The western producer december 1, 2016

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VOL. 94 | NO. 48 | $4.25

Rural policing Communities may have to become more involved. | P. 28




One farmer went all in, but the results were underwhelming. | P. 32


PHOTO: Supreme Beef Challenge | P. 4-5 Agribition weathers move to new facilities | P. 4 Bison prices strong at national sale | P. 34 Teens receive Agribition scholarships | P. 35 U.S. Gelbvieh breeders make trek to compete | P. 57 Meet Agribition’s supreme champions | P. 60 Winning the junior beef extreme | P. 61 Top bull calf nets $70,000 | P. 62 There were a few wrecks during the Running with the Bulls event at Canadian Western Agribition Nov. 26. About 75 gutsy participants got in the ring with nine bulls for three heats of action. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO


U.S. organic sector rejects all biotech Strict approach concerns Canadian observers



Organic agriculture needs to reconsider its hard-line stance against biotechnology, says University of Saskatchewan plant scientist Steve Shirtliffe. Otherwise, he says, people in the sector are in danger of becoming Luddites. In November, the U.S. National Organic Standards Board said it was rejecting all new forms of biotechnology for plant breeding, including genome editing and gene silencing. SEE REJECTING BIOTECH, PAGE 4


DECEMBER 1, 2016 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Stn. Main, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4

Proposed neonic ban finds farmer acceptance BRANDON BUREAU

Grain Farmers of Ontario has bitterly sparred with the provincial government for more than two years over regulations restricting the use of neonicotinoid insecticides. The GFO called the Ontario government “anti-science” and “anti-agriculture” and even took the province to court. However, when the federal government proposed in late November to ban one neonicotinoid and investigate two other products, the GFO response was more restrained. Mark Brock, GFO chair and a grower from Staffa, Ont., said the

QUICK FACTS Imidacloprid is registered for a wide range of crops, but in Canada it’s mostly used on potatoes, fruit, vegetables and other horticulture crops. Growers of grains and oilseeds rely more on thiamethoxam, a Syngenta neonicotinoid, and clothianidin, a Bayer product. Those two neonics, applied as seed treatments, are used on most of the canola and corn acres in Canada and a portion of the soybean crop. organization accepts Health Canada’s decision. “As an organization, we looked to the federal government as our agency, Health Canada and the

PMRA (Pest Management Regulatory Agency), to provide a science based approach to the regulatory process of these chemicals,” he said. “I would be deemed a hypocrite, I think, if I were to throw Health Canada (and) PMRA under the bus.” On Nov. 23, Health Canada released a proposal to phase out the use of imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide used around the globe. The department said the ban is necessary because water bodies near agricultural land have unacceptably high concentrations of the insecticide. SEE NEONIC BAN, PAGE 5



The Western Producer is published in Saskatoon by Western Producer Publications, which is owned by GVIC Communications Corp. Publisher: Shaun Jessome Publications Mail Agreement No. 40069240








» ED WHITE: How Canadian farmers can prepare for a Donald Trump presidency. 8


» KELSEY JOHNSON: The feds » HOG PRODUCTION: China and the U.S. are increasing hog production.


market for high quality forage.


are forced to face Alberta’s TB crisis. 10

KEVIN HURSH: As farmers » FORAGE EXPORTS: China becomes a major » decide what to plant next

» BRIAN MACLEOD: A visit to


» FITNESS ROUTINE: A regular fitness routine is encouraged for children.

» FARM SAFETY: A mobile unit will start teaching about farm safety next year.

question period reveals the ugly side of democracy. 11 17 18

industry explores blackleg label options. 30

» CANOLA 100: A contest encourages

growers to aim for 100 bushels per acre. 31

» AGRIBITION SUPREME: The supreme bull and female were crowned last week



» JUNIOR SUPREME: Agribition also named a junior beef extreme winner.

Canadian Western Agribition weathers a transition to new facilities. 4 HEMP RULES: The federal government has taken steps to deregulate hemp production. 16

Readers share their favourite recipes. 20

» BRUCE DYCK: Manitoba pork sector threatened to sue over barn construction ban. 26


to keep mycoplasma under control. 63

» TERRY BETKER: Analyzing margins of net profit can prove eye opening. 65

» FEED EFFICIENCY: Producers »

can reduce methane emissions by increasing their cattle’s feed efficiency. 23 MODERN GRADING: Alberta wheat growers wants a more modern grading system in Canada. 25




» CONSOLIDATION: Lower commodity

prices are not just affecting producers. A Rabobank official warns they will also speed up input sector consolidation. 64


Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Ag Notes Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather

64 37 59 9 66 10 12 19 67



VIDEOS AGRIBITION VIDEO See a collection of video clips shot by WP staffers at Agribition in Regina last week.

IMIDACLOPRID BAN POLL Grain Farmers of Ontario has faith in Health Canada and its process to evaluate pesticides, but another Ontario farm group has a starkly different opinion. What do you think?


» ROY LEWIS: There are ways



doctor have the right to discuss a patient’s weight? 19




» CLARE ROWSON: Does a difference between problem solving and worrying. 20


On the farm: These cattle producers from Manitoba don’t believe in standing still. See page 19. | ED WHITE PHOTO

year, canola still dominates. 11

AGRIBITION 2016 PHOTOS Check out all the Agribition action in this collection of Canadian Western Agribition images shot by Western Producer staff on site.

ORGANIC AG POLL A U of S plant scientist says the organic sector needs to reconsider its hard-line stance against biotechnology or risk becoming Luddites. What do you think?

PLUS: You can find all Western Producer coverage of Canadian Western Agribition linked from one page here at // Visit us at or chat with us on social media. We’d love to hear from you.


MARKETS WRAP WP Markets editor D’Arce McMillan looks at the week’s top developments in crop markets.

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Learn more at l Always read and follow label directions. AgSolutions is a registered trade-mark of BASF Corporation; NODULATOR is a registered trade-mark of Becker Underwood Canada Ltd.; all used with permission by BASF Canada Inc. © 2016 BASF Canada Inc.





Ag labour shortage called critical BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

The labour shortage in beef production could reach 12,000 workers by 2025, says a new report on Canada’s agricultural labour market. The Canadian Cattlemen’s Association said the industry needs to find a solution as soon as possible. “This is an issue we need to get moving on. Every day we hold back on this we’re losing sales. We’re seeing people balking at (expanding) their operations,” said Dennis Laycraft, CCA executive vice-president. The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (C AHRC) released a research paper last week titled: Agriculture 2025: How the Sector’s Labour Challenges Will Shape its Future. CAHRC based the report on a survey of more than 1,000 employers in agriculture, meetings with industry leaders, webinars and six focus groups with ag sector representatives. Of all the commodities within agriculture, western Canadian products may be most affected. “Grain and oilseed and beef producers will experience the largest increases in their labour gaps, and account for much of the increase in the labour gap for the sector as a whole,” the report noted. In its forecast, CAHRC predicted: • Canada’s ag industry had a shortfall of 59,000 employees in 2014 and the shortage could grow to 114,000 workers by 2025. • The labour shortage in grain and oilseed production was about 5,000 workers in 2014. That may expand to 17,000 employees in 2025. • In 2014, the labour shortage in beef production was around 3,000 employees. That may grow to 12,000 by 2025. Debra Hauer, CAHRC project manager, said production and exports of Canadian beef, grains and oilseeds are expected to climb over the next decade. Therefore, the beef and grains sectors will need to hire more people. If beef production does expand in Canada as projected, cattle ranchers could struggle with labour issues because thousands of employees may soon leave the industry. “By 2025, just under one-third of the segment’s current domestic workforce is expected to retire,” the report noted. “In combination with weak inflows of new workers, this will result in beef producers experiencing the largest decline in their labour supply within agriculture over the forecast period, with supply in 2025 expected to be 17 percent below where it stood in 2014.” With the labour shortfall likely to continue to get worse, beef producers will likely need to rely on immigrants to fill the vacancies. However, ranchers want stable, long-term employees and hope to have that wish granted with federal changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program expected in December.

Barry Johnson combines his last 200 acres of flax near the south shore of Quill Lakes, west of Wynyard, Sask., Nov. 25. He said this is the longest harvest he’s experienced. “It started in August and it looks like it will go into December.” Early snow and relentless rain has challenged growers this fall. “I wasn’t planning on buying a new combine this fall, but it was either buy a four-wheel drive combine or don’t combine,” Johnson said. Saskatchewan producers had combined 95 percent of the crop as of Nov. 21, while harvest was 87 percent complete in Alberta as of Nov. 15, and the latest crop report issued by Manitoba Agriculture Oct. 17 had 92 percent of the crop harvested, although much of the province has seen favourable harvesting conditions since then. | ROBIN BOOKER PHOTO


Health Canada’s insecticide ban angers fruit, vegetable growers The imidacloprid ban may force the use of more harmful, less effective pesticides: growers’ association BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

Grain Farmers of Ontario has faith in Health Canada and its process to evaluate pesticides, but another Ontario farm group has a starkly different opinion. A representative of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers’ Association said Health Canada’s proposal to ban imidacloprid, a Bayer insecticide, is a blunder. “In my humble opinion, if it’s like anything they (Health Canada) have produced in the last couple of years, there will be flaws,” said Craig Hunter, research and crop protection specialist with the association. “It (imidacloprid) has a really good record, and this whole thing was done in total secrecy,” he said. “I haven’t seen anything that would lead me to say that the use that’s on the label is either causing a problem or is unsustainable.” Health Canada issued its plan last week to ban imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide widely used by fruit and vegetable growers across the country. Health Canada said the ban is necessary because water bodies near agricultural land have unacceptably high concentrations of the insecticide. The levels of imidacloprid are a risk to aquatic

insects, such as midges and mayflies, and animals that rely on those insects for food. Hunter said imidacloprid, a Bayer product, was once the most commonly used insecticide in the world. Fruit and vegetable growers in Canada apply the product on crops such as field tomatoes, sweet corn and peas. “It’s used on a great many fruit and vegetable crops and ornamentals.” The Bayer Canada website says imidacloprid has been an “important product for potato growers for over 10 years.” Many potato producers apply it in the soil or as a seed treatment to control beetles and other pests. Hunter said the case for a ban should be definitive, considering how Canadian growers of special crops are dependent on the insecticide. “I haven’t seen enough proof that the levels they’re finding, in the environment, are in fact real, that (the results) are, in fact, representative of all the use areas. And most importantly, even though they claim they have some numbers, they made their determination on the basis of a model,” he said. “They put numbers into a model and then said it was unsustainable.”

HORTICULTURAL PRODUCERS DECRY NEONIC BAN Water monitoring data for Health Canada’s evaluation of imidacloprid came mostly from Ontario, Quebec and Saskatchewan. Based on that testing data, imidacloprid concentrations were higher and exceeded safe thresholds for aquatic insects more often in water bodies near: • greenhouses in Ontario • vegetable crops in Ontario (imidacloprid applied as a seed treatment, foliar spray and soil applications) • potato and mixed vegetable crops in Quebec (applied as seed treatment, foliar spray and soil applications) Health Canada said in a summary of its decision that it relied on environmental modelling and data from water bodies. “Robust environmental monitoring from several areas of intense agricultural activity in Ontario and Quebec further support these findings as imidacloprid is detected frequently in s u r f a c e w at e r at l e v e l s w e l l above concentrations that may result in toxic effects to insects. These regions include both outdoor mixed agricultural uses (for example, potatoes and vegetables) as well as greenhouse uses.” Hunter, who has asked Health Canada for its complete report on

• Health Canada said risk to aquatic insects isn’t associated with a particular method of application, but monitoring data is likely an “underestimate of actual exposure, as sampling typically does not capture peak concentrations.” Source: Health Canada

imidacloprid, said it’s difficult to replace such a chemical because specialty crops are a relatively small slice of agriculture. “It’s a huge deal for growers of all the minor crops in all of Canada because a registrant who may already have a product (insecticide) registered for corn, canola, soybeans … would have to spend a lot of their own money to develop the data to register (the insecticide) for all our (specialty) crops,” he said. “It (a ban) also means increased use of other pesticides, maybe not as effective. The net environmental (impact) could be higher.”





This is a composite photo taken of all participating animals in the Royal Bank Supreme Beef Challenge, held at the end of Canadian Western Agribition in Regina Nov. 27. | AGRIBITION

REJECTING BIOTECH » CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “The National Organic Standards Board has made clear that all kinds of genetic engineering are to be excluded from ‘organic,’ ” said Jaydee Hanson, a senior policy analyst with the Center for Food Safety. The standards board makes recommendations for organic farming policy in America, but the U.S. Depar tment of Agr iculture’s National Organic Program has the final say on regulations. If the USDA agrees with the standards board, Canada would likely have to adopt a similar policy on biotechnology because the U.S. is the major market for organic food. Organic farmers have refused to grow genetically modified crops for years, but this rebuff of the next generation of biotechnology comes at a unique time in plant science. Many experts believe new tools, such as gene editing, could revolutionize plant science and help researchers develop crop traits more quickly and efficiently. “Some emerging genetic engineering technologies have the potential to create novel plant varieties that are hard to distinguish genetically from plants produced through conventional breeding or processes that occur in nature,” the U.S. National Academy of Sciences said in a report released earlier this year. Shirtliffe, who studies organic and sustainable production at the U of S, said the organic sector needs to move beyond its anti-biotech posture. “Is the organic industry going to firmly ensconce itself in the Luddite camp?” he said. “We’ve had GMOs for, how many years has it been, over 20 years. The world hasn’t stopped turning.

Horns haven’t grown out of anybody’s head.” The hostility to biotech might be attributed to larger issues, such as the anti-corporate and anti-globalization sentiment within the organic sector. However, Shirtliffe thinks organic should be more than a protest movement. “Organic has a lot of really good things going for it,” he said. “We’re bringing a lot of good things to agriculture, but to have it be labelled as just being ‘anti-something’ is not a very good message. You should be talking about what you’re for, not what you’re against.” Rob Wallbridge, board member with the Organic Council of Ontario, is also concerned about the National Organic Standards Board decision. Turning away from all forms of biotechnology may not be sustainable. “Somewhere down the road there’s going to have to be a more nuanced approach to it,” he said. “We’re seeing these technologies multiply and they’re becoming democratized, where they’re no longer just the purview of the big, multi-national corporations.… It’s going to become increasingly difficult to know where to draw the line.” As an example, Shirtliffe isn’t sure why organic leaders oppose beneficial biotech innovations such as Golden Rice, a variety of rice fortified with Vitamin A. “Organic has been getting some bad press because (people) bring up the Golden Rice issue,” he said. “It’s really hard to argue against traits like that.” Another technology that’s difficult to reject is a recently developed tool called CRISPR, which allows researchers to precisely delete or

insert a gene in a plant’s genome. Many scientists say CRISPR is an elegant form of mutagenesis. In mutagenesis, scientists scramble a plant’s DNA with chemicals to generate a random mutation. Organic farmers grow crop varieties developed through mutagenesis, so CRISPR should also be acceptable, Shirtliffe said. “Let’s be rational,” he said. “CRISPR, you could argue, is a well-informed mutagenesis.” The National Organic Standards Board said it’s opposing the new technologies because crops and food could be entering the marketplace without “adequate health and environmental safety assessment.” That might be part of the logic, but the organic sector may also be worried about consumer response. “A segment of consumers that support organic have a visceral negative reaction when it comes to genetic engineering,” Wallbridge said. “The organic value proposition covers a lot more than simply nonGMO, but I think that’s kind of become a flashpoint … for consumer concerns,” Shirtliffe would like the organic sector to evaluate new innovations on a “trait by trait” basis rather than focus on the scientific process that generated the crop trait. Earlier this year, he made such a suggestion at an organic conference. “I said it and the room just went silent. Not a person said anything.” But later, after the session, several people spoke to Shirtliffe and privately expressed their support “I said it to just to get a conservation going. Let’s talk about this.”

Agribition weathers move to new facilities Organizers say attendance for 2016 show is up from previous year BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

A few highlights and a few hitches characterized a transitional year for Canadian Western Agribition last week. The ability to use half of the new International Trade Centre for cattle, horses and sheep meant the show could accommodate more than 2,000 head even after the demolition of older barns. “I haven’t had one negative comment all week on it. Maybe it’s my filter, but the exhibitors are just thrilled with the building,” said Agribition president Stewart Stone. “They’re actually more excited about the potential of the building once it’s done.” Construction should be complete for next year. Plans call for the International Business Centre to move into the mezzanine area, and the show ring to move from Exhibition Stadium. The stadium was to be demolished last year but was left standing and is now slated to go down in the spring.

I haven’t had one negative comment all week on it. Maybe it’s my filter, but the exhibitors are just thrilled with the building. STEWART STONE AGRIBITION PRESIDENT

Final attendance figures won’t be known for a few weeks, but Stone said organizers believed the numbers were up. “Our international component was very strong this year,” he said. “We had over 1,200 guests from 66 countries, and we had 200 registered buyers from 16 countries. My sense is that this will be one of our best years ever for international sales.” That includes genetics and short-line equipment sales. “It is clear that the show is strong and continues to grow CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE






On the second day a bull calf escaped the tie-outs area and headed west down a busy street during the morning commute. It was successfully caught and returned to the grounds. At the pro rodeo’s second performance, a bareback horse went down after injuring its neck or spine and was euthanized after being removed from the arena.

The levels of imidacloprid are considered a risk to aquatic insects, such as midges and mayflies, and animals that rely on those insects for food. Health Canada is proposing a three-year phase-out of imidacloprid, or a five-year phase-out in cases where farmers have no alternatives for pest control. The department also announced a special review of two other neonicotinoid insecticides: thiamethoxam, a Syngenta product, and clothianidin, a Bayer product. Department scientists want to know if those neonics are a threat to aquatic insects. Bayer said in a statement that it is disappointed in the decision. Brock said he has faith in Health Canada. “From our standpoint, we want to be engaged and supportive of this process of review and phasing out of that one product and the review of the other two,” he said. “It does hinge on safety of people and the environment, and they’ve identified a risk here.” The tenor of Brock’s comments are distinct from the GFO’s crusade against the Ontario government, which introduced regulations in 2015 to cut the use of neonic seed treatments in corn and soybeans by 80 percent. The province said the measure was needed to protect bees, but the GFO said the regulations were unscientific because there wasn’t sufficient evidence linking neonics to bee colony losses. In the case of imidacloprid, the PMRA eventually agreed with the GFO. In January, it reported that the insecticide does not put bees at risk. In a teleconference with media, Health Canada officials made it clear, many times, that the proposed ban is because of aquatic invertebrates, not bees. The science may eventually show that neonics are not a threat to bees, but with insecticides collecting in water and posing a potential threat to birds and wildlife that feed on aquatic insects, all this may change the broader conversation about neonics and could force producers to change their practices. Integrated pest management specialists and environmental groups have criticized farmers for using neonic seed treatments as insurance or as a prophylactic, without evaluating if there actually is a risk from crop pests. John Gavloski, a Manitoba Agriculture entomologist, said the agricultural industry is overusing neonics. He told growers almost a year ago, at Manitoba Ag Days, that neonics accumulating in surface water could provoke a regulatory crackdown. He is also frustrated that neonic seed treatments are sometimes being used for the wrong reason — research suggests that certain neonics improve seedling vigour. “This is an insecticide,” Gavloski said. “If you’re overusing the product, you could be shooting yourself in the foot.” The proposed phase-out of imidacloprid is not final. There will be a 90-day comment period, and Health Canada is planning a forum with industry stakeholders to discuss other potential solutions.


Paige Lehmann of Lashburn, Sask., waits to show her horned Hereford bull calf at Canadian Western Agribition Nov. 25. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO and expand even during this transition period,” Stone said. Chief executive officer Chris Lane, who took on the role last summer, said ticket sales for rodeo and jousting surpassed last year’s totals, and livestock sales were strong. The top seller was a two-thirds interest in a Hereford bull calf from Haroldson’s Polled Herefords of Wawota, Sask., selling for $70,000 to Medonte Highland Polled Herefords from Orillia,

Ont., and NCX Polled Herefords of Westlock, Alta. The high-selling bison was a $35,000 bull calf consigned by Bison Spirit Ranch of Oak Lake, Man., and purchased by Greg Pagan of Snowden, Sask. In the reformatted horse sale, Kassidy Williamson of Mankota, Sask., consigned the high seller, a three-year-old mare that went for $17,500 to Frehlick Quarter Horses of Estevan, Sask. Commercial cattle prices were

lower than 2015, reflecting the current market. The top seller, a repeat of last year’s transaction, was a pen of five bred heifers from Mebs Ranch at Broadview, Sask., purchased by Palmer Charolais of Bladworth, Sask. The difference was the price: last year the heifers went for $5,000 each and this year they sold for $3,950. Lane said Agribition staff and others handled two stressful incidents capably and professionally.




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Hog producers told to brace for tough times ahead Despite the recent rally, expert expects price drop BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

Producers shouldn’t assume the lows of the current hog markets are behind them, says a risk management specialist for Hams Marketing. The recent rally in the futures market comes ahead of a threeweek danger period in the middle of December that often challenges producers. “It’s remarkable. I can’t really explain the recent run-up, upturn here,” said Tyler Fulton of Hams. “It’s tough to reconcile.” That’s because futures prices have diverged from cash prices, suggesting futures prices aren’t necessarily the best indication of true cash market, supply-anddemand conditions.

A farmer feeds water to pigs at an enclosure in a pig farm in Liaocheng, Shandong province in 2015. An increase in Chinese hog production has major implications for the Canadian pork industry. | REUTERS/STRINGER PHOTO PRICE OUTLOOK

Hog explosion threatens profits The U.S. growth in production is not keeping pace with exports, and analyst warns of a price correction BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

C ALGARY — China and the United States are both increasing hog production, and that has major implications for the Canadian pork industry, says an agricultural analyst. Brett Stuart, chief executive officer of Global AgriTrends in Denver, predicts that China will add 1.7 million tonnes of pork production next year and reduce its imports as a result. At the same time, the U.S. is building new hog barns and processing capacity, the latter reaching 46,500 head per day by 2018. Americans expect to export more pork, but it isn’t clear where that export market will be. Stuart, a former lead economist for the U.S. Meat Export Federation who presented a global outlook at the Alberta Pork annual meeting Nov. 9, said following production problems two years ago that caused pork shortages, hog production became profitable in China last year, and profits there are tax

free. Nobody knows how many pigs are in China, but money will drive expansion. “At one hundred bucks a head, you’ll put a sow in the bedroom,” said Stuart, in reference to reports that people raise pigs in apartment buildings in China if there is money to be made. A one-third reduction in China’s pork imports amounts to about 650,000 tonnes, said Stuart. The country imported large amounts of pork this year, but that level is unlikely to be matched next year. “We face some major risk from this China bubble,” Stuart said. As for America, the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicts pork production will rise in 2017, but per capita consumption in the U.S. is not expected to increase. Neither are pork exports to any great degree. “When I’m saying we’re going to have four to five percent production growth, I’m also saying we’re going to have .7 percent export growth. And you’ve got to export five percent more for every one percent of production increase,”



said Stuart. “We are not keeping pace with exports next year. I don’t know where we can find a market to absorb this. We are looking over the edge of a cliff in the hog markets.” Stuart said he believes there is a 50-50 chance of a major correction in December hog futures as the market reacts to excess slaughter capacity but limited export outlets. In Canada, the pork industry is showing minor expansion, but its export growth of late has all been to China, and now China may be importing less. Stuart said Canada runs the risk of evolving into a piglet supplier to U.S. feeders and packers unless it secures profitability for producers on finished pork. While the U.S. focuses on chain speed, Canada could differentiate itself and increase exports by catering to niche markets. That way it would avoid head-to-head competition with the U.S. hog production juggernaut. He also said Canada is in a better position than the U.S. to make bilateral trade deals. Brexit might prove an ideal opportunity to

increase exports, he added. “Pull them aside and cut a deal,” he said of the United Kingdom. “You may get something much better … and Britain is a fantastic pork market.” Alberta Pork chair Frank Novak said the prospect of cheap U.S. pork imports isn’t new. “We’re living it,” he said. While American hog producers are buying into processing plants and working toward more vertical integration, that isn’t the trend in Canada. “The critical difference between the U.S. and Canada now is, in the U.S. producers are taking a thing that we read about once, called profits, and they’re using that money to invest in processing because they know they have to. They don’t necessarily want to. “In Canada, unfortunately, we’re going the other way. We have vertical integration happening but in some cases it’s happening because processors are buying producers who have gone out of business.”


I’m not near as optimistic about the next three weeks as what the market is. I still don’t think we’ve seen the cash market lows. TYLER FULTON MARKET ANALYST

On Nov. 28 for instance, the Chicago U.S. cash index price was $47.90 per hundredweight, while December futures were $50.65. The cash price has fallen from almost $66 at Sept. 1 in a slow g r i n d d ow n w a rd t o p re s e nt prices. However, December futures prices fell from $57 per cwt. on Sept. 1 to just above $40 on Oct. 19, then staged a rally back up to almost $51. Fulton suspects the rally is more technical than fundamental and that the cash market is a better indicator of where things are at. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE

» Always follow grain marketing and all other stewardship practices and pesticide label directions. Details of these requirements can be found in the Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers printed in this publication. Genuity and Design®, Roundup Ready® and Roundup® are registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada Inc. licensee. Pioneer® brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. Pioneer®, the trapezoid symbol and Protector® are registered trademarks of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. CPS CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES and Design is a registered trademark of Crop Production Services, Inc.




» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE “I’m not near as optimistic about the next three weeks as what the market is,” said Fulton. “I still don’t think we’ve seen the cash market lows.” He expects to see them by the middle of December. The fourth quarter of every year is always of grave concern for hog producers because that’s when pig supplies tend to grow and packer capacity gets squeezed. In 1998, more hogs than shackles on which to hang them caused prices to collapse, ruining many farmers. Usually, the impact is less severe, but about every fourth year, the fourth quarter is a problem at the end of a herd expansion cycle. This year, many analysts were watching the fourth quarter closely because of this risk and prices have indeed fallen. December futures were at $67 in July, so dropping to $50 is significant. But the decline could be worse if the packing capacity becomes ov e r w h e l m e d , w h i c h re c e nt slaughter numbers suggest is close to happening. To this point, packing plants have kept up with the hog flow, with strong profitability encouraging them to kill all the pigs they can. “It’s really impressive the number of hogs we’ve churned through,” said Fulton. But with a maximum U.S. capacity of about 2.53 million pigs per week almost reached, problems could arise with any disruption. Fortunately for farmers, Fulton thinks cash prices will likely stay above $40, since excess supplies are unlikely to substantially exceed capacity and packers are keen to continue making money. Slaughter is at record levels, with almost six percent more pigs coming to market than a year ago. However, the pigs tend to be a few pounds lighter, so the amount of extra pork isn’t that great. Fulton said the packer squeeze is happening, but even though prices will likely be depressed more and there are more weeks to go, hog producers will likely come through this period OK. Next year shouldn’t see such a squeeze, because 30,000 to 40,000 head extra slaughter capacity is coming on-line. The real challenge will be moving the meat, which is presently being sold at high prices but is testing U.S. consumers. “Maybe the issue is on the pork side,” said Fulton. “We’ve got to find a way to move all of this pork, especially when the U.S. dollar is strong relative to the export markets.”

The U.S. government has set new biofuel targets in the United Sates, which boosted oilseed prices, included canola. This biodiesel filling station is in San Francisco. | REUTERS/ROBERT GALBRAITH PHOTO AMERICAN BIOFUEL POLICY

U.S. biofuel target boosts soyoil, canola The new biofuel mandate will benefit farmers but the oil industry is not pleased D’ARCE MCMILLAN, SASKATOON NEWSROOM & REUTERS NEWS AGENCY

Oilseed prices, including canola, rose following the announcement of new U.S. biofuel targets last week. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s overall biofuel target of 19.28 billion gallons for 2017 was larger than expected and the component for advanced biofuels of 4.28 billion gallons, which includes biodiesel from vegetable oil, was particularly strong. On Nov. 27, the day of the announcement, soy oil futures jumped nearly seven percent. Canola futures rose 1.5 percent. The primary feedstock for U.S. biodiesel fuel is soyoil, so the

EPA’s targets should tighten domestic soyoil stocks. The U.S. Department of Agriculture currently projects U.S. soyoil stocks at the end of the 2016-17 marketing year at 1.658 billion pounds. “No matter how you cut the mustard, you are going to take some of this carry-out down, probably half a billion pounds,” said Charlie Sernatinger, an analyst with ED&F Man Capital. The markets determined that the soy oil futures rally was overdone and pulled back the day after the announcement, but for the week the January contract gained 7.7 percent. Canola rose 2.7 percent. The oilseed complex was also supported by stronger than expected U.S. soybean exports.

(The EPA plan is) completely detached from market realities and confirms once again that Congress must take immediate action to remedy this broken program. CHET THOMPSON PRESIDENT OF AMERICAN FUEL AND PETROCHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS

The EPA requirements include 15 billion gallons for conventional biofuel, which is mainly corn-based ethanol. However, corn futures did not respond to the news. Even with somewhat stronger ethanol production, the U.S. corn year-end stocks are expected to be ample.

Also, U.S. corn is expected to face strong competition from South American corn in a few months when the har vest there gets going. The oil industry is expected to renew its effort to persuade the U.S. Congress to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard program. The EPA plan is “completely detached from market realities and confirms once again that Congress must take immediate action to remedy this broken program,” said Chet Thompson, president of the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers. President-elect Donald Trump had strong support from farmers in Midwestern states and the oil industry, so it is not clear how his administration will view the biofuel program.

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China’s growing dairy sector sees forage demand rise China surpasses Japan as the major export market for U.S. alfalfa BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

John Szczepanski of the U.S. Forage Export Council says China is looking for high-quality alfalfa for the dairy sector. | ED WHITE PHOTO

The oft-ignored offshore forage market is getting bigger, even while some traditional markets are getting smaller, says the head of the U.S. forage exporters’ organization. “2016 registered the first time the Chinese market (was) a bigger export market than Japan,” John Szczepanski of the U.S. Forage Export Council said during the Canadian Forage and Grassland Association’s annual meeting in Winnipeg Nov. 16. “We’re seeing very world class equipment and facilities (being built in China) that demand similarly high quality input. That has created for us a great market.” Szczepanski said U.S. forage exports now total US$1 to $1.2 billion per year, with Japan and South Korea usually making up more than 50 percent of the market. In 2016, not only did China become a larger volume market than Japan, but Japan and South Korea dropped to less than 50 percent of the overall market for the first time. Szczepanski said the changing dynamics of the market come from the increase in Chinese demand, a gentle decline of Japan and South Korea and shifting demand in the Middle East. China’s growth is all about boom-

ing consumer demand and the desire of Chinese consumers for high-quality, safe dairy products, he said. The Chinese government has embraced the idea of high-quality alfalfa as the basis for high-quality dairy products, so until the country can produce enough of its own alfalfa, its dairy farmers are being pushed to buy good offshore alfalfa. Hurdles worth hurtling Szczepanski said the Chinese market is hard to work with because of both complex regulations and multiple differing interpretations of regulations in different areas. However, it is an excellent long-term market for American forage exports. Ja p a n a n d S o u t h Ko re a a re declining in demand because of an aging population and, in Japan, a shrinking number of dairy farmers. Fewer consumers and farmers mean less demand for forages. However, Japan is the top-paying customer for the U.S. industry, so it is still a key focus of exporters, Szczepanski said. Not only does it pay top dollar, but it’s farmers know how to use a wide variety of forages rather than just alfalfa. “For any forage that we grow in the western United States, alfalfa might represent 50 percent of our exports to Japan, but whatever we grow, the

Japanese have a place for it.” Szczepanski said Middle Eastern demand has shifted in recent years as the United Arab Emirates became a less dependable market. However, the Saudi Arabian market is seen to offer growing longterm potential, especially with challenges to irrigation. The Saudis are also willing to pay for quality forages. “The dairy industry there matters,” said Szczepanski. The biggest challenge to the growth of the American export forage industry is transportation, he said. The bankruptcy of a major world shipping company recently rattled overseas buyers. “When Hanjin shut off, it impacted a lot of product that was sitting on the water,” said Szczepanski. “Having a transportation network that works is critical for us.… Where we don’t have reliable supply, best in the world doesn’t mean anything.” Szczepanski also said being “best in the world” doesn’t always mean having the best product or marketing strategy. “Our customer base is not asking for the best in the world,” he said. “They are asking for good product at a reasonable price. Trying to tell people that we’re the best in the world only goes so far.”


How do you prepare your farm for a Trump-led America? HEDGE ROW



verybody always says, “we’re entering uncharted waters here,” but heck, folks, this time we’re truly entering uncharted waters. A Donald Trump presidency could mean almost anything for commodity prices, interest rates, market access and world economic conditions, and farmers need to be prepared to deal with unprecedented uncertainty during an already challenging time. Here’s what the Trump era could mean: • trade wars • Keynesian government spending • more world conflicts • fewer world conflicts • a big recession • a big economic boom • blocked market access • easier trading relations How do you set up your farm to deal with this contradictory range of possibilities? These aren’t abstract issues. The way the Trump administration and

the Republican-controlled houses of Congress sort out their differences into something approximating a new economic policy will directly affect the finances of every Canadian farmer. Think about interest rates: how vulnerable to interest rate changes is your farm? If Trump gets his way and launches a massive infrastructure spending program, inflation could spike and interest rates could soar. If he provokes trade wars and spurs a global recession, interest rates could remain at near zero for years to come. That’s a risk that needs to be hedged, but how do you do that? A recession tends to be bad for commodity prices as world demand slumps. An inflationary spike tends to boost commodity prices as investors rush for hard assets that keep their relative value as money cheapens. Some economists are now fearing that 1970s-like stagflation is likely to reappear. How do you hedge for that range of possibilities? How vulnerable is your farm to the American border being shut to Canadian pigs, cattle or wheat? After a couple of years of relative border peace, especially with country-of-origin labelling eliminated, access to the U.S. market is once again something nobody is taking for granted.

Does anyone think that a bold populist, who owes his electoral success to the Midwest and Great Plains, won’t mess with agricultural trade? Sticking it to Canadian cattle, pigs and grains has often brought fulsome praise from farmers of the same commodities south of the border. On the other hand, most of the things foreigners like us fear about Trump could melt away if he turns out to be the fabulous deal-maker he claims to be. Sure, he talks a tough game on trade, but maybe after some bluster and a high-visibility summit or two, he’ll be able to march out with a new deal on Canada-U.S. trade that changes only a few details, declare victory, and we’ll be back to clear sailing for the foreseeable future. The problem with dealing with populists is that it’s impossible to predict what they will do with either policy or action. Populism is a gut-based outlook that doesn’t lend itself to principle or predictability. We have entered an era of unpredictability and uncertainty, and markets hate uncertainty. How do farmers prepare for this? Beyond being cautious and taking nothing for granted, there isn’t much to do. The ball is on the south side of the border, and we’ll have to see how they play it.





Tough year for lentils, but demand should keep growers growing Buyers say strong prices means there is an argument for more lentil acres, especially for green types BY MICHAEL RAINE SASKATOON NEWSROOM

REGINA — The market is sending signals to plant more pulse crops, says an agrologist with Saskatchewan Agriculture. “Despite tough (pulse crop) growing conditions this year, a lot of producers should be back for the coming season,” Dale Risula said last week at Canadian Western Agribition. “It keeps their rotations and spreads risk.” Greg Simpson of Moose Jaw’s Simpson S eeds said grow ers should “be getting the message from the market’s signals.”

“Grow more green lentils, we aren’t producing enough to meet world demand,” he said. “We grew 440,000 tonnes (of greens) and this year we need about 650,000.” Demand for more lentil acres of all types is showing up in early production contracts for the crop, but buyers say that will likely start to soften as they fill the acres needed to meet future contracts, delivering in the fall of 2017 and winter 2018. Current prices for most lentils are very strong because of the lack of higher quality product from Western Canada and the Dakotas. The quality issue is holding back sales of

a three million tonne Canadian lentil crop this fall, and as a result, a carryover of 360,000 tonnes is likely.

We are moving into a strong beef demand period as retailers and the food service sector buy for Christmas and New Year’s needs. The U.S. fed cash market wrapped up before the American Thanksgiving with dressed sales in the north steady to US$6 higher than the previous week while southern regions traded steady to $3 higher on a live basis.

The week ending Nov. 12 included the U.S. election and Canadian Remembrance Day holiday, which might explain weekly exports of only 998 feeders. The feeder market in the coming weeks should see good demand and tighter supply. Auction volumes since October have been only slightly lower than last year. Buy orders will need to be filled, and there will also be buying before year end for tax reasons.

We grew 440,000 tonnes (of greens) and this year we need about 650,000. GREG SIMPSON SIMPSONS SEEDS

Simpson said it will take time to find homes for the lower quality crop that is in storage, but producers shouldn’t dwell on what hap-

CANFAX REPORT FED CATTLE RISE For the sixth consecutive week, western Canadian fed prices have rallied, rising to the mid $140s per hundredweight from the low $130s. The weekly average for steers was $145.15 per cwt., up $2.71, and heifers were $144.47, up $3.05. Second half highs are often set in either November or December. The market would have to rally another $3.75 if July highs are to be overtaken. In Alberta, one plant was doing most of the buying, and delivery was mostly scheduled for the first week of December. It was the second consecutive week that more heifers were slaughtered than steers in Western Canada. Heifer weights rose 16 pounds to average 864 lb., the heaviest reported since April. Canadian weekly beef production from fed cattle topped 37 million pounds, up four percent from last year and 10 percent larger than the 10-year average. Strength on the Chicago cattle futures market and the softer Canadian dollar has producers looking more seriously at contracting cattle direct to the packer or buying coverage under the Cattle Price Insurance Program. Strengthening cash cattle prices will mean processors will also have to keep ratcheting beef prices higher to maintain margins.

COWS RISE D1, D2 cows ranged C$77-$94 to average $85 per cwt., up $2.25. D3 cows ranged $69-$85 to average $77.42. Dressed cow bids firmed to $163-$168 delivered. Butcher bull prices rallied more than $4 to average $103.56. Weekly western Canadian nonfed slaughter to Nov. 19 fell four percent to 9,709 head. Weekly exports to Nov. 12 fell 13 percent to 5,833 head. Non-fed volumes are expected to seasonally tighten and prices should be steady.



Higher fed cattle prices and the seasonal demand for middle meats lifted U.S. boxed beef prices. Choice was up US $4.33 at $186.64 and Select up $3.02 at $170.12. While the overall cutout is down nine to 12 percent from a year ago, the value of rib primal is holding strong. The strong demand for middle meats is expected to supp o r t t h e c u t o u t m ov i n g i nt o December. Canadian cut-out values for the week ending Nov. 18 were unavailable.

Stronger fed prices and rising cattle futures lifted the feeder market. New crop calves saw keen buying interest and prices surged $8.5010.50. Feeders heavier than 600 lb. rose $4-$7. Weekly auction volumes rose 16 percent to 68,070 head.

This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403-275-5110 or at

WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOGS Chicago hog futures have been edging higher, as have pork prices, but the cash price has not yet responded. U. S . c a r c a s s w e i g h t s h a v e declined as packers maintain a near-record pace of slaughter and enjoy robust profit margins. The U.S. national live price average for barrows and gilts was US$31.95 per cwt. Nov. 25, down from $32.72 Nov. 18. U.S. hogs averaged $41.88 on a carcass basis Nov. 25, up from $40.41 Nov 18. The U.S. pork cutout was $74.03 per cwt. Nov. 25, up from $73 Nov. 18. T h e e s t i m a t e d U. S. w e e k l y slaughter for the week to Nov. 25 was 2.152 million, down from 2.531 million the previous week. Slaughter was 2.110 million last

year at the same time. In Canada, the Nov. 26 Signature Five price was C$111.69 per 100 kilograms, down from $112.29 the previous week. The price was $50.66 on a per hundredweight basis, down from $50.93 the previous week.

BISON STEADY The Canadian Bison Association said Grade A bulls in the desirable weight range sold at prices up to C$6-$6.25 per pound hot hanging weight. U.S. buyers are offering US$4.60 with returns dependent on exchange rates, quality and export costs. Grade A heifers sold up to C$5.75$ 6 . U. S. b u y e r s a r e o f f e r i n g US$4.40. Animals outside the desirable buyer specifications may be discounted.

LAMBS STEADY Beaver Hill Auction in Tofield, Alta., reported that 681 sheep and 101 goats sold Nov. 21. Wool lambs lighter than 54 lb. were $194-$223 per cwt., 55-69 lb. were $215-$229, 70-85 lb. were $193-$230, 86-105 lb. were $187-$206 and 106 lb. and heavier were $180-$195. Wool rams were $80-$157 per cwt. Cull ewes were $70-$120. Hair lambs lighter than 54 lb. were $170-$208 per cwt., 55-69 lb. were $195-$225, 70-85 lb. were $184-$220, 86-105 lb. were $184$195 and 106 lb. and heavier were $175-$189. Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported that 1,225 sheep and lambs and 75 goats traded Nov. 21. All lambs, goats and thicker type sheep sold steady. Lean sheep sold higher.

pened this summer. Instead, they should start making plans to take advantage of a strong market for 2017-18 crops. “You have to ask yourself, ‘if you normally can grow a good crop of Eston (green lentils), why not plan for that?’ ” he said. Australia had a good harvest and that product is now reaching the market. As well, the Asian rabi harvest is coming early in the new year. Both harvests will cause shortterm, seasonal weakening of lentil prices, but growers should take that into account, say marketers. Not all prairie pulse acres were damaged, so the larger-than-aver-

age harvested acres did result in decent supplies of seed lentils. “There are lots of good No. 2 (lentils) out there for seed, but with the market looking for acreage, the best won’t necessarily be there later on, so farmers should be making plans,” said Simpson. The same can’t be said for chickpea seed supply. Poor growing conditions hurt sound seed supply, and that market is tightening quickly with current prices for kabuli exceeding 75 cents per pound. Simpson said there will be a lot of durum acres in need of a rotation, and lentils are still the likely bet.







Health Canada fails farmers in banning imidacloprid


eonicotinoids are a hot-button issue for agriculture and the father of that family of pesticides is being proposed for removal from service in Canada. Globally, pesticides are at the heart of most farms. Efforts to restrict their use will dramatically reduce farm production. If there were practical, financially acceptable alternatives for farmers to control pests, they would use them. Health Canada has identified imidacloprid, one of the world’s most popular insecticides, as a problem for aquatic insects in some surface water and potentially for the birds that eat them. Imidacloprid, the oldest of the neonicotinoid pesticides, has long been known to easily move in wet soil. And now, Health Canada says there are unacceptable levels of it in surface water in agricultural regions. It says it carried out field tests and its models project imidacloprid to be an issue in surface water across Canada, but it adds that further testing will not be done to confirm the projections due to the costs involved. Imidacloprid is the active insecticide ingredient in many canola seed treatments that control flea beetles, along with two newer neonicotinoids, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. It is also used for wireworm in cereals and potatoes. Until recently, neonicotinoids were the only insecticide seed treatment that targeted pests feeding on canola seedlings, generally allowing producers to avoid the use of non-target foliar and soilapplied insecticide. Short of carbon releasing, soil-eroding tillage, there are no effective cultural practices that defend against flea beetles or wireworms. Canola alone can suffer extensive yield losses from flea beetles, more than 10 percent even when seed treatments are effective, making this a significant financial threat to Canadian farmers.

Without seed treatments, canola growers are forced to use above-ground applications of non-specific insecticides, a choice that producers find financially and physically unappealing. Reliance on a single mode of action is also perilous. For wireworm there would be no control without imidacloprid. Thiamethoxam or clothianidin are used to treat nearly all corn and most soybeans grown in Canada and were reviewed for those crops last year. New active ingredients for globally minor crops in minor markets like Canada are difficult to license. Health Canada provides those approvals and has long been identified by chemical producers as an expensive and slow-moving institution in a market too small to justify the time and expense required to get product approval in some cases. As a result, farmers have come to believe that Health Canada sometimes stands between them and their ability to compete on an even footing internationally. So far, American authorities have not placed similar restrictions on imidacloprid but it is banned in the European Union. Earlier this year, Health Canada ruled that imidacloprid was not a risk to pollinators, which demonstrates that science can sometimes prevail in Canada. But Health Canada needs to ensure that in all cases, science and economics are both well understood and accounted for in its decision-making process. One would presume that any assessment of neonicotinoids would include a look at the financial value of the products for canola and cereals in Canada before any further restrictions are initiated. In food production, all new costs come at the expense of the farmer. Bruce Dyck, Barb Glen, Brian MacLeod, D’Arce McMillan and Michael Raine collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.


I spent a lot of money, thousands of dollars experimenting around, and I’m not really prepared to give out free information to other guys to come in. Why do I spend this money and there is no benefit to me? JOEL MILLER, CANOLA GROWER FROM AVONLEA, SASK.

How do I say this nicely? The things that we do on our farm, we would kind of like to keep to ourselves. So we’re not going to share. JANEL DELAGE, CANOLA GROWER FROM INDIAN HEAD, SASK., PAGE 33


Bovine TB outbreak shakes Liberal approach to crises CAPITAL LETTERS



hen rancher Brad Osadczuk told the House of Commons agriculture committee Nov. 22 he was spending $92,000 a month to feed a third of his quarantined, soon to be culled, cattle herd, you could have heard a pin drop. That’s not chump change. It’s more than half the salary most backbencher MPs on the agriculture committee make in a year ($170,400 before taxes). Heck, it’s more than what many working Canadians make. All of a sudden an emergency bovine tuberculosis situation thousands of kilometres away on a

handful of ranches in southern Alberta had a human face. While Conservative MPs had been asking questions about the outbreak for weeks, the stor y gained little traction in Ottawa, where cattle markets and ranch life isn’t top of the agenda. That is until Nov. 22, when Osadczuk and two other ranchers told MPs point blank that if they didn’t get help soon, they would be “broke by spring.” The ranchers said the Canadian Food Inspection Agency wasn’t answering the phone. No one could get a straight answer on how tests were progressing and cash flow for extra feed and water was non-existent. The situation, ranchers said, was like having all your assets and bank accounts indefinitely frozen. After hearing from the ranchers, federal New Democratic Party and Conservative MPs wanted the CFIA to appear in front of the committee to explain, with NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau arguing MPs

must ensure the agency has the necessary resources. But Liberal MPs disagreed, insisting that the situation in Alberta didn’t require study and should be left to the minister. Besides, the committee was already under a tight timeline to finish its review of the Agriculture Policy Framework, which expires in two years. In a 5-4 vote, the Liberal MPs voted down the request to hear from CFIA on the bovine tuberculosis situation, although they did agree to write a letter to federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay, at Brosseau’s urging, asking him to speed up testing and expedite compensation. Less than 24 hours later, a Conservative motion asking the Senate agriculture committee to look into the situation passed, a study suggestion backed by Health Minister Jane Philpott. The Senate investigation was to begin Nov. 29. Meanwhile, former Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz told iPolitics that MacAulay was “dead asleep at

the switch.” The Justin Trudeau government has been trying to put out the bovine TB fire ever since. The House agriculture committee has now reversed its initial decision and asked the CFIA to appear in front of the committee Nov. 29 for two hours, at the same time as MacAulay was already scheduled to come for supplementary estimates. Meanwhile, CFIA officials held a technical briefing with media Nov. 25 to clear up confusion in which the agency committed to work on improving communication with affected ranchers. The CFIA has also approved a plan to open a feedlot to ease overcrowding on ranches where quarantines force operations to house double the number of livestock they would normally because calves haven’t been sold. As of press time, details about the feedlot were not available, with overhead costs likely to be covered by Agri-Recovery funds.

The CFIA said the feedlot’s services would be available to any rancher in the quarantined zone who needs to move calves. The Alberta government has formally requested disaster funding via Agri-Recovery. Saskatchewan officials are said to be in discussions with federal officials and Alberta about what do to help the four quarantined operations in Saskatchewan. The situation has raised questions about MacAulay’s and the CFIA’s response to the outbreak, including how long it took the agency to begin testing animals and why it took so long for Ottawa to recognize the urgency. Yet, it’s safe to say the Liberals have learned a few lessons about agriculture crises and how rapidly they can gain traction thanks to the power of a human connection. Only time will tell if those lessons stick. Kelsey Johnson is a reporter with iPolitics,





The world’s most endangered ecosystem BY DAN KRAUS

The sour side of democracy EDITORIAL NOTEBOOK


sk any Canadian kid to name the world’s most endangered ecosystem and chances are you’ll hear one of the following answers: rainforests or coral reefs. There is no question that both of these are endangered. These ecosystems are the focus of international campaigns to protect hot spots of species diversity. They are the focus of education and awareness campaigns shown on Canadian news and taught in Canadian cla ssrooms. Now, what if I told you the world’s most endangered ecosystem is a habitat much closer to home than you might think. Endangerment comes down to risk; the risk of losing a species, habitat or ecosystem for future generations. When we look at the risk factors for endangerment — past loss, current amount of conservation, potential for future loss — the winners (actually the losers) are temperate grasslands, including our Canadian Prairies. There are many reasons why temperate grasslands are endangered. They are the original breadbasket of the world. More than 50 percent have been converted to crops and other land uses. Much of the remaining grasslands are intensively grazed, replacing what were some of the planet’s greatest concentrations of wild grazing animals with cattle, goats and sheep. The loss and continued threats to temperate grasslands were recognized in 2008, when the International Union for the Conservation of Nature declared temperate grasslands as the world’s most



Canada needs to protect and restore grasslands for the benefit of endangered species. | endangered ecosystem. Two years later, a paper published in the Journal of Ecological Letters about global habitat loss and conservation found that temperate grasslands had the highest conservation risk index compared to all other terrestrial ecosystems. This high risk is a result of largescale conversion of temperate grasslands and very few protected areas. A recent paper in the journal Science examined habitat types around the world, and temperate grassland was identified as the ecosystem with the greatest impacts and land use pressures. More than 70 percent of Canada’s prairie grasslands has been converted. A 2010 report on the status and trends of Canada’s major habitat types found that our grasslands are the only major ecosystem type in our country that is impaired and continuing to decline. The endangerment of grassland

habitat in Canada has cascaded into the endangerment of many grassland species. More than 60 Canadian species at risk depend on this habitat, including species that symbolize our grasslands, such as plains bison, swift fox and greater sage grouse. The loss of Canada’s grasslands is a loss for Canadians. In an ecosystem that is created by a lack of water, grasslands are critical for allowing water to infiltrate into the ground, providing base flow to rivers and streams, and holding water during floods. Grasslands are important for carbon storage, with intact native prairies proving to be particularly effective at sequestration and longterm storage in their deep, extensive root networks. Many of Canada’s grasslands have a long history of sustainable cattle grazing. This grazing has supported generations of prairie


ranchers, can help to maintain grassland health and benefits many species of prairie wildlife. The Nature Conservancy of Canada has protected more than 197,684 acres of grasslands in properties, including large, intact areas such as Old Man on His Back in southwestern Saskatchewan. In addition to new protected areas, there is also a key, and immediate, opportunity to conserve large areas of prairie and maintain local ranching economies by protecting community pastures. Here in Canada, we have opportunities to protect and restore habitats that are important for Canadians, and important for the world. We have an opportunity to protect and restore our grasslands. Dan Kraus is a scientist with the Nature Conservancy of Canada.


Cropping issues will influence seeding decisions HURSH ON AG



rofitability is paramount, but many others factors can cause farmers to shy away from certain crops. Problems during this growing season are still top of mind and will affect next year’s choices. “Friends don’t let friends grow flax,” said a tweet during harvest. A wet fall made cutting flax a problem for many, and when you’re finally able to combine it, you still need a plan to deal with the straw. If the combine can’t adequately chop the residue, you might have to pile and burn it, which is a thankless, labour-intensive job.

