Senior Edition - May 2012

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STORIES June 2012

• Wauwatosa West High School • 11400 W Center Street, Wauwatosa WI • Volume 16, Issue 7


Leah Mott g Guest Writer Katie Adamsg Guest Writer

Wondering where the West graduates are headed next year? pp. 4-5


Features WEST SIDE STORIES June, 2012


Making a Commitment to Their Country Students plan to enlist in various branches of the military after graduation for many different reasons Breanna Subotich g Staff Writer

Having recently observed Memorial Day, it is a perfect time to give thanks to the men and women who serve the United States of. Every day they put their lives on the line to defend freedom. In the upcoming year, some of the students graduating from Wauwatosa West High School will be joining those men and women who

are protecting America. It is hard to imagine the bravery these young people possess by choosing to join the military. There are a number of students in this year’s graduating class who have decided to join the armed forces, and among them are Dan Noorani, Chauncey Wigg i n s , J a c k

Claffey, Aaron Coleman, Brandon Ndon, Marines and another cousin that was in and Kiara Wesson. the Army.” Joining the military isn’t rare They all have mixed emotions about in his family either. Kiara Wesson’s famtheir plans for next year. Some, like Wig- ily has been pretty active in the military gins and Coleman, are not sure whether as well. Her father was in the Air Force, they are excited or nervous. Chauncey and she has had two uncles that were Wiggins is unsure of his feelings about part of the Army. Wesson will now follow joining the Marines, but says, “I know in their footsteps and join the Army too. that it isn’t something I can just leave.” At first she intended to join the Air Force He’s confident he will become accustomed like her father, but about five months ago to the change after he is there for a while. she decided on the Army because of the Claffey, on the other hand, is pretty better benefits they offered. excited to be joining the Navy. He says, Although the family histories have in“It is a neat opportunity for me to be able fluenced these students’ decisions, they to enhance myself and gain knowledge also agree that the benefits offered by and skills I can apply in my life.” He has the military have motivated their choicknown that he’s wantes as well. “He has known that he’s wanted to join Wesson says, ed to join the military since he was about the military since he was about four or five “The military four or five years old. years old. It has become a family tradition pays for your It has become a fambecause all of the males on his dad’s side education, so ily tradition because have served in some branch of the military.” whenever you all of the males on his decide to get dad’s side have served out and go to in some branch of the military. He hasn’t school, it’s all paid for.” Claffey and Wigquite decided whether or not he will en- gins are pleased about this as well. They list as soon as next year because he might know that if they decide to go to school be going to the University of Wisconsin- later on, their school fees will be taken Stevens Point, but either way he will be care of for them. These reimbursements joining the armed forces sometime in his help give them a sense of security for near future. their future. Claffey isn’t the only one who has a All of these students have a very family history in the armed forces. Aaron strong character and incredible bravery. Coleman had a grandfather that served They are moving on to serve the greatin the Navy during World War I, and ever est duty one can for this country. Next since last year Aaron has had plans to time you see one of them make sure you join the Marines. Brandon Ndon’s plans thank them for having the courage to are similar. “I have planned on becom- stand alongside others who fight so hard ing a Marine since I was sixteen,” says to keep all of us safe. Ndon. “I have a cousin that was in the


Trading Schoolbooks for Scissors

Two members of West’s graduating class will attend cosmetology school to explore their creative style Star Donaldson g Staff Writer

As you embark on the beginning of your life’s journey you might think of going to a two-year, community, fouryear college, or even earning money at a job that you’ve worked really hard to obtain. However, there are two lovely ladies in the 2012 graduating class that took a different, more creative path. Graduates Kazoua Thao and Michele Ditscheit plan to attend beauty school in the fall and aspire to work at salons doing something that they truly love, working with hair. Ditscheit decided that she wanted to become a stylist because she knows many different people that enjoy it and she thinks of it as “just a hobby that [she] can make money when doing it,” which is a perfect fit for her. Thao decided that she wanted to become a stylist because she “loves hair in general.” This covers styling her own hair and her friends hair. She says “going to beauty school for only a year is not that long and I don’t like school” so it’s just the right amount of the time for her. And after Thao watched her cousin go through beau-

