Spring 2021
, The World
in Global Grassroots Organizing #womensmonth
March 8 International Women's Day
March 20 - April 22
Rallies & Actions Starting on the Equinox
Women, Water, and the World Climate Collaboratory Environmental Community Activism Sense of Water Planet Heart World Peace Earth Day Celebration
Are We Becoming a Post-Truth Society?
Manifesting the Dream
A look back at MLK Manifesting the Dream Program & Events
Editor in Chief Robert Levine
Design & Production Angel Fullerton
Contributing Editor Angel Fullerton
Marketing Coordinator Alana Boyd
Publisher We, The World Rick Ulfik, Founder
ARE WE BECOMING A "POST-TRUTH SOCIETY"? By Rick Ulfik, Founder of We, The World at WE.net
Welcome to TRENDS Magazine! And thank you for whatever you are doing to support fact-based media in the public interest (like TRENDS) that does not knowingly distort the truth, disseminate false information, engage in hate speech or advocate for violence in any way for any reason. For some of my favorite examples of public interest news media please see my article on Page 46.
To me this is staggering and dangerous. It represents a distortion and disruption of the public's perception of reality. When information from reliable impartial sources is discredited by powerful politicians and others for political, monetary, or other reasons that don't serve the Common Good, then our whole cultural fabric of shared reality starts to fall apart.
Why is knowing and supporting reliable fact-based media so important? In the USA we are living during a time of extreme political polarization that is fueled by disinformation campaigns that are carried out for monetary, political, ideological, religious or other reasons.
Disinformation campaigns and the resulting extreme political polarization have already led to the unnecessary loss of hundreds of thousands of lives to COVID-19 as well as violence at the Capitol on January 6th - both with unfortunate ramifications for People of Color. And we are likely to see more in the future unless there is some kind of high profile mass public reckoning - Truth and Reconciliation - to address this cultural fracture. Reform of Major Media platforms and outlets, along with the giant Social Media Monopolies, is also essential. I touch on this in my Media article on Page 46.
This disinformation is being spread by an array of prominent politicians, online platforms and influencers, major cable and other TV news programs, as well as cultlike groups that employ psychological manipulation. Taken together, the result is that many fear we are becoming a "Post-Truth Society". For example, though there is absolutely no evidence of "massive voter fraud" or other irregularities at levels that could have changed the official 2020 Election results, it has been estimated that 25% of adult Americans, more than 50 million people believe that Democrats stole the election - even though across the nation State Republican Election Officials, Courts, and multiple Republican judges, some of whom were appointed by Trump, say that the election was fairly carried out.
We, The World has developed the idea of Public Truth and Reconciliation Hearings. And we have proposed a Media Literacy and Communication Campaign as well that you can connect with us about. Thank you again for checking out TRENDS Magazine! You can submit your own Trend Report at any time, or respond to this or any of the articles, at trends.we.net And if you would like to support the magazine's non-profit Publisher We, The World then I and WE would be deeply grateful. You can go to https://WE.net/give Thank you!
Disclaimer While We, The World offers Trends in Global Grassroots Organizing as a public service to promote peace, sustainability and transformation, We, The World and our board, personnel, volunteers, organizers, members, advisors, supporters, partners, friends, allies and others connected with us do not necessarily endorse, support, and are not necessarily affiliated in any way with, the people, organizations, activities, values, strategies and ideas that appear here. We thank you for your efforts to create a world that works for all!
Copyright © 2021 We, The World All Rights Reserved
Get Inspired, Informed and Involved with TRENDS! Whether you're a committed activist or new to the world of social change, Trends can deliver a mega-dose of optimism while connecting you to new and inspiring Change Agents working locally and globally for a better world.
About We, The World
Trends is focused on the 11 Campaigns For Change which developed from 11 Days of Global Unity. Together they form a comprehensive blueprint for global transformation.
Background & Overview We, The World (at WE.net) is a global coalition-building non-profit organization that annually connects and promotes thousands of socially conscious organizations and individuals to amplify their efforts and generate public awareness and action. Advisors and Supporters include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Bill McKibben, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Daniel Ellsberg, Marianne Williamson, Tavis Smiley, Patch Adams, Hazel Henderson and about 70 other visionary leaders from around the world.
Would you like to help us Inspire, Inform and Involve millions more people to create a better world? Here are 3 ways you can be part of this effort: Join the WE Team that creates Trends and does so many other things too! Sign up to become a Volunteer Coordinator here: we.net/partner Submit your own Trend Report for possible publication in Trends! Tell us whose transformative work for social change inspires you including your own! Send to Trends@We.net Make a generous tax deductible contribution to help We, The World continue and expand our global networks of collaboration and action! Click here to make a secure donation or go to WE.net/donate to see an address where you can send a check.
Copyright © 2021 We, The World All Rights Reserved
Mission The mission of We, The World is to maximize social change globally until we have a world that works for all.
Welcome and Commentary
Editor's Note
by Rick Ulfik
Activism Bulletin Board
UNITY Our Moment Of Choice
WOMEN Reshaping the Women's Campaign with Karen Palmer
International Women's Day
Unleashing the African Potential
with Angelina Gabaitse
Promoting Women...In Rural Areas by Didier Nshimirimana
INTERDEPENDENCE Campaign for Interdependence
with Shannon CrossBear
Declaration of Interdependence
by Naureen Hossain
Women, Water, and the World GlobalWomensWater.org
Earth Month
Climate Change Fact Sheet
Sense of Water
by Shannon CrossBear
Climate Collaboratory
with Sue Blythe
The Corporation vs. The Consumer by Anna Kroll
M.A.S.K. - Rethinking Community with Callum Cintron
Are You The Key To My Hope? by Yvette Dubel
The Myth Of The "Lost Cause"... by Rick Ulfik
Creating An Alternative Economy That Works For All
by Jack Strasburg
Campaign for Health
44 46
DISARMAMENT It Is 100 Seconds To Midnight
WE Women Respond
by Shannon CrossBear
with Kathryn Davis
CHILDREN & YOUTH International Children's Month
A Look Back At MLK Manifesting the Dream
Who Was Martin Luther King, Jr.?
by Samuel Elliot
with Heidi Little
TRENDS.WE.NET to download this current issue
Robert Levine is Editor & Manager of Trends in Global Grassroots Organizing as well as a poet, essayist, activist, performer and yoga instructor in the New York area. His most recent book is Without Knowing Where We Are Going.
WE are so excited to share this issue of TRENDS in Global Grassroots Organizing, the first in four years. Since we last published in 2017, the planet has experienced dramatic, and traumatic, changes. WE have also seen amazing responses to these challenges with a dramatic growth in the number of social movements that have emerged and the number of people that have committed to work for social change. From Black Lives Matter to community organizing to take on the planetary climate crisis as well as the struggle to reverse economic inequality. TRENDS is dedicated to chronicle those developments and the organizations and individuals that are the dynamic force behind them. In this issue we will be featuring the Campaign on the Environment and the Campaign on Women to highlight International Women's
Day, which is March 8th, and Environmental Awareness Month, which starts of the vernal equinox and culminates in Earth Day. Our feature articles by two of our dedicated volunteers will focus on an organization providing valuable support to women in crisis and responsibility of corporations in the climate crisis. This issue also features information and articles on each the 11 Campaign Themes. In this issue WE will present the reader with unique voices and perspectives. WE, THE WORLD is a coalition of people and organizations across the planet and we want to share that with you. WE look forward to your thoughts and ideas as we travel together on Planet Earth as WE journey through the universe.
The upswell in grassroots organizing throughout the world and in the United States since the presidential election, is a sign of the growing awareness among people in all the nations across this planet that we can each make a difference in determining the direction of our nations and our planet. There are amazing organizations working on a vast myriad of issues, along with so many inspired to generate many more to join in the ongoing evolutionary change to save our world and each other. To support and inspire each other, WE, THE WORLD is initiating a new effort to generate the resources and the tools we can share with each other to organize our fellow travelers on our journey through the universe. This Action Toolkit is the inspired idea of Mahika Halepete, whose ideas and hard work were so critical in our launching the first issue of Trends.
