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2020-2021 was a year of growth and gratitude
Dedication. Resilience. Flexibility. Perseverance. These characteristics were demonstrated day in and day out by Titans during the extraordinary months of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Faculty taught in person and virtually for students who could not physically attend class. Students wore masks and maintained safe distancing inside buildings and on the Quad. Staff worked diligently to safely house students, clean facilities and support technology on campus. Nurses and trainers administered COVID tests, and Titan athletes and coaches from all varsity teams competed during the spring term. While each day presented challenges, each also offered the satisfaction of knowing that the mission of education at Westminster College was being met.
While a critically important objective for the year was the maintenance of a safe campus for in-person teaching and learning, significant progress was made on a number of other key initiatives of the Westminster College 2018-2027 Strategic Plan. In support of Goal One: Recruit and Retain Students, recruitment of new students for fall 2021 exceeded the goal, and retention of current students remained steady. Dr. Karen Schedin, who joined us this year as the new vice president for enrollment management, led the division as it adjusted to the changes the pandemic brought to the practices of recruiting students. Digital messages developed by the College’s marketing and communication team played a critical role in informing students and parents about Westminster and the deep educational experiences available on campus.
Several key projects related to Goal Two: Revitalize Campus Environment were completed during the year, including Phase III of the Hoyt Science Center expansion that added a new wing to the Center; the UPMC Sports Complex, with its new soccer/lacrosse field, and the new softball and baseball fields; and a refreshing of the technology infrastructure and equipment on campus to support virtual modalities for teaching and learning. The Remick House has been updated to provide a more welcoming environment for prospective students and their families.
The cooperation and commitment of students, faculty and staff allowed us to provide oncampus living and learning to students both fall and spring semesters, with continuing efforts to achieve Goal Three: Renew Educational Experiences. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education renewed the College’s accreditation in June, the results of a well-developed self-study and virtual site visit. The nursing program gained its initial accreditation from the

2020-2021 was a year of growth and gratitude
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education in May. The first cohort of Bachelor of Science in Nursing students graduated in May, each having achieved Registered Nurse licensure the previous fall.
Building on the College’s historic founding with its vision of welcome and inclusion for all students, a task force developed a strategic plan for strengthening equity on campus. In early August, the College was notified that it had received a $1.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to fund a new TRIO Student Support Services program. These funds allowed the College to provide a five-year program of support for students who are first generation, of high financial need, and/or who have a disability.
Arts groups were able to practice and perform safely during the year, complying with COVID protocols, and Titan athletes competed during the spring term, earning numerous team and individual championships. In April, 315 student researchers and artists presented compelling research and exciting performances at the Undergraduate Research and Arts Celebration (URAC). Vesper worship services were held in the Anderson Amphitheater in the fall, and then Vespers were livestreamed from Wallace Chapel.
Despite additional financial challenges due to COVID, the College ended the fiscal year on June 30 with a balanced budget for the first time since 2012, a key objective of Goal Four: Replenish Resources. Generous gifts to the Bring Back the Titans campaign from foundations, alumni and friends provided additional financial aid for more than 100 students during the year. Participation in the Day of Giving campaign in the fall and the Clash of the Titans campaign in the spring raised more than $300,000 for key campus projects and programs. Grateful alumni and friends donated to campaigns honoring the memory of Coach Gene Nicholson and Professor of Chemistry Dr. Dewey DeWitt.
Dedication. Resilience. Flexibility. Perseverance. To this important list of Titan attributes, let me also add: Gratitude. We ended our fiscal year filled with gratitude for this community that worked together to withstand the challenge of the pandemic and for the many alumni and friends who gave generously to help provide funds for financial aid, annual operations, and capital projects. We learned a great deal from the opportunities and challenges of the past year, and we begin this academic year with hope and enthusiasm for all that lies ahead.
It’s truly a great time to be a Titan!