ty school and saw everything that she did there and how happy it made her, she didn’t have a doubt in her mind that she would love it as well. Ditscheit decided to do something with her life that she knows she already loves doing, and she is looking forward to being excited for her career every day. She thinks that her happiness is the most important part of her decisions because she knows she’ll be able to make money while doing something she truly loves and is interested in. Both of the ladies will be learning about make-up and nails but are most excited about doing hair. Ditscheit thinks the best form of expression is through different hair styles and feels that it is a great way to show her creativity. Thao is just excited about working with people’s hair because she has really enjoyed hair in general her entire life, and all of the different things it is able to do if you know how to manipulate it. If Ditscheit could do anyone’s hair in the world she would pick Lady

Gaga because she would ask for a really crazy ,unique style that Ditscheit would love to give her. Otherwise, she would want to do Jennifer Lopez’s hair because she happens to be Ditscheit’s idol. If Thao could do anyone’s hair she would pick Snooki or J-wow because she’s already in love with their hair and she knows they both love to get their hair done. In the fall Ditscheit will be attending Vici Capelli Beauty School, and Thao will be going to VC Beauty School. Both are excited to begin their careers in styling and trimming and hope to open salons one day.


Features WEST SIDE STORIES June, 2012


Time to Crack Open That Piggy Bank

As college costs continue to rise, so does awareness of the financial burden college often bestows

Zakiya Robinson g Staff Writer

Wajahat Ali g West Side Stories

The one thing that steadily seems to increase is the price of college tuition. Students around this time of year seem to be obsessing over paying for college and discovering what sacrifices that they can make during the coming academic year to accommodate for extensive spending. Guidance counselor Brian Hoffman has personal experience with this. “It’s common for me to have kids come to me in the spring when they get their aid package and they learn they can’t go to their dream school, or their parents have to sit them down and tell them they can’t afford it,” he said. In addition, loans are being taken out and finical aid requirements revisited to make college make more feasible. By all accounts, the cost of college has risen dramatically in the past 15 years. Prices for tuition, fees, and books have risen by 5 to 10% (and sometimes more) annually for years. Prices of colleges vary; depending on the type of school a student attends (private/public, two year, and four year). According to the College Board, students can expect to pay between $231 and $1,114 more in tuition and fees this year, on average, than last year. The average cost for college tuition, room, board and other expenses ranges from: $10,367 for a two-year community college to $17,740 for a public four year college to $26,070 for

a private four year college. For this reason, many students--like Kristina Wanjuru--prefer public schools. “I would rather go to a state school than a private because at least I wouldn’t be in debt for the next 20 years,” said Wanjuru. Individually, college seniors who graduated with student loans in 2010 owed an average of $25,250, up five percent from the previous

year. Borrowing has grown far more quickly for those in the 35-49 age group, with school debt burden increasing by a staggering 47 percent. Students are not alone in borrowing at record rates, so too are their parents. Loans to parents for the college education of children have jumped 75 percent since the 2005-2006 academic year. As these costs have risen, an equally

dramatic rise in the availability of grants, aid and loans has made college much more affordable than most news articles would lead you to believe. Nearly a third of all students pay less than $4,000 per year for tuition and fees, and nearly 70% pay less than $8,000. Financial aid and grants are available to more students than ever before. Most full time students receive financial aid (72%), grant funding (59%) and/or a loan (45%) to offset the cost of college. Experts estimate that students pay about one-third of the actual costs of a college education. Ameera EcklesSabree said, “If it weren’t for my college paying for my first year I wouldn’t be going. [It] is so expensive and financial aid covers bed sheets.” Students will also find that depending on the institution they decide on and the profession they may be eligible for a tuition break. Teachers may find that doing student teaching in the innercity may help with large college debts. Full-time teachers who work for five consecutive academic years in a “lowincome” school may qualify for federal loan forgiveness programs. Whatever course students take, financial strain will certainly affect decision making.

