Westlund Industrial Safety Manual

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Westlund Industrial Safety Manual Contents Health and Safety: Overview A. Westlund H & S : Getting Started 1. 2. 3. 4.

Health and Safety Employee Booklet Safety Orientation Checklist Safety Checklist for Managers H & S Committees Meeting Agenda

B. General: SPIs and Policies 5. Standard Instruction: Health and Safety (SPI 221) 6. Health and Safety Discipline (SPI 226) Discipline SPI Supplement 7. Standard Practice Instruction: Working Alone – Safety (SPI 227) Early and Safe Return to Work Policies 8. Accident Reporting Procedure Accident/Incident Investigation Report WCB Employer’s Report of Injury or Occupational Disease 9. Workplace Violence Policy 10. Workplace Smoking Policy C. Warehouse Safety: Policies and Procedures 11. H & S Policy for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 12. Rolling Staircases Policy 13. Industrial Steel Storage Racking Procedures Damage Racking Assessment 14. Forklift Training Policy Forklift Practical Exam Form 15. Workplace Inspections Workplace Inspection Sheet D. Training Guides and Safety Information for the Workplace 16. Hazard Assessment and Control 17. WHIMIS- Workplace Hazardous Material Information System 18. TDG – Transportation of Dangerous Goods 19. Compressed Gas Safety 20. Fires and Extinguishers 21. Slip and Fall Training 22. Back Safety and Lifting Program

Westlund: Health and Safety 2011

An important aspect of any Health and Safety program is to educate, inform and give employees the knowledge they require to do their jobs safely and to the best of their ability. We want all of our employees to be able to do their jobs without the risk of personal injury. No one wants to be a statistic. Safety is a word we hear all the time. Our goal through continued cooperation and education is to help you think safety on your jobs 100% of the time.

The Objectives for 2011 are as follows:  Achieve a Lost Time Incident Rate of 0.4 (injury rate per 100 staff) or Less  100% Completion of Safety Orientation, Back Safety Training, WHMIS, and Slip & Fall Training  100% Completion of Workplace Inspection Training for all Joint Health & Safety Committees or Safety Representatives  100% Completion of Workplace Inspections Quarterly Health & Safety Steering Committee Meetings In All Regions



An important aspect of any Health and Safety program is to educate, inform and give employees the knowledge they require to do their jobs safely and to the best of their ability. We want all of our employees to be able to do their jobs without the risk of personal injury. No one wants to be a statistic. Safety is a word we hear all the time. Our goal through continued cooperation and education is to help you think safety on your jobs 100% of the time. We need your help. Please help us achieve that goal.


CONTENTS Page Statement of Health and Safety Policy


General Responsibilities for Health and Safety Employer Supervisor Employee Committee/Representative


Procedure for Reporting Injuries


General Workplace Conditions Compressed Gas Cylinders Lift Trucks Material Handling Office Safety Ergonomics Vehicle Operation

6 6 6 7 7 8 8

Emergency Procedures Fire Spills Explosion/Earthquake

10 10 11 11

Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS)


Reporting Unsafe Conditions


Personal Protective Equipment



STATEMENT OF HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Emco Corporation is committed to providing a safe environment for its employees and visitors and complying with all applicable health and safety requirements. One of EMCO’s strategic priorities is to prevent injuries and accidents in the workplace such that "No One at Emco Gets Hurt". Injuries can have a serious physical and emotional impact on our employees, as well as a significant negative effect on family members and co-workers. EMCO’s management supports safety committees in all facilities, provides training, designs systems and improves processes to ensure that Emco is an injury free company. EMCO’s goal is to ensure that all operations are performed to standards that meet or exceed the respective Occupational Health and Safety Acts, protecting the health and safety of all persons involved. All employees have a responsibility to prevent workplace injury and accidents, unsafe work conditions and practices, and adverse environmental conditions. Every employee must be aware of his/her own safety and that of fellow workers in order to achieve an injury free work environment. This responsibility must be carried out in the same manner as our business philosophies relating to ethics, service, quality and profitability. It is every employee’s responsibility to be adequately trained in how to complete tasks safely and how to identify and report hazards and potential risks. All employees are responsible for working safely in compliance with all applicable health and safety requirements, with equal concern for their safety and that of co-workers and visitors. All employees are expected to make health and safety an integral part of their job. No job is so important and no service is so urgent, that employees cannot take the time to perform work safely. Thank you for your support in this critical area. ____________________________________ Rick Fantham President January 3, 2006


GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES FOR HEALTH AND SAFETY We all have a responsibility towards Health and Safety. Lets work together for a safe workplace.


- Overall responsibility for policy direction and planning - Provide necessary equipment, materials and protective devices - Provide information, instruction and supervision to protect the Health and Safety employees - Ensure Hazard Assessments are completed in accordance with Provincial Legislation


- Supervision to ensure correct working procedures - Communication of hazards and control procedures - Employee training - Take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of an employee - Ensure Hazard Assessments are completed in accordance with Provincial Legislation


- Reporting hazards, accidents and injuries - Wearing personal protective equipment as required - Following job procedures - No employee should use equipment or work in a manner that may endanger him/her self or any other employee - Ensure participation in completing Hazard Assessments in accordance with Provincial Legislation

Health and Safety Rep/ Committee

- Identify hazards - Make recommendations on Health and Safety issues - Recommend Health and Safety programs - Accident investigation - Workplace inspection


PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING INJURIES EMCO maintains first aid kits in all of our facilities. Larger facilities may also have first aid rooms. In addition, each facility has at least one qualified First Aid certificate holder. First Aid Cases  Employees should report first aid cases to their supervisor and to the first aid attendant immediately.  The first aid attendant will provide any initial treatment, and assess the injury for possible medical aid treatment  The first aid attendant will keep a record of the injury in accordance with local legislation. Medical Aid Cases  A medical aid case is where the employee seeks medical attention beyond first aid, such as a Doctor, the hospital or a chiropractor  Medical aid cases must be reported to your supervisor immediately  Your supervisor, with the assistance of a health and safety rep., or committee rep., will investigate the injury and complete and file a Worker’s Compensation report.  Medical Aid Cases require completion of the EMCO Return To Work Report. The supervisor is responsible to ensure that the worker receives the report and provides a blank copy to the medical practitioner for completion. After the medical visit, all staff must notify the Profit Centre Manager or Supervisor of the status of the injury, as per the medical evaluation. Lost Time Injuries  A lost time injury is similar to a medical aid claim except that an employee loses time from work after the date of injury.  The same procedure is followed here as with a medical aid claim, except that a copy of the accident report must also be reported to the National Health & Safety Manager. Critical or Serious Injuries  Critical injuries may involve such things as a fracture, amputation, significant loss of blood, and usually involve an extended stay in the hospital  In addition to reporting to your Worker’s Compensation Office, the manager/supervisor must also report the injury to the Ministry of Labour (or equivalent) in each province.

