Canada’s farm progress show

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JUNE 15 - 17


Canada’s largest trade show Trade Show News Network Award

@canadafarmshow #CFPS16

Proud Member of the Farm Show Council






AVAILABLE AT YOUR PRAIRIE CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada.

In the guide... 12


International Business Centre

2016 Innovations

Publisher Shaun Jessome Managing Editor Michael Raine Art Director Michelle Houlden Layout Designer Philip Magorrian Advertising Director Kelly Berg Creative Director Robert Magnell Marketing Manager Jack Phipps Editorial (306) 665-3544

32 Antique Trucks and Tractor Parade

44 Beer Baroness: Manjit Minhas

Editorial fax (306) 934-2401 Advertising 1-800-667-7776 Advertising fax (306) 653-8750

4 6 12 14 20 23 25 26 32 34 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 52

Show Information Welcome Messages International Business Centre Daily Schedules 2016 Innovations 2016 New Products New Product Launches Outstanding Young Farmers Antique Trucks and Tractor Parade Livestock Display Where to Eat Modern Lifestyles People Movers thinkAG Career and Education Expo Park and Ride / Shuttle Service Feature: Prairie producers are vital to this Dragon Feature: Technology Transforming the Family Farm Exhibitor List (by category)

National Sales Lisa Graham / Denise Bott Suite 201–300 Willow Road Guelph, Ontario N1H 7C6 Tel: (519) 836-4072 Fax: (519) 836-2499 Subscriptions 1-800-667-6929 Subscription fax (306) 244-9445 Canada’s Farm Progress Show Guide is published by Western Producer Publications. Contents copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No part of Canada’s Farm Progress Show Guide may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent. We strive for accuracy in presenting articles and charts. However, we are not responsible for errors or liability in the event of losses resulting from readers’ use of our magazine and website. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. Box 2500 Stn Main, 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4.

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240 Registration No. 10676

See fold-out centre pages for grounds map and Exhibitor List (a-z)

Printed with inks containing canola oil

Supplement to The Western Producer


Show Information (306) 781-9200 Canada’s Farm Progress Show is a production of Evraz Place.

#CFPS16 Show Location


Evraz Place: Accessible from Hwy #1 or Hwy #6.

See map inside for locations

Walk-in Entrances: 10th Avenue, Princess Gate, Lewvan Drive

Show Hours June 15 & 16 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

June 17 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Admission Daily Admission: $15 (CAD)

Parking See map inside for locations, no charge

Food Services See map inside for locations

On-Site Transport People movers on show grounds

Park & Ride

Show Information See map inside for locations

First Aid St. John’s Ambulance, Brandt Centre, southwest corner (306) 781-9378

Defibrillator Locations Brandt Centre: St. John’s Ambulance Brandt Centre: lower level, Regina Pat’s bench Credit Union EventPlex: south wall, inside soccer facility Co-operators Centre: north entrance, by elevator Co-operators Centre: 2nd level, by elevator


Committee Chairs & Contacts Show Manager Shirley Janeczko (306) 527-1465 Exhibits Coordinator Cindy Heibein (306) 527-6105 Exhibits Coordinator Dallas McFadden (306) 781-9281 International Business Centre Coordinator Lee-Anne Oltean (306) 781-9263 Newsroom Paula Kohl (306) 519-9715 Carrie Hackel (306) 520-3247 Sponsorship & Advertising Chris Hutchinson (306) 531-5338 Trevor Woolsey (306) 570-7286 Antique Trucks & Tractors Lynda Van Der Velden (306) 781-9271 Catering & Events Manager Alison Wilkie (306) 781-9238

(306) 781-9252

Committee Chairs (volunteer)

at Rambler Park and take shuttle to show

Brandt Centre Box Office

grounds. For more details, please go to

(306) 781-9300

Show Chair René Carpentier

Guests and exhibitors can park vehicles

page 42

Shuttle Services Guests and exhibitors can be shuttled between participating Regina Hotel Association hotels and the show grounds. For more details, please go to page 42

Sponsored by:

Show Office Main level of Co-operators Centre, SE Hallway

International Business Centre Co-operators Centre, 2nd level

Sponsored by:


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

International Business Centre Brad Michnik Innovations Pat Weatherald Antique Trucks & Tractors Laurie Temple Shuttle Service Byron Evans

In the guide... Publisher Shaun Jessome Managing Editor Michael Raine Art Director Michelle Houlden Layout Designer Philip Magorrian Advertising Director Kelly Berg Creative Director Robert Magnell Marketing Manager Jack Phipps

Don’t just get that new tractor smell Get that new tractor

Editorial (306) 665-3544 Editorial fax (306) 934-2401 Advertising 1-800-667-7776 Advertising fax (306) 653-8750 National Sales Lisa Graham / Denise Bott Suite 201–300 Willow Road Guelph, Ontario N1H 7C6 Tel: (519) 836-4072 Fax: (519) 836-2499 Subscriptions 1-800-667-6929 Subscription fax (306) 244-9445

Call FCC and get your financing pre-approved

Canada’s Farm Progress Show Guide is published by Western Producer Publications. Contents copyright

Finance new or used equipment through more than 800 dealers across the country. Use your pre-approval for an equipment purchase or lease.

2016. All rights reserved. No part of Canada’s Farm Progress Show Guide may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent. We strive for accuracy in presenting articles and charts. However, we are not responsible for errors or liability in the event of losses resulting from

Call 1-800-510-6669.

readers’ use of our magazine and website. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: P.O. Box 2500 Stn Main, 2310 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4.

Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240 Registration No. 10676 ™

Printed with inks containing canola oil

Supplement to The Western Producer


Welcome On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, I am pleased to welcome you to the 39th annual Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina. With more than 700 exhibitors and some 40,000 attendees coming from across the globe, this is the ideal place to learn about the latest in agricultural equipment, technology and innovations. The show is also a great opportunity to make face-to-face connections with those who can help to grow your business. Agriculture continues to be one of the most promising sectors in the world economy, and is a leading contributor to Canada’s growth and prosperity. In Saskatchewan, our great producers are playing a key part in Saskatchewan’s diversified economy. In 2015, Saskatchewan exported a record $15.3 billion worth of agri-food products. We are the top agricultural exporter among the provinces. Saskatchewan continues to lead in agricultural innovation, biotechnology and crop science. Our agri-food industry competes on a global scale and our producers are continually finding new ways to improve productivity and make an impact. It is my pleasure to recognize the farmers and entrepreneurs who thrive in this business through their vision, tenacity and hard work. You are helping to shape the future of global agriculture. Thank you to the organizations and individuals who arrange, manage, sponsor and serve as volunteers to make this world-class event a success. I encourage you to explore our capital city and the many attractions it has to offer. Welcome and best wishes for an enjoyable show.

Brad Wall premier of saskatchewan


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Welcome to the 2016 Canada’s Farm Progress Show! On behalf of my City Council colleagues, I am glad you have chosen to visit Evraz Place for this marquee event. We are extremely proud of this show and its ability to draw people from all over the world to Regina to focus on the business of agriculture. Our province’s history is inextricably linked to agriculture, and it remains a backbone of our provincial economy. Canada’s Farm Progress Show is a vital component, offering more than 700 exhibitors from every corner of the industry a chance to expand their customer base. More than $50 million of farm machinery sales alone are generated at the show every year. Innovation and technology play an important part in agriculture, as they do across Saskatchewan’s diversified economy. New machinery, products and services are showcased alongside antique tractors and trucks; the industry’s past and future featured side by side. In one week, more than 40,000 people can see what direction agriculture will be headed. There are many reasons why you may have come for the show, but the sense of community that Canada’s Farm Progress Show provides is important. Saskatchewan farmers mingle with their counterparts from Alberta and Manitoba, but also with the hundreds of visitors from more than 50 countries who register with the show’s International Business Centre each year. Canada’s Farm Progress Show literally brings the world together in Regina! While you will undoubtedly be kept busy during the show, please take some time to experience all that Regina has to offer. We are one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, but growth has not changed the small-town charm and hospitality for which we are so well known. There are plenty of new restaurants opened in the city, lots of activities happening in our downtown, and plenty of galleries, museums, theatres and live music venues to choose from. The Saskatchewan Science Centre, RCMP Heritage Centre, Regina Floral Conservatory, Casino Regina, Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, Regina Farmers’ Market and many of our other enticing attractions are also at your disposal. I have every confidence that your time in Regina will demonstrate that our citizens are truly our greatest asset. Their warmth, pride and inclusive community spirit are a huge part of why I am so proud to be Mayor. Best wishes for a great show and an even better time in our city! Sincerely,

Michael Fougere mayor of regina

Supplement to The Western Producer


Welcome - Bienvenue - to the 39th annual Canada’s Farm Progress Show. The industry’s leading agriculture showcase was once again recognized as Canada’s largest trade show by Trade Show News Network. Canada’s Farm Progress Show has earned a strong reputation by continually providing attendees with the opportunity to see the latest and best in agriculture production. While the main purpose of the show is to offer dryland farming equipment manufacturers the opportunity to showcase their products to qualified buyers who operate agriculture businesses, it is also an event where attendees can come to learn about the most innovative farming practices through participation in educational seminars and meaningful discussions with exhibitors. Attendees will be able to visit more than 700 exhibits located in the 1.9 million sq. ft. of show space. Everything needed to conduct a successful farming operation will be displayed. A major factor attributed to the longevity of Canada’s Farm Progress Show is the implementation of the many featured programs aimed at making a visit to the show an enjoyable and productive one. These programs include the Innovations Showcase, the Farm Progress Forum presented by Farm Credit Canada, the Antique Truck and Tractor display and pulls, the Modern Lifestyle pavilion and shuttle services for attendees and exhibitors. A truly unique program at Canada’s Farm Progress Show is the International Business Centre (IBC). The IBC is designed to introduce international buyers to those exhibitors that export products. In 2015, buyers from more than 50 countries were invited to meet with export member companies for the purpose of exploring a business relationship. On behalf of the show, volunteers and stakeholders, please accept this as my invitation to attend the 39th edition of Canada’s Farm Progress Show, June 15 – 17, 2016 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

René Carpentier canada’s farm progress show chair


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

On behalf of the Government of Canada, welcome to the 2016 Canada’s Farm Progress Show. For nearly 40 years, Canada’s Farm Progress Show has showcased the value of agriculture in Saskatchewan and across our country. The show truly is a window on the future of agriculture, and a hub for commerce and innovation. Many of the technologies and innovations that bring the world to our door began in a farmer’s shop, or as a collaboration between farmers and small, local implement manufacturers. Over the years, these firms have grown to serve not only Canadians, but hosts of satisfied international customers as well. Every year, Canada’s Farm Progress Show generates over $500 million in sales, and attracts hundreds of international visitors and buyers who know that “Canadian” means excellence. The federal government shares your strong focus on innovation and trade to keep the industry on the competitive edge. We are proud to support the new International Trade Centre building project currently underway, made possible by a federal-provincial cost-shared Growing Forward 2 contribution of $22 million, along with significant financial support from the City of Regina and the private sector. The technology and innovations on display here at the show will help give farmers the tools they need to deliver high-quality, sustainable food to the world. I invite everyone to experience the latest equipment exhibits and demonstrations, seminars, tractor pulls, antique machinery displays and other attractions. Enjoy the show!

Lawrence MacAulay minister of agriculture & agri-food, canada

On behalf of Canada’s Farm Progress Show, I am pleased to welcome you! The team worked tirelessly to create exciting trade show components to this year’s show including FCC Farm Progress Forum, Innovations Showcase and other inspiring entertainment to enjoy while at the show. It is no easy task putting the pieces of this “puzzle” together each year, but the efforts make the end result worthwhile. For 39 years, Canada’s Farm Progress Show has offered the most complete selection of cutting-edge agricultural products, equipment and services available in the farming industry. During this three-day show, business professionals from around the world gain knowledge and hands-on access to various technological advancements needed within the farming industry. New to the show this year, is the thinkAG Career Expo, where our youth can explore the endless career opportunities in agriculture. We are also pleased to host the Outstanding Young Farmer awards luncheon in support of our local 4H Club. Canada’s Farm Progress show also supports STARS Saskatchewan. I would like to thank the sponsors and volunteers for the many hours of dedicated support that contributes to one of Regina’s largest events of the year. Enjoy the show!

Shirley Janeczko show manager, canada’s farm progress show

Supplement to The Western Producer


On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, it is my pleasure to welcome visitors from near and far to Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016. This show allows Saskatchewan and Canada to showcase to the world the qualities that have made us agricultural leaders. Canada’s Farm Progress Show presents innovative technologies and advanced production practices to give farmers the competitive edge in agricultural production. The Ministry of Agriculture is proud to support Canada’s Farm Progress Show through long-term sponsorship. By bringing together farmers and ranchers, manufacturers and suppliers, and international buyers, the show offers a unique opportunity for stakeholders to connect and discuss the latest trends and issues in agriculture. I would like to thank the volunteers, organizers and exhibitors without whom the show would not be possible. Your dedication to excellence in agriculture is commendable. Best wishes for a successful show.

Lyle Stewart minister of agriculture

On behalf of the entire team at Viterra, I am pleased to welcome you to the 2016 edition of Canada’s Farm Progress Show. We are proud to once again be the presenting sponsor, and to continue our long tradition of supporting what has truly become a world-class event. Each year, the show attracts thousands of visitors from around the world who are eager to learn about current trends and innovations and to engage in thoughtful dialogue about agriculture. It is an ideal forum for connecting with customers and other industry players who all have a stake in our continued success as an industry - one that is becoming increasingly crucial in our global marketplace. At Viterra, the theme of connection provides the foundation for everything we do. We continually strive to connect more customers to more places, to create marketing opportunities for our farmers’ crops and to meet the needs of end users in over fifty countries. Our employees are trusted experts who work hard to ensure our farmers have the tools and knowledge they need to meet their goals. I encourage you to check out our booth to find out more about the exciting and innovative ways that we support our customers. As an industry leader, we see a bright future ahead for agriculture, and it is events like this one that allow Viterra and all other exhibitors a great opportunity to share our vision for what lies ahead. I would like to thank the dedicated group of organizers and volunteers whose efforts continue to make Canada’s largest trade show a great success. To all of the attendees, I hope you enjoy everything this year’s show has to offer.

Kyle Jeworski president & ceo, viterra


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Welcome to the 39th annual Canada’s Farm Progress Show presented by Viterra! We are proud to host the industry’s leading marketplace for dryland farming technology and a wide range of agricultural services. Over the years, we have grown to become Canada’s foremost international agricultural trade show, with more than 40,000 attendees who visit the 700+ exhibitors spread across 1.9 million sq. ft. of show space. Attendees have an unparalleled opportunity to see the latest trends in agriculture, along with the newest industry innovations. And just because you’ve been to Canada’s Farm Progress Show before, there’s always something new to see. We work hard to ensure our programming keeps pace with the latest innovations and the emerging needs of the farming industry. One of the most important parts of our show is the International Business Centre, where we welcome buyers from more than 50 countries around the world. Widely recognized as the major event for fostering international business relationships for agricultural machinery, the International Business Centre continues to be a successful part of Canada’s Farm Progress Show. In addition to providing an international marketplace and showcase for agricultural innovation, the show serves as an educational opportunity where people inside and outside the industry can learn about the modern world of agriculture. Attendees at this year’s Farm Progress Forum, presented by Farm Credit Canada (FCC), will learn business tips from Dragons’ Den entrepreneur Manjit Minhas, who at age 19 with $10,000 and a dream, co-founded and grew her brewery into the 10th largest in the world. Weather is always a hot conversation topic among farmers, so Drew Lerner, Senior Agricultural Meteorologist, will also be on hand at the Forum to share his forecast of what 2016 summer on the prairies will bring and how to get ahead of Mother Nature. The Forum wouldn’t be complete without a discussion on advocacy, and who better to deliver that message than a celebrity? Chris Soules, former star of The Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars, will share the reality of the farm and how he uses his celebrity to promote the industry he loves. Canada’s Farm Progress Show offers something for everyone. Featured programs like the FCC Innovations Showcase, new product launches, the Livestock Centre, Antique Truck and Tractor Display and the Modern Lifestyle pavilion are sure to please. We invite you to visit our website, Facebook page or follow us on Twitter to see what’s being showcased this year. Once again, welcome to Canada’s Farm Progress Show—the only place to see it all!

Mark Allan president & ceo, evraz place

Supplement to The Western Producer


HSBC International Business Centre

International Business Centre

presented by

What our clients are saying “This is an excellent show for farmers and businesses, hosting the latest trends and technology in agricultural machinery. A must see show for all those in the business”.

Chultem Perenlei & Sanj Serjmaa Mongolia

Visitors will find the International Business Centre (IBC) presented by HSBC in the Co-operators Centre, 2nd floor. This location allows a view of prime exhibit space of the show. The IBC is a truly unique driver at Canada’s Farm Progress Show and is designed to introduce international visitors to those exhibitors that export equipment and technology. This exclusive program sets Canada’s Farm Progress Show apart from other shows of its kind. In 2015, the IBC welcomed over 600 international delegates from 53 countries. As the focus on global business continues to grow, the speed and complexity of international business communications flourishes as well. Interactions with foreign buyers that were once nearly impossible to bring about have become routine. The IBC takes full advantage of the opportunity to bring buyers and exporters together in one marketplace, providing tremendous value.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

The IBC provides a complete business service package to all international visitors, including assistance with hotel reservations, shuttle service to the show and airport, private meeting rooms and comprehensive business services. Professional staff is on site daily to facilitate introductions and meetings between buyers, trade delegations and export members. This year we will again be offering Business 2 Business meetings between export members and international visitors. The IBC is a collective effort of the Government of Canada and Government of Saskatchewan. The IBC also has support from Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Saskatchewan Ministry of the Economy, Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP) and Manitoba Trade and Investment.

“Canada’s Farm Progress Show is unique in its trade initiative with a company such as ours. Our company stands to gain through the initiative by educating us on market trends in North America. It also highlights [how] government assistance with an organization (STEP) can promote genuine growth in Canada’s machinery industry. Long term trade assistance makes the decision to invest in this industry logical. The strength of Canadian farm machinery manufacturers and suppliers is directly proportional to trade initiatives and support through organizations (STEP) that has the ability to create export initiatives for suppliers and customers”.

Lane Reynolds South Africa “Without doubt the best Farm Progress Show I have visited in the world. Well organized show and well set out. I love the fact the whole show was based around grain production. Well done to the organizers and I look forward to coming back”.

Luke Hocking Australia

ALWAYS ON NEVER OFF, IT’S CALLED FARMING We’re with you through the farming seasons, including after your crop leaves the field — from corrugated bins and large storage solutions to handling and conditioning equipment. So much riding on your farm, so many ways to profit from our experience. BRING IT ON

Visit us at our booth: Lot G, 9202 CPS CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES and Design is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services, Inc. 04/16











Supplement to The Western Producer



Daily Schedules

Daily Schedules Wednesday, June 15 Time




9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Toys for Farm Boys - Brandt Centre

We understand that to play hard, you must work hard…. Don't miss Toys for Farm Boys

Brandt Centre

10:00 a.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

10:30 a.m.

The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Buffet opens

Open to public

Queensbury Centre Salon B

11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Seed Hawk North 40

Brandt Centre opens

Brandt Centre

11 - 11:45 a.m.

Peter Gredig

Where is Technology Taking Your Farm? Emerging technology is going to have a dramatic impact on your farm.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12


The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Hall #12

1:15 - 2 p.m.

Curtis Weber

Triumph Over Tragedy – A Personal Journey. Curtis shares his near-fatal workplace incident.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

1:30 p.m.

The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

2 p.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Drew Lerner

2016 Summer Prairies Weather: How Much Moisture and Where? Get a jump on Mother Nature.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

2:30 p.m.

Retiring Farmer Seminar

Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement

Queensbury Centre Conference room #5

2:30 p.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

3 p.m.

The Lumberjill Show

Lot B

Lot B

Lot B This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

THIS IS BIG. Join us at Canada’s Farm Progress Show • June 15 • 10:30 a.m.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

YOUR CROPS. A WORLD OF OPPORTUNITY. WHAT’S DRIVING THE FUTURE OF AG? FIND OUT AT FARM PROGRESS. Each new growing season offers new opportunity. Together, Seed Hawk and Väderstad drive innovations in seeding, planting and tillage equipment, helping you overcome any obstacles to achieve your best season ever. See for yourself: Visit our booth at Farm Progress, enter to win a Powerstation/Spotlight and get a closer look at how we continue to drive innovation.

Special Crops Pulses Traditional Grains + Oilseeds

For more information, visit

Evolve your farm. 2016 ©Seed Hawk Inc. SEED HAWK®, VADERSTAD ® and VADERSTAD DESIGN ® are trademarks being used under license. Seed Hawk has made every attempt to accurately portray our product lineup. However, due to our commitment to continually innovate our technologies to provide our customers the best possible products, some products may not be manufactured as shown. Exact specifications for each product will be confirmed at the time of ordering. 04/16-49698

49698_SHK_2016_FPS_PrePromo_ShowGuide_3-5x10_FPSSG_a4.indd 1

4/25/16 11:54 AM

Daily Schedules

Thursday, June 16 Time




9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Toys for Farm Boys - Brandt Centre

We understand that to play hard, you must work hard…. Don't miss Toys for Farm Boys

Brandt Centre

10 a.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

10:30 a.m.

The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Buffet opens

Open to public

Queensbury Centre Salon B

11 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Seed Hawk North 40

Brandt Centre opens

Brandt Centre

11 - 11:45 a.m.

Colleen Dyck

Farmer, entrepreneur, athlete. Creator of the GORP energy bar.

Farm Progress Forum – Hall #12


The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

1:15 - 2 p.m.

Andrew Campbell

Learn how Andrew started #farm365 as a project that opened his dairy operation to fans and critics alike.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

1:30 p.m.

The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

2 p.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Manjit Minhas

Beer baroness and CBC's newest Dragon. Manjit cofounded and grew her brewery into the 10th largest in the world.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

2:30 p.m.

Retiring Farmer Seminar

Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement.

Queensbury Centre Conference room #5

2:30 p.m.

Antique Tractor Pull

3 p.m.

