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Scéalta ón nDíseart
Bronnadh Sparántacht an Dísirt ar Cholm Morans VTN Mac Gearailt ó Chathair Scoilbín le déánaí – tréimhse cónaitheach mar Fhile Béil. Beidh Colm lonnaithe sa Díseart ó thús Mheán Fómhair 2021 – go Deireadh Feabhra 2022 agus baint aige le grúpaí sa Phobalscoil Dingleagus le grúpaí eile sa phobal. Beidh sé ag comhoibriú le hOidhreacht Chorca Dhuibhne, An Fheile Bheag Filíochta agus le Tobar Dhuibhne.
Is í an litríocht bhéil bun agus barr thraidisiún liteartha na Gaeilge. Is ar éigean ar féidir a cheart a thabhairt do scéal Pheig, mar shampla, ceann do mhórchlasaicí litríocht na Gaeilge, gan é a léamh os ard, Colm Mac Gearailt agus maidir le traidisiún na véarsaíochta de, ní filíocht go reacaireacht, faoi mar a thuig na seanfhilí riamh anall. Is díol suntais an oiread Slam Fhilí atá ag scríobh sa Ghaelainn anois. Thug Colm an svae leis ag Liú Lúnasa 2019 i mBéal Feiriste. Is féidir roinnt dá shaothar a fheiscint ar YouTube.
MORAN'S Morans Tyre Centre Tyre Centre Mail Road, Dingle Dingle (066) 9151155

Is iontach go deo an oiread daoine a bhain taitneamh as Gáirdíní an Dísirt le linn na gcoimeacha ceoil a d'eagraigh Féile na Bealtaine. Bhí na · Large Range in StockLarge Range in Stock Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial Vehicles Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 PRE – NCT CHECKS ALSO AVAILABLE · All Makes and sizes · Competitive Prices · Laser 4 wheel Tracking and Balancing Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 Morans VTN Dingle Morans Tyre Centre Dingle Morans VTN Dingle VTN Centre Competitive Prices Laser 4 Wheel Tracking & Balancing héanlaithe in iomaíocht le Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh! Ná bí ag caint ar glór! Is breá an rud go bhfuil aitheantas á fháil ag foireann Gháirdíní an Dísirt, fé stiúir Bhreda Enright, agus na daoine a chabhraíonn go deonach. Bhí sé mar pholasaí riamh anall ag an Díseart tacú le healaíontóirí dá mhéid agus a fhéadfaí. Is é Domhnal Ó Bric atá linn fé láthair agus is sa Díseart a dhein Deirdre Mc Kenna an obair ullmhúcháin ar thogra na mbratacha do Fhéile na Bealtaine. Beidh Coirmeacha Ceoil á n-eagrú againn ó lár mhí Iúil go lár Lúnasa nuair a bheidh bogadh ar na srianta. Ár mbuíochas le hEalaín na Gaeltachta a mhaoiníonn Scéim na Sparántachata agus na coirmeacha ceoil. _____________________________________________________ The Residency for an Oral Poet is being presented to Colm Mac Gearailt, Cathair Scoilbín. Colm will be based in the Díseart from 6 Meán Fómhair until Feabhra 2022. Behind all the great poetry of Homer's epics and the Psams lies a sophisticated oral tradition which allows for the full aural potential of words to impact on the hearer without having recourse to the abstract process of writing. All poetry, be it oral or written, is best appreciated when Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial VehiclesVehicle testing for all light commercial vehicles recited out loud and the art of presentation being developed by slam poets Open 6 Days Vehicle Testing for all Light Commercial Vehicles · Large Range in Stock · All Makes and sizes Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 Call 066-9151155is ideally suited to the modern era of the spoken word, which continues to replace the written discourse as the preferred medium of communication. An Díseart hopes that the appointment of a slam poet as Artist in Residence will re-establish and nourish the creative art of oral poetry. It was marvellous to see so many people enjoying Gáirdíní An Dísirt during the concerts organised by Féile na Bealtaine at the weekent. The birds made a racket during Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh's concert with Gerry O'Beirne. They were in serious competition. Magical. It is fitting that the work is being acknowledged of the team in Gáirdíní an Dísirt, led by Breda Enright, and also of the volunteers. An Díseart has always had a policy in place to support artists in everyway possible – Domhnal Ó Bric is with us at present and we had Deirdre McKenna MORAN'S QUARRY PRODUCTS Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. Morans Garage - Dingle (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 PRE – NCT CHECKS ALSO AVAILABLE · Competitive Prices · Laser 4 wheel Tracking and Balancing Open 6 Days Monday – Saturday, 9.00am to 6.00pm. (066) 9151129 / (066) 9151155 PRE – NCT CHECKS ALSO AVAILABLE recently working on a project for Féile na Bealtaine. Concerts are planned from mid July to mid August when hopefully we will have far less restrictions. We are extremely grateful to Ealaín na Gaeltacht who are sponsoring the Residency and the forthcoming concerts. • SAND & GRAVEL • LIMESTONE SCREENING Muddy Matters Dog Grooming & CHIPS Experienced & Qualified Groomer • DRAINAGE STONE Friendly & Caring Local Service Collection & Delivery Available • LIME SPREADING Monday - Saturday (flexible hours) Call Lynne on 087-1309803 (066) 9151155