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July - September
July 29, 2018
Sweet Corn
Mid July - October
Issue No. 30
Snap Beans July - October
West Edition
Distributed to Bergen, Clarendon, Holley-Murray and Brockport-Sweden
Hilton Central School District initiates Zero Waste Program At its June 12 meeting, the Hilton Board of Education adopted a Zero Waste Policy and the Hilton School District Green Team has wasted no time in putting the policy into action. The policy states that “the Hilton School District Board of Education recognizes the importance of a zero waste initiative and is committed to the development and implementation of a zero waste policy and process throughout the district for the purpose of reducing waste, energy and greenhouse gases.” The goal of this policy is to achieve 80 percent landfill diversion throughout the district, meaning that 80 percent of the materials produced and disposed of within the district would be recycled, reused, or
composted. The district will maintain an innovative program to reduce waste by its facilities, and provide education for staff and students on zero waste best practices. Zero waste is a state in which the reduction of waste production, landfill diversion rate, and incinerator diversion rate of an institution are maximized. It encompasses a complete life cycle of resources such that no resources are discarded, and all resources are reused for another purpose. “The district is very excited to take the next step in making an impact in our community by working toward supporting the development of future sustainably-minded generations that take care of our earth,” said Hilton CSD Superintendent Dr. Casey Kosiorek.
Students in Katie Paxton-Johnson’s class at Quest Elementary School packed zero-waste lunches using all re-usable containers. Shown are: (l-r) Morgan Meyer, Sophia Sciortino and Stella Gebbie.
Students at Northwood Elementary School (front, l-r) Meredith Harnden, David Padolesski, Evelynn Smolinski and Reilly Deming worked with the team from Impact Earth, Robert Putney, Elias Putney and Tom Mangialino, on a waste audit.
In order to launch the district’s zero waste program, Hilton CSD has formed the Green Team, a recycling committee, and has contracted with Impact Earth, a Rochester-based zero waste solutions provider. For the past two years, Impact Earth has been working with school districts on trailblazing zero waste initiatives and most recently has launched a commercial and residential organics hauling service to better meet the needs of their clients. Impact Earth has provided zero waste solutions for businesses, venues, restaurants, food trucks, and individuals since 2014. These efforts are already underway at the district. Initial programming has included a district-wide waste assessment conducted by Impact Earth and HCSD student and staff volunteers in January 2018, and a few end-of-the-year zero waste events hosted in June. These events included picnics, sixth grade graduations, a locker clean-out and donation event, and a staff appreciation breakfast.
Teacher Laura Mayer and School Counselor Tina Colby have been leading the Green Team since its inception and said they are looking forward to working with students and staff, in collaboration with Impact Earth, to change the district’s waste practices. “Beginning in the fall, all school buildings will be involved in new cafeteria procedures for which students, teachers and staff will be trained with the goal of reducing the waste we put into landfills,” said Mayer. “We have seen how meaningful these programs can be for school districts and their communities,” says Sarah Quirk, Impact Earth’s zero waste manager, “and we are excited to begin this journey together and make a real impact in the community.” Learn more about Impact Earth by visiting Provided information and photos
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Beware of giant hogweed
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There have been reports of giant hogweed found along Northrup Creek in the Valley Park area near the Ogden-Parma town line. Anyone in this area should exercise extreme caution. Giant hogweed is a non-native invasive plant that can cause painful burns, permanent scarring and even blindness. DEC warns against touching any part of the plant, as skin exposed to both giant hogweed sap and sunlight can be severely burned. As a noxious weed, it is unlawful to propagate, sell or transport. In addition to being a health concern, it crowds out native plant species and can contribute to soil erosion. Giant hogweed grows along streams and rivers and in fields, forests, yards and roadsides. It prefers open sites with abundant light and moist soil but it can grow in partially shaded habitats, too. Now is the best time to discover giant hogweed locations as the plants are currently flowering and setting seed. Flowering giant hogweed plants are 8 to 14 feet
tall with very large flat-topped clusters of small white flowers, have a green stem with purple blotches and coarse white hairs, and large leaves up to 5 feet across. There are several plants with similar features, so proper identification is key. If a plant is suspected to be giant hogweed, there is a three step procedure to follow: 1. Do not touch the plant. If the sap touches your skin, immediated wash with soap and water and protect the area from sunlight for 48 hours. 2. Take photos of the entire plant (stem, leaves, flower and seeds). Then, report information on plant numbers and locations to the DEC - either attach photos to e-mail or call the Hogweed Hotline at (845)-256-3111. 3. If confirmed, DEC will contact the landowner to discuss control options. For more information and resources to identify giant hogweed, visit http://www.
Get out & grow! by Kristina Gabalski
Tick populations on the rise by Kristina Gabalski
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Tick populations are on the rise and as we head into late summer, it’s important to be aware of the places where you are most likely to find ticks and how to prevent being bitten. Here in New York State, several types of ticks are common. The Blacklegged or deer tick is well known as a carrier and spreader of several pathogens including Lyme Disease which make both humans and animals sick. The Lonestar tick can move quickly and also carries and spreads several pathogens including alpha-gal, which results in a red meat allergy for infected humans. Dog ticks are also common, and the Northeast Regional Center for Excellence in VectorBorne Diseases (NEVBD) is warning of an invasive tick native to Eastern Asia called the Longhorned tick, which is now found in the eastern US. Invasive populations of Longhorned ticks are mainly female and have the capability of reproducing without fertilization (you read that correctly), which means they can spread rapidly and reach high abundance. The Longhorned tick is a special threat to livestock and can reduce dairy production on cattle farms and occasionally kill calves. Longhorned ticks are cold tolerant and also bite humans. Ticks like to live in woody, shrubby areas where there is tall grass and dead leaves, particularly along the edges of woods and forests. If you hike in these areas or your home landscape borders woods or tall grasses, make sure to do a full body check for ticks when you come back inside. Ticks are commonly found under the arms, around the ears, inside the belly button, behind the knees, between the legs, around the waist and in the hair. The NEVBD says that showering after coming back inside can be an effective way to remove ticks. There are also many ways to protect yourself from ticks while outside. EPA approved insect repellants are helpful. Look for active ingredients such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Clothing should cover arms, legs and feet.
Adult female and nymph deer ticks. Both can bite humans and animals. As we move towards fall, most tick nymphs will be reaching their adult size. Photo provided by University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Tuck the legs of your pants into socks to block ticks. Permethrin is a repellant that kills ticks on contact and can be used on clothing. Do not use Permethrin directly on skin. Check outdoor pets regularly for ticks and ask your vet about tick prevention products. Check your gear after hiking and camping, items such as backpacks and boots, which can bring ticks into the home. Clothing can be placed in the dryer on high for 10-20 minutes to kill any ticks. Remember, too, that rodents as well as raccoons and deer carry ticks. If they are around your home, they can bring ticks into your yard and garden. Remove dead leaves, tall grasses and brush from around your home. Wood chips or gravel can create a barrier between your lawn and wooded areas. Keep your lawn mowed, and if you stack wood for fireplaces and stoves, do so neatly in a dry area to discourage rodents. Finally, NEVBD recommends keeping playground equipment, patios and decks away from wooded areas in your yard.
Suburban News - West Edition - July 29, 2018 3
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Serve. Pray. Worship. A Welcoming and Affirming American Baptist Congregation. 124 Main Street, (585) 637-9770. Sunday: 9:45am - Praise Music; 10:00am - Worship; 10:30am - Children’s Study; 11:15am - Adult Study. Free Community Meal 3rd Sunday.
35 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420, (585) 637-3780. “We are a congregation that loves God, loves others and serves the world.” Join us for worship Sundays at 10am with Rev. Nicholas Dorland. We have a family friendly service where all children are welcome to attend service. Nursery and child care is available. Coffee/fellowship following worship. Sunday School and adult education 11:15am each Sunday. Teen Bible and Bagels the first Sunday of each month at 9:15am. Book study Thursday evenings 7 to 8:30pm. Loaf and Ladle serving a free hot meal the fourth Sunday of each month 1 to 2:30pm. Free Community Garden summer and fall. Many fellowship and outreach programs for youth and adults. Website: www. Email:
4410 Holley Byron Road (Rt. 237), Clarendon, 585-638-6383. Worship 11:15am Sunday. Sunday School from 10-11am. Pastor Linda Glantz.
22 South Main Street, Churchville (across from the Johnson House Restaurant), 585-454-9152,, Pastor Dominic Renaldo. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE at 10:30 am, BIBLE STUDIES WEDNESDAYS at 7 pm. Our FOOD PANTRY is open Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7 pm, free and open to the community. We are a church committed to Jesus Christ, His Word, and sharing His love with people walking through real life. Handicap accessible.
“A Congregation of the American Baptist Churches.” We are a community of God’s people who seek to enable others to form a spiritual connection with God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. 50 Lake Ave., Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-7990. Pastor Dan Brown. Website: E-mail: Facebook: Hilton Baptist Church. Worship Service: 10:00 AM followed by a time of fellowship. Children’s Sunday School: 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon. Child Care available during the Worship Service. Handicap Accessible. Hearing Assistance available during the service.
Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by Following Christ; Connecting Generations; Transforming Communities. 21 West Avenue, Hilton, NY 14468, (585) 392-8761. Rev. Jennifer Green, pastor. Website:, E-mail: Service: 10am. Fellowship: 11am. Sunday School: 11:30am. Child care available 9:30am to 12:30pm. Adult Bible Study: Monday 7pm & Thursday 1pm. Handicap Accessible.
1152 County Line Road, Hamlin, NY 14464, 585-659-8459, Interim Minister: Rev. Walter Steenson, email, cell 585-729-2502, home 585-392-5427. For The Glory Of God And The Advancement Of His Kingdom. Service with choir at 10:30am, Children’s Sunday School - during church service, Choir practice Wednesday at 6:30pm, Communion the first Sunday of each month. Handicap accessible.
“To equip ourselves and others to be disciples of Christ as we seek God’s will for our church and beyond.” Sunday worship with choir at 10:00 a.m. with Sunday School for children. Fellowship hour after worship with lots of good food. Men’s and Women’s Bible studies. Youth group. Many Service and Fellowship opportunities. Handicapped accessible. 2400 South Union Street, Spencerport 14559, 585-352-6802. Pastor Tedd Pullano.
39 Hovey Street, Hilton, (585) 615-6383,, Facebook: Parma Christian Fellowship Church. Rev. Dr. Myke Merrill. Worship Services: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 10AM. Family Midweek: Wednesday 6:30PM - Kids Club, TurningPoint Teens, Adult Bible Discussion Group. Nursery School: Parma Kids Preschool and Child Care Center, 39 Hovey Street, Hilton. School Phone: (585) 392-5792.
With God’s help, we are Christians who are trying to get it right by making disciples for Jesus Christ through Worship, Fellowship and Love for all of God’s children. Would you join us on our journey? 30 Amity Street, Spencerport, NY, 585-352-3114, spencerportumc. org, Jack Laskowski, Pastor. Sunday Service is at 10:30am followed by Coffee Hour in the Fellowship Hall. Child Care, Sunday School and Bible Study available. Handicap accessible.
635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton, NY 14468 (across from Kelly’s Apple Farm), 585-392-4099, Please join us for Worship and Sunday School at 9am.
1107 Lake Road West Fork, Hamlin, NY 14464, (585) 964-2550. Pastor Christian Bode. Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11AM. Sunday School & Bible Class 9:45AM. NYS Licensed Child Care - Mon.-Fri., 6AM-6PM, 964-5859, Preschool.
55 Martha Street, Spencerport, NY 14559, Phone: 585-352-5481, E-mail:, The Rev. Peter B. Mottola. Mass Schedule: Saturday 5pm, Sun 7:45am, 9:30am, & 11:15am; Monday 8am; Tuesday 8am; Wednesday 6:30pm; Thursday 8am; Friday (Traditional Latin) 8am. Confessions: Wednesday 5:45pm, Saturday 3:45pm. Upcoming events: Vacation Bible School “SHIPWRECKED” Aug. 13-17, 2018. Check out our Website for details
167 Lake Avenue, Hilton, (585) 392-2710, Father Joseph Catanise. Saturday schedule: Confessions 3:304:30pm; Rosary 4:30pm; Mass 5pm. Mass: Sunday 9:30am (includes Children’s Liturgy). LifeTeen Mass 7pm. Vacation Bible School “A Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer with the Amazing Angel and Super Saints” August 13 through 17, 9:30am to 12:30pm daily. Register at or call 392-2710. Handicap accessible. All are welcome.
