THURSDAY, MAY 17, 2012
VOL. 89 | NO. 20 | $3.75
Census details farm picture Statistics Canada | Glimpse into ag sector offers some surprises BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
In its first report on the 2011 census of agriculture, Statistics Canada says Canadian agriculture is continuing to consolidate and adapt to changing conditions. Based on returns from 97 percent of surveyed farmers last year, the federal agency says the number of “census” farmers fell 10 percent to 205,000 in the five years between 2006 and 2011 and average farm size increased by seven percent to 778 acres. A census farm is any operation that grew an agricultural product with the intention to sell it, a definition that many in the industry say distorts the findings. At the same time, the greying of the farm population continued.
Mike Puech, left, and his father, Robert, prepare to move the auger so they can load the seeder with hard red spring wheat and fertilizer. The Puechs farm southwest of St. Walburg, Sask. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO The average age of farmers increased two years to 54, the proportion of farmers older than 55 hit an all-time high of 48 percent and the proportion of farmers younger than 35 was close to eight percent, less than half its 1991 percentage.
Grain and oilseed operations dramatically increased both acreage and revenue while livestock producers saw their share of the industry shrink and their gross revenues fall far behind the crop side. Farms with gross revenues over
$500,000 increased their share of industry receipts to almost 68 percent and farms with gross income of more than $1 million accounted for almost half of all farm receipts. SEE CENSUS DETAILS, PAGE 2
u|xhHEEJBy00001pzYv#:! MAY 17, 2012 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Box 2500, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4
Analysis raises alarm bells over Agrium’s nitrogen buy BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
An independent analysis of Glencore’s proposed acquisition of Viterra has raised many of the same concerns about the deal voiced by farmers.
Glencore intends to sell 232 agriretail outlets to Agrium once its purchase of Viterra is approved. Some farm organizations and individual farmers have said they worry about what might happen when a company that manufactures fertilizer becomes the largest retailer.
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Informa Economics, hired by the Saskatchewan government to help it weigh the net benefit of the deal to the province, said it is concerned about Agrium’s ability to put pressure on nitrogen prices, although there is no evidence to suggest that will happen. Agriculture minister Bob Bjorner-
ud, who released the report May 11, said farmers have the same worries. “Any time there’s a possibility of losing a little bit of the competition that we already have I know they are concerned,” he told reporters. SEE ANALYSIS RAISES ALARM BELLS, PAGE 2.
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Census details ag picture “ This is not really surprising because the consolidation of farms into larger units has been a longterm trend,” said George Morris Centre senior researcher Al Mussell. “And the boom in grains and oilseeds compared to livestock is simply a question of that is where the good prices have been.” Like other farm sector analysts and many farm leaders, Mussell said the Statistics Canada numbers are distorted because they count tens of thousands of “farmers” who have no intention or chance of making a living from the farm. In fact, the 37 percent of census farmers with gross revenues of less than $25,000 annually contribute just 1.4 percent of gross farm revenues — $721 million out of $51 billion. Some of those are beginning farmers starting small or market garden-
ers with small acreages and low costs, but most are what industry analysts consider lifestyle or hobby farmers. Still, some of those small farmers could be making a living and Statistics Canada figures show that smaller operations are as likely to cover their costs from revenues as are larger operations. “There certainly are successful niche operators so I would say it is not necessarily that big is better,” Gwen Paddock, national agriculture manager with the Royal Bank, said in an interview. “Better is better and that can be any size.” Still, Mussell said the trend to an industry dominated by large farmers has serious implications.
Back on the land: Seeding begins on a Hutterite colony in southern Alberta. See page 36. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
» BIG PAYDAY: Viterra’s top
Analysis raises alarm bells “I’ve had that brought to my attention a number of times in the last couple of weeks.” The number of retail outlets overall won’t change. “What will change in a material way is the degree of vertical integration in the crop nutrients sector if Agrium adds the largest retail input sales network to its existing production facilities and the minority interest it is acquiring in Canadian Fertilizer Ltd.,” said the report. Viterra’s share of Saskatchewan retail facilities was 37 percent. After the deal, Agrium would have 42 percent. At the wholesale level, Agrium would own 53 percent of Canadian ammonia capacity and 49 percent of urea production capacity. The federal Competition Bureau does more detailed investigations when a single company has a market share of greater than 35 percent. The report said the bureau’s prime consideration in assessing the deal should be the impact on price and output. “It is a firm’s ability to raise prices, not the likelihood that prices will be raised, that is of concern,” said the report. Informa found no negative impact
to competition from Glencore’s plan to sell 19 elevators and port facilities to Richardson. Bjornerud said the report would form part of the province’s submission to Investment Canada, which is looking at the deal under foreign ownership rules. The report listed several positive aspects of the $6.1 billion takeover. They include Glencore’s marketing ability around the world, its plan to make Regina the head office of North American agricultural operations and the company’s pledge to maintain existing Viterra commitments to research. “Glencore plans to increase capital expenditures by $100 million over and above Viterra’s projections for the next five years,” Informa said. Bjornerud said the government would ask the federal government to put conditions in place to hold Glencore to such commitments. The report also noted that Glencore expects it could transfer between 20 and 30 positions from Viterra’s Calgary office back to Regina within a year. A handful of European jobs could also move to the city. Glencore welcomed the analysis, saying it was pleased the benefits to farmers were underscored.
Ag Stock Prices Classifieds Events, Mailbox Livestock Report Market Charts Opinion Open Forum On The Farm Weather
boss will earn $30 million when the company is sold to Glencore. 4 COMMUNITY PASTURES: Saskatchewan producers will help the province get rid of its federal pastures. 14 AG MINISTER: Alberta’s new agriculture minister says he doesn’t know farming but does know farmers. 18 CONSERVATION: Farmers say they must be compensated if a national conservation plan is to work. 20
Joanne Paulson, Editor Ph: 306-665-3537
» »
group dedicated to preserving wild horses says the most recent cull was too large. 29 MORE DROUGHT: Climate change is increasing a weather pattern that may bring more drought to the Prairies. 30 DEBT CARE: Understanding repayment capacity is vital when producers finance farm expansion. 34 SUCCESSION HELP: It may make sense to hire an independent adviser when working on farm succession. 35
» CANOLA FALL: Is the recent drop in oilseed »
prices a correction or a trend? 6 WHEAT QUALITY: Foreign wheat buyers remain confident in Canadian quality. 8
» FIELD OF DREAMS: A Saskatchewan farm »
boy finds success on the pitcher’s mound. 23 ON THE FARM: There’s more to this Manitoba organic farm than organics. 25
» GREENSEEKER: A Saskatchewan farmer »
swears by his GreenSeeker results. 75 WEED RESISTANCE: Farmers can get weed seeds tested for herbicide resistance. 78
» FEED EFFICIENCY: A Hereford genome »
On page 14 of the May 3 issue, a story on proposed changes to Canadian Grain Commission inspections should have pointed out that the commission may change how it officially weighs grain being shipped overseas to an oversight role. It would continue official outward inspections from licensed terminals and transfer elevators, except for grain destined for the United States.
study zeros in on feed efficient traits. 80 VET GRADS: The University of Calgary’s first veterinary students graduate. 81
» PASTA PLANT: Alliance Grain Traders
delays work on its planned pasta plant. 84
Barry Wilson Editorial Notebook Hursh on Ag Market Watch The Bottom Line Cowboy Logic TEAM Living Tips
» WILD HORSES: An Alberta
BIODIESEL PLANS: A biodiesel proposal is back on track in Alberta. 85
10 11 11 8 85 83 22
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“It is important to realize that not with any agricultural conspiracy theory, the bulk of farm output is in relatively few hands,” he said. “What are the implications of that? It is a precarious balance.” There is no accepted industry definition, but farm leaders, economists and academics suggested that a commercial farm with the possibility of making a family living from the operation needs gross revenues of close to $500,000.
Average farmer age rises, says census
Facts and figures Meanwhile, the agriculture census offered other glimpses into the 2011 snapshot of the Canadian industry: • farm operators employed 297,683 paid workers last year, more than 112,000 of them fulltime • most farm operators in 2011 did not work off the farm to supplement farm earnings • for the first time, no-till accounted for more than half of all seeded acres in Canada • the number of certified organic producers in Canada last year increased slightly from 2006 to 3,713 but they still represented just 1.8 percent of farms and a small portion of farm output • farmers reporting that they used the internet to conduct farm business increased more than 20 percentage points to more than 55 percent even though more than half said they did not have access to high-speed broadband service • in an era of rising land prices, more farmers are renting land rather than buying Statistics Canada said it was a snapshot of an industry “growing and evolving.” Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said the census, despite the flaw of a lack of farm definition, shows the way of the industry. “I think it re-affirms of lot of the s t u f f w e k n e w w a s hap p e n i n g because of what we see,” he said. “Bigger farms, consolidation, a boom in grain and oilseeds. I guess the thing that most surprised was that the average age of farmers is still going up.”
Nearly 50 percent older than 55 | Bank official says more agriculture graduates are needed STORIES BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
It was a Census of Agriculture finding that caught many industry leaders and analysts by surprise. Despite optimism in the industry and anecdotal evidence about a growing interest by younger people in coming back to the farm, the average farmer age has actually been rising sharply. The average age of a farmer rose two years to 54 between 2006 and 2011, when the most recent Census of Agriculture was conducted. For the first time, farmers older than 55 represented the largest share of farmers — more than 48 percent compared to less than 41 percent in 2006. By contrast, the portion of operators younger than 35 was just 8.2 percent, less than half the proportion in 1991. “This is really concerning,” said Gwen Paddock, Royal Bank of Canada’s national agriculture manager. “The industry should be attracting new blood but in fact, the numbers are falling.” She said a report for the Ontario Agriculture College in Guelph indicated that the number of agriculture graduates is just one-third of the numbers that the industry needs. “That’s worrisome because there is talk of optimism in the industry, but possibly it is just too early to be picked up,” said Paddock. In fact, farm leaders say the number of younger farmers appearing at farm meetings and on the farm is noticeable. “I don’t know if this is typical, but in my own area, I see three, four, five young people coming back to get into the cattle business,” said Canadian Cattlemen’s Association president Martin Unrau of southern Manitoba. “But I also see a problem and cringe when I see how much money they have to get together to get back in. Land prices in this area have gone insane: $1,900 an acre in a recent sale.”
As land prices rise, fewer young people can afford to enter the business. | WILLIAM DEKAY PHOTO
The challenge is that good prices also pull up farm asset values and that is a real barrier to new entrants. It is a sobering reality of the business. AL MUSSELL ANALYST
However, there are other possible explanations for the aging of the farm population. Erik Dorff of Statistics Canada’s agriculture division said the census picked up a new trend: people in their 50s who have finished their careers in other sectors and then deciding to retire back to the farm because it is profitable.
“They are new entrants but they are older new entrants,” he said. “It makes sense. Folks finish their careers, maybe have a pension and then they decide to return to farming where perhaps they were raised.” They are new entrants to farming but they do not lower the average age. Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett figures that explanation makes some sense. His son, Terry, who has worked for years in the oil industry in Azerbaijan, dreams of returning to the northwestern Ontario cattle operation when he retires in a few years. “I can imagine him coming back and adding some cows here,” said Bonnett. “But that won’t be until he is 50 or more so that won’t have much impact on the average age.” At the George Morris Centre in Guelph, Ont., analyst Al Mussell said
the lure of better times on the farm for younger people must be tempered by the reality that higher commodity prices usually are capitalized into land prices, which means getting into the farming sector becomes more expensive in good times. “The challenge is that good prices also pull up farm asset values and that is a real barrier to new entrants,” he said. “It is a sobering reality of the business.” Rose Olfert of the University of Saskatchewan said that like most other industries, the farm sector has the baby boomer generation working through the system, not yet ready to retire. “And with good prices, there is no longer the pressure to retire,” she said. “With prices good, there are a lot of pressures to consolidate and it is hard now for a young person to buy in.”
Flawed tally of farm numbers distorts ag picture: think-tank When Statistics Canada published the first results of its 2011 Census of Agriculture last week, the results had an air of unreality to many farm leaders and analysts. There were more than 205,000 Canadian farmers in 2011, down 10 percent since 2006, and on average they were farming 778 acre operations, said the census result. But for most farm leaders and farm economists, the number of “commercial” farmers is significantly smaller than that and the average size of a farm trying to be a successful business is far larger. “There is no doubt that once you get these numbers, you really have to bore down into them to see what is really going on in agriculture because these numbers are a bit skewed,” said Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett. At the Guelph-based George Morris
Centre, senior researcher Al Mussell argued that the data produced by Statistics Canada has problems because of its definition of a farmer. “This really is watered down by the ridiculous way they measure farms because really, there are not that many real farms,” he said. “There are a lot of paper farms.” The problem, say the critics, is that people could self-identify as a farmer in the mandatory farm census form sent out last year. As well, no minimum level of farm sales is needed and actual sales are not required.
“For the purpose of the Census of Agriculture, a census farm is any operation that produces agricultural products with the intention of selling them,” says Statistics Canada. The result, for example, is that of the 205,730 counted census farms, 37 percent claimed gross receipts of less than $25,000 annually and produced 1.4 percent of the national farm output. By contrast, farms with gross receipts over $500,000 represented 11.5 percent of farms and 68 percent of gross farm receipts. “Clearly no one can realistically expect to make a living from the farm with gross sales of less than $25,000 so there has to be some other form of income support,” said Gwen Paddock, national agriculture manager for the Royal Bank of Canada. “These generally would be hobby or lifestyle farmers.” Still, she said their contribution
should not be dismissed. “The fact that they are small and have other sources of income doesn’t take away from their contribution to the local rural community where they live, the role they play in the local economy.” Mussell has argued that national agriculture policy should not be based on the assumption that there are more than 200,000 “farmers” in Canada trying to make a living. Instead, he has argued there should be a two-track agricultural policy that provides support for commercial farmers while providing programs for lifestyle farmers. The large percentage of small operations captured in the agriculture census also affects other calculations, say the critics. It exaggerates the amount of attrition in the industry, under-estimates the actual size of most commercial
farms and affects calculations such as the percent of farmers who use the internet for marketing decisions. The census showed that the number of farms using the internet increased substantially to 55.6 percent in 2011 compared to 2006. However, Bonnett argued that the 45 percent who do not may well be smaller farmers who do not need online sales or equipment purchases. Market garden and community supported agriculture operations that deliver produce to customers would be an obvious exception. “But I can’t imagine any commercial farmer not using the internet now for business,” he said. “I use it to sell, to contract, to buy equipment. In rural Canada, I think most operators who want access to high speed can find a way to do it.” FOR MORE ON THE CENSUS OF AGRICULTURE, SEE PAGE 16.
Schmidt stands to make $30M Big package for Viterra CEO | Mixed reaction from farm groups to CEO’s potential purse BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
The man who steered a Saskatchewan grain industry icon out of bankruptcy and into prosperity will be well compensated for his past leadership. A management information circular sent to Viterra shareholders discloses the compensation that chief executive officer Mayo Schmidt will receive if shareholders vote May 29 in favour of the $6.1 billion sale of the company to Glencore International. Schmidt has 633,211 common shares in the company that will be worth $10.3 million at the proposed bid of $16.25 per share. The vesting of his options, employee share units, performance share units and restricted share units would put another $12.9 million in his pocket. His severance package, benefits and short-term incentive plan are worth another $6 million, for a total value of slightly less than $30 million. That’s on top of his annual salary and bonuses, which amounted to $5.1 million last year. National Farmers Union president Terry Boehm is appalled. He said it’s a perfect example of the widening gap between the middle class and the upper class that is at the core of the Occupy movement. Boehm resents the fact that the assets built by farmers through the co-operative movement are being sold off to an international commodity trading company. “One of the fellows that is facilitating this walks away extremely
wealthy and that is really galling to all those farmers who supported the coop and the pool and fought against its destruction,” he said. Kevin Bender, president of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association, wasn’t too taken aback by Schmidt’s potential compensation package. “It looks like he has done well for himself,” he said. “$30 million sounds like a big number but when you look at the way the company has gone from being three prairie pools to really a global entity, the company has done well under his leadership.” Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, Viterra’s predecessor, was drowning in $1 billion in debt when Schmidt took over the reins in 2000. Back-to-back droughts in 2001 and 2002 slashed revenues, forcing the company into temporary default with its lenders. Schmidt hashed out a financial restructuring plan with the banks and bondholders in 2003. By 2007 the company had undergone enough of a financial turnaround that it was able to buy rival grain company Agricore United for $1.8 billion to form Viterra. “How that happened mystifies me to this day,” said Boehm. He can’t understand how Schmidt convinced bankers to leverage the deal. However, he doesn’t think Schmidt deserves all the credit for the increase in Viterra’s share value. Boehm believes Schmidt benefited greatly from the tremendous run-up in grain prices that started in 2008.
Viterra CEO Mayo Schmidt could receive a large package totalling $30 million if the company’s sale to Glencore proceeds. | FILE PHOTO
Darcy Ramstead of Red Deer tries his luck at the Mud Bog held in Rimbey, Alta., May 6. |
Market analysts see Viterra as small part of global brand Industry giant | Agriculture only 8.4 percent of company’s sales revenue BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Farmers who think of Viterra as a prairie giant might be surprised to see that it appears to others as a corporate pygmy. However, the pygmy is about to get bigger. “We believe Glencore will be able to market Viterra’s volumes more efficiently, effectively and benefit from additional regional price arbitrage and blending opportunities,” says a UBS Investment Research report on the Glencore takeover of Viterra. “There are also some operational synergies in Australia where the Glencore-Viterra assets overlap.” UBS, which is a Swiss investment bank, and Canada’s BMO Capital Markets see Glencore’s purchase of Viterra as a small incremental expansion for Glencore overall, but a significant one for its agriculture division. UBS predicts that Glencore will increase earnings per share by only two percent next year by adding Vit-
erra’s earnings to its total, but will significantly increase the size of its agricultural operations, which is now the global commodity giant’s smallest commodity division. Glencore’s mining and minerals division is much larger and the basis of its wealth. Agriculture will produce 8.4 percent of Glencore’s sales revenue this year and 5.4 percent of its pre-tax operating earnings, UBS said. BMO said Glencore’s agriculture division now contributes seven to eight percent of the company’s pretax operating earnings, which will jump to 12 percent after the Viterra takeover. Glencore’s present agricultural operations include companies that crush oilseeds, produce biodiesel, produce ethanol, mill grain and store crops in-country and at port. Most of Glencore’s operations are in Central and South America, Australia, Europe and the former Soviet Union. It has had little presence in North America.
Even though Glencore’s world agriculture production, processing and trading operations occur on six continents, BMO described the pre-Viterra agriculture division as “modest-sized” and that “agriculture plays a minor part in the industrial asset total.” Glencore is also in the middle of a takeover of fellow global commodity giant Xstrata, which is a much more significant move for the company. Investment analysts consider it highly likely that shareholders and the federal government will approve Glencore’s takeover of Viterra, mostly because Glencore is paying top dollar and is ensuring that Canadians and farmers don’t become worried about a foreign company getting control of prairie grain. No one in the investment analysis industry seems to think Glencore bought Viterra cheap. UBS said it is buying the company at the upper end of the price range for similar agricultural companies. BMO considered the $16.25 per share price to be “a very full price.”
$4.8 million earmarked for Sask. bridge, culvert projects BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Repairing or replacing 28 bridges and culverts this year will help bring rural corridors up to much needed primary weight standards, says Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities president David Marit. Projects in 24 RMs will receive $4.8 million from the Municipal Roads for
the Economy Program. The most recent provincial budget allocated $23.5 million for the program, which is the same amount as last year. The bridge component pays up to 90 percent of eligible costs to municipalities. Marit said bridges can cost up to $700,000 each. “We’ve got a lot of good roads out there, but the bridges can’t take the weights of these trucks that are on
them now so we can’t bring (the roads) to primary weight standards,” he said. “We’re targeting the bridges in these corridors and bringing them up to standard.” RMs apply to the program and a committee comprising SARM and highways ministry representatives decides which projects will proceed, based on traffic volumes and the condition of the bridge or culvert.
The MREP will also help pay half the cost to upgrade more than 165 kilometres of road. The heavy haul-high volume component pays for grading, clay capping and paving on municipal roads that see high volumes of truck traffic. Fifteen RMs will receive a total of $7.3 million. Sixteen RMs will share $4.3 million to develop primary weight truck routes through SARM’s Clearing the
Path (CTP) initiative. These roads usually cross more than one municipality and must connect to primary weight provincial highways. MREP also pays to operate and maintain previously built CTP routes in 175 RMs. Highways minister Jim Reiter said municipalities play a key role in the provincial economy and deserve the support.
Alta. farmers evaluate frost harm BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Sub-zero temperatures in southern Alberta May 10-11 had growers worried about crops, but reports as of May 14 indicated only pockets of major damage. Alberta Agriculture’s AgroClimatic Information Service recorded overnight lows of -5 C near Barons late last week, while Champion recorded -4, Rolling Hills and Etzikom -3.5 and Iron Springs -5. The swath of potentially killing frost extended south of Vulcan to the U.S. border, concentrated mainly in the southwest. A considerable amount of early seeded canola had already emerged, causing concern about damage to tender young plants. Troy Prosofsky, southern Alberta agronomy specialist for the Canola Council of Canada, scouted crops in the region May 14 and found a mixed bag of results, with some farmers already facing tough decisions. “I would bet there’s going to be pockets where people are going to be reseeding,” said Prosofsy. “But it’s better than it could have been.” He encouraged farmers in frostaffected areas to examine the canola cotyledons and look for pinching off. If it’s still green, the plant will likely survive although maturity could be delayed by one or two weeks. Harry Brook of Alberta Agriculture said May 14 there might be isolated pockets of canola damage depending on how long the crop was subjected to frost. “There’s been some damage done. It remains to be seen how severe. But there’s probably not a whole lot of reseeding to be done. That’s my best guess.” A news release issued by the canola council earlier this week said temperatures of -8 C were recorded May 10-11, and that it would take a few days to gauge the health of the cotyledons. The plant is likely dead if no growth occurs within two or three days of frost. As for reseeding, “if one or two plants per sq. foot have survived and if that stand is fairly consistent throughout the field, the best choice is probably to leave it alone,” said the council news release. “A thin stand is not optimal for yield, but a thin stand in mid May may have better yield and quality potential than a reseeded field, particularly in southern Alberta.” The council also advised that herbicide spraying can resume once good growing conditions return, which they did as of May 12, and if there’s no evidence of canola or weed damage. “If there was heavy frost and plant tissue damage is greater than 40 percent of total leaf area, allow new leaves to grow before making herbicide applications,” the council news release said. As for seeding progress in Alberta, Brook estimated 25 to 30 percent is complete, although progress is better in the south. “I think psychologically, because we had very little winter and it’s been promising spring for months, people think it’s late,” Brook said.“But we’re basically back to just an average start.”
With seeding in full swing across the Prairies, many farmers are discovering a shortage of fertilizer exists. Scott Stauffer of Tofield, Alta., was recently seeding and stopped to check a liquid fertilizer hose. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTO FERTILIZER | SUPPLY
Tight fertilizer supply concerns farmers Early start to U.S. seeding blamed | Urea, ammonium sulfate hard to find on Prairies BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Farmers are nervous about tight fertilizer supplies in the countryside. “There is a lot of speculation that there may not be enough to go around,” said Kevin Bender, president of the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. Directors from all three prairie provinces are telling Bender that urea and ammonium sulfate are particularly hard to find. “There’s even rumours that some of that pre-bought stuff won’t be available,” he said. Viterra and Yara Belle Plaine were contacted for this story but did not respond in time for deadlines. However, Saskatchewan fertilizer retailer who requested anonymity confirmed that supplies of the two key nutrients are indeed tight. A number of factors are contributing to the shortage, including American farmers starting seeding about a month earlier than usual, which
caught dealers and wholesalers off guard. U.S. farmers also intend to plant four million more acres of corn than last year, and corn is a fertilizer intensive crop. How e v e r, t h e b i g g e s t re a s o n behind this year’s shortage dates back to 2008. Fertilizer warehouses in the United States typically buy offshore product and then sell it to dealers, who in turn sell it to farmers. In the past, they would have stockpiled supplies. However, that all changed when fertilizer prices spiked in the fall of 2008 and then crashed, causing huge losses for warehouses full of highpriced product. Warehouses now refuse to take a position on fertilizer unless dealers or farmers have taken a position. “This year nobody was buying so they weren’t filling their sheds,” said the Saskatchewan fertilizer retailer. The warehouses simply couldn’t keep up with demand when U.S. farmers hit the fields early and decid-
ed to plant a lot more corn. “The only place in North America to buy from was Canadian manufacturers,” he said, which has resulted in a shortage of product and rising prices north of the border. Documents accompanying Agrium’s first quarter results for 2012 support this explanation. “Our retail business capitalized on one of the earliest starts to the North American spring season in history, achieving its highest ever sales and EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) for a first quarter,” Agrium president Mike Wilson said in a news release. Crop nutrient sales reached $1 billion for the quarter, up 46 percent from the same quarter last year, primarily because of a 43 percent surge in sales volumes. Higher prices also contributed to the strong first quarter results. Urea prices in the U.S. Gulf increased by more than 80 percent from the end of January to mid-April.
Agrium noted that North American imports of offshore urea were down about 10 percent for the first eight months of the 2011-12 fertilizer year “due to buyer caution regarding inventor y management for the spring season, which contributed to a supply deficit.” Unplanned manufacturing plant outages in North America and Pakistan and delays in new projects in Qatar and Algeria contributed to the urea shortfall. Bender hopes the supply shortage sorts itself out in a hurry because this is no time for farmers to be cutting back on fertilizer when grain prices are so high. The Saskatchewan retailer said growers who pre-booked their fertilizer will be covered at his retail outlet because it has a storage shed and unfilled contracts with manufacturers. However, it will be taking a cautious approach when it comes to supplying walk-up traffic until more supplies are secured.
Geneticist’s work explored beef rate of gain, efficient use of feed BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Roy Berg, a world-renowned animal geneticist who helped revolutionize the beef industry, has died. He was 85. Berg revolutionized the beef industry during the 1960s through his hybrid breeding programs, which
increased production 30 to 40 percent. The University of Alberta scientist was larger than life, said John Kennelly, dean of the U of A’s Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences. “He was a very accomplished researcher who cared passionately about students. He was one of the best-known professors ever to work in our faculty and his impact on the
agricultural sector in Alberta is unparalleled.” Berg grew up on a farm near Millicent, Alta., and was one of four brothers who studied agriculture. He was instrumental in obtaining money from the provincial government’s Horned Cattle Trust Account to help build a cattle breeding facility at the university’s ranch near
Kinsella, Alta. His research became controversial when he dared to compare purebred Hereford herds with hybrid lines of Charolais, Galloway and Angus. He looked at rate of gain, efficient use of feed, merit of beef carcass, reproductive performance and mothering ability, grazing performance and wintering ability.
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M A RKE T S EDIT O R : D ’ A R C E M C M ILLAN | P h : 306- 665- 3519 F: 306- 934-2401 | E-MAIL: DARC E.M C M ILLAN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTE R : @ D AR CE MCMILLAN
Oilseed price fall: correction or trend? First serious challenge to four month rally | Upheaval in Europe shakes bullish market outlook for oilseeds BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
The numbers were bullish, yet the market did a bearish beat-down on oilseed prices a few days after the May 10 U.S. Department of Agriculture reports. Market analysts are scratching their heads and trying to figure out if something in the supply and demand fundamentals changed. Are oilseed prices returning to earth after their recent dramatic increase, dragged down by the enormous weight of the sinking commodity complex? Is it just a correction after such a strong recent rally? Does this directional change mean much in the context of the annual summer weather market beginning to take control? “When it’s driven by outside factors, it’s a bit hard to pin down,” Jon Driedger of FarmLink Marketing Solutions said after a two-day canola price slide that cut more than $25 per tonne off July canola futures and about $20 off of November futures. “The oilseed story really hasn’t changed, but there’s a lot of bigger picture uncertainty out there.” World markets have been shaken in the past two weeks by the political chaos in Greece, the election of a French socialist president who m i g ht n o t s u p p o r t G e r ma n y ’s approach to reforming eurozone finances and general world economic slowness. JP Morgan Chase’s May 11 announcement of an unexpected $2 billion loss on a hedge position rattled investors worldwide, who saw echoes of 2008 and signs that the best operators on Wall Street had not necessarily learned how to avoid massive losses. Commodity markets in general have been falling since the beginning of March and the CRB index, a measure of a basket of commodity prices, is now down 10 percent. Corn has gradually weakened since the beginning of the year, falling 15 percent for new crop prices. However, its trajectory since March has looked similar to that of the CRB and not weaker. Soybeans and canola showed the opposite trend until recent days, with new crop canola futures rising 15 percent since the beginning of the
The U.S. Department of Agriculture forecasts exceptionally tight U.S. soybean stocks by the end of 2012-13 but some analysts expect that future reports will increase the seeded area estimate and the crop production forecast, easing stock worries. | FILE PHOTO year and more for soybeans. They surged higher since March, propelled by strong demand, low stocks and the need to encourage more seeded acreage. Union Securities broker Ken Ball thinks the dramatic selloff May 11 and May 14 reveals the general commodity slump that is finally
hitting oilseeds. “Crude breaks, gold breaks, now they’re going to have to dump their soybean positions,” Ball said about the investment funds that drove oilseed prices higher but that are now quickly selling to cover losses in other commodities. “There are a lot of funds taking ugly,
ugly hits here. Some of them have collapsed. There has been speculative money flushing out for a while now.” The USDA supply and demand reports did not directly undermine soybean prices by finding bearish stocks or likely production. USDA forecasted a 2012-13 U.S.
16 day supply
soybean crop of 3.205 billion bushels, the third largest on record. However, because of strong demand it expects stocks by the end of 2012-13 to contract to 145 million bushels, slightly more than a two-week supply and a stocks-to-use ratio “at a historically low 4.4 percent.” Soybean prices rose immediately after the report. “Soybean prices to stay the leader of the CBOT complex,” was the title of Barclays’ Commodities Research daily newsletter, mere hours before the two-day price slide began. Barclays raised its new crop soybean price projection that morning by $1.10 per bushel. However, by the end of trade May 11, the AgriCharts newsletter noted that “soybeans ended the session sharply lower, not responding to what would be considered positive news to price.” Ball said a fundamental element of the investment fund selloff might be that the report found no major new bullish information about old crop soybean stocks, pegged at 210 million bushels, so funds might have decided the party was over. “They said that (stocks number) is not enough to stay in at with $14.50 (soy)beans,” said Ball. Many analysts don’t accept the USDA’s low acreage number for U.S. soybeans. The May 10 report used the March Prospective Plantings acreage number and the price rise since then probably encouraged more soybean acres. So traders are adding 60 to 80 million bu. to 2012-13 stocks forecast, putting them in “quasi-comfortable territory,” said Ball. The coincidence of the soybean and canola price slump with the general world market slump has worried some analysts who fear the oilseeds are succumbing to overwhelming worldwide commodity pressure. However, there is another happier interpretation for the recent selloff. Almost no commodity goes straight up continually without a correction, in which overbullishness is taken out of the market by sober second thought. If the commodity still seems to have the same fundamental strength as it did when it was going up, then it can begin rising again in another leg of a continuing rally. “If that’s the case, then this isn’t such a bad thing,” said Driedger.
Stronger feed barley, oat prices could hurt demand Falling corn prices | Feedlot operators are suffering from high grain prices and may see corn as an attractive alternative BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
Barley and oat producers have enjoyed price rallies recently, even as the values of sister commodities have fallen. However, some analysts warn that the stronger prices now might mean weaker demand in the future. The more that buyers pay now, the less they will want to buy in the future, especially when they have alternatives. “The bleeding in the livestock (feeding) sector is pretty severe,” said Errol Anderson of Pro Market Communications, referring to feedlot operators who are caught between high costs for feeder cattle and high feed grain costs but who are unable to push slaughter cattle prices higher. “There’s got to be a balance and the balance is out of synch.” Mid-prairie farmgate old crop barley prices of about $5 per bushel are hurting feeders, who have seen fed cattle prices tumble since March. Feeders will put fewer cattle on feed if the losses continue, which will mean lower demand for 2012-13 barley, Anderson said. Oat prices are also rewarding growers but punishing animal feeders. Farmers saw oats as one of the two or three worst-returning crops for 201213 for most of the winter because of low forward prices. However, oats have rallied since the second week of March and caught up much of the
Farmers might enjoy stronger feed barley and oat prices, but feedlot operators might try to push down prices by importing corn. | FILE PHOTO ground lost to competing crops over the winter. Relative returns before seeding are keenly watched because oats have to compete with other prairie crops for the same acres. December oats have rallied recently from $3.10 per bushel to $3.40. However, while oats were catching up to other prairie crops in terms of relative profitability, U.S. corn prices
were falling. The further that corn prices fall or oats rise, the more horse feed manufacturers in the United States will try to substitute corn for oats. “As we’re trying to fight for acres, we’re going to be losing demand,” said Strychar, who has reduced his expected horse feed consumption number for 2012-13 by 50,000 tonnes because of the changing corn-oat
price spread. “Prices for oats have turned around and that’s a two-edged sword.” Strychar said the best long-term defence against this kind of unpredictable spread swing is to create demand specific to oats. Buyers who demand oats because they are better for horses than corn or other feeds will not be moved as much by price differentials.
“We’re not dealing with it as a price issue but as a value-added proposition,” said Strychar, who has been meeting with horse feed experts across the U.S. as part of his work with the Equine Feed Oat Project. Maintaining oat demand in the coming year will probably rely on more than price, Strychar said, because oats stocks could slump and corn supply double. In its May 10 supply and demand reports, the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicted that corn stocks will double in 2012-13, which is what’s been undercutting corn prices. At the same time, oat stocks are low and could get lower. “We’re closer to the record low than we are to the average,” said Strychar. Anderson said cheap corn compared to relatively expensive barley will cause Canadian feeders to import corn. He thinks farmers should take advantage of today’s prices on both old crop and new crop. Old crop barley at $5 is “one hell of a price. To me that’s like $14 canola,” said Anderson. New crop bids are 50 to 80 cents per b u s h e l l o w e r, b u t p r o d u c e r s shouldn’t expect them to stand if corn prices keep falling and feeders bring in corn. “I’m guessing that corn’s going down to $4.50, and if it does our barley prices are doomed,” said Anderson.
Canadian canola exports may rise with poor crops in China, EU BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Rabobank says poor rapeseed crops in the European Union and China will cause them to have higher-than-expected canola imports. The bank’s analysis forecasts four million tonnes of rapeseed-canola demand from the EU in 2012-13, which is 38 percent or 1.1 million tonnes more than the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast. Rabobank calls its import outlook for China conservative at 2.3 million tonnes, but it is up from the USDA’s forecast of 2.1 million tonnes. Adverse fall planting conditions and an unseasonably cold winter are expected to slash the EU’s 2012 rapeseed crop by 1.6 million tonnes, with most of the losses occurring in Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. “Some weather improvement in Western Europe may offset the downgrades, but we remain cautious that even our current (production) estimate may be too high,” said the firm in its May 4 Agri Commodity Markets Research report. Rabobank believes the rapeseed shortfall in the EU and elsewhere has not been fully priced into rapeseedcanola markets and will provide “further upside to prices.” The bank is forecasting a combined 2.4 million tonne reduction in rapeseed production in the EU, China and Ukraine, which when added to already tight 2012-13 global soybean
Rabobank says smaller canola crops in Europe and China will lead to strong demand for Canadian canola. | FILE PHOTO supplies will continue to drive the entire oilseed complex higher. “Global soybean and rapeseed production are both forecast to decline year-on-year in 2011-12 for the first time since 1988-89 and by a record large 28 million tonnes,” it said. Crop tours confirmed that China will have higher rapeseed yields than last year, but the gains will be more than offset by reduced acreage. Rabobank expects China will import two million tonnes of canola and rapeseed in 2011-12, up from the USDA’s estimate of 1.8 million tonnes but well below the record of three million tonnes in 2008-09. That will be followed by 2.3 million tonnes of demand in 2012-13.
“The vast majority of its import needs will be sourced from Canada, whereas only some EU countries will import Canadian canola due to GM restrictions,” it said. Jim Everson, vice-president of corporate affairs with the Canola Council of Canada, said Canada is slowly increasing its share of EU business. Canadian expor ters shipped 156,000 tonnes of canola to the EU through the first eight months of 2011-12 compared to 289,200 tonnes for the 2010-11 campaign and 95,000 tonnes in 2009-10. Most genetically modified canola traits have full approval in the EU with the exception of Oxy-235, a long deregistered Bayer CropScience
trait. That has paved the way for Canadian exporters to ship product to Europe, although there is always a chance that trace amounts of Oxy235 or some other unapproved GM trait could disrupt trade. Everson said demand is growing in Europe because of this year’s crop shortage and because some member countries have implemented the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive, which calls for 10 percent of fuel to be biofuel by 2020. That is creating a bigger market for canola biodiesel. Oilseed exports to China are booming. The country bought 1.84 million tonnes of canola through the first eight months of 2011-12, twice as much as it did in all of 2010-11. Rabobank said imports could climb beyond its expectations this year and next if China and Canada can resolve a trade barrier surrounding blackleg disease. Everson said the two countries are working on a joint research project that could soon lead to a resolution of the longstanding trade irritant. The Canadian contingent hopes to present its findings to Chinese authorities before the end of 2012. On the supply side, Rabobank is forecasting record 2012-13 canola crops of 16.5 million tonnes for Canada and 3.3 million tonnes for Australia. It noted that its Australian estimate could be optimistic, given the potential onset of an El Nino weather pattern that would lead to dry conditions in that country.
“Any weather disruptions in these countries would be significantly bullish for prices,” said the analyst. Exports out of Ukraine are likely to remain flat or decline in 2012-13 because of a 14 percent year-on-year decline in its rapeseed harvest this year, the lowest level since 2007-08.
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Turmoil in financial markets takes toll on ag commodities MARKET WATCH
am going to have to start expanding the range of significant dates that I mark on my calendar, and maybe you should too. I’ve long marked down agriculturally significant dates, such as crop production and livestock inventory reports from Statistics Canada and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, I’m now going to add stuff like the election dates of certain European countries, deadlines for when Greece has to meet debt repayment requirements and when U.S. politicians vote to renew the federal debt ceiling or to end or renew former U.S. president George Bush’s tax cuts. These votes and decisions don’t add or subtract one bushel of crop or one kilogram of meat to the world’s food stores, but they can throw a nervous market into a tizzy, causing tidal waves of cash to wash in or out of the world’s futures exchanges. For farmers, it is best to get your pricing done ahead of these political events. The experience of recent weeks provides an example. Oilseed futures rose into the first week of May. Big crops were forecast, but the market seemed comfortable with that. The world needs more grain and oilseeds to rebuild exceptionally tight soybean, canola and corn stocks. I’d spent lots of time analyzing agricultural seeding and stocks reports, but perhaps should have spent more time following the opinion polls in Greece and France.
Markets, already nervous over the Greek debt crisis and European political change, were further roiled when JPMorgan Chase & Co. said a failed trading strategy had cost the bank $2 billion. | REUTERS PHOTO Here is what I wrote in the May 3 paper after setting out the scenario of tight supply and strong demand: “The market could move a little (lower) once seeding is complete and if the weather is conducive to good yields, but not a lot lower, barring a wholesale market melt down t r i g g e re d by a n o t h e r c r i s i s i n Europe’s debt situation.” I was aware debt remained an overhanging issue, that many Europeans were unhappy with the austerity measures their governments were implementing and that elections in France and Greece were coming up. But I’d been lulled into a false sense of security because the agreements
to bail out Greece, drafted during the winter debt crisis, seemed to be working. It appeared that, although it was difficult, Europe was finding a way to keep the debt problem from running out of control. Also, most U.S. companies presented first quarter financial reports that were better than expected, giving stock markets a buoyant feel. But then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, who along with German chancellor Angela Merkel was a chief architect of the European Union’s recent economic strategy, was rejected by voters who favoured Francois Hollande and his promise to ease the country’s austerity program.
Also on May 6, the Greek vote led to a stalemate where no party has enough support to form a coalition government. There is now a political vacuum in the country, even as it faces nearby deadlines to make payments on its vast debt. Then throw in some disastrous trading at JPMorgan Chase that cost the bank more than $2 billion and you have a market that is shaking like a crack addict cut off from his supply. This uncertainty will go on for weeks and maybe months, making it more difficult to revive crop market rallies, particularly because the weather is so far excellent for U.S. crops and turning good for western
Canadian crops. It was unlikely that this spring’s crop prices would stay at lofty levels forever, but the question was: were we due for a regular market correction or a melt down? We don’t know for sure yet. However, it would be good in the future to be more aware of the scheduled events that can trigger big market movements. And we must be aware that those events go beyond agr icultural reports to include political happenings far removed from the farm. Follow D’Arce McMillan on Twitter @darcemcmillan.
Grain buyers have confidence in Canadian quality Exports in open market | South American officials hope quality remains BY ED WHITE WINNIPEG BUREAU
South American buyers of Canadian spring wheat and durum are hoping Canada’s new open market doesn’t damage the quality and consistency of prairie grain. “We are going to be monitoring Canadian wheat,” said Luis Mancilla Lopez, a mill manager with Molinera del Maipo in Santiago, Chile. “If for some reason there is something unfavourable, we will let you know.” Venezuelan durum mill manager Freddy Rivas of Pastas Capri said he is confident Canada’s hard-won reputation for top quality grain won’t be thrown away. “We are concerned, but we also think that Canada is very smart and I think that Canada will maintain its quality,” said Rivas. “In Venezuela we are very demanding and we want the best wheat,
which is why we buy Canadian wheat. But we believe Canada is very smart and will continue to maintain that high quality that we demand, and also the service that we have been provided so far.” Rivas and Lopez were in Winnipeg attending the Canadian International Grains Institute’s Latin America-Canada Milling Program, which brings Central and South American millers to the heart of the Canadian grain industry to work with Canadian technical experts on using Canada’s export grains. Rivas and Lopez, who spoke with the assistance of a translator, said their companies buy Canadian wheat and durum instead of American or Argentinian grain because of Canada’s better consistency and conformation to specifications. “We know that there is a control with Canadian wheat,” said Lopez. “We know that when we buy a certain kind of wheat that we will receive
the wheat with the characteristics that we have ordered. We know that there is a quality guarantee with Canadian wheat.” Rivas said that is enough to counteract the geographical advantage enjoyed by nearby American and Argentinian wheat. His company buys 85 percent of its grain from Canada and has done so consistently for 15 years, with the exception of two periods when the Venezuelan economy was disrupted. Rivas’ company bought wheat from the U.S. and Mexico during a general strike because supplies there were close and could be brought in quickly. However, Canadian durum is preferred during more predictable times, and Rivas said he hopes to see the proportion of Canadian grain increase. His company now buys some hard red winter wheat from the U.S., but he
Millers Luis Mancilla Lopez of Chile, left, and Freddy Rivas of Venezuela say they are pleased with the quality and consistency of Canadian grain. | ED WHITE PHOTO will encourage his firm’s buyers to switch to Canada if prairie farmers begin growing that type of wheat in larger quantities. “I want to tell my management to buy similar wheat from Canada
instead, because we want to buy 100 percent Canadian wheat because we know that it’s clean, we know the quality is always uniform and we also know that that’s what our consumer wants.”
Corn falls on prediction of large harvest
A weaker loonie and stronger cattle futures early last week lifted Canadian cash cattle prices. Stronger U.S. wholesale beef prices and profitable beef packer margins early in the week lifted cattle futures, but they retreated later when the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast larger corn supplies. Cheaper corn may cause producers to feed more animals to heavier weights. Worries about eurozone debt and U.S. banks added downward pressure to futures late in the week. Canadian cash steers rose $2.30 per hundredweight to average $111.59 per hundredweight. Heifers rose $1.30 to average $110.85. Alberta rail values rallied $4 to $185-$188. Sales volume was up 83 percent to 25,759 head after slow marketings the previous week. Most of the offerings sold, but a few were carried over. The Alberta fed cash-to-futures basis widened 30 cents to -$4.57. Weekly fed cattle exports to April 28 fell 13 percent to 9,292 head. Western Canadian fed cattle slaughter to May 5 totalled 41,248 head, up 10 percent from the previous week. Volumes in May are typically large, and U.S. cattle on feed reports indicate market-ready volumes will soon increase and likely soften American interest in Canadian cattle. This should pressure cash prices lower unless demand improves.
Recent cool wet weather made for undesirable calving conditions. The non-fed market continues to defy the seasonal downward price trend. Cows strengthened 50 cents-$1 per cwt. with D1, D2 cows at $73-$85 to average $78.81. D3s ranged $62-$76 to average $70.07. The price spread between D1, D2 cows and D3 cows should narrow because demand for 90 percent lean trim is excellent. Butcher bulls traded steady. Bull slaughter is down 28 percent from last year.
CHICAGO, Ill. (Reuters) — The forecast of a record U.S. corn harvest by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has some analysts forecasting that the new-crop December contract will fall to $4 per bushel. The December contract dipped below $5 May 11 for the first time in 17 months but then edged back above the psychologically important price point. “New crop corn will be about $4 probably after mid-July,” said analyst Robert Bresnahan of Trilateral Inc. in Chicago. “A large portion of the crop was planted early and they received timely rains.” The USDA sees a record corn crop of 14.8 billion bushels, up nearly 20 percent from last year. It raised its yield estimate to 166 bu. per acre from the trend-line projection of 164 bu. However, some critics called the increase premature, especially ahead of critical summer plant growth stages. Investment bank Goldman Sachs noted that the USDA’s forecast was higher than its own of 160 bu. and “higher than we had expected it to forecast given the historical forecasting methodology, as (USDA) decided to exclude the low 2011 yield in forecasting.” The bank maintained its six- and 12-month outlook for corn prices at $5.25 per bu.
FEEDER CATTLE MIXED Losses in the feeding sector and unattractive break-evens later in the year have feedlots taking a disci-
plined approach in placing feeders. The Canfax average steer price fell 28 cents per cwt. and heifers rose 41 cents per cwt. Placed against the summer market, steers and heifers heavier than 900 pounds are at the lowest level of the year. Lots of heifers are being sold as producers finalize their annual breeding stock culling. Heifers account for 70 to 80 percent of the feeders on offer. Alberta auction volumes totalled 19,980 head, down seven percent. Weekly feeder exports to April 28 totalled 3,699, down 13 percent. Replacement female orders have been filled and fading buyer interest could make it difficult to uncover a market premium. U.S. interest in Canadian spot cash market could improve if feeder values move much lower. Expensive barley could prompt feedlots to import U.S. corn.
U.S. BEEF LOWER U.S. cut-out values fell $1-$3 per cwt. Weekly Canadian cutouts to May 4 closed mostly steady with AAA at $185.61 and AA at $184.41. Demand for end cuts is sluggish and could ultimately force processers to grind chuck and round primals. Montreal wholesale for delivery this week was steady at $210-$212 per cwt. This cattle market information is selected from the weekly report from Canfax, a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. More market information, analysis and statistics are available by becoming a Canfax subscriber by calling 403275-5110 or at
WP LIVESTOCK REPORT HOGS STEADY The usual seasonal rally in hog prices has not occurred because of weak pork demand and heavier carcass weights. U.S. packer margins were negative most of the week, but edged into positive territory May 11 as the cutout rose during the week. Iowa-southern Minnesota live hogs were $57.50 to $58 US per hundredweight May 11, steady with May 4. The U.S. pork carcass cut-out value rose to $80.55, up from $78.86 May 4.
The U.S. federal weekly slaughter was 2.09 million, down from 2.07 million the previous week. U.S. slaughter is up 1.5 percent.
BISON UNCHANGED The Canadian Bison Association said grade A bulls in the desirable weight range were $3.65-$3.90 per pound hot hanging weight. Grade A heifers were $3.60-$3.90. Animals older than 30 months and those outside the desirable weight range may be discounted.
Slaughter cows and bulls averaged $2.50-$2.70. In the live market, heifers born in 2011 were $2-$2.50 and bulls were $2.25-$2.75. Feeder bulls and heifers born in 2010 were $2-$2.10.
SHEEP, LAMBS STEADY Ontario Stockyards Inc. reported 1,035 sheep and lambs and 51 goats traded May 7. All class of sheep and lambs sold actively at steady prices. Goats sold steady to stronger.
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Editor: Joanne Paulson Phone: 306-665-3537 | Fax: 306-934-2401 E-Mail:
Eliminating efficacy test may have beneficial side
he federal government is apparently initiating a plan that would eliminate the requirement that fertilizers undergo efficacy testing before they are allowed on the market. A study of the pros and cons of such a change suggests farmers could benefit. Presently, fertilizer products entering the market must be tested for efficacy and to ensure they are safe for people, plants, animals and the environment. The rules for safety would not change. The efficacy tests now carried out vary from simple calculations to analysis of complex statistical data and plot trial evaluations. But in all cases, the efficacy claims on the product label must be verifiable by science and the product benefits must be substantiated. Doing away with these tests would mould the Canadian system into one similar to what exists in the United States. That system survives on the assumption that inferior products, or those that don’t work at all, will be swept off the market by their own shortcomings. Products that fail won’t sell once the word gets around. And in this information age, in which social media tools like Twitter can buoy a revolution, word gets around more quickly than at any other time in human history. Farmers are a sophisticated lot with access to all manner of crop advisers, research information and agronomy knowledge. Does anybody seriously think that they are going to risk their livelihoods by using magical potions sold by those fabled snake oil salesmen in Depression-era stories? Successful farm operators simply don’t operate that way. Some might test a new product on an acre here or a plot there, but they are not going to jeopardize whole fields or entire harvests on untried, flash-in-the-pan products. Eliminating the efficacy test could be a further boon for farmers, once the delays for registration approvals are reduced, sending more competing products into the marketplace.
Additional new products would also likely be encouraged to enter the Canadian market thanks to a simplified registration system. And more competing products on the market should translate into more competitive pricing, while also helping to ensure that Canadian farmers have access to the same products as the American farmers they compete against in international markets. But there is a rub. There always is. Chief among them could be a deluge of ineffective products and scandalous label claims, which even if they don’t dupe farmers, could cause a storm of confusion, enough to leave many people struggling to find the truth. However, there are other laws in place to deal with these situations, without locking fertilizer efficacy testing into the registration regulations. Canada has consumer protection laws that prohibit misleading label claims and deceptive marketing practices. Government must ensure farmers and all consumers are educated about these laws and how to access agencies and seek reprisals when required. As well, Ottawa should take great pains to ensure it has an active, aggressive enforcer of consumer fraud legislation. But with these contingencies in place, the proposed changes appear to offer a better deal for farmers.
Given the importance of the Japanese market for Canada, it’s imperative that any trade deal we sign with that country have a very strong agriculture package.
We need to finish off some of these trade deals. We’ve got some pretty big markets out there. I think we need to actually close and sign off on some of these…
Bruce Dyck, Terry Fries, Barb Glen, D’Arce McMillan and Joanne Paulson collaborate in the writing of Western Producer editorials.
Statistics Canada must rethink how it defines farmers for census purposes NATIONAL VIEW
et’s be clear from the get-go. Statistics Canada is a national treasure, its data collection illuminates Canadian history as it evolves and the Conservative decision to diminish its ability to gather information is a shortsighted ideological mistake. Much of the agricultural industry depends on Statistics Canada to tell the tale of what is happening as the
world and the sector evolves. So none of this is to denigrate the value of the work Statistics Canada does. It is, however, to suggest that the federal agency should rethink how it collects farm data and in particular, how it defines a farm. Statistics Canada data on the state of farming, the number of farms, farm size, farm income and farm sales distorts the reality of Canadian agriculture today. It defines a farm as an operation producing an agricultural product with the “intention” of selling it. There is no need to actually have sold a cabbage, to have a minimum farm sales income, to even have the intention of trying to make money from the farm. So Canada had more than 205,000
farmers last year. That hasn’t been true for decades. So Canada lost more than 10 percent of its farms between 2006 and 2011. Not a chance. So the average farm size is 778 acres. That is so 1960. This is no academic argument. Federal and provincial agriculture ministers use the data as they design national farm policy, a process that is now underway and that will establish farm policy for the next five years, starting next April 1. Ur ba n m e d i a u s e t h e d at a t o describe what is happening on the farm. My God, more than 23,000 farmers went out of business in five years. And while the federal agency presents copious amounts of detail about the breakdown of segments within
agriculture, the broader averages are what catch the headlines and fuel the political questions about agricultural policy failures. So here is a modest proposal. Statistics Canada should create a definition of a “farm,” perhaps in collaboration with Agriculture Canada. Someone living on an acreage as a want-to-be farmer with a fantasy of selling tomatoes in the local farmers’ market should not qualify as a farmer. While it is politically charged and would take years of painful political and statistical debate, Statistics Canada should try to come up with a way to identify farmers who hope to make a living from growing food and differentiate them from someone who wants the lifestyle and wants to
tap into the spirit of Grandpa and his pre-mechanized farm. Agriculture Canada should insist that its sister government agency find a way to determine how many serious commercial farmers there are so that agricultural and social policy do not become interchangeable. Years ago, a federal deputy agriculture minister with a cattle herd wrote off losses on the farm against his government salary because he saw himself as a farmer with Ottawa as offfarm income. A federal court ruled that to be a ludicrous idea. Likewise, Statistics Canada should not allow want-to-be farmers to selfidentify and thereby skew valuable, informative statistics that are the lifeblood of the industry.
Farmers will pay
More contracts, but market info still lacking EDITORIAL NOTEBOOK
more to ship their grain this year FILE PHOTO
Should farmers pay for railways’ pensions? W BY DOUG FALLER
he Canadian Transportation Agency recently announced that prairie grain farmers will pay 9.5 percent more to ship their grain. Based on the 2011 total freight bill under the revenue cap of $952 million, a 9.5 percent increase means another $90 million straight out of the pockets of prairie farmers. It means another $2.92 per tonne in freight, or about $3 per seeded acre. Most of the increase has little to do with the actual costs of hauling grain. In fact, the price index for the actual costs of hauling grain went up by only 1.6 percent. The remainder, 7.9 percent, is a result of two accounting methodology changes to how CTA calculates the railways’ corporate costs. According to the CTA website, one of the changes is based on recommendations from the railways on calculating the cost of the equity component of the cost of capital. “Cost of capital is defined as an esti-
mate of the total return on net investment that is required by shareholders and debt holders so that debt costs can be paid and equity investors can be provided with an adequate return on investment consistent with the risks assumed for the period under consideration,” the CTA said. The change to the CTA’s cost of equity calculation has been done to ensure that Canadian National Railway and Canadian Pacific Railway shareholders are provided an adequate return on investment. The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan has learned that major investment firms in Western Canada have been advising their clients to invest in CN and CPR. When we asked why, the answer was simple: “barrier to entry.” In other words, the railways have a duopoly. They have a captive market in grain and face no meaningful competition. Thus, there is little risk investing in CN and CPR, as the trend in their share values and dividend payments
attest. CN’s share price rose 400 percent from Jan. 1, 2003, to May 1, 2012, while CPR’s share price has increased nearly 250 percent. CN dividends increased 388 percent from 2001 to 2012, while CPR dividends increased 275 percent. The revenue cap for grain has never prevented the railways from meeting their cost of equity. The other accounting change is the way the CTA determines how much the railways receive to cover their pensions. Grain farmers will now pay more for funding CN and CPR pension plans. This is not because of more employees. CN employed about the same number in 2011 as it did in 2002. However, the cost to cover pensions to senior management may have gone up. For example, the chief executive officer of CPR is entitled to a pension at age 65 of $1.122 million. Is it really true that CN and CPR need more money from farmers to fund their pension plans? Net
income after taxes for CN and CP combined in 2011 was $3.027 billion. The net income after tax for two railways was at least 25 percent higher than the net income before tax for all prairie grain farmers combined in 2011, which was a record year for farm net in-come. Who is taking care of grain farmers’ cost of equity or their pensions? Not only has the freight bill been too high for years under the revenue cap, grain farmers are now being asked to pay $3 per tonne more. As APAS continues to call for a full costing review, the need grows. Farmers could understand a 1.6 percent increase in the revenue cap based on a rising price index for actual costs. But an extra 7.9 percent to increase railway profits by another $75 million so that shareholders are happy and $1 million CEO pensions are safe is another matter.
Faller is the policy manager for the Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan.
Million dollar farms dominate gross receipts HURSH ON AG
igger farms, fewer farmers — those results from the 2011 Census of Agriculture are hardly surprising. It’s the well-established, long-term trend. However, there’s more to the numbers than meets the eye. According to the census statistics, the average farm size in Saskatchewan has increased to 1,668 acres while Alberta is 1,168 and Manitoba is 1,135. The census has the trend right, but the numbers don’t make sense. Farms of that size are now considered small, not average. The numbers are likely being skewed by people who retain small holdings and like to have
the perks and status of calling themselves farmers. Gross farm receipts show the same thing. There continue to be a lot of small farms. Twenty percent of Canadian farms have gross receipts of less than $10,000. Whether it’s a semi-retired farmer on the Prairies taking a crop share on a quarter or two of land or a young person in Ontario selling a small quantity of vegetables at a farmers’ market, these are not typical of commercial operations. More than 60 percent of census farms have less than $100,000 in gross receipts. This perpetuates the myth of quaint little farms, but it’s just not the reality. At current grain prices, a farm can gross $100,000 with just 250 acres of canola or 500 acres of wheat at average yields. Those farms with gross revenue of less than $100,000 accounted for less than 10 percent of total farm receipts. Large farms grossing more than $1 million a year are relatively few in number, but that’s where most of the country’s production is coming from.
The census shows 9,602 farms grossing $1 million or more. That’s only 4.7 p e rc e n t o f a l l f a r m s, b u t t h e y accounted for 49.1 percent of total gross receipts. A lot is being made of the aging of the farm population, with the 2011 Census of Agriculture marking the first time that the largest age category is producers older than 55 — an amazing 48.3 percent of farm operators. Meanwhile, farm operators younger than 35 accounted for just 8.2 percent of the total. What’s missing from those statistics and what may come out with more analysis is the gross revenue to age correlation. The oldest category of farm operators probably includes a lot of the big, well-established farms as well as semi-retired producers who have relatively small holdings. Not surprisingly, land rental is gradually but steadily becoming more common. Less than 60 percent of farmland is owned by the operator. Back in 1976, it was 70 percent. Statistics Canada makes the point that land rental is a
less capital-intensive means of expanding. As well, investors are buying farmland. Only 19 percent of farms are incorporated, but this is another stat skewed by the large number of relatively small operations. Most farms grossing more than $500,000 a year are incorporated. Even in the $250,000 to $499,999 category, nearly 37 percent of the operations are incorporated. So, where should farm policy be directed? Should farm programs and policies be aimed at the majority of producers grossing less than $100,000 in an attempt to make them more viable? Or should governments look to support the $1 million farms that while relatively few in number are accounting for nearly half of total receipts? And what does the future hold for those of us who fall somewhere between big and small? Kevin Hursh is an agricultural journalist, consultant and farmer. He can be reached by e-mail at
hether farmers were for or against the CWB’s single desk, most agreed on at least one thing: its elimination was going to cause a few bumps on the wheat marketing landscape. A FarmShift survey by Blacksheep Strategy in January showed that 37 percent of farmers were unsure about who would do the best job marketing their grain. That has since fallen to 29 percent in a follow-up April survey, said Blacksheep in a news release. Blacksheep attributes the higher confidence level to more market activity. More than half of the wheat growers who responded to the survey have by now been contacted by at least one company regarding wheat contracts, an improvement over the wasteland that existed a few months ago. Blacksheep also said the new CWB was mentioned by 19 percent of growers as the best company to handle grain marketing, followed by Richardson with 15 percent. Viterra led the pack after the first survey, but of course that has all changed with its pending sale to Glencore. However, the more recent survey also showed that farmers are still unsure about who will provide the best independent marketing information. As Blacksheep said in its analysis, farmers may be at odds about whether an open market is good or bad, but they agree that they need more markets information. It’s pretty telling that a large majority of respondents — 61 percent — said they were not sure who will best provide independent marketing advice. Twenty-two percent mentioned grain companies, followed by small percentages for other marketing organizations. These surveys of 600 prairie wheat growers come with an accuracy rate of plus or minus four per cent with a confidence level of 95 percent. We don’t really have to know that to see that this information is pointing to reality. We’re undergoing a sea change, and growers are being careful: they’re on their own and can’t afford to make mistakes. The April survey shows that farmers are wading into the post-single desk environment with their analysis antennae up, all the way. Furthermore, farmers are clearly looking for strong, up-to-the-minute market information they can trust, such as supply and demand fundamentals, contracts and price signals. Hopefully, they will soon find it and smooth out some of those bumps in the landscape.
Letters should be less than 300 words. Name, address and phone number must be included for verification purposes and only letters accepted for publication will be confirmed with the author.
To the Editor:
Open letters should be avoided; priority will be given to letters written exclusively for the Producer. Editors reserve the right to reject or edit any letter for clarity, brevity, legality and good taste. Cuts will be indicated by ellipsis (‌) Publication of a letter does not imply endorsement by the Producer.
The results of the Alberta election will keep analysts busy for a long time. They will study why and how pre–election polls are taken and when results should be made public. Political analysts will study the how, when and who of political campaigning. These studies are important, but it is the results of the election that will affect the lives of the citizens in that province and even other provinces. The Alberta election results for Quebec are good news, as it will more likely retain four more years of special status and billions of equalization dollars from the West without
even an idle threat of separation. With Alberta results indicating a slight political shift to the left, Saskatchewan may have even more investment dollars directed their way for oil and gas resource development. Ken Kellington, Devon, Alta.
PARLIAMENT WOMAN To the Editor: I was happy to see Barry Wilson’s column (WP May 3) about our “Parliament Woman� — Green MP Elizabeth May. I would offer a slight correction however, as Elizabeth is not
considered an independent. She is recognized by the House of Commons as a Green Party MP. Elizabeth May and the Green Party have been working to get rid of a lot of misconceptions and have started attracting interest from that group of Canadians who value independent accomplishment but recognize that we all owe our success to the communities and the environment in which we live. With rights come responsibilities: for our families, for our country, and for our world. The challenge for Green-minded farmers is to find ways to produce our crops while minimizing our ecological footprint. It’s not easy being Green. Looking ahead and considering the effects today’s decisions will
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have tomorrow takes time. It is an intellectual frame of mind, which does not interest everyone, but it is good to know that some are noticing. Thank you Barry. Kate Storey, Green Party of Canada, agriculture critic, Grandview, Man.
DESTROYING CO-OPS To the Editor: The federal government is attacking democracy in Canada. Farmers lost the Wheat Pool a few years ago. Its demise was brought about by legislation that killed the Crow Rate. The single desk Canadian Wheat Board was destroyed by the present federal government. It refused to give farmers a vote, even though existing legislation stated the government must let farmers make major decisions regarding the CWB. According to a recent news release, the federal government is now attacking co-operatives in general. The Tory government seems determined to greatly weaken or destroy the co-operative movement. Farmers are not the only ones under attack. Recent government policy takes away from the 99 percent who receive 67 percent of available income and favours the one percent who receive 33 percent of the world income. It could be said they take from the poor and give to the rich — Robin Hood in reverse. There is no doubt if the present Conservative government has its way, we will revert back to something equivalent to the feudal system. Canada and the world will be dominated and controlled by a few huge multinational corporations. George Hickie, Waldron, Sask.
SUPPLY MANAGEMENT To the Editor: Re: Call for weakening of supply management disregards farm families involved, by Barry Wilson, April 26 WP. I feel the above headline is an unabashed attempt to tug on our heartstrings to support a certain viewpoint. There are families other than dairy farmers that are affected by supply management. There are other farm families who may find trade access to their products restricted by Canada’s insistence on supply management. There are families who work in processing industries who cannot expand their markets and thus their businesses because of the higher cost of raw materials. There are those unemployed people who could be employed as a result of a bigger processing and exporting industry in Canada. But most importantly of all, there are poor families in Canada who must spend a larger share of their income on food because of supply management. Terry James, Vegreville, Alta.
OPINION SHELTER BELTS NOT REDUNDANT To the Editor: I quote The Western Producer of April 26, “(agriculture minister Gerry) Ritz now says that changes in farming practices have rendered shelter belts redundant.” How can that man say the things he says, never mind do the things he does? He thinks trees are redundant? And then it must follow that so are birds and chipmunks, protection from destructive winds, retention of snow cover, assistance to the water table, beauty, home heating costs. Add to that the people of Indian Head who, after all these years of valuable work, have become redundant. Just like that, the snapping of a finger, the stroke of a pen. It’s done. Where I live there are many “stew-
ards of the land” hell bent on destroying trees (“Just some ol’ poplars”) and destroying sloughs. In the last several months, thousands of birds and other creatures have lost their habitat. If someone considers planting trees, they are more likely to plant a thousand if they are free. Not likely, however, if they have to pay for them. The PFRA (Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration) was a farsighted and valuable program. The dictator of Canada can’t see that. He is gutting this country. I’m no economist but how can the destruction of thousands of jobs help the economy? Those of you who voted Conservative: on your head be it. I don’t believe in the party system. Is it really democratic? Does Ritz care, does (prime minster Stephen) Harper care what they have done to the West and, in this case, for there are many cases, to the town of
Indian Head? When they were trying to get your vote, did they tell you they’d do all this gutting, such as shutting down our tree nursery? I know where the real cutting and gutting should be done. C. D. Pike, Waseca, Sask.
WHO PAYS MATTERS To the Editor: In the April 19 Western Producer (Cereal Research Centre falls to budget cuts), Blair Rutter claims farmers don’t care who pays for grain research. I’m a farmer and I do care who pays for grain research. For thousands of years farmers have freely shared plant breeding advances for public benefit.
Our current system with farmers and government paying for research builds on that tradition. Improved plant breeding benefits everyone and that is why the costs are now shared between the public and producers. We don’t need private companies getting in the way and we don’t need people who would not know a tractor from a fountain pen speaking for farmers. Mr. Rutter’s way would steal that research and give it to private companies so they can sell it back to us. Although too many think otherwise, companies will only act in their own interests and bottom line, not mine. We need more independent organizations and people speaking for farmers, not those who depend on corporate and government largesse. Paul Harmon, Consul, Sask.
“Our farm is in a wide, scenic valley. Just a few miles beyond our income.”
Hooked by fishing friend SPIRITUAL VIGNETTES
he 10-year-old cast with both hands to get his big red devil fishing hook into the deep water. I watched him for 10 minutes, then started to fish beside him. “Sure don’t make these hooks like they used to,” he complained as he tried to pull his clunker through the weeds. One retrieve was different from the others. I noticed the line moving parallel to the shore. “I think you’ve got a fish.” “But I never caught a fish before,” he said as he pulled on the line. “You are doing fine. Just keep the tip of the rod in the air, and make sure the line stays tight.” “This would be my first fish ever,” he said. You could feel his growing excitement. The road we were standing on had a rappelling of rocks right along the shore. The rocks would cause problems for an adult standing two feet taller than he was. “Hold the rod tip as high as you can. It’s a biggy. Can I help with the landing?” The big trout landed on shore with a plop when I gave it a boost from the water. Both the kid and I were breathless with excitement. What a tale he had to tell at the dinner table that night. What a memory I’ve enjoyed over the years. It was so much better than if I’d caught the fish myself. Spending time with children can do that to us. Their innocence, their curiosity, their maturity when being coached through a situation open us to visions of what they have to offer as they mature. Kahlil Gibran writes of these gifts, “you may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts…. Their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.” Joyce Sasse writes for the Canadian Rural Church Network at www.canadian
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Producers will help with transfer of pastures Land transfer | Ag minister favours selling land BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
Saskatchewan’s agriculture minister is setting up a producer panel to determine what to do with 60 federal pastures the province will become responsible for next year. Bob Bjornerud said five producers will help the ministry find ways to ease the ownership transfer from Ottawa to the province and then to producers or others. Bjornerud favours selling the pastures. “Probably the one positive part of all of this, if there is one, is that they gave us one year of grace and then only five (pastures will be affected) next year,” he said. “They’ll pick those out and we’ll go from there.” The Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association said discussions should start soon, even with no changes to pasture operations this year. “The patrons are the most significant thing we have to deal with, and how they can be made most comfortable in a transition,” said SSGA president Harold Martens. The federal pasture system has been in place since 1937 and many producers with smaller land bases rely on them to have enough grazing land. Bjornerud said keeping the pastures would put a huge burden on the province, which also operates 52 pastures of its own. “I think right now cattle prices have improved somewhat so if there’s ever going to be an opportunity for some-
thing like this to happen … probably now is the best time we’ve had in a long time,” he said. Patrons, producers and rural municipalities have already been making inquiries. Bjornerud said the producer advisory panel might come up with options to allow sales to proceed smoothly. Martens said financing will be a major factor in determining who can buy. Farm Credit Canada and other lenders should help patrons who need the land to maintain their operations, he added. “ There should be a variety of (financing) packages available for them to work through,” he said. Some arrangements could be lease-to-own while others could be traditional loans or co-operatives. Martens said patrons who buy a pasture together need to have protocols and operational procedures in place because they typically rely on a manager and pasture riders. They would have to hire staff and negotiate salaries. “There’s probably a need to set up how they could manage those things on their own,” he said. Martens also raised the issue of land titles. Many of the pastures are land that was abandoned during the 1930s. “It would be like homesteading,” Martens said. He said the provincial ministry should develop one set of basic transfer tools rather than allowing patrons’ groups to each come up with their own.
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Power line control crews hook up power lines to a tower northeast of Pincher Creek, Alta. The $133 million, 240-kilovolt line will carry wind-generated electricity to Lethbridge about 100 kilometres away and provide better local transmission capacity. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO
Clubroot test mandatory to ensure reliable trials
Group urges Ottawa to continue site funding
Dozens of research plots in Western Canada are being tested for clubroot before canola is seeded in an effort to stop the disease from spreading. In February, the Western Canada Canola/Rapeseed Recommending Committee required all 37 of its sites be tested for clubroot. Raymond Gadoua, the recommending committee co-ordinator, said the committee has had guidelines in place for several years to reduce the spread of infection, but thought it was time to make clubroot testing mandatory. “We just decided it was appropriate for us as an organization that runs field trials to test for the presence of clubroot beforehand,” said Gadoua, who works with the Canola Council of Canada in Saskatoon. “This year is the first that has required testing for the presence of clubroot at a research site. It’s a situation very present on the industry’s mind.” None of the soil samples have tested positive for clubroot, he added. Farmers have been coping with the soil borne disease for six years, mainly in central Alberta. Last year it was confirmed in two Cargill disease observation nurseries in north- central Saskatchewan, and this spring clubroot DNA was confirmed in two Manitoba farms. “The initial perception was it was fairly isolated,” said Gadoua. Murray Hartman, Alberta Agriculture’s oilseed specialist, said soil testing for clubroot is now also mandatory on the 30 canola performance trials in Western Canada. Trials grown on clubroot infected land would be worthless because the patchy emergence of canola infected with the disease would make the data unreliable. It’s also important for researchers to know if clubroot is in the soil so that they don’t unknowingly spread it between plots, Hartman said. John Waterer, national agronomy manager for Cargill Canada, said the company conducted soil tests on its clubroot trials locations for a number of years before and after seeding. It was through this testing, and an astute pathologist, that the company discovered clubroot in its canola research plots last year. “It’s a good thing we found it. It’s a good wake-up call to everyone in the industry,” said Waterer. It’s also a reminder to practice good soil sanitation, use clubroot resistant varieties and good crop rotation, he added. Darrel Armstrong, Monsanto Canada’s Canada stewardship lead, said the company recently reviewed its policy. Soil testing is mandatory before using any research site. Discovery of clubroot in Saskatchewan gave the company added incentive to change its policies. It also follows a strict equipment sanitation protocol in high risk areas, especially around Edmonton, he said.
Motherwell Homestead | Budget cuts to Parks Canada will see demonstrations become a self-guided tour BY KAREN BRIERE REGINA BUREAU
People in Abernethy, Sask., are urging the federal government to reconsider budget cuts to the national historic site honouring a former Saskatchewan and federal agriculture minister. Motherwell Homestead will next year become a self-guided site after a $29.2 million budget cut to Parks Canada takes effect. William R. Motherwell was the province’s first agriculture minister and later federal minister in the Liberal government of prime minister
William Lyon MacKenzie King. He homesteaded near Abernethy in 1882 and in 1966 the farm was designated a national historic site. Motherwell Homestead offers agricultural programming that is meant to depict a prairie homestead. Horse-drawn implements show how land was broken and worked. A large garden is planted each year in the backyard of the distinctive stone house and bread is baked in the summer kitchen. Friends of the Motherwell Homestead Inc. board member Donna Wilkes said seeing those demonstrations go will be difficult.
“You can stand there and watch them seed the crop with horses. You can look across the road and see how it’s done today,” said Wilkes. “I think it’s educational and I don’t think that taking that away is going to be better in any way.” Katherine Patterson, superintendent of the Saskatchewan South Field Unit, said the cuts at Motherwell are particularly sad and come at a poor time. A new management plan had just been developed, the Friends group had worked through the fall, winter and spring on a new trail, and the site was featured on a reality show called
Operation Unplugged. Patterson said 32 Parks Canada employees were affected by the budget cuts. Twenty-one jobs were cut and 11 were offered reduced seasons. Of those 32 jobs, 25 are in her unit. And of those, five are at Motherwell and five are at Grasslands National Park. Laureen Marchand, a member of the Friends group at Grasslands, said people in Val Marie, where the park is based, are concerned about job losses. The park is a major employer in the town of about 100.
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B.C. growers may benefit from Ontario frost disaster $48 million in fruit crop lost | The shortfall in the east may increase demand and send B.C. fruit prices up BY TERRY EDWARDS FREELANCE WRITER
KELOWNA, B.C. — A devastating spring freeze that destroyed as much as 80 percent of Ontario’s apple crop may benefit British Columbia growers. Fruit trees bloomed early because of warm weather in southwestern Ontario and the Niagara region, but then temperatures plunged to -7 C April 29, damaging or wiping out much of the $60 million apple crop and 20 to 30 percent of Ontario’s $48 million tender fruit crop, which includes peaches, cherries, pears, plums and nectarines. Brian Gilroy, a Georgian Bay area apple grower and chair of Ontario Apple Growers, told the Windsor Star the loss to fruit growers and the economy could easily surpass $100 million. On top of the lost yield, orchard workers and spinoff industries such as juice, packing, storage and farm supplies will also be affected. “This is the worst disaster fruit growers have ever, ever experienced,” orchard owner Keith Wright of Harrow, Ont., told the Star. “We’ve been here for generations and I’ve never heard of this happening before across the province. This is unheard of where all fruit growing areas in basically the Great Lakes area, in Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York State, Ontario, are all basically wiped out.” Joe Sardinha, an apple grower in Summerland, B.C., and past-president of the B.C. Fruit Growers Association, said that while he sympathizes with his eastern Canadian growers, he welcomes a possible hike in prices as a result of the apple shortage that will likely occur this fall. “I think there is every possibility, given the extent of the damage that occurred, that it will have an impact on things,” he said. “Maybe there’s more opportunity for B.C. apples because I think the retailers in Ontario, the Loblaws and the Sobeys and what not, are going to be interested in carrying
B.C. fruit trees are heavy with blooms this spring and growers hope good weather will produce high yields and quality fruit. |
Canadian fruit and B.C., if all things work out well and we continue to have a good bloom and a decent summer, may supply some of that shortfall.” Higher prices would be a welcome
reprieve for B.C. apple growers, who have struggled for the past four years with returns that barely meet or fall short of production costs. “That’s not to say that every grower is losing money,” Sardinha said. “For instance, this year prices are quite reasonable for top-quality fruit. It’s very dependent on the varieties you grow and the quality of fruit you produce because there are growers meeting or exceeding the cost of production if we peg it at 22.5 cents (per pound).” Sardinha said he hopes consumers won’t have to bear the full burden if prices rise because of the shortfall. “Maybe what this thing sets up is we’ll be able to command more of the margin that retailers keep for themselves.” Growers in B.C. have been enjoying ideal growing conditions, and early
indicators signal an above-average crop. A lot of orchards have heavy bloom this year and producers are encouraged to get some of that early spray thinning done and be ready to hand thin. “If we do have these opportunities, there’s nothing worse than not growing the best quality or over cropping your tree,” Sardinha said. “This is, I think, very likely a potential opportunity to see some better returns for this year’s crop if all things line up. But there is still a long way to go.” Sam DiMaria, a long-time Kelowna orchardist, said he is optimistic prices will rise but Washington state, the Okanagan’s biggest competitor, is also enjoying ideal conditions, which could temper any windfall B.C. growers are anticipating.
Washington produces about 10 times as many apples as B.C. and is the largest supplier in North America. “I can tell you right now that in Washington state, they have a perfect bloom season,” Di Maria said. “They have an overwhelming number of flowers on the trees, perfect weather conditions and they are expecting a record crop out of Washington this year barring some unforeseen curveball that Mother Nature can still throw at us. “There should be a benefit for B.C. tree fruits. The demand for fruit should be a little bit better and prices should be a little higher, but I don’t think it’s going to eliminate the competition that we go head-tohead with. I’m sure they’ll still be shipping as much as they can into Western Canada and still be very competitive.”
Census fails to show cattle sector rebounding: CCA president Producers rebuilding herds | The census was taken last May when livestock prices were low and grain prices were up BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Martin Unrau figures the 2011 Census of Agriculture missed the real state of the cattle industry by a year. “I think if the census was this year, the cattle industry story would be different, stronger,” the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association president said. Census day was in May 2011 and last week’s first release of the resulting agricultural snapshot by Statistics Canada showed a livestock sector in decline, far eclipsed by resurgence in the grain and oilseed sector. In 2011, grain and oilseed farms
represented 30 percent of operations, while beef farms were close to 18 percent. Five years earlier, the split had been even. More dramatically, gross farm receipts in 2010 for grain and oilseed
farms were up almost 50 percent from five years earlier to $18.2 billion. Beef receipts declined 25 percent to $7.3 billion. Grain Growers of Canada executive director Richard Phillips said the shift was simply a reflection of commodity prices. “What has happened is that livestock prices were struggling and grain prices are up,” he said. “Farmers say, ‘show me the money,’ and they go where the money is.” Statistics Canada said part of the reason for the decline is that Canadian consumer demand for beef has fallen. Per capita consumption of beef has fallen 5.1 percent since 2006.
However, Unrau said the industry has been turning around. “I think when the census was done, we were at a point where a lot of older producers had not been able to leave the industry because of losses after BSE, and they had reduced their herds,” he said. “ I t h i n k n ow w e a re s e e i n g a rebuilding of the herd. Heifer retention is up and prices certainly are better.” He said the most important struggle facing the industry now is the retention of infrastructure, including slaughter capacity in packing plants. “A real issue is keeping that infra-
structure in place while we rebuild,” he said. “Do we have enough cattle to sustain the capacity we have and will it be there when we have larger herds and need capacity?” The census also showed the results of hog industry turmoil during years of financial losses and a government program to buy out producers who wanted to leave the industry. The value of hog sales plummeted 33 percent to $6.2 billion between 2005 and 2010. The number of pigs in the national herd fell almost 16 percent to slightly less than 13 million. Ontario saw the largest decline in its hog industry since the last census.
Alberta’s rural population grows
Alberta had the second largest growth in rural and small town (RST) population from 2006 to 2011 among all Canadian provinces — Manitoba was first, experiencing a 4.7 percent increase in rural population growth. Saskatchewan also saw a boost to its rural areas, showing a 3.7 percent growth between the two census years.
Alberta’s rural population grew faster than the national average between 2006-11, according to Statistics Canada. It also had a larger percentage of rural residents than Canada as a whole. The number of Alberta rural residents rose by 4.1 percent in the fiveyear census period. As well, they made up 19.4 percent of the provincial population. By comparison, Canada’s rural population growth rate was 1.7 percent and rural residents made up 18.1 percent of the rural population. Alberta Agriculture’s rural development division recently crunched the numbers after the 2011 census data was released. Project co-ordinator Patricia Macklin said rural is defined in the census as areas outside metropolitan areas or cities of more than 10,000 people, from which less than half the population commutes to cities for work. It includes residents of towns and villages as well as municipal districts and counties. In 2011, 80.6 percent of Alberta’s population was urban and 19.4 percent rural, statistics show. Rural areas strongly influenced by cities showed stronger growth. “Because they’re close enough to have that economic linkage, you tend to have more growth there,” said Macklin. Urban growth in Alberta was almost twice that of Canadian urban growth during the census period, she added. In actual numbers, 707,646 people lived in rural and small town Alberta compared to 679,861 in 2006. However, Alberta was second to Manitoba in terms of rural growth for
DEFINING POPULATIONS: These are definitions used by Statistics Canada to sort and categorize populations based on size and proximity to urban centres: RST: Rural and small town Any rural community that has a population of fewer than 10,000 and where less than 50 percent of its working citizens commute to a CMA or CA.
all provinces. Manitoba saw a growth rate of 4.7 percent between 2006 and 2011. Saskatchewan was third at 3.7 percent, followed by Quebec at 2.7. Rural populations declined over the census period in Newfoundland Labrador (-2.7), Prince Edward Island (-1.9), Nova Scotia (-1.7) and New Brunswick (-0.8). The fastest growing census division in Alberta was Fort McMurray, heart of the oilsands industry, at 27.2 percent. The other three fastest growing areas in the province were Calgary (12.9 percent), Edmonton (11.8) and Grande Prairie (11.1). Among all census divisions, only Hanna had a population decline, at
-4.9 percent. “I don’t think it was surprise,” Macklin said of the numbers. “It’s like any statistics, you can sort of hide the specific with the general. Certainly there are individual towns and areas that are seeing population loss that are struggling with that. But overall we are growing.” In terms of economic regions, Wood Buffalo-Cold Lake showed fastest growth in the province at 15.8 percent. It’s the region that surrounds Fort McMurray. The lowest rate of growth was seen in the economic regions of CamroseDrumheller (4.4) and Banff-JasperRocky Mountain House (4.2).
Percent change in population, 2006 and 2011, by category type*: urban rural metropolitan influence zones (MIZ) CMA CA RST strongg moderate weak none British Columbia 8.7 5.3 0.8 2.8 0.5 0.3 -1.3 Alberta 12.3 13.4 4.1 7.5 4.2 2.7 -0.1 Saskatchewan 9.9 5.8 3.7 3.6 4.3 4.4 0.4 Manitoba 5.1 8.3 4.7 8.6 1.5 4.5 7.3 Ontario 7.1 0.4 0.6 2.0 0.3 -3.0 3.1 Quebec 5.5 3.7 2.7 7.4 1.0 0.0 2.4 New Brunswick 7.1 3.2 -0.8 -0.6 -0.7 -0.3 -9.5 Nova Scotia 4.7 -1.7 -1.7 3.2 -1.8 -2.4 13.9 P.E.I. 0.0 7.3 -1.9 0.2 -3.0 -4.1 -5.8 Nfld./Labrador 8.8 1.1 -2.7 -2.1 -4.2 -0.6 -5.6 *See table at bottom left, ‘DEFINING POPULATIONS,’ for full category descriptions Source: Statistics Canada | MICHELLE HOULDEN GRAPHIC
Precise. Gentle. Precise. Gentle. Efficient.
» CMA: Census metropolitan area
An area with a total population of at least 100,000 and at least 50,000 in its urban core
» CA: Census agglomeration
A community or area with an urban core of at least 10,000. Both CMAs and CAs can include nearby towns and municipalities if half of the outlying community’s workforce commutes to the urban centre.
» MIZ: Metropolitan influence zone
A description to indicate how much a rural community interacts with an urban one, measured by work commuting flows. The more people commute for work from a rural to an urban centre, the stronger the level of integration between the two communities. MIZ is classified by the percentage of commuting. Strong MIZ: 30 to 49 percent; moderate MIZ: five to 29 percent; weak MIZ: one to four percent; no MIZ: zero percent.
Source: Statistics Canada
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New minister eager to learn about ag issues Premier Alison Redford says she plans to give agribusiness a higher profile BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Alberta’s new agriculture minister will dig deep into his rural roots to help him with his new job. Verlyn Olson lives on the same land his grandparents homesteaded, near Armena. His parents, uncles, aunts and cousins were farmers and his wife is a “farm girl.” “I’ve often described myself as a person who doesn’t know farming, but I know farmers,” said Olson after being sworn in as Alberta’s 26th agriculture minister May 8. The former justice minister said he was just as surprised as everyone else when premier Alison Redford named him named agriculture minister. “Intellectually, I knew it was a possibility, but I hadn’t really contemplated agriculture,” said Olson, who was first elected to government in 2008. “Nobody would be surprised to hear me say, ‘I am not a farmer.’ But I’ve grown up close to farmers. I have spent my whole life basically, except for a few years of university, in rural Alberta. I spent 30 years practicing in a rural setting with many, many of my clients being farmers. My family roots are all in agriculture on all sides of the family,” said Olson, who practiced law in Camrose.
SEATS IN THE ALBERTA LEGISLATURE Progressive Conservative Wildrose Alberta Liberal New Democrat
61 17 5 4
“I’ve been around the agricultural life, although I claim no expertise, certainly not a subject matter expert.” Olson said his first goal is to soak up as much information as he can about the agricultural portfolio and issues facing rural Alberta. “I want to stress the department is agriculture and rural development and I also take the rural development part very seriously,” he said. “My number one goal is to just read as much as I can and get lots of briefings from my department and get up to speed with issues we are facing in the near term.” Olson has also started to accept invitations from groups who want to talk to the new agriculture minister. One of his first official duties will be attending convocation of the first class of veterinary graduates at the University of Calgary. Olson said his mandate letter from the premier will spell out in more detail what she is looking for from the agricultural ministry.
Redford said she wants to raise the profile of agribusiness inside and outside the province. Former agricultural minister Evan Berger, defeated in the April election, had a strong focus on promoting youth in agriculture, even naming a youth advisory council to engage young people in agriculture. Olson said he supports a number of Berger’s initiatives, including the focus on youth, and will continue with those projects. The Progressive Conservatives won the Alberta election by a majority, but they lost many seats in southern and rural areas to the Wildrose party, leaving a wide swath of the province without government representation. Olson said rural and southern Albertans, who elected Wildrose members, could expect to have the same access to the agriculture minister as anyone else. “They can certainly expect to have my ear and can certainly expect to see me out and about. I want to be as accessible as I can be. I think the expectation of the premier, as well, is that I be very available in the south and everywhere else in the province.” Rural Albertans punished the Conservative government over changes to land use and property rights bills by voting Wildrose. Olson said the
They can certainly expect to have my ear and can certainly expect to see me out and about. I want to be as accessible as I can be. I think the expectation of the premier, as well, is that I be very available in the south and everywhere else in the province. VERLYN OLSON ALBERTA AGRICULTURE MINISTER
government has made changes to property rights legislation bills, and the premier has promised a more “consultative” approach to government. “You can expect to see and hear a lot more discussion about those issues.” Roger Epp, professor of political science at the University of Alberta, said Olson was a strong justice minister and made a good impression in the short time he was in cabinet. “He will be a good minister,” said Epp, former dean of the U of A’s Augustana campus in Camrose. Epp said he doesn’t know if agriculture ministers need to be from a farm, but added they must be a “good listener and a good thinker.” What Olson may bring to the portfolio is a different way of thinking about food that isn’t just rural. “I think if agriculture is going to be a portfolio in Western Canada, it has to
be more than just, ‘how can we crank up more stuff for export,’ ” said Epp. “There is some real potential of how to get young people into agriculture and you’re not going to do it in a really capital intensive way because they don’t have a shot at it, but there are lots of people who want to farm on some scale and I think there is an opportunity for really progressive public policy that would try to figure out how to do that.” Lynn Jacobson, president of Wild Rose Agricultural Producers, said he doesn’t know much about the new minister and is “somewhat surprised” at the choice of a minister with limited agricultural knowledge. “I don’t know how much ag involvement he’s had. He’ll be in a steep learning curve for sure. He’ll be really relying on his staff,” said Jacobson. John Knapp will remain as deputy agriculture minister.
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Redford’s Conservative gov’t differs from recent past Meet the new boss | Not the same as the old boss BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Alberta elected another majority Progressive Conservative government last month, but it isn’t more of the same, says political scientist Harold Jansen. The new government of premier Alison Redford is more urban, more centre-right and more co-operative in its approach, Jansen told the Southern Alberta Council of Public Affairs May 10. Much of rural Alberta, particularly in the south, has been represented by the PCs since 1975. Now it is largely represented by Wildrose Alliance candidates, which has implications for rural and agricultural issues, said Jansen. “I think we’re going to see the representation perhaps raised more on the floor of the legislature because that’s the primary forum that opposition MLAs have to communicate,� he said in an interview. “In some ways, (agriculture) might receive more public attention than it has in the past, but the tradeoff is you don’t have the kind of inside influence that it had in the past.� Jansen, who works at the University of Lethbridge, put the rural shift to Wildrose squarely on the shoulders of discontent over land use bills and worries about property rights. “These issues resonated in a huge way in southern Alberta. I can’t think of any other explanation why the rural south voted the way it did.� In his speech, Jansen said Conservative gains in Edmonton and Calgary came at the expense of the Liberal party. Redford’s promises to restore education funding and end poverty made it difficult for the Liberals to distinguish themselves from their PC rivals. “Alison Redford campaigned like a small ‘l’ Conservative,� said Jansen. “What the Conservatives lost to the Wildrose, they gained from the Liberals.� In rural areas, a scarcity of Liberals prevented the Conservatives from gaining support from that quarter, so the Wildrose took the lead. Now that the government has moved toward the political centre — although Jansen admitted that might have a different meaning in conservative Alberta — it will be hard to hold that position. Centrist parties can be squeezed from both directions and there are few successful long-term centrist parties. Jansen said he disagreed with pundits who suggested the Wildrose Alliance would have a better relationship with the federal government of prime minister Stephen Harper. “I actually think he’s very comfortable with Alison Redford because she’s someone he can work with. Premier Redford campaigned very much on a more co-operative kind of approach, and I expect to see that.� He said the Conservatives stumbled early during the election campaign,
giving an early lead to the Wildrose. Public outrage over monthly payments to MLAs who were on a committee that hadn’t met in almost three years fueled the Wildrose platform of greater fiscal responsibility. As well, he said the PCs hadn’t had to seriously campaign since 1993, when the Liberals under Lawrence Decore ran against Ralph Klein, who had replaced Don Getty as leader.
In subsequent elections, Klein was an indifferent campaigner and Ed Stelmach was also uncomfortable with it, said Jansen. Numerous pre-election polls indicated the Wildrose would win, but instead it lost because of last minute doubters, a large number of undecided voters that eventually voted PC and worries about the province’s economic future.
Alison Redford might be leader of the familiar Alberta Progressive Conservative party, but that doesn’t mean the same old politics are in play in Alberta. | FILE PHOTO
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Farmers need incentive for land set aside plan Society benefits so cost of conservation should be shared BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
The sound of boreal chorus frogs singing in sloughs like this one southeast of Longview, Alta., is a sure sign spring has arrived. The frogs are only three centimetres long so are difficult to spot. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
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Farmers must be part of any national conservation plan but they have to be compensated if it is to work, farm leaders have told a parliamentary committee. The House of Commons environment committee has been holding hearings on the possibility of creating a national conservation plan, and on May 1 committee members heard a farm perspective.
Canadian Federation of Agriculture president Ron Bonnett said land stewardship must be part of any plan, but farmers have to see the money before they will get involved. “There would be incentives to make things happen,” he said. “One of the difficulties is making people understand that farmers have this land base that is very expensive and if you are going to set aside land for some conservation purposes, there may be costs incurred with that.” If farm conservation practices benefit society, “there has to be some way of sharing some of those costs.” Doug Chorney, president of Manitoba’s Keystone Agricultural Producers, was more blunt. He said farmers need incentives to practice conservation farming. “By this I mean compensation,” he said. “An NCP (national conservation program) must ensure that this principle of society paying for ecological benefits is a pillar of its program development.” He promoted an ecological goods and services policy that puts a value on farm programs and practices that improve the environment to the benefit of society. Both farm leaders praised the Environmental Farm Plan program and insisted government funding should continue so that it can be part of any national program. Bonnett said 30 percent of Canadian farms now have an EFP, and Chorney said the figure is much higher in Manitoba. “I do want to stress that goals that bring together environmental successes and farm successes need to be given priority in this process,” said Chorney. Winnipeg Conservative MP Lawrence Toet wondered how conservation practices could help farm profitability. Bonnett offered a personal example of how the Environmental Farm Plan program helped his own farm. He used EFP money on his northern Ontario cow-calf operation to fence waterways to keep the cattle away. It improved the habitat for birds and fish. Then he used some of the money to pump water from the streams to pasture watering spots. “What we found then was that productivity of livestock increased because they did not have to go down into the water bodies to get water.” Some EFP money was also used to start a rotating pasture system with fields at different stages of growth, which meant cattle always have access to grass at its most nutritious stage. “We’re getting more productivity out of the cattle because they are on very nutritious pastures as they go through the cycle,” said Bonnett. He said financial incentives were key to that change in management practice because some fields had to be pulled out of production to stagger the growth. “You need the incentive program to help with the capital cost upfront to end up getting that win-win situation,” Bonnett said. “Depending on where you are, that land you are pulling out of production could be fairly high-valued land as well.”
PLAY BALL Jonathan Harpestad left his farm home at Eston, Sask., to hone his pitching skills and pursue his dream of playing ball professionally one day. | Page 23
Aiding rural dementia patients
There are many types of dementia, but broadly speaking, symptoms typically include loss of short- and long-term memory, judgment and reasoning, changes in mood and behaviour and changes in the ability to communicate.
Rural and Remote Memory Clinic | Fewer medical visits needed to get diagnosis, care
» Alzheimer’s disease is the most
common form of dementia at approximately 63 percent. It is a progressive, degenerative and fatal brain disease in which cellto-cell connections in the brain are lost. It is not a normal part of aging. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s include: • memory loss that affects day-today functioning • difficulty performing familiar tasks • problems with language • disorientation of time and place, poor or decreased judgment • problems with abstract thinking, misplacing things (often in inappropriate places) • changes in mood and behaviour, • changes in personality and loss of initiative
A unique clinic in Saskatoon is helping rural residents avoid multiple trips to specialists and the potential yearlong wait for a dementia diagnosis. The Rural and Remote Memory Clinic housed at the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture at the University of Saskatchewan can provide a diagnosis in a single day. Family physicians refer patients who are displaying dementia symptoms. They then spend a day at the clinic to be assessed by a team that includes a neurologist, neuropsychologist, geriatrician and physical therapist. At the end of the day, the patient and family meet with the specialists to discuss the diagnosis and a plan for care. Debra Morgan, chair of rural health delivery at the CCHSA, said the innovative facility then takes it one step further. They follow up by telehealth, or two-way video conferencing usually from the local hospital or medical office, which eliminates the costly and lengthy trips back to the city. “On average, we’ve been monitoring this in our clinic, we’re saving patients and their families over 400 kilometres per round trip by going to their telehealth in their home community versus coming all the way to Saskatoon for a followup appointment,” said Morgan. She said the specialists like to monitor those patients who have started taking anti-dementia medication to ensure the dose is correct. The family physician can also participate to ensure the care plan is followed. The only problem is the clinic is open just one day per week and has accumulated a long waiting list. Morgan said the team can devote only one day to diagnosis with its current resources. The clinic was launched in 2004 as a demonstration project under a five-year research grant. When
» Vascular dementia is the second
most common form of dementia at an estimated 20 percent of all cases. Many people with Alzheimer’s disease also have this dementia, which is caused by problems in the blood supply to the brain. Stroke is a common cause so this dementia may come on suddenly. Risk factors include being older than 65, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
» Frontotemporal dementia tends
to occur in younger people and primarily affects the areas of the brain associated with personality and behaviour. Between two and five percent of dementia cases are this type.
» Lewy body dementia occurs
because of abnormal deposits of a protein inside the brain’s nerve cells. Why or how this happens is unknown.
A brain scan can help with diagnosis of dementia. The Rural and Remote Memory Clinic can then follow up with patients remotely via video conferencing. | FILE PHOTO
» Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a rare
funding ran out in 2009, the provincial health ministry agreed to step in and keep it going. Mo re t ha n 3 0 0 p e o p l e hav e already gone through the clinic. Morgan said they are trying to shorten the wait list by modifying procedures. Some patients, for example, may see the neurologist and subsequently not need to see
» There are also dementias associat-
other specialists. “We are finding that some patients are already fairly advanced and there’s not as much potential for intervention because we’re more focused on the early stage,” Morgan said. Confirming the type of dementia a patient has is critical. Certain medications and treatments can be prescribed if the diag-
nosis comes early enough. “In our clinic, we don’t see so many patients with Alzheimer’s disease because it is the most common type and family physicians tend to be more comfortable diagnosing that because they see it more often,” Morgan said. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
dementia that comes on fast, affecting about 35 Canadians each year. ed with neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and Huntingdon’s disease.
» Some reversible dementias include those secondary to a primary illness such as thyroid disease or kidney disease.
Source: Alzheimer Society of Canada
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Debra Morgan says a Saskatoon clinic can help rural residents get a dementia diagnosis sooner. | DEBRA MORGAN PHOTO
» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE They see less common vascular, frontotemporal and Lewy body dementias. “People are really wanting to know what’s going on,” Morgan said. “They can tell that something’s not right, but until they get a diagnosis, it’s very hard to move forward both emotionally and figuring out what to do on a more practical level.” A diagnosis makes it possible to access home care and other support. For example, the clinic is part of the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan’s First Link program. With the patient’s permission, the clinic refers the patient to the society, which then follows up with information. Chief executive officer Joanne Bracken said the society has a network of support groups across the province, including the one it is operating by telehealth in partnership with the rural and remote memory clinic. “It’s specifically for those caring for someone with frontotemporal dementia,” Bracken said. “Their needs are very different and unique from people who traditionally attend our support groups.” This is because frontotemporal dementia is typically diagnosed in younger people — in their 40s and 50s. These people may still be working or have been let go from their jobs because of the undiagnosed dementia and have no access to disability programs. There could be young children at home, and there is pressure on a spouse to make up for lost income. Bracken said these people are often misdiagnosed with mental illness, but don’t respond to that treatment. “If it’s hard to get a diagnosis for Alzheimer’s, it’s extremely difficult to get one for frontotemporal dementia,” she said. “Frontotemporal dementia affects reasoning and judgment and so people get very fixated on certain things — sweets, repetitive motions,” Bracken said. “Lots of times, there’s a real loss of sexual inhibitions. Sometime people find that difficult to talk about in a group where there’s a lot of elderly caregivers.” Because this type of dementia is less common, the caregivers are more spread out and telehealth allows them to connect with others in similar situations. Morgan said there is still a lack of awareness about symptoms, particularly for the more complex dementias, and people aren’t getting a diagnosis early enough. She said health-care providers have to be ready for the rising tide of new patients. “One clinic is not going to be able to cope.” WATCH FOR MORE INFORMATION ON DEMENTIA IN NEXT WEEK’S FARM LIVING SECTION
ife is short so don’t waste any precious time. I appreciate the bright evening sky, the warmer temperatures and new growth. We will soon open our cottages or plan summer vacations. In the last few weeks, our home has changed drastically. Our first baby just turned 16 and got his driver’s licence. Having someone else in the house to help with driving is great, but how did he grow up so fast? Do you remember feeling this way with your children? All that we can do is learn to make time for our friends and family. While enjoying those special people in life, try these recipes.
