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VOL. 92 | NO. 29 | $4.25

First frost dates pushed back | P66




Cooper of Decatur, Texas, jumps from his horse during the tie-down roping CALGARY STAMPEDE ACTION | Clint competition at the Calgary Stampede Rodeo, July 7. The Stampede ran July 4-13.


Flood makes mess in Manitoba




Crops in chaos as floodwaters recede BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU





JULY 17, 2014 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Stn. Main, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4

Ontario plans to limit neonic seed treatments BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER

RIDGETOWN, Ont. — Ontario could become the first jurisdiction in North America to limit neonicotinoid seed treatment use if the province’s agriculture minister holds to a statement issued last week. SEE ONTARIO MAY LIMIT NEONICS, PAGE 2


The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240

SOURIS, Man. — Farms in this area are a mess. And that’s making this year seem worse to many local farmers than 2011, when most seeded zero acres. Farmers are generally stuck with two types of crops: rotten-looking seeded crops, some of which are OK and others that are saturated and drowned, and massive weed flushes that need to be controlled. “It’s wet. It’s dirty. It’s going to have to be sprayed. It’s going to have to be cleaned up. It’s a big job,” said Sheldon Betker, who farms northwest of Souris and only got half his 2,700 acres seeded. One of Walter Finlay’s planned canola fields has a lush crop growing right now, but most fields were not seeded and are now a mix of volunteer oats and bulrushes. “I likely would have been ahead to have not sowed it,” he said of the 850 of his 2,900 acres he managed to seed. Like most farmers around here, catastrophic saturation has made recent years difficult. The 2011 growing season was an epically bad one that took another year to clean up. Good crops last year aren’t enough for most farmers to make up for two lost years in the last five. Jamie Kohut, a mixed grain and cattle producer who farms south of Souris on usually drier land, should be reaping rewards from high prices for calves from his 240-cow herd this year. However, a lot of those potential gains are being spent on renting pastures for 130 of the cows because much of his own land is too wet for the animals. “It’s all under water,” he said. “You can’t see the fence posts.” He managed to get most of his 1,400 acres seeded, but about 300 of those are now drowned out. Getting them seeded has meant he’s had to try to spray them, which is another troublesome situation for a poor-looking crop.






Flood makes mess “I found sloughs yesterday that I didn’t know I had,” said Kohut. An odd bright spot is his corn crop, which he intends to use for silage for the cattle. It’s looking good and needs to stay that way for him to have adequate feed going into winter. He said farmers relying on hay are “having one heck of a time trying to put it up.” Massive weed flushes, bulrush invasions, patchy crop stands, soil erosion and stuck farm machinery are some of the immediate problems local farmers face, but others have more complex challenges. For Finlay, this year’s flood has probably delayed his retirement. He’s been hoping to end his farming career, but every time he gets wiped out by flooding it gets pushed off another year or two. Not only does this year’s situation cripple his income, but it also makes it hard to


sell his land. Land that isn’t producing a crop isn’t easy to sell until someone can see what it can produce and that w o n ’ t h a p p e n t h i s y e a r. H i s neighbours aren’t likely to have the money or desire to buy much farmland if they aren’t going to get much of a crop this year. Long after the local farmland dries up, farmers in southwestern Manitoba are still going to be dealing with a mess of problems.

Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather








Ontario may limit neonic seed treatments » “Our intention is to move away from the widespread, indiscriminate use of neonicotinoid-based pesticides,” Jeff Leal said. “It is my intention that we will consult and develop practical solutions between now and the 2015 planting season. Any decisions related to implementation would not be made until this first process is complete and to allow time for industry to appropriately plan and transition.” Mark Cripps with Leal’s office said a forum to discuss possible options is likely to take place this fall. While Ontario cannot ban pesticides — that’s the purview of the federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency — legislative measures can be taken to limit them, he said. Reaction was swift. “The effort and leadership grain farmers have demonstrated on this issue has been second to none, and to have this discounted with such a rash move and announcement through the media, is frankly insulting,” Grain Farmers of Ontario president Henry Van Ankum told the Globe and Mail July 7. “Farmers across the countryside have modified their equipment, are participating in field trials, are using the new mandatory fluency agent … and have forged good open communications with many beekeepers. We have a lot to share with minister Leal and have not yet had the opportunity.” The Ontario Beekeeper’s Association applauded Leal’s plan to restrict the seed treatment insecticides. The organization cites studies, including the controversial study by Dr. Alex Lu at the Harvard School of Public Health that connects the chemicals


Morning glory pool: The Karpans share the sights at Yellowstone National Park, page 21. | KARPAN PHOTO

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to colony collapse disorder, showing they harm pollinators. There were also numerous bee kills reported around the time corn was planted in Ontario in 2012 and 2013. The PMRA cites the seed treatments as the likely cause. Earlier this year, the OBA backed away from its call for an outright ban on neonicotinoid seed treatments. Instead it wants seed to be delivered untreated. At that point, if farmers can demonstrate they need the seed treatment, they pay for the privilege. “The usage needs to be cut back. It only needs to be used on 10 to 20 percent of the corn acres in Ontario (according to agriculture ministry specialists). Why are we using it on 100 percent of the corn acres, or close to it?” said OBA president Dan Davidson. Tracey Baute, a field crop entomologist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, said neonicotinoid seed treatment benefits vary depending on the crop and insect pests. With corn, anywhere from 10 to 30 percent of the acreage faces the risk of grub and wireworm damage if no insecticide is used. Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticide in North America. Close to 100 percent of corn, soybean and canola seed is treated and the chemicals are a common management tool for many horticultural crops. The European Union has a moratorium on neonicotinoid use. Their registration is under review by both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Canada’s PMRA. FOR A RELATED STORY, SEE PAGE 16


A pulse official says the trend for meat alternatives will boost demand for pulse products. 4 STAMPEDE EXCITEMENT: Chuckwagon races, barrel racing and bareback riding provide plenty of action. 5 WATER DAMAGE: Lost crops in Saskatchewan and Manitoba will affect pedigreed seed supplies. 14 POST NEONIC: Farmers may gain if neonicotinoid use is limited, says a researcher. 16 OATS AND MORE OATS: Processors get creative with oatmeal by adding carrots and ginger. 18

» »

animals competed for big prizes at the Manitoba Miniature Horse Club show. 27 KIDS AND GUNS: Safety programs instill respect for firearms and regular practice improves understanding. 28 EXTENSION SERVICES: 100 years ago, the U.S. formed a network of extension workers to keep researchers and pioneer farmers connected. 30 SEED MONEY: Ottawa offers funds for automated seed certification. 65 MOST EXCELLENT: A centre of excellence for beef is planned for Calgary. 65

Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch The Bottom Line Animal Health TEAM Living Tips

11 11 9 77 72 20

CONTACTS Subscriptions Ph: 800-667-6929 Advertising Ph: 800-667-7770 Newsroom inquiries: 306-665-3544 Newsroom fax: 306-934-2401 Shaun Jessome, Publisher Ph: 306-665-9625 shaun.jessome@producer.com Michael Raine, Managing Editor Ph: 306-665-3592 michael.raine@producer.com


» HOG BARNS: An official with Maple Leaf »

says government regulations are hampering its operations in Manitoba. MARKET OUTLOOK: Analysts believe pulses will perform well.

6 7


» »

SERENITY GARDENS: A greenhouse features a waterfall and ponds to instill peace. 17 YELLOWSTONE PARK: Travellers describe the sights and sounds of wildlife, waterfalls and famous Old Faithful. 21


» GROWING DAYS: The frost free season is »

longer but are breeders taking note? 66 PRESSURE CHECK: Properly inflated tires can make a major difference to a farm’s bottom line. 68


» ANIMAL WELFARE: Researchers hang out


» Neonicotinoids are the most widely used insecticide in North America. Close to 100 percent of corn, soybean and canola seed is treated and the chemicals are a common management tool for many horticultural crops.


76 31 29 9 78 10 12 18 79

in the chutes at Calgary Stampede collecting data on animal stress. 70 BEEF ROUNDTABLE: Members will assess current sustainability of Canada’s beef industry and set improvement goals. 73


» PRICES TO STABILIZE: Predictions sug»

gest that wild commodity price swings are a thing of the past. 76 REDUCING TAXES: Your family’s medical expenses could be eligible for a tax credit.

Terry Fries, News Editor Ph: 306-665-3538 newsroom@producer.com Paul Yanko, Website Ph: 306-665-3591 paul.yanko@producer.com Barbara Duckworth, Calgary Ph: 403-291-2990 barbara.duckworth@producer.com Mary MacArthur, Camrose Ph: 780-672-8589 mary.macarthur@producer.com Barb Glen, Lethbridge Ph: 403-942-2214 barb.glen@producer.com Karen Briere, Regina Ph: 306-359-0841 karen.briere@producer.com Ed White, Winnipeg Ph: 204-943-6294 ed.white@producer.com Ron Lyseng, Winnipeg Ph: 204-654-1889 ron.lyseng@producer.com Robert Arnason, Brandon Ph: 204-726-9463 robert.arnason@producer.com Canada Post Agreement Number 40069240 SEE INSIDE BACK COVER FOR ADVERTISING AND SUBSCRIPTION RATES AND OTHER INFORMATION






Pay farmers to stop drainage: research chair Agricultural drainage | Farmers who hold water on their land are providing a service BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Water expert John Pomeroy says paying farmers to store water might curb unauthorized drainage and alleviate some of the problems that go along with it. The Canada research chair in water resources and climate change, based at the University of Saskatchewan, said he understands why farmers want to get rid of the water. But widespread drainage isn’t doing much to help anyone downstream. Agricultural drainage has been singled out as a contributor to the recent flooding in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Manitobans have blamed Saskatchewanians for dumping water on them, particularly through the Assiniboine River system. And even Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall said last week that drainage exacerbates the problem. The province is working on new drainage regulations but they aren’t expected until 2015. “ We hav e t o s t r i k e a b a l a n c e because this is private property,” Wall told reporters in Regina. “However, we also need to be concerned about public safety.” Pomeroy doesn’t completely blame farmers for the prairie floods that have ravaged parts of all three provinces the last few years. “I’m not trying to paint them as the enemy at all in this,” he said in an interview last week. “They’re stuck in a very difficult situation. My feeling is that they should be compensated for (holding back water).” He said farmers who hold water on their land are providing a service. However, the economic incentive is to grow crops, not keep water. Pomeroy spoke to the Saskatchewan government a couple of days before the most recent rain and flood to discuss the results of a study on Smith Creek in east-central Saskatchewan, which drains into the Assiniboine River. The area southeast of Yorkton has been extensively drained and there was a perception that the hydrology had changed. Both the Saskatchewan and Manitoba governments helped pay for the study in a bid to better understand what is happening. The study, which used LIDAR, an airborne laser measuring technology, actual stream flow measurements and hydrological models to run scenarios, found that both the changing climate and drainage have affected the Smith Creek basin. Pomeroy said hydrology and climate data from the 1940s to the present show the snow melt occurs three weeks earlier now, the winter temperature is up four or five degrees, and there is a shift from snowfall to rainfall in March.

It’s the way it’s coming down that’s changing. That’s the primary driver of the flooding. JOHN POMEROY CANADA RESEARCH CHAIR IN WATER RESOURCES AND CLIMATE CHANGE

Summer rainfall has shifted significantly. Single thunderstorms, often damaging but not flood-causing, have been replaced by multiple-day rainfalls that cover a large area and do lead to widespread flood. “This storm is an example of one,” he said of the late June event. “In the Yorkton area they’ve increased in frequency by 50 percent since the 1940s. That’s a big change.” He also noted the overall amount of precipitation has not changed over time. “It’s the way it’s coming down that’s changing. That’s the primary driver of the flooding.” But, when that occurs in conjunction with wetland drainage, the situation becomes worse. “If (drainage) wasn’t occurring then the modest flows in a creek like Smith Creek would be a little bit higher and it probably wouldn’t be an issue at all,” he said. In 1958, wetlands covered about 24 percent of the Smith Creek basin. Now they cover only 11 percent. “Drainage of existing Smith Creek wetlands increases the 2011 peak flow by 78 percent and the 2011 flow volume by 32 percent,” Pomeroy said, referring to the flood of record. “It’s kind of scary,” he said. The report says restoring wetlands to 1958 levels would decrease the yearly stream flow volume by 29 percent and the peak flow by 32 percent. “Overall, Smith Creek total flow volumes over six years increase 55 percent due to drainage of wetlands from the current (2008) state, and decrease 26 percent with restoration to the 1958 state,” said the report. It also notes that wetland drainage h a s “a n e x c e p t i o n a l l y s t r o n g impact” on stream flow in normal to dry years. Pomeroy said restoring wetlands could help the situation. Work he’s done in the Vermilion River basin in Alberta showed that focusing on the lower part of watersheds where the biggest sloughs are would likely be most effective. “The farmers there are the ones driving it,” he said of restoration projects in that basin. “They wanted to see the watershed functioning as close to its natural state as possible. “It’s very different from the conflict we get in eastern Saskatchewan sometimes.” FOR MORE ON FLOODS, SEE PAGE 14


Isabelle Lorenz, 14, helps with evening chores near Namaka, Alta., by milking the Jersey cow named Jane. | KEVIN LINK PHOTO


Lake Winnipeg to get worst of flood Agriculture adds to problem | Researcher warns of damages from lost wetlands BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

John Pomeroy is keeping his eye on Lake Winnipeg. As the flood waters from a late June rainfall that he describes as unprecedented move through to the lake, the Canada research chair in water resources and climate change said that’s where he believes the ultimate impact will be. He said the short-term impact has been on infrastructure and farmland but the large volume is all flowing to the lake. “Ultimately it ends up in Lake Win-

nipeg, which is having a massive problem with too much water and (water) of very poor quality,” Pomeroy said last week. He said the effect of flooding is a double whammy on the water body. “I think that’s eventually where we’ll see this disaster culminating, which will be more than a short-term impact.” Pomeroy led the research team that recently released the results of a study on the Smith Creek watershed in east-central Saskatchewan. The water from that basin flows into the Assiniboine River, then the Red River, and finally to Lake Winnipeg.

The study noted the buffering effects of wetland storage are being lost because of agricultural drainage. While farmers might consider them to be obstacles to both farming and economic return, wetland drainage is costing money in other ways. The 2011 flood, for example, cost Saskatchewan more than $360 million and the 2014 flood is expected to top that. Some have advocated for more dams and reservoirs but Pomeroy said wetland storage is a lot cheaper and easier.




Pulses poised to satisfy hunger for protein BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM


Dedicated cattle people were not about to let rain spoil their show. Brittney and Lacey Dekeyser show their families’ cattle during a downpour at the Killarney, Man., fair June 28. | SHARLENE BENNIE PHOTO


Alliance Grain president questioned over GM policies Mixed message | Pulse company president grilled for stressing importance of innovation and sustainability while promoting non-GM products BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The president of one of the world’s largest pulse processing firms was taken to task at a recent research conference for promoting pulses as nongenetically modified crops. Murad Al-Katib, president of Alliance Grain Traders, had just finished a presentation where he stressed the importance of continued innovation in the pulse sector. But he also spoke at length about how his company uses the sustainability, gluten-free and non-GM aspect of peas, lentils and chickpeas as a major sales pitch to food companies and consumers. That didn’t sit well with Douglas Cook, professor of plant pathology at the University of California, Davis. “I worry that you send a very mixed message. I don’t know if it’s because of your personal opinion or because of your business interests,” he told Al-Katib during a question and answer session. Cook couldn’t understand how AlKatib could stress the importance of

… You actively promote (non-GM) and there is the problem. You’re not ignoring the issue. You’re not staying out of the debate. You’re engaging in it directly. DOUGLAS COOK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS

I’m actively promoting non-GMO because it’s an opportunity for our company. You’re absolutely correct. And I’m not going to shy away from it. MURAD AL-KATIB ALLIANCE GRAIN TRADERS

innovation and sustainability while singing the praises on non-GM crops. He said the major innovation in agriculture in the last 20 years has

been GM crops. The technology has resulted in increased sustainability through things like reduced tillage. “The single most important tool towards that end has been herbicide resistant crops,” said Cook. He added that the Bt toxin trait has significantly reduced the amount of insecticides applied to crops such as cotton around the world. Cook said companies like Gerber have gone the non-GM route, but they have publicly stated that the technology is safe and important for the future of the world. He admonished Al-Katib for promoting the non-GM attribute of his pulse crop products without providing a similar defence of the technology. “You have the resource and you’re working with a global corporation and I think you have a responsibility,” said Cook. Al-Katib shrugged off the criticism. “You probably won’t appreciate this response, but to me it’s not my job to be a judge or a jury on the issue,” he said. “What I’m reacting to is the consumer demand today.” Cook said Al-Katib is not as indiffer-

ent about the technology as he lets on. “That’s the problem is you use it as a marketing tool,” he said. “It’s OK to avoid it in a discussion, but you actively promote it and there is the problem. You’re not ignoring the issue. You’re not staying out of the debate. You’re engaging in it directly.” Al-Katib conceded that was the case, but he is not about to change his marketing approach. “You know what? You’re absolutely right. I’m actively promoting nonGMO because it’s an opportunity for our company. You’re absolutely correct. And I’m not going to shy away from it,” he said. “Today the consumer in the world is driving the argument. They may be uninformed but they are driving the argument.”

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Pulse crops are well positioned to capitalize on the biggest trend in the agri-food industry, says a major processor. “The race for protein is what’s going to drive the food sector globally,” Murad Al-Katib, president of Alliance Grain Traders, told delegates attending last week’s International Food Legumes Research Conference in Saskatoon. The United Nations says the world will need 70 percent more food by 2050 and with a rapidly expanding middle class, there will be huge demand for protein. Al-Katib said one UN official recently stated that the only way to provide that volume of protein in a sustainable manner would be to create two billion vegetarians because of the substantial environmental footprint of meat-based protein. The International Pulse Trade and Industries Confederation says it takes 1,857 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef compared to 43 gallons for one lb. of pulses. IPTIC says one kg of lentils emits 0.9 kg in carbon dioxide, equivalent to 27 kg for beef. Al-Katib said there is a misconception that consumers in developing countries will crave more meat products as incomes rise. “The truth is they eat more of their traditional protein but in a higher quality form,” he said. In many developing countries, that traditional form of protein is pulses. Health Canada recently revised its protein ratings for pulse crops. Under the old rating system, only navy beans and kabuli chickpeas qualified for a “source of protein” claim on food packages. Under the new rating system, whole green lentils, split yellow peas, black beans and pinto beans have been added to the list. Canada’s Food Guide recommends having meat alternatives such as lentils, beans and tofu often. All of those factors point to a strong future for pulses in the growing market for vegetable protein, said AlKatib. He added that pulses are even becoming popular in some North American dishes. PepsiCo has become the world leader in hummus production, which is a chickpeabased dip. “They have about a 40 percent share of hummus production in the world. That shows you how mainstream it is,” said Al-Katib. Few agricultural crops can meet the needs of food manufacturers the way pulses can, he said. “I sit in front of a food company and they say, ‘What about quinoa?’ And I go, ‘It’s great, but it’s $6,000 per tonne today and peas are $250 a tonne.’ It’s surprising how many say, ‘Let’s talk about peas,’ ” he said. Al-Katib said pulses are high in protein and fibre, nutrient dense, gluten-free, non-genetically modified and have a low allergenicity rating. “I’ve got nothing there that is offensive to anybody in any sector and you know what, I don’t have to work at it to achieve it,” he said.




Cowboys and chuckwagons were in top form at The Calgary Stampede held July 4-13. | Justina Contenti photos

Ride fast, hold tight & hang on

CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Wes Stevenson of Lubbock, Texas, takes on Trail Dust in the bareback riding competition. Competitors watch from behind the chutes during the bareback riding competition.

Darcy Flad drives his team around the barrels during the GMC Rangeland Derby. Luke Branquinho of Los Alamos, Calif., attempts to take down his steer in the steer wrestling event.

Brittany Pozzi of Victoria, Texas, charges toward the finish line in the ladies’ barrel racing event. Marco Eguchi, from Poa Sao Paula, Brazil, rides Cosa Nostra in the bull riding competition.





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M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN


Brandon plant hogtied by regulations Plant workforce down by 400 | Manager blames provincial ban on hog barns, federal restrictions on foreign workers BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRANDON — The Maple Leaf hog slaughter plant here has enough workers to kill all the pigs it can bring in — for now. But that’s only because the Manitoba government hog barn moratorium is slowly reducing hog supplies so fewer workers are needed. “We’ve slowed our p.m. shift down,” said Morgan Curran-Blaney, the manager of the Brandon plant. “Our afternoon shift runs at half speed.” Curran-Blaney, who spoke at Keystone Agricultural Producers’ general council meeting July 10, painted a picture of a state-of-the-art plant crippled by the provincial hog barn moratorium and threatened by changes to federal temporary foreign worker rules. The provincial moratorium is forcing the plant to run well below capacity, while federal restrictions on temporary foreign workers might prevent it getting back up to speed in the future. “We need 20,000 (more) hogs a week,” said Curran-Blaney. That would bring the plant to peak efficiency, he said. Those pigs are missing because the moratorium prevents farmers from building new barns. If an old barn closes or a farm fails, a new one can’t be built to replace its production. Instead of a weekly hog slaughter of 90,000 head or more, the plant is down to 65,000-70,000. That has caused it to cut its workforce to 1,900 from 2,300, but not through layoffs. Every month the plant loses about 40 staff, so it hasn’t filled vacancies and has scaled back production, Curran-Blaney said. But if the province ever lifts the moratorium and farmers are able to increase production to meet the plant’s needs, Maple Leaf might not be able to find enough workers. Curran-Blaney said on average only 12 of the 40 vacancies that appear per month are filled by Canadian workers. The rest are foreign. If

The manager of the Maple Leaf hog slaughter plant in Brandon says the Manitoba hog barn moratorium is forcing the plant to run well below capacity, while federal restrictions on temporary foreign workers might prevent it from getting back up to speed in the future. | FILE PHOTO federal restrictions make it impossible to maintain or increase the workforce, the plant will be in a squeeze. Brandon Conservative member of Parliament Larry Maguire said in an interview at the meeting that the government is aware of Maple Leaf ’s concerns, but believes the plant will be able to operate within the tightened restrictions in the temporary worker program. “These are the rules we had to come up with … because abuse was wide-

spread,” said Maguire. “At least in those areas, in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, we can continue to apply for temporary foreign workers.” Manitoba Pork Council general manager Andrew Dickson said he thinks the Canadian hog industry is losing competitiveness because of restrictions on packers and farmers that U.S. farmers don’t face. The additional costs and constraints make it hard to compete.

“I’m not sure how long some of our processing capacity in Canada can last at this sort of rate,” said Dickson. And he sounded frustrated by trying to deal with the Manitoba government’s hog barn moratorium, which only allows a new hog barn to be built if a million dollar anaerobic manure digester is installed — something Dickson said no farmer can reasonably afford. The same control of phosphorus and other manure elements can be

Stored grain infestations often occur because grain beetles are lurking in empty bins. As you prepare for harvest, insects are reproducing in your empty bins waiting to attack your new crop. Prevent infestations before they happen by applying Protect-It® to your empty bins before you load them. Ask for Protect-It® at your crop inputs retailer today!

achieved with simple, two-stage lagoons, but the provincial government won’t allow that. “You can’t get this point through to an urban government,” said Dickson. “They don’t get it.” KAP vice-president Dan Mazier said the hog barn moratorium makes no sense if the government wants the industry to survive. “There’s no ability for producers in this province to renew themselves,” said Mazier.


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Producers bullish on lentils, less keen on peas, chickpeas Market outlook | Delegates to CSCA meeting favour green lentils; prices expected to surge in world markets BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The USDA predicts a record-shattering soybean crop and a near record corn crop. The agency added if weather remains conducive to crop growth, that yield forecast could rise. | FILE PHOTO CORN | USDA FORECAST

Big crop potential lowers prices BY REUTERS & SASKATOON STAFF

With the best Midwest crop conditions in about 20 years and large seeded areas of key crops, soybean and corn prices plunged last week. Between the close July 3 and July 11, November soybeans fell 5.2 percent, December corn fell 7.3 percent and December Minneapolis spring wheat fell 6.2 percent. A monthly supply and demand forecast from the United States Department of Agriculture on July 11 predicted a record-shattering soybean crop and a near record corn crop, with the warning that if weather continued conducive to crop growth, the yield forecast could rise. The market expected the news but grain prices still fell. “The report confirms a bearish sentiment. It does not bring anything new to the table really,” said Sterling Smith, futures specialist at CitiGroup. The USDA projected 2014-15 U.S. corn ending stocks at 1.801 billion bushels, which was above analysts’ average forecast. USDA forecast the corn crop at almost 13.9 billion bu., not much below the record high of 13.925 billion bu. harvested last year. The USDA lifted its forecast for the U.S. soybean harvest to a record 3.8 billion bu., up 4.5 percent from the June report and up 0.7 percent from the trade’s expectations. The crop is now predicted to be 15.5 percent larger than the 2013 crop. U.S. soybean ending stocks for 2014-15 were pegged at 415 million bu., close to trade expectations. If realized, that would be the highest since 2006-07. The USDA will do field surveys of corn and soybeans in August. Pending that report, it left projected yields unchanged from its June estimate, but suggested higher yields could be at hand if the weather co-operates. “Favourable early July crop conditions and weather support an outlook for record yields across most of the corn belt. However, for much of the crop, the critical pollination

period will be during middle and late July,” the USDA said. “Leaving the yields unchanged tells you that this can get more bearish if weather is favourable,” said Don Roose, analyst at U.S. Commodities in West Des Moines, Iowa. For now, most of the corn belt has ample moisture to support crop development. “This situation is bearish for soybeans and will become bearish for corn when USDA recognizes the yield changes,” said Allendale Inc. analyst Rich Nelson. Projected season average prices for wheat, corn and soybeans were all lowered as the USDA caught up with the sharp price drops seen in markets recently. World soybean ending stocks will jump to 85.3 million tonnes in 201415 from 67.2 million in the current season, the USDA said. Projected imports by China were raised by one million tonnes to 73 million, accounting for fully twothirds of global demand. The USDA increased its estimates for world corn and coarse grain ending stocks for 2013-14 and 2014-15 substantially as well. It lifted China’s corn crop by two million tonnes to 222 million, keeping China’s imports for the 2014-15 season at a slim three million tonnes. The USDA increased its outlook for global wheat production to 705.2 million tonnes from 701.6 million. Year-end 2014-15 stocks rose to 189.5 million tonnes from 188.6 million in the last report. The 2013-14 ending stocks are 184.29 million. USDA sees its own wheat crop at 54.21 million tonnes, with increases in spring wheat more than offsetting a smaller hard red winter wheat estimate. The USDA’s domestic durum estimate is 59.6 million bu., down four percent from 2013, but almost spot on the trade expectation of 60 million bu. Internationally, wheat increases in the European Union, Ukraine and Australia more than offset declines in Canada and Kazakhstan.

The Canadian Special Crops Association allowed delegates to weigh in on the pulse market outlook at this year’s convention. Delegates used electronic voting gadgets to indicate whether they were bullish, bearish or neutral on the price outlook for peas, lentils and chickpeas. The informal poll showed they were slightly bearish for yellow peas and red lentils, quite bearish on green peas, extremely bullish on green lentils and largely neutral for kabuli and desi chickpeas. The results meshed fairly well with what Greg Kostal had to say in his pulse outlook presentation. “I think green lentils are going higher,” he told some of the 482 delegates attending the annual conference. He is particularly bullish on large green lentils due to back-to-back years of reduced acreage. Kostal said one-third of the lentils grown in Western Canada are planted in the waterlogged region of eastern Saskatchewan and western Manitoba. There will be 10 to 20 percent yield loss in some of those areas. He is forecasting 550,000 tonnes of large green lentil production, down from 650,000 tonnes last year. If there are any other production hiccups in Canada or elsewhere around the world, large greens could easily move up $100 per tonne, he said. In fact, Kostal would not be surprised if large green prices surpassed red lentil prices in 2014-15. He anticipates a record 1.3 million tonnes of red lentils, up from one million tonnes from last year. But the big supply will be matched by huge demand. “I think there’s enough of a demand base for prices to move higher,” said the president of Kostal Ag Consulting. Turkey had a dismal harvest of about 300,000 tonnes of red lentils, down from the recent average of about 400,000 tonnes. India’s crop didn’t fare much better at an estimated 600,000 tonnes, down from the traditional range of 900,000 to one million tonnes. Having two major buyers with disappointing crops will counteract the large anticipated Canadian supply. “These (new crop) prices in the low 20s in my opinion are going to revisit the 25 to 26 cents mark in the old crop domain,” said Kostal. The outlook for peas isn’t as rosy. Green pea prices are expected to struggle with an estimated 850,000 tonnes of production, up from 530,000 tonnes last year. Yellow peas are also facing headwinds due to stiff competition from the former Soviet Union and Indian chickpea prices that are comparable to Canadian yellow pea prices. “But I think there is enough layered consumptive demand to prevent a train wreck,” said Kostal. Growers are expected to produce 2.9 million tonnes of yellow peas,


down from 3.3 million tonnes last year. Kostal believes yellow pea prices will flounder in the short-term as Black Sea exporters ramp up their sales programs due to sagging wheat and cereal grain prices but then stabilize and remain flat. He thinks growers will be motivated to move peas off the combine with prices in the $6.25 to $6.50 range compared to $5 spring wheat. “ The carr yout should remain respectable, but I believe it’s going to be a higher ratio of greens to yellows,” said Kostal. Chickpea prices are expected to remain flat given plentiful world supply. However, forecasts for an El Nino could change that outlook. World Weather Inc. expects northwest India to receive less than 70 percent of its normal monsoon rainfall and that’s where most of the chickpeas are grown. Chickpea production in Turkey and Pakistan is also expected to be down, but Mexico and Australia are likely to have big crops. Kostal said about 40 percent of Canada’s chickpea crop is grown in the soggy region of the Prairies.


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Insurance programs to test prairie farmers HEDGE ROW


Farmers who structure their operations to reduce risk miss out


armers in the eastern half of the Prairies will have two really awful jobs this summer: • Cleaning up weed-infested and flood ravaged fields. • Applying for various types of crop and income insurance. The latter will probably be the more excruciating part, especially for farmers who have built-in, structural risk management in their operations. For the last couple of weeks, farmers have been speculating about what the flooding and saturation will mean for their crops and livestock, and also trying to figure out what it will do to their incomes. That brings up myriad forms of insurance, many of them involved in compensating farmers for damage. Farmers who haven’t been able to seed at all will make unseeded acreage claims. Those who seeded crops, but saw them badly damaged or destroyed by excess water, will make crop insurance claims. Those who see their income suffer significantly because of the situation will make safety net claims. But as I’ve heard from farmers in the last two weeks, the structure of many programs means that most farmers will get little or nothing. Most programs have deductibles, percentage coverage limits or averaging functions that require farmers to be effectively devastated in order to collect. A small number may get a lot from insurance programs depending on

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how their farm is structured. It’s frustrating, but farmers with well-balanced, diversified operations are less likely to get payments. If a farm has land spread over a few kilometres and only portions of fields are badly affected by excess moisture, averaging will kill most of a potential crop insurance or general revenue insurance claim. If a farm has both crops and livestock and the livestock are OK, general revenue insurance programs will likely not pay off either, since livestock bring good money today. For farmers with riskier operations, like grain farms with all their land in a tiny, contiguous, vulnerable area or entirely committed to one commodity, some insurance programs could work out nicely.

Chuck Penner of LeftField Commodity Research believes Argentina and Brazil will buy fewer dry beans as production bounces back after performing poorly in recent years. | FILE PHOTO SPECIALTY CROPS | BEANS, CANARYSEED

Increased acres likely to pull down bean prices FILE PHOTO

This reality annoys several farmers I spoke with at the recent Keystone Agricultural Producers meeting and elsewhere. They feel penalized because they haven’t put all their eggs in one basket. With recent cuts to AgriStability coverage, some far mers could receive much less than they got just a few years ago, after the last flood. Most farmers don’t want to farm the insurance and safety net system. They prefer to be able to farm the land and are frustrated that insurance programs hardly seem to kick in unless the apocalypse occurs. Many have designed their farms so they are less vulnerable to these sorts of weather disasters. It seems unfair to find that prudence disqualifies some farmers from getting support they thought they were entitled to. But maybe there’s a more cheery, optimistic way to look at this. Farmers might feel ripped off by insurance program designs but at least they aren’t reliant on those programs. They’ve learned to live mostly without them. They won’t be shocked when their claims bring little. One farmer I spoke with last week said he thinks he will receive $200,000 less than he did in 2011, mostly due to changes in program design. The one thing worse this year than being a farmer who knows he’s going to get little from production and revenue insurance programs is being a farmer who desperately needs a good payout to survive and doesn’t know if he’s going to get one. A well-diversified production base allows farmers to have the most important thing that insurance can provide anyway: peace of mind.

Fewer buyers | Bean production up but canaryseed crop smaller BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Growers should expect a cooling off in bean prices in 2014-15, says a market analyst. Canadian farmers increased dry bean acreage by 30 percent this year, as did their American counterparts. “We’re going to see some pressure on prices from that increased production,” Chuck Penner, analyst with LeftField Commodity Research, told delegates attending the 2014 Canadian Special Crops Association convention. White bean prices skyrocketed last year in response to poor crops in Argentina and China and strong demand from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Black bean prices have responded to two years of disappointing Brazilian production. Pinto prices were the exception. They have dropped off due to two years of good Mexican bean crops. Penner said Argentina and Brazil have propped up bean prices with their disappointing crops, but that situation is about to change. He is forecasting more than 350,000 tonnes of production in Argentina, up from less than 100,000 tonnes last year. Argentina produces mostly white beans. Brazil is expected to bounce back as well with an estimated 3.7 million tonnes of production, up one million from the previous year. Brazil is known primarily as a black bean producer. “Brazil has been driving a lot of the stronger black bean demand in the

last year. Now they’re growing more, so there’s a bit of a warning signal,” said Penner. The good news is that the MENA region is expected to remain a strong buyer of beans, particularly white beans. “I don’t know that we’re going to be going back to those highs that we had last year, but we’re going to see some solid demand still continuing from the Middle East and North Africa that will provide a little bit of a (price) floor,” he said. North American farmers increased black bean acres a lot more than pinto beans, so there could be a revival in pinto prices later in the year. Ivan Sabourin, merchandiser with Legumex Walker, said processors are counting on a big bean harvest. “Yes, a 40 percent increase in some varieties might sound very bearish, but you have to realize that we’ve got no carryout whatsoever,” he said. That’s not exactly true. There are some pinto bean stocks in North America and there are limited supplies of other classes in the Middle East, but those will not be exported. Canaryseed acreage is extremely difficult to pinpoint, but Penner is confident that it is less than 275,000 acres. That would make it bigger than last year but well below the five-year average. He recently scaled back his yield and production estimates due to rapidly declining crop conditions. Penner expects 120,000 tonnes of production, down from his earlier estimate of 146,000 tonnes. That will make for a smaller-thanusual export program and tight end-

ing stocks. Demand has been assisted by unusually strong interest from Indonesia. “It’s going to be a tight year. There is going to be some demand rationing that will need to be going on as a result of that,” he said. Growers planted 465,000 acres of mustard, up 100,000 acres from a year ago. Oriental acres are up 50 percent while brown and yellow acres are up 20 to 25 percent. Penner is forecasting 194,000 tonnes of production, up seven percent from last year. Mustard production isn’t as heavily concentrated in the soggy regions of the Prairies as canaryseed. He anticipates increased export competition from the Black Sea region because it is a cheap crop to grow in a year of declining crop prices. Canada should have enough supply to maintain a healthy export program of about 135,000 tonnes, which is what is forecast for 2013-14. “Just another steady, solid year for mustard,” he said. “I’m seeing steady prices again.” Statistics Canada was forecasting 100,000 sunflower acres, but Penner thinks it will end up closer to 85,000 acres due to flooding. Two-thirds will be confectionary varieties with the remainder oilseed types. That is back to the traditional relationship after a couple of years of half-and-half. Exports will be limited to 40,000 tonnes due to tight supplies. Penner expects some softness in confectionary prices and even more pressure on oilseed types due to the collapsing soybean price complex.





Grains lead the way as global commodity prices decline MARKET WATCH


Prices are responding to a bumper U.S. harvest expected later this year


he prospect of a huge U.S. crop harvest has hammered crop prices down to multi-year

lows. Rising supply is the main factor in grain price weakness, but commodities in general are also declining in value. After rising to a two-year high in June and out performing the S&P 500 stock index in the first six months of the year, the Thomson Reuters/Core Commodity CRB Index, a measure of prices for 19 commodities, had declined for 11 straight trading sessions as of July 11, the longest decline in records going back to 1994. The rout in crop commodities is leading the march down but they are not alone. Investors may be thinking that the rally in commodities in the first half

Rising supply has contributed to declining crop prices, but other commodities, including energy, metals and minerals, have also fallen as investors’ interests turn to other options. | FILE PHOTO of the year has run its course and commodities could be out of favour, at least for a few months. (This does not apply to livestock and meat, which have posted record highs because of the small North American cattle herd and the virus killing baby pigs.) Commodities include energy, precious and industrial metals and minerals, “softs,� which include coffee, sugar, cotton, orange juice and lum-

ber and agricultural commodities, grain, livestock and meat. The rally in the first half of the year was fuelled in part by expectation that the economic revival in the United States and Europe would gather momentum in 2014. However, growth is more modest than expected. Some investors think opportunities for gain are better in the stock market, even with major indexes such as

the Dow and TSX composite at or near record highs. Crude oil is a major component of the commodities sector. A trip to the fuel pumps might indicate otherwise, but crude oil prices look set to fall. A technical reading of the Brent crude oil price chart shows weakness, particularly after the recent rally associated with the turmoil in Iraq stalled and prices edged lower.

this point in the year. The sharp decline in Chicago futures suggests a top in the market. Fundamentals have shifted only modestly. Wholesale beef prices are still strong and feedlots remain current.

Younger feeder and breeding quality cows fetched commercial and speculative buying interest.

sistency of quantity and quality is being priced into the market. Alberta auction volumes totalled 11,546 head. Auction volumes this year have consistently trended above year-ago volumes. Yearling steers for August-September delivery are looking at breakevens of about $160 per cwt. Canfax projected prices on fed cattle for the fourth quarter show many of these yearlings have little if any margin.

Sunni militants might have taken over a large part of Iraq, but that has not cut global oil production. Speculators had been loading up with long futures positions based on expectation of rising oil prices, but if the cash price continues anemic, then the speculators could start selling and the rush to the exit could trigger a sharp correction lower. Iron ore prices have fallen to the lowest level since 2012. Iron ore production expansion projects around the world are turning out more product, hoping that China demand will take the supply. But China’s growth has slowed and ore inventories are rising. Commodities could make a comeback in the coming months. The stock market is due for a downward correction so its allure could fade. The particularly cold winter stalled U.S. economic growth but it now appears to be back on the growth path. If it ever builds up some steam, then demand for commodities should pick up, supporting prices. However, all this is simply background to the grain and oilseed market. As long as the U.S. Midwest crop is on track for a bumper harvest and w o r l d g ra i n s t o c k s l o o k s e t t o increase, crop price trends will be weak. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.

CANFAX REPORT FED CATTLE HIGHER Canfax weighted average fed steers rose $2.26 to $162.95 per hundredweight last week and heifers rose $1.98 to $160.23. The gain over the past two weeks has been about $7 per cwt. The Canadian market was catching up to the American market last week, but U.S. prices backed down a little from recent records. This caused the Alberta cash to Chicago futures basis to improve by $6.65 to +$2.39 per cwt. It is the first time since 1998 that the cash-to-futures basis has been positive in July. Weekly fed cattle exports to June 28 rose 20 percent to 7,818. That was the best week since early May. Feedlots are extremely current in their marketing. Steer carcasses are the lightest since 2010 and are 20 pounds lighter than a year ago. However, carcass weights tend to rise at

COW PRICES RISE Since Jan. 1, D1, D2 cow prices have risen about 44 percent. Only once in the past 10 years, in 2008, has there been a larger percentage increase. There was a slight increase in nonfed supplies last week but prices rose. D1, D2 cows ranged from $107$124 to average $115, up $2. D3 cows ranged from $95-$109 to average $102.42. Railgrade cows were $207-$212. Top end butcher bulls traded in the upper $130s to low $140s per cwt. Weekly non-fed exports to June 28 totalled 5,123 head.

FEEDERS STRONGER In light trade, feeder prices were steady to higher, but there was downward pressure late in the week. The decline in the Chicago cattle futures markets pressured 900 lb. and heavier yearlings for August-September delivery down by as much as $5-$7 by the end of the week. A few exposed heifers have traded on the feeder market at a slight premium over the feeder market. Bred heifers are trading out of season, so it could be tough to see much of a premium over the feeder market. Last year a lot of exposed heifers entered feed yards. Buyers are having trouble assembling load lots given light volumes of calves and light feeders. The incon-

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT U.S. HOGS POST RECORDS Tight market-ready supply drove U.S. cash hog prices up to new records but packer margins fell into negative territory and August hog futures fell on the week. Iowa-southern Minnesota hogs delivered to the plant rose to $97-$98 US per hundredweight, up from $94 the week before. That ties the record set in early April. On a carcass basis, U.S. hogs averaged $129.88 per cwt. July 11, up from 127.23 July 3. The U.S. pork cutout rose to $135.33 July 11, up from $134.20 July 3. The

cutout posted a record high $135.38 on July 9. U.S. estimated weekly slaughter for the week to July 12 was 1.859 million, up from 1.627 million the week before. Last year at the same time slaughter was 2.042 million. The average live slaughter weight of barrows and gilts in Iowa-Minnesota two weeks ago was 284.2 pounds. That was down 0.8 lb. from the week before, but 11.3 lb. heavier than a year ago.

BISON STEADY The Canadian Bison Association said finished bison prices remained

BEEF PRICES SET RECORDS U.S. Choice cutouts soared $4.05 to a record $252.17 US per cwt.


stable for the past week. Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range reached $4 Cdn per lb., hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers sold at prices up to $3.85. Animals outside the desirable buyer specifications may be discounted.

This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at www.canfax.ca.




LAMB PRICES STRONGER Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,099 sheep and lambs and 108 goats traded July 7. All classes of lambs sold steady to stronger. All sheep sold stronger. Goats sold steady to stronger.

Select also set a record at $243.52, up $2.40. Seasonal decline in middle meat demand moving into mid-summer is expected to limit further increases in cutout value. Canadian cutout values for the week ending July 4 are not available.

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Governments must co-operate to mitigate flood risks


nother year, another flood, another billion dollars or more of damage and lives turned upside down in some part of the Canadian Prairies. We are in a wet period and the excess water shows that some farming strategies and government infrastructure planning considered appropriate in the past are now inappropriate. Farmland drainage is increasingly condemned for making a bad situation worse. What is good for an individual operation can be bad for the surrounding community. For decades, farmers sought to improve their land by draining potholes and wetlands to enlarge the percentage suitable for crop production. But those potholes, sloughs and wetlands play a vital role in preventing or mitigating destructive floods. Drainage rapidly moves water downstream where it aggregates, creating mounting problems for farmers and municipalities. This drainage received little government oversight, but that is changing. Manitoba brought in new drainage policy a few weeks ago and the Saskatchewan government is expected to do the same early in 2015. Both are part of new longer-term water management strategies. Manitoba’s plan, now undergoing public consultation, will reduce the paperwork and approval time it takes to do routine, minor drainage, but will require more planning and oversight for large projects and will greatly increase fines for illegal drainage, in some cases by up to 400 percent. The new system wisely embraces a “no net loss” approach to wetland preservation. Draining wetlands will generally be prohibited, but where necessary will be offset by creating new wetland. Saskatchewan two years ago created a Water Security Agency charged with overseeing a new 25-year water security plan. Last summer

it announced a consultation process designed to draft new rules for agricultural drainage by 2015. Alberta’s floods of the past two years raise different issues because of its topography, but nevertheless have emphasized the need for upgraded infrastructure and better information on water flow and flood prevention. It is good that each province is taking watershed management more seriously, but watersheds don’t recognize provincial borders. Upstream drainage contributing to downstream flood damage has increased friction not just among farmers but also between provinces. Manitoba water officials and cabinet ministers are starting to publicly point the finger of blame at Saskatchewan. And yet Saskatchewan environment minister Ken Cheveldayoff said he was surprised to hear recent complaints from Manitoba. Cross-border strategies are needed but the Prairie Province Water Board, which apportions water from rivers that flow across provincial boundaries, has little to say in addressing drainage and flood issues. Manitoba’s Prairie Improvement Network is promoting an Assiniboine River Basin Initiative that includes the Assiniboine, Qu’Appelle and Souris rivers and tributaries. It will bring together provincial, municipal, farm and conservation group stakeholders from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Dakota to formally address water issues throughout the basin and promote flood mitigation strategies. The Saskatchewan and Manitoba governments should fully support this initiative. Western premiers recently urged free trade among provinces. That same spirit of interprovincial co-operation and co-ordination must be extended to water management. Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen and D’Arce McMillan collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


It’s OK to avoid it in a discussion, but you actively promote it (non-GMO) and there is the problem. You’re not ignoring the issue. You’re not staying out of the debate. You’re engaging in it directly.

I’m actively promoting non-GMO because it’s an opportunity for our company…. Today the consumer in the world is driving the argument. They may be uninformed but they are driving the argument.






Farm community must live up to its ‘science-based’ promises CAPITAL LETTERS



h e t e r m “s c i e n c e - b a s e d approach” has become a catch phrase used frequently by folks in agriculture and farm policy. It has become ubiquitous at news conferences and in press releases. And despite its neutral appearance, the slogan has come to be used in situations where the stakeholder or official (agriculture ministers included) wants to counter another’s position. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz continually refers to the promotion of a “science-based approach” in trade negotiations or trade disputes, like U.S. country-of-origin labelling and the use of ractopa-

mine in meat production. Industry does the same. “Science based” has apparently become synonymous with “agrees with my opinion.” The most recent example of the lingo surfaced earlier this month when Ontario’s new agriculture minister, Jeff Leal, announced plans to restrict the use of neonicotinoid pesticides. The proposal, which has yet to be approved, would see farmers forced to apply for permits, starting in the 2015 planting season, to use the popular seed treatment on their farms. Neonics are used to coat most corn, soybean and canola seed sold in Canada and are believed to be harmful to bees, birds and butterflies. The move, predictably, hit a nerve with Ontario’s farming community, sparking divisive and emotional debate. In a news release, Grain Farmers of Ontario argued they’d been blindsided by the announcement, which broke via the Globe and Mail, a move

the group’s chair Henry Van Ankum called “frankly insulting.” The Ontario Beekeepers Association, which has long pushed for an insecticide ban, insisted the policy was highlighted in the Liberal’s most recent election platform. Leal now finds himself in the awkward position of attempting to hold meetings on a complex and sensitive topic w ith tensions mounting between stakeholders. While Leal has promised a balanced approach “based in science,” Grain Farmers of Ontario said the province’s intent to move away from neonics goes “against Canada’s science-based regulatory system.” The federal government continues to insist the science is inconclusive but debate among scientists is becoming more decisive. In recent months, researchers at Harvard University and the University of Guelph in Ontario have released studies linking neonicotinoids to bee deaths. Several international groups,

including 29 independent scientists under the umbrella of the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides who analyzed more than 800 independent and industry led research on the pesticides, have come to similar conclusions. More researchers are convinced neonicotinoids kill bees, with several scientists comparing the chemicals to DDT and organophosphates. Proponents of the pesticides continue to insist there is more to bee deaths than neonics. Pests like varroa mites, habitat issues and colder winters are contributing factors, they insist. The recent Harvard study dismissed most of those claims. All hives involved in the study had similar levels of pathogen infestation, researchers noted. Yet researchers found the colonies exposed to neonicotinoids abandoned their hives in the middle of winter, a behaviour indicative of the pesticides’ reported impact on bees’ neurological functions. And so, while industry may contin-

ue to insist governments and regulators take a “science-based approach,” that’s exactly what Ontario appears to be doing. It just so happens that the most recent science doesn’t appear to be siding with farmers. Farmers have a right to be upset about how the province’s plans to restrict the chemical were unveiled. They have a right to be concerned about the availability of viable alternatives to neonics, and the market impact a shift might have if only one province regulates them. They are entitled to a seat at the table and a chance to have their opinions and positions heard. No one is suggesting otherwise. But all players would be wise to remember “science-based” means exactly that: decisions founded in science.

Kelsey Johnson is a reporter with iPolitics, www.ipolitics.ca.





Habitat worth keeping is worth paying for

In agriculture, drones help but name hurts




griculture policy is like pouring concrete. Planning, levelling and forming are important parts but can be modified as needed. However, once the concrete is poured and set, it’s a large, burdensome task to make major changes. Although I would like to take credit for this analogy, I cannot. The analogy is that of University of Saskatchewan professor Ken Rosaasen. At a recent agricultural economics seminar, Rosaasen used the analogy to discuss the concept of a market for ecological goods and services. The comparison provides interesting insight for those working for change in agricultural land use policy. Change won’t come easily or quickly, but, then again, great changes rarely do. In an attempt to continue the discussion surrounding the development of ecological goods and services, panel members from British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan provided information on supply of ecological goods, as well as demand level discovery methods. Two key concepts emerged from the discussion. The first is that the public is prepared to assign a value to maintenance of wildlife habitat on privately managed

Identifying the true market value of habitat maintenance will help increase farmers’ willingness to comply, says the author. | FILE PHOTO lands and, secondly, that some private land managers are prepared to supply those goods in a regulated manner. Although identification of the exact value per acre for specific species habitat is a work in progress, projects in B.C., Alberta and Saskatchewan clearly indicate that the provincial governments recognize the public demand. Ponteix, Sask., rancher and panel member Orrin Balas also suggested

that by enacting federal species-atrisk legislation and penalties for interference of habitat, the federal government has identified that the habitat in question has value to the Canadian public. Balas is a founding director of the Ranchers Stewardship Alliance Inc., which has been working to promote the concept that maintaining habitat has value. It’s an interesting discussion that continues to evolve and gain momentum.

In addition to enforcing penalties within federal and provincial legislation for wildlife habitat interference, promoting private land management that maintains the habitat could also yield great results as the willingness to provide the specific habitat appears to exist. However, identifying the true market value of habitat maintenance is a work in progress. Although some well recognized agricultural economists suggested that a value assigned by the government is not a true free market value, there’s a general acceptance that the government has a role to play in facilitating the identification of such a market. In B.C., the provincial government asked people to identify a value for specific ecological goods and services. The values were voted on and regulations were enacted to pay landowners for specific projects that maintain the ecological goods and services. The key to the program’s success thus far is the market design based on maintenance, rather than a one-time payment for change. Although populations of individual species ebb and flow, stable provision of habitat may be our best option to steward the natural resources and its inhabitants that this great country is globally recognized for. A massive reconstruction of agricultural policy is unlikely, but the foundation is there for those looking for a better way to match public demand with an individual’s willingness to contribute to the supply. Ross Macdonald, M.Sc., P.Ag., ranches in southern Saskatchewan.


What does action on climate change mean? HURSH ON AG



xpect more floods with climate change, says federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair. With the severe flooding in southern Alberta last year and on both sides of t h e S a s k a t c h e w a n – Ma n i t o b a boundary this year, climate change alarmists have new ammunition. There are also parts of Alberta that are much drier than normal this year. Is that also due to climate change? In 2013, Western Canada produced the largest crop ever, by a country mile. Is that anomaly also due to climate change? Prairie weather has always shown a great deal of variability, from one year to the next and one decade to the

next. The 1930s, 1960s and 1980s were noted for frequent dry spells and many drought-reduced crops. The 1950s, 1970s and 1990s were relatively wet. Years before settlement began, John Palliser proclaimed most of the region unfit for agricultural production and the conclusion was probably correct given the prolonged drought at the time. In recent years, we’ve had unprecedented rainfall in many regions, but as far as recorded history goes, we’re a young nation. It’s easy to set new records when there are relatively few years to compare against. Climate change proponents claim to have a majority of scientists on their side, but those scientists have done a rotten job correlating climate temperature and precipitation with increased carbon dioxide levels. Back in the ’80s, it was called global warming and after the severe prairie drought of 1988, it was easy to believe that hot and dry was the new norm. Now they call it climate change and there are conflicting reports on

whether the earth’s surface is warming or whether temperature increases have stalled. Last winter, we had month after month of below normal temperatures. The spring and summer have been cooler than normal as well. Global warming? Climate change? The real question is whether fossil fuel consumption is significantly adding to any changes. The next question: how should Canada respond? We could introduce a carbon tax to discourage fossil fuel consumption. We could shut down the oil sands. We could block pipelines so that oil has to increasingly move by rail, which is more expensive, more dangerous and less environmentally friendly. That would ravage the Canadian economy and make us all poorer, but would it really make a difference globally? If we had taken drastic measures back in the ‘80s to turn Canada into a “green” economy, would that have prevented recent floods? The anti-science crowd that denies the safety of the science behind GM

crops are often the same people that say science is on their side regarding climate change. In fact, it has become heresy to deny climate change. Remember when Y2K was a huge threat? The turning of the century was going to cause computer failures worldwide. Planes might fall from the sky. Somehow the experts got it wrong and Y2K was a non-event. Unlike Y2K, the climate change theory can never be discredited. Wild and variable weather will continue just as it always has. If asked, a majority of Canadians would probably say they want action on climate change, but how many would be willing to make economic sacrifices in a world where other countries have done little to reduce total emissions? It may seem principled for politicians like Mulcair to call for action on climate change, but voters should ask what that means. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at kevin@hursh.ca.




ome call them drones or unmanned autonomous vehicles. Others call them unmanned autonomous systems and still others call them ships. It seems that whatever name has recently been used to describe these tiny aircraft, it doesn’t quite fit what commercial users like agriculture need. There seems to be a sinister connotation attached to them. After all, who trusts a guy with a tall stepladder and a camera? Commercially, the little planes take pictures that allow farmers to make cropping decisions, plan drainage or track livestock. Engineers use them to survey, energy companies to observe infrastructure, police to locate missing or hiding individuals or assess risk in disasters. All are uses that are good for the environment, good for society or both. If you are doing something behind a fence or trees that you shouldn’t be doing, in any industry including agriculture, stop it and you will have nothing to fear from above. Law enforcement and government might choose to use unmanned aircraft for surveillance, mostly without malice and for the most part it would be good for society and bad for law breakers. They are good for recreation too. The little aerial vehicles have created a certain buzz, not just the kind their motors generate. Kids, big and little, have fun with them. Better than a video game if you ask me and we can learn to close the curtains on the second floor. Social media would lead us to believe that the small aircraft could soon deliver pizzas and books to our doorsteps. It’s not going to happen. You read it here first folks. The word drone has an ominous association with the military, as an unmanned aircraft, whether autonomous or not, that removes risk from flight crews. Those tools are used to observe or hunt and kill enemies of a state. So, let’s leave the word drone to the military. They aren’t ships, that term is confusing. UAV, is also a military term. Changing one word, from vehicle to system, seems disingenuous and that isn’t a good place to start with a new use of technology. I have an idea. Why not call them radio-controlled aircraft? The name is associated with pilots and harmless hobbyists, who are technically adept and smarter than average. Oh, and that is what these are.



OPEN FORUM LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (…) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.

In addition, Grain Farmers of Ontario has developed a new app to improve communication, which is unfortunately at a standstill due to the fact that the Ontario Beekeepers Association will not share data. The article written by Mr. Carter discounts the reality of the number of serious concerns for bee health including loss of suitable habitat, parasites and disease, invasive species, and adverse weather conditions. None of these issues can be ignored, and a single, straightforward solution may not be possible. Grain Farmers of Ontario has put a great deal of effort to find a solution to the current bee health issue. It is

highly offensive and unprofessional to suggest we have not been, and will not be supportive of the Ontario Beekeepers Association’s new stance before we have been approached. Mark Huston, Kent County, Ont.

NOTHING TO HIDE To the Editor: To A&W and McDonald’s: I am getting tired by your proclamations which suggest that you are cracking down on us slow-witted ranchers.

First A&W Your beef is raised without the use of added hormones. My first irk with that statement is the unspoken suggestion that you are using Canadian beef. Isn’t it true that you buy most if not all your beef from other countries? Isn’t it true that most if not all of the hamburger used in the A & W burger family comes from dairy cows? And if that is the case, your use of the word beef is a misnomer because there are beef cows and dairy cows so the correct term for you to be using is dairy meat; not beef. Your statement that your beef is raised without the use of added hor-

mones also suggests that commodity beef (which you cannot afford because of its much higher quality) is somehow less attractive and also suggests that all other beef is raised with hormones, which is not true. McDonald’s Sustainable beef pilot. You are kidding right? Sustainable for whom? Right now with prices where they are it is sustainable for us ranchers. If you mean sustainable for you, then again, you cannot afford our beef because it is grown to meet the needs of fine dining restaurants, and AAA is simply too fat for your lean paper thin burgers. I am sure I am right when I say you never buy beef of

FOOD AS FUEL To the Editor: Re: Letter to the Editor, June 19, titled “Feeding the world” “Meanwhile our farmers need to produce food to feed the billions”. What are we, hypocrites? The search for profit must not go unchecked and without challenge for the gluttons who, with costly contributions and blessings of government(s) have turned to burning food for fuel, by the manufacturing of ethanol. And by doing this, squandering the most precious resources of water and grain products for the greedy ambitions of investors, who can merely provide some transitory financial benefits; is to sacrifice our children and families, as victims, to the demands and economic powers of industry. John Fefchak, Virden, Man.

GRAIN FARMERS CONCERNED To the Editor: This letter is in response to the article “Ontario beekeepers drop call for ban on neonics” by Jeffrey Carter (WP, June 5). Grain Farmers of Ontario has been going, and continues to go, above and beyond to support beekeepers and bee health. As one of 33 members from government, research institutions, industry, and farm organizations that participated in the Ontario Bee Health Working Group in 2013-14, Grain Farmers of Ontario worked to identify and develop options for action to mitigate risks from neonicotinoid treated seed. These actions include updated Best Management Practices, a commitment of over $260,000 for new integrated pest management research, the availability of untreated seed for the 2014 crop planting season, use of the Fluency Agent developed by Bayer CropScience, pilot testing of new deflectors to reduce dust, and a pilot program to collect empty seed bags from CLEANfarms. Grain Farmers of Ontario is also working to improve communication between grain farmers and beekeepers. Information on best management practices and the fluency agent was offered through several channels to ensure all farmer-members were well informed.

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OPINION that quality do you? You are again like A&W, buying cull dairy meat and unwanted trim. Yet somehow you think you have a right to poke your nose in the way we do things even though you may have never lived on a farm, pulled a calf, helped one nurse in a snowstorm … and so on. Somehow you feel qualified to dictate to us how things should be done, even though I don’t raise any dairy cows for the hamburgers you to sell. I would imagine that you probably do get a few of my old cull beef cows, but it probably wouldn’t feel right for you to be advertising that little fact. Why don’t you tell the public that you only use rejected tired old cull animals for your “beef ”? (er, dairy meat).… You, promising to work with producers and packers to create practi-


cal guidelines on environmental stewardship, animal health and welfare, and food safety is redundant because it was all in place long before you decided to join in the action uninvited. You are just riding the coattails of others’ work, claiming it to be your own idea just to get a positive consumer opinion. Cheap and free advertising to promote your own “manufactured” meat product. If you want everything on the table, I can assure you that we ranchers have nothing to hide. You, however, have been duping the hamburger consumer with falsities that you need to come clean with. The best place to start cleaning house just may be your own kitchen.


Barb Ward, Arrowwood, Alta.

A raven steals a duck egg then returns for two more before moving on to another nest in a pond east of High River, Alta. | MIKE STURK PHOTO



Finding a path to happiness SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES



hat a privilege it was to accompany friends to a special place to spread the ashes of their mother. How rich a time of memories and traditions. “Mother,” well in her nineties, deserved the title Woman of Distinction. She was a rancher, gardener and practicing nurse, as well as an active community and church member. The months that passed between her funeral and this moment gave the family, who are scattered across the country, time to grieve her loss and give thoughtful attention to the role she played in their lives. In this coming-back-together, the stories shared were endearing and enduring. To get to the site, we made our way from the edge of cropland, through the long grass to a cluster of trees above the river. On the way down the hill, our feet got tangled in vegetation and we stumbled on depressions. But we followed a deer trail on the way back. God’s creatures, as they moved between food and water, had forged a path we could follow without stumbling and feeling uncertain. “The Lord is my Shepherd,” my friend had reminded her family. “He leads me to green pasture… and beside still waters. I shall not want.” We remembered those last days by her bedside. “Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will not be afraid.” She had quietly followed the path and would “dwell in the House of the Lord forever.” So many times our feet stumble in the tangles of life. It’s important for us make time to recall stories, listen for humour, search out wisdom, look for pathways and know we are not alone. Those pathways help us move onward with vitality and hope.

Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian ruralchurch.net.





Wet conditions may affect pedigreed seed Supply could be limited | Officials warn of potential shortage next season due to this year’s crop damage BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Pedigreed seed growers in southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba continue to assess damage caused by recent rain. “What we’re hearing from Manitoba seed growers and Saskatchewan seed growers is that it’s going to have an impact on supplies,” said Laurie Wakefield, president of the Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association. “Some growers were fortunate and may have had very little acreage loss

and other estimates are ranging anywhere from 20 to 100 percent loss on some fields.” Heavy rains over the past two to three weeks have flooded some fields in southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba and have hammered yield potential on others. The full impact on pedigreed seed supplies likely won’t be known for at least a few weeks, but regional shortages are likely, especially in the hardest hit areas. Doug Heaman, a pedigreed seed grower at Virden, Man., said damage

is variable, depending on location. In Manitoba’s far southwestern corner, very little was seeded due to excess moisture in May. Since then, persistent rain has affected seed growers over a wider area. In southeastern Saskatchewan, rainfall in some areas since late June has exceeded 250 millimetres. Pedigreed seed acres will be down in southern Manitoba, said Heaman. “When you get down into the southwest corner, there wasn’t much of anything seeded,” said Heaman, a

director with the Manitoba Seed Growers Association. “It’s going to be hard to (assess the impact) yet but there will be certain varieties that will likely be short.” Crop development is another concern. In the Virden area, crops are at least a week and possibly two behind normal development, Heaman said. “The fungicides are usually done by this time. … Other than winter wheat, we’re just getting started with fungicides now.” Wakefield said a clearer picture will

Winter wheat. A highly productive option for the Canadian Prairies.

emerge in southeastern Saskatchewan over the next few weeks, after growers have assessed their fields and decided whether they will be written off or repurposed for commercial production. Some crops are better equipped to handle excessive moisture than others. Lentils and peas struggle in wet conditions but cereals are generally more resilient. Crops that were seeded earlier and were further advanced by late June can tolerate more moisture. In some areas, yield potential for early seeded cereals is well above average but other crops are struggling. Wakefield said huge production last year combined with larger-thannormal carryovers of pedigreed seed in many areas will help to offset losses incurred this year. “If there are big areas that were flooded and are unlikely to recover, conceivably pedigreed seed acres will be reduced and that will affect seed supplies for next year,” he said. “The fortunate thing, as far as seed supplies for commercial producers, is that last year’s crop was very, very good and quality was very, very good. … So a lot of pedigreed seed growers and retailers will have stockpiled some seed and have carryovers that will be available to offset some of that acreage loss.” In 2013, pedigreed seed acreage was up by more than 32,000 acres in Saskatchewan, rising to roughly 331,000 acres from less than 299,000 acres in 2012. Manitoba acreage also increased, jumping to 330,000 in 2013 from 313,000 acres a year earlier. Canada-wide, pedigreed seed acreage surpassed 1.3 million acres last year, the highest level in more than a decade.


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Police are blaming flood waters for the death of a 39-year-old man July 11. Watrous, Sask., RCMP said the man was driving a Ford F-350 truck with a 10-year-old male passenger across a rural grid road about four kilometres south of Highway 15. About 200 metres of the road in the Rural Municipality of Wood Creek was under water after a nearby slough overflowed from the recent flood. The truck went off the east side of the road and began to submerge. The driver ensured his son got out and swam to safety. Police said the driver also got out of the truck but wasn’t able to reach safety. The RCMP recovered the body of the driver and the truck. An autopsy has been ordered. The name of the man, from Imperial, Sask., will not be released.





Politicians, farmers team up to find long-term flood solutions for Assiniboine River Valley BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRAND ON — The short-term flooding crisis has farmers, non government organizations and politicians aggressively promoting a longterm solution to Assiniboine River water issues. People gathered at a Keystone Agricultural Producers’ general meeting in Brandon July 10 seemed to rally behind the formation of an Assiniboine River basin commission. “I don’t think we can ignore the need

for a long-term solution and I think the Assiniboine basin commission is going to move us in that direction,” said KAP president Doug Chorney. “The alternative is what we’re seeing from Saskatchewan right now.” Federal Conservative member of Parliament for Brandon, Larr y Maguire, sounded the same note. “A long-term strategy is needed to mitigate against the constant flooding that Manitoba is facing year after year after year,” he said. In 2011 the Assiniboine was said to be experiencing a “once in 300 years” flood, but the present flood is just as bad.

For decades, Manitoba farmers have aggressively drained farmland in the Red River valley and elsewhere, creating tensions within the province between those higher up stream. However, recent drainage in eastern Saskatchewan in the province’s pothole region, has angered Manitoba farmers affected by flooding from the Shellmouth dam south. With the Assiniboine watershed lying in Manitoba, North Dakota and Saskatchewan, many say only a trans-border organization like an Assiniboine River commission is

likely to be successful. Maguire said provincial and state governments need to support the commission or it won’t be able to achieve much. Dauphin area farmer Rob Brunel noted that everyone seems to be OK with the idea of holding back water on farm fields in some way, but it won’t happen for free with farmers carrying the cost. “Who’s going to pay us to farm water,” said Brunel. “If that’s what you’re going to use my land for, then you need some proper compensation.”

MP Larry Maguire says government support for a new river basin commission is essential. | ED WHITE PHOTO

Visit us online at www.producer.com to see a video about this story.


Why is flood forecasting so imprecise? BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

BRANDON — Farmers are furious that three years after the last catastrophic Assiniboine River flood, Manitoba flood forecasters still seem to have a poor understanding of how much water is flowing through the system. “The people in Winnipeg don’t know. Couldn’t figure it out,” said Stan Cochrane, who farms downstream of the Shellmouth Dam, referring to wildly varying water level predictions issued by the provincial government. Farmers at the Keystone Agricultural Producers general council meeting July 10, where Cochrane made his comments, were alarmed by the perception that farmland is no better protected and farmers are no better prepared than in 2011, when the Qu’Appelle and Assiniboine rivers surged and flooded tens of thousands of acres. “This can’t happen again,” said George Grant, who farms near the flooded village of St. Lazare near the Saskatchewan border. “Lives are at stake here. People have to know that water is coming.” Grant said that people upstream on the Qu’Appelle knew that the water was rising and overflowing, but people downstream weren’t informed until it was a crisis. During the 2011 flood, Manitoba government flood predictions and response changed day to day, creating a perception among many that the Assiniboine situation was little understood. Grant, a member of the Shellmouth Dam committee, which works with water officials to prepare for water flows, said that dam officials told the committee it expected a drought this year, and in the spring slashed the outflow rate of the dam so that it could hold back water. “Two weeks later the water was going over the spillway. Dam was full. The dam was out of control,” said Cochrane. “Don’t be surprised when the rules change every day, because they haven’t got a clue.”

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Restrictions could spark better neonic management Beneficial organisms | Neonicotinoids are useful, says researcher, but have been overused by farmers BY JEFFREY CARTER FREELANCE WRITER

RIDGETOWN, Ont. — The proposal to limit the use of neonicotinoid seed treatments in Ontario may be a positive development for the farmers using them, according to a Purdue University entomologist. Based on the studies he has seen, Christian Krupke said the yield advantage from neonicotinoid seed treatments is inconsistent at best. Another important consideration is the impact the chemicals have on beneficial insects and soil microbes. Krupke cited research at the John

Tooker Lab at Pennsylvania State University as an example. Farmerfriendly ground beetles were provided with slugs that had been consuming soybean plant material containing neonicotinoid residue. While the slugs were unaffected, the ground beetles are poisoned, many dying within half a day. “Neonicotinoids are used for all the crops in various forms with the exception of forages,” Krupke said. “I think in agriculture we need to ask the question: is this the best we can do? I don’t think putting these on every corn seed is the best we can do. … These are useful tools but we also

have to be careful using them. Using a pesticide everywhere on a crop all the time, we have never had good outcome with that.” According to Tooker, relatively high levels of neonicotinoids were used in the experiment. However, he said he thinks the same type of ground beetle impact is likely in a field setting. Krupke spoke at the University of Guelph’s annual diagnostic day, along with Tracey Baute, an entomologist with Ontario’s agriculture ministry. “Make no mistake, things have to change and the Pest Management

Regulatory Agency has been saying that for a year. Current rates (of neonicotinoid seed treatments) are not sustainable,” Baute said. The chemicals are useful but do not result in a yield advantage in all instances. With field corn, for example, 10 to 30 percent of the acreage in Ontario may be at risk of yield-robbing damage. Research is underway this year to learn more. Comparisons are being made at about 100 different locations between corn grown from seed with insecticide and fungicide and corn grown from seed with fungicide only, Baute said. The challenge for researchers and


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farmers is to determine which fields are likely to be at risk. Baute and Krupke said farmers should also consider the length of time seed is protected from soilborne insect pests. Detectable levels remain on corn seed for about 10 days and for 18 days on soybean seed, Krupke said. However, by the end of those periods, insecticide levels are likely too low to affect insects eating the seed. As far as the systemic effects — insecticide taken up by plants — these are limited, Krupke said. “It’s actually an inefficient way to get pesticide into the plant. With corn it’s about five percent,” he said. “With beans and corn, the plants are not protected for very long. I think they (the treatments) have been oversold.” Art Schaafsma, field crop pest management specialist with the University of Guelph, said he fears Ontario may move away from a sciencebased, decision making process to address the issue of neonicotinoid seed treatments. “What we’re asking is, can science have some time to sort this out,” he said. “In my opinion there are two things going on. There’s an acute impact involving the dust. The solution to that is to put the dust into the ground. The other issue is how much these insecticides are being used and where they’re going to in the environment.” Schaafsma and Baute are part of a 25-member team that is examining neonicotinoid seed treatment concerns. Along with the yield comparisons, they are measuring the level of neonicotinoids on vegetation around fields, on foraging bees and other insects, and in field soil. Schaafsma said he was surprised to find the insecticides in soil outside of fields where they had been applied. However, he sees more benefit to the seed treatments than Krupke. Early crop growth appears to be positively affected, he said, although that doesn’t necessarily translate into higher yields. The insecticides are also convenient and cost effective. Low rates cost about $4 per acre. Schaafsma said it would be a challenge to co-ordinate the treatment of seeds if measures to reduce their use are introduced. Treatment often occurs months before the seed is planted, when growers are unlikely to know their level of risk for insect damage.



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FAMOUS LANDSCAPE It’s iconic America. Yellowstone National Park, with its bison, wolves and breathtaking views. | Page 21




Gardens give sense of serenity

Grower co-op provides niche at Stampede

Calming smells | Greenhouse carries unique succulents, grasses and water plants


Lia Schipper harvests some of her farm grown micro greens with a pair of scissors for an urban crowd that never knew vegetables were grown so close to Calgary. Schipper and her family live at Bow Island, Alta., and are among the 52 growers in the Red Hat Co-operative who offered a variety of locally grown vegetables during the Calgary Stampede as a healthy alternative to midway fare.