13 South Main Street, Holley 16789 Kenmore Road, Kendall Parish Center - Holley 638-6718, Father Mark Noonan. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 8:00AM St. Mary’s; Thursday - 5:30PM St. Mary’s; Friday - 8:00AM St. Mark’s; Saturday Vigil - 5:00PM St. Mary’s; Sunday - 8:30AM St. Mark’s, 10:30AM St. Mary’s.
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4 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
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Office hours:
Mon.-Thurs................................................... 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday............................................................... 9 a.m. - noon Closed Saturday and Sunday, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Also, the office is closed on Fridays which precede Memorial... Day, Labor Day as well as the Friday following Thanksgiving.
•Summer Serenades music series in Brockport will host Chris Wilson - International recording artist; singer/guitarist on Thursday, August 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Welcome Center on the Erie Canal. Bring chairs or sit on the grass. •St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 14 State Street, Brockport will hold its Harvest Kitchen every second Sunday of the month from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Free. •The Rochester Professional Consultants Network (RPCN) is hosting “Everything You Want to Know About Franchising But Are Afraid to Ask” presented by John Adams of FranNet of Upstate New York, on Friday, August 10 at Pittsford Community Library, 24 State Street, Pittsford, from 8 to 9:30 a.m. For more information about the RPCN or this presentation, call RPCN at 585-348-7142 or visit •The 32nd annual Avon Corn Festival will be held Saturday, August 11. Produced by Avon Rotary, the popular festival opens at 10 a.m. and concludes with a free concert by The Skycoasters from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. More than 100 arts and crafts vendors are featured along with continuous live entertainment, a variety of food vendors, a kid zone and corn-eating and cornhole contests. For the first time this year a beer garden will offer premium New York craft beers and cider. Parking and admission are free. Go and spend the day. For more information visit
Fundraisers. •Patrick Place Comfort Care Home, 2000 Scottsville-Chili Road, Scottsville (Scottsville Ice Arena) will host a Chicken Barbecue and Bottle Drive Fundraiser on Sunday, August 5 from 11 a.m. until sold out. Cost $10. Take-out - Presale recommended. •The Bergen United Methodist Church, 27 South Lake Avenue (Rt.19), Bergen will hold its Summer Chicken Barbecue on Saturday, August 4. Eat in or take out. Tickets are $10 adults; $5 children. Seating begins at 5 p.m., take-outs at 4:30 p.m. Presale tickets are available until Wednesday, August 1 and are strongly recommended. For information, or to purchase a presale ticket(s), call the church office at 494-1312. •Fundraiser to benefit the Aurora House - Save bottles, cans and pull tabs (aluminum only). The collection is on-going. Call John, 352-7866. •Purple Pony Treasures - Huge Indoor Garage Sale, Saturday, August 11 and Sunday, August 12; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 8321 Lake Street Road, LeRoy. All sale items are donated and will benefit Purple Pony Therapeutic Horsemanship, Inc., a 501c3 organization. If you have clean, gently used items you would like to donate toward this effort we will gladly accept them. Call 880-1096 for drop off details. **No donations the date of the sale please. **We are not accepting large appliances, TV or computer equipment, upholstered furniture or clothing please. Drop off dates: 8321 Lake Street Road: August 3 evening, August 4. Visit us at Government Meetings
•Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) will hold a town hall meeting on Saturday, August 4 at the Byron Town Hall, 7028 Byron Holley Road, Byron from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend to discuss local issues and express any questions or concerns they might have. •Brockport: Village Hall, 127 Main Street, Brockport is open Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except holidays. Website: Phone 637-5300. Village Board meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. Village Board work session meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. only upon application. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. only upon application. Other Boards, Committees, Task Forces have varying meeting schedules. •Clarendon: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon. Planning Board meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall. Zoning Board of Appeals meets upon necessity, on the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. •Clarkson: Town Board meets each second and fourth Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Clarkson Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. Planning Board meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals meets the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. Conservation Board meets the second Wednesday of every month as needed. Architectural Review Board meets on the first Tuesday of the month as needed. All meetings are held in the Town Hall, 3710 Lake Road, Clarkson. The Library Board meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Seymour Library, 161 East Avenue. Historical Society meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Clarkson Academy, 8343 Ridge Road. The Town Clerk’s Tuesday office hours have been extended to 6 p.m. •Hamlin: Planning Board meets the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Town Board meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Conservation Board meets fourth Monday of each month at 7 p.m.; Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. All meetings held at the Hamlin Town Hall, 1658 Lake Road, Hamlin. For information, call 964-7222. •Holley: Board of Trustees meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.; Zoning and Planning Board meets the first Monday of the month at 5 p.m. All meetings are at the Village of Holley office, 72 Public Square, Holley. •Kendall: Town Board meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. for regular meetings. The conference sessions (workshop) meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. Meetings are held at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. The Town Board has also scheduled additional work sessions to occur on Saturdays prior to the third Tuesday of each month from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the Kendall Town Hall, 1873 Kendall Road, Kendall. Planning Board meets the
fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m., with optional work sessions held the second Tuesday at 7 p.m.; and the Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Kendall Town Hall. •Murray: Town Board meets the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 7 p.m. at the Murray Town Hall, 3840 Fancher Road, Holley. •Sweden: Town Board meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. Planning Board meets the second and fourth Monday of each month. Town of Sweden offices are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For information, contact the Supervisor’s office at 637-7588.
•Hilton TOPS 632 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets every Friday, 9 to 10:30 a.m. at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street, Hilton, second floor. For information call Dorothy at 225-1717.
•Hamlin Public Library Summer Events: Preschool Storytime: Monday, July 30 at 10:30 a.m. Themed stories, music and movement. “Our Community Rocks Series” featuring Hamlin r esident Tom Barbera: Monday, July 30 at 1 p.m. “My Story: Living 530 Days Without a Heart.” “County Barn Quilt Trail” presented by Lora Partyka: Tuesday, July 31 at 6:30pm. Learn about our local barn quilt trail which includes more than 40 barns and buildings. Iron Chef Competition for kids: Thursday, August 2 at 1 p.m. Iron Chef Competition for Tweens/Teens: Thursday, August 2 at 2:30 p.m. Hamlin Public Library is located at 1660 Lake Road. For more information or to register for programs, call 964-2320. •Seymour Library Programs: Local Musician Series: Mondays, July 30, 6 to 7 p.m. We will have several local singer - song writers, and musicians playing in the main library as a summer treat. Each performer will be offering a different style of music for your listening pleasure. You’ll be able to hear them anywhere in the library. Pizza and Pages: HS and MS Book Groups* HS: Tuesday, July 31, 1 to 2 p.m. (Gr. 9-12); MS: Thursday August 3, 1 to 2 p.m. (Gr. 6-8). Meet weekly with other teens who love to read and eat pizza. Space is limited, so sign up now. *Registration required. Family Dance Party: Monday, July 30, 11 to 11:30 a.m. Bring your dancing shoes to the library and groove to some fun songs. Music will be aimed at preschoolers, but older kids are welcome. Book Adventures: Tuesday, July 31, 12 to 12:30 p.m. We’ll dive into a story with fun book-related activities. It’s like a story time focused on one book. For ages 2-5. Cardboard Challenge:* Tuesday, July 31, 2-3:30 p.m. What can you build out of cardboard and recyclable materials? Test your creativity to the limit. *Registration required. Coaching for College Success*: Tuesday, July 31, 6 to 8 p.m. Edie Steele and Mike Stone will show you ways students and student-athletes can successfully adjust to and finish college, saving time and money while reducing stress. *Registration required. All programs listed are held at the Seymour Public Library, 161 East Avenue, Brockport. For more information, or to register for programs, call 637-1050. This is just a sample of the programs that are offered. For full listing, check our website at
•St. Leo’s Knights of Columbus Council #9461 Hilton meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the St. Leo’s Parish Center on Lake Avenue, Hilton. •The Brockport Lions Club meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Brockport area Vet’s Club on West Avenue at 6:30 p.m. Contact person is Barb Marshall, 255-0948 or e-mail at •Brockport Writers Group meets the first Wednesday of every month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Lift Bridge Book Store, 45 Main Street, Brockport. •The Hamlin Democratic Committee meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Hamlin Town Hall. •Hamlin Crafts Club meets the first Thursday of the month. All are welcome. For more information and location, call Gladys 392-2529.
•Free Gospel Lectures: Topics may include: “Facts about your creator you may not have heard.” Or “The bible and science do agree.” Every Thursday, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Legacy Senior Center, 2000 Park Creek Lane, Churchville. Come in front door and to the front desk for directions.
Social & Professional
•Knitting and crocheting “Caps for Chemo” at the SwedenClarkson Community Center, 4827 Lake Road South every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to noon. Free lessons and yarn. Open to all ages. •The Hilton Heart and Hand Quilt Guild meets the first Thursday of each month from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Fire Department, 120 Old Hojack Lane. (Please do not park in front of hall - park and enter by side door on left side of hall). New members and visitors welcome. For information contact, Mary Hinkley, 392-4153 or Sarah Barton, 392-5403.
Say you saw it in the Suburban News Calendar!
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 5
Brockport CSD Board of Education elects officers The Brockport Central School District Board of Education held its annual reorganization meeting on July 10. During the meeting new officers were elected and the oath of office was administered. Terry Ann Carbone, former board vice president, was elected to serve as president for the 2018-19 school year. Carbone fills the role of Lisa Ireland, who held the post of president since 2014. Carbone joined the board in 2014 and was elected vice president in 2015. She is a retired superintendent of schools for the Lockport City School District and received her bachelor’s degree, master’s degree Brockport Central School Disand certificate of advanced trict Board of Education Presi- study from The College at dent Terry Ann Carbone. Brockport.
Jeffrey Harradine was elected to serve as vice president for the 2018-19 school year, succeeding Carbone. Harradine was voted onto the board in 2017. He is a partner at Ward Greenberg Heller & Reidy, LLP and received his bachelor’s degree and doctor of law from Cornell University. The oath of office was also administered to newly appointed board members Robert Lewis and Michael Turbeville, Brockport Central School DisSuperintendent Dr. Lesli C. trict Board of Education Vice Myers, District Treasurer Jill Reichhart and District Clerk President Jeffrey Harradine. Stephanie Williams. Regular board meetings are typically held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in the District Board Room. Meetings are open to the public. Provided information and photos
Brockport Police report Between July 8 and July 14, the Brockport Police handled 361 calls for service (12,290 to date) to include two annoyance calls, six harassment/fight/assault reports, six family trouble reports, 143 special attentions, and conducted 42 traffic stops. Note that the above calls do not represent all of the calls received by the Brockport Police. It should be noted that not all of the calls are found to be as dispatched once on scene. Community message Canal Laws: The Brockport Police has received numerous complaints about people setting up personal camp sites along the Erie Canal. Title 21 of the New York Codes, Rules and Regulations states that people that wish to enjoy a night camping along the canal must do so in a designated camp area. Setting up a camp site in an undesignated area creates risks for you and others around you that use the canal path. For Brockport, the designated camp area is located at 11 Water Street. To set up a time to camp, you can contact the Welcome Center at 637-1000 and the hard workers that are staffed will assist you in making your camping experience as enjoyable as can be. The Brockport Police also actively patrols the 11 Water Street area to ensure safe camping among all. Any questions about camping in the village can be directed to the Welcome Center, or the Brockport Police. Any questions/comments can be directed to Chief Mark T. Cuzzupoli by calling 637-1020 or by email ChiefCuzzupoli@ Provided information
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Responsible for building inspection of residential construction and enforcement activities related to the NYS Building Code and the Code of the Town of Sweden for all properties in the Town outside the Village of Brockport. Prefer candidates who have successfully completed the NYS Code Enforcement Official Certification and meet the minimum qualifications set by NYS Civil Service. Will consider other candidates with a strong background in construction and who are willing to complete the Code Certification process. Part-time position, 24 hours per week. Local residency preferred. Send letter of interest and resume to Sweden Supervisor, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420 by August 10, 2018. EOE
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6 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
Sweden Town Park Lodge The perfect spot for your party, wedding, shower, meeting, reunion! Capacity is 99 inside with a full kitchen, restrooms and cozy fireplace. Covered portico with picnic tables provides ample room for additional guests.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia)[center] poses with veterans of the U.S. Air Force at a memorial honoring Air Force veterans during last year’s Patriot Trip to Washington D.C.
