Preeceville area,2 quarters fully fenced w ith yard site,32 x 48 Pole Shed,Barn/C orrals,G arage,G rain Bins,Bi-Level Bungalow w ith recentupgrades including furnace,flooring,interior paint, shingles,and m ore.........................................$269,000 M LS#488102 RM 305 - Inverm ay,SK.159 acs.H ayland.C ould be converted to grainland.............................................Asking $79,000 M LS 490138
F o rt Q u'Ap p elle Cell (3 0 6 ) 43 4-8 78 0 a m o rro w @ fa rm s o fc a n a d a .c o m
N o rth B a ttlefo rd Cell (3 0 6 ) 441-4152 K evin Ja rrett@ S a s ktel.n et FO R SALE
W estbend -RM 276/277.G rain. 5,565 acres.........................................Asking $6,900,000 Exclusive Spiritw ood -RM 496.Beef.2,484 deeded acres, 1,989 C row n lease acres.Fenced into 12 pastures,runs over 1,000 yearlings..............................Asking $1,675,000 M LS#469906 Landis -RM 349/378/379.G rain. 867 acres......................................Asking $1,150,000 M LS#486800 Corm an Park -RM 344.G rain.145 acres.6 m iles to Saskatoon offofValley Road,5 km from South Sask.River........Asking $1,100,000 M LS#486120 W ilkie -RM 409.G rain.626 totalacres,490 cultivated cares,57 acres to be subdivided outprior to closing.Asking $1,060,000 M LS#464766 N orquay -RM 303.M ixed.1,606 acres.C orrals,cattle shelters,house, garage,grain storage.........................Asking $950,000 M LS#484463 N eilburg -RM 442.G rain.290 acres. Borders tow n ofN eilburg....................Asking $700,000 M LS#483239 Balcarres -RM 183.G rain.428 acres.H ouse,yard,garage,and shed on edge ofQ u’A ppelle Valley..............Asking $650,000 M LS#486388 Battleford -RM 438.Beef.161 acresAsking $645,000 M LS#464132 Jackfish Lake -RM 468.G rain.200 acres.Stunning view oflake,good grain land,solid renter ifneeded.........Asking $549,500 M LS#486127 Salvador -RM 381.M ixed.480 acres..Asking $515,000 M LS#483266 H arris -RM 316.G rain.320 acres....Asking $480,000 M LS#478899 Shellbrook -RM 494.Beef. 1,395 acres......................................Asking $450,000 M LS#488237 FortQ u’Appelle -RM 217.G rain. 320 acres.........................................Asking $415,000 M LS#483956 W ilkie -RM 409.57 acres................Asking $395,000 M LS#464760 Dorintosh -RM 588.Beef/Rec.318 acres.1.5 m ile border on M eadow Lake ProvincialPark..............Asking $350,000 M LS#484636 Canw ood -RM 494.G rain.322 acres. Strong renters available..................................Asking $323,000 M LS# Loon Lake -RM 561.Beef.3,021 acres.7 dugouts,2 lakes,fenced and cross-fenced,insulated cabin on skids,deeded quarter,balance is C row n lease land.........................................Asking $300,000 M LS#486272 W aw ota -RM 092.M ixed.320 totalacres, 163 cultivated acres,104 pasture acres. A djacentto M LS#462168...................Asking $289,000 M LS#474137 Perdue -RM 346. G rain.321 totalacres,270 cultivated acres. M ineralrights also available................Asking $285,250 M LS#464769 Christopher Lake -RM 520.H ay.478 acres.O lder cabin thatneeds roofrepairs.......................................Asking $259,000 M LS#481750 Canw ood -RM 494.160 totalacres,80 cultivated acres, balance is bush. 1/2 m ile oflake fronton C arlson Lake, rented for $4,000/year......................Asking $180,000 M LS#467553 Canw ood -RM 494.G am e.130 acres.Located on Sturgeon River, pow er is 1 m ile aw ay.........................Asking $160,000 M LS#486138 Canw ood -RM 494.M ixed.152 acres.O n oilsurfaced road, 4 m iles to C anw ood,pow er nearby, could be a building site.........................Asking $85,000 M LS#487645 Canw ood -RM 494.G rain.161 totalacres,40 cultivated acres, balance is bush and slough...................Asking $72,500 M LS#467795 Dixon -RM 216.4,533 totalacres,3,590 cultivated acres,943 other acres. 2 w ell-kepthouses on sam e yard site.....Asking $6,800,000 M LS#476201
H eart’s H ill-RM 352.Beef.160 deeded acres,3,972 C row n lease acres.Excellentnative pasture.............Asking $550,000 M LS#485896
RM 310 Usborne -1725.87 acs.1652 acs cult.(SA M A ).Yard incls:3 bdm ,2 bath 1100 sqfthom e w ith various outbuildings,77,063 bus grain storage.2 additionalyard sites.......Asking $2,990,000 M LS# 489451 BassetSeed Cleaning Plant,Bruno,SK -1.32 acs.Incl:Cleaning eq.,augers,bins,scales and other item s..Asking 330,000 M LS# 487603 Speers -153.51 acs.RM 436.125 acs.cult.(SA M A ).Form er hog barn site (buildings have been rem oved and site has been cleaned up). Pow er & naturalgas services.............Asking $251,000 M LS# 485883 Speers Finishing Barns -RM 436.8000 head Finishing barns w ith 16 feed bins.O ffice/generator room ..Asking $299,000 M LS# 485776 H orizon Farrow ing & N ursery Barns -2500 head Farrow ing barn,RM 256.8800 head N ursery barns,RM 285...Asking $875,000 M LS# 485765 Carlton TrailFarrow ing,N ursery,& Finishing Barns -2500 head Farrow ing barn,RM 401.8800 head N ursery barns,RM 402. 8000 head Finishing barns,RM 371.Asking $1,250,000 M LS# 485678
M o o s o m in Cell (3 0 6 ) 43 4-8 8 57 GuyS h ep h erd @ fa rm s o fc a n a d a .c o m FO R SALE
M annle Farm land RM 121 M oosom in -26.5 qrtrs ofprem ium grain w ith farm yard,grain storage and buildings.Seed cleaning plantoptional.M ajority ofthis land is E/F soil,highly assessed and allw ithin 5 m iles.M LS#’s 483911,483912, 483913 to be sold as a package.3,675 cult.acres........Asking $8,670,000 G renfell-Johnston.17 quarters in one block,1,829 cultivated,m ajority currently in grass,greatm ixed farm operation,6 w indm ills planned Asking $3,495,000 M LS#478193 or w illsplitinto tw o packages of 13 quarters ranch and 4 quarters grain. G renfell-Bym a.3 quarters for sale in RM 125 excellent quality "F" land..................................Asking $450,000 M LS#483955 G renfell-Bym a.160 acres south partofRM 155, excellentquality "G " land..................Asking $150,000 M LS#483953 G renfell-Bym a.8 quarters RM 154/155,fully redone house, good outbuildings and corrals,currently hay & pasture. G ood F/G land..............................Asking $1,600,000 M LS#483959 Sabre Q uarter H orse ranch -160 acres w ith panoram ic valley view , fully m odern house,12,000 sqftofenclosed barns,riding arenas,stable. Fully functioning as an equine facility w ith boarding,riding,lessons and m uch m ore...................Bring m e an offer on this one! M LS#466829 Stonehouse Kipling -4 quarters good grain land. C ould be m ade into one 600 + acre field or leftin hay. 4% RO Ifor investors......................Asking $630,000.00 M LS#482107 Redvers -halfsection for sale M LS#479610 Ken Dangstorp and M LS#482102 Dangstorp N orth eastto be sold together,one oilw ell, good "G " land......................................................Asking $400,000 Kam sack -1428 acres ofgrainland on 9 quarters,good clay to heavy clay soils,w illconsider selling in pkgs.Asking $1,229,000 M LS#485376 RM 185 -3 quarters ofgood grain land,403 cult.acres, $80,766 average assessm ent..............Asking $795,000 M LS#482504 RM 215 -one quarter good grain land, 100 acres cult.restin bush..................Asking $160,000 M LS#482505 RM 155 W illiam Patron -halfsection SW & SE 9 16 8 w 2 286 total acres w ith 256 cultivated,F and G land, totalassessm ent$154,000.................Asking $400,000 M LS#483962 Roy -320 acres south M oosom in,pasture land,fenced,m ore pasture possible for rent.................................Asking $190,000 M LS#485713 RM 125 -1/2 section EastG lenavon,280 acs cult.outof286 total, good grainland.........................Asking price $390,000 M LS#486482 Patron quarter -RM 92 W alpole.155 acs cultivated,w elldrained, excellentgrainland.This w ould be a good quarter for investm ent...........................Asking price $225,000 M LS#486543 Corning RM 095 -270 cult.acs outof275 totalacs. G ood grainland.................................Asking $225,000 M LS#487684 Stoughton RM 065 -160 acres.good grainland w ith 135 cultivated acres,yard site on land w ith pow er......Asking $200,000 M LS#487685 Carlyle -Robertson sub-division -tw o 17.2 acre lots available on H w y 9 frontage,southeastcorner ofC arlyle,developm entpotential, gas and pow er atcorner.........................................Asking $903,000 M oosom in -W estw ind Floristand G reenhouse -one ofthe prem ier greenhouses in southeastSask.w ith 7,600 sq.ft.greenhouse space in 5 greenhouses,1,250 sq.ft.flow er -gift-m ain shop,large w alk-in fresh flow er fridge,located on 5 lots totalling.90 acres leaving room for expansion.G reatfam ily business.........Asking $599,000 M LS#484152 Exclusive -7 quarters.400 acres heavy clay,rem ainder in pasture, valley,bush.A nnualrenton land of$22,000 plus $32,000 annualoil revenue.Listed at$1,200,000 -details only released to serious buyers.
Arcola -ChapparalRestaurant& Lounge.4074 sqftRest.& Lounge.Builtin 1994. W ellkeptvery good going concern businessAsking $380,000 M LS#457249 Page land tender -RM 91 5 quarters land,house,buildings, Enbridge pipeline on property...........................Exclusive. Tender Closed Skiba -1/4 section W apella,good grainland currently in grass, good assessm ent................................Asking $220,000 M LS#485702
Visitour Point2 w ebsite w w w .Tim H am m • Rated #3 in Saskatchewan, #4 in Canada, and #15 in world! *ranked by Point2 Performance Index
“PIVOT IRRIGATION”: APPROX. 218 acres of grain land. Phone 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. RM 45: APPROX. 4160 acre ranch. 2 yard sites. Full set of buildings. 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. RM 126: Approx 640 acres pasture, full set of buildings. John Cave. Edge Realty Ltd. 306-773-7379, TIM HAMMOND REALTY Johnston Farm located by Grenfell, RM #155. 1829 acres cultivated and 635 acres hay as per SAMA. Great livestock operation, corral system, 34x60 barn, excellent water supply. Yard includes 1356 sq. ft. home (1945), 4 beds, 2 baths, asking $3,495,000. MLS#478193. Call G u y S h e p h e rd , 306-434-8857,
GR AN T AN DER S O N R o s eto w n Cell (3 0 6 ) 8 3 1-9 2 14 rga n d ers o n @ s a s ktel.n et FO R SALE
RM 253/254/224 -3346 acres,located 3 to 9 m iles eastofElbow .................................................Asking $6,530,000 RM 320 O akdale -approx.276 acres.Located approx. 1.5 m iles W ofthe junction ofH w y.#21 and #31 S ofKerrobert (Sm iley oilpatch)...............................................Asking $700,000 RM 287 -G rain land.160 acres..........Asking $284,000 Exclusive RM 315 M ontrose -143 acres.Perim eter fence plus one cross fence..............................Asking $129,500 M LS#489101 RM 257 M onet-320 acres.H eavy clay soil. 13 m iles S and 6 m ile W ofRosetow n.................Asking $800,000
RM 318 -M ixed.322 cultac.& 318 pasture ac....................................Asking $425,000 Exclusive
B igga r Cell (3 0 6 ) 9 48 -9 16 8 Tim .H a m m o n d @ S a s ktel.n et FO R SALE
Floral-319 acres adjacentto FloralIndustrialPark in RM #344 C orm an Park.Excellentindustrialdevelopm ent opportunity................................Asking $3,520,000 M LS#488444 Radisson Farm land -1,689 acs Farm land investm entpackage. C urrently rented for 3 m ore years.Asking $1,650,000 M LS#487757 Eagle H ills G rain Ltd.-RM 376 Eagle C reek, 1120 acs w ith 982 cult.acs,$61,543 avg asm t/qtr, 80 km s w estofSaskatoon...........Asking $1,450,000 M LS#483893 Biggar -M undtRM 378 section ofgrain farm land w ith approx.500 cult acs,$79,179 avg asm t/qtr.....Asking $620,000 (2.0x) M LS#484658 RM 378 -Kram m er farm land.628 acs.368 cultacs.(SAM A).Located N W ofBiggar.$69,096 avg asm t/qtr........Asking $549,000 M LS#448292 G areau Pasture -542 acs im proved pasture 20 m in w estof Saskatoon,cross-fenced into 7 paddocks,2 w ells,1 dugout,corrals/ loading facilities,carries 220 yrlgs..Asking $540,000 M LS#463052 Biggar -M undtH ay Farm land.619 totalacs.500 cult.acs. Seeded to grass,good fence, $41,693/qtr avg.asm t..................Asking $320,000 M LS#485195 CO M M ERCIAL -Kelly’s Kitchen in Biggar SK.Restaurantbusiness includes 1,376 SqFtbuilding & eq..Asking $225,000 M LS#474324 CO M M ERCIAL -210 M ain Streetin Biggar SK.5,716 SqFtbuilding in prim e retaillocation...................Asking $300,000 M LS#483891
DAVE M O L B ER G B igga r/S a s ka to o n Cell (3 0 6 ) 9 48 -4478 Da ve@ Tim H a m m o n d .c a FO R SALE
RM 228/259 -941 acres ofexcellentquality D and F farm land, inclsurface lease revenue...........Asking $1,720,000 M LS#483033 Eagle Creek -639 acres ofscenic rolling pasture w ith over 2 m iles frontage on N .Sask River.Private location,includes recently built custom log cabin and shop.............Asking $959,000 M LS#472631 Corm an Park -G rain.146 acres.G reatinvestm entproperty adjacentto C athedralBluffs and the C orm an Park -Saskatoon Planning Districtboundary...........................Asking $599,000 M LS#454137 RM 346 Perdue -476 acres 13 m iles SW ofPerdue. Fenced/crossfenced 3 quarters seeded to grass,opportunity to return to cultivated acres................Asking $365,000 M LS#484597 Scentgrass Lake -86 acres ofrolling hay,approx 20 m iles N E of N orth Battleford and 15 m ins from C ochin.Lake frontage -excellent A creage/Recreation site.............................$215,000 M LS#489306 Berube Lake Farm land -160 acres overlooking SE shores ofBerube Lake w estofCanw ood.RM 494......Asking $155,000 M LS#484948 Choiceland -244 acres hayland w ith 4000 ftfrontage on Kelsey Lake.Located 7 m iles north ofC hoiceland,SK. RM 488.......................................Asking $140,000 M LS#486678 Cando -121 acres ofRec land less than 60 m iles N W ofSaskatoon. 80 acres ofA spen pasture surrounds 40 acre private lake..................................Asking $120,000 M LS#486350 N okom is -158 acres grainland 5 km north ofG ovan SK,w estof H W Y 20......................................Asking $115,000 M LS#488308 Alvena -159 acres,149 cultacres ofquality F soil. 10 acre yardsite w ith 2012 m obile hom e,heated shop, quonset,barn...............................Asking $375,000 M LS#486320 RM 317 M arriott-159 acres cattle operation inclhouse, barn and corrals.M ix offenced hay/pasture and cultacres, separated by w inding creek..........Asking $349,500 M LS #488380
N im m o Farm -449 A cres..........Asking $275,000 M LS #487816
Visitour Point2 w ebsite w w w .Tim H am m
• Rated #3 in Saskatchewan, #4 in Canada, and #15 in world! *ranked by Point2 Performance Index
LAND FOR SALE: RM of Eye Hill No. 382, Three quarter sections: NW-30-38-28-W3; SW-30-38-28-W3; SE-05-39-28-W3. Call 306-547-2926 for all inquiries. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. QUARTER NW-32-35-13-W2, RM Lakeview #337, North of Wadena. house and buildings. Assess $258,200. Call 306-338-2779.
INVITATION TO TENDER. Sealed tenders will be received by Burningham Eisner until 4:00 PM on March 28, 2014 for the sale of the following land, all in RM of Barrier Valley #397: 1. NE-13-42-15-W2, approx. 105 acres grass and 40 cultivated acres, 11 acres for yardsite incl. year 2000 home with 1150 sq. ft. on main floor and loft area, double attached garage, well, natural gas, 30,000 bu. steel storage, pole shed, shop, and all other improvements. 2. SW06-42-14-W2, approx. 155 cultivated acres 3. SW-19-42-14 W2, approx. 110 cult. acres. 4. SE-01-42-15-W2, approx. 126 cult. acres. 5. SE-12-42-15-W2 and SW 12-42-15-W2 (sold together for access reasons), approx. 165 cult. acres, 55 acres of seeded grass, and balance in grass and pasture. 6. SE-24-42-15-W2, approx. 140 cult. acres, balance of pasture and burrow pit. Tenders can be submitted for the whole package, or separate by parcel, or excluding grain storage, as specified in the tender. All tenders must be accompanied by a deposit of 10% of the tender price in the form of a certified cheque or bank draft (refundable only if Tender not accepted) and highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GST is payable on Tender Price, or Purchaser must provide GST registration number. For more info call 306-873-5426 or Viewing of buildings only available after March 17, 2014. Successful bidder will be required to enter into a standard sales agreement. Submit Tenders in a sealed envelope marked “Tender” to: Burningham Eisner, Barristers & Solicitors, Box 1360, 1106 101st Ave. E., Tisdale, SK. S0E lT0.
RM 166, PIVOT IRRIGATION, one quarter, 3 phase, power, in hay, south of Rush WWW.SASKLANDFORSALE.COM: RM of Lake, SK. 306-778-7494. Fish Creek #402. Complete farm or quarRM SPIRITWOOD #496 and RM Meet- ters can be purchased individually, consisting Lake #466. This amazing 2988 acre ing of 719+/- acres of grain/ grazing hayranch does have approx. 650 acres of cult. land, includes farmsite featuring a 1985 tame pasture. The balance is natural and bi-level 1532 sq. ft. home, 51’x100’ Behlen bush pasture, mainly fenced with 4 wires, q u o n s e t , b a r n a n d c o r r a l s . Pa r t o f 2 sets of corrals, power, well. Good supply N W - 0 3 - 4 2 - 2 8 - W 2 , 3 0 + / - a c r e s , of pasture water. Also an amazing big M L S ® 4 9 0 1 1 6 , $ 2 9 9 , 9 0 0 o r a l l o f game hunting area. For info. on this EXCL NW-03-42-28-W2 MLS®490123 $399,900, listing 188, call Lloyd Ledinski. I am in NE 03-42-28 W2 MLS® 490127 $94,900; need of grainland in most of my trading SW-10-42-28-W2 MLS®490129 $119,900, a r e a s . R e / M a x o f t h e B at t l e fo r d s , NE-04-42-28-W2 MLS®490136 $172,900, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, North W1/2 of SE-03-42-28-W2 MLS®490140 $89,900. As per seller’s instructions, all ofBattleford, SK. fers will be presented April 26, 2014 at LAND AND ACREAGE LOTS Auction for 11:00 AM. Highest or any offer not necesBrian and Patti Marcotte and Estate of sarily accepted. Open House Sundays: Mary Jane Tessier on Tuesday, April 1st, March 30 and April 6, 2 PM to 4 PM. For 7:00 PM at the Days Inn, Estevan, Sask. offer instructions and property details Brian and Patti Marcotte: RM Estevan please contact Ed Bobiash, RE/MAX Saska# 5 : N E - 1 5 - 0 3 - 0 7 - W 2 1 5 9 a c r e s , toon, 306-280-2400 before April 26, 2014. SE-21-03-07-W2 159 acres (Lot 2A), SWE1/2-21-03-07-W2 80 acres (Lot 2B), LSD 3&6, Lots 2A and 2B will be sold as one parcel; SW-28-03-07-W2 159 acres, SW-34-03-07-W2 159 acres, 100 Qua rte rs Gra in la n d SE-30-03-07-W2 Parcel B, 20 acres, SE-30-03-07-W2 Parcel C, 20 acres, for Sa le . SE-30-03-07-W2 Parcel D, 20 acres, N eighb o u rs sellin g a tthe SW-30-03-07-W2 Parcel G, 20 acres. RM Cambria #6, NW-06-03-11-W2 159 sa m e tim e b u tn o tn ecessa rily acres. The Estate of Mary Jane Tessier: to gether. La rge a n d sm a ll RM Estevan #5, SW-24-03-09-W2, 159 pa cka ges fo rsa le. Bu y 1 o r acres. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 2 qu a rters o r100 if yo u like. 3 0 6 - 4 8 7 - 7 8 1 5 . F o r m o r e i n fo v i ew PL311962 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y QUARTER SW-34-35-32-W1, 16 miles NE 3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7 of Norquay, SK. 115 acres cultivated, 45 o r e m a il fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n a c r e s fo r e s t / c r e e k , a s s e s s . 5 9 , 9 0 0 . re m a xkin de rs le y@ s a s kte l.n e t 306-781-4988, 306-537-3772 cell.
241 CULTIVATED ACRES quality grain land, 25 miles north of Melfort. Call Walter at: 306-921-7878. ID#479810 MAPLE CREEK: 25 acres on a hill beside the highway on the way to the Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. Bare land perfect for new construction, 2 wells, power and telephone in place, good water. MLS®. ID#1100191 Rush Lake: approx. 309.73 acres irrigated land. Valley pivots, natural gas pumping unit, 3 phase power. Located 11 miles East of Swift Current and 5 miles South of Hwy. #1 right along the Highfield Reservoir. ID#485737 Regina: 798 acres of very productive farmland. 100 acres summerfallow, 270 acres tame hay, 148 acres tame pasture, 280 acres native pasture. Energy efficient home and outstanding water quality. 66 kms South of Regina, 5 kms off the #6 Hwy. Real E s t a t e C e n t re , 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 1 4 , CASH RENTAL- 170 acres RM of Meadow Lake. Call Darrell at 306-236-1930 or 306-240-5146, Meadow Lake, SK. FOR SALE BY TENDER: Located in RM of Happy Valley #10. NE 1-2-23-W2, NW 1-2-23-W2, SE 1-2-23-W2, SW 1-2-23-W2. Newer corral system. Native grass and 120 acres tame hay. Water source is dugout and good springs. Prospective purchasers must rely on their own research of the property to determine acreage, condition, improvements and assessment. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please submit certified cheque for 5% of bid with tender, payable to Lewans & Ford In Trust, and clearly marked envelope “Lee Land Tender.” Tenders will close April 11, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Lewans & Ford, Box 759, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0. Ph 306-642-4520, fax306-642-5777 DWEIN TRASK REALTY Inc. RM of Three Lakes, E 1/2 and PT of NW-32-40-24-W2. Quality farmland with good access and large 2 storey split home with double attached garage. Workshop with new steel siding and freshly painted barn. 9000 bu. hoppered steel storage. Owner states very good well with newer corrals w/4000 head capacity. Super starter farm or valuable addition to any operation. Feed some cattle or remove corrals and cultivate it all. Call Dwein for more info 306-221-1035, Saskatoon, SK. WANTING LAND PERMISSION for hunting spring snow geese, for myself and sons. 306-384-3367, e-mail: GRONLID AREA 160 acres, 148 acres cultivated, SAMA report available, close to N Saskatchewan river, ski hill and forest reserve. Contact Bert at Sutton Group/Saskatoon, 306-221-2892, Warman, SK. 480 ACRES NEAR White Fox, SK., lush pasture, fenced, lots of water, good house. Email:
ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K
w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. RM of Rudy #284, all of Sec-36-30-06-W3, West of Hanley, SK. Approx. 590 acres cult., C.I. soil, Class L and M, FMV 255,000. Level and stone-free with renter available, $749,900. Call Dwein today 306-221-1035.
Cen tra l...........................19 6 1⁄4’s S o u th...............................75 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t.......................40 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t......................6 5 1⁄4’s N o rth..................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t.......................12 1⁄4’s Ea s t..................................51 1⁄4’s
Ca ll DOUG
3 06 -9 55-226 6 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca RM BIG RIVER #555, S-1/215-56-08-W3rd, 320 acres. This prime piece of land bordering the provincial forest near Cowan Lake includes: 4 manmade dugouts, $50,0000 worth of timber, approx. 50 acre hay flat, power along property. This land is suitable for a cabin, big game hunting or a cattle operation. Asking $250,000. Owner may consider financing. Inquiries can call 306-628-7840 or email Eatonia, SK. GRAVEL ON 160 acres of bare pastureland located in RM of Redberry near Hafford, SK. This is virgin ground which has not been tested. Interested buyers will be required to do their own testing. Call Judy at 403-843-0066. RM OF REFORD: 327 acres, 80 verified to have gravel, possibly more; 188 acres cult. w/60 planted to wheat, remaining cult. acres seeded to tame grass, balance is partly fenced native pasture. 2300 sq. ft. bungalow built 1985. MLS®470122. Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK.
DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. RM of Fish Creek, NE-26-41-01-W3 FMV assessment 71,900, 110 acres cultivated. Very good stone-free land, under 40 minutes to TREHERNE, MB, 300 acres river flat land Saskatoon, SK., $164,900. Call Dwein for with 8 tower pivot and buried pipeline. Portage la Prairie, two parcels, one 148 info package 306-221-1035. acres and one 310 acres, both Almasippi FOR SALE: 5 quarters of land or 6 quarters Series soil. Christianson Soils Ltd., Broker, w/house and yard, near Canora, SK. 400 204-239-6086. cultivated acres. All fenced. 306-563-5710 RM OF PORTAGE la PRAIRIE farmland FARM LAND TENDER NE 36-52-20 W2, for sale. Murraydale Farms Ltd. is now NE 01-53-20 W2, SE 01-53-20 W2 (fully open to accepting offers to purchase for serviced), NW 36-52-20 W2, SW 01-53-20 the following farmland: E-1/2-SE-1/4W2. The above noted land is offered for 32-10-04W approx. 73.34 acres, SW-1/4sale by Tender. Deadline: 4:00 PM, April 1, 33-10-04W approx. 146.62 acres, NE2014. Possession Date: April 15, 2014. 1/4-23-10-04W approx. 160 acres. All land Deposit: 10% of tender price by certified had 35 phosphate and 20 potash applied cheque to be included with Tender and last fall for fertilizer to be ready to crop further 15% within 7 days of award of ten- soybeans. Terms of submitting offers: der. No tender subject to financing will be Written offers to purchase the land will be accepted. The Tender may be for any one received by Ammeter Law Group, 7 Donald or more of the quarter sections. A Tender St., Winnipeg, MB, R3L 2S6, Attention Form and further details of Tender terms Caitlin Schmidt, until 5:00 PM on April 4, and details of the property are available at 2014. Offers to purchase shall be open for T S N L a w, N i p a w i n , S K . o r b y f a x acceptance until 5:00 PM on April 11, 306-862-2560 or email 2014. The offers to purchase must be acBuyer shall determine the size of the cult. companied by a certified cheque in an acreage to Buyer’s own satisfaction. All amount equal to 5% of the purchase price chattels located on tendered property are in the offer to purchase, made payable to to be included in the sale. Highest or any Ammeter Law Group, in trust. A copy of the offer to purchase must also be etender not necessarily accepted. mailed to: RM OF NORTON: 2.5 quarters, level, no Corey Murray. Any specific questions perstones, FMV $139,200, 359 cult. acres, taining to the land should be directed to SAMA reports $265,000. Call Del Rue, Roy- Corey Murray at 204-856-9380 or emailed. The offers to purchase must be on the apal LePage, 306-242-8221, Saskatoon, SK. proved form. Parties interested in submitMINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and ting an offer can contact Corey Murray to o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . get a copy of the approved form of offer to purchase. Once an offer to purchase is ac1-877-269-9990. cepted, the cheque shall become the deRM 241 CALDER, CATTLE OPERATION posit, refundable only according to the by owner. Nine quarters deeded in grass terms set out in the offer to purchase. Deand hay. Full cattle facilities, calving barn, posit cheques accompanying unaccepted shelters, Morand handling system, etc. offers to purchase will be returned after Will handle 200 plus cows. 3 bdrm. 1-1/2 the period for accepting the offers to purstorey house, exc. water, $1,100,000. Near chase have expired. The offer to purchase with the highest purchase price will not Wroxton SK. 306-786-2121, 306-621-8551 necessarily be accepted. Terms and CondiFARM LOCATED IN the center of 600 cult. tions of Sale: The specific terms and conacres, yard fully serviced w/brand new ditions of the sale shall be contained in the 2013 1700 sq. ft. house, 75,000 bu’s grain offers to purchase. Interested parties must storage (90% has aeration), 30x40 heated rely on their own inspection and knowlshop, 120x40 steel clad machine shed and edge of the land. Possession date April other modern storage sheds, Quill Lake, 2014, negotiable. The successful purchasSK. Turnkey option with possibility of 20 er will be responsible for all property taxes quarters of land. Contact 306-287-7928. for 2014.
QUARTER SECTION RM of Grandview, SE-19-23-25-W. 145 cult. acres, bordering Riding Mtn National Park, very private surrounded by Crown land lease. Older occupied house, outbuildings, hydro. Phone 204-732-2216, Rorketon, MB. MIXED FARM FOR SALE- retiring, The Pas, MB. Clean, well maintained, all in one piece, no rocks. 1470 deeded acres, 900 cultivated; 2640 acres long term Crown rental, 500 cult. acres. 2 houses- 5 bdrm. house, wheelchair accessible and 1 bdrm. house. Heated shop, machine shed, hay shed, pole barn, Hi-Hog chute system, 40,000+ bu. grain storage, large 30,000 sq. ft. insulated tinned barn, machinery and cattle available. Call 204-623-5029. MANITOBA - RED RIVER Valley: 153 acre soybean, cash crop farmland located on paved road NW quarter-3-3-6-WPM, 2.5 miles west of Morden on hwy. 3. Invest now in agriculture. Contact Melvin Toews at Golden Plains Realty Ltd., 204-745-3677 REVISED ADVERTISEMENT. Farm Land For Sale by Tender in the Rural Municipality of Dufferin. This advertisement has been revised to include an additional piece of land (Parcel IV below) described in Certificate of Title No. 35817 MLTO (Roll No. 45200.000), as well as the originally advertised land (Parcels 1, II and III below), described in Certificate of Title No. 2695380/4 (Roll Nos. 45000.000 and 45100.000). Parcel I: SE 1/4 19-6-4 WPM. Excepting: All that portion thereof conveyed to the Midland Railway Company of Manitoba. Parcel II: SW 1/4 19-6-4 WPM. Excepting: Firstly- The NLY 1287 feet of the WLY 880 feet; Secondly- All that portion described as follows: commencing at a point in the northern boundary of said quarter section distant ELY from the western limit of said quarter section 880 feet; Thence east along the northern boundary of said quarter section 713 feet; Thence south parallel to the western boundary of said quarter section 1221 feet; Thence west parallel to the northern boundary of said quarter section 713 feet; Thence north and parallel with the western boundary of said quarter section 1221 feet to the point of commencement; ThirdlyRoad Plan Nos. 1086 MLTO and 1173 MLTO. Parcel III: All that portion of SE 1/4 19-6-4 WPM taken for railway rightof-way Plan 779 MLTO (C Div). Excepting thereout- all mines and minerals as in deed 92-7809 MLTO. Parcel IV: All that portion of the south-west quarter of Section nineteen, in Township six and Range four, west of the principal meridian, in the province of Manitoba, described as follows: commencing at a point on the northern limit of said quarter section distant easterly from the western limit of said quarter section, eight hundred and eighty feet; Thence east and along the northern boundry of said quarter section, seven hundred and thirteen feet; Thence south and parallel with the western limit of said quarter section, twelve hundred and twenty-one feet; Thence west and parallel with the northern limit of said quarter section, seven hundred and thirteen feet; Thence north and parallel with the western limit of said quarter section, twelve hundred and twenty-one feet to the point of commencement. Tender must be for the entirety of the land described above, and all buildings attached thereto. Sealed Tenders To Purchase the land will be received by: Queen’s Bench, B28 - 25 Tupper Street North, Portage la Prairie, MB. R1N 1M9, until 4:30 PM, April 3, 2014. Sealed tenders will be opened at a session of the Court of Queen’s Bench at 12:30 PM, April 4, 2014, or so soon after as this matter may be heard at: Queen’s Bench Court House, 20 - 3rd Street South East, Portage la Prairie, MB. R1N 1M9. Terms Of Tender Are As Follows: 1. Each Tender shall be in writing and in a sealed envelope, plainly marked as to its contents and shall be submitted with a certified cheque payable to Greenberg & Greenberg, In Trust, in an amount equal to 5% of the tender price. 2. If the Tender is accepted, the certified cheque shall become a non-refundable deposit. If the Tender fails to complete the purchase of the property the Seller shall retain the deposit as liquidated damages. On April 7, 2014 unsuccessful Tenders will have their certified cheques returned to them by regular mail. 3. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by cash, certified cheque, or lawyer’s trust cheque and trust conditions on May 1, 2014 (the Closing Date). 4. Vacant possession will be provided on Closing Date. 5. The Buyers will pay the 2014 taxes. 6. The Vendors will pay all the property taxes and penalties relating to taxes accruing to December 31, 2013. 7. The Tenderer will pay the applicable Goods and Services Tax or provide an acceptable undertaking to selfassess. 8. Time is to be of the essence in submission of tender and closing of sale. 9. Highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. 10. The Purchasers rely entirely on their own knowledge and inspection of the property independent of any representations made by or on behalf of the owners. 11. This sale is by order of the court in the matter of Derksen v. Derksen, Queen’s Bench File No. FD 13-03-00909. For further particulars and inspection contact: John A. Jones, Greenberg & Greenberg, Box 157, Portage la Prairie, MB, R1N 3B2. Ph. 204-857-6878. MANITOBA FARMLAND: FOR sale 2000 acres, 1977 cultivated in RM of Stanley and Pembina, good productive land, Manitoba crop insurance C & D, option to lease back to vendor. Contact Melvin Toews at Golden Plains Realty Ltd., 204-745-3677. FARMS HOMES AND ACREAGES for sale in the beautiful and productive Swan River Valley and surrounding areas. More info. check out: or call Darin at McKay Real Estate and Auction Co., 204-734-8757, Swan River, MB. RM FISHER, crop land NE-15-22-1W, 4 miles east of Poplarfield, MB. 120 acres of crop land currently in forage, remaining 40 a c r e s o f m e a d ow / b u s h . C a l l J a s o n 204-664-5400. Serious inquiries only.
FOR SALE BY TENDER. Sealed, written tenders for the property will be received by: Meighen Haddad LLP, 110- 11th Street, Brandon, MB, R7A 4J4. Attention: W. Bryan Webber. Property: Property One: NE-1/4-32-4-21-WPM RM of Morton Property Two: NW-1/4-32-4-21-WPM RM of Morton. Conditions of Tender: 1) Tenders must be received on or before 5 PM on April 4, 2014. 2) All persons submitting a tender shall rely on their personal knowledge and inspection of the property. The land is tendered on an â&#x20AC;&#x153;as isâ&#x20AC;? basis. The Vendor makes no representation or warranty with regard to the condition, suitable use, size, or zoning for the land. 3) The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4) E a c h t e n d e r m u s t b e accompanied by a deposit cheque for five percent (5%) of the purchase price payable to Meighen Haddad LLP. All unsuccessful bidders shall have their tender cheques returned following the close of tenders. Terms and Conditions of Sale: 5) The bidder whose tender is accepted will be required to complete an agreement covering terms and conditions of sale. 6) In addition to the deposit, the balance of the accepted tender is due and payable on the date of closing which shall be April 18, 2014, or evidence provided that the purchase funds will be available under conditions acceptable to the Vendor. If the balance of the accepted tender is not paid within the set time limit the deposit paid will be forfeited as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 7) Possession is not authorized until acceptable arrangements for full payment are made following acceptance of tender. 8) All mines and minerals will be reserved from any transfer. 9) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the 2014 property taxes in their entirety. All other taxes including GST and Land Transfer Tax (if applicable) shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser. Each of the Vendor and Purchaser shall be responsible for their own legal fees to complete the sale. For further info, contact Don Nataros at phone 425-221-6472.
PASTURE FOR SALE, RM of Beaver River, 30 quarters, 1 deeded and 29 leased. Call 306-228-9017 evenings, Unity, SK. PASTURES FOR RENT, 3 parcels, 24 head/75 head/50 head, located south of Lake Diefenbaker, SK. 306-796-7786. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: FOR RENT/ LEASE: 13 quarters pasture S a s k . E x c e l l e n t fe n c e s a n d w a t e r. 403-601-0432. PASTURELAND FOR RENT, supervised and unsupervised. May 15- Oct. 15. Located near Grenfell, SK. 10,000 acres native grass, all fenced. For application and further info. call 306-697-2773, ext. 249. WANTED SUPERVISED PASTURE for up to 150 cow/calf pairs. Prefer SW SK, but consider others. 306-672-3695, Gull Lake, SK. WANTED: PASTURE TO RENT in south east Sask. or south west Manitoba. Phone 306-452-7605, Wauchope, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
CERT. COPELAND, 99% germ., 0% smut, 100% pure to variety; Cert. Meredith, 97% germ., 0% smut, 100% pure to variety. Call Sandercock Seed Farms, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK.
20 ACRE YARD next to 40 hunting Crownland quarters. House, barn with hayloft. Good water. 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. 13.58 ACRES, NE/NW-27-28-13-W2, RM 277. 50â&#x20AC;&#x2122;x100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; straight wall steel machine shed, overhead dr. House and extra buildings fully wired. Totally surrounded by DU land, $135,000. 306-675-6032, Kelliher, SK 8.9 ACRES, 1-1/2 storey Character home, foundation good, stone veranda, 45x50â&#x20AC;&#x2122; shop w/20x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; door, well treed, well graveled, no high water issues, Craigmyle, AB. area. Beautiful setting in the rolling Handhills, 10 minutes to Hanna, 40 from Drumheller, $179,900. For photos and info 403-358-8933,
2014 TUSCANY 44MT, Class A diesel pusher, 44â&#x20AC;&#x2122;.11â&#x20AC;? long, 450 HP ISL Cummins turbo diesel engine, 3 slide-outs, full high gloss porcelain throughout. Stk #8214. $294,000. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at:
NE-30-37-06-W3rd CORMAN PARK. 10 acres within 10 minutes NW of Saskatoon, SK. Acreage is situated within the Saskatoon Region Growth and Development Plan Study Area. Beautifully treed yard and lane with a 1440 sq. ft. bungalow and 40x60 quonset. Additional 150 acres available. MLS. $474,900. For more info call Dewayne Endicott, Realty Executives Saskatoon, 306-612-4663. 2008 DUTCH STAR 4304 Class A diesel pusher, 43â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long, 4 slides, beautiful cabinetry, rear bath and bedroom, washer and dryer, island king bed, mint! Stk# 4416 $188,500. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at: CERTIFIED #1 CDC Meredith, malt barley variety, highest yield, volume and cash discounts. 306-227-7867, Aberdeen, SK. CERTIFIED METCALFE and Meredith. Call PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-524-4339, Semans, SK. 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. CERT. AC METCALFE and CDC Meredith PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 barley, excellent germ. and disease. MACK AUCTION CO., Real Estate Auction and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. for Robert Moffat on Friday, April 4, 2014, Wainwright, AB. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certi10:00 AM, 306-695-7795. Directions from fied: CDC Copeland; AC Metcalfe, CDC Abernethy, Sask. 11 miles South. Watch Meredith, CDC Kindersley, Legacy. Bersfo r s i g n s ! L i ve i n t e r n e t b i d d i n g at cheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 1196 sq. ft. home on 306-368-2602. 12 acres of land, NE-2-19-11-W2. Also 40x60 quonset and 24x26 garage surCERTIFIED CDC McGWIRE hulless barrounded by mature shelter belt. Visit ley. Call Carlson Seed 306-592-4449 or for sale 306-592-2029, Buchanan, SK. b i l l a n d p h o t o s . M a c k Au c t i o n C o . WANTED TO RENT. Retired man, ama306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. teur photographer, looking to rent a small CERT. SEED: Meredith, CDC Copeland, house or mobile home (2 - 3 bdrm) in the CDC Austenson, CDC Cowboy, Ponoka. FOR SALE OR RENT 20 acres, 10 miles rural Milk River, AB. area, east of town. Selte Farms 780-853-2484, Vermilion, AB. South of Foam Lake, SK. includes 1000 sq. References supplied. Please e-mail Joe at: REG. AND CERT. CDC Meridith; Cert. AC ft. house, w/geothermal heating, wind- or ph. 403-642-3645. Metcalfe; Cert. Copeland. All high germ., mill for power, new roof, new septic sysa n d # 1 . C a l l A n d r e w, C a l d e r, S K . tem, barn, shed and granaries. Call 306-742-4682. 780-485-7700, St. Albert, AB. 3(',*5((' 6((' 6$/(6
672..( 6(('6
Â&#x2021; 0HWFDOIH %DUOH\ Â&#x2021; 0HUHGLWK %DUOH\ Â&#x2021; 6DGDVK :KHDW
CERTIFIED NEWDALE, CDC Meredith, CDC Copeland. High germination with no disease. Call Wilfing Farms Ltd. 306-236-7797 or 306-236-6811, email Meadow Lake, SK. CERTIFIED CDC MEREDITH, Newdale, AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland, Legacy, CDC McGwire, CDC Cowboy, CDC Austenson. Va n B u rc k S e e d s , S t a r C i t y, S K ., 306-863-4377. CERTIFIED CDC AUSTENSON. Tilley, AB. 403-633-9999. CERTIFIED #1 CELEBRATION and CDC Copeland. Call: Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694.
JD DIESEL 6x4 gator UTV, JD Big Buck 650 quad ATV, Honda 250 Big Red ATC, 2Panterra 90 CC ATV quads 2 WD. Farm Equip. Auction for Bill Tatarliov, Saturday, April 12, 2014. Minton, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; LUND FISHERMAN BOAT V6, tandem trailer included, all possible options, new condition, low hrs., $29,500 OBO. Brayden 306-854-4610, Elbow, SK.
FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED Transcend Durum. Call Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED, AC Transcend Durum. Ace Crop Care Ltd., 306-831-8963, Rosetown, SK.
discounts. Visa/MC. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. FDN., CERT. AC STRONGFIELD durum. Sean Miller, Avonlea, SK., 306-868-7822. CERTIFIED, REGISTERED, FOUNDATION AC Strongfield and AC Raymore (solid stem) Call 403-867-2338, Foremost, AB. CERT. #1 CDC Verona Durum, 0% fusarium. Call Shawn Fraser 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. Email:
A C ÂŽTr a nscend
H O L I D AY T R A I L E R S F O R R E N T, $80-$110/day. Well equipped clean trailers. Ph Don 780-755-2258, Wainwright, AB FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR GRAIN: 29.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Cougar 5th Wheel, 2 slides, used one season, like new, $25,900. Call Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030, North Battleford, SK.
A C ÂŽ N ew da le V e ry high yie ld ing 2R b a rle y w ith p lu m p ke rne ls. Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: L ES & W EN D Y TR O W EL L S EED FA R M Saltcoats,SK ...................306-744-2684
1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etics .ca
2005 MONACO CAYMAN 34PDD, 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 5.9 Cummins, 300 HP, 21,500 miles, auto, satellite, air over hyd. brakes, 5.5 KW Onan dsl. gen.- 148 hrs, exc. cond., 2 slides, $85,000. More photos on our website Can-Am Truck Export Ltd 1-800-938-3323. DL #910420.
Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment
WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. 1-877-866-0667. SAWMILLS from only $4897 - Make Money and Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free info. and DVD: or call 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. 2007 MONACO CAMELOT, 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PDQ Cummins ISL, 400 HP turbo/Allison 6 spd. auto, 4 slides, completely loaded, tile, hardwood, stainless washer/dryer, satellite. Like new, used very little. New cost $328,279 US, asking $155,000 CDN OBO. Will trade for grain, bred cows or farmland in SE SK. Call 701-756-6954, Carnduff, SK.
A C ÂŽ M u chm or e
CERTIFIED #1 AC STRONGFIELD. Wiens Seed Farm, call Brennan at 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. C E R T. C D C V E RO N A D u r u m . P h o n e 306-296-2104, 306-296-7434, Frontier, SK CERTIFIED CDC COPELAND barley. Call C a r l s o n S e e d 3 0 6 - 5 9 2 - 4 4 4 9 o r REG. AND CERT. Transcend, AAC Raymore (sawfly resistant), Kyle. Palmier Seed 306-592-2029, Buchanan, SK. Farms 306-472-7824, Lafleche, SK. WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Certified CDC Austenson highest yielding feed barley. 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. Be st fo r yie ld ,d ise a se a nd e nd -u se . LAKESIDE SEEDS: Cert. #1 Kindersley, CDC Meredith and AC Metcalfe barley, Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: high germ. 306-554-2078, Wynyard, SK. PA L M IER S EED FA R M S CERT. #1 AC Metcalfe, CDC Meredith, Lafleche,SK................306-472-3722 CDC PolarStar. Wiens Seed Farm, call Brennan 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. 1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etics .ca CERTIFIED CDC AUSTENSON. Call Palmier Seed Farms, Lafleche, SK. 306-472-7824.
Saskatoon - 306-933-3835
HORSE ACREAGE: Approx. 155 cultivated acres, 1750 sq. ft. 4 bdrm., 3 bath bungalow, hardwood floors, cedar ceilings, new attached garage. Two barns, boxstalls, outdoor riding arena, paddocks, fenced, well treed, good spring fed well water. Two miles from Cupar, SK. $599,000. More info. please call 306-570-4001. RM 137. APPROX. 40 acres w/2 houses, quonset, adjoins City of Swift Current on Hwy #4 South. 306-773-7379, John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., Swift Current, SK. UNIQUE 12.7 ACRE PROPERTY features a modest 3 bdrm. home and outbuildings. Owners health forces quick sale. Over $800,000 invested. Price reduced now to $695,000. E-mail: call 250-220-2232, Vancouver Island, BC.
BARLEY GROWERS CDC Meridith, Cert., 99% germ., 99% vigor, 0% F.G. Top yielding malt variety, or feed. Volume dis- CERTIFIED #1 PASTEUR general purc o u n t s . G r e g o i r e S e e d F a r m s L t d . , pose wheat. Volume and cash discounts. 306-445-5516 or 306-441-7851, North Call Jeff 306-227-7867, Aberdeen, SK. Battleford, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Utmost, Shaw and Vesper. CWRS midge tolerant varieties. Volume and cash discount. Call Jeff at Seed Farms 306-227-7867, email: CORN SEED, $25/ACRE, open pollinated Sopatyk varieties, lower N required, early 2250- Aberdeen, SK. 2350 CHUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 7-9â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, high yield and nutri- CERT. SHAW VB #1, discounts; Cert. Vestion, for silage, grazing and grain. Delivery per, #1. Call Andrew, 306-742-4682, Caldavailable. 204-723-2831, Austin, MB. er, SK. CORN SEED THUNDER SEED has grazing FDN, REG. AND CERTIFIED #1 Vesper VB, and silage corn varieties for SK. TH2146, Goodeve VB, CDC Utmost VB. Fenton Seed TH8781, TH3378, TH3382, TH4574RR for Farm Ltd., Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5438. grain (2075 CHU). 0% financing available. Contact Thunder Seeds, Saltcoats, SK. at FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Certi1-888-274-9243 or 306-744-2332 for local fied: AC Vesper VB, AC Unity VB; CDC Utmost VB, Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Leretails. nore, SK. 306-368-2602. CERT. CONVENTIONAL AND ROUNDUP ready grazing corn. Early maturing, leafier CERTIFIED PASTEUR, 94% germination, for increased grazing yield. For ruminant 0% Graminearum. Bailey Brothers Seeds livestock including cattle, sheep, bison and 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. wildlife food plots. CanaMaize Seed Inc., 1-877-262-4046,
3+ Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; )$; Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021; CERT. STRONGFIELD, AAC Current, ( PDLO VVF#\RXUOLQN FD :DWURXV 6. CDC Verona durum. Order early for max
2007 POLARIS RANGER 500 EFI, large frame w/big cargo box and bench seat, extra front bush guard and front side guards, after-market aluminum roof with rear work light. Used only on the farm, $6,000 OBO. 780-524-9322, Valleyview, AB.
Saskatoon Coop Agro
LOOKING FOR RANCH/PASTURE in Sask. to lease or rent for 250 cows. Call 403-548-4643, Orion, AB. SEEKING PARTNER FOR cow/calf operation. We believe in the future of the beef industry, and have 20 plus years experience raising cattle. At this time we have a Verified Beef Program in place. We also practice Low Stress handling. If you feel you may be interested please email us at: We offer a safe return on your investment. All inquiries will be kept confidential.
CERTIFIED SEED AC Morgan oats, 95% Grem, Fusarium not detected. Call Selte Farms 780-853-2484, Vermilion, AB. FDN. REG., CERT. Stride new white milling o at s . C a l l Ke n a n d L a r r y Tr o we l l , CERTIFIED KINDERSLEY, MEREDITH, 306-744-2687, Saltcoats, SK. Metcalf. Pratchler Seeds, 306-682-3317 or C D C B OY E R , CERT., early maturity, 306-231-5145, Muenster, SK. straight cut, 99% germ., 98% vigor. Delisle WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Cert. CDC 306-493-2534, Meredith, CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, FDN, REG. AND CERTIFIED #1 CDC Orrin, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. Leggett. Fenton Seed Farm Ltd., Tisdale, CERTIFIED CDC AUSTENSON high yielding SK. 306-873-5438. fe e d . E n n i s S e e d s , G l e n av o n , S K . , FDN., REG., CERT. AC Morgan. Terre 306-429-2793. Bonne Seed Farm 306-921-8594, CERTIFIED AC MEREDITH, AC Metcalfe, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. CDC Copeland malt barley. Conlon, CERTIFIED AND REG. Souris, Leggett. Sundre feed barley. Order early for max Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, discounts. Visa/MC. SK. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED #1 AC Newdale (2R), Legacy (6R). Call Fenton Seed Farm Ltd., Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5438. REGISTERED, CERTIFIED SUNRAY TritiPhone: 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB. REG., CERT. CDC MEREDITH, AC Metcalfe, cale. 99% germ. 0% fus. Terre Bonne Seed Farm 306-921-8594, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. CERTIFIED PRONGHORN, TYNDAL, Taza. varieties: Luoma, Metzger, Bobcat. Call CERT. #1 COPELAND BARLEY. Discounts Fall 0 3 - 6 5 5 - 2 4 6 4 , G r a s s y L a ke , A B . available on large or early orders. Blaine Lake, SK. 306-290-7816, 306-497-2800.
ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Platform scales for industrial use as well, nonelectric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK.
Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m CDC CERT. AUSTENSON feed; Cert. Cowboy feed; Conion feed; Cert. AC Metcalfe, 2 row malting; Reg., Cert Bentley, 2 row malting. Visit our website for more info or call Fedoruk Seeds at: 306-542-4235, Kamsack, SK. REG., CERT. CDC Merdeith, CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe. Call Ken and Larry Trowell, 306-744-2687, Saltcoats, SK. CERTIFIED CDC MEREDITH, CDC Copeland and AC Metcalf. Northland Seeds Inc. 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. CERTIFIED AND REG. Metcalfe, Copeland, Newdale, Meredith barley. Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK.
V e ry high yie ld ing, se m i-d w a rfCW RS ,sho rt stro ng stra w .
Ca ll yo u r lo ca l S e e d G ro w e r Re ta ile r: M A N ITO BA C O U R T S EED S Plum as,M B......................204-386-2354 S A S K ATC H EW A N M C C A R TH Y S EED FA R M L TD . C orning,SK.....................306-224-4848
1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etics .ca
CERTIFIED PASTEUR GP wheat seed for sale. Call 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. AC CARBERRY REGISTERED certified #1, 96% germination. Superior agronomy package. Ready for pickup! Nakonechny Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., call 306-932-4409. AC ANDREW SOFT white wheat. Most popular variety, 0% Fusarium Gram. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. CERTIFIED AND REGISTERED Utmost VB, Harvest, Andrew, Conquer VB. Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. CERT. CDC UTMOST, Carberry, Cardale, AC Splendor, Pasteur, AC Enchant. Van Burck Seeds, Star City, SK., 306-863-4377. CERT. #1 UNITY VB, Shaw VB, Carberry, Waskada and AC Barrie. Lepp Seeds Ltd. 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. CERTIFIED GP PASTEUR, high yielding, and AC Shaw. G&R Seeds, 306-239-2071, Osler, SK. CERTIFIED AC LILLIAN, sawfly resistant. Call 403-867-2338, Foremost, AB.