Rather than trying to find uses for the fibre in flax straw, the industry increasingly realizes that it needs varieties in which the straw isn’t so difficult to handle. The other knock against flax is that a lot of producers can’t achieve top yields. According to Saskatchewan Agriculture’s final crop report of the season, the average flax yield this year was 26 bushels per acre. While that’s well above the 10 year average of 22, it’s still well back of canola’s 40. For durum, the susceptibility to fusarium head blight is a huge issue. An estimated 34 percent of the Saskatchewan crop was a No. 3 with a whopping 48 percent lower than that, largely because of fusarium. In some cases, a fungicide application seemed to be helpful, but in many other instances, the value was difficult to quantify. Spring wheat is less susceptible, but producers in the traditional durum growing region are loath to

convert to a crop that typically has much lower prices. Another problem for next year will be securing durum seed that doesn’t have high levels of disease. It was also a difficult year to be growing lentils. Saskatchewan’s final crop report pegs the provincial lentil yield at 1,098 pounds, well below the 10-year average of 1,310. Lentils and chickpeas were the only crops of the 15 listed that had a lower than average yield. Red lentil prices are decent, but not exceptional like they were at this time a year ago. Large green lentil prices, on the other hand, are showing a lot of strength, even for the Extra 3 and No. 3 grades. With reds being the dominant class, expect lentil acreage to moderate next year. Many producers who pushed their rotations and tried to cash in big got their fingers slapped, and they’ll be cutting back next year. What crops will see an acreage

increase? Soybeans are firmly established in Manitoba, and that acreage may continue to grow. Saskatchewan’s main soybean area is on the east side of the province, and acreage slipped slightly this year. Expect an increase next year after a generally good harvest result. However, the biggest increase is likely to be in canola. Despite all the warnings about canola rotations being too tight, the crop had a great year: good yields and good quality with lots of weed control options. Seed costs are high, but fertilizer costs are down. Canola is relatively free of the many problems plaguing other crops, and there will be even more yellow flowers across the countryside next year, particularly in the south where canola doesn’t yet dominate. Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at

t has been tempting, even fashionable, to cringe at the American experience in democracy these last few weeks. Between the election of a president with no political experience and controversial views, and late vote counts leaving Donald Trump with about 2.4 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, many Canadians are aghast at what they’re seeing. No so fast. While the mechanics of Canadian democracy tend to work better, the modus operandi of how we carry out our democracy remains ugly. I have watched question period at the House of Commons and in Queen’s Park in Ontario in disgust, but it’s been a while, so while attending Agribition, I took the opportunity to attend question period in the Saskatchewan legislature, as did 68 elementary schoolchildren, who sat in the public gallery well-behaved and seemingly interested in the proceedings. What they saw couldn’t have impressed them. Neither the NDP nor the Sask Party seemed interested in showing a modicum of respect for each other. Take the question posed by the NDP’s Buckley Belanger, who is also the deputy leader of the party. The preface to the question was toxic, accusing the government of “squandering our future for years and years to come,” acting “arrogant,” noting cabinet’s “penchant for Twitter tantrums and storming out of meetings.” The question itself concerned whether the government will adequately represent farmers in the coming Growing Forward 3 discussions. At 101 words, the response by Agriculture Minister Lyle Stewart was roughly half as long as the question. There was opportunity to take the high road. Stewart has already said in the pages of The Western Producer that he is hearing from farmers about issues such as market access and development. He also mentioned trade policies and social licence issues. He could have talked about all of that. Instead, he attacked the NDP’s record, concluding that the party “failed agriculture on every front.” It was disappointing to see Stewart respond like this. But it likely didn’t matter. The obnoxious chatter among the MLAs was so loud it was almost impossible for anyone in the galleries to hear either the question or the answer. It’s probably fortunate that the children in attendance likely didn’t look at Hansard to read what they surely couldn’t hear. That would not have been a teachable moment.



OPEN FORUM LETTERS POLICY: Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author. Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for The Western Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by The Producer.

ENERGY SECTOR JOBS To the Editor: I’ve done the math, even in these lean times I’ve taken the time from trying to put food on the table to try and understand why Premier Brad Wall does not do the obvious: put the unemployed energy grunts back to work by embracing clean, renewable energy with equal enthusiasm as how he worships old, dirty extractive energy production. The amount of money media has reported spent on clean-coal technology alone is enough to outfit two-thirds of the houses in Regina with solar panels capable of satisfying those houses’ needs. Building, installing and maintaining that

many solar ar rays is job r ich instead of job poor with clean coal. Solar is not the only source of renewable energy. There are tremendous advances worldwide in clean energy production that hugely reduces green house gas emissions. There are incineration devices that reduce GHGs 95 percent in everything from human and animal wastes to wood, flax straw, and most of the contents of landfills (to name a few sources of feed stocks). We can turn those GHGs into energy and heat, that’s without even mentioning wind or moving water. Yet Wall seems stuck in a prehistoric mindset that concludes only dirty extractive big industry can and will supply our energy and

those are the only sources of energy that are going to be funded by the taxpayers, even with those industries’ historically horrible, uncaring, environmental reputations. I may have certain neanderthal characteristics in technology. I am 65 and can have difficulty manipulating a TV remote, but the real knuckle draggers are those global w a r m i n g d e n i e r s w h o a re s o invested in the old, dirty system that they are afraid to endure any transition by embracing renewable resources. To them I say, reinvest. The big difference between nonrenewable and renewable energy resources is that non-renewable resources can be, and are, owned and diabolically controlled by, and for the benefit of, a few well-placed

individuals who squeeze the public for huge profits. To own the nonrenewables allows for corporate rule over the entire world. It’s not about economy or jobs and definitely not about the environmental sustainability, it’s about concentrating wealth and power. Renewable resources, on the other hand, put ownership, control and consumption in the hands of individuals and local communities. With personal, local supervision, efficienc y and supply would increase, and energy costs would decline, giving individuals huge opportunities to be creative in economic pursuits, job creation and environmental stewardship. There would be increasingly reduced necessity for huge expensive, aging, centralized production and transmission facilities, pipelines, extraction processes and all the associated pollutions. We could have a better, healthier, r i c h e r a n d m o re re s p o n s i v e democracy. Greg Chatterson Fort Qu’Appelle, Sask.

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FOOD SECURITY To the Editor: In your article “Hunger called human rights issue,” the writer, Ed White, conveniently forgot to mention how much of the grain the world produces is fed to animals so that First World countries can gorge on meat. We currently produce enough food to feed all people on the planet an adequate diet, but ag producers are feeding almost half of what we grow to livestock, not to mention the amount of water that is used and polluted for livestock production. If people truly are concerned about world hunger, we have to stop feeding resources (grain, legumes and water) to animals, change the rules on the grades of crops allowed to be fed to human beings and work to fix distribution problems. The Western Producer is talking about expanding markets to Africa and the Middle East for meat. That again will not be feeding people who are starving. Get out of the meat production and stop wasting resources. Read the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations report on animal agriculture: Livestock’s Long Shadow. North American and European animal agriculture is a slap in the face to those who are hungry, it’s killing the planet and damaging human health. Karin Nelson Edmonton, Alta.

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Ranchers to get compensation for TB quarantine The cattle in quarantine cannot be sold, and Ottawa is offering financial assistance with winter feeding costs BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Financial assistance will be available to help Alberta and Saskatchewan ranchers cope with expenses from having cattle in quarantine during a bovine tuberculosis investigation. Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay made the commitment Nov. 24 in the House of Commons. “I am pleased to confirm that, working with the province, we are committed to compensate these ranchers for the costs they are facing, including interest on their advance payment loans,” MacAulay said. Details of the financial assistance had not been released at press time Nov.28. Alberta Agriculture Minister Oneil Carlier said the provincial contribution would come in the form of Agri-Recovery funds. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency said Nov. 25 that it has expanded the source herd investigation to six farms from three and that no new positive cases of TB had been found beyond the six already confirmed in previous weeks. It said about 22,000 animals and 40 ranches are now involved in the quarantine: five of them are in Saskatchewan and the rest in Alberta. CFIA also said it is working with producer groups to arrange for calves to be moved to a feedlot where they can be fed throughout the coming months while the investigation continues. Location and details of that are still being determined. MacAulay’s response in the House of Commons was made two days after three southeastern Alberta ranchers, each with herds in quarantine, appeared before the House agriculture committee to explain their situation and ask for help. Brad Osadczuk of Jenner, Alta., appeared in person and Ross White and Warren Henry presented via video from Calgary. Osadczuk had one cow confirmed with TB in September, prompting an investigation by the CFIA that led to his and other ranches being quarantined. Since then, five more animals have been confirmed as infected, and testing on an estimated 18,000 animals continues. The process is expected to take months. Osadczuk said it is costing him $92,000 per month to feed 400 of his 1,200-head cow herd that is in quarantine. He said he and other affected ranchers are overdrawn on their bank accounts because they are unable to sell animals to pay the bills. White told the committee that he was unable to reach the CFIA for 10 days when he wanted information on when his herd would be tested. He had pre-sold his calf crop in early October but was forced to renege on the contract because his herd is quarantined. As of last week, he hadn’t yet weaned his calves, which he said is causing his cows to lose body condition and is overtaxing available pasture. He is also worried about overcrowding, higher risk of illness and

potential calf loss from having to handle cows numerous times in the testing process. “This is truly a disaster.” White wondered whether land values in the region would fall as a result of the TB cases and whether ranchers in that region would have difficulty marketing their cattle in the future. The three ranchers said the CFIA has not been forthcoming with information, and despite the willingness of veterinarians in the province to help with testing, the CFIA has refused those offers. Testing is slow as a result, they said. “We don’t want a hand out. We

don’t want free money,” said Osadczuk. “We don’t want anything we don’t deserve. I feel almost embarrassed to be asking for money.” Existing programs are not sufficient or quick enough to help ranchers who are in immediate need, added Alberta Beef Producers chair Bob Lowe, who also appeared at committee. “It’s all too slow and a lot of it is based on loans,” he said. Added White: “We don’t need a loan. We need money to pay for expenses.” White said he would be broke by spring unless there is assistance with feed costs.

ABP has been trying to arrange for calves to be moved to a feedlot where they could be fed until their fate is determined by the CFIA. The federal ag committee voted Nov. 22 to send a letter to MacAulay requesting assistance for the affected ranchers. Six Conservative MPs also sent their own letter Nov. 22 asking the federal government to provide interim funding before winter sets in. They asked that the CFIA allow local veterinarians to assist with testing as a way to speed up the process, and that timely and accurate information be provided by CFIA to the affected ranchers.


“We are aware that the CFIA has established an emergency response team in Ottawa with staff on the ground in Alberta, but the reality is ranchers are not aware of it and are far from receiving the help they need,” the letter said. In a news conference Nov. 25, CFIA deputy chief veterinarian Jaspinder Komal acknowledged complaints about communication. He said the agency is working to provide each affected rancher with a dedicated contact, and it will continue twice a week conference calls with industry associations.




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Canada looks for Plan B on trade in wake of Trump win With trade deals on the chopping block, Canada hopes other countries will step into the ring to keep the TPP deal alive BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU

The tumblers are spinning as Canadian farmers and agricultural exporters try to figure out how to unlock the new world trading reality. With the Trans Pacific Partnership likely dead and the CanadaEuropean Union free trade likely to succeed, Canada’s agriculture and food producers are facing a new set of locked and unlocked doors. “With TPP off the table, it’s too bad, but CETA (the Canada-E.U. Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) is one good agreement we can use,” said Paul Gregory, a farmer from Fisher Branch, Man., who exports both honey and forage seed. “Any kind of trade agreement is great.” U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has promised not to sign the TPP, and the hopes for any large or improved multilateral trade deals also appear to be dimmed to a mere flicker. CETA almost died because of regional opposition in one EU member and still needs official approval within the EU’s byzantine political and bureaucratic system. As well, Trump often said during the election campaign that he was going to try to force a renegotiation

of the North American Free Trade Agreement. It’s a remarkably different export market outlook than two years ago, when Canadian farmers and food exporters were looking at the development of a much more open world trading environment. Now the doors appear to be shutting. However, export-oriented officials and politicians don’t see the situation as too grim. “We wouldn’t be surprised if other TPP partners are now interested in bilateral agreements,” said Gary Stordy of the Canadian Pork Council. “If this collapses, it won’t be a lost effort.” Stordy said Canadian hog farmers and processors are hoping for immediate action to revive already-established Canada-Japan trade talks, which were put on the backburner while the TPP talks went forward. Vietnam and other TPP members, and those who said they wanted to join TPP in a second wave, are probably also willing to consider bilateral deals if TPP dies. “We’ve been advocating for Canada to have a Plan B should TPP essentially fall apart,” said Stordy. Gerry Ritz, a former Conservative federal agriculture minister, said he not only thinks bilateral deals should be pursued if TPP dies but also thinks TPP can be salvaged without the U.S.

“With like-minded countries like Canada, Japan, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and so on, we’d still meet (the requirements for TPP approval if it is reformulated to exclude the U.S.),” Ritz said. He also thinks Canada can find lots of other willing trade partners if it looks further afield than the U.S.

“It likely increases (its) importance, but not as much as Japan. I think Japan is really the big one for us,” said Bonnett. So are other TPP members that are likely to be open to bilateral deals. “Just the fact that TPP is off the table, it might fast track putting these alliances in place.”

Having people within the United States talking about the benefits of an ongoing trade deal will be even more important than somebody outside telling them that. ROB BONNETT CANADIAN FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE

“There’s no reason to think that Canada couldn’t move ahead and start to become part of the deal with the (southeastern Asian) group of countries. There’s no reason to believe the Philippines and South Korea aren’t sincere when they talk of joining TPP,” said Ritz. “Then there’s other major markets, like China and India, where we’ve begun the ground work.” Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said CETA is a good deal to have in the pocket, but even greater gains can probably be achieved in the opposite direction.

However, a lot of energy is now going into defending access, Bonnett said in an interview during day-long meeting with Mexican agriculture and trade people discussing NAFTA and Canada-Mexico issues. Trump attacked NAFTA while campaigning, so Canada and Mexico need to be able to defend the value of having an open North American market. “Both of us have an interest in this trading relationship between the three countries,” said Bonnett. Encouraging pro-trade U.S. farm and food groups to talk to the



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Trump administration about NAFTA’s benefits will likely bring better results than just having foreign organizations from Canada and Mexico saying the same thing. “Having people within the United States talking about the benefits of an ongoing trade deal will be even more important than somebody outside telling them that,” said Bonnett. James Hofer, a farmer from Starbuck, Man., said he was excited a year ago about the prospects of both CETA and the TPP. He saw nothing but benefits for his Hutterite colony from the deals, which would increase demand and stability for his livestock and crops. Since then, CETA has become mired in seemingly endless complications, and TPP is on the point of death. He has felt disappointed and has had trouble watching these developments unfold. “After all of this talking and hemming and hawing, I have kind of stopped following it.… They don’t know how to make a deal, by the looks of it,” Hofer said. “I don’t know why people are making it so hard to make a trade deal.” Gregory said he’s hopeful about CETA, but said the last year of complications and challenges with EU regulations make him less confident about future market access.



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Ottawa takes steps to deregulate hemp farming BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU

The federal government is easing regulations for testing and cultivation of industrial hemp. Health Canada, in a Notice to Industry document, said it was eliminating testing for THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, in most varieties of hemp. As well, growers will no longer have to identify fields for planting of hemp, prior to spring seeding. In federal government language, the change is an exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. “The exemption better aligns regulation of industrial hemp with the demonstrated low public health and safety risk of the crop,” Health Canada said in the Notice to Industry. “The exemption is an interim measure to simplify the licence application process as the government moves forward with its commitment to legalize, strictly regulate and restrict access to marijuana.” Canadian hemp growers and hemp seed processors have asked the federal government for years to simplify and remove regulations for hemp production. “It’s a great day for the hemp industry…. They just made growing hemp and acquiring licenses and testing … a whole lot simpler,” said Russ Crawford, president of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance. “The barriers to production have

Canadian hemp growers and hemp seed processors have asked the federal government for years to simplify and remove regulations for hemp production. | FILE PHOTO been reduced significantly. (We’re) starting to treat (hemp) more like a grain and oilseed crop. We’re not there yet, but we’re a lot closer then we were.” The federal government permitted cultivation of industrial hemp in the late 1990s, and it’s been grown for nearly two decades, mostly in Western Canada. However, it was never treated like other crops.

Health Canada required farmers to get a production licence and a criminal record check, and testing for THC content was a key part of the regulations. The CHTA has said for several years that the regulatory system is “antiquated” and unnecessary because industrial hemp is distinct from marijuana and the public has safely consumed millions of kilograms of hemp oil, protein, milk

and other hemp foods. The CHTA argued the regulations were holding back expansion of what is now a significant industry. Western Canadian farmers seeded 70,000 to 100,000 acres of hemp in the last few years, and Canadian processors exported $93 million of hempseed, hemp oil and related products last year. The CHTA lobbied Ottawa to relax the regulations for much of

2015 and 2016, but Crawford thought the talks were fruitless. “We didn’t think we were getting anywhere and then boom, they just kind of surprised us with this,” he said. “It’s excellent. We’re really, really happy with it.” The interim changes include: • Industrial hemp growers will be able to choose fields at the time of seeding. The previously had to identify sites and notify the government before planting. • One licence will cover all cultivation sites and activities, reducing the number of licences. • The requirement for THC testing for most hemp varieties has been eliminated, provided the variety is on a list of approved cultivars. • The expiry date of a licence has been extended until March of the following year to allow for the sale of products grown in the previous year. • Applications will be accepted by email. One issue was omitted from the regulatory change. Health Canada prohibits the harvest of hemp flowers and tissue to extract compounds known as cannabinoids. Evidence suggests cannabinoids could be used for pain relief, anti-inflammatory and anti-seizure treatments. A federal government task force is considering the legalization of marijuana, and a decision on hemp cannabinoids will likely be included in its recommendations.

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SAFETY ON WHEELS A mobile unit will drive home the farm safety message next year when Ag For Life launches its latest initiative, the Rural and Farm Safety Mobile Unit. | Page 18



UBC research spotlights rural health BY TAMARA LEIGH FREELANCE WRITER

A new research chair in rural health care at the University of British Columbia is the first position of its kind at a Canadian university to focus on the delivery of health care in rural communities. Terry Lake, B.C.’s minister of health, announced a $5 million endowment in November to establish a position to enhance the delivery of rural health-care services in the province. The endowment is funded through the Joint Standing Committee on Rural Issues, a partnership between the Ministr y of Health and Doctors of B.C. that advises the provincial government on rural medical practice. Dr. Dave Snadden, who was appointed the founding Rural Doctors UBC Chair in Rural Health, said physicians are keen for this chair to provide advocacy and raise the profile of rural health. “Rural health doctors work in circumstances that aren’t always easy, and that aren’t always understood in the big cities,” he says .

Rural health doctors work in circumstances that aren’t always easy, and that aren’t always understood in the big cities.


Fitness ranks low for Canadian youth A busy day isn’t always a physically active one for children, says program director BY KAREN MORRISON SASKATOON NEWSROOM

NOBLETON, Ont. — Fitness doesn’t have to cost a lot and can be as easy as parking the car farther away from the grocery store. Shyanne Spilchen, the director of Fitness 4 Youth, said regular physical activity needs to become routine. “People see exercise as a chore instead of a lifestyle,” said Spilchen, who provides fitness and leadership in the Toronto region. In a session at the National 4-H Members Forum held near Nobleton, Ont., in November, she said exercise benefits include weight control, disease prevention, muscle strengthening, improved mental health, injury and falls prevention, better sleep and increased concentration. 4-Hers suggested physical activities from their own lives such as daily farm chores, freestyle dance, horseback riding and shovelling snow. “Physical activity and fitness is active activity. As long as the body is moving, really that’s what the goal is,” said Spilchen, who conceded that youth on farms are likely more active than city kids. She said cellphones and computers

are part of a child’s life today, a change from her own childhood. “When I was a kid, I was on the street playing,” Spilchen said. Their timetables may be full with school and extracurricular activities, but these activities are not necessarily active ones. She said busy lives also lead to unhealthy food choices that can contribute to being overweight. Spilchen said rising obesity rates are related to income levels with lower income families finding less time and money to enroll children in sports and provide nutritious meals due to limited budgets. Busy families also often reach for what’s easy and convenient, such as fast food. Middle to upper class families and baby boomers tend to be more active, she said. Spilchen, who said weight and mental health issues in her own family are behind her career choice, sees physical activity as a way to reduce anxiety and control weight. “It makes you feel great from the inside out,” she said. “You start with the inside and be comfortable with how you feel and then

outside will start to change.” Spilchen praised 4-H for addressing fitness at the forum and suggested that similar sessions provided more frequently is one way to bring about change. “If we all work together, I believe children will be more active,” said Spilchen. Canadian kids scored a D- for their fitness levels in the annual ParticipAction report card, released in June. It reported that only nine percent of five to 17 year olds get the recommended 60 minutes of cardio activity each day. The group, which released another study Nov. 16 that compared Canada with 37 other countries, ranked Canada near the bottom along with Australia, England, Spain and the United States. Too much screen time and not enough free play time were blamed. Twenty-six countries earned a D or worse. Belgium, Chile, China, Qatar and Scotland received an F. More developed countries tended to grade lower than less developed countries. Canada received top marks in community and environment and scored Bs for organized sports and school, but Canadian kids scored an F for sedentary behaviour.


“We are also very keen to encourage our students and residents to consider rural practice for their careers.” Recruiting and retaining new physicians to rural practice is a longtime passion for Snadden, who oversaw the expansion of medical education and training in northern British Columbia earlier in his career. Based in Prince George, Snadden will provide academic leadership in rural affairs, establish relevant research and address rural physician recruitment and retention. “One of the things about being an academic at a university is that I’m not aligned with the government or the health authorities. It brings an independent voice to bear,” he says. “I hope through looking at current evidence, and maybe working with some of the rural communities to create new evidence, we can begin to influence how rural health care is delivered and find innovative ways of doing things.” In addition to the endowment, operational funding of $350,000 per year will be provided over the next five years to support the development of a provincial network of rural health researchers and the establishment of a Dean’s Advisory Committee on Rural and Remote Health.


» maintain a healthy weight » reduce risk of disease » strengthen bones, muscles » improve mental health » reduce injuries, falls » improve sleep » increase concentration Source: Mayo Clinic




Recommendations for children aged 5 to 17: HOURS 2sitting

HOUR 1sweating

doing sedentary activities such as reading or screen time

9-11 HOURS sleeping

with consistent bed and wakeup times

doing moderate to intense physical activity

10 HOURS stepping

doing a variety of light daily physical activities

Source: Public Health Agency of Canada





Mobile unit helps deliver farm safety program Ag For Life program will launch next fall and aims to deliver interactive content to rural areas across Western Canada BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

A mobile unit will drive home the farm safety message next year when Ag For Life launches its latest initiative. The Rural and Farm Safety Mobile Unit has been under consideration for about three years, said Ag for Life chief executive officer Luree Williamson. A $650,000 donation from Agrium, announced Nov. 16, will help get the unit on the road to rural schools, communities and fairs by September 2017. “We were absolutely thrilled when Agrium had stepped up and said they could provide some funding to help us get the wheels on the bus going, if you will,” said Williamson. Unit design is underway and is likely to be a trailer pulled behind a truck so it can be taken to rural areas and sites across Western Canada and beyond. “We’re going to be looking at the western provinces for sure and then we’ll be going into some target areas into the United States in our winter months…. We’ll be looking for some program partners down there.” The mobile unit will carry a vari-

Ag for Life’s CEO says content development is the next task, along with additional fundraising to cover operational costs once the mobile unit is ready to hit the road. | AG FOR LIFE PHOTO ILLUSTRATION ety of farm safety information in displays about the main on-farm

hazard areas. It will also include digital interactive content that can

“We want the content to be able to be shared worldwide,” said Williamson. “If there’s groups anywhere that are interested in delivering farm safety programming, we’d like them to be able to utilize a lot of the content that we develop.” Content development is the next task, along with additional fundraising to cover operational costs once the mobile unit is ready to hit the road. Such funding will determine how far the unit can travel and the number of people it can reach with its farm safety message. Ag for Life also launched its Alberta Agriculture Teacher Toolkit, a collaborative effort by commodity and industry groups. Available at agriculture-in-alberta-teacher-kit, it provides teachers with basic information about food, animal care, farm machinery, environmental sustainability and biotechnology. Ag for Life is a non-profit organization established by seven founding members with a mandate to deliver rural and farm safety education. Glacier FarmMedia, the parent of The Western Producer, is a contributing member.

be altered to suit the audience involved.


Retired teacher warns of toxic chemicals in household products Book reveals what’s in commonly used products






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Popular baby products used by millions of parents around the world rubbed Cherry Staszczak the wrong way. The retired high school English teacher and author of There’s What In My What??? from Wynyard, Sask., couldn’t understand why her grandson developed eczema soon after he was born in 2006. She said her daughter had been applying Johnson and Johnson products daily but didn’t make the connection. “We had been using (the Johnson & Johnson) products because that’s what you do. And we kept using those products,” she said. Staszczak later learned Johnson and Johnson used formaldehyde in its products and was in a two-year process of removing it. “I started to read and I read more and just read, read, read as much as I could find,” Staszczak said. “You never see that word (formaldehyde) anywhere. That was a big shock to me. How could that be allowed?” Manufacturers were able to use a legal loophole in product guidelines to use toxic chemicals in their brands, she said. Their fragrances were considered proprietary so

Women typically use 12 different products every day and they contain 168 different chemicals. Think about that. CHERRY STASZCZAK AUTHOR

disclosure of ingredients was not required. Her grandson’s eczema eased after being prescribed a cream by his family doctor, she said. Staszczak decided the best way to warn and inform consumers was by writing the book, which was recently published by Benchmark Press in Regina. “I’m telling my story about how it affected me and my family,” she said. Staszczak, who has taken her message to schools and trade shows, called the book a wake-up call about commonly used products. In the book, she also lists many of the chemicals often used by manufacturers of skin products and beauty aids. In addition, she lists manufacturers who don’t use chemicals in their products. “Women typically use 12 different products every day and they contain 168 different chemicals. Think about that,” says Staszczak.





Weight fair game HEALTH CLINIC



I visited my family doctor recently about a health concern and all he wanted to discuss was my losing weight and wanting me to go on a diet. I am about 23 kilograms overweight but that is not why I was seeing the doctor. Does he have the right to discuss my weight when I do not bring it up?


Jonathan, Marilyn, Herman and Stefan Bouw operate Edie Creek Angus on the eastern edge of the Prairies, focusing on a grass-based system that produces purebred cattle that can be used in the commercial, grass-based and organic farming systems.. | ED WHITE PHOTO BEEF CATTLE

Putting the business out to pasture A multi-generation family of Angus producers makes the move to organic grass-fed animals BY ED WHITE



ANOLA, Man. —The Bouws have been hit by all the crises and challenges of modern farming, but they’ve managed to stumble through each one and emerge with a better farm. It’s been a never-ending process of figuring out what works for them as a growing family, what works on their land and what they like doing. “As a longtime beef man, I feel like I’ve missed the boat,” said Herman, the family patriarch, about the farm’s ongoing beef cattle evolution. His sons, Jonathan and Stefan, have recently led the farm into a pasture and grass-fed focus along with a purebred Angus herd that produces cows that do well on pasture. “It’s odd for me, because you’d think ‘Father knows best,’ ” he said. The Bouw family is bubbling over with new ideas, and that has helped them shift the nature of their farm a few times, but each time it has been toward a more stable economic base. The Bouw farm, on the furthest eastern reach of the Prairies, was founded by Herman’s parents when they emigrated from Holland in 1957. They had produced milk and raised hogs in Europe in addition to buying and finishing feeder cattle. In Canada, they stuck with hog farming and also operated a cattle feedlot, as well as producing some grain. The hog barn paid the bills in the early days. The family now raises grass-fed beef cattle and purebred Angus. It

THE BOUW FAMILY Anola, Man. liquidated its 300 ewe sheep herd this summer and no longer operates the cattle feedlot that was the core of the Bouw operation. “It provides interest,” said Marilyn of why Jonathan and Stefan have relished getting into a specialized purebred herd. Since regular cows designed to be fed grain and produce calves that end up in feedlots don’t do well on pasture- and hay-only diets and did not do well on the Bouw farm, the sons had to seek and incorporate genetics. “These guys have enquiring minds, so it keeps them thinking about how to improve the genetics and what are their goals,” said Marilyn. The Bouw herd is now a customized set of cows that thrive on pasture and their calves on grass diets. The Bouw farm is supporting a lot of human beings, so business decisions are taken seriously and analytically. Both Jonathan and Stefan have four children each, all under 10 years old, so farming needs to provide a stable and secure source of revenue to support the multigenerational family. That’s why they got out of sheep

this year. “It’s a commodity business,” said Stefan, who relishes analyzing the farm’s cash flow and profitability. “We had years where we made good money, and years where we broke even or lost money.” That didn’t make sense for the Bouws, who have been trying to find parts of agriculture that are profitable and have low financial risk, even if that requires embracing higher management forms of production. Their transition out of winter calving occurred after the brutal 2013-14 winter, when calves lost ears and tails. “This doesn’t work,” Jonathan said. They switched to April-May calving, while converting their entire operation into pasture-raised. They are active in the local grass-fed beef market while selling their purebred bulls coast-tocoast. Their cows are designed to work well for commercial operations that want a good mother that thrives on pasture. Almost all their production changes have come from a challenge. Herman recalls well the awful feelings around 2003, when BSE devastated the Canadian cattle business and when Herman’s father died. “I was in such a flap,” he said. “You just kind of keep doing what you’ve been doing because you don’t know any better.” Herman, who had bought the farm from his father five years before, had already decided to transition into organic production, so the 2003 crisis made that happen much more easily.

Jonathan took on the onerous paperwork required for organic production, while in these years, Stefan grew his 4-H experiment in purebred cattle into a small herd that just kept growing. Jonathan became a fan of grazing schools, where he learned about holistic management, and the whole family became obsessed with grass. “The passion of all we do is turning to forages,” said Jonathan. Marilyn has enjoyed seeing the farm morph and shift over the years, and she’s particularly happy with the holistic nature of the farm today. She’s an urbanite who married into farm living, but she’s got a keen feel for what the farm does to make a buck. She’s even managed to use her skills as a one-time French immersion teacher when selling a bull to a farmer in Quebec. “ That was ner ve-wracking because it’s a pretty important decision,” she said about the French conversation on technical cattle matters. The Bouws seem to like getting educated. Herman got both an agriculture diploma and an agriculture degree, Jonathan got a non-agricultural degree and then an agriculture diploma and Stefan has an agriculture diploma. They are continually analyzing their farming operations to understand what works and what doesn’t, what makes money and what loses money. In the end, it all comes down to everyone in the family loving living on the land and managing grass and cattle and adapting to change to keep the farm viable.

This is a touchy subject and although it may not be politically correct to talk about someone being overweight in a social context, your doctor is right to be concerned and to comment on it because it affects your health. Researchers at Oxford University in England concluded that family doctors should put their overweight and obese patients on a diet, even if they are not visiting the doctor with that purpose in mind. The researchers kept track of 1,900 overweight patients. Half were simply advised to lose weight and the other half were asked to sign up for weight loss classes for 12 weeks, the equivalent of going to a health club or attending a weight loss program. In the U.K ., the government health-care service offers free weight loss classes that cost the government about £50 per person for three months. The patients were followed up for a year and the results of this study were published in the Lancet. Those people who attended classes lost an average of 4.5 kg in a year, while those who were given advice only from their doctors lost less than one kg. This would save money in the long run due to reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes and other chronic conditions such as heart disease or hypertension. The researchers also discovered that only a small number of patients, less than 0.2 percent, took offence at the doctor’s suggestions.


How many Canadians travel to other countries to get medical treatment?


The Fraser Research Institute found that 45,619 Canadians travelled outside Canada in 2015 to receive medical treatment. That represents about one percent of the population, numbers that have remained approximately the same for the past few years. British Columbia had the highest percentage at 1.6 percent of their population. Interestingly, the specialists most visited were urologists. Researchers speculated that this was not just because of long weight times. Some were due to snowbirds visiting doctors while away for the winter. Also, some immigrants preferred to travel back to their country of origin for medical help. Clare Rowson is a retired medical doctor in Belleville, Ont. Contact:






What to do about worrying

Readers share their favorite recipes





My girlfriend is always telling me that I am too uptight. She thinks that I should learn to relax a bit more. I hate to admit it but I think that she is probably right. I seem to be worrying about something most of the time. I worry about the rain or crop or bank or the price of wheat. I worry when the cows are about to throw new calves and worry once they are struggling to get onto their feet. I worry too much to sleep and at times I am so worried I do not eat my supper. I do not know what to do about it.


Your first job is to learn the difference between problem solving and worrying. The unfortunate truth is that worrying does not resolve problems. If anything, worrying just makes the problems worse than they originally were. Problem solving means sitting down with a paper and pencil and clearly outlining what the problem might be, being as specific as possible. It is not enough, for example, to worry about the price of grain. To problem solve, you should look at the hypothetical price of grain that you need to break even, the price that might render you a bit of a profit and the price that is going to drive you to a loss. If you put that on a trend over the years, you will figure out when to sell, what to do if you need to take a loss and whether you need to talk to your banker. If you are still worrying after you have figured out a strategy for problem solving, you might want to consider the psychology of all of it. Worrying is a futuristic concept. We don’t worry about what happened in the past. We worry about what might happen in the future. When we are worrying too much about what might happen down the road sometime, we lose our focus on what we are doing and we are at risk for having an accident. The goal is to think more about what is going on now and to think less about what the future might hold. To get yourself back into orienting yourself to the present, you can follow any of at least three strategies. You can learn relaxation exercises. Most bookstores have a collection of relaxation tapes that will help you learn to be more aware of yourself as you are in the moment. Pick the one that works the best for you and play it regularly. You can get into aerobics. A good run or an energetic walk with a strong focus on your breathing might help you break that worry cycle. Finally, you can have a chat with your local physician. She might have a prescription that will help you and she will certainly help you get an appointment at your mental health clinic to get the counselling you might need. Jacklin Andrews is a family counsellor from Saskatchewan. Contact: jandrews@

Lentil chocolate chip cookies are a great protein-boosting snack, especially when combined with yogurt or a glass of milk. The recipe, sent by reader Margaret Heise of Hamiota, Man., appeared in a TEAM column in July, 2013.

LENTIL OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIPPERS 1 c. brown sugar 250 mL 3/4 c. butter or margarine 175 mL 1 egg 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 7 mL 3/4 c. lentil puree 175 mL 1 1/2 c. flour 375 mL 1/2 tsp. salt 2 mL 1 tsp. baking soda 5 mL 2 c. rolled oats 500 mL 1 1/2 c. dark chocolate chips 375 mL 1 c. chopped pecans or nut of your choice 250 mL (optional) Lentil puree: 1 c. lentils 250 mL 2 1/2 c. water 625 mL Wash and sort dry lentils, place in a pot and cover with water. Simmer 40 to 50 minutes until soft. Drain reserving stock. Blend lentils, adding only enough stock to make a puree similar to canned pumpkin. Makes 1 1/2 (375 mL) to two cups (500 mL). Freezes well. Preheat oven to 375 F (190 C) and grease a cookie sheet. In mixing bowl, cream sugar and butter, add egg and mix until blended. Add vanilla and lentil puree. In separate bowl, combine flour, salt and soda. Add flour mixture, one-third at a time, to creamed mixture. Add oats, chocolate chips and nuts. Drop by spoonful onto cookie sheet about an inch apart and flatten slightly with a fork. Bake 10 to 13 minutes. Makes 36 cookies. Source: Discover The Pulse Potential. Mrs. Leuf’s chocolate cake is a family favourite for Karen Devine of Saskatoon. Her mother had clipped it from The Western Producer in the 1960s or 1970s and Devine’s children hoped to submit it to their school cookbook. We were unable to track it down but if any of our readers can help us find that issue, please let us know.

MRS. LEUF’S CHOCOLATE CAKE 2 c. 2/3 c. 2 2 tsp. 2 2/3 c. 2/3 c. 2 tsp. 1 tsp. 2 tsp. 2 c.

sugar oil eggs vanilla flour cocoa baking powder salt baking soda boiling water

500 mL 150 mL 10 mL 650 mL 150 mL 10 mL 5 mL 10 mL 500 mL

Oatmeal lentil chocolate chip cookies make a good snack.

Mrs. Leuf’s Chocolate Cake is a favourite of Karen Devine’s family. | Beat sugar, oil, eggs and vanilla for four minutes. Sift dry ingredients together. Add alternately with water, ending with dry ingredients. Beat well after each addition. Pour into a greased and floured nine x 13 inch (22 x 33 cm) cake pan. Bake at 325 F (160 C) for 50 minutes or divide between 12 cupcakes and two eight-inch (20 cm) layer cake pans. Bake the cupcakes 30 minutes and the layer cakes for 40 minutes. The Devine family serves the cake with butter icing. Butter icing: 3 tbsp. cream 45 mL 1/4 c. butter 60 mL 2 c. icing sugar 500 mL 1 tsp. vanilla or almond extract 5 mL Warm cream to room temperature. Cream butter until fluffy, add one cup (250 mL) icing sugar gradually and beat to blend. Add flavouring and one tablespoon (15 mL) cream, beat thoroughly. Add remaining sugar and cream alternately, continuing to beat well. Another reader is looking for a scone recipe, with currents or raisins, like her grandmother use to make. In the July 2, 2009, issue, form e r T E A M c o l u m n i s t Ba r b Sanderson included the following scone recipe that is made with sour cream rather than milk.

SCONES 1/2 c. currents or raisins 125 mL (optional) 1 c. sour cream 250 mL 1 tsp. baking soda 5 mL 4 c. all purpose flour 1L 1 c. white sugar 250 mL 2 tsp. baking powder 10 mL 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar 1 mL 1 tsp. salt 5 mL 1 c. butter 250 mL 1 egg Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C). Place the currents or raisins in a bowl and cover with boiling water, let sit for five minutes, then drain and set aside. Blend sour cream and baking soda together. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix dry ingredients together. Cut in butter, add drained currents or raisins and toss with flour mixture. Whisk the egg and add with the sour cream mixture to the flour mixture. Turn onto floured surface, knead five or six times, pat into a round shape and cut into 12 wedges. Place two inches (5 cm) apart on a greased baking sheet. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown on the bottom.

MASHED POTATO DOUGHNUTS This is the corrected version of a recipe appearing in the Oct. 6, 2016, column.


1 c. plain cooked potatoes 250 mL 1 c. sugar 250 mL 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 c. milk 125 mL 1/2 tsp. vanilla 2 mL 3 1/2 c. flour 875 mL 4 tsp. baking powder 20 mL 1/2 tsp. each salt, cinnamon and nutmeg 2 mL canola oil for frying cinnamon and sugar Mash the potato pulp in a large bowl, add sugar and mix. Stir in eggs, milk and vanilla. Add flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg, mix well. Roll out dough on floured surface to 1/2 inch (1 cm) thickness. Cut with a floured doughnut cutter or use a large floured glass then use an empty glass spice jar to cut out the doughnut hole. In a large skillet heat an inch of oil until hot. Fry several doughnuts at a time, turning when golden. Scraps of dough can be rolled into small balls and fried along with the doughnut holes. Drain on paper towels or place hot doughnuts in a bowl and toss with white sugar and cinnamon. Serve warm or store in an airtight container. Reheat in microwave on high for 30 seconds. Makes three dozen. Freezes well. Betty Ann Deobald is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact: team@




Girls are given presents or a chance to party with alcohol or drugs. The next thing they know, the girls are told it’s time to return the favour, and there is only one way to do it. EDUCATION AND SAFETY

Sex trafficking: not just an urban problem BY JOHN GRAINGER FREELANCE WRITER

Sex trafficking doesn’t just happen in Canada’s big cities. That’s the message that Joy Smith, founder of the Joy Smith Foundation and a former Manitoba MP, will deliver in a presentation in Yorkton, Sask., Dec. 6. “I have found out it’s as prevalent in small towns as it is in the big cities,” she says. “Education is our greatest weapon. The more people know, the more


protected our young girls can be.” After speaking to students at a

school in Okotoks, Alta., Smith says one young girl told her a gas station attendant offered her a chance to get rich quick, often the sales pitch of sex trade exploiters. “We all need to be very wary. It happens everywhere in this country.” Smith estimates that as much as $280,000 is made annually from just one young victim of sex trafficking. Perpetrators of the sex trade often tell young girls what they want to hear. They’ll say they are beautiful and know a way girls can cash in on

their beauty. Girls are given presents or a chance to party with alcohol, and more likely, drugs such as highly addictive crack cocaine. “These men can manipulate the kids,” says Smith. “They can paint a very rosy picture of what life can be like for these vulnerable girls. And the girls get sucked in. This is so typical of how perpetrators work.” The next thing they know, the perpetrators will tell the girls it’s time to pay back all the things they

have received and there is only one way to do it, by selling themselves and giving the money to these men. Smith said one myth of the sex trade is that it only includes the kids living on the fringe but it’s not the case, noting how many young girls from affluent families also get lured into that lifestyle. “It happens in every community, not just the big centres in Canada, but you just don’t hear about it,” says Smith. “This awareness piece is our biggest weapon to save our kids.”



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Feed efficiency reduces methane emissions QUICK FACTS BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU


EDMONTON — Feed efficient cows come with an environmental bonus because they also release less methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Research has found heifers selected for low residual feed intake consumed 7.1 percent less feed and emitted 6.5 percent less methane per day than the average animal, said researcher John Basarab at the Livestock Gentec conference held in Edmonton earlier this fall. “Methane emissions is essentially driven by feed intake. The more it eats, the more methane it produces,” he said. A major project studying emissions from feed efficient animals is underway. Major funding for the $1.6 million project came from the former Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency, as well as the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corp. CMEC was created in 2009 to support projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. Feed accounts for 52 to 75 percent of the cost of beef production, so there is a strong motivation to find more efficient animals. Feed efficiency is a heritable trait that could improve a producer’s bottom line because cattle eat less to reach the same body weight. “Getting an animal to eat less or the same and produce more or the same

amount of product is a complex question,” said Basarab, who researches feed efficiency and its genetic correlations with other traits. So far, research has found that efficient animals are better able to digest food and can handle more dry matter. There is also a temperament difference. Feed-efficient beef animals calm down more quickly in new situations compared to less efficient animals that take longer to settle into new situations and take up feeding. “We do see consistently a difference in temperament and how those efficient heifers settle to grazing and new stressors,” he said. They also know residual feed intake and growth traits are not genetically correlated. There are efficient animals that gain quickly and efficient animals that gain slowly. Low residual feed intake as a genetic trait has no effect on female productivity and fertility, pregnancy, weaning weights, carcass merit or other productivity factors. Methane emission studies are a subset of the International Efficient Dairy Genome Project. Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Australia are all participating with an overall objective to improve feed efficiency and reduce methane emissions in dairy cattle using genomics. These two traits are not currently selected in the dairy industry.

It is estimated that breeding animals with increased feed efficiency and reduced methane emissions can reduce feed costs by $108 per cow per year and decrease methane emissions by an estimated 11 to 26 percent. Researchers at the University of Guelph plan to monitor a dairy herd at a new facility at Elora, Ont., this fall. Selecting dairy cows for feed efficiency and lower emissions may be more complicated than it is for beef animals because a host of factors like lactation, milk components, somatic cell counts, body condition score, feed efficiency and feed intake need to be considered in this project, said Filippo Miglior from the University of Guelph “You have to think very carefully about what is your trait and what you want to select for,” he said. About 125 cows will be placed in a custom designed tie-stall barn where feed is delivered and measured via a special computerized system. The first methane emissions will be measured by December, said Christina Baes of the university. All bulls used for artificially insemination are already genotyped and about five percent of cows have been surveyed. The cows will calve at this location and their offspring will be entered into the program. That information should start to reveal how the animals are similar

and different from one another. Ultimately, genomic indexes can be provided including information on methane emissions from individuals. To further test the research, cooperating farmers plan to test cattle in real-life situations. Sunalta Farms at Ponoka, Alta., could become the largest dairy feed monitoring installation in North America. The farm is participating in the research, which involves 450 cows to be monitored for feed intake, milk production and other factors. J.P. Brouwer, a partner in familyowned Sunalta Farms, sees the project as a good fit with what they are trying to accomplish in terms of animal welfare, productivity and longevity. “With this particular project, saying “yes” was incredibly easy. As a farm, we get individual intake information on our animals and we get scientists to evaluate it for us. There is huge benefit there for us,” he said at the meeting. “I don’t know if I totally understand what the deal is with (residual feed intake). My biggest interest is feed conversion, feed in and milk out for as long as possible because health traits need to be part of it. I think you will have better feed conversion with higher dry matter intake,” Brouwer said.

four percent each and packing at one percent.

Source: National Beef Sustainability Assessment and Strategy

Canadian beef production contributes to greenhouse gas production through: • methane, mostly from enteric fermentation • nitrous oxide from manure application and storage and use of inorganic nitrogen and nitrogen fertilizer for crop production • carbon dioxide from fossil fuel consumption The Canadian Round Table for Sustainable Beef’s benchmark study reported that Canada is an efficient beef producer in regards to greenhouse gas emissions, with a total footprint of 11.4 kilograms of carbon dioxide (C02) equivalent per kg of cattle live weight. Did you know … From a value-chain perspective, the farming stage accounts for

74 percent

of the industry’s GHG footprint, followed by consumption at

10 percent, processing at six percent, retail and transportation at


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Alberta wheat growers call for improved grading system BY BRIAN CROSS SASKATOON NEWSROOM

The Alberta Wheat Commission wants Canada to modernize its grain grading system and adopt grading procedures that more closely align with the demands of international wheat markets. In a Nov. 17 news release, the AWC said the Canadian wheat grading system needs to be reformed to “improve long-term profitability for farmers.” The AWC is calling on the Canadian Grain Commission to establish a market-based system that puts more emphasis on universally measured grain specifications and less on subjective visual assessments. Such a system would enhance the competiveness of western Canadian wheat growers and ensure that they receive fair market value for their grain, the AWC said. “We have observed an evolution in the way wheat is marketed to Canada’s customers,” said AWC chair Kevin Auch. “International buyers aren’t looking purely at CGC grades — they’re looking at universal quality specs. Modernizing our grading system is a necessary move to ensure Alberta’s farmers receive the maximum value for the quality of wheat they produce.” Canadian farmers do not sell their grain directly to international buyers, which means they rely on the systems in place to ensure it is meeting the needs of domestic and foreign buyers. To that end, the Alberta commission is recommending a revised system that uses accurate testing methods to identify potential downgrading factors, such as falling number tests for sprout damage and deoxynivalenol (DON) tests to assess the market impact of fusarium graminearum infection.

The AWC said grain companies are already using falling number tests at some delivery points. In addition, visual assessments of fusarium damaged kernels don’t always provide an accurate measure of DON and mycotoxin levels. “This crop year has resulted in variable quality for farmers in Alberta and across the Prairies,” said Auch. “We want to ensure that our grading system is not severely downgrading wheat that is considered good quality milling wheat in international markets.” Auch said it’s difficult to say how the current grading system is affecting producers’ bottom lines. However, he said any system that replaces subjective visual tests with objective analytical ones would give producers a better idea of what their crops are actually worth. “I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say that the current grading system should be replaced, because our grading system has served us well over the years,” he said. “But there are certain things that they can tweak … like fusarium assessments based on the DON test. “That’s one of the ways now that countries are buying their wheat. They’re looking at those DON levels … and they’re already buying on those specs and yet we’re using visual fusarium damaged kernels assessments on our grading system, rather than testing for DON.” Over time, the grading system will depend more on science-based tools and less on subjective visual assessments, he added. However, the transition will take time and will require a thorough consultation with the industry to assess costs, implementation issues and potential impacts. “The grain commission has been working towards ensuring that the grain grading system be based on science,” Gosselin said.

Some farmers want Canada to implement a grading system that emphasizes universally measured grain specifications rather than subjective visual assessments. | FILE PHOTO “We have specifically identified the move from subjective visual factors to objective analytical factors as a direction in which we want to take the grading system.” Gosselin said the eastern and western standards committees have already been advised of the CGC’s decision to move to a grading system based on analytical data as opposed to visual assessments.

The grain commission will be “establishing a team to advance this effort and it will engage heavily with affected producer groups,” he added. AWC expressed support for changes to mildew guides that were recently announced by the grain commission, but it also called on the commission to evaluate and align Canada’s mildew guides with U.S. standards.

The AWC raised its concerns over the existing grading system in a Nov. 14 letter addressed to CGC’s acting chief commissioner, Jim Smolik. A copy of that letter can be viewed a t a l b e r t aw h e a t . c o m / o u rprograms/markets/major-marketinitiatives/re-market-alignment-ofcanadian-wheat-grading-guides.

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Prairie farmers planned Ottawa trek FROM THE ARCHIVES



he Western Producer takes a weekly look at some of the stories that made headlines in issues of the paper from 75, 50, 25 and 10 years ago. 75 years ago: Dec. 4, 1941 The Manitoba Federation of Agriculture threw its support behind the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool’s campaign to send a large delegation to Ottawa armed with a petition demanding a better deal for farmers. Producers wanted the government to revise its policies to establish a solid foundation for stabilizing Canadian agriculture. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board said price controls would exempt some farm produce when farmers sold it directly to dealers or processors. The list of exempted items included livestock, poultry, eggs, milk, cream, dairy butter, farm-made cheese, honey, maple syrup and fish.

50 years ago: Dec. 1, 1966 Farmers were arguing that they had very little to do with high retail prices, but the Dominion Bureau of Statistics begged to differ. Bureau data presented to a joint House of Commons-Senate committee investigating consumer prices showed that cattle and hog producers had received a large share of the increase in the retail price of pork and beef in the previous two years. Protein levels in Manitoba’s oat crop were lower than normal, prompting Cam Brown, a livestock nutritionist with the provincial government, to warn livestock and poultry producers that they might have to adjust their rations. Test samples were finding 8.8 to 9.5 percent protein compared to the 10-year average of 11.3 percent. 25 years ago: Dec. 5, 1991 Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow went to Ottawa looking for more federal aid for farmers and initially seemed to succeed with a commitment from Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. However, Agriculture Minister Don Mazankowski later denied that a commitment had been made for more aid and said he first wanted to see the impact of the $700 million that had already been promised.

Frances Birnie printed out a soil analysis sheet at the University of Saskatchewan’s soil testing laboratory in October 1976. The sheets were now being prepared by computer, and the new system was expected to hasten the return of information to the producer and take some of the pressure off staff during the peak soil testing period. | FILE PHOTO The federal government vowed not to sign an international trade deal if supply managed farmers were opposed. The implication of giving one sector of the economy a veto drew accusations that the government was attempting to divide the agricultural community. 10 years ago: Nov. 30, 2006 The Manitoba Pork Council

threatened legal action against the provincial government’s proposed ban of hog barn construction. “Our industry has now become the scapegoat in the face of an upcoming election,” said council chair Karl Kinloch. The Canadian Wheat Board and i t s m i n i s t e r, C h u c k S t r a h l , appeared to be on a collision course over what the board was

allowed to say in public. The government had earlier directed the board not to spend money on “advocating the retention of its monopoly powers,” but the CWB was refusing to remove a document from its website that responded to a federal government task force on how to eliminate the board’s single desk.


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The RCMP are looking for policing alternatives on the Prairies as rural crime increases and resources are stretched thinner. |



Rural policing goes outside the box Sask. RCMP say communities must play bigger role to keep themselves safe BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Options are being explored as crime rises in rural Saskatchewan and resources for rural policing are stretched thinner. “Our capacity to respond can only take us so far,” RCMP assistant commissioner Curtis Zablocki, commanding officer of F division, said during the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities’ midterm convention last month. “We need to come up with other ways of policing these large and sometimes sparsely populated areas.” Zablocki said Saskatchewan was historically built on community values of looking out for each other, sharing civic responsibility and living up to community commitments. “As it turns out, community policing happens to be both our past and our future in Saskatchewan. Working together with all of us playing a role is more important than ever,” he said. “Communities get out of it what they put into it.… Because policing isn’t just our job, frankly, it’s a shared responsibility and we all have a role to play.” Zablocki said the current budget under the provincial police service agreement translates into 924 policing positions for rural Saskatchewan. He said police work is specialized and cannot accommodate parttime or substitution type duties such as is found in other profes-

sions. However, the RCMP are exploring ways to increase the numbers of front-line people. A reservists program has recently been implemented, which is hiring former or retired RCMP officers on a part-time basis to fill in as needed. “This program is slowly increasing in numbers, and in Saskatchewan we currently have 24 fully qualified reservists that serve in a variety of policing functions across the province,” he said. A small designated relief unit has also been set up, which is used when detachments run short of manpower or when the “perfect storm” develops. Zablocki said the RCMP is open to exploring partnerships and developing initiatives with local communities. “Communication, collaboration, co-operation — that’s where we’ll find our answers,” he said. He said crime reduction and prevention must be based in community engagement and mobilization. “While we might long for the days where we didn’t have to remove our keys from our vehicles, record the serial numbers of our ATVs and our equipment, or lock up our fuel tanks, those days are unfortunately gone,” he said. However, he said what isn’t gone is neighbours looking out for neighbours and keeping an eye out for each other’s property. Community-led programs include rural crime watch, agrowatch and citizens on patrol.