The Action Toolkit can provide information and resources on how to perform outreach, to engage with organizations and individuals to raise critical funds, to reach out and share our ideas with like minded people, to advocate to elected officials, to motivate people to take action, and support each other to be active change agents. Within WE, THE WORLD we are graced with so many talented and effective people and organizations that have been making positive change for years, if not decades. Join us in developing this critical resource to encourage and support so many others working to make this a better world. As the legendary community organizer Fred Ross so eloquently said, "a good organizer is a social arsonist who goes around setting people on fire." Work with us to light thousands, if not millions, of beacons of change.
Have recommendations or resources for taking action? We encourage you to submit them on the activism bulletin board where they'll be seen by thousands and also be considered for the upcoming publication! http://trends.we.net/activism-bulletin-board/
Following on We.net's founder Rick Ulfik curating the new free e-book from Light on Light Publications with the Education Synergy Circle of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle (www.evolutionaryleaders.net)-- Universal Principles and Actions Steps (March at http://www.issuu.com/lightonlight) and We.net's 11 Days of Global Unity being featured in Light on Light's Our Moment of Choice special issue in 2020), Rick co-hosted the Our Moment of Choice second Special on VoiceAmerica in September 2020 (https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/125 569/our-moment-of-choice-2). For 2021 Light on Light, which hosts that Convergence series on Voice America is joining the "Our Moment of Choice" theme with that of the new novel Atlas Hugged by celebrated evolutionary biologist Dr. David Sloan Wilson. Atlas Hugged challenges Ayn Rand's infamous Atlas Shrugged, which became the icon for the ideologies of Greed is Good, Radical Selfishness and Tribalism. Rick, in his curation of Universal Principles and Action Steps, included a section on the views underpinning Atlas Hugged--- the "Prosocial World" view based on the global design principles of 2009 Nobel Prize winner Dr. Elinor Ostrom, with whom Dr. Wilson worked for many years.
The result will be a new VoiceAmerica series on The Convergence: "Our Moment of Choice: Atlas Shrugged or Atlas Hugged?". The first of the series will be in March 2021. After an introduction by the co-editors of Our Moment of Choice (www.ourmomentofchoice.com) the first segment will feature Dr. Wilson and Dr. David Korten (author of When Corporations Rule the World, The Great Turning, and founder of YES magazine). Then Mark Gerzon and Ben Rekhi will follow with a segment on their recent influential film: The Re-United States (https://reunitedstates.tv/). The program then includes thought leaders from both the U.S. and Europe specializing also in this debate: Duane Elgin (Choosing Earth) and Jude Currivan (The Cosmic Hologram) followed by discussion with activists Terry Patten (New Republic of the Heart) and Anne-marie Voorhoeve (The Hague Center). The program concludes with a discussion of the needs and directions of a "New Story" for our world, with the coeditors of Our Moment of Choice and Lynnaea Lumbard, founder of New Stories and Great Transition Stories (https://newstories.org/; https://greattransitionstories.org/). It will be posted at VoiceAmerica in early March (https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/2610 /the-convergence). TRENDS.WE.NET | 7
The WE Campaign for Interdependence promotes conscious interdependence, acknowledging that we are all connected through the web of life; expands awareness and action to protect and preserve our global commons; and honor indigenous wisdom.
Within the last year many had a heightened awareness of this interdependence as we collectively began to address the pandemic across our earth. On this the upcoming 50th anniversary of Earth Day we are more aware than ever that our continued growth will require a reliance on the collective wisdom and understanding of our interdependence. In the We Campaign for Interdependence we find all kinds of activities inter woven throughout the eleven campaigns. As WE expands, so do all the opportunities to highlight and work in a way that acknowledges and celebrate the nature of our interdependence. We cannot talk about interdependence and fail to recognize and support the work around the environment. Please check out the Campaign for the Environment and the Climate
Collaboratory where we are helping to tell the story of the evolution to a WE society. We cannot talk about Social Justice and neglect the work being done to address disparities. See what the WE is doing to reduce disparities, foster discussions that matter, and support systemic change. The future WE will be made of the youth and children and the theme for this year’s International Children’s Month and year- long platform is creating the WE. We have the opportunity to see interdependence, not only as necessary for survival but, additionally, as the source of our best life ever. Join us in the Campaign. Find your joy. Bring it to the conversation. Whether water or land, health or happiness, two legged or winged one there is place in the web of interdependence. Shannon CrossBear is the Coordinator of WE Campaign for Interdependence. For more information go to we.we.net/interdependence
DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE Please join Dr. Jane Goodall, and thousands of others in signing the Global Declaration of Interdependence
In acknowledgment of the many existing documents and efforts that promote peace, sustainability, global interconnectedness, reverence for life and unity, We, The World hereby offers the following Declaration of Interdependence as a guiding set of principles. It is inspired by the Earth Charter, the essential values of which represent those of the many peoples of the Earth.
We, the people of planet Earth, In recognition of the interconnectedness of all life And the importance of the balance of nature, Hereby acknowledge our interdependence And affirm our dedication To life-serving environmental stewardship, The fulfillment of universal human needs worldwide, Economic and social well-being, And a culture of peace and nonviolence, To ensure a sustainable and harmonious world For present and future generations To sign the Global Declaration of Interdependence please go to we.we.net/declaration TRENDS.WE.NET | 9
EARTH MONTH: RALLIES & ACTIONS Celebrating Earth Month Worldwide:
March 20th (Equinox) - April 22nd (Earth Day) This year a variety of organizations, with people around the world, are celebrating Earth Month. Earth Month is a convergence of events and activities starting with the Original Earth Day on the Equinox March 20th, including World Water Day March 22nd and culminating with Earth Day celebrations April 22nd.
Environmental Community Activism Climate Collaboratory Planet Heart Welcome to WE! Show More information at we.net/earthmonth
By Shannon CrossBear
Purposeful pound Storm surge Ice thunder Sleep song
Nose tickler Message carrier Dank and delightful River ripe
Shape shifter Sky reflector Diamond dancer Depth denier
Bicep burden Weightless wonder Temperature regulator Well Wellness
Rock cleaned Sky Blessed Whistle wetter Cell collecting
Water sense
with Sue Blythe
Note From The Editor: Since the first Earth Day in 1970, we have become increasingly aware how human behavior impacts this planet. It impacts our ability to sustain our resources, impacts the ability of all species to survive, and impacts the health of the planet itself. Faced with cataclysmic changes, represented most powerfully by the issue of climate changes, untold numbers of people have taken positive action to protect the health of the planet and to ensure that generations to come will be able to live healthfully, sustainably, and in harmony with each other and with nature. WE, The World (WTW) works closely with many organizations for the future of the planet and for future generations. One of the people fighting for the future is one of WTW’s WE Coordinators, Sue Blythe. Sue has been actively contributing to advancing the goals as a leader in the WE Environment Campaigns for Change. Her work cuts across many of the other Campaigns including Unity and Children and Youth. When it comes to our planet and our future all 11 Campaigns are deeply connected.
Sue is developing the Climate Collaboratory as a pilot project of We, the World and the University of Florida Extension.
Sue’s work envisions a sustainable and creative future through a collaborative storytelling adventure with age-appropriate activities for children, youth, adults and elders. This work incorporates the ongoing tradition of storytelling, the passing of wisdom through the generations. It is essential to provide children with the tools and the support to see that their ideas can come to fruition. That inspires bold and courageous action to engage families, friends and neighbors in a communitywide climate conversation-to-action program.
Then Pacha finds herself in a glorious dream on the Main Stage at the Global NatureFest. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=f3s64WsOyxY
Sue invites people of all ages to tell their own climate stories. These stories inspire, inform and involve people everywhere in a playful, youth-led collaborative storytelling adventure. It's a sequel to Pacha's Pajamas: A Story Written by Nature. https://pachaspajamas.com/ Our story begins at bedtime ... Once upon a time an old woman sang quietly to her granddaughter in the dark, "It's in every one of us to be wise. Find your heart, open up both your eyes." They're open! said Pacha. Gramma Sage whispered, Now close them again and see ... what you ... can see... She continues singing softly and Pacha drifts off to sleep with visions of the human family (who all know what I know, and it's good that it's so ... ) https://vimeo.com/307569350
The community of life on Earth has called the humans to respect the rights of Nature. Pacha pledges to plant a billion trees to help reverse global warming. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=0Tt7j2FJ2gk&feature=emb_imp_woyt
From there she travels through time and space at the speed of thought on the Web of Life. In the year 2050, she sees the whole world celebrating the Earth's temperature coming back down. In 2030, the world is celebrating the Big Win of the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022. Martin Luther King's World House is coming to life in one community after another. The interfaith Beloved Community Choir sings songs of peace. Children everywhere are playing the Earth Charter Game. The youth host the intergenerational Sustainable World Games Show. The human family plays the deadly serious game of Climate Chess, to get the right actionable climate resource to the right people at the right time. In her dream, Pacha sees that In 2020 Adrian and Rebecca Alvarez planted a Seed Idea on the Earth Charter +20 global call. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyUGSz1p1UY In real life, we are helping that Seed Idea to grow from vision to reality in the Gardens of Global Unity, where all things are possible. We are collecting true stories of the Past and Present, and using those to write stories of our Imagined Future.
