An official Eagle Scout Award Presentation Ceremony was held during the February 15, 2024 meeting of the Greece Town Board.
The Town of Greece Eagle Scout Recognition Medal is presented to all Boy Scouts who have recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in their local troop.
Samuel Burke, a member of Troop #37, attained Eagle Scout ranking through a project he completed for Homesteads for Hope Farms. He designed a Garden Café Seating area for this community farm. This project provides a relaxing covered pergola with landscaped gardens, flagpoles, and handicapped-accessible seating for the farm’s indoor and outdoor cafes. This project had almost 80 volunteers, over 1,800 service hours, and is valued at $15,000. This project earned Samuel “Eagle Project of the Month” for July and “Eagle Project of the Year.”
“It is an honor for me to present this proclamation and medal to the hard working and determined young man who has shown that commitment and perseverance lead to success,” said Supervisor Bill Reilich.
The Boy Scouts of America, one of the United States largest youth organizations, is dedicated to preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling the values of the Scout Oath and Law. The Eagle Scout Award is attained after countless hours of hard work, sacrifice, and dedication to the scouting creed. For more information on the Boy Scouts of America, please visit their webpage www.scouting. org.
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Keith Horn, a Greece resident, is the son of the late 1st Lieutenant Ladd L. Horn of Orchard Park. Keith knew of his dad’s military service in World War II as a B-26 pilot. Still, it was never discussed in great length, partly due to the busyness of life and his mom, Ethel’s reticence that these types of things should not be discussed. “My Dad would occasionally share some of his WWII shenanigans with us, but the tough stories were held back for
House April 1955. Provided photo dren. Shortly after that, Keith began spending several days a week in the Buffalo area, helping his parents, who were both in their nineties. In 2014, between driving them to medical appointments, cooking, and cleaning, Keith began asking his dad questions about his WWII experiences. “The Lord gave me a gift to have this time with my parents. I wanted to capture these memories and put them on paper so that his grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and future generations would know who he was.”
With very few WWII veterans still alive, Ladd Horn was eager to share his stories. “I spent two years with my father, listening to his experiences in the war. It seemed as if he felt the need to tell the stories, even the difficult ones.” Ladd’s memory was sharp, even at 95, as he recalled flight speeds, crew members, locations, and events.
As the stories unfolded from father to son, they began to go through meticulously preserved photos from the WWII military enlistment. Ladd learned how to develop his own film in high school. He took pictures during his tour of duty and developed the film in improvised dark rooms built on the side of tents out in the field where he was stationed. Ladd would then send the negatives and prints back home to his family and his love, Ethel. The album was rich in photos from his firsthand experiences and encounters being part of the 95th Bombardment Squadron of continued on page 6
All your favorites… Reuben Fritters (hand rolled in house), Corned Beef Reubens, Irish Pizza, Corned Beef Hash, Bangers and mashed, Shepherd’s Pie and weekly Irish specials that our chefs create!
Don’t forget to stay hydrated too!
$6 Pints of Guinness & Smithwicks all month!
Opening early for a light breakfast on Saturday, March 16th and Sunday, March 17th (Doors will open at 10am these two days!)
We will offer a limited St. Paddy’s day menu on both these days-regular menu will not be offered. We will not be accepting reservations on either day - First come, First served.
Musical Guests:
Sat., Mar. 16 7-10pm - Begging Angels
Sat., Mar. 23 7-10pm - Patrick Glantz
Sat., Mar. 30 6-9pm - 14 Frets
Sun., Mar. 31 CLOSED Easter Sunday
Sat., Apr. 6 7-10pm - Joe Monti
Sat., Apr. 13 6-9pm - Travis Fitch Sun.,
continued from page 5
the 17th Bombardment Group.
The storytelling went on for almost two years. “Dad complained we weren’t moving fast enough, and he was right,” Keith said. Lt. Ladd Horn passed away on October 16, 2016, and the journey through his WWII memories was unfinished. The storytelling, recollections, and remembrances from this World War II veteran in his nineties had ended.
Keith’s mom passed away in 2018. After losing both beloved parents, Keith and his family were taking care of the estate when he found an incredible collection of military memorabilia from his dad’s service, including pictures, documentation, flight records, and deployments. One thing he never expected to find was a box of letters that the young bomber pilot had sent to his true love, Ethel. Ladd had written a letter nearly every day of his deployment. “I never knew these letters existed,” Keith said.
