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THE HOWARD DE WALDEN ESTATE Paul C, Year 12 writes...
The Howard de Walden Estate is responsible for overseeing a diverse community of residents, educational institutions, and businesses.
Founded in 1834, to manage the family’s substantial property holdings, the company has expanded and currently owns 92 acres of land in Marylebone, which covers over 850 properties.
The company holds an exceptional reputation and is widely commended for its commitment towards preserving the heritage and character of the Marylebone area. Nonetheless, it continues to invest in the future and develop Marylebone sustainably for the future. Howard de Walden Estates have worked closely with local communities and stakeholders, in order to create a vibrant and unique area which attracts business, residents and visitors.
In March, our A Level Geography class were lucky to have a visit from the Howard de Walden Estates’ CEO, to speak about the company’s role in the community and commitment to the area’s development, and answered all our questions.
Howard de Walden Estates’ CEO spoke about the recent and distinctive development of Marylebone Village. He s mentioned the importance of having a variety of independent clothing shops for women and how they hoped to have more independent clothing shops for men as well. Howard de Walden Estates expressed their desire to have independent and distinctive shops in order to attract visitors.
One of the company’s largest occupying sectors is the healthcare sector, which accounts for over 40% of their rents. The Howard de Walden Estate recognises the importance of providing healthcare services of the highest level for the local community. They share spaces to high-end healthcare providers such as hospitals, clinics, and specialist practitioners. King Edward’s VII’s hospital is one of the most prestigious hospitals globally, and lies at the heart of Marylebone.
This was incredibly insightful for the A Level geographers, who study Marylebone as a case study for their A Level. We truly look forward to seeing the continued positive impact that the Howard de Walden Estate will have on our community, and thank them for their visit.