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Analyze This: Unique Interdisciplinary Program Celebrates 10 Years
Dr. Daniel Fischmar, standing left, and Benjamin Nelson ’06, standing right, with past participants in Analyst Program. Standing from left are Fischmar, Ann Marie Bayma ’15, Raechel Pusateri ’16, Haley Barger ’15, Rebecca Bradnam ’16 and Nelson. Seated from left are Ian Davis ’15, James DeBone ’15, Zachary Kraus ’16 and Alyssa Fyock Caroline ’16.
Analyze This
By HALEY S. BARGER ’15 W W hat began as a classroom exercise in Dr. Daniel Fischmar’s Financial Economics course more than a decade ago has blossomed into a thriving interdisciplinary internship program that is a true exemplar of the liberal arts.
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Westminster College Analyst Program, which gives students from all disciplines practical, hands-on experience developing a Moody’s-style rating for various companies. Students and experts, including alumni advisers, discuss the industry, financials, policy and related matters that ultimately allow students to form a company rating that is then compared with the Moody’s rating.
Designed to replicate a Wall Street internship, the program was born after Benjamin Nelson ’06—currently vice president and senior credit officer at Moody’s Investment Services in New York City and a member of the Westminster College Board of Trustees—suggested to Fischmar that his Financial Economics analysis project could become an internship-style program with a professional mentorship element that Nelson could provide.
“We realized during the Great Recession that Westminster students needed access to real-world applications of what they were learning, to see in real time how their work will one day translate in the working world,” Nelson said.
Nelson and Fischmar began to develop the bridge between Westminster’s academic offerings and what elements would be required during the interview process of job searches.
“Out of this came the Analyst Program, and as time went on, we broke off of the class and made the program stand alone,” Nelson said. It was at this breaking-off point, Fischmar added, that the Analyst Program began to incorporate a more liberal arts perspective.
“When you make projections, there are many possible scenarios for a company in the future. You can narrow these many possibilities, the interactions between all of these variables, a best case, a middle case, and a worst-case scenario for a company. And it’s being able to take this broader perspective and understand that there is more than one correct answer—and that is really the point of a liberal arts education,” said Fischmar, now professor of economics emeritus.
Alumni Involvement
One of the Analyst Program’s longest-standing student-turned-alumni participants, Harry Bittle ’14—now a senior associate in asset and liability management at PNC—has had the unique opportunity of witnessing and participating in the program’s growth. “That first time we did the Analyst Program outside of Dr. Fischmar’s class, it was small and we were mostly financial econ majors,” Bittle recalled, adding that he and his fellow participants analyzed a company that created graphite electrodes for arc furnaces used in steel mills.
“It was interesting, but a little dry,” Bittle said of his first experience as a student. “As time went on though, we’ve had the chance to analyze companies in various fields and through that we’ve all gotten to meet so many interesting people and gain insight from their in-depth knowledge of their companies and industries.”
“The Analyst Program is so super interesting,” Bittle added. “You learn so much, whether you’re a student or an adviser. You get to peel off the lid of a company and understand how it plays in its industry. You learn about the world this way, because you are one person looking at something so much larger than yourself, and yet this program teaches you that you can understand it all.”
“I would say the Analyst Program is like a buffet,” he said, adding that as students sift through an abundant amount of information during the research process, they will be required to interpret what details are important and relevant to the project.
“You have to know how to analyze these companies knowing that most of the information you will find in your research is put out by the companies themselves, and is therefore heavily biased and uniquely phrased to project a positive image—so you need to use your critical thinking and inductive reasoning skills,” he said.
Bittle said the Analyst Program isn’t just about knowing finances. Students will be required to present and defend arguments, and strong speaking skills and “a way with language” are a must.
“This program is liberal arts from every angle,” he said.

The Miller Room in the McGill Library serves as the Analyst Program board room.
Student Participation
Student participants in today’s program also contribute to the broader perspective by bringing their disciplinary lenses and providing different insight on issues ranging from environment to diversity.
