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SJHL partners with STARS
Going after the puck
Photo — Sabrina Kraft Weyburn Gold Wings defence Chloe Stewart took advantage of a spill by a Regina Rebels player to go after the puck during a home game on Sunday afternoon at Crescent Point Place. The Gold Wings played a home-and-home series with the Rebels, losing in Regina 6-1 on Saturday, and 4-1 on Sunday in Weyburn. Brett Jones takes to the field for Vikings
Weyburn’s own Brett Jones took to the field with the Minnesota Vikings on November 22, in a surprise start against the Dallas Cowboys. Jones filled in for injured rookie Ezra Cleveland.
According to Pro Football Focus, Jones earned an overall grade of 75.0 during the game, the highest mark of all Vikings offensive linemen.
Earlier last week, The Little Park (a Canadian film company) released a 20-minute documentary focused on Jones and his rise to the NFL. Called “Uncharted North, I am Brett Jones”, the documentary follows his journey from his time with the Comp Eagles to his years playing at the University of Regina and then as an emerging star with the Calgary Stampeders of the CFL.
During his time in the CFL, Jones won the Most Outstanding Rookie Award in 2013 and the Most Outstanding Offensive LineBrett Jones

man Award in 2014, the same year that he helped the Stampeders win the Grey Cup.
Jones started in the NFL initially signed with the New York Giants. He earned first-team reps in 2017, starting in 13 out of 16 games. The Vikings traded a seventh-round pick in 2018 to acquire Jones, who started the first three games of the season at center in relief. He has spent the majority of the last few seasons with the Vikings as a reserve on the offensive line.
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Hockey Fights Hunger campaign for Salvation Army
The U15 Weyburn Coop Wings are challenging all Weyburn Minor Hockey Association teams to join them in their campaign “Hockey Fights Hunger” to raise cash and gift cards for the Weyburn Salvation Army Food Bank.
According to a post on the Minor Hockey Facebook page, the Co-op Wings are hosting this fundraiser because COVID has affected so many families and the food bank has felt the increase in their users as well.
“Unfortunately with the loss of their major Food Drive campaigns including the Holiday Train, the Salvation Army needs our community to step up, es-
The Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League (SJHL) announced its continued partnership with STARS air ambulance for another STARS/SJHL 50-50 lottery.
The 50-50 will last through the remainder of the 2020-21 SJHL season. Half of the proceeds will go to the winner, and the rest will be divided equally between STARS and the SJHL.
Bill Chow, President of the SJHL, stated, “STARS has made a significant impact across Saskatchewan, saving many lives with their air ambulance service. We hope that the 50-50 partnership with STARS helps raise the funds needed to replace the STARS helicopter fleet in Saskatchewan.”
pecially during the holiday season.” Cash and gift cards for groceries allow the Salvation Army to safely offer their services. Christmas is a time when it is most important to look after those less fortunate and those who have been hardest hit during this pandemic. Other WMHA teams are encouraged to collect cash or donations from their team, collect admission at games or any other creative ways to meet the challenge. Teams that want to participate can email team totals to bantamcoopwings@gmail.com and deliver their total collection to the Weyburn Salvation SJHL partners with STARS for fundraiser
Army Food Bank.
Since its inception in 1985, STARS has flown more than 45,000 missions across Western Canada. Last year alone, STARS flew 884 missions in Saskatchewan. The proceeds to STARS from the SJHL partnership will support the non-profit’s fleet renewal efforts in the province.
“Just as the SJHL was built for communities by communities, so was STARS. Both organizations want to invest in our communities, and the progressive 50-50 fundraiser is a good way,” said Tammy Beauregard, development officer with the STARS Foundation. “The 50-50 is a win-win for both organizations and one lucky ticket buyer.”

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New Co-op Home Centre taking shape

Photo 2342 — Greg Nikkel Work has been progressing at the site of Prairie Sky Co-op’s new Home Centre, located near the cardlocks at the Crossroads Co-op location at the intersection of Highways 13 and 39. The new Home Centre is slated to be open by the spring of 2021. Cornerstone deputy director’s duties complicated
reporting directly to the director of education so that COVID-19 pandemic response needs could receive more rapid responses if and when they are required.