Note Regarding Worker’s Compensation Benefits Employees who miss time from work beyond the date of injury may be entitled to benefits from the Worker’s Compensation Board. Please check with your supervisor or HR Services representative for details. 5

GENERAL WORKPLACE CONDITIONS The following conditions exist in most EMCO facilities and will require some extra attention on your part to make sure you understand and are following all safety procedures. Compressed Gas Cylinders  Gas cylinders, such as propane tanks, must be secured in position during use as well as storage.  When stored, tanks must be kept upright, and secured from falling

Lift Trucks  Only trained and designated operators should operate a lift truck  Before use, check your truck and ensure that all guards and enclosures are in place and that brakes, lights, and forks are working properly. Report defects, leaks, etc., to your supervisor immediately  On all grades, the load must be tilted back and raised only as far as necessary to clear the road or floor surface  When leaving a forklift unattended the forks must be fully lowered, controls neutralized, power shut off, brakes set, key removed, and the wheels blocked if parked on an incline.  Forklift operators must slow down and sound the horn at all cross aisles and other locations where vision is obstructed.  Propane cylinders must be exchanged at least 7.5 meters from an ignition source.  No riders are allowed on lift trucks.

Note: Regarding the use of Pickers If employees are required to work from a picker, or picker basket, (working in circumstances where they are raised over 3 metres), they must wear a safety harness secured by lanyard to the platform, or a suitable anchor point on the lift carriage or back rest assembly.


Material Handling  

Every employee should determine what he or she feels they can comfortably lift. Where an employee finds something uncomfortable to lift or move they shall seek assistance form another employee, or a mechanical lifting device. Size up the load and check overall conditions. Do not attempt to lift alone if it appears too heavy or awkward. Keep the load close to your body.

1. Bend the knees and keep your back straight 2. Lift by pushing up with the legs making full use of this strongest set of muscles 3. Do not twist the body. To change direction, shift the foot position and turn the whole body. Office Safety The office is like any other work environment in that it may present potential health and safety hazards. Most of these, however, may be minimized or eliminated by designing jobs and workplaces properly, and by taking into account differences among tasks and individuals. Electrical Electric cords should be examined on a routine basis for fraying and exposed wiring. Particular attention should be paid to connections behind furniture, since files and bookcases may be pushed tightly against electric outlets, severely bending the cord at the plug. Housekeeping Passageways in offices should be free and clear of obstructions. Proper layout, spacing, and arrangement of equipment, furniture, and machinery are essential. All aisles within the office should be clearly defined and kept free of obstructions. Computers When work is conducted at a computer, the top of the display screen should be at, or just slightly below, eye level. This allows the eyes to view the screen at a comfortable level, without having to tilt the head or move the back muscles.  

Control glare at the source whenever possible; place VDTs so that they are parallel to direct sources of light such as windows and overhead lights, and use window treatments if necessary. Arms should be bent at right angles at the elbow, with the hands held in a straight line with forearms and elbows close to the body. The head should be in line with the body and slightly forward.


Ergonomics A basic definition of ergonomics is the relationship between people and their work, including workstation layout, and the machines, equipment and tools they use in performing their jobs. It is recommended that employees and supervisors work together on effective ergonomics and job design modifications. Following are some ergonomic considerations. 

The important factors to consider (alone or in combination) when dealing with ergonomic hazards are: - repetition - force - awkward body positions

Ergonomic hazards can cause immediate health problems such as a pulled muscle, chronic health problems such as repetitive strain injuries and can cause injuries because of the fatigue or errors caused by the physical demands of the work.

Recognize the symptoms of Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD) such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; numbness, pain, difficulty in holding objects, and restricted movement in the fingers.

Look for ergonomic hazards in: - the physical demand of the work - workstation design - tool design - organization of work - manual material handling

When lifting, test the weight of the load before lifting and whenever possible, eliminate lifting by using a material handling device. If lifting is necessary, bend at the knees and hips and use leg power to lift.

Vehicle Operation This section is designed to help you identify some of the hazards you face on the road. Whether you are commuting to work, transporting goods to and from EMCO, or travel as a part of your job, road safety is a significant concern. Inattention and Distraction A distraction is something that takes your attention away from driving. This leads to inattention, which is a loss of concentration while driving. Even a momentary distraction while driving can be disastrous. Some of the top driver errors that result in collisions with casualties are:



Following too closely Running off the road Turing left in front of oncoming vehicles Disobeying traffic signals

Speed For many drivers, speeding is a habit. Many of us drive above the posted speed limit, or drive too fast for road conditions. The greater the speed, the greater the likelihood of a collision. You have less time to react and less distance to stop. Managing Emotions All emotions, whether positive or negative, can affect your driving behaviour. The most serious emotions are negative ones, which often lead to aggressive driving. Don’t offend other drivers; cutting people off, driving slowly in the passing lane and tailgating can prompt a violent response. Do not respond to aggressive drivers, and avoid eye contact. If you believe you are being followed, do not go home. Drive to the nearest police or fire station, or busy public place. Fatigue Drowsiness affects your ability to drive in a way that is similar to alcohol, slowing reaction time, decreasing alertness and impairing judgement. If you feel you are at risk, pull over to the side of the road and take a walk or drive to a safe place and get some sleep.


EMERGENCY PROCEDURES This section will provide you with basic knowledge about emergencies most likely to occur in your workplace and what can be done to control them and minimise their impact on our lives and our business. Fire The employee who discovers a fire should assess whether the fire is small enough to be put out using a portable extinguisher. If so, make sure you follow these steps:    

Activate the fire alarm system, and/or warn fellow employees of the fire. Call 911 (or other number if needed – ensure the appropriate numbers are posted) Attempt to extinguish the fire while keeping yourself between the fire and the nearest exit door. Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flames and unload the extinguisher.

If you cannot put out the fire, or there is a large fire;  

Close the door to the area to confine and contain the fire. Leave the area and evacuate the building to the designated meeting place or muster station

When you hear the alarm, all employees must evacuate the building and go to the designated meeting point. Before opening any door, feel the door for heat with the back of your hand. If not hot, brace yourself against the door and open slightly. If you feel air pressure or hot draft, close the door immediately. If you find no fire or smoke, leave and close the door behind you. If you encounter smoke or fire in a corridor or stairwell, go to an alternate exit.




Ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, rubber, dust, most plastics and materials that combine these solids.


Class B fires involve flammable liquids, greases, and gases.


This classification involves the presence of electrical energy.


The burning of combustible metals, such as magnesium, or potassium.

Spill Spills differ from other emergencies as several different concerns must be managed; namely, protection of the environment, human health and safety and property. An employee discovering a spill should take care not to come in contact with the material spilled even when trying to identify the material in question. Once the substance is identified, employees in cleaning up the spill must wear the appropriate personal protective equipment. Information on proper spill pick up procedures is found on the Material Safety Data Sheets. Explosion/Earthquake If the building moves due to a shock or impact caused by an explosion, earthquake or serious accident employees should:   

Assess the situation Pull the fire alarm (if needed) Follow the evacuation procedure for fires.


WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) WHMIS is a communication system providing essential information about hazardous materials used in the workplace. WHMIS was legislated into effect throughout Canada in order to reduce injury caused by overexposure to hazardous materials. Materials are deemed to be hazardous if they meet the criteria of any of the 6 WHMIS hazard classes and are not exempt from the WHMIS legislation. 1. Class A: Compressed Gas 2. Class B: Combustible and Flammable Material 3. Class C: Oxidizing Material 4. Class D: Immediate and Serious Toxic Effects Other Toxic Effects Biohazardous Infectious Material 5. Class E: Corrosive Material 6. Class F: Dangerously Reactive Material WHMIS provides important information about the hazards of workplace materials through three interrelated components. a) Labels If materials are controlled under WHMIS legislation, they must be properly labeled. The label must identify what the product is, what the product’s hazards are, and the precautions to be taken. Additionally the label will direct people to the MSDS (material safety data sheet), the second component of the WHMIS information delivery system.


b) Material Safety Data Sheet The MSDS contains detailed information about the properties of the material, its hazards and corresponding protective measures, and the procedures to follow in the event of an emergency. The data provided within the MSDS supplements the information provided on the label. At a minimum, the MSDS must contain the nine categories of information described below.         

