20 minute read
Former student gives update
By Sabrina Kraft
Collection days for the Operation Christmas Child program in Weyburn will be held at the Weyburn Free Methodist Church on Saturday, Nov. 21 and Sunday, Nov. 22 from 3 to 5 p .m.
The Operation Christmas Child program for Weyburn and area have new area drop-off leads who are collecting shoeboxes this year. Marna and Kelt McManus took over the lead position from Bev Alexander, and had assisted Alexander during last year’s program to learn about their new positions.
Operation Christmas Child is a hands-on way for Canadians to bless struggling children in the developing world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and other items. The annual program is held by Samaritan’s Purse.
Residents who need empty boxes delivered to their home or organization can text their address to Kelt and Marna at 306891-8676 with the number of boxes and pamphlets required, or whether you’d like them flat or folded.
“Some children like to colour the boxes before they fold them, and some adults like to cover them in Christmas gift wrap first,” said Marna.
“As long as those bringing their boxes have their paperwork filled out in advance, collection should be contactless, but measures will be in place to ensure all goes safely and smoothly,” assured Kelt.
“The other thing that’s different this year is the location of collection will be at the northeast door of the Weyburn Free Methodist Church, the Fellowship Hall entrance,” he added.
Filling the shoebox is no different this year, with the same rules in place, such as no candy and no liquids (including no toothpaste or hand sanitizer), with toys, school supplies, and shoes being encouraged. Find out more suggestions at https:// www.samaritanspurse.ca/ suggested-gifts/
“We encourage folks to pack shoeboxes this year as a way of reaching out in the spirit of Christmas,” said Kelt. “The gifts aren’t just a nice thing to do. They can actually make a big difference in the lives of the recipients.”
The school supplies and the shoes, for example, enable children to go to school, and, for many children in third world countries, the lack of shoes are the main obstacle.
“Thanks in advance to anyone who would like to help us out this Saturday and Sunday to load the boxes onto the truck,” requested Marna. “Being in the other end of the church helps with safety, but it involves a bit more leg work with the boxes of boxes.”
With the COVID-19 restrictions in mind, Marna and Kelt urge those interested in packing shoeboxes to keep it within their families, or small church groups. There is also an option to pack a shoebox online at https://packabox. samaritanspurse.ca.

A birthday toast Photo 7796 — courtesy LIza Biard Liza Biard of France raised a glass in celebration of her 20th birthday, held in October. Liza was a Rotary exchange student in Weyburn three years ago, and paid a virtual visit to the Weyburn Rotary Club via Zoom on Thursday.

Former exchange student Liza Biard updates Weyburn Rotary Club
By Greg Nikkel
A former exchange student from France, Liza Biard, visited the Weyburn Rotary Club as part of their Zoom meeting, and updated members on her activities.
She was in Weyburn for a year-long program as a student at the Weyburn Comprehensive about three years ago, including participating with the Crocus 80 youth theatre group who performed at the Theatre Saskatchewan provincial theatre festival hosted in Weyburn.
Originally from Lorient, France, she noted she is living in another city in her second year of taking university courses.
She has not yet decided on specialty courses yet, so her subjects are general right now, including French, English, Spanish, philosophy and Latin.
“I think I’m going to specialize in languages in my third year, English and Spanish probably,” said Biard.
She noted that France is back under a lockdown for COVID-19. “Everything is closed, except for schools, and my course is taking place in a high school. It’s a little bit weird, we have to wear masks all the time and we have to eat separately. It’s different, but it’s important and it’s necessary,” said Biard. “It’s a stressful time.”
She earned her driver’s licence over the summer, and told the Weyburn club she would love to take a flight over to visit in Weyburn “but it’s a little bit complicated.”
Biard stayed on the meeting to hear a presentation by Andrew Crowe from the City of Weyburn on the culture and recreation centre, the Credit Union Spark Centre, and she commented she was very impressed by the facility being built here.
“I found the idea absolutely marvelous, to have sport and art reunited in one place. That’s such a good idea, it’s absolutely amazing,” she said, adding she hopes to be able to visit some time to see the new facility.

