July 19 - 21, 2016 Located 15 min. NW of Saskatoon on Highway 16
Show Guide OFFICIAL 2 0 1 6
SEE Technology
TOUCH Innovation
BE Empowered
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6:50 AM
what’s inside
CONTENTS ubota Test Track 23 K • Get Behind the Wheel of a Kubota M7 Series Tractor at Ag in Motion
reetings from the G Show Director
6 See New Innovations for Increasing Canola Yields 7 New Ag in Motion Innovations Program Launched In 2016 7 SaskCanola Presents License to Farm
Scheduled Events
26 L ivestock Central • 2nd Annual Ag in Motion Boosts Livestock Programming In A Big Way 27 Who’s Promoting Ag in Motion? 28 Ag in Motion Fuels Up with Co-op
12 Unlike Any Western Canadian Farm Show 13 Meridian Offers Ag in Motion a Lift 14 2016 Ag in Motion Sponsors
30 Start, Manage and Grow Your Business with FCC 32 VIP Kids Club Returns For 2016 34 Saskatchewan Women in Ag to Strike a Pose at Ag in Motion!
illage Demo 16 T • Seeing the Ground Move
24 Hands-on Learning in the Field at Ag in Motion
17 S eeding Demo • Superior Air Seeders Side-by-Side 17 S eeding Demo • Clean Seed SMART Seeder comes to Ag in Motion!
34 New Building, New Look 35 Where to Eat at Ag in Motion 36 General Information 36 4-H Farm Safety Day Comes to Ag in Motion
19 RBC and Agri-Trend Join Together for the 2016 Knowledge Tent
38 Ag in Motion Map
ield Demos 22 F • Experience More New Technology in the Individual Demonstration Zones
Ag in Motion is owned and operated by Glacier FarmMedia. Glacier FarmMedia is the agricultural division of Glacier Media Inc., an information communications company focused on the provision of primary and essential information and related services through print, electronic and online media. The Glacier FarmMedia family includes: Western Producer, Grainews, Country Guide, Manitoba Co-operator, Canadian Cattlemen, Alberta Farmer Express, Le Bulletin des agriculteurs, Ag Dealer and Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. For more information visit farmmedia.com. Ag in Motion™ denotes a trade-mark of Canada’s Outdoor Shows Limited Partnership.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Greetings from the Show Director
elcome to the second annual Ag in Motion, Western Canada’s first outdoor agriculture trade show which features demonstrations of farm equipment, crops, crop inputs and livestock in a real agricultural setting. We’re a show that offers a new fresh atmosphere for farmers as well as companies to communicate and share knowledge. This year, Ag in Motion has grown in size with an increase in exhibitors and demonstrations because of what it offers. Ag in Motion is held on a half section of typical Saskatchewan grain and oilseed farmland about 35 km northwest of Saskatoon on Highway 16. Visitors will be able to see crop plot demonstrations by a variety of local and international companies as well as by scientific experts from the University of Saskatchewan. Another important part of Ag in Motion is the opportunity to learn. The AgriTrend Knowledge Tent presented by RBC will hold several daily seminars on today’s farming practices. There are over 100 acres dedicated to equipment demonstrations and test drives. It’s an opportunity to see equipment
working before choosing which one you need to purchase for your operation. Ag in Motion offers such a special opportunity that some companies are also arranging bus tours of farmers to take it in. You’ll also be able to see the many innovations being unveiled at Ag in Motion 2016 highlighted by the Ag in Motion Innovations Program in partnership with the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada. Also new for 2016, is a new Livestock Central at the show featuring dairy and beef cattle farm management. The new livestock specific programming includes new silage harvesting, baleage wrapping and cattle handling demonstrations. I would like to thank the staff and volunteers for helping plan and implement Ag in Motion 2016. It takes a huge amount of dedication to run a trade show and great effort to manage the growth of a show in its second year. I would also like to thank the many companies that have put their faith in Ag in Motion, especially our parent company Glacier FarmMedia with its family of farm publications produced by Farm Business Communications and the Western Producer. Many thanks also
(Up to 116.8 bu/acre Canola recorded)
The Future of Fertilizer. 4
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
go to our colleagues at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show in Woodstock, Ontario who have shared their time and expertise. I invite you to attend Ag in Motion 2016. Please stop me and say hi. I’d love to hear from you about your experience at the show. Rob O’Connor Show Director, Ag in Motion
Find Out How At:
ALWAYS ON NEVER OFF, IT’S CALLED FARMING We’re with you on the road to maximum production — with leading agronomic advice and the widest range of products and services. Every day of the year. So much riding on your farm, so many ways to profit from our experience. BRING IT ON
Visit us at our booth (152) and demo plots (125 & 133) CPS CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES and Design is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services, Inc. 04/16
Canola 100
See New Innovations for Increasing Canola Yields
ew field trials at Ag in Motion will challenge farmers to think differently about increasing canola yields on their farms. Spanning 10 acres, the Canola 100™ Field Trials will showcase new innovations from pre-seed to post-harvest that demonstrate a complete farm management system with the goal of reaching 100 bushels per acre yield. However, it’s not a variety comparison. Only one canola variety (CPS Proven 540) will be used in the trial. The Trials complement the Canola 100™ Agri-Prize™ competition launched at last year’s Ag in Motion, which challenges competitors to produce 100 bushels per acre of canola over 50 continuous acres. The competition spans three crop seasons (201618) and all farmers in Canada can participate using any type of farming technology, genetics, or agronomic practices. The first to reach a harvest of 100 bushels per acre wins a John Deere equipment package. Competition sponsors include Agri-Trend Inc., John Deere and Glacier FarmMedia. Categories in the Canola 100 Field Trials will include fertilizer blends/technology, farm practices and technique, seed varieties, chemical application, harvest, and post-harvest technique. To date, six companies are participating. Following are highlights of what products or technologies these companies are showcasing.
Crop Production Services PV 540 G is the newest, high-yielding Genuity® Roundup Ready® canola hybrid from Proven Seed. Providing canola growers an option that meets their high demands for yield and profitability, PV 540 G also delivers world-class protection against blackleg and overall ease of harvest. Proven to satisfy, PV 540 G will perform across all geographies of Western Canada and become one of the leading hybrids grown on the Prairies. Superior standability and disease resistance is available in every bag of Proven Seed canola. Available exclusively at Crop Production Services retail outlets, Proven Seed is bred right in Saskatoon from one of the leading seed breeding programs in the world. We are proud to be the exclusive seed sponsor for the Canola 100 trials and share the potential of PV 540 G with all attendees of Ag in Motion.
Agrium Inc. As a participant in the Canola 100 Field Trial, Agrium is showcasing the advanced controlled-release technology of ESN® SMART NITROGEN. ESN is a urea granule coated with a flexible polymer coating that protects the nitrogen from loss mechanisms and releases nitrogen to match plant demand. We call it responsive because the rate at which ESN releases its nitrogen is regulated by soil temperature. It’s why
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
canola crops really go for ESN — they get the nitrogen they need, when they need it most. How does it work? ESN’s polymer membrane allows moisture to diffuse into the granule, creating a nitrogen solution. The solution moves out through the membrane at a rate that is controlled by soil temperature and matches the nitrogen demand of the growing crop.
