WG ECHO April 2016 Issue

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ECHO Pg. 16: Vo places second at Teen Talent Competition

April 2016 Volume 101 Issue 8 Photo provided by Sara Tran

100 Selma Ave st. Louis MO 63119 WGECHO.org


Table of Contents


Pg. 3 Students should care about the presidential elections Pg. 4 People should take better care of Earth Pg. 5 Willie’s Comic Pg. 5 Letter to the editor Pg. 6 “Religious Freedom” or “LGBT” bill passes Senate Pg. 7 Stricker, Loher win school board election Pg. 8-9 Lacrosse teams reach new heights Pg. 10 Senior travels to reproductive rights conference Pg.11 WGHS community loses social studies teacher Pg. 12 Statesmen to play at Busch Pg.13 Stellar defense propelling sixth-ranked Stateswomen Pg. 14 ‘As Others See Us’ Pg. 15 Local ice cream shops offer craving solutions Pg. 16 Vo comes in second at Teen Talent Competition 2015-16 ECHO STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Andy Kimball JUNIOR EDITOR: Jake Collins BUSINESS/ADS MANAGER: Cole Schnell OPINION EDITOR: Abby Botan SPORTS EDITOR: Bennett Durando FEATURE EDITOR: Caleb Bolin WEB EDITOR: Caroline Fellows VIDEO EDITOR: Ashli Wagner CIRCULATION EDITOR: Greg Frazier NEWS EDITOR: Page Kimzey ADVISOR: Donald Johnson GRAPHICS EDITOR: Natalie Johnson ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR: Riley Mulgardt VIDEO EDITOR: Ashli Wagner SOME MATERIAL COURTESY OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEWSPAPER EDITORS/MCT CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL NEWSPAPER SERVICE The ECHO is a monthly publication of the newspaper staff of Webster Groves High School, 100 Selma Avenue, Webster Groves, MO. To contact staff members, call 314-963-6400 ex. 11157 or write wgecho@wgmail.org. Unsigned editorials are the opinion of a majority of staff members; signed articles are the opinion of the writer. Letters to the editor of 300 words or less are welcome; submit letters by the 10th of the month to wgecho@wgmail.org, or room 155. All letters must be signed, although the name may be withheld from publication if requested. The ECHO has the right to edit letters for publication as long as intent remains unchanged. The ECHO is a member of SSP, Quill and Scroll, MJEA, JEA, MIPA, NSPA

April 2016

The ECHO FAMILY The ECHO Family helps make the ECHO possible. To become a member of the ECHO Family, please contact Ashli Wagner at abwags99@gmail.com. Thanks to all of our members! Julianna Fellows Bret Waelterman Peggy Smegner Curtin Family Melodie Carroll Kathy Whaley Laurie Murphy Don and Mary Ann Schafer Webster Groves Baptist Church Zychinski Family Gavin Turner Billy Johnson Devon Cutak Elizabethe Durando






Students should care about presidential election

Graphic created by Jake Collins using meta-chart.com

Primary results in Missouri show how close the race is between the Democratic and Republican parties. Students who are of age to vote should get to the polls for Election Day, on Nov. 8. With Election Day, on Nov. 8, coming up, students should follow the race closely. No matter which side of the political spectrum student’s side with, this election is sure to impact students. Americans have $1.2 trillion of student loan debt, according to debt.org, which states, “$3,000 of student debt is being accrued (accumulated) every second.” In the time it takes to read the introduction to this story, about $60,000 of debt was accrued by students. Candidates from both sides of the aisle want to reform education for Millennials. President Barack Obama has expressed his support on lowering the cost of tuition. Currently WGHS is participating in the A Plus Scholarship Program. The program offers students who achieve certain standards in school, and outside with peer mentoring, two years of tuition to community college Other states, such as Oregon, have passed similar programs like the A Plus program. Republican front-runner Donald Trump stated in an interview with Fox news, “I may cut Department of Education-- Common Core is a very bad thing. I think that it should be local education.” Trump looks


to cut money from the Department of Education, which would result in less money going towards the school systems. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, in a press conference on education, said, “I have proposed universal pre-kindergarten for every four-year-old. If we provide that, the evidence is overwhelming: children will stay in school longer, they will do better, and they’ll stay out of trouble.” Clinton wants to increase the amount of money going towards the Department of Education, potentially raising taxes. Students who plan to attend a four-year private university should expect about “$31,231 in tuition,” according to collegeboard.org. Public four-year out-of-state tuition cost averages at $22,958. With the average amount of student debt being about $33,000 for a 2014 university student, Webster students need to take into account what they value in their education when at the polls. The job market is another issue to consider at the polls. According to a study done by the Economic Policy Institute, “Unemployment rate of young college graduates jumped between 2007 and 2011 from 5.5 percent

to a peak of 9.9 percent.” Mind, this is during the recession, but since the market is so tough, some graduates are not even interested in looking. The study also concluded that young graduates are settling for jobs lower than their degree. According to the Economic Policy Institute study, “In 2007, 38 percent of employed college graduates under age 27 were working in a job that did not require a college degree, and this share increased to 46 percent by 2014.” Students who are eligible to vote in this year’s election need to pay attention to the race. The closer it gets, the more is said in regard to policy. The front-runners of each party (Trump and Clinton respectively) have choice words about education. Paying attention gives students the chance to understand what their future in education may hold.

