T he M agazine
W estminster C ollege
Leadership of
Fall 2010
Magic makes the difference.
The Westminster experience is unlike any other. Its special magic is felt in the classrooms, at academic and athletic competitions, and though the real world experiences it offers those who take the Westminster journey. That magic draws alumni back to relive their special memories. It captures the attention of a talented freshman class every year. And it transforms the hearts and minds of the student body. The diversity of Westminster opens up the world to all those who embrace it…preparing them to lead the way in building a better tomorrow.
Features 8
Students of Tomorrow
Who are they and is Westminster prepared for the students of 2020?
Students of Today
Real Money, Investments & Profits
50 Years of Excellence
A Portrait of Leadership
Spreading Blue Jay Pride
Students of Yesterday
FALL 2010
Meet some of the incoming students and find out why they chose Westminster Experiential education that literally pays off in the real world Two championship Blue Jay teams reflect on parallel seasons on the hardwoods For over 30 years, Bill Bennett has been making a difference The 2010 Road Crew brought the Westminster spirit across the USA
14 20
Recap and reflections on the tradition of Alumni Weekend
In every issue... 2
President’s Column
Campus News
Leadership Magazine • Fall 2010
Class Notes
Wedding Album
Baby Blue Jays
In Loving Memory
Leadership is published twice a year Submit suggestions and comments to: alumni@westminster-mo.edu If you are interested in advertising in Leadership please contact the Office of Development at (573) 592-5370 Kris Lensmeyer, Executive Director of Alumni & College Relations Rob Crouse, Director of College Relations Melanie Barger, Assistant Director of Alumni Programming Gina campagna, Marketing Coordinator Dale Ley III, Graphic Designer
Last Impression
www.wes tmins t er -mo.edu
Dear Friend of Westminster:
hile our campus itself may have been quiet this past summer, the remarkable off-campus experiences that Westminster is known for offering were thriving in our classrooms around the world. Three student pairs were selected for our unique Take-A-Friend-Home program where domestic students go home for part of the summer to live with their international counterparts and international students go home with domestic students for College breaks. Joseppi Wallace of St. Louis and Mongi Similane of Botswana, James Alley of Little Rock and Zhengtao Ji of Shanghai, and Rachael Holloway of Kansas City and Ilundi Adriano of Mozambique were all picked from a long list of applicants to participate in the program. Professors Bob Seelinger and Sam Goodfellow took a group of students to Greece to study the cultural and historical importance of sites such as Athens, Delphi, Ancient Corinth, and Crete and what impact and influences these areas have had on the modern world. Other students traveled across the Southwestern United States with Professor Alan Goldin, studying the geology and environment of national parks in the region. Many of you met our Blue Jay Across the USA road crew, Nico Roberts, Vicki Flynn, Matt Greaves, and Lee Goatley, as they traveled to 21 cities in nine states over 21 days, bringing alumni, students, and friends of the College together to celebrate the Westminster experience. Many of our students combined experiential learning with work over the summer in a wide range of prestigious internships. Just to give you a small sampling, Westminster was represented this summer by Gregory Rockson at the Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C., Justin King at Washington University’s Genomic Sciences Department, Michael Fowler at the Gila National Forest in New Mexico, Stefanie Kavanaugh at the Missouri Supreme Court, and Brianna Burns at KMOX and The Riverfront Times in St. Louis. At the same time on campus, exciting new developments took place as we prepared for fall classes. Our new Dean of Student Life, Tina Barnett Rajmaira, arrived July 1 with a depth of experience in student development that will serve us well. We announced plans for Westminster to be one of the first colleges and universities in the country to offer a new undergraduate transnational studies major starting this fall. This new program will focus on issues that transcend political borders, teaching students about a wide range of global issues and developing their competency to find interdisciplinary and flexible solutions to complex global problems. Also, in keeping with our mission to develop leaders in a global community, we will add classes in Chinese and German for the fall. Plans have been put in place for our fifth annual Symposium on Democracy in September on the topic of global conflict. As part of that event, we will be welcoming Former U.S. Secretary of State James Baker to campus to deliver a memorable Green Lecture. This promises to be another exciting year at Westminster. Jane and I look forward to sharing it with you.
George B. Forsythe, Ph.D. 2
Leadership fall 2010
The Acropolis (upper left) and the ancient theatre at Epidaurus were just two of the stops in Greece for Professors Bob Seelinger & Sam Goodfellow’s summer class on its history and culture.
Professor Alan Goldin brings his summer geology class to exciting places such as these basalt columns (upper right) or these twin waterfalls (bottom) in southern Iceland.
Acclaimed military historian and biographer Carlo D’Este gave a fascinating Kemper Lecture April 18 on Churchill’s life and accomplishments. The Westminster community came together to view presentations of students from over 15 different departments April 14 at the College’s Third Annual Undergraduate Scholars Forum.
Leadership fall 2010
Walter Bargen, Missouri’s first poet laureate (far left), and commencement speaker Dr. Gerald Early, Professor of English and Director for the Center for the Humanities at Washington University (third from left), are welcomed to campus May 8 for the commencement exercises by English Professor Wayne Zade (second from left) and Westminster President Barney Forsythe (far right).
Winston Churchill’s great-grandson, Jonathan Sandys, paid his first visit to Westminster April 23-24 to tour campus and headline a fashion show fundraiser for the National Churchill Museum. Those attending the annual spring vocal music concert April 14 by the three Westminster choirs were treated to everything from the Beatles to Broadway as well as raising Haitian Relief money.
A standing room only crowd learned about “Living Aloha,” the corporate philosophy of Maui Jim sunglasses, from its CEO Walter Hester, class of ’77, at the annual IBM Lecture April 21. Hester bought the small Hawaiian company in 1991 and has turned it into the fastest growing polarized sunglass maker in the world with 11 international offices.
Leadership fall 2010
The new freshman residence hall on The Churchill Quadrangle was dedicated in memory of beloved mathematics professor, Dr. Brooke Sloss, April 24 with wife Martha and other family members in attendance for the ceremony. An oil painting of Dr. Sloss was unveiled at the ceremony by local artist George “Papa” Tutt ‘57 to hang in the new 70-bed residence hall.
The Students of 2020 Today, they're third graders. Tomorrow, they're in college. Are we prepared?
Leadership fall 2010
To many alums, it may be hard to believe that the newest crop of Westminster freshmen entering this August will have been born in 1992. For these students, the Berlin Wall has always been in Fulton and September 11 happened when they were in third grade. To most of us, these realities still seem fresh and new.
Imagine what it may be like in ten more years, when in August 2020 the class of 2024 walks through the columns. They’re just entering third grade but we’re already preparing for their arrival. To build the campus, programs, faculty, and community they’ll expect, we must begin now. WWW.WESTMINSTER-MO.EDU
Who are they? A significant challenge in 2020 will be simply finding the students. The number of high school graduates in the Midwest will decline by 5% by 2020. Meanwhile, numbers of graduates in the West and South will increase. The first thing Westminster will have to do to attract the Class of 2024 is expand its reputation and recruiting program to new territories. The good news is the population growth is in areas where there are fewer liberal arts colleges and limited space in public universities. Students in the South and West may have to look to vacancies in the Midwest and Northeast to attend college.
1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0
South 2008/09 2020/21
Once we find the high school graduates, they may look different as well. By 2020, the majority of high school graduates will be non-white.
Just between 1990 and 2010, the Minority students will bring unique needs. Currently, population of adult students in higher only 47% of Hispanics and 41% of African-Americans education has increased by 24%, that enroll in college complete a bachelor’s degree to over seven million currently enrolled. within six years, compared with 59% of whites. Clearly, colleges that figure out ways to boost student success students in higher education has increased by 24%, to will find themselves at a competitive advantage. over seven million currently enrolled. For these older students, convenience and support are the critical The new student population may also be of a different factors in choosing a college. Linking degree programs age. The fastest growing group of college students directly to career fields, part-time enrollment options, between 2010 and 2020 will be those ages 25 to 44. and changes to the traditional academic schedule and Just between 1990 and 2010, the population of adult calendar are necessary to attract them.
2009/10 High School Grads 165,313
2020/21 High School Grads 35,124 240,568
American Indian
Asian/Pacific Islander
1,825,187 504,504
American Indian
752,705 1,620,540
Asian/Pacific Islander Black
752,705 White
Leadership fall 2010
This is both a challenge to traditional lecture-based teaching and an opportunity for engaging educational experiences that extend learning beyond the classroom.
How Will They Learn? Students in 2020 will not only have always had the internet, they will have always had access to it in their pocket. Connection with others and information gathering will be both instantaneous and multi-channel.
Given the constant stimulus and entertainment options now available to children at a young age, the students of 2020 may be even less prepared for the focus necessary for success in a rigorous liberal arts program. Support programs will no longer be only for those with marginal grades or test scores, but equally for academically gifted students who never learned how to comprehend a text, study effectively, work collaboratively, or manage their time. Students looking for engaging educational experiences will seek opportunities to build a customized curriculum and find programs to match their personal learning style.
It’s Already Begun Westminster has been able to stay true to its core while adapting for the students of tomorrow. New Populations of Students – If you haven’t been on campus recently, a visit to Fulton would quickly reveal that Westminster has already found success in attracting a more diverse population of students. American minority students now make up nearly 15% of the enrollment and international students are 16% of the student body (which ranks Westminster fourth among national liberal arts colleges). Enrollment of African-American students has doubled since 2005 and Hispanic enrollment is up by 40% in the same period. Westminster’s reputation and recruiting reach has also grown. 35% of the student body is from outside the state of Missouri with growth markets in Arizona, Kentucky and Tennessee. Students are coming from coast to coast – New York to California and even Alaska. While still small in number, Westminster also now educates double the number of adult (25 or older) students than it did in 2005 and is educating 16 students with veteran’s benefits. New Ways of Learning – Westminster is also leading the way in meeting the expectations of current and future students. The entire campus had wireless internet access in 2007. New majors, like Transnational Studies, address the challenges of the world in interdisciplinary ways. Our International Business
major is growing, and interest in Asian markets has helped support our offerings in Chinese language and culture study. Our health professions majors will soon be enhanced by a global health minor, greatly expanding the scope of their experience. The selfdesign major program continues to grow and allow students to create a curriculum that matches their interests and learning style, which has led to the creation of majors such as Sports Management, CrossCultural Education, and Forensic Psychology. More to the point, Westminster is simply better positioned from the start to meet these students’ expectations for an engaging experience. Universities will struggle to find ways to make large lecture classes interesting to students. Small classes at Westminster are naturally more engaging, challenging, and supportive. All this is to say that the Westminster we love is positioned to thrive in 2020 and beyond. The campus is engaged in a strategic planning process looking for ways that new populations of students can learn in new ways about what has always made Westminster special – challenging programs taught by caring faculty in a community of friends. Acknowledgement
Much of the data in this article is derived from The College of 2020: Students, published in June 2009 by Chronicle Research Services.
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Leadership fall 2010
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President Barney Forsythe is fond of telling
prospective students and their parents, “We have a variety of classrooms at Westminster College. Some of them are in campus buildings such as the Coulter Science Center—but the rest are in the world.” One of the most remarkable of those world classrooms is the world stock market.
Leadership fall 2010
Thanks to the amazing Westminster organization called the Blue Blazers Investment Committee (BBIC), Westminster students have been doing the research, buying and selling stock, and building and managing an investment portfolio since 1996. The idea for this organization originated from several different sources. BBIC founder and advisor, Brock Ayers ’82, who serves as Vice President of Investments for Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC is the Financial Advisor for the Westminster College Investment Club, a group of St. Louis alumni who have been investing together since the late 1940s. While this approach was effective, Brock could envision what greater benefits would be possible by transferring the concept to an academic setting such as Westminster.