CERT. MIDGE TOLERANT: Vesper VB or Fieldstar VB. Carlson Seed 306-592-4449 or 306-592-2029, Buchanan, SK. CERTIFIED AC SADASH SWSW. Tilley, AB. CERTIFIED SOURIS AND Triactor. North- 403-633-9999. land Seeds Inc. 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. CERTIFIED SHAW-AC DOMAIN MTW, CERTIFIED CDC ORRIN. Berscheid Bros. AC Unity-Waskada MTW, AC Andrew high yielding wheat. Order early for max Seeds, 306-368-2602, Lake Lenore, SK. discounts. Visa/MC. 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED #1 AC Vesper VB, AC Shaw H igh yie ld ing m illing o a t w ith the VB. Wiens Seed Farm 306-377-2002, b e st m u lti-ge ne cro w n ru st re sista nce . Herschel, SK. Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: CDC UTMOST VB Midge HRS wheat. Early, high yield, 0% Fusarium Gram. L ES & W EN D Y TR O W EL L S EED FA R M Saltcoats,SK .................306-744-2684 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Cert. SWW 1-877-791-1045 Sadash, GP Pasteur and CPS Crystal, Enw w w .fp gen etics .ca chant VB. 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. CERTIFIED #1 UNITY, Waskada, Lillian. S h ew c h u k S e e d s , B l a i n e L a ke , S K . 306-290-7816, or 306-497-2800. CERTIFIED CDC SO-1 Super Oats and AC Morgan Oats. High germination with LAKESIDE SEEDS: Cert. #1 AC Vesper, no disease level. Call Wilfing Farms Ltd. Muchmore HRS wheat for sale, high germ., 306-236-7797 or 306-236-6811, email low disease. 306-554-2078, Wynyard, SK. Meadow Lake, SK. FOUNDATION AND/OR CERTIFIED CDC CERTIFIED #1 TRIACTOR. Hetland Seeds Utmost VB and Lillian Wheat. Call Craswell at Naicam, SK. Call: 306-874-5694. Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236. CERTIFIED CDC UTMOST VB, AC Shaw VB, CERTIFIED SEABISCUIT. Greenshields Harvest, Alvena CWRS and AC Enchant VB, Seeds, Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, AC Crystal, AC Foremost CPSR and AC Sadash CWSW wheat. Call Wilfing Farms Ltd. 306-524-4339. 306-236-7797 or 306-236-6811, email SOURIS, SUMMIT, SEABISCUIT. Visit our Meadow Lake, SK. website for more info or call Fedoruk Seeds at Kamsack, REG., CERT. AC Shaw VB, AC Vesper VB, CDC Osler, Splendor. Terre Bonne Seeds SK. 306-542-4235. 306-921-8594, 306-752-4810, Melfort, SK. WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Cert. AC Morgan, Souris, Triactor, milling oats; CDC CERTIFIED #1 STRONGFIELD durum. RoLo Farms, Regina, SK., 306-543-5052. Baler forage oats 306-752-4060 Melfort SK
A C ÂŽSu m m it
AC UNITY VB, certified, 99% germ., 96% CERTIFIED VESPER/ WASCADA midge revigor, 0% Gram./ fusarium. Delisle, SK., sistant, Stettler, Carberry. Greenshields 306-493-2534, Seeds Ltd., Semans, SK., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339. FDN. AND CERT. AC Vesper VB. Phone Ken and Larry Trowell, 306-744-2687, H ighe st yie ld ing CD C Saltcoats, SK. CW RS w he a t w ith m id ge to le ra nce REG, CERT CDC Utmost VB; Cert. AC Ves& stro ng stra w . per VB; Cert. Conquer VB; Cert AC Carberry; Cert. Cardale; Cert. Glenn. Visit our Ca ll yo u rlo ca l S e e d G ro w e rRe ta ile r: website for more L ES & W EN D Y TR O W EL L S EED FA R M info. or call F e d o r u k S e e d s at: Saltcoats,SK.................306-744-2684 306-542-4235, Kamsack, SK. M C C A R TH Y S EED FA R M L TD . C orning,SK..................306-224-4848 PA L M IER S EED FA R M S Lafleche,SK..................306-472-3722
REGISTERED AND CERTIFIED #1 CDC Meadow. Fenton Seed Farm Ltd., Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5438.
C D C U tm ostV B
1-877-791-1045 w w w .fp gen etics .ca
TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED alfalfa and grass seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK.
CERTIFIED SHAW VB, Lillian. Pratchler Seeds, 306-682-3317 or 306-231-5145, Muenster, SK. SORGARD SEEDS. Midge tolerant varieties available: AC Vesper, CDC Utmost, and AC C o n q u e r. P h o n e 3 0 6 - 8 9 6 - 2 2 3 6 , Churchbridge, SK. LABRECQUE SEED FARM has Certified AC Shaw wheat. Call Roger 306-222-5757, Saskatoon, SK. CERTIFIED #1 AC Carberry, AC Sadash, CDC Utmost VB, AC Vesper VB and AC, Shaw VB. Call: Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694. CERTIFIED SHAW, 98% germ. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK., 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. Email CERTIFIED PASTEUR GP WHEAT for sale. 98% Germ, 97% Vigor, no Fusarium. Huge yielder, great fit for ethanol market with some potential for U.S. market. The neighboursâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; heads will turn when they see this beautiful standing crop in your fields. Great risk management crop for your farm. Simpson Seeds 306-693-9402, Moose Jaw AC ANDREW CERTIFIED #1, 98% germ. Excellent quality! Nakonechny Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., call 306-932-4409. CERTIFIED AC SHAW VB, midge resistant; Certified AC Carberry. Ennis Seeds, 306-429-2793, Glenavon, SK.
CERTIFIED FOREMOST CONVENTIONAL, Rugby Round-up Ready, Canterra canola va r i e t i e s . G r e e n s h i e l d s S e e d s L t d . , 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK NON-GMO SEED WANTED: Premiums Paid. Pacific Coast Canola, Steve Starr 509-349-8462 Warden, WA. Contact: CERTIFIED RUGBY RR, Conventional Eagle, AC Excel. Pratchler Seeds, Muenster, SK. Call 306-682-3317 or 306-231-5145. HYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED Canola varieties at great prices. Cert. #1 Synergy (Polish). Call Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK. WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Cert HRS. CDC 306-873-5438. Utmost VB, Carberry, Shaw VB, Harvest. 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. M&M SEEDS LTD. has Certified #1 AC CERT. PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE and ReconstiGoodeve VB, CDC Utmost VB and AC Shaw tuted CDC Bethune flax, CDC Sorrel. PamV B . C a s h a n d v o l u m e d i s c o u n t s . brun, SK., 306-741-0475. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK. BUYING BROWN FLAX farm pickup. Call CERTIFIED STETTLER HRSW. Tilley, AB. 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Grains 403-633-9999. Ltd. Email: CERT. CDC UTMOST VB, Unity/Waskada FLAX GROWERS CDC Sorrel, Reg., Cert., VB, Lillian, Waskada; Fdn. Goodeve. Call reconstituted, large seed, vg yielder, ready Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s , L a f l e c h e , S K . to move. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd., 306-472-7824. 306-445-5516 or 306-441-7851, North REGISTERED CDC GO Hard Red Spring Battleford, SK. wheat. 306-296-2104 or 306-296-7434, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Glas flax Frontier, SK. (reconstituted). 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB. AC VESPER VB FDN., Reg., Cert. #1. High yield. Excellent quality! Nakonechny REG. AND CERT. CDC Sorrel flax, reconstityuted, #1. Call Andrew 306-742-4682, Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., 306-932-4409. CERT. #1 SHAW/AC Domain VB, midge Calder, SK. tolerant high yielding HRS. RoLo Farms FDN, REG. AND Certified #1 Reconstituted Regina, SK., 306-543-5052. CDC Sorrel, Fdn and Reg. AAC Bravo. Call FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED, Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK. 306-873-5438. AC Muchmore, AC Shaw VB. Ace Crop CERTIFIED TAURUS. Van Burck Seeds, Care Ltd., 306-831-8963, Rosetown, SK. Star City, SK., 306-863-4377. AC CONQUER VB (new) midge tolerant REG. BRAVO, Fdn. Sanctuary. Palmier Seed CPS. High yields, 0% Fusarium Gram. Wil- Farms 306-472-7824, Lafleche, SK. kie, SK. 306-843-2934, CDC SORREL, Reg. Cert., reconstituted. CERTIFIED UNITY WASKADA and Carberry Large seed. Good lodging resistance. Now wheat, exc. germ. and disease. Pambrun, booking! Nakonechny Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., 306-741-0475. Email SK., 306-932-4409.
THIS GUY JUST picked up
44MT of perfectly treated wheat in 38 minutes!
WWW.TRAWINSEEDS.CA Certified CDC Meadow yellow peas. Call 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
LABRECQUE SEED FARM has Certified CDC Meadows yellow peas. Call Roger 306-222-5757, Saskatoon, SK.
Sharpeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Soil Services Ltd.
M&M SEEDS LTD. has Cert. #1 CDC Treasure and Meadow. Cash and volume discounts. 306-258-2219, St. Denis, SK.
Langenburg - 306-743-2677
CERTIFIED CDC MEADOW, and 40-10, CDC Leroy silage peas. Va n B u rc k Seeds, Star City, SK., 306-863-4377.
and see for yourself. Brian Ellis Phone: 403-556-2846 Fax: 403-556-6604
CERTIFIED MEADOW. Call Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK.
NEW! CDC SAFFRON, FDN, Registered, Certified. High yield. Good stander. Now booking! Nakonechny Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., call 306-932-4409.
S OY B E A N S F O R S A S K . T H 2 9 0 0 2 , TH33003R2Y and TH32004R2Y. Grown in CERTIFIED CDC MEADOW yellow peas. SK. 0% financing available. Call Thunder Call Palmier Seed Farms, Lafleche, SK. Seeds, Saltcoats, SK., 1-888-274-9243 or 306-472-7824. 306-744-2332 for a retailer near you. First in the field. WANTED: FABER BEANS, 100 bushels. Please call Micheal at 780-374-3574 or Howard at 780-781-0046, Daysland, AB. CERTIFIED CANTATE, highest yielding variety. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK., SEED SPECIAL: CERTIFIED CDC LEADER 306-465-2525, 306-861-5679. chickpeas, 0 disease. 306-694-2981, CDC BASTIA (NEW), CDC Togo, ItchMoose Jaw, SK. less varieties. Phone 306-843-2934, WilCDC ORION kabuli chickpea, registered. kie, SK. Sean Miller, Avonlea, SK., 306-868-7822. CDC BASTIA, Certified. Excellent quality! Limited supply! Nakonechny Seeds, Ruthilda, SK., 306-932-4409. CERTIFIED GREENLAND, CDC Improve, BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. CDC Impower. Call Palmier Seed Farms, Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty Lafleche, SK. 306-472-7824. Grains Ltd. Email: CERT. #1 CDC Impala (Red) CL lentil. Call Fenton Seed Farm Ltd., Tisdale, SK. CERTIFIED, REGISTERED, FDN. CDC Togo. Call Northland Seeds Inc., 306-324-4315, 306-873-5438. Margo, SK. CERT. CDC MAXIM CL, CDC Impower CL Clearfield lentils. Order early for max d i s c o u n t s . V i s a / M C w w w. l l s e e d s . c a 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties CERT. CDC IMPOWER CL large green; of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. New CDC Scarlet reds. High germ. Fast Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. Seed Farm, 306-463-3626, Kindersley, SK. MUSTARD SEED: We carry a full line of CERTIFIED CDC DAZIL, CDC Maxim, CDC high quality cert. mustard seed. Bare, Impower, CDC Greenland lentils. Pambrun treated, large or small bags. Can arrange SK., 306-741-0475, delivery anywhere. Great pricing!! (Looking CERTIFIED CDC DAZIL., CDC Impower, for low grade mustard). Call Ackerman Ag Ace Crop Care Ltd., 306-831-8963, Rose- Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. town, SK. CERTIFIED CDC DAZIL, CDC Imax, CDC Impower. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK., 306-465-2525, 306-861-5679.
GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED
LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: CERTIFIED #1 CDC Impower, CDC Greenland. Wiens Seed Farm, Brennan, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. FOUNDATION, REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Redcliff and CDC Maxim CL. Craswell Seeds, Strasbourg, SK., 306-725-3236.
CERTIFIED AND REGISTERED yellow pea variety CDC Meadow and CDC Saffron. Volume and cash discounts. Call Jeff at Sopatyk Seed Farms, 306-227-7867, Aberdeen, SK. CERTIFIED CDC MEADOW, CDC Bronco and Agassiz yellow peas. RoLo Farms, 306-543-5052, Regina, SK.
CERT. CDC MEADOW. Order early for max discounts. Visa/MC 306-530-8433, Lumsden, SK.
CERT. AC MEADOW peas, 97% germ., 93% vigor, good quality. Call Sandercock Seed Farms, 306-334-2958, Balcarres, SK.
CERT. #1 CDC Greenland, CDC Imvincible. RoLo Farms, 306-543-5052, Regina, SK
Search â&#x20AC;&#x153;G40 Seed Treaterâ&#x20AC;?
AC EARLYSTAR NEW YELLOW PEA. High germination. Contact 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK.
FOUNDATION, REGISTERED and/or Cert. CDC Meadow and CDC Saffron peas. Ph. Berscheid Bros Seeds, Lake Lenore, SK. 306-368-2602. FDN, REG, CERT, CDC Hornet, CDC Patrick (green), CDC Limerick (green). Ace Crop Care Ltd. 306-831-8963, Rosetown, SK. CERTIFIED #1 TREASURE. Call: Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694. NEW CERTIFIED CDC Saffron, high germ. and vigor. Volume discounts. Fast Seed Farm, 306-463-3626, Kindersley, SK. LAKESIDE SEEDS has Cert. #1 CDC Meadow yellow peas for sale. Excellent quality. Ph 306-554-2078, Wynyard, SK. CDC SAFFRON, CDC Treasure, CDC Meadow yellow pea seed. High germination and low disease. Call Wilfing Farms Ltd. 306-236-7797, 306-236-6811, email Meadow Lake, SK.
X-59 (He m p -N u t) he m p : - excellen tfibre q u a lity - n ew ben chm a rk forhem p p rod u ction - n ew g en etic ba s e d eliverin g a com p a ctlow -s ha tterin g hea d - top yield in g g ra in cu ltiva r - im p roved s tra ig htcu t ha rves ta bilty - excellen tecon om ic retu rn s
Ta b oa r f a b a b e a n : - low ta n n in cu ltiva r - excellen tN-fixer - m od era te s eed s ize forea s y s eed in g - s p otm a rk etcom m od ity con tra ct - a n im a l feed , hu m a n con s u m p tion , p rotein a n d  s ta rch m a rk ets
S k ylin e n a vy b e a n s : - ea rly m a tu rin g , low hea tu n it req u irem en t - a d a p ted to S E S K a n d W M a n itoba - g ood s ta n d a bility a n d p od clea ra n ce - $0.60/ lb s eed cos t-u n trea ted
Te rra m a x 306 6 99-736 8 Q u â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle S K
M illiga n B iofu e ls W AN TS YOU R CAN OL A
W e a re b uyin g a ll gra de s of ca n ola . #1, 2, a n d 3 a s w e ll a s h e a te d, gre e n , s p rin g th re s h e d. Top p rice s , fre igh t op tion s , de live ry con tra cts , p rom p t p a ym e n t. Bon de d a n d in s ure d.
w w w .m illiga n biofu e ls .c om
XPELLER PRESSING. Lethbridge crusher. Looking for heated canola and flax. Also looking for a limited amount of #1 Canola. Prompt payment. Call, text or email Darcy for pricing and movement. 403-894-4394
BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. MILLING OATS, good weight, good germi- Email: nation, no wild oats. Call 306-867-7716, KABULI CHICKPEAS for sale, 99% germ., Outlook, SK. 0% disease. Terry Mitchell 306-293-7706, CLEANED HIGH BULK greenfeed OATS, Bracken, SK. 16,000 bu., 98% germ., $4.75/bu. Phone: RED LENTIL SEED, 2 varieties, high 780-872-3611, Lloydminster, SK. germ. and vigor, 0% disease. Call Byron COMMON #1 CLEANED heavy milling seed Blackwell, 306-846-7222, Dinsmore, SK. oats, germ. 99%, vigor 98%, fusarium g r a m i n e a r u m 0 % . L e p p S e e d s L t d . , RED LENTIL SEED, 98% germ. 93% vigor. Call Craig at 306-867-3994, Outlook, SK. 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. COMMON YELLOW PEAS, good germ. low disease. Call Stokke Seeds, 306-946-4044, Watrous, SK. COMMON MARROWFAT PEA seed for sale, excellent quality. Call Lakeside Seeds, 306-554-2078, Wynyard, SK.
CANARYSEED, COMMON CLEANED. Wiens Seed Farm, call Brennan, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. SEED SPECIAL: early maturing yellow peas, high germ. and 0 disease. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK.
2007 MONACO CAMELOT, 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; PDQ Cummins ISL, 400 HP turbo/Allison 6 spd. auto., 4 slides, completely loaded, tile, hardwood, stainless washer/dryer, satellite. Like new, used very little. New cost $328,279 US, asking $155,000 CDN OBO. Will trade for grain, bred cows or farmland in SE SK. Call 701-756-6954, WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. Carnduff, SK. Also limited amount of #1 canola. Cash on GOOD HE AVY S E E D O AT S for sale. delivery or pickup. 306-228-7306 or 306-937-2880 or 306-441-5010, Battle- 306-228-1502, Unity, SK. ford, SK. LESS FUSARIUM MORE BOTTOM LINE. Farmer directed varieties. Wheat suitable NOW BUYING BROWN for ethanol production, livestock feed. & YELLOW MUSTARD YB SWEET CLOVER, Red Clover, Alsike Western Feed Grain Development Co-op All grades of Green Peas clover, Alfalfa (tap/creeper), various Ltd., 1-877-250-1552, grasses. (Organic/conventional), Pasture Laird & Richlea Lentils blends. Free shipping. Ph. 306-863-2900, Yellow Peas Star City, SK. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB. C E RT I F I E D ANDANTE YELLOW. Call Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. Greenshields Seeds Ltd., 306-524-2155, GOOD SUPPLY OF most Alfalfas, Clovers 306-524-4339, Semans, SK. and Grasses. Will blend hay and pasture blends to suit your needs. Call: Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694.
Schluter & Maack
ORGANIC SAINFOIN SEED, called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Healthy Hayâ&#x20AC;? in Europe ( An ancient, non-bloating, nutritious, low input, perennial forage loved by all animals. Better flavored meat and dairy. Call 306-739-2900, Wawota, SK. or
CERISE RED PROSO COMMON MILLET. Book early to avoid disappointment. 93%+ germ., 0% Fusarium Graminearum, makes great cattle feed, swath grazed, silage, dry and silage bales, drought tolerant, very high in protein and energy. Delivered in 50 Â&#x2039; .YLH[ WYVĂ&#x201E;[ WV[LU[PHS IHZLK VU lb. bags at nearest points in SK. and AB. `PLSKZ WYPJLZ HUK SV^ PUW\[ JVZ[Z Call Reynald at Millet King Seed of Canada Inc., St. Claude, MB., 204-526-2719 or 204-379-2987, leave msg. Cell and text Â&#x2039; ([[YHJ[P]L VPS WYLTP\TZ HUK MYLL 204-794-8550, all calls returned. Over ZLLK KLSP]LY` HUK VU MHYT WPJR \W 2000 satisfied producers and our 11th year in business. or email: Â&#x2039; -SL_PISL JVU[YHJ[PUN VW[PVUZ H]HPSHISL HZ ^LSS -VY TVYL PUMVYTH[PVU WSLHZL JVU[HJ[ *HYS 3`UU 7 (N VM )PVYPNPUHS H[!
SMOOTH BROME, MEADOW Brome, Crested Wheat grass, Timothy, Saline tolerant grasses, fescues, Cicer Milk vetch, sainfoin, lawn grasses, Alfalfa: tap/creeper, YB Sweet clover, Red Clover, pasture/hay blends. Free blending and delivery! Ph. 306-863-2900, email us today for a price list! Birch Rose Acres Ltd., Star City, SK.
GOLDEN FLAX, food grade, low yeast and mold, oil content 36%+, 96% germ. 99.9% CERT. CANMA NEW HEMP variety, large pure, $22/bu. 306-730-8375, Melville, SK. seed, exc. weed control, high returns, $2 FLAX SEED, 98% germination. Hansen p e r l b . o r g a n i c a n d c o nv e n t i o n a l . Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK., 306-465-2525 or 306-747-2725, Shellbrook, SK. 306-861-5679. Email
â&#x20AC;˘ WHEAT â&#x20AC;˘ PEAS
GREEN CANOLA â&#x20AC;˘ FROZEN â&#x20AC;˘ HAILED â&#x20AC;&#x153;ON FARM PICKUPâ&#x20AC;?
1-877-250-5252 WANTED: FEED/ OFF-GRADE Pulses and tough, heated green oilseeds and also cereals. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. PASKAL CATTLE FEEDLOT Company in Lethbridge area, looking for feed barley. Call Roxanne at 1-800-710-8803. FEED BARLEY FOR SALE: 50 lb. dry. Call Peter 306-768-3550, Carrot River, SK.
WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.
BUYING W INTER TRITICALE & 4010 SILAGE PEAS M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712
AL L GRAD ES Com petitive Ra tes P ro m pt P a ym en t
SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB
P AUL M O W ER 4 03 - 3 04 - 1 4 9 6
4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0
*5$,1 %8<,1* )((' *5$,1
&*& OLFHQVHG DQG ERQGHG 877-907-1517 720 Duchess St - Saskatoon, SK 306-374-1517 LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK. TRADE AND EXPORT Canada buying all grades of conventional and organic grains. Fast payment and pick up 1-877-339-1959
L im ited H ulless B a r ley Con tr a cts -Yield sim ila rto M etca lf -Sellsn ea roreq ua l to f eed w hea tprice -No g ra d in g issues-Sim ple on e g ra d e system -W e supply the seed -Vom i toxin , m id g e a n d sa w f ly n ota n issue -Shortg row in g sea son -Grea trota tion a l sub stitute f orw hea torb a rley To lea r n m o re To llfree 1 -877-5 75 -5 0 85
V irtex Gra in Exch a nge L td . WANTED: FEED WHEAT and feed peas. Competitive prices and prompt payment. Call Dan at 306-947-2097, Hepburn, SK.
SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, 4600L DOUBLE WALL fuel tank, fully loadgreen feed, grass and straw. Delivered. ed, turnkey tank, $6295. Call John Mah Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 780-361-6185. Wetaskiwin Co-op Associa2013 ALFALFA, conventional and organ- tion Ltd., AB. ic, 1500 lb. bales, net wrapped, hard core, POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gal.; Bladder JD baler. 306-370-8897, Tessier, SK. tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water and 2500 SQUARE ALFALFA and alfalfa/grass liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and doumix bales, 3x4x8, no rain, feed test done. ble wall; Truck and storage, gas or diesel. Phone 306-648-7540, Gravelbourg, SK. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK. APPROX. 400 ROUND hay bales, 1300 lbs., 1000 LITRE USED plastic tanks on skids, exc. horse hay, no rain, $70/bale in yard. $100 each. Call Eric 306-272-7038, Foam Can deliver. 306-466-2261, Leask, SK. Lake, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING with 2 trucks and t r a i l e r s , 3 4 b a l e s p e r t r a i l e r. C a l l 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK.
GALVANIZED W ATER TANKS â&#x20AC;˘ 12 or 10 G a u g e g a lva n ized S teel. Elim in a te a lg a e g row th. Choos e from 100-4100 Im p . g a l. to m a tch you rs p ra yer. â&#x20AC;˘ Fu el s lip ta n k s cu s tom m a d e to fit you ru n it.
â&#x20AC;˘ W e ca n rep la ce old , ru s ted ou tFire tru ck ta n k s a n d a ls o m a k e n ew a u xilia ry fire tru ck ta n k s w ith 10â&#x20AC;? q u ick d u m p va lve.
LIVESTO CK W ATER TRO UGHS â&#x20AC;˘ 12 g a u g e g a lva n ized w ith a n g le iron rein forcem en t a n d cros s bra ces . 2â&#x20AC;? d ra in ou tleta n d overflow ou tleta ttop .
P o pula r s ize s 400, 5 00, 1000: , & 125 0 G a l.
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
TWO 380/85R46 GOODYEAR tires- 60%, good, no checks or broken lugs, $1000 OBO. 306-693-2506, Moose Jaw, SK. or FOUR 850/55/42 TRELLEBORG tractor twin 414 tires, $800 each. 306-295-3833, Eastend, SK. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at OVER 1500 MOSTLY Industrial new and used tires still in stock! Large of new replacement parts, new undercarriage in stock. Low low prices. hundreds of running machines. Equipment of all types. Central Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest salvage yard. Hundreds of units parted out - used parts. 2 yards with over 50 acres of industrial Salvage and Attachments. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd. Winnipeg, MB. Phone 204-667-2867, or fax 204-667-2932. 2- NEW TITAN 710/70R/42 tractor tires, l o a d r at e 1 2 , 3 0 0 l b s . , $ 3 0 0 0 e a c h . 306-922-8155, Prince Albert, SK. FOUR 380X46 TIRES with rims, 95%, off a Rogator 1184, tires wont fit new sprayer, $8500. 403-652-0757, High River, AB. KUBOTA M135XDTC tractor 520/70R38, Grip Ag $1100.; Goodyear 16.9x30 turf tires $450.; Bridgestone 13.6x24 turf tires, $500. 306-895-7338, Lamont, AB.
a te r M o va b le w h e e ls w tro ugh s o n ila b le a ls o a va
SCRAPER AND LOADER TIRES available. All sizes. Quick Drain Sales, Muenster, SK. Ph: 306-682-4520, 306-231-7318. (306) 375 - 2 2 71 Kyle, S a s k. w w w.kylew eld
Turtleford & District Co-op Ltd. Turtleford - 306-845-2162 WANTED: ALFALFA/GRASS, large round bales and feed barley. We are interested in all quantities of hay and feed grain delivered to the ranch. Call 306-734-9001, Brownlee, SK. 370 LARGE ALFALFA bales for sale, 2011 crop. Call 306-436-4526. Milestone, SK.
Now through the month of March save BIG on ALL Free Form Plastics storage tank solutions! Call (306) 275-2155 for more information.
