Faculty of Science - Viewbook - 2023

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You don’t have to choose between an exceptional student life and a stellar science education. Expect AndExperienceexcellence.more.experimentwith what you love. At Western Science.

Contents.WESTERNSCIENCE 03 04 Why Western Science 06 Admission 08 Choose Your Own Adventure Sciences&ComputerMathematical10 Computer Science 12 Mathematics 14 Statistical and Actuarial Sciences Physical Sciences 16 Chemistry 18 Physics and Astronomy Life Sciences 20 Biology 22 Basic Medical Sciences Sustainability Sciences 24 Earth Sciences (incl. Environmental Science) Interdisciplinary Programs 26 Integrated Science 28 Data Science 30 Student Life at Western 32 Supporting Your Academic Success 34 Preparing You for Your Future 36 Which Life Science Program is Best for You? WESTERN SCIENCE 3



you didn’t know existed and kick-start your career with an internship; participate in real, applied research that impacts the world around you; or take your studies out into the field. Regardless of what you choose, Western Science provides you with transformational experiences that go beyond the classroom.

Enriching YouOpportunitiesSocialdon’thavetosacrifice


the student life you’ve been waiting for to get a high-quality university science education. Build your new community of connections and friendships by joining one of Western’s 180 student clubs, playing for a varsity or intramural sports team, or expressing your musical talent in a music ensemble.




of not having to decide your path on day one. Our flexible, modular degrees evolve with you as you figure out where your passions truly lie. It’s never too late to create your own customized




Basic Medical Sciences

- Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)

- Physics (SPH4U)



- Earth and Space Science (SES4U)

OUACScienceCode: ES

- Computer Science (ISC4U)

- Advanced Functions (MHF4U)

- English (ENG4U)

- Biology (SBI4U)

Plus Two From

- Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U)

- Biology (SBI4U)

- Mathematics of Data Management (MDM4U)


- Chemistry (SCH4U)


- Physics (SPH4U)

First-year biology and chemistry courses require Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U) and Grade 12 (SCH4U),Chemistryrespectively.Foradmissionintointegratedscience,Grade12Chemistryisalsomandatory.

12 WESTERN SCIENCE 7 Admission

Learn more at

- Chemistry (SCH4U)

- English (ENG4U)

A module is a collection of courses in a specialized area. Western has four types of modules: Honours Specialization, Specialization, Major and Minor. This modular system offers you flexibility - not only can you move from one module into another, but you can also complete

General Science

Year 1

two modules at the same time (e.g. double major). This means you can learn about two distinctly different areas of science or combine a module in Science with one from another faculty such as Arts & Humanities or Social Science. The options are limitless!

All first-year science students take courses that are prerequisites for a module, along with electives they choose.



Thousands of Module Combinations

Select Module

Year5Optional Year4



In year four, students complete their module, often with unique capstone experiences; or go on an 8 to 16-month paid internship (apply in year three).

Stay or Switch

Graduate or Intern

In year three, students continue in their module; or can change their area of study*.

Year 2 Year3 AUnlimitedCareerOptionsWesternScienceundergraduatedegreewillprepareyouforarangeofcareersandfuturepathways.Thisincludesindustryspecificcareers,graduateschoolandprofessionalprogramssuchasmedicine,law,businessandteacher’scollege.

Students who chose to do an internship or dual-degree program will complete their studies in their module.

*Students who are interested in switching their module are advised to ensure they will meet the new module requirements for graduation by reviewing the Academic Calendar or visiting Academic Counselling.

In year two, students enter a module and take more specialized courses.

of Computer Science is active in both traditional areas of the discipline and emerging areas, like artificial intelligence, computer vision and computational neuroscience. As a student in the undergraduate program, you will be taught by internationally recognized faculty who will guide you as you explore the theoretical aspects of computer science and learn about in-demand applications including game design, cyber security, robotics and pattern recognition. Design and build software, go deep into databases and cloud computing, and learn strategies to tackle tough computer science problems. You already know that with a Western computer science degree there will be no shortage of career opportunities when you graduate.