Board members John McFarland ’62 and Bill Bennett ’62 were strong proponents of the idea. The concept was also eagerly embraced by two of Brock’s student interns at AG Edwards; Brandon Eckhardt ’97, who interned in 1995, and Jenn (Stumpf) Warren ’97, who interned in 1996. Brandon and Jenn did much of the preliminary work of drafting the BBIC mission statement and investment guidelines and organizing the group. Brandon became the Founding President of BBIC and credits this experience with helping him land his first job in the financial services industry with Edward Jones upon graduation. Today he is an entrepreneur and business owner. Jenn was the Founding Vice President and is still employed at Edward Jones as a Location Specialist.
The catalyst for action occurred when Brock saw a feature television story about a group of graduate students at another institution who were doing well at investing part of the school’s endowment. Since several members of the Westminster Investment Club were Board of Trustee members, he approached them with the idea, and they immediately saw the merits of the program because of their own experiences.
The planners of BBIC took a unique approach to the program. The group is self-governing and enjoys great autonomy over investment decisions. Within a broad framework, students are free to buy and sell stocks, bonds, and options. Tim Fry ’06 confides that he still uses the research model to validate a company’s stock that Brock Ayers developed and shared with the BBIC.
Money, Investments & Profits
Along with Brock Ayers, Dr. Ed Mirielli, Associate Professor of Math and Science, and Dr. Linda Webster, Associate Dean of Faculty, are the trio that advises the BBIC. Ed and Linda assumed this role from Dr. George Schmidt in 2001. Ed believes the diversity of the organization’s membership is one of its greatest strengths. “Our group is a great mix of students and advisors from all different viewpoints,” he says. “This is a team of alumni, faculty, staff, and students, and the selection of our new members is not based on any particular majors such as business or economics. The Blazers want people who are interested in learning about investments and willing to work hard, absorb a great deal of new material at a rapid pace, and share what they learn with others.”
Obviously, the structure of the organization has been sound as evidenced by its growth and success. Over 500 Westminster students have joined the BBIC since it was first established. Steve Ford ’01 actually came to Westminster because of the BBIC. No other college or university he visited had a program anything like it. Even when individuals who become involved in the BBIC do not end up going into the financial services field, they gain skills they apply throughout their lifetime. For example, Orinda Basha ’98, from Albania, grew up under a Communist regime where her knowledge of the capitalist system of stocks and bonds was only something referenced in movies. Recently, she bought a BMW with the earnings on an investment she had made when the market dipped. More
importantly, the long range success of the BBIC’s investment decisions has been incredible, even in spite of the economic rollercoaster America has experienced in recent years. The group has outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial Average by approximately a full percentage point, after costs, annualized since they made that first investment decision in 1996. Their portfolio of securities has nearly doubled from the original amount the group was given by the Board of Trustees and is currently valued at around $325,000. One of the highlights of being a member of the BBIC is the group’s periodic trips to New York—the educational experience of a lifetime. Former BBIC’s President
conference in Las Vegas. When the students returned, they gave a presentation on their trip and the BBIC investment performance to the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees, who was so impressed with the potential the students had identified that the groundwork began for the first New York trip the next year. That first New York trip in February 2001 had a tremendous impact on Pam (Miranti) Spain ’02 and Chris Vinyard ’02. They were part of the only BBIC group touring New York to have the opportunity to stand in the twin towers. 9/11 took place exactly seven months to the hour of the day of that first BBIC visit. In addition to being a part of that first trip, Pam was certainly a trail
On each trip, the group explores the business and financial world of New York, “discussing the inner working of the markets with individuals who work in them every day...” Steve Ford ’01 and advisors Ayers and Mirielli were instrumental in getting this trip off the ground. Previously, the BBIC had taken one day field trips to St. Louis to visit Edward Jones and AG Edwards. While these were certainly beneficial, Ayers, Ford and others knew Wall Street was the world nerve center of American business. The experiential educational experiences and networking opportunities of such a trip would be incredible for the students. Although Ford and his team began plans for the first ever New York adventure, the logistical details were too immense for the time frame they had. So instead, in 2000, a few of the BBIC members made their first out-of-state trip to a national technology
Leadership fall 2010
blazer for BBIC. She was the only woman at the time on the BBIC Executive Board her senior year and went on to a position as the only woman on the equity trading desk at Edward Jones. Other New York trips followed in 2003, 2005, 2008, and 2010, each meticulously assembled by Brock Ayers, after countless hours of phone calls, emails, coordination, scheduling, and drawing upon his military experience in detailed operational planning, movement, and logistics. Over 100 BBIC members have taken the trip so far. On each trip, the group explores the business and financial world of New York,
Memories from the Big Apple
“discussing the inner working of the markets with individuals who work in them every day,” as former BBIC President Jeremy Teeple ’04 describes the experience. On their most recent trip, the students visited NASDAQ for the opening bell ceremony, the NYSE VIP gallery, Allianz/PIMCO, J.P. Morgan, Bloomberg Business News and the New York Mercantile Exchange. On two occasions, members of the group have appeared on the CNBC network—once in
1997 and then on the Closing Bell show with Tyler Mathieson and Maria Bartoromo in 2005. That television appearance made a deep impression on Vanya Petokova ’05, from Bulgaria. “Being from a small town in Bulgaria, I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to go to New York, stay in Times Square, and especially to be on the CNBC news,” says Petokova. “I remember
watching CNC in Bulgaria just to improve my English skills without even understanding the concept of the stock market at the time. You can imagine how thrilled I was to be selected to be on the Closing Bell show. I called every single person from Bulgaria, including my parents.” Wall Street has changed over the years of BBIC visits. Last year’s BBIC President Karl Feigley ’10 had the chance to see how much the financial markets can change in
One of the most important parts of the trip is the Westminster alumni event at the Princeton Club. Alex Vintu ’05 believes the important connections made with former BBIC members at this event, and the trip itself, helped immensely with his career advice and employment referrals. “It is trips like these,” he says, “that give students the opportunity to get their name out there to a company when they would otherwise be unable to get through the traditional recruiting methods.” Everyone who goes on
Everyone who goes on the New York trip comes back with guidance for their career path and practical advice on how to process the market world they have just experienced.
Leadership fall 2010
two short years when he traveled on both the 2008 and 2010 tours. NYMEX had consolidated trading from two floors to one, reducing the number of trading pits from 14-18 to 9. He also noticed fewer trading specialists on the floor at NYSE because the firms are moving to electronic trading.
the New York trip comes back with guidance for their career path and practical advice on how to process the market world they have just experienced. But for many, having the invaluable opportunity to spend time with alumni working in the New York financial world results in internships and jobs.”
The New York tour also gives BBIC members an up-close look at the culture of the Big Apple. The group often tours Chinatown or attends a Broadway show, and in the past has attended Late Night with David Letterman and visited the UN Security Council Chambers. This past year, the group went to the Museum of American Finance, Grand Central Station, and Chartwell Bookstore, the world’s only Winston Churchill bookstore. Students are able to use free time to explore areas of personal interest.
The proof is found in the long list of Westminster graduates who credit their career success with the connections, skills, and experiences they gained from BBIC that few other colleges or universities could offer them. Eric Koester ’98 was named a partner of Edward Jones last year and is responsible for corporate and government bond trading. Bryan Luebbert ’98 is a Senior Mutual Fund Analyst for Edward Jones. Tyler Davis ’05 works for the same company as a Financial Advisor. Rich Wilson ’99 worked in the banking industry until 2007 and then went into the family business of managing
investment portfolios for a number of gasrelated companies. Alex Vintu is a Senior Auditor Advisor for Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman, PC in Denver. Vanya Petokova is an Operational Research Analyst at Port Investment and Development, Inc. in Washington, D.C. Jeremy Teeple serves as Chief Financial Officer for the international furniture company I.O. Metro with his office located in Bentonville, AR. Tim Fry is the Senior Operation and Asset Manager for Ticket Boat, Incorporated, in Kansas City. Two years ago, in the midst of the worst job market in years, Steven Lee, ’08, and former BBIC President Darius Dashtaki, ’08, were both hired by Aetna. Darius received one of 14 spots out of 3,000 applicants to attend Aetna’s premier training program and is now working for the company in Seattle in national accounts. Steven is an Account Executive for Middle Market Accounts in Seattle. Although the class of 2010 just graduated, Karl Feigley and Sam Denehy have already secured positions with Wells Fargo. Being a part of the BBIC truly epitomizes the Westminster experience and mission. Students work in practical, real world settings as a part of a diverse group to reach
successful outcomes that will prepare them to lead and make a difference in the global community in which they find themselves. In the process, they are part of just one of the unique educational experiences that sets Westminster apart and gives its graduates an edge in charting the course of a successful career. Recent graduate Dan Oberle ’10 summarizes the experience this way, “One of the greatest things it has done is make the world of investments tangible. It is easy to lose focus on what occurs in the real world while being in the education bubble. However, through Westminster College, the Blue Blazers Investment Committee, and Brock Ayers, students have a much greater ability to stay in touch and transition into successful professionals.” The BBIC website promotes itself as “not your typical committee” and promises “real money, real investments, and real profits.” For once, this is one of those rare cases where the product actually lives up to the publicity. The Blue Blazers Investment Committee truly demonstrates the kind of real world educational experience and real world success that Westminster has become known for offering.
50 Years
excellence One of the special moments of Alumni Weekend this
past April was the induction of the 1959-60 men’s basketball team into the Westminster Athletic Hall of Fame by Matt Mitchell, Director of Athletics and Men’s Basketball Coach. For those Blue Jay round ball fans sitting in the audience, listening to the successes of that team 50 years ago brought back more recent memories…the highly successful men’s team whose season just closed.
ertainly, the pre-season expectations for the two teams are comparable. Before the season started for the 1960 team, the Kansas City Star had already picked Westminster to win the Missouri College Athletic Union (MCAU) championship because the Blue Jays had all five starters back from the team that had finished second the year before. Those five players had been a starting unit from virtually their freshman year and had already compiled a winning record of 38-18 before the beginning of the 1959-60 season. Ready to begin his 30th year of coaching at Westminster, Coach Eugene Kimbrell had recruited this team in 1956, hand picking each player and that player’s definitive role to come together as the quintessential model of a true team. Fast forward 50 years to a similar Westminster team situation. The St. Louis Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SLIAC) coaches had picked the Blue Jays to win the conference because the 2009 team had earned a share of the SLIAC league title. So both the 1960 and 2010 Blue Jay teams had solid returnees and key role players coming off the bench. However, Coach Mitchell, preparing for his 12th season, had his concerns
Leadership fall 2010
because of attrition from the two previous seasons. Westminster had graduated six significant players from the 2009 team. Fortunately, Skylar Tolson, a freshman guard from Columbia Rock Bridge High School; Justin Gilmore, a junior transfer from Jefferson City High School; and Briton Rudd, a freshman forward from Columbia Rock Bridge; all contributed early and often to the 2009-10 team and with the seasoned players Mitchell already had on board, a championship team coalesced. However, the start was rather
receive All-Conference honors but he was nominated for AllAmerican honors by the District 16 coaches as well. Augmenting them were Curley O’Byrne, a rugged rebounder and great leaper, and Rich Autry, a guard who always took on the other team’s best ball handler. Autry was a tenacious defender, could hit the long shot, and would have been classified as “ornery” by his opponents, according to memories of team member Bill Bennett ’62. Underclass lettermen that year included Bennett, Lanny
scorer for the team with 16 points per game. The team fed its “alley oop” plays to Vislay, who finished the season as a SLIAC AllConference first team member. The second leading scorer on the team was Stanley Crawford ’10 from Hazelwood Central High School in St. Louis, who averaged 12 points per game. Crawford, who was fast and jumped well, was selected for SLIAC All-Defensive team honors and second team All-Conference honors. The third member of this Blue Jay scoring triumvirate was Kurt Kovach ’11,
the start was rather rocky.