Keating went on to explain the division employs approximately 600 teachers who fill 528.91 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. He noted an additional 13.3 positions were added to attend to increased demands on the division’s online school, Cyber Stone, that now caters to several hundred more students in both elementary and high school classes, due mainly to the pandemic situation.
In other full-time equivalent positions, Keating said there are intervention teachers (43.62 FTE), learning support teachers (39.31 FTE) and unassigned time in schools amounting to just under 28 FTE and unassigned time outside of staffing (12 FTE).
Add to this a team of educational assistants (137.6 FTE), library technicians (21.09 FTE), administrative assistants (47.03 FTE), transportation drivers (126 FTE), information systems (13 FTE), finance, payroll, human resources (9.8 FTE), division office educational assistants (5 FTE) and facilities (101 FTE).
Keating said the facilities group witnessed a hiring hike of 25 per cent that was deemed necessary to increase the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. That group included caretakers and other cleaning and maintenance personnel.
The deputy director also outlined the timelines for future employee contract
Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Donna Harpauer announced a new phase of the Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program (STWSP) targeted to workers in long-term care facilities, personal care homes, integrated healthcare facilities (which include both long-term and shortterm care) and for home care workers providing care to seniors in their own homes.
This will provide $400 a month for two months efagreements with two unions and how various risk management duties were carried out, including safety measures for staff and students during the pandemic.
Keating said there is currently a shortage of substitute teachers, casual caretakers and school bus drivers and that was probably due to the COVID-19 situation as well.
He noted key positions such as administrators, teachers for small rural schools, special education teachers, and specialized fective Nov. 19, 2020, for eligible workers regardless of income level. The application form, eligibility and program information, will be online at www. saskatchewan.ca/wagesupplement-program in the coming days.
“As recently announced by Premier Moe, visitation to all long-term care facilities and personal care homes will be suspended, effective Nov. 19, with the exception of compaspositions such as speech and language pathologists and occupational therapists, are always in demand across the province.
Some duties were delayed, he said, due to the pandemic and that included vice-principal evaluations, administrator developments and inductions along with special educator training.
Managing investigations, discipline procedures and grievance processes have been carried out as required.
The upcoming opening of the new Legacy sionate reasons,” Harpauer said. “We recognize the increased workload these new measures place on workers tirelessly caring for our seniors.
“By creating a new phase of the Temporary Wage Supplement Program, our government will ensure that workers who are impacted by these new measures receive the financial assistance that they need.”
In this new phase, the wage supplement will be Park Elementary School in Weyburn is now ahead of schedule in the construction process, Keating said. On other files, he noted that recruitment sessions are pretty well all virtual as teaching and other positions are filled via online interviews while communications with universities remain solid. Finding further efficiencies in the system also becomes part of the HR job, he said, while workers’ health and safety continue to take a priority
New temporary wage supplement introduced
position within the system. provided to full-time, parttime and casual workers, and includes anyone employed by an eligible facility or providing home care services, but does not include third-party contract service providers working at those facilities.
More information about this new phase of the Temporary Wage Supplement will be available at www. saskatchewan.ca/wagesupplement-program in the coming days. Update given for inclusive playground project Photo 4783 — Greg Nikkel Deanna Schwindt of St. Michael School gave an overview of the school’s inclusive playground project to the board of trustees of the Holy Family School Division, at their November board meeting. The first phase, which cost about $72,000, is completed, and Schwindt was explaining how all of the funds were raised for the project, along with the goals for the remaining phases of the project. COVID public health announcements are curtailed by Sask Health Authority

By Brian Zinchuk,
Local Journalism
Initiative Reporter
For many months, the province would put out public service announcements, alerting the public that if they had attended this gym or that grocery store at a certain time, they could have been exposed to COVID-19 and they should self-monitor for possible infection. That practice was discontinued on Nov. 13. On Nov. 17, Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, explained why.