10 WESTERN SCIENCE Popular Courses Artificial SciencesMachineHuman-ComputerGameDatabasesComputerIntelligenceGraphicsIProgrammingInteractionLearningandDataNetworking

*Available as a minor only. Cannot be completed alone as a


Game SoftwareInformationDevelopment*SystemsEngineering*


Modules Science

Aerospace Industry (e.g. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus) Big Tech (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon) Telecommunications (e.g. Rogers, Bell, Telus) Video Game Developers (e.g. Big Blue Bubble, EA, Digital Extremes) WHO SCIENCECOMPUTERHIRESGRADUATES? 11

Mathematics is the one universal language, having its origins in the study of numbers and shapes, and the need to understand the physical world around us. It is a necessary tool in the physical sciences and engineering, but also in diverse areas such as economics, biology and information technology. As a student in the mathematics program at Western, you will develop your computational skills and learn to analyze and describe complex patterns using this powerful language. Graduates with expertise in mathematics find careers in diverse areas that demand logical thinking, problem-solving and data analysis.

School SciencesMathematicalofandStatistical



Modules Applied MathematicalMathematicsandStatistical Sciences Mathematics Popular Courses Elementary Number Theory Introduction to Computer Algebra Introduction to Cryptography Introduction to Game Theory Introduction to Neural Networks Mathematical Structures

Guarantee your spot in teacher’s college at Western with an ThefrommathematicsundergraduatedegreeWesternScience.FacultyofEducationatWesternhasguaranteedadmissiontoqualifiedcandidatesfromWestern’smathematics,actuarialscience,financialmodelling,datascience,andstatisticsprograms. Who Graduates?MathematicsHires Banking and Finance (e.g. Royal Bank of Canada, TD, Manulife) Big Tech (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon) Education (e.g. Elementary and Secondary) InsuranceGovernment(e.g. Canada Life, Intact, Sun Life, Desjardins) Telecommunications (e.g. Rogers, Bell, Telus) 13

How do you go about making the best decision when given a dataset? Statistics is the science of extracting meaningful information from data and being able to evaluate the level of uncertainty in a given conclusion. From designing experiments evaluating the effectiveness of a new drug to predicting stock market prices


Modules Actuarial Science Applied Financial Modelling* Applied StatisticsFinancialStatisticsModelling *Available as a minor only. Cannot be completed alone as a degree.

and modelling life insurance and pension plans, the teaching and research carried out by the Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences have many real-world applications. All modules combine application, technical skills and theory to prepare graduates for careers in a diversity of sectors.

Popular Courses Corporate Finance Financial SurvivalStatisticalMathematicsGeneralizedModellingLinearModelsofFinanceProgrammingAnalysis 14 WESTERN SCIENCE

School SciencesMathematicalofandStatistical

15 WHO ANDSTATISTICALHIRESACTUARIALSCIENCESGRADUATES? Banking and Finance (e.g. Royal Bank of Canada, TD, Manulife) Big Tech (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon) Insurance Companies (e.g. Canada Life, Intact, Sun Life, Desjardins)

WHOHIRESCHEMISTRYGRADUATES? Alternative Energy Companies (e.g. Johnson Matthey) Food Production Companies (e.g. Parmalat, McCormick, Labatt Breweries) Law Enforcement (e.g. Ontario Provincial Police, RCMP) Materials Manufacturing (e.g. 3M, BASF, DuPont) Pharmaceutical Industry (e.g. Sanofi Pasteur, Amgen, Apotex) 16

*Available as a minor only. Cannot be completed alone as a degree.

Transition Metals and Catalysis

Known as the central science, chemistry is the study of atoms, molecules and materials and their interactions. Chemistry is fundamentally interdisciplinary with strong ties to engineering, physics and biology, as well as medicine. Regardless of the branch of chemistry you might be interested in (e.g. organic, physical, computational) understanding chemistry requires hands-on learning. Chemistry undergraduates at Western spend over 600 hours in the lab, which translates into graduates being competent at a range of cutting-edge tools and techniques. Because chemistry is so foundational to a range of industries, career opportunities for graduates are very strong.