The season began with three losses. But the Blue Jays won the next 15-of-16 games with the only loss coming from a Division 1 school, the University of Tennessee at Martin. rocky. The season began with three losses. But, the Blue Jays won the next 15-of-16 games with the only loss coming from a Division 1 school, the University of Tennessee at Martin. The individual players on the two teams offer a study in contrasts. The 1960 team was led by three All-Conference performers: Dave Wright, a 6’4” high scoring and excellent rebounding forward with a 14.2 season point average; Dale Ocheskey, a deadly shooting guard with a 14.2 point average; and Ken Quest, a multi-talented forward who could score and rebound and ended the season with a 13 point average. Not only did Ocheskey
Leadership fall 2010
Larason ’61, Charles Kneedler ’62, Bill Coultas ’62, and Brev Creech ’63. Their roles were mainly to relieve the seniors on occasion when they needed a rest, got into foul trouble, or just to provide a needed spark now and then. All contributed to wins during the season. The team would have been even stronger, but had lost Leon Toedtmann ’61, a leading scorer from the year before as a sophomore to a knee injury. The 2010 Blue Jay team finished the season with three players averaging more than 10 points a game. Jake Vislay ’11, an incredible athlete from Helias High School in Jefferson City, was the leading
a 6’4” point guard from Fort Zumwalt South High School, who was third leading scorer with 10 points per game. He received AllConference Honorable Mention. The key rebounder for the team was Ky Millard ’10, who was named to the SLIAC All-Defensive team and finished his career as Westminster’s all time leader with 72 wins. The styles of the two teams are quite contrasting as well. The high scoring games of the 1960 season attest to the strong offense of that team, while the 2010 team scores were not so high. They used defensive pressure and depth to wear down their opponents, block shots, and create turnovers. Both
Back Row (Standing, L-R): Charles Kneedler, So.; Kenneth Quest, Sr.; Chris Hamilton, Fr.; Elton “Curly” O’Byrne, Sr.; Doug Carlander, Fr.; David Wright, Sr.; Bill Bennett, So.; Brev Creech, Fr. Front Row (Kneeling, L-R): Larry McGrady, Fr.; Arch Watson, Fr.; Vern Winter, Fr.; Lanny Larason, Jr.; Rich Autry, Sr.; Bill Coultas, So.; Dale Ocheskey, Sr. Back Row (Standing, L-R): Assistant Coach Dave Dyson; Student Assistant Teron Sutherlin; Kelsey Weymuth, So.; Justin Gilmore, Jr.; Joe Bennett, So.; Adam Mallette, Jr.; Kurt Kovach, Jr.; Briton Rudd, Fr.; Dan Hohenstein, So.; Trevor White, Fr.; Assistant Coach Floyd Davis Front Row (Sitting, L-R): Jake Vislay, Jr.; Kendall Lewis, Fr.; Mark Wright, So.; Stanley Crawford, Sr.; Head Coach Matt Mitchell; Ky Millard, Sr.; Danton Hughes, Fr.; James Hays, So.; Skylar Tolson, Fr.
teams worked to force an uptempo game. The 1960 team finished 16-8 overall with a 10-2 conference record. One of the highlights of the year was a big victory over Ft. Hayes State in a Holiday Tournament in Ottawa, Kansas. Ft. Hayes had been 25-3 the prior year, went to the NAIA Final Four, and had four starters back. The eight-team tournament seemed to be set so the four Kansas teams
Jewell won the second game, which was played in Liberty, setting up the winner-take-all final game. In the years that followed, Coach Kimbrell would tell people that third and final game played at Jewell was the finest his team ever played. Unfortunately, that was not reflected in the final score. Westminster came out on the short end of this final classic battle of great teams in a 62-60 loss at Jewell. Under the leadership of President Tom Baumgardner, the
Westminster did earn a berth in the national tournament. Two busloads of students traveled to the NCAA national tournament game, which unfortunately ended with a 79-71 loss to Washington University. In conference play, the 1960 squad does still hold a unique place in the history of Blue Jay basketball. The team captured the MCAU title, becoming the first basketball squad to win that crown since the
In the years that followed, Coach Kimbrell would tell people that third and final game played at Jewell was the
finest his team ever played. would beat the other four teams to set up an all Kansas final, but the Blue Jays squashed that plan. Fighting back from a 12-point deficit, Westminster pulled even in the final minutes and won in a 78-71 upset.
Westminster student body rented several buses to bring students to Jewell in a wonderful show of support for the team. As Professor Bill Parrish writes in the College history, “The bus ride back the second night was a long one.�
While the 1960 team went through the conference schedule with relative ease, the battles with arch rival William Jewell were momentous. The two league rivals met six times during the season, including two league matches, a tournament game, and a three playoff game series, to see which school would go to the NAIA national tournament. Such a playoff battle would never happen today.
Fifty years later, the 2010 Blue Jay team was able to take that next step. The Westminster team finished the season with a 20-8 record and 13-3 mark in conference play to become SLIAC regular season and tournament champions. Just as was true with the 1960 team, this team was buoyed by huge fan support as well. The Historic Gym was filled regularly and during the last three games of the season, portable bleachers had to be brought in. Large groups of students traveled to road games, and this time
The first game played at Westminster was a Blue Jay victory. Then
Leadership fall 2010
1938-39 team brought it home to Westminster. Ironically, it was also the final MCAU title Westminster would ever win in basketball. Not until 1985-86 would Blue Jay basketball fans celebrate another conference championship when Westminster captured the Ozark Collegiate Conference title. Obviously, half a century has neither diminished the quality of basketball being played at Westminster, nor the ardor of the Blue Jay fans that support the teams. Blue Jay pride runs deep, and the record and memories these two teams leave behind gives those who will follow in their footsteps benchmarks of excellence to reach or surpass.
May 26 – June 3, 2011, cross the Atlantic and venture back in time for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the story of Sir Winston Churchill as only The National Churchill Museum can tell it! $3,755/ person double occupancy – excludes airfare
$4,987/person single occupancy – excludes airfare
Tour details include: • Escorted tour with Dr. Rob Havers, Executive Director, National Churchill Museum • Private event with Lady Mary Soames, Churchill’s daughter, at the former London residence of Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th Duke of Marlborough • Private event on the Havengore, the barge that carried Churchill’s coffin • Private tours at the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge University and the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, Churchill’s alma mater • All breakfasts, three lunches, a Welcome Tea and a Farewell Reception • Transport from London Heathrow Airport to the London Hotel • Tour transport via luxury motor coach and all admission fees included - Venues include Imperial War Museum, Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms; Westminster Abbey; Churchill College Archives Center; Chartwell and Blenheim Palace • Deluxe Hotel Accommodations, all applicable taxes, meal gratuities and baggage fees For additional tour information, contact Kit Freudenberg at kit.freudenberg@churchillmemorial.org or by calling 573-592-5022.
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Please keep the Westminster Fund growing by choosing the branch that means the most to you!
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Bill Bennett ’62
Leadership fall 2010
A Portrait of Leadership
32 Years, Four Presidents and One Big Oak Tree 1978 - Grease is in the movie theaters, Jimmy Carter brokers peace between Egypt and Israel, Space Invaders is the new hit in arcades, and Bill Bennett joins the Westminster College Board of Trustees. A member of the class of 1962, Bill was asked to join the Board after a stint as Alumni Council President. He joined the leadership of an all-male institution with 627 students, a new President (J. Harvey Saunders), and an impending major transition. Bill credits Tyke Yates ’34, longtime Westminster Alumni Director, with getting him involved in the College. “He was one of the greatest guys I ever met,” Bill says. When Tyke called, Bill was always ready to help. It wasn’t long into his new role as Trustee that Bill received a visit from President Saunders to discuss a significant change. Bill recalls, “Harvey did a good job of getting all the Trustees lined up before going co-ed.” In fact, Bill is the only remaining active Trustee who was there for that historic Board meeting in St. Louis when Westminster officially began to admit women. Clearly proud of that moment, Bill says, “There were some that were opposed, I even got a few irate calls from alums, but it was the right thing to do. Westminster is so much stronger now.” Bill says the key to the College’s success has always been maintaining a quality faculty. Presidential leadership is also critical and Westminster has been fortunate to have had a series of Presidents who each brought real strengths. Besides going co-ed, Bill helped President Saunders bring Westminster into NCAA athletic competition and build Hunter Activity Center (though Bill still misses Reunion Hall and has a brick from it). President Traer brought back football, “a great move,” according to Bill, “it’s so wonderful to see all the kids out there cheering for their friends on the field.” President Lamkin was a difference maker from the start. “The first thing he did was polish up the campus,” says Bill, “That makes such a difference. Fletch led the most significant successful Capital Campaign in our history that put the College on a sound financial basis and greatly improved campus facilities.” Finally, President Forsythe is the “right leader at the right time,” according to Bill. With enrollment over 1000 students, “he can really take us to the next level.”
His one regret after 32 years on the board is an oak tree. “I was a little upset when they took down that beautiful old oak in front of the Historic Gym. The road used to split around it and it was great. One day it was just gone.” Bill quickly points out that such a complaint is minor given the length of his tenure. Of “I feel I owe Westminster much course the fact it was dying was irrelevant, he still blames Dean more than I could ever repay. Mattingly! My experience there as a student
After 32 years of service including was one of the best of my life and a stint as Board Chair, Bill has now joined the ranks of Lifetime Trustees. His colleagues could not let the moment pass. Current Board Chair Dr. Bruce Brookby ’68 put it bluntly, “Without Bill’s leadership, Westminster wouldn’t be where it is today. Many of my Board colleagues and I simply would not be involved today if it wasn’t for Bill’s encouragement and willingness to provide leadership for the good of the College. We all owe him a great debt.”
no amount of financial or time support could repay what I took from Westminster.”
In characteristically modest style, Bill plays down his role. “I just did what I could,” he said, “and I got to shake hands with Gerald Ford, George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher. What a thrill!” No one could sum up his experience better than Bill himself. “I feel I owe Westminster much more than I could ever repay. My experience there as a student was one of the best of my life and no amount of financial or time support could repay what I took from Westminster. But my time spent on the Alumni Council and the Board over the years was very rewarding as well. I worked with many others who had one main goal and that was to try to make the College better for those who follow. And I believe that goal was the same for those who preceded me. It was always great fun working with people who also had that common objective. Today the Alumni Council and Board are filled with people with that same goal. Westminster has made great strides, particularly over the last decade, and is in the best shape for continued success in the future that I have ever seen.” Bill says he hopes he did help move the College forward in some small ways, but the people who came before and those that come after, made Westminster what it is and will continue to be; “A Great Small College.”
Leadership fall 2010
Spreading Blue Jay Pride
21 events (in one month!), 5000+ miles and a bunch of Subway sandwiches The 2010 Road Crew, Matt Greaves ’10, Nico Roberts ’10, Vicki Flynn ’11 and Lee Goatley ’12, hit the road in the alumni van during the month of June and traveled across America to share their Blue Jay Pride with alumni, current and prospective students, families and friends of Westminster College. Events ranged from bowling, to watching a long-horn cattle drive while eating Texas BBQ, to dining on a river barge… and more! Many events were hosted in the beautiful homes of dedicated alumni. The Road Crew spent many hours preparing for the trip – training, packing and personally inviting alumni to attend the events. They hit the road ready to meet new people, share experiences, see the country and spend hours in the van. As with any trip, they encountered some unexpected surprises and challenges. They met an alum who came to the venue to buy Sex in the City movie tickets (for his wife of course) and noticed the Westminster banner – he had never been to an alumni event and was in fact “lost” in the alumni database! Alums and friends gave several generous gifts to the road trip (gift cards for meals and supplies) and college during the trip. Travelling in the van also posed some challenges, like navigating from city to city (thank you GPS!), or when it needed new brakes with only one day to get back on the road, and a dent from an encounter with a mailbox.