ATP Nutrition Our quest for “What’s Possible?” At ATP Nutrition we believe a proactive sciencebased approach to crop nutrition is the single most effective way to maximize the genetic potential of any crop. For the Canola 100 initiative we started with a robust soil fertility program incorporating granular micronutrients based off of requirements from a soil test. In season the plot will receive multiple foliar applications of essential nutrients, plant stimulators and biological activators. The foliar applications will be complemented with multiple top up applications of Nitrogen. The crop will be managed in season with new innovative analytical tools, in addition to intensive tissue analysis. The objective of this plot is to ensure that the crop has all the nutrients it requires to help reduce stress factors which can rob a crop of its initial yield potential. Come see our Canola 100 plot and learn “What’s Possible” on your farm.
BASF Excellent disease management is an essential step in maximizing yields in canola. Blackleg is a key pest for many canola growing regions in Western Canada. Using the incrop fungicide Priaxor at the 2- to 4-leaf stage of canola in conjunction with a resistant blackleg variety will provide the highest level of blackleg control. Priaxor fungicide will not only provide excellent blackleg control but also increase overall plant health by increasing below and above ground biomass, increasing photosynthetic efficiency, and building a stronger plant better able to take up nutrients and moisture. Protecting that investment with the best sclerotinia control available with Lance AG will provide continued plant health benefits to allow the canola crop to reach its full yield potential.
Dow AgroSciences Maximize yields by protecting your nitrogen. Within the Canola 100 Field Trials, Dow AgroSciences is demonstrating how nitrogen stabilizer products N-Serve™ and eNtrench™ can provide value to canola growers. N-Serve used with NH3 and eNtrench used with UAN or liquid manure maximizes canola’s yield potential by minimizing nitrogen loss from denitrification and leaching. This allows canola to have usable nitrogen in the root zone during peak uptake periods to maximize its yield potential. For the Canola 100 Field Trials eNtrench was used to protect the applied nitrogen. Nitrogen is a major factor in maximizing canola yields and protecting your nitrogen with N-serve or eNtrench helps ensure that the nitrogen is there to do its job.
The Stoller Group For over 45 years, The Stoller Group has been developing technology for growers worldwide to increase yields and increase ROI. Stoller now distributes products into over 60 countries worldwide, working with everything from high value fruit and vegetables to traditional field crops. Using natural hormones and nutrients the innovation team at Stoller have developed products that enable plants to withstand both biotic and abiotic stresses, while allowing plants to reach their full genetic potential. Bio Forge is designed to upregulate the inherent stress genetics of the plant, regulate the hormonal processes, and control ethylene production within the plant. Stimulate offers patented ratio of plant hormones Auxin, Cytokinin and Gibberellic Acid, proof sourced worldwide to increase yield and quality on numerous commodities.
New Ag in Motion Innovations Program Launched In 2016
renewed partnership with the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada and Ag in Motion leads to a new showcase for farm innovations in Canada. Since its establishment in 2015, Ag in Motion and its organizers have worked closely with the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC) to promote new innovations to a wider audience. In 2016, this kind of promotion will be funneled through the brand new Ag in Motion Innovations Program. The Ag in Motion Innovations Program is a free program for companies to participate in and highlight the new products or services they are bringing onto the Canadian marketplace. The Innovations Program offers a new focus on agricultural innovations as part of exhibitors’ overall experience when attending the show this July. Innovative entries can be slotted into one of three categories: innovations in crop or livestock technology, innovations in equipment technology or innovations in agribusiness services. The program is completely free to enter and even gets farmers involved in the judging. From July 19 to 21, farmers will be able to learn about each of the innovations in a central hub located in the Innovations
Program tent with ongoing displays as well as live presentations. Then, each innovation is judged by an expert panel as well as by farmers. Farmers at Ag in Motion can pick up ballots at the Innovations Program tent and use them to cast their vote for the most innovative entries. These farmer and expert scores will be used to determine award winners for the Innovations Program to be announced at the Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada Annual Convention in late November. Agriculture in Canada thrives because of the innovative products, services and technology available to Canadian farmers. The Ag in Motion Innovations Program celebrates those innovative advancements and hopefully will play a part in ensuring that Canada’s farmers continue to be early adopters of the latest breakthroughs.
Innovation Program application forms and more information can be found by visiting the Ag in Motion website or contacting Show Director Rob O’Connor.
SaskCanola Presents License to Farm
here is a lot to do and see at Ag in Motion this July. One of the newest additions to the “what to see” category is the License to Farm documentary thanks to SaskCanola. SaskCanola, also known as the Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission, is giving farmers the unique chance to see a new documentary, License to Farm. This initiative has been led by SaskCanola to encourage farmers to tell their story to consumers about modern production practises. “We are very proud of this film,”
says SaskCanola Executive Director Janice Tranberg. “Since its release in January, we have had almost 80,000 YouTube views and look forward to the chance to share it with even more farmers at Ag in Motion.” The film runs 30 minutes in length and focuses on dispelling common myths about Canadian agriculture. License to Farm viewings will be held in the Special Events tent along Manitoba Drive on Thursday, July 21 only. For exact times, check in with @AginMotion, @licensetofarm, or @SaskCanola on Twitter.
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Ag in Motion Exhibitors 2W Livestock Equipment 4-H Saskatchewan A Aberhart Ag Solutions Adair Sales and Marketing Company
C Canada West Harvest Centre
F Fabrication S. Houle
Infinite Water Solutions
Canadian Association of Farm Advisors (CAFA) Inc.
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Input Capital Corp
Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
Farm Credit Canada
Integrity Post Structures
Farm King
Intelligent Ag
Farm Lead
Interlake Resources Inc.
Farmers Edge
IntraGrain Technologies
Canadian Cattlemen
ADS Canada/Ideal Pipe
Canadian Grain Commission
Affinity Credit Union
Canadian Tarpaulin Manufacturers
Ag Business and Crop Inc.
Canadian Wheat Alliance
Ag Growth International (AGI)
Can-Seed Equipment Ltd.
Ag More Than Ever
AgChieve Corporation
Capstan Ag Systems Inc.
AgCon Aerial Corp.
CCI Manufacturing Inc
Agri-Environmental Group Plan
Cherry AgSecure/ ILC Ag
Agri-King Inc.
Clark Ag Systems
Clean Seed
Agricultural Manufacturers of Canada (AMC)
Co-op Compass Minerals
Farmers of North America (FNA) FBC - Farm Business Consultants Feitsma Services Flaman Sales Flexxifinger Foerster-Technik
Innotag Distributions Inc.
Invisible Fence J Janzen Steel Buildings JD Skiles
Fort Garry Industries Ltd.
K Kal Tire
Frontlink Inc.
Kioti Tractor
Frostfree Nosepumps
KNR Ag Sales & Service Inc.
Full Line AG
Kongskilde Industries Inc.