Shahab said, “If you will notice, the number of public service announcements has gone down dramatically. And that’s not because the case numbers are going down. It’s because, now, every location is in a risk location. And in the past, we would make a big deal of saying, ‘Oh, if we went to this grocery store at this day, in this hour, self monitor yourself as well.’
“That’s all stopped because there’s no point now. Every location you should consider to be at risk of infection. Every person you’re interacting with, unknowingly, may be shedding COVID. I may be shedding today, or someone I’m talking to may be. And you have to use those universal precautions at all times, such as physical distance and masking. And that is how we need to navigate, going forward.”
The release from the Saskatchewan Health Authority on Nov. 14 said, “Starting Saturday, Nov. 14, the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) will be discontinuing self-monitoring COVID-19 Public Service Announcements (PSA) for potential exposures at business and other locations. Alerts will only be issued when self-isolation is immediately required.
“COVID-19 is everywhere in Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan’s medical health officers are asking all Saskatchewan residents to self-monitor for COVID symptoms, regardless of where you live in this province. In addition, every resident is asked to ensure you and your family members stay up to date and are following all the guidelines and public health orders. This information can be found in detail at Saskatchewan.ca/COVID19.
“COVID-19 PSA alerts will remain an important tool for primary health care teams. However, these will only be issued at the direction of local medical health officers when they have determined a notification of the broader public is required to inform individuals who may have attended a location or business to immediately selfisolate and seek testing.
“Reasonable effort will be made to notify business and locations in advance that they will be named in these PSAs. However, this may not always be possible.”
Holy Family board hears update on St. Michael playground
By Greg Nikkel the story of two students at
The first phase of the St. Michael, one of whom, new inclusive playground Max, is in a wheelchair and equipment project at St. had been unable to play on Michael School is finished, the playground with his and project organizers are classmates until this new now considering moving equipment was installed. on to the second and third “The day we were setphases, Holy Family board ting it up, one of Max’s members heard in an up- friends asked, ‘does this date at the November board mean we get to play with meeting on Wednesday. Max now?’,” said Sch-
St. Michael principal windt. “It’s not just about Dean Loberg and project co- Max, it’s about the whole ordinator Deanna Schwindt of society, that principle provided the update, noting of having everybody inthe first phase was the big- cluded. It’s teaching our gest part of the project. students to be inclusive of
“We’ve got a great everybody around them.” team at St. Mike’s. She added that seeing They’re all very very sup- the students’ reaction to portive,” said Schwindt. the project showed her that “It’s very exciting for us. the students are getting the It’s been a couple years in points about inclusiveness the making.” and accessability.
The playground equip- Some funds came from ment was put in early Oc- two students who are part tober with the help of many of the “100 Kids Who volunteers. Loberg noted Care” about Weyburn charthe last part of the equip- itable group, where they ment for the first phase just presented the project to be arrived that day, a second voted on to receive some of slide to be added on. the funds they collected.
Schwindt explained the The second phase is first phase cost $72,000, two pieces of equipment which was all paid for that cost $15,000, and through fundraising, dona- the third phase is paving tions by many groups and the whole area with rubcompanies, and grants, in- ber, which would further cluding funds provided by enhance accessability for the Holy Family School students who have moDivision. bility issues. This phase
“Without your support, will cost $64,696 for the this wouldn’t have hap- paved rubber. pened,” Schwindt told the The project organizers board, noting over half of have been applying for the funds for the first phase grants, such as to Jumpcame from Holy Family. Start, and to KalTire to-
There were fundraising wards the use of recycled projects by many groups, tires for the paved rubber including by the Lions part. “I’m hoping with Club, and a Grade 8 class this we can at least get the at St. Michael which held a paved rubber portion,” said dance and bake sale among Schwindt. other activities. Volunteer “It’s a tough year for labour was also provided fundraising,” said Loberg, for the installation by the noting any fundraising Knights of Columbus and activity they do have has Young Fellows Club. to be done “in a COVID-
Schwindt also shared friendly fashion.”
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