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Monthly Newsletter for Employees & Families of the Western Virginia Water Authority
OnMay25,theWaterAuthorityandRoanokeGasgatheredtocelebrateauniquepartnershipwitharibbon cuttingevent.ThisfirstofitskindprojectintheCommonwealthofVirginia,willproducecommercialquality renewablenaturalgas(RNG)frombiogasproducedattheRoanokeRegionalWaterPollutionControlPlant.
ThebiogasconditioningsystemwillhavetheabilitytocreatepipelinequalityRNGatadesignflowof 550,000 cubic feet per day. The pipeline quality RNG will be eligible for renewable credits under the EnvironmentalProtectionAgency’sRenewableFuelStandardprogram.Thisnewsupplysourcewillprovide enoughnaturalgastoheatover500homesonacold,winterday.Thankyoutoallemployeesinvolvedin bringingthisuniqueprojecttolife!
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Meet Mackenzie Recruitment, Retention & DEI Coordinator
Q: What are you most excited for in this role?
A: I am most excited to bring fresh ideas to the Water Authority with a very energetic personality! I hope to make everyone I work with feel heard and valued.
Q: Why did you want to come work for the Water Authority?
A: I wanted to work at a place where I knew I could still be involved in my community whether that is behind the scenes providing safe water or being a face at community events.
Q: Why do you feel DEI is important in the work force?
A: DEI is very important in the workplace because we are all contributing to the greater outcome, not one position is valued more than the other. It is very important to me to build relationships from trust. I want people to feel good when they work, so I will do my best to make sure that happens!
Q: Can you share a fun fact?
A: I have a 2 year old Yorkie pup named Remi!