G G3 Canada Limited
Kramble Industries Inc. Kramer Auctions Ltd.
Gatco Manufacturing Inc.
Kubota Canada
Gates Manufacturing Gem Silage Products
L Lakeland Group
Glacier FarmMedia
Lambert Distributing Inc.
Glacier FarmMedia Digital
GlenMor Equipment
Landoll Corporation
Goodon Industries
AIM Industries
D Darmani Grain Storage
LandView Drones (formerly AgEagle Canada)
Alberta Farmer Express
Decisive Farming
Grain Bags Canada
Allen Leigh Security and Communications
Grain Shark
DeLaval Dairy Service
Alliance Seed
LEON’s Mfg. Company
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agrifac Machinery B.V. AGRIMATICS Agrispread NA Inc. Agrium Agtron Enterprises Inc.
Alliance Tire Americas Inc.
Conqur Industries Convey- All Industries Cordna Twine & Cordage Inc. Country Guide Crop Production Services
Gowan Agro Canada
Lane Realty Corp Le Bulletin des agriculteurs
Diamond Doors
Great Northern Growers
Diamond Trailer
Amsoil and Aggrand Liquid Organic Fertilizer
Green Aero Tech
Doepker Industries Ltd.
M Magnum Fabricating Ltd.
Green Lea Ag Center
Dow AgroSciences Canada
Grober Nutrition
Manitoba Co-operator
Amvic Building Systems APAS AT Films Inc. ATP Nutrition B Banga’s Equipment Canada Ltd.
DSG Power Systems Dutch Bio Mulcher Dutch Openers (A Division of Dutch Industries Ltd.) Dynamic Ditchers
H Hammond Realty Haul All Industries Ltd. Heat Innovations Inc. Heatmasters/ Steeltech Inc.
Manulift EMI Matrix Environmental Solutions Maxfield Inc. Meridian Manufacturing Michelin North America (Canada) Inc.
BASF Canada
E Eastwood Products
Bayer CropScience
Edge Agro
Hi-Tec Ag/New Direction Equipment
BERGEN Industries
EF Grain Monitoring
Horst Welding
Milk Producer Magazine
BKT Tires
EkotuningCom Canada
BMO Financial Group
Elmer’s Manufacturing
Houston Land & Cattle Corp. (Houston Seed Saver)
Bond Industrial
EMB Mfg. Inc.
Huber Ag Equipment
Morand Industries
Botterill Sales
EMF Nutrition
Hunter Implement Supply
Mr. Tire Corp.
Engage Agro
Equiplinx Sales & Service
I IAP Group Ltd.
N Neeralta Manufacturing Inc.
Britespan Building Systems Inc.
ESN Smart Nitrogen
ILC Ag/ Cherry AgSecure
New Leader
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Michel’s Ind. Mid-Plains Implements Ltd.
Monsanto Canada
New-Life Mills
Stoller Enterprises
NORAC Systems
Sunrise Foods International
Norheim Ranching North Star Genetics Northern Plains Drainage Systems Ltd. Nuhn Industries Ltd. O OPIsystems Inc. Outback Guidance
T Taber Diesel/Steinbauer Tama Canada TD Canada Trust Agriculture Services Terog Mfg. Co. The Co-operators The Container Guy The Water Clinic
P Penergetic Canada
The Western Producer
Poettinger Canada
Tie Boss (RJS Sales)
Power Up Lubricants
Titan International
Prairie Agri Sales Ltd
Top Krop Fertilizers Inc.
Prairie Storehouse
Toyota Canada Inc.
Promat Inc.
Trex Ditchers
R R.D. Sales & Service Rack Petroleum RBC Royal Bank
Thunderstruck Sales & Marketing
SCHEDULED EVENTS Opening ceremonies
Trusted Dispatch Inc.
Join us on Tuesday, July 19 for the official opening ceremonies of Ag in Motion 2016. Don’t miss out on the chance to kick the show off and see the debut of the Clean Seed SMART Seeder™.
Tru-Test/Union Forage/ Nester Livestock Equipment
Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. – Demonstration Field
Tuff Livestock Equipment U United Livestock Systems
AGRI-TREND knowledge tent presented by RBC
Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers
University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture and Bioresources
Rite Way Mfg. Co.
Unverferth Mfg. Co. Inc.
Quiz leading experts about agronomy, farm finances and all matters in between. Stop by the Welcome Centre to pick up the daily speaker schedule so you’re ready to learn.
RE/MAX Blue Chip Realty Real Estate Center Renn Mill Center Inc.
Road Boss Grader Rocky Mountain Equipment Rogers Sprayers Inc. Rostech Electronics Royal Hotel Group S Salford Group Inc.
V Valmetal/Jamesway Value Tire Group Versatile
Field equipment demonstrations
W Walinga Inc.
There’s nothing quite like seeing equipment in action before you buy. Take in one of the many field equipment demonstrations in the Demonstration Field and the Silage Demonstration Field.
Wall Grain
Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery Corp.
Warman Homes
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation
Western Ag Professional Agronomy
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
Warman Home Centre Western General
Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
Western Mulching & Crushing Equipment
SaskBarley Development Commission
Winacott Equipment Group
SaskCanola SeCan Select Holidays Shymko Farm Sales Sontanner Sales Ltd. Speedways Rubber Company Springland Mfg. Stampede Steel Inc.
Daily from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Agri-Trend Knowledge Tent at Manitoba Drive and 6th Street
Willsie Equipment Sales
Z Zak's Agricultural Building *As of June 1, 2016 *Subject to change
Field equipment demonstrations Daily at: 10:30 a.m. Silage harvesting part 1 12:30 p.m. Tillage 1:15 p.m. Seeding 2:30 p.m. Silage harvesting part 2 3:00 p.m. Fertilizer spreading
Cattle handling demonstrations Daily at 11:00 a.m. — Livestock Central pasture area, Manitoba Drive and 1st Street Tour over to the brand new Livestock Central presented by BMO Financial Group and watch a small group of cattle manoeuver their way through cattle handling systems provided by different manufacturers.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
We all share the same table. Pull up a chair. “We take pride in knowing we would feel safe consuming any of the crops we sell. If we would not use it ourselves, it does not go to market.” – Katelyn Duncan, Saskatchewan
“The natural environment is critical to farmers – we depend on soil and water for the production of food. But we also live on our farms, so it’s essential that we act as responsible stewards.” – Doug Chorney, Manitoba
“The welfare of my animals is one of my highest priorities. If I don’t give my cows a high quality of life, they won’t grow up to be great cows.” – Andrew Campbell, Ontario
Safe food; animal welfare; sustainability; people care deeply about these things when they make food choices. And all of us in the agriculture industry care deeply about them too. But sometimes the general public doesn’t see it that way. Why? Because, for the most part, we’re not telling them our story and, too often, someone outside the industry is. The journey from farm to table is a conversation we need to make sure we’re a part of. So let’s talk about it, together. Visit AgMoreThanEver.ca to discover how you can help improve and create realistic perceptions of Canadian ag.