GRENFELL, Sask. — An old-fashioned “building raising” is what got a Grenfell greenhouse off the ground. Following in her family’s tradition of barn raisings, former social worker Michelle Berrecloth put out a call to friends and family in 2005 to help her move two greenhouses. To Berrecloth’s surprise, more than 20 people arrived to take down two existing greenhouses and move them 12 kilometres to her Grenfell acreage, where they were reassembled and turned into Serenity Gardens. “I wouldn’t have been able to get my business going otherwise, because the financial cost to hire a moving company to do that would have been huge and even to this day, everybody who helped has fond memories of how it all came together,” said Berrecloth. Serenity Gardens now boasts three buildings on the acreage and a retail outlet in Melville. The 47-year-old entrepreneur built her greenhouse business on garden staples like tomatoes, petunias and geraniums, as well as outof-the-ordinary items. “Each year we’d add a few new varieties and from the positive customer response, we knew that was our niche,” said Berrecloth, who operates the business with her husband, Keith, and several employees. Michelle orders her plants from across Canada and the United States, bringing in varieties that are not found in the typical greenhouse. The greenhouse features 35 kinds of succulents and over 40 varieties of grasses. The Berrecloths has also expanded into shrubs, trees and water plants for ponds, as well as landscape design and installation services. In addition to plants of all kinds, the Berrecloths pride themselves on offering a big dose of peace and tranquility to every greenhouse visitor. Serenity Gardens features a pond and waterfall in one building and several seating areas. Berrecloth said stressed shoppers who enter the doors always leave a little calmer. Berrecloth said plants are extremely conducive to creating a sense of peace and serenity.


Serenity Gardens owner Michelle Berrecloth stops to smell her herbs (and the roses) several times a day. | CHRISTALEE FROESE PHOTO “Mother Nature is so wonderful to us and sometimes all we need is that opportunity to stop and smell the roses,” she said. The Berrecloths currently serve

customers from Grenfell, Kipling and Windthorst and are planning to open a third location to accommodate their growing customer base in southeastern Saskatchewan.

“The plants are only a piece of what we do. We like to think of ourselves as a place where you can come in and leave your troubles at the door,” said Michelle.

The micro greens are seedling versions of vegetables and grains like lentils, peas, corn, broccoli, kale and radish. Each leaflet takes on the taste of the vegetable and is good in sandwiches and salads or used as a garnish. RedHat Co-operative has been around for nearly 50 years and is based at Redcliff, west of Medicine Hat, where the extra hours of sunshine make greenhouse vegetable production easy. Most of the produce stays in Alberta, but it’s also sold into Saskatchewan and Manitoba, said Albert Cramer, chair of the cooperative, who’s grown sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes for 30 years. Part of the Stampede promotion included grower cards, similar to hockey cards. Each card featured a short story about a local producer to put a friendly face on agriculture, said Cramer. “We are just ordinary people growing this product in Alberta. A lot of people don’t know this is grown in Alberta,” he said. Besides traditional vegetables, more growers are adding products like eggplant, new varieties of lettuce, wheat grasses for juice and heirloom tomatoes. “The niche market is really growing,” he said. For growers like Schipper, producing an organic product for health conscious consumers is an interesting career path with some unexpected rewards. “It’s fun,” she said. The co-operative started with 10 growers in 1966 in the Medicine HatRedcliff area and has expanded to include farmers as far as Lethbridge and Bow Island. From more than 125 acres, the co-operative produces 5.5 million cases of fresh vegetables in a 98,500 sq. -foot facility that includes a robotic packaging system.





Everything’s coming up oats: grow, eat, sell Field to spoon | Adagio Acres grows organic naked oats and sells the product in Winnipeg and area grocery stores BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Alexis Nikkel and her brother, Eli, are likely to have a lot of childhood memories that involve oats. | ROBERT ARNASON PHOTOS


LUNDAR, Man. — His children are only two and five years old, but Donald Nikkel already knows how his kids will remember their childhood. Oats, oats, oats and more oats. Donald, his wife Amy and their two kids, Alexis, 5, and Eli, 2, eat more servings of oats than the average Canadian family. Regardless of the meal or time of day, it’s a safe bet the Nikkels, who farm near Lundar, Man., are consuming oats in some form. “If you came here for breakfast, it would be oats. If you came here for lunch, it would be oats,” Donald said with a laugh as he stabbed a forkful of oat and apple crumble for dessert on a cool evening in early June. As Eli sat in a high chair and asked for more dessert, his parents explained how they wound up growing organic oats in Manitoba’s Interlake region. Donald grew up on his parents’ farm, which is located right across the road from his new home, with his four siblings. His parents, Norman and Solange, have operated a prenant mare’s urine ranch for years. Donald en-joyed his childhood on the farm, but he didn’t know at an early age that he wanted to become a

farmer. “If you asked me when I was 18, ‘what do you want to do with your life,’ I wouldn’t have said move back to Lundar,” he said. “But things evolve. As you grow and gain experiences, your perspective on the world changes.” Donald met Amy, who grew up near Kenora, Ont., at a summer camp during high school. The two moved to Winnipeg after graduation and studied education at the University of Winnipeg. Then they moved to Montreal, where Donald earned a master’s degree in education and Amy worked as a teacher. During their time there, they began to think about local food and farming. “Just seeing how distanced people are from their food production and just wanting to be part of the local food system,” Amy said. “(We) saw examples of that (local food movement) happening in Montreal. We were fascinated by how that changed the consumer experience.” Amy and Donald, who also studied and taught in Istanbul and Athens, enjoyed city life, but knew it wasn’t right for them in the long term. “Having lived in all these urban centres and experienced so many different ways of life, we kind of said… we


want to come back to something a little more stable, more grounded,” Amy said. As a student, Donald spent a substantial amount of time in Montreal thinking about the purpose of life and how to live. He realized farm and city life can both be hectic, but it’s not quite the same. “There’s a difference between farm busy and other busy. In other professions you might be… gone from home 10 hours a day,” he said. “One of the nice things about farming, even if you’re working 18 hours a day, at least you’re doing it together.” Amy agreed, adding Montreal was great but there was a clear distinction between career and family life. “It was very distant from each other. Me making decisions about my teaching… and Donald making decisions about his thesis.” Wanting to work together on a family endeavour, the Nikkels decided to move back to Manitoba and start a small farm. Since returning to Lundar about five years ago, the Nikkels have been busy. Amy has given birth to two children, Donald teaches industrial arts at the high school in Lundar and they spent a year building a timberframed home out of Douglas Fir logs from British Columbia. “She (Alexis) was two weeks old


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FARM LIVING when we started,” Amy said. “Her stroller was right beside the pile of logs as Donald was chainsawing all the trees away from the house site.” They also found time to grow four crops of oats and build and operate a mill to process, roll and bag them on their farm. They now sell organic rolled oats to specialty grocery stores in Winnipeg. Their oats, sold in two lb. bags, are distinct from conventional oatmeal because the Nikkels grow and sell naked oats. “A naked oat is a different type of oat. It threshes free of the hull in the field,” Amy said. “It has a different nutritional profile…. One of the advantages is that it doesn’t need to be steam processed.” Naked oats can be cold-rolled without a heat treatment, resulting in a raw, more natural product. “If you’re milling a product, you have to get rid of that hull anyway,” Amy said. “So it’s convenient that the hull threshes off in the combine and falls back on the field.” Scott Sigvaldason, a farmer and entrepreneur from Arborg, Man., has spent years promoting naked oats as a healthy, Canadian grown alternative to rice. Donald said their naked oats are consumed just like regular oats and are used for oatmeal and baking. “We’re just doing rolled oats. We’re looking at the oatmeal crowd,” he said. Since the Nikkels took their first bag of naked oats to a store about a year ago, retailers have latched onto the product. They now sell naked oats in about 15 to 20 grocery stores in Winnipeg and bedroom communities around the city.



Donald and Amy Nikkel, with their children Alexis and Eli, check out oat seedlings coming up on Adagio Acres. Despite their success, Donald said their farm isn’t anything to brag about. “As far as a farm goes, we’re not much of a farm,” he said, noting they own 80 acres and also rent land. “We’re kind of taking over the crop-

ping aspect of my dad’s operation… (but) we have no intention of becoming the next Quaker Oats. We realize what we do is a niche market and we’re happy with that.” The Nikkels’ farm, Adagio Acres, is named after a musical term for a slow,

relaxed tempo, although Amy said they haven’t quite achieved a slow pace for their lives. Growing and marketing oats, operating a mill, raising two children and teaching full-time occupies their time. Over the last four years, Amy has

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discovered 101 ways to prepare oatmeal. “How about banana and chocolate chip in your oatmeal? How about carrots and crystallized ginger in your porridge?” she said. “It’s never quite the same here.”






Fresh herbs build flavour in summer meals TEAM RESOURCES

Talk about risks to keep children safe




n herb garden is every cook’s best friend. Fresh herbs can elevate a simple potato salad to one that will have all your friends begging for your recipe. Herb gardens should be planted close to where they will be used. An ideal spot is near the patio. The aromas will delight during outdoor meals and get togethers. Pick herbs at their peak for preserving. Drying is recommended for stronger flavoured herbs such as rosemary, tarragon, thyme, mint and sage. Finely chop and freeze chives, basil and parsley.



TOP, clockwise: Chickpea, lemon and mint salad and new potatoes with tarragon and chives. Chimichurri served with grilled meat. Fennel crusted rack of lamb with rosemary focaccia. | SARAH GALVIN PHOTOS

ROSEMARY FOCACCIA Focaccia is an Italian flat bread. Slice horizontally for summer sandwiches or cut into wedges to have it with a meal or dips. 1 medium potato peeled and quartered 1 1/2 tsp. rapid rise yeast 7 mL 1/2 c. unbleached all 125 mL purpose flour 1/2 c. warm water 125 mL 3 1/2 c. unbleached 875 mL all purpose flour (or a combination of durum and flour) 1 c. warm water 250 mL 1/4 c. olive oil, plus more 60 mL for oiling bowl and pan 1 1/2 tsp. salt 7 mL Bring one quart (1.25 L) water to boil in small saucepan. Add potato and simmer until tender. Drain and cool. Put through a ricer and reserve 1 1/3 cups (315 mL) lightly packed potato. Meanwhile, mix yeast, 1/2 cup (125 mL) flour and 1/2 cup (125 mL) warm water in large bowl with an electric mixer until combined. Set aside until bubbly, about 20 minutes. Add the remaining dough ingredients, including reserved potato. Mix with a paddle attachment on low speed until the dough comes together. Switch to a dough hook attachment and increase the speed to medium. Continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic, about five minutes, or knead by hand until smooth and elastic. At this point, the dough can be refrigerated or frozen until ready to bake. To use, defrost and rise as directed. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl, turn to coat with oil and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let it rise in a warm, draft-free area until the dough is puffy and doubled in volume, about one hour. Wet your hands to prevent sticking. Halve the dough and flatten each piece into an eight-inch (20 cm) round on a large, generously oiled baking sheet. Cover the dough with lightly oiled plastic wrap. Let it rise in a warm draft-free area until the dough is doubled in volume, 45 to 60 minutes. Preheat the oven to 425 F (220 C). With two or three fingers, dimple dough at regular intervals. Make about two dozen dimples. The dim-

ples should be deep enough to hold small pieces of topping, herbs and pools of olive oil. For the topping, drizzle the dough with oil and sprinkle evenly with rosemary and coarse salt, landing some in pools of oil. Bake for about 25 minutes or until the bottoms are golden brown. Let it cool a bit, but it should be eaten warm. Adapted from Cooks Illustrated

CHICKPEA, LEMON AND MINT SALAD I cook my dried chickpeas in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes. Otherwise, soak overnight and boil in fresh water for about an hour. Canned or dried chickpeas can also be used. 3 c. drained, cooked 750 mL chickpeas 3 tbsp. extra-virgin olive 45 mL oil 3/4 tsp. sea salt 4 mL 3 tbsp. finely chopped 45 mL fresh mint leaves grated zest of 1 lemon 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice 10 mL 1/4 c. feta 60 mL freshly ground black pepper In a large bowl, toss the chickpeas in the olive oil with the salt, mint, lemon zest and juice and pepper. Taste and adjust seasonings to your liking. Crumble feta over salad and serve. Serves four.

FENNEL CRUSTED RACK OF LAMB This is fancy enough for company. Fennel fronds are the wispy ends of a fennel bulb. Parsley, rosemary or mint can be substituted for fennel fronds.

1 rack of lamb 2 tbsp. olive oil 30 mL salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1/2 c. finely chopped 125 mL fennel fronds 2 cloves garlic, finely minced 1/2 c. breadcrumbs 125 mL 1 tsp. grated lemon zest 5 mL 3 tbsp. melted butter 45 mL Preheat oven to 500 F (260 C). Combine fennel, garlic, breadcrumbs and lemon zest. Mix in butter. Rub the rack with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place meat side down on a baking sheet. Roast until browned, eight to 10 minutes. Turn the rack meat side up and pat the breadcrumb mixture over the meat. Roast five minutes more for rare, longer if desired. Keep warm in the oven until served.

NEW POTATOES WITH TARRAGON AND CHIVES 1 lb. new thin skinned 500 g potatoes 2 tbsp. butter or duck fat 30 mL salt, to taste freshly ground black pepper 1 tbsp. fresh, 15 mL lightly chopped tarragon 1 tbsp. minced chives 15 mL olive oil, optional Cover potatoes with water and bring to a simmer, then reduce heat to medium low. Cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Strain and allow the potatoes to cool until you can handle and peel them, if desired. Cut them as desired. Melt butter in the same pan you cooked the potatoes in and add salt and pepper. Swirl the butter and add

potatoes, stirring gently to coat with butter. Add tarragon and chives and stir to distribute the herbs. Taste. Add a tablespoon of olive oil if desired and more salt if needed. Cover until ready to serve. Gently reheat if you want. Garnish with chive blossoms. Adapted from Michael Ruhlman

ARGENTINIAN CHIMICHURRI SAUCE 2 c. packed fresh 500 mL Italian parsley leaves 4 cloves garlic, peeled and coarsely chopped 1/4 c. packed fresh 60 mL oregano leaves 1/4 c. red wine vinegar 60 mL 1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes 3 mL 1/2 tsp. salt 3 mL freshly ground black pepper, to taste 1 c. extra virgin olive 250 mL oil Place parsley, garlic, oregano, vinegar, pepper flakes, salt and pepper in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a blade attachment. Process until finely chopped, stopping and scraping down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as needed for about one minute. With the motor running, add oil in a steady stream. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and pulse a few times to combine. Transfer the sauce into an airtight container and refrigerate at least two hours or up to one day to allow the flavours to meld. Before serving, stir and season as needed. This will keep in the refrigerator for up to one week. Sarah Galvin is a home economist, teacher and farmers’ market vendor at Swift Current, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. She writes a blog at allourfingersinthepie. blogspot.ca. Contact: team@producer.com.

My 14-year-old daughter has a laptop computer that she needs for school, but I’m concerned that she’s spending too much time with social media like Facebook and Twitter. Should I try to control the amount of time she spends online or use parental controls? I do not want her to be at risk of cyber-bullying or someone posting inappropriate photos online.


Here are some interesting statistics about teenagers and their computer habits. As many as 93 percent of North American teenagers age 12 to 17 go online and 73 percent use a social networking site. The average teenager has 201 Facebook friends. Obviously, these are not all “real” friends, but these kids think it is cool to collect as many Facebook or Twitter friends as possible. Some of them could be pedophiles posing as young people. Personally, I have a rule that anyone who I have never met or wouldn’t invite into my house, should not be a Facebook friend. Here are some figures that will really scare you: • 55 percent of teens have given out personal info to someone they don’t know, including photos and physical descriptions. • 29 percent of teens have posted mean information, embarrassing photos or spread rumours about someone. • 29 percent have been stalked or contacted by a stranger or someone they don’t know. • 24 percent have had private or embarrassing information made public without their permission. • 22 percent have been cyberpranked. Implementing parental controls on your computer may help at bit, but 67 percent of teens say that they know how to get around this and hide what they do online from nosy parents. Risk taking behaviour is one of the features of this age group. They can feel invincible and immortal, so it’s hard to protect your child completely. In the same way that you would explain to a young child that they should not get into a car with a stranger, you need to sit down and discuss the risks of social media with your teenager. In this day and age, it’s impossible to control their behaviour by forbidding the use of the computer or cellphone.

Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact: health@producer.com.





Yellowstone National Park: wildlife, waterfalls, geysers TALES FROM THE ROAD



e watch from the side of the road as a female wolf gorges herself on an elk that her pack killed the previous night. When she leaves, she is so full of meat that her distended belly drags, making it an effort to walk. The wolf is likely taking food back to the pups at the den, about three kilometres away, explained a Yellowstone National Park ranger, who described the unfolding drama to curious visitors while trying to keep order among cars stopping along a narrow road. Almost immediately after the female left, a large grey male showed up. He had a more casual attitude, eating for a bit before resting and occasionally getting up to chase away a bold bald eagle eyeing the tasty-looking carcass. As in most of the United States, wolves were killed and driven from Yellowstone National Park. With an initial shipment from Canada in the mid-1990s, wolves were reintroduced to the park amid much fanfare and controversy over how this would impact surrounding ranches. Today, there are an estimated 400 wolves in the greater Yellowstone area, centred mostly in the Lamar Valley in the northeastern part of the park. Seeing these wild and elusive creatures tops the wish list of many park visitors. There’s also a chance to see black bears, grizzlies, elk, pronghorn, white-tailed and mule deer, bighorn sheep and mountain goats, among other critters. But the wildlife icon of Yellowstone is undoubtedly the bison. They never completely died out here, although they came precariously close. After years of conservation, the few remaining animals have multiplied to around 4,600. While we’ve watched bison in other parks, this is a completely different experience because of the sheer number we can see at once. Looking over hundreds of bison dotting the broad grasslands of the Lamar Valley is like a glimpse into our pre-settlement past. Yellowstone’s appeal is a combination of wildlife, stunning mountain scenery and unique thermal features. Gazing over the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone alone makes the trip worthwhile. Precipitous multicoloured slopes frame impressive waterfalls, one of which is almost twice the height of Niagara. Yellowstone’s main purpose is to protect half of the world’s hydrothermal features, the myriad of spewing geysers, steaming fumaroles, boiling mudpots and kaleidoscopic pools. Old Faithful is the most famous geyser by far, shooting boiling water 40 metres into the air every 60 to 90 minutes or so. Staff can predict eruptions at a surprising number of other geysers with reasonable accuracy. What impresses us most are the colours of the thermal pools, from

ABOVE, clockwise: The Yellowstone River plunges more than 90 metres at Lower Falls. | ARLENE AND ROBIN KARPAN PHOTOS

Old Faithful Geyser erupts every 60 to 90 minutes and Black pool at West Thumb Geyser Basin is really teal blue. Bison graze in the Lamar Valley and a male grey wolf trots off with a piece of elk meat.

unreal baby blues to deep green, florescent orange and often a hodgepodge of every imaginable shade. Our favourite is Morning Glory Pool, a short hike from Old Faithful, where it seems that a gigantic bloodshot eye peers out from the centre of the Earth. Other must-sees include Grand Prismatic Spring, the largest hot

spring in the park at more than 110 metres in diameter and about 35 metres deep, and the Black Pool, which was once a much darker shade than its current azure blue. Since this area is in a constant state of flux, colours, shapes and temperatures of many features change with the Earth’s rhythms. Since Yellowstone is immensely

popular, be prepared for lots of people and traffic throughout the short summer season. During our early June visit, every campground was filled every day, usually well before noon. Roughly half of the camp sites can be reserved and are often completely booked well in advance. The other half are first come, first serve.

To secure a site in another campground in a different part of the park, we had to arrive first thing in the morning. For more details, see the park website at www.nps.gov/yell. Arlene and Robin Karpan are well-travelled writers based in Saskatoon. Contact: travel@producer.com.





Supporting a child with Attention Deficit Disorder against him. Can we do anything to help our son?




After various trips to neurologists, psychologists and our family doctor, we are finally starting to accept the discouraging reality that our son has an attention deficit disorder. This has been hard for us. We love our son dearly and we want what is best for him, but this is like he is starting out in life with two strikes

To properly help your son, you need to learn a little more about ADD. Your son can have as many opportunities now as he did before he was diagnosed. The only real difference is that he might need a little more assistance than his classmates. Often, people assume that children with ADD cannot pay attention. This might be true for some children with ADD, but it is also true for children who are highly anxious, those who are grieving the death or divorce of family members or those who are struggling with unresolved trauma.

The trademark for ADD is a struggle with what might be called neurological executive functions. Many children with ADD have problems setting priorities for themselves. The bird playing on a power line outside the classroom window is more important to them than school work. Without some kind of a priority system to guide them, children can often forget commitments they have made to other people. They may not get their homework finished or they may distract their friends in the middle of ball games and birthday parties. You can help your son by having a fairly rigid but simple structure for activities. Meal and bed times

should be regular, as should study, play and TV times. Making sure the school he attends enrolls him in a program that helps him organize his assignments. Post-secondary education institutes have programs to accommodate young people with ADD. Your doctor will likely want to work with you and your son to find the appropriate medication to help him organize his thoughts. With the right medical intervention and support from home and school, your son, can still make significant contributions to society. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@ producer.com.

Rebecca Shuttleworth of Balzac, Alta., is this year’s recipient of a $2,000 scholarship in the Calgary Stampede youth art competition. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO


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Cowgirl’s Summer wins scholarship BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

The light falling across a steer’s face was the inspiration for Rebecca Shuttleworth’s prize-winning drawing in this year’s Calgary Stampede youth art competition. Shuttleworth of Balzac, Alta., hopes to earn a fine arts degree from the University of Lethbridge. Her pencil sketch, called A Cowgirl’s Summer, earned her a $2,000 scholarship. Shuttleworth recently graduated from high school in Airdrie, where she was enrolled in an art class. The award-winning piece was part of a school project based on a photo of a friend and a steer. She completed the project over five days during Christmas break. “I knew it was going to be a good one,” she said. With encouragement from her family and art teacher, she decided to enter the Stampede’s western showcase competition. Shuttleworth said she has been interested in art all her life. While in Grade 6, she started private lessons and spent hours spent creating with pencil, pastels, charcoal and paint. “I noticed this is what I should be doing,” she said. “I have always believed you should use your talents to advantage.” Shuttleworth grew up on a purebred Charolais ranch where her parents, Darryl and Maria, raise about 200 cows. Much of Shuttleworth’s art carries a western influence. “Farming has been my passion so it has carried into my art,” she said. While the student works are not officially for sale, Shuttleworth has decided to enter the business side of art and is building a website to showcase her work. Second place winner Andrea Diebold of Claresholm received a $1,750 scholarship for her oil painting of a young cowboy. Third place and $1,500 went to Taylor deBoer of Cochrane for an acrylic painting entitled Sunset Owl. The competition is open to Grade 12 students across southern Alberta. The work must reflect western culture, lifestyle or heritage.


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Opener Parts NUMBER ITEM/APPLICATION Double-disk opener blade: N283805 BD11, 450, 455, 515, 520, 1520, 8500 and 9400 34.29-cm disk blade: K202M BD11, 450, 515, 520, 8000, 8500, 9000 and 9400 FP GLVN RSHQHU DVVHPEO\ ZLWK EHDULQJ DQG Æ DQJH Å FDVW LURQ KK254M Right BD11, 450, 515, 520, 8000, 8500, 9000 and 9400 KK255M Left BD11, 450, 515, 520, 8000, 8500, 9000 and 9400 Disk assembly, adjustable: AN161227 35.56 cm — 450, 515, 8000 and 8500 AN161226 33.02 cm — 450, 515, 8000, 8500 and 9000 'LVN DVVHPEO\ Æ&#x;[HG AM12419 35.56 cm — 8000 AM12410 33.02 cm — 450, 8000 and 9000 Disks: K204M 35.56 cm — 450, 515, 8000, 8500 and 9000 M18600 33.02 cm — 450, 515, 8000, 8500 and 9000


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NUMBER Meter roller kits: AA45605 AA45606 AA45607 Meter rollers: A58874 A58473 A58479 A69212 Fine-tuning rings: A57192 A57197 A57195 A70069



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Features: • Measures moisture and test weight with no pre-weighing • Patented grain swiper for leveling grain • Designed for less grain spillage • “Auto Updateâ€? grain scales easily updated via USB – no number entry needed • Automatic temperature compensation • Comes with an attractive and convenient carrying case

6SHFLĆ&#x;FDWLRQV • Moisture Range: 6% - 45% depending on grain tested • Temperature Range: 40° - 113° F (5° - 45° C) • Repeatability and accuracy Âą 0.2% in normal moisture range • Display resolution: 0.1% moisture

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Strike a pose The Manitoba Miniature Horse Club held its annual Prairie Winds Summer Show and the Manitoba International Show July 5 - 6 in Brandon. More than 60 horses from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and North Dakota were entered in the two-day event. Classes in miniature, Shetland and Hackney were held. | Sandy Black photos

FAR LEFT: Competitors use a variety of tricks to get their animals to stand erect and show the conformation judges are looking for. Ashton Beler, top, of Moose Jaw, Sask., uses a twitch on the nose, Sarach Hunter of Strathmore, Alta., tries a gesture with her hand, while Sheldon Conrad of Cyprus River, Man., tries a blow on the nose and a hand full of grass MAIN PHOTO: With red ribbon in hand, Barb Ring of Pilot Butte, Sask., gives her horse a love rub on the chest.

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Safety training teaches respect for firearms, practice increases skill OUTDOOR PURSUITS





Safety training can instill a lifetime of respect in young people for safe and ethical gun handling and hunting. | FILE PHOTO

Safe firearms handling tends to stick, if the person is properly trained


ne of the most important traits we can instill into a young mind is the ability to think critically for themselves. This characteristic is particularly important when it comes to firearms and hunter safety. A few years back, I arranged for my son to take his Saskatchewan hunter safety training with the Saskatoon Wildlife Federation. Knowing how to safely operate a firearm, identify game species and the basics of hunting are skills we should all possess.



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Sadly, I have heard far too many stories about unethical and unsafe hunters. I’m sure many of our readers have disappointing stories of their own. Like a good father should, I lead by example and took the hunter safety course with my son. I felt it important to be there with him to make the training experience as positive as possible. It also refreshed my existing knowledge. I consider myself an outdoor generalist. I know enough to get by in most wilderness challenges, but will always defer to the experts in an individual pursuit. I can paddle a canoe, but by no means am I an Olympic competitor. I have a tremendous amount of respect for veteran guides and hunters. I greatly value law enforcement and military marksmen. I try to instill this kind respect into my son when it comes to the real experts of a particular field. When it comes to the dangers that surround firearms and hunting, education is important. It’s easy for an experienced person to believe they can pass on their skills, but unless they possess a natural knack for teaching, often things get lost in translation. Formal training programs exist to give everyone an equal and solid foundation in the basics, rather than learning an accidentally biased or overly specialized set of skills. It’s important for everyone to pass these basic training courses and then learn from the masters at the shooting range or on the trail. Taking and passing hunter safety training is an important first step. The next important step is frequently practising what was learned until it’s really understood. Effectively using firearms is a perishable skill. So is hunting. It’s important that newcomers pursue these skills after training, so they are engrained and polished. Young people have a natural tendency to shift interests and passions over time. They are exploring the world and developing an identity. Knowing how to safely operate a firearm, or at least have a healthy respect for them, tends to stick with a person if he or she is properly trained initially. Everyone should take a firearms or hunter safety training course. Knowledge is the most effective and lightest piece of gear one can carry in life’s toolbox. Kim Quintin is a Saskatoon outdoor enthusiast and knife maker. He can be reached for column content suggestions at kim.quintin@producer.com.

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NEWS AG NOTES SCIENTIST TURNS 100 A pioneer entomologist was honoured for another milestone last month. Thelma Finlayson, a founding member of Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Pest Management, celebrated her 100th birthday June 29. The university marked the occasion with an event honouring the scientist, for whom two species of insects are named. Finlayson joined the university in 1967 and was the first female faculty member in the department of biological science. She retired in 1979 and was later was named a special adviser to students. She has counselled more than 8,000 students, working past the age of 95. Finlayson continues to stay active and recently co-authored a paper with SFU professor emeritus Manfred Mackauer. They first published together in the Canadian Entomologist in 1967. Among many distinctions, Finlayson was named a member of the Order of Canada in 2005. BIG DONATION MADE TO LETHBRIDGE COLLEGE Lethbridge farm equipment dealer Hanlon Ag Centre has donated $100,000 to Lethbridge College for its agriculture and heavy equipment technology programs. The college said the gift will support its new trades and technologies facility now under construction and will see a heavy equipment bay named for the dealership. The money will also support a $1,000 annual scholarship for a student graduating from the agricultural and heavy equipment certificate program over the next 25 years. Keith Shirakawa, one Hanlon’s owners, said in a news release that the business wants to help build capacity in southern Alberta for training in the trades. The farm equipment business also hires students and apprentices from the college program, provides equipment for students to work on in its agriculture equipment and parts programs, and has a representative on the college’s advisory committee. Lethbridge College president Paula Burns said the company’s involvement with the college is essential in ensuring its programs offer training in the skills needed by today’s industry. Hanlon Ag Centre, established by Tim Hanlon and now operated by several owners, celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The equipment bay that will bear its name will be located in the Crooks School of Transportation, an area of the new trades building scheduled to open in fall 2015.

COMING EVENTS July 22: Indian Head Crop Management field day, Indian Head, Sask. (IHARF, 306-695-4200) Aug. 7: Saskatchewan Pasture Tour, Yorkton/Ituna/Kelliher/Touchwood Hills area (Charlotte Ward, 306-7861608, charlotte.ward@gov.sk.ca or Saskatchewan Forage Council, 306969-2666, office@saskforage.ca) For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.



CURLED UP IN A COULEE Williamson will serve as president, Ryan Sommerfeld as vice-president, Aaron Ivey as past-president and Dave Kerr as finance chair.

FORAGE COUNCIL ELECTS EXECUTIVE Greg Penner of the department of animal and poultry science at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Agriculture and Bioresources has been elected to the board of directors for the Saskatchewan Forage Council. Re-elected were Ryan Sommerfeld, a producer from Medstead, Sask., Dave Kerr, a producer from Lashburn, Sask., Steve Pylot, a producer from Meadow Lake, Sask., Kelly Williamson, a producer from Pambrun, Sask., and Bruce Coulman of the U of S’s department of plant science. Diane Knight from the U of S has retired from the board. The SFC also elected a new executive for 2014-15. Kelly

INVESTMENT TARGETS BIOSECURITY AND BEES The federal government is investing more than $340,000 in the Canadian Honey Council to improve food safety and biosecurity standards for beekeeping. The announcement was made at a recent field day at the Beaverlodge Research Farm in Alberta. With the money, the CHC will develop communication and training materials to help beekeepers maintain high standards for food safety and bee biosecurity. Honeybees are crucial for the pollination of crops.

A prairie rattlesnake tastes the air with its tongue in a ravine in Cypress County east of Medicine Hat, Alta. Farmers and ranchers are protective of their snakes because they keep the rodent population in check. In Alberta, rattlesnakes cannot be killed or collected and their shelters are protected year-round. | AL POPIL PHOTO


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100 years of ‘educational opportunities for the common man’ BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Chris Boerboom says the network of extension workers created in 1914 keeps university researchers and farmers connected. | ED WHITE PHOTO

FARG O, North Dakota — The grubby, dirty work of agricultural extension isn’t a major public issue in the United States today, but at one time it was a key national concern. “Abraham Lincoln signed that legislation in the middle of the civil war,” said Chris Boerboom, the director of extension at North Dakota State University. “I think that is pretty remarkable that our legislative leaders at that time had that foresight for the country during that type of crisis.” Across the U.S. Midwest and Great Plains states “land grant” universi-

ties are celebrating 100 years of extension services, which includes agriculture, home economics and various forms of rural community assistance and education. The land grant universities are a network of government-funded institutions designed to provide “educational opportunities for the common man.” They were opened across the U.S. in the decades after the Morrill Act created legislative support in 1862. While they have been established across the country, it’s in the “farm states” where they have been and still are major influences. The term comes from the land grants given to nascent universities


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Bunge North America Crop Production Services Agrium Inc. The Western Producer TransCanada Archer Daniels Midland Company The Mosaic Company Alliance Pipeline Inc. TransCanada Corporation Kubota Tractor Corporation PotashCorp CF Industries, Inc. J.R. Simplot Company Westfield Industries/Ag Growth International Betaseed, Inc. Canadian Agricultural Safety Association Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Agriculture for Life, Inc. MacDon Industries Ltd. Bridgestone Americas Trust Fund CSX Corporation ConocoPhillips Canada AGCO The Andersons, Inc. Association of Equipment Manufacturers Krone North America, Inc. ©2014 Progressive Agriculture Foundation

to serve as endowments. Since then, the universities have grown far beyond the undergraduate colleges first conceived. To generate applied research projects to help pioneer families, the U.S. Congress passed the 1887 Hatch Act, creating experimental stations. However, a crucial gap between researchers and farmers became apparent. In 1914, the Smith-Lever Act was passed, creating the network of extension workers that has become a central part of land grant universities. “A hundred years ago, some of our agents were getting out to the producers using Model-Ts and motorcycles,” said Boerboom, sitting in his office in the Morrill building on the NDSU campus, as he got ready to head to western North Dakota for an extension research session. “Now we’re connecting with producers using social media.” The internet and high speed communication means that distant farmers and university-based researchers can easily and quickly interact. But Boerboom said he doesn’t want to see those new tools undermine inperson communication. “I think it’s so critical for us to be present locally on the farm, walking the fields, local meetings, local workshops, because what’s happening here in Fargo, North Dakota, is so much different than what’s happening in Washburn (about 370 kilometres west of Fargo).” “We’re really proud to be a countybased program to maintain that local connection and I truly believe that is part of what will continue to make us successful, even in this digital age, that local touch,” he said. Like the U.S. farm states, Canadian provinces have extensive extension networks. But unlike U.S. states, most prairie provinces offer extension through provincial agriculture departments. However, these agriculture departments aren’t conducting most public research. Provincial governmentemployed extension officers work closely with university researchers, while university agriculture departments and Agriculture Canada researchers offer field days and are present at farm meetings and conferences. While Canada has a hybrid extension system dominated by provincial governments, Boerboom said U.S. state agriculture departments play little role with extension. “Its function is regulatory,” he said about the North Dakota agriculture department. “Their function isn’t as an educator. So the educational role really resides within the university system within the land grant system.” With drones and complex rotations and production systems, he said there is still a need for extension help. Producers can be challenged by the new technology of precision agriculture, while others are pressured by the booming oil economy of western North Dakota and the depopulation of eastern North Dakota farm towns. But while methods have changed over the past century, Boerboom said he sees more demand than ever. “It’s a neat history,” he said.

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Tributes/Memoriams ..................... 0100 Announcements .............................0200 COMMUNITY CALENDAR British Columbia ..........................0310 Alberta ........................................ 0320 Saskatchewan ............................ 0330 Manitoba ..................................... 0340 Airplanes ........................................0400 Alarms & Security Systems ...........0500 ANTIQUES Antique Auctions .........................0701 Antique Equipment..................... 0703 Antique Vehicles ......................... 0705 Antique Miscellaneous ................0710 Arenas ............................................0800 Auction Sales .................................0900 Auction Schools .............................0950 AUTO & TRANSPORT Auto Service & Repairs............... 1050 Auto & Truck Parts .......................1100 Buses........................................... 1300 Cars ............................................. 1400 Trailers Grain Trailers .............................1505 Livestock Trailers....................... 1510 Misc. Trailers...............................1515 Trucks Newest to Oldest ....................... 1595 Four Wheel Drive .......................1670 Grain Trucks ............................... 1675 Gravel Trucks ............................. 1676 Semi Trucks.................................. 1677 Specialized Trucks .................... 1680 Sport Utilities ............................ 1682 Various .......................................1685 Vans..............................................1700 Vehicles Wanted .......................... 1705 BEEKEEPING Honey Bees ..................................2010 Cutter Bees ................................. 2020 Bee Equipment & Supplies .....................................2025 Belting ............................................ 2200 Bio Diesel & Equipment................. 2300 Books & Magazines ........................ 2400 BUILDING & RENOVATIONS Concrete Repair & Coatings .......................................2504 Doors & Windows ........................2505 Electrical & Plumbing .................. 2510 Lumber .........................................2520 Roofing.........................................2550 Supplies .......................................2570 Buildings .........................................2601 Building Movers ..............................2602 Business Opportunities ................. 2800 BUSINESS SERVICES Commodity/Future Brokers ........ 2900 Consulting ....................................2901 Financial & Legal .........................2902 Insurance & Investments ....................2903 Butcher’s Supplies .........................3000 Chemicals........................................3150 Clothing: Drygoods & Workwear ................. 3170 Collectibles .................................... 3200 Compressors .................................. 3300 Computers...................................... 3400 CONTRACTING Custom Baling..............................3510 Custom Combining ......................3520 Custom Feeding ........................... 3525 Custom Seeding ........................... 3527 Custom Silage ..............................3530 Custom Spraying ........................ 3540 Custom Trucking ..........................3550 Custom Tub Grinding ................... 3555 Custom Work............................... 3560 Construction Equipment................3600 Dairy Equipment .............................3685 Diesel Engines................................ 3700 Educational .................................... 3800 Electrical Motors.............................3825 Electrical Equipment ......................3828 Engines........................................... 3850 Farm Buildings ...............................4000 Bins ............................................. 4003 Storage/Containers .................... 4005 FARM MACHINERY Aeration .......................................4103 Conveyors ................................... 4106 Equipment Monitors ................... 4109

Fertilizer Equipment.................... 4112 Grain Augers ................................ 4115 Grain Bags/Equipment ................ 4116 Grain Carts ................................... 4118 Grain Cleaners ............................. 4121 Grain Dryers ................................. 4124 Grain Elevators ............................ 4127 Grain Testers ................................4130 Grain Vacuums............................. 4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ......................4139 Mower Conditioners .................. 4142 Swathers ....................................4145 Swather Accessories .................4148 H&H Various .............................. 4151 Combines Belarus ....................................... 4157 Case/IH ..................................... 4160 CI ................................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ......................4166 Deutz ..........................................4169 Ford/NH ..................................... 4172 Gleaner ...................................... 4175 John Deere ................................. 4178 Massey Ferguson ....................... 4181 Python........................................4184 Versatile ..................................... 4187 White..........................................4190 Various ....................................... 4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers ......................4199 Combine Pickups .......................4202 Misc. Accessories ......................4205 Hydraulics ................................... 4208 Parts & Accessories ..................... 4211 Salvage....................................... 4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ................................. 4217 Repairs .........................................4220 Rockpickers ................................. 4223 Shop Equipment .......................... 4225 Snowblowers & Snowplows.................................4226 Silage Equipment ........................4229 Special Equipment ...................... 4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ................................4238 SP Sprayers................................ 4241 Spraying Various .......................4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .....................................4250 Air Seeders ................................4253 Harrows & Packers ....................4256 Seeding Various.........................4259 Tillage Equipment .....................4262 Tillage & Seeding Various.....................................4265 Tractors Agco Agco ......................................... 4274 Allis/Deutz ............................... 4277 White ...................................... 4280 Belarus .......................................4283 Case/IH ..................................... 4286 Steiger......................................4289 Caterpillar ..................................4292 John Deere .................................4295 Kubota....................................... 4298 Massey Ferguson .......................4301 New Holland ............................. 4304 Ford ..........................................4307 Versatile...................................4310 Universal.................................... 4313 Zetor...........................................4316 Various Tractors ........................4319 Loaders & Dozers ......................... 4322 Miscellaneous ..............................4325 Wanted .........................................4328 Fencing ...........................................4400 Financing/Leasing ......................... 4450 Firewood .........................................4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ................. 4500 Food Products .................................4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ....... 4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ...............4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing .................. 4605 Fur Farming .....................................4675 Generators ...................................... 4725 GPS .................................................4730 Green Energy................................... 4775 Health Care .................................... 4810 Health Foods ...................................4825 Heating & Air Conditioning ........... 4850 Hides, Furs, & Leathers ................. 4880 Hobbies & Handicrafts .................. 4885

Household Items............................ 4890 Iron & Steel .................................... 4960 Irrigation Equipment ..................... 4980 LANDSCAPING Greenhouses ............................... 4985 Lawn & Garden ........................... 4988 Nursery & Gardening Supplies .................. 4990 LIVESTOCK Bison/Buffalo Auction Sales ............................5000 Bison/Buffalo............................ 5001 Cattle Auction Sales ............................ 5005 Black Angus .............................. 5010 Red Angus ..................................5015 Belgian Blue.............................. 5030 Blonde d’Aquitaine ....................5035 Brahman ................................... 5040 Brangus ......................................5042 Braunvieh ..................................5047 Brown Swiss ............................. 5049 BueLingo ....................................5052 Charolais ....................................5055 Dexter........................................ 5065 Excellerator................................5067 Galloway ................................... 5070 Gelbvieh.....................................5075 Guernsey ................................... 5080 Hereford ....................................5090 Highland ................................... 5095 Holstein......................................5100 Jersey .........................................5105 Limousin .....................................5115 Lowline ...................................... 5118 Luing .......................................... 5120 Maine-Anjou .............................. 5125 Miniature ...................................5130 Murray Grey ............................... 5135 Piedmontese ..............................5160 Pinzgauer ................................... 5165 Red Poll .......................................5175 Salers ......................................... 5185 Santa Gertrudis .........................5188 Shaver Beefblend ...................... 5195 Shorthorn.................................. 5200 Simmental..................................5205 South Devon .............................. 5210 Speckle Park .............................. 5215 Tarentaise ..................................5220 Texas Longhorn .......................... 5225 Wagyu ........................................5230 Welsh Black................................ 5235 Cattle Various ............................5240 Cattle Wanted ............................5245 Cattle Events & Seminars .................................. 5247 Horses Auction Sales .............................5305 American Saddlebred ................5310 Appaloosa .................................. 5315 Arabian ......................................5320 Belgian ....................................... 5325 Canadian .................................... 5327 Clydesdale .................................5330 Donkeys ..................................... 5335 Haflinger ....................................5345 Holsteiner .................................. 5355 Miniature ...................................5365 Morgan ....................................... 5375 Mules......................................... 5380 Norwegian Fjord ........................5385 Paint.......................................... 5390 Palomino ....................................5395 Percheron ................................. 5400 Peruvian.................................... 5405 Ponies ....................................... 5408 Quarter Horse ............................ 5415 Shetland.....................................5420 Sport Horses ..............................5424 Standardbred............................ 5430 Tennessee Walker ......................5445 Thoroughbred ........................... 5450 Welsh .........................................5455 Horses Various.......................... 5460 Horses Wanted ..........................5465 Horse Events, Seminars.................. 5467 Horse Hauling ........................... 5469 Harness & Vehicles ....................5470 Saddles ...................................... 5475 Sheep Auction Sales .............................5505 Arcott .........................................5510 Columbia....................................5520

Dorper ........................................ 5527 Dorset ........................................5530 Katahdin.....................................5550 Lincoln ....................................... 5553 Suffolk....................................... 5580 Texel Sheep ................................5582 Sheep Various........................... 5590 Sheep Wanted............................5595 Sheep Events, Seminars................... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ...................................5598 Swine Auction Sales ............................ 5605 Wild Boars .................................5662 Swine Various ............................5670 Swine Wanted ............................ 5675 Swine Events, Seminars ..................5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ...............................5710 Ducks & Geese ...........................5720 Turkeys.......................................5730 Birds Various ............................. 5732 Poultry Various ..........................5740 Poultry Equipment..................... 5741 Specialty Alpacas ...................................... 5753 Deer............................................ 5757 Elk ..............................................5760 Goats .......................................... 5765 Llama .........................................5770 Rabbits....................................... 5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea .................... 5775 Yaks ............................................5780 Events & Seminars..................... 5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment. ................................ 5783 Livestock Various ........................5785 Livestock Equipment .................. 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies ..................................... 5792 Lost and Found .............................. 5800 Miscellaneous Articles................... 5850 Misc Articles Wanted ......................5855 Musical ............................................5910 Notices ............................................5925 Oilfield Equipment..........................5935 ORGANIC Certification Services ..................5943 Food .............................................5945 Grains...........................................5947 Livestock ..................................... 5948 Personal (prepaid) ......................... 5950 Personal Various (prepaid)................ 5952 Pest Control ................................... 5960 PETS Registered ....................................5970 Non Registered ............................ 5971 Working Dogs ...............................5973 Pets & Dog Events ........................ 5975 Photography .................................. 5980 Propane ..........................................6000 Pumps ............................................ 6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ....................6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties .............................6110 Commercial Buildings/Land .......................... 6115 Condos/Townhouses ...................6120 Cottages & Lots ............................ 6125 Houses & Lots ..............................6126 Mobile Homes .............................. 6127 Ready To Move ............................. 6128 Resorts .........................................6129 Recreational Property .................6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia........................ 6131 Alberta ....................................... 6132 Saskatchewan ............................ 6133 Manitoba ....................................6134 Pastures .....................................6136 Wanted .......................................6138 Acreages ....................................6139 Miscellaneous ........................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ...................... 6161 Boats & Watercraft ...................... 6162 Campers & Trailers ......................6164 Golf Cars ......................................6165 Motor Homes ...............................6166 Motorcycles ................................. 6167 Snowmobiles ...............................6168 Refrigeration .................................. 6180


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RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ..................6210 Vacation Accommodations .......................6245 Restaurant Supplies .......................6320 Sausage Equipment ....................... 6340 Sawmills......................................... 6360 Scales ............................................. 6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ........................................ 6404 Corn...........................................6406 Durum ....................................... 6407 Oats ........................................... 6410 Rye .............................................6413 Triticale ......................................6416 Wheat .........................................6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa.........................................6425 Annual Forage ........................... 6428 Clover .........................................6431 Grass Seeds .............................. 6434 Oilseeds Canola ...................................... 6440 Flax ........................................... 6443 Pulse Crops Beans ........................................ 6449 Chickpeas ..................................6452 Lentil ..........................................6455 Peas........................................... 6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ............................ 6464 Mustard ......................................6467 Potatoes .................................... 6470 Sunflower...................................6473 Other Specialty Crops................. 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ............................... 6482 Forage Seeds............................... 6485 Grass Seeds ................................ 6488 Oilseeds .......................................6491 Pulse Crops ................................. 6494 Various .........................................6497 Organic Seed ................. See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain................................... 6505 Hay & Straw .................................6510 Pellets & Concentrates ................ 6515 Fertilizer...................................... 6530 Feed Wanted ............................... 6540 Seed Wanted ................................6542 Sewing Machines ............................6710 Sharpening Services ....................... 6725 Sporting Goods ...............................6825 Outfitters .....................................6827 Stamps & Coins .............................. 6850 Swap................................................6875 Tanks ...............................................6925 Tarpaulins .......................................6975 Tenders............................................7025 Tickets .............................................7027 Tires ............................................... 7050 Tools ............................................... 7070 Travel...............................................7095 Water Pumps...................................7150 Water Treatment ............................ 7200 Welding ...........................................7250 Well Drilling ................................... 7300 Winches.......................................... 7400 CAREERS Career Training .............................. 8001 Child Care....................................... 8002 Construction ..................................8004 Domestic Services .........................8008 Farm / Ranch .................................. 8016 Forestry / Logging .......................... 8018 Help Wanted .................................. 8024 Management ...................................8025 Mining .............................................8027 Oilfield ........................................... 8030 Professional ....................................8032 Sales / Marketing ...........................8040 Trades / Technical .......................... 8044 Truck Drivers .................................. 8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ..................................... 8050



TOWN OF MARSHALL Centennial Celebration (Inc. 1914-2014), Saturday, September 6th, 8:00 AM Registration. Pancake breakfast, old fashioned tea, baseball, horseshoes, Saturday night family dance with live band, Sunday morning interdenominational church service. Remember to bring your baseball gloves! Please reply before August 11, 2014. 306-387-6340, Marshall, SK., http://www.townofmarshall.ca

1971 PIPER CHEROKEE 140D with perfor- 1974 PIPER WARRIOR, 2880 TT, 8 0 mance upgrade. Phone: 306-382-9024, SMOH, 160 HP, 80 SPOH. For more info and pics call 306-717-0709, Saskatoon, SK Saskatoon, SK. LY C O M I N G 0 - 3 2 0 , 1 5 0 / 1 6 0 H P ; 0-290-D, 135 HP, 1100 SMOH. Lethbridge, 1960 PA22 TRIPACER, only 75 hrs SMOH, AB. 403-327-4582, 403-308-0062. King radio transponder, mode C light weight starter, handcrafted interior, al- 1976 GRUMMAN TRAVELER, only 432 hrs. TTSN, always hangared, no damage histoways hangered. 204-647-7750, Laurier, MB ry, extensive annual just completed, $45,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 1949 CESSNA 170A, STOL kit, 961 SMOH, mags, wires, plugs and alternator replaced in 2009. 204-857-8691, Portage la Prairie, MB., jakeandbonnie@shaw.ca

INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Argentina. 1-888-414-4177.

1973 THRUSH 600, 5400 TT, C of A, Aero eng. 0TT, Ag 100-2 prop, ext. wings, Satloc GPS, flow control, spring. Bengough, SK., call 306-268-7400, 306-268-7550.

1965 CESSNA 150F, 3249 TTSN, 677 TSOH, new interior, icom Nav-Com, hangared, $14,500. 306-664-6500, Milden, SK.

CESSNA 414, 9046 AFTT, engines Ram Series VI, 1048/482 TSO, 1057/471 TSO, S-Tec autopilot; PIPER Aztec C, 4280 AFTT, engines 1245/409 hrs. TSO, props 269/269 TSO, new paint and int. 2007; 3 TRAVEL AIRs, 1964, 1966 and 1968, former flight school aircraft, IFR certified; BEAVER, 1959, converted from US military L-20A Model, 8184 AFTT, eng. 274 hrs. TSO, OH by Covington aircraft eng. 2007; PIPER Navajo, 8859 AFTT, Cleveland wheels and brakes, cargo door, Kannad ELT. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB.

1959 PIPER COMANCHE 180, TTSN 3061, SMOH 130. In 2002: new paint, fuel bladders, conduits, and windshield. New 3 blade prop. Good condition, $57,000. 867-633-8470, Whitehorse, YT. 1970 PA39 TWIN Comanche turbo, CR, 4625 TT, King equipment, many modifications and new parts, recent paint and int. Call 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. 1975 C182P, SKYLANE, 2760 TT, 1179 SMOH, new leather int., long range tanks, hangared, vg. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK.

JD 2 CYL. tractors: 830 dsl., pony start; 730 dsl, rowcrop, elec. start; 630 all fuel, 1 of 182 made; 530, vegetable; 430W PS; All tractors exc. 780-922-6120, Ardrosson, AB

FLOAT PLANE for sale: 1999 Homebuilt, 372 TTSN, Lycoming 0-320 160 HP, 1510 TT, 194 STOH, Slick start system, 4 blade warp drive prop, 720 lbs useful load, 1850 Aerofloats, wheels, icom IC-AC200, XPDR Narco AT50A, intercom, Garmin 295 GPS, $68,500. 250-707-1478 or 306-663-6188, McPhee Lake, SK. tworedheads@shaw.ca

1951 OLIVER 77, gas, rebuilt eng, clean, $4500; 1953 Farm-All Super H, new tires, clean, $4500. 204-326-3109 Steinbach MB

1962 COMANCHE 250, TTSN approx. 3600, engine 1430 SMOH, 250 STOH 6 new Lyc. cylinder, prop due 2017, paint is 7.5/10, interior 8.5/10, glass 9/10, King avionics, RadioMaster, 90 gal., lots of new p a r t s , g o o d a i r c r a f t , $ 5 9 , 9 0 0 O B O. Portable oxygen system available. June Annual done June 11th. 250-426-5118 or 36TH ANNUAL KILLARNEY HARVEST ANTIQUE AUCTION, Saturday, August 2, 250-421-1484, Cranbrook, BC. 9:30 AM DST, Killarney Shamrock Centre, Manitoba. Features: Beautiful antique furniture, 1/4 cut oak, walnut etc.; curved glass china cabinets; secretary bookcases; stacking bookcases, roll top, hall seats, dining tables and chairs, dining room suite, plus much more. Glassware: Royal Albert, Nippon, Limoges, Carnival, etc.; clocks; lamps; advertising porcelain and JOIN THE AUCTION ACTION TEAM metal signs; toys and die cast replicas. Money and coins features: Very rare 1947 and 1948 Canadian silver dollars; crocks include 1 gallon Redwing. Great variety of other antique and collectibles. View the Sa t. July 26 th - S piritw o o d websites at: www.mrankinauctions.com or www.rosstaylorauction.com Murray L yle & Alin e Bella m y 10:00 a m Rankin Auctions, Killarney, MB., Murray Re s to re d Tra c to rs , An tiqu e s , To o ls 204-534-7401. Ross Taylor Auction Service, Reston, MB., 204-522-5356. License Sun . July 27th - La n gha m #909917 and #313936. L a rry Pa vlo ff 1:00 pm An tiqu e , S po rtM e m o ra b ilia , Ac re a ge Au c tio n S a le Chec k outour w eb site for a d eta iled listing 1952 ALLIS IB, rare and restored, $7500. 403-226-0429, Calgary, AB. Pics available w w w .b oe ch le rs ch ira a uction .com by email: ancientgrease@gmail.com


ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. FARMALL M TRACTOR, one owner, recent rebuild and rubber, needs paint, $2500. Call 306-874-7843, Naicam, SK. JD THRESHING MACHINE, 28” cylinder, $600; Horse drawn binder, $1500; JD D tractor, restored, $2500. 403-845-6647, Rocky Mountain House, AB. MASSEY HARRIS 44, $1800; Massey Harris 30, $2250. Both good cond., exc. rubber. Call 306-231-9808, Humboldt, SK. WANTED: FENDERS FOR 1950 model A John Deere row crop, in restorable condition. Call Joey Sharp, 780-991-6292. C R O S B Y, N O RT H DA KOTA , D i v i d e County Historical Society 45th Annual Show, July 18, 19, and 20th. Featuring the JD line. Parades Saturday and Sunday. Threshing, plowing, sawing lumber, music, games for kids. Call John 701-965-6741. FOR SALE: JD model 30 combine; 12’ swather; 12’ discer; Flight loader w/hopper; Horse trip hay rake; 2 furrow plow; 5’ horse drawn mower. Sell as package for $3000, or sell individually. Contact Orville 306-846-2130, Dinsmore, SK. 500 CASE DIESEL, in good condition. 306-492-4621, Dundurn, SK.

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ACROSS 1. Peggy Sue Got Married cinematographer 8. Brammell of The Unit 10. One of the producers for While She Was Out 11. Film starring John Cusack and Amanda Peet 12. Richards who played Lex in Jurassic Park 13. My Life ___ a Dog (old Canadian TV series) 14. Alicia Witt’s middle name 16. He starred in Ghost Ship 17. Actress Sara 18. Actress Zadora 19. Initials of the actress who starred in Hot Rod Girl 20. He played Daniel on Ugly Betty 22. Will Ferrell film 24. He played B. J. on B. J. and the Bear (2 words) 27. Film starring Tanya Roberts 28. Actress Darshi 31. Lucy and Ricky’s daughter on Trailer Park Boys 33. ___ You 35. Two ___ a Half Men 36. Film starring Edward Speleers and Jeremy Irons 38. A Million Ways to ___ in the West 39. Private investigator who was played by Mike Connors 40. The ___ Vinci Code 41. Cool Hand Luke director 42. We ___ the Night 43. Better ___ Chocolate

DOWN 1. John Wayne film 2. Film Kevin Costner directed and starred in (2 words) 3. Film starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones 4. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for The Last Samurai 5. Dreama Walker’s middle name 6. ___ Kill a Mockingbird 7. Box office bomb of 1980 (2 words) 8. Rocky director 9. She made her film debut in Don’t Bother to Knock 15. Film starring Marilyn Monroe and Joseph Cotton 19. Cozzi who directed Hercules 21. He played Staff Sergeant Kinchloe on Hogan’s Heroes (2 words) 23. She played Cheadle’s girlfriend in Crash 25. Initials of the actor who played Freddy Krueger 26. She was nominated for an Academy Award and Golden Globe for Gone Baby Gone (2 words) 29. Film Christian Bale won an Oscar for (with The) 30. ___ Point 32. Varma of Human Target 34. Mr. & Mrs. Smith director 37. Devil’s ___ 40. Failure to Launch director


JD B, 1941 runs great, new front tires and tubes, hand start, good tin, $2000; JD BR, 1944, restored, new front tires and tubes, new fenders, hand start, won People’s Choice Award, $3500; JD AO (Orchard), 1946, 2014 restoration, new fenders, mech. good, $4000; JD ANH, 1949, mech. excellent, single front wheel, 42� rears, Delco dist., power troll, 2 PTH arms, aux. hyd. pump, needs paint, drove it in many parades, rare collectible, $6500; JD AO (Orchard), 1946, needs restoration, runs, $1500; Ford Jubilee, 1953, runs great, needs paint, 2nd owner, $2000; MH pony, 1947, older restoration, motor redone, new bearings and seals in tranny and final drive, belt pulley, 4 new tubes and wheels, new front tires, $2000; Farmall C, 1947, plowed with it in a plow match, runs great, good gears, c/w one bottom plow and rear sickle mower, $2000. All OBO. Kelowna, BC, 250-861-3688. Email ooper@telus.net 1951 COCKSHUTT 30’ runs and looks good, $2900; 1947 IHC H restored row crop, $3100; 1949 JD M, restored $3800; Two 1951 MH 30’ $1900 for both; 1953 MH 33’, $1600. Call 306-220-2191, Saskatoon, SK.


1974 JD X6 snowmobile, 4200 mi., always shedded, was running, $500; 36’ Anderson rodweeder w/harrows, $800 and 6’ TBH snowblower, $300. All in good condition, orig. owner Ron 306-369-2650, Bruno,SK.

PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale July 26, 9:00 AM. PBR, 105- 71st St. West, Saskatoon, SK., www.pbrauctions.com 306-931-7666.

HUGE 2 DAY AUCTION NEW TRACTOR PARTS. Specializing in engine rebuild kits and thousands of other parts. Savings! Service manuals and decals. Also Steiner Parts dealer. Our 40th year! www.diamondfarmtractorparts.com Call 1-800-481-1353.


AUGUST 15-16



1967 FORD LTD 4 door hardtop, showing 15,450 miles, nice shape; 1949 to 1951 Mercury’s and Monarch’s; 1970 to 1973 Duster’s, some 4 spd; Lots of other 1950 to 1960 Ford’s, Chrysler’s and some Chev’s. Call 306-859-4913, Beechy, SK.

ALLIS CHALMERS MODEL B; Case S; Case D; Ford 9N; IHC W4; IHC Super W6; Massey Harris 30; Massey Harris 44 Special; JD AR Styled. Most have been restored. 306-642-3152, Assiniboia, SK.

1976 DODGE ROYAL Monaco Brougham, 4 door sedan, 400 4-barrel, mech. good running order, int. good, body rusted, $1000; 1979 Dodge Adventure SE, D150 Clubcab, AC, longbox, 360 auto., interior good, body good, not running, will start, $1000 both for $1500. Original owner. Ron POST DRILL made by C.W. COE, 1889; or harrows, Ralister Sole Maker; grinder, 306-369-2650, Bruno, SK. John Deere pedal power sandstone; wind 1982 TRANS AM, black, auto., 37,000 charger, 1938 Air Electric; 150 blow torch- miles, Recaro interior, rare dual factory e s w / i r o n s ; 8 - t r a c t o r s o n s t e e l . carburetors, very nice car, original paint, 403-986-3280 or 306-838-0060, Smiley SK $8900; 1984 Chevy shortbox, Southern truck, rust free, faded paint, on big rubber CAT D-2, RUNNING, very nice, $7500. with chrome wheels, super clean! $4900. D-4, running, very nice, $7500. Cat D-35, K & L E q u i p m e n t , I t u n a , S K . gas, very nice, $7500. IHC TD-9 w/blade, 3 0 6 - 7 9 5 - 7 7 7 9 , 3 0 6 - 5 3 7 - 2 0 2 7 . D L $8500. IHC TD-6 w/blade, $7500. JD 420, #910885. Email: ladimer@sasktel.net 5 roller w/blade, $3750. Case 750 w/load- 1972 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme convertible, er, $3500. Oliver OC-3 w/loader, $3950. 350 Rocket, 4 barrel, bucket seats, console 1957 Mercedes Benz dump truck, 6 cyl. shift, $16,500. 306-963-7604, Imperial, SK diesel, good shape, $5750. 1920’s Ruby truck, partial restoration, rebuilt engine, WANTED: 1940 to 1950s Chev/GMC 1/2 $2250. 204-746-2016, 204-746-5345, ton, to restore to original, exc. shape. AssiMorris, MB. niboia, SK. 306-642-3255, 306-640-7149. 1951 IHC L130 1 ton truck, dual wheels, WANTED: MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE horse wood box, hyd. hoist, 45,000 orig. miles, drawn sickle mower. Phone: 204-534-6859 $2500. 306-773-4088, Swift Current, SK. Boissevain, MB. WATROUS FUN RUN Auto Show And Shine, July 26/14. Jason 306-946-3336, Watrous, SK., www.watrousfunrun.com 1960 CHEVY 1 ton, box and hoist, good Powertrain, needs body work, priced to sell at $2000. 204-537-2455, Bellmont, MB 1956 MERCURY CUSTOM Phaeton, 4 dr. hardtop, 35,400 orig. miles, $9500. 1979 Lincoln Town Car, very nice shape, $5500. 306-221-6248, Dalmeny, SK. UNRESERVED 2 CYLINDER ANTIQUE Tractor Auction, Approx. 55 John Deere tractors, 1925-1953 and various parts, new and used. Werner Harms Collection, Olds, AB., Friday, August 22, 2014. Live a u c t i o n - ava i l a b l e o n l i n e . V i ew at www.gwacountry.com 1-866-304-4664.

OLE’ DEN ANTIQUES LTD. (formally known as Prairie Treasures) is hosting the Kenaston, SK. Annual Flea Market! Sunday, Aug. 3, Mon., Aug. 4, 2014, 9 AM5 PM daily. For spaces call 306-252-2366.

WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, 1948 JOHN DEERE B 25 hp Roll-O-Matic Saskatoon, SK. front wheels, 2 cyl gas, Super Six loader, good condition, shedded, $7200. SPRINGBANK WESTERN HERITAGE 2014 250-690-7408, dmerz@hwy16.com, Antique Show And Sale, Saturday July 26, 9 AM to 4 PM; Sunday July 27, 10 AM to 3 PM at 32224A Springbank Road, Calgary, AB., (Located 1 mile South of Calaway Park off Hwy #1) For more info. contact Kirk 403-992-3330, Donna or Guy, 403-637-2459. bluechipshow@gmail.com WANTED: 1955-56 and pre 1940-41 Canadian Wheat Board permit books. 306-286-3508, Humboldt, SK.

SEE MORE LISTINGS AND PICTURES AT www.bodnarusauctioneering.com


TOLL-FREE 1-877-494-BIDS (2437) PL #318200 SK PL #324317 AB S.L.D.L #118695

9M?MKL / % )($ *(),

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JULY 28th s !- s ,)6% ).4%2.%4 ")$$).' 2)#+ !.$ 35:!.. !,3!'%2 s -!)$34/.% 3+

Directions: -YVT 4HPKZ[VUL NV TPSLZ ZV\[O VU O^` @HYK SVJH[LK VU [OL ZV\[OLHZ[ ZPKL VM [OL ILUK Seller Contacts: 9PJR HUK :\aHUU (SZHNLY Auction Coordinator: 4PJOHLS /PNNZ 2003 New Holland TG230 MFWD, 4453 hrs showing; 2008 New Holland TV 145 4wd Bi-directional, 2589 hrs showing; John Deere 1650 MFWD tractor w/ JD 100 FEL; 1998 New Holland 2300 18’ haybine, ďŹ ts the TV145; 1997 Agco Gleaner R62 s/p, 2142 thr / 2600 eng hrs showing; Allis Chalmers 327 27’ header; John Deere 2320 25’ s/p; 2002 Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 530B 12’ double disc ripper; Flexicoil 85 50’ heavy harrow; Bourgault 5710 35’ air drill; Bourgault 2115 Special 4 wheel cart; Grain augers; 1996 Wilmar 745 80’ s/p; 1997 Melroe Spra Coupe 3630 s/p 70’, 2254 hrs showing; 2005 Case IH RBX 562 round baler; Morris 800 8 bale hayhiker; 1995 Freightliner highway tractor, 475 hp CAT 2406; 2005 GMC C5500 single axle grain truck; 1977 Ford F800 grain truck; 2000 Ford F350 XLT 4wd w/ 8’ service deck and Dew Eze bale picker; 2002 Ford F150 Lariat 4wd crew cab; 1993 Mitsubishi 4wd Mini-Truck; 1985 Wilson 40’ aluminum grain trailer; John Deere F935 front deck mower, 72â€?deck; Ransomes 805 s/p reel type mower; Polaris Sportsman 335 4wd ATV; Arctic Cat 300 2wd ATV. Partial listing only.

Fa rm Equipm entAuction K eith a nd S herry Line N a pinka ,M B S a tu rda y Au gu st 9th, 2014 a t 11 a m D S T To be held in villa ge ofN a pinka ,M B Sale features 2008 M cC orm ick X TX 145 w / FW A , 3 pth, 540 & 1000, 20.8 x 38 rear 16.9 x R 28 front, 32 spd.trans., 6776 hours at listing.Sells w / L165 loader, bucket and grapple (nice) 1986 JD 7721 pto com bine; C ase IH 25’pto sw ather Sakundiak H D 741 pto auger; W estfield 8 x 46 pto auger 2009 C ase IH 16’hydro sw ing 2007 N H FP230 silage chopper w / PU & 3 row corn header 1999 JD 566 round baler w / rebuilt PU & new belts in 2014 Luck N ow 425 m ixer w agon w / 4 augers, scale & 1000 pto R ichardson 5 ton high dum p silage w agon H ay B uster B ig B ite tub grinder M odelH 1000 PJ triple axle 30’gooseneck 2 w heelfifth w heeldolly 2006 SPC 20’gooseneck stock trailer 1974 Ford 600 3 ton grain truck 24’oilpipe livestock chute Selfcatch head gate Q uantity of24’steelfeed troughs Q uantity of10’steelfeed troughs Q uantity of30’free standing pipe panels Q uantity oftubing panels various lengths Plus a fullline offarm equipm ent, livestock supplies and m uch m ore For inform ation callKeith or Sherry at 204-665-2450 or R oss Taylor A uction tollfree 877-617-2537 or 204-522-5356 For fulllisting and photos w w w .rosstaylorauction.com


For a no obliga tion consu lta tion plea se ca ll Ross (204)877-3834 S K L ic# 909917 w w w .rossta ylora u ction.com M B L ic# 1300


JULY 29th s !- s ,)6% ).4%2.%4 ")$$).' 3()2,$/. &!2-3 ,4$ $/. 3()2,%9 $%!6),,% 0!2!$)3% 6!,,%9 !"

Directions: -YVT 7HYHKPZL =HSSL` NV TPSL ^LZ[ [V /^` [OLU NV TPSLZ UVY[O 6U /^` [V ;^W 9K [OLU NV TPSLZ ^LZ[ [V IL[^LLU 9N 9K `HYK VU ZV\[O ZPKL VM YVHK Seller Contacts: +VU :OPYSL` +LH]PSSL Auction Coordinator: 2PT 2YHTLY 1997 New Holland 9682 4wd, 5010 hours showing; International 5288 2wd & Ezee-On 110E FEL, 11,324 hours showing; 1952 International Super MD; 1951 International W6; 2009 New Holland CR9070 s/p & NH 76C 14’ p/u header, 1308 eng / 960 thr hours showing; 2005 New Holland 94C 30’ header; 2005 Hesston 9240 30’ s/p, +/-1150 hours; 1989 CI 702 p/t 26’ swather; 2006 Flexicoil 5000 HD 45’ air drill w/ 2007 Flexicoil 3850 tbt tank; Morris Magnum CP 750 50’ cultivator; Degelman R570S rock picker; Brandt 1060 MD 10�X60’ auger; Sakundiak HD8-1400 8�X45’ grain auger, Hawes Agro Mover; Large selection of grain bins; 2005 Melroe Spra-Coupe 4650 2wd 80’, 1329 hours showing; 1980 International S1954 tandem axle grain truck, DT466 diesel, auto trans; 1975 International Loadstar 1800 tandem; 1999 Ford F250 XLT Super cab short box 4wd truck, 7.3L diesel, 121,274 km showing; 1995 Dodge 1500 SLT reg cab short box 2wd truck; 1995 Oldsmobile 98 Regency 4 door car; 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham 4 door car; 1993 Lift-Off 20’ goose neck stock/atdeck trailer; Trail-Tech 16’ bumper hitch at deck; Lawn & Garden: Other Misc Equip. Partial listing only.




OW N ER S P H : 306-886-4412 OR 306-27 8-7 941 Fr. Bjo rkd a le 7 m i. (11.2 km ) Ea s to n Hw y #23 (Fa rm S o u th S id e Hw y)

John Arcand Fiddle Fest

July 28-30, 2014

Upcom ing S um m er S a le


)/L@ 9FFM9D


!..5!, 02%(!26%34 !5#4)/. *5,9 ./24( "!44,%&/2$ 3+ #/.3)'. ./7

 TRACTORS : 91 Vers a tile 846; 88 Vers a tile 876. COM BIN E: 98 NH T R-98. HEADER: 2000 Ho n eyBee 25’ hea d er. AIR DRIL L : Bo u rg. 5710, 40’ w /3225 T a n k. S W ATHER: 2007 NH HW 325, 30’. HIGH CL EARAN CE S PRAYER: 08 Agco 4655, 80. GRAIN V AC: Bra n d t 4000. TAN DEM DIS K : M F 820, 27’ GRAIN CART: 05 Un verferth 6500. AUGERS : 09 W hea thea rt 8x51 w /M o ver K it; W es tfield 10x61; Bra n d t 8x45 w /M o ver. HEAV Y HARROW BAR: Highlin e 48’. CUL TIV ATORS : Bo u rg. 36’ JD 1600, 35’ JD 14’. AN HYDROUS TAN K : 97 W es teel 1450 Ga l. GRAIN TRUCK S : 88 F o rd L 9000 T a n d em w /19’ Bo x; 76 Chev C65 T a n d em w /20’ Bo x; 75 Chev C60 w /16’ Bo x. GRAIN DRYER: GT 570 w /Ca n o la S creen s . GUIDAN CE S YS TEM : 2 - Ou tb a cks ; Plu s A Qty o f Other F a rm E q u ip m en t. M IS C: QT Y OfF a rm & S ho p M is c. Â

>J== K`mlld] K]jna[] lg Yf\ ^jge KYkcYlggf khgfkgj]\ Zq2 Kh][aYd Jgge JYl]k Yl ;Ydd gj nakal gmj o]Zkal] ^gj k[`]\md] \]lYadk +(.! +0*%())) ooo&bg`fYj[Yf\^a\\d]^]kl&[ge Bmkl KO g^ KYkcYlggf Yl Oaf\q 9[j]k gf Hac] DYc] @oq .( Hd]Yk] Zjaf_ qgmj gof dYof [`Yaj Yf\ Y fgf%h]jak`YZd] ^gg\ \gfYlagf ^gj l`] KYkcYlggf >gg\ :Yfc

VIS IT W EBS ITE FOR C OM P LETE LIS TIN G & P IC TUR ES . Toll Free Anytime 1-866-873-5488 PH: 306-873-5488 TISDALE, SASK.