Senior environmental science major and Honors Program student Sara Small ’22, who has participated in the Analyst Program several times, said although School of Business nurtured her understanding of the financial aspects of modeling and rating, she was able to bring other perspectives to the board room table.
“I learned how my research and knowledge from environmental science held weight in our formulas,” she said, adding that she began to understand the connections “between my discipline and theirs, because industry and businesses do not operate within a vacuum. They are heavily influenced by life.”
Small participated in the summer 2021 program that brought a new and different perspective to the program: Westminster students partnered with graduate students from Rutgers University—led by alumna Dr. Christie Nelson ’06 and member of Westminster’s Alumni Council—to perform
their analysis and rating of a company devoted to smart agriculture.
“Working with students from another institution—who all have experiences that are different from our own, collaborating with them and hearing their thoughts and ideas—grew us all,” Small said. “It expanded our perspectives and understandings of not only business and working life, but of the world and of ourselves.”
Small said the Analyst Program experience has allowed her to utilize her knowledge, skills and passions while developing and honing new skills in the process.
“The program helped me understand to a much deeper extent the interconnectedness that exists between business, science and people. Everything is connected,” she said.
Senior accounting and finance major Lauryn Todd '22, who has participated in the program twice, said she's also been able to fine tune her analytical skills and counts networking with business professionals an added bonus.
“The Analyst Program has been a fantastic experience. It's helped me explore career opportunities and network with alumni and other professionals. More than anything, it has helped me learn how to think critically and ask questions," she said. “There's often a reason for the results we would find. It became a matter of finding the why.“
Expert Guidance
Over the years, the Analyst Program has invited participation from alumni and guest experts from various fields—and many have found the experience engaging and enlightening. Many say they have benefited from learning comprehensive, nuanced, professional outlooks on a diverse array of industries.
One such friend of the College is Glenn Ford of Minneapolis and CEO of Praxis Holdco & InCity Farms.
Well known across the country for indoor aquaponics—a hybrid farming method combining aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (growing plants in water)—Ford served as an expert adviser with the summer 2021 session of the Analyst Program, during which students conducted strategic, financial and ESG analysis of an indoor agriculture company using a variety of interdisciplinary methodologies.
“The students had lots of questions about what I do. One of the things that I told them is that those first companies you go to right out of school teach you about business. I think it is somewhat of a falsehood to assume that the way you are taught business in college is going to be how you practice business when you get out,” Ford said. “That’s where this program’s value truly lies. It gives you real-world experience with technical skills that will benefit you long after graduation. I encouraged students in this program to ask more and more questions—and to go deeper.”
“The number one thing I would say about the Analyst Program is that it gives you perspective outside of those you encountered before in your life,” he said. “No matter your age or level of expertise, you need that fresh perspective. You need to be able to understand others’ points of view that exist wholly apart from your own. That’s absolutely critical in business and in life.”
Echoing and expanding on the remarks of Ford, Brian Petrus ’10, assistant professor of business administration at Westminster and frequent faculty participant, agreed that the Analyst Program not only has great impact on Westminster students, but for all who come participate in it.
“I wish this was a program when I was a student, because it forces you to engage using communication skills. It forces you to articulate your arguments from analysis that you have performed, to a variety of diverse audiences," said Petrus.
“These people, the alumni and friends of the College who come to help with this program—they want to be here. They come here to help our students. Our students are helped—and we all learn along the way,” he said. “You can’t beat it.” S

Sara Small ’22 brings her environmental science perspective to the board room.
| Titan news on and beyond campus

Campus officials dedicate Hoyt Science Center

Above, officials snip the ribbon in front of the doors of Hoyt’s new wing. Below, biochemistry student Sydney Rankin ’22 describes the state-of-the-art equipment featured in one of the new research labs. More than 100 people—students, donors, faculty, trustees, administrators, elected officials, community members—turned out for the official ribbon cutting and dedication of the $11.2 million Hoyt Science Center expansion on Sept. 3.