Ag in Motion is a Proud Partner 37677 E AMTE Ag in Motion ad.indd 1
AGvocate Challenge There are 2.1 million Canadians working in agriculture and agri-food. Imagine the impact we could make if we all made a commitment to improve perceptions of agriculture. There are simple ways you can start being an agvocate today.
Just choose to do one of the following:
Search the hashtags #FutureFarmer, #AgMoreThanEver, or #Farm365 and find a positive post to retweet.
When you overhear a misleading or inaccurate conversation about farming, find an appropriate time to share your story.
Dedicate one day to volunteer at an event that promotes agriculture such as Open Farm Days.
Tell a friend or co-worker about the need to speak up, and ask them to take the agvocate challenge.
2016-06-10 1:57 PM
Crop Plots
Unlike Any Western Canadian Farm Show
he first Ag in Motion, held in July 2015, showcased crop varieties and inputs in a new way for Western Canadian farmers. The Ag in Motion team took advantage of its outdoor location and successful model at its Ontario-based sister show Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. What did that mean? The debut of side-by-side crop plots bringing seed and product guides to life. The second edition of Ag in Motion raises the bar again with more plots and more variety. “The aerial says it all,” says Show Director Rob O’Connor. “The crop plots are an eye catching and clear way Ag in Motion sets itself apart from other farm shows in Western Canada. We bring the seed guides to life and better purchase decisions come from that.” Ag in Motion offers companies the unique opportunity to plant live crop plots on its property in the spring and care for them each week leading up to the show on July 19, 20 and 21, 2016. Crop plot exhibits are all 170' deep and range from 30' in width all the way up to 240' wide like the Crop Production Services exhibit. As Western Canada’s only outdoor farm show, the Ag in Motion team prides itself on showcasing all facets of Western Canadian agriculture in an interactive way. With the help of the creative crop companies, Ag in Motion’s list of live crop plot exhibits will include diverse companies showcasing crops like wheat, barley, oats, flax, hay mixtures, corn, soybeans and of course canola. Seeds varieties are not the only thing on display, however. Many of the crop plots also focus on crop protection. Some of the plots along 1st Street, 3rd Street, 5th Street and Manitoba Drive will highlight exhibitors’ herbicides or fungicides. Whether shopping for seed or inputs, the largescale crop plots at Ag in Motion will be a must-see destination for farmers.
Here are a few of the crop plots farmers can explore this July at Ag in Motion: Alliance Seed ATP Nutrition BASF Bayer CropScience BrettYoung CANTERRA SEEDS Cargill Compass Minerals Crop Production Services DEKALB Dow AgroSciences Engage Agro ESN Smart Nitrogen Monsanto Canada Inc. Rack Petroleum
SeCan Stoller Enterprises Union Forage Plus, there’s more. The 170' deep crop plots are also being used for education. Learn about cropping practices from experts and scientists at interactive crop plot exhibits like those being presented by the University of Saskatchewan, Farmers Edge, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, SaskCanola and Canola 100. Whether looking for new seed, new herbicides or new knowledge, the crop plots at Ag in Motion will give Western Canadian grain farmers what they’re looking for in real field conditions. For more information, visit www.aginmotion.ca.
THIS IS BIG. Join us at Ag In Motion Outdoor Farm Expo. July 19-21, 2016
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
meridian people mover
Meridian Offers Ag in Motion A Lift
g in Motion is big. The grounds have increased by nearly 50 per cent since last year. To see it all and experience the field demonstrations, farmers will be happy to hear Meridian Manufacturing is offering them a lift. Returning people mover sponsor Meridian Manufacturing will literally be offering farmers at Ag in Motion a lift. The Meridian People Movers will transport attendees from the parking lots to the various shuttle stops on the show grounds, and to the Demonstration Field in the afternoon. This is a good thing since the trade show layout measures nearly a quarter section in size. To get on a people mover, locate the shuttle stops using the maps available at the Welcome Centre or any of the information booths. People movers are free to ride and will operate at select times during the show. Be sure to check signs at people mover stops for operating hours. For more information follow @aginmotion or @meridianmfg.
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Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
silve r SPO NSORS
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ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
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World Class Quality. Locally Made Relationships.
Watch our videos online meridianmfg.com/videos Š 2016 Meridian Manufacturing Inc. Registered Trademarks used under License.
Tillage Demo
Seeing The Ground Move
rguably one of the top attractions at Ag in Motion are the field equipment demonstrations. One of this year’s most anticipated field equipment demonstrations is the tillage demonstration. The tillage demonstrations will showcase 12 different manufacturers lined up side-byside to show off their features and benefits in front of Western Canadian farmers each day. Starting at 1:15 p.m. daily, farmers can head to the demonstration fields and experience Ag in Motion’s specialty — new agricultural technology in real farm conditions. Confirmed for 2016, farmers can see tillage equipment from companies such as: • Salford Group Inc. • LEMKEN Canada • Grain Bags Canada/Kelly Harrow • Kongskilde • Degelman Industries • Botterill Sales/Landoll
• Rite Way Mfg. • Amazone • Versatile • Corner Equipment/Gates Mfg. • Full Line AG /Sunflower • Flaman Sales
Tillage is an important part of many grain and oilseed farms in Western Canada. Purchasing a new piece of tillage equipment is an equally important decision and Ag in Motion’s daily tillage demonstrations are here to help.
See the New
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Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Quick adjusting boundary discs to match field requirements. Additional 15’ and 23’ working widths means we now offer HELIODOR models with working widths from 8’ to 52’.
Watch the HELIODOR 9 in the daily Tillage Field Demonstration.
seeding demo
Superior Air Seeders Side-by-Side
ir seeders are consistently evolving and changing. With so much hinging on the perfect seeding, it’s no wonder that the live seeding demonstrations at Ag in Motion 2016 are garnering so much attention and excitement. Air seeder demonstrations at Ag in Motion will highlight four manufacturers’ seeding the crop of their choice each day. The four manufacturers include Morris Industries presented by Full Line AG, Clean Seed, Salford Group and Pillar Laser. This year’s air seeder demonstrations will not only allow farmers to see each manufacturer’s abilities as they make a pass down the field, but also see the crop they produce. Weeks before Ag in Motion opens its gates, all four manufacturers brought their air seeder to the Ag in Motion site to also seed a test strip which gives farmers the rare chance to compare how the seeds go into the ground but also how they emerge out of the ground. A critical comparison to consider when buying a new air seeder. Air seeder demonstrations will be held from July 19 to 21 in the demonstration field at 12:30 p.m. In addition to the demonstrations, farmers can also see the Clean Seed CX-6 SMART Seeder at the Ag in Motion Opening Ceremonies on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. “The Clean Seed Team is excited to showcase our revolutionary seeding technology at the Ag in Motion show,” says Noel Lempriere, VP, Marketing for Clean Seed. “Clean Seed will have two of our award-winning CX-6 SMART Seeders on site — one as static display supported by Rocky Mountain Equipment and the other performing daily live seeding demos for the attendees. We all look forward to this year’s event — see you there!” Air seeder demonstrations will kick off at
Clean Seed SMART SeederTM comes to Ag In Motion!
