2014 - 2015 Annual Report

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westridge school


lives of

impact a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 014 - 2 015

Westridge School is an independent, forward-thinking girls’ school committed to educating intellectually adventurous thinkers, and courageous, compassionate leaders. Our purpose is to prepare young women to live lives of meaning, contribution, and impact.

Dear Members of the Westridge Community, Annual reports present wonderful opportunities to reflect on the accomplishments of a single year. Indeed, in the 2014-2015 school year, we witnessed important innovation and progress as an institution and fulfillment of our mission and strategic vision. For example, the STEAMWork Design Studio was developed and a tablet computer program introduced, both of which offer opportunities for creative, interdisciplinary, and inquiry-based learning. We worked to support the physical and emotional development of girls through an innovative new physical education program and expansion of the Peer-to-Peer counseling program. After several years of study, our tuition model was thoughtfully revised in order to support the long-term fiscal strength of Westridge and better meet the needs of our families. We are particularly pleased by innovations in campus-wide teaching and learning. During the year, we focused on an enduring, defining factor of a Westridge education—that we are deeply committed to helping girls develop the clear values and strong voices that empower them as future leaders; as young women who purposefully work to impact the people in their lives and communities of which they are a part. The year’s overarching conversation, framed at Convocation and reflected in the student government annual theme, was of Westridge’s core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. It continued with the November introduction of our strategic plan, Westridge in the 21st Century: Educating and

Empowering Girls to Lead Lives of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction. And it was present throughout the year in conversations in classrooms and student life programs, and in meetings with the adults in our community. (continued)

from the head & board chair


The commitment of the adults in the Westridge community not only to foster our shared values in our girls but to embrace and model those values in their own lives, is also a defining characteristic of Westridge. One way we see that demonstrated is in the incredible generosity of our community of parents, alumnae, faculty and staff, and friends. Your contributions to Westridge allow us to focus on our exceptional academic programs without losing focus on the vital, human side of a Westridge education. This year, your generosity reached new heights with more than $4.1 million in new gifts and pledges. We are particularly gratified by the early and very generous support of The Campaign for Our Second Century, which will build a more robust endowment. The school’s endowment assures the future of Westridge into its next century by providing support to the programs and faculty that distinguish Westridge. We are grateful for your continued support and understanding of the critical role that philanthropy plays in independent schools. As exemplified by the inspiring students and alumnae profiled in this report, it is true that “lives of impact begin at Westridge.” Westridge girls are poised and ready to contribute here on campus and as they move on in their lives. Your impact as active members of our community and generous supporters of our school makes this possible. It is felt today and will reverberate through generations of students to come — and for that we give our thanks. Sincerely,

Jennifer T. Lum Chair, Board of Trustees


from the head & board chair

Elizabeth J. McGregor Head of School

impact by the numbers


Westridge School enjoys a robust philanthropic culture, the evidence of which is clearly demonstrated by the information on this page. While every gift has impact, when all are combined, the proof of impact is unambiguous.

2014 2015

total number of donors


< annual fund >


donors who increased their giving

new donors

$4,114,672 total raised in gifts and pledges

loyalty & leadership

386 loyalty donors

10 or more of the past 20 years, including in 2014-2015

endowment We are grateful to those donors whose endowment gifts to the Westridge School invest in and assure its future.


endowment donors


leadership donors giving at or above $1,500


2014 2015

Annual 2

Philanthropic support allows Westridge to invest in exceptional teaching and programs ensuring excellence in classrooms while continually advancing its curriculum for students of today and tomorrow. Following are 10 ways your investment in Westridge supported growth and excellence at our school during the 20142015 school year.


Strategic Plan In a community wide undertaking, Westridge launched its new, five-year strategic plan, setting the course for the school to remain a leader in girls’ education in its second 100 years. Entitled Westridge in the 21st Century: Educating and Empowering Girls to Lead Lives of Courage, Compassion, and Conviction, the strategic plan outlines how Westridge plans to educate and empower girls, engage its community, and ensure its future, all while remaining true to the school’s core values of integrity, respect, responsibility, and inclusion. Global studies, innovation and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), and becoming a center for learning and research in girls education are just a few of the growth areas identified for Westridge. The entire report is available online at www.westridge.org/strategicplan or by calling 626-799-1053 ext. 264.

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STEAMWork Design Studio The Rothenberg Technology Center in the Main Building was transformed from a computer lab into the STEAMWork Design Studio, a makerspace centered on technology that offers opportunities for hands-on work creating, inventing, and collaborating with others. The Studio, equipped with 3D printers, lathes, CNC machines, and 3D scanners, promotes design thinking and interdisciplinary opportunities while exposing girls to 3D design and printing, coding and robotics, and electronics and circuitry. Generous gifts from alumna Lucy Larkin Stephenson ’58 and a donor who wishes to remain anonymous made the Studio possible.

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1:1 Tablet Computer Program The sixth grade piloted a 1:1 tablet program utilizing Yoga Ultrabooks. The program’s goals were to support creative learning by actively engaging students in the process of creating knowledge and to foster more individualized learning. That it did. From highly creative projects to new, productive forms of student-teacher interaction (including audio and video feedback on assignments), the students benefited from the new technology. The program will expand by one grade each year as it moves forward with students. In the 2015-2016 school year, students in both the sixth and seventh grades have personal devices.

Highlights 4

Rethinking Classroom Design In an effort to enhance girls’ learning through the creative use of physical and virtual space, several classrooms and other spaces were renovated, including Christine Kiphart’s sixth grade classroom. Rows of desks, tables, and desktop computer stations were removed to make space for an array of seating options and work areas. This created a flexible, comfortable learning environment more suitable for the project-based, active curriculum present in today’s humanities classrooms. The new design also provides options for students’ varied learning styles and needs, and Ms. Kiphart reports that the change has positively impacted student engagement and focus. During the summer of 2015, both seventh grade humanities classrooms were similarly redesigned.



Summer Program In June 2015, Westridge introduced a new Westridge Summer Program, which is open to students from Westridge as well as other schools. In its extremely popular Creative Coding class for girls entering grades 3-8, students learned how to build and program robots, while taking advantage of all the tools within the Design Studio. Other Summer Program opportunities included Science, Service, & Leadership for middle school students, and a Global Perspectives travel program for Westridge Upper School students. Look for an expanded curriculum in the program’s second year.


S . T. E . A . M . Science Environmental Service Projects Cultural Immersion Travel


Assistant Head of School Position Re-envisioned for 21st Century Education Jemma Giddings joined Westridge in June of 2014 as the new assistant head of school. With her arrival, the position of assistant head is focused on curriculum design and innovation, and faculty support and professional development. In her first year, among many other assignments, Giddings led development of the STEAMWork Design Studio and the Summer Program, both of strategic importance for our students and our school.

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Expansion of Alumnae Programs Westridge’s new Director of Alumnae Affairs, Lisa Vandergriff, made it a priority to increase opportunities for alumnae to connect with each other and the school. In January 2015, the first in a series of events designed to engage alumnae in on-campus learning experiences was a wild success. The three-week Alumnae Ceramics Course was taught by long-time Westridge instructor Juanita Jimenez. After a warm reception to this “test” class, the Alumnae Board is expanding on-campus educational opportunities this year, and has developed an alumnae networking program on its webpage.

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Reimagined Upper School PE Program Driven by Westridge’s commitment to support girls in leading physically active and emotionally healthy lives, the Upper School PE curriculum underwent major changes in 2014-2015. Based on studies that point to the importance of aerobic exercise on mental health, girls now meet three times a rotation for PE. Instead of choosing a single area for an entire semester, students now participate in a robust variety of exercises not often found in schools including Zumba, spin, Kung Fusion (a fusion of martial arts), and yoga. Besides the obvious physical benefits of increased exercise, the new PE program yields mental benefits that keep minds alert, focused, and ready to learn.


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annual highlights

College Counseling Program Expansion The Westridge College Counseling program continues to add to its arsenal of events and support programs for students as they research and apply to colleges and universities. Last year the department hosted more than 25 events for students and families and welcomed 130 college representatives to Madeline Drive. Student college placement results were exceptional. The 63 members of the Class of 2015 earned 371 acceptances to 162 different colleges and universities; 89% who applied early action gained acceptances. Please see the college matriculation list for the Class of 2015 on page 58 of this report.



Peer-to-Peer Program Growth Peer-to-Peer is a groundbreaking Upper School leadership program and elective course. Students explore issues related to adolescence, including social dynamics and academic pressure, and commit to helping other students using skills they learn. In its second year, the 2014-2015 school year, Peer-to-Peer expanded to include an advanced class. Advanced students co-teach the Beginning Peer-to-Peer class, and also create and implement community enrichment programs within Westridge, including the first Middle School affinity group for students of African descent, craft programs for Lower School students, and math/science tutoring and support for Upper School and Middle School students.

These programs are but a handful of highlights from an incredible year at Westridge, above and beyond the creative and important work being done by faculty and students in our classrooms each day, all year. The Performing Arts Department staged Hamlet, Rabbit Hole, Into the Woods, and Number the Stars. In athletics, four teams went to playoffs and 15 individuals went on to championship play, Middle School soccer was the undefeated Independent League Champion, and our lacrosse program added a junior varsity team to handle burgeoning interest. Kim Phuc, “the girl in the picture” from the Vietnam War, led the campus speakers series. Water Warriors, Petridge, and the Yam Festival maintained their important places in the heart of our community, along with numerous events and programs that help make Westridge the special school it is.

One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world. Malala Yousafzai Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Please visit our website media mashup page at www.westridge.org/news to keep abreast of all the news and updates from Westridge.

annual highlights


It is true that lives of impact begin at Westridge. The form that impact takes is wide and varied, and an entire book could be filled with stories demonstrating how our students and alumnae are making their marks on the world. On the next three pages, we profile just a few Westridge alumnae change-agents. Scattered through the remaining pages of this report are student profiles providing insight into the many ways girls begin their lives of impact while still at Westridge.


mary lowther ranney

jennifer cheng

education Pioneer

arts advocate

Founding head of Westridge who believed in preparing girls for college at a time when most high schools for girls were finishing schools and when women were still denied the right to vote. Teacher, artist, architect, apprentice with Greene & Greene. Intellectual and cultural leader. Embodiment of the Westridge motto Surgere Tentamus, We Strive to Rise.

class of 1978

Combines dance training through the Royal Academy of Dance with knowledge from her Pomona College BA in Art History, her UC Davis JD, and her UC Irvine MBA to lead community arts organization. Executive Director of Diavolo Dance Theatre, Founder and Executive Director of the Dance Conservatory of Pasadena, Board Member at the Huntington Library and Gardens and the Pacific Symphony, and founder at the Kaufman School of Dance at USC. Guides her family’s foundation, which supports performing arts, education, and health outreach causes assisting underserved communities.

lives of

alexandra chindris

bonnie dean

lauren gibbs

class of 2009

class of 1975

class of 2002

legal advocate

business leader & obe*

athlete & role model

Law student at George Washington University class of 2016 planning to work as a public defender. Volunteer with the Innocence Project, a nonprofit that works to exonerate wrongfully convicted individuals through DNA testing and to work on criminal justice system to prevent future injustice, and a Student Attorney at DC Law Students in Court: Criminal Division, which provides pro bono legal representation to low-income individuals charged with misdemeanors in Washington D.C.

International business leader focused on innovation and business development in the tech sector. Served as CEO of the Bristol & Bath Science Park, a technology hub bringing together industry, academia, and entrepreneurs. Director of several public and private organizations in the UK, including the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and the Northern Ireland Science Park. Contributing author of three books on leadership. Tireless advocate and mentor to women in business. Inducted into the *Order of the British Empire for services to design, technology, and innovation.

f impact

Two-year member of the USA Bobsled National Team. Excelled in volleyball, track and field, and soccer at Westridge. Inducted into the school’s Hall of Fame in its inaugural year. Student-athlete and captain of the volleyball team at Brown; graduated as an All-Ivy League performer with more than 1,000 career kills. Earned a spot on the USA Bobsled team in 2014, and won two World Cup medals in addition to a gold-medal run at the North American Cup during the 2014-2015 season. Made the national team roster once again in 2015 after winning the USA National Bobsled Push Championships, and later sweeping the national team trials in Lake Placid, N.Y. in October.


kate mcandrew

genna rae mcneil

diana jue Rajasingh

class of 2005

class of 1965

class of 2005


Thought LeaderAfrican-American History & U.S. Social Movements

social entrepreneur

Fosters innovation through investments in early stage start-ups. Currently at Bolt Ventures, which provides funding and offers engineering support and space at state-of-theart prototyping shops to companies at the intersection of hardware and software. Previously invested in digital health and education technology companies. In 2015, founded the nonprofit Women in Hardware, an organization that brings together exceptional founders, investors, engineers, and manufacturers in the connected hardware space.


Professor at UNC, Chapel Hill specializing in African-American History with an emphasis on race, law, and social movements. Past chairperson of the Department of History at Howard University and former faculty at Hunter College and Howard University School of Law. Author of numerous scholarly articles and four books including the definitive biography of Charles Hamilton Houston, mentor of Thurgood Marshall, for which she was awarded the distinguished Silver Gavel Award from the American Bar Association and which was cited as a top-resource for learning on leadership in social justice. First African-American to graduate from Westridge.

Named one of Forbes’ 2015 “30 Under 30” for her work as co-founder of Essmart (www.essmart-global. com), a rural distribution company that brings life-improving technologies—solar lanterns, non-electric water filters, rechargeable batteries and the like—to poor areas in India. Recipient of Echoing Green and Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowships. Diana’s research on the social impact of technology dissemination has been published in USAID Frontiers in Development, MIT Entrepreneurship Review, and Stanford Social Innovation Review blog.

lives of

in memoriam James F. Rothenberg 1946-2015

There is no finer example of living a life of impact than that of James F. Rothenberg, long-time Westridge Trustee, former Board chair, and parent of two Westridge alumnae (Katie Rothenberg Wei ’94 and Erin Rothenberg Baker ’96). In addition to his role as chairman of Capital Group Companies, Jim was a visionary and generous leader of non-profits across Pasadena, Los Angeles, and the country, including Caltech, the Huntington Library and Gardens, Huntington Hospital, the J. Paul Getty Trust, and Harvard University. Westridge was privileged to be counted among the institutions impacted by Jim’s leadership and generosity. As a trustee from 1988 through 2004, Jim’s expertise in governance, financial planning and operations were key factors in positioning the school for the future. As philanthropists, Jim and his wife Anne shaped the Westridge of today. The Anne F. and James F. Rothenberg Humanities Center, The Performing Arts Center, the Rothenberg Family Technology Center in the Main Building, the entire North Campus including the Science Building, and the annual Summer Opportunities Fair all continue as testimony to the Rothenbergs’ leadership and vision. At a recent event, Elizabeth McGregor described Jim as Westridge’s North Star, saying, “we will miss his wisdom, guidance, and sage advice. He was instrumental in helping the school set a strong course for its future, and establishing a standard for all of us in helping Westridge to remain a center of educational excellence for generations of girls.” We will miss Jim’s leadership and wise counsel, but most of all, we will miss his friendship.

f impact


O P E R AT I N G I N C O M E Tuition & Fees 79% Unrestricted Gifts 9% Other Gifts 4% Endowment Transfer 4% Other Income 4%

financial 2014-2015 S U M M A RY O F A C T I V I T I E S receipts Tuition & Fees Other Income Unrestricted Gifts

15,169,100 748,300 1,763,200

79% 4% 9%

592,800 814,100

4% 4%



Salaries & Benefits Academic & Administrative Financial Aid & Tuition Remission Facilities Depreciation

11,055,500 2,747,600 2,758,800 1,012,400 1,513,200

58% 15% 14% 5% 8%

Total Expenditures



Other Gifts Less: Major facilities capitalized Endowment Transfer


1,353,200 (760,400)

Total Receipts

Salaries & Benefits 58% Plant & Facilities 13% Financial Aid 14% Academic & Administrative 15%

expe nditure s

e ndow me nts * Permanently Restricted Temporarily Restricted Board Designated Total Endowments * excludes endowment pledges of $4,367,600 12

15,960,000 5,701,400 462,000 22,123,400

summary 2014-2015



ANNUAL FUND gift summary by constituency

Annual Fund Constituency Current Families1 Alumnae Faculty/Staff Parents of Alumnae Grandparents Friends Foundations2

Number of Donors 371 433 78 110 36 21 5

Total Annual Fund




Percentage of Participation 86% 14% 65%


Annual Fund Giving 553,142 168,339 18,992 226,893 8,525 19,814 151,500

Restricted Gifts Unrestricted

$ 151,500 995,705

Total Annual Fund


Other Gifts and Pledges


Endowment Campus/Other

$2,307,492 659,975

$ 162,100

Total Other Gifts


Grand Total


1 For purposes of this report, “family� is defined as all parents of a current student, or students, if there are siblings. 2 Family foundation gifts are counted within the constituency responsible for directing the gift to Westridge. 3 Trustee gifts amounts and participation are counted within their Primary Constituency in the main table on this page.


annual fund visionaries circle $50,000 and above

surgere circle $5,000 - $9,999

James F. Rothenberg (d) & Anne F. Rothenberg

Gwen Garland Babcock ’53 & Guilford Babcock Brett Barnard Katherine Barnard Stephanie & Camilo Becerra Lori & Michael Biard Susan & Stephen Chandler Inez Corenevsky & John Kitson Natalie Naftzger Davis & Phillip Davis Stephanie Chandler Dencik ’90 & Leo Dencik Robin O’Conor DeWitt ’58 & John DeWitt Lori & Kirk Dillman Georgianna Bray Erskine ’50 Mary Ann Fialkowski & Gregory Stevenson Jill & Richard Fung Judith K. Gain D Meng Guo & Yu Liang Li Holly & Kamal Hamdan Tracy Gamble Hirrel ’70 & Richard Hirrel Rebecca & Peter Knell Dianna Lau & Kevin Beggs Salvacion & Brian LeBerthon Jennifer Lum & Kent Raygor Elizabeth & Ian McGregor Stella Nam & Howard Lee Jeanette & Francis Park Pearl Piatt & Glen Price Shannon & Sean Sanders Samantha & Marc Sandman Amy & Kent Savagian Heidi Taylor & Jonathan Kaplan Alan Tekerlek Pascale Vera-Haddad & Nabil Haddad Christopher Wilson & Brooke Abercrombie

head of school’s circle $25,000 - $49,999 The Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous The Fitzberg Foundation Deborah Heitz & Shaw Wagener The Rose Hills Foundation Armineh & Ara Tavitian

ranney circle $10,000 - $24,999 Lisa & Mike Burke Kristin & Greg Chapman Fanny & Henry Chen Katherine Maclean Ferguson ’47 Meng Guo & Yu Liang Li Lynne Hillenbrand & Erik Hovanec Margaret & David Mgrublian Wendy Munger ’68 & Leonard L. Gumport Anne & Rodolphe Otter Jane & Rajiv Sachdeva Thomas & Brenda Spezialy Roger W. Stephens Clare & Chris Tayback Qiuai Xu & Aileen Xu, Class of ’16 Westridge Parent Association