Hoping to be in the right place at the right time to catch the bad guys is not the most productive or strategic use of additional resources. CURTIS ZABLOCKI RCMP COMMANDING OFFICER OF F DIVISION

“While we do not maintain or lead these programs, we encourage and certainly support them,” Zablocki said. Each program is done within specific guidelines outlined by local police detachments within the parameters of the law. For example, he said the rural crime watch community was mobilized in Briercrest, Sask., in spring 2014 to help police catch truck thieves. He said the village activated its emergency phone tree; residents jumped into their trucks and onto their ATV’s and a pilot even took to the air to conduct a grid search. When the three teenaged suspects from Regina were spotted walking through a wet, muddy field that could not be accessed with four-wheel drive, a local farmer transported police officers in the bucket of his tractor. “That’s how they were actually apprehended. It puts a new meaning to, ‘throwing them in the bucket,’ ” Zablocki said.

Other community policing options that extend beyond traditional RCMP services include the recruitment of community safety officers. SARM was the driving force in getting this program off the ground. “CSOs focus their efforts on low risk public safety demands, things like traffic, liquor enforcement, bylaw enforcement. They can also have a key role in education and awareness and prevention,” he said. “Having the ability to respond in that kind of work frees up the RCMP to work on higher impact enforcement and public safety issues.” He said any community or RM can apply to bring a CSO on board or cost share with a neighbouring municipality. One benefit of the program is that a percentage of fine revenues are returned to the local government. “The RCMP fine revenue does not go to rural municipalities. It goes to some of the larger centres, but it doesn’t go to the smaller municipalities. That’s something we’ve been lobbying for,” said SARM president Ray Orb. He said more collaboration and communication is needed between the RCMP and members of SARM to boost rural policing as property related crime continues to increase. “There’s a little more urgency from our side. We need to improve things out in the rural areas fairly quickly, if we can,” he said. SARM is exploring the idea of RMs hiring their own RCMP officers, as do urban municipalities. “That option is open for rural municipalities. We just have to have the wherewithal to be able to

afford that because they’re already paying a fee towards policing from the RCMP,” said Orb. “There are options already, but I think we need to probably make them more streamlined, more efficient.” He said the rural crime watch in Saskatchewan used to be very active, but it fell by the wayside. “A lot of that goes back to the communities themselves. Some of the options are there. We just have to refine and remind people that they are there to be used,” he said. “We certainly don’t want rural people doing things on their own, trying to enforce the law themselves.” Zablocki said more police vehicles are currently patrolling the countryside because of the recent spike in crime in some parts of the province. “Hoping to be in the right place at the right time to catch the bad guys is not the most productive or strategic use of additional resources,” he said. “The truth is that police visibility most effects the perceptions that we are preventing crime, not necessarily the reality. What visibility can do is lessen the fear of crime.” However, Orb would like to see more police presence in RMs. “Our biggest complaint is, and we never blame the RCMP, but we don’t see as much of their presence as we would like,” he said. “We still believe that the presence of RCMP still is a deterrent to crime. Because they are spread thin, obviously they don’t have the power to that and so we’d like to see that changed.”





Canola growers urged to aim higher Canola council says producers can do better than four to six plants per sq. foot BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU


Canola growers at the Nov. 16 Powering Your Profits event in Lethbridge got a chuckle out of the title of Autumn Barnes’ presentation: Make Canola Great Again. The reference to U.S. Presidentelect Donald Trump’s campaign slogan was nevertheless appropriate as Barnes, of the Canola Council of Canada, encouraged growers to seek yield improvements. Her theme was stand establishment and a target plant density of seven to 10 plants per sq. foot. That won’t necessarily be achieved by seeding five pounds per acre in every canola field. “Five lb. an acre is something that we should not be doing in 2017,” said Barnes. “We can do better than that.” She suggested that growers set a target plant density, count the plants per sq. foot when they emerge, record that information and monitor the crop throughout the season to see if the density had good results. Barnes also said bigger isn’t necessarily better when it comes to seed size, at least up to a point. “With the open pollinated varieties and really small seeds, back in the day when we were kind of getting up to that three or three and a half grams per thousand, we were seeing an increase in vigor and once we hit that … it kind of plateaus,” she said. Seed weight of five to six grams per thousand is average but canola seed has considerable variability and growers need to take that into account. The TSW — thousand seed weight — is printed on the seed tag. “What I’d like to see is growers just checking because still so many growers don’t even know where to find their thousand seed weight,” Barnes said.

Bison handling code seeks public comment LETHBRIDGE BUREAU

Canola growers should set a target plant density, count the plants per sq. foot when they emerge, record that information and monitor the crop throughout the season to see if the density had good results. | FILE PHOTO “I really think everybody should be setting a target plant density and seeding to that density. That’s logical. It makes sense. … There’s a million reasons why you should do it, but if you have a grower that for whatever reason is going to be seeding at five lb. per acre no matter what, I would really advise them to, at the very least, look at their seed tag and if they find that they have a really heavy seed lot, that they should put more seed in the ground because they’re going

to have fewer plants, fewer seeds per bag.” According to a 2010 weed survey, most canola growers aim for four to six plants per sq. foot, but Barnes recommends a higher goal. However, the decision depends on likely weed pressure in the field, ability for timely herbicide applications and the presence of herbicide tolerant weeds. Other considerations include seeding conditions, trash cover,

seeding date and confidence in equipment and operator. If flea beetles are likely to be a big threat, a higher target stand might allow growers to avoid spraying and still realize good yield, said Barnes. Similarly, a tight flowering window provided by a heavier density will allow more timely and effective spraying against sclerotinia.

The draft code of practice for the care and handling of bison has been released for public comment and will be open for input until Jan. 19. Notice of the comment period was announced today by the Canadian Bison Association and the National Farm Animal Care Council. “The code development committee has worked hard since 2014 developing the draft code,” said bison producer and code committee chair Mark Silzer in a news release. “The public comment period will allow us to check our work with a broader representative group. I encourage bison producers to weigh in with their input as the code will be an important tool for communicating how bison are raised in Canada.” An 11-person committee has been working on the code. It includes bison producers and representatives from veterinarians, animal welfare groups, government and the research field. Comments must be made online, where people can also review a report from the scientific committee that summarized research on priority welfare topics for bison. Comments made will be reviewed by the committee, which will alter the draft as needed and expects to release the final version in spring 2017. The draft can be found at www.

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WHEN GOING FOR BROKE DOESN’T WORK A canola grower threw a potent brew of resources at a canola plot this year but failed to see a significant increase in yield. | Page 32

PR ODUC TI O N E D I TO R : MIC HAEL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM


Industry explores alternative labels for blackleg resistance BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Concerns are increasing about how long blackleg resistant canola varieties will be able to protect farmers from surging disease pressure. Blackleg can inflict serious economic damage on the industry, and it already costs Canadian growers millions of dollars each year. There are also concerns that the disease can be used against the Canadian canola industry to deny market access, as China did earlier this year, saying it did not want to risk accidentally importing blackleg in shipments of Canadian canola. While all sectors of the industry can agree with the need to preserve resistance, it’s difficult for growers who’ve had a resistantrated variety fail to know which type of blackleg resistance no longer works in their fields and which may still be effective. The labelling system for blackleg resistance displays only if a canola variety is R (resistant), MR (moderately resistant), MS (moderately susceptible), or S (susceptible). “Right now, with the current labelling system that we have, there is no rotation at all because

for growers it’s a crap shoot of whether they are incorporating a new type of resistance in their rotation or not. It’s just a guess, and not even an educated guess,” said Clint Jurke, agronomy director at the Canola Council of Canada. The uncertainty on which blackleg resistance a grower should use has prompted calls for a labelling system that tracks the type of blackleg resistance a canola variety possesses, similar to what’s used in other rapeseed and canola-growing regions like France and Australia. It now sounds like those calls will soon be answered Jurke said the industry is developing scheme in which the type of blackleg resistant a canola variety has will be displayed on the label. “There is now information in there as to what type of resistance, how it performs in different fields or different racial structures of the pathogen. So we’ve been engaged with the industry over the past few years to see if there is a new type of labelling system that we can come up with,” Jurke said. In the Western Canada Canola/ Rapeseed Recommending Committee meetings this winter, the

CCC is expected to be involved in discussions on how the labelling system will work, including what type of resistance will be included on the labels. It promises to be a formidable task because the relationship between resistance in the canola germplasm and the various racial structures of the blackleg pathogen is complex. Stewart Brandt, manager of breeding operations at Bayer CropScience, said the industry should not adopt a labelling system that measures only the qualitative resistance in the germplasm. “It would seem quite simple to just have major dominant resistance genes, or qualitative resistance, and just keep rotating them, and that would best serve the industry. But some of the concern that I have with that kind of approach is the quantitative resistance, that is typically a lot more durable,” Brandt said. Quantitative resistance stems from a complex interaction between many genes in a variety’s germplasm, while qualitative resistance is often derived from a specific gene sequence, which can be relatively easy to identify with makers on the genome. Brandt said if a blackleg resistance labelling plan doesn’t

include quantitative resistance, seed companies will spend fewer resources trying to develop that type of resistance because it would have less economic incentive. “Going to one system over versus the other; i.e. going to qualitative resistance and focusing on that — there would be very little incentive for the industry or for seed developers to continue with the quantitative resistance, which is largely in the background of most of the germplasm grown in Western Canada,” he said. Australia has experienced more severe blackleg infestations than Canada. While much of the difference in the outbreaks can be accounted for by the harsh Canadian winter, it’s important to note there is a greater focus on rotating qualitative resistance in Australia. “We need to understand the disease a little better. Why have our disease infestations not been as severe as Australia while we’ve been largely relying on quantitative resistance for a number of years?” Brandt said. Jurke said the current proposal for the new labelling system looks to identify only the qualitative resistance genes. However, the existing labelling system with R, MR, MS, and S will be retained because it takes into

Blackleg costs Canadian canola growers millions of dollars each year. | FILE PHOTO account both the qualitative and quantitative resistance. Plus, Jurke said, a long-term goal for new blackleg resistant labelling is to also include the quantative resistance. “Eventually, we’ll need to tease that out to come up with the quantitative,” Jurke said. “Anything is better than what we have right now. I think the industry understands we are going to take this step by step and whatever the new labelling system that comes out it’s likely not going to be perfect and it’s going to evolve over time.” Jurke said he believes most of the industry is ready to adopt new labels that denote the type of blackleg resistance a canola variety has. “We haven’t really heard any dissent at all from any of the life science organizations. So it seems like everyone is ready, it’s just a matter of working out the details of what this new classification system looks like,” Jurke said.




The Canola 100 contest will award a grower for achieving 100 bushels per acre over a contiguous 50-acre area of a field with the use of new John Deere farm equipment. | FILE PHOTO AGRONOMY

When canola gets to 100 bushels The Canola 100 Challenge is yielding results BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Of the eighty farmers that participated in the first year of AgriTrend’s Canola 100 Challenge, 16 decided to pay the $1,000 fee to have their crop verified. “Mother Nature took over and we won’t get the last four or so verified because they are buried underneath snow and rain, but we do have a list of about 16 verified results that will be unveiled on Dec. 7 at the Farm Forum event in Calgary,” said Agri-Trend’s Rob Saik. The Canola 100 contest will award the first grower to achieve 100 bushels per acre in a 50-acre plot with the use of new John Deere farm equipment. The winner gets to put 100 hours on each of the following units: a new John Deere tractor, air seeder, high clearance sprayer, swather and combine. Agronomy company AgCall performed the yield verification for the competition. “We have rules and protocols guidelines set up that was built by the group John Deere, Glacier FarmMedia and Agri-Trend,” said Sherri Rice, project manager for AgCall. One of the contest rules is that the 50 acre plot has to be square. “So it can’t be in an L or an X, or it can’t be in a circle. It has to be in a continuous square,” Rice said. “So our job is to measure and to

make sure that we have that 50 acres, or as close to the 50 acres to make sure that it is following that guideline.” AgCall also checked the combines and trucks to ensure they were empty before the plots were harvested. “We follow everything to the point that every bushel that came off that 50 acres was weighed and measured by a legal scale, and we take samples and what not,” she said. AgCall contracted one grading facility to grade all of the samples instead of using multiple facilities. “We’ve taken out all of the variables that we can so that everyone is on an even playing field, and all that matters is what technology the growers use on their farm to grow their canola crop,” Rice said. As well, an Agri-Trend representative attended the verifications to ensure the measurements were accurate. Rice saw some big canola crops this summer that were entered in the contest. “The leaps and strides canola has made to be here, having a 100 bushel per acre contest. It just seems crazy, but it’s here and it’s probably the way the future is going,” Rice said. SEE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE STORIES ABOUT THE CANOLA 100 CONTEST


The leaps and strides canola has made to be here, having a 100 bushel per acre contest. It just seems crazy, but it’s here and it’s probably the way the future is going. SHERRI RICE PROJECT MANAGER, AGCALL

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A canola fertility program cost $300 per acre more than what was normally done but yielded only 1.4 bu. per acre more. |



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Blaine Forsberg, AAg Innovation Specialist BASF Waldheim, SK

Blaine works with producers in the North West area of Saskatchewan to provide advice and sustainable solutions to meet farm production needs while supporting BASF products and sustainability. ČŠ5HJLVWUDWLRQ DV DQ DJURORJLVW KHOSV PH VWD\ LQ WRXFK ZLWK RWKHU SURIHVVLRQDOV WR OHDUQ DQG WR VRFLDOL]H DERXW WKH LQGXVWU\ Blaine was raised on a mixed farm in the Lake Diefenbaker, SK area. He received a BSc and an MSc in Agriculture Economics specializing in the economics of soil fertility management at the University of Saskatchewan. Blaine has been working with BASF since 2013 and has previous experience with a private business, the Government of Saskatchewan and Cargill.

Steven Pederson, PAg Farm Supply Manager Discovery Co-op North Battleford, SK Steven oversees operations for the Agro Centre & Farm Supplies section. He interacts closely with customers to provide them with accurate advice while managing sales and crop inputs for fertilizer, crop production products, seed, and equipment. Ȋ7KH SURIHVVLRQDO DJURORJLVW 3$J GHVLJQDWLRQ DVVXUHV FXVWRPHUV WKDW Ζ DP SURYLGLQJ DFFXUDWH DQG XSGDWHG LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG DOORZV PH WR FRQQHFW ZLWK RWKHU OLNH PLQGHG SURIHVVLRQDOV ȋ Steven was raised on a mixed farm near Naicam, SK. He received a BSc in Agronomy from the University of Saskatchewan. Steven was previously employed by Viterra before joining Discovery Co-op in 2013.


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Competitor for Agri-Trend Canola 100 challenge tried every trick in the book, but failed to significantly increase his canola yields BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

When Rene Nielsen decided to enter Agri-Trend’s Canola 100 challenge, he thought it would be a good opportunity to try products and rates that he wouldn’t normally use. Nielsen has grown big canola crops in the past, and after discussions with his agronomist, Matt Gosling, they figured they might be able to pull off a yield around 100 bushels per acre. “We haven’t grown 100 bu. on 50 acres continuously, but we’ve grown 95 under irrigation,� Nielsen said. Gosling said the average annual production on this farm, including some canola field averages of 80 bu. per acre last year, led him to believe they would have a chance of winning the competition if the plot received 330 to 380 millimetres of rainfall throughout the year. The wheat stubble field received 340 mm of rain from May to Sept. 15. Nielsen’s farm, called Bruce Farms, is 13,000 acres and located near Cheadle, Alta. A feedlot is part of the operation, and its manure is used to increase the fertility of the cropland. “It (the field where the 50 plot is located) had three or four applica-

tions of manure over the last 15 years. We also put on a couple tonne of chicken manure we had available this spring,� Nielsen said. However, the manure was just the beginning of the fertilizer program, which Gosling helped develop. “ We p o u r e d a l l t h e q u o t e , unquote, snake oil you can pour onto a crop,� Gosling said. “We had boron, we had copper, we had chicken manure and we had a foliar fertility program. We had in-season macro nutrition, the whole works.� The plot also received seven foliar applications, and on paper the crop had the potential to exceed the 100 bu. per acre target. “We targeted 280 lb. per acre of N removal,� he said. However, the extra attention didn’t work. The fertility program cost $300 per acre more than what was done to the check field but yielded only 70 bu. per acre, which was 1.4 bu. per acre more than the check field. “We had this plot in the middle of a 400-acre field. The rest of the field did just as good, only a couple bu. short,� Nielsen said. “I wasn’t overly amazed with the nutritional program that we used.� Gosling said he was also disappointed with the yield results. “It was a hell of a way to learn, and

I’m glad we only did it on 50 acres and not more than that,� he said. “I know everybody is kind of looking for the silver bullet, but we poured everything to this crop.� Two Prebolt fungicides and two in-flower fungicides applications were used, but there was still some disease pressure that hurt yields. “There was late disease pressure,� Nielsen said. “ We ha d s c l e r t o n i a a n d w e couldn’t drive in the field to treat it at that point. So we kind of lost it there in the rain.� Nielsen said this would have been the year to reach 100 bu. per acre in canola because of the high amount of precipitation the crops received. However, diseases also favour wet years, and they can be difficult to reach on soggy fields, especially once the canola canopy closes in. Nielsen said some of the products they used this year likely won’t be used again, but he learned from the experience. “With the amount of time and money we spent on it, I wasn’t super satisfied with the outcome,� he said. “We learned from it and some of the things I want to keep playing around with.�

PULLING OUT THE STOPS Agronomist Matt Gosling said the 50-acre area contained some of the most productive soil on Rene Nielsen’s farm. Manure history is strong, but not excessive. Organic matter is around 5.5 percent and pH is 6.5. There were 4.9 inches of moisture in the first 24 inches of the soil profile in the spring on well-drained sandy loam soil. The zone also had elemental sulfur history as well. Gosling said the nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium-sulfur nutrient status of the soil was “the equivalent of a super-charged HEMI.â€? The field received 13.5 inches of rain from May to Sept. 15 and had 1,293 growing degree days. The following was done on this land: • three tonnes of chicken manure delivering about 70-35-64-20 • 300 pounds per acre of SuperCal broadcast

• seed target of nine to 10 plants per sq. foot assuming 50 percent mortality; variety was L252 • seed speed: 2.5 m.p.h.

AMS as an in-season nitrogen strategy at three leaf stage • seven in-season applications of foliar nutritional products

• five lb. per acre of CuSO4 and two lb. per acre of granular B broadcast

• seed primer applied • seeded May 3 with 108-31-0-0 side banded

• two prebolt fungicides and two in-flower fungicides at 20 percent and 14 days later

• light ProTill tillage

• broadcast 200 lb. per acre of

• swathed at 60 percent colour




Farmers keep canola secrets under wraps BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

Agri-Trend’s Canola 100 challenge is supposed to be competitive — at least to a point. But it also aims to bring together growers who use cutting-edge growing techniques so they can share knowledge, which benefits the entire industry. “The spirit of the contest is one where the competitors will learn from each other,” said Rob Saik of Agri-Trend. But while competition is good, some of the competitors are, well, very competitive. “I spent a lot of money, thousands of dollars experimenting around and I’m not really prepared to give out free information to other guys to come in. Why do I spend this money and there is no benefit to me?” said Joel Miller, who farms 4,000 acres near Avonlea, Sask. Miller, who had his crop yield verified in the Canola 100 contest, said sharing knowledge works in theory, but he is concerned that if everyone starts growing 100 bushel an acre canola, the price will drop and growers will make less money. “If I can figure it out and there is more land that comes up for rent or to buy, then I might be able to pay more based on being able to grow more bushels. So I’m not just willing to give free information to help other guys to benefit them,” Miller said. Janel Delage of Delage Farms near Indian Head, Sask., competed in the Canola 100 challenge and is also unwilling to share her agronomic advice. “How do I say this nicely? The things that we do on our farm, we would kind of like to keep to ourselves. So we’re not going to share,” Delage said. Saik said when growers enter the contest, the deal is that they will share their information. “Some of the information has not yet been filled in, but you can’t win the contest; you can’t participate if you don’t fill the data in. So we’ve got some work to do to backfill this,” he said. Saik said the competitive nature of the farmers, which he actually admires, is driving the secrecy. However, he said it’s in everyone’s interest to share and learn from one another. “I’d love to be able to share the results of the competition with the competitors themselves so they can see their fellow competitors. Sharing with the wider public should be done on more of an aggregated basis,” Saik said.

Agri-Trend’s Canola 100 challenge hopes its competitors will share their knowledge to benefit the entire industry. | FILE PHOTO

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I spent a lot of money, thousands of dollars experimenting around and I’m not really prepared to give out free information to other guys to come in. JOEL MILLER AVONLEA, SASK.

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Six students aw

Teens recognized with post-secondary scholars BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Six students received postsecondary education scholarships at Canadian Western Agribition last week, leading observers to note the industry is in good hands. Four of them were awarded $2,500 each from Agribition’s scholarship fund for their involvement as exhibitors, competitors or volunteers. Two others received $1,500 memorial scholarships. Katelyn Serhienko

Ring man David Jacobs of Ontario works the crowd as Lot 55, a yearling bull consigned by Bison Spirit Ranch of Oak Lake, Man., brought the highest price at the Canadian National Bison Sale during Canadian Western Agribition, selling for $35,000. | KAREN BRIERE PHOTO


Bison prices strong at national sale Video footage of sale animals a success BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Prices at last week’s Canadian National Bison sale were 15 percent higher than last year, buoyed by a $35,000 high-seller. Sale chair Nolan Miller from Silver Creek Bison at Binscarth, Man., said organizers were expecting prices to be as strong as last year or higher. “It’s a meat-driven industry and we’re at all-time highs with the rail price,” he said. “It’s over $6 a pound now, Canadian, on the rail.” Producers are spending money to improve their genetics because they are making money on their meat animals, he said. However, the $35,000 price paid for a yearling bull still surprised many in the crowd at Canadian Western Agribition. Miller said there are always those who chase certain animals and are willing to pay to get them. The bull, consigned by Bison Spirit Ranch of Oak Lake, Man., went to Greg Pagan of Snowden, Sask. One two-year-old bull sold for $28,000 and another went for $20,000. The top-selling female was the reserve grand champion, a yearling heifer from Silver Creek, which sold for $9,000 to Borderland Agriculture of Pierson, Man. Silver Creek also showed the grand champion female, a bred two-year-old.

In the bull division, XY Bison Ranch of Fort St. John, B.C., showed the grand champion, and Rough Bark Bison from Yellow Grass, Sask. had the reserve. A total of 54 animals sold for $433,750 and an average $8,032. Miller said young or new producers can still afford to get into the industry. “Heifers have been a nice steady kind of price right through, so it still makes it very affordable to get in,” he said. “They don’t have to buy a $30,000 bull. There’s lots of $10,000 bulls that are really good bulls.” He called it a good sign that there were a number of new faces at the Canadian Bison Association convention that was held just before the sale. “We need to build the herd,” he said. The strong meat demand comes mainly from the United States. The bison association has estimated that 44 percent of slaughter animals come from Canada. Meanwhile, the sale marked the first time at Agribition that the bison were sold by video. Instead of running them through the chutes, organizers took video footage of each animal in the pens behind the sale ring and bidders watched on screens. Miller said some were skeptical of the move, but it worked out well. The decision was made as a way to reduce stress on the animals and risk to the handlers.

Katelyn Serhienko from Maymont, Sask. received the Barry Andrew Family Scholarship.

We’ve been at Agribition for a very long time, from my grandpa to my dad to my mom and me. KATELYN SERHIENKO MAYMONT, SASK

“We’ve been at Agribition for a very long time, from my grandpa to my dad to my mom and me,” she said. “This is the one sure plan we make every year as a family, to bring cattle to Agribition. It’s just cool to be recognized for your attendance and contribution.” Serhienko comes from a purebred Charolais operation and is




warded Agribition scholarships

ships for their involvement with Canadian Western Agribition as exhibitors, competitors or volunteers studying agribusiness at Lakeland College in Vermilion, Alta. “I want to probably do something in ag lending or finance,” she said, adding she will always have cattle as well. Cassandra Gorrill Cassandra Gorrill from Lindsay, Ont., first came to Agribition in 2010. “I bought a heifer from a farm in Saskatchewan, so we decided to come out and watch her in the show,” she said. “I did showmanship here and it kind of became the bug to come back every year.” In 2015, she won the National 4-H and Youth Judging Competition at the show and judged the First Lady

Classic. Now she helps show Herefords for Agribition director Chris Lees. Gorrill is in her fourth year studying animal science at the Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph. “It’s hopefully a stepping stone to vet school,” she said. However, she has a back-up plan to obtain a master’s degree focusing on beef genomics, and she, too, says she plans to always own cattle. “Good cattle are good cattle, but Herefords are definitely where I’ve invested my time and they’re my favourite,” she said. Emma Nicholas Emma Nicholas from Milestone, Sask., can’t pick a favourite breed

from the two her family raises: Gelbvieh and Hereford. The family has now begun breeding their Gelbvieh cows to Hereford bulls. “We’re definitely shifting our focus to purebred Hereford, but I still couldn’t say which is my favourite,” she said. Nicholas is in Grade 12 and plans to attend the University of Saskatchewan to study either agribusiness or animal science. “The agriculture industry is really growing,” she said. “There’s lots to learn and lots of job opportunities.” Nicholas grew up at Agribition. Her family has been showing cattle at the show since before she was born, and her involvement in 4-H has helped maintain a passion for

the industry. “It’s my first love,” she said. Morgan Heidecker Morgan Heidecker also credits 4-H and family involvement for her love of the beef cattle industry. She grew up on Triple H Farm at Middle Lake, Sask., and is in her second year studying agribusiness at the U of S. “I’m definitely going to be looking for something in the ag industry, and I think my business background will set me apart and give me an advantage,” she said. She and her siblings are integral to Triple H, and she owns five cattle of her own. Heidecker said Agribition is great for networking and has helped her

and the other scholarship winners make lifelong friends. “You come down here and you’re all competing, but at the end of the day, you all appreciate each other’s cattle,” she said. Megan McLeod & Tyrell Hicks The two other winners were Megan McLeod from Cochrane, Alta., who is pursuing a commerce degree at the U of S, and Tyrell Hicks from Mortlach, Sask., who is studying welding and is a member of the rodeo team at Cochise College in Douglas, Arizona. Hicks received the William M. Farley Memorial Scholarship for contributions to the show through volunteerism.


™ David Whitaker from Ames, Iowa, won the Winners Circle auctioneer competition at Canadian Western Agribition. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTO AGRIBITION

Meet David Whitaker, champion auctioneer BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU


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David Whitaker took home a championship buckle from his first trip to Canadian Western Agribition. Five judges deemed the auctioneer from Ames, Iowa, the best among four competitors in the Winners Circle auctioneer competition. “I’m humbled to be a champion on such a big international stage,” he said. Whitaker typically sells farmland in Iowa and sells livestock only a couple of times a year. At Agribition, the competitors auction the horse pull teams to sponsors to raise money for STARS ambulance. The entrants were the top four selected from video submissions before the show. They are judged on their speed, clarity, rhythm and overall presence. Whitaker, who with his wife raises purebred Angus cattle, said Agribition is all about competition. “What we’re here to do is to promote our industry and showcase agriculture, and one of the ways we do that is through competition,” he said.

“It brings out the best innovation, the best quality, the best everything. In Canada, you’re doing an absolutely outstanding job.” He said he had been sending photographs of cattle home. “I’ve already told my wife we need to come up next year so we can look at the cattle again so that we can maybe bring some home back to the States,” he said. Whitaker spent some time ahead of Agribition at auction marts in Moose Jaw, Sask., Weyburn, Sask., and Saskatoon with auctioneers he has met through past competitions. During the show, he worked as a ring man at the bison sale. Asked about the recent election of Donald Trump as U.S. president, he said there has been some talk about more protectionist policies such as country-of-origin labeling, and he hopes the U.S. and its trading partners can work together for the benefit of all. “I do hope that just because we c ha n g e d p i l o t s o n t h e p l a n e doesn’t need to mean that people hope the plane goes down,” Whitaker said.



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Classified Category Index Announcements & Calendars 0100 - 0340 Airplanes 0400 Antiques Sales & Auctions 0701 - 0710 Auction Sales 0900 Auto & Transport 1050 - 1705 Business Opportunities 2800 Contracting & Custom Work 3510 - 3560 Construction Equipment 3600 Farm Buildings 4000 - 4005 Farm Machinery 4103 - 4328 Livestock 5000 - 5792 Organic 5943 - 5948 Personal 5950 - 5952 Real Estate Sales 6110 - 6140 Recreational Vehicles 6161 - 6168 Rentals & Accommodations 6210 - 6245 Seed (Pedigreed & Common) 6404 - 6542 Careers 8001 - 8050 For a complete category list visit us online at:

1980 CHEV SILVERADO 1/2 ton, 4 spd. manual, 4x4, 161,000 kms. Taking offers. GLOBAL COLLEGE OF Auctioneering Ltd., Next Class Feb.18-27, 2017. Champion Call 306-827-4903, Radisson, SK. Instructors, Rod Burnett 250-308-8185 WANTED: SK. DEALER LICENCE plates: 1921, 1924; SK D plates: 1933, 1934 and 1935; SK DR plates: 1945, 1946 1950 1954, 1955, 1957, 1958, 1959 and 1960. Ph 306-638-7655, Chamberlain, SK.

YEAR END ONLINE TIMED AUCTION , Featuring Real Estate, Farm and Industrial Equipment, Antiques, Collectibles and much more. Opens December 1. Bids Close 12 noon, December 17th, Indian Head, SK. Brad 306-551-9411, Register to bid at PL# 333133.

VILLAGE MERCANTILE ANTIQUE MALL: Purveyors of all manner of antiques. Appraisals, estate sales, buying and selling, tractors, collectibles, trucks, cars and bikes. If you would like us to come check out your treasures, give the Prairie Picker a call! 780-845-9167, Wainwright, AB.

MORE AND MORE FARMERS are choosing Mack Auction Co. to conduct their farm equipment auctions!! Book your 2016 auction today! Call 306-634-9512 today! PL311962

WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK. FIVE ROSES FLOUR ADVERTISING wanted. Looking to buy advertising signs, thermometers, calendars and any other items from Five Roses Flour and Lake Of The Woods Milling Company. 306-294-7001, 306-778-1231

UNRESERVED CLOSEOUT AUCTION for Lougheed Gift & Garden, 10 AM, Saturday December 3, 2016. New stock, country clipper, Jonesred, giftware, lawn and garden, truck and much more! Hwy. #13, Lougheed, AB., Scribner Auction, 780-842-5666.

WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving barn cameras, backup cameras for RVs, trucks and combines, etc. Home and shop video surveillance. View from any computer or Smart phone. Free shipping. Call 403-616-6610, Calgary, AB.

ANNUAL PRE-CHRISTMAS ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION: 10 AM, Sat. December 10th, 801 Buxton St., Indian Head, SK. Viewing: 5-7 PM, Friday, December 9th. On offer: Fine antique furniture; Toys; Jewelry; Glassware; Coal oil lamps; Hippo & Buffalo solid oil tins; Cast aluminum horse; Many other items. Call Brad 306-551-9411, PL# 333133. AUCTION SALE OF Tobacco & Collector Tin Collection, Antique Toys & Signs, 10 AM, Saturday, Dec. 3, 801 Buxton St., Indian Head, SK. Viewing: 5-7 PM, Friday, Dec. 2. Including 100s of tobacco tins, advertising items & paraphernalia, clocks, & much more. Brad 306-551-9411. PL# 333133.

WORKING STEAM TRACTORS: Great for Christmas giving! Engine runs 15 minutes per fueling. D405 regularly $539.94, on sale for $359.95; D10 stationary steam engine, with forward/reverse control and working whistle, regularly $359.94 on sale for $259.15. Shipping $24.95 flat rate. w w w. y e s t e r y e a r t o y s c a n a d a . c o m 1-800-481-1353. FERGUSON TEA20, good tin, runs, needs work, c/w TE parts tractor, $1800. Call 306-682-3272, Humboldt, SK.

UPCOMING BISON AUCTIONS It will be business as usual for our bison auctions.


TUESDAY, December 13, 2016 8:00 a.m. ALDERSYDE, AB Selling on behalf of Kneehill County, County of Lethbridge, M.D. Foothills No. 31, Transcan Motorsports, Town of Canmore, Town of High River, Town of Innisfail & Other Consignors.

2004 Schulte XH1000 Series III Bat Wing Mower

2006 Sterling LT9500 TA Gravel Truck

2008 Massey Ferguson 5435 Dyna-4 4WD Tractor

DECEMBER 7th Season Opener Bison Auction Over 250 head of bred heifers and calves currently consigned

HARVEST OVER? Need some toys? JD M, A, AR, and IHC W6. Good tin, average rubber, Will take antique firearms on trade. Hugh, 306-463-7756, Kindersley, SK.

Join us December 7th to see little has changed.

TRACTOR AND MACHINERY DVD’s for C h r i s t m a s g i v i n g ! O ve r 2 7 0 t i t l e s . or call 1-800-481-1353.

New Year’s Bison Auction

ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE. Guaranteed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, 1937 COCKSHUTT 10’ tiller combine disc Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. seeder, including seed boxes, all on steel, WANTED: COCKSHUTT TRACTORS, espeexc. cond. Call 306-259-4430, Young, SK. cially 50, 570 Super and 20, running or JD TRACTORS: JD 70 diesel, JD R, JD 830, not, equipment, brochures, manuals and memorabilia. We pick up at your farm. Jim JD AR, and JD M. All running. Call Harkness, RR 4, Harriston, ON., N0G 1Z0, 780-871-4300, Lloydminster, SK. 519-338-3946, fax: 519-338-2756. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER stationary eng., 3-6 HP, blacksmith forge, most units in vg. cond. 306-342-4968, Glaslyn, SK. RARE 1939 FORD 1/2 ton truck chassis cab. HORSE DRAWN SLEIGHS, collars and Has been in family since mid 1940's, has harness. 1930 McLaughlin cutter, spring not run for 20+ yrs. Everything here except wagon, doctor buggy, bobsleigh bunks, glove box door amd seat. Extra flathead V8, homemade sleigh, $5000. 403-783-5707, $3000 OBO. 204-761-6884, Onanole, MB. Ponoka, AB. Email


JANUARY 11TH Call now to consign!

BISON SALE FEBRUARY 1ST Held in conjunction with a regular bison auction



SILVER CREEK BISON Nolan Miller 204-773-6725

BISON SPIRIT RANCH Trevor Gompf 204-724-0523

ELK VALLEY RANCHES Frank McAllister 780-846-2980

• • • •

Semen tested bulls Preg tested bred females Feeder stock Watch for more details

For the latest on Auctions/Real Estate/Trailer Sales

2010 Volvo G960 Motor Grader

PARTIAL LISTING: ROCK TRUCKS: (2) 2011 Deere 350 Rock Trucks. MOTOR GRADER: 2010 Volvo G960. WHEEL LOADERS: Deere 644H; Deere 544J. SKIDSTEERS: Case 95XT; Bobcat 753. DECK TRAILERS: 2017 Southland Super B Decks. 2008 Double A 20’ T/A; GRAVEL TRAILERS: 2014 Midland Triaxle End Dump; 2007 Midland XL2100 T/A Gravel Pup, Arnes End Dump. OFFICE TRAILERS: 2013 Double D Skid Mounted Bathroom; 60’ Office; 40’ Office Trailer. TRACTORS & FARM: 2008 Massey Ferguson 5435 Dyna-4 4WD Tractor; 2004 Schulte XH1000 Series III Bat Wing Mower; 2007 Schulti FLX Flex Arm Attachment. (2) Cockshutt Square Balers (collectors). UTILITY & MAINTENANCE: (3) Trackless MT57T Series V 4x4 Utility Tractors. CRANE & FORKLIFT: 2002 Genie Z60/34 Boom Lift, Grove RT522; Stand Up Electric Forklift. TRACTORS, GRAVEL & HEAVY TRUCKS: 2012 Freightliner Coronado T/A; 2006 Sterling LT9500 T/A Gravel; 2001 Freightliner FL80 T/A Sanding Truck; 2002 GMC C8500 S/A Gravel/Plow Truck; (2) Ford 9000 T/A Cement Trucks. COMPRESSOR: Atlas Copco GA37FF Screw Compress w/Built In Air Dryer. LAWN: 2005 Toro Groundsmaster 4000-D 4x4; Kubota L245-DT. Large Quantity of Light Trucks & Seacans, (6) Magnum 3060 Light Towers, Etc.




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OPENS Thursday, December 1st CLOSES Wednesday, December 7th

CONSIGN NOW TO THIS AUCTION!!! BENEFITS TO ONLINE AUCTIONS EQUIPMENT CAN STAY AT YOUR FARM OR BRING IT TO OUR AUCTION CENTRE! PARTIAL LISTING: Check Website For Complete Listing. Cabin At Barrier Lake; Wade Weseen Estate Farm Dispersal, Lake Lenore, SK. Other Consignors: 2 JD 9610 Combines; JD 6620 Combine; JD 9400; JD 8650; JD 8440; JD 4430 Tractors; 2008 JD 9430; Sawmill; Kubota M-120 Tractor w/FEL; Round Balers; Livestock Equipment; Tillage; Airseeders; Snowblowers; Canvas Shelters; Free Standing Corral Panels; Belly Dump Gravel Trailer; A quantity of hopper bins; Plus Much More; Farm & Construction Arriving Daily.


S P R AY- AIR 3600, S W ATHER S , HEAVY HAR R OW S , TR ACTOR S , COM BINES , AUGER S , BALER S , HIGHW AY TR ACTOR S , FUEL TANKS , DOZER BLADES , TOOL BOXES , P AR TY TENTS , HEATER S , CAR S , TR UCKS , TOOLS AND M UCH M OR E! G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w .grea tpla in sa u ctio n S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9



R etirem en t D is p ers a l A uction for N els on ’s A uction S erv ice S a t. D ec. 10 , 2 0 16 , 10 a m Nels on’s Auction Centre M ea cha m , S K.

12’x60’ M od u la r O ffice Bu ild in g , 35’ Ku n try Ku s tom A u ction O ffice Tra iler, 2 A u ction Tru ck Top p ers , 1995 C hev 3500 1 T Tru ck , 1975 C hev 1 T Tru ck , 24’ G oertzen 5th W heel Fla t Deck Ta n d em A xle Tra iler, 2001 Pon tia c M on ta n a Va n , 586E C a s e d s l Fork lift, Fg 14 Kom a ts u Fork lift, 4020 JD Tra ctor, 7½ ’ S n ow Plow, M en ’s & W om en ’s Porta Potty on W heels , Exotic Bird & A n im a l Pen n in g Pa n els , 24’ Free S ta n d in g Pa n els , Lu m ber, Tires , C on ces s ion Kitchen Eq u ip m en t, S p ea k ers , S ou n d S ys tem , C ha irs , S ig n s , Tools , O ffice Eq u ip m en t, a n d m u ch m ore. Form ore in fo vis itou rw ebs ite:

Refer to W eb site forTerm s & Cond itions REGIN A: Jo hn Deere 4020; 40’ S hip p in g Co n ta in er; 2015 Jeep Gra n d Chero kee Overla n d S UV; 2013 Hyu n d a i E la n tra ; 2010 L o a d L in e Gra vel T ra iler; Ba ld o rT S 25 Dies el Gen era to r & M u ch M o re! S AS K ATOON : 2015 S tea lth 7x14 30” W ed ge T ita n T ra iler; Un u s ed 10’ S n o w b la d e fo r S kid s teer; Vehicles , T o o ls , Vin yl F lo o rin g & M o re! Upco m in g Decem b er Even ts ; Ag S a le; M o n thly In d u s tria l & Co n s tru ctio n E q u ip m en t. Ca ll K en to Co n s ign 306 -250-0707. Rea l Es ta te: M o b ile Ho m e W ith Ap p ro x. 12’ X 75’ Ad d itio n fo r Rem o va l - Od es s a , S K ; 4 Bed ro o m Ho u s e Plu s 160 Acrea ge RM o fK in gs ley, S K . New Pa y Online Fea ture Now A va ila b le!! V is itour w eb s ite for photos & Deta ils

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WORKMAN ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE 150 Simmental and Angus Influence Heifers

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Dec 8

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KEITH JOHNSON DISPERSAL (Killarney) 60 Simmental Influence Cows Jan to Mar Calving DAN MCINTYRE DISPERSAL (Nesbitt) 30 Angus X cows March Calving LARRY HEINRICHS (Clearwater) 20 Black Angus Heifers March Calving TREVOR MCLAREN (Baldur) 10 Angus Heifers March Calving


Entertainment Crossword by Walter D. Feener

Dec 15

KEN THIESSEN (Winkler) 75 Angus Bred Heifers February Calving CHARLES WATKINS (Clearwater) 33 Char Cows Mid Feb Calving DONNA DESROCHERS (Baldur) 25 Simmental Cows Jan Calving TRYON WELLS (Goodlands) 20 Angus Bred Heifers April Calving 204-523-8477 o 204-523-6161 c

Last Weeks Answers

ACROSS 1. He played Dr. Kildare in nine movies (2 words) 6. He wrote, produced, and directed Angels Over Broadway 10. 2005 Matthew Modine film 11. Actor Gulager 13. Pineapple ___ 15. Woody Allen’s first wife 16. ___ Run (2 words) 18. Robert and Oliver 22. ___ Me to Hell 23. Goranson of Roseanne 25. Film starring Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn (2 words) 27. He played The Bomber Joe Seluchi in Airplane II: The Sequel 28. Casablanca pianist 29. One of the Gilmore girls 30. He plays Mateo on Superstore 32. Simba’s father in The Lion King 34. 2005 Calista Flockhart film 36. The Shipping ___ 37. ___ Girl 38. 1965 title role for Sophia Loren (2 words) 39. 1995 James Bond film 42. Life of ___ 43. Charlotte ___ Bon 44. Rice Rhapsody director 46. Actress Kinski 50. Raj Koothrappali is one 53. She starred in Nob Hill 54. She played Aubrey Posen in Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2 55. Initials of the actress who was nominated for an Academy Award for Fatal Attraction 56. 1968 spaghetti western (with The)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. 14. 17. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 26. 27. 30. 31. 33. 34. 35. 39. 40. 41. 42. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 52.

DOWN War of the ___ 2005 James Franco film (with The) Indian film director and producer Chopra She played Hazel Wassername on 30 Rock Actor Hatfield One of Westworld’s most popular attractions She played Mildred’s step-daughter Lisa in Scavenger Hunt Almodóvar and Pascal He played the villainous Colonel Quaritch in Avatar She played Lucy Avila in Step Up Clarence’s bodyguard in Snakes on a Plane Western film actor Gwenn from England 2015 British horror film starring Daisy Ridley She played Diane Chambers on Cheers ___ High (1975 film) One of the Cartwrights ___ Baa Black Sheep (TV series from the 1970s) Lon Chaney No. 1 He played Dr. Jacob Hood on Eleventh Hour 30 Rock creator Good___ ___ Goes to Town (1937 film) (2 words) She was called the First Lady of American Cinema Umberto D. director She played Sister Mary Patrick in Sister Act ___ Moon (1973 film) Fisher from Oman Master of ___ (Netflix series) Sharon’s Cagney & Lacey co-star Simba’s uncle in The Lion King Academy Award winner for Best Art Direction in 1983 for Fanny & Alexander ___’Rhonda Jones The ___ Diary

V iew in g: S a t., Dec. 3rd - 10a m to 3pm 2004 W es tern S ta r S em i T ra cto r; 2006 F reightlin er Bu s in es s Cla s s M 2; 2007 In tern a tio n a l Du ra S ta r Va n Bo d y; 1999 K en w o rth T 96 Du m p T ru ck; 2007 Jo hn Deere 544J L o a d er; Jo hn Deere 9630 T ra cto r W ith Bla d e Atta chm en t; T o yo ta 7950lb F o rklift; 998 928G CAT F o rklift; Va rio u s M eta l S hip p in g Co n ta in ers ; Office & L o cker S kid S ha cks ; 2011 Hu m m er H2; F o rd E xp ed itio n ; 1996 Ha rley-Da vid s o n M o to rcycle; Bo m b a rd ier Ca n d er XT Qu a d AT V; Go lf Ca rt, Co ver-All Bu ild in gs (New a n d Us ed ) & M u ch M o re! Vis itOurW eb s ite For Deta ils .

w w w.M c D ou g a llBa y.c om Re g in a (306 ) 757-1755 1-800-26 3-4193

Proudly Serving W estern Canada! S u b jectto a d d itio n s & d eletio n s . No tres p o n s ib le fo rerro rs .

SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park. New and used parts available for 3 ton trucks all the way up to highway tractors, for every make and model, no part too big or small. Our shop specializes in custom rebuilt differentials/transmissions and clutch installations. Engines are available, both gas and diesel. Re-sale units are on the lot ready to go. We buy wrecks for parts, and sell for wrecks! For more info. call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. DL #914394 WRECKING VOLVO TRUCKS: Misc. axles and parts. Also tandem trailer suspension axles. Call 306-539-4642, Regina, SK. WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2, 3/4, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. Cummins, Chev and Ford diesel motors. Jasper Auto Parts, 1-800-294-4784 or 1-800-294-0687. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel motors and transmissions and differentials for all makes! Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323. WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK. TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 to 3 ton, new and used. We ship anywhere. Contact Phoenix Auto, 1-877-585-2300, Lucky Lake, SK. VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. Parting out GM 1/2 and 1 ton trucks. Call 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK. WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

SCHOOL BUSES: 20 to 66 passenger, 1991 to 2007, $2300 and up. 16 buses in stock! Call Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK. 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074.

1996 GRAND MARQUIS LS, Command Start, 2 sets of tires on rims, great shape, $3000. Call 306-642-8751, Assiniboia, SK. 2009 CHRYSLER 300, 4 door, loaded, 213,000 kms, exc., $7000. 306-682-0747, 306-231-5679, Humboldt, SK. 2014 KIA OPTIMA LX, loaded, alloy wheels, unbeatable value! 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit online: DL #917632. 2014 VERA NOTE SL, PST paid! 360 camera, Nav and much more! 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit online: DL #917632. 2015 KIA SOUL EX, heated seats, back up camera, alloy wheels, low kms. 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. DL #917632. 2015 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GL, loads of factory warranty, sleek and sporty, only 1 left! 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. DL #917632.

2015 KIA RONDO LX, versatile, loaded with features. 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, DL #917632. Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. 2015 NISSAN ALTIMA, fuel efficient, Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., loaded. A must see! Call 306-525-6700 1-877-321-7732. Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit: DL #917632. C H E C K OUT OUR parts specials at: www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim 2015 NISSAN MICRA, excellent city car, loaded, like new. Call 306-525-6700 Auto Truck & Trailer toll free 1-888-986-2946. Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit our website: DL #917632. 2016 SUBARU IMPREZA consumer reports TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in as best small call starting at $23,360! Call obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought fo r b e s t p r i c e ! ! 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 3 - 2 6 6 2 o r for wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. DL #914077. SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS located SPECIAL PURCHASE OF New and nearin Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2641. Used car new 2014-2015 Crosstek XVs. Save up to parts, light truck to semi-truck parts. We $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals. DL #914077.


CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at

2 DOEPKER TRIDEM GRAIN trailers: 2008 and 2009, both in very good condition. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. 2015 AHV LODE-KING aluminum Super B hoppers, extra light pkg., round stainless fenders, current safety, excellent 11Rx22.5 tires w/alum. wheels, exc. cond., no air 2016 FEATHERLITE 8127, #GC141286, lift or elec. tarps. 8 sets avail., $98,000 $24,900 7’ wide, 2 center gates. In stock. Call 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 each. Call 1-866-236-4028, Calgary, AB. at:

NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 years body and paint experience. We do metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK.

14’ TANDEM UTILITY flatdeck w/ramps, 12,000 lbs. GVW, new safety, $3750 OBO. 204-794-5979, Springfield, MB. 1997 LODE-KING 48’ Hi-boy flat deck, alum. combo, air ride, 12 winches on each side, $6000. 204-362-1091, Winkler, MB. REMOTE CONTROL TRAILER CHUTE CARGO TRAILER 27’, white, like new, openers can save you time, energy and $7800. Call 306-642-8751, Assiniboia, SK. keep you safe this seeding season. FM re- TRAILERS: BELLY DUMP, end dump, vans, mote controls provide maximum range flatdecks, lowbed, tankers, dropdecks, and instant response while high torque beavertails. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. drives operate the toughest of chutes. Easy installation. Kramble Industries, 100 MISC. SEMI TRAILER FLATDECKS/ call 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK. or visit stepdecks, $2,500 to $30,000. 20 heavy lowbeds, $10,000 to $70,000. Tankers, us online at: end dumps. 306-222-2413, Saskatoon, SK. NEW WILSON AND CASTLETONS: 44’ tri- dem, 3 hopper, 2 hopper and 36’ tandem; 2014 Wilson Super B; 2010 Lode-King al- TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who um/, with alum. budds, lift axles, Michel’s demand the best.” PRECISION AND chute openers; 2005 Lode-King Super B; 2 AGASSIZ TRAILERS (flatdecks, end older tridems; 2003 Doepker Super B, dumps, enclosed cargo). 1-855-255-0199, clean; Michel’s auger and chute openers. Moose Jaw, SK. R o n B r ow n I m p . 3 0 6 - 4 9 3 - 9 3 9 3 . D L BELLY DUMP GRAVEL TRAILER, tandem #905231. axle, load close w/air, Sask. safetied, 1996 MIDLAND 24’ tandem pup, stiff pole, $15,000. 306-940-6835, Prince Albert, SK. completely rebuilt, new paint and brakes, 2002 10’x30’ WELLSITE trailer, propane like new, $18,500. Merv 306-276-7518, pig, A/C, bedroom with bunk beds, Fresh 306-767-2616, leave message, Arborfield, CVIP, $35,800. Stk #UV1026. On Track SK. DL #906768. Company Inc. 780-672-6868, Camrose, AB SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING. We do TRI-AXLE LOW BED, 50 ton, Beaver tail, welding, patching, repairs, re-wiring of flip neck, 2 pins, 9’ wide, flip outs, new trucks, trailers, heavy equipment, etc. We safety, $24,000. 306-940-6835, Sask. use Epoxy primers and Endura topcoats. Competitive rates. Contact Agrimex at ALL ALUMINUM TRAILERS: tridems and Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim 306-331-7443, Dysart, SK. Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or see www.Maximinc.Com BEHNKE DROP DECK semi style and pintle hitch sprayer trailers. Air ride, tandem and tridems. Contact SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. 24’ GOOSENECK 3-8,000 lb. axles, $7890; Bumper pull tandem lowboys: 18’, 14,000 lbs., $4450; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3390; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2975. Factory direct. 888-792-6283. FLAMAN PINTLE HITCH SP Forage HarvesNEW BERG’S 24’ end dump, w/Berg’s Sig- tor trailer. Can be used for hauling comnature quality finish, steel wheels, spring b i n e s , t r a c t o r s , e t c . , $ 1 9 , 5 0 0 . 780-367-2483, 780-208-1125, Willingdon ride, $29,900. 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. ALL ALUMINUM GRAIN TRAILERS: Tandems, tridems and Super B Timpte grain trailers. Call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946 or www.Maximinc.Com PRAIRIE SANDBLASTING & PAINTING. Trailer overhauls and repairs, alum. slopes and trailer repairs, tarps, insurance claims, and trailer sales. Epoxy paint. Agriculture and commercial. Satisfaction guaranteed. 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at

GRASSLAND TRAILERS QUALITY PRODUCTS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. 20’ steel stock, starting at $13,550 up to 8’ width available; 25’ Duralite alum. at $25,250; Krogerman bale bed at $11,000. Glen 306-640-8034, 306-266-2016, Wood Mountain, SK. or email

2005 10’x30’ national wellsite trailer, propane pig, A/C, bath w/shower, W&D, microwave, stove, fridge, $48,575. On Track Company Inc. 780-672-6868, Camrose, AB PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, Odessa, SK. 306-957-2033 TRAILTECH TRAILER: 22’, two 7000 lb axles, bumper hitch, hi boy, low boy, beaver tails and tilt, elec. overhydraulics, winch and picker, bolt rims. Call 403-346-7178. 53’ AND 48’ tridem, tandem stepdecks, w/wo sprayer cradles; 53’, 48’ and 28’ tridem, tandem highboys, all steel and combos. Super B Highboys; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers and Kentucky moving van; Pintle hitch tandem flatdeck; Aluminum tankers. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, Delisle, SK. DL #905231. 2008 WABASH 51’ tandem axle dry van, low miles, current SK. safety, $12,500. Call Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

1991 AND 1992 Freightliner FL112 Heavy Spec, cab and chassis for quick sale, $9800 each. Call 1-888-674-5135, Langley, BC.