g in Motion has been selected as the agricultural show of choice for Clean Seed and the CX-6 SMART Seeder™. The show’s unique live demonstration programs coupled with well managed site planning and visitor activities is sure to attract attendees from across the country. The SMART Seeder™ is a revolutionary seeding tool that delivers unrivaled metering, distribution and site-specific management of multiple products that air seeders simply cannot match. The award winning CX-6 SMART Seeder™ is an industry first that utilizes
12:30 p.m. and finish at 1:15 p.m. Directly afterwards, tillage demonstrations will start at 1:15 p.m. and wrap up at 2:30 p.m. An interactive fertilizer demonstration will be held daily at 3:00 p.m. as well. For a full list of equipment and livestock
the unique synergy of its sophisticated electronic metering and software control technologies to provide rowby-row variable rate technology with six product meters above each opener creating a new class of highly accurate seeding equipment for today’s farmer. The CX-6 SMART Seeder™ is also wirelessly controlled via a tablet running the proprietary software system — SeedSync™. During seeding operations SeedSync™ software automatically controls the precise delivery of seeding/planting plans or allows for individually customizable input control of flat rate applications.
demonstrations, turn to page 9. Ag in Motion will be held northwest of Saskatoon, SK along Highway 16 near Langham, SK. More information about demonstrations and tickets can be found at www.aginmotion.ca.
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Farmers have begun using seeders which turn sections on and off to avoid seeding overlap.
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Knowledge tent
RBC and Agri-Trend Join Together for the 2016 Knowledge Tent
ne of the most popular corners of last year’s Ag in Motion site was the Agri-Trend Knowledge Tent. New for 2016, RBC Royal Bank joins in and helps add a financial angle to the new Agri-Trend Knowledge Tent Presented by RBC. The Agri-Trend Knowledge Tent Presented by RBC is a hub for experts to share short, impactful presentations and offer farmers new knowledge in addition to all the new technology the show has to offer. Throughout the day on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at Ag in Motion, farmers can visit the Knowledge Tent to take in one of its many informative presentations. Farmers can hear a variety of talks ranging from equipment financing to field pest management in soil. The Agri-Trend Knowledge Tent Presented by RBC is located at the corner of 5th Street and Manitoba Drive. Plus, the Knowledge Tent offers the added benefit of a shady spot between all the action of sunny demonstration fields and neighbouring Livestock Central. For a full schedule of presentation times visit www.aginmotion.ca.
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T BOOTH #510
Field Demos
Experience More New Technology In The Individual Demonstration Zones
his year’s newly expanded trade show area at Ag in Motion allows for more streets and more exhibitors. It also allows for more unique demonstration zones. Nearly a dozen exhibitors are taking advantage of Ag in Motion’s individual demonstration zones to enable them to get hands on and interactive with farmer’s during the three days of the show. The individual demonstration zones are concentrated along 6th Street which is the most eastern side of Ag in Motion’s newly expanded trade show area. Here are just a couple of the individual demonstrations farmers can participate in: LandView Drones (formerly known as AgEagle Canada) LEON’S Manufacturing Company
Michelin North America Neeralta Manufacturing Inc. New Leader Nextgen Drainage Sontanner Sales Titan Tire Toyota Canada Inc. Versatile Western Mulch and Crushing Equipment Most individual demonstration zones, like Toyota’s off road test track, are active all day during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A few companies will be hosting specific demonstration times such as New Leader’s fertilizer demonstrations at 3 p.m. Be sure to pick up a daily schedule at the Ag in Motion Welcome Centre upon arrival to get the most up to date information and times.
CombCut & other equipment onsite
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Kubota test track
Get Behind the Wheel of a Kubota M7 Series Tractor at Ag in Motion
es, that’s right. The team at Kubota Canada is giving farmers the keys to test drive the M7 — their brand new high horse power utility tractor — at Ag in Motion. This is a first for Kubota. No other farm show in Canada has offered a test track for farmers to get behind the wheel of Kubota’s heaviest, most powerful tractor, the new M7 series. No other farm show until now. A hands-on ride’n’drive like this requires the right space to let farmers really understand what the M7 series tractors can do. The M7 ride’n’drive area will be positioned directly behind the newly relocated Kubota Canada exhibit space on Alberta Drive. Kubota Canada’s new exhibit space spans 130' by 150' before opening to their huge M7 ride’n’drive track which is 300 per cent larger. Farmers will have a 250' by 350' area to test drive the M7 series tractor and experience for themselves its features and functionality. Ag in Motion is known as the place to “See Technology. Touch Innovation. Be Empowered” and the new Kubota Canada Ride’N’Drive confirms it. Kubota Canada also returns for Ag in Motion 2016 as the Official Utility Vehicle Supplier. In addition to a fleet of UTVs for staff to get around the large show site, Kubota supplies tractors for pulling people movers, mowers and other valuable equipment necessary to set up and operate a three-day outdoor farm show. “Ag in Motion is proud to be the first farm show in Canada to host a ride’n’drive of Kubota’s new M7 series tractor,” says Show Director Rob O’Connor. “Farmers in Western Canada will have a unique opportunity to test drive this new tractor in the same environment it’s built for.” O’Connor adds, “We are so pleased to have Kubota Canada on-board again as Official UTV Supplier and for their on-going support.” Details about the M7 series tractors and the other machinery Kubota Canada will be offering at Ag in Motion are available on www.kubota.ca or www.kubotam7. ca. Follow @kubotacanada on Twitter for up-to-date information and how farmers can register for an Ag in Motion test drive.
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Farmers edge
Hands-on Learning in the Field at Ag in Motion
g in Motion seeks to empower farmers by providing the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. New strip trials planted for this year’s event will allow farmers to learn and see first-hand the effects of seeding rates and fertility on yields and productivity. Spanning 10 acres, the Farmers Edge Demonstration Plot will showcase the impact of two crucial inputs — nitrogen and plant population. A series of strip trials planted with wheat will demonstrate how varying these important inputs can increase yield and improve the productivity of other inputs such as herbicides and fungicides.
Thanks to Farmers Edge, farmers will have a unique opportunity to see strip trials up close. Dan Kuchma sales and marketing, Ag in Motion
In the trials, nitrogen rates were varied from 0 to 160 pounds. Three seeding rates were also targeted for, including 18, 24 and 30 plants per square foot. Overlaying these inputs, foliar-applied nitrogen was applied in one section and a plant growth regulator was sprayed on another section to illustrate what a maximum input regime might look like. In addition, one area was purposely seeded deep. Using in-season satellite imagery, Farmers Edge hopes to illustrate the appearance of these different practices. Soil samples were also taken from various areas in the field to illustrate the variations in soil characteristics across a field. “Thanks to Farmers Edge, farmers will have a unique opportunity to see strip trials up close, in action and learn about the impact of adjusting inputs and management regimes for areas of the field with different needs,” says Dan Kuchma, sales and marketing for Ag in Motion. The Farmers Edge Demonstration Plot will be located on the southwest corner of the Ag in Motion site and the Farmers Edge Booth will be at the corner of B.C. Drive and 2nd Street.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Visit BrettYoung at AIM16 Tour our high-performance varieties Canola • Soybean • Forage • Corn
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Our Canola Pipeline: What’s Ahead and What’s Important to Your Farm
July 19 11:00-11:30
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July 21 3:00-3:30
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July 19 3:00-3:30
July 20 1:30-2:00
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FREE GLOVES FOR FIRST 25 ATTENDEES PER SESSION Schedule subject to change. Please visit BrettYoung Plot #334 for current schedule. BrettYoung is a trademark of BrettYoung Seeds Limited. Elite® is a registered trademark of La Coop fédérée.
