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Faculty News and Updates


David Briones David has several book reviews coming out in Westminster Theological Journal and Review of Biblical Literature. He will enjoy study leave until the close of the 2022 Fall Term, completing a commentary on Philemon for the International Theological Commentary series (T&T Clark).

Stephen Coleman recently preached for the Summer Church series at Leland Community United Methodist Church in Leland Michigan. He also has an essay entitled “The Folly, Mystery, and Absurdity of Sin in the Wisdom Literature,” forthcoming in the volume Ruined Sinners to Reclaim edited by David Garner and Jonathan Gibson.

Brandon Crowe recently completed a manuscript that is due out in 2023 with Lexham Press titled The Lord Jesus Christ: The Biblical Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ. Brandon is scheduled to give two presentations in November at the annual meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in Denver. The first is “Studying Jesus Historically and the Dangers of Nestorianism: Is There a Way Forward?” and the second is “The Benefits and Limits of Reading James as Part of a Collection: James 1:12 as a Test Case.” Brandon also appeared on the TV Show State of Independence with Joe Watkins on Lighthouse TV.

John Currie recently hosted a companion podcast to WSP’s edition of John Murray’s The Epistle to the Romans. The podcast featured Alistair Begg, Sinclair Ferguson, Kevin DeYoung, Harry Reeder, Dick Gaffin, Ren Broekhuizen, and Westminster faculty. Dr. Currie has several upcoming speaking and preaching engagements as well. He will be speaking at the Easter Shore Conference on Oct. 21st and 22nd, preaching at the Reformation Day service at Calvary OPC in Glenside on Oct. 30th, and at Cresheim Valley Presbyterian on Nov. 20th and Dec. 11th.

Iain Duguid has three upcoming publications. His The Rebel Prophet: The Gospel in the Book of Jonah will be published by St. Colme’s Press. Ezra-Nehemiah: Rebuilding What’s Ruined, a new volume of the Gospel-Centered Bible Study series, is due to be published with New Growth Press. His Ezekiel in Isaiah, a text belonging to the ESV Expository Commentary, will be published with Crossway.

Rob Edwards recently co-edited a volume with Chad Van Dixhoorn and John Ferguson, entitled Theology for Ministry (P&R, 2022) which was released in August. Rob will be a keynote speaker at the Westminster Conference on Preaching and Preachers in October 2022. His topic concerns apologetics and preaching and is titled “Christ-centered Apologetics for Preaching.”

Sandy Finlayson has a forthcoming article entitled “Chalmers: Pastor for the Poor,” which will appear in the upcoming issue of Unio Cum Christo. His wife Linda also had a new book published in May 2022 by Christian Focus titled William Carey: Expecting Great Things.

Jonathan Gibson has several recent publications including Isaiah: Good News for the Wayward and Wandering (NGP, August 2022), Lamentations in the ESV Expository Commentary series (Crossway, September 2022), and Acrostic of Salvation: A Rhyming Soteriology for Kids (NGP, September 2022). In addition to these recent volumes, Jonathan has two upcoming publications,

namely The Book of Ruth Explained in Twenty-Eight Homilies (Introduction on Ludwig Lavater) (RHB, November 2022), and Church History Study Bible: Study notes for Isaiah and Ezekiel (Crossway, January 2023). Jonathan recently gave lectures at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, the Sing! Conference in Nashville, TN, and at CCEF’s recent conference where he delivered a lecture entitled “Introduction to Biblical Theology.”

Mark Garcia and his family recently moved from Coraopolis to the Philadelphia area, and he has settled into a new home with his family. Mark has a recently published essay entitled “The Church: The Well-Ordered Church in a World of Distrust,” which was published in Theology for Ministry: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice (P&R, 2022), edited by William R. Edwards, John C. A. Ferguson, and Chad Van Dixhoorn.

David Garner will be speaking at two conferences in October. He will present “The Mission of the Church” in New Castle, UK, and “Reading Jesus” at the Westminster Theological Seminary Conference in Korea. In November, David will give a presentation entitled “Let the Nations Be Glad,” which will occur at the Westminster Mandarin Conference. Dave has one forthcoming publication titled “The Gospel of God Concerning His Beloved Son: Further Steps on a Well-Traveled Text,” which is due out in the Westminster Theological Journal.

Elizabeth Groves recently spoke during one of the breakout session at the 2022 CCEF Conference, which is titled “The Way of Wisdom.”

Peter Lillback is teaching a course on ethics with Dr. Rob Edwards this semester. In October he will be traveling to Indonesia, teaching Johannine Theology at the International Reformed Evangelical Seminary in Jakarta, along with other preaching and teaching engagements. In November, he will attend the launch of a Westminster Seminary Press in Korea program, Reading Jesus. Earlier this year, he hosted a 4-part podcast companion to the book The Pastor and the Modern World that is available for free online. In 2023 he will be preaching and teaching in Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, and in the Netherlands.

Alfred Poirier has taught 18 hours of theology to a cohort of some 55 students from Ukrainian-American churches. These lectures involved the theology of atonement, election and reprobation, and common grace. Alfred has also been involved in regular preaching on the book of Daniel in various churches.

Vern Poythress published several books in 2022. A new work, Redeeming Reason: A God-Centered Approach, will be published by Crossway in the Spring of 2023.

Todd Rester is currently editing Petrus van Mastricht’s Theoretical Practical Theology (vols. 4–5) with the Dutch Reformed Translation Society, which is due out in the future with Reformation Heritage Books. Todd is also working on two volumes which will be published by Westminster Seminary Press. The first is a critical edition of the Latin and English theological manuscripts of James Ussher, translated and edited by Harrison Perkins. The second is Petrus van Mastricht’s Syntagma on Saving Faith. Todd has also undertaken a research project in which he will catalog the personal library of Francis Turretin, which is currently hosted in France.

Chad Van Dixhoorn has one upcoming publication, Journals of John Lightfoot, due out soon with Oxford University Press. In April 2022, Chad gave the Rob Taber Lecture at Western Reformed Seminary. Chad will be speaking at the Marriage Conference at Bethel OPC in Wheaton, IL, and will give a lecture at Reformed Puritan Theological Seminary and at the Westminster Confession at 375 Conference in October.

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