2005 IHC 9200 daycab tractor, Cummins ISX 400 HP, 13 spd. trans, 40,000 rears, 967,000 kms, needs paint, $13,900 OBO. K&L Equipment and Auto. Ph. Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. 2005 IHC 9900i 450 ISX Cummins, 13 spd, to check out 290 rears, 12 fronts, eng. and bunk heatour inventory of quality used highway tracers, headache rack, 22.5 rubber, 1.2 kms, 2009 FORD F350, 2 WD, V10, auto, air, tilt, 13’ deck w/toolboxes, power tailgate, tors! Or call: 204-685-2222 MacGregor MB 1998 KENWORTH T800, new grain box, $19,500 OBO. 306-783-7547, Yorkton, SK. 65,000 kms, $16,800. Ph. 306-270-5951, 2017 RAM CUMMINS diesel Dually Crew Detroit engine, 60 Series, 10 spd. trans., Martensville, SK. $48,000. 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. SLT 4x4, $60,775. Call 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. 2007 FREIGHTLINER M102: 22' body set 2002 IH 2600 w/IH 320 HP eng., 10 spd., up as rolling shop for service/installation of 2016 RAM 3500 Laramie, 6.7L Cummins, 221,000 kms., new 20’ BH&T, excellent grain, seed plant and feed mill equipment. leveled wheels and tires. Show stopper! rubber, very good, $49,500; 2009 MACK Choose the tooling you need from a list 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina CH613, MP8 Mack eng., 430 HP, 10 spd., including: Welder; Plasma; Shear and AutoShift, 463,000 kms., excellent shape, SK. DL #917632. brake; Iron work. 204-228-2842, Brandon, new 20’ box, A/T/C, $73,500; 2009 IH MB. 2016 FORD F350 XLT, diesel, loaded, re- TRANSTAR 8600 w/Cummins eng 10 mote start, save thousands! 306-525-6700 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BH&T, 742,000 2007 CHEV C6500, 2 WD, Duramax dsl., Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit on- kms., exc tires, real good shape, $69,500; 7 spd. trans, 20’ flatdeck w/winches, only line: DL #917632. 2007 IH 9200, ISX Cummins, 430 HP, 152,000 kms, $21,900. 2008 Dodge 2016 CHEV SILVARADO LTZ, cooled seats, AutoShift, alum. wheels, new 20’ BH&T, 3500, 2 WD, Hemi gas engine, auto trans, N a v, d i v e r s a l e r t p k g , P S T p a i d . fully loaded, 1 million kms., real nice, 2006 FREIGHTLINER 455 HP Detroit, 10 16’ flatdeck, 178,000 kms, $16,900 OBO. 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina $67,500; 2009 MACK CH613, 430 HP spd., 400,000 kms, fresh safety, $24,900. 2001 STERLING 9500, tandem water Mack, 10 spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BH&T, Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue. SK. DL #917632. truck, 4500 gal. tank, C12 Cat, 13 spd., alum. wheels, 1.4 million kms., has bear2015 YUKON DENALI, 4x4, 7 passenger, ing roll done, nice shape, $69,500; 2007 2008 KENWORTH W900 c/w 565 Cum- Bowie pump, $22,900; 1998 FREIGHimmaculate, save big! 306-525-6700, Auto KENWORTH T600, C13 Cat, 425 HP, 13 mins, 18 speed, 46 rears, studio bunk, very TLINER FL80, tandem water truck, Allison trans, 3200 gal. water tank w/Honda Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit on-line: spd., AutoShift, new 20’ BH&T, alum. clean. Call 780-983-0936, Clyde, AB. GX160 pump, 293,000 kms, $21,900. DL #917632. wheels, new paint, 1.0 million kms. ExcelTrades considered. K&L Equipment and 2015 RAM LARAMIE 3500, 6.7L dsl, 4x4 lent truck, $71,500; 1996 MIDLAND 24’ Auto. Ph. Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna, crew, EcoBoost, all options, don’t miss out! tandem pup grain trailer, stiff pole, comSK. DL#910885. 306-525-6700, Auto Gallery Subaru, Regi- pletely rebuilt, new paint and brakes, excellent shape, $18,500; 1985 FORD na SK. DL #917632. L9000, Cummins, 10 spd., 20’ BH&T that’s 2015 FORD F150, Platinum, crew 4x4, been totally rebuilt, new paint, exc tires, EcoBoost, all options, don’t miss out! $28,500; 1999 IH 4700 S/A w/17’ steel 2009 and 2011 VOLVO VNL’s, heavy spec., 1994 IH, BULK FEED truck, 14T Fontaine, 306-525-6700, Auto Gallery Subaru, Regi- flat deck, 230,000 kms., IH diesel, 10 spd., loaded. Super low kms. Farmer owned. all aluminum, 4 bin tank, tandem, 13 spd, na SK. DL #917632. good tires, $19,500; 1998 FREIGHTLIN- Premium condition, $71,000/ea. West- w/feed PU capability, 430,000 kms, $27,500 OBO. Phone 604-644-7311, Surrey, ER tractor, C60 Detroit, 430 HP, 13 spd., lock, AB. 780-206-1234. BC. Email: alum. wheels, sleeper, good rubber, $17,500; 2005 IH 9200 tractor, ISX Cummins, 430 HP, 13 spd., alum wheels, flat top sleeper, good rubber, $22,500. All trucks Sask safetied. Trades considered. All reasonable offers considered. Contact Merv at 306-276-7518 (house) or 306-767-2616 (cell), Arborfield, SK. DL #906768. 2014 F550 FORD, w/Maxon, 1650 lbs., 144”x90” deck with lift/gate, 6550 miles, m i n t c o n d i t i o n , $ 4 2 , 5 0 0 O B O. C a l l 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB.

2006 CHEV 1500, longbox, regular cab, V6, very clean, only $6500. Call 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. 1996 DODGE 1500, ext. cab, 4 door, 318 V8, air, very good runner, only $1995. Call 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK.

2010 IH PROSTAR, 500HP, Cummins, 18 spd., 46 rears, new drivers, Jake/3-way lockers, fresh safety, $52,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2006 CHEV 2500 Duramax, 4 door, 4x4, 2002 KENWORTH T800 w/new grain 196,500 kms, exc. cond., asking $21,000. box, rebuilt engine and turbo with warran306-338-2841, 306-327-7959, Wadena SK ty. $68,000. 204-325-5677, Winkler, MB. 2004 PETERBILT 330, tandem axle, C&C, long WB, Cat dsl., 10 spd trans, AC, low miles, alum. wheels, $26,900, w/new B&H $48,900. K&L Equipment and Auto. Ph Ladimer, 306-795-7779 Ituna. DL#910885 2007 IHC 9400, ISX Cummins, 435 HP, pre-emission 10 spd., 20’ CIM BH&T, safetied, $47,900; 2006 Kenworth T800 C13 Cat, 13 spd., jakes, lockers, 20’ BH&T, safetied, $34,900. Cudworth, SK., call 2007 FORD F150, 4 dr., V8, boxliner, fully 306-256-3569, 306-230-4393. DL 917908 equipped, 211,000 kms, exc. cond., only 2009 FREIGHTLINER, 10 spd., Eaton Auto$7950. Call 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. Shift w/clutch, DD15 Detroit w/20’ BH&T; 2008 tandem IH 7600, Cummins, 10 spd., new BH&T; 2004 Pete 330 S/A, Cat Allison auto. w/new 16’ BH&T. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, DL 905231 2009 MACK, 460 HP, AutoShift trans., new BH&T, real nice shape, $71,500; 2007 Kenworth, C13 425 HP Cat, AutoShift trans., 13 spd., new 20’ BH&T, $71,500; 2002 IHC 1654, 350 HP IH engine, 10 spd. trans., new 20’ BH&T, 220,000 kms, $49,500; 1990 Kenworth T600, 450 HP Detroit, 10 spd., alum. front wheels, good tires, pulls good w/1996 36’ Cancade 2 hopper grain trailer, nice shape, $35,000. Trades accepted. Merv at 306-276-7518, 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK DL #906768 3- 2007 MACKS, 10 spd. Eaton auto, new 20’ CIM B&H, fresh Sask. safeties. Call 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. DL#316542.

2007 GMC 2500 Duramax, extended cab, shortbox, 4x4, 164,000 kms, 2nd owner, very nice condition, $22,000 + GST. Call Larry 306-221-4563, Perdue, SK. 2015 RAM LARAMIE Eco diesel Crew. PST paid, $46,900. ALLISON AUTOMATIC TRUCKS: Several 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. trucks with auto trans. available with C&C CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used or grain or gravel box. Starting at $19,900. highway tractors. For more details call K&L Equipment, 306-795-7779, Ituna, 204-685-2222 or view information at SK. DL #910885. AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, SK. DL #327784.

2016 FEATHERL ITE 24’ Co m b o Tra iler, 8413-7024, 7’W x 7’H x 24’L w ith s tra ightw a lls , T A21604

2016 REN N 17’ Pu p Tra iler, S L 1700, T ri-Axle, Air Rid e, 11R24.5 T ires , T A21504

Available at: 2016 REN N 33’ Tri-Axle En d Du m p, S L 3300, Air Rid e, 11R24.5 T ires , Ava ila b le in W hite o r Cha rco a l, S tk # T A21503/T A21516

2016 Fea therlite 8 542-704H 4 Ho rs e S la n tL o a d , 7’ W x 7’ H x 21’8” L w ith 52” d res s in g ro o m , 6.0K ru b b er to rs io n , S tk# T A21529

Prince Albert Cooperative Prince Albert, SK

306-764-6488 2016 REN N 33’ Ha rd o x S id e Du m p, S L S DGE N2, Air Rid e, 11R24.5 T ires , S tk # T A21523

2016 Fea therlite 2 Ho rs e S la n t, 9409-672H, 14’2” L x 6’7” W x 8’6” H, 3.5k T o rs io n S u p , S tk# T A21615

Regin a - 1-8 00-6 6 7-046 6 K eefe Ha ll Cell - 306 -535-2420 Aa ro n S ca rlett Cell - 306 -716 -9 6 45

w w w .s terlin gtru ck a n d tra De a le r Lic e n c e # 909069

C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d Pric in g Fin a n c e Re po ’s Ac c e ptin g Offe rs


1992 PETERBILT, 425 Cat, 18 spd., 20’ BH&T, excellent condition, $60,000 OBO. 306-561-0210, Davidson, SK. 2001 WESTERN STAR 5900, 891,000 kms, 470 Detroit, 13 spd., 4.11, diff. lock, new Cancade 20' box, new tarp, new paint, $59,900. Call 306-533-6397. Regina, SK 2007 WESTERN STAR 4900SA tri-drive, C15 Cat, 550 HP, 18 spd., full lockers, new 24’ CIM B&H. 306-270-6399, Saskatoon, SK. DL#316542.

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at REMOTE CONTROL ENDGATE AND hoist systems can save you time, energy and keep you safe this seeding season. Give K r a m b l e I n d u s t r i e s a call at 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK. or visit us online at: TANDEM AXLE GRAIN trucks in inventory. New and used, large inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946

2014 IHC TERRA-STAR, 4WD, 105,370km, Hiab 7400lb crane, 7’ flat deck w/ 5th wheel, tool locker, hyd. outriggers. $46,800 1-888-606-6362.

2013 PROSTAR IH day cab truck with indash GPS, 500 HP Maxx force 18 spd., 46,000 rears, 3.91 ratio, 228” WB, approx. 129,000 kms, 11R22.5 tires, c/w wet kit DECKS, DRY VANS, reefers and storage fo r o n ly $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 . N ew M B . s a fe t y. trailers at: www.Maximinc.Com or call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at SANDBLASTING AND PAINTING of heavy trucks, trailers and equipment. Please call for details. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd., 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK. SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. T800 KENWORTHS ALL HEAVY SPECS 18 spd., full lockers, 2008, 2007 w/bunks. Also daycab 2009, new trans. and clutch; 2009 KW T660, new ISX Cummins, tranny, and clutch, 18 spd., lockers; 2008 IH daycab Lonestars ISX Cummins, 46 diff., 3-way lockers; 2008 Western Star 10 spd. auto. w/clutch; 2008 IH 9900 daycab, ISX Cummins, 18 spd., lockers, 290,000 kms; 2007 Pete 379, daycab and bunk; 2013 IH 5900i, 42” bunk, 46 diff., 4-way lock, 18 spd., 390,000 kms; 2006 Pete 378, Cat 18 spd., 46 diff., 4-way locks w/roo-bar bumper; 2007 IH 9200, daycab, ISX 435, 13 spd; 1996 Kenworth T800, 475 Cat, 13 spd, rebuilt diffs and tranny. Ron Brown Implements, Delisle, SK., 306-493-9393. DL #905231.

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at 1999 IH 4700, SA, flatdeck w/17’ steel flatdeck, 11x22.5 tires, 230,000 kms, 444 IH dsl., 10 spd., safetied, real good shape, $19,500; 1994 GMC Topkick tandem w/24’ flatdeck, 563,000 kms, 3116 Cat diesel, 10 spd., 11x22.5 tires, real good shape, $21,500. Call Merv 306-276-7518, 306-767-2616, Arborfield, SK. DL 906768.

2014 IMPREZA SPORT, boxer engine, segment inclusive AWD, sunroof, much more! 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. DL #917632. 2014 SUBARU LEGACY Touring, full-time AWD, 5 star crash rating, 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit: DL #917632. 2015 CROSSTREK TOURING, AWD, 5 star crash rating, best retained value. 306-525-6700, Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. DL #917632. 2015 FORD EDGE, EcoBoost, AWD, great cargo space, excellent cond 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit online: DL #917632. 2015 KIA SPORTAGE LX, AWD, alloy wheels, great value! 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit on-line: DL #917632. 2015 NISSAN ROGUE SV, push button start, back up cam, power htd seats, AWD. 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. DL #917632. 2016 JEEP CHEROKEE North 4x4 75th Anniversary, $32,136. Call 1-800-667-4414, Wynyard, SK. 2016 SUBARU FORESTER name top pick for 2016. Starting from $29,360. Great selection to choose from!! 1-877-373-2662 or DL# 91407. SPECIAL PURCHASE OF New and nearnew 2014-2015 Crosstek XVs. Save up to $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. DL #914077.

2004 MACK TANDEM AXLE dump truck, fresh AB. safety, low kms, very clean, good condition. Call 780-983-0936, Clyde, AB. 2012 IHC TRANSSTAR, low pro, Max 300 HP diesel Allison auto trans, loaded cab, 13’ Armstrong landscape dump, $39,900. 2007 FORD F550 4x4, 6L diesel, 7 spd. std., loaded cab, 14’ Armstrong landscape dump, 54,000 orig. kms, $29,900. Trades considered. K&L Equipment and Auto. Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna DL#910885 NEW CANUCK GRAVEL TRAILERS: 1999 Arne’s tridem end dump, clean; 1996 IH 9400, 60 Detroit, 10 spd, 16’ gravel box, alum rims. Ron Brown Imp. 306-493-9393, DL 905231

2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL, leather, Nav., heated seats, 80,000 kms, very good cond, $19,900. Sask tax paid. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at SLEEPERS AND DAYCABS. New and used. Huge inventory across Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. TANDEM AXLE GRAVEL trucks in invento- 2002 INTERNATIONAL 4700 sanitation SPECIAL PURCHASE OF New and near ry. New and used, large inventory across truck, side load, IH 466, RH/LH drive, air new 2014-2015 Crosstek XVs. Save up to Western Canada at www.Maximinc.Com or brakes, Haul-All receptacle, $17,900. $5000. Come in quickly!! 1-877-373-2662. DL #914077. 1-888-278-4905 call Maxim Truck & Trailer 1-888-986-2946 2016 DODGE RAM 3500, Cummins 6.7 dsl., LWB, auto. trans., CB300 hydra deck bale deck, gooseneck hitch, work lights, remote hyd operation, 11'10" deck length, 825 kms, $74,999. DL#300940. 403-526-6944, Medicine Hat, AB.



W ATRO US M AINLINE 201 3 K ENW O R TH T4 4 0 GR AIN TR U CK Allis o n Au to ,W hite ,21 ,24 6 km . STK #M 7220A $1 54 ,995 2007 INTER NATIO NAL 4 000 SER IES D TI4 66 Die s e l5 Spd .,Allis o n Au to , Bo s tru m AirSe at,1 6’x8.5’x56” Ultra II CIM Bo x,Re arHo is tCo n tro l,M iche l’s Tarp,W hite w /Re d Bo x,31 8,760 km . STK #M 7221 A $4 1 ,995

2002 W ESTER N STAR 4 900FA CO NV ENTIO NAL GR AV EL TR U CK CatC1 0,370-385 H.P. 1 350 lb FtTo rq u e , Jake Brake ,Cru is e ,1 1 R22.5 Tire s ,1 0 Spd ., 1 5’ G rave lBo x,AirRid e Sprin g As s is te d , 54 ,600 g vw r,G re y Clo th,Bu rg u n d y, 74 2,300km . STK #G 1 591 A Sa le P ric e $39,995


306-946-3336 1-800-667-0490

JIM’S TUB GRINDING, H-1100 Haybuster with 400 HP, serving Saskatchewan. Call SERVICE AND INSTALLATION Unit. See full 306-334-2232, 306-332-7332, Balcarres. ad under specialized trucks! 204-228-2842. BUSINESS FOR SALE: Sausage process- ATTENTION FARMERS: Cleaning of fuing plant in Raymond, AB. For more infor- sarium durum wheat. Taking bookings for March, 2017. 1,000,000 bu. needed. First mation call 403-752-3006. come, first serve. Approx. 1000 bu./hr. INDEPENDENT AUTO REPAIR business for Lars-O-Matic Seed Cleaning, North Battlesale in Regina; Hotel and restaurant on ford, SK., 306-441-0242 or 306-937-2575. Hwy. #48; 160 acres near Regina with yard and business opportunity; SW SK. REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14’, restaurant, lounge incl, 15 room motel; $2000; 160x60x14’, $2950; 180x60x14’, Vanguard bar and grill, incl. 3 bdrm. home; $3450; 200x60x14’, $3950; Larger sizes Milestone hotel for sale. Brian Tiefenbach, available. Travel incl. in Sask. Gov’t grants 306-536-3269, Colliers Int., Regina, SK. available. 306-222-8054, Saskatoon, SK. MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. BEE BUSINESS. Turnkey operation. Sec- Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: ond generation bee farmer looking to re- tire. Vehicles, bee equipment, honey plant, buildings, etc. Perfect opportunity for NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, young family. Near beautiful northern payloader, Bobcat with rubber tracks and town of Carrot River, SK. 306-332-7422, v e r t i c a l b e a t e r s p r e a d e r s . P h o n e 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. 306-768-2628. BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, 275 HP unit, also avail. trackhoe with thumb, multiple bucket attachments. Bury rock and brush piles and fence line clearing. Borysiuk Contracting Inc., Prince Albert, SK., FARMERS AND BUSINESS PERSONS need 306-960-3804. financial help? Go to: or phone 306-757-1997, 315 Victoria Ave., CUSTOM LIQUID MANURE hauling, 3 tanks available. Contact George in Hague, Regina, SK. SK. 306-227-5757.

LOOKING FOR CUSTOM FARM WORK, seeding, spraying and combining. Call for DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too pricing and to book spring acres. Call Mike w w w .w atrousm high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. us to develop a professional mediation DL#907173 plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. CAN-AM TRUCK EXPORT LTD., Delisle, SK, Call toll free 1-888-577-2020. 1-800-938-3323. 1998 Loadline 29’ gravel trailer, air ride, $25,000; 1998 Loadline 28’ FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. gravel trailer, spring ride, $22,000; 2012 Management Group for all your borrowing Western Star DD15 Detroit 18 spd., 40 and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, 2004 JD 270LC excavator, 2 buckets, 148” dirt and 1- 60” rake, low hrs., exc. rears, w/4-way lock, APU unit, $60,000; Regina, SK. 1997 Sterling single axle tractor, 3126 Cat, TAKING NEW CLIENTS! 306-527-5247, cond, $75,000. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK 10 spd., 23,000 rears, $8,500. 2007 IHC, SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS: Buckets, rock 4400, DT466, 6 spd., air ride, w/24’ van, buckets, grapples, weld-on plates, hyd. au325,000 kms, $16,000; 2005 Western Star, gers, brush cutters and more large stock. C15 Cat, 18 spd., 46,000 rears, locks, 36” Top quality equipment, quality welding sleeper, low kms, clean truck, $45,000; and sales. Call Darcy at 306-731-3009, 400 KW to 800 KW gensets, low hours; 306-731-8195, Craven, SK. 1995 Lode-King Super B grain unit, new FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS safety, $25,000; 2002 Pete 320, 3126 Cat, We also specialize in: agricultural comauto w/side load garbage unit, $30,000; plaints of any nature; Crop ins. appeals; 2014 Freightliner daycab, DD15, 13 spd., Spray drift; Chemical failure; Residual her40 rears, 4-way locks, 240,000 kms, new bicide; Custom operator issues; Equip. safety, warranty to 800,000 kms or 2019, malfunction. Ph. Back-Track Investigations $75,000; 2008 Kenworth 800 daycab, C15 1-866-882-4779 for assistance and Cat, 18 spd., 46 rears, 4-way locks, compensation. 700,000 kms, $75,000; 2003 Freightliner Columbia, Det 60 Series, 13 spd., 40 rears, $23,000; 2000 Western Star, Detroit 60 Series, 13 spd., 40 rears, $21,000; 2001 Freightliner FL80, Cat 3126, auto, 15’ Midland, $45,000; 2005 Hino 238 W 24 van, auto, 195,000 kms, $17,000. Gensets ava i a b l e . F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e , OAC . 2012 JD 250G-LC excavator, 5866 hrs, DL#910420. 32” shoes, 11’10” arm, 64” bucket, attachments avail. Good cond. $114,000 1-888-606-6362. DECKS, DRY VANS, reefers and storage trailers at: www.Maximinc.Com or call Maxim Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946.

MAGNUM 8.0 KW light tower generator, Kubota diesel, $4400. Call Larry at 306-563-8765, Canora, SK.

KIA SEDONA, rear heat and air, 8 passenger, great SUV styling. Call 306-525-6700 Auto Gallery Subaru, Regina SK. Visit: DL #917632.

Available at:

WANTED: LEAFCUTTER BEES, loose sell or in foam blocks for own production, not a broker. Mike at 403-501-1565. Brooks, AB.

Saskatoon Cooperation Assoc. Ltd. Saskatoon, SK

1992 CHAMPION GRADER, 740 Series III w/snow-wing, 14,000 hrs., 16R24TG Bridgestone tires, all around good cond., $38,000 OBO. 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB.

306-933-3835 42” BELTING DOWN to 36”. Good for cattle feeders or temporary grain storage. Red Deer, AB. 403-346-7178 or 403-392-7754.

42”-52” USED CONVEYOR BELTING for cattle feeders and livestock processing areas. LONG LAKE TRUCKING, two units, custom hay hauling. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK.

ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, 1” and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK.

EQUIPMENT TOWING/ HAULING. Reasonable rates. Contact G H Wells Services 2006 D61 PX-15, 2405 orig. hrs., 6-way and Trucking, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. blade, 34” pads, near new UC, 155 HP, exANDRES TRUCKING. Hauling equipment, cellent working cond., S/N #B41323. Can bins, livestock, towing. Canada/USA. Call deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. or text 306-736-3454, South East, SK. BOMBARDIER SNOWCAT GROOMER, BR275, 8.3 Cummins, 9’ Mogul Master drag, $31,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. SKIDSTEER LOADERS: 2008 Case 440, Series 3, $27,500 OBO; 2006 Case 440, $24,500 OBO; 2007 Case 420, $22,500 OBO. Ph. 204-794-5979, Springfield, MB. 2003 D7R CAT, c/w angle blade, semi U blade and ripper; 2002 Trailtech 20 ton, pintle hitch, tilt deck trailer w/new decking, tires and fresh safety; 3000 gal. septic tank c/w 500 Fruitland pump, controls and hydraulics, complete for tandem truck. 306-845-3407, Turtleford, SK.

CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no exposed screws to leak or metal overlaps. Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, churches, pig barns, commercial, arch rib building and residential roofing; also available in Snap Lock. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. EQUIPMENT HAULING. Serving Western Canada and Northwest USA. Call Harvey at 1-877-824-3010 or cell 403-795-1872. Vandenberg Hay Farms Ltd., Nobleford AB. Email: COMMERCIAL GRADE Wind and weather shelter buildings available in widths from 20’ to 90’. Prices starting at $2495. If you have bought an auction building and need to upgrade to more durable material or parts we can help. Located in Yorkton. Contact Paul at 306-641-5464 or Ladimer 306-795-7779. PRECISE PRE-FABS: Custom built sheds, horse shelters, mini barns, etc. Year round delivery. Financing available. Contact us at 403-507-7472, email: Visit our website at:

NORTHWEST TUB GRINDING: Mobile truck mounted 1150 Haybuster tub grinder for your hay and straw grinding needs. Call for rates and bookings, Ron 306-883-7124, Email: Leoville, SK.

2 MACK TANDEM trucks w/dump boxes, $7700 ea; IH 366 dsl., 34,000 kms and 16’ van body. Few other trucks in stock; 100’ ladder truck; 2 Cat scrapers 463, $23,000 for pair; New 24’ garbage box. Salvage of all types. Call Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd., 494 Panet Road, Winnipeg, MB., 204-667-2867 fax 204-667-2932.

WANTED DIESEL CORES: ISX and N14 Cummins, C15 Cats, Detroits Ddec 3, 4, 740 CHAMPION GRADER, 1984, 8.3 DD15. Can-Am Truck 1-800-938-3323. Cummins eng., snow wing, ready to work. $26,000. Call 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. NEW CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES. Well below replacement cost. Model QSC8-3, 2 8 0 H P, t i e r 3 , $ 1 2 , 2 0 0 e a . ; M o d e l QSC8-3, 305 HP, tier 3, $12,310 each. Call Bob 204-339-2982 or cell 204-226-8794, West St. Paul, MB. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK.

1975 CAT D8K, hyd. winch, twin tilt angle blade, 26” pads, very good undercarriage, recent engine rebuild, excellent running condition, 60 hour warranty, 14’ blade, 300 HP, S/N #71V2222, $75,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

GREAT PRICES ON new, used and remanufactured engines, parts and accessories for diesel pickups. Large inventory, engines can be shipped or installed. Give us a call or check: ELJAY CLASSIC CONES: 54" ElJay cone on EXCAVATOR ATTACHMENTS IN STOCK. Thickett Engine Rebuilding. 204-532-2187, tandem axle chassis with in/out conveyor, WBM/CAT/CWS. Western Heavy Equip- Russell, MB. $80,000; 54" ElJay cone complete, missing ment, 306-981-3475, Prince Albert, SK. one bearing, $40,000; 54" ElJay cone with 200 HP motor, $58,000; 54" ElJay Elruss, rebuilt head, $28,000. 780-209-3973, FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL Wainwright, AB. motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps and phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306-873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A111th Ave., Tisdale, SK. LANDMASTER DOZER- LEASE TO OWN Website: Zero Down, Semi-annual Payments, Lease Term Of Up To 72 Months. PD14, $35,500; PD18, $39,500. Sask.- Neil, 306-231-8300, Alta.- Gord, 780-913-7353. C7 INDUSTRIAL CAT engine fits 950 loader, factory rebuild. Sold with warranty, HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 $21,885 exchange. On Track Company Inc. yds., exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, at 780-672-6868, Camrose, AB. custom conversions available. Looking for Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd., C12 CAT ENGINE, MBL: 435 HP, rebuilt. 306-231-7318, 306-682-4520 Muenster SK Drop in. Sold with warranty, $24,885. Call James at On Track Company Inc. at SKIDSTEER: 2008 CASE 465 Series III, 780-672-6868, Camrose, AB. cab, heat, new tires, 2700 hrs., $21,000. Call 306-940-6835, Prince Albert, SK. 3 1 2 6 C AT ENGINE, rebuilt, 250 HP, $14,985 exchange. Call James at On Track Company Inc. 780-672-6868, Camrose, AB

EXCELLENT FARM CATS for sale come with warranty: Komatsu, Cat, Fiat Allis. Call for more info excellent working condition. Most newer UC, rebuilt engine, and trans bush, guarded. Call for price. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

EXTREME DUTY BRUSHCUTTER. Made in Canada, 1/4” steel, 66” cut Omni HD gearbox & Parker hyd. motor. Cuts up to 4” trees, two 1/2”x3”x24” blades on a stump jumper, c/w hyd. hoses and flat face couplers. Std. flow operation, open rear discharge prevents under deck build up, fits most skidsteers, $4995. 72” & 80” also in stock. Agrimex, 306-331-7443, Dysart, SK.

13.00x24 TOP TRUST New industrial t i r e s , 1 6 p l y, t u b e l e s s , $ 4 3 6 . 1-888-278-4905. 1979 CAT D8K hydraulic straight, dozer, tilt or hyd. angle dozer, tow winch, EROP’s, 90% UC, $46,000; 1975 Komatsu D65E-6 hyd. angle dozer, ripper, ROPS, $18,500; 2001 Case 9030B, hydraulic excavator, 2 buckets, Quik change, hyd. thumb, rebuilt Cummins, $49,500; 2007 JD 200C LC excavator, 3 buckets w/Quik change, hyd. wrist-o-twist tilt, 5900 hrs., next to new, $105,000. Many more items avail, too numerous to list. Ph or email for pics. Robert STEEL FARM BUILDINGS INSTALLED! 2003 JD 700H LGP, full canopy, screens, Harris 204-642-9959, cell 204-470-5493, 50x100x20 for $80,100; 60x100x20 for new UC, bushings, 6-way blade, mint! Gimli, MB. $ 9 2 , 9 6 0 ; 7 0 x 1 0 0 x 2 0 fo r $ 1 0 6 , 1 2 0 ; 780-755-2115, 780-842-7836 Edgerton AB WANTED: 2- D7R CATERPILLARS, with 80x100x20 for $119,280. All prices include 19.5L-24 TOP TRUST new industrial SU bulldozer blades, 2005 to 2009. 2 walk doors, 5 windows, 1 bi-fold door (30’x18’) and set- up on piles. Taxes extra. t i r e s , 1 2 p l y , t u b e l e s s , $ 5 9 9 . 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. Some exceptions may apply. Call Prairie 1-888-278-4905. 2004 CAT D6N LGP crawler, 6-way dozer, Steel 1-888-398-7150, Clavet, SK. Email to 2010 JOHN DEERE 624J wheel loader, AC, canopy, diff. steer, cargo winch, new 5000 hrs., excellent condition, Q/A. Call UC, 10,800 hrs., $82,000; 2007 KOMATSU PC200 LC-8 hyd. excavator w/QA 100’x200’x22’ Steel Farm Building. Ready 780-983-0936, Westlock, AB. cleanup bucket, 9’6” stick, aux. hyds., for set-up on your farm today. Foundation 2011 HITACHI ZX270 LC-3 hydraulic ex- 12,582 hrs., new UC $60,000; Also all specs can be supplied. Includes 26 gauge cavator, 6950 hrs., 12’ 6” stick, c/w Q/A kinds of buckets, various shapes and sizes ext. sheeting and trims, $153,900 plus bucket and hyd. thumb, very good shape, 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. tax. Add doors and insulation as needed. $124,000. Call 204-362-1091, Winkler, MB Other sizes available. 1-888-398-7150 or 1980 CAT D8K, dirt tilt blade, bush sweeps email 2004 CAT D7R-XR Series II angle dozer, good UC, $46,000. 204-525-4521, Minitofull canopy and ripper. 780-983-0936, nas, MB. INSULATED FARM SHOP packages or Westlock, AB. built on site, for early booking call JD 544B LOADER, $14,500; Bobcat 943 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: CAT HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS: skidsteer, $14,900; NH LX865 skidsteer, 463, 435, 80 and 70, all vg condition, new $12,900; Soil mover 7 yard scraper, conversion. Also new and used scraper $7000; Ashland 6 yard. scraper, $5000 BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, tires. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, Stony 1-866-938-8537. convex and rigid frame straight walls, Mountain, MB. grain tanks, metal cladding, farm- comLAND CLEARING EQUIPMENT: Rome one- mercial. Construction and concrete crews. way brush cutter, $9500; V brush cutter, Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saska$14,500; Heavy duty root rake, $4500; Cat toon and Northwest Behlen Distributor, 931B clam bucket w/dozer, $18,500; John Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Deere trash rake, $1500; D8H or K angle Osler, SK. dozer w/C frame, $4500. All OBO and good condition. 204-857-7081, Portage la FOR ALL YOUR STRUCTURAL STEEL, roofing and siding needs, big or small. Call PRAIRIE, MB. Fouillard Steel Supplies, St. Lazare, MB. 2 VO LVO A - 3 0 D A r t i c u l at e d t r u c k s , 1-800-510-3303. Remember nobody sells 23.5x25 tires, 2003 and 2004, $85,000 roofing and siding cheaper!! Nobody. each. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB.

2008 CAT 928H wheel loader, c/w bucket, set of forks available, 4800 hrs., new tires 20.5R28, ride control, Quick Attach. Job ready, $115,000. Can deliver. Call anytime 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. WINTER IS ALMOST HERE! New 8’, 3 PTH, PTO snowblower; 3 old trucks with snowblowers; 4- truck snow blades; 2- V-plows for graders; Side wings for graders; Bombardier w/broom; 2- 4x4 holder w/snowblower; 4x4 trackless w/broom; 4x4 trackless w/blade; 12- loaders, dozers and excavators; IH TD9-92 w/loader, $5900; Cat D2-5U w/loader, $4900; 20- Graders being parted out; 7- work ready graders; Over 400 buckets for loaders and backhoes; Over 300 construction tires, new and used; 100’s of hyd. cylinders; Over 70 sets of forklift forks; 52’ scissor lift; 15- running forklifts from 2 to 9 ton, 1988 Clark 668 grapple skidder; 1989 TJ 380B line skidder; IH 3964 feller buncher; Case 125B delimber; JD 190D excavator; Sawmill and other bush equip.; 1998 EX270 excavator; Over 50 generators, 3 to 193 KW; Over 1000 new and used UC rollers; 2- 811 Bobcat backhoe attachments; New and used parts of all types; 100’s of misc. attachments. Central Canada’s largest wreckers of construction equipment. 2 yards, over 50 acres. Cambrian Equipment Sales Ltd., Winnipeg, MB. Phone 204-667-2867, fax 204-667-2932.

ROAD GRADERS CONVERTED to pull behind large 4 WD tractors, 14’ and 16’ blade widths avail. 306-682-3367, CWK Ent. Humboldt, SK. ANGLE DOZER w/TILT for a D7G. Also straight dozer w/tilt; Brush rake to fit D6R YEAR END TAX SALE! D.B. EQUIPMENT for all your bucket lifts, scissor lifts, teleand JD 850. 306-238-4411, Goodsoil, SK. handlers, and skidsteer needs. Sale on for ATTACHMENTS: Skidsteer snow buckets, tax purposes! 403-396-7078, Medicine blowers, blades, brooms, forks. Conquest Hat, AB. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. 2 0 1 0 C AT 9 5 0 H W H E E L L O A D E R , 1973 CAT 930 loader, 2 yard bucket, new 27,417 hrs., w/Cat quick coupler bucket, p i n s a n d b u s h i n g s , $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . C a l l 3-3/4 cu. yards, 23.5x25 tires, F.O.B. 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. $75,000. 204-795-9192 Plum Coulee, MB

HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 to 30 yd. available. Rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc. 306-682-3332 Muenster, SK. 2008 MOD FIELD office complex, 16 units, 12x60. Can be sold in 4, 8 or 16 units. 90 offices total. Call 780-983-0936, Clyde, AB.


CAT D8 14A, running condition, asking $12,000; 1995 Model 508 JCB zoom boom, approx. 10,000 hrs., pallet forks, sq. bale fork, bucket, good cond., well maintained, asking $25,000. 204-526-5225, 204-723-5002, Notre Dame, MB. CLIFF’S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB. BOBCAT 863 G, new tires, bucket and fork. $13,500. Call Danny Spence at 306-246-4632, Speers, SK. KELLO DISC BLADES and bearings: 22” to 42” notched. Parts: oilbath and greaseable bearings to service all makes of heavy construction discs. Call: 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. 1974 CAT D7F, 14’ angle dozer, 26” pads, 3306 eng., 60% UC, vg cond., $42,000 OBO. 204-467-2109, Stonewall, MB.

• HUTCHIN SON Grain Pum ps/ Loop Chain Conveyors • Galvanized Bucket Elevators • Galvanized Drag Chain Conveyors • RailLoad-Out System s • Pulse Crop Handling Equipm ent • SUKUP Bins & Aeration

RECLAMATION CONTRACTORS: Bigham 3 and 4 leg mechanical trip 3 pt. hitch Paratills in stock; parts for Bigham and Tye Paratills. Call Kelloughs: 1-888-500-2646.

• GRAIN GUARD Bins & Aeration 290 CUMMINS, 350 Detroit, 671 Detroit, Series 60 cores. 306-539-4642, Regina, SK USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, re-powering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.


w w w .s kyw a ygra in s ys tem s .c o m



Quality COUNTS

WOOD COUNTRY Estevan, SK...............306-634-5111 McLean, SK................306-699-7284 Tisdale, SK.................306-873-4438 #1 METAL CLADDING

• The HEAVIEST metal • The STRONGEST posts • SUPERIOR craftsmenship Choose Prairie Post Frame

EXPERIENCED POST FRAME BUILDERS REQUIRED 1-855 (773-3648) POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, hog, chicken and dairy barns. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.

Many types and profiles available. Farm and Industrial, galvanized, galvalume, and colored, 26, 28, 29 & 30 gauge metal. ~ PHONE FOR PRICING ~


• Dimensional Frame • Post Buildings • Engineered Steel Buildings C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 5 0x80x18’ 3 p ly la m in a ted p o s tb ld g c/w 34X18 b ifo ld d o o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,912.76 Phone with your building size requirements for a free estimate. ZAK’S AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS: Stick Frame building designed with longevity in mind. Call 306-225-2288 or go to to request a quote.

ARM RIVER POLE BUILDINGS, 40’x60’ to 80’x300’, Sask. only. Call 306-731-2066, Lumsden, SK., $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ #1 G R AD E 29 G AUG E G ALVALUM E $ $ $ 75¢/s q. ft. $ $ #1 G R AD E 26 G AUG E G ALVALUM E $ $ 79¢/s q. ft. $ $ $ $ B-G R AD E 29 G AUG E C OLOR ED $ $ 75¢/s q.ft. $ $ $ B-G R AD E 29 G AUG E G ALVAN IZED $ 69¢/s q. ft. $ $ $ $ M ULTIC OLOUR ED M ILLEN D S $ $ 59¢/s q. ft. $ $ $ B-G R AD E 30 G AUG E G ALVAN IZED $ $ $ 49¢/s q. ft. $ $ IN S T O C K! $ $ $ $ F o u illa r d S t eel $ $ S u p p lies L td . $ $ $ $ S t. La za re, M a n . $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

STRAIGHT WALL BUILDING packages or built on site. For early booking call 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: ZAK’S AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS: Farm post buildings designed with longevity in mind. Call 306-225-2288 or go to to request a quote.


Westrum Lumber


FALL SPECIAL on all post or stud frame farm buildings. Choose: sliding doors, overhead doors, or bi-fold doors. NewTech Construction Ltd. call 306-220-2749, Hague, SK. AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. For the customer that prefers quality. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.

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BOOK NOW, TAKE DELIVERY, DON’T PAY UNTIL NOVEMBER, 2017. Top quality MERIDIAN bins. All prices include: skid, ladders to ground, manhole, set-up and delivery within set radius. Meridian Hopper combos: 3500 bushel, $10,450. SPECIAL: 5000 bu., $13,990. We manufactor superior quality hoppers and steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. MERIDIAN AND WESTEEL fertilizer bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., on sale now. See your nearest Flaman 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK. store of call 1-888-435-2626.

14` - $1,060 18` - $1,691 19` - $1,835 21` - $2,065 Book now and save


BIG FALL DISCOUNTS up to 31,000 bushels

w w w .go o do m

E xperienced * E fficient * A ffo rda ble

STEEL CLADDING SALE: New Grade A 29 gauge white-white metal cladding 3/4â€? high rib cut to your length for only .75¢/sq.ft. All accessories, fasteners and flashings are available. Call Prairie Steel in Clavet, SK., 1-888-398-7150, or email

FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free: 1-888-304-2837.

Download the free app today.

GRAIN BIN SERVICES. Concrete, turnkey installation, remodel, repair. We specialize in large diameter setup and wind damage repair. Call Quadra Development Corp., 1-800-249-2708, or 10,000 BU. HOPPER BINS - Available for set up this fall. See your nearest Flaman store or ph. 1-888-435-2626 for more info.


Goebel 4,900 bus hopper bins with air ... $2.90/bus ... truckload of 3 Goebel 7,820 bus hopper bins with air ... $2.72/bus ... truckload of 2 Goebel 10,700 bus hopper bins with air . $2.71/bus ... truckload of 2

Westeel 10,300 bus hopper bin with hopper, triple skid, 24� perforated air tube installed and SET-UP. Based on truckloads of 2 *delivery extra*

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Lease 2 bins from $4,258 S/A O.A.C

Call Grain Bin Direct


Authorized Dealer Saskatoon, SK.

Phone: 306-373-4919


HOPPER CONE WINTER SPECIALS 40 degree Rack & pinion Galvanized cone Engineered






Max. bus.

Shipping Weight

Winter price





























Skids/Air /temp/moisture mon. avail.

All Goebel bins come complete with hopper, skid, air, ladders from ground to lid, remote cap opener, full bin indicator and Set up. FREE OPI temperature cables included in all Goebel bin purchases. *delivery extra*


DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes ranging from 15’ wide to 120’ wide, any length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.


8 HYDRAULIC BIN JACKS, “Bainter Style�, c/w Honda 5.5 HP hyd. powerplant, jacks used once, like new, $17,500. Call 780-208-8880, Vegreville, AB.


S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 A irdrie O ffice 403-470-4570 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822

HOPPER BINS from $1.44/Bushel Book now with NO payments for up to 6 months CALL for details

CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK.

R o ulea u,S K WINTER BOOKING DISCOUNTS ON STEEL farm buildings. Order your steel farm building now before prices increase, and do not pay until spring. Factory direct steel buildings built to suit your operation. Call Prairie Steel now to lock in your price for winter fabrication - we offer all sizes and options. Leasing options available. Contact us at 1-888-398-7150 or email

Why go traditional FLAT when you can have HOPPER bins at LESS COST?




WOOD POST BUILDING packages or built on site. For early booking call 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: PRE-ENGINEERED STEEL BUILDINGS for all your agricultural, equestrian, industrial, shop or storage needs. Call 306-249-2355 for a free quote. Montana Construction Saskatoon.




™ Designed via the Founder of The Trail Rite Bin ™ 3684 Bushel bins In Stock ™ Bins up to 5228 Bushels welded on both size of the plates ™ Buy one bin that can store Liquid Fertilizer, Dry Fertilizer, Grain, Seed or even Diesel. Change what you store as your needs change ™ Bin sizes from 3684 to 13,400 Bushels ™ Spiral weld, smooth wall construction ™ High Grade Urethane Coated Exterior ™ 24� Rounded Vented Lid c/w Mechanical Opener ™ Rack & Pinion center opening chute ™ Complete side wall and roof ladder

Spiral Weld Pattern 3 Times Stronger

Leasing Available 401 HWY #4 SOUTH, PO BOX 879, BIGGAR, SK S0K 0M0

TOLL FREE: 1-800-746-6646 PH: 306-948-5262 FAX: 306-948-5263



FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4-8 ton, 10 ton 2 MONOCHROMATIC COLOUR Sorters. Willmar Tender. Call 204-857-8403, Port- Ideal for removing Ergot from cereal age La Prairie, MB. grains. Each machine mounted in an insulated container, c/w air compressor and wiring. Satake AlphaScan II, Hi Flow 160. Machine #2- Delta I-IC/CCD-5. Both machines capacity- 500-700 bu./hr. Lars 306-937-2575, 306-441-0242 BattlefordSK

GRAIN BIN: 3500 bu. Meridian/Behlen bin/hopper combo, 10 leg hopper and skid, roof and side ladder, safety fill, constructed, $9,995 Winter booking until Dec. 31, 2016. FOB Regina, SK. Call Peterson Construction, 306-789-2444. BIN SENSE- Protect your livelihood. Check moisture and grain temperature right from your smart phone. Call Flaman 1-888-435-2626.

BEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new and used sea containers, all sizes. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK.

POLY GRAIN BINS, 40 to 150 bu. for grain cleaning, feed, fertilizer and left over treated seed. 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK.

PRECAST HOPPER BIN PADS • No concrete cure times • Engineered to take hopper bins with no skids - hilti the feet directly to it • Available for bins from 14’-27’

ATTENTION FARMERS: Cleaning of fusarium durum wheat. Taking bookings for March, 2017. 1,000,000 bu. needed. First come, first serve. Approx. 1000 bu./hr. Lars-O-Matic Seed Cleaning, North Battleford, SK., 306-441-0242 or 306-937-2575. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Call 204-857-8403, SPECIAL! 4WD 2008 Ag-Chem 8244, air- Portage la Prairie, MB. or visit online: flow bed, 70’ booms, $69,500. 2009 Ag- Chem 8204, 2-bin, $73,500. USD prices. 406-466-5356. Choteau, MT. View website

NEW MERIDIAN AUGERS with motor, clutch, reversing gearbox and lights. HD8-39, $15,350; HD8-59, $17,250; TL10-39, $16,995; HD10-59, $18,995. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l NEW MERIDIAN AUGERS: 10”x41’ w/36 HP motor, elec. actuator, mover, reversing 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. gearbox, $14,000; Used 13”x95’ swing auger with hydraulic mover and winch, $12,000; Used 13”x70’ swing auger, $8500. 204-242-4200, Manitou, MB. R10-41 WHEATHEART AUGER, excellent condition with mover and new clutch, $7800. Call 306-272-4451, Foam Lake, SK. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD/ OPI STORMAX. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., call Gerald Shymko, Calder, SK., 306-742-4445 or toll free 1-888-674-5346. KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call 306-868-2199 or cell 306-868-7738.

Didsbury, AB


BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” and 10” end units available; Transfer conveyors and bag conveyors or will custom BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19’ diameter, build. Call for prices. Master Industries w/wo floors; Also move liquid fert. tanks. Inc. Phone 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. 306-629-3324, 306-741-9059, Morse, SK. LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stock- NEW BATCO 1545FL field loader with ing dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid mover w/EFI Kohler engine. Reg. $29,000, Openers, 18” to 39”. Rosler Construction Cash $23,000, Only 1 left! 306-648-3622, 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. Gravelbourg, SK. CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now available. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. TIM’S CUSTOM BIN MOVING and Hauling Inc. Up to 22’ diameter. 204-362-7103

Prepaid O rdersO nly Extra 5% D iscount A pplied O n A bove Prices 4-6 Week Delivery Tim e Trucking Available,SteelB in Floors, Visa/Mastercard accepted.B in A nchors.





Available at:

2012 CONVEY-ALL TCHSS 1045 conveyor, 10”x45’, stainless steel w/Flave conveyor and skid mount wet kit, $19,800. 1-888-278-4905 AUGERS: NEW and USED: Wheatheart, Westfield, Westeel augers; Auger SP kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post pounders. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666.


Tisdale, SK




1.800.667.8800 |


Ne w , Us e d & M o d ifie d


MC CONTINUOUS FLOW grain dryer, c/w 7” Sakundiak filling auger, propane fired, great shape, $8000 OBO. 780-853-7637, Vermilion, AB.

Twin it later for 2000 b/h

MORIDGE 400 BUSHEL batch grain dryer, with canola screens, good condition, $2200. Call 306-795-7618, Ituna, SK.

• Site visit to access needs. • Heavy duty long lasting construction.

Ross Equip. Ltd 800-661-7401 780-864-3731

USED MC 975 grain dryer, 600 volts, 3 phase, propane burners both upper and lower. Call 306-948-7535, Biggar, SK. FARM FAN 180 auto batch grain dryer, works very good, $6000; also Farm Fan CMS-14E continuous multi stage grain dryer, $4000. 204-362-1091, Winkler, MB.

RIDGEMAR GRAIN SYSTEMS 204-372-8769 Cell 204-739-8004

The one-stop shop for all your grain bagging needs! Call For Your Local Dealer:


EXG 300


CONVEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessories. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.

CURT’S GRAIN VAC SERVICES • N ew & Us ed Gra in V a cs • Blo w er & Airlo ck Repa ir • Pa rts & S ervices Fo r AL L M a k es & M o d els

P h :306 - 734- 2228 Cra ik, SK.


ůŝŵŝŶĂƚĞƐ ŽǀĞƌŇ ŽǁƐ ĂŶĚ ďŝŶ ŵĞƐƐ

NEW BATCO 2075 w/electric drive kit. Retail $36,500. Blow-out Special, $28,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.

BATCO CONVEYORS, new and used, grain augers and SP kits. Delivery and leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Saskatoon, SK. CONTAINERS FOR SALE OR RENT: All sizes. Now in stock: 50 used, 53’ steel and EQUIPMENT NEEDS insulated SS. 306-861-1102, Radville, SK. 20’ and 40’ SHIPPING CONTAINERS, CALL US FOR PARTS ON ALL and storage trailers. Large Sask. inventory. SPREADER/TENDER Phone 1-800-843-3984 or 306-781-2600. MAKES & MODELS 20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436.

SAFE PORTABLE GRAIN DRYING: Multiple locations in Western Canada. Economical, efficient, fume-free, flameless grain drying units that have the ability to dry multiple grain bins simultaneously at your site. No operator required. Phone 1-855-573-4328 or



Soil Tech Services Ltd. 306-873-5858

Before Dec 31/16 $265,000 After Jan 01/17 $275,000 2017 Orders 10% deposit Free delivery in AB-SK-MB if bought before Dec 31/16 CSA fully auto, to run 24/7 N/Gas & Propane, 277/480 3ph 12 SA lease pay oac $ 24,500 Customer gas & power hookup

HOMEBUILT PORTABLE, coal fired, hot water aeration system. Includes 5 HP, 220 volt centrifical fan. Automatic electronic controls for coal stoker and water temNEW 2016 BRANDT swing away augers, perature, $1500 OBO. Call 306-449-2412 13110HP+, 4 to choose from. 2 electric evenings, Redvers, SK. and 1 hyd. swing away, 13,000 bu. per/hr. 3 augers, M13X110 HP, 1 auger, 10”x80’ AERATION FANS, rockets ductwork, temp $33,000 ea. Call any time, 204-743-2324, monitoring equipment and more. Visit Cypress River, MB. your nearest Flaman store to see selection MERIDIAN AUGERS in stock at Flaman. or call 1-888-435-2626. Call or visit your nearest Flaman location, 1-888-435-2626.