Openings still available for upcoming Patriot Trip
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Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,IBatavia) announced there is still room available to sign up for this year’s Patriot Trip to Washington D.C. from September 20 through 23, 2018. Veterans who have attended a previous year’s trip or live outside the 139th Assembly District are now welcome to sign up, although veterans who are first-time attendees to the trip will still receive first priority. Hawley is a longtime supporter of veterans and has served on the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee since 2006. “The Patriot Trip is one of my favorite events throughout the year,” Hawley said. “This trip was inspired by Mike Paduzak, a World War Two veteran, who asked me to come together with local veterans and host a trip to Washington D.C. Through the experiences of my father, veterans I have met during previous year’s trips, and my
own service in the military, I have gained a tremendous understanding and admiration for the sacrifices endured by our veterans. It is for these reasons that I continue the Patriot Trip each year and have solidified it as one of the staples of my service to our community.” Attractions Hawley plans to visit this year on the trip include: U.S. Capitol, WWII Memorial, Gettysburg, Korean War Memorial, Vietnam War Memorial, Iwo Jima – The Marine Corps Memorial, American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial, Air Force Memorial, 911 Memorial at the Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery, including the Changing of the Guard and Wreath Laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns. Any veteran wanting information about this year’s Patriot Trip XI can call 589-5780 or email Provided information and photo
2 Year Old Preschool openings available – Ogden Recreation offers a preschool program that stresses socialization and exploration. Two locations available - Ogden Community Center and Little Red Schoolhouse. Registration is limited. Call 617-6174 or visit for more information. Provided photo.
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Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 7
Opinion/Comments Sweden Dog Park caters to large dog crowd On page seven of the Summer 2018 issue of Town of Sweden Snapshots, the anonymous author of an article entitled “Update on the Sweden Town Dog Park,” describes the dog park as “tremendously successful.” Our question is: for whom? The article also claims that the recently fenced pond allows “the large dog side of the park” to remain open and assures there will be no “lost time” for big dogs due to pool cleaning/closure. What about the plight of the smaller dog population? Despite paying an annual membership fee identical to large breeds, why is the small dog member asked to roam in a space devoid of trees, extra benches, and a smaller, shallower pool suitable for their needs? We wonder why a dog park was constructed in the
first place, whose most desirable and defining features almost exclusively cater to the large dog crowd. Imagine for a moment what “howls” of protest would have arisen had the dog park features discriminated on the basis of breed, gender, or coat color. Why couldn’t the Town of Sweden invest some tax revenues in the construction of bridges, benches, tunnels, shelters, and other small dog-related apparatuses (or seek out donations from community service organizations)?
cally in response to concerns voiced by residents willing to put their names to their complaints. We invite residents to email any Town Board member with ideas and suggestions for improvements to any of our facilities or services. Give us a call, set-up an appointment, attend a Board meeting. We want to be a responsive government and the best way we can do that is to have direct, open dialogue. Sweden Town Board
Expert opinion and open communication should factor in to decision making process In response to the letter written by the Mayor of Brockport, Margaret Blackman (Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald, July 22), I am the merchant that posted (with tape, not pins) the sign on one of the trees slated for destruction. I merely stated a fact, not opinion. I didn’t attack anyone or any entity. I will reiterate that I merely stated a fact. Later, I posted on my facebook page the same factual information along with my emotion, which was “sad.” I attended a Pro-Brockport meeting, which was the first public forum after hearing the news of tree removal where I could have my opinions heard. No one from the Village government attended. I was met with sharp criticism and a defensive stance by one of the members for suggesting a second expert opinion on both the tree removal issue and the garden squares. Another business owner was also met with this reaction when she asked about a possible conflict of interest regarding the gardens. I want to think that we all want the same thing, a safe walkable community that enhances the downtown area and benefits the economic welfare of shop owners. Communication prior to these major decisions being made is my point. And taking a tree down in front of a business is a major decision that will affect that business. The mayor made several statements as though they were facts that are just not true in front of my business. The tree is not disrupting the sidewalk so that it causes rainwater to leak into the foundation (I used a level to check) and the sidewalk (which is the cement part, not the bricks) is not in any way affected by the tree that I can see. The tree does lean slightly toward the street, but I wonder if a little pruning on the street side might encour-
Don’t blame the carrier of the message You may agree with one writer of an Opinion letter printed in this newspaper or you may disagree, however, it is non-productive to blame or belittle the newspaper which printed the words. (“Shame on SN’” July 22, 2018 referencing “My take on Donald Trump”, July 15, 2018). Argue the principles stated, don’t call out the medium that makes an exchange possible. Bully tactics and empty rhetoric further the cause of no one. The level-headed exchange of ideas leads to growth and understanding. If a writer wants to offer point and counter-point of substance based on a previously printed commentary, write away, be logical in the presentation and fair in the claims. Help others to understand your views. I have been retired from the position of editor at Westside News Inc. for three years, yet I still firmly believe Suburban News and Hamlin-Clarkson Herald serve significant roles in the communities as means of providing and protecting important rights of freedom of speech. Opinion letters continue to be identified as such, are signed, and reflect the opinions of the letter writers. Additionally, from my current vantage point, I see the economic impact a small, community based newspaper can have on the people and area it serves, and see as well how vital it is as a community business itself with its own employees. Share your opinion. React when someone else shares theirs. Don’t point a finger at the ink and paper by which those ideas are conveyed. Evelyn Dow, Editor emerita Westside News Inc.
RUMMAGE H SALE H 1152 Countyline rd., Morton
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24th Brockport Arts Festival August 11-12
Concerned Town of Sweden smaller dog owners and taxpayers
Sweden Town Board responds to Dog Park complaint The Sweden Town Board received the same anonymous letter in the mail. One of the unfortunate things about anonymous letters is that it is impossible to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the complainant. That is a missed opportunity for those with legitimate concerns. The Town has been told by many residents that the Sweden Town Dog Park is the best dog park in Monroe County. Despite the kudos we have received, we know that our dog park is still a work in progress. Just this spring we installed a fence around the pond area specifi-
Morton Baptist ChurCh
age the tree to straighten back up … I don’t know ... and neither does she. That’s the point. We are not experts. Before taking the drastic measure of cutting all the trees down on Market Street, an unbiased second and maybe third expert (and by expert I mean Certified Arborist) opinion should be sought and discussed with stakeholders. Many other communities have dealt with their mature trees successfully and kept the beauty and charm of their downtown area intact. We may be able to use another approach with our trees, and save them, at least for a while. Katherine Weston Brockport
to be held at Main St. Canal Bridge Sun., Aug. 12th • 4:30 Duck tickets available from: BISCO members, BISCO Booth at Brockport Sidewalk Festival, Towpath Lodge members, Brockport Lions members, Brockport Rotary members, Brockport Kiwanis members
$7090 of prizes for the 2018 Duck Derby incluDe: • 1st / Last - $1000 Gift Cards (Wegmans) • 2nd / 2nd from Last - $750 Cash Prize (Drs. thaney & russo) / $750 Cash Prize (bateman orthodontics) • 3rd / 3rd from Last – $500 Cash Prize (strong West) / $500 Gift Cards (Wegmans) • 4th / 4th from Last - $400 Gas Grill (lowes) / $400 Gas Cards (brockport lions, kiwanis, and rotary) Thanks • 5th / 5th from Last - $300 Cash Prize (eslfcu) / Sponsors! $300 Cash Prize (five star bank) • 6th / 6th from Last - $235 Annual Adult Fitness Membership (sweden/clarkson recreation center) /$200 Gas Cards (brockport lions, kiwanis, and rotary) • 7th / 7th from Last – $200 Gas Cards (Mobil express Mart) / $155 SERC Membership (the college at brockport) • 8th / 8th from Last - $100 for Two 16” by 20” Canvas Prints with Sealant (from your image) (Addred printing) / $100 Gift Card (farmers insurance steven Drexler Agency) • 9th / 9th from Last - $100 Cash Prize (edward Jones investments) /$100 Gift Cards (58 Main bbQ) Additional prizes may be added.
• One Lonely Duck - $5 • Quack Pack (5 tickets) - $20 • Community Flock (35 tickets) - $100 Visit for information
• Brockport Area Youth and Organizations Selling Tickets
8 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
I want to continue to receive the or
Name_______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City_ ________________________________________Zip_____________ Phone______________________________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________ Signature_ __________________________________________________ Date________________________________________________________ Free only to households in
Bergen, Clarendon, Holley, Kendall, North Greece, South Chili and Chili Center, Hilton, Ogden-Spencerport, North Chili, Churchville, Hamlin and Brockport. Phone orders for free request cannot be accepted as a signature is necessary. One request per household.
Pictured (l-r): David Orr, Director, Cornell Local Roads Program; David Goodwin, Former Superintendent of Highways, Town of Clarkson; Gerry Geist, Executive Director, Association of Towns of the State of New York. Provided photo.
Former Clarkson Highway Superintendent receives award Former Highway Superintendent David Goodwin was recognized for his outstanding commitment to training and education following his 30th yearly attendance at the Annual School for Highway Superintendents held at Ithaca College in June. The Annual School for Highway Superintendents, or Highway School, is a conference hosted jointly by the Cornell Local Roads Program and the Association of Towns of the State of New York. Over 700 participants, the majority being local highway and public works officials, attend the Highway School every year. The Highway School features topics related to all aspects of highway care and maintenance. Short sessions of general in-
MaIl tO:
Westside News Inc. PO Box 106 Spencerport, NY 14559
terest run in the mornings and workshops lasting 75 minutes each are held in the afternoon. A partnership with statewide vendors supports a complimentary picnic on both Monday and Tuesday of the conference. The Cornell Local Roads Program provides training, technical assistance, and information to municipal officials and employees responsible for the maintenance, construction, and management of local highways and bridges in New York State. It is one of 52 Centers established under the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Provided information
Your News Ideas
The inaugural Teen Sheriff’s Academy kicks off at Byron-Bergen High School In planning the Teen Sheriff ’s Academy, Butler tried to condense his own police academy experience into five days. “The goal is realistic exposure,” he said. “A scaled down version of a true police academy. It’s five months squeezed into five days, but it should give the students a good idea if the real police academy is the right place for them.” Participants undertake classroom work, physical training, tours of the county jail and communications center, emergency response instruction, and traffic stop simulations. Butler’s fellow instructors, Deputy Deb Snyder and Deputy Chad Cummings, reinforced the message of realistic exposure. “It can take years to get a job in the Sheriff ’s Office and then it can take just as long to be scheduled during the day,” said Snyder. “We work late nights, afternoons and holidays. We are open 24/7. We never close.” “It’s not like TV,” added Cummings. “This experience will offer a different perspective. The communications, the follow-up, the paperwork – people don’t think of those when they think of police work. It’s not about flashing lights and making arrests. That is why we required the ride-along for
Genesee County Sheriff Deputy Andrew Mullen demonstrates traffic stop procedure with student participant Shaina DeJesus. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.
