Then and Now
Table of Contents: Page 3: Generations Clash Page 4 & 5: The Gibson Girls Pages 6 & 7: Women’s Fashion: Traditional or Modern, Which is the Right Way? Pages 8 & 9: The Youth of the Twenties Pages 10 & 11: The Scopes Trial: Evolution or Creationism? Creative Products: Pages 11-16 Editorial: Page 17 Citations: Page 18
Generations Clash: Not only has this culture bumped up our
The Old vs The Youth
By: Weston Starke
economy it has also broken many social barriers that we have never seen before. This new culture spends more time having fun, getting an
ancing, dating, movies, restaurants, and
education, and overall being more social. Unlike
speakeasies you name it! This groundbreaking
the adult culture that is centered around family
new youth culture is bringing fun into America.
and religion. This new culture has brought a
As many people start to move into this modern
huge amount of kids into a better education by
type of era the adult culture finds it “immoral”
going into highschool and even college.
and “greedy”. We are in the middle of a cultural
This culture has impressed a new view on cities. They now appear welcoming and very
war! This new culture has caused our
fun to live in. As we all know alcohol is now
economy to boom in many different ways. With
illegal, but that hasn’t stopped speakeasies from
everyone moving to the cities, thousands of jobs
popping up all around cities. A lot of people love
have been created. There is a job for everyone
the atmosphere of the cities. You can go to a
and they aren’t just agricultural jobs. The cities
restaurant, go see a movie, go shopping, and
offer jobs from owning a restaurant to running
now that we have credit you don’t have to pay
your own factory. Another thing that attracts
right away!
people to work in the cities is the sad truth that
This culture brings out the fun side of
rural life isn’t doing so well right now. Many
people. You can focus on an education and at
people are basically forced into pursuing work in
the same time you can have an active social life.
the city, because of the drop in incomes for
They still take time for family and work and it all
seems so balanced. This culture really lets the youth step out in the spotlight, it finally gave them a voice.
One of the many speakeasies in NYC.
The Gibson Girls By Mollie Whaley The newly transformed Gibson Girls are
The current fashion trends are breaking
taking on a stylistic, modern look. In recent
the traditional normalities. Women are ditching
months, women have received the right to vote.
their long hair for short, face framing bobs. The
We are seeing more independence from this
new clothing consist of form fitting, short, and
gender. Many women are starting to come out of
more revealing outfits. Heavy makeup is being
the shadows of their husbands. Women have a
displayed on many women. New brand names
newfound appreciation of their bodies and they
such as Maybelline are coming out and very
are standing up for the things that are best for
sought after. Physical appearance is becoming a
them. The younger generation of the previous
growing movement and is expected to evolve
Gibson Girls are facing the upcoming years with
along with the modernized woman.
new fashion, more rights, and independence. For the first time in history, women are able to vote. This is the first step to a lifetime of equal rights. Women are starting to venture out from their homes and experiencing more of a social life. They are gaining more opportunities to get an education and better jobs are
(Above) Women exhibiting th enew
becoming available. Some are even taking an
hair and clothing trends.
interest in political affairs. After many years of lobbying and protesting for more rights, women are finally taking steps to a more positively inclined future. (To the left) Women protesting for the right to vote before the nineteenth amendment was passed.
Setting the standards for appearance, Along with rights, independence is a key
rights, and independence; the Gibson Girls are
concept for women. Our current era is proving to
going through a complete modernized change.
be a time where women are stepping out, voicing
They are venturing out into new territory. paving
their opinions and making important decisions for
the way for girls and women of future generations.
themselves. An important topic to date is the right
The women of the 1920’s are a new breed.
to a healthy relationship and family planning. Unfortunately, divorce rates are doubling due to this newfound power of women. Many relationships are coming to an end because of the changing role of the husband and his modern wife. Women are speaking out for their right to plan their families when they feel mentally and physically ready. Independence among women across this nation is a growing trend and is helping women find their voices.
(Above) Women showing thier independent sides as a strong group of society by walking around with meaningful posters.
Women’s Fashion: Traditional or Modernism, Which Is the Right Way?
By: Katelyn Miller
omen. Are they a threat or are
hairstyle. Another way they express modernism
they just evolving? Ever since the 19th
is by acting differently as well. They begin to
amendment was passed they’ve become
smoke and drink alcohol publicly, stay out late at
confident and flirty. Although their actions are
known speakeasies, and become “flirty”. As the
different, this doesn’t mean there’s anything
years pass, the world changes. As do the ways
wrong with it. The more traditional people say
of living. Women are not causing a threat, they
that women who are taking place in these
are making a new way of life.
changes are ‘improper” and “unclean”.