The Climate Collaboratory is where we develop the bits and pieces of this thing. We stitch them together as a kind of storytelling quilt, with an unlimited number of stories on the human branch of the Tree of Life. onetreeoneplanet.org (click on Tree of Life) During We, the World's 11 Days of Global Unity in September 2021, Pacha becomes the next TreeTender, and invites people of all ages everywhere to care for the Tree of Life. treetender.org (click on Watch the Movie) And We, the World and University of Florida's Climate Collaboratory partners with the Florida Museum of Natural History and Digital Worlds Institute and (let's dream big) Walt Disney Studios to create a world-class transmedia collaborative storytelling adventure for the human family. And we'll know that our vision from the year 2000, at the launch of the Earth Charter, is indeed becoming a reality: "Let ours be a time remembered for the awakening of a new reverence for life, the firm resolve to achieve sustainability, the quickening of the struggle for justice and peace, and the joyful celebration of life." - The Earth Charter earthcharter.org To participate in the collaborative storytelling adventure, contact Sue Blythe <sueblythe@we.net>
Together we are writing the next chapter in the story of life on and with the Earth. Our intention is to create a 10-minute animated video to set the stage for an intergenerational musical play told with Expressions through the Literary, Visual and Performing Arts. It will be done in the style of Pacha's Dream ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoYTbYs1xqA
THE CORPORATION VS. THE CONSUMER Navigating Individual Responsibility in the Face of Climate Change By Anna Kroll
On September 17th, 2020, artists Gan Golan and Andrew Boyd set up a ten-story clock in Manhattan’s Union Square. Now, this clock didn’t simply tell us the time of the day, but served as an indicator of a looming, devastating threat: how much time we have before the effects of climate change become irreversible. At the time of installment it read: 7 years, 103 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes, 7 seconds. When the clock was unveiled, artist Golan encouraged viewers to reflect on their own carbon footprint and individual lifestyle. “The world is literally counting on us”, he said, “Every hour, every minute, every second, counts” (Hassan).
The installation contributed to the growing collective panic surrounding climate change. A flurry of questions chaotically circled the globe. “What can we do to stop this?” “Am I doing enough?” “Who should be held accountable?” Accountability, blame, who should the proverbial finger be pointed at? Are we as individuals ethically obligated to change our lifestyles to help mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and climate change? Or should we look to the major players, industry and corporations, the primary source of the devastation of planetary health? Let’s dive deeper. Yes, we all contribute to global warming through our cumulative collective actions. However, the climate crisis is much bigger than saying goodbye to plastic straws and altering our diets and modes of transportation. That being said, these ideas have dominated public conversation and generated a massive amount of media attention. Why? Cancelling plastic straws is slapping a band-aid over a much deeper problem. Though environmentally friendly, and definitely a step in the right direction, it functions on too small a scale to generate the magnitude and impact that addressing these issues requires and deserves. The focus on the narrative that individuals alone can combat climate change is
intentional and fueled by corporate interests. It suggests that individual actions and consumer choice have the ability to make the ultimate impact on planetary health, shifting the blame away from fossil fuels and the energy sector. Fossil fuel interests intentionally lead us astray— spending billions to craft the narrative misperception that the individual alone is responsible for climate change, and the individual alone has the power to save the planet. Ironically, oil and fossil fuel companies categorize themselves as leaders in the renewable energy movement. A confusing thought isn’t it? Companies intent on land degradation and resource depletion, spewing out endless greenhouse gases and pollution through drilling and other means, are vying to be voted America’s Most Climate Friendly. There is no question that the fossil fuel industry has played a massive role in the climate change crisis. What has been lacking is accountability, and only governments have the power to keep corporations in check. It’s more convenient for them to encourage individual action, as that requires less legislation, regulation, and time. Governments do have the power to enact policy that would regulate industries to remain within sustainable emission limits and transition towards a renewable-focused energy sector. It’s time they demonstrate true leadership and vigilance towards protecting the planet and all that inhabit it, tackling environmental challenges head-on. So, what is the individual’s role in the climate crisis? This is my opinion. Individual action matters. Personal action and government or
industry action need not stand in opposition to each other, but can actually work as a collective to create positive change for the common good. We can encourage individual changes in behavior and consumption patterns while still requiring systemic change and government agency. The idea that individuals hold no semblance of power is one that unfortunately is shared by many is this country. By declaring that individual behavior changes make no impact on the climate crisis asserts indifference, while simultaneously absolving us all from responsibility and obligation. Taking measures of personal responsibility for climate change displays a belief in your individual power. Participating in a meatless Monday or deciding to walk to work makes a statement that you believe your actions matter. When we take responsibility for how our daily behaviors impact the environment, we become empowered and our decisions become amplified. Individual actions, especially in a collective form, can be incredibly powerful. All this being said, an individual’s decision to regularly eat meat or rely solely on their personal automobile for transportation should not be considered morally blameworthy. Individuals who live in developing countries, developing countries in their entirety, deserve the most support and least blame. The climate crisis is not shared equally between developing countries,
developing countries in their entirety, deserve the most support and least blame. The climate crisis is not shared equally between all nations, there are a few main players who are disproportionately responsible, China and the United States at the top of the list. These countries and the people who reside within them, should not share equal blame or obligation. They are not the primary perpetrators of rising greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, massive rapid biodiversity loss, and the devastation of our ice caps and Arctic landscapes. They should not be required to enact the same structural changes, the same emission caps, as the nations and industries who are disproportionately responsible for the climate crisis we are facing today. So, it’s true that individual action to address climate change and environmental issues is insufficient, but that individual action is also powerful, and essential. While individual agency, especially in collective form, is invaluable, it is also necessary for governments and industry to hold themselves accountable. Widespread initiative needs to be taken, policy needs to be enacted and enforced, and emissions need to be reduced. It’s time for our current administration, corporate polluters, and national and international governing bodies to bind together, cooperate, and create positive change for the planet—as the clock is truly ticking.
Sources Hassan, Jennifer. “How long until it's too late to save Earth from climate disaster? This clock is counting down.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 21 Sept. 2020, www.washingtonpost.com/climateenvironment/2020/09/21/climate-changemetronome-clock-nyc/
The WE Campaign for Economic Justice works to end poverty, expand socially conscious business and reduce economic inequality and end economic injustice.
The WE The World Economic Justice Campaign is initiating a new project. Two central notions behind this are: (1) the perception that if we want a world that works for all (WE The World mission statement) then we will most likely need an economy that works for all and (2) the realization that those who pretty much control the current economy have little interest in taking us there. This takes us to a third: (3) if we want a world/economy that works for all we almost certainly have to create/build it ourselves. And we can do that. The movement to create a better world, as a whole, has all the necessary skills, tools and resources. In fact, many in the movement such as SEN (Solidarity Economy Network), NEC (New Economy Coalition) and the US Federation of Worker Owned Cooperatives are already in the process of doing that. All that is needed to feel confident that the skills and tools exist, is to check out the planet wide permaculture and ecosystem restoration movement. Paul Hawken in his 2007 book Blessed Unrest stated there are at
least one million “groups that address the environment, indigenous rights and social justice” and that number is significantly higher now. If we pool our resources and use them wisely and collaboratively, I firmly believe there is enough to give us the momentum needed to make this dream possible. My belief is that the single most important thing that needs to happen is to focus on and commit to getting the movement for a better world much better organized and collaborative. If we can do that, then we can pretty much do anything. If we can't do that then the picture may not be so rosy. The first step in our current plan is to identify those who are involved in the movement to create a world that works for all, what I call our Natural Constituency, and suggest that it would be a good thing to patronize/support those businesses that engender an economy that works for all in their mission (explicitly or implicitly), in a very focused and committed way. The idea being to keep resources in the community and grow the alternative economy we are trying to create.