SLOW COOKER BEEF I often use a slow cooker. It is convenient, keeps the kitchen cool and prevents the meat from drying. I even haul a slow cooker to the cottage. 5 to 6 peeled and cut medium potatoes 1 large onion, cut in quarters 2-3lb. beef roast 900 g-1.5 kg 1/4 c. beef broth 60 mL 1/4 c. vinaigrette 60 mL dressing of your choice (I like sun-dried tomato and oregano or Greek feta and oregano) salt and pepper Place ingredients in a slow cooker. Cook on low for about nine hours or on high for seven. When cooking is complete and the meat has cooled, cut across the grain into thin slices. Enjoy with vegetables or in fresh buns. Serves six. You could also roast the beef on the barbecue. Brush the dressing on the meat, season and wrap in foil and skip the broth and vegetables.
SKILLET SPRING VEGETABLES We have a productive asparagus patch at our home and look forward to the first taste. 1/2 c. vinaigrette 125 mL dressing of your choice 2 small zucchini, cut into chunks 2 yellow peppers, cut into chunks 1/2 red onion, cut into chunks 12 stems fresh asparagus, chopped into pieces In a large skillet, heat one-quarter cup (60 mL) of the dressing and toss in the cut vegetables. Stir fry until vegetables are tender, but still crisp. Brush with the additional dressing if desired and serve with a meat dish. This recipe can be done along side meat on the barbecue. Simply place the vegetables on a grilling pan or foil plate brush with dressing and saute. I prefer to use the same dressing
Strawberry trifle is a summertime treat. | for the vegetables and meat. Serves six.
STRAWBERRY TRIFLE 1 c. cold milk 250 mL 1 c. sour cream or 250 mL plain Greek yogurt 1 pkg. vanilla instant 102 g pudding 1 tsp. grated orange peel 5 mL 2 c. whipped cream 500 mL 8 c. cubed angel food cake 2L 4 c. fresh sliced strawberries 1L In a large mixing bowl, combine the milk, yogurt or sour cream, dry pudding mix and orange peel on low until thickened. Gently fold in the whipped cream. Place half the cubed cake in a large glass serving bowl. Arrange a third of the strawberries around the outside of the bowl and over top of the cake cubes. Top with half of pudding mixture. Repeat the layers once and top with the remaining strawberries. Chill for two hours before serving. Serves six to eight. Source: www.tasteofhome.
CHOCOLATE BANANA BUTTERMILK CAKE A taste of chocolate just makes us feel better. This is a great snack for a casual coffee party snack or in the field. Serve with fresh fruit to take some of the guilt away. 2 c. mashed, ripe bananas 500 mL 2 tsp. lemon juice 10 mL 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour 625 mL 1/2 c. cocoa 125 mL 1 1/2 tsp. baking soda 7 mL
1/4 tsp. salt 1 mL 1/2 c oil 125 mL 2 c. lightly packed 500 mL brown sugar 3 eggs 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 15 mL 1 1/2 c. buttermilk 375 mL 1/2 c. semi-sweet or 125 mL dark chocolate chips To make buttermilk, add one tablespoon (15 mL) of either lemon juice or vinegar to one cup (250 mL) of milk. Glaze: 1/4 c. semi-sweet or 60 mL dark chocolate chips 3 tbsp. milk 45 mL Preheat the oven to 375 F (190 C). Grease and flour a 10 inch (25 cm) bundt cake pan. In a small bowl, mix together banana and lemon juice. Set aside. In a medium bowl, mix the flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, beat the oil and brown sugar until light. Beat in the eggs, one at a time and then add vanilla. Blend half the flour mix and half the buttermilk into the oil mix. Add the remaining flour and buttermilk. Fold in the bananas and one-half cup (125 mL) chocolate chips until well combined. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for approximately 50 minutes or until a toothpick or skewer comes out clean. Cool the cake for at least 30 minutes and turn out onto a plate. For the glaze, place the second amount of chocolate chips and the milk in a microwaveable bowl. Cook on high for approximately one minute, and whisk until smooth. Drizzle over cake. Source:
TROPICAL SMOOTHIE We love our Magic Bullet blender and experimenting with different flavours and fruit in drinks. It’s great for breakfast or snacks. 1 1/2 c. diced fresh 375 mL pineapple 1 banana 1/2 c. Greek yogurt 125 mL (vanilla or plain) 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger 5 mL 1/2 c. ice cubes 125 mL 1/2 c. pineapple juice 125 mL or water Combine all ingredients in a blender. Mix until smooth. Serves two. Jodie Mirosovsky is a home economist from Rosetown, Sask., and a member of Team Resources. Contact:
Farming provided skills for work on the mound BY DIANE ROGERS FREELANCE WRITER
Jonathan Harpestad calls it selfreliance. His mother, Heidi, calls it maturing. But they both agree that the sports academy he has attended in Okotoks, Alta., since age 16 has taught him more than baseball skills. In his two years at the school, the Eston, Sask., youth has improved his pitching while taking academic courses and learning to grow up sooner than the average Grade 12 student. The 6 foot, 4 inch, left-handed pitcher has already set his future. After graduation next month, he’s heading for New Westminster, B.C., where he will play on the Douglas Royals ball team for the local college. His coach, a former scout for the Milwaukee Brewers, helped him make those connections. Harpestad will take courses in sports science for the next two years. Depending on how his arm holds out and whether the scouts like him, he could then be headed for American professional ball. When at home, he helps on the family’s three section grain and cattle farm, including tending to his own cattle. He credits the farm with building his arm strength because of hauling bales and handling cattle. Harpestad started playing ball when he was seven after hearing his dad talk about how much fun it was. From the local team, he moved up to
Jonathan Harpestad, who will graduate from an Okotoks, Alta., baseball sports academy in June, will next play ball in New Westminster, B.C. | play for Saskatchewan teams in Kindersley, Biggar and Saskatoon. A teammate was interested in the Okotoks program so Harpestad and his parents also went to take a look. “When he saw the facilities, his eyes lit up,” said Heidi, who was a little reluctant. “I didn’t want him to go — the mommy thing.” Okotoks has turned its recreation centre into an indoor baseball field with a turf infield and batting cages. After class, the baseball students
learn skills, take advice from the coaches and work out. They also play a lot of games around Alberta, as many as 250. Harpestad said one of the adjustments he had to make was living in a bigger place. Eston has 1,500 people. Another challenge was his first year when his arm gave out. “I got quite discouraged,” said Harpestad, whose arm improved after two months of physiotherapy. He called it another life lesson about the payback from the amount
of work a person is willing to invest. Harpestad conceded working at his baseball skill and moving away from home overshadowed his teenaged years. “One day you have to grow up so it may as well be sooner,” he said. The Harpestads, who often travel to watch him play, will attend his games in Great Falls, Mont., in June and Spokane, Wash., in July. They also watch his games on the internet. There are no baseball schools in Saskatchewan and the family was
reluctant to see him go to the United States. Some U.S. schools lure kids with the promise of athletic scholarships but may bench 15 out of 40 they bring in. The student then loses the scholarship offer for lack of playing time and can be left paying for the tuition, which can be as high as $40,000 for a year. The Okotoks academy offers a strong academic program and costs them a more affordable $12,000 a year.
Mistresses of the Modern recognizes women’s contributions Exhibition highlights contributions | Women in charge and women with authority recognized BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Seven women who have contributed to Alberta were recognized as part of the exhibition, Mistresses of the Modern, showing at the Alberta Gallery of Art in Edmonton until June 3. “We were doing this exhibition about female artists so we decided why not showcase these stories,” said Sandra Huculak of ATB Financial, who chaired the selection committee. The exhibition and community awards recognized women as mistresses under the old definition of someone with authority or a woman in charge. The one-time event recognized women in three categories: starting over, community and pioneering spirit. Nominations were accepted from the public and a judging committee selected seven winners, who were announced in April. The featured artists were females born before 1918. All were well known for their work that went beyond the traditional landscapes favoured by many Canadian artists at the time. Curator Mary-Beth Laviolette put
together the exhibition to recognize women who were among the first generation of artists to live and work in Alberta and celebrate female trailblazers in the art community. “Early Alberta’s story has been primarily told in terms of what the men were up to and that often related to instructors in the country,” said Laviolette. “The contributions women made to modernism in the province hasn’t been well documented,” she said. Many were considered hobbyists rather than serious, professional artists because being a professional implied being a male, she said. However, these women sold work, belonged to national artist societies and entered shows across the country where they received acclaim. Part of Laviolette.’s research included finding their work because little is available in public collections. Community award winners: • Shelley Boston of Ponoka spearheaded a fundraising campaign to bring much-needed supplies and hope to the people of Slave Lake after a fire. • Ilona Boyce of Calgary founded the
The Mistresses of the Modern winners include Shelley Boston, left, Lillian Whitehead, Licia Mamprin, Mary Woodbury, Sue Keating, Tracey Vavrek and Ilona Boyce. | AMINAH SYED PHOTO Evenstart Foundation that offers a second chance to child victims of abuse and neglect. • Sue Keating of Edmonton researched teaching methods for autistic children and developed a teaching program for schools in Edmonton. • Lycia Mamprin of Calgary founded a business that has provided jobs, mentorship and friendship for many new immigrants.
• Tracey Vavrek of Grande Prairie founded the Young Persons and Families with Cancer Society after her son was diagnosed with cancer. • Lillian Whitehead of Little Buffalo gave a home to dozens of children and teenagers and taught Cree at the local school. • Mary Woodbury of Edmonton wrote books that gave a voice to marginalized people.
Featured mistresses of art: • Ella May Walker • Thelma Manarey • Dorothy Henzell Willis • Sibyl Budde Laubental • Janet Mitchell • Marion Nicoll • Helen Stadelbauer • Margaret Shelton • Annora Brown • Laura Evans Reid
Two moose cross a field and jump a fence west of Blackie, Alta. A rancher said the moose had been in the area for some time. | MIKE STURK PHOTO
Women balance jobs on farm
Evolving roles | Resourcefulness, planning needed BY ANNE COTE FREELANCE WRITER
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ASHERN, Man. — Like many women on the farm, Caron Clarke has found that motherhood and farming are challenging, but they also provide a wealth of satisfaction. The isolation forces parents to be resourceful. Parental leave isn’t an option and getting youngsters to doctors and dentists can require creative planning. Clarke and her husband, Tim, own the T-Bar Ranch near Ashern in central Manitoba. It’s cattle country with thousands of acres of native grasses and some rocky soil suitable for growing tame hay. Caron said it’s not grain land. That’s where Clarke raised her three children Jeff, 25, Amanda, 23, and Joel, 21. She smiled when she stopped to relate how the kids would run along the bale piles, laughing and playing tag with the dogs, close to where the cows were calving. “I was comfortable with the children having the freedom of the farm. I had grown up here that way,” Clarke said. “The dangers on the farm were obvious to them,” she said, noting they knew not to go through the fences into the pastures with the cattle. “I can remember Jeff and Amanda sleeping on the little bean bag chair in the baler tractor while I was baling.” Clarke recalled Jeff, at age 12, coming out on the ATV to check up on her.
One day, she’d forgotten to bring a lunch, so Jeff went back home, fried up a pound of ground beef and promptly delivered it to her, along with a fork. The availability of day care wasn’t an issue for her. “While my mum was alive, she did a lot of babysitting for us, especially when there was heavy work to do around the cattle,” she said. The rest of the time, the kids followed Clarke around the farm as she worked, even when she and Tim were out mending fences. “They learned to hammer and nail and staple at a really young age,” she said. Her mother’s role on the farm was different from hers. Clarke said she’s been a farmer from the beginning, unlike her mom, Joyce Townsend, who was more of a farm wife than a farmer. Her mother grew a garden and helped clean stalls in the pig barn, but most of her time was spent caring for family. “When it came to the hay field, she brought the lunch, she didn’t drive the equipment,” Clarke said. The Clarke ranch is a 15 minute drive from town, so Clarke has never felt far from needed services. Amanda recently launched her career as a nurse and, like other women of her generation, her role as a mother and/or a farm wife will likely be different from both her mother’s and grandmother’s. Battle River Implements Ltd. Camrose, Killam, Provost, Wainwright, AB .............................. 877-913-3373 Timberland Supply Edmonton, AB ............................................. 780-452-1863 Northern Metalic Sales Grande Prairie, AB ....................................... 780-539-9555 Butte Motors & Farm Supply Picture Butte, AB ......................................... 403-732-4406 Redcliff Home Hardware Redcliff, AB ................................................. 403-548-3606 Baja Small Engine Repairs Ltd. Spirit River, AB ............................................ 780-864-3869 Wes’s Tire Shop Carman, MB ................................................ 204-745-2076 Greenvalley Equipment Inc Morden, Altona, Killarney, Treherne, MB ....... 866-325-7742 Enns Brothers Steinbach, Brandon, Winnipeg West, Portage La Prairie, Morris, Neepawa, MB Fathers Repair Ltd. Swan River, MB ........................................... 204-734-9137 Accurate Lawn & Garden Winnipeg, MB.............................................. 204-284-5950
Nelson Motors and Equipment Avonlea, Estevan, Oxbow, Radville, Redvers, SK .................................. 306-868-2022 South Country Equipment Ltd. Emerald Park, Regina, SK ............................ 306-721-5050 Maple Farm Equipment Foam Lake, Moosomin, Preeceville, Russell, Wynyard, Yorkton, Fountain Tire Meadow Lake, SK ....................................... 306-236-3658 Farm & Garden Centre Melfort, Prince Albert, Rosthern, Saskatoon, Watrous, SK ...................... Kevin’s Custom Ag Nipawin, SK ................................................ 306-862-3611 JD Industrial Supplies Regina, SK .................................................. 306-352-5345 Western Sales Ltd. Rosetown, SK.............................................. 306-882-4291 Mini-Tune Saskatoon, SK ............................................. 306-343-5610 JayDee AgTech Swift Current, Kindersley, Humboldt, North Battleford, SK .................... 306-773-9351 Yorkton Small Engine & Repair Yorkton, SK ................................................. 306-783-0544
Caron Clarke inspects damage on a native pasture on the T-Bar Ranch near Ashern, Man. | ANNE COTE PHOTO
Organic farm pays back in more ways than cash Lifestyle switch | Religion, concern for animal welfare, lead couple to a life on the farm BY RON FRIESEN FREELANCE WRITER
REINLAND, Man. — Ask Conrad Zacharias why he’s an organic dairy farmer and he’ll say the reasons run much deeper than organic. His passion for animal welfare tells him cows were meant to graze on pasture, not to stand on cement in a barn all day. For that reason, his cows go outdoors every day, weather permitting. Organic certification, which requires outdoor grazing, is only a means to an end. If he weren’t organic, he’d still farm the same way he does now, said Conrad. “It just makes sense to me that we should manage animals according to their natural instincts,” he said. “How we farm is not directly tied to organic certification. If some day it doesn’t work to maintain this status, we’ll still continue to graze.” There’s another reason why Conrad feels the way he does about raising livestock: his religious faith. “I believe God created animals to glorify Him,” he said. Conrad admits he didn’t always feel that way. He never expected to be an agricultural producer. Neither did his wife Val, a trained physiotherapist, who vowed while growing up on a rural acreage that she would never wed a farmer. After marrying in 1992, Conrad and Val felt called to serve the church through overseas mission work. At one point, they travelled through West Africa, trying to discern where their call might lead them. Eventually, they realized they were being called to a third generation family dairy farm south of Winkler, Man., in the small Mennonite village where Conrad had grown up.
Conrad, 43, and Val, 41 took over the farm after his parents moved to town in 1996. The farm received organic certification in 2008. Today, they have 40 dairy cows on 350 acres, of which 50 acres are still in transition. In addition to the dairy, their four children raise pastured poultry and free range pigs. Daughter Davy, 14, manages 75 hybrid layer hens. Jude, 11, raises straw-based pigs with the help of his brothers Levi, 9, and Cade, 7. The farm is a magnet for other children. Every Wednesday, Conrad hosts a small group of students from the local school who have trouble fitting into a classroom setting. Besides helping to care for the livestock, they also learn about animal physiology and get a take-home assignment. It’s meaningful homework that gives the kids a feeling of self-worth, said Conrad. That’s an example of their ministry: using the resources of their farm to contribute to the community. Conrad also speaks frequently to consumer, organic and local food groups about animal welfare and sustainable food production. The family hosts farm tours to show how consumer choices can be tied to the way food is produced, he said. Conrad and Val admit people sometimes question why they limit themselves to a small dairy farm. “People say you could do so much more. Why do you settle for farming?” said Val. “We say, we totally do not see it as settling at all. This is definitely where we’re supposed to be.” Although the market for organic milk in Manitoba is stable, it is relatively small. The Zacharias family receives a 25
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Val, left, Jude, Levi, Davy, Cade and Conrad Zacharias raise dairy cows, poultry, and free range pigs, including Olivia, the sow. | RON FRIESEN PHOTO percent price premium for organic milk sold at retail. But only 20 percent of the milk they produce actually ends up with the organic label on independent grocery store shelves because of limited
demand. The rest goes into the conventional market with no premium. “But that’s not the end-all for us,” said Val. “We would still farm very similarly
if there was no organic label. “It’s a farm management and lifestyle switch that we’ve seen good things from. It’s not just something that’s tied to the financial payback from an organic product.”
Water efficient crops help reduce virtual water exports
Water conservation can help ensure pristine locations like this remain so for years to come. | FILE PHOTO
Investment leads to water efficiency Innovative programs | Countries look for ways to reduce consumption while increasing production STORIES BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Six countries produce 50 percent of the world’s exported food so if there is a crop failure in a key producing country, the impacts can be far reaching. “If something happens climatically in one of these six countries, it has global impact,” said Hans Schrierer of the University of British Columbia’s faculty of land and food systems. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Russia, Canada and the United States feed the world, while India and China look for ways to import food and conserve their water. China is improving its corn and wheat production because these crops are not as water intensive. At the same time, it is importing more soybeans, cotton, beef, pork and chicken. “This is a very favourable policy for them. This way they can use the saved water for industrial purposes,” he said at a May 8-10 conference in Calgary called Water in a World of Seven Billion. Climate change will make the Middle East hotter and drier, so those countries will import more food to save water. Every country has different require-
ments for moisture depending on climate, soil and precipitation. Schrierer proposes countries best suited for growing certain crops should do so to make the best use of natural resources. Water conservation makes economic sense in Alberta, said Roger Hohm, head of the province’s irrigation secretariat within Alberta Agriculture. “Without doing it on purpose, we have seen some tremendous savings in water because of dollars,” he said. “If you invest the dollars, there (are) opportunities there to make some huge water savings.” He said in 1965, an irrigation farmer had to divert 1,000 millimetres of water to sprinkle 300 mm on a crop. Today he can divert 380 mm to deliver 300 mm. Most efficiency gains were spurred by larger farms, less available labour to move equipment and higher energy costs to run the system. The province and farmers also invested heavily in improvements to reduce seepage, measure use and prevent evaporation. There are about 8,000 kilometres of infrastructure, and about half is in pipelines. And farmers are opting for more expansion. In the last five years, nine of the 13 farmer controlled districts
have voted to expand to another 170,000 acres, said Hohm. Ann Mills, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s under secretary for natural resources and environment, said that country lost 15 percent of its agricultural land between 1982 and 2007, mostly to urbanization. “We have to grow more food on less land for more people,” she said. To help ease the problem, the U.S. is trying to identify landscape initiatives on natural resources to protect soil and water. The federal government provided the Bay Delta Initiative in California with $5.3 billion for conservation programs in five water districts to prevent spillage by lining irrigation canals, installing pipelines and improving irrigation systems. The Northern Everglades project in Florida allowed 200 million acres to be bought for conservation easements to keep ranches, sugar cane farms and orange groves in operation. Projects were also put in place to replicate more historic water flows. Across the country, Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming are all involved in projects, which have saved 17 billion gallons of water.
WATER CONSERVATION TIPS The average Canadian uses 125,000 litres of water per person per year, while the average European uses 73,000 litres. Here are ways to save water. • Tighten those taps. Check pipes, taps and toilets for leaks. You can save as much as 50 litres of water a day by fixing a dripping tap. • Install water-saving devices on faucets and toilets. • Turn water off while washing dishes instead of letting it run continuously. • Adjust sprinklers so only the lawn is watered, not the road or nearby outbuildings. • Adjust lawn mowers to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better. • For cold drinks, keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. • For the garden, install a microirrigation system, which comes with tubing, hardware and multiple spray heads to create a customized watering system. Source: Government of Alberta
Canada is the third largest virtual water exporter in the world. While part of the economy favours high volumes of agricultural exports, tremendous amounts of water embedded in food are shipped out of the country at the same time, said Hans Schrierer of the University of British Columbia’s faculty of land and food systems. His research focuses on watershed management, land-water interactions, soil and water. He said Canada has increased its virtual water exports from 54 billion cubic metres in 2000 to 61 billion cubic metres in 2008 by growing and exporting commodities that require considerable water to produce. Domestic requirements are nine billion cubic metres. “We should focus on growing water efficient crops with high value and low environmental impact,” he told the Water in a World of Seven Billion conference in Calgary May 8-10. “We are the third largest water exporter and the fifth largest water footprint in the world.” Schrierer said the livestock industry is a big water guzzler. “Beef production is the most water intensive way of producing food.” He estimates 5,000 litres of water are needed to maintain the average North American diet on a daily basis. Most staple crops require 1,000 litres of water per kilogram produced, but meat production requires twice to seven times more, he said. About 16,000 litres of water are required to produce one kilogram of beef, while 5,000 litres produce one kg of pork and chicken needs 3,500 litres per kg of meat. “The best strategy is to reduce beef production for both domestic and export consumption because it will save us a huge amount of water, which we can use for something else,” he said. “It will reduce eutrophication. It will produce less greenhouse gas and it will improve your health.” Producers should consider growing water efficient crops best suited to the local environment, he said. For example, British Columbia’s Okanagan basin is the driest watershed in Canada. Schrierer was part of a UBC study that showed forage was the largest crop grown in the region. It takes a lot of water but has low value. “Grapes are probably the best and most water efficient crop to grow,” he said. “If you look at the value of the water, grapes are probably the best thing to do in this part of the world.” As well, he said, because Alberta has seen its beef industry move heavily to large operations and feedlots during the last 30 years, excess manure and large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorous are overloading soils and running into water supplies. Manitoba’s pork industry has been going through similar changes. As a result, greenhouse gases are released from manure and when animals pass gas. “The argument I am trying to make is the price of exported meat does not account for the environmental degradation,” he said.
An equine geocaching excursion allows riders to enjoy a day ride or camp overnight in the Kananaskis area of Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. | MARY MACARTHUR PHOTOS TOURIST VENTURE | GEOCACHING
Riders seek treasures in Alberta countryside Scenic hunt | Geocaching in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains gives horseback riders a chance to explore the wilderness BY MARY MACARTHUR CAMROSE BUREAU
Those so inclined can now grab their horse and GPS devices and head to the mountains for an equine geocaching race. The Amazing Backcountry Race encourages horseback riders to ride into the mountains and enjoy Alberta’s back country, said race organizer Brenda Murdock. Between June 25 and Sept 5, riders will be directed to 16 geocache locations between the Willmore Wilderness Park and Kananaskis country in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains. The race is designed to get people into the mountains for a day ride or overnight, said Murdock, a horse trainer and back country guide. “I want to promote Alberta and I want to promote people getting out and doing things with their horse and discovering there are things to do with their horses,” said Murdock,
who lives on a ranch west of Calgary. Murdock said she came up with the idea after watching television’s Amazing Race and observing a horse-back type scavenger hunt at the Wild
Deuce Retreats and Outfitting Mountain Horse competition in Kingman, Alta., last fall. The race isn’t designed to challenge rider’s skills, but as an excuse
to go for a ride. Geocaching is like hide and seek. Someone hides a cache and posts the GPS co-ordinates for others to find. Murdock said the clues won’t be
hidden in hard to access parts of the mountains, but rather along trails and historic sites like the Indian Graves west of Longview. “I want to try to educate people about the back country and what is going on with the land,” she said. Racers need to register on the Amazing Backcountry Race website and find sponsors to help raise money for Alberta’s air ambulance service. “Everyone can use this service. Everywhere you go, you either know someone who has used the service or someone who has a connection to it,” she said. Scott Phillips, who is also organizing the race, said he has been in the mountains three times when STARS were called to airlift the people to hospital. “I don’t want to scare you by talking about accidents, but it sure is comforting to know that STARS has your back in the backcountry,” wrote Phillips in a blog.
Canada’s competitiveness in food marketplace questioned BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Canada’s agriculture and food sector is losing competitive ground in the world, the Senate agriculture committee has heard. Market share is declining even as the world demand for food is rising. Economists from the Guelphbased George Morris Centre argued May 8 that the evidence of decline is everywhere. Investment in the industry lags other countries, export market share is falling, Canadian food and agriculture regulations are “slow and sloppy” and Canadian agriculture policy is too oriented to supporting small, inefficient or import sensitive sectors. “In our view, the most important thing to do in public policy is to change the emphasis for agri-food from what has been mostly a kind of protect-and-preserve approach over the last 50 years to one that has the mission to create a progressive busi-
ness environment that fosters innovation,” GMC senior fellow Larry Martin told senators. With colleague Kate Stiefelmeyer, he wrote a report published last year by the Ottawa-based MacdonaldLaurier Institute that was damning. The world wants more food and prices are rising, they wrote in the report, entitled Sector in Decline or Industry of the Future? The Choice is Ours. “Canada is well positioned with its resource base, infrastructure and knowledge to take advantage of this growth,” they wrote. “Despite its advantages, Canada has lost market share in almost every major product category. It lags in productivity both in primary agriculture and the food industry.” At the Senate committee, Martin argued that the regulatory and product approval system should be improved and made “tough but fast” as well as more compatible with regulatory systems in competitor countries.
Despite its advantages, Canada has lost market share in almost every major product category. MACDONALD-LAURIER INSTITUTE REPORT
He said a key ingredient of a more competitive food sector is more access to foreign markets through trade deals and more competition in the Canadian market from imports to keep Canadian producers and companies on their competitive toes. Martin raised the issue of supply management protections as a problem for competitiveness because it limits trade deals, but no senator took him up on the point. The GMC economists argued that Canadian policy should offer more incentives to food companies to invest, noting that investment is less than depreciation.
“We are basically disinvesting,” said Martin. Canadian pork plants use far too much labour and far too few robots to compete with highly automated European plants. He also argued that there should be a move away from government subsidies for farmers, particularly if they are weighted to helping small producers. Martin called for “more reliance on private risk management tools and less reliance on government.” He said the farm lobby has been responsible for promoting government protection. “I do not know how to say this other than to say it,” he said. “What I have observed over the past 40 years is that farm organizations and many farmers spend a lot of effort to try to maximize the payout from government programs. If they were to spend the same effort on figuring out how to be innovative in their industries, they would probably be further ahead.”
However, Martin agreed with Conservative senator Mike Duffy that despite all the problems, agriculture and food sector players have an optimistic outlook. “Absolutely it is a ver y bright future,” he said. However, Stiefelmeyer said the successful farm sector of the future will not look like the current model. “In the future for farming, I see that there will be two types of farms — the larger farm enterprises that use technology and that are supplying export markets and larger chains in Canada, and then we will get rid of the middle and we will have niche market farms,” she said. “I see the industry going that way with both larger farms and smaller niche market farms being successful.” In their study for the MacdonaldLaurier Institute, the GMC economists concluded that a disproportionate amount of government support payments go to smaller farms that produce little net income from agriculture.
Farm equipment makers hit with lower tax credit Change will ‘hinder innovation’ | Reduction in the manufacturing tax benefit will affect Canadian research BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
A federal government budget proposal to change the rules for a manufacturers’ tax credit will cost manufacturers of agricultural equipment millions of dollars and hurt competitiveness, says an industry representative. In a budget bill now before Parliament, finance minister Jim Flaherty proposes to reduce the Scientific Research and Experimental Development tax credit for companies to 15 percent from 20 percent.
The budget would also exclude from the tax credit program capital expenditures such as buying equipment needed to make equipment. A coalition of Canadian manufacturing interests including agricultural equipment companies and the Canadian Fertilizer Institute have protested the proposal in a letter to Flaherty, arguing that it would remove more than $800 million of tax benefit to the manufacturing industry. In a May 8 appearance at the Senate agriculture committee, Associ-
ation of Equipment Manufacturers p u b l i c p o l i c y a d v i s e r How a rd Mains argued it would hurt companies like Winnipeg agricultural machinery manufacturer MacDon Industries Ltd. The change in the capital cost allowance would “severely hinder innovation and development in the Canadian manufacturing sector,” Mains told senators. In a later interview, he said the changes would favour labour-intensive product development such as computer software and penalize equipment manufacturers that must
buy equipment to develop new models. “The proposals in the budget really don’t take account of how research and development is done on the manufacturing floor,” he said. “We hope the government reconsiders.” He said the harvesting equipment that MacDon markets around the world takes years to develop and millions of dollars of investment. In his May 7 letter to Flaherty, which was signed by other manufacturing sector leaders, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters president Jason Myers said other coun-
tries still offer more tax breaks for their manufacturers than Canada does, despite Conservative government tax reductions during the past six years. And since many manufacturers are divisions of foreign companies, Canada’s tax regime does not encourage their head offices to assign research and development work to the Canadian branches. “Even with recent reductions in corporate tax rates, Canadian manufacturers are at a disadvantage when they compete for new or increased R and D mandates,” he wrote. TRADE | EXPORTS
Protected sectors said to hinder trade BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
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Canada’s staunch defence of supply management makes it impossible to have a clear policy for increased export market access that much of agriculture needs, say George Morris Centre economists. In a study on Canada’s lagging agricultural productivity and world performance published by the Ottawabased Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Larry Martin and Kate Stiefelmeyer argued that Canadian agriculture needs more robust international trade deals and foreign access if it is to reverse a decline in competitiveness. But Canada’s mixed trade message is an impediment. The government supports aggressive pursuit of foreign markets and the reduction in trade barriers while vowing to defend dairy and chicken tariffs as high as 300 percent. “The conflicting position of various industries within Canadian agriculture stand in the way of a clearly articulated and practical strategy for improving access to markets,” they wrote in their report. Martin and Stiefelmeyer argued that protection from competition gives Canadian dairy farmers much higher prices than farmers in other countries. It means they are less interested in investing in technology or expanding for economies of scale because they have a guaranteed administered price. Still, all Canadian political parties have vowed to support current levels of protection even if it affects Canada’s clout in trade liberalization negotiations, they said.
216 wild horses
Basically it’s the increase in the number of these animals that has become the concern. We want to be able to manage their impact. DAVE EALEY
Protection group outraged over wild horse cull Good for environment | The Wild Horses of Alberta Society says the province is catering to forestry companies and ranchers BY PAUL COWLEY FREELANCE WRITER
RED DEER — The president of a society dedicated to preserving Alberta’s wild horses is dismayed that more than 200 animals were rounded up this past season. It’s a significant increase over past years. “They’ve put an unbelievable dent (in the population),” said Bob Henderson, who heads the Wild Horses of Alberta Society. Most of the horses gathered in the scenic country west and north of Sundre will end up in slaughterhouses, he said. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development said 237 permits were issued and 216 horses taken from December to the end of February as part of a program to control the horse population through humane capture. The average in recent years has been about 30 horses.
By Henderson’s count, as few as 500 or 550 wild horses roam the West Country, meaning about 40 percent of the population could be gone. He fears pressure from owners of livestock grazing rights and forestry companies will lead to similarsized roundups in coming years, reducing population to dangerously low levels. “You get down to 100 animals and then the gene pool can be so corrupted that you start getting your inbreeding and stuff like that.” Sustainable Resource Development spokesperson Dave Ealey said the number of horses taken was in keeping with the strategy of keeping the population to a size where it won’t do too much harm to the area’s environment. The horses can be destructive by disturbing regenerating trees planted by forestry companies or by eating grass used by other animals, including deer, elk and cattle.
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“Basically it’s the increase in the number of these animals that has become the concern. We want to be able to manage their impact.” The province considers the horses feral — either abandoned or escaped animals and their offspring — rather than wildlife. A department survey showed the horse population had increased from 650 two years ago to 1,000 before the most recent cull. Population increases were likely caused by mild winters and horse owners turning more animals loose to make their own way in the wild. “We have documented evidence of these numbers,” Ealey said. “The wild horse advocates do not have our data. While I certainly support their enthusiasm for the species, it’s not without its impacts. And we are responsible for managing public lands for multiple uses and the types of uses that are going to sustain the types of ecosystems we’ve got there.”
The average of 30 horses per year taken over the last few years also takes into account seasons where almost none were taken because the size of the population was unclear. Ealey said no specific target population has been determined, but the department knows a population of 200 is too low. “We’re willing to have feral horses there. We’re not out there to eradicate them.” Henderson believes the unprecedented cull is a direct result of a government that at best tolerates the wild horses but would be just as happy to see them gone. He dismisses claims the horses are damaging the environment. “It’s not true,” he said, pointing out that 10,000 cattle are grazed in the area every summer and eat a lot more than the horses would. Henderson suspects that pressure from logging companies and those holding grazing leases in the area
prompted the big increase in captures. Forestry companies “say the horses are ruining the environment and damaging it out there. That’s bull too. We can show that the horses actually benefit the new seedlings and stuff like that.” Horses aren’t pushing other wildlife out of grazing areas, either, he said. “Everywhere we go, where there’s horses you’ll find other wildlife. When you don’t find the horses, you don’t find too many other animals neither.” An online petition to save the wild horses is on the society’s website and those concerned are urged to write letters to the premier or their MLA. The horses are part of the province’s heritage, he said. “Our current government or Sustainable Resource Development is just looking at them as just being feral and pests and stuff like that instead of being beautiful and natural.”
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Blocking system puts Prairies ‘under the gun’ Tropical storms block normal weather, making the Prairies vulnerable to frequent drought BY BARB GLEN LETHBRIDGE BUREAU
Climatologists have long suggested that climate change will result in more droughts on the Prairies. Meteorologist and McGill University fellow Eyad Atallah now has more evidence to suggest that will be true. Atallah has been exploring the relationship between tropical storms in the Pacific Ocean and dry weather on the Canadian Prairies. By studying pressure systems called blocks, he has found a correlation that holds in both winter and summer. Tropical storms create large scale atmospheric pressure patterns that redirect or block migratory cyclones, leaving some areas persistently wet and others abnormally warm and dry. “The big red flag is that this pattern of blocking that is associated with drought appears to be co-related with the fact that the globe is warming up,” said Atallah after a May 8 lecture. “As the temperatures increase, this type of pattern is becoming more and
Eyad Atallah, a post-doctoral fellow at McGill University, explains the significance of the Pacific North American pattern in predicting prairie drought. Atallah spoke at the University of Lethbridge. | BARB GLEN PHOTO more persistent … and that would suggest a much higher rate of vulnerability or frequency of drought on the Prairies.” Atallah and his colleagues tested his interpretation of blocking by studying patterns from the devastating prairie drought of 2001-05. They found specific high and low pressure
patterns related to extended periods of dry prairie weather. Drought is related to a positive phase of the Pacific North American weather pattern, Atallah said. It is characterized by a low pressure system in the Gulf of Alaska and an abnormally high pressure system in Western Canada.
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This isn’t always the situation when persistent dry weather occurs on the Prairies, he added, “but it’s more likely than not.” The weather pattern is in part created by the pineapple express, the transport of tropical moisture that generally starts near the Hawaiian Islands and is carried by the jet stream or storm activity. When that moist warm air reaches British Columbia and the Rockies, it results in rain. Heat associated with condensation warms the atmosphere, raising the air pressure on the eastern side of the mountains. High pressure is generally associated with warm, dry conditions. Atallah said temperatures average six degrees above normal in the week after a pineapple express reaches B.C. The relationship of pressure sys-
tems that block regular weather movement has been studied for years, Atallah said, but this is a new application of the data. He termed the 2001-05 drought as “a run of extremely bad luck” that indicates there is only partial predictability to droughts. He said the troubling part of his research is the correlation of the Pacific North American pattern with rising global temperatures that suggests greater probability of prairie drought. “A lot of our indications are that in terms of the dry part of the blocking, it seems to be that the Prairies are under the gun here.” However, he is reluctant to draw conclusions because reliable weather data is only available for the last 100 years and climate change occurs over hundreds of years.
The Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance recently celebrated its 15th anniversary during a board meeting and reception in Ottawa . Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz praised the lobby group as a key supporter of the government’s relentless drive to forge new international trade agreements. “There’s no question CAFTA has been a driving force in opening new market opportunities for our farmers and food processors, and I thank you for that,” Ritz said at the May 8 reception. The group that became CAFTA formed in 1997 and is one of the most influential lobby groups in Ottawa now that power resides with a Conservative government with a strong trade agenda. Export dependent businesses were convinced by the World Trade Organization deal of 1993 that they needed a stronger voice. They felt the deal gave Canadian agricultural exporters little new
access but preserved supply management protections for the dairy, egg and poultry industries. Led in part by then-Western Canadian Wheat Growers’ Association president Ted Menzies, now junior finance minister in the federal Conservative government, export interests decided to organize so that their lobby voice would be prominent in future negotiations. CAFTA has since expanded its reach to include livestock, grain, pulse, sugar and processing interests with members across the country. CAFTA president Richard Phillips said the organization has been successful because it has worked hard to make contact with Canadian trade officials and politicians as well as officials in many of the countries to which Canada hopes to export. “We really have worked hard to develop relationships,” he said. And the organization was a natural fit when the Conservatives took power in 2006 with a strong trade agenda. Members have been part of government trade delegations ever since.
Ag Canada worker played key role in canola expansion Dave Mallough | Helped speed canola development by finding winter breeding sites for seed multiplication BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Long before canola was king on the Prairies, Dave Mallough delivered the seed to producers in California. His efforts helped reverse the fate of the oilseed north of the border, bringing new varieties to market, improving the oilseed’s oil and meal quality and diversifying its use beyond industrial oil. In 1970, the fatty acid composition of rapeseed oil had come under the scrutiny of nutritionists, which jeopardized its place in European and Japanese markets. Work was already underway on Polish and Argentine varieties with a lower erucic acid composition, which was the source of nutritionists’ concern. However, only a small amount of breeder’s seed was on hand, and Agriculture Canada officials had to be convinced that the seed needed to be multiplied over the winter so that enough would be available for seeding the following spring, said celebrated plant breeder Keith Downey, whose work breeding canola helped shape the province’s landscape and economy. It was Mallough, a graduate of the University of Saskatchewan’s agriculture college and a longtime crop inspector and Agriculture Canada e m p l oy e e, w h o w a s g i v e n t h e responsibility of taking the seed south to find suitable growers and land, as well as someone to combine and clean the seed. Mallough died last month at the age of 87. “He had to scramble to find land because we were a little late getting it down there,” said Downey. “Quite a bit of the land had already been contracted or seeded. Not every farmer wanted to grow this crop that he had never seen before.” There were problems. It was a cold winter in California, with the risk of frost, and it wasn’t easy to transport it back, said Downey. There was even talk of the Canadian Air Force flying it back for Canadian producers in the spring. The rapeseed crop, then numbering five million acres, would be completely turned over to these lower erucic acid varieties — Oro and Span— over the next two years, said Downey. “The multiplication and changing over of the crop in an extremely short time was pivotal,” he said. “There was a possibility that if we didn’t have that, that we could lose our markets.” Glen Beck, a relative of Mallough’s, said Agriculture Canada played an important role in the crop’s development.
He had to scramble to find land because we were a little late getting it down there. Quite a bit of the land had already been contracted or seeded. Not every farmer wanted to grow this crop that he had never seen before. DAVE MALLOUGH
“If, for example, that had been partnered with Monsanto, farmers would be buying their seed from a private company and of course the entire
distribution of proceeds from the project would’ve changed somewhat more dramatically,” he said. “You’d have a very wealthy private
company and some less wealthy farmers.” Mallough would again contribute to a winter increase project in Cali-
fornia during the latter half of the 1970s. This time it was to help produce a seed that would allow crushers to produce meal with a lower glucosinolate content for livestock feed without blending it. “You could use it directly, which changed the equation in terms of how much oil they could produce,” said Downey. “Because before that time, the amount of oil they could produce was really limited by how much meal they could sell. Now that lid was taken off.”
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Beef ‘bacon’ adds value to trim meat
Oat commission planned for Alta.
Looks the same | Canadian Beef Bacon boasts fewer calories and less cholesterol than pork
The Prairie Oat Growers Association may soon live up to its original mandate by including an Alberta oat commission in its fold. POGA president Bill Wilton of Winnipeg said the Alberta Products Marketing Council is now drafting regulations for the proposed Alberta Oat Grower Commission and if approved, the new commission could be established as early as Aug. 1. When POGA was formed in 1998 from the former Alberta Oat Growers Association, the intention was membership from all three provinces. Because checkoffs are provincially managed, each province was expected to form a commission and collect funds that POGA would then manage. “We’ve been a little slow off the mark in Alberta,” said Wilton. “The original board of directors thought they were well enough connected politically that they could simply go to the minister of agriculture and the premier and have this thing decreed. It doesn’t work that way. There’s a bureaucratic process that you have to go through.” Wilton said he expects to hear from the marketing council by the end of the month about establishing the commission. An all-wheat commission also proposed in Alberta is expecting to receive word at the same time.
Richard Janzen is putting a new twist on the marketing slogan, “where’s the beef?” Janzen is manufacturing beef bacon from cow bellies. The president of Calgary-based Canadian Beef Bacon, which also markets beef ham, says his product adds to the animal’s total carcass value. “When you’re taking an extra 50 to 100 pounds of a carcass and developing it into a value-added product, that’s pretty unbelievable,” he said. Janzen began researching and developing beef bacon in 2009 before launching it last year at a food show in Toronto. “It looks and tastes exactly like bacon,” said Janzen, while boasting a more attractive nutritional content than pork, with fewer calories and less cholesterol. While he’s not the first person to produce beef bacon, he said his method is different. Where other companies have made beef bacon from the animal’s brisket, his is made from the same cut of meat as traditional pork bacon. “We’re not talking beef and pressing it and forming it and making it look like bacon,” said Janzen.
We’re taking beef products that have no value virtually — they’re hard to market, there’s no great idea for them — and we’ve turned them into beef bacon. RICHARD JANZEN CANADIAN BEEF BACON PRESIDENT
Canadian Beef Bacon, which is created from cow bellies, adds to the animal’s total carcass value. | RICHARD JANZEN PHOTO Janzen said he had difficulty getting a beef belly from a butcher when he started developing the product. The beef from the more undesirable short plate usually ends up as trim and used in hamburgers. Janzen used a partnership with Canada Beef Inc., which helps research, market and promote beef products, to secure Cargill as a supplier. The company developed a new beef code to meet Janzen’s specifications. His product is manufactured at
plant in Ontario, where it is processed and cured similarly to pork. Janzen started selling beef bacon at farmers’ markets and has stocked the product in grocery stores and restaurants in Alberta and British Columbia. However, production has ceased while a new recipe to make the product phosphate free awaits approval from regulators. Anne Kennedy of Agriculture Canada’s food regulatory issues division works with food companies as they seek regulatory approval.
“You want to make sure that you really understand the implications of either changing a supplier, or changing an ingredient, and how that affects your nutrition,” she said in an interview after speaking at a recent Saskatoon conference about food labels and marketing. She said it’s a common mistake that companies make when they take products through the pipeline for the first time. “They always want to blame the regulatory people when in fact they were unaware that they had some more homework to do before they could go to market.” Once approved, Janzen expects to see his product distributed by Costco and other Canadian retailers. “We’re taking beef products that have no value virtually — they’re hard to market, there’s no great idea for them — and we’ve turned them into beef bacon.”
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The Canadian flag is seen on top of a flagpole in the midst of high-rise buildings in the financial district of Toronto. Although farm lenders are looking to expand their agricultural business, farmers should keep an eye on interest rates. | MARK BLINCH / REUTERS PHOTO
Know costs, risks before heading for loan Expansion mode | With rising commodity prices and market volatility, farmers need to know their cost of production STORIES BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
RED DEER — Farmgate prices are up and lenders are looking to expand
their agriculture portfolios. However, if interest rates start to climb, this could be a good time to lock in terms, said two Bank of Montreal farm lenders.
Farmers are investing in more supply managed quota, new equipment and technology as well as covering the increased cost of production, said Janine Sekulic, a BMO agrologist
based in Red Deer, who works with lenders to structure agricultural financing. “For some of our feedlot customers, there has been a 35 percent increase
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in the cost of finishing calves. That translates into a need for more operating capital,” she said at the Alberta Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting in Red Deer May 3.
NEWS The largest feedlot cost is buying feeder cattle. Last year, Alberta prices for an 850 pound steer increased nearly 20 percent from the previous year, said Canfax. Fed cattle prices have increased by more than 30 percent, but boxed beef went up only 18 percent, so feeders and packers are wading through red ink. With that kind of volatility, producers need to know their cost of production, but few actually do, said Ross Posey, BMO manager for farm lending in Alberta. Producers need to understand having equity does not always mean repayment capacity. For every $100 of debt, the farmer should have $125 net income, said Sekulic. When examining applications, lenders want to know the level of risk and how the debt can be paid. They want to know what the producer is doing to minimize risk and how equity is being protected. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The major risks in agriculture are not significantly different than they were 50 or 100 years ago. The difference now is the stakes,â&#x20AC;? she said.
Much more money is at stake and the speed of change in the modern agriculture industry has been exponential. Modern farmers need a broader knowledge of production and markets or they must be willing to hire someone with that expertise. Sekulic said a farmerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s past credit history management has the biggest impact on ability to repay. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We put a lot of weight on historical performance and experience,â&#x20AC;? she said. Financial and production record keeping are needed, and the bank wants to know how an individual makes spending decisions. It also wants to know what percentage of a purchase needs to be financed and whether the grower is making the purchase because it will improve the farm or because it is just a shiny new purchase. Farm debt in Canada is around $70 billion, up from $60 billion in 2008, according to Statistics Canada. Alberta debt as of 2010 was nearly $15 billion compared to 2008, when debt was calculated at $13 billion.
Many farmers are using todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s higher commodity prices to upgrade their equipment, or build their quota or livestock operations. However, some farm lenders advise that if interest rates start to rise, farmers should lock in longer-term rates. | FILE PHOTO
Consider independent adviser for farm succession planning RED DEER â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Farmers might want to consider an independent adviser when it is time to turn over the farm to the next generation, suggests a consultant who helps farmers work through the transition. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Every farm situation is unique. You will find components that are common, but no two are alike,â&#x20AC;? said John Read. Read works with farm families on management, succession and estate plans. Parents are often afraid the children will not honour the legacy and appreciate the history of the place they built, he told the Alberta Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting held May 3 in Red Deer. As well, there can be biases based on birth order, gender and in-laws. The succession plan needs to work through the size of the business and total assets to make sure everyone is treated fairly and that the farm can provide a living for more than one family. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is not about how big the pie is but how big a piece you get,â&#x20AC;? he said. All the stakeholders must be involved early on so that critical issues can be discussed. This may be done in private with individuals to see what conflicts may be coming. It is advisable to have the first meeting off the farm rather than the family home. People are usually clear about their goals for the farm, but they have to prioritize them. Few are comfortable writing them out. Read said he will do this and the family can edit them. Read also helps identify critical issues such as how much each takes out as wages, housing, taxes and outstanding debt and how succession plans might affect security on loans. He collects information on birth dates, asset lists, liabilities, who holds the loan, who owns what property, a list of equipment and legal land descriptions including a map or aerial photograph of the land. He can also bring in other experts such as lawyers, accountants and
financial planners to smooth the transition. The facilitator needs to do follow-up and keep track of progress. There will also be a discussion on handling conflict. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is OK to disagree, and we will find the solution to it,â&#x20AC;? he said. A major question is whether there is enough to go around and support another family. Often there is not. Records are often poor when it comes to farm profit, whether there is enough money to service the debt and how much money each family needs to live. A lot of money is hidden in farm expenses such as utilities and fuel. As well, some families are frugal and others are spendthrifts. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;what ifsâ&#x20AC;? must be addressed. Families need to agree on what happens in the event of divorce, addictions, death, physical injury, family disputes, mental illness, terminal disease or dementia. Marriages can break down after decades, so it is not just the younger generation that can destroy a familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wealth. The older generation should be protected first because they cannot rebuild their assets. Division of prop-
erty should be directed only to the children. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If through this process you end up giving things to your children, you give it to the child and not the child and their spouse. If they want to share it, that is their prerogative and you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do anything about it,â&#x20AC;? he said. Many things can go wrong without explanation, but sometimes the cause is dementia or addictions. Paranoia and distrust are early warning signs of dementia. The person stops trusting a spouse, children or business associates. There could be an inability to make decisions that may do a lot of future damage. If there is an addiction to alcohol, drugs or gambling, some decisions wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make sense until people admit the problem. A succession plan can take three to five years and it should be integrated into the estate plan. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I will not do a succession plan that depends only on the will as a document to conclude it,â&#x20AC;? he said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The younger generation must have more certainty than that. They cannot put decades into this place and have somebody change the will at the last minute.â&#x20AC;?
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Back office at the
The field is like the office for farmers and many are back in their fields seeding. Jason Walter from the Cayley Hutterite Colony was out on the first sunny day after several days of rain to plant wheat in a field southwest of Cayley, Alta. Above, Walter adds phosphates to one of his tanks. | Mike Sturk Photos
Emergency preparedness week, which just passed May 6-12, is an annual cross-country event that encourages Canadians to prepare for emergencies and disasters. The following recommendation will help improve emergency preparedness: • know the risks in your community and the most appropriate way to respond to them. Contact your local municipal emergency management office for advice on identifying the risks in your area • make a plan for what your family will do, who they will contact and where they will go. Practice it regularly • pull together a 72-hour kit with enough non-perishable food, water, medication, warm clothing and comfort items for all family members. Similarly, you should make a ready-to-go kit in case you need to evacuate your home quickly. Subscribe to emergency alert systems in your region.
Their entry was a pulse-based, gluten-free pasta product that they named Pulseibilties. The pasta hit the mark with the judges for its gluten-free characteristic, delicious taste and the students’ ability to incorporate all four pulses (lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans) into the product formulation. Maximchuk and Giles will now present their idea at the national competition in Montreal June 27. Ideas from other parts of the country include a pre-scaled, gluten- free dry cake-mix containing chickpea and faba bean flours, a dark chocolate black bean truffle torte with a crunchy chickpea-nut crust, and veggie samosa patty made with chickpea and white kidney bean flours. The Saskatchewan competition was sponsored by Saskatchewan Pulse Growers and Pulse Canada.
May 20-23: Alltech International Symposium, Lexington Convention Center, Lexington, Kentucky (Breanne Baker, 403-735-3281, bbaker@, symposium) May 26: Candle Lake MS Walk, Waskateena Beach, Candle Lake, Sask. (Lana Rossmo, 306-929-4699, June 5-7: International Symposium on Beef Cattle Welfare, Saskatoon (, Livestock Marketers of Saskatchewan Traceability and Herd Health Series (Rhett Parks, 306-735-7813): June 8: Prairie Livestock, Moosomin June 12-16: Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada convention, Mary Winspear Centre, Sidney, B.C. (, Brenda Devauld,
Sask. (Katrina Funk, 306-225-2079,; Andrew Schmitz, 352-392-1845, ext. 415,
250-567-9705, brendadevauld@ June 13-14: Saskatchewan Pasture School, U of S, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan Forage Council, 306867-8126, June 14-15: UCVM Beef Cattle Conference, Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre, Calgary (403-2107309,, June 16-17: Saskatchewan Working Teamsters Association field day, Campbell Farm, Bjorkdale, Sask. (Niall Campbell, 306-886-2050, June 20-22: Western Canada Farm Progress Show, Evraz Place, Regina (306-781-9200, farmshow@ June 24-25: Farming For Profit? Heritage Inn and Schmitz Barn, Moose Jaw,
For more coming events, see the Community Calendar, section 0300, in the Western Producer Classifieds.
MAILBOX Saskatchewan Limousin Association 40th anniversary, July 27-29, Manitou Beach, Sask. Accommodations www. Annual meeting, games, golf, supper, program, breakfast, memorabilia, silent and live auctions, visiting. Call Janet Hale, 306-944-4945 or Kevin Rea, 306-463-7950, r3bar@hotmail. com.
CONTEST AWARDS YOUTH HOCKEY TEAMS NEW JERSEYS Twenty minor hockey teams in Western Canada will be sporting new hockey jerseys next fall as a result of a contest held by Pioneer Hi-Bred. Young hockey players from the Prairies entered the Pioneer Hi-Bred Hockey Jersey Bonanza to win new jerseys for their teams. More than 50 entrants submitted a drawing or short story about their hockey dream or why hockey is important to them and their community. More than $40,000 worth of hockey jerseys will be awarded to the winners and their teammates. The minor hockey teams who won jerseys will have them imprinted with individual team logos and player numbers. Winning teams will receive their jerseys this fall. Pioneer has conducted the contest since 2010 and has distributed more than $100,000 worth of hockey jerseys.
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PULSE-BASED PASTA COMPETES AT NATIONAL EVENT Students Andrea Maximchuk and Katie Giles won the fourth annual Mission ImPULSEible Food Product Development Competition in Saskatchewan.
Increase Farm Profitability
STRONG FOOD EXPORTS SET TABLE FOR BRIGHT AG FUTURE The Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance is celebrating its 15th anniversary as Canadian farmers and food processors enjoy record export sales and strong global demand. Global markets play an important role for Canada’s agriculture and food sector, with many producers and processors exporting 50 to 85 percent of their production. The federal government has concluded free trade agreements with nine countries in six years, and is currently negotiating agreements with more than 50 countries, including major customers such as the European Union, India and Japan. In 2011, Canada reached a new record of exporting $44 billion in agriculture, food and seafood, with significant increases in key markets such as South Korea, Russia and India, plus record levels for pork and processed food.
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The Western Producer is our official Media Partner
Tackling world hunger by reaching to the roots This feature on global hunger was produced by AlertNet, a global humanitarian news service run by Thomson Reuters Foundation LONDON, U.K. (Reuters) — In flood-hit fields in the Philippines, farmers are testing a hardy new variety of rice that can survive completely submerged for more than two weeks. In Kenya’s Kibera slum, poor urban families are improving their diets and incomes just by learning to grow vegetables in sack gardens outside their doors. And in India, a push to help marginalized rural communities gain title to their land is leading to a significant drop in hunger. These are just a few of the kinds of innovations and initiatives that experts say will be critical if the world is to feed itself over coming decades as the population soars, cities sprawl and climate change takes its toll. By 2050, the planet will need at least 70 percent more food than it does today to meet both an expected rise
in population to nine billion from seven billion and changing appetites as many poor people grow richer, experts say. “Can we feed a world of nine billion? I would say the answer is yes,” said Robert Watson, chief scientific adviser to the British government’s environment and r ural affairs department and a former chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But doing so will require fundamental changes to unsustainable but well-entrenched policies and practices, from eating so much meat to spending trillions on agriculture and fuel subsidies, he said. In the meantime, many hunger fighters say the answer lies in clever alterations to the way food is planted, watered, harvested, stored, transported, sold, owned and shared. Many of those changes are already
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being tested in the world’s farms and fields, in laboratories and government offices and in factories and markets. Some are even speaking of the beginnings of a 21st century food revolution. Unlike the last century’s agricultural Green Revolution, which dramatically boosted world food production with new high-yielding crop varieties and more irrigation, this revolution must rely on myriad “green bullets” to tackle hunger. They include persuading farmers in Africa’s drought zones to switch from water-hungry rice to hardier crops like sorghum or millet and helping farmers build pest-proof grain silos that allow food to be stored longer or sold when prices are higher. With 70 percent of the world’s people expected to live in cities by 2050, a major focus will be to find ways to help city dwellers grow food in small urban plots or roof gardens or group together to buy food at cheaper prices. In California’s East Palo Alto, for instance, older inner-city residents, who are particularly vulnerable to high food prices, are learning growing techniques for the first time and producing food for themselves and a neighbourhood market. Other urban areas are turning to vertical hydroponic gardens clinging to the edge of skyscrapers. Women, who grow at least 40 percent of food in Africa and Asia, will need improved land rights and better access to information, which experts say is being made much easier by the spread of mobile phone technology.
Rural women in India’s Andhra Pradesh state now use advance drought warnings, relayed by the internet and mobile phone, to switch to more drought-tolerant crops. The move has saved harvests and helped stem the usual wave of migration to cities in drought times. Changing farming practices by adopting more water-conserving drip irrigation and planting crops
amid fertilizing trees, as is now happening throughout Africa, will also be key. Another priority will be to reduce the 30 percent of the world’s food supply that is eaten by pests, spoiled on the way to market or thrown away unused from plates and supermarkets. Simply getting supermarkets to stop offering two-for-one specials, which can encourage people to overbuy,
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Centennial Column Celebrating 100 years of students at the College of Agriculture and Bioresources. The Centennial Column is a weekly feature highlighting the history and present successes of the college.
Photo of Cecil Patterson.
Cecil Patterson By Sara Williams Born in Watford, Ontario in 1892, Cecil Patterson grew up on the family farm with a thoroughly ingrained work ethic. He graduated from the Guelph Ontario Agricultural College, in horticulture, in 1918, received his master’s degree from the University of Illinois in 1920, and his PhD in 1921.
Lilian Kayes prepares to clean cooking utensils outside her house in Kibera slums in Kenya’s capital Nairobi. | NOOR KHAMIS/REUTERS PHOTO
would be a start, some anti-hunger activists say, as would improving roads in South Asia and Africa where transport delays mean produce often rots on the way to market. Experts say solutions to the threat of worsening hunger will var y by region, by country and sometimes even from one farm or village or apartment building to the next. Not all ideas will succeed, and scaling up those that do prove to work, as quickly as possible, will be essential. In a world where an estimated 900 million people are already hungry, curbing surging consumption in rich nations and those fast becoming rich, especially in India and China, will be particularly important, experts say. “If we look at the graph of (rising) human consumption, that’s the one to worry about,” said Phil Bloomer, director of campaigns and policy for Oxfam Great Britain. “That is a graph that should strike panic in our hearts.” Persuading rich people to eat less meat and fewer milk products, which take a lot of grain to produce, would go a long way toward curbing everrising demand for grain. Many innovations focus on easing the adverse effects of climate change on food production. While warmer weather and growing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could spur plant growth and food production in some regions and open a few northern reaches of the world to farming, many more regions are expected to see worsening losses from droughts, floods,
storms, rising sea levels and higher temperatures that can cause crop yields to drop. “It used to be there was an extreme weather event here or there, but we knew that in a year or so things would go back to normal,” said Lester Brown, a food security and sustainability expert and president of the U.S.-based Earth Policy Institute. “Now there is no normal to go back to.” That’s why scientists from Bangladesh to Tanzania are developing resilient crop varieties that can survive underwater, or with little rain, or even both extremes in the same season. Other innovators are focusing on the effects of increasing water scarcity. “A substantial amount of our food production worldwide comes from non-renewable ground water sources, and in the long run that is not sustainable,” said Peter Gleick, a leading water expert and head of the U.S.based Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment and Security. People are learning to harvest and store water to ensure supplies throughout the year. They are also developing water-conserving irrigation methods to make what they have available last. Will all such innovations be enough to feed nine billion people by 2050? Possibly, say experts, but success will depend on making enough key changes fast enough. In addition to on-the-ground solutions, those changes will need to include major policy shifts, including potentially a ban on turning grain
HUNGER PRICE TAGS Did you know... • It costs $10 to feed a boy in a Kenya refugee camp for three weeks, less than the cost of a lipstick in Manhattan. • It would cost $3.5 billion to feed every hungry schoolchild in the world. That’s around two times the takings from the movie, Titanic, which grossed $1.8 billion worldwide. • It costs $50 to feed a schoolgirl for one year; similar to the cost of one IPod shuffle ($45) • One super-healthy ration of Plumpy’Sup for a small child is just 20 cents, slightly more than a standard postage stamp (61 cents). Source: Reuters
At the age of 28, in 1921, he came to the University of Saskatchewan, becoming the first head of the Department of Horticulture Science. A quiet man, dedicated to plants, he worked mostly alone and was responsible for teaching, research, extension and administration as well as landscaping the new campus. By 1950, Cecil Patterson had made horticultural history as the first plant breeder to develop hardy lilies in shades of pink and white. He bred more than 30 lilies, many still available to prairie gardeners. ‘Edith Cecilia’, ‘White Princess’, ‘Jasper’, and ‘Apricot Glow’ are considered of great value more than fifty years after their introduction. Fruit breeding, his other great passion, was done with controlled crosses with pollen from known sources. Still available are ‘Patterson Pride’ plum, ‘Beta’ cherry-plum, ‘McLean’ apple, and ‘John’ pear. He developed 52 varieties of cold hardy fruits and has been acknowledged to have initiated fruit breeding on the prairies. Because no textbook on hardy fruit existed, Patterson self-published Hardy Fruits with Special Reference to their Cultivation in Western Canada in 1936. With great foresight, he viewed orchards as essential to prairie farmsteads and envisioned the small commercial orchards that would later supply fruit to urban populations. Cecil Patterson retired in 1961, passing away the same year. He is honored by Patterson Garden, the arboretum (over 700 trees and shrubs) on the University of Saskatchewan campus at the corner of Preston and College Drive (agbio., and the Patterson Peninsula on Lac la Ronge.
into biofuel or limits on food speculation. “Food insecurity and climate change are already inhibiting human well-being and economic growth throughout the world, and these problems are poised to accelerate,” John Beddington, Britain’s chief science adviser, said in a March report by the International Commission on Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change. “Decisive policy action is required if we are to preserve the planet’s capacity to produce adequate food in the future.” FOR A RELATED STORY, SEE NEXT PAGE
Seed Hawk congratulates the College of Agriculture and Bioresources on 100 years of research and teaching excellence.
Tallying world’s hungry: LONDON, U.K. — Two years ago, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization launched a petition to fight hunger with the slogan: “1,000,000,000 people live in chronic hunger and I’m mad as hell.” Since then, more than 3.4 million people, including actors, pop stars and footballers, have added their voices to the online campaign calling on governments to make the elimination of hunger their top priority. But outrage over the “horrifying figure” of one billion hungry people around the world, as it was described by former FAO head Jacques Diouf, has turned to embarrassment in some quarters in light of growing
doubts about the accuracy of the number. Many researchers say the estimate was simply too high. “The fact that it’s one billion is a much better story, and that’s why it stays in people’s minds,” said Richard King, a food policy expert with Oxfam. “It’s a great number.” The controversy led the Committee on World Food Security, a top-level UN forum, to urge the FAO to overhaul its calculations using better data and methodology and to call for a set of internationally agreed food-security indicators. The first fruits are due in October when a new estimate of the number of undernourished people will be
This feature on global hunger was produced by AlertNet, a global humanitarian news service run by Thomson Reuters Foundation
published along with revisions for previous years as part of the FAO’s annual report on food insecurity. The report will also include supplemental indicators of hunger, such as the share of household budgets spent on food. “If you only present one number, there is a tendency to over-interpret it and take it as if it were capturing everything, but we want to try and be more explicit in recognizing the various dimensions of food insecurity,” said Carlo Cafiero, a senior FAO statistician. Nutritionists have long complained that the FAO’s hunger estimates focused too narrowly on calorie
intake, ignoring the bigger picture — protein, vitamin and mineral deficiencies in diets and the serious health problems they cause. Calculating the number of hungry people around the world at any given moment, let alone predicting how that number is likely to change in the future, is no easy task. Models for working out how many people don’t have enough to eat are not as precise as experts would like, partly due to lags in the release of national-level statistics, shifting economic conditions, food harvests and price volatility. When the FAO came under pressure to say how much hunger was
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increasing due to skyrocketing food prices and the global financial crisis in 2008, it combined U.S. Department of Agriculture projections of how economic turmoil would hurt food production, consumption and trade with its own hunger estimates of previous years, and extrapolated from there. It estimated a “historic high” of 1.02 billion undernourished people, or around one-sixth of humanity, in 2009. But economic conditions did not turn out to be as disastrous as anticipated, and food production held up better than expected. In addition, prices didn’t rise as much as feared in some developing countries. As well, many people were able to maintain the amount of calories they ate by switching to cheaper foods. “We have a responsibility to bring the view from the field ... to make sure it’s not just a technical exercise, but reflects the reality on the ground,” said Alberta Guerra, a Rome-based food policy officer for ActionAid. In Nairobi’s slums, when the cost of food soared in 2008, many poor urban families cut out meat and fish, went without medicine and took their children out of school. With post-election violence making matters worse, some even stole food, scavenged in garbage dumps, brewed illegal alcohol or turned to prostitution to survive. But the many aid agencies based in the Kenyan capital didn’t have a system to pinpoint when conditions for poor slum dwellers were becoming an emergency. “It was very difficult to get funding for urban response, partly because there were no metrics to say we are seeing a critical situation,” said Lilly Schofield, research adviser with Concern Worldwide. The organization has since begun testing indicators to capture changes in household food security in Kenya’s slums, where food has remained expensive. Nyauma Nyasani, East Africa nutrition adviser for Action Against Hunger, said frequent, on-the-ground checks are far more effective at anticipating hunger problems than annual nutrition surveys. For the past year, the aid group has been piloting a food security surveillance system in Kenya’s arid northeast, based on household questionnaires conducted every three months. And in Uganda, after a similar two-year project, it is developing national guidelines to monitor food security with the health ministry. Funding is an obstacle. Shifting to a more responsive system requires political commitment and long-term financial resources, but rich governments and UN agencies tend to offer money on a short timeframe. Saul Guerrero, evaluations adviser with Action Against Hunger, said aid workers detected warning signs months before the onset of last year’s severe hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, where some 13 million people needed food aid because of a regional drought and conflict in Somalia. “Whoever tells you the data let us down doesn’t know what they are talking about,” he said. “It was the final bit that didn’t work —turning data into policy. This is the question no one has the full answer to.”
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Conveyors ............................. 4106 Equipment Monitors ............. 4109 Fertilizer Equipment .............. 4112 Grain Augers ..........................4115 Grain Carts .............................4118 Grain Cleaners ....................... 4121 Grain Dryers ...........................4124 Grain Elevators ......................4127 Grain Testers ......................... 4130 Grain Vacuums .......................4133 Harvesting & Haying Baling Equipment ............... 4139 Mower Conditioners ............4142 Swathers ............................. 4145 Swather Accessories ........... 4148 H&H Various.........................4151 Combines Belarus .................................4157 Case/IH ............................... 4160 CI ..........................................4163 Caterpillar Lexion ............... 4166 Deutz ................................... 4169 Ford/NH ................................4172 Gleaner .................................4175 John Deere ............................4178 Massey Ferguson..................4181 Python ................................. 4184 Versatile ...............................4187 White ................................... 4190 Various .................................4193 Combine Accessories Combine Headers................ 4199 Combine Pickups ................ 4202 Misc. Accessories ................ 4205 Hydraulics .............................4208 Parts & Accessories ............... 4211 Salvage .................................4214 Potato & Row Crop Equipment ............................4217 Repairs .................................. 4220 Rockpickers ............................4223 Snowblowers & Snowplows .......................... 4226 Silage Equipment .................. 4229 Special Equipment.................4232 Spraying Equipment PT Sprayers ......................... 4238 SP Sprayers ..........................4241 Spraying Various................. 4244 Tillage & Seeding Air Drills .............................. 4250 Air Seeders .......................... 4253 Harrows & Packers .............. 4256 Seeding Various .................. 4259 Tillage Equipment ............... 4262 Tillage & Seeding Various .............................. 4265 Tractors Agco Agco ....................................4274 Allis/Deutz..........................4277 White .................................4280 Belarus ................................ 4283 Case/IH ............................... 4286 Steiger ............................... 4289 Caterpillar ........................... 4292 John Deere ........................... 4295 Kubota ................................. 4298 Massey Ferguson................. 4301 New Holland ........................4304 Ford ................................... 4307 Versatile ............................ 4310 Universal ..............................4313 Zetor .................................... 4316 Various Tractors .................. 4319 Loaders & Dozers ...................4322 Miscellaneous ....................... 4325 Wanted .................................. 4328 Fencing .................................... 4400 Financing/Leasing ...................4450 Firewood .................................. 4475 Fish & Fish Farming...... ...........4500 Food Products .......................... 4525 Forestry / Logging Equipment ...............4550 Fork Lifts & Pallet Trucks ........ 4600 Fruit / Fruit Processing ............4605 Fur Farming .............................. 4675 Generators ................................4725 GPS ........................................... 4730 Green Energy.............................4775
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Sheep Auction Sales ...................... 5505 Arcott................................... 5510 Columbia ............................. 5520 Dorper ..................................5527 Dorset .................................. 5530 Katahdin .............................. 5550 Lincoln..................................5553 Suffolk .................................5580 Texel Sheep ......................... 5582 Sheep Various .....................5590 Sheep Wanted ..................... 5595 Sheep Events, Seminars ..... 5597 Sheep Service, Supplies ..... 5598 Swine Auction Sales ......................5605 Wild Boars ........................... 5662 Swine Various ..................... 5670 Swine Wanted ......................5675 Swine Events, Seminars.......5677 Poultry Baby Chicks ......................... 5710 Ducks & Geese .................... 5720 Turkeys ................................ 5730 Birds Various........................5732 Poultry Various ................... 5740 Poultry Equipment ...............5741 Specialty Alpacas .................................5753 Bison (Buffalo) .....................5755 Deer ......................................5757 Elk........................................ 5760 Goats ....................................5765 Llama ................................... 5770 Rabbits .................................5773 Ratite: Emu, Ostrich, Rhea ..............5775 Yaks ..................................... 5780 Events & Seminars ...............5781 Specialty Livestock Equipment............................5783 Livestock Various .................. 5785 Livestock Equipment ............ 5790 Livestock Services & Vet Supplies .................................5792 Lost and Found ........................5800 Miscellaneous Articles.............5850 Misc Articles Wanted ............... 5855 Musical ..................................... 5910 Notices ..................................... 5925 ORGANIC Certification Services ........... 5943 Food....................................... 5945 Grains .................................... 5947 Livestock ...............................5948 Personal (prepaid) ...................5950 Personal Various (prepaid) ..... 5952 Pest Control .............................5960 PETS Registered ............................. 5970 Non Registered ......................5971 Working Dogs ........................ 5973 Pets & Dog Events ..................5975 Photography ............................5980 Propane ................................... 6000 Pumps ......................................6010 Radio, TV & Satellites ............. 6040 REAL ESTATE B.C. Properties ...................... 6110 Commercial Buildings/Land ..6115 Condos/Townhouses............. 6120 Cottages & Lots ......................6125 Houses & Lots ....................... 6126 Mobile Homes ........................6127 Ready To Move .......................6128 Resorts .................................. 6129 Recreational Property .......... 6130 Farms & Ranches British Columbia ..................6131 Alberta..................................6132 Saskatchewan ......................6133 Manitoba ............................. 6134 Pastures .............................. 6136 Wanted ................................ 6138 Acreages .............................. 6139 Miscellaneous ..................... 6140 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES All Terrain Vehicles ................6161 Boats & Watercraft ................6162 Campers & Trailers ............... 6164
Golf Cars ................................ 6165 Motor Homes......................... 6166 Motorcycles ............................6167 Snowmobiles ........................ 6168 Refrigeration ............................ 6180 RENTALS & ACCOMMODATIONS Apartments & Houses ........... 6210 Vacation Accommodations ... 6245 Restaurant Supplies ................ 6320 Sausage Equipment .................6340 Sawmills...................................6360 Scales .......................................6380 PEDIGREED SEED Cereal Seeds Barley ..................................6404 Corn .................................... 6406 Durum..................................6407 Oats ..................................... 6410 Rye....................................... 6413 Triticale ............................... 6416 Wheat .................................. 6419 Forage Seeds Alfalfa .................................. 6425 Annual Forage ..................... 6428 Clover .................................. 6431 Grass Seeds ...........................6434 Oilseeds Canola ................................6440 Flax ......................................6443 Pulse Crops Beans ...................................6449 Chickpeas ............................ 6452 Lentil ................................... 6455 Peas .....................................6458 Specialty Crops Canary Seeds ......................6464 Mustard ............................... 6467 Potatoes ..............................6470 Sunflower ............................ 6473 Other Specialty Crops ......... 6476 COMMON SEED Cereal Seeds ......................... 6482 Forage Seeds .........................6485 Grass Seeds ...........................6488 Oilseeds ................................ 6491 Pulse Crops ...........................6494 Various .................................. 6497 Organic Seed ...........See Class 5947 FEED MISCELLANEOUS Feed Grain .............................6505 Hay & Straw .......................... 6510 Pellets & Concentrates ..........6515 Fertilizer ................................6530 Feed Wanted .........................6540 Seed Wanted ......................... 6542 Sewing Machines ..................... 6710 Sharpening Services .................6725 Sporting Goods ........................ 6825 Outfitters............................... 6827 Stamps & Coins ........................6850 Swap......................................... 6875 Tanks ........................................ 6925 Tarpaulins ................................ 6975 Tenders..................................... 7025 Tickets ...................................... 7027 Tires .........................................7050 Tools ......................................... 7070 Travel........................................ 7095 Water Pumps............................ 7150 Water Treatment ......................7200 Welding .................................... 7250 Well Drilling .............................7300 Winches....................................7400 CAREERS Career Training ........................8001 Child Care.................................8002 Construction ........................... 8004 Domestic Services .................. 8008 Farm / Ranch ............................ 8016 Forestry / Logging .................... 8018 Help Wanted ............................8024 Management ............................ 8025 Mining ...................................... 8027 Oilfield .....................................8030 Professional ............................. 8032 Sales / Marketing .................... 8040 Trades / Technical ....................8044 Truck Drivers ............................8046 Employment Wanted (prepaid) ...............................8050
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1956 CESSNA 180: 11,318 TAT hrs., 1287 TET hrs., 115 hrs. since top OH, TPT 40 hrs (installed Nov. 19, 2004), annual inspection March 21, 2012. Bubble windows, digital EGT, pan heater, Apollo GPS, radios and intercom, medium droop tips, insulated eng. cover, custom made wing tent for ice fishing. New windshield, mags and harness. Well maintained. Must sell due to loss of medical, $70,000 w/o skis; Also, Federal hyd. wheel skis and Teflon skins, (will separate for $10,000). 306-768-3143, Carrot River, SK.
BRIERCREST 100th ANNIVERSARY Celebration, Briercrest, SK. June 29, 30 a n d J u l y 1 s t . F o r i n fo c a l l K a t h y 306-799-2136, JOIN THE RE-DEDICATION and commemoration of No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School to be held on Sat. June 2, 2012 at the Dafoe Airport. We invite you to join us in the celebration. Posters and a more definite list of events will be available as our plans evolve. See you there. Legion 306-560-8116, Wynyard, SK. 1974 SKYMASTER P-337G, 2300 TT, engines approx. 600 hrs. SMOH, extensive annual complete, sacrifice $80,000. Phone Rick Wildfong 306-734-2345 or 306-734-7721, Craik, SK. CAP 3000E FLOATS, C-185 rigging, good condition, $4900 firm. 780-715-0653, Fort LACOMBE FLY-IN BREAKFAST, rain or McMurray, AB. shine, Sunday, June 3rd, 7:00 AM until 1947 PA-11 Cub Special, 2250 TT, al- noon. Come and join us for our 50th ways shedded, skis, radio, shoulder har- anniversary! Airport Advisor 122.8. Conness, well maintained, very clean, $39,000. tact Mike 403-350-8215. For pics call: 403-746-3679, Eckville, AB.
21stA nnu al
W ESTLOCK AG SOCIETY GROUNDS S a turd a y & S un d a y
Jun e 2 & 3, 2012
ADM IS S ION : $10 Ad ults Child ren u n d er 12 F RE E F E AT URING: C OC KS H UTT & Tra cto rs C o -o p
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n ca ll 7 80-349-5 212 o r W ES TLOC K AB, 7 80-307 -697 1 Sp onsored b y the Vin ta ge Tra cto r & M a ch in e ry C lub
Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Farm Progress Show
All M a ke s W e lco m e !
Fre e P a n ca ke Bre a kfa s t S te a m En gin e s Tra cto r P ulls Fie ld D e m o â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blin d R a cin g S lo w R a cin g P a ra d e o f Tra cto rs @ 2P M Ea ch D a y F ree Ca m p in g o n the Gro u n d s
No Ho o k-Up s G ro un d s Ope n Frid a y, Jun e 1, 2012
1976 PIPER PA-23-250 Aztec â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fâ&#x20AC;? Turbo, 1969 CITABRIA 7GCBC. 775 TTSN, wheels, 3135 TTAF, 773 TSO, Garmin GNS 530, full skis and floats. Phone: 306-768-2612 or De-Ice. Call John Hopkinson & Assoc. 306-768-2548, Carrot River, SK. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. 1959 CESSNA 180 w/wheels, skis, 2960 HANGAR DOORS with overhead roller EDO floats, propeller 0 time, new battery track, 39.7â&#x20AC;?Wx12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; H. Offers. 306-373-1122, and new C of A, excellent condition. 306-221-3230, Saskatoon, SK. 306-768-2594, Carrot River, SK. 2003 DIAMOND DA20-C1; 2006 Diamond 1948 LUSCOME 8F Classic, 90 HP, 2428 DA20-C1 w/GNS 430 and GTX 327 transTTSN; 1260 SMOH, many ugrades, clean ponder. 403-637-2250, Water Valley, AB. and fast, 110 mph. Asking $28,900. Call 1970 BEECHCRAFT SIERRA, 1600 TT, 630 306-782-9120, Yorkton, SK SMOH, new Garmin Com and transponder, 1962 CESSNA 172, 180 HP, CS prop, on 406 ELT, annual May/12, $47,900 OBO. condition, TTSN 3723, engine 2508 SMOH, 403-227-2790 Innisfail AB prop 364, float attachments, very clean plane, well maintained. A must to see. 1960 CESSNA 180-C, 5562 TTSN, 421 $35,000. 250-573-3551, Kamloops, BC. SMOH, prop 30 SN, EDO 2870, 2 sets of skis, New: tires, windscreen, Selkirk int., 2008 AIRTRIKE w/20 hrs,. Suzuki 13BB headliner, glare screen. Excellent perform90+ HP, Profi 14 meter wing, cruise 40-75 e r. O n e ow n e r l a s t 3 0 ye a r s . E m a i l MPH w/elec. in flight adjustment, tundra 403-485-2791, Vulcan AB tires, always in hangar, wife nagging (not included), $18,500. Call 604-414-7395, 1958 PIPER PA22-160, new annual, many Powell River, BC. upgrades, great airplane, must sell! 1986 PELICAN CLUB Ultralight, 2 seater, $32,000. 403-790-3694, Ponoka, AB. enclosed cockpit, EA81 Subaru with 3 blade prop, heater, radio, intercom with 2 1977 PA-18-160 PIPER Super Cub, most headsets, elec. start, always hangared, Alaskan mods, 2400 TTAF, 450 SMOH, c/w dolly and skis. Will consider partial $79,000. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. trade on Harley Davidson motorcycle. 1976 CARDINAL RG II IFR 1840 TT, 24 306-946-3303, Watrous, SK. SMOH, 24 on new 3-blade Hartzell, Apollo SNOW SKIS A-1500 A (Federal Aircraft) radio stack, hangared, blue and white. Pics off champ Citabria, $600. Stored at Meota, available. Abbotsford, BC., 604-309-4692. SK. Lorne 250-764-2697, MGK AERO: LIGHT aircraft and engine 1961 CHAMP 7HC converted to 7GC, TT parts, propellers, C23 new surplus parts. 1325.2, Lycoming 0-290-D2, 135 HP, very 204-324-6088, Altona, MB. strong motor, SMOH 1395.2, I-com radio and 2 place intercom, new tires, very good 1956 CESSNA 172, 3200 TTAF, 2100 TTAE, fabric, good glass, Sensenich 74 DM-0-52. $26,500, runs and flies great. Calgary, AB. 403-819-1504. 204-845-2418, Elkhorn, MB.
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ACROSS 1. Film starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston 8. Avakian who directed 11 Harrowhouse 11. National ___ 12. ___ and Beezus 13. Dog in The Thin Man 14. Rupert or Chad 16. Frank who wrote Dog Day Afternoon 17. Film in which the kids become adults, and the adults become kids 18. View from the ___ 19. She starred in Second Fiddle 21. Jet ___ 23. William B. ___ 25. John who directed The Next Best Thing 27. Character on Xena: Warrior Princess 28. Marilynâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s character in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 29. Film starring Theresa Russell 31. A Lovely Way ___ 33. Just the Way ___ 34. Film written, directed, and produced by Atom Egoyan
DOWN 1. Canadian who played Jason Wise in Final Destination 3 2. Film starring Emily Browning 3. Film written, directed, and starring Zach Braff 4. TV movie starring Emma Thompson 5. Film Denzel Washington played a boxer in (with The) 6. Jenkins who wrote and directed The Slums of Beverly Hills 7. A ___ Remember 9. Katharine who starred in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 10. A couple of Kettles 15. Film in which Anna Nicole Smith had her first starring role 18. Film starring Bill Paxton 20. Isabella Rosselliniâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother 21. To Live and Die in ___ 22. Bellows from British Columbia 23. Polly who was on Thirtysomething 24. ___ Movie 25. When Harry Met ___... 26. Savasta from British Columbia 30. Farrow who starred in Be Kind Rewind 32. The ___-Bow Incident
MUST SELL: 1969 Piper Cherokee. Full IFR panel, ILS, DME, dual Nav/Coms, dual ADF, XPDR, GPS, intercoms, good radios, $35,000 firm. Serious buyers only. Phone for info. 306-445-3690, Battleford, SK. CHAMPION 7ECA and 7EC w/C90 82 SMOH, total restoration, radio, mode C, intercom, new tires, Cleveland brakes, Scott tailwheel, strobe, wheelpants, $35,000. 780-826-3684, Bonnyville, AB. BRAND NEW STEEL garage package, 28x32’, 10’ straight walls, 9x12’ O/H door opening. 306-373-1122, 306-221-3230, Saskatoon, SK.
WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RV’s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610,
BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. MacGowan Antique & Collectables Closing Out Of Business Auction Sale, May 26, 2012, 9:00 AM. MacDowell Lion’s Hall, MacDowell, SK. From Saskatoon 113 Kms North on Hwy 11 towards Prince Albert. Collector Tins; Toys; Signs; Hi End Antique Furniture; Glassware; Horse & Farm Related; Numerous Antique Collectables; Plus much more. For more information go to: PL# 318200. 1-877-494-2437, 306-227-9505. VICTORIA DAY, MONDAY, May 21st 9:30 AM, Western Canada’s only quality unreserved Antique Auction, Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. Pictures soon at www. shaverauction. com 306-332-5382, PL #1-914399.
MFWA AXLE for MF 95/97, $500. Email: 250-428-7757, Creston, BC. ERIK OVERBYE ESTATE Farm Auction Sale, June 15th, 10:30 AM, Lake Alma, SK. Incl. these antiques: JD stationery engine, E103R, farm built forage w/tools, 100 lb. anvil, 2- leg vices, wall mounted drill w/bits, metal tire shrinker, 1927 Challenge windmill, 1965 MM diesel tractor w/Duz-All FEL runs well. 306-869-7111. OLIVER 88 STD. TRACTOR, excellent tires, hyds., c/w covers, runs good, asking $2500. 306-898-2343, Bredenbury, SK. 1952 JD AR tractor, styled, built-in hyds., runs, shedded, offers. 306-375-2844, Kyle, SK.
FORDSON SUPER MAJOR diesel tractor with FEL, McCormick Deering W6 tractor with dozer blade, Farmall IHC 766 tractor; Hart Parr Oliver 80 tractor. Farm Equip. Auction for Terry Dreger, Sat., June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
1941 FORD SUPER Deluxe; 1926 Model T Touring, $6500 each. Drive them away. 306-726-4524, Southey, SK.
1931 MODEL A Ford 2 door or pickup in running condition. Phone 204-532-2290, Binscarth, MB. 1928 CHEV COUPE, partially restored, new wood, 1928 Chev Sedan plus 2 parts cars, many new parts. $5000 OBO. 306-948-7292, 306-948-2704, Biggar, SK. 1934 INT. TRUCK, $3500; 1929 Chev AutoTrac, $2500; 35 stationery engines. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. 1940’S? FARGO and Ford trucks; 1952 Int. L130; 9N Ford and 70 JD dsl. tractors; D8 2U Cat. 306-468-2385, Canwood, SK. 1975 GMC CABOVER, 350 DD, 13 spd., 40,000 rears; 1957 Dodge D700 tandem, 354 Hemi, 5&3 trans., 34,000 rears; 1971 GMC longnose tandem, 318 DD, 4x4 trans. Sterling 306-539-4642, Regina, SK.
1952 U MINNEAPOLIS, big fenders, pulley, hand clutch, good tires, needs paint, runs good. 306-883-2727, Spiritwood, SK. WANTED TO BUY: One Sickle mower for Farmall cub tractor, hand lift. Phone: 250-827-3209, Fort St. John, BC. 1927 1527 Model D JD, $3200; 1929 1527 Model D JD, $2500; 1938 Model G JD, $3500; Wallis 20-30, $3500; MH 20-30, $1700; McCormick Deering 1530, $1500; Int. Cub, $2000; 1922 Crossmotor Case 12-20, restored, $10,000; Crossmotor Case 12-20, $5000; Crossmotor Case 15-27, $4500; Crossmotor Case 18-32, $4000. 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. RESTORED FARMALL A, C and H; Massey Harris 22 and 81; also have unrestored Massey 30 and 102; Cockshutt 30; MMU a n d r a r e L e a d e r. A l l w i l l r u n . 306-233-7305, Cudworth, SK. 1966 CHRYSLER WINDSOR all original. ADRIAN’S MAGNETO SERVICE Guaran- l o w m i l e a g e , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . teed repairs on mags and ignitors. Repairs. 306-731-3627, Lumsden, SK. Parts. Sales. 204-326-6497. Box 21232, 1970 FARGO 800 tandem, 413 V8 gas, Steinbach, MB. R5G 1S5. 5&4, double frame, 4 new tires. $1750 1944 FARMALL M with DuAll loader, run- OBO. 780-753-0126, Chauvin, AB. ning condition, shedded, $3000 OBO. 780-662-2061, Tofield, AB.
NEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine rebuild kits. 150,000 parts available. Great quotes. Service and owners manuals, and decals. Our 38th year. 1-800-481-1353. TUNE-RITE TRACTOR PARTS: New parts for old tractors. Tires, decals, reproduction parts, antiques and classic. Western Canada Steiner dealer. Don Ellingson, 1-877-636-0005, Calgary, AB. or E-mail: JD MODEL G TRICYCLE, S/N #24819, good 38” tires and rims, not running, $1200. 604-794-7139, Chilliwack, BC. WANTED: HORSE DRAWN plows, discs or other horse drawn equipment. Phone 519-323-2019, leave a message. JD R, DIESEL, 1951, good tires, PTO, hyd., new paint, runs good; JD A, 1948 and JD B, 1949, both hyds., PTO, rockshaft, Rollamatic front, new paint, good tires, both run good; AR unstyled, 1937, good tires, PTO, painted, new fenders, runs good; Case DC4, narrow front, have wide front axles, good tires, hyd., PTO, runs good; Case LA, clutch is stuck but runs, tires fair, PTO, hyd. Can deliver. 204-725-8244, JD 60 2WD tractor. Dean Allen and Floyd Brandon, MB. Krell Estate Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. BUYING TRACTOR CATALOGUES, broarea. Visit chures, manuals, calendars, etc. Edmonton for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack AB. Barry 780-921-3942, 780-903-3432. Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. JD 3 BOTTOM breaking plow, lever lift, apPL 311962. prox. 100 years old, mostly all rare; Also INTERNATIONAL CUB TRACTOR, restored; Cockshutt 430 SP combine. 306-582-6017, IHC cub motor; MH 30 motor w/hydraulic Glenbain, SK. pump; JD clipper combine motor. Offers. FORD 8N TRACTOR w/5’ rotary mower, 3 Leave msg 306-934-6876, Warman, SK. PTH, exc . cond., $3500. Call Henry 1952 MODEL AR JD tractor, S/N #280664, 306-726-2261, Southey, SK. runs good, real nice shape, asking $4500. VARIOUS TRACTORS: Model A1H, CIH, 306-756-2340, 306-631-1251, Caron, SK. 350IH and 1530IH. All will run. 1952 ALLIS IB (INDUSTRIAL) tractor, fully 306-783-8193, Yorkton, SK. restored. IB’s are rare. $9000. 403-226-0429, TRACTOR COLLECTION for sale: Cockshutt 20 and 20 Deluxe, JD’s 420 Hi-crop Calgary, AB. (rare), 420 N, 430 TW, M, MTW, MTN, LA, W A N T E D : A N T I Q U E T R A C T O R S , BW and 2 H’s. 403-660-8588, Calgary, AB. trucks, farm equipment, and garden tractors for display at Canada’s Farm MASSEY FERGUSON 44 GAS tractor, hyd. Progress Show, June 20-22, 2012. If P T O , r u n s g o o d , $ 1 1 0 0 O B O . you would like to participate please 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. call Lynda 306-781-9212, Regina, SK. CASE DC4 TRACTOR, all original. Recent 1946 GMC 3 ton, motor seized, good new tires (4), runs well, very straight. Tin Brandford B&H, always stored inside. needs paint, $1650. For more info/pics. 306-948-9502, 306-948-2427, Biggar, SK. Phone eves. 306-867-9928, Outlook, SK. JD MODEL G Row Crop tractor w/hyd., 1952 JD MODEL A, partially restored, S/N #28278, good running condition, seized, picture available. Asking $1800 OBO. 780-989-1818, Edmonton, AB. $4500 OBO. 306-752-9253, Melfort, SK.
Huge A ntique Es ta te A uction The Es ta te of O s ca r M itchell M oosom in, S K
S a turda y M a y 26th a t 9 a m CS T M oosom in C om m u niplex
S ale features: Severalunique and elaborate china cabinets H allseats w /m irrors O ak dining table H alltables End tables 16 Epergnes Large selection ofC ranberry G lass, Lustres, M ary G regory pieces D olls, Lam ps, C locks O ak bedroom suite 2001 Lincoln C ontinental4 door, loaded w ith only 52,504 km ’s Plus a huge selection ofother antiques and glassw are Th is is on e of th e m ost ou tstan din g an d u n iqu e private collection s of origin al fu rn itu re an d glassw are in W estern Can ada in 2012.
For inform ation callB ea 306-435-2297
ROS S TAYL OR AUC TI ON S ERVI C E (204)877-3834 For photos a nd com plete listing w w w .rossta ylora u S K L ic# 909917 M B L ic# 1300
EDMONTON GUN SHOW and Sale, Sat. and Sun., May 26-27, at the Edmonton Aviation Society Hangar, 11410 Kingsway Ave. Saturday: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Sunday: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Admission $7. Sales tables available. Call John 780-455-5036 or email
POLAR-BEAR RUG. Great item for your cabin. Sale and transfer is subject to permit as required by law. Sell or trade for guns. Hugh 306-463-3304, Kindersley, SK. WANTED: GLASS TELEPHONE and telegraph insulators. Top prices paid for one or a thousand. No clear glass. Contact Jim at 403-240-3199 or Calgary, AB. 1929 MODEL A convertible, all redone, $30,000. Comes with 45 Wurlitzer jukebox. Ph eves: 250-860-5375, Kelowna, BC. WANTED: TRACTOR MANUALS, sales brochures, tractor catalogs. 306-373-8012, Saskatoon, SK.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm Equip. Auction for Terry and Bhupinder Dreger, 306-335-2512, Saturday, June 16, 2012, 10:00 AM. Directions from Lemberg, SK. from West side of Lemberg go 4 miles North and 11/2 miles West. Watch for signs! JD 4630 2WD tractor, Fordson Super Major diesel tractor w/FEL, McCormick Deering W6 tractor w/dozer blade, Farmall IHC 766 tractor; Hart Parr Oliver 80 tractor, JD L110 lawn tractor, Cub Cadet tractor w/mower and dozer, Turf Trac lawn tractor, IH 1460 SP combine with 2507 engine hrs, IH 4000 SP swather with 20’ MacDon PU header, 30’ JD 590 PT swather, 1968 IH Loadstar 1600 grain truck, 1940 1 ton grain truck w/wood box, 1992 Chev 20 van, 70’ Inland Terminator I field sprayer w/800 gal. poly tank, 14’ Miller offset disc, Flexi-Coil 60’ tine harrows, Coop G-100 18’ discer, Co-op G-100 18’ discer, Co-op G-100 12’ discer for parts, IH trailer type sickle mower, JD 227 rotary mower, poly drum swath roller, 2- Chief Westland 2300 bu. bins on wood floor, 2Chief Westland 1900 bu. bins on wood floor, Chore-Time 10 ton galvanized hopper bin, Baldor 3 HP aeration fan, Sakundiak 8-47 auger w/Wheatheart mover and binsweep, Allied 6-27 auger w/electric m o t o r, S c o o p A S e c o n d 6 - 3 0 a u g e r w/electric motor, Fruehauf 500 bu. alum. grain wagon end dump with PTO, galvanized 100 bu. hopper wagon, 2000 and 500 gal. fuel tanks and pumps, 6- 40’ Chore-Time chicken feeders, 6- 40’ chicken water troughs, 4- 100’ Chore-Time chicken feeders, 4- 100’ watering troughs, quantity of chicken brooders, older chicken barn for removal, Karcher 1750 gas powered pressure washer, JD T105C line trimmer, Detroit drill press, Comet chop saw, Testrite bandsaw, bolt bins, antique Vulcan blacksmith anvil, Forever fanning mill, bobsleigh, one-way disc, walking plow, harness plus many more hidden treasures! Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook a n d Tw i t t e r. M a c k A u c t i o n C o . 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962.
PBR FARM AND INDUSTRIAL SALE, last Saturday of each month. Ideal for farmers, contractors, suppliers and dealers. Consign now. Next sale May 26, 9:00 AM. PBR, USED ZAMBONI AND Olympia ice resurf- 1 0 5 - 7 1 s t S t . We s t , S a s k at o o n , S K . , ers for sale. Parts, sales and service. 306-931-7666. 403-830-8603, 403-271-9793, Calgary, AB
Sa t.,Ju n e 2/ 12 1 0:00a .m . 1 08 Hw y. 2 S., Sim p s o n , SK.
N EXT SALE S ATUR DAY, 9:00 AM JUNE 2 , 2 012 G R EAT PLAIN S AUCTIO N EER S 5 M i. E. o f R egin a o n Hw y. #1 in G rea tPla in s In d u stria lPa rk TELEPHO N E (306) 52 5- 9516 w w w . grea tpla in sa u ctio n m w w w . glo b a la u ctio n gu id m S ALES 1stS ATUR DAY O F EV ER Y M O N TH P.L. #91452 9
M erlin Fed ers p iel, a p p r o x. 1 7 a cr es w ith 2 0 40 s q . ft. ho u s e, co n ten ts an d m an y g o o d a n tiq u es & co llectib les .
W ed .,Ju n e 6 / 12 1 0:00a .m . 3 m . E. o f Im p eria l, SK.
Fa rm s a le f o r Ba rry & D a len e Gu s ta f s o n & Co n s ign o rs . JD 42 3 0 & JD 40 1 0 tr a cto r s , 1 9 9 7 M F81 2 0 FW A tr a cto r w / 2 3 40 hr s ., 2 -1 3 5 W hite tr a cto r, 1 9 84 M F86 0 co m b in e, fu ll lin e o feq u ip m en t.
Sa t.,Ju n e 9 / 12 1 0:00a .m . 1 m . S., ¾ m . E. o f L o reb u rn , SK.
BIDDING CLOSES DAILY - NOON 8 29 51S T S TREET EAS T, S AS K ATOON 2011 Ben in g ton Pon toon Boa t; 2005 CA T267B S k id s teer; 2005 JCB8017 Tra ck hoe; 2005 Bobca t 331G Tra ck hoe; 2005 Bobca t 322G Tra ck hoe; 2004 CA S E430 S k id s teer; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d H140 Hyd . Ha m m er/ S k id S teer M ou n t3. UN US ED: 2011 Ves a tech 72” Rock Bu ck et; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d Extrem e Du ty 72” G ra p p le Bu ck et; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d 1500 Extrem e A u g er/S k id S teer M ou n t, 2011 FloorS a w 2011 4 S k id S teer Tires 10x16.5; 2011 Ju m p in g Ja ck 6.9Hp – Ra m m er Ta m p er. 2012 Blu e Dia m on d Extrem e Du ty 72” Root G ra p p le; 2012 Blu e Dia m on d 18” A u g er Bit HEX; 2011 Blu e Dia m on d 60” Bu ck et 2011 G a s Ha m m er Drills X2; Berlon 55” Fra m e S k id S teer Hea vy Du ty Fork s ; 2011 Vers a tech 2011 Ba ck hoe S k id S teer; Cem en t Trow el; 2005 Dod g e Ra m 1500; 1994 G M C S u bu rba n ; John Bea n Tire Ba la n cer, PLUS New Jew ellery & Collector Cu rren cy & M UCH M O RE!
D EALS , D EALS , D EALS Com e join us for com plim enta ry coffee, d onuts & d oor priz es !
G RAN D O P EN IN G -N EW LO CATIO N S ATURDAY, JUN E 2 – 9 :30AM 3350 ID YLW YLD D RIV E N O RTH See w eb site for p hotos,term s, c ond itions & exc lusions w w w .m cdouga lla uction .com P hon e : (306 ) 6 52-4334 Lic #318116
Fa rm s a le f o r Ro n & Ca m M cL ella n d . 1 9 9 0 Ca s e 7 1 3 0 & 1 9 9 2 Ca s e 7 1 2 0 tr a cto r s , fu ll lin e o feq u ip m en t.
Su n .,Ju n e 10/ 12 1 2:00p .m . Stra s b o u rg, SK.