Keith then began the journey through his dad’s written words, learning of his experiences as a young man in his twenties. The daily letters to his future bride described his locations, details of events, and the war as he was experiencing it. “In his words, he shared his losses, celebrations, and even a marriage proposal. This was such a unique perspective to have after spending years getting the perspective from him as a man in his nineties,” Keith said.
Keith combed through the letters, reading his father’s words to his mother long before he and his sister were even a thought. He began piecing together the letters, pictures, and details of his tours during the war through both lenses – the eyes of a 94-yearold WWII veteran and the eyes of a young man who enlisted during wartime and was deployed to fight in this historic war.
“I began to realize that these stories are so much different than most WWII books due to how personal it was and how it spanned the experiences of the lifetime of a B26 Bomber pilot. Having these two distinct views spanning more than 70 years and match precisely was incredibly rare and unique,” Keith said.
dren, and future generations was being recognized as a blessing to many.
After thousands of hours spent journeying through his dad’s war experiences, the idea of publishing a book began to form. What was initially recorded for Ladd Horn’s children, grandchil
Nearly a decade later, this idea brought Keith Horn to the publishing field for the first time. He wrote the book, “Let the Kicking Mule Kick: Personal Stories from a WWII B-26 Bomber Pilot to His Family,” which was published in March of 2023. The title is based on the insignia of the 95th Bombardment Squadron to which Lt. Ladd Horn was assigned. The book is written in two parts. “Part I: The War As I Heard It” features war stories told by a father to his son in his last chapter of life. “Part II: The War Through The Lens of Love” includes excerpts of letters written by a young man in his early twenties, capturing historic events and sharing them with his future bride. The book is rich, with more than 300 photographs taken during the war.
According to Keith, the book is great for all ages. A person does not need to know history to read and enjoy it. It can be a resource for homeschool families, useful to capture the attention of junior and senior high school students studying history, or for anyone interested in this historic era. “It is a great opportunity to let young people know about a young man who was responsible for a crew, flying across the globe, no instruments, no radar, no heat in a 34,000-pound aluminum can, with several tons of bombs attached,” he said.
The book is a roller coaster of the stories of a man’s survival through a war where he had regular contact with death. Keith said, “Part of my dad’s strength lies in the fact that he had given his life to Jesus at an early age. He trusted Jesus with his life, and you will hear him talk with Jesus in the face of death, so sit back and enjoy the ride with your guide, 1st Lieutenant Ladd L. Horn, a B-26 Marauder pilot.” He added, “My Dad would want readers to know the man he was, the depth of what he went through, and just how deep his faith was, which kept him from being broken and able to tell these stories.”
“When the Kicking Mule Kicks” is available from the publisher, Book Baby, online at Amazon, and locally at Lift Bridge Book Store in Brockport. “My grandkids got the first copy,” Keith chuckled. To see more photos go to westsidenewsny.com COVER PHOTO: Keith Horn with his recently published book of his father’s WW II stories. Photo by
Horn family in Kenya. Back row: Keith A. Horn, Valerie D. Horn, Benjamin D. Lineman (son-in-law), Erin M. Lineman (holding N. Grace Lineman), Sergio Mazza (son-in-law), Alyson M. Mazza, grandchildren - Gabriel A. Mazza (in front of Sergio Mazza). Front row: Elijah B. Lineman, Abigail E. Lineman, Alma D. Mazza, Lina M. Mazza. Provided photo Horn family photo. Back row: Ladd L. Horn, Ethel J. Horn, Keith A. Horn Front row: Erin M. (Horn) Lineman, Alyson M. (Horn) Mazza, Valerie D. Horn. Provided photo Karen Fien•
“The Kannewischer Family: From Berlin to Rochester to Arlidge Drive”
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7PM
GCSD Transportation Building, 1790 Latta Road.
An illustrated talk on four generations of a remarkable, local family, whose lives, work, recreation and experiences are chronicled by an extensive archive of historic photographs and documents that span 150 years. This archive has never before been seen outside of the Kannewischer family. Historian Cynthia Howk’s talk is in honor of Greece resident, Betty Fetter, now 101 years old, whose care of this unique archive, preserves an important American story.
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The Rochester Chapter of the American Sewing Guild will be hosting its 2024 American Sewing Guild (ASG), All Things Sewing Sale on Saturday, April 6, 2024, from 9AM to Noon at the First Baptist Church of Rochester, 175 Allens Creek Road, Rochester, 14618. This annual event features fabrics, notions, gadgets, patterns, books and sewing machines for sale at fantastic prices. The sale is open to the public.