To increase the effectiveness of this dynamic we are looking for ways to make shopping ethically more convenient, and to that end we are in the process of creating a WE Store, what I call the loving, caring alternative to Amazon. A big plus to getting this process very organized is that we will be able to develop situations whereby entrepreneurs can start businesses the movement needs confident they will have a significant customer base from day one. This will drastically increase the number of ethical businesses being born. Down the road we plan to create a global label/trademark so shoppers will be better able to find us with the knowledge that they will be treated fairly and. transparently, like family. How many times have we felt uncomfortable when needing a mechanic, lawyer, plumber, etc? More to come!
Jack Strasburg is a volunteer of WE Campaign for Economic Justice. For more information go to we.we.net/economic-justice or email JackStrasburg@WE.net to joint this project.
HEALTH CAMPAIGN With Kathryn Davis The WE Campaign for Health advocates for universal healthcare worldwide; supports holistic, integrative, proactive and preventative health practices; and promotes the connection between individual well-being and societal health.
Note From The Editor: In the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) it declares “the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” There are so many people in the world, including the United States among the post-industrial nations, where millions have limited access to adequate health care. This has been thrown into sharp relief by the COVID pandemic where half a million have died in the U.S. alone. The Campaign for Health has been fundamental to WE, The World where we recognize the criticality of health to our safety and well being as well as the importance of having access to information and modalities that enable us to make informed decisions to improve our health and our lives.
Our mission is to inform, empower and encourage people to take charge of their health, and build strategies for wellness into their lifestyles. To provide resources for healing on all levels of being: Mind, body, spirit, soul and energy. Also on the levels of family, community, economy and environment. With a commitment to develop a strategy to help each other make a difference both in our personal lives and at the level of society. To combat inequities in access to health care, wholesome food, a healthy workplace, a clean and sustainable environment and opportunities to create and flourish, so that all can rise to their healthiest potential. Campaign for Health Team: Kathryn Davis, Dr. Shireen Khatoon, Jason Ho
The program features guests, music, meditation and conversation, with a focus on consciousness, spirituality, health, the soul's journey and spiritual activism. Discussion also covers the many facets of energetic cosmology, human nature and an historical perspective. Kathryn Davis has been co-host and producer of Health Action since 1995 and producer of Heart Of Mind since 2000. Kathryn is a Meditation and Movement teacher, Spiritual Doula and Vibrational Healer. She is certified as a Qigong teacher and in Qigong healing techniques by OCOM, the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, and is certified in Reiki Energy Healing as well as the Sandlin Technique, an Indigenous Energy Healing practice based on Vision Quest and Shamanic Insight. heartofmindradio.com
WELCOME! International Children's Month
JUNE is the official month where we invite all of
is a platform that delivers a free 365 day a
humanity, across the world, to contribute to raising
year thematic, empowerment, embodiment
consciousness via practices and activities based in
activity curriculum that is for everyone!
love, care and respect for self, family, children and
Weaving together mindfulness of our
environment with body, mind and spirit
PARTICIPATE? All are welcome to contribute in
awareness through progressive education that
their own unique way and YOU ARE OFFICIALLY
fosters social emotional learning. We are an organization that is empowering youth, supplying mentors with heart-centered tools and delivering all of this through a yearly theme. We come together to co-create positive transformation with lasting societal and humanitarian changes through empowerment and inspiration in support of our mission.
Children across the planet in love, care and respect. 24 | TRENDS.WE.NET
INVITED! This year is International Children Love WEBuilding A World That Works For All 2021! We will be exploring the question: how do we build a world that works for all? Throughout 2021 and beyond! In collaboration with WE, The World, Unity Earth, World Kindness, The Black Jaguar Foundation, World Peace and Prayer Day, The Children’s Peace Project, World Water Law, The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning, Youth Ambassadors from around the world and you! Let us work together to explore this ever important question and find the solutions that will support our present and future generations.
Visit www.InternationalChildrensMonth.com today for support, tools and techniques in water, earth, whole being, team building, self love and cooperation, working in community/solutions/love in action,from past platforms and explore our new campaigns and
DONATE AND SUPPORT TODAY https://internationalchildren.world/donate/
opportunities to support your empowerment, inspiration and to join the children’sr/evoltuion.
Our New Landing Page and Official Feature Guide To June Is Here:
Contact/Questions/Alliance? Email InternationalChildrensMonth@Gmail.com
June 1st www.InternationalChildrensMonth.com/2020 Previous International Children’s Month Platforms 2013 International Children Imagine Peace 2014 International Children Love Water 2015 International Children Love Earth 2016 International Children Love Whole Being 2017 International Children Love To Create & Play GAME ON! 2018 International Children Love Self Love and Cooperation 2019 International Children Love Taking It To The Streets 2020 International Children Love The Miracle
Reshaping We, The World's
Women's Campaign The Women's Campaign has been expanded to include Allies & Families For the month of March, Karen Palmer the Lead
Please visit our partner also at
Coordinator for We, The World: Women, Allies, and
http://www.peaceonearthtour.live to join in the efforts and
Families will be having a celebration with Founder of
land blessings.
We, The World Rick Ulfik and several women Thought Leaders who are partners of WE from all around the
Join AWE Partners (http://www.awepartners.com) for our
world for International Women's Day airing live on
upcoming interview series entitled, “From Wallstreet to
http://www.facebook.com/thewecampaign March 8,
Woo-Woo: How Women are Using their Dollars and“Sense”
2021 3pm pst 6pm est
to Change the World”. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/from-wallstreet-to-woo-
Karen Palmer co-founder of
http://www.spiritualitygonewild.com will be discussing and joining in the campaign throughout the month with
The event kicks off March 8th, International Women’s Day,
Live Interviews at
and runs through March 12th. They will be spotlighting
individuals who are dedicated to lifting up women and girls at this pivotal time on the planet when so much is breaking
Please visit our partner at
down and the new is yet to be co-created.
http://www.internationalwomensday.org and our partners at
We will focus on #EqualEverywhere which brings together
the United Nations Foundation and partners committed to achieving the urgent systemic change that’s needed at all
WE will be featuring many SINE Members who are
levels, in all countries. Their aim is to build, nurture, and
partners of WE. SINE (Synergized Impact Network
mobilize communities of support for girls and women
Exchange) is a global alliance of social innovators
across and between countries, sectors and issues.
committed to large scale behavior change through collaborative learning, innovation, and unprecedented
WE will open lines of communication and dialogue to co-
unified action and Sommer Joy Ramer will share about
create a world that works for all. Please email
Beloved Community and our wonderful MLK Project
karenpalmer@wetheworld.org if you would like to join us in
results. Visit http://www.compassiongames.org and
our efforts to see a world of equality, respect, and dignity for
all living beings.
We, The World Celebrates
International Women's Day
March 8th
Roundtable Discussion Hosted By Karen Palmer & Rick Ulfik Sacred Conversation Hosted By Aurora Pagonis Featured Hosts Karen Palmer is a mom who made a wish that sparked a kindness revolution. She went from being homeless to being an Internationally known Global Kindness Leader and Educator. Karen is known as @MindfulMediaMom and Miss Kindness on all social media. Karen is a Spokesperson, Livestream and Social Media Expert for many large organizations. She is a best-selling author and co-produces several popular online talk shows. She is Lead Organizer for Women and Allies Campaign for We, The World. She helps change agents and peacemakers find their voice, and share their message and gifts globally. Visit www.globalkindnesstv.org to learn more.
Rick Ulfik (Co-Host) is the Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at WE.net. Rick is the Co-Creator of 11 Days of Global Unity - 11 Ways to Change the World with participants including Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Eve Ensler, Bill McKibben and many others.
Aurora Pagonis is the founder of She Speaks which is dedicated to the awakening and embodiment of the feminine intelligent principle. As a transformational coach, facilitator and inspirational speaker Aurora works with global groups of women and delivers Sacred Conversations Gatherings, On-line Transformation programs, retreats and inspirational talks. Facilitating women to rise into the best version of themselves through self-awareness, feminine intelligence and compassionate leadership practices. Empowering women to express their unique gifts into the world and deliver to their calling and to create a new way of living, loving and leading.