14’Hopper Econo – 4x8 Skid.............$2,7 35 14’Hopper H/Duty – 2x4x4 Skid......$2,9 50 15’-10” Hopper M/Duty- 2x4x4 Skid.$3,54 5 18’Hopper M/Duty-2x4x4 Skid.........$5,24 5 19’Hopper M/Duty- 2x4x4 Skid........$5,6 4 5

DRYAIR GRAIN DRYING SYSTEM. 1.2 million BTU boiler on propane, mounted on trailer. Also 4 large heat coil radiators on wheels. Large quantity of hose w/quick couplers. Shedded, exc. cond., used very little, $42,500. Phone 306-873-9221 or 306-323-2099, Archerwill, SK.

“Order”a A-B Drier 1000 b/h

WŚŽŶĞ͗ ϯϬϲͲϳϳϴͲϯϯϯϴ ŵĂŝů͗ ƐĂůĞƐΛŐĂƚĐŽŵĨŐ͘ĐŽŵ REMOTE CONTROL SWING AUGER movers, trailer chute openers, endgate and hoist systems, wireless full bin alarms, swing belt movers, wireless TractorCams, motorized utility carts. All shipped directly to you. Safety, convenience, reliability. Kramble Industries at 306-933-2655, Saskatoon, SK. or WANTED: CONVEYOR w/MOVER, 15”x75’, gas engine preferred, new or used. Call Trent 403-934-8765 or Don 403-901-5427, Standard, AB. MERIDIAN AUGERS IN STOCK: swings, truck loading, Meridian SP movers. Call Hoffart Services Inc., Odessa, SK., 306-957-2033. MERIDIAN GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Call Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin, SK. Toll free 1-888-304-2837. SAKUNDIAK 8x1400, Onan, Wheatheart SP kit and clutch, used very little. 306-493-9393, Delisle, SK. STORM SEED TREATING auger, 6 hrs. use, works excellent, just doesn’t fit operation, $26,000. 403-899-4166, Carstairs, AB

2013 CLAAS 3300 RC Quadrant 3x4 square baler, approx. 7000 bales made, vg cond., $110,000. Can deliver. Call anytime 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. BALE SPEARS, high quality imported from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. HARD TO FIND! John Deere 346 square b a l e r, n i c e s h a p e , $ 5 5 0 0 O B O . 780-888-7152, Lougheed, AB. TRI-HAUL SELF-UNLOADING ROUND bale movers: 8’ to 29’ lengths, 6-18 bales. Also exc. for feeding cattle in the field, 4 bales at time with a pickup. 1-800-505-9208. BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. Call now 1-866-443-7444. MASSEY FERGUSSON 2190 big baler TA, ACC, central lube, knotter blower; Hesston 4910 big baler, central lube, ACC, knotter blower; Stinger Stacker 4400, carries 8, stacks 4, c/w eng. , auto. on a crane carrier chassis. 519-524-0549, Lucknow, ON

PICKUP REEL PARTS WAREHOUSE: MacDon, UII, JD, Hart Carter, CNH, AGCO. We distribute parts for all PU reels. Call 1-888-278-4905. JD 2005 4895, 30’ HoneyBee header, dual canvas drives, near new UII reel, 1 owner, $45,000 OBO. 780-221-3980.

G re a ts e c u re s to ra ge . W a te r tight, ro d e n tpro o f. C u s to m ize yo u r c o n ta in e r to m e e tyo u r n e e d s .

Ca ll BOND Toda y

Ph. 306-373-2236 Cell 306-221-9630 w w w .b on din e m a il joe @ b on din

2011 4520 1-bin, 70’ booms, $145,000; 22010 Case 4520’s, 70’ booms: 3-bin, 3100 hrs., $168,000; SPECIAL- 2010 Case 4520, 1-bin, 5100 hrs., $98,500; 22007 Case 4520’s, 3-bin, 70’ booms, 3300 hrs., AutoSteer, $134,000 and $98,000; 2006 Case 4510, AutoSteer, FlexAir 70’ booms, 7400 hrs., $77,000; 2005 Case 4520 w/70’ FlexAir, 4000 hrs., $78,000; 2004 Case 4010, 80’ SPRAYER, 7000 hrs., $58,000; 2- 2004 Loral AirMax 1000s, 70’ booms, immaculate, $76,000 and $93,000; 2006 2-bin AgChem, 70’ booms, $58,000; 2002 KBH Semi tender, self-contained, $32,000; 2009 and 2012 Merritt semi belt tender, self contained, $32,000 and $42,000; 2- 24 ton Wilmar tender beds, $17,500 ea; 2012 Wilmar Rangler 4560, 780 hrs., $28,500; 2009 Rangler, 2400 hrs, $23,500; 1974 10,000 gal. NH3 transport, $38,500; 18,000 gal. NH3 holding tank, $34,500. USD prices. 406-466-5356, Choteau, MT.

TRIDEKON GRAIN EXTRACTOR 13” , self driven and self steered, done 25 bags; 9’ bagger w/belt conveyor. 780-221-3980.

WANTED FOR PARTS: NH 1475 haybine a n d N H B R 7 8 0 r o u n d b a l e r. C a l l 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK.

GRAVITY WAGONS: New 400 bu, $7,400; 600 bu., $12,500; 750 bu., $18,250. Large selection of used gravity wagons, 250-750 bu. Used grain carts, 450 to 1110 bushel. View at: 1-866-938-8537, Portage la Prairie, MB.

CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert. organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in Western Canada. 306-946-7923, Young SK




NH 1033 BALE wagon; Massey 124 baler; Wheel rake; McKee forage Harvester; Bale spear; 36’ PT swather. 306-283-4747, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK.

2000 JOHN DEERE 9650, walker, fine cut chopper, long auger, shedded, $39,000. Call 306-524-4960, Semans, SK. 2001 JD 9650 STS, 2843 thres. hrs, 4108 eng., 2 sets of concaves, very nice, $77,000. 306-648-2801 or 306-648-7848, Gravelbourg, SK. 2012 CASE/IH 9230, 997 sep. hrs, 3016 PU, internal chopper, power folding hopper, duals, 262 reciever, AutoSteer, lateral tilt, Y&M, Pro 700, very good condition, asking $280,000. 306-436-7600, Milestone, SK. 1997 CIH 2188, hydro, chopper, w/PU platform, many updates, 3400 sep. hours. After season sale $24,900. Reimer Farm Equipment, #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB. G a r y R e i m e r, 2 0 4 - 3 2 6 - 7 0 0 0 . V i s i t : 2007 7010 Case/IH, dual wheels, w/2016 header, $170,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

NEW 2014 MD PW7 w/16’ Swathmaster to fit JD STS/S series, $24,900. 1-888-278-4905. 2- 2006 JD 9760 STS, bullet rotor 615 PU, various work orders, 1 owner, 2200 sep. hrs., w/wo HoneyBee 30’ straight cut headers, field ready, $95,000 each OBO, choice. Call 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. 2010 JD 9870 STS, loaded, 4 WD, only 480 sep./ 600 eng. hrs, $269,000 CAD OBO. 218-779-1710, Bottineau, ND.

1986 JOHN DEERE 6620 Titan II Posi, chopper, 6 belt PU, low hrs - 2553 eng. After season sale $9900. Reimer Farm 2010 CASE/IH 7120, 2016 PU header, Equipment, Hwy N, Steinbach, MB. long auger, always shedded, field ready, G a r y R e i m e#12 r, 2 0 4 - 3 2 6 - 7 0 0 0 . V i s i t : 1167 hrs., exc. cond., $165,000 OBO. Call Jim at 403-575-0069, Coronation, AB. 1994 1688, 4300 eng. hrs., newer sieves, 2011 JD 9770 STS combine, 570 threshing rails, feeder house, and bushings, $20,000 hours, bought new, 650 duals, hopper ext., pickup header, always shedded, only harOBO. 306-220-1533, Saskatoon, SK. vested wheat and canola, $275,000; Avail. 2009 CASE/IH 8120, 1450 hrs., c/w 2016 for extra MacDon 36’ D60 straight cut PU and 36' Honeybee. Many new parts. header. Rented farm out. 204-662-4474, $250,000 OBO. 780-305-3547, Vega, AB. 204-851-0211, Sinclair, MB.

2- 2013 CASE/IH 7230s, 1123 sep. hrs and 1114 sep. hrs, 1 owner, shedded, 3016 PU heads, internal choppers, power folding hoppers, duals, 372 reciever AutoSteer, Y&M, Pro 700s, exc. cond., asking $270,000 each. Call 306-436-7600, Milestone, SK. 2000 CASE/IH 2388 w/1015 header, $65,000; 2004 2388 w/2015 PU header, $115,000; 2006 2388 w/2015 PU header, $130,000; 2009 7088 w/2016 PU header, $180,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1997 CASE/IH 2188, 3000 sep. hrs., auto HHC, chopper, vg tires, rock trap, long auger, 1015 PU header, excellent condition, $25,000. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.

CAT COMBINE PARTS Salvaging 670, 590, 580R, 485, 480, 470, 460R. New additions regularly. Call 1-888-278-4905. 2011 CLAAS LEXION 760, 700 sep. hrs., fully loaded, $265,000 CAD OBO; 2010 Lexion 590, fully loaded, 500 sep. hrs., $220,000 CAD OBO. All exc. cond., used only in small grains; 2000 Lexion 480, $27,000 CAD OBO. Call 218-779-1710, Bottineau, ND.

AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older tractors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battleford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. T R AC TO R S, C O M B I N E S, S WAT H E R S, ploughs, cultivators, tires and rims, hyd. cylinders, balers, older trucks, crawlers. 204-871-2708, 204-685-2124, Austin, MB.

2013 JD S690, 503 sep. hrs., var. stream rotor, manual fold top, GS3 command centre, premium cab, ProDrive trans., small wire concave, w/PU header, $325,000 OBO; 2630, GPS receiver, AutoTrac, also available. Call 306-869-7629, Radville, SK.

COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. 1998 MF 8780, 1310 hrs, AHHC, hopper 1991 JD 930R, fore & aft reel, header trans- We buy machinery. ext’n, chopper, spreader, rebuilt engine, port, excellent shape, shedded, $6500 OBO. 780-863-5511, Camrose, AB pickups avail. $39,800 2008 NH 88C flex draper, 42’, PU reel, poly 1-888-606-6362. skids, F/A, gauge wheels, single point, reconditioned, after season sale $19,900. S EX S M ITH , ALTA. Reimer Farm Equip., #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer, 204-326-7000. w w w .u sed fa rm pa m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et 2005 JD 635F 35’ hydraflex platform, PU reel, poly skids, F/A, single point, recondiYOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , REPAIR BENT BROKEN combine headers, tioned, after season sale $16,900. Visit USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. P i c k u p a n d d e l i ve r y ava i l a b l e . C a l l Reimer Farm Equip., #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, MB. Gary Reimer, 204-326-7000. 306-640-2270, Lafleche, SK. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , MACDON CA20/CA25 and HONEYBEE flex or rigid adapters and completion kits, com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs plenty in stock. We want your trade! a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . 1-888-278-4905. PICKUP REEL PARTS WAREHOUSE: MacDon, UII, JD, Hart Carter, CNH, AGCO. Plu s M u ch M o re! We distribute parts for all PU reels. Call 1-888-278-4905.

1-888-606-6362. RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; also header transports. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, SK



1-8 00-340-119 2

Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.

Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK.

Stops grain loss & annoying buildup on your feederhouse. Fits most headers, quick install. Pays for itself!...$595 1-888-606-6362.

1996 JD 9600, 2575 hrs, 2 spd. cyl, hopper ext’n, chopper, good tires, pickups avail. $32,800 1-888-606-6362.

Call 1-888-920-1507

1990 JD 9600, hydro, Redekop fine chopper, chaff spreader, 914 7 belt PU, 4100 sep. hrs. After season sale $19,900. Reimer Farm Equip., #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, M B . G a r y R e i m e r, 2 0 4 - 3 2 6 - 7 0 0 0 . 2008 9770 STS, dual wheels w/2010 615 PU header, $195,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

JD 8820 TITAN II combine with pickup and hopper extension. 306-283-4747, WANTED: NICE R72 Gleaner w/Cummins 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. engine. Call 701-340-5061, Minot, ND. 2010 9870, ProDrive, Harvest Smart, selfNOW SALVAGING GLEANER S77, low level shoe, Rice dual tires, 615 PU, exc., hrs., duals, cab, tons of good parts. Call us! c / w 2 0 1 0 J D 6 3 5 D d r ap e r h e a d e r, 1-888-278-4905. $251,000. Henry 403-588-0958, Alix, AB.

Available at:

Blairs Fertilizer

Call 1-888-920-1507

Lipton, SK 306-336-2260 AFTER SEASON SALE! All makes of combine platforms: Flex, Rigid, Corn heads. Reconditioned and field ready. Reimer Farm Equipment, #12 Hwy N, Steinbach, M B . G a r y R e i m e r, 2 0 4 - 3 2 6 - 7 0 0 0 .

MACDON HEADERS Buy Now ! and Save

EQUIPMENT REPAIR • 10% off posted labour rates • 10% + off parts • Guaranteed repair & completion dates COMBINES - TRACTORS - REELS - DETAILING - HEADERS Currently booking starting October!

Call: 1-888-606-6362

Email: Be proactive. Save time and money!

2011 MD D60-D, 45’, rigid draper, DKD, AHHC, hyd tilt, transport, JD, CNH, AGCO, Lexion conversions available....$39,800 2011 MD D60-D, 45’, DKD, AHHC, hyd tilt, transport....$39,800 2011 MD D60-D 40’, DKD, transport, new knife & guards, nice header..$49,800 2008 IH 2152 40’, DKD, AHHC, pea auger, hyd. tilt...$44,800 2012 MD D60, 40’, swather head, DKD, transport, for MD built swathers...$29,800

00- 667- 98 71 • Regin a 00- 667- 3095 • S askatoon 00- 667- 3095 • M an itob a 00- 2 2 2 - 65 94 • Ed m on ton


We are more than just combines… We offer a wide selection of field-ready used Agricultural & Industrial Equipment.






GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always MACDON HEADERS!! Lots available! 35’, buying tractors). David or Curtis, Roblin, 40’ & 45’. D60’s, D65’s, FD70’s in stock now MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. 1-888-278-4905 DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abe’s Tractor, 2013 MACDON FD75, 45', Case adapter, for 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON single knife, PU reel, asking $85,000. Please call 306-436-7600, MEDICINE HAT TRACTOR Salvage Inc. Milestone, SK. Specializing in new, used, and rebuilt agricultural and construction parts. Buying all WHITE MF 9230 30’ straight cut header, sorts of ag and construction equipment for fits White 9700, 9720 and MF 8570, 8590, dismantling. Call today 1-877-527-7278, $4000 OBO. 204-794-5979, Springfield MB Medicine Hat, AB.



SCHULTE SNOWBLOWERS- high grade steel w/fully enclosed chain case. Heavily reinforced auger cuts into snow with ease. See your nearest Flaman location or call G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors 1-888-435-2626. only. Call 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. FRONTIER SB1309 SNOWBLOWER, 8’10” SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge wide, never used. Will consider equipment inventory new and used tractor parts. trade. Ph 403-362-1897, Rolling Hills, AB. 1-888-676-4847.


1- 8 1- 8 1- 8 1- 8

“ Fo rAllY o u rFa rm Pa rts”

LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. We sell new, used and remanufactured parts for most farm tractors and combines.

PUMPS, PRESSURE WASHERS, Honda/Koshin pumps, 1-1/2” to 4”, Landa pressure washers, steam washers, parts washers. M&M Equip. Ltd. Parts & Service, Regina, SK. 306-543-8377, fax 306-543-2111.

w w w .f yf e p a rts .c om



2016 MACDON FD75 flex draper, AHHC, hyd. tilt, transport, 35’ or 40’, CNH, JD, AGCO adapters avail. $74,800

1999 JOHN DEERE 9770 SP, 1 owner, not used this year. 735 thresh. hrs., 1083 eng. 2004 NH CR970 for salvage, running hrs. Single 900/650R/32's. Cleanest e n g . , t o n s o f g o o d p a r t s . C a l l combine you'll find anywhere! Always shedded, Greenlighted every other year, exc. 1-888-606-6362. cond., $210,000. 204-461-0607, Meadows, 2009 NH 9070, 1793/1474 hrs, Intelli- MB. View II display, Y&M, remote sieve adjust, elec. stonetrap, duals, diff. lock, long au- 1990 JD 9600, 4300 sep. hrs., lots of work ger, PSD, deluxe chopper, chaff spreader, done, well maintained, always shedded, c/w 76-C 14’ Swathmaster PU plus 2003 $22,000. 204-773-0111, Angusville, MB. NH 94-C 36’ draper header, fore/aft, split PU reel, single knife drive, gauge wheels, transport, all stored inside, $210,000 OB0. Call 780-608-9290, Strome, AB. 1997 TX68, updated to 1999, drives like new, no hassle electronics, straight cut avail. Best offer. Nate Golas 204-372-6081, 204-280-1202, Fisher Branch, MB.






We have a wide range of Combine & Swather parts to get you back in the field quickly. Our friendly & knowledgeable staff are always ready to meet your needs. Visit or call us today…

Location: 20 miles East of Saskatoon on Highway 16 Phone: 1-800-667-4515 Email: Website:

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P.O. Box 119 St. Gregor, SK., Canada S0K 3X0 Phone: (306) 366-2184 • Fax: (306) 366-2145 email: •



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Stock #V221253

Stock #V423095


Stock #8103-99U


Stock #9473-05A

1999 Freightliner Classic XL

2005 International 9900i 6x4

Tandem Axle Sleeper Tractor, Cat C15 engine (475/500) HP, Eaton Fuller transmission (18 speed), Air brakes, 1230000km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 46000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, A/C, 56” Flat-Top sleeper. Winnipeg, MB

Tandem Axle Sleeper Tractor, Cummins ISX engine (475) HP, Eaton Fuller transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 2000000km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, A/C. Brandon, MB


Stock #V423092


Stock #V423088

2012 International 7600 6x4

2012 International ProStar

2012 International ProStar

2012 International ProStar +122

Tandem Axle Cab & Chassis, MaxxForce 13 engine (430) HP, Eaton Fuller O/D transmission (13 speed), 395764km, 14000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 4-Way rear lockup, Extended cab tandem with small sleeper. Regina, SK

Tridem Axle Cab & Chassis, MaxxForce 13 engine (450) HP, Eaton Fuller Ultra Shift transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 1007191km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 6-Way rear lockup, A/C, added third axle. Winnipeg, MB

Tandem Axle Grain Truck, MaxxForce 13 engine (450) HP, Eaton Fuller Ultra Shift transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 916017 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C, debunked and getting 20 ft. Neustar Grain body. Prince Albert, SK

Tandem Axle Grain Truck, MaxxForce 13 engine (450/450) HP, Eaton Fuller Ultra Shift transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 302229 km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, 3-Way rear lockup, A/C, Getting a brand new 20 ft. grain box. Calgary, AB




Stock #: 3142-99A

$49,900 USD

Stock #FB149304

Stock #HB156642

Stock #AR023328U

1999 International 7200 6x4

2015 Timpte Grain Hopper

2017 Timpte Grain Hopper

2010 Reitnouer Drop Miser

Tandem Axle Day Cab Tractor, Cummins ISM engine (350/400) HP, Eaton Fuller transmission (13 speed), Air brakes, 738000km, 12000 lbs front axle capacity, 40000 lbs rear axle capacity, Diff Lock rear lockup, A/C. Winnipeg, MB

Grain, 3 hopper, Air suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum (polished out) rims, 20 king pin, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: Ag Hopper w/3rd Hopper Black w/Interior Access steps, Width: 102 in, Length: 45 ft. Calgary, AB

Grain, Hopper, Air suspension, Tridem axle, Aluminum rims, 20 king pin, Tarp: Rollover Black, Hoppers: Ag Hopper Black w/Interior Access steps, Width: 102in, Length: 45ft, 24.5 all alum rims, dual cranks, high ag hoppers,. Regina, SK

Deck, Stepdeck, Air suspension, Tandem axle, Aluminum rims, Alum floor, Width: 102in, Length: 50 ft, Winnipeg, MB

VANC067&3 t &%.0/TON t CALGARY t REGIN" t 13*/$& ALBERT t 4A4KATOON t #RAN%0/ t WINN*1&( t THUN%&R BAY t .I44I44AUGA t .0/TREAL

Pre-Engineered Farm Buildings

60’x100’-24’ $147,370

100’x100’-24’ $212,460

80’x100’-24’ $171,360


Hague, SK



2006 JOHN DEERE 9760 STS Duals, 1771 hrs. (A)



LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT 2010 JD 997 Zero Turn Mower, diesel, 72”, 114 hrs, mulch kit ...................................................................................$15,900 2009 JD Z860A Zero Turn Mower, 60” MOD, 3-bag MCS, 406 hrs.........................................................................................$9,500 2013 JD Z235 Zero Turn Mower, 42” cut, 66 hrs, mulch kit .....................................................................................$2,700 2010 JD Z445 Zero Turn Mower, 54” cut, 528 hrs..........................$3,700 2012 JD Z445 Zero Turn Mower, 48 cut, 388 hrs ...........................$3,300 2008 JD Z510A Zero Turn Mower, 48” cut, 358 hrs .......................$4,350 2012 JD Z655 Zero Turn Mower, 54” cut, 383 hrs..........................$5,800 2013 Toro SS5060 Zero Turn Mower, 50” cut, 171 hrs...................$2,800 2010 JD X320 Lawn Tractor, 48” cut, 140 hrs................................$3,300

(AV) (OX) (AV) (RE) (OX) (OX) (ES) (RA) (AV)



265,000 2012 JOHN DEERE 4940 SPRAYER 1200 gal. tank, 120’ booms, 1600 hrs.


283,000 2012 JOHN DEERE 6210R 826 hrs, 210 hp, MFWD, loader w/ grapple. (RE)


184,000 2015 JOHN DEERE 9620R 669 hrs, PTO, dual. (ES)


554,000 2012 CASE IH QUADTRAC 500 1570 hrs, PTO. (ES)



2013 JD 3320 300 cx loader, rear hyd, 475 hrs............................$24,300


4WD TRACTORS 1997 JD 9400, duals, 6000 hrs ...................................................$117,900 2008 JD 9430, duals, 2520 hrs ...................................................$214,900 2008 JD 9530, duals, 3178 hrs ...................................................$231,900 2012 JD 9560R, duals, 1685 hrs .................................................$352,000 2012 JD 9560R, duals, 1709 hrs .................................................$356,900 2012 JD 9560R, duals, 1816 hrs .................................................$356,000 2012 JD 9560R, duals, 1988 hrs .................................................$366,000 2012 JD 9560R, triples, PTO, 1992 hrs .......................................$369,000 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2085 hrs.........................................$368,000 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2246 hrs.........................................$355,900 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2539 hrs.........................................$360,000 2013 JD 9560R, duals, 1943 hrs .................................................$373,000 2015 JD 9620R, duals, PTO, 669 hrs...........................................$554,000

(RA) (RE) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES) (AV) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES)

TRACK TRACTORS 2003 JD 9520T, 4720 hrs ............................................................$158,900 2012 JD 9560RT, PTO, 1940 hrs ................................................Coming In 2016 JD 9620RX, PTO, 483 hrs ...................................................$684,000 2010 Challenger MT875C, Degelman blade, 2700 hrs ..............$ 352,000 2012 Case IH 500 Quadtrac, PTO, 1570 hrs ................................$369,000

(AV) (AV) (AV) (RA) (ES)

2WD - MFWD TRACTORS 1980 JD 4440 2WD, loader, 7188 hrs............................................$33,500 1996 JD 7800 MFWD, loader, 11845 hrs.......................................$59,500 1997 JD 7410 MFWD, loader, 9200 hrs.........................................$59,900 2012 JD 7200R MFWS, IVT 2226 hrs ..........................................$186,900 2012 JD 6210R MFWS, loader 826 hrs .......................................$184,000 2013 JD 6170R MFWD, loader, 1500 hrs ....................................$184,000 2013 JD 6140M MFWD, loader, 599 hrs......................................$149,000 2013 JD 6140M MFWD, loader, 590 hrs......................................$139,000 2010 CIH Magnum 180 loader, MFWD, 4665 hrs ........................$141,200

(RE) (OX) (AV) (RE) (RE) (RA) (RE) (RE) (RE)

(RA) (AV) (AV) (ES) (RE) (AV) (RA) (RE) (RA) (AV) (RA) (ES) (ES) (RA) (RA) (ES) (OX)

COMBINES (Please refer to our web site for more details) 2012 JD S670, 1004 sep hrs .......................................................$299,000 2014 JD S670, 435 sep hrs .........................................................$400,000 2014 JD S670, duals, 459 sep hrs ..............................................$399,000 (4) - 2015 JD S670 ...............................................................SEE WEBSITE 2013 JD S680, dual, 892 sep hrs ................................................$379,800 (5) - 2014 JD S680 ...............................................................SEE WEBSITE 2015 JD S680, duals, 729 sep hrs ..............................................$464,000 2015 JD S680, duals, 775 sep hrs ..............................................$458,400 (4) - 2012 JD S690 ...............................................................SEE WEBSITE 2013 JD S690, duals, 850 sep hrs ..............................................$400,000 (5) - 2014 JD S690, duals ....................................................SEE WEBSITE (4) - 2016 JD S690, duals, 250 sep hrs ......................................$589,000 2010 JD T670, singles, 1131 sep hrs..........................................$214,900 2011 JD T670, duals, 1003 sep hrs ............................................$245,000 2008 JD 9770, duals, 1708 sep hrs ............................................$152,600 2010 JD 9770, duals, 1532 sep hrs ............................................$203,000 2010 JD 9770, duals, 1300 sep hrs ............................................$204,000 (5) - 2011 JD 9770 ...............................................................SEE WEBSITE

(OX) (RA) (RA) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES) (ES) (AV) (RE) (RA) (RE) (AV) (RA)

(AV) (AV) (AV) (ES) (AV) (RE) (RE) (RE) (RE)

WIL PUTLAND 306-526-6209

COMBINE PLATFORMS JD 914 Pickup Headers, several....................................................... CALL 2008 MacDon PW-7 ......................................................................$19,000 Precision Pickup Headers ................................................. $7,500-15,000 2010-2014 JD 640D, 40’ draper, several to choose from .............................................................................CHECK WEBSITE 2012-2014 JD 640FD, 40’ flex drapers, several to choose from .............................................................................CHECK WEBSITE 2009 JD 635D, 35’ draper .............................................................$36,900 2003 JD 936D, 36’ draper .............................................................$25,500 2013 MacDon D65, 40’, transport.................................................$87,800 2012 MacDon FD70, 45’ flex draper .............................................$80,400 2014 MacDon FD75, 45’ flex draper .............................................$84,500 2004 MacDon 973, 36’, JD adapter ..............................................$25,900 2012 Honey Bee SP36, JD Adapter, PUR, cross auger .................$37,500

(AV) KARL HASELHAN 306-421-5588

(ES) (RE) (OX) (ES) (ES) (ES) (OX)


CORN HEADERS 2002 JD 1290, 12 row, 20” spacing..............................................$31,000


SP WINDROWERS 2011 JD A400, 36’ header swath roller ........................................$91,900 2008 JD 4895, 36’ Head 1002 hrs.................................................$76,000 2008 JD 4895, 30’ 1050 hrs ..........................................................$82,000 2008 JD 4895, 36’ 1114 hrs ..........................................................$82,600 2001 MacDon 2952, 30’, 2792 hrs ................................................$49,700 2002 MacDon 2952, 30’, 3500 hrs ................................................$45,500 2006 Case WDX1202, 30’, 2400 hrs..............................................$45,800

(RE) (RE) (ES) (RE) (RE) (RE) (RE)

RICK ARNESON 306-536-7111

GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT 2004 Brandt 10x70 Grain Auger .....................................................$7,200 2010 Brandt 13x110HP Grain Auger ............................................$19,900 2011 Brandt 13x90HP Grain Auger ..............................................$19,200 2014 Brandt 13110HP Grain Auger ..............................................$24,300 2013 Brandt 13x40 PTO Load Out Auger, mover, new ................$ 17,600 2014 Brandt 1545 Conveyor .........................................................$22,500 2009 Brandt 1545LP Conveyor .....................................................$17,900 2009 Sakundiak 10x1200 Grain Auger ........................................$11,000

(ES) (AV) (ES) (OX) (AV) (OX) (RA) (ES)

GRAIN CARTS 2011 Brent 1394............................................................................$87,900

SEEDING EQUIPMENT 61’ JD 1820/1900, 340 bus cart, double shoot 2002 ...................$73,000 60’ JD 1820/1910, 10” spg, ss, arm, rubber press, 430 bus TBH cart 2003 ..............................................................$76,900 61’ JD 1830/1910, 10” spg, double shoot, 550 bus TBH cart, 2013 .........................................................................................$197,000 40’ Flexi-Coil 5000, 2320 tank, 1994 ............................................$20,000 57’ Flexi-Coil 5000, 3450 tank, 1997 ............................................$20,000 66’ Bourgault 3310/6550ST, single shoot, 12” spac, 2010 ........$162,900 65’ Bourgault 3310/6550ST, 10”, double shoot, 2010 ...............$265,000 66’ Bourgault 3320/6550ST, 12”, double Shoot, 2013 ...............$224,000 60’ Bourgault 3710/7700 Disc Drill, 2014 ..................................$438,000 53’ Bourgault 5710 MRB, 2001 .....................................................$33,400 70’ SeedMaster TXB70-12, 12”, JD 550 cart 2009 ....................$243,900 90 ‘ SeedMaster TX8-M90, 12” spacing, front and rear, 550 bus. JD 1910 air tanks, sectional control, ARM 2013 ............$215,900 70’ SeedMaster SXG550, 12” spacing, double shoot, sectional control, 550 bus cart, 2012 .......................................$99,000 John Deere 1900, 270 bus TBT, D/S, 1998 ...................................$34,900 John Deere 1910, 250 bu TBH, D/S, 2003.....................................$33,700 John Deere 1910, D/S, Conv, 2014 .............................................$114,400 Bourgault 4350 Seedcart, 1999 ....................................................$20,000

2005 JD 9760 STS, singles, 2149 sep hrs ..................................$118,500 2006 JD 9760 STS, duals, 1771 sep hrs .....................................$130,900 2009 JD 9870, 1800 hrs ..............................................................$191,400 2010 JD 9870, duals, 1520 hrs ...................................................$205,900 2006 JD 9860, singles, 2402 hrs ................................................$128,700 2001 JD 9650W, 3720 hrs .............................................................$69,900 1999 JD 9610, singles, 2539 sep hrs............................................$60,900 1996 JD 9600, singles, 2725 sep hrs............................................$43,900 2012 New Holland CR8090, duals, 788 sep hrs .........................$328,800


JARET NELSON 306-868-7700

JEFF ENGLE 306-577-7815


SPRAYERS 2015 JD R4045, 1150 hrs ............................................................$449,000 2015 JD R4045, 1200 hrs ............................................................$449,000 2013 JD 4730, 975 hrs ................................................................$274,800 2013 JD 4730, 1050 hrs ..............................................................$275,900 2011 JD 4730, 3449 hrs ..............................................................$206,400 2012 JD 4830, 850 hrs ................................................................$272,900 2010 JD 4930, 1490 hrs .............................................................$265,900 2010 JD 4930, 2019 hrs ..............................................................$243,400 2012 JD 4940, 1600 hrs ..............................................................$283,000 2014 JD 4940, 960 hrs ................................................................$333,000 2014 JD 4940, 1137 hrs ..............................................................$329,000 2006 RoGator 874, 1548 hrs .......................................................$139,000 1994 Spray Coupe 3630, 2978 hrs................................................$23,000 2010 Farm King 1200, suspended boom, 90’ ...............................$23,000

(ES) (ES) (AV) (RE) (RE) (RA) (RA) (OX) (RA) (AV) (ES) (RE) (OX) (RE)

CURTIS KILBACK 306-452-7700

BOB KOSIOR 306-483-8557

HAYING EQUIPMENT 2000 JD 1600A Mower Conditioner..............................................$10,900 2012 New Holland H1750 Mower Conditioner .............................$37,200 1995 MacDon 5000 Mower Conditioner .........................................$6,900 1998 JD 566 Round Baler ...............................................................$9,700 2003 JD 567 Round Baler .............................................................$14,900 2007 JD 568 Round Baler, surface wrap ......................................$27,200 2013 JD 559 Round Baler, surface wrap ......................................$30,000 2010 JD 568 Round Baler, surface wrap, 12750 bBales ..............$35,200 2011 JD 568 Round Baler, surface wrap, 17700 bales ................$35,400 2011 JD 568 Round Baler, surface wrap ......................................$28,000 2014 JD 569 Round Baler, surface wrap, 6974 bc .......................$54,000

(ES) (AV) (OX) (ES) (OX) (RA) (AV) (RE) (RE) (RA) (RE)

MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 2013 Degelman 7000 StrawMaster, 82’ Valmar applicator ..................................................................................$60,000 2012 Highline CFR650 Bale Processor .........................................$23,500 2006 Highline 8000 Bale Processor ...............................................$7,450 2007 Highline 8000 Bale Processor, grain tank option ...............$14,000 2011 JD HX20 Rotary Cutter, 20’ ..................................................$19,900 2008 JD 637 Disk 45’, 5 section ...................................................$66,000 2011 Ezee-On 8700 Disk 35’, 3 section ........................................$59,000 2013 Schulte SDX102 Snow Blower...............................................$8,000 2013 Schulte FM300 Snow Blower ................................................$9,500 2005 Schulte 9600 Snow Blower ...................................................$4,900


Phone 888-508-4406

(AV) (AV) (RE) (RA) (RE) (ES) (ES) (AV) (OX) (AV)

ALF TIDE 306-421-9397

CALVIN BILL 306-421-3607

STUART HOBSON 306-471-7770



proud supplier of:

Titan Truck Sales Box 299 MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0

204-685-2222 2012 KENWORTH W900L

500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 244” WB, 663,904 km,




500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 236” WB, 826,742 km



2011 MACK CXU613

445 HP Mack MP8, 18 sp Mack, 12 front 40 rear, 24.5” alloy wheels, 222” WB, 3:90 gears, 1,091,290 km.



2012 KENWORTH T660

485 HP Paccar MX, 18 sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 228” WB. 816,785 km



2013 MACK CXU613

505 HP Mack MP8, 18sp, 12 front 46 rear, 4x4 diff. locks, 3:91 gears, 24.5” alloy wheels, 244” WB, 280,827 km




500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 236” WB, 826,742 km



2013 KENWORTH T800

500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, Eaton Autoshift, 12 front super 40 rear, 22.5” alloy wheels, 224” WB, 4x4 diff. locks, 4:10 gears, 930,364 km




500 HP Detroit DD15, 18 sp, 12 front super 40 rear, 4x4 diff. lock, 4:10 gears, 220” WB. 986,500 km




500 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front 46 rear, 3:91 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 236” WB, 832,553 km



2012 PETERBILT 388

450 HP Cummins ISX, 18 sp, 12 front 40 rear, 3x4 diff. locks, 63” bunk, 244” WB, 22.5” alloy wheels, 3:90 gears, 781,522 km




515 HP Detroit, 18 sp, 16,000 lb front 46,000 lb rear, 191” WB, 22.5” alloy wheels, 4x4 diff. locks, 4:30 gears, 1,087,686 km



2014 MACK CXU613

445 HP MP8, 18 sp, 12/40, 3:55 gears, 22.5” alloy wheels, 224” WB. 3x4 diff. locks, 454,332 km



2007 PETERBILT 379

430 HP Cat C13, 10 sp, 22.5” wheels, 12/40, 3:70 gears, 208” WB, 36” flat-top bunk, flex air suspension, wet kit, 1,299,607 km




$6 )($785(' 21 1(: +2//$1' 63(('52:(5

1(: +2//$1' 32:(567$5 7 -2+1 '((5( 7$1'(0 ',6&




CALL Exc condition, must see! Includes NEW 36’ NH 436HB Header

Farm Centre Inc.




700 hrs, cab air, heat, radio, loader, bucket


37’ 10�, 3 section, very little wear on blades REDUCED







$*5, 635($' $6 7

+256&+ -2.(5 57







Spreader-Fertilizer, 710/rubber or tracks available, scale, tarp stainless

'(*(/0$1 675$:0$67(5 3/86 r n




Heavy Harrow

Vertical Tillage







-2+1 '((5(

1(: +2//$1' &5 802779



0$66(< )(5*8621 759630







2 Sep Hours: 350, 620/70R42 Duals, Mech Trap, 90mm Cylinders, Ext Wear Pkg, LED Light Pkg SWIFT CURRENT, SK





2000 hrs, 370hp, DynaVT, Trimble GPS FX750, Front 3pt+PTO




GREAT SELECTION! 2015 John Deere 9570R



526 hrs, 18/6 powershift, JDLink, server 4600 processor, cab-Commandview, 800/70R38, PowerGard warranty - April-2019. St #0017505A

2013 CIH Steiger 600 Quad




1850 hrs, luxury cab, AutoGuidance Nav controller, 1000 PTO, 6 hyd outlets, diff lock, UXJOþ PX IZE TZT 36� tracks. St #0134866A

2014 John Deere 9560RT



824 hrs, 18/6 powershift, JDLink, deluxe cabCommandview II, 36� durabilt tracks, leather trim, PowerGard warSBOUZ .BZ IJ þ PX hyd sys. St #0904525A

2012 John Deere 9560R



2916 hrs, Premium Cab$PNNBOEWJFX IJ Ăľ PX hyds, 5 hyd outlets, 1000 PTO, HID lights, 520/85R46- 4 new rear. St #0002857A

2015 John Deere 6195R

3512 hrs, deluxe cab, MFWD, Powerquad Plus 20/20 w/H360 Std loader, 520/85R38, 420/85R28. St #0761266A

(3) 15 JD S690STS, 300hrs up, autotrac,650/85R38,premium cabs . . . . . . $549,900 up (W) (3) 15 JD S680STS, 225 hrs, up, 650/85R38, JDLink, autotrac, power fold cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $544,000 (W) (3) 14 JD S680, 392 hrs up,premiun cabs,autotac, JDLink, HarvestSmart . . . $459,000 up (R, RM) (5) 15 JD S670,264hrs up, 520/85R42, Greenstar display, Tristream rotor . . . . . $477,900 (M) 14 JD S670STS, 572 hrs, Pro Drive trans w/HarvestSmart,520/85R42 . . . . . . .$440,900 (R) (3) 13 JD S680,357 hrs up, Greenstar 2630, JDLink, Pro drive trans, 650/85R38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $409,300 up (A,RM) (7) 13 JD S690, 204 hrs up, Greenstar 2630,JDLink, 650/85R38, sm wire concave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $440,900 up(W) (2) 12 JD S680,1120 hrs up, 2630 Greenstar,JDLink,Pro Drive w/HarvestSmart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360,900 UP (W) 12 JD S690STS, 960 hrs, Pro Drive w/Harvestsmart,650/85R38, power cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $403,900 (MM) 13 CIH 8230,913 hrs, 620/70R42, NavII guidance, w/ 2011 CA 3016 15 PU . . . . . . $357,100 (A) 13 JD S670 STS, 977 sep hrs , 520/85R42,JDLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$349,900 (M) (3) 12 CIH 8230, 1000 hrs, 620/70R42, Magnacut chop, w/ 3016 15’ PU . . . . . . $302,000 (MJ) (4) 11 JD 9770STS, 1329 hrs up, premier cabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $233,300 up (M,R,S) 10 JD 9770STS, 1301 hrs ,600/65R28, Michels hopper top, premier cab . . . . . . . $243,100 (M) 10 JD 9770sts, 1575 sep hrs, 20.8R38,600/65R28,sm wire concave . . . . . . . . . $226,600 (MJ) (6) 10 JD 9870STS, 1522 hrs up, 20.8R42, premium cab, autotrac . . . . . . . $176,900 up (R,W) 08 JD 9770STS, 1591hrs, 20.8R-38, hyd Fore/aft, sm wire concave, zenon light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175,600 (M) 07 JD 9860sts, 1940 sep hrs, 800,70R38, new drop in engine, greenstar display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $174,100 (S) 07 JD 9860STS, 1809hrs, large wire concave, 30.5x32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$154,000 (W) (2) 04 JD 9860STS, 1568 hrs up, 20.8x42, Contour master, prem header ctrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$132,000 up (MM,W) +% 454 TFQ IST 3 $SBSZ CJH UPQ ô OF DVU DIPQQ . . . . . . .$131,800 (A) 06 JD 9660WTS, 1488hrs, 800/65R32,touchset comb adjust, deluxe header ctrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $121,500 (R) 06 JD 9660STS, 2116 hrs, 30.5Lx32,sm wire concave,mech roll tarp . . . . . . . . . . $122,900 (M) 05 JD 9660STS, 2140hrs, 800/70R38,Greenstar, deluxe hdr ctrls . . . . . . . . . . . . . $119,000 (S) (2) 03 JD 9750STS, 1966 sep hrs up , deluxe header controls . . . . . . . . . . . . $112,500 up (S, W) 06 NH CR960, 2278 sep hrs, 900/60R32,w/ 76C 14’ pickup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$107,500 (RM) (4) 04 JD 9760STS, 2065 sep hrs up, premium header ctrl, Touchset . .$95,800 up (M,MJ, S) 02 JD 9650STS, 2576hrs, 800/65R32,Crary Big top hop ext,sm wire concave . . .$95,200 (S) 01 JD 9750STS, 2776 hrs, 20.8R38,deluxe header control,20’ unload auger . . . .$92,400 (M) 06 JD 9760sts, 2910hrs, 800singles, 480/70R30, touchset concave . . . . . . . . . . .$91,600 (R) +% 454 TFQ IST VQ EJBM B TQE ô OF DVU DIPQQ . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,600 up (R,RM) +% 454 IST 3 .BW SPUPS EJBM B TQE ô OF XJSF DPODBWF . . $88,600 (S) 00 JD 9650STS, 2908 hrs, 30.5x32,dial a matic, dial a spd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $61,600 (S) +% TFQ IST VQ Y ô OF DVU DIPQQFS EJBM B TQE . . . $50,300 up (M,RM) 97 JD CTS,2231hrs, 30.5x32, dial a spd, w/ JD 914 pickup, rake up . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,900 (W) (MFBOFS 3 IST Y DIPQQFS ô YFE TQE GFFEFSIPVTF. . . . . . . . . . . . $39,900 (R)




866 hrs, JD1800 GreenStar, JDLink, 4100 server processor, 620/70R42, MFWD w/limited slip, w/JD H380 loader, bucket & grapple, PowerGard warranty - Oct 2018. St #0022614A

2013 John Deere 6150M




(4) 15 JD9570R, 526hrs up , CommandView cab, JDLink, 800/70R38 . . . . . .$536,900 up (M) 15 JD9520R, 1130hrs, 800/70R38, premium cab, leather pkg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $513,000 (M) 14 JD 9560RT, 701hrs, 36� tracks, Greenstar, JDLink, tow cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . $483,500 (RM) 13 CIH Steiger 600 Quad, 1850hrs, 6 hyd outlets, 36� tracks, diff lock . . . . . . . $453.900 (W) 13 NH T9.670, 1620hrs, 36� tracks, Nav controller, diff lock, 6 hyd outlets . . . .$433,700 (M) 14 CIH 600 QuadTrac, luxury cab, diff lock, 1000PTO,36� tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . $407,900 (W) +% 3 IST +%-JOL IJ þ PX IZE TZTUFN 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400,100 (R) 12 JD 9510RT, 1660hrs, Greenstar, JDLink, 36� tracks, AJ Hitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $391,900 (MM) +% 3 IST ' 3 QPXFSTIJGU IJ þ PX IZET 3 . . . . . . .$383,400 (MM) 12 CIH 550 QuadTrac, 1950hrs, Auto guidance Nav Control, 6 hyd out, 36� tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$357,900 (W) 11 JD 9630T, 2486hrs, 36� tracks, 5hyds outlets, front idler weights, deluxe comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$313,900 (W) 13 JD 7280R, 2058hrs, 800/70R38, w/Degelman 5900-12’blade, JDLink . . . . . $279,900 (MJ) 15 JD 7210R, 1190hrs, MFWD, JDLink, CommandView Cab, 710/70R38. . . . . . . .$253,300 (M) 15 JD 6150M, 1300hrs, deluxe cab, MFWD, w/ H360 loader, bucket & grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $183,100 (MJ) 07 Challenger MT765B track, 3268hrs, 320eng hp, 4 SCV’s, autoguidance. . . . .$172,900 (R) (2) 15 JD 6125M, MFWD, 534 hrs up, 520/70R38,w/ H340 loader . . . . . . .$157,500 up (M,MJ) (2) 15 JD 6140M, 1200 hrs up, MFWD, w/ H360 loader, bucket, grapple . . . . . . . $169,800 (M) 04 JD 9520T, 4198hrs, deluxe cab, 2600 greenstar autotrac,36� tracks . . . . . . . $159,900 (A) 14 JD 6125R, MFWD, 1397hrs, w/ H340 loader, bucket, grapple, 460/85R38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $148,400 (R) 09 J D7830 MFWD, 3821hrs, autotrac, 520/85R42,CommandView Cab . . . . . . $143,900 (R) 12 JD 7330, 4800hrs, MFWD, 520/85R38, w/ JD H360 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $132,500 (MM) 10 JD 7330P, 5854hrs, MFWD, 520/85R38, w/ JD 741 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $122,400 (M)(2) 11 JD 7230P, 3331hrs up, MFWD, 480/80R38, w/ JD 741 loader . . . . . . . . . . .$113,000 up (MM) 98 JD 9400, 6150hrs, 24/6 manual shift trans, 4th remote cyl, 20.8R42 triples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$107,300 (MJ) 95 NH 9280, 5950hrs, Outback S2, 4 hyds, 20.8x38, Degelman 12’ blade . . . . . . .$57,800 (S)


LOCATIONS Assiniboia, SK (A) 306-642-3366 Montmartre, SK (MM) 306-424-2212 Moose Jaw, SK (MJ) 306-692-2371 Mossbank, SK (M) 306-354-2411 Raymore, SK (RM) 306-746-2110 Emerald Park/ Regina, SK (R) 306-721-5050 Southey, SK (S) 306-726-2155 Weyburn, SK (W) 306-842-4686










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3406B Cat Engine ESN: 4MG616342, 400 hp. Engine has been in-framed. Sold Exchange with Warranty.

Inframe Kits, Cylinder Heads, Turbos, Water Pumps, Oil Pumps, Oil Coolers & Injectors



SPECIAL ENGINE PRICING ISX CUMMINS CM2250 Engine S/N: 79452993 CPL: 3606. Sold Exchange with Warranty



Exchange Exchange

780-672-6868 Email:

2013 Peterbilt 367 49888 Kms

$"5 $6..*/4 %&530*5 *)$ )*/0 8F TFMM *1% BOE *OUFSTUBUF .D#FF


ISX Cummins, 18 spd trans. 20,000 lb frt, 46,000 lb rear, 445 fronts, 11R24.5 rears, Pete Air Trac susp. Safety Certified, 18 Ton 2007 Elliot Picker. Stk # UV1106

We Stock:

C7 Industrial Cat Engine Fits 950 Loader


JCT. OF HWYS 13 & 21 4 miles west of Camrose, AB

Inframe or Overhaul Kits


NEED A DIESEL ENGINE? Factory Rebuilt Sold with Warranty



| SERVI S T R A P ium & ucks (Med SALES |



*MSRP does not include Freight, PDI,Taxes & Fees *See dealer for details

w / 2 Year Warranty Complete Drop in Units: 7.3 Ford Powerstroke DT466E – 230 IHC ISB 5.9 Cummins 3126/C7 Cat

Call for Pricing & Details



450KW Marathon Genset

1999 IHC 9900

628 hours since new, S60 diesel engine – inframed, load tested. Ready to work! Sold with warranty.

N14 460E, 460 HP. Fuller RTLO16918 Trans., Air Susp., Air Brakes, GVW - 52,350 kgs., 11R22.5 Alum. Wheels (70%), 242� Wheel Base Cab to Axle 88�, 140� Total Frame, Front Axle 14,000 lbs, Rear Axle 40,000 lbs, c/w 72� High-rise Sleeper, and Alum. Headache Rack, Unit has Fresh Service & AB Safety and is ready to go!



Stk # WY0678



2002 Sterling L9500 Vac Tank

C12 Cat 400 HP w/Roda shut down RTLO14913A trans, 16,000 lb. front axle, 44,000 lb. rear axle, 4.33 ratio, power divider, 315 R80-22.5 front on alum rims, new 11R22.5 rear on steel rims, Cusco 3600 gal. vac tank, 126,992 km, 76,195 miles. Sold with Safety Certificate, full service. Stk # UV1084



2002 10’x30’ Mountainview Wellsite Trailer

Propane Pig, A/C, bedroom w/bunk beds – queen bottom, microwave, stove, fridge, fresh CVI. In great condition Stk # UV1026



2008 Sterling L9500

'SFTI $FSUJý FE 7FIJDMF Inspection completed C13 CAT 430 hp. 13 spd. RTLO16913A Trans. Only 109,285 kms. 7395 Working hours. 40,000 lb. Rear Axle 4:11 ratio w/lockers, 16,000 lb. Front Axle, 56,000 lb. GVW. Air Liner Susp., 236� WB, 168� CA, Roda Positive Air Engine Shut Down. 385/65/22.5 Front Tires on Alum Wheels at 80%, 11R24.5 Rear Tires at 80%, Dual 100 gal. Fuel Tanks 24x60, c/w HAMM 105 Barrel Tank. Unit serviced and Ready to Work! Stk # UV1111



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306-525-6700 DL #: 91763


2002 BOURGAULT 5710 47’, 10� spacing, MRB’s, Dickey John autorate, c/w 2320 w/3rd tank, seeds 220 acres of canola per fill, $42,000. 306-873-8301, Tisdale, SK.

1995 CASE 9270, 6400 hrs., 4 hyds. w/one return line, 12 spd. trans. set up for OutBack AutoSteer, 5520/85R42 tires, new fronts fall 2014, new back tires fall 2015, recently serviced, $65,000 OBO. Ph/text Dwayne at 306-662-8532, Fox Valley, SK.

WINTER PROJECT- 2006 Bourgault 6450, WANTED: CAB DOOR for Case/IH 1070 double shoot, 3 tank metering, some rust. tractor. Call 306-781-2775, Kronau, SK. Special $42,500. Phone 306-874-2011, Cropper Motors, Naicam, SK. 2015 JD 9570R, 4 WD, 400 hrs, 570 HP, 15L Cummins, bought new. 520-46 Firestone triples with extra spacing, front suspension, every option possible. Tractor weighs 55,000 lbs. 3 years warranty remaining. New condition. $435,000. Rented farm out. 204-662-4474, 204-851-0211, Sinclair, MB.

GANDY AIR SPREAD 5424, fert., grass and chem. spreader, mtd. on 50’ Flexi-Coil harrow drawbar, good tine harrows, new hoses and clamps 306-642-5740 Assiniboia SK 50’ FLEXI-COIL HARROW packers w/P30 HEAVY DUTY WHEEL DOLLY. Change your packers; Also, 36’ Wilrich vibrashank cultisprayer tires in less than an hour! Over 100 vator w/harrows. Both in good condition. units sold last 12 months. Perfect tool for $4000 OBO. 306-210-8186, Reward, SK. safely and quickly moving or changing large wheels/tires, $1,499. 403-892-3303, Carmangay, AB.

CASE/IH MX 110 with Buhler 795 hyd. self levelling loader, LHR, 3PTH, plumbed for grapple, rebuilt powershift trans, 9400 hrs., MFWD, 110 HP, S/N JJA0113932, vg working, $42,000 OBO. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1983 CASE 2290 w/Leon 707 FEL, 4700 hrs., rebuilt PS and diff., 4 remotes, dual PTO, good tires, duals, $19,500. Prince Albert, SK. 306-922-8155, 306-960-3230.