14 (d) deceased

herrick circle $3,000 - $4,999 Malika & Ghulam Abbas Eunice & Johnson Au Bank of America Foundation, Inc. Mandy Chen & John Sun Ailin Chiao & Jamson Siou Andrea & Andres Falabella Della Fong & Albert Cho Donald Hall Stephen Haydon-Khan Sandee & Paul Hiyake Weizhen Huang & Chen Wang Arti Hurria & Thomas Lee Valerie Jinnette & Mike Chen Stella & Rene Ledis Jenny & Jason Lee Tisha & Mark Marinella Christine McCarthy & Michael McCormick Martine & Mark Myronowicz Stella Nam & Howard Lee Laura & John Olinski Christopher Orndorff Linda & Matt Peacore Sera Pelle & Christopher Wilcox Shannon & John Petersen Melina & Barry Pyle Margaret Rhodes ’60 Dhari Balvin Thein ’86 & Daniel Thein Laura & Rupert Thompson Felicia Yu & Jeffrey Liter

ivy & the lamp circle $1,500 - $2,999 Vibha Agrawal & Anupam Agarwal Anonymous Alison Ashford & Michael Arya Nairie & Missak Balian Sheri Bender Jennifer Schultz Bertolet ’86 & Chris Bertolet Amy & Ken Betts Karen & Kirk Binns Allison & William Bogle Susie & John Boken Franca & Matthew Braatz Meg Bradbury ‘81 & Jaime Hernandez Annie & Paul Brassard

Sherry White Bullock ’51 The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Blair Adams Carty ’83 Jane Miller Chai ’56 Laureen Chang & Peter Brockett Caroline & Michael Chapman Hailyn Chen Mei Chen & Wei Li Martha Chowning & Jonathan Groff Ann Margaret & Craig Chrisney Ling-ling Chung & Peter Chi Ceinwyn & Steve Clark Patti Coleman Ann Cutting ’78 & Thomas Soulanille Tracy Do & Mark Mullin Patricia Campbell Duckett ’47 Edison International Robin Fogelman & Daniel Kopelman Audrey & Kenneth Fong Cary & KinMeng Fong Kathleen French & William Fritz Anna & Andre Gaiter Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 & Edward Garlock Lisa & Paul Gibbs Jemma Giddings Jennifer Tongish Giles ’87 & Mark Giles Li & William Gong Marcia Anne Good Ethel Stratton Gould ’45 & Roy Gould Linda Hall Reina Haque & Ralph Vogel Tiffany & Marc Harris Jennifer Holladay & Steve Reich Joan Montgomery Hotchkis ’45 Lynn Huang ’90 & Morgan Huang Dominique Ingegneri Tara & Kurt Johnson Tamara Kaye-Honey & Ryan Honey Jennifer & Jeff Kirschenbaum Erin & Frederick Kuhlman Vivian & Marshall Kwong Michele Lam ’93 Holly & Timothy Larsen Stephen Lebowitz & Lynn Rapaport Kristen & Steven Lee Pamela Lee & Lawrence Ng Jean Lenihan & Daniel Posel Judy Liao & Paul Chu Maggie Liao

Li Liu & Guang Yang June Lock & Ben Pan Mary & Peter Lowin Amy Cramblit Magnuson ’76 & Richard Magnuson Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen ’52 & John Matthiessen Jeanne & John Matthiessen Elaine Mercardo-Geronimo & Montano Geronimo Kate Moore ’69 Barbara Coates Morey ’64 & Michael Morey Amy Murphy & Michael Maltzan Sophia Nardin & Luke Wood Frances Nicely-Lyman & Kevin Lyman Lori & Arthur Noda Elizabeth Orndorff Michelle & Young Ouh Elaine Pan & Leo Alonzo Paul Ragan Tiffany & Eiji Sakurada Fran Norris Scoble Dorothy McCay Scully ’54 Lucy Shreffler Sarah & Charles Steidel Charise Stewart & Mark Giljum Christine & Nathan Sugimoto W. Torrey Sun & Katie King Wendy & Craig Tanouye Linda & William Tolbert Vicki & Ken Tse Polly Hunter Turpin ’45 & George Turpin Michelle Tyson ’86 & Ara Hagopian Christine & Richard Valenzuela Emily Ko Wang ’93 & Michael Wang Wendy & Myron Wang Mardy Wasserman & Richard Sevin Cecily Hamlin Wells ’55 & J. Robert Wells Kelly White & David Timoner Martha Williamson & Jon Andersen Melisa Wilson Jo-Anne & Rolf Woolner Gillian & James Wu Laura Hui Xiang & Edward Xuesong Wu Halle & Joseph Yuhan Marisa Zarate-Zweiback & Michael Zweiback May Zhang & Ricky Li

annual fund


rose circle $500 - $1,499 Elizabeth Huntley Algermissen ’77 & Stephen Algermissen Brier Turpin Allebrand ’75 & Kent Allebrand Karla Alvarado-Goldberg & David Goldberg Mona & Robert Anich Nicole Avril & Kris Lindquist Charmaine Shryock Bailey ’89 & Sean Bailey Leslie Baker-Owen & Jack Owen Dana Icaza Banta ’01 & Jimmie Banta Deborah Paul Barkley ’66 & Richard Barkley Holly & Drew Bauer Nancy Hezlep Belinsky ’77 & Russell Belinsky Elizabeth & Gary Birkenbeuel Lynn & Dan Boberg Susan G. Bowers Terry Gamble Boyer ’73 & Peter Boyer Althea Milbank Brimm ’51 Kristan Browne ’86 & Eric Williams Linda Brownridge & Edward A. Mulvaney Gorden Bundy Carolann Butler-Poole & Christopher Poole Margaret Caldwell ’86 Christine Finch Cease ’64 & Wesley Cease Hsiao-Ching Chen & Philip Peng Joy & Paul Chiu Monica & Lawrence Chiu Jennet Chow & Michael Chen Lynn & Thomas Chu Deanna & Jerry Clark Linda & Douglas Clarke Melissa Cobb Lisa & Joseph Cochran Marian Sullivan Corso ’86 & John Corso Kristyn & Jamie Cota Geraldine & Lue Cramblit Robert Dell Angelo & Theresa Fuentes Nancy & Henry DeNero Abigail Deser & Charlie Siskel


annual fund

June & Issac Diarra Holly Edge-Booth & Matthew Booth Fidelity Foundation Erica Fishman ’84 & Kirk Brattkus Ophelia Ennis Follett ’59 & Brian Johnson Barbara Hunter Foster ’50 Nancy & Christopher Foster Irena Gan & Gary Ho Lisa Bennett Garrison ’82 & Milan Garrison Robbin Gehrke & Robert Moses Debra Geiger ’72 & Eliot Crowley Sharon Gerstel Sonia & Bruce Goldberg Sheila & David Golden Sudha & Gopal Govindarajan Deborah & Robert Graff Jessica & Robert Graves Sharon Green & Alan Knoerr Tricia Greenlee Elaine Greenstone Angel & Eddy Grigorian Robin & Stephen Gruber Nina Gutin Katrin Haberstock Melissa Jones Hamilton ’50 Rusini Haris-Rosen & Dayan Rosen Jean & James Hartt Haskell Fund Jo Whitehouse Heffernan ’63 & E. Michael Heffernan Kendis Heffley Lisa Hilger & Jim Gallo Adelaide Finkbine Hixon ’36 Richard Holbrook Carolyn Volk Horne ’64 Caroline & Nick Howell Lynwen Hughes-Boatman & Craig Boatman Gale Anne Hurd Suzanne Icaza Janet & Jay Iinuma Geeta Iyengar & Vinay Duddalwar Marcia A. James & Quinton C. James Tammy & Steve Jo Arabella & Jan Johannes Marie Cunningham Jones ’48 & Louis Jones Teresa Treat Kaneko ’45 & Jiro Kaneko Helen & Tony Kil Carolyn Kim & Patrick Ty

Hillary Kim & Raymond Kwok Barbara & Stuart Klabin Cynthia & David Klar Jennith Gilbert Knox ’55 & John Knox Cherie Ko & Joseph Chu Margaret & William Ko Stephanie & Darin Kuhlmann Julia Tyson La Grua ’71 & Thomas La Grua David Lans Michelle & Andy Lee Robin Lewin Melissa & Kelvin Liang Julie & Jeffrey Lin Lynn Lin Leslie Linde Alison & David Listiak Robyn Smith Little & Grant Little Gwendolyn Liu & Alfred Lin Jean Liu & Jack Mullane Anne Dorsey Long ’76 & William Long Janice Low & Calvin Eng Carol & Cyrus Luk Cecilia Banghua Ma & Bill Yang Julie & Steve Maddox Gina & Kenneth Mak Sally Hunter Mann ’80 & Steven Mann Mary Lou Marshall Luann Martenson & John Foley Laura Martin & Daniel Medina Devara & David Mathias Lizabeth Maynard ’75 Maureen McGrath & Jared Becker Kazue & Rob Roy McGregor Amanda Nyce McIntyre ’55 Myrna & David McLane Laurie Mead Ruth & Mark Mehringer Ailene & Robert Michel Lary Mielke Barbara Brown Millington ’65 & Dale Millington Pilar & Jorge Munoz Sumita Nandi & Charles Dunn Asha Naresh Nayak ’64 & Devdutt Nayak Kelley Nelson Staci Nesbitt & Ali Barar Anna & Won K. Ng Devon Geiger Nielsen ’70 Allison & Paul Obico Lynn O’Grady Theresa Oldknow ’76

Ann Cramblit Olson ’75 & Stanley Olson Gail Wiley Oppenheimer ’56 & Gerald Oppenheimer Carole & Gregory Paddock Leslie Parry ’97 Ruth Jameson Pasqualetto ’83 & John Pasqualetto Maiya Penberthy Virginia & Moses Perez Denise Petitfils ’70 Tanya & Brannin Pitre Marianne & Monty Polonsky Blanca & Sean Porter Julie Prebel & Weston Jackert Natacha Rafalski Cheryl Randolph Robert Richardson Suzanne Roberts & Wayne Kaufman Karen Robinson ’63 Myra Moss Rolle ’54 & Andrew Rolle Cynthia Perry Rosedale ’69 Sheila & Stephen Rossi Adriane Rothstein & Mark Billy Cole Rowan ’73 Victoria Rusnak John Russell & Cecil Kramer Marianne Van Vorst Ryan ’79 & Daniel Ryan Susan & James Saddler Lynne Tsuboi Saito ’63 & Thomas Saito Karen Saliba & Stanley Rushing Annika & Jeffrey Santoro Lisa & Michael Schenk Catherine Christian Schultz ’71 & Stanley Schultz Michelle Valentine Scott ’57 Carolyn & George Seitz Michele Matsuura Shibuya ’86 & Robert Shibuya Pamela Ellis Simons ’67 & Richard Simons Crystal Wu Simpson ’96 & Bryan Simpson Tracy Innes Stephenson ’56 & Charles Stephenson Leslie & Phillip Stewart Ellen Suh & Robert Fletcher Katherine S. Swan ’48 & Philip Swan Carolyn Taylor Cynthia Thaik & David Thein Nancy Laine Thompson ’51

Rulan Tom & David Romyn Martha Doerr Toppin ’53 Mary & Jeffrey Tuck Edye Udell Union Bank Foundation Vicki & Ed Wade Kathleen & James Wallis Estate of Hall Warren Barbara Waters & Stephen Burbach Jennifer & Ben Wei Katie Rothenberg Wei ’94 & Alex Wei Wells Fargo Foundation Michelle & Nicholas Welsh Christine Wen Western Asset Management Laurie Frank Wilson ’68 Mary DeWitt Wilson ’86 & Jeff Wilson Tina Wong-Zareno & Dennis Zareno Julie Chen Woo ’93 & Charlie Woo Catherine & Eric Wood Jennifer Worley & Dave Krinsky Meriel & Nywood Wu Lauren Yang ’09 Sophie Yen & Yun Yen Mildred & Felix Yip Yang Mi Yoon & Chang Uk Kim Tomi Evans Ziel & Frederick Ziel Heidi Taylor & Jonathan Kaplan

Rachel dillman class of 2016

environmental activist

Performed research on how to start a composting business as part of a class assignment, but took it a step further by inventing, building, and eventually selling her EZPZ Composters, and expanding the assignment into her Community Action Project. Became more involved by volunteering with LA Compost, conducting additional research and presenting her findings to the LA Compost, Los Angeles Natural History Museum, and USC communities.

annual fund


community circle $1 - $499 Caswell Tollenaere Abrams ’74 & Matt Abrams Janice Acton & Mark Beskind Marcia Howe Adams ’66 & Jonathan Adams III Rebecca & Peter Adams Jane Adolph Emelinda Aguirre Anne Huntley Ahrens ’75 & Paul Ahrens Florencia Albert-Aranovich & Donald Albert Susanne Coate Alden ’47 & Holt Alden Susan & Eric Aledort Vanessa Wolf Alexander ’97 & Matthew Alexander Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Maya Alvarez-Galvan ’88 & Javier Galvan Yasmine Alwan ’94 Elizabeth Banning Ames ’49 Katherine Farrand Anastasia ’82 & Jack Anastasia Suzanne Anderson ’78 Mary Skillen Andrews ’47 Susan Ziegler Arthur ’65 & Terry Arthur Jean Patton Ashcraft ’53 & Ken Ashcraft Patsy von Schlegell Ault ’54 Georgette & Gary Awad Lyssa & David Axeen Araceli & Gary Bacio Gabriella Bacio ’15 Barbara Dibble Bain ’50 Barbara & Brian Baker Erin Rothenberg Baker ’96 & Jeremy Baker Mary Olson Baldovin ’87 & David Baldovin Josephine Cole Baldwin ’49 & L. Baldwin Joan & Robert J. Banning Darrell Chulay Banta ’77 & Bert Banta Heather & Rob Baraga Elizabeth Wayland Barber ’58 & Paul Barber Shannon Barber & Eric Breckheimer Julie Patton Barker ’56 & Herbert Barker


annual fund

Daniel Ekerholm Barklund Danica Barnes ’01 Jennifer & Gregory Barnes Dianne Barone Janet Barrett Sue Barton ’64 & Donald Morrill Susana Smith Bautista ’84 & Juan Felipe Vallejo Nancy Baxter ’74 Ruth Beaglehole Barbara Beckham ’71 Juliet Begley ’75 Sondra Rogers Behrens ’59 & H. Wilhelm Behrens Martyn Smith Belmont ’59 Madison Bender ’15 Christine Benter Gipsy & Edward Bergstrom Cynthia Crawford Berne ’53 & Thomas Berne Kimberly Rakow Bernier ’93 Jeannie Berrard & Jimmy Jackson, Jr. Stella & Robert Berry Cecily Wilde Bishop ’59 & John Bishop Gigi Bizar Stephanie & Ryan Blank Mary Pringle Blaylock ’54 Jenifer Paul Bode ’55 Claire & William Bogaard Michele Bogaard ’79 Elizabeth Bonamy ’01 Deborah Boone Danica Bourgault Shelley & Bradley Bowlen Madeleine Brand & Joseph DeMarie Jessica Bremmer Kimberly Brendzal & Michael Arellanes Ann Brighouse ’76 Tempe & John Brooks Alexandra & Michael Brousseau Alice Myers Brown ’61 & Donald Brown Meredith Brown Pamela Carter Bryant ’80 Anne Dobbins Bullard ’82 & Gregory Bullard Susie Burke & Charles Beichman Virginia Bigelow Burke ’53 & Alan Burke Deborah Andreson Burns ’56 Nancy Rose Bushnell ’65 Ann Callaway ’59 Daniel Calmeyer Megan Campbell-Risen ’92 & Udi Meirav Cris Capp Patricia Gooch Capps ’56 & C. Byron Capps Laura Caron & Neil Alsip

Amanda Marble Carroll ’79 Nancy Engel Carroll ’70 & P. Thomas Carroll Barbra Tibbles Chabot & Eric Chabot Susan Straubel Champion ’55 & Chuck Champion Elizabeth Pyle Chandler ’59 Kelly Chavarrio & Manuel Martinez Ching & Kevin Chen Helen Chen & William Kurohara Celesta Cheney-Rice Nicole Chrisney ’15 Mimi & Donn Christensen Beth Yoakum Clemans ’51 & William Clemans Cathleen Cochran ’80 Marjorie & Elsworth Cochran Paris & Joshua Cohen Caren Cholakian Colburn ’86 & Kyle Colburn Betty Cole & Arthur Mack Sandra Morse Coleman ’54 & Michael Coleman Colgate-Palmolive Company Jane Downer Collins ’61 Kathleen & Eric Collins Carole Fortin Conger ’60 & C. L. Conger Susan Hazeltine Connell ’59 & Michael Connell Diane Akerman Connelly ’76 & James Connelly Cynthia Conteas-Wood & Grant Wood Paula Roberts Cook ’66 & James Cook Joan Newman Coon ’45 & James Coon Elizabeth & John Cooper Jr. Louise Corson & Arvid Croonquist Margaret Craig Cowden ’58 & Thomas Cowden Lucinda Cox ’64 Mary Watkins Cronin ’64 & Richard Cronin Anne Crotty ’58 Louisa Crowley ’73 Bhanu & Dennis Cruz Jordan Cruz ’15 Margaret Taylor Cunningham ’58 Elizabeth Currier ’59 Tenaya Stewart Custer ’59 Sara Dachel Sherry Dai Ina Begerow Dalsemer ’58 & Michael Manning Leslie Collins Daniel ’57 & Joseph Daniel Rose & Dominick D’Antuono Nadine Smith Danz ’61 & Anthony Danz Hilary Thomas D’Attilo ’97 Annie & Jesse David

Jean Davidson ’65 & Joseph Davidson Jennifer & Christopher Davis Susan Davis ’52 Miri Day & Andrew Hindes Elizabeth Thorne Dazey ’41 & Mitchell Dazey Rie & Michael De Napoli Shelley Ingram deButts ’76 & W. H. deButts III Francesca DeMarco ’90 Aliki Demetriades-Meyer ’83 & Karl Meyer Heidi Denenholz ’05 Judy & David Denenholz Laura Denenholz ’07 Jill Peterson Dennis ’94 & Brian Dennis Elisabeth Seitz DeRobertis ’94 & Joseph DeRobertis Shelley & Paul Diamond Elizabeth Nathan Dietel ’58 Victoria Odriozola Dillingham ’61 Latif Diop Margaret diZerega ’98 Tonya & Jason Dobine Greta Dockum ’67 Snow Dong & Bryan Chen Mary Douglas ’65 & James Dick Josephine Carter Duff ’39 & R.M. Duff Charlene Duncan Madeleine Eaton Nancy & John Edmundson Amanda Edwards Marcia & Samuel Edwards Julie Ehrhardt Aaron Eichelberger Hilary Nader Eichelberger Naila Elfarra Noura Elfarra ’08 Sabrina Elfarra ’07 Sylvia Hewitt Eliot ’53 & John Eliot Ellen Ellis Caitlin Emslie ’12 Jossalyn Turner Emslie ’83 & Robert Emslie Hermann & Luise Engelhardt Katherine Rosedale Enney ’98 & John Enney Hannah Erskine ’12 Michele Nishiyama Esbenshade ’91 & Andrew Esbenshade Maria Escamilla & Miguel Favela Mollie Howell Eschen ’44 Courtney Fong Evans ’86 & Berne Evans Patricia Donoghue Evans ’63 Camilla Evans-Hensey ’76 & Kevin Hensey Virginia Good Falconer ’66 Judith Hayes Farley ’47 & Albert Farley Gertrude Robbins Fator ’53

Nancy Pellissier Fine ’43 Cathy & Ivan Fink Johnson Frances Fleming ’72 & William A. Thompson Zemula Pierce Fleming ’43 Antonia Smith Fletcher ’62 & Paul Fletcher Louise Flynn ’78 Priscilla Dunn Flynn ’47 Henry Fong Victoria & Jim Fowler Susan Frank ’71 & Jeff D’Angelo Julie Frantz ’67 & Craig Murphy Lexy Frey & Kent Warden Tara Friedlander ’02 Carol Morris Fruit ’58 & John Fruit Diane Fujitani ’65 Geraldine Gaiter Gabriela Gangitano & Jerome Castro Esther & Richard Garcia Esther Garcia & Thomas Soldner Pamela Garcia Evan Garlock ’09 Susan & Carlos Garrett Lauren Gaskill ’03 Tina & Michael Gavlak Joyce Metcalf Gerritsen ’65 Deanne & Joel Gerstel Margaret Dickson Gitelson ’57 & Bruce Gitelson Kate Godfrey ’69 & Rob Colley Jennifer Golub-Marcus & Raymond Marcus Linda Bandy Gonzalez ’59 & Jay Gonzalez Julie Rehrig Goodell ’66 Jenna & Robert Goodman Marion Goodman Heather Goss ’59 Suko Gotoh ’77 & William J. Adler Jo Ann & Harold Gottlieb Elizabeth Dunton Gould ’82 & Jay Gould Marianne French Grady ’65 & Stephen Grady Anne DeWitt Granick ’89 & Steven Granick Leslie Clarke Gray ’62 Linda Olsen Graybill ’79 & Gary Graybill Hilarie Dyson & James Green Kathy Green & Jo Odawara Rebecca & Conrad Green Sarah Greene ’65 & Christen W. Kiilsgaard Ann McLaren Gregory ’56 & Peter Gregory Joyce Greif Alexandra Dewar Grigorieva ’66 Victoria Guagliardo & Gary Clark Terry Guerrero & Eric Guarin

Don’t let anyone rob you of your imagination, your creativity, or your curiosity. It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live. Mae Jemison physician and astronaut, first African American woman in space

annual fund


When you learn, teach, when you get, give.