PL #912715



Call toll free: 1-800-529-9958 SK Provincial Licence #914618 – AB Provincial Licence #206959



LIVE DOWNSIZING AUCTION for Doug Switzer. Complete shop, yard & household, etc. Sat., July 26, 10:30 AM. 916 Anderson St, Grenfell. Call: 1-800-263-4319, View listing McDougallAuction.com Box 3081, Regina, SK., S4P 3G7. DL #319916. McSHERRY AUCTION SERVICE Ltd. Surplus Auction, M&L General Contracting, Sat., July 19 at 10 AM. Lockport MB. Hwy. #44 and Henderson Hwy., 2 miles east on 44 then south on Wilkes, 2 blocks, then east 180 1XL Cres. Contact 204-781-1590. Two 2007 2 bdrm self-contained ATCO on skids; ATCO heated 1000 gal septic tanks; Gradall 544D-10 10,000 lb. Telehandler; Ditch Witch 4x4 trencher; Vehicles; Trailers; Concrete equip; Heating units; Large amount tools. Construction related misc; New material windows, doors, insulation, lumber. Stuart McSherry, 204-467-1858 or 204-886-7027 www.mcsherryauction.com

UNRESERVED AUCTIONS: Wednesday, July 23, 3:00 PM, Spruce Grove, AB., Dick Dollman, 780-441-5578. Scotsman Iron worker rotary punch press; Brown & Boggs 8’ box and pan brake; Wilder 1630 Slitter; Hossfeld bender; Canox Redmaster 300 welder, plus more. Friday, July 25, 11:00 AM, Gibbons, AB., Jim Briggs 780-942-4125. Ford 7710 FWA tractor c/w Boss loader; Ford 3910 c/w Ezee-On loader; Ezee-On 9’ offset disc; 14’ landroller; Tundra 300 Ski-Doo, 30 miles, mint; Tillage, 2 cutters, harness shop and misc. Saturday, July 26, 10:00 AM, Newbrook, AB., Wilbert Koistinen, 780-576-2180. Cat D7G standard c/w winch; JD 4440 and 4020; Kello 325, 14’ breaking disc; Rock-O-Matic picker and rake; 3 older gravel trucks; 1999, 24’ Featherlite stock trailer; MF 860 and 750 combines; Hesston 6450 c/w 2 headers; Cat parts, old trucks and cars. Lots to sell. View www.prodaniukauctions.com

NELSON’S AUCTION CENTRE, Peter and Bev Fehr Acreage Dispersal, Allan, SK. On Hwy. 16, 11 kms south of Combine World on Kary Rd, Sat., July 19, 2014 at 9 AM. 255 MF tractor w/Leon FEL; 1990 Ford XLT Lariat; 23’ Travelaire T.T., Lawnflite lawn tractor; 2005 Power Fist est. sprayer; George White 6’ snowblower; King Kutter II rototiller; finishing mowers, trailers, water tanks, yard and shop tools and equipment. Horse tack; patio furniture; trampoline; antiques; side-by-side freezer/fridge, Maytag fridge/freezer, household. Much more. For more info. visit our website: w w w. n e l s o n s a u c t i o n . c o m o r c a l l 306-376-4545, PL #911669. AUCTION- July 22, Gravelbourg, SK., Raymond Boutin 306-648-3408. Large selection of welding and machine shop equipment and more. See details online at www.kramerauction.com 306-445-5000 Kramer Auctions Ltd. PL #914618.


Valley West Holdings Ltd. Smeaton, SK | August 9, 2014 · 10 am

1 Parcel of Farmland – SK/RM of Torch River #488 157.94± title acres




C h a rlie & M a rle e n C o ppe n s - Tu e s . Ju ly 22, W a ts o n , S K. P e te r P o to re yko Es ta te - W e d . Ju ly 23 , P o rcupin e P la in , S K. Le s te r & Ja n ice W ille rto n - Thu r. Ju ly 24, Bjo rkd a le , S K. Vic H o w e ll Es ta te - Fri. Ju ly 25, H ud s o n Ba y, S K. S ta n le y Es ko vich Es ta te - Tu e s . Ju ly 29, M a rgo , S K. Eve lyn D yo k - Thu r. Ju ly 3 1, Quill La ke , S K. An n ua l P re -H a rve s t- Tu e s . Au g. 12, 8 AM , Tis d a le , S K. Triple A M e a ts - Tu e s . Au g. 19, Kuro ki, S K. An n ua l G un Auctio n - S u n . Au g. 24, Tis d a le , S K.

VIS IT W EBS ITE FOR C OM P LETE LIS TIN G & P IC TUR ES Toll Free Anytime 1-866-873-5488 PH: 306-873-5488 TISDALE, SASK.

PL #912715




AUCTION LOCATION: From PRINCE ALBERT, SK, Jct of Hwy 2 and 55, go 78 km (48.4 miles) East on Hwy 55, then 3.2 km (2 miles) North on Hwy 106, then 3.2 km (2 miles) West and 2.4 km (1.5 miles) North. GPS: 53.53318, -104.85642 PROPERTY FEATURES INCLUDE: · 130± Cult Acres · Alfalfa in 2013 · 2013 FVA $59,900 · 2013 Taxes $553.92

FARM MACHINERY AUCTION for Don Shields Sr. Estate at Brownlee, SK. on Saturday, July 26 at 10:30 AM conducted by Johnstone Auction Mart. Directions: from the Wet side of Brownlee, 1.5 miles South on the Lake Valley grid, then 2.5 miles W. Tractors/Trucks/Trailers/RV: Case 4490, 4 WD, 18.4x34 factory duals, 1000 PTO, quad hyd., 6038 hrs; JD 4020, 46A FEL, 8’ bucket; 1992 Dodge 150 straight cab, longbox, 182,000 kms; 1972 Ford F250 truck; 2005 K-Z Durango 28RL 5th wheel camper trailer, single slide, awning, fridge, stove, microwave, good cond. Field Equipment/Bins: 1980 MF 750 SP combine, dsl., Sund 11’ PU, std., AC, 1939 hrs.; Flexi-Coil System 82 50’ harrow bar; Degelman R570S ground drive rockpicker; CI 550 SP 21’ swather; Morris CP-543 43’ cult., mtd. harrows; Koenders swath roller; Sakundiak HD7-1400 (45’) auger w/ES eng.; Sakundiak 7”x41’ auger w/ES engine; 14’ DD drill; factory built bumper hitch S/A flatdeck trailer, 12” wheels; bumper hitch trailer made from 1 ton; 10’x6’ 2 wheel trailer; snowmobile trailer; wooden cattle loading chute; round bale feeders, fence posts; poles; older livestock squeeze; hay rake; cattle oiler; 3000 bu. Twister 4-ring bin on wood floor; 3000 bu. wood bin with metal siding; Craftsman professional PYT-9000 riding mower; E-K hyd. drive bin sweep; PyroGuard combination safe; quantity of shop tools, hardware and supplies. Specific info: Don Shields Jr. 306-759-2238. Pictures and info. at www.johnstoneauction.ca 306-693-4715. PL #914447.

PARTIAL LIST OF EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: 1995 Ford Versatile 9880 4WD · 1979 Massey Ferguson 4880 4WD ·1981 John Deere 7720 Turbo · 1995 Massey Ferguson 200 26 Ft Swather · 1990 Mack T/A Dump Truck · 1982 Ford A64 Wheel Loader · 1997 Bourgault 5710 52 Ft Air Drill ...AND MUCH MORE!

Unreserved Pre-Harvest Public Auction

Grande Prairie, AB Wednesday, July 30 | 8 am

For up-to-date photos & details, please check our website: rbauction.com/realestate Owner – Ruben Reddekopp: 306.221.9370 (c) rubenredd@hotmail.com Escrow – Brennan LeBlanc: 306.280.4878 Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494

2– 2013 LEXION 670


2012 KENWORTH T800

2006 DOEPKER 45 FT


Miner Creek Farms Ltd. Tisdale, SK | July 22, 2014 · 11 am

2011, 2010 & 2009 NEW HOLLAND CR9080

2— 2011 WESTWARD M150 35 FT


2012 CASE IH 550 & 2012 SEED HAWK 8412 w/ SEED HAWK 800 & 2012 WADENA STEEL T4200

2009 MILLER NITRO 4275 120 FT




AUCTION LOCATION: From TISDALE, SK, go 14.4 km (9 miles) East on Hwy #3, then 6.4 km (4 miles) South, then 0.8 KM (0.5 mile) West. GPS: 52.78267, -103.83119 A PARTIAL EQUIPMENT LIST INCLUDES: 2012 Case IH 550 Quadtrac Tractor · 2010 Case IH 485 Quadtrac Tractor · 2008 New Holland T9040HD 4WD Tractor · 2007 New Holland T7030 MFWD Tractor · 1946 John Deere D Antique Tractor · 1949 Massey Harris 44 Antique Tractor · 2011, 2010 & 2009 New Holland CR9080 Combines · (2) 2011 Westward M150 35 Ft Swathers · 2007 & 2005 Peterbilt 379 Sleeper T/A Truck Tractors · 2003 Peterbilt 378 T/A Grain Truck · 2008 Wilson 28 Ft Aluminum Super B Grain Trailer

· 2010 Neville Built 53 Ft Tri/A Step Deck Trailer · 1977 Caterpillar D7G Crawler Tractor · 2012 Seed Hawk 8412 84 Ft Air Drill · 2009 John Deere 1890 42 Ft Disc Air Drill · 1999 John Deere 1900 340± Bushel Tow-Between Air Tank · 2009 Miller Nitro 4275 120 Ft High Clearance Sprayer · 2012 Wadena Steel T4200 Twin 2000 Gallon NH3 Tank · 2010 Brandt 1390-HP 13 In. x 90 Ft Mechanical Swing Grain Auger · 2011 Elmer’s Haul Master 1600± Bushel Grain Cart · T/A Dolly Jeep ...AND MUCH MORE!

For up-to-date equipment listings, please check our website: rbauction.com Samuel Rey: 306.873.9868, minercreekfarmsltd@hotmail.com Ritchie Bros. Territory Manager – Luke Fritshaw: 306.260.2189 800.491.4494

2008 WESTWARD M150 30 FT, 2006 WESTWARD 9352I 30 FT & 2– 2004 PREMIER 2952I 30 FT

Grande Prairie, AB

Bid with confidence

July 30 (Wed) | 8am 721076 Range Road 51 780.538.1100

▸ No minimum bids ▸ Financing available ▸ Inspect and bid on site

530+ Items including

Sell your equipment

13– Combines 16– Headers 10– Swathers 17– Ag Tractors Grain Trucks & Trailers ...and much more!

Call today.




UNRESERVED FARM AUCTION on Sat., July 19th, 10:00 AM, west of Chauvin, AB. Machinery, trucks, boat, tools, antiques, variety, tractors, and more! 780-842-5666, Scribner Auction, www.scribnernet.com


LEE AND LINDA ABDAI AUCTION on Saturday, July 26, 2014, 10:00 AM. Directions: 10 north of Esterhazy on #637. 306-745-2087. Tractors: Case 1070, cab, air, dual hyds., powershift. Backhoe: Case 580D, cab, shuttle shift, extend-a-hoe, 4000 hours, real good UniLoader skidsteer. Truck: 1974 GMC 6500 3 ton truck, 5x2 V8, 16’ B&H. Swather: IHC 16’ #210 SP. Air Seeder: Leons 30’ cult. w/harrows, air package, and Morris 600 tank. Cattle Equipment: Vermeer 605C baler; NH 357 mixmill (one owner, shedded, nice); front mount post pounder; 8x24 3 axle flat deck trailer. Recreation and Yard: JD LA 165 24 HP riding lawnmower, hydro, 48”; 14’ alum. boat, trailer, 6 HP Evenrude motor; 16” roping saddle; 16” riding saddle. Plus machine shop: 2 lathes, drilling machine, 50 ton press, Arbour press, Coats tire changer, plus more shop items. As well as misc. equipment. Note: Lee is selling and moving due to health reasons. Backhoe looks good. Machine shop has real good equipment and tools. This is an excellent opportunity to update your shop. Online Bidding 1:00 PM. For complete pictures and listing visit www.ukrainetzauction.com PL#915851




TUES D AY, AUG US T 12TH , 8 AM C S T. Hw y #3 EAS T, TIS DALE, S K .



REG IN A -S AS KATO O N -M O O S O M IN CALG ARY -S ALM O N ARM V EHICL ES & TRUCK S : 09 F o rd F 150; 08 Po n tia c G. Prix; 08 Chrys ler 300M ; 2008 GM C 2500; 08 Chevy Co b a lt; 07 Do d ge 1500; 07 Chev Co lo ra d o ; 06 F o rd E s ca p e; 05 Chev Op tra ; 05 F o rd F 350; 04 F o rd F 350 K in g Ra n ch; 05 Chevy S ilvera d o ; 2004 T o yo ta S ien n a ; 1951 Chev 1 T o n T ru ck w / ho is t; Ca s e 742 T ra cto r; 1989 Co rvette Co u p e. RECREATION AL : 2007 Ho n d a T RX 450R Qu a d ; 08 K a w a s a ki Vu lca n 900; 06 Ha rley Da vid s o n Cu s to m 1200; ‘84 Cres tlin er 15’ Op en Bo w T ri-Hu ll Bo a t/ Ou tb o a rd ; S w in ger T ri Hu ll Bo a t/Ou tb o a rd ; 2000 Y a m a ha XR 1800 L td E d itio n Bo a t; S w ift S u rf Bo a t/T ra iler/S ki Po le; S ea d o o GT X; 07 Pa n tera 250 Qu a d ; ‘96 Go lfS trea m S ea Ha w k 5th W heel; 05 Co u ga r Pu m a 5th W heel T ra iler. IN DUS TRIAL & TRAIL ERS : 2012 Du m p T ra iler 12’; 2000 Bo b ca t 751 S kid s teer; F G45 T o yo ta F o rklift; ‘88 Ca s e T X92 S kid s teer; 07 & 06 Ro ya l T ra n s p o rt T ra ilers 16x8’; 53’ Air Rid e Va n T ra iler; 01 In t T a n d em Axle S em i; F reightlin er 26’ Va n T ru ck; 06 30’ Bea verta il Du a l Axle T ra iler; 30’ Go o s en eck T ra iler; M CI Pa s s en ger Bu s s es ; In t 4700 S ervice T ru ck/Cra n e/ W eld er/Co m p res s o r; Ned erm a n S 750 & S 1000 Du s t Co llecto rs ; Dies el Gen era to r; K in g In d u s tria l 7” x12” Du a l S w ivel Cu ttin g Ba n d s a w ; Ga s Gen s ets ; M illerW eld ers ; UN US ED: T ire Cha n ger; E a s y K leen T a m p er & Pres s u re W a s her; Cha m p io n Pres s u re W a s her 3000/Rem o te; L a rge Qty o f Do o rs / W in d o w s etc; S to ra ge S helter; Drivew a y W ro u ght Iro n Ga tes ; Co rra l Pa n els ; 330’ Ro lls Pa ge W ire; T ru ck Acces s o ries . UPCOM IN G EV EN TS : M o b ile Ho m e o n lea s ed lo t; L ive Au ctio n fo r Do u g S w itzer, Co m p lete S ho p /Ho u s eho ld , Gren fell, Ju ly 26; Va le Po ta s h Ca n a d a -Ho u s es , Qu o n s ets , F u el T a n ks Ga ra ges , S hed s fo r rem o va l; Bu n ga lo w & Hip Ro o fBa rn fo r rem o va l; City o f Regin a E q u ip m en t Au ctio n ; Ca lga ry Des ign er S ho w Ho m e F u rn itu re/Déco r; etc.

w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om

1-800-26 3-4193 L is ts ub jec tto a d d itions & d eletions P.O. Bo x 308 1 Regin a , S K . S 4P 3G7 Dea ler L ic #319 9 16

167 h rs

EX P EC TIN G 4000+ BUYER S C ON S IG N N OW TO TH IS LAR G E 1 D AY AUC TION Toll Free Anytime 1-866-873-5488 PH: 306-873-5488 TISDALE, SASK.












PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081

1.877.257.SOLD (7653)

SAT.,AU G.9 / 14 1 0:00A.M . Fa rm Au ctio n f o r the Es ta te o f Ro b ert H u n t. Ea s t o f Sa s ka to o n o n H w y 1 6 to Blu cher Grid , 6 m .N ., 2 m .W O R o n H w y 5 to P it Ro a d , 4 m .S., 1 m .E.

1 9 9 4 W hite 6 1 7 5 FW A, 1 9 85 W hite 2 -88 tr a cto r w / FEL, 1 9 83 Ca s e 2 2 9 0 , 1 9 82 Ver s a tile 5 5 5 4W D , Oliver 880 g a s tr a cto r, 2 0 0 2 Glea n er R 6 2 co m b in e, 1 9 9 7 6 0 ’ Sp r a -Co u p e 3 6 3 0 , 3 1 ’ M o r r is a ir s eed er, 2 0 0 7 Chev Im p a la ca r w / 5 4,1 0 8 km s ., Fo r d 7 0 0 tr u ck w / g r a vel b o x, o ther eq u ip m en t, s ho p item s , ho u s eho ld & co llectib les .

M A NZ’S A UC TIONEER ING S ER VIC E D A VID S ON, S K. TIM M AN Z P L#9 1 40 3 6 w w w .m a n za u ctio n .co m 306 - 56 7- 29 9 0

G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n eers.ca w w w .glo b a la u ctio n gu id e.co m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9



M O N D AY, JULY 28 – 2:00P M Loc a te d a t S T JO HN & 6 TH S TREET, REG IN A Chec k w eb site for p hotos, view ing d a tes,term s & c ond itions. TO IN CL UDE: 1996 JD 310G W heeled M F W D L o a d er; 1996 S u p erio r Ha za rd o u s Res cu e T ru ck; 2005 Chevro let Aveo L S ; 1997 F o rd F 150 XL .

w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om

TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton highway tractors including custom built tandem converters and wet kits. All truck makes/models bought and sold. Shop service available. Specializing in repair and custom rebuilding for transmissions and differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger vehicles to heavy trucks. For more info call 306-668-5675 or 1-877-362-9465. www.saskatoontruckparts.ca DL #914394 N14 CUMMINS from 2000 Volvo, vg cond.; 3 1 2 6 C a t f r o m F L 8 0 F r e i g h t l i n e r. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES: 700/8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; 9R17.5, matched sets available. Pricing from $90. K&L Equipment and Auto. Phone Ladimer at: 306-795-7779, Ituna, MIERAU AUCTIONS: Regier Farms In- SK., or Chris at: 306-537-2027, Regina, SK. corp. Neil Regier. 1-1/2 miles E. of Laird, 1/4 mile North. Sat., July 19, 11:00 AM. 1996 JD 8570, 4 WD, 4600 hrs; 1996 JD 7800 w/740 JD loader and grapple, 9800 2001 OLDS AURORA, heated seats, leathhrs; 2004 JD 9760 STS2 combine w/914 er, sunroof, 3.5 twin overhead cam V6, JD PU, duals, 1625 machine hrs; 2008 JD well maintained, silver grey, $4000. 36’ straight header; 2003 Westward 25’ 306-442-4705, Pangman, SK. swather w/MacDon 972 header; 1998 Freightliner tandem truck w/8.5x20’ box 2004 PONTIAC GRAND Am SE1 V6, AC, and roll tarp; 1975 Ford F500 grain truck; cruise, 122,941 kms Stk#SK-S2355A 2009 Rem 2700 grain vac; 2011 Brandt $7,995. 1-888-240-2415, or visit website: 10”x70’ swing auger; 2007 Wheatheart www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 10”x70’ swing auger; Sakundiak 8”x51’ au- 2007 SUBARU Outback AWD, AC, CC, CD, ger w/20 HP motor and mover; 1994 JD power seats, 78,844 kms, Stk# SK-UO982 787 air drill w/JD 610 43’ seeding tool; $19,995. 1-888-240-2415 or visit website: Grain bins - hopper and flat (steel); Degel- www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. man 12’ 2-way blade; Flexi-Coil 80’ pressure tine harrow; misc. yard items and a 2008 Pontiac Vibe FWD 1.8L 4 cyl, A/T/C, few tools; 1995 Sierra 26’ 5th wheel trailer CD, power windows and locks, leather, w/12’ slide-out; 1991 Sierra Chev 2500 154,938 kms., $9,995. 1-800-667-0490, SuperCab truck; 1978 16’ fiberglass boat DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com w/115 HP Merc. and trailer; 1951 Dodge 2008 SUBARU Outback Ltd., turbo, rebuilt, one ton, completely restored; Democrat AC, leather, 55,000 kms, Stk#SK-U0901 buggy; Farmall A, restored. See website $19,995. 1-888-240-2415 or visit website: for complete listing and pictures. Mierau www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. Au c t i o n S e r v i c e , R i c h a r d M i e r a u , 306-283-4662, Langham, SK. PL #914867. 2008 SUBARU Tribeca Ltd. AWD, DVD, NAV, 3.6L, dark grey, 67,626 kms Stk# www.mierauauctions.com SK-UO898, $29,995. 1-888-240-2415 or www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. 2009 NISSAN VERSA S I-4, CD player, 1.8L, grey, 42,935 kms, stk# SK-UO560 $10,995. 1-888-240-2415 or visit website: www.subaruofsaskatoon.ca DL #914077. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. Parting out GM 2011 LINCOLN MKS. Retired, must down1/2 and 1 ton trucks. Call 403-972-3879, size. Fully loaded, panorama sunroof, G o r d o n o r J o a n n e , A l s a s k , S K . 37,000 kms, balance factory warranty, $31,000. 306-241-9591, 306-933-3944, www.vstruckworks.com Saskatoon, SK. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located Weyburn, SK., 306-842-2641. Used car parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.

1-800-26 3-4193

L is t s u b ject to a d d itio n s & d eletio n s P.O. Bo x 308 1 Regin a , S K . S 4P 3G7 Dea ler L ic #319 9 16

WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 2006 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, or email: junkman.2010@hotmail.com good shape, 2014 safety, asking $51,000. Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and 306-946-7668 cell, Liberty, SK. others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.





PL #912715

BILL AND ADELINE MADUCK AUCTION, Sunday, July 27, 2014 at 11:00 AM. Directions: 1 north, 1/2 west on Parkerview Grid off Hwy #52, Ituna, SK. (Parkerview area). 306-795-2779 or 306-782-1800. Tractors: 1979 Ford 8700 diesel, cab, air, dual hyds, PTO, dual power, 7700 hours, one owner, 20.8x38, excellent; 1979 Ford 7700 diesel, cab, air, 3 PTH, 5400 hours, w/Leons 707 loader, excellent; Romanian 656 diesel, 65 HP. Haying and Cattle: New Idea 486 round baler, real nice; IHC S D rake; MF 7’ trailer mower; 8 bale pipe wagon; bale feeders; steel gates; head gate. Swather: Versatile 400 15’ SP, real nice. Stonepicker: Degelman. Yard and Recreation: JD 125 riding lawnmower: 42”, 2 years old, like new; Farm King 84” 3 PTH snowblower, like new; 2001 Arctic Cat 400 4x4 quad, nice; Yard sprayer, like new. Bins: 7- 1650 Westeel Rosco bins on floors; 1- 1950 Westeel Rosco bin on floor. Meat House: 12x16, cooler with rail, new roof, painted, real clean. Plus butcher shop equipment sold separate. Plus misc. machinery, shop, household. Note: Bill and Adeline are moving. Equipment is shedded and definitely above average condition. Online Bidding 1:00 PM. For complete listing and pics www.ukrainetzauction.com PL #915851.

N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM AUGUS T 2 , 2 014

WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 tons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Also large selection of Cummins diesel motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Jasper Auto Parts, Edmonton 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary 1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We have everything, almost. DRAKE DRY VAN 26’ w/nose cone, 4 row logistic track and 3000 lb. Axon powerlift. Was on 2012 truck, very nice condition. Asking $17,000. Photos available. Paul 204-764-0502, Decker, MB. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323. WRECKING VOLVO TRUCKS: Misc. axles and parts. Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.



THUR S DAY, JULY 31 AT 11:00AM S ale Located - 1 m ile W es tof Ros etow n on Hw y 7,then 2 m iles S ou th C on ta ct 30 6- 831- 9 0 19 TR ACTO R S : 1981 M F 2775, p ow er s hift; 1979 M F 2775, p ow er s hift; 1973 M F 1105; M F 2775 For Pa rts H AR V ES TIN G : 1984 M F 860 s p com bin e, V-8 hyd ro. 30ft M F 9030 s tra ig ht cu t hea d er; 30ft Ca s eIH 730 s w a ther; 21ft M F 35 s w a ther; 124 M F s q u a re ba lerM ACHIN ER Y : 30ft M F 360 d u p lex d is cers ; 30ft M F 360 d is cers , m a rtin hitch; 60ft Flexi-Coil S ys tem 92 ha rrow p a ck er ba r; 33ft M orris CP-531 cu ltiva tor; 31ft M orris CP-431 cu ltiva tor; Crow n hyd d rive rota ry rock p ick er BIN S : 2 - 4200 bu s hel W es teel hop p er bin s ; 2 - 4300 bu s hel W es teel bin s on w ood floor, s k irted *Thes e Bin s a re in lik e n ew con d ition . TR U C KS : 1975 C hev C -60 g ra in tru ck , 14fts teel box; 1975 Ford F350 g ra in tru ck , 10ft s teel box; 1966 G M C 960 g ra in tru ck AU G ER S , LIV ES TO C K EQ UIPM EN T: s et of d ou ble d rivin g ha rn es s ; 16ft W ire fra m ed g a tes ; 3 - S tock s a d d les . 8, 10, 12, a n d 16ft S teel g a tes Y AR D; TAN KS ; S HO P; HO US EHO LD.

S a le m a na ged a nd cond ucted b y P ATTON AUCTIONS M a jor, S a s k., 306- 8 38 - 435 6 or vis itus on line: w w w.a uctions a les .ca or vis itour w eb s ite: w w w.p a ttona uctions .ca S K Lic . #914527 AB Lic . #190527

K&K ENTERPRISES WANTS your older grain trailers! Trade up to a new Canadian made Berg’s tridem, tandem or pup! Fully customizable with a great warranty package! Check website: www.kandkent.ca Details call 1-888-405-8457, Swanson, SK. DOEPKER TRIDEM 45’ grain trailer, exc. condition, 24.5 original rubber, alum. slopes, c/w Michel’s 10” wireless augers, $43,900. 403-578-3308, Coronation, AB. 2001 40’ LODE-KING tri-axle grain trailer, $27,000 OBO. 306-795-7618, Ituna, SK. 2006 DOEPKER 40’, spring ride with 8” Michel’s alum. augers, exc. cond., low mileage, $33,500. 306-463-7866, Flaxcombe. Email: adwildman@hotmail.com 2009 DOEPKER SUPER Bs, air rides, good shape, $59,000; 2004 Lode-King Prestige Super B, $39,000; 1998 40’ Lode-King, good shape, $18,000. All w/good rubber. 306-252-2227, Kenaston, SK.

NEW WILSON SUPER B in stock, 6 tridem 2 hoppers, also 2 tandems; 2010 and 2009 Lode-King alum. open end Super B, alum. rims, air ride; 36’ Emerald tandem, air ride; 1995 Castleton tridem, air ride. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca LODE-KING TRI-AXLE GRAIN trailer, triple hopper, fresh sandblast and paint, farm use, $22,000. 403-379-2423, Buffalo, AB. 1996 LOAD KING, 40' Load King, grain trailer, spring ride, all white, new grey tarp, original tires, brakes at 80%, electric remote chute openers, mostly stored inside, no rust $24,000. 306-823-3703, Marsden, SK.



LACOMBE TRAILER SALES & RENTALS NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do WE SELL AND RENT metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to Hi Boys, Low Boys, Drop Decks, daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Storage Vans, Reefer Vans Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop and Freight Vans & More. shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK. 7 KM West of RED DEER from Junction of HWY. 2 & 32nd St. TWO SETS OF 2013 Prestige Lode-King Su403-347-7721 per B’s, fresh safety’s, exc. condition, no lift axles, air ride, on-board weigh scales, NEW EZ-Trail header carriers, 4 wheel maalum. wheels, flat alum. fenders, $75,000 chines with flex bars, 36’, $5000, 40’, OBO. Call 1-866-236-4028, Calgary, AB. $5500. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB., SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trail- 204-483-2774. ers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use in- 24’ GOOSENECK tridem 21,000 lbs, $7890; dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat Bumper pull tandem lowboy: 18’, 14,000 for added rust protection. Quality work- lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting 7 0 0 0 l b s . , $ 2 6 5 0 . F a c t o r y d i r e c t . and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. 888-792-6283. www.monarchtrailers.com CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com 2015 NEVILLE 40’ air ride alum. tandem grain trailer, remote electric tarp and Trailer Sales And Rentals traps, with many other options, $43,000. Andres specializes in the sales, 306-789-0881, Richardson, SK. service and rental of agricultural

Andres and commercial trailers.

SANDBLASLTING AND PAINTING. We do welding, patching, repairs, rewiring of trucks, trailers, heavy equip., etc. We use epoxy primers and polyurethane topcoats. Competitive rates. Agrimex 306-432-4444, Dysart, SK.

NEW AND USED MERRITT aluminum stock trailers. 204-743-2161, Cypress River, MB. www.merrittgoosenecks.com DL #4143 1995 PRAIRIE 16’, middle gate, plywood lined, matts, full rear door (slider), Torqueson axles, orig. rubber, c/w spare, $4500. 306-238-7969, Goodsoil, SK.



2013 LODE-KING LOWBED tri-axle 10x53’, tri-drive neck, like new, $79,000. Millhouse Farms Inc., 306-398-4079, Cut Knife, SK. GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beavertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK.

2012 TREM CAR 31,000 litre, tandem axle, air ride, new MB safety, 8200 gal., vg cond., good for oil/water. Could make nice sprayer trailer. 4” plumbing. $34,900. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. TWO TANDEM AXLE Trailtech goosenecks w/beavertail and flip ramps; Two 20’ tandem pintle hitch flatdecks. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231. www.rbisk.ca PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, Odessa, SK. 306-957-2033 www.precisiontrailer.com BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com


Fina ncing Is Av a ila b le!C a ll Us Tod a y! Callfor a quote - We w illm atch com petitor pricing spec for spec. 2014 FEATHERLITE 8271-8040 40’ stock trailer Stk #EC132053, $46,900. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop 24/7 online at: Allandale.com

Lethb rid g e,AB 1 -888-834 -859 2 Led u c,AB 1 -888-9 55-36 36 Visit o ur w e bsite a t:

GRASSLAND TRAILERS, your wholesale supplier of W-W, Titan and Circle-D trailers and truck decks. July Special: 24’ all alum. Brightline stock trailer for $19,995. Leasing available. Phone: 306-640-8034, Assiniboia, SK. gm93@sasktel.net WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK., 306-497-2767. SGI accredited.


ALL TRAILERS COST LESS IN Davidson 1-800-213-8008 www.fasttoysforboys.com TANDEM TANKER FOR liquid fert. and wa- 2008 MIDLAND SUPER B side dump gravel ter, 6000 gal., ready to go, new safety, trailer, total recondition, new electric tarp, exc. cond., job ready, new MB safety. Can $13,000. 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK. deliver $89,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress 2013 MIDLAND SL3000 tridem, end- River, MB. dump, air ride, 24.5 all alum. wheels, tires 80%, brakes 95%, Michel’s tarp system, 6 HEAVY TANDEM lowbeds with beaversealed end gate, 3/16 hardox body, new tails; 6 tandem hydraulic tail trailers. safety, very nice shape, $65,000 OBO. Call Check pics and prices www.trailerguy.ca 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. 403-588-9497, Bashaw, AB. FLATDECK TRI-AXLE 48’ aluminum trailer, air ride, available w/round bale hay rack, vg unit. 780-853-2478, Vermilion, AB. 35’ STEP DECK semi trailer, c/w two 1250 gal. HD tanks and one 1700 gal. HD tank, all plumbed for 3”, $8000 OBO. Call: 306-441-2499, Meota, SK. 10 MISC. GRAVEL trailers and wagons. Pics and prices at www.trailerguy.ca Call 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. 2013 ARNE’S tridem end dump,alum. wheels, 24.5 rubber, liner, elec. flip tarp, new safety, still has original tires, $55,000. 306-747-9322, Shellbrook, SK. 36’ DORSEY ALUMINUM end dump, tri-axle, tarp, load gauges. Hauls silage, grain, distillers mash. 306-642-8111 Rockglen SK

FUEL/SERVICE TRAILERS, 550 to 990 gal; 750 gal., 40 GPM pump, white, $14,800; 990 gal., 40 GPM pump, white, $15,900; 990 gal., 40 GPM, Grey, 100 gal. DEF, $23,500; 990 gal., black tri-axle, 300 gal. DEF, Welder, Genset full load, $47,500. Canadian Certified. Call Corner Equipment, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.


D ecks

Live s toc k

2013 E BY All Alu m in u m 20’ Deck Un d er 2014 F ellin g 53’ T ria xle Dro p Decks 2014 F ellin g 30’ Pin tle Hitch, Air Ra m p s , 30 T o n 2013 F ellin g T iltDeck, 25 T o n , 9’ W id e 2014 F ellin g 53’ T ria xle F la td eck 2014 F ellin g 48’x102” 55 T o n , Deta cha b le, Ou tRiggers & F lip Neck, Prep F o r Bo o s terAxle 2015 F ellin g Xf-100-3 53’x10’ Deta cha b le, Alu m in u m Pu ll-o u ts , 50 T o n

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G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs 2015 E BY Ru ffNeck 26’x8’ F in a l Drive Pa cka ge, F u ll S id e Ra m p 2015 E BY M a verick 30’x6’11” Ro llin g Ga te, Alu m W heels 2015 E BY W ra n gler 22’x7’6” Ro llin g Ga te, Alu m W heels

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C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d P ricin g Fin a n ce R e po ’s Acce ptin g Offe rs

2000 ARNE'S, 3 axle end dump gravel trailer. 31' box and 40' overall length. First axle lifts and slides forward for Ontario spacings. New roll tarp. Tires at 70%. Recent safety. $25,000 OBO. 807-548-1160, Kenora, ON. lukedegagne@gmail.com

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com 2014 GMC YUKON, Rosetown Mainline, King of Trucks. Phone: 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 2014 FORD F250 Lariat, diesel, 6.7L, loaded, PST paid, 154,000 kms, $55,995. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. 2013 RAM LARAMIE, Crew, 4x4, $39,900. Buy for 0 down, $233/bi-weekly. Wynyard, SK. 1-800-667-4414, www.thoens.com DL# 909250. 2013 DODGE RAM, Hemi 1500 Sport, 38,000 kms. Must see, fresh trade, PST pd. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. 2013 CHEV SUBURBAN, Rosetown Mainline, King of Trucks. 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 2013 CHEVROLET SILVERADO, Rosetown M a i n l i n e , K i n g o f Tr u c k s . P h o n e : 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 2012 GMC SIERRA, Rosetown Mainline, King of Trucks. Phone: 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 2012 DODGE RAM 2500, 6.7L loaded, dsl, Outdoorsman. Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. 2012 DODGE RAM 1500, Laramie Sport, Black Beauty, PST paid. Greenlight Truck & Auto, www.GreenlightAuto.ca Saskatoon, SK. DL #311430. 2011 GMC SIERRA, single cab, 2WD, V6, auto., A/T/C, silver exterior, 31,000 kms., $14,500. 306-684-2847, Moose Jaw, SK. 2011 FORD RANGER, ext. cab, 5 spd. std., 90,000 kms, 2 sets of rims, $13,900 OBO; 2001 Dodge 3500 1 ton Dually, 24 valve diesel, 6 spd. std., 4x4, ext. cab, AC, 5th wheel hitch and ball, plus tow package, new clutch- spent $2085, 378,000 kms, good rubber, $10,900 OBO. 780-386-2220, 780-888-1278, Lougheed, AB. 2011 FORD F150 Platinum, loaded, 5.0L PTS paid starting from $34,995. Greenl i g h t Tr u c k & Au t o , S a s k at o o n , S K . www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. 2010 DODGE RAM 1500 TRX, Hemi, loaded, PST paid, 109,000 kms, $24,995 Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. 2008 PONTIAC G6, $9,900. Rosetown Mainline, King of Trucks. 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 2003 DODGE RAM 3500, single rear wheel, SLT quad cab, 4x4, 5.9 Cummins auto, fully loaded, very clean, rust and dent free, exc . cond., $14,800. 306-961-9982, 306-961-6499, Prince Albert, SK.

Trucks, Trailers, Truck Bodies, “The right choice, is AUTOMATIC!”

2007 AND 2010 KENWORTH T800 trucks, AUTOSHIFT, 10 spd., new B&H, ISX Cummins, very clean. Also trucks available with no box. 2010 trucks have Cat engine. Call 204-673-2382, Melita, MB. DL #4525.

Specializing in top quality, affordablypriced, work-ready trucks with boxes or as tractors, mostly 10-speed Autoshift or Ultrashift transmissions. Most trucks are from large American fleets: very little rust, strictly maintained, and all highway miles. Also a dealer for Cancade, truck bodies and trailers. Grain Trucks, Silage Trucks, Bale Trucks, Highway Tractors

2008 GMC 8500, Isuzu dsl, Allison 6 spd. auto, 20’ Western Ind. box, Nordic hoist, Michel’s elec. tarp, remote endgate and hoist, A/T/C, alum. rims, 12R22.5 front, 11R22.5 rear Michlen’s, air susp., shedded, no rust, 20,000 kms, $95,000. David Klein 306-957-4312, 306-695-7794, Odessa, SK. 2008 PRO-STAR 13 spd., UltraShift auto. tandem grain truck, ISX 475 HP Cummins, loaded w/Jakes, power windows, PDL, alloys, etc. New 20’ NeuStar grain box, w/Nordic scissor hoist, LED lights, work lights inside box, Michel’s roll tarp, pintle plate, decal kit, plumbed dump valve, $64,500 or lease. Farmer Vern’s Premium Trucks, Brandon, MB., 204-724-7000.

Hwy. 3, Seven Persons, AB (Medicine Hat, AB)

ALLISION AUTOMATICS: 2004 IHC 7400 DT530, w/new 20’ silage box, fresh eng., $74,900; 2004 M2 Freightliner, C7 Cat, new 20” B&H, $59,900; 2001 IHC 4900 DT466, 18’ B&H, $44,900; 2000 GMC C8500, 3126 Cat, new 20’ BH&T, $49,900; 2001 IHC 4900, DT 466, long WB, C&C, low miles, $22,900; K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK. 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027, email ladimer@sasktel.net DL #910885. AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784. www.davidstrucks.com CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD combination grain and silage boxes, pup trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, complete service. Visit our plant at Humboldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. SILAGE BOX 2007 IHC Cummins, 10 spd. std., new Cancade BH&T. In stock approx. 20 tandems auto. and standard. Yellowhead Sales, 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK.

PH. 403-977-1624


www.automatictruck.com 1996 IH 9200, tandem, 370 HP Cummins, 10 speed, 20’ BH&T, new tires, new paint, alum. wheels, rear controls, AC, $41,500; 2000 Freightliner FL120, 370 HP Cummins, 10 spd., 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, alum. wheels, new paint, $48,500; 2006 Mack CH613, 400 HP Mack, 13 spd., alum. wheels, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, real nice, $59,000; 2007 Freightliner FL120, 450 HP Mercedes, 10 spd., AutoShift, alum. wheels, A/T/C, 20’ BH&T, new paint, very nice truck, $67,500. Coming Soon: 1996 Kenworth 600, 375 HP Cummins, 10 spd., tractor w/40’ tandem grain trailer, real nice shape, $38,500; Midland 24’ tandem pup trailer, totally rebuilt, new paint, good tires, $18,500; Grainmaster 20’ tandem pup trailer, totally rebuilt, new paint, good tires, $18,500. Trades accepted on all units, all units Sask. safetied. 306-276-7518 cell; 306-767-2616 res., at Arborfield, SK. DL #906768.

2001 INT. 4900, S/A, 466E eng., 6 spd., 8.5x16’ box, remote hoist and grain opener, air brakes and suspension, 245,000 1978 IHC S2500 gravel truck, new tires, miles, $25,000. 780-376-2139, Strome, AB auto. trans., fair condition, $18,000. 306-839-4422, Pierceland, SK. 2005 INTERNATIONAL 9200i, tandem, diesel, C-13 engine, 13 spd., new Cancade 1999 FLD112SD Freightliner, 104,000 orig 20x8.5x6.5 B&H w/remote control hoist kms for parts, 13 spd., Super 40 lockers, 1999 FORD F150 XLT, 4x4, 255,000 kms, and tailgate, electric tarp, nice and clean, Michelin pilote and XM 22.5 (no recaps) 15’ alum. B&H. 403-938-3888, Calgary, AB. good condition, good farm truck, $3000. $63,000. 306-662-8405, Richmound, SK. 306-893-2721, Maidstone, SK. 2001 IHC 2554, DT530 Allison auto., super 2007 HOMEMADE MANURE trailer, 36’ x 8’ 1992 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 ext. cab, LB, 6.2 2006 FREIGHTLINER M2, 280 HP, tan- low miles, ex-gov’t, $30,900; 2002 Sterling box with horizontal beaters and silage dsl, 5 spd std A/T/C, high kms, good body dem, 10 spd., air ride, AC, 20’ CIM B&H, 3126 Cat, Allison auto., 185,000 miles, racks, $50,000. 403-738-4033, Lethbridge, and working order, $3300 OBO. Shellbrook Michel’s elec. tarp, exc. cond., California $36,900. K&L Equipment, call Regina/ no rust truck, $59,500. 306-946-8522, Ituna, SK. 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027, SK., call 306-466-2068 or 306-850-1604. AB. E-mail: sikkenshh@aol.com Saskatoon, SK. email ladimer@sasktel.net DL #910885. 2011 DOEPKER RGN machinery trailer, 53’ tri-axle, pullouts, rear strobes, pullout lights, side winches, alum. rims, $53,000 2000 DODGE 4x4, ext. cab, diesel, 5 spd., OBO. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB. new clutch, $5500 OBO. 306-547-2926, 2005 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, 450 Mercedes, 820,000 kms, very good rubber, 12 ALUMINUM/COMBO High-boys, 48’, Preeceville, SK. safetied, nice truck, sacrifice asking $5500 to $14,000; 10 Stepdecks. Check 2006 FORD 350 4x4, Dually, ext. cab, long$18,000. 204-534-8346, Brandon, MB. pics and prices at www.trailerguy.ca box, V10 auto, 204,000 kms, tow package. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen/Saskatoon, SK. Call Ron 403-854-0583, Youngstown, AB. 2000 IHC 9200, C12 Cat, 430 HP, 10 spd. AutoShift w/clutch petal, 3-way locks, 53’ AND 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks, 2007 FORD F250 auto, ext. cab, 4x4, load51” flattop sleeper, 60% rubber, new rear w/wo sprayer cradles; Two 48’ tandem 10’ ed, 125,000 kms, excellent shape, first brakes, cold AC, new AB safety, $14,500. wide, beavertail, flip ramps, air ride, low $8000. 306-547-2926, Preeceville, SK. kms; 53’, 48’, 28’ tridem and tandem high2006 KW T300, 300 HP Cummins, HD 41 Email pics avail. 403-638-3934, Sundre AB boys, all steel and combos. SUPER B 2010 GMC SLT, crewcab, shortbox, 4x4, rear, 22’ B&H, air ride, HD 31t hoist, HD 2005 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, autoHIGHBOYS, will split; Tandem and S/A leather, loaded, including sunroof, black, material floor, HD auto Allison trans, matic, 500 HP Detroit, 687,000 kms., converter with drop hitch; B-train alum. 268,000 kms, $11,900; 2000 GMC 2500 350,000, 3 lockers, excellent tires, rear lift $38,000. 306-230-1920, Allan, SK. tankers, certified; 53’-28’ van trailers; B- reg. cab, Duramax diesel, 9’ tool body, controls etc. , chrome package, deluxe cab train salvage trailers; High clearance 260,000 miles, $8900; 2005 GMC 2500, with A/T/C, no rust, bud rims, large tires, 2005 KENWORTH W900, C15 Cat, 550 HP, sprayer trailer with tanks and chem han- ext. cab, Duramax 4x4, longbox, good easy handling, clean, quiet, HD truck that 13 spd; 2006 IHC 9200, IX Cummins, 475 dlers. Call 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. work truck, $8900; 1999 Dodge 3500 Du- does not wonder on grids. Frame never HP, 18 spd lockers. Sask safeties. Saskaally, ext. cab, 4x4, 5.9 Cummins auto., stretched or welded. Local western truck toon, SK. 306-270-6399, 78truxsales.com www.rbisk.ca DL #905231. $8900. K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK., call KW dealership, $89,000 OBO. DL #316542. USED 2014 N&N dump trailer, 14’ tridem 3 0 6 - 7 9 5 - 7 7 7 9 , 3 0 6 - 5 3 7 - 2 0 2 7 . D L purchased 306-730-8375, Melville, SK. 2005 PETE 379 C-15, rebuilt w/unlimitaxle end with telescopic hoist, $13,900. #910885. Email ladimer@sasktel.net ed mileage warranty remaining until Oct. Contact 780-567-4202, Clairmont, AB. 2012 FORD F150 XTR 5.0L, 4x4, loaded, 2006, 2007 FREIGHTLINER AND IHC’S 2016, 18 spd., 3-way locks, $47,500 OBO. www.astro-sales.com PST paid, 21,000 kms, $31,995. Green- with Eaton 3 pedal AutoShifts. New CIM 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who l i g h t Tr u c k & Au t o , S a s k at o o n , S K . grain boxes and hoists. Fresh SK. safeties. demand the best.” PRECISION AND www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. Freightliner 10 spd. manual coming soon. 2005 WESTERN STAR, 515 Detroit (rebuilt AGASSIZ TRAILERS (flatdecks, end 306-270-6399 78truxsales.com Saskatoon, w/papers), 13 spd., 40 rears 3.73, new front tires, 75% back 8 tires, newer brakes, dumps, enclosed cargo). 1-855-255-0199, 2013 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLE, loaded, 6.0 SK. DL #316542. L, 4x4, 17,0000 kms, loaded! New arrival. Sask safetied, $52,500 OBO. Hazel Dell, Moose Jaw, SK. www.topguntrailersales.ca Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. 2007 IH 9200, C13 Cat, Eaton 13 spd. Ul- SK., call 306-547-8782 or 306-547-5566. SUPER B GRAVEL trailer, 87 Breadnor, www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430. traShift, 20’ BH&T; 2005 IH 4300 S/A, Alliclam dump, $15,000 OBO. 403-704-3509, 2006 IH 8600 C13 Cat, 10 spd., excellent 2014 RAM 1500 SLT Eco-diesel, quad cab, son auto, IH diesel, new 16’ BH&T. condition, California truck, $35,000. Rimbey, AB. 4x4, $39,985 or lease for $3500 down, 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 2011 MIDLAND SK3400X tridem, end- $196/b-weekly. 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard dump, tri-drive friendly, air ride, 24.5R SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. aluminum wheels, new tires, brakes 85%, Michel’s electric tarp system, sealed end- 2014 RAM 1500 SLT, Eco diesel, 4x4, crew, gate, 3/16 hardox body, new safety, sunroof, $44,950. $3500 down, lease $232/bi-weekly. 1-800-667-4414, Wyn$65,000 OBO. 403-588-9497, Bashaw, AB. yard, SK. www.thoens.com DL #909250. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com WWW.TITANTRUCKSALES.COM to view E S TAT E : 2 0 0 9 S I LVE R A D O c r ew c a b, information or call 204-685-2222 to check 128,000 kms, GFX, $16,000 OBO. Call Ed’s out our inventory of quality used highway Service 306-554-7726, 306-554-2824, Wynyard, SK. DL #907914. tractors! WORK TRUCKS: 2008 F350, crewcab, longbox, 4x4, dsl, $16,000; 2008 F250, ext. cab, 5.4 gas, 4x4, longbox, $8500; 2006 Dodge crewcab, 4x4, longbox, 5.9 dsl., $16,995; 2001 F350 crewcab, longbox, 7.3 dsl, 2 WD, $6500. Call Neil 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK DL #906884 WANTED: FLATDECK to fit 1998 Dodge 1 t o n , d u a l l y. B r i a n E d w a r d s , 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. CHEVY C65, BH&T, Chev 1 ton w/water tank, w/steel 1000 gal. tank and chem handler. 306-283-4747 or 306-283-0429, Langham, SK.


HUGE PRE-OWNED sell-down at Rosetown Mainline, King of Trucks. 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284

1975 GMC 6500, B&H, roll tarp, 37,000 miles. Phone 306-862-3525, Codette, SK. 1981 CHEV 6000 Series grain truck, 39,000 kms, shedded, $11,500. 306-628-4267, Liebenthal, SK.

1982 MACK R600 tandem grain truck, 19’ Unibody box, 8’.5”W, 60” deep w/roll tarp, $16,500. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. B E S T S E L E C T I O N . We t a ke t r a d e s . WANTED: C70 or C60 Chev or GMC grain Greenlight Truck & Auto, Saskatoon, SK. truck in exc. shape. Call 306-642-3225, 306-640-7149, Assiniboia, SK. www.GreenlightAuto.ca DL #311430.

NEU-STAR.COM 1470 Willson Place / Winnipeg, Manitoba / R3T 3N9 Phone 204-478-STAR (7827) / Fax 204-478-1100 / Email: info@neu-star.com


2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, 400 HP, auto, sleeper, c/w daycab conversion kit, priced to sell. 306-291-4043 Saskatoon SK


2006 Western Star Tri-drive Bale Truck

HERAUF’S CUSTOM SILAGING. Taking bookings for grass, cereals, corn. Claas chopper, hauling, swathing, packing, 12’ bagger. Josh 306-529-1959, Regina, SK.

2006 FREIGHTLINER M2 106 cargo van, 26’ with tail lift, $26,000; 2005 Isuzu 16’ cargo van with tail lift, $16,000. 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK.

ERW CUSTOM SILAGE, JD chopper with trucks, packing also available. Alfalfa and cereals, serving SK. and MB. Call Eldon 306-370-0776, Hague, SK. FEITSMA SERVICES IS booking 2014 alfalfa, cereal and corn silage acres. Serving all of Sask. Jason 306-381-7689, Hague, SK.

18 Speed Transmission, 550 HP Cat C-15 Engine, Full Lockers

403-504-7012 or 306-740-7771 Located at Medicine Hat, AB

2002 IHC 7400 DT466 tandem, Allison auto, 79,000 miles, c/w Altec manlift and digging auger attachment, BC certified, ready for work, $70,000. 250-960-0022, 2006 CADILLAC SRX, AWD, 3.6L V6, loade d , c o p p e r, 6 9 , 8 9 0 k m s , $ 1 3 , 9 9 5 . 2008 PETERBILT 388, 244” WB, 63” plati- Prince George, BC. www.watrousmainline.com DL# 907173. num leather walk-in sleeper, 870,000 kms, 1-800-667-0490. Cummins ISX485, 18 spd., 12,000 frt, 44,000 rears, 3.58 ratio, 3-way lockers, 2006 CHEVY EQUINOX, LT, AWD, 3.4L V6, Thermo King 11-22.5 tires with less than loaded, sunroof, leather, green, 112,365 20,000 kms. New turbo March/14, new kms, $12,995. www.watrousmainline.com EGR June/14, new windshields June/14. DL# 907173. 1-800-667-0490. Fresh safety June 1/14. Beacons. Very good condition, in excellent mechanical 2007 DODGE NITRO, 4x4, 3.7L V6, loadshape, $62,500. Will take 2000-2005 Chev e d , c o p p e r, 6 9 , 8 9 0 k m s , $ 1 3 , 9 9 5 . 4x4 on trade. Contact Ron, Vale Solutions www.watrousmainline.com DL# 907173. 306-695-2460, Indian Head, SK. 1-800-667-0490 2009 KW T800, 600,000 kms, 72” aerocab, 2009 GMC YUKON XL SLT, 5.3L V8, loadwet kit, 525 ISX, 46 rears, loaded, $90,000 2003 IHC 330 Texoma, 20’ drill depth, ed, DVD, heated seats, leather, white, w/2003 JD engine, 1200 hrs., 3 spd. AlliOBO. 780-305-3547, Neerlandia, AB. son, 3” Kelly bar, mounted on IHC DT 466, 129,163 kms., $26,995. 1-800-667-0490, 2010 PETERBILT 386, Cummins 18 spd., 230 HP, 6 spd., 33,400 miles, $100,000. DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com 40 rears, lockers, leather int., loaded, APU, Call 780-446-2011, Alcomdale, AB. 2010 BUICK ENCLAVE, AWD, 3.6L V6, 7 $64,500. 306-752-4909, Melfort, SK. passenger, loaded, cloth, white, 120,848 CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used kms., $23,995. Phone 1-800-667-0490, 2010 PETERBILT 388 550 ISX, 18 spd, highway tractors. For more details call Super 40’s, 4-way locks, low air leaf, 24.5 204-685-2222 or view information at DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com rubber 60%, 63” stand-up bunk, new turbo, www.titantrucksales.com 2010 CHEV SUBURBAN, 4WD, 1/2 ton, new EGR, new safety, 940,000 kms, white, 5.3L V8, loaded, cloth, white, 107,725 kms $72,500. 306-747-9322, Shellbrook, SK. 2003 FORD F350 4WD diesel truck with $24,995. 1-800-667-0490, DL#907173. service body, excellent cond., $16,000 www.watrousmainline.com OBO. Call 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK. 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX 1LT, FWD, 2.4L 4 WANTED: GOLDEN VIEW or Cancade cyl., loaded, cloth, white, 90,011 kms., round bale trailer. Call or text Nathan at $ 1 6 , 9 9 5 . P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 0 4 9 0 , 780-228-7200. DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com 2010 CHEVY EQUINOX, 1LT AWD, 2.4L, loaded, cloth, blue, 141,033 kms., $16,995. Phone 1-800-667-0490, DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com

2012 MACK, Model CHU613 set up with 4-1/2” T&E hyd. pump and cooler for hauling crude oil or water, 225” WB, eng. MP8-505C, Mack 505 HP, trans. 12 spd. I Mack auto, 4-way lock up diff. 48” sleeper. Truck was set up and used short term in the oilfields. Only 102,000 kms. Factory warranty remaining, plus ext. warranty pkg., $92,000 +GST. Lease agreement available. OAC. Will deliver anywhere in Western Canada for very reasonable rate. 204-724-7000, Winnipeg, MB. 2013 IH 5900I, 42” bunk, 13L, 46 diff., 4-way lock, 18 spd., 370,000 kms, engine warranty; 2005 T800 Kenworth, 500 Cat, 18 spd., 46 diffs, 4-way locks w/Roobar bumpers; 2001, 2003, 2005 daycab T800’s, heavy specs.; 378 and 379 Pete, four 2006s, 2005, 2004, 2003, Cat, 18 spd., 46 diff, 4-way locks, all w/Roobar bumpers; 2006 W900 KW daycab, Cat, 18 spd; 2008 IH 9900, 550 ISX Cummins, 18 spd., 46 diffs, 4-way locks, 700,000 kms; 2007 daycab, IH 9200, ISM 370, 10 spd.; 2003 Freightliner Classic, Cat, 18 spd., new rubber; 1999 9300 IH, dual stacks, dual breathers, 60 Detroit, 13 spd; 1996 T800 Kenworth, 475 Cat, 13 spd. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. www.rbisk.ca

2013 PETERBILT 388, 13 spd., tag axle, Paccar eng., 63” double bunk with fridge, 204,700 kms, $90,000. 204-794-4879 or 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. BAILIFF AUCTION for sale by bid. Repossessed 2006 Freightliner FLD120 Classic, 550 Cat twin turbo, 18 spd., double full lockers, 12/40, 3.58 gears, odometer reads 1,067,290 kms, brand new rubber. Email saskwestfinancial@sasktel.net or for financing Horizon Leasing at 306-934-4445, Saskatoon, SK. BAILIFF AUCTION for sale by bid. Repossessed 2011 Peterbilt 389 flat top, Cummins 485 HP, 18 spd., full lockers, 12/40, 3.70 gears, reading 449,000 kms, Webasto engine and bunk. Unit is in Saskatoon, SK. Email saskwestfinancial@sasktel.net Leasing is available through Horizon Leasing 306-934-4445. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING of heavy trucks, trailers and equipment. Please call for details. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK.

1978 LT8000 LOUISVILLE w/8 yd. hyd. d r i ve c e m e n t m i xe r, 3 2 0 8 C at . C a l l 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 2001 VACTOR 2100 on FL80 Freightliner jet rodder, 2000 hrs. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 1985 GMC with 17 bale Goldenview picker deck, dsl., Allison, $45,000, or deck alone $39,500. 780-975-1328, St. Michael, AB. SPECIALTY TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Fire, bucket, deck trucks and equipment. See us at our new location at 101 Cory Rd., Saskatoon, SK. 306-668-2020. DL #908171. www.northtownmotors.com

2010 CHEVY TRAVERSE, 1 LT, AWD, 3.6L V6 auto, 7 passenger, loaded, white, 68,541 kms., $25,995. 1-800-667-0490, DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com 2010 FORD ESCAPE LTD 4x4 3.0L V6, loaded, sunroof, leather, black, 102,780 1998 FREIGHTLINER N14 Cummins, 10 kms., $19,995. Phone 1-800-667-0490, spd., SWS 20’ deck, fresh safety, $21,900. DL#907173. www.watrousmainline.com Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK 2011 BUICK ENCLAVE CX AWD, 3.6L V6 1998 KENWORTH T-800, stainless steel loaded, 7 passenger, rear camera, silver, paving box, 30” live belt, $33,000. 108,813 kms, $24,995. 1-800-667-0490, www.watrousmainline.com DL#907173 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB.

BURTON CONCRETE: PROVINCE-WIDE mobile concrete trucks. We set up on site, pour all sizes of shops or bin pads. Spring booking discounts. Waylyn 306-441-4006 or 306-370-4545, Blaine Lake, SK.

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK.

9000 NEW BRICKS, 3.5”x11.5”, 50 cents each. Call 204-855-2881, 204-851-9131, Virden, MB. A P P ROX . 6 0 0 U S E D c e m e n t b l o c k s . 306-652-2601, Saskatoon, SK.


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IH 4300 SINGLE AXLE, IH motor, Allison 2011 Buick Enclave AWD, CXL, 3.6L V6, LAMINATED SHINGLES automatic, AC, w/deck. 306-356-4550, loaded, heated/cooled leather, sunroof, 1st GRADE - 40 yr.+50 yr. 97,918 kms, $32,995. 1-800-667-0490, Dodsland, SK. DL #905231. www.watrousmainline.com DL#907173 1999-2004 FORD 1 ton dump trucks, sin- 2011 GMC Acadia Denali, AWD, 3.6L V6 BUNDLE gle wheel, dual wheel, reg cab, crew cab, loaded, Nav, sunroof, DVD, leather, white, gas, auto, from $8500 and up; 1982 Ford 140,932 kms, $30,995 1-800-667-0490, CLASS “A” #1 PRODUCT F700 water pumper, 14,000 org. kms, www.watrousmainline.com DL#907173 • Popular Profile $7500; 1991 Topkick S/A deck/crane, 164,000 kms, $11,500; 1992 Topkick die- 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLE, FWD, 2.4L, load- • Good Colors! sel, auto, deck, 130,000 kms with 7000 lb ed, cloth, silver, 74,590 kms, $17,995. • 1st Grade Sq. Ft. 7 picker $15,500; 1990 IHC S/A flusher die- Phone 1-800-667-0490, DL#907173. • Matching Accessories Available!!! COLORS sel, auto, rear engine flusher, $21,500; www.watrousmainline.com 1997 F450 4x4 fire truck, 7.3 diesel, auto, Burron Lumber immaculate, $28,500; Heavy spec. S/A 2011 GMC TERRAIN SLT-2, AWD, 2.4L 4306-652-0343, Saskatoon, SK p u m p e r d i e s e l , a u t o , $ 2 2 , 5 0 0 . C a l l cyl, loaded, sunroof, heated leather brown, 306-668-2020, Saskatoon, SK. DL#908171 80,305 kms., $24,995. 1-800-667-0490, www.watrousmainline.com DL#907173 www.northtownmotors.com 2011 GMC YUKON XL Denali, 4x4, 6.2L V8, loaded, Nav, sunroof, 20” wheels, red, 123,136 kms., $40,995. 1-800-667-0490 STILL IN THE BOX Cover-All type buildwww.watrousmainline.com DL#907173 ings, easy assembly. 20’x30’, $3450 each; 30’x40’, $5900 ea. K&L Equipment, 2011 GMC YUKON XL Denali, 4x4, 6.2L also V8, loaded, Nav, sunroof, 20” wheels, red, Ituna, SK. Call Ladimer 306-795-7779. 123,136 kms., $40,995. 1-800-667-0490, STEEL BRIDGE, 60’Lx17’W, open top, www.watrousmainline.com DL#907173. $12,000. Can deliver. 306-734-7721, 2012 BUICK ENCLAVE, Rosetown Main- Craik, SK. line, King of Trucks. Phone: 306-882-2691, STEEL BUILDINGS. SPECIAL limited adver2005 PETERBILT TANDEM C13 Cat, auto www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 tising deals. Most all sizes. Make offer or UltraShift, fuel and lube, 4 comp., 1200L 2012 GMC ACADIA, Rosetown Mainline, bid for best deal. Toll free 1-800-964-8335 motor oil, hyd. oil, antifreeze, dsl. fuel, King of Trucks. Phone: 306-882-2691, Source 18X. Photo gallery available to deaf tanks, waste oil filter comp., 2x2800L www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 choose: www.gosteel.com fuel tanks, PTO drive, air operated system, previously reg. in SK., exc. cond., $65,000. 2012 GMC Acadia SLT AWD loaded, 7 pasWill deliver. Consider grain in trade. senger, DVD, heated leather, white, 69,925 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. kms, $36,995. www.watrousmainline.com DL# 907173. 1-800-667-0490. 2007 IH 9900I with 16’ CIM gravel box, ISX565 Cummins, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, 2012 GMC TERRAIN SLT1, AWD, 3.0L V6, excellent 24.5 rubber. Call 306-256-7107, loaded, leather, silver, 59,795 kms, MineralRights.ca Your Mineral Right $26,995. 1-800-667-0490, DL#907173 Marketplace. Leasing, buying and selling Cudworth, SK. ltp@sasktel.net Mineral Rights 306-992-1015, Regina, SK. www.watrousmainline.com SUVs IN STOCK, trades, best financial DO YOU HAVE an empty barn and want rates, biggest selection. Greenlight Truck to raise ducks? For info ph 780-450-6103, & Auto, www.GreenlightAuto.ca Saska- 780-504-5747, Edmonton, AB. toon, SK. DL #311430. HAMMOND REALTY: FOR sale Westwind Florist and Greenhouse located in thriving Moosomin, SK. Package incl: 48x26’ main shop, with natural gas furnace, walk-in 2000 FREIGHTLINER FL80 with 24’ flat- fridge and 5 greenhouses, 3 heated and atdeck, 300 HP diesel 9 spd., safetied, vg tached to main shop. Inventory, supplies, 2011 KENWORTH T800 winch truck, with cond., no rust, $19,500. Call for details, tools and equipment negotiable w/offers. Cummins engine, loaded, 4-way lockers, 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. Owner willing to help with transition of 11Rx24.5 rubber, 90% fronts 18,000 lbs., new buyer. Lots of potential for expansion! rears 46,000, Tulsa RN 60, 60,000 lbs. hyd. 2001 DODGE 4x4, dually, Cummins eng., Contact Guy Shepherd at 306-434-8857. w i n c h , L e n n a x b u i l t , $ 1 8 5 , 0 0 0 . $14,900; 1995 Retired Ambulance, diesel, http:// Westwind.TimHammond.ca $6500; 1970 2 ton GMC, V8, B&H, $3800. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, TAXI BUSINESS in thriving northern comNorth Battleford, SK. munity of Nipawin, SK. 306-862-0007. 2003 FORD F450SD, 7.3L, w/Haul-All com- ID#481220- HONEY OPERATION: pactor and hoist; 1800 gal. sewer vac-tank Terrific location with access to 10,000 and pump. 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. acres of alfalfa along the Frenchman River. for 1000 hives, includes 2 resi2005 IH 4300, 24’ van truck, Allison au- Licensed outbuildings and equipment. One to., 466 eng., 3000 lb. lift gate, premium dences, two Honey Producers in Saskatchewan California truck, no rust, 118,000 miles, of certified organic by Pro-Cert. Sellers willonly $24,500. 306-946-8522 Saskatoon SK ing to train. Val Marie, SK. Real Estate 2011 GMC SIERRA, Rosetown Mainline , C e n t re , w w w. f a r m re a l e s t a t e . c o m 1-866-345-3414. 1991 IHC 4900, 466 dsl, 13 spd, 20’ deck, King of Trucks, Phone: 306-882-2691, 120,000 kms., fresh safety, $19,900. Cam- www.rosetownmainline.net DL#311284 DISPOSAL BUSINESS FOR Sale in West Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used Central Sask. Established company with highway tractors. For more details call loyal customer base. Call or email for more 2005 FREIGHTLINER M2 106, S/A, crew 204-685-2222 or view information at info. millars@sasktel.net 306-858-7397. cab, 300 HP Mercedes, 6 spd. Allison au- www.titantrucksales.com WANTED: HUNTERS INTERESTED in Outto., 89,000 kms., bull bar and custom deck, custom hitching, always stored in- HUGE PRE-OWNED SELL-DOWN at Rose- fitting Business, SE Sask. Outfitter wishes side, current SK safety. Asking $73,000. t o w n M a i n l i n e , K i n g o f Tr u c k s . to retire. Birds (ducks, geese, upland birds) plus GST. Gord at 306-463-4598, Kinder- 306-882-2691, www.rosetownmainline.net Deer; Elk; Moose; Coyotes; Hiking; And bird watching. 306-455-2493, Arcola, SK. DL#311284 sley, SK. gscaz@sasktel.net






ATTENTION RESTAURATEUR! FANTASTIC opportunity at the Coast Hotel in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Fully operational restaurant available for lease immediately. Approximately 6500 sq. ft. Includes: all equipment and furnishings currently in place. Seating for 175, area can be modified for smaller venue. Landlord may offer assistance with renovations. Your choice of 3 options: 1. Complete ownership and operation of a Smitty’s Franchise. Location has been Pre approved by Smitty’s. Minimum investment, $150,000. Operator must be approved by Smitty’s. 2. Partnership in Smitty’s franchise. Approximate investment, $75,000. Operator must be approved by Smitty’s. 3. Individually owned and operated venture based upon Personal plan. Landlord may participate in cost of leasehold improvements. Lease payment, $6000. per month plus proportionate operation cost. Tenant also has benefit of supplying food service to all areas of hotel including banquet facilities, Bourbon St. Lounge, plus Martini Bar and guest rooms generating additional revenue. Interested parties please call Ken at: 403-866-6916, or email: kenschmidt43@gmail.com

KSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chopper, live bottom trucks, 22 yrs. experience, reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal and corn silage needs call Kevin 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK

LOWDERMILK TRANSPORT IS providing one call service for all Equipment/Hay hauling. Very experienced, multiple trucks serving AB., SK., and MB. 780-872-0107, 306-252-1001, Kenaston, SK. CUSTOM BALE HAULING, self-loading and unloading 17 bale truck. Radisson, SK. 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835.

ENT. INC. Experienced equipment COMPUTER BUSINESS in large northern JETCO Alberta, Sask. and Manitoba. Call town of 7000 includes stationary and other hauling. 780-888-1122, Lougheed, AB. income generating businesses. Living quarters can be developed. On #11 Hwy in Craik, Bar and Grill, turnkey, housing available. Development Lands: 68 Acres, East of Regina on #46 near Pilot Butte, with a home, secondary serviced site adjacent town land. 140 Acres, development land, 20 mins. East of Regina on #1. Investment: Davidson, 2 heated shops exc. for trucking or heavy mechanics operation, on approx. two acres w/wo business. Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344 at Colliers International, 2505 11th Ave., Suite 200, Regina, SK. www.collierscanada.com SMALL MANUFACTURING SHOP and residence. 40 yrs of operation with established product line. Owner retiring. Turnkey operation. 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK.

EQUIPMENT HAULING. Serving western Canada and northwest USA. Call Harvey at: 1-877-824-3010, or cell 403-795-1872. Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd., Nobleford AB. Email: logistics@vandenberghay.ca

CUSTOM SWATHING, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Brand new 30’ MacDon. Call: 403-866-2775, Rolling Hills, AB. NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says n o ? I f y e s t o a b o v e t h r e e , c a l l ERW CUSTOM HAY CUTTING, with JD 956 MoCo. Willing to travel. Call Eldon, 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. 306-370-0776. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and us to develop a professional mediation v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. CUSTOM HARVESTER looking for acres to FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. cut in Sask. Prefer South of Hwy 1. John Management Group for all your borrowing Deere machines, flex headers, tractor and and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, grain cart. Professional crew and service. Regina, SK. Call Shawn 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB.

STE VE N SO N H O O D TH O R N TO N B E A U B IE R L L P Y O U R A G R IC U LT U R A L L A W SP E C IA L IST S W e ha ndle seed,chem ica l, im plem ent,spra y drifta nd sha reholder dispute litiga tion. W e a lso ha ndle esta tes, ta x pla nning,reorga niza tions, fa rm sa les a nd incorpora tions.

Contact: Terry J. Zakreski(litigation) or B eaty F . B eaubier Q .C. (corporate and tax) tel:306-24 4 -0132 S askatoon,S K . w w w .sh tb -la w .com

BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, 375 HP unit, also avail. trackhoe w/thumb, multiple bucket attachments. Bury rock and brush piles and fence line clearing. Bork Contracting, www.borysiukcontracting.ca Prince Albert, SK., 306-960-3804. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Federally licensed magazine and insured. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Call 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, stumps, caraganas, etc. 12 years of enviro friendly mulching. Call today! 306-933-2950. Visit: www.maverickconstruction.ca REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’ $2000; 160x60x14’ $2950; 180x60x14’ $3450; 200x60x14’ $3950. Gov’t grants available. 306-222-8054, Saskatoon, SK. HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING, Hydro-Vac and electro-fusion services. Fast. Efficient. Reasonable. Sure Shot HDD Contracting Ltd. 306-933-0170, Saskatoon SK. Visit: www.sureshothdd.com CUSTOM FENCING, WILL travel. Call for bookings. 306-221-8806, Asquith, SK.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance and compensation 1-866-882-4779. CUSTOM BALING/ SWATHING/ SEEDING, Contour, double shoot; also parting 567 baler. Alan at 306-463-8423, Marengo, SK. TALBOT HOT BIN SEALING, we seal bins on wood and concrete floors. Serving SK, AB and MB. 306-631-0203, Moose Jaw, SK. talbotbinsealing@gmail.com CUSTOM BALING with square baler, 3x4, taking bookings for hay and straw, SK, AB, MB. Contact Ben at Kaiserfarm@yahoo.ca or phone 306-744-7678. R E A S O N A B L E R AT E S B O O K N O W ! Standing hay crops wanted rental by the ton or by the acre up to 100$/acre Custom large square baling custom swathing Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB.

1994 JD 710D backhoe with 4WD, heated cab, $32,800. Trades welcome, financing available. Call 1-800-667-4515 or visit: www.combineworld.com CAT 60, 70, 80 and 463’s available. Also STANDING HAY CROPS wanted. Rental by Allis Chalmers direct mount scrapers. the ton or by the acre up to $100/acre. 16’-20’ pull dozers. 306-338-7114 Clair, SK Custom large square baling, custom 3- TEREX TS14B MOTOR SCRAPERS, swathing. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB. 1980 to 1982, $45,000 ea. OBO; 1997 Case 9030B Excavator, $42,000 OBO. Call 306-537-6866, Regina, SK. Send email GILBRAITH FARM SERVICES offering for pics to: sfventures@sasktel.net custom chopping with a Claas 970, trucks, 1991 LIFT-RITE CRANE, model LK10, packing tractor or silage bagger. Custom stock #L-6470, 7700 hrs., c/w cab, side cutting with discbine or swather. We also shift, asking price $35,900. 780-567-4202, offer custom manure spreading with large Clairmont, AB. www.astro-sales.com vertical beater spreaders. Call for pricing 204-379-2843, St. Claude, MB. Find us on WANTED: 2 20’ - 30’ gravel conveyors. Call Jim 306-862-8518, Choiceland, SK. Facebook!