H o u s eho ld s a le f o r Flo yd Cyn thia P iep er.
Sa t.,Ju n e 16 / 12 1 0:00a .m . ½ m . W . o f Da vid s o n , SK.
An n u a l Ya rd Sa le. 1 9 9 3 JD 5 3 5 b a ler, 1 9 9 6 7 x2 0 ’ N o r b er t s to ck tr a iler, n ew m eta l flo o r, 1 9 9 8 81 ⁄2 x2 4’ g o o s en eck fla td eck, 1 9 9 3 Lo d e Kin g tr ia xle g r a in tr a iler, 1 9 80 IH45 86 4W D tr a cto r p lu s m u ch m o r e.
Sa t.,Ju n e 23/ 12 1 0:00a .m . 7 m . E. o f Elb o w , Sk.
Fa rm s a le f o r L eo n a rd & D o reen Krets ch. 1 9 83 Ca s e 2 3 9 0 , Ca s e 7 3 0 , IH1 2 0 6 , Ca s e 9 0 0 , Ca s e 5 0 0 , M a s s ey 44, Ca s e LA & M cCo r m ick W -D 6 tr a cto r s , Ga lio n g r a d er, 1 8 p a s s en g er s cho o l b u s B o m b a r d ier, 1 9 46 W illys Jeep , 1954 TD 9 In ter n a tio n a l ca t, 1 9 7 2 N o r d ic 399 s kid o o , fu ll lin e o f eq u ip m en t a n d s ho p to o ls .
Su n .,Ju n e 24/ 12 1 0:00a .m . SE co rn er o f Sta lw a rt, SK.
D w a yn e Silzer. Fu ll lin e o f n ew & u s ed s ho p to o ls . 8 p er s o n La zy-B o y Lim ited Ed itio n ho t tu b . See w w w .m a n za u ctio n .co m f o r in f o .
M A NZ’ S A UC TIONEER ING S ER VIC E, D A VID S ON, S K. 3 0 6 - 56 7- 29 9 0
A UC TIONS Lloyd & Janice Turner Shamrock, Sk. (306) 395-2615 or (306) 690-4312
WED., MAY 23 - 11:00 am. 4 miles N. of Shamrock on #58 Hwy., 1 mile E., 1 mile N., 1/2 mile E., 1/4 mile N. 2007 Kubota M120 MFWA diesel Tractor w/FEL, grapple fork *1973 JD 4430 diesel Tractor *1969 JD 3020 diesel Tractor *1966 JD 3020 gas Tractor w/FEL *IH W400 gas Tractor w/FEL *1974 GMC #6500 3-ton Truck, deck & hoist *1984 GMC 1/2 ton Truck *1964 GMC 910 Service Truck *1974 Fleury 1-ton Motor Home *5thW Flatdeck Trailer *Univision 5thW Grain Box & Hoist *24’ Morris Rodweeder *20’ Melcam Cult. *10’ Land Leveller *12’ MF Cult. *24’ MF #128 Cult. *21’ K2 Noble Blade *SP Swather Transport *Paysen Handling System *Highline 6800 Bale Pro Processor *Ezee On 2400 Post Pounder *16’ NH 1475 Hydroswing Haybine *Vermeer 605 Rd. Baler *MF Mower *Gehl Mix Mill *Robin Roller Mill *Rd. Bales *8’ Degelman Blade *Miller 200 DC 225 AC Port. Welder & Generator *JD 5’ Gyro Mower *New Wheatheart Post Hole Auger and more. Glenn, Lynnette & Leslee Koch (306) 629-3360 or (306) 629-7762 -IH 1440 Axial Flow diesel SP Combine *25’ MF pto Swather *21’ NH 1090 SP Swather *120 Bu. Grain Wagon *47’ Brandt Grain Auger *28’ IH 7200 Hoe Drills *GMC 1-ton Truck *NH #688 Rd. Baler.
GERTRUDE O’DELL & THE LATE MILT O’DELL Success, Sk. (306) 741-7061
SAT., MAY 26 - 10:00 am. 1/8 mile S. of Success on #32 Hwy., 1 mile W. 1972 JD 4320 diesel Tractor w/FEL *16’ Leon Dozer Blade *JD 544 Payloader *JD 401B Industrial Backhoe Tractor *Ford 8000 Tandem Gravel Truck *1953 Chev 1500 3-ton Truck *Trail Rite Grain Box *Flatdeck Trailer *14’ Seedrite Hoe Drill *18’ CCIL Discer *New 16” Cult. Shovels *20’ Cult. *12’ JD Cult. *Riteway Rock Picker *24’ Kirshmann Press Drills *50’ Morris Harrow Drawbar *JD 336 Sq. Baler *Wetmore Mix Mill *Trailtech Rd. Bale Hauler *1983 NH TR85 SP Combine *24’ Crop Hawk Straight Cut Table *SP Swather Transport *Trumps SL-1060A Metal Lathe *3 hp. 220V Gould Elec. Motor *250 amp. DC Welder *Bean 7000 Tire Changer *New Metal *Lincoln elec. Ideal Arc SP-250 Mig Welder *Bench Star HD Drill Press/ Stand *HD Metal Welding Table w/vice *Peter Wright Anvil/Stand *ISL HD Drill Press *Hyd. Fitting Machine *Canadian Giant Shaper, Surface Grinder & Hammer *Suzuki RV90 Motor Bike *500 gal. Propane Tank on trailer *Ingersoll-brand AC125 Commercial Port. Air Compressor on trailer *Vac Pump *Airplane Motor *Ducar 2500 Watt Power Plant *Dinablast diesel Hotsee Pressure Washer *Acetylene Welder & Cart *Berkley Irrigation Pump on trailer *6 in. Alum. Pipe. Plus Other Items Too Numerous To Mention...
RAY & SHARON BENNETTO Piapot, Sk. (306) 558-4500
MON., MAY 28 - 11:00 am. 8 miles E. of Piapot on #1 Hwy., 10 miles S. on Sidewood Super Grid Road, 1 mile E. on Gravel Road, 1 1/2 mile S. 1984 JD 4850 MFWD Tractor *1986 Case IH 2096 diesel Tractor/FEL *1983 JD 4450 diesel Tractor *1976 IH 1066 diesel Tractor w/FEL *AC D14 gas Tractor w/FEL *Caterpillar #212 Grader *NH #750 GPS & Mapping System *1994 Chev Cheyenne 2500 3/4 ton gas Truck, Hydra-dec bale handler, tool boxes *1989 GMC Sierra SLE 1500 1/2 ton Truck *1983 Chev 60 3-ton Truck *1976 Chev C60 3-ton Truck *2002 Wilkinson 5thW Stocktrailer *11 Hopper Bottom Bins *6 Flat Bottom Bins *Pool Squirrel Aeration Fans *5” Monarch Irrigation Pump *600’ - 7” Mainline Irrigation Pipe *Big Gun 150 Sprinkler *29’ JD 610 Air Seeding Tool w/Bourgault 2130 Cart *82’ Flexicoil 62 Field Sprayer *16’ Tandem MF Disc *35’ Morris 531 Cult. *36’ Morris B3-36 Rodweeder *18’ Morris Seed Rite Hoe Drill *10’ Wiesner Heavy Duty Land Leveller *21’ JD 2320 SP Swather *JD 530 Rd. Baler *14’ NH 114 Hydroswing Haybine *NH 56 Side Delivery Rake *NH 510 Manure Spreader *JD 336 Sq. Baler *19’ IH SP Swather *Linden Post Pounder *Jiffy Grain Dispenser *High Hog Calving Squeeze w/auto head gate *1996 JD 9600 SP Combine w/JD 212 pick up table *24’ JD 224 Flex Header *30’ JD 930 Straight Cut Header *Grain Augers *30’ JD 590 Swather *2 JD 6601 pto Combines w/pick ups.
Many Hills Land & Cattle Inc. (Les & Bev Potter & Blaine & Grace Potter) Gull Lake, Sk. (306) 672-4123 or (306) 672-7214 or (306) 575-7706
WED., MAY 30 - 10:00 am. 1 mile N. of Gull Lake on #37 Hwy. 2010 Case IH Puma 140 MFWD diesel Tractor w/L760 Quick Detach Self Levelling FEL, grapple fork, 747 hrs. *1998 Case MX135 Maxxum MFWD diesel Tractor w/Quick Detach Self Levelling Case IH L300 FEL, grapple fork *1992 Case IH Magnum 7120 MFWD diesel Tractor w/Leon FEL *1982 IH 3688 diesel Tractor *1982 Versatile 835 4WD diesel Tractor *1978 JD 4240 diesel Tractor w/Allied FEL *Case DC 4 Gas Tractor *Outback Series 3 GPS *1987 IH S1710 4-ton Grain Truck *2002 Dodge Laramie SLT 3/4 ton 4x4 diesel Truck *1994 Dodge Laramie SLT 3/4 ton 4x4 diesel Truck *2002 SRC 5thW Stocktrailer *Maverick 5thW Bale Trailer *2-Horse Bumper Pull Stock Trailer *14’ Alum. Boat, Trailer & motor *2010 JD 568 Rd. Baler *16’ NH 1475 Hydroswing Haybine *16’ NH H1750 Hydroswing Haybine *Sovema Crop Master 12 V Wheel Rake *Flexicoil Post Pounder *Bale King Vortex 3110 Bale Processor *Kuhn Knight Reel Auggie 3142 Feed Wagon, Digital Scale, like new *Generation 2 Roller Mill *Roper Calf Tipping Table *Solar Water Pump *New Pressure Treated Posts *Water Injection Water Tank & Trailer *Branding Pot w/Propane tank *Port. Loading Chute *Wind Break Panels *Port. Calf Shelters *Sm. Hopper For Dispensing Grain *Elec. Fencers *Lg. 24 volt Solar Pump w/wiring & controls *2 Rolls Canadian Wire *High Hog System (Maternity Pen w/Pearson auto headgate *6 Stalls for Calving Shed *Chute w/auto headgate *Palpation Cage *2-10 ft. S-Allies w/cat walks *Crowding Tub w/2 gates *Panel Alley w/single gate) *Grain Bins *32’ IH 300 Discer *Rockpicker *Grain Augers *Walinga Grain Vac *3 Pt. Ht. Equip. *Sm. Wind Generator *Whisper Wind Generator *1000 gal. db. wall Fuel Tank w/elec. pump, gauge Lg. quantity of Shop Tools including pipe bending, pipe cutters, hand tools Terry Winter (306) 622-4816 -1987 25’ Case IH 725 pto Swather Eileen Haakenson (306) 672-3246 -1976 Ford 500 2-ton Grain Truck. Cash or Cheque w/Letter of Guarantee.
SWITZER AUCTION (306) 773-4200 Sk. Lic. 914494 Ab. Lic. 313086 Swift Current, Sk.
BODNARUS AUCTIONEERING. Auction Sale for Pat Hartnett (Late Tom Hartnett), Sunday May 27, 2012, 10 a.m., Saskatoon, SK. From Saskatoon Hwy 16 West to Auction Mart Rd, 4 kms. West, 1 km North. Watch for signs. Vehicles: 2004 Hyundai Elantra (93,038); 1993 Mazda B2200 truck; 1990 Ford Custom 3500 truck w/deck. Tractors: Kubota 4 WD diesel, 14 HP, 3 PH & PTO; 1992 MTD Yard Machine mower 20 HP, 42”, numerous attachments; Shop tools; 100’s of antiques & collectables; P l u s m u c h m o r e . F o r i n fo r m a t i o n PL 318200. 1-877-494-2437, 306-227-9505.
Arborg, MB. - Friday MAY 25, 2012 12:00 PM DIRECTIONS: From Arborg, MB. 10 miles west of Arborg on highway 68 (through the S-curves to 1styard on south side.) TRACTOR: * 2006 Fendt 818 MFWA tractor w/Fendt 755 loader with 3rd function, 33 mile per hour trans, front suspension, TMS, 4 remote hyd, 3pt, 540/540 econ and 1000 pto, 2890hrs showing * CAT & WHEEL LOADER: * 1983 Cat D6D crawler w/13’ manual angle blade, pwr shift trans, rear winch, 29” pads, 14625hrs showing * 1973 Allis Chalmers 840 wheel loader w/8’ bucket, 8’ manure fork * FORAGE HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: * 2000 Claas Jaguar 860 silage harvester 2wd, w/4200hrs showing, rock stopper, auto knife sharpener, auto lube, (only 450hrs on new cutting cylinder, cylinder knives, shear bar, blower paddles, kernel processor rolls, and wear plates) * 1990 Hesston 7725 silage harvester 325hp * 12’ Claas 380 HD hay header * Kemper model M4500 6 row corn head *gearbox drive angle adapter to mount Kemper head to NH or JD * Hesston 5 row corn head * 7’ Hesston hay header * Richardson Hi Dump silage wagon * Richardson Hi Dump silage wagon * LIVESTOCK FEEDING EQUIPMENT: * 1999 Bale King Vortex 2000 bale processor * 1999 Luck Now 300 silage wagon w/4 auger mixer, hyd chute height, Digistar scale, 1000pto * 1982 Ford 8000 tandem truck w/ Luck Now 425 mixer feed wagon, 4 auger mixer, Digistar scale, hyd chute height, 3208 Cat engine, auto trans, front mount hyd pump drive * TRUCK & TRAILER: * 1983 Ford 9000 highway tractor Saftied w/350 Cummins, 9 spd trans, wet kit, 376922kms showing * 1997 – 48’ Merritt cattle pot Saftied w/air ride, nose decking, new brakes, new drums, new tires OTHER LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: * Shop Built hyd squeeze chute * Hi Qual crowding tub * Gallagher RFID tag panel reader * True Test XR 3000 scale monitor w/wand reader * 30’ free standing panels (some with wind break boards) OTHER EQUIPMENT: * 1994 Case IH 8820 sp swather w/25’ grain header, 2200hrs showing * 16’ CaseIH crimper hay header * Rome tandem off-set disk w/8’ working width, adjustable angle, 30” notched discs * 1997 Schulte Giant 2500 rotary stone picker w/hyd drive * Tube-O-Lator grain bagger w/36” Renn roller mill (can be split) * 14’ land roller * Shop Built rotary ditcher * MISC. ITEMS & PARTS: * 30’ sucker rods * New bags for grain bagger * foam leaf cutter bee nests * plastic dome leaf cutter bee shelters
D EE ZEE FAR M S LTD . W a w a n es a , M B.
Tue s ., Jun e 12th , 11:00 a .m . D S T. 121⁄2 m ile s s o uth Bra n d o n , M B., 12 m ile s e a s t. 6 52 ho u rs
1302 ho u rs
Upcom ing Unres erved Fa rm Auctions M CM ORRA N FA RM S LTD.
For more information contact Jason Zuk 204-664-5400 or David Zuk 204-664-5274
(Ro n & Teri M cM o rra n ) Em pres s , AB
M on. June 4th, 2012 ~ 10:00 a .m .
FISHER BRANCH, MB. - SATURDAY MAY 26, 2012 10:00 AM DIRECTIONS: From Fisher Branch, MB (Jct # 17 & 233) on # 17 North 4.8 kms (Dept of Highways Yard) turn West 3.8 kms to sale site on South side of road. ORDER OF SALE: 10:00 – 12:00 (Tools, Shop Equipment and Misc) 12:00 – 1:00 (Tanks, Bins, Aeration Fans, Grain Dryers, Augers) 1:00 PM (Trucks & Major Equipment) CONDITIONS: Buyers have 1 month to remove ALL items from sale site. (Bins included) TRACTORS: * 1989 CaseIH 9150 4wd w/3 remote hyd, 12 spd Pwr shift, Cummins L10 engine 280 hp, 520/85R38 duals, 5329hrs showing * Case 2290 2wd w/18.4-38 duals, 3pt, 2 remote hyd, 6255hrs showing, w/ Midtech Swath XL Light Bar Guidance System * Universal UTB U-445 DT MFWD w/3pt, single remote hyd * Allis Chalmers B w/ Belly Mount Sickle Mower (Not running) * INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT: * Allis Chalmers HD4 w/ Loader (one yd bucket) Blade & Stone Fork, Shuttle Clutch, Street Pads * Holman DSL 175 CFM Air Compressor on S/A Trailer w/2 Sizes of hoses * COMBINES: * 1997 JD 9600 sp Combine w/JD 914 pickup, fine cut chopper, FS chaff spreader, Air Foil sieves, New 30.5-32 rice tires, long auger, hopper tarp, 1875 eng hrs showing, 1461 sep hrs showing, Harvestrac Monitors * 1997 JD 9600 sp Combine w/JD 914 pickup, FS chaff spreader, JD seives, 30.5-32 rice tires, long auger, hopper tarp, approx 1700 eng hrs showing, approx 1450 sep hrs showing, Harvestrac Monitors * HEADERS: * 25’ JD 925 Flex Header w/pickup reel * MOISTURE TESTERS: * Labtronics 919 LT Moisture Tester * Portable Moisture Tester * SWATHER: * 2004 MacDon Harvest Pro 8152i dsl sp swather w/25’ MacDon 972 Header, pickup reel, dbl swath, single knife drive, 510 cutting hrs showing, 656 eng hrs showing, (108 hp Isuzu Turbo engine) * 8’ Poly Swath Roller * SPRAYERS: * 2005 CaseIH SDX 3310 SP Sprayer w/90’ Booms, 5 body nozzles, Air Bubble Jet nozzles, 1000 gal S/S tank, chemical inductor, 3” fill valves, 200 Hp engine (Cummins), Trimble auto steer system, foam markers, spray test system, 996 hrs showing, SCS 4600 Monitor Pkg, sells with 2 sets of tires & rims, (650/65R38 tires & rims (Good Year DT 818) & (320/90R46 tires & rims (Good Year DT800), * 50’ Melroe 115 Spray Coupe w/150 gal poly tank, 570 hrs showing * 68’ Versatile 480 pt Sprayer w/500 gal Poly Tank, PTO Pump * SEED & TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: * 14’ JD 1640 Tandem Disk * 17’ Haul-All Seed & Fert Tender * 20’ JD 9350 D/D Press Drill w/Rubber Packers, Tarps (Always Shedded) * 7’ 3 PT Cult * Crown Rotary Stone picker w/Hyd Drive, 3 Bat Reel * 20’ 3 bar Harrows (Westfield Haro-King) * 2005 70’ Bourgault 6000 Mid-Harrow w/7/16” x 20” Tines * 40’ JD 1000 Field Cult w/3 bar Harrows * 40’ IH 645 Tillage w/3 bar Harrows * 31’ CCIL204 Deep Tillage w/3 bar Harrows * 6 Bottom MF880 3 pt Plow w/ Hyd resets * 8 Bottom MF 880 Plow w/ Hyd Resets * GRAIN DRYER, AUGERS & GRAIN HANDLING EQUIP: * IBEC 1210 Continuous Flow 5 Section Propane or Natural Gas Grain Dryer, 1 PH, 4 Million BTU Max, 0.5 Million BTU Minimum, Sells w/ 10’ x 12’ Dryer Shack that houses all electrical & Control panels * 10” x 60’ Farm King PTO Swing Hopper Auger w/New gear boxes, Never spill spout * 2006 8” x 46’ Buhler/ Farm King Auger w/Self Propel Kit, 24 HP Honda Eng * (3) 6” Westfield Augers w/ 3.5 – 5hp Electric Motors, Various Lengths * 6” Auger w/11hp B&S Engine * Approx 100’ U-Trough Grain Handling System w/ 7 drops w/ 5 HP, 1 Hp Electric Motor * (6) 16’ Sections of Cat Walking * TRUCKS: * 1980 Ford 800 T/A Grain Truck w/18’ B+H, roll tarp, 5 + 4 Trans ( Rebuild Secondary Trans 2 Years Ago), 429 Gas Eng, 36,233kms showing, 10.00-20 Rubber, SAFETIED * 1979 Mack RS700 T/A Grain Truck w/20’ B+H, Roll Tarp, 9 Spd Fuller Trans, 315 HP Mack Eng, 174,750 Miles showing, 22.5 Rubber, SAFTIED * 1986 Chev Wrangler 1/2 ton 2wd w/92,438 org Kms Showing, SAFTIED, * 1980 Chev 70 S/A w/2500 gal poly water tank, 16’ Flat Deck, 2” Chem Handler III chemical mix system, 366 gas eng, 5+2 Trans, New 2” Water Pump, 61041kms showing * 1963 Chev 60 S/A w/14’ B+H, roll tarp, 292 Gas Eng, 5+2 Trans, 35816 Miles Showing * 1994 GMC SLE 3/4 Ton 4 x 4 Ext Cab w/6.5 liter dsl, Auto Trans, Box Cap, 222,321kms Showing, SAFTIED * 1985 GMC Vandura 3500 Van w/UNICELL Refer Body, 328,646kms Showing, Rebuilt 350 eng, Auto Trans * TRAILERS; * 14’ HD T/A Pintle Hitch Tilting Trailer (Hauled HD4 Crawler) * 20’ T/A Mazur Welding Flat Deck Trailer w/3500 lbs Axles * 53’ T/A Storage Trailer (NO TOD) * 48’ T/A Storage Trailer (NO TOD) * 3PT EQUIPMENT: * 8’ Allied 3pt Dbl Auger Snow Blower * 5’ Buhler/Farm King 510 Rotary Mower * 3pt Bale Fork * 3pt Cement Mixer * 3pt Track Erasers * GRAIN BINS: (None of the bins have ever been used for fertilizer.) * (2) 4000 BUS Grain Max Hopper Bottom Bins w/6’ Aeration Rocket, Epoxy Coated, Temp Sensor Cables * (4) 2280 BUS Friesen Hopper Bottom Bin w/4 ½’ Aeration Rocket, Epoxy Coated, Temp Sensor Cables * (2) 1800 BUS Friesen Hopper Bottom Bins, Epoxy Coated * (5) Westeel 1650 Bins on NRW 250 Bus Hoppers * 3500 BUS Vidir Hopper Bins, Epoxy Coated * TANKS & PUMPS: * 1000 Gal Northern Steel Fuel Tank w/ 110 Volt Pump & Meter * 1000 Gal Fuel Tank w/Metal Stand * (2) 300 Gal Fuel Tank w/Metal Stands * 500 Gal Fuel Tank w/Metal Stand * 1250 Gal Poly Water Tank * 1000 Gal Metal Water Tank * Aux fuel Skid Tank w/ 12 volt pump & storage compartments * New 110 volt Fuel Pump * 6” Floating Slough Pump * 2” 5 HP Honda Water Pump * Ducar 2” Water Pump * B & S 2” Water Pump w/ 5hp eng * OTHER FARM EQUIPMENT: * NH 456 7’ Sickle Bar Mower * 4 Wheel Farm Wagon * (5) Bin Level Indicators * Swather Carrier w/ Walking Beam Axles * 24’ Drill Carrier (Newer Style) * Anthes Gravity Box on 4 Wheel Wagon * (8) FM Radios (Programmable Style) 1 Base Station * RECREATIONAL & YARD EQUIPMENT: * Assorted Yard Tools (Shovels, Forks, Rakes, etc.) * Quad Ramps for Truck * Wood Splitter - Trailer Type * 48” Sweep-All GD2448 Power Lawn Sweeper w/5.5 HP Gas Engine * 4’ JD 15 ATV Cart w/Manual Dump * Polaris TXL340 Snowmobile, 1978 * Coleman 5500 Generator * SHOPEQUIPMENT, TOOLS & MISC: * 5.5 HP Honda Pressure Washer * Guardian 16 Spd Drill Press * Lincoln AC 225 Arc Welder * Solar 670 Battery Charger/Booster * AI Metal Cutting Band saw * Clarke 101E Arc Welder * Lincoln Air Greaser * Cordless Tools * 24’ Extension Ladder * 8’ Step Ladder * Tow Cables & Chains * Barrel Pumps * Small Anvil * HD Welding Bench w/Vise * Flat wrenches up to 2” * Hammers * Pipe Wrenches * Assortment of farm related tools * Portable Air Compressor * Air hose reel w/ rubber hose * Oxy/Acct Torch Kit * Grinders, Drills, Saws, Etc. * Pullers * Measuring Wheels * 20 Ton Air/Hyd Bottle Jack * 6/10/20 Ton Bottle Jacks * HD Comet Bench Grinder * Used windows * Used Tires (Truck & Imp) * MISC. LEAF CUTTER BEE EQUIPMENT: * Please call Bill for information, availability and details about leaf cutter bee equipment.
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Bill Mamchuk 204-739-6315 Not responsible for errors in description. Subject to additions and or deletions. Property owners and Fraser Auction Service not responsible for any accidents. GST & PST where applicable. TERMS: Cash or cheque. NOTE: cheques of $50,000 or more must be accompanied by bank letter of credit.
Sale conducted by FRASER AUCTION SERVICE 1-800-483-5856
*90 Ca s e IH 9130 4w d , 4356 hrs *82 Ca s e IH 4890 4w d , 4299 hrs *81 Ca s e IH 2290 c/w F E L , 5560 hrs *96 Ca s e IH 2188 s .p . co m b in e, Cu m m in s , exc co n d , 2845 en gin e hrs , 2278 thres her hrs *90 Ca s e IH 1680 a xia l flo w s .p . co m b in e, exc co n d , 2724 en g hrs *S w a thers *Hea d ers *1997 42 ft. Bo u rga u lt 5700 a ir d rill c/w Bo u rga u lt 4300 to w b ehin d d elu xe ta n k *40 ft. Bo u rga u ltF H 536-40 a ir s eed er c/w Bo u rga u lt 180 to w b ehin d ta n k *2006 120 ft. F lexico il 67XL field s p ra yer *98 F reightlin er Cen tu ry Cla s s , 46,789 m iles *80 W es tern S ta r fu ll ta n d em gra in tru ck *1996 40 ft. L o a d Ha n d ler tra iler w /ho p p er b o tto m s .
DENNIS & IRENE HA ZELL Gra s s y L a k e, AB
W ed. June 6 th, 2012 ~ 1:00 p.m . *2001 JD 9650 co m b in e c/w 2004 JD 914P p /u , 1510 s ep hrs , 2094 en g hrs *JD 930 hea d er *95 JD 8570 4w d , 4567 hrs *75 Vers a tile 800 c/w b la d e *1992 39 ft. F lexico il 5000 a ir d rill c/w F lexico il 1720 to w b ehin d ca rt *70 ft. F lexico il 55 PT O s p ra yer *86 F o rd 800 ta n d em gra in tru ck *74 F o rd F 100.
CA LVIN & S US A N S IEGLE (S iegle Ca ttle Co m pa n y L td .) M a ple Creek , S a s k .
Thurs . June 7th , 2012 ~ 11:00 a .m . *97 Ca t Cha llen ger 65D *94 Ca s e IH 7150 *JD 4630 *Ca s e 2290 c/w F E L *JD 8820 s .p . co m b in e *2003 Ca s e IH 8825 s .p . s w a ther *JD 6601 PT O co m b in e *2003 & 2009 Bru in s gra in w a go n s *2006 S itrex 22 w heel ra ke *98 Ca s e IH 8590 b a ler *97 NH HW 320 s .p . ha yb in e *97 W es tern S ta r 4694 F X *87 In tern a tio n a l 1900 tru ck w /F a rm Aid 340 feed w a go n *Ha yb u s ter H-1000 Big Bite tu b grin d er *Ha yb u s ter S -2000 b ig s q u a re b a le s hred d er. Online Bid d ing Ava ila b le For T he Ab ove S a les S ta rting @ 2 p.m . On M a jor Equipm ent Regis ter a t w w w .s c hlenkeronlinea uc tions .c om
38 10 ho u rs
2004 JD 9420 d ies el 4W D, 4 s p o o l hyd ., 24 s p eed tra n s ., Delu xe Ca b , Green S ta r Rea d y, F ires to n e 710 X R42 ra d ia l d u a ls , o n ly 1302 hrs . 1997 JD 8100 d ies el M F W D Ro w Cro p tra cto r, 3 S CV, 3 p t., 16 s p d . P/s hift tra n s ., Delu xe Ca b , 3 P.T .O. s izes , 18.4 X 46 ra d ia l d u a ls , 3810 hrs . 2007 JD Un ivers a l a u to tra c s ys tem 2600 T o u ch Pa d d is p la y. 2006 JD 9760 S T S Co m b in e, w /2006 J.D. 615 P p icku p hea d er w /Delu xe hea d er co n tro l, Bu llet ro to r, ha rves t m o n ito r w /yield & m o is tu re, fin e cu t s /cho p p er, Green S ta r Rea d y, 652 thres hin g ho u rs , w ired fo r GPS , im m a cu la te. 2006 JD 930D Dra p er hea d er w /30 ft. d ra p er cu ttin g, 30 ft. p o ly tin e p ick-u p reel, in tegra l ro a d tra n s p o rt w /light p kg. 2004 Prem ier 2952 S .P. 30 ft. W in d ro w er, w /Prem ier 972-30 ft. p o ly tin e p ick-u p reel, w /hyd . fo r & a ft tilt, Cu m m in s en gin e, Hi & L o w hyd ro s ta tic tra n s ., ju s t 328 m a chin e hrs .-Prem iu m . Degelm a n 40 ft. la n d ro ller. Jo hn Deere M o d el 3450- 7x16” p lo u gh. S pe c ia l No te : Pa ym en t term s o ffered o n Co m b in e, Dra p er hea d er a n d W in d ro w er. JD M o d el 650 Gra in Ca rt w /S hu r-lo ck ro ll ta rp , 1000 PT O, la rge u n lo a d a u ger. 1998 Peterb u ilt M o d el 385 T a n d em T ru ck, Ca t C10-335 hp . en gin e, 10 s p d . tra n s ., w /M id la n d Un ib o d y 19ft.x81⁄2ft. b o x, S a ftied . 1996 W es tern S ta r highw a y tra cto r, Ca t 3406 en gin e, 18 s p d . Ro a d Ra n ger tra n s ., S a ftied . 1995 L o d e K in g 40 ft. ho p p er gra in tra iler, w /S hu r-lo ck ro ll ta rp -like n ew , S a ftied , o n ly u s ed a s fa rm tra iler. J.D. 1650-51ft. chis el p lo u gh, 5 p lex w /Degelm a n 4 ro w m o u n ted ha rro w . Ra ven a ccu -flo NH3 kit w /Co ld F lo -5 m a n ifo ld o u tlet. JD M o d el 370-36 ft. S w in ger d is c. Plu s fu ll lin e p rem iu m fa rm eq u ip . M o s t s hed d ed , to ta lly s erviced & co m p letely rea d y fo r yo u r o p era tio n .
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a premium Farm Equipment Auction for Dean Allen and the Estate of Floyd Krell, Thursday, June 14, 2012 at 10:00 AM. Directions from Benson, Sask., 2 miles North on Hwy. 47 and 8-3/4 miles West on 705 Grid and 1/2 mile North. Live internet bidding at JD 9100 4WD tractor w/2065 hrs, Ford Versatile 846 Designation 6 4WD tractor w/3478 hrs, JD 6400 2WD tractor w/580 hrs, JD 4020 2WD tractor w/Leon FEL, JD 60 2WD tractor, Case 970 2WD tractor w/4243 hrs, JD 9400 SP combine w/713 threshing hrs, 30’ JD 930 straight cut header, 21’ Case/IH 721 swather, 30’ JD 9350 disc drills, Case/IH 2- 14’ 7200 hoe drills w/factory transport, Case/IH 3- 12’ 6200 disc drills w/factory transport, 2010 Kubota BX2360 diesel 4WD yard tractor w/only 81 hrs, 2010 Land Pride 3 PTH 50” rototiller, Leon 8’ 6-way dozer w/tilt and angle, Farm King 960B 3 PTH snowblower, Farm King trailer type mower, JD Gator TS 4x2 w/328 hrs, Yard Man LT 1238 lawn tractor, Yamaha 4WD Kodiak 400 quad, Honda 250 Big Red ATC, 2001 Ford F-150 ext. cab 4x4 truck with only 33,300 kms, 1986 IH S1600 tandem tag axle dsl. grain truck with 57,000 kms, 1975 Chev C-65 grain truck with 29,300 miles, 2004 Chev Silverado 1500 ext. cab 2WD pickup, 1987 Ford F-800 grain truck w/24,900 kms, 1956 Chev one ton step side truck, 1947 one ton step side grain truck w/B&H, 1992 Chev Silverado 1500 regular cab 2WD pickup, 2004 Buick Century Limited 4 door car w/48,885 kms, Versatile 400 20’ SP swather, NH 109 28’ PT swather, Co-op 428 swather, Cushion Air 5000 grain vac, Sakundiak 7-45 PTO auger, Sakundiak 7-45 auger w/Kawasaki engine, Pool 7-45 auger w/Kohler engine, Brandt 6-37 auger, hyd. drill fill, 40’ JD 610 cultivator, 41’ Friggstad DT cultivator w/Degelman harrows, Morris 36’ rodweeder, Cockshutt 247 14’ cult., Cockshutt 15’ discer, 40’ diamond harrows, Highline 50’ wingup packer drawbar, 50’ Wilcar tine harrow sprayer, 14’ White cultivator, RockO-Matic rockpicker, NH 268 sq. baler, NH 357 mixmill, JD 410 round baler, Summers truck mount sprayer, 1000 gal. poly water tank, 200 gal. poly water tank, quantity of 2’ poly water hose, oak sideboard, Singer sewing machine, steamer and dome top trunks, cream separators, ice cream make, crocks, plus many more hidden treasures, Chicago drill press, portable air compressor, portable air compressor, ext. ladders, battery chargers, hand tools, plus much more! for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
F o r in fo rm a tio n p lea s e ca ll D o n Za ch a n o w ich , 204-824-2445 w w w .m ra n kin a uctio n s .co m o r w w w .ro s s ta ylo ra uctio n .co m M UR R AY R AN KIN AUC TION S 204-5 34-7 401 ROSS TAYLOR AUCTION SERVICE R o s s 204-5 22-5 35 6 | Bro ck 204-5 22-6396
Fo r co m plete d eta ils check o u r w eb s ite http://w w w .s chlen k era u ctio n .co m
2 DA Y
(403) 527 -21 48 “ Think Auction” (403) 527 -281 4 For com plete d eta ils check our w ebsite w w w .schlenkera
Live Interactive Auction Webcasts!
Live Interactive Auction Webcasts!
PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081
1.877.257.SOLD (7653)
Live Interactive Auction Webcasts!
Interactive Live Auction Webcasts!
PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081
1.877.257.SOLD (7653)
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a Farm and Livestock Equip. Auction for Peter Cozac 306-727-4889, Friday, June 15, 2012, 10:00 AM at Sintaluta, SK. Directions from Sintaluta 2 miles North, 3 miles East and 1-1/2 miles North. Watch for signs!! JD 4250 2WD tractor w/JD 720 FEL and grapple fork, MF 750 combine w/3803 hrs, 2007 Honda Foreman w/only 945 kms, 24’ IH 4000 SP swather w/UII PU header, 32’ 2007 Norbert gooseneck tandem dual axle flat deck trailer w/beavertail and ramps, 435 round baler, JD 346 square baler, 14’ Case/IH 1590 haybine, JD STX lawn tractor, Allied bale elevator, 1986 Ford Lariat F-250 XLT dsl. super cab pickup, 1971 Ford 500 grain truck w/33,000 miles, Glendale 22’ tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer, 26’ PJ gooseneck flatdeck trailer w/ramps, Hi-Hog maternity pen, Powder River calf tipping chute, Morand squeeze chute, Hi-Hog gates, 40 bu. creep feeder, Ritchie water bowls, branding iron pot w/torch and tank, grooming equipment, chute, blower, combs, etc., Ritchie water bowls, branding iron w/torch and tank, fence posts, steel fence posts, bundle of slabs, rolls of barb wire, rolls of barb wire, calf scale, plastic and wood feed troughs, 1250 gal. water trough, JD Trailfire snow machine, Westward Quad sprayer, snow sled trailer, Explorer utility trailer, Inland 3 PTH snowblower double auger, 225 bu. grain cart, IH 24’ cultivator, Cockshutt 12’ cultivator, 60’ Flexi-Coil System 82 harrow packers, Danhauser 3 PTH 8” auger, bucket mounted hyd. post hole auger, Brandt 8” auger w/new 11 HP eng., Sakundiak 6-37 auger w/Briggs eng., Brandt hyd. drill fill, 8x10 garden shed, temporary grain rings w/tarps, 1250 gal. poly water tank, 100 gal. slip tank, Wolfpac 270 AC/DC portable welder, Monarch water pump, OTC 25 ton hyd. press, Poulan chain saw, Coleman portable air compressor. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. Join us on Facebook. For sale bill, video and photos PL311962
(Gem ini Hold ings L td .)
Bids Clos e : Th urs , M a y 24 s ta rtin g a t 9 :3 0AM
Bid s w ill c los e in 15 m inute interva ls .
Vie w in g: Th urs , M a y 10: 10AM – 3 PM & Sa t, M a y 19 : 10AM – 3 PM & Th urs , M a y 24: 8 AM – 11PM
Relea s e of Good s L im ited to: Fri, M a y 25 & S a t, M a y 26 S u b je c tto 10% to m a x o f$3 50/u n it. S o m e ite m s s u b je c tto re s e rve pric e . L is tin g to In clu d e: Ditch W itch 6510 Dies el w /Bla d e & Dia m o n d Cu tter Cha in T ren cher; 1975 In tern a tio n a l w /Piker, F o rks & S lin gs ; 1975 F ru eha u f 18’ L o w Bed w /Bea ver T a il Ra m s ; T ilt Deck T ra iler w /Ra m p s ; T /A E q u ip m en t T ra iler; Ca s e 380B T ra cto r; Ca s e 1080B T ra ckho e w /M echa n ica l T hu m b ; 2001 Ca s e 580 S u p erM Ba ckho e E xten d a ho e; W es tern S ta r Gra vel T ru ck; 1986 F o rd E co n o lin e Va n ; 1989 L E 150 Ra m E xt Ca b ; 20” Hen s ley Cla m Bu cket; 30” Op en F a ce Diggin g S ha llo w Bu cket; 1995 In tern a tio n a l E a gle Highw a y T ra cto r; 1000 Ga llo n T a n ks ; Hu ge As s o rtm en t o f An tiq u es & Co llecta b les ; Ba rb ed W ire; W a ter Ho s e; S cra p M eta l; Ca t E n gin e; Co m p lete S ho p o f T o o ls & Pa rts & M UCH M ORE ! P lus R e a l Es ta te P a cka ge ! L o ts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Blo ck 04 Pla n 69H01924, Chu rchill Ro a d , F o a m L a ke, S K & L o ts 9, 10 Blo ck 01, Pla n BA490 F o a m L a ke, S K . Bu ild in gs o n L o ts 3 - 16 in clu d e: 1982 Red Iro n w ith T in S ho p Ap p ro x. 96’x50’; 1982 Archrib / Qu o n s et Ap p ro x 42’x82’ & 1975 M eta l Over Bric k Ap p ro x. 36’x80’.
P H: (306) 75 7-175 5 orTOLL FR EE (8 00) 2 63-4193
W W W .M CD O UG ALLBAY.CO M L IC.#31448 0
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF Auctioneering, correspondence courses available, 1-800-465-7578,
VS TRUCK WORKS Inc. parting out GM 1/2- 1 ton trucks. Call Gordon or Joanne, 403-972-3879, Alsask, SK.
PHONE 780.777.7771 FAX 780.469.5081
1.877.257.SOLD (7653)
2002 53’ FEATHERLITE ground load, exc . cond., safetied. 403-579-2407, 403-740-4837 cell, Endiang, AB.
LARGE SELECTION OF hoppers. Steel, aluminum and multiple lengths in stock! Check us out at: or call for pricing at: 1-800-242-5030. Vander Haag’s has five locations to serve you including Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
1993 WARREN ALUMINUM TANDEM FEED/SEED auger trailer, 9 compartment, with pump and controls, asking $25,000. 306-224-4272, Winthorst, SK.
2006 WILSON TRI-AXLE cattleliner, air ride, alum. wheels, new tires and safetied. Great shape, $46,500 OBO. Call 306-297-7470, Shaunavon, SK. 1984 WYLEE GOOSENECK stock trailer, 16’, good shape, Phone: 780-763-2424, Vermilion, AB. 2013 FEATHERLITE 8117-0020, all aluminum, center gate, 6’7” wide, $13,900. Stock #DC125028. Unbeatable selection on Featherlite at Allan Dale in Red Deer. 1-866-346-3148 or
53’ Equipment Trailer 5’ Beaver Tail and 5’ Ramps.
Call Today for your Equipment Trailer Needs.
2011 WILSON HOPPER, 2 spd. trap opener, 43’, 84” high, 102” wide, Super Single Michelin tires, alum. wheels, inflation system on tires, air ride, new tarp, alum. sub frame, $32,000 (can change tires to tand e m ) ; 2 0 0 7 M e r r i t t C a t t l e l i n e r, 53x102x106, triple axle, air brakes, air susp., 295/75R22.5 tires, nose decking dog house, belly cleanouts, $46,000; 2006 Wilson hopper, 41’, 78” high, 96” wide, alum. wheels, SS back, air ride, $26,000; 2006 Timpte hopper, 40’, 78” high, 96” wide, ag hopper, alum. wheels, SS back alum. sub frame, $26,000; 2006 Wilson hopper, 41’, 78” high, 96” wide, sub frames, SS back, new brakes and drums, good tires, $28,000; 2008 Wilson ag hopper, 40’, 66” high, 96” wide, air ride, plumbing for seed augers, 24 alum. wheels, good tires and brakes, $28,000. Phone 204-736-4854, 204-226-7289, Stettler, MB. Can deliver. Go to:
2008 DOEPKER SUPER B bulker, great shape with new safety. Also in stock, 2013 Super B grain trailers; 2013 Doepker Super B flats in stock. Various models of Lowboys, 50-70 ton arriving soon; Also used 2011 CASTLETON SUPER B grain trailers, 2 grain trailers arriving daily, many colors to sets for sale, alum. wheels, 11R22.5 tires, choose from. 1-800-665-6317. More info. 1986 LINCOLN TOWNCAR, 4 dr., no rust, f e n d e r s , a i r g a u g e s , L E D l i g h t s . available at: all new tires, $1500 OBO. 204-742-3738, $70,000/set. 403-546-4190, Linden, AB. Ethelbert, MB. 2005 BUICK ALLURE w/On Star, 30,000 1979 FRUEHAUF GRAIN trailer, tandem kms, immaculate cond., fully detailed, of- axle, new tarp, safetied, $10,000 OBO. 204-937-7194, Roblin, MB. fers. 306-693-9885 eves, Moose Jaw, SK. 2005 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, 4 dr., auto, exc. 2006 LODE-KING PRESTIGE, Super B, cond., new tires/windshield, 173,000 kms, 22.5 rubber at 75%, just repainted by ONE LEFT! CONVEY-ALL CST, 40’ seed tenLode-King, clean and safetied, $52,500; der. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, $8500 OBO. 306-538-2130, Kennedy, SK. 2011 Lode-King tridem, alum. wheels, Perdue, SK. lift axles, 90% virgin Michelins, dual cranks, $45,000; 2008 Timpte, tandem, 2010 WILSON Super B bulker, alum. sub 40’, 22.5 rubber at 70%, alum. wheels, SS frame, 22.5 rubber on alum. rims, Michel’s back, commercial hoppers, $29,000; 2005 tarps, good rubber, $75,000. OBO. Call Wilson tandem, 40’ alum. wheel, 22.5 306-585-2550, Regina, SK. 2009 DOEPKER SUPER B grain trailers, rubber at 70%, $27,500; 27’ Fruehauf alwhite, lift axles, alum. slopes, new 5th um. gravel trailer, spring susp., steel wheel, tires 80%, tarps 1 yr old, fresh safe- frame, $19,000; 1999 Wilson tridem, all ty March 2012, good clean unit, $73,500 alum. wheels, air ride, vg cond.; 2010 2008 EXISS ALUMINUM 20’x7’x7’ stock Doepker Super B’s. Call T. Edkins Semi trailer for sale, purchased new in 2011 and OBO. 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. Truck and Trailer Ltd., Ken 204-362-0116, has been very lightly used, in like new condition. 403-638-4142, Sundre, AB. NEW NEVILLE 3 AXLE 45’, 3 chutes, Winkler, MB. $42,000; 2 axle, 38’, AR, 78” sides, $32,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 1985 CADILLAC ELDORADO Biarritz, fully loaded, last year made, exc. cond., remote start, PL, power trunk, complete new sound system, Bluetooth and Sirius radio, many dollars spent, $9000 OBO. 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK.
Trailers In Stock: • 38.5’ tandem on air, 78” high side, side chutes, loaded.............$34,500 • 45’ Tri-Axle, 78” high sides, 2 hopper, air ride................$42,500 New Trailers Arriving Daily! Call for quotes.
Hwy. Jct. 13 & 39 Weyburn, SK
SCHOOL BUSES: 1991- 2001, 36 to 66 pass., $2600 and up. Phoenix Auto, Lucky Lake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. DL #320074. NORMS SANDBLASTING & PAINT, 40 2006 FORD F450, 4x2, 48 pass. bus, diesel years body and paint experience. We do engine inoperable. $2,000. 204-795-9192, metal and fiberglass repairs and integral to daycab conversions. Sandblasting and Plum Coulee, MB. paint to trailers, trucks and heavy equip. Endura primers and topcoats. A one stop shop. Norm 306-272-4407, Foam Lake SK.
TRUCK PARTS: 1/2 ton to 3 ton; Gas and diesel engines; 4 and 5 speed trans.; single and 2 speed axles; 13’-18’ B&H’s; and 2004 LODE-KING SUPER B, all aluminum many other parts. Phoenix Auto, Lucky grain bulkers. Call 306-648-7766, GravelLake, SK., 1-877-585-2300. bourg, SK.
WWW.DESERTSALES.CA Trailers: Wilson stock trailers now in stock, horse/stock, cargo/flat deck. Norbert’s Trailers now available in BC. Triple stage ground loads now in stock. Phone 1-888-641-4508, Bassano, AB.
K-B TRUCK PARTS. Older, heavy truck salvage parts for all makes and models. Call 306-259-4843, Young, SK. WRECKING TRUCKS: All makes all models. Need parts? Call 306-821-0260 or email: Wrecking Dodge, Chev, GMC, Ford and others. Lots of 4x4 stuff, 1/2 ton - 3 ton, buses etc. and some cars. We ship by bus, mail, Loomis, Purolator. Lloydminster, SK.
Southern Industrial is the proud supplier and service shop for Neville Built trailers.
SOUTHSIDE AUTO WRECKERS, Weyburn, SK, 306-842-2641. Used car and truck parts, light to heavy. We buy scrap iron and non-ferrous metals.
WRECKING USED VOLVO trucks: Misc. axles and trans. parts; Also tandem trailer suspension axles. 306-539-4642 Regina SK
PARTING OUT: 1983 GMC 7000, single 2 NEW WILSON SUPER B’s, tridem and tans p e e d a x l e 3 6 6 , 5 s p e e d . P h o n e dem 38’; 2008 Lode-King Super B’s; 2005 Lode-King alum., alum. budds, air ride; 306-845-3119, Livelong, SK. 1996 alum. Lode-King Super B, alum. SASKATOON TRUCK PARTS CENTRE budds, air ride; 1997 Doepker Super B and Ltd. North Corman Industrial Park 1998 Castleton, air ride; 1990 Doepker New and used parts available for 3 ton- tandem grain trailers; 1992 Doepker 31’ highway tractors including custom built tridem; 1992 tandem 29’, new paint, air tandem converters and wet kits. All truck ride; Tandem and S/A converter, drop makes/models bought and sold. Shop ser- hitch, cert.; Tandem axle 18’ pony pups, vice available. Specializing in repair and BH&T. Phone 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. custom rebuilding for transmissions and DL# 905231, differentials. Now offering driveshaft repair and assembly from passenger RETIRING: 2006 INT. 9900 highway tracvehicles to heavy trucks. For more info tor, new rubber, recent safety, 665,000 call 306-668-5675 or 1-800-667-3023. mi., 18 spd., 46 rears, $42,000 OBO; 2010 DL #914394 Castleton super B grain trailers, like new WRECKING SEMI-TRUCKS, lots of parts. rubber, exc. cond., $56,000 OBO; 2007 Call Yellowhead Traders. 306-896-2882, Castleton grain trailers, new rubber, new roll tarps, $14,000 spent on UC, $51,000 Churchbridge, SK. OBO. 204-734-8355, Swan River, MB. TRUCK BONEYARD INC. Specializing in obsolete parts, all makes. Trucks bought SANDBLAST AND PAINT your grain trailers, boxes, flatdecks and more. We use infor wrecking. 306-771-2295, Balgonie, SK. dustrial undercoat and paint. Can zinc coat WRECKING LATE MODEL TRUCKS: 1/2 for added rust protection. Quality worktons, 3/4 tons, 1 tons, 4x4’s, vans, SUV’s. manship guaranteed. Prairie Sandblasting Also large selection of Cummins diesel and Painting, 306-744-7930, Saltcoats, SK. motors, Chevs and Fords as well. Phone Edmonton- 1-800-294-4784, or Calgary- 2006 CASTLETON 36’ tandem axle open 1-800-294-0687. We ship anywhere. We end grain trailer, 76” side walls. Esterhazy, have everything, almost. AB. 306-745-2415 or 306-745-7168. ONE OF SASK’s largest inventory of used MAY 1st DELIVERY: new 38’ tandem, heavy truck parts. 3 ton tandem diesel mo- open end steel grain trailer, air ride, hyd. tors and transmissions and differentials for chute openers, Michel’s tarp, $35,999. Call all makes! Can Am Truck Export Ltd., Neil at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 1-800-938-3323.
MACK AUCTION CO. presents a House for Removal and Grain Storage Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, 3:00 PM, Benson, SK. Directions from Benson, SK., 3 miles North on Hwy. 47 and 3 miles East. Watch for signs!! Open House, Sunday, June 10, 2012. 3 bdrm bungalow, approx. 1132 sq. ft. with 2x6 construction. House must be moved before October 1, 2012. Also selling 3 Westeel Rosco 3500 bu. hopper bottom bins, 2 Westeel Rosco 2200 bu. hopper bottom bins, Behlin 3200 bu. hopper bottom bin w/aeration, harvest hopper, 2000 bu. hopper bin, aeration fans. Visit for sale bill and photos. Join us on Facebook and Twitter. 306-421-2928 or 306487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
2012 BISON TRAIL HAND 3H, full LQ, $27,995. Not a typo! Saddle racks, awning and more! Stock #1841. A must see. 1-866-346-3148 or 20’ FIFTH WHEEL/ gooseneck Bergen, 7000 lbs. torque flex axles, hauled dozen loads, has mats, mud flaps, always shedd e d , l i k e n e w, $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 O B O . 306-843-7757, Wilkie, SK. 2001 BARRETT 53’ tri-axle, well maintained, will sell with new safety, $20,000 OBO. 306-768-2790, Carrot River, SK. 2006 EXISS 4-horse angle haul, front change room, rear tack, good clean unit, $19,000. 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. NEW BLUEHILLS GOOSENECK stock, 20’, $13,900; 18’, $11,700; 16’, $10,900. Call 306-445-5562, Delmas, SK. 2007 MILLCOSTEEL TRI-AXLE ground load stock trailer, 53’x8’, exc. cond. Wanted: 30’ alum. tri-axle livestock trailer and 20’ horse combo. 306-893-2714 Maidstone SK MR. B’s TRAILER SALES, Norberts and Rainbow, lease to own. Ph. 306-773-8688, Swift Current, SK. 2007 FEATHERLITE 8411 20’ stock combo, immaculate shape. 780-763-2424, Vermilion, AB. 2006 SOUTHERN CLASSIC 24’x7’ alum. stock trailer, 3 compartment, rubber mats, very good condition. Circle S Stock Farm, 306-468-2820 306-468-7720 Canwood, SK 16’ WAGON MASTER gooseneck horse trailer, sandblasted, primed, painted, new floor, fenders, lights, smaller tack room front and back, redone ready to go. 306-889-4246, Tisdale, SK. GLENDALE 22’ tandem axle gooseneck stock trailer. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 PL 311962. 1996 BARRETT 53’ tri-axle liner, hog rail, $12,500 OBO. Rocky Rapids, AB. 780-621-6704.
20’ CARGO TRAILER V front, good condition, low miles, $6500. Call 306-373-2167, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED TANDEM AXLE end dump gravel trailer, must be safetied in good condition. 306-768-7077, Harborfield, SK.
2006 MAC END DUMP tandem alum trailer, $28,000; 2011 Gravhaul end dump triple axle alum., $42,000; 2012 Midland end dump triple axle, front/rear axle lift, alum. wheels, tires good as new, $52,000; 2005 Travis triple axle 39’ belly dump, alum., $42,000; 2007 tri-axle crude oil tanker, $52,000; 2007 Merritt tri-axle cattleliner, $46,000. Can deliver. Peter 204-226-7289, Stanford, MB. 32’ 2007 NORBERT gooseneck tandem dual axle flat deck trailer w/beavertail and ramps. Pe t e r C o z a c F a r m E q u i p . Au c t i o n Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 40’ OILFIELD FLOATS, clean straight trailers, two available at $4,500 each as is. 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. PRECISION TRAILERS: Gooseneck and bumper hitch. You’ve seen the rest, now own the best. Hoffart Services, 306-957-2033, 1996 MOND DROP DECK 53’ tridem, air ride, safetied, $17,900. Phone 204-373-2723, Ridgeville, MB. TANDEM DUALS FLATDECK 5th wheel, 32’, many extras. Also will custom build to your specs. 306-859-4800, Beechy, SK. 2000 CASTLETON TANDEM axle cross dump gravel trailer, close under load, flip tarp, twin hopper, spring ride, 70% rubber, 11R24.5 on steel Unimount wheels, new brakes, AB. safety through Sept. 2012, clean trailer, $21,000. Delivery available. Call Jeff 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB.
Trailer Sales And Rentals Pho n e : Visit our website at: WILSON GOOSENECKS & CATTLE LINERS
Wilson Aluminum Tandem, Tri-Axle & Super B Grain Trailers
Call for a quote Andres specializes in the sales, service and rental of agricultural and commercial trailers. Fina nc ing Is Ava ila ble! Ca ll Us Toda y! Toll Free 1-888-834-8592 - Lethbridge, AB Toll Free 1-888-955-3636 - Nisku, AB 2- USED TRAILTECH gooseneck combine/ sprayer trailers, 2- 20,000 lb. axles, slideouts, 28’ decking, reduced to clear, $12,900. Call Wendell at Flaman Sales Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-7652, Southey, SK. COMPONENTS FOR TRAILERS, Build, Repair and Manufacture. Free freight. See “The Book 2011” page 165. DL Parts For Trailers, 1-877-529-2239,
2005 TRAIL KING aluminum end dump, air ride, 3 axle, 36’, vg condition, sealed gate, 1988 TALBERT hydraulic detach lowboy electric tarp. New brakes, drums and trailer, tri-axle, air ride. 306-745-2415 or cams, tires 85%, MB. safety, $41,500. Can 306-745-7168, Esterhazy, SK. deliver. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. UNUSED 2012 BWS EZ-2-LOAD 27’ end dump tandem air ride, elec. tarp, 11R22.5 radials. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK. TRUCK & TRAILER SALES QUALITY USED/CLEARANCE TRAILERS Large selection of enclosed, flatdecks and Distributor for dumps. 2010 aluminum 10’ utility trailer, Vanguard, EBY, Trail-Eze, removable stone guards/ramps, LEDs, 13” J.C. Trailers & Felling Trailers tires. $2,200. Phone Flaman Trailers in Saskatoon, SK. 1-888-435-2626. View ARRIVING SOON 24’ GOOSENECK TRI-AXLE, 21,000 lbs., US ED 28’TAN D EM FLAT $6490. Bumper pull tandem equipment: D ECK TRAILERS 18’, 14,000 lbs., $3975; 16’, 10,000 lbs., $3090; 16’, 7000 lbs., $2650. Factory diLive s toc k Tra ile rs rect. 1-888-792-6283. 26’ PJ GOOSENECK flat deck trailer with 2013 Bu ll rid e, Gro u n d lo a d m in g ramps. Peter Cozac Farm Equip. Auction, 2012 E BY Bu ll Rid e 53’ T ri-Axle Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. G oos e n e c k Tra ile rs Visit for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 2012 E BY M a verick 24’ S al tS id e 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 D ry V a n s 2008 MIDLAND XL3000 tri-axle end dump 2013 Va n gu a rd 53’X102” o n o rd er gravel trailer, asphalt overhang, exc. cond, 2012 Va n gu a rd 53 x 102 $46,500 plus GST. Many others available. C a ll fo rAva ila b ility a n d P ricin g Call Wes 204-266-1685, Beausejour, MB. Fin a n ce R e po ’s Acce ptin g Offe rs 28’ HIGHBOYS, spring ride, w/wo single or tandem axle converters. 306-356-4550, Regina - 1-800-667-0466 Dodsland SK. DL #905231. Keefe HallCell- 306-535-2420 1999 MIDLAND END dump, tandem, fresh w w w safety, $22,000. 306-641-4946, Yorkton, SK. D.L#909069 2004 VIDIR BIN MOVING TRAILER, fully 1975 WILLOCK TANDEM axle drop lowboy, WB suspension, 7’ neck, 20x9’ deck, self-contained hydraulic system, handles 38’ bin height, elec. brakes, tandem axle. 3 ’ 6 ” b e ave r t a i l , s a fe t i e d , $ 1 8 , 5 0 0 . 519-625-1550, 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. Shakespeare, ON. GOOD TRAILERS, REASONABLY priced. TOPGUN TRAILER SALES “For those who Tandem axle, gooseneck, 8-1/2x24’, Beademand the best.” Agassiz - Precision - vertail and ramps, 14,000 GVW, $6900; or Rainbow (open and enclosed cargo) trail- triple axle, $7900. All trailers custom built e r s . S t o c k a n d h o r s e t r a i l e r s . from 2000 to 20,000 lbs., DOT approved. 1 - 8 5 5 - 2 5 5 - 0 1 9 9 , M o o s e J a w, S K . Call Dumonceau Trailers, 306-796-2006, Central Butte, SK.
403-7 82-47 7 4
Fa x: 403-7 82-6493 LAR G E FLEET PUR CHAS E M AN Y 48’ TAN DEM DR Y V AN ’S TO CHO O S E FR O M .
FEATUR ED TR AILER S & TR UCKS • 92 V o lvo G ra in Tra cto r, Detro it60 S eries, 10 S pd • N ew M a n a c S tep Deck Tro m b o n e 51’- 71’ • N ew V ikin g 53’ TR IS tep Decks, Tw o AirliftAxles • N ew V ikin g 48’ T/A S tep Decks • N ew V ikin g 50 To n Equ ipm en t Tra ilerBV T & Flip R a m ps • 04 R o a d Bo ss T/A 30’ S pra yer Tra ilerPin tle Hitch • 2 012 Dra ke 40’ Ta n d em Ho pper G ra in Tra ilerc/w Ta rp • 00 S co n a 50’ 16 W heelerFlo a t • 07 Led w ellT/A M a chin ery Tra iler • 2 - N ew V ikin g 48’ TriAxle Alu m in u m Co m b o Hi-Bo ys • 79 Chev C70 w /16’ G ra in Bo x Ho ist& Ta rp, 67,000 km • 96 R eitn o u er48’ Ta n d em Alu m in u m S tep Deck • 04 R a ja 35’ S tep Deck Equ ip Tra ilerw ith Hyd ra u lic Ta il • 87 B- Tra in 30’- 30’ w /Ba le R a ck • 1981 Fru eha u f Ta n d em , TiltDeck • S in gle & Ta n d em Co n verterDo llies - Lo n g o rS ho rtTo n gu es • 2 8’ to 53’ S to ra ge & FreightV a n s S ta rtin g a t$1,500 • 04 Fo rd E450 Am b u la n ce • 06 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 95 IHC S in gle Axle Tra cto r • 03 XL Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 06 BW S Do u b le Dro p Deta ch • 1996 Ken tu cky 48’ Fu rn itu re V a n • 2 002 G rea tDa n e 48’ R eeferV a n
ALS O AV AILABLE S tep Decks, HiBo ys, Freight V a n s, S to ra ge Un its a n d Jo b site Tra ilers & M o re
W EBS ITE w w w .la co m b etra ilers a les .co m NEW TRIDEM MUVALL single drop, 10’ wide, ext’s to 15’, 20,000 lb. winch, hyd. tail; 53’ and 48’ tridem and tandem stepdecks; 53’, 48’ and 45’ tridem and tandem highboys, all steel and combos; Super B and B-train highboys; Tandem and S/A converter w/drop hitch; 53’-28’ van trailers, 48’ w/side doors; tandem lowboy. Dodsland, SK. 306-356-4550. DL#905231.
CH ECK US O UT AT w w w .gold en w esttr a
Golden W estTra iler Sa les & Renta ls M oose Ja w (877) 999-7402
Sa sk a toon (866) 278-2636
Bria n Griffin,Ha rv ey V a n De Syp e,John Ca rle Da nny Ta ta ryn |Cell: 306-260-4209
2007 LINCOLN MARK 4x4, Quad Cab, 5.4 L, leather int., sunroof, DVD, fully loaded. Black w/chrome pkg, 78,000 kms, $26,500 OBO. 306-424-2118, Montmartre, SK. 2011 FORD DIESEL F250 XL, ext. cab, 6.7L, only 17,500 kms, deluxe tow pkg., 5th wheel hitch pkg., factory trailer brakes controller, rear air bags, longbox, $34,000. 306-221-3240, Saskatoon, SK. NEW 12 RAM LARAMIE Crew, Dually, 4x4, Cummins, $57,897. 0 down, $327 bi-wkly. Phone 1-800-667-4414, DL #909250.
2- 2002 FREIGHTLINER FL112’s, heavy duty C&C’s, Cummins ISM 335 HP, Allison HD4560P, rear axle 46,000 lbs., front axle 20,000 lbs., 191” WB, back of cab to centre of tandem 13’7”, back of cab to end of f r a m e 1 8 ’ . C a l l Pe t e r a t A m t r u c k 1-866-511-0007 or 2000 IH 4700, 466 diesel, Allison auto, no rust, w/new 16’ box pkg., $36,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2002 FREIGHTLINER 120 Columbia w/20’ Ultracel B&H pkg., air ride, AC, no rust California truck, cert., ready to go, $57,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2002 FREIGHTLINER COLUMBIA, day cab, C12 Cat, 10 spd., air ride, air cond., premium, no rust, Calif. truck only $34,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 2003 IHC 4400 C&C, new body style, tandem, 466 Allison auto, low miles, long WB, $33,900. K&L Equipment and Auto, call Ladimer 306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, SK. DL #910885. 2006 IH 9200, AutoShift w/clutch, 475 ISX Cummins, BH&T; 1991 Western Star, 60 Series Detroit, 20’x64” CIM ultracel, silage gate, 15 spd., 11x24.5 tires (near new), pintle hitch, $9000 workorder 306-356-4550, Dodsland SK. DL #905231.
WANTED: 1984-1988 CHEVY 60 or 70 series grain truck, between 40-60,000 kms. Must be in good to excellent condition. 1977 CHEV C65 gas, 12,300 mass, plus Call Ron at 306-620-7317, Sask. drill fill, 8” hyd. grain and fertilizer augers with in-box fert. hopper, 366 motor, low WANTED: 3 TON TRUCK, low kms, must SERVICE TRUCK: 2001 Ford F550 Su- mileage, wood box, shedded, excellent be in good to excellent condition. Call per Duty, 7.3 powerstroke, auto., red, nice condition. Retired. Phone 780-724-2390 306-922-8405, Prince Albert, SK. service body, 4000 lb. crane, $15,500. Call farm at Elk Point, AB. or 780-436-3311. Neil at 306-231-8300, Humboldt, SK. 1979 CHEVY C60 T/A, new leaf springs all around, shocks and brakes also, $17,000. 306-554-8119, Wishart, SK. 1990 FORD 250, 7.3 diesel, 4WD, 5 speed, 1984 CHEV 35 series, V8, duals, WI steel long box, extended cab, 294,000 kms., B & H , 3 7 , 0 4 3 k m s . , m i n t , s h e d d e d , $5000. 306-296-7636, Frontier, SK. $16,000. 306-567-3042, Davidson, SK. 1990 White/GM Volvo, SA, Cummins eng., 1985 FORD F700 grain truck, 8.2 Detroit good rubber, certified w/45’ hi-boy trailer, diesel, 5&2, 47,000 miles, safetied. $14,000 for all. 403-788-2046, Mirror, AB 204-755-2910, Beausejour, MB. 1992 HIJET MINI truck, new motor, 2012 1986 IH S1600 tandem tag axle diesel safety, $5000 OBO. 306-984-4729 or grain truck with 57,000 kms, 1975 Chev 306-984-7658, Leoville, SK. C-65 grain truck with 29,300 miles. Dean 1999 F150 XL Supercab 4x4, 82,000 kms, Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012 Benson, Sask. area. Visit 2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s $7500 OBO. 306-948-2187, Biggar, SK. for sale IS X, 18 s p 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy DIESEL 1982 CHEV 6.2, auto, air, Arizona bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or w heels , 244” W B, 73” m id -ris e bu n k w ith truck, no winter use, exc. cond, 35 MPG. 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 cou ch, 599,109 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $95,000 Must see. 306-357-4603, Wiseton, SK. 1987 FORD F-800 grain truck w/24,900 2010 IH Lon e S ta r, 500 HP Cu m m in s kms. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate IS X, 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:55 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, m id -ris e bu n k w ith tw o bed s , 2001 FORD F-150 extended cab, 4x4 truck 1 4 , 2 0 1 2 , B e n s o n , S K . a r e a . V i s i t 73” with only 33,300 kms. Dean Allen Farm for sale 650,752 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,000 2009 M a c k G ra in Tru c k , 445 HP M P8, bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 10 s p A u tos hift, A S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” 2012, Benson, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. View 1987 GMC 7000 tandem, 427 gas, air a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, n ew for sale brakes, Western Industries 19.5’x8’x48”, Ca n ca d e g ra in box, 651,000 k m . . $80,000 M a c k D a y Ca b , 445 HP M a ck bill, video and photos. PL 311962. 138,000 kms., one owner. 306-961-7355, 2009 M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3, 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 2003 FORD F250, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, ext. Prince Albert, SK. 22.5” a lloy w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B, cab w/lift kit, good shape, $8949.50. Call 727,262 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55,000 306-330-9114, Golden Prairie, SK. 2009 M a c k CXU6 13, 445 HP M P8, 10 s p A u tos hiftA S 3 3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” 2004 OR 2006 SLT quad cab diesel 4x4, w heels , 3:70 g ea rs , 215” W B. 70” con d o your choice, $17,950. 1-800-667-4414 bu n k s , 612,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $54,000 DL #909250. 4-2008 IH P roS ta r, 425 HP Cu m m in s , 2005 DODGE 3500 SLT Dually, 4x4, 5.9 IS X, 10 s p Ultra s hift, 12/ 40, 22.5” w heels , Cummins, auto, 4 dr. Quad Cab, longbox 3:73 g ea rs , 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 226” W B, w/canopy, loaded, remote start, 5th 800k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 wheel, GPS, Bluetooth, many more extras, 2007 W e s te rn S ta r 4900s a , 500 HP $26,000 OBO. 306-370-1603, Dalmeny, SK Ca tC15, 18 s p , 12 fron ts u p er40 rea r, 3:90
NEW 2012 RAM 3500 crewcab, dsl., 4x4, $52,000. Hendrys Chrysler, 306-528-2171, Nokomis, SK. DL #907140. WE HAVE 15 GMC pickups from $8900, example 2008 Sierra SLE Crew, $18,955. Call Hoss at 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250.
2012 MIDLAND END DUMP gravel trailer, tandem, air ride, steel wheels, new tires, Michel’s vinyl tarp, 4000 kms., road ready, $41,000 OBO. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. WAYNE’S TRAILER REPAIR. Specializing in aluminum livestock trailer repair. Blaine Lake, SK, 306-497-2767. SGI accredited.
GRAIN 2013 W IL SO N TAND E M S.............IN STOC K 2013 W IL SO N TRID E M ..................IN STOC K 2 & 3 H O PPE RS 2013 W IL SO N SU PE R B..................................... EQUIPM EN T STARTING AT..........$89,980.00 (In Sto ck) 2012 M U V-AL L D O U BL E USED GRAIN D RO P & H D G ............................ON ORD ER 2011 CASTL E TO N SU PE R B.....$6 9,980.00 DECK S 2010 W IL SO N SU PE R B.............$77,980.00 NE W W IL SO N STE P & F L AT D E CK S 2008 D O E PK E R SU PE R B..........$5 2,5 00.00 TAND E M & TRID E M .................ON ORD ER 2003 L O D E K ING TRIAX L E ........$26 ,980.00 GRAV EL TAND E M AX L E PINTL E H ITCH GRAIN D U M P 2013 CRO SS CO U NTRY TRID E M TRAIL E R (2 AVAIL ABL E ).........$15 ,000.00 E ND D U M P & BE L LY D U M P..ON ORD ER
1972 CHEV C40, 6 cyl., 12’ box, 26,000 JOHN DEERE 990 14’ disc mower header, orig. miles. Langham, SK. 306-283-4747, fits JD 4990 SP swather. 403-443-2162, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429. 403-443-9495, Three Hills, AB.
1 Ton C&C, Medium Duty Trucks
1998 TRAILMOBILE 48’ tandem hi-boy, DOUBLE DROP LOWBEDS: Tandems, triair ride w/bale racks, in exc. cond., axles, detachables, 30-60 ton, $10,000 to 2007 CHEV 1500 ext. cab, 4x4, new style $35,000. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. $12,000. 306-768-2790, Carrot River, SK. body, new tires and brakes, 128,000 kms, exc. Must See! Best offer. 780-672-6500, 306-357-4603, Wiseton, SK. FUL L L IN E W IL SO N D EAL ER 2007 CHEV SILVERDAO 1500, ext. cab, W ESTER N CAN AD A’S ON LY 4x4, 5.3L eng., 135,000 kms, $15,500. F ULL LIN E M UV -ALL D EALER 306-648-2866, Gravelbourg, SK. Fina ncing Av a ila ble,Com p etitiv e Ra tes O.A.C. GOOSEN ECK S NE W W IL SO N 20’& 30’.................IN STOC K NE W W IL SO N 24’.........................ON ORD ER LIV ESTOCK 2013 W IL SO N GRO U ND L O AD ON ORD ER 1997 W IL SO N TRID E M CATTL E L INE R 2006 W IL SO N PSD CL -402 53’TRI-AX L E ......................................................$4 1,980.00
2005 FORD F350 XL Super Duty, 6L dsl., auto, AC, dually, 11’ steel flatdeck, 88,000 kms, excellent cond., new MB safety, $9500. 204-999-6581, Winnipeg, MB. 2005 GMC, extended cab, 1/2 ton, 4x4, totally loaded including leather and heated seats, no taxes to pay, $9500. For more information call 306-563-5399, Canora, SK.
2007 HEAVY DUTY Dodge Ram 3500, turbo diesel Cummins, silver in colour, 151,537 kms. 403-843-6832, Rimbey, AB.
2013 Kenworth T370 350HP Diesel, Allison Auto, fully loaded, air suspension, 8.5’ x 20’ x 65” CIM utracel box, hoist, electric tarp, remote controls......................$139,995 2009 GMC Topkick Tandem C8500 7.8L Isuzu diesel, allison auto, loaded, 8.5’ x 20’ x 60” CIM Ultra Cel Box + hoist, electric roll tarp, remote endgate + hoist, pintle hitch, Victory Red 2 in stock; 1 with 14,646KM; 1 with 23,320KM, Victory Red .... $103,995 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 HD (1 Ton), 2WD, C+C, 6.0L v8, auto, locking rear axle, brake controller, ACT dual rear wheels, 161.5” W.B., dual tanks, 13,200# GVW white. MSRP $40,710................SALE $32,995 1 more 2012 Chev HD, C+C, 4x4 with 6.0L auto MSRP $44,655. . . . . .SALE Price $36,995 2012 GMC 3500 (1 Ton) 4WD, reg cab. C+C, 4x4, reg cab C+C, 6.6L duramax diesel, allison auto, loaded, white MSRP $59,080. . . . . .SALE Price $49,995
2008 FORD F-250 XL reg. cab., 4x4, 8’ box, 5.4 gas, auto, A/C, only 65,000 kms, awesome work truck! $17,900. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. NEW RAM CUMMINS diesel crewcab 4x4, $48,888, buy for 0 down at $286 biweekly. 1-800-667-4414. DL #909250
Over 400 new 2012 GMC Sport Utilities, Cars, 1/2 Ton, 3/4 Ton + 1 Tons with gas & diesel engines are Discounted To SELL NOW! Financing as Low As 0% On Select Models O.A.C.
306-946-3336 2004 CHEV 2 WD, black, ext. cab, 1/2 DL#907173 ton, 153,000 kms mostly highway, 5.3L engine, auto, PS, PW, PDL, AC, boxliner, tonneau cover, alum. wheels, $8900 OBO. 1965 FORD F600 tandem, 360 V8, 4+2, 306-384-9999, Saskatoon, SK. 15’ steel box, 48,538 miles showing. Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 2004 DODGE 2500 Larimie 4x4 crewcab, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. auto., 5.9L Cummins, 312,000 kms, full load, leather int, spray box and more. Ask- S1900 IHC, 20’ B&H, 5 spd. auto, 11-22 tires, $27,000. 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. ing $19,000. 306-242-6434, Saskatoon, SK
2006 KENWORTH T800, AUTOSHIFT 10 spd., new B&H, ISM Cummins, very clean truck; Also, available trucks w/ISX Cummins and no box. 204-673-2382 Melita MB 2007 MACK VISION, 460 Mack eng., 480 HP, 10 spd., AutoShift, 20’ B&H, new paint, rear controls, safetied, exc. tires, $68,500. 2007 Freightliner, 450 HP Mercedes, 10 spd., AutoShift w/clutch, 20’ BH&T, rear controls, A/T/C, Jakes, 12/40 axles, alum. wheels, $68,500; 2003 IH 9200, Cat 400 HP, 18 spd., new 18’ BH&T, rear controls, $51,500; 2001 Western Star, ISX Cummins, 10 spd., 19-1/2’ BH&T, rear controls, $49,500; 2010 36’ grain trailer, air ride, alum. wheels, new cond., $33,500. All trucks safetied. Trades accepted. Arborfield, SK. 306-276-7518, 306-862-1575 or 306-767-2616. DL #906768. ATTENTION FARMERS: 20 tandems in stock, automatics and standards, Cancade boxes, $40,000 and up. Highway tractors a l s o i n s t o c k . Ye l l o w h e a d S a l e s 306-783-2899, Yorkton, SK. DL #916328 AUTOMATICS, AUTOMATICS, 2005 to 2006 FL Columbias, new 20’ B&H, $50,000. 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK.
g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 209” W B, 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 48” bu n k , 615,857 k m . $49,000 2007 IH 9900I, 500 HP IS X Cu m m in s , 18 s p , 12/ 40, 3:70 g ea rs , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 830,233 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,000 2007 IH 9400I, 530 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 46, 3:90 g ea rs , 4-w a y d iff. lock s , 22.5” a lloy w heels , 230 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 811,000 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2007 IH 9200I, 425 HP Ca tC13, 12 s p A u tos hiftM eritor, 12/ 40, 3:42 g ea rs , 22.5” w heels , 220 W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 432,845 k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,000 2006 W e s te rn S ta r 4900, 450 HP M erced es , 10 s p A u tos hift3 p ed a l, 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , m id -ris e bu n k , 1.1M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,000 2007 Ke n w orth T800, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 10 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,000 2006 IH 9900I, 475 HP Ca t, 13 s p , 12/ 46, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 4:11 g ea rs , 4-w a y lock s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,000 2005 IH 9400I, 475 HP Cu m m in s IS X, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 24.5” a lloy w heels , 3;90 g ea rs , 236” W B, 72” m id -ris e bu n k , 1.5M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21,000 2004 P e te rb ilt 379L, 475 HP Ca tC15, 13 s p , 12/ 40, 22.5” a lloy w heels , 244” W B, 1.5M k m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 2003 IH 7400, 260 HP DT466, 10 s p , 16,000 lbs . fron t, 40,000 lbs . rea r, 224” W B, 4:11 g ea rs , d ou ble fra m e, 254,149 k m , w etk it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,000 2001 S te rlin g , 430 HP Ca tC12, 15 s p , 12/ 40, rem ova ble fla t-top bu n k . . . . $18,000 d lr# 0122. P h. 204-6 85-2222, M a c G re g or M B. To vie w p ic tu re s of ou r in ve n tory vis it w w w .tita n tru c k s a le s .c om
1983 PETERBILT 400 HP, Cummins 15 spd. trans, spring ride, new paint job (last year), road ready w/new Sask safety, new tires, clutch and brakes, vg condition, $22,000. Can deliver. 204-743-2324, 1992 PETERBILT 357 tandem, 3406 mechanical Cat, 10 spd. w/4 spd. aux., AC, air ride, 615,000 kms, Braden winch, vg, only $24,500. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1997 PETERBILT CUMMINS diesel, 12 speed Ultrashift, air ride, safetied, premiu m U. S. t r a c t o r, n o r u s t , $ 2 8 , 5 0 0 . 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. 1997 WESTERN STAR 450 Cat, 15 spd., s l e e p e r, v e r y g o o d , s a f e t i e d . 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 1997 WESTERN STAR, 550 HP Cat, 18 spd., removable bunk, wet kit, $19,950 OBO. 1995 Freightliner FLD120, 60 Series Detroit, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, new injectors and rebuilt head, wet kit, $18,500 OBO. Will consider stepdeck trailer on trade. 306-476-7747, Rockglen, SK.
1999 FREIGHTLINER, N14 Cummins, 460 HP, 18 spd., fresh safety, 11x24.5 aluminum rims, air ride, asking $16,000; 1990 Rotec Jeep, air ride, 275x22.5 tires, fresh safety, very nice cond., asking $16,000. Call Don 306-889-4259 or 306-865-7417 AUTOSHIFT TRUCKS AVAILABLE: Boxed (cell), Prairie River, SK. tandems and tractor units. Contact David 306-887-2094, 306-864-7055, Kinistino, 1999 KW T800 C12 Cat, 9 spd., air ride, 714,000 miles, clean U.S. no rust, $28,500. SK. DL #327784. 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL MFG. for grain box pkgs., decks, gravel boxes, HD 2001 FREIGHTLINER CST120, Series 60 combination grain and silage boxes, pup Detroit, 430 HP, 10 spd., wet kit, $19,000; trailers, frame alterations, custom paint, 1996 FLD120, flat-top sleeper, Cummins complete service. Visit our plant at Hum- 370 HP, 13 spd., $10,000. 306-338-2674, boldt, SK or call 306-682-2505 for prices. Kuroki, SK.
2000 IHC 9900i, 739,000 kms, Cat 3406E, 4 7 5 H P, 1 8 s p d . , 1 4 / 4 6 , f u l l l o c k s , $29,900; 2007 Peterbilt 379, new 20’ grain box, C13 Cat, 10 spd., Jake, cruise, 80% rubber, alum. wheels, $59,500. 2008 Kenworth T800, 550 HP ISX, 14/46, 18 spd., 4-way lockers, dash GPS, 4.10 ratio, 22.5 at 70% on alum. rims, recent engine work with warranty; 2008 Volvo 630, D16 Volvo at 530 HP, only 627,000 kms, 14/46, 4-way lockers, 13 spd., new 22.5 rubber, all options, Volvo warranty, absolutely immaculate; 2007 Freightliner Classic flat top, C15 Cat, 475, 18 spd., 12 Super 40’s, full lockers, new 22.5 virgin Michelins on alum. rims, 3.90 ratio, black and beautiful, $57,500; 2006 Freightliner Columbia, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 3 pedal AutoShift, 14/46 lockers, new 22.5 rubber, alum. wheels, 4.11 ratio, 1.1M kms, $42,500; 2006 IH 9900i, ISX Cummins, 455 HP, 13 spd., 12/40, alum. wheels, Jake, cruise, Eagle interior, $32,000. Call T. Edkins Semi Truck and Trailer Ltd., Ken 204-362-0116, Winkler, MB.
2010 DODGE JOURNEY R/T, like new, no smoking, no pets, regular dealership maintained. Purchased from Denham Dodge, Lloydminster. Only 18,600 kms, fully loaded, 5 pass., leather, DVD, backup camera, AW D, at Tu r t l e fo r d , S K . C a l l M e r l e 306-845-2202 or Treena 306-845-9190.
1981 FORD CEMENT TRUCK, Detroit, 239 HP, HD dsl. eng., 13 spd. trans., HD front and rear ends, exc. running cond., really good shape. Offers. Simmie, SK. Phone 306-741-2204.
BEEKEEPER SPECIAL: 1989 6000 GMC low profile, rebuilt 366 engine and 5 spd. trans, new cab and distributor, 22.5” front, 19.5” rear, 20’ steel deck, hooks, smoker box, and 2- 8’ underbed boxes, dual stepside tanks, HD front bumper, HD front and rear hooks, HD rear hitch, plug-ins and brake control, many new parts, and complete 13 years of service records, $12,000 OBO. Yves Garez Honey Inc, 2002 INTERNATIONAL 9900i, 475 Cat, 306-862-5979, 306-862-7700, Nipawin, SK 72” bunk, new 22.5 tires, alum. wheels, fresh safety. 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. GRAVEL TRUCKS AND end dumps for sale rent, weekly/ monthly/ seasonally, 2004 T800 KENWORTH, single turbo or driver. K&L Equipment, Regina, SK. C a t , 4 6 r e a r s , 7 5 0 , 0 0 0 k m s . C a l l w/wo 306-795-7779 or 306-537-2027, email: 780-990-8412, Edmonton, AB. 2004 WESTERN STAR 4964 w/fresh 500 Detroit and safety, 72” bunk w/wet kit, 46 rears, full lockups, 13 spd. trans. and many other options. Can be combined with tandem axle and/or tri-axle end dumps. Also available full list of equipment for sale. Call Wes 204-266-1685, Beausejour, MB.
1 To n D o d ge D ua lly w /20’ d b l. a xle go o s en eck tra iler, $12,000 OB O 3 To n C h e v, 5 s p d ., Cu m m in s en gin e, a p p ro x. 350,000 km s , $30,000 OB O M c Le a n , S K .
3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t
FOR S ALE 197 5 FOR D LOUIS VILLE M o d el 750, T a n d em (ta g a xle), 20’ Gra in b o x & ho is t w /s eed fu n n el d ivid er in gra in b o x, en gin e lo w ho u rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,000 OB O 1/2 TON 1965 C H EV LON G BOX (n o tru n n in g), green 6CY L . . OP EN TO OFFERS 1/2 TON 197 7 C H EV LON G BOX (n o tru n n in g), ta n 6CY L . . . . . . OP EN TO OFFERS
M c Le a n , S K . 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H)
o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t
2003 CHEVY 4500: 145,000 kms. Truck is in very good shape, all highway driven, one owner, c/w 16’ custom made alum. deck w/head rest and lights, spot on deck for gooseneck or fifth wheel hookup. Tires have lots of tread left, new windshield. Injectors replaced 3 years ago under recall. Options: air, tilt steering, PW and PDL, keyless remote, cruise, large heated elec. mirrors, CD player, engine exhaust brake, PTO, chrome pkg, air drivers seat, auto engine shutdown. $25,000. 306-253-4343, 1-800-383-2228, Aberdeen, SK. 2005 AUTOMATIC DAYCAB, tandem LWB Freightliner, 430 HP, takes 20’ B&H or 24’ flat, $31,000 306-563-8765 Canora SK
GRAVEL, 2002 IH SA diesel, 11’ dump, hydraulic brakes, $26,000. BUCKET TRUCK, FL diesel, SA, auto, $16,000. 2006 T800 KENWORTH, 756,000 kms, 475 306-563-8765, 306-563-4160, Canora, SK. HP, Cat C15, 3.55 rear ratio, new alum. 22.5 rims, tires Michelin at 80%, 40,000 1997 IH 9400, 430 Detroit, 10 spd., 5 year rears, 13 spd. Ultra Shift, full poly fenders, old 15’ gravel box. 306-356-4550, Dods$63,000. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, land, SK. DL #905231. MB. 2001 IH 4700 dump truck, 466 engine, 2007 FREIGHTLINER CST120, 450 HP Allison auto., disc brakes, exc. California Mercedes, TA, sleeper, auto, newly safe- no rust truck, only 149,000 miles, $24,500. tied, very clean, 1.2M kms, $31,000. Will 306-946-8522, Watrous, SK. take trade. 1999 MACK CH613 daycab, Mack 6 cyl., 9 spd., manual, 247,000 kms, 1996 PETERBILT TRACTOR unit, 500 Cumnice shape, $29,000. 306-291-4043, Sas- mins engine, tires 80%, w/2010 triple axle end dump gravel trailer, good running katoon, SK. condition, certified, asking $70,000 OBO. 2008 T-660 KENWORTH, Cat 475, Super 306-781-4458, Pilot Butte, SK. 40’s, 775,000 kms; 2007 and 2005 IHC 9900i’s, 18 spd’s; 2006 IH 9200 daycab and bunk, 10 spd., Eaton Ultrashift, 475 ISX Cummins; 2005 Pete, Cat, 18 spd., clean; 2003 W-900L KW, Cat, recent work orders; 2002 T-800 KW, M-11 Cummins, 10 spd.; 2001 Western Star, 4964, N-14 Cummins, 13 spd; 1999 IH Cat, 18 spd.; 2001 Mack, CH613, 42” bunk, 18 spd. Eaton, 460 motor, alum. rims; 1996 Volvo 425, 13 spd; 1997 and 1992 379 Pete’s, 18 spd, 4-way lock, Cat. 306-356-4550, EXCELLENT RV and general freight hauling opportunity. 2006 Freightliner M2 haul and Dodsland, SK. DL#905231. tow with 60” stand-up sleeper, alum. deck. Completely rigged. Hands on training provided. Partial trade for 1 ton considered, $57,000. Ph: 403-851-0215, Cochrane, AB.
2009 PETERBILT 386, 390 ratio, Cummins engine, 242” WB, 18 spd., 811,000 k m s , $ 6 5 , 0 0 0 . F i n a n c i n g ava i l a b l e . 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. DAYCAB: 2003 FLD120 Freightliner, N14 Cummins, 640,000 kms, 14 fronts, 46 rears, 13 spd. trans., exc. cond. 306-752-2873, 306-752-4692, Melfort, SK
FOR SALE CHEAP! 2 semis, GMC, Freightliner. Trade-ins accepted. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429 Langham SK MILK HAULING TRUCKS and tankers, current MVI, in nice condition: 2000 Western Star 747,000 kms, $25,000; 1987 Brenner, 24,000 litres, $19,500; 1988 Abby A-train, 38,000 litres, $30,000. 250-702-7120, Black Creek, BC.
2001 MACK TRUCK w/2007 JBS 17’ manure spreader, w/twin vertical beaters, field ready c/w Trimble GPS for accurate ap p l i c at i o n o f m a nu r e o r c o m p o s t , $75,000. Would consider partial trade for skidsteer. Andy 403-443-1535, Trochu, AB.
See our Showroom for the best selection & savings in Sask.
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30x80x16 HEATED SHOP to be moved. Metal siding and roof, 2- 12x16’ overhead doors with electric openers, gas overhead radiant heater. Located in Wynyard, SK. $35,000. More info call 306-813-7292. STEEL BUILDINGS 33-1/3 to 50% off. Complete for assembly, ex: 20x24, reg. $6792, disc. $5660 (quantity 1); 50x100, reg. $42,500, disc. $29,000 (quantity 2). C a l l f o r o t h e r s , S o u r c e # 1 M W, 1-800-964-8335.
2005 VOLVO 630, 465 HP, Volvo D12, 18 spd, 46 rears, 4.10 ratio, recent safety, 24.5 alum. wheels, 825,000 kms, $39,000. 306-741-7737, Stewart Valley, SK. 2006 PETERBILT 379L, red, 70” standup bunk, fridge, leather int., 570,000 miles, 475 Cat, 18 spd., 3-way diff locks, alum. rims, full stainless fenders, 6” stacks, 1 year drivetrain warranty remaining, 250” WB, rubber over 50%, $67,000 OBO. 306-692-1999, Moose Jaw, SK. 2006 PETERBILT 386, C13, 13 spd., 990,000 kms, nice, only $43,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.
W IN D O W S !W IN D O W S !
150 HONEY BEE hives for sale. Contact Derek 306-277-2042 or Dorian 306-873-0557, Ridgedale, SK. 300 OVER WINTERED colonies, honey supers, feeder pails, etc. 306-323-4337, Archerwill, SK.
TWO AUTOMOTIVE 14’wx10’hx29’l spray booths c/w stacks; one 20,000 CFM dual speed Engineered Air make-up system. To be moved. New cost $90,000. Offers. 780-608-3608, Camrose, AB.
FOR SALE: 400 gallon of leaf cutter larvae, 60 steel frame shelters c/w tarps. Call Reg Greve, Lanigan, SK. 306-528-4610. LEAFCUTTER BEE EQUIPMENT: Stripper, roller, strapper, shelters, hatching trays, metal corners and cloth for blocks. For info. Call Grant 306-829-4320 week days or 306-469-4893 weekends, Big River, SK. POLISURROUNDS 690 and 385 with nests. 7 5 p o l y s h e l t e r s , v a r i o u s m a ke s . 204-435-2253, Miami, MB.
PRIVE BUILDING MOVERS Ltd.! Bonded, licensed for SK. and AB. Fully insured. Moving all types and sizes of buildings. Call Andy 306-625-3827, Ponteix, SK.
168 METAL FRAMED bee shelters, holds 14-15 nesting boxes, $110/ea.; Tarps also available. 306-873-4876 or 306-873-7555, Tisdale, SK. SPRING REPLACEMENT STOCK Honey Bee Auction, Wednesday, May 23, 2012 at 1:00 PM, Rapid City, MB. Approx. 200 single brood live hives, all new boxes, lids and bottom boards, very strong hives. Consigned by Grant and Lawford 204-761-5734. Viewing of bee yards will be at 11:00 AM morning of sale. Fraser Auction Service, 204-727-2001.
BOWLING ALLEY, LICENSED lounge, games room, $235,000. We are selling our fully computerized six lane bowling alley which includes licensed lounge and games room and is licensed for serving food. 5400 sq. ft. building, 17’ ceiling, maintenance free metal roof, energy efficient radiant heat, satellite TV and internet, well maintained in thriving community of Biggar, less than an hour from Saskatoon and North Battleford. Call 306-948-4633 or 306-948-2343.
RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE for lease in motor inn, located in large town on major highway. Fully equipped. Fax Rod or Ivy CUSTOM LARGE SQUARE BALING. Green Ridge Farms Ltd. Now booking, at: 306-882-4201, Rosetown, SK. cutting, raking, baling and stacking. Modern equipment, reasonable rates, great service. Mark 306-570-5454, Canora, SK
WANTED: CUSTOM COMBINER for approx. 5000 acres on large grain farm. Call for details 306-287-8062, Watson, SK.
TAKE OUT PIZZA BUSINESS in a superbly built main street building. Very good business, fully equipped, owner retiring. Pine View Realty Ltd. 1-888-0760-2300, The Pas, MB. For photos and more info see or you can email us at GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Very lucrative 13 room motel with attached 1053 sq. ft. home in the thriving community of Foremost, AB. Shows good returns. or call Brent 403-580-0222.
KSW CUSTOM CHOPPING, JD SP chopper, live bottom trucks, 20 yrs. experience, reasonable rates. For all your alfalfa cereal and corn silage needs call Kevin 306-947-2812, 306-221-9807, Hepburn SK ALLAN DAIRY is taking bookings for the 2012 silage season. All crops. Will travel. 204-371-1367 or 204-371-7302, Manitoba.
BUMPER TO BUMPER store available on Main St., Spiritwood, SK. Busy trading area, lots of opportunity to expand, turnkey operation. Owner getting ready to retire. Call Bob 306-883-7817.
CUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Haul farm equip. and swathers. Sheldon’s Hauling 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN your own busi- CUSTOM BALE HAULING, with 2 trucks ness. Well established Hair and Tanning and trailers, 34 bales per trailer. Call Salon with excellent clientele. Upgraded 306-567-7100, Imperial, SK. 2250 sq. ft. bldg on main St. in Melville, SK. Furniture and inventory included. Owner ready to retire. Financial arrangements can be arranged. Call 306-728-7147. RETIREMENT/ESTATE SALE. Busy well established business located in Red Deer, AB. Fully equiped for garbage bin rentals, furnace duct cleaning and window/eavestrough and siding cleaning business. $280,000 OBO. For more information email:
CUSTOM GRAVEL CRUSHING. Have a complete spread for all your crushing needs. Call to arrange a site visit and quote. 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK.
HAVE IRON WILL travel. Custom dirt work, contracting, basements, all concrete work, cat work, excavating, gravel, crushing, developments, dugouts, hauling, lowbedding anywhere in Canada. One call and we c a n d o i t a l l ! 3 0 6 - 7 6 4 - 1 0 2 3 o r 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK.
BOOMING BUSINESS in Assiniboia, SK. 3000 sq. ft. car/truck wash with water vending. Completely upgraded and renovated. Low maintenance. $650,000 OBO. 306-640-8569.
DIESEL INJECTION SERVICE company for sale. Hartridge 1100 test stand injector tester. Tools to repair Bosch, Simms and Roosa injector pumps. Lots of new parts. GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS for new Phone 780-465-2200, Edmonton, AB. and existing farms and businesses. 1-800-226-7016 ext. 10. LOMOND COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Association is seeking applications for the immediate leasing of their building to someone to operate a full service restaurant. Contact Marj at 403-792-2447 or Glenn at 403-792-3696, Lomond, AB. COMMERCIAL SIGN BUSINESS for sale serving southern Sask. CSA approved sign manufacturer. Installation and service provider for various national and local businesses. Includes inventory, customer list, trucks and equipment. $389,000. Building available for lease. Serious inquiries only. TOUR BOAT FOR SALE: Lake Diefenbak- Email or fax er, Dept. Of Transport licensed, Marine 306-525-3533, Regina, SK. Vessel, Betty Lou tour boat, liquor license, 40 person, $189,000. Truck/trailer avail. Riverhurst, SK.
USED BELTING, 12” to 54” wide for feeders and conveyors, 30” wide by 3/4” thick for lowbeds in stock. Phone Dave, 780-842-2491 anytime, Wainwright, AB. USED MINE BELTING: Various lengths, 3/8” thick. Call 306-429-2036, Glenavon, 1979 FORD 9000 CEMENT TRUCK, SK. CHURCHILL RIVER WILDERNESS 36,640 miles, 855 Cummins rebuilt 2,000 CAMP. What a location for all your fishing kms ago, 4/5 trans., pumps new on motor and outfitting on the great Churchill River and hyd. pump, new shoots, new leaf systems and the shores of Sandy Lake. Losprings, 8 yd. cement truck, 425-65R22.5cated on Crown lease land, camp is set up 70%, 11R24.5- 60% avg., $12,000. Jordan for 20 people at a time. 15 fishing boats anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. and 26’ pontoon boat. Amazing fishing, plus 25 black bear tags, 25 White-tail deer SURPLUS GOVERNMENT TRUCKS and tags and the Crown lease land to hunt on. equipment. 3/4 ton-5 ton, cab and chasWhat an opportunity for the right people. sis, service trucks, bucket trucks, etc. ARE Seller will consider offers. MLS® 417616. and Range Rider canopies and service 100% SOLIDS EPOXY COATINGS Shops Glaslyn Power & Equipment Inc. Buy caps. garages, basements. Starting at $2 per ft. your own retirement. This building is Saskatoon, SK., 306-668-2020 DL#90871. New and old concrete. Lifetime solution. 10,000 sq. ft. on the main floor. There is Installed with approx. $300,000 worth of new parts, new PRICES REDUCED! K&L EQUIPMENT full warranty. 1-855-CFI-SASK (234-7275). inventory, shop tools, shop equipment, deAND AUTO: 2000 Sterling, day cab, S/A livery truck and trailer, service truck. The tractor, 300 HP Cat, 7 spd., safetied, low possibility of short line contracts. This is a miles, $12,900; 2006 F650 S/A tractor, turnkey operation. Sellers open to offers. Cummins dsl., 7 spd., hyd. brakes, 11’ deck PINE AND POPLAR: 1” and 2” V-joint, ship- M L S ® 4 1 7 4 9 7 . C a l l L l oy d L e d i n s k i , w/5th wheel attach, low miles, fresh safe- lap, log siding, etc. Phone 306-862-5088, Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800, ty, $22,900; 2000 IHC 9100 daycab trac- Nipawin, SK. 306-441-0512 tor, 350 HP Cummins, 10 spd., safetied, only 630,000 miles, $16,900; 2003 Mack, CEDAR AND PINE LOG CABIN LOGS, INTERESTED IN BUYING or selling a car 475 HP, 18 spd., 48” flat-top bunk, double Sidings. T&G V joint paneling. Fir flooring, wash, gas station, convenience store or walkers, fresh safety, 1.4 kms, $19,900; beams, special orders. Rouck Bros, Lumby, bottle depot? Contact Sheryl Lewkiw, 1996 22’ aluminum end dump trailer grain BC. 1-800-960-3388, 403-701-2029 or gravel, safetied, $18,900; K&L Equip- ROUGH LUMBER: 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1” Discover Real Estate Ltd. We have over m e n t a n d A u t o , C a l l L a d i m e r boards, windbreak slabs, 4x4, 6x6, 8x8, 300 clients looking for your business! Cur306-795-7779, Chris 306-537-2027, Ituna, 10x10, all in stock. Custom sizes on order. rent listings: Truck wash, Lube and 2nd SK. DL #910885. Log siding, cove siding, lap siding, shiplap, floor condo, Macklin, SK. $1.15M; Car and 2” tongue and groove. V&R Sawing, wash, 4 bays, Medicine Hat, $1.28M. For 1987 KENWORTH W900 tractor set up for 1” more info see building moving, 425 Cat, 15 and 4 spd. 306-232-5488, Rosthern, SK. trans., 46 rears with 2 spds., two winches, CABINET SHOP FOR SALE. 2000 sq. ft. runs excellent, not safetied, $9,500. shop with some large tools. Located at 403-638-3934, Sundre, AB. Candle Lake, SK. $375,000. Call Mel at CONTINUOUS METAL ROOFING, no ex- 306-229-1073. 2005 STERLING TANDEM gravel truck, 16’ posed screws to leak or metal overlaps. box and tarp, 343,536 kms, fresh safety Ideal for lower slope roofs, rinks, church- TURNKEY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! and service, Fuller trans., air ride cab, fuel es, pig barns, commercial, arch rib build- New state of the art, 8-bay carwash for efficient 450 HP Mercedes eng., engine ing and residential roofing. For info. call sale in thriving Saskatchewan community. brake, solid truck, $55,000. Offers consid- 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. Located on 3 acres with great location on ered. 403-826-8161, 306-332-6221, Fort highway. Great customer base! Selling due Qu’Appelle, SK. to health concerns. Serious inquiries only please! Call 306-232-4767. 2005 INTERNATIONAL GRAVEL truck, FREESTANDING WINDBREAK PANELS and model 7600, only 273,000 kms., like new, 30’ panels, made from 2-3/8” oilfield pipe. WAKAW, SK. COMMERCIAL/ Residenc/w tridem pup, fresh safety, $110,000. Can build other things. 204-845-2589, tial/ farmland properties for sale. Call 306-536-5055, Lumsden, SK. 204-845-2188, 204-851-6714, Elkhorn, MB 306-233-7405.