Want to be involved in student journalism? Talk to your counselor and JOIN THE ECHO

April 2016

Opinion ECHO 4 Caleb’s last word People should take better care of Earth Caleb Bolin Feature Editor People overfish, hunt to the point of extinction, exploit nature, waste things and too frequently just don’t care. However, we can still help to save the world. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 323 million people live in the U.S. One person is born every eight seconds, and one person dies every 12 seconds. There is one international migrant (net) every 28 seconds. These births, deaths, and migrants equal a net gain of one person every 13 seconds for the U.S. There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year. At this rate, there are currently about 2,425,846 more people each year in the U.S. The U.S. population is growing, and so is the world population. We all consume food and resources. We all create waste as well. The management of resources is tricky and shouldn’t be taken lightly. According to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’s, The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) report, in 2010, fish provided more than 2.9 billion people with close to 20 percent of their intake of animal protein and provided another 4.3 billion with about 15 percent of their animal protein intake. Some say fish is readily available, and we should take advantage of it as a resource. However, it is crucial fish stocks be protected rather than exploited. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, in 2013, 28 stocks, or 9 percent, of fisheries were being overfished (meaning that the annual rate of catch is too high); 40 stocks, or 17 percent of fisheries, were overfished (meaning the population size is too small); 34 stocks were rebuilt (meaning previously overfished populations were back at healthy size). In 2014, 8 percent of stocks were being overfished, 16 percent were overfished and 37 stocks were rebuilt. While the reduced number of depleted stocks and overfished stocks is reassuring, progress still needs to be made; well known, commonly consumed fish like the Atlantic bluefin tuna and the Atlantic cod are still endangered or vulnerable,

April 2016

and countless other species are still under threat of extinction. Though only some 7 percent of the ocean has been closely studied and explored, the seas are heavily fished in most areas. Large nets dragged across the ocean floor in a method called bottom trawling destroy entire ecosystems before they can be studied, and unknown species, which sometimes only reside in one location, are subject to extinction. Studies from 2011 by PLOS biology estimate that there are about 8.7 million species on Earth (give or take 1.3 million species). About 2.2 million of these species (give or take 0.18 million species) are marine. These studies also suggest some 86 percent of existing species and 91 percent of marine species have yet to be described. If ecosystems are destroyed faster than they can be studied, we risk losing crucial links of food chains around the world and damaging potentially crucial parts of the world, which we don’t yet fully understand the importance of. Human exploitation of oceans has caused lasting damage recently. On April 10, 2010, an explosion in a BP oil drilling rig killed 11 workers and released about 4 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Coral reefs and estuaries, valuable feeding and nursing grounds for many species, were negatively affected by the spill as winds blew the oil. Sea turtles, dolphins, birds, whales and other animals that spend lots of time at the surface were coated in oil and often died. Some 80,000 square miles of commercial and recreational fishing grounds were temporarily closed in order to understand the effects of the spill on the organisms. Human exploitation of the land has also caused lasting damage recently. In the 1930s, overfarming of prairies led to loose topsoil, which turned to dust and was blown by winds in massive dust storms, destroying the agricultural and ecological productivity of large parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. The dust storms stopped when some 200 million trees were planted from Canada to Texas to break the wind, hold soil in place and hold water.

Other natural disasters are worsened by human activity. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believes increased levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere have led and will lead to increases in temperatures globally, which possibly increases the risk of drought and the intensity of storms. Contrarily, the increase in temperature could decrease the number of storms but increase the number of severe storms because of an increase in water vapor presence in the atmosphere, fueling storms. The greenhouse gasses causing the global temperature increase are byproducts of the use of electricity, transportation, industrial, residential and commercial emissions and agriculture. Human consumption drives these emissions. Another byproduct of human consumption is waste. Food, plastic, paper and other wastes pile up in garbage dumps around the nation. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in 2013 the U.S. produced about 254 million tons of trash and recycled or composted 87 million tons. Recycling and composting the 87 million tons of trash prevented it from having to be dumped in a landfill, preventing about 186 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas, from being released into the air. The issue, as seen above, is complicated by a lot of data and research, but the answer is simpler than we might think. We shouldn’t eat more than we need and should make sure our food comes from sustainable sources. We should use more clean energy, like solar power and wind power, and less nonrenewable energy, like oil and gas for cars or electricity from coal. We should carpool or bike to save gas and reduce emissions. We should unplug devices when we are not using them to reduce electricity use. We should recycle reusable materials and carefully determine what the impact on ecosystems will be before we build oil pipelines or dredge marine ecosystems. Last but not least, we should love the world we live in because we only have one. With Earth Day on April 22, keep these things in mind.




Letter to the editor


Teachers question content of ECHO story I’m writing in response to the most recent ECHO center feature, “Alumni embark on yearlong cycling trip around United States.” There are so many things to say about this article, but I want to focus on a section that has been recently revised online: fortunately, it no longer includes the racially-charged language of the original print version. However, for the purposes of reminding readers what was stated, here it is (edited for space): “So far they’ve experienced...the ’coonasses’ of the South. As defined by Tyreese, a ‘playfully racist’ Cajun…coonasses are ‘White people who are basically the behind of a n****. They’ll get ya, shoot ya and eat ya,’ James recalled Tyrese saying. In what he described as his least favorite experience, James met two people... whom he describes as examples of coonasses.” The article defines “coonasses” pretty clearly, saying the term refers to a Cajun who, essentially, is “the behind of” a black person. Though the exact origins of the word are somewhat debatable, its usage is exactly as the ECHO described. The racial slur, “coon,” was used to denigrate African-Americans throughout the 20th century, and a “coonass” refers to someone “lower” than a person of color. So, what’s my point? The ECHO is the newspaper of WGHS.

