3 minute read
By Valentín
TO control AI and its superlative forms (e.g., Superintelligence and Predictive Superintelligence) properly by 2033, we must ask, how do achieve migration to a calm and stable energy market?
To think about achieving this goal by 2033, we should think about the assets we have that are applicable to many solutions to generate a domino effect--a chain of solutions.
With sufficient energy all jobs and tasks can be performed, so energy is the leading facet to rework. But unfortunately, the world energy market is showing acute weakness in response to the war in Ukraine. The lesson from this is that the future must no longer depend on a single actuator causing a chain of defeating consequences.
The world actually consumes around 176,000 TWh with an increasing pace of 2,000 TWh per year. In the future, we will consume more energy than we do today, to compensate for desalinating water and new ways of food production, to name a few. Considering that the World population increases by 1 billion people per decade, by 2033, wewill need around 15% more energy than in 2023, and by 2050, we will need approximately 50% more.
A stable future also require of abundant energy at a reasonable cost available for all countries and for all activities, otherwise a calmed world market will not be achieved in 2033 and beyond.
The migration from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a necessity not only demonstrated by war. The price of oil fluctuations shows a tendency to get multiplied by five every 30 years when examining data from 1980 to the present. So, the costs of newly produced food and desalinated water must be independent of a power source whose price tends to escalate every decade or is highly sensitive to political instability, and it needs a power source with a stable price and availability.
The expected need to desalinate water by using energy demonstrates that reverting climate change is urgent to stop draught progress. While the desalination of a liter of salty water needs approximately 1 Wh of energy, a projection to 2050 indicates that we will need to spend around 400TWh this year to ensure drinkable water to humanity. This is 20% of what humanity consumes per year today.
Looking to the far-term future in XXI Century, we foresee that the energy market will migrate to space-origin-based sources beyond 2050. Galactic Harbour infrastructures will mount huge solar arrays in GEO to power Earth and establish a way to drive Lunar He3 for fusion reactors. These would be managed by Predictive Superintelligent controllers that match availability with necessity at the time it is needed, thus achieving a full efficient use of energy and technology.
Galactic Harbours, Fusion reactors and Predictive Superintelligent systems are expected to start early operations in 2040 and are expected to be mature technologies around 2050.
Currently, these systems are not available--, what could be done between 2023 and 2050?
Suggested consultations:
During the period 2023-2050 one may expect that the price of prospecting, extracting, storing and distributing fossil fuels will not cease to increase. Nuclear fission reactors will have much higher maintenance costs and thermal dealing with water refrigeration scarcity. A global draught will also impact hydroelectric production while fresh water availability has diminished 40% since 1990.
The price of solar emergy has decreased and has tended to stabilize since the cost of solar PV modules is 20 times cheaper than in 1990. Transparent solar cells increase options for integration. Solar installations come in a wide variety of scales from those small enough only to power a clock to those able to power projects much larger. It is also immediately reactive to AI commands and monitoring.
Graphene is called a material key for a successful energy transition. Moreover, it is more energetically efficient than copper and is a key for developing Space Elevators and Galactic Harbours. It is also more energetically efficient than copper and is lighter weight lighter than currently used electric materials and very likely to build high efficient batteries. Moreover than this, it can be
Space Elevators and Galactic Harbours, courtesy by ISEC https://www.isec.org/ https://www.isec.org/studies
Energy trends, courtesy by Our World in Data Team https://ourworldindata.org/ used to filter salty water and obtain cheap desalinated water. https://ourworldindata.org/energy-production-consumption https://ourworldindata.org/electricity-mix https://ourworldindata.org/water-use-stress https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/solar-pv-prices https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/crude-oil-prices
Electric materials used today, such as cables, batteries, and others, are not designed to make a top efficient use of energy. Also, there is not a worldwide implemented education for users of devices to make an efficient use of them.
Approximately, 30% of produced energy today is wasted in one way or another, or example, it is wasted in the form of heating, lighting, and fans turned on when not necessary, this while the future will demand +30% of energy to compensate the effects of climate change on food production and water availability.
Energy misuse must migrate to profitable energy by using appropriate materials and managing it.
AI and Superintelligent controllers have a very profitable job to do here by replacing the bad human management of energy, properly managing the sources and storage and switching it off and on when really needed.
In summary, we must move away from non-secure energy supplies, pollution, and contamination towards efficient energy production, storage, and distribution, AI management makes a key for achieving a successful future transition.