Student participants Zachary Babcock, Cameron Buck, Shaina DeJesus, Bailey Facett, Brandon Kowalski, Ethan Pocock, Devon Reigle, Morgan Rhodes, Luke Rindell, Noah Toal, Turner Shwan, Gianni Vallese, Alessandra Wolf, Jayson Yauchzee, with Deputy Matt Butler, Deputy Chad Cummings, Deputy Ryan Delong, Deputy Andrew Mullen, and Deputy Deborah Snyder. Photo by Gretchen Spittler.
this program. During classroom discussion, we want the students to be able to reference their real-life experience. It’s a whole other side. It’s not “COPS,” it’s helping people with their problems.” Cummings did not begin work with the Sheriff ’s Department until 35, choosing first to build a foundation in the military. Ultimately, he knew he wanted to work in law enforcement. He encourages participants to keep working toward their goals, even if it takes until they are 35. In his welcoming remarks, Byron-Bergen Superintendent Mickey Edwards encouraged the participants to “take advantage of every opportunity this academy puts in front of you and all the people who are here to help you be your best”. “Law enforcement is a noble career,” said Edwards. “My eldest son is a Police Officer and I couldn’t be more proud of him. There is no greater calling than to protect and serve others.” The 2018 Teen Sheriff ’s Academy concluded Friday, July 27 with a graduation ceremony and cookout.
by Gretchen Spittler Did you ever wonder what it would be like to work in law enforcement? Eighteen Genesee County highschoolers are finding out. The 2018 Teen Sheriff ’s Academy is a collaboration between the Sheriff ’s Office and Byron-Bergen School Resource Officer (SRO) Matt Butler. Butler, who is in his fourth year as SRO for the district, sees the academy as a natural progression for the community. In his role as SRO, he works to build ties between the Sheriff ’s Office and the Byron-Bergen community. He feels this camp contributes to that goal. Training takes place this week at Byron-Bergen High School where students work closely with several representatives from the Sheriff ’s Office. The academy is geared towards students in grades 10 through 12 who are already considering a career in law enforcement. Each participant passed an application screening process, an interview, and completed eight hours of Sheriff vehicle ride-along experience prior to attending.
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 9
Sweden seeks community donations for Splash Pad The Town of Sweden has been awarded a Community Development Block Grant to help fund the construction of a Splash Pad at the Sweden Town Park. A generous donor has promised to match the grant. The town is seeking additional donations to help make the Splash Pad a reality in the summer of 2019.
The best way to donate to the Splash Pad project is through the Sweden Community Foundation. Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible and may be sent to: Sweden Community Foundation, 18 State Street, Brockport, NY 14420. For more information, call 637-6585. Provided information
Flour City Brewers Fest to feature NYS vendors Flour City Brewers Fest returns to the Rochester Public Market for its 24th annual celebration of craft beer on August 17. With the recent boom in New York State craft beer, the festival’s 60+ vendors are entirely from New York State for the first time. Sample craft beer, cider, and wine all while enjoying local food, live music, games, and other unique vendors. The celebration of New York’s craft breweries will be held
Friday, August 17 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Rochester Public Market, 280 North Union Street, Rochester. The festival raises money for local charity Holiday Outreach and the New York State Brewers Association. Purchase tickets online at Tickets also available at both Rohrbach locations, Beers of the World, and AJ’s Beer Warehouse. Provided information
Trolley rides available during Monroe County Fair Electric trolley rides will be operating at the New York Museum of Transportation during the Monroe County Fair Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 3, 4 and 5. The museum’s rail line is right next door to the County Fair site, and Fair visitors are invited to take the short walk from the festivities for a ride on the only electric trolley operation in New York State. Ride fare is $2 per person. The trolley will depart every 30 minutes on Friday from 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Only trolley rides will be offered on Friday. The full museum will be open Saturday and Sunday, featuring a steam locomotive, huge model railroad, and numerous highway and horse drawn vehicles. Riders wishing to also visit the museum will receive a coupon deducting their $2 fare from the regular admission of $8 adults, $7 seniors age 65+, and $6 youths age 3 to 12. Under age 3 are free. The museum is located at 6393 East River Road, just 20 minutes from downtown Rochester and easily reached from Exit 11 off I-390. Provided information
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10 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
New book explores transformation of Brockport by Nils Caspersson Brockport In The Age of Modernization, the latest book by William G. Andrews, is a case study of the transformation of an American village between 1866, the first year after the Civil War, and 1916, the last year before American entry in World War I. Fifteen activities are studied to show the process through which that transformation took place. They include the arrival of bicycles, automobiles, electricity, telephones, higher education, a consolidated school, concrete sidewalks, hard-surfaced streets, a municipal sewer system, municipal water, the rebuilt Erie Canal, home mail delivery, a fire department, and an intercity trolley. Some came about easily, but others required long, difficult struggles. In no other period was the village so significantly transformed. Many other small towns in America likely underwent much the same process during that period. In the introduction Andrews explains, “For two years, Brockport was the western terminus of the Erie Canal, while the ladder of locks was being built further west in Lockport. This gave it an early boost to become the most populous village in Monroe County, a rank it still holds.” Brockport In The Age of Modernization is Andrews’ seventh book and features extensive data for more than 50 years of area development and vintage images of period architecture, manufacturing, and agrarian interests. The
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Bill Andrews. File photo.
book will available beginning July 30 at area bookstores including the Lift Bridge Bookstore in Brockport and through online retailers or Acadia Publishing ( Andrews is a Political Science Professor emeritus at the SUNY College at Brockport. He is active in local civic affairs, including as Deputy Mayor/Trustee of the Village of Brockport retired, Village Historian emeritus, and ViceChair of the Historic Preservation Board. Other books by Andrews include The Life of a Union Army Sharpshooter: The Diaries and Letters of John T. Farnham and Brockport: Through Time and Around Brockport.
AARP Driver Safety Course offered in Ogden The new and improved AARP Driver Safety Course curriculum will be presented at the Ogden Senior Center on Monday, August 13 and Wednesday, August 15, from 1 to 4 p.m. both days. Open to anyone with a valid driver’s license with no age limitations. The program was designed with the participant in mind, and it is different in many ways from previous editions. A completely new, easy-to-follow format incorporates adultlearning principles, including reader-friendly print types and full-color pages. Videos also support course content. Participants will have the opportunity to learn state-specific information throughout the course in a way that is easy to access and understand. In addition, all components of the AARP Smart Driver Course have been translated and tested for Spanish-speaking participants. As a result of evidence-based research findings, the course has been adjusted to include a focus on areas where drivers could benefit from additional training, including: roundabouts; pavement markings; stop-sign compliance; red-light running; safety issues such as speeding and seatbelt and turn-signal use. Participants must attend both sessions to be eligible for an insurance discount. Cost is $20 for AARP members;
H-P Senior Center August day trip On August 15, Hilton-Parma Senior Center will hold their “Dine-A-Round Finger Lakes/Ithaca Area” day trip. The bus will depart at 8 a.m. with an estimated return time of 7 p.m. Stops include breakfast, pastries/coffee at historic Belhurst Castle, an 1880’s stone castle with a tour of a few rooms or the beautiful gardens overlooking Seneca Lake, lunch with a view of Seneca Harbor Station on the outdoor deck, weather permitting, and Purity Ice Cream Parlor, Home of the Ice Cream Sundae for a delicious ice cream sundae. Additional stops to complete the trip will include a pit stop to Watkins Glen Raceway for a couple laps around the track, with a group picture at the finish line, a stop at the overlook at Taughannock Falls Visitor Center and a stop at a local Farmers Market. For more information and registration visit Provided Information
$25 for non-members. Hearing interpreter available upon request. Call the Ogden Senior Center at 585-352-3250 on Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to reserve a seat.
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by Kri ma stina Gab alski It’s not school duri new e-bo easy being in ng a criti 7th opment John Adr ok compiled and grade, but from chil cal time in thei a iance of dren to r develPatrick, Spencer published by notes that it’s adults. port and helps to a time more soci the hope his son, when kidsAdriance ally acti s and conc acquaint read frien ve with beco dships ers with olds who erns of 11may chan their peers; me fam and 12-y their that imp are coping with ge as ear- frienilies; and they ending may star well as their ds and adolesce all the changes There t to hav nce brin “Teacher girlfriends. e boyTell You Are A Lot of gs. s and pare Thi bewilde It Short About Myself, ngs I Could nts are red by their 7th - Expecta sometim But I’ll changes tions, es Keep grad in tions, Asp book prov attitude,” Adr ers and thei the Eve irations and Self-Percep r ides a iance says - den of Con help 7th cern ts, . The as an e-bo ful reso Grade, parents s on urce for group, and teac Amazon, ok this past Dec was published stuhe the wor explains, prov hers of this age The book iBooks, and Bar ember through ld of iding insi ght into He says Everay7th grader. fire depa son, Patr is edited by Adrnes and Noble. he enjo rtment, students depa rtmeyed ambulan nt in the cerport ick, a 1994 grad iance and his age grou are our ce corp 1) Colo stillr phot High Sch uate of s and polic rageparea openo mincove “It’s a nice becawill special use ool Spe of e ded. mem and 2) List n- says be featu edu ageofgrou bersh mempbers red inclu . “The illustrat ction teacher. middle school to teach,” ip and staff ding: Caleok ed by The book the stud 3)e-bo ndar uniq and staff Adver Adrianc activ is also Joh n Adr Patrick. ent’s own isof e tising ue 1) Have ities in for that were alwa4) Mem ber your wor ianc e taug Oppor all first ofds. 7th grad is respo theAs in nder Year forpara it included message to our yschoo tunitie ht writ seten to duri the 2017 organizat in this grap s for hs at Albion e social stud t ng 2) For all one. Deadlin selec all orga keepsake first responder ions ies the first nizations of scho 52-Week s e for edition. week from 1979 Central Schools ol, itall who Contract For Mo we will ismat free eria double bias advertise to Adverti re Inform l fromTue 2006 that 3) For all the book is thesday, Febr sin first respo size of your ad! rs ation a selection, and the develop would eventual uary 13th Deadlin g Contac we will nders placi entries because ly of 165 doub e: chosen ng an dent-tea of le the Save an Tuesda Westside t a from over 2,700 para cher rela the stuadditiona size of your y, tionship Adr ian l 10% if News Feb. 13t collected graphs Adrianc Sales Re .” ce you coll abo h have a e during with Pat presen 52-week rate 30 year his near contract. s of tative ly Both sharrick on the bookd John The par teaching. at Adriance and Patr ed editing duti . agra phs with his gran writ ten ick illus es wer e dur ing book dson trat ed Jaso with week of the firs the thin n and son 16 cap scho t cartoon Patrick Adri ance says ol, and Adr style pict tiva ting The g that would ance. 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Patrick that self- gh it has chal ess a of these “I wan er together his enti and ght him leng ted the their writing, ided me of teac it just shows “Since re care and that rewarding andpublishing is exci es, . his dedi ” he says students interest hing.” cation and er. send ideaI live in North . ed in defi ting I want to Patrick Car to do agai nitely somethi love fort s, draw The para them and care know I was says Adr Adr ings and olina, we wou n.” ng of passages h thro graphs d.” iance gave ld 30-y iance says valued drafts reflect that over as even thou ugh email a “My goal to sort through him hundreds lot. It’s back and sam ear span of para tary grad they transitio what students gh the we is nea . was to ned from coul tr rly es to mid clever, d ut collabora live in different great that thin e issues kept graphs, man find the ib elemenor dle scho y of the coming eDte to with him stat gs as if I could. 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Voluntee Clarks Suburban New so nice,” Gat on Her n es to n and teen volu and creative Provided Director plan libra group of ald dur s and Hamlinnteers who photo. receptio ing are help Gates saysry events and at the libra n Saturday a Meet the ing activitie she wan , Februar feel “The (librry. y 3 libraa sense of welc ts the com s. ary) mun helpful ome as ry. and the board members they ente ity to “We wan ented, I staff is r the am t to hav amazing are so she says ea She says so lucky,” Gat es said. ly tal- them . “When (pat warm environm her first Decemb rons to ent, day er commun feel that this ) walk in, we wan ” Dennett 4. Gates repl on the job was ity.” is a part aces Kay , t The last year who retired of their from the Hughes- Gat re have been . es beca post late Gates a few The younme library dire changes sinc tion afte comes to the libra Christine e ctor. g adu Gates stan library library r experience in ry director posi has seen ds in the has been lt area at the system. the pub - “We some chan front Children’s ground “opened /Young Adul ges since working She has a stro lic school need had a space for up,” she of the Prior to she beca children ed a spac says. coming with teens andng backme library t section of the Ham and are avai e for twee There is the high to Ham tweens. director in labl ns,” she teens, we lin, now tabl Decembe lin Public Library, mor The libra e for younger expl Chili Censchool librarian she worked r. K. Gab patr ry is also as theye available for e space, seat ains. tral at Chu date the alski phot which ing and working ons. rchville“We wan Schools. twe can need for o. to acco DINOSA t to enco new area call their own ens. “It’s a spac “We adu come to urage mor ,” she note . e nigh have a high lt programmin mmo- wee k, URS during the libra “We hav e teens t program g. demand win s of the ry,” Gat and on e to sit es says ming,” for day Friends Sun day, ter school brea Recent and wor a computer whe . Gates note and k adu k lt craf ing an Allof the Hamlin Mar ch 25, Vale Gates says on Power Poin re students s. the Library You can for ntine decoratio t programs feat . Addition t pres are host Valentin n and a uring a Fundraiser at Can Eat Spa ally, edu entations,” cham e’s ghet the Ham Day afternoo cational pagne flute to 5 p.m. lin VFW ti Dinner n and evenwere offered toys from noon both duri by Tam For Coming i Raco ng and more informa up on Febing sessions. prog tion ruary 22, its DIN hamlinli ramming, call on library even Comfort Omi 585brar ts te Face 964care yny. compon There book page org or go to 2320, visit ent to homes are an the libra in Mon are only nine . care at is care roe Cou comfort ry’s in the end essential nty are loca care hom and soot a home-like of life. ted on the and only thre es sett hes iting the The goals are a person who ing that helpIt e of west side of the city,them reality Story of Hop those whocounty to only possible to relieve suff is terminal. 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12 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 Director: Rachael Blair
Registration dates for 2018-2019 Season Tues., Aug. 7 • 5-7pm Tues., Aug. 14 • 7-8pm Tues., Aug. 21 4:30pm-6:30pm Classes: Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, Hip Hop, Lyrical, Step, Irish, Technique, Tumbling, Teen Combo, Gymnastics, Mom & Me, Adult Combo Director/Instructor: Miss Rachael Instructor/Coach: Miss Serina Fitness/Dance Instructor: Miss Stacey
Welcomes Emily Cody Sales Consultant Call today for Introductory New Customer Promotions 352-3411 x 138 or email Emily currently resides in Greece and grew up in Churchville. She is excited to put her sales & marketing experience to work for new clients in Greece, Churchville-Chili & Spencerport. In her spare time she enjoys hiking, traveling, live music & spending time with family.