SAWMILL 44’ TRACK and edger, $2500; Ateco cable plow for D5 or D6, $5000; JD skidder winch, $2500; D5 set of 2 chains and 24” pads, like new, $3000; 1975 and 1976 Trailmobile B-trains, 27’ decks, steel pegs, $3000; 1982 Western Star tandem, $3000. 204-222-0285, Winnipeg, MB. 10’X34’ ATCO 6 person bunk house, heated, air conditioning, $10,000 OBO. 780-987-2859, Devon, AB. RECLAMATION CONTRACTORS: Bigham 3 and 4 leg mechanical trip 3 pt. hitch Paratills in stock; parts for Bigham and Tye Paratills. Call Kellough’s: 1-888-500-2646. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 to 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK CAT D6D LGP, 29” pads, 7 roller frame, canopy, screens, 6A double tilt dozer, sweeps, Carco 60 winch, S/N #4X10278, 1985, new chains, $35,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. 2004 JD 310SG backhoe w/4WD, extendahoe, $32,800. Financing available, trades welcome. Call 1-800-667-4515 or visit: www.combineworld.com

2007 Cat IT38G II, 9500 hrs, quick coupler, 3.25 yd bucket, 48” forks, 3rd valve. Call Edquip Ltd., Jerry 780-915-5426 or Bob, 780-446-9254, Spruce Grove, AB. ATTACHMENTS: skidsteer, pallet forks, buckets, augers, hay spears. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 2014 ROME RALSE-16 finishing ejector scraper, 14 yd. cap., 17’ 4” wide, 15,074 lb, hyd. tilt, $63,056. Call 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com HYUNDAI PAYLOADER HL740-7A, approx. 1600 hrs., good cond., $105,000. Phone 306-795-2234, 306-795-7607, Ituna, SK. LARGE STOCK OF LOADERS at low low prices. Cat 966C hi-lift; Cat 950, new motor; Dresser 530; Mich-Clark-Volvo L320 9 yard; FIA 840; Clark 45B; FIA 345B; Hough 65; (5) others in need of repair work; (7) 2 WD loaders with 3 PTH. Track Loaders: Cat 955H; Cat 977 20A Series; Cat 931; Cat 941; FIA FL9. About to part out (20) 4 WD and track loaders. Over 1400 new and used const. tires. New parts. Big discounts. Over 500 new and used buckets and attachments. Over 500 new and used hyd. cylinders; 2 yards, over 50 acres. Older construction equipment. Central Canada’s largest wreckers. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd., phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. HIGH LIFTS of all types. 80’ mobile high lift; 52’ scissor lift; 100’ ladder truck; Several lifts from 15’ to 30’; Forklifts from 1 to 10 ton; Linkbelt LS98 w/60’ boom; Several fire trucks and foam truck; Post pounders; 1500’ of chain link fencing and posts; 5000’ 1/2 cable at .50¢/ft; 100’s of misc. items and attachments; Large stock of power units, 3 KW to 193 KW; Older construction equipment; Over 50 sets of pallet forks. 12 water pumps, gas and diesel; 6 air compressors. Central Canada’s largest wreckers. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd, call 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. IH TD15B, POWERSHIFT, nice shape, motor overhauled, dozer/piling teeth, ready for bush work; 12’ Rome plow, single or rope or hyd. 306-233-5241, Wakaw, SK. 1998 D6M LGP, 6-way dozer, cab, ripper, 1 4 , 5 0 0 h r s . , g o o d U C , r u n s g r e at , $55,000. 403-244-7813, Calgary, AB. TRENCHERS, PLOWS AND BACKHOES. Vermeer Navigator directional drill, Model D7x11 w/Kubota dsl.; Ditch Witch 7020, blade, backhoe and cable plow; Ditch Witch 5110, cable plow and front blade; Ditch Witch R65 backhoe, blade and trencher; Ditch Witch R40 trencher, blade, 4 cyl. dsl; Case-Davis maxi sneaker, rubber tires, ride on rear plow; Davis T78 on steel tracks, rear trencher. Also unit on a trailer; Vermeer walk behind Model V1350; (3) Ditch Witch walk behind Model 1230H. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd., Winnipeg, MB., ph 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932.

2011 JD 326D, 900 hrs., cab, AC, heat, 2 speed, new tires, warranty until Sept., very good, $35,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1998 CATERPILLAR D6R, differential steer, blade, 70% undercarriage remaining, $59,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 1988 D8N, 18,500 frame hrs., new Cat UC, SU dozer, multi shank ripper, cab, air, $95,000. 403-244-7813, Calgary, AB. 1994 HITACHI EX270LC-5 excavator with thumb, 3-way valve, $40,000; Cedar Rapids 22x36 jaw crusher w/Elrus vibratory feeder, $90,000; Boeing 100 port. asphalt plant, 130 ton/hr., all complete, $275,000. 204-376-5194, 204-641-0008, Arborg, MB. EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, track loaders, forklifts, zoom booms, mini excavators. Visit www.glenmor.cc for details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone 306-764-2325, Prince Albert, SK. COMPACTORS: 84” and 66” pad foot and smooth drum. For rent or sale. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. NEW 60” ADJUSTABLE pallet forks will fit: Cat 950F-G; Cat IT 38G; Cat IT 62G-H, $4000. 204-372-6863, Fisher Branch, MB. ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths available. CWK Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, Humboldt, SK., www.cwenterprises.ca

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, EX. GOV’T Units: Rosco pavement patcher, trailer mount, 4 cyl Cummins, $8500; 84” Raygo pavement roller, $8000; Toro 3300 diesel ATV mounted line painter, $7500; Diesel trailer mount traffic control signal unit, $3250; 2006 L4630 Kubota 4WD tractor (cab), 4000 hrs., w/sweeper $18,500, w/o $16,800; Unused tri-axle equipment trailer $8150; Hyster 5000 forklift cab, side shift propane $8500; Used 16’ Atco office trailer $5500; Cat CB24D, smooth double drum roller, 2000 hrs, $17,500. 306-668-2020, Saskatoon, SK. DL #908171. Visit our website: www.northtownmotors.com REMOTE CONTROL V sweepers, Vermeers, Tampo sheepsfoot, Cord Road, Galion RollO-Matic, Rex 3, Ferguson packers of all types: pull behind, walk behind and remote controlled. 100’s of other items in const. equip. over 50 acres of dismantled equipment for parts. New replacement parts at low, low prices. Central Canada’s largest salvage yard in construction equip. Cambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867, fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB.

CAT 621B MOTOR SCRAPER, 14-20 cu. yd. capacity, 330 HP, 8 spd., cushion hitch, AC, heat, AM/FM, good rubber, vg cond., $62,000. 204-867-7074, 204-585-5254, Sandy Lake, MB. 2000 CATERPILLAR (NOBLE) FORKLIFT, model R804-10K, Perkins diesel engine, 10,000 lb. capacity, rough terrain, 4x4, new rebuilt transmission, 14’ height cap, $28,000 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. GENIE S60 MANLIFT. New hose track, good running condition. Call Del for info. and pics at 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. LEON 8.5 cu. yd. push-off scraper, original paint faded, exc. cond. $14,000. 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK.

2- 2003 DEERE 1814 PT scrapers, 18 yard capacity, 14’ wide cut, 20.5R25 tires. Excellent shape! $59,750 ea. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2004 JLG G6-42A telehandler w/6000 lbs 42’ reach, heated cab, 4059 hours, well maintained, $41,800. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com ATTACHMENTS PARTS COMPONENTS for construction equipment. Attachments for dozers, excavators and wheel loaders. Used, Re-built, Surplus, and New equipment parts and major components. Call Western Heavy Equipment 306-981-3475, Prince Albert, SK. EQUIPMENT RENTALS: dozers, compactors, loaders, excavators, etc. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 2007 HITACHI ZX240 LC-3 hyd. excavator, hrs, Q/C bucket, w/hyd. thumb, aux. 2012 CAT MODEL 272D XHP skidsteer, 2 4254 spd. high flow hyd., cab, AC, heater, new hyd., AC. 587-991-6605, Edmonton, AB. 7 8 ” b u c ke t , 3 7 0 h o u r s , $ 4 5 , 5 0 0 . 2014 ROME RP-180CS scraper, 18 yard 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. capacity, 12’ cut, 300” long 167” wide, lbs., $90,746. 204-256-2098, TreCAT 627B MOTOR SCRAPER, twin eng., 19,250 14-20 cu. yd. capacity, 450 HP, 8 spd., herne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com cushion hitch, AC, heat, AM/FM, 200 hrs. 1997 DEERE 230LC excavator, 14,083 on rebuilt front engine, rebuilt rear diff., hours, 31.5” triple grousers, WBM wedge new bearings in rear engine, good rubber, style coupler, WBM 32” digging bucket and vg cond. 204-867-7074, 204-585-5254, 62” cleanup bucket with serrated edge, Sandy Lake, MB. plumbed, mechanical thumb, New UC! 59,000. Call Jordan anytime SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS: rock buckets, $403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. dirt buckets, grapples and more top quality. Also have truck decks in stock. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some Quality Welding and Sales 306-731-3009 o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . or 306-731-8195, Craven, SK. 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. TWIN ENGINE SCRAPER TS14-F, new 2001 KOMATSU PC-270-LC-6, hyd. exc, tires, 0 hour engine rebuild, very good 36” QA bucket, 32” pads, CAHR, 9200 hrs., gd cond. $42,500. 306-621-0425 Yorkton condition. 780-983-0936, Westlock, AB.

USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.

$32,860 $33,230

2003 CASE 1650K-XLT EROPS, heat, AC, pro-heat, multi-shank ripper, hydro trans, D6 size, exc. cond., 2800 hrs., $95,000. Prince Albert, SK., Rick 306-981-3475.

EXTREME DUTY BRUSHCUTTER (made in Canada) made with 1/4” steel, 66” cut Omni HD gearbox and parker hyd. motor. Cuts up to 4” trees. Has two 1/2”x3”x24” blades on a stump jumper, c/w hyd. hoses and flat face couplers. Standard flow opLANDMASTER PRODUCTION DOZERS: eration, open rear discharge prevents unPD-16’, $36,000; PD-18’, $37,500. Direct der deck build up, $4995. Agrimex, factory delivery in MB., SK. and AB. Call 306-432-4444, Dysart, SK. Neil, 306-231-8300; Gord, 780-913-7353. LINKBELT LS98 with fairlead and bucket; www.landmaster.ca Linkbelt 315 pile hammer; Koehring model USED WBM EXCAVATOR Attachments: 304 yd. and bridge crane; Pettibone All200 Series: 60” cleanup, $3800; 66” twist, terrain 40’ crane; Galion 4x4 20 ton crane, $7200; 60” rake, $4500. 250 Series: 2- Pettibone 20 ton and 40 ton mobile Wedge coupler, $1600; 36” dig, $3200; 42” cranes; Hiab model 140, used only 1 year; dig, $3800; 66” cleanup, $4800; V-ditch- Several other lifts and attachments; JLG ing, $4800; 72” rake, $6000. 300 Series: 80’ manlift and others; Backhoes and atWedge coupler, $2000; V-ditching, $5200; tachments; JD 690C excavator, only 72” cleanup, $5500; 72” rake, $6500. Call $9500; Case 1085B with Wrist-O-Twist, R i c k at We s t e r n H e av y E q u i p m e n t , $14,900; Bobcat 331 excavator, $13,900; New Bobcat backhoe attachment model 306-981-3475, Prince Albert, SK. 811, $7900. Many other backhoe attach2010 KOMATSU PC220 LC-8 hyd. excava- ments in stock. 2 locations over 50 acres, t o r, h y d . t h u m b , 6 3 6 0 h r s . C a l l too much to list! Cambrian Equipment 587-991-6605, Edmonton, AB. Sales, Winnipeg, MB. Ph. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932.

CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at www.conterraindustries.com ELRUS 24X42 JAW CRUSHER w/hydraulic MINI-EX: 2006 BOBCAT 430, 42 HP, 450 grizzly; Cedarapids 22x36 Jaw Crusher, hrs, 2 spd., X-Change coupler, $29,500. w/Elrus vibratory feeder. 204-376-5194 or Conquest Equip. 306-483-2500 Oxbow SK 204-641-2408, Arborg, MB. ALLIS CHALMERS HD-16, parts Cat. Call CAT 963 LGP track type loader, S/N 306-621-9540 or evenings 306-792-2272, #21Z05170, 1994, 92” bucket, 2.5 cu. yds, Springside, SK. w/9 teeth, 22” double Grouser pads, cab, $25,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS, Cat, Allis Chalmers, Letourneau, 6 yd.- 35 yds, also direct mount scrapers; Scraper tires; Direct mount motor graders from $14,950; S/A Jeep, $10,500; 5 yard 175B Michigan loader, $16,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB.

2006 L110 E Volvo wheel loader, 8850 hrs., ride control, 23.5R25 tires, 210 HP, hyd. Q/C, AC, c/w 4 yd. bucket, third valve, vg cond., $105,000. Can deliver. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

N14 CUMMINS from 2000 Volvo, vg cond.; 3 1 2 6 C a t f r o m F L 8 0 F r e i g h t l i n e r. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK.

Medicine Hat, AB Lethbridge, AB 3755 - 18th Ave. North 1065 - 30 St. S.W. (403) 526-0925 (403) 320-5400 1-877-414-4043 1-800-325-4445 Calgary, AB 101, 4800 - 104th St., S.E. (403) 279-3355 1-877-642-2923

www.mwdconstruction.com GREAT PRICES ON new, used and remanufactured engines, parts and accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check: www.thickettenginerebuilding.ca Thickett Engine Rebuilding. 204-532-2187, Russell, MB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. DIESEL ENGINES, OVERHAUL kits and parts for most makes. Cat, CIH, Cummins, Detroit, Mack. M&M Equipment Ltd., Parts and Service phone: 306-543-8377, fax: 306-543-2111, Regina, SK.

HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, custom conversions available. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520 Muenster SK

NEW: NEVER USED: Two 200 HP explosion proof (class 1, div 1) Siemens XP 100-1800 rpm, 460 volt, B447T frame, elec. motors. Paid $11,000 each. 306-546-8327, Regina, SK. PHASE CONVERTERS, RUN 220V 3 phase motors, on single phase. Call 204-800-1859, Winnipeg, MB.

HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS: 2008 Komatsu PC308, Zero turn, QA, clean up bucket, 13’ stick, AC, plumbed for GPS plus aux. hyd. line for thumb, $75,000; JD 270LC, w/hyd. thumb, QA, 12’ stick, $55,000; 2006 Volvo EC210 BLC, QA, w/hyd. thumb, AC, $75,000. 204-871-0925, McGregor, MB.

FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A - 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK. www.tismtrrewind.com

CAT D6D TRACK dozer, S/N #4X08123, 1982, dbl. tilt angle blade, 20” Grousers, canopy, ripper, $32,000. Ph 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. PHASE CONVERTER 50 HP, single phase to CAT HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS: 3 phase, c/w control panel, well main463, 435, 80 and 70, all very good cond. tained, asking $3000, (costs $10,000 new). new conversion. Also new and used scrap- Call 780-818-2863, Edmonton, AB. er tires. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB. 1998 SKYTRAK 6036 telehandler with 6000 lb. 36’ reach, good cond, $25,800 Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2 0 0 8 G E N I E G T H 8 4 4 Te l e h a n d l e r w/8000 lb. 44’ reach. good tires and forks, $56,500. Trades welcome. Financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com


W O O D CO UN TRY Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8

w w w .w ood-coun try.com


M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d In d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~




ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades and bearings; 24” to 36” notched disc blades. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com

OVER 30 UNITS of compaction equipment of many types and models; 5- remote controlled vibratory packers; Large stock of power plants and power units; Several air from 185 to 650 CFM; 4- post 2006 CAT 320 EXCAVATOR, QA, clean- compressors some skidsteer mount; 5out bucket, 10,000 hrs., nice, $60,000. pounders, stump grinders; 3- sweepers; 100’s of hyd. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. cyls. Cambrian Equipment Sales, Winnipeg YELLOW ROSE CONSTRUCTION has a MB. Call 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932. complete gravel crushing spread for sale. 2442 Elruss Jaw plant, 3’ Taylor crusher, 2004 NEW HOLLAND grader RG200B, ripplus a complete extra 3’ Taylor crusher and per and dozer, new motor; 2003 Hitachi a warehouse of parts, Eccentric bushings, ZX200LC. 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK. gears, shafts, other bushings, etc.; Elruss LETOURNEAU LS 13 yd. hyd scraper, sandhopper feeder screening plant, 5x18’ blasted, painted, matching tires, vg cond. screening double decker, Genset tower $32,000. 204-326-3109, Steinbach, MB. van, 3406 Cat, lots of electrical power, 36x75’ Hikon conveyors, shop van w/lots 1978 CASE 450 crawler loader, new tracks, of extra plant parts, tools, welder, ready to rebuilt engine, $5400 worth of repairs. go. By the piece or complete; Ingersoll Asking $9500. 204-857-8585, Portage La Rand L120, portable light and power pull Prairie, MB. behind, purchased in 2008, used very litt l e . B i l l M c G i n n i s 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 6 1 9 , 2007 JD 270 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR c/w thumb, 2 buckets, 5800 hrs., exc. 306-734-2232, Craik, SK. cond. 780-983-0936, Westlock, AB. CRAWLER DOZER 58P Komatscu, c/w 6-way dozer, canopy, sweeps, very low hrs., $38,000. 780-983-0936, Westlock, AB 1978 CAT 631D motor scraper, 6180 hrs, 31 yard capacity, 8 spd. PS, 37.25-35 tires. INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn Nice shape! $58,000. Call Jordan anytime and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Ar403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB gentina. 1-888-414-4177. 2001 D6R XW, 10,500 hrs., 6-way dozer, cab, air, diff steering, good undercarriage, tight, no leaks, asking $88,000. 403-244-7813, Calgary, AB. COMPLETE ROBOTIC MILK system, 2NEW AND USED parts for Cat and other 2010 Lely A3 Next milk robots, pura brands. Costex Aftermarket Parts Dealer. steam, 2- feed options, CRS control box, Worldwide locating system. Mackie Equip. buffer tank, milk tank valves unit, twin filLtd 306-352-3070, darren@mackieltd.com ter, Atlas Copco air compressor, 100 Lely www.mackieltd.com Regina, SK. HR tags, plus neck belts, 1- cosmix confeeder. Remainder of standard 2011 CASE 590 SUPER N backhoe, 4x4, centrate and full service report available. extend-a-hoe, 1300 hrs., pilot controls, warranty C a l l B e n 403-896-2709, or Hennie AC, ride control, 4-way lockers, other op- 403-391-9627, Lacombe, AB. tions, SN#JJGN59SNPBC546151, $87,000 OBO. Call 306-577-2439 or 306-577-7704, Carlyle, SK. 1992 CASE 621 wheel loader, 20.5x25 tires 90%, 3rd valve, heat and radio, 6280 290 CUMMINS, 350 Detroit, 671 Detroit, Series 60 cores. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK hrs, gd cond. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ $ H I G H TEN S I LE R OOFI N G & S I D I N G $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ $ 2 $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft $ 2 $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . 49¢ ft $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ IN C R E A S E S $ $ AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ $ 18 005 103303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Westrum Lumber


• Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e • Po s tBu ild in gs • En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 60x120 - 20’ tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g. c/w 45x20 in s u la ted b ifo ld d o o r. .$5 5 ,024.62 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.

1-888-663-9663 R o ulea u,S K

FARM BUILDING PKG, 50’x96’x18’ pole building, turnkey $140,050. Wetaskiwin Co-op, Garry 780-361-6173 or Ron 780-361-6191, Wetaskiwin, AB.

FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody. AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.

BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.



SCAFCO GRAIN SYSTEM S IS EX PANDING New d ea ler o p p o rtu n ities a re a va ila b le to ha n d le S CAF CO s ilo s to ra ge a n d co n veyo r eq u ip m en t. Plea s e review o u r w eb s ite a t w w w .S C AFC O.co m to view o u r p ro d u ctlin e. Ifyo u a re in teres ted in this o p p o rtu n ity, yo u ca n rea ch the lo ca l s a les m a n a ger a tm a il@ S C AFC O.co m o r b y ca llin g 800-224-067 6 Regin a , S K . GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Meridian/Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, $10,395 FOB at Regina, SK. Leasing available. Peterson Construction, 306-789-2444. SUMMER SPECIALS: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200; 8000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. Try our U-Weld kits. Call 306-367-2408 or 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 4 3 0 6 , M i d d l e L a ke , S K . www.middlelakesteel.com Ask about our bin rental program. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919.

w w w .go o do n.co m

Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds


S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 A irdrie O ffice 403-470-4570 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822 DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.com


FOR SUMMER! 1-866-974-7678 IntegrityPostStructures.com ONLINE AUCTION: 3 quonsets, 12 sheds and garages, numerous grain bins, water/ fuel tanks and misc. View terms and conditions at www.mcdougallauction.com 1-800-263-4193. Box 3081, Regina, SK., S0G 3G7. DL #319916.

• The HEAVIEST metal • The STRONGEST posts • SUPERIOR craftsmenship Choose Prairie Post Frame





AIM H O P P ER C O N ES & S TEEL F L O O R S SUK UP G RAIN BIN S w ith the fo llo w ing o ptio ns :

• Aera tion • C en ter u n loa d s ys tem s • S tir s ys tem s


3UH (QJLQHHUHG /DPLQDWHG 3RVWV JTL Ha s R ecently A cq uired A d d itio na lCo rruga ted Bins Fo r Th is Upco m ing Ha rvest. W e Ha ve A Lim ited Supply So Ord er N ow To Ensure Delivery! AD TRUCKLO SALE Limited Supply

BIN MOVERS. Lil Truck Hauling Ltd. Good rates, call for more information. Merle or Fred 306-338-8288, 306-338-7128. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. 19X6 ON HOPPER, 2- 14x6 on hopper, 14x5 on hopper, 14x6 on steel tank, 14x6 on wood, 18x3 Butler on wood. Located at Perdue, SK. Call Art and Marilyn Bonstrom at 306-934-4611, Saskatoon, SK. TALBOT HOT BIN SEALING, we seal bins on wood and concrete floors. Serving SK, AB and MB. 306-631-0203, Moose Jaw, SK. talbotbinsealing@gmail.com

C a lltollfree

LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid Openers, 18� to 39�. Rosler Construction 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.

STEALTH BIN PRODUCTS- Goebel bins, Westeel bins, 14’ hoppers. 587-280-0239, Vegreville, AB. www.stealthbins.ca

BIG BIN PACKAGES Grain bin w/ladders, 52� remote opener AERATION UNLOAD SYSTEM AERATION FAN 3608......... $1.10/Bus. 3609......... $1.05/Bus. 5.95% Lease with NO payments for up to 6 months



• The o n ly a era tio n ho ppersystem tha to ffers the skid a s a n in tegra l pa rto f the a era tio n system tha tpro vid es even d istrib u tio n o f a ir thro u gho u tthe en tire b in .


N EILBUR G , S K • 1-306-823-4888 ALBER TA • 1-7 80-87 2-4943 M AN ITOBA • 1-204-5 7 3-3204

V is it o u r w eb s ite w w w .jtlin dus trie s .ca

c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 12 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x4 s k id s & erected .

$40,000.00 or $2.6 6 P e rBu 2-6 200BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 12 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x4 s k id s & erected .

$33,000.00 or $2.6 6 P e rBu 2-7200BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 14 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , q u a d 4x4 s k id s & erected .

$37,6 00.00 or $2.6 1P e rBu 2-9000BU. M ERID IAN D O UBLE CO RRUG ATED HO P P ER BIN CO M BO S c/ w roofa n d w a ll la d d ers , top s a fety ca g es , a u to lid op en ers , 18 leg hop p ers , m a n w a ys , s lid e chu tes , trip le 4x8 s k id s & erected .

$46 ,400.00 or $2.58P e rBu **F REIG HT & L EAS ING AVAIL ABL E**

Servic ing The P ra irie P rovinc es.

A TL A S B UIL D ING S Y S TEM S & S A L ES L TD . Yo rkto n , S a s k.



HOPPER FLAT CEMENT MOUNT 1-866-665-6677 (Factory Direct Savings) RTM HOPPER

BINS W/AIR (Set-up) 1805 (4800 Bus.) w/AIR

1807 (5865 Bus.) Ladders, Remote opener, Easy Access door w/no tie rod braces, Steel bin floor w/anchors (SET-UP)

Delivery from Hepburn, SK

Delivery from Hepburn, SK



*Call for complete details LEASE UP TO 7 YEARS


CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.com GRAIN BINS: 3500 bu. Meridian/Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, $10,395 FOB at Regina, SK. Leasing available. Peterson Construction, 306-789-2444. GM 4000 AND GM 5300 Meridian bins on sale now at Flaman. See your nearest Flaman location or call 1-888-435-2626. USED LARGE GRAIN bin hydraulic jack set. 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK.



LEASE FOR 5.95% with NO PAYMENTS for up to 6 months

1-866-665-6677 sales@darmani.ca WANTED: USED BIN crane for repairing 1500 - 4000 bu. flat bottom grain bins. Call 306-241-4022, Saskatoon, SK.


BOTTOM (Set-up)

Ladders, Remote opener, 12 leg hopper, Manhole, Double 8x4� skid w/anchors (SET-UP)


POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $925; 150 bu. $1290. 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. Call for nearest dealer. www.buffervalley.com



Steel floor/concrete not included Set up and delivery (Extra)

Download the free app today.

N ow Ava ila ble a t ou r Br a n d on Loca tion !




BOOKING NOW! Flat and hopper bin moving. Tim’s Custom 204-362-7103, Morden, MB. binmover50@gmail.com

for m ore deta ils

Hague, SK | (306) 225-2288

w w w .jtlin d u s tries .ca

10 gauge sheet - 8� sidew all,bolt on 1 or 2 piece construction 12’-33’ Tru ck ing Av a ila b le 14’Floor......$1 ,4 6 5 21’Floor......$2,6 9 5 15’Floor......$1 ,580 22’Floor......$2,850 15’-10 Floor.$1 ,7 00 24’Floor......$3,4 6 5 18’Floor......$2,1 80 25 1⠄2 ’Floor....$3,6 6 5 19’Floor......$2,36 5

GRAIN BIN FLOOR skirts, sloping flashing BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, over floor, 14 to 30’ diameter; Weldon har- w/wo floors; Also move liquid fert. tanks. row teeth, 3/8 to 5/8� rods, 50 rock hard- 306-629-3324, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. ness. GB Mfg. 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK. FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper SUMMER SPECIAL on all post or stud cone and steel floor requirements contact: frame buildings. Sizes range from Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll 32’x40’x10’ to 80’x200’x20’. Choice of slidfree: 1-888-304-2837. ing doors, overhead doors or bi-fold doors. WESTFIELD MKX 13X94LP, #1920792, Contact New-Tech Construction Ltd. at low profile hopper, reverser kit, hyd. lift, 306-220-2749, Hague, SK. electric power swing, $25,000. Ron 780-361-6169, Wetaskiwin Co-op, AB.

“Today’s Quality Built For Tomorrow�

s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca


Ins ta lla tio n & Fina ncing Ava ila ble!









Bin Door Improvement


POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.



14’Hopper 8 leg H/Duty .................$2,4 50 15’Hopper 8 leg S/Duty ..................$2,6 00 15’-10� Hopper 8 Leg M/Duty .........$2,7 00 15’-10� Hopper 10 leg H/Duty .........$2,9 9 0 18’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,300 19’Hopper 12 leg M/Duty ...............$4 ,6 00 21’& 24’Hopper Cones...................$P.O .R. All Hop p er C ones Inclu d e M a nhole, Slid e G a te on Nylon Rollers

BIN PACKAGES INCLUDED Ladders, 52� Remote lid

NO AIR (Easy access door) 6652 Bus. - $1.57 9200 Bus. - $1.33

8060 Bus. - $1.42 10050 Bus. - $1.34

INCLUDES SWING AIR/VENTING 10628 BUS........... $1.50 12028 BUS........... $1.40 15349 BUS........... $1.33 19106 BUS........... $1.20 Steel floor included in price *set-up & delivery extra

LIFETIME STEEL BIN FLOORS 14’ Floor .... $1,042 19’ Floor .... $1,948 16’ Floor .... $1,482 21’ Floor .... $2,324 18’ Floor .... $1,861 24’ Floor .... $2,748 *includes mounting hardware

Made up to 36’

AERATION FANS 3 HP ......... $949 7 HP .......$1,699 10 HP .... $1,969 (Baldor motor) IN STOCK MODELS ONLY


1-866-665-6677 sales@darmani.ca





Grain Bin Direct Factory To Farm Grain Storage

• This d evice M OUN TS T M AGN ETICAL L Y to the b o tto m o f yo u r ho pper b in . • Allo w s yo u to o pen the chu te w id e o pen w ith N O CHAN CE OF S PIL L S . • REDUCES s plittin g o f pea s a n d ca n o la b lo w in g a w a y in the w in d . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll


Galvanized • Flat Floor • Hopper Bins Smooth Walls • Fertilizer • Grain • Feed Aeration • Rockets • Fans • Heaters Temp Cables


Authorized Dealer

Saskatoon, SK

Brow n le e s Truckin g In c. Un ity, S K

Phone: 306-373-4919

w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o r.co m

NEW TRIPLE SKID for Westeel/Rosco 1505 hopper bin, $850. 306-375-7722, Kyle, SK.

306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98


New 18-05 Meridian Hopper Bin (approx. 5000 bu.). Ladders, Remote lid opener, Safety-fill indicator, 12 leg hopper, 37 degree slope, Manhole, Double 6x4x.188w skid base

Remote Lid Openers starting at $129.00

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.

Prices do not include setup or freight. Prices subject to change. Quantities are Limited.

Melfort, Sask

1-877-752-3004 Email: sales@mkwelding.ca www.mkwelding.ca


GRAIN STORAGE All w eld ed , s m o o th w a ll co n s tru ctio n Po w d er co a ted exterio r Ho llo w s tru ctu ra l s teel legs Bra cin g S teep er 45º b o tto m co n e 35º ro o fco n e 26� ven ted to p lid /s p rin g lo a d ed 24� to p o p en in g Ra ck & p in io n s lid e ga te w /exten d ed cra n k ha n d le 24� clea ra n ce u n d er s lid e ga te Co m p lete s id ew a ll & ro o fla d d er Retra cta b le b o tto m la d d er (3) 4� b in w a ll w in d o w s 16015G (3222b u ) . . . . . . $10,500.00 16020G (4044b u ) . . . . . . $11,600.00 16025G (4866b u ) . . . . . . $13,500.00 16030G (5688b u ) . . . . . . $16,400.00

M ULTI PURPOSE FERTILIZ ER BINS All w eld ed , s m o o th w a ll co n s tru ctio n Po w d er co a ted exterio r/E p o xy in terio r Ho llo w s tru ctu ra l s teel legs Bra cin g S teep er 45º b o tto m co n e, 6� x 6� p o keho le 35º ro o fco n e 26� ven tto p lid /s p rin g lo a d ed o p en er 24� to p o p en in g Ra ck & p in io n s lid e ga te w /exten d ed cra n k ha n d le 24� clea ra n ce u n d er s lid e ga te Co m p lete s id ew a ll & ro o fla d d er Retra cta b le b o tto m la d d er (3) 4� b in w a ll w in d o w s

1612M 1615M 1620M 1625M

(2811b u )/103 im p (3222b u )/118 im p (4044b u )/149 im p (4866b u )/179 im p

BRANDT 85’ CONVEYOR, used very little like new cond., $18,000. 306-734-7721, Craik, SK.



BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6�, 7�, 8� and 10� end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. www.masterindustries.ca Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l 8300 GALLON LIQUID fertilizer tanks in 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. stock at Flaman. Call 1-888-435-2626. USED 20’ C CANS for sale, very good cond. www.flaman.com Can deliver. Also 26’ moving van box. Call for info 306-381-5151, Vanscoy, SK. FOR ALL YOUR SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’ to 53’, delivery, rental, storage available. EQUIPMENT NEEDS Accessories (shelving, dividers, etc), modifications, etc. For inventory and pricADAMS SPREADER & TENDER es call Containers & Chains, 780-910-3542 CALL US FOR PARTS ON ALL St. Albert, AB. email: dick@rjpsales.com SPREADER/TENDER


CONTAINERS FOR SALE or rent: All sizes available. Also, tilt deck services. Phone: 306-861-1102, Radville, SK.



40 – 45’

304SS Construction

In dus tria l D ire ct In corp ora te d


$ $

Ne w Us e d & M o d ifie d S e a C o n ta in e rs fro m

21,995 00 Delivered


Limited Supply

1 800 667 8800


SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK. www.thecontainerguy.ca


Ca ll BOND Toda y



NYKOLAISHEN FARM EQUIPMENT Kamsack, SK 306-542-2814 Swan River, MB 204-734-3466 NEERLANDIA CO-OP Neerlandia, AB 780-674-3020 PARKLAND FARM EQUIPMENT North Battleford, SK 306-445-2427 REDVERS AGR. & SUPPLY LTD. 306-452-3444 SCHROEDER BROS. Chamberlain, SK 306-638-6305 WHITE AG SALES & SERVICE Whitewood, SK 306-735-2300 AR-MAN EQUIPMENT Vulcan, AB 403-485-6968, 1-866-485-6968 BILL’S FARM SUPPLIES INC. Stettler, AB 403-742-8327 CAOUETTE & SONS IMPLEMENTS St. Paul, AB 780-645-4422 FOSTER’S AGRI-WORLD Beaverlodge, AB 780-354-3622, 1-888-354-3620

Email: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com or aaronyeager@grainbagscanada.com

HI LINE FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. Wetaskiwin, AB 780-352-9244, 1-888-644-5463 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT Falher, AB 780-837-4691, 1-866-837-4691 Grimshaw, AB 780-332-4691, 1-800-746-4691 KASH FARM SUPPLIES LTD. Eckville, AB 403-746-2211, 1-800-567-4394 E. BOURASSA & SONS: Assiniboia 1-877-474-2456 Estevan 1-877-474-2495 Pangman 1-877-474-2471 Radville 1-877-474-2450 Weyburn 1-877-474-2491 RAYMORE NEW HOLLAND Raymore, SK 306-746-2911 WATROUS NEW HOLLAND Watrous, SK 306-946-3301 YORKTON NEW HOLLAND Yorkton, SK 306-782-8511

Call Your Local Dealer

or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888



FULL BIN ALARM STOP climbing bins! Alarm sounds when bin is full!

THREE IN ONE: 1. COMPLETE AUGER SPOUT with “NO SNAG SPOUTâ€? 2. FULL BIN ALARM 3. NIGHT LIGHT • Available for 10, 13 and 16 inch augers • No batteries needed • Enclosed Sensor ORANGE • Proven Design SPOUT since 2003 for better • Valued priced from visibility $530 to $575 at night & TWO plus shipping ALARMS • 3 days delivery to your farm If you don’t like it, send back after harvest for a refund. John & Angelika Gehrer

NEW FOR 2014!

1-866-860-6086 www.neverspillspout.com

2- 2007 CASE 4520’s, 3 bin, 70’ booms, 3 3 0 0 h r s . Au t o S t e e r, $ 1 5 4 , 5 0 0 a n d $142,500; 2010 Case 4520 AutoSteer, 20’ AND 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, 1100 hrs., 70’ booms, $223,000; 2006 large SK. inventory. Ph. 1-800-843-3984, Case 4510, AutoSteer, FlexAir 70’ booms, 306-781-2600. G re a t, S e c u re s to ra ge fo r a ll yo u r 7400 hrs., $102,000; 2005 Case 4520 c he m ic a l, s e e d , fu e l, to o ls a n d a ll w/70’ flex air, 4000 hrs., $129,000; 2005 o fyo u r va lu a b le s . Case 4010 w/3020 G4 New Leader bed, $74,000; 2009 International GVM, 1000 M o d ify yo u r s to ra ge u n itto m e e t hrs., 4WD, auto. $127,000; 2004 Loral Airyo u r n e e d s w ith e xtra d o o rs , w in d o w s , M a x 1 0 0 0 , 7 0 ’ b o o m s , i m m a c u l at e , po w e r, c u s to m pa in t, in s u la tio n ,e tc . $93,000; 2002 Case 4260 sprayer w/1100 gal. tank, 80’ booms, $96,000; 2004 AgChem Rogator, w/air bed, $66,000; 2008 Adams Semi tender, self contained, $39,500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender with Ph. 306-373-2236 Cell 306-221-9630 scale, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 1992 Wrangler loader, $15,500. Northwest’s w w w .b on din d.com largest used selection of fertilizer equipe m a il joe @ b on din d.com ment. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT. For more equipment and photos view website 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale www.fertilizerequipment.net in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. www.magnatesteel.com




20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. www.g-airservices.ca 306-933-0436.

OFFICE: (3 06 )78 2-3 3 00 CELL: (3 06 )6 21-53 04 EM AIL: a tla s b in s @ h otm a il.com Fin d us on lin e @ w w w .a tla s b uildin gs .n e t

CHABOT IMPLEMENTS Elie, MB 204-353-2392 Neepawa, MB 204-476-3333 Steinbach, MB 204-326-6417 F.V. PIERLOT & SONS Nipawin, SK 306-862-4732 GREENFIELD AGRO SERVICE Rosetown, SK 306-882-2600 KROEKER MACHINERY Winkler, MB 204-325-4311 MARKUSSON NEW HOLLAND Emerald Park, SK 1-800-819-2583 MARTODAM MOTORS Spiritwood, SK 306-883-2045 MOODY’S EQUIPMENT LTD. Saskatoon, SK 306-934-4686 Perdue, SK 306-237-4272 Unity, SK 306-228-2686 Lloydminster, SK 306-825-6141 Kindersley, SK 306-463-2335 Olds, AB 403-556-3939 High River, AB 403-652-1410 Balzac, AB 403-295-7824



to n s . . . . . . . . $10,800.00 to n s . . . . . . . . $12,100.00 to n s . . . . . . . . $14,400.00 to n s . . . . . . . . $16,800.00

Note: s teel s kids ,acces s ories ,and freightNO T inclu ded in adv ertis ed prices .




BATCO CONVEYORS, new and used, grain augers and SP kits. Delivery and BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. a n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . ELIAS RELIABELT CONVEYOR, model # 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK. 10-20-45, 10’’ tube with 20’’ belt, 45’ long, 37 HP Kohler in stock. Precision Seeding, 403-783-8880, 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB.

Other sizes of new bins also available.

M&K Welding

Yo rk to n S K

KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346.

19’ Hopper Cone with skid base Starting at $4,985.00

N E W W E S T F I E L D M K 1 3 x 7 1 R P 6 WESTEEL ROSCO 19’ diameter bins, no #1919844, reverse kit and power swing, floors. Call Art Goodrich 306-944-4840, $16,500. Contact Ron at 780-361-6169, Meacham, SK. Wetaskiwin Co-op Association Ltd., AB. MERIDIAN 1625 FERTILIZER bin, w/ManWANTED: OLDER STYLE bin crane, bin nay, Levalert and skid, 165MT/4973 bu., moving trailer, 14’ diameter hopper cones $20,500, #1649540. Wetaskiwin Co-op for Westeel Rosco. 780-662-2617 Tofield. Association Ltd., AB. Ron 780-361-6169.


TWO ABOVE FLOOR grain duct systems from Grain Guard for 19’ bins. 306-662-2016, Maple Creek, SK.

14’ Hopper Cone with skid base Starting at $2,825.00

NEW HYDEF Liquid Carts, pre-sell in effect, custom builds, 1600 to 5000 gallon. Tires, tracks, up to 5000 gallon, ground drive or hydraulic. Raven hook ups available. Call for your own custom build. Call Corner Equipment, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

LOOKING FOR A floater or tender? Call me KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage first. 34 years experience. Loral parts, new and used. Call 403-650-7967, Calgary, AB. Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales 2012 PATTISON 4200 dual liquid wagon, and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call twin John Blue pump, duals, shedded, like new. Steven, 306-731-7235, Earl Grey, SK. 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738.

WESTFIELD 13x91 PLUS swing auger, used 2 seasons, good condition, $15,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033. 7X41 SAKUNDIAK AUGER, 20.5 HP Robin engine, Wheatheart mover and bin sweep, $ 2 8 0 0 O B O . C a l l D o n Tu r n b u l l a t 306-484-2041 (home) or 306-725-7256 (cell), Govan, SK. 2005 BUEHLER 10x70’, mechanical drive, good shape, $7500. Phone 306-252-2227, Kenaston, SK. SAKUNDIAK HD7-1400 PTO auger, with new tires, $1900 OBO. 306-738-4905, Gray, SK. SPRAY-AIR 13x95 swing-away w/reverser and hyd. swing and winch., used 2 years, $15,900. 306-463-7866, Flaxcombe, SK. or email: adwildman@hotmail.com USED 13x70 BUHLER auger, steer never spill, vg cond., $17,000; Sakundiak 10x59 MD, $4750; 8x14 auger only, $4475; 8x12 auger only, $3850; 8x14 auger, $2175. Call Brian at 204-724-6197, Souris, MB. NEW “R� SERIES Wheatheart Augers: with engine, mover and electric clutch. R-8x41, cash price $12,250; R-8x51, cash $12,750; R-10x41, cash $13,500. Call 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK. MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS: SP kits and clutches, Kohler, Vanguard engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian ‘The Auger Guy’ 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.






1 800 667 8800

www.grainmaxx.com NEW BATCO IN STOCK: 15x45 with mover; 15x85 with mover; 15x85, swing; 15x90 with mover; 15x100, swing; 20x105, swing. Our prices won’t be beat, call for pricing. Corner Equipment, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 13X94 WHEATHEART FULL electric swing and winch, like new, $23,500. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free 1-888-304-2837. NEW MERIDIAN AUGERS in stock: 8x39, 25 Kohler, loaded, $14,250. 8x39, 10x39, 1 0 x 4 6 , a u g e r s o n l y. C a l l B r i a n a t 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.

AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel, Sakundiak augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666. MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS. All loaded with movers, engines, lights, clutch and reversing gearbox. HD8-39, cash $14,500; HD8-53, cash $16,250; TL10-39, cash $15,995; HD10-59, cash $18,250. 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK. NEW WHEATHEART X Series augers. 13� swing augers in 74’, 84’, 94’. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. 2003 J210-41, Kohler Pro27, new battery and fuel tank, self-propelled kit, asking $5500. Call 204-746-4141, St.Jean, MB.


X13-74 WHEATHEART HI-CAPACITY swing auger w/reverser, hyd. swing lift, elec. remote swing, regular $26,500, cash $22,500; Used 2012 SLMD 12-79 Sakundiak w/reverser and Brehon mover $16,500 cash. 306-648-3321, Gravelbourg, SK.


Ph. 204-772-6 9 9 8 , 12 Ba n go r Ave. W in n ipeg, M B R3E 3G4

New Custom STORAGE CASE Fits any Model 919 ...new or old and digital scale. Protect your investment for only $139.00 ®

GBU LOFTNESS EXTRACTOR, good condi- NEW EZ-TRAIL, 300 bu. wagons, $5750. tion, works on both 9’ and 10’ bags. Call plus tarp; 400 bu. wagon, $7500. plus tarp; 500 bu. wagon, $10,500. including 306-398-7713 for more info. Cut Knife, SK. tarp. Corner Equipment, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. GRAVITY WAGONS: New 400 bu, $7,400; 600 bu., $12,000; 750 bu., $17,750. Large selection of used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450 to 1110 bushel. View www.zettlerfarmequipment.com 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB.

New MODEL 919® MOISTURE CONVERSION CHART APP For iPhone $149.00 SMART SCOOP Scale Calc. grain test weight and bulk density of fertilizer or seed (lbs/cubic foot)

2013 GRAIN BAGGER c/w televeyor, $58,000. 306-861-7339, Bromhead, SK. NEW “BAG ARMOUR” grain bag cover. Protect your grain bag from birds, weather and wildlife. Reusable with a 10 year UV warranty. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com

DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Call 204-857-8403, Portage la Prairie, MB. or visit online: www.zettlerfarmequipment.com SEED CLEANING EQUIPMENT, elevators and small hopper bottom bins for sale. 204-523-7464, Killarney, MB.

2009 TRIDEKON grain extractor, 540 PTO, 100bu/min, exc. cond., two available, $15,800. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

WANTED: SMALL USED Gravity table, for on -farm wheat/rye/oat cleaning in Fraser Valley, 20-150 bu/hr. Jim 604-796-0290, Agassiz, BC. jimgo@uniserve.com



Stocking Richiger grainb aggers & unloaders.

ALUMINUM SAMPLER PROBES 4, 6, 8 & 10 foot lengths.

DOCKAGE SIEVES Canola, Cereal, Flax, Soybean sets. White ABS frame. Largest selection available.

GJESDAL GRAIN CLEANER, 50 to 75 bu/hr, w/2 hopper bins and 2 pencil augers. Phone 306-293-2809, Climax, SK.

Model 919® Service and Calibration Digital scales, canola equip., thermometers also available.

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK.

vis it w w w .la b tro n ics .ca fo r m o re in fo .

CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. www.starlinesales.com BRANDT 4500, from estate, basically as new, was never used, shedded, $16,000. 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. 2010 BRANDT 5200 EX, 148 hrs., c/w dust hose, 1000 PTO, exc. cond., $19,000 OBO. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. NEW, NEVER USED 2011 Buhler 6640, $19,900. Phone toll free 1-877-862-2387, 1-877-862-2413, Nipawin, SK.


• N ew & Us ed Gra in V a cs • Blo w er & Airlo ck Repa ir • Pa rts & S ervices Fo r AL L M a k es & M o d els

P h :306 - 734- 2228 Cra ik, SK.

Euro B elting & Ind ustria l Sup p ly Ltd .

W here S olutions a re Endles s

Beltin g fo r a ll a gricu ltu re a p p lica tio n s . 4603 - 91 Ave . Ed m o n to n , Alb e rta , C a n a d a T6B 2M 7 Te l: (780) 451-6023 100% C a n a d ia n Ow n e d Fa x: (780) 451-4495 To ll Fre e : (866) 3 67-23 58 Em a il: in fo @ e u ro b e ltin g.c o m Ca ll 1-86 6 -FO R-BELT Rou n d Ba le r Be ltin g TRI-HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND bale movers: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales. Also exc. for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 1-800-505-9208. www.LiftOffTriHaul.com 2003 JOHN DEERE 467 round baler, 1000 PTO, mega wide, push bar, hyd. PU, 11,052 bales, shedded, good condition, $12,900. 306-435-7223, 306-739-2984, Wawota, SK. bketcheson@rfnow.com

2005 BOURGAULT 750 grain cart with tarp, excellent cond., $25,000. 306-768-3500, Carrot River, SK. 2012 BRENT 782, 18” auger, 450 bu./min., shedded, $27,500. 306-230-1920, Allan, SK.

NH 688 ROUND baler, auto-tie, 500 bales on new belts, 1 owner, always shedded, field ready, $8500. Call 306-472-5219 or 306-648-7813, Lafleche, SK. NH SP 1049 bale wagon, shedded, field ready, $10,000 OBO. Phone 306-729-3271, Lumsden, SK. CASE RBX 562, shedded, extra wide PU, low bales, exc. cond., field ready, $13,500. 403-350-9088,403-347-2266, Red Deer AB

JD 568 ROUND BALER, 2008, 21.5x16.1 tires, MegaWide plus PU w/hyd. lift, pushbar, high moisture kit, var. core. Like new, always shedded, only (approx) 3500 bales, JD 346 SQUARE baler, $1200; NH 1033 $27,500. 306-591-2760, Lumsden, SK. bale wagon, $1500. 306-642-5886, Scout NEW HOLLAND 283 square baler, field ready, $2000. 306-460-9022, Kindersley, Lake, SK. 2004 NH BR780 round baler, 5x6, mesh 2008 HESSTON CHALLENGER 3x4 square SK. wrap, less than 3000 bales, like new, shed- baler, cutter, $67,000; 2005 Hesston 4760 2004 IH RBX562 baler with bale kick, 5’x6’ ded, $19,000. 306-748-2817, Killaly, SK. 3x3 square baler, with accumulator, bale, $9800. www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515 NEW HOLLAND MODEL 1049, self-pro- $38,000. Call 204-728-4784, Brandon, MB. pelled bale wagon, exc. cond., $33,500. 1994 MORRIS HAYHIKER 1400, hauls 14 Call 780-446-4931, Millet, AB. round bales good condition, $16,000. DRY YOUR HAY faster and gentler with a 306-550-2938, Regina, SK. 2005 Phiber SM38, 30’, twin merger/inverter. Shedded, exc. cond. Combine 2 RETIRED: NH SMALL square baler, #276, rows into one, or lift two rows and drop shedded, not used for past 30 yrs., $2500. 306-297-2919, Shaunavon, SK. two rows. Call 306-728-7707, Melville, SK.

NEW DEMO, BRANDT 5200, 35 hrs. with JD 435 ROUND BALER, wide PU, good 2003 JD 567 round baler, Mega Tooth PU, $4000 pile drive option, exc. cond., belts, new lacing, auto-tie, shedded. soft core option, shedded. 306-877-2014, $24,900. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK. 306-433-2091, Creelman, SK. 2001 JD 567 round baler, c/w push bar, 2004 NH BR780, twine bale command CONVEYAIR 2955, 5", rebuilt airlock 2011, MegaTooth, hyd. PU lift, Greenlighted fall monitor, wide hyd. PUB, wide tires, 1000 1000 PTO, very good condition, $5000 OBO. of 2013, approx. 13,000 bales, $14,000; PTO, 10,303 bales, asking $13,000. AB. 2002 Case/IH 16’ haybine, $10,000. 306-625-3602, Ponteix, SK. 780-515-1104, Breton, edventureind@hotmail.com Items not used in 4 years. Exc. cond. 568 BALER, MEGA wide hyd. PU, twine tie, 306-467-4905, Duck Lake, SK. big flotation tires, 2007 bale kicker, 16,600 WALINGA 510 GRAIN vac with self-conone owner, good cond., $19,900. tained hydraulics and dust collector, in vg BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all bales, 403-854-0230, 403-854-3374, Hanna, AB. loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. cond. 306-287-3563 eves, Watson, SK. Call now 1-866-443-7444. 124 MASSEY FERGUSON square baler, 2012 REM GRAIN VAC 2700, 6000 BPH, $1500. Phone: 306-821-6044, Lloydmin14’ discharge auger, pipe and clean up ster, SK. nozzles, sm 1000 RPM PTO, never scoop a g a i n , 1 5 5 h o u r s , $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . C a l l NEW AND USED 700 to 1000 bushel grain carts. Call 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Will consider grain in trade. Yorkton, SK. CHOOSE THE RIGHT bag for the right reasons. Flaman grain bags. Book now and insure your supply, See your nearest Flaman store or 1-888-435-2626 www.flaman.com FLAMAN 1410 PRO grain bagger. Inventory available complete with wide mouth hopper and 23’ conveyor. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com FLAMAN 1610 PRO grain extractor. Unload bags easily and economically. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com

NH ROUND baler BR780, 2004 twine only, wide PU, big tires, approx. 12,000 bales, always shedded. 306-459-2859 Ogema, SK

NH BR780 ROUND baler, 2005, twine only, wide PU, big tires, approx. 10,000 bales, always shaded, very good condition, one owner since new, $14,500. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. T U B E L I N E T L 5 5 0 0 BA L E W R A P P E R , $10,500. 780-853-7205, Vermilion, AB.

DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in Western Canada. Phone 306-259-4923 or 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

NEW SUKUP GRAIN dryers, 1 or 3 phase, LP or NG, canola screens. In stock and ready for immediate delivery. Also some used dryers on hand. www.vzgrain.com 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB. NEW SUPERB SD250 grain dryer, canola screens, two electric motors, warranty, $32,000. 780-985-3753, Calmar, AB. VERTEC 6500, propane, 6 tier, metal roof, 540 PTO or elec. Take grain trailer or air EZ-TRAIL GRAIN CARTS, 860 bu., red and drill on trade. 204-856-6907, Treherne, MB green tarp, lights, 800 rubber, $26,900. cash. Corner Equipment, 204-483-2774, NEW SUPERB GRAIN dryers and Moridge parts. Call Grant Service at Foam Lake, SK. Carroll, MB. 306-272-4195. KINZE 1050 GRAIN CART, dual walking beam axles, scales, good condition, $45,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost, AB. BRENT 976 tarp, no scale, 900 rubber, INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn $28,500. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB., and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Ar204-483-2774. gentina. 1-888-414-4177. BRENT 876 tarp, scale, 30.5x32, very clean, $28,500; Brent 976 tarp, no scale, SELLING GRAIN LEGS, distributors, con900 rubber, $28,500. Corner Equipment, veyors and truck scales. Also other elevators parts. 403-634-8540, Grassy Lake, AB. Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774.

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2006 HESSTON 956A round baler, twine and netwrap, in-chamber moisture tester, kicker arm, clean, always shedded, makes great bales, very high capacity, one owner, $15,500. 306-893-2879, Maidstone, SK.


NEW HOLLAND 499 hydroswing haybine, field ready, asking $7500. 403-933-7582, Millarville, AB.

2012 JD 569 Moco discbine, shedded, field ready, $35,000; Sovema 12 whl. hay rake, 2006 JD 567 BALER, 3000 bales made, $8000. 306-441-0699 or 306-441-6330, used only 2 seasons, always shedded, like Maymont, SK. new, $33,000. Gary Hauber 306-233-7872, NH 1475, 14’, premium condition, Cudworth, SK. $19,000 OBO. Sold livestock. 2003 NH BR780, wide PU, big tires, approx 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. 5000 bales, moisture tester, like new, NEW HOLLAND HYDROSWING 116 16’ $18,500. 306-961-4493, Prince Albert, SK. haybine, field ready, $3500 firm. Call 1993 NH 650 round baler, auto-tie, good 306-726-2151, Southey, SK. cond, only 150 bales since major overhaul. 2005 RECON 300 AgShield 7’ hay condi306-237-4348, 306-222-9250, Perdue, SK. tioner, $7000; 2000 JD 955 mower condiNEW HOLLAND 1033 STACKLINER, good tioner, hyd. tilt, swivel hitch, 4 gauge condition, $3500. 780-753-1270, Hayter, shoes, $31,000. Both shedded and like AB. new. Call 306-748-2817, Killaly, SK. 2008 IH RB564 with Bale Command, FITS JD R450, 2005 HoneyBee draper twine wrap, $12,800. Financing available. header, 25’, vg condition. Stony Plain, AB., Trades welcome. www.combineworld.com call 780-203-9593 or 780-963-0641. 1-800-667-4515. 2010 JD 568, floatation tires, mega wide p i c k u p , Va l m a r b l o we r, l o w b a l e s . 306-287-3554, 306-287-7490, Watson, SK. NH 1037 SQUARE bale wagon, new tires and cables, good condition, $6000. Call 306-358-4342, Denzil SK. 2003 JD 567, only 5600 bales, includes all options: netwrap, MegaWide PU, variable core, hyd. PU, c/w extra rolls and belts, vg cond., always shedded, less than half the price of new, $25,000 OBO. 780-926-6385, 780-403-1444, Marwayne, AB. 1992 NH 575 square baler, hydraulic tension, good condition, asking $6500. Call 306-358-4342, Denzil, SK. BALE WAGONS: 1069 NH diesel, extended table, good tires and paint. 1069 NH gas, with Alfo break locks, electronic ignition, good tires and paint. Both in exc. condition. 403-335-4581, Didsbury, AB. 2013 JD 569 baler, net wrapped, loaded, 1850 bales, $45,000. 306-441-0699 or 306-441-6330, Maymont, SK. 283 NH SQUARE baler, $2000; NH 352 round baler, $1000; NH 648 round baler, $1200; Case 8465 round baler, $2000; NH BR780 round baler, $8000. All OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK 2000 HESSTON 855 round baler, 5x5 bales, twin hyd. tie, megawide pickup, 540 PTO, approx. 12,000 bales, good shape. field ready, $5500 OBO, can deliver. Ph. Darvin 204-642-2249, Arborg, MB. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27� and 49�, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. 2003 JD 567 ROUND BALER, MegaWide PU, push-bar, big tires, net wrap and twine, 23,511 bales, good shape. Call 403-443-2162, Three Hills, AB. 2000 NH 688, Auto-Wrap, hyd. PU, field ready, low bales, vg cond, always shedded, $14,200 OBO. 306-243-4811, Outlook, SK. SUPER 1049 NH bale wagon, $20,000; als o , J D 3 4 8 s q u a r e b a l e r, $ 8 5 0 0 . 780-986-3649, 780-940-0549, Leduc, AB. 2011 JD 568 MegaWide, big tires, net and twine, 7500 bales, shedded, $30,000. 306-456-2749, 306-861-2013, Oungre, SK.

2011 MACDON R85 discbine, 16’, PT, only cut 800 acres, shedded, $34,000 OBO. Call 204-522-5883, Coulter, MB. 2010 HESSTON 1476, shedded, low acres, v.g. 0% for 24 months OAC, $25,900. CamDon Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. MF 128 SQUARE baler and NH 1033 bale wagon. 306-283-4747, Langham, SK., 306-291-9395 or 306-220-0429.


NEW MACDON R-85 disc mower conditioner, 16’. Looking for trades!! Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. MACDON 5020, 14’, purchased new (2006) cut approx. 1000 acres, shedded, exc. cond, $20,000. 306-782-4103, Melville, SK 2005 NH 1431 discbine, 1000 PTO, rock protection pods, very good condition, $19,500. 306-961-4493, Prince Albert, SK.

CASE 8825, 25’, UII PU reel, double knife drive, 2,250 hrs., gd cond., $18,000. Phone: 306-575-8312, Wawota, SK. 2012 CASE/IH WD1903, DH362 header, f r e e fo r m r o l l e r, J D G P S, 4 0 9 h r s . , $125,000. 306-230-1920, Allan, SK. 2005 MF 9220 30’, 1030 hours, exc. shape, $52,500. 306-734-2762, 306-567-7895, Craik, SK. 1980 JOHN DEERE 2420 swather, diesel, 21’, cab, AC, PU reel, $9000 OBO. Ogema, SK. Phone 306-495-7588. 2012 MACDON M155 40' swather, rotosheers, Bourgault swath roller, split reels, double knife drive and more, 320 hrs., exc. cond., $128,000. 306-746-7638, Raymore, SK. Email: h.hagro@sasktel.net 2010 MF 9430, 36’, 530 hrs., shedded, vg, $79,900, 0% OAC for 24 months. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2006 JD 956 MOCO discbine, used for two seasons, always shedded, like new, 2005 PRAIRIE STAR 2352I, 1280 hrs., 36’ $35,500. Gary Hauber, 306-233-7872, 972 double knife header, one owner, shedded, $75,000. 306-874-7843, Naicam, SK. HESSTON 1160, 14’ hydroswing mower Cudworth, SK. conditioner, good condition, rebuilt knife. 2010 MF 9435, wide cab, 36’, 700 hrs., 306-433-2091, Creelman, SK. shedded, vg cond., $86,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. MF 220 16’ auger header, hydraulic drive, WANTED: 30’ BATT REEL to fit PT WestS/N #J670162, excellent condition, ward, MacDon, Prairie Star, etc, swather. JD 2360 25’ SP, UII PU reel, shedded, $9,000. 306-746-4525, Raymore, SK. Must be large centre tube, left hand drive. 2800 hrs., exc. condition, $14,000 OBO. 306-682-3474 306-231-8794 Humboldt SK HESSTON 8020, 16’ hay head, excellent 403-653-2448, Cardston, AB. c o n d i t i o n , l o w a c r e s , $ 6 5 0 0 O B O. MF 9420, 30’ 5200 header, approx. 775 HONEYBEE 42’ TM 1999, 7810 mount, 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. hrs, c/w Outback AutoSteer, shedded, very stored inside, good shape, $12,000. CASE/IH 3309 9’ discbine, gearbox rebuilt, good cond., $66,000 OBO. 780-632-7397, 403-575-0395, Consort, AB. good cond., asking $4500. 780-785-2214 780-632-9862, Vegreville, AB. 2004 NH HW320, 30’; 1996 Versatile 4700, or 780-785-2588, Sangudo, AB. 2004 MASSEY FERGUSON 9420, 30’, PU, gd cond., always shedded. 306-960-4430, hyd. tilt, DS, 2 spd., 1059 hrs., shedded, 306-961-1538, Domremy, SK. $50,000. 780-808-7445, Rivercourse, AB. 2012 MF WR9740, 30’, fully loaded w/PU CASE 8230, 30’, PT, $2500; Premiere 1900 reel and free form roller, GPS, $118,000 30’ PT, $2500; 2- Case/IH 750s, $5000 ea. OBO. 306-641-9851, Yorkton, SK. 2011 MACDON R85, 16’ disc mower condi- all in gd cond. 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK 2008 JD 4895, 30’ HoneyBee header, 400 tioner header, $10,470 warranty upgrade work order, excellent, $24,900. Nipawin, CASE/IH 30’ SWATHER, 1000 PTO, 10’ hours, double knife drive, $95,000 OBO. SK., 1-877-862-2387, 1-877-862-2413. steel swath roller, $3500. 306-488-2103 or 780-386-2220, Lougheed, AB. 306-541-4346, Holdfast, SK. 2012 CHALLENGER WR9740 swather with 1997 NH 1431 discbine, 13’, 10 discs, 1000 rpm, good running condition, asking 1994 WESTWARD 9000 c/w 1995 MacDon only 227 hrs. Trades welcome, $99,800. 960 25’ header, w/Roto-Shear cutters, 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com $7900. 403-430-0160, Castor, AB. 2195 hrs., PU reel, single knife, large tires JOHN DEERE 14’ mower conditioner, front and rear, $27,700. 778-549-5124, 1995 MACDON PREMIER 2900 swather, 2426 hrs., 30’ 960 header, double swath, #1424, good condition, $3850. Phone Riverhurst, SK. gauge wheels, PU reels, vg cond., $27,500 403-242-6812, Calgary, AB area. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS OBO. Call 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap- 2010 M-150 MACDON swather, 30’ D50 peals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; Cus- header, fore & aft, hyd. centrelink, poly tom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. skids, end finger kit, 293 hrs., hyd. roller Call Back-Track Investigations for assis- on rear, big rubber and forked casters on tance and compensation 1-866-882-4779. rear. 204-937-7171, Roblin, MB. 2013 MACDON W150 (green) 220/180 WDX1202 CASE, 2006, 35’ hdr w/roto hrs., 35’, $139,000 OBO. Can arrange de- shears, PU reel, rear mount swath roller, livery. 306-563-8482, Douglas, MB. 1600 hrs., EZ-Steer GPS, $62,000. Wilcox, SK. 306-732-4636, metzg@sasktel.net 22’ MF 885, gas engine, good condition. 2011 CHALLENGER PTS16, 16’ hydraswing, Call 306-862-3525, Codette, SK. no longer required, only 400 acres done, exc. cond. Call 403-574-2222, Stettler, AB. 1 9 9 7 M AC D O N S WAT H E R , 1 o w n e r, bought new in 1997, 2400 hrs., Cummins BUSH HOG 3615 mower for parts or returbo eng, 960 30’ header w/PU reel, c/w build, $2500. Call 306-445-5602, North swath roller, canvas 1 yr old., asking Battleford, SK. $29,500 OBO. 204-746-4069, Morris, MB. NH 116 HYDROSWING 16’ haybine, $7500. NEW NOBLE PT 26' 702 swather, fully Call 306-335-7875, Lemberg, SK. hydraulic, like new condition, shedded, vg, MACDON 920 HAY header, 15’, double $4,500. 204-525-4927, Minitonas, MB. knife, crimper, exc. cond., $12,500. Phone: gsagert@mymts.net 306-238-7969, Goodsoil, SK. 2010 M-150 MACDON swather, 30’ D50 PREMIER SWATHER 2004, 2940, 30’ 972 14’ HESSTON 1014 haybine w/hydro swing header, fore & aft, hyd. centrelink, poly split reel MacDon header, 829 engine hrs, arm. Good shape. 306-283-4747, Lang- skids, end finger kit, 293 hrs., hyd. roller 609 cutting hrs, always shedded, $70,000. ham, SK. or 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, on rear, big rubber and forked casters on 306-421-5217, Benson, SK. 1995 NH HAYBINE, model 499 hydro rear. 204-937-7171, Roblin, MB. PRAIRIE STAR 4900, triple swath, 30’ s w i n g , 1 2 ’ , ve r y g o o d , $ 8 0 0 0 . C a l l WANTED: 4750 VERSATILE diesel, 20’ or swather, $19,500. 403-704-3509, no Sun306-423-5714, Domremy, SK. 2 2 ’ , c o m p l e t e w i t h p i c k u p r e e l . day calls please. Rimbey, AB. MACDON 5000, 14’ power tongue haybine, 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. JD 2360 SP, CAHR, 21’, DS, PU reel, Honstraight, field ready, 1000 PTO. Call 2009 JOHN DEERE 4895, 30’, 900 hrs., eyBee knife, shedded, exc. cond. $9500. 780-875-7051, Lloydminster, AB. exc. condition, $72,900. 306-948-7223, 306-238-7969, Goodsoil, SK. Biggar, SK. 2003 MACDON PREMIER 2940, w/18’ hay CASE 1202 25’, 799 hrs., UII PU reel, auger header 922, 25’ grain header, PU WANTED: 25’ SP DIESEL swather with roto-shears on both ends, mounted swath reels 960, always shedded, good cond., double swath, in good shape, prefer PU roller, dbl. knife drive, HoneyBee header, $60,000 OBO. 204-773-6890, Inglis, MB. $59,000. Eldon 780-376-2139, Strome, AB. reel. Call 306-666-4513, Fox Valley, SK.

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1990 JOHN DEERE 2360, 25' double swath, UII reel, diesel, cab, air, HoneyBee knife, shedded, 3418 hrs., very good condition, $15,500. 306-648-7654, Gravelbourg, SK.

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1987 CI 722 SP swather 26’, double swath, UII PU reel, shedded, 1702 hours, good condition, $16,500 OBO. 306-441-3075, North Battleford, SK. IHC 5000 24’ swather, hydraulic drive knife, enlar ged opening, $9500. 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. MACDON 942 18’ multi crop header, good condition, asking $5500. 780-785-2214 or 780-785-2588, Sangudo, AB.

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2010 CASE/IH WD 1203, 36', double knife drive, UII PU reel, deluxe cab, EZ-Steer ready, mounted Freeform roller, 780 hrs., exc. cond., $95,000 OBO. 306-460-8061 Eatonia, SK. hennest@live.ca

S W ATH RO LLERS • La rge Dia m eterS teelDru m • Hea vy Du ty Tu b in g Fra m e • S teelDru m ha s W eight& o u tla sts Pla stic R o llers

G RAIN BAG S • To p Q u a lity G ra in , S ila ge Ba gs a n d Co vers • AllS izes

AP O LLO M a chin e & Pro d u cts HUGE SELECTION OF new and used New Holland swathers available w/130-200 HP tractors and 30’, 36’ and 40’ draper headers. Check out the all new 2014 models. Completely redesigned high performance NH Speedrowers. 0%, 48 months avail OAC on most used swathers. Markusson New Holland of Regina Ltd., 1-800-819-2583 or 306-781-2828, www.markusson.com IHC SP 4000 swather, 16’ draper header MacDon, 1 PU reel, 2 crimpers, cab $1000. 204-773-3044, Russell, MB. 1995 CASE/IH 30’, 1542 hrs., UII reel, knife drives rebuilt, 1 season on knives, roto-shears, excellent shape, $27,500 OBO 306-247-2099, 306-843-7337, Scott, SK.

S a ska to o n , S K Ph: 306- 2 42 - 9884 o r

1- 8 77- 2 5 5 - 018 7 w w w .a po llo m a chin ea n d pro d u cts .co m USED SCHULTE MOWERS- XH1500 cutters at the Saskatoon store. 3 units from $16,900 to $19,900. Call Flaman at 1-888-435-2626. R E A S O N A B L E R AT E S B O O K N O W ! Standing hay crops wanted rental by the ton or by the acre up to 100$/acre Custom large square baling custom swathing Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB.

STANDING HAY CROPS wanted. Rental by the ton or by the acre up to $100/acre. Custom large square baling, custom 2009 CASE 1203 25', w/rotosheers, rear swathing. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB. attached roller, EZ-Steer, shedded, 387 hrs. exc cond, $115,000 OBO. 403-820-0181, AGLAND MACERATOR 6600 hay condi403-321-0215, Drumheller, AB. tioner, very good condition, $9850. Trades welcome. Call 1-800-667-4515 or visit: MASSEY 200 SP, 30’, very well maintained, www.combineworld.com field ready, $26,000. 306-764-7920, 306-961-4682 leave msg, Prince Albert, SK 1998 MF 220, 25’, UII PU reel, new canvases (2012), new knife (2013), 1492 hrs, exc cond, field ready, $30,900. GrosseIsle, MB. 204-791-0313 or 204-981-1066. TWO 36’ WESTWARD PT, like new, shedded; 2002 Premier MacDon 25’ dbl. swath, shedded. 403-548-8928, Richmound, SK. 22’ VERSATILE 4400, cab, air, PU and batt reels, side cutters, shedded; 20’ Versatile 4 0 0 , c a b, s e c o n d h e a d e r, s h e d d e d . 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK. CASE/IH 8820, 18’, PU reel, Perkins diesel, only 1600 hrs. Harry Vissers Farm Equipment, 403-327-0349, 403-330-9345, 403-739-2122, 403-382-8637, Lethbridge, AB. www.harryvissersfarmequipment.com

26’ CCIL PT swather, $1500; New Idea 484 baler, $2500; Laurier 12 bale double sided picker, $8500; 20’ MacDon PU reel, $1800; Rake-Up 8 belt PU, $3900; Gleaner P U h e a d e r, $ 2 5 0 0 . P r o A g S a l e s , 306-441-2030 anytime North Battleford SK


Hart Carter Distributor PICKUP R EELS • R EEL PAR TS • R EEL ADD- O N KITS • S IEV ES & CHAFFER S • CAS E IH FIELD TR ACKER S Ž To lea rn m o re a b o u t Ha rtCa rter, visit: w w w .hccin co rpo ra ted .co m

1- 800- 667- 4515 w w w .co m b in ew o rld .co m

1993 CASE/IH 8820, diesel, $28,000; 1983 MF 885, gas, $10,000. Both are SP, O u rlocation : 20 m iles Eastof 30’ w/UII PU reels, DS, Keer sheers, shedS askatoon , S K alon g Highw ay #16 ded. Call 306-843-3135, Wilkie, SK. 1996 PRAIRIE STAR 25’ 4930 swather, 2 KODIAK 10’ CUTTERS. Three point hitch speed trans, good condition, $40,000 OBO. and PT units available. See your nearest 780-674-7944, Neerlandia, AB. Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. JD 590 30’ PT swather, 1000 PTO, MacDon 1150 HESSTON HAYBINE, 7900 Matador p i c k u p r e e l , s h e d d e d , $ 4 8 0 0 . swath turner; 404 New Holland crimper, 306-459-2676, Ogema, SK. 204-835-2345 ask for Merv, McCreary, MB


BALERS: JD 510, 1250; JD 530, $3500; JD 535, $5000. Haybines: Gehl 14’, $3900; NH 116, $3000. Hay Conditioners, $800 and up. Rakes: 14 wheel, $6500; Vermeer R23, hyd., $8500; Swath Turners: NH 144, $3000; NH 166, $3500; Nissan bean wind rower, $5000. Call 1-866-938-8537.

1-8 6 6 -8 42-48 03

AUGER R EBUILDING * Fo r co m b in e hea d ers a n d ha yb in es * All m a k es /m o d els * Co m plete in s pectio n a n d s tra ighten in g * Flo o r tin s , b a ts & tin e b a rs pro vid ed * Ca n b e b u ilt n ew o r to OEM s pecs * S ta n d a rd o r co n tin o u s feed m o d els a va ila b le

Ce ll: (3 06 ) 8 6 1-749 9 w w w .m rm a ch in e s .ca Upgra d e yo u r e xis tin g a u ge r to a c o n tin u o u s fe e d a u ge r w ith yo u r c ho ic e o f po ly o r s te e l fin ge rs . The y a re m o re e ffic ie n ta n d ve ry a ffo rd a b le .

HAYBINE R OLLER S * S teel ro llers m a d e to OEM s pecs * Cu s to m -d es ign ed fo r a ll m a k es /m o d els * S o ld in s ets o r a s s in gle ro llers

1550 Hw y. 39 Ea s t, W eyb urn, S K

“Pride in Quality�

ROTARY MOWERS: JD 15’, $6000; 20’, $11,000; Woods 15’, $6000; JD 7’, $3000; Woods 10’, $3500; Brower 5 gang reel, $1500; JD 9’ Sickle, $2200; NH 9’, $2200. 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB.

CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes and models. 5 years interest free on most units. Call the combine superstore. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. THREE 2007 CIH 2588’s. 2050 eng. hrs., 1370 sep. hrs. All identical premium units w/duals, AutoSteer, field tracker, rear weights, factory toppers, choppers, extended wear chrome pkg., shedded, asking $110,000 each. Alanna Farms Ltd., 403-823-9976, Drumheller, AB. 1997 2188 AFS, 2056 rotor hrs, accelerator, yield and moisture, topper, Swathmaster, rock trap, shedded, $42,500. Call 306-855-4718 306-221-8953 Hawarden SK 2011 CASE/IH 8120, 569 sep. hrs., large tube rotor, long auger, luxury leather cab, Pro600 display, fine cut chopper, bean concaves, $229,000; 2020 35’ flex header available. 204-746-4779, Morris, MB. INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Argentina. 1-888-414-4177. 1995 CASE/IH 2166, PU header, chopper, 1200 sep. hrs, always shedded, exc. cond. Call 780-877-2513, Ferintosh, AB.