BOOK YOUR SEEDING acres today, all areas. 306-935-2117, Milden, SK.
ANITA EHMAN MEDIATION And Consulting Services, C MED. Extensive experience in farmer/lender cases. Confidential, professional service. Regina, SK, 306-761-8081,
NEED A LOAN? Own farmland? Bank says no? If yes to above three call 1-866-405-1228, Calgary, AB. DEBTS, BILLS AND charge accounts too high? Need to resolve prior to spring? Call us to develop a professional mediation plan, resolution plan or restructuring plan. Call toll free 1-888-577-2020.
BLACK KNIGHT ENTERPRISES LTD. General contractor. We are a full service company, specializing in painting all surfaces, asphalt sealing and crack repair for asphalt driveways and parking lots. Roofing, shingles, metal and spray polyurethane foam. John at 403-630-5572, Calgary, AB. website: NEUFELD ENT. CORRAL CLEANING, payloader, Bobcat w/rubber tracks, vertical beater spreaders. Custom fencing. 306-220-5013, 306-467-5013, Hague, SK. EXPLOSIVES CONTRACTOR: Beaver dams, rocks, stumps. Reasonable rates. Northwest Demolition, Radisson, SK. Phone 306-827-2269 or 306-827-7835. C U S T O M C AT T L E P R O C E S S I N G . 306-948-8057, Biggar, SK. BRUSH MULCHING ENVIRO-FRIENDLY land clearing, fence lines, ditch cleaning, fire break protection, under brush cleaning, etc. Contracting: fencing, corrals and farm buildings. Serving Sask. and Alberta. Reasonable rates. Phone 306-480-9160, North Battleford, SK. Email: or visit us at RANCHOIL CONTRACTING LTD. has 3 vertical beater truck mounted manure spreaders and JD wheel loader for hire in NW SK. and NE AB. For all your corral cleaning needs please call David or Joanna 306-238-4800, Goodsoil, SK. TWIN VALLEY FEED LOT CLEANING: Track skidsteer and track excavator, 1000 bu. vertical beater manure spreaders. Will travel. Ron 204-362-0820, Morden, MB. PRAIRIE CUSTOM FARMING LTD. Serving Alberta and western Saskatchewan with over 10 years of custom farming experience. Call and book your 2012 liquid manure hauling and silage. Silage service includes: Swathing, chopping, hauling, bagging, and packing. All of our equipment is current and reliable with the ability to handle large jobs. Contact Barry Hofstra at: or 780-361-9736, Millet, AB. FROESE CUSTOM SWATHING, M150 MacDon swathers w/30’ header attach. and GPS. Will swath grain and canola. In AB and SK. 403-952-4422, Bow Island, AB.
FARM/CORPORATE PROJECTS. Call A.L. Management Group for all your borrowing and lease requirements. 306-790-2020, Regina, SK.
w w w .fa rm pa in tin
FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779.
8 30 H o chela ga S t. E., M o o s e Ja w , S K . S 6 H 0R1 Em a il: jim w illia m s o n 73@ gm a m
CUSTOM BALING, $12./bale, 1200 lb. bales. Custom mowing w/16’ haybine, $16./acre. Call Eric 306-858-2333 or 306-858-7507, Lucky Lake, SK. CUSTOM HAYING: Looking to take hay on shares or buy standing, up to 800 acres, anywhere within 250 kms of Mannville, AB. WOULD THE LADY THAT bought my salt 780-581-8328 or 780-763-0084. a n d p e p p e r s e t s p l e a s e c a l l m e at TURBO CORRAL CLEANING. Two trucks 306-967-2288. I lost your address. with spreaders and Cat. Reasonable rates. 306-228-2466, 306-228-8355, Unity, SK. 4T CONTRACTORS INC. Custom fencing, mulching, corral cleaning and 2006 SULLAIR, 425 CFM, portable air bobcat services. Metal siding and compressor, 4694 hrs, $17,500. Financing roofs. Will do any kind of work. available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, 306-329-4485 306-222-8197 Asquith Cartier, MB. SK,
MAGILL FARM & FIELD SERVICES is now booking swathing acres for the 2012 cropping season. Late model MacDon swathers. For all your swathing needs email or call Ivor at 403-894-5400, Lethbridge, AB. A.C.S. MOBILE PRESSURE WASHING. Buildings, heavy equipment, etc. Saskatoon and surrounding area. 306-380-7999.
C U STO M SW ATH ING F la t R o ck F a r m s
30 6-5 36-5 1 1 8
BRUSH MULCHING. The fast, effective way to clear land. Four season service, competitive rates, multiple units. Borysiuk Contracting, 306-960-3804, Prince Albert, SK. PASTURE PIPELINE SYSTEMS. We can do complete installation of your shallow buried pipeline and water trough systems. Call Howard Ganske, Cartwright, MB, 204-529-2464, REGULATION DUGOUTS: 120x60x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $1900; 160x60x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $2700; 180x60x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $3100; 200x60x14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; $3500. Saskatoon, SK, Phone: 306-222-8054.
WHEEL LOADERS: 2006 Case 621D AC cab, 3rd valve, quick coupler, aux. hyd, new tires, ride control, 3900 hrs; 1997 Cat 928G, AC cab, new tires, coupler, AutoShift; 2004 Komatsu WA250-5, 3rd valve, aux. hyd, quick coupler bucket; 1992 JD 544E, quick coupler bucket; 1990 JD 544E, 3rd valve, aux. hyd, 4 in 1 bucket, new tires; LOADER BACKHOES: 4 Case 580SM, years 2002, 2004 and 2006 all w/cab, extend-a-hoe, 4WD, good rubber; SKIDSTEERS: 2007 Bobcat T320, AC cab, joystick controls, 1257 hrs; 2010 Cat 252B III, cab, 2 spd, 275 hrs. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. TELEHANDLER: 2003 Manitou MLT 633 LS, 5800 hrs, ideal for feedlot. Conquest Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK 2008 KOMATSU CK35 track skidsteer, 325 hrs, AC, heater, Hyflo, vertical lift. 306-961-1170, Domremy, SK. CASE W14 wheel loader, well maintained, $17,500.; Case 450 crawler dozer, 6 way blade, $17,500.; Case 931 crawler loader, $13,500. 204-525-4521, Minitonas, MB.
EQUIPMENT RENTALS: Excavators, Dozers, Loaders, Compactors, etc. Conquest Equipment, 306 483 2500, Oxbow, SK. WA450-2 KOMATSU LOADER, Michelin tires, A/C, $36,000; Cat D6D, SN 4X896, c/w Carco 50 winch and new rails, $27,000. 306-278-2048 or 303-230-6644, Porcupine Plain, SK. LAND PRIDE BACKHOE, BH1560, independent PTO, hyd. pump, used only 1 time, $6,000. Call Gerald 306-489-2018, 306-485-7399 cell, Alameda, SK. WANTED: CASE 1840 or 1845C skidsteer working or not, any condition. Ph Kim 306-255-7601, Viscount, SK. HYDRAULIC SCRAPERS: LEVER 60, 70, 80, and 435, 4 - 20 yd. available, rebuilt for years of trouble-free service. Lever Holdings Inc., 306-682-3332, Muenster SK CAT HYD. PULL SCRAPERS: 463, 435, 621, 80, 70, and 60, all very good cond., r e c e n t c o n v e r s i o n . C a n d e l i v e r. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB.
2007 LODE TRAIL 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; EQUIPMENT T R A I L E R , d ove t a i l , fo l d u p r a m p s , (2) 7000 lb axles, new tires, $3500. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK.
CAT 621E MOTOR SCRAPER, rebuilt engine and transmission, new Michelin tires, $110,000; CAT D8K DOZER major work orders done plus new undercarriage, can be equipped w/angle dozer or V-shear, $70,000. Call Brian at 306-769-8777 or 780-213-1101, Arborfield, SK. LOW HOURED CATERPILLAR and other heavy equipment. Crawlers, loaders, excavators and trucks. 815-239-2309, Illinois.
N E W 1 0 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; A N D 1 2 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; B I G D O G B OX SCRAPER heavy duty, tilt, avail. in 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 42â&#x20AC;? high back. Starting at $3500. Also new B.I.L. box scrapers and centre pivot up to 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Wholesale pricing to western provinces. or call 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. TRACK EXCAVATORS: 2003 Hitachi ZX 270LC c/w hyd. thumb, cat walks, window guard, WB quick attach, 2 buckets, POS, air shutoff, 8700 hrs; 2005 Link Belt 330 LX, c/w hyd. thumb; 2008 NH L170 skidsteer; 2005 Cat 950G Series II wheel loader; 2006 Case 430 skidsteer, 1200 hrs. 780-361-7322, Edmonton, AB. SOLID DEAL: over the tire rubber tracks for skidsteer, $2900. 306-561-7733, Kenaston, SK. PIONEER 36x10â&#x20AC;? JAW w/36â&#x20AC;? Symons Nordberg cone mounted on tandem carrier, Stamford 260 KW Detroit 50 series motor w/switch gear to run above, $125,000; 2008 Sterling LT9500 tri-drive w/10.5 cubic yard London mixer, $90,000. Phone 306-332-4483 or 306-332-7707, Fort Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK. 1998 JD 744E payloader, 5 yd. tooth bucket, excellent condition, ready to go to work, asking $38,000. 403-556-0282, 1-877-447-4274 (toll free), Olds, AB.
2006 NH LT185B skidsteer, dsl., cab with heat, 2200 hrs., $22,000; 2004 ASV RC50 skidsteer, dsl., 1306 hrs., cab, bucket, fork, $17,000. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. 1982 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122; TANDEM tilt deck trailer w/beavertail, heavy duty 16â&#x20AC;? I-beam frame, 25,000 lb. axles, new brakes/air pots, new 1000x15 tires and spare, toolbox, March 2012 safety, excellent condition, $18,000. 306-874-2194, Naicam, SK. 950 CAT WHEEL LOADER, 1966, bucket, recent work order sleeves, pistons, bearing and heads, 20.5x25 tires, $21,000. 204-795-9192, Plum Coulee, MB. C AT 9 6 6 B PAY L O A D E R , $ 6 5 0 0 . 306-367-2408 or 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK.
BRUSH MULCHING, fence line and land clearing. Reasonable rates. Call 306-212-7896, Rosthern, SK. area.
VARIETY OF GRAVEL conveyors, ranging size from 36â&#x20AC;?x85â&#x20AC;&#x2122; to 42â&#x20AC;?x125â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, radial stacking conveyors. Some have not seen gravel yet. Wes 204-266-1685, Beausejour, MB. 1996 PETERBILT TRACTOR unit, 500 Cummins engine, tires 80%, w/2010 triple axle end dump gravel trailer, good running condition, certified, asking $70,000 OBO. 306-781-4458, Pilot Butte, SK. 2007 580 SUPER M Series II extend-ahoe, 4x4, 2500 hrs., $55,000. 306-641-4946, Yorkton, SK CAT 621 B MOTORSCRAPER 45P02894, recent eng. work, CAH, $38,000 OBO; Cat D8N Dozer, single shank ripper 9TC04601, CAH, recent trans. work, $55,000 OBO. 306-534-2095, Spy Hill, SK.
TRUCKS, LOADERS, TRAILERS and FORKLIFTS: 3 Doepker 1998-2004 double drop RGN tandem axle trailers, ext. to 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Single axle 48â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Doepker dropdeck alum. combo; 1990 644E JD loader; 1990 L70 Michigan loader w/grapple and forks; Five 1-3 ton service trucks; Three single axle T300 KW, LWB; 1999 Freightliner FLD 120 gravel truck; 2002 Ford F750 garbage packer; Int. 4900 double bucket truck; 1998 Peterbilt tandem axle daycab tractor; 1994 T800 KW, LWB; 1994 T450 KW, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck; Hiab 215-5X crane; 2004 Top Kick 550 GMC service truck, crane and hyd. tailgate; JD 2002 250 skidsteer. Other equipment and trucks available. Call Bud or Teeny at Venture Farms, Cudworth, SK. Call: 306-256-3301, 306-221-2166 or 306-222-7127.
3- CAT 325 LC Excavators thumb, clean out bucket, dig bucket, cab and engine guarding, AC, 4000-5000 hrs, asking $120,000 ea. 403-350-5293, Lacombe, AB. 1992 PETERBILT 377 gravel truck, 400 Cat, 15 spd., 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; box, plumbed for pup, 2012 YANUSH ENTERPRISES pull dozer, heavy specs, vg, safetied. 306-338-2674, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;; Also, building custom sizes. Call John Kuroki, SK. at 306-876-4989, Goodeve, SK. 2011 JCB 535-140 telescopic handler, ROME PLOW AND KELLO DISC blades only 130 hours! Lift cap 8000 lbs. to 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122;3â&#x20AC;?, and bearings, 24â&#x20AC;? to 42â&#x20AC;? notched disc powershift trans., 4x4, 4 wheel steering, blades. full cab w/heater, auxiliary hyd., floating 1-888-500-2646, Red Deer, AB. pallet forks. Like new! $89,600. Jordan SCHULTE 8.5 YD. PT scraper/earth mov- anytime 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek, AB. er, green-newer style, 1 owner, good cond. 2006 D-6-R CAT Series II LGP, less than $11,000 OBO. 403-882-2239, Castor, AB. 1000 hrs. on UC, quad rails, S-dozer w/tilt, C AT D 6 D w/straight dozer, canopy, cab and canopy, new paint, 6670 hrs., sweep, very low hours. Call 780-307-5948, $150,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. Morinville, AB. 1987 10 MAN CAMP, 2 side by side, 12x54â&#x20AC;&#x2122; WA N T E D, G R AV E L T R A I L E R S A N D units, $19,500; 125 KW Genset, S/N LOW BED: Belly dump w/triple axle, air #4B13394, w/Cat 3304 engine, $12,500; ride, cross gate dump, 11R24.5 tires; End 2500 gal. heated water shack, $12,500. dump w/triple or tandem axle, air ride; 50 Rod 780-918-1499, Leduc, AB. ton double drop, hyd. detach, beavertail, FIAT ALLIS 545B PAYLOADER, recent air ride, 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; deck. Phone 204-271-2336. engine overhaul, grapple, cab w/heat. ON HAND: 19 skidsteers, 12 backhoes, 9 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. telescopic lifts, 17 loaders, 2 crawlers, 3 1985 CATERPILLAR 235, good U/C, Espar excavators, 3 graders, 2 Ditch Witches. diesel heater, 44â&#x20AC;? digging bucket, $23,000. Website: or phone 306-865-2524, Hudson Bay, SK. 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. EXCAVATOR, 160 link belt, 36â&#x20AC;? bucket, INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: 4400 hrs., 16 ton, $42,000; WHEEL crawler tractors, graders, rock trucks, LOADERS: IH 515, 1-1/2 yd, one owner, wheel loader, truck flatdeck, excavators, $25,000; L70C Volvo, 2-1/2 yd., $48,000; pipeline crawler, misc. Ph. 780-919-5463, SCISSORLIFT, Skyjack 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, $12,000. Edmonton, AB. 306-563-8765, Canora, SK. 2009 JCB 535-125 telescopic handler, EXCELLENT SELECTION Used skidsteers, 470 hrs., lift cap 8,000 lbs. to 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3â&#x20AC;?, pow- track loaders, fork lifts, zoom booms, mini ershift trans., 4x4, 4 wheel steering, full excavators. Visit for more cab w/heater, aux. hyd., floating pallet details, specs and prices. Glenmor, phone forks. Very Nice! $75,600. Jordan anytime 1-888-708-3739, Prince Albert, SK. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. CASE 680 BACKHOE, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; DECK with HIAB picker plus PTO plus cab with heat, very clean, runs excellent. p u m p , $ 4 9 0 0 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 3 1 - 8 1 1 1 , 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. Humboldt, SK. TRACK CHAINS for Case 1150D, 1150E, 1155E crawlers; D8H Cat parts. Call 306-675-4884, Kelliher, SK. WANTED: LARGE INDUSTRIAL rototiller for land breaking, PT or SP, any condition. Phone 403-333-8462. JD 690 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR, c/w hyd. thumb, catwalks, cab guard and new UC. 780-307-5948, Morinville, AB. 2007 BOBCAT VR723 VERSAHANDLER GRADERS CONVERTED to pull 23â&#x20AC;&#x2122; reach, 7000lb lift. 3,465 hrs. $44,800. ROAD Trades welcome. Financing available. behind large 4 WD tractors, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 1-800-667-4515, blade widths available. Call C.W. Enterprises, 306-682-3367, 306-231-8358, HumNEW HEAVY DUTY V-DITCHERS now boldt, SK, available. Quick Drain Sales, 306-682-4520 CHAMPION GRADER PARTS, Model or cell 306-231-7318, Muenster, SK. D600 to 760, 1972 to 1986, engines, trans, SKIDSTEERS: BOBCAT S150, S220, T190, hyd. pumps, etc. Call Wes 306-682-3367 863, Cat 277B. Conquest Equipment, leave message, Humboldt, SK. 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK. HYDRAULIC PULL SCRAPERS 10 to 25 1996 CAT 416B loader/backhoe, 8892 yards, exc. cond.; Loader and scraper tires, hrs., 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab w/heat, custom conversions available. Looking for 24â&#x20AC;? digging bucket, excellent condition, Cat cable scrapers. Quick Drain Sales Ltd, $ 2 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l J o r d a n a n y t i m e 306-231-7318 or 306-682-4520, Muenster, SK. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. SCHULTE XH1000 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; rotary mower. 1 9 6 9 A L L I S C H A L M E R S HD11 and HD11EP crawler tractor for sale. Call 306-435-2266, Moosomin, SK. Trevor 204-242-2783, Manitou, MB. CAT 463F SCRAPER w/sideboards, approx. 30 yd. capacity, converted to hyd. w/Cat cylinders, can be pulled w/D8 or D9 $25,000. Fort St. James, BC 250-996-8539
2003 D7R SERIES II CAT w/SU blade and ripper. Motor/torque done 1000 hrs., ago, $175,000. 306-845-3407, Turtle Lake, SK. WANTED: D3C CATERPILLAR cab; International 466 turbo diesel engine, complete. Call 403-638-2232, Sundre, AB. C AT 9 2 0 W H E E L L OA D E R , b u c ke t , 17.5x25 tires, aux. hyd., cab, heater, good condition. 306-621-0425, Yorkton, SK.
USED, REBUILT or NEW engines. Specializing in Cummins, have all makes, large inventory of parts, repowering is our specialty. 1-877-557-3797, Ponoka, AB.
FARM AND INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL motor sales, service and parts. Also sale of, and repairs to, all makes and sizes of pumps, generators, phase converters, etc. Tisdale Motor Rewinding 1984 Ltd., 306873-2881, fax 306-873-4788, 1005A- 111 Ave., Tisdale, SK.
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7 5 TR UC KLOAD S $ $ $ 29 G AUG E FULL H AR D 100,000 P S I $ H IG H TEN S ILE R OOFIN G & S ID IN G $ $ $ $ 16 C OLOUR S TO C H OOS E FR OM $ B-G r. Colou red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70¢ ft2 $ $ M u lti Colou rM illen d s . . . . . . . 49¢ ft2 $ $ $ BEAT THE P RICE $ $ $ $ IN C R E A S E S AS K ABO UT O UR BLO W O UT $ $ CO LO RS AT $0.6 5 S Q . FT. $ $ CALL N O W $ $ $ $ F o u illa rd S teel $ $ S u p p lies L t d . $ $ S t . La za r e, M a n . $ $ 1- 8 00- 5 10- 3303 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
W O O D CO UN TRY Es te va n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 3 4-5111 M cLe a n , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-6 9 9 -728 4 Tis da le , S K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306-8 73 -443 8
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â&#x20AC;˘ Dim e n s io n a l Fra m e â&#x20AC;˘ Po s tBu ild in gs â&#x20AC;˘ En gin e e re d S te e l Bu ild in gs
C o lo re d ro o f m e ta l, co lo red w a lls a n d trim s (o u ts id e co rn ers , b a s e fla s h, ea ve fla s h, ga b le fla s h, J cha n n el, d rip fla s h), S teel In s . W a lk In Do o r a n d L o cks et. 5 0x100 - 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tre a te d 6x6 po s tb ld g. c/w 30x18 s teel s lid in g d o o r. . . . $27 ,5 44.7 4 Pho n e w ith yo u r b u ild in g s ize req u irem en ts fo r a free es tim a te.
#1 G R AD E H IG H TEN S ILE 29 g u . G a lva n ized Ultra Vic. M eta l Cla d d in g 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; & 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122;.
IN STOCK ONLY -.6 1¢ SQ. FT. W HILE QUANTITIES LAST Fen ce Po sts & Ba rb w ire Now In S tock ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~
#1 M ETAL C LAD D IN G M a n y typ es a n d p rofiles a va ila ble. Fa rm a n d in d u s tria l, g a lva n ized , g a lva lu m e, a n d colored , 26, 28, 29 & 30 g a u g e m eta l. ~ P H ON E FOR P R IC IN G ~
AUCTION: UNRESERVED CONSTRUCTION Equipment Close-Out for Lakeside Construction Ltd., Reg Gerspacher of Watson, SK, Thursday, June 7 at 9:00 AM sharp! Partial listing. Hydraulic Excavators: 2008 JD 240DLC, 1997 Hitachi EX230, 1997 JD 792D. Wheel Loaders: 1993 Cat 928F, 1985 Case W24, 1970 Case W30. Skidsteer Loader: 1995 Case 1840. Loader Backhoe: 2005 Case 420D. Crawler Dozer: JD 850D, grader, JD 770. Tractors: MF 4840, Case 1370. Gravel Trucks: 1992 Ford L9000, 1989 KW T600, 1976 Ford 8000. Mixer Trucks: 2006 IH, 1995 Mack E7-350, 1995 Ford L-8000, IH. Trucks: IHC flat deck, IHC fire truck, 2005 Chev 4WD SUV w/winch, 1986 Ford. Vacuum Tank Truck: 1982 Ford hydro vac. Highway Tractors: 2002 Freighliner FLD Century, 1997 Volvo Unibunk, 1994 Ford L-9000 Aeromax, Volvo tandem axle, 1990 Freighliner FDL120 Unibunk. Light Trucks: 1992 Dodge 3/4 ton. Gravel Trailers: 1982 Decap, Arnes, 1989 Arnes, 1984 Mermot. Lowboy Trailers: Peerless Redcom, Willock T/A. Trailers: 1999 Great Dane. Crusher: Pioneer VE46. Batch Plant and Property. For complete listing call 1-800-667-2075 or check out PL 915407. D7G POWERSHIFT; UH-122 trackhoe; Cat 631 scraper; Komatsu WA320-1 loader; B o m a g B W 1 7 0 P D v i b r a t o r p a c ke r ; 306-236-8023, Goodsoil, SK.
Westrum Lumber
1-888-663-9663 Rouleau, SK
DIAMOND CANVAS SHELTERS, sizes AFAB INDUSTRIES POST frame buildings. ranging from 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide to 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wide, any For the customer that prefers quality. length. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. 1-888-816-AFAB (2322), Rocanville, SK.
AGRI METAL 525 Super Cart; (6) DeLaval Milk Master milking machines; Alpha Laval Accublend stationary TMR mixer w/scale; (6) Wacota milk meters; 1000 gal. Mueller milk tank; Mueller cooler; DeLaval milk pump. Phone 306-781-2509, Regina, SK. PARTING OUT: Daritek double 8 parallel parlor w/milk meters, 3â&#x20AC;? milklines and receiver group, Bender wash system, 7.5 HP lobe vac., pump, etc.; Also 2008 Delaval 4000 gal. milk tank and compressor. Phone 403-740-5488, Stettler, AB.
COMPLETE Milking Parlour Dispersal. All equipment less than 10 years old. Phone Rosegate Dairy Farm 604-826-1822, Abbottsford, BC.
REMANUFACTURED DIESEL ENGINES: GM 6.5L, $4750 installed; Ford/IH 7.3L, $4950 installed; New 6.5L engines, $6500; 12/24v 5.9L Cummins; GM Duramax. Other new, used, and Reman diesel engines available. Call 204-532-2187, 8 AM to 5:30 PM Mon. to Fri. Thickett Engine Rebuilding, Binscarth, MB. CONTERRA GRADER for skidsteers and tractors. Excellent for road maintenance, floating and levelling. 518S-SS, $2499. Conterra manufactures over 150 attachments. Call 1-877-947-2882, view online at 2003 JD 850C LGP dozer c/w 6-way blade, Pro Heat, winch, brush guard. Engine and hyd. pump both rebuilt within the last 1400 hrs., asking $115,000. Rosenort, MB. 204-746-4131, or email: CLIFFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S USED CRAWLER PARTS. Some o l d e r C at s , I H a n d A l l i s C h a l m e r s . 780-755-2295, Edgerton, AB.
6.7 CUMMINS ENGINE from 2008 Dodge, complete w/pump, turbo, injectors, electronic control module, $8000. Call Duane at 306-825-2394, Lloydminster, SK. 3406B, N14, SERIES 60, running engines and parts. Call Yellowhead Traders, 306-896-2882, Churchbridge, SK. DIESEL AND GAS ENGINES for tractors, combines and swathers. JD, IH, Perkins, Cat, Ford. Early and late models. One year w a r r a n t y. P h o n e 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 5 1 5 . 290 CUMMINS; 350 Detroit; 671 Detroit; Series 60 cores. Call: 306-539-4642, Regina, SK
G RAI N H AND LI NG & STO RAG E w w w .skyw aygrainsystem HU TCHIN SO N G rain Pum ps LA M BTO N Bucket Elevators LA M BTO N Drag Conveyors (Seed Com patible Conveyors) Rail Load-O ut System s Pulse Crop Equipm ent W ESTEEL G rain Bins SU KU P A eration & Bins G rain G uard Bins and A eration
BIN MOVING, all sizes up to 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; diameter, POLE BARNS, WOODSTEEL packages, 34â&#x20AC;&#x2122; high, with or without floors. Call Lorne hog, chicken, and dairy barns, grain bins 306-468-7916, Canwood, SK. and hoppers. Construction and concrete crews available. Mel or Scott, MR Steel Construction, 306-978-0315, Hague, SK.
BEHLEN STEEL BUILDINGS, quonsets, convex and rigid frame straight walls, grain tanks, metal cladding, farm - commercial. Construction and concrete crews. Guaranteed workmanship. Call your Saskatoon and northwest Behlen Distributor, Janzen Steel Buildings, 306-242-7767, Osler, SK.
306-324-4441 M ARG O ,SASK.
MERIDIAN GRAIN MAX 4000 bins and fert. bins are in stock and ready for immediate delivery. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 306-934-2121, or visit
CHIEF WESTLAND AND CARADON BIN extensions, sheets, stiffeners, etc. Now avail. Call Bill, 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB.
Buildin g Com p a n y (2005) In c.
14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hopper 8 Leg H/Duty ..............$2,4 50 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hopper 7 Leg S/Duty ..............$2,325
O rde r N O W for 2012 Cons tru c tion
3 h/>d3/E3,KhZ^3dK3>4^d343>/& d/D
â&#x20AC;˘ H igh P ro file â&#x20AC;˘ B ig O verh ea d Do o rs â&#x20AC;˘ Eq uip m en t â&#x20AC;˘ Gra in â&#x20AC;˘ F ertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ P o ta to es â&#x20AC;˘ S h o p s
1-888-6 92-5515 D errick - Cell
306 -6 31-8550
w w w .z ip p e rloc k .c om
â&#x20AC;˘ This d evice M OUN TS T M AGN ETICAL L Y to the b o tto m o f yo u r ho pper b in . â&#x20AC;˘ Allo w s yo u to o pen the chu te w id e o pen w ith N O CHAN CE OF S PIL L S . â&#x20AC;˘ REDUCES s plittin g o f pea s a n d ca n o la b lo w in g a w a y in the w in d . S ee w eb s ite fo r m o re d eta ils o r Ca ll
Brow n le e s Truckin g I nc. Un ity, S K
306-228-297 1 o r 1-87 7 -228-5 5 98 w w w .fullb in s upe rs e n s o m
LARGE DIAMETER GRAIN bin repair. Quadra Development Corp., Rocanville, SK. 1-800-249-2708. WINTER STOCK: 6- 3500 bu. Behlen bin/ hopper combos, $9995 FOB Regina, SK. Ask for Len 306-789-2444. LIFETIME LID OPENERS. We are a stocking dealer for Boundary Trail Lifetime Lid BINS FOR SALE: 2700 bushels each. Call Openers, 18â&#x20AC;? to 39â&#x20AC;?. Rosler Construction for pricing. Phone: 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. 2000 Inc., 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK. WESTEEL BINS, 4 used 3005 steel bins, approx 10,000bu/ea $10,000/ea. Full floor aeration, 28â&#x20AC;? 10 HP fans. 306-536-3433 Factory To Farm Grain Storage Regina SK. Galvanized â&#x20AC;˘ Flat Floor â&#x20AC;˘ Hopper Bins TWO CHIEF WESTLAND 2300 bu. bins on Smooth Walls â&#x20AC;˘ Fertilizer â&#x20AC;˘ Grain â&#x20AC;˘ Feed wood floor, 2- Chief Westland 1900 bu. Aeration â&#x20AC;˘ Rockets â&#x20AC;˘ Fans â&#x20AC;˘ Heaters bins on wood floor, Chore-Time 10 ton galvanized hopper bin, Baldor 3 HP aeraTemp Cables tion fan. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Authorized Dealer Saskatoon, SK Phone Phone: 306-373-4919 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
Grain Bin Direct
FOR ALL YOUR grain storage, hopper cone and steel floor requirements contact: Kevinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free: 1-888-304-2837. BEHLEN GRAIN BINS for sale. Three 11,300 bu. on 21â&#x20AC;&#x2122; concrete floors; Six 5700 bu. on 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; concrete floors, all w/aeration and 3 ph power, 60¢/bu. 306-469-2178 or 306-469-7731, Big River, SK. GRAIN BAG EXTRACTORS- 9108 grain extractors for sale starting at $14,900. Reengineered auger drill, field ready! Visit your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. LIMITED QUANTITY of flat floor Goebel grain bins, at special prices. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919, Saskatoon, SK.
w w w .go o do m
w w w .Ca llBertF orSu ku p.c om FREE
1-866-974-7678 QUOTE
88x40x10 GOOD USED insulated wood building, metal roof and siding. Phone evenings, 306-882-3112 ext. 202 ask for Joe, Rosetown, SK.
Hague, SK P: 306-225-2288 F: 306-225-4438
Quality Workmanship Material & Service Leading Suppliers & Contractors of: Shops & Pole Sheds Post & Stick Frame Building Riding Arenas D airy, H og, & C hicken Barns
R ea lly
Em a il: s a les @ m kw eld
$// +233(5 %,1 &20%2 6 ,1&/8'( 7+(6( 67$1'$5' )($785(6 8167,))(1(' 6,'(:$// 3$1(/6 :$// 522) /$''(56 5(027( /,' 23(1(56 6$)(7< ),// 6$)(7< 5,1* 5$&. 3,1,21 *$7(6 0$1 +2/( $&&(66 ,1 &21(
-6% &21(6 $5( 6$1'%/$67(' 3529,',1* $ 683(5,25 3$,17 ),1,6+
&86720 &21(6 $9$,/$%/( )25 635,1*
5($'< 72 6+,3 &5(:6 $9$,/$%/(
Only$ 11,065.00 21-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 6800 bu.) with double 8x4 skid, 14 legs
Only$ 15,080.00
Ho pperBo tto m Bin s
Phone and ask aboutâ&#x20AC;&#x153;SpecialPricingâ&#x20AC;? for H opper cones w ith Sakundiak bin packages. Prices subjectto change â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Q uantities are Lim ited.
Yorkton S K BEHLEN HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(2)-10,000Bu Com bo- $50,000.00 or$2 .50PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-9000Bu Com bo-$46,000.00 or$2 .55PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-7200Bu Com bo-$37,000.00 or$2 .56PerBu Pa ck a g e of(2)-6200Bu Com bo-$32 ,000.00 or$2 .58PerBu
S AKUNDIAK HOP P ER COM BO S P ECIALS Pa ck a g e of(3)-3400Bu Com bo- $2 7,000.00 or$2 .64PerBu Pa ck a g e of(3)-5000Bu Com bo-$37,600.00 or$2 .51PerBu
26/(5 6$6. 3+ )$;
/($6( <285 %,16 83 72 <($5 7(506 $9$,/$%/(
$2,825.00 19â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HOPPER CONE up to 4000 bu. bin with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs
Introducing Zakâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pre-Engineered Laminated Post!
%22. 12: 72 6(&85( 35,&,1* '(/,9(5<
18-5 SAKUNDIAK HOPPER BIN (approx. 5000 bu.) with double 6x4 skid, 12 legs
O ther Skid Sizes Available.
C a ll BERT S a les Inc . (306) 664- 2378
See us for competitive prices and efficient service!
FOUR 4200 bushel bins for sale; one 600 bushel bin. Call for pricing. 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. POLY HOPPER BINS, 100 bu., $900; 150 bu. $1250. Call for nearest dealer. Buffer Valley Ind., 306-258-4422, Vonda, SK. 4-3000 BU. home built oil tank bins w/Westeel doors and lids, asking 20¢/bu. 306-821-2566, Lloydminster, SK.
M & K WELDING Melfort, Sask. w w w.m kw eld
Check Us O u tFo r
Delivered a n d Erected â&#x20AC;&#x201C; O n e Price
Building Supplies & Contracting
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
GOOD USED BINS: (2) 1700 bu. Westeel bins, w/1 Caldwell aeration fan; (1) 2000 bu. Butler bin; (1) 3300 bu. Butler bin. All with wood floors that will need replacing. Prices negotiable. Call 306-497-2710, Blaine Lake, SK. 2- NEW WESTEEL 3010â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s; 1- 2408 and 2108. All bins new and complete, stored inside. Can deliver. 204-793-0098, Stony Mountain, MB.
14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; HOPPER CONE up to 2000 bu. bin with 8x4 skid, 7 legs
Fo r A llY o ur Fa rm , C o m m ercia l& Industria lN eeds S to ny Pla in O ffice 780-975-3748 O lds O ffice 403-586-0311 M B S a les 204-534-2468 S a sk. S a les 306-737-8788 V erm ilio n O ffice 780-581-5822
SPRING BOOKING: 5000 bu. Superior bin combos, $11,200. 8,000 bushel Superior combos, $17,500. Limited quantity avail. We make hopper bottoms and steel floors for all makes of bins. 306-367-2408 or 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK. STEEL HOPPER BINS: 1650 bu., $3500; 2- 3500 bu., $7000 ea; 3- 2250 bu., $5500 ea. 306-372-4520, Luseland, SK. BROCK (BUTLER) GRAIN BIN PARTS and accessories available at Rosler Construction. 306-933-0033, Saskatoon, SK.
YOUNGâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EQUIPMENT INC. Spring bag and bagger promo on now! 1-800-803-8346. 8 WESTEEL ROSCO bins, some with steel floors, others wood, 3- 3300 bu.; 2- 2700 bu.; 1- 2000 bu.; 1- 1650 bu.; 1- 1300 bu., 1- 2000 bu. Twister. $1/bushel. Call 306-842-5810, Weyburn, SK.
Allco m b o s c/w Au to Lid O pen ers, La d d ers, S kid s a n d La b o u r. Freight,A irS ys tem s and Leas ing A v ailable.
SCOTTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CELL FOR M ORE INFORM ATION: TAISHAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CELL (3 06 )6 21-53 04 OFFICE: (3 06 )78 2-3 3 00 (3 06 )6 21-3 025 EM AIL: ATLASBINS@ HOTM AIL.COM W EBSITE: W W W .ATLASBUILDINGS.NET
Yorkton S K
S A KUND IA K F L A T B OTTOM B INS c/ w Roofa n d W a ll La d d ers , A u to Lid O p en ers , S a ftifils , Roof M a n hole, Recta n g u la r Door, In terior S w in g In Doora n d G ra in S hield . 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D ia . -
5 Rin g s - 3027Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,448.00 6 Rin g s - 3594Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,495.00 7 Rin g s - 4159Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,86 8.00
18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D ia . -
5 Rin g s - 4412Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 ,46 1.00 6 Rin g s - 5226Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,880.00 7 Rin g s - 6040Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,46 8.00
21â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D ia . -
5 Rin g s - 6076Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,6 76 .00 6 Rin g s - 7186Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,491.00 7 Rin g s - 8294Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,6 6 8.00
24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;D ia . -
5 Rin g s - 8029Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,048.00 6 Rin g s - 9478Bu . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,108.00 7 Rin g s - 10,923Bu . . . . . . . . . $13,408.00
BIG BIN S priced fro m .65/Bu shel(Bin o n ly)
CALL 1- 866- 665- 6677 a n d sa ve $1000â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s O f d o lla rs b y D EALIN G D IR EC T EV ER Y THIN G PR O V IDED W ITH O N E S IM PLE CALL
Manufacturing---Sales--Financing--Delivery---Set- up
Call Your Local Dealer
or Grain Bags Canada at 306-682-5888
Also Ava ila b le: S teelFlo o rs, U- Po u rCo n crete Fo rm s, Circle Kin g Au gerS ystem s, Aera tio n , La b o u ra n d Lea sin g!
FO R M O R E IN FO R M ATIO N O FFICE: (306)782 - 3300 CELL: (306)62 1- 5304 (306)62 1- 302 5 EM AIL: a tla sb in s@ ho tm a m W EBS ITE: w w w .a tla sb u ild in gs.n et
USED GRAIN BINS FOR SALE R M 99 C a le d o n ia (S o uth o f C o rrin e ) Ho pper w /Air 6x4000b u Behlin Ho p p er w ith Air 6x 2000b u W es teel Ho p p er b in s w ith Air 2x1500b u Bu tler Ho p p er w ith Air 2x2000b u T w is ter Ho p p er w ith Air 2x2000b u ChiefW es tla n d Ho p p er w ith Air Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x3000b u T w is ter Ho p p er Fla t Bo tto m w /Air 1x 4000b u Gra in Va u ltw ith Air 3x6000b u W es teel 3x3000b u ChiefW es tla n d 2x7000b u W es teel w ith Air 1x 3500b u Behlin w ith Air 3x7500b u T w is ter w ith Air Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air
20’ TO 53’ CONTAINERS. New, used and modified. Available Winnipeg, MB; Regina and Saskatoon, SK. 306-933-0436.
New & Used Available
Call Mike
KEHO/ OPI STORMAX/ Grain Guard. For sales and service east central SK. and MB., c a l l G e r a l d S h y m ko , C a l d e r, S K . , 306-742-4445, or toll free 1-888-674-5346
WANTED: SMALLER OLDER style bin KEHO/ GRAIN GUARD Aeration Sales and Service. R.J. Electric, Avonlea, SK. Call crane. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB. 306-868-2199 or cell: 306-868-7738. USED 4500-7500 BUSHEL steel grain bins, c / w f a n s , s t e e l s k i d s a n d h o p p e r s . KEHO, STILL THE FINEST. Clews Storage Management/ K. Ltd., 1-800-665-5346. 306-230-2723. Colonsay, SK. BAUMLE BIN CRANE comes with extra jig, $8500 OBO. 780-352-3012, Camrose, AB.
R M 15 6 In d ia n H e a d (Ea s to f In d ia n H e a d ) Ho pper w /o u t Air 9x3300b u S m o o th W a ll Ba d er Ho p p er b in s R M R us s e ll M B. (W e s to f R us s e l, M B) Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x3600b u ho p p er b in Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 4x 4000b u Behlin 2x1350b u W es teel 3x2000b u Behlin 1x2000b u Behlin R M 186 Ab e rn a th y (S o uth o f Ba lca rre s ) Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 2x4000b u Bu tler 1x2000b u 4x1350b u R M 338 La ke s id e (Quill La ke , S K) Ho pper w /o u t Air 2x3000b u Ho p p er b in 2x1350b u Ho p p er b in 1x1500b u Ho p p er b in Fla t Bo tto m w /Air 2x8000b u S q u a re PitAera tio n 6x5300b u S q u a re PitAera tio n R M 121 M o o s o m in (Lo ca te d N o rth o f M o o s o m in ) Ho pper w /Air 1x2500b u Ho p p er b in T w in Air Ho pper w /o u t Air 1x1500b u S m o o th W a ll Ho p p er 1x1000b u S m o o th W a ll Ho p p er Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 15x3000b u F la t 1x1500b u F la t 2x2000b u F la t R M 15 1 R o ca n ville (lo ca te d W e s to f R o ca n ville ) Fla t Bo tto m w /o u t Air 7x4000b u S a ku n d ia k 3x2500b u 2x2000b u 1x1500b u **Acceptin g Rea s o n a b le Offers ** **Bin s s ize s a re e s tim a te d ** **S o m e Ae ra tio n fa n s a va ila b le b u t w ill b e s o ld s e pa ra te ly** Fo r in fo rm a tio n a n d pic tu re s p h on e Tim @ 3 06 -53 0-759 3 or e m a il: tim @ h cive n ture s .ca
BATCO CONVEYORS, new/used, grain USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, augers, grain vacs, SP kits. Delivery and conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning leasing available. 1-866-746-2666. equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101. 2011 BATCO 1845 conveyor, with elec. motor mounting kit and wind guards. Reg. $19,225, Demo Special $15,250. Phone 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK. BUILD YOUR OWN conveyors, 6”, 7”, 8” CUSTOM BIN MOVING SASK. ONLY. and 10” end units available; Transfer conUp to 21’ diameter. veyors and bag conveyors or will custom 306-220-7915, Marty, Blaine Lake, SK. build. Call for prices. Master Industries Inc. Phone 10 USED 2250 BU. WESTEEL ROSCO 1-866-567-3101, Loreburn, SK. bins on new SDL hopper cones, 2x4x4 skid 220 ladder, openers, $6000 each; Aeration a d d $ 5 9 5 . Tr u c k i n g av a i l a b l e . P h 306-324-4441, SDL, Margo, SK. 1993 LORAL FLOATER, Air Max V, new RaTOP QUALITY BEHLEN/SAKUNDIAK ven controller, Trimble Ezee-Steer GPS. BINS. Book now for best prices. Example 306-428-2300, Choiceland, SK. all prices include skid, ladders to ground, 1995 LORAL FLOATER, Air Max V, good manhole, set-up and delivery within set ra- condition. 306-428-2300, Choiceland, SK. dius. Behlen Hopper combos: 3500 bu. $10,450; SPECIAL 5000 bu. $13,990. We 30’ HIGHBOY TRAILER, $3600. 3- 1250 manufacture superior quality hoppers and gal. plastic tanks available. 306-423-5983, steel floors for all makes and sizes. Know 306-960-3000, St. Louis, SK. what you are investing in. Call and find out why our product quality and price well exceeds the competition. We also stock replacement lids for all makes and models of bins. Leasing available. Hoffart Services Inc., 306-957-2033, Odessa, SK.
1 800 667 8800 DICKEY JOHN autorate NH3 kit, complete, radar, monitor, manifolds. Buchanan, SK. 306-592-4449 or 306-592-2029. FERTILIZER STORAGE TANKS- 8300 Imp. gallon tanks avail. Contact your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit
SALE: WHEATHEART AUGERS: BH 8x41 w/mover, clutch, 27 HP motor, reg. $12,780, cash $11,100; BH 8x51 with mover, clutch and 30 HP, reg. $13,500, cash $11,750; BH 10x41 with mover, clutch and 35 HP Vanguard, reg. $14,300, cash $12,500. 306-648-3622, Gravelbourg, SK.
For your Safety and Convenience
1989 TERRAGATOR 1603T, 5300 hrs. Cat 3208 eng. new approx. 2000 hrs. ago, Eaton tranny, 1600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 2 lines, 1 at 30” centers and 1 at 60”, new rear tires last spring, Outback GPS, $16,000. 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK.
40’ STORAGE UNITS, solid, all steel, rodent and weatherproof storage container with lockable double doors and natural air BIN FOR SALE: 2100 bushels. Call for pric- vents, offers instant storage and ground ing. Phone. 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. level access, highly secure. Ideal for storage of farm equip., commercial and indusCUSTOM GRAIN BIN MOVING, all types trial goods. Will deliver. 1-866-676-6686. up to 22’ diameter. 10% spring discount. Accurate estimates. Sheldon’s Hauling, 306-961-9699, Prince Albert, SK. SHIPPING CONTAINERS FOR SALE. 20’53’, delivery/ rental/ storage available. For NUTRISTORE LIQUID FERTILIZER storage. WESTEEL, GOEBEL, grain and fertilizer inventory and prices call: 306-262-2899, Glass lined tanks up to 14,000 tonnes. bins. Grain Bin Direct, 306-373-4919. Contact Daryl 306-933-3366, Saskatoon, Saskatoon, SK, SK, or
• Fla tBo tto m & Ho ppe rG ra in Bin Te c hn o lo gy • M o s tOptio n s Are S ta n d a rd Equ ipm e n tOn Ou rBin s !
AFFORDABL E AL L S TEEL L IQUID FERTIL IZER TAN K S . Ava ila b le in Cu s to m s izes u p to 122,000 ga llo n ca pa city.
Pio n eerCo -o p S w iftCu rren t|Tu rtlefo rd |Ha ffo rd S hellb ro o k |Prin ce Alb ert|L a n d is Ro s eto w n |Tu ga s k e |S o u thla n d Co -o p As s in ib o ia M ed icin e Ha t
• Re pla c e yo u ro ld flo o rs a n d a d d u p to 1500 b u s he ls c a pa c ity to yo u r e xis tin g b in s . • No m o re fightin g w ith yo u ro ld d o o rs . Ou rpa te n te d JTL d o o ris gu a ra n te e d to m a ke yo u s m ile e ve rytim e yo u u s e it!
L EA S IN G A V A IL A B L E S a s k a tchew a n /Alb erta 1-306 -8 23-48 8 8 S o u th/Ea s tS a s k a tchew a n , M a n ito b a & U.S .A., 1-306 -224-208 8
s a les @ jtlin d u s tries .ca
NEW 3250 CLS liquid cart with 535 starter tank, 30.5x32 rubber, equipped w/John Blue 3” fill, clutches, asking $36,900; New CLS 1600 gal. liquid cart, fully equipped, $19,500. Ph 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.
Never Spill Spout Inc. !NEW MODEL! “NO SNAG SPOUT”! Available now! Includes Flex Spouts Installation in 15 Min.
3 days delivery to your farm
*Alarm sounds when bin is full *No batteries needed *Light - convenient to move auger to different bin at night. *Available for 10, 13 and 16 inch augers
(Value Priced from $515 to $560+ shipping) - Over 2500 Spouts sold in Canada, USA
If you don’t like it and New Zealand send it back after - Proven Design Since 2003! harvest for a refund - Enclosed Sensor
Electric clutches & reversible gear boxes. New 10” Sakundiak augers 40’ to 60’ Kohler Engines Gas 18 - 40 HP, Diesel 40 - 50 HP Call us at 1-866-373-8448 in Saskatoon, Sask.
8 ,000
w /s w in g a w a y tra y
M c Le a n , S K .
3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t USED WHEATHEART AUGERS, various sizes. Great deals like a 10x41 with 34 HP diesel motor and mover kit, excellent cond., $13,500. Ph Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626. SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS available with self-propelled mover kits and bin sweeps. Contact Kevin’s Custom Ag in Nipawin toll free 1-888-304-2837.
HART UNIFLOW 32 PK-4 indent w/aspirator; Silverline AS-10T air and screen dust collection system; hyd. drive, variable spd. augers and conveyor legs; Katolight 40kW genset, 3 phase electric motors, 110V plug-ins, fully self-contained, 300-500 bu/hr., screens for wheat, barley, oats, peas, canary. 306-287-8487, Watson, SK. CARTER DISC CLEANER, link aero cleaner, and rotary cleaner. Call 306-283-4747 or 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. DUAL SCREEN ROTARY grain cleaners, great for pulse crops, best selection in We s t e r n C a n a d a . 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK. DUAL STAGE ROTARY SCREENERS and Kwik Kleen 5-7 tube. Portage la Prairie, or call 204-857-8403. GRAIN CLEANING SCREENS and frames for all makes and models of grain cleaners. Housing Western Canada’s largest inventory of perforated material, we’ll set your cleaner up to your recommendation. Ask us about bucket elevators and accessories too! Call Flaman Grain Cleaning t o l l f r e e 1 - 8 8 8 - 4 3 5 - 2 6 2 6 . We b s i t e
FARM FAN AB8 grain dryer, 2300 hrs, good condition. Phone 204-242-2050, Manitou, MB. FARM FAN CFAB 270 natural gas grain dryer, new outer canola screens last summer, good shape. 204-745-3117, Carman, MB. SUPERB GRAIN DRYERS. Largest and quietest single phase dryer in the industry. Over 34 years experience in grain drying. Moridge parts also avail. Grant Services Ltd, 306-272-4195, Foam Lake, SK. NEW GSI AND used grain dryers. For price savings, contact Franklin Voth, Sales Rep fo r A x i s F a r m s L t d . , M a n i t o u , M B . 204-242-3300, NEW GSI GRAIN dryers. Propane/Natural Gas, canola screens, 1 or 3 phase, simple and accurate. Also some used grain dryers and DMC blower systems available. Call Vince Zettler, 204-998-9915, Altamont, MB.
USED BATCO conveyors- check out this 90’ 1590 conveyor, swing away, only one year old! $24,385. Call Flaman Sales in SaskaSAKUNDIAK AUGERS in stock. Variety of toon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626. 2011 models still available in 8” and 10” sizes and lengths. Used 12”x72’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $14,900; 1- 2008 12”x78’ Sakundiak SLM/D, $15,900; 1-10”x72’ Sakundiak HIGH CAPACITY AUGERS SLM/D, $6500; 1-2008 TL 10-1200, $3500; Convey-All conveyors available. All 8 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM units have leasing options. Call Dale, MainGSI GRAIN DRYERS. Ph. Glenmor, Prince 6395 EXTEND way Farm Equipment Ltd. 306-567-3285, Albert, SK., 306-764-2325. For all your SWING AUGER 3 0 6 - 5 6 7 - 7 2 9 9 c e l l , D av i d s o n , S K , grain drying needs! We SEE VIDEO ON WEBSITE are the GT grain dryer parts distributor. USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101.
1 800 667 8800 SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS: Hawes SP kits and clutches, Kohler, B&S engines, gas and diesel. Call Brian “The Auger Guy” 204-724-6197, Souris, MB.
“Saskatchewan Owned Manufacturer of Grain Bins” 5 YR STANDARD WARRANTY
GRAINBIN DIRECT 306-373-4919
2009 BRANDT 13X110 HP AUGER, exc. condition, 110ft auger, swing away hopper. $25,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:
CUSTOM COLOR SORTING chickpeas to mustard. Cert organic and conventional. 306-741-3177, Swift Current, SK. CUSTOM COLOR SORTING. All types of commodities. Call Ackerman Ag Services 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK.
1-866-860-6086 John and Angelika Gehrer Niverville, MB
NEW 2010 BALZER grain carts, 3 sizes to choose from 2000 bu., 1550 bu. and 1325 bu., 24” unloading auger, double rotating spout, tarp, scale, includes 1 yr warranty! Call for special pricing. 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. BRENT 1084 AVALANCHE cart, scale, new tarp, near new tires, lo bush, walking tand e m , s h e d d e d . P o s s i b l e d e l i v e r y. 701-897-0099, Garrison, ND.
SAKUNDIAK GRAIN AUGERS. Innovative Hawes Agro auger movers, elec. clutches, bin sweeps, reversible gearboxes and all makes of engines. Call Bob at Hawes Industries, toll free 1-888-755-5575, your #1 auger dealer in Canada, for great cash prices. Regina, Saskatoon, Semans. N E W 4 0 0 B U. G R AV I T Y WAG O N S , 600 bu., $12,000. Large selection AUGERS: NEW and USED. Wheatheart, $6,700; gravity wagons 250-750 bu. Used Westfield, Sakundiak augers, Auger SP used carts 450-1050 bu. 1-866-938-8537, kits; Batco conveyors; Wheatheart post grain pounders. New and used. Good prices, leasing available. Call 1-866-746-2666. CLEARANCE on all in stock 2011 J&M Grain carts. Tarp and scale options 45’ BELT CONVEYOR (Batco field loader available. See your nearest Flaman store 1545) c/w motor and mover kit. 6000 or call 1-888-435-2626. bu./hour, ideal for unloading hopper bins. Gentle handling of pulse crops. Call your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626. R32 INDENT UNIFLOW w/aspirator, 7”x20’, 5”x23’ leg w/motor, $8000 OBO. 306-726-8122 (cell), Southey, SK. REPLACEMENT
2010 VALMAR 7600 PT floater, multi-bin applicator w/separate canola and fertilizer FLIGHTING FOR metering, oversized tires, roll tarp, PTO augers, seed cleaning plants, driveshaft, $58,000 OBO. Call Jeff at grain cleaners, combine 306-322-7604, Rose Valley, SK. bubble-up augers. 40’ COULTER, new Raven monitor, 1500 Rosetown Flighting Supply gal. green drop band wagon. $14,000. 403-772-2191, Morrin, AB. 1-866-882-2243, Rosetown, SK FLX 3010 FLOATER, 3725 hrs, 66x43x25 tires, very good cond., asking $155,500. NEW DESIGN! Wheatheart’s new R series 780-522-7983 cell, Ruthilda, SK. auger is faster and stronger. Improved features include: higher capacity, larger bearings and a smooth, quiet operation. Come see this new auger at your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.
2008 CASE 4020, 330 HP, auto, 70’ flex air, 2000 hrs., reduced to $178,000; 2006 Loral 6300 w/DT 570 auto, AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hrs., $126,000; 2002 Loral 400 HP, auto, AirMax 1000, 3600 hrs., $96,000; 4x4 1999 Loral, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000; 1999 AgChem, 70’ booms, $68,000; 1997 AgChem, 70’ booms, $38,000; 1996 Loral AirMax 5 bed w/chemical bins, 8700 hrs., $36,500; 1996 Mertz 2 bin w/chemical bins, $37,000; 2001 Case 3 wheeler, 70’ booms, $67,000; 1999 Loral w/Super 10 spd., 3020 new leader spinner bed, $43,000; 25 ton Raymond verticle tender 1999 LORAL, 4x4, ‘One of a kind’, DT530 bed, no trailer, $26,500; 18 ton Simonson auto, AirMax 5 bed, $71,000. Choteau, tender w/vertical auger, $14,500; 16 ton M o n t a n a . 4 0 6 - 4 6 6 - 5 3 5 6 . We b s i t e : Tyler tender w/back auger, $9500; 8 ton Doyle vertical blender, 40 HP, new auger, $18,500; 5 ton Tyler blender, 40 HP, $7500; 1978 1500 gallon NH3 twin pack w/CRN number, $15,500. Northwest largest used selection of fertilizer equipment. Choteau, MT, HORNOI LEASING NEW and used 20’ and 406-466-5356. 4 0 ’ s e a c a n s fo r s a l e o r r e n t . C a l l USED FERTILIZER SPREADERS, 4 to 6 ton, 306-757-2828, Regina, SK. 10 ton tender $2500. 1-866-938-8537 20’ AND 40’ SEA CONTAINERS, for sale in Calgary, AB. Phone 403-226-1722, 1-866-517-8335. TWO 1250 gal. NH3 tanks, cert. Feb. 2012, new paint, will deliver within 300 kms of (2) BIN SWEEPS, One is a Super 8, almost Tisdale, $12,250. Can be viewed at Tis- new. 306-922-8149, Prince Albert, SK. dale. Call Jason 306-768-3456 or Warren Full Bin Alarm 306-768-3476, Carrot River, SK.
TITAN 4375 FLEX air floater, Cat powBEAVER CONTAINER SYSTEMS, new er, automatic transmission, $37,500. a n d u s e d s e a c o n t a i n e r s , a l l s i z e s . 306-563-6651, Canora, SK. 306-220-1278, Saskatoon and Regina, SK.
S A K U N D I A K A U G E R S I N S TO C K : swings, truck loading, Hawes Agro SP movers. Contact Hoffart Services Inc. Odessa, SK, 306-957-2033.
PRAIRIE STEEL FARMWEST AG 306-933-1141 306-789-0606
J&M GRAIN CARTS- Order now for summer delivery! Choose your options and get your choice of colour. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit 2009 BRENT 882 grain cart, PTO, tarp, $38,000; 1997 Bourgault 1100 bushel grain cart, w/new tarp, PTO, $27,000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. DEMO UNITS: Two 1150 J&M grain carts. Specially priced at $44,000 ea. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121.
LARGEST SUPPLIER of bucket elevator buckets and accessories in Western Canada. Call Sever’s Mechanical Services at 1-800-665-0847, Winnipeg, MB. For all your bucket elevator upgrades and replacement buckets. NEW AG DUTY bucket elevators, 10-20’ discharge height, 100-600 bu/hr. c/w motor, gearbox, buckets and hardware. Starting at $2195. 1000-10,000 bu/hr. capacities also avail. Call Sever’s Mechanical Services Inc., Winnipeg, MB. at 1-800-665-0847, email: for pricing. USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in SK and AB. 780-247-0101.
2010 DEGELMAN 1150 shuttle cart, PTO CONEYAIR GRAIN VACS, parts, accessodrive, adjustable unload auger, as new ries. Call Bill 780-986-5548, Leduc, AB. condition. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB.
USED REM Grain Vac, model 2700, two to choose from, $16,900 each. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon, 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626.
2008 JD 568 MegaPlus baler, w/net wrap and flotation tires; 2009 22 wheel NH Vrake w/kicker wheels. 306-297-3329, 306-741-7183, Swift Current, SK.
2010 JD A400 swather, 30’ Honeybee header, 60 hrs., new condition; 2009 JD 4895, 30’ header, 650 hrs., always shedded. Call 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB.
2001 NEW HOLLAND baler 688, not used last 3 years, very nice, always shedded, bought new. Used on 100 head farm, $14,000. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB.
REM 2500HD GRAIN VAC, great machine, BALE SPEARS, high quality imported controls dust and bugs, $13,000. Call from Italy, 27” and 49”, free shipping, excellent pricing. Call now toll free 306-962-7016, Eston, SK. 1-866-443-7444, Stonewall, MB. JD 348 SQUARE BALER, only 2000 bales; Frontier rotary rake, only done 60 acres. 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB. NEW PREMIUM BALER Net Wrap: 64” or 2006 AGCO HESSTON 956A baler w/moni- 67” in 8000’ lengths. Call Ryan for details tor, approx. 1000 bales made, like new, al- at 403-608-8259, Strathmore, AB. ways shedded. Sold cattle. 306-661-7251, SUPER 1049 BALE WAGON, low hrs., new Golden Prairie, SK. rubber; 4590 Hesston square baler, mint; 2004 JD 564, net wrap, wide PU, 8800 Matador 7900 swath inverter, less than 20 bales, shedded, very good condition, hrs. 306-528-4422, Nokomis, SK. $23,000 OBO. 306-625-7464, Ponteix, SK.
2001 PRAIRIE STAR 4940 swather, nonturbo w/MacDon 30’ 972 header, split PU reel, triple delivery, 1850 eng. hrs, asking $54,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK.
SUPER 1049 NH bale wagon, 160 bales, field ready, new back tires, $12,000 OBO; Grain Chief 300 bu. batch grain dryer, $2500. Call 204-773-2805, Russell, MB. 2007 GLEANER A85, new in 2008, 657 2006 JD 7400 forage harvester with hay eng. hrs., 493 sep. hrs, Mav straw chopper, header, 2200 hrs. Phone 204-522-6333, autolube, 20.8x42 radial duals, Field Star II mapping and yield monitor, all factory Melita, MB. updates, c/w Gleaner 4200-16 PU header, 2002 INLAND V-RAKE, will rake 2-14” Swathmaster PU. 24 months interest free. swaths together, like new, low usage, Call Dennis at 204-759-2527, Shoal Lake, $7500. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB. MB. Trades welcome.
NEW HOLLAND 853 round baler, new chains and pickup (rebuilt last year), FOR SALE 2009 Case/IH discbine, DC 162, $3500. 204-722-2023, McAuley, MB. 16’, new cond. field ready, less than 750 acres cut. 306-747-8221, Shellbrook, SK. 1998 CASE/IH 8465 round baler, autotie, always shedded, excellent shape, $8000. 204-322-5350, Marquette, MB. NH 1034 bale wagon, 104 bales w/single WDX 1202 SP haybine with 14’ sickle unload, shedded, exc. cond., $8000 OBO. head, 365 hrs, always shedded, $60,000. 780-374-2404 780-678-6800 Daysland, AB 204-252-2128, Rossendale, MB. 2001 NEW HOLLAND 688 Auto-Wrap 5x6 956 14.4’ DISCBINE, 2002, hydraswing. hardcore baler, 1000 PTO, hyd. PU, bale 306-232-4705, Hague, SK. kicker, stored inside, good condition, NH 495 HAYBINE, 12’, good cond., field $14,000 OBO. 306-759-2741, Eyebrow, SK. ready, c/w end transport, $3250 OBO. 2007 MASSEY HESSTON round baler 204-856-9385, Portage la Prairie, MB. 2656A, Auto-Wrap, Auto-Moisture, made only 2240 bales, twine wrap, asking 2008 JD 956 Moco rotary mower conditioner, 14’6” cutting width, steel rolls, $21,000. 306-666-3035, Maple Creek, SK. 1000 PTO, hyd. tilt, 31x13.5 high floataHESSTON 514 ROUND baler, excellent tion tires, only 500 acres, mint condition, condition, 540/1000 PTO. 306-548-4700, $29,500 OBO. Phone 403-779-2408 or Sturgis, SK. 306-724-4451, Youngstown, AB. HAUKAAS QP10 BALE hauler- quick and SELLING 2000 MACDON 5010 mower congentle, move 1000 bales a day. Field ready ditioner, 14’, 2100 acres only, original at $21,900. Call Flaman Sales in Saskatoon owner, steel rollers, in very good cond. 306-492-4642, Clavet, SK. today 1-888-435-2626. 2009 NH BR7090 BALER, wide PU, like NH 1441 DISC mower conditioner, 15’, new, $22,000; Also 855 NH baler, taking $15,900 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. offers. 306-459-2731, Pangman, SK. 1993 CASE/IH 8465 round baler, 1000 2003 1475 NH haybine, 16’, 1 owner, 8000 P T O , a l w a y s s h e d d e d , $ 8 0 0 0 . acres, 1000 PTO, shedded, exc. cond., $19,990 OBO. Phone 306-467-2108, 306-842-5093, 306-861-4847 Weyburn SK 306-467-4820, Duck Lake, SK, 1033 NEW HOLLAND bale wagons, field 2001 MACDON 5010, 16’, steel rollers, ready. 306-882-3141, Rosetown, SK. 1000 PTO, new bearings on rollers, $9500. VERMEER 605F ROUND baler, c/w wide 306-752-6336 or 306-921-7175 or email outside belts, $500. 780-914-4553 or Melfort, SK. 780-878-0005, Hay Lakes, AB. NH 2331 DISCBINE HEADER, fits NH BALE SPEAR ATTACHMENTS for all TV-140/TV-145/T-6070 bi-directional loaders and skidsteers, excellent pricing. tractors, 400 acres on unit, asking $25,000 Call now 1-866-443-7444. Pics. avail. on request. Athabasca, AB. 780-212-1430, 2000 4865 NEW IDEA round baler, 5x6 bale, hyd. reverse pickup, 2 arm elec. tie, HESSTON 1160, 14’ haybine, 1000 PTO, shedded, field ready. Swift Current, SK. field ready, mint condition, $9500 OBO. 306-961-8060, Shellbrook, SK. Darwin 306-773-8181 or 306-750-7650. 2004 JD 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, m e ga w i d e P U, n e t w r ap , $ 2 1 , 5 0 0 . 306-264-3794, Meyronne, SK. JD 24T SMALL square baler, very good, $1250. 306-648-2901, Gravelbourg, SK.
24’ IH 4000 SP swather with UII PU header. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 IH 4000 SP swather with 20’ MacDon PU header. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012 Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos visit Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 1992 PT SWATHER 8230 30’, 1000 PTO, approx. 9000 acres, used very little since 1996, shedded, $15,500; 1986 SP swather 4000, gas, 24.5’ PU reel, batt reel, shedded, $9500. 403-684-3686, Blackie, AB. Can email pics: 2002 MACDON 8152 with 30/972 header, single knife drive, with fore/aft, hyd. tilt cylinder, 1608 eng. hrs, 1410 header hrs. 306-436-7720, Milestone, SK. WANTED: MACDON 150 swather with a D60 header. Call Dale at 306-277-4609, Ridgedale, SK.
2009 CIH WD 1203 SWATHER with 30’ header. Excellent condition. $79,900. 1-800-667-4515, 2010 CIH 1903, 36’, roller, $128,000; 2010 CIH 1203 36’, $115,000; H Pro (MD) 8140, 30’, $69,900; MD150, 35’, $114,000; WW (MD) 9200, 30’, $43,500; 3 CIH 730, 30’, PTO, $3500; CIH 736, 36’, PT; CIH 8240 35’, $7000; 2010 CIH WD1203, 36’, $111,500; 2008 JD 4895, 30’, $89,000. Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 1998 MASSEY 220 swather w/26’ header. 1122 hrs., well maintained and shedded indoors. Call 204-353-2670, St. Francois Xavier, MB. 1984 MF 885 w/21’ grain header and PU reel. Canvases, reel, knife and tires very good condition, 14’ MacDon hay header, 2780 hrs., 4 cyl. JD diesel eng. (w/approx. 400 hrs. since total rebuild), $10,500. 306-893-4726, Maidstone, SK.
2007 CR9070, 20.8x42 duals, loaded, 360 threshing hrs; 2000 SP36 HoneyBee draper header, gauge wheels, hyd. fore and aft, split reel, steel teeth. Ph Arch Equipment, 306-867-7252, Outlook, SK.
2009 JD 9870 STS, 4 WD, 613 hours, Contour-Master, Premier cab, self-levelling shoe, 20.8x42’s, 5 spd reverser, power cast tailboard, JD powerguard warranty until Feb. 2013, as is $210,000 US; Greenlighted, $225,000 US. 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, Minnesota. 1997 CTS JD combine, 2391 threshing hrs., deluxe cab, big top c/w extension (300 bu.), Sunnybrook cyl. and beater, fine cut chopper, extra long auger, 30.5x32 and 23x28 tires, 914 PU header, $60,000; 2002 MacDon 30’ draper header, PU reel, hyd. fore and aft, shedded, well maintained. No rocks! $25,000. 780-837-8047, Falher, AB.
1997 JD 9600, 2300 sep. hrs, new bubble auger and return elevator chain, vg cond., comes w/wo 914 PU, low acres, $70,000 OBO. 306-478-7040, Mankota, SK. 2008 JD 9870 STS, duals; 2006 JD 9760 STS; JD 9760, yield and moisture. Phone Hergott Farm Equipment, your Case/IH Dealer, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. 1996 JD 9500, 2492 sep. hrs., 3272 eng. hrs., new Titan tires, $14,000 Greenlight done. Redekop spreader, 230 header and transport. 403-393-0219 or 403-833-2190, Burdett, AB. 2011 JD 9770, Premier cab, 615 PU, small grains concave, Contour-Master, 22.5’ auger, duals, 55 engine hrs., like new. 204-467-2109 (after 8 PM), Stonewall, MB.
MF 9690, 1070 eng. hrs, 760 sep. hrs, exc. shape, $150,000. 30’ draper, Agco 5 1 0 0 , 30’ A g c o 8 0 0 0 flex header. 306-243-4960,306-867-4167 Dinsmore SK
2000 JD 9650W, only 1,457 sep. hrs., MILLER PRO SET 1150 and 2150 rotary auto header height control, dial-a-speed, rake, $11,000. Phone 306-225-4678, cell chaff spreader, chopper, hopper topper, 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. 30.5-32 drive tires, 14.9-24 rear tires, JD 914 PU header, always shedded, excellent 1999 NH 1431 DISCBINE, 13’ cut, excel- c o n d i t i o n , $ 1 1 9 , 0 0 0 . C a l l J o r d a n lent condition, $20,000. 204-585-2178 (af- 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. ter 8 or weekends), Sandy Lake, MB. 2009 JD 9870 STS 4 WD, 566 hours, Premier cab, Contour-Master, 5 spd. feeder house, 650/85R38’s w/duals, Intellig e n t p o we r m a n a g e m e n t , c h o p p e r w/powercast tailboard, as is $214,500 US; Greenlighted $225,000 US. CASE/IH COMBINES and other makes 320-848-2496, 320-894-6560, Fairfax, and models. Call the combine superstore. Minnesota. Trades welcome, delivery can be arranged. 2000 JD 9650W, 2800 sep. hrs., $29,000 Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. in recent work orders, $89,900 OBO. IH 815 GAS, excellent condition when last 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. used, shedded, best offer. 204-937-7427, 1998 JD 9610 Maximizer w/2480 hrs., c/w Roblin, MB. 914 PU, fine cut chopper, always shedded, $70,000. Also available 930 flex header. 2388 1998, AFX rotor, new sieve, bottom 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK. grain pan, all bushings, updated hanger arms, straw chopper, external adjust 1994 JD 9600, 2200 sep. hrs., fine cut sieves, rock trap, Victory PU, AHHC, chopper, chaff spreader, 914 PU header, fore/aft, yield moisture and mapping in- large engine, always shedded, $60,000 sight touch screen incl., shedded, 2096 OBO. 780-608-6555, Camrose, AB. sep. hrs, $72,000. 306-843-7892 Wilkie SK
4700 VERSATILE SWATHER 25’, CAH, single swath, Roto-Shear, 2570 hrs., good cond., $14,000. 204-476-6275, Eden, MB.
HESSTON 4720, 5 medium square bale accumulator, $10,000 or will sell with 2005 Hesston 4760 baler for $55,000. 204-728-4784, Brandon, MB.
NH 1033 AUTOMATIC bale wagon, fifth wheel hitch conversion, $4,000. 306-441-6354, North Battleford, SK.
JD 435 ROUND BALER, JD 346 sq. baler 2006 SCHULTE FLX-15, well maintained. and 14’ Case/IH 1590 haybine. Farm $4,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. Equipment Auction for Peter Cozac, Friday, 1-800-667-445-15. Watch video at: June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit for sale bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or 2003 HESSTON 1275 16’ mower conditioner, low acres, exc. condition, $16,500 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. JD 535 BALER, 1000 PTO, bale kicker, dual CASE/IH 8380, 16’ swing, low acres, altwine arm, stored indoors, vg cond., ways shedded, above average condition. $6500. JD 530 baler, 1000 PTO, stored in- Phone 306-528-4422, Nokomis, SK. doors, vg cond., $4500. 306-762-2122, Vibank, SK. 1994 NH 116 14’ Hydro Swing haybine, rubber rollers, 540 PTO, very good, $7500. 14 BALE INLAND bale picker, excellent 306-648-2901, Gravelbourg, SK. shape, $12,750 OBO. Call 306-747-2514, 2004 HESSTON 8020 hay hdr., 16’, great Shellbrook, SK. cond, can fit CIH 8860 windrower $10,000 6610 HAY MACERATOR, used 4 years, OBO. 306-424-2720, Montmartre, SK. $12,900; Hesston 4595 square BALER, $11,900; 2 Case/IH 8545 square balers, 8200 HESSTON HD 14’ mower conditioner, $6900 each; 2 NH 258 hyd. side delivery wide crimp, gauge wheels, hyd. floatation, RAKES with double rake hitch, $3500. economical slant 6 Chrysler, field ready, $15,900. 306-536-4159, Vibank, SK. 604-531-5869, 604-308-0547, Surrey, BC ROUND BALER BELTING special dis- 2004 MACDON 16’ haybine, only used 3 counts. All 2 ply texture top 100’x4”, reg. seasons, under 1000 acres on this mint $295.95, sale $249.95; 100’x7”, reg. machine, half price of new $21,000. $459.95, sale $384.95. Other sizes and 306-735-2645, Whitewood, SK. ready made belting available. Also, other 1995 NH 116 hydra swing haybine, 16’, baler parts. For details 1-800-481-1353. rubber Chevron rollers, 1000 PTO, VG, $7000. 306-648-8337, Gravelbourg, SK. 2007 NH BR780A round baler, only used one season, done 800 bales. 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK. 2003 CASE WDX1101 swather, 25’ triple 2007 RBX 563, bale command, mega delivery, 2800 hrs, header transport, w i d e P U, e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . $49,000 OBO. Rocky Rapids, AB. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 780-621-6704. 2008 MASSEY FERGUSON 1839 in-line 2011 MACDON D50 35’ swather header, square baler, fewer than 20,000 bales, w/transport, fore/aft, used 2500 acres, $15,900 OBO. 306-781-2509, Regina, SK. exc. cond. 306-398-4714, 306-398-7713, CIH 8465 AUTO round baler, 5x6 hard Cut Knife, SK. core, 540 RPM PTO, hyd. lift pickup, only 742 CCIL, 35’ 5000 Atco table; 742 CCIL made 6500 bales, excellent shape, $8000. w/42’ table, 1300 hrs. $35,000 for both 306-536-8418, Balgonie, SK. OBO. 306-287-3785, Watson, SK. NH 664 ROUND baler, auto tie, $8900 OBO; NH 688 round baler, auto tie, $8900 OBO. Calll Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.
568 JOHN DEERE, 2009, surface wrap, Mega Wide, Mega Tooth, high moisture kit, hyd. PU, Bale Trak Pro, only 6500 bales, like new, $32,500. 306-345-2171, 306-533-0062, Stoney Beach, SK. 1079 NEW HOLLAND SP diesel bale wagon, $35,000; Hesston 4590 square baler, 1989 MF 200 30’ w/PU reel, rotor sheers. $10,000; recon. 200 crimper, $2500. Brian New power wheel this season and late last season. New reel drive and canvass drive Roth, 306-232-7784, Rosthern, SK. motor 2 yrs. ago. New hyd. pump a year NH BALE WAGON Model 1069 SP, 1979, ago. Lift cylinders 3 years ago. Asking air, 460 industrial engine, 4100 hrs., hauls $16,000 but will take offers. Email 160 small square bales, one owner, asking for pictures. Call $25,000. 306-692-1512, Moose Jaw, SK. Mike at 204-568-4456, Decker, MB. 2001 JD 567 round baler, mega wide with JOHN DEERE 800 swather, 18’ w/crimper, kicker, under 10,000 bales, good condition $1500 OBO. Call Larry at 780-847-2588, or Phone 306-862-5207, Nipawin, SK. cell 780-808-9292, Dewberry, AB.
F la t R o ck F a r m s
30 6-5 36-5 1 1 8
MATADOR #7900 SWATH inverter, hyd. d r i ve , $ 4 3 2 5 . C a l l 3 0 6 - 2 5 9 - 4 9 2 3 , 306-946-7923, Young, SK.
NEW 30.5L-32 16 PLY, $2195; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515. IH 1460 SP combine with 2507 engine hours. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012 Lemberg, SK. area. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
2005 JD 635F HEADER new knife, guards and auger. $26,800. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515, Financing available.
1998 36’ HONEYBEE draper header, fore/aft, UII PU reel, NH TR adapter. 306-625-7775, Ponteix, SK. RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, double knife drive, pea auger, full skid plates, excellent, $58,000. 780-777-4153, Fort Sask., AB.
2000 MD 972 25’ HEADER Triple delivery. JD adapter available. $13,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515, HONEYBEE SP36 (Gleaner ADP.), $20,900; 2 MD 974 36’ flex, $49,900 each; CIH 1010, 30’, w/PU reel, $7400; CIH 1020 30’ flex header, $11,900; CIH 2052 36’ draper, $45,500; MacDon 973, 35’, CIH adapter, $39,900; JD 635, 35’, $57,000; CIH 1010, 30’ w/transport, $8500; CIH 1020 30’ flex, HFA, poly skid, $13,500; MD D60 35’ w/JD kit, $56,000; Two MD 974 36’ w/CIH kit, $49,900 each; JD 635 35’ ext. auger, transport, $54,500. Phone Hergott Farm Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. NH 971 COMBINE HEADER, good shape, 24’, w/transport trailer, priced to sell, $3500. Bob 306-883-7817, Spiritwood, SK. JD 635 draper header, dual knife drive, gauge wheels; JD 930 draper header, dual knife drive, gauge wheels. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 30’ JD 930 straight cut header. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
JD 7720 HYDRO w/reverser, 212 PU, new 24.5x32 Firestone tires, all new belts, new feeder chain, fine cut chopper, chaff spreader, $10,000 OBO. 306-228-7335, Unity, SK.
1996 JD 9600, 2416 sep. hrs, 914 PU h e a d e r, l o n g a u g e r, c h a f f s p r e a d e r, $55,000. 306-224-2023, Windthorst, SK. MACDON D50/IH 36’ 2042, with JD 9400 SP combine w/only 713 threshing 2004 pick up reel & new canvas. hrs, that is correct only 713 threshing hrs. fore/aft, $36,900. Trades welcome. Financing Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. 417 thra s hin g hrs , 350 HP, 2004 CASE/IH 8010, duals, tank exten- 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack RECONDITIONED rigid and flex, most makes and sizes; Also header transports. 330 b u ., $210,000 OB O sion, long auger, lat. tilt, PU head, 4 WD, Auction Co. PL 311962. Ed Lorenz, 306-344-4811, Paradise Hill, $125,000. 306-882-3347, Rosetown, SK. (Ap p ra isa l & Lea sing p ossib le) 2007 JD 9660WTS, only 528 sep. hrs., SK, 2011 9120, duals, 250 hrs., $335,000; P ra irie S ta r Turb o 4930, auto header height control, auto reel 2004 973 25’ draper header, PU reel 2009 9120 Magna cut, $279,000; 2006 speed control, hyd. fore/aft, grain loss w/metal fingers, c/w 801 MacDon bi-diM a cDo n S w a ther 36’ 962 hea d er, 8 0 1 0 t o p p e r, $ 1 9 9 , 0 0 0 ; 8 0 1 0 S M monitor, rock trap, 21’6” unloading auger, rectional adapter, under 3000 acres on ro to s hea rs , s in gle kn ife, p ick u p reels , $183,000; 2388, AFX, Y&M, big top, hopper topper. Just been Greenlighted! m a c h i n e , s h e d d e d . M i n t ! $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . cro p lifters , n ew p la n eta ries , $ 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 ; 2 3 8 8 A F X , Y & M , t o p p e r, Excellent shape! $169,900. Call Jordan 204-866-4261, Anola, MB. n ew w o b b le b o x, $5 2,000 OB O $128,000; 2388 hopper ext. $99,000; 2188 403-627-9300 anytime, Pincher Creek, AB. exceller, Mav, Swathmaster, $76,000; TR /TX Ad a pte r fo r S w a th e r H e a d e r $ 2188, exceller, Swathmaster, topper, FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS to T R o rT X co m b in es , 5 ,5 00 OB O $65,000; 1997 2188 AFX, Swath Master, We also specialize in: Crop insurance ap$ 10’ Fa rm Kin g S w a th R o lle r, 1,200 OB O topper, $66,500; 1666 Rake-Up, 2656 eng. peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; hrs., $33,000; 1680, shedded, $17,500; IH Custom operator issues; Equipment malM o is ture Te s te r, 1480, 210 HP, $11,900. Hergott Farm function. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call eleva to r typ e w ith s ca le, $7 00 Back-Track Investigations for assistance Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. M c Le a n , S K . 1680 with all updates/upgrades that 3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) 1991 bring it up to 2388 specs. Cummins, long 2007 9860 STS PREMIUM, 694 hrs., o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t auger, fore and aft, auto header height, bullet rotor, mapping, long auger, 615 PU, 2005 CIH 36’ 2062 Flex, Fits Case IH rice tires, shedded, extras, exc. cond. 7010/8010/7120/8120/9120. Also fits: FOR SALE: NH discbine 1432; Buhler 10 grain loss monitor, shedded, specialty ro- 900 CR960/970/9060/9070. $35,800. Trades wheel rake; Mole Hill leveler. All exc. cond. tor with exceller kit, rocktrap, reverser, $209,000. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. w w w. b u y a n d s e l l f a r m m a c h i n e r y. c o m Redseal c/w IH PU head, hopper topper, 1998 JD CTS II, 2000 sep. hrs., loaded, welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667field ready, 3641 eng. hrs., $39,000 OBO. GreenStar, P914 PU, shedded, field ready. 4515. See video at: 204-564-2540, Shellmouth, MB. 204-325-2166, Winkler, MB. 306-695-2623, Indian Head, SK. 1998 AND 2004 HONEYBEE’S, Case/IH WANTED: 6601 JD PT combine, prefer adapters, all options, shedded, $22,000 shedded; Also any type of combine for and $30,000. 306-723-4203, Cupar, SK. LEXION SERVICE: Have your combine scrap metal. 403-363-9839, Brooks, AB. RETIRING: 2009 JD 635 draper header, 1-8 6 6 -8 42-48 03 serviced before harvest, no high dealer LIKE NEW: 1996 JD 9400 w/914 header, double knife drive, pea auger, full skid Ce ll: (3 06 ) 8 6 1-749 9 prices, machines can be picked up and de- hydro., grain loss monitor, only 1600 hrs. plates, excellent, $58,000. 780-777-4153, w w w .m rm a ch in e s .ca livered. Years of Lexion experience. Call 306-654-7772, Saskatoon, SK. Fort Sask., AB. 306-935-2117, Milden, SK. Upgra d e yo u r e xis tin g 960 1994 MACDON 30’ PU reel, Case 88 a u ge r to a c o n tin u o u s fe e d series adapter, lifter, shedded, $14,000. a u ge r w ith yo u r c ho ic e o f Call 306-843-7892, Wilkie, SK. po ly o r s te e l fin ge rs . The y 1999 TR99 LT, Rake-Up, $55,000; 2008 CR a re m o re e ffic ie n ta n d ve ry 1991 NEW HOLLAND 971 30’ straight cut AUGER 9070, Swathmaster, yield and moisture, a ffo rd a b le . header w/Hart Carter PU reel, transport, R EBUILDING Redekop, field tracker. Hergott Farm $8000. 306-968-2947, Marengo, SK. * Fo r co m b in e E q u i p m e n t , y o u r C I H D e a l e r, hea d ers a n d ha yb in es 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK FRONTIER MC12-16 16’ haybine; 8220 CIH 25’ swather, UII PU reel; CIH auto 8465 round baler; Bale King 880 Vortex processor; Flexi-Coil post pounder; 12’ GN 2009 CASE/IH 7088, 420 sep. hrs, 14’ cattle trailer. 306-963-2736, Imperial, SK. Swathmaster PU, chopper, Pro 600 yield and moisture monitor, Redlighted at dealership, immaculate condition, $190,000. 204-735-2321, Starbuck, MB. 2008 N H C X 8080,
* All m a k es /m o d els * Co m plete in s pectio n a n d s tra ighten in g * Flo o r tin s , b a ts & tin e b a rs pro vid ed * Ca n b e b u ilt n ew o r to OEM s pecs * S ta n d a rd o r co n tin o u s feed m o d els a va ila b le
HAYBINE R OLLER S * S teel ro llers m a d e to OEM s pecs * Cu s to m -d es ign ed fo r a ll m a k es /m o d els * S o ld in s ets o r a s s in gle ro llers
1550 Hw y. 39 Ea s t, W eyb urn, S K
“Pride in Quality”
2003 NH CX860, 1550 hrs, Swathmaster PU, exc. cond., big rubber, yield and moisture, header tilt, shedded, MAV chopper, offers. 780-206-1234, Barrhead, AB. 2003 NH CX840 combine, 1666 threshing hrs., yield/moisture, always shedded, exc. condition, with lots of recent work, $105,000. 306-365-7283, Lockwood, SK. 2010 NH-CR 9090, fully equipped w/AutoSteer, cruise, leather pkg. 620x70R42 factory duals, deluxe chopper and under 300 sep. hrs. 306-287-7707, Quill Lake, SK
UPDATE YOUR JD 9600/9610 COMBINES Buddy seats $150; reel fore & aft $950; airride seat $750 & up; Dial-a-Matic header height $650; 2-spd cylinder kit $2,750; 4WD kit $9,400 less trade; rear wheel upgrade, 16.9-26 new or used; dual kits $9,800 less trade; wooden walker block upgrade $55 each; single-point hookups in stock; lots of new parts in stock! 1-800-667-4515. www.
NEW JD SINGLE POINT HOOK-UP CHANGEOVER KITS In stock, brand new, $ 825. Other header conversion kits also available. 1-800-667-4515.
NEED MACDON HEADERS? 36’ MD963 $36,900; 36’ MD974 $35,800; 25’ MD972 $13,900; 25’ MD960 $12,900; 36’ MD960, $11,900. Adapters available. We want your trades. Financing available. 1-800-6674515. IN STOCK FLEX headers w/PU reels, poly skids, years 2000 and up, full fingered. 1993 JD 930 flex, $7950; 1995 JD 922 flex, $5900; 2000 JD 930 flex, reconditioned, $17,900; 2006 JD 635 flex, single point, looks like new, $27,900; 2000 JD 925 flex, real nice, $15,900; 2007 JD 630 flex, single point, beautiful platform, $28,900. Over 20 platforms in stock, all makes. All prices OBO. Header trailers also available. Call Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.
2008 JD 630F flex platform w/PU reel, full finger, 60 Series, stubble lights, poly skid plates, automatic header height sensing, auto reel spd. control, stone protection guard platform, hydra flex, low hrs., $27,500. Ph. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
GOODS USED TRACTOR parts (always TRIPLE B WRECKING, wrecking tractors, buying tractors) David or Curtis, Roblin, combines, cults., drills, swathers, mixmills. MB., 204-564-2528, 1-877-564-8734. etc. We buy equipment. 306-246-4260, 306-441-0655, Richard, SK. 850 UNIVERSAL tractor for parts, reasonably priced. Phone: 306-466-4428, COMB-TRAC SALVAGE. We sell new and used parts for most makes of tractors, 306-466-7817, Leask, SK. combines, balers, mixmills and swathers. Phone 306-997-2209, 1-877-318-2221, Borden, SK. We buy machinery. 2005 974 MACDON 30’ FLEX DRAPER HEADER new canvas, reel bushings and reel fingers w/ JD 9400-9610 CTS adapter. $35,900. Trades welcome, financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: 2003 NH 94C, 42’ straight cut draper header, PU reel, factory transport, double knife drive, hyd. fore/aft, $32,000. 306-647-2344, Theodore, SK. 2007 JD 635 flex w/CWS air bar, A-1, $33,900; 4 wheeler header trailer, $3900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB.
Huge Inventory Of Used, New & Rebuilt Combine & Tractor Parts. Tested And Ready To Ship. We Purchase Late Model Equipment For Parts.
30’ 1020 IH flex head, AutoHeight, field contour, poly skids, PU reel w/poly fingers fore and aft, no stones, c/w transport, shedded, vg cond. Will fit 1680, 1688, 2188, 2388. 204-325-2166, Winkler, MB. 2005 JD 635F, Contour, fore/aft, good poly and fingers, $22,000; 2005 CASE/IH 2020, 35’, tracker, fore/aft, good cond, $21,500; 2004 CASE/IH 1020, 30’, fore/aft, $18,000; 1997 CASE/IH 1020, 30’, fore/aft, $13,000; 2001 JD 930F, 30’, fore/aft, $14,000. 204-256-2098, Treherne, MB. 1997 HONEYBEE 36’ HEADER for JD combine, UII pickup reel, transport, fore and aft, full poly skid shoes, lifters, newer knife guards and canvas, $19,500 OBO. 204-773-0553, Russell, MB. SOLD THE FARM: 2003 Honeybee 36’ w / J D a d ap t e r, p e a a u g e r, s h e d d e d . WRECKING CASE 2090 and for parts. A.E. 306-297-6205, 306-297-7978, Admiral, SK Chicoine Farm Equipment Ltd., Storthoaks, SK, 306-449-2255. L O S T C I T Y S A LVAG E , parts cheap, BRAND NEW SET of KUCHAR Helical please phone ahead. 306-259-4923, RASP BARS for 9650 or 9750 JD com- 306-946-7923, Young, SK. bine, excellent for Strongfield Durum. Best offer. 306-375-2951, Kyle, SK.
1996 HONEYBEE SP36, CIH adapter. Canvas knife & guards 8/10. $11,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: 2006 JD 630 30’ flex header, 50 Series hookup, stubble lights, poly skid plates, auto header height sensing. $25,000. 306-854-2053, 306-533-3202, Elbow, SK. 2009 630D DRAPER header, $42,000. 403-684-3540, Brant, AB.
NEW TRACTOR PARTS and engine rebuild kits. 150,000 parts available. Great quotes. Service and owners manuals, and decals. Our 38th year. 1-800-481-1353. ALLISON TRANSMISSIONS Service, Sales and Parts. Exchange or custom rebuilds available. Competitive warranty. Spectrum Industrial Automatics Ltd., Red Deer, AB. 1-877-321-7732.
M e d icine Ha t Tra ctor Sa lva ge I nc. Specia lizing In N ew, Used & Reb uiltAgricultura l And C onstruction Pa rts Call Today
1-877-527-7278 M edicine Ha t, AB .
S EXS M ITH US ED FARM P ARTS LTD . S EX S M ITH , ALTA. w w w .u sed fa rm pa m Em ail: fa rm pa rt@ telu spla n et.n et
YOUR ONE STOP FOR NEW , USED & REBUILT AG PARTS. Dis m a n tlin g a ll m a jor m a ke s a n d m ode ls of tra ctors , com b in e s , s w a th e rs , b a le rs a n d fora ge h a rve s te rs . Plu s M u ch M o re!
1-8 00-340-119 2 Bu yin g Fa rm Equ ipm en t Fo rD ism a n tlin g
Combine World 1-800-667-4515, www.; 20 minutes E. of Saskatoon, SK on Highway #16. Used Ag & Industrial equipment, new,used & rebuilt parts, & premium quality tires at unbeatable prices! 1 yr. warranty on all parts. Canada’s largest inventory of late model combines & swathers. Exceptional service. Dealer for Logan potato boxes, conveyors and Tristeel Mfg. potato polishers, tote fillers, washline equip. Largest inventory of used potato equip. Dave 204-254-8126, Grande Pointe, MB.
B uying Ag & Construction Equipm ent For D ism antling
NEW WOBBLE BOXES for JD, NH, IH, MacDon headers. Made in Europe, factory quality. Get it direct from Western Canada’s sole distributor starting at $995. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: 2009 MACDON FD70, 40’, JD or Lexion a d a p t e r, v e r y n i c e , $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 O B O . 403-312-5113, located Viscount, SK.
DEGELMAN 7700 SUPER PICKER, c/w hyd. drive and hyd. hitch, $13,000 OBO. AGRA PARTS PLUS, parting older trac- 780-352-3012, Camrose, AB. tors, tillage, seeding, haying, along w/other Ag equipment. 3 miles NW of Battle- ROCK-O-MATIC 7’ hydump rockpicker, like new, not used for many yrs., $1200. ford, SK. off #16 Hwy. Ph: 306-445-6769. 306-842-5093, 306-861-4847 Weyburn SK 1985 MF 785 SP swather, 18’, no cab, 6 cyl. Chrysler. 306-839-2304, Pierceland, DEGELMAN 6000 ROCKPICKER, PTO PICKUP REEL PLASTIC FINGERS In stock SK. E-mail: drive, good condition, $10,500 OBO. w/ bulk discounts. Macdon, $ 4.65; HCC, 780-522-7983 cell, Ruthilda, SK. $3.39;UII, $2.19. 1-800-667-4515. www. G.S. TRACTOR SALVAGE, JD tractors SCHULTE GIANT 2500 3 batt, hyd. drive, only. 306-497-3535, Blaine Lake, SK. hyd. swing hitch, rock curtain, large tires, STEIGER TRACTOR PARTS for sale. Very SALVAGE TRACTOR ARRIVALS, Ford new condition, $18,500 OBO. DEGELMAN affordable new and used parts available, 8340, 8210, 7710, 7610, 7600, 6600, R570, 3 batt, ground drive, throw-out made in Canada and USA. 1-800-982-1769 5000, 4000, 3000, 1720, 800, 8N, Super clutch, excellent condition, clean and AGRICULTURAL PARTS STO RE Major, County. IH 8940, 5488, 885, 784, straight. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. 844, 574, 624, B275. MF 8120, 3165, 35. SCHULTE JUMBO 320 rockpicker, good Nuffield 10/60, 4/65. JD 7700, 3140. Vol- condition. 306-662-2016, Maple Creek, SK. vo 650, 810. Case 1690, 1394, 1190. 2255 H ydra ulic Pa rts 66L loaders. Ph. 306-228-3011, Unity, WANTED TO BUY: Degelman 7200 rock& D oin g H ydra ulic R e p a ir and picker. 701-897-0099, Garrison, ND. SK. Ca ll NODGE Firs t NEW 320 SCHULTE jumbo rockpicker for LOEFFELHOLZ TRACTOR AND COMBINE Swift Current, SK Salvage, Cudworth, SK., 306-256-7107. sale. 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. • S e e d Bo o ts & Tips • Pic ku p Be lts We sell new, used and remanufactured ROCKPICKER, GOOD CONDITION. Will & Te e th • Air S e e d e r Ho s e parts for most farm tractors and combines. trade for livestock or? 306-753-2842, 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK. • Pa c ke rW he e l C a ps • Ele va to r C ha in s SMALL AD, BIG SAVINGS, BEST PRICES. & S pro c ke t s • Nic ho ls S ho ve ls Smith’s Tractor Wrecking, Allan, SK. • Fe e d e r C ha in s • Ha rro w Tin e s 1-888-676-4847. & S pro c ke ts • Ba le r Be lts • C o m b in e pa rts SMITH’S TRACTOR WRECKING. Huge • Ha yin g & Ha rve s t • C a n va s inventory new and used tractor parts. Pa rts & S u pplie s • Tra c to r Pa rts METEOR 108” DOUBLE auger snowblower, 1-888-676-4847. 1 y e a r o l d , l i k e n e w, $ 5 5 0 0 . w w w .n od gem fg.c om 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB.
2008 IH 2020 35’ FLEX HEADER, Excellent shape, $28,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:
2007 CASE/IH 35’ 2020 FLEX AUGER header, new PU reel teeth, full finger auger, double knife drive, SS floor, single point hookup, mint cond., c/w AWS air 1-800-667-7421 reel and new Trailtech trailer, $40,000. 306-662-3388, Maple Creek, SK. 2004 36’ FLEX Crary air head w/Cat 460 adapter, dual knives and dual fans, TOP $$$ PAID for scrap batteries. Call $18,500. 306-266-4977, Glentworth, SK. 306-761-1688, Regina, SK.
S AV E $$
Cultivator Shovel Harrow Tine
Smooth & Notched. • Coulter Blades • Harrow Spring Tines 3/8 - 5/8. • Seeding Knives and Openers. • Drill Recappers • Baler Belting, All Styles & Sizes
• Combine Pick Up Belts • Hose Air Seeder, Grain Vac • Pick Up Reel Teeth. • Cutting Parts, Sections & Guards. • NH Round Baler Chains. • Engine Overhaul Kits. • Tractor Parts Front End, Turbos,
Clutch, Transmission.
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FYFE P ARTS “ Fo r AllY o u r Fa rm Pa rts”
1999 JD 6750 Forage Harvester, redone blades, blower and spout liner last year, 60,000 OBO. 204-365-7186, Hamiota, MB 2007 HESSTON CHOPPER 7500, very good; 10 ton 6-wheel, high dump wagon; Brand new Farm Aid 560 on IH truck, auto; Peterbilt, auto, very low miles, 20’ silage box. Call 306-432-4803, Lipton, SK. 2005 FP240 forage harvester, stored inside, good condition, field ready, $22,000. 306-232-3462, 306-225-4678, Hague, SK.
COMMERCIAL SILAGE, TRUCK BODIES, trailers. Well constructed, heavy duty, tapered w/regular grain gates or hyd. silage gates. CIM, Humboldt, SK, 306-682-2505. 2004 JD 7500 Forage Harvester, no PU MURPHY SALVAGE: new, used, rebuilt r e e l , 1 9 1 0 h r s . , $ 1 4 5 , 0 0 0 O B O . parts for tractors, combines, swather, till- 403-684-3540, Brandt, AB. age and misc. machinery. Always buying. S I D E WA L L T I R E S , b i a s w i r e f r e e , Website: Phone available for spring or fall. Phone Murray 1-877-858-2728, Deleau, MB. Hutton 780-314-8201, Millet, AB. EQUIPMENT INC. For all your Harvest Salvage Co. Ltd. YOUNG’S silage equipment needs call Kevin or Ron toll free 1-800-803-8346, Regina, SK. 1-866-729-9876 Ope n M o n .thru Fri., 8 a .m .-5 p.m . w w w .w a tro u s s a lva m Em a il: s a lv@ s a s kte l.n e t
2007 BEARCAT 12’’ WOOD CHIPPER, excellent shape, 704 hrs. on Kubota diesel. $19,800. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at:
FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 62 100’ sprayer, 800 gal. tank, hyd. pump, auto fold, vg cond., $3800 OBO. 306-231-7856, St. Gregor, SK. 83’ BOURGAULT CENTURION III 850 sprayer, wind curtains, 5 and 10 gal. nozzles, 830 gal. tank, done approx. 9000 acres, $9500. 403-684-3686, Blackie, AB. Can email pics: QUICK-FOLD BRANDT, 110’, high clearance, 1250 gal. tank, rate controller, 1000 PTO pump, double nozzles, $4800 OBO. 306-658-4307, 306-951-7077, Landis, SK.