It is the students’ voice, speaking to a wider community of students, faculty, staff, parents, and Webster residents: a community of various races, religions, ages, ethnicities. A community where so many people began reading this article, came to the word “coonasses” and stopped out of total confusion and surprise. Some thought back to the sacrifices their relatives had made in the name of civil rights and wondered if those sacrifices were made in vain. Others who believe in and work diligently for social justice felt the same. As an English teacher, I am not afraid of words. They have the ability to reveal the frustration of traumatized and troubled youth (see “Catcher in the Rye”). They have the strength to highlight the evil of racism in the Midwest and the South (see “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”). They have the power to expose the flaws in our ‘American Dream’ (see “The Great Gatsby”). But in these texts, and every other text I teach, challenging and charged words have a purpose. They are there to push us to an understanding we did not have before. I cannot say the same for the ECHO article. The article seemed solely designed to entertain some readers by means of gratuitous mentions of sexual acts and offers, nudity, and drug use, in addition to

Willie’s Comic


the racial slurs. These topics comprised nearly half the article. What’s more, they reported the experiences of a student who did not even attend WGHS. The concern I have over the use of the term “coonasses” stems mainly from the fact that it was used so casually and needlessly. When I finished the piece, I had a hard time understanding exactly what I read. What was the purpose of the article? Why did the author feel the need to quote the source in that way? Why was it even a story worthy of publication? And how exactly is it possible for someone to be “playfully racist?” Right now, professional American journalists find themselves at a crossroads, deciding how to report the sensationalist rhetoric exhibited by various presidential candidates. The best strive to report the news with critical thinking, contextual awareness, and perhaps most importantly, discernment. The ECHO should understand and respect the power that language has on the larger population. I would like to think that our student press can report news responsibly and thoughtfully, considering the rich diversity of the community it is privileged to represent. Sincerely, Sarah Gray, With the support of: Sarah McGrath, Melissa Rainey and Lindsey Ross

Comic by Bennett Durando and Andy Kimball

April 2016


News ECHO ‘Religious Freedom’ or ‘LGBT’ bill passes Senate According to a Human Rights Campaign post on April 11, “Nearly 200 anti-LGBT bill, have been introduced in 34 states.” North Carolina had a similar bill (HB2), but more extreme, that became law. The law is having negative repercussions on the state’s economy. Paypal recently decided to cancel its plans to open an office in North Carolina due to the bill, which lost North Carolina of 250 new jobs. Other states that passed similar bills, like in Indiana and Mississippi, also had backlash. The states immediately had boycotts and protest from individuals and companies/organizations. Michael Sam, the first openly gay football player to be drafted by the NFL, who is from Missouri, also spoke out against the bill and returned to Missouri to Photo by Cole Schnell fight it. Gender Sexuality Alliance participates wears ribbons for Day of Sam said in an article he wrote for the Columbia Silence, which was April 15, this year. Day of Silence is a student-led Tribune, “This so-called ‘religious liberty’ bill is just national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bulanother way to undermine the dignity of LGBT people lying and harassment in schools, according to www.dayofsilence.org. and their families.” A majority of the bills that are being introduced are based on the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Cole Schnell Act which became law when Bill Clinton signed it in 1993.

Business Manager

After a 39-hour filibuster by the Democratic senators, Missouri Senate passed Senate Joint Resolution 39 or “anti-LGBT bill” on March 10. The bill is currently in the House. The Missouri Republicans (about 75 percent of the Senate) passed the bill to restate religious freedom. The bill prohibits punishment of businesses by the government if they discriminate against LGBT persons for religious reasons. Businesses could do so by not providing goods and services for any LGBT celebration including weddings. The bill is trying to emphasize religion in the Missouri Constitution for “religious freedom.” The Senate is doing this by adding a new section (will be known as Section 36) to the Constitution under Article I. Senators in favor of the bill are calling it the “religious liberty” or “religious freedom” bill rather than “anti-LGBT” bill. Gay Sexuality Alliance president Sam Pey said, “[The bill] allows to discriminate if they claim religious reasons.” The bill would amend the Article I of the Missouri Constitution. SJR-39 says, according to www.senate.mo.gov, “Protection of certain religious organizations and individuals from being penalized by the state because of their sincere religious beliefs or practices concerning marriage between two persons of the same sex.” Amnesty International spoke out against this bill, and WGHS Amnesty International sent a letter asking Governor Jay Nixon to veto the original bill. Even though Nixon is against the bill, he doesn’t have power to veto because the bill is a ballot measure or proposition. If the bill passes in the House, the bill will be voted by constituents during the next election.