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2006 8010, long auger, 900 tires, chopper, SwathMaster PU, 1500 hrs, field ready, $120,000. 403-647-7391, Foremost. AB.

INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Argentina. 1-888-414-4177. 2005 CR960, 1200 hrs., $93,000; 2003 CR940, 1500 hrs., $72,000; 1995 TR97, work orders, field ready, $18,000; 1994 TR97, rock damage, $9500. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK.

2010 CASE/IH 8120, 2016 16’ Swathmaster PU, long auger, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, header height control, VSR, Y&M, AFS Pro 600, HID lights, 520 duals with large 28L26 rears, 646 sep. hrs., $200,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK. 2002 CASE/IH 2388, 1717 rotor hrs, 2015 pickup, hopper topper, two sets of concaves, well serviced, always shedded, $89,000. Also available 25’ header, $9000. 780-384-2109, Sedgewick, AB. 1998 CASE/IH 2388, Rake-Up PU, AHH control, fore/aft, Kirby straw/chaff spreader, custom cutter pkg., shedded, good condition, Redlighted yearly, 3328 eng. hrs., 2366 rotor hrs., $65,000 OBO. 306-228-3532, 306-228-7664, Unity, SK. 2009 CASE/IH 8120, two combines to choose from, auto-guidance ready, front tires, 1041 sep. hrs. Both c/w 2016 and Swathmaster PU, field ready, major oil changes and all filters changed, thrashed wheat, barley and canola only, $205,000. Deliver within 800 miles. Consider grain in trade. 204-743-2324, Cypress River MB 2005 CASE/IH 2388, 1936/2495 hours, Rake-Up PU, chopper, hopper topper, shedded, recent repairs, exc . cond. $95,000. 306-587-2776, Cabri, SK. 1993 CASE/IH 1660 combine, 1830 eng. hrs., Rake-Up PU, $18,000 OBO. Call Don Turnbull at 306-484-2041 (home) or 306-725-7256 (cell), Govan, SK.

2004 CR970, duals, Greenlighted; 1998 2004 2388, 3376 eng. hrs., 2529 roto hrs., T R 9 8 ; 1 9 9 5 T R 9 7 , a l w ay s s h e d d e d . Howard Concave, 2015 header w/Swath- 306-960-4430 306-961-1538 Domremy SK Master, AFX rotor, chopper, hopper topper, exc. cond., $75,000; 1993 1688, 4005 2010 CX8080, 624 sep. hrs., 900 front, eng. hrs., specialty rotor, 1015 header 600 rear, always shedded, loaded. 140 hrs. w/IH PU, 0 hrs. on total back-end rebuild, on NH Triple Inspection, swathmaster PU, exc. cond., $22,000. Call 306-855-4904, 350 bu., long auger, big touch screen, yield and moisture, no peas, deluxe cab, 306-867-7397, Glenside, SK. mint cond. Priced for quick sale. Call Rob 2006 CIH AFX 8010, 2275 engine, 1650 306-222-6035, Saskatoon, SK. rotor, all updates installed, 520/85R42 front duals, 600/65 R28 rears. 2016 head- 2012 NH CR9090, 541 hrs., 426 sep. hrs., er, 2016 Swathmaster, internal chopper, 591 HSP, 2WD, standard chopper rear atreversing hydraulic drive rotor, hopper ex- tach., was $374,000 now $364,000. Call tension, extended auger, always shedded, 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca heavy land machine. vg cond., asking 2008 NH CR9060, 1410 hrs, with 76C PU, $138,000. Ph 306-781-2775, Kronau, SK. w/14’ Swathmaster, field ready, $119,800 Financing available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

1983 CASE/IH 1480, SP 3780 eng. hrs, w/ IH 810 PU, very good condition, $18,000; Also separate 1020 CIH 25' flex header, 2006 580R, 1216 sep. hrs, big tires, Sun$6500. Call 306-789-0296, Francis, SK. nybrook cyl., rotor bearings done, P514 PU, Y&M, cebis, very nice, $112,000, will 1997 CASE/IH 2188, SwathMaster PU, 4 deliver. Call 403-312-5113, Viscount, SK. brand new tires, specialty rotor, chopper, curved batt spreaders, rebuilt PTO clutch, 3778/3095 hrs., $29,000; Also 2008 CIH 1020 30’ header, low acres, original owner, sells separately to combine purchaser. Call 306-644-2115, Loreburn, SK. 1688 CASE, 1994, 4200 hrs., Specialty rotor, new sieve bushings, hopper extension, chaff spreader, vg condition, $36,000 OBO. 780-226-8994, Forestburg, AB. 1994 CASE/IH 1688, AFX style rotor, Gorden rub-bars, Firestone radials, Redekop chopper, hopper ext., auto chain oiler, 3 seasons on new concaves, always shedd e d , 3 1 0 0 h r s . , $ 3 3 , 0 0 0 O B O. C a l l 204-293-4408, Sanford, MB. 2009 CASE/IH 8120, 2016 Case/IH PU, chopper, lateral tilt, 800 threshing hrs., $179,000. Call 306-948-7299, Biggar, SK. CASE 1680, PU header, always shedded, new tires, very well maintained, $22,500. 403-347-2266,403-749-2372, Red Deer AB

New Salvage · ‘06 Cat Lexion 590R, under 900 hrs · ’11 JD 9770 STS, less than 600 hrs, awesome parts incl. complete dual kit, with tires $16,900 www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515

2009 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 1055 hrs, w/16’ PU included, field ready, $154,800. Financing available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 1995 NH TX68, 2554 eng. hrs., 1764 thresh hrs., lots of new parts, good cond., asking $35,000. 306-358-4342, Denzil, SK. 2010 NH CR9070, 440 hrs., 415 sep. hrs., 400 HP, 16’ SwathMaster PU, MAV chopper, was $317,000 now $289,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2009 NH CR9080, 558 hrs., 718 sep. hrs., 900 front tires, 600 rear tires, air, dlx. NH chopper, was $235,000 now $212,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2008 9070 w/16’ PU table, duals, touch screen, many new parts, will split header, $170,000. 306-641-9851, Yorkton, SK. 2009 NH CR9070, 965 hours, 691 sep. hours, SM grain sieves, std. hyd. NA CR9070, was $205,500 now $185,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2001 NH TR99, new tires front and rear, Rake-Up PU, $60,000 OBO. Retired from farming. Bob 306-883-7817, Spiritwood SK

2009 NH CR9070, 863 hrs., 1105 sep. hours, straw chopper deluxe, auger long unloading, 16’ PU, Michel’s tarp, $225,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2005 NH CR970, 2512 hours, 1669 sep. hours, 310 HP, Redekopp chopper, yield moisture, 900 drives, 600 rears, $120,500. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca

GLEANER R72, 1837 eng. hrs, shedded, PU header, 24’ straight cut header, $49,000. WANTED: 6601 JOHN DEERE PT combine. 403-363-3736, Brooks, AB. Call Barry 780-632-9756, Vegreville, AB. FOR SALE: 1989 GLEANER R60 SP, 2458 2010 JD 9870STS 995-775 hrs, Contourlow orig. hrs., premium cond., field ready, Master w/5 spd. feeder house, 20.8x42s no bends. 306-764-6822, 306-960-2192 w/duals, 22’ auger, Ext. Wear Sep. pkg., chopper, Greenlighted, $172,500 US. cell, Prince Albert, SK. 320-848-2496 or 320-894-6560, Fairfax, LONGER LASTING GLEANER accelerator MN., www.ms-diversified.com rollers, 3 to 5 times longer than OEM. 1987 JD 8820 w/214 PU, 2 spd. high inPhone 306-759-2572, Eyebrow, SK. ertia cylinder, long auger, chopper, chaff 1986 GLEANER L3, approx 2500 eng. spreader, 6059 hrs., recent tires, $18,000. hrs., good cond., $12,000. 306-642-5886, 306-429-2723, Glenavon, SK. Scout Lake, SK. TWO WELL KEPT 9600 JD combines, 1989 PRICE REDUCED: 1982 Gleaner L2 Win- and 1994 models, asking $27,000 and drow Plus, hydro, 3122 eng. hrs, 2260 sep. $32,000 OBO. 306-542-7205, Kamsack, SK hrs, c/w Victory Super 8 PU header, always shedded, good cond, $15,000 OBO. INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn Also 24’ straight cut header, batt reel and and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Arair reel, $2500. 306-661-7351, Consul, SK. gentina. 1-888-414-4177. WANTED: 9500 JD, 914 PU with chopper and chaff spdr, also 925 straight cut head1996 JD 9600, 2062/2572 hrs., Sunny- er w/PU reel. 306-548-2969, Sturgis, SK. brook cylinder and concave’s at 1300 hrs., Greenlighted in 2012, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2006 JD 9760 STS, 1800/2300 hrs., 2004 and 2003, ContourMaster feedhouse, Greenlighted yearly, new injectors, conshedded, 914 PU, $60,000; 930 Flex head- cave, feeder house, Y&M, very good cond., $145,000. 306-230-2736, Assiniboia, SK. er available. 306-372-4778, Major, SK. 9600 JD 4x4, 36x32 tires, new feeder and 1981 JD 7720 combine, JD PU, chopper, elevator chains, lots of recent work, $6,000. Call 306-567-3128, Bladworth, SK. $35,000 OBO; 2004 draper 925D, 430F and WANTED: JOHN DEERE 6620 Titan II, 925 headers. 403-704-3509, Rimbey, AB. must be in good - very good condition 1981 7720 2800 hrs., reverser, Redekop with all options. Call 780-336-4061. chopper, good condition, $11,000; 1979 8820, 5000 hrs., $9000. Will take grain on 2014 JOHN DEERE trade. 306-693-9847, Moose Jaw, SK. S690 COMBINE 2003 JD 9650 walker, w/914 PU, 2000 sep. hrs., new bars and concaves, exc. one owner combine, $79,000. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK.

2001 FORD/NH TR99 SP, 1926 eng. hrs, TR98, recent w/o, always stored inside, triple checked, ready to go, Rake-Up PU, very good cond., must be seen, $38,500. Redekop chopper, 1926 threshing hrs, exc. 403-350-9088,403-347-2266, Red Deer AB cond., $50,000. 780-871-2566 Lloydminster, AB. k.hastings@mcsnet.ca 2012 FORD/NH CR8090, SP 332 eng. hrs, Intelliview IV, Intellisteer, yield and mois- 2011 NH CR9070, 953 hrs., 751 sep. hrs., ture monitor, grain tank ext, long auger ext, 350 tank, 900 drives, Redekopp MAV VSR, auto HHC, reverser, 372 receiver. chopper, was $317,000 now $286,000. Warranty 2015, exc. condition, $242,000 Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2005 CATERPILLAR LEXION 560 SP, 1039 OBO. 306-737-8286, Rouleau, SK. eng. hrs, 2005 Lexion 560W, 1039 sep. hrs, Nathanallard_bean@hotmail.com 3D sieve, P514 head, chopper, chaff spreader very good condition, $110,000. 2001 NH TR99, 1600 sep. hrs, auger ext., 306-536-8348, 306-738-4716, Riceton, SK. duals, hopper ext, $50,000; 36’ Honeybee 1997 JOHN DEERE 9500 SP, 4257 eng., available. 780-753-1973, Oyen, AB. lmoats@sasktel.net 3140 sep. hrs, exc. cond., $8500 Greenlight 2 yrs ago, PU and straight header, $45,000 2000 CAT 470, 1654 hrs., lateral tilt, con- 2011 NH CR9080, 438 hrs., 554 sep. hrs., for all or $40,000 without straight header, tour, electric sieves, chopper, spreader, 620/70R42 duals, 28Lx26 12 PR R1, leathexc. cond. 306-699-7050, 306-699-7215, 914 PU header, Y&M monitor, $45,000. er operator seat, CD radio, $463,000. Call Qu'Appelle, SK. bmzfarm@yourlink.ca 306-224-4770, Glenavon, SK. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 1997 JD 9600, 2131 sep. hrs., always 2008 CX 8080 NH, 1367 threshing hrs., shedded, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, Y&M monitor, tow hitch, auto header lift, variable speed feeder house, 914 PU, preall new oil filter, total service job done, cision cylinder, AutoSteer ready (Greenfield ready, choose from 2. Can deliver. star), $59,000. 204-324-8036, Altona, MB. Will consider grain in trade. Call any 1998 JD 9610, 914 PU, fine cut chopper, time, 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. chaff blower, long auger, airfoil sieve, hop1997 NH TR98, 2530 sep. hrs., 3578 eng. per ext. and tarp, new tires, duals, Greenhrs., 971 header, Swathmaster PU, Rede- lighted every 2nd year, 3380 threshing kop chopper, Ag Leader Y&M, field ready, hrs., always shedded, exc. cond., $60,000 shedded, one owner, $27,000 OBO. Wain- OBO. 306-338-3647, Wadena, SK. wright, AB. 780-806-3439, 780-842-4088. TWO 1993 JD 9600, fine cut choppers, hopper ext., chaff spreaders, 914 PU, shedded, vg cond. One has duals and yield monitor, 3000 sep. hrs. showing on each, $43,000/each. 204-745-7868, Roland, MB.

Move it! in print and online next day. Now your classified word ads will go online within one business day from when you book them to run in the Producer Classifieds.

HUGE SELECTION OF Demo and used NH CR and CX combines: CX8080’s (3-2012’s, 2-2011’s, 1-2007) and 2003 CX860, CR9060, CR9070’s, CR9080’s CR9090’s and more. 30 months interest free OAC. Markusson New Holland of Regina Ltd., 1-800-819-2583 or 306-781-2828, www.markusson.com 2011 CR9090E, 482 threshing hrs., shedded, loaded, 0 hrs. on NH Triple Inspection. $350,000. 780-210-3799, Myrnam AB 2011 NH CR9080, 440 hrs., 566 sep. hrs., rotors, 620/70R42 duals, 28Lx26 rear tires, Lux cab, autosteer 262, $463,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2006 CR960, 1730 hrs., 76C 15’ PU header, 200 hrs. on triple check incl. rub bars, concaves, 900 front tires, 600 rears, long unloading auger, HID lights, AutoSteer ready. 306-648-3511, 306-648-7695, 306-380-7769, Gravelbourg, SK.

Our team of Classified Sales Associates has the product knowledge, marketing strategies and access to qualified buyers that is unmatched in the industry. Place your classified ad and experience our professional service first hand.

2009 NH CR9070 1055 hours w/ 16’ pickup included. Field ready. $154,800. Trades welcome.Financing available.1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2006 CX860 COMBINE, Swathmaster PU, 1525 hrs., very good condition, $109,500 OBO. Call 780-878-1479, Camrose, AB.

Monday to Friday, ads will be posted online within one business day. Real Time online will be placed a maximum of 11 days prior to first print insertion.


2011 NH CR9070 SP, only 491 threshing hrs., 628 eng. hrs., Deluxe cab, leather seats, Intelliview Plus II Monitors, GPS, factory AutoSteer, chaff spreader, extra long unloading auger, 520/85R duals, w/2012 NH 790 CP-15 PU, $229,900. Call Mike at 403-994-0700, Didsbury, AB.


2007 NEW HOLLAND CR9070 1225 thresh hours with 76C PU, field ready, $139,800. Financing available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2009 NH CR9080, 826 hours, 1053 sep. hours, lighting HID, long unloading auger, concave small grain ABR, $265,000. Call 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2009 NH CX8080, 76C PU, 945 hrs., loaded, mint cond. 2012 MacDon 35’ flex draper, 2000 acres, used only 1 season, like new. 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK.

2013 JD S670, 440 hours, Premium Cab, GS3 Colored 7” TS monitor, Contour-Master, 20.8x42s w/duals, chopper, $249,500. US.; 2012 JD S670, 616 hours, Premium Cab, GS3 Colored 7” TS monitor, ContourMaster, 20.8x42s w/duals, chopper, $219,500. US. www.ms-diversified.com 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN. 1995 JD 9600, Greenlighted 200 hrs. ago, always shedded, excellent condition, $67,000. 306-764-7920 or 306-961-4682 leave message, Prince Albert, SK. 1999 JD 9610, 2981 sep. hrs., Greenlighted every 2nd year for past 10 years, c/w PU header, good tires, $60,000 OBO. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 1987 JD 7721, TITAN II, air flow sieve, chaff spreader, always shedded, field ready, $5500; Also a 7-16 Melroe plow. Both 1 owner. 204-526-2166, Holland, MB.

1991 JD 9600, 4000 eng. hrs, 2800 sep. hrs, 2 spd. cyl., AHH adjustment, 800 hrs on new long block motor, $34,000 in Greenlight, asking $45,000. Can take grain. Call 306-749-2482, Hagen, SK. 2004 JD 9760 STS, 1588 sep. hours, hopper topper, Precision PU, high output long auger, fine cut chopper, Y&M, GPS r e a d y, a l w a y s s h e d d e d , $ 1 3 8 , 0 0 0 . 780-781-7112, Camrose, AB. 1998 JD 9610 combine, 2360 engine hours; 1998 JD 925 25’ flex header. Call 204-764-2035, Hamiota, MB. 1998 JD 9610, 2100 sep. hrs., shedded, PU header, mint cond. Call for details. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. JD 8820 COMBINE c/w PU and 30’ straight cut headers, extensive Greenlight service done, good condition, asking $20,000. 306-283-4602, Langham, SK. WANTED: JOHN DEERE 6620 combine with low hours and shedded. Call 306-472-3277, Gravelbourg, SK. 2006 JD 9760, many options, moisture sensor, bushel counter, clean and in very nice shape, Greenlighted in 2013, 2742 eng. hrs., 1983 sep. hrs. $109,000; Also h ave J D 6 3 5 f l e x h e a d e r ava i l a b l e . 306-662-8405, Richmound, SK. JD 9400 SHEDDED, 914 PU header, all updates, fore&aft, auto header height, c/w JD 930 Rigid header, Greenlighted in 2012 $40,000. 306-488-2103 or 306-541-4346, Holdfast, SK. JD 6601 for parts, complete w/JD pickup, some newer parts. Call 306-842-5646, Weyburn, SK. 1997 JD CTS, 1728 sep. hrs., shedded, hopper extensions, Contour-Master, single point hookup for newer headers, chaff spreader, loaded, very nice machine, $50,000. 306-672-3993, Webb, SK.

2002 JD 9650 STS, hopper extension, fine cut chopper, 800 metric tires, A&I threshing elements, Outback AutoSteer, ($30,000) Greenlight 250 hrs ago, 3400 sep. hrs., asking $65,000 OBO. Call 306-354-7206, Mazenod, SK. 2005 JD 9660W, 2453 eng. hrs, 1798 sep hrs., 80065R32/42085R26, inspected by mechanic yearly, field ready, hopper ext., $105,000 US. 701-263-1467 Sherwood ND

New combine was upset in transport, engine runs, see www.sgi.sk.ca for more details or call


online bids will be accepted until 7:30 am Wednesday, July 23, 2014 JD 7720 TITAN II, 2300 hrs., PU header, shedded, excellent condition. 306-631-8779, Moose Jaw, SK. 2009 JD 9770, 808 threshing hrs., 20.8x38 dual tires, 615 PU, field ready, very good condition, $195,000 OBO. 306-845-7850, 306-893-7226, Edam, SK. 1992 JD 9600, 2785 sep. hrs., w/JD 914 PU, 30.5x32, fine cut chopper, shedded, must be seen, $54,000. 780-679-7795 Camrose, AB. 1997 JD 9600, all new elevator chains, new feeder chain, 914 PU, asking $50,000. Call 306-441-8244 or 306-386-1268, North Battleford, SK. 1992 JD 9500, 3516 sep hrs., 4903 eng hrs., grain tank extension, $45,000. Call Shane 306-333-4501, Abernethy, SK. 1995 and 1994 JDs, both with: duals, good tires, bin covers, 914 PU headers plus 930 straight cut w/PU reels $41,000 each OBO. 306-443-2306, leave message, Alida, SK. 1991 JD 9600 w/914 PU header, 4223 sep. hrs., hopper ext. and tarp, crop catcher, chopper and chaff spreader, Greenlight 2012, $28,000. 306-563-7703, Canora, SK. 2006 JOHN DEERE 9660 STS, 1430 sep hrs, nice shape, $127,500. Call 306-731-2444 or 306-596-2546, Craven, SK. Email: bherman@imagewireless.ca 1994 CASE/IH 1688, Specialty rotor with axceller kit, chopper, long auger, hopper topper, Victory Super 8 PU, approx. 300 hrs. on $13,000 work order, 3200 engine hours, very good condition, $25,000. 306-228-3665, 306-228-9383, Unity, SK. 2009 JD 9770, 1100 rotor hrs., ContourMaster, large single tires, 4WD, exc. cond., $162,000. 306-552-4905, Moose Jaw, SK. 1997 JOHN DEERE 9600, 4415 eng hrs., 3382 sep hrs., c/w JD 912 PU, $42,800. Financing available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance and compensation 1-866-882-4779. 1997 JD 9600, w/914 PU, 925 flex header, MacDon 30’ 973 header, fits 9600 and 60 series JD combines. Many recent parts and repairs. Call 306-260-7352 St. Denis, SK. 1987 JD 7721 pull type combine, field ready, good condition, asking $9000. Phone 306-228-3251, Unity, SK. 2 JD CTS with PU headers, 1300 and 2900 threshing hrs., Greenlighted yearly, always shedded, excellent rubber. 306-640-8600, 306-640-8437, Assiniboia, SK.





BUY BACK CARS, TRUCKS & SPORT UTILITY CADILLAC ESCALADE ESV AWD 6.2L V8, Loaded, Nav, DVD, Sunroof, Leather, Grey, 30,396km ..........................................................................................................................$64,995 2013 CHEV SUBURBAN 4x4 5.3L V8. Loaded. Sunroof, 8-Pass, Ebony Leather, White, 22,732km ..........................................................................................................................$44,995 2013 GMC YUKON SLT 4X4 Regular Wheel Base, 5.3L V8, Loaded, Buckets, Sunroof, Leather, 35,159km, 2-White, 1-Silver,1-Black .............................................................Starting at $46,995 2014 CHEV CRUZE LT 1.4L 4 Cyl, Turbo, Loaded, Blue, 28,544km.................................$18,995 2013 GMC ACADIA SLT AWD Loaded, Sunroof, Silver with Ebony Leather, 28,400km ..........................................................................................................................$42,995 2-2013 CHEV SONIC 5-DOOR LT 1.8L 4 Cyl, Loaded, Cloth White, Silver, 15,100km ..........................................................................................................................$16,995 3-2013 CHEV IMPALA LTS 3.6L V6 Loaded, Cloth Black, Silver, White, 21,500km ..........................................................................................................................$18,995 2013 BUICK REGAL CXL 2.4L 4 Cyl, Loaded, Sunroof, Heated Seats, 29,130km ..........................................................................................................................$27,995 2013 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 AWD 2.4L 4 Cyl, 17” Wheels, Loaded, Cloth, White, 37,759km ..........................................................................................................................$27,995 USED EXT. CABS & CREW CABS 2014 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, All Terrain, NAV, Leather, Iridium, 22,011km ..........................................................................................................................$39,995 2013 FORD F150 PLATINUM SUPER CREW 4X4 Loaded, Sunroof, Nav, Power Boards, Heated & Cooled Seats, Leather, Diamond White, 12,683km .............................................................$48,995 2013 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 5.3L, V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 99,808km ..........................................................................................................................$33,995 2013 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLE 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, White, 45,558km ..........................................................................................................................$31,995 2012 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 DENALI 6.2L, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 36,208km ..........................................................................................................................$44,995 2012 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 5.3L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, White, 62,469km ..........................................................................................................................$34,995 2012 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Heated Leather, Black, 73,673km ..........................................................................................................................$29,995 2012 CHEV ½ TN EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, White, 81,704km.....................$26,995

2012 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Silver, 89,358km .................$26,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 DENALI 6.2L V8, Loaded, 20” Rims, Sunroof, Power Heated Leather, Black, 119,980km..........................................................................$34,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW 4X4 DENALI 6.2L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD. Nav, Htd & Cooled Seats, Black, 155,295km..............................................................................................................$31,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.2L V8, Loaded, GFX, Sunroof, Leather, Black, 136,011km........................................................................................................................$30,995 2011 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, White, 71,149km.......$29,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 5.3L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, Heated, Leather, Blue, 89,011km ....................................................................................................$28,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, Silver, 100,337km........................................................................................................................$28,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLE Loaded, Cloth, White, 90,014km.........................$25,995 2011 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLE 5.3L V8, Loaded, Heated Leather, Grey, 101,590km ...............................................................................................................$25,995 2011 CHEV ½ TN EXT CAB 4X4 4.8L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Blue, 22,714km ......................$24,995 2011 GMC ½ TN EXT CAB 2WD SLE 5.3L V8, A-C-T, Power Windows & Locks, Cloth, Silver, 84,105km ......................................................................................................$24,995 2010 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 6.2L V8, Loaded, Heated Leather, Grey, 56,539km ..........................................................................................................................$30,995 2010 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, Taupe, 105,961km........................................................................................................................$26,995 2010 GMC ½ TN EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, White, 99,383km ..................$24,995 2010 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LT 5.3L, Loaded, Cloth, Black, 128,035km........................................................................................................................$23,995 2010 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLE 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Silver, 102,160km........................................................................................................................$23,995 2010 CHEV ½ TN EXT CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Red, 87,799km .......................$21,995 2010 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 4.8 V8, Loaded, Cloth, 67,975km .............................$19,995 2009 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ 5.3L V8, Loaded, Leather, Diamond White, 147,822km........................................................................................................................$25,995 2009 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLE 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, White, 134,027km........................................................................................................................$20,995 2009 GMC ½ TN 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Red, 135,002km.....................................$19,995 2008 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Black, 120,778km ................$21,995

Email: contactus@watrousmainline.com Website: www.watrousmainline.com DUAL KITS — ALL MAKES & MODELS


NEW TIRE DEALS 16.9x28 12ply ................. 558 16.9x30 12ply ................. $495 18.4x34 12ply ................. $645 23.1x30 12ply .............. $1,495 20.8x38 12ply .................. $795 $

24.5x32 14ply .............. 1,495 30.5x32 16ply ............. $1,995 900/60R32 20ply..........$2,995 520/85R42 162A8 Radial ................. $1,790 $

NEW WOBBLE BOXES — USED & REBUILT ALSO AVAILABLE 1,495 $ (New-Style)............. 1,995 NEW UNLOADING AUGER EXTENSIONS $ Fits JD, CIH................... 895 LONG UNLOADING AUGER TUBES $ JD 9500/9650/STS 50 1,175 $ CIH 1660-2388 ............... 772

SALVAGE 06’ Cat Lexicon 590R, under 900 hours ’11 JD 9770 STS, less than 600 hours, awesome parts included, complete dual kit $ w/ tires .....


2011 CHEV ½ TN REG CAB 4X4 4.8L V8, A-C-T, Cloth, Green, 27,607km E1707A. ...........................................................................................................$21,995 USED 1 TONS 2013 CHEV 1 TN CREW CAB 4X4 LT DUALLY 6.6L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Blue, 65,074km ..........................................................................................................................$51,995 2012 GMC 1 TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8, Loaded, White, 95,435km.............................$43,995 USED ¾ TONS & 4X4’S 2013 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ 6.6L V8, Diesel, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Silver, 18,957km ..........................................................................................................................$58,995 2013 GMC ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 Standard Box, 6.6L Duramax, Leather, Black, 31,279km ..........................................................................................................................$57,995 2013 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LT GFX 6.0L V8, Loaded, Mocha, 17,011km ..........................................................................................................................$44,995 2012 GMC ¾ TN CREW CAB SLT 6.6L V8 Duramax, Diesel, Loaded, Leather, White, 97,011km ..........................................................................................................................$45,995 2011 GMC ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 DENALI 6.6L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD, White, 155,595km........................................................................................................................$40,995 2010 GMC ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 SLT Loaded, Total Plus Warranty to March 15 or 160,000km, Leather, Silver, 110,628km.................................................................................................$40,995 2010 CHEV CREW CAB 4X4 LTZ 6.6L Duramax V8, Loaded, GFX, Leather, Silver, 116,417km........................................................................................................................$39,995 2009 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8 Diesel, Loaded, Cloth, Red, 21,501km .........$39,995 2009 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8, Loaded, Cloth, White, 97,952km.................$36,995 2008 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8, Diesel, Loaded, Heated Leather, Nav, DVD, Red, 185,576km........................................................................................................................$27,995








MACDON $ (Old-Style) ..............

2008 GMC ½ TN EXT CREW CAB 4X4 SLT 5.3L V8, Loaded, 6-CD, Leather, Grey, 137,275km........................................................................................................................$20,995 2007 FORD F150 SUPER CREW 4X4 5.4L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Silver, 104,549km........................................................................................................................$17,995 2007 FORD F150 EXT CAB 4X4 XLT 5.4L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Blue, 155,418km........................................................................................................................$13,995 2006 GMC ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 5.7’ BOX, 5.3L V8, Loaded, Sunroof, DVD, GFX, Leather, Black, 84,823km ..........................................................................................$20,995 USED REG CAB ½ & ¾ TONS


20 min. E of Saskatoon on Hwy. 16


11R22.5 16ply ................. 299 11.2x24 8ply .................... $199 16.9x24 8ply ................... $549 16.9x26 10ply ................. $685 23.1x26 R3 12ply ............ $995


1-800-667-4515 www.combineworld.com




CASE-IH $ 1010/1020 .............

1,595 $ 4000/5000 ............. 1,595

JOHN DEERE $ 200/900 New .........

1,095 $ 200/900 HD ............ 1,595


995 $ Inner pulley P/n 439596 .... 740 Outer pulley P/n 754385...


ROTOR GEAR BOXES TR70-95, 1 spd., RHS.. TR89-99, 2 spd., RHS..

1,250 3,750

$ $

World ?


“Combine World is very well organized w/ knowledgeable, courteous, and efficient staff. Nice to deal with. Thanks!” –Hubert Deroche



JD 50/60 series MAV rotor upgrade ..... $4,650 TR 95-99 .............................................. $9,170 CIH 88 series ....................................... $9,630 CR 920-960/9040/9060 ....................... $9,270 MF 8570-8780XP ................................. $9,270

USED ENGINES Cummins 8.3L ....... $6,900 Cat 3208 ............... $3,900 Perkins 640 ......................................... $4,950 JD 7.6L................................................ $5,980 Ford 7.8L ............................................. $3,450 Genesis 7.5L......................................... $7,500


IN STOCK JD front concave plate .............................. $425 JD 9600/10, 9650/60 sieve frame .......... $1,473 JD 9600/10, 9650/10 straw walker ........ $1,100 JD 9600 upper feeder shaft ...................... $895 JD 9600 front walker crank ...................... $580 JD 9400-9600/CTS/CTSII cleaning fan drive pulley & half-pulley .................. $245 JD 9000 series RHS feederhouse shield .... $310


CIH 80/88 series unloading auger extn ................................ $895 CIH heavy-duty rear steering axle centre tube ......................................... $1,690 CIH 1640-2588 unloading auger elbow .... $880 CIH 1640-2388 front rotor bearing holder . $395 CIH 1680-2388 header lift cylinder ........... $625


FINAL DRIVES READY TO GO! JD 9400-9600/CTS/CTSII Rebuilt ................ $4,750 Used LHS ............$3,250 STS Used RHS ............$3,950



Complete units, $ while supplies last ........................... MOST MAKES AND MODELS AVAILABLE

CIH 80/88 series ............ 1,795 JD 9000 series, CTS ...... $1,795 NH TR 95-99 ................. $1,795



Cross-flow fan kit, CIH 80/88 ........................................... $1,975 2-spd Cylinder kit, JD 8820 ................. $2,250 Bubble-up auger kit, TR96-98 .............. $1,980 Reel fore & aft, TR95-99........................... $975 Terrain Tracer, TR 98-99 ......................... $850



CIH 40/60 chopper w/drive .................. $4,080 CIH 80/88 series w/drive ...................... $4,310 JD STS 70 Series.................................. $5,145 JD 9600/10/50/60 ............................... $3,845 USED CHOPPERS ALSO AVAILABLE




5,795....... 6,830 6,795........ $7,900 $ $ 36’............................ 7,900....... 8,900 25’............................





40’ MD FD70 ....................................... $8,480 42’ UII 88C ........................................... $7,800 36’ UII SP Series .................................. $6,980 36’ MD 974 ......................................... $6,980 36’ HCC SP36 ...................................... $3,980











2014 REG. CABS

2014 CHEV SILVERADO 1500 LTZ PLUS PKG. 4WD Double Cab 6.2 V-8, loaded, white with Cocoa Dune leather MSRP $56,660............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 1-more 2014 GMC SLT PREFERRED PKG. 1500 Double Cab 4WD. 6.2 V-8, loaded, black with black leather MSRP $57,590............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 2014 GMC SIERRA 4WD D/CAB ALL TERRAIN 5.3L V8, loaded, white w/ebony leather 2-in-stock starting at Stock #E1209 MSRP $52,465............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 2014 GMC SIERRA DENALI 1500 4WD S/BOX 6.2L V8, loaded, sunroof, Diamond white, 2-in-stock MSRP $67,015............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 3-2014 GMC SIERRA 1500 4WD SLT CREWCAB S/BOX GFX PKG, 5.3 V-8, Loaded, 20” Alum Wheels 3-Black, 1-white Diamond Starting at MSRP $57,410 ...........................EMPLOYEE PRICING 80-2014 1500 CREWCAB Starting at stock #E1108 ..............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 20-2014 CREW GMC DOUBLE CABS Starting EMPLOYEE PRICING 2014 CHEV & GMC DIESEL CREWCAB 4X4’S (35-IN-STOCK) 6-2014 CHEV & GMC BIG DOOLEYS CREWCAB 4X4’S 3-2014 CHEV & GMC 3500 H.D. (1-TON) L.W.B. CREWCAB 4X4’S 25-2014 CHEV GMC 2500 H.D. (3/4TON) S/BOX CREWCAB 4X4’S some with GFX Pkgs, GFX Ultimate Pkg, DenaliPkg BLOWOUT PRICES .................................................... Call Dealer

2005 PONTIAC MONTANA 3.4L V6, 7-Pass, Loaded, DVD, Red, 164,220km ....................................................................... $8,995 2005 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT. 3.4L V6, Loaded, DVD, 7-Passenger, Tan, 194,973km ........................................... $5,995

2014 GMC SIERRA W/T 2500 REG CAB 4X4 H.D. 6.0L V-8, Auto, A-C-T, P.L., Remote Entry, Trailer Pkg., White.2-in Stock MSRP $45,440 ......................................................EMPLOYEE PRICING 2003 PONTIAC MONTANA 2WD 4-Dr, Long Wheel Base, 7-Pass, Loaded, Cloth, Brown, 149,796km ................ $6,995

2014 REG. CABS 2014 GMC SIERRA W/T 2500 REG CAB 4X4 H.D. 6.0L V8, Auto, A-C-T, P.L., Remote Entry, Trailer Pkg., White, 2-in Stock MSRP $45,440............................................EMPLOYEE PRICING

MEDIUM DUTY TRUCKS 2014 KENWORTH T370 TANDEM 350 H.P. Paccar (Cummins) Diesel, Allison Auto, Loaded, 8.5’x20’x65” CIM Ultracel Box, Hoist, Electric Tarp, Remote Hoist and Endgate Red MSRP $162,374.......................................SALE PRICE $139,995 2009 GMC CONVENTIONAL CAM & CHASSIS 2WD TOPKICK 7.8L Isuzu Diesel, A-C-T, Power Windows, Doors & Locks, Electric Roll Tarp, Air Ride, 8 1/2X68X21 Cancade Aluminum Box, White, 38,632km ....................................................................... $97,995

USED SPORT UTILITIES & S-TRUCKS 2008 CHEV EQUINOX LS AWD 3.4L V6, AWD, Team Canada ED, Cloth Charcoal, 189,205km ......................$10,995 2007 CHEV AVALANCHE LS 4WD 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Silver, 162,647km ..................................................................... $15,995 2006 GMC YUKON AWD 5.3L V8, 4-Door 4x4, Loaded, Sunroof, Leather, Pewter, 162,272km ............................................ $17,995 2006 CHEV EQUINOX AWD 3.4L V6, Loaded, Sunroof, Heated Leather, White, 162,108km ................................................ $9,995 2005 TOYOTA RAV 4 4-Cyl, 5-Speed, Loaded, Heated Seats, Leather, Royal Blue, 220,763km......................................... $9,995

2005 CHEV TAHOE 4X4 LS 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Pewter, 200,259km ....................................................................... $8,995 2004 CHEV AVALANCHE 4X4 LS 5.3L V8, Loaded, Cloth, Silver, 144,468km ..................................................................... $11,995 2003 CHEV TAHOE 4WD 8Cyl, Loaded, Brown, 207,011km ....................................................................... $7,995

USED REG. CAB ½ & ¾ TONS 2005 GMC ½ TN SHORT/BOX REG CAB 4X4 SLE 5.3L Short/Box, Loaded, Black, 113,005km .............................................. $13,995

USED ¾ TONS & 4X4 2011 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LT 6.6L Duramax, V8, Loaded, Cloth, Taupe, 218,011km ................................................. $26,995 2008 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8 Diesel, Loaded, Heated Leather, NAV, DVD, Red, 185,576km ...................... $7,995 2004 CHEV ¾ TN CREW CAB 4X4 LT 6.6L V8, Duramax, A-C-T, 229,742km ..................................................................... $14,995 2004 CHEV ½ TN CREW CAB 4X4 6.6L V8 Diesel, Loaded, Cloth, White, 299,752 ............................................................... $12,995 2000 CHEV ¾ TN EXT CAB 4X4 LT 6.0L V8, Loaded, EXT Wheel Base, Leather, Blue/Silver, 213,485km ............................... $7,995

USED 1-TONS 2006 FORD F350 SUPERDUTY EXT CAB 4X4 Loaded, White, 277,308km ....................................................................... $8,995


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MAPLE FARM EQUIPMENT 2013 John Deere 4940

1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor boom-trac, Halogen lamps, fenders, SprayTest, rh end nozzle, SF1 gps with receiver, 2630 display, and SOLD sectional control. 620R46 and 380R50 tires, JD link and Powergard to May 2016, in Russell

Semi Annual Lease Payment $24,500

2013 John Deere 4940 2013 John Deere 4940

2013 John Deere 4940

Engine Hours: 650

Engine Hours: 607

1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor boom-trac, HID lamps, fenders, end nozzles, SF1 gps with receiver, 2630 display, and sectional control. 710

and 380R50 tires, in Yorkton. SOLD

Semi Annual Lease Payment $23,700

2013 John Deere 4940 Semi Annual Lease Payment $23,500

2013 John Deere 4940 Semi Annual Lease Payment $23,250

2013 John Deere 4940 2008 RoGator 1286C

2000 John Deere 4700

Engine Hours: 2000

Engine Hours: 3455

Semi Annual Lease Payment $22,900

2010 John Deere 4930 Semi Annual Lease Payment $18,500

2010 John Deere 4930 Semi Annual Lease Payment $18,300

2009 John Deere 4730 2010 John Deere 4930

2013 John Deere 4940

Engine Hours: 1585

Engine Hours: 715

2003 Rogator 1064

Engine Hours: 2830

Engine Hours: 3240


1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor boom-trac, HID lamps, fenders, foam marker, SF1 gps with receiver, 2630 display, and sectional control. 620R46 and 380R50 tires, Powergard to May 2016, in Foam Lake


1200 US gal SS tank, 3”fill, high flow pump, eductor, 15inch spacing, 5 ways, Autotrac ready, 5 sensor boom trac, foamer, wheel slip ctrl, Dlx cab, belly shields $265,000 and wheel motor covers, HID lights, RH end nozzle, fenders, block heater, SprayTest, buddy seat, boom valves,SF1 gps, 380R46 & 620 tires, in Moosomin 1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor Boom-Trac, HID lamps, fenders, SprayTest, rh end nozzle, 4 SS crop dividers, SF1 gps with iTC receiver, 2600 $260,000 display, and swath ctrl. 380R50 and 620R46 tires, Powergard to May 2015. In Russell

750 gal poly tank, 2”fill, eductor, 90 ft, 5 ways, RAVEN autoboom ht ctrl, radar, hyd tread, field lamps, fenders, rh end nozzle, 12.4x38 and 23.1x26 tires. In Preeceville 750 gal poly tank, 2”fill, 90 ft, 5 ways, Norac UC4 ht ctrl, radar, hyd tread, field lamps, fenders, end nozzles, field office, underframe shields, 12.4x38 and SOLD 23.1x26 tires. In Moosomin

2010 John Deere 4930

2312 hrs

Engine Hours: 1980

$215,000 $109,000 $115,000

2008 RoGator 1286C

1200 Gal SS Tank, 120FT Aluminum Pommier boom, 5 Ways, Raven G2, HTA, Fenders, 3” Fill, HID Lights, Fence row nozzles, GPS, 24.5X32 Titans & 380X42 Tires, in Yorkton


2003 Rogator 1064

1000 gal SS tank, 100 ft, 3 ways, Raven Autoboom ht ctrl, Raven Envisio display with autosteer and mapping, crop dividers, 320 and 600 tires. in Moosomin


2010 Brandt SB4000

1600 gal poly tank, 90 ft, chem fill, JD rate ctrl, 480R46 tires, coming in to Foam Lake


2004 New Holland SF115

1500gal poly, 100ft, single bodies, mix & fill, hyd drive, 18.4-26 tires, in Wynyard


Semi Annual Lease Payment $13,000

1996 Willmar 745

$360,000 $357,000

Semi Annual Lease Payment $9,000

1999 John Deere 4700


1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor boom-trac, HID lamps, fenders, foam marker, SF1 gps with receiver, 2630 display, and sectional control. 620R46 and 380R50 tires, Powergard to May 2016, in Russell

800 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 100ft, 5 ways, 3 sensor Boom-trac, hyd tread, fenders, end nozzles, SF1 gps with receiver and swath ctrl. 320R46 and 520R38 tires, SOLD coming in to Wynyard

2000 John Deere 4700

List Price

1200 gal SS tank, 3”fill, 120 ft, 5 ways, 5 sensor boom-trac, HID lamps, fenders, foam marker, SF1 gps with receiver, 2630 display, and sectional control. 620R46 and 380R50 tires, Powergard to May 2016, In Preeceville

Semi Annual Lease Payment $15,300

1999 John Deere 4700

BALCARRES, SK 306-334-2492


FOAM LAKE, SK 306-272-3345

PREECEVILLE, SK WYNYARD, SK YORKTON, SK 306-547-2007 306-554-2536 306-783-9459 WWW.MAPLEFARM.COM

MOOSOMIN, SK 306-435-3301

RUSSELL, MB 204-773-2149



Titan Truck Sales Box 299 MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0

204-685-2222 2011 PETERBILT 386

485 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 3:55 gears, 3x4 diff. locks, 236” WB, 22.5” alloy wheels, 70” bunk, APU.



2007 PETERBILT 379

470 Cat C13, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:36 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,402,518 km.




475 HP Maxforce, 13sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 4x4 diff. locks, 224” WB, 22.5 alloy wheels, wet kit, 298,445 km km.




475 HP Cat C15, 18 sp, 14,600 front 40,000 rear, 3:58 gears, 3x4 diff. locks, 244” WB, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,285,622 km.



2006 PETERBILT 379

475 Cat C15, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,735,345 km.



2007 PETERBILT 379

470 Cat C13, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:36 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,480,572 km.



www.titantrucksales.com 2006 PETERBILT 379

475 Cat C15, 13 sp, 12/40, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,932,091 km.



425 HP Cummins ISX, 10 sp Autoshift, 12/40, 4:11 gears, 3x4 diff. locks, 22.5” alloy wheels, 174” WB, 333,491 km.





515 hp Detroit, 13 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 358 gears, 232 WB, 1,108,730 km.



2009 PETERBILT 388

475 HP Maxforce, 13sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 4x4 diff. locks, 224” WB, 22.5 alloy wheels, 297,650 km.


450 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3-way diff. locks, 3:55 gears, 244” WB, 63” midrise bunk, 1,145,366 km.



$ 2007 IH 9900I

475 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12/40, 244” WB, 3x4 diff. locks, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,318,947 km.



2007 PETERBILT 379

470 Cat C13, 10 sp, 12/40, 3:36 gears, 244” WB, 70” bunk, 22.5” alloy wheels, 1,588,364 km.





New Holland CR Series combines handle grain more efficiently from the tip of the header until your grain is in the bin. New Holland Twin Rotors® generate 36% to 40% higher centrifugal force than any other rotary design on the market for the absolute fastest threshing and separating — now that’s SMART. Plus, you get these high-efficiency features: • On-the-go dynamic stone protection • Largest cleaning area in the industry


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© 2014 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.


2013 New Holland CR9090

HN3136. 165 HRS, 620 front duals, 28Lx26 rear tires, mech stone protection, deluxe NH chopper, HID lights, IntelliCruise, IntelliSteer, engine compressor, long auger, yield and moisture.

S/A payment




60 month lease, $150,000 buy-out, OAC MSRP $





N22195A. 541 HRS, 426 SEP HRS, 591 HSP, 2WD, 350 TANK, STANDARD CHOPPER REAR ATTACH, 30” STEERING TIRE, 520/85R42 DUALS, GPS. WAS $374,000









































229,000 Hwy. #3, Kinistino 306-864-3667 David H ........... 306-921-7896 Jim .................. 306-864-8003 Kelly ................ 306-961-4742 David J. ........... 306-864-7603 SPRAYER DEPT. Mike ................ 306-921-5070 PRECISION FARMING DEPT. Brad ................ 306-864-2660





Hwy. #5, Humboldt 306-682-9920

Hwy. #2 S., Prince Albert 306-922-2525

Perry ............... 306-231-3772 Shane .............. 306-231-5501 PRECISION FARMING DEPT. Vaughn ............ 306-231-0559

Brent ............... 306-232-7810 Aaron .............. 306-960-7429 Tyler ................ 306-749-7115 SPRAYER & GPS DEPT. Chris ............... 306-960-6519






33,000 Visit

www.farmworld.ca for our full inventory





Meridian 16-5 Hopper Bin Combo Complete with: Meridian Hopper, Skid & Levalert. No Air. 3543 bu. Capacity





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(Delivery charges may apply) #1644186

Meridian GM5000 Grain Bin Complete with: Manway, Manhole, View Glasses, Levalert, Airmax Aeration, Roof Vents & Skid. 4973bu. Capacity.



(Delivery charges may apply) #3051380

CALL Chris @780-361-6178 Ron @780-361-6169

4707 - 40 Ave., Wetaskiwin www.wetaskiwincoop.com



























2008 FORD F350 FX4















SASKATOON WWW.SUBARUOFSASKATOON.COM *MSRP does not include Freight, PDI,Taxes & Fees *See dealer for details



1-800-667-4515 www.combineworld.com


20 min. E of Saskatoon on Hwy. 16

Text Us! 306-229-9507 Email: coleman@combineworld.com Numerous pictures available on our website www.combineworld.com 2008 MILLER CONDOR A40 MD1000, 100’ SP, excellent condition, ready to go ..............



2011 JD 4930

1998 WILLMAR 8100

120’, 1635 hours, June 2014 Green Light DONE, loaded!! Field ready...........

90’ sprayer, 3444 hours, duals, high clearance, AWD ........................

2007 NH CR9070

2008 NH CR9060

1995 JD CTS

1225 thrash hours, 76C pickup included, field ready ...................

1410 hours, 76C pickup included, field ready ....................

1902 engine/1721 seperator hours, comes w/ JD 912 pickup ......................


2009 NH CR9070 1047 thresh hours, 16’ pickup included, yield & moisture, Intelliview monitor, field ready .........






2003 FLEXI-COIL 67





90’, suspended boom, high clearance, auto rate ...................






2011 IH PUMA 195

1982 VERSATILE 1150


2004 DEGELMAN SA 1800

380HP, 4WD, 7121 hours.. .........

195 HP, MFWD, 1378 hours, excellent condition..................

20.8x42 Firestone radial triples, Atom jet, 5 hyds .....................

227 hours, 30’, double swath, like NEW ..................

Side arm, 16.5x16.1 SL Goodyears, sold w/ warranty...........









2004 IH RBX562

2008 IH RB564

1997 JD 9600


Hard core round baler, 1000 PTO, standard tires/pickup ..................

Bale Command, hard core, 1000 PTO, twine wrap ...............

4415/3382 hours, 912 pickup included...................

6600 hay conditioner in very good condition! .....................









Grain extractor in excellent condition...................

2004 JD 310SG

2008 GENIE GTH-844

Bi-directional, 9600 hours, FEL bucket ..............

4WD, cab, 11,693 hours, digging bucket 26”, old but works well ...............

4WD, A/C, 10,966 hours, digging bucket 23.5” extendaboom, cab ..........................

8000lbs, 44’ reach, good mech/cosmetic condition..................












S X2




1996 JD 710D





2004 JLG G6-42A $ 6000lbs, 42’ reach ........ 1998 Skytrak 6036 $ 6000lbs, 36’ reach ........

39,800 25,800





2003 NH/FC SC380 $ 380 bushel, tow behind . 2000 Flexi-Coil 2340, 230 bushel, in very $ good condition ................


2009 MORRIS MAXIM II 50’, 10” spacing, 8370XL tank, very good condition...................



34,800 29,800

2003 JD 1910, 340 $ bushel, new NH3 kit ...... 2002 JD 1900, 350 $ bushel, good condition...

2012 PW7 16’ Swathmaster for CNH great condition ........




9 belt, hydraulic windguard, ultra-float .................




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2007 GMC C5500


W/ Amco Veba picker & deck stock #L-6688

CHOOSE FROM &28175<œ6 CARS•TRUCKS•RVS•TRAILERS LARGEST USED DEALER! 2008 REITNOUER Step deck tandem axle trailer. Stock #L-6605


Diesel HP Mercedes diesel engine, FL60. Stock# L-6727



2002 ASPEN TRAILER Single Drop Tridem Lowboy. Stock # L-6604

2008 BOBCAT T320 Track Skidsteer Stock # L-7045

2012 JOHN DEERE 4WD, 44 Km Wheel Loader 1800 hrs.

2010 DODGE RAM 500 SLT

Picker w/low kms

2008 TIFFIN ALLEGRO Motorhome 40’ 4 slides only 20,000 miles

ONLY 50,000 KM

2006 SENECA 36’ Diesel Motor home with 3 slides

2005 GMC C5500 8.1L Engine, only 112,000 KM, custom RV deck,


330 HP engine and sits on a Freightliner chassis, 41’ motorhome, triple slides, Corian countertops, tile floors. Very clean unit. #L-6636A







2011 DODGE RAM 5500

c/w 36� Digging Bucket & 72� Churchblade. Stock #L-5838

Mint condition Stock# L-7044

Gravel Crusher Stock# L-5197A


43,593 KM #L-6254

c/w bucket & blade, low hrs Stock# L-7046


Stock# L-7047, 6.7 L Engine , Diesel , Automatic , 4WD Maxilift Cobra 5500 Picker












2013 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT




2012 FORD F150 XTR









2011 FORD F150 XLT





2013 GMC SIERRA 2500 SLE



2010 DODGE RAM 1500 TRX






LOADED 6.0L 4X4 17KM





















*DWHV 0DJQXP &RXOWHU 'LVN 36()6 23; *36 *%00 ()0-:)6= 0-1-8)( 70387 6)1%-2-2+


2, 3, 4 bar heavy harrows and rolling basket options

Gates Coulter Disk is a vertical tillage tool that gives you maximum versatility by also performing as a disk harrow. 0º to 15º Gang Angle on the go hydraulic angle. Gates Heavy Harrow Coulter Hybrid Available in 28 to 60 ft.

• Works as a heavy harrow or vertical till machine • Great seed bed preparation • Hydraulic angle 5/8 Harrows • Rolling basket (option) • Hydraulic up and down coulter • Get the best of both worlds and have two machines in 1

Contact your local STOCKING DEALERS MB Dealers Corner Equipment Carroll, MB 204-483-2774 Notre Dame Motors Notre Dame, MB 204-248-2359 Rough Country Swan River, MB 204-734-9464 SK Dealers Farm World Kinistino, SK -306-864-3667 Humbolt, SK - 306-682-9920 Prince Albert, SK - 306-922-2525 Alberta Dealers Central Alberta Precision Seeding 403-505-9524

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Call your territory manager below for dealers in your area. Dealer opportunities are available in certain areas.

Dwight Logeot - 204-573-7787 www.gatesmfg.com




It’s never too early to prepare for harvest. Farm World has reduced new and pre-owned headers.











WAS $13,500











WAS $31,500




WAS $31,000







2013 MacDon D65

2010 Honey Bee SP36

2006 Honey Bee SP36

1998 New Holland 971




#PN2689E. 30’, BAT REEL.

WAS $85,000




WAS $69,000




WAS $75,500



WAS $51,500



WAS $40,000


WAS $43,000



WAS $41,900




WAS $34,500



Hwy. #3, Kinistino 306-864-3667 David H ...............................306-921-7896 Jim ......................................306-864-8003 Kelly ....................................306-961-4742 David J. ...............................306-864-7603 SPRAYER DEPT. Mike ....................................306-921-5070 PRECISION FARMING DEPT. Brad ....................................306-864-2660




WAS $34,500





2002 Agco 700


WAS $4,000


WAS $22,900




1996 New Holland 971 #N21873G. 14’ HEADER WITH VICTORY PICKUP.

WAS $4,900

#W22133A. 25’, BATT REEL

WAS $7,900





Diesel Exhaust Fluid (1040L TOTE)

560/EACH* $ 525/FOUR OR MORE* $


Hwy. #5, Humboldt

Thunder Creek Fuel/ Def 900 Gal. Trailer WAS $36,500 NOW



Hwy. #2 S., Prince Albert



Perry ...................................306-231-3772 Shane ..................................306-231-5501

Brent ...................................306-232-7810 Aaron ..................................306-960-7429 Tyler ....................................306-749-7115 SPRAYER & GPS DEPT. Chris ...................................306-960-6519

www.farmworld.ca for our full inventory



2005 9660 STS, 2350 engine hours, 1750 1997 MASSEY FERGUSON 8780, 1986 sep. threshing, duals, high cap. unload auger, hours, new feeder and elevator chains, 1500 Precision header w/Rake-Up pickup. $45,000. 306-726-4326, Southey, SK. Howard concaves, hopper cover, shedded, Greenlighted every year, JD AutoSteer ready, $130,000 OBO. 306-843-7070, 306-658-2122, Wilkie, SK.

1996 NH 971, #N21873G, 14’ header w/Victory pickup, was $4,900 now $4,500. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2003 MACDON 973, 36’, pea auger, transport, Empire gauge wheels, poly, vg, fits MF rotary low lugs, $29,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

1982 JD 8820 turbo combine, 4114 hrs, chopper/chaff spreader, c/w JD 212 PU header, 14’ unload auger, excellent shape! $29,500. Pincher Creek, AB. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300. 1993 JOHN DEERE 9500, 3408 hrs., chopper/chaff spreader, 914 PU header, 2005 MF 9790, 975 hrs., just out of shop, $28,000. Call 306-831-9337, Rosetown, SK new concaves, rub bars etc., c/w 2005 1996 JD 7721 TITAN II, very good cond., MacDon 973 36’, shedded, vg, 0% OAC, 2 speed cylinder, straw chopper, tires- Cam-Don Motors 306-237-4212 Perdue SK very good, new rub bars and concaves in last 300 hrs., JD pickup with new teeth INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and belts, $5500. 306-778-2348, Stewart and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Valley, SK., or email thisr@sasktel.net Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, ArJOHN DEERE 8820 combine, chaff saver, gentina. 1-888-414-4177. $6500. 306-735-7227, Whitewood, SK. WANTED: MF 8780, low hours or Premi7721 TITAN II JD combine, w/Rake-Up um 8570 combine. 780-662-2617, Tofield, PU, good tires, good condition. Retired. AB. 306-587-2730, Cabri, SK. 1986 MASSEY 860, 901 PU, 924 PU reel, 2010 JD 9770 STS, w/1615 PU header, $12,000; Redekop chaff saver w/cyclone, 20.8x42 duals, large rear tires, $275,000. $1000. 306-874-5604, Naicam, SK. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., 2005 CHALLENGER 670, w/RWA, lateral 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. tilt, duals, PU header, 1346 hrs, well main2000 JOHN DEERE 9750, 1700 sep., tained and ready to go, $130,000. Call 2400 engine hrs., fine cut chopper, yield 780-205-6789, Dewberry, AB. and moisture monitor, good tires, 914 PU 2002 MF 8780 XP, 1770 hrs., 14’ Victory hdr., $90,000. 306-441-2499, Meota, SK. PU, one owner, shedded, well maintained, $75,000. Call 306-874-7843, Naicam, SK.

2002 AGCO 700, #W22133A, 25’, batt reel, was $7,900 now $4,500. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 30’ HONEYBEE ADAPTER, as new, for Int. 2388 combine, $700 OBO. Call 306-939-4509, Earl Grey, SK. JD 922 FLEX head, PU reel, on-wagon transport, real good, $5775. Can deliver. 306-946-7923, 306-946-9659, Young, SK. 2005 JD 936D, PU reel, new knife drive, shedded, factory transport, vg cond., $30,500. 306-547-8064, Stenen, SK.

2009 MACDON 2162, 40’ flex header, Case/NH adapter w/pea auger, dual sickle drive, all options, fore and aft, tilt, $65,000. Call 306-596-6701, Regina, SK. 2008 HONEYBEE 36’ header, JD adapter, pea auger, UII reel, fore/aft, shedded, great shape, $32,000. Ph. 306-267-7551, Coronach, SK. 2006 MACDON 973, 36’, pea auger, transport, Empire gauge wheels, fits JD rotary, vg, $35,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd, Perdue, SK. 306-237-4212. 2005 MACDON 973, 21’ draper header, w/transport, $29,500. Call 780-446-4931, Millet, AB. 2004 JD 630F, header height, full finger drum, PU reel, poly, stone dam, fore&aft, 2009 MF 9795, 649 eng. hrs., 440 thresh g o o d c o n d , a s k i n g $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 O B O . hrs., Massey concave, airfoil top, electric 204-746-4141, St.Jean, MB. bottom sieve, lat. tilt, electric fore&aft, PU header, MAV chopper, hopper ext. and cover, front duals 520/85R42, rears 480/80R26, adj. axle, thru MF shop winter 2012, field ready. Not a RB combine. Pics MACDON 963 HEADERS: 36’, 2004 and available, $185,000; Also 8200 head to fit. 2005 models, PU reel, fore&aft, good Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, cond., JD 50 series adapter and JD 60 se306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. Email: ries adapter, $27,000 for ‘05 and $25,000 for ‘04. Call 306-354-7206, Mazenod, SK. gregfarms@sasktel.net

2- MF 852’s, low hrs, new concave and rub bars, spare parts. Phone 306-862-3525, Codette, SK. 1990 MASSEY FERGUSON 8450, 2138 hrs., very good condition, always shedded, $16,900 OBO. 204-741-0194, Hartney, MB. 550 MF COMBINE, w/Sund PU, has done approx. 8000 acres. Phone 306-293-2809, Climax, SK. 1996 MASSEY FERGUSON 8570, 2486 hrs., Swathmaster pickup, $25,000. 306-726-4326, Southey, SK. MF 8460, 2500 eng hrs., Sunnybrook concave and cylinder, Melroe PU, chopper, spreader, $18,000; 9550 25’ header w/PU 2012 NH 880CF FLEX 40’, gauge wheels, reels, $4000. 306-224-4770, Glenavon, SK. automatic HHC (flex and rigid mode), 2000 TWO 2013 CHALLENGER 56C combines, acres, shedded. 780-753-1973, Oyen, AB. s a m e a s M F 9 5 6 0 . C a l l fo r d e t a i l s 306-231-3993, www.versluistrading.com 1997 MACDON 960, #PW2723D, 30’, PU reel, TR adapter, double swath, gauge Humboldt, SK. wheels, $19,000. 1-888-462-3816 or 2011 MF 9895, 469 threshing hrs., MAV www.farmworld.ca chopper, duals, 16’ Rake-Up PU, warranty, $279,000. 403-412-4456, Three Hills, AB. 2004 HONEYBEE 30’, transport, JD adapt1988 CLAAS 108, 3200 hrs, 224 JD header er, always shedded, very low acres, exc. w/trailer, $22,000 OBO. Mechanically ex- cond. 306-338-3647, Wadena, SK. cellent, shedded. 403-742-5795 Erskine AB HONEYBEE 30’, 1998, UII PU reel, with MASSEY FERGUSON 8570, 2645 eng. hrs., steel teeth, fore/aft, cross auger trans12’ PU, chopper, straw spreader, Howard port, 109 hrs. of use since new rollers, concaves, shedded, well maintained, hyd. motors, canvases, etc. $15,000. Ron Young, Lumsden, SK. 306-731-7641. $27,000. Call 306-723-4317, Cupar, SK.

RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK. www.straightcutheaders.com 1998 CIH 1020 25’ flex, PU reel, spare knife, home built transport, $9000; 1997 CIH 1010 22.5’ rigid header, PU reel, spare knife, $7500. 780-618-1543, Berwyn, AB. 1994 MACDON 960, 36’, JD adapter, good condition, c/w transport, $15,000 OBO; 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 2013 AGCO 9250 35’, with transport and all updates done, field ready, $44,800. Fin a n c i n g ava i l a b l e , t r a d e s we l c o m e . 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com 2002 NH 73C Flex-header, fits TX or TR, good condition, asking $15,500. Call 306-358-4342, Denzil, SK. JD 914 and 914P pickup headers, 7 belt, $8500 and $10,500. Call 204-324-4035, Altona, MB.

MACDON 960 HEADER, 30’, PU reel, approx. 7500 acres, w/wo bi-dir. adapter, guage wheels, 306-448-4412, Manor, SK. FITS JD R450, 2005 HoneyBee draper header, 25’, very good condition. Stony Plain, AB, 780-203-9593 or 780-963-0641. 1998 NH 971, #PN2689E, 30’, batt reel, was $4,000 now $3,500. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca

2013 JD 430 D draper header 30’, will fit JD W150 head, like new cond. JD MacDon dual knives and drives, DS, transport pkg., PU reel and double swath, $46,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Will consider some grain in trade. 2- 2006 HONEYBEES, SP36 w/Klaas adapter 1 pc, UII reel w/fore&aft., always shedded, $35,000. 204-242-4041, Manitou, MB. 2010 35’ CIH 2020 flex header, comes with Bergen transport. Call: 306-774-3262, Swift Current, SK. 2006 JD 630F header, 30’, hydra flex, PU reel, fore and aft, shedded, single point hookup, full finger, stone edge, excellent, field ready. First $20,000 with trailer. 780-208-4808, Two Hills, AB. 2007 NH HB3655, W22135A, 36’, CR adapter, no cross auger, fore/aft reel, single knife drive, $28,000. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2002 HONEYBEE 30’ straight cut header, 800 acres on new knife, guards and knife guides, fore/aft, PU reel, Case/IH adapter, guide wheels, shedded. 306-353-2280, Riverhurst, SK. TWO JOHN DEERE 930 flex headers, (1990 and 1991), PU reels, fore&aft., $8000/ea. OBO. Call 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 2009 NH 94C, W21687B, 30’, UII PU reel, hydraulic fore/aft., CR/Case adapter, det. transport, $35,000. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca TWO 8200-30 COMBINE header. Fits 9700 MF series or Gleaner combines. Orbital reel plus regular reel parts, Schumacher knife drive w/extra knife, always shedded, Head Sight options, $28,000/ea. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. Email: gregfarms@sasktel.net JOHN DEERE 925 FLEX header, very good, c/w transport, $6500. 306-386-1268 or 306-441-8244, North Battleford, SK. 2004 JD 936D header, PU reel, transport, shedded, very good cond., $32,000. Scott 204-773-0520, 204-773-2308, Russell, MB. 2009 CASE/IH 2142, 35’, very low acres, AFX adapter, $48,000 OBO. 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586, Rama, SK. 2010 MACDON FD70, 35’ flex draper, JD 7 0 S e r i e s a d a p t e r, $ 5 9 , 0 0 0 O B O . 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586, Regina, SK.

2004 JD 635 HydraFlex , single point hook up , full auger fingers, low stone dam, 6 bat poly PU reel, poly skid, stubble lights, field ready, excellent condition, $17,800. 204-746-5735, 204-736-2849, Domain, MB. cal@pituraseeds.ca 2010 HONEYBEE SP36, JD adapter, pea auger, 36’, $42,000 OBO. 306-563-8482 or 306-782-2586, Yorkton, SK. 2010 MACDON D50, 35’ fits MF rotary w/tall lugs, transport, vg, $49,000. CamDon Motor Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. JOHN DEERE 930 draper header, c/w PU reel and crop lifters, w/o single point. Call 780-352-3012, Wetaskiwin, AB. FLEX HEADS: JD 924, $6000; JD 925, $6500; JD 930, $6500; JD 925, air reel, $8500; Case/IH #1020, 25’-$6000, 30’-$8000; #1015 PU, $3500; #1010, 25’-$4000, 30’-$4500; Agshield 25’ Canola pusher, $7000; Weigh wagons, $2500 up. 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB 1997 HONEY BEE SP25, #H21901A, UII PU reel, single knife, Gleaner low block ad, single knife, UII pickup reel, $12,900. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2008 CASE/IH 1020 flex, 30’, low acres, orig. owner, c/w transport, exc. cond., $15,000. 306-644-2115, Loreburn, SK.

2011 TO 2009 Case/IH 2152, 2 to choose from. w/pea auger and transporter. Field ready. CIH NH adapter 35’ wide. Made by MacDon. Can deliver. $55,000 or take all for 5 for $236,000. First come, first serve. 204-743-2324 anytime, Cypress River, MB. Consider some grain in trade. 2008 HONEYBEE SP36 JD adapter, double knife drive, pea auger, $35,000 OBO. Saskatoon, SK. 306-563-8482, 306-782-2586.

2013 NH CORN HEADER, 980CR, 8 row 30’, new condition, $48,000 OBO. 204-793-6760, Hazelridge, MB. 2007 HONEYBEE 36’, fore/aft, PU reel, poly skids, pea auger, double knife drive, $37,000 OBO. 306-460-7767, Eatonia, SK.

2009 40’ MACDON FD70, single knife, very well maintained, JD adapter, $62,500 OBO. 2005 MACDON 973 draper header, 30’, 306-640-7373, Assiniboia, SK. upper cross auger, Case/IH hookup, slow 2000 MACDON 972 30’ harvest header, spd. transport, fore and aft, tilt, always JD adapter, poly skid plates, upper cross stored inside, $32,000. 306-464-2149 or auger, Elmer’s header trailer. Very good. 306-436-7752, Lang, SK. $21,500. 204-324-7730, Emerson, MB. JD 930 RIGID straight cut header to fit JD 50 Series combines, 30’, UII reel, new MF 9700 25’ flex header with MacDon PU knife and guards, good shape, $9500 OBO; reels, Qwik cut knife, vg cond., with extra 1 JD 925 flex header to fit JD 50 Series knife, $6500. Ph 306-723-4317, Cupar, SK. combines, 25’, good shape, $7500 OBO. 2007 NH 94C, #W22120A, 30’, single 306-441-2499, Meota, SK. knife, single reel with steel fingers, cross 1997 MACDON 960 36’ header with pickup auger, detachable transport, $31,000. reel, factory transport, JD adapter, good 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca condition, $14,000. 306-297-7977, JD HEADER 1996 30' Rigid with batt reel 306-295-3210, Eastend, SK. and 914 pick up header, $11,000 each. JD 635 flex header, 35’, c/w PU reel, gd. 306-460-9027, Flaxcombe, SK. cond. $28,000. 780-679-7795, Camrose, 1995 NH 971, 25’, dual knife drive, new AB. Westward PU reel hardly used new $8900, MF 9730 30’ straight cut rigid header, asking $7400 for unit. 780-870-8253, Hart-Carter PU reel, fits Massey rotary or 780-847-2770, Dewberry, AB. White combines, good shape, $6995 OBO; Also available header trailer w/springride. 2009 JD 635 flex, full finger auger, PU 306-831-8757, Elrose, SK. reel, fore&aft, single point hook-up, air 1998 JD 930 Rigid header, PU reels, reel, low acres, $24,000. 780-384-2240, fore&aft., good condition, $9500 OBO. Sedgewick, AB. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 2004 CASE/IH 1020 30’ flex header, WANTED: SHELBOURNE Stripper header pickup reel, hyd. fore and aft, Flexifinger for Gleaner R72 combine. Call Chris at crop lifters, transport trailer, good cond., $15,900. 306-640-7915, Assiniboia, SK. 306-628-7840, Eatonia, SK.


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2006 HONEY BEE SP36, #HW3362A, NH AHHC, hydraulic fore/aft, mechanical header tilt, single knife drive, $36,000. 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2004 NH 94C, #HW3359A, UII split reel, reel fore/aft, gauge wheels and transport, $29,900. Phone: 1-888-462-3816 or www.farmworld.ca 2- CASE 1020 flex headers, 30’, exc. cond., $12,500; Case 2015 PU header w/Swathmaster, exc. cond. $9000; 4- 30’ header transport trailers, $2500 OBO/each. Call: 306-644-4742, Loreburn, SK. HONEYBEE HEADERS: 2007, 36’, CR/8010 adapter, $29,000; 2007, 30’, JD adapter, $27,000; 2000, 36’, w/2388 adapter, $16,000; 1999, 42’, CAT adapter, $14,000. Other adapters available. Call 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK.

USED GRAMMER AIR-RIDE seats starts at $895, fits tractors and combines. New also available. Call 1-800-667-4515 or visit: www.combineworld.com NEW PETERSON SIEVE for TR95-99 for $1475. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515, or visit: www.combineworld.com NEW CRARY HOPPER extension for John Deere, International and New Holland combines for $1795. 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com RDS COMBINE MONITORS yield and moisture. Moisture only for $1299. Simple, rugged and accurate. Free shipping. Call Innotag 1-800-363-8727, Wawanesa, MB. eobach@innotag.com




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INDIVIDUAL BALE WRAPPER 2010 McHale 991 BE, good condition, $21,000 OBO. Call 780-210-0800 or 780-636-2892 evenings, Vilna, AB. NEW HOLLAND FR9080 FORAGE harvester, 900 hrs, c/w 8 row corn head and 15’ PU header. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. NEW HOLLAND 2 row corn header, fits 892 NH Harvester, shedded, like new, $1000. Call 306-748-2817, Killaly, SK. NEW HOLLAND 1905 SP Forage Harvester c/w PU and corn header. 780-674-2440 or 780-305-4106, Barrhead, AB.

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CLAAS 890 FORAGE Harvester, Estate Sale: 890 Greeneye Speedster (40km/hr), 2WD, 300 PU header, 2400 hrs, chipped to 640 HP, Hi-Arch spout with camera $165,000. Call 403-845-9133, Westlock, AB. mark.fraser@rdcrs.ca

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B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling JD 2270 SP haybine, 14’ auger header w/crimper, hydro. drive, cab AC, good 219 JD engine, newer 21.5 tires, sell complete or part. 204-827-2629 or 204-526-7139, Glenboro, MB.

G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK.


2006 26’ CANCADE silage box, 60” sides plus 2’ extensions c/w silage gate, plastic liner on floor, great condition, asking $8000 Contact Ken at 306-435-7405 or Kevin at 306-435-7313 Westwood Land & Cattle Ltd. Moosomin, SK. 2007 NH P240 FORAGE HARVESTER w/PU, bought in 2009, $26,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. RICHARDTON HI-DUMPS #1200, #750, #770; JD 3970 Harvester, $8900; NH 890, $2500; IH 781, $2500; JD 7.5 Hay head, $3000. 1-866-938-8537, Manitoba. CRAWFORD HYDUMP silage wagon, $3900; Case/IH 8750 forage harvester, $11,900. Call Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, North Battleford, SK. 2004 IHC 7400 tandem automatic with new 20’ silage box, $74,900. 2006 Freighliner Columbia with new 20’ silage box, 470 Detroit with 15 spd., $69,900. K&L Equipment and Auto. Phone Ladimer at: 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885.