Product Information, gives the product identifier name, emergency number, manufacturers name and address, and suppliers name and address Hazardous Ingredients, all ingredients listed with percentages Physical Data, physical description of the material Fire and Explosion Hazard Reactivity Data, how stable the product is and how it will react to other products Toxicological Properties, how exposure can affect employees Preventative Measures, methods and procedures to protect employees First Aid Measures Preparation Information, identifies who prepared the MSDS


REPORTING UNSAFE CONDITIONS In general, workers can refuse work if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the job they are performing or are asked to perform poses a danger either to himself or herself or to another worker. Workers may also refuse work if they feel the physical conditions of the workplace are dangerous to their health and safety. Work Refusal Flow Chart: WORKER/OH&S CONCERN REFUSAL










PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment is designed to prevent injury or occupational exposure to employees, customers, or any visitor to an EMCO location. It is a requirement that all employees be properly informed on the use of PPE as well as the requirement for regular inspection. Employees are required to wear the appropriate PPE as supplied by EMCO. Employees shall work together with Management to identify and mitigate the workplace risks and identify the appropriate PPE for any job task. The ultimate responsibility for the safety of employees and visitors rests with the Profit Centre Manager. Footwear Warehouse, shop and yard employees are required to wear safety footwear at all times. Exceptions can only be made within the warehouse or shop when clearly marked pathways are identified using yellow paint or an acceptable means of identification. Visitors shall also wear safety footwear when within the warehouse, shop or yard and exceptions can only be made when accompanied by EMCO employees. To comply with CSA standards, footwear should be substantial, should fit so that toes are about 12.5mm back from the front of the protective toe cap when standing with the boots laced and have toe caps that are permanently attached to the footwear. Soles and heals should be of anti-slip material. Emco will annually reimburse an employee up to $75.00 towards the purchase of such footwear. An arrangement has been made with Marks Work Wearhouse to offer Emco employees an additional 10% discount off the total shoe price if the footwear is purchased at a Marks location. Headwear Protective headwear is also recommended in areas where there might be a danger of objects falling or as per hazard assessments conducted within each Profit Centre. It is suggested that all forklifts be supplied with safety headwear and that this headwear be properly secured when not in use to prevent the possibility of it becoming a projectile in an emergency stop. Protective headwear should also be provided to each visitor before entering an Emco warehouse, where appropriate. Safety Vests


It is recommended that all EMCO Employees wear safety vests or equivalent when in the warehouse, shop or yard. It is also recommended that EMCO Visitors also wear safety vests or equivalent. Safety Glasses Safety Glasses shall be supplied in accordance with Z94.3.1-02 Protective Eyewear and shall be worn when welding or chipping, hammering, using a power tool for drilling boring or shaping, handling chemicals, demolishing product, cutting pipe and grinding operations. Furthermore, completion of hazard assessments shall determine further requirements for mitigating risks associated with potential eye injuries. Safety Harness and Lanyards Safety Harnesses and Lanyards shall conform to CSA code Z259.1 or equivalent and shall be worn when working above various heights. Profit Centre Managers shall ensure that Occupational Health & Safety Committees or representatives consult the local Occupational Health & Safety legislation to determine requirements for your province. All Cherry pickers shall be equipped with approved Safety Harnesses and Lanyards. Safety harnesses shall be inspected prior to each use. Ear Muffs and Ear Protection Ear protection must be worn when noise levels exceed 85 decibels or wherever indicated by a posted sign. Where there is a possibility of exceeding this threshold, testing is to occur to determine areas where noise levels are in excess of 85 decibels. Respirators and Dust Masks Respirators and dust masks shall be worn where there is danger to health from harmful concentrations of gases, vapors, mists, or dusts. Employees shall ensure they consult the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet where applicable. Respiratory hazards shall be identified during hazard assessments. Personal Protective Clothing When working in adverse conditions such as cold, dirt, grease, pipe fusion, welding, grinding, etc., please ensure that the appropriate clothing is used to ensure risk of injury is minimized. All staff shall determine hazards of working in adverse conditions by completing hazard assessments as per your provincial occupational health and safety requirements.


Gloves Gloves shall always be worn when handling sharp objects such as sheet metal, gaskets and pipe. Gloves shall also be worn when handling corrosive chemicals. Please consult the Material Safety Data Sheet prior to handling any chemical for the appropriate handling procedures and personal protective equipment.


Health and Safety Committees "At EMCO, the Health and Safety of our Employees is of primary importance. EMCO accepts the responsibility of providing an environment which embodies safe behaviors and EMCO is committed to complying with applicable health and safety requirements." At EMCO, our policy is to have a Joint Health & Safety Committee in every work place where we employ 20 or more employees.

COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Committee size may vary by the size of the work place, but members must consist of both management and worker representatives. To work effectively, all members must leave their titles at the door.

MEETING FREQUENCY Committees must meet at least once every 3 months.

AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Typical committee functions include:  identifying work place hazards through facility inspections, looking at the process and the product,  making recommendations to management,  identifying education and training needs,  keeping MSDS sheets current,  researching hazards and hazardous substances,  maintaining records, distributing minutes of meeting,  assist in accident investigation; and  develop Occupational Health and Safety policies and programs 

MEETING FORMAT Keeping the meeting format consistent helps insure efficient and productive meetings:  Set and review agenda, check if any additional items need to be added  Review minutes of last meeting  Discuss outstanding issues, delete those that have been dealt with  Review safety inspection report  Review new issues/concerns and place under new business; include recommendations to deal with each item  Review of accident/incident reports  Discuss any plans for program development, training/education or invite a guest to speak on a topic of interest such as safe lifting techniques, or use of personal protective equipment  Adjourn the meeting; (don’t forget to have the minutes recorded and posted).

EMCO Corporation Health & Safety Committee Meeting Agenda Participants: List Participants on your meeting minutes. Include a list of absent members.

Scope: This agenda applies to all Health & Safety Committee or Representatives of each Profit Centre within EMCO.

Objectives:   

To ensure meetings cover all topics required for effective management of the Profit Centre Health & Safety Program To ensure meetings encompass the requirements of the National Health & Safety Program To ensure JHSC meet provincial requirements

Topic for Review During Each Joint Health & Safety Committee Meeting

Review Previous Meeting Minutes Review monthly workplace inspection reports since last meeting Discussion of New Hires & ensure Safety Orientations are completed. Review Training Expiry Reports (Peoplesoft) & schedule new training. (BACK SAFETY, TDG, WHMIS, Forklift, First Aid, etc.) Review Accident Investigation Reports since last meeting. Review EMCO Health & Safety Website Updates Since Last Meeting Review New Business Complete Minutes and post for all staff to view. Submit minutes to your Worker’s Compensation office if required. Keep a copy of the fax confirmation for proof.

ACCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURE Revised April 6, 2010 An important part of our overall Accident Investigation Procedure involves proper reporting of accident information in order to:  Identify the Root Cause of the incident and prevent recurrence.  Establish potential Workers’ Compensation claims  Satisfy legislative reporting requirements  Keep senior management informed Types of Incidents to Report (most serious to least serious): Crticical Injury, Lost Time, Medical Aid, First Aid, and Near Miss. Critical Injuries must be reported immediately. Lost Time and Medical Aid all must be reported to your Workers Compensation Office and EMCO Health & Safety within 72 hours. Please see the links section to link to the Worker's Compensation Board in your province. All accidents are to be reported and investigated by the Joint Health & Safety Committee or Representative. All the accidents above are to be reported through the Peoplesoft Accident Reporting System. Contact your Profit Centre Manager for Peoplesoft Updates or contact EMCO AUDIT SERVICESThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Effective immediately, the following Accident Reporting Procedure will be followed:

WORKPLACE INJURIES (no lost time involved)   

 

Work place injuries requiring professional medical attention (attended by a Doctor, Hospital or Chiropractor) must be reported to your local Worker’s Compensation Insurance office using the form(s), which they provide. The report must be completed by the Profit Center Manager or designate. In addition, most Provinces/Territories have additional reporting requirements depending on the nature and severity of the accident. Please refer to the attached summary for details. Additionally, the Profit Center Manager shall be informed of the fitness for return to work on the day of the injury. Where possible, employees must have the physician complete the "Emco Return to Work Report" and subsequently the employee must notify their immediate manager or supervisor of the details of the report. Please ensure that the Profit Center Managers complete the "Accident Report". This report includes a checklist to be used to identify the causes of the accident. Please ensure you review the potential causes as outlined in this document in order to assist you in identifying the Root Cause of the accident. ALWAYS TAKE PICTURES OF THE ACCIDENT SCENE AND INCLUDE THEM WITH THE REPORT.


Please ensure that the Profit Center Managers complete the "Accident Report”. This report includes a checklist to be used to identify the causes of the accident. Please ensure you review the potential causes as outlined in this document in order to assist you in identifying the Root Cause of the accident. ALWAYS TAKE PICTURES OF THE ACCIDENT SCENE AND INCLUDE THEM WITH THE REPORT. In addition to the above reporting requirements, a copy of all lost time injury reports must be sent to: EMCO AUDIT SERVICESThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

519-453-9600 (office)

CRITICAL INJURIES In addition to the above reporting requirements, Critical Work Place Accidents (per the attached definition) must be reported to Emco's Legal Department as follows: 1. notification (phone) immediately upon occurrence,


copy of the accident report (fax or e mail) within 48 hours of the occurrence to:

Mark Whitley VP General Counsel 519-645-3929 (office) 519-645-2465 (fax) EMCO Audit Services National Support Centre 519-453-9600 (office) ALWAYS TAKE PICTURES OF THE ACCIDENT SCENE AND INCLUDE THEM WITH THE "ACCIDENT REPORT"

Critical Work Place Accident Definition Work Place Accident Causing Personal Injury  work place accident resulting in death  amputation  loss of sight in an eye  fracture of a major bone  internal bleeding  unconsciousness  burns to a major part of the body or Work Place Accident Other Than Personal Injury  major release of toxic or hazardous substance  accidental explosion or fire  major structural failure or collapse of a building, crane, hoist, or temporary support system Have questions? Please call EMCO Audit Services at 519.453.9600. PROVINCIAL AND TERRITORY LEGISLATIVE ACCIDENT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS

Workplace Violence Policy Purpose It is EMCO’s policy to promote a safe environment for its employees. We are committed to working with our employees to maintain a work environment free from violence, harassment, intimidation and other disruptive behaviour Acts, or threats of physical violence, including intimidation, harassment, or coercion, which involve of affect the Company, or which occur on Company property will not be tolerated. All reports of incidents will be taken seriously and will be dealt with appropriately. Individuals who commit such acts may be removed from the premises and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Provisions Employee Questions Employees shall refer any questions regarding his/her rights and obligations under this policy to the Human Resource Department.

Acts or Threats of Violence Defined Acts or threats of violence means the attempted or actual exercise by a person of any physical force so as to cause injury to an employee, and includes any threatening statement or behaviour which gives an employee reasonable cause to believe that he or she is at risk of injury. Examples include but are not limited to the following: All threats or acts of violence occurring on Company premises, regardless of the relationship between the Company and the parties involved in the incident.  All threats or acts of violence occurring off the Company premises involving a person while acting as a representative of the Company.  All threats or acts of violence occurring off the premises involving an employee of the Company if the treats or acts affect the interests of the Company.

Examples of Prohibited Conduct Specific examples of conduct that may be considered "threats or acts of violence" prohibited under this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:  Hitting or shoving an individual  Threatening to harm an individual or his/her family, friends, associates, or their property The intentional destruction or threat of destruction of property owned, operated, or controlled by Emco Corporation  Making harassing or threatening telephone calls, letters, or other forms of written or electronic communications  Intimidating or attempting to coerce an employee to do wrongful acts that would affect the business interests of Emco Corporation  Harassing surveillance, or "stalking"; the willful and malicious repeated following of another person and making a credible threat with intent to place the other person in reasonable fear of his or her safety  Making a suggestion or otherwise intimating that an act to injure persons or property is appropriate, without regard to the location where such suggestion or intimation occurs.  Unauthorized possession or inappropriate use of firearms, weapons, or any other dangerous devices on Emco Corporation property.

Reporting Incidents of threats or acts of violence are to be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor, or in there absence, the Human Resource department. The Human Resource department will promptly investigate all reports. Appropriate corrective action, up to and including discharge or immediate suspension, will be taken as warranted.

All complaints will be held as confidential as possible, and no employee will be retaliated against for reporting violations of this policy.

Workplace Smoking Policy Background and Purpose Emco Corporation is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable and productive work environment for our employees, customers and visitors. Medical evidence clearly shows that smoking is harmful to the health of smokers. Smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes is also an irritant to many non-smokers and can worsen allergic conditions. In an effort to consider the needs and concerns of smokers and non-smokers alike, and to provide a healthful working environment for every EMCO employee, we have developed a three-part policy as follows:  Non smoking assistance in conjunction with the Lung Association  Effective immediately, define non smoking areas per legislative requirements  Effective January 1, 1999, EMCO becomes smoke free

Assistance for Smokers Surveys reveal that nine out of ten smokers would like to quit smoking, and nearly 30 percent of them will make a serious attempt this year. Many employees whose smoking is restricted at the workplace report they are able to quit smoking. Emco is pleased to assist employees to quit smoking in conjunction with The Lung Association with the following programs: 1. Get on Track; (available both in French and English), this is a self-help guide to help you quit smoking. Your manager has a sample copy of the program and will make one available to you on request. 2. I Want to Quit Smoking; a 5 part self help program available from the National Lung Association.