Since 1974 the Steffen family has been bringing Albion dance classes. Join us this year to share our experience and create memories with your child.
1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd., Spencerport, NY 14559
116 North Main Street, Albion • 585-589-1648
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Bless Brockport in its 11th year During the week of August 5 through 12, nearly 100 people from Christ Community Church (CCC) will be committing “not-so-random” acts of kindness throughout the Brockport community. Coined Bless Brockport, it’s the church’s 11th year of hitting the streets to share the love of Jesus with their community in practical ways, such as free car washes, laundry services, groceries and gas, just to name a few of the activities. Vacation Bible School in the Park is one of the staple events, Monday through Thursday, August 6 through 9 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Corbett Park. This special four-day Bible School program includes games, songs, crafts, and snacks for children entering Kindergarten to entering 7th grade. Those wishing to participate can sign up on the church website or just show up. Bless Brockport and Christ Community Church wrap up the week with a free community picnic on Sunday, August 12, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 36 Coleman Creek Road. The entire community is invited to enjoy this afternoon of food and fun, including homemade food, a slip n’ slide and bounce house for the kids, giveaways, and an abundance of games for everyone. For more information, check out the church’s website – – and the Bless Brockport website – Provided information
i M s s t ' I n t! o D
DEADLINE: Tuesday, July 31st Call an account representative today at
Date of Publication: August 5th
The Corning Museum of Glass GlassBarge (top left) and the Lois McClure (bottom left) docked in Holley on Tuesday, July 24 as part of their summer tour. GlassBarge crew members shared the story of glassmaking in Corning and offered free glassmaking demonstrations. The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum invited visitors aboard the Lois McClure to learn about life on board a canal barge in the 19th century (top right). Richard Ashbery of Holley (bottom right) received a tour from crew member Len (inset). Both vessels will make stops in Brockport on August 17, 18 and 19, and Spencerport on August 22. Reserve free tickets for specific GlassBarge demonstration times at cmog. org/GlassBarge. Photos by Rick Nicholson.
Publishers of the area's best-read weekly newspapers... Suburban News • Hamlin Clarkson Herald
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 13
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Chimney Cleaning - Repairs, Liners & Caps. Over 25 Years Experience • Fully Insured, 21 Point Safety Inspection. Big Ash Fireplace & Stove. Call 585638-0300. Check us out on facebook, Prevent Fires![TFN]
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make that junk go away today! SAME DAY & YEAr rounD SErVICE WE HAUL
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Complete Home Improvement including interior and exterior work. 35 years experience. Free estimates. Locally owned and operated by S&G Remodeling. Call Cory, 585-352-0747. [TFN]
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585-755-0086 cell 585-265-2865
FRANCHIZE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIANS Electrician for all your needs. In business for over 20 years, am licensed and insured. Up to date with all new code changes. No job too big or too small, please call for a quote! Vince 585-370-0861.[120-19] __________________ Electrical Work - all phases. In business for 30 years. Master’s license, insured. Quality Job at Reasonable Prices! 585-6378321.[8-19]
Complete Garden Care
Screened Topsoil Garden Soil Subbase Material Mulch & Stone
GUTTERS Call Joe for seamless gutters, aluminum trim, carpentry work. Complete jobs or repairs. Fully insured. 585392-3248.[11-11-18]
HANDY MEN/ WOMEN D&K Handyman Service - Deck, Remodeling, Painting, Flooring, Electrical, Plumbing, Power Washing & more! Fully insured. Call Dave Inclema, 585-455-2593.[8-26]
• Maintenance • Weeding • Mulching • Trimming • Clean-ups
Heather the Garden Girl 585-773-8468
DrivEWAy StonE toPSoiL
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585 352-9218 Lawn repair, pruning, design work, garden maintenance, perennial gardens. 35+ years experience. Free estimates & consultation. Leidig Landscaping. 585-820-8589.[8-5] __________________ Mike’s Yard Work now has openings for weedding and mulch and trimming jobs in Spencerport, Ogden and Chili areas. Call Mike at 585-451-4628.[TFN] __________________
2010 Honda Odyssey EXL Mini Van, leather interior, navagation system, DVD, all power options, power sliding doors and lift gate, 90,000 miles, new Goodyear triple tread tires, $11,000. 585-415-5141.[7-29]
Reynolds Plumbing - Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, new homes, sewer & drain cleaning, gas lines, water heaters. Plumbing Repair Service. Call Joe 585-637-6879, cell 737-6016. [TFN]
J I M C E RV I N I Painting and Paperhanging, remodeling, drywall hanging, textured ceilings, gutter cleaning and replacement, and power washing. 585-2709539.[TFN] PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, Powerwashing, Deck Restore, neat, dependable and highly skilled. Reasonable rates, 30 yrs. Experience. Call Phil 585-659-8366.[TFN] ___________________ Lighthouse Wallpapering & Painting by Margie. Call 585-392-3249. Free estimates, fully insured.[7-29]EOW
The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.
Stephen C. DeVay
Stump Grinding & Bush Removal. Small and large stumps. Call Brian at 585-3926175.[TFN]
Tree and Landscape
Over 38 Years servICe & TrUsT • Complete InsuranCe Coverage • Free estImates • reasonable rates • aerIal buCket
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2008 Ford Econoline 250 Cargo Van, power windows, power locks, air, tilt, cruise, 173,000 miles, mechanically excellent, $4,500. 585-4155141.[7-29] ___________________ 2008 Chevrolet Aveo5-LS, auto, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, 47,000 original miles, new tires, new front suspension, cold air conditioning, $4,900. 585-415-5141.[7-29]
Four aluminum, 12 spoke wheels, from a 2002 Buick LeSabre. $50 each or all four for $175. Call 585-3528730.[TFN]
AUTOS WANTED Cash 4 Cars - For your cars, vans & trucks. Up to $500 & free towing. 585-4822140.[TFN]
AUTOS WANTED Junk Cars, Trucks & Vans Wanted. Cash paid up to $800 or possibly more for newer models. Always free pick up! WE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY OTHER COMPANY! 585-3055865.[TFN]
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gENERal sERVIcE APPLIANCE REPAIR Appliance Repair: Call Lou Borrelli. Washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges-ovens, microwaves. 585-352-3440. __________________ Top Notch Appliance Service - “A notch above the rest!” Insured. Reasonable rates. Professional Service. 585-8209964, www.topnotchappliance[TFN]
GRAVESITE MAINTENANCE Gravesite care when you can’t get there Headstone Cleaning, Detailed and Personalized Plot Maintenance. Flower Bouquet placement for holidays or special remembrance days. Call 585-352-7476 or visit www.personalgravesitemaintenance. com. Locally owned and operated.[TFN]
WEDDINGS/ SPECIAL OCCASIONS Professionally trained soloist, available to add a touch of elegance to your wedding, meeting or social event. Call 585-352-8730.[TFN]
Lawn repair, pruning, design work, garden maintenance, perennial gardens. 35+ years experience. Free estimates & consultation. Leidig Landscaping. 585-820-8589.[7-29]
S p r i n g / Fa l l C l e a n ups/landscaping/shrub/ hedge trimming. Call Chinappi Enterprises. 585-469-6334.[TFN] __________________ Lehman Landscape - We have your landscaping needs covered. Mowing, Edging, Weeding Planted Areas, Pruning, Planting, Hedge Trimming, Tree Trimming, Leaf Cleanup, Mulching, Weed Prevention, Refuse Removal, Hauling/Removal, Masonry Work, Hardscapes, Spring/Fall Clean-up, Plants and Flowers. Free quotes. Owner and Landscape Professional. Call 585732-1888 or email:[8-14]
ATTORNEYS/LEGAL Attorney: Real Estate Closings, Divorce, Family Court, Bankruptcy and Wills. Call for consultation today. Jennie M. Cooper, 2255 Lyell Avenue, 585-325-7792. A Debt Relief Agency.
T & C Goose Wranglers Nuisance goose removal. Simple, safe, humane. No geese harmed iN process • Fully Insured •
POOL WATER DELIVERY Chlorinated Water for Pools, Hot Tubs & Special Needs
We NoW offer IN Home/ offICe
Drinking Water Hot & Cold Coolers
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Suburban News and The Herald
14 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
ITEMS FOR SALE/FOR RENT ART WORK Original acrylic paintings ... seasonal, landscapes, portraits, modern folk images, various sizes. Affordable & very interesting. For more information contact Nils R. Caspersson, 585924-7868.[TFN]
BOATS & ACCESSORIES 2011 Larson LX710, 135 hp. custom covers, trailer. Used 5 times, less than 15 hrs. on motor. $15,000 585355-5873.[TFN]
★★★★★★ ATCD - We create 100% four color process tee shirts, print 1 shirt to thousands, 100% eco friendly inks. Call 585-355-8807 talk to Chris.[8-19]
with Virus Scan & Removal Promo Code: wsn
★★★★★★ LOADS OF absolutely unbelievable - one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Kid’s bikes, car seats, desks, furniture, glassware and lots more. August 3 & 4, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 594 Savage Road, Churchville.[7-29]
★★★★★★ FURNACE - STOvES Fisher Wood Burning Stove used very little 32” deep, 17-1/2” wide, 32” tall - $500 or B.O. 585-469-8939.[TFN]
GARAGE/ RUMMAGE SALES 666 Gillett Road, Spencerport. August 3 & 4, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Dolls, toys, candles, luggage, kid & adult clothing, Xmas items, much more![7-29] _________________ Neighborhood Garage Sale - Saturday, August 4, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Beehler Lane off of Roosevelt Hwy. in Hamlin Meadows Subdivision. Record albums, golf bag, dishes, table cloths, holiday decorations, snow blower, fabric, Coach purses, speakers, quilting & crafting supplies, books & much more![7-29]
GIFT IDEAS GOODNIGHT SPENCERPORT - rhyming story, local history, gorgeous photographs $15. The Unique Shop, Cafe Macchiato. www. goodnightspencerport. com.[TFN]
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BCEXCAVATING, INC. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Bed - King size, clean. Seldom used. Relieves back pain quality. Non-smoking environment. Best offer over $450. 585594-9606.[8-12] Octagon picnic table, benches, umbrella for sale. Stained, good condition. $125/BO. 585-723-6299.[8-12] __________________ Kodak Carousel slide projector - Extra trays. $88. 366-4829.[7-29] __________________ Madame Alexander doll, original package - Juliet. #1370. $66. 366-4829.[7-29] __________________
585-370-7986 cell 585-352-0368
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585-3523411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum.[TFN]
WANTED TO BUY Wanted: Lawn Tractors and riding lawn mowers, running or not running, call 585-4155141.[7-29]
Swim Raft - Shoremaster, 7-1/2 ft. x 9-1/2 ft. yellow all-poly raft with non-skid deck, ladder, anchor line. 3,000 lb. capacity. Sturdy & stable. $600. 585-3927630.[7-29]
NOTICE The following inserts should be found inside your edition of the Suburban News or Hamlin Clarkson Herald this week.