In addition, women's
However, women's’ fashion is. Not a
fashion is not a threat to
threat to American values because it
American values because it
expresses modernism, betters their
is advancing women's health
health, and gives women more
for the better. In the years of
Women’s party fashion
Women’s fashion does not pose a
the corset, life was
uncomfortable. It constructed their breathing and
threat because it is expressing modernism,
made them feel like they had to be “skinner”. With
the new way of living. The generation of
these new styles of clothing
women before this would wear a dress with
they don't need a corset. With plain dress, you
long sleeves flowing down from their neck line
can breath better. The dresses with a loose fitted
to their toes, a waist long corset, long socks,
bodices also make it easier to drive, play sports
undershorts, and their long hair neatly piled
and function at home, school and work.
on top of their heads. In today’s events,
Likewise, women's fashion has been helped by
women wear a dress with short to no sleeves
shortening the dresses. With the old transferred
even with an open back that only goes to their
onto the dress. Thanks to the evolving of
knees, ankle socks, and a cut boyish “bob” ,
women’s fashion, health will be better and that’s
definitely not a threat. Finally, women’s fashion is not a threat to American values because it gives more freedom. Women fashion has brought more events and jobs into American. This
Women’s dancing
includes, modeling, beauty pageants, and
and who they want to be. Women are now
much more. These are the kind of jobs made
thinking about the amount of children they
not for men, but for women. With these jobs,
want. They want to choose and not have
women can start making their own money
that choice made for them by their
and not having to live off of their husbands
husbands. They have the right to make this
and stay home. They give the women
decision. American is all about rights and
freedom to do what they want with their
having the freedom choose, so why is it bad
money because they earned it. Once
if women are starting to follow that?
women start to dress a certain way, they
In conclusion, women’s fashion is not
start to feel a certain way. They are dressing
a threat to American values because it
to impress and this brings up their
expresses modernism, betters health, and
confidence. Once their confidence is
give women more freedom. Women are
boosted they begin to dream. Dream about
finally expressing themselves because of the
their future, their family, about themselves
modern world. They have the option to get a job and make their own money, be “flirty” and bold with their actions without being thought of as “improper” or “unclean”, and they are health, which makes everyone around them less likely to get sick. Womens’ fashion isn’t a threat, it’s an example of living history.
A New Stocking Revolution
The Youth Of The Twenties By:Ryann Richardson The youth of the 20’s was seen by
Young woman took up smoking, drinking,
earlier generations as “wild”,
and doing certain things that was considered
“disrespectful,”and “destroying american
unladylike or previous generations believed
values.”. The youth did not view themselves
made them be seen as wild and out of
as that of course, they believed that
control. They wore dresses, shorts, and
american values were already destroyed by
skirts that were way above the knee and
other generations before they passed it
(which was not normal back then)wore long
down to them. The youth of today, especially
pearls around their necks.
young women, can definitely say that the
Like any other generation, there were
youth rebellion of the 20’s has changed the
people who led the generation to be different
way we live today. Although much of the
and someone who inspired others to have
youth in the 1920’s were doing things that
the ability to do these rebellious acts. For the
made others give them a ‘bad image,” not all
youth of the 20’s of course there was more
of the youth was portraying that image.
than one person who was doing things that
The reason why the era of youth
were out of the box and leading on others to
rebellion was a huge was because the youth
follow along. F. Scott Fitzgerald and John
started to realize that they had a voice. They
Held Jr., impacted and played a huge role
started to develop a new look-a new era.
on designing this new era of change.
Soon, there were flappers everywhere and
Fitzgerald played a big role because he was
young woman started to find an attitude and
the first of many to draw the attention of post
changed the way they looked in appearance.
war sophistication. He was also known for his so called outrageous antics.
Held on the other hand, was the decade’s
In conclusion, we know that when young
leading cartoonist. Held never went to
women and men started to make new and
college and was considerably older than the
innovative ideas, the older generations thought
young collegiates of the time. He first came to New York with only $4 and after some
they were destroying American Values. This rebellion from the youth of the 20’s was a prime time for american youth. The rebellious acts
time of people noticing his artwork and they performed overall really changed how the
realizing he had talent, Held had many offers lives of today's youth and our generation lives.
and soon began to illustrate different covers for many different magazines and earned lots of money. These two men changed and inspired the youth to do more and do things that were considered the unthinkable. From the older generations point of view they did not like these new ideas the youth created. Modern youth according to H.M., nothing was good about this generation. He was not the only person who disagreed with the actions the youth of the 20’s were making. Many other adults did not like it either. The opinions that older people had about them did not affect the youth of the time, in fact, they kept doing outrageous acts and being rebellious.
