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WFBF Announces Excellence in Ag Finalists


Four individuals have been selected as Wisconsin Farm Excellence in Ag award applicants are agriculturists who Bureau’s Excellence in Ag finalists and will compete in have not derived a majority of their income from a farm (that November for the top honor. they own) for the past three years. Examples of occupations

The Excellence in Ag award recognizes members of Farm of past finalists include agricultural education instructor, Bureau’s Young Farmer and Agriculturist Program who excel fertilizer salesperson, veterinarian, farm employee, journalist in their leadership abilities and involvement in agriculture, and marketer. Farm Bureau and other civic and service organizations. Each finalist must make a presentation and answer questions

“We have four outstanding agricultural advocates in this for a panel of judges. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, this year’s year’s state competition,” said WFBF President Joe Bragger. contest will be held virtually. The state winner will compete “This contest highlights these individuals and how they have at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 2021 Annual positively impacted Wisconsin agriculture and Farm Bureau Convention. and inspire others to do the same.” The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation co-sponsors this

The four finalists are: contest with GROWMARK, Inc., and Rural Mutual Insurance • Stephanie Abts of Manitowoc County. Stephanie is a dairy Company. Farm Bureau’s YFA program is open to members nutritionist at Rio Creek Feed Mill, Inc. Stephanie and her between the ages of 18 and 35. Information and applications for husband own and operate Abts Champion Dairy, where all YFA contests can be downloaded from wfbf.com. they milk 130 Holstein cows. Last year’s Excellence in Ag award recipient was Ben Huber • Natasha Paris of Green Lake County. Natasha is the from Green County. agriculture teacher and FFA advisor in Ripon. She and her husband also own

ParKelm Farm, a Stephanie Abts direct-marketing pastured meats operation in

Green Lake. • Julie Wadzinski of Barron County.

Julie is a farm operations instructor at Wisconsin

Indianhead Technical

College. She has participated in the

Discussion Meet, been a delegate for Kellie Zahn

Barron County, served as the District 9 YFA Representative Natasha Paris and the WFBF YFA

Committee Chair. Julie Wadzinski • Kellie Zahn of

Shawano County.

Kellie is an agriculture agent at the


Community. She is a board member for the Shawano County

Farm Bureau and a graduate of the

WFBF Leadership


2020 Virtual YFA Conference Why you should attend!


"We all know the YFA Conference isn't going to be what we have experienced in the past, but tune in to see all the fun things we have planned for you. There will be opportunities to win cash prizes, Farm Bureau swag, learn more about the diverse agriculture community and so much more!"


"Attending the virtual conference will be a great way to stay connected with fellow YFA members. We know it won’t be the same and may even be a little weird to some, but give it a try. Why not be a trailblazer? With new experiences can come great memories, which can influence our future (YFA events) for years to come." “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” - O.W. Holmes


"The virtual YFA Conference will offer you an opportunity to be engaged and involved in great discussion while remaining safe at home. We want our YFA members to stay safe but remain connected within Farm Bureau."


"The YFA Committee is working hard to put together a great virtual YFA Conference and you will want to tune in to cheer on our Excellence in Ag and Discussion Meet finalists."


"We are committed to providing the same quality content you are expecting. The virtual conference format will allow members to connect with fellow agriculture enthusiasts and hear from industry leaders excited to share their experiences."


"We all know that things are a bit different this year but we can still expect our YFA Conference to be engaging, educational and entertaining! Be sure to tune in during the conference for trivia games, workshops and opportunities to learn more about YFA. See ya there!"

Reap the benefits of your Farm Bureau membership

For complete details, visit wfbf.com/membership/member-benefits.

Farm Bureau members who are agricultural producers and patrons of their local FS cooperative are eligible to receive patronage when patronage is paid. Special member pricing and free shipping. Visit wfbf.com for more details.

Members receive an incentive discount ($300 to $500) when purchasing qualifying Case IH equipment from participating dealers.

Rural Mutual Insurance Company To find a Rural Mutual Insurance Company agent, visit ruralmutual.com or call 877.219.9550.

Farm Bureau members receive $500 bonus cash off the purchase or lease of an eligible new Ford vehicle and $750 bonus cash off the purchase or lease of an eligible new Lincoln vehicle. Must be a member for 30 days. Visit fordfarmbureauadvantage.com/Login/Login for complete details or to print your certificate. Through an exclusive program offered by Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, Farm Bureau members receive a factory direct rebate of $250* on the purchase of a new *Yamaha 4WD ATV, Side-by-Side or Snowmobile. Fill out the rebate form at bit.ly/3inykme. You need your Farm Bureau member number to complete the form. *You must be a paid Wisconsin Farm Bureau member at time of purchase to receive the $250 rebate.

Members are eligible for a complimentary John Deere Rewards upgrade (Platinum 1 status) – which unlocks the best loyalty rewards including valuable equipment discounts. Visit JohnDeere.com/FarmBureau today to register!

Take advantage of Farm Bureau Bank's FDIC-insured checking, savings and money market accounts, certificates of deposit, credit cards and vehicle and home loans. Visit farmbureau.bank.

Members qualify for a variety of discounts on new purchases. Visit wfbf.com to print your certificate and for details on models and discounts. You can get more information about the services Farm Bureau Financial offers from your local Rural Insurance agent. Learn more at fbfs.com.

Accidental Death Policy • AgriVisor • Life Line Screening • Avis • Budget • ScriptSave • $500 Reward Protection Program Choice Hotels • AgriPlan Medical Reimbursement Program • Office Depot • Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Visit wfbf.com to find out more about your membership benefits! *WFBF member benefits may be changed or discontinued at anytime without notice.*

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