A Guide to EMCO’s Workplace Smoking Policy The Workplace Smoking Policy sets out clear restrictions on smoking in the workplace. Here’s what it does… 1. Effective Immediately: Smoking will be prohibited in certain areas for safety or legal reasons. These areas include:  eating areas *  conference, meeting and training rooms, laboratories  areas where flammable liquids or gases are used or stored  areas designated by our insurers, municipal by laws, or fire authorities * smoking in eating areas may be allowed if the eating area is available to the public and smoking is allowed by municipal by laws. Note: Every Emco facility should already be in compliance with applicable provincial and/or municipal laws regarding smoking. Please contact the Emco Health and Safety Steering Committee (1-519-645-3953) if you require additional information. 2. Effective January 1st, 1999 all EMCO facilities will become non-smoking facilities.

Putting the Policy to Work in Your Facility The following steps serve as a guide to follow in putting the smoking policy to work in your facility. 1. Managers should involve their Health and Safety Committees as early as possible to assist with the transition to a smoke free workplace in terms of communication and education. 2. If designated areas are in place today, managers are required to post signs that identify the designated smoking area(s) in the workplace. No new designated areas should be established. 3. Managers, whether they have designated a smoking area or have chosen to prohibit smoking in the workplace prior to January 1st, are responsible for ensuring compliance in their workplace. In other words, they are required to ensure that smoking is confined to the designated areas or, if smoking is prohibited, to ensure that no one smokes in the workplace. 4. Managers should give all assistance possible to support those employees who wish to quit smoking, keeping in mind, all EMCO facilities will be non-smoking effective January 1st, 1999.

A Final Thought Both for smokers and non-smokers, the recommendation to avoid as much as possible all tobacco smoke, (whether by active or passive smoking) is a prudent preventative medicine measure


Rolling Staircases Policy MOBILE LADDER STANDS AND MOBILE LADDER STAND PLATRORM POLICY (A.K.A. ROLLING STAIRCASES) PURPOSE Legislative requirements regarding ROLLING STAIRCASE inspection/training vary provincially. Emco Corporation’s Policy (based on the American National Standard for Mobile Ladder Stands and Mobile Ladder Stand Platforms - ANSI – ASC A14.7-2006) is aimed at injury prevention, inspection, training, avoiding regulatory noncompliance and providing the safest equipment possible. POLICY  All mobile ladder stands and ladder stand platforms shall be clearly labeled (at approximate eye level) as meeting the requirements of the above referenced standard (ANSI A14.7).  All units are to be inspected monthly to ensure structural integrity.  All units are to be formally inspected and documented during monthly workplace inspections (see workplace inspection form)  Records of inspections are to be stored on site and made available to inspectors/auditors.  All units that do not meet the above noted standard are to be discarded or destroyed.  A complete listing of types of ladder stands and ladder stand platforms are available for viewing from the EMCO Health & Safety Website under ‘Rolling Staircase’.  All employees are trained in this policy during ‘Safety Orientation’ and records of the orientation are to be submitted as "Training"

Forklift Training Policy PURPOSE Legislative requirements regarding forklift operator training vary provincially. Emco Corporation’s Forklift Training Policy (based on the CSA Safety Standard for Lift Trucks B335-04) is aimed at clearing up regional inconsistencies, avoiding regulatory non-compliance and providing the safest workplaces possible.


  

Each forklift operator must receive theory training followed by practical instruction before operating a forklift and an evaluation of his/her competency and ability to operate a powered industrial truck safely. The outcomes of the training must include knowledge/understanding of applicable legislation, lift truck operating principles and workplace specific hazards as well as demonstrable skill at general forklift operation, load handling, refueling/recharging, routine operational maintenance, & daily inspections. Each forklift operator must receive full retraining every three years for theory & practical and training must be completed by a qualified trainer (trained in TDG, WHMIS & Lift Truck training). Each forklift operator must have a practical mid-term skills evaluation conducted every eighteen months. Practical mid-term evaluations can be completed by the Health & Safety Committee Co-chairs (or representative for smaller locations) Each forklift operator must be given refresher training whenever: (a) he/she is observed operating a forklift unsafely (b) he/she is assigned to operate a different or unfamiliar type of forklift (c) there is an accident or near-miss involving a lift truck (d) there are changes in workplace conditions affecting forklift operation (e) applicable legislative changes All forklift operator training and evaluation must be conducted by person(s) who have the knowledge, training and experience to train lift truck operators and evaluate their competence. Trainers must be able to take the instructional material and present it in a manner that other employees/operators will understand, comprehend and retain

Workplace Inspections - Four Steps to Safety and Health

What is a Workplace Inspection? A workplace inspection is a necessary and critical part of a safety and health program in which the workplace is examined closely on a regular basis for the purpose of:  identifying and recording potential and actual hazards associated with buildings, equipment, environment, processes and practices;  identifying any hazards which require immediate attention, whether they are unsafe conditions or unsafe acts;  ensuring that existing hazard controls are functioning adequately; and  where appropriate, recommending corrective action. Within any safety program, there may in fact be a variety of types of inspections, for example:  spot inspections may be undertaken on a random basis as part of general safety responsibilities;  pre-operation checks of special equipment or work processes are often necessary before work is carried out;  critical parts inspections are regular planned inspections of those critical parts of a machine, piece of equipment, or system which have a high potential for serious accidents. They are often part of planned or preventive maintenance procedures, or hazard control programs;  new equipment inspections are thorough inspections and checks before operations begin;  regular planned inspections are done on a regular basis in a defined workplace and cover all conditions including work practices and procedures. Regular planned inspections are the subject of this bulletin, however, the principles which apply to this type of inspection can easily be adapted to other types of inspections.

Legal Requirements Part II of the Canada Labour Code states that it is every employer's duty to protect the safety and health of every employee while at work. Specific duties of the employer are enumerated in the Code. One of the ways in which these duties are carried out is by conducting regular inspections and ensuring that the standards prescribed by the regulations are complied with. It is also important that the appropriate parts of your provincial Occupational Safety and Health Regulations be consulted prior to and during an inspection to ensure compliance.

Remember:  

Inspections are a necessary and critical part of a safety and health program. Inspections can help ensure that your workplace meets the requirements of the Canada Labour Code and your Provincial Occupational Safety and Health Regulations.

Role of Workplace Inspections in a Safety and Health Program The purpose and function of workplace inspections must be seen within the context of the whole safety and health program. It is not an isolated function, but relates to the major objectives of the program, namely:  to identify hazards (unsafe conditions and unsafe acts);  to set standards and related procedures;  to establish controls; and  to monitor the effectiveness of controls. Effectively carried out inspections are used to assist and improve other elements of the program. Inspections are a critical component of safety and health programs. They help  to identify possible corrective action for identified hazards; and

 to monitor the effectiveness of controls. Inspections should not be treated as isolated events or "once-and-for-all time" exercises. To be effective they must be conducted on a regular basis and be part of a systematic program aimed at accident prevention. The steps involved in establishing a sound workplace inspection system are: 1. Planning 2. Inspection 3. Reporting 4. Monitoring These steps are considered in the sections that follow.