Featured Speakers Sande Hart- Mother, grandmother, Sister, and President of S.A.R.A.H. She is a disrupter of patterns of domination and patriarchy through wildly creative programs, workshops and events. Sande believes that We Philosophy is the solutions to all issues that disproportionately impact women and girls and through The General Congress of Women, a flagship program of S.A.R.A.H., she is committed to accelerating solutions in order to advance a culture of balance. SARAH4hope.org
ShaRon Rea, works as an Author, Speaker, Life and Family Coach and owns The Whole Family Coaching. She founded the global movement No Judgment. Just Love.® and created Comfy Couch™ Conversations to inspire us to live together with unconditional allowance for each other.…one courageous action at a time. www,NJJL.world
Marty K. Casey best known as “Dr. Marty”, is the owner of a trauma informed business UnGUN Institute. She is an “ Actrivist” an artist/ activist applying her experience to help people all over the world disarm trauma. Dr. Marty’s motto is “Hurt people hurt people. HEALED people, HEAL people.” She can be found on all social media outlets or you can visit Unguninstitute.com
Heidi Little M.Ed is a 25 year Social Emotional Learning international Educator and the Director of The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning. An accomplished musical artist and songwriter, CEO/President of Omnipresent Media TV Network, mother and youth advocate with International Childrens Month/World and WE The world. HeidiLittle.com -seladvancement.org - OmniTV.org internationalchildren.world
Reverend Sylvia Sumter has been an ordained Unity Minister for thirty-three years. She currently serves as the senior minister of Unity of Washington, DC, in the nation’s capital. In addition to that, she is the Founder of “Stand Up For Humanity”, a movement promoting the honoring of all people and creating a world that works for all.
Unleashing the African Potential with Angelina Gabaitse
“Unleashing the African Potential”, created by We, The
The village has a population of approximately 15,000
World’s Botswana Branch Coordinator Angelina
inhabitants. We are targeting at least 30 participants from
Gabaitse, is a human development and community
each age/gender group, making it 120 participants for each
development project in a small village in the Kweneng
cohort. This will also allow us to adhere to COVID-19
district of Botswana. The village is called Mmopane,
protocols and restrictions as guided by health officials.
situated 15kms from Gaborone. The project will make a positive impact as our approach The project encompasses social and economic
offers support to all members of the community by offering
empowerment programs along with environmental
tailored programs for each group, i.e. offering exclusive
stewardship through story-telling, awareness campaigns
mental health workshops or financial literacy for men,
and educational workshops such as financial literacy
facilitated by men or psycho-social talk groups for
and entrepreneurial skills for children, youth, women
women/survivors of abuse, facilitated by female health
and men. The program will also offer the beneficiaries
workers. This is aimed at encouraging building trust,
the opportunity to do practicals of the skills learnt
heightening intimacy to encourage an open and free mind
through a structured market hub i.e. those interested in
to full participation.
farming will have their fresh produce garden while those interested in jewellery making and weaving will
The tribal leadership had previously sounded alarm and
have their ‘arts & crafts’ corner. The target is to offer a
requested support through the media regarding the besieged
holistic and wholesome approach for the family
social ills that have overtaken the village. We were also
household, “leaving no one behind” and nurturing their
encouraged by one of our team members who has been
skills, dreams and desires to uplift and empower the
victim of the social ills, when she also organised a group of
men and women for a counselling session to understand the root cause.
The project is aimed at curbing the current social ills that the leadership is concerned about, which are
The village chief, member of parliament representative and
generational cycles of poverty, substance abuse,
village development committee have been engaged as
violence and dependence on the government’s poverty
relevant stakeholders and they offered their full support,
eradication schemes.
however the need may arise.
The WE Change Agent Network has
tool in order to face global leadership
established a new branch in Burundi,
responsibilities. In Burundian society,
lead by Didier Nshimirimana!
women are not empowered or encouraged
The Challenge: Women are not able to communicate using English. The Plan: Contribute to strengthening the socioeconomic development of rural women and girls by promoting their participation in English language learning clubs. English is one of the key tools that assist successful careers and great achievements for the current generation. The current Burundi Constitution states that 40% of leadership should be women, but those positions require English as a
to pursue higher positions and higher goals. Education Watch Burundi aims to empower women by equipping them with basic tools such as English and computer skills. A short survey was done by Education Watch Burundi in the Southern side of Burundi in Bururi and Makamba, where the English clubs we support are located. The questionnaire was submitted to young women in high school and University their main priority is to learn how to use a computer which can be used as a tool to attract as many women as possible to learn English.
For more information or to start a WE Change Agent Network in your community, email WECAN@we.net TRENDS.WE.NET | 31
"ARE WE AT A TURNING POINT FOR WOMEN IN POSITIONS OF POWER IN OUR CIVILIZATION?" We speak about power as if it's something granted. When we understand that power is claimed we can operate out of positions of power. Women are life givers. No more powerful position exists. The ability to bring human life forward. Turning point perspective depends on your cultural orientation... perhaps decolonized would be more accurate. Shannon CrossBear Interdependence Campaign Coordinator
We live in complex times. The symbolism of having a woman VP gives the illusion of progress. However women’s lives have not gotten measurably better. Women’s rights have seemed to disappear from the public discourse. And women in power seem to obtain their positions based on their collusion with patriarchal systems and toxic behaviors. So my assessment is that women must work to makeup lost ground and progress by developing human centered compassionate systems, that rather than seek power, endeavor to empower. Kathryn Davis Health Campaign Coordinator & Radio Host heartofmindradio.com
No, we have not reached a turning point. A turning point would imply a significant point in a historical perspective, such as allowing women to vote...and we have not reached that point again. As long as men maintain power in our patriarchal society, women remain victimized. Jana Larsen Economic Justice Campaign Coordinator & Volunteer Manager
Yes. Women are rising to take their place on the world stage. When I was in high school, the career choices I (thought) I had were teacher, nurse, secretary or housewife. My mother told me I had to go to college so that if something happened to my husband, I'd be prepared for some kind of job. Things have changed for my daughters, and will change even more for my granddaughters. I believe the human family is learning to value and respect the feminine spirit as a much-needed balance for the dominant masculine. Both wings must be strong for the dove of peace to fly. Let it be this generation ... Sue Blythe Environment Campaign Coordinator & Climate Collaboratory Project Manager
Yes, I believe we are turning the corner where society is realizing that patriarchal ideologies hurt EVERYONE, not just women. It is a systemic and insidious problem that permeates every culture across the globe and while we still have a long way to go, women are being empowered and emboldened to no longer be quiet and watch the world burn with greed and lust for power that is perpetuated by the distorted masculine energy operating in society. Women are waking up to realize that WE hold the power to bring balance back to the hearts of humanity through love and compassion. Alana Boyd Resource Development Director & Marketing Specialist
Yes, because it's the first time in our modern history where the abuse of women is far less normalized. And here in the U.S. we are at last seeing representation and inclusion of women, especially women of color, that helps inspire more women to step up and out of the shadows. Yvette Dubel Freedom Campaign Coordinator & Art Director
Absolutely, yes! Just like a beach ball that cannot be held underwater indefinitely, neither will women as leaders. Once the ball holder let’s up, the beach ball naturally reacts. It flies up high into the air and then settles to float on the water in right relationship with its surroundings. We are living in the current times of women in leadership ascending to the highest heights in business, government, world organizations and more, to settle into balance in the equitable relationships of their surroundings to lead with intelligence, fairness and compassion. ShaRon Rea Unity Campaign Coordinator & Founder of No Judgment. Just Love.® njjl.world
Yes and no. Women have made strides in gaining a "seat at the table" and allies are recognizing the need for balance in the masculine and feminine energy that's imperative for society's systems and structures to heal and thrive in a way that works for ALL! It's now more evident than ever that old patriarchal ideologies no longer work, and many are fighting to keep these ideologies alive. Angel Fullerton Chief Operating Officer
Yes, I truly feel we are at a turning point for women in positions of power. I feel we are moving in the direction for our entire planet to know the importance of equality, respect, and dignity for all living beings. I feel women are being recognized and valued for their wisdom and I am honored and humbled to be a woman who uses social media and technology for the greater good, helping to co-create a world that works for all. Karen Palmer Women's Campaign Coordinator
The coronavirus pandemic has undeniably
As with other workplaces, Her Justice has adapted
uprooted our lives, especially in the way we
to the pandemic and the disruption it has brought
work and the way we talk to people. A legal
to their regular services. Speaking with Director of
nonprofit that provides legal representation
Law and Policy Hamra Ahmad, Esq., the pandemic
to some of the most vulnerable communities in the city is no exception to the case. Nevertheless, for Her Justice, they have risen to the challenge and have adapted their approaches within the last year to provide their services.