Throughout the Road Trip, alumni were able to learn of the new and exciting things happening on campus, as well as share memories and experiences of their time at Westminster. It was great to see the alumni so excited and reenergized about Westminster because they know that just as they did, current Westminster students are having memorable and life-changing experiences. Despite being out of the traditional confines of the classroom, the Road Crew took the opportunity to continue their education while on the road by visiting several museums and touring local landmarks. As well, they found time to give back by volunteering in the community. They stopped by the Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock to do crafts and play games with the young patients and helped package and deliver meals with the Houston Interfaith Ministries. There is no denying the strength of the Westminster community. Regardless of the city, size of the alumni group or type of event, it was evident that everyone was truly dedicated to Westminster. There was much reminiscing about memorable college events and social experiences, challenging classes and legendary professors who were so influential in their lives. For the Road Crew, the venues may have changed daily, but all roads converged on the dedication and pride of being a Westminster Blue Jay. WWW.WESTMINSTER-MO.EDU
kansas city
st. louis
nw arkansas
little rock
Little Rock Volunteering
OKlahoma city
fort worth
Fort Worth Stockyards
Blue jay Album Photo Captions Kansas City Event - Danielle DeBlois ’10, Brendan Magruder ’08, Eric Hunt ’11 & Gavin Magruder ’12; Fulton Event - Jane Forsythe, Audrey Sharp ’13, Barney Forsythe, Rex, Eileen & Adam Sharp; St. Louis Event - Laura, Kathryn ’11, Caroline ’14, Brock ’82 & Sarah Ayers; Quincy Event - Chris & Bill ’71 Daniels and Hal Oakley ’90; Springfield, IL Event - Dave ’58 & Doris Robinson and Bob ’57 & Margie Duke; Lexington Event - Tim ’89 & Tiffany ’14 Fanter; Columbus Event - Cliff Broeder ’60, Bob Mueller ’84, Tara Estabrooks ’04 & Jeff Ledbetter ’82; Nashville Event Bill Evans & Bob Brodie ’63; Memphis Event - Tony Schnell ’88, Gene Horner ’94, George Alvord ’69, Ted Cashion ’77, David Day & Tom Wilson ’63; NW Arkansas Event - John Comerford and Jeremy ’04 & Jordan (Bram) ’02 Teeple; Little Rock Event - Rob Robuck ’90 & Jon Pendergrass ’91; Little Rock Volunteering at Arkansas Children’s Hospital Susan (Sullivan) Demirel ’05, Nico, Lee, Dorsey Jackson ’65, Vicki & Matt; Columbia Event - Andrew Darkow ’09 & Pat Kirby; Joplin Event - Logan ’00 & Emily (Reid) ’00 Stanley and Dan ’67 & Melanie Stanley; Springfield, MO Event Emma ’13, Melinda & Logan ’11 Ray; Tulsa Event - Drew ’05, Ginger & Scott ’86 Veitch; OKC Event - Johnathan Preston ’12, Natalie Nekouian ’10 & Megan Slayton ‘12; Fort Worth Event - Bailey Mills ’12, Walton Grayson ’11 & Sarah Eshleman ’13; Road Crew Fun at the Fort Worth Stockyards; Dallas Event - Herschel Grisby ’07 & Leila Kekhia ’08; San Antonio Event - David ’65 & Pam McInnis; San Antonio Dinner Cruise - The San Antonio group on the river barge dinner cruise; Houston Event - Kolby ’99 & Fritz ’69 Beich; Lake Charles, LA Event - Ryan ’93 & Rob ’89 Price 30
Leadership fall 2010
Springfield, il
san antonio
springfield, mo
san antonio cruise
lake charles, la
Special Thanks to the following alumni, students, parents and friends who helped make the
2010 Blue Jay Across the USA Tour a success through their generous contributions of time, talent and treasure.
President Barney & Jane Forsythe; Jim ’57 & Nancy Adams; John Aitken ’49; Jim & Julie Alley; Veronica Arteaga; Richard Aubuchon ‘98; Brock Ayers ’82; Kathryn Ayers ’11; Lance ’95 & Laura (DeLana) ’97 Baker; Sam ’68 & Susan Barnes; Russell Bennett ’67; Benjamin Bor ’13; Scott Wilson ’74 & Karen Calabria; Ted ’77 & Ann Cashion; Joe & Deenama Chacko; Peter ’58 & Rosalie Childs; Joe B. Clarke ’45; Bob Cocking ‘74; Steven Conder ‘86; Bill ’71 & Chris Daniels; Dave Daniels ’76; Kim (Boswell) Daniel ’90; Lauren Daniels ’05; Spencer Daniels ’08; Van & Caryl Darkow; Mira Doneva ’04; Bob ’57 & Marge Duke; Jack East ’72; Katy Eden ’13; John Elrod’68; Martha Erwin; Tara Estabrooks ’04; Tim Fanter ’89; Charla McIntyre-Fields ’93; Jim Flink ’83; Gary & Robbye Flynn; David Ford; Caddell ’12 Gabrielle; Greg & Margaret Goatley; Doc Gould ’75; Michael Greaves ’13; David & Denice Greaves; Emily Grand ’13; Jermaine Green ’09; Josh ’07 & Jenna Manning) Harlow ’06; Cathi Harris; Wally Head ’72; Katie (Sapienza) Hoesch ’02; Russ ’81 & Jackie Hodge; Art Hoge ’75; Lauren Humphrey ’03; Leslie (Brooke) Hunt ’99; Frank Hunter ’77; Matt ’06 & Joanna (Carpenter) ’06 House; Jay ’03 & Christine (McCaul) ’03 Howard; Dorsey Jackson ’65; Dennis ’58 & Nancy James; Jaime Jamieson ’83; Elizabeth Johnston ’90; Tom Jones ’88; Leila Kekhia ‘08; Liz Knox ’10; John Landrum ’80; Jeff ’82 & Laura Ledbetter; Jeff ’77 & Joanne Leeka; Dick Lieser ’58; George Mahn ’92; Justin ’04 & Lindsey (Borgelt) Manning ’04; Dick Marshall ’62; Samantha Mathieson ’09; Colin McCormick ’10; John ’62 & Karen McFarland; Sam McHard ’74; David ’65 & Pam McInnis; Matt Michelson; Tim & Diane Mills; Brian & Ellie Mills; Bailey Mills ’12; Joe ’72 & Susan Miranti; Depapa Mulimbi ’09; Rachel Nash ’09; Natalie Nekouian ’10; Ed ’75 & Graham Neuhaus; Janel (Arnold) Nibert ’03; Bill Noyes ’60; Tim O’Reilly ‘90; Gino Paternostro ’04; Katie Pilgram ’08; Rob Price Jr. ’65; Rob Price III ’89; Ryan Price ’93; Tom ’77 & Mary Putnam; Dave Rieser ‘81; Dan ’85 & Virginia Riggs; Dave ’58 & Doris Robinson; Clare Sanchez ‘12; Walt & Fran Sanchez; Travis ’97 & Mitzi Sartain; Gary Schmidt ’69; Anne (McIntosh) Schneider ’85; Tony ’88 & Pam Schnell; RJ Schultz ’54; Audrey Sharp ’13; Tom Shields ’52; Scott Sipiora ’85; Jim & Diane Slayton; David Spielman ‘72; Logan ’99 & Emily (Reid) ’00 Stanley; Dan ’67 & Melanie Stanley; Christian Stanza ’13; Drennan Stringer ’54; Thad ’99 & Beth (Howard) ’00 Stubbs; Courtney Stubbs ’13; Bob ’54 & Mary Stufflebam; Doug Sutton ’84; Courtney (Stubbs) Swan ’01; Steve Taylor & Linda Gill Taylor; David Vassar ’88; David Veitch ‘73; Joseph Voeller ’10; Tom ’63 & Judith Wilson; Roger Wasson ’99; Bailey ’60 & Janet Word; Whitney Young ’11.
Special Alumni Weekend Recap Section
lumni Weekend brings together generations of alumni and students who share one thing in common – the Westminster experience. Westminster welcomed back over 700 alumni, family and friends during Alumni Weekend 2010. Despite the spring rains, alumni enjoyed touring campus and catching up with fellow classmates – some they hadn’t seen in 50 years! The campus was abuzz with activity and a resurgence of Westminster traditions – old and new. Westminster has changed a lot since many of our alumni last came home – we have a larger, more diverse student body, new programs preparing students for the global community and a number of new buildings (often replacing familiar stomping grounds). But what hasn’t changed is the quality experience and the people. This quality has built a strong network of Westminster alumni around the world, and this is never more evident as during Alumni Weekend. As we reflect on the spirit of the weekend and begin making plans for 2011, we wanted to know why alumni come back year after year to this small town in mid-Missouri, and see the Westminster of today through their eyes. Here are a few thoughts…
Leadership fall 2010
Westminster was excited to host two fraternity reunions during Alumni Weekend 2010. The Missouri Beta chapter of Phi Kappa Psi returned to campus to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the chapter’s installation. Forty brothers gathered for a chapter meeting, college update from President Forsythe, and a reunion dinner honoring Bob Epperson. Read a recap from reunion coordinators, Walt Schmidt ’68 and Joe Dvorak ’69, online at www.westminster-mo.edu/go/phipsi2010. The Delta Tau chapter of Sigma Chi welcomed over 400 members and guests to celebrate Sig2010. Activities included an open house and campaign kickoff, Friday tribute party, a chapter meeting, and a big reunion dinner party honoring many significant sigs. Read the Sig2010 recap from reunion co-chairs, Kelly Gessert ’83 and Brooke Hawkins ’84, online at www.westminster-mo.edu/go/sig2010
“I return frequently primarily due to strong relationships with my fraternity brothers, other alumni, faculty and administration. It’s like coming home! Westminster is where we had the opportunity to meet, grow, and prepare for the future.”
"Steve and I come back for Alumni Weekend to reconnect with friends, support Westminster and to have a great time! The Campus looks FANTASTIC!" — Betsy (Schultz) Humphreys ’83
“Coming back to Westminster is like coming
— Tim Lamkin ’75
home - there are always smiling faces and open arms ready to welcome me back. Also, since I’ve moved to DC, I’ve come to
"I wanted to see how Westminster has invested in
appreciate more and more the fact that Alumni
the future of its hallowed halls and student body.
Weekend is one unifying event that brings
WC has a much more diversified student body since
everyone back; it’s a great opportunity to visit
I attended. The campus has new and different faces
with friends and faculty that I might not get a
and cultures permeating across the quadrangle and
chance to see during the rest of the year. “ — Pete Miranti ’04
the Hill." Travis Sartain ’97
“Whereas I was one of 300 male students in 1937, I would be one of 1100 co-ed students today. I came during the depression, and I felt lucky to be accepted here at WC.....and at age 93 I still have enough “chutzpah” to suggest to every current student I meet that he or she is lucky, too, and to just make the most of what is.” — Jack Ogden ’40
“The most positive change in Westminster is that the students are getting more involved and care more about the school than when I was here.” — Peter Yu ’59
“I come back for alumni weekend basically to get together with old friends. Westminster friendships are deep. The biggest change is the addition of the new beautiful buildings on campus. The best change is the dining hall with all of its food choices.” — Bob Hill ‘65
Special Alumni Weekend Recap Section
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Leadership fall 2010
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4 8
The Class of 1960 celebrates their 50th reunion and receives “Old Guard” medals during the Golden Anniversary luncheon. Front row from left: Ken Love, Fred Wright, Mike Hawkins, Richard Bliss, Bailey Word, Peter Peck, Wayne Berck, Lee Lewis, Wayne Koupal, Larry Ross. Back row from left: Jim Reed, Ken Quest, Bill Noyes, Linn Schofield, Gary Zellinger, Jim Lacy, Elton “Curly” O’Byrne, Harry Sharp, John Atkinson, Paul Hunker, Ben McDougall, Randy Meyer, Tom Baumgardner
Rain or shine! The clouds broke and the rain delayed long enough for the annual Westminster/William Woods golf tournament to take place. More than 90 golfers hit the course for a fun afternoon. Pictured are Beta alums Tyler Davis ‘05, Travis Benton ‘03, Chad Backsen ‘03, Eric Milius ‘03, Jon Gatz ’04, Jason Gatz ’05 and Drew Veitch ’05.