The Lumberjill Show



Lot B

Lot B

Lot B This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12







Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance

Opportunities for growth from a team you know and trust

You knew us as GE Capital, Commercial Distribution Finance (CDF). To our customers who made this journey with us we would like to thank you for your unwavering commitment and support. And, for those of you who might be considering inventory financing with us for the very first time, we think you’ll find the new Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance is positioned to help you grow your business even better than before. As one of the world’s most valuable and recognized financial services companies, Wells Fargo has been helping businesses — big and small — gain greater strength and stability for more than 160 years. Couple that history with CDF’s more than 30 years of agriculture industry expertise, and you’ll soon discover a winning combination of solutions and services designed to help reap the benefits of a healthier business.

Welcome to the new Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance. Give our agriculture team a call today at 1-888-609-5550 (Option 3)

© 2016 Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance. All rights reserved. Products and services require credit approval. Wells Fargo Commercial Distribution Finance is the trade name for certain inventory financing (floor planning) services of Wells Fargo & Company and its subsidiaries, including Wells Fargo Capital Finance Corporation Canada. Wells Fargo Capital Finance Corporation Canada (also doing business in Quebec as Société de financement Wells Fargo Capital Canada) is an affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company, a company that is not regulated in Canada as a financial institution, a bank holding company or an insurance holding company. 16CDN109

Daily Schedules

Friday, June 17 – Sask Canola Day Time




9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Toys for Farm Boys - Brandt Centre

We understand that to play hard, you must work hard…. Don't miss Toys for Farm Boys

Brandt Centre

10 a.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

10:30 a.m.

The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Buffet opens

Open to public

Queensbury Centre Salon B

11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Seed Hawk North 40

Brandt Centre opens

Brandt Centre

11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Saskatchewan Institute of Agronomics - Featuring Rigas Karamanos

Luncheon - "Fine-tuning Agronomic Practices to Maximize Fertility Investment"

Queensbury Centre, Salon 3


Outstanding Young Farmer

Luncheon - "Fine-tuning Agronomic Practices to Maximize Fertility Investment"

Queensbury Centre Salon A


The Lumberjill Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

1:15 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Robert Saik

Know GMO. Author of The Agriculture Manifesto. Robert shares his passion for modern agriculture.

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

1:30 p.m.

Westcoast Lumber Jack Show

This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

2 p.m.

Antique Truck and Tractor Parade

2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Chris Soules

Former Bachelor, Farming Advocate

Farm Progress Forum Hall #12

2:30 p.m.

Retiring Farmer Seminar

Assists farm families in reducing taxation to fund their retirement.

Queensbury Centre Conference room #5

2:30 p.m.

Antique Tractor Pull

3 p.m.

The Lumberjill Show

Lot B

Lot B

Lot B This show features a full spectrum of lumberjack events including log rolling and tree climbing.

Outside Canada Centre Hall #12

You can grow a lot of things. More time isn’t one of them.

Affinity’s experienced advisors are ready to meet when you need them – in our office or yours. Talk to an ag specialist today.


16ACU023_Ag Spring Print Farm Progress Show Guide Show 2016 Canada’s Farm Progress June 14, 2016 1/3 Page 7.125” x 3.5”

2016 Canada’s Farm Progress Show Innovations


presented by

Innovations The word Innovation is described as “the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.” It is thru Innovation that we see improvements, modernization and ultimately profitability in agriculture production. Canada’s Farm Progress Show – Presented by Viterra is unsurpassed as the event to showcase innovations. New products and product launches that our agriculture companies and dealers have to offer. This year, companies who entered their innovation, in the Innovation Showcase, sponsored by FCC were qualified by the Canada’s Farm Progress Show Innovations committee. Innovations that qualified were then critiqued by a panel of judges. Innovations ranked the highest will either receive a Gold Standard Award or Sterling Standard Award. To learn more about the program and the innovations, please visit the Innovations display located in the Canada Centre Building – Hall #12. Please refer to the map within this guide to view the locations of these companies and inventors at our show.

Arnold Innovations


Richard Arnold T: 204-365-7573 E: Hall 12 – 12117

Jason Diehl T: 204-772-6998 E: Hall 8 – 80402, 80404

Hydraulic ratcheting cylinder deslug wrench for New Holland CX

Dimo’s/Labtronics WIFI Infra-red Bin Temperature Probe

We have designed a hydraulic ratcheting wrench to unplug New Holland CX combines main threshing cylinder. It permanently mounts to the combine and uses the combine hydraulic system and attaches to the cylinder drive pulley where the factory wrench fits. It takes the physical effort out of plugging threshing cylinder, faster leading to more productivity.

10 ft. long bin probe gives instant temperature readings on any smart phone. To monitor the temperature of grain in the bin after it is filled up.

BN Equipment Design Ltd. Brent Neudorf T: 306-778-2134 E: Hall 12 – 12121

Contour Buddy System A new 4pt gauge wheel system for the MacDon FD series Headers. This invention now allows the MacDon FD series header to cut off the ground in cereals or oilseeds, while keeping the header in FLEX mode. This has NOT been possible until now.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

JCA Electronics Integration Center John Anderson T: 204-292-0550 E: Hall 7 – 70620, 70622

Vireo Tablet (Smart Device) – Based ISOBUS Virtual Terminal that runs as an app on Android, iOS or windows OS. JCAs Thrasher module connects into a tractor’s ISOBUS network and communicates the relevant ISOBUS data to a smart device over Wi-Fi. This allows operators to use a commercially available “off-the-shelf” and economical mobile device as the Universal Terminal.

Maverick Industries Ltd.

Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd.

Kyle Wiebe T: 204-822-3100 E: Hall 12 – 12120

Gerald Foster T: 780-789-3855 E: Hall 7 – 70722, 70724

Defender Pump Guards

Pneumatic Combine Rotor

The horizontal fuel tank pump guard and solar power supply pack protects fuel and pump equipment from theft and provides power in remote locations.

Pneumatic system for a combine rotor. Air blast to improve separation capacity and grain quality, reduces power demands of accepted methods of friction/impact.

Prairie Side Equipment Ltd.

Devloo Roto Mud Scrapers

Frank Michielsen T: 403-892-5550 E: Lot D - 8430

Mark Devloo T: 204-825-7655 E: Hall 9A– 90025, 90027

Giant Stabilo System

Devloo Canola Seed Tester

Two cylinders will work as a shock absorber to provide more comfort and safety with a pivoting wheel loader. With a normal wheel loader you lose stability and will start shaking with higher driving speeds in uneven conditions. Safety and more comfort on Giant wheel loaders.

Canola green seed tester. To produce a faster more convenient system to crush canola sample on tape to inspect for percentage of green seeds.

SonTanner Sales Ltd. Colin Tanner T: 306-546-5686 E: Lot D – 8329, 8330

CombCut The Comb Cut machine enters into cereal crop and passes through, killing all coarse broadleaf weeds, unharming flexible grassy plants to control broadleaf weeds in cereal crops.

Airguard Incorporated Brian Cruson T: 604-744-0070 E: Hall 12 - 12811

Blockage Prevention System The AIRGUARD Blockage Prevention System keeps the tubes of air seeders free from plugging. Attaching directly to the air intake of the air drill, this oil cooler reduces your oil temperature and moisture levels for optimum product flow.

Trusted Dispatch Dusty Lavalley T: 780-357-0779 E: Hall 12 - 12210

Trusted Dispatch Transportation logistics. Save customers 40% on transportation costs.

Ag Leader Technology Russ Morman T: 515-735-7000 E: Hall 7 – 70552, 70554, 70651, 70653

Ag Leader InCommand displays and AgFinitifi cloud-based program Ag Leader InCommand displays and AgFinitifi cloud-based program platform. To simplify the grower’s data collection and decision making. Providing world-class functionality in data collection, data analyzation and display operation for easy of use and data visibility. Customer can connect their iPad with the display through a native app (no internet or wires needed) so they can leave the cab at the end of the day and take their maps and information with them. This aids in on-the-go decision making without the need for desktop software.

Continued on page 22

Supplement to The Western Producer


2016 Canada’s Farm Progress Show Innovations

Continued from page 21

IntraGrain Technologies Inc.

Wingssprayer Harrie Hoeben T: +301653226920 E: Hall 9A - 90001, 90003

Kyle Fold T: 306-570-7979 E: Hall 7 – 70438, 70440

Double Wingssprayer


This Double Wingssprayer is an streamlined aerodynamic formed “Double Wing”, that farmers can use by spraying their arable crops in all growing situations from their crops; specially by higher (sprayer) speed like they normally do in Canada and other parts of the world.

Bluetooth Grain Monitoring Handheld Device. To allow producers to locally check the temperature/moisture of their grain by using a Bluetooth device that connects with their smartphone or tablet via the BIN-SENSE® DIRECT app.

Vertical Wingssprayer The Vertical Wingssprayer is two aerodynamically formed Vertical Wings that are directed towards each other; the farmers can use this to spray in orchards, on grapes and berrys etc.

Pentair Hypro-SHURFLO

Flexxifinger Jill Cochrane T: 306-642-4555 E: Hall 7 – 70442, 70444

FlexxiSelect™ Relay Harvest System

Erin Temme T: 651-766-6366 E: Hall 12 – 12200, 12201

Gives the user the ability to harvest specific rows in multicrop seeded fields. Provides the ability to grow 2 crops in the same field at once. Example – We are successfully taking 200 acres of crop off 100 acres of land.

Fence End Row Switch Box Switch Box is a complete kit to have a plug and play solution for Fence End Row control. System includes: switch box, cables, valves and nozzles.

Nitro 950 Spreader

High Dump Bucket

Located at:


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Land Leveler

Canada Building | Booth #706

2016 New Products Cherry AgSecure

Vern Randall T: 306-653-2313 E: Hall 12 – 12615

C W Mowat Manufacturing Wade Mowat T: 780-352-1277 E: Lot L – 6213

new 10”HP, 13”XL+ Swing Away Augers have an improved hopper and boot design that delivers up to 22% more capacity than our previous models.

New HP GrainVac

MPA Payment Protection

FLC 9000 ST Super Series

Provides flexible and cost effective buyer default protection to farmers, exporters and brokers who are selling commodities.

9000 Gallon Liquid Fertilizer Cart on 4 Elmers Transfer Tracks – Largest Single Frame Liquid Fertilizer Cart built in North America.

Brandt’s new High Performance GrainVac moves grain faster than ever before. The new design offers significantly improved cleanup capacity to make cleaning out bin bottoms less of a chore.

Grandpa Gus Rodent Control

Canada West Supply

Michelin North America

Grandpa Gus’s Mouse Pouches

Kapsen 24.5 H217 Drive Tires

A repellent, deodorizer and air freshener that keeps mice out of your stored equipment, RVs and cabins.

These tires are our newest model added to our semi tire line up. These tires, while very aggressive, are a high mileage tire which improve the consumer’s bottom line with higher quality products. The tires are 16 ply.

MICHELIN® IF900/65R46 190D AxioBib - HHP Tractor Tire

Nick Olynyk T: 778-350-5099 E: Hall 12 – 12711

Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. Frank Michielsen T: 403-892-5550 E: Lot D – 8430

Giant Wheel Loaders The new skid steer, safe and more productive way for the North American farmer and ranchers.


Ross Guenther T: 305-809-7185 E: Hall 12 – 12211

Laserag New soil analysis method using Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). Laserag is fast, green and precise with a single analysis taking on 30 seconds. Our technology brings precision ag to the soil sampling and analysis market.

Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Gerald Foster T: 780-789-3855 E: Hall 7 - 70722, 70724

“Box Style” Separator grates for JD Rotary Combines Modular, reversible, replaceable component system for Western Canadian Crops/ Conditions.

Wyatt Strutynski T: 306-621-8539 E: Hall 9 – 90102

ConleyMax Inc.

Melanie Bowman T: 403-476-7011 E: Lot D – 8429

MA-700 ConleyMax has developed portable grain dryers that are safe, economical and efficient. We provide fume-free, flame-free grain drying units that can dry multiple grain bins simultaneously at your location.

Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd. Arnie Josephson T: 306-791-7709 E: Lot E – 8212

New HP Grainbag Equipment Brandt now offers a full line of GrainBag Equipment for both 10 ft. and 12ft. bag systems. The new 3010HP GBL is loaded with features to make bagging easier while the 3012HP GBL and 12012GBU allow you to use 12 ft. wide bags for maximum storage capacity.

New XR and DXR Series GrainCarts With three New models of GrainCarts, Brandt now has cart to suit any size of farm. The new 820XR offers the same great product in a smaller package. The new 1122DXR & 1522DXR are bigger Dual-Auger systems that move more grain.

New 10” & 13” Swing Away Augers Brandt’s new Swing Away Augers keep your grain flowing faster and more efficiently. The

Mary Ann Kotlarich T: 864-458-4884 E: Hall 7 - 70420

The MICHELIN® IF900/65R46 190D AxioBib™ offers the highest levels of load capacity and the lowest levels of compaction a farmer could ask for on large mechanical front-wheel drive (MFWD) and four-wheel drive machines in singles. At 7 feet 6 inches tall with a capacity of almost 24,000 pounds, it is Michelin’s largest agricultural tire available. Introduced in Europe in 2014, this new size addition to the AxioBib family recently launched for North American farmers. The MICHELIN® AxioBib™, is an IF tractor tire that can carry the same load as a standard radial tire with up to 20 percent lower pressure, or up 20 percent more load at the same pressure. It is specially designed for use on high-horsepower tractors where limiting soil compaction and transferring torque to the ground is extremely important. It is designed to take on the most demanding tasks the farm has to offer. Like the 50-inch SprayBib, the AxioBib sidewall flex provides improved operator comfort and has a D speed rating for safe road handling at up to 40 mph.

MICHELIN® VF520/85R42 CFO 177A8 CereXBib - MUT Harvester Tire Harvesters are often some of the heaviest pieces of equipment on the farm. This creates a unique challenge of being able to stay between the rows while carrying the weight and minimizing yield-robbing compaction. The MICHELIN® VF520/85R42 CFO 177A8 CerexBib™ tire is designed expressly for today’s heaviest harvesting equipment and has the capacity to carry these machines through the field while respecting the soil. It is one of the first true VF tires. Michelin’s Very High Flexion (VF) tires include a class of agricultural tires designed to handle bigger and heavier farm equipment that has a greater ability to flex under increased loads than standard radials. This new CerexBib offers a massive load capacity, up to 21,960 pounds, and has a giant footprint of

Supplement to The Western Producer


2016 New Prodcucts

approximately 486 square inches. It is built with Michelin Ultraflex Technology, which enables tires to operate at up to 40 percent lower air pressure than standard radial tires. This results in a considerable reduction of ruts and compaction, and higher yield potential.

MICHELIN® VF480/80R50 166A8/166B Yieldbib - MUT Row Crop Tire MICHELIN® VF480/80R50 166A8/166B YieldBib™ is the first Michelin Ultraflex tire designed exclusively for the North American farmer for row crop tractors. It is the largest tire in the YieldBib line that also minimizes compaction for MFWD tractors. The tire offers two different enhancements to the most popular row crop tire in the industry. The first is a very high load capacity to carry large planters and grain carts through the field with the confidence in tire durability that only a Michelin can offer. The second is being able to do this type of work at a very low pressure. The new Yieldbib is designed to work at pressure as low as 6psi. University research has shown that Michelin Ultraflex tires can increase yield by up to 4% vs. Michelin standard radial tires. The YieldBib tire also includes Michelin’s Stubble Shield technology to provide added durability against stubble damage by utilizing an exclusive rubber compound and reinforcement in the center line of the tire.

increased productivity and fuel savings. This new line, designed with Michelin Ultraflex Technologies, allows the tire to fully utilize central inflation systems and get to the lowest pressures possible while in the field for the most soil protection possible.

IntraGrain Technologies Inc. Kyle Folk T: 306-570-7979 E: Hall 7 – 70438, 70440

BIN-SENSE® Moisture Cable The BIN-SENSE® Moisture Cable is installed in the grain bin to work in conjunction with BIN-SENSE® monitoring products, which gives the user the ability to accurately monitor the moisture and temperature of their grain.

Husqvarna Canada

Shari Laventure T: 306-321-7644 E: Lot P - 6305

Husqvarna 400 Series Automower® Join the revolution in lawn care with the Husqvarna 400 Services Automower®. It reduces the time, chemicals and care

MICHELIN® 480/95R50 164A8/164B AgriBib - Standard Radial Row Crop Tire

required to maintain a lush lawn.

The MICHELIN® 480/95R50 164A8/164B AgriBib is an agricultural tire designed for general farming applications. To accommodate the loads applied by the new large front wheel assists and four wheel drive tractors, the AgriBib keeps the pressures down and the load capacity up. The new, taller tire is needed to maintain low pressures and increase capacity for the growing demand of larger implements and increased productivity on the farm. The tire has deep lugs, low slip and optimized-rubber compounds help reduce wear to give exceptionally long tire life. A sharp, vertical lug design allows the AgriBib tire to retain traction even when 70% worn. Strong and super-flexible sidewalls allow a long footprint and allow more lugs to be in contact with the soil. Michelin’s exclusive “self-cleaning hinge” between the lugs helps ensure maximized pulling power in wet conditions.

Barry E. Nelson T: 913-310-8324 E: Hall 6 - 60000

MICHELIN® 710/45R22.5 165D CargoXBib HF The MICHELIN® 710/45R22.5 165D CargoXBib™ High Flotation is one of the latest additions to Michelin’s renovated large implement line. The CargoXBib tire offers maximum flotation, minimizing rutting and soil damage. A new tread design provides improved cleanout. A radial casing and reinforced construction help give extraordinary load capacity at speeds up to 40 mph. Designed to help reduce the power required to pull trailers, the tire provides


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

John Deere

76-foot wide Air Hoe Seeder to 1870 model lineup The new 76-foot model 1870 offers a timesaving 36 percent increase in seeding width, better residue flow capabilities, and improved seeding and fertlilzer placement and control. Also, with the new retractable openers for easier servicing and improved transport, customers will gain more productivity when seeding small grains and oil seeds. When combined with a John Deere air cart and used on rolling, undulating terrain, this is one of the most accurate, productive air seeding systems available.

Polywest Ltd.

Susan Rennie T: 204-924-8292 E: Lot L – 6216, 6217

6025 Horizontal Leg tank with molded-in baffle system Biggest roto-moulded tank available in Canada, features new molded-in baffle system. Reduces fluid movement and sloshing during transport.

Farmers Edge Marina Barnes T: 204-452-3131 E: Hall 7 – 70105, 70107, 70109

Farmers Edge Precision Solutions™ Farmers Edge Precision Solutions™ is turnkey system providing Variable Rate Technology, soil sampling and analysis, field-centric weather and data analysis, in-field telematics and data transfer, and high-resolution satellite imagery.


Laurent Letzter T: 514-443-6828 E: Hall 3 - 30000

Heliodor 9 New Compact-Disc for stubble cultivation and seedbed preparation.


Sheldon Mohr T: 306-543-4447 E: Lot F – 9104, 9105, 9106, 9107, 9108, 9109

Strawmaster PRO Built with the Degelman tradition of strength, durability and “Engineered Tough” the STRAWMASTER PRO – with 100 ft. and 120 ft. widths – has been designed with precision and built incredibly strong with minimal maintenance, excellent floatation, hydraulic lift control and an ease-into-transport system.

LRX Series Landroller The LRX is designed with key value features, including a large, heavy rolling drum, an effortless Hydraulic Powerfold Transport System and an overbuilt three-plex frame. At the core of the design is the goal of Zero Maintenance, where you will find the latest technology in sealed bearings and oversized machined shafts and pins with long-life composite sleeves.

HES Manufacturing Jeremy Hartsook T: 306-962-4372 E: Hall 7 – 70125, 70127

HES MFG – Retro-fit Bin Lid Retro-fit installation Bin Lid. Replace/repair/ upgrade existing grain bin lids.


New Product Launches Michelin® North America

Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop

Mary Ann Kotlarich T: 864-458-4884 E: Product Launch: June 15, 2016 Time: 10:00 a.m. Hall 7 – 70420

Gerald Foster T: 780-789-3855 E: Product Launch: June 15, 2016 Hall 7 – 70722, 70724

MICHELIN® SprayBibTM VF 480/80R46 177D

Modified Chevron Beater

The new VF480/80R46 177D MICHELIN® SprayBibTM is one of the latest additions to Michelin’s VF sprayer offer. Part of the Michelin Ultraflex Technologies portfolio, this new SprayBib is designed to offer the farmer a unique sprayer tire that falls between the standard, narrow row crop tire and a flotation tire for pre-plant applications. This tire provides a load capacity of up to 16,094 pounds, even at speeds of up to 40 mph, all while maintaining a low-inflation pressure to minimize soil damage and maximize field traction.

Impeller designed to improve material flow to separator rotors in a Lexion combine.

Time: 2:00 p.m.

MICHELIN® SprayBibTM VF 380/90R54 176D Designed for both high-clearance sprayers as well as row crop tractors, the new Michelin VF380/90R54 176D SprayBib has not only the load capacity to carry today’s largest sprayers on the market but the largest planters as well. The tire moves through the field at low pressures and has a huge footprint to provide the traction required by tractors when used in narrow row spacing.

MICHELIN® CereXBibTM IF 1000/55R32 CFO 188A8 The largest harvester tire in the Michelin portfolio, the IF1000/55R32 CFO 188A8 CereXBib is designed for use on large harvesters and grain carts. Harvesters and grain carts are some of the heaviest machines to hit the field and have surpassed what most standard radial tires can carry. This new Michelin Ultraflex tire can not only carry the load, but do so at a low pressure to guarantee the lowest soil compaction possible.

Tire Changer & Balancer

See it in action

BN Equipment Design Brent Neudorf T: 306-778-2134 E: Product Launch: June 15, 2016 Hall 12 - 12121

Time: Noon

Contour Buddy System A multi-point gauge wheel system to allow MacDon FD series headers to be used in FLEX mode while cutting cereals.

Sask (306) 242-6080 Or AB BC 1-888-458-8055

Supplement to The Western Producer


Outstanding Young Farmers


Saskatchewan’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ Program (OYF) is designed to recognize young farmers in the province who exemplify excellence in their profession. During Canada’s Farm Progress Show, our winner will be announced and will be joining the other national finalists from across Canada to compete for Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers award.