April 2016

“Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord...” Psalm 100:1 Webster Groves Baptist Church invites instrumentalists and vocalists to perform in its weekly services. music@wgbaptist.com wgbc@wgbaptist.com





Stricker, Loher win school board election Greg Frazier Circulation Manager

Steven S. Loher with 3,320 votes, and Arnold N. Stricker with 3,356 votes won seats in the Webster School board on April 5, according to StlToday. Loher and Oliver, the two incumbents, earned individually fewer votes than Stricker. Oliver was unable to win the elect votes for the school board, receiving 3,041 of the votes, only 31.0 percentage of total votes. Stricker, the newcomer to the school board, has a background of 31 years in public education as a teacher, principal, and central office administrator (human resources, business management, and

deputy superintendent). Stricker said via email, “My background has given me valuable knowledge and an important skill set in focusing on academics excellence and fiscal responsibility.” Sticker said, “I want to help provide input and insight to help the Webster Groves School District.” Loher intends to, “take, knowledge and experience outside of our district in dealing with regional and statewide issues,” he said via email. About his intentions, Loher said he would like to “provide a historical perspective given my 29 years as either a student, parent of a student, or board member in the WGSD.”

Photo by Cathy Verpereny

Arnold N. Stricker earned 3,356 votes. He and incumbent Steven S. Loher won the two available school board seats.

News Briefs... Conference accepts ECHO staffer Sports columnist Bennett Durando, junior, has been accepted to represent Missouri at the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference this summer. The program seeks rising high school seniors interested in pursuing a journalism career in journalism and demonstrate qualities of “free spirit.” The conference will take place at the Newseum in Washington D.C. and is free for its participants. This program began in 1999 and is funded by the Newseum Institute to honor Al Neuharth, the founder of USA Today, Newseum and the Freedom Forum, and to inspire and encourage students to pursue journalism.


Camp Wyman sign ups Sign-ups for Camp Wyman began on Wednesday, April 27. Students who are accepted as counselors will supervise sixth grades students at Camp Wyman next fall. Activities will include environmental and ecological activities. The dates for next year’s camp are the weeks of Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Oct. 17, and Oct. 24. Interested students will need to have teachers sign their applications. Counselors will miss five days of school, so teachers have been asked to take into consideration the students’ academic abilities before signing the applications.

Teachers nominate seniors for Eagle Award Nine teachers nominated five seniors for the Eagle Award on March 24 and 25. The winner will be announced on Senior Awards Night May 5, and nominating teachers were required to speak about their nominees’ qualification to the staff. Nominees included Allison Gilmore, Jakini Ingram, Jonah Schnell, Joey Smith and Travis Williams.

Seniors named ‘Top Scholars’ Seniors Gavin Turner and Emma Kaufman were named two of the Top 100 Scholars in Missouri on April 24, in Columbia. The recognition comes from the Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals.

April 2016




Lacrosse teams reach new heigh

Women’s Lacrosse looks to return to Final Four Andy Kimball Editor-In-Chief After last year’s state Final Four loss to Cor Jesu, the Stateswomen are off to a 6-5 start. This year the Stateswomen return 14 of 20 from last year’s team, and added eight new players to Varsity, including new goalie Freshman Kelly McClure. McClure is 14th in the area with 55 saves and Coach Andrew Hittler said, “This year’s team has a lot more experience, playoff experience from last year’s run. This year we can easily win State.” Returning players include the Stateswomen’s top three scorers from last year, seniors Margaret O’Neal, Sophie Molina and Elise Palmquist. O’Neal leads the team in goals (20) and points (25), Palmquist is third in points with 20, and senior Daphne Armstrong is first on the team in ground balls (25). The Stateswomen also return this year second leading scorer, Senior Jessica Merkel who has 22 points. According to the NCAA, a ground ball is, “Any ball not in the possession of one team that comes into the possession of the other team in live-ball play.” Hittler said, “The expectations for this year’s team are skyhigh, all returning players and seniors this year are expecting state this year, nothing less.” Senior, Joey Smith, is third in ground balls with 18 and led the team last year with 36 ground balls. Smith is also fourth on the team in points with 12. Smith has committed to play softball at Princeton. Last year the Stateswomen started 8-8, and then won three straight games en route to win the District championship before falling 16-10 to Cor Jesu to end the year 11-9. In the District championship victory vs Pattonville, O’Neal had five goals to lead the Stateswomen to a 12-9 win. “This year we know how to prepare for them (Cor Jesu). We changed our defense to match up better with them. Our advantage is that we can score more than last year. We have a better attack and high powered offense. By the playoffs we can become unstoppable” Hittler said. O’Neal said the Stateswomen switched to a zone defense to match up against Cor Jesu’s short “dump” passing. Webster is currently 13th out of 37 teams in the state in scoring at 9.7 goals per game, including a 16-13 win over Visitation. The Stateswomen have scored double digit goals in six of there 11 games and scored at least six goals in every game. The Stateswomen are currently ranked 12th in the State and sixth in their Conference. They start their District games on May 14. Their District includes Pattonville, Hazelwood East, Park-

April 2016

Photo by Andy Kimball

Sophomore Rose Tatro-McCollum catches a pass in the Stateswomen’s game against Kirkwood on April 21.

way North and Francis Howell North. The Stateswomen are the highest ranked team in their district. Pattonville is ranked 18th, Parkway North 33rd, Hazelwood East 27th and Francis Howell North is ranked 36th. Next for the Stateswomen, they play Nerinx Hall on May 2 and match up against Cor Jesu on May 4. Cor Jesu is 8-1 and the #1 ranked team in Missouri, according to Laxpower.com. The Stateswomen are ranked 13th in the state and have defeated #8 O’Fallon 8-7 and #9 Westminister 11-9.




hts, anticipate State playoffs


Woodchuck’s off to best start in program history

Photo by Andy Kimball

Senior John Binder makes a pass in the Woodchuck’s 15-3 win over Vianney on April 20.