Step One: Planning Policy and Procedures The first step in preparing for effective inspections is planning. This involves considering and establishing appropriate policy and procedures. As for any other element of the safety program, it is important that senior management show their commitment to the activity and to its objectives. This can be done by establishing and making known a policy related to the overall safety and health program. The form of the policy and its content will vary depending on the company, but the following general points should be considered in developing it:  commitment of senior management;  the role of inspections in attaining overall workplace safety and health objectives;  who is responsible and accountable for carrying out an effective inspection system;  what the employers and employees must do to comply with the spirit and intent of the occupational safety and health legislation. If the inspection system is to be effective, it is critical that appropriate procedures are established. Such procedures should ensure that:  the timing of inspections and the areas to be covered are defined;  it is clear who is to carry out inspections, consider recommendations, and take necessary corrective action; and  the actual inspections are carried out by persons with suitable experience, training and knowledge of the workplace. Let us consider some of these aspects a little further. Who should conduct inspections? The following points should be considered:  regular planned inspections could be conducted by a team consisting of the plant/department manager or branch manager, along with an employee familiar with the work process and a member of the safety and health committee or the safety and health representative;  rotating teams could be used taking into account different shifts at the workplace and other factors;  when inspecting special equipment or processes, it may be useful to have an appropriate specialist on the inspection team, e.g., an engineer, electrician or other; What should be inspected? No workplace can be considered entirely free from hazards. It follows, therefore, that all workplaces within an establishment should be inspected including, for example, the office, storage areas, and the maintenance areas. Also included should be areas where normally no work is performed, such as the parking lot, the canteen, and locker rooms. However, in deciding how many separate inspections are necessary and the timing and frequency of each inspection, the following should be considered:  the number of different processes or operations and their scale, since different processes involving different machinery or employees may warrant separate inspections;  certain hazardous equipment requires inspections at set intervals;  work processes with a high hazard potential may require separate and more frequent inspection;  number of shifts (inspections should be conducted on every shift, since the nature of the activity may vary from one shift to another);

special inspections are necessary when a new process or piece of machinery is introduced into the workplace.

Who should review inspection reports? No matter how well conducted, inspections are worthwhile only if items raised are carefully considered and action is taken to correct identified hazards. The level and types of persons given this responsibility will vary from one organization to another. However, the following should be kept in mind in allocating such responsibility:  analyzing inspection reports is a critical function for safety and health committees and representatives;  at least one person reviewing reports should have the authority necessary to take or plan for corrective action and to delegate as required;  some issues may require the opinion of an expert such as a design engineer or an industrial hygienist;  follow-up action and feedback to those conducting inspections is an important factor in motivation;  items spotted during an inspection which represent an immediate danger should be reported to the responsible supervisor or manager immediately, and action should be taken at once.

Information Requirements The extent to which anyone can carry out an effective inspection depends on his or her ability to identify hazards. This involves knowledge and understanding of:  the nature of the process including an understanding of working procedures;  the applicable safety standards and requirements, whether they are standards identified in the OHSA regulations, company standards, or from other sources;  the range of potential hazards associated with the equipment, the machinery, the process, or the environment;  previous accidents and problem areas. Basically, what one needs to know to conduct an effective safety inspection is the following: Facility layout:  buildings;  basic layout plans showing equipment and machinery used;  process flow, start up and shut down times;  information on possible hazardous substances used;  storage areas;  exits;  other specific requirements of the workplace. Legal requirements and standards:  Part II of the Code and OHSA Regulations;  company rules/regulations;  job procedures and safe working practices;  CSA specifications;  manufacturers' specifications;  personal protective equipment;  engineering controls;  emergency procedures C fire, bomb threat, first-aid, rescue equipment;  other specific requirements of the workplace. Other background information:  accident data;  investigation reports;  first-aid cases;  employee reports/complaints with regard to particular hazards in the workplace;  recommendations made by safety and health committee or safety and health representatives;  results of previous inspections;

 maintenance reports;  inspection report or directions issued by a Safety Officer appointed by the Minister of Labour;  other specific problems. A basic floor plan can be useful to summarize information obtained and to highlight the flow process. Problem areas or special hazards can also be indicated on the plan. Such a floor plan can also be used for other purposes such as introductory training or accident investigation and reporting.

Step Two: Inspecting To ensure consistent and comprehensive coverage of all areas in the workplace, it is useful to develop checklists of all potential hazards. Such lists have to be continually reviewed and revised to reflect changes in equipment, processes, and accident records. It is important to remember that there may be unique hazards associated with your workplace. Your checklist is your point of reference, but don't limit your safety and health inspection to the items on the list. If other hazards are found, they should be dealt with as well. This will ensure that your inspection is comprehensive. In conducting inspections the following basic principles bear consideration:  while it may be necessary to ask questions, the person inspecting should not unnecessarily disrupt work activities nor start attaching blame for hazards observed;  attention must be drawn to the presence of any immediate danger; other items can await the final report.

Step Three: Reporting If action is to be taken to control or eliminate hazards, management needs to be made aware of the problems in a concise, factual way. Good reports help to gain support from management for the findings of inspections.. A sample form is provided (Appendix A) which could easily be modified to suit each workplace.

Responsibilities for follow-up An inspection will be effective only if the results are promptly reported to the right persons and if prompt corrective action is considered and taken where necessary. It is therefore important to identify those persons to whom inspection reports should be sent. These might include all or some of the following:  plant manager;  department managers;  branch manager  safety and health committee or representative;  safety co-ordinator;  maintenance manager.

Step Four: Monitoring The information obtained from regular workplace inspections must be considered and used if inspections are to be a valid part of the safety and health program. For this to be achieved, it should be clear who has ultimate responsibility for considering and making decisions on actions that are to be taken. Equally important is the need to ensure that there is timely feedback to those persons responsible for undertaking inspections. If no concern is shown, or no feedback is given, the persons doing the inspection will quickly feel that this is a pointless exercise. The information obtained from regular inspections should be reviewed carefully to identify where immediate corrective action is needed and to identify trends as part of overall monitoring of program effectiveness. Analysis of inspection reports over a period of time may, for example:  highlight the need for training in certain areas;  provide insight as to why accidents are occurring in particular areas;  establish priorities for corrective action;

 

assist in establishing or improving safe work practices; indicate areas, equipment, etc. which may require more in-depth hazard analysis.

APPENDIX A Sample Workplace Inspection Recording Form Inspection Location: Date of Inspection: ________________________________________ Department/Areas Covered: Time of Inspection: __________________________________ OBSERVATIONS FOR FUTURE FOLLOW-UP Copies to: ____________________________ Inspected by:_______________________ For Action: ___________________________ For Information: _______________________








S = Satisfactory U = Unsatisfactory N/A = Not Applicable Note: Click on Hyperlinks to Access EMCO Health & Safety Website Section Related To This Topic S/U/NA






INCIDENT REPORTING (Confirm the following if applicable) Incidents reported to supervisors immediately. All incidents reported to the Joint Health & Safety Committee or Representative & Updated in Peoplesoft The EMCO Return To Work Report is Available to Workers To Take To the Doctor (EMCO Health & Safety Website). Accidents/Incidents are investigated by the Joint Health & Safety Committees or Reps and reports are submitted to Manager/Supervisor. Corrective Actions Have Been Taken As A Result of Incident Investigations. Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 1 of 9







TRAINING WHMIS Training Complete for all staff. Back Safety Training Complete for all staff. Slip & Fall Training Complete for All Staff Safety Orientation Complete for all staff. Workplace Inspection Training Complete for all Joint Health & Safety Committees & Safety Representatives. HOUSEKEEPING Fire Escapes/Exits Clear & Free of Obstruction (Snow, Ice, Pallets, etc.) Stairways Unobstructed/Non-Slip No Slipping/Tripping Hazard Yard-Debris/Ice/Grease Free Loading Docks Not Oily/Slippery & ‘Caution Signs’ used in areas where there is a slip/trip hazard. Ladders CSA Approved Rolling Staircases Inspected for Structural Damage and are certified to meet ANSI/CSA Standard. Certification is to be clearly labeled on the unit as supplied by manufacturer or distributor.

Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 2 of 9







Commercial Vehicle Regulations for Vehicles over 11794 KGS Are regulations made available to drivers? Drivers Logs are being recorded Daily, Weekly, Monthly Inspection Sheets are recorded and available for inspection. Maintenance Records are available for annual inspections Driver abstracts / records and logs for hours of work for the past 2 years are on file. Commercial Vehicle Regulations for Vehicles over 4500 but less than 11794 KGS Are provincial regulations accessible and available at the Profit Centre. Are daily, weekly, monthly and or trip inspections being completed Are all vehicle service and maintenance records current and on file including annual inspections Are driver history records complete and on file and are work hours logs being kept per provincial requirements. Are all driver and vehicle records maintained in a central location if required by provincial legislation. RACKING AISLES Sufficient Overhead Clearance Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 3 of 9







Load Capacity Posted (Maximum Allowable Weight) Load Beams Secured With Pins Racking Secured Where Height To Depth Ratio Exceeds 3:1 (Bolted to the floor or adequately secured to the wall) Racking Damage Assessment Completed Annually and on file. End Frames Undamaged No Protruding Items Idle Pallets stored indoors are not stored higher than 6 ft Pallets in Good Condition Pallets Positioned Safely (Resting on front and back beams) Palletized Goods Shrink Wrapped/Tied Loads Evenly Placed Solid Shelving removed in locations where sprinkler systems are used. No Loose Wrapping Hanging COPPER AISLES Bundles Securely Tied Load Safely Positioned Loose Strapping Removed Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 4 of 9







BULK STORAGE Product Stacked Safely No Protruding Items Employees are aware of proper lifting techniques (lift with legs and turn with a load instead of twist. GUARDRAILS Located Where Required Properly Constructed Adequately Secured HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Containers in Good Condition Containers Properly Labeled MSDS Current & Available MSDS Binder Available and a designated person identified to take binder outside during emergency. Flammable Liquids to be stored as per Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). WHMIS/Inventory Doc. Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 5 of 9







Available by Printing from TREND. (LORB 64610) COMPRESSED GAS Properly Stored and Marked Properly Secured With Chains or in a cage. Propane stored outdoors (including BBQ Tanks) FIRE PREVENTION FM Global Red Tag Permit System in place for locations with Sprinkler system. Natural Gas Shut-off known and accessible. Extinguishers Where Required No Flammables Stored Under Stairs (Cardboard boxes, Etc.) Extinguishers Fully Charged (According to Gauge on Extinguisher) Inspection Dates Acceptable (Annually) Emergency Plan Posted & Practiced Annually Employee Dedicated to Ensure Master List of Hazardous Products and associated MSDS are included in Emergency Evacuation (LORB 64610) Sprinkler Control Valves Locked Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 6 of 9







in Open Position (keys kept with designated person) Hot Work Operations (cutting, grinding, welding, etc.) are monitored for smoldering up to four hours after use. Fire Exits/Signs Clear and Lit (Test Performed to Ensure Lighting Works) FIRST AID STATION Kits Adequately Supplied First Aid Certificates Posted & are not more than 3 years old. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPT. (PPE) Head Protection Available Fall Protection Cage designed to a CSA/ANSI Standard. Fall Protection Cage in Place & Inspected for Structural Damage. Fall Protection Equipment Inspected prior to use. Wheel Chocks In Place On All Parked Delivery Vehicles (Extra Chocks Present if needed) and inspected for damage. Foot Protection (with slip resistant soles) Being Worn in Designated Areas Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 7 of 9







ENVIRONMENT Occupational Safety Act Posted in the workplace. Employees are asked if there are Safety Issues in their workplace (inspections, safety reps, etc.) No Idle Zone Signs in place to prevent Carbon Monoxide (CO) inhalation hazard caused by vehicles parked at loading bays. Acceptable Temperature Control

FORKLIFTS Daily Forklift Inspection Completed All Forklift Operators Trained in Theory & Practical Training, including 18-month mid-term practical skills evaluation. Brakes, Forks, Horn Seat Belt Being Worn Fire Extinguisher on forklifts used outside. Maintenance/Inspection Record on File (As Per Manufacturer’s Recommendation) Safety Glasses Worn When Refilling Batteries Lifting Slings Inspected. Ensure they are ‘Rated’ and are free from damage, tears or fraying. Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 8 of 9







ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Properly Grounded/CSA Approv. Cords/Fixtures Condition Contractor Safety Waiver of Liability is signed for all contractors who conduct work operations on EMCO premises. ENVIROMENTAL PLANNING Recycling in place for appropriate items. Items are reused where possible (2 sided paper, coffee mugs, etc.) Items are evaluated for environmental reduction – access through the EMCO H&S Website OTHER


Workplace Inspection Form Revision 5 March 17, 2010 Page 9 of 9


WHMIS WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System) is a communication system providing essential information about hazardous materials used in the workplace. WHMIS was legislated into effect throughout Canada in order to reduce injury caused by overexposure to hazardous materials. MSDS are needed for 3 Reasons: 1. To be readily available for customers. 2. To be stored in a binder and taken outside in the event of an emergency and presented to the Fire Department. 3. To be used for reference when treating and injury. 1. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Class A: Compressed gas Class B: Combustible and flammable material Class C: Oxidising material Class D: Immediate and serious toxic effects, other toxic effects, biohazardous infectious material Class E: Corrosive material Class F: Dangerously reactive material WHMIS RESPONSIBILITIES Training - Every Emco employee must take WHMIS training - At Emco, this is provided through a computer based program available in every location, or through online training at the Workplace Safety Group (please call 709-747-3174 if you need a copy of this program or need assistance on how to register for training). 2. Material Safety Data Sheets, MSDS - These contain detailed information about hazardous materials, including what to do if an employee contacts a hazardous material. It is essential to have the MSDS sheets available at your location - At Emco, MSDS sheets are obtained from our suppliers, and organised in a national database. Every Emco location must have one of these binders available and kept up to date each month by running LORB 64610 in TREND. MSDS can be obtained by loading an online MACRO and printing the associated MSDS from your Master List or LORB 64610. If you need to load the MACRO click here and click on PROD Report - MSDS_In quiry or call Kirk Stokes at 709-747-3174 for troubleshooting. MSDS expire every 3 years and updates can be requested by sending the sku and MSDS Sheet Number to pmgmsds@emcoltd.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . 3. There are two types of labels, the Supplier label and the Workplace label. The supplier of a controlled product provides the Supplier label. The workplace label is the label provided by the employer if a controlled substance is manufactured in the workplace, or transferred from a supplier container to a workplace container.

