11 minute read
Culture Days goes virtual
By Brian Zinchuk,
Local Journalism
Initiative Reporter
Saskatchewan Party Leader Scott Moe kicked off the 2020 general election saying his party would be running on its 13-year record of growth, and the key bal lot box question would be who the voters trust to guide Saskatchewan through an economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Oct. 26 election will be the first for Moe as leader of the Saskatchewan Party, a position he won in January 2018, taking over from for mer Premier Brad Wall.
Moe said outside the Saskatchewan Party’s Regina campaign headquarters they would be putting forward “a plan for a strong economic recovery. It’s a plan to make life more affordable for families, and it’s a plan for growth. And it’s a plan for strong financial fiscal man agement, and a balanced budget by the year 2024.”
He said the ballot box question will be, “Who do you trust to lead Saskatch ewan’s economic recovery?”
Continuing, Moe said, “I know this for sure. It isn’t the NDP.”
“The last time the NDP were in office they drove people and jobs and oppor tunities out of this province. They had the worst job cre ation record in Canada. They believed that Saskatchewan could and would never grow. It could only decline. That’s why they closed 52 hospitals. That’s why they closed 176 schools. And that’s why they closed 1,200 long term care beds in the province. They didn’t believe in Saskatch ewan, or its people. But in 2007, Saskatchewan changed course. Voters elected a gov ernment that did believe in our province. They believed in Saskatchewan people, and they believed in Saskatch ewan people’s potential. Since then, Saskatchewan has had the second-best job creation rate in the country, our province grew by over 170,000 people.
“We’re building new hospitals, we are building new schools, and we are building new long term care facilities for our seniors and for our family members.”
He pointed out the press conference took place near a school in Regina’s Harbour Landing, of which neither the school nor the develop ment had existed before the Saskatchewan Party came to power.
To that end, Moe spoke of running on the Saskatchewan Party’s record in government, highlighting its successes in growth over the last 13 years in power, versus what he called the NDP’s “dismal record of decline.”
“Today, this is a vibrant thriving neighborhood full of young families, full of new businesses, a brand new school that just opened in 2017 and already we’re building another school in Harbour Landing, all be cause of growth.”
Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, Moe said, “Today we face a challenging econ omy as we emerge from this global pandemic, but already Saskatchewan is coming back strong. More people in our province continued to work throughout this pandemic, more than any other province in Canada. And now we have reopened almost all of our economy and thousands more jobs have returned.
“Saskatchewan people have shown that we can control the spread of this virus, and we can bring back jobs at the very same time,” Moe said. He criticized the NDP’s stance on reopening the economy, saying, “The NDP didn’t share that same confidence in Saskatchewan or its people. They wanted to slow down or even stop our reopening plan. They didn’t believe that we can reopen and bring back jobs. Well, they were wrong. We can do both. We can do both safely, and we have.”
Moe said the NDP had “no plan of recovery whatsoever.”
In what is shaping up to be a battle of accusations of future budgetary cuts, Moe raised the history of NDP cuts to government programing in the 1990s, brought on by high deficits from the Progressive Conservative administration of the 1980s. He conversely brought up what the current NDP is now accusing the Saskatchewan Party of – a plan for austerity and cuts to programs.
Moe said Meili “wants to spend recklessly. He wants to spend with no plan of balance, no plan to grow the economy here in the province, which ultimately means that there will be cuts at some time in the future when this type of reckless spending is allowed to occur.”
When asked why he was talking so much about what happened prior to 2007, and if he was running against former NDP Leader Lorne Calvert or current Leader Ryan Meili, Moe replied, “We’re running with the people of this province on what we believe this province can be. We are the party that has a plan for growth. We have put forward our growth plan. It’s our second growth plan that this party has put forward, to the year 2030, the targets in that growth plan of growing our population, growing our careers and growing our opportunity for our children and that next generation, that holds true.”
In order to achieve those targets, Moe noted, “We need to recover from this global pandemic.”
He said, “You look at what Saskatchewan has to offer, the food, the fuel the fertilizer, and our opportunity is great.”
With regards to “battleground ridings,” Moe emphasized his party’s team would be running in 61 ridings.