For tickets

please contact Rhonda Mayerle:

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2016 will be chosen at the national event in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from November 29 – December 4, 2016.

Andrew and Laura VanderKooi were both born and raised in Chilliwack, B.C. Andrew grew up on the family dairy farm, milking 450 cows in a rotary style parlour, while Laura was raised in town with a love for animals and the outdoors. They were married in 2007 and made the decision to work off the family farm shortly after. Andrew started long-haul trucking, while Laura began selling river boats in town. By 2010, not completely satisfied with their current careers, they came to realize farming was the future they wanted for their family. They found a dairy farm located one mile west of Dalmeny. In April 2011, with the help of Andrew’s parents, they moved their family from B.C. and began their farming careers. Andrew and Laura welcomed their first son Ty into their family in 2010 and their second son Wyatt in 2013. They value the opportunity to raise their children in a farming atmosphere and they would like for their boys to continue to develop the work ethic that comes with farming, as well as grow their love for animals and the land. In April 2015, Andrew and Laura officially became the sole owners of their farm. They purchased the dairy cattle from Andrew’s parents and began running as their own entity, Legend Dairy Ltd. Currently, they milk 200 Holstein cows, three times a day. They raise their own young stock, bringing the total number of head on the yard to 430. They use 935 owned acres and 500 additional rented acres to grow their own corn, barley, alfalfa, peas and oats, becoming as self-sufficient as possible.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016


6% CASH BACK with the AGI SHARE PROGRAM Visit booth #70802 & #8100 at Canada’s Farm Progress Show for more information.

Outstanding Young Farmers

Daniel and Chelsea Erlandson, along with their two children, live and farm 30km north of Outlook, Saskatchewan. They are majority owners in Spring Creek Garden Ltd. Daniel and Chelsea are the third generation owners of Spring Creek. Daniel took over the farm fourteen years ago at the age of sixteen. He married Chelsea in 2010, who became an integral member of the farming operation. In 2015, Daniel’s brother Travis and his wife Jackie joined the company as shareholder partners. Spring Creek Garden grows over 50 different varieties of vegetables and attends eight farmers’ markets weekly, six in Saskatoon and two in Regina. The main goal is to provide a consistent supply of a wide variety of fresh vegetables. The farmers’ market is where Dan originally began the business, starting with just a few markets a week and quickly adding as many as he could to maximize profits in the short season. It wasn’t until 2010 when Chelsea began helping that the Regina markets were added and life became even busier. Dan and Chelsea both understand and realize that the market season, mid-June until mid-October, is short in length, but possibilities are endless.

Spring Creek Garden grows, packs and markets 150 acres of vegetables for the wholesale market. The main vegetable crops grown are romaine, celery, broccoli, leaf lettuce, brussels’ sprouts, and sweet corn. These vegetables are sold through Federated Co-op in Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba. Spring Creek markets to Co-op through a newly formed corporation, The Prairie Fresh Food Corporation (PFFC). PFFC is made up of 17 Saskatchewan vegetable growers that work together to provide a wide array of products. The vision of the PFFC is to provide highquality Saskatchewan produced vegetables, as well as focus on growing the vegetable industry in the province. Late in 2014, Chelsea was voted in as Secretary/Treasurer of the Saskatchewan Vegetable Growers’ Association. This position enables Chelsea to work with like-minded vegetable producers, as well as knowledgeable specialists who work for the University and the Ministry of Agriculture. The desire is to learn about the industry and to aid in growing the vegetable industry to make further successes.

3701 East Quance Gate 306 -721-5115 28

Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

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We all share the same table. Pull up a chair. “We take pride in knowing we would feel safe consuming any of the crops we sell. If we would not use it ourselves, it does not go to market.” – Katelyn Duncan, Saskatchewan

“The natural environment is critical to farmers – we depend on soil and water for the production of food. But we also live on our farms, so it’s essential that we act as responsible stewards.” – Doug Chorney, Manitoba

“The welfare of my animals is one of my highest priorities. If I don’t give my cows a high quality of life, they won’t grow up to be great cows.” – Andrew Campbell, Ontario

Safe food; animal welfare; sustainability; people care deeply about these things when they make food choices. And all of us in the agriculture industry care deeply about them too. But sometimes the general public doesn’t see it that way. Why? Because, for the most part, we’re not telling them our story and, too often, someone outside the industry is. The journey from farm to table is a conversation we need to make sure we’re a part of. So let’s talk about it, together. Visit to discover how you can help improve and create realistic perceptions of Canadian ag.

Canada’s Farm Progress Show is a Proud Partner

AGvocate Challenge There are 2.1 million Canadians working in agriculture and agri-food. Imagine the impact we could make if we all made a commitment to improve perceptions of agriculture. There are simple ways you can start being an agvocate today. Just choose to do one of the following: 1. Search the hashtags #FutureFarmer, #AgMoreThanEver, or #Farm365 and find a positive post to retweet. 2. When you overhear a misleading or inaccurate conversation about farming, find an appropriate time to share your story. 3. Dedicate one day to volunteer at an event that promotes agriculture such as Open Farm Days. 4. Tell a friend or co-worker about the need to speak up, and ask them to take the agvocate challenge.

Antique Trucks & Tractors Parade

Antique Trucks & Tractors Parade

presented by Canada’s Farm Progress Show

While Canada’s Farm Progress Show’s main focus is to look to the future of agriculture, event organizers also recognize the importance of saluting the past. Spend some time at the Antique Truck and Tractor showcase and find out why the farm machinery technology that existed decades ago is still enjoyed by many today. Many of the machines have been restored to their original glory. Grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to chat with the owners, who will be more than happy to provide you with a truly inspiring story as to how that particular piece of equipment came to be. Visitors can view more than 100 pieces of equipment (including tractors and other farm machinery) on display in the Stockmans Arena and Hall #13. The indoor display is open all three days of the show. Twice each day, the tractors are fired up in preparation for a trip around the show grounds in the Antique Truck and Tractor Parade. The parade route is often lined with young and old alike who enjoy the sights and sounds of these small but mighty machines of yesteryear. The parade takes place daily at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and follows the tram route. B:7.125” In a true test of pure strength, check out the Antique Tractor Pull, taking T:6.625” place daily at 2:30 p.m. on Lot B, beside Hall #12. The tractors test their S:6.125” owners’ skill at balancing power, speed and pressure levels, which allow them to dig in and hold on!

HEAVY DUTY STRENGTH FOR THE LONG HAUL. 2016 SILVERADO HD • Best-in-class 20,000 lb. conventional towing 1 S:3.75”

• Outstanding 23,200 lb. fifth-wheel trailering2 • Available fifth-wheel/gooseneck prep package 3 • First full-size pickup to offer OnStar with 4G LTE Wi-Fi4 3500HD Dual Rear Wheel Crew Cab LTZ Model Shown


AVAILABLE AT YOUR PRAIRIE CHEVROLET DEALERS. 1-800-GM-DRIVE. Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada.Chevrolet is a brand of General Motors of Canada. 1Requires Silverado 3500HD DRW Regular Cab 4x4/3500HD DRW Double Cab 2WD or 4x4/3500HD DRW Crew Cab 2WD or 4x4, when equipped with available Duramax 6.6L V8 Turbo-Diesel engine. Before you buy a vehicle or use it to haul people or cargo, carefully review the Vehicle Loading section of the Owner’s Manual and check the carrying capacity of your specific vehicle on the label on the inside of the driver’s door jamb. 2Requires 3500HD DRW Regular Cab 4x4 with fifth-wheel hitch, when equipped with Duramax 6.6L V8 turbo diesel engine. 3Not available with 6.0L V8 CNG engine. 4Visit for coverage maps, details and system limitations. Services and connectivity may vary by model and conditions. OnStar with 4G LTE connectivity is available on select vehicle models and in select markets. Customers will be able to access OnStar services only if they accept the OnStar User Terms and Privacy Statement (including software terms). OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. After the trial period (if applicable), an active OnStar service plan is required.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016




Moose Mountain Bus Lines 310 Hodsman Road | Regina, SK 306.721.6707 |

Proud sponsor of Canada’s Farm Progress Show!

Livestock Display – Hall #12

Livestock Display Livestock is a key component of Saskatchewan’s agriculture heritage – and its future. Canada’s Farm Progress Show is proud to host an area devoted to livestock production, and to the people, organizations and equipment manufacturers who keep this industry vibrant. Visit participating cattle handling equipment manufacturers:

Hall #12 • • • • • •

Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equipment Ltd. Morrand Industries Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Rea’s Welding/Real Industries Stampede Steel Inc. Tuff Livestock Equipment

WHERE TO EAT Looking for a quick snack or a hot meal?

Stop by one of the various food outlets throughout the show site. We offer something for everyone.

BRANDT CENTRE CONCESSIONS  CO-OPERATORS CENTRE HALL #7  HALL #9A  Hall #12 Looking to sit down and relax? Stop by one of our public buffets.

Q C C

W P L

(5 and under free)

(5 and under free)

Salons B & C 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $18/adult (all inclusive) $9/child (6yr - 10yr)


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Co-operators Centre 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. $16/adult (all inclusive)

Get Legendary Performance from your Air Drill

Farmers have begun using seeders which turn sections on and off to avoid seeding overlap.

Made with stainless steel, our sensors are the world’s best, based on accuracy, durability and price.


(SECTION AWARE) For Android® and Apple®

Modules Available For:

Legend S.A.


John Deere Morris Industries Bourgault

(Please call to check availability for other brands)




Modern Lifestyles Showcase – Hall 9

presented by

Modern Lifestyles We welcome you to stop by the Modern Lifestyles showcase while at the show. This one-stop shopping and demonstration area is located in Hall #9. Catering to modern urban and rural women and their families, attendees will discover fascinating products and services related to health and wellness, effective housekeeping, fashion and time saving ideas. Rest assured, you will find something of interest at this showcase.

Find us at the

Modern Lifestyles Pavilion


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016



Factory Tours New Product Launches Live Equipment Demos Free BBQ Lunch

Free bus transportation to the factory and back to the Canada Farm Progress Show every 20 minutes. Meet at the Brandt booth: 8209-8214.

Become a Brandt Insider

Find out about the latest contest & offers.


DAILY SHOWS AT 10:30 A.M. 12 P.M. 3 P.M.

“ANYTHING A MAN CAN DO, A WOMAN CAN DO BETTER” You can expect to see amazing feats of strength and agility throughout the show - whether it’s the loud roar of a Husqvarna chainsaw, a lumberjack standing almost 10 feet in the air swinging her razorsharp axe in the springboard chop, the nimble footwork during the log rolling or the agile tree climbers racing up the climbing poles!

It’s loud, fast and a blast to watch! Canada’s Farm Progress Show

People Movers

People Movers sponsored by

Getting around the show grounds couldn’t be easier! Our “People Movers” make round trips from one end of show to the other every 15 minutes. Show attendees can move efficiently throughout the grounds. With regular stops along the route, you can disembark at numerous points for quick access to the area of your choice. The tractors are supplied by John Deere. Trams are proudly sponsored by Meridian Manufacturing Inc.





Come check out all the “toys” you’ll be asking Santa for! Prairie Harley-Davidson®

In business since 1936 and Regina’s only authorized dealer, Prairie Harley-Davidson® has stood the test of time.

Power Sports Regina

Offering the most innovative, the most exciting and the most responsible recreational experience on the market.


Ensuring their customers fulfil their dreams and enjoy their adventures. Showcasing tires & wheels, outdoor adventure products, ski & bike racks, and other truck or SUV accessories. ®


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Innovation and Performance From Seed to Harvest For all of your farming needs throughout the year, we’ve got you covered with our innovative storage and handling solutions. Come and visit us at: Canada’s Farm Progress Show Regina, Saskatchewan Booth #9113-9118 • June 15-17 World Class Quality. Locally Made Relationships. Watch our videos online © 2016 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. Registered Trademarks used under License.


thinkAG Career & Education Expo On June 15, 2016, students in Grades 7 and 8 will explore the endless career and entrepreneurial opportunities in agriculture at the thinkAG Career and Education Expo. The Expo will feature two half-day workshops and six interactive career exploration stations where students will learn about modern food production and discover the diversity of agriculture-related post-secondary options. For more information, please contact

Visit our booth for a demo Drop by and take advantage of special tradeshow pricing on software. See how AgExpert Analyst for accounting and Field Manager PRO or 360 for crop management can help your operation. | 1-877-721-0064


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Hall #1 Hall #13


Hall #3 Hall #4

Hall #12 Future site of the International Trade Centre

Legend: Info Booths

Hall #9A

Food Vendors 7303


Hall #5

EXHIBITS 7306 7308

Parking FCC Canada Way


Meridian Tram Stops

11th Ave

International Business Centre Presented by

Lewvan St

Points of Interest:

Hall #9

EXHIBITS 7300 - 7301

GATE EXHIBITS 7012 - 7014

Innovations Modern Lifestyles

EXHIBITS 8000 - 8208



EXHIBITS 8209 - 8216


Farm Progress Forum Presented by West Coast Lumberjacks Antique Truck and Tractor Display Presented by Livestock Centre Toys for Farm Boys Tractor Pull

EXHIBITS 7009 - 7010

EXHIBITS 7104 - 7105


EXHIBITS 8300 - 8332


EXHIBITS 8400 - 8432 Tram Route EXHIBITS 8500 - 8515

EXHIBITS 8517 - 8529

EXHIBITS 8600 - 8616


McTavish St

Princess St



9th Ave EXHIBITS 5901 - 5913




Hall #6

EXHIBITS 6000 - 6011 6100 - 6109 6207 - 6212 6213 - 6217

Hall #7 LOT P


EXHIBITS 6300 - 6306 6200 - 6205

10th Ave


Hall #8 Centre Ice 9300 - 9304


Elphinstone St


Confederation Park


Under Construction

EXHIBITS 9000 9118

8218 - 8220























HALL #12

LOT D n Drive LOT D hewa Saskatc LOT







9203 9205 9206

Exhibitor List A A Spice Above - Western Canada A T Films Inc. A.O.A Products/ Orthotic Works Inc. A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd. Aberhart Ag Solutions Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated

Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot L

Ade & Company ADM Agri Industries ADS Canada/Ideal Pipe Advantage Sign & Display Systems AFAB Industries Ag Authority Ag Business & Crop Inc. AgCon Aerial Sales and Service AG Direct Hail Insurance Ltd. Ag Growth International (AGI) Ag Growth International (AGI) Ag Leader Technology

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Lot E Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7

Ag More Than Ever AgChieve Corporation AGCO Canada AgEagle Canada Agra-GPS Ltd Agremote System Agri Con Ltd. Agricultural Health and Safety Network Agrifac Machinery Agrimatics Agri-Spread NA Inc.

Hall 3 Hall 7 Lot B Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 7

Agrocorp Processing Ltd. AgShield Mfg.

Hall 12 Lot D

AGT Foods

Hall 7

Agtron Enterprises Inc. AIM Industries Air Liquide Canada Airguard Incorporated Alpha Equipment Ltd.

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7

Alpine-the starter fertilizer company ALS Environmental American Buildings Company Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer Angel's Art Apex Electric Ltd. Apollo Machine & Products Ltd. APV / Garage Wendel Mathis Inc. Arnold Innovations Arrow Corp Inc. Aspen Sales Atomjet Industries

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 9B Lot B Hall 9 Lot N Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9B Hall 7

Auger Jogger

Hall 8

Automatic Truck & Trailer Sales AWS Air Reels

Lot B Hall 7

91065 80014; 80012 91081 70900 12802 12502 6007; 6008; 6009 12119 12514 12827 70917 8508 8007; 8008 93022 12406

Hall 7

B.A.M. Enterprises

Hall 12

Back to Your Roots Soil Solutions Inc. Backswath Management Inc. Bad Dog Tools Bakke Buildings Balkrishna Industries Ltd. Bank of Montreal Batco (AGI) Bath Fitter BD Manufacturing

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 5 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7

Beijing TT Aviation Technology Co.Ltd.. Bergen Industries Inc.

Hall 12 Lot L

Best Farming Systems BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial BILN Holdings Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7

Bio Mulcher (A Division of Dutch Industries)

Hall 7

(No Suggestions) Biso-Canada Ltd. B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. BN Equipment Design Ltd. Bourgault Industries Bourgault Tillage Tools Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot P Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 4 Hall 7

Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd.

Lot E

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

BRMI Essentials Inc. BroadGrain Commodities Inc. Brownlees Trucking Inc. Buffer Valley Industries Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot D

92019 70802 8100 70651; 70552; 70554; 70653 30303; 30304 70740; 70738 7300 92120 12919 70331; 70329 8412 92217 6104 92218 70251; 70152; 70253; 70154 12608 8325; 8324; 8323 70751; 70652; 70753; 70654 70636; 70634 8600 70142; 70144 12811 70518; 70514; 70516 70539; 70537 92215 93031 80408 91117 7303 93041 9302 12117 91112 70617; 70613; 70615 80341; 80340 7306 70344; 70342

70424; 70523; 70426; 70525 12602

70222; 70220 92005 92121 12909 70826 50309 8100C 91021; 91022 70116; 70118; 70114 12212 6000; 6001; 6002 70431; 70429 12205 91009 70416; 70418; 70414 70308; 70405; 70306; 70407; 70403; 70304 12505; 12503 6203 93026 12121 40100 70544; 70542; 70540; 70538 8214; 8213; 8212; 8211; 8210; 8209 8314; 8313; 8312 91038 70333; 70335 70409; 70411 70728; 70726 8606; 8605; 8604

C C W Mowat Manufacturing Inc. C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Calidon Equipment Leasing Callicrate Banders Canada Leathers Ltd. Canada Moisture Analyzers Inc. Canada West Supply Canadian Canola Growers Association Canadian Dome Industries Ltd. Canadian Foodgrains Bank Canadian Grain Commission Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Cancade CBI Limited Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.

Lot L Lot D Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9A

Canwise Develop Inc. Cap-it Regina Capstan Ag Systems, Inc. Cardale Tech Corp Casterland/Specialty Tire Ceres Global Ag Corp. Certified Labs Cervus Equipment CGF Brokerage & Consulting Cherry AgSecure Chief Agri/Industrial

Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 7 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot D Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7

80203; 80205

B B&W Trailer Hitches


6213 8307 12509 12917 91012 12405 90102 90007; 90009 12714 80406 80015; 80013 12709 8522; 8521 90011; 90013; 90015; 90017; 90019 91035 4 70719; 70721 6211 70171 12819 92221 8327; 8326 80217 12615 70451; 70453

CIBC Cigi (Canadian International Grains Institute) Cindy-rella's Sewing & Quilting Claas of America Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. CleanFARMS Inc. Cleanfix North America Ltd. Clews Palliser Cattle Oiler Co. Commercial Industrial Mfg. Ltd Conexus

Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9B Hall 3 Lot G Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot D Lot D Hall 9B

Conexus Insurance Ltd. ConleyMax Inc. Conqur Industries Inc. CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. Convey-All Ind. Inc. CORR GRAIN Systems Inc. CP Products Crary Agricultural Solutions, LLC Crary Industries Crop Production Services Crossroads Parts & Sales Crown Royal Stoves - Greentech Mfg. Inc. Cummins Western Canada Cutco Cutlery

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot B Lot P Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot G Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9

12921 80115 91118 30001 9206

Falcon Equipment Ltd Farm & Ranch by Better Homes Farm Boy Realty Corp. Farm Business Consultants Farm Credit Canada

Lot L Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 7

Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG Farmagro Sales Ltd.

Hall 7 Hall 7

Farmers Edge

Hall 7

Farmers of North America FarmLead Resources Ltd. Farmlink Marketing Solutions FarmTech Solutions Farmtronics Farrell Agencies FastCover Fabric Structures Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7

Fastenal Federated Co-op

Hall 7 Lot D

Fifth Avenue Collection Jewelry Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd. Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot D

Flash Welding Ltd. Flex ED School Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Flexco Flexxifinger Fort Garry Free Form Plastic Products

Lot D Hall 9B Hall 5 Hall 8 Hall 7 Lot L Hall 4

92115 92118 8306 8511; 8510 91102; 91120; 91119; 91101 12916 8429 92113 70430; 70432 7012 6303; 6304 92216 70110; 70112 70309; 70311 9202 12507 70644; 70642 70443; 70441 91013

D D&R Manufacturing/Darmani Grain Storage Dakota Products of Canada Decisive Farming Degelman Industries

Lot D Hall 7 Hall 8 Lot F

Dekoning Innovations DEL Equipment De-On Supply Inc. Devloo Roto Mud Scrapers Diamond Doors Inc. Diamond Industries Ltd. Diamond International Trucks Ltd. / Diamond Trailer DICKEY-john Dimo's/Labtronics Doepker Industries Ltd. Dowse Manufacturing Ltd. DSG Power Systems DTN/The Progressive Farmer DuPont Canada Dutch Openers

Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot E

Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Dyne Industries Dyterra Corporation

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7

Hall 9A Hall 8 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 7

8515; 8514 70221; 70219 80114; 80112 9109; 9108; 9107; 9106; 9105; 9104 70814 90103 70340; 70338 90027; 90025 70124; 70126 12600 8217 90008; 90010 80404; 80402 6003; 6004 92114 70536; 70534 80212 80202; 80204 70743; 70741; 70739; 70737 8304 12617 70729; 70731

E Earth Smart Solutions Ecocert Canada ecOzone Water Solutions Element Water Systems Elias ReliaBelt Elmer's Manufacturing EMW Industrial Epicure Euroshine, Inc.

Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9

Exapta Solutions

Hall 9

80214 80218 12817 12508 8308 12824 93027 91030 91068; 91056; 91014 93047

F Fabrication S. Houle Fair Mfg. Inc.