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KOFCPARKWEYBURN Knights ofColumbusWeyburn Council #1731 (KofC) thanks Jo Beach, founder of Cedar And Vine fashion studio, new owner of, and located in, the former Signal Hills Art Centre, whichwastheformerMountSt Mary'sHospital,forgenerously donatingtothemthestatueof theSacredHeartofJesusthat had been on the Centre grounds. TheKofCalsothanksDonBell andMikeBellofSourisValley Industries for their generous assistanceinmovingthestatue totheKofCPark. The park, which is located on CityofWeyburnland,between CedarAndVineandtheT.C. DouglasCentre,wasdedicated in 1967, and the KofC invites everyonetovisitit.
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Kevin “Ducky” Donald
Kevin Edward Donald “Ducky” was born on March 12, 1966 in Regina, SK. He was adopted when he was 2 months old to Willa-Mae and Marvin Donald and was lucky enough to have a second father later in life with Howard Wickstrom. He passed away November 8, 2020 in Weyburn with family by his side at the young age of 54 years. He was predeceased by his father Marvin Donald; father-in-law Milan Marjanovic; numerous uncles, aunts and cousins. He leaves to mourn his loving wife Debbie Donald, McTaggart, SK; one son Andrew James Donald, McTaggart, SK; one daughter Megan (Robert Day) Donald, Chilliwack, BC; two grand children, Isaac and Aubrey Day, Chilliwack, BC; his mother WillaMae Donald (Howard Wickstrom), Weyburn, SK, one sister Charlene Donald Rivard, Invemere, BC; mother-in-law, Barbara Marjanovic, Calgary, AB; one sister-in-law Barbara (Hany) Shenouda, Calgary, AB; five nephews, one niece and numerous aunts, uncles, cousins as well as his birth mother’s family who have supported us since 2000. Kevin grew up in the moving business, his father owned and operated Donald Moving and Storage in Weyburn. When Kevin became old enough, he started to work in the family business, helping out during summer holidays and on weekends until he obtained his 1A Semi license at 18 years of age and set off driving it for the first time through downtown Calgary. He went on to Kelsey Institute to become a machinist and although he only worked a short while in the industry he used his skills in his shop at home for the remainder of his life. From there he continued to work for Donald Moving until he married and had his first child Megan Donald in 1986. It wasn’t until 1987 Kevin met Debbie on a chance meeting in Calgary and three years later she was accepted into nursing in Regina and started attending in the fall of 1990. It was on March 12, 1990 that Kevin was first diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and went through two sessions of cobalt radiation treatments. At that time, full body radiation was the protocol. He was so sick, lost so much weight and struggled through radiation burns but by the time they began living together he was starting to recover. Debbie went on with her studies and Kevin worked at the business with his father until late in 1992 when his father became ill and by February 17, 1993 Marvin had passed away. Kevin started to run the business but unfortunately soon became ill once again that spring with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This time it was more invasive and chemo was the choice of treatments. He continued to receive chemo treatments all that year and they planned for their wedding. On March 12, 1994 Kevin and Debbie married, he was still in treatments and had severe back pain, fatigue and numerous other side effects but they managed. Once he was recovered he went back to work and Debbie worked as a nurse. They had a few good years, even managed to travel a bit in Canada and the US together. In 1998 he fell ill and was diagnosed once again with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This time it was in his bone marrow and the only option was a new treatment in Saskatoon called a Stem Cell Transplant. He was told he had a 50/50 chance of surviving as it was a “Cure or Kill”, so he went to Saskatoon and with the help of family was able to get through the painful treatment. We were blessed to have the next 15 years without major issues. We were able to go on a trip to Cuba, got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy and as a family went on several trips in Canada and the US. Kevin owned and operated Donald Moving and Storage until 2000 when he had to sell it due to his on going health concerns. He continued to work at home while raising our son, and yes, you heard that right, he raised our son while I went to work. To tell you the truth he did a damn good job too except for a few trips to the ER, but for the most part Andrew turned out to be a respectful, loving young man with many talents just like his father. Kevin had numerous hobbies some of which were, building HO scale train sets and running them. His latest train set could not be completed but he enjoyed every minute he had creating it. He also restored vintage and sports cars and dreamed of getting another project car to work on with his son. He didn’t know a lot about carpentry but he designed and built our house with such precision. He enjoyed being a member of the Saskatchewan Knife Makers Guild serving on the executive for a time. He belonged to the Weyburn Gun Club and enjoyed target shooting when he was able. In my eyes he could and would be able to do anything. He never disappointed me and always tried so hard for his family as they were the only thing he loved in this world. If all that wasn’t enough for him he became Mayor of McTaggart even though he wasn’t sure he could do it, but with two of his trusted council by his side he was ‘in my opinion’ the best Mayor any village could have. Anyone could call him up and ask for his help. Many times he would go out in the snow storms and pull people out of the ditch or other projects in the village he didn’t have to do. He wanted nothing in return, just respect. Most gave that to him but there are always a few that never did. He was a perfectionist and wanted to please everyone, that didn’t always make for an easy time as Mayor. In 2015 after having numerous cardiac issues, Kevin underwent a valve replacement. Following this procedure it seemed his lungs started to decline as well as his stamina. In the spring of 2018 he was diagnosed with lung cancer which was devastating to us since he had been cancer free for so many years. He also hadn’t smoked since the early 90’s so we were not sure why. Turned out to be the full body radiation he had in 1990. So once again he was having chemo treatments followed by radiation, this time targeted as they have improved greatly and then a liver ablation as it had metastasized. He ended up having one more ablation and immune therapy before the cancer came back on his liver. He received one treatment of chemo to try and keep it from spreading and passed away very shortly after. Many do not know this but Kevin managed to do all of the things he did such as, completing High School, completing machining, running a business and caring for a family and was very dyslexic. He struggled but he never showed it just like through his cancer everyone always said, “but he looks so good and is so positive, you would never know he was sick”. Kevin you are our heart and soul and will be missed so greatly but we will continue on and make you proud. We love you, until we meet again my love. For family and friends so wishing, charitable donations in memory of Kevin may be made to the Allan Blair Cancer Clinic, 4101 Dewdney Avenue, Regina, SK., S4T 7T1. Arrangements were entrusted to RD Family Funeral Chapel & Crematorium, Weyburn, SK. (848-0333 ~ 1-888-848-0333). Expressions of sympathy to the family may be sent to our website at www.rdfuneralchapel.com, “Honouring Life and Celebrating Memories”.