Maya Angelou poet


annual fund

Loring & Amal Guessous Terrie Judkins Guevara Harley Haas Joanna Haase Joanna & George Hajj Sara Clifford Hammond ’53 Kirsten Hansen ’83 Tracy & David Hansen Amirunnessa & Shaikh Mansoor Haque Ann M. Harding Julie Valentine Harn ’59 Kristin Techentin Harrison ’87 & Berkeley Harrison Claire & Craig Hart HaiSong Harvey & Yemen Dickinson Laura & Barnaby Hatchman Samer Hathout ’86 & Michael Blackshire Jennifer McMullin Haug ’75 & Rick Brandley Susan Hauk ’64 Anne Pierose Havens ’59 & Stewart Davis Carol Horton Hawkins ’64 & Gerald Hawkins Io Hawk-Sablan & Rico Sablan Kirsten Sanders Hayes ’79 & Kevin Hayes Rosemary Hadden Hayes ’40 & Henry Hayes Virginia Gerner Heinrich ’61 & John Heinrich Mary Herms ’85 & Ryan Marshall Eleanor Jessen Higson ’45 & John Higson Carol Barnum Hill ’59 & Tom Hill Catherine Hillard ’61 Virginia Sterry Hislop ’36 Crystal Ho ’99 Harriet Swift Holdsworth ’42 Nancy Adams Holliday ’45 Mary Fauvre Holmes ’68 & Robert Holmes Sandra Todd Holmyard ’41 & H. R. Holmyard Helen & Jack Hopper Melanie Horn Alex Horner Mary Jane Horton & Stuart Shipko Danielle & Clifford Houser Hatsune & Chester Howard Sally Howard & Peter Schou Danaë Howe Lisa Howick Rosemary Howley ’73 Gayle Chamberlin Hoyt Karen Huante ’79 Zella Huffstetler Amy & Tom Hulick

Cornelia Longley Hull ’42 (d) & Robert Hull Cynthia Nash Hummel ’59 & David Hummel Ashley Hurlock Suzy & Peter Husmann Ann Hazeltine Hyde ’66 & Daniel Hyde Susan Arnett Hyde ’72 Kathy Ignacio Barbara Holway Ilias ’59 & Peter Ilias Intel Foundation Sheila Irani Jennifer Irish & Jeffery Hurlow Juana Iroz & Daniel Bryce Karen Schirm Irwin ’56 & James Irwin Leigh-Ann Jackson & Matthew Listiak Susan & John Jackson Susan James ’63 Leslie Beckhart Jenal ’78 & Jim Jenal Gabrielle Jennings & Ethan Johnson Jennifer Jessen ’85 Juanita Jimenez Changrong Jin & Michael Lee Liz Jin Melissa Johnson ’74 Jennifer Jones ’13 Edward D. Jones Ruth Judkins Jane Kearney Kahn ’53 & Ken Kahn Linda Gilbert Kandasamy ’62 & S. Kandasamy Martin & Susan Kaplan Maria Karafilis & Christopher Spensley Emily Miller Karlekar ’95 & Indraneel Karlekar Sarah Corey Karste ’53 Margaret & Leonard Kaufman Rebecca Kaufman Nancy Kawakita ’76 Prudence Baldwin Kaye ’49 Aida Brolly Kedefors ’81 & Hans Kedefors Sarah Mage Keller ’58 & Stephen Keller Barbara Bottomley Kelley ’59 Heidy & Miles Kelman Nedenia Kennedy ’65 Kim Kerscher Amy & Jong Khil Kim Susan & Paul Kim Emilie Hubbard Kimball ’44 Christine Kiphart & John Cross Leo Kitajima Karen Klabin & Martin Schlageter Catherine Durst Klimp ’64 & Jack W. Klimp Starr Thomas Klube ’58 & Leon Klube Kelly Koch

Patricia & Brian Koffman Laura & Andrew Koperski Helene & John Kristensen Brandon Kruhm Jamie Truscott Kwako ’72 & James Kwako Karin Labby & John King Lou & Michael LaCasse Kathryn Files Lacey ’62 & Cal Lacey Monica Lake ’77 Linda & Hubert Lam Patricia & Jimmy Lam Firdaus Landou ’10 Cheri Colby Langdell ’62 & Tim Langdell Anne & Thomas Lansing Selena & Kevin Lantry Carolyn Terry Larkin ’82 & Joe Larkin Debbie Lawrence ’71 Cheryl Lee ’15 Linda LeMoncheck ’71 & Jed Shafer Sabrina Leon & Eric Sundberg Xinyun Lian & Peixin Wang Vivian Liao Katherine Palmer Liddle ’47 & Harold Liddle Virginia Lief ’59 Jenny Lin & Adam Beroud Margaret Lin Mary Good Lindgren ’71 & Kenneth Lindgren Diane Link ’64 Nancy Copeland Lissaman ’50 Nancy Corlette Lloyd ’58 Barbara & Sandy Lockhart Judith Bray Longyear ’53 & Willis Longyear Marcella Wright Ludwig ’59 & Robert Ludwig Carol & Luther Luedtke Carlotta Lukens Jennifer Heintz Lulla ’95 & Sonny Lulla Karen Ma ’96 Clara Buffum Mackie ’45 Diana Mahmud & Richard Helgeson Shari Majumder & Frank Ticheli Joan Griffith Malloy ’79 Kay Mansour Ann Hawkins Markevitch ’54 & Bob Markevitch Mai Ly & Karl Marsh Ann Davies Martin ’51 & Thomas Martin Cindy & Greg Martin Gloria Newhouse Martin ’59 & Keith Martin Jeannette & David Martin Sally Martin ’71 Bonnie & Raul Martinez Joan & Gregory Martinez

Karen & George Mathias Lee Matthew ’64 Lisa Matthews ’72 & Michael G. Molyneux Lydia Simpson Matthews ’50 Karen Mayeda Carolyn McAnally Carol McCleary & Gregory Keating Martha McCook ’65 Ann Crary McCormick ’71 John McDermott Pat Carman McEldowney ’50 & Barry McEldowney Sue & Matthew McGinnis Summers Newell McKay ’96 & William Kenefick Lynne McKelvey ’53 Jodi McLaughlin & Trevor Bryant Ava Maria Megna Lauri Hendrickson Mendenhall ’71 & Mike Mendenhall Monica Meñez Tracy Metz ’70 & Baptist Brayé Elizabeth Pickering Mezitt ’61 & R. Mezitt Antoinette Miller Louisa Nevins Miller ’44 Sally Miller Deborah & James Milley Andrea Mills ’72 Carol Fisher Minelli ’59 & Michael Minelli Johanna Molina & Ray Kong Denise Monaghan & Charlie Kaufman Lila Swift Monell ’47 Marta Mora & Roberto Rodriguez Charles & Janyce Morse Nancy Morton ’66 Mary Lou Price Moses ’47 Sonja Muehlmann & Philip Chu Virginia deSurville Muller ’47 & George Muller Margarita & Robert Munoz Lynn Howe Myers ’56 & Gerald Myers Howard Naness Shahbano Nawaz ’98 Nancy Myers Nemeth ’47 Anne Forve Neville ’47 Northwestern Mutual Foundation Angela Nossett Tammy & John O’Connor Maria Ravelo Odell ’79 & William Odell Carolyn & Scott O’Donell Valerie Oke ’84 & Andrew Wagner Ellen O’Leary & Jeff Plaut Helen Forve O’Leary ’45 & Paul O’Leary Erika Hoeneman Oller ’60 Monica Oller ’91 & Tomislav Pejic Ann O’Mara ’81 & Jimmy Lee

annual fund


Kathleen O’Reilly Jessica Osaki-Howell ’98 & Houston W. O. Howell Marilyn & David O’Toole Mary Lenox Oussayef ’66 & Kamel Oussayef Kristen Berry Owen Allison Paddock ’72 Janine Brooks Page ’47 Judy & Stephen Pak Maisie & Robert Pan Kris Panagiotis & George Gebhard Jerre Ann Stathatos Pappelis ’74 & Gus Pappelis Tejal & Anuj Parikh Carri Patterson & Al Grindon Melissa & Richard Patterson Elyssa Pedote ’11 Giovanna Pegolo Anna Pehoushek ’84 & Alfred Zelinka Sandra Penrod Janis Penton & Wayne Kartin Barbara Beardslee Perren ’42 Miller Pertum Lois Petren & Bill Langer Diane Pintabone Harriet Haake Plunkett ’48 & William Plunkett Virginia Corlette Pollard ’61 & David Pollard Rebecca & Fred Potter Carolyn Pulliam Prasch ’56 Kiesha Ramey Presner ’92 & Brad Presner David Prince Debra Pruitt ’68 Linda Puchalski Isabel Travis Pulvers ’59 Randi Ragan & Richard Neil Edward Raines & Chris Carpenter-Raines Eve Rappoport ’78 Caroline Wadsworth Rayfield ’47 & Wayne Rayfield Valerie Thom Read ’53 & Lawrence Read Miriam Recinos Gretchen & Henry Reed Susan Higginbotham Rehm ’61 Thomas Reilly


annual fund (d) deceased

Susan & Timothy Reiterman Nancy Renick Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72 & Brad Reynolds Carol Richards ’64 Kerrie Riley Richards ’83 & Peter Richards Candace Riecke Erika & Kenneth Riley Rebecca Cox Rios ’91 Melinda & Donald Risolo Kyung Kim Ro ’78 & Curtis Ro Brier Anderton Roberts ’45 & Eugene Roberts Anne Robertson ’63 Harriet Greeff Robinson ’53 & John Robinson Marcie Robinson Diane Spivey Rogers ’67 & Jonathan Rogers Sarah Roggero ’00 Anne Hereford Rohrbach ’57 Andrea Dorn Rohrer ’61 & John Rohrer Graciela & Jaime Rojas Jaime Rojas Marilyn Keyes Roper ’53 & Harrison Roper Catherine Rose ’53 Christine Zoff Rose ’66 & Jack Rose Lynn & Virgil Roth Andrew Rothstein Clarisa Ru Janet Russell ’61 & C. Patterson Madeleine Russell ’15 Mary Russell ’71 & Leonard Krugler Reena Russell-Nasr ’94 & Lex Maldutis Erica Zoff Russo ’75 & Walter Russo Carrie Ryan ’08 Elizabeth Safford ’64 & Frederic Smith Sharon Sand & Charles Thomas Lee & Dave Sanderson Ella Santoro ’22 Sofia Santoro ’18 Asha & Pratap Saraf Alexis Voss Sartori ’94 Wendy Schultz ’81 Bonnie Schwartz & Loren Pluth Katharine Nevins Schwarzenbach ’39 Margaret Pohlman Schweizer ’59 Meg Jenson Scrofani ’58 & Manny Scrofani David & Gretchen Seager Barri Segal Todd Segal Anthony Seidman

Virginia Pohlman Seitz ’64 & Robert Seitz April Verlato Seymour ’89 & Chris Seymour Melissa Furbush Shaw ’86 & Jeff Shaw Elena & James Shoch Jennifer Whittle Shoemaker ’72 & Thomas Shoemaker Margaret Shoemaker & Andrew Nakane Alison Shore & Steve Lopez Wendy Westlake Siciliano ’76 & John Siciliano Debbie & Michael Silva Katherine Sivers Ryan Skophammer Robin Miller Sloan & Michael Sloan Katherine Poole Sloss ’59 & Laurence Sloss Alison Gerstell Smith ’79 & David Smith Hallye Smith Jean Farrand Smith ’59 & Douglas Smith Joan Beed Smith ’53 Susan Tripp Snider ’65 & Pete Snider Susan Gertmenian Snow ’57 & William Snow Sony Pictures Entertainment Alden Sorenson ’06 Brenda Soto ’12 Robert Soto Robin Knight Spear ’45 Gabriela & Roderick Spilman Maureen & Richard Sprunger Cassandra Stadtler ’79 Brynne Montgomery Staley ’76 & David Staley (d) Eugen & Antoneta (d) Stanciu Helen & Steven Stapenhorst Josephine Hamlin Stead ’52 Elizabeth Moreno Stellwagen ’84 Katherine Sterling ’71 & Don Thomason Ann Hammersley Stewart ’53 Lydee & Frank Su Debra Suh ’85 & Robin Toma Susan Sumner Sullivan ’59 & John Sullivan Kelly Rakow Sutherland ’95 Cornelia Sweezy ’65 & Steven Cope Meg Carmack Symes ’79 & John Symes Rebecca Synott ’06 Lesley Tannahill ’62 & Toshiyasu Oi Andree Whitney Tarby ’58 & Theodore Tarby Virginia Tartaglio ’10 Sarah Tenaglia Taverner ’76 & Todd Taverner

Arshagouhi Tavitian Maral Tavitian ’13 Fern Taylor Susan Grandin Taylor ’53 & Robert Taylor Linda Peterson Tebben ’58 & Thomas Tebben Nicole Vanore Tebo ’97 Cynthia Jones Thatcher ’78 Robin & Gary Thieltges Carol & John Thompson Linda Tieu & Calvin Cheng Adriana & Christopher Tiner Bianca Tolbert ’09 Bridgette Tolbert ’14 Pamela Lochhead Trachta ’61 & S. Jon Trachta Valerie & Richard Trimarchi Miriam Trogdon & Michael Charters Janet Norwood Trotter ’59 & Samuel Trotter Tenna Tucker & David Bearden Anahit & Anthony Turgman Nancy McNabb Twist ’66 & Robert Twist Connie Ung & Stanley Rozario Heather & Thomas Unterseher Louise Van Vorst ’75 Carol van Zalingen Lisa Vandergriff Jennifer Vanore ’93 Anna Vaughan ’47 Bridgette Vega & Kenn Fujioka Kaiulani & Kendall Venable Arden Roberts Verbeck ’47 & Norbert Verbeck Kayley Vernallis & Randal Parker Carolyn Hall Volk ’60 & Robert Volk Ann Morrison Wachter ’83 & Scott Wachter Lisa Walker & J. Cardon Walker Yen Chiu & Chi Jui Wang Carol Warner ’71 & Edward S. Cooke Jr Nina Warner ’73 Fred Wasson Lynn Manildi Watanabe ’66 & Jeffrey Watanabe Heidi Waterfield & Ron Marzke Maud Waterman ’09 William Waterman, Jr. Julie & Alexander Watson Stephanie Weber Meridith Webster ’67 Jane Campbell Wells ’42 Janet & William Wells June Wennekamp

Sandra Beardslee Werden ’52 & A. Werden Leslie Wheeler ’63 Margaret & Thomas Whelan Amy & Martin Whist Megan Whitaker Pamela & Mark Wiedenbeck Kristine Wiley & Noel Martinez Penelope Dumm Wilkes ’64 & Michael Wilkes Azizi Williams ’96 Judy & Everard Williams Victoria Williams ’02 Barbara Tuerk Williamson ’50 & Douglas Williamson Cate Wilson & Jim Denault Harriet Fincke Woakes ’53 Joan Wohlstetter ’60 & Larry Hall Eleanor Gramatky Wolf ’51 Linda Wong & Gurubanda Khalsa Jessica Woo ’06 Catherine Hauser Woodson ’70 & Gregory Woodson Victoria Woolner ’05 Dana Wright ’61 Lindsay Wright ’96 Susan Kay & Larry Wyatt Heuionalani Wyeth ’65 Dale Yee & David Rutledge Evelyn & Cavour Yeh Janice Yen & Chao Ming Brooke Atkinson Yohalem ’98 & Mark Yohalem Frances Yokota Farrell Young Jill & Michael Young Raleigh Renick Young ’80 Sally & Robert Young Nicole Zeiss ’87 Andrew & Sara Zhou Donna & Harry Ziel Seyburn Zorthian ’66 & Marc McGinnes Joyce & Thomas Zucco

Maddie emslie class of 2016

Campus stem Pioneer

Inspired by her experience on the first Girl Scouts rocketry team entered in a Team America Rocketry Competition to encourage Westridge girls to get involved in STEM. As a sophomore, helped start the school’s Rocketry Club, which has since combined with the Science Olympiad Club to form the basis of the Engineering and Design Upper School elective. As a junior, mentored the Westridge Rocketry Team, and remains a member the ever-expanding team as a senior. Spent last summer interning at the Jet Propulsion Lab, assisting the scientists who control the Mars Rover and helping build rover models used in museums and school demonstrations.

annual fund


loyalty giving Westridge School has benefitted from the continued generosity of our community of donors. We wish to recognize those who have supported us over a quarter century — 25 or more consecutive years of gifts to the Annual Fund!