This year, Diamond Edge Sharpening Services will be joining us to sharpen scissors while you shop. Drawing for a free one-year membership to ASG.
ASG will not be accepting donations of any sewing related items the day of the sale.
Donations can be made at the following locations. Please contact these vendors before dropping off donations:
Sew Green@Rochester, 438 W Main St. Rochester Craft Bits and Pieces, 104 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport Crafting for Good, 4390 Buffalo Road, N. Chili
The mission of the American Sewing Guild is to advance sewing as an art and life skill. The organization is dedicated to people who believe sewing is a rewarding and creative activity. The Rochester Chapter was organized in 1991 and currently has 123 members. New members are welcome, membership is $60 per year.
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With Easter approaching, the Greece High School Winterguard is here to help make your yard colorful. An Egg My Yard Fundraiser will be held to help with travel funds, equipment and costume costs.
Egg pricing as follows: 30 eggs - $20; 50 eggs - $40; 75 eggs - $55. Eggs will be delivered on Saturday, March 30th.
For more information email Kristen.costa@greececsd.org. All orders due by Friday, March 22, 2024.
To fill out an order form visit https://docs.google.com/ forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfUYLpH_oqMfCXK3JPUtDC-RtodMJgGcgnqfkh5rALppyb8jg/viewform?pli=1
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We have had a rather mild winter this year, and it feels like the Spring Season is officially upon us! However, our Winter Parking Ordinance is still in effect through April 15, midnight – 8:00am. Until this time, please do not park on any Town roads or the grass on right-of-ways. This is to make plowing and salting of dedicated Town streets safer and more effective and to cut the cost of snow removal. This is New York, after all, and there is always a chance of snow.
I am pleased to announce that our annual scholarship opportunity for young residents is now available. The Jerry J. Helfer Youth Engagement Scholarship provides the Greece community with the opportunity to recognize a student that regularly upholds exemplary moral values, devotes time and energy into helping serve the Greece community, and consistently displays outstanding leadership skills. Scholarship applications can be found on the Town of Greece website: https://greeceny. gov/residents/jerry-j-helfer-youth/. The scholarship deadline is Friday, May 24, 2024.
You have likely heard that we have officially opened the expansion to the Greece Community Center (“The Center”). The new expansion features 30,000 square feet of new space. Combined with our previously renovated space we are now able to offer 60,000 square feet of space dedicated to the health and wellness of our community. We have added a wellness center which features cardio and circuit training equipment, a dedicated cycling studio, a barre room, and several new programs spaces, both large and small. Additionally, our new expanded walk track is 1/5 of a mile long and we are happy to share that, at the request of our regular walkers, there is a ton of sunlight. Walkers (and runners) can enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors and walk comfortably despite the actual weather outside. To learn more about what The Center has to offer and to register for a membership, please call 723-2425 or email GreeceParksandRec@Greeceny.gov.
During last month’s meeting of the Greece Town Board, we recognized a young man who recently attained Eagle Scout Ranking in Troop #37. We had the opportunity to present Samuel Burke with a medal and proclamation honoring his recent achievement of Eagle Scout Ranking. For his Eagle Scout Project, Sam designed a Garden Café Seating area for this community farm. This project provides a relaxing covered pergola with landscaped gardens, flagpoles, and handicapped-accessible seating for the farm’s indoor and outdoor cafes. This project had almost 80 volunteers, over 1,800 service hours, and is valued at $15,000. This project earned Samuel “Eagle Project of the Month” for July and “Eagle Project of the Year.”
As always, I enjoy hearing feedback from residents about programming and other Town-related matters. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office or visit our website.
Spring is just around the corner, and the Lakeview Garden Club is chomping at the bit working on programs to inspire all gardeners in April, May and June, as we get ready to plant our gardens.
We invite the community to join us for our Spring programs.
April program: Join Meagan Evans-Saurini, the Environmental Educator for Monroe County’s Department of Environmental Services on April 10, 2024, at 7:30PM at the Lakeview Community Church, 30 Long Pond Road, Rochester, 14612, to learn more about the County’s recycling programs, including the Monroe County/ Waste Management Ecopark. Questions and answers, as time permits.