The Churchill Pub dinner featured a buffet meal like Winston Churchill was served during his visit in 1946.
2010 Alumni Award Recipients: front – Peter Yu ’59, Walter Hester ’77, Heather Triplett Biehl ’89, John McFarland ’62; back – Randy Johnson ’74, Jim Flink ’83, President Barney Forsythe, Michael Williams ’73, Jay Howard ’03.
1985 Thetas gather at Arris’ Pizza to catch up after 25 years.
The Westminster Book Club – Alumni authors drew a crowd of avid readers to share their published works during the Alumni Book Signing and Luncheon. Participants included Jim Muench ’86, Giles Fowler ’55, Carlton Caldwell ’80, Jon Pendergrass ’91, John Landrum ’80 and Matt Murrie ’98.
Phi Delta Theta rolled out the red carpet at a luncheon to honor former cook Rosie Gillette.
The Delta Tau Chapter of Sigma Chi serenade current and former sweethearts during their reunion dinner.
The Missouri Beta Chapter of Phi Kappa Psi celebrated the 50th anniversary of the chapter’s installation with a chapter meeting and reunion dinner honoring Bob Epperson.
1. Ron ’64 & Diane Winney 2. Montie Brown ’75 3. Dr. Joe Elser ‘79 and Dr. Dorsey Jackson ’65 4. David ’81, Janet, Hunter & Connor Woosley
2 Dr. Bob Hansen received the 2010 Outstanding Achievement Award from the University of Missouri College of Education.
1950s Dr. Norm Freiberger ’55 was recognized by The Missouri Dental Board and Missouri Dental Association for his 50 years of dental practice in Missouri. Dr. Peter Yu ’59 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster.
1960s John McFarland ’62 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. The Honorable Gene Hamilton ’64 retired in June 2010 as Presiding Judge from the 13th Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri. Dorsey Jackson ’65 [3] is the Chairman of the Board for the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Robert Mellor ’65 serves on the Board of Directors of Stock Building Supply Holdings, LLC and The Ryland Group, Inc. in Raleigh, NC. Rev. Ron Naylor ’67 was featured in The Muncie Star Press in January 2010 celebrating his 25th anniversary as the Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Muncie, IN. James Armstrong ’69 was inducted into Stanford
Leadership fall 2010
University’s “Who’s Who” for his work as President and CEO of James Armstrong & Associates, Inc. Media Representation in Woodstock, IL. Rev. Joe Marting ’69 received the 2010 Lindbergh Leader Award from the Lindbergh School District in St. Louis, MO.
1970s Philip Bowser ’70 is an Advisor in the Psychology Department at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR after retiring from a 36-year career a as a School Psychologist in Roseburg, OR. P.K. Holmes ’73 is an Attorney with Warner, Smith & Harris PLC in Ft. Smith, AR and has been nominated for the United States District Court, Western District of Arkansas. Buzz O’Brien ’73 is a Managing Partner of Quadrivium Partners LLC Investment Banking Firm in Martha’s Vineyard, MA. Dr. Michael P. Williams ’73 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achivement Award from Westminster. Randy Johnson ’74 received the 2010 Alumni Loyalty Award from Westminster. Montie Brown ’75 [2] retired as the Director of Material Resources from the Social Security Administration. During his 33-year career, Brown received the Commissioner’s Citation Award three times for his leadership in the federal recovery efforts following hurricanes Katrina, Ike and Gustav.
Lee Evans ’75 is the Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific for Bredero Shaw PTE LTD in Singapore. Phillip Merry ’76 was featured in The City Wire in December 2009 for his work with the Education & Quality of Place Division of the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce. Jeff Williams ’76 is the MidAtlantic Regional Counsel for Allstate Insurance Company in Clarksville, MD. Walter Hester ’77 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. Bruce Cameron ’78 published A Dog’s Purpose with Forge Books in July 2010. Jim Holder ’78 is a Managing Director at Waypoint Private Capital, Inc. in Tulsa, OK. Michael Sweeney ’78 was recognized by the Realtors Commercial Alliance of the Kansas City Regional SHARE YOUR NEWS... We encourage you to submit your latest news to be published in the Class News & Notes section of Leadership Magazine. Emailed photos should be taken in at least 300 dpi resolution in tif or jpg format. Submit class notes to: alumni@westminster-mo.edu Class News & Notes Office of Alumni and College Relations Westminster College 501 Westminster Ave Fulton, MO 65251-1299 (573) 592-5319 Deadline for next issue is Nov 15, 2010.
Association of Realtors for his success in commerical real estate in Kansas City where he is a Vice President at Charles F. Curry Real Estate Company. Dr. Joe Elser ’79 [3] received the Drs. Joanna and Robert Seibert Award from the Arkansas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Dorsey Jackson ’65, Chairman of the Board for the Arkansas Children’s Hospital, presented the award to Dr. Elser.
1980s John Landrum ’80 is a member of the Board of Directors for KIPP New Orleans Charter Schools. Mark Wetterau ’80 received the Faithfulness and Excellence Award from Concordia University. The award honors business leaders who incorporate strong ethics and faith-based initiatives into their companies. Warren Erdman ’81 is the Executive Vice President of Administration and Corporate Affairs for Kansas City Southern in Kansas City, MO. Colonel John Frost ’81 is an Active Duty National Guardsman and is the Commandant of the National Guard Professional Education Center in Conway, AR. Mike Garcia ’81 was inducted into the Illinois Track Hall of Fame. Phillip Metz ’82 was the 2009-2010 President of the Jasper County Missouri Bar Association.
Jim Flink ’83 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. Louis Riggs ’83 was elected Faculty Representative for the 2010-2011 academic year at Hannibal-LaGrange College where he is an Instructor of English and Pre-Law Advisor. Schuyler Mariea ’84 was named Treasurer of the Jefferson City Chamber of Commerce and is the President of the Jefferson City Market for Premier Bank. Katie (Pawley) Steiner ’84 is pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Arizona, Scottsdale. Matthew Zahradka ’84 is a Special Projects Coordinator for the United States Air Force in St. Louis, MO. J. Mark Hauer ’86 had 3 poems published in the 2010 Yearly Anthology of Midwest Literary Magazine. Heather (Triplett) Biehl ’89 received the 2010 Lifetime Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. Heather was also recognized as the 2011 Alpha Chi Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient from the Alpha Chi National Council. Jackie Jaakola ’89 is the General Manager for the Annenberg Foundation’s Project at Lower Point Vicente in Torrance, CA.
1990s Tricia (Frerichs) Becker ’90 is the Credit Review Manager at Bank of America. She telecommutes
from her home in St. Louis, MO for the Charlotte, NC based company. Tim O’Reilly ’90 with O’Reilly Hospitality purchased Houlihan’s Restaurant in Columbia, MO. O’Reilly is an Attorney at the Law Firm of O’Reilly & Jensen, LLC in Springfield, MO. Kevin Whitehead ’90 is a Market Manager with Wells Fargo Advisors in St. Louis, MO. Mark Bratcher ’91 wrote and co-produced a documentary “Death of the Old West” which will be nationally broadcast in 2010 by PBS and American Public Television. Jon Pendergrass ’91 published his first novel Pepper Jack with AuthorHouse in April 2010. Liz Blackwell ’93 was recognized by the St. Louis Business Journal as one of the region’s “40 Under 40” business leaders in January 2010. Andrew Reinking ’93 [11] is the Assistant Regional Superintendent of Schools with the Madison County Regional Office of Education. He holds a Master’s in Instructional Technology with a Specialty in Educational Administration. Ehren Earleywine ’94 received the 2010 Young Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster.
Bennet Fallis ’95 is a Full Line Sales Representative for Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. in Cincinnati, OH.
6 5. Sean & Graham, children of Scott ‘86 & Robin Boswell 6. Mitchell, Wilson, Nicholas & Samuel, children of Tom ‘86 & Katherine Christensen 7. Matthew, son of Michael ‘87 & Marleen Kim 8. Wilson & Bradley, children of Mark ‘89 & Tracey Pfeiffer
9. Cole & Brea, children of Kim (Boswell) ‘90 & Brian Daniel 10. Allen & Mason, children of Darren ‘91 & Karen Kay 11. Andrew Reinking ‘93
10 Mikhail Orlov ’96 is the Chief Executive Officer of Weby Corps in Arlington, TX.
Level at the Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University.
Rob Quinn ’97 is the Vice President of Boone County National Bank in Columbia, MO.
Alex Seleznyov ’99 earned a Master’s in Business Administration and is a Manager with Deloitte Consulting in Arlington, VA.
Ardita Roark ’97 earned a Juris Doctorate from St. Louis University and is pursuing a Master’s in Public Administration from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Rob Fasoldt ’98 is the Director of Ticket Services with the St. Louis Cardinals. Eric Koestner ’98 [14] was named a Principal with the Jones Financial Companies, LLP of Edward Jones. He was chosen from over 40,000 associates to join the firm’s 316 Principals. Tyler Schaper ’98 is a Financial Advisor with US Bancorp Investments and Insurance and received the 2009 Bulls Eye Investment Outlook Award from the CFA Society of St. Louis. Amaya (Onate) Brondel ’99 is a Special Education Teacher for the Mascoma School District in New Hampshire. Andrew Brondel ’99 earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Grand Canyon University and is the Practice Administrator of General Internal Medicine at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in New Hampshire. Nancy Picht ’99 is pursuing a Teaching Certificate for Mathematics at the Secondary
Leadership fall 2010
Andrew Weir ’99 returned to Westminster in March of 2010 to perform in a traveling production of the play The Last Five Years.
2000s Sorin Ciesielski ’00 is the Assistant Vice President of IT Audit at Zurich Financial Services in Chicago, IL. Carrie Rogers ’00 is the Director of Government Affairs with the North Texas Tollway Authority in Dallas, TX. Bryan Towe ’00 received a Master’s in Business Administration from Columbia School of Business and a Master’s of Arts in International Relations and Economics from Johns Hopkins University. He is the Associate Director for Mergers and Acquisitions at UBS Bank in New York, NY. Courtney (Stubbs) Swan ’01 is the Advisor for Citizenship & Service-Learning at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. Kevin Donnelly ’02 graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine. He is participating in a surgical internship at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.
Peter Jones ’02 earned a Master’s of Arts in Spanish from California State University, Sacramento. He resides in Kirkwood, MO and is a Teaching and Learning Consultant with Promethean, Inc. nationwide. Dr. Jamie Spurrier ’02 served as the 2009-2010 Chief Pediatric Resident at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. She is currently completing a Fellowship in Child Abuse Pediatrics at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Jay Howard ’03 received the 2010 Young Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. Matt Michelson ’03 is the Chief of Staff for State Senator David Pearce in the Missouri Senate. Wesley Philpott ’03 is a Qualified DSE Operator and TMW Supervisor with the United States Navy. Elisa (Donnelly) Reeves ’03 is a Special Event and Volunteer Coordinator with the Nurses for Newborns Foundation in St. Louis, MO. Sabrina Seehafer ’03 earned a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Rochester and is a DNA Criminalist with the State of Iowa. Liz (Moore) Stickley ’03 was recognized as the 2010 Teacher of the Year for the North Glendale School District where she is a First Grade Teacher in Kirkwood, MO.
Lindsay Castello ’04 is a Customer Services Manager at UMB Bank in O’Fallon, MO.