WA N T E D : 3 PTH sprayer. Call Glen 306-640-8034, 306-266-2016, Wood Mountain, SK. or email

FALL DISCOUNTS on new and used rollFLOATER TIRES: Factory rims and tires: e r s , a l l s i z e s . L e a s i n g a n d d e l i ve r y JD 4930/4940, R4045; 800/55R46 Good- available. 403-580-6889, Bow Island, AB. year tire and rim; 710/60R46 Goodyear LSW; Case 650/65R38 Michelins, $13,500. Duals available for combines. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK. 2010 8370 VR TBT cart, w/third tank, TopCon monitor, $72,900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2004 FLEXI-COIL 2340 TBH, very good, $14,900. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. VW MFG. Carbide Drill Points and Openers for air drills. New super slim paired row opener VW32RPR. Full orders qualify fo r n e a r ly F r e e , o r F R E E s h i p p i n g . Phone 403-528-3350.

SEEDING SALVAGE Combine World is now wrecking seeding equipment! HEAVY HARROWS YEAR END CLEARANCE! 2016 Morris 70’, 26�x9/16� tine; 2014 50’ Morris, 26�/9/16� tine, 800 acres, looks like new. Cash finance or lease. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

1984 IHC 5088, 130 HP, triple hyds., dual PTO, $18,000. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB. CASE IH 5230, MFWD, CAHR, bucket, grapple, bale fork, 3PTH, 12,780 hrs., $7300 w/ o on rebuilt 16 spd. PS, good cond., $29,500 OBO. 780-719-0264, Andrew, AB. 2013 JD 6190R, 928 hrs., IVT trans., TLS front susp., front hitch and PTO, loader 2008 CASE 165 Puma with loader and grap- ready, GreenStar and AutoTrac ready, ple, good cond., $65,000. 306-547-5430, Electronic joystick controls either front Endeavour, SK. hitch or loader, 3 pt. quick hitch, Michelin 1981 4890 CASE 4 WD, 325 HP, PTO, 4 IF710/70R42 IF600/70R30, $198,000. remotes, drain line for air drill, rebuilt injec- Low cost delivery to western Canada/ USA tors and fuel pump, engine bearings, rebuilt AgriQuip Ontario 1-888-388-1925. powershift 250 hrs ago, 20.8-34 tires new 1980 JD 4440, 2 WD, loader, 7188 hours, in 2013, LED lighting, vg cond., 6620 hrs, $33,500. Nelson Motors & Equipment, $22,500 OBO; 1983 4890 Case 4 WD, 325 1-888-508-4406. HP, PTO, 4 remotes, drain line for air drill, rebuilt injectors and fuel pump, engine JOHN DEERE 8630, PTO, tires like new, exbearings, rebuilt powershift 100 hrs ago, cellent condition, $19,500. 306-861-4592, 20.8-38 about 60%, good condition, 6240 Fillmore, SK. hrs., $18,500 OBO. Both tractors well maintained, all oils and filters have been 2012 JD 9560R tractor, duals, 1816 hrs., $356,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, changed this fall. 204-648-7136, Ashville. 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 9560R, 2916 hrs, 18F,6R power- 1991 4955 MFWD, powershift, good rubshift, hi-flow hyds, 520/85R46, $383,400. ber, 9000 hrs, recent rebuild on tranny and South Country Equipment, 306-842-4686, m o t o r, s h e d d e d , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e . Weyburn, SK 403-876-2542, Big Valley, AB.

2014 JD 6150R: 435 hrs., extended Powertrain warranty, IVT trans, Greenstar, panorama roof glass, 3PTH, Firestone’s, rear weights, c/w H380 self-levelling loader w/96� bucket and grapples, $164,500. Low cost delivery to Western Canada/USA AgriQuip Ontario 1-888-388-1925. 2012 JD 9560R, triples, PTO, 1992 hrs., $369,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. NICE 2010 JD 9630, 4WD, original owner, 2500 hrs., fully loaded, big hyd. pump, 5 remotes, 800 duals, all updates done, best offer. Don 306-948-6059, Biggar, SK. JD 8440, PTO, 5800 orig. hrs., quad trans, premium condition, $26,000 OBO. Call 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. JD 4230, 100 HP, PS, $12,500; JD 4020, 75HP, PS, $8750 OBO. 204-525-4521 Minitonas, MB. 1967 4020, 8500 hrs., rebuilt engine, fac1990 JD 4755 tractor, 2 WD, quad range, tory canopy, all original, very nice shape, 1000 PTO, approx. 6900 hrs., $37,500. Call shedded. 403-876-2542, Big Valley, AB. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 1997 JD 7410 MFWD, loader, 9200 hours, 2008 JD 9630, 4 WD, 2925 hrs., 800 duals, $59,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, fresh Greenlight, excellent condition. Call 1-888-508-4406. 306-741-2649, Pennant, SK. 2012 JD 9560R, 1369 hrs , JDLink, hi-flow hyd system, 800/70R38, $400,100. South Country Equipment, 306-721-5050, Regina, SK

45' IH CHISEL Plow, c/w Valmar and NH3 tips/kit., $20,000 OBO. Call 780-305-3547, Vega, AB. #PVSHBVMU t #PVSHBVMU t 'MFYJ DPJM t +%

1992 37’ CASE/IH 5600 HD cultivator, w/Degelman mounted 4-row harrows, $25,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. KELLO-BILT 8’ to 20’ offset discs w/24� to 36� notched blades; Kello-Bilt 24’ to 38’ tandem wing discs w/26� and 28� notched blades and oilbath bearings. Red Deer, AB. Call: 1-888-500-2646. JOHN DEERE 330 discs, 24’ with coned blades, good condition, $9500. Call 780-603-5307, Vegreville, AB.

/PX 4BMWBHJOH +% 0UIFS DBSUT BOE ESJMMT BSSJWJOH DBMM GPS QBSUT BWBJMBCJMJUZ 2003 FLEXI-COIL 5000 27' SS, 3/4" knife openers, 9" space, rubber packers, 1999 2320 TBH tank w/new rice tires. Both units always sheddded, exc. cond., $50,000 OBO. 306-375-2679, Kyle, SK.

COMPACTED SUBSOIL ISSUES? Avoid “band-aid� solutions. Since 1984. Call Rick 403-350-6088, anytime. HEAVY DUTY DISCER 25’, in good shape. 780-853-2031, 780-581-4035, Vermilion, AB. WANTED: USED OLDER tandem disc 16’ to 22’. Ph/text 306-946-7738, Watrous, SK

2013 SALFORD 525 60' disc drill, 10" space, DS, comes off stone free heavy ground, good cond. Will be sold w/complete set of new discs, $145,000. Info. 306-536-8606, Rouleau, SK.

Trade in your old NEW! Air Drill Electronics for


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Legend S.A.



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2012 9510R, 960 hrs, PS, 17’ 6-way blade, premium cab, 9030 lb. cast, ext. warranty, too many extras to list, $370,000 OBO. 2015 JD 9370R PS, 400 hrs., PTO, 3 PTH quick hitch, hi-flow with 5-remotes, premi780-808-3141, Lloydminster, AB. um lighting, 480/80R50’s with duals, 2009 JD 7830 MFWD, 3821 hrs., Auto- $229,500 USD. Trac, 520/85R42, Command View cab, 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, MN $143,900. South Country Equipment, 2012 JD 9510RT, 1660 hrs, Greenstar, 306-721-5050, Regina, SK. JDLink, 36� tracks, AJ Hitch, $391,900. South Country Equipment, 306-424-2212, 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2085 hours, $368,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, Montnartre, SK 1-888-508-4406. TWO 2015 JD 6140M, 1200+ hrs., MFWD JD 4010, c/w FEL, new tires, batteries and w/H360 loader, bucket and grapple, injectors, very clean. Call 403-823-1894, $169,800. South Country Equipment, 306-345-2411, Mossbank, SK. Drumheller, AB. 1999 JD 9400, 425 HP, 24 spd., new rub- 2012 JD 9560R, 2916 hrs, 18F,6R powerber, 4 hyds. w/return line, exc. cond., shift, hi-flow hyds, 520/85R46, $383,400. South Country Equipment, 306-424-2212, $85,000 OBO. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK. Montnartre, SK 1996 JD 7800 MFWD, loader, 11,845 hrs., $59,500. Nelson Motors & Equipment, JD 8440, PTO, 5800 orig. hrs., quad trans, premium condition, call Call 1-888-508-4406. 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. JD 6420 PREMIUM, 6100 hrs., w/640 2015 JD 7210R, 1190 hrs., MFWD, JDLink, loader and grapple, 2 hydraulics, 3rd C o m m a n d V i e w c a b , 7 1 0 / 7 0 R 3 8 , w/joystick control, new rubber, very good $253,300. South Country Equipment, condition, $55,000 OBO. 780-871-8111, 306-692-2371, Moose Jaw, SK Lloydminster, AB. JD 7710 MFWD, with 740 loader, LHR, 2004 JD 9250T, 4198 hrs., deluxe cab, premium condition, 20.8x38 tires. Call 2600 Greenstar AutoTrac, 36� tracks, 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. 460/85R38, $159,900. South Country FOUR 2015 JD9570R, 526 hrs up , ComEquipment, 306-642-3366, Assiniboia, SK. mand View cab, JDLink, 800/70R38, 2011 JD 9630T, 2486 hrs., 36� tracks, 5 $536,900 up. South Country Equipment, hyd. outlets, front idler weights, deluxe 306-354-2411, Mossbank, SK comfort, $313,900. South Country Equip1997 JD 9400 tractor, duals, 6000 hours, ment, 306-842-4686, Weyburn, SK $117,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 2014 JD 9560RT, 701 hrs, 36� tracks, 1-888-508-4406. Greenstar, JDLink, tow cable, $483,500. South Country Equipment, 306-746-2110, 2015 JD 6150M, 1300 hrs., deluxe cab, MFWD, c/wH360 loader, bucket and grapRaymore, SK ple, $183,100. South Country Equipment, 2012 JD 6210R, MFWD, loader, 826 hrs., 306-692-2371, Moose Jaw, SK $184,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2539 hours, 1-888-508-4406. $356,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 2013 JD 6170R MFWD, loader, 1500 hrs, 1-888-508-4406. $184,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 7200R MFWD, IVT, 2226 hours, $186,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 9560R tractor, duals, 1709 hrs., $356,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2005 JD 8320, MFWD, powershift, 4500 hrs.; 2002 JD 8120, MFWD, powershift, 4650 hrs. Both can be equipped w/duals. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB.

Place your order by Dec. 31st and

Call us for more info

or call


2011 B3000, MFWD, 246 hrs., 30 HP dsl., 3 range hydro. trans., deluxe cab, CAH, PS, 3 PTH, mid and rear hyd. in dependant PTO, joystick loader lever, includes 63� Kubota snowblower ($5700 value w/all options), always shedded. Mint! $22,900. Cudworth, SK. call 306-256-3569, 306-230-4393.

1997 MASSEY FERGUSON 6180, 4 WD, 6500 hrs, 110 HP, 3 PTH, loader/grapple, 3 hyds. 540/1000 rpm, quick release loader, good rubber, very good condition, $42,500 OBO. 403-845-4914, Rocky Mountain House, AB.

2009 T9060, CUMMINS, AutoSteer, 800 duals, 3990 hours, $211,000. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2013 NH T9.670, 1620 hrs, 36� tracks, Nav controller, diff lock, 6 hyd outlets, $433,700. South Country Equipment, 306-354-2411, Mossbank, SK

1993 FORD 846, 7792 hrs., 230 HP, 4 WD, 18.4R38 duals, PTO, 4 hyds., diff lock, cab, AC, heat, 14 spd. std. trans., $46,000 OBO. Call 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

1-888-606-6362. LIZARD CREEK REPAIR and Tractor. We buy 90 and 94 Series Case, 2 WD, FWA tractors for parts and rebuilding. Also have r e b u i l t t r a c t o r s a n d p a r t s fo r s a l e . 306-784-7841, Herbert, SK.

MOON HEAVY HAUL pulling air drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta and Sask. 30 years experience. Call Bob Davidson, Drumheller, AB. 403-823-0746.


2013 JD 9560R tractor duals, 1954 hrs, $373,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2246 hours, $355,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 9560R tractor, duals, 1988 hrs., $356,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2 0 1 4 JD 6125R, MFWD, 1397 hrs., w/H340 loader, bucket and grapple, 460/85R38, $148,400. South Country Equipment, 306-721-5050, Regina, SK.

1983 VERS. 975, 8600 hrs., good 24.5x32 tires, well maintained, Atom Jet hyds., runs great, asking $35,000. 204-526-5225, 204-723-5002, Notre Dame, MB.

2008 CIH 485QT, 485hp Iveco, 4230 hrs, 16 spd p/s, 30� tracks 70%, guidance rdy. $159,800

FLEXI-COIL 700 41’ DEEP TILLAGE cult., 750 trips, new sweeps, exc. cond., 2013 CIH Steiger 600 Quad, 1850 hrs, 6 hy d o u t l e t s , 3 6 � t r a c k s , d i f f l o c k , $7500 OBO. 306-946-8522, Saskatoon, SK. $453.900. South Country Equipment, 306-842-4686, Weyburn, SK 2003 BOURGAULT 5710 29’ air drill, DS, Stealth paired row openers, 9.8� spacing, STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS. New and 4300 tank, $60,000 OBO. 780-771-2155, used, from radiator to drawpin, 1969 to 780-404-1212, Wandering River, AB. 1999. Give us a call 1-800-982-1769 or 1993 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, 12� spacing, steel packers, DS, Dutch paired row open- 1998 CIH STEIGER 9390, 425 HP, approx. 6500 hrs., 850 Trellberg duals, 24 spd., vg ers, 1720 TBH tank, $16,500. cond., $89,000. 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 306-739-2442, Moosomin, SK. CHALLENGER MT765B track, 3268 JD 1820, 61’ air drill, 10� spacing, Atom 2014 CIH 600 QuadTrac, luxury cab, diff 2007 320 HP, 4 SCV’s, AutoGuidance, Jet paired row boots, 4� pneumatic pack- lock, 1000PTO,36� tracks, $407,900. hrs., $172,900. South Country Equipment, South Country Equipment, 306-842-4686, ers, NH3 Raven controller, sectional, JD 306-721-5050, Regina, SK 1910 430 cart, var. rate, 3 meters, Weyburn, SK $49,000. 306-743-7622, Langenburg, SK. 2010 65’ 3310 BOURGAULT Paralink, 12� spacing, mid row shank banding, double shoot, rear hitch, tandem axles, low acres, $145,000. 2002 49’ Morris Maxim air drill, 12� spacing, w/7240 Morris grain cart, $52,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

STEVE’S TRACTOR REBUILDER specializing in rebuilding JD tractors. Want Series 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 7000s to rebuild or for parts. pay top $$. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB.

2012 JD 9560R, duals, PTO, 2085 hours, $368,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2012 JD 9560R tractor, duals, 1685 hrs., $352,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2013 JD 7280R, 2058 hrs., 700/70R38 w/Degelman 5900 12� blade, JD Link, $279,900. South Country Equipment, 306-692-2371, Moose Jaw, SK JD 7810, MFWD, LHR, JD 840 loader, grapple fork, joystick, shedded, very clean tractor. Call 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB. TWO 2015 JD 6125M, MFWD, 534 hrs.+, 520/70R38 w/H340 loader, $157,500 and up. South Country Equipment, 306-345-2411, Mossbank, SK. 2008 JD 9430 tractor, duals, 2520 hrs., $214,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2015 JD 9620R, duals, PTO, 669 hrs., $554,000. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406. 2008 JD 9530 tractor, duals, 3178 hours., $231,900. Nelson Motors & Equipment, 1-888-508-4406.


Offer expires December 20, 2016.

2015 JD9520R, 1130 hrs, 800/70R38, premium cab, leather pkg, $513,000. South Country Equipment, 306-354-2411, Mossbank, SK 1981 JOHN DEERE 8640, 4WD, 8300 hours, good condition, $18,500. Call 306-739-2442, Moosomin, SK.

2014 JD 6125R MFWD, 125hp, 544 hrs, 340 FEL w/ bucket, PTO, 3PH, fact. warranty. $129,000 1-888-606-6362.

2013 VERSATILE 450 PS, PTO, deluxe cab, leather seat, AutoSteer, 790 hrs., very good condition, $289,000. Call Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK.

2013 LS P7040C, MFWD, 97 HP, 525 hrs., w/LL 7101 FEL, 40 gear shuttle shift trans, PTO, 78" Q/A bucket, like new condition, $54,000 OBO. 780-482-5273, Edmonton, AB. Email: GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767.

2010 CLAAS XERION, 2040 hrs., CVT 50 kms/hr., front hitch, 800R38, $189,000; 2008 NH T8020, 2900 hrs., $86,000; 2014 Case 370CVT, 220 hrs., 50km/hr, front hitch, 900/R42, $225,500; 2014 Fendt 718 profi, 750 hrs., front hitch, 50 kms/hr., 710R42, $165,000; 3 2016 Fendt 939, 830 hrs., 65 kms/hr., $248,000; 2005 Fendt 936’s, 400 hrs., loaded; 2011 Fendt 939, 830 hrs, 65 km/hr, $237,000; 2012 Fendt 939, 3100 hrs., 65 km/hr, front PTO, $195,000; 2005 Fendt 930, 10,000 hrs, new 900 tires, $79,000; 2012 MF 8670, 500 hrs., CVT, 50 km/hr, front PTO, $188,000. Many more in stock! Call 519-955-1331,

WRECKING FOR PARTS, JD 2750, 3 2004 JD 7520, MFWD, quad shift, LHR, 3 PTH, vg sheet metal; 2390 Case, vg eng., PTH, 741 SL loader, grapple, good tires, vg sheet metal; 2090 Case c/w complete 9086 hrs, $70,000 OBO. 306-869-3113, overhauled engine, very good sheet metal. LEON 606 FEL with 6’ bucket, $3200. Call306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. Radville, SK 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB.



WANTED: GOOD ENGINE for Belarus LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, re7010. Will consider buying complete trac- liable generator systems. Diesel generators, Winco PTO tractor driven alternators, tor. Call 403-378-4979, Duchess, AB. automatic/manual switch gear, and commercial duty Sommers Powermaster and Sommers/Winco portable generators as as Winco and Briggs & Stratton home STAINLESS STEEL LIQUID FERTILIZER well packages. 75+ years of reliable storage tanks for transporting/storing standby service. Contact Sommers for all your gen1600-50,000 gallons. Call 306-960-3000. erator requirements at 1-800-690-2396. Email: or online at SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg., CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at GPS OUTBACK EZ-DRIVE TC with S2 Display, hyd steering control. Will fit all ATX Case/IH 4 WD tractors and other makes, $3300. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. ON THE GO Haul & Tow farm equipment hauling (air drills). Prairie provinces. 2013 CIH L785 FEL w/grapple and bucket. 306-540-9400, White City, SK. Fits on Case Puma 200, $18,000; Also have some rear weights as well, $1.75/lb. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. DEGELMAN 5900 14’ 6-Way dozer blade, WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tracc/w silage extension and brackets, to fit tors. Newer models too! Smith’s Tractor JD 8000 series tractor, $13,900 OBO. Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. 780-877-2191, Bashaw, AB. WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. 2004 DEERE 325 skidsteer loader, new eng., c/w bucket, vg working condition. $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 . C a n d e l i ve r. C a l l a ny t i m e 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.


M F 3 6 & 3 6 0 Dis ce rs

E X - G OVE R N M E N T S TA N D - B Y U N I T S : 12V92 w/400 KW, 600 volts, 388 hrs, $25,000; 12V92 w/400 KW, 600 volts, 419 hrs, $25,000; 12V92 w/400 KW, 600 volts, 638 hrs, $25,000; 16V92 w/500 KW, 600 volts, 700 hrs, $25,000; 16V92 w/800 KW, 600 volts, 700 hrs, $30,000; KT450 Cummins w/250 KW, $15,000. Can-Am Truck Export Ltd, 1-800-938-3323, Delisle, SK.

Generator Sets for your farm available with low monthly payments. Free help with sizing. Call 800-687-6879 and use discount code WESTERN

Diesel and Natural Gas

All s ize s , a n y con dition , a ls o p a rts dis ce rs , Pre m ium Price p a id for 12Ft w ith 19 ” b la de s . 2011 JD 323D Skid Steer, 1468 hrs, tracks, 69hp, 2 spd, aux hyds, nice cab. $29,900 1-888-606-6362.

SK Fa rm Boys - Hon e s t Prom p t Se rvice :

BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison is looking to contract grain finished bison, as well as calves and yearlings for growing markets. Contact Roger Provencher at 306-468-2316, HARMONY NATURAL BISON buying finished up to $6.25/lb HHW; Culls up to $5.25/lb HHW; Feeders up to $4.75/lb LW. Call/text 306-736-3454, SE Sask. WANTED: ALL KINDS of bison from yearlings to old bulls. Also cow/calf pairs. Ph Kevin at 306-429-2029, Glenavon, SK. BUYING: CULL COWS, herdsire bulls, yearlings and calves. Phone Elk Valley Ranches, 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. MFL RANCHES selling 20 bred 2014 heifers at Kramer’s Season Opener Sale, Dec. 7, North Battleford, SK., 403-747-2500. BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE, 77 Plains, 11 Wood cross. The top herd bull is from Wolverine Bison sired to the yearling reserve Grand Champion bull in Denver in 2016. This is an impressive group of heifers ready to go this fall. Bulls may be purchased as well. Come view any time, or call Blair 306-231-9980, Plunkett, SK. WANTED ALL CLASSES of bison: calves, yearlings, cows, bulls. Willing to purchase any amount. Call 605-391-4646. WANT TO PURCHASE cull bison bulls and cows, $5/lb. HHW. Finished beef steers and heifers for slaughter. We are also buying compromised cattle that can’t make a long trip. Oak Ridge Meats, McCreary, 204-835-2365, 204-476-0147. 20-25 COWS AND ONE 2 year old bull. Nothing over 13 years of age. Downsizing. Available beginning of December. Offers. Marvin 306-929-2775, Prince Albert, SK. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we want them.” Make your final call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. TATONKA RANCH 50- 2015 bison heifers, $4000 ea; 100- 2016 heifer calves $2500 Trent 250-263-3152, Ft St John, BC

Ca ll An ytim e

3 06 .9 46 .9 6 6 9 or 3 06 .9 46 .79 23

WWW.NOUTILITYBILLS.COM - Indoor coal, grain, multi-fuel, gas, oil, pellet and propane fired boilers, fireplaces, furnaces and stoves. Outdoor EPA and conventional wood boilers, coal/ multi-fuel boilers. Chimney, heat exchangers, parts, piping, pumps, etc. Athabasca, AB, 780-628-4835.



BIRD WATCHERS CALL To The Far North! Bird stands and natural locations available. Year round bird and wildlife watching. Tree stands, ground blinds, and natural loGARWOOD PULL SCRAPER, 12 yd, hyd. control & unload assist, 9’ cut width. 16’ PEELED RAILS, 2-3” $7.50 ea., 125 per cations available. North Western Saskatchewan. Ron Kisslinger 306-822-2256 $16,900 bundle; 3-4” $9.25 ea., 100 per bundle; or email: 4-5” $11 each, 75 per bundle. Vermette 1-888-606-6362. Wood Preservers, 1-800-667-0094, Spruce 12’ DEGELMAN 45/5700 4-Way dozer Home, SK blade, QA, $15,000; HLA snow wing dozer MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. blade, trip cutting edge, $17,000. Wander- Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at: TUBING FROM 1-1/4” to 3-1/2”. Sucker ing River AB 780-771-2155, 780-404-1212 rod 3/4”, 7/8” and 1”. Line pipe and Casing 707 LEON FEL, will fit JD 4020 Case or Int. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence also available. Phone 1-800-661-7858 or Also 2 JD cabs, will fit 4020. $2000 for all. posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner 780-842-5705, Wainwright, AB. Phone Keith 306-532-4892, Wapella, SK. Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n USED PIPE FOR SALE- All kinds of drill 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. pipe, perfect for building panels and corrals. Info. call 403-652-6041, Nanton, AB.

2004 BOBCAT S-130, 1339 hrs., manuals, farm machine since new. Schulte 7400 snowblower, pallet forks. Sold as a package only, exc. cond., $22,000. 403-581-9270, Dunmore, AB.

1309’ 7 Tower T&L pivot, c/w both pumps, dsl. motor and large fuel tank. Consider equip trade. 403-362-1897 Rolling Hills AB WESTERN IRRIGATION: CADMAN Dealer. Fall discounts. Full line of new and used equipment. 1 cadman 4000S wide body big gun, like new; Also aluminum pipe, pumps and motors. If we don’t have it, we will get it for you! Call 306-867-9461, 306-867-7037, Outlook, SK. BLUE WATER IRRIGATION DEV. LTD. Reinke pivots, lateral, minigators, pump and used mainline, new Bauer travelers dealer. 22 yrs. experience. 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK. MOVE WATER: PUMP units 6” - 10” alum. pipe. Dennis 403-308-1400, Taber, AB.

JD 4045 DF 150, Berkley pump w/clutch, 10 Kw gen. on skids w/300 gal. fuel tank on stand; 4045 DF 150, Cornell pump, T&L hyd. pump on skid, c/w BLOCKED AND SEASONED FIREWOOD: w/clutch, gal. fuel tank. Will consider equip$180 per 160 ft.≥ cord; bags $80 (includes 1800 ment trade. 403-362-1897, Rolling Hills AB refundable deposit for bag). Bundles of 4’-5’ or 6.5’ also available. Vermette Wood Preservers 1-800-667-0094, Spruce Home.

1984 CAT D7G DOZER, c/w 13.5’ twin tilt angle blade, hyd. winch, enclosed cab, new UC, excellent working condition, new 26” pads. Warranty, $78,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.

DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KWs, lots of units in stock. Used and new: Perkins, John Deere and Deutz. We also build custom Gensets. We currently have special pricing on new John Deere units. Call for pricing 204-792-7471. XQ60 TRAILER MOUNTED generator sets, trailer and skid mounted. Global Power Systems is located in Edmonton, AB and has a great selection of used and reconditioned generator sets for all applications including running grain dryers, very good POST POUNDER, works good, bought new, cond., ranging from 20 to 500 Kw. $14,500. $1000 OBO. Contact Peter 306-759-2051 780-450-6363. Email or Brownlee, SK.



Bred cow program ! Feeder Program !

Toll Free 1-8 66-8 48 -6669 No Res triction s ; Pu rcha s e a n d m a rk etin g - You rchoice

w w w.foothills lives

Roc k y M ou n ta in Hou s e , AB

Th urs da y De c 8

To m G ra h a m P ro d uctio n S a le . 100 Bla ck Heifers . Po n teix. La n ce Em py D is pe rs a l. 150 Red Red Cro s s Co w s In clu d es 30 2n d Ca lvers . D e n n is Lo m o tte . 60 F a n cy Bla ck Heifers .

Sa turda y De c 10

D o Little Bla ck An gus P ure b re d D is pe rs a l. 250 Co w s Plu s Bred Heifers , Ca lves & Herd Bu lls . No te: S ta rtT im e 10 AM .

M on da y De c 12

An n ua l R o ck S o lid Bre d H e ife r S a le . 500 Hea d Bes tS a le OfIts K in d In Ca n a d a , w w w .ro cks o lid .co m

Th urs da y De c 15

F ea tu re 150 Pu reb red Bla ck Co w s F ro m Jo h n s to n Fe rtile Va lle y, s o ld in gro u p s o f5. Vid eo : w w w .jo hn s to n fertileva m M a rk & M ike Klin k. 30 Bla ck Co w s . G le n D a le R a n ch . 30 Bla ck Co w s .

Sa turda y De c 17 & Sun da y De c 18 P ure b re d D is pe rs a l G illfo rd R a n ch Clea rw a ter, M a n . 600 Hea d Herefo rd s o n S a tu rd a y, Bla ck An gu s S u n d a y.

Tue s da y De c 20

600 D is pe rs a l Bla ck & R e d C o w s . Bred Cha r. Ca lve la s tw eek in Ap ril. T ru e Ra n ch Co w s . Do u g Hin es , Y o rkto n , S K .

Don n ie 3 06 -6 6 2-8 28 8 Le e 3 06 -741-5701 “Ca na d a ’s S ource for Qua lity B red Ca ttle” FOR M ORE INFO CALL

28th ANNUAL KEYSTONE KLASSIC Black and Red Angus Sale, Saturday December 3, 2015 at 1:00PM, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Presented by top producing Red and Black Angus breeders Offering 70+ females, including an elite selection of foundation bred heifers, fancy heifer calves and cow calf pairs. Junior discounts available. For more information or a catalogue contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online: PL #116061 60 SIMM/ANGUS BRED heifers due Mar 1. 8 wk. breeding. Quiet bunch of reds/blacks, 1 iron, $1800. 306-466-6851, Cromer, MB. BRED HEIFERS 100 Black/BWF, bred black to calve April 1. Fully vaccinated, $2000/ head. Call 306-435-9520, Wawota, SK.

SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Black and Red Angus 2 year old bulls. Ceylon, SK. Call BLACK ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, se- Shane 306-869-8074, Keith 306-454-2730. men tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, 120 ANGUS BRED heifers bred March 1st. 8 week breeding. Very nice even group, Englefeld, SK. $1800. 306-466-6851, Cromer, MB. HERD DISPERSAL: AW Angus Dispersal, December 11th at Heartland Livestock, 1:00 RAVINE DRIVE CATTLE CO. has purePM. 100 purebred cows and bred heifers, bred open heifer calves, bred heifers and 35 heifer calves, 20 bull calves, 1 herd bull. bred cows for sale. Also a prospect steer Females bred to and sired by Outcross and prospect heifer calves. Our herd is Industry leading sires. Bull calf wintering based primarily on top quality SAV genetprogram available. For more info. call ics! Call 780-367-2483, 780-208-1125, 306-685-2249, 306-741-7485, Virden, MB. Willingdon, AB. JOHNSTON/FERTILE VALLEY Black gus Female Sale: December 15th, 2016 at DISPERSAL OF KBJ Round Farms on Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. Thursday, December 15, 2016 at Clyde, 125 bred females, sell mostly AI to calve AB. at 11:00 AM. “The Sale is final this March through May. View the cow herd time.” Viewing of cattle at the Auction on-line: Mart from December 12 to Sale Day or at David and Dennis Johnston 306-856-4726, the farm anytime. Offering: 412 lots: 9 Conquest, SK. Herd bulls, 145 cows, 83 bred heifers, 67 OSSAWA ANGUS, MARQUETTE, MB. has heifer calves, 84 bull calves (guaranteed), for sale purebred Black heifer calves. Also 15 preg. recips, 5 embryos, 40 semen lots. 2 year old bulls. Info. call 204-375-6658. Contact: Jim Rounds, KBJ, 780-307-1657; Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, 780-916-2628. BLACK COW DISPERSAL: 25 head, all View for online young, quiet and productive. Exposed to Black Angus bulls for May and June calvcatalog. Email for catalog. ing. Vaccinated and home raised. $2100 BIRCHAM RANCH BRED HEIFERS: each. 780-494-2460, Hines Creek, AB. 210- Top Cut 1st cross Black Brockle face; 45- 3/4 Angus Black and Black Brockle face and 25 top cut first cross Black Simm cross Black Angus heifers, bred Black Angus. Bred June 10th to Aug 6th. All vaccinations. Will deliver. Selling at the Rock Solid Bred Heifer Sale on December 12th, 2016. Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK. Call Wayne Bircham, 306-662-7940.

RIGHT CROSS RANCH Commercial Bred Heifer & Long Yearling Bull Sale, December 5, 1:00PM, Right Cross Ranch sale facility, Kisbey, SK. Offering 20 long yearling Red and Black Angus bulls and 100 commercial Black and Red Angus cross Simmental heifers, bred to calving ease Angus bulls. For more information or a catalogue c o n t a c t T B a r C C at t l e C o . L t d . at 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online: PL #116061 BRED HEIFERS, DISPERSALS and more Saturday, Dec. 10, 1:00 PM, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. R&R Ranch, Lipsett, Fiss, Richards, Hackamore and Gray bred heifers, Forwood 2nd calvers and Petersen reduction of 70 Black Angus, 300+ all together. 306-693-4715, pics/inTOTAL HERD DISPERSAL SALE: Premier fo. PL #914447. set of cattle, 220 head on offer. Can view at ranch. Selling at Bow Slope Shipping, Guilford He re ford Ra n ch Brooks, AB. on December 3. 403-363-4850

Com p le te He re ford & An gus Dis p e rs a l SATURDAY DECEM BER 17 a n d SUNDAY DECEM BER 18

AT N OON BOTH DAYS AT HEARTL AN D L IV ES TOCK , S W IFT CURREN T. S ellin g 58 0 hea d o f ra n ch ra is ed Herefo rd a n d An gu s gen etics , co w /ca lf pa irs , b red heifers plu s tw o yea r o ld b u lls a n d herd b u lls .

Ca lvin g ea s e w ith p erfo rm a n ce, highly m a tern a l a n d grea tfertility. All tw o yea r o ld a n d herd b u lls w ill b e s em en tes ted , term s a n d w in terin g a re a va ila b le o n a ll 2016 b o rn b u ll ca lves .

BEV’S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy direct, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK.

FLAX STRAW BUNCHER and land levelers. Building now, taking orders. Don’t delay, NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone call now! 306-957-4279, Odessa, SK. for availability and prices. Many used in ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New De- stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. gelman equipment, land rollers, Strawmaster, rockpickers, protill, dozer blades. NEW AND USED PTO generators. Diesel and natural gas sets available as well. Call 306-957-4403, 306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. 1-888-300-3535, Airdrie, AB.

M on da y De c 5

S ix M ile An gus C us to m e r Bre d H e ife r S a le Bla ck-Red An gu s & S im m . Cro s s . 400 hea d w o rld cla s s .

(3 06 ) 773 -3 174

“ Fa rm e rs He lping Fa rm e rs ”

BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood and wood chips for sale. Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer. WALLENSTEIN WOOD PROCESSOR # 830. 1 man machine for cutting, splitting and 2012 BOBCAT S 205 skidsteer loader, 1650 piling, 50 hrs. 403-346-7178, Red Deer, AB hrs., c/w bucket, vg working condition, JACK PINE FIREWOOD: split and blocked $ 2 8 , 0 0 0 . C a n d e l i ve r. C a l l a ny t i m e in mini bulk bags $100/bag. Other lengths 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. available. 306-277-4660, Ridgedale, SK. 2013 DEGELMAN 5700 blade, 12’, mounts for JD 6150R; 2013 Degelman 5700 blade, 12’, mounts for NH T7.185, $11,500 ea. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB.

Sw iftCu rren t,Sa sk .


DOLITTLE ANGUS DISPERSAL Sale on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at Heartland Auction Services, Swift Current, SK. Cow/calf pairs sell (including bull calves) at 11:00 AM. Herd bulls and rising 2 yr. olds sell at 3:00 PM. “A Special Herd that you may not have heard of!!!” Viewing of cattle at the Auction Mart from December 7th to Sale Day. Offering: 434 lots: 11 herd bulls, 32 rising 2 yr. olds, 219 cows, 37 bred heifers, 61 heifer calves, 74 bull calves. Contact: Rob and Lorna Story 306-460-8520; Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, 780-916-2628. View catalogue online at: Email for catalogue to: CROOKED CREEK ANGUS Production Sale on Tuesday, December 20th, 2016 at 1:00 PM at the Innisfail Auction Mart, Innisfail, AB. Featuring daughters of EXAR Upshot, Special Focus, SAV Angus Valley and SAV Final Answer. Many bred to HA Outside 5307, Brother to the HA Cowboy Up 5405 ($350,000 Herd bull). Offering: 100 lots: 50 bred cows, 45 bred heifers, 5 Fancy open heifer calves, 1 semen interest (HA Outside 5307). Contacts: Rick and Sharon Gabert 780-998-1963; Valentina Gabert 780-916-7218; Rob Holowaychuk, OBI, 780-916-2628. View catalogue online at: Email for catalogue to: JARDINE FARMS LTD. has for sale 52 bred heifers, bred to Black Angus bull, due to calve March 15- Apr. 15, $1800/head firm. Phone 204-354-2254, Brookdale, MB.

Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r a c a ta lo gu e c o n ta c t

Don Guilford a t 204-8 73 -243 0 or T Ba r C Ca ttle Co. Ltd. 3 06 -220-5006 PL # 116061 V ie w the c a ta lo gu e o n lin e

w w w SPRUCE FOR SALE!! Beautiful locally grown trees. Plan ahead and renew your shelterbelt or landscape a new yardsite, get the year round protection you need. We sell on farm near Didsbury, AB. or deliver anywhere in Western Canada. 6 - 12’ spruce available. Now taking spring orders while supplies last. Phone 403-586-8733 or visit:

JL LIVESTOCK FALL FEMALE SALE on December 13, 2016. Offering: 200 PB heifers and 200 commercial heifers. Sired by Density, Net Worth, and Final Answer. AI’d to Final Answer, Angus Valley, and JL Preferred. Call 306-736-7393 or 306-736-8698, Peebles, SK. PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS BULLS. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK.


Y COULEE LAND & Cattle, You Be the Judge Bull and Bred Heifer Sale. Selling 60 coming 2 yr. old Red Angus bulls, 175 traditional Simmental bred heifers calving Feb.-March. 500 Red Angus cross Simmental bred heifers calving March-April. No bulls or heifers sold prior to sale date. You get the first pick. Dec. 12, 2016, 1:00 PM, NCL. 306-307-4993, 780-205-8269, Vermilion, AB. SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black Angus 2 year old bulls. Ceylon, SK. Call Shane 306-869-8074, Keith 306-454-2730.

Angus Opportunity Sale





NEBRASKA BISON BUYING all classes Calves, yearlings, adults, finished bison. Call Randy Miller 402-430-7058 or email:

CANDIAC AUCTION MART Bred Cow Sale with Herd Dispersal on Wednesday, December 7th, 11:00 AM. For more info. and booking call 306-424-2967 or Kevin 306-539-4090, Candiac, SK.

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28th ANNUAL KEYSTONE KLASSIC Black and Red Angus Sale, Saturday December 3, 2015 at 1:00PM, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Presented by top producing Red and Black Angus breeders Offering 70+ females, including an elite selection of foundation bred heifers, fancy heifer calves and cow calf pairs. Junior discounts available. For more information or a catalogue contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online: PL #116061

SHORTHORN ALLIANCE SALE, Thursday Dec. 8 at 1:00 PM at Saskatoon Livestock Sales. On offer: Top females, consisting of heifer calves, bred heifers and bull calves. Top genetics from leading Western Canadian breeders. For more info. call Richard Moellenbeck, 306-287-7904. Catalogue to view online at

GOOD QUALITY BRED HEIFERS. Red Angus, Red Angus cross Hereford and Red Angus cross Simmental. Bred Red Angus. Ferguson Stock Farm Ltd., 306-895-4825, Paynton, SK.

44 TOPCUT ONE IRON Red Angus cross bred heifers, AI’d to low birthweight Red 4’s COMPANY 36th Annual Purebred Short- Angus bull, very impressive group of heifhorn Sale, Sunday, Dec. 4, 1:00 PM, Cam- ers. Call 306-937-2880 or 306-441-5010 rose, AB Exhibition Grounds. Canada’s Battleford, SK. longest running private sale. Quality heifer 75 SECOND AND THIRD Black and Red Ancalves, bred heifers, herdsire prospects RED ANGUS BULLS, two year olds, se- and commercial bred heifers. View catalog gus young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049 men tested, guaranteed breeders. Delivery online at: or or 306-741-6513, Swift Current, SK. available. 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, call 780-763-2209. Please pre-register for Englefeld, SK. online bidding at:

25 PUREBRED HEIFERS for sale. Sired by Skaggs, Lanza ,Stout, Blue Value and Eldorado, $2,500. 306-227-3607, Vanscoy, SK. 60 BRED COWS FOR SALE: Charolais Simmental cross. Call 403-652-7253, High River, AB. 40 TAN BRED heifers, calve March 1st. 8 week breeding, Angus bulls, one iron, $1800. 306-466-6851, Cromer, MB. HERD DISPERSAL: FOAT Valley Stock Farm Complete Charolais Herd Dispersal, Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016, 1:00 PM, Innisfail Auction Mart, Innisfail, AB. Featuring 300 head including herd bulls, long yearling bulls, mature cows, heifer calves, bull calves, bred heifers. Please call Jay Good 403-556-5563, Cody Haney 403-559-8809. View catalog:

BRED COW HERD REDUCTION, by half. 150 head. Would trade for light or tough STOUGHTON FARMS Complete Sim- feed grain. Call 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK. mental Dispersal, The Final Chapter. Monday December 12, 2016 at 1:00PM QUALITY HERD FOR SALE: 165 mostly MST, Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds, Simmental cross. Red, Tan and Black cows, Lloydminster, SK. Selling 150 cow/calf ranging from 1st calvers to mature cows, pairs, 53 bred heifers plus herd bulls. Win- bred Simmental or Charolais; 40 heifers, tering and terms are available on all 2016 mostly Simmental cross, bred Limousin. born bull calves. For more information or a Start calving March 3rd, 2016. Call catalogue contact T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-210-8497, Tramping Lake, SK. 306-220-5006. View the catalogue online: PL #116061 12 SHORTHORN CROSS SIMMENTAL heifbred to a purebred Shorthorn bull at PLAN TO Attend the 38th Annual Keystone ers, Company Sale, Sunday, Dec. 4th, 1:00 Konnection Simmenal Sale, Tues., Dec. 6th 4’s Camrose Agriplex. More info phone at Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. 60 lots PM, of Simm. cattle, 40 yearling bred heifers 780-763-2209 or with noted breeding dates. Heifer calves for 4-H or Junior Show Programs. Bull RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES - Be o n ta rget. calves that are some of the top genetics in Us e the p ro d u cts en d o rs ed b y the Flechvieh/ Simmental will be available on p ro fes s io n a ls . RK & S UL L IV AN S UPPL IES Dec. 6. These beef bulls will add pounds to Fo r a fre e c a ta lo gu e : 1-8 00-440-26 9 4 your calf crop. Heifer calf show starts at 12 Noon with sale to follow. View catalogue: or 204-728-3058. S hop O n lin e


BRED COW & HEIFER SALE Friday December 9 @ 11 am



SELLING LAMBS AND GOATS? Why take one price from one buyer? Expose your lambs and goats to a competitive market. Beaver Hill Auctions, Tofield, AB. Sales every Monday, trucks hauling from SK, BC, AB. Call: 780-662-9384. RAMS FOR SALE. Targhee, Rambouillet, Merino hybrid, 18 mos. old, ready to work. Imported genetics from Montana. High wool quality. Raised in large flock. Many to choose from, $600. 306-476-2632, Killdeer, SK.


SOUTHERN ALBERTA LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE Buying all classes of sheep, lambs and goats.

Contact Darren Shaw 403-601-5165 Same Day Trade Payment. Farm Pickup. Competitive Pricing.

PORTABLE ELECTRIC FENCE trailer everything you need for up to 2 miles of portable fence. Includes elec. reel with turbo rope, winter rated solar panel, battery, posts and storage and Gallagher or Speedrite energizer. Pull with your quad or convert to 3 PTH. Great for winter grazing. Call 403-502-4776, Maple Creek, SK. ZAK’S AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS: Cattle shelter and barn packages. Call 306-225-2288 or to request a farm building quote today! FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Fully sustainable livestock watering. No power required to heat or pump. Prevents contamination. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744.

SASK. SHEEP DEV. BOARD sole distributor of sheep ID tags in Sask., offers programs, marketing services and sheep/ goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.

QH SORREL GELDING from Doc O’Lena and Pistol, cutting horse, broke requires experienced rider; Paint gelding, brown and white, 15 HH, well started, ride and TO LAY pullets. Taking early bookRANCH RAISED ONE IRON UNIFORM drive; Arabian sorrel mare, started. READY ings on white and brown egg layers for HEIFERS. Black Angus and BBF, bred June 780-853-2031 780-581-4035 Vermilion AB June pickup. 306-435-3530, Moosomin, SK. 17 to low birth bulls, full vaccination, asking $1800 each. Chanig Ranch, 306-478-2658, Mankota, SK.

w w w .rka n im a lsu m

BIG GULLY FARM Bull and Heifer Sale Thursday, Dec. 8th, 5:30 PM MST, 12 miles North of Maidstone, SK. Horned and Polled, Long-yearling bulls, bull calves and bred heifers. Free wintering, delivery and carcass ultrasound. Volume discount of 5% on 2 or more. View videos, information and catalogue at: Lance Leachman, 306-903-7299, or email: Online bidding at:

TWIN BRAE SIMMENTALS Bred Female Dispersal, Wednesday, Dec. 21, Virden, MB. 110 bred cows- majority are under the age of 6, 43 bred heifers, 20 bull calves, 15 open heifer calves, 2 herdsires. Call for catalogue or go online at Barry and Glenda Chescu, Inglis, MB., 204-564-2509. Sale managed by: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Home Raised Simmental Cross Bred Heifers. Bred Red & Black Angus, calving March & April. All heifers are on Bovishield 5 Program. Ivomec & 1st scour shot given. Selling at

NCL, Vermilion, AB on Dec. 10, 2016, 1 PM.

Little Willow Creek Ranch Frenchman Butte, SK. Scott Harland, 306-344-2027 cell 780-214-1198 Blaine Harland, 306-344-4962 cell 306-821-0112 SQUARE D HEREFORDS: Hereford females bred Hereford, registration papers available. Herd bull prospects, 2 yr. old, fall born yearlings and bull calves. Quiet, performance tested. Delivery can be arranged. Jim Duke 306-538-4556, 306-736-7921, Langbank, SK.

DOUBLE BAR D FARMS Sharing the Herd Fall Female Sale, Wednesday Dec. 7, 1:00PM at Double Bar D Sale Barn, Grenfel, SK. Offering 120 lots of the finest Fleckvieh, Red and Black Simmental and Simm cross Angus females available. Featuring fancy open heifers, the heart of the bred heifer pen, donor cows and pregnant reciBRED COWS, HEIFERS, COW/CALF pairs ps. For more information or a catalogue exc. herdsires bought in AB and SK. Elm contact Ken Dimler 306-697-7204 or T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. at 306-220-5006. View Creek, MB., 204-745-7894, 204-436-2284. the catalogue online: 25 BRED HEIFERS bred Hereford. February PL #116061 calving, balance due March/April. Excellent group. Registration papers available. Call Duncan or Jeff Lees at: 306-455-2619 27 ANGUS HEIFERS bred Wagyu. Bull or 306-577-1375, Arcola, SK. turned out June 15th, taken out August 3rd. Call 403-644-2247, Standard, AB.

50 BLACK AND 10 BWF bred heifers bred PUREBRED REG. CANADIAN gelding, well to easy calving Black Angus bulls, turned broke to drive, 15 HH, $1500; Black Percheron gelding well broke to drive, 16 HH, ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: If you out July 1st. Ph 306-493-2969, Delisle, SK. 14 years old, $2000, can deliver to BC, AB, have elk to supply to market, please give SK. 250-785-5073, Charlie Lake, BC. AWAPCO a call. $10 per kilo. Hot hanging. BLACK TEAM mare and gelding 7 and 9 Call 780-980-7589, WANTED: 200 Red or Black Angus cross yrs. old; Percheron QH, very well broke; NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for younger cows, lease to own. References Harness; Covered wagon; Sleigh with cab; over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you available. 306-542-2575, 306-542-7007, Horse mower. 306-862-3533, Nipawin, SK have them, we want them.” Make your fiVeregin, SK. nal call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, WANTED: CULL COWS and bulls. For bookWinnipeg, MB. ings call Kelly at Drake Meat Processors, HORSE COLLARS, all sizes, steel and alu2008 MOD FIELD office complex, 16 units, 306-363-2117 ext. 111, Drake, SK. minum horseshoes. We ship anywhere. 12x60. Can be sold in 4, 8 or 16 units. 90 Keddie’s, 1-800-390-6924 or offices total. Call 780-983-0936, Clyde, AB. BRED HEIFERS: TOP quality Red Angus heifers, bred to three star calving ease Red Angus bulls, to start calving April 1st. 306-784-3547, Herbert, SK. HIGHLINE 6800 BALE Pro. hay processor, RAMS FOR SALE. Imported genetics from good cond, $6500 OBO. Bob 780-916-9032, Montana. 18 months, ready to work, all St. Albert, AB. triplets to choose from. Good fleece quality, $450. Call 306-476-2632, Killdeer, SK. CATTLE SHELTER PACKAGES or built on site. For early booking call 1-800-667-4990 or visit our website: FLOCK REDUCTION: Kathadin ewes for sale. Call 780-658-2415, Vegreville, AB.

SUNGOLD SPECIALTY MEATS. We want your lambs. Have you got finished (fat) lambs or feeder lambs for sale? Call Rick at: 403-894-9449 or Cathy at: 1-800-363-6602 for terms and pricing. C A N A D I A N C O - O P E R AT I V E W O O L Growers, buying wool. For nearest wool collection depot or livestock supplies catalogue, 1-800-567-3693,

H. S. KNILL TRANSPORT, est. 1933, specializing in purebred livestock transportation. Providing weekly pick up and delivery service across Canada/USA and Mexico. Gooseneck service available in Ontario, Quebec and USA. US and Canada customs bonded carrier. Call 1-877-442-3106, fax 519-442-1122, or 155 King Edward St., Paris, ON. N3L 0A1.

BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Premier Breeder. Selling custom designed packages. Name your price and we will put a package together for you. Fullblood/percentage Lowline, embryos, semen. Black/Red carrier. Darrell 780-486-7553, Edmonton, AB.

20 EXCELLENT HOME raised Simm/Angus bred heifers, very quiet, exposed to Red Angus bull June 1st. Mitch 306-467-4975, 306-467-7912, Duck Lake, SK. BRED HEIFERS: 75 Red and Black Angus; 25 Hereford. Excellent ranch raised females. Bred to top quality bulls. Call Dean at 780-855-2580, New Norway, AB. BRED HEIFERS: Approx. 200 big, strong top of the line, one iron Simmental and Simmental Red Angus cross, bred Red or Black Angus. Exposed May 24th, 2016. Full vaccination program plus Ivomec. Contact 3J Simmental Farms, 306-325-4622 or 306-327-8005, Lintlaw, SK.

2015 HIGHLINE 651 bale processor, one owner, used one season, like new. Grain tank & fine cut. Apron chain on the floor, $28,500. Call/text Chad 306-542-8517, DO YOU KNOW an amazing single guy Togo, SK. who shouldn’t be? Camelot IntroducFREESTANDING METAL CORRAL PANELS, tions has been successfully matching peoHD 5.5’Hx24’L, starting $280/panel; Bale ple for over 22 years. In-person interviews feeders avail. 780-208-3602, Vegreville AB by Intuitive Matchmaker in MB and SK. or phone SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 306-978-LOVE (5683). years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Call Apollo Machine 306-242-9884, 1-877-255-0187.

GRAIN PROCESSING: 16” Sven rollermill, 10 HP, quick release, 6’ cross auger, 2 leg, overhead processed grain tank, all wiring, asking $7500. 306-862-4849, Aylsham, SK.

TOP CUT ONE iron bred heifers. 15 HereREGISTERED HORNED HEREFORDS: bred ford/Char., 7 Hereford/Red Simmental cows, bred heifers and open heifers. Jen- bred June 13 to July 27th. Proven low BW Hereford bulls. Total herd health. Phone sen Farms, Carstairs, AB. 403-337-3766. Donald Banford 306-295-7333, or call Will Banford 306-295-7807, Eastend, SK. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620.

ORGANIC FEED GRAIN. Call DMI 306-515-3500, Regina, SK. WANTED: ORGANIC LENTILS, peas and chickpeas. Stonehenge Organics, Assiniboia, SK., 306-640-8600, 306-640-8437.