has presented new challenges for the nonprofit’s practices, but it has also highlighted existing concerns with the court system. Representing clients in court has had to take a backseat since the pandemic forced the courthouses to close in March of last year. This has raised the issue of delays in the filing of petitions
Her Justice provides pro bono legal services to
and orders, as well as the backlog filed prior to the
women in poverty in the five boroughs of New
York City, representing them on matters relating to immigration, family, and divorce law. Since the
Hearings have been conducted virtually. According
nonprofit’s establishment in 1993, they have
to Ahmad, this has been one of the most significant
worked with hundreds of women each year to
changes in how their attorneys conduct their
support them in navigating the legal system,
practice and how their clients have engaged with
whether that is in providing them legal
services. Though the shift from physical hearings
consultations, representation in court, and even
to virtual hearings is a natural step towards
advocating for policy reforms informed by the
adapting to the situation, this brings its own
lived experiences of their clients.
logistical issues.
Technical difficulties such as stable Wi-Fi
can’t say yes, then we reschedule the meeting,” said
connection or working technology can cause
Ahmad. “It becomes about re-establishing trust
delays or prevent the clients from being present
with our clients, to assure them that we want to
during the hearing at all times.
help them act on their best interests.”
“The pandemic has more than ever highlighted the
The current state of practice and the issues at hand
digital and technological divides,” said Ahmad.
are indicative of existing systemic and structural
Their clients face the challenge of access to
barriers for Her Justice’s clients: accessibility,
adequate technology and information to
discrimination, and an overwhelmed legal system.
participate in legal hearings. Accurate data and information on the level of Attorneys and clients also face the common issue
engagement from litigants may also come down to
of conducting virtual meetings from home,
reluctance to engage with the systems to begin
eschewing in-person meetings. For the attorneys,
the work has taken much longer to complete because questions of safety and confidentiality
“Because their communities have faced or are at
must be renegotiated within the virtual space,
risk of facing systemic oppression by the
according to Ahmad.
government or the legal system, clients lose trust in the system and are less likely to come forward,”
Due to reduced contact between the attorneys and
said Ahmad.
clients, the regular practice of conducting meetings and court hearings does not work in virtual spaces
It is here where Her Justice and other such
when both parties only see limited perspectives.
nonprofits step in to support this demographic in
This has had the inadvertent effect of slowing
navigating the legal system within their best
down the process of building rapport and trust
needed from clients, many of whom are women of color or undocumented immigrants, of
The changes in practice are undeniable, but they
communities that have routinely faced systemic
have also brought on an opportunity for Her
barriers to their rights and are not granted the
Justice to reflect on its current methods of working
same level of protections from the state.
with clients and other stakeholders. Ahmad has suggested there is room to consider implementing
There is also the added risk of discussing
other measures to meet with clients to make it
potentially triggering or traumatic details within
easier for them. As 2021 rolls on, Ahmad is hopeful
proximity of children or partners, and for
about potential solutions and initiatives that will
attorneys to find a way to speak with clients alone. “When we’re in a meeting [with a client], we ask them ‘are you alone, or in a space where you feel safe? Can you go there?’ If for any reason, they
Are you alone, or in a space where you feel safe?
improve their engagement with current and future clients. Some of these solutions would improve the access of information to clients, such as including translations of relevant information about legal proceedings on their website, or providing materials to ensure a streamlined process for litigants to file for orders. Internal improvements have also provided the scope for the Her Justice legal team to virtually train their volunteer, pro bono attorneys from firms across New York City. This enhancement to their training model will likely remain a permanent fixture of their training in an effort to reach more volunteer lawyers. As for their work in policy, in addition to continuing with their current policy reform platforms in immigration and family law, there is an upcoming policy report on child support, slated to be released in March. The report is based on the organization’s findings of the challenges their litigants face in navigating family court. It goes without saying that Her Justice provides a crucial service to women in need. Women who struggle with psychological, relational and financial challenges which are only exacerbated with the involvement of the courts. The resilience and adaptability of these women and the people working at Her Justice demonstrate the necessity to adapt to the changing times, even in the face of a health crisis that has seeped into the global consciousness. Other issues do not cease to be, and the risk they present remain ever present.
From the time I was young the elder women; my wisdom keepers, grannies, and granny aunties, gave us teaching and instruction about the water. We, as women, were and are the water carriers, the protectors of the water, the medicine keepers. We carry water both internally and externally in our lives. Water is a close relative because it has a cycle, and that cycle is dictated by the moon and the twenty-eight sunrise and sun set cycle we as women have too. We were taught that water is the first medicine, and it is to be loved, thanked, respected. As I got a little older there was more and more talk about the water. The water was getting sick is how the elders would say it. The older women would warn of the time when there would be water wars and the time that water would be like gold. Water would be like gold. Now water is on the commodities market. Now, across the world, we have conflicts surrounding water.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The sources of those water conflicts have the
It may seem a monumental effort to think of what
multilayered effect on our human experience. Our
needs to be done to reclaim the health of the
health, our physical being, our lives, depend on
waters for our planet and ourselves. My invitation
water. Those that have experienced going without
is to start where you are. It can be a simple as
water for any length of time can attest to its
looking at what organized efforts are out there.
importance. The health of the water is our health.
Learning about the United Nations Sustainable
Whether internal, with meeting our hydration
Development Goals (sdgs.un.org/goals). Join work
needs, or external, with our need for hand washing
being done by the WE the World Climate
and sterilization, without water we will perish.
Collaboratory. (climatecollaboratory.org)
Our brains are water, around eighty percent by
Water is the great connector. It is the linkage to all
content. It is essential for the proper functioning of
life on the planet. Find your place in the link as we
all actions of the brain and central nervous system.
heal the sacred waters and in so doing the hoop of
As a species that prides itself on its cognitive
ability, one would “think” we would understand that water is such a great conductor, be it electricity or poisons, that we would see it as imperative to keep clean. Earlier in the beginning of this century the grannies and granny Aunties called to say the time had come to protect the waters. They shared that the poisoning of the waters of the earth, the disease within earths bloodline, was critical. It was the indigenous grandmothers here on turtle island that began by walking around the great lakes, carrying the water around the shores, joined by others, then there were the women who walked the rivers, other lakes, ocean, or seas. We all became stewards of the shores. We organized, to do together, what we could not do alone. Finding our voice at pipeline protests and economic development tables, and in school rooms and court rooms we continue to find ways to carry the water, to protect the first medicine, life on this planet.
Enjoy Storytime in the Story Wagon with Grandmother Shannon CrossBear facebook.com/shannon.crossbear TRENDS.WE.NET | 39
March is one of our favorite months of the year! Why? Because it's Women's History Month, March 8 is International Women's Day, and March 22, is World Water Day! In celebration of this marvelous month, on March 1, we are inviting you all to share the #womenmakingwaves in your life! Over the month, we will be sharing some of the most ripple-y women we are inspired by, and hope you will share your stories too! We believe that women embody some of the most powerful qualities of water. Water (and women) are relentless and shapes the landscape! When water (and women) hit an obstacle they finds a better path. We want to know which women in your life have demonstrated these powerful qualities! 40 | TRENDS.WE.NET
Who has shaped you? Who has been relentlessly supportive? Who has helped you find your path? Please follow us to share your stories starting March 1! Twitter @womenwater Facebook, /womenwater Instagram @globalwomenswater As we raise awareness of the water burdens that women face, we will be celebrating the incredible work of our women trainees and graduates bringing sustainable WASH solutions to their communities and are working at the frontlines of Covid to ensure that people have the tools, knowledge and skills to reduce the risk of Covid and water-related disease! Carrying a jerrican of water (5 gallons) on their head shoulders and backs is one of the heaviest burdens (literally)! One jerrican of water weighs 41.64 lbs! We will be trying to raise $4164 from now until World Water Day - March 22 to support our women to bring health, wealth and h2ope to their communities! Help us spread the word and challenge your friends to highlight the women in their lives who have shaped them, been relentlessly supportive and helped find their paths! Thank you all for your relentless support over the years! Our ripples have turned into powerful waves because of you! And thank you for taking our #womenmakingwaves Challenge!