2013 FIRST CUT, second cut hay and greenfeed. Feed tests available. Call Dave Erixon at 306-270-2893, Clavet, SK. DAIRY AND FEEDER HAY for sale, 3x4 s q u a r e b a l e s . Te s t s a v a i l a b l e . 403-633-8835, Brooks, AB. CUSTOM BALE HAULING. Will haul large squares or round. Phone 306-567-7199, Kenaston, SK. SMALL SQUARE WHEAT straw bales for sale. Call 306-237-4406, Perdue, SK. 200 HARDCORE BROME/alfalfa bales, no rain, 2013 crop, $60/bale or 4¢/lb. 306-682-2899, Humboldt, SK. SMALL SQUARE HAY bales, horse quality, grass or second cut alfalfa. Call 306-492-4751, Dundurn, SK. BROME ALFALFA, 1000 lb. round bales, $40 each. 306-725-3449, 306-725-7441, Strasbourg, SK. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small or large loads. Travel anywhere. Also hay for sale. 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK.
LIQUID HUMIC ACID. Add Humika or PlantXL to existing fertility program to protect your liquid phosphorus (ie. Alpine/10-34-0) or nitrogen fertilizer investment from tie-up and allow your fertilizer to work more efficiently. Promote the growth of larger healthier root systems. Improve your soils health. Increase your crops yield. Ph. 519-749-5488, Bright, ON. Email:
WANTED: LARGE YELLOW peas and Triticale. Call Norbert at Saskcan Parent 204-737-3002, St. Joseph, MB.
LAN D FO R S ALE BY TEN D ER S ea led ten d ers w ill b e received b y the u n d ers ign ed u n til 4:30 p.m . o n Frid a y, M a rch 28 th, 2014, fo r the s a le o f the fo llo w in g d eed ed a n d lea s e la n d s (w hich a re lo ca ted d irectly o n Highw a y 8 8 6 , 3 k m S o u th o f Highw a y 9 ): Pa rce l #1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SW 1â &#x201E;4 20-28 -6 -W 4M - to b e â&#x20AC;&#x153; d eed ed â&#x20AC;? b y the o w n er b efo re s a le d a te (o w n er to p a y a ll co s ts o fd eed in g) - p res en tly p a rto fS p ecia l Area s Gra zin g L ea s e 82793 - ifthe S W 1â &#x201E;4 20-28-6-W 4M ha s n o tb een d eed ed b y S ep tem b er 1s t, 2014, its ha ll b e the s u cces s fu l ten d ererâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s o p tio n n o tto p ro ceed w ith the p u rcha s e o fthe S W 1â &#x201E;4 20-28-6-W 4M , o r to p ro ceed to p u rcha s e the S W 1â &#x201E;4 20-28-2-W 4M a s a Gra zin g L ea s e p o rtio n a ta p rice to b e n ego tia ted b etw een the o w n er a n d s u cces s fu l ten d erer Pa rce l #2 - SE 1â &#x201E;4 20-28 -6 -W 4M - 140 a cres cu ltiva ted Pa rce l #3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NW 1â &#x201E;4 17-28 -6 -W 4M - 100 a cres cu ltiva ted Pa rce l #4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; NE 1â &#x201E;4 17-28 -6 -W 4M - 40 a cres cu ltiva ted - res id en ce (28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1,344 s q . ft.) in go o d co n d itio n b u iltin 1964 - n ew high-efficien cy fu rn a ce in s ta lled 5 yea rs a go - ro o frecen tly re-s hin gled - b a s em en t1â &#x201E;2 d evelo p ed - very w ell-treed ya rd - fres h w a ter w ell flo w s s tea d ily s ervicin g lives to ck a n d res id en ce - cis tern s ervices res id en ce fo r w a s hin g a n d b a thin g - co rra ls o n ho m e q u a rter - ga ra ge (22â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;) in go o d co n d itio n - q u o n s et(40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;) in go o d co n d itio n a n d ro o frecen tly re-s hin gled - 6 s teel gra in b in s (1,350 b u s hels ea ch) - b a rn (24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;) in fa ir co n d itio n - d u go u tfed b y s p rin g ru n -o ff Pa rce l #5 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SW
â &#x201E;4 17-28 -6 -W 4M
- 140 a cres cu ltiva ted
For custom herbicides as unique as your ďŹ elds, visit:
L O O K I N G F O R A L L t y p e s o f fe e d grains, paying top dollar. Booking new crop. Prompt movement. 1-855-752-0116.
Sharpeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Soil Services Ltd.
WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.
WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, David Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Email: or phone: 1-866-512-1711.
4600L DOUBLE WALL fuel tank, utility tank (tank only), $2995 Call John Mah 780-361-6185, Wetaskiwin Co-op Association Ltd, AB.
Moosomin - 306-435-4976
WANTED: SPRING SPELT seed, organic or conventional. Call Tyler at 306-476-7371, Rockglen, SK.
24 BEAR TAGS for sale, Canoe Lake, SK., asking $75,000. For more information call 306-753-8093.
Pa rce l #6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; SE 1â &#x201E;4 17-28 -6 -W 4M - 140 a cres cu ltiva ted Pa rce l #7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; All of Se ction 9 -28 -6 -W 4M a n d North 1â &#x201E;2 4-28 -6 -W 4M - a ll co n ta in ed in Gra zin g L ea s e 82793 - co w s ha ve o n ly gra zed o n Pa rcel 7 in o n e (1) o fthe la s tfo u r (4) yea rs - fo u r (4) AT CO to w ers o n No rth 1â &#x201E;2 9-28-6-W 4M (d eta ils a va ila b le u p o n req u es t) - lives to ck w a ter is p ro vid ed b y d u go u tw hich is s p rin g fed * N ote: Pa rc els 1 through 6 a re sum m erfa llow ed /c ultiva ted 50/50 ea c h yea r All a b ove la nd s a re fenc ed a nd c ross-fenc ed T en d ers o n the a b o ve la n d s m u s t b e a cco m p a n ied b y a certified cheq u e in fa vo r o f the u n d ers ign ed fo r F IVE (5% ) PE RCE NT o f the ten d er p rice, a s a d ep o s it. T he d ep o s it w ill b e retu rn ed if the ten d er is n o t a ccep ted . If a ten d er is a ccep ted a n d the ten d erer d o es n o t p ro ceed w ith the s a le, the d ep o s it o f the ten d erer w ill b e fo rfeited to the o w n er o f the la n d s . T en d ers m a y b e fo r a ll Pa rcels o r in d ivid u a l Pa rcels . T he b a la n ce o fthe ten d er p rice w ill b e p a ya b le o n o r b efo re Ap ril 30th, 2014. E a ch o f the o w n er a n d the s u cces s fu l ten d erer w ill b e res p o n s ib le fo r their o w n lega l fees . T he S p ecia l Area s Bo a rd a s s ign m en t fee o n Pa rcel #7 w ill b e s p lit 50/50 b etw een the o w n er a n d the s u cces s fu l ten d erer. E a ch ten d erer m u s tu n d ers ta n d tha ta ten d er is a n u n co n d itio n a l o ffer to p u rcha s e the la n d s s et o u t in the ten d er. T en d erers m u s t rely o n their o w n res ea rch o f the la n d s , a n d the u n d ers ign ed a n d the o w n er m a ke n o w a rra n ties o r rep res en ta tio n s in rega rd to the la n d s . T he o w n er ha s co m p lete d is cretio n w hether to a ccep t the highes t o r a n y ten d er. F u rther in q u iries in to the a b o ve la n d s ca n b e m a d e b y co n ta ctin g DANIEL J. S M ITH, Q .C ., a t (403 )Â 527-5506. T en d ers s ha ll b e s ea led in a n en velo p e m a rked â&#x20AC;&#x153; L AND T E NDE Râ&#x20AC;? a n d m a y b e fa xed , d elivered , e-m a iled o r m a iled to : Atten tio n : Da n iel J. S m ith, Q.C. S m ith & Hers ey L a w Firm - Ba rris ters a n d S o licito rs Un it #104, W es ts id e Co m m o n 2201 Bo x S prin gs Bo u leva rd N W M ed icin e Ha t, Alb erta T1C 0C8 Fa x: (403) 527-0577 E-m a il: d a n @ s m ithhers m
TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. NEW GRIP TIRES, 11R24.5-16PR reSHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement g r o ova b l e at $ 3 5 0 e a c h . C a l l A l at tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, 604-813-5500 or 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES: 700/8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; 9R17.5, matched sets available. Pricing from $90. K&L Equipment and Auto. Phone Ladimer at: 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK., or Chris at: 306-537-2027, Regina, SK.
ATTENTION: Farmers, ranchers, landscapers, public works. NCC provides a high grade calcium chloride product which offers the best in dust control, de-icing and kill fluid needs. Call today for a free quote or for more info. Calvin Wheeler, or 403-901-5510.
NEW 75 TON LARSON air/hydraulic shop press, $3000. Call 306-375-2271, Kyle, SK. Visit our website at: OLDER MECHANICAL SHEAR, still under power, cuts up to 1/8â&#x20AC;?x8â&#x20AC;? steel. Info. call 204-937-4403, Roblin, MB.
Ace Buying Group A Division of AgLine International
FARM â&#x20AC;˘ TRUCK â&#x20AC;˘ OTR TIRES
9.5L15 8PLY ....................... BKT $89.95 RIB IMPLEMENT .......Firestone $139.90 11L15 ................................. BKT $99.95 RIB IMPLEMENT .......Firestone $137.71 12.5L15 10PLY .................. BKT $139.95 RIB IMPLEMENT .......Firestone $192.95 1000-16 8PLY 4 RIB.......................... BKT $159.95 1100-16 8PLY 4 RIB.......................... BKT $209.95 11L15 12PLY HIWAY SPECIAL ................ BKT $185.95 18.4-38 .............................. BKT $690.00 8PLY R-1....................Firestone $869.00 20.8-38 .............................. BKT $995.00 8PLY R-1....................Firestone $1,299.00 600/65R28 ......................... BKT $1,489.00 157A8 R-1 .................Firestone $2,295.95
600/70R30 152A8 R-1 .......................... BKT $1,439.95 650/65R38 166A8 RW1........................ BKT $2,085.99 520/85R38 ......................... BKT $1,465.95 155A8 R-1 710/70R38-178A8 ............ BKT $2,711.60 30.5L32 BKT FORESTRY 16PLY FS216 TL ................................... $3,700.00 28L26 BKT FORESTRY 14G FS216 TL ................................... $2,295.95 35.5LB32 FIR FORESTRY 24C TL LS2 ................................ $6,995.00 30.5L32 FS FORESTRY 26C TL LS2 ................................ $4,995.00 28L26 FIR FORESTRY 16H TL LS2 ................................ $3,199.00
TRUCK TIRES 11R24.5,14 PLY, HWY DRIVE, LM516 ...................$295.00
11R24.5, 16 PLY, HWY, DRIVE DEEP, LLD37 ..........$295.00
103-3240 Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon, SK
GOT FROZEN PIPES? We can help. Call 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. OTC INJECTOR TESTER, Model 4200B, new condition, $1500; Kent Moore HD engine counter bore tool, good cond., $500. U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week 204-648-7136, Ashville, MB. upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.
RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS Irela n d & S co tla n d ~ June 2014 Hu n ga ry/Ro m a n ia ~ June 2014 M id -W es t US A ~ O ctober 2014 Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan 2015 K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Feb 2015 S o u th Africa ~ Feb 2015 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.
Se le ct Holida ys
1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m
SEASONAL FULL-TIME Riding position available on Connor Creek PGR. Must have riding, roping and cattle health exp. Preference given to applicant who will use available accommodations. Wages negotiable. Call 780-674-1759, 780-674-4121, Barrhead, AB. LARGE YEARLING OPERATION looking for full-time working Foreman. Aggressive wages. Duties include: herd health, rotational grazing, operation and maintenance of modern equipment, calving, and management of staff. Additional attributes: 1A, welding, seeding experience. Beautifully renovated family home on-site. Call Scott, 306-536-2157, Indian Head, SK.
FLAT ROCK FARMS custom swathing is looking to hire for full-time seasonal and permanent positions. Applicants will be expected to be healthy, pass a drug test, have a valid passport and the ability to cross into the US. Have a clean criminal check as well as a clean driver’s abstract. Farm knowledge and a CDL/1A an asset, but training is available. This is a travel and work opportunity w/housing, meals PTO AUGER WATER PUMPS, 6000 gal. per and medical insurance provided. Visit: minute. Simple, tough, NO Prime. Handles for more details and to mud, ice, plants, other debris. Call Jan apply on-line, or fax resume 306-776-2517 204-868-5334, Newdale, MB. FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, North Dakota.
Located east of Acme, AB has
NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. or eng. driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For info. call your SK dealer, T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd., Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-4545, 306-272-7225. WATER PUMPS REPAIRED. Get them ready before you need them!!! Repairs to all lawnmowers, garden tractors, chainsaws, weedeaters. Fast, guaranteed service. Contact: Regan at IFIX4U, small engine and power tool repair service in Regina, SK. 306-539-0276
IMMEDIATE POSITIONS FOR • CLASS 1 DRIVERS • EQUIPMENT OPERATORS *SEEDING, SPRAYING, HARVEST AND FALL OPERATIONS, GRAIN/BALE HAUL* Full time or Seasonal, Excellent Wages & Benefits, Advancement Opportunities. Submit resume with references to or fax 403-546-3709
FLAMAN SALES is currently stocking 1”, 2”, 3” and 4” water pumps from B&E, Honda, and Robin/Subaru. We will even get you hooked up with all the hoses and fittings you need to pump! 1-888-435-2626.
FEED LOT/ GRAIN FARM near Edmonton, AB., seeking to fill a full-time position. Duties include: Feeding and caring for cattle; Pen and pasture checking; Field work. Class 1 licence an asset, $18-25/hr. Call or THESE 6” WATERMASTER pumps are the text Todd 780-940-6670. E-mail resume cat’s meow for pumping out dugouts and to: sloughs. They come with 400’ of lay flat hose and pump at a rate of 42,000 bushels FULL-TIME ON MIXED cattle/ grain operaper hour! For more info., call Flaman Sales tion in Craik, SK. Housing available. Wages $15-$25/hr. depending on experience. at 306-934-2121. Email resume to: Phone 306-734-2850 or 306-734-7675. WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to WAT E R T R E AT M E N T for the whole run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. house to commercial units, hot tubs and F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke pools. Over 50 years experience. No salt, 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. chemicals or chlorine. 99% pure, 100% sat- PEDIGREED SEED GRAIN farm at Watrous, isfaction or your money back. Also offering SK. requires a full-time person that is WWQ ionizers and portable ultra-sonic self-motivated and mechanically inclined. flow meters. Contact Bob 403-620-4038, Duties include but not limited to operating Prairies Water, High River, AB. tractors, seeding equipment, spraying, harvesting, hauling grain, working in shop and misc. yard duties. Class 1A not necessary but working knowledge of GPS and AutoSteer is an asset. We offer competiKORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage tive wages, a safe working environment and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabili- and 2 weeks paid holiday. Housing may be tation, witching. PVC/SS construction, ex- av a i l a b l e . P l e a s e f a x r e s u m e t o pert workmanship and fair pricing. 50% 306-946-4069, call Shane 306-946-4044, government grant now available. Indian or email: Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 FARM LABOURER FULL-TIME permanent STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well position available at DR Land & Cattle Ltd. drilling and servicing, Geotechnical, Envi- near Esther, AB, mixed farm, remote rural. ronmental, Geothermal. Professional ser- Duties include but not limited to: cattle vice since 1959. Call the experts at help, herd health, calving, seeding, har1-800-919-9211 vesting, spraying, haying, and general farm operation and maintenance. Experience operating machinery and High School diploma are assets. Wages $16 hourly, 40 hrs/wk. Onsite accommodation available. Email, mail or fax resume to Box 430, Esther, AB, T0J 1H0, fax 403-552-2132. FULL-TIME MECHANIC WANTED on large cow/calf operation 45 min. SW of Williams Lake, BC. This position requires maintenance and repairs on forage and other ag. equipment and trucks. The candidate should be familiar with all systems related to diesel and gas engines and troubleshoot equipment for proper repairs and maintenance. The position also requires some welding and keeping a parts inventory organized. Must be able to work as part of a team. Housing available. Five day work week, above average compensation w/full benefits pkg. Please email resumes t o p b r a i g @ d o u g l a s l a ke . c o m o r f a x 250-350-3336. No phone calls please. FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER needed for grain farm in SE SK. Duties include: machinery operation and other farm duties, Class 1A preferred. Housing available. $18-$20/hr. dependant on experience. 306-452-7743, Redvers, SK.
PASTURE RIDER WANTED for full-time seasonal work in Southern AB. Duties include doctoring and moving cattle. Must supply own horses. Housing provided. Call 403-545-6896, Bow Island, AB, AARTS ACRES, 2500 sow barn near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The successful applicant must possess necessary skills, an aptitude for the care and handling of animals, good communication skills and ability to work as part of a highly productive team. Fax resume to: 204-842-3273. or call 204-842-3231 for application form. PASTURE RIDER WANTED for full-time seasonal work for the Wolverine Grazing Alliance at Plunkett, SK. Duties include working with manager looking after 1350 cows/calves. Must supply own horses. Wages comparable to provincial pasture s y s t e m . H o u s i n g av a i l a b l e . E m a i l : Ph: 306-944-4440. AJL FARMS is seeking full-time permanent feedlot worker for general feedlot maintenance and checking cattle. Basic computer skills required. Fax 780-723-6245, or email resume to: KIDD FARMS, MACKLIN, SK. looking for general farm worker. Duties include: operating and maintaining large farm machinery and livestock equipment, feed and care of livestock (cattle). Wage $3000 to $3500/month depending on experience. 40 hrs./week, may vary during seeding and harvest. No formal education required, farm background an asset, drivers’ license. Apply: Box 213, Macklin, SK., S0L 2C0 fax 306-753-3325 or
LOOKING FOR FARM help? Looking for farm work? can help with both. We are the top Ag Employ site for farm employment. Serving Western Canada, MB, SK, AB, BC. Phone 403-732-4295 or e-mail: FARM HELP WANTED: Mixed farm near Young, SK. is looking for full-time farm worker to begin April 1st. Valid driver’s license a must. Call Mike at 306-259-2296, or cell at: 306-946-6970, or email us at: WORK AND LIVE on a farm in Europe, Britain, Australia or New Zealand! Dairy, crop, beef, sheep placements available. AgriVenture invites young adult (18-30) applicants for 4-12 month agricultural programs. 1-888-598-4415, COM BINE OPERATORS – AUSTRALIA – W e ha ve po s itio n s a va ila b le in o u r 2014/2015 ha rves t crew . Op era tin g 4- S S eries Jo hn Deere co m b in es , 40’ hea d ers , Au to S teer a n d yield m a p p in g, a n d 2- 25 to n gra in ca rts . T ra velin g ea s tern s ta tes o fAu s tra lia s ta rtin g ea rly Octo b er. M u s tha ve exp erien ce. K n o w led ge o fGPS a n a s s et. Ba rcla y Ag S ervices Pty L td , c onta c tM ic k c ell:+ 6 1-428 -532-26 6 E m a il: m rb a rcla y@ b igpo n d .co m W eb s ite: w w w .b a rcla ya gs ervices .co m .a u
FULL-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE on our cattle operation north of Calgary, AB. The successful candidate will be responsible for farming duties including, but not limited to machinery maintenance, seeding, haying, silaging and harvesting. Experience with operating farm equipment efficiently and safely is essential, as well as, the ability to work independently and with other employees. Clean Class 5 driver’s license required. Competitive salary. Please provide references applicable to these duties. Call 403-852-9350 or email resume to
L arge ran ch at Han n a, AB lookin g for
CALV IN G HELP forM arch 1
M u s tbe w illin g to op era te eq u ip m en tforfeed in g a n d bed d in g . Pos ition ca n be s ea s on a l orfu ll-tim e. W illin g to tra in rig ht ca n d id a te. F ax resu m e to 403- 854- 3885 w ith 3 w ork related referen ces. Call L ee 403- 888- 6713.
OPERATORS REQUIRED for 2014 liquid manure hauling season, spring and fall. Running new JD equip. Drivers license necessary. GPS and AutoSteer experience an asset. March 15 to November 15, 2014. Hutterites welcome. Perfection Pumping Corp., 403-318-9178, Lacombe, AB., or email FULL-TIME FARM HELP/labourer for large grain/seed farm 5 miles NW of Regina, SK. Farm experience required and must be mechanically inclined. Duties: Maintenance of seed cleaning plant, equipment and machinery, field and yard work, general farm duties. Class 1A an asset. Wages start at $15-$22/hr, depending on experience. Benefits and housing available. Fax resume to RoLo Farms: 306-543-4861 or ph 306-543-5052 FULL-TIME RANCHHAND WANTED. Duties include: feeding and handling cattle; calving; fencing; cattle sense an asset; operating machinery. House available, wages negotiable, based on experience. Fax resume to: 403-529-5699, Medicine Hat, AB. LARGE SE SASK. grain farm hiring all positions, $18-$35/hour. Housing available. d u a n e fo r r e s t e r @ s a s k t e l . n e t o r c a l l 306-634-4758, 306-421-1110, Torquay, SK
LOWE RANCHES LOOKING for someone to aid in the care and maintenance of livestock. Responsible for feeding, cutting hay, calving, etc . $12.50/hr. Email: SEEKING FULL-TIME HELP for modern Must have some grain farm in southern SK. Applicant training or experience, Nanton, AB. should have knowledge of operation and FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on grain farm at maintenance of ag equipment. 1A licence Wilcox, SK., up to $30/hour for qualified a must. Competitive wage based on expe- i n d i v i d u a l . H o u s i n g ava i l a b l e . C a l l rience. Company benefits, housing avail., 306-776-2496, Wilcox, SK. ideal for family. Send resume by email to: or fax: 306-776-2382 or FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on grain and call Brian: 306-536-3484, Rouleau, SK. cow/calf operation in South central SK. Housing avail. 306-436-7703 Milestone SK WANTED VERY motivated and experienced person to assist in seeding a Mongolian SEASONAL EXPERIENCED FARM HELPERS farm operation. Must be familiar with wanted for grain farm. April 15 - June 15th new Bourgault seeders. Be comfortable and August 15 - Oct. 15. Accommodations with teaching use of the equipment. GPS avail. Eric 306-272-7038, Foam Lake, SK. knowledge necessary. All travel expenses paid. April 25 to May 25. An ex- CALVING HELP, reliable person with inperience of a lifetime! Phone Samuel at terest and experience with livestock to help during calving season. Call Elaine Earl Miner Creek Farms Ltd., 306-873-9868. 306-299-4545, Consul, SK. FULL-TIME SEASONAL FARM Labourer needed for grain farm in Elbow/Davidson, KLATT HARVESTING has positions open SK. area. Must have valid Class 1A license, for combine, truck and cart operators for previous farm experience, mechanically in- the 2014 Harvest run. Call 406-788-8160 clined. Housing avail. Wages negotiable. or website: Fax Phone/fax resume to 306-854-4700 or resumes to 403-867-2751, Foremost, AB. or email: email:
FULL-TIME SEASONAL RANCH position avail. NE of Regina, SK. Looking after grass yearlings, fencing and horses. Housing avail. Bring your own horse and dog. May be able to run a few of your own cattle in FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on large right situation. 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. mixed farm with modern equipment. Must have current drivers license, class 1A as- HELP WANTED FOR calving beef herd set. Duties include: Operating and main- April/May 2014. Candidate must have extaining farm and ranch equipment with the tensive knowledge of calving, herd health opportunity to get into cattle for right per- and be physically capable. Must be willing son. Wages based on experience. Lafleche, to work in sometimes harsh conditions. SK. E-mail: Must pass random drug testing. Competior fax: 306-472-3272. Call 306-642-7801. tive wage offered. 780-206-5842, Rochester, AB MEIJER HONEY FARM is looking for an experienced Apiarist in Delia for a permanent GRESCHUK FARMS, 50 kms east of Saskafull-time position. Duties: Manage the toon, SK. on Yellowhead Hwy. is seeking overall operation of the farm and bee colo- experienced Farm Equipment Operator. nies, recognize hive health issues, para- Must have farm exp. with large modern sites and diseases, inspect colonies. Man- equipment, be mechanically inclined, selfage seasonal employees. Maintain healthy motivated and willing to work longer hours bees for honey production. Develop and when required. Must have a valid driver’s keep financial records and production with license with clean abstract, 1A an asset, be colony condition records. Must have expe- able to work independently or in a team rience with bees (preferable in commercial environment. Housing available. Startorganization) and must have supervision ing April 1st. Competitive wages deexperience for several yrs. College diploma pending upon level of experience. is required. Wage $22.50/hour. Email: Contact: or fax Mailing address: Box 295, 306-257-3271. SEASONAL FULL-TIME POSITION on ranch Delia, AB. T0J 0W0. Mar. 1 to Jun. 1 or longer for right applicant. Duties: Help calving cows and generLARGE GRAIN FARM in central Sask al ranch work. Cattle experience preferred. seeking full time help for: Operation and Drivers license not necessary. Room and maintenance of farm equipment and vehiboard may be available. Fax resume to FEED LO T cles; Assist in seeding, spraying, harvest306-264-3981, Lafleche, SK. area. ing, building and yard maintenance as reP ERS O N N EL quired. Must have valid drivers licence and FA R M H E L P E R WA N T E D on mixed REQ UIRED ability to work extended hours during busy grain/ cattle operation near Birsay, SK. times. Class 1A a benefit. Competitive Rid ers , Duties include: feeding, haying, harvesting wages based on experience. Housing avail. helping w/cattle and calving. General farm Pro ces s o rs , Starting May 1- Nov. 1, 2014. Apply with operation and machinery maintenance. resume, references and drivers abstract to: Feed Crew , Must have valid drivers license. Wages neAlec and Lana, fax 306-383-4154 or email: gotiable. Fax resume to 306-573-2014, or M a in ten a n ce/Equ ipm en t call Brian at 306-858-7907. Crew FULL-TIME POSITION ON a mixed grain AGRICULTURAL FOREMAN WANTED for Opera tio n n ea r Acm e, AB. cattle operation in Maidstone, SK. AppliProvost, AB. mixed grain and cow/calf opcant must have experience in calving Ba ck g r ou n d in beef ca t t le eration. Profit sharing available. Please cows, herd health, feeding and pasture roemail resume to: & k n ow led g e ofva ccin es tation. Other duties incl. seeding, spraying, p referred a lthou g h haying, harvesting, fencing, welding, and SOUTH CARA FARMS Ltd. of Provost, AB. general servicing of machinery. Applicant w illin g to tra in . looking for Class 1 truck drivers, farm lamust be highly motivated with good comCom p et it ive W a g es & bourers and equipment operators for 2014 munication skills, NS, ND. Must have valid Ben ef it s . farming season. Full-time and seasonal. driver’s license. $15/hr. Flexible hours Apply with resume to: during calving, seeding and harvesting. S u b m itresu m e w ith Accommodation available. Fax resume to referen ces to 2 FULL-TIME SEASONAL Farm Foremen re306-893-2798 or call Keith 306-893-7546, resu m es@ highw ay21grou p .com quired for a large joint grain farm tion in SE Sask. Potential to lead to permaF ax 403 546- 3709 nent full time position. Successful SEASONAL FARM LABORER required. Must applicant should possess Class 1A license have some farm exp. Mechanical/ welding with clean abstract. Long hours during ability or Class 1A license an asset. Preference given to applicants experienced in FULL-TIME FARM WORKER needed for seeding and harvest will be required. both. May 1 to Oct. 31. $15-$25/hr. grain farm in northern AB. Applicant Preference based on experience with op101008187 SK Ltd., Corey Fehr, Call: should have Grade 12 and driver’s license. eration/maintenance/repair of all modern 306-338-7561 or fax: 306-338-3733, Class 1 an asset. Must be able to work farm machinery and technology necessary some weekends, some long hours and op- for spring seeding, spraying and harvest, Wadena, SK, erate various farm equipment. Must speak grain storage and maintenance operations. REQUIRED FOR 2014 SEASON: Pasture English. Wages starting at $18/hr. Please Other requirements include: Good commuRider, male or female. Duties include: f a x r e s u m e t o E n d e r s F a r m s L t d nication skills; Motivated team player with a strong desire to become a valuable part maintenance movement and tracking of 780-836-2199. of the family farm team. Affordable family livestock, fencing, and other light duties housing available. Wages $3600/month. SEMI-RETIRED PERSON(S) REQUIRED for St. Paul’s Community Pasture. Contact G r a z i n g R e s e r v e M a n a g e r a t to work on small farm, SE of Calgary, AB. Resume and references required. ConExperience with cattle, horses and machin- tact: B&R Hall Farms Inc. Box 153, Frob780-645-2652, St. Paul, AB. ery necessary. Accommodations supplied. isher, SK. S0C 0Y0. Fax: 306-487-2665, Phone: 306-421-2354, E-mail (preferred): FULL-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE on 403-236-7703, Rockyview, AB. or Quinn Family grain/seed potato farm, experience and Class 1 an asset, competitive wages. Call HICKORY CORNER FARM is a growing 4th Farm Ltd. Box 250, Frobisher, SK. S0C 0Y0. generation mixed family farm looking for a Fax: 306-486-4995, Phone 306-421-1021, 403-598-4222, Lacombe, AB. full-time Assistant Ranch Manager at Email: TWO FULL-TIME PERMANENT Foreman Dunkirk, SK. This position requires a hard positions on 10,000 acre grain farm in working individual who will be involved in PERMANENT POSITION on large mixed Lampman, SK. Must be willing to work co-management of all ranching practices farm. Starting wage $16/hr. Individual long hours during seeding, spraying and from calving and feeding to pasture man- should have good work ethic, positive attiharvesting seasons. Successful applicant agement, riding and operating, feeding tude, mechanical skills and be able to work should have: Class 1A license with clean and haying equipment. Class 1A would be well with others. Duties include: working abstract; Farm management education in- an asset but not required. For job descrip- cattle, operating and maintaining farm cluding basic Agronomy and Farm Appren- tion contact Tyler at 306-630-9185 or equipment, minimum 3 yrs. experience. Furnished housing w/utilities available for ticeship training; Experience operating email $500/month, non smoker preferred. Kinmodern JD equipment w/ability to program and operate John Deere’s AMS tech- FULL-TIME RANCH HAND. Large grazing caid, SK. Fax: 306-264-3752, or phone: nology. Other duties include: Hiring, train- operation west of Nanton, AB. Applicant 306-264-7742. ing and managing farm employees; must have knowledge and skill in pasture Maintenance of all farm equipment; All calving, planned grazing, pasture roping WANTED: RIDER, COWBOY/COWGIRL, crop spraying operations and coordinating and riding. Must have good communica- for spring calving, April and May, at a s w a t h i n g a n d h a r v e s t o p e r a t i o n s , tion skills and be highly motivated. Ac- beautiful Red Deer River, AB. ranch. Wag$3600/month. Phone Ole Michaelsen at commodation available. Contact email at es negotiable. Supply own horse. Accommodations available. Call 403-379-2509, 306-487-7816 or fax: 306-487-2770, Mi- ph. 403-646-5592. E-mail: chaelsen Farms Ltd., Box 291, Lampman, LARGE MIXED FARM near Chauvin, AB. SK., S0C 1N0. w/newer equipment, looking for full-time REQUIRED FARM HAND to work on poultry BEEKEEPER’S HELPERS (5), for the 2014 farm workers. Must have proof of valid operation. Knowledge of general farm duseason May to Oct, $12-$15/hr depending driver’s license. Housing is available. Email ties is an asset. On the job training. Farm on experience. Contact Ron Althouse, resume: or call located in Hepburn, SK. Fax resumes to: 306-947-4770 or call Dan 306-947-2097. 306-278-2747, Porcupine Plain, SK. 780-842-8330 for more info.
Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for
(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o 7 FLAT ROOFERS needed. Full time, year round employment, $22-28/hr to start depending on experience, plus benefits: Extended health coverage and Life and Long Term Disability Insurance after 3 months probation period. Minimum 3 years experience as a flat roofer on commercial buildings. Apply with resume to: West Point Roofing Inc., 9810 - 62 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB., T6E 0E3 or fax 780-435-0436 e-mail:
PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s
Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).
Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. WANTED HORSE EXPERIENCED Hunting Guide/Wrangler in NWT for a 3 month duration. Call 403-975-8862. Please email resume to: HIRING FULL-TIME POWER Washer. Must have clear Class 5A driver’s abstract. Williams Mobile Power Wash 306-242-4579, email resume to: fax 306-934-2843, Saskatoon, SK.
BACK COUNTRY COOK WANTED for trail riding outfit in Kananaskis, AB. Horse skills a plus. Email resume MUNICIPAL HAIL is currently looking for and references to: retired or semi-retired individuals to become Crop Hail Adjusters. This seasonal ETTERS BEACH MAINTENANCE FOREjob (July-September inclusive) has all ex- MAN: Tenders are being accepted for this penses paid, competitive salary, mileage contract position. Duties run from May 1, allowance and a pension plan. Log on to 2014 to Sept. 30, 2014. Visit and click on Careers. under the community tab for Join our team! or position details. Tenders accepted until 306-569-1852 ext #170. April 11, 2014, 5 PM. Forward tenders to: BUSY ROOFING COMPANY requires la- 306-528-2080 bourers for work in Edmonton, AB. and or Box 40, Stalwart, SK S0G 4R0. For more area. Free room and board. Hutterites info call: 306-963-2532. welcome. Call Ron 780-220-5437, Jordan GOOSE HAVEN OUTFITTERS, Meadow 780-934-2932. Lake, SK., is hiring Waterfowl Guides for RM OF CHESTERFIELD is hiring Seasonal Sept./Oct. Experience required. Must be Grader and Buggy Operators, April to Nov. proficient in calling ducks and geese. State wage expected. Fax: 306-967-2424 Food/lodging included. $18/hr. plus tips. Contact or reply to: Box 70, Eatonia, SK, S0L 0Y0. PO Box 182, Meadow Lake, SK. S9X 1Y2. FULL-TIME MEAT CUTTER/ BUTCHER 306-236-3527 or 207-725-2938. required in Pincher Creek, AB. 1/2 hour from Waterton Lakes National Park. Re- 5- INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE PAINTERS liable, independent, motivated person re- needed. Full-time year round work in quired for licensed meat plant and deli Blackfalds and various locations in Alberta. shop. Mon to Fri, 8-5. Please fax resume to $17-$21/hr. plus benefits: disability, den403-627-4206 or email: tal and extended medical insurance after 3 months probation. Minimum 3 years expeFULL AND PART-TIME help required on rience with spray painting and sandblasta grain/hay farm near Weyburn, SK. Wage ing. Duties: painting, coating, sandblastdepends on exp. Call: Kevin 519-272-5383 ing, sanding, and hydro-blasting. Apply at or email: Hall Industrial Contracting, Burbank In2 FLAT ROOFER Foremen needed. Full dustrial Park, Site #9, Box 147, Blackfalds, time, year round employment, $30-37/hr. AB. T0M 0J0, fax 403-885-8886, email: to start, depending on experience, plus benefits: Extended health coverage and Life and Long Term Disability Insurance 8 CONSTRUCTION LABOURERS needed. after 3 months probation period. Minimum Full-time, seasonal, starting April 15th, 3 years experience as a flat roofer on com- $17 - $22 per hour depending on experimercial buildings. Supervisory experience ence. Work across Alberta and British Cois an asset. Apply with resume to West lumbia. Some experience as a labourer in Point Roofing Inc., 9810 - 62 Avenue NW, the construction industry is an asset. Must Edmonton, AB. T6E 0E3, fax 780-435-0436 be physically fit and willing to travel and live out of town while working. Drug and e-mail to: Alcohol testing is a requirement. Apply ALL CANADIAN GRAIN, INC. Lafleche, SK. with resume to: Dynamic Asphalt Services, is seeking a full-time Equipment Operator Suite 369, B102, 5212 48th St. Red Deer, in SW Sask. Duties include organizing and AB. T4N 7C3 or fax: 1-888-317-2680 or performing maintenance tasks, hauling in- email: ventory, and all tasks relevant to seeding, spraying, and harvest operations. The successful candidate will be a self-motivated team player capable of working independently. A valid driver’s license is required, CO-OWNER/MANAGER for a dynamic Agro a Class 1A license is an asset. Training will Business in prosperous region of Alta. This be provided along with medical benefits rare opportunity is available for the right and holiday time. Starting wage $20/hr. person. Serious inquiries only. Call E m a i l r e s u m e a n d r e f e r e n c e s t o : 780-841-1496, Fort Vermilion, AB. or email:
HIRIN G FEED LO T P RO CES S IN G M AN AG ER A p p lica n tm u s tbe a ble a n d w illin g to m a n a g e a n d m otiva te otherem p loyees , p roces s a n d ca re forca ttle a ta feed lots ettin g , a n d in p u tca ttle d a ta in to ou r com p u ters ys tem . O p p ortu n ity is w ith a p rog res s ive in teg ra ted a g ricu ltu ra l op era tion 1 hou rn orth ea s tof Ca lg a ry. Com p rehen s ive ben efitp a ck a g e. P lease sen d resu m e an d d river’s ab stractto resu m es@ highw ay21grou p .com orfax 403- 546- 3709
Lloydminster, AB Requires Service Rig Derrick Hands @ $30-$34/hr – 40 hrs/wk and Service Rig Floor Hands @ $24-$28/hr – 40 hrs/wk, for work in the Lloydminster area.
Please fax resume to 780-871-6908 or email:
Seasonal-R.M .Equipm ent Operator Rura l M unicipa lity of Huron N o. 223 The Ru ra l M u nicipa lity of Hu ron N o. 223 is a ccepting a pplica tions for a sea sona l equ ipm entopera torposition w ith the m u nicipa lity. Assets for this position w ou ld inclu de: G ood m a na gem ent of tim e, excellent com m u nica tion skills, good orga niza tiona l skills, a nd strong rela tionship skills w ith cou ncil & forem a n. Applica nts m u stpossess a tlea sta 3A license. Skills a nd experience in m a intena nce a nd opera tion of hea v y equ ipm ent inclu ding gra der, ta ndem gra v el tru ck, ba ck hoe, tra ctor & m ow er, scra per, spra ying equ ipm ent, etc. w ou ld be a n a sset bu t not necessa rily a requ irem ent. Applica ntm u stbe w illing to com plete opera tor certifica tion a s perThe O ccu pa tiona l Hea lth & Sa fety Regu la tions, 1996. Also m u st be w illing to obta in theirspra y a pplica torlicense. Du ties w ill inclu de bu t a re not lim ited to m ow ing, roa d m a intena nce, sign repa ir, fencing, rock picking, shop w ork, pa cker w ork, scra per w ork, cu lv ert insta lla tion, serv icing equ ipm ent a nd other du ties a s directed by forem a n from tim e to tim e. This is a n hou rly pa id a nd sea sona l position. W a ges negotia ble a nd com m ensu ra te w ith qu a lifica tions a nd experience. Plea se inclu de you r w a ges expected forthis position. All a pplica tions/resu m es sha ll be m a rked “Sea sona l Equ ipm ent O pera tor Position” a nd m a iled or dropped off a tthe a ddress below on or before April 1, 2014 . Sta rt da te for this position w ill be in M a y of 2014 . W e tha nk a ll a pplica nts for their interest in this position bu t only persons selected forinterv iew s w ill be conta cted.
R.M . ofH u ron N o. 223
123 O gem a S treet, P.O . Box 159, Tu ga ske, S K. S 0H 4B0 O ffice 306-759-2211 Forem a n 306-759-7727
THE RM OF MCKILLOP No. 220 and Town of Strasbourg, invites applications from qualified persons for the position of Administrator. The office is located in Strasbourg, SK., 45 minutes north of Regina. The ideal candidate will possess a minimum Class “C” certificate with a preference for a Class “A” certificate. As administrator, you will have a solid background in local government administration and finance. Experience with planning and development is a definite asset. You will be required to prepare for and attend all meetings of council, ensure all policies and bylaws are current and in place, and advise Council on legislative requirements. Knowledge of Munisoft and Microsoft Office would be an asset. For more information, please contact the Administration Office. The position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found, with a starting date as soon as possible. Please forward a letter of application and your comprehensive resume complete with 3 professional references by either email, fax, mail or in person asap to: R.M. of McKillop No. 220 Town of Strasbourg Box 369 Strasbourg, SK S0G 4V0. Phone: 306-725-3707 Fax: 306-725-3613 E-mail: or We regret that all applicants cannot be acknowledged and only those considered for an interview will be contacted.
FEED YARD M AN AG ER This p os ition w ill rep ort to the G en era l M a n a g er a n d is res p on s ible fora ll a s p ects ofa m od ern feed ya rd op era tion in clu d in g bu tn otres tricted to the p la n n in g / overs eein g d a y to d a y a ctivities , org a n izin g & execu tin g s p ecia l p rojects a n d m a n a g in g tea m s ofp eop le. M u s tha ve excellen t com m u n ica tion s k ills a n d p roblem s olvin g a bilities . A ble to w ork w ell w ith others & lea d w ith p os itive m otiva tion . Kn ow led g e ofbeefca ttle & n u trition a n a s s et. Com p rehen s ive ben efit p a ck a g e. P lease sen d resu m e an d d river’s ab stractto resu m es@ highw ay21grou p .com orfax 403- 546- 3709
We are looking for trained AG Mechanics at each of our locations: Kamloops, BC – the Tournament Capital Armstrong, BC – Gem of the North Okanagan
HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC/Shop Foreman, experienced in hyds., diesel engines, prime movers, tracked vehicles, as well as spray equipment. This is an opportunity for field and shop work. Please send resume by email to: or by fax: 780-955-9426 or send by mail to: ACE, 2001- 8th Street, Nisku, AB. T9E 7Z1
PENNO’S MARCHING AND Manufacturing Ltd. requires a manual machinist. Are you dependable, motivated and have a farm background? Must have tools or willing to acquire. Apprenticeship Level 1 and up. Mechanically inclined in hyd. cylinder experience an asset. Monday-Friday days. Wages based on experience. E-mail resume to: or fax: 204-966-3248, Eden, MB. Located 10 mins. North of Neepawa. Penno’s Machining proudly serving agriculture.
PRAIRIE FARMER TURNS Prairie Sailor? The Prairie Lily Riverboat is looking for mechanically inclined handyman, interested in learning to sail a riverboat. Call Mike at 306-229-4913 to learn more, visit: Saskatoon, SK.
HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC/APPRENTICE required for preventative maintenance, repair and service of heavy equipment fleet. Experience with Cat, JD, and Hitachi. Appropriate credentials and/or certifications. Valid drivers license. Both camp and shop locations. Service truck and accommodations provided. Wage negotiable. Send work references and resume to: Bryden Construction, Box 100, Arborfield, SK. S0E 0A0. Email: Fax: 306-769-8844. EXPERIENCED WELDER/ FABRICATOR needed: stick experience, CWB and pressure are assets. Top wages, serious applicants only. Ph. 306-764-6893, Dee-Jacks Welding, Prince Albert, SK.
Armstrong, BC 1-800-661-3141 Email: SKY AG SERVICES LTD, Lafleche, SK. needs 2 Commercial Pilots for the 2014 summer season, May - Sept. 15. Applicant requires a minimum 2000 hrs. Turbine Time and/or 1500 hrs. Air Tractor Turbine Time and a minimum of 300 hrs. Forestry Protection. Position offers top pay package to the dedicated individual, commission base position with base salary at $1500/week. Applicant must have a clean flight record. Send resume outlining all aerial application experience and references, if available, to We will only accept resumes or questions by email. Please do not apply unless all criteria can be met. Sky Ag Services Ltd., Box 336, Lafleche, SK. S0H 2K0.
FAVEL TRANSPORT is recruiting Drivers for our livestock fleet. Our drivers have the opportunity to make up to 58¢ per mile. Drivers must be able to go to the USA. For inquiries call 1-877-533-2835 ext. 3. LONG HAUL SEMI DRIVERS and Owner Operators required to haul RVs and general freight. Owner Operators paid 85% of invoiced amount with open invoice policy. Signing bonus currently being offered to Owner Operators. Drivers paid .40¢/running mile and pick/drop/border. Benefits, Co. fuel cards, subsidized insurance. Must have ability to cross border. Saskatoon, SK 1-800-867-6233. TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED to haul oil. Competitive wages. Hutterites or Mennonites strongly urged to apply. Call Larry Waldner at First Light Motoring Ltd., 204-856-9933, Cromer, MB.
W e a re hiring exp erienced in FortM cM urra y, Alb erta
Tractor & Equip Ltd Email:
WANTED: DRIVERS/OWNER Operators for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. CLASS 1A TRUCK DRIVERS wanted for hauling crude oil in Southern SK. Must have fluid hauling experience working 5 days on/ 5 days off schedule (flexible), competitive wages, full-time position. Fax resume, driver’s abstract and current safety tickets to: 306-245-3337, Weyburn, SK. LIPSETT CARTAGE LTD. is now looking to hire owner operators. This well established Canadian flatdeck company strives to make owner operators successful in this competitive business. Owner Operators will be pulling well maintained company equipment. Pay is buy percentage with a quarterly bonus program. We are a family oriented company that knows the importance of home time, by staying Canada only we can make this happen. $1000 signing bonus after 3 mos. employment. Phone 306-525-5227 or 1-888-547-7388, Regina, SK. to arrange an interview today. RWB RANCH IS LOOKING for full-time Class 1 Drivers and Lease Operators to haul livestock and hogs to and from SK, MB, AB, BC and USA. Year-round work. Experience required, paying top wages, new equipment, benefits and safety bonuses. 403-625-4658, Claresholm, AB.
**WANTED….HD AG MECHANICS** Kamloops, BC 1-888-851-3101
FAVEL TRANSPORT is looking for Owner Operators to haul livestock. Available lanes are MB and SK to Northern USA. MB and SK to Ontario with freight convert trailer. Owner Operator package is $2.70/loaded mile and $1.45/empty mile. For inquiries call 1-877-533-2835 ext. 3. TWO CLASS 1A DRIVERS required for oil haul in Peace River, AB area. Safety tickets are required. At work accommodations provided. Competitive wages, 14 days on/ 7 days off. Please call 306-240-7146. Email resume:
D ivis io n a l Ove rvie w : Ba s e d a t BFI’s M ild re d La ke M a in te n a n c e Fa c ility n o rth o f Fo rt M c M u rra y, the fo llo w in g c o m pe n s a tio n /w o rkin g c o n d itio n s w ill a pply: • As p er IUOE L o ca l 955 Co llective Ba rga in in g Agreem en t; $43.72 p er ho u r regu la r ra te a n d $64.43 p er ho u r o vertim e. • S hifts ched u le is 10 d a ys o n a n d 10 d a ys o ffa t12 ho u rs p er d a y. OT is p a id a fter 8 ho u rs w o rked . • Bo o ta n d T o o l a llo w a n ce o f$1.07 p er ho u r. • Ca m p p ro vid ed w ith tra n s p o rta tio n p ro vid ed to a n d fro m ca m p to s ite. Jo b Type : F u ll T im e Regu la r Lo ca tio n : M ild red L a ke, S yn cru d e, F o rtM cM u rra y D e s criptio n : BF I’s fleetco n s is ts o fb o th M in in g a n d Co n s tru ctio n E q u ip m en ta lo n g w ith a va s t light tru ck fleet. Hea vy eq u ip m en t in clu d es : D6 to D11 d o zers , 740 to 793 ro ck/ha u l tru cks , Jo hn Deere/Hita chi exca va to rs 330 to 2500’s , 16M to 24M gra d ers a lo n g w ith va rio u s o ther s u p p o rteq u ip m en t. Ed uca tio n / Expe rie n ce : • In terp ro vin cia l Red S ea l Hea vy E q u ip m en t T echn icia n w ith a t lea s t 5 yea rs exp erien ce • 4th yea r a p p ren tices m a y b e co n s id ered • 3-5 yea rs exp erien ce req u ired • M u s t ha ve Co n s tru ctio n S a fety T ra in in g S ys tem (CS T S ) a n d Oil S a n d s S a fety As s o cia tio n (OS S A) certifica tio n a s w ell a s a cu rren td river’s a b s tra ct.
Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o n e m plo ym e n to ppo rtun itie s vis itw w w .b fico n s tructo rs .co m o r s ub m ityo ur re s um e b y e m a il to : tn a ch tiga l@ b fico n s tructo rs .co m . Or b y Fa x to : 7 80-485 -27 04 Atte n tio n : Ta m a ra N a ch tiga l
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Ontario’s Greenfield fine tunes cellulosic ethanol process BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
LONDON, Ont. — A technology developed by Greenfield Specialty Alcohols Inc. in Ontario could revolutionize cellulosic ethanol production. “We have validated this at pilot scale. Now we have to validate this on a larger scale, and we’re confident we’ll get there,” says Barry Wortzman, Greenfield’s vice-president of business development. “We’ve been at this for six years so we like to think this could be big.” The company is building a mobile unit capable of processing 3.5 dry tonnes of biomass, which Wortzman expects will be operational by the end of summer. “We need to build and operate this system in order to complete our design specifications for a commercialsized application,” he said in an interview from his office in Toronto. “We need to run this one to understand the bore-size diameter of the extruder barrel.” The technology involves a two-stage extrusion and cooking process, which releases sugar from cellulosic biomass sources such as corn stover, switchgrass and wood, said Jason Kotler, a member of Greenfield’s innovation and commercialization team. “On average, there is an 89 percent recovery of both C-5 and C-6 sugars,” Kotler told the Growing the Margins conference held in London March 3-4. “At the end of the day, we’re getting
315 to 330 litres per dry metric tonne of biomass.” Wortzman said commercial operations using the technology could range from 30 to 100 million litres of annual capacity and process 250 to 1,000 dry tonnes of material a day. Integration of the technology into one of Greenfield’s existing plants in Ontario or Quebec is a possibility. Greenfield produces 655 million litres of ethanol a year from grain corn at its plants at Chatham, Tiverton and Johnstown in Ontario and Vergennes in Quebec, along with dry distillers grain and carbon dioxide. The company has also diversified into food and beverage ingredients and low-grade heat supplied to a greenhouse across the road from its Chatham plant. IPGC Ethanol Inc. of Aylmer, Ont., is also diversifying. The farmerowned co-operative has paid off its debt and provided shareholders with an annual return on their investment since breaking ground in 2007, chief executive officer Jim Grey told the Growing the Margins conference. The company plans to introduce a fractionation process next year to improve ethanol yield and produce high protein distillers grain. There is also potential for the production of food grade oil, bio-diesel and isobutanol. “That is what IPGC is pursuing, and I would suggest most of the facilities are as well,” Grey said. IPGC is also talking about using carbon dioxide as a feedstock for a
biological process developed in the United Kingdom. The two-stage process harnesses
the power of photosynthesis on a cellular-molecular level. The first stage produces C-5 and C-6
sugars, and the second converts the sugar into a vegetable oil. Canola and castor oil are among the possibilities.
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Test old hay for nutrient content Supplement with protein and grain | Old hay should be mixed with new hay Old hay could be mouldy and carry micro toxins so producers should test feed before feeding to cattle. |
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Cattle producers running short on feed this winter may have to resort to older hay that has been degraded by the environment. Barry Yaremcio, a beef and forage specialist with Alberta Agriculture, says it’s an option, but producers must be careful. “If using two-year-old hay, once you start feeding it, the vitamins, trace minerals, and macro minerals should be there all the time,” he said. “It’s critical to get the vitamins into these animals as soon as you start feeding two-year-old hay.” Yaremcio estimated that feed waste on a two-year-old bale of hay will be five to seven percent higher compared to hay put up last July. Producers should get the hay tested for moulds and micro toxins at the first sign of feed refusal, he added. Producers should weigh the bales when they buy them and discount the nutritive value by 10 percent because of the digestibility loss. Saskatchewan Agriculture’s website includes a feed cost evaluator that will compare the hay of one quality to that of another. It will also provide a relative price break. “What we’re seeing with say, a 10 percent reduction in digestibility, is a $5 to $10 a ton difference in price for these bales,” said Yaremcio. In many cases, producers have little choice when using two-year-old hay and just need to supplement to make it work. “If using two-year-old hay, try to use it when the cows are in early pregnancy or earlier in the feeding program, so when they get closer to calving you’re using your new hay ,” said Yaremcio. He recommended mixing some of the old hay with new hay, “feeding one-third old hay, two-thirds new hay or 50-50.” Don’t exceed 50-50 if at all possible because that will minimize supplementation costs for the grain as well as needed protein. Yaremcio said producers who must supplement two-year-old hay should get the help of a nutritionist.
10 %
Sales average up in Lloydminster Pride of the Prairies | Fifty-two bulls sold for an average price of $3,731 earlier this month LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Progress steer and heifer show
Fifty-two bulls sold for an average of $3,731 at the Pride of the Prairies bull show and sale in Lloydminster March 2-3. The average was $10 higher than last year’s sale, which had 99 bulls on offer. The high seller was a Black Angus, Grant Lodge Upward 18A, consigned by Grant Lodge Farms of Edam, Sask., which sold for $8,200 to Sheidaghan Anghus of Maple Creek, Sask. The 10 Black Angus on offer sold for an average of $4,420, which was the highest average among seven breeds at the sale. Other averages were as follows, with number sold in brackets: Charolais (nine), $3,933; Red Angus (four), $3,650; Simmental (three), $3,533; Limousin (three), $3,233; Polled Hereford (two), $4,150; and Horned Hereford (one), $3,200. The rest of the animals comprised the pen sale. Charolais topped it with an average $3,788, followed by Polled Herefords ($3,278), Black Angus ($3,050) and Maine Anjou ($2,100).