Andy Kimball Editor-in-Chief Men’s lacrosse started over 20 years ago. “We weren’t a school sponsored sport, so we couldn’t be called the Statesmen. Where we practiced, there were not even woodchucks, but groundhogs stuck in the nets, but we started to call ourselves the Woodchucks, and the nickname has stuck ever


since,” said men’s lacrosse coach Brandon Hope. After last year’s 9-10 season, the Woodchucks are off to an 11-3 start, including a 19-2 win over rival Kirkwood. The Woodchucks also defeated Lafayette for the first time in school history with their 14-3 win and defeated last year’s LAKC State Champion Olathe East 12-5. Hope said, “Captains, captains are the difference for our team this year. We have captains who care and give our team good leadership.” “Our team has a good bond; kids get excited when their teammates succeed; we do everything as a team,” Hope added. Senior John Binder leads the area in points (84), assists (37) and goals (47). The second best player in assists in the area has 20. Last season Binder had 100 points with 62 goals and 38 assists. Against Vianney on April 21, Binder had his 300th career point. Junior goalie, Caleb Bolin is second in the area and first in MSLA Division I with 133 saves over 14 games. He is the only goalie to save over a hundred shots and allow less than 100 goals with 74 goals allowed. On defense, senior Tanner Dunlap leads the team with 72 ground balls. Last season he was third on the team with 54. The Woodchucks are fifth out of 29 teams in Missouri with 5.57 goals allowed per game. This year the Woodchucks added three new players. Junior Jack Andersohn from SLUH senior Tyler Coleman from Kirkwood and senior Will James from De Smet. Binder said, “The new players bring depth, (James), (senior) Cam Oliver took a year off and is now back. Now our team is more of a threat on offense.” James is second on the team with 31 goals, including a ninegoal game versus Rockwood Summit, Andersohn is a starter on defense, and Coleman has committed to play NCAA Division II lacrosse at Lees McRae College in North Carolina. After playing freshman and sophomore year, Oliver played soccer the spring of his junior year and is playing both this year. Oliver has four goals and nine assists in his four games for the Woodchucks. Oliver said, “This year I chose to play. I did because I went to games, and I missed lacrosse too much.” The team voted to let Oliver rejoin the team. According to Laxpower.com, the Woodchucks are ranked fourth in the state. In the past, Webster has struggled against the traditional powers in Missouri Boys Lacrosse, such as MICDS, CBC, De Smet and SLUH. Webster has never beaten SLUH, De Smet, or MICDS. Hope said the Woodchucks match up best with those power programs and that they can use their biggest asset, their allaround physicality, against those schools. The Woodchuck’s next game is April 28, versus Parkway South.

April 2016



ECHO Senior travels to human rights conference

Caroline Fellows Web/Video Editor Senior Goldie Raznick was one of about 19 high school, college and post-college students throughout the United States chosen to travel to Miami to attend a conference about sexual and reproductive rights. “My main goal in going was to get skills to have the discussions that I feel like people in this school and people in this community are already having and people in this school and community need to be having,” Raznick said. “By doing this, I am more prepared to moderate those kinds of discussions in a way that’s respectful and inclusive and insightful.” Raznick submitted an applicaPhoto Credit: Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/MCT tion through Amnesty International, Jay Leno along with others call for a boycott of the Beverly Hills Hotel, citing what which included questions about her they say is the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei’s oppressive human rights record. past experience and personal views The Feminist Majority Foundation led the protest across the street from the hotel in of sexual and reproductive rights. Beverly Hills, Calif., on Monday, May 5, 2014. (c) 2014, Los Angeles Times. “I received training to be a trainer [about sexual and reproductive rights],” Raznick said, “so now as part of that, I am certified through Amnesty to hold facilitations and workshops within my community.” The facilitations will be on the subject of reproductive rights, and Raznick will guide her groups through activities and discussions. “We went really in depth about why are we here and what’s important to us [at the conference],” Raznick said. “[We received] two handouts, one about facilitation methods and one about activities that are specific the sexual reproductive rights movement that is part of Amnesty International.” This campaign is called My Body, My Rights. About her experience with social rights, Raznick said, “I’ve done a lot of social justice stuff especially in relation to sexuality and sex and reproductive rights. My mom is a sex therapist, and in my household that was always sort of a topic that we showed interest in.” In the next year, she must hold five facilitations in order to renew her trainer status. “My plan is I’m going to hold one in my philosophy class sometime before school ends...one at my house...and the rest in New York [where she plans to go to college next year,” Raznick said. Raznick plans to attend New York University next year and eventually get her Master’s in Social Work.

April 2016



11 Social Studies teacher moves to Florida


Photo by Page Kimzey

Social Studies teacher Jenni Vanderwalker explains the day’s activities to the group of freshman who participated in the Amazing Race on Service Day, April 5.