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than the rest!
New city council has orientation session

Photo 4632 — Paige Tenbult, City of Weyburn Weyburn’s newly-elected city council met during the day on Monday for an all-day orientation session in council chambers, and then were sworn in that evening to a new four-year term. From left to right are councillors Mel Van Betuw and Dr. John Corrigan, Mayor Marcel Roy, and councillors Jeff Richards, Laura Morrissette and Dick Michel, with city manager Mathew Warren at right, and director of finance Laura Missal at the podium. Carol Festival to include submitted, archive videos
There have been about half a dozen performance submissions for the virtual community Christmas Carol Festival, to be hosted by the Quota Club of Weyburn this year instead of a live in-person event. Heather Sidloski of the Quota Club said that the online Carol Festival will be a good mixture of submitted videos, and archive videos from the past.
The Quota Carol Festival, which is held the first Sunday in December, has been a part of the Weyburn community’s start of the Christmas Advent since 1954. The Quota Club of Weyburn had decided
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that despite all the roadblocks and rules courtesy of the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, they would continue this tradition with the 66th annual Quota Carol Festival.
The event won’t be held at Grace United Church nor will they have a stage filled with performers or have the community in the audience, but the club hopes that with the help of the community, they can bring the joy of the season to the community. Quota is excited to be working on this project as a partner with Access Communications. Cory Morrisette is helping the club to have a “virtual community Christmas Carol Festival.”
“We know that a virtual festival will not have the same excitement in the air as when the children are all dressed up and gather to perform in front of a live audience or the ambience of beautiful Grace United Church Christmas décor, but it will still feature Jean Fahlman reading the Biblical advent story and choirs singing your favourite Christmas carols and bringing the spirit of Christmas into your home,” added Sidloski.
The Carol Festival program will be livestreamed on Sunday, Dec. 6 at 2 p.m. on the AccessNow TV Weyburn website and on Facebook live. If you are an Access subscriber, you will also get to see the Quota Carol Festival throughout the Christmas season as usual. More details will follow as they are available.
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