Community Organizations Ease Anxiety Seniors receive money from local organizations to help them pay for further education Ellyn Kirtley g Editor-in-Chief

Around the world, college bound students are doing everything they can to pay for the rising costs of a higher education. One way to do this is via local scholarships. Each year, Barb Lauenstein, who runs the Career Center, helps seniors find and apply to local scholarships that are applicable to them. According to Lauenstein, this year many seniors did not take advantage of this. “We didn’t have as many seniors applying this year... even though we went into their classrooms and talked to them,” she remarked. This phenomenon was not isolated to Wauwatosa West. “It was like that on both sides of town” said Lauenstein, “at West and East.” Despite the low number of applicants, Lauenstein was impressed with the quality of the submissions received. “The scholarships that

were done were done really well—they were neat and completed fully” said Lauenstein. However, as always, she said “there were some students who applied to scholarships that they were not qualified for.” The involvement of local organizations in this process is very important. “I think it keeps the organizations in the community… connected with school,” said Lauenstein, adding, “part of their role is to help our youth not only financially but to help them stay connected and know that community work is important.” The following seniors received local scholarships this year from varied community-based organizations. Tony Geiger Memorial Scholarship: Yoana Kanastab, Valerie Vogel Focus Credit Union: Ethan

Fricker German National Honor Society: Sara Bernaski Jacki Lichtig Memorial Fine Arts: Ellen Sauter Kiwanis Club of Wauwatosa (Frank Poling): Katie Adams Kiwanis Club of Wauwatosa (Thomas E Steiner): Mitch Stingl LaFayette: Natalie Mullins Masonic Lodge #267: Lauren Itzin Mayfair Rotary Club (Scholastic): Mayfair Rotary Club (FBLA): Mayfair Rotary Club (Jonathan Ryan Crew): John Kay Mayfair Rotary Club (Fine Arts): Mitch Bultman Mayfair Rotary Club (Technical): Caroline Loose Palmer Masonic Lodge 301 (Louise Ziese Memorial): Ellyn Kirtley Spanish National Honor Society: Matt Ferch, Madalina Zimmerman

Steven Brown: Emmeline Prattke The Trojan Way: Jenna Engel, Monica Wojnowiak Waterstone Bank: Eden Bekele, John Her Wauwatosa Education Association: Katie Adams, Tom Amoroso, Megan Falk, Lisa White Wauwatosa Lions Club (Community Service): Mitch Stingl Wauwatosa PTA (4 year): Mitch Bultman, Meghan Canfield, Carra Gaines, Taylor Keaton, Jenna Lahmann, Rachel Longo, Savannah Rice, Lisa White, Madalina Zimmerman Wauwatosa PTA (2 year): Caroline Loose Wauwatosa Village Task Force/Tosa Fest: Philip Carlin Wauwatosa West Athletic Booster Club: Dan Engel, Megan Falk, Erik Garncarz, Alexis Hafemeister, John

Kay, Jenna Lahmann, Ellen Sauter, Lexi Utech Wauwatosa West Scholarship Foundation: Meghan Canfield, Katie Crees, Dan Engel, Matt Engel, Matt Ferch, Taylor Keaton, Samantha McNaughton, Sydney Rearick, Savannah Rice, Rachel Ross, Samantha Saxe, Martha Schuster, Jazmine Thomas, Stuart VanderVelde, Madalina Zimmerman Wauwatosa West Key Club: Katie Adams, Brian Condon Wauwatosa West Theater Parents Association (Trojan Players): Nicole Cucinello, Matt Zanton Wauwatosa West Who Wants To Be a Teacher: Kasey Plonka Wauwatosa Women’s Club: Mitch Stingl


Jackson State University

Sara Bernaski

New York

University of Denver Colordo State university Star Donaldson


Jazmine Thomas

Fordham University Alexandra Utech

Nova Southeastern University Dan Schneck

New York Art Institute Naomi Patnaude

New Jersey


Art Institute of Chicago Izzy Fangman Robert Randolph

Rutgers University Mitch Bultman


Fox College

University of Ohio Miami

Sara Tendler

University Chicago

Megan Canfield

Loyola University

John Kay

Natalie Mullins

Becca Beitscher

Western Illinois University Jessica Dickson

Depaul University Ellen Sauter


Terry Blanchard Ashely Fabian Erica Williams Anthem College Erika Blanco

Cardinal Stritch University Lauren Adams Julian Beatty Erik Garcarz Lauren Jaworowicz