Page Kimzey Contributing Writer Jenni Vanderwalker is well known for her social studies teaching, her travels and her summer involvement with Future Leaders. Though she has worked at WGHS for 18 years, the 2015-2016 school year will be her last because her family is moving Jupiter, FL., this summer. Vanderwalker has taught African American history for nine years, ethnic studies for nine years, taught government over the summer for one year and geography for all 18 years; geography is her favorite because she can use the experiences to teach others, Vanderwalker said. Vanderwalker’s husband, who is a chemist, got an opportunity to run a lab called Tropichem in Jupiter, so the Vanderwalker family will move there. “Jupiter, Florida, is where the Cardinals have spring training and is the same latitude, for the geography kids, as the Bahamas. I’m moving to the tropics, where people go to vacation,” Vander-

walker said. While her husband is works in the lab, Vanderwalker will continue to write and complete the two books she has been working on with hopes to publish them. Brandi Parrott, now a junior, had Vanderwalker’s first hour geography class her freshman year. “It was my favorite class. Whenever I would go in there, no matter what was going on she managed to make sure I was okay, and she also independently helped students, which was nice. She made sure everyone was in good spirits and passing her class,” Parrott said. Parrott is currently Vanderwalker’s student assistant during sixth hour. “The last day of her class freshman year, she asked me to be her student assistant the next year, but you can’t do that as a sophomore, so second semester last year, I found her, and she was more than excited to have me for this year,” Parrott said. Freshman Molly Nash currently has Vanderwalker’s sixth hour geography A class. “She knows a lot about the whole world. Like she’s traveled so much that when we learn about each different continent, she’s very informed about it which makes it easier to learn about. It’s fun hearing all her adventures and stories about what she’s done in different places. She brings a lot of energy to the class that a lot of teachers don’t have. I think for world geography, you sort of need to have a sort of spunk,” Nash said about Vanderwalker’s class. Vanderwalker not only taught classes but also sponsored clubs. She was the Varsity softball coach for four years, student council advisor for 10 years, class sponsor in 2004, 2008 and 2012, and created WGHS’s Special Olympic Village (the junior activity on service day) through her leadership class and ran it for about five years. Freshmen who went through the Future Leaders program and upperclassmen who were Pacers have been part of a 13-year program started by Vanderwalker. “My greatest achievement has been growing the PACERs program. The kids who are PACERs make a huge impact on the freshman. Positive attitudes change everything,” Vanderwalker said.

Upcoming Events May 2 Symphonic Band/Wind Symphony Concert Roberts’ Gym 7 p.m. May 4 Orchestra Concert Auditorium 7 p.m.


May 5 Senior Awards Auditorium 7 p.m. May 7 15th Annual Jim Schoemehl 5K Run for ALS WGHS 8 a.m.

April 2016




Statesmen to play at Busch Andy Kimball Editor-In-Chief Busch Stadium is the site of seven World Series, the site of 38 postseason games and the home of the Saint Louis Cardinals. On May 8, the Statesmen will play at Busch Stadium against the Galesburg Silver Streaks from Galesburg, Ill. The Silver Streaks have won four straight Conference titles and are 5-6 in their quest for five straight. Coach DaRond Stovall said, “(Playing at Busch) will be a great experience for the players. For kids who grew up in Saint Louis it is a dream come true for them. Playing at Busch Stadium is a great opportunity for them.” Stovall added the game was a fundraising idea that was made at the beginning of the season and will be one of 25 high school games to be played at Busch as a part of the Amateur Game fundraising program. The Statesmen are currently 4-13 in the first year under Stovall after a eight-game losing skid in which they failed to give up fewer than eight runs in five straight.

Stovall played in a two-game series at Busch as a member for the Montreal Expos in April of 1998. Junior Pitcher Tim Miles is 1-2 for the Statesmen with a 2.91 ERA and is first on the team with a 1.38 WHIP (walks and hits per innings pitched). Miles also leads the team in on-base percentage and is second in steals with five. Sophomore John Doria and junior Greg Daniels are the only Statesmen with home runs this year. Senior Anthony Gilmore leads the team in runs (8), and stolen bases (6). The Streaks are led by senior southpaw Cody Hawthorne, who leads the team with a 1.40 ERA over 19 1/3 innings, according to the Galesburg Daily Mail. The Varsity baseball game will immediately follow the Cardinal’s game. Tickets for the game are $25 and are on sale online at www. statesmanbaseball.com. Tickets also include admission for the Saint Louis Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates game at 1:15 on May 8. May 8, is also Mother’s Day.

Upcoming Games Thursday 4/28

3:30 p.m. Golf: Men’s Varsity @ Sunset Hills Golf Course vs Ladue Horton Watkins 4 p.m. Track & Field: Men’s JV @ St. John Vianney High School vs St. John Vianney 4:15 p.m. Baseball: Varsity @ Plymouth Field vs Ritenour

Friday 4/29

4:15 p.m. Baseball: Freshman @ Plymouth Field vs Clayton 4 p.m. JV Baseball: O’Fallon, IL Tournament begins 4:15 p.m. Tennis: Men’s Match @ Hazelwood West High School vs Hazelwood West 5:15 p.m. Varsity Volleyball @ Kirkwood

Saturday 4/30

12 p.m. Soccer: Women’s Varsity @ Ladue Horton Watkins

Monday 5/2

4 p.m. Lacrosse: Women’s Varsity @ Nerinx 4:30 p.m. Baseball: Varsity @ Plymouth Field vs Hillsboro 4:15 p.m. Tennis: Men’s Match @ Hazelwood West High School vs Hazelwood West 5:45 p.m. Soccer: Varsity @ Home vs. Westminster 6 p.m. Varsity Volleyball @ St. Mary’s 8 p.m. Golf: Men’s Varsity-- District Tournament