Lot E Hall 7

8216; 8215 70517; 70513; 70515

6214 90005 90106 70170 70305; 70206; 70307; 70208; 70303; 70204 70216; 70218 70113; 70111; 70115 70107; 70105; 70109 12204 93046 50302 90105 70240; 70238 93028 70351; 70353; 70252; 70254 70239; 70237 8505; 8504; 8503; 8502; 8501; 8500 91028 92110 8400; 8402; 8401; 8403; 8404; 8405; 8406; 8407; 8408; 8409; 8410 8607 91106 50307; 50308 80206 70444; 70442 6101; 6102 40100A

G G & B Portable Fabric Building G.R. Distributors Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 9

G3 Canada Limited Gaber Distributors

Hall 8 Lot L

Garratt Industries Ltd. Gatco Manufacturing Inc. General Body & Equipment Global Ag Risk Solutions Golden Arches Orthotics & Wellness Ltd. Golden West Radio Golden West Trailers Sales

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D

Goodon Industries Ltd. Grain Bags Canada

Hall 7 Lot L

Grain Cleaning Systems Inc. Grain Guard (AGI) Grain Millers Canada Corp. GrainMaxx Grain Augers/NuVision Industries Grain Shark Grandpa Gus Rodent Control Granite Transformations Great Northern Growers Inc. Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Green Aero Technology Inc. Greenleaf Technologies, Inc. Greentronics Grey Wolf Metal Art Grouser Products GSI Group Guttermaster/Pacesetter Enterprises

Hall 9A Lot D Hall 8 Lot L Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 8 Lot L Hall 5 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9

70629; 70631 91072; 91025; 91026 80208; 80210 5903; 5902; 5904 70224; 70226 70122; 70120 93044 50304 91029 12115 8601; 8602; 8603 70223; 70225 5906; 5905; 5907 90034 8100F 80107 6105; 6106 12808 12711 91015 80201 6010 50303 12500 92015 91083; 91082 8321 12823; 12825 91051

H Hammond Realty Hangzhou Vision Chain Transmission Co., Ltd. Harvard Broadcasting - CKRM & My92 Haukaas Industries Ltd. Haul All Industries Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Headsight Inc. Health Canada, Pesticide Compliance Program Heat Innovations Inc. Heatmaster SS/Steeltech Inc. Heavenly Scents Aromatherapy Hella, Inc. - Canada Helm Welding (1983) Limited HES Manufacturing

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot D Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7


Hi Tec Highline Manufacturing Ltd. Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip. Ltd. HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin Hoffart Services Inc. Hold-on Industries Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd. Hongqi Friction Material Co., Ltd. Horsch LLC

Lot C Lot G Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 2 Hall 12 Lot D


Houston Seed Saver Huber Ag Equipment Ltd. Huge L Steel Inc. Hurricane Ditcher Co, Inc. Husqvarna Canada Corp Hybrid Renovation Inc. Hy-Capacity/Double 'R'

Hall 12 Lot L Lot D Lot D Lot P Hall 9 Hall 12

12918 70912; 70911 90006 8513 8517 12905 92013 12604 70232; 70230 12707 12601 70125; 70127

9203 12103 12619 8424; 8425 70133; 70135 20000 12912 8303; 8302; 8301; 8300 12911 6212 8612 8528; 8527 6305 91040; 91039 12414

17713 70754; 70752 12208 12815 8611; 8610 12801 93023 91063 91034 6011 70339; 70337 12209 70804 12705 70734; 70736 70732; 70730 92003

Lot L Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 3 Lot B Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7


Lily Silk Art Linak U.S. Inc. Lizwoerks Sales Inc. Logiag- LaserAg Louis Dreyfus Commodities Loup Electronics Inc. Lowdermilk Transport Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 12

70310; 70312 93000 90022 92009 93042 12504 6005 70137; 70139 92017 30305 8422; 8421; 8423


Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 6 Lot L Lot D Lot E

Lot L Lot L Hall 3

M & M Equipment Ltd. Magnum Fabricating Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 7

Mahindra North America Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot D

Massload Technologies Inc. Mattracks Maverick Industries Ltd Maxim Truck & Trailer

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D

Maxquip Inc.

Hall 7

Mazel.S Products McMunn and Yates Building Supplies Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot F

Metal Connection MI Energy Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

Michel's Industries Ltd. Minard's Steadfast Homes MiniBulk Inc. Ministry of Economy Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer Morand Industries Ltd. Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot D Lot B Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot F

Mr. Tire Corp. MTI Canada MTZ Equipment Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot N Hall 7

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Municipal Hail

Hall 7 Hall 8

70440; 70438 12712

8526; 8525 12606 70145; 70147 70533; 70535 70620; 70622 80007 60000 5900 8320 8208

K K & K Enterprises Ltd. Kärcher Canada Inc. Kar-Tech , Inc.

Lakeland Group/Gallagher Animal Management Lakeshore Manufacturing Lane Realty Corporation Lankota Law Enforcement Guardians Ultimate Man Shed Lawson Products Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Lever Holdings Inc. Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd. Lewis M. Carter Mfg.


12805 70543; 70541 93043 90100 12715 30000 7013; 7014 8518 70524; 70526 70505; 70507; 70503 91052 70439; 70437 91054; 91055 12211 80006; 80004 90012 12213

M Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12

J J. Brandt Enterprises J.W. Commercial Painting Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd JayDee AgTech JCA Electronics Integration Center JJEB Enterprises Ltd. John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Johnson Mfg., Inc. JTL Industries Ltd.



I ICOM Canada igus Canada ILC Ag Recruitment & Immigration Services ILTA Grain Inc. Impact Trailer Sales Industrial Scale Ltd. Infinite Water Solutions InfiniteAloe Inner Energy Innotag/Performance Feed Works Input Capital Insurance Matters Inc. Integra Tire Canada Integrity Post Structures Ltd. Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) Interlake Resources Inc. Interlock Industries/c/o Houston Roofing IntraGrain Technologies Inc. Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan

Hall 9A Lot F Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 3 Lot D

Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Kelln Solar Kellough Enterprises Inc./Kello-Bilt Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Knight Hazard Protection Ltd Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Koenders Water Solutions Kongskilde Industries Kramble Industries Kramer Auction Ltd. Kuchar Combine Performance, Inc. Kuhn Farm Machinery

6209; 6210 6208 30300

90021 70205; 70207; 70203 90000 70530; 70532 90023 8413; 8414; 8415 70209; 70211 92325 12120 8332; 8331; 8432; 8431 70717; 70713; 70715 91084 12614 9118; 9117; 9116; 9115; 9114; 9113 12703 70324; 70326 70521; 70519; 70422; 70420 8512 7104; 7105 12400 12409 12513; 12515 12106 9103; 9102; 9101; 9100; 9002; 9001 12610 9303 70707; 70608; 70705; 70606; 70703; 70604 70172 80199

Prairie Mobile Communications Prairie Post Frame

Hall 9A Hall 7


Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. Prairie Steel Products Ltd. Praxair Products Inc. Precision Land Solutions Precision Trailers Premium Power Packs Princess Auto Ltd. Prinsco Pritchard Dieseltech Pro Watt Supply Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd. Promold Marketing Inc. Pumps and Pressure, Inc.

Lot D Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 9B Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 8 Lot D Hall 7

70406; 70408; 70404 92219


70215; 70217; 70213 9300

Queen City Belts & Buckles Quick Drain Sales Ltd. Quickie Tie-Down

N N/C Quest Inc. National Leasing Natural Specialty Crops Co., ULC Neeralta Manufacturing Nemco Resources Ltd. Neustar Manufacturing Never Spill Spout Inc. New Holland New Way Irrigation Nexeed Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 8 Lot P Hall 12 Hall 5 Hall 12 Hall 7

NORAC Systems Norheim Ranching Norstar Industries Ltd.

Hall 7 Lot P Hall 7

North American Food Ingredients Northern Plains Drainage Systems

Hall 9 Hall 7

Northern Plains Track Northlands Building Systems - Winkler Structures Norwex - Loretta Rogoschewsky Norwood Sales Inc. Notch Manufacturing, Inc. Novid Inc. Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc.). Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc).

Lot N Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot L Lot L Lot D Hall 12 Lot D

70913 80005; 80003 93029 90031; 90029 80105 6306 12800 50000 12407 70316; 70318; 70314 70711; 70709

70716; 70714 91036 6100 6006 8417 12710 8529

O Ocean Sales Ltd.

Hall 9B

O'Connell Farm Drainage Plows Inc.

Hall 7

OK Tire Stores Inc.

Hall 7

On AV INC One Time Fencing ltd One-Step Automation Optimum Manufacturing Ltd Outback Guidance Outback Survival Gear Canada

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 9B

91099; 91103; 91104; 91098; 91116; 91067; 91033; 91027; 91008; 91007; 91002; 91001; 91066 70336; 70433; 70334; 70435 70619; 70520; 70621; 70522 12821


P Pacesetter Enterprises Palliser Insurance Company Limited Pattison Liquid Systems Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Penergetic Canada Pentair Hypro-SHURFLO Pillar Lasers Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12 Lot E

Pinnacle Wealth Brokers PJ Canada Inc. Place View Inc. Pneu-Tek Tire Tools Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Polywest Ltd. PowerSports Regina Ltd. Posh Patio Deck Covers Inc. Positioning and Autosteer Technologies Inc.

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot L Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 7

PowerRich Corporation Power-Up Lubricants - Sask. Prairie Ag Catalogue Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Prairie Chevrolet Prairie Chevrolet Prairie Flag and Pole Prairie Harley-Davidson

Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot L Lot B Hall 9A Hall 9B

91006 92119 8322 12104 80110; 80108 12200; 12201 8207; 8206; 8205 12913 8609; 8608 12415 70242; 70244

93045 80109 8426 70234; 70236

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot L Lot D Lot D Hall 9 Lot D Hall 7 Lot E

Road Boss Grader Rockyford Steel Rodono Industries Ltd.

Lot G Hall 7 Hall 7

Rogers Sprayers Inc. Rostech Electronics RSL Canada Inc./Lozman Canada Inc.

Hall 9A Hall 8 Hall 9B

Salford Valmar Sask Battery Distributors Inc. Sask Ministry of Agriculture

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7

Saskatchewan Assoc. for Resource Recovery Corp. Saskatchewan Bison Association Saskatchewan Credit Unions

Hall 9


70720; 70718

Regina Metal Industries Reimer Mechanical & Tuning Reimer Overhead Doors Reinke REM (AGI) Renn Mill Center Inc. Rhineland Cutlery SK RIMEX Supply Ltd Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lot L



Hall 9B

Salford Group Inc.



Redfern Enterprises Ltd.





70106; 70108; 70104 80207; 80209

70623; 70625


Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Lot B Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 4 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Lot P

91010; 91011



Raeburn & Associates Ltd. Rainbow Trailers Inc. Rainy Day Fabricating Inc. Ralph McKay Industries Inc. Range Road Enterprises LTD Raven Industries Canada Raycol Equipment Canada Pty Ltd. Rayglen Commodities Raymore New Holland/Country Clipper RBC Royal Bank Re/Max Blue Chip Realty Real Estate Centre Rea's Welding/Real Industries Red-D-Arc Welderentals Redekop Manufacturing (2014)

6216; 6217

70735; 70733

8319; 8318

8524 50305


92011 3

70509; 70511


12410 70639; 70637

70434; 70436; 12612 8430

Hall 9 Lot D Hall 5

92214 8416


Hall 7 Hall 7

12820 90014; 90016 70119; 70117 8418 7308 80104 70633; 70635 40120; 40121 12903 70233; 70235 70630; 70632 12101 8420 6202; 6201; 6200 91100; 91079; 91053; 91078; 91019; 91020; 91023; 91024; 91080 12613 12402 12501 6107 8100G 8428; 8427 91077 8315 70410; 70412 8218; 8220; 8219 9205 70640; 70638 70315; 70317; 70313 90040 80221 91111; 91110; 91109; 91070; 91071

5908; 5909; 5910; 5911; 5912; 5913 8317; 8316 12717 70551; 70553; 70452; 70454 92117 70168 70321; 70319

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Saskatchewan Safety Council Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) SaskOrganics Association Inc. SaskPower (Safety) SaskTel Scentsy Schulte Industries Ltd. Schumacher Co. LLC Schweiss Doors Scotiabank Scoular Canada, Ltd. Security Building Supplies Seed Hawk Inc. SeedMaster Setter Manufacturing Division Shandong Tiansheng Machinery Co. Ltd. Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Co. Ltd. Shoup Manufacturing Company Shur-Co Shymko Farm Sales Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. Simpson Seeds Inc. Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Smoke Em Diesel Performance Softub c/o SofSpa 2000 Sontanner Sales Ltd. Soucy International Inc. South Country JCB Southern Irrigation Splasher Outerwear Ltd Spraytarget Spraytest Controls Inc. Springfield Woodworking SST Software Stampede Steel Inc. STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd. Stewart Steel Inc. Stoller Enterprises Ltd. Stor-Loc STPA (SociĂŠtĂŠ de Transformtion de Produits Agricoles) Suncoast Enclosures Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Sunrise Foods International Suntech Systems Ltd Svensk Design

Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 2 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7 Lot N Hall 1 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 9B Lot D Lot P Lot L Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9B Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot E Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 12

80011; 80009

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9

91004; 91003

70423; 70425 92007 12510 92213 12611

Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot D Hall 12


Lot B


Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 9 B Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 12


Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd. Walinga Inc.

Lot N Lot P Hall 7


Walkers Water Systems Wall Grain Handling Systems

Hall 9 Hall 7

Warner Industries

Lot D

Watkins Waymarc Wentworth AG (2003) Inc. Westell (AGI) Western Ag Professional Agronomy Western Ag Systems Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot D Lot D Hall 8 Hall 8

Western Financial Group Western Grain Dryer Inc. Westfield (AGI) Westridge Products Inc. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Lot F

Wheatheart (AGI) Wildfong Enterprises Wilger Industries Ltd. Wilke Sales Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd. Willsie Equipment Sales Inc. Winacott Equipment Group Wind & Weather Shelters Wingssprayer BV Wizer Buildings Wood Country

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot D Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7

TruGreen Metal Recycling Trusted Dispatch Tuff Livestock Equipment Tupperware (High Power Sales Inc.) Twister (AGI) Tyalta Industries Inc.

12210 12102 91016 8100D 12401

91031; 91032 91069 20001 93024

U Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

70241; 70243 12607 80111; 80113 70421; 70419 9400 10000 70643; 70641 12804 12412 90037; 90035 70916 8411

V Valentus Saskatoon Valley West Irrigation Inc. Vermeer Versa Frame Inc. Vigo Designs Ltd. VisionWerx - SpaBerry Viterra VJ Management Vortex Plumbing and Heating

12506 5901 90104 91113 91043 80018; 80016 92220 12404

92112 12901 12207 90020 91107; 91108 8330; 8329 6300; 6301 6108; 6109 70330; 70332


70129; 70131 12708 70121; 70123 91114 80106 12105 70919 8000 70210; 70212 80213 70529; 70531 12806

70724; 70722 17706 92116 91037

T Taber Diesel Services Target Cattle Concepts-Canadian Dist. for PnewDart Taslar Trading Corp (TTC) Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. TD Canada Trust - Agriculture Services TeeJet Technologies

Hall 7 Hall 12

70134; 70136

Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7


Terra Grain Fuels The Container Guy Ltd The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline The Laird Manufacturing Corporation The Retiring Farmer The SupplyPost Newspaper The Water Clinic The Western Producer Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

Hall 9 Lot D Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 3 Hall 7

Top Krop Fertilizer Inc. Total Canada Town of Taber Tridekon Trimble Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7

12411; 12413

80220; 80219 12511 70618; 70614; 70616 93048 8616; 8615 12813 8328

Yanush Enterprises Yetman's Ltd.

Lot P Hall 7


Hall 12

93025 30301; 30302 70508; 70605; 70506; 70607; 70603; 70504 80103 12716 91005 70808 70352; 70354 70710; 70712

70132; 70130; 70229; 70231 92212 70725; 70626; 70723; 70624; 70510; 70609; 70512; 70611 8311; 8310; 8309 91017 70140; 70138 8305 8100E 80010; 80008 80002 80211 12701 8100A 12206 9112; 9111; 9110 8100B 12408 70341; 70343 70415; 70413 70323; 70325 8419 8520; 8519 8507; 8506 90001; 90003 12609 70918


70322; 70320 92021


6204 70101; 70100; 70099; 70098; 70096; 70097; 70095 12403

Z Zhejiang Zhitian Technology Co. Ltd. Zhengjiangh Precise Driveline Machinery Co. Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 12

93040 12914



Canada’s Farm Progress Show






12:55 PM

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Ad#: MTW13_NoPlanB_7.125x4.75 Size: 7.125” x 4.75”


Midge tolerant wheat protects your crop against devastating pest damage, but it’s up to you to protect the technology. The Stewardship Agreement limits the use of farm-saved seed to one generation past Certified seed. It’s a simple step that keeps the interspersed refuge system at the proper level, preventing build-up of resistant midge.Without the refuge, we risk losing the one and only tolerant gene.There is no plan B. Protect this important tool. Plan for high yields and quality grades for years to come. Contact your retailer or visit


North 40 Beer GBrandt ardeNs Centre Floor Level at the

Wednesday & Thursday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

After a long day of walking the grounds, stop by the Seed Hawk North 40 Beer Gardens to enjoy a pint or two.

Park & Ride / Shuttle Service

Park and Ride

sponsored by

Again this year we are offering Park and Ride. Exhibitors and attendees won’t need to worry about finding a parking spot because we’ve done that for you. Park at Rambler Park and hop aboard a shuttle to the grounds. Take Lewvan Drive and turn west on 13th Avenue, proceed to Sandra Schmirler Way. Once on Sandra Schmirler Way, turn south then turn west on 14th Avenue. Busses run Wednesday and Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Friday 7:30 a.m. 6 p.m. and run every 15 mins.

Shuttle Service During Canada’s Farm Progress Show, we take the lead in providing door to door service for our guests and exhibitors. Guests staying at a Regina Hotel Association member hotel can catch the shuttle daily during the event. This service will operate daily from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Please contact your hotel front desk for more information. Guests are also encouraged to ask their shuttle drivers for information on the show event and tourist attractions around Regina.


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Participating Hotels: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Best Western Plus Eastgate Inn & Suites Best Western Seven Oaks Chateau Regina Hotel & Suites Comfort Inn Country Inn & Suites by Carlson Days Inn - East Days Inn - Regina Airport West Delta Regina Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton Executive Royal Hotel Regina Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Home Inn & Suites - Regina Airport HomeSuites by d3h Quality Hotel Ramada Plaza Regina Residence Inn Marriott Sandman Hotel, Suites & Spa Super 8 The Hotel Saskatchewan Travelodge Hotel & Conference Centre Wingate by Wyndham

Always Accommodating.

Proud to offer complimentary hotel shuttle to RHA hotel guests*

*Must have wristband to board

Feature Story – Manjit Minhas

Prairie producers are vital to this Dragon’s beer fortune By Hilary Klassen Best known as the beer baroness on CBC’s Dragon’s Den, Manjit Minhas started her ventures at age 19, when she and her partner-brother launched their beer products in Alberta. Now 35, Minhas has spent the last 15 years developing successful business and marketing strategies that have brought her products to many markets in Canada, 43 states, as well as Europe, Asia and South America. Minhas’ commercial interests continually intersect with the agricultural industry. She needs barley to make beer and her company buys it from both Alberta and Saskatchewan growers. “We are one of the biggest buyers of barley from the Alberta Barley Commission. It’s the best barley in the world,” she said. “We use a lot of barley from Biggar, Saskatchewan, for our malt.” Minhas is not a farmer, but says her ancestors were. She notes the industry has undergone significant changes over the past several decades and says the question for every farmer facing the future is how to interpret and

keep pace with all of those changes. “It really is a very interesting industry that I think will continue to change, as far as automation, mechanization and new types of crops are concerned.” The pattern is similar in a lot of different industries. “It takes economies of scale to plant crops, and when you’re doing it on a bigger scale, it works better for everybody involved,” said Minhas. In the rapidly changing world of technology and innovation, the ability to be flexible is critical. That’s true in any industry, including agriculture. Old images of farming persist of the individual farmer plowing his field, planting traditional crops like wheat. “It’s easy to get left behind if you don’t keep up with new equipment and new technologies,” says Minhas. A new generation of farmers continues to embrace change and manifest the farm of the future. The current generation is increasingly concerned not only with growing healthy food, but with greater social responsibility, something Minhas takes very seriously. The mom and pop farming operation is

CBC Dragon – Manjit Minhas

a wonderful ideal. But if the model doesn’t work anymore, if it is unable to remain competitive, it will not survive. Other models, other alternatives, are needed to help farmers thrive and continue to feed the world.

This content was produced by Postmedia Works on behalf of Canada’s Farm Progress Show for commercial purposes. Postmedia’s editorial department had no involvement in the creation of this content. Author: Hilary Klassen, Postmedia Freelance Writer


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Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016



BOOTHS 80402&80404

TEST WEIGHT EQUIP. New ABS Reg Cox Funnel, 0.5 L. measure and strike off stick.

Replacement glass, infra-red, digital. Canola grading equip.

ALUMINUM SAMPLER PROBES 4, 6, 8 & 10 foot lengths. NEW 10’ infra-red bin probe with instant temp. reading.

SIEVES SCALES Digital scales, Ohaus beam balances, pocket scales, calibration weights and more.


1000 Kernel Seed Count Paddles Canola, Cereal, Flax, Soybeans, Peas, Lentils and Corn sieve sets.

Viterra: Growing knowledge through Canada’s Farm Progress Show

Viterra is a leading grain marketer and handler for growers in Canada and the USA. What sets the organization apart in the industry is their commitment to building relationships and sharing knowledge to help farmers find the right contracts and the right markets for their quality products. This commitment to growing knowledge is the reason Viterra is once again the presenting sponsor of Canada’s Farm Progress Show, taking place June 15-17, 2016, in Regina at Evraz Place. As one of the most important shows of its kind in North America, the event attracts thousands of local and international visitors who are eager to learn about opportunities in Canadian agriculture. Viterra’s team will be on hand throughout the event to share the knowledge, expert advice and global market insights that attendees rely on to make informed decisions.. Viterra and Canada’s Farm Progress Show are industry leaders with a long and rich history in Regina. Both are dedicated to farmers and look forward to welcoming attendees to the Queen City this June to see the best the agricultural industry has to offer.

we’ll fit your farm.

Your farm is unique and different from the others. SeedMaster understands this and can provide customized seeding units with drills widths from 20’ to 100’. We’ll fit your farm. Visit us in Hall #1 and see the latest innovations and seeding unit demos.