Concordia University Jacob Beoudreaux Tyler Gross Zaina Lalk Moriah Rosa

Edgewood College Hailey Vaughn

ITT Technical College Jesse Hearley

Marquette Unviersity


Indian State University Amari Rushing

Ball State University Angelique Mitchell


University of Iowa Megan Falk Stuart Vandervelde

University of Dubuque Reggie Cole


Bowling Green State University Amanda Terilizzi


Bethel University Zakiya Robinson

University of MN Twin Cities Martha Schuster Samantha McNaughton Monica Wojnowiak Amelia Forsmo

University of St. Thomas Jenna Engel Matt Engel Taylor Keaton

Minnesota State Mankato Sarah Galeszeski

Minnesota State Moorhead Deon Strapp

Missouri University of Missouri Kasey Plonka


Case Western Reserve University

Wajahat Mahmood Ali Matt Fete Carra Gaines

UP Tennessee

Vanderbilt University Will Harrington


LeTourneau University Andrew Albee

Southern Methodist University Savannah Rice

Baylor University Ameera Eckles-Sabree


Washington and Lee University Ellyn Ricky Kirtley

West Virginia

Alexis Halfmeister Kiami Merritt Erin Walczak

Nothereast Technical College Miranda Thoumany

Ripon College Ali Finken

St. Norbert College Matt Firch

UW—Eau Claire Karen Lang Leah Mott Ein Murphy Rachel Ross Lydia Smrz Valerie Vogel Matt Zanton

UW—LaCrosse Stephen Alvarado Tamerika Exum Grant Griffin Steven Starz

Thomas Blake Larry Bryant Ben Fryberg Jessie Hagen Kourtney Hartl Ryan Helferich Jerry Her Jalen Hooker Elizabeth Lind John Pesheck Raul Pliego Nic Pratt Montel Primer Sammi Sandrin Josh Sleider Edgar Terron


Milwaukee School of Engineering

Rebecca Maynard Devin Tatman Connor Henke

Mitch Stingl Lisa White

UW—Milwaukee Jeremiah Fowler Porsha Bates Seamus Boyd Brian Condon Laquan Conner Nina Desarden Gabby Emanuele Porsha Fayne Claudia Gebhardt Becky Henningson Collin Joseph Yoana Kanastab Hannah Krueger Reagan Matheson Mary Migdal-Grunow Brandon Moy Ariana Nicholas Amanda Porter Anthony Ranz Kadejeh Red Jennifer Sanchez Jacob Sarvela Ashly Schaefer Diondre Simmons Kenny Spence Zam Shawn Thao Steve Thode Stephen Trojan Spencer Wall Steven Watson Ashley Weidmab Morgan Welch Alex Wirth Drew Zanskas Leyna Zeimet Madalina Zimmerman


Stuart Burkhart Phillip Carlin Jenni Fischer Maddi Frank Brittany Heller Travis Hudson Jenna Lahmann Jordin Schnell Alysia Vulgaris Nyreesha Williams-Torrence Hannah Kirby UW Parkside

DarrylAnne Stadler UW Whitewater Tom Amoroso John Ting Her Daniele Jelinek Samm Kromm Eric Schroeder Vici Beauty School Kazoua Thao Michell Discheit


Jacob Bubolz Katie Crees Timothy Moore Wisconsin Lutheran Samantha Saxe

Millitary/Navy Jack Claffey Brandon Ndon Dan Noorani Tyler Volcensik Kiarra Wesson

Workforce Kayla Brookbank Carlos Garcia Eric Looker Billy Lundell Louie Macorncan Cody Moderski Benjamen Schwab Christina Strohfeldt Ariel Williams

Undecided/Unknown Dallas Hardy-Pruett Dan Bruckner Evan Barkow Aaron Coleman Jennifer Comptin Brion Felix Caitlin Frailing Codi Frailing Shaccora Henderson Brandon Hill Alesia Knox Ayala Matt Lind Dominic Lara Litjie Rrahmani

the class of

Milwaukee Area Technical College

Caroline Loose

Alverno College

Mt. Mary College

Calvin Jay Ellen Jegen Breanna Subotich Josh Stoeckman Jon Tripi

Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design

Shepard’s College

Lauren Itzen

UW—Madison Katherine Adams Eden Bekele Alex Chu Allison Dineen Dan Engel Ethan Fricker Ruth Gebremedhin Anne Koepp Alex Lindstrom Haily Lisheron Rachel Longo Elle MacGillis Max Massa Genisha Murray Anastasia Nicholas Emmeline Prattke Sydney Rearick Luke Salamone

