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The Nominating Committee met Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. through a conference call.

Members present were:

Bonnie Billadeau

Stephen Hannegrefs

Jerry Essler

Linda Hovda

Cliff Tollefson

Jamie Livingston

Carol Kieson

Sue Best

CEO/GM Shane Hart and HR Manager Gretchen Edwards were also in attendance.

CEO/GM Shane Hart introduced himself to the committee members.

CEO/GM Hart asked Cliff Tollefson to act as Chairperson.

HR Manager Gretchen Edwards introduced herself and the committee members.

Motion by Hannegrefs, seconded by Kieson to nominate Gretchen Edwards, RTC Networks HR Manager as Recording Secretary. M/C

The Nominating Committee reviewed the packet they were given including the Notice of Meeting and RTC bylaws regarding director nomination.

The Nominating Committee received three signed Certification of Nominee forms completed by Jennifer Sorenson-1B, Terry Wilber2B and Lance Kalmbach-3. No other Certification of Nominee forms were received by committee members or at the RTC Networks office.

Motion by Best, seconded by Billadeau to nominate Jennifer Sorenson for District 1B. M/C

Motion by Billadeau, seconded by Hannegrefs to nominate Terry Wilber for District 2B. M/C

Motion by Livingston, seconded by Essler to nominate Lance Kalmbach for District 3. M/C

It is the recommendation of the Nominating Committee to have the paper ballots, alternated 50/50 with each candidate’s name at the top of the ballot, if there is a contested election.

Motion by Hannegrefs, seconded by Billadeau to alternate 50/50 with each candidate’s name at the top of the ballot, if there is a contested election. M/C

Discussion about committee members being available to count ballots if they are in attendance at the annual meeting, which will be on Thursday, June 15 at the Four Bears Event Center in New Town. Chairman Tollefson agreed to read the Minutes of the Nominating Committee Meeting at the Annual Meeting, if needed.

CEO/GM Shane Hart discussed what is happening at RTC Networks.

Chairman Tollefson called for any other business.

Motion and second to adjourn. M/C

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Gretchen Edwards Recording Secretary

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