2010 JD 4830 100’, 1000 gal. stainless tank, two sets of tires, foam marker, JD AutoSteer, AutoBoom, very low hours. 306-937-2857, Battleford, SK. 1997 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 1542 hrs., 70’ booms, 4 cyl. diesel, $37,000 OBO. 1994 BRANDT QF1000 100’, quick fold, 780-699-6957, Fort Saskatchewan, AB. hyd. pump, wind cones, chem handler, MELROE SPRA-COUPE 215 52’, 4 wheel, dual nozzles, foam marker, new tires. $8900. Call 306-231-8111, Humboldt, SK. $6,000. 306-567-8606, Hanley, SK. NEW TRAILTECH SPRAYER TRAILERS in BRANDT QF 1500 sprayer, 70’, 830 Imp. stock now. Haul up to 2000 gal. of water gal. tank, dual nozzles, autorate, foam and your sprayer. Available in gooseneck marker, Tee Jet monitor. 780-818-7320, and pintle. Call Wendell at Flaman Sales Calmar, AB. Ltd., 1-888-235-2626, 306-726-7652, AG SHIELD AUTOFOLD, 90’ boom mounted Southey, SK. on heavy cart w/1500 gal. Flexi-Coil tank, 3630 SPRA-COUPE, 2600 hrs., 5 spd., 60’ wash wand, chem. tank, fresh water tank, booms, 5 body nozzles, tow bar, $24,000. tank wash, Red Ball, cart manufactured to 306-836-2185, 306-963-7901, Simpson SK pull 40’ air drill. 204-539-2848, Benito, MB. 2007 ROGATOR 1074 SS, 1192 eng. hrs., SPRAY-AIR 2100, 600 gal. tank, 73’ approx. 800 spray hours, stainless tank, boom, autofold, autorate controller, foam educator, foam marker, Raven light bar, 2 marker, stored inside, vg cond., $5500 sets of tires, shedded heated shop. OBO. 780-662-4981, Tofield, AB. 306-937-2857, Battleford, SK. 2003 FLEX-COIL 67XL, suspended boom, 2001 NH SF550 sprayer, equivalent to 90’, 1250 gal. tank, double nozzle body, Rogator 554, 2300 hrs., 5.9 Cummins, 660 autorate, foam marker, always shedded, gal. SS tank, 90’ booms, pressure washer, $27,000. 306-476-7248, Fife Lake, SK. chem. inductor, EZ-Steer, EZ-Boom, maptriple nozzle bodies w/5 and 10 gal. BOURGAULT 1450, 100’, 1200 gal. tank, ping, 2 sets of tires 23.1x26 and 9.5R44, tripple nozzle bodies, chem. fill, foam tips, exc. cond., markers, hyd. pump, quick autofold, auto- 204-763-8896.will deliver, Minnedosa, MB. rate controller, fence row nozzle, low acres, exc. cond. Asking $10,500 OBO. 306-527-9897, 306-592-4534, Canora, SK. 2008 SRX 160 sprayer, 1600 gal., susp. boom, 100’, autorate, triple body nozzles, exc. cond., $43,500. 2008 SRX 160, 1350 gal. wheel boom sprayer, 134’, autorate, windguards, markers, dual body nozzles, $43,500. 306-648-7766, Gravelbourg, SK. 1997 FLEXI-COIL 65 100’, disc markers, hyd. pump, $7000 OBO. 306-323-2142, 306-322-7789 cell, Rose Valley, SK. 1997 FLEXI-COIL S65, 80’, windscreens, autorate, dual nozzles, 1000 PTO, chem fill, $8500. 306-728-3142, Fenwood, SK. 1999 FLEXI-COIL XL67, 1250 gal. tank, 130’ boom, wind curtains, dual nozzle bodies, rinse tank, chem. handler, autorate controller, foam marker, $13,500 OBO. Phone 306-965-2747, Coleville, SK. 1997 BOURGAULT 1850, 1600 gal. tank, disc and foam marker, wind screens, hyd. pump, autofold, double nozzle, Accepting reasonable offers. 306-753-3330, Macklin, SK, for info/pics. 1994 JETSTREAM “go like hell” SPRAYER, 60’, yellow tank, twin line, foam markers, half round fenders, air induction nozzles, shedded, $3950. 306-594-2708, Hyas, SK. 2005 NH SF115, 100’ sprayer, 1250 gal. tank, autorate, windscreens, 100 gal. fresh water tank, dual body nozzles, chemical induction tank, Rinex boom section controller. 780-808-7156, Paradise Valley, AB. 1999 BRANDT QF 2005, 110’, rate control, foam, dual tank, $8900. Cam-Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1998 HARMON 833, 83’, 1000 PTO pump, wind screens, low drift nozzles and markers, $4000 OBO. 306-587-2739, Cabri, SK. 2002 FLEXI-COIL SPRAYER 67XL, 104 ft., 1250 gal. tank, autorate, hyd. pump, dual nozzles, windscreens, asking $12,000. 306-324-2063, Margo, SK.
1994 20’ DELTA SPRAYER TRAILER 20,000 lbs, electric brakes, tandem axle with duals, $5,900. Other trailers available. Trades welcome. 1-800-667-4515. 2001 JD 4710, 90’ booms, 800 gal. tank, 1290 hrs., two sets tires, Outback S2 with E-drive, UC4 Norac height control, 3-way nozzle. 306-277-4609, Ridgedale, SK. 2005 JD 4720, 2000 engine hrs., 90’ boom, 800 gal. poly tank, foam markers, fence row nozzle, hyd. tread adjust, 2 sets of tires, JD SF1 AutoTrac, 2600 display a n d S w at h C o n t r o l P r o , $ 1 6 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-921-8772, St. Brieux, SK. SPRA-COUPE 220 61’, hyd. boom, rate controller, air ride seat, Volkswagen eng, 1700 hrs., extra field lights, trimble GPS light bar, $13,500 OBO. 306-648-7761, Gravelbourg, SK. 2008 CIH 3320, 1170 hrs., 1000 gal. SS, 90’, fence row, foam makers, single nozzles, AIM, active suspension, Raven 4600, Raven Viper Pro, Smart Trax, AccuBoom, AutoBoom, UltraGlide, elec. mirrors, fenders, chem. inductor, 4 new Tridekon dividers, 380x80R46, 4 new 520x85/38, cab cam system, ext. power train warranty until Oct/2012, mint. 306-682-3468, Humboldt, SK.
SET NEW 800-65-32R Michelin, 10 stud, to fit ro gator; set used Michelin 650-65-38, 10 stud, to fit Case, off 4410, will fit other models. 306-457-8044, Kisbey, SK. 1996 SPRA-COUPE 3630, 60’ w/triple nozzles, 2900 hrs., always shedded, asking FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 67 100’, 800 gal., $28,500. 306-782-5843, Yorkton, SK. Raven 440 rate controller, wind screens, hyd. pump, new style tank, exc., $13,500 SPRAYTEST REMOTE BOOM CONTROL OBO. 306-648-7761, Gravelbourg, SK. Use handheld remote to select and turn on individual boom section for nozzle checks. BOURGAULT 850 90’, dual nozzles, chem Easy install with harness to plug in to your sprayer. fill, 830 gal. tank, new hyd. pump in 2011. Models for up to 16 sections. 306-864-7922, Melfort, SK. 2006 TOPAIR SPRAYER, 132’, 1600 gal. Raven 4400, 6 stage AutoBoom, duals, mix tank, incredible float susp., 3-way nozzles. Ernest 306-267-4815, Big Beaver, SK. 1995 FLEXI-COIL 65XL, 100’, 1250 gal. tank, wind screens, dual nozzles, disc markers, hyd. pump, asking $11,000. 306-648-2859, Gravelbourg, SK. 2002 BRANDT QF1500, 80’, hyd. pump, autorate, 1000 US gal, chem. handler, air induction nozzles, foam marker, exc. cond., $15,000. 306-675-4932, Kelliher, SK. BOURGAULT 1850, 120’ boom, new 1600 Imp. gal. tank, 5 and 10 gal. nozzles, autofold, $7500. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB 2006 FLEXI-COIL S67XL, 130’, wheel boom, rate control, hyd. fold, combo jets, 18.4x38 lug tires, vg, $29,900. Cam Don Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 1995 BRANDT QUICK FOLD 2000, 1250 Imp. gal. tank, windcones and disc markers, nozzle tips, 18.4x26 tires, offers. 306-586-9589, Regina, SK.
BLANCHARD 500 auto fold, 64’, 500 gal. tank, chemical mix and fill tank, PTO pump, Raven 200 cab mounted spray control console, boom markers, low acres, $ 2 5 0 0 O B O . E m a i l p i c s av a i l a b l e . 306-882-2110, Rosetown, SK. 5150 Richmond Ave. East Brandon, MB BRANDT SB4000 PT, 100’ suspended boom, 1600 gal. US tank, rinse tank, ven controller, Norac boom height, chem handler, wind cones, triple nozzle bodies, New Used & Re-man parts 5 section plumbing, frost kit, 380/85Rx46 tires, exc. cond., $42,000; 30.5Rx32 tires Tractors Combines Swathers on rims avail; FLEXI-COIL 65 100’, wind curtains, hyd. pump, double nozzle, foam DEUTZ TRACTOR SALVAGE: Used parts for Deutz and Agco. Uncle Abes Tractor, 2011 SCHULTE 30’ mower for sale, like marker, 800 Imp. gal., good cond., $4300. new. Call 403-545-2580, Bow Island, AB. 204-635-2625, 204-268-5539, Stead, MB. 519-338-5769, fax 338-3963, Harriston ON
Ph: 306-859-1200 2001 ROGATOR 854, 800 gal. SS tank, 90’, Envizio Pro w/Raven AutoSteer, air ride cab, 2 sets tires, 4500 hrs, $80,000. 403-994-7754, Olds, AB. 1996 WILMAR 765HT, 75’, 3300 hrs., c/w Trailtech trailer, will separate, $42,500. Cam-Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2005 JD 4720 sprayer, 1480 hrs., good condition. 780-877-2326, 780-877-2339, Edberg, AB. 1994 ROGATOR 5.9 Cummins, 4162 hrs., rebuilt head, four new 385x85R34 Firestone tires, 2 sets of nozzles, 4.4 and 7 . 5 g a l . , 6 8 ’ b o o m , fo a m m a r ke r. 780-875-8238, Lloydminster, AB. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 2002 APACHE 859, 90’ boom, 850 gal., 1658 hrs., 6.8L JD diesel, upgraded front axle, new tires, Outback GPS, $85,000 firm. 306-862-1420, Zenon Park, SK. SPRA-COUPE 220, 50’, 1644 hrs., foam m a r ke r, R ave n c o n t r o l s , t ow h i t c h . 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. 2006 ROGATOR 1274, 100’, 1200 gal., 3000 hrs., Viper Pro, SmarTrax, Norac, 2 sets tires. 306-931-0017, Saskatoon, SK.
NEVER LOOK BACK! Step into the productivity of a new Guardian™ front boom sprayer from New Holland and you won’t turn back. With the boom in front, you have a complete unobstructed view of every nozzle. This outstanding visibility means you can run the boom closer to the ground to control drift. Spray is delivered into the crop before the first tires go over it, eliminating the potential for dust to neutralize the spray. Start achieving a new level of spraying freedom and productivity. THE HIGHEST HORSEPOWER AVAILABLE – UP TO 365 HP THE LARGEST TANK SIZES – UP TO 1,600 GALLONS THE HIGHEST CROP CLEARANCE – SIX FEET THE TIGHTEST TURNING – 15-FOOT TURNING RADIUS THE SMOOTHEST SUSPENSION – 20 INCHES OF TRAVEL ©2011 CNH America LC. New Holland is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC.
U S E D E QU I P M E N T USED SPRAYERS APACHE 790, ‘99, KK21415A .........................$67,000 K BOURG QF1500, ‘01, KK21703D ....................$12,800 K BOURG 1450, ‘99, 120’, 1250G, DISC MARKER, RAVEN CONT, PN2839B ............................................$18,000 P BOURG 1850, ‘97, 100’ WINDSCREEN, 2 TANKS (1600 & 250), DISC MARKER, FOAM MARKER (PEACOCK), AUTO RATE/AUTO FOLD, HN2775C .........................$17,950 H FLEXI SYS67, ‘01, 80’, D NOZ, BODIES, 850 GAL, ACE PUMP, AUTO RATE, HF2425A .........................$14,760 H MILLER G75, ‘10, 1200 GAL TANK, 120’ BOOMS, 3 WAYS, ULTRAGLIDE, ELEC. ADJ, 380 R90/46 TIRES, N21884A ................................................... $219,000 K MILLER 4240, ‘10, 100’, 1200 POLY, RAVEN GPS, KK21601A ................................................. $284,000 K NH SF550, ‘01, 90’, 500 GAL POLY, RAVEN CONT, PRESSURE WASH, BOSCH LIGHT BAR, 12.4-38 SKINNYS, FLOATS, KK21602A ......................................$88,000 K NH SP275, ‘12, 120’, 1200G SS, FULL LOAD RAVEN GPS, DUALS, DIVIDERS, N21753A ...................... $340,000 K NH SP365F, ‘12, N21754A .............CALL FOR DETAILS K SPRAY AIR 3600-110TS, KK21557B..............$25,000 K SPRA-COUPE 3630, ‘96, 60’, 300G, LEADING DIV, KK21571C ....................................................$55,000 K SPRA- COUPE 4650, ‘05, 80’, 400 G, HITCH, S21921A ......................................................$78,500 K SPRA-COUPE 4650, ‘05, 80’ 400G, DUALS, OUTBACK GPS, N21758A ..............................................$85,000 K WILMAR 745, C21729A..................................$45,000 K
USED TRACTORS DEUTZ DX160, ‘82, 18.4X38D, 2 HYDS., HC2494 ........................................................$11,500 H FORD 8630, ‘91, HC2899 ..............CALL FOR DETAILS H MF 396, ‘95, CLW LOADER, FWA, CAB, EZEE ON LDR, SPEAR, N21708A ..........................................$31,000 K
MF 1105, W/LEON 707 LDR, 24.5X32 REAR, 11.00X16 FRT, 2 HYD, HN2395B ...................................$13,900 H NH 8160, ‘99, HC2898 ...................CALL FOR DETAILS H NH 8670, ‘94, HN2989C .................................$45,975 H NH TT75, ‘09, PTO, 3 PT, ROPS LIGHTS, CIRC. HEATER, 7.5X16.9 FRT, 16.9X30 REAR, N21668A........$21,000 K NH TM190, DUALS, 4 HYD, GRAPPLE LDR QUICK 790, MIDMOUNT, JOY STICK, DLX AIR SEAT W/HEAT, PN2630A ......................................................$96,000 P NH TV140, ‘99, LDR, GRAP, 105 PTO, 3 HYD, 3 PT, S21962B ......................................................$55,000 K NH TV145, ‘04, PN2744A ..............................$104,000 P NH TV6070, PN2747A...................................$115,000 P NH 9030, ‘97 W/FWA, E/E 3PT & HYDS, 3/4” COUPLER, C/E 3PT, 7414 LDR, GRAPPLE, SNOW BUCKET, HOME BUILT PALLET, N21786B ...............................$62,500 K NH T9060, ‘09, DELUXE CAB, 800/70R38 173 R1W, MONITOR MOUNT, BACK UP ALARM, MEGA-FLOW HYDS., HN3027A ....................................... $285,000 H NH T9060, ‘09, DLX CAB, 800/70R38 173 R1W, INSTRUCT, MONITOR MOUNT,BACK UP ALARM,MEGAFLOW HYD, HN2906A ................................ $285,000 H VERS 1150, REBUILT ENG & TRANS, 800 TIRES, 450 HP, 8 SPD, ATOM JET PUMP, C21627 .....................$75,000 K
HAYING CASE RBX562, ‘03,PN2501B..........................$13,500 P HESSTON 514, ‘94 HN2011B............................$6,800 H HESSTON 865, 3000 BALES, NEW HALF DRIVESHAFT, SPRING HYD BALE KICK, SHORT STRAW KIT -N/I, HYD MANUAL TIE, XTRA WIDE PU, FLOAT TIRES, C21427 ........................................................$16,500 K HESSTON 5580, ‘84, 540 PTO, ELECTRIC TIE, CROP WHEELS, N20007B .........................................$2,600 K JD 567, ‘03, KK21703C ..................................$25,000 K NH 660, ‘94, LACED, AUTO WRAP, N21497B ......$9,500 K NH 660, ‘94, 1000 PTO, PN2178B...................$11,000 P
NH BR770, ‘03 5X5, 540 PTO, AUTO WRAP, HN2013A ......................................................$13,900 H NH BR780, ‘03 1000 PTO, LACED, PN2180A ......................................................$15,500 P NH BR780, ‘04, BALE COMMAND, 1000 PTO, ENDLESS, HYD PU, TWINE, PN2315A .............................$21,500 P NH BR780, ‘05, WIDE PU, AUTOWRAP, ENDLESS, N21400A ......................................................$19,500 K NH BR780A, ‘06, 1000 PTO, HYD PU, LACED, PN2672A ......................................................$21,000 P NH BR7090, ‘08, AUTO TIE, EXTRA SWEEP PU, HC2886 ........................................................$28,800 H VERS 605M, ‘07 XSWEEP PU, HYD BALE EJECT, NET & TWINE WRAP, FLOTATION TIRES, HN2764A ....$18,900 H CASE 8380, ‘90, N20548B .............................$13,000 K NH 1475, ‘05, W/ 18HS NH YR:2005, HN2768A ......................................................$25,900 H
SWATHERS CASE WDX1203, ‘08, W/ 36’ WIND CASE HDR, W/ BOURG SWATH, ROLLER, HW2986A ...................................CALL CASE 4000, ‘81, 24’ HDR PU REEL, HYD CANVASS DR, HYD PUMP FOR ROTO, SHEER, W21839C ........$8,900 K CASE 8820, ‘94,,16’ HAY HDR, 25’ DRAPER HDR, UII PU REEL, DBL KNIFE DR, GAUGE WHLS, DS, PN2573D ......................................................$33,500 P CI 742, ‘84, W/ 742 HDR, HB ADAPTER, W21838A .....................................................$19,000 K HESSTON 8100, ‘92, 25’ P/U REEL, DSA, GAUGE WLS, SWATH ROLLER, UII PU REEL, W21192B........$26,500 K JD2360, ‘86, HYDRO TRANS, 30’, UII PU REEL, PW2706B .....................................................$23,500 P JD 4895, ‘08C/W 36’ HB HEADER, DBL KNIFE DR, SPLIT REEL, TRANS GAUGE WHLS, HW2995A .........$98,900 H MD M150, ‘09, W/ MD D50 HDR, W21859A ....$96,000 K MD M150, ‘10, ROTOR SHEARS, FREEFORM HYD SWATHROLLER, TRANS, WGHT KIT, DBL CANVAS DR, SINGLE KNIFE, PW2900A ........................................$134,000 P
MD M150, ‘11, 35” HDR, DBL KNIFE, 6 SPLIT PU REEL, ROTO SHEERS, ROLLERS, WINCH, END FINGERS, SLOW SPEED, PW2910A .......................................$160,000 P MD 4920, ‘97, W/ 960 MD HDR, 25 ‘ PU REEL, W21836B .....................................................$37,000 K MD 4930, ‘96, TURBO 2 SPEED, 21.5X16.1 F, 9.5X14 R, W/ 25’ MD 960 HDR, HN2525A .....................$39,500 H MD 9430, ‘08 W/ 5200 HDR, TILT FORE/AFT, W21863B .....................................................$89,000 K MD 9250, ‘01, 25 ‘, DS, PU REEL, MD 972 HDR, PW2902B .....................................................$65,000 P MF 220, ‘96, W/ 30’ HDR, UII PU REEL, DS, W21839A .....................................................$40,500 K MF 9420, ‘04, 30’ MF HDR ‘04, ROTOSHEARS, 18.4X26 DIAMOND TREAD, SINGLE KNIFE DR, PW2707A .....................................................$71,500 P NH HW325, ‘05, W/ 36’ HB HDR, P/U REEL, FORE/AFT SNGL REEL, HN2771A...................................$88,000 H NH HW325, ‘05, 36’, DBL KNIFE DR, UII PU, FORE/AFT, HYD TILT, PN2478B .......................................$58,000 P NH HW325, ‘06. W/ 30’HB HDR, AIR SUSPENSION, 18.4R26 TIRES, FORKED REAR TIRES, FORE/AFT, ROTO SHEERS, S21945A ........................................$81,000 K NH HW325, ‘07, W/ NH HB0036 36’ HDR,DLX CAB AIR RIDE W/ SHOCKS, HDR-FORE/AFT, UII P/U REEL, DBL KNIFE DRIVE, W21823A ................................$87,000 K NH H8040, ‘08, DLX CAB, W/NH HB 36’ HDR, HN2949A ......................................................$89,900 H VERS 4700, ‘88, 25’, MACDON P/U REEL, HYDRO, W/ 4025 VE HDR, W21529B ...............................$16,500 K WW 7000, ‘86, 36’, BAT REEL, HS2556A.........$14,900 H PS 4920, ‘98, MD972 HDR 30’ DSA, P/U REEL STEEL TEETH, 21.5X16.1 F, 9.5X14 R, WEIGHT PKG, W21196B .....................................................$53,000 K WHITE 6400, ‘84, 1759 HRS, 13.6X24 TIRES, 25’ MACDON PU REEL, GAS ENGINE, PN2398B ..........$17,000 P
HWY. #5, HUMBOLDT, SK — Paul, Tyler
235 38TH ST. E., PRINCE ALBERT, SK — Brent, Aaron
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$14,900 plus tax
• • • • • • • • •
One 3' flush entry door One 18" x 12' double slider Three 4' x 3' sliding windows Material supply package 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins 4 ply 2" x 6" laminated post (6' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing
Main Floor
40' x 80' x 16'
$23,625 plus tax
Main Floor
Ready to Move Modular Homes (Holly Park) Allows for year-round construction. Available as crawl space ready, basement ready and also above ground applications. • Whirlpool refrigerator, stove, dish washer, washer and dryer • Gas or electric furnace, ducting, hot water tank & HRV • Drapes and blinds
• R24 wall insulation, R50 ceiling insulation • Open web floor truss system • Faucets and flooring
Cost Effective Solutions: Costs are controlled by bulk buying of materials, minimization of waste, and absence of construction site thefts. Construction scheduling of modular housing is much easier, there are no weather delays!
• • • • • • • •
4 ply 2" x 6" laminated post (6' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing One 16' x 14' overhead insulated door One 3' flush entry door Material supply package
60' x 100' x 18'
Model 8
Model 20
Model 1
Sq Ft: 1,206 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2
Sq Ft: 1,456 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2
Sq Ft: 1,913 | Bedrooms: 3 | Bathrooms: 2
Rendering not exactly as shown.
Rendering not exactly as shown.
Rendering not exactly as shown.
$47,100 plus tax
• • • • • • • • • •
4 ply 2" x 8" laminated post (5' on center) 2" x 8" treated skirt boards (1 row) 2" x 6" wall girts and roof purlins Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel siding Coloured 29 gauge high tensile steel roofing One 24' x 16' overhead insulated door Two 3' flush entry doors One 30' x 18' double sliders with cannonball track Eight 36" x 36" sliding windows Material supply package
Leasing available through National Leasing
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It’s not even fair, really. It would’ve been enough to give the RoGator® a whole new design. Especially with a revamped cab for enhanced comfort and greater visibility, and reduced noise to give you a super quiet ride. But we kept on going. So now our proven drive package, with an AGCO Power 8.4 liter diesel engine, is underneath that sleek exterior to boost horsepower. The result is one monster machine. In fact, we think it’s the best RoGator to ever roll off the line. And that’s saying something. No matter what color you’re running now, do yourself a favor and test drive one at a dealer near you.
USED EQUIPMENT TILLAGE Bourgault FH536-40 ................................................... $19,900 Bourgault 135 ‘96, load/unload, hydraulic fan ...............$8,900 Bourgault 2115, load/unload..........................................$4,500 2 - Bourgault 5710 ‘06 -’98, Call............. Starting @ $44,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 ‘97, 57’, 3/4” carbide, 3.5” steel pkrs.. $29,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 ‘95, 57’, 7” sp, 3” stl pkr, sng sht ........ $34,900 Flexi-Coil 3450, ‘97, load/unload ................................. $34,900 Flexi-Coil 2320, ‘98, semi hopper, sng fan ................... $19,900 Flexi-Coil 1610 Plus, load/unload, tow hitch................ $11,900 Bourgault 7400, 70’ .......................................................$6,900 Bourgault 7200 ‘10, 84’, 9/16” tines, 21.5X16L .......... $44,900 IHC 496, ‘82 disc, 32’ ................................................... $27,900
TRACTORS Agco RT130 ‘02 w/Quicke ldr, auto .............................. $59,900 AgcoStar 8425 ‘98 ...................................................... $99,000 Fendt 712V ‘09, CVT, loaded, approx 1001 hrs .......... $149,900 Fendt 412 ‘05, w/460 ldr, 2563 hrs .............................. $89,900 Fendt 926 ‘02, frt 3pt & PTO, 3000 hrs ...................... $159,000 MF 7485 ‘10, w/975 ldr.............................................. $139,900 MF 5480 ‘08, w/ldr, 1250 hrs ....................................... $89,900 NH 9060 ‘08, 492 hrs ................................................. $279,900 2 - NH 9880 ‘94, call, 6500 & 6771 hrs .... Starting @ $89,900 NH 9682, ‘97, 20.8x42 triples, 1 owner, 4582 hrs ........ $99,000 Vers 846 ‘88 ................................................................ $39,900
SPRAYERS Spra Coupe 4650 ‘06, 90’, Raven 460, Trimble EZ Guide 500 ............................................................. $79,900
HARVESTING 3 - A86 ‘10 & ‘09, 429 hrs & up, call ......Starting @ $239,900
R76 ‘09 w/4200 hdr, loaded ....................................... $239,000 R66 ‘10, 16.9x26 rear tires, 900/60R32 frt, 247 hrs .... $229,000 R66 ‘09, beacon lts w/sensor, sep cage, chrm, high hyd reel fore/aft, HID lt, hella, R1 FS, 900/60R32 R1W 16.9x26 10 ply, stone trap, fine cut chpr, hyd sprdr sngl, 12” deck ext, 240 hrs ...................................... $219,000 2 - R75, ‘08, 635 hrs & up .......................................... $199,500 R75 ‘03 w/4000 hdr, Rakeup, 14” auger, yield & moisture, loaded,1249 hrs ........................................ $125,000 R75 ‘03, SM pu, hi-wire sep grate, E-Z close stone trap, chrm helical bars, 1435 hrs .............................. $119,900 R72 ‘01, 4000 hdr, 1509 hrs ....................................... $129,900 R65 ‘08, w/4200 hdr, yield moisture & map, GB sensor, ladder deck ext, spout for 14”, 484.4 hrs...... $209,000 R65 ‘08, 14” unload auger, fine cut chpr, HID lights, yield, moisture & GPS, 707 hrs ....................... $159,000 R65, ‘03, 14” unload, hi-wire sep grate, fine cut chpr, hyd straw sprdr, 1906 hrs................................. $100,000 R62, ‘01, 30.5 rubber, fine cut chpr, hyd sprdr, 14’ Swathmaster approx. 1600 hrs ................................... $89,000 R62, ‘00, SM pu, fine cut chpr, elec concave adj ........... $69,900 Case 1680 ‘91, rebuilt, w/Rake-up pu........................... $27,900 MF 9795 ‘10, 350 bu, adj strng axle, CL8 beacon lt, bin sensor deck ext 145” tread, HID lt, hella, elec adj, 28Lx26 R1, adj, FS 900/60R32 R1W, Mav chpr ......... $269,000 3 - MF 9795 ‘09, heavy duty axle, 28Lx26 rear, 18.4R42 duals, Y&M, airfoil chaffer, Redekop Mav chpr, HID lights, add. hyd outlet .............................................. $229,000
2 - HB SP36 ‘10........................................ Starting @ $64,900 2 - HB SP30 ‘10, Glnr adapt w/hyd detach trspt, cross auger, cntr mt, UII pu reel, sngl knife dr ............. $59,900 HB SP30 ‘09, sng knife, UII, hdr tilt, cross auger, detach trspt, Case 2388 adptr, fore/aft ....................... $54,900 HB SP30 ‘05, UII reel, sngl knife dr, detach trspt, cross auger, Gleaner adapt, low block ........................ $44,900 HB SP25 ‘08, UII reel, poly on skid, detachable transport, pea auger, transport canvass ...................... $39,900 HB SP25 ‘99, UII reel, 8570/8780 adptr ........................ $22,900 HB SP25, ‘93, TR adptr, X auger, UII, steel teeth ........... $19,900
Case IH 8465 ‘98, 5x6, auto......................................... $15,000 Case IH 8730 Forage Harvester ....................................$7,200 Hesston 956 ‘03, 5x6 .................................................. $24,900 Highline 7000 ‘01 ..........................................................$7,900 MacDon A40-D Hay Header ........................................... CALL NH 900 ‘99 Forage Harvester .................................... $12,900 New Noble 716 Hay Header, 16’ for MF 200 or CCIL 722, steel on steel rollers .................................... $11,900 NI 4865 ‘97, hyd .......................................................... $12,900
Flexi-Coil 5000
CI 742, 42’ ................................................................... $19,500 MF 9435 ‘10, 30’, loaded, auto steer, 75 hrs .............. $119,000 MF 9435 ‘10, 36’, 514 hrs, loaded ............................. $119,000 MF 9430 ‘11, 30’, 100 hrs, auto steer, loaded ............ $119,000 MF 9430 ‘09, 36’, 400 hrs, loaded ............................. $105,000 MF 220 ‘96, 30’ ........................................................... $34,900
For a complete listing visit our website
2 - Macdon M150 ‘10, w/35’ D50 hdr, trspt, 600 metric, Trimble AS, 209 & 221 hrs ............................ $139,500 NH H8040, ‘09, 36’ dbl knife drive, 608 hrs ............... $119,000 NH HW325 ‘05, 30’, 1150 hrs, loaded ......................... $79,500
‘95, 57’, 7” spacing, set up for tow between, 1 owner. Cash No Trade
Greg Shabaga
Lyle Mack
H (306) 864-3364 C (306) 864-7776
H (306) 752-2954 C (306) 921-6844
Randy Porter
Farren Huxted
H (306) 864-2579 C (306) 864-7666
H (306) 752-3792 C (306) 864-7688
Kinistino, SK • email:
NEW 710/70R38 rims and tires for JD 4710, 4720, and 4730, $15,000/set. 9 0 0 / 5 0 R 4 2 M i c h e l i n fo r 4 9 3 0 J D, 650/65R38 for JD 4830; 650S for Case 4420. 306-697-2856, Grenfell, SK.
1989 TERRAGATOR 1603T, 5300 hrs. Cat 3208 eng. new approx. 2000 hrs ago, Eaton tranny, 1600 gal. tank, 80’ boom, 2 lines, 1 at 30” centers and 1 at 60”, new rear tires last spring, Outback GPS, $16,000. 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. 1064 ROGATOR, 90’, Raven guidance, Accuboom, 1000 gal. SS tank, 2 sets tires available, farmer owned, 2088 hrs. Winnipeg, MB. 204-632-5334, 204-981-4291.
2011 BOURGAULT 3310-55 air drill, 54’, 12” spacing, double shoot, side band Bourgault knives, all-run blockage monitors, c/w 2011 Bourgault 6700 air tank, w/Topc o n m o n i t o r, 2 0 0 0 a c r e s a s n e w, $310,000. 306-536-0891, Weyburn, SK. DROP DECK semi style sprayer trailers Air ride, tandem and tridems. 45’ - 53’. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’, 9” spacing, rubber press, double fan, double shoot, 3rd tank, SK: 306-398-8000; AB: 403-350-0336. A-1, $57,900. 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. FOUR 12.4x24 ARMSTRONG Titan 8 ply sprayer tires, 60-70% tread left, $300 ea. DAVIDSON TRUCKING, PULLING AIR drills/ air seeders, packer bars, Alberta 306-424-7773, Kendal, SK. and Sask. 30 years experience. Bob DavidSET NEW 800-65-32R Michelin, 10 stud, son, Drumheller, 403-823-0746 to fit ro gator; set used Michelin 650-65-38, 10 stud, to fit Case, off 4410, 2 BOURGAULT 5710 40’, MRB’s, NH3, 3225 will fit other models. 306-457-8044, Kis- tank from $77,500; Bourgault 5710 47’, MRB’S, DS, NH3, $69,900. Hergott Farm bey, SK. Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. NEW DUALS to fit Miller/NH sprayers, 380/90 R46 tires, rims, spools and bolts, FLEXI-COIL 5000, 45’, 12” spacing, VR 3450 air cart TBT, 3” rubber packers. $8900. 780-632-9899, Ranfurly, AB. 403-888-6993, Swalwell, AB. CUSTOM BUILT HD pintle hitch sprayer trailer, 34’x12’, expanded metal deck, 47’ BOURGAULT 5710 air drill, single shoot 40,000 lb. tandem axles, 1100x22.5 rub- c/w 6350 air tank, 3 compartment, double ber. Can sell with 120 gal. Handler II, c/w shoot, variable spd., has done 3000 acres. 306-356-4550, Dodsland, SK. 3” pump. 204-476-2448, Neepawa, MB.
1997 MELROE 220 Spra-Coupe, 60’, Raven BRAND NEW NORAC AUTOBOOM, 3 senrate control, A/C, TurboTrac, foam mark- sors, can be used with any make of sprayers, 1093 hrs, vg cond., asking $16,000 er. Phone 306-383-2915, Rose Valley, SK. 5710 BOURGAULT SERIES II, 54’, 9.8” OBO. 306-768-3468, Carrot River, SK. spacing, single shoot w/liquid kit, $32,700; 3225 tank, $12,500; 4350 tank, 1995 PATRIOT WIDE TRACK, 4100 hrs., $29,000. 306-222-2413, Aberdeen, SK. 175 HP JD, SS 700 gal., downdraft air curAuto m a tic S pra ye r tain, EnvizioPro, Raven 450, SmartSteer, 6 FLEXI-COIL 62’ 820 cultivator, with BarBo o m H e i g h t C o n t ro l valve sectional SmartBoom, 2 sets of tires, ton 1 openers, 2340 air tank, $49,500 EAS Y TO IN S TALL! $68,000. 306-268-4371, Bengough, SK. OBO. 306-867-7409, Conquest, SK. W o rks o n m o s tS p ra yers . F in d o u ta b o u tyo u rs . 2009 JD 4930, 1200 gal., 120’ boom, SS FLEXI-COIL 57’ 5000, 9” spacing, rubber Co m p lete $ 00* tank and plumbing, chem. inductor, 2 sets $ 00* press, $25,900; 2320 TBH tank, $15,900. kitju s t tires, 5 sensor AutoHeight control, full GPS Pro Ag Sales, 306-441-2030 anytime, w/swath control, 500 hrs., $285,000 North Battleford, SK. Com e visitus a tb ooth 10223 a tthe W estern Ca na d a Fa rm Progress Show ,June 20-22. OBO. 780-837-5243, Donnelly, AB. 1996 MORRIS MAXIM 34’, 240 tank, single shoot, 3.5” packers, 10” spacing, exc. cond., $31,000. 306-831-9649, Elrose, SK.
F in d yo u r n ea res td ea ler a n d m o re in fo a t
w w w .gre e n tro n ics .co m o r Ca ll: 5 19-669-4698
1996 WILLMAR 6400 SPRAYER, 4 cyl. JD turbo diesel, 80’ booms come with triple nozzle adapters. 2,790 hrs. 600 gal poly tank. $32,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-445-15.Watch video at:
FOR SALE: 1996 Bourgault 3225 air tank, 3 tanks, load/unload auger, tires good, $15,000. Phone Murray 306-463-9691 or 306-968-2921 (after 6 PM), Marengo, SK.
2004 JD 1820/1910 41’ air drill, 10” space, double shoot, 5” Dutch low draft openers, 4” rubber packers, 3 compartment 350 bu. tank, paddle auger, c/w monitor and canola roller, serviced/ field ready, needs nothing! 403-901-3024, Standard, AB.
2008 BOURGAULT 5710 air hoe drill, 47’, 10” spacing, 3/4 openers, 3/4 side wing, Pattison variable rate liquid 500 gal. Alpine kit, 3.5 rubber packers; Bourgault 6350 air cart, single fan, 591 monitor, 3 compartment tank metering w/liquid 2400 gal. tank., dual walking axles, 18R42 tires, with 440 Raven monitor. Seeded 2012 crop, vg working cond. always shedded, $170,000 OBO. Can deliver 204-743-2324 1997 BOURGAULT 5710 w/4250 air cart, 54’, MRB, 9.8” spacing, 3.5” rubber p a c ke r s , N H 3 k i t , 3 t a n k m e t e r i n g , rear tow hitch, single fan, 8” auger w / a i r s e e d e r h o p p e r, $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 . 306-921-8772, St. Brieux, SK. 5710 BOURGAULT, 52’, 7” spacing w/3.5” steel packers, good cond., 204-546-2086 or 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. 1998 34’ MORRIS MAXIM air drill, 7180 bu. tank, single shoot, $33,000. Everett Sanderson 306-831-7194, Rosetown, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000, 33’, TBH, Agtron, markers, splitter valve, packer caps and bearings, scrapers, manifold update, dual castor, $45,500. 306-642-4025, Assiniboia SK. SPARE TIRES, 72 packer tires from Seedmaster drill, will fit many other brands. Asking $40 ea. 306-492-4627 Dundurn, SK MORRIS MAXIM 49’, 7.5” spacing, 1” carbide tips, 1-1/4” rubber packers, 6180 TBT w/3rd tank, field ready, $20,000 OBO. 306-476-2700 306-476-7723 Rockglen, SK SEED HAWK 42’ 1998, 10” spacing, double shoot, granular, 2 liquid kits, NH3 kit, onboard liquid, 105 bu. tank. Asking $56,000. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB.
2009 NH SD 440, 39’, 10” spacing, Dutch low draft openers, with NH SC 430 variable FIELD READY: 2003 57’ Flexi-Coil 5000, rate cart, very good condition, unit only 2320 TBT tank w/TBH 1250 liquid cart, s e e d e d 5 6 0 0 a c r e s , $ 1 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. 220 SPRA-COUPE, 1380 hours, electric exc. condition. Phone Moe 306-472-7990, 403-443-0108, Three Hills, AB. booms, 51’, foam, extra tires, $8000. 2009 BOURGAULT 3310 Paralink hoe drill Lafleche, SK. 306-631-7262, Moose Jaw, SK. 1996 42’ BOURGAULT 5700 w/3225 tank, w/6550 air cart, 55’, 12” spacing, mid row 2000 SPRA-COUPE 3640, 2046 hrs., 60’ banders, 1” hoses, 1” carbide tips, walking ‘BOURGAULT PURSUING PERFECTION’ 7.5” spacing, single shoot, steel packers 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57’ w/Flexi 4350 w/new 491 deluxe monitors, $21,000. booms, triple nozzle bodies, joystick con- axle option. Tank c/w 591 monitor and trols, AC, Midtech autorate, Trimble Auto- 900 metric tires. Field ready! Contact Clint cart, $88,000; 2001 5710, 54’, double 306-638-4595, Bethune, SK. s h o o t , N H 3 , r u b b e r p a c ke r s , M R B , Steer, $45,000. 306-962-7368 Eston, SK. 306-354-7488 306-354-2835 Mossbank SK $99,000; 2002 Bourgault 5710 40’, double 1999 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 57’ air drill, 12” SPRA-COUPE 220, 1996, 1200 hours, ra- FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill 39’, 9” sp, 1720 shoot, 3” rubber, $49,000; 2001 5710, 64’, spacing, 4” rubber capped packers, dual dio, w/special nozzles, GPS mapping, dual TBH tank, dual front castor wheels, single 9.8” spacing, MRB’s, 3.5” rubber packers, shoot, c/w Flexi-Coil 3450 triple comparttires, incl. chem. and water pump combo shoot dry, DS liquid, 350 gal. attached liq- w/2001 5440 air tank, $115,000; 2003 ment tank, $39,000 OBO; Flexi-Coil 1720 for auto filling, belly pan for desiccating, uid tank, 2,000 gal. liquid caddy, $55,000 Bourgault 5710, 54’, double shoot, 3” rub- air tank, no monitor, $4900. Rocky Rapids, ber, $89,000; 1993 Flexi-Coil 5000/2320, AB. 780-621-6704. crop dividers, tow bar, shedded, exc. cond, OBO. 306-587-7685, Swift Current, SK. single shoot, 3.5” steel, $59,000; 2000 $18,000. 306-231-2222, Watson, SK. 2009 CIH ATX 700, 60’, 10” space, on-edge Bourgault 5710, 64’, new 5-1/2” pneumat- 1997 JD 737 drill, 36’, paired row, single shanks, dual fan, variable rate, 3/4” Atom ic packers, double shoot, $109,000; 2001 shoot, 3-1/2” rubber press, 787 TBH 230 Jet openers, 430 bu. tank, 900/60-32 Bourgault 5440, double shoot, $58,000; bu. cart, primrary blockage, shedded, exc. Trelleborg cart tires, new style seeding Flexi-Coil 800/1610, 33’, $19,500; New 54’ condition. 780-877-2518, Ferintosh, AB monitor, stored inside, $125,000. Ron Bourgault 8810 cult.; 2010 Bourgault 6000 2240 FLEXI-COIL TANK, TBT, $19,500; 204-941-0045, 204-322-5638, Rosser, MB. 90’ mid-harrow w/3225 Valmar; 2010 2320 Flexi-Coil tank, TBT, no roller, $9500. CONCORD 3710 air drill, Case/IH 3400 6000 90’ mid-harrow; 2006 Bourgault 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. tank, single shoot, primary blockage, cano- 5710, 54’, rubber packers, NH3 kit; 2006 la rolls, markers, $40,000. 306-693-2310, 3310, 55’, 10” spacing, MRB’s; 2010 5710, 74’, 5.5” packers; 2010 Bourgault 5810, Moose Jaw, SK. 62’, double shoot, 5.5” packers 2011 VICON MT 4000, 4-row floating hitch air 3310/6550, 10” spacing, double shoot, seeder w/160 bu. Eagle ground drive tank, w/6550 air cart with Zynx; 84’ Bourgault many extras, $12,500 OBO. Moose Jaw, SK 2007 BRANDT SP 400, 1600 gal. and 200 7200 heavy harrow. Call for pricing. RD Ag area, 306-693-1277, cell 306-536-2241. gal. rinse tank, 100’ booms, 480x80R46 Central, 306-542-3335 or 306-542-8180, tires, loaded sprayer, AutoBooms, 2 sets of 2155 BOURGAULT AIR TANK, $3850; Kamsack, SK. nozzles, hyd. ride, all the bells and whis4350 Bour gault tank, $30,000. Call tles, mint cond., $42,000. Can deliver. CASE/IH CONCORD ATX5010, 50’, 10” 306-222-2413, Aberdeen, SK., spacing, exc. cond., w/Case/IH 2300 tank, FLEXI-COIL 1610 PLUS, TBH double shoot 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 1” Atom Jet or 3-1/2” Dutch openers. Lots 5-run, shedded, field ready, $7000. Kirrieo f m a i n t e n a n c e d o n e l a s t 2 ye a r s , muir, AB, 403-552-3753, 780-753-0353. $39,900. 204-391-1011, Elie, MB. BART’S TRANSPORT INC. Specializing in Th e Air se e d e r H op p e r towing air drills. Saskatchewan/ Alberta FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 40’, 1720 TBH cart, blockage monitors, 3-1/2” rubber M a k e tha t sim p le link to you r Seed only. 306-441-4316, North Battleford. packers, Flexi-Coil openers, 10” spacing, Ta nk a nd Sem iTra iler. C heck u s ou t a t: 40’ FLEXI-COIL 6000 disc drill, 10” spac- harrows, field ready, $38,000. Richmound, ing, double shoot w/2320 air tank, good SK. 306-669-2165, 306-662-8113. w w w .a irseed erhop p condition. 780-645-5374, 780-645-8188, M C /V isa Accep ted 1995 FLEXI-COIL 5000, 51’, 9”, 3.5” steel, St. Paul, AB. side band, Atom-Jet, double shoot, c/w NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, 2007 K-HART DISC drill 60’, good shape, 1720 TBH and third tank, $45,900. Cam306-487-2 72 1 $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 new set of discs, $95,000. 306-587-7113, Don Motors, 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory di- Lancer, SK. BOURGAULT 8810 air seeder, 3225 Bourrect. More sizes available, new and used. CONCORD 4812 AIR TILL DRILL 48’, 5 gault air tank, 35’, 10” spacing, 1” shanks, 1-800-667-4515, FLEXI-COIL 5000 air drill, 40’ w/1720 section, 4 run, DS, Flexi-Coil air package, 330 lb. trips, knock-on Bourgault knives, TBH cart, blockage monitors, 3-1/2” steel K e b o n b o o t s , l e v e l e r s , $ 2 4 , 9 0 0 . single shoot, granular distribution with 3rd packers, 3-1/2” spoons, 9-1/2” spacing, 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. tank extra on 3225, 4-bar HD harrows, field ready, $38,000. Richmound, SK. attach w/poly packers, excellent, 1997 40’ FLEXI-COIL 5000 drill, 9” spac- quick 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, TRIDEKON CROP SAVER, crop dividers. 306-669-2165, 306-662-8113. ing, harrows, 4” rubber packers, $28,500. $32,000. Lloyd Sproule, Pincher Creek, AB. Reduce trampling losses by 80% to 90%. GEN 300/49 OPENERS, 1” wide, fits JD 204-712-5367, 204-746-4543, Morris, MB. Call Great West Agro, 306-398-8000, Cut drills or 47° shanks, set of 72, $3000 OBO. BOURGAULT FH528-32, 28’ w/harrows, CASE/IH CONCORD 4012, w/3400 tank, 2115 tank, hyd. drive w/loading auger. Knife, SK. 306-460-4060, Kindersley, SK. 340 bu. 2 compartment single shoot, 306-893-7499, Maidstone, SK. edge-on shanks, liquid kit, 600 gal. tank, “The Air Bubble Jet 27’ MORRIS 8900, 6180 tank, 12” spac$32,500. Neil 306-753-7901, Macklin, SK. consistently produces droplets ing, single shoot, knock-on’s, $15,000. Red QUIT FARMING: 2004 Bourgault 5250, sin- Deer, AB. 403-885-5761 or 403-588-4787. that are 200-550 microns in gle fan, two transmissions, cab rate adjustsize. Too big to drift too $ 25 ment, rice tires, stored inside, mint, 2010 SERIES FH 424-28 w/2115 tank, 11 small to run off.” extended to 169 bu., new cross auger, $36,000. 306-682-3468, Humboldt, SK. shaft monitor, clutch and 3/4” openers NEW! Drift occurs when droplets are smaller than 200 microns. Standard sprayer CONCORD 3212 w/2300 tank, 32’, 12” (used one season), 7” fill auger, w/liquid spacing, 230 bu., 3 compartment tank, sin- k i t , f i e l d r e a d y, $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 f i r m . nozzles drift because they produce droplets that are 50-300 micron in size gle shoot, $28,500 OBO. Call Neil at 204-967-2009, Kelwood, MB. with a large percentage under 200. With a droplet range of 200-550 microns, $ 95 306-753-2892, Macklin, SK. the Air Bubble Jet has 90% less drift than standard nozzles. WANTED: FLEXI-COIL 820, 25’-35’ or ONE LEFT! NEW Flexi-Coil mech. drive 50’-60’. Please call 403-586-0641, Olds, Run off occurs with big droplets - 600 microns and over. Depending on the 4350 TBH, black. Cam-Don Motors Ltd. AB. manufacturer, other low drift nozzles produce droplets that range in size from 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. JD 1900 TBH air tank, 350 bu., dbl shoot, 250-1000 microns. That is why run off can be a problem. With a droplet size IHC 6200 DISC DRILL, 28’, w/grass seed variable rate, 8” auger, no corrosion in of 200-550 microns, your chemical stays on the plant when applied with the attachment, rubber packers, rolling hill tanks or meters, monitor 1 yr. old, Air Bubble Jet. c u l t i v a t o r s , g o o d s h a p e , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 . $39,500. Call Ron 306-623-4605 or Tyler 780-674-3360, leave msg. Barrhead, AB. 306-221-7008, Sceptre, SK. New Twin Air Bubble Jet. With the twin cap, you can use 2-5 gallon nozzles
rather than 1-10 gallon nozzles. The advantage is you get over twice as many droplets per square inch for superior coverage. Air Bubble jet nozzles operate at 30-45 psi and have an overall range of 20-90 psi.They can be used to apply fungicides, insecticides and herbicides to any crop including potatoes and pulse crops. Ag Canada tested.
Murray Purvis Brandon, MB. 204-724-4519 | Gary Moffat Lethbridge, AB. 403-330-9085
Find New & Used SeedMaster air drills at
JD 610 seeding tool 41’, 12” spacing, Dutch Super Eagle 1720 openers. K-Hart 3” gang mounted packers, granular small seeds kit, Agtron 160 rate and blockage monitor, 787 TBH tank, DS new rollers, fi n e a n d c o a r s e , $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 O B O. P h . 306-463-3225, Kindersley, SK. 53’ 1997 MORRIS 9000, 7240 tank, 9” spacing, 4-row harrows, single shoot, knock-ons, $35,000 OBO. 306-272-4774 or 306-272-4817, Leslie, SK. 2006 NH SC230 air cart, c/w 3rd tank, TBT, dual fan. Call Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge, AB. 1997 EZEE-ON 28’ 10” spacing, 175 bu tank, rubber packers, harrows, $30,000 OBO; 1994 Ezee-On 24’, 10” spacing, 175 bu tank, rubber packers, harrows, $17,500 OBO; CCIL 23’ cult. w/110 bu Flexi-Coil tank, $9500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000. Steinbach, MB. JD 787 AIR SEEDER TANK, TBH, rear hitch, 170 bu. w/JD Valmar, exc. shape, $10,500 OBO. Trade grain or JD tractors. Conquest, SK. 403-350-1795 or 306-856-4709. BOURGAULT 8800 40’ cultivator, air pack, granular kit and 3 bar harrows. Ph Norman 306-682-3726, Humboldt, SK. BOURGAULT 3165 HYDRAULIC fan, $6500. Call 306-231-9937 or 306-231-6675, Humboldt, SK. 32’ BOURGAULT AIR seeder, granular kit, 2155 tank, $10,500 OBO. 306-753-7044, 306-753-7472, Cactus Lake, SK. 40’ BOURGAULT FH air seeder, 180 tank, w/1620 Valmar, updated manifolds, hoses, boots and knock-on shovels. Offers or will consider trade; Norac triple tilt depth control, with 6 sensors. 306-747-3517, Parkside, SK. 1988 BOURGAULT 528-34, 32’, 4 bar, knock-on, 1620 Valmar w/1994 Bourgault 3195 tank c/w rear hitch, $19,900, CamDon Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK MORRIS CONCEPT 2000, 42’ air seeder, 9” spacing, 7180 air tank, single shoot, good condition, $21,000 OBO. 306-893-4479, Waseca, SK. 32’ BOURGAULT FH 28-32’ air seeder, floating hitch, 8” spacing, quick attach 3bar harrows, c/w Flexi-Coil air kit and 1997 Flexi-Coil 1330 air tank, hyd. driven fan. Low acres, exc. cond., $18,000 OBO. 306-287-3579, Watson, SK. BOURGAULT 4350 air tank, approx. 1997, 277 monitor, 10” load auger, high output fan, rear hitch, turf tires, very good, $29,000. Lloyd Sproule, 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. BOURGAULT 4350 air tank, 1998, double shoot, PDM, 3 tank poly metering augers, rear hitch, vg. 306-641-4350, Rhein, SK. BOURGAULT 8800 33’, Bourgault 3195 tank, 8” spacing, quick detach harrows and packers, 1” seed boots, chrome banding boots, 2” spoons, shovels, mounted Valmar granular kit. 306-864-7922 Melfort SK
MORRIS CONCEPT 2000, 42’ air seeder, S/N 2380003808, 9.5” spacing, 3.5” poly packers, liquid fert. kit, Bourgault knockon knives, or will sell as cultivator without air pack. 306-882-3317, Rosetown, SK. 2002 BOURGAULT 8810 40’, 2009 MRB’s, Independent poly packers, harrows, Raven NH3 w/440 controller, new tires, $47,000. 403-599-2108, Milo, AB. QUIT FARMING: 2004 Bourgault 5250, single fan, two transmissions, cab rate adjustment, rice tires, stored inside, mint, $36,000. 306-682-3468, Humboldt, SK. 1993 BOURGAULT 28’ air seeder, fixed hitch, attached harrows, knock-on shovels c/w 2115 hyd. drive air tank, $12,000. 306-845-7723 306-845-2562 Turtleford SK MORRIS 9000 and 6300 air tank with Flexi-Coil wing up packer, 60’, nice cond., asking $50,000. For pics and more info email or call 306-753-3330, Macklin, SK. 1986 JD 655 28’ air seeder, Peacock precision seeder attachments w/5” paired row openers and packer wheels. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. JD 40’ 610 seeding tool, Flexi-Coil 1720 TBH tank, 12” spacing, knock-on sweeps, Valmar, $24,000 OBO. 306-796-7441 leave message, Central Butte, SK. 35’ FLEXI-COIL 700, 12” spacing, single shoot, 3-bar harrows, no tank, $3800 OBO. 306-861-4592, Weyburn, SK. 2001 BOURGAULT 4250 air seeder tank, c/w single shoot manifold to suit 40’ air seeder. All hoses are included! 2 bin tank total 250 bu., hyd. loading auger. Excellent shape! $19,900. Call Jordan anytime, 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 40’ BOURGAULT, 8” spacing, heavy trips, harrows, NH3 kit, 138 tank, shedded, low acres, very good, $10,000 OBO. 306-548-4340, Stenen, SK. 1997 EZEE-ON 3500 FH cult., 32’, 8” spacing, air pack w/recent K-Hart packing system, $15,000. 306-728-3142, Fenwood SK. JD 33’ MODEL 610 w/777 air tank, 160 bu., with hyd. winged packer bar; Morris 37’ Model 8900 w/130 bu. air tank, also w/hyd. wing packer; Morris CP 731 with Flexi-Coil 110 air tank; JD 610 40’ w/dutch openers and gang packers. Yorkton, SK 306-621-5136 days, 306-782-7749 eves. CASE/IH 3430, 2009, double shoot, double fan, 600 monitor, mechanical drive, $53,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 1994 BOURGAULT 8800, 32’, 8” spacing, 3/4” carbide knives, SS, poly packers, 2155 tank, always shedded, $21,000 OBO. 306-631-9648, 306-631-9248, Moose Jaw. ONE PASS SEEDING, 31’ Model 731 Morris cultivator w/Pasco air tank, SS metering, Technotill seeding boots, Atom Jet openers and anhydrous kit all updated, $7500 OBO. 306-937-2880, 306-441-5010, Battleford, SK. 41’ FLEXI-COIL 800, 1720 TBT cart, 3.5” liquid DS Dutch low draft openers, 12” space, mtd. harrows, 4” shank mtd. packers, $15,000. 306-381-3617, Asquith, SK. JD 735 SEEDING tool, 40’, 10” spacing, c/w mounted packers, c/w JD 787 tank, 170 bu., exc. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. 2007 BOURGAULT 9400 air seeder, 60’, 12” spacing, Bourgault 4350 tank, 2002, rear hitch, 600 lb. trips, 1-1/4” shanks, knockon Bourgault 14” shovels, single shoot, high output fan, deep lug tires on tank, 277 monitor, Norac UC3 depth control, 10” load auger, secondary blockage monitor, 3-bar extra HD JD mounted harrows, high output fan, excellent, $109,000. Call Lloyd Sproule 403-627-2764, 403-627-7363, Pincher Creek, AB. BOURGAULT AIR SEEDER tank, Model 2115 Special, vg condition, $1500 OBO. 306-246-4679, Hafford, SK.
1994 CONCORD 4710-47’, c/w 1999 Bourgault 4350 tank, single shoot has dual shoot option. Dutch low draft series openers, 3.5” paired row, used 1 yr. Packer tires very good, c/w 4 spares. Misc. spare parts, $42,500. Call Bill 306-537-3899 or 306-543-7875 Bill/ Robert, Regina, SK. FLEXI-COIL 5000 39’ w/2320, $45,000; Bourgault 8810 60’, 3” row packers, w/5540 tank, $118,000; Bourgault 8800 36’, liquid packers, 3195 tank, $28,900; Bourgault 2155, $6600; Bourgault 3165, $8700. Hergott Farm Equipment, 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. MODIFIED 40’ JD 665 4 bar floating hitch cult., new 16” McKay knock-on sweeps, Beeline applicator, 250 bu. grain cart, 8” loading auger, new seed meters, newer hyd. drive fan, seed monitors, Degelman harrows, Bourgault packer bar, absolutely field ready, many spare parts, $16,000 OBO. 306-857-4500, Strongfield, SK. BOURGAULT 3195 air tank, single shoot, FLEXI-COIL 70’, harrow packers, P-30 shedded, mint condition. 306-728-2113 or green frame, $5500 OBO. 306-858-2412 306-728-9539, Melville, SK. Beechy, SK. or
“No” to strips Know your rates
with the new
Wireless ART Air Seeder Rate and Blockage Monitor
Evolution of the ART Monitor
The WIRELESS ART Rate and Blockage monitor takes the uncertainty out of air cart operation. You will know if your seeding system is having any of these common problems: • Seed Blockage/No Seed Problems • Rate Problems
Use your Google ® Android ® Phone to keep track of our air seeder operation with an ‘App’.
(Windows Phone, Apple and Blackberry ‘App’s are in development) No wires to the cab means quicker startups, and no worries about towing the seeder with the monitor harness! The WIRELESS ART works with today’s large single Shoot and Double Shoot seeding systems. Up to 240 runs can be monitored on double shoot systems (separate seed and fertilizer runs). Use the WIRELESS ART to confirm your calibration for seed and fertilizer rates using the Seed Rate Wizard. Seeds per acre (or pounds per acre) and Fertilizer pounds per acre are displayed. 242 Robin Cres. Saskatoon, SK Canada S7L 7C2 Ph 306-934-0640 Fx 306-668-7666 Email:
2001 BOURGAULT 4000 40’ coil packer, hyd. fold and lift, Very nice shape! $6900. Call 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB. 8’ EMPIRE ULTRAPACKER w/Valmar and heavy harrows, used very little, like new condition. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. RENN-VERTEC 50’ harrow packer bar, one owner, excellent condition, $6500 OBO. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. FLEXI-COIL SYSTEM 95, 60’, P20 packers, 5-bar harrows, walking axle, $5000 OBO. 306-243-4860, Dinsmore, SK. 50’ HARROW BAR, Bush Hog, tines excellent, hyd. lift folds behind, $1200 OBO. 306-862-2833, Nipawin, SK. FLEXI-COIL 50’ heavy harrow, with 2055 Valmar, good condition. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. NEW AND USED ROLLERS, TBH, wing-up, 5-plex units, all sizes. 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell, Bow Island, AB. 50’ MORRIS HEAVY harrow, good tines, $17,500. 306-743-2770, Langenburg, SK. 42’ FLEXI-COIL packer bar, good cond., $7500. Call 403-749-2372, 403-350-9088, Delburne, AB. PHOENIX ROTARY HARROW, Model H17; SN #H17F2205; 55’, like new (done 3500 acres). $18,000 OBO. Westlock, AB. 780-307-5023, 780-307-2414 eves. USED RITE-WAY LANDROLLER, 55’, 5 section, asking $39,000. Hibbard Equipment Ltd., 306-969-2133, Minton, SK. ROTARY HARROW BAR, Brandt 70’, folds up like harrow bar, good condition. 306-843-2934, Wilkie, SK. PHILLIPS ROTARY HARROWS 45’, done 400 acres, $29,500; Summers 82’ heavy harrow, 2010, like new, $32,500; Gates heavy harrow, 2007, 104’, $29,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. 80’ BOURGAULT HARROW/ Sprayer, versa b a r, f i e l d r e a d y, g o o d c o n d i t i o n . 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. 2003 RITE-WAY 7100, 40’ heavy harrow, narrow fold, fully hyd., like new, $18,000. 306-463-2796, Choiceland, SK. 72’ BERGEN HEAVY harrow w/240 Valmar, all new hoses, harrow teeth like new, available immediately. Call for pricing. 204-522-0926, Medora, MB. 1997 RITEWAY 41’ land roller, hyd. fold and lift. Excellent cond! $19,900. Call anytime, 403-627-9300. Pincher Creek, AB. 70’ FLEXI-COIL P30 packer and harrow draw bar, good condition, cheap. Phone: 306-586-0247, Regina, SK. 70’ SYSTEM 92 harrow packer bar w/3255 Valmar, $12,000; 60’ System 92 harrow packer bar and 41’ Rite-Way wing up packer bar, $5000/ea. 306-795-7618, Ituna, SK ONE 24’ and 2-12’ Flexi-Coil P30 packers with multi hitch, $1,000 for all. 306-441-6354, North Battleford, SK. WANTED: CULT MOUNTED Phoenix rotary harrows. 780-662-2617, Tofield, AB.
MF 43 end wheel drill, 12’, grass seed attachment, $1000 OBO. 306-773-6924, Swift Current, SK. 18’ MF 360 DISCER w/packers; Kirschmann 20’ press drill, extra parts w/24’ carrier; Fork rock picker, field ready. Martensville, SK. 306-931-2826 or 306-290-4920. FLEXI-COIL AIR FLOW grain cart w/5 manifolds and boots; CCIL 30’ discer w/seed and fertilizer boxes; CCIL 18’ discer w/seed and fert. boxes; CCIL 501 30’ swather. 780-835-2227, Fairview, AB. 2- 15’ MF 360 discers, 20” blades, grey wheels, Martin hitch, $2800 OBO. Email pics avail. 306-882-2110, Rosetown, SK. 22 VALLEY SYSTEMS tine type banders, 1 1/4” spring steel shank. Call Jack Shymko at 306-675-4419, Ituna, SK. MORRIS 310, 20’ hoe drill, transport separate, $750. Phone 306-225-4678, cell 306-232-3462, Hague, SK. 28’ IH 7200 HOE DRILLS with factory transport, nice condition. 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK.
61 MORRIS CONTOUR factory side band STEALTH DOUBLE SHOOT 4” paired row openers, exc. condition. 306-268-2025, openers, gumbo carbide tips, 49 from a JD Bengough, SK. 1820, 40.5 air drill, 10” spacing, good condition. 780-910-1036 anytime, Leduc, AB. 42’ IHC 7200 hoe drill, great shape, cleaned and oiled every year, extra parts FARM KING/ EZEE-ON deep tiller 2011, included, 3 custom made tarps, lots of fac- low acres, 48’, 650 trips, 4 bar harrows, tory modifications, Atom-Jet points, $49,500. 204-483-2774, Carroll, MB. $8000 OBO. 306-323-4873, Naicam, SK. AEROWAY 15’ C-FLEX for sale, low acres, WANTED: USED LOMBARDINI diesel like new, $10,000 OBO. 780-524-2987, m o t o r, used for Concord air tanks. Valleyview, AB. 204-638-7730, email: 1998 57’ FLEXI-COIL 5000, 7.2” spacing, 2.5” rubber, 3/4” Atom Jet openers, factory markers, drill is tight, used mostly in conventional till operations, $35,000 OBO. 204-657-2319, Fork River, MB. BOURGAULT 2155 TANK, hydraulic drive, good condition, $2850. Call 780-877-2425, Edberg, AB. HIGH QUALITY DISCS and tillage equip42’ CASE/IH 6200 press drill, factory ment: wing-up rollers, 5-plex rollers, chisel transport, reinforced hitch, newer bi-fold plows, heavy harrows, vertical tillage imhyd. markers, $4,000. 306-441-6354, plements, packer bars, rockpickers. North Battleford, SK. 403-545-6340, 403-580-6889 cell, Bow Island, AB. THREE 15’ MF 360 discers, all piggyback s t y l e , $ 3 6 0 0 . C a l l F r e d e v e n i n g s WISHEK HEAVY DISCS- 1,000 lbs. per 306-228-2862, Unity, SK. foot. These are the heaviest discs on the market! Call Flaman Sales, Saskatoon, (2) 14’ IHC 620 DRILLS, w/factory trans., 306-934-2121 or 1-888-435-2626, or visit d r i l l f i l l t a n k , 2 c o m p a r t m e n t s . 306-922-8149, Prince Albert, SK. BOURGAULT 9200 chisel plow, 42’, harJD 455 FOLD-UP 35’ drill, $37,000; 2-30’ r o w s , a i r k i t , n ew t o w h i t c h . C a l l box drills, $36,000/ea. 403-308-1238, Ta- 204-672-0016, Dauphin, MB. ber, AB. FARM KING HEAVY DUTY field discs are 30’ MORRIS M310 hoe drill, factory mover, now available at Flaman Sales from 14’ to steel packers, hard surfaced points, extra 42’ widths. Visit your nearest Flaman store set of new shoes, good condition, asking or call 1-888-0435-2626 $4500 OBO. Call 306-231-8337, Leroy, SK. BOURGAULT COMMANDER 34-38 cult., 8” 1988 IHC 2600 tandem water truck, 350 spacing, 11” sweeps, rear tow hitch, good Cummins, 9 spd., trans., 20’ deck, with condition. 306-228-2000, Unity, SK. 2-1250 gal. water tanks, $9500; Sprayer/combine trailer, 2-10,000 lb. axles, WANTED: HESSTON 2410 disc 40’ or 50’. Call 306-266-4630, Wood Mountain, SK, $7500. 204-546-2755, Grandview, MB email: BOURGAULT 64’ OF 3” rubber packers on 9.8” spacing. Phone 204-546-2086 or BOURGAULT COMMANDER cultivator 204-648-7085, Grandview, MB. model 3438, 36’, 3 row tine harrows. 306-654-4614, Prud’homme, SK. VISIT OUR WEBSITE See our new products for spring 2012. Our KVERNELAND MODEL D PT PLOW, 4 full carbide-triple shoot-paired row open- bottom, 16”, c/w coulters, auto reset, ers have fertilizer between seed rows and good condition, $7500 OBO. 780-723-2646 slightly below. We also have 1/4” SS liquid Edson, AB. fertilizer lines delivering fertilizer to seed rows. Available for all paralink-C shank and edge on. Please watch our website for updates. Thank you for visiting our website. VW Mfg., Dunmore, AB. 403-528-3350. 40’ 9450 JD hoe drills w/mover, rubber packers, exc. cond., always shedded, $18,000. Call 780-373-2161, Bawlf, AB. TWO 50’ CULTIVATORS, excellent condi42’ DOEPKER DRILL TRANSPORT, tion, 1998 820 Flexi-Coils. $15,000 each. w/hyd. lift, and automotive steering. Call Ph: 306-741-2204, Admiral, SK. 306-424-7511, Montmartre, SK. JOHN DEERE 1650 cultivator, 50’ w/1 year 28’ IHC 750 hoe drill, with transport, ask- o l d H o n ey B e e d e a d r o d , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 o r ing $1000. 306-735-2936, 306-735-7742, $10,000 w/o deadrod. 306-472-5798 Whitewood, SK. home or 306-472-7880 cell, Lafleche, SK. 20’ JD 9350 press drills, w/transport, WA N T E D : 2 F I E L D C U LT I VATO R S $2000. 306-229-7502 or 306-373-8194, w/harrows, 45’ to 60’. Bob 780-923-2984, Saskatoon, SK. 780-264-0821, Edmonton, AB. FLEXI-COIL CARBIDE TIP 4” paired row CO-OP 33’ CULTIVATOR, wide blade type, plus body, less than half price of new. m i n t c o n d i t i o n , $ 5 6 0 0 O B O . Phone 306-245-3756, Tyvan, SK. 306-834-8100, Major, SK. 6200 IHC 24’ SEED DRILL, c/w grass seed, MORRIS DT 35’ Magnum cultivator, rubber packers, factory mover, spare w/harrows, $4000; 29’ Magnum II cultivaparts, marker, shedded, $5500 OBO. Co- tor, w/Valmar and harrows, $6000. Both chrane, AB. 403-932-3047, 403-850-4395. mint. 306-567-3042, Davidson, SK. 30’ MORRIS N10 double disc drills, stored MORRIS CP 745 Magnum II, w/harrows; i n s i d e , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $ 3 0 0 0 . Morris 8900 35’ w/anhydrous kit; Morris 306-877-4753, Dubuc, SK. CP 743-47’ Magnum I; Morris 731-35’ JOHN DEERE 9400 30’ hoe drill, capable of Magnum II; Morris CP 725-29’ Magnum I. direct seeding, attached factory transport, 306-621-5136 days or 306-782-7749 eves, Eagle Beak openers, like new condition, Yorkton, SK. seeded approx. 1000 acres, $28,000 OBO. 24’ IH 620 PRESS DRILL, rubber packers, 780-523-7665, High Prairie, AB. w/transport, $1400; ROCKPICKER, hyd. 80’ 3255 VALMAR, used for Edge and drive, new tires, exc. cond., $1000; 2- hyd. Avadex, also for seeding canola and flax, DRILL FILLS, new fittings and hoses, $9450 OBO. 306-245-3750, 306-536-0207, $400 each; 1952 D2 CATERPILLAR, no blade. 306-466-4441, Leask, SK. Francis, SK. JD 9350 DISC DRILLS, Case/IH 2- 14’ 32’ EZEE-ON 4600 DISC, $49,900. 7200 hoe drills w/factory transport, Phone 306-421-0205, Estevan, SK. Case/IH 3- 12’ 6200 disc drills w/factory VERTICAL TILLAGE Attachments. Convert transport. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Es- your chisel plow into a vertical tillage tool tate Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, quickly and economically. Warms and aerJune 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. Visit ates soil. Manages high residue farming. for sale See your nearest Flaman store or call bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. 1-888-435-2626 or see more details at 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962 33’ LEON DT, 12” spacing, 16” shovels, harrows, low acres, very good, $3500 OBO. 306-548-4340, Stenen, SK. KELLO-BILT 8’ TO 16’ OFFSET DISCS c/w oilbath bearings, 26” to 36” blades. The Successful Farmers Choice. 1-888-500-2646 KELLO-BILT breaking disc, 210 series, 10’, $6000. 306-298-2285, Val Marie, SK. 2010 SALFORD RTS vertical disc, 41’, 2012 factory update, new bearings in discs. 306-383-2920, Quill Lake, SK. BUSH HOG TANDEM DISC 19-1/2’, mud scrapers, nice shape. 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK. 42’ Eze e On dis c m ode l 8 700 LTF, De m o 2011 m o d el. No tched b la d es o n fro n t, s m o o th o n b a ck. On ly u s ed 1000 a cres . New ca s h p rice $97,500. Buy this d em o for $84,500. F o r p ics em a il: p hil.fla m a n @ fla m a n .co m Fla m a n Sa le s Ltd, 1-888-235 -2626 o r 306-7 26-4403, S o u they, S K .
33’ 272 WHITE tandem discs for sale; Also 36’ Morris tine harrows. Phone 306-253-4454, Aberdeen, SK. 37’ MORRIS CHALLENGER II with Valmar, new shovels, low acres, nice condition. 306-726-4616, Southey, SK. 41 FARM LAND COULTERS w/mounting brackets, $8000. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equip Ltd., Storthoaks, SK. 306-449-2255.
Fle xi-C o il 5 3’ h a rro w d ra w b a r w /ha rro w s , $1,200 OB O 42’ C a s e IH 7 200 h o e d rill w /ea gle b ea ks , fa cto ry tra n s p o rt, $2,000 OB O Kirs ch m a n 24’ 3-s e ctio n d b l. d is c d rill w /s teel p a cker w heels , Open to Offers IH 28, 2-s ectio n d b l. d is c d rill w /ru b b er co vered w heels , Open to Offers C a s e 900 Tra cto r, Open to Offers
IH 695, FWA, 3500 hrs., Leon loader, shuttle shift, 3 PTH and 84” finishing mower, $20,000 OBO. 306-795-3418, Ituna, SK. 1490 CASE w/LEON loader, 3 PTH, PTO, $13,650; Ford 8N 3 PTH, PTO w/JD 3 PTH mower and 3 PTH 6’ cult., $1575 or sell separate; 15’ Shulte mower w/hyd. hitch for mowing ditches, 1000 PTO, $13,950. Call 306-842-5810, Weyburn, SK.
M c Le a n , S K .
3 06 -6 9 9 -76 78 (C ) | 3 06 -6 9 9 -7213 (H) o r e m a il: gra n tw ils on @ s a s kte l.n e t 30’ JD 9350 disc drills. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. PL 311962. WANTED: HESSTON 2410 disc 40’ or 50’. Call 306-266-4630, Wood Mountain, SK, email:
1997 AGCOSTAR 8360, N14 Cummins, 360 HP, 18 spd., 20.8x42 duals, 4 remotes, shedded, 3760 hrs., great, $65,000 OBO. 306-948-2896, Biggar, SK.
1981 7020 AC tractor, good 18.4x38 tires, 12 spd. powershift, dual PTO, $5750 OBO. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. 1985 DEUTZ 6.3, 9000 hrs, 3 hyds., dual PTO, CAHR, with Allied loader. Phone 306-233-8200, Cudworth, SK. 1987 DEUTZ 7085, FWA, open station, 85 HP, 3 PTH, 5900 hrs., Allied 794 FEL, $17,000. Ph. 204-525-4521, Minitonas MB. Visit: 9 1 5 0 F WA , g o o d c o n d i t i o n , d u a l s , 540/1000 PTO, green, A/C, air ride seat. 306-548-4700, Sturgis, SK.
NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $356; 16.9-28 12 ply $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515, 2003 STX 375, 6100 hrs., new 30.5Lx32 tires, 4 hyd, big pump and air seeder return line, $85,000 with wide single tires or may purchase unit with 8 new Goodyear Super Traction 520-85R46 tires and dual wheels for $110,000. 204-871-0925, MacGregor, MB. 2008 CASE/IH MX 215, 1100 hrs., 3 PTO’s, 4 hyd’s., 3 PTH, rear duals, full Outback S3 AutoSteer, $129,500; 2007 Magnum 245, same specs, no GPS, $135,000. Phone 780-376-3577, Daysland, AB. 1996 9350 CASE STEIGER, 1 owner, shedded, 310 HP, 3083 hrs, c/w Degelman 14’ blade, $90,000 OBO. 306-228-3693, Unity, SK. CASE MX110, loader and grapple, MFWD, 3 PTH, 7000 hrs, $35,000 OBO. INT. 684, loader and 3 PTH, exc. cond., $14,500 OBO. 403-308-1238, Taber, AB. CASE/IH 784 UTILITY, 65 HP, 3 PTH, CIH 200 loader, $9900 OBO. Call: Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 1985 RED CASE 4494, powershift, duals, PTO, rebuilt fuel pump, vg cond., 8033 hrs, $18,000. 306-744-7663, Saltcoats, SK. 1976 IHC 1566 dsl., 160 HP, good cond., 7150 hrs, duals w/vg inside tires, saddle tanks, $7000. 306-744-7663, Saltcoats, SK
ALLIS CHALMERS 7000, 3251 hours, 3 s p e e d p owe r s h i f t , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e . RETIRED: CASE 425 STX, 20x42 triples, 306-631-7181, Courval, SK. high flow hyd., 12 spd. std. w/hi-low powershift, 530 hrs., bought new in 2003. 306-542-4462, Kamsack, SK. WHITE 2-135, 2000 hrs. on rebuilt motor, 1979 CASE/IH 2670 powershift, needs duals, new rubber, new interior, vg cond., hyd. pump, otherwise good, $3000; 1984 Massey 2745, 5000 hrs., V8, 24 spd, 150 $10,000. 306-298-2285, Val Marie, SK. HP, duals, powershift, good shape, clutch WHITE 2-110, 4800 hours, excellent won’t release, motor needs to be split, shape. 306-631-7181, Courval, SK. $5000. 204-722-2023, McAuley, MB. 1985 WHITE 4-270 tractor, 270-300 HP, 2290 CASE W/Allied FEL, 8300 hrs., power PTO, 4 spd. PS, 4300 hrs., asking $26,500. shift done at 7800 hrs., new rear tires, 204-322-5483, 204-461-0854, Warren, MB $17,000. 306-558-4444 or 306-558-7133, Maple Creek, SK. 1979 CASE 2470, 4 WD, recent rebuilt and powershift, always shedded, very 2011 CASE 485 QUADTRAC: Twin pump eng. condition, 6561 hrs. Asking $14,000 hyd. (Magna pump option) 55 gpm and 35 good OBO. 780-632-1600, Vegreville, AB. gpm, deluxe cab, Pro 600 monitor w/factory guidance, diff. locks, 30” Camoplast, 2004 CASE MXU125, FWA, 3530 hrs, hi cap. drawbar, 262 receiver hp/xp, cold LX156 loader, 7’ bucket w/grapple, 3 PTH, start pkg, front tow cable, LED light pack- mint cond., shedded, $67,000 OBO. age, 700 hrs. Only used one season, 1 yr 306-735-4430, Whitewood, SK. warranty remaining, immaculate cond. Pulled a 75’ Bourgault 3310 drill, 6550 1986 RED CASE 4894, approx. 7500 hrs, tank and twin 1250 anhydrous wagon last singles at 60%, PTO, good cond., $25,000 seeding and a few hrs. pulling a 14 yd. OBO. 306-823-4509 or cell 306-823-3851, scraper in the fall. $305,000 OBO. Near Neilburg, SK. Melfort, SK. Call Jamie 306-921-5857. 2594 CASE, 24 spd. trans., 8500 hrs., vg cond., DT 710 radial duals, $19,000. Mark Perkins 780-842-4831, Wainwright, AB. AIR RIDE CAB KIT for Case/IH quad tractors, rides like a Cadillac . Call Milt 306-229-1693, Hepburn, SK. CASE/IH STEIGER built, 4 WD/Quads; Plus other makes and models. Call the Tractor Man! Trades welcome. We deliver. Gord 403-308-1135, Lethbridge AB 2009 CIH 485STX, 2000 hrs., PTO, high flo hydraulics, 710x42 tires, mint cond. Call 306-231-9937 or 306-231-6675, CASE/IH 8920, 5000 hrs, MFWD, 3 re- Humboldt, SK. motes, 540/1000 PTO, with guidance, al- CASE 4694, 4WD, 7945 hrs., 20.8x34 duals ways shedded, $67,500. 403-795-7186, very good, powershift, PTO, $21,000. Lethbridge, AB. 306-843-3317, Wilkie, SK. 1982 CASE 4890, 6600 hrs, new tires, big 1566: 160 HP, CAH, 1000 PTO, dual hyd., 1000 PTO, good condition. Call Sheldon at new 20.8x38 duals, 5600 hrs., vg cond., 306-747-7807, Shellbrook, SK. $8500 OBO. 306-554-2901, Wynyard, SK.
2006 MX255 CASE/IH Magnum, MFD, duals, 255 HP, 2200 hrs., $120,000. Call A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. TWO 2470’s for sale. One w/PTO, 4 hyds., motor needs crankshaft, One with good motor, 2 hyds., no PTO. Combined 8 brand new tires. 306-421-1469, Estevan, SK. 2005 McCORMICK MTX 125, MFWD, 5300 hrs., FEL c/w grapple and bale fork, $42,500 OBO. 306-236-6916 evenings, Meadow Lake, SK. 1992 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, Trelleborg 750x38 duals next to new, Raven AutoSteer 12 spd. std., 7300 hrs, vg shape, $70,000. 306-335-2811, Lemberg, SK. 1994 CASE/IH 9280, 375 HP, manual trans., 20.8Rx42 DT 710 duals, $56,000. 306-423-5983, 306-960-3000, St. Louis SK 1990 CASE/IH 7140, 198 HP, MFWD, 3 remotes, 1000 PTO, 6875 hrs., new rubber 420/85R28 and 520/85R42 singles, $37,500 or $43,500 w/JD Starfire AutoSteering system. 204-955-5562 Rosser MB 1984 IH 5488, MFWD, 20.8R38 duals, new 18.4x26 fronts, 3 hyds., return line, 1000 PTO, front weights, 6390 hrs., recent eng. rebuild. 306-752-4020, 306-921-9209, Melfort, SK. CASE 2594, low hrs., like new Michelins, very clean. 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. 970 2WD TRACTOR w/4243 hours. Dean Allen and Floyd Krell Estate Farm Equip. Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. area. for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL 311962. CIH 5250, MFWD, cab with air, heat, loader, joystick, bale spear, good tires, runs excellent. 306-338-2674, Kuroki, SK. PRICE REDUCED: 1992 Case/IH Magnum 7110 w/1284 org. hrs. Shedded, duals, premium condition. 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429 Langham SK 1997 CASE STEIGER 9390, 6420 hours, almost new 520/85Rx42 triples, 4 hyds., 24 spd., weights, very good, $96,000. 204-635-2625, 204-268-5539, Stead, MB. 2003 STX 450Q, 9925 hrs., belts- 80%, new trans., recent Redseal, quad hyds., l o a d e d , p o w e r s h i f t , $ 8 5 , 0 0 0 O B O. 780-841-1496, Fort Vermilion, AB. 2011 CASE/IH 125 Maximum Value, FWA, never used, 1 year warranty left, $73,000. 306-441-5040, North Battleford, SK. 1981 CASE 4890, 4WD, 300 HP, powershift, 30.5Lx32 singles, tires 80%, PTO, 4 hyds., 6420 org. hrs. Bottom end and powershift done. Contact Bob 780-755-2115, or 780-842-7836, Edgerton, AB.
1979 STEIGER (FORD FW-30), 7300 hrs., 20 spd. standard, new 20.8xR38, PTO, $19,000. 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. 1984 STEIGER COUGAR CM250, 4 WD, Cat 3306 eng., std. trans, 5500 hrs, 4 hyds, good 18.4x38 radials, w/12’ Degelman dozer blade, $24,000 OBO. 306-255-2733 Colonsay, SK. 1976 STEIGER ST210 Wildcat, 3208 motor w/5 speed, 18.4x34 tires not in good s h ap e . S e l l i n g a s u n i t . $ 1 0 0 0 O B O. 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB.
1994 75C, 12’, 6-WAY LEON DOZER BLADE, 325 HP, powershift, 36” tracks, 4 hyds., 5300 hrs, fresh service, shedded, $75,000. 306-463-2796, Kindersley, SK.
1992 4960, MFWD, 6920 hrs., 3 hyds., 20.8x42 radial duals, 280 loader and grapple, $59,500. 306-264-3834, Kincaid, SK. 2955 JD 4WD, 95 HP, exc. cond., recent engine and transmission repair, $17,000. Call 604-826-6482, Abbotsford, BC. or email: JD 4440 w/158 JD loader and grapple, 3500 eng. hrs., good shape, $22,000 OBO. 780-573-4437, Bonnyville, AB. FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2006 JD 9320, used 1400 hrs., field ready, $169,900. 780-955-2364, 780-554-4736, Leduc, AB. 1995 JD 6400, FWA, self levelling loader, $39,000. 306-675-6137, Leross, SK.
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2008 JD 7230 FWA w/JD 740 loader, plumbed for grapple, 1550 hrs., exc. cond., $115,000. Contact RM of Hart Butte #11, 306-267-2005, Coronach, SK. 2000 JD 7410, 4 WD w/loader and grapple, exc. cond.; 1980 JD 4240, powershift, 20.8x38 rubber, low hours. 403-504-9607, Medicine Hat, AB. JD 7410 MFWD w/740 loader and grapple, 3 PTH, 50% tires, good condition, $47,500. 403-854-0230, Hanna, AB. JD 8650, 16 spd. powershift, 4 hyd., 20.8x38 duals, new clutch, PTO, good cond., $28,500.306-861-4592 Weyburn SK
2007 JD 7420 loaded tractor, IVT trans., 2090 hrs., 135 HP, MFWD, fenders, JD 741 SL loader w/grapple, 3 SCVs, pass. seat JD, elec. single lever joystick, 540/1000 PTO, LH reverser, 3 PTH, premium cab, Goodyear 20.8R38 rear tires, $99,900 OBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 8760 JD, 20-38 radials, quad range trans., shedded, $52,000. Phone 306-782-2738, Yorkton, SK. 1993 JD 8560, 24 spd., diff lock, 4 hyds, return line, PTO, 6400 hrs, Firestone rubber at 40%, asking $54,500. Phone 306-531-3050, Regina, SK. 1961 JOHN DEERE 4010 w/cab, runs good, clutch and injection pump replaced, $5000 OBO. 306-530-1909, Rouleau, SK. 2007 JD 7730 MFWD, 2900 hrs, 746 loader w/96â&#x20AC;? bucket and grapple, 20.8x42 rear tires, rear weight package, 3 PTH, 3 remotes, Greenstar ready, $115,000 OBO. 306-621-6402, Stornoway, SK. WRECKING FOR PARTS: 4430 JD, c/w very good running engine and excellent sheet metal, 18.4x34 tires and duals. 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. WANTED: JOHN DEERE 4650 TRACTOR, w/FWA, low hrs. and in good condition. Phone 780-672-3755, Camrose, AB. 1993 JD 8770, 2420 ORIG. HRS., 24 spd., 20.8x38 rubber, 4-way Degelman blade, $90,000 OBO. Serious inquiries only. 306-272-4382, Foam Lake, SK. 2010 JD 7330, 98 hrs., factory warranty to Dec. 2012, MFWD, air, heat, 20 spd. trans., 3 PTH, drawbar, 3 hyd., loader ready c/w joystick, shuttle shift, $95,000 OBO. Phone 306-775-1564, Regina, SK. JOHN DEERE 4630, 700 hrs., duals, factory 3 PTH, very good condition, $25,000. 306-298-2285, Val Marie, SK. STEVEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S TRACTOR REBUILDER looking for JD tractors to rebuild, Series 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s, or for parts. Will pay top dollar. Now selling JD parts. 204-466-2927, 204-871-5170, Austin, MB. JD 2750 INDUSTRIAL w/cab, 3 hyds., L P TO , g o o d s t r a i g h t u n i t , 7 5 H P. 306-961-7553, Prince Albert, SK. 2010 GAS w/36A loader, good working cond. and 3010 gas w/dual loader, extra nice cond. Both yr. 1963, start and run good, all new tires. $13,000 for both OBO. 306-782-4288, Yorkton, SK. 1997 9300 4WD, PTO, AutoSteer, 24 spd., deluxe cab, 6100 hrs., $92,500 OBO. 306-867-7409, Conquest, SK. 1998 JOHN DEERE 9400, 4000 hrs., like new, loaded up, weight package, shedded, $120,000. 306-681-9030, Moose Jaw, SK. JD 830 RESTORED, always shedded, $13,500; 730 diesel, popstart restored, $12,500; 1928 JD D, repainted, $4500. Call George 780-689-7373, Athabasca, AB. 1982 JD 8640, 9700 hrs., 50 series engine, 20.8x38 Firestone 75%, PTO, diff. lock, shedded, very nice shape, $25,000. Phone 306-682-3474 or 306-231-8794. Fulda, SK.
JD 4250 2WD tractor with JD 720 FEL and grapple fork. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, June 15, 2012 Sintaluta, SK. area. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL311962. For sale bill and photos 1989 JD 3155 cab, air, htr, FWA, JD 740 ldr, grapple, joystick, 7200 hrs., $38,500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. JD 7710 MFWD; JD 7810 MFWD; JD 1979 JOHN DEERE 4640 Quad 16 8110 MFD, JD 6420 MFD, all low hours, transmission, triple hydraulics, 18.4-38 + c a n b e e q u i p p e d w i t h l o a d e r s . new 24.5-32 duals. 9,500 hrs, $ 21,300. 204-522-6333, Melita, MB. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800- 1980 JD 4640, FWA, 14.9xR46 rear duals, 667-4515. 80%, 3 PTH, 3 hyd., 10,500 hrs., $23,000. BEN PETERS JD TRACTORS LTD. c/o 306-370-8010, Saskatoon, SK. Mitch Rouire, Box 72, Roseisle, MB. 204-828-3628 shop, 204-750-2459 cell. For Sale: 7810 MFWD, power quad, LHR, 3PTH, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, LHR, 3PTH, new tires, low hrs; 7710 MFWD, PQ, RHS, 3PTH, vg rubber, low hrs; 4650 MFWD, 15 spd; 4455 MFWD, 3 PTH, engine rebuilt, new paint and interior; 4455 MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd; 4250 MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd; 4050 MFWD, 3PTH, 15 spd; 2950 MFWD, 3 PTH w/260 self-levelling 1982 4640 JD TRACTOR 8,644 hrs., FEL; 2950 MFWD, 3PTH w/740 s-l FEL and 1000 PTO. Nice chore tractor. $17,800. grapple; 4440 quad, factory duals; 2555 Trades welcome. Financing available. CAH, 3PTH, 4600 hrs. w/146 FEL. All trac- 1-800-667-4515. Watch video at: tors can be sold with new or used loaders. 2006 JD 7720, with 746 self-levelling 1998 JD 7810 MFWD, 740 self-levelling loader and grapple, front fenders, 3 hyds., loader, 7500 hrs., very good condition, power quad trans., new front tires, 5600 $70,000. 306-577-9020, Wawota, SK. hrs. Located at Swan River, MB. Phone JD 8430 w/9325 hrs., 1000 hrs. on rebuilt 204-734-8821 cell, or 403-758-3509. motor, all new interior 1 yr. ago, new AC 1982 JD 4840, 6700 hrs., full powershift, and heater condenser, have work orders new tires, $20,000 OBO. 403-485-3535, available. Four inside tires, new four outHigh River, AB. side tires about 75%, 3 SCVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s w/Pioneer new batteries last fall. 1000 PTO, askJD 1994 7700, MFWD, power quad, triple tips, n g $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 O B O. C o n t a c t Te r e n c e hyd, FEL like new, very clean. Barrhead, i306-768-7256, Carrot River, SK. AB, 780-674-5516, 780-305-7152. 7420 JD w/741 loader, 1960 hrs., one owner, shedded, exc. cond., $90,000 OBO. Sold farm. 403-740-5247, Stettler, AB.
1995 7700 FWA JD TRACTOR, powershift, JD 740 self leveling F.E.L. $39,900. Trades welcome. Financing available. 1-800-667-4515,
1986 JD 8650, 3 pt. hitch, PTO, 1500 hrs. on overhaul, good rubber, 18.4x38 tires, overall nice condition, c/w 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122; blade, $29,900. 701-425-8400, Vermilion, AB. 1999 JD 7810 MFWD, c/w 740 JD FEL and bucket, 3 PTH, flotation rubber, 6579 hrs. Call 780-518-0135, Beaverlodge, AB. 1994 JD 6400 cab, air, htr, FWA, JD 640 ldr, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, 5200 hrs., one owner, $39,500 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 2000 JD 9400, 4350 hrs, 5 hyds., 24 spd. trans, tow cable, Greenlight, 20.8R42 triples, $135,000. 306-596-0262, Rouleau, SK. JD 7130, premium cab, high spd. trans., 741 loader, 3 PTH, 1130 hrs., like new cond, $94,000; JD 4450, 140 PTO HP, 7800 hrs., exc. cond, asking $27,500; JD 5105, 2008, 40 PTO HP, 252 hrs., 3 PTH, $15,500. 403-330-9558, Lethbridge, AB. WANTED: 1970â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s JD 6030 tractor, need not be running. 204-766-2643.
JD 5525 cab, air, htr, FWA, 3 PTH, JD 563 ldr., 200 hours, like new, $47,990 OBO. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. 1983 8650, 6100 hrs., 20.8xR38 50%, 1997 JD 9100, 4 WD, 4766 hrs, 24 spd. s h e d d e d , e x c . c o n d . , $ 3 9 , 5 0 0 O B O. Power Sync, 4 hyds outlets, 20.8x38 tires, 306-280-9989, 306-221-1745, Wakaw ,SK. new on front, Outback GPS and AutoSteer, $80,000 OBO. Speers, SK, 306-246-4556, 1 9 9 7 9 3 0 0 , 5841 hrs, 12 spd. std, 306-246-4962. 650-65x42â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at 60%, 4 hyds., $89,000. 1993 JD 7800, MFWD, 9700 hrs., under 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 1000 hrs. on rebuilt motor, 19 spd. power 2- JD 158 LOADERS, $4250 each; JD shift, 740 loader w/grapple, 20.8x38 rears, 148 LOADER, $3600. Call 403-308-1238, $45,000. 403-728-3884, Spruce View, AB. Taber, AB. 1980 4440, 20.8x38 duals, 7900 hrs., 726 1973 JD 4030, cab, quad trans, 10,000 loader like new, clean and solid, in exc. hrs, 18.4x34, c/w jobber 3 PTH, $13,000 condition, $25,000. 306-741-7737, Stew- OBO. 780-679-7795, Camrose, AB. art Valley, SK. JD 4640, 7616 hrs., new front tires, rear 1997 JD 8400, 4021 hrs, 4 new tires, 3 tires at 40%, new batteries, always shedPTH, FWA, $84,000; 1990 JD 4955, 9752 ded, good running condition, $20,000 hrs, 3 PTH, powershift, FWA, $36,500; OBO. 306-835-2806, Raymore, SK. 1987 JD 4450, 7200 hrs, powershift, 3 PTH, FWA, $39,500. 306-231-3993, Hum- 1990 4255 MFWD, powershift, 3 PTH, rubber 90%, 4200 hrs, immaculate. boldt, SK. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. JD 9100 4WD tractor w/2065 hrs, JD 6400 2WD tractor w/580 hrs, JD 4020 2WD 1997 JD MODEL 8200, FWA, 5400 hrs., tractor w/Leon FEL. Dean Allen Farm 710 70R38 front, front fenders, 3 PTH, reEquipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, turn line, shedded heated shop, exc. cond., 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction $71,900. 403-337-2222, Cremona, AB. Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit for sale 1994 JD 8570, 24 spd., 4 remotes, diff. lock, 20.8x38, 5565 hrs., always been bill, video and photos. PL 311962. shedded, Outback, Autotrac, $58,000 OBO. 2002 JD 9520 4 WD, 3300 hrs., AutoSteer 306-424-7773, 306-424-2739, Kendal, SK. ready, 800 metrics, $175,000 OBO. Hud2008 JD 6430 premium, MFWD, IVT, 40 son Bay, SK. 306-865-7694, 306-865-3790 kms/hr., 3 PTH, LHR, Michelin tires, warJD 4630 2WD tractor. Farm Equipment ranty, 1900 hrs., shedded, very clean, Auction for Terry Dreger, Sat., June 16, $64,500. 306-276-2080, Nipawin, SK. 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos JD 8960, 24.5x32 tires, 375 HP, excellent Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 cond., $69,500 OBO. Phone 403-823-1894, Drumheller, AB. Mack Auction Co. PL 311962. 1980 8440 JD 4 WD, stored inside, nice 1979 JD 4840, Leon loader, duals, lots of c l e a n t r a c t o r, $ 1 9 , 0 0 0 w / J D d o z e r, weights, powershift, 5 hyds., rebuilt en$ 1 7 , 0 0 0 w o / d o z e r. 4 0 3 - 6 5 3 - 1 6 8 6 , gine, clutch and hyd. pump, 8800 hrs., $25,000. 780-307-1564, Barrhead, AB. 403-653-1385, Cardston, AB.
2005 JD 8320 FWA, deluxe cab, 8300 hrs, nice shape, tires 80%, powershift, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5900 6-way blade, $95,000 w/blade, $80,000 without, OBO. Troy 306-831-9776 Rosetown SK 2003 JD 7810, MFWD, 4500 hrs., power quad w/LH reverser, JD 840 loader, grapple fork and joystick, excellent condition. Financing available. 780-674-5516 or 780-305-7152, Barrhead, AB. 1985 4250 MFWD, quad, rubber- 90%, exc. shape. Loader available. 306-744-8113, Saltcoats, SK. 1981 JD 4440, 18.4x38 radial tires, very good; 1994 JD 7700, FWA, 20.8x38 radial tires, 3 hyds., shows very good. Can supply loaders. 780-398-2554, Waskatenau, AB. 1992 JD 8560, 24 spd., 4 hyd., 5500 hrs., 18.4x38 duals, well maintained, $53,900. 306-949-8407, Parry, SK. 1976 JD 4630, 6000 org. hrs., saddle and front mount fuel tanks, duals, $16,500. 403-742-1030, 403-340-9280, Stettler, AB. 1973 JD 4430, 1200 hrs. on rebuilt motor, (7000 total hrs.) good paint, cab, 3 PTH, shedded, $9,000. 204-866-4261, Anola MB 1968 JD 4020, synchro-range, very straight and original w/factory cab, Leon 700 loader w/QA bucket, forks and prongs $12,000 firm. 204-937-7427, Roblin, MB. 2004 9320, POWERSHIFT JD AutoSteer, nearly new 710x38, 7200 hrs., $118,500. 306-948-3949, 306-948-7223, Biggar, SK. 2005 JD 2210 w/2010 FEL, 215 hrs., 3PTH, always shedded, $11,000. Cortech, Maple Creek, SK. Call Harry 306-662-2800. 1979 4440 JD, 7245 hrs. duals, quad. shift, tires like new, two hyd., 795 Buhler FEL, 3 point hitch, but doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have arms. Asking $25,000 OBO. 306-424-2336, Kendal, SK. JD 4650, 20.8x38 duals, 7897 hrs., exc. cond., $25,000 OBO. 306-338-2841 or 306-327-7959, Wadena, SK.
2002 TV140, 3200 hrs., 3 remote hyds., both cab and engine end, plus high flow, 2 drawbars, loader with grapple, 3 PTH cab end, shedded. Mint! $55,000. 204-866-4261, Anola, MB. 2004 NH TG210, MFWD, w/ALO Quickie 990 FEL w/grapple, 3500 hrs, Super Steer, 3 PTH, 540/1000 PTO, powershift, 20.8-42 duals, 5 hyds, fully loaded, $90,000 OBO. Call 403-308-5150, Wrentham, AB.
2009 TV6070, bi-directional, 3 PTH, grapple, manure tines, 800 hrs., like new. Dave 403-556-3992, Olds, AB. 1997 NH 8670 FWA, 3270 hrs, powershift, radials, Super Steer, radar, excellent cond., $49,500. 403-638-5390, Sundre, AB 2006 NH TN75DA 73 HP tractor, FWA, 33 LA loader, cab, air, 3 PTH, 471 hrs. 306-487-7920, Midale, SK.
1985 CASE 2390, 6700 hrs., duals, front weights, $11,500 OBO; Bourgault Centurion II 95â&#x20AC;&#x2122; sprayer, wind guards, markers, 800 gal. tank, $3500 OBO; JD 9350 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hoe drill, factory easy transport, $1,900 OBO. 204-546-3265, Grandview, MB.