Tuesday 5/3

4 p.m. Track & Field: Women’s @ Pattonville

April 2016




Bennett from the Bleachers


Stellar defense propelling 6th-ranked Stateswomen

Bennett Durando Sports Columnist A year removed from coming oh-so-close to an elusive State title, the Stateswomen soccer team is back and as dominant as ever. Webster has cruised through its competition so far this year, starting the season with a 16-1-1 stretch sparked by stifling defense and a rising star in goal, junior Megan McClure. The tremendous start has the Stateswomen ranked sixth in the area, according to stltoday.com. That lockdown defense, a trademark of Chris Allen teams, has put up unreal numbers for the first half of the regular season. In 18 games, Webster has allowed four goals, two of them coming in the team’s lone loss, a 2-1 defeat in penalty kicks to Rockwood Summit. The other 14 games have been spotless for the Stateswomen. A nine-game shutout streak started the year before the loss at Summit; Webster then posted seven more consecutive clean sheets

before allowing the other two goals in a 3-2 victory over Triad on April 25. That’s 16 shutouts. In 18 games. The only other game in which the Stateswomen came short of victory was another one of those shutouts, a scoreless draw at Fort Zumwalt East. In total, Webster has outscored their opponents 56-4. And no, that’s not a typo. They’ve done all of this after the loss of a record-setting Class of 2015 that included forward Maddie Pokorny, who now plays D-1 soccer at SLU. However, when holes needed to be filled, Webster was up to the challenge of filling them to the brink. Freshman forward Gretchen Skoglund has led the team with 13 goals. Senior Emma Lieb, who is committed to play college soccer at Missouri State, has added 11, and Arkansas-Little Rock bound junior Jacqueline Baetz has 10 assists to lead the team. Best of all, McClure, an Arkansas State commit, has kept up the dominance in goal after the loss of 2015 graduate Charlotte Kennedy, making 89 saves so far for a 97 percent save rate. The Stateswomen faced their toughest challenge yet on April 26, against second-ranked Eureka. Sadly, due to pesky timing (the ECHO went to print the day of the game), I wrote this article while two days dumber than I am now. For the score of that game and more, go to wgecho.org. Pokorny and Kennedy led the team to the Final Four before Notre Dame de Sion buried the Stateswomen in the State semifinal on a goal with six minutes left. Webster ultimately earned third place in the state. This time, there’s reason to believe that Webster could make it all the way to the top.

Photo by Aerin Johnson

Fans gathered at 9 a.m. on June 4, to support the 2015 Final Four women’s Varsity soccer team as it left from Roberts Gym to play a Class 3 Semifinal against Notre Dame de Sion at Blue Springs South High at noon on Friday, June 5. Junior Megan McClure has made 89 saves this season for a 97 percent save rate.


April 2016



‘As Others See Us’


Columnist reflects on 1950s manners Natalie Johnson Humor Columnist In the 1950s, a short film called “As Others See Us” starred the well-behaved students of ancient WGHS. I am sure their behavior was not at all influenced by the Mickey Mouse looking 1950s movie cameras filming in the hall. This film was created to reflect an idyllic example of etiquette and common courtesy for teens. The creepy narrator in “As Other See Us” says, “Good manners must be practiced as an everyday part of living, until considerations for others becomes as much a part of you as your right arm, or your two feet.” Would modern WGHS have a student body of footless leftys? The opening scene is a high school dance. The boys are all wearing identical suits and the girls are wearing fluffy chiffon dresses. Although they are dressed considerably more modestly than most girls at a dance today, there are shoulders showing! It’s amazing how the boys were able to maintain their fine manners at the dance considering said exposed shoulders. Girls and boys sway gently to what is now considered elevator music. I wonder if in 63 years from now “Turn Down for What” will be playing quietly in the foyer of the Ritz? Future in the doctor’s office? The Chainsmokers in the elevator? The narrator asks, “What better place to see you as others see you than the school hall between classes?” Personally, I would rather not be seen in the halls, and I don’t

want to see you in the halls either-- get out of the way. Our school could be so much more efficient if there were those moving walkways like in airports in each hall. Want to hold a three minute conversation with your friend? Too bad, the walkways never stop, so spit it out in the five seconds you see them before they are carried away. I am pretty sure there was a plan for these to be installed, but Propositions S and W did not pass. On to lunch. “If you have a choice of foods, look at the menu before you come in, so you won’t hold up the line while you make your decision.” Hot cheetos? Fuze? “Chicken” sandwich? Fruit cup? Chocolate milk? “Learn how to chose a lunch that will keep you as bright as you are today, and in all the days to come.” Thank you, Chartwells. The menu displayed in the film lists dishes commonly seen at family dinner at grandma’s house, such as spiced beets, cranberry sauce and pork with sauerkraut. Today, students can choose from meat pizza, cheese pizza or triple meat pizza. Much has changed since 1953, but the students at Webster still undoubtedly make up a stellar student body. Although our strongsuit may not be nutrition, Webster does a standout job regarding manners. “As Others See Us” says the basis of all manners is the consideration of others, and despite the crowded halls and wimpy lunch menus, WGHS provides a safe environment where students can eat flamin’ cheetos and not show their shoulders.