Supplement to The Western Producer


Feature Story – Innovations

Technology transforming the family farm By Hilary Klassen Technology touches virtually everything in today’s world and it has made tremendous advances in the agricultural industry as well. Innovation and agriculture are twin passions for Leah Olson, president of Agriculture Manufacturers of Canada (AMC). Olson was born and raised on a farm in southwest Saskatchewan. Her family had a cash crop operation 12 miles north of Tompkins. Olson witnessed first-hand the ingenuity of farmers who learned to adapt when things went wrong. “My father, for example, was trying to figure out a way to hook up equipment on his own without running over his help (aka – my younger brother

and I at the time),” she says. “From that, he invented a hitching system that has been adopted by most of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in North America. She has observed major changes in farming over the past 10 to 20 years, driven by improved plant genetics, enhanced herd immunization and feed, the adoption of no-till or zero-till farming, and the collection and analysis of data. For ag equipment innovations to be successful, Olson says that saving farmers time and money is fundamental. “This is what typically drives our members to produce new products or improve those that are already being used in the fields,” she says. “There is lots of interest and hype about drones, but I anticipate it will be the analysis of data that has the potential to be a game

changer in modern farming,” says Olson. The collection of data is one thing, but the analysis of that data brings another level of understanding to the industry, facilitating better and more informed decisions for farmers, and potentially streamlining operations. She believes new technologies, whether applied to growing improved crops with increased yields or to managing the health of livestock, bode well for global populations as they continue to increase. “Hopefully, food shortages will remain an experience that those born after 1990, regardless of where they are born, may never have,” says Olson. “There are many aspects of farming I enjoy but at the end of the day, it is how the world is fed. Without safe, healthy food, where would we be?”

This content was produced by Postmedia Works on behalf of Canada’s Farm Progress Show for commercial purposes. Postmedia’s editorial department had no involvement in the creation of this content. Author: Hilary Klassen, Postmedia Freelance Writer


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

FIND THESE EXHIBITORS IN HALL #12 Aberhart Ag Soluons Ace Pump Corp. Ade & Company ADM Agri Industries ADS CANADA / IDEAL PIPE AgCon Aerial Sales and Service Agra-GPS Ltd. Agrocorp Processing Ltd. Airguard Incorporated Arnold Innovaons B.A.M. Enterprises Bakke Buildings Beijing TT Aviaon Technology Co.,Ltd. BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. BioAgronics BN Equipment Design Ltd. Calidon Equipment Leasing Callicrate Banders Canada Moisture Analyzers Inc. Canadian Dome Industries Ltd. Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Ceres Global Ag Corp. Cherry AgSecure CIBC Conexus Insurance Ltd. Crossroads Parts & Sales Diamond Industries Ltd. Dyne Industries ecOzone Water Soluons Element Water Systems Elmer’s Manufacturing Farmers of North America Golden West Radio Grandpa Gus Rodent Control Grain Shark Greenleaf Technologies, Inc GSI Group Hangzhou Vision Chain Transmission Co., Ltd. Headsight Inc. Heat Innovaons Inc.

Hella, Inc. - Canada Helm Welding (1983) Limited Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip., Ltd. HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Marn Hongqi Fricon Material Co., Ltd. Houston Seed Saver Hy-Capacity/Double ‘R’

RBC Royal Bank Rea’s Welding/Real Industries Regina Metal Industries Reimer Mechanical & Tuning Reimer Overhead Doors

ICOM Canada ILC Ag Recruitment & Immigraon Services ILTA Grain Inc. Industrial Scale Ltd. Insurance Maers Inc. Integrity Post Structures Ltd. Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan J.W. Commercial Painng Koenders Water Soluons Lakeshore Manufacturing Lawson Products Logiag- LaserAg Lowdermilk Transport Ltd. Maverick Industries Ltd. McMunn and Yates Building Supplies Metal Connecon MiniBulk Inc. Ministry of Economy Moly Mfg., Inc./Silencer Morand Industries Ltd. Mr. Tire Corp. Never Spill Spout Inc. New Way Irrigaon Nu-Steel Ind. On AV Inc. One-Step Automaon Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Pentair Hypro-SHURFLO Pinnacle Wealth Brokers Place View Inc. Precision Land Soluons Rainbow Trailers Inc.


Sask Baery Distributors Inc. Saskatchewan Transportaon Company (STC) SaskPower (Safety) Scoabank Shandong Tiansheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd. Simpson Seeds Inc. Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Spraytarget Stampede Steel Inc. STPA (Société de Transformon de Produits Agricoles) Sunrise Foods Internaonal Target Cale Concepts-Canadian Dist for Pnew-Dart Taslar Trading Corp (TTC) TD Canada Trust - Agriculture Services The Gear Centre/Pat’s Driveline Total Canada Trusted Dispatch Tuff Livestock Equipment Tyalta Industries Inc. Valley West Irrigaon Inc. Vortex Plumbing and Heang Western Grain Dryer Inc. Westridge Products Inc. Wildfong Enterprises Wizer Buildings YourLink Zhengjiang Precise Driveline Machinery Co., Ltd. Zipperlock Building Company (2005) Inc.



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Farm Progress Forum presented by FCC

Hear from the experts Farm Progress Forum puts you in front of leading presenters in agriculture and business. Admission is included with your show ticket. Join us each day at FCC Crossing in the Canada Centre Building – Hall 12

Wednesday, June 15 11 a.m.

2:15 p.m.

Peter Gredig Tech Visionary and Partner, AgNition Inc. Where is Technology Taking Your Farm? Emerging tech is going to have a dramatic impact on your farm. Learn how big data generation, genetic editing, 3D printing, nanotechnology, and robotics can find a place in your operation. 1:15 p.m.

Curtis Weber President, High Voltage Consulting Triumph Over Tragedy – A Personal Journey Join Curtis as he shares his near-fatal workplace incident – surviving an electrical surge of 14,400 volts. He’ll not only inspire you, he’ll challenge your perceptions of safety.

Drew Lerner Senior Agricultural Meteorologist 2016 Summer Prairies Weather: How Much Moisture and Where? Get ahead of Mother Nature. Learn what weather trends to expect over the growing season and into harvest, including the potential for La Niña.

Thursday, June 16 11 a.m.

2:15 p.m.

Colleen Dyck Entrepreneur, Farmer, Athlete Turning Nutrition to Performance Colleen celebrates her struggles and triumphs as mother, farmer and entrepreneur. As creator of the GORP energy bar, she discusses the natural transition of growing food to performance in sport. 1:15 p.m.

Andrew Campbell Social Media Agvocate The Story Behind #farm365 Learn how Andrew started #farm365 as a project that opened his dairy operation to fans and critics alike, and why he believes it’s more important than ever to champion the cause.

Manjit Minhas Beer Baroness and Dragon Brewing Business At age 19, with $10,000 and a dream, Manjit co-founded and grew her brewery into the 10th largest in the world. Learn the principles that led to her rapid success and how you can apply them to your life.

Friday, June 17 1:15 p.m.

2:15 p.m.

Rob Saik Founder of Agri-Trend Know GMO Author of The Agriculture Manifesto, Robert shares his passion for modern agriculture. He explores genetic engineering and how it’s shaping our industry in his upcoming documentary, Know GMO.

Chris Soules The Bachelor and Agvocate Sharing the Reality of the Farm After being on The Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars, Chris remains true to his farming roots. Now he’s using his celebrity to promote the industry he loves.

Exhibitor List (by category)

Exhibitor List Accounting/Tax Farm Business Consultants The Retiring Farmer

Applicators (Crop Inputs) Hall 7 Hall 7

70170 70322, 70320

Advantage Sign & Display Systems Ag Dealer

Hall 7 Hall 9a


Bank of Montreal Conexus

Hall 5 Hall 9B

DTN/The Progressive Farmer Farm Credit Canada

Hall 8 Hall 7

Farmers Product Guide Golden West Radio Grainews Maverick Industries Ltd N/C Quest Inc. Prairie Ag Catalogue Reimer Mechanical & Tuning The SupplyPost Newspaper Trusted Dispatch Warner Industries

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D

50309 91102, 91120, 91119, 91101 80212 70305, 70206, 70307, 70208, 70303, 70204 12807 12115 70610, 70612 12120 70913 70169 12402 93025 12210 8311, 8310, 8309

Advertising 90005

Agronomy Crop Production Services Decisive Farming Dimo's/Labtronics Farmers of North America Green Aero Technology Inc. JayDee AgTech Logiag- LaserAg N/C Quest Inc. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Sask Ministry of Agriculture

Lot G Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 5 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7

Sontanner Sales Ltd. Taber Diesel Services Trimble Western Ag Professional Agronomy

Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 8

9202 80114, 80112 80404, 80402 12204 50303 70533, 70535 12211 12406 70913 70623, 70625 70551, 70553, 70452, 70454 8330, 8329 70134, 70136 70352, 70354 80010, 80008

Hall 9A Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot N

90102 6214 93044 90021 90023 70234, 70236 9304

Air Compressors Canada West Supply Falcon Equipment Ltd General Body & Equipment M&M Equipment Ltd. Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. Pumps and Pressure, Inc Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd)


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

AGCO Canada APV / Garage Wendel Mathis inc. Crop Production Services Dutch Openers

Lot B Lot N Lot G Hall 7

Earth Smart Solutions Farmagro Sales Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 7

Farmers of North America Farmtronics Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) N/C Quest Inc. Salford Group Inc.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot L

Salford Valmar Spraytarget Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd. Wilger Industries Ltd.

Lot D Hall 12 Lot B Lot P Hall 7

7300 9302 9202 70743, 70741, 70739, 70737 80214 70113, 70111, 70115 12204 70240, 70238 70734, 70736 93000 12406 70913 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911, 5912, 5913 8317, 8316 12708 7301 6205 70341, 70343

Attachments (Skid Steer) Auger Jogger BD Manufacturing

Hall 8 Hall 7

Canada West Supply Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Falcon Equipment Ltd Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 9A Lot D Lot L Lot D

Flexxifinger Grouser Products Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. New Holland Notch Manufacturing, Inc. Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. Schulte Industries Ltd. Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9 Lot B Hall 9A Hall 5 Lot L Lot D Hall 2 Hall 7

Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot N Lot F

80341, 80340 70116, 70118, 70114 90102 8304 6214 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 70444, 70442 8321 70734, 70736 60000 5900 93000 90022 93042 7013, 7014 90021 50000 6006 8430 20001 70508, 70605, 70506, 70607, 70603, 70504 9304 9112, 9111, 9110


Air Conditioner Products Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' Polar Mobility Research Ltd.

(by category)

Hall 12 Hall 9

12414 92011

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Casterland/Specialty Tire Dakota Products of Canada

Hall 7 Hall 7

6000, 6001, 6002 70171 70221, 70219

John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories MTI Canada PowerSports Regina Ltd.

Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Lot N Hall 12 Hall 9B

60000 5900 93042 9303 12406 3

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot D

70221, 70219 92017 70410, 70412 8616, 8615

Auctions Dakota Products of Canada Kramer Auction Ltd. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers The Container Guy Ltd

Augers Agremote System AgShield MFg

Hall 7 Lot D

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot D

Cancade CBI Limited Crop Production Services Federated Co-op

Lot D Lot G Lot D

Flaman Sales Ltd.

Lot D

Free Form Plastic Products

Hall 4

70331, 70329 8325, 8324, 8323 6000, 6001, 6002 8606, 8605, 8604 8522, 8521 9202 8505, 8504, 8503, 8502, 8501, 8500 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 40100A

Gatco Manufacturing Inc General Body & Equipment GrainMaxx Grain Augers/NuVision Industries Hoffart Services Inc. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Kramble Industries Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Mast Productions Inc. (Pit Express) Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot L Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot B Hall 7 lot e Lot F

Michel's Industries Ltd. Neustar Manufacturing Never Spill Spout Inc. RODONO INDUSTRIES LTD

Lot D Lot P Hall 12 Hall 7

Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Hall 7 Lot B

70122, 70120 93044 6105, 6106 8424, 8425 93042 70137, 70139 7013, 7014 70530, 70532 8005 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 8512 6306 12800 70315, 70317, 70313 70710, 70712 7301

Automotive Supplies Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. Cap-it Regina DSG Power Systems General Body & Equipment Hongqi Friction Material Co., Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Maxim Truck & Trailer

Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot D

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Power-Up Lubricants - Sask. Prairie Harley-Davidson Premium Power Packs

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9B Hall 9B

80408 93026 4 70536, 70534 93044 12912 93042 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 70172 70735, 70733 2 91115


Simplified motion control for

off-highway vehicles




Please visit us: Hall 7 Booth: 70437-39

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4/28/16 9:16 AM

Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd Smoke Em Diesel Performance The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline

Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12

12412 90020 12813

Bale Processors/Movers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot D

Cancade CBI Limited Dakota Products of Canada Fair Mfg Inc.

Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7

Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Hi Tec Highline Manufacturing Ltd. HLA/Tube-Line/MK Martin John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot D Lot C Lot G Hall 12 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9 Lot B Hall 7 Lot F

Norheim Ranching Renn Mill Center Inc.

Lot P Lot D

6007, 6008, 6009 6000, 6001, 6002 8314, 8313, 8312 8606, 8605, 8604 8522, 8521 70221, 70219 70517, 70513, 70515 8517 7010 9203 12619 60000 5900 93000 90022 93042 7013, 7014 70530, 70532 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 6302 8428, 8427

Hall 9B Hall 12 Hall 7

91115 12717 70323, 70325

Euroshine, Inc.

Hall 9

Lizwoerks Sales Inc.

Hall 9

91068, 91056, 91014 91054, 91055

Batteries Premium Power Packs Sask Battery Distributors Inc. Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.


Bins Ag Growth International (AGI) Ag Growth International (AGI) Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Lot D Lot D

Buffer Valley Industries Chief Agri/Industrial Crop Production Services EMW Industrial Federated Co-op

Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot G Hall 9 Lot D

Flaman Sales Ltd.

Lot D

Gatco Manufacturing Inc GSI Group Haukaas Industries Ltd. Hoffart Services Inc. Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd JTL Industries Ltd. Lynn Peteson Construction


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9A Lot D Hall 7 Lot E lot d

70802 8100 8314, 8313, 8312 70728, 70726 70451, 70453 9202 93027 8505, 8504, 8503, 8502, 8501, 8500 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 70122, 70120 12823, 12825 90006 8424, 8425 70145, 70147 8208 9000

Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Lot F

Norstar Industries Ltd.

Hall 7

Novid Inc. Wall Grain Handling Systems

Lot D Hall 7

9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 70406, 70408, 70404 8417 70725, 70626, 70723, 70624, 70510, 70609, 70512, 70611

Bio-Diesel ADM Agri Industries De-On Supply Inc. Maverick Industries Ltd Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7

12514 70340, 70338 12120 70623, 70625

Agri Con Ltd. BD Manufacturing

Lot D Hall 7

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Cardale Tech Corp Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Flaman Sales Ltd.

Lot L Lot D Lot D

Grouser Products Johnson Mfg., Inc. Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. Metal Connection Road Boss Grader Schulte Industries Ltd. SHANDONG TIANSHENG MACHINERY CO.,LTD

Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Hall 9 Lot B Hall 9A Hall 12 Lot G Hall 2 Hall 12

8412 70116, 70118, 70114 8314, 8313, 8312 6211 8304 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 8321 8320 90022 93042 7013, 7014 90021 12703 9205 20001 12804

Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 7

91009 80217 90106 93046 50302 70633, 70635

Farmers Edge

Hall 7

70107, 70105, 70109

Castings Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG

Hall 7

70216, 70218


Hall 12


CO.,LTD Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot F

9112, 9111, 9110

Hall 12


Blades (tractor, bull dozer)

Brokers Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial CGF Brokerage & Consulting Farm Boy Realty Corp. FarmLead Resources Ltd. Farmlink Marketing Solutions Rayglen Commodities

Carbon Credits


Chemicals Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd.

ALS Environmental BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Certified Labs CleanFARMS Inc. Crop Production Services DuPont Canada Farmers of North America Great Northern Growers Inc. MiniBulk Inc. Nemco Resources Ltd. NORAC Systems Rayglen Commodities Wilger Industries Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot G Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7

92215 12205 92221 92115 9202 80202, 80204 12204 80201 12400 12406 80105 70711, 70709 70633, 70635 70341, 70343

Rodono Industries Ltd.

Hall 7

Schumacher Co. LLC Shandong Tiansheng Machiner Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd. Smoke Em Diesel Performance Soucy International Inc. Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Taber Diesel Services The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9A Lot P Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot F

Wildfong Enterprises Wilke Sales Zhengiang Precise Driveline Machinery Co., Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12

70315, 70317, 70313 93024 12804 12412 90020 6300, 6301 70724, 70722 70134, 70136 12813 9112, 9111, 9110 12408 70415, 70413 12914

Hall 5 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12

50309 80212 80218 12115 17713 12821 90107 12611 91031, 91032 12403

Bio Mulcher (A Division of Dutch Industries)

Hall 7

Penergetic Canada Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)

Hall 8 Hall 7

70308, 70405, 70306, 70407, 70403, 70304 80110, 80108 70623, 70625

Cleaning Chemicals & Applicators Dakota Products of Canada Kärcher Canada Inc.

Hall 7 Lot L

70221, 70219 6208

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 7

91052 91054, 91055 91105 91064 70129, 70131

Ag Authority Ag Leader Technology

Lot E Hall 7

AGCO Canada BN Equipment Design Ltd. Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot B Hall 12 Lot D

Claas of America Cleanfix North America Ltd. Grain Bags Canada

Hall 3 Hall 9 Lot L

John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories New Holland Stewart Steel Inc. Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Taber Diesel Services

Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7

8007, 8008 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 7300 12121 8606, 8605, 8604 30001 92118 5906, 5905, 5907 60000 5900 93042 50000 70210, 70212 70724, 70722 70134, 70136

Clothing Lily Silk Art Lizwoerks Sales Inc. Outback Survival Gear Canada Queen City Belts & Buckles Splasher Outerwear Ltd


Communications Bank of Montreal DTN/The Progressive Farmer Ecocert Canada Golden West Radio ICOM Canada On AV INC Prairie Mobile Communications SaskPower (Safety) SaskTel YourLink


Combines Parts & Service

Computer Software AgCon Sales and Service Ag Leader Technology

Hall 12 Hall 7

Agrimatics JCA Electronics Integration Center Logiag- LaserAg One-Step Automation SST Software Taber Diesel Services

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7

12406 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 92218 70620, 70622 12211 12410 80106 70134, 70136


Ag Authority Arnold Innovations Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot E Hall 12 Lot L

C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Haul All Industries Houston Seed Saver Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' Innotag/Performance Feed Works JJEB Enterprises LTD John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Kuchar Combine Performance, Inc. Lankota Loup Electronics Inc. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Michel's Industries Ltd. New Holland Polar Mobility Research Ltd.

Lot D Lot D Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot L Hall 8 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 3 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Hall 5 Hall 9

8007, 8008 12117 6000, 6001, 6002 8307 8513 12911 12414 6011 80007 60000 5900 93042 30305 93043 90012 70530, 70532 8512 50000 92011

Ade & Company Backswath Management Inc. BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Exapta Solutions Farmlink Marketing Solutions Grain Shark ILC Ag Recrutiment & Immigration Services Lawson Products Northern Plains Drainage Systems

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7

Pinnacle Wealth Brokers Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) The Retiring Farmer

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

12119 92005 12205 93047 50302 12808 12208 12715 70215, 70217, 70213 12913 70623, 70625 70322, 70320

Lot L Lot L Hall 9

6010 6011 93042

Conventional Seeders Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Innotag/Performance Feed Works Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories

Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Loup Electronics Inc. New Holland

Hall 9A Hall 5

90012 50000

Conveyor Belts & Accessories Brownlees Trucking Inc. Convey-All Ind. Inc. EMW Industrial Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 7 Lot B Hall 9 Lot D

Hall 8 Lot D Hall 7 Lot F

Michel's Industries Ltd. Never Spill Spout Inc.

Lot D Hall 12

70409, 70411 7012 93027 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 80206 8424, 8425 70137, 70139 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 8512 12800

Cooking Utensils Cap-it Regina Cutco Cutlery Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9B

Rhineland Cutlery SK Svensk Design

Hall 9 Hall 9

4 91013 91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91077 91037

Crafts & Gifts Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9B

91117 91012 91035 91118 91018 91113

Cultivators AGCO Canada Gaber Distributors

Lot B Lot L

Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Horsch LLC

Lot L Lot D

Kirchner Machine Ltd. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Hall 9A Lot D

New Holland Norwood Sales Inc. Seed Hawk Inc./Vaderstad Summer's Mfg. Co. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 5 Lot L Lot N Lot D Lot B Lot F

Willsie Equipment Sales Inc.

Lot D

7300 5903, 5902, 5904 6010 8303, 8302, 8301, 8300 90022 8413, 8414, 8415 50000 6100 9400 8509, 8508 7301 9112, 9111, 9110 8419

Diesel BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Huge L Steel Inc. Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. M&M Equipment Ltd. Maverick Industries Ltd Pritchard Dieseltech Smoke Em Diesel Performance


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Hall 7 Hall 7

70134, 70136 70323, 70325

ABF Machines AGCO Canada Bourgault Tiilage Tools Ltd.

lot d Lot B Hall 7

Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot D

Cardale Tech Corp Degelman Industries

Lot L Lot F

Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 7 Lot D

Gaber Distributors

Lot L

Grain Bags Canada

Lot L

Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Horsch LLC

Lot L Lot D

Innotag/Performance Feed Works Kellough Enterprises Inc./Kello-Bilt Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Lot L Hall 7 Hall 3 Lot D

Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot F

Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lot E

Shandong Tiansheng Machiner Co., Ltd. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot F

8509 7300 70544, 70542, 70540, 70538 8606, 8605, 8604 6211 9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 70216, 70218 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 5903, 5902, 5904 5906, 5905, 5907 6010 8303, 8302, 8301, 8300 6011 70310, 70312 30000 8413, 8414, 8415 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 8218, 8220, 8219 12804 9112, 9111, 9110


Flexco Hoffart Services Inc. Kramble Industries Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Angel's Art Canada Leathers Ltd. Canwise Develop Inc Cindy-rella's Sewing & Quilting Heavenly Scents Aromatherapy Vigo Designs Ltd.