NH 9282, 4WD, 2600 HOURS, 12 spd., 20.8x38 duals, GPS ready, always shedded, one owner. 204-851-0745, Elkhorn, MB. 2011 NH T6020, 90 PTO HP, FWA, CAHR, 72 hrs., QA loader, warranty until Oct./14, $69,900. 250-938-0974, Armstrong, BC.
1982 VERSATILE 895, 4 WD, 6000 hrs., $24,000; 67â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Western Harrow packer bar, 1-3/4â&#x20AC;? packers, $3500; 135 Bourgault air tank, load/unload auger, dsl. eng., $3000. 204-546-2755, Grandview, MB 1974 1135 MASSEY tractor, w/big singles, good rubber, $8500; 1976 400 Versatile 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; swather w/PU reel, $3000; 1965 3 ton GMC, cabover grain truck, wood box w/rollup tarp, 409, 5&2 trans, 900x20 tires, rubber good shape, $3000; 1975 Ford 1/2 ton Supercab, 460 V8, auto, w/2 fuel tanks- 100 gal. w/elec. pump, 50 gal. w/hand pump, $1800. 306-865-7808, Hudson Bay, SK.
2000 FORD TM125, FWA, 95 PTO HP, 4950 hrs., 3 PTH, loader/grapple, exc. cond. Phone: 306-283-4747, 306-291-9395, 306-220-0429, Langham, SK. 1950 FORD 8N, side distributor, runs well, good working condition, new paint. 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK. FORD F800, 3 PTH, like new tires, $3500; Ford 9N, 3 PTH, runs nice, $2000 OBO. Call Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB.
2005 JCB 3220 tractor, 2840 hrs., 220 HP FORD 8670, 9000 hrs., 8 new tires, pow- 70 kms/hr., full suspension, ABS brakes, ershift, 3 PTH, 4 hyd. outlets, transmission air hook-up, 540/1000, heavy 3 PTH, tires rebuilt, $45,000. 50%. Ernest 306-537-7287, Regina, SK. 306-231-3993, Humboldt, SK.
1984 VERSATILE 895, 6300 hrs., new UNIVERSAL FIT 3000 LB. pallet forks, also tires. Call Arch Equipment 306-867-7252, fits 3PTH (bales), $795. Cam Don Motors Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. Outlook, SK. FORD VERSATILE 846 Designation 6 4WD DEGELMAN 6-WAY DOZER, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, fits on tractor w/3478 hrs. Dean Allen and Floyd 9 2 8 0 C a s e . I n e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . Krell Estate Farm Equipment Auction, 403-394-4401, Lethbridge, AB. Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK. ALLIED 580 FEL quick detach, $2000. Call area. Visit 780-914-4553 or 780-878-0005, Hay for sale bill, video and photos. Call Mack Lakes, AB. Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815, PL 311962. GOOD USED SET of Cat rails and 24â&#x20AC;? pads for Komatsu D7-E, F or G; Used set of rails 1980 VERSATILE 935, approx. 5200 hrs., and 24â&#x20AC;? pads for Komatsu D-85, per set duals, 4 inside tires are brand new, Cum- $5200.; set of D6 High track rails, 24â&#x20AC;? mins 855, 280 HP, 4 hyds., std. trans., ask- pads, like new, 40 links, $8600. Can be deing $14,000. 780-645-5475, Elk Point, AB. livered. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB. 2010 575, powershift, 620 triples, 200 EZEE-ON 100 LOADER w/6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, w/wo hrs., $290,000; 2012 575, powershift, 800 Case submounts, $2500 OBO; (2) Degelduals, call. 306-338-2588, Wadena, SK. man dozer mounts for 1070 Case and 1991 946 FORD VERSATILE and 1978 875 1466 IH. 306-747-2514, Shellbrook, SK. Versatile. 306-862-2533, 306-862-5969, LEON 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 6-WAY dozer with tilt and angle. Nipawin, SK. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, LAST ONE! 2012 Versatile 535, powershift, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK area. 800 duals, last of the pre-emission en- for sale gines. We need good trades. Cam-Don bill, video and photos. Mack Auction Co. 306-421-2928, 306-487-7815. PL311962. Motors Ltd. 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. 2004 2375 BUHLER/ Versatile 4 WD, 375 HP, powershift, 20.8x42 tires, $120,000. Also 4000 Leon 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; blade available. A.E. Chicoine Farm Equipment, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK. 1981 VERSATILE 1150, POWERSHIFT, totally rebuilt 600 hrs. ago, new tires, exc. cond., $69,000. 306-536-3870, Regina, SK. 1993 VERSATILE 946, 6850 hours, new radial tires, AtomJet hyds., excellent. 306-948-3713, Biggar, SK. VERSATILE 1156, 500 HP, 30.5x32 duals, diff. lock, 5 remotes, 7345 hrs., vg cond., $68,500 OBO. 204-857-2096, Portage, MB 1980 VERSATILE 835, approx. 5600 hrs., bottom end and all wheels done, tires 70%, 5th hyd. for fan, $25,000 OBO. 306-524-4932 evenings, Semans, SK.
IHC 6200 DISC DRILLS, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, with factory transport. Swift Current, SK. Darwin 306-773-8181 or 306-750-7650. JIFFY 700 HI-DUMP sileage wagon; 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Brandt PTO sprayer w/800 gal. tank, foam markers; 15â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hay conditioner header for JD 2320 or 2430 swather. Open to offers. 780-305-4106, Barrhead, AB. JOHN DEERE 9400 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; hoe drill, capable of direct seeding, attached factory transport, Eagle Beak openers, like new condition, seeded approx. 1000 acres, $28,000 OBO. 780-523-7665, High Prairie, AB. FOR SALE, TRADES or Offers: Jiffy silage hydump wagon, single axles; PT Valmar; Gehl silage feed wagon; CIH 881 silage harvester. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll consider almost anything... 780-645-1504, St. Paul, AB. FOR TENDER: RM of Insinger No. 275. Phone 306-647-2422. Email: 1968 Case 530 tractor w/JD 606 Gymar mower; 1999 Schulte XH 1500 rotary mower; 2005 Schulte flex arm; 1993 IHC gravel truck; 2001 GMC Sierra truck. Please submit your sealed tenders to: RM of Insinger #275, Box 179, Insinger, SK. S0A 1L0. By June 12, 2012 by 12:00 PM. The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. 1063 BALE WAGON, great working condition, can haul 2 to 3 loads per hour, $10,000 OBO. 403-350-1706 Lacombe, AB.
DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T GET STUCK without a Tow Rope! Best selection of tow ropes and straps in MOUNTING BRACKETS for newer JD Canada. For tractors up to 600 HP. See loaders for sale. Complete with 3 function y o u r n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626 or visit joystick. 306-795-2800, Ituna, SK. CASE 24B 4x4, 2.5 yard 123 HP loader, KOENDERS 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SWATH rollers, $990; Farm s h e d d e d , $ 1 8 , 9 0 0 . W i l l d e a l . King 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 3 pt. hitch rotary cutter, $1950; Harmon 746 picker, $2900. Hergott Farm 204-324-6298, Altona, MB. Equipment 306-682-2592, Humboldt, SK. D E G E L M A N D O Z E R 4 - WAY, 1 4 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; , h a s mounts for JD 8650. Call 403-394-4401, ODESSA ROCKPICKER SALES: New DeLethbridge, AB. gelman equipment, land rollers, Strawrockpickers, rock rakes, dozer LEON 747 HIGH lift loader, good cond., off master, lades. Phone 306-957-4403, cell of Cockshutt 1850 FWA, $2750 OBO. b306-536-5097, Odessa, SK. 306-395-2668, 306-681-7610, Chaplin, SK. EZEE-ON 101 LOADER, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; bucket, no grapple, good shape, includes mount, $5500 OBO. 403-637-0170, Cremona, AB. CASE 450 TORQUE CONVERTER dozer, freshly painted, $5000. 780-465-2220, Edmonton, AB.
FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE in the Saskatoon, SK area: 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Jiffy Highdump, $3500; 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; cattle trailer, electric brakes, $2500; Ford Louisville 800, gas, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; flat deck w/silage box and round bale rails, $5000. OBO on all items. Phone 250-832-0153.
1991 BRANDT SPRAYER, 86â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, tandem, 800 2003 VERSATILE/BUHLER 2360, 4WD, gal. tank, windcones, hyd. pump or power 360 HP, 4 hyd., cw/return line, 20.8x42 shaft, $1800; 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122; JD Vibrashank cultivator Firestone duals, only 1660 hrs., original w/Degelman harrows, $1800; 68â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Riteowner, $129,000, OBO. 306-658-4307 or 1 YARD LAND scraper for 60 HP tractor, Way spring harrows, $800; JD 200 stacker 306-951-7077, Landis, SK. and mover. 306-367-4620, Middle Lake SK $4800. 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. 1985 VERSATILE 856, 7000 hrs., tires very g o o d , p l u m b e d f o r o r b i t m o t o r. 306-582-2045, Vanguard, SK.
1979 VERSATILE 835, under 7000 hrs., tires 65%, shedded, good condition, $20,000 OBO. 306-227-5217 (cell) or 2010 KUBOTA BX2360 diesel 4WD yard 306-644-2166, Loreburn, SK. tractor w/only 81 hrs. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 1980 VERSATILE 1150, 4 WD, 7000 hrs, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Mack Auction new Atom Jet, new rubber, $60,000 OBO. Co. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815. Visit Will take 895 or 875 w/Atom Jet on trade. for sale 306-463-3480, 306-460-9027, Flaxcombe. bill, video and photos. PL 311962. RETIRED: 2008 VERS. 535, 12 spd., 210 hrs.; 2008 Bourgault 6450 tank, all shedded. 306-445-5642, North Battleford, SK 1984 MF 4840, 20.8x38 duals, 7690 hrs., 4 WRECKING FOR PARTS: 160 Versatile remotes + Atom Jet remote for hyd. fan, bi-directional c/w Versatile loader and good condition, asking $25,000. Call grapple. Call 1-877-564-8734, Roblin, MB. 306-231-8337, Leroy, SK. VERSATILE TRACTOR WANTED: 895, 1983 MF 2805, 20.8x38 triples, 190 HP, 935, 945, 950, 955, or 975. 780-923-2984, PTO, powershift, $13,000. 306-735-2936, 780-264-0821, Edmonton, AB. 306-735-7742, Whitewood, SK.
TJ 375, 2003, 375 HP, 4 WD tractor, approx. 4175 engine hrs, HD pkg, good rubber, 16 spd. powershift, field ready, vg condition, $135,000. Alex 204-724-5100, Minnedosa, MB. 2004 NH TV145 w/7614 FEL, 540/1000 PTO, diff. lock, hyd., draw bar, fore/aft, 3 PTH, new tires at cab end, bucket, grapple, t i n e s , fe n d e r s , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $64,900. Call 204-748-8303, Elkhorn, MB. 1995 NH 9680, 7400 hrs., rebuilt transmission, triple 20.8x42 tires, excellent shape. Call Sheldon 306-747-7807, Shellbrook, SK 1995 FORD/NH 9680, 4720 hrs., updates done, excellent shape, $72,500 OBO. 306-237-4465, Sonningdale, SK.
SUNFLOWER HARVEST SYSTEMS. Call for literature. 1-800-735-5848. Lucke Mfg.,
)$50 (48,30(17 $9$,/$%/( VHULRXV LQTXLULHV RQO\
GRATTON COULEE AGRI PARTS LTD. Your #1 place to purchase late model combine and tractor parts. Used, new and rebuilt. Toll free 888-327-6767.
2006 JCB 8250 tractor, 3000 hrs., 260 HP, CVT trans, 65 KPH top speed, full suspension front and rear, ABS brakes, dual rear PTO, rear 3 PTH, 4 rear remotes, front 3 PTH, 2 front remotes, brand new rubber all around. Deluxe cab with AC, heat and radio. Very clean! $129,000. Call Jordan anytime 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB.
UNIVERSAL 60 HP tractor, FWA, runs, 4 WD works, 3 PTH, loader, mechanics special, $3500. Gary 204-326-7000, Steinbach, MB. RITE 4 WD 470-750 HP, new and rebuilt; W6 tractor, running; 50 MF, diesel, running. 403-504-0468, Medicine Hat, AB. 2010 JCB 8250 tractor with 2000 hrs., 260 HP, fully loaded, Trelleberg tires, vg condition, asking $140,000. Call Merlin Scott 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. DO YOU NEED a FWA tractor with loader 90 HP to 130 HP for less $$$? Call 306-231-5939, Saskatoon, SK.
WANTED: UNDER 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; disc mower/conditioner. 250-386-9411 ext. 224, Victoria, BC. Email: MF DISCERS 2-15â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Martin hitch, grey wheels, Avadex boxes, blades worn, good cond., $1,000; 1985 Flexi-Coil harrows, 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/tank, fair cond., $900; Flexi-Coil 45â&#x20AC;&#x2122; harrows/packer, 15â&#x20AC;? tires, end tow transport, good, $900. 306-788-4502, Marquis, SK. WIRELESS DRIVEWAY ALARMS, calving/ foaling barn cameras, video surveillance, rear view cameras for RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, trucks, combines, seeders, sprayers and augers. M o u n t e d o n m a g n e t . C a l g a r y, A B . 403-616-6610, SOLD FARM: 1996 JD 9500, 2492/3272 hrs., new Titan tires, $14,000 Greenlight done, Redekop spreader, 930 header and transport; 1993 Freightliner tandem, B&H, 425 Cat; 1984 Versatile 875, good 20.8x38 tires, $30,000; 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; CCIL cult.; 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Blanchard harrow packer; 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Versatile swather; 18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Versatile 400; 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Int. 7200 drills w/mover; 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; IH cult.; 42â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Victory blade; 1979 Chev 3 ton truck; 1980 Chev T/A grain truck. 403-393-0219, 403-833-2190, Burdett, AB. FOR SALE: QUALITY farm equipment and trucks, 403-357-9192 or 403-358-0456, Tees, AB.
HI-LITE MFG. Selling Ezee-roll wire roller. Call Wes at 306-984-7861 or email: BISON FENCING 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122; posts pressure treated, 10-60-12 paigewire fencing. Call 204-746-0462, Winnipeg, MB.
THINKING OF IRRIGATING or moving water? Pumping units, 6â&#x20AC;? to 10â&#x20AC;? alum. pipe; Also Wanted: 6â&#x20AC;? to 10â&#x20AC;? pipe. Call Dennis, 403-308-1400, Taber, AB. 40 years of experience, not a Dealer. Email: WESTERN IRRIGATION, large supply of used irrigation equipment: pumps, pipes, motors and 2 used travelling big guns. We buy and sell used irrigation equipment. Call 306-867-9461, Outlook, SK.
USED 1X37 WOOD BEAVER firewood processor, hyd. joystick controlled, 15â&#x20AC;? dia. logs. $15,800. 306-742-2055, Calder, SK. SEMI LOADS OF FIREWOOD for sale. Foulston Wood Products. Spiritwood, SK. 306-883-2241, 306-441-2644. BLOCKED SEASONED JACK Pine firewood for sale. Contact Lehner Wood Preservers Ltd., 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. Will deliver. Self-unloading trailer.
2006 JD 4115 4x4 utility tractor, only 46 hrs., 60â&#x20AC;? mulcher/mower, 3 PTH, like new, $17,800 OBO. 403-346-8202, Red Deer, AB
CUSTOM FIREWOOD PROCESSING, cut and split up to 22â&#x20AC;? lengths. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. BIRCH, SPRUCE, TAMARAK split in semi load lots, self unloading truck and trailer. 306-538-4487, Kennedy, SK. FIREWOOD: SEMI LOADS, self-unloading truck, or pick up on yard. Hague, SK. Phone: 306-232-4986, 306-212-7196.
SPRING SALE: Bulk spruce wood pellets, $130/tonne, FOB pellet plant, Swan LEON M550, 5.5 cu. yds. scraper or other River, MB. Bags and mini bulks also makes with same capacity. 306-267-4411, available. Call for a quote 204-734-0572. NEW AND USED Outback STS, S3 mapping Cell 306-267-7550, Coronach, SK. units. Baseline and AutoSteer units. Trades welcome. 306-397-2678, Edam, SK. WANTED: COCKSHUTT/OLIVER 2050, 2150 or 2155, will consider any condition, WANTED: CENTRELINE 220, in good running or not; NEEDED: power range KEETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH FARM has 3â&#x20AC;? to 8â&#x20AC;? Rainbow working condition. Phone: 780-662-2617, transmission and 1000 PTO, prefer 2 WD, Tr o u t fo r s p r i n g s t o c k i n g . C a l l fo r Tofield, AB. no cab. or availability 306-260-0288, Saskatoon, SK. phone 204-748-1461, Virden, MB. BEVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S FISH & SEAFOOD LTD., buy diWANTED: USED PTO driven rock rake. rect, fresh fish: Pickerel, Northern Pike, Whitefish and Lake Trout. Seafood also 204-638-8443, Dauphin, MB. available. Phone toll free 1-877-434-7477, SPRING SALE: Bulk spruce wood pelWANTED: HAY DISCBINE, 13.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; or 15.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. 306-763-8277, Prince Albert, SK. lets, $130/tonne, FOB pellet plant, Swan Phone 306-327-5196 or 306-327-7422, River, MB. Bags and mini bulks also Kelvington, SK. available. Call for a quote 204-734-0572. WANTED: JD 7810, low hrs., c/w FEL, 3 N.A.P.S. SOLAR STORE offers solar panels, PTH; NH 1037 or 1036 bale wagon; Small windmills, components or complete solar square baler 403-394-4401, Lethbridge AB systems and energy efficient appliances. 628 TIMBERJACK FELLER BUNCHER, 24â&#x20AC;? 780-835-3682, 1-866-835-6277, Fairview, WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS, all sizes, prompt pick-up. Phone 306-259-4923, saw, very good condition, $60,000. AB., or check out: 250-998-4528, Quesnel, BC. 306-946-9669, 306-946-7923, Young, SK. WANTED: NEW HOLLAND bale wagons, also accumulators and forks. Roeder Implement Inc. Seneca, KS, 785-336-6103. WANTED: Older and newer tractors, in running condition or for parts. Goods Used Tractor Parts, 1-877-564-8734. WANTED: CASE 1840 or 1845C skidsteer working or not, any condition. Ph Kim 306-255-7601, Viscount, SK.
1991 LULL ML10K telescopic handler, 10,000 lb. lift cap to 28â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, aux. hyd. to fork carriage, full cab enclosure, c/w 2 sets of quick attach forks, exc. shape, $22,000. Jordan 403-627-9300, Pincher Creek, AB FIT 3000 LB. pallet forks, also WANTED: MF #36 DISCERS. Will pay top UNIVERSAL 3PTH (bales), $795. Cam Don Motors dollar and pick from anywhere. Cupar, SK. fits Ltd., 306-237-4212, Perdue, SK. Email: or Phone 306-723-4875. 1999 CASE 586G forklift, 4 WD, shuttle BOTTLES FOR PEACOCK FOAM MARKER shift, ROPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 6000 lb. lift capacity, 3 stage mast, 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; reach, $28,000. A. E. Chicoine required. Phone 403-862-1845, Acme, AB. Farm Equip, 306-449-2255, Storthoaks, SK WANTED: USED, BURNT, old or ugly tractors. Newer models too! Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Tractor CAT FORK LIFT, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 11,000 lbs, cab, propane, runs and looks good, $14,900. Wrecking, 1-888-676-4847. 306-220-2191, Saskatoon, SK. WANTED: 6 YARD to 8-1/2 yard scraper in good condition. Ph: 780-961-2042, Legal, AB.
5 x 1 0 P O RTA B L E C O R R A L PA N E L S starting at $55. 403-226-1722, 1-866-5178335, Calgary, AB, MILLS CUSTOM FENCING, all terrain. Will travel. Taking bookings. Earl Grey, SK, 306-726-7550, 306-939-2057. TREATED POSTS, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 6â&#x20AC;?-10â&#x20AC;?, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; elk wire, elk handling pens, 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wire gates, sliders, gates, and corners, hyd. elk squeeze, all exc. cond. 306-532-4750, Langbank, SK. USED 8â&#x20AC;&#x2122; GAME fencing, 21 strand 6â&#x20AC;? spacing; 300 6-8â&#x20AC;?, 12â&#x20AC;&#x2122; posts approx. 4 miles worth. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. GUARANTEED PRESSURE TREATED fence posts, lumber slabs and rails. Call Lehner Wo o d P r e s e r ve r s L t d . , a s k fo r R o n 306-763-4232, Prince Albert, SK. JK CUSTOM FENCING: We build wire fence or corrals. Call Jeb at 306-961-8246 or 306-749-3440, Birch Hills, SK. SPEEDRITE ELECTRIC FENCERS and accessories. 306-725-4820, Bulyea, SK. CUSTOM FENCING AND corral building, no job too big or too small. 306-699-7450, 306-699-2327, Quâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Appelle, SK. COJO FENCING: Custom farm and ranch fe n c i n g . C o n t a c t C o dy C a m p b e l l at 403-988-0389, Alberta. PRESSURE TREATED FENCE posts; Second cut slabs; Lumber; Rails. Delivered price. 306-764-3035, Prince Albert, SK.
HOT WATER BOILERS, Lochinvar model CBN-0745, 745,000 btu, nat. gas, used 3 seasons, c/w 1200 litres of -35°C antifreeze, flue piping and stacking stand, $1200/ea. 403-861-1671, Bonnyville, AB.
ONE TIME FENCING, sucker rod fence posts for sale. 1-877-542-4979 AB or SK 1-888-252-7911. CUSTOM FENCING with rubber track Morooka, or self-propelled Heavy Hitter pounder. Contact Parkside Farm & Ranch, K e n n e d y, S K . 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 7 1 - 4 4 8 7 o r 306-577-7694, SOS CUSTOM FENCING. Timely, top quality agricultural fencing solutions. Will travel. To book call Stacey 306-696-7697 or e-mail: CUSTOM FENCING SPECIALIZING in barbwire, corrals, hitensil. Will travel. Call 306-931-3397 or 306-381-7358. SOLIDLOCK AND TREE ISLAND game wire and all accessories for installation. Heights from 26â&#x20AC;? to 120â&#x20AC;?. Ideal for elk, deer, bison, sheep, swine, cattle, etc. Tom Jensen ph/fax: 306-426-2305, Smeaton, SK. CUSTOM FENCING. Will travel. Taking bookings for spring. Call 306-329-4493, or 306-221-8806, Asquith, SK.
ALL CANADIAN Coal and wood pellet hydronic heaters. Save up to 70% on your h e at i n g b i l l . N ova M e t a l Te c h L t d . , 7 8 0 - 9 2 2 - 2 4 8 0 , S h e r wo o d Pa r k , A B .
1999 924F CAT FORKLIFT, w/lumber forks, 84â&#x20AC;? cradle, lift capacity 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122;6â&#x20AC;?, ideal for lumber reloading, $36,000. SKYJACK SJ7027 4x4 SCISSORLIFT, factory reconditioned, $15,000. Financing available. 204-864-2391, 204-981-3636, Cartier, MB. 1988 ELECTRIC FORKLIFT 4000 lb, 14â&#x20AC;&#x2122; USED OIL WELL TUBE: 1.66 O.D. $19; 2 reach, 4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; forward ext. c/w charger. $4950 inch, $25; 2-7/8â&#x20AC;? $31; 3-1/2â&#x20AC;? $39; 22 ft. 3/4â&#x20AC;? Co Rod, $5. 1-888-792-6283. no GST. 780-608-3608, Camrose, AB. FORKLIFTS: JCB 940 8000 lbs; JCB 930, TEXAS GATES and 4.5, 7 and 8-5/8â&#x20AC;? pipe 6000 lbs; Eagle pitcher R80. Conquest fo r s a l e , f u l l l e n g t h s a n d c u t o f f s . 403-504-3120, Medicine Hat, AB. Equipment, 306-483-2500, Oxbow, SK.
Forklifts and Parts New and Used All makes and models
IRRIGATION TURBINE water pumps, 6-8â&#x20AC;?, 4 cyl. dsl or PTO, 600-1000 gal/min, very efficient. Also buying oilfield pipe and casing. Jake 403-878-6302, Grassy Lake, AB.
KUBOTA 4WD COMPACT tractor, 763 hrs., model B7100, hydrostatic drive, turf tires, 16HP diesel, live PTO; Land Pride 58â&#x20AC;? rotary tiller, model RTA1558; Land Pride 60â&#x20AC;? mower, model FD2560. All 1993 models. Phone 306-834-7579, Major, SK. RESTORED FORD 8N tractor, recond. motor, new tires and rims, c/w attachments, asking $5000. 306-858-7103, Birsay, SK. JOHN DEERE X595 diesel tractor, w/52â&#x20AC;? mower and tiller, only 83 original hrs., $15,000. 306-642-3189, Assiniboia, SK. TS44 VERMEER TREE SPADE on 1977 D o d g e 6 0 0 t r u c k , e x c e l l e n t s h ap e , $22,000. Phone 306-723-4964, Cupar, SK. JD L110 LAWN TRACTOR, Cub Cadet tractor with mower and dozer, Turf Trac lawn tractor. Farm Equipment Auction for Terry Dreger, Saturday, June 16, 2012, Lemberg, SK. area. For sale bill and photos Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. SELLING: BLACK ANGUS bulls. Wayside Angus, Henry and Bernie Jungwirth, 306-256-3607, Cudworth, SK. YEARLING REG. BLACK Angus bulls for sale. Easy calving, quiet. Ph Jack at J.D. Angus Farms, Southey, SK, 306-726-4307. WHEELERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S STOCK FARM has quality bulls for sale. Calving ease and performance bulls for every budget. Semen tested and ready to go. 306-931-8471, 306-230-3582, 306-382-9324, 306-260-7336, Saskatoon. 9 GOOD QUALITY 2 year old Black Angus bulls for sale by private treaty. All semen tested. Call Herb Friesen at 306-363-2203, 306-360-7465, Drake, SK. REG. BLACK ANGUS BULLS. A pen of solid easy calving yearlings. 1- 2 year old, semen tested. Delivery arranged Netherlea Cattle 306-433-2091, Creelman, SK. BLACK ANGUS YEARLING bulls for sale. Weighing 1350 to 1500 lbs., good feet and bone structure. Free delivery and semen tested. Call for more information or viewing. Contact Roy at 306-398-4034, RoyMac Angus, Cut Knife, SK.
PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS long yearling bulls, replacement heifers, AI service. Meadow Ridge Enterprises, 306-373-9140 or 306-270-6628, Saskatoon, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS for sale. Good selection of 1 and 2 year olds. Waveny Angus Farm, Mike Chase, Vermilion, AB. Phone 780-853-2275 or 780-853-3384. 2 YEAR OLD BULLS Complete listing and video at Tom Blacklock, 306-668-2125, Grandora, SK. BLACK ANGUS YEARLING and 2 yr. olds. Will keep until spring. 306-997-4917, ask for Colin, Borden, SK. 2 YR. OLD BULLS, easy calving for your WANTED: 16 HP Onan engine to fit 446 heifers, stout and rugged for your cow Case riding lawn mower. 306-874-5642, herd. Everblack Angus, Ernest Gibson, 780-853-2422, Vermilion, AB. Naicam, SK. FOR SALE: CASE 446 garden tractor with mower and rototiller, gd. cond., $2500 OBO. 306-473-2612, Willowbunch, SK. DEINES 1800 Riding lawnmower, 50â&#x20AC;? deck, lifts up for cleaning, 329 hrs., like new, $5500. 306-763-5055, Prince Albert, SK. 8N FORD in good shape, runs nice, c/w mower, double disc, cultivator, plow, $4500 firm. 306-421-1469, Estevan, SK. SHELTERBELT TREES. Poplars 3â&#x20AC;&#x2122;-4â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, Spruce and Pine 1â&#x20AC;&#x2122; tall, all in 1 gal. pots. $7 each, min. 200/order. In Saskatoon, SK. Can ship anywhere. 1-877-995-5253. 2011 MASSEY FERGUSON GC 2600, incl. DL100 loader, 48â&#x20AC;? rototiller, 52â&#x20AC;? finishing mower, only 9.4 hrs., shedded. $22,000 OBO. Call 949-1009, Regina, SK. 2010 LAND PRIDE 3 PTH 50â&#x20AC;? rototiller. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, Sask. area. Visit for sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815, Mack Auction Co. PL 311962.
LAST CHANCE ALL-BREEDS BULL Sale Tuesday, May 29, 12:00 Noon, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. 165 Reg. and semen tested yearling and 2 yr. old bulls: Charolais, Simmental, Red and Black Angus, Hereford, Limousin, Maine-Anjou, Shorthorn, South Devon. Catalogue online at or call Johnstone Auction Mart to have one mailed, 306-693-4715. PL #914447.
REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS bulls for sale by private treaty. Top quality genetics, virgin 2 year olds, $2900 to $4800; yearlings, $2600 to $4500 OBO. For complete listings visit Semen tested, full vaccination program. P i c k u p a n d s ave ! Vo l u m e d i s c o u n t . 306-460-8520, Kindersley, SK. BLACK AND RED ANGUS 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Light to moderate birthweights, quiet dispositions, performance data available. Semen tested and delivered. Half brothers and sisters are Agribition Commercial Champions. Shawn and Patty Smith, 306-484-4591, Nokomis, SK. YEARLING AND 2 YR. OLD Black Angus bulls. Semen tested, vet inspected, fully guaranteed. Gerlei Angus 306-424-2332, 306-424-7676, Montmartre, SK FOR SALE: PUREBRED Black Angus bulls, reasonably priced. Contact Brad or David 306-297-3559, Shaunavon, SK.
SOUTH VIEW RANCH has Red and Black Angus yearling and two yr. old bulls for sale. ROP, semen and ultrasound tested. Keith 306-454-2730, Shane 306-454-2688, Ceylon, SK. REGISTERED RED ANGUS bulls for sale, AI sired, 2 and 3 year olds, hay fed. 1-877-742-2077, Calder, SK. YEARLING AND 2 year old AI sons of Fully Loaded, Goldbar King and Sakic. Ready to work. 306-773-6633, Swift Current, SK. REG. PUREBRED yearling Red Angus bulls for heifers and cows. Maple Ridge Acres. Les Saunders, 306-997-4507, Borden, SK, REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls to suit your needs, calving ease, performance, excellent daughters, good temperament. All bulls will be semen tested, delivery can be arranged. Flat Lake Red Angus, Neilburg, SK. 306-823-4592 or
KENRAY RANCH PRIVATE TREATY Bull Sale. Registered Red and Black yearling bulls for heifers and cows. Semen and performance tested. Delivery is available. Call Ray at 306-452-3876, 306-452-7447, or Sheldon at 306-452-7545, Redvers, SK. YEOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RED ANGUS YEARLING bulls for sale, semen tested. Call Gary and Dianne 306-873-5662, Tisdale, SK. REGISTERED PERFORMANCE TESTED bulls. Wilbar Farms 306-492-2161, 306-492-7504, Dundurn, SK. BLACKLOCKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S OFFERING good selection on yearling Red Angus bulls. Call Curt Blacklock 306-221-0285 Saskatoon SK. RED ANGUS 2 yr. old and yearling bulls for sale, good selection. Nordal Angus, Rob 45 YEARLING BLACK ANGUS bulls, ex- Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. cellent quality, $2000-2500; And some 2-4 REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, semen yr. old bulls, 204-835-2087, McCreary, MB. tested, excellent heifer bulls, good temEXCELLENT GROUP OF BLACK ANGUS perament; Also reg. heifers. Sundown heifers w/calf onside, all lightweight Red Angus, Saskatoon, SK, 306-978-1569 calves unassisted, strong mothers, great starting herd, 13 black baldies and 40 S- RED ANGUS has reg. yearling bulls for straight black, $2600/pair. Luke, Livelong, sale. Large framed cow bulls and low BW heifer bulls. Jack Sambrook, Milestone, SK., ph 306-845-3966 or 306-845-7480. YEARLING BLACK BULLS. Canadian blood- SK. 306-436-4556. lines. 306-877-2014, 306-877-4402, Du- PUREBRED RED ANGUS 2 year olds and buc, SK. yearlings. Red Angus/ Simm. yearlings. on moderate growing ration. REGISTERED BULLS, 2 yr. olds, very quiet, Developed H Red Angus, 306-723-4832, semen tested, ready to go. Van Len Angus, Triple 306-726-7671 cell, Cupar, SK. phone Brent Lensen, 306-220-4531 or 306-242-7547, Vanscoy, SK. VIRGIN PUREBRED BULLS- 6 Red Angus year olds, calving ease, performance, PUREBRED BLACK ANGUS yearling bulls two some heifer bulls. Call Paul for sale out of well known, proven sires longevity, 403-378-4881, going back to Kodiak, Tiger, Pioneer, Ra- Rosemary, AB. Royal Anchor Red Angus, chis, Net Worth and Final Answer. Call for more info. 780-986-9088, Leduc, AB. REG. RED ANGUS yearling bulls, $1400. Phone Lorne Wyss 306-839-4706 or WINDY WILLOWS Reg. Black Angus bulls, 306-839-2038, Pierceland, SK. performance tested, semen tested, guaranteed, many suitable for heifers, delivery 12 OPEN PUREBRED Red Angus heifers. available. 306-677-2507 or 306-677-7544, Call Pasquia Red Angus, 306-768-2966, Carrot River, SK. Hodgeville, SK. MIDNITE OIL CATTLE CO. has on offer BULLS FOR SALE: Purebred Red Angus and semen tested yearling bulls for sale. Call RA Simmental hybrids. Call 780-582-2254, Forrestburg, AB. 306-734-2850, 306-734-7675, Craik, SK. BLACK ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE, Year- WINDY WILLOWS Reg. Red Angus bulls, lings and two year olds, semen tested, performance tested, semen tested, guarguaranteed breeders, delivery available. anteed, many suitable for heifers, delivery 306-287-3900, available. 306-677-2507 or 306-677-7544, Hodgeville, SK. 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK. REGISTERED PERFORMANCE TESTED 4 YEAR OLD Red Angus herd sire, used on b u l l s . W i l b a r F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 9 2 - 2 1 6 1 , purebred herd, excellent producer, avail. July 1st. Little de Ranch, 306-845-2406, 306-492-7504, Dundurn, SK. Turtleford, SK. REGISTERED BLACK ANGUS 1 and 2 year o l d b u l l s , $ 2 5 0 0 a n d u p . C a l l HOWE RED ANGUS: Yearling and 2 yr. 306-590-7395, Kamsack, SK. old bulls for sale. Semen tested and guara n t e e d . C a l l M i ke 3 0 6 - 6 3 1 - 8 7 7 9 o r 200 ANGUS 1st calf heifer pairs ready to 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. go after June 15. Moderate framed ranch raised blacks, BWF and BBF w/black or red 2 YEAR OLD Red Angus and RA cross Simcalves at side. Call early for details mental composite bulls. Semen tested. Delivery available. Call Harv Verishine at 306-355-2265, Mortlach, SK. 306-283-4666, Langham, SK. COMPLETE DISPERSAL: 54 head commercial cow/calf herd. 50 red, RWF and tans 4 to 6 year old cows and 4 bulls, Red Angus, Red Simmental and Limo bulls. Started calving April 1st. 306-272-3583 eves., 306-272-7195 days, Foam Lake, SK. RED AND BLACK ANGUS 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Light to moderate birthweights, quiet dispositions, performance data available. Semen tested and delivered. Half brothers and sisters are Agribition Commercial Champions. Shawn and Patty Smith, 306-484-4591, Nokomis, SK. REGISTERED YEARLING BULLS. Easy calving, semen tested, vet inspected, guaranteed breeders, delivered. B-elle Red Angus, 306-845-2557, Turtleford, SK. Email: REGISTERED RED ANGUS yearling bulls, semen tested, calving ease, guaranteed breeders. Little de Ranch 306-845-2406, Turtleford, SK
240 PIECES 6â&#x20AC;?x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ringlock; 110 pieces 6â&#x20AC;?x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; ringlock; 6â&#x20AC;?x40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and 6â&#x20AC;?x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; alum. pipe. Contact Central Water and Equipment Services Ltd. 306-975-1999, Saska- QUIET TOP QUALITY 2 and 1 year old black and red Angus purebred bulls. Reatoon, SK. View by appointment only. sonable prices. Spruce Acres, TRAVELING GUN, Rainbow traveler irri- 306-272-7841 or 306-272-4451, Foam gation system w/105CS rain gun, 660â&#x20AC;&#x2122; of Lake, SK. NEW AND USED generators, all sizes from 6â&#x20AC;? rubber hose. Will irrigate 1324â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long 150 Blk An g u s 5 kw to 3000 kw, gas, LPG or diesel. Phone s t r i p e by 3 3 0 â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w i d e i n o n e s e t t i n g for availability and prices. Many used in w/F6-100 Bauer PTO pump, 550 gpm at RED ANGUS BULLS on moderate growHe if e rs w ith c a lve s 85 lbs. pressure, $7000. Would consider stock. 204-643-5441, Fraserwood, MB. ing ration. Performance info. available. selling separate. 306-375-7761, Kyle, SK. Adrian, Brian or Elaine Edwards, Valleyhills a t s id e . LOWEST PRICES IN CANADA on new, high Angus, 306-342-4407, Glaslyn, SK. quality generator systems. Quality diesel RAIN MAKER IRRIGATION Zimmatic pivFo r m o re in f o rm a t io n c o n t a c t KC CATTLE CO. has top quality AI-sired generators, Winpower PTO tractor driven ots/Greenfield mini pivots, K-Line towable yearling Red Angus bulls. Phone alternators, automatic / manual switch irrigation, spare parts/accessories, new S te ve a tP rim ro s e Live s to ck 306-290-8431, Saskatoon, SK. View online gear, and commercial duty Sommers Pow- and used equipment. 31 years in business. Of f ice: 403-38 1-3700 at: ermaster and Sommers / Winco portable Outlook, SK generators and home standby packages. Call 306-867-9606. Cell: 403-38 2-9 9 9 8 4 YR. OLD REG. herdsire for sale, 90 lb. 75+ years of reliable service. Contact $2500. Phone 306-873-9016, Sommers Motor Generator Sales for all HOME OF REINKE ELECTROGATOR II. MANTEI FARMS yearling Angus bulls for birthweight, y o u r g e n e r a t o r r e q u i r e m e n t s a t Reinke centre pivots, Reinke laterals, sale. Performance and semen tested, Sylvania, SK. 1-800-690-2396 Reinke genuine parts. Can design to your guaranteed. 306-634-4454, Estevan, SK. BULLS: 1 AND 2 years, red or black, reaneeds. Trades welcome. 306-858-7351 Online: sonable prices. Tom Ward 306-668-4333, BLACK ANGUS BULLS sired by Bismarck, Clark Ward 306-931-3824, Saskatoon, SK. Lucky Lake, SK. Game Day sons of Right Time and OCC DIESEL GENSET SALES AND SERVICE, 12 to 300 KW, lots of units in stock, used NEW, USED IRRIGATION systems, pivots Legacy. Also Black/Red Carrier sons of WHEELERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S STOCK FARM has quality bulls and new, Perkins, JD, Deutz. We also build and pumps, gas, diesel and electric, main- Density and Juneau. Semen tested and for sale. Calving ease and performance custom gensets. We currently have special line, wheelmoves, irrigation travelers, guaranteed. Delivery available. Deposit will bulls for every budget. Semen tested and pricing on new 90 KW Perkins units. Call Bauer parts. New-Way Irrigation, your Al- h o l d u n t i l s p r i n g . J e f f r e y I s a a c ready to go. 306-931-8471, 306-230-3582, 306-382-9324, 306-260-7336, Saskatoon. berta Zimmatic dealer, 1-800-561-4608. 306-768-2223. Carrot River, SK. for pricing 204-792-7471, Winnipeg, MB.
Ph Marie @ 1 888 440 2700 or e mail
QUALITY REG. RED and Black Angus 2 yr. old bulls. Easy calving, guaranteed breeders, performance data avail., semen tested, delivery avail. Wolf Willow Angus 204-821-5108, Rossburn, MB. 2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls for sale. Semen tested and delivered. Call Guy Sampson, Davidson, SK., 306-567-4207.
DKF RED AND BLACK ANGUS BULLS at the DKF Ranch. Quality heifer and cow bulls. Also consigning to Johnstoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Moose Jaw, Last Chance Bull Sale, Tues. May 29th. Agent for solar and wind water systems and Allen Leigh calving cameras. Dwayne or Scott Fettes, 306-969-4506, Gladmar, SK. RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE yearlings and two year olds, semen tested, guaranteed breeders, delivery available. Website: Ph 306-287-3900, 306-287-8006, Englefeld, SK.
REG. 2 YR. OLD RED ANGUS BULLS structurally sound, strong performance, exceptional maternal pedigrees. Sell with papers and breeders guarantee. $2500 and up. Call 306-525-2509. Located at Prairie River, SK ARM RIVER RED ANGUS is celebrating 25 years supplying Angus bulls to western Canadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beef industry. We have yearlings for sale. 306-567-4702. Davidson, SK.
EXCELLENT QUALITY YEARLING Red Angus bulls. ROP tested. Will semen test and deliver. Will sell w/wo all risk insurance. Dudragne Red Angus, 306-625-3787, 306-625-3730, Ponteix, SK.
POLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH BULLS for sale, from our 33 year breeding program. Semen evaluations to be done in March. Winders Gelbvieh 780-672-9950, Camrose, AB.
TWO YEAR OLD BELGIAN BLUE cross virgin bulls for sale, $3000/each. 403-556-7454, Olds, AB.
POLLED YEARLING BULLS from 3 different sires. Phone 306-634-2174 or cell 306-421-6987, Estevan, SK. STOUT, THICK RED yearling Gelbvieh bulls for sale. They are semen tested, DNA tested and ready to go. To view them go to Will deliver. Call PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds Don at 403-378-4898 Jen-Ty Gelbviehs, and yearlings. Polled and horned. Whites Duchess, AB. and tans. Semen tested and can be kept until you need them. Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK., call Richard 306-429-2711. 2 YEAR OLD Horned Hereford bulls for RED AND WHITE yearling Charolais bulls, sale, fully guaranteed. Delivery available. delivered when needed, $2000-2500. Call Call T Bar K Ranch, Wawota, SK, Kevin Dennis 306-322-4636, Rose Valley, SK. 306-739-2944 or 306-577-9861. 2 YEAR OLD AND YEARLING bulls, polled, HOLMES FARM HAS Polled Hereford 2 yr. horned, White and red factor. Semen test- old and yearling bulls for sale. Jay Holmes, ed, delivered and guaranteed. Prairie Gold 306-524-2762, 306-746-7170, Semans, SK Charolais, 306-882-4081, Rosetown, SK. REGISTERED POLLED HEREFORD bulls for PUREBRED CHAROLAIS BULLS. Year- sale, semen tested. Phone Harold or Tim lings and 1 dark red 2 year old. (2 yr. old is Strauch, 306-677-2580, Shamrock, SK an ideal heifer bull). Bulls are thick, hairy, good footed, semen tested and delivered. JOHNER STOCK FARM BULLS, polled HereCall Stephen 306-279-2033, Creek’s Edge ford and Black Angus, 2 year olds and Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. View bulls yearlings. David 306-893-2714 or Justin 306-248-1305, Maidstone, SK. at: CHOICE OF 3 PUREBRED Hereford bulls, WHITECAP CHAROLAIS YEARLING bulls born March 8- April 10th, very quiet. for sale, semen tested and guaranteed. 306-252-2277, Hanley, SK. Call Mike 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. TOP PERFORMANCE HEREFORD bulls for sale. View at D&L PLEWIS CHAROLAIS have 2 yr. old phone 306-743-5105, Langenburg, SK. bulls w/some French influence. Polled, easy calving, good hair coats and semen 2 YEAR OLD AND YEARLING polled Heretested. Call Darwin at 306-773-8181, ford bulls for sale. Select now and we’ll keep until you need them. Imperial, SK. 306-750-7650, Swift Current, SK. Phone 306-963-2414 or 306-963-7880. REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 yr. olds and yearlings, polled and horned, some red. Quiet bulls. Hand fed but not YEARLING POLLED HEREFORD bulls and overfed. Bulls available privately at the commercial females. Call Wally, Killarney, f a r m . C a l l W i l f, C o u ga r H i l l R a n c h , MB., 204-523-8713, cell 204-534-8204, or view: 306-728-2800, 306-730-8722, Melville, SK QUALITY POLLED HEREFORD bulls, yearlings, 2 year olds, and 2 proven 3 year olds. Deposit holds until needed. Brian Longworth 306-656-4542, Harris, SK.
CHAROLAIS HERDSIRE, easy keeping, sound, semen tested, igenity tested, resonably priced. 306-276-5976, Love, SK. REGISTERED CHAROLAIS BULLS, white, calving ease, growthy and very quiet. Semen test and deliver. Qualman Charolais, 306-492-4634, Dundurn, SK. PUREBRED CHAROLAIS YEARLING and two yr old bulls. These bulls have quiet disposition, mostly polled and are white, tan and red. Delivery is available. Bar H Charolais, Grenfell, SK. Call: Kevin Haylock 3 0 6 - 6 9 7 - 2 9 0 1 o r L aw r e n c e H ay l o c k 306-697-2988 Email
CANADIAN MAINE-ANJOU ASSOCIATION. Power, performance and profit. For info on Maine-Anjou genetics 403-291-7077, Calgary, AB. or MAINE-ANJOU BULLS for sale. Purebred and halfblood black yearling bulls. Semen tested and guaranteed. Rocky Lane Farms, Alex and Mary-Ann Jensen, 403-368-2114, 403-742-9835, Rumsay, AB.
RED POLL BULLS, 2 reg. yearlings; 1- 2 yr. old, easy calving, naturally polled calves. 780-892-3447, Wabamun, AB.
POLLED POLLED POLLED - Salers bulls for sale. Call Spruce Grove Salers, Yorkton, SK, 306-782-9554 or 306-621-1060. TOP QUALITY POLLED Salers bulls, moderate birthweights. Hauser Cattle Co., 306-748-2417, Neudorf, SK. 30 QUIET SALERS bulls, 1 and 2 yr. olds; 50 Salers yearling heifers. The best bulls and heifers out of 210 Salers cows. 8 Salers sires. 25 yrs. of breeding Salers! Delivery available. Can keep until needed. 780-924-2464 or 780-982-2472 Alberta Beach, AB POLLED SALER BULLS, red or black, quiet, easy calving. Call Brad Dunn 306-459-7612, Ogema, SK. QUIET, EASY CALVING Reg. purebred red and black yearling bulls. Elderberry Farm Salers, 306-747-3302, Parkside, SK.
2 YEAR OLD and yearling Shorthorn bulls, reds and roans. Richard Moellenbeck, 306-287-3420, Englefeld, SK. OPTIMIZE HYBRID VIGOR in your herd. Yearling and 2 yr. old bulls for sale. Bender Shorthorns, 306-748-2876, Neudorf, SK. SHORTHORNS FOR ALL the right reasons. Check out why and who at 306-577-4664, Carlyle, SK. YEARLING SHORTHORN BULLS, reds and roans, all polled; Also open replacement heifers. Greenlane Shorthorns, Balcarres, SK. 306-333-2180 (Alf) or 334-2546 (Les).
FULL FLECKVIEH BULLS, mostly polled, also Fleckvieh cross Red Angus hybrids. Curtis Mattson 306-944-4220 Meacham SK 2 YR. OLD HEREFORD BULLS horned and 2 YEARLING BULLS, good performance, dehorned. Fully guaranteed. Will deliver moderate birth weights. Green Spruce Good selection. Little Red Deer Hereford Simmental, 306-467-4975, Duck Lake, SK. Farm. Call Wilf 403-318-4791, Innisfail, AB FOR SALE OR RENT: Red, black and fullblood Simmental bulls. A.I. breeding, semen tested, reasonable prices. Phone Dale 24 REGISTERED BRED HEIFERS and 1 780-853-2223, Vermilion, AB. reg. bull, from Lajeante Kingly, (Sept. 2010). and 1 reg. bull, from Lietben Tee SELLING YEARLING BULLS, red factor Off, (Oct. 2011). Also 9 reg. calves, from and Simmental cross Red Angus. McVicar S t o c k F a r m s L t d . , C o l o n s a y, S K . 2010-2011. 306-225-4385 Hague, SK. 306-255-2799 or 306-255-7551. FRESH AND SPRINGING heifers for sale. Cows and quota needed. We buy all classes of slaughter cattle-beef and dairy. R&F Livestock Inc. Bryce Fisher, Warman, SK. TWO OF OUR best red bulls sell May 29, Phone 306-239-2298, cell 306-221-2620. 2012 at the Last Chance Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK. View: M I L K Q U OTA A N D DA I RY H E R D S We have bulls for sale at the ranch priced NEEDED Fresh cows and heifers avail. To- from $2000. High Chapparal Ranch, tal Dairy Consulting. Tisdale, SK. Rod York 306-336-2666, Lipton, SK. 306-873-7428, Larry Brack 306-220-5512.
TWO YEAR OLD and yearling bulls, sired by Specialist and Dateline, polled, semen tested. Call Ben at Martens Charolais, ANGUS CROSS JERSEY heifer babies, born 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB. D e c . t o Ap r i l , o n m i l k , $ 6 0 0 e a c h . 780-698-2267, Rochester, AB. 2 YEAR OLD and yearling polled bulls, red and white, guaranteed. Call Crossman Charolais, 306-882-3163, Rosetown, SK. 2 YEAR OLD and yearling bulls. Semen LEACH FARMS HAS: Polled yearling and tested and delivered. Guy Sampson, 2 year old bulls. Red or black. Guaranteed and delivered. Phone 306-338-2805 or 306-567-4207, Davidson, SK. 306-338-2745, Wadena, SK. RED FACTOR CHAROLAIS BULLS, yearlings and two yr. olds, red, white and tans. 2 LIMOUSIN HERD bulls, 1 red, 1 black, Wheatheart Charolais, 306-882-6444, semen tested, all shots, market price. 306-944-4945, Plunkett, SK. Rosetown, SK SELECTION of stout yearling and 2 TWO POLLED 2 yr. old Charolais bulls, low GOOD old red and black Limousin bulls, birthweight; also yearling Charolais bulls. year good disposition calving ease. QuallyWill semen test and deliver. Layne and T Limousin, Rose and Valley, SK, 306-322-4755 Paula Evans, 306-252-2246, Kenaston, SK. or 306-322-7554. POLLED PUREBRED 2 yr. old and yearling SPRINGER BROS. LIMOUSIN have 2 year bulls, some Red Factor. Kings Polled old and yearling red and black bulls for Charolais, 306-435-7116, 306-645-4383 or sale. For details call Merv 306-272-4817, 306-645-2955, Rocanville, SK. Ernie 306-272-4774, Leslie, SK.
10 YOUNG 2 to 4 yr. old commercial Special Park cows and bred heifers, Feb. calves at side, full vaccination program. Call Paul at 306-424-2760, Kendal, SK. A FEW YEARLING BULLS, (1) meaty black a n d ( 1 ) 2 y e a r o l d . V i ew t h e m at Par Ranch, Phone 306-823-4794 or 780-205-0719 (cell), 780-205-1668 (cell), Neilburg, SK. ONE 3 YR. old and one 15 month old reg. b u l l s ; 3 c o m m e r c i a l ye a r l i n g b u l l s . 306-782-7403, Willowbrook, SK. LOW BIRTHWEIGHT YEARLING and 2 yr. old speckle park bulls. Wilf Sunderland, Paradise Valley, AB, 780-745-2694.
REG. TEXAS LONGHORN bulls. Ensure easy calving season. Call Daryl 306-296-4712, or Bob 306-297-3298, Shaunavon, SK.
LIMOUSIN BULLS, yearling and 2 yr. old bulls available. Ron Wedrick DEXTERS COW/CALF pairs, yearling heif- 306-672-7072, Gull Lake, SK. ers, 1 and 2 year old bulls. 403-845-5763, CIRCLE T LIMOUSIN Performance tested, Rocky Mountain House, AB. red, polled yearling and 2 year old bulls, leading genetics, semen tested, guaranteed. Delivery avail. Estevan, SK., Harvey Tedford, 306-634-8536, Darryl Tedford PUREBRED YEARLING GALLOWAY bulls, 306-634-4621, $ 1 8 0 0 . P h o n e 8 0 7 - 4 8 6 - 3 6 2 2 o r RED AND BLACK polled 2 yr. old Limousin 807-486-3382, Devlin, ON. bulls, good selection. Nordal Limousin, GALLOWAY BULLS AND HEIFERS, black Rob Garner 306-946-7946, Simpson, SK. and belted. 306-773-6924, Swift Current, FOR SALE: STOUT yearling Limousin bulls, SK. Gordon 403-363-1729 polled, horned, red, black. Quiet bulls with RANCHING CO. LTD PUREBRED YEARLING and 2 year old bulls. great performance. Short Grass Limousin, 306-773-7196, Swift Current, SK. Purebred and cross bred heifers. Phone 306-587-2739, Cabri, SK. REG. TEXAS LONGHORN BULLS available in solid black, red and colored. Have good of strong yearling and 2 yr. olds. All FULLBLOOD YEARLING and 2 yr. Lowline supply classes of reg. stock also available. Call bulls, very easy calving, good disposition, GELBVIEH YEARLING and 2 yr. olds. Will excellent beef quality, selling without reg. Dean at 403-391-6043, Stauffer, AB. keep until spring. 306-997-4917, ask for p a p e r s . C i r c l e S S t o c k F a r m , ALBERTA TEXAS LONGHORN Association Colin, Borden, SK. 780-387-4874, Leduc, AB. For more info. 306-468-2820 306-468-7720 Canwood, SK KNUDSON FARMS has red and black polled BIG ISLAND LOWLINES Farmfair Int. yearling and 2 year old bulls. For details Premier Breeder. Fullblood/percentage, ONE RED SPOTTED or one straight dark call James 306-322-4682, Archerwill, SK. Black/Red Carrier, females, bulls, red red two year old virgin longhorn bulls. Big PUREBRED YEARLING RED bulls. Semen fullblood semen, embryos. 780-486-7553 framed and quiet. $1500 each. Phone Cliff, 780-388-3324, Buck Lake, AB or email: tested. EPD’s and pictures avail. Double JL Darrell, 780-434-8059 Paul, Edmonton AB. Gelbvieh, KJL Gelbvieh, 306-846-4733, Dinsmore, SK.
%8//6 )25 6$/(
12 YR. OLD Reg. black Percheron stallion, pasture breeds, quiet, easy to catch, son of Sterling Thunderstick; Big 4 yr. old black Percheron gelding; 6 Reg. Percheron 3RD ANNUAL PRAIRIE Spring Horse mares. Jim Lane, Birtle, MB. 204-842-3658 Sale: Sunday, May 20, 2012, 1:00 PM at or 204-773-0427. Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK. Featuring 90 quality ranch/pleasure/show geldings and mares, well started younger geldings and mares, brood mares, yearlings and 2 yr. olds, and teams. Registered FOR SALE OR TRADE: QH geldings, 1-5 and grade. For more info or to be mailed a yrs., also broodmares and a stallion. Will catalogue, call Scott Johnstone, auction- trade for whatever or consider all options. eer, 306-631-0767 or Glen Gabel, consul- 306-296-4530, 306-296-4706, Frontier, SK 20 OPEN REPLACEMENT heifers, taffy, tant/marketing, 306-536-1927. Catalogue 2 , 3 , 4 a n d 8 y e a r o l d g e l d i n g s , reds and a few whites, full herd health, is online at: Palominos and Buckskins. 306-345-2555, home raised; One yearling Red Angus heif306-536-9210, Belle Plaine, SK. er bull. 306-567-3034, Davidson, SK. W h itew o o d L ives to c k S a les IRON CROSS RANCH selling 8 reg. ranch FOR SALE: 900 Black and Red Angus open #1 H ighwa y W . W hite wo o d , S K. horses in various stages of training. heifers, you pick. Call 306-622-4605, Tompkins, SK. Phone Cody 1-866-317-8520, Veteran, AB. 25 COW/CALF pairs for sale, $1700/pair. NOW ACCEPTING 10 spots for trainW i l l p a s t u r e u n t i l S e p t e m b e r. ing. With 30+ years in the round pen and 306-741-3790, Swift Current, SK. F rid a y M a y 2 5, 2 0 12 training arena, you will have a solid foundation on your colt or filly. If you just want 10 RED ANGUS COWS, average age 6 Ta c k S a le - 1 p m a tune up on your trail horse or ranch years with March/April Black Angus calves. H o rs e S a le - 4:3 0 p m horse, this is the place for you. Give me a 780-352-5051, Wetaskiwin, AB. call 1-866-317-8520 or drop me an email H o rs e s a cce pte d T hu rs d a y till 8 pm 40 PREMIUM BLACK/ BWF first calves Veteran, AB. gus heifers, March/April Angus calf, a n d Frid a y m o rn in g. $2400/pair. 306-480-6286, Mayfair, SK. ***EID form s required at tim e of delivery.*** 6 YEAR OLD broke sorrel QH mare, 15.1 HH, good to ride and work around, good 100 COW/CALF PAIRS, all one owner and solid bone and foot, would make good Fo r in fo rm a tio n ca ll quite, calves Simmental and Charolais, ranch horse. Steakin Six, Kits Moon Shad3 0 6 -73 5-2 8 2 2 o r che ck cows mostly tans, weighing 1400 to 1500 ow and On the Money Red bloodlines, lbs., avg. age approx. 7 yrs., no horns, sell w w w .w h itew o o d lives to c k.c o m $3000 OBO. 306-745-3438, Esterhazy, SK. in 25 head lots. 306-542-3374 Kamsack SK BLACK COW/CALF PAIRS, mostly PB, calv- CANDIAC AUCTION MART Regular Horse 7 YEAR OLD RED ROAN reg. QH gelding, ing now. Will keep until 3rd week of May, Sale, Sat., June 2nd. Tack at 10:30, Horses approx. 15.1 HH, lots of pep no buck, very at 1:30. Each horse, with the exception of cowy. 6 yrs in feedlot, some pasture rop$2100. 306-322-7905, Rose Valley, SK. colts must have a completed EID. Go to ing, lots of heart, vg for shoeing, clipping C U S T O M C AT T L E P R O C E S S I N G . the website to and hauling, good to catch, $7000 firm. 306-948-8057, Biggar, SK. get the form. For more info contact 780-806-6341, Hughenden, AB. 150 COW/CALF pairs for sale. Call Jason 306-424-2967. 3 QH GELDINGS, 1 ranchhorse, 1 ranch at 306-435-6910, Moosomin, SK. HORSE SALE, Johnstone Auction Mart, prospect, 1 2D barrel horse. Reasonable CATTLE FINANCING available for feed- Moose Jaw, SK, Thursday, June 7. Tack prices. 306-357-4713, Wiseton, SK. er cattle and bred heifers/cows. Com- sells: 2:00 PM. Horses sell: 4:00 PM. All petitive interest rates. Call Marjorie classes of horses accepted. 306-693-4715, Blacklock, Stockmens Assistance PL#914447. HERD DISPERSAL: 2 mature mares, Corp., 306-931-0088, Saskatoon, SK. ANNUAL and the Final Edition of proven breeders and 2 junior fillies, halter BLACK AND RED Angus pairs for sale, 4 to 35th broke. All animals are registered. Phone Shamrock Quarter Horse Breeders Sale, 10 yrs. old, started calving April 1st, August 6th. Accepting guest consignments 780-991-6035, Leduc, AB. $1800/pr. 306-622-2076, Tompkins, SK. until June 15th. 306-677-2589, 18 BLACK ANGUS cows, most w/black 306-690-3029 Shamrock, SK. Entry forms baldy calves, all shots, good quality. at 306-283-4687, Langham, SK. TEAM FOR SALE: Percheron / QH mares, ANNUAL RAFTER A RANCH Horse black, well matched, well broke to drive, PAIRS FOR SALE: Approx. 170 cow/calf 3RD May 26, 2012. Sale time: 1:00 PM. one has had some riding, 16 HH, asking pairs for sale. For more info call Jeff at: Sale, Preview from 10 AM - 12 PM. Strathclair $5000. 780-847-2569, Tulliby Lake, AB. 306-673-2630, Leader, SK. Fair Grounds, Strathclair, MB. Entry dead30 SIMMENTAL HEIFERS, good quality, line is April 15, 2012. Contact Jason and TRIM BOSS: The Power Hoof Trimmer. home raised, ready to breed. McVicar K e l l y A i r e y a t 2 0 4 - 3 6 5 - 2 4 4 2 o r Take the work out of hoof trimming. Trim Stock Farms, phone 306-255-2799, or cell 204-365-0394. Entry forms, catalogues, wall, sole and flare on saddle horses, drafts and minis. Call 780-898-3752, Alder online video at: 306-255-7551, Colonsay, SK. Flats, AB. REPLACEMENT HEIFERS for sale, Red SASKATOON ALL BREED Horse & Tack Angus/ Simmental cross, excellent quality Sale, May 22. Tack 1:00 p.m. Horses to fol- STANDING FOR SERVICE: Reg. Black Perfrom reputation cattle. Phone Monty at: low. Open to broke horses (halter or rid- cheron stallion, good temperament and easy to handle; PB Black Arabian stallion, 306-266-4222, Fir Mountain, SK. ing). Sale conducted at Ok Corral, Mar- quiet and easy to handle. 306-329-4695, 80 HEAD of August/Sept. calving young tensville, SK. To consign call Frederick Grandora, SK. 306-227-9505 cow herd. 306-896-2366, Langenburg, SK. TWO 11 YR. OLD RANCH HORSES, used 150 BLACK AND RED Angus, good quality, for every aspect of ranching and in the young bred cows. Call 306-773-1049, stock yards. Both have roped and treated Swift Current, SK. 100’s of yearlings. One used for big game YEARLING AND 2 year old Black Angus 8 YEAR OLD grey Registered Paint mare, hunting. 306-699-7450, Qu’Appelle, SK. 30 days professional training, rode occabulls, $2500 each. 306-773-1049, Swift sionally since, $1600 OBO. 306-338-2710, FOR SALE: Nice team of black and white Current, SK. paint mares, 8 and 9 years old, quiet and Hendon, SK. gentle. 15 HH. Call 780-847-2569, Tulliby 3 YEAR OLD registered Paint stallion, blue Lake, AB. roan breeding. 780-853-2223, Vermilion, 9 YR. OLD grey gelding, Arab cross, rides AB. and drives, placed 2nd in 2010 Int. CDE, $4500 OBO. 403-601-6007, High River, AB. 5- MAINE CROSS ANGUS heifers, replacement quality, home raised ready to breed. Ken Clark 306-736-8322, Kipling, SK. 7 YEAR OLD BLUE ROAN stallion, 17 HH, email: 1 8 7 5 l b s . , g o o d p a s t u r e b r e e d e r. HORSES, HORSES, HORSES. All makes and models for sale for various skill levels. HERD DISPERSAL: Approx. 100 black, BWF 204-564-2279, Inglis, MB. Over 50 animals to choose from, minis to and red cow/calf pairs. avail. May 15th, 3 YEAR OLD Reg. Percheron stallion. Black heavies, pets to ropers, we have a horse $2300/pair. 306-634-4330, Estevan, SK. with a few white hair. Ph: 204-748-1109 or for you. Call for details 306-960-4166 or HERD DISPERSAL APPROXIMATELY 70 204-851-0904, Virden, MB. 306-961-2777, Prince Albert, SK. cow calf pairs, w/Angus calves at side. Have pasture and bulls if interested. $2100 per pair. 306-728-5159, Melville, SK. 2011 WELSH BLACK HEIFERS, PB and crossbreds, forage raised w/no chemicals or grain. Can be sold open or bred Welsh black. Delivery available. 780-864-3150, Email: Spirit River, AB. REG. WELSH BLACK BULLS, polled, forage raised no grain or chemicals. Delivery available. 780-864-3150, Email: Spirit River, AB.
Sprin g H o rse & Tack Sale
GOOD QUALITY YEARLING Angus bulls. Will be health checked and semen tested, reasonable prices. Contact Cee Bee Angus, 306-784-2771, Swift Current, SK. 150 OPEN REPLACEMENT heifers, reds/blacks, 650-700 lbs., Phizer Gold vaccinated. No horns, no implants, $1050/each. 204-966-3868, Birnie, MB.
Profiting through Productivity
RK AN IM AL S UPPL IES ca rryin g
fu ll s to ck o fAn d is clip p ers a n d b la d es . N EW RK PURE gro o m in g p ro d u cts n o w a va ila b le. C a ll fo r d e ta ils a n d a fre e c a ta lo gu e
1-8 00-440-26 9 4. w w w .rka n im a lsu m 115 BLACK PAIRS PACKAGE, April born, includes 21 black heifers, bred to FAV Final Answer. A really nice, easy fleshing, medium frame, quiet cow herd. Your grass/ bulls or mine. Joe Moore, Swan River, MB. 204-281-1885. TAN HEIFERS with calves for sale. Call for pricing. 306-834-5156, Kerrobert, SK. 20 YOUNG COW/CALF pairs, tans, reds, blacks, w/2-5 wk. old calves. Ted Penner, 306-548-5474, 306-621-1082, Sturgis, SK. 300 REPLACEMENT HEIFER: Reds, blacks and tans, 800 lbs. Phone 306-934-5169 or 306-220-1945, Saskatoon, SK. 25 COW/CALF PAIRS, calves Black Angus 2-3 mos. old, cows commercial and avg. 5th calver, $2400/pair. Ph 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK.
WA N T E D : R E D ROA N o r b l u e r o a n cow/calf pairs, must be reasonably priced. 306-734-2970, Chamberlain, SK. WANTED: CULL COWS for slaughter. For bookings call Kelly at Drake Meat ProcesPOLLED YEARLING GELBVIEH bulls and BEST SELECTION OF MAINE-ANJOU bulls. Red Angus Gelbvieh cross. Birthweight B r e e d e r s i n c e 1 9 7 0 . V i ew we b s i t e : 3 PUREBRED BULLS for sale. 22 purebred sors, 306-363-2117, ext. 111, Drake, SK. from 72 lbs. Wayne at Selin’s Gelbvieh Gary Graham, cow calf pairs for sale, some registered. WANTED: COW/CALF PAIRS. Call Lorne 306-960-8956, Meath Park, SK. 306-793-4568, Stockholm, SK. 306-823-3432, Marsden, SK. Davey 306-843-7606, Wilkie, SK.
99th Convention & Annual General Meeting May 27-29, 2012 Cypress Park Resort, Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park
Join us May 27 – 29, 2012 in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park for the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association 99th Convention & Annual General Meeting. With positivity in the cattle industry, producers are looking for ways to optimize production & maximize profitability. This year’s convention will feature an exciting line up of speakers to address issues from production to current market opportunities. An institution in the beef industry for nearly a century – you won’t want to miss the SSGA 99th Convention & Annual General Meeting!
WWW.ELLIOTTCUTTINGHORSES.COM 35 plus years of training, showing, sales, clinics, lessons. Clifford and Sandra Elliott, Paynton, SK. Phone 306-895-2107. CHECK OUT for new 2012 breed listings. New Cornish Grazers, ideal for free range roasters. Call 204-773-2562, Russell, MB. WANTED: GOOD TEAM of well matched horses, approx. 1400 lbs. 780-349-2497, PHEASANTS AND WILD TURKEYS. Gamebird netting. Dirt Willy Gamebird Westlock, AB. Farm and Hatchery, 780-922-6080, Ardrossan, AB.
USED 8’ GAME fencing, 21 strand 6” spacing; 300 6-8”, 12’ posts approx. 4 miles worth. 306-435-8008, Wapella, SK. ATTENTION ELK PRODUCERS: AWAPCO is a proven leader in elk meat sales. If you have elk to supply to market, give AWAPCO a call today. Current price $7.50/kg hot hanging, no marketing fees. Nonmembers welcome. or call 780-980-7589. ELK VALLEY RANCHES, buying all ages of elk. Ph Frank 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB or email 9 BULLS, 2 to 9 years; 5 bred cows, 2 to 10 years and 5 calves. Call 306-825-4037, Lloydminster, SK. PRODUCER OWNED Canadian Prairie Bison is paying TOP DOLLAR FOR ELK to supply our growing markets. Give Roger a call before you sell, 306-468-2316. CASH PAID FOR hard antler. Call Marty, 403-393-2950, Puppy Love Pet Products Inc., Fort MacLeod, AB.
SAGEBRUSH TRAIL RIDES. Writing-OnStone. Register: June 29th. Ride- June 30th, July 1, 2, 3rd. Earl Westergreen 403-529-7597, Les O’Hara 403-867-2360. PEERS AG SOCIETY 1st Annual Family Fair, June 23rd-24th, 2012 at the McLeod Valley Grounds. Open horse pull competition. For info call Bill at 780-693-2674 or Jiggs 780-693-2403, 780-524-8802 (cell). Lots of camping. Peers, AB.
CARFIO HATCHERY. Pheasants; Wild turkeys; Guinea Fowl; Partridges; Bobwhites; Jumbo Quails; Ducks; Geese; Broiler chicks; Bantams and lar ge Heritage breeds. 1-877-441-0368,
CANADIAN FARRIER SCHOOL: Gary Johnston, Email 403-359-4424, 403-637-2189, Calgary, AB. CERTIFIED FARRIER. Holdfast, SK. Call Jacob at: 306-488-4408.
ANDRES TRUCKING. Call us for a quote today. 306-224-2088, Windthorst, LAMANCHA DAIRY GOATS, 1 to 4 yrs. in SK. milk. Christopher Lake, SK. eves/wknds, BISON WANTED - Canadian Prairie Bison 306-982-3785, weekdays 306-314-9048. is looking to contract grain finished bison email: for a growing market in Canada, US and Europe. Paying top market $$ for all animals. For more information contact Roger Provencher, or 306-468-2316. Join our Producer-owned bison company and enjoy the benefits. OSTRICH: 1 MALE, 2 females, 4 to 6 yrs.; TOP PRICES for grain finished bison. 75 egg Nykobi incubator w/36 egg Nykobi Phone Pieter at Carmen Creek Bison incubator (for parts); 24 egg hatcher; 6 403-215-2321, Calgary, AB. E-mail: heat lamps; 2 months feed, $13,000 OBO pkg. price. 403-285-1624, Calgary, AB.
THE LIVERY STABLE, for harness sales and repairs. 306-283-4580, 306-262-4580, Langham, SK. NEW BUGGY, WAGON, sleigh, cutterwood and metal parts. Wooden wheel manufacture and restoration. Wolfe Wagons, Saskatoon, SK. Phone 306-933-4763 after 6 PM weekdays. Email LARGE SELECTION OF Bison breeding stock. Both females and bulls. Wood cross and pure Wood; Some stock originating in Whitehorse, YT available; Also approx. 300 calves from 2011. Phone Ryan at PAYSEN BISON SQUEEZE with crowding 306-646-7743, Fairlight, SK. gate and holding pen, hardly used, $8000. ELK VALLEY RANCHES have quality se- Brownlee, SK. Call Terry at 306-681-7264 men tested 2 year old bison breeding bulls or 306-759-2645. for sale. 780-846-2980, Kitscoty, AB. 3 PLAINS BISON 3 yr. old breeding bulls, fed hay and some grain, not pushed, SHAVINGS: Manufactured from kiln dried HEAVY WOODEN WAGON, good condition $2700/ea. Crocusview Farm Ltd., Kenton, Pine. Highly compressed 4’x4’x4’ bales that with a completely rebuilt grain box, $3500. MB, 204-838-2426 or 204-748-5794 (cell). hold 325 cu. ft. each. Makes premium Email: Phone 306-549-4911, Hafford, SK. quality bedding for large and small aniGEORGE’S HARNESS & SADDLERY, makers 14- 2011 BISON heifers all daughters from mals and poultry. Low dust, very soft and of leather and nylon harness. Custom sad- Dick Fish Bull; Also 40 more 2011 bison absorbent. Size, 3/4” and under. Call for dles, tack, collars, neck yoke, double trees. heifers. For more info. call 306-446-0423, truck load quotes. Wholesale prices direct from the plant. Can ship anywhere up to Call 306-441-0755, Mayfair, SK. 60 bales per load. Call Tony 250-372-1494 780-663-3611, Ryley, AB. WANTED: CULL BISON cows and bulls for or Ron 250-804-3305, Chase, BC, or web: FIFTH WHEEL PEOPLE hauler, rear side slaughter. Call Kelly at Drake Meat Proces- entry handy for seniors. Cash or trade for sors, 306-363-2117 ext. 111, Drake, SK. broke Haflingers, Icelanders, Welsh or 2 0 0 9 B R E D H E I F E R S , $ 2 2 0 0 . similar ponies not over 54”. 306-373-1275, 306-773-6924, Swift Current, SK. Saskatoon, SK. ask for Ken. 2010 ROUND MATERNITY PEN; Tractor WANTED: PASTURE FOR 50 to 60 yearling pulled bale trailer, fits 23 large round bison heifers within 200 kms of Alix, AB. bales w/automatic hitch in tractor, 3 PTH; Call 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. 70’ Farm King diamond harrows; 24’ HD SADDLES: GREAT WEST, highback, Hamcalf shelter; 2005 Easy Way 250 bu. creep ley, Kenway, F. Eamor, Riley McCormick. 65- 2011 BULL CALVES, 30- 2011 heifer feeder; Calf catcher; Quad trailer; Bale calves. Call Harold 306-725-4228, Last Phone: 403-969-9809, AB. feeders, single and 3 bales. Mtn Foothills Bison Ranch, Strasbourg, SK. 403-844-1194, Caroline, AB. NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for WHEATHEART heavy hitter post pounder, over 15 years, is looking for finished Bison, exc. cond. Has post hugger attachment, grain or grass fed. “If you have them, we PTO driven, home built wire unroller and want them.” Make your final call with tool box. 306-260-0094, Langham, SK. Northfork for pricing! Guaranteed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. TOP CUT, semen tested 2 year old bull, Yukon and XY bloodlines, not pushed, naturally fed, will keep until June 1st, 2012. 306-536-9817, Francis, SK. PRAIRIE ALL BREEDS Ram Sale, Sept. EXTREME DUTY BISON PANELS, 7x30’, 8, 2012, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose 2-7/8” tubing. No mig welding (arc). No Jaw, SK. Entries open until Aug. 01. Entry welded/ spliced rod. All saddle joints. Call form online at:, 780-975-4020, Gibbons, AB. 306-693-4715, ALBERTA BISON RANCH has personally or PL# 914447 picked 2010 Pure Plains breeding bulls and heifers, available now. Phone: Neil at 780-284-0347, Mayerthorpe, AB. 102 DORSET SUFFOLK cross breeding TOP QUALITY semen tested 2 and 3 year ewes (one yr. old) and two Suffolk rams. old Plains breeding bulls. MFL Ranches, Due to lamb end of May. Asking $350/ea. 403-747-2500, Alix, AB. Please call Jacob 306-495-7226, Kipling, H E AV Y D U T Y 2 4 ’ PA N E L S , W I N D SK, email: BREAKS, bale feeders, calf shelters and more for sale. Inquire: 403-704-3828, or MATURE REINDEER BULLS for sale. Call email Rimbey, AB. COMMERCIAL KATAHDIN /DORPER ewe Jim or Connie, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK., MANURE SPREADER: LEON 425 silver lambs, born Dec. 2011 to Feb. 2012. 50-80 306-332-3955. spreader, 425 bushel, hyd. push, double lbs, $145-$205. 403-519-4994, Calgary AB beater, 1000 RPM PTO. Slurry gate and pan. 306-536-8418, Balgonie, SK. MOUFLON SHEEP, three 2 year old rams, one 1 year old ram, one 1 year old ewe. ELK EQUIP., GATES, POSTS. Calving SOLAR WEST portable pumping stations; 306-432-2022 evenings, Dysart, SK. box; Sorting circle; Box iron framed gates N O RT H S TA R l i ve s t o c k e q u i p m e n t ; SUFFOLK CROSS REPLACEMENT ewe with wire or plywood; Pressure treated Portable windbreaks; Custom built panels lambs, born Dec., 80-100 lbs., top quality, sharpened posts, 5” to 6”, tops 12’ and 14’. and gates. Delivery avail. 1-866-354-7655, $275. 35 years in the industry. Reinhardt 306-893-7140, Maidstone, SK. Lamb, 403-677-2194, Rosebud, AB. BALE SHREDDER, excellent shape, $5500. CALLING CONSIGNERS 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. WANTED PUREBRED SOUTHDOWN ram. 403-558-2202, Okotoks, AB.
Thursday August 9, 2012 SHEEP DEVELOPMENT BOARD offers extension, marketing services and a full line of sheep and goat supplies. 306-933-5200, Saskatoon, SK.
Executive Royal Inn, Leduc, Alberta To consign to this sale Contact: Gordon Musgrove 403-363-1729 or Mark Stewart 403-357-9833
2002 956 JD MoCo, flail, hyd. tilt, good cond., $21,000; 1992 535 JD baler, auto kicker, hyd. PU, belts resized to full length, chain guard, oiler, fire ext., $10,500; stock trailer, 6-1/2’x20’, 5th wheel ball hitch, side door, good shape, $6500; 8’x16’ flatdeck, triple house trailer axles, new tires, rear ramps, $1800; Hi-Hog maternity pen, self catch headgate, $2300; Hi-Ho g squeeze chute w/exts., self catch headgate, $4000; round bale feeders, $150 each; rect. feeder, feeds 40 animals, $850; 3- 8’x16’ tin sheeted calf shelters, $650 ea; 2- infrared heaters, $140 ea; 6-bulb heat lamp, thermostat controlled, $75; 1/2 a bundle new 6’x8’ treated posts; Dr. Franks calf puller, chains, handles, and snare, $200; livestock prod, $100. Call Delmer 306-548-4653 days, 306-548-4764 eves, HI-HOG MATERNITY PEN, Powder River Danbury, SK. calf tipping chute, Morand squeeze chute, Hi-Hog gates, 40 bu. creep feeder, Ritchie STEEL VIEW MFG.: 30’ portable windwater bowls, branding iron pot w/torch breaks, HD self-standing panels, silage/ and tank, grooming equipment, chute, hay bunks, feeder panels. Quality portable blower, combs, etc., Ritchie water bowls, p a n e l s at a f fo r d a b l e p r i c e s . S h a n e branding iron w/torch and tank, fence 306-493-2300, Delisle, SK. posts, steel fence posts, bundle of slabs, rolls of barb wire, rolls of barb wire, calf HIGHLINE 6800 BALE processor; Hi-Hog scale, plastic and wood feed troughs. Peter cattle squeeze, auto. headgate; 12’x6’ tanCozac Farm Equipment Auction, Friday, dem stock trailer; IHC 1150 mixmill; IHC June 15, 2012, Sintaluta, SK. area. Visit 350 utility tractor, LPTO, hyd. All in vg for sale condition. 306-682-3055, Humboldt, SK. bill and photos. Phone 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 SVEN ROLLER MILLS. Built for over 40 years. PTO/elec. drive, 40 to 1000 bu./hr. Example: 300 bu./hr. unit costs $1/hr. to run. Rolls peas and all grains. We regroove and repair all makes of mills. Apollo Machine, 306-242-9884 or 1-877-255-0187,
MORAND INDUSTRIES Builders of Quality Livestock Equipment, Made with Your Safety in Mind!
1-800-582-4037 KUHN 3150, new knives top and bottom augers, 540 PTO, scale, exc . cond., $19,500 OBO. 204-745-8114 Carman, MB.
AQUA THERM A pasture proven trough. Winter water problems? Solved! No electricity required. 3 sizes - 100, 200 and 525 ga l l o n . Ke l l n S o l a r, L u m s d e n , S K . 1-888-731-8882, NET WRAP! NET Wrap! Net Wrap! Top quality wrap, great pricing, free delivery. C a l l t o d a y t o s e c u r e y o u r o r d e r. 306-227-4503, Saskatoon, SK.
EXPERT REPAIRS to all stringed instruments. Best selection of new and vintage guitars in the Province. World class guitar maker. Sawchyn Guitars, 2132 Dewdney Ave., Regina, SK. 306-522-6348, website:
ECOCERT CANADA organic certification for producers, processors and brokers. Call the western office 306-873-2207, Tisdale, SK, email: ORGANIC PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION of Manitoba Cooperative (OPAM) Nonprofit, member owned organic certification body. Certifying producers, processor and brokers since 1988, Miniota, MB. Contact 204-567-3745, CANADA ORGANIC CERTIFIED by OCIA Canada. The ultimate in organic integrity for producers, processors and brokers. Call Ruth Baumann, 306-682-3126, Humboldt, SK,, PRO-CERT ORGANIC SYSTEMS Royalty free organic certifier. Family owned, experienced, affordable. Phone 306-382-1299 or email Saskatoon SK.
2012 PRODUCTION CONTRACTS: for TRAILER TYPE POST pounder, exc. cond.; hard red wheat and hard white wheat Hi-Hog calf tipping table; Two 4-wheel lick (Snowbird), Growers International tanks, used once. 306-456-2660, Wey- 306-652-4529, Saskatoon, SK. burn, SK WANTED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY: NEW-WAY PUMP AND power supplies, HRS wheat and durum. Call Growers applicators, spreader bars, draghose and International today 306-652-4529, reels. Call New-Way at 403-223-3591 or Saskatoon, SK. Alfons Poppe 403-795-4196, Taber, AB. ORGANIC SEED: yellow blossom sweet 8x12 CATTLE GROUP SCALE, certified and clover; Single and double cut red clover; l e g a l f o r t r a d e , $ 1 0 , 8 0 0 O B O . alfalfa; Timothy; Oxley II cicer milk vetch. 204-745-8114, Carman, MB. F r e e d e l i ve r y o n l a r g e r q u a n t i t i e s . 306-863-2900, Star City, SK. YOUNG’S EQUIPMENT INC. For your livestock feeding, cutting, chopping and CERT. ORGANIC GOLDEN flax seed, wheat and millet. 306-287-3388, Watson, SK. handling headquarters. 1-800-803-8346. email: MACK R600 MCKEE manure spreader, hyd. drive. Ph. 403-552-3753 or 780-753-0353, HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and barley straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery Kirriemuir, AB. available. 403-223-8164, 403-382-0068, BEAM SCALE for weighing groups of cat- Taber, AB. tle, up to 30 yearlings, c/w loading chute, FOR POST-EMERGENCE WEED manage$25,250 OBO. 306-823-3441, Neilburg, SK. ment- Harriston 60’ tine weeder, excellent condition; Also 20’ and 15’ JD 400 rotary FREESTANDING PANELS: 30’ windbreak hoes. 306-382-9024, Saskatoon, SK. panels; 6-bar 24’ and 30’ panels; 10’, 20’ and 30’ feed troughs; Bale shredder bunks; YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER seed, Silage bunks; Feeder panels; HD bale feed- cert. organic, cleaned, bagged. Borden, SK, ers; All metal 16’ and 24’ calf shelters. Will 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122 cell custom build. 306-424-2094, Kendal, SK. WANTED: BUYING ORGANIC screenings, 1985 IHC 1900 TRUCK w/Harsh 515, delivered. Loreburn, SK. Prompt payment. scaled, 4 augers, mixing box, 250 hrs. on 306-644-4888 or 1-888-531-4888 ext. 2 rebuilt Detroit 466 diesel eng., ideal main or back-up feed truck, $21,000 OBO. NODRICKS SEEDS, has organic and conventional forage/grass seeds for your 403-650-7741. Priddis, AB. spring planting. Custom blends available. Organic custom cleaning available. Phone 306-873-2345, Tisdale, SK. Or email:
ATTENTION LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS: 5 bar panels, 30’; 30’ windbreak panels; 30’ silage bunks; 30’ all steel grain troughs; 30’ bale shredder bunks; 20’ Texas gates and round bale feeders. Weld on and bolt on clamps for sucker rod and pipe, 3/4” to 3-1/2”. We will build equipment to your specifications. Delivery available. Authorized dealer for feed box, pellet and grain feeders. We also handle a complete line of wood and steel fence posts and rough cut lumber. An authorized dealer for Sakundiak grain bins, we manufacture hopper cones. Ph: 306-538-4487, Kennedy, 80 IDEAS, plus layouts, for low cost oneSK. m a n c at t l e c o r r a l s , 1 5 0 d i a g r a m s . 54” RUBBER BELTING, comes in 300’ or 29’ rolls; Texas gates made from oilfield material for sale. Call Blaine 306-782-6022, 306-621-9751 Yorkton, SK. 2006 HIGHLINE BALE PRO 8000, LH discharge, new twine knife, exc. cond., $10,000 OBO. 403-740-5247, Stettler, AB. GREG’S WELDING- 30’ free standing heavy duty fence panels and windbreaks; Also calf shelters and custom gates, etc. Delivery avail. 306-768-8555, Carrot River, SK.
ORGANIC OATS, red lentils and wheat. Germ 96%, all cleaned. 306-931-2826, 306-290-4920, Martensville, SK.
WANTED: ORGANIC CALVES, stockers from 600- 900 lbs. Also producers remember to certify cows and calves for 2012. Kelley 306-767-2640, Clem 306-862-7416, Ted 519-868-8445, Zenon Park, SK.
FROSTFREE NOSEPUMPS: Energy free solution to livestock watering. No heat or power required. Prevents backwash. Grants available. 1-866-843-6744. METAL CALF CREEP feeder, 250 bus., like new, $2000. Phone 306-297-3559, Shaunavon, SK.
2011 LUCKNOW 4 auger HD TMR, mixer feeder wagon, model 900. New, never used. Tandem axle, loaded, hyd. raise and lower discharge chute, scale. Can deliver $55,000. Cypress River, MB. 204-743-2324 H-1000 HAYBUSTER TUB GRINDER, clean, good condition. 403-588-0958, Alix, PAYSEN LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT INC. AB. We manufacture an extensive line of cattle handling and feeding equipment including squeeze chutes, adj. width alleys, crowding tubs, calf tip tables, maternity pens, gates and panels, bale feeders, Bison equipment, Texas gates, steel water troughs and rodeo equipment. Distributors for Cancrete concrete waterers, El-Toro electric branders and twine cutters. Our squeeze chutes and headgates are now available with a neck extender. Phone 306-796-4508, email: website:
SWF CENTRAL ALBERTA rancher, hard working, responsible, reliable, looking for like minded SWM, 35-50 yrs. old. Box 5603, c/o Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 2C4.
CATTLE SQUEEZE, Hi-Hog headgate, right hand delivery and joined dual door palpation cage, $1800 OBO. Call: 306-642-4003, Assiniboia, SK. Toll Free 1-866-304-4664 ELK HANDLING SYSTEM, 36’x36’x6’ wide, Ranchers’ Warehouse squeeze, weight scale, 5 hyd. doors, large 17’ door. Can BERKSHIRE, TAM WORTH CHESTIER email pics. Call 403-378-4663, cell White boars and gilts. Nationwide delivery 403-793-5817, Duchess, AB. a t c o s t . Tr o y 2 0 4 - 3 7 9 - 2 0 0 4 , 2 0 4 - 8 2 8 - 3 3 1 7 , 2 0 4 - 7 5 0 - 1 4 9 3 , NORTHFORK- INDUSTRY LEADER for over 15 years, is looking for Elk. “If you 204-750-2759, St. Claude, MB. have them, we want them.” Make your fiWANTED: ALL BERKSHIRE pigs/swine, nal call with Northfork for pricing! Guaranall sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Paying highest teed prompt payment! 514-643-4447, Winnipeg, MB. $$$. BUYING WILD BOAR pigs/swine for 20 years, all sizes. 1-877-226-1395. Highest $$$.
STONE SPLITTING MAUL, 2 trowels, 3 hods, 2 trimming hammers, sand screen, SINGLE? MEET THE MATCHMAKER brick hammer, brick lines, and more, $350. The only way it works! In-person inter306-577-2381 eves, Kenosee Lake, SK. views June 1st to 3rd, Yorkton, Saskatoon and Regina. Membership $700 plus taxes. 6 COMMERCIAL COIN operated Maytag 18 years experience. Have matched thouWASHERS, front load, excellent working sands of people! Camelot Introductions, condition, good for campground or fishing or call camp, slight smoke damage, $600 each. 204-888-1529 to book your appoint306-541-3952, Regina Beach, SK. ment with an award winning Matchmaker!
AKBASH/PYRANEES puppies for sale. TIMBERLANE RESORT, (COMOX Valley) Good livestock guardians. Glendon, AB. Vancouver Island, BC. 2.2 acre walk-on 1-800-645-2719. waterfront resort on sandy Saratoga Beach. 10 fully self contained units, 6 newST. BERNARD PUPS, 8 weeks, old for er studio suites (7 yrs old) plus 4 rustic sale, vet checked, first shots. Phone cabins. Full package avail., prime water780-986-3769, Leduc, AB. front. Priced at $2.3 million. Neil Woor o w, R oy a l L e p a g e C o m o x Va l l e y, CANE CORSO KENNEL reduction. 1-1/2 yr. 250-338-3349 black female, cropped; one grey female, 7 or view mths; one black brindle male, cropped, 8 mths. 306-463-4380, Kindersley, SK. WANTED: CHESAPEAKE PUP, prefer male, good home, 60 acres, an adult Chesapeake for a buddy. 204-623-5262, The Pas, MB. or email AVAILABLE BACHELORETTES. I am a huge animal lover, people say I am high energy. I’m active. I love the outdoors, biking, camping, kayaking, being outside w/nature, archery and have horses. Don’t get me wrong, I can also be a girly girl too. I’m looking for a guy is who normal, yes, normal, stable. I love my job. I work with children, so I get paid to play games all day pretty much. I have had one serious long term relationship and then nothing. I have been looking to meet a guy for about two years. I must say it’s harder than you think. My Mom keeps saying, where are the grandkids? I have just turned 30. I would like kids, but would like a relationship for a few years first. Travel, get to really know one another, may live together. I am a curvy girl, not over weight, but have curves, 5’4”, 143 lbs. I love cuddles, kisses and romance in general. I miss having a boyfriend. Matchmakers Select 1-888-916-2824. Rural, country, ranch, remote, agriculture, small towns, permanent relationships, only financially secure, honest, genuine, sincere introductions, customized memberships thorough screening process, guaranteed service.
MOLE HILL LEVELERS- Explode mole hills in your fields. Attaches to any cultivator or chisel plow. Low HP requirements. $89 per unit. See your nearest Flaman store or call 1-888-435-2626.
RED-BLUE PITBULL pups, born March 2, vet checked, multi-colors. 306-237-4441, Biggar, SK. SABLE LASSIE COLLIES crossed with red and while Border Collie pups, born Febru- ELEGANT COUNTRY HOME near Vernon, ary 29th, $150 ea. 306-228-3582, Unity SK BC. 4 bdrm, 6 bath, 3 car att. garage. Good well and septic, heating and AC is forced air and heat pump, near many lakes, large workshop, $799,900. Ph 250-547-7997. REGISTERED BORDER COLLIE pups, Sire UK import, top working bloodlines, excellent cattle dogs, quality stock for over 35 years. 780-941-3843, New Sarepta, AB. BORN FEB. 25th, 3 male Blue Heeler Bor- 2.7 ACRES COMMERCIAL property with der Collie puppies, from good working par- 3300 sq. ft. heated shop located at Wynents. 306-386-1268, North Battleford, SK. yard, SK. For more info ph 306-813-7292.
12 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, Leader, SK. Sale Price $669,000. Call Greg Belof REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS: 306-525-3344, NAI Commercial Real Es1 black tri male; 1 black tri female; 3 blue tate (Sask) Ltd., merle males. Some with blue eyes. From working parents, mom is blue merle and dad is red tri. Great with children, other dogs and even cats. Pictures available on request. Pups born April 10, ready to go June 09 after first set of shots at 8 weeks old. Email: or call 306-567-8548, Bladworth, SK.
RODENATOR ALBERTA LTD. The gophers, moles, badgers, etc. are back. We offer the only BOSS OF THE BURROW that not only eliminates the pests with one concussive blast, but also destroy the burrow so they won’t be back. Order yours toBORDER COLLIE PUPS ready to go, out of day. Bob at 403-620-4038, High River, AB. working parents. Guaranteed working GT2006 GOPHER TRAPS by Lees Trap- dogs. 306-553-2213, Swift Current, SK. works Ltd. See them in action at $17 each. Call BORDER COLLIE/ Blue Heeler cross pups, 8 weeks old, 2nd shots, dewormed, off 306-677-7441, Swift Current, SK. good working parents, $150. Phone BEST GOPHER POISON! Gopher doom 306-237-4754, Sonningdale, SK. by Poulin’s Pest Control, 25 lb. pail for LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN PUPPIES for $114.99. 1-888-768-5467, sale, w/1st shots, dewormed. 5 females, 3 males. Mother an awesome 3/4 Akbash, 1/4 Pyrenees, great with livestock, people, loves kids. 306-466-4588, Shellbrook, SK.
MAREMMA/ KUVASZ CROSS pups, born Feb. 15, very attentive, good for predator control, $200. 780-939-4872 Morinville AB KUVASZ/PYRANEES PUPPIES born January 8th, 3 males and 5 females, farm raised. 403-502-9470, Medicine Hat, AB. RED AND WHITE Border Collie pups, from working parents, ready to go, $450 each. 306-587-7169 or 306-773-3476, Success, SK.
PHIL’S IRRIGATION SALES, pump, traveling guns, pipe. Can design and install. Call 306-858-7351, Lucky Lake, SK.
CKC REG. GERMAN Shepherd stud for sale. Working line, 3 yr. old proven breeder (puppies 1 wk old). Excellent with kids, farm raised, obedient, Pedigree available. 306-753-2667, Macklin, SK. YELLOW ROSE COUNTRY KENNEL is pleased to announce the arrival of 8 Yellow Lab pups, 5 boys, 3 girls. Ready to go to new homes June 13th. For full details see or call: 306-457-2557, Midale, SK. CKC REGISTERED SHETLAND sheepdogs. 2 male blue merle Shelties ready to go. 306-744-2420, Saltcoats, SK. GSD PUPPIES. Czech and German lines, solid blacks, black and tans. Ready for new home April 30th. 306-843-3132, Wilkie, SK.
Q ua lity B uilt C a b ins b y
Prefa b
6,8 00
1960, 3 BDRM house to be moved from farmyard, $20,000 OBO. Phone Dennis at 306-739-2923, Wawota, SK.
ces C A BIN FA C TO RY StartiPri ng At IN C . B yuoiultrto On your lake lot, acreage, guest house, sa tisfa ctio n office space,
TO BE MOVED, 1983 house trailer, 900 sq. ft. with a 340 sq. ft. addition built in 2009, has 3 bedrooms, 2x6 walls, asphalt shingles, new windows and doors, vinyl siding, ceramic tile, hardwood and laminate flooring, bathroom and kitchen have been renovated, new water heater last hunting cabin summer, comes with stove, dishwasher, & much more. clothes washer and dryer, great condition. Email for more details and pictures. 306-741-0267, Swift Current, SK. CRAIG’S HOME SALES. 20x76 moduline homes, 2 floor plans, starting at $99,900. Sale ends June 1st. 1-855-380-2266 (toll free), WANTED TO PURCHASE: good used 14’ and 16’ wide mobile homes. Call Bob at 306-249-2222 or 306-220-4670. 1991 WINALTA 16’ wide to be moved. 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Bright updated kitchen with P lease Call skylight, new stainless appliances, HE 7 8 0-93 5 -3 8 5 4 washer/dryer. Updated flooring, lighting, or visit our w ebsite at plumbing, blinds, brand new furnace, roof w w w .prefa bpineca 4 yrs old. With/wo 12x12 porch w/built-in pantry and 10’ wide covered deck, $60,000 for m ore inform ation. GREEN LAKE, SK, Fishing Lodge subdivi- O B O . Pe n h o l d , A B . 4 0 3 - 3 5 2 - 7 2 7 0 , sion, 2 lots with 16x80’ beautiful mobile 403-304-8938, home, like new, fully furnished, wood- TO BE MOVED older 2 bdrm. mobile stove, many extras, 24x28’ double garage. home, fridge/ stove, needs some roof and Excellent fishing. Must be seen. $289,000 floor repairs, good for cabin, $2000 OBO. OBO. Phone 306-832-2191. 306-446-2939, 306-441-9190 at Metoa, SK INSULATED AND HEATED for 4 season TO BE MOVED: 2008 Ultra modular home use, 421 Mistusinne Crescent, Mistusinne 1520 sq. ft. (20x76’) c/w skirting, new Beach, SK., 4 miles S of Elbow on Diefen- furnace, AC, 7 appliances, vaulted ceilbaker Lake, $284,500. Open kitchen/living ings, upgraded walls, jet tub, built-in thearoom, 3 bdrms., 4 pc. bath, attach garage tre room, window coverings, $105,000 w/direct entrance (could be additional liv- OBO. 780-888-7204 at Sedgewick, AB ing area). Fridge, stove, freezer, beds, linens and many other items included. Nego- 2010 MODULAR HOME TO MOVE, 1520 tiable items are a 17.5’ Playtime boat with sq. ft., deluxe pkg, gourmet kitchen, skyVolvo inboard motor and a Honda 300 4x4 light, vaulted ceilings, open concept, 3 ATV. Call Ron Thompson 306-221-8112, bdrm, 2 baths, master suite, Jacuzzi tub, Royal LePage Saskatoon Real Estate to ar- large walk-in closet. 306-367-4925, Middle Lake, SK. range to see this terrific property. BRAND NEW 2012 16’x76’ mobile home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, fridge, stove, dishwasher, $62,900. available immediately. HOUSE FOR SALE, $49,900, Wishart, SK. 306-741-6254, Swift Current, SK. 1140 sq. ft. 3 bedroom bungalow, built 1961, several upgrades, 18’x32’ detached NEW TRIPLE M 20x76, damaged in fire, $29,900. Phone for information garage. 306-576-2069, 587-434-8525, Estevan, SK. THREE RESIDENTIAL LOTS for sale in a quiet crescent. Minutes from the lake. All 3 SHERWOOD MODULAR HOMES, SRI l o t s a r e s e r v i c e d , $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 p e r l o t . factory built, 16’, 20’, 22’, sectionals. Full set-up and service in house. Phone Regina 306-235-7643, Buffalo Narrows, SK. 1-866-838-7744. Estevan 1-877-378-7744. 2 LOTS TOGETHER, one serviced for mobile home, 3/4 of an hour east of Saska- BRAND NEW 2012, 16’x76’ mobile home, 3 toon, SK. on Hwy. 16. Nicely treed, clean bedrooms, 2 baths, fridge, stove, diswashtown. $15,000 for both. 306-593-7089 or er, $72,900 available immediately. Located in Weyburn, SK., 306-741-7188. 306-593-2272.