2012 Evan Carlin Keshada Fischer UW Plattville Parker Banghart Akeem Harris UW Stevens Point Nicole Cuccinelo Anna Radske

UW—Waukesha Rihard Frenn Elizabeth Hoffman Jessica Neuhaus Max Romans Tommy Schulz Paige Soles

Nicole Sagvinac Brittany Senn Amber kenandore Keonia Parker Shay Steffen Andrew Steinke Sydney Stepniewski Chakou Thao Andre Torres Kristina Wanjiru Zachary Werner Mark Widup Revecca Wofford Lia Zabala



SENIORadvice June, 2012


Natalie Mullins g Staff Writer

Luther Manor residents offer Seniors advice about life after graduation

Ellyn Kirtley g Editor-in-Chief

The first eighteen years of life are a great and terrible time. Each high school senior is on the very cusp of adulthood, just waiting to take the plunge over the edge. On the way down, they face trails, tribulations,

and the terrors of having to do all their own laundry. The older generation looks on in pity, grinning and shaking their heads as their children and their children’s children continue to make silly mistakes.

In order to try and circumvent some of these problems, the West Side Stories Senior Edition chose to seek out the advice of seven seniors citizens, all from a local retirement home: Luther Manor. Their sage

advice and experiences are compiled below in an attempt to form a handy advice sheet for the students that are finally entering the adult world. Follow their wisdom, and try not to make too many mistakes on the way.

Judith K. has come a long way from her time at Shorewood High School. After getting her bachelors degree in chemistry from Marquette University, Judith launched herself into the world of science and engineering, at a time when most women were not exactly welcome in those fields. She has done everything from data analysis for a government missile program to systems management at private companies. Her endless curiosity lead her to the computer before they became commonplace in every home. For Judith it is important to “get as much education as you can.” As she points out, “[education] is the way to get jobs that are interesting and pay well.”

Joan P. now 79, graduated high school in 1951. After graduating, she went to work in a bank, a curious choice since, by her own admission, she “hated arithmetic.” As Joan reminisced, this was not uncommon at the time; most women were married and “had children by the time they were twenty, twenty-one.” Of course, Joan’s experience raising her children was an education onto itself. After many years, she learned that you must “teach [children] out of the cookie-jar.” Most importantly, students, parents and educators need to “listen and learn. Even now, I guess.”

Jack C. graduated high school in 1943. In his words, he is “85 years going on 16.” Shortly after graduating, Jack was sent over to Italy to fight in World War II. He came back home, like so many, to get married and find a way to earn a living. According to him, his wife as a beautiful but tough woman: “I was a boxer, but I never hit her.” Jack had perhaps the most practical advice out of everyone interviewed. To be a successful senior, you simply have to “find yourself a decent job.” Hopefully, this can happen to all graduating seniors, before they have to “shoot [themselves].”

Ozzie M. only had the chance to pursue higher education later in life. Both of his parents died at an early age, leaving his loving older brother to care for the family. Ozzie eventually got an engineering degree at Marquette University, working his way through school while pursuing an internship with a local business. For all his years in the workforce, Ozzie has realized that one should not be “smarter than your education,” meaning that formal education does not make you a better person. Even those with a college degree or doctorate can learn from a very intelligent man who has experienced a lot in life.

Joyce B. is now 86 years old, and graduated from high school back in 1944. She then went on to nursing school, balancing being a nurse and raising her own children for forty years. For those looking to enter the medical field, she simply warned that it is “hard work.” She was very lucky, as she pointed out, to have a “husband that was good at taking care of the kids.” A lot of things have changed since Joyce was a graduate—television, cellphones, the internet—but her ideas of what it means to become an adult still apply. To be an adult is to “make a lot of your own decisions without your parent’s permission.” It means going out and standing on your own to feet, and even supporting others with a truly grand amount of “hard work.”