The Scopes Trial: Evolution or Creationism? Jacob Gallman
The debate on whether Evolution or
The State of Tennessee has recently
Creationism should be taught in our schools is an
passed the Butler Act, which makes it illegal for
ongoing issue for our generation. Should we not
schools to teach anything other than Creationism.
be able to believe that humans have evolved
This new law cuts through two First
from apes over thousands of years? Must we
Amendment's lines; our right of freedom of
have to believe that everything about human life
speech, and The Establishment Clause, which
is biblical and religious? The Scopes Trial is at
prohibits a state from promoting any particular
the forefront for this debate between Evolution
religious view.
and Creationism. Creationism is the belief that humans
The Theory of Evolution originated from an English scientist named, Charles Darwin. He
originate from specific acts of Creation, which
believed that humans come from a few common
often refers to the Bible, while Evolution is the
ancestors and have evolved and changed over
belief that humans originate from a common
millions of years.
Clarence Darrow, whom is the lawyer for the
Charles Darwin, came up with the Theory of
Creationists, listens during the trial.
Early in his career he traveled from island
Many people believe that Scopes should
to island in Galapagos, and he noted that on
be able to teach Evolution, while others say that
Islands where only insects were available for
he should only teach Creationism. This trial goes
food, birds had small beaks, and on Islands
beyond just a few lessons plans for a school, the
where seeds were the only food, birds had much
outcome will have a major affect on our society.
larger and stronger beaks. Darwin concluded that
In conclusion science allows people to
each species had to evolve to survive in different
come up with their own ideas, and theories rather
than have to settle with the predetermined
John Thomas Scopes, a teacher from
conclusions of Creationism. Instead of making
Daytona, Tennessee, has been charged for
laws that exclude a certain perspective entirely,
violating tennessee's, Butler Act. He willingly
both sides should be able coexist in our
taught a class about the Theory of Evolution,
educational system, as well as our society.
which goes against Creationism. The trial has really heated up, and is beginning to get national attention.
John T. Scopes, teacher who is being charged for breaking the law by teaching the Theory of Evolution.
The Creative Product Section ● Mollie Whaley ○ Title Page/Table of Contents. ■ Page 1-2 ● Ryann Richardson ○ Political Cartoon of the Youth Culture. ■ Page 12 ● Katelyn Miller ○ Ad for new Women’s Fashions. ■ Page 13 ● Weston Starke ○ A Poster comparing Urban and Rural Life. ■ Page 14 ● Jacob Gallman ○ A Political cartoon dealing Religious vs Scientific Beliefs. ■ Page 15
Political Cartoon
Oh i’m sorry, Did you want to smoke a little?
Of course not! Oh you young people are out of control!
By: Ryann Richardson
What will you choose?
Poster Made by Weston Starke
Political Cartoon
By: JR Gallman
Out with the Old In with the New
Should Evolution or Creationism be taught in our educational systems? Should we have to be fed
The 20’s generation started a new era for the youth opinions about how mankind came to be, and be told life, and modern life. All of the that is what we're supposed to believe? Creationism modernism and tradition clashed due to fashion, has always ruled the schools of America, but now education, and city life. Trials like the Scopes trial, people are able to think for themselves about how changed some of the ways how the school system human life came to be. Allowing Evolution to be works and political beliefs clashing with education. taught in our schools has allowed people to come up The youth life clashed with tradition and young with their own ideas, rather than just have to settle woman of the 20’s broke the social norms of how with the predetermined conclusions of Creationism. women are supposed to act. Which is the right way to go when it comes to
City life is one of the most controversial
what women should wear? Modernism or tradition?
topics we are talking about today. With speakeasies
Women have always been covered head to toe, but
all over the cities it is hotspot for the new youth
now they can wear short dresses and rock a “bob”
culture. With big businesses and rapid consumerism
hairstyle. Today’s clothing is nothing like we’ve seen
the economy boomed. The older culture culture found
before, but is that a bad thing? Modern fashion is
this “immoral” and “greedy” because of the huge
better than tradition in multiple ways. Now women,
factories taking all of the business away from their
can breath better, build self-confidence and finally be
farms. This new way of life has set the tone for a new
able to make decisions for themselves. Why stay
way of life that promises a strong economy and of
traditional when you can make your own rules?
course, fun! Life in the 1920”s has brought on many changes for Americans. This generation is reaching out for new lifestyles, modern and trendy clothing fashions, and broader views in our education system. We are ready to step forward and venture into a new and exciting future. We are people who are going to
Editorial By: Everyone in our group
make conscience and intelligent decisions on how we live, what we wear and how we are educated.
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Hart, Diane, and Bert Bower. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Palo Alto, CA, Teachers' Curriculum Institute, 2008.
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