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Wheatland Seniors Centre to feature speaker at supper
The month-end supper at the Wheatland Seniors Centre will be held on Friday, Aug. 25, with a pork cutlet dinner. Those attending are asked to be at the Centre before 5 p.m. The guest speaker for the evening is Edna from Envision Counselling and Support Centre.
Phone 306-842-3503 to put your name down on the list or come in and write name down on the list. The Deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 23, before noon.
The results of the Wheatland Seniors Centre’s activities from Aug. 7-11 are as follows.
Painting a clay mask
Kennedy Nelson painted her clay mask during an art class at the Credit Union Spark Centre on Aug. 2. She is a participant in the art-rec program, which provides a variety of activities throughout the summer.
In bridge, first went to Meta Murray; second was Shirley Sparks, and third was Basil Holyer.
In hi-lo whist, Chris Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog won first place; Faye Johnson and Marge Schultz were second; and Gladys Lokken and Sharon Eggum placed third.
The winners of canasta were, in first, Joan Gregory; in second, Lavine Stepp; in third, Jean Reich; in fourth, Marge Warnke; and in fifth, Sheila Greiner.
In Kaiser, Faye Johnson and Marge Schultz placed first; Marie Marcotte and Jorja Swanson were second; and Melba Bent and Norma Kapusianyk placed third.
The winners of Thursday Crib were, in first, Cheryl Vogel and Emily Zyla; in second, Ray and Connie Boucher; and in third, Chris Herlick and Phyllis Lindskog.
In shuffleboard, Coral Schindel and Pat Schutz won first; Connie Boucher and WillaMae Donald came second; Bill Irvine and Rick Wanner placed third.
Bingo is held at the Wheatland Sr. Centre every Thursday at 1 p.m. Slider cards are 50¢ each.
Ministerial Message:
Simple things
By Associate Pastor Brandon Tichkowsky, Wheatland Community Church
We often in life, especially growing up, aspire to do great things and have great impact in our world. I would day dream about the things I would do if I became Prime Minister of Canada and the things I could do to help people. Or if I became a famous scientist and created the next invention that would help so many people.
Don’t get me wrong, these are great aspirations. But we often forget that it is the simplest of things that have the greatest impact in our world.
One time, sitting in service, the pastor who just finished speaking asked if we would pray for the per- son next to us. With no one sitting next to me I turned to the man behind me, who I had never met before, and asked if I could pray for him.
It was the simplest of prayers that I had prayed. I quickly noticed tears streaming down his face has he greatly thanked me for praying for him. I was astounded how it had really touched his heart.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-18 (NIV) says, “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you. Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encour- age the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
When we accomplish these simple things we are fulfilling God’s will for our life. The one who created all of the universe with all of its beautiful detail and complexity simply says when we do these little things we will have great impact.
Can you imagine what life would be like if we all made these our priority for the day? Lord Bless you this day.
Weyburn to develop strategic plan, budget
Weyburn council and administration will complete a fouryear strategic plan, and begin work on the 2024 budget, after releasing results of a citizens survey at council on Monday
Police investigate stolen licence plate, motorbike
Weyburn police laid charges in relation to a stolen licence plate, and recovered a stolen motorcycle out of Regina in the past week
Weyburn Red Wings have a strong season
The Weyburn Red Wings reviewed positive financial and operational reports for the 2022-23 season at their AGM, and are setting plans for the upcoming season, with camp on Aug. 25-27
SE producers moving along with harvesting
Harvest operations are underway in the southeast region, with progress in fall rye, pulse crops, and haying is mostly done.