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My Hometown Service Clubs Easter Egg Hunt held in Churchville/Riga
Lion District Governor Judy MacKnight was the honored guest at the March 14 dinner meeting of the Churchville Lions Club. Lion Judy shared information about Lions International President Brian Sheehan and his theme “Together We Can.” After some District updates she spoke about her project for this year focusing on aiding Foodlink and fighting hunger. A 25 Years of Service chevron pin was presented to club Treasurer, Lion Randy Kehl. Other chevron pins were presented in absentia to Lions Jack Linney (10 years), Sheila Fodge (15 years), and Valerie Potocki (30 years).
Churchville Lions support food distribution at local church
oversees the jelly bean jar guessers.
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt was held at the Harvey C. Noone American Legion Post 954 in Churchville. Due to early morning rains it was held inside the Legion Hall. Riga Recreation Supervisor Dave Thomas handled the jelly bean jars and raffles while Churchville Lion Marty Molinari and LEO Club members Olivia, Jenn and Maria along with Club Advisor Janelle Hernandez helped with handing out eggs and making the Easter Bunny a big hit. The event was a collaborative effort of the Churchville Lions Club, Town of Riga, American Legion, and the LEO Club.
LEOs Jenn and Olivia are handing out 10 eggs full of bunny treats to each child. Provided information and photos
Non-perishable food donations from Fairbanks Elementary School in February, delivered by the Churchville Lions to Union Congregational Church, amounted to about one-third of the items on the shelves shown here. The balance came from UCC’s network of neighboring churches, markets and dairies. The drive-thru distribution system was able to feed 37 families in March. Distribution is made the fourth Wednesday of each month between 4 and 5 p.m. For information, call 293-1665. Provided information and photo.