Taber Diesel Services Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9A

12205 8612 90101 90021 12120 70720, 70718 90020

Drainage ADS CANADA / IDEAL PIPE Ag Leader Technology

Hall 12 Hall 7

Agri Con Ltd. Artel Farms Ltd. BD Manufacturing

Lot D lot d Hall 7

Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Hi Tec Hurricane Ditcher Co, Inc. Johnson Mfg., Inc. Kirchner Machine Ltd. Lever Holdings Inc. Northern Plains Drainage Systems

Lot D Lot C Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Lot D Hall 7

O'Connell Farm Drainage Plows Inc.

Hall 7

Prinsco Quick Drain Sales Ltd.

Hall 9A Lot D

12827 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 8412 8613 70116, 70118, 70114 8304 7010 8528, 8527 8320 90022 8518 70215, 70217, 70213 70336, 70433, 70334, 70435 90018 8524

Hall 8 Hall 3 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9B Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7

80215 30303, 30304 92217 90105 91106 70623, 70625 92112 70322, 70320

Education 18 Wheels Training Services Ag More Than Ever Agricultural Health and Safety Network FarmTech Solutions Flex ED School Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. The Retiring Farmer

Premium Products, Premium Service... Direct to Your Door.

Visit us at

Electrical APEX Electric Heat Innovations Inc. JCA Electronics Integration Center Maverick Industries Ltd Pritchard Dieseltech SaskPower (Safety)

Lot L - booth #6207 Lot B Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12

(outside opposite main entrance to Credit Eventplex)

7303 12604 70620, 70622 12120 70720, 70718 12611

Get a FREE Sorting Stick or Lakeland VIP Hat with any purchase made at the show!


*While quantities last!

Cleanfix North America Ltd. Cummins Western Canada DSG Power Systems Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' M&M Equipment Ltd. MTZ Equipment Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7

New Holland Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Pritchard Dieseltech Reimer Mechanical & Tuning

Hall 5 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12

Smoke Em Diesel Performance Taber Diesel Services Yetman's Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 7

92118 70443, 70441 70536, 70534 12414 90021 70707, 70608, 70705, 70606, 70703, 70604 50000 92011 70720, 70718 12402 90020 70134, 70136 70101, 70100, 70099, 70098, 70096, 70097, 70095

Equipment Handling (Livestock) Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Clews Palliser Cattler Oiler Co. Flash Welding Ltd. Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip. Ltd. Huber Ag Equipment Ltd. Impact Trailer Sales Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd. Magnum Fabricating Ltd.

Lot D Lot D Hall 5 Hall 12 Lot L Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7

Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer Morand Industries Ltd. Norheim Ranching One Time Fencing ltd Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Rea's Welding/Real Industries Rostech Electronics Stampede Steel Inc. Taber Diesel Services Tuff Livestock Equipment

Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot P Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot L Hall 7 Lot L Hall 12 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12

Let’s meet faceto-Facebook. Nobody covers farming better or in more detail than The Western Producer. We regularly post about our features, recipes, stories about machinery, livestock and agronomy, and reader contests.

In print and online, if it’s farming, it’s here. 8314, 8313, 8312 8306 8607 50307, 50308 12103 6212 8611, 8610 93000 70524, 70526 70205, 70207, 70203 12513, 12515 12106 6302 92214 12104 12101 80221 12105 70134, 70136 12102

Equipment Repair Casterland/Specialty Tire Conqur Industries Inc Dimo's/Labtronics DSG Power Systems Exapta Solutions Falcon Equipment Ltd Farmtronics Fort Garry Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' Kärcher Canada Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. Pneu-Tek Tire Tools Pumps and Pressure, Inc Regina Metal Industries | 1-866-443-7444

70171 92113 80404, 80402 70536, 70534 93047 6214 70240, 70238 6101, 6102 12414 6208 90021 70242, 70244 70234, 70236 12613


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Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Smoke Em Diesel Performance The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7

90020 12813 70323, 70325

Canada West Supply

Ethanol Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Terra Grain Fuels

Hall 7 Hall 9

70623, 70625 93048

Fabrication AIM Industries C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Cancade CBI Limited Convey-All Ind. Inc. EMW Industrial Fort Garry JJEB Enterprises Ltd. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Metal Connection N/C Quest Inc. Novid Inc. Regina Metal Industries Schweiss Doors The Container Guy Ltd Yanush Enterprises

Lot D Lot D Lot D Lot B Hall 9 Lot L Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Lot P

8600 8307 8522, 8521 7012 93027 6101, 6102 80007 70530, 70532 12703 70913 8417 12613 70241, 70243 8616, 8615 6204

Wind & Weather Fabric Structures AFAB Industries American Buildings Company Bakke Buildings Canada West Supply Canadian Dome Industries Ltd. Coverco Buildings Diamond Doors Inc. EMW Industrial FastCover Fabric Structures Ltd.

Lot D Lot D Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7

G&B Portable Fabric Building Greener Solutions Spray Foam Insulation and Coatings Goodon Industries Ltd. Hangzhou Vision Chain Transmission Co., Ltd. Haukaas Industries Ltd. Heat Innovations Inc. Hoffart Services Inc. Integrity Post Structures Ltd. Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd JTL Industries Ltd. Lynn Peteson Construction Maverick Industries Ltd McMunn and Yates Building Supplies Northlands Building Systems - Winkler

Hall 7 Hall 12

8507, 8506 8508 93031 12909 90102 12714 12706 70124, 70126 93027 70351, 70353, 70252, 70254 70629, 70631 12206

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot E lot d Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7

70223, 70225 12918 90006 12604 8424, 8425 12705 70145, 70147 8208 9000 12120 12614 70716, 70714

Structures Nu-Steel Ind. Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc). Prairie Post Frame

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7

Prairie Steel Products Ltd. Promold Marketing Inc. Reimer Overhead Doors Schweiss Doors Security Building Supplies The Container Guy Ltd Versa Frame Inc. Walkers Water Systems Wizer Buildings Wood Country ZipperlockBuilding Company (2005) Inc.

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9A Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12

8529 12710 70434, 70436, 12612 70509, 70511 8426 12501 70241, 70243 70421, 70419 8616, 8615 90104 92212 12609 70918 12915

Farm Buildings


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Fasteners Hall 9A


Agrimatics Apollo Machine & Products Ltd. Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot D

Buffer Valley Industries Fair Mfg Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 7

Farmtronics Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Helm Welding (1983) Limited Hi Tec Highline Manufacturing Ltd. Huber Ag Equipment Ltd. Innotag/Performance Feed Works Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kongskilde Industries Kuhn Farm Machinery

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12 Lot C Lot G Lot L Lot L Hall 9 Lot L Lot D

Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. MiniBulk Inc. Norheim Ranching Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Renn Mill Center Inc. Western Ag Systems Ltd. Westman Consulting Inc.

Hall 3 Hall 12 Lot P Hall 12 Lot D Hall 8 lot d

92218 93041 8314, 8313, 8312 70728, 70726 70517, 70513, 70515 70240, 70238 8517 12601 7010 9203 6212 6011 93000 6005 8422, 8421, 8423 30000 12400 6302 12104 8428, 8427 80002 8614

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot P Hall 9 Hall 7

12602 92110 12513, 12515 6302 92214 70421, 70419

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 8 Lot N Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot G Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 8 Lot P

12802 12502 70539, 70537 92215 80408 9302 70222, 70220 70431, 70429 92115 9202 80404, 80402 80214 12204 80201 70734, 70736 70913 70711, 70709 80110, 80108 80207, 80209 70633, 70635 80213 80220, 80219 80103 6205

Feed Handling/Processing

Fencing B.A.M. Enterprises Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd. Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer Norheim Ranching One Time Fencing ltd Security Building Supplies

Fertilizers Aberhart Ag Solutions Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. Alpine-the starter fertilizer company ALS Environmental Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer APV / Garage Wendel Mathis inc. Back to Your Roots Soil Solutions Inc Best Farming Systems CleanFARMS Inc. Crop Production Services Dimo's/Labtronics Earth Smart Solutions Farmers of North America Great Northern Growers Inc. Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) N/C Quest Inc. NORAC Systems Penergetic Canada PowerRich Corporation Rayglen Commodities Stoller Enterprises Ltd. Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. Top Krop Fertilizer Inc. Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd.

Field Markers Filtration (Petroleum) Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer M&M Equipment Ltd.

Food Hall 12


Hall 8 Hall 9A

80408 90021

Finance Programs & Services Agriculture and Agrifood Canada Bank of Montreal Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial Calidon Equipment Leasing Canadian Canola Growers Association CIBC Conexus

0 Hall 5 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9B

Crop Production Services Input Capital National Leasing RBC Royal Bank Saskatchewan Credit Unions Scotiabank TD Canada Trust - Agriculture Services The Retiring Farmer

Lot G Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7

50309 91009 12509 90007, 90009 12921 91102, 91120, 91119, 91101 9202 70339, 70337 80005, 80003 12903 70321, 70319 12607 12511 70322, 70320

Hall 9 Hall 7

92110 70421, 70419

Flooring Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd. Security Building Supplies

A Spice Above - Western Canada Epicure Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. STPA (Société de Transformtion de Produits

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12

91065 91030 70423, 70425 92112 12806

Agricoles) Watkins

Hall 9


Front End Loaders & Attachments AGCO Canada BD Manufacturing

Lot B Hall 7

Falcon Equipment Ltd Grouser Products HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. New Holland Road Boss Grader Taber Diesel Services Winacott Equipment Group

Lot L Lot D Hall 12 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9 Lot B Hall 9A Hall 5 Lot G Hall 7 Lot D

7300 70116, 70118, 70114 6214 8321 12619 60000 5900 93000 90022 93042 7013, 7014 90021 50000 9205 70134, 70136 8520, 8519





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Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category)

Fuel Conditioner Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. DSG Power Systems Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Power-Up Lubricants - Sask. Smoke Em Diesel Performance Tyalta Industries Inc.

Geothermal Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 12

80408 12205 70536, 70534 90101 70735, 70733 90020 12401

MI Energy

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9B Lot G Lot D

Fuel Tanks Ag Growth International Ag Growth International Cap-it Regina Crop Production Services Flaman Sales Ltd.

Fort Garry Huge L Steel Inc. John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Magnum Fabricating Ltd.

Lot L Lot D Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 7

Maverick Industries Ltd Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 12 Lot F

Smoke Em Diesel Performance Tyalta Industries Inc. Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7

70802 8100 4 9202 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 6101, 6102 8612 60000 5900 90101 70205, 70207, 70203 12120 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 90020 12401 70323, 70325

Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Law Enforcement Guardians Ultimate Man

Hall 8 Hall 9A

80406 90100

Shed Saskatchewan Safety Council Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. STARS (Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society)

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7

92007 92112 70919


Canada West Supply Rodono Industries Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 7

Schumacher Co. LLC The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline

Hall 9 Hall 12

90102 70315, 70317, 70313 93024 12813

Generators APEX Electric Canada West Supply Cap-it Regina Cummins Western Canada DSG Power Systems M&M Equipment Ltd. Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. Pritchard Dieseltech Red-D-Arc Welderentals Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot B Hall 9A Hall 9B Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Lot N Lot F

Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 7

Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

70324, 70326

Canadian Grain Commission Health Canada, Pesticide Compliance Program Ministry of Economy Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Sask Ministry of Agriculture

Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. SaskPower (Safety) Town of Taber

Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 9

80015, 80013 92013 12409 70623, 70625 70551, 70553, 70452, 70454 80011, 80009 12611 91005


GPS Ag Leader Technology

Hall 7

Agra-GPS Ltd Innotag/Performance Feed Works John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Loup Electronics Inc. New Holland Northern Plains Drainage Systems

Hall 12 Lot L Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 5 Hall 7

Outback Guidance Positioning and Autosteer Technologies Inc

Hall 7 Hall 7

Raven Industries Reinke Setter Manufacturing Division SST Software

Lot B Lot L Hall 7 Hall 8

70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 12919 6011 60000 5900 90012 50000 70215, 70217, 70213 70639, 70637 70106, 70108, 70104 7308 6107 70643, 70641 80106


Gear Boxes


Hall 7

7303 90102 4 70443, 70441 70536, 70534 90021 90023 70720, 70718 8420 9304 9112, 9111, 9110 70323, 70325

Agrimatics CGF Brokerage & Consulting DEL Equipment Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 9 Lot D

Sontanner Sales Ltd.

Lot D

92218 80217 90103 93000 8413, 8414, 8415 8330, 8329

Grain Drying/Aeration A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd. Ag Growth International Ag Growth International Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot D Lot D

Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Chief Agri/Industrial ConleyMax Inc. D&R Manufacturing/Darmani Grain Storage DICKEY-john Dimo's/Labtronics EMW Industrial FarmTech Solutions Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot D

Flash Welding Ltd. Gatco Manufacturing Inc GSI Group

Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12

70900 70802 8100 8314, 8313, 8312 12709 70451, 70453 8429 8515, 8514 90008, 90010 80404, 80402 93027 90105 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 8607 70122, 70120 12823, 12825

HES Manufacturing Hoffart Services Inc. Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Lot F

Polywest Ltd. Shymko Farm Sales Wall Grain Handling Systems

Lot L Lot D Hall 7

Western Ag Systems Ltd. Western Grain Dryer Inc.

Hall 8 Hall 12

70125, 70127 8424, 8425 93000 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 6216, 6217 8411 70725, 70626, 70723, 70624, 70510, 70609, 70512, 70611 80002 12701

Grain Feed & Marketing ADM Agri Industries AgChieve Corporation Agrocorp Processing Ltd. AGT Foods

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7

Ceres Global Ag Corp. CGF Brokerage & Consulting DTN/The Progressive Farmer FarmLead Resources Ltd. Farmlink Marketing Solutions G3 Canda Limited Grain Millers Canada Corp. Grain Shark ILTA Grain Inc. Natural Specialty Crops Co., ULC North American Food Ingredients Rayglen Commodities Scoular Canada, Ltd. Sunrise Foods International Taslar Trading Corp (TTC) Viterra

Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 8

12514 70740, 70738 12608 70751, 70652, 70753, 70654 12819 80217 80212 93046 50302 80208, 80210 80107 12808 12815 93029 92219 70633, 70635 80111, 80113 12900 12803 80018, 80016

Grain Processing ADM Agri Industries Apollo Machine & Products Ltd. Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9A

Dimo's/Labtronics EMW Industrial Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 9 Lot D

Garratt Industries Ltd. Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Louis Dreyfus Commodities Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Nexeed Inc.

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7

One-Step Automation Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Renn Mill Center Inc. Terra Grain Fuels Western Ag Systems Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 8

12514 93041 90011, 90013, 90015, 90017, 90019 80404, 80402 93027 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 70224, 70226 8517 80006, 80004 70530, 70532 70316, 70318, 70314 12410 70623, 70625 8428, 8427 93048 80002

Grain Storage & Handling A.R.K. New-Tech Ltd. Hall 7 Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L Agremote System AIM Industries Apollo Machine & Products Ltd. Auger Jogger

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 8

70900 6007, 6008, 6009 70331, 70329 8600 93041 80341, 80340

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd.

Lot E

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Brownlees Trucking Inc. Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Hall 7 Lot D

C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Canada Moisture Analyziers Inc. Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Cancade CBI Limited Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9A

Chief Agri/Industrial Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. Convey-All Ind. Inc. CORR GRAIN Systems Inc. D&R Manufacturing/Darmani Grain Storage Dekoning Innovations Elias ReliaBelt EMW Industrial FarmTech Solutions Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Lot B Lot P Lot D Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot D

Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Gatco Manufacturing Inc Grain Bags Canada

Hall 5 Hall 7 Lot L

GrainMaxx Grain Augers/NuVision Industries GSI Group Hoffart Services Inc. Huge L Steel Inc. IntraGrain Technologies Inc. Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd JTL Industries Ltd. Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kramble Industries Lakeshore Manufacturing Lewis M. Carter Mfg.

Lot L Hall 12 Lot D Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot E Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7

Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Massload Technologies Inc. Mast Productions Inc. (Pit Express) Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 7 lot e Lot F

Michel's Industries Ltd. MiniBulk Inc. Neeralta Manufacturing Neustar Manufacturing Never Spill Spout Inc. Norstar Industries Ltd.

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9A Lot P Hall 12 Hall 7

One-Step Automation Optimum Manufacturing Ltd Prairie Steel Products Ltd. Rainy Day Fabricating Inc. Renn Mill Center Inc. Rockyford Steel Rodono Industries Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7

SHUR-CO Stewart Steel Inc. Tridekon Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Walinga Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot B Hall 7

6000, 6001, 6002 8214, 8213, 8212, 8211, 8210, 8209 8314, 8313, 8312 70409, 70411 8606, 8605, 8604 8307 12405 12709 8522, 8521 90011, 90013, 90015, 90017, 90019 70451, 70453 8511, 8510 70430, 70432 7012 6303, 6304 8515, 8514 70814 8308 93027 90105 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 50307, 50308 70122, 70120 5906, 5905, 5907 6105, 6106 12823, 12825 8424, 8425 8612 70440, 70438 70145, 70147 8208 90022 70137, 70139 12805 70505, 70507, 70503 70530, 70532 70209, 70211 8005 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 8512 12400 90031, 90029 6306 12800 70406, 70408, 70404 12410 8416 70509, 70511 90014, 90016 8428, 8427 70640, 70638 70315, 70317, 70313 70916 70210, 70212 70808 70710, 70712 7301 70132, 70130, 70229, 70231

Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Wall Grain Handling Systems

Hall 7

Western Ag Systems Ltd.

Hall 8

70725, 70626, 70723, 70624, 70510, 70609, 70512, 70611 80002

Grain Trailers

Flaman Sales Ltd.

Lot D

Gaber Distributors

Lot L

Grain Bags Canada

Lot L

Agremote System Cancade CBI Limited Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd Dakota Products of Canada Diamond International Trucks Ltd. / Diamond

Hall 7 Lot D Lot D Hall 7 Lot E

70331, 70329 8522, 8521 8511, 8510 70221, 70219 8217

Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Lot L Lot D

Metal Connection Morris Industries Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot F

Trailer Elmer's Manufacturing fort garry Golden West Trailers Sales

Hall 12 Lot L Lot D

Pillar Lasers Inc

Lot E

HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin Impact Trailer Sales K & K Enterprises Ltd. Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Kramble Industries Lakeshore Manufacturing Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot D Lot L Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 3 Lot D

Renn Mill Center Inc. Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lot D Lot E

Seed Hawk Inc./Vaderstad Summer's Mfg. Co. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Lot N Lot D Lot B

Maxim Truck & Trailer

Lot D

Neustar Manufacturing Walinga Inc.

Lot P Hall 7

Winacott Equipment Group Zhengiang Precise Driveline Machinery Co.,

Lot D Hall 12

12824 6101, 6102 8601, 8602, 8603 12619 8611, 8610 6209, 6210 93042 70137, 70139 12805 30000 8413, 8414, 8415 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 6306 70132, 70130, 70229, 70231 8520, 8519 12914


Grain/Seed Cleaners Arrow Corp Inc. Canada Moisture Analyziers Inc. Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 9A

Dimo's/Labtronics Farmtronics Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 8 Hall 7 Lot D

Garratt Industries Ltd. Grain Cleaning Systems Inc. GSI Group Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kongskilde Industries Lewis M. Carter Mfg.

Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot L Hall 7

Nexeed Inc.

Hall 7

Norwood Sales Inc. One-Step Automation

Lot L Hall 12

80203, 80205 12405 90011, 90013, 90015, 90017, 90019 80404, 80402 70240, 70238 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 70224, 70226 90034 12823, 12825 93000 6005 70505, 70507, 70503 70316, 70318, 70314 6100 12410

Harrows Bourgault Industries Degelman Industries

Hall 4 Lot F

Elmer's Manufacturing Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG

Hall 12 Hall 7


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

40100 9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 12824 70216, 70218

8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 5903, 5902, 5904 5906, 5905, 5907 6010 8413, 8414, 8415 12703 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 8207, 8206, 8205 8428, 8427 8218, 8220, 8219 9400 8509, 8508 7301

Harvest Equipment Ag Leader Technology

Hall 7

AGCO Canada Agrimatics AgShield MFg

Lot B Hall 9 Lot D

AWS Air Reels BN Equipment Design Ltd. Canada Moisture Analyziers Inc. Claas of America Cleanfix North America Ltd. Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd Convey-All Ind. Inc. Crossroads Parts & Sales Dimo's/Labtronics Dutch Openers

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 3 Hall 9 Lot D Lot B Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7

Elmer's Manufacturing Farmtronics Flaman Sales Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D

Flexxifinger Free Form Plastic Products Grain Bags Canada

Hall 7 Hall 4 Lot L

Headsight Inc. Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd. JJEB Enterprises Ltd. John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Metal Connection Michel's Industries Ltd. Never Spill Spout Inc. New Holland Redekop Manufacturing (2014)

Hall 12 Hall 2 Hall 8 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 5 Lot P

Rodono Industries Ltd.

Hall 7

Rostech Electronics SHUR-CO Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot B

70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 7300 92218 8325, 8324, 8323 70344, 70342 12121 12405 30001 92118 8511, 8510 7012 12507 80404, 80402 70743, 70741, 70739, 70737 12824 70240, 70238 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 70444, 70442 40100A 5906, 5905, 5907 12905 20000 80007 60000 5900 93000 93042 70530, 70532 12703 8512 12800 50000 6202, 6201, 6200 70315, 70317, 70313 80221 70916 70710, 70712 7301

Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot F

9112, 9111, 9110

Hay & Forage Equipment Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L AGCO Canada AgShield MFg

Lot B Lot D

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Claas of America Dimo's/Labtronics Falcon Equipment Ltd FarmTech Solutions Farmtronics Grouser Products Haukaas Industries Ltd. Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Hi Tec Highline Manufacturing Ltd. HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kongskilde Industries Kuhn Farm Machinery

Hall 3 Hall 8 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9A Lot D Lot C Lot G Hall 12 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot L Lot D

Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot F

New Holland Norheim Ranching

Hall 5 Lot P

6007, 6008, 6009 7300 8325, 8324, 8323 8314, 8313, 8312 30001 80404, 80402 6214 90105 70240, 70238 8321 90006 8517 7010 9203 12619 60000 5900 93000 90022 6005 8422, 8421, 8423 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 50000 6302

Renn Mill Center Inc. Sontanner Sales Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Vermeer Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot D Lot D Lot B Lot L Lot F

8428, 8427 8330, 8329 7301 5901 9112, 9111, 9110

Headers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L AGCO Canada Biso-Canada Ltd. BN Equipment Design Ltd. Dakota Products of Canada Free Form Plastic Products Grain Bags Canada

Lot B Lot P Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 4 Lot L

John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Metal Connection New Holland Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 6 Lot L Hall 12 Hall 5 Lot B Lot F

6007, 6008, 6009 7300 6203 12121 70221, 70219 40100A 5906, 5905, 5907 60000 5900 12703 50000 7301 9112, 9111, 9110

Health and Wellness A.O.A Products/ Orthotic Works Inc. Agricultural Health and Safety Network Angel's Art Aspen Sales BRMI Essentials Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 9B Hall 9

91081 92217 91117 91112 91038


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Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Euroshine, Inc.

