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Westminster News and Events


Please join us this semester for our Weekly Chapel Services, Wednesdays at 11:00 AM from 9/15/21–11/17/21. You can stream these live on the Westminster Youtube page.

Faith in the Public Square, a Framework initiative at Westminster, will host a conference in Holland, Michigan on October 9th, 2021, which will engage today’s most heated public debates that center around questions of human identity. “Faith in the Public Square: A Firm Foundation for a Culture Adrift” will host speakers John Currie, John Stonestreet, Peter Lillback, and David Filson, who will explore these questions and show how Scripture points the way to true justice. For more information about this conference, please visit fipsmichigan.com. The annual Preaching Conference will be held at Westminster Theological Seminary on October 19–20, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM and 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, respectively.. This year’s theme is entitled “The Pulpit in the Age of Controversy.” For more information, please visit


CCEF Conference: The 2021 National Conference will be held in Greensboro, NC on October 8– 9. This year’s theme is “Modern Problems.” Presenters will examine how to bring the wisdom of Scripture to bear on the questions and difficulties of living today. For more information please visit: https://www.ccef.org/ conference/2021-national-conference/.

Craig Seminar: The Craig Seminar is an academic seminar funded by the Craig Center. This year Westminster students and faculty will present papers on various topics related to the theology, history, and philosophy of the Reformation and post-Reformation periods. These presentations will occur on the last Thursday of each month of each semester of the 2021–2022 academic year at 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM in the Craig Room of the Montgomery Library. For more information visit the events page on wm.wts.edu.

Stay up to date on Westminster News and Events by visiting wm.wts.edu.

Now Available from Westminster Seminary Press Reformed Th eology for Life and Ministry in Times of Plague

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