On Good Authority Sept/Oct 2022

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WVWA employees recently attended the annual Water Jam conference in Virginia Beach, VA. Water Jam featured over 250 exhibit booths and hands-on demonstration trailers showcasing the latest in water and wastewater technology, equipment, and services.

Sarah Baumgardner (Public Relations), Travis Lane (Water Quality) & Jamie Morris (Water Administration) presented during the conference. Dana Hargrove (Water Quality) served as Chair of the Technical Programs and Chris Carey (Water Distribution) served as the Virginia AWWA Secretary. Several other staff served as moderators or assisted with the Operations Challenge events.

Congratulations to the graduates of the 2022 VA AWWA/VWEA Leadership Academy: Brain Whitenack, Jamie Morris, Joel Bostic, Merritt Ford and Terri Love!

Education Outreach programs are back in full swing for the 2022-2023 school year! The Western Virginia Water Authority’s education outreach team is providing FREE Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) correlated lessons to students in our service area , which includes the City of Roanoke and the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin and Botetourt.

Our education outreach program has both in-class presentations and field trip opportunities.

Elementary lessons for grades 3-5 cover such topics as watersheds and erosion. Secondary students learn about watershed protection, GIS mapping and future careers in the water and wastewater industry.

Scott Shirley (COO - Water Quality) received the Arthur Sidney Bedell Award for extraordinary personal service to the Virginia Water Environment Association!

Brian Whitenack (Utility Engineering) was awarded the Sherry L Williams Leadership Award for his excellence in the workplace!
OnGoodAuthorityNewsletter SEPT/OCT2022
for employees & families of the Western Virginia Water Authority

The value for Sept/Oct is: Employees Nominated for Integrity

Alec Theodor

I'd like to nominate Alec Theodor for Integrity at the workplace. Recently, he was at our Carroll Avenue tank and was approached by an elderly citizen. She asked if he could assist her with replacing the cover on her steering wheel. He did so and she was most thankful. The young man has a great heart and he represented the organization with class in that situation.

Robbie has embraced his leadership role as shift supervisor at the RRWPCP. His work ethic is contagious amongst his staff and other areas of the WVWA. Robbie goes to great lengths to display respect for all of his coworkers and continues to be a role model for the new and upcoming operators of the RRWPCP.

Wesley transcends divisional borders within the Authority to assist all departments with distributionrelated issues/work. His knowledge of the distribution system coupled with his knowledge of the Authority enables him to be immediately effective in his role. Additionally, Wesley goes out of his way to help others, while also ensuring to accomplish his own work. He shows patience and politeness with customers, often going above and beyond to help the customer solve an issue regardless if that is the role of the Authority.

Elwood Chisom

Woody takes on all responsibilities and can be counted on to do the right thing every time without question. Woody leads his team with unquestioned integrity and works with all departments and personnel to complete complex projects and trouble shooting problems. You know when it is finished that it is correct and done with the Authority and customers best interest in mind.

Jody is one of these people that no matter what she is doing, she will stop to make time for you if you have a questions. she always goes that extra mile to help her fellow team members. She is responsible, honest, kind and knowledgeable. One word comes to mind when I think of Jody Jones....KNOWLEDGE OF WVWA

Blaine Sigmon

Blaine is the OIC (Operator in Charge) for "B" shift. Blaine is counted on to help during high flow events or if there are issues going on that need to be addressed or help operators if they have questions on process or problem solving. Blaine can be counted on to do all these things and all the time. Blaine has an easy going personality and easy to talk to and understand. Blaine's character is undoubted by everyone he works with that what he says is true as he is competent in his knowledge of the plant and if he does not know or understand something he will say he doesn't know and then to proceed to find out the answer. Blaine has the same work ethic on the weekend by himself or during the week when all operations and maintenance are here at work. Another example is Blaine was asked to pull some residuals from the coag area of our plant and he did that plus going thru the whole system to find the answer which he did. He could have just pulled the samples asked of him but not Blaine.