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You can grow a lot of things. More time isn’t one of them.
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16ACU023_Ag Spring Print Ag in Motion Show Guide – Saskatoon July 16, 2016 1/2 Horizontal 7.125” x 4.75”
ag in motion 2016 2015 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Livestock central
2nd Annual Ag in Motion Boosts Livestock Programming In A Big Way
ivestock and particularly cattle are a big part of Saskatchewan’s agriculture industry. Coming this July, they will also be a big part of Ag in Motion near Langham, Sask. “We are so pleased with the industry’s support and all the new hands on programming for livestock exhibitors,” says Ag in Motion’s Caitlin MacLeod who leads the livestock programming for the event. “Livestock Central will no doubt be a big draw.” It all starts in Livestock Central. Nestled between 1st Street and 3rd Street along Manitoba Drive, farmers can browse the new Livestock Central presented by BMO Financial Group. Livestock Central houses indoor and outdoor exhibitors specific to livestock producers. Indoor exhibitors have the added benefit of their very own Livestock Pavilion too. The new Livestock Pavilion is located on the west side of Livestock Central at the corner of 1st Street and Manitoba Drive. This large 60' by 60' pavilion will include companies like Grober Nutrition, Canadian
Cattlemen magazine and Agri-King. As farmers move eastward, they can take in some of the outdoor interactive exhibits like DeLaval Dairy Service, Stampede Steel, Tru-Test, Union Forage and Feistma Services to name a few. The outdoor area of Livestock Central will also be active with not one but three types of live demonstrations. Everyday in Livestock Central, farmers can take in the barley silage harvesting demonstration, cattle handling demonstrations and baleage wrapping demonstrations. Eight acres of barley has been planted at the Ag in Motion site which will be used for daily field equipment demonstrations at 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. At 10:30 a.m., farmers can watch part one of the barley silage demonstrations which will showcase harvesting equipment. Manufacturers will have the chance to showcase mowers and other harvesting equipment each day of the show. The list of participating manufacturers for part one includes Lely’s 900 M and 900 MC triple mowers; Fietsma Services Dominoni direct cut header on
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
a CLAAS forage harvester and Kubota Canada’s DMC 8450T mower conditioner. Part two of the barley silage demonstrations showcases balers and bale wrappers starting at 3:00 p.m. Some of the bale and baleage handling equipment will include Kubota Canada’s BV5160SC14 round baler, Kubota Canada’s WR1100C round bale wrapper, an Anderson IFX660 inline bale wrapper from Adair Sales and Marketing Company as well as an Anderson RB680 single bale wrapper. Equipment will also be featured from CLAAS by Tingley Implements and Full Line AG. Between parts one and two of the barley silage demonstrations, livestock producers can enjoy an interactive cattle handling demonstration. At 11:00 a.m. each morning experts from multiple manufacturers have the opportunity to explain their products’ features and benefits. Ag in Motion organizers will have live cattle on site for the company representatives to work with all three days during the demonstrations. Observing different manufacturers systems in action with cattle is a rare opportunity
Who’s Promoting Ag in Motion? } Whichever way you heard about us, we’re glad you made it
Edmonton THE
aunching a new farm show is big news! If you’re already here at Ag in Motion, or if you’re planning to come, then you were touched by one or more of our radio ads run on more than 30 stations, print ads appearing in dozens of publications, billboards, direct mailers or by word-of-mouth. Regardless of how you heard, we’re glad you’ve made Ag in Motion a part of your summer plans. We hope you enjoy Western Canada’s only outdoor farm expo.
at traditional farm shows. Cattle handling demonstrations will take place near the pasture area south of Manitoba Drive. From nutrition to animal handling, the 2016 Ag in Motion demonstration line up will have excellent learning opportunities for cattle producers. These demonstrations will occur each day but on Tuesday, July 19th there is something special at Ag in Motion — it’s Dairy Day! Another large and new feature of Ag in Motion’s livestock offerings is the special Dairy Day taking place on opening day, Tuesday, July 19, 2016. In particular, Dairy Day will include the 1st annual VIP Dairy Producer Brunch. This new event offers dairy farmers from across Western Canada the chance to network with other farmers while enjoying a free meal care of six generous industry sponsors. Sponsors include BMO Financial Group, New-Life Mills, Grober Nutrition, Agri-King/Silo-King, Promat and the Milk Producer magazine. This two hour event is on Dairy Day only in the Special Events Tent at the corner of Manitoba Drive and 1st Street. For tickets, farmers can look in the June issue of the Milk Producer magazine for a complimentary ticket or contact one of the sponsors for extras. Each ticket not only gives farmers free entry to the breakfast but it also includes free entry to the show. “This is a farmer favourite at our sister show Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show,” says MacLeod. “We are excited to bring it now to Ag in Motion.” Whether looking for new silage equipment, the chance to reconnect with fellow dairy farmers or compare different cattle handling systems for beef cattle the upcoming Ag in Motion event will be sure to satisfy any livestock farmer in Western Canada. For a full list of livestock exhibitors and speakers visit www.aginmotion.ca.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Fuel up
Ag in Motion Fuels Up with Co-op
any of Ag in Motion’s founding sponsors not only saw the impact of investing in Western Canada’s only outdoor farm show but are so convinced that they are returning as a two-year sponsor. Among those returning sponsors is Co-op (Federated Co-operatives Limited). Outdoor events of the size and scale of Ag in Motion require a fleet of machinery that ranges from speedy Kubota RTVs all the way up to Merlo telehandlers. Co-op is the official fuel supplier once again for Ag in Motion 2016. Co-op’s sponsorship ensures the Ag in Motion set-up team stays fuelled and on the go as it prepares for opening day on Tuesday July 19, 2016. “We’re so pleased to have Co-op’s support,” says Rob O’Connor Show Director. “Farmers and ranchers can understand the importance of a reliable fuel supplier to keep their operations on the move. Ag in Motion is no different.” Co-op will be ready to become the fuel supplier for any farmers and ranchers at Ag in Motion. For more information about fueling up with Co-op at home, find their experts anytime during Ag in Motion at their exhibit on the corner of Saskatchewan Drive and 4th Street.