Second Grade Teacher at Nettie Hartnet Elementary School in Leavenworth, KS.
Amanda Reckamp ’07 is the Head Softball Coach at Grinnell College in Grinnell, IA.
Yasuko Kanamori ’04 earned a Master’s of Divinity from The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA and is participating in a Biblical Counseling Internship at the Seminary.
Eric Langland ’06 earned a Juris Doctorate from Tulane University School of Law and was the recipient of the International Rona R. Mears Student Writing Competition & Scholarship Award from the American Bar Association.
Mike Stahlman ’07 earned a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Missouri, Columbia and is a Regulatory Economist in Jefferson City, MO.
Evan Williams ’04 is an Attorney & In-House Counsel for Jackson National Asset Management in Chicago, IL.
Trip Klaus ’06 [16] earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa College of Law.
Mariah Dreisinger ’05 earned a Master’s in Public Health from St. Louis University and is pursuing a Medical Degree at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Erin Luke ’05 is an Associate with Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP in St. Louis, MO. Dustin Moyer ’05 was named “Sexiest Dad Alive” by People online magazine in January 2010. Melissa Plunkett ’05 is the Editor-in-Chief of the Kansas Law Review at the University of Kansas School of Law. Josh Beck ’06 is the Vice President of Business Recruitment for the Missouri Partnership in St. Louis, MO.
Andrea Long ’06 [16] earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa College of Law. Mary Poletti ’06 earned a Master’s in Journalism from the University of Missouri, Columbia and is a Reporter for The Quincy Herald-Whig. Emily Powell ’06 received the Outstanding Elementary Teacher Award from the Columbia Public School District where she is a Fifth Grade Teacher at PaxtonKeeley Elementary School. Casey Coffey ’07 is an Environmental Engineer with S2L Inc. in Orlando, FL. Jess Herd ’07 [16] earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa College of Law.
Jacob Clouse ’06 earned a Master’s in Medical Physics from the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center.
Graham McGee ’07 is the Vice President of McGhee Medical Inc. and Territorial Sales Representative for Depuy Orthopaedics.
David Day ’06 was featured in a story by NBC Action News KSHB in Kansas City, MO in December 2009 for his work as a
Meagan Myers ’07 was recognized as the Outstanding First-Year Teacher at Baker Elementary School in Richmond, VA.
Paul Stefanescu ’07 is a Financial Analyst in the Corporate Finance Division of Alpha Bank in Bucharest, Romania. Liz Blood ’08 is an Assistant Editor for Oklahoma Today magazine and is pursuing a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Vermont College of Fine Arts. Mary Florence Boone ’08 is a Kindergarten Teacher in the Pattonville School District in St. Louis, MO. Joe Bowmaster ’08 is the President of Missouri AmeriCorps Alums headquartered in Newmarket, NH. Bambi Cheva-Isarakul ’08 is pursuing a Master’s Degree at the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland and is an Intern at the Permament Mission of the Maldives to the United Nations. Hunter Day ’08 earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing from St. Louis University and is currently enrolled in the Nurse Residency Program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Memphis, TN.
12 12. Jason ‘94, Erin (Conlan) ‘94, Bailey & Gage Gottman 13. Abby, Emma & Owen, children of Kristin (Huber) ‘96 & Daniel Davis 14. Eric Koestner ‘98
15. Matt Quintero ‘05 and his catch of the day 16. Trip Klaus ‘06, Andrea Long ‘06 & Jess Herd ‘07 17. Buddy Sodemann ‘09 & Coach Matt Mitchell
16 Emily Henselmeier ’08 is the Director of Youth and Family Ministries at Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Bellevue, WA. Joey Holflander ’08 is participating in an internship with the Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District in Kansas City. Hoflander is pursuing a Juris Doctorate at Valparaiso University School of Law. Tom Humphrey ’08 is pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration at Iona College in New York, NY. Lexi Klaus ’08 is the Director of Government Affairs for the Columbia, MO Chamber of Commerce. Steven Lee ’08 is an Account Executive with Aetna Inc. in Seattle, WA. Stephen Long ’08 is a Community Support Worker for the Hope Center at the Fulton State Hospital. Rachael Monroe ’08 earned a Master’s in Education from Baker University and is an Elementary School Teacher in St. Joseph, MO. Jennifer Sanders ’08 graduated from the Dual Degree Program in Engineering and Applied Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. She is pursuing a Master’s in Higher Education at Western Illinois University. Jacob Akin ’09 is a Physical Education Teacher at Viburnum Elementary School in Viburnum, MO.
Leadership fall 2010
Mike Buffa ’09 is an Account Coordinator with Schupp Company in St. Louis, MO. Caitlin Dean ’09 is an English Teacher for the Global EDU Foundation at the Incheon English Village in Korea. Peter Frank ’09 is pursuing a PhD in Applied Sciences at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. Allison Gerli ’09 is pursuing a Juris Doctorate at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Law. Emily Herzog ’09 is a Staff Assistant in the Office of Congresswoman JoAnn Emerson in Washington, DC. Megan Hickam ’09 is an Operations Manager for Waterway Carwash Company in the Kansas City Metro Area. Katherine Humphreys ’09 is a Warehouse Management System Fulfillment Control Analyst with Scholastic Books in Jefferson City, MO. Joe Leake ’09 is a Sales Associate with Coldwell Banker Premier Group in St. Louis, MO Wendy Miller ’09 is an English Teacher at Troy (MO) High School. Ashley Nelson ’09 is pursuing a Master’s in English from the University of Missouri, Columbia. Meckenzie Owen ’09 is a Community Support Worker at the Family Guidance Center for Behavioral Healthcare in St. Joseph, MO.
Mandela Reissmann ’09 is a Financial Professional with Financial Foundation Group in Denver, CO. Brittney Scott ’09 is a Third Grade Teacher at Bartley Elementary School in Fulton, MO. Sam Smart ’09 is pursuing a Master’s in Health Administration at the University of Missouri, Columbia School of Medicine. Katie Smith ’09 is a Kindergarten Teacher at Duello Elementary School. Buddy Sodemann ’09 [17] is an Assistant Basketball Coach at Illinois Wesleyan University. Brian Turntine ’09 is a Product Specialist in the Bond Department of Wells Fargo in St. Louis, MO. Michael White ’09 is pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration at Missouri State University.
2010s Sarah Blackmon ’10 is pursing a Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Emerson College in Boston, MA. Jillian Bone ’10 is an Operations Specialist with Wells Fargo Advisors in St. Louis, MO. Dawn Booth ’10 is a Catering Coordinator at Westport Plaza Hotels in St. Louis, MO. Lauren Brohammer ’10 is a District-Wide Speech Implementer for Mexico (MO) Public Schools.
Curt Byrd ’10 is a Biologist Technician for the United States Geological Society in Columbia, MO. Katelin Cange ’10 is in the Management Training Program of Enterprise-Rent-A-Car in St. Louis, MO. Shanna Crafts ’10 is the Assistant Volleyball Coach at Westminster College and will pursue a Juris Doctorate at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale in the fall of 2011. Markie England ’10 is a Health Teacher and Volleyball & Basketball Coach at St. Clair, MO High School. Karl Feigley ’10 is an Operations Specialist with Wells Fargo Advisors in St. Louis, MO. Brandi Fischer ’10 is participating in a Teaching
Fellowship through the University of Missouri, Columbia where she will pursue a Master’s in Education while teaching Fourth Grade at Hawthorne Elementary School in Mexico, MO. Matt Greaves ’10 is pursuing a Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Dentistry. Heather Hoertel ’10 is pursuing a Master’s in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Missouri, Columbia. Lauren Lloyd ’10 is pursuing a Master’s in Learning and Instruction at the University of Missouri, Columbia and is a Kindergarten Teacher at Chance Elementary School in Centralia, MO.
Cory Meyer ’10 is pursuing a Juris Doctorate at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Law. Ryan Orf ’10 is pursuing a Bachelor’s of Science in the Accelerated Nursing Program at St. Louis University. Vanessa Underwood ’10 is pursuing a Juris Doctorate at the University of Missouri, Kansas City School of Law. Rob Unger ’10 is a PASS Associate at Edward Jones in St. Louis, MO. Claire Vatterott ’10 is pursuing a Master’s in Special Education at the University of Missouri, Columbia.
Whitney Meurer ’10 is a Mathematics Teacher at Fulton (MO) High School.
T H E C H U R C H I L L I N S T I T U T E AT W E S T M I N S T E R C O L L E G E P R E S E N T S :
F E AT U R I N G S E S S I O N S O N :
bioterrorism, intelligence, media, climate change, nuclear issues, world religions, counterinsurgency, peace simulations, literature, the mathematics of war and more…
T he J ohn F indley G reen L ecture will be given
by The Honorable James A. Baker, III, 61st Secretary of State
ITS NOT JUST ABOUT WAR | SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2010 w ww.we s t m inste r- mo.e du/go/sy m posium
1999 Amanda Fisher [1] married Joseph Guerra on April 24, 2010 in Bedford, TX. Wedding guests included Darcie (Keith) Garza ’99. The couple resides in Irving, TX where Fisher is a Social Work Case Manager.
2001 Scott Anderson [2] married Torri Feutz on September 19, 2009 in Audrain County, MO. The wedding party included Aaron Lang ’01, Drew Sealey ’01, Seth Bell ’04, and Tom Van Ness ’04. The couple resides in Columbia, MO where Anderson is a Claims Adjuster with State Farm Insurance. Kara Alfredson married Jeremy Harris on September 5, 2010 at Star Hill Ranch in Bee Cave, TX. Westminster wedding guests included Kate (Whitsit) Wallace ’96, Jill (Stewart) Kamps ’00, Laura (Israel) Jensen ’01, and Eleni Tsaloufis ’01. The couple resides in Palo Alto, CA where Alfredson is a Senior Program Associate at Room to Read and is pursuing a Master’s in International Comparative Education at Stanford University.
2002 Michael Bigler [3, 4] married Dori Lloyd on August 29, 2009.
Westminster guests included Judge D.D. Bigler ’58, Tim O’Reilly ’90, John Bigler ’92, Elizabeth (Bigler) Buchanan ’92, John Hall ’02, Bryan Hickey ’02, Nathan Mendenhall ’02, Mike Nisbet ’02, David Richter ’02 and Dr. John Langton. The couple resides in Anna, IL where Bigler is a District Administrative Manager for the Illinois Department of Transportation.
Loan Business Specialist with the US Department of Agriculture.
Richard Sheets [5] married Jennifer Briggler on July 18, 2009 in Rogers, AR. The wedding party included Tim Miller ’02, Jay Howard ’03, Cole Prenger ’05 and Gino Paternostro ’05. The couple resides in Rogers, AR where Sheets in an Electronics Buyer for Sam’s Club US. Harrison Stoneham [6] married Amy Meyer on May 16, 2009. The couple resides in Dallas, TX where Stoneham is pursuing a Master’s in Business Administration at the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University.
2004 Laurel Minich married Paul Leverrier on October 17, 2009 in Mission, KS. The wedding party included Tara Estabrooks ’04 and Liz Icenogle ’05. The couple resides in Washington, DC where Minich is a Financial and
2005 Susan Sullivan [7] married Evin Demirel on November 7, 2009. The couple resides in Little Rock, AR where Sullivan is currently in her Pediatric Residency at the Arkansas Children’s Hospital.
