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Chamber Offers Collette Trips to Costa Rica, Portugal, and Greece
The Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce and Collette have lined up exciting trips for the spring of 2024: Tropical Costa Rica, Sunny Portugal, and Greece Island Hopper.
Special package pricing is available for those who reserve by the specified date for each trip. In addition, Chamber members receive a discount when booking by the deadline for each trip: Tropical Costa Rica, 9/10/2023; Sunny Portugal 10/3/2023; and Greece Island Hopper, 11/10/2023.
“Collette is one of the Chamber’s larger business members with over 100 years of experience as an international tour operator. We are proud to partner with them in bringing exciting and unique trips of high quality and value to our members and to the general public in our region and beyond,” said Greece Regional Chamber President and CEO Sarah E. Lentini.
While membership is not required to participate in the travel program, Greece Regional Chamber Associate and Business members are eligible for travel discounts on many destinations. The public can find additional trips and more information on the Chamber’s travel program by visiting www.GreeceChamber.org, emailing Info@GreeceChamber.org, or calling 585.227.7272. Provided Information and Photo
Public Notice
The Greece Public Library Board of Trustees, announced the Board will meet every 2nd Thursday of the month, at the Greece Public Library, 2 Vince Tofany Blvd.,Greece, 14612, in the Frear Room at 4:30pm. All meetings are open to the public.
Notice given pursuant to Section 104 of New York State Public Officers Law, Article 7 (Open Meetings Law).
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