1 minute read
By Mucha
is the translation of the Latin phrase carpe diem. It means that each day, you get to live your life to the fullest. Jesus told His disciples:
Seizing the moment has to do with dealing with today,, here and now and choosing to live life as a victor as opposed to worrying about the tomorrow.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself,” Matthew 6:34
How are you living your life now? That is what you should be concentrating on because that is your reality. Looking too much into the future will make you overlook what you have here and now. Learn to embrace today, because that is what you have. Despite what is going on around you, choose to concentrate on the good things here and now. Your spouse, children, family, friends, nature, freedom, are just a few things you can begin with . Everyday is a new lease on life. Give thanks, love and enjoy the day. By securing your today, you will lay a healthy balanced foundation for your tomorrow..
Today, Get rid of the bad habits, get rid of sin , get rid of discouragement. Seize the moment! Deal with today. Seize your day, don't let it pass you by! If God is with you,