• Champion heifer: Jennifer Jones Reserve: Hi-Way Limousin of Lloydminster • Champion steer: Jon Fox • Reserve: Austin Campbell of Derwent, Alta.
March 1 junior steer and heifer show: • Champion heifer: exhibited by Jennifer Jones of Lloydminster Reserve: Wacey Townsend of Sylvan Lake, Alta. • Champion steer: Nolan Blair of Drake, Sask. • Reserve: Jon Fox of Lloydminster
More people eating the same OSLO (Reuters) — An increasing similarity in diets worldwide is a threat to health and food security as many people forsake traditional crops such as cassava, sorghum and millet, says an international study. The report said it found increased consumption of food such as wheat, rice, soybeans and sunflowers. Among the shifts, Pacific islanders are eating fewer coconuts as a source of fat and many people in Southeast Asia are receiving fewer calories from rice, it said. “More people are consuming more calories, protein and fat, and they rely increasingly on a shortlist of major food crops ... along with meat and dairy products,” said Colin Hoary, leader of the study at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture in Colombia. Such diets have been linked to risks of heart disease, cancers and diabetes, the study said. Reliance on a narrower group of food crops also raises vulnerability to pests and diseases that might gain because of climate change.
Results from the March 2 show: • Charolais grand champion: exhibited by Ray and Beatrice Paschke of Love, Sask. Reserve: the Paschkes • Horned Hereford grand champion: exhibited by SS Cattle Co. of Irma, Alta. There was no reserve champion. • Polled Hereford: exhibited by NCX Polled Herefords of Brosseau, Alta. Reserve: SS Cattle Co. • Limousin grand champion: exhibited by Payne Livestock, Lloydminster, Sask. Reserve: Payne Livestock • Black Angus grand champion: exhibited by Grant Lodge Farms, Edam, Sask. Reserve: Grant Lodge • Red Angus grand champion: exhibited by Dave and Erica Ockerman of Dewberry, Alta. Reserve: Jock Ockerman of Dewberry • Simmental grand champion: exhibited by John Grant of Edam, Sask. Reserve: Fern Creek Simmentals of Pincher Creek, Alta.
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EU, U.S. to commit on bilateral trade duties BRUSSELS (Reuters) — United States president Barack Obama and European Union leaders are expected to promise to remove all tariffs on bilateral trade at their summit on March 26, an ambitious step toward the world’s largest free trade deal, according to a draft statement seen by Reuters. The joint declaration seeks to overcome tensions following Washington’s offer to cut its duties by less than the Europeans had hoped for and after Brussels pledged to remove almost all of its own tariffs. “The EU and the United States are firmly committed to concluding
a comprehensive and ambitious Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,” the draft statement reads, referring to U.S.-EU freetrade talks by their official name. “Those goals include eliminating all duties on bilateral goods trade,” said the statement, which will be delivered at the end of the day-long summit in Brussels. Acceptance of geneticaly modified crops and growth promotants in beef continue to present major hurdles. TURMOIL
Unrest disrupts Crimean seeding KIEV, Ukraine (Reuters) — Most of the spring grain area in Crimea is unlikely to be sown this year due to a lack of fuel caused by turmoil
in the region, Ukrainian agriculture minister Ihor Shvaika said. “According to our preliminary forecast, the major part of the area (in Crimea) will remain unsown,” Shvaika said. Grain output in Ukraine’s Crimea region totalled 765,000 tonnes in 2013, or 1.2 percent of Ukraine’s overall harvest. The government had said the harvest could reach 1.2 million tonnes of grain in 2014. Shvaika said that military conflict in Crimea, taken over by Russian armed forces, “made impossible” the supply of fuel to regions that had already started major field work. He said Ukrainian farms had already sown more than 395,000 acres of early grains or four percent of the initial area. Ukraine plans to sow a total of 21.2 million acres of spring grain this year, including 7.1 million acres
of early grains: spring wheat and spring barley. Analysts say Ukraine is likely to harvest up to 60 million tonnes of grain this year. SOYBEAN OUTLOOK
Brazil government slashes forecast BRASILIA/SAO PAULO (Reuters) — Brazilian government crop supply agency Conab slashed its forecast for the 2013-14 soybean harvest by five percent to 85.44 million tonnes last week, citing climate problems in several states late in the growing period. The new outlook probably reflects the worst of the damage, and the next official forecast should remain stable or even increase slightly, Neri
Geller, director of agricultural policy at the agriculture ministry, said at a news conference. Because of hot, dry weather in southeastern Brazil earlier this year, yields appear to be as much as 10 percent lower than those expected in February, Conab said in its sixth estimate for the current harvest. The dry weather also left the crop more susceptible to pests. The top-producing state, Mato Grosso, has the opposite problem. Heavy rains during harvest, now 60 percent complete, are hurting soybean quality. LOCAL HARVEST PURCHASE
Egypt targets four million tonnes of wheat CAIRO (Reuters) — Egypt, the world’s top wheat importer, aims to buy the same amount of local wheat from its farmers’ 2014 crop as it did last year, said minister Khaled Hanafi, while appearing to scale back a target set by his predecessor. Hanafi was appointed Feb. 26 after then prime minister Hazem el-Beblawi’s cabinet resigned unexpectedly. His predecessor, Mohamed Abu Shadi, had said in January that Egypt was aiming to procure four million tonnes from the 2014 crop. Last year, Egypt ended up only buying 3.7 million tonnes of homegrown wheat during the 2013 harvest. Islamist president Mohamed Morsi’s government, ousted by the army last July, had aimed to buy four to five million tonnes of local wheat last year. In addition to its local supply, Egypt still needs huge quantities of foreign wheat with higher gluten content to make flour suitable for subsidized bread. It buys around 10 million tonnes from abroad to spend on the bread program, which provides loaves of bread to Egyptian at a cost of one U.S. cent each. INFLATION
UN food price index jumps
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ROME (Reuters) — Global food prices rose 2.6 percent in February in the sharpest climb since mid2012 due to unfavourable weather, the United Nations food agency said, as the crisis in Ukraine threatened to cause future volatility. The Food and Agriculture Organization’s price index, which measures monthly price changes for a basket of cereals, oilseeds, dairy, meat and sugar, averaged 208.1 points in February, up 5.2 points from a slightly revised January index of 202.9. Unfavourable weather in the southern hemisphere and parts of the United States were the most important cause of the rises, FAO’s senior economist Abdolreza Abbassian said. However, he said market nervousness about the crisis in Ukraine could affect prices in March. Markets are carefully watching a developing crisis over a Russian military intervention in the Crimea region of Ukraine, the world’s sixthlargest wheat exporter.
2.6 %
Europe stand on GM hinders trade deal
A farmer runs alongside his oxen as they race through a paddy field during the Kakkoor Kalavayal festival at Kakkoor village in the southern India March 8. The post harvest festival is celebrated by local residents. | REUTERS/SIVARAM V PHOTO MARKETS
China to boost subsidies BEIJING, China (Reuters) — China plans to broaden the scope and increase spending on agricultural subsidies for grains and other commodities in a bid to boost food security, the country’s top economic planner said. Beijing also intends to speed up energy pricing reforms to reduce its reliance on coal. Maintaining food security and environmental protection are among China’s top priorities this year, as rapid urbanization threatens to swallow up arable farmlands
and pollution chokes swathes of the country. “Problems hindering steady agricultural development are prominent. Resource and environmental constraints have tightened; infrastructure for irrigation and water conservancy is still weak ... and agricultural production is not profitable,” the National Development and Reform Commission said in its 2014 work report. The NDRC said it will lift funds for agricultural subsidies, and devote more to the production of grain and other important agricultural products, new agricultural businesses, and major agricultural regions that produce grain, canola seed or hogs. Support will also be provided for beef and mutton production.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) — Europe’s reluctance to buy meat from cattle treated with hormones or genetically modified food from the United States has exposed an “enormous gulf” that threatens the world’s biggest trade pact. Talks to create a transatlantic pact encompassing almost half the world’s economy have been proceeding for eight months, and divisions remain over opening up to each other’s goods, rules governing the names of food and GM food. “There is an enormous gulf between the EU and U.S. positions,” said Michael Dolan, a lobbyist for the U.S. Teamsters union, who rejected the idea that the European Union should be the only market to call Greek-style cheese “feta.” He warned that a trade deal “is likely to be smaller, more modest than its ambition, because of so many intractable issues.” Tensions over food, which have bedeviled many trade talks around the world, risk eroding already fragile public support for a deal that proponents say would increase economic growth by $100 billion a year on both sides of the Atlantic. Negotiators aim to finalize a deal by the end of this year. EU and U.S. negotiators holding a fourth round of talks in Brussels took the unusual step of not only receiving lobbyists but also letting in the media, mindful of the protests surrounding global trade talks in the 1990s.
EU ministers have warned that anti-globalization protesters could distort what little awareness there is about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership talks. At risk is a pact creating a market of 800 million people where business could be done freely, building on the almost $3 billion of daily transatlantic trade in goods and services. Difficulties over agriculture bode poorly for the talks because EU-U.S. negotiators are seeking a far more extensive agreement, going beyond farm goods to bring down barriers across all industries and businesses. Even animal welfare is sensitive in a proposed accord that would see both sides recognize each other’s standards to oil the wheels of commerce. Europeans said they consider U.S. animal slaughter standards to be far lower than in the EU. Even without such issues, U.S. farmers complain that the farm trading relationship is unfairly skewed in
Europe’s favour. The European Union exported $16.6 billion of farm goods to the U.S. in 2012, much more than the $9.9 billion that U.S. farmers sent to Europe, partly because of EU rules banning imports of GM food for human consumption. “Our trade could be way bigger,” said Douglas Nelson, an adviser for farm group CropLife America. Added Floyd Gaibler of the U.S. Grains Council: “The TTIP is a way to normalize trade with the European Union.” However, barely a week goes by that EU trade commissioner Karel De Gucht says that European regulation of GM food will not change even if a deal is done with Washington. The EU is also closed to U.S. beef from cattle raised with growth hormones. Some Europeans are worried about what impact GM crops and hormone beef might have on health and the environment.
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Cashmere goats easy to raise, provide dual income Demand for meat growing | Producer says the animals produce a high quality fibre popular with artists and knitters BY REBECA KUROPATWA FREELANCE WRITER
Crystal Gilbertson never knew that cashmere came from goats. When she was in her teens, she stumbled upon a picture of an English Angora rabbit, fell for its “cute face” and began raising them for showing and fibre. In 2006, she began studying the possibility of acquiring cashmere goats. “Goats seemed like a viable option for me to handle on my own, so I started planning getting a herd once
I found a small farm to buy,” said Gilbertson, who farms near Teepee Creek, Alta. “And, in 2008, I got my goats.” Gilbertson chose goats because she wanted an animal she could easily handle by herself and that did not require a great deal of expensive handling equipment. She also had her heart set on a fibre animal. “I really like working with the fine, luxury fibres and I wanted to produce quality fibres,” she said. “It’s very hard to find good quality cashmere and angora for sale. Their production
is labour intensive and most of the product available is imported and seemed shorter and coarser.” Cashmere goats are hardy and easy to keep. They handle cold winters well and don’t need a barn like dairy goats. They are also adept mothers and have easy births. Gilbertson has only had three bottle babies out of more than 70 kids, and has had only two complicated births. “One case was a breeched kid while I was away,” said Gilbertson. “I lost the twins she was carrying. The other was a doe that prolapsed
two weeks before her due date. I was able to have her stitched. She carried triplets to term, delivered them all, and raised them successfully.” Cashmere goats are dual purpose; they can be raised for fibre and meat. Many cashmere owners raise them only for meat because they are easy to kid and raise. Harvesting the fibre for additional income is a bonus. For an optimal cashmere harvest, feeding practices that keep the animal as clean as possible are required. “Flaky hay bales, timothy and burrs can lead to dirtier fibre that’s harder to harvest and process.”
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The cashmere is comb harvested between January and March, when the fibre begins to shed naturally. Gilbertson uses a small undercoat rake designed for dogs. It takes her 30 to 60 minutes per goat, depending on the volume, her speed and how ready the fibre is to come off. The cashmere starts to shed before the guard hair, and the fibre can start to mat if left loose on the animal or if the goats rub it off onto the fence. It is best to wait for a mild day when harvesting cashmere in the middle of winter. The goats adjust well as long as they are not combed right before a cold spell. “The market for cashmere is mostly with fibre artists and people who value buying premium Canadian products,” she said. “Some people buy raw fibre for spinning their own yarn or to use in felting projects.” Some producers process their fibre into yarn for sale to knitters and crocheters. Most sales are online or take place in local specialty shops or at fibre events such as Fibre Week at Olds College in Olds, Alta., and Fibres West in southern British Columbia. “The cost of labour, fuel, and feed in Canada is much higher than in other countries known to produce cashmere, so the price for Canadian cashmere is higher than imported products,” she said. However, she feels the quality of Canadian cashmere is better and people appreciate buying product from producers who they are certain take good care of their animals. Gilbertson said the increased demand for goat meat among Canada’s diverse population presented the industry with an opportunity for growth. “Right now, Canada imports more goat meat than we can produce,” she said. “There’s also growing understanding about animal health and best farm practices emphasizing diversification.” A cattle farm can add goats to its production with minimal effort and fencing changes because goats and cows have a different preference in pasture feed. This increases farm meat production per acre. Goats are also used more frequently for environmentally friendly brush cleaning. Using cashmere goats for this adds to fibre sales and has other production benefits. A milling shortage is a challenge. No mills process cashmere in Canada and only three do so in the United States. Gilbertson said three producers on the Prairies and five in B.C. belong to the Canadian Cashmere Producers Association. Producers who want to learn more about cashmere goats can ask the association to suggest a producer they can talk to about the pros and cons. “It is not a million dollar industry,” she said. “All animals require proper care and maintenance. People need to make decisions with their eyes wide open.” Gilbertson is a master’s student and the program co-ordinator for a youth program in Grande Prairie, Alta. She would eventually like to practice animal assisted therapy, combining her passions of animals and the mental development of youth.
Ag companies want to standardize farm data Security simplified | New American initiative allows producers greater control over farm management options CHICAGO (Reuters) — An open source project in the United States will standardize farm data formats a n d i m p rov e c o m m u n i c a t i o n between farm equipment and farm management tools made by different companies. The Open Agriculture Data Alliance (OADA), a partnership between Purdue University researchers and a group of agricultural companies, will also seek to set standards on data privacy and security. It is among the top concerns of farmers who are gathering and shar-
ing increasingly deep pools of data from high tech farm machines armed with global positioning technology and wireless data transfer capability. “The purpose is to solve some of the issues that farmers have dealing with their data,” said Aaron Ault, a senior research engineer at Purdue’s Open Ag Technology Group and project lead for OADA. Agricultural data can include farm financial documents, futures market positions, the number of seeds planted per acre and the amount of rainfall in each field.
“We will solve as many problems with technological solutions as we possibly can,” Ault said. “The ones that we cannot solve with technological solutions we will solve with common language that lets the farmer know, up front, what it is they are getting into when they enter into agreements with these different companies.” Project participants include the agricultural data science company Climate Corp., Valley Irrigation, farm co-operative Growmark, equipment maker CNH Industrial, seed company
AgReliant Genetics and farm product suppliers Wilbur-Ellis Company and WinField. Agriculture companies have been investing heavily in precision agriculture and data analytics tools over the past year. They have launched services that will analyze data and make recommendations to boost crop yields or increase efficiency by pairing soil types with optimal seeds or focusing chemical applications only where they are needed. However, the high tech tools have raised concerns that data shared by farmers could be misused or sold to third parties. The companies have reassured farmers that their data is safe in often-lengthy privacy statements, but OADA will seek to standardize
privacy and security guidelines industry wide. It will also create a “reference implementation” of a cloud storage and data analytics service to set an example for the industry on how an OADA-compliant system should function. Developers are invited to contribute software code to improve upon the template or use it to create their own OADA-compliant tools. “No company owns the intellectual property that is part of the project, so how each company decides to take it and use it to their own benefit is really up to them,” Ault said. “It really opens up the ability for small players to innovate. And it allows the farmer to choose the bestin-class solution instead of the one that happens to work with his equipment today.”
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Poor crop performance can be linked to phosphorus, potassium deficiencies The forgotten nutrient | Researchers say farmers need to keep an eye on phosphate levels before deficiencies develop BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Terry Buss knows what to expect when his office phone rings in late July. Buss, a Manitoba Agriculture farm production adviser in Beausejour, says soybean growers often call him in the third and fourth weeks of July because their crop is looking peculiar. More often than not, the problem is potassium and phosphorus deficiencies in the soil. A lack of potassium is easy to recognize because the edges of the plant leaves are burned or brown. However, spotting a phosphate shortage is more challenging. “Getting phosphate deficiency symptoms that you can readily identify in soybeans is hard,” Buss said. “I generally refer to it as crappy (beans)…. They just don’t look right.” He said producers in eastern Manitoba have grown a rotation of soybeans, soybeans and more soybeans for years and chose not to apply phosphorus or potassium to the soil. The beans, being excellent nutrient scavengers, hang on for seven or more years of continuous cropping before falling off a proverbial cliff, he added. “They (beans) seem to give up the ghost when we’ve sucked every last pound (of nutrients), ” Buss said. “They hold their condition and then you flip a switch and things start to go south.” Few growers skimp on fertilizer applications for seven consecutive years, but soil fertility experts are disturbed by statistics that show prairie farmers are not applying sufficient amounts of phosphorus. “Last year I gave 18 presentations, believe it or not, on the forgotten macronutrients, phosphorus being one of them,” said Rigas Karamanos, senior agronomist with Koch Fertilizer Canada. “We’re putting a lot of emphasis on nitrogen … but phosphorus is something that we’ve kind of forgotten about.” Karamanos decided to quantify the gap between phosphorus application and crop removal on the Prairies. He used International Plant Nutrient Institute data on phosphorus removal per bushel and Statistics Canada acreage and crop yield data for Western Canada to estimate annual phosphorus removal. For example, one bushel of barley removes .4 pounds of phosphorus, which means a 100 bu. per acre crop pulls 40 lb. per acre out of the soil. Estimating the amount of applied
Producers may have mined the phosphorus from their soils over the past few years unless they were keeping up with replacement supplies. | FILE PHOTO phosphorus was trickier because the Canadian Fertilizer Institute posts fertilizer shipments to Western Canada but not the amount applied. “Companies do not report what they sold, but they report what they shipped.” Karamanos assumed the phosphorus shipped to Western Canada was sold and applied to crops. He then calculated a dramatic gap between phosphorus application
and removal on the Prairies. “Last year there was 1,224,000 tonnes of phosphate applied, but there was 1.6 million (tonnes) removed,” he said. Karamanos’ data shows that producers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta applied less phosphorus than what the crops removed in every year since 2005. The cumulative nineyear deficit is 2.15 million tonnes. Karamanos said the deficit isn’t
shocking because two-year canola rotations are now commonplace and many farmers grow canola-canolacanola, which means the phosphorus removal is immense. One bushel of canola removes .9 lb. of phosphorus, which means a 60 bu. crop removes 54 lb. of phosphorus. “Who is supplying 54 lb.? Nobody. Twenty, 25 maybe,” Karamanos said. “You look at those rotations of canola-wheat, they are removing an
incredible amount of phosphorus…. We are taking advantage of what we’ve been applying the last 20 to 25 years, but we’re going to hit a (wall)…. We’re going to hit a point where we’ll not be able to get these big crops.” Growers who called Buss weren’t sure what was wrong with their soybeans, but they knew something wasn’t right. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
Farm to farm and field to field, the situation is quite variable … (but) we can anticipate that these deficits will eventually catch up to us. The big question is when. TERRY BUSS MANITOBA AGRICULTURE
Manitoba guidelines for seed placed phosphate may ensure seed safety, but the recommendations may cause a long-term phosphorus deficit. With typical yields, a rotation of spring wheat, canola, winter wheat and soybeans produces a phosphate deficit of 53 lbs. per acre.
After crunching numbers to estimate phosphorus application and crop removal, Rigas Karamanos of Koch Fertilizer Canada found that prairie growers are depleting soil reserves. In 2013, for example, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta farmers applied 1.224 million tonnes of phosphate but crops removed 1.6 million tonnes from the soil. Prairie-wide application of MAP and resulting soil analysis:
Phosphorus balance with fertilizer application (P2O5 lb./acre) Crop yield (bu./acre) applied removed* annual balance GP spring wheat 60 30 35 -5 Canola 40 20 40 -20 Winter wheat 75 30 38 -8 Soybeans 35 10 30 -20 Four-year total -90 143 -53 * using 0.59, 1.0, 0.51, 0.85 of P2O5 lb./bu. respectively for grain only Source: Iniversity of Manitoba | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC
phosphate application (000 tonnes) phosphate surplus remaining in soil after crop usage phosphate deficit in soil after crop usage 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800
Soil samples and tissue tests helped him diagnose the malady: tight rotations or continuous soybeans drained nearly all of the phosphorus and severely depleted potassium levels. “What we found with very, very tight soy rotations … it’s been very common … to not fertilize soy at all,” Buss said. “That came out of an observation that on fertile soils, soy doesn’t really show a yield response to added potash or phosphate…. That was taken as, ‘well, we don’t need to do it.’ But I’ve got clients who have been doing that more than a decade and they’re not really adding it in at any other time in the rotation.” Buss said problems with nutrient deficiency around Beausejour began on lighter textured soils, but the dearth of applied nutrients eventually hit producers with heavier clay soil. Don Flaten, a soil science professor and phosphorus expert with the Uni-
versity of Manitoba, said research indicates crops suffer and crash when soil phosphorus is depleted, but it’s a rare occurrence in commercial crops. “In many cases, the reserves are decent,” he said. “It’s not an issue that is universally challenging producers…. Farm to farm and field to field, the situation is quite variable … (but) we can anticipate that these deficits will eventually catch up to us. The big question is when.” An annual deficit of 20 lb. per acre might reduce the soil test phosphorus by one part per million. It means it could take 10 years to cut soil test phosphorus from 20 to 10 parts per million. “The short-term consequences aren’t that obvious, but the longterm consequences are,” Flaten said. Growers who apply little to no phosphorus will drain reserves more rapidly, but producers who follow the rules may also be depleting the
system. Flaten said average crop yields cause a 53 lb. per acre phosphorus deficit in four years when growers adhere to recommended rates of seed row phosphorus in a rotation of spring wheat, canola, winter wheat and soybeans. Karamanos said the bottom line is basic: many growers aren’t applying enough phosphorus. “We cannot get away with having wheat-canola-wheat-canola and putting down 20 lb. of phosphorus. You’re going to pay the price at the end.” Flaten and fellow soil fertility experts John Heard of Manitoba Agriculture and Cindy Grant of Agriculture Canada recommend a fertility strategy that considers the entire crop rotation and adds extra phosphorus to cereal crops. Producers are becoming more aware of the risks of phosphorus depletion and also more curious
600 400 200 0
+105 +35 -123
-118 -154 -134 -400 -334 -162
-234 -223 -384
-200 -400
Source: Canadian Fertilizer Institute, Statistics Canada | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC
about manure, he said. “ They’ve become much more interested in the livestock manure in their neighbourhood,” he said. “When they take a look at the cost of restoring their phosphorus fertility with commercial fertilizer … the livestock manure looks very, very attractive.” Buss encourages growers to mind phosphorus levels, but he said he also understands the economic realities of agriculture. Soybeans have been and remain a lucrative crop, and farmers
want to make money. “I get paid every two weeks, so I can’t stand up, holier than thou, and say, ‘thou shalt not,’ ” he said. “At the same time, there are limits to how far we can push this.” He said he’s had many calls recently from growers inquiring about soil tests, possibly because they’ve heard horror stories about depleted phosphorus at the local coffee shop. “The experience of some is benefitting the many.”
