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As one year has ended a new one has begun and with each coming year there becomes new opportunities, new goals, and new adventures. But as many of us can attest, in order to embrace the new, it’s necessary that we relinquish the old that is holding us back from repositioning into our purpose. What does it truly mean to reposition?
In other words it means to SHIFT, and when you are in a season where you are shifting into new territories it comes to no surprise you will experience one attack after the other, but what if I told you the greatest attack that we face as human beings is the attack in our mind.
The Battle within our mind Your greatest enemy lies in between your ears and we have to be careful with our mind because those thoughts run wild and ultimately become strongholds. Hidden in plain sight God has given each one of us the promise that he will always reveal himself and his word to those who seek him and walk in his ways. So be confident in knowing that when you take one step, surely he will take two on your behalf to get you where you need to be.
However, it doesn’t come without some sort of sacrifice or price on our end and I say to you ,some things you will have to say bye bye to in this season. Some of you are hiding in plain sight thinking that nobody sees your potential or gifting that has been placed on you. There is a mantle that you shall carry ,however, you must dismantle what was said to you by the enemy or even perhaps those close to you in order to reach your promise.
Once that happens it creates a prison in our mind that keeps us captive. For some people they remain locked up in that prison for years and it holds them back from moving forward in the things that God had already predestined for them to have or accomplish. You have to want a mind that is renewed in him, without a Mindset Reset you will remain trapped behind the negative thoughts of your mind. You have to be intentional about reconstructing your life and with that ,change your mind about your identity. That version of you can’t be manifested if you are walking in fear, furthermore the new version of you will require for the old version to die. Sarah Jakes says, “I can’t be who I used to be at the same time. This is found to be true for many of us we want to embrace the new without letting go of the old. There is a promise that was made to you while you were being formed in your mother’s womb but it’s up to you if you will move forward to bring it to life or will you hold it captive. I CHANGE MY MIND We struggle more in our mind than in our relationships and friendships. Proverbs 23:7 says, ‘’for what he thinks in his heart so is he ‘’ and because the mind is powerful your very life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts which sometimes leads people into a place of being stuck. What we think has the potential to determine the outcome. If you think you will overcome, chances are you will. However, if you dwell on the problems, they seem to never go away. Decide today to change your mind about who you are and what power you really have. God has made you to be a frontrunner for the body of christ which means you were created to lead, you are not the underdog, you no longer need validation from anyone. I know this all too well because there was a time that I had to have it but when God redeemed me and set me free from myself I gained the confidence that was already set up in the inside of me that I never knew I had. And although it was scary to let go and let God I had to to for such a time as this. Prepare for the reconstruction, the damage that was done no longer rules over you, it is now destroyed and God is rebuilding you.