1 minute read
from 2023-05-31
of perfection.
As high school students, we have assignment after assignment, tournament after tournament and game after game. Some days we come home do list sitting on our desks. This is when we contemplate whether we can handle another couple of hours of work. late at night from whatever extracurricular we’ve roped ourselves into, and all our body wants is to get some sleep before we have to wake up in a couple of hours. However, we don’t allow our bodies to get their rest with an overflowing to-
Some may say that these videos are motivational for certain individuals, and I don’t entirely disagree. They could be motivational if they were relatable to impressionable teens, but in actuality, most of these influencers are not high school students. They no longer have to deal with all the responsibilities that come with being a teenager.
Seeing others being productive can encourage individuals to get tasks done. But at the same time, these standards are too high; the chances of successfully following through with these routines are very low. Therefore, it’s not uncommon to think something is wrong with you when you aren’t able to keep up with someone else’s expectations.
Whether you have a perfect schedule or not, you can still be productive. It is okay to be lazy sometimes. You don’t need to be doing something at all moments; that is not how the human brain is built. We’re designed to need rests and resets. Stop trying to force yourself to have a perfect schedule and be productive 24/7 when you know your body and mind cannot handle it. Situations come up, and circumstances happen that prevent us from living these perfect lives. It’s okay to have those lazy days.