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Message from the Alumni Council President
Greetings fellow alumni and friends, members of the Westminster family!
And what better salutation than that? For almost all of us, our time at Westminster represented our first extended time away from childhood home and family. But the human instinct requires those relationships, and so every one of us can easily remember the first faces on that first day on campus, and the quick bonds that began to form. Some of those first friendships endured, and many more developed over the course of our college careers. There is joy in those relationships that continue to today, for some of us over a time span representing decades.
Some lie dormant over the years, but it takes just one brief connection to bring it all back; the intervening years dissolve in an instant and we readily pick up right where we left off.
Those of us on Alumni Council represent that full spectrum, recent graduates back through those from the 1970s, but also those who never lost touch alongside those whose return to their Westminster home was interrupted by distance, career, and other responsibilities. The common denominator though is a recognition of all the College has meant to us, and a concurrent recognition that we want others to share this experience. On the pages of the enclosed Honor Roll of Giving, you will find the names of those who share by financial commitment, but we share the experience even more broadly if we reach out in additional ways. How? Volunteering at Westminster events, whether on-campus or in our local communities. Sharing our experiences and encouragement with prospective candidates. Working with the staff on internships and employment of our students. Welcoming new alumni into our communities and social networks. Helping make connections with corporate and individual benefactors. Or just stopping in to say hi, whether on campus or at a regional event. Just like family, we share a past and a future, and most of all a need to be there for each other through it all. We appreciate the support you give, and what that helps us become.

Doug Hill ’76 Alumni Council President