Michelle Blessard

Michelle is someone who always comes through. Her high work ethics shows this characteristic. She makes a difference in so many of our employees lives. She treats all employees consistently, respectfully, compassionately and with a sense of urgency in understanding their needs. She goes out of her way many time in helping employees meet their needs but also assures she is following policies and procedures in doing so.

Adam Miller

Adam displays exceptional dependability. Adam is self-disciplined and focused. He has a positive, friendly, and professional attitude while working with employees and IT team members. Adam is always willing to work with others and assist whenever needed or requested. He is always ready to take on new challenges and learn/develop new technical skills.

Do the right thing, even if no one is looking.
The Core Values of the Western Virginia Water Authority are STAIRS that guide and direct the organization and culture.
Integrity Want to nominate a coworker? Visit www.westernvawater.org/corevalue





I’m extending thanks to the Western Virginia Water Authority crew that responded early Sunday morning to a water main break [on] Summerset Drive in Roanoke County.

I reported the problem by phone and was informed a work crew would be dispatched to investigate. That occurred promptly, and the water main was repaired by around 2 p.m. on Sunday.

Please share praise from my wife and me for their courtesy, dedication and hard work on the weekend, and thank you for your leadership of the water authority.

Senior Consultant, Public Affairs Carilion Clinic

Congratulations to Dana Hargrove and family for their new baby girl Kathleen, born on September 15th!

Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Government Finance Officers Association has recognized WVWA with the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting!

Deb Water Authority Customer

Alec Theodor Earned his Class II Water Operator License

Daniel Cook Earned his Commercial Driver's License

Steven W. Williams Earned his Class III Water Operator License

Logan Altizer Earned his Commercial Driver's License

Kenny Orr Earned his Class IV Water Operator License

Pete Larkin
Kathy (Kathy Spradlin, Customer Service) was extremely patient and very helpful!
UEvents pcoming Events
October2022 Oct. 10: Floating Holiday - Indigenous People's Day/Columbus Day Oct. 13: IDEA Team 1 Year Celebration Employee Cookout 11 AM - 1 PM at Field Operations (RSVP
Oct. 15: Employee & Family Picnic at Jeter Farm Oct. 16: Deadline to turn in United Way Pledge Form Oct. 18: Blood Drive 7 AM - 12 PM Oct. 18: Clean Water Act 50th Anniversary


My goal is to have more Hispanic people come and apply for the Water Authority. That's one of the main reasons I joined the IDEA Team. I am example to others that you can have equal opportunity to come work here.

I have worked at the Water Authority for 14 years and I am proof that anything is possible!

Anything related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is no longer optional. It creates that competitive advantage for an organization to attract talent, to retain talent, and to develop employees.

I'm very passionate about DEI. This is very important to me to be part of this effort, to facilitate it, and to move it forward with my colleagues.

Celebrating1Year! Employee Celebration Thursday, Oct. 13

11 AM - 1 PM at Field Ops

Come celebrate with the IDEA team and get involved! Learn about the different committees: Governance, Recruitment & Retention, Special Events and Education & Training. Food will be provided in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. RSVP is required.

Please RSVP to Neil Norris in HR by Oct 10th

For me to see a whole new generation in leadership is wonderful. It feels like we are all working together for a common goal.

I chose to join the Recruitment and Retention committee because I know how important it is to have operators in our field. Now that we have this committee, all voices can be heard.


I think to be a Hispanic in an organization is very important. To represent, and let everyone know that being Hispanic here in the United States can be very impactful.

There are not a lot of Hispanic people who are in leadership roles. I am excited that I get to be in a role to show others that you too can be the face of something important.