Radiation and Nuclear Systems Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry and Spectroscopy



Medicinal Chemistry

Advanced ChemistryBiochemistryChemistry*andChemistry

Popular Courses

Polymer Chemistry

Modern Chemical Synthesis

18 WHO HIRES PHYSICS AND GRADUATES?ASTRONOMY Space and Aerospace Industries (e.g. Canadian Space Agency, MDA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Airbus) Big Tech (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon) Hospitals and Medical Research and Development (e.g. Toronto General Hospital, Charles River Laboratories, Syneos Health) Manufacturing (e.g. General Dynamics, Diamond Aircraft) Banking and Finance (e.g. Royal Bank of Canada, TD, Manulife) Government (e.g. Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Canada)


Modules Advanced PhysicsPhysicsMedicalConceptualAstrophysicsPhysics*Astronomy*PhysicsofMaterials*ScientificComputingandNumericalMethods

Popular Courses Astrophysics of Interstellar AtmosphereSearchRadiologicalOscillationsSpaceandWavesPhysicsforLifeintheUniverseUnderstandingEarth’sQuantumMechanics WESTERN SCIENCE 19

At scales from the angstrom to the light year, the interdisciplinary research programs of the Department of Physics and Astronomy investigate how matter, forces and energy interact and shape objects and environments. From developing new techniques in medical imaging to analyzing data from the James Webb Space Telescope, the research of the department

*Available as a minor only. Cannot be completed alone as a degree.

is at the forefront of discovery. Undergraduates are important contributors to this journey of discovery as they develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Graduates go on to a wide range of careers both in basic science and in applied areas such as medicine (e.g. medical imaging) and environmental science (e.g. atmospheric science, climate change).

Popular Courses

SyntheticGeneticsGeneticsEcosystemBiologyBiodiversityBehaviourandConservationHealthandBiochemistryBiology Biology

The Department of Biology pursues fundamental knowledge about the living world. With research programs studying single genes, the dynamics of organism development, responses of both plants and animals to climate change, through to population dynamics and the ecology of insects, birds and fishes, the department covers the breadth of modern biology. At the same time, the department is dedicated to using innovative teaching strategies to engage undergraduates in its 78 different course offerings. As a student in a biology module, you will experience a wealth of experiential learning opportunities including a range of field experiences and capstone thesis projects. The undergraduate biology experience at Western will prepare you for a diverse range of career opportunities.

Animal Diversity: Ancestral Vertebrates to Jellyfish



Global Change Biology Physiology of Animal Migration Principles of Human Genetics

DNA: Genome Organization, Mutagenesis and Repair Evolution of Plants


21 WHO HIRES GRADUATES?BIOLOGY Biotechnology Companies (e.g. Novo Nordisk, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Moderna) Food Production Companies (e.g. Parmalat, McCormick, Labatt GovernmentBreweries)(e.g.Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Canada) Pharmaceutical Industry (e.g. Sanofi Pasteur, Amgen, Apotex) Publishing Companies (e.g. Thomson Reuters, McGraw Hill, SAGE Publishing)


Popular Courses Cadaveric Anatomy Human Pharmacology and Therapeutic Principles Medical NeurobiologyTranslationImaginginCancerBiologyMicrobiologyandImmunologyofMentalIllness

Basic SciencesMedical

The Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) program is offered jointly by the Faculty of Science and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. The program focuses on the application of science to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of human disease. In years one and two, you will learn the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics by taking courses offered by the Faculty of Science. It is in year three when you will transition into the BMSc program and immerse yourself in the many facets of human health and disease through courses offered by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. You have the choice to keep your education broad (e.g. interdisciplinary medical sciences) or focus more on one discipline (e.g. biochemistry, epidemiology). Either way, the program is excellent preparation for medical or dental school, graduate training or a wide array of other health care related careers.

Modules EpidemiologyBiochemistry and Biostatistics Interdisciplinary Medical SciencesMedicalBioinformaticsMedicalBiophysicsMedicalCellBiologyMicrobiologyandImmunologyNeuroscience(BScdegree)OneHealthPathologyPhysiologyandPharmacology

23 Manygraduatesofthebasicmedicalsciencesprogramgoontopursueprofessionalprogramssuchasmedicine,dentistry,nursingandoptometry. WHO HIRES BASIC MEDICAL GRADUATES?SCIENCES Biotechnology Companies (e.g. Novo Nordisk, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Moderna) Health Care, Health Services or Public Health (e.g. Public Health Agency of Canada) Medical Research and Development (e.g. Charles River Laboratories, ICON, Syneos Health) Pharmaceutical Industry (e.g. Sanofi Pasteur, Amgen, Apotex)

24 WHO GRADUATES?EARTHHIRESSCIENCES Conservation (e.g. The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Green Communities Canada) Energy Sector (e.g. Shell, Chevron, General Electric) Government (e.g. Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change Canada) Mining and Exploration (e.g. Teck Resources, Kirkland Lake Gold)

PaleobiologyNaturalLifeGeomicrobiologyonPlanetEarthScienceofEnvironmentalProblemsandPaleoecology WESTERN SCIENCE 25




ProfessionalRegistration GeophysicsGeologyEnvironmentalGeoscience


Popular Courses Catastrophic Events in Earth History Earth Science Sustainability


*Available as a minor only. Cannot be completed alone as a degree.