24 (d) deceased

D The Madeline Society

alumnae Elizabeth Banning Ames ’49 Gwen Garland Babcock ’53 Elizabeth Wayland Barber ’58 Julie Patton Barker ’56 D Barbara Beckham ’71 Cynthia Crawford Berne ’53 Deborah Andreson Burns ’56 Nancy Rose Bushnell ’65 Ann Callaway ’59 Jane Miller Chai ’56 D Mary Watkins Cronin ’64 Anne Crotty ’58 Ina Begerow Dalsemer ’58 Shelley Ingram deButts ’76 Robin O’Conor DeWitt ’58 D Mollie Howell Eschen ’44 Judith Hayes Farley ’47 Zemula Pierce Fleming ’43 Priscilla Dunn Flynn ’47 Barbara Hunter Foster ’50 Margaret Dickson Gitelson ’57 Heather Goss ’59 Suko Gotoh ’77 Merrie McColl Gottschalk ’73 Leslie Clarke Gray ’62 D Ann McLaren Gregory ’58 Sara Clifford Hammond Kirsten Sanders Hayes ’79 Jo Whitehouse Heffernan ’63 D Eleanor Jessen Higson ’45 Tracy Gamble Hirrel ’70 Virginia Sterry Hislop ’36

Nancy Adams Holliday ’45 Nancy Lou Grandin Hutchinson ’47 (d) Barbara Holway Ilias ’59 Teresa Treat Kaneko ’45 Linda LeMoncheck ’71 Virginia Lief ’59 Marcella Wright Ludwig ’59 Clara Buffum Mackie ’45 D Sally Hunter Mann ’80 Ann Hawkins Markevitch ’54 Lizabeth Maynard ’75 Mary Lou Price Moses ’47 Wendy Munger ’68 Valerie Oke ’84 Allison Paddock ’72 Isabel Travis Pulvers ’59 D Valerie Thom Read ’53 Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72 D Marilyn Keyes Roper ’53 Catherine Rose ’53 Cynthia Perry Rosedale ’69 Janet Rouse ’45 (d) Catherine Christian Schultz ’71 Dorothy McCay Scully ’54 D Robin Knight Spear ’45 Tracy Innes Stephenson ’56 Susan Grandin Taylor ’53 Martha Doerr Toppin ’53 Polly Hunter Turpin ’45 D Joan Lamb Ullyot ’57 D Meridith Webster ’67 Cecily Hamlin Wells ’55

parents of alumnae

friends & foundations

Tempe & John Brooks Marcia Anne Good Priscilla C. Moorman Maiya T. Penberthy Anne F. & James F. Rothenberg (d) Elayne &Thomas Techentin

Fidelity Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation The Ahmanson Foundation Fran Norris Scoble D Pamela & Mark Wiedenbeck

annual giving

All donors who have given to the Annual Fund five or more consecutive years are noted throughout the following pages with the symbols listed at the bottom of each page, recognizing consecutive years giving (including this FY 2014-2015).

parents of current students Lisa & Denis Rediger 4th Grade Robert Richardson class of 2023

Sara Dachel Snow Dong & Bryan Chen Cary & KinMeng Fong Sharon Gerstel Deborah & Robert Graff Rusini Haris-Rosen & Dayan Rosen Claire & Craig Hart Leigh-Ann Jackson & Matthew Listiak Valerie Jinnette & Mike Chen Carolyn Kim & Patrick Ty Hillary Kim & Raymond Kwok Jennifer & Jeff Kirschenbaum Melissa & Kelvin Liang Judy Liao & Paul Chu Julie & Jeffrey Lin Julie & Steve Maddox Devara & David Mathias Kelley Nelson Amy & Kent Savagian Laura & Rupert Thompson Heather & Thomas Unterseher Felicia Yu & Jeffrey Liter

5th Grade class of 2022 Janice Acton & Mark Beskind Vibha Agrawal & Anupam Agarwal Mona & Robert Anich Franca & Matthew Braatz Alexandra & Michael Brousseau Audrey & Kenneth Fong Deborah & Robert Graff Rebecca & Conrad Green Katrin Haberstock Joanna & George Hajj Lynne Hillenbrand & Erik Hovanec Y Arti Hurria & Thomas Lee Janet & Jay Iinuma Geeta Iyengar & Vinay Duddalwar Tara & Kurt Johnson Rebecca & Peter Knell Mary & Peter Lowin Pilar & Jorge Munoz Margarita & Robert Munoz Sera Pelle & Christopher Wilcox Shannon & John Petersen

Samantha & Marc Sandman Annika & Jeffrey Santoro Y Kelly White & David Timoner Laura Hui Xiang & Edward Xuesong Wu Halle & Joseph Yuhan Y

6th Grade class of 2021 Nicole Avril & Kris Lindquist Leslie Baker-Owen & Jack Owen Brett Barnard Katherine Barnard Carolann Butler-Poole & Christopher Poole Kristin & Greg Chapman Ailin Chiao & Jamson Siou Jennet Chow & Michael Chen Ling-Ling Chung & Peter Chi Annie & Jesse David Sonia & Bruce Goldberg Kathy Green & Jo Odawara Reina Haque & Ralph Vogel Rusini Haris-Rosen & Dayan Rosen HaiSong Harvey & Yemen Dickinson Samer Hathout ’86 & Michael Blackshire Stephen Haydon-Khan Amy & Tom Hulick Gabrielle Jennings & Ethan Johnson Arabella & Jan Johannes Jennifer & Jeff Kirschenbaum Michelle & Andy Lee Maggie Liao Jenny Lin & Adam Beroud Tisha & Mark Marinella Sumita Nandi & Charles Dunn Michelle & Young Ouh Jeanette & Francis Park Y Tanya Pitre & Brannin Pitre Jaime Rojas Alison Shore & Steve Lopez Gabriela & Roderick Spilman Cynthia Thaik & David Thein Adriana & Christopher Tiner Cate Wilson & Jim Denault Christopher Wilson & Brooke Abercrombie Melisa Wilson


D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

Annual Fund Volunteers Rene Ledis vp annual fund Malika Abbas Brian Aldrich Holly Bauer Sheri Bender Jennifer Schultz Bertolet ’86 Lori Biard Karen Binns Monica Chiu Mimi Christensen Lisa Cochran June Diarra Bill Fritz Jill Fung Lisa Bennett Garrison ’82 Katrin Haberstock Samer Hathout ’86 Jennifer Holladay Cecil Kramer Jean Liu Jim Milley Larry Ng Allison Obico Laura Olinski Jeanette Park Carri Patterson Matt Peacore Annika Santoro Adriane Rothstein Carolyn Seitz Mike Silva Laura Thompson Melisa Wilson Catherine Wood Joe Yuhan


parents of current students

7th Grade

8th Grade

class of 2020

class of 2019

Karla Alvarado-Goldberg & David Goldberg Alison Ashford & Michael Arya Y Nairie Balian & Missak Balian Holly & Drew Bauer Sheri Bender Y Shelley & Bradley Bowlen Monica & Lawrence Chiu Mimi & Donn Christensen Ceinwyn & Steve Clark Patti Coleman Esther Garcia & Thomas Soldner Tina & Michael Gavlak Angel & Eddy Grigorian Holly Hamdan ’82 & Kamal Hamdan Lisa Hilger & Jim Gallo Alex Horner Y Caroline & Nick Howell Dominique Ingegneri Changrong Jin & Michael Lee Tamara Kaye-Honey & Ryan Honey Cynthia & David Klar Anne & Thomas Lansing Y Holly & Timothy Larsen Stella & Rene Ledis Jenny & Jason Lee Jean Lenihan & Daniel Posel June Lock & Ben Pan Julie & Steve Maddox Gina & Kenneth Mak Jeannette & David Martin Kelley Nelson Kristen Berry Owen Linda & Matt Peacore Pearl Piatt & Glen Price Melina & Barry Pyle Paul Ragan Lisa & Michael Schenk Dhari Balvin Thein ’86 & Daniel Thein + Vicki & Ken Tse Tenna Tucker & David Bearden Christine & Richard Valenzuela Amy & Martin Whist Yang Mi Yoon & Chang Uk Kim Halle & Joseph Yuhan Marisa Zarate-Zweiback & Michael Zweiback

Malika & Ghulam Abbas Florencia Albert-Aranovich & Donald Albert Jennifer Schultz Bertolet ’86 & Chris Bertolet Amy & Ken Betts Madeleine Brand & Joseph DeMarie Annie & Paul Brassard Kimberly Brendzal & Michael Arellanes Kristan Browne ’86 & Eric Williams Y Caroline & Michael Chapman Melissa Cobb Inez Corenevsky & John Kitson Abigail Deser & Charlie Siskel Y Tracy Do & Mark Mullin Y Jill & Richard Fung Y Lisa Bennett Garrison ’82 & Milan Garrison Lisa & Paul Gibbs Jenna & Robert Goodman Jessica & Robert Graves Y Robin & Stephen Gruber Nina Gutin Tiffany & Marc Harris Suzy & Peter Husmann X Maria Karafilis & Christopher Spensley Y Karen Klabin & Martin Schlageter Linda & Hubert Lam Robyn Smith Little & Grant Little Y Jean Liu & Jack Mullane Y Johanna Molina & Ray Kong Y Sonja Muehlmann & Philip Chu Y Lori & Arthur Noda Ellen O’Leary & Jeff Plaut Kristen Berry Owen Judy & Stephen Pak Jeanette & Francis Park Y Virginia & Moses Perez Y Marianne & Monty Polonsky Blanca & Sean Porter Melina & Barry Pyle Randi Ragan & Richard Neil Sheila & Stephen Rossi Clarisa Ru Y Shannon & Sean Sanders Barri Segal Y Todd Segal Carolyn & George Seitz Helen & Steven Stapenhorst Ellen Suh & Robert Fletcher Heidi Taylor & Jonathan Kaplan Linda Tieu & Calvin Cheng Wendy & Myron Wang Y Barbara Waters & Stephen Burbach Michelle & Nicholas Welsh Tina Wong-Zareno & Dennis Zareno Y Susan Kay & Larry Wyatt

9th Grade class of 2018 Malika & Ghulam Abbas Janice Acton & Mark Beskind Barbara & Brian Baker Sheri Bender Y Lynn & Dan Boberg Susie & John Boken Deborah Boone Shelley & Bradley Bowlen Meredith Brown Lisa & Mike Burke Kelly Chavarrio & Manuel Martinez Jeffrey Chean & Kathy Ross Y Helen Chen & William Kurohara Hsiao-Ching Chen & Philip Peng Joy & Paul Chiu Martha Chowning & Jonathan Groff Y Paris & Joshua Cohen Kathleen & Eric Collins Kristyn & Jamie Cota Robin Fogelman & Daniel Kopelman Della Fong & Albert Cho Y Lexy Frey & Kent Warden Irena Gan & Gary Ho Hilarie & James Green Y Tricia Greenlee Y Terrie Judkins Guevara Meng Guo & Yu Liang Li Y Tracy & David Hansen Y Alex Horner Y Sally Howard & Peter Schou Y Lynn Huang ’90 & Morgan Huang Y Cherie Ko & Joseph Chu Karin Labby & John King Dianna Lau & Kevin Beggs Salvacion & Brian LeBerthon Jenny & Jason Lee Leslie Linde Gwendolyn Liu & Alfred Lin Y Li Liu & Guang Yang Carol & Cyrus Luk Jeannette & David Martin Laura Martin & Daniel Medina Y Maureen McGrath & Jared Becker Myrna & David McLane Denise Monaghan & Charlie Kaufman Martine & Mark Myronowicz Sophia Nardin & Luke Wood Allison & Paul Obico X Carri Patterson & Al Grindon Giovanna Pegolo Y Jane & Rajiv Sachdeva Y

Annika & Jeffrey Santoro Y Thomas & Brenda Spezialy Y Charise Stewart & Mark Giljum Y Lydee & Frank Su Y Debra Suh ’85 & Robin Toma Wendy & Craig Tanouye Fern Taylor Y Robin & Gary Thieltges Y Edye Udell X Pascale Vera-Haddad & Nabil Haddad Y Julie & Alexander Watson Jennifer & Ben Wei Martha Williamson & Jon Andersen Catherine & Eric Wood Y Jo-Anne & Rolf Woolner Gillian & James Wu Jill & Michael Young Y

10th Grade class of 2017 Eunice & Johnson Au Y Araceli & Gary Bacio Y Heather & Rob Baraga Karen & Kirk Binns Y Stephanie & Ryan Blank Y Allison & William Bogle Y Jeffrey Chean & Kathy Ross Y Mei Chen & Wei Li Y Lynn & Thomas Chu X Rose & Dominick D’Antuono Robert Dell Angelo & Theresa Fuentes June & Issac Diarra Y Tonya & Jason Dobine Holly Edge-Booth & Matthew Booth Amanda Edwards Maria Escamilla & Miguel Favela Y Andrea & Andres Falabella Mary Ann Fialkowski & Gregory Stevenson Y Nancy & Christopher Foster Y Victoria & Jim Fowler Anna & Andre Gaiter Y Gabriela Gangitano & Jerome Castro Jo Ann & Harold Gottlieb Y Sharon Green & Alan Knoerr Y Terry Guerrero & Eric Guarin Sandee & Paul Hiyake Hatsune & Chester Howard Lynn Huang ’90 & Morgan Huang Y Weizhen Huang & Chen Wang Sheila Irani Susan & John Jackson Heidy & Miles Kelman

Amy & Jong Khil Kim Y Erin & Frederick Kuhlman Y Stephanie & Darin Kuhlmann Robin Lewin Xinyun Lian & Peixin Wang Anne Dorsey Long ’76 & William Long Y Janice Low & Calvin Eng Y Jennifer Lum & Kent Raygor Y Cecilia Banghua Ma & Bill Yang Y Jeanne & John Matthiessen X Elaine Mercardo-Geronimo & Montano Geronimo Y Deborah & James Milley Staci Nesbitt & Ali Barar Frances Nicely-Lyman & Kevin Lyman Carolyn & Scott O’Donell Ann O’Mara ’81 & Jimmy Lee Anne & Rodolphe Otter Linda & Matt Peacore Lois Petren & Bill Langer Julie Prebel & Weston Jackert Y Cheryl Randolph Suzanne Roberts & Wayne Kaufman Y Tiffany & Eiji Sakurada Y Bonnie Schwartz & Loren Pluth Debbie & Michael Silva Leslie & Phillip Stewart Edye Udell X Connie Ung & Stanley Rozario Yen Chiu & Chi Jui Wang X Mardy Wasserman & Richard Sevin Christine Wen X Amy & Martin Whist Kristine Wiley & Noel Martinez Linda Wong & Gurubanda Khalsa Y Jennifer Worley & Dave Krinsky Tomi Evans Ziel & Frederick Ziel Y

parents of current students

D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years


Parent Participation by grade

4th Grade


5th Grade


6th Grade


7th Grade


8th Grade


9th Grade


10th Grade


11th Grade


12th Grade



parents of current students

11th Grade

12th Grade

class of 2016

class of 2015

Emelinda Aguirre Dianne Barone Lori & Michael Biard Y Meg Bradbury ’81 & Jaime Hernandez Y Laureen Chang & Peter Brockett + Hailyn Chen Helen Chen & William Kurohara Mandy Chen & John Sun Linda & Douglas Clarke Y Jennifer & Christopher Davis Lori & Kirk Dillman X Jossalyn Turner Emslie ’83 & Robert Emslie Y Kathleen French & William Fritz Y Jill & Richard Fung Y Jessica & Robert Graves Y Harley Haas Joanna Haase Y Lynne Hillenbrand & Erik Hovanec Richard Holbrook Y Vivian & Marshall Kwong Y Pamela Lee & Lawrence Ng X Lynn Lin Y Mai Ly & Karl Marsh Ailene & Robert Michel Amy Murphy & Michael Maltzan Y Laura & John Olinski Y Elaine Pan & Leo Alonzo Y Tejal & Anuj Parikh Y Adriane Rothstein & Mark Billy Y Clarisa Ru Y Victoria Rusnak Y Karen Saliba & Stanley Rushing Y Sharon Sand & Charles Thomas Y Lucy Shreffler Y Robin Miller Sloan & Michael Sloan Y Roger Stephens Y Alan Tekerlek Y Rulan Tom & David Romyn Y Kaiulani & Kendall Venable Y Kathleen & James Wallis Y Jennifer & Ben Wei Catherine & Eric Wood Y Qiuai Xu May Zhang & Ricky Li Y

Suzanne Anderson ’78 Alison Ashford & Michael Arya Y Araceli & Gary Bacio Y Sheri Bender Y Fanny & Henry Chen X Ann Margaret & Craig Chrisney Y Lisa & Joseph Cochran Y Bhanu & Dennis Cruz Miri Day & Andrew Hindes Rie & Michael De Napoli June & Issac Diarra Y Erica Fishman ’84 & Kirk Brattkus Jennifer Holladay & Steve Reich Lynwen Hughes-Boatman & Craig Boatman Leslie Beckhart Jenal ’78 & Jim Jenal Tammy & Steve Jo Helen & Tony Kil Y Susan & Paul Kim David Lans Y Anne & Thomas Lansing Y Kristen & Steven Lee Y Gwendolyn Liu & Alfred Lin Y Shari Majumder & Frank Ticheli Luann Martenson & John Foley Laura Martin & Daniel Medina Y Joan & Gregory Martinez Laurie Mead Y Marta Mora & Roberto Rodriguez Stella Nam & Howard Lee Y Howard Naness Y Carole & Gregory Paddock Kris Panagiotis & George Gebhard Y Carri Patterson & Al Grindon Janis Penton & Wayne Kartin Y Kyung Kim Ro ’78 & Curtis Ro Y John Russell & Cecil Kramer Y Sarah Tenaglia Taverner ’76 & Todd Taverner Armineh & Ara Tavitian Y Clare & Chris Tayback Kaiulani & Kendall Venable Y Kayley Vernallis & Randal Parker

alumnae giving Class of 1936

Class of 1943

Virginia Sterry Hislop Adelaide Finkbine Hixon D +

class representative Zemula Pierce Fleming

Class of 1939

Nancy Pellissier Fine Zemula Pierce Fleming

Josephine Carter Duff Katharine Nevins Schwarzenbach -

Class of 1944

Class of 1940

class representatives Jean Tarr Fleming & Louisa Nevins Miller

Rosemary Hadden Hayes

Class of 1941 class representative Sandra Todd Holmyard Elizabeth Thorne Dazey Sandra Todd Holmyard

Class of 1942 class representative Jane Campbell Wells Harriet Swift Holdsworth Cornelia Longley Hull (d) Barbara Beardslee Perren X Jean Baker Watkins Jane Campbell Wells

Alumnae gifts recognized here reflect all giving to Annual Fund and Endowment. Contributions from alumnae are listed under class year and under their names alone. The support of the spouses and family members of alumnae that these gifts represent is sincerely appreciated.