The 27,000-square-foot facility, which opened when students returned for fall classes, marks the completion of Phase III of the Hoyt Renovation and Expansion Project. The new wing, housing the chemistry and biochemistry departments, features classrooms, offices, ample spaces for student collaboration, and six research laboratories—including an organic chemistry lab named in memory of the late Dr. H. Dewey DeWitt, professor of chemistry emeritus, who served on Westminster’s faculty from 1956-1993.
During her remarks, Westminster President Dr. Kathy Brittain Richardson acknowledged the financial support from key donors and foundations including the May Emma Hoyt Foundation, the A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust, the Orris C. and Beatrice Dewey Hirtzel Foundation and the Lloyd Foundation.
Designed by Columbus, Ohio-based BHDP Architecture and built by Thomas Construction Inc. of Grove City, Pa., the new wing addresses the needs of Westminster’s ever-growing science programs. One-third of Westminster’s students are majoring in STEM-related fields.
The fourth and final phase of the Hoyt project will address spaces needed for the College’s Center for the Environment and future expanded academic programming, as well as unrenovated areas from the project’s first two stages.
For more photographs from the ceremony, visit www.westminster.edu/hoytdedication.
Two named to President’s Leadership Team
The President’s Leadership Team at Westminster College recently gained two new members, Dr. Jean Hale and Jason Lener ’93.
Hale, who was named vice president of institutional advancement in July, brings more than 20 years of higher education experience to Westminster College, most recently as executive director of community and corporate relations at California University of Pennsylvania.
She served the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, first as director of marketing and communications and later as director of development and alumni relations for 10 years. Early in her career she was director of corporate outreach and marketing at the State University of New York (SUNY) Empire State College.
Hale holds an Ed.D. from the University of Pittsburgh School of Education. She earned a master’s in business and policy studies and a bachelor’s in business, management and economics from SUNY Empire State College.
Lener, a 1993 alumnus, returned to Westminster in August as director of athletics following the retirement of longtime director James Dafler.
Lener served as executive senior associate athletic director and senior associate athletic director at the University of Illinois, deputy athletic director/CFO at Miami University, and assistant athletic director/CFO at the University of Pittsburgh.
Lener served as the administrative liaison for numerous bowl games and NCAA tournaments. He also participated in the NCAA Division I Athletic Director Institute and was a member of the B1G Conference Administrative Council. He began his career as part of the football coaching staff at Robert Morris University, Hale Lener
where he completed a master of business administration degree with an emphasis in sports administration.
As a student, Lener played quarterback under legendary head coaches Joe Fusco and Gene Nicholson. During his playing career, the Titans went 38-9 and qualified for the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Division II Tournament all four years, including a pair of runner-up finishes. Lener led the Titans in passing in 1991.
Westminster College’s accreditation has been reaffirmed by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), one of seven institutional accrediting organizations in the nation.
MSCHE found Westminster in compliance with all seven standards of accreditation, which includes Mission and Goals; Ethics and Integrity; Design and Delivery of Student Learning Experience; Support of the Student Experience; Educational Effectiveness Assessment; Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement; and Governance, Leadership, and Administration.
The decision follows a rigorous two-year self-study and virtual site visit from higher education peers in April.
Every eight years, Westminster completes a self-assessment for Middle States in order to reaffirm accreditation, to identify strengths of the institution, and to re-commit to continuing improvement. The most recent process was overseen by Dr. Jamie McMinn, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College, and Dr. Angela Lahr, associate professor of history.
The next MSCHE evaluation will occur in 2028-2029 and a midpoint peer review will take place in 2025.
MSCHE accredits institutions of higher education in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Nursing program accredited
Westminster's nursing program, established in 2017, was granted the full fiveyear accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), the nation’s leading accrediting agency for nursing programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and residency levels.
The accreditation status follows a November 2020 successful virtual site accreditation visit with an evaluation team composed of three CCNE-appointed nursing education leaders.
Students in the nursing program benefit from a collaborative agreement between Westminster and the UPMC Jameson School of Nursing that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and a registered nursing (RN) licensure.