Environmental Science and Biology and Space Exploration*

The Department of Earth Sciences is focused on understanding the interplay of the physical, chemical and biological processes that explain the Earth’s composition and dynamic character. As home to the environmental science program, the department also aims to better understand the natural and human-driven changes to climate and the Earth’s resources (minerals, fossil fuels, soils, water and arable land). As an undergraduate student in Earth sciences, you will learn from a varied set of courses that cover the fundamentals of geology through to modern sustainability practices. A range of field experiences will allow you to learn firsthand at locations around the globe.


today’s challenges requires that you have both discipline specific expertise and a broader perspective, allowing you to work and communicate well with scientists from other disciplines. The small-class environment and collaborative structure of WISc will refine your critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and leadership skills, while learning the fundamentals of a broad range of science disciplines.

Whether it’s climate change, renewable energy or antibiotic resistance, today’s most pressing problems are theIntegratedinterdisciplinary.fundamentallyTheWesternScience(WISc)programcombinesthefocusedcourseworkofatraditionalhonoursdegreewithaninnovativeanddiversesetofintegratedsciencecoursesthatexploreinterdisciplinarynatureofscience.Theabilitytoaddress

ScienceIntegratedModules SciencesMathematicalGeneticsEnvironmentalEarthComputerChemistryBiologyAstrophysicsScienceSciencesScience&StatisticalPhysicsSyntheticBiology


An ProgramInterdisciplinary

26 WESTERN SCIENCE Popular Courses Evolution of the Scientific Process Exploring SustainabilityScienceand the Environment Science in Your Community Peer Mentoring and Leadership

Who Hires Integrated Science Graduates?

WISc supplemental application.

WISc program




Major Interest,”

industries and professions.

Graduates of the are employable in a wide of The you choose to your in will best potential

Admission the of the Ontario Universities’ Application apply to (code ES). For your “Subject of choose Prospective to also complete the In addition to the who

are applying to WISc also require Grade 12 Chemistry (SCH4U or equivalent). 27

integrated science degree



students need


general admission requirements for Science, students

career trajectory.

Western Integrated Science (WISc).


dictate your

28 WHO HIRES DATA GRADUATES?SCIENCE Banking and Finance (e.g. Royal Bank of Canada, TD, Manulife) Big Tech (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon) Insurance Companies (e.g. Canada Life, Intact, Sun Life, Desjardins) Telecommunications (e.g. Rogers, Bell, Telus)

We live in a data-driven world where numbers are seemingly everywhere. Making sense of vast amounts of information and figuring out what is important, however, can be particularly challenging. As a student in the data science program, you will learn the diverse array of tools and techniques used to collect, analyze and model different kinds of information. Data science is inherently interdisciplinary, with the two dominant disciplines being computer science and statistical science. And when it comes to jobs, it should come as no surprise that graduates are highly employable, as data scientist was ranked as the #1 job in 2021 by Career Cast.


Popular Courses Artificial Intelligence Data Structures and Algorithms Discrete Structures for Computing Introduction to Machine Learning Software Project Management Software Tools and Systems Programming


An ProgramInterdisciplinary


Mentorship Program


You don’t have to wait until September to connect with your future Communityclassmates.Connections is a free, intense, on-campus summer experience. Come for the day, or stay overnight in a Western residence, and get a head start on learning about the Western community.

Residence Living Learning Floors

Western Science is a place that delivers everything a world-class university has to offer, including an exceptional student experience.

Be an advocate for all students in the Faculty of Science by getting involved in Science Students’ Council. This group of 64 individuals serve as the student voice within the faculty and work to improve the undergraduate experience. It is a great leadership opportunity that also allows you to connect with your science peers, make a difference for students and create lasting memories.

Science Students’ Council

Science Clubs

Further explore your interest in a particular science field and make lasting connections with peers in your program by joining one of 21 department clubs. Get academic support, participate in events and connect with professors. Or take it a step further and get leadership experience by taking on an executive role.

