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March brings focus to women’s history

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Elise Wilke-Grimm News/Opinion Editor


in their life. has been made. Senior Ada Foley reflects on the im- Throughout Foley’s time spent on the portance of appreciation of women and Feminist Coalition she has learned a lot, the growth that has been achieved within this makes her want to encourage other

Women’s History Month went on America. students to become as open to learning as throughout March in order to celebrate “It’s also important to consider the possible especially throughout WHM. the accomplishments of important women growth that we still need to achieve and “I have been enjoying the flood of stothroughout history. reflect on what being a woman means to- ries getting shared this month. There are

One thing to look back on is something day,” Foley said. so many wonderful pieces of history bethat happened about 100 years ago. Wom- Junior Olivia Nennert is a co-leader of ing shared this month. [I encourage] peoen were approved for voting rights per Feminist Coalition which fights for equal ple to just be open to absorbing it, and to the 19th Amendment which states, “The right “Often in history classes we only learn [sympathize with] the experiences people are of citizens of the United States to vote shall not about male history, so it’s nice to have so sharing,” Foley said. Senior Sarah Kaul, be denied or abridged by the United States or much women’s history that is prominent co-leader of Feminist Coalition, agreed with by any State on account during the month” Nennert on how there of sex.” Archives.gov writes, --Junior Olivia Nennert is not enough being taught to the youth “Beginning in the mid- about the promi19th century, several nent women figures generations of woman suffrage support- rights and conversates about the injustices throughout history. ers lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied, and that still occur within society. Junior Camille Herrman is a member practiced civil disobedience to achieve Nennert is passionate about spreading of FemCo, and she looks up to women what many Americans considered a radi- awareness of women’s history which is figures like Frances Baker, Eliza Hamilcal change in the Constitution – guaran- why this month is so important to her. ton, Angelica Schuyler, Mary Magdalene, teeing women the right to vote. Some suf- “Often in history classes we only learn Saint Mary, Sacagawea, Cleopatra, Mafragists used more confrontational tactics about male history, so it’s nice to have so lala Yousafzai and Ruth Bader Ginsburg such as picketing, silent vigils, and hunger much women’s history that is prominent “There’s so many but those are some off strikes.” during the month,” Nennert said. of the top of my head,” Herrman said.

Celebrating WHM encourages students Education of U.S. history and the im- “Women’s History Month means that to learn more about the history of Ameri- portant milestones women have accom- it’s time to recognize the lives and accan women. It is a time to honor the ac- plished are the main reason why people complishments of women throughout complishments women have made and it celebrate WHM. history and understand that we would is a time to bring light to certain circum- There are people who are left unaware not be where we are today without these stances that still occur today. of the progress women have made to get women. Because of how little informa-

For example, a study surfaced in the the U.S. where it is today, and though there tion we learn in school about women, it’s beginning of March that stated 97% of are steps that still need to be taken in order especially important to honor impactful women have been sexually harassed with- to better the country WHM has helped to women figures,” Kaul said. spread awareness of all the progress that

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