• ULTA Inside all papers in Ogden 14624, Sweden, Brockport and Chili 14624. IF YOU FAIL TO RECEIVE A COPY OF THESE FLYERS AS YOU SHOULD, PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT 352-3411.
Check it out in the Classifieds
★★★★★★ Hilton village upper one bedroom, eat in kitchen, remodeled bathroom, no pets. $675/month plus utiliities. Call 585392-5869.[8-5]
★★★★★★ Hilton - One bedroom upper - $500 month plus utilities references and security deposit required. 585-3922640.[7-29] _________________ Brockport - Small studio apartment - $550/ mo. includes utilities except cable, no pets, no smoking. Call 585637-6224.[7-29] _________________
1670 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester (minutes from College Town). One bedroom, $825 per month - utilities included, security deposit required, one year lease, full basement for storage, off street parking, laundromat across street (Mt. Hope Plaza), immediate availability, pictures available upon request, will consider pets. Contact Thomas Nanni, 585694-4212.[TFN]
★★ ★
Hilton: Cedar Hill Townhouses - The Space your family needs to grow ... away from the crowded city. Affordable two and three bedroom town-houses with 1.5 baths, finished basement family rooms, storage/laundry rooms wit h w/d hookups, central air, 24-hour emergency service, and playground for the kids. Cats are welco me. Rates from $825-$875 + security. Call for details 585392-6015. Professionally managed by Landsman. Hours: MondayFriday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Equal Housing Opportunity. We do not participate in Section 8 or DSS programs. [TFN] __________________
Reach almost 5,500,000 homes in the New York state classified Network available through this newspaper. Only $490 for 15 words. $15 each additional word. Call 585-3523411 and place your ad today![TFN]
Be sure to ask your realtor to advertise your home in The HamlinClarkson Herald a n d S u bu r b a n News. The only two publications on the west side with saturation coverage ... and a professional editorial staff. That spells readership ... and that spells results. Have them call us at 585-352-3411 for all the details. [TFN]
Harper Park Hamlin: New and pre-owned manufactured homes for sale in lovely community. Yard with 2 car asphalt driveway. Short drive to Hamlin Beach State Park. Moderately priced, single floor living. Take a tour today. 4000 Brick Schoolhouse Rd., Hamlin, NY. Call 585-964-2434 or visit us at [TFN]
B ro ck p o r t - W i l l ow brooke Manor. Spacious two bedroom apts. Appliances, carpeting, 24 hr. emergency service, free cable TV, recreation and laundry facilities. 585-637-3400.[TFN] __________________
DUPLEX FOR RENT Hamlin - 3 bedroom duplex, Hilton Schools. $825, plus utilities. 585770-3026. [7-29]
HOMES FOR RENT UNIQUE Country 16 acre, 4 bedroom, 2 bath featuring private golf practice area and equipment. Great area to raise kids too! Brockport Schools $276,300. Serious buyers call 585-349-3886 for more information. Realtors welcome with seller’s terms.[8-26]
Spencerport/Greece. Studio/1 BR apartments, 2 BR House and Mobile homes. Great location on W. Ridge near Manitou. Commercial Building 2,000 sq. ft. Subdividable. 585-3813672.[TFN]
★★★★★★ Annual Klafehn Family Reunion. Sunday, August 19, 2018. Braddock’s Bay Park, 199 East Manitou Road, Hilton. Details - Facebook: Klafehn Family.[7-29]
★★★★★★ [12-3] MISCELLANEOUS FREE NOTARY SERVICE - Michelle Johnson, Hamlin, NY. If you need something notarized you can contact me at to arrange. [TFN]
Each week, 52 weeks a year, the area’s “Best Read” local newspaper, Suburban News or The Herald, is brought to you free
You’re welcome.
P u t yo u r s u p e r value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585352-3411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum.[TFN]
RESORT PROPERTIES FOR RENT Three bedroom, 2 bath home in North Cape May, N.J. (10 minutes to the ocean, beaches). Call Keith at 585-3528730. [TFN]
★★ ★
contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or
Full & Part Time
• wALmART Inside all papers in Brockport, Sweden and Rochester 14624.
Advertise in the Westside’s only publications with saturation coverage... AND a professional editorial staff. That spells readership and response. To advertise in Suburban News and The Hamlin-Clarkson Herald call 585-3523411 for details.[TFN]
cnc/mold maker/tool maker needed for a shift
• TOPS Inside all papers in Bergen, Holley, Kendall, Clarendon and Murray.
Help a Veteran in need! Donate your gently used furniture and household items. Call 585-8661747 or visit our website[TFN] __________________
• gATES bIg m Inside all papers in Ogden and Spencerport.
ALL POSITIONS ALL SHIFTS starting minimum pay $11.75/hour Apply Online or In-Store
BROCKPORT (585) 637-3150
NORTH CHILI (585) 594-5065
SPENCERPORT (585) 349-7838
• Master Cam & work experience needed • Ability to read blueprints • Grinder/Mill & EdM experience preferred
Competitive pay based on experienCe • work Close to home Apply At
15 turner Dr., Spencerport, NY 14559
House Cleaner - Days, M-F. Can earn over $500/wk. with performance & attendance rewards. Must be at least 21 years old & have own car. 585-2474650.[TFN]
Now hiriNg
Full & PArt time
Bartender, Server, Snack Shop, Pro Shop Attendant, Starter Apply in person or online
5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia
(585) 352-7810
Fence Installers/Laborers wanted for NYS Fence. Apply at 858 Manitou Road or email to cbianchi@nysfence. com.[7-29] __________________ Office Position: Accounts, payable & receiveable required. Marketing experience a plus. 401k, health insurance. Submit resume to Stockham Lumber Company, 88 Geddes St., Holley, NY 14470 or e-mail to[7-29] __________________
Residential/Commercial Electrician - Electrical contractor looking for an experienced electrician. Must have experience in residential and commercial electrical wiring. Candidate must have: Neat and professional appearance; ability to lift 50 lbs. or more; knowledge of the NEC; Ability to work independently or with others; Good communication skills; Knowledge and experience reading blue prints; Personal hand tools; Valid NYS Drivers License; Reliable transportation, Drug free. Candidates are reviewed on an individual basis with compensation commensurate to experience and production abilities. E-mail resume to[8-5]
Tree & Lawn Care FuLL TimE POSiTiONS
Lawn & Tree Technicians • Competitive STaRTiNg Wages WagES • Paid $ $ 1820/hr Holidays ONE STEP • Paid Vacations Visit our website or apply in person:
4343 Buffalo Rd., N. Chili, NY 14514 to apply today!
Persons placing ads that discriminate contrary to Federal Law can be liable for fines of $10,000 and more per offense. DON’T DISCRIMINATE.
YOU’VE GOT IT. Somebody else wants it! Got something special you no longer use?
Sell it in the Classifieds. It may just be the perfect item to fill somebody else’s need.
Find details about placing an ad on the first page of the Classifieds. 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Rd. Spencerport, NY 14559
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 15
★★ ★
aMEricaN jObs!
★★ ★
PrODUcE LOcaL... shOP LOcaL... hirE LOcaL...
contact Tami for help with your employment needs • 352-3411 ext. 129 • or
Shelby transportation, llc
truck driver wanted; cdl a license
Shelby Transportation, LLC, a subsidiary of Western New York Energy, LLC, located near Medina, NY is now hiring drivers for round trip, regional runs to support corn oil sales from our ethanol plant. On farm/ agricultural tractor trailer driving experience strongly preferred. Home 2 to 3 nights a week. Must have Tank endorsement. Must have a minimum of 3+ yrs. recent experience. Good MVR, No DUI/DWI. ExcEllEnt BEnEfits PackagE availaBlE
Send resume to: by mail or apply in person 4141 Bates Rd.,
PO Box 718, Medina, NY 14103
Job Notice
The Town of Parma is accepting applications for part-time Before and After School Staff Recreation Assistants to work at its school-year-round before, during and after school wrap-around program for Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) and Elementary School Age students. Duties include supervising children, running activities, communicating with parents and possibly overseeing other staff (Director) among other responsibilities. Work opportunities include before care 6:45– 8:45 a.m., UPK morning care 8:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m., UPK afternoon care 11:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and after care 3:00–6:00 p.m. We are flexible in seeking applicants interested in any shifts or a combination; whichever fits an interested applicant’s schedule. The program is located at Hilton Village Elementary School. Monroe County employment applications must be submitted to Parma Town Clerk Office at 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, P.O. Box 728, Hilton, NY 14468 as soon as possible. Interviews will be conducted Mon.-Fri., July 30 - August 10 and the program starts on September 5.
Any questions please call 392-9030.
The Town of Parma is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
The deadline for next week’s edition is Thursday at 4 p.m.! Put your super value ad here for only $14.50 for 15 words and 50 cents for each additional. Buy 1 week and we give you two more Free! Call 585352-3411 for details on the Super Value Ad. Single items only on this special and not available to businesses. $500 maximum price. [TFN]
before and After School Staff – Recreation Assistant (School Days) town of Parma
Starting Pay Rate: $10.40-$12.00/hour Starting Date: September, 2018
NATIONwIde AdverTIsers
Starting Pay: $13.50/hour
Bus & Bus Attendants • Must Drivers have HS Diploma or equivalency. • Clean driving record. ComPlete training Provided • Be able to pass required physical exam. Retirement System •Benefits: All training NYS provided. • Call: Transportation Dept.per at 585-637-1806 Healthcare UPSEU
Contract Great part-time schedule (school breaks/summers off)
585-637-1807 Apply on line at:
https://www.applitrack. com/brockport/onlineapp/
westside News for Hilton
& Churchville To be eligible for the walking routes, you must be at least 11 years old. If you are still in school, you must provide working papers.
Please call
352-3411 x 123
for further information.
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CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Makes/ Models 2002-2018! Any Condition. Running or Not. Top $$$ Paid! Free Towing! We’re Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-9851806. AIRLINE MECHANIC TRAINING - Get FAA Technician certification. Approved for military benefits. Financial Aid if qualified. Job placement assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-453-6204. IRS TAX DEBTS?$10k+? Tired of the calls? We can Help! $500 free consultation! We can STOP the garnishments! FREE Consultation Call Today 1-855823-4189. Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: 1-888909-9905 18+. GENERIC VIAGRA and CIALIS! 100 Pills $99.00 FREE Shipping! 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-889-5515. Were you an INDUSTRIAL TRADESMAN (machinist/boilermaker/pipefitter etc) and recently diagnosed with LUNG CANCER? You may be entitled to a SIGNIFICANT CASH AWARD. Risk free consultation! 877-781-1769.
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Call Empire Today® to schedule a FREE in-home estimate on Carpeting & Flooring. Call Today! 1-800-508-2824. Unable to work due to injury or illness? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc., Social Security Disability Attorneys! FREE Evaluation. Local Attorneys Nationwide 1-855-498-6323 [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] Wants to purchase minerals and other oil and gas interests. Send details to P.O. Box 13557 Denver, Co. 80201. ADVERTISE to 10 Million Homes across the USA! Place your ad in over 140 community newspapers, with circulation totaling over 10 million homes. Contact Independent Free Papers of America IFPA at or visit our website for more information.tion.