GREG’S WELDING: Freestanding 30’ 5 bar panels, all 2-7/8” drill stem construction, $470; 24’x5.5’ panels, 2-7/8” pipe with 51” sucker rods, $350; 24’x6’ panels, 2-7/8” pipe with 6- 1” rods, $375; 30’ 2 or 3 bar windbreak panels c/w lumber. Gates and double hinges avail. on all panels. Belting troughs for grain or silage. Calf shelters. Del. avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK. 2014 HIGHLINE BALE PRO CFR651, with chopper and grain tank, processed 1000 bales, asking $27,000. Call 306-397-2653, 306-441-2663, Edam, SK.

Available at:

Lanigan, SK 306-365-3150

WANT THE ORGANIC ADVANTAGE? Contact an organic Agrologist at Pro-Cert for information on organic farming: prospects, transition, barriers, benefits, certification and marketing. Call 306-382-1299, Saskatoon, SK. or

TRADE AND EXPORT CANADA BUYING all grades of organic grains. Fast payment and pick up. Call 306-433-4700.

QUALITY HAMPSHIRE and DORSET ram lambs from proven flock. Heeroma’s 306-823-4526, Neilburg, SK.

WELSH BLACK- The Brood Cow Advantage. Check Canadian Welsh Black Soc. 403-442-4372.

Blairs Fertilizer

SOLAR POWERED ELECTRIC fence package. Includes winter rated solar panel, regulator, sealed battery and Gallagher or Speedrite energizer. All in a weather proof cart. Power up to 25 miles. Serious power for serious energizers. Great for swath or bale grazing. Call 403-502-4776, Maple Creek, SK. FFS- FUCHS FARM SUPPLY is your partner in agriculture stocking mixer, cutter, feed wagons and bale shredders and industry leading Rol-Oyl cattle oilers. 306-762-2125, Vibank, SK.

We’re Raising the Steaks at SBIC17 Find YOUR place at the table! Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference January 24 and 25, 2017 | Queensbury Centre | Regina, SK Register today:

FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feeders; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will TO GIVE AWAY! 1 very friendly female adult cat and 2 kittens (approx. 3 months custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. old). Can deliver to some Sask. locations. PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. Call 306-859-7599, Beechy, SK. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including BLACK GREYHOUND CROSS male dog, 18 squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowd- m o n t h o l d f o r s a l e , $ 2 0 0 . C a l l ing tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, 403-227-2387, Innisfail, AB. gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs, rodeo equipment and garbage incinerators. Distributors for El-Toro electric PUREBRED BORDER COLLIE pups. From branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze good working and personable parents. chutes and headgates are now avail. with a Contact 306-553-2213, Swift Current, SK. neck extender. Ph 306-796-4508, email: BONAFIDE REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Web: Kelpie pups, Australian bred. Parents make STOP WASTING GRAIN! Try our grain a living on cow/calf operation at commutroughs: 30’ c/w skids, made of conveyor nity pasture. Also started working Kelpies. belting and pipe, $750 ea. 306-538-4685, C a l l W a t k i n s o n W o r k i n g K e l p i e s , 306-692-2573, Moose Jaw, SK. 306-736-7146, Kennedy, SK.



BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES, good tempera- DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. Quality ment, good coloring, ready to go. Call homes in small towns currently available Thomas 306-267-5748, Coronach, SK. within 45 minutes of Saskatoon. Ideal for retirement, fixed income or seasonal living RED HEELER PUPS: 2 females, 2 months situations. Health services, shopping, old, ready to go with first shots, asking schools and sport facilities are in these $500. Call 306-725-4510, Bulyea, SK. towns or very close commute. For more 5 REG. MALE Border Collie pups, Ken info. go to or McKenzie’s sire Hanfarian Cap (IMT), dam please call Dwein 306-221-1035, Amanda by Thad Buckler’s Beacons Moss (now in 306-221-5675 or Victoria 306-270-9740. Quebec), ready to go December 4th. Ph 780-305-1499, Rycroft, AB.

VEGAS TIMESHARE. INT’L exchanges, FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER RM avail. 2 bdrm., full kitchen washer/dryer, # 3 2 1 , N W 3 1 - 3 2 - 2 5 - W 3 ; S W 31-32-25-W3; SE 08-33-25-W3; NW living/dining room. 306-453-2958, Carlyle. 16-33-25-W3; SW 16-33-25-W3; SW 17-33-25-W3. Tender deadline 12:00 noon, January 4, 2017. For particulars email or telephone 306-446-2211. Jones Law Office, Box 1179, North Battleford, SK. S9A 3K2 HALF SECTION OF open farmland for sale. SEVERAL QUALITY LAND packages for Fort St. John, BC. area. Cultivated. Good sale. Please check out our website at productive soil. Sloped North to South. Regina, SK. Lots of wildlife. Each quarter is titled. Other land is also available to purchase. Phone 250-781-3586, e-mail: 178 ACRE RANCH, beautiful view of the 7 sister mountains, exc. land and water, house, barn, shop, hay shed and outbuildings, 75% fenced on Hwy #16 between Smithers and Terrace. Info. 250-849-8411.

RETIREMENT - HIGH END TOWNHOME, walk-out, 1580 sq. ft., East side Saskatoon, SK. Upscale, award winning complex. Priced $589,900 MLS. Florence Fofonoff, Royal LePage Hallmark, 306-221-7866. BRIGHT FURNISHED CONDO. 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 926 sq. ft., convenient South Regina, SK. location. All amenities nearby. Asking $155,000. Call 306-536-2357. SASKATOON EAST SIDE Townhouse, 1,030 sq. ft. in Wildwood. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Attractive bungalow style in gated community w/ vaulted ceilings, finished basement and attached garage. Shows well. Vacant, $329,900. MLS 590588. 306-227-1887, Saskatoon, SK. Visit: or Email:

LOG HOMES AND CABINS, sidings, paneling, decking. Fir and Hemlock flooring, timbers, special orders. Phone Rouck Bros., Lumby, BC. 1-800-960-3388.

YUMA, AZ. HOME for sale: 3 bdrm, 2 baths, w/solar system, pool, att. garage and RV garage, fully furnished. For more info. call 403-871-2441 or 928-503-5344.

710G M a in S t. N . M oose Ja w , S K Phone: 306 692-9999 HALF SECTION FARMLAND: West of bhg@ bhgm Viking, AB. 310 acres cultivated. Contact Barb Chrystian, Realtor, Swan City Realty RM C H A PL IN #164 - C ATTL E MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 780-385-0631. MLS# ca0093984. RA N C H - 3979 a cres of deeded Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ FARM, 2 HOMES, shop, 5 min. north of la nd a nd 319 a cres of lea sed modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ Calgary, 103 acres. Truly unique parcel of la nd. Approx. 2000 a cres of homes. Now available: Lake homes. farmland, w/modern log home, a rental N a tiv e G ra ss w ith rem a inder Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince home and large machine shop (three Albert, SK. being Ta m e G ra ss a nd Ha y La nd 35'x35' bays) on major rural intersection M ix. Intensiv e Liv estock feedlot 1993, 16x70, 12x16 heated addition, 3 minutes N of Calgary. Unbeatable panorampresently set u p for ca ttle bu t bdrms, 1-1/2 baths, freshly painted, clean, ic mountain views, convenient access off paved highways and easy commutes to ea sily a ltered. Lots of room for $45,000 OBO. 403-507-9913, Olds, AB. Calgary or Airdrie. Unique highway expoexpa nsion. M LS#592133 BEST CANADIAN HOMES built by Moduline sure, as parcel is slightly bisected by highBest prices! 1520 sq. ft., $111,900; 1216 way, giving highway exposure on 4 different sq.ft. $91,900; 1088 sq.ft. $87,900. Ready roadways. Property is actively farmed, RM C HES TER #125 -PAS TU RE for delivery. Custom orders welcome. On- fenced and cross fenced, $2,150,000 OBO. L A N D - Q u a rter Section of pa stu re fenced a nd crossed on site consultation. Yellowhead Modular 403-554-6637. Home Sales, 306-496-7538, 306-849-0002 good “G ” oxbow cla y loa m soil. weekend calls. Personalized service. C O U T T S C R O S S I N G K E N N E L S - Presently rented on a yea r to ID#1100386; Commercial pet boarding yea r ba sis w ith RO I of 2% facility and equine breeding farm. Quonset MODULAR HOME CLEARANCE!! Immediate and outdoor horse arena, c/w 80 acres of M LS#591892. delivery for all 16’, 20’ and 22’ wide SRI good farmland, 1400 sq. ft. bungalow and showhomes in stock. 1-855-358-0808. a mobile home. Co-op water rights. Some- RM FIL L M O RE #96 - G RA IN thing for a new veterinarian? MLS® ID# C RO P - Q u a rter Section of lev el 1 0 0 4 8 5 M O D E R N H O G FA R M I N grou nd, good cla y loa m soil, no 1996 OPEN, BRIGHT 16x76, 12x20 heated 1 Modern 350 sow farrow to finish stones, no slou ghs. La nd addition, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 5 appl., new shin- CHINoperation from other hog opera- a ssessed a t $80,200. Hou se bu ilt gles and eavestroughs. Where is or moved, tions. Newisolated hog finishing barn, new feed $57,000 OBO. 306-834-8287, Major, SK. in 1965 a ppr ox. 1,567 sq ft . Plent y mill, permit to expand to 500 sows. 1762 of gra in stora ge. Trem endou s MOBILE ON OWN LOT, Boyle, AB. 16x76, 3 sq. ft. home and a shop. Livestock includ- potentia l forincom e. M LS#579980. bdrm, 2 bath, new flooring, deck, shingles, ed, loose housing sows, electronic feed furnace. Owner financing available. system. Call R e a l E s t a t e C e n t re , $122,500. Call for info 780-482-5273. 1-866-345-3414. For all our listings GRAIN LAND WANTED in RM 405 and 219. visit Investors looking to buy 300-3000 acres. FARMLAND FOR SALE BY TENDER: Approx Cash purchase, quick close. Qing Zhang 10 miles East of Viking, AB. The following 306-684-0136, Royal LePage Landmart, are offered for sale by tender subject to Moose Jaw, SK. ZAK’S RTM HOMES and cottages, custom the encumbrances and interests as are rebuilt, every time!! corded on the existing Certificate of Titles. 17 DEEDED QUARTERS of grassland/hayor call our talented staff at 306-225-2288 SE 16-48-11-W4, 155.4 acres, approx. land, some with aggregate. Buy 1 quarter (130 crop land and 25.4 slough/native or buy all. Call 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. to help design your new home. land); NW 16-48-11-W4, 160 acres (apRT M S A N D S I T E b u i l t h o m e s . C a l l prox. 140 crop and 20 slough/native); NE LAND FOR SALE by tender near Milestone, 1-866-933-9595, or go online for pictures 16-48-11-W4, 155.7 (approx. 90 tame SK. Tenders received until 4:30 PM, Dec. and pricing at: grass, 65.7 slough/native). All have newer 15, 2016. Legal Description: NW-26-11-19 J&H HOMES: Western Canada’s most 4 wire fence. For more info. 780-777-5227 -W2. More info. call 306-550-6097 or email trusted RTM Home Builder since 1969. (leave message). Bids will be considered on the total package or by individual quarView at 306-652-5322 ter section. The highest and/or any bid RM DOUGLAS- 6 quarters high assessed will not necessarily be accepted. If the farmland, 1800 sq. ft. house, quonset, and successful bidder does not complete the 30,000 bushel grain storage. MLS 584933; purchase after the acceptance of the ten- RM MEETING LAKE- 1 quarter grassland d e r, t h e d e p o s i t s h a l l b e fo r fe i t e d . fenced. MLS 588573. Great Plains Realty Cheques from unsuccessful bidders shall I n c . c o n t a c t M i k e J a n o s t i n a t be returned to them. Tenders in sealed en- 306-481-5574, velopes marked ‘Camp Lake Lands’ must or be received by 11:00 AM on Dec. 19, 2016 in the office of Nickerson, Roberts, Holinski & Mercer, 608-10th St, Wainwright, AB, T9W 1E2, accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft in the amount of 10 w /Aggrega te Potentia l percent of the value of the bid payable in trust to Nickerson, Roberts, Holinski & In Sa ska tchew a n Mercer, Barristers and Solicitors.


OWN A ZAK’S custom built home in the brand new subdivision in Neuanlage, SK. just minutes from Saskatoon. Go to: YEAR ROUND RESORT LIVING. Whispering Pines Golf and Country Club is a gated or 306-225-2288. maintenance free community overlooking TIMBER FRAMES, LOG STRUCTURES Pine Lake on golf course with year round and Vertical Log Cabins. Log home refin- amenities 20 mins. from Red Deer, AB. ishing and chinking. Certified Log Builder 1900 sq. ft. on 3 fully finished levels, 3 with 38 years experience. Log & Timber bdrms, 2-1/2 baths, fireplace in bdrm Works, Delisle, SK., 306-717-5161, Email ensuite. Beautiful club house with fine Website at dining, pool, fitness room. For sale or trade. 780-482-5273.


ID#1100500 KIPLING: This ranch is a good opportunity for a starter farmer with 1118 acres. Organic farming possible with 746 acres of native grass. Two dugouts, wooden grain storage, one steel grain bin. 2 quarters; NE and NW of 30, are rented out this year, however, this can be discussed if required MLS® ID#1100413 CRAIK: 6 deeded and 4 leased quarters, (1,600 acres). Approx. 430 acres are cult., 350 acres seeded for canola, this year and 80 acres hay, the rest is native grass/pasture able to graze 200-250 head of cattle. Guest Ranch has lots of accommodation and facilities MLS® Real Estate Centre. 1-866-345-3414. For all our listings visit:


Kevin Jarrett (306) 441-4152

DOUBLE RV LOT for sale, Yuma, AZ. With RV support building - washer/dryer, toilet, shower etc. 403-871-2441, 928-503-5344.

NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS, excellent farm and family dogs. 3/4 Norwegian Elkhound and 1/4 Yellow Lab. Parents are good natured, well mannered and very good with young children. Vet checked, first shots, dewormed. Ready to go anytime after Nov. 8th. Multiple colours as well as the rare black Norwegian markings, $400. 306-435-7961, 306-645-4317, Rocanville, SK.

Acres of Expertise.

Phone: 306-782-74 23 Fa x: 306-786-6909 Em a il: info@ potzu FARMLAND FOR SALE in RM No. 2: 1 quarter, SW 35-01-34 W1. Offers. Mail to: Box 188, Carnduff, SK. S0C 0S0. 306-483-7477 FARMLAND AND YARD SITE, RM of Prince Albert #461 (Hamlet of MacDowall, SK). 406.12 acres. 1975 mobile home. Nicely treed yard - great building site. 8 Westeel grain bins (10,000 bu.), barn, outbuildings. Power, NG, phone, well, city water runs by property. $497,000 OBO. 306-922-3104, email:

FARMLAND FOR RENT. Wascana Centre Au t h o r i t y i n R e g i n a h a s a p r o p e r t y available for agricultural crop use. The land consists of 400 tillable acres of previously cropped land immediately east of the Trans Canada Bypass and is located immediately south, east and north of the Sask. Polytechnic Campus. The legal land descriptions are: 5-17-19-W2 and Plan Health Centre, Block C, Lot PTS of 5, 6, 8-17-19 W2. The Authority is prepared to enter into a multi-year agreement for this property commencing in Dec. 2016. If you are interested, please contact Michelle Paetsch at: phone 306-347-1829 or email Expressions of interest are being accepted until the date: December 15, 2016 for this property.



Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t1-403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. NOTICE OF TENDER of: NE-36-39-28-W2; LSD 11 and 12 of NW-12-40-28-W2; NW-01-40-28-W2; S W- 0 1 - 4 0 - 2 8 - W 2 ; S E - 3 6 - 3 9 - 2 8 - W 2 ; SE-12-40-28-W2, RM of Grant. All bids to be in writing by registered mail or delivered personally to the Selling Officer in a sealed envelope before 4 PM on Dec. 14, 2016. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cheque in the amount of 10% of the bid. Within 15 days of the opening of bids, the successful bidder shall provide either: (a) The balance of the purchase price; or (b) Payment of a sum equal to the difference between the balance of the purchase price and any mortgage financing, together with an unconditional and unequivocal letter of commitment from a recognized financial institution to finance within 15 days of the confirmation of sale, the successful bidder’s purchase of the land for the price stated in the bid. If the successful bidder does not complete the purchase on the terms and within the time specified, the deposit shall be forfeited. The land shall be sold subject to taxes as accrue due after Dec. 31/16. The highest or any bid may not necessarily be accepted. Selling Officer: David Hnatyshyn (assistant Heidi), Hnatyshyn Gough, #601, 402- 21st Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0C3, ph: 306-653-5150, fax: 306-652-5859, email:


HARRY SHEPPARD Visit Our Website to View All of Our Current Listings

Office: 306-352-1866 | Cell: 306-530-8035

email: To view all of our listings visit:


“An expert in the field.”

TRUST ANOTHER FARMER WITH YOUR SASKATCHEWAN FARM PURCHASE OR SALE I am a fourth fo generation farmer who understands the agriculture industry and the people in it. My M hands on farm experience and work ethic assist me in consistently ranking among the 3 R top 35 RE/MAX Realtors in the world. L t me put my experience to work for you. Le Let


(306) 327-7661





N o rth................................10 1⁄4’s N o rth Ea s t........................14 1⁄4’s N o rth W es t.......................12 1⁄4’s S o u th...............................9 7 1⁄4’s S o u th Ea s t.......................43 1⁄4’s S o u th W es t......................6 5 1⁄4’s Cen tra l...........................229 1⁄4’s Ea s t..................................57 1⁄4’s W es t.................................49 1⁄4’s


Ca ll DOUG

3 06 -9 55-226 6 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca

RM OF GLENSIDE 377: Prime ranching opportunity! 1296 sq. ft. bungalow built in 1988. Detached garage, metal shop/riding arena, horse barn and newer corrals. 308 total acres of land. (Both native and tame grass, cross fenced into many paddocks). SE 04-40-14 W3 and SE 33-39-14 W3. $499,000. For more info. phone Duane Neufeldt, RE/MAX Saskatoon - Biggar 306-948-8055. FARMLAND NE SK(Clemenceau) 4 quarters plus 36 acre riverside parcel w/5 bdrm. home. Featuring: bins on concrete with direct hit on railroad cars, 40 acres of mostly mature spruce timber, 2 farmyards- 1 bordering Etomami River and 50 miles of provincial forest, excellent elk hunting and other big game and goose. 580 acres cult. Full line of farm equipment and sawmill 255 ACRES IN RM of Cote #271: Approx. also available Reg Hertz, 306-865-7469. 160 acres seeded to cereal crop, balance RM CANWOOD #494- $990,000. 1202 in tame hay. Close to Duck Mountain Pro- acres good pasture w/Little Shell River vincial Park. Municipal water pipeline runs running thru it. Approx. 660 acres cult. through property. Located approx. 8 miles tame hay and the balance main natural from Kamsack, SK. $1693/acre. E-mail: and bush pasture. Fairly good fence, also the seller has done some gravel test holes. What was found is very interesting on apRM OF ROSEMOUNT #378: Starter prox. 400 acres. The buyers would responfarm/ranch! Older 1 3/4 storey character sible for their own testing. As well, there is home approx 2000 sq. ft. Heated detached some spruce timber. MLS®574209. Info. garage, quonset, open front shelter, cor- call Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlerals, bins. 186 acres of land. (70 cultivated fords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512. remainder pasture and yard site). NW TOM@SASKFARMLAND.COM Buying or 36-36-16 and part of SW 36-36-16 W3 selling farmland? Farm, Ranch, Recreation, $349,000. For more info. phone Duane Acreage. Contact Tom Neufeld, Full service Neufeldt, RE/MAX Saskatoon - Biggar Realtor®, 306-260-7838, Coldwell Banker 306-948-8055. Signature, Saskatoon, SK.

“The Sheppard Realty team has you covered every acre of the way”



L AN E R EALT Y A f tersuccessf ully prom otin g Sa ska tchew a n f a rm a n d ra n ch propertiesf orover30 yea rsa cross Ca n a d a a n d oversea s, w e ha ve m a n y q ua lif ied b uyers lookin g to reloca te & in vestin Sa ska tchew a n . To inc lud e your propert y f or W int er Show ing s


L A N E R E A LT Y Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™ W ITH 111 NEW SALES SO FAR IN 2016 !

P HO N E: 306 -56 9-3380

To view fu ll colorfea tu re s heets fora ll ofou rCURRENT LIS TING S a n d virtu a l tou rs ofs elected p rop erties , vis itou rw ebs ite a t:


RM OF MAYFIELD No. 406. Approx 950 acres due to 10 acres out for acreage. 324 acres of cultivated grain land. Approx 626 acres of natural pasture and prairie wool pasture and spring feed pasture water. 2.5 miles south of Maymont on 376. Fenced with 3 wires and treated post. What a property!! Overlooking the North Saskatchewan River and the River Valley. Excellent big game hunting in the area white tail deer, moose and geese. MLS® For further info or to view call LAND AUCTION, Stoney Run Cattle 591593. Ledinski/Elaine Elder, Re/Max of the Corp., Thursday, December 22, 2016, Lloyd Battlefords, 306-446-8800, 306-441-0512. Days Inn, Estevan, SK., 7:00 PM. Join Mack Auction Company, Dec. 22 for your chance to own 6 quarter sections of prime grass and hay land in RM of Enniskillen #3. There is unlimited potential for BEEF FARM IN Vita, MB. with corrals! 1180 this land with the close proximity of The sq. ft. house, 3 bdrms, 1 bath. On quarter Ceres Northgate Terminal, a multi-com- section of land w/100 acres cultivated. Cliff modity logistics center strategically locat- Martens, Delta Real Estate, 204-346-4117. ed on the Canada/US border in SE Sask! Visit: The tame hay, native grass, water sources E X C E L L E N T L I V E S TO C K FA R M S : and perimeter barb wire fences are in exc. 1) 1732 deeded acres w/4425 acres of condition. 1. NW-8-1-3-W2 RM#3, FVA Crown land, fenced, small bungalow, very 64,800. 160 acres tame hay and native good buildings and metal corral system, g r a s s , p a r t i a l ly fe n c e d . 2 0 1 6 t a xe s can carry 350 cow/calf pairs. 2) Excellent $380.28. 2. NE-8-1-3-W2 RM#3, FVA horse ranch in Erickson, MB., Riding Arena 58,200. 160 acres tame hay and native and buildings in fantastic condition. 3) 640 grass, partially fenced, shallow dugout. acres mixed farm within 15 min. of Bran2016 taxes $341.55. 3. SW-8-1-3-W2 don. Call Jim McLachlan 204-724-7753, RM#3, FVA 80,600. 160 acres tame hay, HomeLife Home Professional Realty Inc, partially fenced, dugout. 2016 taxes Brandon, MB., $473.00. 4. SE-8-1-3-W2 RM#3, FVA 67,800. 160 acres tame hay, partially FARMLAND FOR RENT in RM Emersonfenced, dugout. 2016 taxes $397.88. 5. Franklin. The following fields for rent in NW-1-1-3-W2 RM#3, FVA 49,000. 160 2017: 1.) NE 1/4-17-1-3-E, 156 acres; 2) acres native grass, partially fenced. 2016 NE 1/4 29-1-3-E, 152 acres; 3.) RL 18 AG taxes $234.13. 6. NE-1-1-3-W2 RM#3, Plan 615, 11 acres; 4.) RL 34 AG Plan 4118, FVA 48,100. 160 acres native grass, par- 20 acres; 5.) RL 34 AG Plan 4118, 30 acres; tially fenced, dugout. Direct access to Hwy 6.) SE 1/4-17-1-3-E, 156 acres; 7) NW 1/4 9, located adjacent to Ceres Commodity -8-1-3-E, 144 acres; 8.) SW 1/4-28-1-3-E, Logistics Hub. 2016 taxes $230.29. Visit 158 acres; 9.) SE 1/4-32-1-3-E, 158 acres; for sale 10.) SW 1/4-4-1-3 E, 151 ac; 11.) SE 1/4-4 bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and -1-3 E, 160 acres. Fixed 5 year term with 2 Twitter. Mack Auction Co., your land installments April and October. Increase of A u c t i o n e e r s . 3 0 6 - 4 2 1 - 2 9 2 8 o r land taxes added to the 2nd payment. 306-487-7815. PL #311962. 40,000 bu. of storage in hoppers are also available. Submit offer by email and indicate what you are bidding on. Tender closes Dec. 31, 2016. Highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Email to: GRAIN FARM: N1/2 1-15-22 W1, 320 acres. RM of Oakview (Blanshard). Approx. 220 cultivated acres, Newdale clay loam. Great for addition to a local farm, $510,000 OBO. 604-581-5270, or visit: for details.

Available at:

Blairs Fertilizer McLean, SK 306-699-2822

1097 ACRE GRAIN Farm in prime area of Westman, 1000 acres cult., 2160 sq. ft. modern split level home in prime condition, heated workshop, machine shed; 40,000+ bu. grain storage. Owners rent 500 cult. acres close by. Sound enterprise w/yard 5 miles from town; 1120 acre mixed farm w/500 acres cult., 2 large open front cattle sheds, insulated calving barn, machine shed. Land all adjoining and fenced, good water, 3+2 bed bungalow, 6 miles from town; Vacant dairy farm with all equipment, ready for production w/freestall barn for 82 head, calving pens, young stock facilities, 10 unit abreast parlor; haybarn, machine shed, cattle shelter, cement silage clamps, 3800 sq. ft. modern home, 200 acres of land. Call Maurice for more details at Century 21, MB. 204-725-0555. RM RUSSELL. 3400 acres. For more details please go check out our website at Regina, SK.

GRAIN LAND TO RENT, 35 mile radius of Rouleau, SK. Call 306-776-2600 or email: MULCHING- TREES, BRUSH, Stumps. Call today 306-933-2950. Visit us at:

FARMLAND FOR SALE: Multiple quarters in the RM of Keys No. 303. NW 28-31-3-W2; SW 33-31-3-W2; NE 32-31-3-W2; SE 32-31 -3-W2; NW 21-31-3-W2. Send offers to: or c/o Walsh, 6984 Hagan Road, Brentwood Bay, BC. V8M 1B3. 160 ACRES near Regina with yard and business opportunity; 15 acres w/large character home, plus 2nd home on property within 35 miles of Regina or Weyburn on Hwy. #35; 160 acres w/large home, 3 car heated garage, large shop, horse barn, plenty of water, 20 min. NE of Regina.; Near Pilot Butte, 80 acre development land; 90+ acres, Hwy. #11, 7 mi. North of Saskatoon, development; RM Perdue, 2 quarters W. of Saskatoon on Hwy #14; 2 miles East of Balgonie Hwy. #1, 145 acre development land. Brian Tiefenbach 306-536-3269, Colliers Int., Regina, SK.

DWEIN TRASK REALTY INC. Very good selection of acreage building sites currently available within 5 min. to 45 minutes of Saskatoon. Sizes range from 10 acres to 160 acres and most have reasonably close utilities. Resale acreages are available as well. Call Dwein 306-221-1035, Amanda 306-221-5675 or Victoria 306-270-9740. Pics and details at

RETREAT/ACREAGE- 4 acres, Barrier Valley/ Archerwill, SK. 2200 sq. ft. home, exc. value, $229,900. Mary Ellen Lebrash, Re/Max Saskatoon, call 306-231-7755, Humboldt, SK. or Info./photos: -Archerwill.

The Kinistin Saulteaux Nation

invites tenders for leasing on a per acre cash rental basis all of the lands described below.

GrainEx International Ltd. WANTED


AAC SYNERGY BARLEY, AC Metcalfe, CDC Copeland. All >95% germ. 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. E-mail: TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, Newdale. Frederick Seeds, 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. CERTIFIED CDC CALVI. Phone Grant at Greenshields Seeds, 306-746-7336, 32 ACRES: WITH 2 homes, outbuildings Best pricing, Best 306-524-4339, Semans, SK and much more. 403-703-5548, Calgary, option Best service AB. Email: Website:


2013 FOREST RIVER Rockwood Signature, SN #8289WS, excellent cond., used only once, $39,900. 403-932-7327 Cochrane AB

NW 27-40-16-2 SW 35-40-16-2 SE 21-42-16-2 NE 27-40-16-2 SW 3-41-16-2 16-42-16-2 34-40-16-2 SE 3-41-16-2 9-42-16-2 NW 35-40-16-2 SW 21-42-16-2

NW 4-42-16-2 NE 4-42-16-2 NW 5-42-16-2

NE 5-42-16-2 SW 8-42-16-2 SE 8-42-16-2

The successful applicant may have the option of negotiating the extension of the lease for an additional Five-year term. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Written applications, clearly marked “Tender” will be accepted by the undersigned up to 2:00 p.m. on December 16, 2016.



Rina Lafond, Lands Clerk Box 2590, Tisdale, SK. S0E 1A0 Phone: 306-878-8188 ext 224 Fax: 306-873-5235 E-mail:




REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Greenwater peas, 94% germ. 306-741-0475, Pamrbun, SK. E-mail: CERTIFIED CDC AMARILLO, CDC Limerick, CDC Greenwater, CDC Mosaic. Call Grant, Greenshields Seeds, 306-746-7336, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK

• 2 and 6 row Barley • 15.0+ protein Hard Red Spring Wheat and 11.5 Protein Winter Wheat • Soybeans and Peas • Feed Wheat, Barley and Corn Farm Pick up Available


MUSTARD SEED! We can supply you with new cert. treated or untreated seed. We can upgrade your low grade mustard. Ackerman Ag Services, 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.

Schlüter & Maack P ilotButte, S K.

Your full service grain & feed ingredient merchandising, logistics, distribution & administration partner. CGC licensed & bonded merchandiser specializing in: - Feed Barley - Feed Wheat - Milling Durum and Wheat - Feed Pellets - Off Grade Pulses & Oilseeds - Pulse and Wheat Screenings Toll Free 1-877-907-1517 Saskatoon, SK 1-306-374-1517 Moose Jaw, SK 1-306-624-2378 Email


VAN RAAY PASKAL Farms in Iron Springs 2007 OKANAGAN ECLIPSE 28.5’ 5th area is looking for Feed Barley. Put more wheel, bunk beds, big shower, winter pkg., CERTIFIED CONVENTIONAL CM440 $$$ in your pocket and sell direct to us low mileage, Mumby hitch, $25,000. Call grazing corn. Early maturing, leafier for inwith no brokerage fee. Call 403-732-5641. 780-221-3980, Leduc, AB. creased grazing yield. No planter required. Plea s e ca ll forp ricin g Swath or stand graze cattle, sheep, bison a n d otherd eta ils . and for wildlife food plots. CanaMaize Seed Inc., call 1-877-262-4046. 2016 MIRAMAR 34.2’, outside kitchen, V10 auto., 1 large slide, 3700 miles, used BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buying all varieties of very little. 403-854-0583, near Oyen, AB. mustard. Also canary and some other specialty crops. 204-745-3662, Brunkild, MB • GREEN • HEATED CERTIFIED TRANSCEND, AAC Spitfire, • SPRING THRASHED AAC Marchwell, Eurostar, AAC Current, All 80-90% germ., low fusarium. Pambrun, SK. 306-741-0475,


EXCELLENT QUALITY CERTIFIED #1 CS 20,000 BU. FALL RYE, high falling number. Camden, Summit, CDC Minstrel, CDC Ruf- Phone 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, a n , C D C O r r i n . F r e d e r i c k S e e d s , Langham, SK. 2016 TUSCANY XTE 40 AX, #GCHH8907, fi $ 2 6 9 , 9 0 0 . A M V I C L i c . D e a l e r. C a l l 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. 1-866-346-3148 or shop online 24/7 at: TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses CERTIFIED AAC BRANDON, AAC Jatharia and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary Grant, Greenshields Seeds, 306-746-7336, Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 306-524-4339, Semans, SK. BUYING: ALFALFA SEED and all types of grass seed. Call Gary at Waterhouse EXCELLENT QUALITY CERTIFIED #1 Seeds, 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. Cardale, CDC Utmost, CDC Plentiful, Muchmore, AAC Elie, AAC Connery, AAC Brandon, Elgin ND. Frederick Seeds, RENTAL: REGINA, SK. Dec.27-Mar.9. Like 306-287-3977, Watson, SK. PLACE YOUR ITEM TODAY in the Western new bungalow w/garage. Utilities and Producer Classifieds. Our experienced snow removal included. 306-585-6382. s t a f f a r e w a i t i n g t o h e l p yo u . C a l l 1-800-667-7770.








SAWMILLS from only $4397 - Make TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED alfalfa and grass LOOKING FOR OLD and new crop soybeans Money and Save Money with your own seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse FOB Western Canada. Licence and bonded bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. grain company. Call, email, text Now for stock, ready to ship. Free info. and DVD: competitive pricing at the farm! Market or call Place Commodities Ltd, accurate real time 1-800-566-6899 ext. 168. marketing. 403-394-1711; 403-315-3930 WOOD-MIZER PORTABLE SAWMILLS, eight models, options and accessories. 1-877-866-0667. CERTIFIED CDC SANCTUARY, CDC Bethune, CDC Sorrel, AAC Bravo. Call 306-741-0475, NORCAN restores grain farm profitability. Buy from Norcan and keep your own GlyPambrun, SK., e-mail: phosphate 1 soybean seed. Norcan farmers have reported yields over 60 bu./acre. Call/text Nate, 204-280-1202 or Norcan TRUCK SCALE EXECUTIVE, brand new Seeds 204-372-6552, Fisher Branch, MB. 10'x60', complete with all load cells, indicator with printer and foundation blue print GLY SOYBEAN SEED, early, mid, and long $18,000. OBO 403-308-6632, Iron Springs, season available. Top yield, bulk or AB. CERT. #1 CDC IMPULSE CL red lentil. bagged. Keep your own seeds with the Highest yielding Clearfield red lentil Call convenience of Glyphosate! No contracts ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different 306-465-2525, 306-861-5679 Hansen or TUA’s. Dealers wanted. Call/text Nate, ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- Seeds, Yellow Grass SK. 204-280-1202 or Norcan Seeds form scales for industrial use as well, non204-372-6552, Fisher Branch, MB. electric, no balances or cables (no weigh CERTIFIED CDC MARBLE, dark speckled like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, lentils. Call Grant, Greenshields Seeds, North Battleford, SK. 306-746-7336, 306-524-4339, Semans, SK

Tender bids for the lease of only part of the lands will be rejected. The lease period will be from April 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018. Cash rental payments are to be made in advance on April 1st of each year. Occupancy may be arranged as soon as conveniently possible. Further details as to the location of the lands and the conditions of rental may be obtained by contacting the undersigned.

Property Description:

Call GrainEx International Ltd. for current pricing at 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. Visit us on our website at: REGISTERED, CERTIFIED CDC Greenstar, CDC Proclaim, CDC Impulse, CDC Maxim All excellent germ. Call 306-741-0475, Pambrun, SK. E-mail:

RM OF BIGGAR, BIGGAR, $580,000. This acreage has 9.8 acres with a 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with a double attached garage. This home has been 90% renovated inside and outside over the past 2 years. 32x50 heated shop with 3 bays. Back yard has 60x100’ metal clad pole shed, 33x66 steel quonset, and 30x75 wood straight wall older shed. Excellent location, 8 miles north and 3 miles west of Biggar, SK. MLS®586422. Wally Lorenz, Realtor, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-843-7898.


Acreages For Sale SHEPPARD REALTY Regina, SK.

• 40 Acres Near Kipling, Beautiful 1,600 sq ft bungalow, double attached garage, 86’x132’ building could be used for riding arena or housing livestock. Excellent water well. Farmland and pasture also available for sale.

• 19.99 Acres Near Ponteix, 1,293 sq ft fully upgraded bungalow, steel Quonset, heated workshop, double detached garage. Excellent water well. • 4.05 Acres Near Belle Plaine, SK. Between Moose Jaw & Regina, 1,299 sq ft bungalow, triple detached garage, geothermal heating (garage & house), single car heated detached garage. City water line. • Acreage development land along highway #20 between Lumsden, SK. and Craven, SK. with breathtaking views. To view more information regarding these acreages please visit our website at Office: 306-352-1866 | Cell: 306-530-8035


“The Sheppard Realty team has you covered every acre of the way”

WANTED HEATED CANOLA. No broker involved. Sell direct to crushing plant. Cash on delivery or pickup. 306-228-7306 or 306-228-7325, Unity, SK. WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? You are selling feed grains. We are buying feed grains. Also buying chickpeas, lentils and golden flax. Fast payment, with prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness, David Lea, Vera Buziak or Matt Beusekom at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Phone 1-866-512-1711. Email or WANTED: OFF-GRADE PULSES, oil seeds and cereals. All organic cereals and specialty crops. Prairie Wide Grain, Saskatoon, SK., 306-230-8101, 306-716-2297. WANTED: TOUGH OR LIGHT feed grain to trade for bred cows. Herd reduction. Call 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK. CREEP FEED RATION, oats and barley mix, 1 0 , 0 0 0 b u . , ve r y c l e a n , n o we e d s . 306-642-5812, 306-642-8344, Scout Lake WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, peas, green or damaged canola. Phone Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.

NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.


Bu yers o f co n ven tio n a l a n d o rga n ic gra d es o f len tils , pea s , m u s ta rd , w hea t, b a rley, o a ts , rye, ca n o la , fla x, etc.

C a ll for your on fa rm b id . As h le y La za r 403-894-4110 M ike D yck 403-929-407 0 D o ug Jo rd a n 306-5 5 4-87 15 D a rre n G uid in ge r403-308-5 284 Ea gle To ll Fre e n um b e r 1-888-328-9191

Le th b ridge , AB.

LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK.

WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW V AL L EY TRADIN G L TD.

1-877-6 41-2798



NOW B UYIN G O ATS! P AUL M O W ER 4 03 - 3 04 - 1 4 9 6

AL L GRAD ES Com petitive Ra tes P ro m pt P a ym en t


4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0


CAN AD A WANTED: FEED BARLEY Buffalo Plains Cattle Company is looking to purchase barley. For pricing and delivery dates, call Kristen 306-624-2381, Bethune, SK.

CUSTOM BALE HAULING. Will haul large squares or round. Phone 306-567-7199, TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian Kenaston, SK. company. We carry aeration socks. We GREEN FEED TRITICALE and Oat Bales: now carry electric chute openers for grain 750 green feed triticale bales; 250 green trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. feed oat bales. Net wrapped, hard core. Feed tested - results available upon request. Pickup. Please call 306-421-6374, Frobisher, SK. Email: 2250 BALES: alfalfa, alfalfa grass, slough hay, little to no rain, netwrapped. Baled w/JD 569, 1175-1300 lbs., 3¢-5¢ lb., volume discount. Call 306-867-7716, 306-867-8249, Outlook, SK.


GOOD USED TRUCK TIRES: 700/8.25/ 900/1000/1100x20s; 11R22.5/11R24.5; 9R17.5, matched sets available. Pricing from $90. K&L Equipment and Auto. Ph Ladimer, 306-795-7779, Ituna, SK; Chris at 306-537-2027, Regina, SK. U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week 20.8x42 CLAMP-ON DUALS with rods and 30 upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and spacers, for triples, taken off 9370 Case air brakes. One on one driving instructions. tractor, $6500. Ph. A.E. Chicoine Farm 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK.

8000 SMALL SQUARE alfalfa/grass mix bales, no rain, 60-70 lbs., $5/bale; 30 r o u n d g r e e n o at b a l e s , 1 2 0 0 l b s . , $50/bale. Call 306-421-6310, Arcola, SK.

Contract 1

TWO 20.8x38 T-RAIL duals w/rims, quick attach, $5000; 16.9R28 T-Rail duals and rims, quick attach, $4500. 780-771-2155, 780-404-1212, Wandering River, AB.

2015 1st & 2nd cut, 2016 1st cut alfalfa/ grass round bales, price negotiable. Will load. 204-265-3349, Beausejour, MB.

Contract 2

CHECK OUT OUR inventory of quality used highway tractors. For more details call 204-685-2222 or view information at

ROUND ALFALFA/ALFALFA GRASS solid ALFALFA 3x4 SQUARES, 2nd and 3rd cut; core greenfeed 5x6 JD hay bales for sale. Feed tests avail; Triticale greenfeed bales. Call 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 403-501-9307, 403-362-6682, Tilley, AB. ALFALFA BROME and crested wheat hay big round bales, $50 each. Phone Brian 306-531-3382, Craven, SK. 280 FIRST CUT alfalfa mix, 70% alfalfa, 30% mix grass, avg. 1450 lbs, $52.50/bale or $75/ton; 600 greenfeed barley alfalfa mix, avg. 1550 lbs., no rain, $57.50/bale or $75/ton; 238 2nd cut alfalfa, avg. 1650 lbs, no rain, $82.50/bale or $100/ton. Call Dwayne at 306-662-8532, Fox Valley, SK. 600 ALFALFA/ GRASS mixed hard core round bales, 1335 lbs., no rain, excellent cow or horse feed, .5¢/lbs. 306-834-2809 or 306-834-7252, Kerrobert, SK. 1000 ROUND 5x6 bales. Grass/legume grass, unthreshed barley and straw. Excellent to average quality. Priced accordingly. Contact Ed 306-563-6261, Gorlitz, SK.

Management and feeding of the Shamrock Grazing Ltd. bull battery from January 1, 2017 to March 31, 2017. Management of the Shamrock Grazing Ltd. Community pasture for the 2017 grazing season from April 1, 2017 to October 31, 2017. The Shamrock pasture consists of 26,780 acres and grazes 1500 pairs and yearlings. Tenders will be accepted for either or both contracts up to December 15, 2016. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For more information please contact Fo

C H E C K O U T O U R p a r t s s p e c i a l s at www.Maximinc.Com/parts or call Maxim 6 FLAT ROOFERS Full-time, year round Truck & Trailer, 1-888-986-2946. employment, $26.80 per hour to start. Extended health, dental, Life and LTD Insurance after 3 months, 3+ years experience in commercial flat roofing. Apply 9810-62 Aveue, Edmonton, AB., T6E 0E3, fax 780-435-0436, ph. 780-438-0331, email: S o u th Am erica ~ Feb/M ar 2017 K en ya /Ta n za n ia ~ Jan/Feb 2017 In d ia ~ Feb/M ar 2017

TIRES TIRES TIRES! Radial, bias, new, used. 20.8x42, 18.4x42, 20.8x38, 18.4x38, 20.8R34, 18.4x34, 900/60R32, 800/65R 32, 24.5x32, 18.4x30, 23.1x30, 16.9x28, 28Lx26, 18.4x26, 19.5Lx24. Semis, skid steers. Best price and value guaranteed! 1-888-278-4905

V ietn a m /Ca m b o d ia /Tha ila n d ~ M ar 2017

Ro m a n ia /Hu n ga ry ~ June 2017 Icela n d & Green la n d ~ June 2017 S w itzerla n d L a n d /Cru is e

Available at:

~ M ultiple Dates

WELL BELOW REPLACEMENT COST New tractor tires. 12- 520/85 R46 Titan $1495 each; 9- 16.9 R28 Firestone, $732 each; 2- 900/60 R32 Goodyear, $2761 each; 7- 14.9 R28 Goodyear, $783 ea; 4- 16.9 R26 Goodyear, $1002 each; 416.9R26 Firestone, $774 each; 1- 320/85 R34 Goodyear, $755; 2 - 380/90 R46 Firestone, $1096 ea; 2-380/85 R30 Goodyear, Gull Lake, SK $924 each; 2- 14.9 R28 Firestone $915 each; 1- 14Lx16.1 SL F2M. 10P, $1150; 1- 11 x 16 SL F2M 12P, $845. New tractor tires mounted on wheels. 4 - 16.9 R28 Firestone, $1003 ea; 8- 650/65 R42 Michelin, $3529 each; 2- 11x16 SL F2M Firestone, $671 each; 36- 18.4 R42 FS, 12% COW AND CALF PELLETS/BACK- $1664 each; 4- 18.4R42 Goodyear, GROUNDING PELLETS. Cramer Livestock $ 1 5 2 1 e a c h . 2 0 4 - 3 3 9 - 2 9 8 2 o r c e l l Nutrition, Swift Current, SK., Doug at 204-226-8794, West St. Paul MB. Email: Attn. Bob 306-520-3553,

Ea s tern Ca n a d a /N ew fo u n d la n d

Southwest Terminal

SHAVINGS: Cattle Feedlot/horse/poultry b e d d i n g . B u l k p r i c i n g a n d d e l i ve r y available. Vermette Wood Preservers, Spruce Home, SK. 1-800-667-0094. Email View ROUND ALFALFA/ GRASS MIXED and green feed, hard core, 5x6. 306-736-2445 or 306-577-7351, Kipling, SK. HAY BALES ROUND mixed 5x5, hard core, no rain, net wrapped, horse quality, $100/bale. Near Regina, SK 306-539-6123 ROUND ALFALFA BALES, approx. 1300 lbs. for sale. 306-799-4305, Briercrest, SK. 125- 2015 HAY bales with netwrap. 2502016 hay bales. Asking 4¢/lb. Feed analysis available. Pickup. Call 306-435-7420, Wawota, SK. LONG LAKE TRUCKING, two units, custom hay hauling. Call 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. ROUND BALE PICKING and hauling, small or large loads. Travel anywhere. Also hay for sale. 306-382-0785, Vanscoy, SK. NO RAIN HAY, 700 bales, 1st and 2nd cut alfalfa Timothy, 400 Timothy grass. Analysis available. 1600 lb. netwrapped, 4¢ to 5¢/lb., volume discount. Please call 204-742-3672, 403-288-7168, Ethelbert, MB. 400 BROME/ALFALFA 6x6 round hay bales, .04¢ per lb., no rain. 306-634-7920, 306-421-1753, Estevan, SK. 2ND CUT ALFALFA bales, forage tested, dairy quality, 1400 lbs., 5.5x5', $100/bale OBO. 306-526-8318, Qu'Appelle, SK. GOOD QUALITY HAY put up dry without rain. 400 big square bales, 3x4x8. 306-364-4700, 306-320-1041, Leroy, SK. ROUND AND SQUARE hay and alfalfa dairy and beef quality. Delivered in semi loads. ph/text 306-408-0038, Moosomin, SK. 500 GOOD TO EXCELLENT 1st cut 1500 lb. brome/alfalfa netwrapped round bales, 3.5¢/lbs.; 800 exc. 2nd cut 1500 lbs., .5¢/lbs. 306-834-7204, Kerrobert, SK. MIXED ALFALFA HAY, big round bales, no rain. Boyle, AB. area. 780-525-2482, 780-519-7544. 600 GREEN BARLEY 5x5 bales, approx. 1000 lbs. each, asking 04¢/lbs. Phone R. Carrick 306-759-2777, Eyebrow, SK.

ALL TYPES OF HAY AND STRAW We sell and truck all types and quantities of hay and straw.

VANDENBERG HAY FARMS LTD. Fast, Friendly, Reliable Service for Over 30 Years. NOBLEFORD, AB

No Sunday Calls Please

ROUND NET WRAPPED Alfalfa/Brome bales. No rain. Approx 1500 lbs., 4¢/lb. 306-482-7492, Carnduff, SK.

~ Jan/Feb 2018 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.

Se le ct Holida ys

1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m



Promotes bigger crops and higher yields Rejuvenates soil (breaks down trash) Provides an abundance of natural nutrients No nozzle tip clogging Reduces insect infestation Helps release polyphosphates

ADVANCED PURE WATER: EcoSmarte dealer. For the newest technology, now available in Canada. No salts. No chemicals. Pure water. No expensive upkeep. 306-867-9461, 306-867-7037, Outlook, SK Make tire swaps and changes safe and easy. Lifts, rolls, and rotates tires with precision and accommodates 24” to 45” wheels and up to 4000 lbs...Call us!

KORNUM WELL DRILLING, farm, cottage and acreage wells, test holes, well rehabilitation, witching. PVC/SS construction, exMR. TIRE CORP. For all your semi and pert workmanship and fair pricing. 50% half ton tire needs call Mylo 306-921-6555 government grant now available. Indian Head, SK., 306-541-7210 or 306-695-2061 Serving all of Saskatchewan. 1-888-606-6362.

SEEKING DISTRIBUTORS TRI-AG MARKETING SOLUTIONS. Buyers of all classes of wheat, barley, oats, and canola. Will buy tough and damp grain. Trucking available. Prompt payment. Can also provide full marketing strategies. Call Matt 306-469-7660, Big River, SK.

SLEIGHS- ICE FISHING and trapping sleighs. November sale, starting at only $50. Call or visit your nearest Flaman location, 1-888-435-2626.

3 - 1000 GALLON PROPANE tanks. 2 are c/w trailers; and 1 - 500 gal. propane tank. Call for details 306-287-8062, Watson, SK. POLY TANKS: 15 to 10,000 gal.; Bladder tanks from 220 to 88,000 gallon; Water and liquid fertilizer; Fuel tanks, single and double wall; Truck and storage, gas or dsl. Wilke Sales, 306-586-5711, Regina, SK.

EQUIPMENT REPAIR • 10% off posted labour rates • 10% + off parts • Guaranteed repair & completion dates COMBINES - TRACTORS - REELS - DETAILING - HEADERS Currently booking starting October!

Call: 1-888-606-6362

Email: Be proactive. Save time and money! When you rely on your trailers for commercial, residential or leisure use, rely on a Quality Build by a team of Quality People. We’re everything you tow.

Sta tio n a ry Fu el Ta n k W ith Skid is U L C Appro ved , Sin g le & D o u b le W a ll Ta n ks U p To 200,000 L itres & Su prem e P o w d er Co a tin g Fin ish. OurTa nks Are - ISO 9001 : 2008 Appro ved a n d Tra n spo rt Ca n a d a Appro ved u p to 1 ,000 g a l.

• Chec k W eb site F or D eta ils F orAllO u r P rod u c ts. Available at Magnum Fabricating & our dealers

w w w .m a g n u m fa brica tin g .com

M AGN UM F ABR ICATIN G LTD . M a ple Creek, SK P h: 306-662-2198

HELP NEEDED TO calve 80 cows, starting March 1st. Room and board provided. TRUCK FREIGHT INTERNATIONAL TFI 403-652-7253, High River, AB. specializes in the handling and transportaLARGE YEARLING COW/Calf Operation tion of bulk commodities for the agricultuhas available a full-time position including ral industry. Great Pay. Home on the family home. Qualifications include: A weekends. Benefits plan. Modern background in herd health, operation and equipment. We are looking for qualified maintenance of modern equipment, Class drivers and owner operators to pull Super Call today 1 and welding experience an asset. Wages B H o p p e r Tr a i l e r s . and benefits negotiable. Horses not need- 204-924-7051, ed. Scott, 306-536-2157, Indian Head, SK. LOG TRUCK DRIVER Winter log haul, 12 AGRICULTURE CROP HARVESTING Service hour shifts, 6 days a week. For more info superviser. Duties: Develop planning and call Albert 780-836-2538 or 780-836-6267. work schedules and establish procedures; Coordinate and supervise the work of LOOKING FOR CLASS 1 Drivers to haul general farm workers and harvesting livestock. Experience required. Benefits labourers; Provide agricultural crop services and safety bonuses. Year round employsuch as plowing, irrigating, cultivating, ment. Call 403-625-4658. spraying or harvesting; Negotiate the terms of services to be provided; Hire and train workers; Maintain financial and operational records; Maintenance of machinery and equipment and small repairs; Have at least LOOKING FOR WORK horse and cow savvy, 3 years experience as supervisor agriculture have modern equipment experience, clean custom work and post-secondary diploma. abstract. Ranch or farm posting. Call 780-836-6151. Wage $25/hr. 403-872-9147, Ponoka, AB. HELP WANTED ON mixed farm. Must be experienced handling livestock, must have valid license, Class 1 an asset. Competitive wages based on experience ($14 and up) Yellow Rose Farms, 204-535-2272, Baldur, MB. E-mail: RANCH HAND - Looking for individual with experience working cattle, moving pairs, riding feedlot pens, calving heifers, branding, roping, doctoring, sorting, weaning. Other duties include fencing, haying, equipment maintenance. Housing included, own saddle horses preferred. South of Medicine Hat. 403-868-2522. HELPER WANTED ON mixed farm. Steady job for right person. Room and board avail. 403-631-2373, 403-994-0581, Olds, AB. RANCH HAND NEEDED calving, horse and farming experience. Needs to be able to work alone and with others. Housing supplied. Please send resumes with references to FARM LABOURER REQUIRED for livestock operation. Duties include: operating, maintaining seeding & harvesting equip. Smoke free enviro., $17/hr. Housing avail. Lyle Lumax, 204-525-2263, Swan River, MB. FULL-TIME FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties include operation of machinery, including tractors and other farm equip., as well as general farm laborer duties. $25/hour depending on experience. Must be able to cross US border. Location: Pierson, MB/Gainsborough, SK. Feland Bros. Farms, Greg Feland and Wade Feland, Box 284, Pierson, MB. R0M 1S0. 701-756-6954.