O ver2700 Un its forS a lva g e Tra ctors Com b in e s Sw a th e rs Dis ce rs Ba le rs

WATROUS SALVAGE W a trou s , S a s k . Ca llJo e, Len o rDa rw in 306- 946- 2 2 2 2 Fa x 306- 946- 2 444 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva ge.co m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t

2013 JD 4830 sprayer, 100’ booms, 1000 gal. SS tank, 290 hours, $248,000. Power 100’ AG SHIELD sprayer, 1200 gal. tank, train warranty until 2017. 204-612-6531, 100 gal. wash out tank, $15,000 OBO. 204-794-4878, Cartier, MB. 204-851-5520, Cromer, MB. 2008 MILLER CONDOR A40 MD1000, 100’ 2003 FLEXI-COIL 67 90’, very clean, sus- SP, exc. cond., ready to go! $99,800. pended boom, high clearance, auto rate, Trades welcome, financing available. $14,800. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2003 ROGATOR 1064, 1000 gal. SS tank, 1998 FLEXI-COIL 67XLT, 120’, 800/400 100’, 3 ways, Raven AutoBoom height congal. twin tanks, twin booms, 2 hyd. pumps, trol, $120,000. Call Moosomin, SK., wind curtains, autorate, chem tank, foam 306-435-3301, or www.maplefarm.com markers disc markers, end nozzles, c/w new Flex Control II monitor, exc. cond., 2013 JD 4940, 1200 gal. SS tank, 120’, 5 sensor boom-trac, powerguard to May $11,000. Lumsden, SK. 306-591-2760. 2016, $349,000. Call Foam Lake, SK. SPRAY-AIR 80’, 3 point hitch, Raven 440 306-272-3345, or www.maplefarm.com controller, $5500. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 1998 WILMAR 8100 sprayer, 3444 hours, high clearance, AWD, 90’, $42,800. Trades NH 110 90’ suspended boom sprayer, w e l c o m e , f i n a n c i n g a v a i l a b l e . gauge wheels, windscreen, 800 gal. tank, 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com variable rate, used very little, stored inside, $18,000; 40’ MORRIS MAGNUM II 740 chisel plow w/harrows, used little, $18,000. Located at Cupar SK, call 306-545-7024, 306-723-4773. FLEXI-COIL 67, 90’ susp. boom, autorate, ve r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 O B O. 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. BRANDT QF 1500, 90’, 800 gal., hyd. pump, autofold, wind cones, foam marker, HUGE SELECTION OF new front boom New chem handler, end nozzle, field ready, Holland Guardian sprayers and a good ses h e d d e d , $ 7 5 0 0 . C a l l D av i d K l e i n lection of used sprayers in stock. Markus306-957-4312, 306-695-7794, Odessa, SK. son New Holland of Regina Ltd., Regina, 2007 CIH SRX160 suspended boom, S K . , p h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 1 9 - 2 5 8 3 o r 120’, high clearance, AutoRate, Raven Au- 306-781-2828, www.markusson.com toBoom, 480x38 tires, 1600 gal., dual noz- 2013 JD 4940, 1200 gal. SS tank, 120’, 5 zle, $34,500. 306-873-7786, Bjorkdale, SK. sensor boom-trac, powerguard to May 2002 HIGH CLEARANCE Spray-Air sprayer, 2 0 1 6 , $ 3 5 3 , 0 0 0 . C a l l R u s s e l l , M B . , Model 3400, 90’, 800 gallon tank, Raven 204-773-2149, or www.maplefarm.com control, tires in exc. cond. Asking $20,000. 306-289-2045, St. Benedict, SK. 2011 NH HIGH clearance sprayer, always shedded, like new condition, very low acres, big tire pkg. option, triple nozzles, 1350 gal. tank, 100’ booms, Raven AutoBoom flotation guidance pkg., asking $47,000. 306-662-8405, Richmound, SK. 2004 NH SF110 high clearance sprayer w/Norac height control. Dinsmore, SK. 306-846-2175 or email: cab@sasktel.net FLEXI-COIL 67XL, 120’, windscreens, dual 2008 Miller Condor A40 MD1000, nozzles, autorate, disc markers, premium, 100’ SP in excellent condition, ready $12,500. 306-460-8666, Netherhill, SK. to go. $99,800. Trades welcome. available. 1-800-667-4515. 2007 NEW HOLLAND SF216 sprayer, 126’, Financing suspended booms, variable rate, Raven www.combineworld.com boom control, rinse tank, wash tank, in- 2011 JD 4930, 1350 hrs., two sets of tires, duction tank, triple nozzle bodies and tips, 2600 monitor and receiver, AutoSteer, 1600 gal. tank. 306-785-4601, Cadillac, SK $185,500. 204-822-3797, Morden, MB.

NEW HOLLAND FP240, good working cond., spout extensions and walking axle. Jonathan, 306-743-7099, Langenburg, SK. 130’ FLEXI-COIL 67XL PT sprayer, triple nozzles, autorate, 1200 gal. tank, $7500. 2000 CASE/IH 8750 forage harvester, For details call 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. 1000 PTO, shedded, $6500. Minitonas, MB waltersequipment.com Ph. 204-525-4521.

NEW HOLLAND 892 Forage Harvester, in good operating condition, shedded, $1000 OBO. 403-279-4767, Calgary, AB.



S a ska to o n 1- 800- 667- 3095 R egin a 1- 800- 667- 9871

Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et

SALVAGE NEW ARRIVALS: County, Nuffield, Volvo; Ford TW20, 6600, 5000, 3000; Int. 684, 574, 885; MF 165, 35, S90; David Brown 1210, 1410, 885. Unity, SK. 306-228-3011, www.britishtractor.com

John Deere M od el 530 -535 3 p ly Dia m on d top la ced w ith a llig a torla cin g Com p le te S e t - $226 9.00 • New Holla n d M od el 660-664-668 3 p ly m in i rou g h top la ced w ith a llig a torla cin g Com p le te S e t - $1735.00 Com p le te S e t - 2,235.00


2006 CLAAS 870 Forage harvester, 1332 engine hrs., 1048 chopper hrs., c/w 380 HD PU, 1 owner. 306-342-4447, Glaslyn SK

2012 ROGATOR RG 1100, 120’, Viper Pro tech package, 1350 hrs., warranty, 620/70R38 tires; Also 320/90R50s and Tridekons available, $250,000. Phone 306-845-7880, Mervin, SK. 1994 3630 SPRA-COUPE, 2735 hrs, 400 gal. tank, 60’, low drift nozzles, exc. cond., $18,000. Call 780-385-1546, Killam, AB. 2008 ROGATOR 1286C, 1200 gal. SS tank, 120’ aluminum Pommier boom, Raven G2, $199,000 Call Moosomin, SK., 306-435-3301, or www.maplefarm.com 2008 MILLER A75, 700 hrs, 120’ boom, 1200 gal. tank, Raven Envisio Pro, Raven sectional control, boom height and AutoSteer, 380 and 710 tires, Spray-test remote control, excellent shape, $159,000. 306-861-9481, Bromhead, SK. AUCTION: 2010 MILLAR G75 Condor high clearance, 103’ air booms, FWA, Raven AutoSteer, AutoBoom, sectional control, 580 spray/1033 eng. hrs. showing. Selling by Auction on July 25th, at Fulton Farms Ltd, Shellbrook, SK. See website for more det a i l s a t w w w. k r a m e r a u c t i o n . c o m 1-800-529-9958. PL #914618. 2011 JD 4930 120’, 1635 hrs, June 2014 JD Greenlight so its field ready!! $199,800 Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2013 JD 4940, 1200 gal. SS tank, 120’, 5 sensor boom-trac, powerguard to May 2016, $357,000. Call 306-547-2007, Preeceville, SK., or www.maplefarm.com 2010 C/IH 4420, 120’ Aim command, Viper Pro monitor, 2 sets tires, 1500 hrs., always shedded, exc. cond. $245,000 OBO. 306-463-7866, adwildman@hotmail.com Flaxcombe, SK. 220 SPRA-COUPE; Truck mounted sprayer; Egg shaped sprayer. 306-283-4747 or 306-283-0429, Langham, SK.

2011 JD 4930 120’ sprayer w/ 1635 hours, June 2014 JD Green Light inspection so field ready!!. $199,800. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. Financing available. www.combineworld.com

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance and compensation 1-866-882-4779. 1975 INTERNATIONAL 3 ton, high/low 4WD, auto. trans., w/1997 AgShield 1000 gal. suspended boom AutoRate sprayer, $14,000. Call 306-268-4461, Viceroy, SK. 2007 APACHE 1010, 1400 hrs., 2 sets of tires, setup for Outback AutoSteer and Automate Raven AutoBoom, $105,000. 306-726-4326, Southey, SK. 2007 WILLMAR EAGLE 8500, 2007 Wilmar Eagle 8500, 2 sets of tires, row crop dividers, new wheel hub motor, upgrade hydraulics on boom, 2 full sets of air induction nozzles capable of almost every spray. 1020 gal SS tank, AutoBoom control, Raven GPS, Midtech flow control, SmarTrax AutoSteer, 2900 hrs, 5.9 industrial Cummins, runs great, $102,000. 403-501-4959, Rosemary, AB.

BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336.



2010 SEED HAWK 5012, 500 tank with sectional control, liquid kit, 2100 gallon tank, blockage monitors and large tires. 306-268-4371, Bengough, SK. 2012 K-HART DISC drill 42’, new style openers, 2002 Bourgault 5350 tank. 306-460-7767, Eatonia, SK. 5 6 ’ C O N S E RVA PA K d r i l l w / w o J D 1910 430 bu. TBH cart. Call 306-963-2523, 306-963-7442, Imperial, SK.

Are you driving over your money?

2007 72’ SEEDMASTER, 12” spacing, semi-pneumatic tires on shank w/Bourgault 6700 ST cart, dual wheels, conveyor, $210,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 2003 CONSERVA PAK 39’, 12” spacing, rubber on-row packers, DS, 1 owner, c/w JD TBT 787 air tank, 230 bu. plus 3rd tank, $46,000 OBO. Call Korvin 306-772-0330 or Lawrence 403-823-6016, McMahon, SK.

Built heavy to last Field proven for over 15 years

WANTED: VALMAR AIR SEEDER trailer type, in excellent condition. Call: 780-723-2646, Edson, AB. 1990 FLEXI-COIL 800 35’ air seeder with Bourgault 2155 tank, 12” spacing, single shoot, 14” shovels, Splitter boots, liquid fert. kit, harrows, $19,500. Call Jordan TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut Knife, SK. 2-JOHN DEERE rims and tires, Michelin AgriRib at 75%, 420/80/46, no center disc, $4200. 306-744-7955, Saltcoats, SK.

1-866-292-6115 www.tridekon.ca

1974 ALLIS CHALMERS 7030, power direct trans., 2 hyds., dual PTO, 3 pt. hitch, 18.4 rubber, above average condition, $7500. 306-228-3665, 306-228-9383, Unity, SK. 1983 ALLIS CHALMERS 8050, 150 HP, GET THE REAL FACTS about vertical till- powershift, 8258 hrs., engine rebuilt at age. Call for a complete info pkg. and take 5500 hrs., many other repairs, $15,000 advantage of our 2 for 1 sale. Get a 40’ OBO. 306-397-2653, Edam, SK. Summers vertical tillage machine, plus a 32.5’ high quality Summers field disk for the same price as the competitors (high speed want to be) disk. Call Hauser Ma- 60 HP FWA White tractor w/FEL and 3 PTH, $6000 OBO; 1650 Cockshutt gas tracchinery, Melville, SK. 1-888-939-4444. tor, w/cab, $2000 OBO. 306-395-2668 or LIKE NEW BOURGAULT #6800 36’ culti- 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. vator with or without harrows. Phone Steven 306-338-2927, Wadena, SK. 34’ CASE/IH 4600 cultivator with 3 row harrows in very good condition. Call 2006 CASE/IH 430, 4 WD, full AutoSteer, 2670 hrs, 710x42 duals, exc. cond. 204-425-3837, Sundown, MB. 306-642-8111, Rockglen, SK. NEW 47’ SUMMERS incomparable diamond disk for $50,000 less than some 2011 CASE/IH 340, 912 hrs., luxury cab, competitors 40’ (high speed want to be) HID lights, 1000 PTO, suspended MFWD, disk. Hauser Machinery, 1-888-939-4444, cab susp., auto-guide ready, Pro 700, 3 PTH, $220,000. 204-771-7142, Elie, MB. Melville, SK. BOURGAULT 9400, 60’, 4-bar mounted Bourgault harrows, knock-on 16” Bourgault sweeps and speed clips, like new cond., used very little. 306-457-2935 after 6:00 PM, Stoughton, SK.

LANDOLL 6230, 2014 tandem disc, demo 24” blades, rubber cushion gang, 3 yr. bearing warranty, like new, $59,500. Corner Equip., Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774. NEW 2012 MODEL 11S30 Thurston Blue Jet folding sub tiller, 21’ wide, SN 015068, 11 shanks, asking $42,000. Discounted to sell. Call Don 306-548-5440, Danbury, SK.

CIH 8920 MAGNUM, MFWD, 3000 hrs, 18 spd. powershift, CAHR, 3 hyds., dual P TO, m i n t c o n d i t i o n , $ 7 8 , 0 0 0 O B O. 306-699-2442, McLean, SK.

KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs w/24” to 36” notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs w/26” and 28” notched blades and oil bath bearings. Red Deer, AB. www.kelloughs.com 1-888-500-2646. LANDOLL 7431, 2014 vertical tillage demo machine, cushion gang protection, 3 year bearing warranty, like new, $78,500. Corner Equip., Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774.

2012 CIH 500HD, powershift, front and rear diff. locks, 5 hyd. outlets, Pro 700 display, AccuGuide, 372 receiver, 800/70R duals, 696 hrs, like new. Factory warranty until May 2015. Asking $269,000. Almost anything on trade. Phone 1-877-862-2387, MADARA KDB Princess compact high spd 1-877-862-2413, Nipawin, SK. disc for intensive stubble mixing/cultivation, 4-12 meter. Precision Seeding, 1990 CIH 9170, 4 WD, powershift, 24.5x32 tires, 6200 hrs. w/14’ Degelman 6-way 403-783-8880, 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. blade, $70,000. 403-379-2423, Buffalo, AB USED WISHEK DISCS for sale. Previously in our rental fleet. 12’, 14’, 22’ or 26’ start- 2008 STX430, brand new 620-70-42 ing at $27,995. See the Saskatoon Flaman tires, deluxe cab, heated leather seat, $160,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. store or call 1-888-435-2626. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 800 or 820 or JD CASE 2290, low hrs. on complete rebuilt 1610 deep tillage cultivator, 12” spacing, engine, FEL, factory duals. 306-287-3554 heavy trips, 37’ - 41’. Must be in vg cond. or 306-287-7490, Watson, SK. 204-556-2622, 204-748-5520, Cromer, MB TWO CASE 930’s, 8 spd., 1 with long WB, KELLO-BILT DISC PARTS: Blades and and the other with short WB, 1 has new bearings. Parts to fit most makes and tires. $4500/ea OBO. Englefeld, SK. models. 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 306-231-7054 or 306-231-8173. www.kelloughs.com 1986 4894, 300 HP, 5764 hrs., 20.8x38 CASE/IH 596 32’ TANDEM DISC, EXC. duals, 1000 PTO, new int, $40,000. Wilcox, SHAPE, $21,500. Corner Equipment, Car- SK. 306-732-4636, metzg@sasktel.net roll, MB., 204-483-2774. 1986 CASE 3394, FWA, 160 HP, 8500 hrs., w/895 Allied TSL loader, grapple and joystick, $30,000. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK.

2010 JD 1910 air cart, 3 tank, 430 bushel, GATES 40’ Series 1, 2012, very clean, low d o u b l e s h o o t , $ 6 7 , 0 0 0 O B O. P h o n e acres, baskets and harrows, $86,500. Cor204-793-6760, Hazelridge, MB. ner Equipment, 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.

NEW 53’ SPRAYER trailers, 80,000 GVWR air ride, multi-use trailer w/beavertail, 13’ top deck, 40’ main deck. See your nearest Flaman location or call 1-888-435-2626. USED RIMS AND TIRES 710/70R38, for Case 4420, or JD 47 series; also used tires a n d n ew r i m s fo r J D 4 7 3 0 , $ 7 5 0 0 . 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. 2-JD rims and tires at 80%, good for sprayers, 420/80/46 Firestone R, 10 bolt, exc cond, $6500. 306-744-7955, Saltcoats, SK.

JD 1900/1910 air carts, 350/340 bushel, both in good condition $29,800/$34,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com MOON HEAVY HAUL pulling air drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Call Bob Davidson, Drumheller, AB. 403-823-0746. 2006 MORRIS 40’ horizontal fold, no-till disc air drill, markers, w/7240 TBT tank, low acres, $67,000 OBO. Will take grain on trade. 306-693-9847, Moose Jaw, SK. SEEDMASTER. CALL NOW to take advantage of our summer special pricing! Central Alberta Precision Seeding Shop 403-783-8880, 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. 2010 SEED HAWK 6010, S/N #101095 w/2010 Seed Hawk 600 bu. tank, S/N #101137. Big rubber all the way around, $200,000. 306-548-5440, Danbury, SK. 2006 39’ FLEXI-COIL 5000 HD w/3850 TBT cart, 10” spacing, steel packers, knife edge openers, variable rate, excellent shape! $79,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 2010 65’ BOURGAULT 3310 paralink, 12” spacing, mid row shank banding, DS, rear hitch, $157,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 2008 SEED HAWK 400 Plus air tank, 500 bu., dual shoot, remote 10” auger and duals, excellent condition. 306-443-2389, 306-485-7843, Alida, SK. 2009 MORRIS MAXIM II 50’, 10” spacing, 8370XL 3 compartment tank, vg cond, $97,900. Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com WANTED: 5-1/2” RUBBER packers for Flexi-Coil 5000, 9” spacing. Will trade 4-1/2” steel. 403-793-1705, Brooks, AB.

2009 DEGELMAN 82’ HARROWS with Valmar, 5/8” tine, 26” length, new hoses, great shape. Call 306-533-4891, Gray, SK. NEW ELMER’S SUPER 7, 70’ harrow, $51,000. Central Alberta Precision Seeding Shop at 403-783-8880 or 403-505-9524, Ponoka, AB. BOURGAULT 84’, 7200 20” teeth, hydraulic angle, $22,500. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774. DEGELMAN 7200 HEAVY harrow, 84’, low acres, 2012, $39,900. Corner Equipment, Carroll, MB., 204-483-2774.

TWO COMPLETE SEEDING OUTFITS. 1) Tractor: 1998 NH 9482, 3549 hrs, S/N D107185, GPS, shedded. Seeder: 48’, 12” spacing, Acraplant openers, Agtron blockage monitors, dual Flexi-Coil markers. Air Cart: 2010 NH P1040, single shoot, course/fine/extra fine rollers. 2) Tractor: 1996 Ford/NH 9280, 3540 hrs, S/N D102993, shedded. Seeder: 42’, 12” spacing, Acraplant openers, Agtron blockage monitors, dual Flexi-Coil markers. Air C a r t : Flexi-Coil 2320, single shoot, course/fine/extra fine rollers. All items field ready. Will separate units, special price for complete outfit. Call for info, terms, pics. Eston, SK. 306-962-4332, 306-962-3823.

A TTEN TION Cons erva Pa k & JD 1870 ow ners

SUM M ER CLEARANCE ON Fertilizer/Seed Openers 20% dis count

S em i-pneum a tic Pa ckerW heels




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2012 WISHEK 824NT, heavy trips, 30" blades with very little wear, disc type, tandem, $72,500. 306-746-7638, Raymore, SK. Email: h.hagro@sasktel.net

EXCELLENT SELECTION OF new NH 70’ P2070 precision drills on 10” and 12” spacing available w/P1060, 430 bu. or P1070, 580 bu. air carts. In stock, massive July savings! Very attractive lease payments available OAC. Markusson New Holland of Regina Ltd., call 1-800-819-2583 or 306-781-2828. www.markusson.com

KELLO-BILT OFFSET DISCS. Check out our new arrivals and pricing discounts. 2012, 16’, excellent shape, and parts for Kello and Rome dics. Brewster Ag, Earl Grey, SK., 306-939-4402, 306-731-7235. HIGH SPEED DISCS now available at Flam a n . E n g i n e e r e d fo r s t r e n g t h a n d durability, the specialized design of the KLine SpeedTiller is in a class of its own for superior soil and residue management. 20’ 28’ and 30’ models available. See your nearest Flaman store or 1-888-435-2626.

2014 ROME 185-966 25’, 2” wide, 66 24” disks, 185 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 9” spacing, $52,760. Call 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 2014 ROME 185-994 35’, 6” wide, 94 24” disks, 185 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 9” spacing, $66,488. Call 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 2014 ROME TRCW-16, 12’ 6” wide, 16 36” disks, 960 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 20” spacing, $59,624. Call 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 2014 ROME TACW-16, 11’ wide, 16 32” disks, 636 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 17 3/4” spacing, $38,806. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 2014 ROME TRCW-20, 16’ wide, 20 36” disks, 1032 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 20” spacing, $79,072. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com

CASE/IH 5130, 6500 orig. hrs., FWA with 510 loader, 8’ bucket, w/grapple and joystick, 4 spool hyds., 4 spd. auto trans., includes bale accumulator, exc. condition, $ 4 3 , 0 0 0 O B O. C a l l : 4 0 3 - 5 5 6 - 2 6 4 4 , 403-556-0145, Olds, AB. 2470 CASE with duals, good working cond., new AC compressor, $8900. Call 306-596-6701, Regina, SK. 1963 CASE 930, cab, 6 spd., dual hyds., 540 PTO, good tires, good cond., $3000 OBO, can deliver. Darvin 204-642-2249, Arborg, MB. 1989 CASE IH 7130, MFWD, 173 PTO HP, 4000 hrs., 20.8x38 duals, 18 spd. PS, 3 hyds., excellent shape, $50,000; 1985 White 2-135 Field Boss, 138 PTO HP, 6 spd. 3 range trans., 2 hyds., 18.4x38 duals, 5986 hrs., $12,500. 306-378-2268, cell 306-378-7789, Elrose, SK. 2096 CASE/IH, 113 HP, 6185 hrs., 3 hyd., good 20.8x38 tires, good condition, $19,000. Call 306-493-7535, Delisle, SK.

2014 ROME TACW-20, 14’ wide, 20 32” disks, 552 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 17 1999 CASE 9390, 450 HP, 5800 hrs., S3 3/4” spacing, $42,467. 204-256-2098, Tre- Outback AutoSteer, high capacity pump, 4 remotes, triples, excellent, $95,000 OBO. herne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 306-243-4242, 306-652-6765, Macrorie SK GET THE REAL FACTS about vertical till- LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We age, call for a complete info pkg. We have buy 90 and 94 Series Case, 2 WD, FWA new and used Summers vertical tillage tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have machines and Summers disks for sale. All r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . sizes. Call: Machinery Dave, 403-545-2580 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK. Bow Island, AB. www.summersmfg.com 2008 CIH TX485, 2385 hrs., 485 HP, radial 2014 ROME TAW-24, 11’ 6” wide, 24 28” 520x85x42 triples, PTO, AutoSteer, powerdisks, 346 lb. weight/disc, hyd. trans., 12” shift, $210,000. 306-843-7744, Wilkie, SK. spacing, $33,403. Call 204-256-2098, Tre1990 CASE/IH 9150 4WD, 7500 hrs., herne, MB. Visit: www.hirdequipment.com 280 HP, excellent shape. Best offer! DISCS: WISHEK 14’, $20,000; Kewanee 306-291-4043, Saskatoon, SK. breaking disc, 13’ and 16’; Towner 21’; IH 490 25’, $7500; JD 15’, $5000; 22’, $9500; 2011 IH Puma 195 195HP, power boost, 30’, $10,500; Versatile 1800 36’, $25,000; 230 HP, MFWD, 1378 hrs., 4 hyds., AC cab, Phoenix harrows 42’ and 53’; Disc rippers: exc. cond., $89,800. Trades welcome. DMI 5 shank, $8900; 7 shank, $10,900. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; COMPLETE SHANK ASSEMBLIES: JD 1610, Plus other makes and models. Call the $135; JD 610, black, $180; JD 1600, $90; Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Morris 7-series, $135. Phone anytime Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 306-946-7923, Young, SK.

MADARA HIGH SPEED disc for intensive stubble mixing/cult., 4-12 meter. Order LOOKING FOR JD 30, 40, 50 Series tracnow for fall delivery. Precision Seeding, tors in good cond. with mechanical issues. 403-505-9524, 403-783-8880, Ponoka, AB. Call 306-621-7170, Yorkton, SK. GENUINE ROME PLOW parts from Cana- JD 4450, 6880 hrs, 3 PTH, powershift, da’s only authorized dealer. Call Hird MFWD, $41,500; JD 4450, 6200 hrs, powEquipment 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. ershift, 2 WD, duals, new tires, $35,500; Visit: www.hirdequipment.com JD 8100, 4800 hrs, powershift, MFWD, 3 PTH, $76,500; JD 7800, 6100 hrs, powerFARM KING FIELD DISCS ON SALE. shift, 3 PTH, MFWD, front 3 PTH w/PTO, Call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com $65,000. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK. www.versluistrading.com 1972 JOHN DEERE 4320, 10,000 hrs., $7,000. 306-839-4422, Pierceland, SK. 4W-220 ALLIS CHALMERS, 5630 hrs., new tires, fresh paint, rebuilt eng., $32,500. 1986 JD 4850 MFWD, powershift, 6000 hrs., excellent rubber, mint condition. Call 780-446-4931, Millet, AB. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 2007 CHALLENGER MT865B, 525 HP, Cat C18, 3953 hrs., exc. cond., HD tracks- 80%, 1978 JOHN DEERE 4440, 8300 hrs., duals, PTO, big pump, 6 SCVs, GPS ready, powershift, very good condition. $24,000. 306-789-0296, Francis, SK. $179,000. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB.

2010 7330 JD, MFD, 3300 hrs, 20x20 powerquad trans, 3 PTH, 20.8x38 tires, w/741 JD loader and grapple, $110,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip. Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

1993 JOHN DEERE 8570, 6335 hrs. 24 spd, 20.8x38, fresh $10,244 Greenlight, diff. lock, stored inside, excellent condition. $60,000. 306-648-7654, Gravelbourg, SK.

2010 JOHN DEERE skid steer, model 326, 1989 JD 8760, 8500 eng. hrs., 2000 hrs. stock #L-6540, 439 hrs., c/w 70” GP on new eng., radar, diff. locks, 24 spd., 4 smooth bucket, $43,900. 780-567-4202 SCVs, 20.8x38 Michelin duals, GPS ready, Clairmont, AB. www.astro-sales.com $55,000. 204-851-5520, Cromer, MB. 2012 JD 9460R, 800 tires, 185 hrs., still JD 4430 w/EZEE-ON loader, quad shift, on warranty, new cond, $279,000; 2011 20.8x38 singles, only 6515 hrs., exc. cond. JD 8310R, row crop, front duals, IVT, ILS, Contact: 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, 380 rear duals, 1370 hrs., $249,000; 2003 306-291-9395, Langham, SK. JD 9420, 3800 hrs., w/16’ Degelman JOHN DEERE 6430 premum, 1900 hours, blade, exc. cond., $179,000. 204-461-0328 excellent shape, all options, asking or 204-461-0344, Warren, MB. $76,500. 306-726-4525, Southey, SK. 1977 JOHN DEERE 4630, 9700 hrs., good Call 306-463-3678, Flaxcombe, JD 8450, 4650, 4450 and 4440s; parting condition. out JD tractors. Will trade for JD tractors SK. needing work. Also, FELs available. Austin, JD 3130, cab, heat, 3 PTH, 1800 hrs, MB. 204-871-5170. works perfect, dual hyds., dual PTO, 1982 JD 4640, quad, 3 PTH, rubber 50%, $12,500 OBO. 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. 7900 hours, excellent. Call 306-744-8113, 1965 4020, Allied 120 loader with bale Saltcoats, SK. forks, bucket and grapple, 8000 hours, recent motor rebuild, $11,500. JD 7600, FWA, powershift, w/740 highlift with loader, 3 PTH, not been used in winter or 306-853-7207, Whitewood, SK. around cattle, mint cond. 306-961-6499, 1983 4240 JD 9000 hrs., new: paint, dePrince Albert, SK. cals and upholstery, very good condition, tires- 75%, with 148 loader, bale and pallet 2012 JD 6140R MFWA, c/w JD loader forks, $28,000. 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. and grapple fork, deluxe cab, 3 PTH, 1600 hrs., always shedded, like new, asking $75,000. 587-589-0333, Edmonton, AB. 2012 JD 9460R, 4 WD, powershift, 590 2009 T9060, 4 WD, 535 HP, full Autohrs., 800/70R38’s, premium cab, leather Steer, 800 duals, 1380 hrs, full weight pkg, trim, HID lights, weight package, extended exc. cond. 306-642-8111, Rockglen, SK. warranty, $219,500 US. Fairfax, MN., 2006 TV145 w/hay header, front end short phone 320-848-8496 or 320-894-6560. loader, grapple forks, hyd. at both ends, 3 www.ms-diversified.com PTH, 2 new tires, PTO both ends, 3850 hrs, 2002 JD 7810, MFD, autoquad with LHR, 18’ haybine HS18, vg cond., $75,000 for has E-range, 3 PTH, 4900 hrs., shedded. pair. 306-468-2669, Canwood, SK. Call 780-990-8412, Cherhill, AB. WELL MAINTAINED NH 9482, 1997, had 1981 8440, 7800 hrs, 85% rubber, PTO, winter inspection, all work done, bottom good puller, good condition, $15,000 OBO. end, planataries switched, $60,000. 306-642-4148, Wood Mountain, SK. 204-937-3932, 204-937-0160, Roblin, MB. JD 4020 with 148 loader, big rubber, 2007 TM190 NH TRACTOR w/loader and $11,500. 780-614-0825 or 780-645-4651 grapple, 2700 hrs, shedded, exc. shape $72,500. 403-804-5455, Moose Jaw, SK. evenings, St. Paul, AB. STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking 1995 NEW HOLLAND 8970, MFWD powerfor JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, shift, rubber 85%, 7000 hours, excellent. 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Call 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 1999 NH 8670 Genesis, SuperSteer, 3 PTH, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. 4950 hrs., $57,000 OBO. 306-563-8482 or JD 4560, 2 WD, 1 owner, mint, shedded, 306-782-2586, Douglas, MB. 4400 hrs, CAHR, 3 hyds., 1000 PTO, 15 AUCTION: 2012 New Holland T9.505, 4 s p d . p o w e r s h i f t , $ 5 2 , 5 0 0 O B O . WD, 450 HP (505 HP peak), powershift, 306-699-2442, McLean, SK. Mega Flow hyd., 815 hrs. showing. Selling 2004 JOHN DEERE Model 710G, turbo by Auction on July 25th, Fulton Farms Ltd, charged diesel eng., 122 HP, 4 spd., stock Shellbrook, SK. See website for more de#L-6731, asking $84,900. 780-567-4202, t a i l s at w w w. k r a m e r a u c t i o n . c o m o r 1-800-529-9958. PL #914618. Clairmont, AB. www.astro-sales.com 1977 JD 4630, 10,400 hrs., good cond., 2006 NEW HOLLAND TJ380 380 HP, 4 WD, 1721 hrs, 5 hyds, front weights, $16,000. Call 306-287-4083, Spalding, SK. $124,800 Trades welcome, financing avail. WANTED: 4450 MFWD with loader and 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com grapple. Willing to travel. 306-839-2073, Pierceland, SK. JD 4650 MFWD, 1983 model, 15 spd. PS, 7,081 hrs., duals, nearly new front tires, 1991 FORD 946, 4950 hrs., tires good, Greenlighted reg., exc. cond. $36,500. Outback E-drive, shedded, asking $50,000. 403-548-8928, Richmound, SK. 306-944-4431, 306-917-7166 Plunkett, SK 1978 JD 8440 4WD, 12’ blade, new 1991 846 FORD 4 WD, Designation 6, 20.8x18.4 singles, triple hyds., $20,000. 4900 hrs., exc. shape all round, $40,000 OBO. 780-736-2313 eves., Radway, AB. Call 403-502-0048, Medicine Hat, AB.

1978 VERSATILE 825, in good operating condition, 8200 hrs., 3 hyds., $10,000 OBO 403-279-4767, Calgary, AB.

2012 JD 6140R, only 31 hrs., loader ready, many options, loaded tractor, $125,000. 204-794-4878, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. MITCH’S TRACTOR SALES LTD. JD F1145 front mount mower, snowblower, cab, dsl., 4x4; Polaris RZR side by side, low miles, mint; Clarke forklift, propane, side shift, 5000 lbs; 2- JD 2555, MFWD, CAH, 3 PTH, w/245 loader; JD 2750, 2 WD, OS, 3 PTH, hi/lo shift, 146 FEL; JD 4055, MFWD, 3 PTH, 15 spd., 265 FEL; 2- JD 4240 quad shift, 3 PTH; JD 4250, MFWD, 15 spd; JD 4430, quad shift, 3 PTH; 3- JD 4440, quad shift, 3 PTH; JD 6420, MFWD, 3 PTH, 24 spd., LHR, loader; JD 6605, MFWD, 3 PTH, PowrQuad, LHR, 740 loader, grapple; JD 7410 MFWD, 3 PTH, PowrQuad, LHR, 740 FEL, grapple; JD 8400, MFWD, 3 PTH, powershift. All tractors can be sold with new or used loaders. 204-750-2459, St. Claude, MB. mitchstractorsales.com 2003 JD 7520, MFWD, 3 PTH, IVT trans., with 741 loader and grapple, 6025 hrs., $83,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

1982 VERSATILE 1150 20.8x42 Firestone radial triples, AtomJet, 5 hyds, 9450 hrs $48,900 Trades welcome, financing avail. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com 2003 BUHLER VERSATILE 2335, std. trans, 3867 hrs, 710 duals, weights, new Outback GPS, asking $96,000. Call 306-475-2541 or 306-690-1910, Spring Valley, SK. VERSATILE 700, w/LEON dozer, 2600 original hrs., $22,500 OBO. 403-585-1910, Airdrie, AB.

NEW LS 4WD, 97 HP, Iveco diesel, selflevelling loader, 3500 lbs. lift, CAHR, 3 spd PTO, 3 PTH, power shuttle with hi/lo, 5 yr. warranty, $56,000. The Tractor Company, 306-239-2262, Osler, SK. JD 8970, 440 HP, powershift, PTO, 20.8 triples, new eng., 3 hyds., great grain cart GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine tractor.Can deliver 780-603-7640 Bruce AB and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. 1998 JD 9400, 4 WD, 12 spd., 4 hyds., www.gcparts.com Toll free 888-327-6767. 710x38 radial Pirelli tires 75%, recent work order, always shedded, 7000 hrs, very nice condition. 204-745-7445, Carman, MB. JD 4630, 3 PTH, duals, powershift, runs JD 148 and/or 58 LOADER, fits 10, 20, well, $15,950. JD 4230, good rubber, 3 0 , 4 0 , a n d 5 0 S e r i e s , $ 3 9 0 0 O B O. showing 8650 hrs, $11,250. JD 4430, good 403-823-1894, Morrin, AB. rubber, air, $11,250. JD 3130, cab, good rubber, add on 3 PTH, $8500. IHC 1086, cab, good rubber, engine rebuilt, $8750. JD 830, running, new grill, $7250. JD 730, choice of 5, some electric, some pup, $4750 ea. JD 4020, w/Allied 694 self levelling, quick attach, vg 23.1 tires, $8500. 204-746-2016, 204-746-5345, Morris, MB. JOHN DEERE 4320, excellent condition, dual PTO, never had FEL. 403-585-1910, Carbon, AB. JOHN DEERE 4020, premium condition, 2 0 1 1 C AT E R P I L L A R W H E E L L OA D E R mechanically and in appearance. Call IT-38-H, low hr. machine, EROPS, AC, ride 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. control, Q/C, 20.5R25 tires c/w 3.5 yard bucket, excellent condition, $145,000. Can 2005 JD 7520 Premier, 1500 hrs., IBT deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. trans., LH shifter, 741 JD FEL, rubber 80% excellent condition, $98,000 OBO. Pictures CASE #70 Front end loader for sale. available. 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. Phone 780-945-1641, Redwater, AB.


JD 840 LOADER c/w grapple, mounts off TRACTOR TOW ROPES and Tow Straps in 7000 Series, exc cond. Call 780-990-8412, stock at Flaman. Call 1-888-435-2626. www.flaman.com Cherhill, AB. CRAWLER DOZERS: CAT D8H, high horse LAND LEVELLERS: NEW 10’, $2250; 12’, with V-blade; Cat D7 with hyd. dozer and $2450; Used scrapers: 4 yd., $3900; Ashrake; Cat D4C-40A with dozer; Cat D6-9U land 4.5 yd., $4500, Crown 6 yd., $5500; with dozer; Cat D6B with front and rear Midland 8 yd., $8000; V-ditcher, $1500. blades; 4- Cat D2 crawlers. Large stock of 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB. new and used parts. Discount prices. Many FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS other units arriving daily. Central Canada’s We also specialize in: Crop insurance aplargest wreckers of Industrial equipment. peals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; CusCambrian Equipment Sales, 204-667-2867, tom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. fax: 204-667-2932, Winnipeg, MB. Call Back-Track Investigations for assisJD 146 FEL, forks included, $3200 OBO. tance and compensation 1-866-882-4779. 306-962-4332, 306-962-3823, Eston, SK. FRONT MOUNT WEIGHTS for Buhler/Vertractors, includes the mount bracket. WANTED: 12’ TO 14’ dozer blade to fit a satile Versatile 835 or JD 4440 tractor, prefer 306-962-4332, 306-962-3823, Eston, SK. 4-Way. Call 306-886-2051, Bjorkdale, SK. 36” COAL STOKER w/new burner plate and ring, needs fan, complete spare stoker LATE MODEL LEON 14’ dozer, hydraulic an- fo r s p a r e s , $ 2 8 0 0 . 2 0 4 - 8 5 5 - 2 8 8 1 , gle, like new condition, half price. Fits all 204-851-9131, Virden, MB. Series II and III Versatile tractors. Call 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB.

1983 CASE 2290 tractor, 4760 hrs., rubber and battery vg, overall good asking $8000; 1032 NH bale wagon, good cond., tires good $850. 306-672-3646, Gull Lake, SK. QUIT FARMING: JD 4450 tractor, powershift, new rear tires; Bourgault Series III 850 sprayer, new bubble jet nozzles; JD 590 30’ swather, new reels and knife. 306-264-3660, Glenbain, SK. 800 BU. MANURE spreader on Int. S2500 L10 tandem truck, vg; Hesston S431 PT manure spreader; Bergen swather carrier; 200 bu. grain tank w/trailer; 21’ grain header, fits Hesston and CIH SP swather. 306-424-2330, 306-536-7564, Candiac, SK

WANTED: 36’ TO 40’ Bourgault air seeder, with cart. Call: 306-373-8289, Saskatoon, SK. MASSEY FERGUSON 860 V8 hydro combine, must be low hours, excellent shape. Call 204-537-2455, Belmont, MB. WANTED: 25’ TANDEM disc, must be good condition. 306-662-3385, Golden Prairie, SK. WANTED: 300-350 HP, 4WD tractor w/ duals in good condition. 306-210-8901, Reward, SK. WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. WANTED: TANDEM DISC, 24’-26’, medium duty; Also looking for 7”x51’ Sakundiak auger; NH 1475 Haybine. Call 306-876-4707.


NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone for availability and prices. Many used in stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB.

ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of feeder bison. Call Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. or elkvalley@xplornet.com

WESTERN IRRIGATION - Large supply of new and used irrigation equipment. Cadman travelling gun dealer. Used pivot. Used large diesel pumping unit. 10” and 12” gated pipe. We buy and sell used equipment. 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.

NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. LOOKING FOR ALL class of bison from yearling to cow/calf pairs and big bulls. Phone Kevin 306-429-2029, Glenavon, SK.

1-888-92 0-1507

SPRUCE FOR SALE! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or deliver anywhere in western Canada. Now taking spring bookings. Details phone 403-586-8733 or check out our website at INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn www.didsburysprucefarms.com and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Ar2000 KUBOTA 2860 dsl., hydro., 26 HP, gentina. 1-888-414-4177. 670 hrs., snowblower, mower, bagger, exc., $3950. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. ALUMINUM FRAMED GREENHOUSE 20’x30’ incl: gas furnace, tables, electrical box and exhaust fan. You must dismantle, $5000. Call 306-738-4905, Gray, SK.


CATTLE FIN AN CIN G BC, ALBER TA, S AS K. BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison for growing markets. Roger Provencher at 306-468-2316. roger@cdnbison.com WANTED TO PURCHASE cull bison bulls and cows for slaughter. Oak Ridge Meats 204-835-2365 204-476-0147 McCreary MB

DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used and new, Perkins, John Deere, Deutz. We also build custom gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471.

SASKOTA NATURAL is looking for finished bison and cull cows. COD, paying market prices. “Producers working with Producers.” 306-231-9110, Quill Lake, SK.

LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high 2002 DRUM SCREENER, stock #L-5197, WANTED: CALVES AND Yearlings. Call quality generator systems. Quality diesel asking price $119,000. Call 780-567-4202, Ryan 306-646-4974 or cell: 306-646-7743 generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven Clairmont, AB. www.astro-sales.com Fairlight, SK. alternators, automatic/ manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers/ Winco portable generators and home standby packages. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all your generator requirements at 1-800-690-2396 sales@sommersgen.com SPEEDRITE, PATRIOT ELECTRIC FENCERS Online: www.sommersgen.com and accessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK., www.lambacres.ca GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 2013 JOHN DEERE AutoSteer, top of the line 2630 touch screen display, Star Fire 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. receiver, full activation, asking $12,000. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire 306-662-8405, Richmound, SK. and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26” to 120”. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK.

2014 SCHULTE FX530, 30’ mower, very l o w h o u r s , j u s t l i ke n ew, $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 306-672-3993, Webb, SK. WANTED: MF #36 and #360 Discers, sizes, any condition. Also parts discers. WANTED: REDEKOP CHAFF wagon. Text or all pickup. Ph anytime 306-259-4923, call 306-858-8101, 306-858-2412, Beechy, Prompt 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. SK. E-mail: walshfarm@hotmail.com SOLD CATTLE: JD 568 baler, mint cond.; 2090 and 2290 Case tractors; 8430 JD 4WD; 24’ Featherlite trailer; Cultivators, augers, etc. Call 306-753-8069 or 306-753-2842, Macklin, SK. QUIT FARMING: 2008 CIH 8010 combine 4 WD, 30’ flex draper, $200,000; 2008 STX 430, 4 WD, new 680x42 tires, $160,000; 2011 Farm King 13x85 auger, hyd. swing, hyd. lift on swing, $18,000; 2013 Geringhoff 8x30” corn chopping header with row stompers, $80,000; 2-105 White tractor, rebuilt engine, $7000; 32’ Ezee-On tandem disc, spring loaded cushing gang, done very little, $25,000; Roadrunner header haul, $8000; MacDon 30’ draper header, $20,000; IH 4240 tractor w/15’ mower, $12,000; Westco 16x30 cult., $1500; Band sprayer 16x30, $1500; 1998 Kenworth T-800 N14 Cummins, 18 spd., 4-way locks, SS Hi-way paving box, 30” live belt, $33,000; 2006 Cat 320 excavator, 10,000 hrs. with QA cleaning bucket, nice, $60,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB.

MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: www.maverickconstruction.ca APPROX. 4 MILES of power line wire, on reels, $600. 306-221-6248, Dalmeny, SK.

SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call F I R E W O O D : C u t a n d s p l i t , d e l i ve r y for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., available. 306-862-7831, 306-862-3086, www.luckemanufacturing.com Nipawin, SK. IHC 4366 4 WD, 180 HP, 7531 hrs., BLOCKED AND SPLIT seasoned Spruce $13,500; 1978 White 2-105, 6780 hrs., firewood. Call V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, 105 HP, $7500; JD 215 16’ tandem disc, Rosthern, SK. dura cushion, $7500; NH 795 TA manure s p r e a d e r, $ 7 2 5 0 . 2 0 4 - 5 2 5 - 4 5 2 1 , BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood and wood chips for sale. Lehner Wood Prewww.waltersequipment.com Minitonas MB servers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, REMOTE CONTROL CONVERSION KITS. SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. Convert any manually operated solenoid, air or hydraulic valve to wireless remote control. www.bullfrogcontrols.com RETIRED: JD 9660WTS combine; CIH MX285 tractor; Westward 9350 swather w/MacDon 25’ triple del.; NDE feed processor; JD 8200 w/840 loader; JD forage harvester; Bale shredders; Maternity pen; Panels; Incubators, etc. 306-468-7315, Canwood, SK. or rjdz494@gmail.com

“ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ”



Bred cow program ! Feeder Program !

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Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB

Regular cattle Sales

WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - Indoor coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional wood boilers, coal / multi-fuel boilers. Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835.

TROPHY ZONE TANNERY, State of the art facility. Hair on tanning for both taxidermy and domestic hides. Quality work w i t h f a s t t u r n a r o u n d . C a l l a ny t i m e 403-653-1565 or cell: 406-450-6300, Cardston, AB. Email: bunnage@shaw.ca

4.5” OILFIELD C ASING, approx. 40’ BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy di- lengths, 188” wall thickness, $4/foot. rect, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Minimum quantities apply. 306-861-1280, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also Weyburn, SK. available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

1/2 to 3 QUARTER MILE 6” aluminum ring ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New Delock irrigation pipe, good shape. Price negelman equipment, land rollers, Straw- C H A M P I O N G E N E R A T O R 7 8 0 0 W gotiable. 780-818-2863, Edmonton, AB. master, rockpickers, protill, dozer blades. peak/6500 Wrunning, used once, $600. 306-957-4403, 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. Call 306-260-4392, Saskatoon, SK. IRRIGATION TURBINE WATER pumps, 6”-8”, 4 cyl. dsl, 600-1000 gal./min., very efficient. 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB. 1 MILE 6” HOOK and latch aluminum pipe. Price negotiable. Phone 780-818-2863, Edmonton, AB. PHIL’S IRRIGATION SALES: Reinke pivots, lateral and minigators, pump and used mainline travelers and pivots. 22 years experience. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK. www.philsirrigation.ca IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT or move water? 6”-10” pipe, 4 cyl. motor and pump on cart, $4500. 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic by Lindsay pivots/Greenfield mini pivots, KLine towable irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new and used equipment. 33 years in business. www.rainmaker-irrigation.com Call 306-867-9606, Outlook, SK.

Highwood - Mondays at 9:00am | Fort Macleod - Tuesdays at 9:00am

Southern Alberta Yearling Classic Sale Friday, August 8 - at the MD of Ranchlands (Chain Lakes) - 11am

Western Canadian

Video Calf Sale

Friday, September 5 - at Highwood - 10am

Book your calves and yearlings early!

www.livestock.ab.ca Highwood Livestock Auction PO Box 5145, High River, AB, T1V 1M3 t 1-888-652-7743 t Fax 403-652-3446 Fort Macleod Auction PO Box 1330, Fort Macleod, AB, T0L 0Z0 t 1-888-553-7715 t Fax 403-553-4264 Allan Lively 403-627-7776 Justin Keeley 403-627-6534 Darren Shaw 403-601-5165

Blaine Kellington 403-312-1279 Cody Sawley 403-652-0684 Ken Stadlwiser 403-888-5092

Jay Nelson 403-652-0402 Danny McDougall 403-634-0604 Steve Quinton 403-653-7228

British Columbia Rep: Ryan Culligan 250-488-3108 Saskatchewan Rep: William Bierbach 306-299-2073

Brooks Area Rep: Colin Mcniven 403-793-1699 Saskatchewan Rep: Ryan Bierbach 306-532-4809


DISPERSAL: 20 BRED cows and calves, Canadian bloodlines, granddaughters of Sunmound Elimere 35X, bred to Bardolier 606 Son. 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Dubuc, SK. TWO YEAR OLD Black Angus bulls, semen tested, very quiet. Double Bar S Angus, Ken/Jake 306-493-2308, Delisle, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com BLACK ANGUS BULLS, 15 yearlings and some 2 year olds, priced to sell. Phone Merlin Scott 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer semen tested yearling and 2 year old bulls. 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Argentina. 1-888-414-4177. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 2 year old virgin and yearling bulls. Moderate birth weights, quiet. Complete performance and ultrasound data available. Contact GBS Angus Farm 306-763-9539, Prince Albert, SK. QUALITY YEARLING ANGUS BULLS, semen tested, light to moderate birth weight. Ken Bell 306-591-7792, Pense, SK. BLACK AND RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate growing ration, performance info avail. Adrian or Brian Edwards, Valleyhills Angus, Glaslyn, SK., 306-342-4407. QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 yr. old and yearling Purebred bulls. Spruce Acres, Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-3997, 306-272-7841.

JOHNSTON/ FERTILE VALLEY is selling yearling Black Angus bulls. Most are sired by the best AI bulls in the industry including Consensus, Upward, Brand Name, Imprint, EXAR 263C and Mustang. Also a group of high performance sons of Willabar Ambush 50U, a straight Canadian bull with explosive growth. These are thick, easy fleshing bulls produced by over 500 low maintenance, high production cows. Many of these bulls are suitable for heifers. All bulls are semen tested with complete performance and carcass info available. Dennis or David Johnston at 306-856-4726, Conquest, SK. 2 YEAR OLD Black Angus bulls, low birth weight, good performance, good selection Rob Garner, 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. HIGH QUALITY 2 year old purebred Black Angus bulls for sale. Call David or Pat 306-963-2639, 306-963-7739 Imperial, SK 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls, calving ease and performance, semen checked and ready to go. Benlock Farms, Grandora, SK. Call Tom 306-668-2125 or 306-230-9809. 2 YR. OLD BULLS, stout and rugged for your cow herd, easy calving for your heifers. Contact Ernest Gibson, Everblack Angus, Vermilion, AB., 780-853-2422.


POLLED 2 YEAR old and yearling Charolais bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK. POLLED YEARLING CHAROLAIS bulls. Will semen test and deliver. Layne and Paula Evans, Kenaston, SK. 306-252-2246. REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS 2 year olds and yearlings. Polled, calving ease, growthy, quiet. Semen test and deliver. Qualman Charolais, 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK.

FIVE BLACK 2nd and 3rd calvers, with COTSWOLD BREEDING STOCK: Scrapie June calves at side. Call 306-329-4382, resistant genotype. Call Beverly Davis, Asquith, SK. Lashburn, SK., 306-285-3639. 20 TARENTAISE/ANGUS CROSS cow/calf pairs, $2000 per pair. Call 306-225-4603, Hague, SK.

SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers extension, marketing services and a full WANTED: CULL COWS and bulls for l i n e o f s h e e p a n d g o a t s u p p l i e s . slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK. Meat Processors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, MARTENS CHAROLAIS has one 3 yr. old, Drake, SK. several 2 yr. old and yearling bulls. Dateline Sons for calving ease, Specialist Sons for consistent thickness. 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB. BUYING: PIGS/SWINE, raised outside, all sizes. Highest $$$. 1-877-226-1395. TWO YR. OLD and yearling bulls, polled, horned, white and red factor. Semen test- SAVE THIS DATE! Rocking W Horse Sale, www.canadianheritagemeats.com Saturday, August 30, Keystone Centre, ed, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold Brandon, MB. Consignment forms available Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. at: www.rockingw.com Ph. 204-325-7237. 2 YEAR OLD Purebred red and white bulls, easy calving, low BW - 82 and 85 lbs. Call SASKATOON ALL BREED Horse & Tack Sale, August 26. Tack 11:00 AM, Horses to 306-931-8069, Saskatoon, SK. follow. Open to broke horses (halter or rid- FLYING GRAIN FED common pigeons for REG. CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds and ing). Sale conducted at OK Corral, Mar- dog training and gun clubs, $4/ea. Call yearlings, polled and horned, some red, tensville, SK. To consign call Frederick, evenings, 306-563-2020, Canora, SK. quiet, hand fed. Ph Wilf, Cougar Hill Ranch 306-227-9505 bodnarusauctioneering.com 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, WHITECAP CHAROLAIS yearlings and 2 Moose Jaw, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014. Tack CARFIO HATCHERY. Pheasant, Wild turkey year old bulls for sale. Semen tested and sells: 2:00 PM; Horses sell: 4:00 PM. All Guinea; Partridge; Bobwhite; Wide variety guaranteed. Call Mike 306-631-8779, classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, of ducks and geese; Ross, Bantam and www.johnstoneauction.ca PL #914447. 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. Heritage chicks. carfio@videotron.ca SINCLAIR’S FLYING S RANCH 7th Annual www.carfio.com Call 1-877-441-0368. Production Sale, Aug. 9th, 2 PM at the ranch. 36 one owner AQHA and APHA 30 OLDER COWS bred Angus/Shorthorn; horses. Broke mares and geldings, and 2nd/3rd calvers bred Dexter; Dexter bull 2014 foals. 306-845-4440, Spruce Lake, and heifer calves. 403-845-5763, Rocky SK. View catalogue in color: buyagro.com Mountain House, AB. 6th ANNUAL PRAIRIE HARVEST HORSE DEMAND IS EXCEEDING supply. New pricSale, Sunday, August 17, 2014, 1 PM at ing for your slaughter elk up to $3.75/lb. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. for full loads of well conditioned elk. Ian WINDERS GELBVIEH, Camrose, AB. are We are accepting entries for quality 204-625-2498, 204-867-0085, Minnedosa. selling by private treaty registered PB 2 ranch/pleasure/show geldings and mares, ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO year old and yearling Gelbvieh bulls and well started younger geldings and mares, is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you replacement heifers. gwinder@syban.net brood mares, yearlings and 2 year olds. have elk to supply to market, give AWAPTeams - Registered or Grade. Entry forms CO a call today. Non-members welcome 780-672-9950. are online at: www.johnstoneauction.ca KNUDSON FARMS GELBVIEH: Polled red or and due July 20. For more info call Scott info@wapitiriver.com or 780-980-7589. black bulls. Guaranteed. Kept until needed. Johnstone at 306-631-0767 or Glen Gabel NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for Call James 306-322-4682, Archerwill, SK. over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you 306-536-1927, PL #91447. have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, COULEE CREST HEREFORDS bulls for 1 BLACK MAMMOTH yearling stud, $750. Winnipeg, MB. sale by private treaty. Yearlings and 2 yr. Call 204-434-6132, Steinbach, MB. olds, excellent quality, dehorned and REG. MINIATURE DONKEYS. Reg. Jack polled, moderate birthweights suitable for (herdsire), bred Jennets, 2 yr. and weanheifers. Call Randy Radau 403-227-2259, ling Jennets, various colors, halter broke, 403-588-6160. For online catalo gue all very quiet. 306-781-2590, Kronau, SK. www.couleecrest.ca Bowden, AB. GREY MINIATURE donkey jennies. BBJ POLLED HEREFORDS. Good selection TWO of quality 2 yr. old bulls as well as 2 prov- 204-742-3338, Garland, MB. en 3 yr. olds. Deposit holds until turn out. Will deliver. Contact Brian Longworth 306-656-4542, 306-831-9856, Harris, SK. GREAT HOBBY: 5 Paint pony mares, some with foals, 12 to 13 HH, great colors. Call 306-752-3712, Melfort, SK. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. ELK TROPHY BULL AND BREEDING Cows and quota needed. We buy all classStock Auction, Friday, Aug. 8, 2014, 7:00 es of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F PM, Nisku Inn, Nisku, AB. For listings and WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, updates go to www.gwacountry.com GatePhone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, way Auction Services 1-866-304-4664. Gordon 403-363-1729 Mark 403-357-9833 Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. WELL MATCHED, BROKE, Suffolk/Punch GOOD SELECTION OF stout red and black geldings. 306-492-4621, Dundurn, SK. bulls with good dispositions and calving ease. Qually-T Limousin, Rose Valley, SK., OUTFITTER RETIREMENT SALE, mountain wagon, heavy mule team, harness, 306-322-4755 or 306-322-7554. wall tents, stoves, pack saddles and equipPOLLED 2 YEAR old black and red Limou- ment, horses, saddles, and much more, sin bulls. Call Rob Garner, 306-946-7946, July 25, 26, 27, 10:00 AM. From Bowden, AB. 4 miles east on #587 to RR 284. Simpson, SK. Watch for signs. 403-352-0323. TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Premier Breeder. wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, Selling custom designed packages. Name drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Buck your price and we will put a package to- Creek, AB. www.trimboss.ca gether for you. Fullblood/percentage Lowline, embryos, semen. Black/Red carrier. Darrell 780-486-7553, Edmonton, AB.

HIGH QUALITY YEARLING bulls from AI program. Performance tested and carefully developed. Semen tested and delivery PASTURE READY REGISTERED purebred available. Call KC Cattle Co. 306-290-8431, Red Salers bulls for sale. Elderberry Farm Saskatoon, SK. www.kccattleco.com Salers, 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK. 16 MONTH OLD Registered Red Angus ONE AND TWO yr. old Salers bulls for cows bulls, easy calving, quiet, semen tested, or heifers, quiet, guaranteed and tested. guaranteed breeders. Call Little de Ranch, Delivery available. 780-924-2464 or 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK. 780-982-2472, Alberta Beach, AB. MAPLE RIDGE ACRES have yearling purebred Red Angus bulls for sale. AI sires Sakic and Honky Tonk. Les Saunders, POLLED RED AND BLACK yearling 306-997-4507, Borden, SK. Simm. bulls, semen tested. North Creek TWO YEAR OLD and yearling Red Angus Simmentals, call Barry at 306-997-4427, Bulls, performance and semen tested, de- 306-230-3123 cell, Borden, SK. livery available. T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, FOR SALE OR RENT: Red, black and fullSK. Kevin 306-577-9861 or 306-739-2944. blood Simmental bulls. A.I. breeding, sePB YEARLING BULLS, semen tested, men tested, reasonable prices. Phone Dale guaranteed and delivered. Deposit holds 780-853-2223, Vermilion, AB. until you need them. Clarke Ward, Saskatoon, SK., 306-931-3824, 306-220-6372. 2 YEAR OLD bulls, calving ease and top SPECKLE PARK BULLS: one proven 5 yr. g r ow t h fi g u r e s . P h o n e R o b G a r n e r, old herdsire; one 2 yr. old, BW 78 lbs. 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. Darcy Purdy 204-365-0066, Shoal Lake MB SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black Angus yearling and 2 yr. old bulls, semen and performance tested. Call Shane at 306-869-8074, Keith at 306-454-2730, REG. TEXAS LONGHORN bulls. Bred cows, open and bred heifers. Dean, Panorama Ceylon, SK. Ranch 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB. HOWE RED ANGUS yearlings and 2 year old bulls for sale. Semen tested and guar- TEXAS LONGHORN BULLS available, black anteed. Call Mike at 306-631-8779, or red, yearlings and two year olds. Dean, Panorama Ranch, 403-391-6043, Stauffer. 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. YEARLING AND 2 year old bulls by some LONGHORN STEERS, 400 to 500 lbs., 10 of the great Red Angus sires. Arm River available for grass or roping. Call George 780-818-6680, Vimy, AB. Red Angus 306-567-4702, Davidson, SK. THREE 3 YEAR OLD Red Angus bulls, p r i c e d t o s e l l . Phone Merlin Scott 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. WELSH BLACK- The Brood Cow Advantage. www.canadianwelshblackcattle.com RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, se- Check men tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery Canadian Welsh Black Soc. 403-442-4372. available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. skinnerfarmsangus.com RED OR BLACK BULLS, 2 years, semen YOUNG COW/CALF PAIRS and heifers with tested, reasonable prices. Tom Ward calves for sale. Call 306-773-1049, Swift Current, SK. 306-668-4333, Saskatoon, SK.

FINDLATER RANCH RODEO, August 9, 2014, 10 team limit. Entry deadline July 23, 2014. Call Devin at 306-537-2241 or Vance at 306-731-7646, Findlater, SK.

NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 PM weekdays. Email rwolfe@sasktel.net THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. Call 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Hwy #16 Borden Bridge, SK. COVERED WAGON, w/rubber tires, bench seats that make into a bed w/storage underneath, chemical toilet on board, drivers seat is on springs, tarp is waterproof material and opens in front and back w/zipper, $2200. 403-575-0413, Veteran, AB.

3rd ANNUAL Prairie All Breeds Ram Sale, Saturday, September 6, 2014 at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Entries accepted until August 1. Entry form online at: www.johnstoneauction.ca or call 306-693-4715. PL #914447

FLOCK DISPERSAL: approx. 40 Katahdin ewes w/lambs, reasonable price. Must go. 306-577-1401, Carlyle, SK.

PB DORSET AND Hampshire yearling and ram lambs and ewe lambs. Heeroma’s 306-823-4526 evenings, Neilburg, SK. SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. We want your lambs. Have you got finished (fat) lambs or feeder lambs for sale? Call Dwayne at: 403-894-4388 or Cathy at: 1-800-363-6602 for terms and pricing. www.sungoldmeats.com

NORHEIM RANCHING HAS a full line of handling equipment at discount prices. Freestanding panels, tubs, chutes, feeders, self-unloading hay trailers, net wrap and more. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. WWW.FUCHS.CA - For all your Agriculture and Livestock equip. needs. Stocking grain and silage bags. 306-762-2125, Vibank, SK

PRO-CERT ORGANIC OPTION - 2014. For information on organic farming: prospects, transition, barriers, benefits, certification, and marketing contact one of our agrologists. Call 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, SK. or wallace.hamm@pro-cert.org www.pro-cert.org

WANTED: ORGANIC, HEATED or FEED QUALITY FLAX, feed peas, soy beans, lentils. 204-379-2451, St. Claude, MB. BEST COOKING PULSES accepting samples of organic and conventional green/yellow peas for 2013/2014 crop year. Matt 306-586-7111, Rowatt, SK. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC GRAINS. FOB farm or delivered, Loreburn, SK. Call KELLN SOLAR FLOAT Pumps: efficient, F.W. Cobs Company, 1-888-531-4888. economical and easy to use. Lumsden, SK. CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, brome, feswww.kellnsolar.com 1-888-731-8882. cue, alfalfa mix, 3’x3’x8’ square bales. Call for details 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK.

Magnum Texas Gates

WANTED CERTIFIED ORGANIC beef. Peter L u n d ga r d , N at u r e ’ s Way F a r m . C a l l 780-338-2934, Grimshaw, AB. cts Produ st a That L


MAGNUM FABRICATING LTD. Maple Creek, SK Ph: 306-662-2198

MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!

HAPPY, ATHLETIC, RETIRED Calgary arearancher/businessman looking for lady with sense and sense of humour. All responses replied to. blairmore6@outlook.com

LADY IN 60s looking for single or divorced NS, ND gentleman around the same age. Would like someone who plays guitar and sings old country classic music. Seeking a www.morandindustries.com true, honest friend for travel, happy times JIFFY 900 BALE Processor, excellent con- and outings. All letters with recent photo dition, $5500 OBO, can deliver. Darvin will be answered. Please only serious letters from SW Sask area. Will not relocate. 204-642-2249, Arborg, MB. Reply to: Box 5555, c/o The Western ProHERD REDUCTION: PB Nubians, dry does, 2013 LEON 425V spreader, used 1 season, ducer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4. milking does, doelings, bucks, bucklings, exc. cond. Brian McCarthy, 306-435-3590, 306-435-7527 (cell), Moosomin SK. no CAE/CL. 306-365-3211, Humboldt, SK. 30’ SILAGE feed troughs, $650 ea.; 250 bushel Miami creep feeders, $2750 ea. SINGLE? SUMMER IS the perfect time to Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. find love! Meet the Matchmaker! In-person PUREBRED ANGORA RABBITS. Giant and Satin, $200. Registered breeder. Call: NET WRAP! NET WRAP! NET WRAP! Great interviews July 22 to 25th in Regina and Saskatoon. 19 years successful matchmak306-276-2968 leave msg., Love, SK. product. Great price. We will save you money. Twine, silage covers, and silage ing. Call to book your appointment: Camelot Introductions 204-888-1529, film. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK. view www.camelotintroductions.com FREESTANDING CORRAL PANELS, 30’, 5 bar panels, comes with chain to tie togeth- COUNTRY INTRODUCTIONS - Introducing er, removable foot for transport, $450. Call you to down-to-earth country people like PEARSON BISON SQUEEZE, like new, 306-883-9952, Leoville, SK. yourself. 1-877-247-4399. $4000. Hi-Hog cattle or bison tub, $4500. 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. CATTLELAC HYDRAULIC SQUEEZE chute, good cond.; 1 yr old silencer hyd. squeeze chute; 2002 Merritt tri-axle cattle trailer, good cond., $32,000 OBO or trade for SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 grain trailer. 204-856-6907, Treherne, MB. years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove We manufacture an extensive line of cattle and repair all makes of mills. Call Apollo handling and feeding equipment including Machine 306-242-9884, 1-877-255-0187. squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, www.apollomachineandproducts.com gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison FREE STANDING Corral Panels for cattle, equipment, Texas gates, steel water horses, bison and sheep. Large variety of troughs, rodeo equipment and garbage inlength, height, and bar spacings. Some cinerators. Distributors for El-Toro electric sample prices: 21’x6 bar, light duty, $199; branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze 21’x5 bar, HD, $239; 21’x5 bar, med. duty, chutes and headgates are now avail. with a $219; 24’x6 bar, best value, $259; 21’x7 neck extender. Ph. 306-796-4508, email: bar Bison, $299; 30’ windbreak frames, ple@sasktel.net Web: www.paysen.com spring special $359; very heavy duty, 30’x5 bar gate panel, $450; 24’x5 bar continuous FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free panel, $169; HD 24’x5 bar, $189. Round solution to livestock watering. No power bale feeders, horse haysavers, sheep pan- required to heat or pump. Prevents conels, feed troughs. Call 1-866-500-2276 tamination. Grants avail. 1-866-843-6744. www.frostfreenosepumps.com www.affordablebarns.com 30’ PORTABLE WINDBREAKS, asking STEEL VIEW MFG. Self-standing panels, windbreaks, silage/hay bunks, feeder pan$750. Ph Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK sucker rod fence posts. Custom orNEW CONCEPT ROLLER mix mill, very els, Call Shane 306-493-2300, Delisle, REGISTERED KELPIE DOGS available Augood cond. Brian McCarthy, 306-435-3590 ders. SK. www.steelviewmfg.com gust 19, 2014, vet checked, 1st shots, or 306-435-7527 (cell), Moosomin, SK. $800/ea. Call 306-334-2335, Balcarres, SK GREG’S WELDING: Freestanding 30’ 5 bar panels, all 2-7/8” drill stem construction, CKC REGISTERED DALMATIAN Puppies $430. 24’x5.5’ high panels, 2-7/8” pipe Please text or email for more info $1350. with 5- 1” sucker rods, $300. 24’x6’ high 306-331-7153, Fort Qu'Appelle, SK. panels, 2-7/8” pipe with 6- 1” rods, $350. soozysplace@msn.com 30’ 2 or 3 bar windbreak panels c/w lumber. Gates and double hinges available on all panels. Belting troughs for grain or silage. Delivery available. Call for more info. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, ready to go. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK. Phone Ed 306-272-3848, leave message if not in. Foam Lake, SK. FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ WANTED TO BUY: Blue or Red Heeler, or and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feed- FARROW TO FINISH Hog Equipment. Blue Heeler/German Shepard cross pupConverting barns to shops so everything pies, for farm guard dog. Grand-daughter ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will must go. Electric grain mill, cyclones and lost hooch to freak accident and cancer. custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. feed lines. Ventilation fans. Continuous Male or female ok. Can wait til puppies are PORTABLE PANELS 30’ freestanding 3- feed system with feeders. Scale. Galvanized born. Will pay shipping. Call 780-349-2798 bar windbreak frames, 5-bar, 4-bar panels dry sow crates. Hundreds of 4x3 cement w/wo double hinge gates and more. On blocks. Misc other equipment. BASSET HOUND PUPPIES: 2 males, 6 fefarm welding. Oxbow, SK., 306-485-8559, 780-893-0683, Mayerthorpe, AB. males, asking $100/each. 306-873-4285, Tisdale, SK. area. 306-483-2199 and leave a message. dschatz@terraprogroup.com



3 PURE RED BONE Coonhound pups, 1 LAKEFRONT ACREAGE, TITLED LAND at black and tan Coonhound. 9-1/2 mos. old, Ile-A-Ia-Crosse, powerline. Offers. Phone trained for hunting cougar, all shots up to 306-384-0513, Saskatoon, SK. date. 780-672-6026, Camrose, AB.


SUPER SUM M ER SA LE! A LL 2013/2014 SR I Sto ck Ho m es.

MAREMMA WORKING STOCK guardian pups, born April 26th living with sheep and goats, $450/ea. Call 604-796-8557, Agassiz, BC. No Sunday calls please.

Great 3 & 4 bedroom plans.

WATKINSON KELPIE PUPS, bonified proven working Kelpie bloodlines. Watkinson Cowdogs, 306-692-2573, Moose Jaw, SK.

Com pare & Save! Ready to Deliver! 1-877-341-442 2 Red D eer

U nbeatable P ricing in W estern Canada!

KUVASZ/PYRENEES PUPS, farm raised, born Sept./Oct., 3 males and 4 females. Call 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB.

w w w .d yn a m icm od u la r.ca

2005 HOULE PUMP, 52’, 1000 rpm PTO, HD driveline, 8” pump with 8” directional valve and 8” aux pipe. Asking $18,500. Tim MASTER STONE MASONRY. Custom 204-764-0532, Decker, MB. fireplaces and stone masonry. Specialize in fieldstone and restorations. Willing to travel for work in rural areas. WETT Cert. Inspections. Ph 306-280-1845, Saskatoon, SK. Email: adam_kent@live.com

SHUSWAP COUNTRY ESTATES. Manuf. homes start at $69,900. Retire with us...on time...on budget. 250-835-2366, Salmon Arm BC. www.shuswapcountryestates.com

INCREDIBLE 41 ACRE Riverfront Property! Beautiful 41 acre acreage on the North Sask River, 35 mins. NW of Saskatoon. 4 bed, 2 bath, 2566 sq. ft. 2 story home. Includes double garage with office above, shop, pool, RV guest house and so much more. MLS #487107. $699,900. 306-291-5893, RM of Blaine Lake, SK. leannebarrington@sasktel.net

RTM SHOW HOME. 1594 sq. ft., high feature front with upper windows, vinyl shake and stone, high living room vault, gas fireplace with exterior chase, rear overhang for verandah, custom cabinetry and lighting, 5’ ensuite shower, $185,000. 306-493-3089, Swanson Builders, Saskatoon, SK. area, www.swansonbuilders.ca

160 ACRES OF forest and meadow bordering northern Provincial forest, 2 kms off Hwy. #2, all weather access. $180,000. Call 306-764-0762, Prince Albert, SK.

PRIME PLATO FARMLAND for sale. 960 acres of excellent Regina Clay 6B crop land Average assess. 115,000/quarter, surface oil well leases of $22,000/year, power in the treed farm yard, metal quonset 50’x60’, 3 steel 3400 bu. bins. Land located one mile south of Plato, SK. Sec 22-25-18-W3 and W/2 Sec 23-25-18-W3, located in the RM Snipe Lake 259. Serious inquires call Stu Wilson at 403-519-3759. FARM FOR SALE by owner in RM of Mount Hope #279. Legal land description: SW-18-30-21-W2, NW-18-30-21-W2 and SW-19-30-21-W2. Asking price: $699,900. Offers to be submitted to Glenn and Anita Hendry, Box 52, Nokomis SK, S0G 3R0. Or e-mailed to: offers@saskfarmforsale.com by July 31, 2014. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. More info and photos available at: www.saskfarmforsale.com Phone: 306-528-7550.