Mollie Howell Eschen Emilie Hubbard Kimball Louisa Nevins Miller

Class of 1945 class representatives Robin Knight Spear & Polly Hunter Turpin D Joan Newman Coon Ethel Stratton Gould D Eleanor Jessen Higson Nancy Adams Holliday Joan Montgomery Hotchkis X Teresa Treat Kaneko Clara Buffum Mackie Helen Forve O’Leary Y Brier Anderton Roberts Robin Knight Spear Polly Hunter Turpin


D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

(d) deceased 25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

Class of 1946

Class of 1950

class representative Diane Stanton Martin

class representative Nancy Copeland Lissaman

Class of 1947 reunion organizer Priscilla Dunn Flynn Susanne Coate Alden Mary Skillen Andrews Y Patricia Campbell Duckett Y Judith Hayes Farley Katherine Maclean Ferguson + Priscilla Dunn Flynn Nancy Lou Grandin Hutchinson (d) Katherine Palmer Liddle X Lila Swift Monell Mary Lou Price Moses Virginia deSurville Muller Nancy Myers Nemeth Anne Forve Neville Y Janine Brooks Page Y Caroline Wadsworth Rayfield Anna Vaughan Y Arden Roberts Verbeck Y

Class of 1948 class representative Katherine S. Swan Constance Crawford + Marie Cunningham Jones Harriet Haake Plunkett Y Katherine S. Swan -

Class of 1949 class representative Elizabeth Banning Ames Elizabeth Banning Ames Josephine Cole Baldwin Prudence Baldwin Kaye D


Barbara Dibble Bain X Georgianna Bray Erskine Barbara Hunter Foster Melissa Jones Hamilton Cynthia Cronkhite Jones Y Nancy Copeland Lissaman Lydia Simpson Matthews D Pat Carman McEldowney X Barbara Tuerk Williamson Y

Class of 1951 class representative Ann ‘Susie’ Davies Martin Althea Milbank Brimm Y Sherry White Bullock + Beth Yoakum Clemans Ann Davies Martin Y Nancy Laine Thompson + Eleanor Gramatky Wolf +

Class of 1952 reunion organizer Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen Susan Davis Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen X Josephine Hamlin Stead Sandra Beardslee Werden

Class of 1953 class representatives Gwen Garland Babcock & Cynthia Crawford Berne Jean Patton Ashcraft Gwen Garland Babcock Cynthia Crawford Berne Virginia Bigelow Burke Y

Sylvia Hewitt Eliot X Gertrude Robbins Fator D Y Sara Clifford Hammond Sarah Corey Karste Y Judith Bray Longyear Lynne McKelvey Y Valerie Thom Read Harriet Greeff Robinson Y Marilyn Keyes Roper Catherine Rose D Joan Beed Smith Ann Hammersley Stewart + Susan Grandin Taylor Martha Doerr Toppin Harriet Fincke Woakes Y

Class of 1954 class representative Dorothy McCay Scully Patsy von Schlegell Ault + Mary Pringle Blaylock X Sandra Morse Coleman Y Ann Hawkins Markevitch Myra Moss Rolle Dorothy McCay Scully D

Class of 1955 class representatives Jenifer Paul Bode & Jennith Gilbert Knox Jenifer Paul Bode D Y Susan Straubel Champion D + Jennith Gilbert Knox Amanda Nyce McIntyre D Cecily Hamlin Wells

Class of 1956 class representatives Julie Patton Barker & Karen Schirm Irwin Julie Patton Barker D Deborah Andreson Burns Patricia Gooch Capps +

alumnae giving

’30s ’40 ’41 ’42 ’43 ’44 ’45 ’46 ’47 ’48 ’49 ’50 ’51 ’52 ’53 ’54 ’55 ’56 ’57 ’58 ’59 ’60 ’61 ’62 ’63 ’64 ’65 ’66 ’67 ’68 ’69 ’70 ’71 ’72 ’73 ’74 ’75 ’76

Jane Miller Chai D Ann McLaren Gregory Karen Schirm Irwin + Lynn Howe Myers Gail Wiley Oppenheimer Y Carolyn Pulliam Prasch Y Tracy Innes Stephenson

Class of 1957 class representatives Anne Hereford Rohrbach & Joan Lamb Ullyot D Leslie Collins Daniel Margaret Dickson Gitelson Anne Hereford Rohrbach Y Michelle Valentine Scott Y Susan Gertmenian Snow

Class of 1958 class representative Linda Davidson McCann Elizabeth Wayland Barber Margaret Craig Cowden X Anne Crotty Margaret Taylor Cunningham Ina Begerow Dalsemer Robin O’Conor DeWitt D Elizabeth Nathan Dietel Y Sarah Mage Keller Starr Thomas Klube + Nancy Corlette Lloyd X Meg Jenson Scrofani D Lucy Larkin Stephenson Andree Whitney Tarby Linda Peterson Tebben -

Class of 1959 class representatives Tenaya Stewart Custer & Isabel Travis Pulvers Sondra Rogers Behrens Y Martyn Smith Belmont Cecily Wilde Bishop Y Ann Callaway Elizabeth Pyle Chandler Y Susan Hazeltine Connell

Elizabeth Currier Tenaya Stewart Custer Nancy Ennis Follett Linda Bandy Gonzalez Heather Goss Julie Valentine Harn Anne Pierose Havens Carol Barnum Hill Cynthia Nash Hummel + Barbara Holway Ilias Barbara Bottomley Kelley Virginia Lief Marcella Wright Ludwig Gloria Newhouse Martin X Carol Fisher Minelli Isabel Travis Pulvers D Margaret Pohlman Schweizer + Katherine Poole Sloss Jean Farrand Smith Susan Sumner Sullivan Janet Norwood Trotter

Class of 1960 class representative Carolyn Hall Volk Carole Fortin Conger D Erika Hoeneman Oller Y Margaret Rhodes + Carolyn Hall Volk Joan Wohlstetter

Class of 1962 class representatives Frances Seamans Collie, Alice Zimmerman Goetschel, & Cheri Colby Langdell Antonia Smith Fletcher Y Alice Zimmerman Goetschel Leslie Clarke Gray D Linda Gilbert Kandasamy Y Kathryn Files Lacey Y Cheri Colby Langdell Lesley Tannahill Barry Zorthian X

Class of 1963 class representative Lynne Tsuboi Saito Patricia Donoghue Evans Jo Whitehouse Heffernan D Susan James Anne Robertson X Karen Robinson D X Lynne Tsuboi Saito + Leslie Wheeler

Class of 1961 class representative Victoria Odriozola Dillingham & Catherine Hillard Alice Myers Brown Jane Downer Collins Nadine Smith Danz Victoria Odriozola Dillingham Virginia Gerner Heinrich Y Catherine Hillard Y Elizabeth Pickering Mezitt Y Virginia Corlette Pollard X D Susan Higginbotham Rehm Andrea Dorn Rohrer Janet Russell Pamela Lochhead Trachta D Dana Wright

D The Madeline Society

(d) deceased

consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years alumnae giving


= 10% class participation

’77 ’78 ’79 ’80 ’81 ’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 ’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14

Class of 1964

Class of 1966

class representatives Susan Hauk & Diane Link

class representative Ann Hazeltine Hyde

Sue Barton Y Christine Finch Cease Y Lucinda Cox Mary Watkins Cronin Susan Hauk Y Carol Horton Hawkins X Carolyn Volk Horne Catherine Durst Klimp Susan Guglielmo Lindgren Diane Link X Lee Matthew Barbara Coates Morey X Asha Naresh Nayak Carol Richards Elizabeth Safford Virginia Pohlman Seitz Penelope Dumm Wilkes D

Marcia Howe Adams Deborah Paul Barkley Paula Roberts Cook Virginia Good Falconer Julie Rehrig Goodell Y Alexandra Dewar Grigorieva Y Ann Hazeltine Hyde Nancy Morton Mary Lenox Oussayef Christine Zoff Rose Nancy McNabb Twist Y Lynn Manildi Watanabe Y Seyburn Zorthian

Class of 1965 class representative Mary Douglas Paula Case Alexander Susan Ziegler Arthur Nancy Rose Bushnell Jean Davidson Mary Douglas Enid Elliot Diane Fujitani Joyce Metcalf Gerritsen Y Marianne French Grady Sarah Greene Patricia Mullin Jakle Nedenia Kennedy Kathleen Gilbert Levin D Martha McCook Y Paula Goody McGinnis Barbara Brown Millington Alison Webster Sansone Susan Tripp Snider Cornelia Sweezy Heuionalani Wyeth


alumnae giving

Class of 1967 class representative Julie Frantz Greta Dockum + Julie Frantz Diane Spivey Rogers X Pamela Ellis Simons X Meridith Webster

Class of 1968 class representative Annie Strenk Mary Fauvre Holmes + Wendy Munger Debra Pruitt Laurie Frank Wilson

Class of 1969

Valerie Marshall D Sherrill Sampsell Miller Kate Moore Jane Case Petering Mary McCarty Regimbal Cynthia Perry Rosedale Elizabeth Russell D Susan Patigalia Shoff

Class of 1970 class representative Brooke Larsen Garlock Nancy Engel Carroll Y Brooke Larsen Garlock Tracy Gamble Hirrel Tracy Metz Devon Geiger Nielsen + Denise Petitfils Y Catherine Hauser Woodson Y

Class of 1971 class representatives Barbara Beckham, Susan Frank, Julia Tyson La Grua, Mary Russell & Catherine Christian Schultz Barbara Beckham Susan Frank D Julia Tyson La Grua Y Debbie Lawrence D Linda LeMoncheck D Mary Good Lindgren Sally Martin Ann Crary McCormick Lauri Hendrickson Mendenhall Mary Russell Catherine Christian Schultz Katherine Sterling X Carol Warner Y

class representative Sigrid Burton & Cynthia Perry Rosedale

Class of 1972

Sigrid Burton D X Julie Cates Melissa Harriman DeShazer Darian Marvin Dragge Sally Ellis Kate Godfrey Y Nan Elliot Hale Cynthia Crockett Hollis Janet Jobe Carol Watson Kunert Y Judith Kemper Lewis D Sara Campbell Lindgren

class representative Barbara Davis Reynolds Frances Fleming X Debra Geiger Susan Arnett Hyde Jamie Truscott Kwako Y Lisa Matthews D Andrea Mills Y Allison Paddock Barbara Davis Reynolds D Jennifer Whittle Shoemaker

Class of 1973

Class of 1977

class representative Nina Warner

class representative Darrell Chulay Banta

Terry Gamble Boyer Y Louisa Crowley Rosemary Howley Cole Rowan Nina Warner

Elizabeth Huntley Algermissen Darrell Chulay Banta Nancy Hezlep Belinsky Suko Gotoh Monica Lake

Class of 1974

Class of 1978

class representatives Pauline Ellis & Jerre Ann Stathatos Pappelis

class representatives Jennifer Kelsey & Eve Rappoport

Caswell Tollenaere Abrams Nancy Baxter Melissa Johnson Jerre Ann Stathatos Pappelis

Class of 1975

Suzanne Anderson Ann Cutting Louise Flynn Y Leslie Beckhart Jenal Eve Rappoport + Kyung Kim Ro Y Cynthia Jones Thatcher

class representative Cecily Marble Hintzen

Class of 1979

Anne Huntley Ahrens + Brier Turpin Allebrand Y Juliet Begley Jennifer McMullin Haug Y Lizabeth Maynard Ann Cramblit Olson Erica Zoff Russo Louise Van Vorst Y

Class of 1976 class representatives Anne Dorsey Long & Sabra Clark White Ann Brighouse Y Diane Akerman Connelly Y Shelley Ingram deButts Camilla Evans-Hensey Nancy Kawakita X Anne Dorsey Long X Amy Cramblit Magnuson Theresa Oldknow Wendy Westlake Siciliano Brynne Montgomery Staley D Sarah Tenaglia Taverner Y

class representatives Jenifer Biven Aldridge & Karen Huante Michele Bogaard Amanda Marble Carroll Linda Olsen Graybill Kirsten Sanders Hayes Karen Huante Joan Griffith Malloy Maria Ravelo Odell Marianne Van Vorst Ryan D X Alison Gerstell Smith Cassandra Stadtler Meg Carmack Symes

Class of 1980 class representatives Cathleen Cochran & Sally Hunter Mann Pamela Carter Bryant D Cathleen Cochran + Sally Hunter Mann Raleigh Renick Young


alumnae giving

D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

Class of 1981

Class of 1986

class representative Mary Elizabeth Anderson

class representatives Courtney Fong Evans & Mary DeWitt Wilson

Meg Bradbury Y Aida Brolly Kedefors Jeanne Thiel Kelley Ann O’Mara Wendy Schultz

If there is a

Class of 1982

book that you

class representatives Anne Odell Rosenberger & Marla Stephenson Thornton

want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.

toni morrison author


alumnae giving

Katherine Farrand Anastasia Anne Dobbins Bullard Y Lisa Bennett Garrison Elizabeth Dunton Gould Carolyn Terry Larkin

Class of 1983 class representatives Cindy Chan, Jossalyn Turner Emslie & Ann Morrison Wachter Princess Ramey Baltimore Blair Adams Carty Aliki Demetriades-Meyer Jossalyn Turner Emslie Y Kirsten Hansen Ruth Jameson Pasqualetto Kerrie Riley Richards Ann Morrison Wachter

Jennifer Schultz Bertolet Kristan Browne D Y Margaret Caldwell Caren Cholakian Colburn Marian Sullivan Corso Courtney Fong Evans Samer Hathout Melissa Furbush Shaw Michele Matsuura Shibuya Dhari Balvin Thein + Michelle Tyson Y Mary DeWitt Wilson X

Class of 1987 class representatives Jennifer Tongish Giles, Leslie Reeves Lindholm & Karen Buerner Lyons Mary Olson Baldovin + Jennifer Tongish Giles Y Kristin Techentin Harrison X Nicole Zeiss Y

Class of 1988 class representatives Maya Alvarez-Galvan, Frances Lee, Dana Mackin & Maha Youness Maya Alvarez-Galvan D -

Class of 1984 Susana Smith Bautista X Erica Fishman Valerie Oke Anna Pehoushek D Y Elizabeth Moreno Stellwagen

Class of 1985 class representative Mary Herms Mary Herms Jennifer Jessen X Debra Suh

Class of 1989 class representative Melanie Boswell Handelsman Charmaine Shryock Bailey + Anne DeWitt Granick April Verlato Seymour +

Class of 1990 class representative Galeen Roe Francesca DeMarco Stephanie Chandler Dencik Y Lynn Huang Y

Class of 1991

Class of 1996

Class of 2001

class representatives Cindy Lai & Wendy Schnee Withers

class representatives Marie Reilly Levenick & Sarah Martin

class representatives Angela Lopez Fitzgerald, Alicia Henry & Chace Wetzel

Michele Nishiyama Esbenshade + Monica Oller Y Rebecca Cox Rios -

Erin Rothenberg Baker Summers Newell McKay Karen Ma Crystal Wu Simpson Azizi Williams Y Lindsay Wright

Class of 1992 class representatives Sara Gallagher Alm, Megan CampbellRisen, Laura Kaufman Loofbourrow, Kelly Brereton Swanson & Christina Wood Winkler Megan Campbell-Risen Laura Kaufman Loofbourrow Kiesha Ramey Presner

Class of 1993 class representative Emily Ko Wang Kimberly Rakow Bernier Y Michele Lam Jennifer Vanore Emily Ko Wang Julie Chen Woo Y

Class of 1994 class representatives Jill Peterson Dennis, Elizabeth Seitz DeRobertis, Lindsay Benter Hollingsworth & Fiona Baerveldt Wertheimer Yasmine Alwan Jill Peterson Dennis Y Elisabeth Seitz DeRobertis Reena Russell-Nasr Alexis Voss Sartori Katie Rothenberg Wei +

Class of 1995 class representatives Jaime Morrison Curtis, Jennifer Ha, Jennifer Heintz Lulla, Katherine Kirwan Moore & Joanna Orr Vanessa Delgado Emily Miller Karlekar Y Jennifer Heintz Lulla Y Kelly Rakow Sutherland Y

Class of 1997 class representative Hannah Palmer Vanessa Wolf Alexander Y Hilary Thomas D’Attilo Y Leslie Parry Nicole Vanore Tebo

Class of 1998

Dana Icaza Banta Y Danica Barnes X Elizabeth Bonamy X

Class of 2002 class representatives Lauren Gibbs, Lisa Paez, Julia Rasmussen & Jennifer Sholty Tara Friedlander Victoria Williams Y

Class of 2003 class representatives Elizabeth Carlton & Jessica Knauf

class representatives Katherine Rosedale Enney, Megan Maloof Murphy & Jennifer Vu

Caitlin Fahey Johnstone Lauren Gaskill X

Margaret diZerega X Katherine Rosedale Enney + Shahbano Nawaz Jessica Osaki-Howell Brooke Atkinson Yohalem +

Class of 2004

Class of 1999

Class of 2005

class representatives Seema Ahmad, Melinda Hokama & Elisabeth Imhoff

class representatives Kelsey Holmes Foster & Anne Jewell

Crystal Ho

class representatives Zainah Alfi, Jessica Lucey, Virginia Rudnick & Julia Wells

Heidi Denenholz Victoria Woolner

Class of 2000 class representatives Deborah Doroshow, Betsy Roth Smith & Thea Stranger-Najjar Sarah Roggero 35

alumnae giving

D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

Class of 2015 Supports Lighting Her Path Fund The Class of 2015 voted to allocate their Senior Class gift to the Lighting Her Path Fund, which supports financial aid. Proceeds from their Valentine Grams fundraiser, along with donations from a Pledge It Forward Campaign* were pooled together in support of this fund.