Take advantage of this effective, high-impact residence perk and live on a themed residence floor with other students in your faculty. This allows you to form connections with peers in your classes, create study groups and have upper-year mentors who have firsthand experience with your classes and assignments. Medway-Sydenham Hall houses the science floor, Ontario Hall houses the integrated science floor, and Elgin Hall houses the medical sciences floor.

The Leadership & Academic Mentorship Program (LAMP), through Western’s Student Experience office, provides first-year students with an upper-year student mentor from their faculty or program. Build a connection with someone who has been through it all as they provide academic and social support to help you successfully transition to university life.


Many first-year students struggle with their mathematics and physics courses. The MathPhysics Accelerator offers free, one-on-one help for students. Graduate student Teaching Assistants will help you excel in your studies.

Academic Counselling

If you need help coping with the demands of university, the Learning Development & Success team, through Western’s Student Experience office, is here for you. They will help you identify strengths, develop skills for success, and help you find the best ways to alleviate stress and anxiety toward learning.

Department Counsellors

Learning Development & Success

The Math-Physics Accelerator

Navigating university life can be challenging. There are so many decisions to make that can impact your future. Our Academic Counsellors are here to support your introduction to university and your academic journey in many ways – from discussing your academic pathway and goals, accommodating for missed coursework, and ensuring you have everything you need to graduate on time.

If you are looking for advice on your specific module, our Department Counsellors are there to sit down and guide you through the process. With expert knowledge of their departments, they are an excellent resource to assist with course selection.



I believe my internship experience made my application stand out from typical volunteering and club activities. Most importantly, however, it was the professional skills and maturity I gained during that year that helped me grow into a good candidate.”



Spotlight:MiyaWang,BMSc ‘21 16-month internship as a Junior Product Developer at Dr. Oetker Canada Ltd.

When it came time for Miya to apply to medical school, the application cycle was very competitive; having a great GPA wasn’t enough. Her experience through the Science Internship Program helped her medical school application stand out. Miya is now a medical student at the University of British Columbia.

Field Courses: Travel, explore and do research locally or internationally while getting credit for it International Opportunities:Learning Go abroad to further your skills with exchanges and study abroad programs, summer research, internships or volunteer opportunities

Get practical, career-related experience while getting paid with the Science Internship Program. During an 8, 12 or 16-month period after third year, you will work for an organization as part of a team, working on real projects that matter.

Round out your lectures with realworld experience. There are countless opportunities over the course of your undergraduate experience for high-impact learning opportunities.

Career Support

Summer Research: Explore your interests and develop technical skills by working in a lab for the summer, mentored by world-class researchers and their graduate students

Be ready to enter the workforce upon graduation with career planning assistance from the Science Careers and Professional Experience team. In addition to helping you answer important questions to decide the best path for you, they provide access to job fairs and information sessions, networking opportunities, as well as resume and interview preparation.

Whether it is exploring a field you might be interested in or solidifying your passion and getting a head start on experience, an internship will teach you important skills that will develop your resume and help it stand out!

Experiential Learning

Capstone Projects: Finish your final year with your own research project to explore an area of interest

Lab Courses: experimentationUseto bring lecture material to life in one of many lab courses offered


Community Engaged Learning: Collaborate with a community partner to use your learnings to improve their business operations



The Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMSc) program offers modules that explore the molecular, cellular and systemic organisation of the human body and the biological mechanisms it uses to adapt to environmental changes and disease.


Health Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Science and Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

The Bachelor of Science (BSc) program in biology offers modules that allow for the study of life at different levels of biological organisation - from how organisms interact with each other and the environment at the level of the ecosystem through to the study of individual genes. Medical Sciences

Each of Western’s life science programs has its own focus, but each one can prepare you for graduate school or professional programs such as medicine, dentistry, education, and occupational and physical therapy.

BiologyFacultyof Science

The Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc) program focuses on the interdisciplinary study of health and wellness in an ever-changing society, in addition to domestic and international health systems. Students in Health Sciences can study health promotion, health and aging, rehabilitation science and more.

Big enough to offer everything campus life should, small enough so you still feel the love. Discover the care and connection that comes standard in a Western Science education. 38


uwo.ca/sci science@uwo.ca @WesternuScience @WesternuScience North Campus Building | Western University | London, Ontario N6A 5B7 uwo.ca/sci science@uwo.ca @WesternuScience @WesternuScience North Campus Building | Western University | London, Ontario N6A 5B7

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