Despite its plans to eliminate a $2.1 billion annual deficit, Moe said there will still be room for new ideas. “You will see a plan that will increase the affordability for families, ensuring that we can not only have strong families but strong communities across this province,” he said, but would not release that plan on that day. The plan would be “very realistic, full of targets, but with the opportunity to grow.”
Asked about a “steady as she goes” strategy, Moe replied that steady as she goes has meant continued growth, investment into communities and industries, growing the population by 170,000, and providing “opportunity for our children to have a career right here at home.”
Work on Highway 39 continues Review Photo 9200 — Greg Nikkel Road work crews were busy on Highway 39 at the 16th Street intersection on Thursday in Weyburn, part of the ongoing highway construction work on Highway 39 this past summer. There have been passing lanes and turning lanes built from the Yellow Grass area down towards Estevan done at different stages. Weyburn’s Culture Days to be all online for a month
There’s even more Culture Days for Saskatchewan to love in 2020, as Canada’s favourite fall celebration of arts and culture is set to deliver a monthlong immersive and engaging arts and culture experience – indoors, outdoors and online - beginning September 25 and running until October 25.
In Weyburn, check out this link: https://weyburn.ca/ culture-days-2020/ and enjoy the many arts, cultural and heritage activities brought to you by the City’s partners, including Sask. Culture, Weyburn Arts Council, Weyburn Pottery Club, Weyburn Crocus Quilters Guild, South East Newcomer Services, Metis Nation Sask. Local 87, Open Air Market, Weyburn Wood Carvers and the Weyburn Public Library.
The Culture Days site for Weyburn features around 30 videos or powerpoint presentations related to the arts and culture.
There will be a time-lapse video from the Weyburn Arts Council showing the unveiling and installation of a collaborative mural, featuring a photograph by John Woodward, and of origami lily making.
A video on behalf of the Weyburn Pottery Club will show instructions on potterymaking, demonstrate by Darlene Martin.
She will demonstrate using a wheel to throw a bowl, a clay jar with a lid, a mug and a plate, and hand-building a mug and pop-up plates.
The Crocus Quilters Guild will have a powerpoint online to demonstrate quilt-making as well as a virtual show of quilts by guild members.
A video will be shown from the Weyburn Open Air Market showing artists and markets, and the City of Weyburn will show a virtual self-guided tour of the Soo Line Historical Museum and the Turner Curling Museum.
The Southeast Newcomer Services will feature cultural videos, including the Champa Apsara Vietnamese dance, Pysanka Ukrainian egg-making, sewing a tote bag, drawing superheroes, a Metis display and stories, beadwork, henna tattoos and a pastry demo.
The Weyburn Wood Carvers will show wood-carving videos and photos with general wood-carving information, tools and equipment,
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and projects like a whimsical horse, musical frogs, comfort birds and a carved hand as examples.
The annual, nation-wide celebration of arts and culture offers people of all ages and walks of life the opportunity to try out arts and culture activities for free. Experiences are normally hands-on and interactive, and designed to entice more people to get involved in local arts and culture. This year, a new virtual option has been added to ensure the health and safety of organizers, volunteers and the public.
“COVID-19 created many challenges for the cultural community this year but it also opened the door to some creative opportunities,” said Dean Kush, CEO, SaskCulture. “Lots of discussion and brainstorming among national and provincial Culture Days partners resulted in a new way to highlight the cultural experiences found here in the province, as well as throughout the country.”
In addition to virtual programming, some small, in-person activities are also taking place where allowed by public health guidelines, and with COVID-19 prevention measures in place.
“SaskCulture offered sponsorships for community organizers to work together in hubs to offer safe, virtual programming,” Kush adds. “The response was very positive, despite the uncertainty, and the creativity of our cultural sector is really shining through with the variety of different experiences they are offering.”
Culture Days Hub communities include Weyburn, Gravelbourg, Prince Albert, Lloydminster, Regina, Saskatoon, Manitou Beach, Yorkton and Warman. Visit www.culturedays.ca for the full lineup of activities – in Saskatchewan and across the country - to choose from.
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