Class of 2015 Lauren Anderson-Sanchez Caroline Arya Gabriella Bacio* Madison Bender* Maya Brattkus Jacqueline Chen Nicole Chrisney Eunji Chung Kaitlin Cochran Jordan Cruz* Mariko De Napoli Maimouna Diarra Lauren Foley Kayoko Fong Karah Gebhard Clarke Grayson Lucy Grindon Allegra Gutierrez Marlene Guzman Lena Hindes Rhiannon Hughes-Boatman Dylan Jack Julia Jenal Adrienne Jo Jezebella Kachanon Rachel Kartin Zora Kidron Kris Kil Sarah Kim Natalie Lans Nora Lansing

Cheryl Lee* Juliet Lee Kasey Lee Muse Lee Catherine Lim Jasmine Lin Natalie Martinez Laura Medina Aimee Mousessian Gwenyth Naness Sydney Norris Kylie Paddock MacKay Pollard Samantha Reich Olivia Rivera Stephanie Ro Cameron Roberts Cecilia Rodriguez Emma Rothenberg Madeleine Russell* Julia Salseda Shamilka Seneviratne Simona Shao Olivia Taverner Lena Tavitian Olivia Tayback Hannah Ticheli Sophie Tolomiczenko Alexandria Vasquez Kalin Venable Sarah Vernallis Anna Wilson

Class of 2006

Class of 2011

class representative Pauline Hsieh

class representatives Amelia Brooks, Judith Fong, Sarah Gibson, Veronica Jimenez-Lu, Paige Lurie & Giselle Sanchez

Alden Sorenson Y Rebecca Synott Y Jessica Woo Y

Class of 2007 class representatives Ashley Clark & Lindsay Voorhees Gibson Banta Laura Denenholz Sabrina Elfarra

alumnae giving

Class of 2012 class representatives Sarin Aladadi, Alexandria Battison, Eda Reed, Aileen Ro, Nathalie Sami & Amy Voorhees

Class of 2008

Caitlin Emslie Hannah Erskine Brenda Soto

class representatives Amy Chou, Bridget Holmes & Carrie Ryan

Class of 2013

Madeline Banta Noura Elfarra Rikki Jeffries Megan O’Toole Y Carrie Ryan

Class of 2009 class representatives Madlyn Mgrublian, Natalie Reynolds & Lauren Yang Mari Amend Emma Diamond Laura Eng Evan Garlock Y Holly Higgins Bianca Tolbert Y Maud Waterman Lauren Yang Y

Class of 2010 36

Cornell Banta Elyssa Pedote

class representatives Marilyn Loubier, Khadijah Omerdin, Emily Schofield, Courtney Sloan & Ashley Xu Elizabeth Hutton Jennifer Jones Maral Tavitian

Class of 2014 class representatives Isabela Becerra, Katherine Chu, Erin Golden, Cameron Marsh, Eleanor Roth, Bridgette Tolbert & Claire Votava Katherine Chu Bridgette Tolbert

future alumnae

class representatives Josephine Ahrens, Cassandra Iroz & Sha’Trece Slaughter

Class of 2018

Cassandra Iroz Firdaus Landou Virginia Tartaglio

Class of 2022

Sofia Santoro

Ella Santoro


e a n lum


g n you

maggie fritz class of 2016

peer counselor







Members of the Young Alumnae Circle are committed to raising awareness about the importance of giving back to Westridge and to reuniting alumnae through social activities and programs. The group is comprised of graduates from the past 10 years, Classes of 2004—2014. The group’s mission is: • To recognize recent graduates who make annual gifts that set the standard for other young Westridge alumnae. • To create opportunities for young alumnae to network, socialize, and build relationships. • To ensure a strong alumnae community. We are pleased to recognize our current Young Alumnae donors: Mari Amend ’09 Cornell Banta ’11 Gibson Banta ’07 Madeline Banta ’08 Katherine Chu ’14 Heidi Denenholz ’05 Laura Denenholz ’07 Emma Diamond ’09 Noura Elfarra ’08 Sabrina Elfarra ’07 Caitlin Emslie ’12 Laura Eng ’09 Hannah Erskine ’12 Evan Garlock ’09 Y Holly Higgins ’09 Elizabeth Hutton ’13 Cassandra Iroz ’10

Rikki Jeffries ’08 Jennifer Jones ’13 Firdaus Landou ’10 Megan O’Toole ’08 Y Elyssa Pedote ’11 Carrie Ryan ’08 Alden Sorenson ’06 Y Brenda Soto ’12 Rebecca Synott ’06 Y Virginia Tartaglio ’10 Maral Tavitian ’13 Bianca Tolbert ’09 Bridgette Tolbert ’14 Y Maud Waterman ’09 Jessica Woo ’06 Y Victoria Woolner ’05 Lauren Yang ’09 Y

Founding member of the Peer-to-Peer counseling program on campus. Felt there was a need for a safe and approachable resource for younger students — one that wasn’t their favorite internet search engine — to receive help with “the everyday things” faced by adolescent girls. Launched a website that allows seventh and eighth graders to ask questions and seek advice anonymously. Along with a small core group of trained peer counselors, thoughtfully answers each question. Wants her fellow Tigers to know that there is nothing wrong with seeking help, no matter how big or small the issue might be, and aims to help break that stigma.


alumnae giving

D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

grandparents of current students Jane Adolph Charlotte Kopelman ’18

Patricia & Jimmy Lam Hannah Lam ’19

Janet Barrett Y Isabella Thieltges ’18

Margaret Lin Julia Beroud ’21

Ruth Beaglehole Mayan Alvarado-Goldberg ’20

Alison & David Listiak Simone Listiak ’23

Stella & Robert Berry Zellie ’19 & Reese ’20 Owen

Karen & George Mathias Natalia Mathias ’23

Gorden Bundy Xochitl Munoz ’22

Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen ’52 & John Matthiessen X Olivia Matthiessen ’17

Marjorie & Elsworth Cochran Y Kaitlin Cochran ’15 Geraldine Gaiter Amari Gaiter ’17 Deanne & Joel Gerstel Mayme Gerstel ’23 Marion Goodman Sanja Goodman ’19 Elaine Greenstone Kalila Papanikolas ’19 Amirunnessa & Shaikh Mansoor Haque Zahra Haque Vogel ’21 Ann M. Harding Y Natalie White ’17 Zeff Huffstetler Ella Rushing ’16 Marcia A. & Quinton C. James Lauren Jackson ’17 Ruth Judkins Aron Guevara ’18 Rebecca Kaufman Rachel Kaufman ’17 38

Margaret & Leonard Kaufman Rachel Kaufman ’17 Barbara & Stuart Klabin Frances Schlageter ’19 Helene & John Kristensen Rileigh Clarke ’16

Mr. & Mrs. Won K. Ng Alyssa Ng ’16 Maisie & Robert Pan Lauren Alonzo ’16 Graciela & Jaime Rojas Isabella Delgado-Rojas ’21 Lee & Dave Sanderson Grace ’20, Katherine ’18, & Madison ’15 Bender Mr. & Mrs. David C. Seager III Allegra Gutierrez ’15 Arshagouhi Tavitian Lena Tavitian ’15 Carolyn Taylor Sarah Binns ’17 Carol & John Thompson Maya Thompson ’23 Vicki & Ed Wade Holly Hulick ’21 June Wennekamp Xochitl Munoz ’22 Evelyn & Cavour Yeh Charlotte Kwong ’16 Donna Ziel X Brynn Ziel ’17 Joyce & Thomas Zucco Maya Thompson ’23

parents Parents of Alumnae, including those whose daughter(s) may have attended only a few years, to those whose daughter(s) graduated in 2015, remain strong supporters of Westridge. Parentheses indicate the daughter’s graduation year — some our our Parents of Alumnae have as many as four Westridge alumnae and some are Current Parents who also have a Westridge graduate in the family. We are grateful to all those who continue to contribute to Westridge.

of alumnae

Rebecca & Peter Adams (1983) Anne Huntley Ahrens ’75 & Paul Ahrens (2010, 2012) + Susan & Eric Aledort (2013) Lyssa & David Axeen (1998, 2003) Barbara & Brian Baker (2012) Darrel Chulay Banta ’77 & Bert Banta (2007, 2008, 2011) Jennifer & Gregory Barnes (2001) + Camilo & Stephanie Becerra (2014) Martyn Smith Belmont 1959 (1991) Christine Benter (1994, 1996) + Jeannie Berrard & Jimmy Jackson, Jr. (2009) Gipsy & Edward Bergstrom (2001) Elizabeth & Gary Birkenbeuel (2009) Y Cecily Wilde Bishop ’59 & John Bishop (1982) Y Claire & William Bogaard (1979, 1981) Allison & William Bogle (2010) Tempe & John Brooks (1982, 1985) Susie Burke & Charles Beichman (2008) Susan & Stephen Chandler (1990, 1997) Y Laureen Chang & Peter Brockett (2005) + Ching & Kevin Chen (2014) Fanny & Henry Chen (2014) Celesta Cheney-Rice & Stephen Cheney-Rice (d) (2010) Lynn & Thomas Chu (2014) Deanna & Jerry Clark (1999, 2007, 2007) Susan Hazeltine Connell 1959 & Michael Connell (1991) Elizabeth & John Cooper, Jr. (2004) Louise Corson & Arvid Croonquist (2012) X Mr. & Mrs. Lue D. Cramblit (1975, 1976) Margaret Taylor Cunningham 1958 (1979) Tenaya Stewart Custer ’59 (1991) + Natalie Naftzger Davis & Phillip Davis (2007, 2010, 2013) X Judy & David Denenholz (2005, 2007) Nancy & Henry T. DeNero (1992) Robin O’Conor DeWitt ’58 D & John DeWitt (1984, 1986, 1989) Shelley & Paul Diamond (2009)


D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

(d) - deceased 25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

Lori & Kirk Dillman (2013) Latif Diop (2010) Patricia Campbell Duckett ’47 (1979) Y Charlene D. Duncan (1982, 1980) Mr. & Mrs. John G. Edmundson, Jr. (1987) + Naila Elfarra (2007, 2008) Ellen H. Ellis (1970, 1962(d)) Jossalyn Turner Emslie ’83 & Robert Emslie (2012) Luise & Hermann Engelhardt (1990) Georgianna Bray Erskine ’50 (1981, 1977) + Zemula Pierce Fleming ’43 (1973) Priscilla Dunn Flynn ’47 (1979, 1978) Henry Fong (2008, 2011) Esther & Richard Garcia (2014) Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 & Edward Garlock (2009) Susan & Carlos Garrett (2013) Robbin Gehrke & Robert Moses (2010) Sheila & David Golden (2013) Li & William Gong (2003, 2005, 2008, 2013) + Marcia Anne Good (1968, 1966, 1971) Sudha & Gopal Govindarajan (1997, 1999) Joyce & Allen Greif (1984) Robin & Stephen Gruber (2013) Victoria Guagliardo & Gary Clark (2003) Loring & Amal Guessous (2010) Joanna & George Hajj (2013) Donald Hall (2011) Linda Hall (2011) Y Tracy & David Hansen (2014) Jean & James Hartt (1975) Richard Holbrook (2012) Jennifer Holladay & Steve Reich (2010) Mary Jane Horton & Stuart Shipko (2010) X Gale Anne Hurd (2010) Kim Hurlbert-Sarosi (2010) Suzy & Peter Husmann (2013) Suzanne Icaza (2001, 2004) Juana Iroz & Daniel Bryce (2010) Edward D. Jones III (1987, 1994) Margaret & Leonard Kaufman (1992) Nedenia Kennedy ’65 (1998, 2006) Jennith Gilbert Knox ’55 & John Knox (1977, 1979) + Margaret & William Ko (2014) Patricia & Brian Koffman (2001) Laura & Andrew Koperski (2012, 2012) X Emmalou & Michael LaCasse (2002, 2004) Patricia & Jimmy Lam (1982) Kiley & Michael Lampier (2010) Cheri Colby Langdell ’62 & Tim Langdell (1999) Selena & Kevin Lantry (2013) Stephen Lebowitz & Lynn Rapaport (2010) X


parents of alumnae

Pamela Lee & Lawrence Ng (2014) Anne Dorsey Long 1976 & William Long (2013) Janice Low & Calvin Eng (2009) Diana Mahmud & Richard Helgeson (2007) Sally Hunter Mann ’80 & Steven Mann (2015) Mrs. Ralph Marshall (1964, 1969, 1970) Lydia Simpson Matthews 1950 (Madeline Society) (1972, 1976) X Jeanne & John Matthiessen (2013) Carolyn McAnally (1990, 1987) Y Christine McCarthy & Michael McCormick (2013) X Carol McCleary & Gregory Keating (2006, 2011) John McDermott (2007) X Sue & Matthew McGinnis (1998) Kazue & Rob Roy McGregor (2014) Jodi McLaughlin & Trevor Bryant (2009) Ava Maria Megna (2001) Ruth & Mark Mehringer (1999) Margaret & David Mgrublian (2009, 2007) Lary Mielke (1987, 1989, 1995) Antoinette Miller (2009) Louisa Nevins Miller ’44 (1983) Janyce & Charles Morse (1975, 1973, 1971) Anne Forve Neville ’47 (1988) Y Muriel & George Newell (1996) Frances Nicely-Lyman & Kevin Lyman (2013) Angela Nossett (2007 & 2007) Allison & Paul Obico (2011) Tammy & John O’Connor (2010) Erika Hoeneman Oller 1960 (1991) Y Kathleen O’Reilly (2011) Marilyn & David O’Toole (2008) Christopher Orndorff (2011) Elizabeth Orndorff (2011) Yvonne & Chipper Pastron (2012) Melissa & Richard Patterson (2000) Sylvia & I. Benjamin Paz (2002, 2004) Maiya T. Penberthy (1969, 1971) Miller Pertum (1992) Robin & Alan Phillips (2007) Linda Puchalski (2005) Isabel Travis Pulvers ’59 D (1987) Natacha Rafalski (2014) Valerie Thom Read ’53 & Lawrence Read (1986) Gretchen & Henry Reed (2012) Susan & Timothy Reiterman (1998) Erika & Kenneth Riley (1985, 1989) Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72 & Brad Reynolds (1999) Thomas H. Reilly (1996, 1997) Nancy Renick (1974, 1980) Melinda & Donald Risolo (2012) Kyung Kim Ro ’78 & Curtis Ro (2009, 2012)

Harriet Greeff Robinson ’53 & John Robinson (1991, 1988) Y Myra Moss Rolle ’54 & Andrew Rolle (1976) Cynthia Perry Rosedale 1969 (1998) Lynn & Virgil Roth (2000, 2002) Anne F. & James F. Rothenberg (d) (1994, 1996) John Russell & Cecil Kramer (2011) Marianne Van Vorst Ryan ’79 D & Daniel Ryan (2008) Karen Saliba & Stanley Rushing (2014) Sharon Sand & Charles Thomas (2011) Asha & Pratap Saraf (1999) Katharine Nevins Schwarzenbach 1939 (1965) + Dorothy McCay Scully ’54 D (1978) Mr. & Mrs. David C. Seager III (1973, 1984) Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shoch III (1990) Robin Miller Sloan & Michael Sloan (2013) Robert Soto (2010, 2012) Robin Knight Spear ’45 (1972) Sarah & Charles Steidel (2009) Roger W. Stephens (2014) Christine & Nathan Sugimoto (2007, 2010) + Armineh & Ara Tavitian (2013) Cynthia ‘Dudley’ Jones Thatcher ’78 (2013) Linda & William Tolbert (2009) Y Pamela Lochhead Trachta (1986) Miriam Trogdon & Michael Charters (2006) Y Polly Hunter Turpin ’45 D & George Turpin (1975) Bridgette Vega & Kenn Fujioka (2013) Arden Roberts Verbeck 1947 (1972) Shaw Wagener & Deborah Heitz (2013) Y Lisa & J. Cardon Walker (2003) (5) Lynette Walker & Brent Jones (2013) Y Kathleen & James Wallis (2011) Yen Chiu & Chi Jui Wang (2011) Fred Wasson (2009) William Waterman, Jr. (2009) Jane Campbell Wells ’42 (1976) Janet & William Wells (2001, 2004) Christine Wen (2010) Kate & Blair Westlake (2003) Margaret & Thomas Whelan (2002) Sally Simonds White ’57 & Russell White (1979, 1981) Cynthia Whitham (1999) Judy & Everard Williams (2014) Jo-Anne & Rolf Woolner (2005, 2007) Meriel & Nywood Wu (1994) Y Qiuai Xu (2016) Dale Yee & David Rutledge (2001) Kay Yee & George Sherman (2007) Janice Yen & Chao Ming (1988) Sophie & Yun Yen (2006, 2008) Sally & Robert Young (1991) Sylvia & Earl Young (2007) Mildred & Felix Yip (2000) Marisa Zarate-Zweiback & Michael Zweiback (2012)

mia sakurada class of 2017

Cultural Conversation Starter

Founding Editor-in-Chief of Chinese Culture Magazine, a literary and visual arts journal produced by Westridge students covering anything and everything regarding the Chinese language, culture, and experience. Started the magazine as a way to shine a spotlight on the Chinese culture and how it exists in our community today. The publication has also helped cultivate interest beyond the language within the Mandarin program here at Westridge. A digital version can be found by searching for Chinese Culture Magazine on Issue.com.

parents of alumnae

D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

(d) - deceased 25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years


grandparents of alumnae Georgianna Bray Erskine ’50 Hannah Erskine ’12 Marcia Anne Good Kendall Podley ’01 Ann M. Harding Whitney White ’14 Gayle Chamberlin Hoyt Y Elizabeth ’14 & Emily ’09 Steidel Zella Huffstetler Haley Rushing ’14 Cynthia Cronkhite Jones ’50 Stephanie Thatcher ’13, Cynthia ’04 & Sara ’05 Smith Edward M. Jones III Caitlyn Cheleden ’11

Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen ’52 & John Matthiessen X Julia ’14, Amanda ’13 & Annsley ’13 Matthiessen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mgrublian X Taleen Mitchell ’16, Kathryn ’07 & Madlyn ’09 Mgrublian Mr. & Mrs. Won K. Ng Samantha Ng ’14 Maiya T. Penberthy Charlotte King ’05 Mr. & Mrs. David C. Seager III Annarose Mittelstaedt ’07 Arshagouhi Tavitian Maral Tavitian ’13 Donna Ziel X Devin Shermer ’10

Barbara & Stuart Klabin Natalia MacAdams ’10

friends 42

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Banning Y Marcia & Samuel Edwards Y Fitzberg Foundation Judith K. Gain D X Lisa Howick Martin D & Susan Kaplan D + Carol & Luther Luedtke Monica Meñez X J. Holt & Halaine Rose Y Andrew Rothstein Susan K. Saddler Fran Norris Scoble D Maureen & Richard Sprunger + W. Torrey Sun & Katie King Heidi Waterfield & Ron Marzke Stephanie Weber Westridge Parent Association + Pamela & Mark Wiedenbeck

Amber Douglas Arbet ’01 Georgette Awad + Maria Banuelos Shannon Barber Y Daniel Barklund Gigi Bizar Y Danica Bourgault Susan G. Bowers Jessica Bremmer Linda Brownridge + Daniel Calmeyer Cris Capp Laura Caron Y Barbra Chabot Elizabeth Cole Y Cynthia Conteas-Wood John Cross Y Sherry Dai Madeleine Eaton Julie Ehrhardt Y Aaron Eichelberger Y Hilary Eichelberger Y Cathy Fink Johnson Pamela Garcia + Jemma Giddings Jennifer Golub-Marcus Laura Hatchman Y Io Hawk-Sablan Y Kendis Heffley Trina Henry Y James Holland Y Helen Hopper Y Melanie Horn + Susan Houser Danielle Houser Y Danaë Howe Y Ashley Hurlock Kathy Ignacio X Jennifer Irish Juanita Jimenez + Liz Jin Kim Kerscher Christine Kiphart

Leo Kitajima Y Kelly Koch Y Brandon Kruhm Lou LaCasse Sabrina Leon Y Vivian Liao Barbara Lockhart X Carlotta Lukens Cindy Martin Y Bonnie P. Martinez X Karen Mayeda Y Elizabeth McGregor Y Sally Miller + Lynn O’Grady Kathleen O’Reilly Y Mollie Page Y Sandra Penrod Y Diane Pintabone Y Rebecca Potter + Edward Raines Y Candace Riecke + Marcie Robinson Courtney Seiberling Y Anthony Seidman Y Margaret Shoemaker Y Katherine Sivers Y Ryan Skophammer Hallye Smith Eugen Stanciu + Valerie Trimarchi Y Mary Tuck X Anahit Turgman Edye Udell X Carol van Zalingen Y Lisa Vandergriff Katie Rothenberg Wei ’94 X Megan Whitaker Brian Williams + Grant Wood X Frances Yokota Y Farrell Young Andrew Zhou +

Don’t be afraid of hard work. Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Don’t let others discourage you or tell you that you can’t do it.