Up coming events in the St. Louis area April 26-May 5: “Sound of Music” $30-$80 Fabulous Fox April 28: Jazz at the Bistro Concert Series – Melissa Aldana $25 7:30-9 p.m. April 29: A Decade of Collecting Prints, Drawings, and Photographs Free St. Louis Art Museum 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. April 29: St. Louis Cardinals vs. Washington Nationals $10-$200 Busch Stadium 7:15 p.m.-10 p.m. May 2 (One Night Only): Maxine Peake starring in “Hamlet” $15 Tivoli May 5: “Captain America: Civil War” May 6: First Friday: Mars Base 2076 Free Science Center June 3-26 “Midsummer Night’s Dream” Free Forest Park

April 2016




Botan Beilefs


Local ice cream shops offer craving solutions weight. Adding a touch of egg yolk to that is what creates frozen custard. Gelato is made using mostly or entirely milk. Frozen yogurt blends yogurt with an ice cream base of milk, cream and sweetener. 1. The Cold Stone Creamery offers fresh made ice cream every day. Not only does it churn its ice cream, Cold Stone’s also has a lot of variety with candies, cakes, fruits or nuts to choose for your ice cream. A couple of diced candies you could add to your combination are Kit Kat’s, Heath Toffee Bars and M&M’s. Pecans, pie crust, peanut butter and brownies are all available. Just name it, Cold Stone has it, and that’s one of the reasons I love to purchase ice cream there. Strawberry cheesecake ice cream won’t ever taste as good as it will at Cold Stone’s, and that’s just a fact. Cold Stone’s pricing is based on the weight of your finished ice cream in a cup or the size of cone you ordered. A small cup costs $5, a Photo from coldstonescreamery.com regular costs $5.25 and a large costs $5.75. In Cold Stone’s Creamery has been one of America’s fastest-growing ice cream order to add candies in it costs an extra $0.75. concepts, with about 1,200 stores across the United States. It’s located on Lindbergh & Baptist Church Rd (Ronnie’s 20 Cinemas / Ronnie’s Plaza.) Abby Botan

Entertainment Columnist

Thanks to the Spring season, we all get to enjoy the wonderful taste of ice cream to pair along with the sunny, breezy weather. Firstly, let’s establish the different types of ice cream one can eat his season: ice cream, frozen custard, gelato and frozen yogurt. Many tend to think that all of these are the same, just different names, but that isn’t necessarily true at all. According to the USDA, a food labeled “ice cream” should have at least 20 percent milk solids and 10 percent milk fat by

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2. Ted Drewes is known among all Missourians, and we’re very lucky to have it. It specializes in frozen custard, which is very different from ice cream as can be seen above. It’s almost like a standing drive through because you order from a window as you stand and visit another window to get your order. My favorites from Ted Drewes include its banana splits, which is three scoops of frozen custard topped with hot fudge, strawberries, pineapple, whipped cream and pecans, at $5.50. Also, the terramizzou which is a sundae which chocolate and pistachio nuts blended in, at $5. It’s rightfully one of the best places to enjoy a cold snack in Missouri. Located on South Grand Boulevard. 3. Serendipity is a very local ice cream parlor and probably the most underrated. A part of what makes its menu so special is that it adds and changes flavors on a regular basis. You will want to go there often because you don’t want to miss it’s next “best” flavor. Serendipity prices by the scoop. A baseball sized scoop costs $2.49, a children’s scoop costs $1.65 and lastly the tiny trio costs 2.49 which is three little golf ball sized scoops. It’s located on Big Bend Boulevard. You’re guaranteed to visit these places this summer and when you do, tell them I sent you there!

April 2016




Vo places 2nd at teen talent competition Natalie Johnson Graphics Editor Cianna Vo, junior, placed second in the St. Louis Teen Talent Competition this past Saturday, winning over $5,000 in scholarship money along with the “I Award” for having the most “Imaginative, Inspired and Inventive act.” Vo performed a contemporary dance. Rather than using music, Vo performed to Maya Angelou’s poem “A Brave and Startling Truth.” The school got a preview of Vo’s talent during the All-Write festival where she performed the piece. Vo’s passion for dance and the message of Angelou’s poem were evident in her performance.Vo’s contemporary piece performed to spoken word was powerful, meaningful and moving. Vo has been dancing since she was two years old. She referred to herself as having been a “rambunctious” child, so her mother thought she should try dance. Vo has been dancing ever since. “When people say, ‘Dance is life,’ they mean it,” said Vo, talking about her schedule, which includes over 20 hours of dance a week. Not only does she dance, Vo also choreographs. She does not plan on dancing as a career but plans to continue to dance and

April 2016

instruct. Vo has to make many sacrifices in order to continue her busy dance schedule, but says it is worth it. “My favorite part of dance is getting to be on stage and getting to show the message of the piece and having people feel that message,” Vo said. “A Brave and Startling Truth” expressed the dynamics of the universe’s function and people’s roles as humans. The pairing of Vo’s strong and flowing contemporary dance and Angelou’s insightful and empowering words was one to move the audience. “With all the beauty in the world like landscapes and buildings and the history, it’s our job to restore the beauty in things,” Vo said. One of her goals while performing is to evoke emotion, and Vo wanted to connect the poem to harsh global events occurring in our society today. “...It’s our responsibility and as people to make it [the world] a better place,” Vo said. Through her performance Vo was able to give a visual to Angelou’s poem. In “A Brave and Startling Truth,” Angelou says, “We must confess that we are the possible We are the miraculous, the true wonder of this world That is when and only when We come to it.”


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