The Human Rights Campaign is excited to announce the creation of a new program, M.A.S.K. Rethinking Community. M.A.S.K has four goals: mentorship, affirmation, scholarship and knowledge. The goal is to provide support to community members to remove the masks society has forced them to wear in order to fit in and prosper in society. No longer letting society force them to conform to cisgender, heterosexual, white norms; to no longer be silenced. M.A.S.K.'s three programs strive to give community members access to equal financial, material and emotional support that they have been denied for hundreds of years. We foster education through our communities and partner with allies to come together to fight injustice.
Mentorship. Affirmation. Scholarship. Knowledge. 42 | TRENDS.WE.NET
Our mentorship program will look to
This program is ambitious, but WE
pair members of these communities
have faith in it. To allow our services to
together to have a mentor to guide the
be available as soon as possible, we will
mentee through transitional periods in
be releasing all program related
life. Affirmation of one’s identity is a
materials in phases. This will start with
challenge these three communities face
the release of our website
daily. Our affirmation program looks
(rethinkingcommunity.com) and blog
to deliver identity affirming products,
to the public within the next few
such as gender affirming clothing and
months. Behind the scenes a group of
disability aids, free of charge. Although
amazing volunteers have started
there are numerous scholarship
researching these three communities,
programs for these communities, there
preparing to conduct focus groups,
can never be enough. Through
creating fundraising plans and working
fundraising and donations we hope to
on community engagement. Input
be able to offer scholarships for
from the three communities on their
hardship, university, innovation grants,
needs, and how this program can
surgeries and more. Lastly, the
benefit them, is of utmost importance
knowledge aspect of the program is a
to us. If you would like to give
combination of events and resources
suggestions, input or have questions
that will help the community members
about the program in email us or direct
and allies come together to better the
message us on social media.
Email: info@rethinkingcommunity.com Twitter: @RethinkingComm Instagram and Facebook: @rethinkingcommunity Donations: we.we.net/donations/human-rights/ TRENDS.WE.NET | 43
While doing the work of advancing a culture of We, it can be a challenge to remain optimistic. Undoubtedly many of us have felt this way or maybe even expressed it out loud before. What has been unusually difficult this time around, for me, is that this project has come as an answer to the many, many declarations of allyship in response to the black lives matter movement. Once the protesting subsided BLM allies again and again were asking "what next?" and "what now?" 44 | TRENDS.WE.NET
Overcoming our no doubt inspiring history, I ventured to trust the question was sincere and created this solution. After having shared in several group sessions, and discussed in interviews how this solution empowers the beneficiaries of systemic and institutional racism to address its reason for existing, it's hard not to be disappointed by the lack of actual support for the project. I think what has been most hurtful has been the seeming unwillingness of those in spiritual communities to look deeply at how their understanding and quest for success requires perpetuation of (aspects of) systemic racism. Those who are benefiting most are the only hope for dismantling for transforming it. But until enough of those folks have the courage to look at this and remove the poison of racism from their system, it remains in Our Systems. This remains a persistent obstacle to cultivating a true WE Culture and We have to face it, even if the community decides to accept inaction or inadequate action. What does it mean that even after explaining step by step, so few have been willing to really do what is required to cure racism? The Empowered Innovation System is based on 7 principles.
What are the 7 principles I want to emphasize? EMPOWERED INNOVATION PRINCIPLE #3 - Your choices express what you are (really) saying not your words. And so all the words of support and invitations to speak about this doesn't signify the change I hoped it did ( at least not yet). My greatest fear is that it won't amount to much more than more of the same talk without substance. This challenges my instincts to look for the brightside. But because there is so much at stake, I can't give up. I was inspired to launch this project in meditation overcoming all my personal doubts to answer this call. Like that seed destined to become a tree, I am compelled to escape the darkness beneath the surface so that I can grow. In that spirit I have written a companion book to the "A Cure for Racism" webinar. The book takes another step towards making the subject accessible and gives actionable guidance (like the webinar) with an updated playbook for being the change. Supporters of the webinar fundraiser will get a coupon code for special deep discount (more than 50%) off the book price. Will anything I do make a difference?
Yvette Duel has been called your go to person for the perfect blend of creativity, insight and ability to connect. Yvette Dubel is a speaker, artistresearcher, and personal innovation mentor, founder CEO of WebAntiphon Group, author of "Why Brand Risk Management Innovation is a Game Changer", and creator of the Empowered Innovation System[CFAaP]. She serves conscious leaders looking for outside box thinking with vision and wisdom to drive triple bottom line success (profit, people, planet). For more than two decades Yvette has built a reputation as a big picture thinker and social innovator that knows how to drive short term goals without letting what matters most fall by the wayside. Dubel is also ArtistResearcher in Residence Coordinating the We, the World Freedom Campaign and Founding Director of the [We] Freedom Film Fest. As part of this collaboration on MLK Day 2021 she launched " a cure for racism" project powered by the Empowered Innovation System[CFAaP]. Next week her book “A Cure For Racism” will be added as a bonus for donors to this project campaign. EmpoweredInnovation.org
That's something YOU get to decide. TRENDS.WE.NET | 45
For decades I have said that the messages of the Media become the fabric of our culture. Now I fear this shared fabric has been torn and may be unraveling. We are witnessing the weakening, and possible fracturing, of Freedom and Democracy in the United States - and elsewhere - as large numbers of people are putting their trust in Media that have monetary, political, ideological, religious, spiritual or other reasons to falsify information, promote hate speech, engage in sensationalism and advocate violence. On January 11th I heard an episode of On The Media - the Myth of the Lost Cause which did a deep dive into why supporters of the Big Lie (that Democrats stole the 2020 election) are invoking the "Lost Cause" myth of the Southern Confederacy. My understanding is that the original myth of the "Lost Cause" was that the Civil War was about the Northern States imposing their will on the Southern States, denying them their "States' Rights" to secede, etc rather than it being about slavery. Many are concerned that with over 50 million people believing that Joe Biden and the Democrats stole the election and pushed through the final counting of the Electors, and with as many as 45% of Republicans supporting the storming of the Capitol Building on January 6th, that this will become a New "Lost Cause" Myth which could last for years and decades like the original civil war myth (that has lasted to this day). It is not just the creation of this new myth that concerns me. Disinformation campaigns about the pandemic have already led to the
unnecessary loss of hundreds of thousands of lives to COVID-19. And there are many "smaller" lies about Immigrants, Climate Change, etc that distort our culture, our shared reality, and result in lives lost. Taken together, some people fear we are entering a new "Post-Truth Era" where such distortions are largely considered "Free Speech" and continue to be disseminated through many Major Media platforms and outlets as well as the giant Social Media Monopolies. What can we do? I would like to see a Major Mobilization for Media Literacy and Media Transformation. Here are some potential general goals of such a mobilization: Do extensive Consciousness Raising about the importance of Media Literacy - the ability to critically evaluate and understand the many kinds of media; why a particular example of media was made; whether it is news, advertising, propaganda, or entertainment; who made it; and who benefits from it. Protest or boycott major media companies that knowingly falsify news and other critical public information for monetary, political, ideological, sensational or other reasons Take back Public control of the Airwaves: (including internet). Reverse the "Great Digital Giveaway" that took place under the Clinton Administration in 1996 that gave private licenses to Major Media companies without strong public interest obligations that we could now call for, such as: Create a 21st century version of the Fairness Doctrine Figure out how to institute safeguards that preserve Free Speech and also protect against hate speech and falsifying
information that can affect public health and safety, etc Hold media accountable for hate speech and calls for violence on their platforms that actually result in violence. This is similar to the idea of holding gun manufacturers liable when their product is used to cause casualties and death, etc. Support existing News Media in the Public Interest which are often non-profit, listener or reader-sponsored, and do not take political or corporate advertising. Examples of not-forprofit fact-based news and information sources that regularly illuminate the most significant issues include: Democracy Now!, The Brian Lehrer Show, Economic Update,
and On The Media. And of course We, The World's Welcome To WE Show and this Trends Magazine are other examples. Simultaneously, We, The World, with our many allies and partners, will continue our work to create a "cultural shift" that fosters public acceptance of diversity and connection - "WE Consciousness" - understanding that our collective well being depends on the well being of each and every member of our society. Thank you for your support of Public Interest Media so we can collectively begin to repair our tattered and torn social fabric.
