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West Hartford Chamber of Commerce: Collaborations Benefit All by Chris Conway
For more than a century, the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce has been the primary support organization for our local business community. Like all the businesses and nonprofits we represent, we have reinvented ourselves many times to meet the evolving and shifting needs of our members and community. Most recently this has been demonstrated by our response to Covid 19. The introduction of virtual programs, enhanced digital resources, and an emphasis on state and federal support programs are just a few examples.
Much of the work the Chamber does involves partners. As is the case with most partnerships, these relationships are symbiotic in nature. Without a doubt our strongest ally is the Town of West Hartford. The Chamber and Town work closely in many ways. Most notably with the Economic Development department, led by Kristen Gorski. Together we support local businesses by connecting them to proper resources. We also co-facilitate programs and events such as semi-annual Community Resource & Job Fairs, and virtual programming. Most recently we partnered with the Town and the West Hartford Clean Energy Commission to host a forum on cost-saving energy solutions for businesses. Gorski is also very involved with WHy West Hartford, a website and marketing platform created to market West Hartford to visitors, residents and businesses. Beyond the Economic Development Department, the Chamber also works with other town departments. Events like The Holiday Stroll and WeHa Wellness require assistance from Public Works, Parking, Police and Fire. Conversely, the Chamber has been both a sponsor and participant in Celebrate! West Hartford. We provide volunteers for the event and assist in marketing efforts. In West Hartford, we have five distinct neighborhood and business associations. They are, the Elmwood Business Association, The Design District, the Park Road Association, the West Hartford Center Business Association, and the Bishops Corner Neighborhood Association. The Chamber engages with these groups by attending their meetings to learn about their individual concerns and initiatives. The Chamber also lends its support in many ways. In some cases, it could be amplifying marketing of an event such as The Center’s Summer Sales Days. It can also be through our own participation in events such as The Park Road Parade and Park Road Celebrity Breakfast. At times the Chamber will advocate for a concern of one of these organizations. The Chamber has either supported, opposed or offered input with regard to certain zoning changes, new developments, or ordinances.
The Chamber has an excellent working relationship with West Hartford Community Interactive. For many years, WHCiTV has recorded and broadcast the Mayor’s Annual State of the Town Address and the Economic Development Update for the members of the local community to view. Prior to the pandemic, I co-hosted a program that highlighted various neighborhoods and business districts. The challenges of the pandemic inspired some creative thinking and problem solving. For over a year almost all of our programming switched to the virtual world, facilitated largely over Zoom. As the pandemic went on longer than initially anticipated, we began to create new programming. WHCiTV was instrumental in allowing us to reach a much wider audience. Programs such as our Colorful Conversations by our Minority Business Network, Small Business Showcase, and Small Business Forums, which are done in partnership with the Town, were simulcast and reposted to YouTube and cable television.
The West Hartford Chamber also works closely with other chambers of commerce. We collaborate with our neighboring chambers on dual programing and resource collaborations. Statewide we are active members of CACCE (CT Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives), which is CBIA’s (CT Business & Industry Association) chamber support program. We engage with fellow chamber staff and business leaders to support our state’s business community. Recently, our Director of Development & Programming Kate Kobs was recognized by CACCE with the Staff innovation Award for her implementation of much of our virtual programming, creation of TakeOut Time West Hartford - Facebook Group, and co-creation of YPLNCT ( Young Professional Leadership Network of CT), a statewide collaborative group of young professionals groups. The Chamber is also an active member of NEACCE (New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives). This is a regional chamber resource organization. In late 2021, I was invited to participate in a panel at their annual meeting on Innovation and Membership.
As you can see, we are not very different from the businesses and nonprofits we represent. None of them exist alone, nor can they. It is our partnerships and collaborations that aid all of our organizations in the important work they do for the town and citizens of West Hartford.
Christopher Conway is president and CEO of the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce.
Christopher Conway Executive Director West Hartford Chamber of Commerce 860.521.2300 - office 860.810.5663 - cell cconway@whchamber.com www.whchamber.com