KILLARNEY, MB. 1160 sq. ft. 3+2 bdrm bungalow w/addition. New paint. Eat-in kitchen has newer oak cupboards. Electric fireplace upstairs and gas down. Finished basement w/2nd bathroom. Paved driveway, single att. garage w/screened 3 season room, 2 sheds. New hot water tank, dishwasher and garage door opener. Close to schools, golf course, park and lake, $198,500. More info call 204-523-7334. CLASSIC CRESTON HERITAGE Home, 3600 sq. ft. 4 bdrm, 3.5 bath, single family wonderful heritage home, lovingly restored over 25 yrs., with original hardwood flooring, french doors, bay windows, 9' ceilings. Self-contained suite upstairs. Wiring and plumbing updated, new windows. Set on a large lot in town, very private with mature landscaping. Also includes a 20'x26' garage, a studio or guest house and a gazebo. For sale by owner, $379,000 OBO. 250-428-7494, Creston, BC. Bridi@Shaw.ca HONEY BEE FARM, Grand Forks, BC. 3 bdrm. house, large cert. honey house, 2.6 acres, 500 hive equipment, trucks and school bus route. Call Jennifer Brock at McDonald Realty, 250-446-2288. Visit: townandcountry4sale.com 16x46 MODULINE HOME. 55 Plus Park, valley and mountain views in the beautiful Shuswap, BC. Maintenance free landscaping. Only $48,900. Call 250-835-2366 email: sce@airspeedwireless.ca

GRAVEL LAND IN RM REFORD #379: 327 acres, 80 acres tested to have gravel, the remaining acres have not been tested with a possibility of having gravel. Included is a 2300 sq. ft. bungalow with a double attached garage and outbuildings. MLS® 486089. Call Wally Lorenz, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. www.remaxbattlefords.com

RETIRING. 1288 SQ. FT. townhouse, Osler, SK. 20 mins. to Saskatoon. 6 months old c/w appliances and drapes. Basement developed. 2 car garage. On very quiet street. Health reasons. Available Oct. 2/2014. Call 306-239-0016.

87’x137’ LAKE LOT, Cowan Lake, near Big River, SK., 1 block from lake in new development, $45,000. Call 306-239-0016. CEDAR LOG HOMES AND CABINS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC. www.rouckbros.com 1-800-960-3388.

S M A L L T W O B E D RO O M h o u s e t o b e moved, newly renovated, 520 sq. ft., Spiritwood, SK. 306-883-2208. TO BE MOVED at Macoun, SK., 3 bedroom bungalow, 46x28’, with double garage, new roof, furnace and AC. Easy to move, on cinder block basement, $25,000. Call 306-634-9957 or 250-258-9914. ONLINE AUCTION: 2 Residential Properties from Vale Potash Canada Ltd. Bids Close July 28, Noon. #1) Preikchat, SK: large bungalow, attached dbl. garage. #2) Euteneire, SK: Small 2 bdrm bungalow. View virtual tours, terms and conditions at w w w. m c d o u g a l l a u c t i o n . c o m o r c a l l 1-800-263-4193. Box 3081, Regina, SK. S0G 3G7. DL #319916. REAL ESTATE AUCTION: For Marcel and Roseanne Levesque, 7:00 PM Friday July 18th, 332 Central Avenue, Montmartre, SK. Well kept and maintained 1078 sq. ft. home. Open house Monday July 7th, 6 : 0 0 - 8 : 0 0 P M a n d S u n d ay J u ly 1 3 t h 12:00-2:00PM. www.2sauctioneers.ca, PL# 331982. Phone 306-551-9411.

BEST PRICE CANADIAN built by Moduline. 1520 sq. ft., Temora, $99,900; 1216 sq. ft., Oasis/Villa, $79,900. Call Stan, 306-496-7538, 1-888-699-9280. www.affordablehomesales.ca Yorkton.

Introducing Western Canada’s newest Modular Housing dealership! We offer floor plans in all sizes from single section to multi-section. Several show homes available for immediate delivery! Our knowledgeable & reliable staff are ready to make your dream home. Call us today! 1.855.358.0808 112 - 39015 Hwy 2A Red Deer, AB www.westerncanadianmodular.com

1992 CAVCO PARK Model for sale in RV park, excellent condition, fully furnished, rent paid until April 1, 2015. Includes 4000 ACRES IN A BLOCK, 15 miles east 8x10’ vinyl shed, asking $29,500 US. For of Davidson, SK. RM of Arm River #252. more info call 403-504-5966, Yuma, AZ. Two parcels. Parcel A: 17 quarters, 93% arable land, Parcel B: 9 quarters, 89% arable. Asking 3.2x the assessment. Also avail. large older home, shop, 62,000 bu. storage, farm equipment and 100 cow/calf pairs. Great investment or turnkey. erin.kinder@yahoo.ca Call 306-561-7335. BY OWNER, WARM Christina Lake, BC. RM CANWOOD #494, 4 quarters, grain, Waterfront, nice 5 bdrm home, $495,000. pasture and hay, lots of water, 400 acres Call 520-820-5777 (cell) or 250-447-9000. cult. On school bus route. Power on 2 Can e-mail pictures on request. sites. House, 2 large garages, grain storage on home quarter. Fair market value. WELL MAINTAINED 22.5 acre small farm, Priced to sell. 306-747-2775 Shellbrook SK 5 minutes from downtown Barriere and the schools. Backed up against a natural MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and outdoor playground, an ideal spot to raise o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . a family. Has a good gravity irrigation sys- 1-877-269-9990. cndfree@telusplanet.net tem and is sub-dividable. Modern log house, barn and outbuildings all in good condition. Short country road, which is well maintained year round. Has a great view of the North Thompson River Valley, $599,000. For more information on the property call Karina Scott, Royal LePage, 250-672-5300. MLS#115541, Barriere, BC. LAN D FO R S ALE


FARM IN CENTRAL BC, 1250 acres w/nice house, 2 barns, shops and machine sheds. Visit: www.haneymountainranch.ca or call 250-699-8567, Burns Lake, BC.

1.) LARGE DELUXE GRAIN FARM: Steel grain storage, excellent yard site, also set up for cattle, lots of water; 2.) Half section farm North of Newbrooke with yardsite; 3.) Beautiful quarter West of Red Deere, log buildings, Clearwater River frontage, Alfred Creek and much more. Don Jarrett, MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Realty Executives Leading, 780-991-1180, Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ Spruce Grove, AB. modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.

92’ LAKEFRONT LOT on Meeting Lake, North of Battleford, SK. For more information call 780-465-4515. 1672 SQ. FT., 22’ wide SRI modular ONLY TWO FULLY serviced lots remain on homes available for immediate delivery. family oriented quiet cul de sac in new See our new show homes and used homes subdivision at beautiful Weyakwin Lake, at: www.westerncanadianmodular.com 1-855-358-0808. SK. 306-961-5515, pdepper@hotmail.com


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ID#2008 COALDALE: Modern 150 cow dairy farm, fully automated computerized milking robots (Lely 2010) with newer barn for 150 cows. 95 milking and dry cows, 80 kg TPQ, 100 calves to springing heifers, home, city water, 159 acres. More Quota, livestock and land available. ID#2056 Picture Butte: 100 cow dairy operation, complete with support buildings, 2 homes, and 160 acres of pivot irrigated land. Quota: 100 kg TPQ Optional (not included). ID#100164: Irrigated quarter section near Tilley. Great property for investing, 154.04 acres with 144 acres E I D w at e r r i g h t s , s u r f a c e r e ve nu e . ID#100139: Crop farm, A total of 320 acres of land with 219 acres flood irrigated with gated pipe. Excellent set of buildings, just off Hwy #36 west of Scandia. (Price Reduced). ID#1100199 Taber: Vacant land. 156 acres irrigated land with Zimmatic Pivot irrigation equipment (2009), pivot with remote link, tall wheels, electric pumping unit and underground mainline. 127 acres TID water rights. ID#1100277 Lethbridge: Approx. 52 acres, Investment Land adjacent to Lethbridge city limits. Great holding property with primarily agriculture use. Currently leased out for crop on an annual contract. Property comes fully serviced. ID#1100260 MD of Taber: Water Rights For Sale. 8.7 acres of B.R.I.D Water Rights. Real Estate C e n t re , w w w. f a r m re a l e s t a t e . c o m 1-866-345-3414.

• 31 q u a rters n ea r Ro ckglen p lu s 21 cro w n lea s e QT RS • 27 q u a rters n ea r M a n ko ta • 14 q u a rters n ea r Glen tw o rth • 6 q u a rters n ea r Regin a • 5 q u a rters n ea r K ip lin g • 10 q u a rters n ea rAs s in ib o ia • 9 q u a rters n ea r F ife L a ke • 9 q u a rters n ea r Itu n a • 16 & 1 p a rtq tr n ea rW illo w Bu n ch • 6.5 q u a rters n ea r Cha m b erla in • 9 q u a rters n ea r Gra velb o u rg • 6 q u a rters n ea rAs s in ib o ia • 6 q u a rters n ea r Ben go u gh • 13 q u a rters n ea rT heo d o re • 2 q u a rters n ea r Pa rry


w w w.s hep p a rd rea lty.ca

to view all ou rcu rren tlistin gs.


MISTY VALLEY RANCH, AB, 101,600 acres, 2 allotments, lease land and deeded development land. $2,100,000. 403-845-7777 http://www.century21.ca/raymond.borley

Ha rry Sh eppa rd 306-530-8035 (cell) 306-352-1866 (Office) em ail h a rry@ sh eppa rdrea lty.ca

S u tton G rou p - R esu lts R ealty 3.5 QUARTERS, TOMAHAWK, AB. area; 6 quarters grazing, Highvale, AB; plus R egin a, S K . 14,000 acres. Cattle, bison and elk operations, fenced and cross fenced, Wabumun RM OF MAYFIELD #406, 346 acres of L a k e , w e s t o f E d m o n t o n , A B . high assessed grainland with approx. 311 780-915-1735, roperrealtyltd@aol.com acres cultivated. Located and adjoining STANDING HAY CROPS wanted. Rental by Hwy No. 16 near Ruddell, SK. What a locathe ton or by the acre up to $100/acre. tion! MLS®503261. For viewing call Lloyd Custom large square baling, custom Ledinski at Re/Max, North Battleford, SK. 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. swathing. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB. R E A S O N A B L E R AT E S B O O K N O W ! Standing hay crops wanted rental by the ton or by the acre up to 100$/acre Custom large square baling custom swathing Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB.


WANTED: ABANDONED FARMSITE in Southern Alberta to rent, lease or buy. Ideal site would have hydro, water and available space for a grass strip runway (30x1200’). I’m a mobile mechanic and welder by trade, maybe we can make a deal. Call Mike at 403-608-0721.


w /Aggrega te Potentia l In Sa ska tchew a n Phone: 306-782-74 23 Fa x: 306-786-6909 Em a il: info@ potzu s.com

RM GREAT BEND #405- 312 acres w/approx. 208 acres of cultivated tame pasture, balance is light bluffs of bush and natural pasture, fairly good fences, including 3 cross fences, 25’ well, power, large dugout and natural slough areas, approx. 2 miles West of Radisson on Hwy. 16, then 2 miles North. A comfortable pasture for 50 cow/calf pairs. MLS ®486829. To view call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK.

FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Spray drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equip. malfunction. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance and compensation 1-866-882-4779.

DWEIN TRASK REALTY Inc. Delisle: 2 quarters of quality farmland c/w huge bungalow, 2 good sheds and a barn. On pavement just 1.5 miles North of town. MLS #503346; St. Benedict: 325 acres of productive land, 5.5 miles South of town. 160 ACRES GOOD FARMLAND, no build- Great 2 storey home, barn, corrals, steel ings. 20 minutes from Prince Albert, SK. grain storage and workshop. Priced to sell! 306-789-1590, 403-457-1441, leave msg. MLS #491740. Call Dwein 306-221-1035.


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15,000 ACRES OF farm land for lease in Green Lake, SK. Two locations. Silver Lake consists of 6532 acres, 3126 of pasture, 1516 hay, 542 water, 1348 bush, brush, yard. Central Farms consists of 9997 acres, 1903 pasture, 370 hay, 1361 water, 6345 bush, brush, yard. Land is suitable for a cattle operation, grazing or crop seeding. Includes shop, quonset, cattle facilities, corrals, handling facility, good fencing, dugouts, water wells, grain bins, power and house(s) if required. Preferred long term lease agreement, 5 yr. - 10 year. For viewing farm locations/buildings please call the office at 306-832-4414 to make arrangements. Land available for January 2015. Serious inquiries only.

RM 371, 160 acres, renovated house with double car garage on 160 acres, $590,000. 306-369-7503, 306-469-1010, Bruno, SK. justenterprisesltd@hotmail.ca FARM/ ACREAGE- 520 acres or purchase only 40 acres with yardsite, 1588 sq. ft. newer res. on rural water line. Close to Diefenbaker Lake and Sask Landing Prov. Park. RM 228 Lacadena. MLS 487145 and MLS 487054. Len Rempel 306-741-6358 Royal LePage Southland Realty, Swift Current, SK. www.royallepageswiftcurrent.ca

LUSELAN D AR EA... 100 Qua rte rs Gra in la n d for Sa le .

N eighb o u rs sellin g a tthe sa m e tim e b u tn o tn ecessa rily to gether. La rge a n d sm a ll pa cka ges fo rsa le. Bu y 1 o r 2 qu a rters o r100 if yo u like. C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y

3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7

o r e m a il fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n

re m a xkin de rs le y@ s a s kte l.n e t ®G

ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K

w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m HUDSON BAY, SK. Leaf Lake area: 3 adjoining quarters, prime hunting, marke t a b l e t i m b e r a n d p e at . N E , N W, SE-06-46-01-W2. Phone 250-427-6036. PRIME COMMERCIAL LAND, Smiley, SK. 13 acres, in oilfield, on Hwy., fenced, $49,900. 306-838-0060 or 403-986-3280. $149,000 OFF GRID, self-sufficient, house, garage, 3 outbuildings, fenced yard, 160 acres. Call 306-547-3123, Preeceville, SK. ID#1100237 DINSMORE: 2 quarter sections of farm land located close to Dinsmore, RM of Milden #286. Sandy clay loam with #2 and #3 soil. Sellers will consider selling each quarter separately. ID#1100235 Ponteix: 2 quarters farm land with a house, bins and storage shed. Good well. 200 acres cult., remainder in alfalfa/grass hay. Gas well revenue $2400 annually. Cultivated acreage according to SAMA. ID#485737 Regina: 798 acres of very productive farm land. 100 acres summerfallow, 270 acres tame hay, 148 acres tame pasture, 280 acres native pasture. Energy efficient home and outstanding water quality. ID#1100191 Rush Lake: approx. 309.73 acres irrigated land. Valley pivots, natural gas pumping unit, 3 phase power. 11 miles east of Swift Current and 5 miles south of Hwy. #1 right along the Highfield Reservoir. ID#1100257 Osler: Modern Dairy Farm near Saskatoon with 145 acres. 90 cow free stall barn with state of the art auto identifying double 10 milk parlor and an attached calf-heifer barn. 154.79 kg daily milk quota. 1614 sq. ft. home and an insulated workshop. Real E s t a t e C e n t re , 1 - 8 6 6 - 3 4 5 - 3 4 1 4 , www.farmrealestate.com RM 165: 160 acres approx. 1 mile south of Herbert, SK. House, barn, corrals, ideal livestock operation. Fenced for sheep. MLS 495223. John Cave, Edge Realty, 306-773-7379. www.farmsask.com RM 164/194: 4000 acres of pasture and grain land. Can be purchased in 2 parcels. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. www.farmsask.com





Cen tra l...........................206 1⁄4’s Ea s t..................................51 1⁄4’s W es t...................................4 1⁄4’s S o u th...............................75 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t.......................40 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t......................6 5 1⁄4’s N o rth..................................6 1⁄4’s N o rth Ea s t..........................4 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t.......................12 1⁄4’s

2,560 ACRES OF good farmland, mostly in one block w/nice yard site, house, shop, sheds and 110,000 plus bushel bins on air and mostly hoppered. RM #101, 65 miles SW of Regina, or 40 miles SE of Moose Jaw, 306-475-2521, Spring Valley, SK.

DAIRY FARM IN Central Manitoba, part of dairy country. 160 acres (105 workable), approx. 1900 sq ft. house, recently renovated. Free stall dairy barn, 210 stalls, 4 robotic milkers, dry cow barn, bred heifer facility, open heifer facility, calf hutches, machine shed, slurry store, $2,925,000. To be negotiated at the time of sale: Tractors, feed wagons, misc. farm equipment, milk quota up to 210 liters, cows and young stock to match quota demands, up to 160 additional acres available for rent. Contact Cliff Martens at 204-346-4117, Delta Real Estate, Steinbach, MB.

960 ACRES, 20 min NE of Regina on highway. Complete infrastructure for grain, livestock or mixed. May consider separate purchase of home quarter. TRUAX, SK. (RM of Elmsthorpe), half section with good buildings. Farm set up for starter in livestock or great hobby farm. Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, 306-525-3344 at Col- MIXED FARM 557 total acres. 1120 sq. ft. liers International, 2505 11th Ave., Suite bungalow totally renovated. Land in a block. Near Roblin, MB. MLS #1402369. 200, Regina, SK. www.collierscanada.com Karen Goraluk, Salesperson 204-773-6797, RM SPIRITWOOD 496, a reduced price NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate, on a property with a prime location just www.north-star.ca 2-1/2 miles south of Spiritwood on #378. Over 100 acres of prime farmland, plus 30 acres of seeded pasture balance, good bush pasture, total of 237 acres, 3 bdrm. MULCHING - TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. home built in 1957, 40x60’ steel quonset, Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: and 28x60’ solid hip roof barn. Owners www.maverickconstruction.ca want action! MLS ®499736. This property could be a market gardeners dream or a ALBERTA FORESTRY LEASE: 166 AUM’s sheep operation. I am in need of grainland (30+/- cow/calf pairs), West of Longview. and pastureland in most of my trading For sale or lease. 403-899-8062 for info. area. Call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the 110 ACRES w/4 wire fence, good for B at t l e fo r d s , N o r t h B at t l e fo r d , S K . , 20-25 pairs; also, 600 acres, 300 grass, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512. 300 bush land, good for 65-75 pairs. 306-275-4623 leave a mesHa m m ond Rea lty - A cres ofExpertis e 306-231-6439, sage w/name and number. St. Brieux, SK.


S ellin g Fa rm s & Ra n ches fo r o ver 10 yea rs thro u gho u t S a s k a tchew a n , w ith m a n y n ew lis tin gs . To view listing brochures please visit:

w w w .h a m m o n d re a lty.ca C A LL M E T O D A Y!

Cell306.441.415 2 | Fax 306.47 7 .1268 Em ail Ke vin .Ja rre tt@ H a m m o n d R e a lty.ca

WANTED IMMEDIATELY 15 - 40 quarters of good grainland, Central SK. location preferred. Call 306-221-2208. WANTED: 1 TO 2 quarters, good farmland, Saskatoon/Aberdeen area. 403-305-5895, sunnymangat@hotmail.com

.66 ACRES with mobile home, NG, well, septic, power and phone, established treed yard. Located halfway between Yorkton HAMMOND REALTY: Shire Farm, RM 92 and Melville, SK. on Hwy. #10, high dry Walpole, near Moosomin, SK. 1280 acres, land, $125,000 OBO. Call 306-620-7251. featuring 610 cult. acres and 625 hay/pasture acres (300 acres could be cropped), HOUSE ON 82 acres, 15 mins. Moose Jaw, $61,863 avg 2013 assessment. Grass car- SK. Reduced to $449,999. Features: treed ries 100 pair. Yard includes: 1180 sq ft yard, city water, updated electrical, new bungalow (1983), 4 bed, 2 bath, 12,850 appliances. Call 306-693-7357 after 5 PM. bu. steel bin storage, exc. water and cattle WINGARD FERRY - 8.5 acres overlooking facilities. MLS #501213. Reduced to North SK River (part of SW-12-46-4-W3), Em a il: $1,240,000. Alex Morrow 306-434-8780 on good road with services adjacent, http://Shire.HammondRealty.ca $27,500 OBO; Also adjacent 110 acre plus s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca 42 ACRES CULTIVATED overlooking valley possible 80 acre (1 mile) riverfront lease. RM OF PADDOCKWOOD No. 520, 81 acres 4 miles west of Lumsden, SK., 15 mins. Phone: 306-382-9024. with approx. 77 cultivated. East half of the NW of Regina, $187,000. Other adjacent SE quarter -02-52-24-W2nd. This is a fairly land available, 306-536-5055. easy parcel of land to farm and is located adjoining the main road. I am also looking FRONTIER, SK. RANCH: 5120 acres, all adfor grain or pastureland in the nearby area, joining, two homes, good service buildas well as a 200+ cow/calf operation with ings, excellent water. John Cave, Edge buildings and fair fences. Call Lloyd Ledin- Realty, Ph. 306-773-7379, Swift Current, ski, RE/MAX of the Battlefords, North Bat- SK. www.farmsask.com tleford SK, 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512 SMILEY, SK. MIXED farm, 152 acres for sale, close to town, on pavement, lots of RM OF LEASK #464, 373 acres, approx. water, oil leases, house and building. 250 cultivated, balance pasture w/fair to $275,000. 306-838-0060 or 403-986-3280 12 ACRES IN the Town of Unity, SK. Newly good fences and possible lease of adjoining 620 acres of Crownland. Will handle RM 250, Last Mountain Valley, South half renovated 2005 sq. ft. structural brick, 7 80-100 cow/calf pairs, excellent water of 35-27-23-W2. Send written offers to bdrm, 3 bath home. Outside/direct ensupply and good big game hunting. MLS purchase to: D. Turnbull, Box 151, Govan, trance to basement (Could be rented as a ®493566; Also, this 582 acres, excellent SK. S0G 1Z0. Sale of the above mentioned basement suite). Mature yard, fenced paspasture in a single block with 50% tame land does not include the 2014 crop. Bids ture, workshop with three phase power, pasture mix and 50% natural pasture, 5 for land sale close on July 31, 2014. High- $695,000. Contact Jim 306-260-7446, dugouts, 2 springs, fairly good fences, 10 est or any bid not necessarily accepted. email: jpankiw@yourlink.ca acres large spruce, stone free, power. Call Don Turnbull at 306-484-2041 (home) 3 ACREAGES 15 mins. SE Moose Jaw, SK. Quite a little paradise! 1 hour from Saska- or 306-725-7256 (cell), Govan, SK. 38 acres each, very scenic, grid road, city toon. MLS®493039. For viewing of these water connected, gas and electric onsite, two cattle operations, call Lloyd Ledinski, RM OF 494, 5 quarters of land adjoining, approaches. Call 306-693-7357 after 5 PM. Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, good water supply and fenced. 1/2 mile of lakefront. 306-427-2046, 306-883-7493, 28 ACRES, 1-1/2 storey 4 bdrm home, or 306-441-0512, North Battleford, SK. Shell Lake, SK. main floor laundry w/pantry, 2-1/2 baths, large country oak kitchen, vaulted ceiling WINGARD FERRY- 110 acres overlooking in LR and DR, full basement. Approx 2500 North SK River (part SE-12-46-4-W3), plus sq. ft. shop. 8 miles west of Pigeon Lake, GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 25 mile radius of possible 80 acre riverfront (1 mile) lease. AB. Offers. 780-682-2350 or 306-467-2477 Rouleau, SK. Call 306-776-2600 or email: Ph. 306-382-9024. CUPAR HORSE ACREAGE: kraussacres@sasktel.net FARM LOCATED IN the center of 600 cult. BEAUTIFUL acres, 1750 sq. ft. 4 bdrm., 3 bath bunacres, yard fully serviced w/brand new 20 L A N D F O R S A L E b y T e n d e r : 2013 1700 sq. ft. house, 75,000 bu. grain galow, hardwood floors, cedar ceilings, NW-6-33-21-W3, RM of Winslow, SK. 160 storage- (90% has aeration), 30x30’ heated new attached garage. Two barns, box acres w/142 acres cultivated (excluding shop, 120x48’ steel clad machine shed, stalls, outdoor riding arena, paddocks, mineral rights). Send tenders in sealed en- other modern storage sheds. Quill Lake, fenced, well treed, good spring fed well velopes to: Joyce Radke, accompanied by SK. Possibility of 3 additional quarters. w a t e r. Tw o m i l e s f r o m C u p a r, S K . $399,000. More info 306-570-4001. a cheque for 10% of tender, payable to Taking offers to July 31/14. 306-287-7928 Joyce Radke. Deposit amount of the sucBALGONIE, SK. 158 acres, hay and pasture cessful bid will be retained and all others land, 1530 sq. ft. house, 4 bdrms., 30x30’ will be returned. Purchase price to be subattached garage, 30x40’ barn, park-like ject to GST if applicable and the balance of 320 TOTAL ACRES. 180 acres seeded hay yard. Asking $749,000. Call 306-771-4899. purchase price to be paid on or before Oc- and pasture. 1120 sq. ft., 3 bdrm bungatober 1, 2014, subject to current renter low, attached double garage, 40x70 quon- RM OF CHESTERFIELD #261, 12 miles, harvesting crop. Highest or any tender not set. Good view. Near Roblin, MB and Duck South of Flaxcombe, 10 acres, 1452 sq. ft. necessarily accepted. Tenders close Au- Mountain Prov. Park. MLS #1326157. Ph. bungalow, 48’x96’ heated shop w/water, gust 1, 2014. Mail tenders to: Joyce Radke Karen Goraluk, Salesperson 204-773-6797, 30’x60’ shed, 24’x36’ shop, 31,100 bu. steel 5101 26A Street Close, Lloydminster, Al- NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate, bin grain storage, asking $610,000. Call Brad Edgerton, 306-463-7357, Edge Realty berta, T9V 2R7. Telephone 780-875-5206. www.north-star.ca Ltd., Kindersley, SK.


2013 KUBOTA RTV 1100, cab, AC, heater, radio, always shedded, 1 owner, $17,500. 306-469-2235, Big River, SK. 1985 HONDA 300 4x2, excellent condition, with ramps, $2500. Call 306-298-7621, Val Marie, SK. 2015 PALAZZO 35.1, hot new floor plan, triple slide, king bed, towing capacity of TAHOE 24’ PONTOON boat for parts or re- 10,000 lbs., Stk# 9999, $173,000. Call pairable, 150 Mariner. 306-445-5602, 1-866-346-3148 or shop on-line 24/7 at: North Battleford, SK. Allandale.com 1976 17’ SILVERLINE boat and trailer, 6 cyl. inboard Merc Cruiser, c/w 2 sets of new water skis, 1 person tube, 1- 3 person tube, 8 life jackets, 2 fish finders, cover, $3500 OBO. 403-793-0013, Gem, AB. 2004 FAMILY FISH pontoon 20’, 50 HP Merc., w/trailer, $12,900; 2007 Four Winns fish and ski model, 18.5’, 4.3 inboard, only 134 hrs., above average cond., $19,900; 2006 Tracker Pro 190 fishing boat, 90 HP Merc. 4-stroke, good cond. with trailer, $12,900. K&L Equipment, Ituna, SK. 306-795-7779, 306-537-2027, email ladimer@sasktel.net DL #910885.

2014 VEGAS 24.1 micro class A RUV, perfect couples coach, great coach to drive, superior mileage, Ford V10, Stk#8840, $78,500. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at: Allandale.com

2012 40’ HY-LINE tri-axle 5th wheel, power stabilizers, awning, 3 slides, washer/dryer, dishwasher, large fridge, pantry, bathroom w/shower and skylight, queen bed, 8’ closet, 42” flat screen. Reduced $37,900. 403-932-7327, Cochrane, AB. 2009 BIG COUNTRY 32’ fifth wheel, double rear slide, single bdrm. slide, fireplace, flat screen TV, washer/dryer hookups, lots of storage, lots of extras. $30,000 OBO. 306-747-9322, Shellbrook, SK. 2014 TUSCANY 40RX 40’, 1.5 baths, triple slides, 450 HP, fully loaded, independent suspension, aqua hot heating, king bed, Stk#7981, $249,000. shop online 24/7 at: Allandale.com or call 1-866-346-3148. 2010 BIGHORN 5th wheel 3410RE, full load, 3 slides, roof solar panel, built-in 5500 Onan generator. Call 306-867-8445, Outlook, SK. WANTED: NEWER TUNDRA OR Skandic or Yamaha Venture MP or Bravo. In Sask, Manitoba or Alberta. Call 204-857-1764. 2006 SUNSET CREEK camper, 1 slide, sleeps up to 10, exc. cond. Asking $16,000 OBO. Call 306-260-4392, Saskatoon, SK.

Ca ll DOUG

3 06 -9 55-226 6


SA SK ATCH EW A N FA RM L A N D FO R SA L E sa skla n d hu n ter.c om CUL TIV ATED L AN D

Ab e rd e e n 1 ,1 94 Acre s Cu lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,4 9 5,000 Ab e rd e e n 300 Acre s Cu lt./ Pas tu re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 9 9 ,000 M cCran e y “ K e n as to n Are a” 1 ,920 Acre s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500,000 Ab e rd e e n Lake fro n tPas tu re w ith De ve lo pm e n t Po te n tial,1 ,069 Acre s . . . . . . . . . $1 ,59 5,000


69 Acre s clo s e to city 1 /2 m ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 ,500,000 Tw o 71 acre parce ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S . . . .O . . . .L . . .D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,800,000/ea Fo r m o re in fo vie w o n Sa skla n d hu n ter.c om o r co n tact Ja m es H u n ter 3 06 - 7 1 6 - 07 50 - Cold w ellBa n ker R esc om R ea lty Em a il:sa skla n d hu n ter@ sa sktel.n et

5 QUARTERS IN RM 211, Churchbridge, SK. Approx. 700 cult. acres, 3 bdrm. brick house, attached garage, finished basement, geothermal, under ground power, 4 steel metal clad machine sheds, 40,000 bu. grain storage, some livestock facilities. Call 306-896-2896, ask for Ernie.


960A RANCH in Moosehorn area. Excellent house, barn, hay shed, very well maintained property with endless possibilities. Henry Kuhl, Farm Specialist, Royal LePage Alliance, 204-885-5500, Winnipeg, MB. HATCHERY WHICH HATCHES and distributes close to a million eggs per year. Known as Bergs Hatchery, in business since 1953. 6500 quota breeder farm with layer barn 40x340. Pullet and rooster barn 42x360. Would consider selling hatchery separately. Included: quota, all equipment, 5 delivery vans, 89 acres land, 1550 sq. ft. bungalow, 32x48 garage. Russell, MB. MLS #1410855. Karen Goraluk, Salesperson 204-773-6797, NorthStar Insurance & Real Estate, www.north-star.ca BEEF RANCH IN SE Manitoba, in the heart of cattle country. Available: 4.5 quarters deeded land and 3 quarters crown land. Included are full set of outbuildings. Most corrals are steel corralling. 1500 sq.ft. home, att. double garage. Equipment and cows can be negotiated at the time of sale. Land can easily produce feed and grazing for 150 cows. This can be purchased for only $530,000. Cliff Martens, Delta Real Estate, 204-346-4117, Steinbach, MB.

WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. 1-877-866-0667. www.woodmizer.ca SAWMILLS from only $4397 - Make Money and Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock, ready to ship. Free info. and DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com/168 or call 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168.

2005 MONACO CAYMAN 34PDD, 35’, 5.9 Cummins, 300 HP, 21,500 miles, auto, satellite, air over hyd. brakes, 5.5 KW Onan dsl. gen.- 148 hrs, exc. cond., 2 slides, $75,000. More photos on our website www.can-amtruck.com Can-Am Truck NEWMAN 512, 8”x15” capacity, fully motorized, 3 phase 440/220V, c/w all necesExport Ltd 1-800-938-3323. DL #910420. sary parts to run; Wienig moulder planer, 7 head, 4”x8” cap., c/w elec. switch gear, 3 phase 440/220V; Blower pipes; Infeed/ outfeed tables; Knife grinding equipment; Profile side head grinder; Hanchett flat knife grinder. 250-762-2121, Kelowna, BC.

ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat2003 BEAVER MONTEREY, 38’, 2 slides, form scales for industrial use as well, non350 Cummins, 41,200 miles, Aqua hot electric, no balances or cables (no weigh heating, always shedded, NS and NP, like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, North Battleford, SK. www.eliasscales.com $79,000 OBO. 780-853-7911, Vermilion AB N E W ! P O RTA B L E T R U C K S C A L E S , $19,900. Save time and money by weighing on the farm. Accurately weigh inputs and avoid overweight fines. See your nearest Flaman location or 1-888-435-2626.

2014 FOUR WINDS 35SK Super C Ford chassis, power stroke diesel, 10,000 lbs. towing capacity. Tow your horse trailer. Stk #3857, $125,000. Shop online 24/7 at Allandale.com or 1-866-346-3148. 1976 FMC MOTOR HOME, rear engine, as seen on Counting Cars. Call 306-445-5602, North Battleford, SK. 2004 WINNEBAGO JOURNEY 39’, 2 slides, 330 HP Cat dsl. pusher, Freightliner chassis, air ride, air brakes, exhaust brake, Allison auto. trans., 127,000 miles, Onan propane gen., rear monitor, hyd. levelers, basement, central AC, 2 dr. fridge, washer/dryer, oak pkg., queen bed, new tires and batteries, ready to go, $47,900 OBO. Can email pics 306-441-0188 Cut Knife, SK

EAST OF DIDSBURY, AB: 10.25 acres, restored main house, second house, shop, machine shed, barn. Quiet, treed, landscaped, $709,000. Call 403-335-3359. For more info visit: ComFree.com #518693.

STANDING HAY CROPS wanted. Rental by the ton or by the acre up to $100/acre. Custom large square baling, custom swathing. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB. R E A S O N A B L E R AT E S B O O K N O W ! Standing hay crops wanted rental by the ton or by the acre up to 100$/acre Custom large square baling custom swathing Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB.

2015 WINDSPORT 27K, perfect couples coach, Class A gas, #1 floor plan, king bed, full wall slide, Stk#08264, $94,000. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop on-line 24/7 at: Allandale.com 2007 FLEETWOOD DISCOVERY, 9000 miles, 60 hour generator, all options, stored inside, fresh safety with sale, $125,000. 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK.

2 R ow AOG M a ltContra cts Now Ava ila b le M a lt B a rley/ Feed G ra in s / P u ls es best price/best delivery/best payment

Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - ex.co m


MOATS: REG., CERT; CDC Buteo: Fdn., BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties reg., cert. Excellent germination and vigor. of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. Cleaned, available now. Big Dog Seeds Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB. Inc., 306-483-2963, Oxbow, SK.

TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED alfalfa and grass TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. CERT. ALFALFA AND GRASSES. Free ALFALFAS/ CLOVERS/ GRASSES, hay delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, blends and pasture blends. Custom blends MB, 1-888-204-1000. www.dyckseeds.com no charge. Free delivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. Visit us at www.dyckseeds.com

HAY BLENDS AND PASTURE BLENDS, no charge custom blends. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB. Free delivery. 1-888-204-1000, www.dyckseeds.com

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED

LENTILS, CANARY AND CHICK PEAS. Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: www.grainex.net

Schluter & Maack NOW BUYING BROWN & YELLOW MUSTARD All grades of Green Peas Laird & Richlea Lentils Yellow Peas

XPELLER PRESSING Looking for Soybeans, as well as Heated Canola and Flax. Prompt payment as well as prompt on farm pickup! Call, text or email Darcy for your quote xpellerpressing@gmail.com 403-894-4394.

M illiga n B iofu e ls W AN TS YOU R CAN OL A

W e a re b uyin g a ll gra de s of ca n ola . #1, 2, a n d 3 a s w e ll a s h e a te d, gre e n , s p rin g th re s h e d. Top p rice s , fre igh t op tion s , de live ry con tra cts , p rom p t p a ym e n t. Bon de d a n d in s ure d.

1-306-771-4987 1-866-388-6284

Located in Dafoe, SK.

Buyers of All Special Crops Including

w w w .m illiga n biofu e ls .c om


Brown, Yellow, Oriental Mustard, Peas, Lentils, Canary & Flax Seed. • Licensed & Bonded • Quick payment

For Mustard and Dafoe Deliveries Call Toll free 1-877-550-3555 For Peas, Flax and Lentils Call (306) 541-4838 or (306) 491-9982






Bu yers o f co n ven tio n a l a n d o rga n ic gra d es o f len tils , pea s , m u s ta rd , w hea t, b a rley, o a ts , rye, ca n o la , fla x, etc.

C a ll for your on fa rm b id . TOLL FREE

1-8 8 8 -3 28 -9 19 1







1-877-250-5252 L O O K IN G FO R A L L TYP ES O F GRA IN S P a yin g top d olla r. Bookin g n ew crop.


1 -85 5 -75 2-0 1 1 6

w w w .ca ctu sco m m o d ity.co m WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, David Lea, or Vera Buziak at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Email: info@marketplacecommodities.com or phone: 1-866-512-1711.

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW V AL L EY TRADIN G L TD.

%8<,1* )((' *5$,1


&*& OLFHQVHG DQG ERQGHG www.jglgrain.com 877-907-1517 e:info@jglgrain.com 720 Duchess St - Saskatoon, SK 306-374-1517


AL L GRAD ES Com petitive Ra tes

WANTED: OFF-GRADE PULSES, oilseeds and cereals. All organic cereals and specialty crops. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK. NORTH EAST PRAIRIE GRAIN, brokerage and consulting. Get more for your grain. Devon at: 306-873-3551 for no obligation price quote! neprairiegrain.com LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK.

P AUL M O W ER 4 03 - 3 04 - 1 4 9 6


4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0


BUYIN G HEATED OATS M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712

NEW ¡ 11R22.5 16 ply .............................. $299 ¡ 14.9x24 12 ply ............................... $486 ¡ 16.9x28 12 ply ............................... $558 ¡ 20.8x38 12 ply ............................... $795 ¡ 23.1x30 12 ply ............................ $1,495 ¡ 24.5x32 14 ply ............................ $1,495 ¡ 30.5x32 16 ply ............................ $1,995 Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, www.combineworld.com

STANDING HAY CROPS wanted. Rental by the ton or by the acre up to $100/acre. Custom large square baling, custom swathing. Call 780-991-3616, Thorsby, AB. APPROX. 200 ACRES standing alfalfa and brome grass hay. Offers. 306-497-2863, 30 USED 11-22.5 and 11-24.5 tires, 30% to 80% tread, $80 to $200. Call Neil Blaine Lake, SK. 306-231-8300 Humboldt, SK. DL 800 ACRES STANDING tame hay, near #906884. Ogema, SK. Best offer. Call 306-716-2671. SCRAPER AND LOADER TIRES available. WANTED: PURE ALFALFA round bales. All sizes. Quick Drain Sales, Muenster, SK. Must have lots of leaf on stems. Prefer 2nd Ph: 306-682-4520, 306-231-7318. cut softcore. 306-682-3626, Humboldt, SK CERTIFIED ORGANIC HAY, brome, fesALS cue, alfalfa mix, 3’x3’x8’ square bales. Call DU for details 306-335-2280, Lemberg, SK.

NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. Available in 8�, 12�, 16� and 24�, PTO, elec. or eng. driven available. These pumps can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16� PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. For info. call your SK dealer, T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd., Foam Lake, SK. 306-272-7225, 306-272-4545. www.crisafullipumps.com

Your Pump Specialists!

ATTENTION TRAPPERS: Personal trapping instruction avail. for coyote and fox, w/snares or traps, 55 years experience, June 15th to Sept 30th. Call for details. Gilliland Lures. 204-634-2425, Pierson, MB

PAIR OF NEW 13.8x38 tires and tubes on JD rims. Trade for used tires plus cash. 306-375-7722, Kyle, SK.

POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gal.; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gal; Water and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and double wall; Truck and storage, gas or diesel. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK.


Move water FAST‌

OXYGEN GENERATOR. Nitrox 10 generator for cutting oxygen for your use and sell to others. 47 cylinder and cage included. Air is free, oxygen is valuable! Call Del for pics at 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB.

Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers

w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com

M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198

RURAL & CULTURAL TOURS M id w es t US A/Bra n s o n ~ O ctober 2014

AUXILIARY FUEL TANK Adds up to an additional 12 hours of run time. Fits most models of floating water pumps.


Call Today: 1-866-509-0715


~ Decem ber 2014

1�, 2�, 3� and 4� water pumps from B&E, Honda, and Robin/Subaru in stock with hose and fittings. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.

Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d ~ Jan 2015 S o u th Am erica ~ Jan 2015 Co s ta Rica ~ Feb 2015 K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Feb 2015 S o u th Africa /Za m b ia ~ Feb 2015 In d ia ~ Feb 2015

WATER WELL DRILLING rig Mayhew 1000, mounted on a 1968 Kenworth, exc. cond. Call 780-675-4405, Athabasca, AB.

Pa n a m a Ca n a l Cru is e

WANTED 3 CARBON steel vertical tanks, maximum 9.6’ diameter and 17’ high, in good cond. 204-248-2110 Notre Dame, MB

Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

4600L DOUBLE WALL fuel tank, utility tank (tank only), $2995. Call John Mah, 780-361-6185, Wetaskiwin Co-op Association Ltd, AB. jmah@wetaskiwincoop.com

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a ys.co m


INTERNATIONAL FARM TOURS. See Corn and Soybeans, planting and harvesting. Tourist Sights included. Brazil, China, Argentina. 1-888-414-4177.

• U P TO 1 000 GAL L O N Financing • ISO 9001 :2008 available. Appro ved Inqu ire • SINGL E W AL L SQ U AR E TANK at ou r deal ers. • TR ANSP O R T CANAD A AP P R O V ED

Up to 50,000 gph.

Up to 27,000 gph.

~ N ovem ber 2014

ISO 9001 :2008 Appro ved • U L C a ppro ved • Skid P a c ka g e a va ila b le • Sin g le a n d d o u b le w a ll a va ila b le


¡ JD Factory 94-9600/CTS ........... $9,850 ¡ JD STS BLOWOUT .................. $7,995 ¡ CIH AFX w/new tires .............. $18,800 ¡ CIH 80/88 w/new tires ........... $12,845 ¡ NH CR/CX w/new tires ........... $18,800 ¡ Clamp on kit w/tires ................. $5,250 Trade in your singles! 1-800-667-4515. www.combineworld.com

Du b a i to Ca pe To w n Cru is e

Se le ct Holida ys

MITCHELL DRILLING Saskatoon, SK Ph: 306-242-4944

INDIA TOUR ALL inclusive winter tours led by a local guide. Phone 780-903-4163, Edmonton, AB., or www.ecotracks.ca


LISKE TRAVEL LTD., Wetaskiwin, AB. Tour date change. Come and join us Aug. 2015, 23 days. Maritimes, Newfoundland and Labrador. “Experience it all.� Watch for Cook Island tour information, Jan. 2015. www.lisketravel.com 1-888-627-2779.

STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well drilling and servicing, Geotechnical, Environmental, Geothermal. Professional service since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 info@stauberdrilling.com

Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers

w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com


BERKLEY 6� PTO PUMP, suction line and i n t a ke s c r e e n , v e r y g o o d , $ 5 0 0 0 . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198 306-382-9024, Saskatoon, SK. 413 DODGE INDUSTRIAL pump, w/Berkely B45 1200 GPM 120 PSI water pump, w/after market cooling system, runs well, TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, $3850 OBO. 780-818-2863, Edmonton, AB. service, installations, repairs. Canadian D E T RO I T D I E S E L 3 c y l i n d e r p u m p , company. We carry aeration socks. We w/Monarch water NH5 M12P pump, runs now carry electric chute openers for grain well, $4200. 780-818-2863, Edmonton, AB trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000.

P ro m pt P a ym en t

1-877-6 41-2798

WANTED FEED BARLEY- Buffalo Plains Cattle Company is looking to purchase barley. For pricing and delivery dates, call Kristen 306-631-8769, Bethune, SK. PASKAL CATTLE in Iron Springs area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more $$$ in your pocket and sell direct to us with no brokerage fee. Please call 403-732-5641.

HAY WANTED: Looking for all types of hay, in any form of bale. Southern or Central AB and Western SK Call 403-795-1347 DAIRY AND FEEDER HAY, 3x4 square bales for sale. Tests available. Call: 403-633-8835, Brooks, AB. 2013 HAY BALES: 5 grass blend, baled, vg cond, 3x4x8 five string, 1250 lbs.; 21 small bales tied in a 3x4x7 bundle, 1250 lbs. each. All bales shedded. Can load. Call Don 306-548-5440, Danbury, SK.

Le th b ridge , AB.


WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. Also limited amount of #1 canola. Cash on delivery or pickup. 306-228-7306 or 306-228-1502, Unity, SK.

SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, greenfeed, grass and straw. Delivered. Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK.

650/65 R38; 480/70 R30; 380/90 R40, all 85% tread or better. New 380/85 R30 tire. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. GOODYEAR SPECIAL SURE grip Rice tires, used 50 hrs., (2) 900/65R32, $4200 ea. 204-734-2419, 204-734-8007 Swan River, MB. cpvmountain@gmail.com FOUR 20.4xR42 GOODYEAR tires, good shape, $700 each OBO. Call 403-347-0564, Red Deer, AB. LOW LOW PRICES! Over 1400 new and used tires, mostly construction sizes, some very large sizes, many tires with rims. Cambrian Equipment Sales, Winnipeg, MB. Ph. 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932.

FLOATER TIRES FOR JD and Case sprayers: 650/65R38 or 710/70R38. For JD sprayers: 710/70R42 or 900/50R42. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at www.titantrucksales.com NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and SEVERAL 14.9-26 6-PLY tires for sale. Phone: 306-642-3152, Assiniboia, SK. milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.

KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, expert workmanship and fair pricing. 50% government grant now available. Indian Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061

HYD. PIPE SPINNER for oil/ water pipe. Steel or plastic pipe, from 2-1/4� to 10�. Call Jake: 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB.

Ace Buying Group A Division of AgLine International


9.5L15 8PLY ....................... BKT $89.95 RIB IMPLEMENT .......Firestone $139.90 11L15 ........................................ RIB IMPLEMENT .......Firestone $137.71 12.5L15 10PLY .................. BKT $139.95 RIB IMPLEMENT ....................... 1000-16 8PLY 4 RIB.......................... BKT $159.95 1100-16 8PLY 4 RIB.......................... BKT $209.95 11L15 12PLY HIWAY SPECIAL ................ BKT $185.95 18.4-38 .............................. BKT $690.00 8PLY R-1.................................... 20.8-38 .............................. BKT $995.00 8PLY R-1....................Firestone $1,299.00 600/65R28 ......................... BKT $1,489.00 157A8 R-1 .................Firestone $2,295.95 600/70R30

152A8 R-1 .......................... BKT $1,439.95 520/85R38 ......................... BKT $1,465.95 155A8 R-1 23.1x26 Good Year All Weather R# 10 Ply ................................... $950.00 480x8 Packer Wheel on Hub assembly .......................... $89.95 30.5L32 BKT FORESTRY 16PLY FS216 TL ................................... $3,700.00 28L26 BKT FORESTRY 14G FS216 TL ................................... $2,295.95 35.5LB32 FIR FORESTRY 24C TL LS2 ................................ $6,995.00 30.5L32 FS FORESTRY 26C TL LS2 ................................ $4,995.00 28L26 FIR FORESTRY 16H TL LS2 ................................ $3,199.00



103-3240 Idylwyld Dr. N, Saskatoon, SK


U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK.

CARPENTERS AND LABOURERS needed for construction company. Will train. Accommodations provided. Call Ernest for info at 780-632-9967, Edmonton, AB. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for late model Cat equipment: motor scrapers (cushion ride), dozers, excavators, rock trucks, graders (trim operators). Camp job. Competitive wages plus room and board. Valid drivers license required. Send resume w/ work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc., Box 100, Arborfield, SK. S0E 0A0. Fax 306-769-8844 brydenconstruct@xplornet.ca


WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. CALGARY AREA FARM offers a good work environment west of town in the Elbow valley. 3 bedroom house, Full time position for independent worker with farm/mechanical experience. Duties include: general farm work with hay and grain crops, fencing, machinery and building maintenance. Apply with references to: zink2@colpittsranches.com FULL-TIME AND SEASONAL help on large grain farm, up to $35/hr. depending on education and experience. 306-421-1110, 306-634-4758, Torquay, SK.

FULL TIME LABOURER required on cattle ranch near Youngstown, AB. Experience and willingness to do all aspects of farm and ranch work. Competitive wages and available. Phone 403-779-2164 or EXCAVATOR OPERATOR NEEDED for exca- housing vating company. Applicants must have a e-mail resume to: bignellranch@live.ca min 5 yrs experience, and knowledge of FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT on grain farm at grades. Pay depends on experience. Please Wilcox, SK., up to $30/hour depending email resume to: Billsexc@telusplanet.net on experience. Call 306-776-2496. of fax to: 780-963-4771, Stony Plain, AB. THREE FULL-TIME grain workers. Applicant must have driver’s license and willing to learn in operating and repairing modern FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITION for farm machinery. Employer will train if a large modern farm in Eastend, SK. Class needed. Wages depending on experience. 1A licence required. Hourly wages of youckacresltd@yahoo.ca Strasbourg, SK. $20/hr. and up depending on experience. Housing on acreage available. Experience HARVEST SEMI DRIVER WANTED, new w/farm equipment an asset. Ph. Clayton truck with Super B, 30 minutes south of Osinski 306-295-7644, or email resume to Regina, SK., $30/hr, accommodations included, opportunity for full-time permacro@sasktel.net. Fax: 306-295-4116. nent employment if desired, send resume AUSTRALIAN HARVEST STAFF Needed to: Lekivetzfarms@yahoo.com or fax: Operators wanted for Australian grain har- 306-738-4428. vest from Oct to Dec 2014. Must be able to work long hours and be proficient in driv- AUSTRALIAN HARVEST! Positions avail. ing late model tractors, chaser bins/grain from Oct.-Dec., $22-28/hour, food and accarts. Be qualified in driving new model commodation included. Experienced opCase header/combines. Accommodation erators with relevant working holiday visas and evening meal will be provided. A need only apply. Register early to get a working holiday visa will be required. Also place! www.ruralenterprises.com.au a international licence (valid in Australia) AJL FARMS LTD. in Niton Jct, AB., is hiring would be an advantage. You will be work- full-time permanent feedlot/farm workers. ing on a family run farm. These positions Multiple positions available: Pen checker, would suit, fit 19 to 30 years. All enquiries feedlot worker and feed truck driver. Wagto Eastgrove Farming Pty Ltd-Harvest staff es based on experience. Fax/email resume tribal@westnet.com to: 780-723-6245 or kevin@ajlfarms.com FARM LABOURERS REQUIRED. Room and board provided. Wage depending HELP WANTED FOR harvest on a large u p o n e x p e r i e n c e . C a l l D a n n y , farm in East Central Alberta. Equipment experience and mechanical ability an as780-216-0558, Edmonton, AB. set. Housing provided if necessary. Please HELP WANTED ON farm and ranch. Expe- e-mail: rpaulgaard@hotmail.com or call rience preferred. Wages based on experi- 780-753-4720, Hayter, AB. ence. Room and board possible. FARM LABOUR REQUIRED for mixed farm. 403-227-3691, Red Deer, AB. No texts. Grade 12, drivers license, experience in EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY IN Moss- driving and servicing machinery. Smoke bank, SK. To work on modern grain and free environment. $15/hr. Housing avail. cattle farm. Knowledge of modern machin- Lyle Lumax, 204-525-2263, Swan River MB ery and 1A license an asset. Accommodation can be arranged, wages negotiable. LARGE MIXED FARM near Chauvin, AB. Position to start immediately. Contact Dawn w/newer equipment, looking for full-time farm workers. Must have proof of valid 306-354-7809 driver’s license. Housing is available. Email CUSTOM HARVESTER looking for truck resume: schopferfarms@gmail.com or call drivers, combine, and grain cart operators 780-842-8330 for more info. to go on custom harvesting run that begins August 1st in SK and ends in Northern EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY NEAR AssiAB. Operating 4 new JD S670 combines niboia, SK. for self motivated person interand Peterbilt semis. I may help obtain ested in a grain farm. Applicant should Class 1A license, year round employment have experience operating and maintainh a u l i n g l o g s , g r a i n o r c r u d e o i l . ing modern farm equipment. Class 1A an 306-421-9270 leave msg., or fax resume asset. Housing available for correct candito: 306-456-2835, Bromhead, SK. Email: date. Must be honest and reliable. Wages depending on experience. Great work envibrentkittelsonharvesting@hotmail.com ronment. Call Derrek 306-642-8349. FULL-TIME CATTLE CHECKING Positions. Buffalo Plains Cattle Co. has pen JIMCO FARMING INC. is now hiring comchecking positions available for our ex- bine and grain cart operators as well as panding feedlot w/new facilities. Job also Class 3 and Class 1 truck drivers. Call Jim includes pasture work in the summer. at: 403-575-0069, Coronation, AB. Owned horses and tack preferred. No green horses allowed. Competitive salary PERMANENT POSITION on large mixed a n d g r o u p b e n e fi t s . F a x r e s u m e t o farm. Wages in accordance with experi306-638-3150, or for more info. ph Kristen ence. Must have good work ethic, positive attitude, mechanical skills and work well at 306-631-8769, Bethune, SK. with others. Duties: working cattle, operating and maintaining farm equipment, minimum 3 yrs. experience. Furnished housing available, non smoker preferred. Kincaid, 2650 ACRE MODERN grain farm is looking Fax: 306-264-3752, phone: 306-264-7742. for seasonal help, near Delisle, SK. Some experience with machinery is necessary. CENTRAL ALBERTA LARGE purebred and References are required. Pay is good. For commercial cow/calf operation has an opening for Operations Manager. Benemore info please call 306-493-2937. ficial assets: Leadership, communication, POSITION AVAILABLE, Cypress Hills, SK. time management, record keeping, motiarea. Background yearling grasser opera- vation and responsibility. Excellent location and cow/calf. Modern facilities and tion w/easy access to several amenities equipment. Good working environment. and activities. Contact: Future Farms, Class 1 preferred. Wages negotiable de- 403-227-2594, Red Deer County, AB or send resume to: futureal@telusplanet.net pending on experience. Call 306-295-7473

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RANCH MANAGER/ HAND WANTED for 500 cow and 500 yearling ranch. Duties include all aspects of ranching and overseeing 1-2 employees. Experience is essential. Send resume to North Fork Farm Ltd., General Delivery, Del Bonita, AB, T0K 0S0 or email jralthen@gmail.com Further inquiries call 403-315-3145. Only qualified individuals will be contacted.

EXPERIENCED FARM HELP Wanted: FT and PT positions available on large grain farm in Indian Head, SK. Must be able to work with large modern machinery w/GPS and work in a team environment. Must have valid driver’s licence. Class 1A and mechanically inclined an asset. We’re in a safety and health benefit program. Com- FULL-TIME FARM HELP WANTED for petitive wages and salary. 306-695-8162. general labor on a large mixed farm. Housing available For more information call E-mail: andy@hciventures.ca 780-745-2540, Paradise Valley, AB. AARTS ACRES, 2500 sow barn near Solsgirth, MB is seeking experienced Breeding and Farrowing Technicians. The successful applicant must possess necessary skills, an aptitude for the care and handling of animals, good communication skills and ability to work as part of a highly productive team. Fax resume to: 204-842-3273. or call 204-842-3231 for application form.

COMBINE HARVEST IN AUSTRALIA. Experience wanted, mid-October until end of January. Good wages. Contact email: monty@hoffmanncontracting.com.au

F U L L - T I M E P E R M A N E N T FA R M E R wanted for large grain farm 30 min. South of Regina, SK. Must have farm experience, 1A considered an asset. Top salaries paid. Fax 306-738-4428 or email resume to: FARM HELP WANTED: Looking for a per- Lekivetzfarms@yahoo.com son for a mixed farming operation. Must have a valid driver’s license and be able to operate farm equipment, accommodation available. Phone: 780-812-5567 fax: APPRENTICE MECHANIC: Opportunity 780-573-7620, Bonnyville, AB. to work on hydraulics, diesel engines, prime movers, tracked vehicles, as well as spray equipment. Mostly working in shop in Nisku. Send resume to: Ace Vegetation, 2001 8th Street, Nisku, AB. T9E 7Z1. LARGE GRAIN AND Poultry farm, N of Ed- Email: acemail@acevegetation.com or fax: monton looking for a full-time farmworker. 780-955-9426. Experience with large equipment, Class 1 an asset. Good wages. Send resume to Guy, 780-961-3101 or call 780-975-0051 or email: forquith@hotmail.com Legal, AB. HARVEST EQUIPMENT OPERATORS Wanted to operate new harvest equipment on a large grain farm 30 minutes south of Regina, SK., $30/hour, accommodations included. Opportunity for full-time permanent employment if desired. Send resume to: Lekivetzfarms@yahoo.com or fax: 306-738-4428. CUSTOM FARMING OPERATION looking for equipment operators for silage/lagoon seasons. Experience operating farm equipment an asset, valid drivers license, wage depending on experience. Resume to pshelco@xplornet.com Calmar, AB. SEASONAL OR FULL-TIME Farm Laborer/Equipment Operator on large family grain farm near Prince Albert, SK. Duties include: Operation and maintenance of farm equipment, buildings and yard. Must have 1 year experience operating large equipment, basic computer skills, a valid driver’s license and be able to work independently for extended hours. Work may commence immediately. Apply by mail, with resume to: Cocajen Farms Ltd., 43 Kernaghan Crescent, Prince Albert, SK. S6X 1C8, Fax to: 306-929-2990 or Email to: kellymacpherson@hotmail.com FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experience. Contact Wade Feland at 701-263-1300, Antler, North Dakota. MODERN 400 COW dairy, east of Lacombe, AB. is looking to fill 2 full-time positions. Applicants must have a passion for excellence with dairy cattle and be self-motivated. Experience preferred. Wages $17$21/hr. Housing available. Fax resume to 403-784-2911. Ph 403-396-4696, Tees AB


Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for


(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o MAINTENANCE SECURITY: MATURE person to live in our facility located in Stony Rapids, SK. Furnished accommodation, including satellite TV and internet. Duties include some maintenance, security and unloading of weekly freight truck. Mechanically inclined an asset. Driver's licence required. Salary and benefits negotiable. Call Morris 306-439-2157 or 306-425-9774.

PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s


Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).

Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. BUSY ROOFING COMPANY requires labourers for work in Edmonton, AB. and area. Free room and board. Call Ron at: 780-220-5437. BUSY PRESSURE WASHING Company requires workers for Calgary and Edmonton, AB. area. Will train. Room and board provided. 780-421-9274, 780-920-7360. 2- BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISORS needed to work in the Saskatoon area. Full-time, year-round work, $26.00 to $29.00/hour, depending on experience. Minimum 3 years of experience with building maintenance. Supervisory experience is an asset. Must provide clean drug and alcohol test results and police certificate. Apply to: RCCR Holdings, attention Rick Letts, at: 1001 3rd Ave. North, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2K5, fax: 306-664-1962 or, email: rccrholdings@gmail.com

Editor The Western Producer is currently seeking an Editor to oversee editorial content and the editorial team. The position reports to the Publisher of the Producer. The successful candidate will be the editorial champion of The Producer with the mandate to grow the traditional print and digital audience of The Producer brand in a dramatically dynamic environment. He/she will be innovative, insightful and a natural leader with a demonstrated ability to lead and develop a team that is at the forefront of the agriculture media industry nationally and internationally. The role requires a strategic mind, a willingness to rely on fresh thinking and market insight to build the Brand to serve the agriculture community regardless of platform or traditional practice. THE EDITOR OF THE WESTERN PRODUCER IS A LEADER. HE/SHE WILL: • Develop and champion the Editorial vision of The Western Producer both in the near and long term with all internal and external stakeholders. •

Be an advocate of the Producer and the agriculture industry at seminars and industry events.


Understand the current and prospective readership while maintaining the relevancy of The Producer brand in their daily lives and consequently be a driving force in the growth of print and digital readership.


Be a full participant on the executive of The Producer and maintain accountability for the overall performance of the Brand.


Be a voice for the content sharing and integral position of The Producer within the Glacier FarmMedia division and Glacier Media Inc.

The successful candidate will have an outstanding track record in senior leadership roles from significant “best in class� publishing organizations. He/she will present a sense of trust and credibility – with uncompromising integrity. A university degree in Journalism or equivalent relevant post-secondary education or experience required. Also, a solid financial understanding of profit and loss responsibilities would be an asset. To apply for this position, please contact: Marty Parker, Chief Executive Officer, Waterstone Human Capital or 416.408.3199 mparker@waterstonehc.com The Western Producer is Canada’s largest weekly farm publication. We help Western Canadian farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness succeed in today’s fast-paced global agricultural marketplace with award winning content, in print and online at www.producer.com.

Jennifer Mondoux Managing Director, Waterstone Human Capital 613.482.7652 Extension 273 jmondoux@waterstonehc.com


4 CONCRETE FINISHERS needed, seasonal (Mar-Nov), under 1 hour radius of Camrose, AB. $24- $26 per hour. Minimum 3 yrs. experience with directing placement of concrete into forms and finalizing surfaces. Must be able to provide clean drug and alcohol test results and have drivers license with clean record. Apply at Sunset Concrete: Lot 4, Block 1, Ervik Subdivision, Camrose, AB, Box 1924, T4V 0S0, or email: don@sunsetconcrete.ca fax 780-855-0004

16 PERMANENT FULL-TIME POSITIONS available at County Fresh Farms Greenhouses in Cypress County, AB. Job includes daily picking and pruning of vegetable plants. Work is in a greenhouse environment with some lifting required. $10.03/hr. for 40-50 hrs./wk., may vary according to crop cycles, no experience required, must have transportation. Email: countyfreshfarms@hotmail.com FPS IS A leader in design, manufacturing and distribution of products related to filtration. Located in Watson, SK. We are expanding and need people to fill positions in Shipping and Receiving, as well as Welding and Production. Watson is located at the junction of Hwy’s 5 and 6 and features recreational as well as family and medical facilities. These include a rink, a golf course, an outside swimming pool as well as a medical center, daycare, both an elementary and a high school. Small town living at it’s best! If you are interested in working for a progressive company using cutting edge technology with high safety and environmental standards, send your resume and references to hr@fps-ss.com or mail it to: Recruiting, FPS, Box 789, Watson SK. S0K 4V0. No phone calls please. Only successful applicants will be contacted. MANAGER/CARETAKER REQUIRED for large farm in Peace River region Alberta. Land is currently rented for grain production. Position requires: maintenance and upkeep of 3 home sites, machines and vehicles; some fencing; ongoing projects and improvements and controlling access. Advanced handyman skills required, experience with cattle would be an asset. A selfstarter with impeccable ethics and pride in their work and surroundings will be selected. On-site housing provided and salary commensurate with experience and skill. 403-232-4876, dkaye@postellenergy.com

WEST CENTRAL PELLETING Ltd. is now accepting applications for a General Manager based in Wilkie, SK. This person will be responsible for the leadership and general management of the corporation. You will be responsible for the company’s financial results as you work with the Board of Directors and staff members to implement a strategic business plan while maintaining an environment of positive relationships, both internally and externally. This position requires a balance of experience in business administration, marketing, operational excellence, health & safety, human resource management, financial management and industry relationships, both corporate and regulatory. Experience in the livestock feed industry would also be an asset. West Central Pelleting Ltd. is a shareholder-owned Saskatchewan company with corporate head office in Wilkie, Saskatchewan. It is recognized as a leader in the manufacture of livestock feed pellets and operates facilities in Wilkie and Wolseley, Saskatchewan. Salary will commensurate with experience, education and qualifications. Applications can be submitted by mail, fax or email to the attention of Clifford Kappel at West Central Pelleting Ltd. Box 298, Wilkie SK, S0K 4W0. E-mail: cliffwcp@sasktel.net Fax: 306-843-2199 Phone 306-843-3399.


LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED winch tractor driver for oilfield hauling in Northern Alberta. Camp job. Flexible schedule. Call 780-649-3401, Red Earth Creek, AB.

Lloydminster, AB Requires Service Rig Derrick Hands @ $30-$34/hr – 40 hrs/wk and Service Rig Floor Hands @ $24-$28/hr – 40 hrs/wk, for work in the Lloydminster area.

Please fax resume to 780-871-6908 or email: meredith_royalwell@telus.net

HD TRUCK MECHANIC required for small trucking co. in Lloydminster, AB area. License an asset, but not necessary. John 780-846-0002 or fax 780-846-0005, actiontowinglloyd@hotmail.com

EQUIPMENT OPERATORS, Ace Vegetation is hiring Mulcher, Hydro-ax and Positrack Operators for out of town work. Class 1 license an asset. Send resume to: Ace Vegetation, 2001 8th Street, Nisku, AB. T9E 7Z1., Fax to: 780-955-9426 or Email: acemail@acevegetation.com APIARY HARVESTERS REQUIRED: 3 positions available. Duties include harvesting and processing of honey. Hourly compensation paid is $10.35. Apply to: Hilbert Honey Co. Ltd., Humboldt, SK. Phone: 306-682-3717, fax: 306-682-3096.

• COIL TUBING PERSONNEL • NITROGEN SUPERVISORS • PRESSURE TRUCK OPERATORS • PICKER OPERATORS • GENERAL LABOURERS C la ss 1 or 3 a nd O ilfie ld e xpe rie nc e w ould be a va lua ble a sse t. Interested ca nd id a tes m a y a pply w ith resu m e, em ploym ent references a nd copy of d rivers a bstra ct to:

gm a rtin@ rocksolidcom pa nies.net or FA X to 780-853-6026 PH : 780-853-6604

Sales Representative Grain Bags Canada is a leading supplier of grain bagging equipment, bagging plastic and tillage equipment in Canada, and is currently recruiting for a Sales Representative for our client base in western Canada. Our head office is located in Humboldt SK. Responsibilities for the Sales Representative will include; • Promote and sell our line of agricultural equipment • Build and maintain the existing customer base while growing the company base • Maintain contact with clients and ensure the customer has a high level of confidence • Provide long term business relationships and superior customer service • Travel across the assigned territory will be a main component of this role Qualifications Include; • A strong knowledge of farming operations and agricultural sales • Three plus years of sales experience • Geographical knowledge of applicable territory • Ability to build rapport and maintain relationships • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Able to work independently, but also remain accountable to company directives • Mechanically inclined • Good organizational skills • Clean drivers abstract Grain Bags provides a competitive salary with commission incentives. Please submit resume, including cover letter by July 31, 2014 to:

Grain Bags Canada Ltd.

Box 3129, Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 E-mail: craigyeager@grainbagscanada.com Phone: 306-231-9937 Fax: 306-682-5892

Kuhn is a global leader in the manufacturing and marketing of agricultural implements in the areas of hay tool, manure spreading, tillage, seeding, and livestock feeding technologies. We are currently seeking a Field Support Representative to support Western Canadian dealers in preventing and solving after sale service issues for products marketed by Kuhn North America. Responsibilities include serving as the after sales service representative for dealers in the region, responding in-person or via telephone to inquiries regarding questions on after sales service issues, product uses or applications, train dealership personnel on KNA services and service of products, supporting regional sales staff by working farm shows and demonstrating products, and perform field service campaigns. The position requires at least 50% travel in the Western Canada region. An associate’s or bachelor’s degree in agricultural mechanics or agricultural engineering technology and knowledge of the beef industry is preferred. The position requires knowledge and skills in the areas of customer service, mechanics/repair, electronics, hydraulics, welding, and torch cutting. Application knowledge and experience in word processing (Word), spreadsheet applications (Excel), database management (Lotus Notes), presentation software (PowerPoint) Internet, and e-mail is preferred. We offer an excellent salary and complete benefit package for this full-time position. Forward resume, cover letter, and salary history/requirements to: Jill Leitzen Kuhn North America, Inc. PO Box 167, Brodhead, WI 53520 Fax: (608) 897-2135 jill.leitzen@kuhn.com


Ag Equipment Mechanic/Repair Person $35/ho u r+ b en efits & pen sio n pla n . Du ties in clu d e: sho p w o rk co o rd in a tio n , pa rts o rd erin g, m a chin ery o pera tio n & testin g, m a chin ery repa ir. M o d ern sho p, to o ls su pplied . 30km ea sto f S a ska to o n , S K.

Ca llCha rlie a t (306) 2 2 1- 3800 o re- m a il cha rlie@ co m b in ew o rld .co m MECHANIC WANTED, full or part-time, machinery, vehicles and small equipment. Please contact Jamie 306-352-1440, Regina, SK. or email: jamie@rent1.net

Rock S olid opera ting a cros s W es tern Ca na da requires

~Big g a r Tr a n s p or t~

Co m pa n y Drivers& Lea sed O pera to rs to pu llSu perB’sin bu lk gra in & fertilizerd ivisio n Co m petitive w a ges& ben efits& Sign in g Bo n u s S en d Resu m e & DriversAbstra ctto ro d p a cik@ tra n sa llg ro u p .co m o r fa x:3 06 -24 2-2077 C a ll:Ro d Pa cik 3 06 -24 9-6 85 3 3 06 -3 81-6 5 3 5

ACTIVE, HEALTHY, EMPLOYED single Alberta senior would like to semi-retire and work seasonal or part-time. Farm background. Good mechanical, welding and organizational skills. Clean Class 1 license. No drug, alcohol or personal issues. Prefer central to northern British Columbia. Outfitting or ranch, small shop or ? Contact: chinchaga@hotmail.com

MECHANIC WANTED, full or part-time, machinery, vehicles and small equipment. Please contact Jamie 306-352-1440, Regina, SK. or email: jamie@rent1.net 6 PERMANENT FULL-TIME Positions available at Rolling Acres Greenhouses in Medicine Hat, AB. Job includes daily picking and pruning of vegetable plants. Work is in a greenhouse environment with some lifting required. $10.03/hr., 40-50 hrs. per week, may vary according to crop cycles. No experience required. Must have transportation. rollingacresjobs@hotmail.com

Tru ck Driver sW a n ted

Field Support Representative

WANTED: DRIVERS/OWNER Operators for grain and fertilizer hauling, based in Kenaston, SK. Phone Leon at TLC Trucking 306-252-2004 or 306-567-8377. FULL-TIME CLASS 1 drivers to haul hogs/cattle in Western provinces and USA. Minimum $54,000/yr. for 45 hrs/wk. Livestock experience asset. Benefits after 3 mos. Contact Kunsman Transport via fax: 403-329-3968, igallais@la.shockware.com JIMCO FARMING INC. is now hiring Class 3 and Class 1 truck drivers for fall harvest. Call Jim at: 403-575-0069, Coronation, AB. CLASS 1A DRIVER WANTED to haul cattle, grain, and feed for Buffalo Plains Cattle Co. Experience and a good driving record required. Competitive salary and group benefits avail. Fax resume 306-638-3150 or call Kristen, 306-631-8769, Bethune, SK

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Please stop by in person or send us an email with your resume:

Brenda Wilson, Human Resources Manager Batco-REM 201 Industrial Drive, Swift Current, SK S9H 4G5 E: hr@batco-rem.com





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New facility will help officials study, promote beef Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence | CEO says new centre will do for beef what the Canadian International Grains Institute does for grain BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

A centre of excellence is opening to showcase Canadian beef. The federal government announced last week that more than $3.8 million from the Western Economic Diversification fund will assist the Canadian Beef Centre of Excellence, a new facility in Calgary that will work as a teaching and demonstration centre. Canada Beef Inc. is contributing close to $1 million to help build the facility that includes a full commercial kitchen, coolers, a retail style meat case, classroom, dining facili-

ties and broadcast capabilities. With close to $5 million on hand, the centre can be built and operated for the next three to four years without borrowing money, said Rob Meijer, chief executive officer of Canada Beef. It will be located next to Canada Beef’s offices in northeast Calgary. The facility is expected to be operating by early next year and will be used to test new products and teach chefs, as well as show local and international customers what Canada has to offer. Some of the cooking equipment, including Rational ovens, will be

donated and restaurants will be able to test them at the centre. The high-powered commercial ovens are used in restaurants to cook multiple steaks at once to customer specification. The concept is Meijer’s brainchild. He believes the centre is needed to build brand loyalty. “Without driving a brand strategy it is very difficult to market and promote anything, as we don’t have brand identification,” he said. In many ways, the 2,200-squarefoot facility is similar in concept to the Canadian International Grains Institute in Winnipeg, where new

grain and oilseed products are developed and tested, said Meijer. Packers like JBS and Cargill Meat Solutions are also interested in using the centre to test products, said Chuck MacLean, chair of Canada Beef. The facility will also have a media centre. Companies like Cargill said it could make a video for prospective customers to show them what happens from the kill floor to the final stage where beef is handled in a kitchen. “JBS has already said they could be here a day a week,” MacLean said. “We can have guys cut up a primal

and put it up on video and send it around the world. “We are only limited by our imagination.” The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada could also use the facility to test products before they reach consumers. There is also a plan to work with the meat cutting schools like Olds College, the culinary program at SAIT Polytechnic or Agriculture Canada’s Lacombe Research Centre to explore possible synergies. “I want to talk with them and see if we can put programs together,” said Meijer.


Feds provide $800K for seed certification

Industries Ltd.