Norma K. was born in 1914, and went directly into the workforce after college. She quickly got a job working for Western State’s Envelope Company. Throughout her life, Norma has been a kind and caring person who cares for others. As she might say: “I like to be myself, but try to please other people.” This loving grandmother has seen many graduations come and go, but one truth for her as always remained. To Norma, if you “study hard, and try and trust in god, he will help you with all the problems you have.”




to Our Calculations...

40% going to a UW school

Check out these statistics about Wauwatosa West’s graduating class; information was compiled from a survey of the senior class through and the guidance department

49% got scholarships from their future school

16 3% entering military 36 attending 26% UW-Milwaukee


UW -Eau Claire:

will continue their sport in college

1% entering work force 7 Attending MN attending UW-Madison Twin Cities:

20 3




37% played multiple sports

attending WI schools

Pursuing teaching degrees:











Though many students are clueless as to what their future holds, these two Seniors have it all figured out Natalie Mullins g Staff Writer Izzy Fangmann g West Side Stories

Senior year is a difficult and awkward time for all involved. Parents worry about students, teachers worry about students, and students try to survive as they slowly descend into a kind of intellectual nihilism. It is a trying time for those barely on the cusp of adulthood, filled with heart-wrenching decisions that will probably follow the unwary student for the rest of their lives. One of the scariest of these decisions is deciding on a future career. All newly made “young adults” are forced to wander through life, constantly searching for something that can make their sad existence meaningful. When they actually find what they are looking for, it is life-changing moment, the kind where the sad and lost student can learn their purpose in life. Though few people have had this epiphany, there are at least two enlightened souls among poor high school students. Isabelle “Izzy” Fangmann is what a casual observer may call an artiste. “I’ve been artsy and creative since I was little,” recalls Fangmann, adding, “middle school was when I got into the technical stuff.” By “technical stuff,” Fangmann means her currently amazing drawing abilities, which allow her to draw just about anything her friends or teachers desire. Her art can be found throughout the walls and classrooms of Wauwatosa West, adding some needed culture. Fangmann hopes to continue on her artistic journey, attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago next year. Although she was also accepted into Madison, Fangmann chose an art school to better challenge herself as an artist. “I’m so excited I have so much studio time,” Fangmann explained, “I’m going to push myself to the limits.” On the opposite end of the spectrum lies Jacob Sarvella, one of the few people at West that seems to enjoy doing math. He plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the fall, a school which, as Sarvella pointed out, has “one of the top actuary programs in the nation.” An actuary is a mathematician that applies

math to cases of financial risk and uncertainty. Their skills are often needed at insurance companies, where they analyze how much policies would be in proportion to the relative risk of the U.S. population. Of course, no job in math is easy, and becoming an actuary takes years beyond just secondary education. Each actuary must take eight exams before they are fully certified, a task that can take about a decade to complete. As for Sarvella, he plans to “probably do that in about seven.”

It could be passion that drives this reach, or as Sarvella has observed, as simple as passing a difficult math class. High School students are creatures of endless potential. High school graduates even more so, since they have the age and the qualifications to begin their own journey in a crazy and lost world. This potential can be used for both good and evil, as each student finds their own thing to care about in this world, their own purpose in life. Any path is fine, as long as the traveler is able to enjoy

Fangmann and Sarvella are strange anomalies in a world of direction-less youth. Theirs are passions that took hold at an early age, egging them on to continue moving forward and succeeding. Although it may be difficult, it is these passions that continue to drive them forward, no matter how difficult the road may be. For Fangmann, “creativity is something every one has but not everyone gets in touch with.” There is the possibility in everyone to reach out and become an artist, though this may become more difficult as time goes on. It takes a certain amount of courage to tap into creativity, since, as she put it, “people begin to put it aside, saying you’re being a child.” Fangmann has never lost

that schoolyard passion for drawing and doodling, making her a fine artist today. Sarvella strikes a similar note in his views on math. As a peer tutor, he knows that “everyone can do math, they just don’t know how yet.” Both the would-be artist and actuary can see that every person holds with in them untapped potential. Any one can be creative, or perhaps accomplish some higher-level critical thinking. They just have to reach out and actually attempt to do that.

themselves a bit along the way. For Fangmann, art “rocks,” while for Sarvella, math “is fun.” They have not chosen their futures based solely on money, or the potential for fame. Instead, they are going to do what they love. Thus, they are ultimately going to succeed.

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