Jenna Manning married Josh Harlow ’07 [8] on May 22, 2010 in Oklahoma City, OK. The wedding party included Lindsey (Borgelt) Manning ’04, Justin Manning ’04, Sara Hart Weir ’04, Liz Icenogle ’05, Jennie (Kaminski) Buss ’06, Liza Moler ’06, Jeremy Heulsing ’07, Joshua Moore ’07, Zach Stubbs ’07, Andrew Buxton ’08, Andrew Chambers ’07 and Spencer Head ’08. The couple resides in Yukon, OK where Manning is a Senior Tax Associate with Grant Thornton LLP and Harlow is a Senior Account Representative with Jones Public Relations. Joanna Carpenter married Matt House [9] on May 24, 2009 in St. Louis, MO. The wedding party included Daniel Jackson ’03, Chapin Deel ’06, Drew Goding ’06, Kristen (Leone) Jackson ’06, Adam Kloppe ’06, Brad Main ’07, Michael Ornburn ’06,
Katie Pilgram ’08, Andy House ’09 and Abby Stuck ’09. The couple resides in St. Charles, MO where Carpenter is a Procurement Agent and House is a Programmer Analyst, both with The Boeing Company.
2007 Phil Walter [10] married Keisha Smith on November 1, 2008 in St. Charles, MO. The wedding party
included Jeremy Huelsing ’07, Mike Swift ’07, Andrew Komoroski ’08 and Tyler Wasson ’09. The couple resides in O’Fallon, MO where Walter is a Consultant for Welsch Systems, Inc.
The couple resides in Davenport, IA where Gordon is a Marketing Representative with John Deere.
2008 Stephanie Gordon [11] married Zach Johnson on March 13, 2010. The wedding party included Megan Munzlinger ’09 and Jillian Bone ’10.
1. Amanda (Fisher) ‘99 and Joseph Guerra 2. Scott ‘01 and Torri Anderson 3. Dori & Mike ’02 Bigler 4. Westminster friends at the Bigler wedding 5. Jennifer and Richard ‘03 Sheets 6. Amy and Harrison ‘03 Stoneham 7. Evin and Susan (Sullivan) ‘05 Demirel 8. Josh ’07 and Jenna (Manning) ’06 Harlow 9. Joanna (Carpenter) ’06 and Matt ’06 House 10. Keisha and Phil ’07 Walter 11. Zach and Stephanie (Gordon) ’08 Johnson
Dr. Craig Dennison [1] and wife Jessica welcomed Dera Evelyn Dennison on April 8, 2010. Dennison is an Assistant Professor of Spanish at Westminster. President and Jane Forsythe welcomed granddaughter Abigail Jane Forsythe on January 5, 2010 to parents Bryant and Margaret Forsythe of Seattle, WA. Abigail Manwell and huband Joe welcomed Alexander Joseph Manwell on May 8, 2010. Manwell is the Employer Relations Coordinator at Westminster. Dr. Gabe McNett [2] and wife Angela welcomed Evan James McNett on February 21, 2010. McNett is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Westminster. Scott Pritchard [3] welcomed Keira Pritchard on December 29, 2009. Pritchard is the Head Baseball Coach at Westminster. Rev. Brad Sheppard [4] and wife Terry adopted Ian Edward Kukuk Sheppard from China in January 2010. Ian joins older brother Jadon. Sheppard is the Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life at Westminster.
1980 Ed Lewis and wife Jody welcomed twins Ella Elizabeth and Jackson “Jack” Edward Lewis on March 3, 2010. They join older brother Drew, age 5. The family resides in West Hartford, CT.
1992 Stan Roberts [5] and wife Leslie welcomed Elliott “Elli” Brooke Roberts on March 4, 2009. Elli is the niece of David Roberts ’96. The family resides in Little Rock, AR where Roberts is a Financial Advisor with Stern Agee.
Wes Gregory [6] and wife Mandy welcomed Charley Antoinette Gregory on February 2, 2010. Carley joins older sister Riley. The family resides in St. Louis, MO
Leadership fall 2010
where Gregory is an Investment Representative for Edward Jones.
1994 Emily (Richardson) Blake [7] and husband Jeff welcomed Lucy Elizabeth Blake on May 26, 2010. Lucy joins older sister Annie, age 3. The family resides in Nichols Hills, OK where Blake is a Regional Enrollment Director for Westminster.
1995 Kristin (Cope) Arnold and husband Todd welcomed Emma Grace Arnold on November 23, 2009. Emma joins older sister Virginia, age 2. She is the niece of Robin (Cope) Coleman ’97. The family resides in Charlotte, NC. Natalie (Ayers) and Brian Burnside [8] welcomed Kierstyn Ann Burnside on June 2, 2010. Kierstyn joins older siblings Aidan, age 8, and Preston, age 5. The family resides in Marshalltown, IA where Natalie is a stay at home mom and Brian is the President and CEO of Marshalltown Medical and Surgical Center. Will Eliscu and wife Kelly welcomed Tripp Kraft Eliscu on June 1, 2010. The family resides in Los Angles, CA where Eliscu is a Graphic Designer and Digital Scenic Artist with DreamWorks Animation.
1996 Marcie (Bail) Moses [9] and husband Matt welcomed Tyler Austin Moses on January 21, 2010. The family resides in Sanford, NC where Moses is a Senior Research Scientist for Pfizer. Molly (Stauffer) Waldock [10] and husband Jakin welcomed London Olivia Waldock on April 22, 2010. London joins older brothers Jakin, age 3, and Champion, age 2. The family resides in Columbia, MO where Waldock is a stay at home mom.
16, 2010. Finn joins older brother Max, age 3. The family resides in Baltimore, MD where Rachel is the Director of Major Gifts at the GBMC Foundation and Mark works in Commercial/ Residential Management with David S. Brown Enterprises.
1999 Scott Gassen [12] and wife Holly welcomed Dalton Scott Gassen on May 6, 2010. Dalton is the greatgrandson of James W. Moore ’50. The family resides in St. Louis, MO where Gassen is a Financial Advisor with Renaissance Financial. Roger Wasson [13] and wife Abby adopted Ari Wasson in January 2010. Ari was born on July 9, 2009 in Southern Ethiopia. The family resides in Springfield, MO where Wasson is the Vice President of Development for Elite Promotions.
2000 Blake Cogbill [14] and wife Allison welcomed Nathan Henry Cogbill on December 25, 2010. Nathan joins older brother Matthew, age 2. The family resides in Patomic Falls, VA. Alice (Hickey) Cruse [15] and husband Joseph welcomed Samuel Henry Cruse on March 22, 2010. Samuel joins older brother JD, age 1. The family resides in Denver, CO where Cruse works in Finance for The Sports Authority. George Mallory [16] and wife Paula welcomed Rosemary Caroline Mallory on June 23, 2009. The family resides in Little Rock, AR where Mallory is a Commercial Loan Officer with Centennial Bank.
Carrie (Toosley) and Greg Ross [17] welcomed Luke Ross on July 7, 2009. Luke is the nephew of Nathan Ross ’98. The family resides in Labadle, MO where Carrie is a Fourth Grade Teacher with Mehlville School District and Greg is an Anesthesiologist with Metro West Anesthesia.
Rachel (Fridley) and Mark ’95 Ladenson [11] welcomed Finnegan “Finn” Roland Ladenson on February
Wilson Ward [18] and wife Katy welcomed Anna Kathryn “Annie Kate” Ward on April 4, 2010. The
family resides in Ft. Smith, AR where Ward is a Sales Representative with Stryker Surgical.
Caroline joins older brother Henry, age 3. The family resides in Ozark, MO where Hoesch is a First Grade Teacher with the Nixa School District.
Leah (Eaton) and Matt ’00 Logan [19] welcomed Lillie Jane Logan on March 5, 2010. The family resides in Pleasant Hill, MO where Leah is a stay at home mom and Matt is a Financial Advisor with Edward Jones.
Jordan (Bram) and Jeremy ’04 Teeple [21] welcomed Helen Elizabeth Teeple on March 8, 2010. Helen joins older brother Bram, age 2. The family resides in Dallas, TX where Jordan is a stay at home mom and Jeremy is an Analyst with BBC Capital Management.
Katie (Sapienza) Hoesch [20] and husband Matt welcomed Caroline Claire Hoesch on January 28, 2010.
Jamie (Stewart) Brainard [22] and husband Warren welcomed John Holden Brainard on December 28,
2009. The family resides in Little Rock, AR where Brainard is the Annual Giving Officer of the CARTI Foundation.
Steven Carney [23] and wife Merideth welcomed Elliot Hawkins Carney on March 23, 2010. The family resides in Columbia, MO where Carney is a Network Administrator with Shelter Insurance.
1. Dera Dennison 2. Evan McNett 3. Keira Pritchard 4. Ian Kukuk Sheppard 5. Elli Roberts 6. Charley & Riley Gregory 7. Lucy & Annie Blake 8. Kierstyn Burnside 9. Tyler Moses 10. London Waldock 11. Max & Finn Ladenson 12. Dalton Gassen 13. Ari Wasson 14. Nathan Cogbill 15. Samuel Cruse 16. Rosemary Mallory 17. Luke Ross 18. Annie Kate Ward 19. Lillie Logan 20. Henry & Caroline Hoesch 21. Helen Teeple 22. Jamie (Stewart) ‘03 and John Brainard 23. Elliot Carney
hey were our classmates, our friends, brothers and sisters. Together we remember those who shared their lives with us and left behind hearts full of precious memories.
Dr. Charles W. Kerr of Hilton Head, SC on February 2, 2010. He received a PhD in Political Science from the University of Missouri and taught at Westminster College.
George M. Anderson of Fulton, MO on February 8, 2010. He was a member of the Fulton Colleges’ Board of Associates and was a friend of the National Churchill Museum.
John Latshaw of Naples, FL on July 18, 2010. Latshaw was a Kansas City native and businessman who served as an active member on Westminster’s Board of Trustees from 1981-1996 and a Life Trustee in 1996. He was the Managing Partner of Uhlmann & Latshaw in Kansas City and later became the Director, Executive Vice President, Managing Director, and Member of the Executive Committee when the company merged with E.F. Hutton & Company, Inc. Later in his life, he was the Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, and Owner of Latshaw Enterprises, Inc. Latshaw was instrumental in bringing the Breakthrough sculpture to Westminster in 1990. The sculpture is displayed on campus in Latshaw Plaza, named in memory of his son Henry John Latshaw.
Richard E. Boyer of Sylvania Township, OH on February 22, 2010. He earned a Bachelor of Science from Kirksville State Teachers College, a Master’s in European History, and a PhD in British History at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He taught at Westminster College for one year. Dr. Dixon Bramblett of Atlanta, GA on December 21, 2009. He earned a Master’s in Audiology from Auburn University and a PhD in Social and Organizational Psychology from Temple University. He served as Assistant Professor of Psychology at Westminster College. Sarah N. Dixon of Columbia, MO on February 8, 2010. Dixon earned a Master’s in French from the Middlebury Program in Paris. She began Doctorate coursework in French at the University of Colorado. From 1962-68 she was an Assistant Professor of French at Westminster College. Dr. Howard P. Hinde of Houston, TX on January 9, 2010. Hinde earned a Bachelor’s from Park College, two Master’s from the University of Oklahoma and Yale University, and a PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University. He served as a Parasitologist and Bacteriologist in the Medical Department of the US Army during WWII before dedicating his career to teaching. Hinde occupied the Cameron D. Day Chair of Biology at Westminster for 23 years and served as Department Chair. H. Marshall Jarrett of Roanoke, VA on February 9, 2010. He served as Assistant Professor of History at Westminster College from 1962-63.