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Sample Savings with Coupon
SAVE up to
Container Size 4x5L 2 X 10 L 20 L 110 L 205 L 1000 L
Discount Per Package $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $50.00 $100.00 $500.00
SAVE on purchases of CO-OP® D-MO® GOLD, D-MO® GOLD SB/SL, D-MO®, T-HF (Trans-Hydraulic Fluid) and Super T-HF SB. ™
Customer Name: ___________________________ Invoice Number: ___________________________ Product & Litres Purchased: _________________
Product must be purchased during the Summer Oil Sale. May not be combined with any other promotional offers. Minimum purchase: 40 litres. Coupon valid until: August 31, 2016
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Start, manage and grow your business with FCC
he ag industry is a fast-moving target. New innovations and technology are constantly being introduced and it can be a challenge to keep up. As the leading lender to agriculture, agribusiness and agri-food in Canada, FCC is here to help keep you ahead of the curve. Agriculture is our way of life too. Our dedicated team knows the industry and prides itself on helping Canadian producers build their dreams. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand, we’d love the opportunity to talk about your dreams at this year’s Ag In Motion.
Start your business Every year we lend billions of dollars to young people looking to enter the industry or expand their operations. Both our Young Farmer and Transition Loans are specifically designed to meet their unique challenges. If that’s you, let’s talk.
We’d love to get to know you. Visit our booth and let’s get our partnership started.
Manage and grow your business Our financing solutions are custom-built for farmers. With lending offices, and a network of dealers, crop input retailers and livestock finance suppliers right across the country, we can help you expand your operation. Whether you need quick access to funds, are thinking about more longterm growth or just want to explore your options, we’re here to help. Environmental solutions, land transfers, leasing equipment or loan insurance — these are all topics we love to talk about.
Let's talk business Visit us at the FCC Ag Pavilion and then relax at FCC Crossing, where we have plenty of seats, shade and even a sandbox for the kids. In the meantime, learn more about how you can use FCC financing and ag knowledge. Visit fcc.ca or follow us on Twitter @fccagriculture.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
A n w c is c t Id • • • • • • •
Anyone who uses a tractor on and off the road knows that a typical lug tractor tire does not last long or provide much driving comfort on the road. That is why the Nokian TRI 2 was designed specifically for tractors that drive on the road. From roadside mowing to construction, from road maintenance to snow removal, the application range for the TRI 2 is almost limitless. The Nokian TRI 2 also features low rolling resistance which reduces fuel consumption. With fuel prices as high as they are today, the Nokian TRI 2 can help reduce the fuel cost for your business or municipality. Ideal under a wide range of conditions • Approved for speeds of up to 40 mph • High driving stability on roads allows your operator to work faster • Significantly longer tread wear on the road • Excellent self cleaning • Good traction off the road • 19.51R24 size available for Backhoes • Manufactured without aromatic oils that are harmful to the environment
Visit us at the Kal Tire booth or go to: KalTire.com/locations to find a store near you.
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Vip kids club
EQUATION. When combined with the Outback STX™, the eDriveXC autosteer system provides RTK accuracy and season-to-season repeatability at the industry’s best value point. Now, for much less than you thought, you can add centimeterlevel performance to tackle demanding planting and nutrient placement applications. Contact your Outback Guidance representative today. Take advantage of the Cutting-Edge Precision Giveaway Quote or Purchase any Outback Guidance Terminal and Auto Steer System and be entered to win an Exmark Lazer Z X-Series with 60” Deck. Go to OutbackGuidance.com for complete details! Limited time offer ends 9/15/16. No purchase necessary to win.
326 Saulteaux Crescent Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3T2 Phone: (204) 888-4472 Toll Free: (866) 888-4472 Fax: (204) 888-0991
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
OB-241H.indd 1
5/23/16 11:37 AM
VIP Kids Club Returns For 2016
ot only did the first edition of Ag in Motion draw thousands of farmers but it also welcomed hundreds of farm families. In partnership with BKT Tires, Ag in Motion will once again be making the younger members of these farm families feel special and safe with the return of the VIP Kids Club. During all three days of the show, farm families can start their visit by heading to the BKT Tires exhibit for their VIP Kids Club badge and special prize. On the back side of each badge, parents and guardians have room to fill out their own name as well as their cell phone number. With kids sporting their special VIP Kids Club badges and those key pieces of information discretely on the back, it helps keep kids safe. Should an excited mini-farmer get mesmerized by all the cool machinery and wander away from their family, the Ag in Motion team or exhibitors can quickly reunite them with their parents by calling the cell number on the back side of each badge. “Ag in Motion is a big and exciting place to be,” says Sponsorship Co-ordinator Carol Carson. “It can sometimes happen that families get separated momentarily at an event like this. It is great that BKT Tires continues to support this important program.” Parents and their children can pick up their VIP Kids Club badges anytime from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the BKT Tires exhibit. The exhibit is located on the corner of 3rd Street and Saskatchewan Drive. For more information about the VIP Kids Club and how it works, please call 1-800-563-5441 or message @AginMotion on Twitter.
The best start your crops can get.
TERRASEM Mulch seed drill A universal seed drill for reduced tillage drilling and conventional sowing. Uniform germination and consistent seed depth placement with the PÖTTINGER TERRASEM can lead to increased yields. Higher germination rate can lead to a decrease in seed rate when planting. With working widths of 10’ to 30’ and working speeds of up to 10 mph, the TERRASEM has 5" row spacing. These row spacings provide better utilization of the seed bed and more competition to weeds which can lead to a reduction in chemical use. PÖTTINGER CANADA INC. 650 Rte 112, St-Césaire, Qc J0L 1T0 Tel. 450-469-5594 Sales.canada@poettinger.ca Find us at a dealer near you! www.poettinger.ca
WESTERN CANADA TRUCK AND TRACTOR PULL SERIES 2016 Presented by: Campland RV Resort, Pinnacle Motorsports and Ag in Motion
Campland RV Resort – 25 km SW of Ag in Motion on Hwy 16
July 19 & 20 Starts at 6 p.m. Modified Mini’s / Modified Tractors / Modified 4 X 4 Trucks / Modified 2WD Trucks Modified Street Diesel 4X4 trucks / Pro Stock Diesel Tractors/Stock Hi-Way Tractors Stock Diesel Pick-ups/Unlimited Diesel Pick-ups www.tractorpullevent.com • 306-975-2116 or 306-227-0403 ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
women in AG
Saskatchewan Women in Ag to strike a pose at Ag in Motion!
askatchewan Women in Ag is a network dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to women in the agriculture industry. Through various projects and partnerships the group continues to create an environment where women can work together as they advance their careers or become more comfortable with their positions on the farm. They showcase women of all ages, backgrounds and professions in an effort to contribute to a cause that advances the presence of agriculture in Saskatchewan as a whole. Every year the Saskatchewan Women in Ag group organizes a calendar featuring agricultural women in their everyday roles. Proceeds from previous calendar sales have been donated to Agriculture in the Classroom, creating a University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Scholarship for agriculture students and other charitable associations within the Saskatchewan agricultural industry. This year, photos for the 2017 Women in Ag calendar are being taken at Ag in Motion and there is an opportunity for
exhibitors to get involved! Exhibitors can receive FREE province-wide advertising in the 2017 calendar by having their company’s exhibit used as a backdrop for one of the 12 photos. To get involved contact ginelle@womeninag.ca today. There are only 12 spots available and you
don’t want to miss the opportunity to showcase your company’s line of equipment, crop portfolio or other products on display in the 2017 calendar. Further information is also available on the Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ SKwomeninag or by following @SKWomeninAg on Twitter.