REGINA — The federal government is spending more than $835,000 to help the pedigreed seed industry develop an automated system for seed crop certification. Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski told members of the Canadian Seed Growers Association that Ottawa’s contribution will help modernize the pedigreed seed certification process. The new on-line system will replace three-part paper forms that were used in the past. Under the new system, seed growers and seed crop inspectors will submit paperwork electronically. “Having a modernized certification system in place will provide markets with reliable access to consistently high quality seed varieties and ensure that Canadian seeds remain competitive, both domestically and internationally,” said Lukiwski, who made the announcement July 9. Development of the new certification system coincides with government-initiated efforts to privatize seed crop inspections. Beginning this year, authorized private-sector companies will conduct many inspections previously conducted by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The CFIA will continue inspections on some seed crops, including plots and crops of higher pedigree. It will also oversee private sector inspectors to ensure that proper standards are upheld. The C S GA has taken steps to accommodate privatization. An online inspection system is now being used across the country. Privatization has also resulted in higher inspection fees, which are paid by seed growers and, in many cases, passed on to farmers who buy pedigreed seed. “We’re committed to alternative service delivery for seed crop inspection in Canada , while maintaining the integrity and reputation Canada has developed for certified seed,” said CSGA executive director Dale Adolphe.


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EXTRA MONEY TO BE FOUND ON MOST FARMS Proper tire maintenance can improve your bottom line by decreasing machinery wear and failure, and improving crop production. | Page 68

P R O DU CTI O N E D I TO R : M IC HAEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM

Researchers peg the growth of the frost-free season in central Saskatchewan at five days every 10 years. That’s at least 25 days over a 50 year period. Areas farther south see even more frost-free days, giving farmers a chance to try new crops or recover from delayed seeding. | FILE PHOTO AGRONOMY | FROST DATES

FIRST FROST DATES ACROSS THE PRAIRIES Depending on where the farm is located, average first frosts stretch from the end of August, at higher altitudes along the Rockies, to the last week of September. No matter where the farm is, it is enjoying more frost-free days than it did three decades ago.

Average first frost dates:

Peace River

First frost dates pushed Wider windows | Later frost dates between planting and harvest mean better crops, more options

Aug. 24 - Sept. 1 Sept. 2 - 8 Sept. 9 - 15 Sept. 16 - 23



Saskatoon Before Aug. 21 Aug. 21 - 31 Sept. 1 - 10 Sept. 11 - 20

Aug. 22 - Sept. 1 Regina


Before Aug. 22



Maple Creek

After Sept. 20 Source: provincial agriculture departments | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC


Sept. 1 - 11 Winnipeg


Sept. 11 - 21 After Sept. 21

Today’s farmers have a lot more time to grow a crop than those that came before them. The numbers should provide some comfort to growers in Western Canada, where crops in many regions that aren’t affected by floodwaters are delayed following a cool spring and plenty of rain in the early summer. “Farmers, I think, are accepting or have adapted to the longer growing

season and realized that they have more than the 100 days than they used to have in the 1960s,” said Elaine Wheaton, a climatologist and emeritus researcher with the Saskatchewan Research Council. Thirty-year averages for first frost dates favour the middle of September for much of Saskatchewan, but growers may have noticed recent fall frosts pushed further into the month and even later in some cases. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE


PRODUCTION The frost-free season experienced in central Saskatchewan has grown by almost a month since the 1960s, said Wheaton. Researchers peg the growth at five days every 10 years over that period and draw a link to climate change caused by increases in greenhouse gases. That’s at least 25 days over a 50 year period and areas farther south can see even more. In 2012, some growers saw a spring to fall frost-free season extend to 160 days. Wheaton said growers can expect to see extremes, whether they be hot or cold, short or long. “The big thing is that there is a tremendous variability from year to year of the frost-free season, either spring or fall ‌ and a great variability over the landscape too from one field to the other,â€? said Wheaton, “but there is a very strong pattern of increasing length of the growing season.â€? Longer growing seasons are noted elsewhere on the Prairies with increasing crop heat units assisting the introduction of new crop types like soybeans and corn. Alberta and Manitoba both see first frost averages pushing into the third week of September. The check wheat variety, AC Barrie, has a relative maturity of 100 days, according to the latest Varieties of Grain Crops publication, making June 10 the seeding deadline for crop insurance in Saskatchewan. Depending on conditions, that deadline sees the crop maturing around Sept. 18. Canola maturity dates stretch from 92 in some regions to more than 125 days. Many pulse crops carry an early to medium maturity rating, although soybean varieties exceed 120 days by the book. Some growers have seen better results, but a late spring in 2014 may have led producers to reconsider testing the crop as plants must approach maturity before the first fall frost to be insurable. “In 10 years, we’ll have a much longer growing season than even now,â€? said Wheaton. “My question is: are plant breeders taking advantage of this information and this very strong trend? It’s not going to go away.â€? The Saskatoon region saw its last freezing event on May 14, according to Environment Canada, although weather conditions delayed seeding operations at the start of June. Ninety-five percent of crops were seeded in the middle of June, according to the Saskatchewan agriculture ministry, which put progress behind most of Alberta and slightly ahead of Manitoba. Subsequent rain and flood events, however, have left a significant number of crops in parts of eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba unsalvageable. Saskatchewan’s most recent crop report estimated the damage at two to three million acres. Delayed crop development was already noted across the Prairies. Drew Lerner of World Weather Inc. said it’s too early to provide a frost forecast for the Prairies. He’s keeping his eye on a handful of cool surges

over the next few weeks, which could make growers looking to dry out saturated crops nervous. “What the trend models are telling me is that as we get into the end of August and September those cold surges that we’re going to have this month and mid-August should become much less significant,� he said last week. Lerner has a conservative stance when it comes to the lengthening growing season. “The last few years we’ve benefited greatly from these later frost and freeze events, but I do not believe that we’re going to see that continuing for much longer,� he said. “(Warm air system) El Nino will possibly help us go another year, but I really think there’s going to be a little bit of support for a quick shot of normal frostfreeze conditions.�

Adapting to change Climate projections show Western Canada may experience fewer negative impacts of climate change than other parts of the world. But while crop yields may get a boost in the short term, a longer growing season is expected to come with greater challenges from pests and diseases. Researchers have also predicted more extreme and unpredictable weather events, including flooding and a serious threat from heat shocks. Saskatchewan has already seen an increase in the average number of days exceeding 35 C, which have shifted from one to three per year in the 1960s to two to five in the 2000s, according to SRC data. “For the future, we see more intense and probably larger areas of drought and probably further north drought,�


said Wheaton. One project at the Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre in Swift Current, Sask., used weather records and climate models to determine that seeding dates in southwestern Saskatchewan may advance by as much as seven to 11 days in the coming decades. That puts growers in southwestern Saskatchewan in the fields as early as April 5-9, with crops maturing much earlier. A survey of research papers reveals similar modelling work is being conducted with other crops, everything from hay to canola. The Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative said early spring seeding will also improve pulse production in semiarid regions. On its website, PARC applauds the use of zero-till and conservation management practices for reduced runoff, erosion and fuel and fertilizer con-

sumption, but says further advances will be required, like tall stubble systems. “I think producers are making innovations every year. I think that the example of minimal tillage is an amazing innovation. Matching fertilizer more to what the crop requires. Watching these temperatures like they did this year and, as it gets later and later, they say we need a different crop,â€? said Wheaton. â€œâ€Ś I think there are many examples of innovation, but we might have to ramp that up quite a bit.â€?

What’s your take? Join us at www.producer.com or follow us on social media.

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Pay attention to inflation BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

When it comes to keeping tires inflated at the correct pressure, statistics say prairie people are doing a poor job. In a recent survey conducted for The Rubber Association of Canada, 99 percent of prairie motorists were aware of how important tire inflation

is to safety and fuel economy. That’s the good news. The bad news is that only 22 percent of motorists in Manitoba and Saskatchewan check their tire pressure monthly, said Carolyn Goard of the Rubber Association of Canada. That compares to 31 percent of motorists in the rest of the country. Goard said the data indicates under-inflated tires cost Canadian

PRODUCTION drivers $675 million a year in fuel purchases. Soft tires are also a safety concern, she said. “Under-inflated tires have poor traction, faster tread wear and they make the vehicle unstable going around corners,” says Goard. Dual truck tires are even more notorious for being out of balance. One dual hides low pressure in the other until a load is added. Then, one or both tires fail quickly. “These are all safety factors. Results of the survey tell us drivers just don’t take the safety issue or the fuel consumption issue very seriously,” she said. The survey also found: • 37 percent of Manitoba and Saskatchewan motorists don’t know where to find the correct inflation pressure for their vehicle. • Most drivers don’t know that tire pressures should be checked only when tires are cold. • Many drivers incorrectly inflate their tires to the pressure stamped on the tire’s sidewall. This imprinted air pressure refers to maximum inflation under load. Prolonged driving at this pressure may result in uneven tread wear and reduced traction, particularly on slippery road surfaces. • Among drivers who don’t check tire inflation monthly, many think they only need to check when it appears tire pressure is low. • Many drivers don’t measure their tire pressures monthly because their vehicle has a tire pressure monitoring system. “That’s another big problem. People have false confidence in their automatic monitoring system,” says Goard, “I regularly hear people say things like ‘Oh, I don’t have to check my tire pressure anymore because I’ve got that TPMS on my new car.’ “What people don’t know is that many TPMS systems don’t alert the driver until tire pressure is significantly below the optimal range. “Pressure could drop 10 p.s.i. or more before the system alerts the driver. A 10 p.s.i. drop in one tire is enough to cause a fatal accident. TPMS is not a replacement for monthly checking with a reliable gauge.” She added that the newest highend cars have better systems, but not everyone can afford a Mercedes or BMW. The good news emerging from the survey is that 69 percent of drivers who do check their tires use their own air pressure gauge. As well, 78 percent report they rotated their tires in the past year and 56 percent had their vehicle’s tire alignment checked in the past 12 months. Goard emphasized that environmental benefits of proper tire inflation are quite significant. Vehicles with under-inflated tires are expected to waste more than 500 million litres of fuel in 2014, enough to power 275,000 vehicles for a full year. This unnecessary fuel consumption will release an additional 1.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Goard said a motorist riding on under-inflated tires, who drives 20,000 kilometres per year, can save at least $100 per year in fuel. “Despite today’s high fuel prices, 81 percent of Canadian drivers are unfamiliar with low rolling resistance tires. These advanced technology tires are designed and constructed for fuel efficiency, and they’re on the market now,” she said. “They save at the pumps, because they roll more smoothly and thereby


Ontario hog farmer Jake Kraayenbrink hauls millions of slurry gallons every year and was frustrated by having to wait at the field edge for the big flotation tires to inflate and deflate each time — the tires needed 40 p.s.i. for transit and 20 p.s.i. or less in the field.

Kraayenbrink developed a patented system to allow flotation tires to drop from 40 p.s.i. to 20 p.s.i. in less than 30 seconds by releasing air at each tire instead of forcing it back through the control unit.

The control box is key to this on-the-go operation. The driver controls inflation/deflation from the cab with a toggle switch. The basic kit includes a compressor, control unit, air lines, swivels and valves for four tires and sells for $10,000. For more information visit agribrink.com. | RON LYSENG PHOTOS require less energy to push them down the road. LRR tires can cut fuel costs by as much as 4.5 percent.” She said 61 percent of respondents expressed interest in buying LLR tires. Ninety-two percent were motivated by improved fuel economy and 44 percent wanted to protect the environment through lower vehicle emissions. But not many vehicles on prairie far ms get by on merely 20,000 kilometres per year.

If your contract on a new pickup with duals is five years, then you will install between two and three sets of tires before that truck is paid off. That’s six tires at about $375 each. E xper ts say that if you could squeeze an extra 30 percent life out of those tires by keeping the inflation within the correct range, you could save yourself $2,000. Contact Carolyn Goard at 905-8141714 or visit www.rubberassociation. ca or visit www.betiresmart.ca.





Fine tune tires to protect equipment and crop investments Getting the air on | Heating and cooling, different loads and jobs all considered when it comes to rubber BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU

There’s one component that you can add to your new $500,000 tractor that’s absolutely free and ensures optimal performance. However, air also has the power to ruin the machine’s performance and cause serious damage. Correct tire inflation can make the difference between a poor handling, high maintenance machine and a dream machine that lives up to advertising claims, according to two of North America’s leading ag tire specialists. Andrea Masella is the Trelleborg ag tire marketing manager for North and Central America. James Crouch holds the parallel position over at Michelin. While the two may be fierce competitors in the marketplace, they agree that farmers can get more performance from their equipment if they closely monitor and manage tire pressures. Masella said it starts at the factory, where tires are often grossly overinflated to make the machine more stable on flatbed rail cars and semi trucks during transit. He said this practice applies not only to tractors, but to any implement shipped with mounted tires. “I’ve seen tires on brand new machines with 50 and 55 p.s.i. from the factory. And they get through the dealership that way with nobody noticing it,” says Masella. “When the technician prepares the machine for the farmer, he checks hoses, belts, electronics, hydraulics, steering, everything. “But so often they forget about the tires. They look fine, so why check them? Then the farmer takes delivery and why should he think he needs to check the tires. Of course he assumes everything is ready to go and it should be.” Masella says the very first thing the operator will notice is vibration. If that doesn’t tip him off about a tire problem, the next clue shows up later with uneven and premature tire wear. By that point, most people have determined there’s a problem and have adjusted their tire pressures according to the guidelines in the manual. If not, the shaking gets worse and then things start to break. “It’s exponential. The tractor wears out faster than it should. It leads to broken axles and transmissions,” said Masella. “I’ve seen many situations where a transmission doesn’t function the way it’s supposed to, so they have technicians working on the transmission. But it turns out tire pressure was too high on one side and too low on the other side. We fix the transmission by adjusting tire pressure. So simple.” Masella said he was called to a problem tractor on Nicaragua’s largest sugar cane plantation in May. The operator was having major problems pulling tillage and fertilizer application equipment with a new John Deere 7820 210 h.p. tractor. “I could see right away the weight balance was all wrong. If you’re using the tractor for high torque pulling, then you need 132 to 154 lb. per one horsepower on the tractor. High torque pulling is a plow or cultivation or seeding equipment,” he said.

“But for low torque pulling, you only should have 110 lb. per one horsepower on the tractor. Low torque is pulling a wagon or anything that just rolls along the surface.” Masella said Trelleborg, as well as all other ag tire manufacturers, publish guidelines that cover tractor weight and power, soil conditions, type of work being performed, speed and other factors. He said the guidelines ask whether you are aiming for traction or flotation, two opposite factors. “Most people don’t understand that flotation and traction go in opposite directions on the charts,” he said. “If you adjust for better flotation, you will lose traction. If you go for traction, you will lose flotation. Those two factors always go opposite ways. That’s why you need to work with the guidelines if you want your tractor setup right.” Masella says Trelleborg has just released a universal load calculator that can be accessed free from any iPhone, iPad, Android or smart phone. The calculator adjusts for any soil condition, any tractor and any brand of ag tire, not just Trelleborg. It enables precise calculation of a tractor’s load per axle to determine the optimal tire inflation for specific farming operations. “Here’s one thing I always do when setting up tires. It’s better for ag tires to be slightly over-inflated than underinflated. The pressure gauge you’re working with may not always be correct, so I always add just a couple extra pounds to be on the safe side. “But everything is a tradeoff. If you add too much extra pressure, you have a smaller footprint on the ground. You always want five lugs on the ground.” One of the examples Masella uses when conducting workshops for dealers and farmers is a typical TM600 480/80R50 159D. In the first situation, the tire is overinflated to nearly 35 p.s.i., as if it had just been shipped on a new tractor from the factory. At that pressure, the tire has a footprint of 279 sq. inches and it exerts 57.8 p.s.i. pressure on the soil. In the second situation, the tire is properly inflated to 11.6 p.s.i., as recommended by the load calculator. The footprint now grows to 400.4 sq. inches and the weight on the soil drops to 38.4 p.s.i. Masella said the over-inflation scenario may seem like an exaggeration, but it happens all the time. He emphasized that if there was that much variation between tires on the same machine, the traction difference would put phenomenal stress on the entire drive system. Tires with better traction would be trying to do all the work of pulling the load, while over-inflated tires would be trying to spin. Crouch said tire management is a time-consuming chore that a lot of people rush through. He said central inflation systems can help farmers do a better job of farming without spending as much time babysitting tires. “There’s a big place for central inflation systems with implements that go between field and road a lot,” said Crouch. “I’m thinking about the primary tires on planters and air drills, and also tender carts, grain carts, things like that. Implements that need 90

TIRE PRESSURE A DELICATE BALANCE Getting the right tire pressure is important. Over-inflation causes both machine and crop damage. These tire examples on a mechanical front-wheel assist tractor (Trelleborg TM600 480/80R50 159D) show the footprint difference based on tire inflation levels.

tire footprint at 34.5 p.s.i.

tire footprint at 11.6 p.s.i.

Too much air means not enough tire grips the soil, increasing soil loads dramatically. Too little air is detrimental to tires and equipment. Source: Trellebourg | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC

p.s.i. in transport, but nobody takes the time to drop those pressures down when they get to the field.” Crouch said central inflation is also a smart idea for farmers who often experience a seeding or planting season that extends beyond a couple weeks. “There’s enough temperature fluctuation in most guy’s seeding season to merit checking the pressures.” He said for every 3.7 C change in temperature, the tire pressure changes one p.s.i. Crouch says it’s not unrealistic to start seeding when it’s (4.5 C) and

finished when it’s (32 to 37 C), in which case the tires on a row crop tractor may have increased pressure of six p.s.i. “Managing tires is a year-round job, not just in the summer months. Imagine mounting up a set of new tires on your 4x4 in the fall and pumping them up to eight or 10 p.s.i. on a nice 70 degree day.” “After your fall servicing is done, you park the tractor in the shed and eventually head down to Phoenix. Meanwhile, the temperature back home drops to minus 40, your 10

p.s.i. drops to (-10 C) and your tractor is resting on the beads. “I wouldn’t ever go above the recommended maximum pressure for the tire, but I would go that high. And of course start letting pressure out in the spring as soon as the temperature starts to rise. Yes, managing tires is a year round job.” Crouch said Michelin recently released a set of three recommendations dealing tire management. Over-inflation: Over-inflated tires cause excessive soil compaction that harms healthy root development, as well as result in a less comfortable ride due to bouncing and vibration. Too much air pressure also increases the amount of tire slippage, causing excess fuel consumption and excessive wear on tires and machine. Under-inflation: Under-inflated tires can lead to irreversible damage to tire casings, tire failure, excessive wear during road travel and difficulty in manoeuvring at field speeds. Tire tread: It’s recommended that farmers check their tire tread at the start of the growing season. Make sure tread will last the whole season. Operating on worn tread causes lack of traction, reduces fuel efficiency and increases tire slippage. Contact Masella at 330-396-7130 or visit www.trelleborg.com/wheelsystems. Contact Crouch at 864-4584330 or visit www.michelinag.com.


Firestone farm tires are made to work, proven to perform and built to last. Discover why the Firestone brand is the number one preferred farm tire brand in North America. Stop by or call us today.


• 23° tread design for OF FIRESTONE excellent traction, smooth AG TIRES ride and even wear • Up to 19% better traction* for improved fuel economy and less time in the field • Increased number of lugs for smooth ride • Outstanding warranty with two-year free replacement on radials—one-year free replacement on bias tires

*On most North American soils. Columbiana, Ohio, test comparing 45° tread bar conducted on the same field, on the same day, with the same tractor. Rear tire inflation: 20 psi.

We understand the pressure of keeping you moving on the farm. That’s why our Ag locations carry the tires that fit your needs—and we have the highly-trained people in place to get the job done quickly. Whether you need a tire for your air seeder, sprayer, swather, combine or four-wheel drive tractor, we’ll keep your down time to a minimum with service on the farm or in-shop.





ENTHUSIASTIC BEGINNER A newcomer to sheep shearing enters his first competition at the Calgary Stampede. | Page 72

L IV ES T O C K E D I TO R : B A R B GLEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BAR B GLE N


Researchers gather welfare data at rodeo Infrared technology | Researchers assess stress levels of animals during rodeo events using thermal eye photos BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Wes Stevenson, from Lubbock, Texas, rides Trail Dust in the bareback riding competition during the Calgary Stampede Rodeo on July 6. University of Calgary researchers are analyzing thermographic data collected during the rodeo to measure stress in horses and bulls. | JUSTINA CONTENTI PHOTO

Christy Goldhawk stands behind the rodeo chutes pointing a small tool that looks like a police radar gun. She is using an infrared thermography unit to evaluate the eyes of bucking horses and bulls lined up to perform at the Calgary Stampede. It is part of a University of Calgary faculty of veterinary medicine research project in collaboration with the Stampede to take science to the rodeo. The images taken before and after an animal performs will assess the well-being and stress each experiences at a rodeo. The project is in its fourth year and Goldhawk plans to start analyzing the data this summer. Results are expected to be published before next year’s Stampede. “It will be one of the first scientific papers on the behaviour and welfare of rodeo animals,” said Ed Pajor, professor of animal behaviour and welfare at the veterinary school. He is also a member of the Stampede’s animal care advisory panel. Little scientific research has been done on performance animals, said Pajor. The first year of research evaluated animal behaviour and recorded it on video for future analysis. Last year, infrared thermography was added. The tool takes a picture of the eye from about a metre away and indicates whether there has been a change in body temperature. “We know if an animal is more afraid, it should have a higher eye temperature. A more experienced animal should have a lower eye temperature,” said Pajor. The research team led by Pajor and Goldhawk consists of veterinary stud e n t s w h o a re c o m p a r i n g t h e behaviour of novice and more experienced animals. They already know novice horses and bulls are more nervous and may be adversely affected by crowds of people, noise from music, fireworks, other horses or having a rider climb on them. “About 70 percent of the animals in the chutes show very little sign of fear or stress or arousal. Thirty percent of the animals do show some reaction to any one of those different stimuli that is going on,” he said. The technology has been used in other species including humans as an indicator of stress resulting from elevated body temperature in the eye area. Agriculture Canada researchers conducted pioneering work to assess pain and change in body temperatures. “If IRT can work, that would mean we would have a non-invasive way to measure stress levels,” he said. Researchers don’t need to take blood or use monitors to look for elevated stress.

Each animal is scored on a scale of one to five, with the highest number showing the greatest level of stress. “We rarely score as high as a three and never scored over a four,” he said. “There is very little occurrence of aversive handling,” Pajor said. The rodeo animals at the Stampede spend most of their time at the Stampede Ranch in east-central Alberta and may work only eight to 10 times a year. A horse or bull may get ridden only once at the rodeo, unless it is brought back for a championship event. The research findings could also be used to assess whether an animal is getting sick. “It could be part of the regular vet checkup before they are used in an event,” he said. The Stampede has been accused in past years of poor handling and needless injuries to livestock. However, event organizers argue that the horses are well treated and like to buck. “It is two different stories,” Pajor said. Other interested parties are watching the research. Stock contractors are interested in the results because their animals travel around the country and they want assurances livestock is well treated. Animal handling staff at the Stampede were trained by Jennifer Woods, an Alberta animal welfare trainer and auditor. She has also audited the facilities and made recommendations to further protect the animals. “If there is an indication we need to train people to do a certain thing or train them to keep doing a certain thing, that is worth while,” said Goldhawk. She plans to work with the Stampede year round because livestock events occur nearly every week there and it requires a high level of care for the animals.

Christy Goldhawk uses an infrared thermography unit to check heat levels around the eyes of horses and bulls. The higher the body temperature, the greater the level of stress the animal is experiencing. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO





Cattle fitter excels under show ring spotlight Steer classic grand champion | Youth winner Brady Scott makes plans for a career in the cattle business BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Brady Scott always considered himself to be a behind-the-scenes kind of guy, best suited to preparing other people’s cattle for the show ring. This year he decided to enter his 4-H steer in the junior show at the Calgary Stampede Steer Classic and won grand champion. The result earned him $2,000 plus a portion of the scholarship money from the sale of his black steer that was auctioned for $20,000. “It was the thrill of being in the ring and being judged,” he said of his reaction after the July 12 show. The 1,390-pound steer was from a Simmental cow and sired by Monopoly, a United States bull known for producing champion steers. Scott had shown the steer at 4-H events and never won, but the Calgary show provided plenty of competition with four large classes of steers in the junior division. Many of the cattle were champions from other shows. Scott just graduated from high school at Eastend, Sask., where he was one of 11 in his class. This fall he plans to moves to Alberta for a job with Alta Genetics at Balzac.

I have loved cattle since I could walk. I used to go out to our feedlot and sort calves. BRADY SCOTT GRAND CHAMPION WINNER

The move to a metropolitan area and away from the ranch and nearby small town will be a major life change for Scott. His parents, Michelle and Shane Scott, raise purebred Angus and Limousin cattle. He will also leave behind his herd of 200 goats and 200 sheep that he plans to disperse this fall so he can buy more cows. Scott said he plans to use his scholarship funds to learn more about genetics using embryo transfer and artificial insemination. “My interests lie in making a cow herd better through genetics using AI or embryo transplant, ” he said. “I have loved cattle since I could walk. I used to go out to our feedlot and sort calves.” Also at the junior show was the entry of Chase Miller, who won $1,500 for his reserve champion.

Brady Scott of Eastend, Sask., won the grand champion steer title at the junior division of the Calgary Stampede UFA Steer Classic held July 12. The steer was auctioned off for $20,000 and he will receive a portion of that total in scholarship money. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO


knows about online media. Travis Rogers, left, is the 2014 Calgary Stampede champion livestock auctioneer. He competed against 25 other auctioneers including his father, Garth Rogers. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO

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Auctioneer rises up the ranks Former runner up Travis Rogers wins international title BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Practice makes perfect and Travis Rogers proved it. After entering auctioneer competitions for six years, he has an international title on his list of accomplishments. The 36-year-old auctioneer and beef producer from Rochester, Alta., is the 2014 Calgary Stampede international livestock champion. Last year he was runner up at the same competition and was also the 2013 Canadian livestock auctioneer champion. Rogers graduated from the Auctioneer Training Centre of Canada in 2001 and sells for North Central Livestock in Clyde, Alta. He works with his father, Garth, and brother, Justin,

who also entered the Calgary event where 26 men from across North America practiced their tongue twisting sales pitches before judges. The grand champion auctioneer receives $5,000 cash and a silver custom-designed belt buckle. When he is not on the ranch at Rochester, where the family runs about 500 cows and 400 replacement heifers, Rogers is selling cattle and working at car auctions. He says livestock sales are his favourite, particularly this year when record prices are set almost every week. “It’s a good time to be in the business,” he said. The reserve champion is Dan Clark from Winner, South Dakota, who was awarded $1,000. The top rookie was Tyler Slawinski of McCreary, Man.

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Novice sheep shearer gets expert advice

Which bulls perform in breeding season? ANIMAL HEALTH


Sheep shearing competitions are for the fleet of foot. Clad in greasy trousers and moccasins, the shearers grab struggling lambs and hold them down on a floor slick with lanolin to flawlessly remove their coats fleece in about 70 seconds. That kind of action encouraged Fred Stewart to enter his first contest with six weeks of experience shearing 53 sheep. The North American sheep shearing competition at the July 4-13 Calgary Stampede attracted entrants from around the world. Stewart decided it was a good opportunity to learn from the best. “As soon as I heard about this I came here to rub elbows with the pros,� he said. He packed his tools in a shoebox and made the 14 hour trip to enter the contest as well as find time to take in his first rodeo. A roofer from Smithers, B.C., he took a shearing course in Alberta and was ready to go to work this year. Admittedly, there are few sheep in his area, but he is willing to learn the trade and if one of the locals need a shearer, he takes a day off work to get the job done. Originally from Prince Edward Island, he left home 21 years ago and headed west in search of work. He was attracted to shearing because it was a skill that might take him to Australia and New Zealand where he could work on thousands of



Fred Stewart of Smithers, B.C., entered his first sheep shearing competition at the Calgary Stampede held July 4-13 to learn from the pros and attend his first rodeo. He has less than a year of experience but sees it as a possible second career. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO animals in a year. “A long time ago a guy told me it is a good way to travel and make money,� he said. The world record for shearing a sheep is 18 seconds. Stewart said his very first sheep took an hour to clip but now he can manage to finish the job in five minutes. Stewart entered the intermediate class for beginners. He had to shear six sheep and afterward judges and other shearers examined his work

and offered pointers. it is a timed event where one point is awarded for each 20 seconds at work, and additional points are added for leaving behind bits of wool or nicks in the skin. The person with the lowest score wins. Australian Steve Mudford won the grand champion at the North American Sheep Shearing Challenge. Hilary Gretzen of Minot, North Dakota won reserve. Stewart won a special sportsmanship award.

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he old saying that your bulls are “half of your herd� is certainly true when talking about genetics. However, to pass on those genetics, a bull first has to get cows pregnant. If the bull can’t perform this task, his genetic potential will count for nothing. The latest edition of the Journal of Animal Science has an interesting article evaluating bull prolificacy on multi-sire pastures. In this study, Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam from the University of California, Davis, performed parentage testing on 5,052 calves on three northern California ranches to evaluate which bulls were getting cows pregnant in these multi-sire breeding pastures. The cow herds were predominantly Angus and had both fall and spring calving herds. As a result, the researchers were able to evaluate 15 calf crops over a three-year study. There was about one bull to every 25 cows and breeding seasons varied from 60 to 120 days. On two of the ranches, the breeding pastures were about 100 acres and typically contained two to five bulls in each breeding group. On the bigger ranch with 700 total cows, the breeding pastures were larger and typically contained five to nine bulls. Breeding soundness examinations were performed on all bulls before the breeding season and hair samples were collected from bulls and calves for DNA testing to determine the parentage of each calf. The results of this study are remarkable. In total, there were 275 bull breeding opportunities over the three years of the study. Because these were working commercial ranches, bulls were used multiple times over those three years, so some of these bulls were turned out in different breeding pastures for both fall calving and spring calving herds over the length of the study. The average number of calves produced per bull breeding opportunity was about 19. This was remarkably consistent between ranches and over different breeding seasons and years. However, there was much variability between bulls. Individual bulls produced no calves during a breeding season 4.4 percent of the time. These bulls had total reproductive failure and did not impregnate a single cow. Some bulls consistently sired more than 50 calves in a breeding season. In 40 percent of the breeding opportunities, at least one bull sired only one calf and at least one bull sired more than 50 calves. Researchers grouped bulls into low, medium and high prolificacy based on their ability to impregnate cows and showed that these bulls tended to be fairly consistent in their prolificacy

Scrotal circumference is linked to sperm motility and quantity. | FILE PHOTO

over years and over breeding seasons. The study demonstrated a remarkable degree of variation between bulls in how successful they were getting cows pregnant. Remember, all of these bulls had previously passed a breeding soundness exam, so they presumably had fertile semen. Some of this variability can be accounted for by the libido or desire to breed of the individual bulls. What else could account for these differences? The age of the bulls had a small effect on the average number of calves produced by each bull. Young bulls in their first breeding season varied in age from 1.4 to 2.9 years and, on average, produced 14.9 calves per breeding opportunity. However, even in young bulls there was remarkable variability, ranging from a bull producing only one calf in a breeding season to some producing as many as 40 calves in a season. The only factor measured that was related to prolificacy was scrotal circumference. It certainly did not explain all of the variation, but it was statistically associated with prolificacy of the bulls. No other breeding group management factors could explain this variability. Scrotal circumference has been related to sperm motility, semen quantity and heifer maturity. This study provides more evidence of the importance of scrotal circumference. The study also demonstrated that the high prolificacy bulls also had calves earlier in the calving season than the lower prolificacy bulls. Therefore, these bulls might be more likely to be represented in the heifers that are selected for replacements providing some measure of reproductive selection. Prolificacy was found to be moderately repeatable and the authors of the study wondered about whether it would be cost effective to use parentage testing as a method of bull selection/culling. The prolificacy of the bulls was by far the most important factor in determining the total weight of calves weaned and demonstrated the importance of reproductive success to the economics of the herd. Using parentage testing or other means to assess libido of bulls remains an important area of research for the cow-calf industry. I hope we will see more studies that provide insights into this topic. John Campbell is head of Large Animal Clinical Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan’s Western College of Veterinary Medicine.





Roundtable to assess beef sector sustainability Continuous improvement | All aspects of the beef value chain should be environmentally friendly, economically viable and socially responsible BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

EDMONTON — An Alberta rancher has been named chair of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef. The group is part of a global initiative, but the ambitious plan could set Canadian beef in a class by itself, said Cherie Copithorne-Barnes. Canada is among the 65 members of the Global Roundtable for Sustainable Beef that formed less than four years ago, but it may be the first to meet many of the international initiative’s goals because of its verified beef program, sound food safety practices and good environmental record. McDonald’s Corp. announced earlier this year that its Canadian restaurants would be the first to offer beef derived from sustainable production systems. As well, Walmart has announced a standard of excellence program that will affect at least 50 percent of its beef supply within two years. It is relatively easy for Canada to meet specifications because nearly all the company’s beef comes from Cargill and a pattie plant in Edmonton. Sustainability is a difficult concept, but the global roundtable agreed to a definition in March that can be applied to beef producers anywhere, said Cameron Bruett, head of sustainability for JBS and president of the global roundtable. Sustainability is not necessarily organic, natural or grass-fed production practices. “We have to be careful when we are defining sustainability and equating it with niche systems,” Bruett said at the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency’s annual conference in Edmonton June 17. Roundtable members agreed it means continuous improvement, in which all aspects of the beef value chain result in environmentally sound, socially responsible and economically viable products that makes the planet, people, animals and progress priorities. The five core principles include natural resources, people and community, animal health and welfare, food, efficiency and innovation. Members include Canada, the United States, Europe, Namibia, Indonesia, Australia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil, as well as other stakeholders such as processors, pharmaceutical companies and environmental organizations. The Canadian roundtable, which was launched at the beginning of June, is a network of beef industry leaders. Founding members include the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, McDonald’s Canada, the World Wildlife Federation, Cargill, JBS, Loblaw Companies Ltd. and Costco. Its first project will assess current

A sustainable beef group plans to spell out specific goals for continuous improvement in all aspects of beef production. | FILE PHOTO


sustainability of the Canadian beef industry and set specific goals for continual improvement. Initial results will be presented at the group’s annual meeting this fall in Kelowna, B.C. The CCA was an early participant in the international initiative. “It is familiar partners working and designing along with new partners like Loblaws, Walmart and McDonalds,” Copithorne-Barnes said in an interview. She and her family live near Calgary at CL Ranches, where they run 2,000 cows on 25,000 acres. Her ranch became verified beef producers in 2009. Copithorne-Barnes said Canada’s verified beef program could be used to develop the components that corporations want because it covers animal care, health, welfare and environmental aspects. “(Sustainability) is a non-competitive issue similar to what food safety is. All those companies get together frequently to discuss issues that are non-competitive and do everybody good,” she said. “We are trying to focus on the fact we are just using the tools that we have available already. It is just getting everybody on board.” Canadian producers who are part of the verified beef program already meet many of the requirements that could be a marketing advantage, she said. The program has trained 18,000 of Canada’s 68,000 beef farmers and validated more than 1,100 operations, but more producers need to sign on, Copithorne-Barnes said. “We are in food production and there is a level of responsibility that we have to take in order to ensure that our side of the production is being managed properly, but you do not

want to create this mandatory bureaucracy,” she said. Bruett said McDonald’s recognizes that each country that supplies beef will be unique, but they can still be sustainable because it is about continuous improvement.

This does not include standards or certification. “The goal is to chalk the boundary lines of the playing field, to say what is in bounds and what is out of bounds when discussing sustainability,” he said.

Final sustainability definitions will be reviewed and finalized this Nov-ember at a global conference on sustainable beef in Sao Paulo, Brazil. For more information, visit www. grsbeef.org.


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Therapists help cowboys get back in the saddle Managing injuries | Athletic therapists are an important part of modern day rodeos BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

When a rodeo cowboy hits the dust, chances are he will limp over to a team of athletic specialists who can help ease the pain. Since 1983, the Canadian Professional Rodeo Sport Medicine Team has been helping these athletes recover and get back in the saddle. “We co-ordinate care prior to the rodeo, during the rodeo and after the rodeo,” said Brandon Thome, who runs three athletic therapy clinics when he’s not on the rodeo circuit. The concept was modelled after a similar program in the United States. In the first year, University of Calgary athletic therapists Dexter Nelson and Terry Donhauser and exercise physiologist George Kinnear volunteered their services at the Cloverdale, B.C., rodeo, Ponoka Stampede, Calgary Stampede and the Cana d i a n Fi na l s R o d e o i n Edmonton. Last year, 62 practitioners — athletic therapists, massage therapists and chiropractors — attended several rodeo schools and 132 professional performances across Western Canada. Another network of physicians, sport medicine doctors and orthopedic surgeons provided post-injury care. In total, they travelled 22,000 kilometres with a mobile clinic. If there was more funding, they would attend more events, said Thome, vice-president of the team. “Our goal is to be at one rodeo every rodeo weekend, so the cowboys can see us at least once,” he said. At first, therapists were volunteers, but in recent years sponsors and levies from the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association, rodeo committees and private donors have paid for the service. While rodeo cowboys may appear to be thrill-seekers with a high pain threshold, many realize that without proper medical attention they could suffer long-term injuries, said Jill Bruder, who operates a sports medicine clinic at Pincher Creek and is marketing co-ordinator for the team. Attitudes have changed and more cowboys are taking responsibility for their health and wear protective gear. “They are different than other pro athletes. If cowboys don’t ride, they don’t get paid,” she said. “Most take our advice. If you don’t ride for two weeks, you will have a better season,” said Bruder. A big change came when the CPRA ruled bull riders 18 years and younger must wear a helmet. When they turn pro, they continue using protection. “You see that gradual turnaround wearing helmets now. The older competitors who grew up riding bulls

22,000 KILOMETRES WERE TRAVELLED BY HEALTH PRACTITIONERS TO RODEOS IN 2013 and steers with just the hat on, they say, ‘why would I wear a helmet?’ ” said Thome. “Many times it’s a critical injury that gets them to wear a helmet.” The teams also attend ro deo schools to educate students about injuries, concussions, sprains and strains and how to tape injuries, as well as how to warm up and cool down. Nutrition on the road is another topic and advice is offered on managing sore backs after driving 14 to 28 hours to get to the next event. Students seem more receptive to the advice because many are also high school athletes whose coaches taught them some of the same conditioning techniques. “I think the young guys treat it more like a professional sport, so they’re doing conditioning in a gym, they are listening to advice, doing yoga and doing things that will make them a better athlete,” Bruder said. “They don’t just get on a horse and ride.” Sometimes a competitor needs advice from peers or family members to convince them to take it easy. “Nobody wants to see their kid get hurt multiple times. Wives are good if we want to make sure somebody doesn’t ride,” he said. At a major rodeo like the Calgary Stampede, paramedics are on hand and see the cowboy first. At smaller events, competitors may go directly to the mobile sports medicine van for assessment and treatment. Depending on the severity of the injury, they may get an ice pack, an order to rest, a referral to a sports medicine physician or an ambulance could be called. Research is another function of the team. Dexter Nelson and Dale Butterwick of the U of C faculty of kinesiology have conducted research on critical points of injury, finding that the head and chest are the most vulnerable. However, the type of injury often depends on the event. Their findings can help design helmets and vests that provide better protection for specific events, rather than using modified hockey equipment. They have also learned timed events result in more chronic problems as opposed to traumatic injuries, said Thome.

ABOVE: The Canadian Professional Rodeo Sport Medicine Team sends health practitioners to rodeo events to provide on-site care to competitors. | FILE PHOTO BELOW: Athletic therapists Jill Bruder and Brandon Thome are among 62 health-care providers with the team. They provided care to rodeo cowboys at more than 130 rodeos last year. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO

RODEO INJURIES Rodeo research findings from the University of Calgary: • Between 1995-99 researchers looked at injury incidence based on specific events. • They took statistics from 63 rodeos out of 323 professional events in that period. • There were 451 injuries during 30,564 competitions. • The greatest injury frequency was in bull riding, bareback riding and saddle bronc. • There were 141 bull riding injuries.

A steer wrestler comes off a horse at 20 to 30 kilometres per hour to catch a calf. If he turns his foot the wrong way, an injury can result. A saddle bronc rider might catch his foot in the stirrup and accidently rotate his leg the wrong direction and hurt his knee. Novice bareback riders between the ages of 18 and 21 have a higher rate of hand and wrist injuries because they’re still growing and may not be strong enough to hold the horse. Female competitors commonly

hurt their necks and shoulders or hit a barrel and damage a knee. Researchers compared rodeo with high-contact sports like football and found there was a lower incidence of injury among cowboys. “It is no different than any other sport. Sports in general are hard on your body,” Thome said. “Your first initial thought about rodeo is, ‘oh my God, those guys are tough. They get hurt all the time.’ But that is not really true,” he said. “Catastrophic injuries are very few and far between.”

• Concussions accounted for 8.6 percent of all reported injuries. Concussions and other head injuries were second only to knee injuries in frequency of injury to specific body parts. This concussion frequency is higher than has previously been reported. • The University of Calgary Sports Medicine Centre is running a rodeo catastrophic injury registry. It is the only registry of its kind in all of sports and its aim is to collect and analyze international injuries including deaths in rodeo and bull riding events. The intention is to identify prevention strategies and develop better protective equipment.




ALBERTA SOUTH Crop development is very good after a lot of rain at the end of June. However, some yellowing has occurred in areas that saw localized flooding. A hail storm late last week swept past Fort Macleod and southeast to Warner, damaging some canola crops. Hail was also reported in the Wrentham and Coaldale areas at the end of June and on July 3 near Strathmore. Most crops are in the bloom stage and early seeded canola is beginning to pod. Potatoes and corn are a bit behind because of the cool spring but heat is allowing them to catch up. Stripe rust is showing up on winter cereals. Haying and silaging are well under way with good yields reported. CENTRAL A July 3 hail storm resulted in claims from Lacombe, Red Deer and Vulcan areas. The Stettler area saw a couple of fields obliterated by hail. Rain and heat have helped cereal crops progress but canola has started to suffer a bit in the heat. Much of the region didn’t get enough spring moisture and needs more rain. Livestock producers are reporting excellent haying conditions and yields. NORTHEAST The northeast has seen a lot of rain and some crops are flooded. There is concern about whether late-seeded crops will mature before frost. The pea disease aphanomyces root rot appears to have shown up near Provost.

The Canadian Crop Hail Association, in its first report for the year, noted claims from Carlyle and Rockglen from a late May storm. Livestock producers have cut between six and 10 percent of the hay crop. Quality so far is rated 25 percent excellent, 60 percent good, 10 percent fair and five percent poor in eastern regions. In the west, hay is rated 10 percent excellent, 80 percent good and 10 percent fair. Most crop damage in the south is due to localized flooding, wind and insects such as alfalfa weevil, cutworms and cabbage seedpod weevils. Root rots and leaf diseases are also showing up in the wet conditions. CENTRAL A July 5 hail storm, including stones the size of baseballs, has resulted in claims from the Wilkie, Outlook, Hanley, Imperial, Govan/ Strasbourg, Raymore, Balcarres and Fort Qu’Appelle areas. Tornados also touched down in several fields. The Foam Lake area has received 499 mm of rain since April to top the central region. Flooded fields and access roads continue to affect producers mainly in eastern areas. Crops are yellowing. Topsoil moisture conditions are rated 70 percent surplus on cropland in the east and five percent surplus in the west. Cool, wet conditions have limited haying operations in the east where just one percent has been cut. Quality is rated 15 percent excellent, 75 percent good, five percent fair and five percent poor. In the west, five percent has been cut; 90 percent is good and 10 percent is fair. Yields are not expected to be as high as normal. Crop damage from water, insects, wind and diseases is reported. Fungicide application is underway.

Yields will be average to above, except in the Swan Valley area where below average yield and quality are expected. More warm, windy weather is needed.

Limited haying is occurring due to wet conditions. A forage shortage is expected. Hail also damaged crops during several storms. NORTHWEST There has been limited drying progress due to intermittent thunderstorms. Crops have been sitting in water and are starting to show the effects. Canola is more affected than wheat. Crop development is variable. Canola ranges from 20 percent at seedling to 50 percent rosette to 30 percent flowering. Ten percent of spring wheat is still emerging while 30 percent is flowering. Corn crops are rated poor. Some fungicide application has been done, as well as spraying for weed control on unseeded fields. Some haying progress was made.

Crop conditions vary across the region depending on rainfall. Early seeded crops are faring better than later seeded crops, although spots are drowned out in both types of fields. The most advanced spring cereals have finished flowering while late seeded canola is bolting and flowering early because of excess moisture. Blackleg is also becoming a problem Soybean fields are showing signs of iron chlorosis, or yellowing, but are greening up in the warmer weather. Edible beans are also showing moisture stress. Hail caused significant damage in an area east of Crystal City to Manitou and Kaleida earlier this month. Herbicide and fungicide applications are continuing depending on weather and moisture. Late-seeded canola won’t warrant fungicide application because of poor yield potential. Scouting for diamondback moth, bertha armyworm and other insects continues. First cut hay is yielding 1.5 to four bales per acre. High water levels around Lake Manitoba will continue

The Peace region remains exceptionally dry, particularly in the north central and north regions and producers are becoming concerned about their crops as condition deteriorates. There have been less than 50 mm of rain since spring and crops, hay and pasture all need moisture. A severe wheat midge outbreak was reported in the east Peace near Falher. Haying continues but yields are below average.

SASKATCHEWAN SOUTH The Moosomin area experienced yet another storm and significant rainfall, pushing the total for the area to 535 millimetres since April and keeping it at the top of provincial rainfall totals. Excess moisture continues to be a problem, causing localized flooding. At the same time, some areas in the southwest report drought conditions.

Hafford leads the rainfall chart in the northern region at 344 mm since April 1. Continued rainfall is delaying crop development and spraying, and field access continues to be a problem. Livestock producers have cut about two percent of the hay crop in eastern areas and 10 percent in the west. Quality is considered 100 percent good in the east; in the west quality is 20 percent excellent and 80 percent good. Topsoil moisture is considered 70 percent surplus in the east but only five percent surplus in the west on cropland. Warm, dry weather is needed throughout the region. Flooding, diseases, hail, wind and insects are all causing crop damage. Spraying is underway when possible.

INTERLAKE Warm weather has helped advance crops and dried out fields during the past week. Most producers are busy applying herbicides and fungicides and assessing crop damage from overland flooding. Canola and spring cereals are showing the most damage while soybeans seem to be handling the moisture well. Grasshoppers are an issue in some cereal and forage fields in northern areas. Pasture and hay land has been affected by heavy rain and flooding. Production and quality will suffer as a result.

When you need to know crop and livestock prices, in-depth analysis or international market news, our Markets coverage is the best. In print and online, D’Arce McMillan ensures you get fast, accurate coverage of the information you need.

MANITOBA SOUTHWEST Much of the extreme southwest remains very wet, including land near the Assiniboine River. Warmer weather over the last week to 10 days has allowed crops to recover. Losses due to flooding and standing water are still being assessed. Fungicide application is underway, due to high risk of sclerotinia in canola. Some late seeded canola is flowering prematurely. Soybeans are doing well in the wet conditions. Most producers are planning to spray for fusarium.

Crops need an extended period of warm dry weather to recover from excess moisture and advance. Winter wheat is showing moisture stress and the past week showed more dead or stressed areas in all types of crops. Yields are expected to be below average as a result. Some fields won’t receive more inputs because of the low yield potential. Spraying of herbicides and fungicides is hampered by wet conditions. Aerial application of fungicides on spring wheat and canola is occurring. About 30 percent of the hay has been harvested.

D’ARCE McMILLAN knows the markets.






Hail claims were reported in the Barrhead, Westlock and Athabasca areas after a July 3 storm. Growing conditions are generally good and haying is underway.

to cause problems for forage acres.


1-800-667-6978 | www.producer.com |

















0.910 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27




6/16 6/23 6/27

Bank of Canada 5-yr rate



July 14

A G F IN ANC E E D I TO R : D ’ A RC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R: @ D AR CE MCMILLAN

AG STOCKS JULY 7-11 The Canadian stock index was flat for the week as the unemployment rate rose. The TSX composite index rose 0.07 percent. The Dow was down 0.7 percent, the S&P 500 fell 0.9 percent and Nasdaq declined 1.6 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.




ADM NY Alliance Grain TSX Bunge Ltd. NY ConAgra Foods NY

47.85 21.42 73.78 30.59

45.77 21.63 76.06 31.07




Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Input Capital TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX

0.394 0.17 21.76 2.30 23.18 10.82

0.404 0.18 21.99 2.30 22.81 11.15



Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Tyson Foods



48.76 20.32 21.09 39.68

48.47 20.28 21.42 38.51


A labourer spreads corn for drying at a grain market in the northern Indian city of Amritsar, India. The Food and Agriculture Organization and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development predict more stable commodity prices for the next decade. | REUTERS/MUNISH SHARMA PHOTO



Ag Growth Int’l TSX AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Industrial NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX

47.55 53.52 6.40 109.96 9.40 88.53 10.78

47.52 56.08 6.43 111.08 10.18 91.38 10.87



Food output expected to meet global needs over next decade Slower demand growth | Crop prices could fall but stabilize above pre-2008 levels ROME, Italy (Reuters) — World food output is on track to meet the needs of a growing population after a decade punctuated by supply concerns, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization have said. Global agricultural production and consumption will rise in the next 10 years, as people in emerging countries become wealthier and eat more protein, but the increases will be slower than in the previous decade, the agencies said. Surplus stocks and rising production should keep commodity prices stable after the “roller coaster” of the last decade marked by a record high in 2008 and global recession in 2009. “We are recovering from a period of marked turbulence in the agricultural markets but there is no room for complacency,” said OECD secretary general Angel Gurria, while presenting the OECD-FAO 2014-23 agricultural outlook in Rome. “The world can grow enough food

over the next 10 years and it can respond to the broader challenge of feeding nine billion people by 2050,” Gurria said. He added, however, that waste remained a threat to food security, saying around one third of crops produced in developing countries were lost post-harvest. Agricultural markets are still unstable, after near-record prices in 2012 prompted increased production, which led to surpluses for wheat, rice, sugar and vegetable meal. Bad weather and concerns over export restrictions were blamed for the 2012 price surge, which stoked fears of a return to the conditions that led to violent protests in countries including Egypt, Cameroon and Haiti in 2007-08. Global food price inflation now appears lower and more stable than it has since the 2008 crisis, the OECD and FAO said. Crop prices would drop for one or two more years before stabilizing above pre-2008 levels, but below

recent peaks. Wheat prices are projected to slide about one percent a year in real terms for the next 10 years, staying around 13 percent below the previous decade’s average. Strong demand for meat from an expanding middle class in the Middle East and Asia will keep meat prices from falling as much as feed grain prices, and meat prices in real terms will average higher than the previous decade after general price inflation. FAO director-general Jose Graziano Da Silva called on governments to invest in roads, transportation and storage, saying only a few countries had made progress. “India is one good case for that ... also China but I would not be able to add too many more,” Da Silva said. Gurria also said governments needed to rethink their policies on biofuels, which opponents say contribute to price inflation by consuming feedstocks that could be used for food. “Part of the reason why we had the spikes and hikes in the prices was

because we were burning food. Now I think we have gotten wiser about that,” Gurria said. Biofuel output growth is expected to slow by 2023. In line with lower growth in production and consumption, trade is expected to rise more slowly in the next decade. Grain and meat trade are set to advance 1.5 percent and 2.5 percent in volume each year, half the rates of the previous decade. While the Americas will remain the dominant export region globally, Ukraine will become Europe’s biggest exporter of grain and oilseeds. Worries about conflict in Ukraine stopping shipments helped force prices higher this year, but Gurria said there had been no substantive effect on markets, prices, availability or stocks. The outlook is based on assumptions about government policies, markets, weather and macroeconomics, but some areas of uncertainty, including animal diseases, are not included.



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

94.81 113.41 137.70 51.60 64.89 7.18 120.90 47.27 38.34 73.19

97.32 118.78 144.75 52.05 65.80 7.40 126.52 49.19 40.23 74.94





CLOSE LAST WK 70.46 196.38

70.02 198.95

List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial adviser with the Calgary office of Raymond James Ltd., member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. The listed equity prices included were obtained from Thomson Reuters and the OTC prices included were obtained from PI Securities Ltd., Assiniboia Farmland LP. The data listed in this list has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last 12 months, Raymond James Ltd. has undertaken an underwriting liability or has provided advice for a fee with respect to the securities of Alliance Grain. For more information, Morrison can be reached at 403-221-0396 or 1-877-264-0333.

The world can grow enough food over the next 10 years and it can respond to the broader challenge of feeding nine billion people by 2050. ANGEL GURRIA OECD SECRETARY GENERAL





Quebec dairy co-op to supply Sobeys, IGA, Safeway Western Canadian dairy supply shook up as Agropur buys four dairy plants that Sobeys had acquired in its Safeway acquisition SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Quebec-based dairy Agropur Cooperative has new agreements with Sobeys, to buy several dairy processing operations and to supply dairy products on a long-term basis. The companies said the value of the transaction totals $356 million. It includes: • The purchase of four plants: two plants in Edmonton, one producing milk and the other ice cream; a milk operation in Winnipeg; and a milk operation in Burnaby, B.C. The plants came to Sobeys when it bought Canada Safeway in November. • The licensing of the Lucerne trade-

mark to Agropur for the production and distribution of fluid milk and cream. • Long-term agreements to supply Safeway, Sobeys and IGA stores in Western Canada will come into effect with the transfer of the facilities to Agropur and expiry of current supply agreements. Agropur is known for brands such as Natrel milk and Oka cheese. It’s IOGO yogurt is a joint venture with Ultima Food. “This transaction will confirm our leadership position in the Canadian milk industry, for the greater benefit of all of our members-producers and owners,” Serge Riendeau, president of Agropur said in a news release.

Robert Coallier, chief executive of Agropur, said the business related to these assets, the renewal of certain contracts and the acquisition of the plants represents revenues of more than $400 million. Sobeys’ dairy activities have 281 employees and process more than 160 million litres of milk per year. The purchase is subject to usual regulatory approvals. Founded in 1938, Agropur has sales of more than $3.8 billion. The co-operative is owned by 3,554 dairy producers and has 6,500 employees. Agropur processes more than 3.4 billion litres of milk per year in its 32 plants across North America.

Agropur will acquire four dairy facilities as part of its deal with Sobeys, including two in Edmonton and one in Winnipeg. | D’ARCE MCMILLAN PHOTO


Keep track of medical expenses to apply for tax credit TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS


Vehicle costs might be eligible if you have to travel for medical services


ost family farms have medical emergencies and expenses. There’s often nothing that can be done to get around the financial burden. However, there may be opportunities to recover some of the outlay through your taxes. Understanding these opportunities and keeping good records can save you money. All amounts paid for eligible medical expenses over a certain threshold entitle you to a non-refundable tax credit that will reduce the amount of taxes you owe. This credit is not dollar for dollar on the amounts paid but is eligible based on a percentage of your net income. Eligible medical expenses can be claimed for yourself, your spouse and your dependent children under the age of 18. What is considered an eligible expense is not always obvious and at times can be overlooked. To help prevent this, it’s a good idea to keep all medical receipts in a safe place and present them to the person who prepares your personal tax return. This method is often easier than trying to remember everything that happened during the year and whether the payments are applicable. If the receipts are for an expense ineligible for the credit, they can simply be discarded after your tax return has been filed. Pharmacies can often provide a yearly printout that will summarize

all the amounts paid to help ensure no receipt is missed or overlooked. Eye glasses, contacts, water filters, air conditioners, whirlpool baths, moving expenses, hospital services, gluten-free products and attendant care are just a few of the items that may qualify as an eligible medical expense. Some may require a medical practitioner to prescribe them for treatment and others are generally accepted. Have you replaced your furnace recently due to a chronic respiratory condition? This is one of the modifications to your home that can qualify for the medical expense tax credit. If you have a severe and prolonged physical or mental impairment that has been restricting daily activities, you may be entitled to the disability tax credit. If you or someone in your family has difficulty thinking, walking, eating or speaking and a medical practitioner will sign off on the proper form, you could qualify for additional credits. The premiums paid to a health care plan also qualify for the medical expense credit. Family farms should consider implementing a private health service plan. Under the plan, the farm will incur the expense, receive a tax deduction for some of the amounts paid and allow family members to have medical coverage. This will help reduce the cost of medical expenses by using pre-tax funds and allow for additional peace of mind should something happen. The costs of travel for medical purposes are another expense often overlooked. Just because you live on a farm doesn’t mean the cost of travel to see the doctor should come out of your pocket. If you have to travel at least 40 kilometres one way from your home to obtain medical services, you may be able to claim vehicle expenses. Also, depending on the distance and nature of the visit, you may be able to claim the cost of your meals and accommodations, not just for

yourself but for someone to accompany you as well. When deciding whether the costs you have paid for medical expenses are eligible, it’s recommended to

contact a tax professional. It’s important to discuss questions you may have to ensure you are taking advantage of every opportunity available.

Barrett Bettger and Karl Hendrickson of KPMG contributed to this article. Colin Miller is a chartered accountant and partner with KPMG’s tax practice in Lethbridge. Contact: colinmiller@kpmg.ca.

THIS TEAM knows farming. Everyone who cares about agriculture knows The Western Producer is the best place to go for the latest markets, production and livestock information. In print and online, our team of experts ensures you get fast, accurate coverage of the information you need. @westernproducer D’ARCE McMILLAN Markets Editor

ROBIN BOOKER Online Editor

1-800-667-6978 | www.producer.com |

MICHAEL RAINE Managing Editor




CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $240 $230 $220 6/16 6/23 6/27

Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt) Grade A

Live July 4-10

Steers Alta. Ont.


$210 6/9




Previous June 27-July 3

164.50 160.70-177.49

Heifers Alta. Ont.

Year ago

n/a 150.90-172.97

Rail July 4-10

118.72 123.79

268.00-272.75 274.00-277.00

n/a 268.00-272.00

n/a 147.39-170.61

n/a 141.40-167.25

118.43 123.41

268.00-272.75 273.00-276.00

n/a 267.00-271.00 Canfax

Saskatchewan Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)


$220 n/a 7/7


Manitoba $240 $230 $220 $210 n/a 6/16 6/23 6/27



Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt)




Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

no sales 179-210 205-230 213-247 230-255 232-260

165-185 185-202 200-212 222-240 225-260 230-285

185-202 190-220 204-231 220-250 228-256 225-265

Report not available -

no sales 182-213 198-231 210-240 215-240 no sales

160-176 175-200 200-215 210-225 220-240 no sales

180-201 190-210 200-228 209-238 220-245 no sales

Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2014 1,392,590 15,575,370 To date 2013 1,312,888 16,488,506 % Change 14/13 +6.1 -5.5


July 5/14 829 764 687 946


$220 $210 7/7


Steers Heifers Cows Bulls


July 6/13 847 776 678 847

YTD 14 844 788 679 914

YTD 13 874 820 674 916

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)

$240 $230 $220 $210 n/a 6/16 6/23 6/27



Manitoba $240 $230 $220

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)

Steers 155.72 155.93 155.33 246.91

Heifers 155.82 155.90 155.81 248.00

Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers South Dakota 204.75-217.25 Billings n/a Dodge City 208.00

Trend n/a n/a n/a USDA

n/a 6/16 6/23 6/27



Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 965.6 +4 Non-fed 148.0 -4 Total beef 1113.6 +3 Canfax

EXCHANGE RATE: JULY 14 $1 Cdn. = $0.9328 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0720 Cdn.

Cattle / Beef Trade Exports % from 2014 384,101 (1) -4.2 227,638 (1) +42.8 90,972 (3) +9.6 126,114 (3) +9.1 Imports % from 2014 n/a (2) n/a 19,416 (2) -3.0 71,545 (4) -21.0 105,667 (4) -10.0

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

Close July 11 Live Cattle Aug 149.13 Oct 151.65 Dec 153.00 Feb 152.85 Apr 152.85 Feeder Cattle Aug 210.38 Sep 211.63 Oct 211.45 Nov 210.88 Jan 207.00

(1) to June 28/14 (2) to May 31/14 (3) to May 31/14 (4) to July 5/14 Agriculture Canada

Close Trend July 3

Year ago

155.00 156.90 156.05 155.75 156.25

-5.87 -5.25 -3.05 -2.90 -3.40

121.85 126.08 128.33 129.58 130.70

217.63 218.83 218.85 218.55 213.00

-7.25 -7.20 -7.40 -7.67 -6.00

150.13 152.73 154.45 155.73 156.95

Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt) This wk Last wk n/a n/a


$210 $200 6/9

Yr. ago n/a Canfax

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) July 4 Base rail (index 100) 2.78 Range 0.15-0.22 Feeder lambs 1.40-1.60 Sheep (live) 0.40

June 27 2.78 0.19-0.22 1.40-1.60 0.40 SunGold Meats

July 7 1.97-2.45 2.02-2.20 1.85-2.05 1.95-2.00 1.20-2.00 1.30-1.90 0.85-0.95 0.80-0.90 65-110

New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids

June 30 1.85-2.10 1.85-2.07 1.72-1.92 1.72-1.87 1.66-1.75 1.30-1.90 0.75-0.87 0.75-0.95 65-110

Ontario Stockyards Inc.

Wool lambs, new crop >80 lb Wool lambs, new crop <80 lb Hair lambs, new crop Fed sheep

July 17 1.55-1.70 1.75 1.50-1.55 0.42-0.52

Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

HOGS Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $280 $260 $240 $220 $200 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27



Fixed contract $/ckg (Hams Marketing) Jul 27-Aug 09 Aug 10-Aug 23 Aug 24-Sep 06 Sep 07-Sep 20 Sep 21-Oct 04 Oct 05-Oct 18 Oct 19-Nov 01 Nov 02-Nov 15 Nov 16-Nov 29 Nov 30-Dec 13

Maple Leaf Thunder Sig 3 Creek Pork July 11 July 11 241.54-243.51 246.03-248.35 237.40-244.00 237.95-239.70 225.05-232.93 213.81-220.06 216.68-219.14 208.68-211.32 217.66-220.18 218.72-219.17 215.24-217.22 209.22-212.13 198.16-211.79 194.54-198.14 193.72-195.69 190.74-191.84 188.29-189.27 189.57-191.64 195.69-196.19 194.20-195.78

$240 $220 7/7


(1) to June 28/14

(2) to May 31/14

Fed. inspections only U.S. 54,375,285 56,362,695 -3.5




$245 $240 $235 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27

Milling Wheat (July) $200 $190 $180 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27



Index 100 hogs $/ckg 253.60 255.02

Man. Que.

*incl. wt. premiums


U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)

$440 $430 6/6

6/13 6/20 6/26



Canola (basis - July) $40 $20 $0 $-20 $-40 6/6

6/13 6/20 6/26



Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $205 $200 $195 $190 $185 6/6

6/13 6/20 6/26



Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $560 $550 $540 $530 $520 6/6

6/13 6/20 6/26



Barley (cash - July) $205 $200

Basis: $66

$195 $190 $185 6/6

6/13 6/20 6/26



Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Corn (July) $480


6/16 6/23 6/27



Soybeans (July) $1500


% from 2014 n/a -16.5 -15.3 Agriculture Canada

$1260 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27



Oats (July) $400 $380

$230 $220 $210 7/7


Jul Aug Oct Dec

Close July 3 131.73 131.60 116.75 102.85

Trend +1.07 -2.92 -2.95 +1.50

Year ago 102.10 94.90 84.20 81.35

Feb Apr May Jun

Close July 11 98.70 96.30 93.70 96.35

Close July 3 96.05 95.20 94.50 96.00

Trend +2.65 +1.10 -0.80 +0.35

Year ago 83.43 84.85 89.40 91.85

$320 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27



Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (July) $750


(000 tonnes) Alta. Sask. Man.

July 6 271.5 423.8 146.4

June 29 335.8 461.5 108.5

YTD 13070.3 18550.8 6175.7

Year ago n/a 524.80 530.80 536.10 n/a 266.00 270.00 n/a 302.00 n/a 194.00 n/a 6.6950 6.8225 6.9425 n/a 3.5325 3.4175 n/a 13.1450 12.6375 12.6850 n/a 45.84 45.76 n/a 451.5 412.4 n/a 5.3625 5.0350 5.1575 n/a 7.5500 7.6650 7.8050 n/a 7.1800 7.3050

Canadian Exports & Crush


Close July 11 132.80 128.68 113.80 104.35

Grain Futures July 14 July 7 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jul 462.90 478.50 -15.60 Nov 443.40 459.40 -16.00 Jan 446.80 460.90 -14.10 Mar 446.90 460.50 -13.60 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Jul 190.00 189.00 +1.00 Oct 191.00 189.00 +2.00 Dec 198.00 194.00 +4.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Jul 239.00 239.00 0.00 Oct 250.00 230.00 +20.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Jul 125.00 125.00 0.00 Oct 132.50 132.50 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 5.4975 5.4500 +0.0475 Sep 5.3775 5.5675 -0.1900 Dec 5.6050 5.8050 -0.2000 Mar 5.8175 6.0325 -0.2150 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Jul 3.4900 3.8100 -0.3200 Sep 3.3400 3.4600 -0.1200 Dec 3.3250 3.3875 -0.0625 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jul 12.9500 13.6300 -0.6800 Sep 11.0800 11.5025 -0.4225 Nov 10.8625 11.2550 -0.3925 Jan 10.9500 11.3450 -0.3950 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Jul 36.75 38.36 -1.61 Aug 36.88 38.43 -1.55 Sep 36.97 38.50 -1.53 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Jul 421.5 443.7 -22.2 Aug 388.6 408.7 -20.1 Sep 364.4 379.1 -14.7 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Jul 3.9025 4.0925 -0.1900 Sep 3.8150 4.0050 -0.1900 Dec 3.8825 4.0625 -0.1800 Mar 3.9900 4.1775 -0.1875 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 6.4000 6.5700 -0.1700 Sep 6.3925 6.6175 -0.2250 Dec 6.5025 6.7100 -0.2075 Mar 6.6625 6.8300 -0.1675 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Jul 6.5250 6.7850 -0.2600 Dec 6.5650 6.8000 -0.2350 Mar 6.6250 6.8675 -0.2425


Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)


July 11 5.91 5.43 9.00 4.56 3.12


No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator


Import n/a 88,220 (3) 94,826 (3)

July 7 20.88 16.17 19.90 16.36 12.85 23.96 18.88 9.56 7.96 6.43 6.43 8.27 4.28 38.50 34.58 29.50 21.96 15.73 16.13 11.88 14.63



% from 2014 -9.5 +1.5 -2.8

Avg. 20.88 16.25 19.90 16.36 12.85 24.25 18.88 9.56 7.96 6.43 6.43 8.27 4.28 39.00 34.58 29.50 22.43 15.73 16.13 11.88 14.31

July 9 July 2 Year Ago No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) 124.61 136.40 221.13 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 20.70 21.05 23.05


$360 6/9

237.00 254.06

July 14 19.00-22.75 15.00-17.00 19.50-20.00 15.50-17.00 12.40-13.00 23.00-26.00 18.50-19.00 8.80-12.00 7.80-8.00 6.00-6.65 6.00-6.50 8.00-8.40 4.25-4.35 38.00-40.00 33.30-35.00 28.50-30.00 21.75-23.00 15.20-16.00 16.00-20.00 11.00-16.00 11.00-18.75

Cash Prices

Canola (cash - July)


Alta. Sask.

Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)

Cash Prices


Agriculture Canada

(3) to July 5/14


6/16 6/23 6/27

Canada 10,048,666 10,243,969 -1.9

To date 2014 To date 2013 % change 14/13

Export 393,455 (1) 147,227 (2) 483,187 (2)

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)


$200 6/9

To July 5

Hogs / Pork Trade


6/16 6/23 6/27


Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Hog Slaughter


$200 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27




$200 6/9

$120 6/9


Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)

Average Carcass Weight

6/16 6/23 6/27



To July 5

Report not available -


$200 6/9



Cattle Slaughter



$200 6/9


Durum (July)


6/16 6/23 6/27

Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

Barley (July) $130

*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

$215 6/9

Pulse and Special Crops

ICE Futures Canada

Previous June 27-July 3

$720 $690 $660 $630 6/9

6/16 6/23 6/27



To (1,000 MT) July 6 Wheat 333.1 Durum 150.4 Oats 15.7 Barley 2.5 Flax 0.6 Canola 106.1 Peas 56.1 Lentils 6.0 (1,000 MT) July 9 Canola crush 155.1

To June 29 281.6 93.4 13.9 25.8 4.5 277.0 32.5 14.4 July 2 151.8

Total Last to date year 15660.9 12973.2 4344.2 4097.9 1013.4 999.7 1227.1 1290.4 340.1 312.1 8072.0 6873.3 1732.9 1938.8 347.8 n/a to date Last year 6477.8 6357.1




A sign on the other side of a dike states what everyone in High River, Alta., hopes. If there is a future flood, water will be stopped by the dikes and berms that have been built over the past year. | MIKE STURK PHOTO

PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada.


Churchill 18 / 8


Edmonton 24 / 13 Saskatoon Calgary 26 / 12 Vancouver 25 / 10 23 / 14 Regina Winnipeg 26 / 12 26 / 13

Below normal

ADVERTISING RATES Classified liner ads: $5.85 per printed line (3 line minimum) Classified display ads: $6.70 per agate line ROP display: $9.50 per agate line

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Above normal

Prince George 12.2

Vancouver 3.9

Much below normal

Churchill 10.2 Edmonton 17.4 Saskatoon Calgary 9.6 13.3 Regina 8.3

1-800-667-7770 1-800-667-7776 (306) 665-3515 (306) 653-8750

HOURS: Mon.& Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. e-mail: advertising@producer.com Advertising director: KELLY BERG Classified sales mgr: SHAUNA BRAND


Much above normal

July 17 - 23 (in °C)

Prince George 24 / 9


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The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services: www.weathertec.mb.ca n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)

Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

26.9 28.9 28.2 30.7 28.4 32.4 29.5 25.3 25.6 27.7 26.9 26.3 26.1 27.5 27.7 29.1 26.7 25.2

1.6 0.7 7.0 0.3 0.0 8.5 25.7 8.4 8.0 6.6 4.6 0.8 1.5 2.8 0.0 22.2 7.8 1.9

7.5 8.8 9.6 8.2 8.9 8.3 4.0 8.7 8.5 5.0 6.9 5.9 8.9 6.1 8.9 8.1 10.2 9.4

243.6 335.3 129.4 206.8 204.2 113.4 236.4 255.3 243.6 258.8 317.7 283.4 261.4 255.5 169.8 262.2 391.2 291.2

137 171 73 108 135 69 144 156 141 165 185 164 149 158 101 169 200 169

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Printed with inks containing canola oil

MANITOBA Temperature last week High Low

Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville

Newsroom toll-free: 1-800-667-6978 Fax: (306) 934-2401 News editor: TERRY FRIES e-mail: newsroom@producer.com

Member, Canadian Farm Press Association

ALBERTA Temperature last week High Low

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President, Glacier Media Agricultural Information Group: BOB WILLCOX Contact: bwillcox@farmmedia.com Phone: (204) 944-5751



31.4 30.5 28.9 30.2 28.1 33.2 31.2 31.5 27.5 33.0 31.7 33.5 30.2 29.5 28.8 28.6

7.9 9.1 8.3 9.0 4.4 6.4 8.7 9.5 9.2 10.4 8.4 5.5 8.1 6.2 7.7 10.2

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

0.7 1.5 18.4 5.9 1.1 1.2 2.7 4.8 2.6 8.9 0.4 3.5 6.8 1.2 2.7 0.8

161.5 179.8 266.1 156.8 124.4 117.2 113.8 290.2 218.4 167.4 171.2 105.9 240.9 242.0 326.9 203.3

107 89 155 98 62 73 85 168 129 113 91 69 103 111 158 121

Temperature last week High Low

Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg

27.8 30.4 27.2 26.6 26.7 27.4 26.8 28.1

Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %

9.1 8.2 8.4 11.2 10.7 10.8 9.1 8.6

7.1 25.9 18.0 24.7 9.8 11.3 5.5 10.7

450.3 350.4 265.5 364.2 203.3 235.0 270.9 245.6

223 178 129 190 92 111 135 114

10.4 8.8 13.3 8.9 4.7

0.0 3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0

124.5 99.0 91.0 114.8 105.9

80 63 90 91 61

BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George

35.6 32.5 40.5 37.9 33.3

All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: www.agr.gc.ca/drought. Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.: www.weathertec.mb.ca

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