In my day I was told women didn’t go into chemistry.

faculty & Staff

I saw no reason why we couldn’t.

Gertrude B. Elion biochemist and pharmacologist, nobel prize winner


D The Madeline Society consecutive giving:

25+ years

- 20-24 years + 15-19 years X 10-14 years Y 5-9 years

shayana Seneviratne & erica wei class of 2016

Volunteer Choir Directors

honorary gifts In honor “of those of us from the Class of 1951 who are still alive and kicking!” Althea Milbank Brimm ’51 In honor of the Class of 2010 Firdaus Landou ’10 In honor of departed classmates from the Class of 1953 Cynthia Crawford Berne ’53 In honor of niece, Penelope V. Boone ’18 Kay Mansour

Erica Wei ’16, Ms. Malone and Ms. Francesca from Cleveland Elementary, and Shayana Seneviratne.

Volunteer choir directors at Cleveland Elementary School after budget cuts forced the school to drop its choir program. Taught more than 25 fourth and fifth graders in 2014-2015 about basic music theory, singing technique, and performance decorum, learning much about classroom management themselves along the way. Guided students through four performances. Continuing to direct the Cleveland choir in 2015-2016 school year, with goals of expanding and diversifying their singers’ repertoire.


In honor of Shirley Egan Weller Buckingham Jean & James Hartt In honor of Betty Cole Sarah Roggero ’00 In honor of Emma Diamond ’09 Shelley & Paul Diamond In honor of Priscilla Dunn Flynn ’47 Mary Lou Price Moses ’47 In honor of granddaughter, Isabella Delgado-Rojas ’21 Graciela & Jaime Rojas In honor of granddaughter, Maggie Gerstel ’23 Deanne & Joel Gerstel In honor of granddaughter, Mayan Alvarado Goldberg ’20 Ruth Beaglehole In honor of faculty member, Juanita Jimenez Ann Cutting ’78 Tenaya Stewart Custer ’59 Kirsten Hansen ’83 Susan Hauk ’64 Anne Dorsey Long ’76

Karen Ma ’96 Ann O’Mara ’81 Mrs. Nancy Renick Kerrie Riley Richards ’83 Nicole Vanore Tebo ’97 Cynthia ‘Dudley’ Jones Thatcher ’78 Jennifer Vanore ’93 Lindsay Wright ’96 Raleigh Renick Young ’80 In honor of granddaughter, Charlotte Kopelman ’18 Jane Adolph In honor of granddaughter, Simone Listiak ’23 Alison & David Listiak In honor of daughter, Claire Miller ’09 Antoinette Miller In honor of granddaughter, Xochitl Munoz ’22 June Wennekamp In honor of granddaughters, Zellie ’19 and Reese ’20 Owen Stella & Robert Berry In honor of Madeleine Russell’s ’15 dedication to the alumnae Lisa Vandergriff In honor of Carrie Ryan ’08 & Marianne Van Vorst Ryan ’79 Lisa Howick In honor of granddaughter, Maya Thompson ’23 Joyce & Thomas Zucco In honor of Mrs. Treat – History Teacher Helen Forve O’Leary ’45 In honor of “Lighting Her Path” Sylvia Hewitt Eliot ’53

memorial gifts In memory of Polly Blackburn ’68 Sigrid Burton ’69 In memory of Josephine Swift Boyer ’40 Harriet Swift Holdsworth ’42 In memory of Joan Palmer Ellis ’62 Mrs. Ellen H. Ellis In memory of My Great Grandmother Elna Sofia Santoro ’18 In memory of Richard N. Frank Sigrid Burton ’69 Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 In memory of Patricia Pier Gahagan ’66 Deborah Paul Barkley ’66 In memory of Bernadine Marquis Hall ’49 Josephine Cole Baldwin ’49 In memory of Judy Jones Hally ’59 Ann Callaway ’59 Ina Begerow Dalsemer ’58 In memory of Joan Taufenbach Haskell ’47 Nancy Myers Nemeth ’47 The Haskell Fund In memory of Frank & Rosemary Howley Rosemary Howley ’73

In memory of Cornelia Longley Hull ’42 Robert Hull In memory of sister Nancy Lou Grandin Hutchinson ’47 Susan Grandin Taylor ’53 In memory of Helene Lukasiewicz Kennedy ’82 Carolyn Terry Larkin ’82 In memory of Birgitta Linna & Fred Peters Annika & Jeffrey Santoro In memory of Birgitta Linna, my Grandma Ella Santoro ’22 In memory of Linda Davidson McCann ’58 Ina Begerow Dalsemer ’58 Robin O’Conor DeWitt ’58 In memory of Carol Glover McDoNough ’55 Lisa Howick In memory of Mary Elise Miller ’66 Virginia Good Falconer ’66

In memory of Constantina Oldknow Theresa Oldknow ’76 In memory of Gladys Peterson Elizabeth Wayland Barber ’58 In memory of Lindsay Nathan Rehm ’53 Elizabeth Nathan Dietel ’58 In memory of Janet Rouse ’45 Robin Knight Spear ’45 Polly Hunter Turpin ’45 In memory of Jean Fonda Shank ’56 Patricia Gooch Capps ’56 In memory of Alexandra Shoch ’90 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Shoch III In memory of Betty Spencer and Lee Sterling Joan Montgomery Hotchkis ’45 In memory of Barbara Glover Tucker ’55 Lisa Howick In memory of McKee Thompson Ullman ’58 Myra Moss Rolle ’54

In memory of Von Morrelli Mrs. Susan K. Saddler In memory of Mary Lois Nevins Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 In memory of Aiko Nobori ’06 Nina Gutin


donors in-kind Judith Fuss Adell ’60 Camilo & Stephanie Becerra Jennifer & Kevin Fong Suzy & Peter Husmann Karen Klemens Ernest Marchosky Judy & Dan McCleese David G. & Margaret Mgrublian Amy & Martin Whist Sylvia White



The Ahmanson Foundation Anonymous (2) B & B Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation California Community Foundation The Cramblit Family Foundation The Fidelity Charitable Foundation The Fishman Family Foundation The Fitzberg Foundation Thornton S. Glide, Jr. and Katrina D. Glide Foundation The Haskell Fund The Pacer Foundation The Pasadena Community Foundation The Rose Hills Foundation The San Francisco Foundation The Santa Barbara Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Foundation The Scottsdale Foundation Turpin Family Charitable Foundation United Way of Greater Los Angeles Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Wells Fargo Foundation

corporate matching gifts

for annual, endowment, & capital funds AIG American International Holly & Drew Bauer

Shell Oil Company Rebecca & David McEnany

Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. Lynn Manildi Watanabe ’66 & Jeffrey Watanabe

Sony Pictures Entertainment Connie Ung & Stanley Rozario

Bank of America Theresa Oldknow ’76 Shannon & Sean Sanders

Time Warner Kathleen & James Wallis

Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Barbara & Eric Chabot Tisha & Mark Marinella Shaw Wagener & Debra Heitz Colgate-Palmolive Company Catherine Hauser Woodson ’70 & Gregory Woodson Edison International Linda & Matt Peacore Fidelity Foundation Cecily Hamlin Wells ’55 & J. Robert Wells Intel Nancy Kawakita ’76 Denise & Maurice Martinez Morgan Stanley Sally Hammer Northwestern Mutual Cecily Wilde Bishop ’59 & John Bishop

Union Bank Lucy Shreffler Melisa Lewis Wilson Walt Disney Company Jeannie Berrard & Jimmy Jackson Jr. Shelley & Bradley Bowlen Linda & Hubert Lam Christine McCarthy & Michael McCormick Ailene & Robert Michel Natacha Rafalski Shannon & Sean Sanders Samantha & Marc Sandman Dhari Belvin Thein ’86 & Daniel Thein Wells Fargo Katie King & W. Torrey Sun Sally Hunter Mann ’80 & Steven Mann Carolyn & George Seitz Julie Chen Woo ’93 & Charlie Woo Western Asset Management Stella & Rene Ledis

PPG Industries Valerie Oke ’76 & Andrew Wagner Payden & Rygel Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 & Edward Garlock


gifts to endowment

Westridge has embarked on an ambitious and essential $15 million fundraising effort – The Campaign for Our Second Century – that will fortify its endowment and its vision for the next century of leadership and excellence in girls’ education. We are grateful to our early leadership donors to this critical effort. Malika & Ghulam Abbas Elizabeth Huntley Algermissen ’77 & Steve Algermissen Anonymous Darrell Chulay Banta ’77 & Bert Banta Susana Smith Bautista ’84 Camilo & Stephanie Becerra and Steve & Louise Bubalo Sheri Bender Lori & Michael Biard Kristin & Greg Chapman Fanny & Henry Chen, Christie ’14 & Jacqueline ’15 Ed, Ruby, Phillip & Sandra Davis Stephanie Chandler Dencik ’90 & Leo Dencik The Dillman Family Georgianna Bray Erskine ’50 Richard & Jill Fung Judith K. Gain Edward S. & Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 Deborah J. Heitz & Shaw B. Wagener Donald Hall


Erik Hovanec & Lynne Hillenbrand Cynthia Cronkhite Jones ’50 & Richard Jones (d) Jennifer Lum & Kent Raygor Christine McCarthy & Michael McCormick David G. & Margaret Mgrublian Sarah & Eric Miller Allison & Paul Obico Christopher Orndorff Jeanette & Francis Park Anne F. Rothenberg & James F. Rothenberg (d) Jane & Rajiv Sachdeva Roger W. Stephens W. Torrey Sun & Katie King Armineh & Ara Tavitian Clare & Chris Tayback Alan Tekerlek Linda & William Tolbert Westridge School Parent Association Julie Chen Woo ’93 & Charlie Woo & Family

Named Endowments We are deeply grateful to the following additional donors whose generous endowment gifts were received in fiscal year 2014-2015. 50th Reunion Endowment Fund Paula Case Alexander ’65 Enid Elliot ’65 Patricia Mullin Jakle ’65 Kathleen Gilbert Levin ’65 Paula Goody McGinnis ’65 Barbara Brown Millington ’65 Alison Webster Sansone ’65

Genna Rae McNeil ’65 Endowed Scholarship for African-American Students Princess Ramey Baltimore ’83 Andrea Mills ’72 Westridge Parent Association Nancy H. Owen Scholarship Fund Susan & Charles Ott

Class of 1969 Endowment Created in honor of their 50th Reunion.

Helen and Joseph Holt Rose Family Scholarship Fund Catherine Rose ’53 Halaine & J. Holt Rose

Julie Cates Melissa Harriman DeShazer Darian Marvin Dragge Sally Ellis Kate Godfrey Nan Elliot Hale Cynthia Crockett Hollis Janet Jobe Carol Watson Kunert Judith Kemper Lewis Sara Campbell Lindgren Valerie Marshall Sherrill Sampsell Miller Jane Case Petering Mary McCarty Regimbal Cynthia Perry Rosedale Elizabeth Russell Susan Patigalia Shoff Chinese Studies Endowment Fund Alice & Bing Yang Douglas Family Scholarship Fund Mary Douglas ’65 General Scholarship Anonymous Elizabeth Edmundson Herrick Scholarship Fund Sigrid Burton ’69 Elizabeth Hixon Hunter Scholarship Fund Barbara Hunter Foster ’50 & the Pacer Family Foundation Elizabeth Lawrence Scholarship Fund Paula Roberts Cook ’66

Josephine S. Russell Scholarship Fund Jean Baker Watkins ’42 Julia Ryder Sill ’09 Fund for Counseling & Psychological Services (renamed and refocused in October 2014 from Julia Ryder Sill ’09 Memorial Scholarship Fund)

Mari Amend ’09 Sharon & Frank Arthofer Gibson Banta ’07 Cornell Banta ’11 Madeline Banta ’08 Darrell Chulay Banta ’77 & Bert Banta Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Barnes Marilyn Blackmore Allison & William Bogle Janice & James Bottiglieri Lisa & Wayne Brandt Edie Burge & Barry Olafson Diane & Michael Campbell Nancy & John Carlton Jean & Jeffrey Carter Julie Ambrosino Casey & Daniel Casey Debra & J. Casillas Joan & Robert Cathcart Ying Diao Chen & Chunneng Chen Nick Cihak Dorothy & Joseph Clougherty Isabel & Kevin Clowe Laura Denenholz ’07 Emma Diamond ’09 Naila Elfarra Noura Elfarra ’08 Sabrina Elfarra ’07 Laura Eng ’09 Lowry & Randy Ewig Camille & Arthur Frankel Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 & Edward Garlock Evan Garlock ’09 Sheila & David Golden Sally & Travis Hammer

Holly Higgins ’09 Cassandra Iroz ’10 Juana Iroz & Daniel Bryce Andrea Johns Caitlin Fahey Johnstone ’03 B.J. Kirwan & J. Terence Hanna Amy & David Lamb M. Kathleen & A. T. Leggitt Eric Libicki Susan Guglielmo Lindgren ’64 Janice Low & Calvin Eng Annette & Michael Madden Rebecca & David McEnany Jodi McLaughlin & Trevor Bryant David G. & Margaret Mgrublian Antoinette Miller Eliza & Andy Morris Ann & Peter Murphy Marilyn & David O’Toole Megan O’Toole ’08 C. Anthony Phillips Barbara & Salvatore Pisano Mary Quirk & Dr. William Steinberg Thomas Roth Gail Scanlan Wendy Westlake Siciliano ’76 Catherine & L. Scott Sill Alison & Harlan Thompson Joan & Robert Thompson Maud Waterman ’09 Lynne & William Westphal Patricia Wright Lauren Yang ’09 Fran Norris Scoble Leadership Endowment Fund Laura Kaufman Loofbourrow ’92 Senior Scholarship Fund Katherine Chu ’14 Lynn & Virgil Roth Technology & Science Endowment Karen Schirm Irwin ’56 Timothy Wright Memorial Fund Bonnie & Geoffrey Carthew


named endowment funds The income from Westridge’s endowment is critical to fulfilling its mission. The principal of the endowed funds is left untouched, with a portion of the income generated used each year for Westridge’s highest institutional priorities. This core resource supports ongoing programs as well as specific areas of enrichment. The school is happy to assist families and/or individuals who may wish to create a named endowment or contribute to an existing fund. To learn more about the school’s endowment needs and minimum gift requirements, contact the Advancement Office, 626.799.1053, ext. 252 or philantrophy@westridge.org.

honorary & memorial scholarships Brackenridge Family Scholarship Fund $134,558 Established in 1980 by Mrs. Robert F. Niven in honor of her family’s involvement in the founding of Westridge.

Jae Giddings Carmichael ’42 Endowment Fund $138,277 Established in 2007 by the Jae Giddings Carmichael Trust to honor the memory of Jae Giddings Carmichael ’42.

Harold H. Bradley Scholarship Fund $25,717 Established in 1952 by family and friends as a memorial to Mr. Bradley, Head of the Lower School.

Arthur M. Clifford Fund $23,242 Established in 1970 by a bequest from Arthur M. Clifford.

Croftan Halsted Brown ’53 Scholarship Fund $190,460 Established in 1994 in memory of Croftan Halsted Brown ’53 by an anonymous donor. Benjamin F. and Maude B. Brundred Scholarship Fund $40,654 Established in 1963 by their children as a memorial to their parents. Mr. Brundred was a trustee of the school. Gene and Betye Burton Scholarship Fund $127,965 Established in 1980 by Mr. and Mrs. Gene J. Burton.


Summer Thomas Cole ’78 Scholarship Fund $29,434 Established in 1990 by the family of Summer Thomas Cole ’78. Susana B. Davidson Scholarship Fund $37,518 Established in 1988 by her family in memory of Susana B. Davidson, trustee of Westridge School. Douglas Family Scholarship Fund $160,438 Established in 1981 by Mr. William A. Douglas in memory of Katherine Hall Douglas ’37. Penelope F. Dumm ’64 Scholarship Fund $32,573 Established in 1956 by her father, Wesley Dumm.

A. Stevens Halsted, Jr. Scholarship Fund $51,573 Established in 1986 by Mrs. A. Stevens Halsted, Jr. Mr. Halsted served as a Westridge trustee 1941-1944 and 1946-1962. Elizabeth Edmundson Herrick Scholarship Fund $279,309 Established in 1972 by her husband John L. Herrick. Libby Herrick was Headmistress 1959-1972. Grace Harris Herrick ’32 Memorial Scholarship Fund $97,862 Established in 1969 by her husband John L. Herrick in honor of his late wife. John L. Herrick Endowment Fund $972,234 Established in 2001 by a bequest from John L. Herrick. Jacqueline A. Houser Endowment Fund $39,940 Established in 2000 by an anonymous donor in memory of faculty member Jacqueline A. Houser. Mrs. Arthur Llewelyn Howell A. F. S. Scholarship Fund $13,125 Established in 1986 by Mollie Howell Eschen ’44 and Janet F. Rouse ’45.

Elizabeth Hixon Hunter Scholarship Fund $275,849 Established in 1982 by Adelaide Finkbine Hixon ’36 and Alexander P. Hixon. Elizabeth Lawrence Scholarship Fund $3,665 Established in 1968 in memory of Elizabeth Lawrence, former secretary to the Headmistress.

Jayaprada Kandala Reddy Endowment Fund $54,484 Established in 2006 by Dr. Damoder Reddy in memory of his sister to provide annual financial aid for one or more Westridge students. Helen and Joseph Holt Rose Family Scholarship Fund $237,909 Established in 1980 by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holt Rose.

D. James Martin Scholarship Fund $113,085 Established in 2000 by Anne F. and James F. Rothenberg in memory of Jim Martin.

Josephine S. Russell Scholarship Fund $8,796 Established in 1975.

Katharine Bass Miller ’83 Scholarship Fund $127,319 Established in 1983 by her parents Louisa Nevins Miller ’44 and Robert P. Miller.

Fran Norris Scoble Endowment for Leadership $1,002,116 Established in 2008 upon Fran Scoble’s retirement as Head of School after 18 years of service.

Nancy H. Owen Scholarship Fund $111,970 Established in 1986 to honor Nancy H. Owen, Headmistress of Westridge 1978-1986.

Julia Ryder Sill ’09 Endowment Fund for Counseling and Psychological Services $54,969 Established by Bonnie and Richard Sill in memory of their daughter, and refocused in 2014 to provide counseling and psychological services.