Leadership fall 2010
John “Jack” Court Lippincott of Fulton, MO on February 20, 2010. He was a member of the Fulton Colleges’ Board of Associates. Lippincott worked for Ford Motor Company, Chrysler and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. He was a former Vice President of Breckenridge Hotel Corp. in St. Louis and was Vice President & Part Owner of Central Electric Company in Fulton, MO. He was also a member of the Callaway County Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club. Harold V. Knight ’36 of Laguna Woods, CA on November 15, 2009. He was a member of the Highlanders. Dr. James Samuel Smart ’39 of Fulton, MO on March 16, 2010. After graduating from Westminster, he earned a PhD in Physics from the University of Minnesota. He was a Civilian Instructor for the US Army Air Force and taught at the Engineering Cadet School at Yale University. Dr. Smart worked as Manager of the
Magnetism Research Group with IBM Corp. in Yorktown Heights, NY and later as the Environmental Sciences Manager for the same company. In 1964 he received the Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster. After retiring in 1981, he authored and published over 40 scientific papers and one book. John Cheek ’42 of Oklahoma City, OK on April 12, 2010. He was a member of the Highlanders and served as a Field Artillery Officer in the US Army during WWII. Cheek earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Oklahoma School of Law and entered into private practice with his two brothers forming the law firm Cheek, Cheek & Cheek, where he practiced for 55 years. He also served as the Vice President of the Federation of Insurance Council for 5 years. John Bruce Finlayson ’44 of Carrollton, MO on February 19, 2010. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and served for three years as an Officer in the US Marines durng WWII. He later returned to Carollton where he operated his family coal business for 30 years. Finlayson served as the President of the Carrollton Park Board for over 30 years and was a member of the Lions Club for over 60 years. In 1962, he began 12-year officiating career with the NFL. After retiring from the NFL, he worked with the Big Eight Conference as Supervisor of Football Officials. He was a recipient of the Football Officials Award of Merit by the Collegiate Commissioners Association. His son, John Finlayson ’76 also attended Westminster. John Morse ’45 of Vancouver, WA on April 13, 2010. He was a member of the Highlanders. He served in the US Army during WWII and later earned a Juris Doctorate from Stanford University. Morse practiced law for 10 years before relocating to work as the Chairman of the Church Building Department for the Congregational Churches in New York City. In 1969, he authored To Build a Church.
He later returned to Vancouver and co-founded the law firm of Morse & Bratt where he practiced for 20 years until he retired in 2000. Dr. Edward M. Fugate ’46 of Norton Shores, MI on February 27, 2010. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta. Fugate received a Medical Degree from the University of Oklahoma Medical School. During his surgical residency in Detroit, he enlisted in the US Navy and served as a Second Lieutenant, spending two years heading a mobile surgical hospital in South Korea. He later became a Board Certified Surgeon and practiced general surgery, industrial medicine, sports medicine and primary care. Robert D. Reynold ’46 of Springfield, MO on December 21, 2009. Reynolds was a member of Phi Delta Theta. He served in the US Navy during WWII. He was President of General Steel Products Co. and United Machinery and Supply Co. Prior to his retirement, he was President of Boatman’s Bank in Cassville and served on the boards of Boatman’s Bank in Springfield and Commerce Bank in Joplin. Eugene G. Barnard ’47 of St. Louis, MO on January 20, 2010. He was a member of Kappa Alpha Order. Barnard was an Officer in the US Marine Corp during WWII. For over 45 years, he was President of Barnard Shoe Industry Corporation and was also a past President of Greenbriar Hills Country Club and Chairman of the Board for Shoe Industry 210 Philanthropic Foundation. Barnard was honored as Man of the Year by the St. Louis District Shoe Trades Association and the Shoe Industry 210 Philanthropic Foundation. John J. Ross ’48 of Kansas City, MO on March 15, 2010. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He was the Chief Executive Officer of Walter W. Ross and Co. Inc. Fraternal Management Service of Beta Sigma Phi International Sorority for 63 years. His brother Walter W. Ross ’44 also attended Westminster.
Tom M. Young ’48 of Phoenix, AZ on November 29, 2009. He served in the US Navy during WWII. Young was active in the Chandler Jaycees and was a former President for the Westminster Alumni Association of Arizona. John H. Holekamp ’49 of St. Louis, MO on January 17, 2010. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He served in the US Air Force and was a member of the Webster Groves Masonic Lodge. Howard W. Jenkins ’49 of Fort Collins, CO on February 4, 2010. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Before attending Westminster, Jenkins served as a Medical Corpsman in the US Navy and the US Marine Corp. He received the Purple Heart Award and Silver Star for his service. Joseph L. Hewett ’50 of Sedalia, MO on April 1, 2010. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Hewett was a veteran of the US Army and was employed with Southwestern Bell Telephone. Donald Jacoby ’50 of Alton, IL on May 22, 2010. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. Prior to attending Westminster, Jacoby served in the US Navy during WWII as a Pharmacist Mate and Corpsman. He was President and Co-Owner of Jacoby Furniture in Alton for 48 years and also served as a Trustee, Deacon and Elder of the College Avenue Presbyterian Church for 60 years. Dr. Alfred D. Leinweber ’50 of Albuquerque, NM on January 21, 2010. After graduating from Westminster, he served in the Air Force during the Korean War. He attended the Army Language School and served as a Russian interpreter in Berlin. Leinweber later graduated from the University of St. Louis Dental School and spent 24 years working in France, Texas, New Mexico, Ohio and Missouri in the US Dental Corps. He then retired to Albuquerque to practice as a civilian dentist. James B. Nelson ’50 of St. Louis, MO on December 27, 2009. He was a
member of the Highlanders. He attended Westminster and later earned a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from the Rolla School of Mines in Missouri. Nelson received a Purple Heart for his military service during WII. He later worked for over 30 years as a Project Engineer for Monsanto. Richard H. Minetree ’51 of Poplar Bluff, MO on December 24, 2009. He was a member of Sigma Chi. Joseph W. Rhea ’51 of Tacoma, WA on January 17, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Rhea earned a Juris Doctorate from Washington University School of Law and later served in the US Army during the Korean War. Throughout his business career he held various positions including Central Regional Manager for E.H. Sheldon Equipment Company, Owner of Educational Interiors, Owner of The Crab Pot in Purdy, and Owner of Hansel and Gretel in Federal Way. Rhea also served on the Board of Directors of the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce. Curtis L. Wallace ’51 of St. Louis, MO on May 26, 2009. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta. Dr. Richard Still ’53 of Kirksville, MO on April 22, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Chi. After graduating from Westminster, he attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN and later graduated from Kirksville College of Osteopathy and Surgery. He served as a General Practitioner and PartOwner of Laughlin Osteopathic Hospital in Kirksville for 20 years until his retirement. Rev. Jesse J. Trower ’53 of Jefferson City, MO on January 18, 2010. After attending Westminster, he received a Bachelor of Divinity from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. For over 30 years, Trower worked as the Regional Director for CROP (Church World Service/Community Rural Overseas Program) in Jefferson City. In 2008, Trower received the John Bennett Award for Ministry in Church and Community from the Missouri School of Religion, Center for Rural
Ministry. He also served as Pastor for Salem Presbyterian Church from 1966 until his death. Rev. Otis E. Young ’53 of Lincoln, NE on December 10, 2009. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. Young was Pastor Emeritus at FirstPlymouth Congregational UCC. After his retirement, he worked in Community Relations for Sampson Construction and Pfizer. He served as a Board Member at Doane College, Elizabeth Hospital and Lincoln General Hospital. In 1969, Young received an Honorary Degree from Westminster College. His brother Marvin Young ’51 also attended Westminster. Robert W. Brown ’54 of Kansas City, MO on April 21, 2010. He was a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He attended the Oklahoma University College of Law and passed both the Missouri and Oklahoma Bar exams. Brown practiced at the Hoskings, King Law firm in Kansas City, MO where he specialized in civil and criminal tax, business organization and business and estate planning. Robert Hendrix ’54 of Cape Girardeau, MO on April 6, 2010. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. Hendrix served in the US Navy during the Korean War. He was the President and CEO of the Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years and also served on the Board of Directors of St. Francis Medical Center for 21 years. Kenneth E. Bradley ’55 of Catoosa, OK on February 6, 2010. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. After graduating from Westminster, Bradley was a member of the US Army and served a tour of duty in Germany. Alfred “Owen” Fonkalsrud ’56 of Tulsa, OK on January 9, 2010. He was a member of Kappa Alpha Order. He earned a Master’s in Psychology from the University of Omaha and worked as a Psychologist for over 40 years. Fonkalsrud was a Colonel in the US Army and served as a Liason Officer for West Point Academy for 9 years.
Leadership fall 2010
Dr. Hugh C. Rogers ’58 of Farmington, NM on December 24, 2009. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Rogers received a Medical Degree from Tulane University School of Medicine and served as a US Air Force Flight Surgeon at the Aerospace Medical School at Brooks Air Force Base. He received the Air Force Commendation Medal for his service in Southeast Asia and Vietnam. Rogers opened a private practice in Farmington specializing in urology. After his retirement, he taught for the San Juan College Encore Program. Dr. Frank B. Edwards ’63 of Carthage, MO on April 13, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After graduating from Westminster he earned a PhD in Biochemistry and a Medical Degree from the University of MissouriColumbia. Edwards opened a family medical practice in Carthage that he operated for 36. He served as Medical Director at McCune-Brooks Hospital for 3 years and as Medical Director of the Sarcoxie Nursing Center for 17 years. His daughter, Sonya (Edwards) Faiella ’89 also attended Westminster. Rowland D. Stanfield ’67 of Atlanta, GA on April 21, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He graduated from Westminster as a Second Lieutenant in the US Army and spent four years stationed in Kaiserslautern, Germany. Stanfield attended the University of Tulsa Law School and then returned to Georgia where he owned and operated Rowland’s, one of the most successful catering companies in Atlanta, for 24 years. Charles C. Wilson ’67 of Ft. Lauderdale, FL on May 29, 2010. Wilson was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and served in the US Army during Vietnam. He was President of the consulting firm Wilson & Associates Marketing, Inc. Sam Barnes ’68 of Lexington, KY on July 20, 2010. Barnes was a member of Delta Tau Delta. After graduating from
Westminster, he earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Baldwin Wallace College and later attended the ABA School of International Banking at the University of Colorado. Barnes was a valuable member of the Lexington community, serving as Director and Trustee of the KY Chamber of Commerce, Lexington Children’s Museum, Kentucky Horse Park Foundation, the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, and the Good Samaritan Foundation. He was also the former Chair and Campaign Chair of LexArts and United Way of the Bluegrass. Barnes was the President and CEO of Fifth Third Bank, Central Kentucky. In 1994, he was a recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award from Westminster College. He and his wife Susan supported Westminster and promoted alumni engagement by sponsoring the 2009 and 2010 Blue Jay Across the USA summer road trip events in Lexington. Lieutenant Colonel Douglas C. Andrews ’73 of Lawton, OK on January 1, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Chi. Andrews received a Juris Doctorate from the University of Tulsa School of Law. He was an officer in the US Army and later served as a JAG Officer. He received such awards as the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal, Army Commendation Medal, and the Southwest Asia Service Medal with three Bronze Service Stars. Gary L. Schultz ’77 of Boykin, SC on February 27, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. After graduating from Westminster he earned a Master’s in Business Administration from Webster University. He was a National Accounts Manager for Kaman Industrial Technologies. Gregory “Scott” Gathright ’82 of Springfield, MO on April 22, 2010. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. William A. Hoyt ’10 of Conway, AR on January 6, 2010. He attended Westminster for 2 years prior to attending the University of Central Arkansas in Conway. Hoyt worked in sales for The Heritage Company.
“To improve is to change,”
Churchill told the world. Obviously, in the span of half a century, the changes have been as dramatic as these contrasting photographs of residential life at Westminster demonstrate…and the improvements have been as dramatic as well. The black and white bare walls of the dorm have been transformed with splashes of color from a wide array of pictures, wall hangings, and décor. Certainly, women moving into the dorms when the campus became co-educational in 1979 has had a major impact on college life at all levels. Perhaps the largest change is how technology has become the major focus of dorm life. Whether it’s studies or social life, books have taken a back seat to the global reach of computers. Still, some things can never be improved…a beautiful afternoon of studies and fun with your friends in the dorm at Westminster is an impression that lasts a lifetime.
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