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Renewable energy changeover easier with incentives ENERGY FIELD
ost of us likely agree that using renewable energy is a good idea, at least in prin-
ciple. However, many people don’t want to sacrifice too much to make that happen. Others don’t like the aesthetics of a renewable energy installation or they don’t have a place to incorporate such a system. So how does an average person use renewable energy? An off-grid system is a strong alternative for someone who is building on a new property where grid-tied power will cost $20,000 or more to access, possibly a hybrid solar-wind installation with a back-up fossilfueled power generator. However, most people still want the advantages of being connected to the grid. They want renewable energy to be only a part of their lives, so they are more likely thinking of installing a solar hot water system or a grid-tied solar electric system. The direct method is the most commonly understood method of renewable energy involvement. It works well when the resident owns the property and there is sufficient space or aesthetic acceptance to install such a system. It is also most likely to occur when there is a financial incentive, such as a capital cost rebate from a govern-
Hawaii relies on imported fossil fuels resulting in high energy costs, making solar power an attractive alternative. | ment, including Saskatchewan’s 20 percent rebate. Another incentive is a favourable feed-in tariff, in which utilities pay for the renewable energy that is provided, such as 50 cents per kilowatt hour in Ontario. This is called net metering. However, many people rent their property and are not in a position to install such a system. There are ways for these people, as electrical consumers, to buy green power without having a system on their site. Bullfrog Power offers consumers in all provinces but Newfoundland, Quebec, Manitoba and Saskatchewan the opportunity to pay a bit more for their power to ensure it is renew-
able. In Bullfrog’s case, it is wind power. The company also provides natural gas sourced from the production of gas otherwise lost from landfills. Companies such as Bullfrog Power are audited to ensure that they are actually buying all the green power that they are selling to customers. Some grid-power utility companies have their own programs. For example, SaskPower, Saskatchewan’s only electricity provider, has had a program for years that allows customers to pay an extra fee per month to buy units of green power. Co-operatives, which allow people to collectively own a renewable energy system, are another way to get
involved in green power. Closely located buildings can benefit from collective systems, such as central solar hot water heating distributed within the community. Building a single larger system that is run by knowledgeable people can provide significant savings and improve maintenance. Companies sometimes finance and install renewable energy systems, most often solar electric, on buildings in places where conventional energy costs are high. These are generally lease arrangements and represent a good portion of the life of the system. The building owner is not responsible for capital cost or maintenance. In some cases, the building occu-
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pants can buy the green power that these systems produce. In other cases, particularly when it is a solar hot water system, the building owner may be able to make use of the hot water without having a capital cost. Building owners often find that paying a monthly fee is more practical than taking the risk of owning and maintaining an unfamiliar system. In other cases, the building owner is simply paid a rental fee to compensate for the presence of the renewable system on the property, not unlike the payment farmers might receive for having an oil well on their property. It is easier to adopt renewable energy when there are strong financial incentives, such as high conventional energy costs or grants and tax credits. Take Hawaii, for example, where energy costs are as high as 40 cents per kilowatt hour, which is three to four times the cost on the mainland United States. Much of the state’s electricity is generated from fuel oil and coal brought in by ship. Hawaiians have a good reason to encourage alternate energy: it saves utility companies huge import costs and reduces reliance on fossil fuel. As a result, Hawaii has the highest tax credit for renewable energy in the U.S., 35 percent on capital cost. For example, a solar company paid to install a new $1.4 million asphalt roof on a condominium development on the island of Kauai in advance of 1,100 solar panels placed on every available sun-facing roof space. The condo association receives the benefit of a new roof and using its own generated power, while the solar company receives the tax credit. The system will be turned over to the building owners association after 13 years. With such an aggressive level of installations, Hawaii has moved from .07 percent of electricity being solargenerated in 2007 to one percent in 2011, a 14-fold increase in only four years. Will Oddie is a renewable energy, sustainable building consultant with a lifetime interest in energy conservation. To contact Oddie, send e-mail to
Chemical decisions rely on trial data Seeding plans indicate PRECISELY AGRONOMY
Crop protection data must be weighed with input costs and commodity prices
spent four years working in a crop protection company’s Canadian office and was always amazed at how marketing departments could spin the data. I often marveled at what they must have thought about the gullibility of their farmer customers. It’s 25 years later and I still see this strategy. Crop protection companies have incredible databases of information about the performance of their products. However, they usually keep these cards close to their vests and only play the ones their marketing departments see as the most beneficial to them. That is not to say that they are providing misinformation. In most cases, it is how the data is presented that I question. As a consulting agronomist, I would love to have access to some of that
data. A large database of information allows me and my client to develop plans using solid data and probabilities for estimating results and economic returns rather than a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess). Rigas Karamanos developed a tool using nitrogen returns when he worked at Westco Fertilizers. It used yield data from trials from 1989 to 2004 and is excellent for determining optimum nitrogen levels at various fertilizer and grain prices. It can be found at A similar strategy can be taken with crop protection products. For example, I have put together a database of 40 trials using a commonly used fungicide for cereals from North Dakota and Western Canada. A summary of the data found that the fungicide treatment gave an average 7.6 percent yield increase. This is not surprising because the trials spanned a number of years, some wet and some dry, and were applied regardless of disease pressure. Eleven of the trials showed less than two percent yield increase. Would you use a fungicide providing an average of 7.6 percent return? It would probably depend on the cost of the fungicide, the price of wheat and the likelihood of leaf disease in your area. So, with my limited computer skills and an Excel spreadsheet, I have pre-
pared a simple tool that allows me to dig into the data to answer some of the questions that a grower might pose. For example, what would be the returns on a 50 bushel per acre wheat crop if wheat prices were $5 per bu.? With my simple calculator, I can determine an estimated return of $7 per acre using a chemical and application cost of $12. I can also determine that 16 out of the 40 trials would have lost money. To the next question, “is breaking even good enough?” I would say no. I recommend that a grower should demand at least a $1.50 return for the last dollar invested. Using this criterion, we are down to eight out of 40 trials showing a positive return, which is one in five odds of winning. Changing the wheat price to $7 per bu. increases the average return to $14.50, which is more than a $2 return for every $1 invested. That means 24 of the 40 trials showed a $1.50 return for every $1 invested. Now our odds are up to three in five. These examples show the benefits of this kind of data when used in a calculator. I would challenge crop protection companies to use their databases to develop calculators, which would be a better way for producers to make application decisions. Thom Weir is an agronomist with Farmer’s Edge. He can be reached by emailing thom.
demand for inoculants Producers planning to grow pulses and special crops may want to order inoculants early to ensure supply BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Prairie producers’ planting plans are pushing legume pulses and oilseeds acres up, which means growers will be requiring more of some products than usual. Rhizobial inoculants might be in tight supply this spring because increased acreage of lentils, peas and soybeans will increase demand for the perishable products. “I know we are all seeing higher interest in alternative crop strategies beyond wheat and canola this year,” said Darrell Wolekowski of Monsanto Bioag, which among other things works with Saskatoon-based Novozymes to develop and market inoculant products. Agriculture Canada’s outlook for this year’s seeding season is for a 14 percent increase in acreage of pulse and special crops, many of which will require rhizobial inoculants to achieve reasonable yields. Last year’s planting season saw a 10 percent drop in pulse acres from 6.7 million acres in 2012 to 5.9 million. It is likely that producers will plant
even more pulse acres than the 6.4 million that Agriculture Canada predicted, say industry analysts. Peas went from 3.3 million acres in 2012 to 2.9 million in 2013. In 2014, producers are expected to return to the 3.2 to 3.3 million acre range. While peas and lentils will likely rise at least 10 percent in acreage with lentils reaching about 2.2 million, chickpeas are looking at a similar drop in acres. Soybeans, despite an acreage reduction in Ontario for this year, will increase on the Prairies by up to 300,000 acres as more producers look for a commodity crop that hasn’t suffered as much of a price drop as some others. Wo l e k ow s k i s a i d t h e r i s e i n demand for the inoculant products in Western Canada is a concern for the companies who manufacture and distribute. “I think it is in producers’ interests to let their retailers know what they are going to need this spring, as things could get a little tight in May,” he said. Some special crop producers are already reporting shortages of inoculants for crops such as clover.
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Court won’t stop raw milk business: dairy farmer Cow-share arrangement a ‘marketing and distribution scheme,’ says court BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
DRESDEN, Ont. — A court decision last week hasn’t put an end to Michael Schmidt’s raw milk business. The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld an Ontario Court of Justice ruling from three years ago that said Schmidt’s “cow-share” scheme was not a legitimate way to circumvent the province’s Health Protection and Promotion Act, which prohibits the sale, delivery and distribution of unpasteurized milk and cream.
It also didn’t accept Schmidt’s argument that the act is contrary to Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and refused to admit the presentation of new evidence concerning raw milk’s benefits. Schmidt, speaking from his Ontario farm near Durham in Grey County, said he remains a raw milk “provider” for about 150 customers. Instead of cow shares, Schmidt and his wife, Elisa, have issued “farm shares” to their customers. The members also pay the Schmidts for their labour.
“We looked at the whole issue and debate and decided that people should get more involved in the entire aspect of the farm and take ownership. That’s why we went to the farm share concept,” Schmidt said. “It is a co-operative so there needs to be a distinction between what happened seven years ago.” That’s when Schmidt said officers from the provincial natural resources ministry raided his farm on behalf of the agriculture ministry. In the initial court proceeding, a justice of the peace accepted Schmidt’s cow-share argument and acquitted him of all charges. However, the Ontario Court of Justice overturned that ruling Sept. 28, 2011. The judge entered convictions on 13 counts and imposed fines totaling $9,150 and one year of probation. That led to the March 11 decision at the appeal court. “The cow-share arrangement is nothing more than a marketing and distribution scheme that is offered to the public at large,” the court said. S c h m i d t s a i d h i s f a r m s h a re arrangement would mean shareholders would be compensated if his family’s 400-acre property is sold. He cited a university survey of more than 2,000 Canadian dairy farmers who reported that they or their family members consumed raw milk. Chris Schafer and Derek From of the Canadian Constitution Foundation represented Schmidt. “Just because you lose in court doesn’t mean you can’t win,” Schafer said. However, future legal action remains a possibility. Alternatively, the province may choose not to pursue the matter or a political decision could be made to legalize the sale of raw milk. “I suspect at some point in the
Despite a Court of Appeal ruling against a cow-share arrangement to buy unpasteurized milk, an Ontario dairy producer plans to continue the practice. | FILE PHOTO future they could be subject to law enforcement,” Schafer said. Schmidt said the best outcome would be a political decision allowing raw milk to be marketed in Canada along with the introduction of standards and regulations for quality assurance. He said Canada is the only G-8 nation that prohibits the consumption of unpasteurized milk. The March 11 ruling said there is ample evidence “that human consumption of unpasteurized milk may be hazardous to one’s health or at least more hazardous than the health risk presented by the consumption of pasteurized milk.” The ruling said that while Schmidt and his followers appear to be sincere in their belief in the benefits of unpasteurized milk, the legislation banning its sale and distribution must be respected. The danger of raw milk consumption is minimal but not entirely free of
risk, Schmidt said. The same can be said for pasteurized milk, he added. Schmidt said he and 14 Ontario farmers help serve the demand for raw milk through farm share arrangements. About two percent of Canadian milk drinkers want it, he added. The Schmidts operate a mixed farm with help from farm apprentices and some of their children. Their small dairy herd comprises Canadienne cows, which average 4,000 kilograms of milk per lactation on a diet composed primarily of pasture and hay. That’s less than half the average production in Ontario. Schmidt said he is not concerned about the possibility of a future raid. It would only serve to get more people interest in raw milk, he added. Schmidt said he has been milking cows for 40 years: 30 in Canada and 10 in Germany.
Lactose study finds raw milk no easier to digest Full strength value. TopLine™ delivers multiple modes of action with florasulam and MCPA ester, the same actives as Frontline™. TopLine gives cereal growers top-notch control of broadleaf weeds including wild buckwheat, cleavers and chickweed, as well as grassy weed tank-mix flexibility. Support choice – ask for TopLine by name. ™ TopLine is a trademark of Makhteshim Agan of North America, Inc. All others are trademarks of their respective companies. Always read and follow label directions. 13047.12.13
DRESDEN, Ont. — Raw milk is not an answer to lactose intolerance, according to a paper published in the March-April edition of Annals of Family Medicine. “Raw milk failed to reduce lactose malabsorption or lactose intolerance symptoms compared with pasteurized milk among adults positive for lactose malabsorption,” the paper’s authors concluded. “These results do not support widespread anecdotal claims that raw milk reduces the symptoms of lactose intolerance.” Researchers at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, who wrote the paper, believe the study is the first randomized controlled trial examining the effect of raw milk on lactose intolerance. A group of 63 people claiming lactose intolerance were screened using a hydrogen breath test. Just 27 tested positive for the problem and of that number, 16 agreed to partici-
pate in the study. The participants received organic raw milk, organic pasteurized milk and a soy drink over the course of the study. A sugar-free vanilla flavouring was used to disguise the taste of what they were drinking.
The hydrogen breath test was used again as a measure of lactose intolerance. An increase in hydrogen production corresponds to the severity of the problem. Ontario raw milk advocate Michael Schmidt said he is friends with the California dairy farmer who supplied the raw milk. Schmidt said the study was “highly flawed and misguided.” The hydrogen breath test is an inadequate measure, he said. A better way to evaluate the lactose intolerance question would be to conduct a field study involving raw milk drinkers. The authors said there were several limitations to the study, including the small sample size and the limited amount of time — eight days — that participants were provided with raw milk. Replication of the findings in a larger scale would strengthen the conclusion, they said. Other health claims related to raw milk are plausible, though anecdotal, they added.
GM alfalfa approval protested Court order sought | Group wants details on USDA approval
The United States Department of Agriculture approved Roundup Ready alfalfa in 2011. | FILE PHOTO
(Reuters) — A public interest group is asking a court to force the U.S. Department of Agriculture to turn over documents explaining its approval of a genetically modified alfalfa variety. The Center for Food Safety said it believes the USDA may have succumbed to outside pressure, possibly from Monsanto, which developed the genetic trait in the variety. CFS filed a lawsuit March 11 in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C., seeking a court order for the USDA to turn over nearly 1,200 documents related to the decision about Roundup Ready alfalfa. “USDA determined Monsanto’s Roundup Ready alfalfa posed significant environmental and economic harms and initially proposed placing restrictions on it. Yet the agency went ahead and granted full unrestricted approval one month later,” said CFS executive director Andrew Kimbrell. “Did the White House intervene? Did Monsanto pressure the agency? The fact is we don’t know, and unless the court orders USDA to hand over these documents we may never know.” The USDA approved Roundup Ready alfalfa in 2011 without restrictions after several years of litigation and complaints by critics derailed its initial approval in 2005. Court orders forced the department to prepare an environmental impact s t at e m e nt re q u i re d u n d e r t h e National Environmental Policy Act. The department completed the
environmental impact statement and proposed, as one possibility, approving the variety with some restrictions to try to mitigate the risk of contaminating non-GM crops. However, it eventually approved the crop without such restrictions. Alfalfa is the fourth-most widely grown U.S. field crop, behind corn, wheat and soybeans, and is used as livestock feed. The crop, worth $8 billion, was grown on more than 17 million U.S. acres in 2012. CFS said it filed a freedom of information request in 2011 seeking doc-
uments that might explain why the USDA made its decision. The department has turned over 2,520 documents, but has said there are 1,179 others it cannot provide because of exemptions, the CFS lawsuit said. Opponents had warned for more than a decade that it would be almost impossible to keep GM alfalfa from mixing with conventional alfalfa because alfalfa is a perennial crop largely pollinated by honeybees. Cross-fertilization could devastate conventional and organic growers’ businesses, the critics said.
Bio-economy boosters seek support Fuel standards | Industry association wants renewable fuel content increased BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER
Canada’s bio-economy is anchored on grain ethanol production, but more needs to be done to move the industry forward. W. Scott Thurlow, president of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, said the government should increase the renewable fuel content standard for diesel to two from five percent. “One reason we’re pushing for five percent renewable diesel is that we already have sufficient domestic capacity to reach two percent,” he told the recent Growing the Margins conference. Thurlow would also like more support for advanced biofuel, including cellulosic ethanol. “Unless we can find a way to monetize carbon, that product is going to lag behind in Canada and be drawn to the U.S. where there’s a very rich blenders’ tax credit.” Thurlow said the United States now exports one billion litres of ethanol a year to Canada. Canadian production stands at 1.8 billion litres. There’s also a need for greater consumer choice, said Thurlow, who argued consumers should be allowed to drive demand to a greater extent
“In Iowa, there are pumps where with dials you can choose from E-10 to E-85 and as you turn up the dial the price goes down. We don’t have those pumps in Canada,” he said. “We believe there should be a growing market for biofuels. Consumers should have choice.” Sean McKay, executive director of Composites Innovation Centre (CIC) in Winnipeg, said increased government involvement is also important to the emerging biomaterial industry. He said Manitoba has a wealth of raw fibres, mainly hemp and flax. As well, significant investment has been made in research and development for products as varied as vehicle paneling, furniture, building materials and snowboards. Support is also needed to enable start-up companies to successfully commercialize their operations, he added. For example, hemp fibre quality
needs to be improved while maintaining grain yield. Options include breeding for taller varieties and improving harvest techniques and equipment to optimize fibre quality. McKay said it’s also difficult for companies to move from research and development to commercialization. For examples, farmers may be reluctant to supply fibre to a start-up business unless they are guaranteed payment for delivery. Financial incentives are one way companies can be supported, he said. Another is to help with the product certification process. McKay said it can take 18 months to two years to certify new products in Canada. FibreCity — the Prairie Agriculture Fibre Characterization Industrial Technology Capability initiative, has also been beneficial, he said. Located within CIC’s new facility in Winnipeg, FibreCity is providing research support in plant breeding, processing and, fibre analysis and more. McKay said fibre analysis is important to deliver products that consistently meet quality standards. He hoped that FibreCity, which receives federal funding, will become a viable standalone business unit within CIC this year.
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BEEF FOR EVERY MEAL? People in Uruguay eat 62 kilograms of beef per person per year on average. That and other confounding cattle facts are found in Dr. Jamie Rothenburger’s column. | Page 106
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Bull sale Sixty-eight bulls were on offer at the first Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale held March 15 in Moose Jaw. Most consignors were left without a venue to sell their bulls when the Regina Bull Sale was cancelled a few months ago. The high-selling Hereford shown here was a two-year-old sold by Lone Pine Cattle Services at Vibank, Sask., to Michael Sosna at Stoughton, Sask., for $8,000. The high-selling Limousin was a $3,750 two-year-old from Eden Meadows Farm at Zehner, Sask., which sold to Lang Acres of Swift Current. Two Angus yearlings sold for $4,000 to top that sale. Consigned by Bryce’s Bar B Ranch at Arcola, Sask., they went to Hilltop Cattle Co. at Carlyle. Organizers said they expect to hold the sale again next year. | KAREN BRIERE PHOTOS
Crossbreeding trades looks for longevity Reducing replacements | European breeders describe advantages of hybrid vigour in overall profitability BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
RED DEER — Crossbreeding dairy cows may not fit everyone’s program, but it is one way to return vigour to a herd. Studies from Northern Ireland and California show crossbred cows live longer with fewer fertility and lameness problems. “These cows might not look as nice as what we are used to looking at, and they mightn’t produce as well on a given lactation stage, but when we talk about the overall profitability, I think we would be more open to the idea,” said Frank Buckley of Northern Ireland’s agriculture and food development authority. “Crossbreeding gives a higher profitable return than either of the two
purebreds,” he told the Western Dairy Seminar held in Red Deer March 11-14. “The first cross is a very favourable animal.” Canada focuses on production from a largely Holstein herd, but producers should look at the high replacement rate of nearly 50 percent every year. The average Holstein lasts 2.5 lactations in Canada, while other breeds tend to have better longevity. “If we go over 20 percent, we say there is something wrong,” he said. More mature cows in the barn could save money because they are more productive and it won’t be necessary to raise a large number of replacement heifers each year. Crossbreeding introduces more favourable genes from another
b re e d , w h i c h i s c a l l e d hy b r i d vigour. “The more genetically diverse the breeds are, the more genetically unrelated they are, the more hybrid vigour,” he said. Crossbreeding is common in New Zealand and more crossbred bulls are used. The cows also live longer. “In New Zealand, hybrid vigour is responsible for cows surviving one lactation more,” he said. “That is a significant benefit.” Mixing three breeds together, such as Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss, maintains or improves fertility, but that plan may reduce milk output because there is less Holstein in the mix. Research at Teagasc Moorepark, an agricultural facility in Ireland, evaluated breeds and worked with 50 com-
mercial herds. Breeds such as Montebeliarde, Norwegian Red, Normande and Jersey were crossed with Holsteins. Norwegian Reds and Holsteins were the most favourable cross for Irish conditions. “The crossbreds were $250 more profitable in our system,” Buckley said. The cattle were moderate in size and added fertility with more pregnancies and shorter calving intervals. Jersey-Holstein crosses produced less milk but it was richer with more butter fat content. They also had better feet, so lameness problems were lessened. U.S. researchers have crossbred Holsteins with Normande, Montbeliarde, Swedish Red, Norwegian Red and Jersey animals, resulting in fewer
open days and improved survival rates compared to pure Holsteins with little loss of production. Montbeliarde and Scandinavian Red crossbred cows were more profitable than purebred Holsteins. All research found that crossbreeding did not cure poor management decisions. The farmers who were most successful with straight bred cattle were often also the best at crossbreeding. Buckley said it is important to use the best bulls of each breed to get the best results. As well, such a change to breeding plans is a big commitment. “There is no point in using the alternative breeds on a quarter or 10 percent of your herd,” he said. “You must go the whole way to have an impact, otherwise it is a waste of time.”
Producers find cattle with Google maps
Eartag project taps smartphone technology
High frequency ear tags track down cattle
OT TAWA — Imagine walking through a pen of cattle and using a smartphone to read ear tags and record important information on the spot. That’s the goal of a new research project. It hopes to build a special case that attaches to an Android or iPhone and turns it into an ear tag reader. A prototype could be ready for testing next year, Mark Klassen of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association told the CCA’s March 4-7 annual meeting in Ottawa. “If we could get the smartphone
Cattle that go missing after a summer in remote pastures may become a thing of the past if ongoing research continues to produce good results. Cattle equipped with high frequency ear tags can potentially be tracked to within metres of their location, and their movements can be monitored in real time. Brad Smith, a livestock technology specialist with Alberta Agriculture in Cardston, has already been tracing animals and posting their movement on Google maps for their owners using a system of triangulation from strategically placed towers. This year, pending project funding approval, he plans to equip more cattle with active 900 megahertz tags, which will be attached to the back of dangle ear tags. He hopes to try the technology on cattle in southern Alberta pastures that are heavily treed and have rugged terrain. “It’s quite an experience to go on a map and actually see where your cattle are,” said Smith. He has been working on the project for four years, when he completed a project at the Pole Haven community pasture near Waterton, Alta., in which cattle with the regular radio frequency identification tags could be read from half a mile away with a hand-held directional reader. Smith said emerging technologies could improve on that. He began Google mapping animals using funding from SAIT Polytechnic, the federal Growing Forward program, Alberta Environment and the Waterton Biosphere Reserve. Improved radio communications and tag design have helped improve reliability. “This next year, our focus will be on improving accuracy of locating animals through enhancements with the tags and towers and developing a direction hand-held reader for searching animals in remote areas,” Smith said in an email. “We are receiving lots of interest in this project from grazing associations, ranches and foreign entities. Our target is to have this technology commercialized within a year.” He and his team are developing a hand-held tag reader that they hope will have an eight to 10 kilometre range. “It’s pretty exciting, the technology that they’re utilizing,” he said of Tagsmyth, the Utah-based company with which he is working. “It’s some of the technology that they are using for their applications in the military.” Smith hopes improved accuracy in tag reading will also allow livestock owners to identify predation and cattle health problems from a distance. “Another thing that is huge is the infrastructure cost for active tags, and it doesn’t matter what kind of active tag it is, is so much less than passive tags. Passive tags are what we’re mandated to use now.”
approach to work, this might be one of those things that really accelerates the pace of change just because we are building on such a great platform,” he said in an interview. If the early prototype works as expected, the next step will be to develop similar hardware for a tablet. Money from the beef checkoff and the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agen-
cy is funding the project. Klassen said it makes sense to piggyback with a smartphone because it already has a camera, a GPS device and plenty of data storage space. The CCA wants producer input. “Nobody knows better what they need to do than the people who are doing it,” Klassen said. Research is also ongoing into ear tag retention, which has found that tags stay in if they are inserted correctly with the right applicator. A five-year study, which ends in March 2015, involves 5,000 yearlings, mature cows and bulls from British Columbia to Ontario. The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency offers six tags, all of which are
included in the test. “Some of these tags make up a larger share of the marketplace, but each one had to go through the same testing protocol,” said CCIA chair Pat Burrage. He said retention in young animals has been nearly perfect when a trained individual inserts them according to manufacturer’s instructions with the right applicator. The top reasons for tag loss have been identified as improper application, infections caused by poor hygiene and being caught in twine, wire fences or brush. The CCIA has an online complaint form that allows producers to report tag problems to manufacturers.
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Be in-the-know with these cattle facts ANIMAL HEALTH
nspired by a recent CBC program that interviewed a fictional cattle auctioneer, I would like to present a number of random, little-known facts about cattle. According to the latest scientific research, cattle were domesticated 12,000 years ago. Their wild ancestor
Aurochs became extinct in the 17th century WIKIMEDIA COMMONS PHOTO
is a large wild cattle species call aurochs, which roamed Europe, Asia, India and northern Africa before its
extinction in the 17th century. Several independent domestications of aurochs led to the major cattle groups, Bos taurus (humpless) and Bos indicus (humped). There are an impressive 900 distinct cattle breeds in the world. Their closest relatives include bison, African buffalo and antelope. The entire bovine genome was sequenced in 2009, five years after the human genome project was completed. A Hereford bull was chosen to provide the initial DNA sample for this outstanding scientific endeavor. In physiological terms, cattle are metabolic heavy weights. Commonly thought to have four stomachs, cattle actually have only one acid-
Cattle on high forage diets spend up to 10 hours a day chewing their cud FILE PHOTOS
secreting stomach. The other three are elaborate, voluminous outpouches of the esophagus. The rumen is the largest of these chambers. This massive fermentation vat can hold up to 200 litres of
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fluid, micro-organisms and roughage. Fermentation of food particles can take 30 to 50 hours, depending on the forage type. How many cows would it take to drive a methane-powered car from Edmonton to Calgary? This is one of the questions that animal science students at the University of Alberta have answered as part of the 10-year Heifer In Your Tank program. The answer: 88. Speaking of gas, the gas-exchange surface area in the lungs of a 500 kilogram cow is approximately 130 sq. metres. To put it another way, the lung surface area of roughly 50 cows would cover a Canadian football field. Thirteen viruses have been associated with bovine respiratory disease, although only three are consistently implicated: herpes, respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza-3. The volume of blood is approximately eight percent of body weight, which means there are approximately 40 litres of blood in a 500 kg cow. A cow’s two kidneys filter 1,349 litres of fluid per day, which is 40 times its blood volume. There are 15.6 million head of dairy and beef cattle in Canada and an estimated 1.4 billion head worldwide.
Uruguay has the world’s highest annual rate of beef consumption at 62 kg per person Cattle are considered to be sacred animals by the Hindu religion, and beef consumption is a religious taboo for practicing Hindus. Nepal has an outright ban on cattle slaughter, while several provinces ban slaughter in India, and there is ongoing debate about a countrywide ban. According to Guinness World Records, the world’s smallest cow is Blaze, owned by Steve DeMoor and Christian Angnew from Florida. This tiny miniature Zebu is two feet, 3.2 inches at the withers. The world’s oldest cow was Big Bertha, who died just short of her 49th birthday. This Irish cow produced 39 calves, led the local St. Patrick’s Day parades and helped fundraise thousands of dollars for charity. And finally, country musician Corb Lund mentions the word “cows” 17 times in his song Cows Around. Dr. Jamie Rothenburger is a veterinary pathology resident at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.
Beef program adds animal welfare, environmental care components Consumer demands increase | CCA program to increase confidence in beef industry BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
OTTAWA — Canada’s beef quality assurance program is expanding. The verified beef program is adding environmental care and animal welfare models, said manager Terry Grajczyk. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association program has trained 18,000 producers and validated 1,100. It provides workshops to producers on procedures for improving biosecurity and animal health. They may go to the next step following the training and have their practices validated, which then registers them in the program. The additional components, which are in development, are partly in response to increasing pressure from retailers to certify practices from gate to plate. “We are doing it now so we can document it all the way up the value chain,” said Rob McNabb of the CCA. The goal is to inspire confidence in what is happening on Canadian beef operations. The pork, poultry and dairy sectors have already added these modules,
We are on the road to being able to provide them with something devised by us, not somebody else. RYDER LEE CANADIAN CATTLEMEN’S ASSOCIATION
and federally inspected plants no longer accept pigs unless a farm is part of the quality assurance program. The broiler industry has a mandatory quality assurance program for animal health and welfare. Producers must be registered, and it is included as part of their production quota. Packers have not yet told producers that they must be part of these programs as a prerequisite for accepting cattle. “We don’t have the mechanism to make it mandatory,” McNabb told the CCA’s annual meeting, which was held in Ottawa March 4-7. However, more companies are introducing their own specifications on what they want from suppliers, including A & W, McDonald’s, Lob-
laws, Sobeys and Calgary Co-op. Ryder Lee of the CCA’s Ottawa office said the industry needs to work with these companies in partnerships, whether they are looking for generic, organic, natural or certified humane beef. “I think it is here to stay. We are working down the right road on the farm animal council to produce sustainable beef,” he said. “We are on the road to being able to p rov i d e t h e m w i t h s o m e t h i n g devised by us, not somebody else.” He said the public thinks livestock care should be regulated without knowing that codes of practice already exist. As a result, demands are increasing to prove that producers are taking care of their animals. Lee said few consumers are aware that Canada has a National Farm Animal Care Council, which develops codes. However, Bryan Thiessen of Strathmore, Alta., said producers attending the convention’s animal care committee meeting said retailers who want more health and welfare certification should initiate and pay for these programs rather than forcing cattle producers to do so.