Gladys Peterson Scholarship Fund $71,482 Established in 1959 by an anonymous donor to honor Miss Peterson, Headmistress of Westridge 1945-1959. Rebecca H. Potter Endowment Fund $52,605 Established in 2006 by Audrey Steele Burnand ’40. Rebecca Potter was a development department administrator 1980-2006. Mary Lowther Ranney Distinguished Alumna Endowment Fund $6,798 Established in 2000 to honor recipients of the award. Mary Lowther Ranney Memorial Scholarship Fund $51,551 Established in 1939 by students, faculty, alumnae, and friends in memory of Miss Ranney, founder and Headmistress of Westridge School 1913-1936.

Timothy Wright Memorial Fund $5,000 Established in 2012 to honor the memory of Middle and Upper School drama teacher and director, Tim Wright. Tim joined Westridge in 1992 and left us all too soon in November 2011.

Howard S. Swan Chair in Music $142,147 Established by Westridge School in 1985 to honor Howard S. Swan, Glee Club Director 1938-1969. Sweezy Family Scholarship Fund $108,036 Established in 1974 by Susan Sweezy, trustee of Westridge, and Alan R. Sweezy. Trustee Scholarship Fund $67,524 Established in 1987 by the friends and family of Mrs. Hallett W. Thorne, first president of the Westridge Board of Trustees. Weyl-Felsen Scholarship Fund $56,584 Established in 2005 Joni Moisant Weyl ’72 and Sidney Felsen to provide annual financial aid support to students of Westridge School.


campus preservation The Marjorie May Braun ’36 Science Endowment Fund $347,955 Established in 1997 by the family of Marjorie May Braun ’36 to preserve and maintain the Braun Science Building. Campus Maintenance & Renovation Fund $15,263 Established to preserve and protect the existing facility.

The Chandler Family Library Fund $399,077 Established in 1985 with a gift from Chandis Securities to support library acquisitions and/or operations.

North Madeline and Performing Arts Center Endowment Fund $1,739,479 Established in 1998 by Anne F. and James F. Rothenberg to preserve and maintain the north campus facilities.

The Gymnasium Endowment Fund $315,759 Established to preserve and maintain the Hoffman Gymnasium.

diversity & multiculturalism Adelaide and Alexander Hixon Endowment for Lower School Diversity Fund $526,941 Established in 2000 by Adelaide Finkbine Hixon ’36 and Alexander P. Hixon to provide for annual financial aid assistance to promote racial, ethnic, and economic diversity in the Lower School.

Genna Rae McNeil ’65 Endowed Scholarship for African-American Students $20,771 Established in 2005 in honor of Genna Rae McNeil ’65, the first African-American student to graduate from Westridge School, on the occasion of receiving the prestigious Mary Lowther Ranney Distinguished Alumna Award for 2005.

science, technology, & the arts Pauline ’06 & Tiffany ’09 Hsieh Endowment Fund $191,530 Established by their parents, Fong Liu and Ming Hsieh, in support of science and classics faculty and their development as leaders in the education of women.


Cynthia Clark Maxwell ’71 Endowment Fund $136,479 Established in 2003 by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Clark in memory of their daughter. The fund creates an artist-in-residence program in the Westridge Art Department.

Technology and Science Endowment Fund $62,121 Established in 1996 by Elise Mudd Marvin ’47.

curriculum & professional development The Chair for the Advancement of Women in Science $409,010 Established in 1986 with a challenge grant from the W. M. Keck Foundation to support the chairholder’s salary and/or curriculum. Chinese Studies Endowment Fund $174,468 Established by Alice and Bing Yang for the purpose of providing support for the Mandarin Chinese language program and faculty at Westridge School.

The Endowment for Women’s Leadership Fund $38,349 Established in 2000 by Smooch Repovich Reynolds ’75 to encourage the development of student leadership skills and career choices by bringing speakers to campus whose achievements demonstrate the importance of commitment to personal goals and the value of hard work.

The Faculty Development Fund $366,658 Established in 1990 with a grant of $100,000 from The Ahmanson Foundation to support faculty salaries and professional development. E. E. Ford Courses and Conferences Fund $177,354 Established with a challenge grant from the E. E. Ford Foundation for Upper School.

general scholarship & endowment 50th Reunion Endowment Fund $273,716 Established in 1999 by Westridge School to enable each 50th Reunion Class to make a significant gift to scholarship, the campus, or in support of faculty in honor of this milestone reunion year. (The scholarship aspect of this fund was established in 1991). Alumnae Reunion Endowment Fund for Faculty and Scholarships $123,912 Established in 2001 to enable alumnae to commemorate their reunion with a lasting gift to Westridge School.

June & Merle Banta Scholarship Fund $105,211 Established in 2007 by the Banta Family Foundation to provide scholarships for students who are the daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters, or nieces of Westridge alumnae. The General Scholarship Fund $1,262,639 Established in 1936, the year the school was incorporated.

Senior Scholarship Fund $33,768 Established by the Class of 1992 and supported by the Classes of 1995, 1996, 1997, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. General Endowment $12,267,311 Westridge Alumnae Association Scholarship Fund $199,312 Established in 1952.

Parent Association Scholarship Fund $39,575 Established in 1992 by the 1992-1993 Westridge School Parent Council.


planned giving The Madeline Society recognizes the generosity of all those who have provided for Westridge School in their estate plans or who are participating in a life-income plan or other deferred giving arrangement. If you would like information about making a gift that will benefit the school in the future, please contact Rebecca H. Potter, Planned Giving Officer, 626.799.1053, ext. 261. NEW MEMBERS 2014-2015 Pamela Carter Bryant ’80 Linda LeMoncheck ’71 Kathleen Gilbert Levin ’65 Tania Tusler Owen ’68 Thomas H. Reilly Catherine Rose ’53 Joan Lamb Ullyot ’57 ESTATE GIFTS RECEIVED IN 2014-2015 Richard M. Jones Estate Elise Mudd Marvin ’47 Estate Hall Warren Estate


CURRENT MEMBERS Maya Alvarez-Galvan ’88 Julie Patton Barker ’56 Laurie Barlow ’70 Hannah Schoentgen Bergen ’54 Jenifer Paul Bode ’55 Kristan Browne ’86 Audrey Steele Burnand ’40 Sigrid Burton ’69 & Max Brennan Margaret Sellers Cartwright ’59 Jane Miller Chai ’56 Susan Straubel Champion ’55 Jean E. Chases Darragh Jones Cheleden ’87 Carole Fortin Conger ’60 Emilie Kostitch Cuthbert ’49 Ellen Davidson ’62 Bonnie Dean ’75 Robin O’Conor DeWitt ’58 Tina Kim Dowden ’87 Gertrude Robbins Fator ’53 Paula Pomerantz Feinberg ’73 Susan Hoagland Fellows ’58 Christine & Ira Felman Sarah Cunningham Fletcher ’60 Theresa Wilson Flynn ’70 Richard Frank Susan Frank ’71 Judith K. Gain Ethel Stratton Gould ’45 Leslie Clarke Gray ’62 Phyllis Williams Grey ’62 Gabrielle Groth-Marnat ’65 Joan Haradon ’56 Jo Whitehouse Heffernan ’63 Clara Hill-Williams & Steven Williams


m a d e l i n e society

Adelaide Finkbine Hixon ’36 Ann Horton ’59 Martin & Susan Kaplan Prudence Baldwin Kaye ’49 Karen Klemens & Matt Krasnowski Debbie Lawrence ’71 Judith Kemper Lewis ’69 Clara Buffum Mackie ’45 Valerie Marshall ’69 Lydia Simpson Matthews ’50 Lisa Matthews ’72 Patricia McCauley ’86 Ann Tudor McCook ’63 Amanda Nyce McIntyre ’55 Christina Anderson McKinley ’68 Jane Moorman ’70 Molly Munger ’66 Ellen Narver ’72 Anna Pehoushek ’84 Suzanne Person Britt-Nicole Peterson Virginia Corlette Pollard ’61 Isabel Travis Pulvers ’59 Barbara Davis Reynolds ’72 Karen Robinson ’63 Elizabeth Russell ’69 Katherine & Joseph Ryan Marianne Van Vorst Ryan ’79 Hope Tschopik Schneider ’70 Fran Norris Scoble Meg Jenson Scrofani ’58 & Manny Scrofani Dorothy McCay Scully ’54 Brynne Montgomery Staley ’76 Virginia Stolarz-Bauer ’82 Nancy H. Teal Martha Torres ’72 Pamela Lochhead Trachta ’61 Laura Stanford Turner ’82 Polly Hunter Turpin ’45 Joan Lamb Ullyot ’57 Lea Lambert Walker-Clark ’72 Judith Wesley ’68 Penelope Dumm Wilkes ’64 Mrs. J. Clifford Willcox Fern I. Zabel

HONORING OUR PAST MEMBERS *Henrietta Walter Barnes ’32 Rachel Morgan Behnke ’47 *The Estate of Eleanor Bosche *Pat Barnard Breckenfeld ’44 Elizabeth Olson Brown ’58 Margaret Lowry Butler ’28 Jae Giddings Carmichael ’42 Robert W. Cheesewright *Sabra McCay Clark ’48 *Mary DeFriest Clary ’40 *Arthur Clifford *Mrs. Robert M. Davidson *Jane Lee Dunn ’27 *Oliver C. Dunn *Mrs. Jean Foreman-Conway Mary Alice & Richard Frank *Dorothy Frayne *Mrs. James Gamble *William and Dorothy Gantvoort Janet Carter Guild ’30 *Elizabeth Edmundson Herrick *Mrs. Lucile H. Howe *Florence S. Marquis *Mrs. Robert Niven *Gladys Peterson *Elizabeth Fleming Rhodes ’33 *Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Robbins *Joseph H. Rose *Amie Rumney *Mary Frances Snow Russell ’31 Barbara Dangler Spangler ’35 *Clough and Virginia Steele *Virginia Armstrong Taylor ’28 Jane Ford Test ’27 Kallie Tremaine ’41 *Ann Dreyfuss Walsh ’56 *Alice Walter ’30 Hall Warren *Founding Member

ways of making a gift Philanthropy is vital to the support of Westridge School’s mission. The school welcomes your belief in its mission to provide the highest quality education to young women, and provides a variety of ways to maximize the impact of your gift. All gifts to Westridge are tax-deductible. Please do not hesitate to contact the Advancement Office with any questions, or to make arrangements for a gift. CASH Current cash gifts are deductible for income tax purposes to the full extent allowed by law, and may be made with cash, checks, or credit card. Pledge payments may be arranged. APPRECIATED SECURITIES If you own stocks or other capital assets that have appreciated in value, a gift of those securities to Westridge can result in significant tax savings. You may be able to obtain a tax deduction for the full value of the gift and avoid paying the tax on the gain you would have had if you were to sell the asset. MEMORIAL OR HONORARY GIFTS Gifts may be given in honor or memory of a friend or a family member or in recognition of a significant event. UNITED WAY Westridge may be designated as the recipient of your United Way contribution. Simply list the school’s name and address on your United Way pledge form. Processing charges may be imposed by United Way. DONATE YOUR CAR Westridge accepts donation proceeds from many organizations that will purchase your vehicle. A donor may wish to sell their car to these organizations with the proceeds of the sale going to Westridge. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES* Through the California Community Foundation Westridge is able to offer charitable gift annuities — a very attractive planned gift. In exchange for a gift of cash or stock you will be paid a guaranteed lifetime income. You also receive an immediate charitable tax deduction and a portion of each income payment is considered to be a tax-free return of principal. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS Name Westridge as a beneficiary of your retirement plan and leave less-taxed assets to family. OTHER PLANNED GIFTS* Westridge also accepts planned or deferred gifts through bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, or pension plans. A donor may wish to consider these gift vehicles as a way to reduce or avoid estate and inheritance taxes. Planned or deferred gifts are recognized through The Madeline Society (page 55). *A tax consultant is your best advisor in designing a giving plan for the benefit of Westridge. However, to explore the various ways to make contributions, contact the Advancement Office at 626.799.1053, ext. 261.


donors Anonymous (2) Colin Allen Alexander B. Babcock John W. Bartlett H.N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation Edmund A. & Marguerite Burke Foundation The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation Chandler School Gretel Corsa DuVon Davis & Wells Fargo Bank Team East West Bank Foundation The Femino Foundation Fitzberg Foundation Joyce Greif The Green Foundation Edward Han H. Leslie & Elaine S. Hoffman Foundation Howard Liu & Alice Shen Elizabeth & Ian McGregor Mayfield Junior School Wendy Munger & Leonard Gumport Pasadena Community Foundation The Ann Peppers Foundation Amber Pollard-Wilson Polytechnic School Rebecca & Fred Potter Lori & Ted Samuels Edmund & Mary Shea Family Foundation Stephen & Eric Shih SPARC Helen & Wilton Webster Foundation Westridge School Westridge Parent Association, Summer Opportunities Fair

partners Advantage Testing Peter D. Kaufman Margaret & David Mgrublian Panda Restaurant Group Inc. Carmie Rodriguez Stephanie Suzuki Taproot Foundation John Yen


An educational partnership with Pasadena Public Schools

Founded in 1990, Partnership for Success! (PFS!), formerly Skills Enrichment Program, is a partnership between the Pasadena Unified School District and four local independent schools (Polytechnic, Mayfield Junior, Chandler, and Westridge). Each summer, PFS! provides an intensive, five-week enrichment program to approximately 400 public-school students who are chosen by their school principals based on academic promise and financial need. Once students are selected in their fourth grade year, they remain in the program for eight consecutive summers. This long-term commitment between PFS! and its students is essential to the program’s success. During their time in PFS!, students build their skills in math, science, and language arts. All graduate high school and virtually all graduates of PFS! go on to attend college, most at four-year institutions. Westridge School hosts an all-girls experience for students in grades five and six. During their two summers at Westridge, students take a variety of academic classes to boost their math and verbal skills, preparing for success in middle school. Classes are small (averaging 20 students) and their teachers are joined in the classroom by high school and college-age interns, half of whom are themselves graduates of PFS!. In addition to academic enrichment courses, PFS! students at Westridge have the opportunity to take classes in art, music, multimedia creation, and technology. Field trips provide adventures in the community, and our annual Etiquette Tea gives the girls a chance to dress up and attend a special event with a featured speaker. Daily physical education classes and Friday swim days balance the summer days with exercise. This program is provided at no cost to the student. Funds are raised from individuals, corporations, and foundations. Contributions are made by the four member schools as well as the Westridge Parent Association. With the generous support of those listed, this valuable and successful program continues to benefit hundreds of students each year.

2014-15 Board of Trustees Jennifer T. Lum, Chair Elizabeth Huntley Algermissen ’77 Darrell Chulay Banta ’77 Susana Smith Bautista ’84 Camilo Becerra Michael W. Biard Kristan Browne ’86, ex officio Natalie N. Davis Stephanie Chandler Dencik ’90 Lori Dillman Richard Fung Brooke Larsen Garlock ’70 Erik Hovanec Christine McCarthy Elizabeth J. McGregor, ex officio Laura Olinski, ex officio Francis Y. Park Rajiv Sachdeva Roger W. Stephens W. Torrey Sun Armineh Tavitian Clare Tayback Alan R. Tekerlek Linda Tolbert Shaw B. Wagener Trustees Emeriti Tempe B. Brooks David C. Elliot (d) Ellen Ellis Richard N. Frank (d) Dorothy Hughes Matthiessen ’52 Robert P. Miller (d) Helen Johnstone Rose (d) James F. Rothenberg (d) Susan Shepherd Sweezy (d)

2014-15 Parent Association Executive Committee Laura Olinski President

class of 2023

June Diarra President - Elect

change agents in training

Adriane Rothstein Vice President Upper School

Jennifer Bertolet Vice President Middle School

Halle Yuhan Vice President Lower School

Linda Peacore Vice President Communications

Rene Ledis Vice President Annual Fund

Amy Hulick Summer Opportunities Fair Chair

Karen Binns Treasurer

Monica Chiu Assistant Treasurer

Carolyn Seitz Secretary

Allison Obico Past President & Nominating Chair

Lisa Garrison Admissions Liason (ad hoc)

2014-15 Alumnae Board Kristan Browne ’86, Chair Priscilla Dunn Flynn ’47 Tara Friedlander ’02 Susan James ’63 Andrea V. Mills ’72 Lynne Tsuboi Saito ’63 Catherine Christian Schultz ’71 Dorothy McCay Scully ’54 Michele Shibuya ’86 Rebecca Synott ’06 Dhari Balvin Thein ’86 Michelle Tyson ’86 Emily Ko Wang ’93 Azizi Williams ’96 Julie Chen Woo ’93 Madeleine Russell ’15 (Senior Class President)

westridge 5th grade

Westridge School gratefully acknowledges the many parents, alumnae, grandparents, faculty, staff, and friends who generously contributed their money, time, and effort to Westridge School during the 2014-2015 school year. Every effort has been made to accurately list all contribution receive July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. If, however, an error has been made, please accept our apologies and notify the Advancement office at 626-799.1053, ext. 252. Correction will be made immediately to the online version of Westridge’s Annual Report.

Working on making an impact of its own with a year-long project called “Think, Care, Act.” This fall, brainstormed their strengths, thought about problems they wanted to help solve, and used their strengths to take action. For inspiration, read Chelsea Clinton’s, “It’s Your World: Get Informed, Get Inspired & Get Going!,” and listened to a classmate speak about the Syrian refugee crisis and what she is doing to help affected children. Some students have raised money (including asking for charitable donations instead of birthday gifts!) and awareness for their causes; others have been growing out their hair for Locks of Love, making thankyou cards for rangers protecting endangered species, volunteering in their communities, making dog toys for their local humane societies, and making hygiene kits for refugees.

leadership (d) deceased



Class of 2015 Members of the Class of 2015 enrolled in the following universities and colleges:


American University Washington, D.C. Brown University Providence, RI (2) California Institute of the Arts Valencia, CA University of California at: Berkeley Berkeley, CA Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA (4) San Diego La Jolla, CA Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA (2) University of Chicago Chicago, IL Claremont McKenna College Claremont, CA Coventry University Coventry, United Kingdom Emory University Atlanta, GA The Evergreen State College Olympia, WA Fordham University Bronx, NY Georgetown University Washington, D.C. Hampshire College Amherst, MA Harvard College Cambridge, MA Lewis & Clark College Portland, OR Loyola University New Orleans New Orleans, LA Middlebury College Middlebury, VT (2) Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA New York University New York, NY (4) Occidental College Los Angeles, CA Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, OH University of Oregon Eugene, OR University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Pomona College Claremont, CA Pratt Institute Brooklyn, NY Princeton University Princeton, NJ University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA (2) Purdue University West Lafayette, IN Reed College Portland, OR Samford University Birmingham, AL University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA (2) Santa Barbara City College Santa Barbara, CA Smith College Northampton, MA University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA (5) Stanford University Stanford, CA (4) Tufts University Medford, MA Tulane University New Orleans, LA Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO University of Washington Seattle, WA Whitman College Walla Walla, WA Willamette University Salem, OR Yale University New Haven, CT

lives of impact

begin at westridge

impact starts here,

with you.

thank you for your support.

westridge school 324 Madeline Drive, Pasadena, California 91105 t 626.799.1153 * f 626.799.9236

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