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"Ask about matching letterheads" *500 Premium Bright White Cards with Black Ink "Your Complete Promotion Headquarters"
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to be included on this special page that runs in the first issue of each month in the
& For submission forms please visit our website at
Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. Call 866-428-1639 for Information. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket.
sTATewIde AdverTIsers AIRLINES ARE HIRING - Get FAA approved hands on Aviation training. Financial aid for qualified students - Career placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 1-866296-7094.
OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The AllNew Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! FREE info kit: 1-855839-1738.
is looking for a
walkiNg Carriers
Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.
030 8/05
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16 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018
Improve your Home
Call one of these reliable, local professionals
RochesteR MasonRy & staMp Your Full Service Masonry Contractor Specializing in all phases of masonry & hardscapes from block to brick including asphalt
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HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30AM-4PM; SAt. 7:30AM-NOON Moscow Rd., Hamlin, NY 14464
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Additions • Remodeling Siding • Windows Over 25 Years Experience
Fully Insured • FREE ESTIMATES Joe Maher, Owner
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~ Quality Builds Business ~ Free Estimates • Fully Insured s r
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CUSTOM DECKS Wood & Composite
Boilers • Hot Water Tanks • Dryer Vent Cleaning
AC & Furnace INSTALLATIONS SERVICE - All Makes & Models
Mike DiSanto
Home Improvement
Continued on Page 17
CHRIST SEPTIC SERVICE, LLC. Pumping • Repairs • Lines Distribution Box Replacement Real Estate Inspections Complete Septic System Installations
(585) 734-0887 • (585) 737-5232
MC & Visa Accepted Hilton
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Masonry Contractors • Sidewalks • Floors • Patios • Stamped • Steps Concrete For your free estimate call
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Hi-Lo Gutter Cleaning
gutter services
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Off Duty Firefighter Call Now to Schedule
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729-6066 585-352-5292
Holding• Kitchen Homes • Custom Homes - Baths • Remodeling • Additions - Decks • Concrete Patios
• Finished Basements • Windows • Doors, Etc.
“Quality Craftsmanship & Customer Satisfaction”
Call Dan
Other Types
WEEKDAYS 8-2, SAturDAYS 8-10
s r
MONARCH SAND & GRAVEL 68 Pine Hill Rd., Spencerport
Underground Stump Cutters Sandor Kovacs 747-4587
Ryan Kovacs 690-4599
Getting to the root 1027 Gallup Rd. of your Spencerport, problem NY 14559
Since 1984 Full Service remodeling - From ArchitecturAl PlAnS to FiniShing toucheS estimates are always FREE
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L&L MASONRY • Foundation Wall Repairs & Replacement • Concrete Driveways • Garage Floors & Sidewalks Fully • Porches & Patios Insured • Block & Stonework
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RoBeRt J. cRoWleY EXCAVATION & SEPTIC SERVICE Shovel • Bobcat • Dozer Septic Cleaning Septic Installation
Robert J. Christ
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Aggregate Crushed Trees, Brush, Concrete, Brick, Roofing Shingles
SAND FILL STONE Cushion & Loam or Decor or
See how easy a new look can be
home improvement
Hilton, New York
septic systems
17251 Kenmor Road • Kendall, NY
150 PARK AVE. • BROCKPORT, N.Y. 637-4272
McAfee’s Remodeling, LLC
Tri-County Septic
• New Leach Fields, Raised Beds • Excavation • Septic Cleaning • Real Estate Inspections • Repair Distribution Boxes and Sump Pump Lines • Repair Pump Stations
John Prouty Jr. Owner/Operator
392-8611 615-5087
•Residential Specialist•
Lucien Brisson 637-3348
Owner: Don Robinson
Septic Tank Cleaning & Repair Holding Tanks Driveway Stone & Topsoil Delivery Driveways Installed
Professional, Honest, Courteous
by Lucien Brisson
Complete Installation & Repair Storm Damage Insurance Claims Tear Off, Reroof
585-732-3407 • 585-659-8683
364 Peck Road • Hilton, nY 14468
3497 Sweden Walker Rd. • Brockport
(585) 392-5508
Bucket Truck Service Tree & Stump Removal, Trimming Free Estimates Over 35 Years Experience CHARLES E. DeVAY Jr. Owner-Operator
Lumber & Hardware
Local - Independent
Lumber Co. Inc.
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 17
Improve your Home Master Gardener training offered Call one of these reliable, local professionals
J.M. Tree Service
Tree Service
Continued from Page 16
“The family owned company ThaT cares abouT you!”
24 Hour EmErgEncy SErvicE
Fully Insured FREE Estimates Tree Service • Stump Grinding • Correcting Pruning • Owner On Every Job • 24 Hr. Emergency Service • 20 Years Combined on Every Job • Tree Removal • Professional • Bucket Truck Service Tree Climbers • Tree & Brush Trimming
specializing in crane assisTed Tree removals.
585-637-TREE (8733)
NY State Licensed & CIC Certified Crane Operator #JR22887
• I.S.A. Certified Arborists • Tree Trimming • Tree Removal • Owner • Stump Grinding • Operated • Fully Insured Joshua Miesch NY-5654AM Nikki Miesch NY-5762A
s r
50 OFF
Expires 8/31/18
Any Tree Service over 300 $
The Right Blend...
If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardener volunteer, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County will be offering Master Gardener training this fall. Classes will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9 p.m., starting September 5 and running through November 14. There will also be a full day of classes on Saturday, November 3. Classes will be held at the CCE office at 420 East Main Street, Batavia. Each class will focus on a different horticulture topic throughout the training. Some of the horticulture topics covered will include: botany, diagnosing plant diseases, entomology, soils and fertilizers, lawn care, herbs, vegetable gardening, weed identification, woody ornamentals, pruning, tree and small fruits, perennials, annuals, integrated pest management and organic gardening. By attending the Master Gardener training, participants will become more knowledgeable gardeners. Anyone interested in learning more about gardening may attend the course. Pre-registration by August 24 is required.
News • Consumer information Community events coverage
Class size will be limited. No walk-ins will be allowed. The fee for this horticulture training is $225 per person, which includes all class sessions and materials. The Cornell Master Gardener manual is available on line. If you have a passion for volunteering and gardening, this training is the first step to becoming a Genesee County Master Gardener volunteer. Graduates of the program (Genesee county residents) are then eligible to apply to become a volunteer. (Other county residents should contact their local Master Gardener program.) A Master Gardener volunteer should have a willingness to give back to the community and help put into practice what they learned at training. Enthusiasm for sharing their gardening skills and knowledge is a must. For an application or to register contact Brandie Waite at 585-343-3040, ext. 101, visit our website: or stop by the Extension office located at 420 East Main Street in Batavia. Provided information
Suburban News and The Herald
death notices AREA
•Cammarata, Cassandra (Cass), of Rochester, died suddenly on July 20, 2018 at age 25. Predeceased by her grandparents, Frederick and Pamela Bloss. Survived by loving grandparents, Salvatore and Patricia Cammarata and Karen (Tom) Neuscheler; parents, Samuel Cammarata (Marci Bloss), Christina Wagar (Allan Dawkins); brothers and sisters, Sammantha (Patrick), Johnny, Lewis and Kristan; loving aunt to Alina Benedetto, baby Rylee, Jayda, Gavin, Peyton and Jamison; aunts & uncles, Russell, Sal, Cassandra (Doug Azzolina), Frederick, Jaime; loved by numerous cousins and friends. She worked at Unity for years, she studied at Monroe Community College working towards a nursing degree. Her Funeral Service was held July 27 at St. John the Evangelist Church, Spencerport. Donations can be made to, 1035 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14613 in her memory.
•Bibbee, Douglas S., died July 22, 2018 at age 69. He is survived by his loving wife, Mary Ellen; his children, Amy (Curtis) Grant, Katie (Robert) Bates, Douglas (Bethany) and Jeffrey; grandchildren, Ashleigh, Jenna, Collin; brother, Richard; mother-in-law, Doris Berna; brother-in-law, Tim Berna; many nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Doug’s Life will be held at a later date. •Kandor, Joseph R., died July 24, 2018. He is survived by his loving wife of 58 years, Janice; beloved daughters, Ronalee (Bill) Newman, Sundae (Greg) Avery; his favorite grandson, Brendan Newman and his favorite granddaughter, Sophia Avery. Joe worked at The College at Brockport for 39 years and was Chairman of the Counselor Education Department for 29 years. A Memorial Service was held July 28 at the First Presbyterian Church, Brockport. Donations can be made to the Joseph R. Kandor Award of Excellence Scholarship, c/o Brockport Foundation, 350 New Campus Drive, The College of Brockport, Brockport, NY 14420 or the Palliative Care Program, Unit 4.1200, PO Box 278996, 300 East River Road, Rochester, NY 14627 in his memory.
Suburban News or The Herald is your hometown link to the community in which you live. Let our advertisers know you saw their ads in this
Personal Grave Site Maintenance Gravesite care when you can’t get there...
• Detailed Headstone Cleaning • Clean Up of area • Plant flowers and Mulch
Before CleaninG
Call to schedule an appointment
•Brew, Jack R., died July 18, 2018 at age 91. Predeceased by parents, Stanley and Marion and brothers, Stan and Ron. Survived by loving wife of 70 years Alta; daughter, Terry Howie; son, Craig (Deborah); nephew, Randy (Debra) Bovee; brother, Tom; four grandchildren; four great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews. A Celebration of Life was held July 26 at Union Congregational Church, Churchville. Interment, Creekside Cemetery. Contributions can be made to Lifetime Care at Hildebrandt or to Westwood Commons in his memory.
•Dude, Henry A., died July 22, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Dottie Dude; his children, Kim (Howard) Huntley, Terri (Larry) Cook, Lisa (Steve) Hackett, Michael Caglia, Eric (Leah) Dude and Marc (Keith Smith) Caglia; 10 grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; his sister, Betty Cloen. His Funeral Service was held July 28 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Hilton. Burial private, Parma Union Cemetery. Donations can be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church in his memory.
Richard Mark Larnder Mr. Richard Mark Larnder, age 60, of Pottsboro, Texas, formerly of Hamlin, died July 17, 2018 at the Homestead of Denison, TX. He was pre-deceased by his father Richard E. Larnder. He is survived by his mother, Nancy Larnder, sisters Susan Johnson, and Diane (Henry) Staab of Hilton, nephew Kyle Johnson and nieces Amy (Matt) Ostrander, Kelly Johnson and Jessica Staab, uncle Robert Graupman and aunts Marilyn Scott, Priscilla Graupman and Winifred Keating, and special friend Marilyn Buchanan. Family and friends are invited to a Celebration of Life to be held August 5, 2018 from 2 to 5 at 1 Sandybrook Drive, Hamlin, NY.
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18 Suburban News - West Edition - July 29, 2018
Legal NoticeS
THUR. AUG. 9, 2018
Selling at 5:30PM will be 2 bedroom 2 bath country home with attached 1 car garage situated on 4.5 private acres. Home has an artesian well. Needs updating. Assessed for $143,300. Sells at $50,000 or above. $8,000 deposit is required to bid. 10% B.P. on real estate. Open house dates: Sat. July 28 10am to 11am and Tues. July 31 4pm to 6pm. For more info call Penne 303-2325 or Shelly 683-0995. CONTENTS: See for pictures and list. TERMS ON CONTENTS: 13% B.P. Mastercard, Visa or Discover 3% discount for cash or good NYS check.
Auction to be held at 2601 Clarkson Parma Townline Road, 2 miles north of Route 104. REAL ESTATE: Selling at 5:30 P.M. will be 1836 sq. ft. country home on 1.9 acres wooded lot in Hilton School District. Barn/shop has electric and wood furnace. Ready for clean out and remodel. Sells to highest bidder. $6,000 deposit required to bid. Open houses: Sat. Aug. 4 from 10 – 11AM and Tues. Aug. 7 from 4 – 5PM. Call Penne 303-2325 or Shelly 683-0995. CAR, BOAT TOOLS: See for pictures and list. TERMS: 13% B.P. Mastercard, Visa or Discover, 3% discount for cash or NYS check.