WANTED FARM LABOURER for livestock operation. 306-795-2710, Goodeve, SK.

LIQUID FERTILIZER CARTS Our arsenal of low profile liquid fertilizer carts range from single wheeled 1750 gal. to the massive 5250 gal. dual tank carts. Designed for maximum flotation, you’ll hardly know it’s there.

New model now available with dual nozzles! You can dry out your slough twice as fast, pumping 2000 gal./min. in a 4-acre arc. Check out the video on our website.

TRAVEL, WORK, EXPERIENCE! Australia, Europe and USA: Crop, dairy, beef, sheep, swine and horticulture full-time seasonal spring placements available for young Canadians ages 18-30 with ag experience. International Rural Exchange arranges employment and work permit. Call 306-489-4407. Email


DELIVERY Place any order and have our cost-effective truck deliver right to your doorstep. How easy is that? But if you would rather pick it up yourself, let us know and we’d be happy to throw in a tour of our facility!

4802 - 57th Avenue, Box 39, Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0 Email: Fax: 780-657-0016

Tel: 780-657-0008

MEIJER HONEYFARM is looking for applicants for the 2016 season. 8 Apiary Technicians: NOC 8253 required with minimum two years (seasons) experience at a large scale Canadian beekeeping operation. Job duties per NOC 8253. Wages start at $14/hour (or current wage according to NOC code). We require 9 Apiary workers: NOC 8431 with minimum one year beekeeping experience. Wages start at $13/hour (or current wage according to NOC code). Job duties as per NOC 8431. All positions are full-time on a seasonal basis from March through October and can expect minimum 40 hrs./week. All wages are negotiable depending on experience. All applicants must be physically fit and accustomed to working w/honeybees. Apply to : Meijer Honeyfarm, 181072 Twp. Rd. 32-4, Box 295, Delia, AB. T0J 0W0.

MANAGER OF PASTURE Operations: Meeting Lake Grazing Association Inc. of Mayfair, SK. is now accepting tenders for a EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN CAREGIVER with contract pasture manager for the 2017 over 12 yrs experience, is looking to care grazing season. For a tender package email: Closing for a senior. Please call 306-551-7300. Date December 15, 2016. 306-246-2005.

FULL-TIME POSITION on cow/calf operation, seeding, calving and haying. Housing supplied. Phone 403-577-0011. Please email resume with references to:


G R E E N F E E D OAT b a l e s , 1 5 0 0 l b s . , $50/bale; Oat straw bales, $20/bale. 306-699-7150, McLean, SK. 260 ALFALFA AND OAT bales, weighing 1300 lbs., asking 5¢/lb. 306-280-8994, Hanley, SK.

Alb erta Fa rm To u r a n d Ca n a d ia n Ro ck ies ~ July 2017 Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d

TOLL FREE: 1-877-824-3010 Henk: 403-795-1347 (cell) Harry: 403-382-1082 (cell) Phone: 1-403-824-3010 Fax: 1-403-824-3040

~ June to Septem ber 2017

(306) 672-4112

ICE SHACKS- INSULATED shacks now on for $2159, Nov sale. Accessories available, rod holders, slush buckets, hole sleeves, catch covers, stoves and more. See your TOP QUALITY HAY for sale, shedded, can nearest Flaman location 1-888-435-2626. deliver, 306-501-9204 ask for Paul. Belle Plain Colony, Belle Plain, SK.


~ June/July 2017

N o rthw es t Territo ries /Yu k o n / Ala s k a ~ June/July 2017 Ro ck y M o u n ta in eer Ra il

Black Angus cattle operation in Schomberg, Ontario has a opening for an experienced, hands on cattleman to work with our Registered Herd. AI experience an asset. Competitive salary.

CALL 416-892-0664


Glenn Straub, President G 1 (306) 677-7073


SLEIGH DRIVERS NEEDED for winter season in Lake Louise, AB. Must have horse experience preferably driving horses but not necessary. Must have great people skills and work well with others. Housing supplied. Please send resumes with references to




AGRIBITION SNAPSHOTS TOP: Stock dog finals at Canadian Western Agribition Nov. 24. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO BOTTOM LEFT: Flint Vogel gets into mischief with the blower at the Legacy Speckle Park stall. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO

BOTTOM RIGHT: Craig Flewelling of Bowden, Alta., takes bids during the Angus Masterpiece sale. | MICHAEL RAINE PHOTO


U.S. Gelbvieh breeders make trek to Agribition BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

REGINA — The Sickler family has travelled from North Dakota to Saskatchewan for the last eight years to attend Canadian Western Agribition. The Regina show is among the closest livestock events that the family attends each year, said Klint Sickler. Prairie Hills Gelbvieh, which is located near Gladstone, N.D., has developed a long-term trade relationship with Canadian breeders such as Vern and Eileen Davidson of Ponteix, Sask., and Rodney and Tanya Hollman of Royal Western Gelbvieh in Innisfail, Alta. Sicklers’ Canadian friends convinced them to try Agribition when the borders opened after the BSE crisis. They also show at the National Western Stock Show in Denver, Colorado, and the Northern International Livestock Expo at Billings, Montana, but both shows are a considerable distance compared to the 500 kilometre drive to Regina.

Twenty percent of their business is with Canadians, and there is some concern among these producers about what may happen with the free flow of cattle now that U. S. P re s i d e nt- e l e c t D o na l d Trump has indicated he wants to renegotiate or make changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement. “We have developed a niche on the north side of the border,” he said. Sickler does not want to lose the trade that has been nurtured since his family got into the Gelbvieh business in 1985. The Sicklers became Gelbvieh breeders when Klint’s grandfather saw them at the Black Hills Stock Show and came home with two animals. They had raised registered polled Herefords since 1946. “At the time, the Hereford market fell apart,” he said. The family decided to go in a different direction. They started a breeding-up program, in which the cattle eventually became 15/16 Gelbvieh. They

Trisha Sickler of Prairie Hills Gelbvieh at Gladstone, North Dakota, led this heifer into the Canadian Western Agribition sales ring. It sold for $5,200. The Sickler family has been coming to the show for the last eight years and has developed some strong Canadian connections. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO have about 150 registered cows and an embryo program and have started a Red Angus component working with Canadian producers to form the nucleus of the herd. The two herds will not be blended. They have not pursued the Balancer program that consists of catt l e t h a t a re 2 5 t o 7 5 p e rc e n t Gelbvieh with the rest Angus or Red Angus breeding. “Balancers are popular, but we

tried to keep everything pure. Our customers want purebred cattle,” Sickler said. Prairie Hills has hosted a sale for the last 30 years and watched the markets move up and down. Many of the family’s customers are commercial buyers, but they are not sure what might happen in the seed stock sector this year now that the commercial market has crashed. Bull prices were exciting

last year, but that could swing the other direction in 2017. “The seed stock side has not been tested yet,” he said. “Our commercial market is substantially lower.” The Sicklers participated in the Agribition Gelbvieh show, selling two heifers for $5,200 and $4,750, respectively.





Citizens vow to stop Ontario landfill Plans call for the dumping of waste from across the province into a limestone quarry in Zorra Township BY JEFFREY CARTER FOR THE WESTERN PRODUCER

ZORRA, Ont. — Despite massive opposition and an approval process that could last for years, plans for a 17 million tonne landfill in southwestern Ontario are moving forward. Currently, a limestone quarry of almost 200 acres is the preferred site for Walker Environmental. It is located in Zorra Township, about two kilometers from the township of South-West Oxford, the Town of Ingersoll and the Thames River. Plans call for the quarry hole to receive commercial, industrial and institutional waste over a 20-year period. While tipping fees have yet to be established, gross re v e nu e s c o u l d a p p ro a c h o r exceed $1 billion. Bryan Smith and Suzanne Crellin, members of Oxford People Against the Landfill, are playing a lead role in opposing the project. “Once the leachate gets into the groundwater, it would flow for kilometres per day because of the geology in this area,” Crellin said. “I have to bring my kid up next to this and he has to drink the tap water. It has to be safe. There is no other option but to stop this.” The pair said 73,000 letters opposing the landfill have been sent to either Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne or Environment Minister Glen Murray. Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman, who opposes the project, said it’s a credible number, and the approval process could take years to complete. Walker Environmental has already invested heavily in the project and operates a landfill in Niagara. Fred Freeman, the deputy mayor of Ingersoll, said he will not budge from his opposition. The town has been setting aside funds and has as much as $100,000 a year available for the fight. Oxford County Warden and South-West Oxford Mayor David Mayberry is also opposed to the site. He said Oxford has a 60 percent landfill diversion rate with its residential waste, which is a good number, but waste from other sources is exported out of the county. Mayberry said Oxford can do better and supports landfill diversion rates approaching 100 percent over time. He encourages other municipalities to follow suit. He said there may be merit in moving to a regional approach on the waste issue so less emphasis is placed on exporting the problem. “We question the suitability of the site because it’s right on bedrock, fractured bedrock. The concern in the county, and I think for council, is whether it is possible make that site safe,” he said. Zorra Mayor Margaret Lupton said she is open to working with Walker Environmental, but only if the company is successful with its application. Payments to affected municipalities may be possible. Walker representative Steve Hollingshead said waste being put in the landfill at the site could come from anywhere in the province,

Walker Environmental’s landfill is to be located just north of the Thames River and a deep kilometrelong lake that was once a quarry. | KIM OSMOND PHOTO Suzanne Crellin and Bryan Smith, members of Oxford People Against the Landfill, are taking on landfill developers, questioning the safety of the site and the design of the containment liner. | JEFFREY CARTER PHOTOS

I have to bring my kid up next to this and he has to drink the tap water. It has to be safe. There is no other option but to stop this. SUZANNE CRELLIN OXFORD PEOPLE AGAINST THE LANDFILL

including Oxford County, but most of it would likely come from Toronto. Unlike the Green Lane landfill west of London, Hollingshead said

Walker’s Niagara landfill doesn’t stink. Before trucks are fully unloaded, the waste is already being buried and that’s the plan for the Zorra location. He also said steps are being taken to deal with leachate from the site, the top concern for area residents. While Smith and Crellin describe the landfill containment liner as being the thickness of a coin, that’s just one of its components, said Hollingshead. It would actually be close to 3 1/2 metres thick, with two compacted layers of clay and two tiled and gravelled layers, from which leachate is drained away and subsequently treated.

Hollingshead said the liner design is the safest design approved by the Ontario Ministry of Environment and is used at Walker’s Niagara location. He is the designer of the latest section of the landfill operated by Walker in Niagara where the same technology is used. The safety of the liner design and overall design of the landfill have been challenged by experts hired by Oxford People Against the Landfill. Asked why Walker is interested in the site, Hollingshead said there’s already an existing hole and, according to Fry, the site is already

designated as industrial. Along with bringing science that speaks against the viability of the site, OPAL maintains that Walker Environmental has failed to follow proper procedures with its application and says the site o w n e r, C a r m e u s e L i m e a n d Stone, already has a site rehabilitation plan in place that doesn’t include a quarry. The group also has support from the Chippewas of the Thames First Nations, which maintains that it should have been consulted since the Thames River passes through their land and is sacred to their community.




AG NOTES NEW MARKET OPPORTUNITIES IN CHINA Federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay recently concluded his second mission to China to secure new export opportunities for Canadian agricultural producers and processors. MacAulay and a delegation of more than 100 industry representatives from across Canada visited the cities of Qingdao, Beijing and

Shanghai. Over the 10-day mission, meetings were held with Chinese ministers, agriculture and agri-food businesses and exporters. MacAulay also attended two major trade shows in Qingdao and Shanghai to help promote Canadian products. Canadian industry representatives said one-third of the 5,500 leads will result in future business. They also reported $37 million in on-site sales and $230 million in

anticipated sales over the next year, as well as a significant number of on-site sales and leads that will generate business. Canada exported more than $6 billion worth of agricultural, agrifood and fish and seafood to China last year. Top agricultural and agri-foods products include canola seed and canola oil ($2.6 billion), soybeans ($588 million), non-durum wheat ($333 million) and dried peas ($314 million).

L I V E STO C K P R O D U C E R S RECEIVE TAX RELIEF The federal government has released a list of designated regions in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec where livestock tax deferrals have been authorized for 2016 because of drought. Low moisture levels resulted in significant forage shortages for livestock producers in those provinces, forcing some producers to sell all or part of their breeding herd.

Producers can defer a portion of their 2016 sale proceeds of breeding livestock until the next year to help replenish the herd. The cost of replacing the animals in the next year offsets the deferred income and reduces the tax burden associated with the original sale. Only producers located in the designated areas are eligible for the tax deferral. Additional designations are being added to the list and will be released as soon as possible.

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AGRIBITION HIGH SELLER A Saskatchewan farm sells a Hereford bull calf for $70,000 at Agribition. | Page 62

L IV ES T O C K E D I TO R : B A RB G LEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | T W I T T E R : @ B A R B G L E N


Meet Agribition’s supreme champions BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

REGINA — Winning a prestigious award like the supreme beef championship at Canadian Western Agribition can be a life changing experience. For Sean Enright of Renfrew, Ont., getting the nod at the grand finale event Nov. 26 was completely unexpected. He has been showing his Angus bull EF Titan 545 all summer and won most of the events, including grand champion at the Agribition Angus open show. “I didn’t expect it. When we won the champion Angus bull here, that was all I wanted to do, so this has all been icing on the cake for us,” he said. The young sire by SAV Harvestor 0338 has had a successful show career and won the supreme championship at Expo Boeuf in Victoriaville, Que., Thanksgiving weekend. “We said if he had won we would come west.” The Enright family tries to enter Agribition every other year. The trip from their Ontario farm can take two days, so it requires a big commitment and confidence to come that far to compete against cattle that have already been champions elsewhere. “It means a lot to come all the way from Ontario and do this,” he said. The bull is owned in partnership with Cavanhill Farms of Kinburn, Ont., and will be retiring from the show circuit and returning home next March to breed cows. The family is a third generation farm and has been in the Angus business for 15 years. They have 80 purebred cows and 450 Angus influence commercial cows. The grand champion female went to show veterans Lee and Dawn Wilson of Bashaw, Alta. Their female with a bull calf at side was also grand champion at the Olds Fall Classic and Agribition, which was held Nov. 21-26. It is owned in partnership with Bill and Gerry Kokkelink of Hurst Mount Farms in Sydney, B.C. The cow was named DMM Blackbird 105A, and the calf was by SAV International 2020. The bull calf was reserve supreme in the President’s Classic held earlier at the show. It takes determination and hard work to stay on top the way MillerWilson Angus has over the years. They have also cultivated a degree of modesty. “We were last in every class the first time we showed at Agribition,” Dawn Wilson said. “I looked down that line, and I knew our cattle weren’t good enough. I thought we needed to do better.” This is the third time they have won the supreme award, and every nod of recognition is treasured. There is also some sentimentality for the couple, who have judged cattle all over the world. The build-

Sean Enright of Renfrew, Ont., won supreme champion bull at Canadain Western Agribition Nov. 26. The yearling bull will retire from the show ring after this win. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO

Lee and Dawn Wilson of Bashaw, Alta. won supreme champion female with an Angus pair at Canadian Western Agribition Nov. 26. This is the third win for the couple. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO ing where the supreme challenge is held will be demolished after Agribition, and the event will move to a new centre next year

They also became grandparents this year, but there are no plans to slow down. “We are hoping the little guys like

it, too,” she said. This year’s show featured 40 bulls and 31 females, many with calf at side. Entries came from across

Canada, and many were multiple winners.




Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE) A unique research, teaching and outreach centre that unites the U of S with livestock and forage producers, the agriculture industry, and provincial and federal governments.

Tim Oleksyn (left), cattle producer and member of the LFCE steering committee, and U of S beef cattle researcher John McKinnon (right). Photo: Christina Weese

Garrett Liebreich of Radville, Sask., poses with his champion heifer, Merit Socialite 512C. |




Veteran in ring wins $3,500 prize with Angus heifer in beef show Grade 11 student also won junior champion at the open Angus show BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

REGINA — For many young cattle enthusiasts, the best experience comes from the junior shows. Garrett Liebreich has been an active showman since he was 12, and this year he won the junior beef extreme at Canadian Western Agribition. The prize comes with $3,500 and is a great confidence builder. His parents, Trent and Janelle Liebreich, own Merit Cattle Co. at Radville, Sask., where they raise about 180 Angus. They have been involved with the breed since 2009. “They are some of the most hard working cows there is out there,” Garrett said. His family brought 15 head to the show, and throughout the week of Nov. 21-26, they were busy grooming animals, talking with potential customers and showing cattle in the ring. His champion was also a junior champion at the open Angus show. He has also shown females at the Swift Current All Breeds Junior Show in Swift Current, Sask., where he won reserve supreme in 2014 and supreme in 2015. He won champion Angus at the junior Agribition extreme last year with a bred and owned female. This year’s winner had the same kind of pedigree. “She was the same cow family as the ones I have been showing,” he said. A Grade 11 student, he is active in 4-H and junior Angus programs and finds time for school and hockey. The future may be study-

ing animal science and working with purebred cattle. It is a busy life for a 16 year old. “You find the time. Family first, then cattle second, school third,” he said. More than 150 entries showed at the junior event with entries from Ontario to British Columbia.

Reserve went to Kacey Adams of Forestburg, Alta., with a Red Angus heifer. The champion bred and owned exhibit was awarded to Kayla Boot of Bath, Ont., with a Hereford heifer.

Trait Stewardship Responsibilities Notice to Farmers Monsanto Company is a member of Excellence Through Stewardship® (ETS). Monsanto products are commercialized in accordance with ETS Product Launch Stewardship Guidance, and in compliance with Monsanto’s Policy for Commercialization of Biotechnology-Derived Plant Products in Commodity Crops. These products have been approved for import into key export markets with functioning regulatory systems. Any crop or material produced from these products can only be exported to, or used, processed or sold in countries where all necessary regulatory approvals have been granted. It is a violation of national and international law to move material containing biotech traits across boundaries into nations where import is not permitted. Growers should talk to their grain handler or product purchaser to confirm their buying position for these products. Excellence Through Stewardship® is a registered trademark of Excellence Through Stewardship. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS. Roundup Ready® technology contains genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, an active ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybeans contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate and dicamba. Agricultural herbicides containing glyphosate will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate, and those containing dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Contact your Monsanto dealer or call the Monsanto technical support line at 1-800-667-4944 for recommended Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System weed control programs. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for canola contains the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil and thiamethoxam. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for canola plus Vibrance® is a combination of two separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients difenoconazole, metalaxyl (M and S isomers), fludioxonil, thiamethoxam, and sedaxane. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for corn (fungicides and insecticide) is a combination of four separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, and clothianidin. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for corn (fungicides only) is a combination of three separate individuallyregistered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin and ipconazole. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for corn with Poncho®/VoTivo™ (fungicides, insecticide and nematicide) is a combination of five separate individually-registered products, which together contain the active ingredients metalaxyl, trifloxystrobin, ipconazole, clothianidin and Bacillus firmus strain I-1582. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for soybeans (fungicides and insecticide) is a combination of four separate individually registered products, which together contain the active ingredients fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin, metalaxyl and imidacloprid. Acceleron® seed applied solutions for soybeans (fungicides only) is a combination of three separate individually registered products, which together contain the active ingredients fluxapyroxad, pyraclostrobin and metalaxyl. Acceleron®, Cell-Tech™, DEKALB and Design®, DEKALB®, Genuity and Design®, Genuity®, JumpStart®, Optimize®, RIB Complete®, Roundup Ready 2 Technology and Design®, Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™, Roundup Ready 2 Yield®, Roundup Ready®, Roundup Transorb®, Roundup WeatherMAX®, Roundup Xtend™, Roundup®, SmartStax®, TagTeam®, Transorb®, VaporGrip®, VT Double PRO®, VT Triple PRO® and XtendiMax® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Used under license. Fortenza® and Vibrance® are registered trademarks of a Syngenta group company. LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. Herculex® is a registered trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Used under license. Poncho® and Votivo™ are trademarks of Bayer. Used under license. ©2016 Monsanto Canada Inc.

In a lifetime worth of work in cattle research, John McKinnon has watched time and again as the beef industry has ebbed and flowed. He remembers as recently as two years ago an industry that was enjoying record prices and profits. But he also cautiously notes the inevitable lows that trail any highs. “Calf prices were high, profit margins in feeding cattle were the likes that had never been seen before. Many in the industry were optimistic about expansion. Then we moved into the last two years, and we’ve seen a dramatic drop in prices. That’s the nature of the industry,” he says. As Beef Industry Research Chair and a professor of animal and poultry science at the University of Saskatchewan, McKinnon is on the front lines of cutting-edge research in his field. In his experience, investing in the latest technologies and research is the best path toward reducing the impact of market declines. That investment comes in the form of the Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence (LFCE), a unique complex that unites every link in the livestock production chain under a single banner at the U of S. “If we’re going to have a sustainable beef industry, we have to have the latest research, the latest technology, the development of people … who have the background and training to be able to withstand the challenges of the industry,” he says. McKinnon’s work revolves around research that’s nearing commercial application. He has helped shape areas such as cattle feeding, carcass quality and the development and testing of new feed while pursuing reduced production costs. In his own field, the LFCE will augment his research in immediate and obvious ways. “The facilities and techniques that will be available to us are ones that we just do not have access to today. It will greatly expand the scope of the research that we will be able to do.” McKinnon is also excited to see the ways that the LFCE will benefit the U of S and fortify its place as a leader in livestock and forage research. It will also help to attract new collaborators and that same influx of new minds will help bolster the university’s academic and research teams. “As we hire new faculty and look at faculty replacement, these individuals are going to have the chance to not just utilize a world-class facility for their research but to have the ability to build collaborations with people from across the country.” He adds that the boost created by the LFCE won’t be limited to the U of S, but will expand outward into the rest of Canada and beyond. “As the Saskatchewan industry grows and grows, the Canadian industry trends in the same fashion. We’re not independent of it,” says McKinnon. “It’s going to have an impact nationally and internationally, as well as through students that we train, and so on.” McKinnon has seen great enthusiasm for the LFCE project in Saskatchewan and elsewhere. “There is tremendous buy-in. When I go to Alberta or Manitoba and talk about it, people are excited about it,” says McKinnon. “Anticipation is building for it, and that’s a great thing to see.”

For more information, visit





Top bull calf nets $70,000 at Agribition Owner says good things came together in winning bull BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU

Chad Wilson, owner of Haroldson’s Polled Herefords of Wawota, Sask., sold this bull calf for $70,000 at the Hereford national sale during Canadian Western Agribition. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO

REGINA, Sask. — Haroldson’s Polled Herefords is a consistent performer at Canadian Western Agribition, taking home a fair share of banners and accolades each year.


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This year will be memorable because the farm, which is owned by Chad Wilson and his family at Wawota, Sask., sold a bull calf for $70,000 to Jack McAughey of Medonte Highland Polled Herefords of Orillia, Ont., and NCX Polled Herefords of Brosseau, Alta. The deal was for full possession and two-thirds interest. This was the top sale of Agribition, which was held Nov. 21-26. “We knew there was lots of interest in him. He’s a kind of combination bull that puts a lot of good things together,” said Wilson. “This guy is an outcross pedigree from a calving ease bull, but he still has the power.” The bull, named Haroldsons Totem 200Z 5D, is the son of American sire Churchill Red Bull 200Z, and the bidding was noisy and competitive at the Nov. 24 sale. Born in February 2016, the bull was the result of a semen package that Wilson purchased last year. “This calf is out of a first calf heifer, and the cow has turned out really good,” he said. “Sh e i s g o i n g t o b e a d o n o r female.” They also sold a flush on that cow for $12,000 at the same sale to Ontario buyers. The cow originally came from Blairs.Ag. The calf was named senior bull calf champion at the Nov. 25 Hereford show, and goes to Ontario early next year. It is likely to appear at the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair in Toronto. The family has done well at past Agribitions. In 2015, they won grand champion bull and for the sixth time this year they were named premier breeders and exhibitors. The national Hereford sale offered 23 lots for a total $223,750 in sales and an average price of $9,728. The high-selling bred heifer from Harvie Ranching sold for $33,000.







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Mycoplasma: what can we do about it? ANIMAL HEALTH



hen talking to feedlot owners and backgrounders, one question almost always comes up: “is there anything new out there to combat mycoplasma?” There are things being worked on, but it is not an easy fix. Researchers have found that certain procedures, vaccines and handling animals in ways that limit stress (often easier said than done) can go a long way in reducing incidents. When cases arise, decisions need to made early on whether to treat, ship or euthanize for the welfare of the calf. Mycoplasma comes in many forms but feedlots mainly see the respiratory and joint forms. The respiratory form is often indistinguishable from other common causes of pneumonia in the feedlot and the joint form can be similar to histophilus abscesses. A great number of chronically ill animals in feedlots would play a role in the incidents of mycoplasma, if lab specimens were submitted to verify what your veterinarian had diagnosed. These cases cost the feedlot industry millions in treatment and labour costs, as well as adding to costs due to increased deaths and chronically ill animals that need to be euthanized. With mycoplasma, we must concentrate on prevention. Treatment is limited, even though a few antibiotics have indications for mycoplasma on the label. These antibiotics are designed as metaphylactic treatments, to be used on groups of animals to ward off or minimize an expected large outbreak. After a few weeks in a feedlot, a l m o s t a l l c a l v e s h av e b e e n exposed and are carr ying the organism, yet in well-managed yards that buy preimmunized and preconditioned calves, the incidents can be kept to a minimum. In cattle, mycoplasma is a secondary invader, which means in the case of respiratory disease it often comes in secondary to the viral pathogens, mostly IBR. Other respiratory bacteria such as mannheimia, pasteurella or histophilus can also become established and set the lungs up for the invasion of mycoplasma later. A good number of these infections may then spread to joints. Once in the joints, especially if more than one joint is involved, the chances of recovery are slim. Infected animals then become welfare issues and often lots of money in antibiotics, painkillers and other medications is spent before the decision is made to euthanize. In the bison industry, mycoplasma is almost always a primary pathogen and can cause considerable death loss in native populations of calves, cows and bulls. There appears to be immunity

established once the disease goes through, but death losses can reach high levels on initial exposure. Anything that reduces stress or reduces the likelihood of the other respiratory bugs should theoretically reduce the incidence of mycoplasma pneumonia. As veterinarians, we always talk about reducing stress. Transportation, processing stress, weather conditions, parasites and exposure to other cattle all play a role in determining whether calves get sick. As cow-calf producers, we can control the preimmunization. Feedlots then can ask for preimmunized calves, which represent the vast majority in Canada.

The question then is what do we pre-immunize for? Cow-calf producers vaccinate their calves younger and reap the benefits of having fewer calves get sick on summer pasture. If the boosters are then given at weaning, we should, in theory, see less respiratory disease. If we can avoid unnecessary transportation stress by selling directly to feedlots through satellite or online sales, cattle go directly from source to feedlot, reducing shipping. When it comes to handling animals for transportation, the distance the animals are shipped may not be as significant as reducing the number of times they are loaded and unloaded.

As well, various electrolyte formulations have been tried to minimize shrink. Too much shrink is detrimental and a sign of stress. Producers should also have parasites removed to help increase gains and boost the immune response to vaccines. It gives feedlot owners healthier animals with less propensity to get sick. Less sickness leads to less mycoplasma. Prevention is the absolute key when it comes to this disease. Don’t hold your breath for an industry-saving vaccine or treatment drug for mycoplasma. Current practices appear to have death losses going down on average,

and as we prevent the other respiratory pathogens, so too is the incidence of mycoplasma dropping. With more collaboration between the cow-calf sector (first line of defence), trucker (second line of defence), backgrounder (third line of defence) or feedlot owner (last line of defence), we can all do our part. We may not be able to totally eliminate it, but at least we can keep mycoplasma at bay by using the best prevention strategies we know. Roy Lewis works as a technical services veterinarian part time with Merck Animal Health in Alberta.

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Canadian dollar











0.60% 10/24 10/31 11/8 11/14 11/21 11/28

0.730 10/24 10/31 11/8 11/14 11/21 11/28

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AG F IN A NC E E D I TO R : D ’ ARC E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306-934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | T W I T T E R : @ D A R C E M C M I L L A N

AG STOCKS NOV. 21-25 The three major U.S. stock exchanges closed at record highs as the post U.S. election rally continued. The Toronto Stock Exchange composite rose 1.4 percent, the Dow was up 1.5 percent, the S&P 500 climbed 1.4 percent and the Nasdaq was up 1.5 percent. Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.



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43.49 35.51 67.35 1.48


Rabobank expects consolidation in the agricultural services sector to continue as the industry struggles with low commodity prices. | REUTERS/

Cervus Equip. TSX Input Capital TSXV Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX




EXCH CLOSE LAST WK 16.05 1.92 9.50

15.50 1.60 9.14


ConAgra Foods Hormel Foods Lamb Weston Maple Leaf Premium Brands Tyson Foods



37.71 35.86 32.59 29.12 68.87 59.65

36.80 35.58 32.68 28.92 67.55 67.36


Rocky road for commodities


Rabobank analyst says lower commodity prices will challenge farmers and companies alike BY ROBIN BOOKER SASKATOON NEWSROOM

BANFF, Alta. — Lower commodity prices are going to prove challenging not only for farmers but also for the companies that sell services and products to them, says a senior analyst at Rabobank. “Over the next five years, we see with 75 percent probability corn prices will be at or below $4.10 a bushel,” Kenneth Zuckerberg said at Bayer’s Agronomy Conference in Banff Nov. 15. “So that’s the challenge near term for the farming community that has been operating at much higher levels.” Less growth in the U.S. ethanol sector and lower Chinese demand for feed grain, partially because of improvements in feed use efficiency in that country, will stall demand for corn. “When you think about the commodity super cycle, a lot of the growth in corn in particular came from the ethanol trade and that’s sort of no longer part of the



picture,” Zuckerberg said. The U.S. is also coming off three strong production years, and the country’s corn carryover is reaching record highs. “That is bringing more supply on a market that already has a lot of supply,” he said. Many U.S. growers are already losing money and need to become lower cost operators, which means they will have to gain in scale and efficiency, he said. “We think now is an interesting opportunity for them (farmers) to consider mergers or consolidating with other entities,” he said.

“Another factor here is that the average age of U.S. farmers is approaching 60, and to the extent that one doesn’t have a succession plan, it sort of gives us another impetus to consider this,” Zuckerberg said. Zuckerberg said larger farming operations will be able to invest more in technology, including better seed, process and equipment. “As grain prices have fallen, farmer spending in general has come down,” he said. “So with the pressure of farmer bottom lines, it also translates to the pressure on the farm input companies selling to those farmers.” There has already been significant consolidation of companies on the farm input side. “We have had a plethora of deals in the past 18 months : DowDupont, Chem China-Syngenta, Agrium and Potash (Corp.) right here in Canada, and of course the proposed acquisition of Monsanto by Bayer,” Zuckerberg said. Zuckerberg expects a rough road ahead for companies that offer agricultural technology ser-

vices, and he sees only a handful of larger companies making it through the lower end of this commodity cycle. It might not be the best time to invest in smaller agricultural technology companies, he added, because it is hard to generate revenues when the primary business model is selling to farmers at a time when their revenues are down. “I think with the farm management software companies, there are two or three of them that are in pretty good shape, but there are a lot of me-too products that I think will run out of funding,” Zuckerberg said. However, Zuckerberg thinks some agricultural tech companies will be able to secure funding and stay profitable, even through a period of lower crop prices. They are companies that have proven technology that marries agronomic science with innovation, such as specialty plant nutrients, biological products and other seed advancements. “Companies without either large revenues or proven technology to


Ag Growth Int’l TSX AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Industrial N.V.NY Deere and Co. NY

53.54 56.50 4.50 95.81 8.56 103.92

52.64 52.71 4.69 92.34 7.86 91.96



Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR

132.48 85.30 94.13 54.18 71.00 8.05 102.56 27.43 23.81 77.18

132.93 85.11 96.89 53.23 68.84 7.75 101.21 28.26 24.05 77.13





90.20 201.86

87.00 196.79

List courtesy of Ian Morrison, financial adviser with the Calgary office of Raymond James Ltd., member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. The listed equity prices included were obtained from Thomson Reuters. The data listed in this list has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Within the last 12 months, Raymond James Ltd. has undertaken an underwriting liability or has provided advice for a fee with respect to the securities of AGT Food. For more information, Morrison can be reached at 403-221-0396 or 1-877-264-0333.

improve soil health and plant life — If you don’t have either of those, I think it will be difficult to get additional funding.”

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Water Pipelines, Inc. Improving the Quality of Life in Rural Saskatchewan


Rural Water Utilities - Staying Connected Annual Rural Water Pipeline Seminar Tuesday, December 6th and Wednesday, December 7th, 2016 Park Town Hotel, Saskatoon, SK For more information and to register contact Rosalind Arndt at

Box 442 Dundurn, Saskatchewan S0K 1K0 Phone: 1-866-327-2797 Email: Internet:





Analyzing margins of net profit can be eye-opening PERSPECTIVES ON MANAGEMENT



here’s a saying that you can’t go broke making a profit. True enough — or

is it? My September column looked at averages of financial performance. How many years out of 10 would you consider to be “winners” and how many would be “losers?” The remaining years are in the grey zone: not so good but then, not so bad, either. Many farmers I talk to would be happy to get “winners” three out of 10 years, as long as they could limit the “losers” to two or three. Table 1 is a summary of a farm’s income statement, taken from a real farm. It’s the data that I used for my September article. If you look at the net income values, you’ll see a “winner” and a “loser” in the five-year block with the others being in the so-so category. Adding up the net income over the five years produces a total of $697,874. It’s hard to go broke when you’re making a profit. Or is it? Let’s look a little deeper at where the margins of profit are coming from. Table 2 is the same as Table 1 with one major difference. Notice that it has a line inserted called net operating profit margin. Remember, this is real data taken from a real farm. You’ll have noticed quite a bit more red ink at the net operating profit margin line. Net operating profit is the margin of profit from core activities, such as grain, livestock, dairy and vegetables. It’s revenue from product sales after subtracting all the expenses, including amortization on buildings and equipment, that are required to produce the crop and raise the animals. These activities are directly associated with the primary production on a farm. Revenue from these activities can be thought of as recurring revenue — the businesses farmers are in. The other revenue categor y includes rebates, patronage dividends, gains or losses on the sale of capital assets, incidental revenue (a little bit of custom work that comes along every so often), surface leases and government payments such as AgriStability. These sources of revenue are not associated with core activities and are not something you would count on as being recurring. Some of the other revenue items, such as rebates and surface leases, will certainly occur every year. However, while the other revenue items are all genuine income and contribute to overall net income, they are not what you are in the business of farming for. Some farmers will argue that AgriStability payments are associated with production issues and should be included in the general revenue section rather than other revenue. However, if it were my farm, I would want to know what margins of profit it was generating before





Expenses • Production

2011 759,509




970,053 2,004,093 1,651,116




970,053 2,004,093 1,651,116



Expenses • Production
















Net operating profit margin

-105,334 -558,866 -314,547



Other revenue






Net income











• Operating






• Operating

• Overhead & administration






• Overhead & administration

Other revenue






Net income






having to rely on government program handouts. There’s another saying — businesses, farms included, must report positive net operating profit margins to be sustainable. Compounding net operating profit margin losses may not cause

a farm to go broke. Most farms simply have too much equity for that to happen. However, sustained net operating profit margin losses will become unmanageable at some point, requiring really difficult decisions. Look at the financial statements


that you get from your accountant. Many w ill include only a net income line. It can be deceiving. In the farm statement shown in the tables, the five-year total net income is $697,874, while the net



operating profit margin total is -$387,137. That’s a big difference. Terry Betker is a farm management consultant based in Winnipeg. He can be reached at 204-782-8200 or


We’re with you to make sure you’ve got the right protection for your seed — like DuPont™ Lumiderm® insecticide seed treatment for essential protection in canola. Count on CPS for the seed and agronomic advice you need for a successful crop. So much riding on your farm, so many ways to profit from our experience. )905. 0; 65 Lumiderm® provides up to 35 days of protection against early-season cutworms and flea beetles in one convenient package. This results in excellent stand establishment, more vigorous growth, added biomass and ultimately protects canola’s yield potential.

Du nt™ DuPo t™ ™L Lumi Lum um m derm erm rrm m® iss a D DuPo Pont ont™ Lumige m g n® ssee ee d se e s nse s prod se r uct. u t uct As w ith th all all c crop rop op p pro rote tect ect e ction ion on o n products pro prod oducts uct , re read e ad d a nd d follo ollow w la l bel be inst instruct in rruct u tions uct ions onss car careful efu ly. eful y M y. Mem Memb e er of em of C CropLi op p fe e Canad nad da. a ® SM o are tradema tradema tra de rks ks off D u uPon P t or affi f filiat li es. e © 20 es 2 1 16 6 D uPon P t. t Unle U Un l sss indic d cated ated ted d, tr t adem dema arks rk k w wit i h , ™ or it 1// 6-53 53067 067 0 67 CPS C P CRO CROP ROP R P PRO RO DUC R DUCT U C IO UC ION O N SERV SER ERV ICES ER CE CES ES S and a n Des an De e sign ign g n is i s a reg eg egiste g iste i t rre red e d trad rad rad ademar emar ma a ko of Cro C p Pr Produc roduc d uc tion duction i on n Ser S e vice v c ss, IInc. vic nc. c 11/1
















CATTLE & SHEEP Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta


Grade A

Live Previous Nov 18 - Nov 24 Nov 11 - Nov 17

Steers Alta. Ont.

$190 $180 $170 $160 $150 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

145.00-146.00 119.17-134.25

Year ago

Rail Previous Nov 18 - Nov 24 Nov 11 - Nov 17

142.00 119.25-130.98

159.90 155.71

240.00-242.00 215.00-220.00

233.50-240.50 212.00-216.00

Heifers Alta. n/a n/a Ont. 112.86-132.78 114.16-130.76 *Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.

n/a 152.58

242.00-243.00 214.00-219.00

233.50-238.00 213.00-215.00 Canfax

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)

$180 $170

Manitoba $200 $190 $180 $170 $160 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt)

Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400

Cattle Slaughter Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2016 2,361,851 26,598,061 To date 2015 2,209,399 25,062,617 % Change 16/15 +6.9 +6.1




156-168 162-174 171-182 174-197 183-216 195-233

149-164 157-175 165-180 170-194 180-208 190-221

160-172 165-176 170-183 176-193 186-206 201-225

145-162 155-170 160-178 164-185 177-198 189-217

147-153 148-162 152-167 155-174 162-181 173-190

130-152 140-154 145-162 153-176 161-186 170-191

150-163 150-164 154-169 160-179 167-185 174-196

140-161 140-163 143-164 150-174 155-185 173-195 Canfax


$140 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28


Canfax Steers Heifers Cows Bulls

Nov 19/16 935 862 704 1,049


Nov 21/15 951 854 718 984

YTD 16 919 841 755 1,018


$140 $130 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Manitoba $180

Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)

Steers 111.59 111.55 112.05 174.39

Heifers 111.55 111.51 112.00 174.00

Feeders No. 1 (800-900 lb) Steers South Dakota 129.50-130.50 Billings 121.00 Dodge City 132.00

$170 $160 $150

Trend steady/+4 n/a n/a USDA

$140 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Cattle / Beef Trade

Canadian Beef Production million lb. Fed Non-fed Total beef

YTD 15 891 819 724 1,006

U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)


YTD % change 1,800.4 +9 263.2 +17 2,063.6 +10 Canfax

EXCHANGE RATE NOV. 28 $1 Cdn. = $0.7419 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.3492 Cdn.


$125 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Durum (Dec)

Exports % from 2015 498,259 (1) +16.1 173,227 (1) -38.6 203,003 (3) +16.5 264,259(3) +11.8 Imports % from 2015 n/a (2) n/a 14,495 (2) -46.9 107,371 (4) -4.0 166,337 (4) -7.8

Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)

$320 $310 $300 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Milling Wheat (Dec) $250

Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)

Average Carcass Weight





To Nov 19


Alberta $160




$150 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Barley (Dec)




ICE Futures Canada

Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)

(1) to Nov 12/16 (2) to Sept 30/16 (3) to Sept 30/16 (4) to Nov 19/16

Agriculture Canada

Close Nov 25 Live Cattle Dec 110.75 Feb 112.20 Apr 111.58 Jun 102.08 Aug 98.35 Feeder Cattle Jan 127.23 Mar 123.35 Apr 122.75 May 121.65 Aug 122.30

Close Trend Nov 18

Year ago

108.33 108.85 108.90 100.38 97.18

+2.42 +3.35 +2.68 +1.70 +1.17

131.83 133.85 134.13 125.13 122.98

124.98 120.78 120.38 120.03 120.25

+2.25 +2.57 +2.37 +1.62 +2.05

166.03 163.68 165.13 165.33 166.80

$240 $230 $220 $210 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Canola (cash - Jan) $510 $500 $490

Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $130 $120 $110 $100 $90 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Nov 24 US Choice (US$) 186.64 Nov 18 Cdn AAA (C$) n/a

Nov 17 Yr. ago 182.31 204.09 Nov 11 Yr. ago n/a n/a

Canola (basis - Jan) $-20 $-25 $-30

Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) Nov 21

Nov 14

Wool sheep 55-69 lb 2.15-2.29 1.90-2.14 70-85 lb 1.93-2.30 1.80-2.04 86-105 lb 1.87-2.06 1.82-2.03 > 106 lb 1.80-1.95 1.70-1.85 Beaver Hill Auction Services Ltd. Nov 21 Nov 14 New lambs 2.60-2.70 2.42-2.77 65-80 lb 2.22-2.56 2.10-2.48 80-95 lb 1.99-2.20 2.08-2.20 > 95 lb 2.05-2.15 2.05-2.25 > 110 lb 1.50-2.00 2.08-2.15 Feeder lambs 2.00-2.40 1.60-2.30 Sheep 0.95-1.15 0.95-1.15 Rams 0.95-1.20 0.95-1.20 Kids 75-140 75-140 Ontario Stockyards Inc. Shipping November Wool lambs <80 lb 1.75 Wool lambs 81-95 lb 1.70 Wool lambs 96-115 lb 1.80 Hair lambs <95 lb 1.60 Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.

Fixed contract $/ckg

$-35 $-40 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Feed Wheat (Lethbridge)

$115 $110 $105 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

$185 $180 $175 $170 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $465 $460 $455 $450 $445 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Barley (cash - Dec) $180 $175

Basis: $30

$170 $165

Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes) (1) to Nov 12/16


$110 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Agriculture Canada

Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)

Corn (Dec) $370 $360

Hogs $/ckg 101.30 111.69

Alta. Index 100 Sask. Sig. 5


Man. Index 100 Que. Index 100

122.00 118.11

$340 $330 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

*incl. wt. premiums

Soybeans (Jan) $1120

(2) to Sep 30/16

% from 2015 -10.8 -10.1 +6.9

Import n/a 153,988 (3) 174,963 (3)

(3) to Nov 19/16

% from 2015 n/a -4.0 -0.3 Agriculture Canada

Dec Feb Apr May

Close Nov 25 51.05 56.75 62.90 69.80

Close Nov 18 47.80 54.18 61.13 68.63

Trend +3.25 +2.57 +1.77 +1.17

Year ago 58.73 57.68 61.75 68.83

Jun Jul Aug Oct

$1040 $1000 $960 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Oats (Dec) $230

Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)



To date 2016 To date 2015 % change 16/15


Export 857,153 (1) 296,949 (2) 915,976 (2)

Manitoba $130

Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. 18,079,753 103,118,272 17,695,890 100,621,365 +2.2 +2.5

Hogs / Pork Trade

$125 $120

To Nov 19


Close Nov 25 74.48 74.95 74.88 63.50

Close Nov 18 73.25 73.98 73.80 62.55

Trend +1.23 +0.97 +1.08 +0.95

Year ago 72.60 73.00 72.68 63.40


$190 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Spring Wheat (Dec) $580 $560


Nov 20 248.3 555.9 210.5

Nov 13 278.9 413.6 166.9

YTD 4,312.2 7,108.5 2,843.1

Year Ago 4,363.7 6,992.3 2,353.3


No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed barley Montana elevator

Nov 25 4.73 4.28 6.40 3.24 2.04

Grain Futures Nov 28 Nov 21 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) Jan 524.90 521.20 +3.70 Mar 531.40 527.30 +4.10 May 536.40 529.80 +6.60 July 536.00 529.80 +6.20 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 234.00 232.00 +2.00 Mar 238.00 235.00 +3.00 May 240.00 237.00 +3.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Dec 316.00 326.00 -10.00 Mar 325.00 336.00 -11.00 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Dec 138.00 132.50 +5.50 Mar 142.00 134.50 +7.50 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 3.8950 4.1025 -0.2075 Mar 4.1650 4.2700 -0.1050 May 4.3025 4.4050 -0.1025 Jul 4.4600 4.5475 -0.0875 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) Dec 2.0225 2.2475 -0.2250 Mar 2.1675 2.2900 -0.1225 May 2.2050 2.3025 -0.0975 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) Jan 10.5600 10.2025 +0.3575 Mar 10.6450 10.2850 +0.3600 May 10.7050 10.3575 +0.3475 Jul 10.7500 10.4125 +0.3375 Chicago Soy Oil (¢US/lb.) Dec 36.71 34.64 +2.07 Jan 36.97 34.93 +2.04 May 37.24 35.18 +2.06 Chicago Soy Meal ($US/short ton) Dec 325.9 319.7 +6.2 Jan 328.2 321.9 +6.3 Mar 330.8 324.2 +6.6 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) Dec 3.4850 3.4975 -0.0125 Mar 3.5825 3.5775 +0.0050 May 3.6550 3.6425 +0.0125 Jul 3.7325 3.7150 +0.0175 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 5.4125 5.2675 +0.1450 Mar 5.3550 5.2375 +0.1175 May 5.3775 5.2750 +0.1025 Jul 5.4175 5.3250 +0.0925 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) Dec 4.1150 4.1450 -0.0300 Mar 4.3050 4.3200 -0.0150 May 4.4250 4.4400 -0.0150

Year ago 466.20 474.00 479.80 484.50 235.00 237.00 240.00 320.00 325.00 189.00 191.00 4.6000 4.7550 4.8400 4.9275 2.4875 2.3250 2.2925 8.8100 8.8325 8.8950 8.9525 29.10 29.42 29.67 284.6 285.3 287.5 3.6500 3.7225 3.7800 3.8375 5.2325 5.0775 5.1500 5.2375 4.5700 4.7275 4.8375


Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.)

(000 tonnes) Alta. Sask. Man.

U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)


Hog Slaughter

Saskatchewan Sig. 5

Nov 23 Nov 16 Year Ago No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) 169.56 180.94 164.15 Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb) 14.95 14.50 17.05

$470 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Canola and barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.

Maple Leaf Thunder Sig 5 Creek Pork Nov 25 Nov 25 112.68-114.67 113.17-114.13 117.10-119.98 120.08-123.56 125.57-128.42 129.70-129.75 130.68-131.29 128.79-135.13 130.32-131.41 134.81-137.25 132.02-134.70 135.72-138.76 138.52-141.84 139.14-140.27 146.46-147.86 141.06-141.88 150.54-155.88 151.04-156.24 160.87-166.41 161.53-163.21

Cash Prices


Beef Cutout ($/cwt)

HOGS (Hams Marketing) Week ending Jan 07-Jan 14 Jan 21-Jan 28 Feb 04 -Feb 11 Feb 18-Feb 25 Mar 04-Mar 11 Mar 18-Mar 25 Apr 01-Apr 08 Apr 15-Apr 22 Apr 29-May 06 May 13-May 20

Nov 25 Nov 18 Oct 28 66.00 66.00 60.00 Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 51.00 46.00 45.00 Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 56.00 55.00 48.00 Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) 64.00 64.00 50.00 Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 44.00 44.00 35.00 Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) 34.00 35.00 35.00 Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) 29.00 31.00 29.00 Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) 9.00 9.00 8.25 Peas, large. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) 8.75 8.50 8.00 Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) 8.75 8.50 8.00 Feed peas ($/bu) 7.10 6.35 6.35 Maple peas ($/bu) 14.50 14.50 13.50 Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) 29.00 28.00 29.00 Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) 29.00 29.00 31.00 Mustard, Brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) 31.00 31.00 31.00 Canaryseed (¢/lb) 25.00 25.00 23.00 Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) 35.00 31.00 31.00 Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 ($/mt) 1,433.00 1,322.80 1,190.50 Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 ($/mt) 925.90 925.90 925.90 B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 ($/mt) 992.10 992.10 970.00

Cash Prices

$160 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25

Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.

Pulse and Special Crops Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Legumex Walker, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Simpson Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.

$540 $520 $500 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28

Canadian Exports & Crush To (1,000 MT) Nov 20 Wheat 238.8 Durum 84.3 Oats 17.1 Barley 14.1 Flax 9.7 Canola 251.4 Peas 36.9 Lentils 30.2 (1,000 MT) Nov 23 Canola crush 180.9

To Total Last Nov 13 to date year 246.2 4,364.9 5,611.0 137.6 1,108.5 1,273.5 13.0 425.8 339.8 25.6 239.5 232.9 0.6 81.6 56.2 335.2 2,867.9 2,963.2 82.1 1,594.0 1,196.0 0.2 408.6 401.1 Nov 16 To date Last year 181.3 2,858.1 2,486.4





Tail feathers blowing in a strong west wind, a ring-necked pheasant rooster high steps across a stubble field toward a grove of caraganas and shelter near High River, Alta., Nov. 13. | MIKE STURK PHOTO

PUBLISHER: SHAUN JESSOME EDITOR: BRIAN MACLEOD MANAGING EDITOR: MICHAEL RAINE Box 2500, 2310 Millar Ave. Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 2C4. Tel: (306) 665-3500 The Western Producer is published at Saskatoon, Sask., by Western Producer Publications, owned by Glacier Media, Inc. Printed in Canada. President, Glacier Farmmedia: BOB WILLCOX Contact: Phone: (204) 944-5751

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Above normal


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Bison producers shouldn’t cater to packers, says consultant BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU

Bison should carve its own path to the meat counter rather than follow the beef model, says a beef producer and industry consultant. Brenda Schoepp told producers at the Canadian Bison Association annual convention that they should avoid having to conform to what packers want. “Do not go the way of the dairy industry and also the beef industry and focus on single trait selection,” she said. “You don’t want to fall into the

Bison is earning a $5 premium over beef on live weights, $20 more on trim and $46 more on tenderloins. packer driven mentality.” She said the beef industry conforms to the packer standard of a carcass between 650 and 940 pounds that leaves producers victim to price swings. “As soon as we have a devaluation of not just meat but more importantly, hide, everything rolls back to the primary producer,” she said. “It’s really critically important that bison are not treated like beef.”

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Packers developed the price grids that beef producers use, and Schoepp said if the bison industry wants to develop a grid they should do it themselves. She said bison are earning a $5 premium over beef on live weights, $20 more on trim and $46 more on tenderloins. However, she said hide prices are the most important thing to watch because the money is in hides and

byproducts rather than meat. “When we started losing 15 percent on the hide starting in early 2014, we knew that meat values would start to fall,” she said of the beef sector. “You’ve got a very low hide value right now, and you shouldn’t.” Schoepp encouraged bison producers to find a value chain model that works for them and rely less on the U.S. market because politics,

trade deals and non-tariff barriers can all threaten. As well, bison producers will be stuck if all the animals conform to a packer-driven standard from the United States, and then the market is lost. They will have to move to branded programs or something to differentiate their product to find premiums. She also said bison producers should stop comparing their meat to beef and capitalize on the characteristics that make it command a premium price.

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