1 minute read


Section One

1 Florida, Richard. “The Death and Life of the Central Business District.” Bloomberg Citylab. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2021-05-14/the-post-pandemic-future-of-central-business-districts 2 Duany, Andres and Steuteville, Robert. “Defining the 15-minute city.” Congress for New Urbanism. https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/02/08/defining-15-minute-city 3 International Downtown Association (2013). The Value of Investing in Canadian Downtowns, p. 89.

Section Two

1 U.S. Small Business Administration Offi ce of Advocacy (Dec 19, 2018). Advocacy Releases “Small Business GDP, 1998–2014”. Retrieved July 22, 2021 from https://advocacy.sba.gov/2019/12/19/advocacy-releases-small-business-gdp-1998-2015/

2 International Downtown Association (2018). Inclusive Places Council. Inclusive Places: Prioritizing inclusion and equity in the urban place management fi eld: the challenges and opportunities.

r3 International Downtown Association (2016). Activating Public Space Council. Activating Public Spaces: A Guidebook for Urban Districts, p.9. REFERENCES 4 Kitsinger, Andy (September 2013). “A Healthy Downtown is Key to a Strong Community.” Planners Web: Downtowns & Main Streets. Retrieved June 20, 2020, from http://plannersweb.com/2013/09/healthy-downtown-key-strong-community/ 5 Marshall, Barbara (2021, September). What West Palm Beach’s Clematis Street used to look like and why we mispronounce it. The Palm Beach Post. Retrieved from https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/local/westpb/2021/09/28/west-palm-beach-history-naming-clematis-street-cityplace/5803469001/ 6 Brightline. Our Impact. Retrieved March 1, 2022 from https://www.gobrightline.com/impact Appendix Endnotes Appendices

1 International Downtown Association. Activating Public Space: A Guidebook for Urban Districts. 2016 IDA Top Issues Councils Report. 2016, p.19.

2 Kitsinger, Andy. “A Healthy Downtown is Key to a Strong Community,” Planners Web: Downtowns & Main Streets. 2013, http://plannersweb.com/2013/09/healthy-downtown-key-strong-community/

3 Methodology Statement: 2017 Esri Retail MarketPlace. (2019, June). Retrieved from https://downloads.esri.com/esri_content_doc/dbl/us/J9675-US_Retail_Marketplace_2017_in_2019_geography.pdf

4 Methodology Statement: 2017 Esri Retail MarketPlace. (2019, June). Retrieved from https://downloads.esri.com/esri_content_doc/dbl/us/J9675-US_Retail_Marketplace_2017_in_2019_geography.pdf

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