Workplace labels must have the following information:   

product identifier MSDS statement safe handling information

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Summary (TDG) The TDG Legislation applies to:  all modes of transportation: air, rail, road and marine  all persons involved in the importing, handling, offering and transporting of dangerous goods, which includes shippers, carriers and consignees and  all federal, provincial and municipal jurisdictions The regulations require that:  all shipments of dangerous goods be classified, labeled, packaged and documented properly by the shipper.  all persons involved in shipping, handling, transporting and receiving of dangerous goods must be trained and certified.  All trained persons must be issued a certificate by the employer indicating the last training date and must be signed by the employer. The employee must keep this certificate handy while on the job and be prepared to show it to a dangerous goods inspector. Certificates are only valid for three years. Employees must be retrained before recertification. Transport Canada is responsible to inspect for compliance to TDG. See below summary of inspection in BC. Please ensure your PC has implemented requirements as identified below. EMCO recently had a surprise inspection from Transport Canada. They were inspecting the branch for compliance with TDG regulations. Here are some of the areas that they questioned us on.  Were we aware of TDG regulations?  Have we been trained in this area?  Do we have on file a record of completed training? (he wanted a copy of our shipper’s certification showing expiry date.)  What do we currently ship that would fall under these regulations?  He wanted an inspection of the warehouse to ensure we disclosed all products.  Do we keep documents on file for every shipment of dangerous goods?  Where do we receive our b-tanks and mc-tanks from? (He wanted copies of packing slips from the vendor)

Dangerous Goods Defined "Dangerous Goods are defined as any product, substance or organism capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, property or the environment. "Schedule II, List 1 - Explosives" & "Schedule II, List 2 - Dangerous Goods other than Explosives" found in the regulations, identify all materials and substances classified as Dangerous Goods.

The 9 Classes                        

Class 1 - Explosives (six divisions) Class 2 - Gases (four divisions) Division 2.1 flammable gases Division 2.2 compressed gases (not flammable, poisonous or corrosive Division 2.3 poisonous or toxic Division 2.4 corrosive Class 3 - Flammable liquids Class 4 - (three divisions) Division 4.1 Flammable solids Division 4.2 Spontaneously combustible material Division 4.3 Dangerous when wet Class 5 (two divisions) Division 5.1 Oxidizers Division 5.2 Organic peroxides Class 6 (two divisions) Division 6.1 Poisons Division 6.2 Infectious substances Class 7 Radioactive materials This class may have one of 3 labels depending on the strength of the radiation. Class 8 Corrosive materials. Class 9 (three divisions) Division 9.1 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods Division 9.2 Environmentally Hazardous Substances Division 9.3 Dangerous Wastes

Shipper's responsibilities The shipper is responsible for identifying and classifying the dangerous goods prior to shipment. Information gathered from the Dangerous Goods List is used to identify, label and mark the goods, the packaging containing the goods and the shipping documents. The shipper is responsible for ensuring that all dangerous goods are packaged in proper containers and packages and that no package or container is leaking or releasing substances prior to shipment. Dangerous goods can be packaged in single packaging, combination packaging or in bulk containers. It is the shipper’s responsibility to ensure that dangerous goods are packaged in the containers designed to hold them.

Safety Marks Safety Marks are divided into four groups represented by Labels, Placards, Other Safety Marks and Special Labels and Placards Safety Marks are used to classify dangerous goods as well as to indicate any additional hazards.

Small Containers or Packages Labels are used on small packages while placards are used on large containers (454 litres or more) and mobile units. The flashpoint must be indicated on the package when travelling by ship or ferry. On small packages and containers, "Labels" are used to communicate the classification of the dangerous goods being transported. Other safety marks on the package are required to identify the shipping name and the UN Number. When shipments of dangerous liquids are contained in combination packaging, a package orientation label must also be applied to indicate which end of the package must remain up at all times.

Large Containers A "Large Container" is any container with a capacity of greater than 454 litres (100 gallons). Large containers of dangerous goods and shipments made "in bulk" require placards to communicate the classification of the dangerous goods being transported. The Shipper is responsible for placarding large containers and providing the carrier or trucker with the necessary placards required for placement on the transport vehicle. Examples of large containers requiring placards are:  containers having a capacity greater than 454 litres (100 gal.)  bulk vehicles, such as tank trucks, railcars  vehicles and trailers carrying dangerous goods  ocean sea containers  Placards must be placed on all four sides of the container so they are visible from back, front and each side of container or vehicle. Placarding rules vary, depending on:  class of dangerous good being transported  quantity of dangerous goods being transported  if carrier is transporting less than truckload quantities  The shipper is responsible for placarding large containers and determining if the quantity of dangerous goods dictates the use of placards during transport. If required, the shipper will provide the necessary placards for the carrier or trucker to place on the transport vehicles. Placards must be placed on all four sides of the container or vehicle used for transport in such a manner so they are visible from all directions. The shipper is responsible for completing the Dangerous Goods Shipping Documentation. The shipping document includes the following important dangerous goods information:  Shipping Name  Classification  The UN Number  The Packing Group The shipper must keep a copy of all Dangerous Goods Shipping Documents for a period of 24 months.

Carrier's Responsibilities A carrier is a driver from the trucking company, courier service or from the shipper's own delivery service who transports the dangerous goods to the consignee or customer. According to the regulations, the dangerous goods shipment is the responsibility of the carrier during transport. Before accepting a load of dangerous goods, the carrier must:  review the shipping document to ensure it is correctly filled out, dated and signed by the shipper  ensure placards supplied by the shipper are consistent with the information on the shipping document  compare the shipping document to the load and verify that the dangerous goods are properly labeled and the quantities match the shipping document.  ensure the packages or containers are not leaking.  ensure the correct placards (see placarding rules) are fixed onto the vehicle before the dangerous goods are loaded. During transport the carrier is responsible for:  keeping track of the shipment's total quantity of dangerous goods at all times.  replacing placards that become damaged or lost.  keeping documents within easy reach in the cab of the vehicle. The carrier must be prepared to produce both the dangerous goods shipping documents and their dangerous goods training certificate to dangerous goods inspectors. Dangerous Goods Inspectors can be weigh scale operators, government inspectors, and/or the police. During unloading, placards are to remain in place until the shipment is unloaded. If a trailer is dropped in an unsupervised area, the documents must be placed in a waterproof container or pouch located on the trailer unit. If a trailer loaded with dangerous goods is dropped in a supervised parking area, the shipping documents must be left with whoever is in charge. A copy of the shipping documents must be given to the consignee at delivery.

Spills or Accidental Releases The party currently in charge of the dangerous goods shipment is responsible for correcting spills and reporting any reportable incidents to Transport Canada. In the event of a spill or accidental release ensure that no one is at risk and call 9-1-1 or contact the local authorities. If further assistance is required, call: CANUTEC @ (613) 996-6666 or free cell call @ *666 for assistance. Website: www.tc.gc.ca/canutec/en/menu.htm

Fire Extinguishers Classifications Ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, rubber, dust, most plastics and materials that combine these solids. B Class B fires involve flammable liquids, greases, and gases C This classification involves the presence of electrical energy. The burning of combustible metals, such as magnesium, or potassium. D A


Must be easily seen and accessible at all times Located in or adjacent to corridors or aisles that provide access to exits The locations must be prominently indicated by signs or markings


If 18kg or greater, shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 1.1m above the floor If less than 18kg, shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than 1.5m above the floor.


Portable extinguishers must be inspected monthly. This would be recorded on the tag provided on the extinguisher. Can be done by an internal employee. Each extinguisher shall have a tag showing the maintenance or recharge date, and the inspection dates. Remember to replace and/or recharge extinguishers after use.

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