Independent Non-Commercial News Media in the Public Interest Freedom and Democracy depend on reliable, fact based Media that do not count on revenue from commercial advertisers or owners whose profit motive could affect what issues are covered, who is investigated and how the stories are presented. While you may not agree with points of view expressed by particular guests on the following media outlets, I have found these shows to offer comprehensive news and analysis, and hard-hitting investigative journalism, without misleading "Alt-Facts", "Fake News", personal attack rants and generalizations that distract and discourage so many people on the web these days. Here is a brief sampling of some of my personal favorites:
fair.org democracynow.org
IT IS 100 SECONDS TO MIDNIGHT thebulletin.org
The Challenge In a recent statement released by the Science and Security Board on the 2021 time of the Doomsday Clock: Human beings can manage the dangers posed by modern technology, even in times of crisis. But if humanity is to avoid an existential catastrophe—one that would dwarf anything it has yet seen—national leaders must do a far better job of countering disinformation, heeding science, and cooperating to diminish global risks. Download the 2021 Doomsday Clock Statement https://thebulletin.org/doomsday-clock/current-time/
change agents addressing the challenge
http://www.abolition2000.org/event/world-futureday-launch-of-youth-fusion-elders/ 48 | TRENDS.WE.NET
UNFOLD ZERO, Youth Fusion and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND) cordially invite you to join an intergenerational dialogue on March 8 highlighting the roles of women in the peace, disarmament and security fields, and the importance of including gender approaches to these issues in order to build more effective and sustainable security for all.
Check out all the events and replays at we.net/mlk TRENDS.WE.NET | 49
Compassion Games Presents
MLK Weekend of Service: Building Beloved Community Convergence compassiongames.org/MLKconvergence
It Matters was relaunched for the MLK 40 Days of Peace Celebration 2021. Each episode features a short guest chat about stepping up into who we really want to be to move closer to the better life and better world we want. Learn how guests found the courage to see challenging truths about themselves and then did something about it. Together we learn what it takes to "be the change" more of the time...and we explore the way that reality works and feels.Join us to explore and help shape a better world that works for ALL.
Music: "Please Listen Carefully" by Jahzzar is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Learn how to volunteer in the LGBTQ+, BIPOC and disabled communities. 50 | TRENDS.WE.NET
Martin Luther King Jr. was truly a radical of his time, as a leader of the civil rights movement, which he catapulted to national attention. King fought for things that seemed out-of-touch for the reality at that time, which makes him such a notable figure. Just about a decade before his famous "I Have A Dream" speech, Martin Luther King Jr. was just starting to tour the South giving sermons at black churches talking about the radical change he was hoping to bring to the community. These rumors of the social upheaval of the day were quiet but radical, and that is what he was looking to do; make a radical movement that would change the structure of Black America forever. In 1954, King was elected to the Montgomery Improvement Association as the
president and became the leader of the
These battles usually take decades,
movement against the city that put Rosa
which makes what King did so
Parks in jail for refusing to give her seat
extraordinary. He may have been at the
to a white man. It focused on ending the
tail-end of a battle for the Civil Rights
segregated buses that forced black
Movement, but the speed and publicity
people to stand up to give their seats to
he gained for the movement was what
white people, which never happened
made him so important for the cause.
before. His continuous stride for the
He made this movement successful, a
equality of all people in America was
battle that had ideas that were
seen as radical on its own too. This type
unimaginable for the time, making this
of revolution, lasting from the mid-
fight a radical protest ending in black
fifties to the sixties, had not happened
people gaining the right to equality.
on this scale in all of America's history. Besides the fact that King completely The NAACP held a successful anti-
changed the whole movement from a
lynching campaign in the '30s that
thirty-year fight by the NAACP to a
fought to advertise the costs of lynching
national movement that included a
along with kicking out senators that
massive march in Washington and small
supported the nomination of pro-
protests around the country. Of course,
lynching John J. Parker for the Supreme
there were efforts for civil rights before
Court. This added to the measures they
King came along, but there is a huge
passed that brought lynching to a
difference between him and the other
historic low. There was the case of
ideas the NAACP took on. The NAACP
Brown vs The Board of Education,
took the method of challenging things
which was a case sent to the Supreme
through the government process and
Court arguing that schools should be
taking cases up to the Supreme Court,
desegregated. However, what is less
which usually took much longer and
known is that the battle for
cost much more time making sure that
desegregating schools was a thirty-year
everything was set for them to be
fight fought by the NAACP that then
successful. In contrast, King focused on
culminated in the Supreme Court case.
influencing public sentiment. He chose
to work on rallying a large group of
King saw that capitalism greatly
Americans to support the movement
disadvantaged black people to the
before bringing it to the federal level,
benefit of whites. He truly believed that
which he believed would make it easier
the system in place for America made
for it to pass. He took inspiration from
black people, as well as all
Gandhi's massive protests in India,
disadvantaged people, the losers for the
which won the territory the right to
American economy; and he wanted to
become a country instead of staying
change. It is argued by many that if
under the oppressive power of Britain.
King was not assssinated, he would have
He staged protests in a movement that
fought for even more of his radical
seemed like a long shot before he
ideas. In addition, King had many
organized the system that would
unconventional ideas that made him so
combat Great Britain and win
radical. He was fighting for the equality
independence with peace. Both of these
of a group of people that had been at
men had come into movements that
the bottom of every social and
were slow and not as effective before
economic pyramid in the United States,
they came along and brought these
something unimaginable to most blacks
ideas to the forefront of the public.
and whites in those days. He staged
They created successful movements
mass protests around the country that
fighting for radical change.
would bring with it huge police activity, along with smaller protests that would
However, MLK was radical for other
shake up "white-only" communities in
reasons as well. When legislation came
small towns. This brought havoc to
before the U.S. Senate in 1983 to
those communities, bringing the Civil
commemorate King’s birthday as a
Rights Movement to the forefront to
holiday, there were twenty-two votes
the minds of almost every American.
against it and resistance from then President Reagan. They saw his fight as
MLK knew what he was doing by
an "Action-Oriented Marxism" that
inciting all these events, bringing his
resulted in race riots across many cities
movement that would destroy the
in the nation. This was in part true, for
American tradition of exploiting black TRENDS.WE.NET | 53
people forever. This was radical back in
Vietnam War criticized how America
the 1960s as well as today; it's like
was enforcing war at a time he was
completely changing the structure of a
fighting for peace while being called a
social and economic class in the
communist. He was a very
country. There was still a significant
controversial figure at the time, with
amount of anger over the Civil Rights
about two-thirds of Americans having a
Act among white people, as there is
negative opinion of him.
anger over Black Lives Matter and other hot-topic issues of this era that
Overall, MLK was one of the most
involve race. America is a racist
influential people in American history
country, making the Civil Rights era
and will stay forever in the history
and MLK some of the most radical
books. However, there is a lot that has
American objects of our history.
not been observed by the American curriculum on King; the fact that his
There is also significant whitewashing
approach to the Civil Rights Movement
of his words that hide how he was
was so radical and different that it
much more of a radical than believed
actually worked. He incited protests
by the public. People in the 21st century
across the country and criticized
know King mostly for his "I Have A
America and capitalism. He was truly
Dream" speech, but some of his most notable speeches are known to very few. He was a passionate man who had views on issues that were truly prevalent for him. His speech at the Southern Christian Leadership Conference criticized capitalism and spoke about the evils that it brought upon African Americans, and his speech in New York over the
radical, and that should never be forgotten. Sources nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/freedom/1917beyon d/essays/crm.htm thekinglegacy.org/content/king-years theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/jan/21/martinluther-king-jr-day-legacy-radical progressivesoutherntheologians.com/news/2019/4/7/mlk -and-marxism africanexponent.com/post/6804-6-radical-quotes-frommartin-luther-king-jr