New Building, New Look for Ag in Motion Lounge
he Ag in Motion Lounge was a popular spot during the inaugural Ag in Motion and for 2016 it will have a new look. Instead of a tent, the Lounge will be housed in a 120' x 60' permanent farm building, sponsored and built by Warman Home Centre. Located on Foothill Drive between 1st and 2nd Street, attendees and exhibitors can seek refuge from the hot July sun, buy a beverage and relax in the new Ag in Motion Lounge, built by Warman Home Centre. The Lounge will feature indoor and outdoor seating and will be open daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Look for the Kubota Corner inside the Lounge. “We look forward to showcasing this new building from Warman Home Centre on-site at Ag in Motion and offering a pleasant atmosphere for attendees to relax and socialize during the show,” says Dan Kuchma, sales and marketing
for Ag in Motion. “We are also pleased to welcome builder Warman Home Centre as a new sponsor at Ag in Motion.”
Big Builders with Small-Town Roots Located in the heart of Warman, Saskatchewan, Warman Home Centre was first established in 1984 and has been a sought-out destination for home owners, experienced contractors and farmers alike. For over 30 years Warman Home Centre has provided the agricultural community with quality farm buildings. Storage sheds and farm shops to cattle shelters and riding arenas, Warman Home Centre’s wood post and straight wall buildings are custom designed to fit the needs of today’s farmer. Joining the 2016 Ag in Motion show is Warman Home Centre’s sister company, Warman Homes. Located at Alberta Drive and 4th Street, Warman Homes is excited to
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
showcase their latest ready-to-move (RTM) home. The 1,702 square foot home features a natural gas fireplace, stainless steel appliances, and a three-piece ensuite, all backed by a Five Year New Home Warranty. Warman Homes has brought fresh creativity and innovation to their RTM designs. They have incorporated ‘must have’ features and amenities that today’s consumers are looking for, such as open concept floorplans, mudrooms, walk-through pantries, luxurious master ensuites and more. Warman Homes has been building RTMs for more than three decades and delivering homes throughout Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, and into the Northern United States. For pictures and pricing, visit www.warmanhomes. ca. For more information about Warman Home Centre’s farm buildings, visit www.warmanhomecentre.com.
where to eat
hether farmers are looking for hot food from the grill or a cool treat on a cone, Ag in Motion has delicious food options to choose from. Boryski’s Butcher Block Ltd. Chick-a-Lick Karen’s Snack Shack Margaret’s Concession Mater Tasty Concessions Mean Green Ice Cream Machine Prairie Poppins Prairie Sun Orchard Rebel Melt Food Truck Rotary Club Food Tent Smoke’s Poutinerie SoomSoom Food Truck and Catering Triple S Concession Yumm Truck Find these food options along 3rd Street near B.C. Drive or along 3rd Street near Manitoba Drive. There are also options at the Rotary Club Food Area along 4th Street or the AIM Lounge along Foothill Drive.
Stop by the BKT Tire booth to pick up a VIP badge for your little farmer
BKT Tires (CANADA) Inc.
Tel: AG/IND 905-641-5636 AG/IND 604-701-9098
Ag in Motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
Farm Safety
General Information SHOW DATES AND HOURS:
Tuesday, July 19th 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 20th 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 21th 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Rain or shine!
I f it rains, free rain ponchos will be available care of Western General, official rain poncho supplier.
$17 for adults $5 for youth 6-17 FREE for kids 5 and under CASH ONLY
BUY ADMISSION PASSES ONLINE: dvanced passes available for just $10 A Buy online at www.aginmotion.ca
long Hwy. 16 at Range Rd. 3083 A near Langham, SK 35 km NW of Saskatoon, SK 90 km SE of North Battleford, SK 285 km NW of Regina, SK GPS: 52.3549, -107.0718 FREE PARKING
Tel: 800-563-5441 www.aginmotion.ca Email: info@aginmotion.ca Twitter: @aginmotion Facebook: Ag in Motion Instagram: @aginmotion
4-H Farm Safety Day Comes To Ag in Motion
Saskatchewan is coming to Ag in Motion this summer in a big way with an interactive Farm Safety Pavilion and 4-H Farm Safety Day. On Thursday July 21, the Farm Safety Pavilion on 5th Street will be home to the 4-H Farm Safety Day as well as ongoing farm safety stations all three days of the show. Youth and their families have the chance to visit several organizations to learn more about safety both on and off the farm. Farm safety exhibits will be open for
the entire show and the program will finish with the exciting 4-H Farm Safety Day taking place in the pavilion on the afternoon of Ag in Motion’s last day.
Thursday is 4-H Farm Safety Day Youth aged 9 to 14 years old can register for this free afternoon program taking place at Ag in Motion. Participants will listen to captivating speakers sharing their stories, work through hands-on stations surrounding common hazards on the farm (ie. electrical
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
safety, fire safety, machinery safety) and end the day watching a demonstration of emergency response teams responding to a mock emergency scenario. According to 4-H Saskatchewan, the program’s goals are to build awareness of safety issues on the farm and to empower youth with knowledge to act in an emergency. 4-H Saskatchewan is pleased to be working with several partners for 4-H Farm Safety Day: Ag in Motion, Saskatchewan Safety Council, S.A.A.S.E., Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture (C.C.H.S.A.), S.T.A.R.S., War Amps, and C.A.S.A. Senior members and adults, ages 16 and up can join in too. Safety Ambassadors (SA’s) will lead groups of participants through the stations. This is a special volunteer opportunity for senior 4-H members, parents and leaders. Safety is important on and off the farm. The 4-H Farm Safety Pavilion will be open all three days of Ag in Motion from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday’s special 4-H Farm Safety Day kicks off at noon and runs until 4:30 p.m. Registration is free and open to 4-H members as well as friends aged 9 to 14 years old. More information and registration forms available at http://www.4-h.sk.ca/events?id=444.
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Visit our booth at Ag In Motion Farm Expo July 19-21, 2016 Meet our sales team and view our properties!
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ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
HWY 16
NEW FOR 2016
ag in motion 2016 | OFFICIAL SHOW GUIDE
6% CASH BACK with the AGI SHARE PROGRAM Visit the AGI booth #531 at Ag In Motion for more information on the SHARE Program and to watch our product demos! Daily demos @ 10am | 12pm | 1pm | 3pm
strong genetics Vigorous crop production Dependable market access Alliance Seed is proud to partner with premium seed growers and our trusted agricultural partners to bring greater value to your cereal acres.
Come and visit us at Ag In Motion July 19-21at atBooth Booth#348 #378on on3rd 3rdstreet. street. July 19-21