Hall 9

Golden Arches Orthotics & Wellness Ltd. Heavenly Scents Aromatherapy InfiniteAloe Inner Energy Mazel.S Products Norwex - Loretta Rogoschewsky Ocean Sales Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9B

Pacesetter Enterprises Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 9B

RSL Canada Inc./Lozman Canada Inc.

Hall 9B

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Softub c/o SofSpa 2000 Valentus Saskatoon VisionWerx - SpaBerry Watkins

Hall 7 Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9

91068, 91056, 91014 91029 91018 91063 91034 91084 91036 91099, 91103, 91104, 91098, 91116, 91067, 91033, 91027, 91008, 91007, 91002, 91001, 91066 91006 91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91111, 91110, 91109, 91070, 91071 70423, 70425 91107, 91108 91042 91043 91017

Heating Crown Royal Stoves - Greentech Mfg Inc De-On Supply Inc. Heat Innovations Inc. Heatmasterss/Steeltech Inc Suntech Systems Ltd Vortex Plumbing and Heating Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd)

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot N

70644, 70642 70340, 70338 12604 70232, 70230 92116 12404 9304

Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot L Lot L Hall 9A Hall 12

93026 90103 6214 6101, 6102 90101 12805

Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 9B

Hall 9 Hall 9B

91117 91021, 91022 91015 91083, 91082 91010, 91011 90033 91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91069 91114

0 Hall 9


Home Decor Angel's Art Bath Fitter Granite Transformations GreyWolf Metal Art Posh Patio Deck Covers Inc Prairie Flag and Pole Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Scentsy springfieldwoodworking

Horticulture ASIA DRAGON CORD AND TWINE LIMITED Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Household Cleaning Products


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Hall 9B

Outback Survival Gear Canada Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Hall 9B Hall 9B


Hall 9

91099, 91103, 91104, 91098, 91116, 91067, 91033, 91027, 91008, 91007, 91002, 91001, 91066 91105 91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91017

Hydraulic Parts & Services Atomjet Industries

Hall 7

B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd General Body & Equipment Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' M&M Equipment Ltd. Schweiss Doors The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 9 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot F

70617, 70613, 70615 93026 8511, 8510 93044 12414 90021 70241, 70243 12813 9112, 9111, 9110


Hoists B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. DEL Equipment Falcon Equipment Ltd fort garry Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Lakeshore Manufacturing

Ocean Sales Ltd.

Ag Business & Crop Inc. ALS Environmental Balkrishna Industries Ltd. Canadian Canola Growers Association Cigi (Canadian International Grains Institute) CleanFARMS Inc. DEL Equipment Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Heatmasterss/Steeltech Inc MiniBulk Inc. Pro-Cert Organic Systems Ltd. RIMEX Supply Ltd Sask Ministry of Agriculture

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 8 Lot D Hall 7

Saskatchewan Assoc. for Resource Recovery

Hall 9

93022 92215 70826 90007, 90009 80115 92115 90103 8304 70232, 70230 12400 80109 8315 70551, 70553, 70452, 70454 92117

Corp. Saskatchewan Bison Association Saskatchewan Pulse Growers SaskOrganics Association Inc. Stampede Steel Inc. STPA (Société de Transformtion de Produits

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12

70168 70423, 70425 92213 12105 12806

Agricoles) Warner Industries

Lot D

Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 7

8311, 8310, 8309 70323, 70325

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 5 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 8

92019 91009 12615 12916 93028 50304 12209 80199 92119 80011, 80009 70322, 70320 80211

Insurance AG Direct Hail Insurance Ltd. Bill Allen, Sun Life Financial Cherry AgSecure Conexus Insurance Ltd. Farrell Agencies Global Ag Risk Solutions Insurance Matters Inc Municipal Hail Palliser Insurance Company Limited Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp. The Retiring Farmer Western Financial Group

Irrigation & Water Supply ADS Canada/Ideal Pipe Conqur Industries Inc Farmtronics M&M Equipment Ltd. New Way Irrigation Reinke Southern Irrigation Valley West Irrigation Inc. Walkers Water Systems Wilger Industries Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 12 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7

12827 92113 70240, 70238 90021 12407 6107 70330, 70332 12506 92212 70341, 70343

Jewelry Angel's Art Fifth Avenue Collection Jewelley Queen City Belts & Buckles Kitchen Equipment G.R. Distributors Inc. Granite Transformations Ocean Sales Ltd.

Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9

91117 91028 91064

Hall 9

91072, 91025, 91026 91015 91099, 91103, 91104, 91098, 91116, 91067, 91033, 91027, 91008, 91007, 91002, 91001, 91066

Hall 9 Hall 9B

Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Hall 9B

Svensk Design Springfieldwoodworking Tupperware (High Power Sales Inc.)

Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 9

91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91037 91114 91016

Land Leveling Equipment Agri Con Ltd. AgShield MFg

Lot D Lot D

BD Manufacturing

Hall 7

Bridgeview Manufacturing Inc.

Lot D

Cardale Tech Corp Degelman Industries

Lot L Lot F

Diamond International Trucks Ltd. / Diamond

Lot E

8412 8325, 8324, 8323 70116, 70118, 70114 8314, 8313, 8312 6211 9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 8217

Trailer Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Fabrication S. Houle Farmtronics Grouser Products Hi Tec Johnson Mfg., Inc. Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kirchner Machine Ltd. Leon's Mfg. Company Inc.

Lot D Lot E Hall 7 Lot D Lot C Lot D Hall 9 Hall 9A Lot B

8304 8216, 8215 70240, 70238 8321 7010 8320 93000 90022 7013, 7014


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Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Lever Holdings Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Lot D Hall 9A Lot D

Notch Manufacturing, Inc. Quick Drain Sales Ltd. Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lot L Lot D Lot E

Schulte Industries Ltd. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 2 Lot F

Yanush Enterprises

Lot P

8518 90021 8413, 8414, 8415 6006 8524 8218, 8220, 8219 20001 9112, 9111, 9110 6204

Landscaping & Yard Care AgShield MFg

Lot D

BD Manufacturing

Hall 7

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

BILN Holdings Inc.

Hall 7

Cardale Tech Corp Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. DEL Equipment Farmagro Sales Ltd.

Lot L Lot G Hall 9A Hall 7

Flaman Sales Ltd.

Lot D

G.R. Distributors Inc.

Hall 9

Grouser Products Helm Welding (1983) Limited Husqvarna Canada Corp Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Lever Holdings Inc. MiniBulk Inc. MTI Canada Prairie Flag and Pole Quick Drain Sales Ltd. Raymore New Holland/Country Clipper The Laird Manufacturing Corporation Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot D Hall 12 Lot P Hall 9 Lot B Lot D Hall 12 Lot N Hall 9A Lot D Hall 4 Lot D Lot N Lot F

Yetman's Ltd.

Hall 7

6007, 6008, 6009 8325, 8324, 8323 70116, 70118, 70114 6000, 6001, 6002 70416, 70418, 70414 6211 9206 90103 70113, 70111, 70115 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410 91072, 91025, 91026 8321 12601 6305 93000 7013, 7014 8518 12400 9303 90033 8524 40120, 40121 8328 9304 9112, 9111, 9110 70101, 70100, 70099, 70098, 70096, 70097, 70095



Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Hall 4 Lot D Hall 7 Lot D Lot E Lot D Lot D Lot L

40100A 8424, 8425 70133, 70135 8612 8208 8417 8322 6216, 6217

Lot P


B&W Trailer Hitches

Hall 7

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Dakota Products of Canada Golden West Trailers Sales

Hall 7 Lot D

Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Kramer Auction Ltd. Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Maxim Truck & Trailer

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 3 Lot D

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Rea's Welding/Real Industries Rostech Electronics

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 8

70424, 70523, 70426, 70525 6000, 6001, 6002 70221, 70219 8601, 8602, 8603 93042 92017 30000 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 70172 12101 80221

Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 9B Hall 9 Lot G Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7

80408 12205 4 92221 9202 12204 80201 90101 80105 70735, 70733 12716 70323, 70325

Advantage Sign & Display Systems AIM Industries American Buildings Company B&W Trailer Hitches

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7

Balkrishna Industries Ltd. BD Manufacturing

Hall 7 Hall 7

C W Mowat Manufacturing Inc. C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd Conqur Industries Inc CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. Convey-All Ind. Inc. DEL Equipment Dimo's/Labtronics Dynamic Ditchers Inc. General Body & Equipment Hella, Inc. - Canada Hi-Hog Farm & Ranch Equip. Ltd. igus Canada

Lot L Lot D Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot B Hall 9A Hall 8 Lot D Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7

70917 8600 93031 70424, 70523, 70426, 70525 70826 70116, 70118, 70114 6213 8307 12709 8511, 8510 92113 70430, 70432 7012 90103 80404, 80402 8304 93044 12707 12103 70754, 70752

Livestock Identification Norheim Ranching

Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L

Canada West Supply Interlake Resources Inc. Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Kelln Solar Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Pro Watt Supply Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Liquid Storage Ag Growth International Ag Growth International Alpine-the starter fertilizer company Flaman Sales Ltd.

Free Form Plastic Products Hoffart Services Inc. Hold-on Industries Huge L Steel Inc. JTL Industries Ltd. Novid Inc. Pattison Liquid Systems Polywest Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot F Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot N

90102 70732, 70730 90101 9200 93042 93045 9304

Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Lot D

70802 8100 70539, 70537 8400, 8402, 8401, 8403, 8404, 8405, 8406, 8407, 8408, 8409, 8410

Livestock Trailers

Lubricants Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. Cap-it Regina Certified Labs Crop Production Services Farmers of North America Great Northern Growers Inc. Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Nemco Resources Ltd. Power-Up Lubricants - Sask. Total Canada Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.


JCA Electronics Integration Center Kramble Industries Lever Holdings Inc. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Meridian Manufacturing Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Lot F

Metal Connection Michel's Industries Ltd. N/C Quest Inc. Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc). Nu-Steel Ind. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Regina Metal Industries RIMEX Supply Ltd Schweiss Doors Wilger Industries Ltd.

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7

70620, 70622 70137, 70139 8518 70530, 70532 9118, 9117, 9116, 9115, 9114, 9113 12703 8512 70913 12710 8529 70623, 70625 12613 8315 70241, 70243 70341, 70343

Manure Spreader Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L AGCO Canada Alpha Equipment Ltd.

Lot B Hall 7

Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Kioti (Superior Forklift Ltd.) Kuhn Farm Machinery

Lot D Hall 9 Lot D

Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Mechanical Services DEL Equipment

Hall 3 Lot B

6007, 6008, 6009 7300 70518, 70514, 70516 8304 93000 8422, 8421, 8423 30000 7013, 7014

Hall 9A


EMW Industrial M&M Equipment Ltd. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Sontanner Sales Ltd. Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7

93027 90021 70623, 70625 8330, 8329 70323, 70325

Monitors/Meters/Gauges/Probes Ag Leader Technology

Hall 7

Agtron Enterprises Inc. DICKEY-john EMW Industrial FarmTech Solutions Farmtronics GSI Group Innotag/Performance Feed Works IntraGrain Technologies Inc. Loup Electronics Inc. On AV INC Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Polywest Ltd. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Rostech Electronics Setter Manufacturing Division

Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot L Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 7

70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 70636, 70634 90008, 90010 93027 90105 70240, 70238 12823, 12825 6011 70440, 70438 90012 12821 92011 6216, 6217 70623, 70625 80221 70643, 70641

Other Advertising & Communications DEL Equipment Golden West Radio Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corp.

Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 8

90103 12115 80011, 80009


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Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category)

Other Buildings & Construction Wind & Weather Fabric Structures American Buildings Company Apex Electrical Ltd. Bakke Buildings Canada West Supply Canadian Dome Industries Ltd. Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Coverco Buildings Diamond Doors Inc. FastCover Fabric Structures Ltd.

Lot D Hall 9 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd. G&B Portable Fabric Building Granite Transformations Greener Solutions Spray Foam Insulation and Coatings GreyWolf Metal Art Haukaas Industries Ltd. Heat Innovations Inc. Hybrid Renovation Inc J.W. Commercial Painting Janzen Steel Buildings Ltd Lynn Peteson Construction Minard's Steadfast Homes Northlands Building Systems - Winkler

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12

8507, 8506 93031 8529 12909 90102 12714 12709 12706 70124, 70126 70351, 70353, 70252, 70254 92110 70629, 70631 91015 12206

Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 lot d Lot B Hall 7

91083, 91082 90006 12604 91040, 91039 12606 70145, 70147 9000 7104, 7105 70716, 70714

Structures Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc). Nu-Steel Ind. Prairie Post Frame

Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7

Prairie Steel Products Ltd. Regina Metal Industries Reimer Overhead Doors Schweiss Doors Security Building Supplies Suncoast Enclosures The Container Guy Ltd Versa Frame Inc. Vortex Plumbing and Heating Walkers Water Systems Westman Consulting Inc. Wizer Buildings ZipperlockBuilding Company (2005) Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot D Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 9 lot d Hall 12 Hall 12

12710 8529 70434, 70436, 12612 70509, 70511 12613 12501 70241, 70243 70421, 70419 91004, 91003 8616, 8615 90104 12404 92212 8614 12609 12915

Other Equipment AFAB Industries Ag Authority Agri Con Ltd. Agri-Spread NA Inc.

Lot D Lot E Lot D Hall 7

AgShield MFg

Lot D

AIM Industries Beijing TT Aviation Technology Co.,ltd. B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. Bourgault Tiilage Tools Ltd.

Lot D Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7

Canada West Supply DEL Equipment DSG Power Systems Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Falcon Equipment Ltd Farmagro Sales Ltd.

Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Lot L Hall 7

General Body & Equipment Guttermaster/Pacesetter Enterprises Heatmasterss/Steeltech Inc Huber Ag Equipment Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot L


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

8508 8007, 8008 8412 70251, 70152, 70253, 70154 8325, 8324, 8323 8600 12212 93026 70544, 70542, 70540, 70538 90102 90103 70536, 70534 8304 6214 70113, 70111, 70115 93044 91051 70232, 70230 6212

Interlake Resources Inc. JCA Electronics Integration Center Kärcher Canada Inc. Kar-Tech , Inc. Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kuhn Farm Machinery

Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot L Hall 3 Hall 9A Lot D

Linak U.S. Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. Maljohn Plastics Company Limited Massload Technologies Inc. Maverick Industries Ltd Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Pumps and Pressure, Inc Quickie Tie-Down (PADACO Enterprises) Range Road Enterprises LTD Smoke Em Diesel Performance Sontanner Sales Ltd. The Container Guy Ltd Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 5 Lot D Hall 9A Lot D Lot D Hall 7

Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd. Zhejiang Zhitian Technology Co. Ltd.

Lot B Hall 7 Hall 9

70732, 70730 70620, 70622 6208 30300 90022 8422, 8421, 8423 70439, 70437 90021 70530, 70532 70209, 70211 12120 92011 70234, 70236 50305 8418 90020 8330, 8329 8616, 8615 70508, 70605, 70506, 70607, 70603, 70504 7301 70323, 70325 93040

Other Lifestyle Age Old Aerial Farm Photos ltd Angel's Art BRMI Essentials Inc. Cap-it Regina Cindy-rella's Sewing & Quilting Euroshine, Inc.

0 Hall 9B Hall 9 Hall 9B Hall 9B Hall 9

GreyWolf Metal Art Heatmasterss/Steeltech Inc Hybrid Renovation Inc Knight Hazard Protection Ltd Posh Patio Deck Covers Inc Redfern Enterprises Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 9B

RSL Canada Inc./Lozman Canada Inc.

Hall 9B

Suncoast Enclosures VisionWerx - SpaBerry

Hall 9 Hall 9

91117 91038 4 91118 91068, 91056, 91014 91083, 91082 70232, 70230 91040, 91039 92009 91010, 91011 91100, 91079, 91053, 91078, 91019, 91020, 91023, 91024, 91080 91111, 91110, 91109, 91070, 91071 91004, 91003 91043

Other Livestock Bio Mulcher (A Division of Dutch Industries)

Hall 7

Callicrate Banders Earth Smart Solutions FarmTech Solutions Huber Ag Equipment Ltd. Morand Industries Ltd. Penergetic Canada Target Cattle Concepts-Canadian Dist for

Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9A Lot L Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12

70308, 70405, 70306, 70407, 70403, 70304 12917 80214 90105 6212 12106 80110, 80108 12411, 12413

Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 8

70917 92215 12505, 12503 90103 70340, 70338 80214


Other Products & Imputs Advantage Sign & Display Systems ALS Environmental BIoAgronics DEL Equipment De-On Supply Inc. Earth Smart Solutions

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan Koenders Water Solutions Penergetic Canada Pentair Hypro-SHURFLO Princess Auto Ltd. Raeburn &Associates Ltd. Sunnybrook Welding & Machine Shop Ltd. Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. Wilkinson Diesel Service Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 7

12712 12504 80110, 80108 12200, 12201 80102 90002 70724, 70722 80220, 80219 70323, 70325

Packers Agri Con Ltd. Bourgault Industries Kodiak LED Lighting & Accessories Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Lot D Hall 4 Hall 9 Lot D

Place View Inc Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd)

Hall 12 Lot N

8412 40100 93042 8413, 8414, 8415 12415 9304

Parts & Service Ag Authority Canada West Supply Casterland/Specialty Tire Crossroads Parts & Sales Cummins Western Canada DEL Equipment Dyne Industries Dyterra Corporation Exapta Solutions Flexco Gaber Distributors

Lot E Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 8 Lot L

General Body & Equipment Hella, Inc. - Canada Interlake Resources Inc. John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kärcher Canada Inc. M&M Equipment Ltd. New Holland Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Pumps and Pressure, Inc Schumacher Co. LLC Setter Manufacturing Division Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd. Spraytarget The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 6 Lot L Lot L Hall 9A Hall 5 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot F

8007, 8008 90102 70171 12507 70443, 70441 90103 12617 70729, 70731 93047 80206 5903, 5902, 5904 93044 12707 70732, 70730 60000 5900 6208 90021 50000 92011 70234, 70236 93024 70643, 70641 12412 12708 12813 9112, 9111, 9110

Pest Control Wind & Weather Fabric Structures Grandpa Gus Rodent Control

8507, 8506 12711

Hall 8 Lot G Hall 8 Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 7

80408 9202 80201 90101 12120 70101, 70100, 70099, 70098, 70096, 70097, 70095

Precision Farming Ag Business & Crop Inc. Ag Leader Technology

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7

Greentronics Headsight Inc. Innotag/Performance Feed Works Logiag- LaserAg Loup Electronics Inc. Maxquip Inc

Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot L Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7

Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot F

New Holland NORAC Systems Outback Guidance Pillar Lasers Inc

Hall 5 Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot E

Positioning and Autosteer Technologies Inc

Hall 7

Raven Industries Setter Manufacturing Division Sontanner Sales Ltd. Spraytarget SST Software Trimble Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd. Wilger Industries Ltd.

Lot B Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 7

92120 92218 12811 70719, 70721 92113 80114, 80112 70729, 70731 12824 93047 70107, 70105, 70109 92015 12905 6011 12211 90012 70717, 70713, 70715 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 50000 70711, 70709 70639, 70637 8207, 8206, 8205 70106, 70108, 70104 7308 70643, 70641 8330, 8329 12708 80106 70352, 70354 70710, 70712 70341, 70343

Hall 9B Lot G Lot L Hall 9A Lot N Hall 7

4 9206 6208 90023 9303 70234, 70236

Hall 9 Hall 7

93027 70623, 70625

Hall 12


Pressure Washers Cap-it Regina Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. Kärcher Canada Inc. Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. MTI Canada Pumps and Pressure, Inc

Project Management EMW Industrial Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI)

Propane Heat Innovations Inc.

Lot D Hall 12

Petroleum Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer Crop Production Services Great Northern Growers Inc. Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Maverick Industries Ltd Yetman's Ltd.

AgEagle Canada Agrimatics Airguard Incorporated Capstan Ag Systems, Inc. Conqur Industries Inc Decisive Farming Dyterra Corporation Elmer's Manufacturing Exapta Solutions Farmers Edge

Hall 9 Hall 7

93022 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653

Publications & Communications Ag Dealer American Buildings Company DTN/The Progressive Farmer Farmers Product Guide Grainews Prairie Ag Catalogue The Western Producer

Hall 9a Hall 9 Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 3

90005 93031 80212 12807 70610, 70612 70169 30301, 30302

Hall 9A Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 7

90005 90106 70915 92017 70543, 70541 70233, 70235

Real Estate Farm & Ranch by Better Homes Farm Boy Realty Corp. Hammond Realty Kramer Auction Ltd. Lane Realty Corporation Re/Max Blue Chip Realty

Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category) Real Estate Centre The Retiring Farmer Town of Taber

Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 9

70630, 70632 70322, 70320 91005

Dakota Products of Canada Mumby Manufacturing Ltd.

Recycling C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. CleanFARMS Inc. De-On Supply Inc. Saskatchewan Assoc. for Resource Recovery

Lot D Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 9

8307 92115 70340, 70338 92117

Corp. Simply Agriculture Solutions Inc. TruGreen Metal Recycling

Hall 9 Hall 9A

92112 90039

Road Maintenance Equipment Agri Con Ltd. Cardale Tech Corp Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Falcon Equipment Ltd Johnson Mfg., Inc. Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Lever Holdings Inc. Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. Road Boss Grader Schulte Industries Ltd.

Lot D Lot L Lot D Lot L Lot D Lot B Lot D Lot D Lot G Hall 2

8412 6211 8304 6214 8320 7013, 7014 8518 8430 9205 20001

Rock Pickers & Diggers Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Degelman Industries

Lot F

Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Fabrication S. Houle Flexxifinger Haybuster Mfg./ DuraTech Highline Manufacturing Ltd. Rite Way Mfg. Co. Ltd.