To attend contact Darlene Markham at dmarkham@rochester.rr.com
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of Commerce. New Premium Business Members: WROC TV 8, DiPasquale Construction, Inc., JCA Specialist, Big Ash Fireplace & Stoves, Westside News, Van Putte Gardens, Matthews Kia of Greece, Comfort Keepers, Budget Blinds Northwest Rochester. New Business Members: Avid Indoor Golf, West End Pediatric Urgent Care, Complete Payroll, Travelin’ Tom’s Coffee of Genesee Valley, Northwest Family YMCA, ZenBusiness, Rochester Professional Consultants Network, Kona Ice of Genesee Valley, Gavia LifeCare Center, LLC, Gavia LifeCare Adolescent Clinic, Patrick Cicchetti-Brighton Securities, Marino Advisory Group, LLC, Cotoletta, Jewelry by Joette Boutique, Piccirllo Enterprises, Inc., The Brenee Bunce Team of Keller Williams Realty GR, Dataflow, Inc., Bozza Pasta, LLC, Barry’s Power Yoga-Rochester, AT&T-Greece Ridge Mall Location, Frank’s Basement Systems, Flower City Col-
ing, CDL Home Solutions, North Forest Office Space, ESL Federal Credit Union-Long Pond Branch, Hillside Work Scholarship Connection, Cedar Creek Lawncare, LLC, Wingstop, Adobe, Limitless Physical Therapy Specialists, Atlas Health & Fitness Center, Inc., English Road Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Nova Trampoline Park, Roc Mid-Term Rentals, Virginia McIntyre, Monroe County Legislator, Planet Fitness-Greece/Ridgemont Plaza, One Stop Janitorial & Office Supply, AAA Western Central NY-Greece Branch, Markson’s Furniture, Mi Rancho Alegre; Lady Bugs All Pest Solutions and Whelpley & Paul.
For more information on the Greece Regional Chamber of Commerce and its membership benefits, available to businesses and individuals throughout Monroe County and beyond, call (585) 227-7272, visit www.GreeceChamber.org, or email Info@ GreeceChamber.org.
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It’s a warm day in April 1954. You throw on your Keds, grab your glove and bat, then jump on your bike and listen to the ticking of baseball cards clipped to your spokes as you ride away. Fast forward 70 years to April 2024. You put on your Nike Trouts, grab your baseball bag and your cellphone, then jump in the family SUV and head out for the day. So much has changed in the world over 70 years, but one thing that is still the same, the love for baseball.
Greece Little League, Inc. (GLL), remains a constant in developing young and eager baseball and softball players. In 1954, it started as Barnard Little League and soon after changed the name to Greece Little League. For 30 years kids from Charlotte
shed. Now you can enjoy an elaborate menu while watching a game from any of the 13 fields.
Every Saturday those fields were full of cheers and homeruns. Moms and Dads volunteered their time to make sure the players had the best experience. They gave out uniforms, kept score, coached, and even drove from park to park with a grill to make hotdogs for the hungry crowd. As the 1990s approached the GLL families and Board knew they needed to find a place to call home for Little League. Through tireless fundraising and gracious community donors, Greece Little League broke ground on their permanent home at 3641 Latta Road.
The new home for GLL brought new, exciting changes. In 1992, two new divisions were added, Softball and the Challengers Baseball for Special Needs Players. Softball was a strong addition to the GLL program and has won several D4 championships. The Challengers program has grown into a Junior and Senior division that hosts over 75 players every season. You can also catch our Challengers playing every summer at Innovative Field, hosted by the Rochester Red Wings. In 2012 the Greece Tornadoes Travel teams were formed and are still going strong. And in 2012, GLL opened the concession stand in the center of the 42-acre complex. Long gone are the days of hot dogs on a grill out of the
With all these changes, there are some things that are still the same.
As a not-forprofit league 501(c)(3), GLL has always depended on volunteers and sponsors.
Gene and Diane Noga have dedicated over 44 years to GLL. You can still find them at the fields cooking great food and watching games. They have watched players become parents, coaching like their dads before them. They have seen thousands of players grow to play school ball for Greece and Hilton. Do you want to be part of the GLL and baseball history? Grab your glove and come play!
For More information about Greece Little League head over to their website and either sponsor the league, coach teams, umpire for the league or even if your kids or grandkids want to play sign them up and let them enjoy the game of baseball, challenger, or softball for ages 4 to16.
Website: https://www.greecelittleleague.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greecelittleleague/ Provided Information and Photos