MON. AUG. 6, 2018
HARRIS WILCOX INC. Auctioneers, Realtors, & Appraisers
Phone (585) 494-1880 59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York 14416
HARRIS WILCOX INC. Auctioneers, Realtors, & Appraisers
Phone (585) 494-1880 59 South Lake Avenue Bergen, New York 14416
Legal NoticeS Legal Notice Town of Clarendon CLARENDON RESIDENTS BE ADVISED that the Clarendon Town Board will hold a special meeting on August 7, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon, NY to discuss the increase in costs of water usage to be charged to each EDU owner in the first year cost for those in Water Improvement Benefit Area No. 12 based on a Town-wide increase in water rates. All persons interested in this matter and desiring to be heard will be heard at this meeting.
Legal Notice Town of Clarendon CLARENDON RESIDENTS BE ADVISED that the Clarendon Town Board will hold a special meeting on August 7, 2018 at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall, 16385 Church Street, Clarendon, NY to discuss the increase in costs of water usage to be charged to each EDU owner in the first year cost for those in Water District No. 13 based on a Town-wide increase in water rates. All persons interested in this matter and desiring to be heard will be heard at this meeting.
Legal Notice Town Of Sweden NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to the provisions of Town Law, and the Town of Sweden Land Use Development and Subdivision Regulations, a public hearing will be held by the Planning Board at the Town Offices, 18 State Street, Brockport, New York, on Monday, August 13, 2018, commencing at 7 p.m. to consider the following: Application of Dollingers LLC, 4908 Lake Road, Brockport, New York, for resubdivision approval of the Ox Ridge Subdivision, located at 4908 Lake Road, Brockport, New York, Town of Sweden. Applicant is proposing to subdivide ±6.125 acres into two lots. Lot 1, ±1.543 acres, and Lot 2, ±4.582 acres, which includes the existing Dollingers Inn and Suites. There will be no proposed development. The property is owned by Dollingers, LLC, tax account number 084.01-1-2.4. Also, application of Forefront Power, LLC, 100 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA, for subdivision, site plan and special use permit approval of the Mantisi Subdivision, located at 7397 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, New York, Town of Sweden. Applicant is proposing to subdivide ±13.0 acres, Parcel 2, from 71.6 acres, Parcel 1, in order to develop a ground-mounted photovoltaic solar energy generating facility (solar farm) on Parcel 2. The property is owned by Joseph Mantisi, tax account number 082.02-1-22. Also, application of Forefront Power, LLC, 100 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA, for resubdivision, site plan and special use permit approval of the Hibsch Subdivision, located at 7131 Fourth Section Road, Brockport, New York, Town of Sweden. Applicant is proposing to subdivide ±12.6 acres, Parcel 2, from ±62.2 acres, Parcel 1, in order to develop a groundmounted photovoltaic solar energy generating facility (solar farm) on Parcel 2. The property is owned by Lynette Hibsch, tax account number 083.01-3-21.1. Also, application of Helios Energy New York 3 LLC, 411 S. Old Woodward, Birmingham, MI, for subdivision, site plan and special use permit approval of the Helios Energy New York 3 Subdivision, located south west of Swamp Road and Lake Road, Brockport, New York, Town of Sweden. Applicant is proposing to develop a ground-mounted photovoltaic solar energy generating facility (solar farm) on ±114.7 acres. The property is owned by E and M Zuber, LLC, tax account number 098.04-1-2.1. Maps and information are on file in the Town of Sweden Offices and may be inspected during regular business hours. TOWN OF SWEDEN Craig McAllister Planning Board Chairman
Legal Notice Town of Sweden Additional Town Board Work Session PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Sweden Town Board will hold a Budget Workshop on August 7, 2018 at 5 pm at the Sweden Town Hall. The regular Sweden Town Board workshop scheduled for August 7, 2018 at 7 pm will continue as scheduled with a presentation of the 2018 Comprehensive Water Study by MRB Group. This by Order of the Sweden Town Board Karen M. Sweeting, Town Clerk
Legal Notice Town of Sweden Notice of Adoption Local Law No. 3 of 2018 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Town Board of the Town of Sweden on July 24, 2018 adopted Local Law No. 3 of 2018 “Addition of Chapter 58 – Best Value Contract Award to the Sweden Town Code. That Local Law No. 3 of 2018 reads as follows: Legislative Intent
Legal Notice Town of Sweden Permissive Referendum Authorize Accessible Playground at Park from Reserve Fund WHEREAS, a Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund was established on December 29, 2004 for the purpose of making improvements to town-owned parks and recreation facilities; and WHEREAS, the Town of Sweden was awarded a $250,000 SAM (State and Municipal Facilities Program Grant) through DASNY (Dormitory Authority of the State of New York); and WHEREAS, the grant will require the Town to expend the funds as incurred and submit to New York State for reimbursement; and WHEREAS, the capital available for funding this project, including the Town’s contribution for site work preparation, is held in the Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: Sec. 1. That the Town Board of the Town of Sweden does hereby authorize the expenditure of up to $300,000 from the Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund for Type capital improvements; namely installation of an accessible playground at the Sweden Town Park. Sec. 2. That reimbursement from New York State for this capital project will be redeposited to the Parks and Recreation Reserve Fund. Sec. 3. That pursuant to Section 6-C of the General Municipal Law, this expenditure is subject to permissive referendum. By Order of the Sweden Town Board Karen M. Sweeting, Town Clerk July 25, 2018
Notice of Formation Notice of formation of BB6 Properties LLC; Art. of Org filed with Sec’y of State (SSNY) on 6/26/2018. Office Location: Genesee County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to P.O. Box 316, Byron, New York 14422; Purpose: any lawful purpose.
Legal Notice Holley Joint Fire District RESOLUTION SURPLUS of 1999 Central State Quint & Notice of Permissive Referendum to Dispose of Said Surplus Through Sale
General Municipal Law § 103 requires competitive bidding for purchase contracts and public works contracts and has historically required that such bids be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder whose bid meets the requirements of the specifications for the project. Section 103 was amended to allow Towns and other municipalities, upon the passage of a local law so providing, to award purchase contracts, otherwise subject to the “lowest bidder” rule, on the basis of “best value” as defined in New York Finance Law § 163, to a responsive and responsible bidder. The Town Board of the Town of Sweden hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the Town of Sweden and its residents for the Town Board to have the authority to award purchase contracts on the basis of best value.
RESOLVE FIRST, that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Holley Joint Fire District, pursuant to District Policy, do hereby declare the below outlined district property as surplus.
Authorization to Accept the Best Value
RESOLVE FOURTH, that pursuant to District Policy, the sale of said surplus property shall be made after public advertisement providing for the purchase in a manner that will optimize benefit to the District, and
On and after the effective date of this law, the Town of Sweden may award purchase contracts, including contracts for service work, but excluding any purchase contracts necessary for the completion of a public works contract pursuant to Labor Law Article 8, on the basis of best value as defined in New York State Finance Law § 163 to a responsive and responsible bidder. a. Where the basis for award is the best value offer, the Town Board shall document, in the procurement record and in advance of the initial receipt of offers, the determination of the evaluation criteria, which whenever possible, shall be quantifiable, and the process to be used in the determination of best value and the manner in which the evaluation process and selection shall be conducted. b. Where appropriate, the solicitation shall identify the relative importance and/or weight of cost and the overall technical criterion to be considered by the Town Board in its determination of best value. c. The election to award any such contract on the basis of best value shall be made by the Town Board. In the event that no such election is made, purchase contracts will continue to be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder furnishing any required security. Severability If any provision of this Local Law is determined to be unconstitutional or invalid, the validity and enforceability of the remainder shall not be affected. Effective Date This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. BY ORDER OF THE SWEDEN TOWN BOARD Karen M. Sweeting, Sweden Town Clerk
RESOLVE SECOND, that the value of said piece of property and associated equipment is estimated at more than Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($18,900) but less than Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000), and that said value was determined using commonly utilized pre-owned fire and rescue apparatus and equipment sources, and RESOLVE THIRD, that the property to be declared as surplus is a 1999 Central States Quint and associated equipment.
RESOLVE FIFTH, that the action authorizing the sale of said surplus property is subject to the Permissive Referendum procedures set forth in Section 6-g, sub (4) of the General Municipal Law and in the absence of a Referendum Election as provided therein, this Resolution will be effective thirty (30) days after the date of its adoption, and RESOLVE SIXTH, that the Secretary of this Board is authorized to publish a Notice containing this Resolution in compliance with the aforementioned Section 6-g of the General Municipal Law. ON ROLL CALL VOTE, the following vote was recorded: AYES: Commissioner(s): Totter, Knapp, Heath, Reed NAYES: Commissioner(s): None ABSENT Commissioner(s): None Whereupon, Chairman Totter declared the foregoing Resolution duly carried. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Resolution authorizing the declaration of the aforementioned property as surplus and authorization to sell such property, was unanimously adopted as a meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Holley Joint Fire District held on July 11, 2018, subject to the Permissive Referendum thereon provided by statute. By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Holley Joint Fire District, as stated in the foregoing Resolution. Dated: July 11, 2018 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOLLEY JOINT FIRE DISTRICT, HOLLEY NEW YORK
Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018 19
Entries for Erie Canalway Photo Contest due by August 31 Entries are being accepted through August 31 for the annual Erie Canalway Photo Contest. Winning photos will be featured in the 2019 Erie Canalway calendar, which is available free of charge in December. Amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit images in four contest categories: On the Water, Along the Trail, Canal Communities, and Classic Canal. Images must be taken within the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor, which spans 524 miles across the full expanse of upstate New York. It encompasses the Erie, Cayuga-Seneca, Oswego and Champlain canals and their historic alignments, as well as more than 230 canal communities. Entries must be in horizontal format and will be judged on the basis of creativity, photographic quality, and effectiveness in conveying the beauty and/or unique character of the Canalway in one of the contest categories. Winners will be announced no later than October 19. Download official contest rules and an entry form at Provided information
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Jim and Donna Schiebel (pictured in center) of Hamlin, just returned from an anniversary cruise to Bermuda to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with 30 other friends and relatives. Provided photo.
about business a special feature of Westside News Inc. offered exclusively to advertisers.
Brightly’s Farm Market expands to offer wine tasting by Tami Raco Brightly’s Farm Market opened their brand new wine tasting room in June 2018 and sold more than 80 cases of Hunt Country wine in their first month of operation. The new tasting room is located at their Farm Market and Bakery located at 525 Drake Road in Hamlin. The business started when Betsy Brightly began selling produce, grown by her husband Dean, from a wagon on Drake Road. The business has expanded into Brightly’s Farm Market and Bakery which they opened three years ago. In the three years since opening, their 40x40 building
has grown into nearly 5,000 square feet offering fresh, locally grown produce, flowers, home items, gifts, and hand crafted and Amish furniture. In addition to their shop, they also serve lunch daily as well as home made desserts and ice cream. Earlier this year the Brightly’s looked into the idea of providing wine tastings to their customers. They began talking with wineries to learn more about opening a tasting room. They partnered with Hunt Country Vineyards from Keuka Lake, choosing Hunt Country Vineyards due to their rich multi-generational grape farming and vineyard expertise. The Hunt Family settled on Keuka Lake in the early 1800s, and began farming grapes in the 1830s. They
Photos by Julia Mungenast.
currently bottle and sell more than two dozen varieties of Finger Lakes wines. Brightly’s Farm Market offers most of the Hunt Country wines for both tasting and for purchase in their tasting room. “People are happy not to have to drive to the Finger Lakes to get their wine,” Betsy Brightly said. Earlier this summer, Brightly’s Farm Market opened a second location at Hamlin Beach State Park. This store is located in the camping area and provides a sampling of Brightly’s produce, gift lines and food items. They hope to also offer the wine tasting at the Hamlin Beach store in the future. For more information on Brightly’s Farm Market and Bakery visit
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20 Hamlin-Clarkson Herald and Suburban News West Edition - July 29, 2018