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Dear Members, Colleagues and Friends,

HAPPY New Year everyone! Perhaps the most exciting year so far in the 21st century?

In this new issue of Human Futures Magazine, you will find a long range of interesting perspectives and topics spanning from Energy Policies over Science Fiction to scenarios for China’s digital silk road.

As always, the Magazine starts out with the “Futures Matters” column. In this issue’s version, Claire A. Nelson find it puzzling that, so few people are focused on innovation in sectors that are purported to bring peace and joy to the world. Elaborating around this she asks three questions: 1) What is the Future of Ethics? 2) What is the Future of Morality?, and

3) What is the Future of Reason?

There are three brilliant Features contributions this time. First, Valentín looks into the Energy Resources in 2023-2033 where he claims: “…a migration from inflation, not secure energy supplies, pollution and contamination towards most efficient production, storage, distribution and contamination stop my means of new materials, new ways of construction, AI management makes a key for achieving a successful future transition”. Second, Nima Ghasemi, present some perspectives on science fiction seen from his Iranian background and the reading of the Persian poet Hafez, Frank Herbert, Fred Polak, John Manuel Cook, Paul Ricoeur and more. Interestingly he makes the following statement: “Narration leads to the creation of reality”. Third, Kaitesi Ertzgaard, presents for us three scenarios about the futures for China’s digital silk road in east Africa, which could put some lights on the complex China-African relations.

Last, but not least, you will also in this issue find our Prognosis, Revies, Technical Notes, WFSF Happenings and Aftermost.

I wish you all a happy READING!

Sincerely Yours,

Erik Erik F. Øverland President

World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF) wfsf.org president@wfsf.org

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