39 SUITE APARTMENT BLOCK, Estevan, SK. Sale price $7,215,000. Contact Greg MELVILLE, SK. Progressive, pleasant Belof 306-525-3344, community on main highway to Yorkton NAI Commercial Real Estate (Sask) Ltd. and Regina. Prime large corner lot on Main Street, close to center, Priced now only $40,000 firm. No time for hesitation. Act now!. Call Paul 403-608-3831 cell or FULLY SERVICED BUILDING LOT with 90’ 403-455-0601 leave message. frontage on York Lake only 5 minutes from Yorkton, SK. The lot is .413 acres situated CEDAR LOG HOME to move off site, in Maple Grove Estates which is an upscale 1462 sq. ft. 3 bedroom bungalow with atresidential area. Call 306-783-3070 or tached garage, hardwood floors, side-byside fridge, ceramic top slide-in stove, 2 email drawer dishwasher, front load washer and LAKEVIEW, BRAND NEW at Hitchcock dryer, high efficiency furnace and AC, new Bay, Lake Diefenbaker, SK., 1440 square overhead garage door and opener all inft., titled, AC, 2 bath, 2 bdrm. on main, 2 cluded. 306-944-2708, Viscount, SK. decks, $289,900. Call 306-573-4800. NEARLY NEW CABIN on Lake Diefenbaker at Hitchcock Bay, SK. Fully furnished, 3 bdrm., 1.5 bath, deeded lot, lake view, two decks, 8x12 storage shed, electric heat and hot water, municipal water, treed lot. $195,000. Ph 403-664-2270 at Oyen, AB.
2000 SRI MODULAR on 7 acres or to be moved, 1440 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 2 bath, large country kitchen, new dishwasher, range, gas fireplace and flooring, vaulted ceilings, open, w/master suite, c/w 16x16 and 10x25 decks. Phone 403-304-2414, Markerville, AB. MLS# 324699. SAM’S MOBILE HOMES. We buy used mobile homes. Get the lowest prices on new modular homes, save 1000’s of $$$. 16x80 starting at $62,900, 20x80’ starting at $85,900 plus freight and tax. 306-781-4130, Pilot Butte, SK. MEDALLION HOMES 1-800-249-3969 Immediate delivery: New 16’ and 20’ modular homes; Also used 14’ and 16’ homes. Now available: Lake homes. Medallion Homes, 306-764-2121, Prince Albert, SK.
MUST SEE! Open floor plan w/vaulted ceiling, raised panel maple kitchen. Large entrance w/walk in closet. Large 2 car attached garage w/storage rooms, insulated and finished. House to be moved from its current location near Warman, SK. Call 306-382-3768, CANDLEWOOD HOMES: Ready-to-move 1490 sq. ft. home features: deck w/porch roof, James Hardie siding, 6/12 roof and ceiling, 3 bedroom, open living area, master walk-in closet and bath, $136,500 plus taxes and delivery. Taking orders for summ e r d e l i ve r i e s . Ke n Pe n n e r, P h o n e : 204-327-5575, fax: 204-327-5505, cell: 701-330-3372,, Halbstadt, MB. 36X60 BUILDING, READY to move. Well insulated, inside fibreglass walls, wired. In excellent condition. Ph Joe 306-298-2068, Val Marie, SK. NEW RTM CABIN, 24x32’ 2 bdrms, loft, 2x6’, green tin roof, PVC windows, interior done in pine and poplar, $56,900. Pics. available. 306-862-5088, Nipawin, SK. READY TO MOVE HOMES, 1490 sq. ft., $136,000 plus tax and delivery. CSA approved. Contact Ken Penner 701-330-3372, 204-327-5575, Altona, MB,
starting at
/sq. ft.
HOMES & COTTAGES starting at
/sq. ft.
Hague, SK Ph. (306) 225-2288 • Fax (306) 225-4438
CENTRAL WATER & EQUIPMENT Services Ltd. Portable Pump and Pipeline Sales, Service and Rentals. Local phone: 306-975-1999, Fax: 306-975-7175, Toll free 1-800-561-7867.
TO BE MOVED: 1960, 1100 sq. ft., 2 bdrm, small office/storage room, large entrance, oak cabinets, renovated 2003, asking $22,000. 306-225-4437, Hague, SK. RADISSON, SK., 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 1950’s bungalow, 1225 sq. ft. New energy efficient furnace, demand hot water heater, shingles, windows, doors. Appliances inHOUSE BOAT FOR SALE: Lake Diefen- cluded. 50x132 lot with single garage and baker, enjoy lakefront views w/no taxes, shed. Well cared for. 306-827-2077. no grass to cut. 1800 sq. ft. houseboat w/trailer, $189,000. Riverhurst, SK. RTM HOMES by SWANSON BUILDERS. or Come see our show homes for sale. Call 306-493-3089, Saskatoon, SK. area. Visit us at: or 306-353-4603. email to: PELICAN LAKE SW, MB. cabins for sale, lakefront building lots, lake view RV sites, LOG HOMES, custom built, hand crafted, cabin rentals. Call Fay 204-537-2270. Pike Lake, SK. Phone 306-493-2448 or 306-222-6558, USED MIDLAND 70-1337 VHF 2-way radios, 1 yr. warranty, small, exc. shape, $250. New Vertex radios. Antennas and radio repairs. Glenn, Future Communications, 306-949-3000, Regina. YOUR WAY, THE RIGHT WAY, ZAK’S GUARANTEES IT!! *Applicable taxes, moving, foundation, and on site hookups are NOT included
DESIGNER DOG- BEAGLMATION pups, (Beagle cross Dalmatian), ready to go, shots UTD, white/black spots, $400. Great kids pet. 306-468-4545, Debden, SK. 49 ACRES, 2380 sq. ft., 4 bdrm home, B l a c k C r e e k , Va n c o u ve r I s l a n d , B C , $699,000. Ron Shann, Royal Lepage Advance, 1-888-286-1932. Photos and tour HORSE PARADISE for sale, $1,385,000. 37.5 acres East of Vernon, BC. Very private 2849 sq. ft. state of the art custom built post and beam house. 3 bay heated shop/ 2 car attached garage, 4-stall horse barn w/heated tack room, auto water bowls, shelters, irrigation, hay barn. Stunning valley views. Call Russell Armstrong, Realtor, C e n t u r y 2 1 E xe c u t i ve s R e a l t y L t d . , 7 7 8 - 9 3 0 - 0 1 1 5 , Ve r n o n , B C , 995 ACRES! Two separate adjoined District Lots. East Kootenay, Kikimun Creek, Koocanusa Lake, BC area. Make an offer. Partial trades. 403-892-1253. Come see
B AT T L E F O R D • 1132 sq. ft. • Optionalvaulted ceiling • Triple pane w indow s • 3 large bedroom s • Great value for your dollar
Ask Us Abou t Cu stom Hom es
(306)652-5322 2505 Ave. C. N orth, Saskatoon
1-877-6 6 5-6 6 6 0
Ca llUs To d a y O rV isitw w w .jhho m m
Are you planning to build a home in 2012. Wood Country will build you a RTM or a custom built home on site to meet your requirements. Wood Country prides itself on building top quality homes with a high level of customer satisfaction since its inception in 1980.
C all L eigh at 306 -6 9 9 -7284 M cL ean , S as k. Ce rtifie d Hom e Builde r
4 QUARTERS FARMLAND, northern AB, 05-14-110-14-SE and SW, 05-13-110-17NW and SW. 780-926-2119, Highlevel, AB
FOR S AL E BY TEN DER T he fo llo w in g la ke fro n tp ro p erty is o ffered fo r s a le b y ten d er: - Lo c a te d a tM in is tikw a n La ke , S a s ka tc he w a n . Blo ck K , Pla n 102088111 (S u rfa ce Pa rcel #166145654) Fea tures: - Ap p ro xim a tely 1.089 a cres o f la kefro n t p ro p erty in Jo hn s o n ’s Res o rt - In clu d es 2560 s q u a re fo o t ho m e, 1250 s q u a re fo o t s ho p a n d a ll p erm a n en tim p ro vem en ts . T he s a le w ill b e free a n d clea r o fen cu m b ra n ces . T en d ers m u s tb e a cco m p a n ied b y a certified cheq u e o r b a n k d ra ft p a ya b le to “ Po lites ki S trilchu k M ilen – In T ru s t” fo r 5% o fthe to ta l a m o u n to fthe ten d er. T he s a le w ill n o t b e s u b ject to GS T . Pro p erty ta xes w ill b e a d ju s ted a s o f the clo s in g d a te. T he s a le w ill clo s e 30 d a ys a fter the s u cces s fu l b id ha s b een a ccep ted . T he highes t o r a n y ten d er n o t n eces s a rily a ccep ted . Dep o s its o f u n s u cces s fu l ten d erers w ill b e retu rn ed . If a s u cces s fu l ten d erer d o es n o t co m p lete the p u rcha s e a fter a ccep ta n ce o f the ten d er, the d ep o s it s ha ll b e fo rfeited . For further p a rtic ula rs,p lea se c onta c t Pa ul Posp isil a t 306-837-4731 (o ffice) o r 306837-7210 (cell) o r b y em a il: p o s p is il@ s a s ktel.n et. T en d ers a re to b e s u b m itted in a s ea led en velo p e a n d a re to b e m a rked “ TEN DERS – POS PIS IL M IN IS TIK W AN PROPERTY – FIL E # 21754-1 L FP” Te n d e rs w ill c lo s e a t12:00 o ’c lo c k n o o n o n Ju n e 11, 2012, a n d w ill b e re c e ive d b y: Po lite s ki S trilc hu k M ile n S o lic ito rs fo r the V e n d o rs PO Bo x 20 (5009 – 47 S tre e t) Llo yd m in s te r, AB/S K S 9V 0X 9 HOUSE FOR SALE in Mesa, AZ. 3444 North Tuscany Circle. Located in the beautiful gated community of Las Sendas. 2451 sq. ft. 2 storey w/pool and hot tub. Built in 1999. For more info call 306-487-7993 or email
RIVERFRONT LAND FOR SALE: One block of riverfront farm/recreational land in the RM of Canwood, SK. This land consists of 7 full and partial quarters. Sturgeon River runs along land. Land is fenced, excellent for self-sustaining pasture. Excellent road access. Borders Prince Albert National Park. With a mile and a half of riverfront it’s perfect for recreational hunting of various large game. Fishing and water sport is minutes away at popular lakes. Utilities close for possible subdivision and development. Asking $320,000. Call 306-468-7030 SNOWBIRDS DELIGHT! Live comfortably in Scottsdale, Arizona, for $16,900. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fully furnished mobile home for sale in seniors complex. Owner need only be 55 yrs. or older. Access to clubhouse, pools and hot tubs. Call 306-426-2528.
CUSTOM LOG HOME w/suite, Greenwood, BC, $529,000. Water lic., gravity feed, out- ALBERTA LAND FOR SALE: BROOKS: buildings, fenced, well, 70 view acres. In- Very nice row crop farm on paved road, newer pivots, surface revenue. (#1867, fo/pics 250-445-6642, Ben.) H A N N A : 3300 acres of which BC RANCH, $990,000. Cattle, horses, 2389.29 acres is deeded land and 959 hay. 45 minutes from Kamloops on approx. acres is lease land. (#1850, Barry Lowe). 245 acres, 2 water licenses, approx. 125 ir- ROLLING HILLS: Excellent land with 2 rigated/cultivatable. 1200 sq. ft. house, valley pivots, good. (#1856, Matt). several outbuildings, heated shop, outdoor BROOKS: Nice irrigated farm close to riding arena. Russell Armstrong, Realtor, town, 313 acres, 2 Zimmatic pivots, 1780 Century 21 Executives Realty Ltd., Vernon, sq. ft. home, $21,000 surface lease revenue. (#1873, Ben). COMPEER: 2000+ BC, 778-930-0115. acres of farmland, 10 quarters deeded, FARMLAND: ROSE PRAIRIE, BC, 207 4-1/2 quarters of grazing lease, 14 springacres. Good for hunting moose, elk and fed dugouts, fenced, annual oil revenue deer. Put on your dream cabin for pleas- approx. $50,000. (#1832, Barry Lowe). ure. Ph 250-261-8039, OYEN: 2 sections deeded land, one secMERANGO MORGAN HORSES Farm. Cen- tion: 183 acres, borders Hwy #9; other trally located 30 acres in the Shuswap with section has yardsite with power to properhwy. exposure. Well kept 2300 sq. ft. ty. (#1814, Stan). BOW ISLAND: One home, serviced RV site, serviced manufac- section pivot irrigated land, pole barn, tured home site, barn, equipment shed, $2500 gas revenue. (#1576, Walt). w o r k s h o p a n d m o r e . C a l l B e v a t : BROOKS: Irrigated cash crop farm, 1146 250-833-6953 or for more info. visit: acres deeded, possibly up to 1951 acres lease, good soil, beautiful home, 3 older homes, large shop, 3 huge hay storage SCENIC SECLUDED RANCH LAND, ap- buildings, full line of equipment, well prox. 960 deeded acres. Bordered by Fras- maintained. (#1756, Ben). SK: 34,500 e r R i ve r at C r e s c e n t S p u r, B C . C a l l acre ranch, 5 miles river frontage, organic 403-845-6568 or 403-846-5114. farm status, 1000 cow ranch, 2000 acres 471 acres irrigation, 3 modern SPECTACULAR RIVERFRONT Property- farmland, corrals, etc. (#1853, Ben) Farm Kamloops. 124 fenced acres, extensive homes, Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens frontage along the North Thompson river & Estate Signature Service, phone only 7 minutes to shopping and schools in Real website: Westsyde. 85 acres of irrigated, fertile 1-866-345-3414. crop land, 25 acres of irrigated pasture. Mostly level, white sand beach, treed along the river. Mobile home, hay shed and corrals. Fenced and cross fenced. Call Julieanne, Best-West Realty- Kamloops, BC. 250-571-0355. Nea r Ba ro n s S W -14-12-24-W 4. LARGE RANCH FOR SALE in Northeast 150 a cres w a ter rights , BC. Approx. 8756 acres in one block. 3000 130 u n d er p ivo t. acres under cultivation. More info and photos at Call Rick Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 250-262-1954, Fort St. John, BC. M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. BC CARIBOO RANCHES FOR SALE: Reedy Lake Ranch, 250 head w/pivot irri- LOOKING TO CASH RENT pivot irrigated gation, 1142 acres, $1,650,000; North land for forage production prefer StrathQuesnel Ranch, 300+ head, 2193 acres, more/ Brooks, AB. area, but would consid$1,499,000; South Quesnel cattle hay er all areas; Also want to CASH RENT ranch, fronts Fraser river, 399 acres, pivot DRY LAND for alfalfa production east of irrigation, $1,399,000; South Quesnel cat- Hwy. #21, north of Hwy #1. Will consider t l e r a n c h , 1 2 5 + h e a d , 8 5 6 a c r e s , buying established alfalfa stands as well. $1,130,000; Bobkat Ranch, 82+ head, 409 Long term lease preferably. 403-507-8660. acres, large range, lucrative home based pet crematorium business, $995,858; Brookwood Ranch 100+ head, timber, QUARTER SECTION TURNKEY beef set up, 1096 acres, $790,000. Ph Bob Granholm 1 hour south of Calgary, 45 GPM well, 2 Cariboo Ranch Specialist, 250-249-0004. houses, 2 quonsets, 2 double garages, fulReMax Center City Realty, Prince George, l y f e n c e d , $ 5 9 7 , 0 0 0 . o r o f f e r s . 403-485-3087, Ensign, AB. BC. INCREDIBLE 160 ACRES in southern in- 1) DELUXE RECREATIONAL 160 acres, log terior; approx. 80 acres cleared (50 in home, two cabins, log shop and barn, good hay production), remainder pasture. revenue, gravel deposits, two creeks, Pond and year-round creek with water Clearwater River frontage, west of Carorights, extremely picturesque, heritage log line, must see. 2) Deluxe 700 cow/calf cabin and barn, fenced, cross-fenced, cor- ranch, spring water, land all attached, surrals, outbuildings, surrounded by riding face lease revenue, gravel deposits, great trails, fishing lakes, $625,000. Adjoining yardsite, private and exclusive. 3) Have ac44 acres, separate title, also available. tive buyer for Alberta land. Don Jarrett, Realty Executives Leading, Spruce Grove, 250-542-2815, Vernon, BC. AB, 780-991-1180.
BROILER FARM W/WO QUOTA, central AB, located within 60 kms of Edmonton. Farm has 6 barns with a total of 161,600 sq. ft., Other buildings incl: 22,000 sq. ft. shop, 600 sq. ft. generator shed, 2,100 sq. ft. office w/shop, 2,560 sq. ft. manure storage shed w/16’ high ceilings. Two residences on property, main house is 2,400 sq. ft. 2 storey w/fully finished basement, 2nd residence is 900 sq. ft. bungalow w/fully finished basement which sits on 65 acres. Full list of equipment negotiable LOTS FOR SALE in the Town of Carragana, with sale. For more info on this fantastic SK. $6000/each. Phone: 306-634-4343 or opportunity please contact Rick Weiss 306-421-7602. 780-312-6131
570¶6 )25 6$/(
Custom built homes also available
SELF-SUFFICIENT COW/CALF RANCH close to Calgary, AB. Approx. 10,280 acres, (2000 acres tame hay). Year round grazing, ample rainfall and mild winters. Approx. 1100 head cow/calf cap., abundant water supply, well equipped 5400 sq. ft. industrial shop, 2 large storage shops (6000 and 3200 sq. ft.), calving barn and heated horse barn, large feeding and handling facilities, 4-wire fencing, Texas gates. 3900 sq. ft. executive home w/1120 sq. ft. triple garage, 2 newer homes w/full basements and garages. Considerable oil, gas and lease revenues. Ph 403-308-4200. 5650 ACRE RANCH in South Central Alberta, 1760 deeded and 3890 leased. Fenced and cross fenced w/dugouts in each pasture. 1700 acres sewn to hay, $50,000 yearly surface rights. For more information call 403-807-7485.
1550 - 13th Street South, PH: 728- 1570 Fax: 571-1200 (One Block South of Richmond) email: Brandon, MB
NICE HORSE FARM for sale , MLS #CA320706, or call 403-728-8200, Spruce View, AB.
TWO 20 ACRE parcels, 10 miles east of Red Deer, AB. on Highway 11, $700,000. Call 403-346-6847.
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Price Includes Special Option pkg. ($3800 value)
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F o r s a le in Alb erta Co u n ty o f M o u n ta in View . E xcellen tcro p la n d . On the co rn er o f2A Am era d a Ro a d . No ro a d b a n d s . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. 3300 ACRES, 5 deeded quarters, balance is a lease and runs lengthways with the Little Smokey River, great pasture, hunting and fishing, over 600 acres of tame grass, lots of water, completely fenced and cross fenced, approx. 2000 sq. ft. log home, w/lots of new improvements, $1,200,000. For info call 780-524-3174, Valleyview, AB.
H AY L A N D F O R R E N T: N E a n d SE-34-32-W2nd, RM of Enniskillen. Phone: 306-483-2398, Oxbow, SK. FARM FOR SALE/LEASE: 640 acres, flat and good producing farm, near Regina, (Milestone), SK, asking $779,000 for the whole section. Contact by email at or ph. 778-885-6513 160 ACRES, 1/2 trees and 1/2 grassland, good building site or pasture, close to all services, 13 miles west of Prince Albert, SK., asking $150,000. 306-922-8215 eves. LOOKING FOR AN AFFORDABLE place with peace and privacy. MLS® 419197. Call David 306-548-2266, Re/Max Blue Chip Realty, RM OF LAIRD south end, 4 quarters - 1 block, 1 quarter along river, six 53.3 acre subdivisions in place, 5 dugouts, 1 holds 12,000,000 gallons. Excellent investment property. 306-283-4105, Saskatoon, SK. HAVE CASH BUYER for large grain operation, 8,000 to 10,000 acres, complete with buildings and possibly equipment. Call 403-894-5588. RANCH WITH GOOD Aggregate income. Phone: 306-531-8720, Lipton, SK. Email: FOR SALE OR CASH RENT IN RM #100 ELMSTHORPE. Not seeded in 2011, mostly summerfallow. Been doing green manure plow downs, buffer strips in place. 100 kms southwest of Regina and southwest of Avonlea. 10 quarters in one block, medium to high assessed, vg land. 1300 acres cultivated, 300 acres natural grass, pasture and yards, flat to gently rolling, some no stones, some sloughs, hay in dry years. Partially fenced, 3 dugouts, dam, major spring, 280’ well, 2 yards, 1 w/hipbarn 44x26 w/2 leans built on sides. Other home quarter has Fleetwood Sandpointe house trailer 14x68, Fairford steel quonset 44x80 w/double steel doors both sides, on dirt floor. 12,000. bushel steel bins, wood floors. N I C E S C E N I C M A N I C U R E D YARDS. Total assessment $491,200. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Submit all offers in writing only to: Wayne Costron, 3908 Princess Dr., Regina, SK. S4S 0E7, 306-586-8866. RM BLAINE LAKE. Approx. 4471 feet of river frontage, estimated to have 300,000 yards of gravel. 528 acres of grazing land. All fenced. Pump house (insulated and heated) with 6 watering troughs. Priced as an investment property because of the river frontage and gravel. Seller will sell any portion or all as a package. MLS® 425102. Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, North Battleford, SK, 306-446-8800, RM CORMAN PARK 8 quarters north of Saskatoon in a block. Re/Max North Country, Don Dyck, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK LAND FOR RENT: two quarters in RM #274 Good Lake, one quarter in RM #275 Insinger and one quarter in RM #276 Foam Lake. 403-782-6428, Lacombe, AB.
GOOD CROP PRODUCTION L AN D IN S AS K ATCHEW AN AN D AL BERTA FOR CAS H BUYERS . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c. RM OF CANWOOD #494, 160 acres pasture, 57 acres tame grass, rest native grass. NE-3-53-6-W3rd. Large dugout, electric fence. 306-724-4903, Debden, SK. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS We also specialize in: Crop insurance appeals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call Back-Track Investigations for assistance regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 37 QUARTERS RANCHLAND, 20 minutes east of Cold Lake at Pierceland SK. Terrific land base in one block, 5 deeded and 32 lease quarters. Abundance of springs and creeks with Beaver River along South 7 quarters. Wendell Johnson, 306-839-4435. BEAUTIFUL 160 ACRE building site: 8.5 miles NW of Regina, SK. 100 acres valley, 60 acres pasture or crop land. Natural springs, city water and power close by. SE-25-18-22-W2. Call 306-924-3046. No realtors please. RM OF INVERMAY: 1/4 section w/yardsite, 4 bdrm. house, new roof/furnace, barn, outbuildings, dugout. Potential organic. 306-592-2023, RM OF SPIRITWOOD No. 496: 3 quarters of deeded pasture w/treated post and 3-4 wires. Plus possibility to lease parts of 27 quarters of adjoining crown lease land, approx. 4000 acres all in a block w/3 wire treated post fence and water throughout pasture, adjoins 4 miles of grid road. Good hunting and fishing in immediate area. As well as some harvestable timber. MLS ®427619. For further info. or viewing phone Lloyd Ledinski, Re/Max of the Battlefords 306-446-8800 or 306-441-0512.
SASKATCHEWAN LAND FOR SALE: SWIFT CURRENT: Rolling 100 cow ranch, year round springs, good winter shelter. (#1738, Gordon). MAPLE CREEK: Rare Opportunity! 300+ cow ranch, 13 deeded quarters, 10 quarters lease in native grass, home, quonset, etc. (#1742, Gordon). PANGMAN: 7 quarters all touching, 740 acres cultivated, lots of water, home, quonset, pole barns, etc (#1826, Gordon). NIPAWIN: 480 acres, character home, private location, 20 mins. to Sask.’s best recreational fishing area. (#1767, Elmer). STRASBOURG: 640 acres good assessed land, all land is ready for spring seeding, dugout. (#1842, Elmer). Have cash buyers for 6,000 - 10,000 acres of good cultivated farmland. Farm & Ranch by Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Signature Service, phone 1-866-345-3414, SOUTH CENTRAL SASK: 225-250 cow/calf hard grass ranch for sale. In the big muddy area, very unique property w/endless tourism opportunities. 306-969-4705
To Whom it May Concern Re: Farmland sale to Sask Farms Ltd (Doug Rue) We contacted Doug Rue through an ad in our local paper, and from the time that contact was made things happened very quickly. He made a trip out to our farm to look at it and signed an Option that day for the price we had asked for. The deal was completed, with our land being sold to a third party who have been very fair and easy to deal with, giving us time to have our auction sale and to clean out the yard and house. We would recommend Doug Rue and his company to anyone who is interested in selling.
SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RIVER: 800 acres with buildings adjacent to South Sask. river, very unique scenic property. Exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty. 306-773-7379,
Ab erd een . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s Ben go u gh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1⁄4’ s Ben s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Bethu n e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Bla in e L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 a cres Bru n o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s Cu pa r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s Da vid s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1⁄4’ s Ea s ten d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s Elfro s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1⁄4’ s Em era ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1⁄4’ s Fo a m L a k e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1⁄4’ s Gren fell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1⁄4’ s K elliher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1⁄4’ s Ha rw a rd en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s L a k e Alm a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s L es to ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1⁄4’ s M a rcelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s M o o s e Ja w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s N o k o m is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1⁄4’ s Ogem a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1⁄4’ s Pa n gm a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1⁄4’ s Prin ce Alb ert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1⁄4’ s Pu n n ichy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s S a s k a to o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1⁄4’ s S em a n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1⁄4’ s S im ps o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a cres V is co u n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s W a d en a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1⁄4’ s W a k a w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1⁄4’ s W a tro u s /Yo u n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 1⁄4’ s M o b ile Ho m e Pa rk W eyb u rn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 1⁄4’ s
tha tco u l d a cco m m o d a te 600-1000 co w /ca lf p a irs . Plea s e ca ll M a rcel a t403-350-6 8 6 8 M a rcel L eBla n c Rea l Es ta te In c.
REDUCED: RM LEASK, 320 acres farmland, river access, natural bush, draws and springs, fenced. Don Dyck Re/Max North Country, 306-221-1684, Warman, SK. RM OF BJORKDALE #426: Quarter section NE-09-42-11-W2, 130 cultivated acres, established yardsite w/well kept 1400 sq. ft. home, close to Greenwater Lake, excellent recreational area. Phone 306-886-4605. SOUTH SASKATCHEWAN RANCHES: 2 exceptional ranches for sale. Exclusive listi n g s . J o h n C ave , E d g e R e a l t y L t d . 306-773-7379, Swift Current, SK. WANTED TO BUY: good grainland in Saskatchewan. Private buyer. Will lease back. 780-584-3903, Fort Assiniboine, AB. SASKATCHEWAN GRAIN FARMS: 2 large grain farms for sale. 3200 acres with surCa ll DOUG face lease, full set of buildings. 5760 acres with full set of buildings. Exclusive listing. John Cave, Edge Realty Ltd., 306-773-7379 Em a il: s a s kfa rm s @ s h a w .ca RM OF GOOD LAKE, half section w/wo ACREAGES FOR SALE: SE-09-36-09-W2, yard, adjacent to Canora, SK. Also 3 more 14.99 Acres, 2016 sq. ft. ranch style bunquarters available nearby. 306-651-1041. galow, 1.5 miles from Lintlaw, SK. Asking a must see! SW-11-36-9-W2, FARM/RANCH/RECREATION, Buying or $239,000, acres, lots of extras! Located in the Selling, Call Tom Neufeld 306-260-7838, 10.32 Parklands, asking $265,000. Brian Geck Coldwell Banker ResCom Realty. 306-327-8230, Centra Realty Group Ltd. BUYING AND SELLING good grain land, choice beef property. Investors, local and LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER. Land Deout of province buyers, possible lease scription: Approximately 124 acres, Parcel back. Experienced agent David Kalynowski, #166140693, PT NE-28-62-22-W3rd, ext. Century 21 Fusion, Saskatoon. For further #1. Closing date of tender May 18, 2012 12:00 noon. Highest or any tender not information phone 306-222-6796. necessarily accepted. Conditions of tender, MINERAL RIGHTS. We will purchase and plan of survey and bid forms available at o r l e a s e y o u r m i n e r a l r i g h t s . RM of Beaver River #622 office, 159 Main Street, Pierceland, SK. and on our website. 1-877-269-9990. or call for RM ABERDEEN LAND. 3 quarter sections more information 306-839-2060. west of Aberdeen, 1 with pivot irrigation, 2 adjoining with good assessment. Call 11-1/2 QUARTERS OF good grainland, 20 D o n D y c k , R e / M a x N o r t h C o u n t r y, minutes West of Yorkton, SK. on #16 Hwy. 306-792-4544, early or late. 306-221-1684, Warman, SK.
3 06 -9 55-226 6
L A N E R E A LT Y CO R P. A f tersuccessf ully prom otin g Sa ska tchew a n f a rm & ra n ch propertiesf orover29 yea rsa crossCa n a d a & oversea s, w e ha ve m a n y q ua lif ied b uyers lookin g to reloca te a n d im m ig ra te to Sa ska tchew a n .
To inc lud e your propert y f or Spring Show ing s
Saskatchewan’s Farm & Ranch Specialists™ 9 7 REGISTERED SALES SO FAR THIS YEAR.
P HO N E: 306 -56 9-3380 To view fu ll colorfea tu re s heets fora ll ofou rCURRENT LIS TING S a n d virtu a l tou rs ofs elected p rop erties , vis itou rw ebs ite a t:
1-800-610-6128 in fo @ m a xcro
REN TERS W AN TED w w w .m a xcro
FOR SALE BY TENDER: The undersigned will accept offers for the purchase of: SE-22-22-19 W2, approx. 160.95 acres; NE-23-22-19 W2, approx. 158.26 acres; NW-23-22-19 W2, approx. 159.95 acres. In the RM of Longlaketon No. 219. For information contact Concentra Trust at 306-956-1840. All offers must be submitted in writing to the undersigned on or before May 28, 2012, accompanied by a certified cheque in favor of the Estate of Frank Sauer c/o Concentra Trust for ten (10%) percent of the offer. All tenders will be opened at the address listed below in Saskatoon on May 29, 2012. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Unsuccessful applicants will have their deposits returned without interest. Sealed envelopes containing tenders must be clearly marked â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tender re: Frank Sauer Estateâ&#x20AC;? and mailed by Registered Mail or delivered to the undersigned to Concentra Trust, Estate and Trust, 333 - 3rd Avenue N, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 2M2. WANTED: RANCHES, FARMS (good grain land). Call Roger Manegre, Re/Max of the Battlefords, 306-446-8800, North Battleford, SK. YORKTON, SK. FARMLAND, 3 quarters hay and pasture. Corrals adequate for 900 head of cattle. 2 bedroom bungalow. Call Lorie 250-585-6770 or 250-713-2488. HORSE PROPERTY, 60 acres, 6 miles from Swift Current, SK. 1360 sq. ft. bungalow (1960), recently renovated w/3 bdrms., 1 bath up, finished basement w/large family room and additional bed/bath, office, 60x120â&#x20AC;&#x2122; indoor riding arena with attached, insulated barn w/4 box stalls, tack room, washroom and viewing area. 2 shelters 24x56â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, hay shed 30x60â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 4 water bowls, electric fence and cross fenced, additional buildings $799,000. Call 306-773-1601.
RM PROGRESS. . . . . . . 2 q trs . . . $150,000 RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 2 q trs . . . $200,000 RM KINDERSLEY. . . . 4 q trs . . . $8 00,000 12,000 SQ FT co m m ercia l b u i l id ng o n 1.57 a cres o n # 7 Highw a y (fo rm erly Ca n a d i an T ire) . . . . . . . $6 9 9 ,000 C a ll Jim o r S h e rry to d a y
3 06 -46 3 -6 6 6 7
G ro up W e s tR e a lty Kin d e rs le y, S K
SUPERVISED GRAZING available for the 2012 season. Grassers and breeding stock 45¢/day, calves $25/season, breeding program avail., $40/head. Hazel Dell ComCAMO TRAILER! 6x12 steel utility trailer munity Pasture, 306-325-4438, Okla, SK. with camo paint, 3500 lb. axle, tie downs, SUPERVISED PASTURE for 250 cow/calf wood deck, gate or ramps available. Startpairs, or 400 yearlings. Lots of experience. ing at $2,250. Call us today at Flaman All work done off horse. Preeceville, SK. Trailers, Saskatoon, SK., 306-934-2121. Call 306-547-3323. FARM CHEMICAL/ SEED COMPLAINTS 3 QUARTERS PASTURELAND for rent in We also specialize in: Crop insurance apthe Mayfair, SK area, near community pas- peals; Chemical drift; Residual herbicide; tures, $1500/quarter. Cell: 306-441-5396. Custom operator issues; Equipment malfunction. Qualified Agrologist on staff. Call (2) PASTURES SUITABLE FOR approx. 100 Back-Track Investigations for assistance pairs, 1 suits 30 pair, 1 suits 70 pair. regarding compensation, 1-866-882-4779. 306-278-2196, Porcupine Plain, SK. JD GATOR TS 4x2 with 328 hours, Yamaha PASTURE FOR RENT, 6 quarters, cross 4WD Kodiak 400 quad, Honda 250 Big Red fenced, all new fence, for 120 yearlings or ATC. Dean Allen Farm Equipment Auction, Thursday, June 14, 2012, Benson, SK area. 60 pairs. 306-427-4923, Shell Lake, SK. Visit for GOOD PASTURE AVAILABLE for up to sale bill, video and photos. 306-421-2928 300 cow/calf pairs or yearlings. Ample wa- 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962 ter, well fenced. 204-437-4671, Vassar MB 2010 SUZUKI 400 4x4 quad in excellent shape, runs great, only 800 kms, auto, SUPERVISED GRAZING AVAILABLE for green, $5500. 306-861-3986, Weyburn, SK 80 yearlings or 40 pairs. Leonard Pigott 2007 HONDA FOREMAN with only 945 306-432-4583, Dysart, SK. kms. Peter Cozac Farm Equipment AucPASTURE FOR RENT: 4 quarters, $1.00 per tion, Friday, June 15, 2012 Sintaluta, SK. cow/calf pair per day, min. 30 head per area. Visit quarter. 306-867-8597, Saskatoon, SK. for sale bill and photos. 306-421-2928 or 306-487-7815 Mack Auction Co. PL311962
SW SASK. RANCH family looking to expand operation with knowledge, ability and drive to operate. Looking for someone or group interested in investing in land to help us expand. Please reply to: Box 5604, Western Producer, Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C4 SEEKING CHRISTIAN INVESTOR to mortgage mixed farm in NE Sask. Can utilize at least $1,000,000. For range free, milk fed organic mixed farm. Milk, eggs, beef, hogs, roaster chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, goats and sheep. Federally inspected to contribute to the upcoming food shortage happening right now. I let myself get financially weakened and embarassed by the matrimonial act. But high in experience and spirit. Ex-dairy farmer/ livestock dealer, going to get a life and utilize my skill and traits. If interested please call 587-896-0234, 6-8 PM, Calgary, AB.
w w w .kin d e rs le yre a le s ta te .co m
RM OF LAWRENCE: Native/tame hay and pasture. Sheltered yardsite includes a newer bungalow, shop and misc. buildings. Close to town and school. 204-732-2409, Rorketon, MB. 1/2 SECTION SANDY loam soil, 285 cultivated, good house, 1600 sq. ft. insulated shop, some granaries, South Central MB, $320,000. 204-571-0928, 204-856-7722, Brandon.
URGENT SALE! 21 acres within 40 minutes from downtown Calgary, AB. 1700 sq. ft. bungalow, 2 double garages, large quonset, riding arena, water rights. MLS #C3511951 or call 403-973-5111. RANCH 1417 ACRES deeded and 4427 Crown lease. 5000 sq. ft. machine shop, _listings.html 3040 sq. ft. newer barn, steel corrals and 20 ACRES OF raw land near Elkton, AB. 45 handling, 3 bedroom home. Self sustain min. drive from either side of Calgary, 450 cow/calf pairs. Contact Roger Bre- $385,000 OBO. 403-638-2232, Sundre, AB. t e c h e r, C e n t u r y 2 1 m a c m i l l a n . c o m 204-638-7947, Dauphin, MB. LUMSDEN/ REGINA, SK. ACREAGE, new INVESTORS AND FARMERS: 17 quar- home, $350,000. Phone 306-536-5055. ters, 2690 acres, 2120 cult., 80 tramped, 490 bush and pasture, 2 yard sites 80 ACRE HORSE/CATTLE operation, just w/buildings, good drinking water. Also 18 outside Sherwood Park, AB. Featuring: acres yard and buildings. Phone for web- freshly renovated 1650+ sq. ft. bungalow, attach. 4 car garage (heated, insulated, site 204-858-2555, Hartney, MB. plumbing), 40x60 quonset (workshop, paddocks, concrete floor), hay shed LARG E P RO P ERTY 110x45, numerous corrals and related faFO R S ALE cilities. 3-1/2 hrs. from Ft. McMurray. $794,900. Contact Colin Sloan, CIR Realty, 2,390.97 a cres ow n ed p lu s 4,464 for virtual tour 403-251-9611. a cres crow n in the Ed d ys ton e a rea . Bea u tifu l 1700 s q fthom e. Exten s ive BLADWORTH, SK, 17 acres, 1900 sq. ft. corra llin g , in d oorp roces s in g a rea , 1-1/2 storey house, addition 1982, 26x30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; la rg e m a chin e s hed a n d a ll the garage, 52x80â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Behlen quonset, 22x60â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wooden quonset, 12x34â&#x20AC;&#x2122; wooden bin, fa cilities . A rea l p lea s u re to s how a n d 14x28â&#x20AC;&#x2122; storage building. 15 acres fenced a g rea top p ortu n ity. pasture, corrals w/open faced shelters, Form ore in form a tion on th is ,or watering bowl. Phone 306-561-7733. oth erproperties ,plea s e con ta ct 18.74 ACRES off paved Hwy. #264. 1232 S a n d y D on a ld , Roya l Le P a g e sq. ft. w/full finished basement, 3 bdrms M artin L ib erty Realty, w/Master featuring 3 piece ensuite, 2-1/2 Bra n d on , M B (2 04) 72 4 5743 or baths, wood and elec. heat, deck and hot a m d @ m ym ts.n et tub, private well, septic and field. 3 steel buildings, including 1 w/concrete floor, heat and insulated. Also wood and canvas buildings all built since 1998. Landscaped 520 ACRES OF pasture land for rent, 35 yard, fruit trees, garden and perennials, kms north of Biggar, SK in the RM of Glen- approx. 13 acres of alfalfa. Price reduced side. Fence is in good shape and there is to $328,000. 204-859-2437, Rossburn, MB plenty of water. Suitable for 60 cow/calf THREE 40 ACRE parcels, to be sold as one. pairs. Aaron: 306-372-7432, Saskatoon, SK 10 minutes northwest of Regina. One parSUPERVISED PASTURE for rent, 50- 100 cel is serviced with a shop. Great investcow/calf pairs. Lots of grass, water, good ment property at $899,000. 306-731-2311 corrals. 306-386-7713, North Battleford SK ONE QUARTER, About 100 acres pasture or PASTURE FOR RENT: fenced in spacious grain, beautiful yard with 1700 sq. ft. grazing land with multiple water sources. house. 2-1/2 miles from St. Brieux, SK. Able to hold maximum of 600-700 head of Barn, cattle shelter, corrals, heated shop, 6 cattle, available immediately. Located 8 steel bins, 50x100â&#x20AC;&#x2122; shed. 306-275-2007. miles north of Kisbey, SK at RedThunderRanch. For more info 306-209-6222. WELL MANICURED 11.5 ACREAGE with 3-1/2 QUARTERS PASTURELAND for rent small creek, 2 wells, 2 dugouts, all spring south of Perdue, SK, NE-15-35-12-W3, fed, 4 bdrm. home, barn, chicken house, 2 NW-14-35-12-W3, NE-14-35-12-W3 (par- quonsets, double car garage, large garden tial), SE-23-35-12-W3, $5000. Call Fred shed and shop. Well treed, maintained yard. Assiniboia, SK. area. 306-642-3553. 306-948-2410. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful Cedar Log Home on 20 acres in rural subdivision located just min. north of Wetaskiwin AB. Zoned agricultural, this property is fully developed for horses and located next BISON PASTURE AVAILABLE. 1 section door to an indoor riding arena! For more N o r t h o f Tu r t l e fo r d , S K . E x c e l l e n t info. please visit fence/water. Call 780-975-4020. or call Angela at 780-707-6710. HAVE PASTURE FOR 150-200 head of pairs or yearlings. Can take cow/calf pairs on COLONSAY, SK. AREA ACREAGE for sale. 1470 sq. ft. 5 bdrm, 3 bath, mint bunpayment. Call 306-948-7291, Biggar, SK. galow, double garage, sits on 40 acres of FOR SALE OR RENT pasture 2259 acres rolling land. City water, shed/shop, manilease land, 10 year renewable, 400 AUM, cured yard. New hardwoods, windows, good fence and cross fenced, load out cor- doors, shingles, $439,000 MLS. Coldwell rals, good water. Awesome oil revenue. Banker ResCom Realty, Tom Neufeld, Located near Bellis, AB. Ph 403-741-9720. 306-260-7838. PASTURE FOR RENT: 130 cow/calf pairs or 200 yearlings. Good fences, lots of water. Located 10 miles SW of Sonningdale, SK. Call 306-948-7843.
ATV WAGONS. Whether for farm, hunting, or playing, great for all activities. Made from 14 gauge checkerplate with walking beam axles. 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122; long and same width as most quads, painted black, $1700 ea. 306-483-2288, Oxbow, SK.
2006 ROCKWOOD 5TH wheel trailer, 2 slide-outs , exc. cond., only used 10 times, $21,500; 2005 Dodge 2500 w/5th wheel attachment. Will sell as one unit or separately. Call 306-753-2183, Macklin, SK. 2004 Holiday Rambler Ambassador, 38â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 330 HP, 3 slides, 11,000m, $SOLD; 2005 Tiffin Phaeton 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 350 HP, 4 slides, 24,000m, $SOLD; 1996 Fleetwood Pace Arrow 33P Ford, 37,000m, $16,900. Financing available for SK resiCUSTOM COACH LEGACY Model, 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122; dents. Ph: 306-974-4223, 411 C 48 St. E, with slide, completely loaded, $17,000. Saskatoon, SK. Open Tues. to Sat., 8:30 to 306-741-9541, Swift Current, SK. 5 PM, DL #326237. 2012 KEYSTONE LAREDO 316RL, 5th wheel trailer, never used, $31,900. 204-346-4434, Vita, MB. 1996 KUSTOM COACH 27-1/2â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, centre kitchen, sleeps 6, good condition, $6500. 306-873-4245, Tisdale, SK.
GRAIN CART SCALES. Order now for early season discount. Typical 750 bu. grain cart, $3150. Ph 204-871-1175 or toll free 1-866-862-8304,
2012 INFINITY 3250RL Absolutely amazing, triple slide and loaded with many options! $57,800, Stock #CC661177. Visit or 1-866-346-3148. 2010 WYOMING SUMMIT by Coachman 5th wheel w/rear living area and 4 slides, $2500 transferable service agreement incl. $38,900. 306-778-2373, Swift Current, SK. 2005 CORSAIR TRUCK camper, 10â&#x20AC;&#x2122;8â&#x20AC;?, large 3-way fridge, stove, furnace, 3 pc. bath, queen bed, slide-out table, swing about shelf, counter ext., elec. jacks, awning, $15,000. 306-883-2583, Spiritwood, SK.
2008 NATIONAL TROPICAL LX 39â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Class A diesel motorhome. Excellent condition, 4 slides, 65,000 kms, oak cabinets, 4 door fridge w/ice maker, 2 sofasmake into beds, dinette, washer/dryer combo, 3 TVs, auto satellite dish, auto. a w n i n g s , g e n s e t , p e t / s m o ke f r e e , $125,000. 306-272-3883, Foam Lake, SK. 2011 FOREST RIVER FORESTER, 31â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, Class C motor home, Ford V10 power, Model 3121DS, 9800 kms, like new, $59,800. 204-346-4434, Vita, MB. HOLIDAY RAMBLER Endeavor 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 2005 SPRINGDALE 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122; w/double slide- 2001 sliders, 330 HP Cummins, 7.5 KW dsl out, AC, and all amenities, asking $16,900. two gen., 64,500 miles, Roadmaster chassis, 306-937-2616 306-441-8852 Battleford SK hardwood floors, satellite, 2 TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, exc. 2008 JAYCO EAGLE 32.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer, 2 $65,000. 204-325-2550, Plum Coulee, MB slides-out, hardwall, electric jack and awning, AC, sleeps 4, $25,000. 306-625-3790, 1999 TRIPLE E EMPRESS 37â&#x20AC;&#x2122; motor home, loaded, Freightliner chassis, 300 306-625-7663, Ponteix, SK. Cat, mint condition. A must see! $64,900 1994 RUSTLER, Travelaire 5th wheel, 29â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, OBO. 306-747-2943, Christopher Lake, SK. hardwall, rubber top, super slide, $9500. WANTED 1973-78 GMC motorhome, good 306-782-5838, 306-621-7292, Yorkton, SK condition, any size. Call Ken 306-463-7527 1996 SIERRA 27â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fifth wheel, sleeps 6, AC, or 306-463-3228, Kindersley, SK. furnace, 3 way fridge, microwave, radio, awning, $7000. Located at Jackfish Lake. 306-374-0604, Saskatoon, SK. 2005 INNSBRUCK 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel w/single YAMAHA 550 DUAL purpose motorcycle, slideout. Separate back bdrm w/bunks. approx. 10 yrs. old, red/white, $1000 work Built-in microwave, 3 gas burner stove/ov- order, $3000. 306-728-8373, Melville, SK. en, 3-way fridge and double kitchen sinks. 2007 KAWASAKI 1600 Nomad, 8700 kms, Equipped w/cable plug-in for TV and a mint, offers. 204-867-5568, Minnedosa MB CD/radio with multiple speakers throughout. Lots of storage, sleeping areas and in excellent cond., $18,000. 780-800-7064 or Gibbons, AB. PARTING OUT Polaris snowmobiles, 1985 2001 TERRY 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel camper trailer, to 2005. Edfield Motors Ltd., phone: 306-272-3832, Foam Lake, SK. 2 slides, clean. 306-859-4800, Beechy, SK.
18â&#x20AC;&#x2122; AQUASTAR, open front, convertible top, tarp, tandem trailer, completely rebuilt 135 HP Mercury outboard motor, $6900 OBO. 306-228-3062, Unity, SK. 1981 BLUE FIN, 16â&#x20AC;&#x2122; alum. fishing boat, 90 HP Johnson outboard, elec. trolling motor, convertible top and tarp, c/w trailer (new tires/bearings), very good cond., $6500 firm. 306-658-2098, Landis, SK. 2006 PRINCE CRAFT 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122; pontoon boat, full enclosure 115 HP Mercury, 4-stroke, w/trailer. 306-487-7920, Midale, SK. 13â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 6â&#x20AC;? CLASSIC SPORT boat, Oak decks, 50 2007 PARADISE POINT by Crossroads, 36â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, HP Mercury engine, heavy duty trailer. Al 5th wheel camper trailer, 4 slideouts, fully loaded, only 300 kms on it, solar panels on Zielke 306-873-4302, Tisdale, SK. roof, elec. jacks. Willing to trade for JD baler or cow/calf pairs. 306-476-2446, Fife Lake, SK. 2007 JAYCO DESIGNER 5th wheel, mod- 2009 DENALI 330XRV 35â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 5th wheel toy el #34RLQS, 4 slides w/awnings, electric hauler. Immaculate 5th wheel with side awning, fireplace, 2 tvâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, king size bed, entry garage access. 3 slide-outs, free Mor/ryde pinbox and suspension, leather standing table/chair set, TV/DVD, queen recliners, electric jacks, heated tanks, sat- bed in full size bdrm, kitchen island, loft ellite, A/C, C/V, exc. cond. $36,000 OBO. bed above garage w/French door access 306-792-4785, 306-621-5155, Canora, SK. to garage, electric awning, $37,000. 1995 27.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122; OKANAGAN 5th wheel, top line 306-962-4126, Eston, SK. w/double slide, sleeps 6, $10,500. 306-376-4500, Meacham, SK. 2000 PROWLER 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; travel trailer, double slide w/ 20â&#x20AC;&#x2122; awning, front kitchen, double entry, AC, stereo, twin batteries, treated deck w/screened patio, exc. cond. Canwood, SK. 306-468-2820 or 306-468-7720. 1991 DUTCHMAN CLASSIC 22.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 5th wheel, stove, 2-way fridge, awning, AC, front bed, sleeps 6, vg. 306-883-2587, 306-883-7204, Spiritwood, SK. 2001 CAMEO, MODEL F32RIK3, 3 slides, rear island kitchen, computer desk, frees t a n d i n g t a b l e , m a ny m o r e e x t r a s , $18,900; 2003 Presidential Model 30, 2 slides, rear living room, freestanding table, w a l nu t c a b i n e t s , d ay / n i g h t s h a d e s , $19,900. Can send pics. 306-877-2120, 306-745-8046, Dubuc, SK. 2009 TOPAZ 30â&#x20AC;&#x2122; fifth wheel, 2 slides, queen bed, one owner, used 1 winter, exc. condition. 306-692-4592, Moose Jaw, SK.
70â&#x20AC;&#x2122; SCALE, 6 load cells, asking $25,000. 306-726-7938, Southey, SK.
2005 CHALLENGER 5th wheel, 29RKP, high profile, double slide in living area, large slide and queen bed in bedroom, also queen hide-a-bed, day/night shades, remote control thermostat, in-floor ducted heat, AC, electric and propane water heater, washer/dryer hookups, TV, DVD, new awning in 2011, lots of storage, asking $21,500. We will deliver. Carrot River, SK. Call 306-768-3476.
2003 TERRY LITE 5th wheel 24.5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 1/2 t o n t o w a b l e , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , 2007 FLEETWOOD REVOLUTION LE diesel pusher, 40â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, 39,000 kms., loaded w/op306-729-4556, Regina Beach, SK. tions. Full wall and bedroom slides, 400 HP Cat eng., 7.5 Onan generator, autofold satellite, auto level, etc., no pets or smoking, mint condition, $170,000. 780-745-2498, Rivercourse, AB.
PARTS FOR VINTAGE snowmobiles, 1990 and older. Call Don at 780-755-2258, Wainwright, AB.
CERT. #1 AC METCALFE. Wiens Seed Farm 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, Newdale, Legacy, Stellar, Celebration and Sundre. Call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694, or visit:
Malt Barley/Feed Grains/Pulses best price/best delivery/best payment
Licen s ed & bon d ed 1- 800- 2 58- 7434 ro ger@ seed - m REG. AND CERTIFIED CDC MEREDITH new malt barley, very high germination, 0 disease. Contracts needed. Call for details. Gregoire Seed Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, North Battleford, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC COPELAND, AC M E T C A L F E , 98% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. CERT. CDC COPELAND, AC Metcalfe; cert., reg. CDC Meridith. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983 Muenster SK CERTIFIED #1 COPELAND barley, 99% germ. 306-497-2800, 306-290,7816. Blaine Lake, SK. FDN., REG., CERT. #1 CDC Copeland, AC Metcalfe, CDC Cowboy, AC Ranger. Ardell Seeds, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK.
ON THE GREENS COTTONWOOD, AZ. Gated 55 plus manufactured home golf course community located in the heart of Verde Valley just 20 mins south of Sedona, 1 hr from Phoenix, Prescott and Flagstaff. All homes come complete with garage, covered deck and landscaping. Land lease fees include $1 million clubhouse, large indoor lap pool, hot tub and complete gym. Also includes water, sewer, trash pickup and reduced golf fees. For information call 1-800-871-8187 or 928-634-7003. 2 WEEK, 1 BEDROOM timeshare unit in CERTIFIED CDC COPELAND. Carlson Royal Aloha Vacation Club, 3 year carry Seed, 306-592-4449 or 306-592-2029, Buforward privileges. $1222 annual fees paid chanan, SK. for 2012. Maui booked Jan7 to Feb4, 2013. Eight different locations. Visit for club details. Only $4000. 306-373-3327 with any questions.
New High Yielder Large Heavy Kernels
For the nearest grower visit: 403-556-2609 CERTIFIED #1 AC Metcalfe, Bentley (2 row), Stellar-ND (6 row) available. Slind Seeds Group, 306-323-4402 Archerwill, SK
PALM SPRINGS AREA home for sale by Ca- FDN., REG., and CERT. NEWDALE, AC nadian owner. 2006 2700 sq. ft. 4 bdrm M e t c a l f e . C a l l T r a w i n S e e d s , and den, 4-1/2 baths, three car garage, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. many upgrades in gated community. Home is in excellent condition. Phone: 2008 MANDALAY 43A, 425 HP Cummins 780-993-3976, Vegreville, AB. Freightliner chassis, tag axle, triple slide, OCEANFRONT, PARKSVILLE, BC, 2 bdrm 27,500 miles, exc. cond. No smoking, no condo, awesome view, sandy beach, golf, pets. Loaded: 1-1/2 baths, King bed, oasis pool. 250-949-6702, For the nearest grower visit: hot water heat, flat screen TVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, washer/dryer, dishwasher, 10 KW Onan, heated 2004 JAYCO EAGLE 28.3 RK 5th wheel, basement, satellite system, and more op403-556-2609 sleeps 6, 1 double slide, AC, TV, micro- tions. 306-383-2847 eves., Quill Lake, SK. PORTABLE SAWMILLS, wave, surround sound, no smoke or pets, 1977 PACE ARROW, 26â&#x20AC;&#x2122;, shedded, 42,000 WOOD-MIZER models, options and accessories. CERT. #1 AC Newdale, 2 row; Legacy, 6 very good, $18,900. Phone 306-237-4212 miles, loaded, $7950 firm. 306-383-2867, eight r o w. F e n t o n S e e d s , T i s d a l e , S K . 1-877-866-0667. or 306-237-9163, Perdue, SK. Quill Lake, SK. 306-873-5438. SAWMILLS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Band/Chainsaw - Cut lumber any dimension, anytime. Make money save money. In stock, ready to ship. <RXU HFUHDWLRQ J 6SHFLDOLVW &DOO 7RGD\ and Starting at $1195. 1-800-566-6899 ext. GRAZING AND SILAGE corn seed. Friendly 168. Acres Seed Farm 306-744-2332, Saltcoats, WOODMIZER LT40E25 super hyd. c/w SK. edger, sharpener and active customer list. $ 4 5 , 0 0 0 , m a y s e l l s e p a r a t e l y. Boat Lifts 306-742-2055, Calder, SK. CERTIFIED #1 AC STRONGFIELD and AC PWC Lifts E U R O S TA R . W i e n s S e e d F a r m 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. CERT. STRONGFIELD DURUM. Craswell USED COMMERCIAL bucket elevators, Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. conveyors, scales, grain dryers, cleaning equip. and used bins. Various locations in C E R T I F I E D S T R O N G F I E L D D U RU M . L y n w o o d M i l l e r, A v o n l e a , S K . SK and AB. 780-247-0101. Aqua-Docks 306-868-7880. BEAM SCALE for weighing groups of catRoll in Docks tle, up to 30 yearlings, c/w loading chute, C E RT. S T R O N G F I E L D , CDC Verona. Portable Toilets Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , $25,250 OBO. 306-823-3441, Neilburg, SK., Lafleche, SK. Pull Type & Adjustable Direct Mount Spill Containment & Storage Tanks 10x14 PLATFORM SCALE, $12,500.; 8x10 scale deck, $8,500. Ask about our CERT. CDC VERONA durum wheat, high Swath Rollers Farm Progress Show specials. Check out germ., no Graminearum. Jason, Prelate, our website at or SK., 306-628-8127, call 204-871-1175 or 1-866-862-8304. ELIAS SCALES MFG., several different ways to weigh bales and livestock; Plat- R E G . , C E RT I F I E D M U S TA N G o at s . form scales for industrial use as well, non- Phone 306-744-7722, Bredenbury, SK. New one piece roller design &UHDWLQJ 6ROXWLRQV electric, no balances or cables (no weigh like it). Shipping arranged. 306-445-2111, CERT. #1 CDC Orrin, Leggett. Fenton &DOO IRU D GHDOHU QHDU \RX ZZZ NRHQGHUVPIJ FRP North Battleford, SK. Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438.
SUNDRE High Yielding Grain or Forage
FDN., REG., AND CERT. AC Morgan and baler oats Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. CERTIFIED #1 Leggett, AC Morgan, Triactor and Mustang. Call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694 or visit:
CERTIFIED AC FIELD STAR VB and certified Waskada. Carlson Seed, Buchanan, SK. 306-592-4449 or 306-592-2029. CERT. #1 UNITY VB, midge tolerant variety, Wascada, AC Barrie, 99% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. CERTIFIED #1 Harvest, CDC Go, AC AnCERT., REG. CDC BOYER and JORDAN. drew, AC Sadash, AC Unity, Goodeve, CDC P r a t c h l e r S e e d s 3 0 6 - 6 8 2 - 3 3 1 7 , Utmost, and Shaw. Call Hetland Seeds, Naicam, SK. 306-874-5694, or visit: 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK. CDC BOYER, CERTIFIED, 96% germination, early maturity. Call: Doug Stoll CERTIFIED #1 UNITY, Waskada, Lillian wheat. 306-497-2800, 306-290-7816, 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK. Blaine Lake, SK. CERT. #1 GOODEVE VB; CDC Utmost VB; Harvest; CDC Teal; AC Sadash; AC Vista. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438.
AC MUSTANG High Yielding Grain or Forage
For the nearest grower visit: 403-556-2609
AC JUNIPER High Yield, Early, Stands Well
For the nearest grower visit: 403-556-2609 CERTIFIED #1 LEGGETT, Lu, CDC Dancer available. Slind Seeds Group, Archerwill, SK., 306-323-4402. CERTIFIED #1 AC MORGAN, 99% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Hepburn, SK. FDN AND CERT. #1 PINNACLE; Leggett. Ardell Seeds, 306-668-4415, Vanscoy, SK. AC MORGAN, JORDAN. Fdn., Reg., and Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. CERT. TRIACTOR, excellent quality. Call Oscar or Lee 306-324-4315, Northland Seeds Inc. Margo, SK.
TYNDAL SPRING TRITICALE, registered and certified. 403-633-9999, Tilley, AB.
PROTEIN PAYS, cert. #1 AC LILLIAN, rated highest protein wheat in Sask. seed guide; Also cert. #1 midge tolerant AC UNITY VB. Call Wiens Seed Farm 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK. CERTIFIED AC SHAW, VB, highest yielding midge tolerant wheat. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. CERTIFIED AC UNITY, VB, midge tolerant variety, 99% germ., Sopatyk Seeds. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. CERT. AC ELSA and LILLIAN, sawfly resistant. Pratchler Seeds 306-682-3317, 306-682-2983, Muenster, SK. CERT. CDC UTMOST VB and cert. Lillian wheat. Craswell Seeds Ltd., Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. WESTERN GRAIN has available in certified seed: Wheat- Unity, Waskada, Stettler. Barley- CDC Meredith. Flax- CDC Sorrel. B o o k e a r ly ! 3 0 6 - 4 4 5 - 4 0 2 2 o r e m a i l North Battleford, SK. NEW SHAW VB midge resistant wheat (highest yielding and midge resistance); Unity VB; Osler; Splendor. Fdn., Reg., and C e r t . ava i l a b l e . Te r r e B o n n e S e e d s 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. AC CARBERRY CERTIFIED #1 CWRS wheat. Iron Springs, AB., 403-635-0099. FDN., REG., CERT. #1 SHAW VB; CDC Utmost VB; Unity VB; Goodeve VB, Carberry; Verona Durum. Ardell Seeds, Vanscoy, SK. 306-668-4415. CERT. AC SADASH soft wheat, top variety fo r e t h a n o l p r o d u c t i o n . T i l l e y, A B . 403-633-9999, WASKADA CERTIFIED, 95% germ. Doug Stoll 306-493-2534, Delisle, SK.
CERTIFIED ANDANTE yellow mustard and Centennial brown mustard. Greenshields Seeds, Semans, SK, 306-524-2155 (W), CERTIFIED CDC PINTIUM (Pinto); certi- 306-524-4339 (H). fied CDC Super Jet (Black), blight tolerant; certified CDC Jet (Black). Call Ben Martens at 204-534-8370, Boissevain, MB.
CERT. #1 CDC GREENLAND. Wiens Seed Farm, 306-377-2002, Herschel, SK.
FORAGE BLEND. Beefmaster 7- 25 kg bags, blended mix of Algonquin alfalfa 0.285T, smooth bromegrass 0.143T, sweet clover 0.048T. Ready to be picked up and planted, 15% off original price. Land rented, no l o n g e r h ave u s e fo r s e e d . C a l l 306-338-8553 for details, Wadena, SK.
CERTIFIED CDC IMVINCIBLE, Clearfield small green lentil; CDC IMAX, high germ, low disease. Sopatyk Seed Farms. Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. TILLAGE RADISH® SEED. Friendly Acres Seed Farm. Call 306-744-2332 to find local REG. and CERT. CDC IMAX red lentils, retailer. germ., low disease. Gregoire Seed radish.html CERT. LILLIAN WHEAT, good quality. Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, R e i s n e r S e e d F a r m , L i m e r i c k , S K . North Battleford, SK. 306-263-2139. REG., CERT. CDC GREENLAND, CDC BEWS AGROW LTD: certified AC Lillian, AC Improve, large green; CDC Maxim, red. S t r o n g f i e l d . C a l l B r e n t o r K e n Pa l m i e r S e e d F a r m s 3 0 6 - 4 7 2 - 3 7 2 2 , 306-967-2440, Eatonia, SK. Lafleche, SK. LESS FUSARIUM more bottom line. CERT. #1 CDC Impala Clearfield lentils Wheat seed available. Suitable for ethanol Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. production, livestock feed. Western Feed G r a i n D e v e l o p m e n t C o - o p L t d , CERT. CDC MAXIM CL and fdn., cert. CDC Redberry lentils. Craswell Seeds Ltd., 1-877-250-1552, Strasbourg, SK, 306-725-3236. CERT. LILLIAN, Waskada, VB Utmost, VB Unity spring wheat. Palmier Seed Farms REG. CDC IMVINCIBLE CL small green COMMON OAT SEED, cleaned, high 306-472-3722,, lentil; CDC Impower, large green lentil. quality $5.50/bu.; Common bin run oats, Lafleche, SK. C a l l B l a i n e S u d o m 3 0 6 - 8 6 8 - 7 6 1 3 , vg for seed. Early order discounts for oats by March 31; COMMON HRS WHEAT, CERTIFIED #1 CDC Utmost VB, Goodeve 306-868-4620, Avonlea, SK. cleaned, high quality. Call Warren at VB, AC Unity VB, Inifinity, AC Intrepid SPRING SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Impower. 306-861-6866, Weyburn, SK. available. Slind Seeds Group, Archerwill, New Clearfield large green lentils w/better SK., 306-323-4402. seed coat color. 306-694-2981, Moose COMMON #1 HIGH yielding seed oats, 99% germ. Lepp Seeds 306-254-4243, Jaw, SK. Hepburn, SK. CERT. CDC DAZIL and CDC Maxim CL; CDC Redcliff and CDC Redcoat. Reds. Fast Seed OATS FOR SALE: 99% germ., $5/bu. cleaned or $4/bu. uncleaned. Phone Farm, Kindersley, SK. 306-463-3626. 306-867-8249, Outlook, SK. WANTED: 3000 BU. high protein HRSW. TOP QUALITY CERT. alfalfa and grass Will pickup at your bin. Call 403-651-0272, seed. Call Gary or Janice Waterhouse Strathmore, AB. 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. WANTED CERTIFIED #1 ALGONQUIN, 92% germ., $2.70/lb., $2.60/lb. for mini bulks. Call Rob 306-759-2700, Phil 306-759-2076, TOP QUALITY CERTIFIED and common Eyebrow, SK. #1 forage seeds. Periodic delivery to many locations. Call Richard Walcer CERT. ALFALFAS AND GRASSES, free 306-752-3983 anytime. If no answer mesdelivery. Dyck Forages & Grasses Ltd., Elie, sages left will receive replies. Melfort, SK. MB, 1-888-204-1000. TOP QUALITY ALFALFA, variety of grasses Call GrainEx International Ltd. and custom blends, farmer to farmer. Gary for current pricing at Waterhouse 306-874-5684, Naicam, SK. 306-885-2288, Sedley SK. WILL SUPPLY LOW-COUMARIN YB sweet Visit us on our website at: clover seed to improve soil structure, add nitrogen, for fast-growing silage, or as leSPRING SPECIAL: Cert. CDC Imvincible, gume in hay blend. Meadow brome and G r e e n l a n d a n d I m a x l e n t i l s . C a l l various alfalfas also available Pre-inoculating, blending, delivery. 306-694-2981, Moose Jaw, SK. 204-372-6614, Fisher Branch, MB. CERT. IMIGREEN, Imax, and Maxim, MILLET SEED: German Golden Foxtail; CERTIFIED #1 CARLTON brome. Fenton good quality. Reisner Seed Farm, LimeRed Proso; Crown Proso. All cleaned and Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. rick, SK. 306-263-2139. bagged. Excellent producers in swath CERT. CDC IMPOWER CL; CDC IMAX graze, silage or bale. Call Greg Tanner, CL. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK. 306-457-2816, Stoughton, SK. 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. FOR ALL YOUR forage seed needs. Full line of alfalfa/grasses/blending. Greg Bjornson 306-554-3302 or 306-554-7987, Viking Forage Seeds, Wynyard, SK. CDC MEADOW yellow peas, excellent quality, low disease. Sopatyk Seed Farms, ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom hay and pasture blends, delivery possible Call Jeff at 306-227-7867, Saskatoon, SK. depending on quantity purchased and disCERT. #1 CDC Meadow; CDC Prosper; tance. For fast, friendly service call ThomCDC Acer (Maple); Camry (Green). Fenton son Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, Alexander MB. Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Patrick available. FULL LINE OF FORAGE seeds. Phone Tom, Slind Seeds Group, 306-323-4402, Archer- Williamson’s Seeds, 306-582-6009, Pambrun, SK. $ $ will, SK. CDC MEADOW and CUTLASS yellow, reg COMMON NO.1 multi-foliate taproot, high No Contract Required and cert.; Espace green peas. All 2008 and germ., low weed count. 306-682-4362, 2 0 0 9 c r o p , e x c . Te r r e B o n n e S e e d s Humboldt, SK. 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. 403-556-2609 COMMON SWEET CLOVER; single and douPOLISH CANOLA, CERT. NOI AC Sun- WESTERN GRAIN certified seed available: ble cut red clover; alsike; creeping and b e a m , A C S - C 7 . S e i d l e S e e d F a r m , CDC Meadow, CDC Striker, CDC Pat- taproot alfalfa; sainfoin; prefoil; smooth 306-342-4377 306-342-4497 Medstead SK rick, CDC Pluto, CDC Tetris. Common brome, meadow brome, crested wheat, timothy; cicer milk vetch. Also organic. CERT. SW WIZZARD and Foremost canola, maple peas. Other varieties on request. Other grasses, call for info. Free blending, $2.25/lb.; Cert. Synergy Polish canola = Ph. 306-445-4022, 306-441-6699, or email pasture mixes. Free delivery on larger or85 days. Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, North Battleford, ders. 306-863-2900, Star City, SK. SK, Melfort, SK. GOOD SUPPLY OF MOST alfalfas, clovers WE CARRY ALL VARIETIES of canola. For GREEN IS THE COLOR Registered and and grasses. Will blend hay and pasture details, call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, Certified CDC Striker, CDC Patrick green blends to suit your needs. Call Hetland peas. Volume discounts. Gregoire Seed Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. 306-874-5694, Farms Ltd. 306-441-7851, 306-445-5516, CERT. OPEN POLLINATED RUGBY RR, North Battleford, SK. conventional Eagle. Pratchler Seeds ALFALFAS/ CLOVERS/ GRASSES, hay CERTIFIED #1 Treasure, CDC Meadow blends and pasture blends. Custom blends 306-682-3317 306-682-2983 Muenster, SK and CDC Patrick. Hetland Seeds, Naicam, no charge. Free delivery. Dyck Forages & HYBRID AND OPEN-POLLINATED canola SK, 306-874-5694, Grasses Ltd., Elie, MB, 1-888-204-1000. varieties at great prices. Fenton Seeds, Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. YELLOW PEA SPECIAL: CDC Meadow Visit us at peas. 306-693-9500 or 306-694-2981, Y E L L O W B L O S S O M S W E E T C L OVE R , Moose Jaw, SK. cleaned and bagged. 306-652-7095, 306-961-7122, Borden, SK. REG. PRAIRIE SAPPHIRE, high germ., COMMON #1 GRASSES, legumes, blends. very good quality seed grown on virgin Trawin Seeds, 306-752-4060, Melfort, SK. flax land. Call Jason 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK. CDC SORREL FLAX, registered and cert. 403-633-9999, BUYING CANARY SEED, farm pickup. H I G H Y I E L D I N G C A N A R Y S E E D , Call 1-877-752-4115, Naber Specialty cleaned, priced to sell. 306-466-2014, Tilley, AB. Grains Ltd. Email: 306-260-4626 located near Leask, SK. CERTIFIED #1 CDC Sorrel, CDC Bethune a v a i l a b l e . S l i n d S e e d s G r o u p , FDN/REG/CERT. CDC TOGO, excellent ALFALFA CLOVER GRASSES, Custom quality. Volume discounts available. North- hay and pasture blends, delivery possible 306-323-4402, Archerwill, SK. l a n d S e e d s I n c . C a l l O s c a r o r L e e depending on quantity purchased and disCERTIFIED PRAIRIE GRAND Flax. Call 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. tance. For fast, friendly service call ThomGreenshields Seeds, 306-524-2155 (W), Seeds, toll free at: 1-877-781-8189, 306-524-4339 (H), Semans, SK. CANTATE CERT. HIGHEST YIELDING son Alexander MB. CERTIFIED CDC SORREL flax, good germ. variety. Hansen Seeds, Yellow Grass, SK. COMMON #1 Meadow Brome, Smooth C a l l R e g a t 3 0 6 - 4 8 3 - 5 0 5 2 o r 306-465-2525 or 306-861-5679. brome, Timothy, Crested wheat, Yellow 306-483-8790, Oxbow, SK. clover, Cicer Milkvetch, Alfalfa. Also have REG/CERT. CDC SORREL, excellent Certified seed. Grower Direct. Blending quality. Volume discounts available. North- CERT. CUTLASS ORIENTAL and yellow in and delivery available. Competitive prices. l a n d S e e d s I n c . C a l l O s c a r o r L e e mini bulk or 25 kg bags. Bailey Brothers Call Siklenka Seeds, 306-342-4290, 306-324-4315, Margo, SK. 306-342-2189, Glaslyn, SK. Seeds, 306-935-4702, Milden, SK. CDC SORREL, BETHUNE. Fdn., Reg., and CUSTOM CLEANING AND bagging all types Cert. available. Terre Bonne Seed Farm of mustard for seed or processing. Color 306-752-4810, 306-921-8594, Melfort, SK. sorting available. Also looking for low 17 (25 kg) bags of Reward treated canola REG, CERT. CDC SORREL, Vimy. Palmier g r a d e m u s t a r d . C a l l A c ke r m a n A g seed, $110 per bag. Call 306-369-7762, Bruno, SK. Seed Farms,, 306-638-2282, Chamberlain, SK. 306-472-3722, Lafleche, SK. CERTIFIED #1 Andante. Call Hetland CONVENTIONAL ARGENTINE CANOLA, CERTIFIED #1 CDC Sorrel. Call Hetland Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. 99% germ., 93% vigor. Battleford, SK. Seeds at Naicam, SK, 306-874-5694. Phone 1-877-312-2839. BESCO GRAIN LTD. Buyer of all varieties COMMON YELLOW MUSTARD, very clean, CERT. #1 CDC Sorrel. Call Fenton Seeds, of mustard. Call for competitive pricing. bagged, germ. 95%, purity tested, .85¢/lb. Tisdale, SK., 306-873-5438. Call Bernard 306-273-4235, Yorkton, SK. Call 204-736-3570, Brunkild, MB.
GrainEx International Ltd.
WANTED D am aged C anola C ontact the Seed D ivision at M ILLIG A N B IO TEC H
or visit
w w w .m illiga n biote c h .c om
INDIAN HEAD LENTILS, good germ., clean, farm pick up. Phone 306-693-9837, fax 306-694-4124, Moose Jaw, SK. SMALL RED and large green Clearfield lentils, very good quality seed with high germ. Call Jason for more info 306-628-8127, Prelate, SK.
BUYING YELLOW AND GREEN PEAS, all grades, farm pickup. Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., 1-877-752-4115, Melfort, SK. email:
CANARY SEED, 90% germ., 37¢/lb., 403-861-1671, Aberdeen, SK. CLEANED GREEN LENTILS for sale, 98% germ., disease free; Tame Buckwheat seed cleaned. 306-867-8597, Saskatoon, SK
#2 Yellow Peas
N ow B uyin g O a ts!
Good Q uality Rye
H igh & Low Falling N um ber
Top Prices Paid
Preference given to product located M B & Eastern SK Phone 204-764-2450 Ha m iota , M B
Com petitive Ra tes
SweetGrass CONTRACTING Linden, AB
P ro m pt P a ym en t
D AV E K O EH N 4 03 - 54 6 - 006 0 L in d en , AB
BUYING : HEATED OATS AND LIGHT OATS M USGRAVE ENTERPRISES Ph : 204.8 3 5.2527 Fa x: 204.8 3 5.2712
WANTED FEED/ OFF-GRADE LENTILS or pulses and other heated, tough grains or screenings. Prairie Wide Grain, 306230-8101, 306-716-2297, Saskatoon, SK.
NUVISION COMMODITIES is currently purchasing feed barley, wheat, peas and milling oats. 204-758-3401, St. Jean, MB.
FEED BARLEY, WHEAT, RYE, TRITICALE and ALL TYPES OF SCREENINGS! Also AGENTS for Chickpeas, Lentils, Field Peas COMPETITIVE! PROMPT PAYMENT! Swift Current, SK Toll Free: 1-877-360-0727 E-Mail:
Heated/spring Thrashed Light Weight/green/tough, Mixed Grain - Barley, Oats, Rye, Flax, Wheat, Durum, Lentils, Peas, Corn, Canola, Chickpeas, Triticale Sunflowers, Screenings Organics And By-products ✔ ON FARM PICK UP ✔ PROMPT PAYMENT ✔ LICENSED AND BONDED SASKATOON, LETHBRIDGE, VANCOUVER
1-888-516-8845 CGC L icen s ed & Bo n d ed
LACKAWANNA PRODUCTS CORP. Buyers and sellers of all types of feed grain and grain by-products. Call 306-862-2723, Nipawin, SK.
LETHBRIDGE FEEDLOT COMPANY looking WANTED: FEED GRAIN, barley, wheat, f o r f e e d b a r l e y c a l l R o x a n n e a t peas, green or damaged canola. Phone 1-800-710-8803 Gary 306-823-4493, Neilburg, SK.
A lso b uying b arley, w heat etc.
Lacom be A B.
w w
GRAIN MARKETING HEADQUARTERS 10 years serving producers! Wanted: All grains in any condition. On farm pricing. Quick payment assured. Double Z Ag Sales, Weyburn, SK. 306-842-2406.
WANTED: BUYING ALL grades of oats. Send sample to Newco Grain Ltd., Box WHY NOT KEEP MARKETING SIMPLE? 7 1 7 , C o a l d a l e , A B . , T 1 M 1 M 6 . C a l l You are selling feed grains. We are 1-800-661-2312. buying feed grains. Fast payment, with Western Commodities Inc. prompt pickup, true price discovery. Call Gerald Snip, Jim Beusekom, Allen Pirness or Dave Lea at Market Place Commodities Ltd., Lethbridge, AB. Ph.: 1-866-512-1711. Email
WE BUY DAMAGED GRAIN Green and/or heated Canola/Flax, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, etc. BOW VALLEY TRADING LTD.
w w w .w es tern co m m o d ities .ca & p ro vid e u s w ith yo u r e-m a il a d d res s to receive o u r w eekly e-m a il, w ith p ricin g in d ica tio n s a n d m a rkettren d s .
1-8 77-6 9 5-6 46 1
FEED GRAINS WANTED: Wheat, Barley and Durum; Also Oats, Peas and Flax. PreFOR SALE: 5000 bushels of triticale. mium prices, FOB farm. Prompt payment. 306-283-4747, Langham, SK. Stan Yaskiw, Birtle, MB, 1-866-290-7113.
BUYING: FEED GRAINS, all types of screenings, damaged canola. Quick payment. Call Joy Lowe or Scott Ralph at Wilde Bros. Ag Trading 1-877-752-0115 or 403-752-0115, Raymond, Alberta or email:
B uying Feed G rain B arley,cereals and heated oilseeds CG C licensed and bonded Sa sk a toon 306 -37 4 -1 51 7
John Su therla nd
EXCELLENT QUALITY EXCELLENT pricing. Alfalfa grass blend, 1600# JD 568 net wrapped, put up dry, pick up or delivery available, have lots, need to sell some, let’s make a deal! 306-961-2777, P.A., SK. SOLID CORE ROUND alfalfa, alfalfa grass, g r e e n fe e d , g r a s s , s t r aw. D e l i ve r e d . 306-237-4582, Perdue, SK. 2011 ALFALFA MIX, 1150 lbs., $25 each; 2011 2nd cut alfalfa, $35 each; 2010 alfalf a m i x , $ 1 2 e a c h . Wey b u r n , S K . 306-842-3532, 306-861-1827. ALFALFA GRASS ROUND BALES, 1400 lbs., no rain, good quality, $35/bale. Clavet, SK. 306-343-0589. ALFALFA AND ALFALFA/GRASS mix round bales, net wrapped, G&G Walkeden, Tribune, SK. 306-681-6849 or 306-681-7782. WANTED: ALFALFA HAY large square bales. Will buy all qualities including with rain. Priced according to quality, in Southern Alberta. Call 1-800-291-1432. LARGE ROUND alfalfa and alfalfa brome bales, 1st and 2nd cut, 1200 lbs., excellent quality. 306-736-2277, Kipling, SK. LARGE ROUND BALES, alfalfa and alfalfa/ brome, tested. 306-463-3132, Kindersley, SK.
FOR SALE BY TENDER: Wadena Wetland Outfitters Ltd. Outfitting business situated in Wadena, SK., Canada. (a list of assets held by corporation will be provided to interested buyers). Outfitting waterfowl upland game license currently held in Zones 40, 38, 36, 34, and 32 in the Province of SK. Purchaser must make application for outfitting license to the province of SK. Tender conditional upon purchaser qualifying for outfitting license. Interested inquiries to be forwarded to Marquette Law Office, Box 699, Wadena, SK. S0A 4J0. Ph. 306-338-2554 or Tenders close noon June 29th, 2012. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders must be accompanied by a 10% non refundable deposit by Certified Cheque payable in Canadian Funds to Marquette Law Office.
AGRICULTURE TOURS Au s tra lia /N ew Zea la n d
~ January/February 2013
K en ya /Ta n za n ia
TARPCO, SHUR-LOK, MICHEL’S sales, service, installations, repairs. Canadian company. We carry aeration socks. We now carry electric chute openers for grain BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING for trailer hoppers. 1-866-663-0000. 2 0 1 2 h a r ve s t , d r y l a n d o r i r r i gat e d . 403-507-8660 or 403-994-0042, Olds, AB. TA R P S / C O V E R S / A C C E S S O R I E S ! Manufacture and repair of all tarps and covers. Ph. Canadian Tarpaulin, Saskatoon, HAY AND GRASS bales, flax, wheat and S K . w w w . c a n t a r p . c o m o r c a l l barley straw, 4x4 and 3x4 bales, delivery 1-888-226-8277 or 306-933-2343. available. 403-223-8164 or 403-382-0068, SHUR-LOK TRUCK TARPS and replacement Taber, AB. tarps for all makes of trucks. Alan, SECOND CUT ALFALFA hay, round, feed 306-723-4967, 306-726-7808, Cupar, SK. tested, dairy quality. Mike, 306-631-8779 or 306-691-5011, Moose Jaw, SK. 500 LARGE BALES, 2011, 2nd cut alfalfa, just baled, fairly green underneath, weathered on top. Perfect for tub grinding. Will NEW DUALS to fit Miller/NH sprayers, deliver. Call 306-948-7291, Biggar, SK. 380/90 R46 tires, rims, spools and bolts, $8900. 780-632-9899, Ranfurly, AB. LARGE ALFALFA/BROME round bales for sale, approx. 300 bales, near Balgonie, SK. Ph 306-771-2923 or 306-535-0922 cell. SMALL SQUARE BALES, alfalfa/grass, good quality, sheltered, $3 to $4.50 per bale. Phone 306-945-2378, Waldheim, SK.
WORRIED ABOUT TIRE FREIGHT COSTS? DON’T BE! Buy new tires from Combine World & pay no more than $19/sm., $49/ med.,$79/lg. tire for shipping anywhere in Western Canada! New 18.4-34 12 PLY $ 687; 23.1-26 12 PLY $1,154; 16.9-28 12 PLY $498; 11.00-16 12 PLY $199. More sizes available. 1-800-667-4515. www.
MAKE COMBINE TIRES BIGGER Convert rears to new radial 16.9-26 tires, $ 1,250 & rims, $380; fronts to 900/65R32 or 35.5-32 for $3,950/side, all radials. We want your trades. 1-800-667-4515.
103 -3240 Id ylw yld Dr. N . FORM ERLY
Se le ct Holida ys
1- 800- 661- 432 6 w w w .selectho lid a m
WATERMASTER Floating Pumps on sale now at Flaman Sales. Only $2,095 and comes with 400 feet of hose. See your n e a r e s t F l a m a n s t o r e t o d ay o r c a l l 1-888-435-2626.
USED TIRES, 26.5 R25 Bridgestone, Michelin, Good Year, 40% - 20%, good for scraper or loader; 23.5 R25 off a loader; 20.5 R25 still have 20% - 40 % tread left. Prices vary, can deliver, $1200 OBO. 204-743-2324, Cypress River, MB.
NEW 75 TON LARSON air/hydraulic shop press, $4500. 306-375-2271, Kyle, SK.
NEW 20.8-38 12 PLY $866; 18.4-38 12 ply, $783; 24.5-32 14 ply, $1749; 14.9-24 12 ply, $419; 16.9-28 12 ply, $498. Factory direct. More sizes available, new and used. 1-800-667-4515,
In d ia
~ February 2013 Portion oftours m a y b e Ta x Ded uc tib le.
9 3 3 -1115
We’ve got ‘em all.
BUYING PURE ALFALFA STANDING AND BIG BALES. Pure alfalfa wanted standing or put up in big bales for 2012 harvest and beyond. Dryland or irrigated. Full custom work and trucking available. 403-634-1559 or 403-394-6967. Email: or 200 DAIRY QUALITY, large round, 2nd cut Alfalfa bales; Also, 150 large round 1st cut. 306-232-4985, Rosthern, SK.
OLDS, AB. FEEDLOT requires employee for equipment operation and maintenance to start ASAP. Cattle experience an asset. Separate home and acreage supplied. Top wages and benefits. or fax resume 403-556-7625.
Co s ta Rica
~ February 2013
DUST FREE HIGH quality flood irrigated New, used and retreads. grass hay, average 1400-1500 lbs. Murray Call us, you’ll be glad you did! Evans, 306-492-4810, Dundurn, SK. E X C E L L E N T A L FA L FA / O R C H A R D GRASS medium sq. bales, 2nd and 3rd cut 1-877-814-8473. available; Also Timothy medium sq. bales. Will deliver. 306-573-2123, Birsay, SK. Winnipeg, MB. 3 0 0 A L FA L FA / B RO M E RO U N D b a l e s , Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM. $40/bale for good quality 1500 or 1800 lbs.; $30/bale for more mature 1500 lbs. 12 USED 20.8-42 Firestone 23 degree radial rear tractor tires. Greig Farms, Melita, 306-329-4664, Asquith, SK. MB. 204-522-5527 or 204-522-6089. HAY FOR SALE, 1250 alfalfa or grass mix round netwrap bales, no rain. Straw also. Alan Coutts 306-463-8423, Alsask, SK.
U-DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILER Training, 25 years experience. Day, 1 and 2 week upgrading programs for Class 1A, 3A and air brakes. One on one driving instructions. LOBSTICK TRAVEL & TOURS: Alaska tour, 306-786-6600, Yorkton, SK. June 11, ocean view $3998, balcony $4547; Cossack/Ukraine June 26, $5308.46, Poland, ext $2300; Maritimes Sept. 21 bus/fly option, $4300; Host Fest Sept 25; Mediterranean Oct. 23 outside WANTED: FINISH GRADER OPERATOR, cab, $5176.19, balcony $5576.19; Branson work in Lloydminster area, small parking Nov. 4, $1499; Panama Canal Nov. 21st; lots, subdivision streets and industrial lots. Hawaiian Island Cruise Jan. 10; Arizona May 15th to Oct. 31st, competitive wages. Jan. 21; Texas Feb. 1. Come live your 780-205-1369 or email resume to Russell dreams with us! 3 0 6 - 7 6 3 - 7 4 1 5 , at: 306-752-3830. View: EXPERIENCED DOZER / TEREX motor scraper and excavator operators required for work around Regina, SK area. Room and board provided. Valid driver’s licence required. Call Graham 306-536-8725 or MONARCH PUMP with International V8 email resume to: propane engine, 1700 gpm, runs well, $6000 OBO. 306-835-2085, Quinton, SK.
~ February 2013
2008 FORD SUPER DUTY F350, 16,000 miles, never winter driven. Trade for Cat or hoe. 306-627-3445, Blumenhof, SK.
TWO 5000 GAL. steel fuel tanks, w/pump, used for fertilizer or fuel, $5000. Theodore, SK. 306-647-2459, 306-641-7759.
FULL-TIME EXPERIENCED ranch hand. Competitive wages, house and benefits provided. 403-577-3553, 403-577-2424, Consort, AB. Fax 403-577-3130.
S o u th Am erica
2 MICHELIN X Snow Plus tires, 17.5Rx25, 50% wear, c/w (split) rim. Used on a Volvo TWO TELESCOPING ZOOM BOOMS and 3 740B grader, $1250/ea. or $2500 OBO. older all-terrain tractor type forklifts. Of- for both. Prefer to sell as set. RM of Lakeview #337, Wadena, SK, 306-338-2341, fers/trade? 306-627-3445, Blumenhof, SK. email: ROCKPICKER, GOOD CONDITION. Will trade for livestock or? 306-753-2842, 306-753-8069, Macklin, SK.
FIBERGLASS SEPTIC TANKS- Various sizes available, starting from 250 gal. up to 34,000 gal. See your nearest Flaman store today or call 1-888-435-2626 or visit
ARE YOU GOING to get better and older or just older? If you’re unhappy with your life, then it’s time to make a change. Lakeland College has more than 50 credit programs to choose from- some take only months to complete, others take a few years. Visit the college’s website for information on the Vermilion and Lloydminster campus programs, plus online and off-site options. Become older and wiser. Start classes this fall at Lakeland College. 780-853-8400.
~ January 2013
50 TON SCOTCHMAN IRONWORKER, 5 ye a r s o l d , $ 7 0 0 0 . 3 0 6 - 3 6 7 - 2 4 0 8 o r 306-367-4306, Middle Lake, SK.
• Inexpensive Source • Agricultural Gypsum Call
(306) 242-1109
WANTED HEATED CANOLA, phone Merv at J & K Agro 306-834-5140, or 306-228-7306, Unity, SK.
OUTFITTING ALLOCATIONS, northwest SK, Zone 73, 24 White-tail, 24 bear, upland and migratory birds, asking $75,000. 780-389-4108 leave message, Thorsby, AB
• • • •
Above ground & below ground • Sectional in-door water tanks Sewage holding and two-compartment 150 gallons to 10,000 gallons Ask us about our easy burial “drop and go” 1000 gallon tanks
Visit our website at:
LARGE COW/CALF OPERATION requires full-time cowboys for calving and treating cows on grass. Must be able to ride and rope. Wages negotiable. Call Mike 306-469-7741, Big River, SK.
WANTED: PERSON FOR immediate fulltime farming operation. Must be able to operate large equipment and have a valid driver’s license. Wages negotiable accordi n g t o e x p e r i e n c e . B e n e fi t p a c k a g e available. Fax resume to 306-656-2042 or MATURE RELIABLE WOMAN will take care phone 306-656-4465, Tessier, SK. of you and your house. 403-548-1705, Medicine Hat, AB. RANCH POSITION, MD OF RANCHLAND, Hwy 22, foothills of AB. Require good horsemanship skills, experience with cattle handling, health management, calvJOIN US FOR the season. Progressive ing, fencing, haying equipment, basic maPeace Country farm looking for farm chinery and mechanical ability. Non-smokhelp starting immediately working through er. Must have two usable ranch horses. to fall, potential full-time for the right per- Monthly wage $2500 plus home/utilities, son. Farm equipment and class 1 experi- to start June 01. Send resume including ence required. Accommodations supplied, personal info and job history and at least 3 wages negotiable with experience. Phone: references to: Nelson Creek Ranch, Chain Lakes, AB. 780-837-1672, Tangent, AB.
SEASONAL TO FULL-TIME help required on mixed farming operation in Provost, AB. Ability to operate large air drills, high NEW SRS CRISAFULLI PTO water pumps. clearance sprayer, cattle experience and Available in 8”, 12”, 16” and 24”, PTO, elec. Class 3 license an asset. Wage range from or engine driven available. These pumps $18-24/hr. Fax resume to 780-753-6597. can move up to 18,000 GPM. We have 16” PTO 15,000 GPM in stock, ready to deliver. WANTED: EXPERIENCED FARM HELP For more information call your SK dealer for the 2012 seeding/ harvest season. T.J. Markusson Agro Ltd. Foam Lake, SK. Wages negotiable with experience. Please 306-272-4545 or 306-272-7225 See f a x r e s u m e 3 0 6 - 9 4 9 - 2 1 8 5 , c a l l 306-536-5706 cell, Regina, SK. GRAIN FARM at Milden, SK is seeking seasonal employees. 1A license an asset. Must be able to operate large equipment. Competitive negotiable wage. Fax resume PRAIRIES WATER TREATMENT LTD., High to 306-935-2201 or call Graham at River, AB. ( Servicing 306-935-4523 or 306-831-7514. BC. AB. SK. and MB. Oxydate and ionize single tap to whole house to commercial HELP WANTED ON RANCH in southern AB. units. No salt, no chlorine, no chemicals. starting June 1st. Duties include: fencing, Custom built and guaranteed. Now with machinery work, haying and maintenance. water softening and scale control capa- Welding and machinery experience an asbilities. Ph or email for info and free quote. set. Accommodation provided. Please send resumes or inquiries to: 403-620-4038. or phone 403-646-2955. ECOSMARTE/ADVANCED Pure Water. WANTED: FARM LABOURERS able to New scientific technology in Canada, guar- run farm equipment on cattle/grain farm. antee 99% pure water. No salts, no chemi- F u l l - t i m e wo r k ava i l a b l e . C a l l M i ke cals, no chlorine. Phone 306-867-9461. 306-469-7741, Big River, SK. Distributor for BC, AB, MB, SK. PROGRESSIVE RANCH North of Cranbrook, BC is seeking a highly motivated full-time employee. Clean driver’s license required and Class 1 an asset. Applicant must be hard working and versatile in all aspects of WATER WELLS, Heron Drilling Ltd. spe- cattle ranching. Benefits and lodging are cializing in water wells, E-logging, sand- provided. Wages negotiated based on exscreens and gravel pack. Government perience. Please send letters and resumes grants available. Drilling, boring, cleaning. to: PO Box 6841, Station D, Calgary, AB, Call us. 49 yrs. experience. 306-752-4322, T2P 2E9 or fax to: 403-264-7455. Call fax 306-752-7399, Melfort, SK. 403-232-6252 for more information.
SOUTHERN BC COW/CALF operation looking for full-time cowboy. Must have good horsemanship and herd health knowledge, attention to detail and good observation skills. Preference given to someone who can shoe, rope and start colts. Duties will include riding, fencing and processing. wage and benefits. Accomodations 8- 20.8x42” GOODYEAR DT710 radial trac- UKRAINE TOUR- Fully escorted, all inclu- STAUBER DRILLING INC. Water well Hourly a single person, can be arranged for a t o r t i r e s , n o t o n r i m s , $ 4 0 0 e a c h . s i v e - $ 3 8 9 5 . C a l l C A A Tr a v e l , construction and servicing, exploration for couple. 250-558-7288, Coldstream, BC. 306-446-0344 at North Battleford, SK. 403-502-7981, Bow Island, AB. and geotechnical drilling. Professional ser- Send resume to: vice since 1959. Call the experts at 1-800-919-9211 FARM HELP/ CAREGIVER required for older gentleman. Light housekeeping duProgressive Yard Works Ltd. ties and drivers license a must. Separate housing available. 403-575-0214, Veteran, 1-306-244-6911 3423 Millar Ave., Saskatoon, SK AB,
FARM HELP WANTED for seeding/harvest, summer employment available if wanted. Farming experience/retired farmer welcome. Accommodations provided if needed. 306-861-4592, Fillmore, SK.
CAREGIVER/ FARM HELP required for older gentleman. Light housekeeping duties and drivers license a must. Separate housing available. 403-575-0214, Veteran, AB,
3 HEAVY DUTY Rockwell tools: Planer, table saw, radial arm saw, 3 phase motors, $500/ea or $900 for all 3. Moose Jaw, SK. HAYTER DRILLING LTD. Over 50 yrs in HAY FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd cut 2010 groundwater industry specializing in 5” 306-631-5909. and 2011 alfalfa bales, good quality, bale 1074 ROGATOR TIRES, set of 4 tires and 30” wells. Premium quality materials used scale on site. 306-725-4563 Strasbourg SK in new construction. Old well servicing and rims, 23.1x30 Titan w/70% tread, $6300 rehab. New equipment and experienced OBO. 306-794-2025, 306-728-1030, Graycrews. 1-888-239-1658, Watrous, SK. son, SK.
FARM LABOURERS WANTED: Includes room and board, other jobs may include carpentry and construction, will train. Edmonton, AB. 780-902-2108, 780-920-7360
FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITION at 400 cow dairy located 40 min. North of Regina, SK. Duties to include field work, driving truck, feeding and bedding cows. Applicants must have experience operating farm equipment and either possess or be willing to get a Class 1 license. Wage dependant on experience. Please email: AJL FARMS is seeking full-time help to operate and maintain modern farm and construction equipment. Year round work including general shop and yard maintenance. Must be mechanically inclined. Benefits, RRSP plan and competitive wage. Fax or email resume to 780-723-6245, Phone 780-723-6244, Niton Junction, AB. ALLAN DAIRY CUSTOM SILAGE is looking for operators for the 2012 silage season. 204-371-1367, 204-346-0571, MB. FULL-TIME FARM HELPER required year round for mixed cow/calf farm. Duties include feeding, calving, grain hauling, etc. Experience an asset, but not necessary. Board and room avail. 780-768-2125, Two Hills, AB. LARGE FARM w/METAL manufacturing shop looking for full-time help. Duties range from driving farm equip. to welding and machining. Wages vary upon experience. Jason 306-642-3315, Assiniboia, SK. RANCH HAND, RANCH COUPLE, OR FAMILY for purebred/commercial Black Angus cow/calf operation near Duchess, AB. Seeking open minded, self motivated person(s). Needs experience in irrigation, haying, mechanical ability. Purebred experience, weighing/tagging calves, record keeping, heat detecting and A.I. would be an asset. Housing available in a family orientated area. Please call/email 403-362-0672 or CALVING IS DONE but spring work is not. Ranch hand required on a large cow/calf operation. Field work (harrowing/seeding help), cattle care and movement, bull management for breeding, fencing, and other general ranch duties to keep place looking neat and tidy. Housing included with monthly salary. Must have a valid drivers license and include 3 work references on your resume. Email resume: Cochrane, AB. 403-473-4571,
C&K Herm a n Fa rm s Ltd . ow ns a nd op era tes a gra in fa rm north of Sw ift Current in the Leina n d istric t. W e a re a ha rd w orking esta b lished b usiness b uilt on honesty a nd integrity, striving for effic ienc y a nd p rofessiona lism . Rem a ining true to our va lues a nd b usiness m od el, w e b elieve tha t our p eop le HERMAN FARMS LTD. rem a in the d riving forc e b ehind our suc c ess. We are recruiting the following: EQUIP M EN T OP ER ATOR T his is a fu ll tim e p o s itio n w hich w ill co n s is to f: • Op era tin g a ll s eed in g eq u ip m en t, s p ra yers , a n d ha rves teq u ip m en t • Rep a ir a n d m a in ten a n ce o fthe eq u ip m en t • 1A licen s e w ill b e n eed ed . G EN ER AL FAR M LABOUR ER T his ca n b e a fu ll tim e, p a rttim e, o r s ea s o n a l p o s itio n . Du ties ca n a n d m a y in clu d e: • Op era tin g fa rm m a chin ery • W eld in g a n d fa b rica tio n • Y a rd w o rk • M is c. fa rm d u ties For more information please contact C H AD H ER M AN (306) 7 41-7 7 43 | (306) 7 7 3-37 5 0 fa x | h e rm a n fa rm s @ s a s kte l.n e t
KLATT HARVESTING is now looking for combine and truck drivers for the 2012 US and Cdn. harvest. All applicants must have farm experience, pass dot drug testing and have no criminal record. Class 1 drivers or ability to obtain Class 1 will be given preference but combine and cart operators don’t necessarily need Class 1. Travel the US, an experience you can obtain no other way! Email resume to or fax 403-867-2751, Foremost, AB. Visit our website at:
FARM CAREER: Full-time, long term position on a medium sized organic grain farm in Blaine Lake, SK. area. Must have farm or trucking background, 1A an asset. Large modern machinery with GPS. Dental and RRSP packages. Most weekends off, except during seeding and harvest. Flexible winter hours. Competitive hourly or monthly salary. Positive happy work environment. Try us, you’ll be happy you did! Email resume to: FENCING COMPANY LOOKING for laborers Phone 306-497-7720 for more information to work in Peace Country, AB. for the 2012 fencing season (May to about Nov.). Must HELP WANTED ON DAIRY FARM, full- like working outdoors and have clean drivor part-time, dairy and maintenance work. ers license. Experience is an asset but not 306-493-8201, 306-493-7631, Delisle, SK. necessary. Accommodation is available. Send resume to: or FARM HELP? FARM WORK? We can phone Lianne at 780-351-2091. help you find an employee or find a good ag related job. Contact Agri employment HERDSPERSON, GENERAL LABOUR wanted at Call 403-732-4295 for 120 cow dairy farm, experience prefor job vacancies or help with employment ferred, will train, full-time/part-time, to start ASAP. Contact Bill 204-268-0110, MATURE COUPLE WANTED: For Brooks, Anola, MB. AB ranch, capable of running pivots, haying, calving, feeding, mechanical/mainte- LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: nance of farming equipment and machin- Sunny Alberta, 1 hour from Calgary. Year ery. Previous farm and ranch experience round position available June 1st on mixed required. Must have: Class 5 licence and grain and cow/calf operation with modern strong English skills. Horsemanship skills well maintained equipment. Separate beneficial. Must be reliable. New house acreage with home and barn available. provided on ranch. Competitive wages de- Class 1 driver’s license preferred but will pending on exp. Fax resume, references train right candidate. Wages $40-50,000. and driver’s abstract to: 403-362-0411. Excellent long term position for young couple looking to embrace rural life. Send THUNDER VALLEY RANCH has 2 positions resume to: available. RANCH MANAGER to manage Phone or fax 403-677-2296. 3000 acre ranch with 600 head beef, 200 head elk. Must have at least 2 yrs. ranch or DAIRY FARM requires afternoon milker, livestock production courses from a secon- wages $15-$25/hr depending upon experidary college; HORSE TRAINER required Approx. 20-25 hrs./wk. Must have experienced in training working cowhorses ence. drivers license. Duties include: milkand jumpers. Must be an accredited train- valid ing, cleaning, animal care and misc. tasks. er. Email 306-259-4881, 306-946-9513, Young, SK. or call 403-630-3240, Winfield, AB WANTED: GRAIN FARM WORKERS, Class 5 license, willing to learn to operate equipment. Wages negotiable. Starting ASAP. 306-997-4401, Borden, SK. 2 FULL-TIME PERMANENT POSITIONS available on large potato/grain/cattle farm in SW MB. 1st Position: Responsible for the operation and maintenance of equipment required for potato and grain production; 2nd Position: Relates to all duties involved in the management of a cow/calf herd. Modern Case/NH equip., good working atmosphere. Competitive wages. Complete benefits package. Housing avail. Call 204-834-2257, fax resume FARM LABOUR REQUIRED mid-summer to 204-834-2072, Wellwood, MB. or email late autumn, experience with large-scale farm equipment required. Wages $12.50 to $17.50 per hour, depending on qualifi- RANCH AND FARM REQUIRES exp. help to cations. Email or work w/cattle and machinery. Room and board possible. 403-350-4089 Innisfail AB. fax to 306-955-7116, Plenty, SK. FARM HAND WANTED, Macklin, SK. area. Duties include operating and maintaining large farm machinery and livestock equipment. General farm duties for mixed farm, grain and cattle farm background an asset, $16/hr. depending on experience. Contact Brian or Pat Kidd w/resume by fax 306-753-3325, or phone 306-753-2099.