RiskManagement&SafetyCoordinator Education&Training
CedricLavender Superintendent,WaterProduction Recruitment&Retention
Recruitment & Retention
How can you support National Hispanic Heritage Month? Eat at Hispanic owned restaurants Find a foundation to support Buy Hispanic art Discover new music Support Hispanic owned businesses Visit a museum highlighting Hispanic and Latino culture

Give United

United Way Campaign

19th Annual Charity Golf Tournament took place on August 6, at Blue Hills Golf Club

an early end to the tournament due to rain, we had over 20 teams participate and it was successful event overall By the end of August we had raised $8,000 for our campaign

Employee Luncheon at the Elk's Lodge on September 20 was a wonderful time for staff with a delicious menu of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, and cobbler By the end of September, our campaign numbers had doubled and we are now over halfway to our goal!

Ifwereachourstretch goal,we'regivingaway... SEPT/OCT 2022
$16,298 AsofOctober3,2022 Goal2:50daysoff! $30,000 $29,000 Goal1:25daysoff! $28,000 2021Donation toUnitedWay 50DAYSOFF* *Submityourpledgeformbythe deadlineofOct.16tobeentered.


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OnJune15,2022,theEPAissuedalifetime healthadvisoryforHFPO-DAof10ppt. Virginia's Freedom
Information Act (FOIA) gives citizens of Virginia access to records of public entities and their meetings. Since the Western Virginia Water Authority is a public body, our meetings, public records, emails, correspondence and documents are subject to FOIA. What
Any resident
can request a copy of our documents. There are a few exceptions to what
document, so it is best to assume that any document you produce for work, any email you write
record you
is subject
FOIA. in addition, all emails and documents produced by our organization must
with the Virginia Public Records Act. We
the Roanoke Times sent a FOIA request for all documents and correspondence related
year. When the newspaper article ran, comments that several of our employees had
emails were quoted in the paper. They were good comments, but it served as a reminder that anything you write in an email or document can be requested under FOIA and/or printed in the newspaper. If you have questions about FOIA or receive a FOIA request, please reach out to Sarah Baumgardner your Water Authority FOIA representative FOIA REMINDERS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT SEPT/OCT 2022 Shampoo&Personal CareProducts Water&StainResistant Coatings Whereare PFAS Compounds Found? FoodWrappers CoatedPaper& Packaging PaintsVarnishes Inks&Dyes Firefighting Foams Waterproof Clothing NonStick Cookware Pesticides& Herbicides Cosmetics& Sunscreens PFASCompounds PFASareagroupofover6,000man-madechemicals usedinvariousindustriesaroundtheglobesincethe1940s tomakemanyproductsweuseeveryday. Oneofthesecompounds(HFPODA)hasbeendetectedinthe SpringHollowReservoirandintermittentlyintheRoanoke River.YourWaterQualityteamhasbeenworkinghardto removeitfromthewaterandfinditssource. Webeganmorefrequent monthlytestinginNov. 2021. What are we doing now? GranularActivated Carbon(GAC)treatmentis beingusedtoreducethe presenceofHFPO DAat SpringHollow. Monthlytestresultshave decreasedfrom55pptto 3.88ppt. We are working with VDH and DEQ to find the source. Why were PFAS made? Theirchemicalstructuregives thesecompoundstheabilityto repelbothoilsandwater. Becausethesecompoundsareso stable,theydonotbreakdownin theenvironmentandcanbe foundinair,soilandwater What compounds has the Water Authority found? TestingofPFOSandPFOAcompoundsat CarvinsCoveandCrystalSpringshowed thattheywerenotpresentinthose waterbodies. Thenwetested25additionalnew compounds,andonlyonecompound (HFPODA)wasdetectedintheRoanoke RiverandSpringHollowReservoir. EPA Lifetime Health Advisory What is a part per trillion (ppt)? OnePPT=Onesecondinnearly32,000years


Gallery Send your photos and video ideas to Laura Schirmer or Jeffy Ceresnie in Public Relations A snapshot of what we have been doing over the past month. Touch-A-Truck Event in Fincastle on September 24, 2022
7th Grade Career Fair Salem Civic Center
Education Outreach
our Schools
Filming an Instructional Video on Trench
Safety Fixing influent/effluent gates in the WPCP coagulation basins

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