Lot D Lot E Hall 7 Lot D Lot G Lot E

Schulte Industries Ltd. Summer's Mfg. Co.

Hall 2 Lot D

6000, 6001, 6002 9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 8304 8216, 8215 70444, 70442 8517 9203 8218, 8220, 8219 20001 8509, 8508

Roofing & Tresses Fix Building Products 2000 Ltd. Interlock Industries/c/o Houston Roofing Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc). Nu-Steel Ind. Security Building Supplies The Container Guy Ltd Versa Frame Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Lot D Hall 9A

92110 92003 12710 8529 70421, 70419 8616, 8615 90104

Degelman Industries

Lot F

Highline Manufacturing Ltd. HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin New Holland Roto Shear Schulte Industries Ltd. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Lot G Hall 12 Hall 5 0 Hall 2 Lot F

9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 9203 12619 50000

Wilke Sales

Hall 7

Rotary Cutters & Blades


Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016


20001 9112, 9111, 9110 70415, 70413

Hall 7 Hall 7

70221, 70219 70172

Hall 9 0 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 8 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 12


Lot L Hall 9A

6208 90023

Hall 9 Lot B Hall 8 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot P Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot B

92218 7012 80404, 80402 12801 90012 70209, 70211 12513, 12515 12106 6302 12207 70710, 70712 7301

Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot N Hall 9 Lot G Hall 8 Hall 8 0 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7

12608 92215 9302 92115 9202 80404, 80402 80214

Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.

Hall 9A

Farmagro Sales Ltd.

Hall 7

Louis Dreyfus Commodities Polywest Ltd.

Hall 8 Lot L

90011, 90013, 90015, 90017, 90019 70113, 70111, 70115 80006, 80004 6216, 6217

Safety Agricultural Health and Safety Network Brightway Security Knight Hazard Protection Ltd On AV INC Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Rostech Electronics Saskatchewan Safety Council SaskPower (Safety) Smart Scale Technologies Inc.

92009 12821 70623, 70625 80221 92007 12611 12207

Sandblasting Equipment Kärcher Canada Inc. Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd.

Scales Agrimatics Convey-All Ind. Inc. Dimo's/Labtronics Industrial Scale Ltd. Loup Electronics Inc. Massload Technologies Inc. Moly MFG., Inc./Silencer Morand Industries Ltd. Norheim Ranching Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Triple Star Manufacturing Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Seed Agrocorp Processing Ltd. ALS Environmental APV / Garage Wendel Mathis inc. CleanFARMS Inc. Crop Production Services Dimo's/Labtronics Earth Smart Solutions Elite Seeds ILTA Grain Inc. Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) MiniBulk Inc. Rayglen Commodities Simpson Seeds Inc Taslar Trading Corp (TTC) Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

12815 70734, 70736 12400 70633, 70635 12901 12803 70508, 70605, 70506, 70607, 70603, 70504

Seed Treatment

Seeding/Tillage Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. Hall 12 Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L Ag Authority Ag Leader Technology

Lot E Hall 7

AGCO Canada Agremote System Agri Con Ltd. Agtron Enterprises Inc. Airguard Incorporated APV / Garage Wendel Mathis inc. Atomjet Industries

Lot B Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot N Hall 7

Bourgault Industries Bourgault Tiilage Tools Ltd.

Hall 4 Hall 7

Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot D

Convey-All Ind. Inc. Crossroads Parts & Sales Degelman Industries

Lot B Hall 12 Lot F

Devloo Roto Mud Scrapers Dimo's/Labtronics Dutch Openers

Hall 9A Hall 8 Hall 7

Dyterra Corporation Elmer's Manufacturing Exapta Solutions Farm land Specialty Products/Ground Up AG Gaber Distributors

Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 7 Lot L

12502 6007, 6008, 6009 8007, 8008 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 7300 70331, 70329 8412 70636, 70634 12811 9302 70617, 70613, 70615 40100 70544, 70542, 70540, 70538 8606, 8605, 8604 7012 12507 9109, 9108, 9107, 9106, 9105, 9104 90027, 90025 80404, 80402 70743, 70741, 70739, 70737 70729, 70731 12824 93047 70216, 70218 5903, 5902, 5904

Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Haul All Industries Horsch LLC

Lot L Lot D Lot D

Innotag/Performance Feed Works Intelligent Agricultural Solutions (IAS) John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Kirchner Machine Ltd. Kongskilde Industries Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Loup Electronics Inc. Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Lot L Hall 7 Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9A Lot L Hall 3 Hall 9A Lot D

Maxquip Inc

Hall 7

Michel's Industries Ltd. Morris Industries Ltd.

Lot D Lot F

New Holland Norwood Sales Inc. Pattison Liquid Systems Pillar Lasers Inc

Hall 5 Lot L Lot D Lot E

Polywest Ltd. Raycol Equipment Canada Pty Ltd. Salford Group Inc.

Lot L Hall 8 Lot L

Salford Valmar Seed Hawk Inc./Vaderstad SeedMaster Spraytest Controls Inc Summer's Mfg. Co. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd.

Lot D Lot N Hall 1 Hall 7 Lot D Lot B Lot P

6010 8513 8303, 8302, 8301, 8300 6011 70734, 70736 60000 5900 90022 6005 30000 90012 8413, 8414, 8415 70717, 70713, 70715 8512 9103, 9102, 9101, 9100, 9002, 9001 50000 6100 8322 8207, 8206, 8205 6216, 6217 80104 5908, 5909, 5910, 5911, 5912, 5913 8317, 8316 9400 10000 70121, 70123 8509, 8508 7301 6205

a division of Diamond International Trucks Ltd. 17020-118 Avenue, Edmonton, AB 780-732-4461





Advanced Vortex Concaves Tough enough to shrug off rock damage Hard enough to hold their edge No jagged edges for a smoother more complete thresh Best Warranty in North America

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Vortex & Hard Thresh $1,200 per piece

CALL RUSS WILDFONG 306-260-2833 RICK WILDFONG 306-734-7721 OR SHOP 306-734-2345 Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category)

Shredders Highline Manufacturing Ltd. Schulte Industries Ltd.

Lot G Hall 2

9203 20001

Lot D Lot D Hall 12 Lot L Lot P Hall 7

8511, 8510 8321 12619 6005 6302 70134, 70136

Lot E Hall 12 Lot D Hall 6 Lot L Lot B Hall 12 Lot D Lot L Lot N

8007, 8008 12617 8321 60000 5900 7013, 7014 12703 8430 6108, 6109 9304

Silage Equipment Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd Grouser Products HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin Kongskilde Industries Norheim Ranching Taber Diesel Services

Skid Steers Ag Authority Dyne Industries Grouser Products John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Leon's Mfg. Company Inc. Metal Connection Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. South Country JCB Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd)

Snow blowers Adair Sales & Marketing Company Incorporated Lot L AGCO Canada Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot B Lot D

Fair Mfg Inc.

Hall 7

Helm Welding (1983) Limited HLA/TUBE-LINE/MK Martin Lankota MTI Canada

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Lot N

6007, 6008, 6009 7300 8606, 8605, 8604 70517, 70513, 70515 12601 12619 93043 9303

Solar Kelln Solar Koenders Water Solutions Maverick Industries Ltd MI Energy Promold Marketing Inc. Range Road Enterprises LTD

Lot F Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Lot D

9200 12504 12120 70324, 70326 8426 8418

Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. Ag Authority Ag Leader Technology

Hall 12 Lot E Hall 7

Agrifac Machinery AgShield MFg

Lot L Lot D

Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot D

Cleanfix North America Ltd. CP Products Gaber Distributors

Hall 9 Hall 9 Lot L

Great Plains Mfg., Inc. Greenleaf Technologies, Inc

Lot L Hall 12

12502 8007, 8008 70651, 70552, 70554, 70653 6104 8325, 8324, 8323 8606, 8605, 8604 92118 92216 5903, 5902, 5904 6010 12500



Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Horsch LLC

Lot D

John Deere Canada ULC John Deere Canada ULC Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. NORAC Systems Pattison Liquid Systems Polywest Ltd. Rogers Sprayers Inc. Schulte Industries Ltd. Setter Manufacturing Division Spraytarget Spraytest Controls Inc Summer's Mfg. Co. Taber Diesel Services Tridekon Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Westward Parts Services Ltd.

Hall 6 Lot L Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Lot L Hall 9A Hall 2 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 7 Lot B Lot F

Wilger Industries Ltd. Wingssprayer BV

Hall 7 Hall 9A

8303, 8302, 8301, 8300 60000 5900 90023 70711, 70709 8322 6216, 6217 90040 20001 70643, 70641 12708 70121, 70123 8509, 8508 70134, 70136 70808 7301 9112, 9111, 9110 70341, 70343 90001, 90003

Hall 9 Lot D Lot D Hall 7 Lot B Hall 9A Hall 9 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D

93031 8307 8511, 8510 70430, 70432 7012 90103 91083, 91082 12703 8512 70913 12710 8529 70623, 70625 12613 8616, 8615

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Elmer's Manufacturing

Hall 12

6000, 6001, 6002 12824

Steel Fabrication American Buildings Company C. Wiesner Welding Ltd. Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. Convey-All Ind. Inc. DEL Equipment GreyWolf Metal Art Metal Connection Michel's Industries Ltd. N/C Quest Inc. Nu-Steel Ind.(A Division of Convey-All Inc). Nu-Steel Ind. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Regina Metal Industries The Container Guy Ltd

Swather Transports

Swathers AGCO Canada AgShield MFg

Lot B Lot D

BN Equipment Design Ltd. Dakota Products of Canada Free Form Plastic Products EMW Industrial Schulte Industries Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 4 Hall 9 Hall 2

7300 8325, 8324, 8323 12121 70221, 70219 40100A 93027 20001

Lot G Hall 5 Hall 7 Lot F Hall 3 Hall 12 Lot D

9206 50307, 50308 70133, 70135 9200 30000 12104 8426

Tanks & Waterers Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Hold-on Industries Kelln Solar Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Paysen Livestock Equipment Inc. Promold Marketing Inc.


Tools & Shop Equipment

Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers Ltd. Cancade CBI Limited Commercial Industrial Mfg Ltd DEL Equipment Falcon Equipment Ltd Haul All Industries Michel's Industries Ltd. Northlands Building Systems - Winkler

Hall 12 Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Lot L Lot D Lot D Hall 7

12709 8522, 8521 8511, 8510 90103 6214 8513 8512 70716, 70714

Structures SHUR-CO

Hall 7


Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Lot B


Lot L Lot D Lot L

6214 8430 6108, 6109

Telehandler Falcon Equipment Ltd Prairie Side Equipment Ltd. South Country JCB

Tires Agri Con Ltd. Balkrishna Industries Ltd. Cap-it Regina Casterland/Specialty Tire GTC North America Integra Tire Canada Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Maxim Truck & Trailer

Lot D Hall 7 Hall 9B Hall 7 0 Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot D

Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.

Hall 7

Mr. Tire Corp. OK Tire Stores Inc.

Hall 12 Hall 7

Pneu-Tek Tire Tools Polar Mobility Research Ltd. Soucy International Inc.

Hall 7 Hall 9 Lot P

Bad Dog Tools BG Prairie Distributors Ltd. B-Line Tire & Auto Supply Ltd. Canada West Supply Dakota Products of Canada Diamond Industries Ltd. G.R. Distributors Inc.

Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9

Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Pneu-Tek Tire Tools Praxair Products Inc. Quickie Tie-Down (PADACO Enterprises) Red-D-Arc Welderentals Schweiss Doors Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd. Stor-Loc Waymarc

Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot D Hall 5 Lot D Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

92121 12205 93026 90102 70221, 70219 12600 91072, 91025, 91026 90101 70242, 70244 8319, 8318 50305 8420 70241, 70243 12412 70529, 70531 70140, 70138

Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D Hall 9 Lot N Hall 12 Lot P

70171 12617 8321 92325 9300 12207 6300, 6301

Ag Authority Buhler Industries (Versatile, Farm King)

Lot E Lot D

Claas of America Dakota Products of Canada Dyne Industries Hy-Capacity/Double 'R' Mahindra North America

Hall 3 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9A

8007, 8008 8606, 8605, 8604 30001 70221, 70219 12617 12414 90000

Tracks Casterland/Specialty Tire Dyne Industries Grouser Products Mattracks Northern Plains Track Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Soucy International Inc.

8412 70826 4 70171 70804 90101 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 70521, 70519, 70422, 70420 12610 70619, 70520, 70621, 70522 70242, 70244 92011 6300, 6301


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water management Canada: Winkler, Manitoba & Taber, Alberta


US: 9 plants & 6 yards

Supplement to The Western Producer


Exhibitor List (by category)

Metal Connection MTZ Equipment Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7

Shijiazhuang Jiuzhou Seats Sales Co., Ltd. Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Taber Diesel Services Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7

Winacott Equipment Group

Lot D

12703 70707, 70608, 70705, 70606, 70703, 70604 12412 12207 70134, 70136 70508, 70605, 70506, 70607, 70603, 70504 8520, 8519

Trailers Agremote System AgShield MFg

Hall 7 Lot D

Automatic Truck & Trailer Sales Cancade CBI Limited Conqur Industries Inc Convey-All Ind. Inc. Dakota Products of Canada DEL Equipment Doepker Industries Ltd. Hoffart Services Inc. Kramble Industries Kramer Auction Ltd. Lemken/Prairie Agri Sales Ltd. Maxim Truck & Trailer

Lot B Lot D Hall 9 Lot B Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot L Lot D Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 3 Lot D

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Neustar Manufacturing Norheim Ranching PJ Canada Inc Precision Trailers Rainbow Trailers Inc. Regina Metal Industries Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd. Walinga Inc.

Hall 7 Lot P Lot P Lot D Hall 9A Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot E Hall 7

Warner Industries

Lot D

70331, 70329 8325, 8324, 8323 7306 8522, 8521 92113 7012 70221, 70219 90103 6003, 6004 8424, 8425 70137, 70139 92017 30000 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 70172 6306 6302 8609, 8608 90028 12820 12613 12207 8000 70132, 70130, 70229, 70231 8311, 8310, 8309

Transporation & Logistics 18 Wheels Training Services Cervus Equipment Farmers of North America Lowdemilk Transport Ltd. Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Rayglen Commodities Saskatchewan Transportation Company (STC) Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Taber Diesel Services The Container Guy Ltd Trusted Dispatch

Hall 7 Lot P Hall 5 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 12

8522, 8521 4 8327, 8326 90103 70536, 70534 6214 93044 12707 90101 70137, 70139 12805 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 70172 6306 50305 70916 12207 90020 12813

Trucks 18 Wheels Training Services Automatic Truck & Trailer Sales Cancade CBI Limited Cervus Equipment DEL Equipment J. Brandt Enterprises K & K Enterprises Ltd. Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Lakeshore Manufacturing Maxim Truck & Trailer

Hall 8 Lot B Lot D Lot D Hall 9A Lot D Lot L Hall 9A Hall 12 Lot D

Neustar Manufacturing Regina Metal Industries Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales Ltd. Taber Diesel Services Warner Industries

Lot P Hall 12 Hall 12 Lot E Hall 7 Lot D

Winacott Equipment Group

Lot D

80215 7306 8522, 8521 8327, 8326 90103 8526, 8525 6209, 6210 90101 12805 8332, 8331, 8432, 8431 6306 12613 12207 8000 70134, 70136 8311, 8310, 8309 8520, 8519

Hall 7 Hall 12

70430, 70432 12703

Elmer's Manufacturing Kramble Industries Mandako Agri Marketing Ltd.

Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D

Notch Manufacturing, Inc. Polywest Ltd. Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc. Wadena Steel and Supply Ltd.

Lot L Lot L Lot B Lot P

12824 70137, 70139 8413, 8414, 8415 6006 6216, 6217 7301 6205

80215 8327, 8326 12204 12213 70172 70633, 70635 12510 12207 70134, 70136 8616, 8615 12210

CONVEYAIR-Thor Manufacturing Ltd. Metal Connection

Lot E Hall 12

8216, 8215 12703

Waste Management

Agremote System B&W Trailer Hitches

Hall 7 Hall 7

Bergen Industries Inc.

Lot L

Canada West Supply

Hall 9A

Canada’s Farm Progress Show 2016

Mumby Manufacturing Ltd. Neustar Manufacturing Quickie Tie-Down (PADACO Enterprises) SHUR-CO Smart Scale Technologies Inc. Smoke Em Diesel Performance The Gear Centre/Pat's Driveline

Hall 8 Lot D Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 7 Lot D Hall 12

Truck Accessories


Lot D Hall 9B Lot D Hall 9A Hall 7 Lot L Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 9A Hall 7 Hall 12 Lot D

Vacuum Pumps

Tree Movers Fabrication S. Houle Metal Connection

Cancade CBI Limited Cap-it Regina Cervus Equipment DEL Equipment DSG Power Systems Falcon Equipment Ltd General Body & Equipment Hella, Inc. - Canada Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Kramble Industries Lakeshore Manufacturing Maxim Truck & Trailer

70331, 70329 70424, 70523, 70426, 70525 6000, 6001, 6002 90102


Bio Mulcher (A Division of Dutch Industries)

Hall 7

CleanFARMS Inc. De-On Supply Inc. Green Aero Technology Inc. Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute (PAMI) Smart Scale Technologies Inc. ADS Canada/Ideal Pipe Conqur Industries Inc

Hall 9 Hall 7 Hall 5 Hall 7 Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9

70308, 70405, 70306, 70407, 70403, 70304 92115 70340, 70338 50303 70623, 70625 12207 12827 92113

Dynamic Ditchers Inc. Green Aero Technology Inc. Northern Plains Drainage Systems

Lot D Hall 5 Hall 7

Positioning and Autosteer Technologies Inc

Hall 7

Precision Land Solutions Walkers Water Systems

Hall 12 Hall 9

8304 50303 70215, 70217, 70213 70106, 70108, 70104 12512 92212

Water Pumping

Air Liquide Canada Keller Equipment Supply Ltd. Praxair Products Inc. Red-D-Arc Welderentals Schweiss Doors

Hall 7 Hall 9A Lot D Lot D Hall 7

70142, 70144 90101 8319, 8318 8420 70241, 70243

Lot G Hall 9

9206 92212

Cap-it Regina Fort Garry RIMEX Supply Ltd Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing

Hall 9B Lot L Lot D Hall 7

Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.

Lot B

4 6101, 6102 8315 70508, 70605, 70506, 70607, 70603, 70504 7301

Lot F Lot D

9200 8426

Lot F Hall 12

9200 12504


Ace Pump Corp. c/o Points West Marketing Ltd. Cardale Tech Corp Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. Conqur Industries Inc Kelln Solar Koenders Water Solutions Mancorp Industrial Sales Ltd. Promold Marketing Inc. Southern Irrigation Wacker Neuson (Superior Forklift Ltd) Walkers Water Systems

Hall 12 Lot L Lot G Hall 9 Lot F Hall 12 Hall 9A Lot D Hall 7 Lot N Hall 9

12502 6211 9206 92113 9200 12504 90023 8426 70330, 70332 9304 92212

Water Treatment ecOzone Water Solutions Element Water Systems Infinite Water Solutions Koenders Water Solutions Penergetic Canada Southern Irrigation The Water Clinic Walkers Water Systems

Welding Equipment

Hall 12 Hall 12 Hall 9 Hall 12 Hall 8 Hall 7 Hall 9 Hall 9

12817 12508 93023 12504 80110, 80108 70330, 70332 92021 92212

Clark's Supply & Service Ltd. Walkers Water Systems


Wind Kelln Solar Promold Marketing Inc.

Windmills Kelln Solar Koenders Water Solutions

Retracting Swing Auger See us at Booth 70313, 70315 & 70317 In Hall 7

Versions to fit most augers. 10" through 16"

Free Initial Consultation

Quickly Unload B-Trains

Retract Extend Swing

AugerSee video on our website See Video videoat at





Rodono Industries Ltd.

Rodono Industries

Clive, AB T0C 0Y0 Phone: 403-784-3864

See Us At Farm Progress, Regina, SK NEW PRODUCT

WIRELESS MAGNETIC LIGHT Put your swing auger in place while in the comfort of your truck

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See Us At Hall 7 Booths 70121 & 70123

SprayTest Remote Boom Control Hand held remote system for nozzle checks and servicing. TPMS Tire Pressure Monitor System for Ag Equipment Monitor tire pressures for optimal tire life. Sensor in each tire gives live readout & warning of tire pressure loss.

Blue LED Sprayer Lights Light up entire boom to spray in reduced light or night spraying.

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LOT TH: #800 D 5

The Double Barrel Pit Express Fast High Capacity Unloading • Capacities up to 24,000 bph • Low Deck Height • Drive over convenience to feed belt conveyors and large augers

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See us at Hall 7 Booth #70171

Alberta’s largest stocking wholesale supplier of specialty tires, tubes & wheels for all your TURF and LANDSCAPING NEEDS.

We’ll install a new TIRE or TUBE while you wait because we know your time is valuable.

If it ain’t turnin’...It ain’t earnin’ We stock a wide range of Lawn & Garden Tires, Skid Steer Tires, Trailer Tires, Snow Blower Tires, and Tubes Call or visit our website for information about any of our products.

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• Improve efficiency and increase yield • Better emergence resulting in improved weed competition in all crops OVER 40,000 SCRAPERS NOW IN USE ACROSS THE PRAIRIES and better flea beetle control in canola $ 18,680 • Uniform crops at fungicide application time DONATED TO BREAST CANCER RESEARCH • Decreased fuel use due to less tire drag

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2016-01-26 11:22 AM

2016-05-05 10:13 AM

Visit us at Booth 6208 Lot L

UNBEATABLE VERSATILITY As the inventor of the pressure washer, Kärcher is the world market leader in cleaning products. For more with less consumption and shorter cleaning times, Kärcher pressure wahers has the equipment that fulfills every cleaning need.

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Booth: 12204 Hall:12

YOU GROW GREAT BEER Great Western owes a debt to Saskatchewan farmers—particularly those that grow our barley. Without 100% Saskatchewan barley, our beer wouldn’t be so smooth, so refreshing…so Saskatchewan. We’re proud to support the Farm Progress Show and proud to support farmers.

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2015-05-15 10:17 AM

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