A re yo u lo o king to fu rther yo u r a gricu ltu re/ca ttle ca reer?
C om e an d spen d som e tim e w ith u s at W estern F eedlots L td. ––M ossleigh
C attle Shippin g & R eceivin g/F ron t E n d Su pervisor D u ties In clu de: A ssisting the C a ttle M a na ger w ith da y to da y a ctivities, da ily bu nk m a na gem ent,im plem enting po licy a nd pro cedu res,im po rting a nd expo rting ca ttle a nd sta ff su pervisio n.A lso receiving,w eighing,so rting a nd shipping ca ttle,co m pu ter da ta entry,a nd reco rd keeping.E xperience w ith ca ttle ha ndling w illbe co nsidered a n a sset,a s w illedu ca tio n a nd/o r tra ining in feedlo ta nd livesto ck pro du ctio n.
H ealth/P en R iders – M ossleigh,A B R equ irem en ts: M u stenjo y a tea m a ppro a ch a nd a desire to w o rk w ith ca ttle sa fely,hu m a nely & efficiently. A bility to a ssess ca ttle hea lth,a nd fo llo w reco m m ended trea tm entpro to co l. A bo ve avera ge ho rsem a nship,skills a nd su ita bly tra ined ho rses fo r this enviro nm enta re necessa ry. B a sic C o m pu ter skills requ ired to enter da ily reco rds a nd pu llrepo rts.
C attle A dm in istrator – M ossleigh,A B R equ irem en ts: The M o ssleigh ca ttle depa rtm enttea m is seeking a C a ttle A dm inistra to r w ho is respo nsible fo r a fu llra nge o f technica ldu ties su ch a s ca ttle receiving,invo icing a nd shipping,a s w ella s a w ide ra nge o f do cu m enta tio n fo r resea rch tria ls,invento ry,hu m a n reso u rces a nd sa fety. This ro le a lso a nsw ers pho ne a nd directs visito rs to a ppro pria te peo ple. This is a n indo o r a nd o u tside po sitio n. C an didates m u st have exception altim e m an agem en t,organ ization al sk ills an d person able. A lso,can didate shou ld be com fortable in M icrosoft W ord an d E xcel. A tten tion to detailan d accu racy is an asset. W estern Feedlo ts L td . is a diverse co m pa ny specia lizing in feeder ca ttle m a na gem ent, so ftw a re develo pm ent,a nd co m m o dities. W e o ffer co m petitive w a ges,a benefits pa cka ge,a nd enco ura ge th e gro w th a nd develo pm ent o f o ur em plo yees. If you valu e a respectfu l,prou d,team orien tated en viron m en t w ithin a very u n iqu e “W estern C u ltu re”,please forw ard you r resu m e to:
W es tern F eedlo ts L td. E m ail:ds peers @ w es ternfeedlo ts .co m F or fu rther in form ation ,please visit ou r w ebsite at w w w.w es ternfeedlo ts .co m
CUSTOM HARVESTING CREW, looking for truckers, combine/grain cart operators, starting in Oklahoma into northern Alberta. Must be drug free, no criminal record, Class 1 preferred (full-time work TRACTOR OPERATOR REQUIRED for available) or call grain farm. More info. call 306-727-2000, 780-603-7640, Bruce, AB. 306-695-7300 cell, Indian Head, SK. FARM WORKER required on grain farm Wiseton, SK. Starting April. Ability to BACKGROUND/PASTURE OPERATION near near farming machinery and a clean Bethune, SK. has 2 positions available for operate drivers abstract an asset. Housing providself-motivated cowboys. Full-time, year ed, wage $23/hr. Call 306-227-2902 or round employment. Job includes pasture 306-357-2151, email: work in summer and feedlot work in winter. Owned horses and tack preferred. No green horses allowed. Must have valid driver’s license. Competitive salary, group insurance benefits, housing nearby. Fax resume to 306-638-3150 or contact Kristen or Philip at 306-638-3151. RANCH HELP WANTED on a quickly expanding ranch in northern AB, year round. Housing available. Call Neil 780-814-4113 Rycroft, AB or email
PREVOST HARVESTING is now accepting applications for the 2012 harvest season. Class 1A drivers needed. Some experience necessary. All applicants must be United States admissible. Must have valid passport Class 1A drivers license is preferred, but not necessary. Farming background would be an asset. Call 306-322-4757, cell: 306-322-7100 or fax resume to: 306-322-4754, Rose Valley, SK.
FULL-TIME FARM HELP wanted on purebred cattle/grain operation in central Alberta. Energetic, dependable, self-motivated, non-smoker in good health who is capable in cattle feeding, cattle handling, herd health, machinery operation and maintenance. Class 3 license and welding skills are an asset. We offer an hourly wage, housing allowance, performance bonuses and paid holidays with accommodations. Please fax your resume including references to: 403-227-5278 or email to: EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Welclean Land Services has an immediate opening for an experienced foreman in the Lloydminster, area. Responsible for the supervision of reclamation crews, light construction and mulching. Must have all required safety tickets. Fax 780-875-6334.
GRATTON COUL EE GRADER/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR: The RM of Stonehenge No. 73 is accepting applications until June 1, 2012 for the position of seasonal grader/equipment operator with duties to commence on or before July 3, 2012. Resumes should clearly state experience, education, references and any other pertinent information. Please forward to: RM of Stonehenge No. 73, Box 129, Limerick, SK. S0H 2P0. 306-263-2020, fax: 306-263-2013, email: Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted.
SEASONAL FARM LABOURER HELP. Applicants should have previous farm experience and mechanical ability. Duties incl. operation of machinery, including Tractors, truck driving and other farm equipment, as well as general farm laborer duties. $12-$18/hr. depending on experi- ARE YOU GOING to get better and e n c e . C o n t a c t W a d e F e l a n d a t older or just older? If you’re unhappy 701-263-1300, Antler, ND. with your life, then it’s time to make a change. Lakeland College has more than LARGE GRAIN FARM east of Yorkton, SK is 50 credit programs to choose from- some hiring immediately for the 2012 growing take only months to complete, others take season. Must be mechanically inclined, a few years. Visit the college’s website for and able to work unsupervised when need- information on the Vermilion and Lloyded. Class 5 license is mandatory, but minster campus programs, plus online and would prefer Class 1A. We pay top wages off-site options. Become older and wiser. and benefits for the right individuals. Jobs Start classes this fall at Lakeland College. include operating farm equipment as well 780-853-8400. as hauling seed and fertilizer with semis. There’s the possibility of full-time employ- AGRIVENTURE=Adventure+Agriculture! ment for the right person. Call Dennis Live and work in Europe, Britain, Australia, 3 0 6 - 6 2 1 - 5 1 7 3 . S e n d r e s u m e s t o : New Zealand, or Japan on agricultural and Fax 306-273-4743 horticultural operations, ages: 18-30, 4-12 month programs, 1-888-598-4415, CENTRAL ALBERTA WORK on large cow/calf and grain operation. Assisting with day to day farm operations incl: feed- HELP WANTED ON grain farm, 1A asset, ing, fencing, sileaging, harvesting, han- full-time, seasonal, to start immediately. dling cattle and calving. Mechanical skills, 306-697-3339, Grenfell, SK. class 1 license and welding experience an asset. Wages based on experience. Fax re- LOOKING FOR FULL TIME farm help on sume with references to 780-376-0000 or dairy farm in Westlock, AB. $15/hr., housing available. Contact Van Dijk Dairy Ltd. call 780-376-2241 for more info. at 780-307-3641 or 780-307-3450, email: RANCH HAND NEEDED full-time. 250 hvandijk1@ cow/calf and 2000 yearlings. Haying, fencing, maintenance, help w/cattle. Must have drivers license. Must be reliable and S HIP P ER / R EC EIVER honest and able to work independently. w a nted fo r L u m ber H a rdw a re sto re Housing can be provided on ranch. in M cL ea n,SK .(W o o d C o u ntry). 780-621-0981, Pigeon Lake, AB.
To sta rtim m edia tely. Sta rting w a ge $14-$20/hr. B enefits,bo nu ses a nd o ther co nsidera tio ns
FARM EMPLOYEE WANTED for central SK. grain/leafcutter bee operation. Applicant must be dependable and able to work independently, have a Class 1A licence and be able to operate and trouble shoot large equipment. Wages $18 to $22/hr., housing provided. or 306-963-2693, Imperial, SK.
A pply to : gra ntw ilso n@ sa o r by fa x: 306-699-2979
SEASONAL TO FULL-TIME help required on 3000 acre grain and 100 cow operation. Self motivated, interested in mechanics. Presently 4 employees. Prefer a family person. 306-748-2876, Neudorf, SK.
LOOKING FOR FARM worker on 100 cow dairy farm. Must have experience milking cows, feeding and other chores. Email resume to: or fax to: 306-597-4730, Togo, SK.
CRESTVIEW ORGANIC FARMS in Assiniboia is looking for 3 herdsmen/women for full-time employment to recognize and treat animal illness, check pens, formulate feeding programs and farm duties. Salary $16/hr. Must have specialized education or at least 4 yrs. experience. Contact Dwayne at 306-642-4096.
3 LIFEGUARDS NEEDED full-time year round work, $13- $16/hr. to start, surveys and secures safety of patrons in the swimming pool, CPR req’d, previous water sport exp. preferred, high school req’d. Apply to Manitou Springs Hotel and Mineral Spa, or fax 306-946-3622, Manitou Springs, SK.
M ill Op era to r is res p o n s ib le fo r o p era tin g a n d m a in ta in in g m ill eq u ip m en t, receivin g gra in , s hip p in g feed , ho u s ekeep in g a n d q u a lity co n tro l. S u cces s fu l a p p lica n t s ho u ld b e o rga n ized ,ha ve the a b ility to ha n d le m echa n ica l a n d p hys ica l w o rk a n d b e a b le to w o rk w ell w ith o thers a n d o n their o w n . S o m e co m p u ter s kills a re req u ired a n d m echa n ica l, electrica l o r w eld in g exp erien ce w o u ld b e a n a s s et. T his p o s itio n o ffers a co m p etitive s a la ry, a b en efti s p ro gra m a n d ho u s in g. T his w o u l d b e a fu ll tmi e p o s itio n . S EN D RES UM ES TO: TR EV C R ABB, S UNHAV EN FARM S M ILLING Bo x 177, Irm a , Alb erta T 0B 2H0
FAX (780) 754-2701 | PHONE (780) 754-2708 EM AIL t.cra b b @ s un h a ve n fa rm s m illin
Is a pro gre s s ive , e xpa n d in g a gric u ltu ra l s a lva ge pa rts c o m pa n y s pe c ia lizin g in la te m o d e l tra c to r a n d c o m b in e pa rts a n d lo c a te d a tIrm a , Alb e rta . W e a re looking for
(4 va ca n cies ) Perm a n en t, fu ll tim e p o s itio n s -44 hrs p er w eek. S a la ry $19.25 to $20.00/hr. Va lid d rivers licen s e. Previo u s exp erien ce a n a s s et. To a pply fo r a po s itio n w ith u s , plea s e e-m a il res u m e to : m a rc@ gcpa rts .co m o r s en d fa x to 78 0-754-2333 Atten tio n : Alvin W a n n echk o
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY WITH Welclean Land Services: general labourers, tractor operators, backhoe operator, fencers, Class 1 drivers, Lloydminster AB area. Fax resume to: 780-875-6334 or email to:
PARTS PERSO N REQ UIRED W ellEsta blished M u ltilin e Agricu ltu ra lDea lership in Ea st Cen tra lAlberta IsLo o kin g Fo rAn Ho n est,Aggressive & Am bitio u s
Agricu ltu ra lBa ckgro u n d a n d Co m pu terExperien ce W o u ld Be An Asset. Fu ll-Tim e Po sitio n , $15 to $20 per ho u r.Ben efits,(a fter6 m o n th perio d ).
Plea se Fo rw a rd Resu m es to M a rc a t G ra tto n Co u lee Agri Pa rts Ltd ., B o x 4 1,Irm a ,AB T0B 2H 0 o r S en d Fa x to 780-75 4 -2333. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: EQUIPMENT/ MOWER OPERATOR. Expected work term until Nov. 1st, 2012. Duties include mowing road allowances, cutting trees, erecting signs, grader training and operation, assisting other employees, and any other tasks requested by Council. Please state expected wage. Benefits package available. Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. F o r m o r e i n fo r m at i o n p l e a s e c a l l : 306-874-5732. Lowell Prefontaine, Administrator, RM of Pleasantdale #398, Box 70, Naicam, SK. S0K 2Z0. GRAVEL CRUSHING PERSONNEL for gravel crushing in the Wainwright area. $22.50/hr. 685762 Alberta Ltd., Phone: 780-209-3973. EXPERIENCED 627 SCRAPER OPERATOR and Class 1A driver required for gravel hauling. Ph. 306-463-7572, 306-463-3184, or fax 306-463-3197, Kindersley, SK.
PULSELINK LTD. SEEKING Operations Manager. Pulselink Ltd. operates 3 legume processing plants. Our main products consist of red and green lentils plus a modern red lentil splitting plant. The operations manager’s duties will include, but are not limited to: Supervise plant staff efficiently and safely to achieve the companies objectives; Grain processing, including bagged packaging and rail bulk loading; Inbound and outbound road and rail logistics; Small repairs and maintenance of an effective Maintenance Program. Experience: Minimum 2 years (flexible if demonstrate strong contributing assets). Applicants must have: Knowledge and understanding of grain processing, mechanical aptitude and excellent organizational skills. Pulselink offers a competitive compensation package including comprehensive benefits and pension plan. Wage/Salary: DUE. Location: Zealandia, SK. Apply with resume by fax: 306-882-3668 or email:
LILLY AND ROSE Seed Processors, at Lemberg, SK. is looking for hard working, reliable person to assist in operating our seed cleaning plant. Full-time, will train, starting $15/hr. Contact Chuck/Marion 306-335-2280; fax resume 306-335-2281.
Exc e lle n t te rrito ry is n o w a va ila b le a t a d u a l C a s e /Ne w Ho lla n d d e a le r in W e ta s kw in Alb e rta . This is a high e a rn in g te rrito ry. M u s t ha ve a g s a le s e xpe rie n c e . On e o fthe b e s tc o m pe n s a tio n pa c ka ge s in the b u s in e s s .
This is a gre a t o ppo rtu n ity fo r s o m e o n e ju s t gra d u a tin g fro m a n a g pro gra m . This o ppo rtu n ity w o rks w ith o u r c u s to m e rs a n d s a le s te a m pro m o tin g a n d s e llin g IT s o lu tio n s .
Hilin e ha s a n o ppo rtu n ity fo r a n e xpe rie n c e d a g pa rts pe rs o n . W e ha ve o n e o f the highe s t c o m pe n s a tio n pa c ka ge s in the in d u s try a n d o ppo rtu n ity to a d va n c e . Hi Lin e o ffe rs a gre a tc o m pe n s a tio n pa c ka ge w ith b e n e fits . A pply in confidence to:
Hi- line Fa rm Eq uip m ent 472 3- 39 Avenue W eta s kiw in, AB T9A 2 J4
Em a il: p a rts p ro@
DAVY CROCKETTS OILFIELD SERVICES Ltd. is immediately seeking trainee Power Tong Operators. Experienced power tong operators will be given preference; Thread Inspection Technician (min. 3 yrs. experience required); Shop Hand. Must be willing to reside in the Valleyview/ Grande Prairie, AB and surrounding area. Must have clean drivers license w/abstract and H2S. Please fax resume with 3 references to 780-957-3072 or call 780-957-3101. W/FIVE SEISMIC REQUIRES DRILLERS, and DRILLERS HELPERS for seismic work in Western Canada. You need to be physically fit, able to work long hours in varying weather conditions, be committed to safety and able to pass a drug test. Driver’s license and First Aid required. Drillers need current Blasters Certificate. Email resume to: or fax to: 780-960-0755
Vacuum & Water Truck Operators Needed Bulldog Vacuum Service Ltd. is an Oilfield company based in Mannville, Alberta since 1996. We are currently looking for experienced Vacuum & Water Truck operators for this up and coming season. Requirements are a minimum Class 3 license with air and a good drivers abstract also oil field tickets necessary. Successful candidates will have lodging supplied and a choice of work in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba. We strive for excellence and for that reason, our employees are an important part of our business and we offer top wages and an excellent benefit package. Interested parties please forward a copy of your resume, drivers abstract & oil field tickets to: Email: Fax: 780-763-6472 Phone: 780-763-6473
SERVICE RIG DRILLER for work in Lloydminster, SK/AB area. Must have 1 year experience and possess the following qualifications: Valid Class 1A drivers license, TDG, Whimis, First Aid/ CPR, H2S, Fall Protection for rig workers, Well Servicing B.O.P. and G.O.D.I. $34-$37/hr. depending on experience, 40 hrs. per week, time and 1/2 after 8 hrs. per day. Scheduled days off, group benefits from day one. Apply in person at 5214 - 62 St., Lloydminster, AB. or email resume to:
JODALE PERRY CORP. is currently accepting applications from energetic and qualified individuals to join our Morden team for the following full-time position: CAD Specialist. The CAD Specialist is responsible for the design process in the development of new products at Jodale Perry. The CAD Specialist reports to the Engineering Manager/EIT. The ideal candidate will have experience and abilities in the following: Diploma in Engineering Design and Drafting Technology; CAD Software proficient - Pro Engineer would be preferred, but not required; Competent in Microsoft Office programs such as Excel; Competent in BOM maintenance in electronic database software; Manage design responsibilities according to scheduling plan provided by Design Mgr; Develop detailed lists of materials as per design; Provide Engineered Mechanical dwg. packages for mfg. purposes; Communicate effectively with production staff and CAD team. Excellent communication skills. Must be able to work independently and within a team. For more info regarding Jodale Perry Corp., visit our website at: Please send your resume along with references in confidence to: Jodale Perry Corp., 300 Route 100, Morden, MB. R6M 1A8. Fax 204-822-9111 email: We appreciate all applicants for their interest, however only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
PARTSMAN REQUIRED Fulltime, Benefits, Wage DOE Experience with Heavy & Ag Machinery an asset. Responsible for but not limited to Ordering, Tool Room, Stock. Fax 403 546-3709
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GM crops needed to feed growing global population Dispel myths | Call for science-based debate BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
An advocate for a more informed science debate in Canada says future generations will look back and wonder what all the fuss was about over genetically modified crops. Joe Schwarcz, director of the McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, told a CropLife Canada conference in Ottawa May 10 that resistance to GM crops is part of a broad environmental resistance that is based on emotion rather than science. He said the challenge of feeding a growing and hungry world cannot be met without the benefits of increased yields and hardier varieties that can be produced through GM technology. “I really believe that 50 years from now, people will say, ‘what were we arguing about GMOs for,’ ” he said. Schwarcz acknowledged that speaking to a CropLife Canada audience was “talking to the choir.” They represent the companies that produce and sell agricultural chemicals and GM seed varieties. The crowd clearly appreciated his message that much of the resistance to pesticides and genetic modification is the result of “chemophobia” in the population, based on misperceptions about chemicals and their impact. Everything is made of chemicals, he said. “If you are buying your child a chemical-free product, it is not a good deal,” he said. “You are buying a vacuum.” Schwarcz said the McGill centre he heads is funded by neither side of the debate so there is no conflict of interest. The centre’s mission is to “keep people out of the clutches of the charlatans” and to “sift sense from the nonsense.”
For Schwarcz, the nonsense comes from anti-chemical and anti-GM advocates who insist that organic food is safer, more environmentally friendly and more nutritious than produce raised with chemical help or that “natural” food is safer than GM food. He said organics have a legitimate place in the food system, but all food and products contain natural chemicals so the idea of “chemical-free” is ludicrous. As well, use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers for food production is not an inherent danger as long as proper food testing and residue limit controls are in place. “Chemicals are not to be feared, not to be worshipped but to be understood,” said Schwarcz. He said the pesticide industry has not done a good job explaining that pesticides and herbicides are necessar y to fight the 10,000 known insects, 8,000 fungi and 2,000 weeds that affect food production. “Chemicals are used out of necessity and that’s the message we have to convey,” he said. He also said critics of chemical use in agriculture overlook the rigorous testing and oversight in the Canadian pesticide re gulation and food inspection systems. Excess use of chemicals and lingering residues can be dangerous but Canadian food in the marketplace is overwhelmingly safe, he added. “Death does not lurk in the produce aisle,” he said. The basic apple contains 300 natural chemicals, some of them toxic in high doses and yet it is a nutritious and healthy product, said Schwarcz. “What we have to do away with is the battle between organic and conventional,” he said. “Both have their place and one is not inherently safer than the other.”
HIGHWAY CLEANUP | Shaylynn Fox, left, hobbles less a left shoe thanks to a sprained ankle as Avril Wilson picks up litter along Highway 56 between Dalum and Rosedale, Alta. The pair of 14-year-old cadets from the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps Furious of Drumheller joined thousands of youth group members in the 36th annual Alberta Highway Cleanup. | RANDY FIEDLER PHOTO
Grain Growers director encourages completion of international trade negotiations Getting ducks in a row | More emphasis needed on completing talks, implementing regulations and ensuring industry can access markets BY BARRY WILSON OTTAWA BUREAU
Agricultural export sectors continue to support government plans for more trade negotiations, but a grain i n d u s t r y l e a d e r c au t i o n s t hat expanding trade is more than negotiating deals. Grain Growers of Canada executive director Richard Phillips told MPs last week that the government should put more emphasis on actually completing some of the talks, getting regulations in place to implement them and making sure industry can take advantage of the market opening. It includes dealing with the railway
level of service. “We need to finish off some of these trade deals,” he told the House of Commons international trade committee, noting that talks are underway or planned with the European Union, India, Japan and South Korea. “We’ve got some pretty big markets out there. I think we need to actually close and sign off on some of these and have the resources and time focused on them to get them done before we take on too many more.” Phillips said the Canadian governm e nt ha s a l i m i t e d a m o u nt o f resources to put into the trade file. “We only have so many trade nego-
tiators and after the deal is signed, that’s only the start,” he said. “There’s a whole bunch of regulatory stuff that needs to happen to bring systems into alignment for inspection.” And then there is the problem of getting the product to the market. Phillips argued that government and all MPs must continue to focus on improving rail service so shippers can get their commodities to these markets efficiently. A report on rail service is expected from former Alberta treasurer Jim Dinning this summer, and with railways expected to reject tougher legislated level-of-service rules, the Conservative government has promised
to introduce legislation to require and enforce service agreements between shippers and carriers. “I think it’s key that members of Parliament on all sides actually continue to reinforce the railways,” he said. “ ‘You know what? You guys have a virtual monopoly. You’re taking excess profits, you’re not providing good service.’ ” He said finding a way “to give the shippers more balance and more ability for redress when the service is poor, that’s a really big piece for a lot of our shippers.” The trade committee has been holding hearings on the potential benefit of a Canada-Japan trade libe ra l i z at i o n d e a l , a n d P h i l l i p s
appeared at the committee to tell MPs it could have major benefits. Japan already buys 10 percent of Canadian food exports worth more than $3 billion, and grain and oilseed shipments are a big part of it. Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance executive director Kathleen Sullivan told the committee that as a rich and food-deficit country, Japan is a key target for exporters and already is next only to the United States as a buyer of Canadian food and agricultural commodities. “Given the importance of the Japanese market for Canada, it’s imperative that any trade deal we sign with that country have a very strong agriculture package,” she said.
DO YOUR HERBICIDE HOMEWORK Testing for weed resistance before you head to the field can pay off in time savings and money, say experts. | Page 78
PROD UCT ION E D I TO R : M I C H A EL RAINE | P h : 306- 665- 3592 F: 30 6-934-2401 | E-MAIL: M IC H AEL.RAIN E@PRODUC ER.C OM
GreenSeeker keeps nitrogen in balance Sometimes less is more | GreenSeeker reads the leaves and puts down the appropriate amount of nitrogen for max yields BY RON LYSENG WINNIPEG BUREAU
It’s not often that farmers can invest in a piece of farm equipment that makes them money while sitting in the shed. And when they do drag it out to the field, it sometimes does nothing at all, except save them more money. But that’s the way the GreenSeeker increases profits, says producer Lee Moats of Riceton, Sask. It tells farmers not to do something that they were planning to do: apply nitrogen. “The best thing the GreenSeeker did for us in 2011 was stay in the shed so I wouldn’t be tempted to top-dress nitrogen,” Moats said. “I put down our usual low rate of 40 pounds nitrogen when I seeded and didn’t put down a single pound after that. Normally I do a split application to top up the crop. But not in 2011. “I did actually take the GreenSeeker out of the shed and ran it over some crop just to see if we needed more nitrogen. It told me zero N everywhere I drove, so it went back into the shed and stayed there. It had done its job for the year.” Skipping his typical in-crop split nitrogen application saved Moats $25,000 in fertilizer costs for 2011, which is about what the machine cost him in 2009. He called the machine an excellent investment, giving him similar sound advice since 2009. The six-sensor device is mounted on a CaseIH SRX with a 100 footboom. Moat uses the same sprayer for herbicides and simply switches to dribble banding nozzles for liquid nitrogen. Although he had been studying the GreenSeeker for a number of years, Moats said 2008 was the clincher. Spring was dry and he had a lot of winter wheat in the ground. The only winter wheat that survived was the crop that received 100 pounds actual nitrogen in the fall. He said that wasn’t necessarily good news because, even with all the nitrogen, it yielded only 26 bushels. “We had invested enough N for a 70 bu. per acre crop,” he said.
The six GreenSeeker sensors along the 100 foot boom not only helped reduce nitrogen inputs on most crops, they also created an unprecedented boost in protein. Until 2009, Moats had never sold a bushel of high protein durum off the farm. He says the device is obviously doing its job when he suddenly gets protein running from 13.9 percent to 14.3 percent. | LEE MOATS PHOTO
“The nitrogen ended up just sitting there, not working for us. That in itself is expensive, plus you run the risk of losing nitrogen to the environment. If we’d had a GreenSeeker in 2008, we wouldn’t have put down 100 lb. at seeding, and in the spring it probably would have told us to skip the nitrogen all together. That would have saved us a bundle of money. So that got our attention.” Moats said 2009 was a tremendous year for moisture in his area. He had assumed the machine would tell him to put down little or no nitrogen in dry years and lots in years with good moisture. He figured that’s how it would maximize profit potential. “Turns out that so far it hasn’t worked that way at all,” he said. “In our canola in 2009, the GreenS e eker called for ver y modest amounts of nitrogen, about 65 lb. on average. That’s about two-thirds what we normally put on. “We had put down 40 lb. while seeding. When we did the in-season application, we had trouble believing the machine. It called for zero N over large tracts of canola and 25 lb. plus on other areas. But the field average was only 25 lb. “Farmers always like to talk about their best crop. Well, our InVigor averaged 63 or 64 bu. When I work the nitrogen balance, we simply cannot grow that crop with the modest amount of nitrogen we put down. But we did.” Moats said it was a significant cost saving in a year when he expected to buy a lot of extra nitrogen. His 2010 canola crop was a similar story. Following instructions from his GreenSeeker, Moats applied 60 lb. of nitrogen per acre, and the canola eventually yielded 55 bu. “Most of our fields have been in zero till 20 years or longer. They’re mineralizing a lot more nitrogen than we anticipated,” he said. “As a result, our GreenSeeker has been saving us nitrogen in years when we expected it to call for more nitrogen. I think that speaks to our overall soil health.” CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE
The Farm Progress Forum Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Affaires etrangeres et Commerce international Canada
Evraz Place, Regina, SK, Canada A Production of
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June 20 - 22, 2012
PRODUCTION The Indian Head Experimental Farm has developed GreenSeeker algorithms for spring wheat, barley and canola in the dark brown and black soil zones. Winter wheat is presenting challenges because growing degree days start ticking about eight months before spring wheat is even in the ground. | CHRIS HOLZAPFEL PHOTO
» CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE “What could be better for your pocketbook than spending less money on inputs while maintaining high yields? And it’s better for the environment as well.” Moats said there’s more to the environmental aspect than meets the eye. Sustainability is becoming a real factor in the food industry. It may be nothing more than public image and window dressing for the major food companies, but the fact is they are looking at the environment in which crops are grown. That includes nitrogen management, which is the major component of the carbon footprint. “It’s not out of the question that companies will someday pay farmers a premium for food that has a documented clean green history,” Moats said. “GreenSeeker, of course, lets us reduce nitrogen and then provides us with data to prove it. For example, the canola calibrations from (the) Indian Head (Experimental Farm that analyzed a test field) are so good, we simply cannot find fault with them. They are based on western Canadian soil and climate.” Moats said that he still has reservations about the calibrations for durum, even though his first GreenSeeker experience with the crop in 2009 produced high protein along with high yield. “Until 2009, we had never sold a bushel of high protein durum off this f a r m. Ev e r. Yo u ju s t k n ow t h e machine is doing a good job when all of a sudden you get protein running from 13.9 percent to 14.3 percent. We had one field that was uniform protein on every load. “But in 2010, we were sure we had under-applied nitrogen on durum. And this time we were right. Protein and yield were down, but just slightly. So the GreenSeeker had not performed as well as in 2009.” Moats said it’s important that the calibrations and growth degree days entered into the computer be spot on. If they’re off, the machine has no way to compensate for it. “Winter wheat remains the one crop where we really don’t trust the GreenSeeker yet,” he said. “If we depend on the machine’s opinion, we’re concerned the winter wheat doesn’t get enough nitrogen early enough in the growing season.” Moats said it’s a time issue and a calibration issue. GreenSeeker calibra-
TOP LEFT: With a winter wheat crop looking like this on May 10, it’s little wonder that Riceton, Sask., farmer Lee Moats is smiling. |
ABOVE LEFT: This sensor measures the level of chlorophyll in leaves, but the data is only useful once the algorithms have been developed and the producer has entered the correct growing degree days and growth stage information into the GreenSeeker system. | LEE MOATS PHOTOS ABOVE RIGHT: The brains of the system are in this little black box, which has helped Moats grow 63 bushel canola on 65 pounds of nitrogen. The GreenSeeker slows or stops applying nitrogen to areas that have enough. It makes a more uniform crop across the field by applying more nitrogen to areas the sensors say are deficient in nitrogen. tions for each crop are tied to the amount of heat it has received, as measured in growing degree days (GDD). Winter wheat is seeded in the fall, so GDD calculations are skewed from the start. Calibrations for winter wheat GDD do not relate to spring wheat GDD because the winter wheat was already actively growing eight or nine months before the spring wheat was seeded. To use the GreenSeeker properly, Moats said it’s also necessary to understand the difference between plant growth and plant development. “Plant development is highly related to heat,” he said. “Heat is what brings it through the stages. One, two, three, four leaf stage. Plant growth, on the other hand, depends on access to nutrients and moisture, plus heat.” For example, a drought challenged plant may have less foliage material, but it’s at the same development stage as other healthier looking plants. Moats said the GreenSeeker must be programmed to know that it will be dealing with smaller plants that are already at the correct stage of
development for in-crop nitrogen. “The GreenSeeker needs all that information so it isn’t fooled by thinking a plant is at a different stage. It must know for sure what stage the plant is at. And that information comes from the farmer who owns the machine.” Most of the GreenSeeker calibration work in Western Canada has been performed by Guy Lafond and Chris Holzapfel at the experimental farm in Indian Head. They have conducted numerous trials on many crops to calculate the response to different nitrogen levels. They relate that data to the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index to come up with an algorithm that drives the calculations within the GreenSeeker. Calibrations developed for crops in the United States will not work on the Prairies because of differences in hours of sunlight, heat, soil and latitude. Moats said Lafond and Holzapfel now have good calibrations for spring wheat, canola and barley, but winter wheat needs refinement because they can’t use the normal GDD to determine stage of development.
The researchers have also developed new algorithms specific to different soil types on the Prairies. Their algorithms for the dark brown soil zone are different than those for the black soil zone. “You’ll get very good results on spring wheat, canola and barley just as long as you go in at the appropriate stage,” he said. “That’s the key. Get yourself out there with your GreenSeeker at the stage that’s appropriate for the algorithm. If you’re too early or too late, it won’t work. “The machine can’t do everything for you. You are responsible for keeping track of your own GDD information. And you have to make sure you’re within the range of growth stage the algorithm is designed for.” Canola is a good case study. The crop will have too many blossoms and confound the sensors if producers are late getting into the field with their GreenSeeker. If they’re too early, the algorithm isn’t geared for that stage. “You have to get within a fairly small window if you expect it to work. You’ve got to be right on top of things feeding it the right information.”
Moats said farmers’ personal opinions about nitrogen efficiency also influence how they use the machine. A GreenSeeker owner who thinks nitrogen efficiency will be really high in a given year will program the machine to back off on the rates. He also questions whether GreenSeeker owners have any way of knowing if the device is working to its full potential. He said that even after a successful harvest, there is no way for him to know how much more crop could have been grown with the same or less nitrogen. “It’s so sensitive to N requirements. You’re riding down the field and you cannot visually see why it’s calling for more or less N. The variability within one field can be zero to 60 lb., but we cannot see why. “We have absolutely no way of knowing if it can do a better job for us. All we know is that it increases profits. The true potential really remains a mystery. You just have to believe in the technology, because it works.” For more information, phone Lee Moats at 306-738-4716 or visit www.
Plant count vital when evaluating seeding practices Five plants per sq. foot optimal | Fewer plants could mean excessive seeding depth or speed BY ROBERT ARNASON BRANDON BUREAU
Canola growers need to walk into their crops and count the number of plants per square foot, says a Canola Council of Canada agronomist. Doug Moisey, who works in central Alberta, told a recent webinar that fields with insufficient or inconsistent plant densities will generate significantly lower yields. “It’s really critical that we get producers to try and get to that five plants (per sq. foot) or better during the growing season,” he said. According to a survey done by Agriculture Canada researcher Julia Lesson of Saskatoon, many canola growers in Western Canada aren’t achieving five plants per sq. foot. Leeson surveyed 218 canola fields in Alberta last year and found that 34 percent had less than four plants per sq. foot. However, Moisey said most growers don’t know how many plants they have per sq. foot. A canola council survey found that “approximately 75 percent of producers do not do plant counts.” Yantai Gan, an Agriculture Canada scientist in Swift Current, Sask., said a plant count is needed to evaluate seeding practices. For instance, if a grower seeded at nine pounds per acre but only grew 3.7 canola plants per sq. foot, it would mean that seed survivability was low, possibly because the seeds were planted too deep or the seeding speed was excessive. Growers who don’t have plant counts from previous years won’t know how to adjust seeding practices in the future, he added. “Some farmers, they look in their field and they say, ‘yeah, my canola looks OK,’ ” Gan said. “But they don’t
know how good it is.” As part of the flax-canola Canadian science cluster, Gan and his colleagues have conducted field trials at multiple locations on the Prairies to assess the impact of uniform plant stands on seed yield and quality. Based on results from sites near Brandon, Gan found plots with 2.8 plants per sq. foot yielded 25 bu. per acre, while fields with 7.4 plants per sq. foot yielded 37 bu. per acre. Gan said factors that determine how many canola plants will grow in a sq. foot include: • seeding rate • seed vigour • uneven seeding depth Gan advises canola growers to use higher seeding rates, such as eight to nine lb. per acre, but producers often tell him they use six to seven lb. per acre. Moisey said some producers still follow the rule of thumb of five lb. per acre, but that rule is no longer valid. “The five lb. per acre adage doesn’t (hold true) anymore. With bigger seed size, you’re not going to be getting the plant populations you hope.” Gan said canola growers should set a target of 5.6 to 7.4 plants per sq. foot. Last year he and other Agriculture Canada scientists in his project visited about 60 canola fields to count plants and determined that most prairie fields have less than 5.6 plants per sq. foot. “Most out there are between 30 to 60 plants (per sq. metre, or 2.8 to 5.6 plants per sq. foot). A very few farmers were over 60 plants (per sq. m, or 5.6 plants per sq. foot).” Gan seeded plots to achieve a specific number of plants per sq. foot, ranging from 1.9 to 9.3 plants. The scientists then removed a number of
While many canola growers seed the standard five pounds per acre, bigger seed will reduce the plant population so seeding rates should be increased for maximum yields, says an agronomist. | FILE PHOTO plants in each trial with 1.9, 3.7, 5.6, 7.4 or 9.3 plants per sq. foot. That way, they had a control plot with a uniform plant stand and another plot with a non-uniform stand. After evaluating results from 2010 and 2011, Gan determined that uniform stands preserve yields when plant populations are low. “(At) 20 to 40 plants per sq. m (1.9 to 3.7 plants per sq. foot), the uniform plant establishment will increase yield by 11 to 19 percent over the nonuniform plant establishment,” he said. There was minimal difference in yield between uniform and nonuniform stands when plant counts were higher than 5.6 per sq. foot. Gan said fields with varying plant concentrations, or patches of high and low concentrations, generate lower yields for two reasons: • when the population is low, weeds grow in the open spaces between plants and remove nutrients from the soil • plants in low density produced branches later in the growing season. Pods often formed on those branches but they didn’t contain seeds “So the plants are wasting their energy by producing those late em-
Striped flea beetles threat to early seeded canola CAMROSE BUREAU
Canola producers are encouraged to check their fields for striped flea beetles this spring. Striped flea beetles are more tolerant of seed treatments and are more likely than crucifer flea beetles to live through such treatments, said a Canola Council of Canada news release. Striped flea beetles are also gaining territory, especially in central parts of the Prairies. Flea beetles are small leaf-feeding beetles that jump when disturbed and are the most chronically damaging canola pest in Western Canada. An Agriculture Canada study from 2007 to 2011 showed striped flea beetle numbers increasing through Manitoba, central Saskatchewan and central Alberta. They are not always the dominant
mity this summer to collect more data on seed yield and quality. The final results of the study will likely be published in 2013.
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erging branches and late emerging pods.” Gan will do one more year of field work on canola plant stand unifor-
species. In southern Alberta, striped flea beetles accounted for one percent of the flea beetle population in 2008, 62 percent in 2009 and back down to four percent in 2010. Striped flea beetles jumped from less than one percent in 2008 to 70 percent in 2011 in the Brooks area of southern Alberta. Striped flea beetles have two orange and tan stripes down their backs, emerge earlier than other species and are a greater threat to earlier seeded canola. It’s estimated flea beetles can cause up to 10 percent crop yield loss and can cause hundreds of millions of dollars damage. Flea beetles fly when the air temperature is higher than 14 C and are most active on warm, sunny, dry and calm days. Farmers are encouraged to scout several areas of a field before making a decision to control the insects.
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Herbicide resistance testing pays off Reducing farm guesswork | Tests help farmers select effective herbicides BY WILLIAM DEKAY SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Glyphosate resistant kochia may be detected if samples are sent in for testing before spraying. | FILE PHOTO
Farmers climbing into sprayers to deal with pre-seeding burn off could gain valuable knowledge about weed resistance issues by having the proper tests done. That could pay off in time savings and money by making sure proper herbicides are applied. Saskatchewan’s Crop Protection Laboratory can test weed seeds for resistance to herbicides, which could take the guesswork out of herbicide selection. Doug Pchajek, manager of produc-
tion technology at the lab, said herbicide testing is usually done over winter from samples collected earlier in the year. “They’re just wrapping up the herbicide testing,” he said. He expects results to be published in the government’s Agriview magazine in June. Knowing if weeds in a field or region are resistant to a particular group of herbicides is important to help farmers select effective herbicides. Over time, repetitive use of the same herbicide or herbicides from the same group can promote resistant weeds.
Lab tests are intended to give a rough idea of the presence of resistance in the sample submitted. Here’s how to submit samples to the crop protection laboratory to test for herbicide resistance: Sampling: • If possible collect only mature, healthy seeds from the suspect plants. Green or diseased seed will not properly germinate and will impede the diagnosis or make testing impossible. • At least 1,000 seeds per herbicide group is desirable. When there is a need for several groups of herbicides to be tested, the number of seeds should be increased accordingly. • Collect seeds from specimens that appear to have survived the herbicide application. If other labelled weeds have been controlled in the area there is stronger reason to suspect resistance. • Note the crop from the current and the previous four years, the herbicides used and rates of application, the timing of application, (including the growth stage of crop and the weed), climate conditions at the time of application, the weed’s distribution and level of control. • Do not submit seeds that have been treated with a pre-harvest herbicide. • Indicate the herbicide resistant groups that you want tested. • Include the online herbicide resistance diagnostic laboratory form available online. Packaging and handling • Place seeds in paper bags and allow them to air dry for a few weeks in a dry environment. This prevents mould. • Seeds should be relatively clean with as little foreign material as possible. • Once the seeds are dry, they should be packaged in durable containers including strong plastic bags and then placed in sturdy cardboard containers (or equivalent) before shipping. Notes (For all samples submitted) • Never add water to the samples or the packaging because this will result in rotting, or bacterial or fungus growth. The only exception is for disease samples where viral causal agents are suspected. For these specimens, the sample must be maintained as fresh as possible. • For above-ground parts showing symptoms, wrap individual parts between lightly moistened paper towels and ship to the lab as quickly as possible. • If possible, avoid sending fresh specimens over the weekend. • The information about the sample may be as significant as the sample itself so provide as much information as possible. • Include the correct sample form available at
Organic group honours members ORGANIC MATTERS
2011 outstanding farmers integrate cropping and livestock production
he Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) Research and Education board (RnE), a respected international organic organization, has chosen Lyle and Robyn Hamann of Regina as this year’s outstanding organic farmers. The award celebrates the expertise and commitment of organic farmers. The Hamanns join an exemplary group of outstanding organic farmers from previous years, including Dwayne Woolhouse of Assiniboia, Sask., Marc Loiselle of Vonda, Sask., Darrel and Marva Holt of Nebraska, Victor and Elizabeth Chrapko of Brosseau, Alta., Danny Rempel of Hodgeville, Sask., and Kevin Beach of Ernfold, Sask. A farmer or farm family is nominated by their OCIA chapter, which is a group of local organic farmers who meet regularly to share cropping and marketing information. Every nominee is already deemed outstanding among their local peers. In the final selection, the winner is deemed outstanding across the entire membership of OCIA International. The criteria for the award include excellence in organic practice, including cropping, livestock and environmental practices, farm safety procedures, food safety and community involvement. The Hamanns excel in each category. They manage Quinella Ranch, only
six kilometres from the original Hamann homestead. The farm was first certified organic in 1995. The Hamanns grow wheat, barley and flax and use yellow blossom sweet clover for soil fertility and alfalfa grass mixes for livestock feed and grazing. They also run 80 head of beef cattle, mostly Blonde d’Aquitaines. Livestock and cropping are well integrated. The usual rotation includes five years of alfalfa and grass forage, which reduces weeds and provides diversity as well as grazing. Forage breaking is followed by wheat, which benefits from the higher nitrogen level. Flax follows wheat while the field is still relatively clean of weeds. Barley is used as a clean-up crop and is under-seeded back to forage. “In my opinion, having livestock in the organic farming system is ideal,” Lyle Hamann said. “You can utilize the forage rotation by grazing or haying, which allows the land to be in forage for a number of years. This method is ideal at weed control, and the natural application of manure is also beneficial as a soil building feature.” Hamann sees forages as a key in his weed control and soil building strategy. “I have found over the years that a lot of weeds can’t compete with forages,” he said. Weed levels, especially Canada thistle and quack grass, increase during the grain years but fall when the rotation returns to forages. Forages also build nitrogen levels and phosphorus availability. They build humus, as does a weed green manure during pasture breaking. Hamann said his methods are not unique. “I simply try to use common sense. Over this many years of farming and farming organically, you soon learn what works and what doesn’t. For me the forage rotation is the key.” Slightly more than a quarter of their
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land is in “ecological acres,” which is land left in its natural state. Quinella Ranch has an abundance of natural bush, sloughs, marsh land and native prairie, which provide habitat for water fowl, amphibians, upland game birds, deer, moose and coyotes. “We’re finding an increase of different bird species every year,” said Hamann, who attributes this to not using chemicals and fertilizers, leaving natural areas, and sound management of the woodlots. The Hamanns have been involved members of the organic community. Robyn serves as the administrator of their local OCIA chapter, and Lyle has been involved on the board of the local chapter and of OCIA International and on several of its committees. The Hamanns don’t just go through the motions. They are passionate about what they do. “We have introduced several local farmers to the methodology and practise of organic farming,” he said. “We have spent countless hours at our kitchen table over coffee mentoring (other producers). Personally, I feel that organic farming is not just a matter of following a set of standards but also requires the mental psychology of wanting to produce healthy food while leaving as little an environmental imprint as possible for generations to come. Basic stewardship is not a given right, it’s a privilege. I am always ready, willing and able to talk organic farming with anyone willing to listen.” The strong representation of Saskatchewan farmers in this international Outstanding Organic Farmer award is testament to the dedication of prairie farmers to organic principles, sound organic practice and sharing innovation. Brenda Frick, Ph.D., P.Ag. is an extension agrologist and researcher in organic agriculture. She welcomes your comments at 306-260-0663 or email
Lyle and Robyn Hamann have won this year’s outstanding organic farmers award. They grow wheat, barley and flax and alfalfa grass mixes. They also own 80 head of beef cattle, mostly Blonde d’Aquitaines like this one. | FILE PHOTO
ORGANIC EVENTS: May 28-31: Four Days of Dirty Tricks and Dirty Secrets, Calgary, www. dirty_tricks2012 May 25-26: Food in the City Conference, Edmonton, government/urban_planning_and_ design/food-in-the-city-conference. aspx June 14-17: Making More with Microbes, Saskatoon,
July 5-8: Four Days of Dirty Tricks and Dirty Secrets, Edmonton, makingmorewithmicrobes. July 23: Natural Systems Agriculture Field Tour, Carman, Man., naturalagriculture/ Nov. 2-3: Organic Connections Conference, Regina, www.
LIVESTOCK L IV EST O C K E D I TO R : B A R B G LEN | P h : 403- 942- 2214 F: 403-942-2405 | E-MAIL: BARB.GLEN @PRODUC ER.C OM | TWITTER: @BA R B GLE N
Alberta sale puts youth in spotlight Hands off to adults | The steer and heifer show teaches youth to groom and show cattle BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
OLDS, Alta. — An annual spring event in Olds may be the best deal around for kids who like to show cattle. Canada’s richest Youth Steer and Heifer Show has offered thousands of dollars in scholarships and prizes since it started five years ago. The show attracts youth younger than 21 from across Alberta, and ranges from those who have never led a calf in the ring to seasoned teenagers anxious to build their college funds. It’s not just the money that draws the youngsters: the skills and experience gained over the weekend are also benefits. Show rules keep eager and well meaning parents in the background, said Karen Kent, one of the organizers. “Anyone under 21 can touch and fit. Anyone over 21 can only touch the halter and the tail,” she said. “You want to keep it a family event, but you want to keep it safe.” That attitude was a change for judge Jeff Jackson of Walnut Springs, Texas. Large steer shows offering major jackpots are the norm in the United States and it is not uncommon for professionals to groom the cattle and turn them over to the entrants just before entering the show ring. “Compared to Texas kids, these kids are doing a better job,” he said. Some Texas shows draw 1,200 to 1,500 head, and even though the youth are supposed to do their own work, it is hard to control, he said. This year’s grand heifer winner was
ABOVE: Six-year-old Cheyenne Symons of Claresholm shows her steer. This was the second show for the Grade 1 student. She won first place in her class.
Jade Ann Schneider of Ardrossan, with a black Angus female. She received $1,500 in cash, a belt buckle, a $500 donor flush package and other prizes. The reserve was Cassidy Matthews of Olds, who earned $1,000. The grand champion was a Hereford entered by Dakota Townsend of Sylvan Lake, who received $2,500, a belt buckle and a $250 semen package. The reserve was Chase Miller of Cremona, who earned $1,000 and other prizes.
LEFT: Kathryn Dolliver, 14, of Stettler prepares her Simmental heifer for the show.
Hereford genome study zeroes in on feed efficient traits BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
The Canadian Hereford Association is leading a three year genomics study to detect feed efficiency traits within the breed. The $945,000 project, which starts this fall, includes Alberta Agriculture, Olds College, Cattleland Feedyards, the University of Alberta and Livestock Gentec. The grant came from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada under the College-University Idea to Innovation program.
The work will combine phenotypic and DNA information to find the most feed efficient cattle among 1,000 weaned bull calves, said Gordon Stephenson, manager of the Hereford association. “We eventually hope to develop an EPD (expected progency differences) for feed efficiency for our breed,” he said. The plan is to blend molecular breeding values with EPD for a more accurate predictor of traits such as residual feed efficiency. The association does not have this information.
“Some breeders have attempted to identify bloodlines within their breeding programs on animals that are more feed efficient than others, but this will be the first scientific research study where we will really be able to identify genetics that might have an EPD for feed efficiency,” he said. DNA and ultrasound readings will be collected on every bull, and data will be available at the end of the study. Herefords have a reputation for being low maintenance cattle and tend not to require as much feed to maintain themselves.
“It has something to do with disposition as well,” he said. “We think there is a tie in with disposition.” The study requires 1,000 weaned bull calves that will be placed on feed at Olds College and Cattleland Feedyards in Strathmore, Alta. Each will wear an electronic ear tag for individual identification, and the Grow Safe system will be used to measure how much each animal consumes during a feeding period. About 300 Canadian cattle are needed per year. Project leader John Basarab of
Alberta Agriculture has already conducted considerable feed efficiency research and found it is a heritable trait. The association is also co-operating through the Genome Canada project with the American Hereford Association, a private genetics company, and the University of Iowa to develop a 50K SNP panel that is specific for Herefords. That project will also require information from 1,000 bulls. Genome Canada is profiling 30 influential sires from each of the major breeds. All will be genotyped.
Vet graduate eager to put skills to work Challenging program | The four year course at the University of Calgary combines academic study with practical field work BY BARBARA DUCKWORTH CALGARY BUREAU
Eoin Clancy knew he wanted to be an animal doctor by the age of five. “I thought being a vet would be the coolest thing ever and I just worked toward that,” he said. Clancy and 29 others are members of the class of 2012, the first to complete the University of Calgary’s veterinary medicine program. He planned to join the General Veterinary Hospital in Edmonton May 14, where he will work with small animals in a large practice that offers mentorship, a large case load and surgery. “It is the equivalent of a family care practice for small animals,” he said. The school accepted its first students in 2008, combining academic study with practical work in vet clinics throughout the province. Clancy went as far north as Peace River and as far south as High River. His most challenging work was at the Calgary Zoo. “I saw things there that I never thought I would see. I got up and close with lions. It was one of the more exciting opportunities that we have at UCVM, the partnership with the Calgary Zoo,” he said. Born and raised in Calgary, Clancy earned a biochemistry degree from Queen’s University. He applied to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon and the University of Calgary. The addition of a new school opened the door for him because there are only five schools in Canada with limited enrolment. “Without UCVM, my opportunity to become a veterinarian would have been very limited,” he said. The program was demanding. He thought his biochemistry program was competitive, but it was nothing compared to his last four years of study. “Veterinary school was incredibly challenging. We have put in a huge number of hours,” he said. He survived and has told new students to be prepared to work hard. “It is not something you should enter into lightly. You have to make sure you are committed to learning
Newly graduated veterinarian Eoin Clancy, left, demonstrates his technique on a troublesome calf delivery. Dr. Gordon Atkins helps with the simulator, which is used to teach how to handle malpresentations. Clancy is among the first to graduate from the University of Calgary veterinary faculty, which accepted its first students in 2008. | BARBARA DUCKWORTH PHOTO
I saw things there that I never thought I would see. I got up and close with lions. It was one of the more exciting opportunities that we have at UCVM, the partnership with the Calgary Zoo. EOIN CLANCY GRADUATE, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY’S VETERINARY MEDICINE PROGRAM
and it is something you really want to do because, you know, it is a huge challenge. And it should be,” he said. “I would do it again.” The Calgary program came about following the BSE crisis when the Alberta government recognized a shortage of veterinarians and researchers. The program developed a one of a
kind approach combining academic study with practical work in the field with 50 veterinary practices. While the emphasis is on large animal care, the 30 graduates have found jobs in urban settings as well as mixed practices in the country. Some are pursuing internships for further study, said dean Alastair Cribb, who was charged with build-
ing the program and recruiting faculty. There has been positive feedback from a supportive Alberta veterinary community that is committed to serving as advisers, mentors and teachers. The course involved a combination of technical training along with broad background in the classroom and professional skills development that covered business, communication and ethical studies. “The comments we got was that they were very quick in interacting with the clients and they were able to give them a lot of independence,” Cribb said. “What we did in the program was absolutely committed to the knowl-
edge of veterinary sciences.” All 30 students passed the licensing exam in November, but they are not close to filling the demand for more vets. “In looking at the number of jobs that are still being advertised, it is going to take a number of years to fill that gap,” Cribb said. “It is not going to happen by putting 30 students in.” The program now has about 125 students at various stages of study. The goal is to continue building. “Our focus on the first four years was getting this program running and now we are going to work on refining the program and expanding the research even farther,” said Cribb.
Stress, heat, injury can jeopardize semen quality Some bulls prone to stress | Stressful situations that last several days can reduce testosterone production BY DAN YATES SASKATOON NEWSROOM
A one-day event isn’t enough to negatively impact a bull’s sperm production, said Colin Palmer of the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Veterinary Medicine. To influence fertility, the event has to occur over a longer period of time, such as a snowstorm or a prolonged bout with lameness or illness. “There’s been a lot of things that could’ve happened to that bull from the time that his semen test occurred just before the sale until the time he is
presented to us,” Palmer told the Farm Animal Council of Saskatchewan’s recent stockperson’s school in Saskatoon. The experience of sorting, trucking and even semen testing bulls isn’t enough to affect an animal’s fertility, he added. “Even if the bull falls down in the chute and gets all wound up, unless he hurts himself in there, it’s not going to affect the semen quality at all.” Seasonal, hereditary, nutritional and puberty-related factors can influence fertility, but stress and heat
are common factors that arise after a fertility test, he said. Both influence the animal in a similar way by slowing its testosterone production. Stressful situations, in which the animal is unable to cope with its environmental demands, inhibit testosterone production because of the influence of cortisol, a stress hormone, said Palmer. He linked these events to injuries, illness and storms lasting three or four days. “Having said that, I do wonder if there are some bulls out there that are more prone to stressful events,
just like some people perhaps driving through the city of Saskatoon on the way to work — that’s a stressful event for them — they might be prone to meltdowns.” He said inguinal hernias and dermatitis can increase the animal’s testicular temperature, which should be cooler than its core. Higher temperatures in that region cause an increase in tissue metabolic rate, leading to oxygen starvation in the testes and less testosterone. “Let’s say that you lost a finger today and we’re going to take you over to the hospital and get that finger sewed
up,” he said. “Most of you know that we’re going to put that on ice and cool it down. That’s going to keep that tissue healthier longer. If the temperature gets too high, there’s going to be breakdown of that tissue.” Most commonly used drugs won’t influence semen quality, with the exception of dexamethasone, but Palmer said the animal will require time to recover once the problem has been remedied. “Be aware that several days, or months perhaps, may be needed for a bull to recover from a stressful event.”
Mineral deficient livestock less productive ANIMAL HEALTH
Most of Western Canada is deficient in selenium, which causes muscle damage Iodine deficiencies lead to goitre, which causes stillborn or weak calves at birth. | FILE PHOTO
ison, like cattle, get mineral deficiencies if they do not receive supplements.
An absolute deficiency may take two or more years to develop, but skimping on minerals and vitamin supplementation can lead to poor growth and disease and parasite problems. Minerals are necessary for bone and muscle growth, reproduction and immune and enzyme function. Specific minerals are formulated for bison, but in many cases cattle minerals come close to meeting all a bison’s needs. If there is a need to check a specific mineral status, it is best to do so on liver samples at post-mortem or slaughter. This is much more accurate than sampling blood. Mineral deficiencies are seen in
75 to 95 percent of the feed grown in Alberta and probably Western Canada. Nutritionists assume there are no minerals in the feed when they balance the ration. What is in the feed acts as a conser vative cushion against deficiencies developing. Mineral deficiencies first slow growth and then hurt reproductive rates. Deficiencies are slow to develop, and correcting them is also slow. There is no magic shot to give. Instead, proper supplementation over time is the answer. The cost of minerals is a small price to pay for maintaining a healthy herd. The first thing to calculate is how
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much minerals your bison should be consuming. If the recommended rate is 40 grams daily, then a 25 kilogram bag of minerals contains the equivalent of 625 bison days. You could also see it as 30 head of mature bison going through a bag every three weeks or so. This is probably rarely the case. The important point is they are consuming at least some minerals. If the consumption is really low, top dress it in feed whenever possible. Giving twice the daily requirements every two days in feed has worked well in cattle, but bison should be consuming some minerals every two to three days if possible. Minerals in feeders can work, but the feeders must be solid or they will either be tipped over or broken. Bison grow slower than cattle, so we probably have overestimated the requirements somewhat. However, young weaned calves and pregnant cows are the two most critical groups. Bison at pasture are indiscriminate grazers, and this variety of feed helps provide natural sources of minerals. I have seen several types of deficiencies over the years, and in almost every case minerals had been nonexistent for several years. Iodine deficiencies lead to goitre, which causes stillborn or weak calves at birth and an enlarged thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is visibly swollen in the throat, which makes diagnosis easy. Iodine is available in the blue or red salt, and in my experience bison happily lick salt blocks. Standard minerals are 40 to 50 percent salt, which acts as an attraction so the minerals are consumed when the animal actually is craving salt. Copper deficiency can develop in two ways: • an actual deficiency • as a result of excess sulphates or molybdenum in the diet, which will compete with the copper Well water can carry a high level of sulfates, so it is a good idea to periodically check the water supply. Copper deficiency leads to poor growth and bleached hair coats, often with diarrhea and swollen bones around the joints. These swollen joints are the result of enlargements on the growth plates where the long bones grow. Selenium is deficient across most of Western Canada and deficiencies can show up, especially at handling when bison run excessively, resulting in down animals as the muscles are damaged. The condition is called capture myopathy, and it is similar to white muscle disease in beef calves. Both conditions are greatly minimized if selenium is present in the minerals. Minerals will always identify the level of selenium. Many types of deficiencies exist, and one must rely on nutritionists to balance the package in commercially prepared minerals. Formulas are developed to meet the needs of the region, so rely on your local veterinarian, feed mill or agriculturist to determine the best formulation for your area. But remember, any minerals are better than no minerals. Roy Lewis has a veterinary practice in Westlock, Alta. and works part time as a technical services veterinarian with Merck Animal Health.
Saving past by letting go Knowing type of laminitis can determine best treatment, says U.S. veterinarian COWBOY LOGIC RYAN TAYLOR
hen I was growing up, most of our pastures were home to herds of cattle or a small band of horses. But one small pasture, close to home, was occupied by old steel and antique iron. It was a little boy’s imagination play land that was better than most of the systems manufactured specifically to amuse. My pasture play land had old horse drawn equipment, antique cars and tractors and even a jeep. There were all manner of things for a kid to sit on, steer, shift and pretend they were doing something grand in their little mind of make believe. I was always particularly drawn to one large old hunk of iron with pulleys and gears and fly wheels as big across as I was tall. The one big wheel could be turned, which turned another gear and another with teeth and cogs that drove a plunger of sorts, but it was pretty slow motion. Dad always warned me not to stick a finger in there, and I never did. The machine was an old stationary hay baler that used to sit out in the hayfield, a natural resting spot for old stationary hay equipment. However, Dad pulled it up closer to the yard, much to my satisfaction because it completed my playground line-up of horse mowers, horse rakes, cultivators, binders and planters. I knew it was old, but I never knew a lot about its origin. I think it was originally owned by another old homesteading neighbour, who used it to bale hay on our shared hay meadow. The only reason to put hay in little square bales in those days
was to make it possible to load a rail box car to the max and ship it somewhere to sell at a better price. I did hear stories of another stationary baler in our family, on my mother’s side, that I always found interesting. Her uncles had one that they bought second hand in 1912 from a local fellow, who had shipped the baler by rail to Yakima, Washington. Some of the bales were shipped to Hawaii to feed the horses and mules that powered the pile drivers that built Pearl Harbor. The baler came back to North Dakota and was bought by my mother’s uncles to bale hay on the Mouse River meadow. It’s a little brush with destiny in a round about way, but still a story worth telling. Better yet, the baler was made by the Sandwich Manufacturing Company of Sandwich, Illinois. Yup, and the baler had been to Hawaii, which was once called what? The Sandwich Islands. Destiny. I’ve always wanted to see our old baler work, but never seemed to have the time or talent to get it back in working order. So I pitched the idea to a friend with a local threshing show, who had an affinity for fixing up old farm implements. We loaded it up and donated it to the Drake Threshing Show. I hope they can save it for posterity and someday put on an old-fashioned hay baling demonstration for old timers, kids and old-time kids like me. As we pulled that baler away from its resting spot, I felt good knowing it wouldn’t be melted down for scrap, it won’t go unappreciated and sink into the sod and it just might bring more people the joy and wonder I had as a kid in our pasture of old iron. If I get to see it work just once, and get to share that experience with our kids and others, it’ll be well worth the donation. And, yes Dad, we’ll keep our fingers away from the cogs and gear teeth.
Horse owners with animals troubled by laminitis may benefit from videos and webinars by laminitis expert Dr. Donald Walsh. The retired American veterinarian also offers expertise at www.ahf., the site for the Animal Health Foundation that Walsh founded. In a recent webinar, Walsh outlined various types of laminitis, which is an inflammation of the laminae in the hoof that causes the coffin bone in the foot to descend, causing pain to the horse. “Laminitis kills many horses each year in this country, but unfortunately the disease doesn’t kill the horse,” Walsh said in his webinar. “The owner and the veterinarian have to make that decision to euthanize the horse and this can often be a heart wrenching decision for an owner to have to make.” There are several types of laminitis, and Walsh cautioned horse owners to determine which one is affecting their horse before seeking treatment from a veterinarian and a farrier. Researchers have learned in the last five to seven years that in some forms of laminitis are related to abnormal
hormones. Both equine Cushings disease and equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) are related to excess insulin. Horses with EMS are often easy keepers but have crested necks w h e re f at ha s b e e n d e p o s i t e d because of insulin issues that affect blood glucose levels. Walsh said fat is also deposited behind the withers and the top of the rump. Treatment requires a low carbohydrate diet and regular exercise, which will likely mean limiting the horse’s access to grass. Thyroid medication may also be required. “Obesity is on the increase in this country and we see many more horses that are overweight,” Walsh said. “And being overweight is a prelude to insulin resistance.” However, obesity doesn’t necessarily mean a horse is insulin resistant and thus prone to laminitis because other genetic factors are also at play. Other signs include abnormal growth rings on the hoof walls, with rings wider at the heel than the toe. Signs of blood seepage in the bottom of the hoof are also a clue. Equine Cushings is caused by a pituitary abnormality and shows up in long or shaggy hair coats and lack of shedding, even in summer. It can be treated with medication.
OTHER CAUSES OF LAMINITIS • overeating grain • eating too much lush grass in spring and fall • retained placentas • foot damage from working on hard surfaces • any serious illness Walsh recommended horses be given four tests to determine what type of laminitis they have: ACTH (adrenal corticotrophin hormone); an insulin test after fasting; blood glucose level and thyroid. A horse with EMS will have normal ACTH but high insulin, and a horse with Cushings will have a high ACTH and high insulin.
Profiting through Productivity
Ryan Taylor is a rancher, writer and senator in the state legislature from Towner, North Dakota.
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Alliance delays durum mill plan
Revived worries about eurozone debt and slowing growth in China pressured stocks lower. Canada’s economy beat expectations, adding 58,200 jobs in April. For the week, the TSX fell 1.5 percent, the Dow fell 1.7 percent, the S&P dropped 1.1 percent, and the Nasdaq was off 0.8 percent.
Mill and pasta plant delayed | Quarterly profit drops, but the company says it is set for market recovery
Cdn. exchanges in $Cdn. U.S. exchanges in $U.S.
Alliance Grain Traders Inc. is tightening its belt in the wake of another poor quarter by delaying its Regina pasta plant project. Canada’s largest pulse processor posted sales of $197.4 million for the first quarter of 2012, down from $231.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2011. Earnings before income, taxes, depreciation and amortization were $6.1 million in the first quarter of 2012 compared to $14.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2011. “This quarter has certainly been a disappointing one for our company. We collectively see the potential for recovery in the near-term and we firmly believe it will come,” Alliance president Murad Al-Katib told analysts and reporters during a conference call. A number of analysts immediately cut their share price targets for the Regina firm. Shares of Alliance closed at $10.70 May 14, down 14 percent since the close May 9, the day before the results were released. Al-Katib said construction of the company’s proposed $50 million Regina durum mill and pasta plant has been delayed by a year until 2013. The plant was trumpeted by the federal government as proof that the removal of the CWB’s export monopoly on wheat and barley would lead to increased value-added activity on the Prairies. “Obviously the management of Alliance Grain Trader has now done its due diligence and discovered what grain farmers have known for decades — any kind of enterprise in the West faces brutal transportation economics simply because we are so far from any significant markets,” said Bill Gehl, chair of the Canadian
ADM Alliance Grain Bunge Ltd. ConAgra Foods Legumex Walker Viterra Inc. W.I.T.
CLOSE LAST WK 32.85 11.88 63.18 25.74 7.01 15.96 13.32
32.25 13.00 64.50 25.75 6.92 15.93 13.32
Assiniboia FLP OTC Ceapro Inc. TSXV Cervus Equip. TSX Ridley Canada TSX Rocky Mtn D’ship TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 48.09 0.12 18.36 8.50 11.90
43.49 0.07 18.25 9.49 11.65
BioExx Hormel Foods Maple Leaf Premium Brands Smithfield Sun-Rype Tyson Foods
CLOSE LAST WK 0.16 29.11 11.92 18.16 19.80 5.40 19.58
0.15 28.72 11.77 17.82 20.20 5.99 18.04
Alliance Grain Traders president Murad Al-Katib admits it has been a disappointing quarter but “sees the potential for recovery in the near-term.” | FILE PHOTO Wheat Board Alliance. “They may have even discovered that with the loss of the wheat board’s single desk, small processors face an even bigger challenge.” Alliance said it is focusing on running its existing assets. The only big capital project on the horizon is the commissioning of the company’s pulse processing and food ingredient facility in Minot, North Dakota. The company’s North American processing facilities have been running at 50 percent capacity and handling low margin products such as whole peas, flax and canaryseed. Al-Katib is confident those plants will be operating at two-thirds capacity during the second half of 2012, processing higher value products such as split and colour-sorted lentils, chickpeas, beans and valueadded peas. Staffing and overhead expenses
have been scaled back, but the company has retained key personnel in anticipation of market recovery in the coming quarters. “You can be sure we’re ready for this,” said Al-Katib. There are signs that India and Turkey could be in the market for pulses earlier than normal because of short crops. There are also pending supply problems in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar. “Markets are signalling a potential restart of normalized demand,” said Al-Katib. Importers appear to have better access to the capital required to clear cargo than they have had during the past couple of quarters. He believes the second quarter will be a period of transition back to normalized sales. Al-Katib emphasized that the Regina pasta project is still a go.
“Planning and design will continue so we’ll be ready for implementation when we feel the time is right to do so,” he said. In the House of Commons May 14, Pat Martin, New Democratic Party critic on the Canadian Wheat Board file, accused the Conservatives of trying to take credit for the Alliance pasta plant announcement while undermining grain markets with the destruction of the CWB single desk. Alliance cited uncertainty in grain markets for delaying the project. Agriculture minister Gerry Ritz dismissed the idea, blaming European economic turmoil. “Unfortunately with the environment in Europe, their major market is stagnant at this point,” he said. “They have decided to delay movement on the ... processing facility but they look forward to the day when they can put shovels in the ground and put that facility right near Regina.”
AGCO Corp. NY Buhler Ind. TSX Caterpillar Inc. NY CNH Global NY Deere and Co. NY Vicwest Fund TSX
CLOSE LAST WK 43.85 5.49 95.50 44.01 79.07 10.31
46.29 5.36 98.44 45.25 80.69 11.45
Agrium TSX BASF OTC Bayer Ag OTC Dow Chemical NY Dupont NY BioSyent Inc. TSXV Monsanto NY Mosaic NY PotashCorp TSX Syngenta ADR
CLOSE LAST WK 83.56 75.40 68.07 32.15 51.57 0.49 72.45 48.93 41.00 67.06
84.83 77.65 68.11 32.33 52.89 0.57 73.56 50.95 42.32 69.19
CLOSE LAST WK 81.02 73.38
83.40 74.61
Toronto Stock Exchange is TSX. Canadian Venture Exchange is TSX Venture or TSXV. NAS: Nasdaq Stock Exchange. NY: New York Stock Exchange. ADR: New York/American Depository Receipt. OTC: Over the counter. List courtesy of Ian Morrison, investment advisor with CIBC Wood Gundy in Calgary, a division of CIBC World Markets Inc. Member of CIPF and IIROC. Listed stock prices come from Thompson Reuters and OTC prices from Union Securities Ltd. Sources are believed to be reliable, but accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Morrison can be reached at 800-332-1407.
Expansion planned for Sask.’s Blue Hills processing plant BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Farmers from Avonlea, Sask., who recently reclaimed 100 percent ownership in their pulse processing plant are expanding the facility.
Blue Hills Ventures bought back Legumex Walker Inc.’s 20 percent share in the Blue Hills Processors (2003) Ltd. plant for $1.8 million. The company is now expanding to bolster its processing capacity. Storage will rise to 15,000 tonnes from
12,000 tonnes and another receiving and bulk loading area will be added. As well, a third cleaning line may also be built and the company hopes to move from a 50 rail car to a 100 car loading facility. It also plans to broaden beyond pulse
crops into durum, canola and flax. “That’s one of the directions we were going into that Walkers weren’t interested in,” said Nelson. The expansion is about one-third complete. The pads are poured and the bins have been bought. Some
have already been installed. Blue Hills wants to see how the post-single desk marketing environment evolves before configuring the remainder of the bins and deciding whether another cleaning line is required.
Biodiesel plant dusts off plans; looks for financing Seeking investors | Biostreet Canada suffered setbacks but rising oil prices give it a new outlook BY SEAN PRATT SASKATOON NEWSROOM
Canola growers could have another major outlet for their crop if a large Alberta biodiesel project that has regained its momentum lands the necessary financing. “We’re still alive. We’re still here. We’re still pushing forward the best we can and hopefully we’re going to pull it off,” said Darrel Michaels, president of Biostreet Canada. The company plans to build a 237 million litre biodiesel plant with an attached 500,000 tonne canola crushing facility in Vegreville, Alta.
It would be the second biggest biodiesel plant in Canada, next to the 265 million litre Archer Daniels Midland facility under construction in Lloydminster, Alta. Biostreet had originally hoped to operate the plant by late 2009. “We’ve had a lot of setbacks and we’re still running into problems,” said Michaels. The global recession that began in 2008 and the market uncertainty that accompanied it have been two obstacles, but the biggest blow was learning that the project wouldn’t receive funding from the federal ecoEnergy for Biofuels program.
“That was a huge setback for us because it was worth quite a bit of money. When we found out we didn’t get it, all our potential investors just sort of walked on us,” he said. Biostreet wasn’t the only disappointed applicant. A handful of western Canadian biodiesel projects also didn’t get program funding. “What kept the thing alive was the price of oil started going back up. At $90 to $100 a barrel of oil, all of the sudden we were starting to get some traction,” he said. Biostreet has letters of intent with potential buyers of its biodiesel, although it is too early for official
agreements. It is in discussions with energy and oil company investors. “We’ve had a tough few years here, but we’re getting into some very serious negotiations with some big national and international players that are now taking a very serious look at Biostreet,” said Michaels. Wooing investors hasn’t been easy because Alberta is oil country and oil companies see biodiesel as a competitor. “It’s almost like we’re taking food off their plate,” he said. The strategic partners negotiating with Biostreet want the project to be shovel-ready before they commit to
the venture. Most of that work is complete. The location is selected, all environmental permits are in place and the design basis memorandum is complete. “We’re just about there. All we have to do is the front end engineering,” said Michaels. He hopes to have funding arrangements in place by the end of June, construction started by fall and biodiesel produced at the plant by 2014. The project got $800,000 in provincial and federal grants and $5 million from 300 shareholders, including many Vegreville area farmers.
What is your image and what does it say about you? THE BOTTOM LINE
logans and brands are created with customers in mind, but they can also have a powerful effect on the company itself. In 2007, Kevin Martin and his brothers, Steve and Ken, decided to rebrand the retail side of Martin’s Family Fruit Farm, even though their main business is growing 700 acres of apples and packing for another 15 to 20 growers. They didn’t do it on the cheap. They hired design and marketing professionals to create a new logo, signs, a jingle and a website, and spent heavily on advertising. “We spent more than you could justify on the basis of past sales, but we viewed it as an investment,” says Martin, the company’s president. It worked. Retail sales grew by leaps and bounds, although they still account for only 10 percent of revenues for the Waterloo, Ont., farm. However, the brothers had another goal. Their corporate value statement begins by proclaiming, “we are passionate about what we do,” and emphasizes the need for innovation and responding to customers’ needs. Their website at details “the art of growing a Martin’s apple.” “We were branding what we do and how we do it, rather than branding the apple itself,” Martin says. “I believe you need something that you really feel proud of, something that says who you are, something that you can get excited about.” Excitement had been in short supply in the years before the makeover, both in the Ontario apple industry and at Martin’s. Provincial apple acreage had fallen by nearly half, the rising dollar had slashed export earnings, Chinese apple concentrate had undercut the juice market, and innovation, such as
adopting high-density plantings and new varieties, had been lagging. “The tough years gave us a healthy respect for the fact that nothing is going to be easy,” says Martin. “We learned that you’ve got to be on top of your game, you’ve got to be pushing the envelope, you’ve got to be looking at how you can learn and improve.” He wanted his 60 full-time employees and up to 200 seasonal workers to believe the company they work for is a cut above average. Within the company, they talked about “the Martin advantage” and making excellence the top priority. That’s why the logo, signs and promotional efforts had to be first class. The message wasn’t directed only at customers, but became a visual and constant reminder to employees that things were changing for the better. “I wasn’t sure how we would get there, but I believed this (rebranding) would become the foundation of our business,” says Martin. “We still have a long way to go, but it’s been exciting to go on this journey and see the progress.” Progress is measured in many ways, but one that Martin considers key is a new customer-first focus. “That’s a big part of it. We always ask ourselves what an individual customer is trying to do and how we can help them do that,” says Martin. “It starts with a sense of pride in the whole organization and taking everything we do seriously. Once you have that culture ingrained in the organization, you can go to customers and potential customers and say, ‘we can address your needs. We may not have the answer initially, but we’ll find a solution to any challenge.’ ” For example, Martin’s grabbed one large account by meeting a retailer’s specific requirements for the packaging format. In the packing plant, a new camera system is being installed to replace visual grading. The farm is moving as quickly as possible into high-density plantings with state-of-the-art irrigation and new varieties. The retail side is a hotbed of innovative thinking, whether it’s creating a “limited edition” buzz for lesserknown varieties through its heavy use of Twitter and Facebook or devel-
oping it’s own branded apple products (two are in the works). Excitement and the innovation it fosters aren’t easy to generate, but you can tell when it’s missing. “I wanted a business card that I was proud to have my name on,” says Martin. “I wanted to have something that stands out about us that I could talk about when promoting our com-
pany. I believed we needed something we feel really good about, that represents who we are.” Like it or not, every business, including every farm, brands itself. A message is being sent to customers, suppliers, employees and yourself when the sign by the lane is old and faded, the farmyard is filled with junk and weeds and the office is nearly as
grimy as the shop. Your farm may not need a fancy logo, much less a jingle. But you still need to think about your image and what it says about you. Archived columns from this series can be found at Farm Credit Canada enables business management skill development through resources such as this column, and information and learning events available across Canada.
Unbelievable Items up for bid including: Hotel Stays:
Auction Starts: 8 a.m. Wednesday, May 23 rd, 2012
Bidding Ends: Bidding starts closing Tuesday, 7 p.m. May 29 th, 2012
Bidding procedure:
Sheraton Cavalier New Holiday Inn - Saskatoon Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Prince Albert Days Inn - Prince Albert Holiday Inn Express - Saskatoon Saskatoon Inn Riviera Motor Inn Radisson Hotel Lakeview Hotel Waskesiu
Resort Stays: Land of the Loon Resort Candle Lake Golf Resort Shorebird Inn Tobin Lake Harbor Golf Club and Resort
Golf Packages: Emma Lake Golf & Country Club Waskesiu Golf Course Melfort Golf Club St. Breiux Golf Club The Willows - Saskatoon
1. Visit 2. Click on the Hodgins Auction Zone 3. Register to bid 4. Bid early - Bid often! log on to bid -
Furniture & Electronics: Direct Audio Houle Furniture Partners Furniture Krazy Kileys Yuens Prairie North Co-op
Ted Matheson Men’s Wear Step Ahead Shoes Treasures In White Creekside Clothing and Riding Arena
Agriculture / Household:
Anderson Pumphouse Glenmor J&C Stonecutters Premium Home Leisure Bathfitter Flaman Stores Ag Division Tisdale Flood & Fire Beeland Co-op Gould’s Home Recreation Borges’s Floor Fashions Horizon Fertilizers Ltd. Farm World George Home Hardware Premium Home Leisure
J & P Hobby Supply Madsen Fencing DSG Canada Auto Clearing Speedway Nordic Industries Northland Building Supply 8th Street RV Mr. RV Ducks Unlimited Yourlink Tunnels of Moose Jaw Pineland Co-op Mosaic Music Diamonds Of Detroit Stafford Communications Goals Gym Badger Arms Supply Lardners Trailer Sales
Grainfields Humpty’s Twelve Grill Restaurant
GRAINS Slaughter Cattle ($/cwt)
Steers 600-700 lb. (average $/cwt)
Grade A
Live May 4-10
Previous Apr. 27-May 3
Year ago
Rail May 4-10
110.50-113.25 108.79-121.79 n/a 100.00-104.25
107.25-110.25 103.21-116.25 n/a 100.00-104.75
103.69 106.76 n/a 94.38
185.00-188.00 191.00-194.00 185.00-185.25 n/a
180.00-182.50 191.00-193.00 n/a n/a
111.00-113.25 104.29-115.47 n/a 95.00-102.75
109.00-110.25 100.42-114.18 n/a 99.00-103.75
103.26 107.85 n/a 93.25
185.00-186.75 190.00-193.00 185.25 n/a
181.75 190.00-192.00 n/a n/a
Steers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man. Heifers Alta. Ont. Sask. Man.
*Live f.o.b. feedlot, rail f.o.b. plant.
$170 $165 $160 $155 $150 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Saskatchewan $165
Previous Apr. 27-May 3
Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)
$145 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Manitoba $165 $160 $155 $150 $145 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Heifers 500-600 lb. (average $/cwt) Alberta $165
Steers 900-1000 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 Heifers 800-900 700-800 600-700 500-600 400-500 300-400
Cattle Slaughter
115-128 120-140 133-153 145-165 152-177 163-194
116-130 120-134 130-145 143-163 150-178 160-185
115-130 124-141 135-152 150-167 160-180 169-191
107-129 115-135 129-148 150-170 153-172 no sales
115-130 122-138 126-150 135-159 no sales no sales
112-128 118-133 125-145 135-158 140-165 no sales
115-133 124-142 132-149 140-159 150-170 160-180
118-130 125-143 136-152 142-162 145-170 154-180 Canfax
$160 $155
Average Carcass Weight
$150 $145 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
May 5/12 865 822 681 994
Steers Heifers Cows Bulls
Saskatchewan $160 $155 $150
May 7/11 827 767 672 1024
YTD 12 881 827 676 1013
YTD 11 848 783 675 1030
U.S. Cash cattle ($US/cwt)
$145 $140 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Manitoba $160 $155 $150 $145 $140 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Slaughter cattle (35-65% choice) National Kansas Nebraska Nebraska (dressed)
Steers 120.23 119.89 120.70 193.52
Heifers 120.07 119.95 120.95 192.54
Feeders No. 1 (700-799 lb) Steers South Dakota 144.75-161.50 Billings 164-176.50 Dodge City 144-146
$190 $185 $180 $175 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Durum (May) $285 $280
Alta-Neb Sask-Neb Ont-Neb
Close May 11 Live Cattle Jun 115.15 Aug 117.70 Oct 122.60 Dec 125.50 Feb 127.10 Feeder Cattle May 149.70 Aug 157.48 Sep 158.63 Oct 160.00 Nov 160.58
Trend steady/+3 steady/+2 steady/firm
Cattle / Beef Trade
-8.60 -10.06 -5.79
-4.57 -5.96 -1.69
Canadian Beef Production million lb. YTD % change Fed 669.7 +3 Non-fed 127.8 -1 Total beef 797.6 +2
Exports % from 2011 208,486 (1) -8.2 67,452 (1) + 70.3 40,860 (3) +8.8 53,636 (3) + 6.5 Imports % from 2011 n/a (2) n/a 8,377 (2) -6.1 51,251 (4) -0.2 69,897 (4) +5.3
Sltr. cattle to U.S. (head) Feeder C&C to U.S. (head) Total beef to U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes) Sltr. cattle from U.S. (head) Feeder C&C from U.S. (head) Total beef from U.S. (tonnes) Total beef, all nations (tonnes)
(1) to Apr. 28/12 (2) to Feb. 28/12 (3) to Feb. 28/12 (4) to May 5/12
Agriculture Canada
115.38 118.50 123.80 127.15 128.73
-0.23 -0.80 -1.20 -1.65 -1.63
109.00 110.55 115.50 117.80 118.40
152.55 158.10 159.23 160.18 161.00
-2.85 -0.62 -0.60 -0.18 -0.42
128.70 132.45 133.03 133.78 133.80
Est. Beef Wholesale ($/cwt)
Index 100 Hog Price Trends ($/ckg) Alberta $155 $150 $145
This wk Last wk Yr. ago 210-212 210-212 196-198 Canfax
Sheep ($/lb.) & Goats ($/head) May 4 Base rail (index 100) 3.45 Index range 106.19-106.56 Range off base 3.66-3.67 Feeder lambs 1.60-2.25 Sheep (live) 0.50-0.60
Previous 3.55 66.87-106.71 2.44-3.79 1.60-2.25 0.50-0.60 SunGold Meats
May 7 2.49-2.89 2.31-2.55 2.26-2.36 2.07-2.33 1.62-1.98 1.75-2.50 0.85-0.95 0.85-0.95 75-120
New lambs 65-80 lb 80-95 lb > 95 lb > 110 lb Feeder lambs Sheep Rams Kids
2.35-2.70 2.20-2.47 2.21-2.37 2.20-2.29 2.18-2.20 1.75-2.50 0.85-0.95 0.80-0.95 75-120
Ontario Stockyards Inc.
May 14 1.55-1.90 1.55-1.70 1.45-1.80 0.55
Wool, new crop Wool, old crop Hair, new crop Fed sheep
$140 4/16 4/23 4/30
Sltr. hogs to/fm U.S. (head) Total pork to/fm U.S. (tonnes) Total pork, all nations (tonnes)
$150 $145 $140
(1) to Apr. 28/12 4/16 4/23 4/30
(2) to Feb. 28/12
$160 $155 $150 4/16 4/23 4/30
To May 5 Canada 7,083,081 7,087,194 -0.1
To date 2012 To date 2011 % change 12/11
Fed. inspections only U.S. 38,307,603 37,818,451 + 1.3 Agriculture Canada
May Jun Jul Aug
Close May 11 79.53 85.30 85.15 85.65
Close May 4 79.80 83.73 85.35 86.10
138.70 140.31
Man. Que.
151.00 148.47 *incl. wt. premiums
% from 2011 -14.8 +13.5 +6.3
Import n/a 68,478 (3) 73,438 (3)
% from 2011 n/a + 6.6 + 0.2 Agriculture Canada
-0.27 +1.57 -0.20 -0.45
Year ago 92.85 94.55 93.85 94.48
Oct Dec Feb Apr
EXCHANGE RATE: MAY 14 $1 Cdn. = $1.4548 U.S. $1 U.S. = $1.0035 Cdn.
Close May 11 79.15 76.58 78.08 79.90
Trend -0.63 -1.52 -1.42 -0.90
Year ago 87.75 84.70 86.10 87.10
May 7 25.14 17.13 24.90 31.25 14.65 18.61 14.50 10.26 9.97 8.60 8.46 8.42 4.83 36.13 31.36 26.30 26.93 27.38 32.10 23.20 23.20
Cash Prices No. 3 Oats Saskatoon ($/tonne) No. 1 Rye Saskatoon ($/tonne) Snflwr NuSun Enderlin ND (¢/lb)
$680 $660
May 9 May 2 Year Ago 172.13 171.28 178.82 166.46 194.65 150.98 26.90 27.00 33.35
$620 $600 4/5
4/13 4/20 4/27
No. 1 DNS (14%) Montana elevator No. 1 DNS (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Durum (13%) Montana elevator No. 1 Malt Barley Montana elevator No. 2 Feed Barley Montana elevator
$15 $10
$0 $-5 4/5
4/13 4/20 4/27
Feed Wheat (Lethbridge) $270 $260 $250 $240 $230 4/5
4/13 4/20 4/27
Flax (elevator bid- S’toon) $580 $570 $560 $550 $540 4/5
4/13 4/20 4/27
W. Barley (cash - July) $260
Basis: $17
4/13 4/20 4/27
Canola, western barley are basis par region. Feed wheat basis Lethbridge. Basis is best bid.
Corn (May) $720 $690 $660 $630 $600 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
$1550 $1500 $1450 $1400 4/16 4/23 4/30
U.S. Grain Cash Prices ($US/bu.)
Canola (basis - July)
Oats (May) $340 $335 $330
May 4-10 7.31 6.71 7.08 5.52 4.20
Grain Futures May 14 May 7 Trend Wpg ICE Canola ($/tonne) May 599.40 625.70 -26.30 Jul 594.40 620.70 -26.30 Nov 554.80 572.00 -17.20 Jan 558.10 575.70 -17.60 Wpg ICE Milling Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 242.00 243.00 -1.00 Dec 247.00 248.00 -1.00 Mar 256.00 257.00 -1.00 May 259.00 260.00 -1.00 Wpg ICE Durum Wheat ($/tonne) Oct 275.60 276.10 -0.50 Dec 280.10 280.60 -0.50 Mar 286.70 287.20 -0.50 May 290.70 291.20 -0.50 Wpg ICE Barley ($/tonne) Oct 184.00 184.00 0.00 Dec 189.00 187.00 +2.00 Mar 192.00 188.50 +3.50 Wpg ICE Western Barley ($/tonne) May 242.00 242.00 0.00 Jul 237.00 237.00 0.00 Chicago Wheat ($US/bu.) May 5.9775 6.0625 -0.0850 Jul 5.9825 6.1200 -0.1375 Dec 6.3525 6.5100 -0.1575 Mar 6.5725 6.7350 -0.1625 Chicago Oats ($US/bu.) May 3.2950 3.3150 -0.0200 Jul 3.2850 3.3750 -0.0900 Dec 3.3750 3.4725 -0.0975 Mar 3.4175 3.5500 -0.1325 Chicago Soybeans ($US/bu.) May 13.9000 14.6350 -0.7350 Jul 13.8700 14.6575 -0.7875 Nov 12.9475 13.5350 -0.5875 Jan 12.9400 13.5075 -0.5675 Chicago Corn ($US/bu.) May 6.0800 6.6500 -0.5700 Jul 5.8300 6.2000 -0.3700 Dec 5.0550 5.2475 -0.1925 Mar 5.1700 5.3675 -0.1975 Minneapolis Wheat ($US/bu.) May 7.4125 7.3550 +0.0575 Jul 7.2575 7.3600 -0.1025 Dec 7.3425 7.4700 -0.1275 Mar 7.4300 7.5675 -0.1375 Kansas City Wheat ($US/bu.) May 6.0550 6.1925 -0.1375 Dec 6.5500 6.7025 -0.1525 Mar 6.6950 6.8625 -0.1675
Year ago n/a 556.60 562.90 570.10 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 205.00 n/a 7.3650 8.4075 8.7900 n/a 3.4800 3.6300 3.7500 n/a 13.2650 13.0625 13.1500 n/a 6.9750 6.3550 6.4625 n/a 9.1025 9.2625 9.4075 n/a 9.1800 9.3550
$325 $320 4/9
Close May 4 79.78 78.10 79.50 80.80
May 14 Avg. 24.50-26.75 25.38 15.00-18.00 17.30 23.00-24.50 23.83 30.00-33.00 31.38 15.00-18.00 16.50 17.25-20.00 19.03 14.00-16.00 14.90 8.50-12.00 10.58 9.80-10.00 9.97 8.40-9.25 8.66 8.30-8.55 8.46 8.25-8.50 8.42 3.50-5.50 4.83 34.90-36.75 36.13 30.20-31.75 31.36 25.40-26.75 26.30 26.50-27.50 26.97 26.10-27.50 27.22 30.90-32.50 32.10 22.30-23.50 23.20 22.30-23.50 23.20
Canola (cash - July)
$1350 4/9
(3) to May 5/12
Soybeans (May)
Index 100 hogs $/ckg
Chicago Hogs Lean ($US/cwt)
Chicago Nearby Futures ($US/100 bu.)
4/16 4/23 4/30
Laird lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Laird lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Richlea lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, No. 1 (¢/lb) Eston lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, No. 2 (¢/lb) Sm. Red lentils, Xtra 3 (¢/lb) Peas, green No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, green 10% bleach ($/bu) Peas, med. yellow No. 1 ($/bu) Peas, sm. yellow No. 2 ($/bu) Maple peas ($/bu) Feed peas ($/bu) Mustard, yellow, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, brown, No. 1 (¢/lb) Mustard, Oriental, No. 1 (¢/lb) Canaryseed (¢/lb) Desi chickpeas (¢/lb) Kabuli, 8mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) Kabuli, 7mm, No. 1 (¢/lb) B-90 ckpeas, No. 1 (¢/lb)
Cash Prices
$240 4/5
Hogs / Pork Trade Export 282,618 (1) 54,174 (2) 187,137 (2)
$220 4/9
Hog Slaughter
Alta. Sask.
Fixed contract $/ckg
Jun 03-Jun 16 Jun 17-Jun 30 Jul 01-Jul 14 Jul 15-Jul 28 Jul 29-Aug 11 Aug 12-Aug 25 Aug 26-Sep 08 Sep 09-Sep 22 Sep 23-Oct 06 Oct 07-Oct 20 Oct 21-Nov 3
Milling Wheat (May)
HOGS Maple Leaf Hams Mktg. May 11 May 11 148.70-150.99 148.73-151.02 144.57-148.24 144.61-148.27 150.21-150.21 150.45-150.45 149.29-149.75 149.53-149.99 151.17-151.63 151.22-151.68 141.97-148.41 142.05-148.47 142.57-143.03 142.57-143.02 142.57-142.57 142.57-142.57 142.30-142.57 142.57-142.75 136.33-140.46 136.78-140.91 133.03-135.41 133.20-135.87
4/16 4/23 4/30
Close Trend Year May 4 ago
Sask. Sheep Dev. Bd.
Due to wide reporting and collection methods, it is misleading to compare hog prices between provinces.
$265 4/9
Chicago Futures ($US/cwt)
Cash Futures
$145 4/9
To May 5 Fed. inspections only Canada U.S. To date 2012 967,769 10,928,020 To date 2011 983,501 11,515,221 % Change 12/11 -1.6 -5.1
$135 4/9
Source: STAT Publishing, which solicits bids from Maviga N.A., Roy Legumex, CGF Brokerage, Parrish & Heimbecker, Walker Seeds and Alliance Grain Traders. Prices paid for dressed product at plant.
Barley (May)
$135 4/9
Pulse and Special Crops
ICE Futures Canada
4/16 4/23 4/30
Minneapolis Nearby Futures ($US/100bu.) Spring Wheat (May) $900 $850 $800 $750 $700 4/9
4/16 4/23 4/30
Canadian Exports & Crush (1,000 To To tonnes) May 6 Apr. 29 Wheat 420.4 314.3 Durum 167.3 114.7 Oats 13.3 10.0 Barley 14.3 6.8 Flax 0.3 9.6 Canola 152.9 78.5 Peas 33.3 32.5 Canola crush 117.0 140.8
Total to date 10 768.6 2 963.3 953.8 989.6 191.6 7 145.6 1 336.9 5292.9
Last year 8913.3 2576.0 834.0 1176.0 262.1 5439.2 2067.1 4705.3
THIS WEEK’S TEMPERATURE FORECAST May 17-23 (averages are in °C)
THIS WEEK’S PRECIPITATION FORECAST May 17-23 (averages are in mm)
Much above normal
Above normal
Prince George
Prince George
Saskatoon Below normal
Saskatoon Regina
Much below normal
The numbers on the above maps are average temperature and precipitation figures for the forecast week, based on historical data from 1971-2000. n/a = not available; tr = trace; 1 inch = 25.4 millimetres (mm)
Temperature last week High Low Assiniboia Broadview Eastend Estevan Kindersley Maple Creek Meadow Lake Melfort Nipawin North Battleford Prince Albert Regina Rockglen Saskatoon Swift Current Val Marie Yorkton Wynyard
25.4 23.9 23.8 25.5 24.7 24.8 24.9 26.1 27.6 25.0 26.6 26.8 24.2 25.9 24.2 26.8 23.2 25.9
0.2 1.2 -4.8 1.1 -1.6 -1.5 -1.7 -0.2 -0.8 -1.3 -0.2 -0.8 -2.7 -0.4 -1.3 -4.0 1.4 1.8
last week since April 1 mm mm % 3.1 6.0 0.0 2.6 0.3 1.2 0.0 0.6 0.0 4.0 2.2 3.0 1.6 0.0 2.7 0.9 7.7 2.2
101.2 100.8 47.1 89.2 108.8 63.7 31.4 42.1 46.7 58.5 80.2 81.4 91.8 90.6 108.6 76.9 106.5 98.7
241 210 105 189 287 151 81 101 116 145 186 188 212 225 270 202 245 234
last week High Low Brooks Calgary Cold Lake Coronation Edmonton Grande Prairie High Level Lethbridge Lloydminster Medicine Hat Milk River Peace River Pincher Creek Red Deer Stavely Vegreville
25.7 25.1 24.4 24.4 25.9 22.1 22.2 25.4 24.6 25.6 25.7 21.5 23.6 25.8 23.4 26.6
-3.6 -1.6 -1.5 -0.3 -4.0 -0.6 0.9 -3.5 0.8 -3.2 -3.2 -0.1 -2.4 -1.5 -2.2 -2.8
last week since April 1 mm mm % 0.0 0.8 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 2.5 1.6 1.9 0.5 0.0 2.3 0.3 4.1 2.5
70.6 107.4 45.6 91.6 61.5 40.4 32.8 83.9 57.9 59.1 55.5 47.2 37.1 86.7 82.3 40.0
last week High Low Brandon Dauphin Gimli Melita Morden Portage La Prairie Swan River Winnipeg
170 217 124 236 144 129 113 165 136 146 95 155 58 184 134 106
26.1 25.3 26.8 27.2 29.7 30.1 24.5 28.4
Precipitation last week since April 1 mm mm %
1.6 1.6 1.6 2.0 3.2 4.5 0.0 2.3
1.4 21.9 14.3 0.6 7.4 11.2 11.8 10.9
71.4 52.3 34.0 67.7 38.2 53.5 73.1 55.5
136 104 68 128 67 95 144 104
-3.3 0.0 -0.9 -2.5 -2.1
0.3 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.1
31.7 49.0 28.8 44.7 57.4
67 149 121 108 120
BRITISH COLUMBIA Cranbrook Fort St. John Kamloops Kelowna Prince George
25.5 19.2 28.9 27.5 21.6
All data provided by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s National Agroclimate Information Service: Data has undergone only preliminary quality checking. Maps provided by WeatherTec Services Inc.:
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Printed with inks containing canola oil
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