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AG Growth sticks with Ukraine
Worries about Russia’s actions in Ukraine and about signs of slowing growth in China pressured stocks lower. For the week, the TSX composite fell 0.5 percent, the Dow fell 2.4 percent, the S&P dropped 2.0 percent and the Nasdaq lost 2.1 percent.
Big part of equipment maker’s business | Company confident recent turmoil won’t hurt sales
ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY W.I.T. OTC
A western Canadian agricultural manufacturer with a significant interest in Ukraine says it’s business as usual in the country despite political turmoil that could affect the farm economy. Ag Growth International, which announced record 2013 sales and profits last week, said it expects to continue shipping portable and commercial grain handling and storage equipment to Ukraine. The country has played a major role in AGI’s international expansion. The Winnipeg company operates production facilities in Canada, the United States and Europe. “It’s in our plan to do a nice piece of business in Ukraine and a lesser amount in Russia in 2014,” chief financial officer Steve Sommerfeld told investors. “Obviously, we thought hard about it given the current situation and where our sales might come from, and we were comfortable making the statement. We are still shipping to the region. The tap hasn’t been turned off by any means, but it’ll be augmented by sales in other parts of the world.” The company was also active in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Australia and South America last year. AGI posted total sales of more than $350 million with earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization topping $60 million. The numbers were buoyed by strong North American demand following a large harvest and a 29 percent increase in international sales totalling more than $92 million. Sales to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan were $57 million, up significantly from 2012, with Ukraine accounting for most of the business. The Crimea region of southern Ukraine has been in flux recently as Russia positions itself to annex the area. The Ukrainian currency has declined, and there are reports that
Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.
CLOSE LAST WK 42.51 18.60 78.16 29.42 16.00
41.33 18.92 79.98 29.47 16.00
Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Input Capital TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 0.846 0.11 24.03 2.23 20.60 11.80
0.846 0.12 24.01 2.35 20.6 12.56
Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Tyson Foods
CLOSE LAST WK 47.13 16.37 21.10 41.48
47.28 16.21 23.85 40.27
The recent political crisis in Ukraine, culminating in Russia’s interference in Crimea, has left the country in a state of flux, but AG Growth International expects to continue shipping grain handling and storage equipment to the country. | REUTERS/DAVID MDZINARISHVILI PHOTO
Ag Growth Int’l TSX AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Industrial N.V.NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 46.59 52.05 6.68 95.39 10.67 87.20 10.76
45.67 54.17 6.78 97.05 11.30 88.8 10.9
FARM INPUT SUPPLIERS local farmers will require additional financing to seed this year’s crop. The Ukrainian government reported last week that much of the Crimean grain crop would go unseeded because of a fuel shortage. Production from the area accounts for a small fraction of the country’s grain output. AGI’s customers are located at ports and inland facilities in the western Odessa region, although the potential for delays in shipping equipment to Ukraine were noted. Canadian manufacturers have become interested in Eastern Europe in recent years because of its large agricultural production and potential for growth. AGI’s Ukrainian customers are corporate farms, commercial grain handlers and port facilities. “From a business perspective, there are some things that we know
and some things that we don’t know,” said president Gary Anderson. “We know that Ukraine is one of the most promising agricultural producers and exporters in the world.” In North America, AGI linked big har vests across the continent, including a rebound following droughts in the United States, with an increase in sales. Its third and fourth quarter numbers show a spike over the previous year, reflecting farmers’ need for onfarm storage. A big crop last year in Canada was followed by falling commodity prices and a clogged transportation system, which has kept much of it on the farm. AGI reported that sales in the second half of last year were up 13 percent in Canada and 31 percent in the U.S. “We certainly feel pain for our farm customers. Cash flow is going to be
affected,” said Anderson. “There’s a lot of frustration out there on the farm level, but for our products, we’re part of the solution. It’s been good business for us.” Ottawa recently ordered Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway to each begin shipping 5,500 grain cars a week after little grain moved this winter. “It’s too little too late to have a huge impact on the on-farm stock,” said AGI vice-president Dan Donner. “I think from our business perspective, it’s driving people to make some storage decisions now, knowing that it’s going to trickle out slowly.” The company’s order backlog is up over last year. AGI also announced the acquisition of the Rem GrainVac line in February, which will make use of its Batco manufacturing facility in Swift Current, Sask.
Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR
CLOSE LAST WK 103.85 106.60 132.15 48.65 65.77 5.10 113.21 47.90 37.71 73.14
106.42 111.01 135.06 49.51 67.24 5.13 114.08 49.73 38.48 75.86
CLOSE LAST WK 61.98 169.99
62.19 173.19
List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial adviser with the Calgary office of Raymond James Ltd., member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. The listed equity prices included were obtained from Thomson Reuters and the OTC prices included were obtained from PI Securities Ltd., Assiniboia Farmland LP. The data listed in this list has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last 12 months, Raymond James Ltd. has undertaken an underwriting liability or has provided advice for a fee with respect to the securities of Alliance Grain. For more information, Morrison can be reached at 403-221-0396 or 1-877-264-0333.
U.S. co-op purchases Canadian ag retail centres from Agrium BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM
American grain and energy cooperative CHS Inc. is increasing its presence in the Canadian farm retail market. The far mer-ow ned co-op announced March 17 that it will acquire 16 Canadian ag retail locations from Crop Production Services
(CPS), a subsidiary of Calgary-based fertilizer company Agrium Inc. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed but a CHS news release said the CPS locations involved in the deal are located in Saskatchewan and Alberta. The deal is expected to be complete by April 1. “We look forward to expanding our ability to serve farmers and ranchers
in Canada, and to being a strong partner in their communities,” said John McEnroe, executive vice-president of CHS’s country operations division. “Our goal is always to add value for our customers through local experts with global connections.” CHS is a global agribusiness with headquarters in St Paul, Minnesota. This is not CHS’s first foray into the Canadian market.
In 2012, in anticipation of a deregulated grain market, the company opened its first Canadian grain marketing office in Winnipeg. The company also announced an agreement in 2012 with Alberta based farm retail company DynAgra Corp., which has offices in Beiseker, Carseland, Standard and Rolling Hills, Alta. According to CHS, the acquisition of 16 farm retail operations from
Agrium will allow CHS to distribute more product from a new 42,000-tonne fertilizer plant now under construction near Shelby, Montana, about 160 kilometres south of Lethbridge and 50 km south of the Canada-U.S. border. Last year, Agrium became the largest crop input supplier in Western Canada when it acquired more than 200 crop retail locations from Viterra.
Life insurance can protect assets, but consider tax implications MONEY IN YOUR POCKET
any small business corporations, including farm corporations, use life insurance as a way to protect assets. Premiums for permanent insurance on an organization’s principals
aren’t deductible, so it would make sense that the proceeds are not taxable. A policy’s net proceeds, which are the payout less the adjusted cost base of the policy, go into a private corporation’s capital dividend account when it receives a payout on the death of an insured shareholder. The capital dividend account allows the corporation to move funds taxfree to Canadian resident shareholders by way of a special dividend. As a result, dividends paid from the account to Canadian shareholders are not considered to be income and aren’t taxable, while non-resident shareholders are subject to a 25 per-
cent tax. As a result, it is better to pay out taxable dividends to non-residents and save the non-taxable dividends for Canadian residents. A tax practitioner can advise on this. Paying the net proceeds of a life insurance policy to a partnership will result in a change to the adjusted cost base of each partner’s interest in the partnership. This means the partners will receive a non-taxable dividend and taxpayers will be in the same situation as if they received the dividend personally. How does this compare to what happens if the life insurance policy is paid to an individual?
In that case, the proceeds will not be taxable to either the deceased’s estate or a beneficiary if the disposition or termination of the policy resulted from the death of the policy holder. Designating a life insurance beneficiar y from a protected class results in probate tax savings and creditor protection because it specifies that the proceeds will not be part of the estate. The excess of the cash surrender value over the adjusted cost base will be treated as taxable income in the hands of the policy owner if he initiates the disposition or winding up of a life insurance policy.
Some permanent insurance policies allow policy loans to be withdrawn against the buildup of cash value in the policy. Policy loans up to the adjusted cost basis can be made without tax implications. Insurance should usually be purchased for the death benefit to cover any risk associated with the loss of the insured. Any investment in the savings portion of a life insurance policy should be compared to other investments that might be made. Grant Diamond is a tax analyst in Kelowna, B.C. with FBC, a company that specializes in farm tax. Contact: or 800-2651002.
FINANCE NOTES CERVUS RESULTS LAG Cervus Equipment’s net profit slipped 1.5 percent despite a 23 percent gain in revenue in 2013. Annual net profit fell to $23.3 million on revenue of $899.8 million, down from $23.6 million on revenue of $731.6 million. S a l e s w e re d r i v e n b y s t ro n g demand for agricultural equipment, thanks to a healthy grain economy and increased new equipment sales and parts revenue in the commercial and industrial segments, the company said in a news release. Revenue from the agriculture business rose 28 percent to $613.5 million. Revenue from commercial and industrial equipment business rose 23 percent to $899.8 million. Net profit attributable to shareholders from agricultural sales was $18.2 million, up 5.1 percent, while profit from commercial and industrial equipment was $4.9 million, a decline of 1.5 percent. Margins on sales in the agricultural business were off because of a larger percentage of used equipment in the mix.
vement st-in-class mo s e B • n io ct te ndition ease pro innovative dis exible under a variety of co & l u rf e w o more. P fl • pot and many s pid uptake & a n R ta • , s w e ie d rt il e p pro owdery m ia, leaf rust, p n ti ro e cl S : s e Diseas
ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROFITS DIP Weaker construction equipment sales hurt annual profits at Rocky Mountain Dealerships in 2013. Net income for the year was $15.3 million, down from almost $24 million in the previous year. The shift from government stimulus spending a few years ago to deficit control today has reduced spending on government and institutional projects, which hurt demand for construction equipment. Profits from sales of agricultural equipment were also off in 2013 compared to the previous year. This was partly the result of a larger percentage of used equipment sales in the mix. Total revenue from new and used agricultural equipment sales and service was $943.9 million, up 7.9 percent. Some of the increase was because the company bought additional stores. Net income from the agriculture business was almost $24 million, down 12.1 percent. Total revenue from the construction equipment business was $63.8 million, down 30 percent, and net income was a loss of $8.7 million, more than double the loss of the previous year. Rocky Mountain Dealerships has 40 locations on the Prairies. Its key brands are Case and New Holland.
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CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta
GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)
Grade A
Live Mar. 7-13
Previous Feb. 28-Mar. 6
Year ago
Rail Mar. 7-13
Previous Feb. 28-Mar. 6
140.00 138.69-156.34 n/a n/a
136.55 135.46-152.74 n/a n/a
n/a 117.95 n/a n/a
230.00-233.75 246.00-250.00 n/a n/a
229.00-230.75 242.00-249.00 n/a n/a
141.50 136.12-153.44 n/a n/a
140.00-144.00 130.73-150.96 n/a n/a
113.34 113.76 n/a n/a
233.75 245.00-249.00 n/a n/a
229.00-230.75 241.00-248.00 n/a n/a
Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.
*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.
$200 $195 $190 $185 $180 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Saskatchewan $200
$185 $180 2/10 2/14 2/24
Feeder Cattle ($/cwt) 3/3
3/10 3/17
Manitoba $200 $195 $190 $185 $180 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $190
Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400
Cattle Slaughter
146-158 154-173 167-185 179-205 199-220 202-226
148-163 150-168 165-184 180-205 185-218 190-235
150-162 159-174 170-189 185-206 200-221 203-225
134-155 152-170 165-180 178-198 193-212 196-220
148-155 153-169 165-187 173-199 180-200 180-206
140-156 145-163 164-185 170-193 175-203 180-206
145-161 157-172 167-186 176-198 184-204 185-209
127-155 138-162 159-173 170-188 173-190 175-198 Canfax
$185 $180
Average Carcass Weight
$175 $170 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Mar. 8/14 857 801 672 840
Steers Heifers Cows Bulls
Saskatchewan $190 $185 $180
Mar. 9/13 896 842 680 963
YTD 14 852 795 671 881
YTD 13 888 825 675 919
U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)
$175 $170 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Manitoba $185 $180 $175 $170 $165 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)
Heifers 148.61 148.02 152.00 240.00
Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers South Dakota 158.75-177.25 Billings 154.75 Dodge City 162-171
Trend steady/+1 n/a firm/+4 USDA
Basis Cattle / Beef Trade
Cash Futures Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb-
-27.84 n/a -17.36
-21.91 n/a -10.48
Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 334.5 +6 Non-fed 68.2 -6 Total beef 402.7 +4
Exports % from 2013 138,190 (1) +6.7 68,288 (1) +38.6 15,488 (3) +4.3 21,325 (3) +13.3 Imports % from 2013 n/a (2) n/a 2,536 (2) +17.9 26,810 (4) -22.5 34,999 (4) -22.3
Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to Mar. 1/14 (2) to Jan. 31/13 (3) to Jan. 31/13 (4) to Mar. 8/14
Agriculture Canada
Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2014 503,760 5,628,295 To date 2013 471,082 5,918,225 % Change 14/13 +6.9 -4.9
Close Mar. 14 Live Cattle Apr 145.25 Jun 137.85 Aug 135.48 Oct 138.88 Dec 139.65 Feeder Cattle Mar 174.60 Apr 177.23 May 178.30 Aug 179.40 Sep 178.80
Close Trend Mar. 7 143.25 135.88 133.85 137.35 138.65
+2.00 +1.97 +1.63 +1.53 +1.00
125.78 121.30 122.53 126.83 128.03
172.38 173.65 174.40 176.08 175.63
+2.22 +3.58 +3.90 +3.32 +3.17
136.68 139.10 141.08 148.03 150.03
Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $270 $240 $210 $180 $150 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Apr 06-Apr 19 Apr 20-May 03 May 04-May 17 May 18-May 31 Jun 01-Jun 14 Jun 15-Jun 28 Jun 29-Jul 12 Jul 13-Jul 26 Jul 27-Aug 09 Aug 10-Aug 23
This wk Last wk Yr. ago 263-265 n/a 216-217 Canfax
Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Mar. 7 Base rail (index 100) 2.78 Range 0.12-0.21 Feeder lambs 1.40-1.45 Sheep (live) 0.40
Previous 2.78 0.07-0.20 1.40-1.45 0.40
Mar. 10 2.02-2.32 2.00-2.35 1.85-2.07 1.75-1.96 1.30-1.70 1.50-2.00 0.80-0.90 0.85-1.00 60-105
New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids
Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)
$240 $210 $180 $150 2/10 2/14 2/24
(1) to Mar. 1/14 3/3
(2) to Jan. 31/13
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
1.35-1.45 1.47 1.15-1.27 0.20-0.40
Wool lambs >80 lb Wool lambs <80 lb Hair lambs Fed sheep
$200 $180 $160 3/3
3/10 3/17
Apr May Jun Jul
Close Mar. 14 119.30 123.80 127.85 124.50
Close Mar. 7 113.00 117.75 120.50 118.55
To Mar. 8 Canada 3,833,053 3,934,857 -2.6
To date 2014 To date 2013 % change 14/13
Fed. inspections only U.S. 21,269,983 21,448,101 -0.8 Agriculture Canada
+6.30 +6.05 +7.35 +5.95
Year ago 79.68 89.20 89.33 90.00
220.50 224.27
Man. Que.
206.00 214.52 *incl. wt. premiums
Import n/a 47,005 (3) 48,420 (3)
% from 2013 n/a +19.8 +15.6 Agriculture Canada
EXCHANGE RATE: MARCH 17 $1 Cdn. = $0.9020 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.1086 Cdn.
3/10 3/17
$260 $255 $250
$240 2/10 2/14 2/24
Milling Wheat (May) $220 $210
$180 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
Close Mar. 14 122.55 99.15 88.80 85.25
Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)
Cash Prices
Mar. 17 18.00-20.00 14.50-16.00 16.00-16.50 14.75-16.00 11.20-11.75 19.50-22.00 14.50-15.00 11.30-11.50 10.30-10.50 5.50-6.25 5.50-6.00 10.50-12.50 4.25-4.35 34.75-35.75 32.10-33.75 24.50-25.75 19.00-20.00 19.00-20.00 14.00-18.00 9.00-14.00 9.00-18.00
Avg. Mar. 10 19.29 19.29 15.42 15.08 16.40 16.90 15.71 15.79 11.61 11.85 21.32 20.89 14.88 14.88 11.46 11.46 10.46 10.46 5.94 5.94 5.93 5.93 11.50 11.75 4.28 4.28 35.25 35.25 33.34 33.34 25.33 25.33 19.57 19.14 19.67 19.67 14.00 14.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 12.00
Cash Prices
Canola (cash - May)
Mar. 12 Mar. 5 Year Ago No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) 140.36 140.55 229.20 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 20.60 20.95 22.30
$450 $420
U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)
$360 $330 2/7
2/13 2/21 2/28
$-10 $-20 $-30 $-40 $-50 2/7
2/13 2/21 2/28
Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $190 $180 $170 $160 $150 2/7
2/13 2/21 2/28
$465 $460 $455 $450 $445 2/7
2/13 2/21 2/28
Barley (cash - May) $190 $180
Basis: $50
$160 $150 2/7
2/13 2/21 2/28
Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.
Corn (May) $500.0 $485.0 $470.0 $455.0 $440 2/10 2/14 2/24
Trend +5.77 +1.55 +1.35 -0.70
3/10 3/17
$1440 $1400 $1360 $1320
Year ago 89.90 80.88 78.50 80.85
3/10 3/17
Oats (May) $550 $500
Grain Futures Mar. 17 Mar. 10 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) May 463.20 443.60 +19.60 Jul 472.30 453.30 +19.00 Nov 488.60 470.00 +18.60 Jan 495.60 476.70 +18.90 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) May 214.00 207.00 +7.00 Jul 211.00 206.00 +5.00 Oct 212.00 207.00 +5.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) May 250.00 249.00 +1.00 Jul 250.00 250.00 0.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) May 130.50 128.50 +2.00 Jul 128.50 128.50 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) May 6.7450 6.4075 +0.3375 Jul 6.7825 6.4600 +0.3225 Sep 6.8625 6.5425 +0.3200 Dec 6.9600 6.6550 +0.3050 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) May 4.5750 4.2325 +0.3425 Jul 3.9325 3.6500 +0.2825 Dec 3.3375 3.1225 +0.2150 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) May 13.9175 14.1875 -0.2700 Jul 13.7525 13.9425 -0.1900 Sep 12.3450 12.3550 -0.0100 Nov 11.7575 11.7650 -0.0075 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) May 41.89 43.86 -1.97 Jul 42.03 43.98 -1.95 Aug 41.91 43.78 -1.87 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) May 446.6 444.7 +1.9 Jul 434.6 433.8 +0.8 Aug 417.4 415.7 +1.7 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) May 4.7900 4.7825 +0.0075 Jul 4.8400 4.8225 +0.0175 Sep 4.8250 4.7925 +0.0325 Dec 4.8200 4.7800 +0.0400 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) May 7.2425 6.9275 +0.3150 Jul 7.1750 6.8825 +0.2925 Sep 7.1575 6.9250 +0.2325 Dec 7.2400 7.0175 +0.2225 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) May 7.4350 7.1125 +0.3225 Jul 7.3850 7.0450 +0.3400 Dec 7.5200 7.2200 +0.3000
Year ago 623.50 608.40 551.90 552.00 292.00 294.00 294.00 311.00 314.00 243.00 243.50 7.1275 7.1300 7.1975 7.3275 3.9550 3.8650 3.5900 14.0950 13.9450 12.9575 12.5850 49.68 49.93 49.92 413.3 408.0 392.6 7.2000 7.0325 5.8825 5.6200 7.8875 7.8825 7.8850 7.9475 7.4425 7.4950 7.7950
Canadian Exports & Crush
$400 $350 2/10 2/14 2/24
Close Mar. 7 116.78 97.60 87.45 85.95
Mar. 14 6.79 6.19 6.83 4.56 3.12
No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator
Canola (basis - May)
$1280 2/10 2/14 2/24
% from 2013 -13.5 -1.0 -6.9
Aug Oct Dec Feb
Durum (May)
Soybeans (May)
Index 100 hogs $/ckg
(3) to Mar. 8/14
3/10 3/17
Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)
Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)
Mar. 17
3/10 3/17
$140 2/10 2/14 2/24
Export 126,880 (1) 28,543 (2) 87,555 (2)
$120 2/10 2/14 2/24
Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) 1.90-2.47 1.80-2.17 1.85-1.90 1.70-1.80 1.58-1.68 n/a 0.78-0.90 0.85-1.00 60-105
Hogs / Pork Trade
SunGold Meats
Hog Slaughter
Alta. Sask.
Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)
Fixed contract $/ckg Maple Leaf Thunder Sig 3 Creek Pork Mar. 14 Mar. 14 231.00-232.02 230.78-232.39 232.02-240.21 233.06-238.29 243.78-247.34 241.46-244.75 248.36-251.42 239.89-249.49 249.89-251.42 250.98-253.09 253.46-256.00 251.18-254.64 248.60-251.66 243.55-246.92 244.00-245.53 243.14-244.80 242.47-242.47 242.76-245.16 236.85-240.94 234.38-236.19
Year ago
HOGS (Hams Marketing)
Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)
Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.
Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.
Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.
Barley (May)
To Mar. 8
Steers 148.58 147.91 150.88 240.41
Pulse and Special Crops
ICE Futures Canada
3/10 3/17
Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (May) $760 $720 $680 $640 $600 2/10 2/14 2/24
3/10 3/17
To (1,000 MT) Mar. 9 Wheat 164.8 Durum 144.7 Oats 27.0 Barley 29.5 Flax 21.6 Canola 96.2 Peas 54.4 Lentils 0.2 (1,000 MT) Mar. 12 Canola crush 131.1
To Mar. 2 320.5 34.7 15.4 11.9 3.8 136.8 0.0 11.1 Mar. 5 140.8
Total Last to date year 9171.1 8323.5 2608.8 2746.3 591.0 720.7 683.6 999.1 213.5 186.0 4393.5 4825.3 1132.8 1175.9 189.9 n/a to date Last year 4171.5 4371.6
A mule deer is caught up momentarily on the top strand of a barbedwire fence in Willliams Coulee west of Nanton, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME EDITOR: JOANNE PAULSON MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500
Vancouver 12 / 4
Churchill - 9 / - 20
Below normal
Winnipeg 4/-6
Prince George 6.6
Vancouver 18.3
Churchill 3.3 Edmonton 3.5 Saskatoon Calgary 4.2 4.1 Regina 3.6
Much below normal
The Western Producer reserves the right to revise, edit, classify or reject any advertisement submitted to it for publication. Classified word ads are nonrefundable.
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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services: n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)
Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240
ALBERTA Temperature last week High Low
Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard
9.3 4.7 10.5 11.3 5.9 14.0 7.0 4.3 7.0 7.2 7.8 3.0 11.7 6.1 9.4 14.9 4.8 3.1
Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %
-7.5 -15.5 -5.5 -13.9 -8.5 -4.8 -10.6 -15.6 -19.4 -11.5 -16.3 -14.4 -7.1 -12.7 -6.5 -5.7 -16.8 -16.0
0.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.8 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.1 0.2
39.2 70.3 37.8 78.6 93.1 55.4 73.8 70.6 96.2 77.1 139.8 59.6 51.7 70.3 47.0 66.9 60.7 70.6
63 80 46 94 174 76 99 99 124 118 186 86 80 112 76 113 69 94
MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low
Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville
Printed with inks containing canola oil
Member, Canadian Farm Press Association
$4.25 plus taxes
ADVERTISING RATES Classified liner ads: $5.85 per printed line (3 line minimum) Classified display ads: $6.70 per agate line ROP display: $9.50 per agate line
March 20 - 26 (in mm)
Above normal
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Much above normal
March 20 - 26 (in °C)
Edmonton 7/-4 Saskatoon Calgary 5/-6 8/-5 Regina 6/-6
Subscriptions: 1-800-667-6929 In Saskatoon: (306) 665-3522 Fax: (306) 244-9445 Subs. supervisor: GWEN THOMPSON e-mail:
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The Western Producer is published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada.
Prince George 9 /-3
13.5 14.7 9.4 6.7 8.8 6.9 9.5 14.2 7.3 14.4 15.5 7.2 9.6 9.0 12.8 7.1
-4.2 -5.1 -4.6 -8.9 -8.9 -5.3 -16.3 -4.4 -8.0 -4.4 -4.7 -5.3 -6.1 -9.0 -3.5 -7.1
Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %
0.0 0.4 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.3 6.3 0.0 0.8 0.0
51.0 115.8 149.3 51.3 138.2 236.2 44.0 35.6 65.4 64.8 56.9 148.2 98.8 166.7 79.8 64.6
93 198 198 86 174 226 44 52 92 106 68 153 81 222 100 94
Temperature last week High Low
Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg
4.0 5.3 4.7 5.5 7.0 8.4 6.2 4.1
Precipitation last week since Nov. 1 mm mm %
-21.7 -25.5 -31.7 -17.1 -19.9 -24.1 -26.6 -25.9
2.5 1.0 2.6 0.0 0.5 2.6 1.7 2.2
122.8 80.4 82.9 55.9 57.7 65.2 69.2 62.5
139 89 91 64 57 64 70 64
-6.0 -3.7 -3.2 -4.9 -6.0
9.3 1.0 0.6 2.3 0.9
173.5 271.7 107.4 126.3 198.2
99 242 98 84 96
BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George
12.3 7.2 15.1 14.2 9.2
All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:
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Crank up the rate all you want, glyphosate alone still misses a number of hard-to-kill weeds like narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, flixweed, stinkweed, dandelion and volunteer canola. With hotter-than-hot systemic activity, DuPont™ Express® herbicides don’t just control weeds, they smoke them from the inside out, getting right to the root of your toughest weed challenges with performance that glyphosate alone can’t match. It’s no wonder Express® goes down with glyphosate more than any other brand in Western Canada!
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